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Gridiron Domination in Season Training

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Copyright 2012 Grow Stronger Productions Inc.
All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means graphic,
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Consult your physician or health care professional before performing any new exercise or exercise technique
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Grow Stronger Productions 2012. All Rights Reserved.
Welcome to Gridiron Domination In-Season Training.
Here we will touch base on our objectives for the
following season.
It doesnt matter if you are the star of the team or
ride the bench, you should be training within the
season. We get so many stud players that train with
us in off-season and then when season starts they
think they dont have time or they dont want to be
sore or it will mess up their on-field play. Then when
the season ends they come back losing up to 20 lbs.
of hard earned muscle and huge strength gains.
So now we make it known to the athletes if they dont
plan on working with us in-season dont bother in the
off-season, unless its college or pros when they
have to leave.
We ran into an instance like this a few years back. An
elite defensive end was training here at Strength
Camp with offers to numerous schools and was
preparing for his senior season.
He came to us that off-season and made drastic gains
in every aspect of his game. He gained size, improved
every combine test, and his on-field play improved
drastically due to his new found explosive power.
As season came we strongly encouraged him to
remain training even if it was for one day. Not for
purposes of collecting a check but for the sake of
this athlete. You see his parents were so caught up in
the recruitment process they took the back-seat
safe route and tried to avoid injury within season by
thinking cutting out training would help him recover
better and keep him fresh.
Well long story short as the season went on his
performance went down and his risk of injury went
This is due to the atrophy of important muscles.
Although he was football-strong and could run
Grow Stronger Productions 2012. All Rights Reserved. 2
and hit, he lacked some of the foundation we built to
get him there. His core and postural muscles became
weak which lead to injury. And as these foundation
muscles atrophied he fell back to his original
(wrong) techniques and relied back on his old
sloppy coordinated ways.
Beyond this he shrunk 20 lbs which is huge for a
defensive end and lost all his strength/speed gains.
When he came back to us after season it was a longer
uphill challenge but to say the least we learned the
major lesson as a team.
Your goal is to balance your in-season training to
maintain high level of play from game 1 through game
12+ and avoid injury by performing the right
movements. These movements are designed and
placed in specific order to help you become the best
player you can in-season.
During in-season we wish to accomplish 3 things
throughout the course of your training. First, we
want to reduce the chances of injury by reducing
muscle imbalances throughout the body. Second, we
want to make sure we preserve the strength and
muscle mass that was obtained during the off-
season. Third, we want to fully recover the body
each and every week to help with the pounding each
athlete takes on a weekly basis.
Through this manual you will find 3 sections
pertaining to each of the 3 objectives. Follow the
program to its entirety and have a good season.
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Principles of
Gridiron Domination
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Principles of In-Season
Principle 1 -
Corrective Stretching (Flexibility)
Muscle imbalances are the leading cause of injury in elite
Each athlete must complete the corrective stretches to
avoid muscle imbalances before the Dynamic Warm-Up and
all training, which is found in the videos. Corrective
stretching is one of the most important aspects of in-
season training due to the pattern overload you tend to
see within the athlete. We want to make sure that the
athlete maintains a good posture and is prepared for
performance week by week. Find the Corrective
stretches video here.
Dynamic Warmup
Make sure the Dynamic Warm-up from the video is
performed before every Lifting & Speed Session. This will
allow to place the body through full ranges of motion
and prep the body to train. Find the Dynamic Warmup Video
Principle 2 -
Power, Strength, & Mass Training
During the season is when you will see the most decrease
in weight and strength if you do not train. We want to
achieve an even balance between resistance training and
prep for game time. This can be done by manipulating the
way we train, stretch, and recover. Lets go over some of
the parameters for you in-season training while by
helping you understand each parameter.
Frequency - We suggest training no more than 2 days a
week and no less than 1. This is because the constant
demand of your body on the football field. Our
suggestion is that you recover fully the day after the
As Ray Lewis once said, I work so hard and give so much
during the game that I cant lift myself out of bed the next
day. In our opinion, you should play so hard that you too
should have the same mindset. Then the following day you
Grow Stronger Productions 2012. All Rights Reserved. 5
should train, as well as 2 days after the first. I broke
down a schedule here for you to follow
Gameday Lifting Sessions
Friday (High School)
Sunday & Tuesday
Saturday (College)
Monday & Wednesday
Sunday (Pros) Tuesday & Thursday
Intensity/Load - We want to maintain the strength and
mass that was built in the off-season so we encourage
keeping the load heavy. We manipulate the reps & sets for
you so that you are not as sore the next day.
