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Semester Exam 2013 Vontasia Ingram2

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By: VonTasia Ingram


I chose that as my introduction because it
is awkward and different. I feel that is
how I am sometimes awkward and weird. I
am a 14 year old girl. I am in the 9
grade. I am in the Paul w. Bryant igh
!chool "arching Band. I a#e 4 siblings$
one brother and % sisters. I am also on
the yearbook staff.

&hat's in the name
I wasn't necessarily named after
anyone. "y mother has told me many
stories of how I was named. !he said
I was su((osed to be s boy. But I
came out a girl and she didn't ha#e any
girl names. !he said she heard a
sickness that sounded similar to my
name so she )ust changed it u( and
here I am. V*+T,!I,-

Personal al(habet
V. Victorious
*. *dd
+. +otorious
T. Tenacious
A- ,wkward
!. !mart
I- Intelligent
A- ,ngelic

Likes Dislikes
Dogs /ats
Colorful colors Black
Skittles (istachios
green apples 0ellow a((les
Hershey with almonds Being sick
Chicken parmesan /andy a((les
!ensory e1(eriences
, time where I had to use all fi#e of my senses
was on thanksgi#ing. I used my eyes to see the
food being cooked and to watch my family
interact. I used my ears to hear my family laugh
and talk with )oy to one another. I used my nose
to smell the wonderful food being cooked. I used
my touch to make the food and the cu(cakes I
made. I used my taste to taste all the wonderful
food that was cooked.
,nother time I used all my senses was the first
day of school. I used my eyes to see all the
(eo(le that I would be going to school with. I
used my nose to smell all the (eo(le that (assed
by me. I used my ears to hear all the chatter in
the gym. I used my touch to (ass back (a(er
and forms that needed to be signed. I used my
taste to taste the wonderful breakfast made for
my first day of high school.
/olor your world
There is green e#erywhere$
e#en in (eo(les2 hair. !ome
on hands$ some on shirts.
There is green e#erywhere-
3reen$ green$ and more green.
I think I2m going cra4y o#er green.
If you don2t wear green you get
then you2ll start to itch.
!o many (eo(le are obsessed with
3reen !(ring$ green air. 3reen feet$
green wheat$ green meat.
3reen isn2t #ery neat-
5oom !weet 5oom
"y bedroom is my sanctuary$
my (lace to be me
The worries of the day
melt into the sea
"y bed is of logs$
the mattress is high
The sheets are flannel$
the du#et makes me sigh
"y table has come here
from grandma2s (ast
I cherish this (iece
as it was one of her last
The mirror is old
but shines like new
&hen I glance at myself
I can see right through
I hear nothing in my room
and I like it that way
I cra#e silence and (eace
for much of the day
I smell the ocean$
I taste it too
The feeling is calming$
I2#e nothing to do
Personal meta(hors
1. ,nimal. a !iberian husky. Black and
grey with brown eyes.
2. /ar. 6ee( wrangler 1997. 5ed with
black interior.
%. ,rticle of clothing. (ink and white (olka
dot (ants
4. 8ay of the week. Thursday the laid back
9. :ood. macaroni and cheese
;. "usical instrument. the clarinet.
7. 3eometrical sha(e. a heart
<. Piece of furniture. a black leather sofa.
!ymbolic reci(e
= cu(s of cuteness
% tbs(. of
1 cu( of funny
4 tbs(. of sarcasm
1 cu(s of style
=>% cu( of weirdness
Throw it in a bowl and mi1 it all u(.

