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In this issue (#77) March 1, 2004

The Litz Blitz

Optimizing Passive AM Detectors
The Double D Radio
Copyright 2003, The Xtal Set Society. All Rights Reserved. Page 1
The Xtal Set Society Newsletter
Volume 14, No.2 March 1, 2004
The Litz Blitz
by Dan Petersen, W7OIL
In this world there are crystal sets - and then there are
CRYSTAL SETS. In my quest for the perfect crystal set I
have found out one thing - There is no such animal! There
are times however that one makes a quantum leap into a
new level of performance. The set I am about to describe is
just such a leap. I have made an effort to optimize perform-
ance by investigating some different technologies than I
have not used before. The result is the Litz Blitz. Litz for
the type of wire used and Blitz because that is German for
lightning - and it rhymes with Litz.
In the Beginning:
Recently I came into possession a couple of items that
enabled me to make a new radio that out-per-
forms any crystal set I have ever made before.
The first item was a roll of litz wire.
The term litz wire is the shortened form of the
German word litzendraht (pronounced LITS-en-
drawt) meaning woven wire. It is wire construct-
ed of individual film insulated wires bunched or
braided together in a uniform pattern of twists.
The multistrand configuration minimizes the
power losses otherwise encountered in a solid
conductor due to the skin effect, or the tenden-
cy of radio frequency current to be concentrated
at the surface of the conductor. In order to coun-
teract this effect, it is necessary to increase the
amount of surface area without appreciably
increasing the size of the conductor. It is also
essential to position each individual strand in the
litz construction in a uniform pattern moving
from the center to the outside and back in a given
length. The wire I used in the Litz Blitz is
called 165/46 which means it consists of 165
strands of #46 wire. Litz wire comes in many dif-
ferent varieties, depending on the application and operating
frequency Polyurethane is the film most often used for insu-
lating individual strands. Litz wires are generally further
insulated with a single or double wrap of (usually) nylon.
The resulting wire looks not unlike cotton or especially silk
covered wire from the old days. It is interesting stuff to deal
with. Its quite flexible, unlike single-strand wire. This
makes it attractive for use in another experiment in technol-
ogy I wanted to try, the use of spider-web coils.
Spider, spider ...
Spider-web coils have a special attraction to me. They are
supposed to be quite efficient as the contact between the
adjacent wires and the wires to the form is minimal. Also,
to me, the spider-web coil has an esthetic appeal as it gives
the set an old-fashioned appearance reminding me of the
days of spark-gaps and ozone in the air. I decided to further
reduce the contact with the form by removing the form
entirely. This I accomplished by cutting out a round core
and drilling 11 evenly spaced holes into the rim. I then fash-
ioned eleven spokes that could be inserted into the holes
with enough friction to hold them but that they could be
Copyright 2003, The Xtal Set Society. All Rights Reserved. Page 2
easily removed when the coil was finished. I eventually
went as far as to run a 3/4 diameter axle through the core
and placing it and the wire-spool onto a base to make a coil-
winding machine (See Figure 1). The axle/core/spoke
assembly drops into a pair of slots. To use you wrap the start
of the wire a couple of times around the axle, then start turn-
ing the form. While doing this you feed the wire to the out-
side of one spoke and to the inside of the next. This alter-
nating in and out of the spokes is what gives the spider-web
coil its distinctive appearance. For the Litz Blitz I used 48
turns of 165/44 litz wire on a 2 inside diameter, 11 spoke
form. The spokes are 3/16 in diameter. The same size coil
is used for both the Antenna and the Detector tuning units
as well as the Wavetrap. Once the coil is wound apply a thin
line of glue to the area where the wires cross and allow to
dry. Once the glue is dry the spokes can be removed and the
core removed from the finished coil.
I had noticed that in several of the
high-performance crystal set designs I
have seen that the various parts of the
set were movable in relation to each
other. Some sets were even built as a
collection of modules that were
arrayed around the operating position.
Mike Peebles design is one where the
modules are arrayed all over the
bench. I did not want to be that casual
so I opted for a base with a center
guide plate. The Detector Tuning Unit
is mounted to the right side of the base
whereas the Antenna Tuning Unit and
the Wavetrap are able to slide along
the base. Attached to the set in its own
module is a Bogen T-725 line trans-
former. This provides an impedance trans-
formation between the detector and the
headphones. The phones I use were origi-
nally from Great Britain and are military
sound-powered units. Sound-powered units
work as a dynamic system the same as reg-
ular headphones but are optimized in their
construction to be extraordinarily sensitive.
They were originally meant to be used as
communication units that could be connect-
ed together with a pair of wires - no battery
power or amplifiers needed. The same
sound-powered element can be used as both
an earphone and a microphone. Sound-
powered phones, when used with crystal
sets, do work best when they are paired
with an impedance-matching transformer. I
have connected the headphones directly to
the output of the Litz Blitz and while they
work OK they work immensely better with an impedance
matching transformer. One thing is for sure however, I am
a convert to the sound-powered headphone! Word of cau-
tion though - sound-powered headphones can be spendy. I
have seen some sell on E-bay for big bucks!
