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BS8110 Structure Use of Concrete

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It has been a tradition since the first DSIR Code for reinforced concrete, published in 1934, for an explanatory handbook to be prepared. This work was undertaken by the team of Scott, Glanville and Thomas. and the version of the Handbook to CP114: 1965, published in 1965. is still relevant. Similarly, for prestressed concrete, a guide to CP115:1959 was prepared by XValley and Bate and published in 1961. With the combination of the various codes into the Unified Code of practice for the structural use of concrete and the incorporation of limit state design procedures. the Code drafting committee expressed the desire and need for the tradition to be continued. However, the scope and content of CPI 10 necessitated a somewhat different approach from that in the past in that. firstl there was a need to involve more authors who had been intimately concerned in preparing the draft clauses for the Code committee and. secondly, the sheer volume of material precluded the inclusion of the actual code clauses. The Cement and Concrete Association. having already taken over responsibility for publishing the existing Handbook and Guide, agreed to publish the Handbook to CP11O. and an appropriate team of authors agreed to undertake the task of producing the material. An editorial group. consisting of Drs Bate. Cranston. Rowe and Somerville. integrated and correlated the material. Now that the revised version of CPIIO has been published as BS 8110. a new edition of the Handbook was required and Palladian Publications Ltd has assumed the responsibility for publishing it. As before. a group of authors was assembled and an editorial team appointed this consisted of Dr Rowe. Dr Somerville and Dr Beeby of the Cement and Concrete Association together with Dr Menzies of the Building Research Establishment.

Note on numbering at Tables and Figures Tables and Figures in this Handbook are prefaced by H~ (e.g. Figure H3. 19) to distinguish them from Tables and Figures in the Code itself, which are referred to by the number alone (e.g. Table 3.1). Tables and Figures in Part 2 of the Handbook are also prefaced by (2) (e.g. Figure H(2)3.1).

D. D. Matthews,
MA. DEng. FEng. FICE. FiStructE. FAmSocCE

Chairman of the Code Committee

It may be recalled that for over half a century there has been a Handbook to the current British Concrete Code. First there was Scott and Glanville on the DSIR Code, later Scott. Glanville and Thomas on CPI14 and \Vallev and Bate on CPuS. This practice was continued for CP1 10:1972 by the Handbook produced by the Cement and Concrete Association under the general authorship of Drs Bate and Rowe. The Drafting Committee CSB/39 in its preparation of BS 8110:1985 welcomed the proposal of the current Handbook under the general editorship of Dr Rowe. Director-General of the Cement and Concrete Association and currently Chairman of the Structural Codes Advisory Committee of the Institution of Structural Engineers. Dr Menzies of the Building Research Establishment, and Drs Somerville and Beeby of the Cement and Concrete Association. The drafting of a British Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Concrete is necessarily dependent on the contributions provided by the serving panels of the Structural Codes Advisorv Committee of the Institution of Structural Engineers, by the Building Research Establishment and the Cement and Concrete Association. The explanations of the changes between CPI 10:1972 and BS 8110:1985 should be invaluable to readers interested in the up-to-date art and science of practical structural concrete. It is a pleasure to recommend the Handbook to the reader because it supplements the Code with the highest possible authority and is written in a manner which reflects the successful interaction between the authors and the other members of the Drafting Committee.

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Structural connections between precast units Composite concrete construction

115 121

Section one. General

1.1 1.2

Scope Definitions

11 ii ii

Section six. Concrete: materials, specification and construction

6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 Constituent materials of concrete Durability of structural concrete Concrete mix specification Methods of specification, production.
control and tests 127 131 135 141 143 144 145 145 145 146 146 147 148 148

Section two. Design objectives and general recommendations

2.2 2.3


Basis of design Structural design Inspection of construction Loads and material properties Analysis Designs based on tests

15 16 17 17 20 20

Transporting, placing and compacting


&ction three. Design and detailing: reinforced concrete



3.4 3:S

3.7 3.8

Design basis and strength of materials Structures and structural frames Concrete cover to reinforcement Beams Solid slabs supported by beams or walls Ribbed slabs (with solid or hollow blocks or voids) Flat slabs Columns

22 25 30 34 47 49 51 57 65 69

Curing Concreting in cold weather Concreting in hot weather Formwork Surface finish of concrete Dimensional deviations Construction joints Movement joints Handling and erection of precast concrete units

Section seven. Specification and workmanship: reinforcement


Cutting and bending

3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12

Walls Staircases Bases Considerations affecting design details


7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6

Fixing Surface condition Laps and joints Welding

154 156 156 156 156 157

Section four. Design and detailing: prestressed concrete

Section eight. Specification and workmanship: prestressing tendons

8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4


4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12

Design basis Structures and structural frames Beams Slabs Columns Tension members Prestressine

83 84 85 98 98 98 98 Loss of prestress. other than friction losses 99 Loss of prestress due to friction 102 Transmission lengths in pre-tensioned 103 members End blocks in post-tensioned members 104 Considerations affecting design details 104


General Handling and storage Surface condition Straightness Cutting Positionina of tendons and sheaths
Tensioning the tendons

8.8 8.9

Protection and bond of prestressing


158 160 160 160 161 161 161 162 163

Grouting of prestressing tendons


1.1 1.2

Section five. Design and detailing: Precast and composite construction

5.1 5.2 Design basis and stability provisions Precast concrete construction 110

Scope Definitions

167 167 167


Section two. Non-linear methods of analysis for the ultimate limit state
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6

Section six. Autoclaved aerated concrete



Design loads and strengths Restrictions on use Torsional resistance of beams Effective column height Robustness

168 169
169 170 171

6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7

General Materials Reinforcement Production of units Methods of assessing compliance with limit state requirements Erection of units Inspection and testing


195 195 196 196 196

Section three. Serviceability calculations

3.1 3.2 3.3
3.4 3.5 3.6

General Serviceability limit states Loads

Analysis ofstructure for sex-viceabilitv limit states Material properties for the calculation of

173 174 178 178 178 178 179 179

Section seven. Elastic deformation, creep, drying shrinkage and thermal strains of concrete

General Elastic deformation


3.7 LI

curvature and stresses Calculation of curvatures Calculation of deflection Calculation of crack width

7.3 7.4

Drying shrinkage
Thermal strains

197 198 198 198 198

Section eight. Movement joints

8.1 L2 General Need for movement joints

i~ ~stlon
4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 45

four. Fire resistance


General Factors to be considered in determining fire resistance Tabulated data (method 1) Fire (method 2) Fire test engineering calculations (method 3)


83 8.4 8.5

Types of movement joint Provision of joints Design of joints

199 199 199

200 200

189 189

Section five. Additional considerations in the use of lightweightaggregate concrete

5.1 5.2 5.3

Section nine. Appraisal and testing of structures and components during construction

General Cover for durability and fire resistance

Characteristic strength of concrete

191 192 192

192 193

5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8

5.9 5.10

Shear resistance Torsional resistance of beams Deflections Columns Walls Anchorage bond and laps Bearing stress inside bends

9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6

General Purpose of testing Basis of approach Check tests on structural concrete Load tests on structures or parts ofstructures Load tests on individual precast units

201 201 201 201 201 202 203 204

193 193 193

193 193

Tables Figures




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1.1 Scope

1.2 Definitions
See relevant sections.

1.3 Symbols
The huge number of variables with slightly different definitions which have to be used

in Codes of Practice. make notation a difficult problem. To list a different symbol for
every possible marginally different parameter would result in a totally unwieldy system.

The BS 8110 and CP1IO Committees took an alternative approach. using a concept employed in computer programming of local and ~lobal variables. On this basis it was decided that where a symbol was used only in a particular clause or equation. it could
be defined within that clause without it implying any meaning to the symbol in a more

general sense. This was developed further by adopting the American system of providing a list of symbols at the beginning of each section defining the symbols used in that section rather than a general list at the start of the Code. An attempt has been made here to give a general list of symbols. In a number of cases the list appears to contain ambiguities. However, as the Handbook is designed to be used in conjunction with the Code, the reader will find that no ambiguities actually occur in use.

A 6b

area of tensile reinforcement or prestressing tendons area of concrete area of concrete in compression area of steel required to resist horizontal shear area of prestressing tendons in the tension zone area of tension reinforcement area of bent-up bars area of compression reinforcement, or in columns. the area of reinforcement area of compression reinforcement area of tension reinforcement provided at mid-span(at support for a cantilever) area of compression reinforcement provided area of tension reinforcement required at mid-span to resist the moment due to design ultimate loads (at support for a cantilever) area of transverse steel in a flange area of shear reinforcement, or area of t~vo legs of a link
deflection distance from the compression face to the point at which the crack width is being calculated centre-to-centre distance between bars (or groups of bars) perpendicular to


a a

the plane of bend

distance from the crack considered to the surface of the nearest longitudinal bar angle of internal friction between the faces of the joint deflection of column at ultimate limit state average deflection of all columns at a given level at ultimate limit state length of that part of a member traversed by shear failure plane

width (breadth) or effective width of section

effective section dimension of a column perpendicular to the v axis

breadth of the compression face of a beam measured mid-way between


restraints (or the breadth of the compression face of a cantilever) breadth of effective moment transfer strip (of flat slab) width of section at the centroid of tension steel Ii

Handbook to BS8J]O.-1985

width (breadth) of section used to calculate the shear stress breadth or effective breadth of the rib of a beam C Cave C~, C~

torsional constant, or cover to main reinforcement

cmin c~, c~ d

effective cover plan dimen~ions of column width of column minimum cover to the tension steel plan dimensions of column, parallel to longer and shorter side of base respectively effective depth of section or, for sections entirely in compression, distance from most highly stressed face of section to the centroid of the layer of

reinforcement furthest from that face

dh depth to the compression reinforcement depth of the head (of a column)

[I C 1! [ [

depth to the centroid of the compression zone depth from the extreme compression fibre either to the longitudinal bars or to the centroid of the tendons, whichever is the greater static modulus of elasticity of concrete dynamic modulus of elasticity of concrete static modulus of elasticity of concrete at age effective (static) modulus of elasticity of concrete nominal earth load reinforcement modulus of elasticity of concrete at the age of loading modulus of elasticity of concrete at age of unloading

Ecq E,ff

e ea

Fb Fbf



initial modulus zero stress eccentricity, or of theelasticity base of at Napierian logarithms additional eccentricity due to deflections resultant eccentricity of load at right angles to the plane of the wall resultant eccentricity calculated at the top of a wall resultant eccentricity calculated at the bottom of a wall total design ultimate load on a beam or strip of slab design force in a bar used in the calculation of anchorage bond stresses design bursting tensile force in an anchorage zone tensile force due to ultimate loads in a bar or group of bars in contact at the start of a bend force in a bar or group of bars basic force used in defining tie forces stress bond stress design ultimate anchorage bond stress maximum compressive stress in the concrete under service loads concrete strength at transfer design compressive stress due to prestress design stress at distance x from the end of member characteristic strength of concrete design tensile stress in the tendons design effective prestress in the tendons after all losses
characteristic strength of a prestressing tendon estimated design maximum design service principal stress tensile in the stress tension reinforcement

[ C C

f /5 f~.
G Gk H h

characteristic strength of reinforcement characteristic strength of shear or link reinforcement

shear modulus characteristic dead load storey height

I [


overall depth of the cross-section measured in the plane under consideration effective section dimension in a direction perpendicular to the x axis maximum size of the coarse aggregate effective depth (thickness) diameterof of flange a column or column head



I - -. -. -.. .- .-~ -.



hmax hmi IK n L a b.2 4ex4. 4, 1,4 4, 4 4, IM: M~dd ~ ~ MsM1 , M~M2 m~,m1~ N NbaI Nd n P0 Rr rb1 1

lsmal argerlerdidimmensi ononofofa a rect angul arsect ioionn ensi rect a ngul a rsect second moment of areaatoft he section coef f i c i e nt . as appropri e span of member or, inofthemember, case of aorcant ilever, lelengt hh span or ef f e ct i v e span anchorage ngt cl ear hori zontal diisntgance between support ingmembers breadt h ofsupport member at one end or 1.8m, whi chever issththeesmal smallleerr breadt h ofsupport i n gmemberatt h eot h erendor1. 8 m. whi c heveri difmect ensi onheirel ateof d taocol coluumn mnsor(vwal ariol usly defined) ef i v e g ht ef f e ct i v e hei g ht i n respect oft h e maj o r or mi n or axi s respect i v el y efefearctihei vegdihtmof ensicol onumn ofaorhead (of col umn) cl wal l bet w een end restraints ldiesngt h ofprest r ess devel o pment taacent nce bet ween centres of columns, frames or walls supporting any two adj fl o or spans ftrloansmi or toscei lnl ingengt heihght si o ldiengt h ofbet sidweseen of poi aslnatbofzero panel ormoment base s t a nce panel lwi engt h. paral lel to span. measured from centres ofcolumns panel d t h measuredf r om cent r es of col u mns desi gtnional ultim ategnresi stitm ance moment addi desi ul at e moment incol duced by def leal ctlioowance n of beam idesi nitiganl desi g n ul t i m at e moment i n a u mn bef o re for additional moment s momentnecessaryt o producezerostressin theconcrete attheextremetension fdesi ibregn moment transf erredtrbet ween slabet b wand col uabmnand column maxi m um desi g n moment ansf e rred een sl desi ggnn moment ofresi stsance of tthhee sect iony axis respectively desi ul t i m at e moment about x and effectiveuniaxialdesignultimate moments aboutthexandyaxisrespectively smal ilaend lendmoment momentdue duetotodesi designgnulultim timatateelolads oads lmaxi argerlmerum iniintiiatdesi gndthulandspan timate moment s respect eitherover supports or at mid-span on st r i p s of uni t wi 4 or4 i v el y desi ggnn axi aall floorce desi axi adcapaci tyedges ofa bal anced section number of di s cont i n uous (0~ N ~4) desi ggnn ul ulttiim mat atee lcapaci ty of taarea, sectioorn numberofcol when subjecteudmnsresi to axiasl tliongadsidonl y at desi o adperuni esway anumberof given levelstoorst oirey (st inruct 1.1) reys n a desigrnessi ultnigmat ercei axinal telondon ad at the jacking end (or the tangentpoint near the prest f o jprest ackinressi g end) nsgf oircei n tendonatdi stancexalongthecurvefromthetangentpoint charact e ri t i c m posed l o ad rest aint radi factuosr of(agai nst early thermal contraction cracking) iradi nteurrnal bend s of curvature curvature at mid-span or. for cantilevers, at the support section shrinkage curvature curvature at x

Handbookto BSSIIO:1985
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Handbook to BSSIIO:198S


T 4, u V

first moment of area of reinforcement about the centroid of the cracked or gross section spacing of bent-up bars spacing of links along member torsional moment due to ultimate loads effective thickness of a slab for fire resistance assessment thickness of non-combustible finish (for fire resistance) length (or effective length) of the outer perimeter of the zone considered effective length of the perimeter which touches a loaded area shear force due to design ultimate loads, or design ultimate value of a concentrated load desi2n shear resistance of bent-up bars design ultimate shear resistance of the concrete design ultimate shear resistance of a section uncracked in tiexure design ultimate shear resistance of a section cracked in flexure design effective shear force in a flat slab design shear force transferred to column design shear stress design shear stress in the concrete design concrete shear stress corrected to allow for axial forces


V~ff V1 v

v~, v5,,

maximum design shear stress design end shear on strips of unit width and span 4 or 4, respectively and considered to act over the middle three-quarters of the edge
torsional shear stress


minimum torsional shear stress. above which reinforcement is required maximum combined shear stress (shear plus torsion)
P4 x x1

characteristic wind load neutral axis depth. or dimension of a shear perimeter parallel to the axis of bending smaller centre-to-centre dimension of a rectangular link half the side of the end block half the side of the loaded area lever arm


larger centre-to-centre dimension of a rectangular link coefficient expansion, or angle between shear reinforcement and the plane of beam or of slab ratio of the sum of the column stiffness to the sum of the beam stiffness at the lower or upper end of a column respectively
lesser of ~ and ~ modular ratio (E1IE~~~)

a a~.l,aC.2


ae ~ ~


bending moment coefficients for slabs spanning in two directions at right angles. simply supported on four sides coefficient, variously defined, as appropriate partial safety factor for load
partial safety factor for strength of materials difference in temperature


final (30 year) creep strain in concrete free shrinkage strain strain in concrete at maximum stress average strain at the level where the cracking is being considered thermal strain assumed to be accommodated by cracks shrinkage of plain concrete strain at the level considered, calculated ignoring the stiffening effect of the

Cm Cr


concrete in the tension zone

coefficient proportion of of friction solid material per unit width of slab p d~e

area of steel relative to area of concrete creep coefficient. or diameter

effective bar size

[ [I [



2.1 Basis of design
2.1.1 Aim of design The aim or purpose of design is explicitly stated and hence should ensure that all the criteria relevant to safety, serviceability and durability are considered in the desicn process. These criteria are related to the performance of the structure or, equally, its unfitness for use and each is associated with a limit state. Thus the aim of design is to provide an acceptable probability that the structure, or part of it, will not attain am specific limit state during its expected life. The intended life of the structure must, obviously, be considered at the outset together with the defined, or likely, maintenance. Further, changes in use, in environment and in ownership are almost inevitable during the normal life of buildings and structures and thus imply that the designer treats each aspect of the performance with both judgement and an awareness of the imponderable aspects. As with otberstructural material~ kn6~)ledgc is not yet adequate to allow concrete structures~to be~designed for a specific durabilit~hand life. Structures designed and built according to the recommendations in the Code maynormally be expected to be sufficiently resistant to the aggressive effects of the environment that maintenance and repair of the ~oncretewill not be required for several decades. i.e.~;iife before significant maintenance ~ ~ It is for the client, designer. specifier, manufacturer or contractor, as appropriate, to make the choices necessary for the construction of a specific structure. These choices should be made following consideration of the uncertainties which are likely to be present in particular aspects of the design and construction phases and also of the subsequent use and environment of the structure in service. Where a greater uncertainty than usual is judged to be present in a particular aspect it should be offset by adopting a more cautious, or stringent, approach or by introducing alternative safeguards~ Where a higher than usual degree of assurance of durability is required, choices should be made which ensure that the structure and its maintenance will be of higher than usual quality.

2.1.2 Design method The limit state concept has ~i*iedinternatioi lhcceptaiice(21~22-3~ but. in particular, has been adopted within the European Economic Community as the basis for the draft Eurocodes. The acceptable probabilities for the various limit states have not been defined or quantified by the Code Committee but care has been taken throughout the Code to ensure that structures designed in accordance with the Code have sensibly the same level of safety as those designed in accordance with the previous Codes. Furthermore, much more attention has been devoted to the serviceability requirements of structures, which form an integral part of the limit state design process. The durability of structures has come to the fore in recent years and it should be recognised that durability has to be designed into a structure at the concept and detailin2 stages, the designers intents must be clearly expressed and then implemented effectively in practice.

2.1.3 Durability, workmanship and materials

2.1.4 Design process


Handbook to BS8IlO:198S

2.2 Structural design

2.2.1 General The limit states to be considered fall into two categories, namely ultimate and serviceability limit states. The criteria given in Part 2 for the serviceability limit states are those which are generally applicable but obviously, in certain circumstances, more
or less stringent criteria may be specified by a controlling authority or client, or be

deemed necessary by the engineer. In Part 1, all the criteria are dealt with by deemed-tosatisfy clauses. 2.2.2 Ultimate limit state (ULS) This limit state is concerned with the strength of the structure being adequate in the sense of giving an acceptable probability of its not collapsing under the action of defined
design loads: as such it is treated by appropriate formal calculations which take account of both primary and secondary effects in the members and the structure as a whole. The possibility of collapse being initiated by foreseeable. though indefinable and perhaps exceedingly pressure. vehicle impact. remote, should effects be which considered are not in treated designformally either in design e.g. explosive (a) by adopting a structural concept (including layout) or form of construction which can accept a decrease in. or complete loss of. the structural effectiveness of certain


members albeit with a reduced level of safety for the structure as a whole; or (b) by the provision of appropriate devices to limit the effects of these accidental
occurrences to acceptable levels. e.g. the use of controlled venting, crash barriers.

For special-purpose structures, there may well be particular hazards which, in effect,
require a special limit state to be considered. In these cases. unless the hazard can ber specified in sensible and effective loading terms, the assessment of what will be acceptablet. is left to the engineer. 2.2.3 Serviceability limit states (SLS) General

Deflection due to vertical loading Response to wind loads

[ F:
L Cracking Reinforced concrete. The evidence on the significance of crack width on the~
corrosion of reinforcing steel is conflicting but it is generally accepted that, for theL environmental conditions obtaining for most structures in the United Kingdom, a surface

crack up to 0.3mm wide may exist from both aesthetic and performance viewpoints provided (3.3). More that information the qualityon of acceptable the concrete crack and widths the cover can tobe the found reinforcement in CEB Bulletin are controlled 166~~It must be emphasized that cracking is influenced by many factors and is a variable phenomenon; hence, absolute limits to the widths of cracks cannot be given or compliedf

with and the requirements given in the Code merely provide an acceptable probabilityL
of the limiting widths not being exceeded. Prestressed concrete. The criteria given for Class 1 and 2structures are essentially the same as those in the previous codes. For Class 3 structures, which correspond to what have been termed partially prestressed structures, the limiting width of crack i5~j 0.1mm fo: very severe and extreme category environments, and for all other~ conditions is 0.2mm. Thus, there is a progression from Class 1. 2 and 3 to reinforced
concrete structures.

Part I: Section 2 Vibration In the majority of structures, the stiffness provided to comply with the requirements of the deflection limit state will be such thatAno further consideration of vibration is necessary. Where specific consideration of vibration is required by virtue of known repeated loading, the following should be included:
(a) the damping characteristics of the material (b) the dynamic magnification.effects on the structural members (c) the sensitivity of human beings to vibration. Steffenst5~ reviews the problem and gives a detailed bibliography. BRE Digest No 278. 1983. Vibrations: building and human response, is also relevant. BS 6472:1984 Guide to evaluation of human exposure to vibration and shock in buildings (1 Hz to 80 Hz)

gives further guidance. 2.2.4 Durability This is a function of the conditions of exposure, the quality of the concrete as placed. the cover to the steel and the crack width if significantly greater than 0.3mm. The first three of these are controlled by the requirements of 3.3 and Table 3.4. The quality of the concrete in turn is controlled by the requirements of 6.2 to ensure adequate durability in the various exposure conditions. In design. both strength and durability requirements have to be satisfied and so the quality of concrete chosen will depend on which of these two criteria governs. In conditions of severe exposure, a high minimum cement content may be specified and it mat well therefore be appropriate to utilize the strength associated with this in design. Where exceptionally severe environments are encountered which are outside the categories indicated in Table 3.2, reference should be made to Leat?6). 2.2.5 FatIgue ftFatigue~ loadingis extremely unlikely 9nmlost.Mructures, particularly fatigue loading which is appreciable in relation to the characteristic imposed load. Even in very special cases where the primary loading is of a fatigue type, the behaviour of both reinforced and prestressed concrete (Class 1. 2 and 3). designed in accordance with 3. 4 and 5, is such that the endurance limit is of the order of millions of cycles. The only significant effects are on the widths of cracks and the deflections, d~ese increasing by between 20 ~and25%-comparedwith equivalent static loading. More detailed information may be found in~Yeferences 2.7, 2.8 and 2.9. 2.2.6 Fire resistance See 3.3.6. 2.2.7 Lightning

2.3 Inspection of construction

See reference 2.10.

2.4 Loads and material properties

2.4.1 Loads Characteristic values of loads Nominal earth loads, E~ Partial safety factors for load, Vt Strictly speaking. y~ is the partial safety factor for loads and load effects as indicated by

Handbook to 8S8110:1985

the effects it embraces. The design load for each limit state is the product of the characteristic load and the relevant partial safety factor y~: hence. y~ may be considered as covering the following: (a) (i) Possible unusual increases in the actual load not covered in deriving the characteristic load. (ii) reduced probability that exist for combinations of loads all at characteristic value (b) Assumptions made in design which affect the distribution of stresses. or load effects. in the structure. It is implied that the assumptions normally made and given in 3. 4 and 5 give an acceptable accuracy in the assessment of the effects of loading. (c) The dimensional accuracy achieved in construction. It is implied that the tolerances defined in the relevant clauses of 3. 4 and 5 are complied with. (d) The nature of the limit state and its significance as assessed from the economic consequences of attaining it and the safety aspect with regard to human life associated with it. In strict limit state terminology(.I this particular aspect is covered by a special partial safety factor ~ For simplicity, and because the economic and social consequences cannot as yet readily be quantified. the Code implicitly assumes y~ is unity.

[I F Loads during construction 2.4.2 Material properties Characteristic strengths of materials
The characteristic strength of materials is defined on the basis of test results. from appropriate standard test specimens. as that value below which not more than 5% of all possible results fall. i.e. the 5% fractile. For.a normal, or Gaussian. distribution of test results in which the mean value iS/rn and the standard deviation iss. then the characteristic

value fk is given by
Ac = frnl.64S

C Partial safety factors for strengths of materials, Vm The partial safety factor for materials. Yin, is necessary to relate the strength of the material in the actual structure and its members. which is a function of the construction or production process. to the characteristic strength derived as above. Vrn also takes account of model uncertainties i.e. in the calculation models for the strength of sections. Its definition implies a certain standard of construction covered in the case of concrete by 6 and for steel by 7 and 8. Thus, the design strength is obtained by dividing, the characteristic strength by the relevant value of Yni Stressstrain relationships In analysis, the response of the structure is governed by the average properties of the materials throughout the structure: for convenience, however, it is assumed that the characteristic strength, and the properties associated with it. will obtain since these have
to be specified by the designer. This assumption will be conservative but it does impiy that a single analysis will suffice for all limit states thus simplifying the design process. The design strengths of the materials are relevant only when considerin2 the behaviour of cross-sections within the structure and it is then that the relevant values of y~ obtain. The stress-strain curves given in Figures 2. 12.3 have been derived from the available data to be representative for design purposes. For concrete (Figure 2.1), the curve differs

F [ L
I. L

from that given in reference 2. 1 by having a variable strain at the intersection of the parabola and straight line, which is a function of the strength of the concrete, and a defined tangent at the origin. This is more consistent with the available data, particularlY for the higher concrete strengths. although slightly more complicated: it is also more useful in the non-linear analysis which may become more important in the future. The elastic modulus for concret~is a function of the significant parameters affecting it is discussed in Section 7 of Part 2 (particularly Table 7.2). The moduli given for the

[ U

various types of steel are typical and are accurate enough for all design calculations. For


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I Poissons ratio for concrete 2.4.3 Values of loads for ultimate limit state (ULS) Design loads

Part 1: Section 2

reinforcement, the modulus of~clasticfty rangu~betwecn.2OO and 2O5kN/mm2.

For prestressing tendons, it is advisable to use the actual secant modulus of elasticity in determining the expected extension during stressing. General. The selection of the yr factors for the various combinations of load
has been governed largely by the consideration that structures designed in accordance with the Code should have sensibly the same degree of safety and serviceability as structures designed in accordance with previous codes and will have the same general

standards of workmanship and quality control. Therefore the global factors of safety. the product y~Xyi, ranges from 1.15 x 1.4 = 1.61 to 1.15 x 1.6 = 1.84 for structures sustaining wholly dead load to wholly live load.
Although the three load combinations 1, 2 and 3 should be considered for all the

structural members. of the three, load combination 1 will govern design in most building
structures, particularly since for this load combination the minimum design dead load

1.0 Gk has to be consideredt2 [U; combination 2 will govern in those structures where the wind loading is the primary imposed load. e.g. chimneys, cooling towers. etc.. and for this case the minimum and maximum values of v~ are 1.0 and 1.4 respectively.
The ultimate strength of sections and the ultimate load of structures are not significantly

affected by the effects of temperature. creep or shrinkage because the deformations produced by these causes are much less than those associated with the collapse conditions.
These effects are therefore considered only for the serviceability limit states. Partial factors for earth pressure. See Section 2 of Part 2. Effects of exceptional loads or localized damage Creep, shrinkage and temperature effects 2.4.4 Strengths of materials for the ultimate limit state Design strengths The values of y~ are relevant to the control and workmanship requirements given elsewhere in the Code. Obviously, where data exist. e.g. in the manufacture of precast units, these may be used to justify lower values for Ym for concrete~21~. When considering misuse or accident, the reduced probability of occurrence is reflected in the lower values of 1.3 and 1.0 for y~. Effects of exceptional loads or localized damage 2.4.5 Design loads for serviceability limit states See 3.3 of Part 2. 2.4.6 Material properties for serviceability limit states General Since for these limit states it is deformation in general which is the criterion, and this
depends on the behaviour of the structure as a whole. the properties of the materials

are taken as those related to the characteristic strength although. strictly speaking, the mean strength should be used, but it is the former that is known and specified; hence Yin 15 1.0 in general. For the treatment of individual sections such as in cracking, the
local properties of the concrete assume a greater importance and so

is taken as 1.3

to ensure an acceptable probability. See 3.2 of Part 2.

Handbook to BS,3110:1985 Tensile stress criteria for prestressed concrete

2.4.7 Material properties for durability To achieve appropriate durability for the expected life of the structure requires an integrated approach to d~i~fl7~$ecifications and construction as mentioned earlier
(2.1.2S. The specific material related aspects are itemized here with forward references to sections and clauses covering their treatment; then the clause provides a check list. Summarizing the subject is possible succinctly by the 4 Cs. namely: constituents compaction curing

[ C [

to which could be added control. checking and care.

2.5 Analysis
2.5.1 General The more fundamental approaches are those which are based upon the moment-curvature and moment-rotation relations for reinforced and prestressed concrete sections; descriptions of these are given in references 2.12 and 2.13. 2.5.2 Analysis of structure

Of the assumptions permitted for the stiffness of members in elastic analysis, that associated with the gross concrete section (a) will for obvious reasons, generally be used: (b) and (c) may be relevant when checking existing structures for new loadings associated
with change of use. Some useful sources on yield-line theory and the strip method for slabs are references 2.1417.

2.5.3 A.nalvsis of sections for the ultimate limit state 2.5.4 Analysis of sections for serviceability limit states

2.6 Designs based on tests

2.6.1 Model tests See reference 2.18. 2.6.2 Prototype tests See reference 2.19. It should be emphasized that, appropriate testing having been carried out to establish a design procedure for a structure or structural members. this is equivalent to design by calculation in accordance with 3. 4 and S. There is. therefore. no further need for testing the production units other than for quality control. or assurance. purposes.




Code for concrete structures. 1978.


I~TER.NATIONAL STANDARDS ORGANIZATION General principles for the verification of the safety of structures. Geneva. 12 pp. International Standard 2394:1973. 2.3 RowE. RE. c~NS~rON w a. and aes-r. ac. New concepts in the design of structural concrete. The 9-4)3. Discussion. Vol.44. No.4. Structural Vol.43. No.12. December 1965. No pp.39 April 1966.Engineer. ppl27-133. Further Discussion. Vol.4-I. 11. November 1966. pp.411-2l 2.4 ~OMI-~EEURO-INTERNATIONAL DL aETON Draft CEB guide to durable concrete structures. MaY 1985. 2~ pp. CEB Bulletin 166. 2.5 sm~v~s. R Structural vibration and damage. London. HMSO. 1974. 6 pp.



Parr 1: Section 2 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13

The chemistry of cement and concrete. Third edition. London. Edward Arnold. 9-676. 1970. pp.65 SNOWDON. L.C. The static and fatigue performance .of concrete beams with high-strength deformed bars. London. Construction Industry Research and Information Association, August 1970. 31 pp. CIRIA Report 24. BATE. s.c.c. A comparison between prestressed-concrete and reinforced-concrete beams under repeated loading. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Vol.24. March 1963. pp.331-358. s~ra\ms. R.F. Tests on prestressed concrete beams. Concrete. Vol.3. No.11. November 1969. pp.452-457. INST~Tt-~ON OF sRucrUkAL ENGINEERS. Inspection of building structures during construction. London. 1983. 22 pp. DEEB~. AW. and CItANsTON. we. Influence of load systems on safety. Civil Engineering and Public Works Review. Vol.67. No.797. December 1972. pp.1251-1253. 1255. 1257-1258. BAKER. ALL. Limit-state design of reinforced concrete. London. Cement and Concrete Association. 1970. 360 pp. Publication 12.037. (Now out of print.) coMITE ELTROPEEN DLJ BE-roN. Appendix to International Recommendations (1970) Hyperstatic
i..e~. p.,.i.

Structures. Paris. 1972.


and wooo, RH. Yield-line analysis of slabs. London. Thames & Hudson. Chatto &

Windus. 1967. 405 pp.

2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 Yield-line formulae for slabs. Translated from Danish. London. Viewpoint Publications. 1972. 106 pp. Publication 12.044. wooo. RH. and ARMER. OsT. The theory of the strip method for design of slabs. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Vol.41. October 1968. pp.285-311. ARNIER. OST. The strip method: a new approach to the design of slabs. Concrete. Vol.2. No.9. September 1968. pp.358-363. ROWE. RE. and BASE. GD. Model analysis and testing as a design tool. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Vol.33. February 1966. pp 183- 199. 5oN4ERvILLE. G. Development testing for structural concrete. Engineering. Vol.205. No.532 1. 12 April 1968. pp.558-559.



