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Verbal Reasoning Sample Tests - EU EPSO Volume 02

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01 Verbal Reasoning - Vol.

Sample Tests - EU EPSO Tests Series
Copyright 2013 Training4EU Team
To assist you in preparing for the EPSO
exams Training4EU Team provides you
with a series of sample tests with exam-
ples of verbal, numerical, abstract, situa-
tional judgment, accuracy & precision,
and prioritizing & organizing questions.
1. Verbal Reasoning: Using a short para-
graph of text on virtually any topic, this
test requires to choose from 4 or 5 an-
swer options the one that fully matches
the statements in the original text.
There is always only one correct an-
swer because other options may con-
tain insufficient information or false
statements. There are 20 verbal reason-
ing questions in a competition, and the
allocated time is 35 minutes.
2.Numerical Reasoning: In the form of
multiple-choice this test requires data
interpretation and mathematical calcula-
tions. Using information presented
through tables and graphs, you will be
required to draw conclusions and calcu-
late changes within these data sets. Ba-
sic mathematical skills such as percent-
ages, arithmetic operations, and ratios
must be reviewed prior to taking the
test. There are 10 numerical reasoning
questions in a competition, and the allo-
cated time is 20 minutes.
3. Abstract Reasoning: Using a series
of images, this test requires candidates
to identify which one should be next in
the row, based on an inherent logic be-
Copyright 2013 Training4EU Team
tween the presented images. There are
10 abstract reasoning questions in a
competition, and the allocated time is 10
4. Situational Judgement Test: This test
requires candidates to choose the most
favorable and least favorable course of
action in a given situation. Candidates
are expected to have a basic understand-
ing of corporate culture and code of con-
duct to successfully pass the test. There
are 20 situational judgement questions
in a competition, and the allocated time
is 30 minutes.
5. Organizing and Prioritizing Test: This
test requires candidates to check a table
with various information about sched-
ules, timetables, agendas, vehicle ca-
pacities and other practical information
and find the best solution to a practical
organisation or logistics problem. There
are organizing and prioritizing 20 ques-
tions in a competition, and the allocated
time is 24 minutes (AST level only).
6. Accuracy and Precision Test: This
test requires candidates to identify,
based on a table and various icons, mis-
takes, errors, typos or other inaccura-
cies in a control line under a heavy
time-pressure. There are 40 accuracy
and precision questions in a competi-
tion, and the allocated time is 6 minutes
(AST only).
Copyright 2013 Training4EU Team
Sample Tests
Sample tests can give you an idea of the
type of questions and level of difficulty
you will face during the competitions.
Time Limits: Contrary to the actual
EPSO tests where they have to be com-
pleted within an allowed time, the pro-
vided sample tests have no limit for an-
swering the questions. The purpose is
to get yourself familiarized with EPSO
questions concept, and understand their
reasoning within a stress-free pace.
Great features of these sample tests:
No internet connection is required
No expiration limit or date for the tests
No personal data is extracted
No account or registration needed
Yes, it helps you practice at your own
pace, with helpful hints and solution
tips. A great way to enhance your learn-
About Training4EU
Training 4EU Team provides Coaching
and Training Services on potential candi-
dates who would like to become tomor-
rows permanent EU Officials.
With a mix of theory, exercises, and
simulation tests we support you n both
stages of the EPSO exams, i.e. Pre-
selection Tests and Assessment Centre.
Our Team consists of a group of profes-
sionals with extensive experience on
EPSO Competitions that can prepare
you in an effective and timely profession-
ally manner.
Training4EU Publications
Training4EU publications available for free downloading
2013 Training4EU Publication Team
Training4EU is independent from the European Union institutions.
The sample tests have been extracted from the EPSO official web site.
Success Tips -
Failure Mistakes
Copyright 2013 Training4EU Team
makes perfect
Verbal Reasoning Questions:
Using a short paragraph of text on virtually any
topic, candidates are required to choose from 4
answer options the one that fully matches the
statements in the original text. There is always
only one correct answer since other options
may contain insufficient information or false
statements. Generally, there are 20 verbal rea-
soning questions in a competition and the allo-
cated time is 35 minutes.
The below listed sample questions have been
extracted by the official EPSO site.
Copyright 2013 Training4EU Team
Success Tips
1. Prepare well
2. Know the test format
3. Be focused
4. Read the statements carefully and make sure you can distinguish
between absolute and relative statements
5. Budget your time Allow maximum one minute and thirty five sec-
onds per question
6. Avoid stupid mistakes Make sure to avoid stupid mistakes that
could cost you precious points
7. Revise if time allows it
8. Practice, practice, practice. Practice makes perfect
Copyright 2013 Training4EU Team
Failure Mistakes
1. Not preparing for the format of the test
2. Advance fear of the test
3. Worrying about the past
4. Obsession with test score
5. Obsession with accuracy
6. Using poor question solving strategy
7. Not reading the entire statement
8. Marking the wrong answer
9. Insufficient preparation
Copyright 2013 Training4EU Team
Assistant Level
Verbal Reasoning tests
makes perfect
Copyright 2013 Training4EU Team
Copyright 2013 Training4EU Team
Commission proposal on cancer screening. The Commission proposal
recommends screening programmes comprising:
- mammography tests for breast cancer in women from 50 to 69 years;
- fecal occult blood tests for colon cancer in men and women from 50 to 74
years; and
- Pap smear tests for uterine cervical cancer, with the first test taking place
between 20 and 30 years.