While on the subject of impedance matching, Figure 2 is the
schematic of the matching transformer unit. I used a pair of
Radio Shack twelve-position rotary switches so I could
hook up the transformer in any tap combination. You may
note that the secondary is not used. I am using the Bogen as
an autotransformer which uses only one winding to oper-
ate. I can switch the input and the output to any combina-
tion of taps or run the unit straight through. The two pink
wires are for a low-impedance speaker connection and are
not used in this application.
Copyright 2003, The Xtal Set Society. All Rights Reserved. Page 3
The Modular Approach
The set itself consists of three modules, the Antenna Tuning
Unit, The Wavetrap, and the Detector Tuning Unit. Figure 3
shows the schematic of the Litz Blitz set. The schematic
indicates that as far as components are concerned, it is a
very simple unit. The Antenna Tuning Unit consists of two
components, L1 which is the 48 turns of 165/44 litz wire on
a 2 inside diameter, 11 spoke form. The other component
is the tuning capacitor, which is the dual-gang 365pF vari-
able available through the Xtal Set Society. As the ATU was
on the left side of the base-rail I placed the coil on the right
side of the ATU (as seen from the front). The electrical con-
nections of the ATU form a series-parallel tuned circuit.
The Wavetrap module is no more than a parallel tuned cir-
cuit consisting of the same type of coil as L1. It is placed
between the ATU and the Detector Tuning Unit to help sup-
press unwanted interference. I mean, how many times do
YOU want to listen to Disney Radios Hamster Dance?
The coil of the wavetrap unit can be varied front-to-back as
well as the entire module sliding along the base-
rail. This gives me a great deal of latitude in
adjusting the wavetrap as they can be touchy lit-
tle buggers. To help alleviate the touchy prob-
lem I used a vernier on the tuning capacitor. The
variable capacitor is one of the XSSs single-
gang variable capacitors. The vernier I feel is
necessary because the tuning on the wavetrap is
VERY sharp. You can go right by the desired
null point and not even know it. In retrospect I
would probably put verniers on all three mod-
Last but not least is the Detector Tuning Unit or
DTU. Figure 4 shows the details of the DTU.
The tuning coil is the same as L1 and L2 while
the tuning capacitor is another one of Rebeccas
little single-gang gems. The detector coil is
wound on the same form as the tuning coils but
consists of 20 turns of #24 cotton-covered wire.
I used cotton-covered wire because (a) I had some and (b) I
wanted to keep a vintage look to the set. You will note in the
picture that the detector coil and detector circuit sits on a
sled of its own so the coupling between the tuning coil
and the detector coil can be varied. Fahnestock clips are
used for connections throughout so changes can be made
easily. Porcelain standoffs are also used to reduce any loss-
es through the wooden components.
Performance? Wow! My grading on the 1 to 10
Guglielmo is about 9.547821. The scale runs from ten
(Who needs another set when you have this one) to one (I
need another set-you can have this one). Once I connected
the set to the RMS Titanic antenna, the ground and the
transformer and headphone combo I was amazed at the
selectivity of this set. It tunes VERY sharply - I can separate
two loud stations 20 KHz apart with no interference from
the neighboring station. I can separate DX stations 10KHz
apart as in the case of CFFR-Calgary on 660, KBOI-Boise
Copyright 2003, The Xtal Set Society. All Rights Reserved. Page 4
on 670 and KNBR-San Francisco 0n 680. These I pick up
most nights of the winter from here in SW Washington
State. In a weeks time I had netted 59 stations in six west-
ern states, two Canadian provinces and Baja California,
Mexico. As I am not in the near-field of any local blow-
torches I rarely use the wavetrap. It was handy however for
digging out XEPRS on 1090 KHz as I do have a loud local
at 1080 KHz (KOTK). I could make 1080 disappear com-
pletely with careful adjustment of the wavetrap.
This ones a winner in every respect. I do caution that it is
a design that should be tackled by at least an intermediate
builder. I am already making plans for changes and
improvements in the basic design. This set has opened a
whole new area of exploration for me.
Optimizing Passive AM Detectors
Part 2: The Strategy
by John Davidson
Detector Semi-Equivalent Circuit
To work on detection optimization strategies, well need
some mental scaffolding: a model. An accurate detector
model requires calculus because detector resistance
changes continuously with signal strength. We can make a
very useful but only roughly accurate model of the detector
from the approximate average operating values of R
and R
discussed in Part 1. This will be good enough to reveal the
strategy for detector optimization.
The basis of the model is fixed values of effective forward
and reverse resistors kept separated by ideal diodes. This
circuit is shown in Figure 8 where a black diode denotes a
real diode and a white diode denotes an ideal diode. Ideal
diodes are imaginary and have zero forward resistance and
open in reverse. Bear in mind that the values for these
resistances will apply to only one value of RF signal
strength, the price we pay to avoid calculus.
