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e n e r g i ze - May 2011 - Page 30


The i nc re a se d d e ma nd p o se s
a challenge to both Eskom and the
relevant municipalities to supply these
additional loads as efficiently and cheaply
as possible. The application of shunt
capacitor banks is a cost effective manner
to increase capacity, but as the voltages
change within the distribution range, the
optimum placement, sizing and fusing
technology of the capacitor banks also
Sh u n t c a p a c ito r b a n ks re d u c e c u rre n t
Electrical loads have a combination of
both active and reactive power. Active
power is supplied by the generating
stations while reactive power can either
be supplied from the generating stations
or by making use of shunt capacitor
banks strategically located on the power
system (or other, generally more expensive,
reactive power compensation schemes).
Reactive power compensation with
capacitors is by far the most cost effective
way to meet reactive power requirements
of consumer loads. Fig.1 illustrates the use
of capacitors near loads.
The addition of shunt capacitors releases
thermal capacity in the distribution
networks by reducing current flowing
through the networks, which is required
to supply the loads. Fig. 2 shows the
effect of capacitors on thermal loading.
The addition of capacitor Q
the power factor thus reducing thermal
loading by
from S to S
. The system can
serve an additional load of
Apart from the consumer loads, long
distribution lines have their own requirements
of reactive power. If all the reactive power
requirements were to be supplied from the
generating stations the total current would
need to be produced by the generators
and transmitted via the transmission and
distribution networks to the loads. Therefore
the transmission lines and associated
equipment (conductors, transformers,
switchgear etc.) would need to be larger
to carry all the current. Simply put, shunt
capacitor banks reduce the total current
that needs to be transmitted through the
distribution equipment. Fig. 3 illustrates the
system capacity released by application
of capacitors.
To determine the capacity released, select
the curve with the current power factor of
the load/feeder (legend) and then follow
the curve the point to which the capacitor
bank will improve the power factor (X axis)
which gives the system capacity released
(Y axis). The following are some of the
benefits that can be realised through the
use of shunt capacitor bank installations
for reactive power compensation:
Generation capacity is
System capacity is released
System losses are reduced
Voltage levels are raised (Improved
quality of supply)
Improved voltage regulation
Shunt capacitor banks increase
capacity of distribution networks
by Noble Muromba and Dale Pudney, High Voltage Technology SA
Th e re is tre m e n d o u s g ro wth c u rre n tly b e in g e xp e rie n c e d in So u th Afric a a n d it m a n ife sts itse lf to th e p o we r su p p ly in d u stry a s a ra p id g ro wth
in d e m a n d o n th e d istrib u tio n n e two rks. D istrib u tio n n e two rks fo rm th e b u lk o f th e e le c tric ity su p p ly in d u stry in fra stru c tu re , b u t d o n 't g e t th e
a tte n tio n e n jo ye d b y th e tra n sm issio n n e two rks o r g e n e ra tio n in fra stru c tu re .
Fig. 1: Supplying reactive power requirements from capacitors located near loads.
Fig. 2: Vector representation of capacitor effect on thermal loading.
Fig. 3: Additional system capacity released through application of capacitors.
e n e r g i ze - May 2011 - Page 32
Po sitio n in g c a p a c ito r b a n ks to o p tim ise
d istrib u tio n n e two rks
The application of shunt capacitor banks
reduces the losses (I
R loss) associated
with the transmission and distribution
of the current to the consumers' loads.
These losses in turn result in voltage drop.
Customers situated at the end of weak
systems often have problems starting
and operating their electrical equipment
due to low voltages, which may result in
sluggish motor operation (motor torque
has direct proportionality with the square of
the supply voltage, (TV
), dimmed lighting
etc.. Placing capacitor banks near the
electrical loads helps voltage support by
reducing losses. Intelligent switching of the
banks improves voltage regulation.
The main options available to improve
voltage regulation on distribution networks
are transformer tap changers, substation
capacitor banks, fixed feeder capacitor
banks, switched feeder capacitor banks
and voltage regulators. The key difference
between capacitor banks and voltage
regulators is that capacitor banks reduce
the losses across the length of the feeder
and voltage regulators only improve the
voltage at a particular point.
Software based load flow simulations
are required in order to optimize the
positioning of voltage support equipment,
however there are a number of rules of
thumb that can be used as the first case
in the various optimisation iterations to
determine the maximum losses reduction
and optimum voltage regulation.
