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Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development

(An International Peer Reviewed Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development)


Asian journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development (AJPRD) is a new online

international journal allowing free unlimited access to abstract and Full text. The journal is
devoted to the promotion of pharmaceutical sciences and related disciplines. It seeks
particularly (but not exclusively) to encourage pharmaceutical and allied research of tropical
relevance and to foster multidisciplinary research and collaboration among scientists, the
pharmaceutical industry and health the health care professionals. It will also provide an
international plate form for the communication and evaluation of data, methods and findings in
pharmaceutical sciences and related disciplines. Although primarily devoted to original research
papers, the journal welcomes reviews on current topics of special interest and relevance.

• Pharmaceutics • Pharmaceutical • International Drug

• Novel Drug Delivery Engineering Regulatory Affair
Systems • Pharmacoinformatics • Pharmacogenomics
• Pharmacology • Clinical Pharmacy • Herbal Drug
• Pharmacognosy • Medicinal chemistry Technology
• Pharmaceutical • Drug Development • Biotechnology
Analysis • Quality Assurance • Pharmacy Practice
• Pharmaceutical • Nanobiotechnology • Photochemistry
Chemistry • Biopharmaceutics
• Biochemistry

Guideline for author

Manuscripts will be subjected to peer review process to determine their suitability for publication
provided they fulfill the requirements of the journal. After the review, manuscript will be returned
for revision along with reviewer’s and /or editor’s comments. One original copy of the final
revised manuscript should be submitted for publication within one month after receiving the
Submission of a manuscript to AJPRD for publication implies that the same work has not been
published or is under consideration for publication in another journal.

Type of Manuscripts:

Research Papers: Research paper should present new experimental studies in elaborate form
that constitute a significant contribution to knowledge.

Review Articles: It should bring up the most important current topics or present interpretative
and critical accounts, but not simple compilation, on subjects of general interest.
Short Communications: A Short Communication is suitable for recording the results of
complete small investigations or giving details of new models or hypotheses, innovative
methods, techniques or apparatus. The style of main sections need not conform to that of full-
length papers. Short communications are 2 to 4 printed pages (about 6 to 12 manuscript pages)
in length.

Peer Review Process:

All manuscripts receive individual identification codes. The Editor in chief or Managing Editor
sends it to an appropriate Editor. However a submission may be declined by the Editor without
review, if deemed inappropriate for reasons other than scientific merit. The Editors are fully
responsible for decisions about manuscripts. The final decision whether to accept or reject a
paper rests with them. The Editor in chief only communicates the final decision and informs the
authors about further processing.

Revised Manuscript Submission:

When revision of a manuscript is requested, authors should return the revised version of their
manuscript as soon as possible. Prompt action may ensure fast publication if a paper is finally
accepted for publication.

Research Article

These articles should clearly describe new and carefully confirmed results and experimental
procedure which should be given in required details for others to verify the work. The article can
be up to 2500 words excluding references and abstract. For proper referring and fast publication
all manuscript should be grammatically correct.

Manuscript Preparation:

Manuscript should be neatly typed, single spaced throughout, including tables, graphs, and
figures. Manuscript should be uniform size with at least 0.5” margins on all sides. We do not
want any hard copy or CD of the manuscripts.
Prepare the manuscript in Times New Roman font using a font size 12. Title shall be in a font
size 14, bold face capitals. All section titles in the manuscript shall in font size 12, bold face
capitals. Subtitles in each section shall be in font size 12, bold face lower case and in Italic.
Standard International units could be used throughout the text. Pages should be numbered
consecutively, manuscript should be starting with the title page indicating author details and the
text should be arranged in the following order:

1. Title page, with names of Authors, addresses, phone numbers, email ids and address for
2. Abstracts,
3. Key words,
4. Introduction,
5. Materials and Methods,
6. Results and Discussions,
7. References.
Each table or figure should be presented with corresponding numbers. Tables and Figures must
be cited in the text in numerical order. Table 2 cannot be first cited before Table1. If Citation to a
Table or figure is not found in the text, the table or figure will be deleted.