Figure 8. (Limited)
Diode Equivalent
Since the reverse resistance R
is always higher than the
forward resistance R
, it is obvious that the detector con-
ducts current both directions at least as much as the reverse
leakage current. Thinking about this, we should be able to
change the parts in this circuit to make an equivalent one
with just one diode with a leakage resistor around it. Indeed
we can by first dividing the forward resistor, R
into an
equivalent pair of resistors, one equal to R
and whatever is
left over, call it R
as shown in Figure 9. It turns out that
= R
/ (R
These resistor values can be fixed resistors equal to average
effective values over the waveform but they must be vari-
able if we vary the amplitude of the waveform. We can get
by with fixed values now. It will not change any behavior
if we connect the middle resistor to the left node through its
own ideal diode as shown in Figure 10. Here the two lower
resistors with ideal diodes in opposite directions (in the
dashed circle of Figure 10) can be combined into one R
resistor if we eliminate the lower two diodes. This results
in a simpler detector circuit of Figure 11 that behaves like a
Figure 10: More Simplification
of Diode Model
Figure 11:
Equivalent Circuit
the real diode for one signal level. Now we can replace the
real diode in our crystal radio circuit with this signal spe-
cific detector equivalent circuit showing parts that reveal its
true behavior.
Loss of RF To That Evil Reverse Leakage
Consider the audio side of the radio with the detector model
inserted, as shown in Figure 12. Since the headphone
bypass capacitance, C
, is near zero
impedance at RF, R
is effectively grounded for RF on the
right, so looking from the viewpoint of the tuner, RF wise,
the whole circuit appears shunted (or paralleled) by R
. The
circuit will behave about the same (for RF) in this situation
if we move right end of R
from the top of C
to the bottom
(ground) rail, as shown in Figure 13.
In Figure 13 the dashed lines represent RF current paths.
The upper dashed line represents the RF flow through the
diode where it is changed to DC on C
and provides
audio for the phones. The lower dashed line is the loss of
RF dissipated in R
. This RF leakage through R
is both a
loss of power and a load on the tuner, materially reducing
loaded Q and consequently selectivity. This is not all R
takes from us.
Figure 9:
Diode Model Simplification
Figure 12: Diode Equivalent
Circuit in Radio.
Figure 13:Paths for RF
Copyright 2003, The Xtal Set Society. All Rights Reserved. Page 5
Loss of DC To That Evil Reverse Leakage
Consider what happens to the DC placed on the bypass
capacitor, C
, for the phones. After the ideal diode places
the DC charge on the bypass capacitor, we can view C
locally as a sort of source for this DC for the phones, since
all charge that flows to the phones must appear across C
first. Current leaves the bypass capacitor, C
via three
paths. These are illustrated as dashed lines in Figure 14.
The far right path through the phones is where we want all
the DCto flow to make sound. The ideal diode prevents
any flow back through R
. The lower left path through R
and the coil is the problem. The coil is very low resistance
for DC, effectively a short circuit (no resistance). For DC
analysis (only), the circuit will behave about the same if we
just move the left side of R
from the top of the coil to the
ground rail, as illustrated in Figure 15. This illustrates how
charge flow that was placed on C
by the ideal diode dur-
ing the positive RF half-cycle is continually drained off in
two directions: to the phones and R
. In this way, R
petes with the phones for DC placed on the bypass capac-
itor, C
, taking signal from us again.
Detector Equivalent Circuit Combined Effect
Combining the resulting RF and DC equivalent circuits
resulting above we can assemble a whole detector model of
Figure 16. By including the radios L
and C
with the diode
model we can see opportunities to make further simplifica-
tions. Since C
is essentially a short circuit for RF and L
is essentially a short circuit for DC, the ends of the two R
resistors connected to them respectively can be moved
directly to the bottom rail as shown in
Figure 17.
Figure 16:
Detector In
This gives us a restricted equivalent circuit
for a diode valid only when it is in the radio. To be valid, it
requires the phantom paths marked
and # to ground
through radio components not shown. Now the detector
equivalent circuit is beginning to look a lot like the resistive
attenuator it mimics in our sets. We can now plug this back
into the radio to produce Figure 18. Recall that these resis-
tors change value as the signal strength changes. For
strong signals, R
goes higher and R
goes lower. We could
replace these fixed resistors with pots that we control with
the signal level, as shown in Figure 19. If we could build a
unity gain ideal detector simulator around this circuit, we
could adjust the three-gang pot to the correct value for the
given signal the circuit would produce the same signal level
in the phones as the real diode.
Figure 18. Detector Model In Whole Radio.
Figure 14: Paths for
DC Flow From C
Figure 15: Paths for DC
Flow From C
in Revised
Figure 17. In Situ
Equivalent Circuit.