3.1 Design basis and strength of materials
3.1.1 General The methods of analysis and design have been chosen primarily for their simplicity in use and the wide range of conditions over which they produce acceptable results. Other methods are permitted but it is suggested that they should not be more complicated in use than those recommended. The limitations of the methods should be fully recognized: in many cases. limitations are stated. but often it will be necessary to rely on the experience and judgement of the engineer carrvin~ out the design. It is for this reason that all design should be supervised by suitably quaiAed and experienced engineers. 3.1.2 Basis of design for reinforced concrete In general. the initial analysis and design of a reinforced concrete structure will be tor the ultimate limit state and the final stages will involve checking for the serviceability limit states. It will be prudent. however, when assessing preliminary proportions for the structure to perform a rough check on the ratios of the span to effective depth in accordance with 3.1.3 Alternative methods (serviceability limit state) These are discussed under Part 2. Section 5

F [

r [

3.1.4 Robustness

general requirements

Since the partial collapse of the Ronan Point block of flats and of a precast structure at Aldershot, it has become accepted that designing a structure to withstand th~p~cifjed. design loads is nor sufficient in itself to guarantee a structure with the required level of safer~. An additional property is required of the structure which can be described as robustness. This can possibly best be defined as an ability to withstand all the minor unforeseen occurrences and accidents to which the may be subjected during its life without major consequences. Itt particular~..itis essentiaL to avoi~tniduraL solutions where damage t~ one member can lead to a major collapse (progressive collapse or a house of cards type of failure). The general requirement for robustness was expressed in CP11O as follows: No structure can be expected to be resistant to the excessive loads and forces that could arise due to an extreme cause, but it should not b~ damaged to an extent disproportionate to the original cause Clause in BS 8110 attempts to express the same idea in a slightly different form: Structures should be not unreasonably susceptible to the effects of accidents. In particular. situations should be avoided where damage to small areas of a structure or failure of single elements may lead to collapse of major parts of the structure. While it is generally understood what is meant by a robust building. the development of design rules which will ensure this has been less easy since robustness, unlike strength. is not a concept that can be expressed mathematically. Attempts have been made to define what constitutes ~major parts of the structure though not in BS 8110. Building Regulation A3 states that, if one member is considered removed by an accident then:



(a) structural failure consequent on that removal would not occur within any storey other than the storey of which the member forms part, the storey next above (if any) and the storey next below (if any); and (b) any structural failure would be located within each such storey. It is further stated that (b) may be deemed to be satisfied if the area within which structural failure might occur would not exceed 70m or 15% of the area of the storey



Part 1: Sectwn 3

(measured in the horizontal plane). whichever is the less. It is understood that, under the revised Building Regulations, similar limits will be given in an Approved document. The~ Code specifies three basic measures to-~nsizre1hat a design is robust:
1. 2. ensure that there is no inherent weakness in the structural layout (see below); fot~ buj14~gs,~yhere the.wind Ioads~areJ~~ensure that the structure can withstand

~at1east~ nominajponzonraij9ad equ tpI.5%~ofthe dead weight (3A.4.2); and 3. e ensure that the loss oCone member will not result in the collapse of a major part of the structure. This last provision may be met in one of two ways: either each member may be considered to be removed in turn and the remaining structure checked to ensure that it will remain standing when subjected to the accidental combination of loads or a deemed to satisfy solution may be adopted using ties. Methodsfor designing for element removal are set out in Part 2. Section 2.6 and will b~ discussed more fi4ly later2 It is recognized that it may occasionally be impossible to avoid having single members which support what might be considered to be a major part of the structure and whose failure would thus automatically cause the collapse of a major part of the structure. Such elements are classed as key elements.. I.f possible, theyshould be avo~ded. However, where they are .unavoidable. special rules for their design are given in Part 2, Section 2.6. The Code does not explicitly define a key element but it would seem reasonable to assume that such an element was one which supported more than 70m or 15% of the area of a storey. The deemed to satisfy provisions for ties are set out in 3.12.3 but, for completeness of this general discussion, the principles of the method will be outlined here~ The basic element of the tie system is a peripheral tie or continuously reinforced strip around the entire perimeter of each floor. Internal ties, continuous over the whole length or breadth of the building and anchored to the peripheral tie at both ends, are provided to maintain the integrity of the whole floor should some part of it suffer severe damage. Similarly, vertical ties are provided over the whole height of vertical load bearing members. Where such members are located outside the peripheral tie, they are tied back into it. Figure H3.1 illustrates these principles.

vertical tie fixed back to peripheral tie

Figure H3. I. Schematic illustration of tying s~ste,n. General check of structural integrity This and other codes ask for a robust and stable planform without specifyine what constitutes such a structural layout. It is notpossible to give an exact definition of what the Code requires but gme.general-guidelines cart i~e Eiven. There seem to be two basic principles which can be stated here: 1. ~theoverall form q~b.~4xa wre should be chosen so that it is not excessively flexible
to any mode of.deformation:

Handbook to


the form of the structure should be such that the centre of resistance 6f the structure to a particular loading should be close to the line of action of the loading. These concepts can be explained more fully by examples. Consider the building layout sketched in Figure H3.2(a). This layout is reasonably stiff relative to uniform lateral loading but would have a very low torsional stiffness. Wewould not. of course, design this structure for torsion but torsions will inevitably occur (possibly due to gusting, eddying of wind around a structure etc) and this planform could hardly be considered

[I F [

to be robust.

(a) lack of torsional stiffnm

line of action of load


~ ~LI
0 0

17 17


centroid of resistance

0 0

0 0

I structure

1W llne~of wind lanai load andiesistanee not coincident

Figure H3. 2: Poor structural layouts (a) lack of torsional stiffness (b) lines of action of load and resistance not coincident


Figure H3.2(b) shows a situation-.*here the~ceticroid of the structure resisting lateral, load is well away frQm the liz~c of actiQa of the load. It will be seen that the lateral load can only be transferred rojthe structure-designed-- to carry it by inducing substantialtorsioQal distortion in the structure. 4 gain. this could not be considered to be a robust structural layout. Notional horizontal load Provision of ties See 3.12.3. Key elements and bridging structures See 2.6 in Part 2. Safeguarding against vehicular impact Flow chart of design procedure 3.1.5 DurabilIty and fire resistance of reinforced concrete As far as design is concerned. durability is dealt with largely in terms of the choice of
. .

L I-. L [

[1 [


. . .- - - S - ~ ...




- -

- - - -

Parr 1: Section 3


a suitable concrete quality and nominal cover. This is covered in Section 3.3 with more

general information in 6.2. The Handbook will deal with the background to these clauses under 6.2. Fire resistance is covered at two levels. Section 3.3 gives simple, safe rules for cover and member size while Part 2, Section 4 gives a much more thorough treatment. The fire resistance of a reinforced concrete structure is treated on an elemental basis i.e. column, beam, slab. wall etc. The tables in this Code refer to widths or thicknesses of sections and the amount of cover necessary to main and secondary reinforcement. Part 1 of the Code contains simplified tabular data for general use in ordinary reinforced concrete construction. Where the requirement of the design is not encompassed by the range of values given in the tables then the designer should refer to Part 2. Section 4 for a more detailed treatment. 3.1.6 Loads 3.1.7 Strength of materials General Selection of compressive strength grade of concrete The BS 5328 Table of preferred grades is reproduced as Table H6.5. Note that C25 can only be used under rather special circumstances and that probably C35 is a likely common
minimum. Age allowance for concrete

0 El )

Data from water cured cubes should not be taken as evidence of the potential development of strength. Concrete which is allowed to dry below a relative humidity of 85% will cease to gain in strength. Concretes which are exposed to the UK weather, exposed but protected from rain or effectively sealed from the time of casting e.g. the centre of a large pour, will all continue to gain in strength. The rate of gain in strength will depend

on the exposure, the quality of concrete and the type of cement. Characteristic strengths of reinforcement

3.2 Structures and structural frames

3.2.1 Analysis of structures Complete structures and complete structural frames It will rarely be necessary, or advantageous, to attempt an analysis of the complete structure where vertical load only is considered. It may more frequently be necessary
to consider the complete structure of an unbraced frame, except in the case of basically

simple structures (e.g. portal frames), or certain special structures (an example might be one of the more complex forms of grandstand). Monolithic frames not providing lateral stability Simplification into sub-frames. The frame can be considered by breaking it down into sub-frames; the sub-frames permitted are illustrated in Figure H33. Analyses
of these sub-frames under the prescribed loadings give results which do not differ

significantly from those obtained from analyses of the complete frame. The simpler sub-frames (Figure H3.3(c)) have the advantage that an explicit solution can be written down in terms of the rotations of the joints at the ends of the beam considered. The equations for these two rotations are:

3o. MFI +k4u.M~

Handbook to B5811LJ:1985


are respectively the algebraic sums of the fixed-end beam moments On either side of the joints at ends 1 and 2 of the beam under the loading considered. ~ and are the rotations of joints 1 and 2 and k1. k.. k3 and k~ are constants which depend
o.MFI and ~

on the relative stiffnesses of the members connected to each joint. They are given by:
k4= K1IB k2=k3~KbI2B



where BKIKaKb K 1= the sum of the stiffnesses of all members connecting to joint I K-= the sum of the stiffness of all the members connecting to joint 2

the stiffness of the beam (4E111)

The moments at ends I and 2 of the beam are given by:




MFI and M~2

are respectively the fixed-end moments at ends I and 2 of the beam.

In the interests.of simplicity. the concrete section should be used for assessing relative stiffnesses. Of course, the gross or transformed secii6ns can be used only if a prior estimate of reinforcement area is available or where a reassessment of an existing structure is being carried out.

In most structural frames, the beams are integral with the floor slabs and designed as T beams. In such cases, the beam stiffness can be assessed by taking the effective width.
as described in to apply over the entire span.



full frame

i-IU LW 4J.U U.d .~A LW



Id) beam only

stiffnesa halved



I. L L

le) column only

atiffneaa halved

Figure H3.3: Permissible simplification of a frwne for analysis.





- -


Part 1: Section 3 Choice of critical loading arrangemea.s. The load patterns are a simplification

of previous practice. The old altcrnatc,spans loaded and adjacent spans loaded load patterns could~require a -+~4,ca~es to be considered, where n is the number of spans of a continuous beam. The provisions of this clause require a maximum of 3. The actual difference made to the design moments is fairly small: maximum sagging moments are unchanged but maximum support moments are reduced by a few percent. Assuming some degree of ductility, it can be shown31 that overall safety is not significantly affected by this change since the alternate spans loaded pattern defines the critical failure mechanisms. The only real effect is a ~ight ipcrease in stress near the supports under
service conditions. This is not of practical significance. Alternative simplification for individual beams. This has been dealt with under Continuous beam simplification. While the simplest analysis to cam out. it should be noted that it can be very conservative, especially when there are fairly stiff
columns in the frame. The possible degree of conservatism may be seen from Figure H3.4.

Figure H3. 4: Comparison of analyses including and ignoring the columns. Asymmetrically-loaded columns where a beam has been analysed in accordance with .4. The moments in columns may be assessed using the formulae given in Table H3.1.

Table H3.1 Moments in columns

Moments for frames ofone bay Moments for frames oftwo or more bays

F=temal (and similarlx- loaded) colwnns Moment at foot of upper column K Moment at head of lower column K1 K1 + K, +05K1,
Internal columns

K, 1 +K,+0.5K1,

K,, K + K,~-- K~ K K, + K1, K,


Moment atfoot of upper column

Moment at head of lower column

K1 +K,l--K1,1--s-- K1,~


V. I

Handbook to BSSIIQ:1985

where Af~, is the bending moment at the end of the beam framing into the column. assuming fixity at both ends of the beam: ~ is the maximum difference between the moments at the ends of the two beams framing into opposite sides of the column. each calculated on the assumption that the ends of the beams are fixed and assuming one of the beams unloaded: Kb is the stiffness of the beam:
Kb, is the stiffness of the beam on one side of the column;

K, K~

is the stiffness of the beam on the other side of the column; is the stiffness of the lower column: is the stiffness of the upper column.

For the purposes of this Table. the stiffness of a member may be obtained by dividin the moment of inertia of a cross-section bx the length of the member. provided that the member is of constant cross-section throughout its length. The equations for the moment at the head of the lower column may be use.d for columns in a topmost storey by taking K~ as zero. Where the bending moment is calculated in the internal columns it is permissible to take into account the reduction in load resulting from the beam on one side of (he
column being fully loaded and the beam on the other side being loaded with dead load only. Frames providing lateral stability General. The division between frames providing lateral stability (sometimes called unbraced frames) and frames not camin~ horizontal loads (braced frames) is. at course, somewhat artificial in many cases. Any monolithic frame will redistribute the horizontal forces between the vertical members as a function of their relative stiffnesses. It so happens that elements of structure such as lift shafts. stair wells and walls are commonly so stiff relative to columns that it is a legitimate simplification to assume thai all the horizontal loads are carried by the stiff vertical elements and ignore any contribution from the columns. This Section is concerned with frames in structureswhich do not contain such very stiff vertical elements of structure so that the influence of the horizontal forces on the frame cannot be ignored. Occasionally, the designer may nevertheless arbitrarily decide that certain members in such structures will be designed to carry the lateral loads and the remainder be considered as elements of braced frames-This approach should be viewed with considerable caution if the stiffnesses of the elements chosen as bracing elements do not greatly exceed the total stiffness of the remainder The lateral loads will be shared in proportion to the stiffnesses and will only be shed to


L L 1 L

Figure H3.S: Alternative treatment of lareral1v-loa~led unbraced frame.


the members designed to carry them after excessive cracking or failure of the braced elements has greatly reduced their stiffness. Sway-frame of three or more approximately equal bays. Studies have shown that the methods suggested in this clause are often inadequate when applied to one- or two-bay frames. For these, or for frames with very unequal bay sizes, a more complete analysis should be employed. An approximate method which seems to give reasonable results is to adopt a modified version of the sub-frame described in This is sketched in Figure H3.5. 3.2.2 Redistribution of moments
2 E

Part I: Section 3

ultimate support moment

(a) ultimate apan moment


theoretical cut-off point. ultimate condItions only

(bI elastic
redistributed service load b.m.d.

moment diagram

Figure 113.6: Development of bending

moments in an encasrr~ beam. General Reinforced concrete behaves in a manner intermediate between the elastic-plastic behaviour of the reinforcement and the behaviour of the concrete which, in normal circumstances, is capable of very little plastic deformation. The exact behaviour depends on the relative quantities of the two materials and their properties; however, it may be considered to be roughly elastic until the steel yields and then roughly plastic until the concrete fails in compression. The concrete failure limits the amount of this plastic behaviour or, more specifically, it limits the amount of rotation which a plastic hinge can undergo. Thus a system of analysis is required for indeterminate structures which will allow for plastic hinges forming as the collapse load is approached while controlling their rotation. Figure H3.6 shows how the bending moments develop in an elastic-plastic member. As the load is increased, the beam behaves elastically until the plastic moment of one or more critical sections is reached (in Figure H3.6(a) the support moments). Further loading causes these hinges to rotate while the moments do not change. The extra moment required to balance the load is carried by other parts of the member. This continues until the mid-span section reaches its plastic moment, when the structure 29

Handbook to BSSIlOx985

becomes a mechanism and collapses. Figure H3.6(b) shows the final bending moment diagram when all the critical sections are carrving their plastic moments. From the design point of view, this same bending moment diagram can be obtained by calculating the elastic bending moment diagram under the collapse loading, and then reducing the


support moments while increasing the mid-span moment by a corresponding amount to maintain equilibrium (Figure H3.6(c)). This operation is known as redistribution ot
moments. The percentage by which a moment is reduced from the elastic value is a measure of the rotation of the hinge. Design can therefore conveniently be done b~ carrying out an elastic analysis and then applying a limited amount of redistribution. The design of the critical sections must then be such that they can carry the rotations implied by the redistribution.


The effect of condition 2 is to limit the neutral axis depth at ultimate to 0.3 of the effective depth if the full 30% reduction in moment has been made: as the neutral axis
depth is increased, the amount of redistribution is reduced. Where the neutral axis depth

exceeds 0.6 of the effective depth, no reductions in moment are permitted.


Condition 3 is required to deal with serviceability conditions, where an elastic response will be appropriate. From Figure H3.6(c). it will be seen that service loading in this case will produce hogging moment in region ~x Ultimate load conditions require no

r r

reinforcement hereand plainly very wide cracking would develop in this region. Supplying
reinforcement to carrv at least 70% of the maximum moment means that the structural response will remain roughly elastic at loads equal to or less than 70% of total ultimate load. The loading corresponding to the serviceability limit state is al~vavs less than this.

and thus the possibility of wide cracking is ruled out. The limitation of 30% in reducing moments is to restrict the rotation which will develop at critical sections. It should be noted that no limit is placed on the amount by which moments can be increased. Redistribution will also affect the shears. Depending on how the redistribution is done. these may be either decreased or increased. It is considered that it is prudent to take the worst of the redistributed and unredistributed shears as the design values. A reason for this is that, if the redistribution reduces the shears and. possibly because the strength of the reinforcement was above its design value, the redistributidn did not take place

then design for the reduced shears could lead to the structure having a reduced safety factor (note that an increase in steel strength would increase the flexural strength of a section but not its shear strength). The question of appropriate strategies for redistribution from the point of vie~v of economy of designand ease of construction is not simple. It is considered in some detail in reference 3.2. Restriction to redistribution of moments in structures over four storeys where
structural frame provides lateral stability The limitation of 10% for tall unbraced frames is because the formation of plastic



hinges at the onset of redistribution may induce a premature failure due to frame instability1331.

3.3 Concrete cover to reinforcement

Concrete cover has to perform the following functions: 1. provide adequate bond between steel and concrete for load transference 2. protect the steel from corrosion and the effect of aggressive agencies

3. protect the steel from fire.


It must also meet other practical requirements e.g. in relation to placing concrete. All such requirements are given in this clause (together with 4.12.3 for prestressed concrete~

because cover influences the position of reinforcement within the overall cross~5ection
and hence the design resistance of the section.


3.3.1 Nominal cover


. . .-. -...

... .

. . . ..

Parr I: Secnon 3

H I General

BS 8110 uses the term nominal cover in an attempt to clarify what, in the past, has caused some confusion. The vital factor is that nominal cover is the specified cover to all reinforcement including links. It is envisaged that. in line with the recommendations
of the joint Institution onor detailingt spacers should be fixedof onStructural the links Engineers/Concrete and not on the mainSociety bars in report a beam column. In the past. where it was the normal procedure to fix the spacers to the main bars, the cover to the links could be very much less than intended. This has resulted in numerous cases where links have corroded and have caused local spalling of the concrete. All limits to cover given in Part 1 of BS 8110 are quoted as nominal covers. It should be noted, 341,

I U.

Ihowever, that this is not the case in Section 4 of Part 2 (Fire resistance) where a definition more appropriate to fire resistance considerations has been adopted. The reference to surface treatments which reduce the effective depth of protective concrete is a further example of the wide range of considerations in a properly integrated design. In 7.1 attention is drawn to the possibility of using coated or stainless steel reinforcement in special circumstances such as may occur when protection of reinforcement against corrosion cannot be achieved in the usual way, i.e. by provision of an appropriate depth and quality of concrete cover, or when an exceptional assurance against cracking of the concrete arising from reinforcement corrosion is required. Bar size There are two reasons for ensuring that the cover to the main bars is not less than the bar diameter. The first is that smaller covers maymake the proper placing and compaction of the concrete around the bars difficult. The second is related to structural performance. Bond strength is very dependent on the ratio of cover to bar size, though this variable does not appear in the bond provisions in this Code. and the safety factor against bond failure could ~vellbe reduced to an unacceptably low value if the cover was significantly less than the bar size. Furthermore, local bond stresses could lead to cracks forming along the line of the bars which might pose a corrosion risk. Nominal maximum size of aggregate The requirement that the cover should not be less than the nominal maximum aggregate size has been introduced to help ensure the proper flow around the bars of the concrete and hence proper compaction. Concrete cast against uneven surfaces Clearly a much larger uncertainty exists about obtaining the necessary cover in the circumstances and so a substantially greater tolerance needs to be provided for. The provisions of this clause repeat those given in CP2004. 3.3.2 Ends of straight bars This clause covers a distinction not made in CP11O but suggested in Section 3.11.2 of the Handbook to CP11O. It is in effect a relaxation for a specific limited application which should not be extended. The possibility of rust staining during construction will, of course, have to be considered. Experience suggests that some corrosion of the ends of bars will occur but that this is not progressive or harmful. 3.3.3 Cover against corrosion The essence of this clause is contained in Table 3.4. The advance from CP11O which it represents is the direct linking of mix design parameters to cover and conditions of exposure. in effect a merger of the previous Tables 19 and 48. together with a general strengthening of the recommendations. The stimulus to this integration was increasing evidence that concrete has not always been specified and placed to the necessary thickness and quality to provide reasonable assurance of adequate long-term protection to reinforcement, in the absence of other deleterious or particularly extreme effects. In particular. sufficient cement content and limited water content are essential, along with proper compaction and curing, to ensure a concrete sufficiently impermeable to the ingress of carbon dioxide which leads to carbonation and loss of th~e alkaline 31

Handbook to BS8IIO:1985 characteristics which inhibit corrosion (see also 6.2).


3.3.4 and 3.3.5 deal with various aspects of Table 3.4 (which is based on 20mm nominal maximum size of aggregate) and the technical basis for the Table is discussed under 6.2. 3.3.4 Exposure conditions General The first point of entry to Table 3.4 is assessment of the exposure conditions. These are described in Table 3.2 and should be considered as design parameters. It has not been possible yet to quantify the conditionsassigned to the five environments mild, moderate. severe. verv severe and extreme so the definitions comprise descriptions of the exposure

F [ I! [ U [ C I; [ L L [ L I [

conditions. This Table is reproduced below, modified to include examples of most of these

conditions. These examples were not included in the Code because it is the designefs
responsibility to assess the environment in the light of all relevant factors. which may indicate sometimes a more severe environment than the examples indicate. Nevertheless.

they are likely to cover most common situations. The four more severe environments are now aligned ~viththose in BS 5-UJO for bridges and incorporate that involving chlorides from external sources.

Table 3.2 Exposure conditions

Environment Exposure condItions
MILD Concrete surfaces protected against

Example Internal concrete e.g. shops. offices

weather oraggressive conditions but conditions may be aggressive for a brief period during construction MODERATE Concrete surfaces sheltered from severe rain orfreezing whilst wet Concrete subject to condensation Concrete surfaces continuouslyunder water Concrete in contact with non-aggressive soil (see class I ofTable6.1) SEVERE Concrete surfaces exposed to: severe rain, alternate wetting and drying or occasional freezing or severe condensation VERY Concrete surfaces exposed to: Sea water SEVERE spray, dc-icing salts (directly or

Underside of suspended ground floors Reservoirs All foundations except those described in Most external concrete above zround. washing andcooking areas (pipes and ducts: see BS5911) Concrete adjacent to the sea. car parks. structures adjacent to carriageways Swimming pools and halls All parts ofmarine structures including piers or harbour works. moorland water, with abrasion


Corrosive fumes or severe freezing conditions whilst wet Concretesurfaces exposed to abrasive action e.g. sea watercarrying solids or flowing water with pH ~4.5 or machinerv or vehicles Freezing and thawing and de-icing salts

See Section 6 (6.1.5 and


3.3.5 Concrete materials and mixes These clauses ( provide qualifications to the use of Table 34 to take account of practical difficulties in demonstrating compliance with requirements for cement content and free water/cement ratio, of benefits of specially well controlled conditions of manufacture, of different sized aggregates, of the use of pulverized-fuel ash or ground granulated blastfurnace slag and of sulphate resisting cement. The rationale for the adjustments or restrictions is given in Section 6.2 of the handbook.

. - . .~ 2.~-~~ -.-- - ~- - --.~- - -

...; ---......--
. . - ..--..

--;->--.--. - ..

-- ---




- -

. .

Parr I: Section 3

3.3.6 Cover as fire protection Section 10 of CP1 10: 1972 gave values of cover to main reinforcement against minimum widths or thicknesses of sections without any opportunity to varv cover with increase or decrease in section dimensions. Since 1972 international fire testing of concrete elements has demonstrated that moderate increases in beam and rib widths can lead to small but significant reductions in concrete cover to maintain the required fire resistance. Also the Building Research Establishment has relaxed its view on the depth of cover at which it is necessary to include measures to control spalling. CP11O: 1972 required supplementary reinforcement to be inserted in beams and ribs whenever the cover to the main reinforcement. irrespective of the aggregate used, exceeded 40mm. This Code now requires additional measures to reduce the risk of spalling when the nominal cover exceeds 40mm in dense concrete elements and 50mm in lightweight concrete elements. These two developments (i.e. variation of cover with section size and the cover depth requiring anti-spalling measures) are the principal changes in this new Code. Variation of cover with section size The sketches and dimensions in Figure H32 indicate the differing approaches to beam cover requirements in the 1972 and 1985 codes, for two hour fire resistance.
cPiio esaiio

180 mm


zoo I


Minimum beam width180 mm Cover to main steelAS mm

Minimum beam width200 mm Nominal cover30 mm (representing 40 rm cover to main steel held by 10mm stirrup)

Figure H3. 7: Comparison of CP 110 and BS 8110 for two hours fire resistance.

A comparison between the section sizes/covers given in Figure 3.2 and the tabular data for elements in Part 2. Section 4 reveals differences in the minimum widths for beams and ribs. Figure 3.2 brings the minimum width of a beam or rib up to a dimension which suits practical considerations on site such as blockwork infilling between floor and beam soffits and the setting out dimensions for trough and waffle floors. By increasing the width of a beam or rib a corresponding small reduction in the cover to the main reinforcement can be made in accordance with Table 4A in Clause 4.3.5 in Part 2 of the Code. Referring to the example in Figure H3.7, for two hour fire resistance, continuous construction and dense concrete, Tables 4.1 and 4.2 in Part 2 can be used as follows: Minimum increase in width 50mm (from 150 to 200) Decrease in cover 10mm (from 50 to 40) After allowance for 10mm stirrup nominal cover is 30mm The nominal cover of 30mm is the figure to be found in Table 3.5 for a two hour fire resistant continuous reinforced concrete beam. Additional measures necessary to reduce the risk of spailing Table 3.5 sets out the nominal covers to all reinforcement (including links) to meet specified periods of fire resistance for dense concrete. The sketch in Figure H3 .8 illustrates the differing approaches to cover in CP11O: 1972 and nominal cover in BS 8110: 1985. The use of fine mesh as supplementary reinforcement to control spalling indicated in CP1 10 has met with almost universal condemnation as detrimental to the placing of good 33

