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ITMF 2013 01 Sperling ENU

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Presentation 01.

OMICRON 2013 Instrument Transformer Measurement Forum
Technology and Design of Instrument Transformers An Introduction
Erik P. Sperling, PFIFFNER Instrument Transformers, Switzerland

The principle of electromagnetic coupling has been
applied for more than 120 years now. In 1887, the
patent for a first inductive voltage transformer for
10kV was registered in Great Britain. In 1930, the
existing 110kV networks were upgraded to 220kV.
20 years later, the first 420kV network was in
operation. Since the beginning of power
distribution, inductive instrument transformers have
been very successful and have been used for
metering, billing and protection purposes. [1]
The main task of an instrument transformer is to
convert a voltage or current value that is not
directly measurable into a directly measurable
signal. The secondary signal shall be an exact
representation of the primary voltage or current
amplitude value with respect to ratio and shape.
For synchronisation purposes or failure detection
the phase displacement between the secondary
and the primary signal has to be as low as
possible. Depending on the application, different
limits for accuracy and phase displacement are
defined in international standards.
Theoretical aspects
In general, all inductive instrument transformers
operate according to the transformer principle (see
fig.1). The current transformer (CT) is a
transformer working under short circuit conditions,
the voltage transformer (VT), however, works
under almost no-load conditions. [1]

Fig. 1 Electromagnetic coupling principle
causes a current I
in winding 1
ensures a magnetizing force
on the
iron core
a magnetic flux results within the iron
induces a voltage V
in winding 2
Design criteria
Based on international standards, three main
criteria have to be met when designing an
instrument transformer:
transformation ratio
magnetization curve
accuracy requirements
These three requirements are discussed in detail in
the following subsections.

Transformation ratio first design criteria
For voltage transformers, the voltage ratio is
defined as follows [1]:
Formula 1

V1 Primary voltage
V2 Secondary voltage
n1 Number of primary turns
n2 Number of secondary turns

For current transformers, the current ratio is
defined as follows [1]:
Formula 2

I1 Primary current
I2 Secondary current
n1 Number of primary turns
n2 Number of secondary turns

Magnetization curve second design criteria
The relation between peak flux density B
[T] and
magnetizing force H [A/m] in the iron core is given
by the magnetization curve and depends on the
iron core material.
When considering the well-known transformer
formula (see formula 3), the exact peak flux density
can be adjusted for an inductive instrument
V2 I
2n n A

Formula 3

Flux density within iron core
V Induced voltage
f Frequency
n Number of winding turns
AFE Cross-section of iron core

Winding 1
Winding 2


Presentation 01.2
OMICRON 2013 Instrument Transformer Measurement Forum

Fig. 2 Example of a magnetization curve including
operational range for a VT and a CT
Current or voltage transformers operate in various
ranges. In figure 2, the blue curve shows the
operational range of a VT. A VT may never be
operated in saturation. The green curve shows the
operational range of a CT. Depending on the
specification concerning the use of the core, for
instance as a protection core, the flux density may
reach values close to saturation.[1]

Accuracy requirements third design criteria
For the exact calculation of accuracy depending on
load and other conditions, the equivalent circuit
diagram has to be taken into consideration (see
figure 3). For CTs and VTs the same diagram is

Fig. 3 Equivalent circuit diagram of an instrument
V1: Primary voltage
V2: Secondary voltage
X1,X2:Leakage inductance
R1,R2: Winding resistance
XH: Main inductance
ZB: Load
RFe: Resistance of the
iron core
IP: Primary current
IS: Secondary current
I0: No-load current

The corresponding vector diagrams for a VT and
for a CT are shown in figure 4. Depending on the
voltage drops, inductance and resistance
components, the results provide the amplitude
errors for V and I along with the phase
displacements V and I. Also, the diagram can be
used as a tool for analysing various operating



Fig. 4 Vector diagrams of a VT and a CT in standard
state condition
For capacitive voltage transformers (CVT), the
additional components such as capacitive divider
and compensation coil must be included in the
equivalent circuit diagram (see figure 5).