* Connect via C
# Connected via L
Figure 19. Model Showing Signal Strength Effect.
Copyright 2003, The Xtal Set Society. All Rights Reserved. Page 6
Detecting The Strong Local Signals
For strong signals, the signal voltage pushes far to the
extremes of the curve of Figure 5 in Part 1. There, relative
to forward conduction, reverse leakage is insignificant since
the diode is pushed well into cut-off. Lines drawn to points
far out on the left of Figure 5 have low slopes (high resist-
ance.) This tells us that the two R
resistors get so large that
the signals almost stop flowing through them and we can
practically ignore them. They effectively blow up and
evaporate out of the picture, as implied in Figure 20.
This eliminates the R
losses. Also stronger signals take the
forward voltage to points high and to the right of the curve
of Figure 5. Lines drawn to these points have steep slopes
meaning low resistance. Since, R
= R
/ (R
increasing R
and reducing R
inflates the denominator of
making R
approach a short circuit. This clears the way
for the ideal diode in the detector model to dominate as a
true one-way gate. So detection becomes very efficient for
strong signals, exactly where we dont need efficiency.
Consequently we do not focus on the strong signal behav-
Detecting The Feeble Oscillations of Weak DX
As the signal weakens, detector performance deteriorates
until it finally behaves like a plain resistor. Weak signals
use a smaller part of the diode curve, the part of Figure 5
very close to the axis. In that case, there is very little dif-
ference between the slope of the diode I-V curve on the for-
ward side and the reverse side. That means the values of R
and R
are almost equal for very small signals.
As the signal level drops and both R
and R
converge on
from opposite directions, notice that the denominator of
the expression R
= R
/ (R
) approaches zero
which causes the value of R
to go through the ceiling.
This blowing up of R
has the effect of isolating the input
and output sides of the diode model, as illustrated in Figure
21. For weak DX signals the diode behaves like a pair of
shunt resistors of value R
that are connected by
something approaching nearly an insulator, R
. Very little
DC is produced by such a detector.
Basic Strategy: Detector SourceLoad Matching
Because of this isolation between the input and output sides
of the detector, the headphone circuit load on the DC side
has lost practically all influence on the RF tuner side and
vice versa for feeble oscillations. The sourceload imped-
ance interaction between the tuner and the phones is all but
completely disrupted by the isolation imposed by the diode.
The phones see only the detector output resistance R
as a source impedance independent of the tuner impedance.
The tuner sees only the detector input resistance R
its load. Consequently, a key part of the strategy of trans-
ferring the most power to the phones is simply to source
load match both RF and audio sides of the diode to the
diodes R
. That produces the most audio across the
Sourceload matching amounts to making the voltage:cur-
rent ratio (=resistance) of the source and load comparable.
It is something like changing gears on a ten-speed bike to
make the force:pedal-speed ratio compatible with the road
On the audio side of the detector matching is often accom-
plished by using a headphone impedance matching trans-
former. Audio matching transformers normally have a DC
resistance much lower than the audio matching impedance.
This low DC resistance effectively shorts out the DC
buildup on C
. This causes audio distortion for strong sig-
nals (only) for reasons that warrant a whole nuther article.
Suffice it to say that preventing the DC buildup on C
strong signals changes the detectors operating point
enough that the audio varying DC produced fails to accu-
rately track the modulation envelope. To preserve this DC
buildup, a resistor of the effective diode operating resist-
ance is added in series with the diode and transformer.
Since this value varies with signal strength an adjustable
resistor is convenient so that it can be set to maximize audio
fidelity. To prevent this resistor from wasting any audio
power, an audio bypass capacitor is placed across this resis-
On the RF side, matching is accomplished by viewing the
tuner as a source and making its effective source resistance
= R
. In practice, R
is a composite of the transformed
antenna-ground system impedance and tuner impedance.
With coil tapping, transformers variable capacitor dividers
or other impedance matching schemes, R
can be trans-
formed to match the diode R
As a practical matter, since coil Q establishes coil loss
resistance, it often drives matching and design for the whole
radio. Coil loss resistance establishes what the antenna-
ground must be transformed to match. That result estab-
lishes the R
needed, driving the selection of the diode and
audio transformer.
A difficulty arises for RF source-load matching. The anten-
Figure 20: Strong
Signal Behavior.
Figure 21:
Response To
Weak Signals.
na system is the source, with a source resistance, call it A.
For a matched condition, the combination of tuner resist-
ance, T, and detector resistance, D, should equal A, so A =
T & D. We can change diodes to make this true. However,
from the detectors point of view, its source is the combina-
tion of the antenna and tuner, and matching requires A & T
= D. We can adjust antenna loading to make this true, but it
corrupts the diode match above. These adjustments can
take several iterations to get close enough. Luckily, as with
bike gears, it takes a big mismatch to make enough differ-
ence to notice.