Cover letter:

During submission of the article, a cover letter should be included having

• Authors full address and telephone/fax number.

• The type of article (Research or Review) along with the title.
• The corresponding author should mention the undertaking that if any animal studies
carried was in accordance with their country or institutional ethical committee and also
state that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere (except in the form of an
abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis).

• Fill the cover letter and send along with your manuscript. Without these forms (Cover
letter) your manuscript will not be considered for publication.

• Click here for covering letter

Title Page

The Title page should be at the beginning of the research article. Title page should contain title
of the article in bold face, title case (font size 14), names of the authors in normal face, upper
case (font size 12) followed by the address in normal face lower case. The author to whom all
correspondence be addressed should be denoted by an asterisk mark. The title should be as
short as possible and precisely indicate the nature of the work in the communication. Names of
the authors should appear as initials followed by surnames. At the bottom left corner of the title
page, please mention address for correspondence and provide a functional e-mail address.
* Mobile number must be provided to avoid delay in communication.


Precise and overtly written abstract should not exceed more than 250 words. Abstract should
start on a new page after the title page and should be typed in single-space. Abstracts should
briefly reflect all aspects of the study, as most databases list mainly abstracts.

Provide and arrange four to six appropriate keywords alphabetically after abstract


Introduction should start on a new page after the abstract & key-words. The Introduction should
provide a clear statement of the problem, the relevant recent literature on the subject, objectives
of the research study, and the proposed approach or solution.

Materials and Methods

Materials and Methods should start as a continuation to introduction on the same page. All
important materials used along with their source shall be mentioned. The main methods used
shall be briefly described with appropriate reference. New methods or substantially modified
methods may be described in sufficient detail. Methods in general use need not be described in
detail. The statistical method and the level of significance chosen shall be clearly stated.


Results section should start as a continuation to materials and methods on the same page. This
section should focus on the execution of stated objectives as given in the introduction part of the
research study. It should contain the findings represented in the form of tables, figures and
photographs. All tables and figures must have a title or caption and a legend to make them self-
explanatory. The data should be statistically analyzed and the level of significance stated.


Discussion section should follow results, deal with the interpretation of results, convey how they
help to increase the current understanding of the problem and should be logical. Unsupported
hypothesis should be avoided. The Discussion should state the possibilities the results uncover,
that need to be further explored. The Results and Discussion sections when appropriate can be
combined as Results and Discussion.


Authors should obtain permission to acknowledge from all those mentioned in the
Acknowledgements. Please list the source(s) of funding for the study, for each author, and for
the manuscript preparation in the acknowledgements section. Also include their source(s) of
funding, acknowledge anyone who contributed materials vital for the study.

The references should be listed on a separate sheet and should be numbered consecutively in
the order in which they are first mentioned in the text (not in alphabetical order). Cite the
references in the text by the appropriate number e.g. [1], [2, 3], [4-6], [7, 8-10] and the numbers
should be within square brackets. Avoid using abstracts as references. Nothing should be

Journal / Magazine Article

Numerical order. Author's surname Author's first name or initial. Title of article.
Title of the Journal Year of publication; Volume Number: Page numbers of article.

Journals: Sharma S., Gupta A., Sharma R., New Drug Delivery System for elderly, Indian
Drugs 2001; 38:4: 415-20.

Numerical order. Author's surname Author's first name or initial. Title of the Book.
Edition [if not first]. Place of publication: Publisher's name; Year of publication.

Books: Lachman L, Lieberman HA, Kanig JL. The theory and practice of industrial pharmacy.
3rd ed. Mumbai: Varghese Publishing house; 1987.p. 185-188.
Author/editor's surname author/editor's first name or initial. Editor [if appropriate].
Title of page. Title of site. Last update or copyright date. URL (Access date).

