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Energy States of Chemical Species: Two Important Postulates of Quantum Theory

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Energy States of Chemical Species

-Quantum theory was first proposed by Max Planck in 1900. -It was to explain the properties of radiation emitted by heated bodies. -Later extended to rationalize other types of emission and absorption processes.

Two important postulates of quantum theory:

a)Atoms, ions, and molecules can exist only in certain certain discrete energy states. b)To change the states it absorbs or emits an amount of energy exactly equal to the energy difference between the states. i.e. Higher energy state(E1) Lower(E0) = h= hc Where, c is velocity of light, h is Plank constant (6.6254x10-34) & is wavelength. -Energy of the elemental states(atoms,ions) is attributed to the motion of electrons around the positively charged nucleus. (Electronic states) -In case of a molecule, in addition to translational motion & it electronic energy states possesses other internal energy in their quantised states. These source of energy can be subdivided into three classes: i)Rotational energy: Associated with the rotation of the molecule about an axis (Rotational state) ii)Vibrational energy: (Vibrational state) Associated with movement of the atoms or groups with respect to each other(periodic movement)

iii)Electronic energy: (Electronic state)

Associated with electronic configuration and electronic state of the molecule

So that, total internal energy states of molecules: Eint = Eelect. + Evib. + Erot. -The permitted energy levels of Eelect.,Evib. & Erot. are intimately related to the structure of the molecule.

-No two kinds of molecules possess identical Eelect.,Evib. & Erot. -Ground state: The lowest energy state of an atom or molecule.(generally at room Temp.) -Excited state: Higher energy states.

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