This document provides information on AddPac's CDMA gateway test capabilities for Indonesia's CDMA operators. It includes a diagram of the CDMA gateway service, a comparison table of gateway models, a list of Indonesia's CDMA operators, and an overview of the gateway's call functions like outbound/inbound CDMA and VoIP calls, black/white lists, callback services, and interoperability with a radius server.
This document provides information on AddPac's CDMA gateway test capabilities for Indonesia's CDMA operators. It includes a diagram of the CDMA gateway service, a comparison table of gateway models, a list of Indonesia's CDMA operators, and an overview of the gateway's call functions like outbound/inbound CDMA and VoIP calls, black/white lists, callback services, and interoperability with a radius server.
This document provides information on AddPac's CDMA gateway test capabilities for Indonesia's CDMA operators. It includes a diagram of the CDMA gateway service, a comparison table of gateway models, a list of Indonesia's CDMA operators, and an overview of the gateway's call functions like outbound/inbound CDMA and VoIP calls, black/white lists, callback services, and interoperability with a radius server.
This document provides information on AddPac's CDMA gateway test capabilities for Indonesia's CDMA operators. It includes a diagram of the CDMA gateway service, a comparison table of gateway models, a list of Indonesia's CDMA operators, and an overview of the gateway's call functions like outbound/inbound CDMA and VoIP calls, black/white lists, callback services, and interoperability with a radius server.
Indonesia CDMA Operator AddPac Technology 2011, Sales and Marketing Contents Contents CDMA Gateway Service Diagram AddPac CDMA Gateway Comparison Table Indonesia CDMA Operator List CDMA Gateway Function Test Overview - CDMA Outbound Call - CDMA Inbound Call V IP t CDMA O tb d C ll - VoIP to CDMA Outbound Call - VoIP to CDMA Inbound Call - CDMA Inbound Black / White list VoIP to CDMA Black / White list - VoIP to CDMA Black / White list - WEB Callback Service - Callback Service - LCR(Least Cost Routing) LCR(Least Cost Routing) - Messaging Service - Radius Server Interoperability 2 CDMA Gateway Service Diagram CDMA Gateway Service Diagram MG MG MG MG PSTN IP Network GK EMS Media Gateway Gate Keeper El t MG PSTN New York Moskva MG SIP Proxy Server PSTN (WAN) BS Elementary Management System Billing Server PSTN SIP Proxy Server WAN Router E1/T1, FXO LAN VoIP Gateway LAN AP-GS2000 Multi-Port GSM/CDMA GSM Network PBX E1/T1, FXO, FXS GSM Terminal Gateway Indonesia, Bangladesh CDMA CDMA Terminal 3 Network GSM/CDMA Gateway ComparisonTable Model AP-GS1500 AP-GS2000 AP-GS2500 AP-GS3000 AP-GS3500 GSM/CDMA Gateway Comparison Table Available Modules AP-N1-GSM4 AP-N1-CDMA4 AP-N1-FXS8 AP-N1-FXO8 AP N1 FXS4O4 AP-N1-GSM4 AP-N1-CDMA4 AP-N1-FXS8 AP-N1-FXO8 AP N1 FXS4O4 AP-N1-GSM4 AP-N1-CDMA4 AP-N1-FXS8 AP-N1-FXO8 AP N1 FXS4O4 AP-N1-GSM4 AP-N1-CDMA4 AP-N1-FXS8 AP-N1-FXO8 AP N1 FXS4O4 AP-N1-GSM4 AP-N1-CDMA4 AP-N1-FXS8 AP-N1-FXO8 AP N1 FXS4O4 AP-N1-FXS4O4 AP-N1-FXS4O4 AP-N1-E1 AP-N1-FXS4O4 AP-N1-E1 AP-N1-FXS4O4 AP-N1-E1 AP-N1-FXS4O4 AP-N1-E1 GSM/CDMA Channel Up to 8 Channel Upto 12 Channel Upto 16 Channel Up to 36 Channel Up to 36 Channel GSM/CDMA Antenna One(1) / 4 Channel GSM/CDMA Module One(1) / 4 Channel GSM/CDMA Module One(1) / 4 Channel GSM/CDMA Module One(1) / 4 Channel GSM/CDMA Module One(1) / 4 Channel GSM/CDMA