Handbook to 858110:1985 BS8IIO


Hnre mesh

LI F 17 [ [

1~ ~L. 20 mm1~~,


~~~T>40 mm





40 mm

Figure H3.8: Comparison of CP 110 and BS 8110 fire provisions.

homogeneous concrete around the reinforcement. Consequently the new Code does not advocate this method as a means to control spalling. To maintain the concept of nominal cover in the new Code whilst still relating basic cover to main tensile steel, it has been necessary to make allowance for the thickness of a stirrup in beam and column constructions. Consequently a stirrup thickness of 10mm has been used as an average of the range 8 to 12mm used in practice in the majoritvof


The values of nominal cover in Table 3.5 therefore reflect the stirrup allovance of 10mm in comparison with the tabular data in Section 4 of Part 2. Other constructions. such as ribs, floors and walls which do not incorporate stirrups. generally have nominal covers equal to the covers to be found in Section 4 of Part 2. The horizontal lines drawn through Table 3.5 separate constructions that do not require anti-spalling measures where above the line and do require additional measures to reduce the risk ofspalling where below the line. Such measures are outlined in Section 4 of Part 2. 3.3.7 Control of cover The importance of workmanship to realise the design intentions is re-emphasised.

[ LI

3.4 Beams
3.4.1 General For considering the design of elements, the Code considers different classes of element in turn (i.e. beams, slabs, columns. etc). It is generally clear how a particular element should be classified but not always so and it should be understood that. in the limit, the boundaries between the different types of element are entirely arbitrary. For example. the element sketched in Figure H3.9 could possibly be classified as either a beam or a

r L

Li Li

Figure H3. 9: Is it

a ivall, beam, colwnn or slab?

[ U L

--. .

Parr 1: Secuon 3

column or a slab or a wall. Frequently, the Code does not provide specific definitions which will allow a direct answer to be obtained in particular circumstances. The designer in these circumstances should use his common sense in judging the most appropriate design rules to use rather than looking for quasi-legal interpretations of the wording. Design limitations The basic assumptions about beam behaviour only hold where the span is reasonably large compared with the depth. Their validity certainly does not hold where the clear span is less than twice the depth. For the design of such members, reference could be made to CIRIA Guide 2: The design of deep beams in reinforced concretet35). 3.4.12 Effective span of simply-supported beams The objective of this provision is to make allowance for the influence ofwide supports. Effective span of a continuous member Wide supports will also influence the behaviour of continuous beams and the same provision could be applied as for simply-supported members. This would, however, make practical difficulties in the analysis of continuous beams as the spans used would differ from those shown on drawings. It was felt that the resulting confusion was not justified. Effective length of a cantilever The clause is drafted to give consistency with the provisions of and Effective width offlanged beam The concept of an effective width to a flanged beam is a device which will permit an




equivalent uniform stress over effective flange width

(e, a Figure H3. 10: Effective flange width concepts.


Handbook to BS8IJO:1985


essentially three-dimensional problem to be considered as a two-dimensional one. The behaviour of a beam with a wide flange is illustrated in Figure H3110. At a point of contraflexure, the compressive stress is clearly zero. With increasing distance into the sagging region, the compressive force increases as the moment increases. However, stress can only get into the flanges by the action of shear. This increases the breadth of slab subject to significant compression with increasing distance from a point of zero moment, The effective flange width is the width of flange which, if assumed to have the same stress condition at all points across its width, will be equi~--alentto the actual behaviour (see Figure). It will be seen that the effective flange width is not constant and will be at its maximum at the point of maximum moment. The Code approach gives a conservative estimate of this maximum width. Slenderness limits for beams, for lateral stabiir-.~ These rules preclude failure by sideways bending and buckling. Lateral restraint should
normally be provided by construction attached to the compression zone of the beam. In the case of parapet beams, lateral restraint may be assumed to be provided by slabs

r L


attached to the tension zone. provided that the slab thickness is at least one-tenth of the effective depth of the parapet beam and the parapet beams themselves do not project above the slab more than ten times their width. The limit to the value which need be taken was introduced so that lightly stressed members should not be penalised. The limits are derived from work by Marshall~. 3.4.2 Continuous beams 3.4.3 Uniformly-loaded continuous beams with approximately equal spans: moments and shears The factors given in Table 3.6 are close to those which would be obtained from accurate analysis of a number of equal spans on point suPports. In a practical case. with the permitted variation in span. calculated moments in excess of those given can arise. In addition. where load is transferred to the beam from a slab. no allowance is made for the type of distribution of loading specified in some allowance for redistribution has therefore already been included in Table 3.6 and this is why no further redistribution is permitted. Hence it will be prudent to limit the neutral axis depth at critical sections to 0.5d( 3.4.4 Design resistance moment of beams Analysis of sections These assumptions are now well established and need little comment. The simplified stress block in Figure 3.3 gives answers which are generally very close to those which would be obtained using the parabolic-rectangular diagram. It will. therefore. be adequate for all practical purposes. The limit to the lever arm may be considered to serve two possible purposes: it provides a limit to the maximum tensile strain in reinforcement of 0.028 and it avoids reliance on what might be poor quality concrete at the top of a beam or slab section.
The presence of a small axial thrust of up to 0At~ times the cross-sectional area actually increases the calculated ultimate moment. if taken into account. but at the

F [


expense of considerable added complexity in calculation. Design charts

Full details on the design charts are given in Part 3 of the Code. They have been prepared for a range of concrete grades and are based on the stress-strain curve for concrete given in Figure 2.1.

~ -L

Where redistribution has been done in the analysis for beams or slabs. the charts may be used to design sections which comply with the neutral axis limitations given in are marked on the charts for neutral axis depths at ultimate load of 0.3. 0,4 and 05 of the effective depth. Any point on the chart to the left of one of these lines corresponds to a section which will have a neutral axis depth at failure less than the 36 value appropriate to the line.


Part I: Section 3 Symbols Design formulae for rectangular beams The derivation of these formulae assume that the tension steel will be yielding at the ultimate limit state. The limit to the value of K ensures that the neutral axis depth at failure does not exceed half the effective depth. This will ensure that the tension steel will have yielded for all currently available grades of reinforcing steel. The derivation of the formulae is given below. Figure H3.11 illustrates the assumptions used.
// . /


/ /


Figure H3.11: Flanged beam.

Consider first a singly reinforced section: by equilibrium forces:

0.87A.A~=0.45 x0.9bxf~

by equilibrium moments: M=0.S7f~A.: where :=(d0.45x) From these two equations, x=(0.87f~A1)/(0.45 x0.9bf~)


and hence.
z=d(MIO.9 bzf~~)

Substituting K=M/bd
z=d (1Kd/09z)

2 f~ gives

The solution to this quadratic in z=d(0.5-t- V(025Kd/0. 9)]


Turning now to the limitations applied by the redistribution. Clause condition 2 states that:

Writing the moment equilibrium equation as:

M=(d0.45x) 0A02bxf~~

and substituting for x gives:

M~0A02bf~(l3b0.4)d [d0A5 (/3b0.4)d]

writing K=M/bd2f~ corresponding to the limiting value of z~ gives: K0402 (PbO--4)O.18 (~h04) (Note: 067fJL5=0.4467J~ but the figures in the above derivation have only been

Handbook to BSSIIO:1985

written to two decimal places as 0.45f~. The more accurate figure has, however, been used in the arithmetic.) Substituting into this equation gives the values in Table H3.3 for K for various amounts of redistribution.


Table H3.3 Values of K corresponding to various amounts of redistribution

< 10

I3~, 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7

0>156 0>145 0.132 0t19 0>104

15 20 25 30

When K exceeds K. the simplified equations provide for the addition of sufficient compressive steel to ensure that the neutral axis remains at the level corresponding to K. The compression steel is assumed to be at yield and this will be so provided: 0.0035(xd)/x>0.87f~/200 000 or d/x<1 f.s805 assuming f~=400. this zives d/x < 0.43 The extra moment above that which would correspond to a singly reinforced section with the required neutral axis depth is (K K)f~bd2 By moments about the tension steel,

(.KK)f~bd=0.87dd)A VJ

A 1=(K K)fcubdi0.87(ddV)fv 2 plus A 1. This can be


The area of tension steel is that required for the moment Kf~bd seen to be given by:


The equations in thus follow directly from the basic assumptions and the neutral axis limitations of Table H3.4 may be used for the calculation of steel areas for reinforcing rectangular sections as T-sections where the neutral axis lies within the flange.

Table H3.4 Design parameters for rectangular sections

K x/d

0.15 0.156


0.13 0.94 204.7 376.6

0.20 0.91 197.5 363.5

0.28 0.87 189.8 349.3


0.37 0.83 181.2 333.5

0.47 0.79 171.5 315.6

0.50 0.78 169.0 311.0


f~=250 f~.=460

206.6 380.2 K=.~I/bd:f~

A~M/0.87f~z Design ultimate moments of resistance (of flanged beams where neutral axis falls
below the flange)

The equations 2iven in this clause are not exact but are slightly conservative
approximations. Equation 1 is derived as follows: Moments about the centre of the flange gives:

M=087f~(dh~/2)A1 (0.45 h~/2) 0.45 x 0.9xb~f~ Rearranging gives:

38 A, =(M-s- (0.45xh f/?) 0.402b~xf~,j/(0.87A,f~(dh~/2))

L Li L L C:,


Parr 1: Section 3

x will not exceed 0.Sdso substituting this value will give a generallyconservative estimate
of A1. This eives: A1= (M+0. 1f~b4 (0--45dh~))/(0.87AJ~(dh~/2))

Equation 2 can be derived directly by taking moments about the centroid of the tension

3.4.5 Design shear resistance of beams Calculations for the strength of reinforced concrete beams are based on comparing the average shear stress on a section calculated from equation 3 with a nominal value of ultimate shear stress v~ given in Table 3.9. The shear stresses given in Table 3.9 are based on an extensive study of test data (Figure H3.12). When the average shear stress is treater than the nominal stress from the Table, shear reinforcement is provided in proportions calculated on the assumption that the reinforcement forms the tension members of one or more series of pin-jointed trusses. This approach, commonly called the truss analogy, has been shown in tests to be conservative and the contribution to the shear strength from the concrete. v~bd, is therefore assumed not to be lost if v>v~. If v is only just greater than v~, it will be necessary to increase the amount of shear reinforcement required from the truss analogy to the Code minimum permitted amount. When v is less than v~, minimum reinforcement is still required in many cases: see Table



Figure H3.12. Shear strength of beams without shear reinforcement.

Where large shears are carried, it is possible for the diagonal compressive stresses to cause crushing of the web concrete. For this reason. the maximum shear carried by the 2 beam must be limited: in the Code this limitation is given as 0.8Vf~~ or 5 N/mm whichever is lesser. Symbols Shear stress in beams

The actual way in which shear is carried by a section is highly complex and the value given by equation 3 should not be viewed as a stress which actually exists within a section: it is merely a mathematical device used for the interpretation of test results in the derivation of an empirical design method. Shear reinforcement: form, area and stress

The intentions of Table 3.8 may be summarised diagramatically in Figure H3. 13.


Handbook to BS8IO:198S




Miniumum shear reinforcement may be omitted in some

members of minor importance

/ /

/ /

Minimum shear
reinforcement /

/ / /

K /
/ /

[ C



5 Nimm

Figure H3. 13: Provision of shear reinforcement in beams.

3.4.5,4 Concrete shear stress Since the shear stress is a function of the amount of tension reinforcement at the section considered, it is clearly important to establish just what reinforcement can be included. This caused some confusion in CP1 10 and an attempt has been made to give clearer rules. In general. any bar which extends more than an effective depth on either side of the section being considered can be included. This definition will not be satisfactory at a single support but there is ample evidence, to show that the full area of bottom steel at the support may be used in this case provided it is anchored according to the normal rules. The final paragraph of aims to clarify which reinforcement should be used when nominal top steel is provided at a notional simple support. It is believed that there is a misprint in the final sentence which should read This steel should extend into the span for a distance of at least three times the effective depth. Clearly, it should also be fully anchored into the support. Spacing of links


The truss analogy would suggest a maximum spacing equal to the lever arm: 0.75d iS a lower bound value for this. The logic behind the limit on lateral spacing of the legs of stirrups is less clear but experimental evidence suggests a reason why such a limit is valuable. One of the major functions of stirrups is to inhibit ~dowel failure of the tension steel. This is a tearing out of the bars in the way sketched in Figure H3.14.

stirrup controls

[ L L

failure crack

bottom reinforcement pushed down. tearing out tension bars

.,.. . .


Figttre H3. 14: Normal mode of shear failure.

















Part I: Sectwti S

Clearly the effectiveness of the stirrup in achieving this will reduce ~ith increasing distance of the vertical leg from the bar considered. Clearly, if a bar is placed further than 150mm from a stirrup leg, it can still be used to provide flexural strength but should be ignored in assessing Vc. The situation in slabs can be used to extend the interpretation of this clause further. In slabs, stirrups are not required until v exceeds v~. It seems logical to argue from this that the requirement relating to the spacing of stirrup legs is to ensure that ~c can be maintained in circumstances where v exceeds v~. It therefore seems reasonable to conclude that the limitations on lateral spacing may be ignored where v is less than v~ both in beams and slabs. Shear resistance of bent-up bars

The truss analogy assumes that the tensions in the truss are carried by longitudinal and stirrup reinforcement and the concrete carries the thrust in the compression zone and
the diagonal thrust across the web.

Equation 4 is derived directly from consideration of the equilibrium of this system

(Figure H3A5). /
Ii . I, ,

2/I-I a A. ~ /~~-

A ~1

Figure H3. iS: Truss systems for shear. Anchorage and bearing of bent-up bars Enhanced shear strength of sections close to supports

When the ratio of shear span to effective depth of a beam is reduced below 2, the shear capacity is considerably increased. Figure H3>16 shows a plot of test results reported in references 3,7. 3.8 and 3,9 illustrating the relationship between a/d and v. for beams without stirrups. The line shown on the graph is straight for all values of a~Id greater than 2 when v/vt is 1. This clause defines the parabolic line shown in the Figure.
The strength of short beams depends to a large extent upon the detailing of the

reinforcement. Adequate anchorage must be provided to the main tensile reinforcement, Vertical stirrups are not very effective in beams in which a.,./d is less than 0,6. in which case horizontal stirrups parallel to the main tension reinforcement are recommended, The results sho~vn in Figure H3. 16 derive from tests on short-span. point-loaded beams but the results will hold for any failure where the failure plane is constrained to form at an angle greater than tan (1/2) to the horizontal, The enhancement in strength can therefore be applied for any section closer to a support than 2d. Shear reinforcement for sections close to supports

Equation 5 derives from the assumption that the effect of the enhancement is only on v,, and does not affect the efficiency of shear reinforcement. Application of truss analogy might be seen to suggest that the increased truss angle implied by a failure close to a support would increase the efficiency of shear reinforcement. This may be so, in which case, equation 5 is conservative, but, while the experimental evidence for the
enhancement of v~ is clear (Figure H3.16), it is doubtful if sufficient exists to show the effect of a~.Id on shear reinforcement unequivocally. 41

Handbook to BSSIIO:]98S 10

F U [ I! I

v vc


Figure H3. 16: Ultimate shear stresses for beams loaded close to supports: Ur taken from Code Enhanced shear strength near supports (simplified approach) At a distance d from the support. Figure H3. 16 will show that the capacity of the section is increasing very rapidly. So much so that it is most unlikely that the shear force will be increasing more rapidly. The rule given in this clause will thus normally give a safe way of gaining the advantage of the strength enhancement for minimal effort. Bottom loaded beams A load applied near the bottom of a beam could break the bottom out as sketched in Figure H3. 17. The load. effectively, has to be transferred to the top by links before the design method is valid.

El U

C C I [


possible mode of

Figure H3.!7: Loads on the bottotn of beams, 3.4,5.12 Shear and axial compression

In dealing with the comments on the draft of BS 8110 circulated for public comment it became apparent that there was a considerable demand for guidance on the treatment ofshear and compression. particularly in columns. Equation 6 in this clause is an entirely
empirical attempt to make allowance for the increased shear capacity given by


compressive axial load. Truly applicable test data are not easy to find but Figure 1-13.18 compares test results from several series of tests vith the proposed formula- -Inthe comparison. Vm has been taken as 1.0 when calculating v~.

. -- - . . ... . .

-- ..-- -

-- - -.

. -

Parr1: Section 3

-J .1


a LU~
4 LU


Figure H3. 18: Shear and axial compression. Torsion

When the system is statically determinate, ultimate torsional moments must be calculated and provided for. In indeterminate structures. it will in most cases not be necessary to consider torsion at the ultimate limit state. but it may be necessary to consider it at the limit state of cracking. Figure H3.19 shows an example with edge beams in which torsion is statically indeterminate, i.e. it arises because of an imposed deformation and its magnitude will depend on the relative torsional and flexural stiffnesses in the structure. Lack of torsional strength in such cases will not cause collapse since the members will crack and deform without developing the ultimate torsional condition. However, in some cases the twist imposed on a member max cause excessive cracking. This can happen, for example, in an edge beam where the span of the slab at right-angles to the beam is large, or as in Figure H3.19 in the short length of edge beam between the trimming beam and column where the imposed rotation from the secondary beam

not usually serious

Serious torsional cracking likely


Figure H3J9: Examples of torsion due to imposed rotation. 43

Hwtdbook ro BS8IIO:1985


has to be accommodated in quite a short length. For the purpose of designing the reinforcement and determining the forces exerted on adjoining members the method ft)r calculating the imposed torque is based on tests on cracked reinforced beams3 and
is generally conservative, Torsional stiffnesses are generally small with respect to flexural stiffnesses and can therefore. be ignored in assessing the imposed twist. This will give an upper limit and

one which will not be too conservative.

Explicit design for torsion is dealt with in Part 2 of the Code and will be discussed in

the related section of the Handbook. 3.4.6 Deflection of beams General Where the conditions of service of a beam are known with precision. its detlection can
be calculated reasonably accurately by using any of a number of semi-empirical equations. However, the calculations are tedious and time-consuming. It is not practicable to check the sufficiency of all normal members with respect to deflection by direct calculation, Furthermore, as is discussed in the commentary to Part 2 Section 3, the calculation of

a deflection requires consideration of many factors, a number of which may well not he definable at the design stage. For this reason, the Tables of ratios of span to effective depth have been devised and it will be satisfactory to use them for all normal members. Consideration should. however. be given to the possibility of calculation where the conditions are in any way unusual. Symbols Span/effective depth ratio for a rectangular or flanged beam Use of the Tables should be largely self-explanatory. The category continuous~ in Table 3.10 may be taken to apply to any situation where at least one end of the beam is continuous, Thus, the end span of a series of continuous beams may be considercd as continuous. The derivation of the clause is discussed fully in references 3.113,13; however, a brief
discussion of the principles involved will be given here.

To see how the setting of limits on the ratio of span to depth can be expected to control deflections, consider the case of a fully elastic rectangular beam supporting a
uniformly distributed load (g~+q~). If withstand the maximum permisible stress in the material is f, the moment which the section can is given by: M = fbh/6 = (gk+qk)12/8 3.1 The deflection of the beam is given by: a = 5(gk+q~)l4/384E1

[ C F L

Forming an expression for (g~+qk) from equation 3.1 and substituting this into 3.2 gives: (5fl24E) (1/h) = (all) Thus for a given elastic material, if the ratio 1/h is kept constant. the ratio of deflection to span will remain constant. By setting a limit to the ratio of span to depth. the deflection will be limited to a given fraction of the span. This is what is required by the Code since.

in general. the deflection limits are given as fractions of the span. It should be Lk~--Ir that. if an absolute limit is set on deflection, the ratio of span to depth must decrease with increasing span. This is the case where a limit of 20mm is specified. 3.4,6.4 is necessary to cope with this condition,

If the engineer considers that limits other than those for which the Tables have been produced are more appropriate, the Tables of basic ratios can be modified to suit the
chosen limits. This may be done by multiplying the basic ratio by the ratio of the required

deflection to the deflection for which the Table was derived. Thus. if the total deflection is to be limited to span/B instead of span/250, the figures in Table 3.10 shoUld be multiplied by 250/B. Similarly, if the deflection occurring after the construction of the partitions is to be limited to some absolute value a, rather than to 20mm. the factor in can be adjusted by multiplying it by a/20.

1~.~ L L


Span/depth a rigorous forUnfortunately, controlling dflh Parr]: as concrete long Section as the material from ratios which provide the beam is mademethod is elastic. reinforced is not: the stiffness of a beam depends to a large extent upon the steel percentage and upon the state of cracking. Thus, if span/depth ratios are to be used for reinforced concrete, some way of correcting for its actual behaviour has to be found. The first step -in this process is to use ratios of span to effective depth rather than span to overall depth. and the second is to introduce modifying factors. The basic ratios given in Table 3.10 derive from experience. They can be seen to be similar to those in previous Codes which experience has shown to be of the right order.
They may be considered to apply to averag& beams. The factors in 3,4.6.5 and modify this average figure up or down as a function of the level of steel stress and the

state of loading of the section. The logic behind the factors in Table 3.11 can be seen from considering the four cases sketched in Figure H3.20. This figure shows the strain distributions in four sections. two reinforced with 250 grade and t~vo with 460 grade steel: of each pair. one has a high and the other a low steel percentage. All sections are loaded to their full design service load. For this example. the effects of the concrete in tension on the stiffness are ignored and the analysis is based on a cracked section. The deflectionof a beam is directly proportional to the curvature at the critical section and this is given as: curvature = 1/r =e~/(dx)







values of curvature x effective depth (din

400 Steel Percentage low high ~
j~,~0jf,j56X10,,,,j 250

Figure H3.20: Logic behind tension steel multipliers.

The figure illustrates clearly how steel percentage. which defines the neutral axis depth.
and steel strength, which defines the strain, influence the deflection. From the point of

view of span/depth ratios. the higher the curvature. the lower must the permissible span/depth ratio be in order to limit deflections to a constant proportion of tj~e span. In CPI 10, a table of factors was included which was a function of steel percentage and steel stress. The effect of steel percentage over the full practical range is illustrated in Figure
H3.21(a). In practice this was found inconvenient to use since deflections could not be checked until after the reinforcement had been detailed. Since there is a direct relationship between steel percentage, steel strength and K (M/bdi. the table in CPl lOis reformulated 45

Handbook to B58110:198S
--n 1.8 ~~1 1.6 1.4 \\\~.\ I ii f,15O [~1 F~j


0 F
4 0~~ ~u.

1.2 1.0 ~II_

4--.20a ~,c.;~----- 4 ---------~.~ -inn ~

0.6__ 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 10 22 2.4 2.6 2.8 10 ,III~ Ill



Figure H3, 21 (a): Modification factors as a function of steel percentage.




4 0~


Figure H3.21 (b): Modification factors from Table 3.11.

to give factors as a function of K and steel stress, Thus it is now possible to check

deflectioris as soon as an estimate of the design ultimate moments can be made. For convenience, Table 3.11 is presented graphically in Figure H3.21(b). The analysis illustrated in Figure H3,20 ignores any influence of the concrete in thi. tension zone. In fact. this concrete adds considerably to the stiffness (see Part 2. Section 3) and this is allowed for in the factors given in the Code. Clearly, ho~vever, in the case of flanged beams, this stiffening will be reduced. The basic ratios given in Table 3.l() for flanged beams reflect this fact. Long spans See discussion of above, Med~flcation of span/depth ratios for tension reinforcement

See discussion of above. Modification of span/depth ratios for compression reinforcement 46
The effects of compression reinforcement on deflections are twofold:

[ I-; L [ I: U

., ......


- -- . -. . - -. -~ . -


(a) Fl













1-13.20) (b) compression has a substantial steel signifi effect canrlv on the reduces long-term the effects of creep and shrinkage and thus















3A2 TI




creep 7.

and More

shrinkage information on the effects of creep and shrinkage

This is given clause in

Part is self-explanatory, 2 Section

13.4.7 See

Crack Section



beams for discussion.















3.5.2,1 Single-way

General slabs Most and may be analysed solid by slabs 3.5.3. that forces rather as in beams practice As 3.5.3 will complex the be be taking are account rectangular. here in all of are are such for the cast simplified monolithically on It Johansens follows that slabs. methods load

arrangement. with yield supports line

two-way are i~ is covered

provisions applied necessary

based cases.

method of for

suggested and is

determination Elastic are theory

moments such cases


non-rectangular or Hillerborg





3~15. recommended The due

Distribution empirical to such rules loads


concentrated for the on

loads effecti~--e


slabs widths to of slab that resist bending moments

given are based



failure. The is

Simpl~ficatwn justification for ~~~~y(3.lbl, in is terms a



arrangements case part knowledge occupancy of of maximum the of report slab design is load taken on up and rigorously or ~vhere be all with imposed proved the live spans or panels this on so.

single-load The of for major



justifying loadings to to be

simplification floors. It is not ratio effect It

current normal for

behaviour be



cannot for

considered is large. of In

valid such


designed pattern by shear



load The

circumstances the moments the

loading 20% forces is

should shown in

considered. H3.22. be calculated to

redistributing of moments

Figure should

Redistribution satisfy static





20% reduction

Elastic Final

moment moment

diagram diagram


Figure H3.22: Development of bending moment envelope for slab.


Handbook to BS8IIO:198S

It should be noted that the effect of redistributing moments by 20% affects the neutral axis depth limit and hence the value of K. The value of K in 15 reduced (CI 0,132. This is not generally a limitation for solid slabs. The moment reduction does not. of course, apply to cantilevers, Where a cantilever extends from the last support of a continuous slab it is essential to consider the load case of cantilever loaded and adjacent slab panel-or span unloaded to ensure sufficient anchorage of the cantilever top steel into the adjacent slab, One-way spanning slabs of approximately equal span 3.5.3 Solid slabs spanning in two directions at right angles: uniformly distributed loads General

F! F F Symbols Simply-supported slabs

The coefficients in Table 3,14 are derived from the GrashofRankine formulae, Restrained slabs Restrained slabs where the corners are preventedfrom lifting and adequate provision is madefor torsion: conditions and rules for the use of equations 14. and 15 The coefficients in Table 3.15 have been derived from yield-line analvsis37~. The

particular values of ~ and j3~ depend on the choice of yield lines, the relationship for which is given in equations 16 to 18. The values of /3~ were chosen to an accuracy of two decimal places. This has led to small differences occurring between the values for
f3~ and ~ for square panels.

F Restrained slab with unequal conditions at adjacent panels Loads on supporting beams

The estimation ofTable loads on been changedan significantly from codes. The new of supporting coefficientsbeams (Tablehas 3.16) provides estimate of the previous load On the supporting beams which makes allowance for the support conditions. If a panel has one edge continuOus and the opposite edge discontinuous, then more loadwill be attracted to the continuous support (in the same way as the shear coefficient in Table 3.13 for theL first interior support is greater than that for an end support). The ne~v Table (Table 3.16) takes account of this effect in developing coefficients for the shear forces in the slab along the line of the support. Those shear forces constitute the loading on the supporting beams. When analysing the supporting beams, the loading sho~vn in Figure 3.10 gives ~ maximum free bending moment of 0.117v 2 and a fixed end moment of 0.076v 51 51.
3.5.4 Resistance moment of solid slabs

Where the single load case has been used with 20% redistribution of support moments ( the value of K in 3.4.4,4 is reduced to 0. 132. 3.5.5 Shear resistance of solid slabs
The problem of defining what is a slab for the purpose of shear design is not easy to

[ [ I

resolve. The simple definition that any member with a ratio of width to depth greater than 4 is a slab and any member with a smaller ratio is a beam is a first rough way of separating the types of member, In some circumstances, the way in which a slab. 50 defined, is designed or loaded may require it to be treated as a beam. One example i~ that of treating areas of slabs, which may or may not be locally thickened. as beam stflp5 between columns; such strips should be treated as beams. This discussion does not applyfl to the ribs of waffle type floors: these do not have to be considered generally as beattISLJ




Part 1: Section 3

TI Symbols Shear stresses Shear reinforcement

3.5.6 Shear in solid slabs under concentrated loads (3.7.7) 3.5.7 Deflection

Note that, with the exception cantilever slabs, always the mid-span is used in assessing the factor of from Table 3.11. It it isis worth bearing in mindmoment that the which ratios of span to effective depth have been arranged to ensure that the deflections of flexural members do not exceed the specified limits relative to their supports. If the support for a slab consists of beams which will themselves deflect under load, the total deflection of the whole system might not be satisfactory even though each member considered individually was satisfactory relative to its own supports. It might be unwise, therefore. to design both the beams and slabs in such a system to be on the limit of the ratios of span to effective depth. Where compression reinforcement is used in slabs Table 3.12 may be used to modify the span/effective depth ratio. 3.5.8 Crack control See 3.12.11. Specific crack control measures are unlikely to be required provided the spacing of bars conforms with the rules given in When reinforcement is needed purely to distribute cracking arising from shrinkage and temperature effects the recommendation given in and for plain

0 walls should be followed. Further information is given in Part 2 Section 3.8.4. 3.6 Ribbed slabs (with solid or hollow blocks or voids) B 3.6.1 General Introduction Hollow or solid blocks andformers Spacing and size of ribs When calculating the section resistance the maximum flange width assumed should not exceed that specified for T-beams (3.4.15). Where the slab is arranged to span in one direction, it is suggested that, in addition to the condition specified in the clause, a minimum of five ribs may be provided. The last paragraph applies to trough slabs where there may be practical difficulties in ensuring the positioning of main reinforcement or where the rib spacing is such that each will behave as a separate beam. This is likely if the spacing exceeds 1.5m. It is not considered necessary to provide links in waffle slabs unless they are required for shear or fire resistance purposes. Fixing of the bars in one direction can be achieved by tying them to the bars in the other direction. Non-structural side support. This clause neglects to point out that cracking in the adjacent flange is likely and consideration should be given to introducing ribs at right angles to the support. Thickness of tapping used to contribute to structural strength Although a nominal reinforcement of 0.12% is suggested in the topping (, it is not insisted upon, and the topping is therefore expected to transfer load to the adjacent ribs without the assistance of reinforcement. The mode of transfer involves arching action and this is the reason for the insistence that the depth be at least one-tenth of the clear distance between ribs. .49

Handbook to BS8IJO.-198S

3.6,1.6 Hollow block slabs where topping not used to contribute to structural strength 3.6.2 Analysis of structure When considering the effects of concentrate.d loads in one-way slabs, the width assumed
to contribute to the support of the load should not exceed the width of the loaded area plus four times the rib spacing; in addition, it should not be taken greater than 0,251 on either side of the loaded area.




For waffle flat slabs the section properties should be based on the stiffness of the waffle section. If the breadth of the solid area at the column is at least one third of the
smaller dimension of the surrounding panels. it should be taken into account in the

section properties.
Similarly for a flat slab with drops, the drop should be taken into account in the section properties if it is at least one-third of the smaller dimension of the surrounding panels.


Hence when analysing by equivalent frame the section properties should be based on
the hatched areas as shown in Figure H3.23.

at mid-span at mid-span

, /


at support WAFFLE SLAB

at support



Figure H.3.23: Areas to be considered for section properties in equivalent frame anal.vsis The lateral distribution of moments in waffle flat slabs is similar to solid flat slabs
except that the solid area around a column may be considered as a drop ( 3.7.3 and The presence of the solid area causes stress concentration at the outer

comers. For this reason the concentration of reinforcement required generally by does not apply. The reinforcement should be placed evenly across the column strip.
The torsional stiffness of waffle slabs is small and when analysing by grillage or finite

element methods it is reasonable to neglect its effects except in solid areas. A more detailed method of grillage analysis covering waffle flat slabs is given by Whittle13 18) The alternative suggestions given in 3.6.2 for situations where it is impracticable to provide sufficient reinforcement to develop the full design support moment apply to single and two-way ribbed slabs. For flat slabs 3.7.2. 3.7.3 and 3.7.4 apply. 3.6.3 Design resistance moments 3.6.4 Shear
It is suggested that where the rib spacing exceeds Im. nominal stirrups should be provided in the ribs in accordance with Flat slab construction Where shear links are required in the ribs they should be extended into the solid section to allow the concentrated stresses to disperse into the solid section (an effective depth
say). The tension reinforcement should extend a further tension anchorage length. One or two-way spanning slabs Shear contribution by hollow blocks

C Li L I C [ U L




Par:): Section .3 Shear conribution from solid blocks Shear contribution by joints between narrow precast units Maximum design shear stress Area of shear reinforcement in ribbed, hollow block or voided slabs ] Advantage may be taken of enhanced shear strength of sections close to supports as given in 13.6.5 Deflection in ribbed, hollow block or voided construction generally Note that if a slab is designed as simply supported it must be considered as simply -supported when checking deflections. General If a slab is designed as simply supported according to the rules given in 3.6.2 then it should be treated as simply supported for the purposes of checking the ratio of span to effective depth. Rib width of voided slabs or slabs of box or I-section units

3.6.6 Arrangement of reinforcement 3.6.2 allows that a continuous ribbed slab may be designed as simply supported with so-called anti-crack steel provided over-the supports. The system of treating continuous slabs as simply supported has arisen in practice because of the difficulty, or even sometimes impossibility, of fixing enough top steel in the ribs over supports to resist the moments which would arise from treating the slabs as continuous. From the point of view of safety, this is likely to be satisfactory. However, from the point of view of serviceability, its sufficiency is more doubtful. Effectively, designing in this way is asking for a very large redistribution in the support section. This means that, even under dead load, the support steel will yield if the concrete cracks, and it cannot therefore act effectively as anti-crack reinforcement. It may well be that cracks in the top surface of slabs over the supports are often not serious. the cracks being covered by floor finishes or partitions. The engineer should nevertheless be aware that this.method of design does have risks of serious cracking associated with it. The necessity of providing internal ties in accordance with 3.12.3 may on occasions influence the application these detailing rules. Where waffle slabs haveof been designed as flat slabs. situations will arise where particular spacings of ribs will lead to those of the middle strip requiring more reinforcement than -those in the column strip for positive moments in the span (Table 3.21). In such circumstances across the middle the and reinforcement column strips. required for the total moment should be spread evenly





0 13 Curtailment of bars Reinforcement in topping for ribbed or hollow block slabs Links in ribs See comment on

U 3.~ Flat slabs

The along thetorsional external cracking. edges of waffle slabs should be provided with nominal links toribs help control

3.7.1 General The design of flat slabs by the empirical method given in CP11O was generally less conservative than that of more rigorous elastic methods. Research in recent years has 51

Handbook to BS8IJO:J985 shown that pattern loading for the rigorous methods is overconservative. For this reason
the simplified single load with case the ( has rules been will introduced. general. designs now carried out in accordance simplified be more In conservative than those

made using equivalent frame or grillage methods. New shear clauses have been introduced as a result of research by Regan~39 and Long et alt30~. These clauses are considered internationally to provide the closest relationship with the test results of all the existing concrete codes. Symbols Design
In order to satisfy the serviceability criteria, elastic methods of analysis are likely to control the design of flat slabs. The use of computers enables equivalent frame and

grillage methods to become increasingly popular for modelling flat slabs. Grillage methods
can provide reasonable estimates of deflection provided care is taken in selecting section properties and due account is taken of the effects of cracking and creep. Detailed methods are given by Whittle~3181.

The distribution of moments across the width of slab for negative moment alters with respect to the aspect ratio of the panel. Figure H3.24. taken from Regan4391 shows the




[ [






0. 1.0




Figure H3.24.- Distribution of long-span negative moment in internal panel of flat slab. Column head Effective diameter of a column or column head Drops When checking the shear resistance. two critical perimeters should be considered. One LSdd from the face of the column and the other I.Sd. from the outer edge of the drop
(dd=effective depth of drop and d 5=effective depth of slab). Thickness ofpanels 3.7.2 Analysis of flat slab structures

I. L


Analysis of flat slabs is normally carried out by using one of three methods: yield line.

Parr 1: Section S equivalent frame, or grillage analogy. Yield line methods whilst providing the most economic solution do not provide information concerning the most suitable arrangement of reinforcement for working load conditions with consequent implications for cracking and deflection.
Elastic methods are more likely to predict the behaviour under working load conditions

and they can be extended to an analysis at the ultimate limit state. The equivalent frame approach provides a reasonable representation of the behaviour of the floor by a system of columns and beams analysed separately in each span direction. One misconception heldby some engineers is to considera reduced loadwhen analysing the slab in one direction. A flat slab supported on columns, other than perimeter beams. can fail as a one-way mechanism just as a single-way slab, and it should be reinforced to resist the moment from the full load in each orthogonal direction.
The use of computers for the analysis of flat slabs is becoming more common and

grillage programs are now often used to solve routine design problems. These can give reasonable predictions of deflection provided care is taken in selecting section properties and due account is taken of the effects of cracking and creep. Detailed methods are given by Whittle~~181. General

The justification for a single load case of maximum design load on all spans or panels is given by Beebv~310~. Although it is a reasonable assumption for normal occupancy it cannot be rigorously proved. It is not considered valid for structures designed for storage where pattern loading may be a real possibility. Analysis
It should be realised that although the equivalent frame method of analysis provides a

reasonable set of moments and shear forces it will normally over-estimate the moments at the edge columns. The lateral distribution of moments at edges is normally very
restricted as described in Division offlat slab structures into frames

The division into longitudinal and transverse frames gives design moments in two directions at right-angles. These moments must be provided for in full, as otherwise equilibrium will not be satisfied. The loads in the columns can be assessed from either the longitudinal or the transverse frames and the assumptions of simple support as defined in may be used if desired for internal columns where appropriate. Where drops are used account should be taken of them in determining the section properties of the slab if they project more than 0.151 into the span. Frame analysis methods The frame method gives satisfactory results for most orthogonal grids. However whereas this method is suitable for analysis at the ultimate limit state it does not provide accurate predictions of deflections at service loads. Frame stiffness Limitation of negative design moments This clause provides a check to ensure that static equilibrium is obtained. The value of h~ for the purposes of this clause should not exceed 1.5 times the size of the shorter side of a rectangular column. Simplified method for determining moments The coefficients given in Table 3.19 have been prepared taking due account of the necessary 20% downward redistribution of moments required under the single load case. The value of the effective shear force (3.7.6) when using these coefficients may be determined from the simplified factors 1.15 for internal columns. 1.25 for corner columns and edge columns bent about an axis parallel to the free edge and 1.4 for edge columns bent about an axis perpendicular to the free edge.

Handbook to BS8IIO.-1985 Division of panels (except in the region of edge and corner columns) The definition of column and middle strips for rectangular panels has been altered with respect to CPI 10. This is as a result of work carried out by Regan3 ~ For aspect ratios greater than 2 the centre section of the longer span tends to span one way and should

be reinforced with nominal steel only in the direction of the short span. The lateral
distribution of moments is discussed in more detail by Regan~39~ and vVhittle13~~. 3.7.2,9 Column strips between unlike panels Division of moments between column and middle strips It should be noted that Table 3.21 does not give a suitable division of moments at edge columns. These areas require special attention as given in

3.7.3 Design of internal panels Column and middle strips A distinction should be made between the design of flat slabs with flat soffits and those

with drops (or waffle slabs with solid areas around columns). The presence of the drop or solid area causes stress concentration at the outer corners. This affects the way in which the top reinforcement should be distributed to resist the negative moment in the
column strip. The concentration of reinforcement provided by this clause should-not

apply in such situations and the reinforcement should be placed evenly across the column
strip. Care should be taken to ensure that the top reinforcement extends over the corner of the drop or solid area to control cracking in this area. Curtailment of bars 3.7.4 Design of edge panels Positive design moments in span and negative design moments over interior edges Design moments transferable between slab and edge or corner columns Equation 24 gives a simplified formula providinga reasonable basis to assess the maximum moment of resistance of an edge joint. The reasons for restricting the effective width
are given by Regant3 19), The value of be for a circular column may be taken as that for a square enclosing the circle. If the equivalent frame method is used for determining the edge transfer moment this clause allows up to 50% redistribution. The reason for this is that this method is known to give higher moments of transfer than actually take place. Long discusses this in detail~320~. Where the simple coefficients given in Table 3.19 or the single load case in conjunction with the equivalent frame method of analysis are used. the moments and shear forces may be redistributed a further 30%. This is equivalent to approximately 50% redistribution of the elastic values from these methods. In circumstances where. in spite of redistribution of the elastic moments to the limits given, they still exceed M~max consideration should be given to altering the structural configuration. Otherwise flexural cracking in the slab close to the edge columns could become so excessive that it affects the shear capacity.


U Limitation of moment transfer

Although the limitation on moment transfer is severe it is unlikely that much can be gained by torsion Whittle~318~ discussreinforcement this in more detail. in slabs with a depth less than 300mm. ~~g~fl(3i9~and Negative moments at free edge It should be noted that for normal situations the total transter moment (slab/cOlumn)





Paul SeLtun3

resisted by edSe reinforcement in a narrow band ( The remaining ed2e of the slab should be reinforced with nominal steel as described in this clause. Panels with marginal beams or walls 3.7.5 Openings in panels 3.7.6 Effective shear forces in flat slabs a simplified version of those given by Regan and can be shown to give results within 2% of Regans proposals. The enhancement factor given in CP11O (1+12.SM/VL) is reasonable for long spans with small columns. However for the more normal situations (up to 8m span) the current formulae which are based on the column width are more appropriate. The use of the simplified factors (e.g. 1.15 V 1 etc) isreasonable ,where the spans do~ not differ by more than 25%. ~16wever.if,the live to dead load ratio exceeds 1.00 then the mor,e. Dg9rous ~l~u9q, be~tuad~ General
The calculations for effective shear given in this section apply to elastic methods of The equations given in this section which magnify the elastic shear differ from CP1IO. This results from work carried out by Regant39~ and Long 30), In fact, equation 25 is

analysis~ When using the single load case of maximum design load on all spans or panels simultaneously the value of V~ff should not be taken as less than 1.1 V1 for the slab/internal column connections and 1.35 V1 for the slab/edge columns bent about an axis perpendicular to the free edge. Shear stress at stab/internal column connections in flat slabs There may be occasions when the calculated value ~ the ~simplified value given for approximately equal spans Consideration sh ~b&~2i~nto situations where the calculated value is likely to be larger and should be used. These will include: (a) unequal loading of slab panels (b) slabs where the difference in spans is more than 10% (c) 1slabs 4where~ full ~elasticinoment. This will cause the first interior column to have a higher moment. Shear stress at other slab-column connections Maximum design shear stress at the column face 3.7.7 Shear under concentrated loads Mode of punching failure A punching failure of a slab without shear reinforcement occurs when the tension in the
concrete reaches its limit. The natural failure occurs on inclined faces of truncated cones or pyramids at an angle of about 350 to the horizontal. No theory of punching as yet is

generally accepted and the Code recommendations are empirical. expressed in terms of nominal shear stresses along a control perimeter. The control perimeter is taken as rectangular in shape, ~,5d from the column or 4oaded~area. The choice of perimeters is
based on the use of the shear resistance values for single-way slabs together with

convenient and simple geometric values. Maximum design shear capacity The Code recommendations are empirical and are expressed as a nominal shear stress
at the face of the column or loaded area. The value of u0 is based on the size of a rectangle touching the loaded area. For a circular column this is a square of side equal to the diameter of the column. The failure mode associated with the maximum shear capacity is that of a diagonal compression strut failure. This may be considered to extend

from the column face (or loaded area) to a perimeter 1.5d from the column.


Handbook to BS8IIO:1985


I: Section 3 Calculation of design shear stress for a failure zone Equation 28 is an empirical formula which differs from that of CP1 10 which was expresse~j in terms of the full depth of slab rather than the effective depth. The reason for the change is to bring it in line with the calculation of shear stress for beams and single-way slabs which are both expressed in terms of effective depth. Shear capacity of a failure zone without shear reinforcement

This clause allows an increase in v~ for perimeters closer than l.5d from the face of column or loaded area. However this value should not exceed the maximum permitted value given in Often a dilemma exists as to whether the bottom or top steel should be taken as the tensile reinforcement and from where its anchorage should be measured. If there is doubt then the bottom steel should be chosen. The required anchorage of the effective

steel area is defined in Clause This explains that the reinforcement should extend
beyond the failure zone considered by an effective depth or 12 times the diameter of

the bar. whichever is greater~ Each failure zone is LSd wide, corresponding to a notional
failure line. Provision of shear reinforcement in afailure zone This clause includes a number of changes from CPl 10. The use of rectangular perimeters
and zones is considered more convenient for placing shear reinforcement. Each shear

perimeter checked is associated with a zone through which the failure plane is assumed to pass. The objective of providing shear reinforcement for a particular perimeter check
is to ensure that the shear reinforcement is spread evenly over the associated zone and crosses the likely failure plane. In order to ensure that punching between the column (or loaded area) and the innermost shear perimeter is avoided this shear reinforcement should be placed not further than 0.5d from the face of the column. Design procedure Modification of effective perimeter to allow for holes

Where holes occur adjacent to one side of a column the reduction of shear perimeter
may be more reasonably taken as a parallel projection of the hole on to the shear perimeter as shown in Fizure H3.25.


shear perimeter





Figure H325: Reduction of shear perimeter near holes. Effective perimeter close to a free edge 3.7.8 Deflection of panels

When using Table 311 the value of NI should be taken as the total bending moment calculated at mid-span for a panel.


3.7.9 Crack control in panels See 3.12.11. The only special point to note is that, if drops are used, the total dep(h ~t

L I L L 12 L


- ~




. .

. -...


0 N
Columns I3.8

. . .

Part1-Section 3

the slab plus drop should be considered when deciding how the rules in 3. apply to the regions of the slab within the drops. 13.7.10 Design of columns in flat slab construction

