Amanda Martin Resume
Amanda Martin Resume
Amanda Martin Resume
3285 Cove Creek Lane Cumming, GA 30040 (770) 596-0367 Objective: To provide high quality, enthusiastic, differentiated instruction to allow all students to meet their highest potential possible. Georgia College and State University, Milledgeville, GA May 2014 Bachelor of Science, Early Childhood Education GPA: 3.76 GACE Exam: Early Childhood 001/002 Turner Woods Elementary School, Gray, GA Student Teaching Internship, August 2013-May 2014 Grade 1 Inclusion Assumed full responsibilities of a 1st grade classroom Planned and implemented a 10 day integrated shape unit Attended multiple EIP placement meetings Created and planned activities for multiple differentiated small group lessons on
several math, social studies, and science standards Collaborated with host teacher to provide various differentiated learning experiences to our students
Creekside Elementary School, Milledgeville, GA Field Experience, March 2013-May 2013 (7 weeks) Kindergarten Developed and implemented problem solving math lesson Facilitated daily small group reading sessions Created the set for the class end of the year play Interacted with families by sending home multiple math and literacy at-home family
engagement activities
Putnam Elementary School, Putnam, GA Field Experience, January 2013-March 2013 (7 weeks) Grade 3 Inclusion Collaborated with a peer to prepare and instruct a diversity lesson and science play
center using inquiry Designed hall displays to display student mastery of standards Utilized SmartBoard technology to teach math addition skills
Ridge Road Elementary School, Sandersville, GA Field Experience, October 2012-December 2012 (7 weeks) Grade 2
Created and explained science centers about life cycles, including technology Completed student interviews, literacy inventories, and spelling inventories to determine students instructional literacy level
Turner Woods Elementary School, Gray, GA Field Experience, August 2012-October 2012 (7 weeks) Grade 5 Observed student actions and behaviors, taking note of student developmental levels Designed and implemented a project based lesson on volcanoes Field Observation Experience: Queensmill School, London, England May 2010 Study Abroad, School for Autism, all ages Vickery Creek Elementary School, Cumming, GA Fall 2010, Spring 2011 Grades 1 & 3, 30 hours Vickery Creek Elementary School, Cumming, GA Fall 2009, Spring 2010 Grade 3, Grade 2 Related Experience: Personal Family Nanny, Cumming, GA Summer 2012, Summer 2013 Children ages 10, 7, 4, and 2
Provided childcare for two different families, taking responsibilities for transporting children to appointments and keeping them entertained Communicated with parents about their children Helped children with summer school workbooks Learned to provide for children with ADHD and dyslexia
Child Care Provider at Ivey League Academy, Cumming, GA Summer 2011, Winter 2010, Summer 2010
Oversaw as sole caregiver in classrooms ranging from two to twenty-four children of various age groups Collaborated with other caregivers to provide supervision and activities
Professional Involvement:
Student Georgia Association of Educators National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) National Association for the Education of Young Children Presented at Georgia Association on Young Children Conference (GAYC) (Fall 2013) Attended GAYC Conference (Fall 2012) Attended NCTM Conference at Rock Eagle (Fall 2010, Fall 2012, Fall 2013) Participated in STEM Grant: Project WET and WILD Presidents List (Fall 2012, Spring 2013) Deans List (Spring 2012) Georgia Golf Course Superintendents Association Legacy Scholarship (2012, 2013) Georgia State Golf Association Yates Scholarship (2012-2014) National Golf Course Superintendents Association of America Legacy Scholarship (2013) National Society of Collegiate Scholars Member (2011-2014) Kappa Delta Sorority Assistant New Member Educator, PACE chair Georgia College Sorority Panhellenic Counselor