Fig. 5 Equivalent circuit diagram of capacitive voltage
With reference to the
description in figure 3:
RCO,Fe: Resistance of iron
core of compensation coil
RCO: Winding resistance
of compensation coil
XCO: Inductance of
compensation coil
C1: Primary capacitance
C2: Secondary
Fig. 6 Vector diagram of a CVT, standard state
The length of the vector of the compensation coil
must have the same length as the vector of the
additional capacitive component. As a
mathematical result, the additional error caused by
the capacitive part is compensated.
Presentation 01.3
OMICRON 2013 Instrument Transformer Measurement Forum
Insulation coordination
The requirements on insulation coordination
depend on the various test voltage levels and
shapes. Typical voltage-relevant demands are:
Rated power-frequency withstand voltage
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage
Rated switching withstand voltage (peak)
These voltages have an influence on the arcing
distance and creepage distance of the high-voltage
insulator. External conditions like rain, pollution, or
altitude affect the arcing and creepage distance as
well. Mechanical requirements like terminal load,
dynamic loading caused by wind, short-circuit
currents or earthquake stresses have an influence
on the mechanical design of the insulator.
Accuracy classes
Instrument transformers with measuring and billing
function have to provide a very high accuracy
within the standard measuring range. For
protection functions, the instrument transformers
have to transmit the primary signal saturation-free
for primary short-circuit currents or primary
overvoltages. Table 1 and 2 provide an overview of
all accuracy classes depending on application and
international standard. [2,3,4,5,6,7]

Inductive voltage transformer
IEEE C57.13;
IEEE C57.13.6
IEC 61869-1
IEC 61869-3
M 0.15; 0.3; 0.6; 1.2 0.1; 0.2; 0.5; 1.0; 3.0
P 3P; 6P
Capacitive voltage transformer
ANSI/NEMA C93.1 IEC 61869-1
IEC 61869-5
M 0.3; 0.6; 1.2 0.2; 0.5; 1.0; 3.0
P 1.2R 3P; 6P
Table 1: Measurement (M) and protection (P) classes of
voltage-measuring devices

Current transformer
IEEE C57.13;
IEEE C57.13.6
IEC 61869-1
IEC 61869-2
M 0.15; 0.15S; 0.3; 0.6;
0.1; 0.2; 0.5; 1.0; 3.0;
0.2S; 0.5S
P Cxxx* P, PR;
Table 2: Measurement (M) and protection (P) classes of
current-measuring devices (* various values)
Conventional instrument
Various designs of current transformers are
available: the head type, the tank type (also known
as hairpin transformers), and ring core
transformers. For voltage transformers, purely
inductive voltage transformers are available as well
as capacitive voltage transformer models. [1]
Two different kinds of internal insulation systems
are usually in use in high-voltage applications. The
first is oil-paper insulation consisting of a
combination of several layers of high-density
paper-foil, dried and impregnated with mineral oil.
The other important insulation system features
gas-insulation with pure SF
gas or a SF
mixture. For medium voltage applications, cast
resin is the main insulation material used.
Types of voltage transformers
The following conventional voltage transformers
are usually used in substations:
inductive VTs for outdoor applications
inductive VTs for GIS applications
CVTs for outdoor applications

The active part of a VT consists of a primary
winding with voltage grading. Underneath, the
secondary windings are placed in order to
minimize stray inductances. Both windings are
wound around a magnetic iron core, which consists
of a large number of thin iron sheets, in order to
minimize eddy-current losses. Between the primary
and secondary windings, a shield-electrode is
introduced in order to protect the secondary output
against very fast transient voltage impulses.
Inductive VTs for outdoor applications
Within the primary winding, the material used for
insulation layers consists of high-density paper-foil
for oil-insulated systems and polyester-foil for gas-
insulated systems. The active high-voltage
components can be placed within the base
housing (tank type) or within the top housing (head
type). In both designs, a fine-grade bushing is
used to provide nearly-linear voltage distribution
along the insulator and connects the high voltage
to the active part.
Outdoor voltage transformers are always designed
as a single-phase transformer. They are available
on the market from MV up to EHV levels in both
oil-insulation as well as in gas-insulation design.
Inductive VTs for GIS applications
The design of the active part of the VT is identical
to the SF6-gas insulated outdoor design. Here, a
fine grade bushing is not needed, as the
transformer is placed within a metallic housing and
is directly connected to the gas-insulated
switchgear. The internal working pressure of the
Presentation 01.4
OMICRON 2013 Instrument Transformer Measurement Forum
gas medium is typically between 4.5bar abs.
(65.3psi) and 7.5bar abs (108.8psi).
GIS voltage transformers are available as a three-
phase design for voltages between 72.5kV and
245kV. Single-phase transformer designs are
available on the market for system voltages from
245kV up to EHV level.
CVTs for outdoor applications
Capacitive voltage transformers consist of a
capacitive voltage divider (CVD) and an
electromagnetic unit (EMU).
The CVD is a purely capacitive divider and
consists of several identical single-capacitor
elements connected in series. The primary voltage
will be divided by the number of primary capacitor
elements in relation to the number of secondary
capacitor elements, given that the designs of both
are identical. As a positive consequence, the
voltage distribution along the insulator is nearly
ideal. A typical intermediate voltage on the tap
bushing is between 8 and 12kV r.m.s.
The design of the EMU is basically a conventional
voltage transformer with an insulation level of
around 50kV r.m.s. and approximately 100kVpeak
BIL-level. The mechanical design is similar to the
oil-impregnated VTs. As a consequence of using a
capacitive divider combined with a MV inductive
transformer, an additional phase-angle failure will
occur. With the use of a special additional
compensation coil, the phase-angle failure can be
counterbalanced as follows (see formula 4). [7]