3.8.1 General In principle, columns would appear to be considerably more complex to design than beams due to the substantial number of extra variables which may require consideration. These are: (a) Sections are subjected to combined moment and axial loadrather thanjust moment. (b) A considerable number of combinations of moment and axial load may be possible. These will frequently include cases giving biaxial bending. (c) Bending of the column will lead to lateral deflections which, if significant, can affect the capacity of the column. Fortunately, thereare also a number of simplifying factors which reduce the complexity in most normal situations such as: (a) k~iost columns are of:iiec~angular~czoss-section and are designed as.jyn~metrically -reiziforced. -.There. .~re~4inUeed. -very strong practical and ~behavioural reasons- for ~emp1oying symmericiaUyxeIn~rceci4sections wherever ~sible. (b) ~n~n y~4~zo~ip ULWndi1c~dbe~considrnd. Except for i1igbdy~oadcd~Aup,s e~~ii~1tfniioad ~usl~aximi~im mbment will :deflections are ;not significant.. (d) yM~~ws~.iisideatiozi,v rift) ~Il jeii~iI~ot require consideration. (f) Since, in general, all sections of a column will contain the same reinforcement, the distribution of moments over the height of the column is rarely of importance, only the maximum values. As a result of the above factors. design of most columns is a very simple matter. The fact that the Code has to provide rules for dealing with the less common, more complex situations should not be allowed to obscure this. Symbols Size of columns Section 3.3. and in particular Tables 3.4. 3.5 and Figure 3.2 give information which may influence the section dimension. Short and slender columns Slender columns are those where the deflection of the column under ultimate load conditions is sufficient significantly to influence the ultimate strength. Short or stocky columns are those where the deflection may be ignored. The limit of 10 for the slenderness ratio for unbraced structures is arbitrary as deflection has some influence on strength at all slendernesses. The situation is different for braced structures since (as will be discussed below), in braced structures the maximum moments induced by deflections occur at roughly mid-height of the column while the moments arising from normal frame action are greatest at top and bottom of the column. Studies have shown that for slenderness ratios less than 15. the moments arising from the frame action at the ends of the column will always give the critical design condition. Above 15. it becomes increasingly likely that the critical design condition will occur in the central region of the column. Plain concrete columns This clause was introduced in recognition of the fact that, if it is acceptable (and indeed normal) to design masonry columns without reinforcement, then it must be equally acceptable to design unreinforced concrete columns. aai4~


Handbook to BS8IIO 1985

End condition

Table H3.5 Assumed beam/column stiffnesses

Ratio 4X~ beam/ column stiffness
0.5 1.5 3.0 70


Using these figures and the equations in Part 2 Section 2.5 gives the values for effective length in Tables 3.21 and 3.22. An extensive discussion of the effective length of bridge piers is given in reference


3.21. This may be of value in special cases. Slenderness limits for columns

This limit is simply considered to be the limit beyond which current knowledge should
not be extrapolated. Slenderness of unbraced columns The additional limit applied here for cantilever columns will be seen to be effectively the same as the slenderness limit applied to cantilever beams in 3.8.2 Moments and forces in columns Columns in monolithic frames designed to resist lateral forces. (Unbracedframes)
This is simply to indicate that the simplified methods of assessing moments and forces

which are permissible for braced frames should not be used for unbraced frames. Additional moments induced by deflection at ULS

F F (7 F [

These will be discussed in the section on 3.8.3. Columns in column-and-beam construction, or in monolithic braced structural
frames This clause gives the simplified basis on which axial forces may be assessed. Moments should be obtained in accordance with (though the clause omits stating this) unless it is reasonable to assume effectively axial loading.

F U L I [ L


minimum moment

M,~minimum moment

Figure H3. 29: Problem situation for treatment of minimum moments.





. .

Part 1: Section 3 Minimum eccentricity


It is impossible to guarantee that a column will be absolutely axially loaded: some moment will inevitably occur even if the calculations suggest otherwise. Hence it is prudent to allow for at least a minimum moment. The value chosen is arbitrary and, in fact, is less stringent than the rules imposed in many other countries. The provision for biaxially bent sections actually introduces an element of ambiguity in some cases. The Code states that the minimum eccentricity only need be applied in one direction at a time. The immediate assumption one is tempted to make is that, for the case sketched in Figure H3.29. one should design for M~ about the major axis and the minimum eccentricity about the minor axis. However, common sense would suggest that this column would actually be considered to be uniaxially bent and the moment about the minor axis ignored. If this was done. since M~ exceeds the minimum moment, there would be no necessity to consider the minimum moment at all. It thus appears that the only logical way to interpret this clause is to check that the moment in at least
one direction exceeds the minimum, otherwise the Code would be implying that all

columns must be designed as biaxially bent. 3.8.3 Deflection induced moments in solid slender columns These clauses have been derived from work by Cranston~3~~. The logic behind them is as follows: Consider. for simplicity, a pinned ended strut. Due to inevitable imperfections, this will deflect laterally under load. When the strut deflects, each section is subjected to a moment given by the deflection at that section multiplied by the vertical load. This moment causes a further increase in deflection and hence in moment. Under some conditions, this will lead to instability and a buckling failure: under lower loads, an equilibrium condition can be reached. For elastic materials. analysis of this situation leads to the classical Euler equation for the load capacity of slender struts. Reinforced concrete columns, especially close to collapse. are not elastic and it has been necessary to develop a more general approach to the problem. Furthermore, it is necessary to be able -to deal with much more general problems than simply pinned ended struts. In its simplest terms, the method given in the Code can be derived as follows. The curvature at the critical section in a strut at the moment of failure is obtainable from the basic assumptions for section behaviour. It will be given by 1/r~= ( e
1e~)/d (0.0035+ e~)/d

Assuming a balanced section. e~ wilIbe given by 0.87f,}E1. For grade 460 steel this will be 0.002 and hence: 1/r~0.0055/d If the deflected shape of the column is assumed to follow a sine curve, then the deflection will be given by: Assuming the overall section depth is rouzhlv 1.1 times the effective depth and allowing for the conservatism implicit in the derivation, this may be rewritten approximately as: 2h a~=(1I2000) (4/h) This will lead to a moment at the critical section of: This analysis assumes a balanced section. For sections with greater axial loads than the balanced condition, the strain in the reinforcement near the least compressed face will be less than the yield strain. It will lie in the range O.O035~e 5~=0.002. see Figure H3.30. This leads to the ultimate curvature being below that for a balanced section. This is allowed for by introducing a coefficient K such that the ultimate curvature is equal to the ultimate curvature for a balanced section multiplied by K. The expression used for K in the Code is empirical. If the section of the strut is designed so that it can withstand this moment. then the strut will be stable under this condition and buckling failure will not occur under this load. In most columns one is not dealing with a pinned ended strut and the additional moment due to the ultimate deflection is added to the moments arising from normal frame action.

Handbook to BS8IIO:198S


[I F F

[ C [

Figure H3.30: Variation of ultimate curvature at different axial loads. It is not necessarily possible to predict exactly how a column will deflect and. ideally. one should consider the possibility of buckling about eitheraxis. This wilfclearlv involve considering biaxial bending. To avoid this for most common cases, the additional moment due to deflection is calculated on the basis of the smaller dimension of the columns. For






if average

>20. check sup0orting structure

for effecta of addItional moment in x dIrectIon






SLENDER slenderness effects on column

a 0 cn

I short if braced about minor axis 10 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / slenderness effects / may always be ignored/ / / /

short if braced about both axes ~ ~a



OOj~ a V
,..j ~-

z z 0



!~. 0.

m 2 m

/ / / /


.~ -


m 0

15 20 60(4v)



Figure H3.31: Interpretation of Clauses,,, and

Part J:Secnon.,

uniaxially bent columns where 41h<20, this moment is applied in whichever direction the primary moments act, regardless of whether this is about the minor or major axis. This is a conservative approach and economies can occasionally be achieved by carning out a biaxial design. Design See discussion above Design moments in braced columns bent about a single axis Figure 3.20 in the Code illustrates the provisions of this clause adequately. Slender columns bent about a single tzxis (major or minor) This simplified approach is dealt with at the end of the section on 3.8.3. Columns where 41/i exceeds 20, bent about their major axis In this case, the simplification used above becomes excessively conservative and a biaxial design will be more appropriate. Columns bent about their major axis The same comment applies as for Slender columns bent about both axes Care needs to be taken here when the effective lengths about the two axes are very different or where the column is braced in one direction and unbraced in the other. Careful inspection of Figures 3.20 and 3.21 should indicate which moments should be combined with which in particular cases. Unbraced structures Deflection of unbraced columns Equation 37 is a change from that given in CP11O:1972. The approach in BS 8110 is the more correct. Additional moments on members attached to a slender column 3.8.4 Design of column sections for ULS



tel chart theoretically invalid

tbl chart will be satisfactory

Figure H3.32: Validity of design charts for columns with reinforcement not
concentrated in corners.

Handbook to B58110:1985 Analysis of sections Design charts for symmetrically-reinforced columns The design charts are drawn on the assumption that the reinforcement is concentrated close to the faces of the section. The charts are theoretically invalid if other arrangements of reinforcement are used, for example as shown in Figure H3.32. Various methods have been suggested for enabling the charts to be used for this type of section but a reasonable approach is to establish an effective value for d by calculating the position of the centroid of the reinforcement in one half of the section (Figure H3.33). This value can then be used with the design charts in Part 3. This approach is conservative but usually not excessively so.

[K F


centrL7 1/j section bars in

Figure Ff3.33: Effective depth of a column section. Nominal eccentricity of short columns resisting moments and axialforces Equation 38 will be particularly appropriate where the column supports a rigid structure or very deep beams. A cross-section under pure axial load will, from the assumptions given in carry an axial load of: The reduction of approximately 10% built into equation 38 allows for the minimum eccentricity of 0.05 h. Short braced columns supporting an approximately symmetrical arrangement of
beams N=0.45fcoAc+0.87fyA~

Equation 39 contains a further reduction from equation 38 to cater for the moments which will arise from asymmetrical loading on symmetrical beams. Equation 39 should not be used for edge columns, unless the primary beams of the structure span parallel to the edge. Biaxial bending The method proposed in BS 8110 differs from that in CP11O. The reason for the change

is that, while the CP11O equation is probably technically superior. it cannot be used
directly for design but only for checking a section which has already been detailed. TIlL method in BS 8110 is adequate provided M~~/bh is not too different to M~/l?b2. Even in these circumstances a reasonable answer will be obtained if care is taken in the definition of h and b. It is suggested that, where the reinforcement is not concentrated in the corners, effective values of h and b are computed as suggested for d in the

U 5 I C [ L L [ U

comments on (Figure H3.33). Shear in columns 64

--. ~. .---~ .. . . ~ .. -:~~.~-:~



Part 1: Section 2

a a



3.8.5 Deflection or columns This clause is concerned with the deflection service not the deflections discussed under 3.8.3 which is concerned with under deflections at loads, ultimate loads.

3.8.6 Crack control in columns Walls 3.9.1 Symbols 3.9.2 Structural stability Overall stability Overall stability of multi-storey buildings This clause is badly expressed. The intention is that lateral stability in any direction should not be provided solely by walls bending about their minor axes. Walls must be arranged to provide a stiff structure to resist the lateral loads. Forces in lateral supports This clause allows for possible ~out of plumb ofthe structure or other unforeseen effects. Resistance to rotation of lateral supports 3.9.3 DesIgn of reinforced walls Reinforced walls are effectively considered as a special case of reinforced columns. A reinforced wall has to contain at least 0.4% of vertical reinforcement. otherwise it must be treated as unreinforced. Much of the commentary on the column section (3.8) applies also to this section. Axialforces Effective height General. For walls constructed monolithically with the surrounding structure. see and the commentary on that clause. Simply-supported construction. See Design transverse moments In-plane moments Arrangement of reinforcementfor reinforced walls in tension Stocky reinforced walls Stocky is identical to short. Stocky braced reinforced wails supporting approximately symmetrical arrangements of slabs. As in the equivalent equation for columns. a notional allowance is included in the equation for small moments. WalLs resisting transverse moments and uniformly distributed axial forces Walls resisting in-plane moments and axial forces

Hanabook to BSSI]O:]985 Wails with axial forces and signLficant transverse and in-plane moments. This

clause gives a simplified approach to the complex problem of biaxial bending under
ultimate conditions. Theoretically, the problem can be tackled from first principles using the assumptions of but considerable complexity will be involved. Where tension arises along the length of the wall, a simple strip foundation will not be sufficient unless it is designed to resist the resultant bending moments in the plane

[I F

of the wall. Because of this, a solution using plain walls may be attractive. Slender reinforced walls Design procedure Limits of slenderness

[ [ Transverse moments 3.9.4 Design of plain walls Note the definition of plain walls given in Effectively, a plain wall is one with less than 0.4% vertical reinforcement: it may well contain some reinforcement for anticrack or handling purposes. It may also be noted that where walls do not contain any reinforcement, the durability provisions of rather than those of 3.3.5 would apply. Plain walls are intermediate between reinforced walls and masonry walls. Many of the provisions in BS 5628 might be considered to give useful guidance in particular cases. The handbook to that code could also be of value~3~. Axialforces This follows the rules given for columns in Effective height of unbracedplain concrete walls Effective height of braced plain walls The provisions of this clause are consistent with those in the Masonry Code (BS 5628:1978). Limits of slenderness The limit of 30 given here is slightly greater than that permitted in BS 5628 for masonry but generally less than that permitted for reinforced walls. Minimum transverse eccentricity offorces
This clause follows the provisions for columns and reinforced walls.

[ C C [ [ L
L [
L In-plane eccentricity due to forces on a single wall In-plane eccentricity due to horizontal forces on two or more parallel walls ~.9.4.8 Panels with shear connections Eccentricity of loads from concrete floor or roof
The provision regarding common bearing areas restricts the maximum calculated eccentricity due to imposed load on the slabs to h16 in internal walls.

Eccentricity of load in a braced wall by floor loading will arise as indicated in Figure H3.34(a). from which it will be seen that eccentricities at the top and bottom of the wall ~vill be opposite in sign. Local cracking in the floor slabs will tend to reduce the eccentricities at both ends (Figure H3.34(b)). Precise evaluation of the eccentricity IS impossible and so the simplification as sketched in Figure H3.34(c) is introduced. The cross-section at the top of the wall must be designed to resist the total load N 3 acting at the appropriate eccentricity.




Part 1: Section 3

Unbraced plain walls should be found only in single-storey construction. The procedure inherent in Figure H3.35 is suggested: effectively, cantilever action is being assumed to give the worst possible effect as regards the eccentricity calculation.
upper load, N,, assumed
to act centrally

floor load, N2. acting through third point of

bearing area
N3. acting on wall is resultant of N, and N2

here w II cause II lleccentrctv/l




load N3 assumed to act centrally here Ibi



Figure H3.34: Eccentricity in braced walls. a


bearing width

(lateral load to be resisted by wallI


bearing width




Figure Ff3.35: Eccenzriciiv in a single-storey unbraced wall. Other eccentrically-applied loads In-plane and transverse eccentricity of resultant force on an unbraced wall Transverse eccentricity of resultant force on a braced wall See above.
- Concentrated loads A much more detailed approach to concentrated loads is given in BS 5628 Clause 34. In awkward situations it could be worth using these clauses with Ym taken as 2.25. Calculation of design load per unit length The intention of this clause is illustrated in Figure H3.36. Maximum unit axial loads for stocky braced plain walls The principles on which equations 43 to 46 are based are illustrated in Figure H3.37.

It tvill be seen that equation 43 follows directly from this Figure by considering equilibrium of vertical forces. It is also worth noting that the stress on the concrete of 0.3f~ corresponds to a Ym factor for plain concrete of 1.5 xO.45/0.3=2.25. This may be compared with the values given in BS 5628 of bet~veen 2.5 and 3.5. depending on control. It is logical to use a higher value of y~ for plain concrete than for reinforced concrete since, in the case of reinforced concrete. both steel and concrete have to reach their design strength to precipitate failure whereas, with plain concrete, only the one material needs to reach its design strength. This has a higher probability of occurrence. Maximum design ultimate axial loadfor slender braced plain walls The additional eccentricity is assumed to occur near mid-height of the wall. Using the same assumption as for braced columns, the initial eccentricity at this level may be taken as 0.6 e,. Substituting the total eccentricity (0.6 e,-l-ea) for e~ in equation 43 gives equation

Handbook to B58110:198S
line of action of load U

linear distribution of load maximum load per length unit

no tension

C [ I I C

Figure Ff3.36: Load distribution along a wall.

1o3 t~


Figure Ff3.37: Stress block under ultimate conditions in plain wall.

44. Obviously, the condition at the top of the wall also needs checking; hence the requirement to check equation 43 as well. Maximum unit axial load for unbraced plain walls Equation 46 should read: n~~0.3(h2(e~.z+e3) )f~ Shear strength This clause applies only to walls cast in situ. Where large panels with joints are used. the provisions of 5.3.7 must be applied. Shears in plain walls arise from the change in bending moment down the wall. Where the ratio of effective height to thickness is 6 or more, the maximum shear that can possibly develop at right-angles to the plane of the wall will correspond to a change III eccentricity from h/2 at the top of the wall to h/2 at the bottom. Thus, automatically. the shear is less than or equal to one-sixth of the axial load and for this reason need noC be checked. Where resistance to lateral load is being assessed under the stability requirements. adequate performance in shear may be assumed as long as the shear force is again IlOC more than one-quarter of the axial load. 58
--. . . S .~. . .. -4.. -. . . . -. . : - .




- .~. ~

. . -. ~


Par: I: Sec:ion Cracking of concrete Anticrack reinforcement in external plain walls Refer to Table 3.4 for adequate cover~. Anticrack reinforcement in internal plain walls Reinforcement around openings in plain walls Reinforcement ofplain walls for flexure This reinforcement is also anticrack steel and not reinforcement for strength. Deflection of plain concrete walls General Shear walls

3.10.1 General Loading Distribution of loading Effective span of monolithic staircases without stringer beams Effective span of simply-supported staircases without stringer beams Depth of section 3.10.2 Design of staircases Strength, deflection and crack control Permissible span/effective depth ratio for staircases without stringer beams This clause makes allowance for some stiffening from the treads.

3.11 Bases
3.11.1 Symbols 3.11.2 Assumptions in the design of pad footings and pile caps General 3.11 gives simple but safe rules for the design of individual wall and column bases. It does not refer to multiple column bases, rafts and other large scale foundation structures, which should be designed by taking due account of the ground conditions. For such structures reference to Part 2. Clause 2.2 may assist. The assumptions of uniform and linearly varying soil pressures on bases are safe because the pressures will in fact tend to reduce towards the extremities of the base for cohesionless soils, and to be uniformly distributed in the case of cohesive soils. Critical section in design of an isolated pad footing

Handbook to BS8IlO:1985 Pockets for precast members 3.11.3 Design of pad footings Design moment on a vertical section taken completely across a pad footing The critical section is defined in The bending moments on such sections should be determined by summation of the moments arising from all external loads and reactions on one side of each critical section. In the longer direction of span, the moment so deduced may be assumed to be constant over the critical section. but across the shorter span. the moments tend to be greater opposite the column. The code includes an arbitranrule for detailing the reinforcement accordingly ( Top reinforcement in pad footings is not normally required. Circumstances in which
it should be considered include:

r 1

(a) when uplift is likely to occur (b) where two or more columns use a single pad footing (c) where control of sufface cracking is essential. Distribution of reinforcement Design shear It should be noted that although the critical section is assumed to be at the face of the column ( an enhancement in design shear strength close to supports may also be applied in accordance with and From these considerations the critical section for shear is more likely to be a distance d from the face of the column-. Design shear strength near concentrated loads The following conditions are considered: (a) shear along a vertical section extending across the full width of the base (b) punching shear around the loaded area. Provided the column is placed near the centre of the footing V~ff may be taken as 1.15 V2. Otherwise it should be determined from 3.11.4 Design of pile caps General It should be noted that one major difference between the results of using bending theory and truss analogy is the requirement for anchorage of the main tension reinforcement. Bending theory is likely to require only nominal anchorage of bars beyond the pile whereas a full anchorage length is required if truss analogy is required. In order to overcome this anomaly the following rules may be applied. (a) if the distance from the column face to the critical section (Figure 32.3 of BS 811(1. Part 1) is less than or equal to 0.6d then corbel design methods should be considered see 5.2.7. One requirement is that the tension reinforcement requires a full anchorage beyond the loaded area, in this case the pile (b) if the distance from the column face to the critical section is 2d or more then .1 nominal anchorage beyond the pile of d or 12~ is all that is required (c) if the distance lies between (a) and (b) then linear interpolation may be used


r L

F [



In assessing where the anchorage length should be measured from it may be assumed
to be d/5 inside the outer limit of the pile.

L Truss method Shear forces It should be noted that the critical section for shear may be less than 2d from the face of the column. The enhancement in shear resistance given in then applies. Where more than one row of piles exists then two critical sections should be checked. One with 70 the shear enhancement and one without is shown in Figure H3.38.


., .-...,.....~.. --. . 4. 4

. . . ...--


Part J Section 3




T >3







0.2 dia.

0.2 dis.

Figure H3.38: Shear in pile caps. Design shear resistance The requirement for an anchorage of the main reinforcement equal to the effective depth should be measured from the critical section as shown in Figure 3.23 of BS 8110, Part 1. This criterion may control the length of bars in situations where small diameter piles are used with shallow pile caps. Otherwise the criterion described in the explanatory notes for will control. Punching shear

When it is necessary to check punching shear on a perimeter as shown in Figure 3.23 it max be found that the distance from the column to the perimeter varies from one face to another. In such situations any enhancement factor allowed by should only apply to the proportion of perimeter applicable. Where the spacing of piles is large. punching shear on a perimeter 1.5d from the
column may require checking.

3.12 Considerations affecting design details

This section of the Code provides information on a wide range of detailing aspects giving sensible values for the practical needs of detailing. However it does not set out methods
of detailing. The complexity in deciding what detailing method should be used involves

cost comparisons between materials and the labour to bend and fix the reinforcement. Often simple methods of bending and fixing reinforcement involve more material. It is considered that this is beyond the scope of the Code and reference should be made to other publications~34 and 3.241 3.12.1 Permissible deviations General Permissible deviations on member sizes

Application of this clause will be a matter for judgement but nominal dimensions will eeneraHy be appropriate for designing members at least 125mm thick. Position of reinforcement Permissible deviation on reinforcement fitting between two concrete faces

Specified limits for the position of reinforcement are set out in 7.3. These are summarized below. 71

Handbook to BS8JIO:198S

~mm +5mm for bars up to and including 12mm diameter + 10mm for bars over 12mm up to and including 25mm diameter + 15mm for bars over 25mm

Actual concrete cover < nominal cover Actual concrete cover where > nominal cover reinforcement is located in relation to only one face of a member


Limits to the allowable deviation of the location of the reinforcement are required because: (a) too large a negative tolerance will give durability problems (b) too large a positive tolerance will give strength problems. These limits need to accommodate the bending tolerance on reinforcement, which arc specified in BS 4466 and quoted in the commentary on 7.3: for bent bars up to 1000mm long, they are 5mm.In addition when detailing reinforcing bars to fit between two concrete faces, the dimension to be shown on the schedule should be less than that derived from the nominal dimension by an amount dependent on the overall size of the concrete member; for a total concrete dimension of up to 1000mm, the amount may be assumed to be 10mm. Alternatively, the detailing method should allow the bars to be lapped and to slide to fit the dimension as built. Where possible, it should be ensured that reinforcement on a tension face is positioned accurately with respect to that face; no reduction in effective depth need then be considered, nor will it be necessary, following the same approach as in to consider any reduction if the member thickness is at least 125mm. Accumulation of errors 3.12.2 Joints Construction joints See 6.12. 3.12..2.2 Movement joints See 6.13 and Part 2, Section 8.

F F [ F C

[ C 5 I [ [

3.12.3 Design of ties General Provided the recommendations of 3.1.4 have been followed, the requirements of 3.12.3 will normally ensure that a structure is robust for in situ reinforced concrete structures (Figure 3.1). Where precast concrete construction is involved care must be taken to ensure continuity of ties as described in 5.1.8.
For many structures it will be found that reinforcement provided for the usual dead.

imposed and wind loads will, with only minor additions and modifications. fulfil thesc tie requirements. In fact, normally designed in situ reinforced concrete structures detailed in accordance with the requirements of 3.12 other than for ties, will generally comply with the tie force requirements. Thus it is suggested that the structure be first proportioned for these usual loads and then a check carried out for tie forces. It should be noted that
in meeting the requirements the tie reinforcement is assumed to act at its characteristic

strength. Proportioning of ties Continuity and anchorage of ties


C [
, , . .



. - 4 - -. I

Part 1: Section 3 Internal ties Distribution and location. Bars in internal ties may be assumed to be fully anchored to the peripheral tie if they are anchored around the outermost bars of the peripheral tie as for a link ( Otherwise, the anchorage should be assessed from a plane passing through the centroid of the peripheral tie; the available anchorage length to anchor off the bar may be based on the characteristic bond stress as given in 3. 12.8.4. i.e. fbuXl.4. Hence the required anchorage length will be 1.15/1.4 times the normal design anchorage length given in Table 3.29. Strength. The strength requirement for ties is related to the number of storeys in the building. The philosophy behind this is that the consequences of collapse are generally more serious for high buildings: furthermore, simply because of their greater size, the probability of misuse or the occurrence of exceptional accidental loads is greater and the objective is to ensure that the risk is approximately the same for all heights. Peripheral ties

It is important that the peripheral ties are adequately connected to both the vertical and horizontal ties. In many cases, it will be helpful for the whole of the peripheral tie to be arranged to lie along or outside the centre-line or median plane of the columns or walls respectively. In such cases, the internal ties will serve automatically as wall ties; where columns are involved, it may be assumed that all internal ties anchored to the peripheral tie within Im on either side of the column centre-line form part of the column tie. Horizontal ties to columns and walls General. A further requirement for horizontal ties not included for internal or peripheral ties is that the tie force should not be less than 3% of the total design ultimate vertical load on the column or wall. This is likely to be the more critical for members in the lower storeys of high-rise buildings. Corner ties Vertical ties (generally required in buildings offive or more storeys) Since the steel forming vertical ties in columns is tied together by stirrups there is little problem in connecting it to the horizontal tie. However, in the case of walls, reinforcement provided on the outer face will not usually be tied to the inner face. In such cases it may be necessary to provide links between the two layers at each floor level. 3.12.4 Reinforcement Groups of bars Bar schedule dimensions For small precast units, the deductions plus allowances for cover may lead to steel not extending into support regions. It is suggested that for such units the flexural steel be carried right through to the end face with small projections through the stop end. 3.12.5 Minimum areas of reinforcement in members General Symbols Minimum percentages of reinforcement Tension reinforcement: The values given in Table 3.27 are based on the requirement


Handbook to BS8IIO:]985

that the section can carry a higher load after cracking than before. The maximum tensile
stress assumed in the concrete is 3N/mm. Compression reinforcement: The minimum compression steel limit of 0.4% of the compression zone is new and a brief discussion of this is in order. In CP1 14. the minimum area of compression steel in columns is given as: ~0.8% of the gross cross-sectional arca of the column required to transmit all the loading This has traditionally been interpreted to mean: 8N/PCb 0.021 8N/f~~ mm ~ OO


CPI1O changed this to a minimum of 1% (without stating what it was 1% of) or, for lightly loaded members.
AsminO. 15NIf~

F [

Since any column requiring less than 1% of longitudinal steel could be classed as ~li~htlv loaded~, it could be argued that the second value always governed. CP1iO gave a limit of 0.4% for walls and this was justified on the basis of 5l that the presence of reinforcement in walls reduces the strength of the surrounding concrete as placed. Under axial loading only, a plain concrete wall can actually resist more load than a corresponding wall with a small amount of main reinforcement. As there seemed no consistency in any existing minimum reinforcement provisions. it was decided to adopt the 0.4% limit for all situations on the grounds that it was the
only proposal for which a logical reason for such a limit was discoverable. can lead to impractical reinforcement details if not sensibly applied.

r L

Care should be taken with small section columns as the minimum percentage rules In normal circumstances 16mm diameter bars or larger should be used to ensure a
robust cage. Smaller diameters should only be considered in short columns (less than 2.5m say) or where special measures are taken to ensure that the bars are fixed in position.

Lightly loaded columns where the section is large enough to resist the ultimate loads without the addition of reinforcement may be considered as plain concrete columns ( These may be designed similarly to plain concrete walls (3.9.4). The minimum reinforcement required to control cracking ( is 0.25% of the concrete crosssectional area for steel grades 460 and above and 0.30% of the concrete cross-sectional
area for steel grade 250. Transverse reinforcement in flanges of flanged beams: The values given in Table 3.27 are half that required by CP11O. The reduction appears reasonable when checked against recent research data. The statement in brackets at the bottom of Table 3.27 could be

misleading. If this reinforcement was required just to resist horizontal shear then there would be little reason why it should not be placed in both the top and bottom of the
flange. However the value has been reduced such that it would be wise for other reasons to place this amount of reinforcement close to the top of the flange (e.g. minimum tensile reinforcement, control of shrinkage cracks etc). Minimum size of bars in side face of beams to control cracking 3.12.6 Maximum areas of reinforcement in members These provisions give limits to what is normally practical from the point of view of placing concrete and steel fixing. Beams Columns

[ L
L Walls 3.12.7 Containment of compression reinforcement

It has generally been considered prudent to tie compression bars into the section by

means of links to stop them buckling out. either when yield commences or where longitudinal cracking might develop from any cause. Experimental work has not led tO any clear definition of what minimum tying is really necessary so that rules given In




Part): Secuon 3 to are essentially arbitrary and do no more than define accepted good practice. Diameter oflinksfor containment ofbeam or column compression reinforcement Arrangement oflinksfor containment ofbeam orcolumn compression reinforcement Containment of compression reinforcement around periphery of circular column Diameter ofhorizontal barsfor support ofsmall amounts ofcompression reinforcement
in walls Arrangement oflinks for containment oflarge amounts of compression reinforcement

in walls

The necessity for links in walls with more than 2% of steel will make for considerable practical difficulties. It is recommended that the cross-sectional area of the wall be increased to avoid this if at all possible. 3.12.8 Bond, anchorage, bearing, laps. joints, and bends in bars Avoidance of bond failure due to ultimate loads A significant change in BS 8110 from the provisions of CPlIO and previous codes is the removal of the requirement for a check on local bond stresses. The local bond stress check was not often a critical factor in design but occasionally influenced the detailing of sections where high shears occurred in conjunction with low moments (simple supports and points of contraflexure). Contacts with designers suggested that many firms had always ignored this check without apparent ill effect. Furthermore, there were real doubts about the actual purpose of the check. When CP11O was being drafted the theory was
put forward that it was a serviceability check against bond cracking but it seems highly

unlikely that bond cracking would develop under service loads. Furthermore, the behaviour assumed for sections is that they are flexurally cracked. This is not true of the points where local bond would be checked so the hypothesis underlying the local bond check is invalid in just those areas where the check might have an effect. Thus, in the absence of any clear picture of what the check was intended to achieve, it seemed pointless to continue to require it. Anchorage bond stress The assumptions made in this and most other codes is highly simplistic as bond strength is a function of the ratio of cover to bar diameter and the amount of transverse steel as ~vellas concrete strength and bar type. Reynoldst3261, from tests on laps, gives a design formula for bond stress for a type 2 bar with no transverse shear as: f 6=0.2(0.5+cfcb)V(f~,D For clek = 1, this gives a value for f3 of 0.3. An allowance for nominal transverse steel will bring this to the Code value of 0.5; in any case, the coefficient of 0.2 in the equation gives a lower bound to all the data used to derive the formula plus a further allowance for a safety factor. It may also be noted that bond strength is markedly increasedby the presence of transverse compression across the bar such as one would expect to be present at a support. From the practical point of view, however, it seemed an unnecessary refinement to attempt a more realistic treatment of anchorage bond since it would introduce considerable complications into design for little economic gain. Design anchorage bond stress Values for design ultimate anchorage bond stress Design ultimate anchorage bond stresses for fabric


Handbook to BSS1IO.-1985 Anchorage of links These values arise from experience and cannot be justified by calculation. It is believed that there is a misprint in (b) and that the continuation beyond the bend should be four times the bar size and not eight. Anchorage of welded fabric used as links Anchorage of column starter bars in bases or pile caps The cover to starters in bases or pile caps is very large and so. from the equation given above for bond stress, it will be seen that high bond strengths could be expected. While. for this case, there would be expected to be an upper limit to the value of ch,b which should be used in the equation, it was nevertheless believed that anchorage length would not be a limiting factor in the design of practical bases. Laps and joints A study carried out during the early stages of the revision process led to considerable concern about the provisions for laps as they had existed in previous British codcs. Experimental evidence from Europe and America (e.g. references 3.26 and 3.27) suggested that. in limiting circumstances. the lap lengths given in CP11O could have factors of safety of less than 1.0. Studies of foreign codes suggested that, in some cases. many the Committee of these codes was not could aware require of any lap cases lengths where of laps up to had twice failed UK in values. practice. Against In drafting this. the revised clauses, the following factors were considered: (a) the bond strength of bars cast near the top of members more than 300mm deep or so is significantly reduced due to settlement of the plastic concrete around the bar which leaves water filled lenses below the bar and sometimes cracks above the bar. The reduction is in the region of 20-40% for deformed bars (b) closely spaced laps can lead to a plane of weakness within a section which can lead to a reduction in strength: corners are also a source ofweakness (see Figure H3.39) (c) bond increases with increasing ratio of cover to bar diameter (see above).

F F [ C I F

,a) corner (bi cloas spacing (C) wide spacing

Figure H3.39: Modes of lap failure.


2 of ar in Ce

I force

L I [ L C


Figure H3. 40: Effect of joggled lap.

~ . ___________ -.4.4 ... -.




Part]: Section 3 Joints where imposed loading is predominantly cyclic Minimum laps Laps in beams and columns with limited cover The major considerations here are: (a) as mentioned under above, some allowance for transverse steel has been included in the bond stress formula (b) joggles~. frequently used at laps, are a source of major weakness and require the presence of stirrups for them to function. Figure H3.40 illustrates the actions of a joggle. Design of tension laps The logic behind these provisions has been discussed under above. Table H3.6 attempts to clarify the intentions of the clause.

Table H3.6 Multiplying factors for lap length

Tension lap lengths Bars In topof sectionas cast with cover ~20 ~75mm and
~ ~

Corner bars not intopof section wIth cover <2e




201b (680)

(34o) 1.412, (480)


1.412, (480)

lb=basic anchorage length. 0=bar size. Lap lengths for C30 concrete shown in brackets. Maximum amount of reinforcement in a layer including tension laps The logic behind this is discussed under above. Design of compression laps Butt joints Bars in compression Bars in tension Weldedjoints in bars Strength of welds Design of shear strength offiller material in lap-joint welds Design of welded lap joints Limitations of length of weld in laps 77

Handbook to BS8IIO:198S Hooks and bends Effective anchorage length of a hook or bend Minimum radius of bends Design bearing stress inside bends
When a bar carrying tension is taken around a bend, compressive forces are generated in the concrete within the bend. The concrete within a bend is effectively subjected to a stress field, being restrained by the concrete on either side of the bend. Concrete intriaxial this situation can withstand very high stresses locally much higher than those which

can be carried by concrete in flexure. This is true provided that the average stress remains low. The provisions of this clause effectively allow hither local bearing stresses as the average stress reduces in the plane perpendicular to the plane of the bend. The equation 9U
is a rearranged version of that given in the most recent recommendations of the CEB~

[ I I B A I I

3.12.9 Curtailment and anchorage of bars General It is necessary for a number of reasons to continue bars beyond where they are theoretically no longer required to resist bending (i) to allow for inaccuracies in the analysis. For example. the loading may well not be absolutely uniformly distributed, in which case the shape of the bending moment diagram will be different from that assumed (ii) to (iii) in the allow presence for possible of shear. misplacement diagonal cracks of the may bars form which. in the absence of stirrups. will cause the steel stress to be that corresponding to the moment at a section roughly an effective depth closer to the supports (iv) average cracks will occur the locally pointsreduce where the the shear bars stop off and may well be of above size. This at may strength. The minimum extension beyond the theoretical cut-off points of the greater of the effective depth or twelve times the bar size deals with points (i) to (iii) while the extra provisions guard against a reduction in shear strength. Provisions (c) and (e) control the size ofthe crack atthe cut-offpoint and (d) ensuresthat thereis a reserve of shear strength. Clearly, no bar can be cut off less than an appropriate anchorage length from the last point where it is assumed to be fully stressed. Condition (c) will be the easist to apply and is recommended for general use. Condition (d) will often apply in situations where low shear is present. e.g. in span regions of beams, where the trimming links automatically supply excess shear strength or in solid
slabs. Condition (d) caa be complied with by adding extra links but this is not recommended since apart from introducing extra shear calculations. more steel will be

involved thanif the main reinforcement is extended to comply with condition (c) or (e). Point at which a bar is no longer required Curtailment of a large number of bars Anchorage of bars at a simply-supported end of a member
Condition (c), applicable to simply-supported ends of members. is intended to apply to small precast units. As already indicated in the commentary on tolerances. such units

can have reinforcement extending right to the end face: a support width of 60mm is then
theoretically feasible. Since the effect of misplacing steel can. in this instance, give .1 catastrophic reduction in strength. it is suggested that design is based on the most

unfavourable configuration can arise from tolerances. When considering groups which of bars extending to simple supports. the equivalent size of 78 bar should be used.

L 0

. . . . .

Part].- Section 3

3.12.10 Curtailment of reinforcement

This section provides simplified rules for common situations. The result should generally

be conservative relative to application of the rules in General Simplified rules for beams Simplified rules for slabs General Curtailment of bars at end supports of slabs (where simple support has been
assumed in assessment of moments)

3.12.11 Spacing of reinforcement Minimum distance between bars

The required minimum bar spacings are aimed primarily at allowingadequate room for the concrete to flow around the bars and at obtaining adequate compaction. With this in mind, the reasons behind the particular requirements, as illustrated in Figure H3.41.

should be self-explanatorv. Where an internal vibrator is to be used. room should be left between the top bars for its insertion. Generally, spacings wider than the minimum
should be aimed at between top bars to allow the concrete to pass through easily.

Bundling bars may be particularly useful in reducing congestion.



0 C

0 C

C .1





<n.j u~.u

Figure H3.41: Minimum bar spacings (h~ is the maximum size of aggregate). The clause does not absolutely ban the use of spacings less than those recommended.
but it should be noted that such spacing may impair the development of adequate bond strength. Very closely spaced bars may produce a plane of weakness along which bond failure by splitting may initiate. In the light of our present limited understanding of this form of bond failure. closer spacings should be avoided unless positive evidence of the

efficiency of the particular arrangement exists. Maximum distance between bars in tension
The maximum bar spacings are specified in order to limit cracking. Part 2. Clause 3.8 gives the following equation for the calculation of the design surface crack width: 3acrem =
1-1-2 [ (acrcmin)I(hx)

~vhere a~, = distance from the point considered to the surface of the nearest longitudinal bar: cmin = minimum cover to the longitudinal bar: = average strain at the level considered: = design surface crack width.

Handbook to BS8IIO:198S This equation has the property that, when the crack width is being considered directly

over a bar (when a~ = ~


it reduces to:

= 3 ~


while, with increasing distance from a longitudinal bar (aa~), the crack width approaches:
= 1.5(hx)


From inspection of the equation, it can be seen that the crack width cannot exceed: (3.6) = 3aa 6m

Except directly over bars or in beams where (hx) is greater than 20 times the cover, the calculated width will normally be much less than that given by equation 3.6. Equation 8 in BS 8110 gives:


(5/8)A x l13b Clearly, this can be converted to a strain by dividing by the modulus of elasticity of

[H C C [ C I

the steel. The maximum design surface crack width is given in Clause 3.2.4 in Part 2 as[ 0.3 mm. Substituting this for wa in equation 3.6 and substituting for strain from the~ relationship given above we get. after rearrangement: aC>32000/3b/fY

The maximum calculated width will occur midway between bars. Therefore, as a~ will be rather more than half the clear spacing between bars, it is reasonable to write: clear spacing ~.7500O/3df~ Table 3.30 in the Code derives from this formula. Clearly, where more reinforcement is provided in the section than is required for the! ultimate limit state, a wider spacing than is given by the Table could be used. A suitable U value can be obtained by multiplying the spacings given in the Table by the ratio of the steel area provided to that required at ultimate. General Bars of mixed size. Where bars are being arranged in a section to control cracks, good practice would suggest that the sizes of bar in the section should not be too disparate hence the limit on crack control bars to not less than 0.45 times the size of the largest bar. Also, very small bars mixed with larger ones could render invalid the assumptions on which Table 3.30 is based.

[ L L L
U Clear horizontal distance between bars in tension. See notes above. Clear distance between bars in tension. This is simply a slightly more rigorous approach than that in Clear distance between the corner of a beam and nearest longitudinal bar in
tension Bars near side faces of beams exceeding 750 mm overall depth. This provision
is intended to avoid the local yielding of bars in side faces.

can lead to main large steel cracks in adequately the webs of such beams even where the crack widths at This the level of the are controlled.

Slabs. If a member is sufficiently shallow that equation 3.6 gives a crack less than 0.3 mm. then flexural cracking cannot be excessive whatever the bar spacing. Further, the reduction in strain permitted in Part 2, Clause 3.8.3 to allow for tension stiffening has so far been ignored in formulating the bar-spacing rules. In slabs. where the steel percentage is usually small, this reduction can be very significant. For example. with 0.5% of high-strength steel, the reduction in strain will be roughly 50%.

4 4 4.4 . - -...

. .

Part]. Section 3

Figure H3. 42: Maximum bar spacings in shallow members.

These factors have led to the rules for spacing of bars in slabs. For convenience, these provisions have been set out in the form of a flow chart in Figure H3.42. In Table 3.30, the percentage redistribution to or from a section is the percentage difference between the ultimate moment used in the design to the moment obtained at the section from the elastic ultimate moment envelope. In terms of the parameters used in the equations above, the percentage redistribution in Table 3.30 is equal to iOO(Pb 1). 3.12A1.2.8 Slabs where amount of redistribution is unknown Spacing of shrinkage reinforcement REFERENCES
BEEBY. AW. and TAYLOR. HPJ. The use of simplified methods in CP11O is rigour necessary? The Structural Engineer. Vol.56A. No.8. August 1978. 3.2 BEEBY. AW. The analysis of beams in plane frames according to CPlIO. Wexham Springs,


Cement and Concrete Association, October 1978. 34 pp. Development Report I (publication 44.001). 3.3 WOOD- RH. The stability of tall buildings. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. 69-102. Vol.11. September 1958. pp. 3.4 meCoNCI~e~resocIEn aTIdTNEINSTrI~U-TIONOFSTRUCTIJRALENGINEERS. Standard method of detailing

structural concrete. London. The Institution of Structural Engineers. 1986. CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY RESEARCH AND INFORMATION ASSOCIATION. The design of deep beams in reinforced concrete. CIRIA Guide 2. 1977. 3.6 MARSHALL W.T. A survey of the problem of lateral instability in reinforced concrete beams. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Vol.43. July 1969. 3.7 KRIZ. LB. and ~ms. CH. Connections in precast concrete struct~eeB strength of corbels. Journal of Prestressed Concrete Institute. Vol.10, No.1. February 1965. ppA6-61. 3.8 MORROW. J. and vIEST. IM. Shear strength of reinforced concrete frame members without web reinforcement. Journal of the American Concrete Institute. Proceedings Vol.53. March 1957. 3.5


Basic facts concerning shear failure. Journal of the American Concrete Institute. Proceedings Vol.63. No.6. June 1966. pp.675-692.


Handbook to BSSIIO:1985

38pp. Techntcaj 3.10 SWANN. RN Experimental basis for design method for rectangular reinforced in torsion. London. Cement anda Concrete Association. December 1970. concrete beam

Report 452 (Publication 42.452). BEEBY. A w Modified proposals for controlling detlections by means of ratios of span to effective depth. London. Cement and Concrete Association. April 1971. l9pp. Technical Report 456 (Publicacion 42.456).

F [


Span/effective depth ratios. Concrete. Vol.13. No2. February 1979. pp29-31.

Span/depth ratios for concrete beams and slabs. The Structural Engineer. Vol 6lA.

3.14 JOHANSEN. No.4. April K.w 1983. Yield-line pp 121-123. formulae for slabs. London. Viewpoint Publications. 1972. (12044) 3.15 HILLERBORG. ... Strip method of design. London. Viewpoint Publications, 1975. (12067) 3.16 BEEBY. AW A proposal for changes to the basis for the design of slabs. Wexham Springs. Cement and Concrete Association. April 1982. 38pp. Technical Report 547 (Publication





and MOHAMEOBHAI. OrG. Coefficients for the design of slabs by the yield inc theory. Concrete. Vol.3. No.5. May 1969. PP 171-172. WHn4rLE. R.T. Design of reinforced concrete flat slabs to BS 8110. London. Construction Induscr Research and Information Association. September 1985. 4Spp. Report 110. REGAN. p E. Behaviour of reinforced concrete flat slabs. London. 1981. Construction Industry Research and Information Association. 89pp. Report 89. LONG. AB.. KIRK. 0~ and CLELAND. oi. Moment transfer and the ultimate capacity of slab column structures. The Structural Engineer. Vol.56A. No.8. August 1978. pp.209-215. JACKSON. p.~. The buckling of slender bridge piers and the effective height provisions of BS 544W); Part 4. Wexham Springs, Cement and Concrete Association. 1985. l8pp. Technical Repori 561. (Publication 42.561). cRANSToN w B. Analysis and desiEn of reinforced concrete columns. London. Cement ~nd Concrete Association. 1972. 54pp. Publication 41.020.


[ F C

W B. and BEEBY. A.W Concrete masonry designers handbook. London. Viewpoint Publications. 1983. Z72pp. (13.024/27). 3.24 WHITI~LE. R.T. Reinforcement detailing manual. London. Viewpoint Publications. 1981. 1 l7pp-


LAR5SON. LB. Bearing capacity of plain and reinforced concrete walls. Goteborg, Chalmers Techniska Hoegskola. 1959. Doktorsavhandhingar. 248pp. No.19. 3.26 REYNOLDS. o. Bond strength of deformed bars in tension. Wexham Springs. Cement and Concrete Association. May 1982. 23pp. Technical Report 548.


3.27 3.28