Advanced Strategy: Impedance Escalation
Diode R
is reasonably consistent within diode types but
varies widely across different types. Luckily, R
ly affects efficiency and offers an opportunity we shall
exploit. In practice, we find that in well-matched radios,
diodes with higher R
outperform others. This is not exact-
ly the result of any inherent efficiency of high R
The reason is that diodes with higher R
allow us to trans-
form to higher voltage output to drive high R
diodes to
span more non-linearity (curvature). This impedance esca-
lation is the essence of the advanced strategy, and the fol-
lowing is presented to exemplify why it works that way.
Consider Figure 22, which illustrates the projection of a
weak signal on an I-V curve for a typical low R
um detector.
The graph scale selected is
one useful for both germa-
nium and Schottky diodes;
on this scale the germani-
um curve has a relatively
steep slope. (Scale is
everything when compar-
ing how these detectors
function.) The RF signal
voltage swing of almost +5
mV is shown as a sine
wave about the lower vertical axis. The dashed lines proj-
ect this signal up to intersect the I-V curve of the detector.
Projection of this intersection to the right shows that this
signal voltage produces an input current just over + .1 mA
representing a peak applied input power of about .005 mW
(5 nW).
Relatively little of the forward & reverse current is convert-
ed to net DC by this detector because it is conducting
almost the same in both directions. To see this, we copy the
lower negative half-cycle of the current waveform and
invert it inside the positive half-cycle (shown as a dotted
curve in the figure). It illustrates how much of the charge
placed on C
in the positive half-cycle is removed during
the negative half-cycle. Only a small difference (net for-
ward current of 0.021 uA, labeled Signal) is left over to
accumulate on C
as DC for the phones, but probably not
enough to hear.
Next we apply this same signal power to a higher resistance
detector, (a Schottky with R
of 650K is illustrated; like
six Agilent 5082-2835 in parallel). We can see how it pro-
duces more net signal output. If we change nothing but the
detector, the higher resistance detector will not conduct
enough current to accept all the power. This can be verified
by substituting a high resistance Schottky diode for a 1N34a
in a radio that works well for the latter. The 1N34a will be
more sensitive than the Schottky in that case because the
Schottky will conduct almost nothing. To make it work we
must change the transformation ratio of the tuner to provide
the same power at a higher RF voltage and lower current
compared to the tuner for the germanium example.
(Remember that power is voltage multiplied by current.)
Viewed on the same scale, the slope of the I-V curve of the
higher resistance Schottky detector is less steep than the
germanium detector of Figure 23. A numerical
example was graphed to ensure equal power input. Here
almost a + 20 mV RF signal applied across the diode pro-
ducing a peak signal current of only about + 0.03 mA (actu-
ally +.05, -.02) is still the same input RF peak power: .005
microwatts (5 nW).
Figure 23. Schottky Diode Operation.
For the Schottky case the voltage is higher so the current
(right side waveform) is much lower for the same power
input. However, because of the wider voltage span across
the Schottky I-V graph, the higher input voltage pushes far-
ther up into forward conduction and farther back into
reverse cutoff. This produces a greater relative difference
between forward and reverse current, evident in comparing
the dashed to solid curves in Figures 22 and 23. Although
the total Schottky current is much smaller, the greater devi-
ation can still produce about the same net difference
between forward and reverse currents, 0.024 mA (labeled
Signal) as the germanium case. The effect of this net dif-
ference is RF current (charges) that ends up on C
as net
So drawing much less current from the tuner, the higher
resistance detector can still produce about the same net
DC current to charge C
while doing so at a much higher
voltage. Since power is the product of current and voltage,
the higher resistance detector produces much more audio
power when its source and load resistances are right, more
likely resulting in a faintly audible signal.
Sensitivity and selectivity of crystal radios can be dramati-
cally improved by escalating detector (and radio) imped-
ances. High impedance detectors can operate more effi-
ciently to improve sensitivity. They can produce audible
signals without loading the tuner so much. This unloading
Copyright 2003, The Xtal Set Society. All Rights Reserved. Page 7
Figure 22: Germanium
Diode Operation.
of the tuner makes it tune sharper improving selectivity.
The higher the detector resistance, the higher the detection
voltage, and that raises detection efficiency. For weak sig-
nals, detection efficiency for most radios is tiny fractions of
a percent. In theory, we could approach 100%, and reap
extensive sensitivity and selectivity benefits if we can con-
tinue to escalate the radio voltages (and consequently its
impedances.) Very high resistance detectors are available
like the Agilent 5082-2810 having Rx = 10 Megohms.
However I have never seen an efficient audio transformer
for several megohms impedance. In practice, insulation
resistance and dielectric losses of the rest of the radio begin
to overtake the gains at a tenth of this impedance level. As
the radio impedance levels escalate, losses that are coupled
in capacitively seem to become the main culprit. My strat-
egy has centered on shielding schemes. At the time of this
writing, I have been unable to make a radio benefit from
impedance levels approaching a megohm. Hopefully, as we
learn more about operating at escalated impedances, we can
continue to tame the most inefficient part of the radio, the
The Double D Radio or
Diode Dave does it, again!