+ C
) (2 n )
Formula 4

Lcomp Compensation inductance
C1 Primary capacitance
C2 Secondary capacitance
f Frequency

Capacitive voltage transformers are always
designed as single-phase transformers. They are
available on the market from 72.5kV up to EHV
Types of current transformers
Three basic designs of current transformers are
usually in service world-wide:
head type current transformers
tank type current transformers
GIS current transformers

For the various types of current transformers, the
same kind of insulation systems are used as
descripted in the chapter about VTs above. Only
ring core CTs for medium-voltage applications will
be insulated using cast resin as the main insulation
The main active part of a CT consists of a
magnetic iron ring core and a secondary winding.
The secondary winding is wound around the
magnetic iron core. The primary winding is usually
consists of one winding and passes through the
core opening. In the case of low primary currents
or very high accuracy classes, the primary winding
may consist of several windings. Each secondary
output has its own magnetic iron ring core.
Head type current transformers
The main high voltage insulation system is placed
between the primary and secondary windings, as
mentioned above. The active part is located in the
head of the transformer, close to the high voltage
system. The measurement takes place in the head.
The primary winding passing through the
measurement transformer is kept as short as
possible. The electrical connection between the
head and the secondary terminal box is realized by
a fine-grade bushing to provide an almost linear
voltage distribution along the insulator. The
secondary ends of the measurement cores are
located within the aluminum tube of the bushing
and connected to the secondary terminals.
Outdoor current transformers are available with the
same requirements as for voltage transformers for
outdoor applications.
Tank type current transformers
This type of CT is also well known as a hairpin CT.
The measurement cores are placed in the base
housing (tank type). The length of the primary
conductor is approximately twice the height of the
equipment. Because of the high-voltage potential
on the primary conductor, oil-paper insulation is
used to provide electrical insulation against ground
potential. For the linear voltage distribution along
the insulator, a fine-grade bushing is necessary on
each side.
This type of CT technology is only available with
oil-insulation technology. On the market, these
transformers are available from 72.5kV to EHV-
GIS current transformers
The design of GIS current transformers is very
simple. As described above, the active part
consists only of a ring core and a secondary
winding. The primary conductor is always one turn
and passes through the CT core opening. The
measurement cores are fixed on an aluminum
support which is at ground potential. The high
voltage conductor passes through the support. As
a consequence, the active part of the measuring
core is always placed in a field-free area. The high
voltage insulation between the primary conductor
and the CT support is provided by SF
gas under
the operating pressure necessary.
GIS current transformers are available on the
market up to EHV-levels. They are designed as
Presentation 01.5
OMICRON 2013 Instrument Transformer Measurement Forum
three-phase transformers up to 170kV, and as
single-phase transformers for higher system
Types of combined instrument
If only limited space is available in the substation, a
voltage transformer and a current transformer can
be combined as one physical unit.
For oil-insulated combined units, the current
transformer part is placed in the head housing and
the voltage transformer part is paced in the tank
housing. Within the insulator part, two bushings are
placed in parallel in order to provide voltage
grading. This type of transformer is available for
voltage levels up to 245kV.
For modern SF
gas insulated combined units, the
current transformer part as well as the voltage
transformer part is located in the head housing.
Only one bushing is necessary to connect the
active parts to ground. This technology is well
known and available for voltage levels up to
Non-conventional instrument
With the increased use of electronic secondary
measurement and protection devices, it is no
longer necessary to provide high power levels for
correct measurement. With respect to IEC 61850
and the future usage of merging units with very low
power input, new technologies such as non-
conventional measuring systems are becoming
more and more important. This type of transformer
provides a low-power signal which will be analyzed
by a modern digital secondary measuring device.
With these new measurement methods, more
detailed information on the current mains network
situation will be made available and, thus, the
possibilities for analysis by network operators will
change. Power quality as well as transient
phenomena and the necessity of high availability of
electrical energy are becoming more and more
Voltage measuring systems
A particularly specific voltage measurement
system is a resistive capacitive voltage divider,
known as an RC-divider. The active part consists
of a capacitive divider and a resistive divider which
are connected in parallel. If both dividers are
ideally balanced to each other, an extended field of
measurement is made possible. The following
applications are possible:
Metering and protection applications at
system frequency