(ed). Bond in concrete. London. Applied Science Publishers. 1982. 4-66pp.



Symposium on interaction between steel and concrete. Journal

of the American Concrete Institute. Proceedings Vol.76. No.1. January 1979, No.2. February


Model Code for concrete structures. Paris. Comite Euro-International du Beton. April 1978. Bulletin dInformation N 124/125-E.

L L L V _L

-~ I.



4.1 Design basis
4.1.1 General Section 4 contains methods for assessing compliance with the ultimate and serviceability limit state requirements given in 2.2 for prestressed concrete. The methods given are
primarily concerned with the prestressing requirements and design of flexural members for prestressed concrete construction where the types of reinforcing steel and prestressing

tendon covered in Sections 7 and 8 are used. These methods are general but, for particular
applications, other ways of analysing and designing the structure or part of the structure

may be more appropriate. 4.1.2 Alternative methods This clause permits alternative methods to be used. firstly, because the Code itself gives very little guidance on the analysis and design of certain types of structural member. e.g. prestressed columns and slabs, and the engineer would have to consult the specialist literature for his method of design; and, secondly, because the technology of prestressing is still at the stage where new developments in techniques are taking place. and nev materials are occasionally being introduced. These may be used provided that the engineer can satisfy himself that they are suitable for the purpose for which they are intended in complying with the criteria in Section 2. 4.1.3 ServiceabilIty classification It is the responsibility of the engineer to decide. or possibly the appropriate Authority or the client to specify, which class should be used for a particular set of circumstances: in taking this decision, such factors as the nature of the loadine (static, dynamic. alternating, etc.), the relative magnitude of permanent and imposed loading and the environmental conditions should be considered. Equally. it is the responsibility of the engineer to choose the most appropr ate class on economic and technical grounds. ~ give the best balance between ultimate, cracking ~ and this would be the class adopted for many structures: tensile stresses are permitted under the desj~. service loads, these are below the destgn~ten~ile-~irength of d~ &n~i~i~7ind cr~kin~ ~i~alIv~ occur. Where it is essential that the structure should not crack under serviceability conditions. a Class 1 design would be adopted. A Class 3 design could be used where there is no particular requirement for the prevention of cracking under serviceability conditions. although generally this would imply that the cracks would not open under permanent loads. Class 3. or partially prestressed concrete, is an intermediate form of construction between fully prestressed concrete and reinforced concrete. Therefore. provided that the requirements of Section 2 are met, it could be considered for use in many cases where reinforced concrete might be used: for example, where construction depth is restricted. it can be used with advantage where an otherwise satisfactory reinforced concrete design cannot comply with the
deflection requirements.

4.1.4 Critical limit state

All prestressed concrete members must satisfy the requirements of the ultimate and

serviceability limit states. The shape of the cross-section is an important factor in obtaining a good balance between the ultimate and the serviceability requirements. An I section is normally suitable for Class I and 2 members and a T section is ideal for a simply supported Class 3 member. In cases where the ultimate limit state in flexure is critical. ordinary untensioned reinforcement may be introduced to increase the moment of resistance. Some reinforcement is normally required for other purposes in members containing post-

Handbook to 8S8110.-1985

tensioned tendons and this may be utilised to increase both the resistance moment and the design hypothetical flexural tensile stress for Class 3 members. This approach is not
practical for members containing pre-tensioned tendons and the alternative of tensioning an increased number of tendons to a lower stress level is not economically viable. The recommended sequence of calculation for all members is as follows: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) stress limitations for serviceability (4.3.4) and at transfer (4.3.5) prestressing (4.7) and losses of prestress (4.8 and 4.9) ultimate limit state in flexure (4.3.7) ultimate limit state in shear (4.3.8) deflection calculations (4.3.6) transmission lengths (4.10), end blocks (4.11) and considerations affecting design details (4.12).

il r

r L

4.1.5 Durability and fire resistance See 4.12.3.

The fire resistance of a prestressed concrete structure is treated on an elemental basis
I.e. a column, beam, slab, wall etc. The tables in this Code refer to widths or thicknesses

of sections and the amount of cover necessary to tendons and secondary reinforcement.

Part 1 of the Code contains simplified tabular data for general use in ordinary prestressed concrete construction. Where the requirement of the design is not encompassed by the range of values given in the tables then the designer should refer to Part 2. Section 4 for a more detailed treatment. 4.1.6 Stability and other considerations
Although no specific recommendations are made on stability in Section 4. a prestressed

concrete structure. like any other, should comply with the requirements of 2.2.2. This in effect means that the tie forces in 3.12.3 should be provided and, in precast concrete work. 5.1.8 will also apply. 4.1.7 Loads Load values
Where it is necessary to consider the prestressing force as an applied load on the structure. y~ should be taken as 1.0. Design load arrangements 4.1.8 Strength of materials See 3.1.7. 6.3. 7.1. and 8.1. Characteristic strength of concrete Characteristic strength of steel

[. [ L
L [ [

4.2 Structures and structural frames

4.2.1 Analysis of structures
As for reinforced concrete, the forces and moments acting on a prestressed concrete structure will generally be calculated by using linear elastic analysis for the loads appropriate to both the ultimate and serviceability limit states. If members are restrained or if the structure is statically indeterminate. rhen deformations of the structure may induce additional forces which should be considered for all limit states. The sequence of construction of the member, or of the structure as a whole. may also cause additional forces. e.g. due to successive prestressing in span-byspan construction or to the building of infill walls before beams have been fully stressed.

See 3.2.1.

.- 4

. 4


Part I: Section 4


For the ultimate limit state. ,~~y~or.~parusitic e~~ts. induced in a statically indeterminate structure because W~p~rt reactions change when prestress is applied, can be allowed for in the manner described below.
(a) the bending moments due to 1.0 CL should be combined with the secondary moments

due to prestress, due account being taken of the construction sequence (b) the bending moment envelope due to 0.4Gk+1.6Q~ and other relevant patterns of loading should be calculated
(c) this envelope should be added to the first bending moment diagram (d) the resulting bending moment diagram may then be adjusted by redistributing

moments as desired in accordance with 4.2.3. IThis method, in effect, does not put a safety factor on the secondary moments due to prestress. 4.2.2 Relative stiffness See 2.5.2. 4.2.3 Redistribution of moments General It is possible toof redistribution design moments and detail as describe critical sections ~ in prestressed to concrete 3.2.2. can so that occur complete jor the ultimate limit state; I . ution -Is i~r~dt6~ b~Ivenpper~Iiniit

~The conditions under which re istri ution is allowed are very similar to those for reinforced concrete and the reasons for each of these given in the commentary to 3.2.2 may also be taken to apply II!!! ~ ~pJ~,re~treise I-

1 ] . 4.3 Beams Restriction in structures over four storeys where structuralframe provides lateral stability

4.3.1 General See 3.4.1. 4.3.2 Slender beams Beams being lifted during erection may be extremely unstable compared with their final in-place condition. Particular attention should be given to the choice of the lifting method. Where it is considered necessary to check the stability of a beam during lifting, a realistic estimate of the initial imperfections has to be made to assess the lateral bending moment M1, which should be limited to a value precluding cracking. The two main imperfections likely to be present are the distance. a1 (Figure H4.l). of the picking-up points from the minor axis, and the lateral bow. a-,. The centroid of the beam must hang vertically below the picking-up points so that, if the bow is parabolic. the angle of tilt due to the imperfections in a beam lifted at its ends is 0 = (a1+0.67a~)Ie where e is the vertical distance between the picking up points and the centre of gravity of the beam (Figure H4.1). The lateral bending moment at this stage is Al2 MgG+NL(al+a2) The first term is the product of the dead load moment. Al1, and the angle of tilt, and the second term is the product of the longitudinal force in the beam due to the inclination 85

Handbook to BSSlIO:1985


of the axis. lifting cables and the distance between the line of action of this force and the minor Even without the effects of buckling, this transverse bending moment can be
embarrassingly high.




lifting point

A centre of gravity 4~

of whole beam


Figure H4. 1: Notation used in calculations for slender beams.

The next stage of the check is to calculate the factor of safety Yb of the beam as though it had no imperfections. This is required to calculate the buckling magnification factor 141 on An with extremely simple method ofthus calculating has been suggested by Anderson for M2. beams vertical lifting cables;
~ -~

= elaceni

where a~~
1 is the vertical movement of the centroid of the whole beam due to self-weight



if it were supported at the picking-up points with the minor axis For beams 64am,d where amid is the horizontal. maximum (mid-span) lifted at their ends. ~ similarly can be supported. taken as O. The calculation required when inclined lifting deflection of the beam
cables are used is rather more complicated~421.


Finally, the lateral bending moment may be assessed~41 from It has been assumed above that the beam does not twist as it buckles. However. the effect of neglecting twist is slight for typical structural concrete members. The importance of the various dimensions, particularly e, is obvious from the equations above. It is
essential that the lifting points be rigidly fixed with respect to the beam so that there is no possibility of accidental side-slip. This would not only increase at but would also cause an effective decrease in e. In view of the sensitivity of M 1 to small errors in y~, y~ should always be assessed conservatively and a value smaller than 2.0 should not be adopted. A considerable amount of guesswork is involved in adopting values for a1 and a2. Because of this. and the lack of warning of impending collapse. personnel should be kept clear.



4.3.3 Continuous beams

See 4.2.1 and 4.2.3.

4.3.4 Serviceability limit state for beams Section analysis Compressive stresses in concrete The compressive stresses permitted in concrete at the serviceability limit state are based




. - -,

- -. .


Part I: Section 4

on accepted practice. Creep is approximately linearly related to stress within this range. but would not necessarily be so for stresses which were a higher proportion of the characteristic strength: if higher stresses were adopted, there could be an appreciable increase in the loss of prestress. Flexural tensile stresses in concrete The allowable flexural tensile stresses given in Table 4.1 for Class 2 members are those is implied when a value of Ym1.3 is taken into account ( Class 1 and 2 members behave elastically at this limit state: design based on elastic theory using the stresses given here will therefore be satisfactory. Class 3 members will be cracked at this limit state and should ideally be designed using elastic theory and cracked sections. In the absence of a generally accepted crack formula for prestressed concrete, design for this limit state is based on hypothetical flexural tensile stresses and
uncracked sections. Research~4-3-44~ has shown that, in general. the limiting crack width criterion will not be infringed if the member is designed on the assumption that it is that past practice has shown to be reasonable. Characterisxic flexural tensile strengths for the concrete grades are not given in the Code but a value of approximately 0.6Vf~

uncracked and if the hypothetical stresses given in Table 4.2 are not exceeded. Research~4-5~ has also indicated that the crack widths in members with imperfect bond and in deep members are related to the depth of the section. As the hypothetical flexural tensile stresses are based on a study of structures in service and on the tests reported in reference 4.3, it is necessary to reduce the stresses in beams with depths greater than 400mm as these were outside the scope of the test data. Table 4.3 gives depth factors that should be used when designing beams of depth other than 400mm. Research~4-5 also indicates that it is feasible to extend the methods given in Section 3 of Part 2, to predict both crack widths and deformations in partially prestressed (Class 3) members. In considering the limiting tensile stress for each class of member, the engineer should remember that cracking due to shrinkage and thermal effects can occur, for example. because of inadequate curing before the member is stressed or of late removal of moulds: this will impair the tensile strength of the concrete after stressing and should be either prevented by proper supervision or allowed for in the design by reducing the tensile stress level.
4.3.5 Stress limitations at transfer for beams Design compressive stresses In accordance with accepted practice. the concrete strength at transfer should be assessed by tests on cubes cured, as far as possible. under the same conditions as the concrete in
the member. Design tensile stresses in flexure A small tensile stress is permitted at transfer in Class 1 members. This may be used to advantage in the ends of simply supported pre-tensioned members with straight tendons:
although this stress (reduced somewhat by loss of prestress) is still present under service load conditions, it is unlikely to be significant and may be ignored in design. Fairly high tensile stresses are allowed for Class 2 and Class 3 members: in the span these will be cancelled by compressive stresses due to dead and imposed loading. At the

ends of members, consideration should be given in certain circumstances to providing some additional reinforcement, particularly if there is any risk of cracking due to shrinkage. suggests that the section should then be analysed as a cracked section. An approximate method is as follows. A Class 3 beam is shown in Figure H4.2. which shows the type of additional reinforcement that might be required to prevent failure at the end of the member under prestress. The design approach would be to calculate the stress distribution and in particular the tensile force (T), using elastic theory and the concrete section properties. and to add enough reinforcement at the top of the member to carry this force: this is not the same as a true cracked section analysis as no account is taken of strain
compatibility. As this is to avoid failure, it is suggested that the force so calculated be

Handbook to BS8JIO:198S
A additional steel



[ U

stress profile at A - A

equivalent cracked tactic

Figure H4.2: Conditions at end of a Class 3 beam.

multiplied by, say, 1.2 to allow for possible accidental overstress and then to design the reinforce~ient on the assumption that it is acting at 0.87f~. This reinforcement would have to be adequately anchored. 4.3.6 Deflection of beams General Prestressed concrete members are unlikely to display excessive sag but it may be necessary
to limit the deflections that occur after the installation of finishes and partitions in some

cases. Guidance on limiting values of deflection and suitable levels of permanent load is given in 3.2 and 3.3 of Part 2. Method of calculation The calculation of the detlections of Class I and Class 2 members is simple compared with that for reinforced concrete members. as such members should not be cracked under service loads. This being so. it can be assumed that the whole concrete section
behaves elastically. Long-term effects may be estimated by employing an effective elastic

modulus which allows for creep. The effective elastic modulus for computing the deflection at the end of a particular period relative to that at the beginning can be obtained from the relationship

where Eeff is the effective elastic modulus for the period considered E~ is the instantaneous elastic modulus at the beginning of the period considered ~ is the creep coefficient for the period considered. Values for the instantaneous elastic modulus and for the creep coefficient can be obtained from 7.2 and 7.3 respectively of Part 2. Deflections for members of constant section can be calculated by using simple elastic relationships such as
a=K12 MIEe~I in which a = deflection K = a constant depending on the shape of the bending moment diagram I = effective span

Al = moment at appropriate position I = second moment of area of section. Values of K and Al for many common shapes of bending moment diagram can be obtained
from Table 3.1 of Part 2.

When computing deflections. it must be remembered that the prestress Causes a deflection because it applies a moment to the beam at any section equal to the prestressing force multiplied by the eccentricity of the force at that section. The prestress may produce
a shape of bending moment diagram for which deflection coefficients cannot easily be obtained. In this case, the component of the deflection due to the prestress will have to

be computed by using some form of numerical integration technique. Such techniques may also be required where non-prismatic members are used. It should be noted that. owing to the action of the prestress. the detlection may be either upward or downward, depending on the particular case considered. A simple example will show ho~v. in contrast to reinforced concrete, the most critical condition for deflection may not be that obtaining after all creep has occurred. Consider a beam with prestress such that the deflection under permanent loads is upward. With time. this

4.4~. 4 ~

- . . - .~ -

- .

Part 1: Section 4

upward deflection under permanent load

most cr tics,

upwaro deflection

downward deflection unoer ~uci load



most critical downward deflection

Figure H4.3: Significance of ~pe of loading on the relation between deflection and rime. upward deflection may increase. This being so. any downward deflection under the full

imposed load will decrease with time. The most critical condition for downward deflection will therefore be the application of full imposed load at the earliest possible moment
when the minimum amount of upward creep has occurred. (See Figure H4.3..)

Deflections can never be calculated with precision: the elastic modulus, creep and shrinkage behaviourof the concrete. loading history. environment, construction timetable etc., are all variable and largely unpredictable in advance. If deflections are likely to be
critical, it is perhaps more realistic to assess upper and lower bounds due to likely

extremes of the important parameters and to allow in design for this possible range of behaviour. This is particularly relevant in precast prestressed units which are subsequently incorporated into a structure at indeterminate ages. Class 3 members are designed to be cracked under full imposed load. However, provided that the hypothetical flexural tensile stresses given in are used, the probability that the structure will contain open cracks under its normal loading is low. Further, the possible deviation from the uncracked behaviour is not large, and so little error will be involved in assuming the whole section to be acting and in calculating the deflection as for Class 1 and Class 2 members1451. 4.3.7 Ultimate limit state for beams in flexure In most cases. Class 1 and Class 2 members already complying with the requirements of the serviceability limit state will require only a check at this limit state and should comply without modification. Class 3 members may require the addition of ordinary untensioned reinforcement in order to increase the resistance moment of the section. 43.7.1 Section analysis Three methods are available for the analysis of prestressed concrete sections in flexure. These are: 1. The section may be analysed in accordance with assumptions (a) to (f) by using the stress-strain curves given in Figures 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 for concrete, reinforcement and tendons respectively. 2. The section may be analysed in accordance with assumptions (a) to (f) by using the
rectangular stress block described in assumption (b) for concrete and the stress-strain curves given in Figures 2.2 and 2.3 for reinforcement and tendons respectively.

3. The section may be designed in accordance with and by using design formulae and Table 4.4. Methods 1 and 2, for which a t\pical section, stress distribution and strain profile are shown in Figure H4.4, are applicable to sections of any shape with any distribution of tendons and reinforcement. The analysis normally involves a trial and error approach. using strain compatibility, in order to determine the neutral axis depth for which the forces acting on the section are in equilibrium, as follows: 1. Assume a value for the neutral axis depth x and draw a strain profile by taking a value of 0.0035 at the extreme compression fibre. 2. Calculate the corresponding strain at the level of the tendons and add to this the 89

Handbook to BS8JIO:1985
0.45 4..


Method 0

As,. 4b


F [


stress distribution

strain in concrete

0.45 4.,




Method 2 0

strain in concrete

[ [


stress distribution


Figure H4. 4: Design of prestressed concrete sections in flexure.

prestrain in the tendons after all losses have occurred. Where appropriate. also calculate the strain at the level of the reinforcement. 3. Determine the stresses in the reinforcement and the tendons from Figures 2.2 and
2.3 respectively and calculate the corresponding forces.

4. Calculate the force in the concrete in the compression zone and compare this with the total force in the reinforcement and tendons. 5. Modify the neutral axis depth and repeat steps 1 to 4 until equilibrium of forces is obtained. 6. Take moments about a convenient position. such as the neutral axis. for all the forces acting on the section. Methods I and 2 will give very similar answers with method 2 being easier to apply. particularly for sections with non-rectangular compresion zones. Method 3, which is directly applicable to sections with rectangular compression zones only, will give approximately the same answer as methods 1 and 2 in this case. Design formulae
An approximate method for obtaining the resistance moment of sections. in which the tendons are effectively concentrated at one position in the tension zone, has been derived in accordance with assumptions (a) to (f). The design stress-strain curve for a high strength tendon (f~~=1860N/mm. E=I9SkN/m&) has been used and the nondimensional stress terms are slightly conservative for lower strength tendons. The method


uses the rectangular stress block for the concrete and is directly
that are rectangular for a depth (from the compression face) of applicable to sections x is the neutral axis depth. not less than 0.9x. where

For a beam containing bonded tendons. equation 51 may be rewritten in a form that
is suitable for plotting graphically, as follows:


4 . .4~ . -.



.... . .~

-K K .

~ -.4~.

Part 1: Section 4






2 4.,bd



f 1,Ap 4~bd

Figure H4.S: Design chart for prestressed rectangular beams (bonded tendon).

0.Sx 0.9x

(a) -

Figure H4. 6: Design of T beams for flexure.


Using the values of fpb/O.87fp~ and x/d given in Table 4.4, a graph of M~/f~bd2 against f~A~If~bd may be produced as shown in Figure H4.5. For a flanged section in which the flange thickness h~~0.9x. the equation or the graph may be used by taking the width of the section as the flange width b, as shown in Figure H4.6(a). Where h~<0.9x, as shown in Figure 4.6(b), the forces acting on the section may be equated to provide:
Ap~fpb=0.45 f~[(bbW)h~0.9bWxI

which may be rewritten in the following form:

fpbIO.87fpU=0.52 ~ [(bIb~ 1 )hfld0.9x/d]

This linear relationship between fpb/O.87f~., and x/d may be plotted graphically, together with the appropriate relationship given in Table 4.4, as shown in Figure H4.7. The intersection of the two relationships gives the values of fpb/0.87f~~ and x/d to be used in equation 51 with an appropriate value of 4. Alternatively, M~ may be calculated from:
M~=0.45f~ [(bbW)hf(d0.5hr)+0.9bWx(d0.45x)1

For a beam containing unbonded tendons, equation 52 has been developed from the results of tests in which the stress in the tendons and the length of the zone of inelasticity in the concrete were both determined146- 4.7) The beam is considered to develop both elastic and inelastic zones and the length of the inelastic zone is taken to be lOx. The extension of the concrete at the level of the tendons is assumed to be negligible in the elastic zones and the extension in the inelastic zone is assumed to be taken up uniformly over the length I of the tendon. Thus, the total strain 8pb in the tendons is given by:

= e~+0.0035 [(dx)/x] (lOx/I)

91 .

Handbook to 858110:1985







r r

Figure H4. 7: Treatment of flanged section it-here H~=O. 9x.

The corresponding stress in the tendons is then given by

(d!I)(1x/d) ~ 0.7f~ The neutral axis depth may be determined by equating the forces acting on the section which, for a section with a rectangular compression zone. provides: Ap.fpb = 0.45f~b (0.9x)

= f~+(0.035E~)

This may be rewritten in the form of equation 53 and substituted in the expression for fpb to give: [1 ~2.47(~fPUAP5)/cfCIIbd))cfPb/fPU)] ~ O.7fpu Equation 52 is then obtained by putting E, = 200kN/mm and, as an approximation.


= f~~+(0.035EO(d/I)

= 0.7 in the last term. .4llowance for additional reinforcement in the tension :one This approximate method for taking account of additional reinforcement in the tension
zone will generally under-estimate the contribution of the reinforcement. A more rigorous

strain compatibility analysis ~vouldallow the full design strength of a grade 460 steel to be utilised for all values of x ~ 0.636d. for example. 4.3.8 Design shear resistance of beams Symbols Maximum design shear stress A limit on the maximum shear force carried by a member is necessary in order to stop
the diagonal thrusts in the web of the member crushing the concrete. When the web has



holes for ducts and these holes are not grouted after stressing, or when designing in the constructional phase for post-tensioned grouted construction. the minimum ~vebwidth should be used. Even after grouting. the grouted section may cause spalling of the concrete on either side of the duct. Information on this problem may be obtained from reference 4.8. The conclusions from this work are that. for grouted ducts. only the concrete and one-third of the duct width should be considered for the check on maximum shear. as noted for symbol b~..


- K K

- K

- -

- K.

-. -- -. -

-. ~

K -. -- ~ -~ . . :i~ K.. -

- -.. K.: j K

K.. -


- -. K -K K K K

. K K

- -




check V.,.,


V.,, and V.,.,

Figure H4.8: Prestressed beam showing :ones for shear. Calculation of design shear resistance At the ultimate limit state, the member will have zones that are cracked in flexure and others that are not; the behaviour in each zone has characteristic features that require different design methods. Figure H4.8 shows a prestressed concrete beam under load, together with its bending moment diagram: the zones where the bending moment is less than the cracking moment should be designed so that the shear force carried by the beam is less than V~; the zones where the bending moment is greater than the cracking moment should be designed to ensure that the shear force carried by the beam is less than V~. The nature of equation 55 ensures that. where the bending moment is less than the cracking moment, V~ is always greater than V. It is therefore necessary to check only for V~ in these zones. Elsewhere, either V~0 or Vr~i, may be critical and the section must be designed for the worst case. This procedure applies for all members. In each case, two sets of calculations must be made. A flow chart is shown in Figure H4.9. A more complete descriptionof the derivation of these clauses is given in reference4.9. Sections uncracked in flexure In the zone of the beam that is uncracked in flexure, shear cracks may occur in the web as shown in Figure H4. 10. ~4, is calculated to see that the shear force is not high enough to cause failure by an extension of these cracks through the beam.
Determine maximum shear forcalsi at critical sectionlal
~8~or5~d NO

Determine V., at critical sections (uncracked and cracked in flexure) using the following expressions for Vp. and V.,, (a) uncracked sections (M<M.,) V., V.,.,, Ib) cracked sections 240.8fp.~) lM~M.,): where V.,lesser f,0.24Vf,, of Vp. - and V.,, V., 0.57b.,hV(f, where M.,=0.Sf.,.,, lI/y+Ae) and ydistance to extreme tension

Is V.~0.5 V.,? NO

Shear reinforcement need not be provided


Is V<V., in the case of a slab, a member of minor importance or where tests have shown that shear reinforcement is unnecessary?

YES Is VE(14+0.4b,dl?
NO A,, s,



Imincnlum inesi


V-V., O.874,d,


s,~O.75d~, lO.Sd, if V>1.8V4, 4b,

Figure H4. 9: Flow chart for shear in prestressed concrete.


Handbook to BS8IIO:1985

flexural crack eventually causing failure

web shear crack eventually causing failure

Figure H4. 10: Prestressed beam with possible shear failure.

The principal tensile stress at the centroid of the section is limited to 0.24Vf~. If the principal tensile stress is taken as positive, elastic theory gives: = [(f~+f~)I2J V[(f~f~)2I4f~]


= V~

0 S/l&

S = the first moment of area about the centroidal axis of the part of the section to
one side of the axis I = second moment of area of the section fe.. = compressive stress normal to the longitudinal axis.

These equations may be rearranged to give:

= ~

Assuming %. to be negligible gives

= (Ib~1S)V(p+f1f,~,)

For a rectangular section Ib}S = 0.67b~h, and substituting this into the previous equation gives:
= 0.67b~hV(A


The prestress f~ has a dominant effect on the value of

0 and. as partial safety factors have been incorporated in the values of f, an additional factor of 0.8 has been applied to f~. This now gives equation 54:


For I, Tand L sections Ib~/S>O.67b,,h,so that the expression above is slightly conservative. However, for such sections. the point of maximum principal tensile stress is not at the centroid but at the junction between the web and flange: the simplification of checking only at the centroid of the section is therefore slightly unsafe in this case. The two effects cancel out giving a reasonable, simple method for checking all types of section. Table 4.5 is a solution of equation 54 for given values of the prestress at the centroidal axis of the beam and of f~ and may be used instead of equation 54. If a beam has deflected tendons, the bending moment imposed on it by the tendons is as shown in Figure 1-14.11(a). This compares with the moment applied if the tendons were straight (Figure H4.11(b)). For a beam with deflected or draped tendons, a shear is applied at the ends equal to the rate of change of moment or, more simply, the tendon force resolved vertically. This shear force should be subtracted from, or added to. the imposed shear where appropriate.
before V~ 0 is compared with the imposed shear. When additional tendons are added to provide a vertical prestress, then the web cracking force. V~0, will be increased. This effect may be considered by modifying equation 54 to include the vertical prestress.

= 0.67&hVCf~

where f~ is the vertical prestress. Hence V~ = ~ and Table 4.5 may be used if +f~+0.8f~fJf~) is substituted for ~ If the prestressing tendons applying the vertical prestress are vertical, then no external moment is applied to the beam and the vertical force carried by the tendons cannot be subtracted from the shear force. If the tendons are inclined as in Figure H412 then. as in the case of deflected longitudinal tendons. an external moment and shear are applied to the member and the latter may be subtracted from or added to the external shear force where appropriate.


K K -- . - .-~ KK K K

KK . -K K K K


K K K.

K ~ - 4~.~ KKK ~

K ~K K K


..4 .

- K.

K K - -


K - K~ .K..K K

-K-. . ~ .4

. .,. K -

- -

4. .~ - . . K K 4 ~44 K

--44. -..- ,. j.-...a -4

- .:~---~~-~.-~ K

K -

KK U . .. K..... K

. -

:7:..-~: K

- -~

K K--K>.K

K <K-K-....

Part 1: Section 4





S. P


Figure H4. 11: Effects of (a) deflected and (b) straight tendons in sections uncracked in flexure.
P., P., P., P., /~




P., PS P., P.,


P., sin


Figure H4. 12: Theoretical effect of inclined tendons in sections uncracked in flexure.

Shear failure occurs along the plane on which the principal tension acts and the

inclination of this plane to the beam axis varies with the prestress. A method for determining the position of the critical section near the end of a pre-tensioned member.
with due allowance for the development of the prestress. is given in reference 410. A simplification of this method is shown in Figure H4. 13. Sections cracked in flexure

In the zone of a beam that is cracked in flexure, a crack may become inclined and eventually cause failure (Figure H4.10). A check on the value of Vcr is needed to make sure that this does not occur. The position of this crack varies, but tests indicate that a crack at a distance of half the effective depth from the point of maximum moment is usually the one that causes failure. A large number of tests have been carried out~421 95

Handbook to BS8lIO:1985



- _______



_______cantroidal axis

Figure H4. 13: Critical section for shear at end of a pre-tensioned beam.

and. from these, a lower bound to the ultimate shear cracking load may be drawn. The expression for this lower bound is
= 0.037b~dV(f~)+Mg(MIVd/2)

where M~ is the cracking moment. Thus. the shear force at which the cracks extend is equal to the shear force present when the section is at its cracking moment plus a constant. The value of the constant depends on the tensile strength of the concrete. The expression may, conservatively, be
simplified to:
= 0.037b,.dV(f~~j+M~VfM

it iS

This formula in itself would be an adequate code design formula except that

appropriate only for members similar to those tested in the experimental investigations

mentioned previously. The tests were carried out on members which had high prestresS levels (over 0.5f~~) and this formula is therefore not directly applicable to members which may have very low prestress levels. As there was no appropriate experimental evidence available, the formula was modified so that it was dependent on prestress. The modified formula in the Code gives a linear relationship between the reinforced concrete shear clauses, if the prestress is zero, to the formula above, if the prestress if ~ The modification was carried out in the following way:
Va = A+B


where A depends on material strength and could be likened to the shear calculated from the v~ values in 3.4.5. B is the shear force to crack the member. If A is changed to give the v~ values, modified by prestress. and B is zero when the
prestress is zero. the two shear design methods would fit, i.e. V = [1n(.f~.,/f~~)J v~b~.d+M0VIM


Now, if both f~, the effective prestress, and M0, the moment to cause zero stress in the concrete at the extreme tension fibre, are zero, the formula should give the same result as the reinforced concrete design method,
V = v~b~d

Expanding the formula. 96

K -K -K ~ - -J Vr 4~ :..~ ~ ..4 .. K 0.037b~.dV(f..~)+0.37(I/ya.,)V(J~~)+M0V/M ~ - K. ~ K K U. .. K -. K -.- - - -4. K ~-K ~ ~. --.....~. K K- K -- . .4W~ 44.

~K4K4~.4~4.4 -

. K..~;K -

K,K K -

4 K- -

4 - .






Part I: Sectii-m 4

This is the same as the formula where 0.37 V(h~) is the tensile strength of the concrete and a, is the lever arm of the cracking moment. Since the value of a~ in practice is 4/i
where shear is likely to be a problem. we obtain: Valb,d
= ~

By assuming that hid is unity

V~,1b~4 Whenf~
= =

a conservative assumption

and substituting f~


0.26+0.11 +M0V/Mb~.d
~ n should be such that (10.6n)t~
= 0.37N/m&

If we take an average value of v~ as 0.55 (for 0.5% steel), than 10.6n

and so
= ~ =


Therefore n



(equation 55)

If a beam has deflected tendons in a region where it is cracked in flexure. the tendon will apply an external shear to the beam in a way that was described in the previous 431 section. Figure H4.14 shows a strength typical case. There some experimental evidence~ which shows that the ultimate of beams is is reduced because the main tendons are not near the tension face and are unable to restrain cracking. Inclined cracking

therefore occurs earlier than if the tendon were straight. giving a corresponding decrease in the ultimate load. It is therefore necessary to add the shear from the inclined tendon where it increases the imposed shear and to ignore it in other cases.




Figure H4. 14: Theoretical effect of deflected tendons in sections cracked in flexure. Cases not requiring shear reinforcement When the shear force V is less than 0.5V~, there is no need for shear reinforcement as
the factor of safety is very high. There is no evidence of trouble due to the omission of minimum reinforcement in many joists. lintels and members of minor importance. Shear reinforcement where V does not exceed Ve~f~O.4b. d

In this case. minimum reinforcement is required as for reinforced concrete. Test evidence

shows that the provision of minimum shear reinforcement can add considerably to the strength of prestressed concrete beams and ensure a more ductile failure. Shear reinforcement where V exceeds V~+O.4b, d
In this case. more than the minimum reinforcement is required. Arrangement of shear reinforcement



BS& 10: 19,~5 Spacing of shear reinforcement

4.3.9 Torsion
Torsion in prestressed concrete may generally be treated in the same way as for reinforced concrete. There are, however, certain differences in behaviour. Cracking may not be acceptable under serviceability conditions. In this case, the principal tensile stress due to prestress. flexure, shear and torsion calculated from the characteristic loads and deformations should not exceed 024V(f~~) at any location (including the flexural tensile fibres). Full elasticity should be assumed in the analysis


both of the structure and of the sections in these calculations.

4.4 Slabs
4.4.1 General 4.4.2 Flat slabs
References 4.14 and 4.15 contain recommendations for the analysis and desi2n of flat slabs containing bonded or unbonded tendons. The punching resistance of a prestressed concrete slab is steel greater than of an ordinary reinforced with a similar area of flexural and this that is allowed for, in references 4. concrete 14 and 4- slab 15. by considering the area of the tendons ~ to be replaced by an equivalent area of ordinary reinforcement A~.,f~~/4l0. A more logical approach1461 is to calculate the punching resistance as for an ordinary reinforced concrete slab, using the actual area of the tendons, and to add this to the decompression load: i.e. the load required to annul the effect of the prestress in terms of the stress at the extreme fibres put into tension by the applied loading. These

approaches implicitly assume the tendons to be bonded and the response to loads beyond
the decompression level to be the same as that of ordinary reinforced concrete. If unbonded tendons are used, the response is less favourable and the punching resistance is typically reduced by about 10%(4.16l.

4.5 Columns
For short columns under axial load, there is little justification for prestressin~. except for handling. In this context, prestressing could be used to advantage in concrete piles
or possibly in precast columns, designed for axial load, to cover erection stresses and to cater for any unexpected eccentric loading. Generally. a low level of prestress will deal

with these problems and this clause allows prestressed columns having a mean stress due
to prestress of less than 2.ON/mm to be designed as reinforced columns. The Code makes no specific recommendations for the design of prestressed columns with a mean pre-compression greater than 2.ON/mm. In this case. it is suggested that the additional moment approach given in 3.8.3 be applied directly with the cross-section being designed as a prestressed concrete section. Numerous methods have been proposed for the analysis of prestressed columns147~9~; generally. these are similar in principle to the approach given in 3.8 for reinforced concrete columns. Experimental work has been carried out on prestressed columns with slenderness ratios of up to 30 under short-term loading~4- 4211 and under various levels of long-term loading~4~.

I [

4.6 Tension members 4.7 Prestressing

4.7.1 Maximum initiai prestress


4.7.2 Deflecfpd tendons in pre-tensioning systems

-K K,. . -~


i:. -~.~- -->2.-~>-- - - ..-.>...7

---K K-K .~KKK KKK,:.--K.~.-.-


4.8 Loss of prestress, other than friction losses 4. 8.1assessment General of the loss of prestress that can occur at various stages in the life of a An prest ressed member islitan essent itaels:errorsi part of nthcal e cdesi ginnglcal culations. ikpart itcoulseri arlyouslfory sat i s fyi n g t h eservi c eabi y l i m i t st a ul a t o ssesareunl el y affect twhi he culhtioccur mate resi srtansfer ance oftand he tmember. Ittheis toft elnnecessary to cal chultahtee onl yialthand ose lfionsses at t o assess o t a l o ss, so t h at bot i n i t alicst raess condi tionste inconst the ruct member can be becalcnecessary ulated: however, for cert ain cases. part ul rl y composi i o n. i t may t o cal c ul a t e l o sses at an intThe ermedi a t e st a ge. vallyuesgeneral given iand n thiapproxi s clausemforassessi ng lodssof prest ress due twhen o varimaki ous causes are necessari at e .Thi s shoul be remembered n g desi gusn cal c ul a t i o ns; excessi v e accuracy i s unnecessary, as t h eassumpt i o ns on whi c h t h evari o met hods are based wi,l innot beiccompl etprest ely real izned in practice.beal For exampl ee, iitmshoul d be borne i n mi n d t h at pract e. t h e r essi g forcemay t e red byt h posed lbe oads andblebytothassess e varyithnigs clvari imaattieonto accurat which ethlye but member isexampl subjectee.d.theOnlengi y rarel y knows wil it possi i f , for n eer tthhat part of thhe e im posed loadfywithl ebecalpermanent and wifol l lobewiappl ieaduses earlaccordi y in thneglliyfe. of eWherenewmat member, shoul d modi c ul a t i o ns i n t h e n g cl etrihealsrecommended areused orwheret herearespeci aldesi gncondi titohns. thnew eengi nueer may depart from val u es, but he must ensure t h at ese val es areThermalcuri based on adequat e experi m ent a levi d ence. ngofprecast is often used to accel erat einthgepre-t hardeni nogned of concret e,Thi parts ican cularl y fora tsihgenimanufact u re el e ment s cont a i n e nsi t e ndons. have fcicant effectioont he lsubsequent ossesof prest ressdue to relcreep axatioofn tofhethconcret e steelet.endonsand thg.e el a st i deformat n and shri n kageand St e am curi n addi titoransfer n. the for exampl e, oft estneresul taccel s in reduced shringnkage andodcreep efeen fectste14~In rel a xat i o n oft h e el i s e rat e dduri t h e peri bet w nsi o ni n g and with a corresponding reduction in thestress applied to the concrete at transfer1441. 4.8.2 Relaxation ofsteel 4. 8.2.t1reat General The minent durinon g manufact ure and the prest subsequent condi tniost nsruct ofuservi cThe e have an ioft mport a nt fl u ence t h e performanceof r essi n g st e el i res. ext e nt h evari a t i o ni n rel a xat i o nforsi m i l a rst r ai g ht e ned wi r ei s i l u st r at e di n Fi g ureH4.15(a), whi cghhtshows dataarolfor twype o tystpes of cold-drawn wire ofly5mm direat amet eatr. amoderat Wire H was st r ai e ned by l e r-t r ai g ht e nerandsubsequent heat t e d ely el e vat e d t e mperat u re (rel a xat i o n cl a ss1) . Wi r eEwasst r ai g ht e ned byafi n al passt h rough a di e under tensi onforat obt a moderat elyaelinevat eadxatteiomperat ureat (rel axat ionstrclaianss2). The t e st peri o d a i n i n g dat rel n t e st s const a nt hasinbeen set at lOOOh and the effect on relaxation of longer test periods is also shown Figure u4J 10 120. -~ / 0ioo / ~80 I<60 cn~ K wO.40( ~Z I~u. -wI- O~ w- 20 // F 0 0 K 20 (a) RELAXATiON AS PERCENTAGEOF INITIALSTRESS Figure H4.15: Effectof(a)t imeand(b)t wire at various levels ofstermperat ess. ureontherelaxationof5mmdiameter
20 30 (b1







H4.15(a). The strain in the prestressing tendons does not remain constant during the life of a structure but reduces with time. owing to creep and shrinkage of the concrete In the case of pre-tensionin~. there is also a reduction at transfer owing to the elastic deformation of the concrete. An allowance for the effects of these strain reductions has been made in the Ion~-term relaxation factors given in Table 4.6. The lOOOh relaxation value The certified values should be obtained from the manufacturers. However, in the absence of this information, the maximum values specified in the appropriate British Standard should be used. See Table 8.1. Abnormal relaxation losses

When structures are likely to be at temperatures above normal. the loss of prestress due to tests h relaxation at various of the temperatures. steel will be For greater. steels and with Figure a tensile H4.15(b) strength gives from the results 1540N/mm of 1000 to 1700N/mm. the increase in the loss due to relaxation above that at 200C max be taken as I.8N/mm per degC for an initial stress of 70% of the characteristic strength. andr 2.6N/mm per degC for an initial stress of 3flO/~ of the characteristic strength. These values appear to be less influenced by the manufacturing process than do the values for relaxation at 200C. Where large lateral forces may be applied to the tendon. relaxation losses will again be higher than normal. These loads may be imposed on the tendon by a change in the cable profile or because of the method employed for gripping the tendon: losses under these circumstances can only be determined by tests which simulate accurately the precise conditions that will occur during the actual construction. References 4.254.30 should prove useful in assessing relaxation loss under special conditions.


[ [ [

4.8.3 Elastic deformation or concrete General

The modulus of elasticit~- of concrete depends significantly on the type and source of aggregate but it will generally be sufficient to use a mean value taken from Table 7.2 of Part 2. In using the table. f~:s may be replaced by f~ 1 to obtain a value for E~~. TheL modulus of elasticity of the tendons may be obtained from Figure 2.3 of Part 1. When the tendons are spread over the cross-section. the stresses in the adjacent concrete could be determined separately for each tendon but it is generally sufficient to consider them as concentrated at their centroid. Pre-tetisioning
For pre-tensioning. the average loss of prestress in the tendons due to elastic shortening is given by ~ where f0~ is the initial stress in the concrete. adjacent to the centroid of the tendons, due to the prestress only. The actual stress in the concrete and the tendons will be modified by the self-weightL stresses which will vary along the length of the member. These stresses will depend to some extent on practical considerations such as the method of release and the adherence of the concrete to the mould subsequentlx-. on the methods of initial handling and stacking. The self-yeiTht stresses needand. to be considered when checking the stress conditions in the concrete. Post-tensioning For post-tensioning. the stressine of any tendon or group of tendons causes a loss ot prestress due to elastic shortening in any other tendon that has already been stresse and anchored. The effect is progressive and the overall loss depends upon the numberL of stressing operations. For a small number of operations (there is no loss for a single operation). the loss can be assessed at each stage and summed. Generally, however. thee overall effect may be adequately assessed b- akin~ the average loss of prestress in th tendons due to elastic shortening as ().5, E.,-E~)i>,.. where J>~ is the mitt tI ~tre~ ifl the concrete. adjacent to the centroid of the tendons. averaged alone the lenth ot the





K K,

K 4 K K K K.... K K K ~






K.. K K

Part 1: Section 4

tendons. In this case it is appropriate to consider the actual stress in the concrete due to the combined effects of prestress and self-weight (and any other permanent loads that are applied at transfer).

4.8.4 Shrinkage of concrete

The loss of prestress in the tendons due to shrinkage of the concrete is given by E,c. where e~ is the shrinkage for the period considered. The drying shrinkage of plain concrete depends mainly upon the relative humidity of the air surrounding the concrete, the surface area from which moisture can be lost relative to the volume of concrete and the mix proportions. The shrinkage of the concrete is increased if aggregates with a high moisture movement or a low modulus of elasticity are used. Concrete for prestressing requires the use of good quality aggregates and a mix ~vith a low water/cement ratio and the shrinkage values given in this clause are adequate for most design purposes. Where necessary, an estimate of the drying shrinkage may be obtained from Figure 7.2 of Part 2 for normal-weight concrete containing good quality aggregates. Figure 7.2 relates to concrete of normal workability, made without water reducing admixtures. where the original water content is about 190 litres/in3. The shrinkage may be modified in proportion to the original water content for values in the range 150 litres/in3 to 230 litresiin~. For post-tensioning, in cases where a considerable delay is anticipated between the placing of the concrete and the application of the prestress. allowance max be made for the shrinkage that will take place prior to transfer on the basis of the ambient relative humidity during that period.

4.8.5 Creep of concrete General

On the assumption that creep is proportional to the initial stress in the concrete, the average loss of prestress in the tendons due to creep of the concrete is given by 5e~~, Es(4/Eci)fec, where ~ is the creep strain in the concrete for the period considered E

f~ is the initial stress in the concrete. adjacent to the centroid of the tendons.
due to the combined effects of prestress and self-weight. For bonded tendons. the stress should be taken at the section under consideration. For unbonded tendons, the stress should be averaged along the length of the tendons. Specific creep strain The creep of plain concrete under sustained stress consists fundamentally of a basic
creep that develops under conditions of no moisture change (sealed condition) and an additional drying creep that responds to environmental influences in the same way as

d is a creep coefficient for the period considered

drying shrinkage. The influence of the type and source of aggregate is illustrated in Figure H4.16. Further information on the significant factors affecting creep. including the age of loading, may be obtained from references 4.314.33.
The stress in the concrete at the centroid of the tendons does not remain constant during the life of the structure but reduces with time, owing to the combined effects of relaxation of the steel and shrinkage and creep of the concrete. An approximate allowance for these effects could be made by considerin2 a stress that is the mean of the initial and the final values, due to the combined effects of prestress and self-weight. However, in the simplified approach adopted in this clause, an allowance for the effect of the reducing stress has been included in the values given for the creep coefficient. These values take account of the age of loading but. somewhat illogically, the values given for UK outdoor exposure are allowed also for indoor exposure for Class 1 and Class 2 members.

Where necessary, the creep coefficient may be estimated from Figure 7. I of Part 2.
In this case. it will be appropriate to allow- for the effect of the reducing stress in the concrete owing to the loss of prestress. In some cases, it may also be appropriate to takc account of stress reductions due to the application of superimposed dead load and/or part of the imposed load. an I

Handbook to 8S8110:1985


CREEP x 106

90 days

1 year

30 years


Figure H4. 16: Influence of type of aggregate on creep.

4.8.6 Draw-in during anchorage With wedge-anchorage systems. a loss of prestress occurs in the tendons as a result of
the draw-in of the anchorage components at lock-off. In the case of pre-tensioned tendons. the loss is normally offset by over-extending the tendons during the tensioning operation. With post-tensioned tendons it is possible. in some cases. to recover the loss by re-fitting the jack using a special bearing foot to encircle the anchorage. Shims are then inserted under the anchorage whilst holding the tendon at the required stressing

force. Normally, this is not a viable procedure and the loss due to draw-in of the anchorage components should be allowed for in the design calculations. Typical values for the
draw-in for a particular anchorage system can be obtained from the manufacturers.

The movement of the tendon due to draw-in during anchorage causes a reversal of the friction that develops in the duct during tensioning (4.9.3 and 4.9.4). For long tendons, the movement due to draw-in is taken up over a limited length of tendon with the greatest loss of prestress occurring immediately behind the anchorage.

4.9 Loss of prestress due to friction

4.9.1 General Attention is drawn to which indicates the required correlation between measured load and extension. Friction losses can be reduced under certain conditions by stressing from both ends. by over-stressing and then reducing the anchorage force. by vibrating the tendon or beam during tensioning or by using a water-soluble oil in the duct (provided that this does not affect bond after grouting and. hence. the ultimate strength of the member). For long-span prestressed beams, low-friction saddles or deviators may be used at changes in direction of the tendons; the tendons are generally straight between the saddles and may be external to the section. in which case they pass through ducts only near the anchorages. Under these circumstances the loss of prestress due to friction may be radically different from that indicated in this clause. The coefficient of friction at the saddles will depend on the type of tendon and its surface condition. on the type of deviator, and on whether or not any lubricant has been used. It has been reported. for example. that the coefficient of friction when 28mm diameter strands were deflected through an angle of I in 10 was of the order of 0.08. Generally, the major part of the loss due to friction occurs in the ducts near the ends of the tendons. Losses due to friction under these conditions are best determined from tests.

,... -




4.9.2 Friction in jack and anchorage

The friction in the jack and anchorage will vary with the prestressing system but is rarely a matter of concern for the designer. since the supplier will provide a jack that is calibrated 102


. . KK . 4


4. 4~ . K

K4 ....~.K.

--....~-: .K.




K - K K

. ;~K ~ K-

K K.

Part]: Section 4 the on anchorage. the However, that aligned; it the is important equipment otherwise. to is the assumption properly