The Peebles Choice
by: Mike Peebles
Hi guys! The three-tuber/hybrid set is still in the R & D
stages. Plan to have it up and running soon, and hope to get
it in next time. I have it working, and its just a matter of lit-
tle adjustmentslooks like its going to be a real performer.
Sometimes we run into members that really impress us, thus
we have Dan Petersen with us. This article is built and pre-
sented by Dave Schmarder. Dave resides at and he builds some very
impressive projects. Dan and I have both become acquaint-
ed with Dave, and were impressed with his work, and let
me tell you, a darn nice guy. Dave has a lot to offer in his
web-sitehis projects are outstanding and he has brought
us a more versatile line of parts to aid in the construction of
state-of-the-art crystal radios. Dave has a great sense of
humor, very crafty, and he supplies us with LitzHes in!
Hah, no kidding, a real asset to the Xtal Set Societys com-
munity, and we heartily welcome him! I am proud to help
him publish this real neat project and I hope you all enjoy it.
I ntroduction:
Hello, fellow readers, some of you may know me from my
web site I have spent the last
two years building crystal radios as a hobby and showing
them off, on-line. This has provided me with a lot of fun. On
my web site I only show the finished set, and some building
procedures. I will attempt to correct this here, in my first
article in the XSS newsletter. I want to thank Mike Peebles
and Dan Peterson for their encouragement and suggestions
for publishing here.
Procedures, Front Panel:
See Photo #1, 2 & 3: Cut a piece of 1/8 inch thick Garolite
to 12 x 6 inches. Cover front of Garolite with masking tape.
Mark a line 3/8 inches from the bottom. Mark for center and
2.5 inch increments for the 5 wood screws.
Measure 3 inches down from the top and 3 inches from each
side with a line. The intersection of these lines will be the
center holes for the capacitors and the compass point for the
decorative curves. After drawing the circles,
measure down 2 inches from the top center. This is called
the capacitors cleavage.
Cut the rounded parts with a scroll saw, then use a small 1-
inch belt sander and smooth the rounded edges. The cleav-
age area may be rounded and smoothed with a Roto-bit in a
drill press. Carefully grind the edge, in the center
until it looks even and pleasing.
Drill 1/16-inch pilot holes where the capacitors will be
mounted plus, 5 along the bottom for the wood screws to
Copyright 2003, The Xtal Set Society. All Rights Reserved. Page 8
Photo:1 Laying out back of front panel
Photo:2: :Laying out front panel
fasten to the bottom board. Use a 9/64 drill for the 5 holes
with a countersink if you will be using #6 flat head wood
Using a inch Forstner bit, drill the two holes for the
capacitor shafts. Use a pocketknife, or other tool to bevel
the edge of the inch hole on the backside of the panel.
This will insure that the capacitor will lie flat against the
panel. Using the scribe, mark the position for the four-
capacitor mounting holes. Drill and countersink the holes.
Again, I like to drill a pilot hole using a 1/16 inch bit, it
takes longer but the results are worth it.
See Photos #4, 7 & 8: The baseboard I used, is red oak, and
is 12 x 7-1/4 x 3/4. There are 5 holes in the front edge
that match with the front panel. I drilled 4 holes for the rub-
ber feet. Four holes will be needed, two for the detector
holder and two for the coil support bracket.
To make the terminals fit the baseboard, first drill four 1/16
pilot holes. The holes should be about 1 inch from each
other. I drilled mine in pairs. On the underside, drill a half-
inch hole, about a quarter inch deep using a Forstner bit. A
drill press with a depth gauge helps. Use an 11/64 drill, to
drill the four holes the rest of the way through. Put one of
the 8-32 x 1 screws through the hole and see how it looks.
If you need more depth, put the Forstner bit back in the drill
press, and reset the depth gauge and have another run. Three
additional 1/8 holes can be drilled through the baseboard
just behind the capacitors to run the wires through. Having
the wires run underneath makes a very nice top-side appear-
Detector holder:
See Photos #4 & 7: The detector holder is made with a 2-
1/2 x x 1/16 Styrene piece. There are four 11/16 holes
drilled for two Z brackets and 2-screw/thumb-nut, diode
connections. Three #8 solder lugs are used for the connec-
tions. One solder lug is connected to the Z bracket as a
ground connection for the choke, and fixed capacitor.
Styrene is very soft and melts easily, so solder the wires to
the lugs before attaching them to the Styrene. I used the
Styrene piece, due to low RF losses, and was afraid that if I
mounted the diode connection in the wood, the moisture
would reduce the tanks efficiency.