The proposal will be considered by the Health Ministers of the Member
States of the European Union. Adopting the recommendation does not
mean the Member States are compelled by law to implement such screen-
ing programmes but makes them a political priority. The recommendation
could be extended to include other cancer screening tests where their
value in systematic cancer-screening programmes is scientifically estab-
A. Blood, breast and brain cancer
B. Breast, uterine cervical and lung cancer
C. Breast, colon and blood cancer
D. Breast, uterine cervical and colon cancer
[#1] What types of cancer does the Commission proposal involve?
Copyright 2013 Training4EU Team
European Union's comments on draft Unesco Convention. Negotia-
tions have started on a draft Convention on protecting the diversity of cul-
tural contents and artistic expressions. The aim is to recognise states'
rights and specify their duties in terms of preserving and promoting cul-
tural diversity and to establish a framework to foster international coop-
eration in this area. The European Union has already submitted com-
ments on the draft Convention, in particular underlining:
- the all-important need for compliance with human rights and funda-
mental freedoms guaranteed by international law; the Convention must
not weaken these rights and freedoms in the name of culture or tradi-
- the importance of international cooperation, in particular vis--vis de-
veloping countries, in coping with cultural vulnerabilities.
The importance of international cooperation and respect for
human rights
The fact that respect for culture and tradition is more important
than respect for human rights
The fact that international cooperation is of secondary
None: the European Union has still to put forward its
[#2] What aspects do the European Union's comments focus on:
Copyright 2013 Training4EU Team
How to submit a complaint to the European Ombudsman. Write to the
Ombudsman in any of the European Union languages, setting out
clearly who you are, which institution or body of the European Union
you are complaining against and the grounds for your complaint. A com-
plaint must be made within two years of the date on which you learned
the facts on which your complaint is based. You need not be individually
affected by the maladministration. You must have contacted the institu-
tion or body concerned already, for example by letter. The Ombudsman
does not deal with matters that are currently before a court or that have
already been settled by a court. The Ombudsman will examine your
complaint and will inform you of the outcome of his investigation. A
complaint can be made by writing a letter to the European Ombudsman
or by using the form enclosed.
Complaints can be submitted to the Ombudsman at any time,
without any time limit
A minimum period of two years must elapse after the court
has delivered its verdict
The time limit to comply with is two years from the time the
complainant became aware of the facts
In serious cases, a complaint can be submitted even more
than two years after the event
[#3] What time limit must be met when submitting a complaint to
the Ombudsman?
Copyright 2013 Training4EU Team
Animal welfare during transport. A political agreement on a Regula-
tion will considerably improve the provisions governing animal trans-
port in Europe. This Regulation increases accountability by identifying
clearly who is responsible for what and when, which will help enor-
mously in ensuring that the rules are properly enforced throughout the
animals journey. It provides for the introduction from 2007 of new,
more effective enforcement tools such as checks via a satellite naviga-
tion system. It also introduces much stricter rules for journeys of more
than eight hours, in particular by substantially upgrading vehicle stan-
dards. The Regulation recognises that stress suffered by animals is
mostly due to loading and unloading and therefore introduces rules to
deal with situations before and after transport, for example at slaughter-
houses or in ports.
From 2007, parties concerned may no longer use a satellite
navigation system
B. Journeys will henceforward be limited to eight hours
C. Standards for transport vehicles will be more severe
D. The Regulation lessens the accountability of those involved
[#4] What is one change the new Regulation makes?
Copyright 2013 Training4EU Team
European Mobility Week. There are 45 000 road deaths per year in
Europe, a number which governments all over Europe are trying hard
to reduce. At the same time, 60 000 deaths are caused by air pollution.
In both cases, children, in particular those living in urban areas, are the
most vulnerable. Many cities and towns across Europe are already
working hard on promoting alternative means of transport: they are pro-
viding good, efficient public transport, they offer incentives to citizens
that go for environmentally friendly cars, they try to give the city centre
back to pedestrians, etc. Mobility Week is an event where they can pre-
sent new initiatives and see what others are doing. It focuses on the
benefits of sustainable modes of transport and policies that improve air
quality, reduce noise and enhance people's quality of life.
A. Children living in cities and towns
B. Motorists who frequently drive in urban areas
C. The elderly because they are more sensitive to air pollution
D. Travelers who use a highly polluting mode of transport
[#5] What section of the population is most vulnerable to road
deaths and pollution?