Rest Intervals - We suggest that you allow full recovery
between sets. General - 2-3 Minutes.
Volume - We will be keeping the working sets very low
compared to off-season. This is because we are keeping
the intensity high as well as wanting the athlete to
reduce the amount of DOMS (delayed onset muscles
soreness) so they can continue to perform without
Principle 3 -
Rest & Recovery
Recovery during season is a very important element in
regards to your performance. Our goal is to make sure
the body is not inhibited in any way when you need to
perform day in and day out whether it be practice or game.
We will accomplish by our methods explained in the
recovery section.
Our suggestion is that you reach between 8-10 hours of
sleep per night. This is crucial because as you sleep and
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are able to reach REM, which is Rapid eye movement, a
common stage in humans sleep. In this stage your body
can release Human Growth Hormone and with the proper
nutrition it will be able to metabolize this hormone and
help you grow. In addition to this it aids in the recovery of
your body and especially nervous system.
Follow nutrition the same way you did in the off-season
program from Gridiron Domination. Your time is pressed
and may not be able to achieve the amount of meals
desired. So if you have less meals make sure to eat more
each sitting so you can achieve the optimal caloric intake
so your body does not lose the weight.
Basically put if during season you can only eat 3 meals
instead of 5 or 6, make sure that those 3 meals contain
roughly the same amount of calories at the end of the day
as you did with the 6 meals.
6 meals - 3500 calories off-season
3 meals - 3500 calories in-season
Also in-season it is extremely important to maintain the
water consumption that you were intaking in the off-
season and more when you practice.
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The Program
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Week 1
Day 1
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
1.Box Jump
2x 2x 1x
5x 5x 5x
3.a.Barbell Row
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.b.Band Push Ups
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.Chin Ups
15x 15x 15x
10x 10x 10x
Day 2
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
1.Tire Flip or Hang Clean
2x 2x 1x
2.Box Squat
5x 5x 5x
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.b.Hammer Curl to Overhead Press
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.c.Tricep Pushdown
15x 15x 15x
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Week 2
Day 1
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
1.Broad Jump
2x 2x 1x
2.Front Squat
5x 5x 5x
3.a.Chin Up Variation
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.b.DB Floor Press
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.Upright Rows
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
4.Knees to Bows
10x 10x 10x
Day 2
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
1.Forward Med Ball Toss
2x 2x 1x
2.Bench Press
5x 5x 5x
3.a.Farmer Walks (light)
50ft 50ft 50ft
3.b.DB Military Press
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.c.Barbell Curls
15x 15x 15x
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Week 3
Day 1
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
1.Hurdle Jumps
2x 2x 1x
2.Trap Bar Deadlift
5x 5x 5x
3.a.Chin Up (Narrow)
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.b.DB Incline Press
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.Face Pulls
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
4.Russian Twists
10x 10x 10x
Day 2
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
1.Tire Fights or Power Jerk
10/2x 10/2x 10/1x
2.Back Squat
5x 5x 5x
3.a.Inverted Rows
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.b.Lateral Raises
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.c.DB Skull Crushers
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
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Week 4
Day 1
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
1.ESS Jumps
2x 2x 1x
2.Band or Chain Squat
5x 5x 5x
3.a.1 Arm Rows
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.b.DB Bench Press
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.Pull Downs
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
4.Weighted Sit-Ups
10x 10x 10x
Day 2
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
1.Backwards Med Ball Toss
2x 2x 1x
2.Military Press
5x 5x 5x
3.a.Keg Carries
50ft 50ft 50ft
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.c.Front Plate Raise
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
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Week 5
Day 1
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
1.Box Jump
2x 2x 1x
4x 4x 4x
3.a.Barbell Row
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.b.Band Push Ups
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.Chin Ups
15x 15x 15x
10x 10x 10x
Day 2
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
1.Tire Flip or Hang Clean
2x 2x 1x
2.Box Squat
4x 4x 4x
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.b.Hammer Curl to Overhead Press
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.c.Tricep Pushdown
15x 15x 15x
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Week 6
Day 1
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
1.Broad Jump
2x 2x 1x
2.Front Squat
4x 4x 4x
3.a.Chin Up Variation
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.b.DB Floor Press