Measurement of DC components in AC

Measurement of harmonics up to several
kHz to a very high level of accuracy

Detection of transient signals up to 1MHz
during switching operations or lightning

As a result of the technical performance of RC-
dividers, the following additional fields of
application are possible:
As an alternative measuring device at
ferro-resonance critical network points (no

As an alternative measuring device in
networks with high or very high transient
voltage peaks

As an alternative measuring device in
networks for capacitive voltage
transformers when system frequency
variations occur (CVT are frequency

As an alternative measuring device in
networks with multiple line/cable
discharges (not possible with a CVT)
Current measuring systems
In general, a low-power current transformer uses
the conventional measuring system as a CT.
These current transformers can be used for
measurement as well as for protection purposes.
The active part consists of an iron ring core and a
secondary winding, comparable with conventional
design. A shunt resistor will be connected at both
ends of the secondary winding. An equivalent
voltage signal ensues which follows the primary
current with the correct CT-ratio, thus resulting in a
voltage drop over the shunt resistor. Because of
the very low burden, this extended current range
with higher accuracy highlights the wide range of
possible use. [8]
Another possibility is the use of a Rogowski coil
instead of a conventional CT. The secondary
output is also a voltage signal with low power. A
Rogowski coil has no iron core and exhibits no
such saturation effects during short-circuit currents.

Presentation 01.6
OMICRON 2013 Instrument Transformer Measurement Forum
[1] Sperling, Erik, Title. Modern inductive
instrument transformers for new challenges
OMICRON ITMF 2011; Brand, Austria
[2] IEEE C57.13-1993(R2003) IEEE Standard
Requirments for Instrument Transformers
[3] IEEE C57.13.6-2005/2008 IEEE Standard
Requirments for Instrument Transformers
[4] IEC 61869-1:2007 Instrument transformers
- General requirements
[5] IEC 61869-2:2012 Instrument transformers
Additional requirements for current
[6] IEC 61869-3:2011 Instrument transformers
Additional requirements for inductive
voltage transformers
[7] IEC 61869-5:2011 Instrument transformers
Additional requirements for capacitor
voltage transformers
[8] Dr. Schmid, J oachim, Title. Instrument
Transfomer Technology and Design
OMICRON Diagnostic Weeks 2013; Dornbirn,
About the Author
Erik Sperling studied electrical
energy systems and high-
voltage technology at the
University of Karlsruhe
(Germany) and has now been
working for a long time in the
field of high-voltage technology.
Today he is the deputy head of
R&D at the PFIFFNER Group
and is active in the special
fields of voltage measuring systems both in theory
and in practice. In particular, he is working on non-
conventional voltage measurement theories and
the frequency-dependent transmission behaviour
of high-voltage instrument transformers.
Since 2004, he has been a member of the MT20
maintenance team of IEC / TC33 (Power
capacitors and their applications) and is working on
the new standard IEC 60358-x. Also, he is a
member of various working groups in WG37 and
WG47 within the framework of IEC / TC38
(Instrument transformers) which are managing the
IEC 61869-x family of standards.

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