Coil Construction:
See Photos #5, 6 & 8: The coil is made with 165/46 litz wire
wound on a 4-1/4 x 5 x 1/16 Styrene form, cut with 11
slots, and a 2 center hub. With 41 turns, of wire on the coil,
Copyright 2003, The Xtal Set Society. All Rights Reserved. Page 9
Photo:3: Finished unit, front view.
Photo:4: Detector holder
Photo:5: Coil detail, front.
Photo 6: Coil detail, rear.
you will have approximately 170 uh. Also, drill three 9/64
holes for the three #6 wood screws that will hold the coil to
the wooden support block. The top edge is rounded so as to
fit with the rest of the rounded edges for that appealing look.
Winding the coil is pretty simple, make certain to keep the
windings fairly tight while winding. When my coil was fin-
ished, I drilled a small hole to poke the end of the wire
through, to keep the coil from unraveling. Next you want to
make the spacing between the wires as even as possible.
This can be done with a scribe (General Tool #80) gently
pushing the wires towards the edge, the coil
will then perform its best and will look great.
Tin the ends of the wire with a hot soldering
iron, it takes a little while to heat the wire and
have the solder flowing on the strands. It is
important to have the insulation melted on
each strand.
Wiring the Set:
See Schematic #1 and Photos #7 & 8: I like to
use tinned copper wire when I build my sets, it
looks nice and is easy to use. Your set can be
wired with what you have on hand. Use the
circuit diagram for reference. The frame of the
antenna capacitor should be connected to the
antenna, minimizing hand-capacitance effects.
This model, is intended to be used with an
audio-matching transformer for Sound-
Powerd phones, or other dynamic-type. If
you wish to use a crystal earphone, or an exter-
nal amplifier, connect a 47K resistor across the
output terminals to provide the DC resistance
path, that is required for the detectors output
Operating the Set:
This radio requires an antenna and ground, but
all of you know this. I like to tune the radio
from the top of the band to the bottom. Start
with the variable capacitors set to minimum
value. Then start increasing the capacitance on
each capacitor a little at a time, one at a time.
I generally increase the detector capacitance a
little faster than the antenna capacitance. This keeps the
antenna from loading the tank circuit. Once I hear a station,
I rock both capacitors back and forth a little until the best
reception is obtained. It is recommended that you use large
knobs if possible as you can get a vernier effect due to the
larger diameter.
Copyright 2003, The Xtal Set Society. All Rights Reserved. Page 10
The Double D RadioorDiode Dave does it, again!
Materials List:
Qty. Description Use Source
1 Garolite, 6 x 12 x 1/8 Front Panel DS
1 Red Oak, 7-1/4 x 12 x 3/4 Base Board LH
1 Styrene, 4-1/4 x 5 x 1/16 Coil Form DS
1 Styrene, 3/4 x 2-1/2 x 1/16 Detector Base DS
1 Red Oak, 3/4 x 4-1/4 x 1/2 Coil Support LH
2 Large Knobs Tuning ANY
4 Rubber Feet Bottom ANY
2 Capacitor, Variable, 365 Tuning XSS
1 Germanium/Schottky Diode Detector XSS/PO
34 Litz Wire, 154/46, 24ga Equiv. Coil DS
3 Hook-up Wire Circuit ANY
1 RF Choke, 27mHy Detector DS
1 Trimmer Capacitor, 4 - 30pf Detector PO
1 Capacitor, Ceramic Disk, 100pf Detector PO
1 Resistor, 47K, 1/4 or 1/2W, Optional Detector ANY
2 Solder Lugs, #6 Var Caps DS
7 Solder Lugs, #8 Terminals DS
4 Screw, 6-32 x 1/4 - Flat-Head Var Caps DS
2 Screw, 6-32 x 1/8 - Binder-Head Var Caps/Terms DS
4 Screw, 8-32 x 1 - Fillister-Head Terminals DS
2 Screw, 8-32 x 1/4 - Fillister-Head/Brass Detector DS
2 Screw, 8-32 x 5/8 - Fillister-Head/Brass Detector DS
7 Screw, #6 x 3/4 - FH Wood/Brass FR Panel/Coil DS
3 Screw, #6 x 1/2 - RH Wood/Brass Coil DS
2 Screw, #4 x 1/2 - RH Wood/Brass Z Brackets DS
6 Washer, #8 - Brass Terminals DS
3 Washer, #6 - Brass Coil DS
8 Hex-Nuts, 8-32 - Brass Terms, Det DS
6 Knurled-Nuts, 8-32 - Brass Terms, Det DS
2 Brackets, Z - Type Detector DS
DS Dave Schmarder
PO Peebles Originals
XSS Xtal Set Society
MSR Mouser Electronics
LH Local hardware
Photo:7: Wiring/Detector Detail.