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.Upright Rows
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
4.Knees to Bows
10x 10x 10x
Day 2
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
1.Forward Med Ball Toss
2x 2x 1x
2.Bench Press
4x 4x 4x
3.a.Farmer Walks (light)
50ft 50ft 50ft
3.b.DB Military Press
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.c.Barbell Curls
15x 15x 15x
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Week 7
Day 1
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
1.Hurdle Jumps
2x 2x 1x
2.Trap Bar Deadlift
4x 4x 4x
3.a.Chin Up (Narrow)
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.b.DB Incline Press
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.Face Pulls
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
4.Russian Twists
10x 10x 10x
Day 2
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
1.Tire Fights or Power Jerk
10/2x 10/2x 10/1x
2.Back Squat
4x 4x 4x
3.a.Inverted Rows
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.b.Lateral Raises
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.c.DB Skull Crushers
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
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Week 8
Day 1
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
1.ESS Jumps
2x 2x 1x
2.Band or Chain Squat
4x 4x 4x
3.a.1 Arm Rows
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.b.DB Bench Press
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.Pull Downs
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
4.Weighted Sit-Ups
10x 10x 10x
Day 2
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3
1.Backwards Med Ball Toss
2x 2x 1x
2.Military Press
4x 4x 4x
3.a.Keg Carries
50ft 50ft 50ft
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.c.Front Plate Raise
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
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Week 9
Day 1
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
1.Box Jump
2x 2x 1x 1x
3x 3x 3x 3x
3.a.Barbell Row
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.b.Band Push Ups
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.Chin Ups
15x 15x 15x
10x 10x 10x 10x
Day 2
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
1.Tire Flip or Hang Clean
2x 2x 1x 1x
2.Box Squat
3x 3x 3x 3x
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.b.Hammer Curl to Overhead Press
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.c.Tricep Pushdown
15x 15x 15x
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Week 10
Day 1
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
1.Broad Jump
2x 2x 1x 1x
2.Front Squat
3x 3x 3x 3x
3.a.Chin Up Variation
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.b.DB Floor Press
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.Upright Rows
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
4.Knees to Bows
10x 10x 10x 10x
Day 2
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
1.Forward Med Ball Toss
2x 2x 1x 1x
2.Bench Press
3x 3x 3x 3x
3.a.Farmer Walks (light)
50ft 50ft 50ft
3.b.DB Military Press
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.c.Barbell Curls
15x 15x 15x
Grow Stronger Productions 2012. All Rights Reserved. 18
Week 11
Day 1
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
1.Hurdle Jumps
2x 2x 1x 1x
2.Trap Bar Deadlift
3x 3x 3x 3x
3.a.Chin Up (Narrow)
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.b.DB Incline Press
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.Face Pulls
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
4.Russian Twists
10x 10x 10x 10x
Day 2
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
1.Tire Fights or Power Jerk
10/2x 10/2x 10/1x 10/1x
2.Back Squat
3x 3x 3x 3x
3.a.Inverted Rows
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.b.Lateral Raises
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.c.DB Skull Crushers
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
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Week 12
Day 1
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
1.ESS Jumps
2x 2x 1x 1x
2.Band or Chain Squat
3x 3x 3x 3x
3.a.1 Arm Rows
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.b.DB Bench Press
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.Pull Downs
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
4.Weighted Sit-Ups
10x 10x 10x 10x
Day 2
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4
1.Backwards Med Ball Toss
2x 2x 1x 1x
2.Military Press
3x 3x 3x 3x
3.a.Keg Carries
50ft 50ft 50ft
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.c.Front Plate Raise
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
Grow Stronger Productions 2012. All Rights Reserved. 20
Week 13
Day 1
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
1.Box Jump
2x 2x 1x 1x 1x
2x 2x 2x 2x 2x
3.a.Barbell Row
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.b.Band Push Ups
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.Chin Ups
15x 15x 15x
10x 10x 10x 10x
Day 2
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
1.Tire Flip or Hang Clean
2x 2x 1x 1x 1x
2.Box Squat
2x 2x 2x 2x 2x
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.b.Hammer Curl to Overhead Press
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.c.Tricep Pushdown
15x 15x 15x
Grow Stronger Productions 2012. All Rights Reserved. 21
Week 14
Day 1
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
1.Broad Jump
2x 2x 1x 1x 1x
2.Front Squat
2x 2x 2x 2x 2x
3.a.Chin Up Variation
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.b.DB Floor Press