Copyright 2013 Training4EU Team
1-D Breast, uterine cervical and co-
lon cancer
2-A The importance of interna-
tional cooperation and respect for
human rights
3-C The time limit to comply with
is two years from the time the
complainant became aware of the
4-C Standards for transport vehi-
cles will be more severe
5-A Children living in cities and
Administrator Level
Verbal Reasoning tests
Copyright 2013 Training4EU Team
makes perfect
Copyright 2013 Training4EU Team
The Commission authorises the acquisition of Edison by EDF and
AEM.The European Commission has authorised the proposed acquisi-
tion of the Italian electricity company Edison by the French company
EDF and the Dutch company AEM. Following an examination, the Com-
mission concluded that the transaction would not significantly impede
effective competition in the common market. The Commission found
that the proposed concentration did not raise any competition problems.
However, it will continue to monitor the competitive dynamics of the Ital-
ian electricity markets, where prices are among the highest in Europe.
Edison is the second-largest electricity producer in Italy. However, its po-
sition on the Italian electricity markets is quite small compared to that of
the more established operator ENEL, which still controls a large part of
the generation capacity and, most of the time, is in a position to set the
electricity price on the Italian Power Exchange.
A. One electricity producer has a monopoly of electricity sales
B. Italian prices are the highest in the European Union
C. Italian electricity producers are too highly concentrated
D. The price of electricity depends mainly on one producer
[#1] What is the current situation on the energy market in Italy?
Copyright 2013 Training4EU Team
The Commission authorises the acquisition of Edison by EDF and
AEM. The European Commission has authorised the proposed acquisi-
tion of the Italian electricity company Edison by the French company
EDF and the Dutch company AEM. Following an examination, the Com-
mission concluded that the transaction would not significantly impede
effective competition in the common market. The Commission found
that the proposed concentration did not raise any competition problems.
However, it will continue to monitor the competitive dynamics of the Ital-
ian electricity markets, where prices are among the highest in Europe.
Edison is the second-largest electricity producer in Italy. However, its po-
sition on the Italian electricity markets is quite small compared to that of
the more established operator ENEL, which still controls a large part of
the generation capacity and, most of the time, is in a position to set the
electricity price on the Italian Power Exchange.
A. Energy prices in Italy will fall
Edison will continue to produce electricity, but under foreign
C. ENEL will remain the only Italian electricity producer
D. ENEL will lose its monopoly on the market to EDF and AEM
[#2] Which of the following is a consequence of the acquisition of
Copyright 2013 Training4EU Team
Commission action on air safety. The European Aviation Security
Agency (EASA) was set up in September 2002 to promote a uniformly
high level of safety and environmental protection in the field of civil avia-
tion. The Community has powers in the areas of airworthiness and the
environmental compatibility of aircraft products, parts and equipment.
The EASA is putting in place a surveillance system to monitor the appli-
cation of Community legislation, evaluate its impact and make any use-
ful suggestions in this area. The EASA is involved in the certification of
certain products for bodies in third countries; the national administra-
tions issue individual certificates and accreditation for most of the bodies
on their national territory, on the basis of common rules under the con-
trol of the EASA.
Monitoring the application of Community legislation in the field
of air safety
B. Ensuring the application of European air traffic legislation
C. Coordinating the issuing of pilot licences in civil aviation
Developing new navigation systems compatible with the safety
[#3] Which is one of the EASAs basic missions?
Copyright 2013 Training4EU Team
New EU spokesperson for SMEs. The new face of European small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) at the Commission will be the Esto-
nian Maive Rute, appointed spokeswoman on 13 June 2005. She will de-
fend the interests of a sector representing 25 million businesses and 75
million jobs. Supporting the [] SMEs, boosting their energy and crea-
tivity are the key to achieving more growth and jobs in the EU, Mrs
Rute said. The Commission's main concern is: how can we help SMEs
to employ more people? Community actions have been launched to pro-
mote the sector and simplify its administrative environment. The Entre-
preneurship Action Plan and the European Charter for Small and
Medium-Sized Enterprises contribute to this positive impetus.
A. Give financial assistance to the most creative SMEs
Double the number of SMEs so as to develop employment in
European countries
C. Increase the employment rate in SMEs
Promote the development of those SMEs employing the most
[#4] What does the Commission want to do?
Copyright 2013 Training4EU Team
Mining waste: MEPs stand firm. After serious accidents in Romania
and Spain, the European Union decided that a specific Directive was
needed to regulate the management and storage of mining waste. Old
installations, where the sites are now closed, represent a real danger.
Where necessary, rehabilitation work should be carried out within four
years at the waste producers expense. This point is particularly impor-
tant for the new central European Member States, where many mining
companies have long neglected safety standards. In future, every time a
mining site starts up, a financial guarantee will have to be lodged and
regularly adjusted to ensure that requirements are met during and after
use of the site, for the rehabilitation, not just of the site itself, but also all
the land directly affected.
Spain has long neglected the safety standards for mining
At present Europe does not have any rules on environmental
The risk of accidents is greater on some mining sites in central
The two-fold increase in the number of accidents over the last
few years has prompted the European Union to legislate
[#5] What can we deduce from the text?
Copyright 2013 Training4EU Team
1-D The price of electricity de-
pends mainly on one producer
2-B Edison will continue to pro-
duce electricity, but under foreign
3-A Monitoring the application of
Community legislation in the field
of air safety
4-C Increase the employment rate
in SMEs
5-C The risk of accidents is greater
on some mining sites in central
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