specified that this and be




duct will

side be

of based and

remember well-maintained losses could

calibration that the





















of force The and size

Profile value of K

coefficient can of vary support considerably but also, to in a practice lesser depending extent. on the mainly ratio of on the type size to of duct

the and

method on











General The points duct

Calculation profile

of force normally comprises of to at curvature replace x a series of and a. parabolic short where In a this curves, straight is the with lengths total common leading tangent to the in may

where It the

reversals is useful

occur, x/r~. from by the

anchorages. radians be to

angular 58

change and 59

position to give ~





combined If (Kr+Ma)

Px=Pae~~(Kx+~~Q 0.2, the equation may be simplified to the linear form

P~=P 0[1(JG+Ma)I the duct. where P0(Kr+j.~a) represents the combined loss due to friction in The

Coefficient physical or any the tests: profile

of friction of local the tendon and to the duct is important. are are data present. taken on both cases. i.e. As and the whether indicated, if the or it not is heavy

condition sharp stated

rusting to

distortions if special



possible used are

reduce on the


precautions contain range test of


based and

references coefficient

4.34-4.37 for a wide



















transmission will be

length in the if be it the ends beam of is to pre-tensioned to be supported shear; practice necessary used in a this to members within should be to the be

Transverse satisfy the

reinforcement requirements length, in accordance in extra of

necessary In addition. will Generally, transmission


transmission designed conservative reinforcement, construction differential

reinforcement with 4.3.8. the if the

required is good and is


design the to with be


assessing particularly

length member in

transverse composite due to

prestressed will help

where shrinkage







4.10.3 The

Assessment recommended 4381. to



length wire 441)), are values that based based in on both on laboratory practice. site and laboratory measurements have

values for For strand1439 allow for

measurements been increased




Hanabook ~oBSSIIO:1985

4.11 End blocks in post-tensioned members


4.11.1 General
When concentrated forces are applied to the ends of members. large bursting forces are induced for a distance along the member until the longitudinal stress profile becomes linear. These burstine forces are usually concentrated in the zone between 0 -2Yo and 2Y0 of the end of the member. where 2v0 is the side dimension of the end block. This force has been considered the past both theoretically experimentally. The theories consider possible w-avs in in w-hich the longitudinal stress and varies along the member and deri~e the bursting stress as the accompanying outward stress component. The experimental methods usually involve the analysis of measured surface strains and these have suggested that bursting stresses are slightly higher than the theories propose. Both approaches agree that the major variable is the ratio of the side of the loaded area to the side of the end block. Table 42. which gives the design bursting forces. is therefore a compromise between the various methods of end block design and gives values that are between the theoretical and experimental conclusions. References 4.41 and 442 compare the various theories and the results of an experimental investigation into the problem. No detailed experimental investigations have been carried out on the anchorage of very large tendons. When bearing plates are grouped together. a suitable design approach is to treat the area immediately beneath each end plate as a separate end block and then to link these blocks together. This method of considering the end of th~ member as a number of symmetrically loaded prisms is presented in references 4.42 and 4.43. When anchorages are eccentrically located on the end of the member. it is possible to have high tensile stresses on the loaded area of the member and these may cause spalling. This subject is discussed in reference 4.44. Distributions of both bursting and spalling stresses. determined by a finite element procedure. for axial. eccentric and multiple anchorages on rectangular and I-section beams are show-n in references 4.45 and 4.46. Guidance on the design of end blocks is contained in reference 4.47.



4.11.2 Serviceability limit state

The basis of the design is to use the tendon jacking load and to carry all bursting tensile forces on reinforcement acting at a design stress that is limited to control cracking. In the past. some design has been based entirely on the results of the experimental investigations of the problem and. in conjunction with this. designers have used the higher experimental forces with the concrete carrying some of the bursting tensile force to reduce the net amount of reinforcement. These methods could still be used. but tension should not be carried in the concrete if the bursting forces are obtained from Table 47: nor should any theoretical approach to the problem that does not consider the compatibility of transverse strains between the concrete and the end block reinforcement be used. 4.11.3 Ultimate limit state With unbonded tendons. over-loading at an early stage before any significant loss of prestress has occurred could result in a force greater than the jacking load. The use of the characteristic tendon force ensures an adequate partial safety factor.

4.12 Considerations affecting design details

4.12.1 General
The detailing rules for reinforcement are contained in 3.12 and, with the exception of 3.12.5 and 3.12.11. these should be applied whenever reinforcement is used in prestressed concrete members. The rules i~iven here are additional and relate particularly to prestressing tendons. 4.12.2 Limitations on area or prestressing tendons When a beam cracks. tension previously carried by both the steel and the concrete

I 04


K K 4 4.4 -4 K . ~ .. -44 K 4 . . .~ .K~KKK ..r. . . . K ~ .... - --K K . K K K K -K . - K ~44 K-

Part 1: Section 4


Fl I I

now carried by the steel alone. If the percentage of steel is very low, the steel may not be capable of carrying this additional and may yield or rupture, causing immediate failure. A minimum amount of steel force is therefore required to ensure that the beam is capable of carrying load after cracking and so provide a visual warning of possible failure ans some measure of ductility. If a beam has a very high steel percentage. failure will also be less ductile as the strength of the beam will depend on the concrete and failure will not be caused by yield of the steel: failure could possibly occur before any cracking has taken place. but this is unlikely because of the design methods adopted in 4.3.4 and 4.3.7. This safeguard is particularly relevant to composite construction, where the prestressed unit might fail in this way during erection or construction before the in situ concrete is placed4 The design ultimate moment of resistance should be not less than:

where f~.. is the prestress in the concrete at the extreme tension fibre at a distance v
from the centroid of the section of second moment of area 1. 4.12.3 Cover to prestressing tendons

The recommendations on cover in relation to durability and fire resistance requirements

are similar to those for reinforced concrete in 3.3.4 to 3.3.6: in practice. it will often be requirements of fire resistance rather than durability that will control the cover to be provided. Bonded tendons General Cover against corrosion. The exposure conditions defined in Table 3.2 are used as the basis for Table 4.8. which essentially Table the 3.4 importance with the minimum cement 3. is This limit reflects of the cement content taken not less the thansteel, 300kg/in content in protecting and the somewhat greater sensitivity of prestressing tendons to the effects of corrosion, due to their generally small cross-section and high stress level. See also the commentary on 6.2. Cover as fire protection. Table 4.9 gives nominal covers to all steel to meet specified periods of fire resistance. The format is similar to Table 3.5 for reinforced concrete and the covers relate specifically to the minimum widths and thicknesses given in Figure 3.2. See also the commentary on 3.3.6 regarding covers and anti-spalling measures. Tendons in ducts External tendons It should be noted that the cover added to external tendons will not in fact be put into compression by prestress. Some compression may be induced later owing to creep and shrinkage but this may not always be enough to offset the tensile strains due to imposed loading. It is essential therefore that cover provided in this context be thoroughly compacted and that this concrete be anchored to the prestressed member (preferably by reinforcement). The positioning of the tendons and the shape of the cross-section should be so arranged that the influence of any transverse cracking or longitudinal splitting is kept to a minimum. Curved tendons 4.12.4 Spacing of prestressing tendons General The layout of prestressing tendons should be such that the concrete can be easily placed


Handbook to BS8IIO:1985



tendons n
two groups splitting

stress distrtbution due to prestress at the end of the transmission length

[ F


most likely to occur here





. . . . .. . .. . .

alternative type of splitting if tendons are grouped horizontally

Figure H4. 17: Splitting at ends of p re-tensioned beams.

and thoroughly compacted. No general rules can be formulated because the layout will
depend very much on the type of section and on the amount of transverse reinforcement provided: it will also depend to some extent on the method used for vibrating the concrete and on the type of tendon and anchorage system used. Bonded tendons Where straight tendons are grouped some distance apart in pre-tensioned members.
tension may develop at the end of the beams between the groups of tendons as the pre-compression spreads out from being a series of point loads on the end of the beam to give a linear stress distribution across the section at the end of the transmission zone. Figure H4.17 shows the areas where splitting is possible, the most likely spot being at any change of cross-section in the depth of the member. Under these circumstances. stirrups or helices should be used to contain the tendons at the end of the beam and to

prevent splitting from developing. This reinforcement should be designed in accordance with the specialist literaturet4~ and 4.49) and provided over a distance along the beam at
least equal to the total depth of the beam. Tendons in ducts Curved tendons 4.12.5 Curved tendons General
The type of action visualized in this clause is illustrated in Figure H4.18(a). There may also be a risk of the side cover spalling in very narrow webs and of the bottom cover spalling off where tendons run close and approximately parallel to the soffit of slabs. The manufacturers of most post-tensioning systems specify cover and spacing requirements for their tendons and ducts and these should be regarded as minima. In general. where a number of prestressing tendons in the same plane are curved in that plane. the innermost tendon should be stressed and grouted first. Where this is not possible. such as in statically indeterminate structures. then it may be necessary to anchor the tendon back into the compression zone (as shown in Figure H4.l8(b)) for highly curved tendons. Consideration could also be given to providing helical reinforcement to carry tensile stresses between the ducts. The recommendations in to are taken from reference 4.50. Further research data and suggested design rules are given in reference 4.51.





K... .4 .

. K~ .4


--4K -4---.-. K-K. K K K K -~ K K K KK~ . . K- K K -

-- -.




I: Section

A bursting crack

lal A





























4.12.7 This

Links clause


prestressed the

concrete various is by a is required.

beams situations The to in design If prestressed and concrete of design links for where shear

catalogues reinforcement is governed such that

transverse considerations near its


a pre-tensioned of the

member transmission length could

is supported length be (as

ends, from

considerable within in The the span,

proportion the

determined as to a the reinforced

4.10.3) concrete given of in

transmission with for with 3.4.5 links in as to the a



accordance requirement

conservative longitudinal

alternative splitting

approach at the ends





is dealt



4.12.8 As in

Shock reinforced

loading concrete. to be good has to the practice. resist provision of transverse of shear In steel in major structural and this this members is especially minimum

is considered so if the

irrespective shock be loading. in

requirements for


general, with

situation, In

reinforcement members, the

requirements ducts should

should be grouted.





ANDERSON. Concrete Vol.16,







Institute. Vol.16. No.3. No.6. November-December RA. The lateral January buckling 1966. of

May-June 1971. concrete

1971. pp.85-87. beams

concrete 7-9. pp-

beams. Journal of See also discussion

the Prestressed by SWANNK R.A


SWANN. Vol 44,








pp-21-33. data Public October relating Works 1958. to the design Vol. of prestressed 53. and No627. VoL53, concrete. September No.629. Parts 1.


BATES. 2 &

s.c.c. 3. Civil


experimental and

Engineering Vol.53.

Review. pp.1958-1961


pp.lOlO-lO12. 1958. 4.4 ABELEs. Vol.49. 4.5 BEEBY. concrete 42.465. 4.6 PANNELL. Magazine 4.7 PANNELL. reinforced pp 4.8 203-208. F. F.N of



pp.1280-1284. p.w Partial prestressing 1971. and its suitability for limit state design - The Structural Engineer.

No.2. AW..

February E. and

pp..67-86. H.P.J. and Cracking Concrete and deformation January in partially 26pp. prestressed Publication


TAYLOR. Cement









resistance No.66.


unbonded 1969. of

prestressed pp-43-54. unbonded Vol.28.




Research. ultimate



FIN. and

TAM. A. The beams.

moment of

of resistance Research.


prestressed 1976.









Tragfahi~keit Einlagen. und



infolge KNtTTEL.

stabforiniger. G and Ernst

rechtwinklig KUrFER. & Sohn. H eds. 1969.


angerdraehte Berichte aus

pp7l-78. Praxis. Berlin.

Stahlbetonbau: Festschrift





Handbook to BS8IIQ.-i~S5


revised by


in the Unified Code CPI 10

1974. l6pp. Publication 42.500. 4.10

and TAYLOR. H ~ Shear provisions for prestressed concrete 1972. London. Cement and Concrete Association. Octobcr


by Sub-Committee P (high alumina cement concrete). BRAC (75) P-U). Appendix K. 1975. 4.11 HAWKtN5. N.M. The shear provision of AS CA 35 SAA Code for prestressed concrete. Institution

of Engineers Australia. Civil Engineering Transactions. VoLCE6. No.2. September 1964. 46pp. LS6681 pp. 103-116. and University of Sydney. Department of Civil Engineering 1964. 4.12 SOZEN. MA, and HA~K1N5. N.~. Shear and diagonal tension. Discussion of a paper by ACI-ASCE


Committee 326. Proceedings of the American Concrete Institute. VoLS9. No.9. Septeinher 1962. pp1341-1S47.



c.~. Effect of draped reinforcement on behavior of

prestressed concrete beams. Proceedings of the American Concrete Institute. Vol.57. No.6. December 1960. pp649-678. 4.14 tHE CONCRETE 5octEt4~ Flat slabs in post-tensioned concrete with particular regard to the use of unbonded tendons design recommendations. Concrete Society Technical Report No.17. 1979. l6pp. 4.15 THE Report CONCRETE No25. soct~-r~. 1984. 44pp. Post-tensioned tiat-slab design Handbook. Concrete Society Technical 4.16 REGAN. ~ E. The punching resistance of prestressed concrete slabs. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Part 2. Vol.79. December 1985. pp657-680. 4.17 BEN\E~I~C. E.\.. The design of prestressed members subjected to axial force and bending. Concrete and Constructional Engineering. Vol.61. No.8. August 1966. pp.267-274. 4.18 zt~. ~ and MOREADITH. F L. Ultimate load capacity of prestressed concrete columns. Proceedings of the American Concrete Institute. Vol.63. No.7. July 1966. pp767-788. 4.19 BROWN. Ki. The ultimate load-carrying capacity of prestressed concrete columns under direct and 1965.eccentric pp539-541. loading. Vol.60. Civil No.706. Engineering May 1965. andpp683-687. Public Works Vol60. Review. No.71)7. Vol.60. JuneNo705 1965. pp.84lAprtl
HR. and HALL. As. Tests on slender prestressed concrete columns. Detroit. American Concrete Institute. 1965. pp.192.204. SP-l3. 4.21 ARONI. s. Slender prestressed concrete columns. Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Vol.94. No.5T4. April 1968. pp.875-904.

r r.
F [




Prestressed concrete columns under short-time and long-time loading. Goteborg. Chalmers University of Technology. 1970. l6pp. Publication

Review of accelerated curing procedures. Precast Concretc. Vol.2. No.2. February 1971. pp.93-106. 4.24 FEDERATION INrERNA-rIONALE DE LA PRECONThAINTE. Acceleration of concrete hardening by thermal curing. FTP Guide to Good Practice. 1982. I6pp. 4.25 BANNISTER. IL. Steel reinforcement and tendons for structural concrete. Part 2: tendons for


prestressed concrete. Concrete. Vol.2. No.8. pp.333-342. August 1968. BATE. 5cc.. CORSON. RH. and JEFFS. AT. Prestressing nuclear pressure vessels. Engineering.

Vol.197. No.5111.3. April 1964. pp.492.495. Also Building Research Station Current Paper. Engineering series 12. 1964. 6pp. 4.27 BATE. s.c.c. and CORSON. RH. Effect of temperature on prestressing wires. Conference on

prestressed concrete pressure vessels. London. March 1967. London. Institution of Civil

4.28 4.29

Engineers. 1968. pp.237-24~. Paper No.21. r. and BRANCH. GD. Long-term relaxation behaviour of stabilized prestressing wires and strands. Conference on prestressed concrete pressure vessels. London. March 19fi7. London. Institutionof Civil Engineers. 1968. pp.219-228. Paper No.19. ~BRAM5. ~ts. and CRLZ. C.R. The behaviour at high temperature of steel strand for prestressed

concrete. Journal of the PCA Research and Development Laboratories. Vol.3. No:3.
September 1961. pp.8-19. 4.30 Engineer. BANNISTER. IL. Vol.35. Steel No.2. reinforcement February 1971. and pp.81)-90. tendons for structural concrete. The Consulting 4.31 Creep of concrete: plain, reinforced and prestressed. Amsterdam. North-Holland Publishing Company. 1970. 622pp.


4.32 concrete E\ ANS. R.H. and KONG. F K. Estimation of creep of concrete in reinforced concrete and prestressed design. Civil Engineering and Public Works Review. Vol61. No.7)8. May 191,6



The creep of structural concrete. Concrete Society Tcchnical Paper.

No.101.E.H. 1973. 47pp. in post-tensioned prestressing systems. London. Cement and Concrete 4.34 COOLEY. Friction


Association. 1953. S7pp. Publication 41.001. 4.35 vv~i-r. K.J. Measurement of friction in corrugated curved prestressing ducts. SvdnL~.
Commonwealth Experimental Building Station. 1964. l7pp. Technical Record 52:75:322 4.36 COIMIsSIE .OOR LITNOERING vAN RESEARCH INGESTELD DOOR DE BETONvERENI(;INc,. Frictional los~cs Ifl

prestressing tendons. (in Dutch). The Hague. 1968. 6lpp. Report No.30. 4.37 ~si-t~io% o~ CI\ IL ENGINEERS. Conference on prestressed concrete pressure vessels. London.
March 1967. London. Institution of Civil Engineers. 1968. Group E: Properties of materials (Prestressing tendon~l. Papers 22-27. pp.251.3(x). 4.38


An inestigation of

the transmission length in pre-tensioned concrete. London.


K.. -

- K



- . - K

Parr I: Section -4

Cement and Concrete Association. 195S. 29pp. Publication 41.005. An investigation of the use of strand in pre-tensioned prestressed concrete beams. London. Cement and Concrete Association. 1961. l2pp. Publication 4L01 1. 4.40 MAYFIELD. a.. DAVIES. 0. and KONG. F.K. Some tests on the transmission length and ultimate strength

of pre-tensioned concrete beams incorporatine Dvform strand. Magazine of Concrete Research. Vol.22. No.73. December 1970. pp.219-226. 4.41 ZIELINSKI. I. and ROWE. RE. An investigation of the stress distribution in the anchorage zones of post-tensioned concrete members. London. Cement and Concrete Association. 1960. 32pp. Publication 41.009. 4.42 ZIELIN5Ki. i. and ROWE. R.E. The stress distribution associated with groups of anchorages in post-tensioned concrete members. London. Cement and Concrete Association. 1962. 39pp.
4.43 4.44 4.45

Publication 41.013.

Prestressed concrete. New York. John Wilev&Sons Inc. 1960, VoLI. S59pp. Vol2.
and SOZEN. M.A Practical analysis of the anchorage zone problem in prestressed and Anchorage zone stresses in post-tensioned members uniform

74 lpp.

beams. Journal of the American Concrete Institute. Vol62. No.11. November 1965. pp. 1421-


rectangular section. Magazine of Concrete Research. Vol.21. No.67. June 1969. pp. 103-112. YEfl~RAM. A.L. and ROBBINS. K. Anchorage zone stresses in post-tensioned uniform members with eccentric and multiple anchorages. Magazine of Concrete Research. Vol.22. No.73. December
1970. pp.209-218.


A guide to the

design of


blocks forpost-tensioned prestressed concrete members. CIRIA Guide 1. June 1976. 34pp. 4A8 ARTHUR. PD. and GANGULI. s. Tests on end-zone stresses in pre-tensioned concrete I beams.
4.49 Magazine of Concrete Research. Vol.17. No.51. June 1965. pp.85-96. KRISHNAMURTHY. o. Design of end zone reinforcement to control horizontal cracking in pre-

tensioned concrete members at transfer. Indian Concrete Journal. VoL47. September and October 1973. pp.34-6-351 and 379-385.
4.50 DEPARThIENT OFTHE ENvIRONMENT. Prestressed concrete curved tendons. London. Department


of the Environment. August 1969. 3pp. Interim Memorandum (Bridges) 1M2. MCLEISH. A. Bursting stresses due to prestressing tendons in curved ducts. Proceedings Institution of Civil Engineers. Part.2. Vol.79. September 1985. pp.605-615.

of the

I 1)9


5.1 Design basis and stability provisions 5.1.1 General 5.12 Basis for design 5.1.3 Handling stresses 5.1.4 Compatibility
5.1.5 Anchorage at supports


5.1.6 Joints for movement

5.1.7 Stability This section is emphasised because. often, precast units designed by one engineer are incorporated into a structure designed by another. It is most likely that the engineer in the chain of authority closer to the eventual client will have responsibility for the overall stability of the structure. The requirements of 3.1.4 with regard to the provision of tie forces, the importance of the layout of the structure in plan. and the possible protection of those members vital to stability apply equally to precast and composite concrete construction. The detailing rules of 3.12 should be used whenever appropriate; 5.3.4 gives some additional rules for anchoring and lapping bars more relevant to the special problems presented by precast construction.

Bars which are used to provide the tie forces required in 3.12.3 should be positioned
and detailed so that they have the necessary cover to enable their full strength to be developed. If ties are to be provided by lapped bars in narrow spaces between precast units. attention should be paid to the requirements of In complying with the vertical tie requirements. lifting and levelling bolts may be used to form part of this effectively uninterrupted tie. For buildings supported by plain concrete walls, the vertical tie requirements are satisfied theis tie isso. able carry and live load floor above. Whereif this not or to where inthe anydead structure of five or from more the storeys the requirementS of are not met. Section 2.6 of Part 2 permits an alternative approach to design. This is the ~alternative path approach, where, for each storey in turn. the notional removal of any single vertical load-bearing member is considered, and the structure checked to ensure that the loads can still be carried by catenary, cantilever or some other form of structural action. Any building component that is normally not load-bearing may be taken into account and the Ym values should be taken as 1.3 for concrete and 1.0 for reinforcement. There are limitless possibilities here over the range of types of structure (and their usage) covered by this Code and the value of the loading is left to the discretion of the engineer; in general, all permanent loads would be considered and some fraction of imposed loading this will depend on usage and special consideration may have to be given to warehouses, plant rooms. etc. gives some advice on this subject. Only rarely will it be necessary to consider debris loading, because of the relative



magnitudes of the safety factors for normal and exceptional loads and also because of the tie force requirements. The alternative path method outlined above will be the most appropriate for precast concrete structures made of load-bearing concrete panels. For this reason, a definition is given of what constitutes a single load-bearing element. This involves the further necessity to define a lateral support in of Part 2: this may be either a substantial partition at right-angles to the wall being considered and tied into it or. alternatively, a narrow width of the wall itself which has been locally stiffened and is capable of resisting a specified horizontal force. 26 of Part 2 introduces a second alternative design approach. again only for the situation where is not complied with. Instead of a vital structural member being I It)



. .

- - K

K --

- -

K K.


K 4

- K

Parr I:Section5

considered to be rendered ineffective, it is proposed that the design is satifactory if the -member can resist a pressure of 34kN/m, the y factors being as described for the

alternative path approach. This approach is therefore attempting to quantify the effects
due to exceptional loading, but at the same time a minimum tying together has still to be provided since 3.12.3 must be complied with. In practice, this will generally be the most appropriate alternative approach for columns in framed structures. It should be realised that only in exceptional cases will structures require other than the provision of ties. Key elements defined in clause will be identified from a study of the structural scheme and makes it clear that in most circumstances vertical tying of the structure will be the normal design solution. Key elements will only be met in those structures where there is an exceptional and unavoidable tendency for more than the local area around the element to collapse in the event of accident. 5.1.8 Stability ties These may be located in any part of the structure providing that they interact properly. Ties generally Connnuitv of ties

The categories (a) to (d) give guidance on how ties are to be provided. Other methods may be developed but the important principle is that the tie should be provided in an identifiable posirive way. Anchorage in tall structures This requires that in buildings of five or more storeys all precast members must be anchored to the tied part of the structure. This is to avoid excessive debris loading in the event of an accident. Avoidance of eccentricity This is to ensure that, in the case of accident, ties which have to straighten do not allow

units to fall from bearings.

5.1.9 Durability In this respect. connections should be robust and should be filled with good quality grout or well compacted connection concrete. The provision of caps or seals to sensitive connections on the periphery of a structure should also be considered. In preparing the design. detailing and specification for connections, the difficulty of achieving on site the intended quality in relation to dimensions and in situ concrete should be taken into account.

5.2 Precast concrete construction

5.2.1 Framed structures and continuous beams
It is in general more difficult to provide full moment continuity in precast concrete construction than in in situ structures but, where this is to be the basis of design. then the procedures given in Sections 3 and 4 in the Code may be adopted. including the redistribution of moments. Redistribution may be particularly useful in reducing design moments at connections. 5.2.2 Slabs Design of slabs Again the basis for analysis and design of precast slabs should be that given in Section 3 or 4 as appropriate. Concentrated loads on slabs without reinforced topping This clause makes empirical recommendations on the width of a slab (perhaps made up 111





of a number of precast units) which can be considered to be helping to resist concentrated loads, including line loads from partitions in the direction of the span. The type of partition will have a considerable influence on the way the load is distributed transversely across the slab: moreover, the type and width of the precast units and the connection betxveen them can have a considerable influence. A limited amount of testing has been carried out on a range of standard floor units and generally this has shown that the actual transverse distribution can be defined accurately by means of the load distribution or grillage analysis for bridge decks. which are in common use in this country. If. in a particular case, a more accurate assessment is required than is given by this clause. references 5.1., 5.2 and 5.3 should-be consulted. Many manufacturers will have results from load tests on their units in structures and these should be available for guidance. Concentrated loads on slabs with reinforced topping The comments to apply here also. Slabs carrying concentrated loads 5.2.3 Bearings for precast members The definitions in 1.2.5 are important and have specific meanings when used in the following clauses.
I General This section comes from the work of a Committee of the Institution of Structural Engineers(S.4t. The clauses do not require that there is a definite check on the provision of overlap of reinforcement (a); it is clearly impossible in bearings on brickwork etc.
The use of the clauses will however give overlap where it is appropriate to be provided. Calculation of net bearing width of non-isolated members When assessing of potential rotation. the restraint and support of the supporting member should the be effect considered when assessing its likely rotation.

I Effective bearing length

Figure 5.4 is in error in that the vertical dimension in the lower part of the figure is shown as bearing width when it should show bearing length. see definition Design ultimate bearing stress

The requirement to rely upon the weaker of the bearing surfaces is clearly important if the bearing length of the supported member is similar to the available length for bearing of the supporting member and vice-versa. Where for example one member is narrow with respect to the other, higher bearing stresses in the wider member. subject to test or the provisions of reinforcement to prevent bursting, based on clause 4.11 in Part 1. will be appropriate. Higher bearing stresses than 0.8f~ may be used when justified by tests. References 5.5 5.9 provide data on bearing stresses.

I [ Li I iVet bearing width of isolated members Detailing for simple bearing This refers fonvard to Clauses and 5.2.4. Allowances for effects of spalling at supports Plastic load shedding packs are now available which reduce the effects of the problett3. described in

5.2.4 Allowance for construction inaccuracies

112 5.2.5 Bearings transmitting compressive forces from above

. 4 K

K 4K ~4K4K4 4

. 4~ ..KKKK

4K ..K. K..


. .

Pan]: Section S

5.2.6 Other f~rces at bearings 52.6.1 Horizontal forces at bearing

Particular attention should be placed on the detailing of both supporting and supported member. Continuity reinforcement must be anchored to both members in such a way as to avoid planes of weakness away from the support. It should be realised that the

provision of tensile restraint will render both supporting and supported member prone to tension cracking. Reinforcement should be provided to minimise crack widths in this regard since it can be a serious cause of failure if proper provision to control and distribute
cracks is not made. It will often be sufficient, instead of providing a full sliding bearing (a), to provide a flexible bearing which allows sufficient capability to move laterally. Rotation at bearing offlexural members

The use of suitable elastic bearing materials will do much to distribute and smooth out the bearing stresses.
5.2.7 Concrete corbels General Design

The essence of the design method recommended for a corbel is the assumption that it behaves as a simple strut-and-tie system, as indicated in Figure H5. 1 for loads appropriate to the ultimate limit state. So that it can function in this way, it is first necessary to eliminate the possibility of a shear failure and 5.2.7 suggests that the total depth of the corbel (h) be determined from shear considerations in accordance with The corbel width (b) will normally be determined from practical considerations and the size of the bearing plate transmitting the ultimate load (Va) to the corbel should then be calculated by using a bearing stress not greater than 0.8f~, as suggested in, provided that it may be shown that the horizontal force at the bearing is low (less than
0.1 Va).

d A

0.9x c


4~ cos



tcl force diagram

Figure HS.1: Design basis for corbels (

The requirements of 5.2.7 for the proportioning of the corbel and the detailing of the reinforcement are illustrated in Figure HS.2. Of the three methods shown for anchoring the main tension steel (A~1) at the outer face of the corbel, that in diagram (a) is the most efficient technically. It also has some practical advantages in that the ratio a~/d is higher than for the other two methods where the requirements of regarding the minimum radii of bends haye to be met for the main tension steel. For higher a~/d ratios, design will be controlled principally by flexure at section A-A (Figure H5.l). Particular attention has to be paid to the occurrence of horizontal forces at the bearing, since these can considerably reduce the corbel strength; this problem is discussed and dealt with in reference 5.10. Simplifying assumptions 113

Ha,tdbook to BS8I/O:]985








~ A..


outside edge of bearing tobe kept clear of bend in main reinforcement (minimum ctearance=1 bar diametBr)
_____________________________________ __


DETAILING RULES h d Ii) h~<O.5 h



Other details as ~er diagrams



n of re hot nforcement in the form zontal loops

II II (cL... L~


bars provided to anchor horizontal stirrups

Figure ff5.2: Possible methods of anchoring main tension reinforcement in corbels.

I Reinforcement anchorage Shear reinforcement Resistance to applied horizontal force


5.2.8 Continuous concrete nibs

Reference 5.11 has a considerable amount of information on the reinforcement of nibs.

The designer often has to consider the strength of continuous nibs supporting regularly or irregularly spaced discrete loads. e.g. from double tees. In this condition. a global
case. supposing failure of the complete nib in bending and shear. as well as local bending and shear failure modes beneath the discrete loads, should be considered. General

See above. Area of tension reinforcement See above.

5 8 3 Position of tension reinforcement

K K ~K - K : K

See above.

3 4 Design shear resistance

K K-K...... K K K K K K K K K. ~ K K K--K KK4 4~ :~ K K :~- -. -.K K -K :4~.. - .:~... - --.~ . K ~

K KK --K--

~ KK~4~4


K: K - -.


~ -

. . ~:


- .-~ ~




Parr I: SeCtion

.~ Links in the member from which the nib projects This Thang up steeV is important and should also be considered in any design where primary beams are loaded away from supports by secondary beams.

5.3 Structural connections between precast units

5.3.1 General It is necessar~- to consider all aspects of joint requirements at an early stage in design. Note the emphasis placed on the need to consider both strength and stability during the construction and erection stages. Several failures have occurred in precast concrete
construction in the past. because of lack of consideration of the erection procedure prevailing on site. 5.3.2. Design of connection Methods The use of tests will be quite common. It is difficult to justify all the design requirements of joints. anchorage. bursting, bearing. etc., with the design data currently available. In many cases. compliance with these data will result in a cumbersome and heavy design. Although it is not commonly thought necessary. the same degree of attention given to the analysis in detail of in situ connections, e.g. beam to column joints, will give similar difficulties of justification. A test justification will be of great assistance in proving the correct interaction of the internal member force lines. Manufacturing and construction

A designer familiar with the processes and techniques of precasting will consider the
points mentioned in the clause. Advice should, in other cases, be sought from an experienced manufacturer or. at the tender stage. his input should be welcomed.

Reference 5.12 gives many simple tips for good detailing. Design for protection See 5.1.9. 5.3.3 Instructions to site The strength and stability of precast concrete structures generally depend very much on
the connections and on the way they are made; mention has already been made of the influence that workmanship and tolerances can have on strength. It is vital, therefore, that clear and detailed instructions, preferably on the drawings, are passed from the designer to the manufacturer and erector to ensure that the joints are adequately made. Instructions should also be passed on with regard to the various factors mentioned in 5.3.2.

5.3.4 Continuity of reinforcement General

The engineers attention is drawn to the necessity to establish clearly what function is expected from each joint generally and, in this particular case, what is the function ot the reinforcement through the joint: i.e. is it to provide full moment continuity, or partial continuity in helping to control cracking and deflection, or simply part of the tie force requirements of 5.L8. Various acceptable ways of achieving continuity are listed: these are covered in detail in subsequent clauses, but in general it should be noted that the detailing rules contained in 3.12 should be obeyed. Lapping of bars

For flexural members where continuity of reinforcement is required through a joint bet~veen precast floor slabs or beams, the most common details are illustrated in Figure HS.3. For details (a) and (b), states that the lap requirements of 3.12.8 should be satisfied The biggest problem here is that vertical links will be required in the support 115

Handbook to BS8IIO:19&

bars projecting from lapped by means of

extra bar precast units are extra bars

tap length


lap length






r r
bars projecting from precast units are laoped with one another


in situ concrete

lao length M

from precast units

lateral reinforcement M M

vertical loops proiect,ng


in situ concrete horizontal loops projecting from precast units


1~vertical stirrups cantreline of suoport


section subiected to moment M

Figure HS.3. Methods ofprovidingcontinuity ofrein forcemenrforprecaszfloors and beams.

zone generally and the main reinforcement must be contained within these: this can create practical problems on site in achieving the required lap lengths. as these links will be cast into the precast units. Details (c) and (d) show in general terms the more popular alternative solution of achieving continuity of reinforcement through loops. In general. detail (c) is preferable to (d) both on technical and practical grounds (see reference 5.13). The bearing stresses inside the loops have to be limited in accordance with To comply with these bearing stresses under the ultimate loads, empirical rules based on test data are given in Figure H5.4 for proportioning vertical loops in flextural zones such as those shown
in Figure HS.3. If h 0 is less than 14 b. straight portions should be added to the loops to transfer some of the tension force in the bars by bond. Lateral reinforcement of the type idealized in Figure HS.3(c) should be provided through the loops, and a loop from one precast unit should generally be adjacent to a similar loop from the other unit. i.e. the loops should not be too staggered across the width of the joint. There is no clear evidence that the presence of lateral reinforcement in the form of dowels, as shown in Figure H5.3(c), enhances bearing capacity by more than about 1520%. but it should be included in any case, partly to comply with 5.1.7 and to ensure more ductile behaviour near failure. It is necessary to roughen the sides of substantial grout pockets into which reinforcement is to be embedded: this is to guard against the tendency of the grout to shrink away from the sides of the pocket: an example of where this would be necessary is shown in





n< 141


1 Bib
l~6 130ni

Figure HS. 4. Empirical detailing rules for achieving continuiri of reinforcement with 116 -.K.. K -K-K.... K vertical loop bars. :-. - ~ ..,~ i--K- -.-:...


~.4444. -

K. - ~:. -

~ .

Parr]:Section S

grout hole



sides of recess
to be roughened

mortar joint

Figure HS.S: Example of where a grout recess would need its sides roughened (a joint between two large columns subject to mainly axial load).

reinforcing bar
n compression

lateral tensile stress

bar buckles Outwards


high compressive stress under bar because of end bearing


upward reaction on bend

Figure HS. 6: Problems at ends of compression bars (a) stress disribution in concrete, (b) effect of bending or hooking compression bars.

Figure HS.5. A point to note from Figure 1-15.5 is the way in which the longitudinal bars have been detailed at the end of the column. There is some test evidence to indicate that the load transfer mechanism between bars in compression and the surrounding concrete is partly by bond and partly by end bearingtS4). This causes high compressive stresses immediately under the bar and lateral tensile stresses which can lead to vertical splitting (Figure H5.6). The problem is made worse if the compression bar is hooked or bent (Figure HS.6) because this increases the tendency for the bar to buckle outwards. The best solution is that adopted in Figure HS.8; this problem is dealt with in considerable detail in reference 5.14. Reinforcement grouted into aperture

Figure HS.5 gives an example where a tension capacity may need to be considered, to comply for example with the tie requirements of Overlapping reinforcement loops

See Sleeving

The two types of sleeving permitted by 5.3.45 are shown schematically in Figure H5.7. Research has been carried out on the type (1) sleeve, whose principal advantage is the

Handbook ro BS8IIU:I9.~

sleeve resin or mortar grout anchorage length found from test data

bar held by wedging sleeve

bars may be just touching



bar subiect to compression


deformed reinforcing bar




Figure H5 7: T~pes of connection referred to in (b) co,npression and tension sleeve.

(a) compression sleeve.


anchor reinforcing bar in situ concrete


Figure HS.8: Examples of types oft/treading referred to in

low anchorage length achieved by some resin mortars (see references 5.16 and 5.17); the design of this type of connection can be carried out only by referring to the test data 3)3 ~ind 5.13.-S [SI However, the fire resistance requirement may preclude the use of resin mortars. Commercial mechanical splices of type (2) are currently available. all of them backed by test data. The manufacturer~s instructions and the recommendations of should be followed carefully in designing both types of connection.

[ Li Threading of reinforcement Examples of the three methods referred to in this clause for using threaded bars are shown in Figure HS.8. The first two methods (parts (a) and (b) respectively of Figure HS.8) are generally used for joining precast columns, where they have the practical
advantage of cetting the units off the crane quickly. Tests have been carried out to study the strength of this type of connection when the columns are subjected to axial IoadslSKbl. These are by no means the only methods of joining precast columns. Threaded anchorages can obviously be used in a wide range of situations in precast concrete work: Figure H5.S merely shows one possible application. In general. the strength of such a special connection should be determined by tests and by reference to Clause 3.

I Strength of threaded couplings See above. Welding of bars

Some useful information on particular uses of welding in precast concrete work generally can be found in references 5195.21


K K 4 K K K . K



K4K~K.~K~~ K K K K K K KK


-K--K-K-K.K.--K-KK K


K 4 K

- - - ~KK K. K.. K K -

K ---... . -

Part!: Section S

NB Load from supported member

is generally applied through bolts, located over depth of Ia)


NB Load from the supported

column I conventional I (I )~ 7column ~.4~ reinforcement

I~ II l~

member is
generally applieo on



insert may

II II ii


[7~T etc.) Which


steel isert

(billet. r.s.j.,

top ot nsert



protrude from one or both II column faces



is wide in relation to the




Figure HS. 9: Basic types of connection using structural steel inserts. 5.3.5 Connections other than those involving continuity of reinforcement Joints with structural steel inserts

A clear distinction has to be drawn at the design stage between the two basic types of possible connection. These are illustrated in Figure HS.9 which shows a narrow plate embedded in a column, to which a smaller plate in the end of the supported beam will be bolted or otherwise connected. In considering the design of this connection, it is best to refer to the specialist literature (notably reference 5.22); the behaviour is somewhat analogous to the behaviour of end blocks with low Ypo/Yo ratios, in that it is dominated by the tendency of the narrow steel plate to split the column. However, it has been shown15~1 that an end block approach is not very successful for design as the strength
is also influenced by shrinkage effects at the bottom of the plate and by the precise

location of transverse links in the column.

The behaviour of the more common type of connection shown in Figure H5.9 (b) is controlled by distribution of bearing stresses underneath the steel insert. An excellent

general treatment of the design problems associated with this type of connection is given
in reference 5.23 which is based on American design practice and on certain simplifying

assumptions. If the insert protrudes from two opposite sides of the column and the
imposed loads on each side are equal, design is relatively simple. since permits

a uniform bearing stress of up to 0.8 J~ under the ultimate loads. Consideration should be given to the loads imposed on the concrete in the column from the structure above the joint and, if designing to the upper stress limitation, the provision of additional
column links immediately beneath the steel insert should also be considered. The rigorous design of a single steel insert of the type shown in Figure H5.9 (b) can be complex because the distribution of bearing stress in the concrete under the insert is not known. However, a simple design solution can be obtained from the assumed force

system shown in Figure HS. 10 where the bearing stresses are taken to be uniform along the lengths l~ and 13. The values of V~, l~, (from and b (from practical considerations) will be known initially and l~ may be calculated from:

b 1x0.8f~

This enables the steel insert to be designed (i.e. h, to be determined) to resist a


Handbook to BSSJIO:I%S
centre-line of main
column steel

structural steel insert
~, ~

aoditional steel sect:on provide more ~eanng ~ effective beanng wioth area Decomes then if reouireo: i2b.x.l :rie

1, C

sac-7~oN A-A

Figure H5. 10: Force system for design of single steel inserts for columns.
moment equal to V~(lt-~-l

2): shear at the column face would also require checking. It is then necessary to calculate V-~ and L. This may be done by taking moments about the line of action of V., thus:

This gives a quadratic equation in terms of 13. The design max then be considered satisfactory if l~<0.6(l~1I2 13). i.e. if the bearing stress areas do not overlap. Note that. in lightly loaded columns. it may be necessary to provide the tying-down force V~ by welding vertical reinforcing bars to the steel insert and anchoring them in the column underneath. The width b will generally be governed by practical considerations: i.e. it

must fit inside the column reinforcement cage and allow the concrete to be placed and
compacted and the width should not exceed one-third of the column vidth. If there is

then insufficient bearing area to satisfy the inequality given above. additional bearing may be provided by welding on additional steel sections as sho~vn in Figure HS.10 (Section A-A). In practice, many types of structural steel insert can be used and each should be considered carefully in the light of the above general comments. It is considered that.
with many of these, higher bearing stresses could be carried successfully, especially if additional column links were provided.

A common design problem is that of a billet protruding from each side of a column
carrying different loads on each side. This would occur if spans are not equal on each side of the column. In this case the stiffness of the insert is of importance and the design
.column or wail

I I2

or slab


effective joint area in compression 6.3.6) assumed to be not greater than 90% of the crosssectional area of the wall or column l1)

bedding of mortar for precast floor units

Figure 1-15.11: Effective joint area for compression joints f 5.3.6~i.


. .~. . . - - ~. .. -

K - .

Part 1: Section 5

problem becomes statically indeterminate. Very stiff inserts will carry the load in bearing with a variable but linear stress across the column.- like a pad foundation. Flexible billets
may impose vertical bearing stresses in the upward direction in the centre of the column.

More research is required in this area and design should have experimental backing. Resin adhesives Other types 5.3.6 Joints transmitting mainly compression The strength of this type of connection may be assessed by the methods given in 3.8 or
3.9 as appropriate, provided that a reduced effective area is assumed for the joint. The

reduced area. assessed in accordance with sub-clause (a), is illustrated in Figure HS.11. Where the precast floor units intrude well into the joint and sub-clause (a) becomes
restrictive, then sub-clause (b) comes into operation. but only where the floor or beam units are solid over the bearing area.

A detailed study of the factors influencing the strength and behaviour of horizontal joints in compression is given in references 5.14 and 5.24. In designing horizontal joints at the top and bottom of walls or columns. makes no specific recommendations with regard to forces acting at right-angles to the
wall. It is suggested that there is no need to check the resistance of such joints to lateral forces provided that the calculated horizontal shear is less than 25% of the normal

compressive force acting on the joint. Where this is not so, it will be necessary to consider the design of the joint in accordance with the provision of 5.3.7 (d).
5.3.7 Joints transmitting shear In precast concrete construction usually involving the use of fairly wide floor or wall

slabs. the design concept for the structure as a whole may be such that a number of these slabs may be required to act together to transmit forces in the plane of the units in the direction of their span: one of the examples quoted in the clause is that of floor units acting as a wind girder in transmitting lateral loads acting on the sides of a building back to an in situ concrete core designed specifically to carry these. To achieve this full diaphragm action it is necessary to design the joints between the units to carry shear forces acting in the plane of the units themselves. Five alternative methods of design are given in 5.3.7, one of which must be followed. The methods are presented in order of increasing shear resistance requirements: precast units with smooth surfaces and no reinforcement across the joint between them are allowed to transmit only very small shear forces [sub-clause (a)]. In sub-clause (c), steel provided from considerations of stability may be considered to be sufficient to prevent separation of the units. If reinforcement is provided so that it can develop its design strength. high shears can be carried [sub-clause (d)]; in this case. too, account may be taken of an~
normal compressive force acting on the joint, thus giving a modified value for Fb. The design method presented in sub-clause (d) is based on the shear-friction hypothesis

developed by Mast5~~ which is a design method capable of providing a conservative solution to a number of apparently different problems in designing structural joints for precast concrete construction. For example. Mast has developed it for use in designinc
concrete corbels and also for the horizontal shear connection problem in composite T-beams.

5.4 Composite concrete construction

5.4.1 General

This section applies to flexural members consisting of precast concrete units acting together with in situ concrete to carry the imposed loads. The essential requirement. therefore. is that the two concretes should act as one effective section: if this can be achieved. then the resulting composite section may be designed in accordance with the
requirements of Section 3 or 4 as appropriate. 5.4 therefore gives the necessary additional requirements to ensure composite action and also deals with those special problems that

Handbook to 858] 10. 198S

can arise because the two concretes are cast at different times. However, only general recommendations can be made, as the types of composite section can vary a great deal in practice.

5.4.2 Analysis and design of composite concrete structures and members

5.4.3 Effects of construction methods

It is important to bear in mind the need to pass appropriate instructions to site (5.3.3).

5.4.4 Relative stiffness of members This can be of significance in situations where concrete is poured as a structural infill or
topping between and on precast units. 5.4.5 Assessment of strengths of sections of precast pre-tensioned units designed as

continuous members
moments. On many occasions In this situation. the support prestress section may willbe be ignored designed inas the reinforced compression to carry zone hogging at the ultimate limit state. If no redistribution of moment is carried out, it is likely that at the serviceability limit state the compressive stresses are low. spailing will not occur andr creep will be low. Such a section will not need a concrete stress check at the serviceability

r r

limit state. If compressive stresses are high. i.e. the transmission length may be short compared with the span. some debonding of prestressing tendons may be necessary. In any event it is important to recognise the problems discussed in the commentary to 5.4.6 Serviceability limit states
54.6.1 Serviceability 5.4.6J.1 General

II Prestressed precast units. The starting point in designing a prestressed concrete member will stresses compressive generally as be given the in serviceability Provided limit state it caninvolving be shownthe that use failure of permissible would be of the under-reinforced type, allows an increase in these stresses of up to 50%; this applies particularly to the situation where the prestressed unit is unpropped. This means that the maximum compressive stress under all loads can be permitted to reach
a value of l).5f~~. As a substantial proportion of this stress will be due to permanent loads, it is suggested that this enhanced stress should be used with caution and for particular situations where the detrimental effects due to possible excessive creep ~ilI be less severe. It has been common practice in bridge design in recent years to apply this enhancement allowance as shown in Figure H5 12. For those situations shown in Figure HS.12 (a). the full stress value of 0.5f~~ could be used; in Figure HS.12 (b) a 25%
in situ concrete in situ concrete







B precast beam
ai maximum compressive siresa

precast beam IbI

maximum compressive Stress

in precast beam, at A-A

in precast beam at A-A

Figure is 0.5 1-15. f.,~ 12: Suggested enhanced compressive is 042 f~ stress values in composite beams for


different forms of construction.

.. ~


___ ~ ________ -.

- - -

~:--. - - K- -. - - - --K-

-~--~-:f--~~ --.....
K K -~

K K K - - -. ~.



-. K - -. K

. 4.K --K.->.