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.Upright Rows
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
4.Knees to Bows
10x 10x 10x 10x
Day 2
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
1.Forward Med Ball Toss
2x 2x 1x 1x 1x
2.Bench Press
2x 2x 2x 2x 2x
3.a.Farmer Walks (light)
50ft 50ft 50ft
3.b.DB Military Press
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.c.Barbell Curls
15x 15x 15x
Grow Stronger Productions 2012. All Rights Reserved. 22
Week 15
Day 1
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
1.Hurdle Jumps
2x 2x 1x 1x 1x
2.Trap Bar Deadlift
2x 2x 2x 2x 2x
3.a.Chin Up (Narrow)
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.b.DB Incline Press
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.Face Pulls
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
4.Russian Twists
10x 10x 10x 10x
Day 2
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
1.Tire Fights or Power Jerk
10/2x 10/2x 10/1x 10/1x 5/1x
2.Back Squat
2x 2x 2x 2x 2x
3.a.Inverted Rows
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.b.Lateral Raises
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.c.DB Skull Crushers
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
Grow Stronger Productions 2012. All Rights Reserved. 23
Week 16
Day 1
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
1.ESS Jumps
2x 2x 1x 1x 1x
2.Band or Chain Squat
2x 2x 2x 2x 2x
3.a.1 Arm Rows
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.b.DB Bench Press
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.Pull Downs
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
4.Weighted Sit-Ups
10x 10x 10x 10x
Day 2
Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5
1.Backwards Med Ball Toss
2x 2x 1x 1x 1x
2.Military Press
2x 2x 2x 2x 2x
3.a.Keg Carries
50ft 50ft 50ft
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
3.c.Front Plate Raise
8-12x 8-12x 8-12x
Grow Stronger Productions 2012. All Rights Reserved. 24
Each athlete will be held accountable to recover their
body to the best of their ability. You need to understand
that recovery is one of the most important aspects of
training for performance as a whole along with the
proper nutrition and the resistance training. Remember
training is just the stimulus to the body, in order to grow
and perform better you must take the steps to recover
and get the most out of the training.
Here are the methods we suggest for recovery. These
should be done immediately after both training sessions
of the week and after the game in order.
Time Method Description
Refer to video Here
Foam Rolling Video
Refer to video Here
Static Stretching Video
Ice Bath
Epsom Salt Bath in
tepid water
Roughly 500g or 2 cups of salt in
an average size bath.
Ice bath should be roughly 60
degrees Fahrenheit
Lets take the time to go over each method of recovery...
Foam Rolling
This self-myofascial release technique is mainly done
before training but helps aid in the relaxation and break
Grow Stronger Productions 2012. All Rights Reserved. 25
up of soft tissue after strenuous activity. By foam
rolling each main component muscles, from origin to
insertion, aids tremendously in recovery, releases
knotted up toxins within, and obviously provides passive
elongation of the particular muscle.
Static Stretching
After the foam rolling this will allow a greater stretch
is some muscles that were over active and some that were
inhibited. Allowing your body to passively elongate tonic
muscles aids in the recruitment or wake-up of the
muscles your body is not using as much or phasic muscles.
Which tends to be highly involved postural muscles that
help your performance.
Ice Bath or Epsom Salt Bath
This will allow the body to rejuvenate and help aid in the
recovery of muscle tissue. Although Ice baths are not
fully scientifically backed like epsom salt both have been
effective for use in the recovery of athletes. Ice bath is
common to muscle tissue damage in the same sense that
you would place ice on a limb after bruising. In addition, it
is said that ice baths or contrast baths/showers can
stimulate the nervous system by submerging the body
entirely in the cold water it reaches the areas of our
solar plexus where massive amounts of nerve endings are.
The cold stimulates them and makes them stronger. (see
Siff, SuperTraining)
Epsom Salt which is basically magnesium sulfate is used as
a soaking agent in hot water. When the body absorbs
magnesium sulfate it rids toxins, sedates the nervous
system, naturally relaxes muscles and reduces the
swelling caused from the training stimulus. Be cautious
and consult a doctor before using if you have any sort of
Grow Stronger Productions 2012. All Rights Reserved. 26
Final Thoughts
It's not the will to win, but the will to prepare to win
that makes the difference.
Bear Bryant
If you invested your time in this in-season program
then you are a serious football player. You wish to
climb the levels and one day play for the National
Football League, a league of their own. But you
already are in a league of your own. You have
separated yourself from all other players because
you have put forth the goal to become and you are
putting in the work. Prepare to win your goals. Train
as if you are already there. Train even if you are
there. Train to become the Strongest Version of
yourself no matter what that looks like to the
Use this training as tools to your arsenal and
become your own greatness.
Your Coaches
CHris & Elliott
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