For example:

Hudson P. P.M, Costello liars: former bank chief. In: The Age. 8 Nov. 2008. (8 Nov. 2008).

Or, if the author is unknown

Title of page. Title of site. Last update or copyright date. URL (Access date).

For example:
McGwire owns the mark alone. 8 Nov. 2008. (8 Nov.

Copyright and Permission

Submission is a representation that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not
under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors would be required to sign a form (to be
supplied by the editor transferring copyright before the manuscript can be published.

Gallery Proof

Unless indicated otherwise, gallery proofs are sent to the address given for correspondence. It
is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure the gallery proofs are returned without

Authors are requested to send their research articles strictly according to the given
format mentioned in the guidelines to the authors.

Manuscript Charges

Only on acceptance of the manuscript after peer review, authors will require to pay 1000/- or US
$ 80 per Article processing, evaluation, editor’s peer reviewing fee and prints charges, for which
a mail regarding payment details and mode of payment will be communicated to the authors by
editor-in-chief of the Journal. Waiver policy is not applicable. Author(s) will be entitled to one
copy of the printed Article with free of charge i.e. one printed copy is provided against one

Paper/Article Publication Certificate

The unique identification which AJPRD provide to the Person/Author on behalf of his or her
article or paper which was published in AJPRD.

The Paper or Article Publication Certificate will be send by post/courier to his address within
a 1 Month after publication of his paper/article in Current Issue

Paper layout Details

Following table are giving complete details about page setup, manuscript layout, figures and
table specifications etc.
Table I: Page setup details

Particulars Specifications
Margins Top = 0.5”, Bottom = 0.5” , Left = 0.75”, Right =
0.75”, Gutter = 0”, Gutter Position = Left
Orientation Portrait
Paper Size A4 ( 8.27” × 11.69”)
Headers 0.5”
Footers 0.5”

Table II: Manuscript layout Details

Particulars Specifications
Font Type Font Text Text Pattern
Size Alignment Normal/Title case/All
capital/Bold /Italic/
Title Times New Roman 14 Left Title Case + Bold
Author(s) Name Times New Roman 12 Left Normal + Bold
Affiliation & E mail Times New Roman 12 Left Normal
Abstract Heading Times New Roman 12 Justify Bold + Italic
Abstract Body text Times New Roman 12 Justify Normal
Keywords Heading Times New Roman 12 Justify Bold + Italic
Keywords Times New Roman 12 Justify Normal
Main Heading Times New Roman 12 Left All Capital + Bold
First Subheading Times New Roman 12 Left Normal + Bold +
Second Subheading Times New Roman 12 Left Normal + Italic +
Body Text Times New Roman 12 Justify Normal
Acknowledgement Times New Roman 12 Justify Normal
References Times New Roman 12 Justify Normal

Table III: Figure setup Details:

Particulars Specifications
Acceptable Type of Image Only JPEG format
Text Wrapping None
Size Height = 8.4 cm or 8.4 m
Width = 8.4 cm or 8.4 m
Color Black and white
Alignment Left
Caption Justify + Times New Roman + 10 + Normal
Position of figure Caption Bottom of figure + Justify
Caption Heading style Figure1; Figure 2: …………
Figure Footnote Justify + Times New Roman + 10 + Normal
Table IV: Table Setup Details

Particulars Specifications
Table Heading Centre Alignment + Times New Roman + Font
Size 12 + Bold Face + Italic

Table text Alignment Left Alignment + Times New Roman + Font

Size 12 + Normal

Table Subheading Centre Alignment + Times New Roman + Font

Size 12 + Italic

Caption Justify + Times New Roman + 10 + Normal

Position of table Caption Above Table + Justify
Caption Heading style Table I: , Table II: …………..
Table Footnote Justify + Times New Roman + 10 + Normal

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Dr. M. P. Khinchi

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