Module Module Sl t Two(2) Module Sl t f Three(3) Module Sl t f Four(4) Module Sl t f Nine(9) Module Sl t f Nine(9) Module Sl t f Slot Slots for GSM/CDMA Slots for GSM/CDMA Slots for GSM/CDMA Slots for GSM/CDMA, E1/T1 Module Slot Slots for GSM/CDMA, E1/T1 Module Slot LAN Port 2 2 2 2 2 4 Console 1 1 1 1 1 Power Single PSU Single PSU Single PSU Single PSU Dual PSU (module) Indonesia CDMA Operator List p Operator Brand Frequency LicensedArea Operator Brand Frequency Licensed Area PT. Telkom Indonesia Flexi 830.415 - 834.105 / 875.415 - 879.105 J akarta and surroundings (J akarta, Banten, J awa Barat) Nationwide except J akarta 824.265 - 829.185 / 869.265 - 874.185 Nationwide except J akarta and surroundings (J akarta, Banten, J awa Barat) 824.265 - 829.185 / 869 26 8 4 18 J akarta and surroundings (J k B J B ) PT. Bakrie Telecom Esia / 869.265 - 874.185 (J akarta, Banten, J awa Barat) 830.415 - 834.105 / 875.415 - 879.105 Nationwide except J akarta and surroundings (J akarta, Banten, J awa Barat) ( ) PT. Smart Telecom Smart 1903.125 - 1910 / 1983.125 1990 Nationwide PT. Mobile-8 Telecom (Mergedwith Smart ) Smart Fren 835.905 - 840.825 / 880 905 885 825 Nationwide (Merged with Smart ) / 880.905 - 885.825 PT. Indosat Starone 842.055 - 844.515 / 887.055 - 889.515 Nationwide PT. Sampoerna 5 p Telecom (Not Supported) Ceria 450 - 457.5 / 460 - 467.5 Nationwide CDMA Gateway y Function Test Overview Test Model : AP-GS1500 (4-Port CDMA Module, 8-Port FXS Module) 6 CDMA Outbound Call Legacy Analog Phone CDMA Network egacy PBX Phone FXS CDMA Terminal PBX One(1) Stage Call AP-GS1500 CDMA Gateway Digits Dialing Dialing Two(2 ) Stage Call Connection Connection 1 st Digits Connection Dialing Dial Tone 2 nd Digits Dialing ( ) g Outbound Call (1 Stage) : Making call to mobile phone from analog phone connected to FXS directly. Outbound Call (2 Stage) 7 : Making call to mobile phone from analog phone connected to FXS after hearing of 2 nd dial tone fromAddPac CDMA Gateway CDMA Inbound Call CDMA Inbound Call Legacy Analog Ph CDMA Network FXS CDMA Terminal g y PBX PBX Phone 1 Stage Call (Baby Call) Network AP-GS1500 CDMA Gateway Dialing Dialing 2 Stage Call Connection Connection Connection Dialing Dialing g Input Digits Dial Tone Inbound Call (1 Stage) Baby Call : Making call to analog phone connected to FXS directly Inbound Call (2 Stage) : Makingcall to analogphone connectedto FXS after hearingof 2 nd dial tone fromAP GS1500 8 : Making call to analog phone connected to FXS after hearing of 2 nd dial tone fromAP-GS1500 VoIP to CDMA Outbound Call VoIP to CDMA Outbound Call VoIP Gateway Analog Phone LAN CDMA Network CDMA Terminal y Phone 10/100Mbps Ethernet Network IP-PBX IPNext50 Terminal IP Phones AP-GS1500 CDMA Gateway 10/100Mbps Digits Dialing Dialing 1 Stage Call Connection Connection 2 Stage Call 1 st Digits Dialing Dialing Dial Tone 2 d Di i Dialing Connection Dialing 2 nd Digits Dialing Outbound Call (1 Stage) : Making call to mobile phone from analog phone connected to VoIP gateway or IP Phone directly 9 Outbound Call (2 Stage) : Making call to mobile phone from analog phone connected to VoIP gateway after hearing of 2 nd dial tone fromCDMA Gateway VoIP to CDMA Inbound Call VoIP Gateway LAN CDMA Network CDMA Terminal Analog Phone 10/100Mbps Ethernet AP GS1500 IP Phones AP-GS1500 CDMA Gateway IP-PBX IPNext50 1 Stage Call (Baby Call) Dialing Dialing Connection Connection 2 Stage Call Dialing Input Digits Dial