The ultimate e1cuse
8ear teacher$
8ue to it being :riday the 1%
$ I ha#e had
a terrible day. :irst I woke u( %? minutes
late. I missed the bus which means that I
had to walk to school. !o while I was
walking a black cat walked in front of me
which meant I then had to cross the
street so I wouldn't ha#e bad luck. But
while I was crossing the street an old lady
fell and started screaming that she broke
her hi(. !o then I ran and found a &al.
"art buggy$ then I (ut her in the buggy
and took her to the hos(ital. 6ust when I
was walking out of the hos(ital after
recei#ing the greatest citi4ens award$ a
big marshmallow came out from behind a
bush and attached me with a (iece of
@nfinished sentences
1. I usually worry about others and
their wellbeing.
2. I feel angry when (eo(le disres(ect
3. I2m moody when I wake u( late or
when I'm rushing.
4. I'm ha((iest when I am with my
5. I feel confident when I am dressed
nice and cute.
6. I feel frustrated when I ha#e to do
something o#er and o#er again.
7. I feel de(ressed when I am at
Personal symbol
!omething that is a (ersonal
symbol of me is ello Aitty.
ello Aitty is my (ersonal
symbol because my mother
always tells me I look )ust like
the character. !o I )ust went
with it. I made it my
Instagram (icture and it is
incor(orated in a lot of my
(asswords and usernames.
, day I would like to go back to
would be a day so long ago I barely
remember. It was around fall in the
year =??9. I was with my grand(a
before he died and I was also with
my sisters and my cousins. "y
grand(a came and (icked us u( and
then he took to this skating rink. It
was the most fun I had$ in my
lifetime and that age. I don't think I
will e#er forget that day. It was my
greatest memory of my grandfather.
5emembrance of things (resent
In twenty years I would like to remember
who I am as a (erson. I ha#e ne#er really
had a chance to e1(ress who I am as a
friend or a (erson until I came to Bryant.
I was always afraid of being )udged or
humiliated for e1(ressing myself. !o I
would like to take this me with me for
the rest of my life$ =? years or %? years
from now. ,n im(ortant memry for me to
remember would be my first year at
Bryant and all the new (eo(le I ha#e
,s Time 3oes Bye.Bye: /ar(e diem
The things I would like to do before
I am %9 would be to graduate
college$ and then get my medical
degree. ,lso I would be on my way
to becoming chief medical e1aminer.
I would also like to be married by
this time. I would like to ha#e had
all % of my children. I would own a
house with my husband in whate#er
city it is we li#e in. I would ho(e to
ha#e tra#eled the world a little bit
by then with my husband.
"y own lists of lists.
1. Peo(le who ha#e influenced me.
6esus$ my sister$ my brother$
"artin Buther Aing 6r.$ 5osa
Parks. "y "om and 8ad
2. Placed that make me ha((y.
8isneyworld$ 8isneyland$ "y
grandmother's house.
3. Places I would like to go. ,sia$
India$ Paris$ /hina$ 6amaica.
4. Things that worry me. 35,8C!
5. Things I would like to know how to
do. sew$ 85IVC.
6. Things that ha#e mo#ed me. old
(eo(le dying
Book who I look u( too
The (eo(le I look u( to would first be my
mother. I look u( to my mother because
she has done so much as a single mother.
!he has raised = children into a (olice
officer and a chemist$ and then she is
going to college and raising me. That is
why I look u( to my mother.
,nother (erson I look u( to is my sister.
I look u( to my sister because she has
(ut herself through 4 years of college
with little hel( from my mother or my
father. !he had two full time )obs while
she was in school.
,nother (erson who I look u( to would be
my father. I look u( to my father
because he has done so much for me. &e
ha#e so much fun together when we are
together. &e go race car dri#ing and
5emembering the child
"y most fa#orite memory from
when I was a child was when I
had a Polaroid camera that I
used to take with me
e#erywhere. It ne#er had film
in it. I )ust used to take it
with me e#erywhere because it
as mine. I was a really
(ossessi#e child. But then one
day I had (ut it down on the
back of my mother's car. ,nd
then she left and it got ran
o#er. I cried for about an hour.
*ne medium suitcase
If I were lea#ing the house for the rest of
my life$ I would bring fi#e (ictures of the
most im(ortant (eo(le in my life. I would
bring a (icture of my grandmother$ my
mother and father. I would bring a (icture
of my sister$ my brother$ and then finally
my cousin. Then I would bring my fa#orite
blue )ean )acket. Then I would bring my
dress that I had when I was a baby. ,nd
finally I would bring my fa#orite baby
The (erfect (resent
If I could gi#e myself the
(erfect gift I would gi#e
myself self.confidence. I
chose this gift for myself
because I don't really ha#e a
lot of self. confidence.
"emorable e#ent
!omething that was #ery memorable for
me this year was my first day at
Bryant igh !chool. I will fore#er
remember this day because it was so
different then all the other schools I
had been to. It was different because
at all the other schools I had been too
I had at least known one (erson. &hen
I came to Bryant I didn't know anyone
at all.
ow to:
ow to get sus(endedD The best way
is to let off a fire e1tinguisher all
o#er some of your teachers. /heck
it2s not a criminal offence where you
li#e before you do it or you could end
u( with more than )ust a sus(ension.
!la( the (rinci(al then run away
screaming random words. 3o to school
,re you hungryD
"y "other2s s(aghetti and
meatballs. I2#e tried to mimic
her reci(e myself and I2#e
eaten s(aghetti and meatballs
at many fine Italian
restaurants$ but nothing
com(ares to "om2s :E my
fa#orite (art would be to take
a (iece of bread and rub it in
the sauce and eat the bread.
Lessons learned too late
Failures are only lessons. F
3ood things come to those who
still ho(e e#en though they'#e
been disa((ointed$ to those
who still belie#e e#en though
they'#e tasted failure$ to
those who still lo#e e#en
though they'#e been hurt. !o
ne#er regret anything that has
ha((ened in your lifeG it
cannot be changed$ undone or
forgotten. Take it all as
.!lo#e and laugh.H
". I0ou are so lo#ed and ama4ing )ust
the way you are-I
#. I+,P e#ery chance you get.I
$. J8o not kee( secrets from your
%. J8on2t be afraid to )ust be yourself$
say InoI when you feel you should$ and
always follow your gut when things don2t
seem right.H
&. IAee( (laying outside$ kee( e1(loring$
and kee( co#ering yourself in mud. *ne
day$ these wild (laces won't look the
'. JBife isn2t always what you think or
(lan$ kee( an o(en mind and embrace
what you may not understand. J
(. J+e#er take for granted the world
around you$ !to( and e1amine how

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