~~~ K.. ~

~ -K

K ~44 ~

~ ~ K.KKK K~ . K .K-K..K--K-

- K K K -4


Part I: SectionS

increase of up to 0.42f~ is suggested. For other intermediate cases the level of stress allowed should depend mainly on the amount of lateral restraint provided to the compression flange of the precast beam by the in situ concrete. Tension in in situ concrete Prestressed precast units in direct contact with in situ concrete. The presence of a prestressed flange on the tension side of added concrete (as at B-B in Figure H5.12

(a)) considerably retards the formation of cracking of that concrete. The stress levels given in Table 5.4 should ensure that no significant flexural cracking due to the imposed loads will have occurred in the in situ concrete at level B-B in Figure HS.12 (a) and
therefore the t~vo concretes should continue to act as one composite section. The tensile

stresses given in Table 5.4 may be increased by up to 50% (provided that the permissible tensile stress in the prestressed concrete beam is reduced by the same numerical amount) and therefore more prestress is required; this recognises the fact that the greater the level of prestress at the contact surface. the greater is the apparent enhancement to the
tensile strain capacity of the added concrete. Prestressed precast units not in direct contact with in situ concrete. For the situation illustrated in Figure H5. 12 (b) the in situ concrete top flange should be treated strictly

as a reinforced concrete section subjected to any local transverse bending and designed in accordance with 3.4.7. Tension in prestressed precast units

This is of relevance if the prestressed unit has thin exposed webs where cracks could be a visual or durability problem. So long as reinforcement is provided in the units or in the composite infill. tension in prestressed units is less of a problem in construction of
the type shown in Figure HS.12 (a).

Where continuity for live loading is achieved by placing reinforcement in the in situ concrete top flange and designing the support section to be reinforced, this will certainly induce tensile stresses in the top of the prestressed beams (A-A in Figure ff5.13) under the service loads and suggests that these stresses be limited in accordance with 4.3.4. Even if a full allowance is made for transmission length and loss of prestress. this may be rather restrictive in design if straight tendons are used. It would not seem unreasonable. for the type of section in Figure H5.12 (a) only, to treat the ends of these prestressed units as being Class 3 under full service loading, as any cracking will be limited by the requirements of 3.4.7 for the support section and will be remote from the prestressing tendons; if this suggestion is adopted. it should apply only to a length on either side of the support centre-line approximately equal to twice the overall section depth at the supports. Another solution to this problem would be to taper the top surface of the prestressed unit towards the support. Differential shrinkage General. If an in situ concrete floor slab is cast on an older precast unit. the

two concretes tend to shrink at different rates, because much of the creep and shrinkage
strain in

the precast member will have taken place the connection Uuislsto_induce secotidary stresses in the before composite section as is a made. whole,The the
~ K

rn~~nt,~~i4iicb is~1i~Wi~iih~iensde stress inducedii~ the bottom of the precast

in situ~ concrete centre-line of support continuity steel



positive connection required in this zone to guard against long-term effects

precast beams

Figure H5. 13: continuity in composite construction.

Handbook to BS8I 101985

unit, which could be important if the section is designed right up to the limiting stresses
in As suggested in these effects are not generally of great significance in most practical cases for simply-supported members. They are likely to be worse if the precast
unit is prestressed. where the stress in the top fibre (i.e. at the interface) due to prestress is near zero. because the greatest differential strain movement between the two concretes will occur in this circumstance. It is suggested that. even then, these effects require investigation only if there is a difference of more than one strength grade between the two concretes and if the time interval between casting the precast unit and placing the in situ concrete is more than about S weeks. The t~-pe of composite cross-section most



susceptible to these effects is the composite T-beam illustrated in Figure 1-15.12 (bj. Calculation of tensile stress. A method for evaluating differential shrinkage

F [

effects is given in reference 5.26 which also gives some indication of how the differential
shrinkage coefficient, referred to in can be vanous types ot sectton. Further Intormation is given

evaluated for design purposes for in reterence ~.27. Approximate value of differential shrinkage coefficient for building in a normal environment. See above. 5.4.7 Ultimate limit state This section is a major departure in BS 8110 ~vhen compared with the previous method of shear connection design. The method of CPIIO was based on elastic section analysis and was thouizht appropriate therefore for the serviceabilirv loadings.