Tone Connection Dialing Inbound Call (1 Stage) Baby Call : Making call to IP phone in VoIP network directly. Inbound Call (2 Stage) 10 : Making call to IP phone in VoIP network after hearing of 2 nd dial tone fromCDMA Gateway CDMA Inbound Call Black / White list CDMA Inbound Call Black / White list Analog Ph Legacy CDMA Network GSM Terminal FXS Phone Legacy PBX PBX Black list 1000 White list 2000 AP-GS1500 CDMA Gateway Black list Black list number Matched Dialing Disconnect Digit 1000 White list White list number Matched Dialing Dialing Connection Connection Digit 2000 Black list : The number on black list is restricted to receive call. White list 11 : The only number on white list is allowed to receive call VoIP to CDMA Black / White list VoIP Gateway LAN CDMA Network CDMA Terminal Analog Phone 10/100Mbps Ethernet AP GS1500 Black list 1000 White list 2000 IP Phones IP-PBX IPNext50 AP-GS1500 CDMA Gateway Black list Black list number Matched Dialing Disconnect Digit 1000 White list White list number Matched Dialing Connection Dialing Connection Digit 2000 Black list : The number on black list is restricted to receive call. White list 12 : The only number on white list is allowed to receive call WEB Callback Service WEB Callback Service Analog CDMA Network Phone FXS CDMA Terminal FXS Origination number(1000) Destination number(2000) WEB Callback Service WEB Call back White list 1000 AP-GS1500 CDMA Gateway WEB Callback Service Dialing Dialing Digit 2000 Connection Digit 1000 Call waiting Connection Connection WEB Callback Service WEB Callback Service : The remote call is made by users control by WEB Interface. The WEB callback number on white list must be the same of source number. 13 CDMA Callback Service CDMA Callback Service Analog Phone CDMA Network Phone FXS CDMA Terminal FXS AP GS1500 Call back White list 2000 Origination number(1000) Destination number(2000) AP-GS1500 CDMA Gateway CDMA Callback Service Dialing Callback white list matched Disconnect Dialing Connection Connection CDMA Callback Service : When the user on the callback white list makes call, GSM Gateway disconnects it and makes call back to the user 14 LCR(Least Cost Routing) LCR(Least Cost Routing) Analog CDMA Network Analog Phone FXS CDMA Terminal FXS LCR(Least Cost Routing) Origination number(1000) Destination number(2000) AP-GS1500 CDMA Gateway ( g) Try a call LCR - Check Time Tariff / Time Interval Disconnect Dialing Expired p LCR Time Interval : The only registered user is allowed to use CDMA call in the rule of date, week, and time LCR Time Tariff : User is able to check remained time, used time listed on LCR, etc LCR Simulator 15 : CDMA Gateway supports virtual call simulation used on WEB CDMA Messaging Service CDMA Messaging Service Analog Phone SMS SMS CDMA Network FXS CDMATerminal FXS AP-GS1500 CDMA G t CDMA Gateway CDMA Messaging Service : SMS is able to send and receive by CDMA Gateways WEB Interface : English 16 Radius Server Interoperability p y Radius Server Request Authentication LAN CDMA Network CDMA Terminal 10/100Mbps Ethernet IP-PBX AP-GS1500 CDMA Gateway Outbound Call Network Terminal IP Phones IP-PBX IPNext50 Radius Server Interoperability : When billing system is required, CDMA gateway supports radius server interoperability 17 CDMAGateway Series CDMA Gateway Series Thank you! AddPac Technology Co., Ltd. Sales and Marketing Sales and Marketing Phone +82.2.568.3848 (KOREA) FAX +82.2.568.3847 (KOREA) E-mail 18