2/3 rule: For a feeder with evenly
distributed loads, plac e a fixed
capacitor bank with size 2/3 of the
reactive power demand of the total
load (low load case) at a position 2/3
along the distance of the feeder.
1/2 rule: For a feeder with uniformly
decreasing distributed loads, the
maximum loss reduction is achieved
with a capacitor bank located 1/2
along the distance of the feeder.
Thereafter use switched capacitor banks to
compensate for load variations. Switched
capacitor banks are normally sized to limit
the voltage rise at switching to between
2,5 and 5% (depending on each utility's
preference). After fixed and switched
capacitor banks are applied, voltage
regulators can be applied to ensure
that the voltage levels at all points along
the feeder are within the power quality
requirements of the utility.
D istrib u tio n n e two rks fo rm th e b u lk o f
e le c tric a l in fra stru c tu re
Electricity distribution networks are the
backbone by which electricity supply is
distributed to the customers. As such,
ensuring the economical operation of
the distribution network within power
quality standard is imperative. Reactive
power compensation at distribution
level is therefore imperative to maximize
the power transmission capacity of the
distribution networks.
In South Africa, electrical energy is
generally distributed at 11 kV, 22 kV,
33 V, 44kV, 66 kV, 88 kV and 132 kV.
Within this range, and with different sizes
of capacitor banks, the recommended
fusing technology changes. The use of
appropriate fusing technologies for shunt
capacitor bank applications plays a vital
role in the economics, maintainability and
reliability of reactive power compensation.
Proper selection is critical especially in
the distribution voltage range. The main
purpose of the fuse is to protect the
capacitor from case rupture during a fault.
The optimum choice of fusing technology
does depend on the options available
depending on the voltage, size and
placement of the capacitor bank. Fig. 4
shows typical capacitor bank assemblies.
In te rn a lly fu se d c a p a c ito rs
Internally fused capacitor units are made
up of individual capacitor elements
connected in appropriate series and
parallel combinations to achieve the
required voltage and reactive power
output rating, and these elements each
have individual fuses connected in series
with them (Fig. 5). These fuses are meant
to disconnect the capacitor element from
service to avoid capacitor case rupture
due to the discharge of parallel energy.
When one of the elements in an internally
fused capacitor fails this results in a current
flowing through its fuse (parallel discharge
from the other parallel elements) and the
fuse operates and disconnects the element
from the rest of the circuit. The parallel
connected elements remain in circuit
thus reducing the overvoltage applied to
the remaining series sections. However if
many series elements have failed, then
the remaining parallel elements will be
insufficient to discharge sufficient energy to
blow the new failed capacitor element. For
this reason internally fused capacitor units
typically require at least nine elements per
series group.
Capacitor banks are generally equipped
with unbalance protection schemes that
sense the unbalance voltages or currents
in the bank as a result of fuse operations.
However in large high voltage capacitor
banks with many capacitor units in series
the unbalance currents will be so low that
extremely sensitive unbalance current
transformers are required or the protection
can be unreliable. It is also very difficult to
find the faulty capacitor because of the
slight changes in capacitances during
element failure. This is more critical in
larger capacitor banks and internally
fused technology is more suited for small
medium voltage substation capacitor
banks up to about 3 Mvar.
Exte rn a lly fu se d c a p a c ito rs
An externally fused capacitor unit consists
of individual capacitor elements arranged
in suitable series and parallel combinations
to achieve the required voltage and
reactive power output rating of the unit,
and protected by a single fuse external
to the unit. If an element fails, this results
in the whole series element welding
together which effectively means that the
capacitor unit will have one less series
section. The series section's voltage will
be uniformly redistributed across the
remaining healthy series sections. The
current through the capacitor unit will
also increase proportionally and after a
sufficient number of series sections have
shorted the external fuse will operate due
to the increased current thus disconnecting
the capacitor from service.
The capacitor banks are protected by use
Fig. 4: Typical capacitor bank assemblies.