Sets Performance:
I have been using this circuit in my radios for a while now
and the performance is quite good. The large Litz/spider coil
is where most of the performance resides. The spider coil is
an improvement over a close wound cylindrical coil. The
lower distributed capacitance gives a better tuning range
and lower coil losses. The detector circuit provides a light
load on the tank circuit, thus not damaging the Q of the
circuit a great deal. By using a spider form, and an un-
tapped coil, I found the short wave ghosting to be at a min-
imum. A double tuned set is more selective, but this radio is
easier to tune. This radio will tune most of the band,
depending on the exact coil inductance and your antenna
system. If the bottom tunes well but the top doesnt, try tak-
ing a turn off the coil. Before cutting the wire, just let the
wire lay away from the coil and test the reception.
If you use an audio matching transformer and sound pow-
ered headphones, your sets efficiency will improve. A
Schottky diode will further improve the selectivity of the
radio. I hope you enjoy building this set or one like it. Dont
be afraid to experiment and substitute parts if you have
them. Thank you for your support. Ill leave the light on for
Kevin Busse, Prior Lake, MN N0ZBO. Living within eye-
sight of a radio stations massive antenna famr, and only
being able to pick up that one station on every single crys-
tal set Ive built over the past 2-years, Ive often wondered
how others can make the claim, I live right next to a radio
staion, and I can still get X-number additional stations on
my receiver. Ive tried building traps, and all they do is
drop the volume of the powerhouse broadcaster, but still no
other stations come through.
After reading a few reviews and comments on the Internet,
I came to the conclusion that the famous Heathkit CR-1
might be the solution to my single station problem. But do
I spend the money (have you seen the prices a CR-1 goes for
on E-bay? Yikes!), or try to tackle the construction on my
own? Fran Golden has an exellent website on doing up your
own CR-1 at that go me pointed in the
right direction, including the plans and front panel label,
downloadable as a .PDF file. I robbed the tuning capacitors,
knobs and a diode from a couple of beginner Technokits that
I stocked up on. The Technokits are similar to the old style
Radio Shack crystal radio kits, and a mail-order company
called All Electronics has them at a few bucks each. I
bought several for the crystals and the simple transistor
radio type tuners. A trip to Radio Shack netted the 6 x 3 x
2 project box and the binding posts for the phones, antenna
and ground connections.
I built the CR-1 to Frans specifications, but was disap-
pointed in the extremely weak volume. It wasnt that I
couldnt hear any other stations, but even the powerhouse
broadcaster was at a whisper. After double and triple check-
ing, the problem seemed to be the coil, so what could be
done to improve it? Time to open the junk box... I had
some extra 1 -inch diameter PVC pipe left over from a pre-
vious coil project, along with plenty of 30ga magnet wire.
Time to tinker.
The solution I came up with is very similar to the original
Heathkit CR-1 plans, and Fran Goldens adaption. The
change I made is with the coil. The coils are wound on 1
outside diameter PVC pipe, 4 3/4 long. Spacing between
coils is 1/8 using 30ga wire. The first coil is 150 turns, and
the second is 75 turns, with a tap at 75 turns. Using the new
coil, the receiver came to life. Of course the powerhouse
was still blasting into the earphones, but for the first time
Im getting not one, not two, but three additional stations!
All clear, interference free, and at great volume. Finally I
have some variety in my listening! Wind the coil as you
would any ordinary coil, dont worry about Frans overlap-
ping windings or ferrite cores, theyre not needed with this
coil arrangement. Youre making a whole new coil to use
with this set, just dont forget the 1/8 spacing between the
two coils, and the tap after the first 75 windings for the
The one thing currently missing with my version of the
CR-1 is the two 350pf capacitors shown in the drawing. As
Radio Shack continues to move away from stocking parts
for the homebrewers and kit builders, various capacitors,
resistors, and even suitable detector diodes are impossible to
get through them. When I can get my hands on the 350pf
caps, I will add them to the CR-1, which I know will
improve reception even better.
Copyright 2003, The Xtal Set Society. All Rights Reserved. Page 11
Photo:8: Finished unit, rear view.
So if your experience with trying to receive more than one
station on a crystal set has been like mine, I recommend
building this version of the Healthkit CR-1. Im delighted
in the performance of this set, as Im sure the original kit-
builders were when they put together their original
Healthkit CR-1s all those years ago.
Rob Noury, Jamestown, NC. On your last Jan. 04 newslet-
ter about coil forms. yes the toilet tissue tube is too flexible
but I still find its the best for coil efficiency, or at least close
to it. When I use the toilet tissue. Roll I cut a piece of con-
struction paper to coil form size, and with ordinary glue
stick coat the construction paper on one side with glue then
wrap a round tube good and firm and give it a good clear
coat and it will dry good and firm. Just ordinary family dol-
lar construction paper 2 big packs for a dollar. Family dol-
lar $2.00 a can clear coat will do. You dont even have to
wait for the glue to dry to clear coat. The color variety of
the construction paper may add interest also. I hope this
will be helpful info. Good Dx-ing!
Copyright 2003, The Xtal Set Society. All Rights Reserved. Page 12

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