Fig. 5: Typical internally fused
capacitor unit.
e n e r g i ze - May 2011 - Page 33
of unbalance protection schemes which
sense the unbalance in voltage or current
due to fuse operations. In an externally
fused capacitor unit, if an element fails
then a neutral potential develops and
in a double star configuration a neutral
current will flow whether or not the fuse
blows. This unbalance scheme works well
with this technology for large medium
voltage banks as the change in the
bank's unbalance due to element failure
is fairly large and easy to detect. With
enough series section in the bank, if an
element fails the voltage rise across the
healthy elements must be less than 10%
to ensure that the bank can continue
operating safely. For smaller banks, should
a capacitor element's fuse blow, there is a
significant rise in voltage of the remaining
units which causes the whole capacitor
bank to trip. It is for this reason that the
externally fused technology is less suitable
for smaller banks.
The risk of case rupture is greatly reduced
sinc e failed c apac itors are rapidly
removed from service through fuse
operation. Minimal downtime during
maintenance is achieved as the failed
capacitor units are easily identified by the
open external fuses. This makes externally
fused capacitor banks easier to maintain
and operate.
Eskom's experience with high voltage
externally fused capacitors is frequent
spurious fuse blowing, while there was no
problem with the capacitors the fuses were
supposedly protecting. This nuisance fuse
blowing has resulted in externally fused
capacitors not being used at high voltages
any more from a reliability point of view.
Fu se le ss c a p a c ito rs
At higher voltages fuseless technology is
the most preferred and is fast becoming
the standard fusing technology. It is
definitely the preferred fusing technology
with Eskom. 33 kV seems to be the voltage
level at which the advantages of fuseless
technology is borderline, mainly because
of the sensitivity that can be achieved
with the protection. Fig. 6 shows a typical
fuseless capacitor bank.
The phases of protection of a fuseless
capacitor bank are:
The safe failure mode of all film
The limits to the overvoltages across
healthy series sections after element
Protective relaying
In a fuseless capacitor bank, should the
dielectric fail, the energy in the resultant
arc will puncture many layers of the thin
film and foil within that particular element.
The arc causes the film layers to reduce
thereby allowing many layers of the
aluminium foil electrodes to touch and
weld together forming a stable electrical
joint. The welded joint is capable of
carrying indefinitely the full capacitor
unit rated current and transient currents
associated with normal current, without
causing any thermal degradation or
gassing. Thus an entire series section is
shorted in the event of a failed element.
This safe failure mode of fuseless capacitor
units allows them to remain in service
with shorted series sections thereby
ensuring availability of the capacitor bank
which would otherwise not be the case
with externally fused or internally fused
capacitor banks.
Fuseless capacitors typically have about
four to eight series sections per capacitor
unit (depending on the voltage rating). If
a series section fails, then the voltage is
distributed across the healthy elements.
If one element in a single section fails,
the voltage across the remaining series
sections will be at least 8/7 = 114% and
the bank will need to be tripped soon as
capacitors can only survive this voltage for
a limited time. If there are two capacitor
units in series, then voltage rise across the
healthy elements is about 7%, which the
capacitor should be able to withstand for
extended periods. If further series elements
fail, then the bank would need to trip out
to protect the healthy capacitors. For safe
and stable operation, the voltage across
the healthy series sections should be less
than 110% when two series elements
have failed.
Neutral unbalance current protection is
however subject to ambiguity. If an element
fails in both sides of the double star, then
they will cancel each other out and the
protection will not operate when the second
element fails. Depending on the capacitor
design and application 33 kV banks must
have three or more capacitors in series, and
this is the voltage level at which fuseless
technology is borderline from a stable and
safe operation point of view.
HVT has, together with its predecessors,
installed more than 95% of the Eskom
high voltage capacitor banks and has
standardised on the fuseless technology
at higher voltages due to their better
reliability, increased availability and
improved maintainability.
C o n c lu sio n
Capacitor banks are a critical component
of improving the voltage regulation and
increasing distribution network capacity.
Fig.7 shows typical capacitor bank
For medium voltage (11 kV, 22 kV
and sometimes 33 kV) substation and
feeder capacitor banks, externally fused
substation and pole top capacitor banks
are best suited. For higher voltages (from
33 kV and up) fuseless capacitor banks
installed in substations are preferred. At
33 kV, smaller banks would tend to be
externally fused and larger banks would
tend to be fuseless.
Contact Dale Pudney,
High Voltage Technology,
Tel 012 666-9358,
Fig. 6: Typical fuseless capacitor unit.
Fig. 7: Typical capacitor bank placement.

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