This new method involves the forces acting at the ultimate limit state as this is the appropriate limit state for the mechanism. The intention was not to make any change with respect to safety factors and this and the old CF 110 method were intended to
produce similar results. Reference 5.28 provides full details of the source of the new design method. Horizontal shear force due to design ultimate loads The analytical method requires a different approach depending on the position of the compression zone relative to the plane under consideration. There may be occasions where the plane under consideration is so low in the tension zone that (a) is very conservative. In those cases, only the tension carried across the plane in shear needs to be considered. Average horizontal design shear stress The definitions in Table 5.5 are intended to represent real practical surfaces rather than idealised and unrepresentative surfaces mentioned in previous codes. The as cast or as extruded finishes are deliberately introduced to cover the finish produced by slip form or extrusion machines now commonly used to produce prestressed slab units. In bridge construction the term rough as cast~ is often used to describe surfaces at surface with large aggregate particles on the surface. Where bridge beams with this finish
the top of the conventional cast where the vibrator is removed leaving a very rough are incorporated into buildings. the horizontal stresses from the roughest category in Table 5.5 are appropriate.

[I C-

Li I Nominal links Links in excess of minimum Vertical shear General. Reinforced concrete composite members may be designed by using 3.4.5 and. as long as there is adequate longitudinal shear connection between the

concretes. the gross section may be used in the design. The design of prestressed concrete compDsite members is a little more complicated



K jK~~K -


.-......-K.... K K K K .4.-

-~ K

-K. K K


K K K ~ KKK.

K KKK ~ K K .~ ~ K.. - K .- K K... KKKK . -.- -AcK .K K .- -

K- K K . . K K.K.c-K-~-..K->~KK~.KKKKK--4K-K-K-

- -.

-K -

- - .


Part]:Section .5



Figure HS. 14: Composite sections considered in designing for shear (5.4.7) (a) original member, (b) with composite infill. (c) with composite topping.

than the design of non-composite prestressed concrete members and the simplified
methods in 4.3.8 do not necessarily apply. The assessment of V~0, the shear capacity of a member uncracked in flexure. in 4.3.8 assumes that the member carries all the shear in its web and that the critical point of maximum principal tensile stress is at the centroid. In composite construction, it is ideally

necessary to check all possible critical sections and to ensure that the principal tensile
stress of all the structural concrete in the member is less than the permitted value of 0.24 ~ When in situ concrete is placed between precast prestressed concrete members,

the precast concrete provides restraint to the infill and increases its capacity to carry
tension. In these cases, therefore, it is generally considered satisfactory to check only

the principal tensile stress in the precast concrete. For most practical cases, it will be found that the precast part of the composite section is capable of carrying all the ultimate shear load, and this is all that the Code requires. Further complete checks, on the composite section as a whole, will be required only if the ratio of imposed loading to dead loading is exceptionally high. The shear force at which flexureshear cracks form. V~. may also be calculated by using 4.3.8. It is necessary to consider each composite section on its merits when deciding how much of it is resisting shear. Figure H5. 14 (a) shows an original precast prestressed member that is incorporated into a composite member in two ways: in Figure H5.14 (b) it has composite infill and in Figure H5.14 (c) it has composite topping. In (b), the infill concrete may crack before the original member and the post-cracking shear strength of the infill may not necessarily add to the gross shear strength of the member. It is therefore wise to make some reduction in the infill concrete shear in calculating flexureshear strength, the amount of the reduction depending on whether the infill is restrained between precast members or restrained by reinforcement cast into the precast



When the composite member has a structural topping. as in Figure 1-15.14 (c), the
flexure-shear capacity, V~, may be calculated by using the gross section depth and the

web width of the original member because. in this case. the additional concrete has been placed in an area where it can add to the shear strength of the member. In situ concrete between precast prestressed units. See above. 5.4.8 Differential shrinkage between added concrete and precast members

5.4.9 Thickness of structural topping 5.4.10 Workmanship REFERENCES



o Some loading tests on double-T floor units. London. Cement and Concrete Association. July 1965. Technical Report 391. 15 pp.


Distribution tests on hollow box precast floors. Civil Engineering and Public


Works Review. Vol.62. No.726. January 1966. pp.83-86. 5.3 LAGLE, o.i Load distribution tests on precast prestressed hollow-core slab construction. Journal of the Prestressed Concrete Institute. Vol.16. No6. November-December 1971. pp 10-18.
INSTITUTIONOFSTRUCTtJRALENGINEERS. Structural joints in precast concrete.

London. 56 pp 1978.

The bearing capacity of concrete loaded over a limited area. Cement and Concrete

Association. 1979. Technical Report 526 7Opp.

Handbook ro BSSIIO:1%.5

5.6 5.7
5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12





The bearing strength of concrete loaded through rigid plates. Magazine of Concrete Research. Vol.20. No,62. March 1968. pp3l-44~. HAWKINS. N \I. The bearing strength of concrete loaded through flexible plates. Magazine of Concrete Research. Vol.20.. No63. June 1968. pp95-1O2. Kltiz. L.B and RAThS. C.H. Connections in precast concrete structures bearing strength of column heads Journal ofthe Prestressed Concrete Institute. Vol.8. No.6. December 1963. pp4S-75 GERGELEY. ~. and SOZE~.. \I.A. Design of anchorage zone reinforcement in prestressed concrete beams Journal of the Prestressed Concrete Institute. Vol.12. No.2. April 1967 pp63-75. SOMERVILLE. G. The behaviour and design of reinforced concrete corbels. London. Cement and Concrete Association. August 1972. Technical Report .4.72. l2pp. CLARKE, IL. Behaviour and design of small nibs. Cement and Concrete Association. 1976 Technical Report 512. 8 pp RICHARDSON, jo. Precast concrete production. Viewpoint Publications. 1973. 232 pp FRANZ. G. The connexion of precast elements with loops. Proceedings of a symposium on design philosophy and its application to precast concrete. London. 1967. London. Cement and Concrete Association. 1968. pp.63-66. SOMERVILLE. o. Horizontal compression joints in precast concrete frame structures. Thesis submitted to the City University for the degree of PhD, December 1971. 196 pp SOMERVILLE, G. and BLRHoL5E. p Test on joints between precast concrete members. Garston. Building Research Station. 1966. Current papers Engineering series 45. 18 pp Ic,oNiN. L.A. Glued joints for reinforcing bars and precast reinforced concrete units London. Civil Engineering Research Association. 1965. CERA Translation No. 1. 16 pp MARKESTAD. .~. and JOHANSEN, K, Jointing reinforcing steel with resin mortars. Nordisk Betong 79-93 Vol. 14. No. 1. 1970. ppIvEY. oLFatigue of grouted sleeve reinforcing bar splices. Proceedings of the American Society




of Civil Engineers. Vol.94. No.STl. January 1968. pp 199-210. TOPRAC. A.A, and THO%IPSON IN. Welding between precast concrete units. Journal of the Prestressed Concrete Institute. Vol.8. No.3, June 1963. pp.14-29. LEBEL. L.M. and KNYAZI-IE\ IC-H. MG. Investigations of joints of precast reinforced concrete slabs. Beton i Zhelezobeton. No.2. 1969 pp.82-85. Translated from the Russian. Garston. Building Research Station. May 1970. Library Communication 983. 7 pp. HANSON N W. and coN\ER. I4,W Seismic resistance of reinforced concrete beam-column joints. Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Vol.93. No.5T5. October 1967. pp-533-560. HOLMES. ~i. and POSNER. co. Factors affecting the strength of steel plate connections between precast concrete elements. The Structural Engineer. Vol.48. No.10. October 1970. pp.399406 PRESI~RESSED CONCRETE INs~rnt-ra. Design handbook precast and prestressed concrete. Chicago. Third Edition. 1985. 528 pp.

5.24 5.2.5

Proceedings on an international symposium on bearing walls. Warsaw 1969. Oslo. Norwegian Building Research

Institute. 1970. 15 pp.

Auxiliary reinforcement in concrete connections. Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Vol. 94. No.ST6. June 1968. pp.14-85-1504. 5.26 KAJFASZ. s.. SOMERVILLE. o and ROWE. RE. An investigation of the behaviourof composite concrete

beams. London. Cement and Concrete Association. November 1963. Research Report 15.
5.27 44 pp.

Differential shrinkage in composite beams. Proceedings of the American

Concrete Institute. Vol.56. No.11. May 1960. pp.1123-Il36. 5.28 FEDERAtION INTERNATION ALE DC LA PREcON-rRALN-rE, Shear at the interface of precast and in situ concrete. FIP. Wexham Springs. Slough. 1982. 31 pp.

I 2(~




6.1 Constituent materials of concrete

6.1.1 Choice and approval of materials As ~vithCP1 10. one of the basic principles of this Code continues to be that the Engineer

must decide the essential factors to be specified. ideally in terms of readily measurable parameters or attributes required for the work (e.g. pumpability, freedom from bleeding
etc(. The concrete producer is then left with the greatest freedom possible to design the concrete mix to satisfy these requirements. The concrete producer will usually have more knowledge of the local materials. quality of cement, type and gradings of the aggregate.

etc and hence should be in a good position to provide concrete having the desired
performance characteristics. Whilst making a clear preference for materials complying with. or selected from. a

British Standard, the Code does allow the use of non-standard materials particularly where there are possible technical and cost benefits. However, with all materials. the Code emphasises the need for satisfactory data on their suitability and for assurance of quality control. The performance of concrete made with non-standard 0; infamiliar
materials and their suitabilirv may be established on the basis of previoI~ - uata. past

experience or specific tests. Wherever possible. certificates of compliancl ~ith British or other clearly defined standards should be provided by the material supplier.
Unfamiliar materials or combinations of materials may produce concrete whose

properties differ considerably from those with conventional materials. For example concretes containing ground granulated blastfurnace slag (ggbfs) or pulverized-fuel ash (pfa) have longer finishing times. which may be an advantage or a disadvantage. Design Materials 6.1.2 Cements, ground granulated blastfurnace slags and pulverized-fuel ashes The British Standard Glossary of building and civil engineering terms, BS 6100:1984,

defines Portland cement as ~activehydraulic binder based on ground Portland cement clinker and indicates that Portland cement is a general term for the various forms of Portland cement. In particular BS 12 covers the main ones, OPC and RHPC, BS 4027 covers SRPC and BS 1370 covers Low heat PC. In all these, no addition other than of gypsum or one agreed grinding aid (i.e. propylene glycol) is permitted. The nextcategory
of Portland cements covers Portland-blastfurnace cement (BS 146) and the corresponding

Low heat Portland-blasrfurnace cement (BS 4246) and Portland pfa cement (BS 6588). These cements are -blended hydraulic cements~ according to the definitions given in the respective British Standards and in the Glossary. BS 6100. However, it should be noted that theymay be manufactured either by blending of the components or by intergrinding. The materials themselves (i.e. pfa and ggbfs) are covered by British Standards viz: BS 3892: Part 1 for pfa and BS 6699:1986 for ggbfs. The only other cement permitted in BS 8110 is Supersulphated cement to BS 4248. which is not available in the UK. In recent years. the potential advantages in some circumstances of combining Portland cement with either ggbfs or pfa have come to be realised. The recent amendments of BS 5328 have defined cement as a hydraulic binder which can be (a) hydraulic cement that is an active hydraulic binder formed by grinding clinker to BS 12. B51370 or BS 4027.

(b) hydraulic binder, manufactured by a controlled process in which Portland cement

clinker or Portland cement is combined in specific proportions with a latent hydraulic binder consisting of pfa or ggbfs. to BS 6588. BS 146 or BS 4246, according to the latent hydraulic binder used. 127

Handbook to BSSiIO:198S

or (c) hydraulic binder. manutactured in the concrete mixer by combining Portland cement to BS 12 with a latent hydraulic binder consisting of pfa to BS 3892:Part 1 or ~bfs to BS 6699. complying with the general requirements for proportions and properties given in BS 6588. BS 146 orBS 4246 according to the latent hydraulic binder used. In line with this, the cements in BS 8110 are defined in terms of three categories as: (1) Portland cement including ordinary, rapid hardening, low heat and sulphate-resisting ( (2) Cements containing ggbfs BS 146 and BS 4246 and cement containing pfa BS 6588 ( The availability of these cements varies throughout the UK: (3) Combinations of Portland cement and ggbfs or pfa ( The third category which permits combinations of Portland cements and ggbfs and pfa at the mixer (mixer-blends) is a new departure and care must be taken to ensure that such mixer-blends produce equivalent concretes to those made with the corresponding blended cements. When using mixer-blends the followingprinciples apply: (i) The relevant British Standard for blended cement should be used as the basis for comparison: (ii) The mixer-blend combinations should generally be based on BS 12 cement: (iii) The ggbfs and pfa should comply with appropriate British Standards: BS 3892 Pulverized-fuel ash Part 1: Specification for pulverized-fuel ash for use as a cementitious component in structural concrete. BS 6699:1986 Specification for ground granulated blastfurnace slag for use with Portland cement. (iv) It is permitted in to replace Portland cement with at least an equal weight



C [

of ggbfs or pfa. The cementing efficiences of these materials may be lower and states that the total mass of Portland cement plus ggbfs or pfa may need
to be increased to achieve a specified strength: (v) Confirmation must be provided that combinations of cements and ggbfs or pfa

conform with the properties of the corresponding blended cement. Satisfactory performance can be judged either by tests of the combinations against the relevant blended cement standard or other pefformance tests in concrete. There are many test data available on the use of ggbfs or pfa in concrete but care must be taken that where previous data are relied upon, the same materials and proportions are currently being used. Certification procedures for the percentage of ggbfs and pfa which are now being
provided by the suppliers of these materials along the following lines may provide an

acceptable mechanism of confirmation: When blended in the combination (100X)% BS 12 Portland cement and X% ggbfs (or pfa) complying with BS the results confirm that for the period
(. .), (. .

the proportions and properties of this combination were in compliance with the

physical and chemical requirements of BS (. -


as determined in accordance with

this procedure. The performance. and particularly the durability, of concrete made with these materials can be considered as being equal to that of Portland cement concrete provided that the ggbfs or pfa concrete complies with the same grade as would be achieved by the Portland cement concrete ( In order to obtain concrete of equal strength at 28 days. It may be necessary to increase the total mass of Portland cement +ggbfs or pfa compared with the mass of Portland cement in the concrete. The properties of fresh and green blended hydraulic cement concretes are different from Portland cement concretes and construction practices may have to be modified to take these differences into account16~. concrete with special properties related to durability as shown in Table H6.1.

I 2 U [

The use of the appropriate type of cement or ggbfs or pfa can assist in producing


K K --7 4 .

4K~ 44 -

- K


K K .. ~. ... - K -K K K -. -~ - -

K . 4. - -K.- ~ K.. K K K K K K K K K K. - K -

- - - ~ -




K ,

K .K


K ---, -.

Part J:Sect,on6

Table H6.1 Concrete characteristics requiring the use of special cements, or ggbfs, or pfa
Property of concrete

Consider the useorcement toBritish Standard or the use of ggbfsor pfa

RHPC to BS 12 Ultra-high early strength Portland cement

Further information

Ear1~ strength development

Low heat evolution

BS 1370 BS 424-6 BS 14-6 BS 6588 Combinations of OPC to BS 12 and ggbfs or pfa BS-1027 B54248 see BRE Digest 250

Improved resistance to sulphate attack

Combinations of OPC to BS 12 and ggbfs. 70%90% or pfa. 25%40%

Improved resistance to alka!i-~ilica reaction

Use low alkali cement (less than 0.6% equivalent Na2O) Combinations of OPC to BS 12 and ggbfs. atleast 50% orpfa.atleast 30%

see BRE Digest 258 see references 6.4 General 6.12.2 Properties of concrete made with cements containing ggbfs or pfa Combinations of cements and ggbft or pfa Proportions and production Performance and suitabilityfor purpose

6.12.4 Cementsfor sulphate-resisting concrete This clause reflects the fact that if a proportion of SRPC is replaced with an equal weight of pfa. the sulphate resistance of the resulting concrete may be reduced. However if the higher minimum cement and maximum water/cement ratio of the OPC (BS 12)/pfa combination is adopted. an SRPC(BS 4027)/pfa mix should give adequate durability. Cements for low heat concrete

6.13 Aggregates 6.13.1 General The aggregates covered by the Code comprise all types of materials classified in terms of their density as: 3) Normal-weight (particle density Lightweight (particle density less2000.3000k~/m than 2000kg/in3)
Heavyweight (particle density greater than 3000kg/in3) Aggregate specifications

Wherever possible the Code prefers aggregates complying with the appropriate British Standard but other materals may be used provided there are satisfactory data on the

properties of concrete made with them.

Here again, the emphasis is on performance in concret&. For example suitable gradings 129




are not laid down: the requirement being that the overall grading should be such as to

produce concrete of the required workability and finishability which can be placed and
properly compacted into position without the use of excessive mixing water and resultant bleeding. Where necessary, special aggregate characteristics can be defined by reference to the appropriate British Standard or other authoritative documents as shown in Table H6.2.

Table H6.2 Choice or limitation of aggregate characteristics

Aggregate characteristics Nominal maximum size Choice or limitations 20mm 40mm Suitable for most uses Thick or1ightl~ reinforced sections 10. t4mm Thin orheavilv reinforced sections BS 5328

Further iiiforiitation


Shell content flakiness Dimensional change

Fire resistance

Wear resistance Density High strcngth -

Variations from relevant BS accommodated by concrete mix desiitn Separate fine and coarse aggregate for strength grade C20 andabove Accommodated in concrete mix design Dependent on aggregate type and concrete grade Higher initial drying shrinkage with high moisture movement aggregates (e.g. Scottish dolorites orwhinstones) For high degreesof fire resistance. limestones or lightweight aggregates may be needed Heavy duty grade aggregate for industrial floors Special aggregates required for high or low density concretes Each aggregate has ceiling strength for a given particle size. Crushed rock aggregates may be necessary for concrete gradesabove 60N/mm.

BS 882 BS 882 BRE Digest 35

B I [ Li

BS 8110 Pt. 2 Section 4 BS 882 BS81IO Pt. 2 SectionS

6.1.4 Water BS 3148 includes requirements for the testing of water for its suitability for use in concrete. However it does not give any limits with which the water should comply although some suggestions for the interpretation on the test results are given in an Appendix. Water suitable for drinking is suitable for concrete. Where. however, untreated water is obained from the ground surface after having passed through organic materials such as peat. it would be advisable to test it before using it in concrete. Water from deep boreholes is generally satisfactory in the UK.


K K K K K , K K KKKKKKK K... KK KKKKKKK 4 K KK K~.K, 4 K K KKKKKKK .~K K .KK. KK. K K K K K. .,KKKK ,K.KK, K ~ K K ~ K K - KK K Ge,,eral The Code fully recognises the contribution which admixtures can make to improve certain properties of concrete by their chemical and/or physical effects. The British Srnndard


- K


I . . : . K . KK~4~ ~ K K , K. K--K-. . K. . ~ K K ~ K K ~ K K K -K K KK~ K 7 . . . . ~ ... . ... K K~- 4 -. K-K K,.. - K K.. -- K~KK K K4~K K -- - - -K Part I: StLnOil 0 freduci or admi xtaiures BS 5075 givesxtuspeci fand ic requi rement sizfers. or accelerating, retarding, water n g. r e nt r ai n i n gadmi res superpl a st i c Ixt idepends s importaupon ntto tappreci ateteract thiatt hewibehavi opart urofone ormore admi xturesi ne aconcret e mi h ei r i n o n t h t h e i c ul a r cement and aggr e gat mat e ri a l s bei negrent used. If these materials are changed the behaviourof the admixtures may be very difThe . frnostof radequat esistancee curi of concret e hdepends toofa sat large ext entoftonheitsconcret permeabi lity,and the provi s i o n g andt e degree u rat i o n e when exposed tinocrferost . Concret efsrost witdamage. h a high degree of saturation and subject to de-icing salts have ased ri s k of n such ecases air entrainwi mentshoul d. be specified in terms of the average air content of IThel concret i n accordance t h 6. 2 . 3 . 2 iamtiiotanstions on thchl e tooritadlchl onricont de cont eofnt admi in concret e gi veni nshoul 6.2.d5.2notareexceed support2% ed by l i m i t on t h e e i o e nt x t u res whi c h by massof the admi xwitutre or 003% bycement mass of. torhe unrei cement whenconcret used ine prwietsthrecement ssed ors rei n f o rced concret e h any t y pe of n f o rced complying with BS4027 andBS 4248. Admixture spec~flcations Approval andperformance ofadmixtures 6. 1.5.chl 4 Concr eitoendurabi leityadmixture should be included in the calculation of the total Any o ri d e i n t h chlThe orideNa: cont eequi nts vinalTabl ein 6.any 4. admixture should be included in the calculation of the O e nt total alkali content ( Air-entraining agents 6.2 Durabilityof structural concrete Thi s sectiivoen tthreat s al lraspect s ofdesi ginons3. to achi eand ve durabi litycandt heref ore givesspeci abroader perspect an, f o exampl e . Sect 3 4. 1 2 whi h ar e concerned ficzalinlgy wi t h t h erequi r ement s f o rcoverandconcret e qual i t y .part i c ul a rl y ast h eyi n f l u encesi ofsectituioent ns at theeriadesi gn stage.ateDesi gthne allisfeo-tmeans ident ifryonment ing the.structural form and const mat l s appropri t o i m e and envi In additandt ion thoawi thegeneral envi rgsal onment ( asdefined tion aggr moredet aichemi l in 3.c3al.4s). ~freezing n ganddei c i n t s ( 6 nd~-exposure e ssi v e ( are identifiedas other broad typesof exposure condition. 6.2.1 General 6. 2.2indiDesi gend fionrthdurabi lityin Clause 2.1.1. durability is an aspect of the structure that As c at e Code has to be consi dofered caref uldesi y and consci oausl yand taken account ofand in desi gn. Thiesntimcheck plies alistconsi d erat i o n f a cet s of g n. mat e ri l s const r uct i o n. a conveni for these in the dif erent stages Is: Desi~n assessment of renvi rreonment al icondi tiiomnsproveweat during expect ed life ies. geomet r yofst uct u andsect o nst o h eri n gpropert i.e. cont rol off low of ~vater cover t o rei n f o rcement and i t s adequacy ngonseveri tyrofenvi ronment. surfaceprotectionto concrete Materials dependi const i t u ent s and t h ei qual i t y mi x proport i o ns Construction mi xinngg. placing and compaction of concrete curi accuracy of form.~ork


Ha,Iabook w B58110:1985

achieving the specified cover appropriate quality assurance procedures. Shape and bulk of concrete The emphasis should be on Equally ensuringthe good drainage of water and the avoidance of standing pools and rundown water. cracks referred to are not those controlled by the clauses in Section 3 but those which may occur when the chosen geometry and bulk of the section make them virtually unavoidable in other words, badly designed! The particular aspects requiring attention as regards the cover have been taken into account in deriving Table 3.4 and no further adjustments are necessary. Depth of concrete cover and concrete quality The alkaline environment provided by fresh concrete protects reinforcement. From experience. appropriate combinations of cover and concrete quality ensure that in wellr defined environments the effects of carbonation of the concrete and of penetration of chlorides do not lead to unacceptable corrosion of the reinforcement during the expected life of the structure or component (2.1.1). Within limits, a trade-off is possible between free water/cement ratio. cement content and thickness of concrete cover to achieve the same nominal protection, except that for more severe exposure conditions the available combinations become more restricted. The cover for a given strength, using the reduced concrete grades given in 3.3.51. and exposure condition. e.g. Table 3.4, is broadly in line with that in Table 19 of CP11O except for increases of 5mm for mild and moderate exposure of lower concrete grades. These increases reflect concern that the durability of some buildings is proving less than had been anticipated. Variability of strength tends to be greater at lower grades and typical variations in cover have proportionately greater effect at lower covers. These influences are significant together only for mild and moderate exposure. Inaddition. however, restrictions are placed on minimum cement content and maximum free water! cement ratio to provide adequate impermeability for the particular thickness of cover. Although compliance with compressive strength can be demonstrated. compliance with limits for water/cement ratio and cement content is difficult to demonstrate, especially~ in hardened concrete. Based on analysis of a substantial number of records from readvL mixed concrete plants (6.5) it is possible to specify a lowest grade of concrete which. if achieved, will ensure the limits on cement and water/cement ratio for 95% of materials in current use. The inclusion of these lowest grades in Tables 3.4 and 4.8 represents a practical approach to achieving compliance with the necessary quality of concrete. although it should not be taken to imply that durability is a function only of compressive strength. It follows that the reduced values of grade in Clause do not represent relaxations as such but are values that it will seldom be possible to use because of the difficulty of demonstrating compliance with the other limitations. Clause does not permit these values of grade to be used for mixes containing pfa or ggbfs even though indicates that the protection to reinforcement should be equal to that of Portland cement concrete if the 28 day strengths are equal. The restriction arises because data for maximum water/cement ratio and minimum cement content in relation to durability are not available for concretes containing pfa or ggbfs in the same way that they are for Portland cement concrete. Although some pfa or ggb mixes may conform to the limiting values in Table 3.4 and the wide range in percentage additions permissible means that this is not generally true. For all but the lowest percentage additions a proportionately greater mass of pfa or ggbfs will almost certainly be required. Put another way. the strength equivalence data are based on assumptions about minimum cement content in Table 3.4 for Portland cement concrete which are not necessarily true for- pfa or ggbfs concrete. Because the equivalence concept is based on broad comparisons with limited data it is reasonable to exercise some caution, given the concern to avoid premature deterioration,~ in seryice. This concern extends to sulphate resisting Portland cement in for ye ryf severe or extreme exposure conditions even though increased cover is recommended fo rL~ achieving equivalent protection to reinforcement.



[ [

I. L

6.2.3 Exposure conditions

I 32


~ ~



~ ~.

. K- K


K K -K K KK .K K

KKKK;KK , .~ K,K. K ~

K ..




K ~ K K K

Part!: Section 6 General environment Freezing and thawing and tie-icing salts Air-entraining agents The resistance of concrete to freezing and thawing depends to a large extent on its
permeability, the provision of adequate curing and the degree of saturation of the concrete

when exposed to freezing, concrete with a higher degree of saturation being the more liable to damage. The use of salt for de-icing roads greatly increases the risk of damage
from freezing and thawing.

The use of de-icing chemicals can cause concrete deterioration through two different
mechanisms. Firstly, the melting of ice and snow produces pools of water available to

be absorbed by the concrete. This can raise the level of saturation in the concrete and the salt solution remains liquid at lower temperatures than pure water. Thus concrete may be subjected to many cycles of freezing and thawing at a much higher degree of saturation than if the de-icing salt had not been used. Secondly, de-icing salts increase the presence of chlorides which, in reinforced concrete, can pose a corrosion risk. Air-entraining agents entrain controlled amounts of air in concrete, and greatly improve its durability and in particular its resistance to damage on freezing. Air-entrainment causes some loss in strength but, as a designed mix is required. this will be offset automatically. The engineer should specify air-entrainment where the concrete will be
in contact with de-icing salt and should specify the average air content of the concrete

in accordance with Site control of air content is covered by BS 1881: Part 106. Care is required in the selection of air-entraining adinixtures. It is recommended that products be obtained from reliable firms having a technical department capable of advising on the use of the product. The admixture must not only cause the entrainment of the air in the required amount, despite varying mixing and agitating times, but must also lead to the correct size and spacing of the air bubbles in the freshly mixed concrete. When those requirements are met, the air is reasonably stable in the fresh concrete. which can then be handled and compacted by vibration without serious loss of air. It should be noted that difficulties may be met in entraining air into mixes containing pfa. Exposure to aggressive chemicals This Clause is concerned with aggressive chemicals external to the concrete. The same chemicals may be introduced in the mix constituents (61.5) and have an aggressive internal effect. Concrete used in agricultural situations may be subject to acidic solutions, e.g. food processing, silage effluentt66 6.7), Engineers should be particularly wary of old industrial tips and the chemicals they may containt68~. The omission of values for cement content and free water/cement ratio against class 1 in Table 6.1 is covered by the footnote to the Table and arises because different values may be appropriate and are stated elsewhere in the Code. For concrete in contact with non-aggressive soil (i.e. class 1 of Table 6.1). Table 3.2 defines the environment as moderate; for a moderate environment Table 3.4 giving cover to reinforcement requires a minimum cement content of 300kg/in3 and a maximum water/cement ratio of 0.60: these values then apply to class 1 of Table 6.1. However, unreinforced concrete is treated in and for a moderate environment. Table 6.2 requires a minimum cement
content of 275kg/in3 and a maximum free water/cement ratio of 0.65.

Based on longstanding practice and absence of durability problems in class 1 nonaggressive soil conditions. concrete made with normal-weight aggregate and used for
foundations (strip and trench-fill) to low-rise structures (6.2.4) may have a lower cement content not less than 220kg/in3 if the grade is not less than C20. Under these conditions

the recommendations for increased cover to any reinforcement in for concrete cast against uneven surfaces. will usually apply.
The presence of water is necessary for sulphate attack to occur: attempts to dry one

surface of concrete can exacerbate flow of moisture and the rate of attack. 6.2.4 Mix proportions General this Clause picks up the general principles for achieving durable reinforced concrete.





given in 6.2.1. and focuses on mix proportions by reference to Tables 3.4. 4.8. 6.1 and 6.2. It emphasises the importance of achieving the lowest free water/cement ratio compatible with producing placed concrete of uniform consistency and of ensuring the specified minimum cement contents. If it is necessary to use admixtures it should be ensured that the limiting values are still met because the values in Tables 3.4, 48. 6.1 and 6.2 are based on data on concretes made without admixtures. It is equally important to be aware of the behaviour during curing of concretes containing high cement contents. particularly in excess of 550kg/rn2, when high drying shrinkat~e or thermal stresses may be induced. Unreinforced concrete

Table 6.2 is analogous to Table 3.4 except ofcourse there are no requirements for cover. Mix adjustments in Tables 6.1 and 6.2

The changes or adjustments which may be made to values in Table 62 are again analogous to those relating to Table 3.2. However, recognizing that in some cases it may be appropriate to specify prescribed mixes, recommendations are given for mixes described in BS 5328 which will provide the necessary cement contents and meet the free water/

cement ratio limits. 6.2.5 Mix constituents General The importance of proper selection and control of materials is emphasised. Chlorides in concrete
It with by the

[ [ [

Control of the risk of corrosion of embedded metal by chlorides is dea limits in Table 6.4. which represent a small modification to the stricter limit of 0.06%

introduced in 1977 which excluded some inland aggregates previously regarded as

completely satisfactory. Although a very low limit for chloride is required in this category it is considered that the risk of corrosion would not be increased by raising the limit from 0.06% to 0.1%. To achieve the revised limits, washing of sea-dredged aggregates is essential.

It is considered that there is sufficient information and experience of the use of cements
complying with BS 4027 or BS 4248. for the chloride limit to be set at 0.2%, subject to continuing review. The 0.2% limit applies to both plain and reinforced concrete. Itis needed in plain concrete for sulphate resistance purposes and in reinforced concrete for both sulphate and corrosion resistance. Where the type or use of concrete lies in more than one category. e.g. steam cured concrete using a sulphate resisting cement. the more onerous limit should be applied. The value of 0.4% for most reinforced concrete represents a simplification for the previous method of expression. Sulphates in concrete
[ -

L Alkali-silica reaction A revised edition of the Guidance notes on tninimising the risk of alkali-silica reaction. together with a set of Model Specification Clauses was published for public comment in
October I985~.4. It. must be emphasised that the recommendations relate to conditions found in mainland Britain. and before using them Engineers working outside that area should satisfy themselves that local conditions are comparable. The recommendations in the Code are in line with those given in the September 1983 Guidance Notes. The revised edition includes some important changes with the current advice being as follows: As the three elements of moisture, high alkali levels and reactive silica aggregates all have to be present for damage to occur. it is only necessary to eliminate one of them to minimise the risk of ASR. The Guidance Notes recommend various ways in which this ma~ be achieved, but stress the importance of giving as wide a choice of methods





~ K

~ K

. K

K , K

,-- ~ - K -. -




K- - K


as possible to the contractor to minimise costs.

Part!: Sectiono

Taking the four sub-paragraphs in Clause in turn:


(1) Controlling moisture will only be successful if the equilibrium relative humidity in the concrete is less than 75%. This can be the case in dry, well-ventilated parts of buildings. It will not apply to foundations even if waterproofed. to external members. or to those subjected to condensation. (2) Guaranteed low alkali cement to BS 4027 has less than 0.6% alkali content. This requirement has to be specified at the time of ordering. Provided that their watersoluble alkali content is taken into account, either ggbfs or pfa can be used as a partial replacement for BS 12 Portland cement to reduce the alkali content of the cementitious materials below 0.6%. (3) When avoidance of ASR is based on limiting the alkali content of the concrete to a maximum of 3k~in~. all sources of alkali have to be taken into account. In particular
the contribution of sodium chloride whether from aggregates or from mixing water

must be included. (4) If ggbfs or pfa are included in the concrete mix as a partial replacement for Portland cement, the revised Guidance Notes require the inclusion of the water-soluble alkali content of whichever diluent is used.
In the case of ggbfs. the control of alkalis can be achieved in one of two ways: (a) replacement of cement by ggbfs at a minimum level of 50% so that the

combination has an acid-soluble alkali content of less than 1.1%,

(b) replacement of cement by ggbfs at a level greater than 30% such that the acidsoluble alkali in the ggbfs when combined give a total alkali content of not more

than 0.6%. Suitable pfa can be used as a replacement of 30% or more of the Portland cement. provided that the total alkali level in the concrete does not exceed 3kg/in3 ~vhenthe acid-soluble and water-soluble alkalis of the Portland cement
and pfa respectively are taken into account.

There are other matters covered in the Guidance .Notes ~vhich the Code refers to but does not cover in detail. In the absence of a recognised test a list is given of those aggregates which are considered to be non-reactive. In addition, the reactive rock types chert and flint are considered to be safe provided that they are present at a level greater than 60% of the combined coarse and fine aggregates. Structures which are considered to be particularly vulnerable to attack by ASR include those subjected to high humidity and those buried in waterlogged ground. Highway structures come into this category and are in addition subjected to frequent saturation with de-icing salts. In such cases, more rigorous precautions may be necessary. For further information. see also references 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.2.6 Placing, compacting, finishing and curing

6.3 Concrete mix specification

6.3.1 General
Following the publication of CPI1O in 1972. the British Standard Methods for specifying concrete (BS 5328) was published in 1976. and revised in 1981. It was intended that BS 5328 should provide a single standard for concrete to be referred to in all codes and

specifications for concrete. Unfortunately the publication and revisions of these documents have not kept in step and different terminology has been used for the types of concrete mixes as shown in Table H6.S.
Irrespective of the detailed terminology, the fundamental difference between a

designed mix and a standard or (special) prescribed mix lies in the responsibility for selecting the mix proportions. the form of specification. the materials which can be used and the parameters for judging compliance. These differences are shown in Table H64.
It is the Engineers responsibility to select the concrete grade together with any limits

required on the mix proportions. the requirements for fresh concrete and the types of
materials which ma- or may not be used to meet his strength. durability and any other

Hanabook to BS8IIO:1985

BS8IIO BS 5328(revision in preparation)

Table H6.3 Types of concrete mixes in British Standards

CPIlO 1972
Designed special ordinary Prescribed special ordinary Table 50

BS5328 1976, 1981


F F F I,

Special prescribed Ordinary prescribed Table 1

Prescribed Standard*

1n the Code this is incorrectly termed Ordinary Standard.

Table H6.4 Characteristics of different types of mix

Typeofmix Permitted grades Mix specified in terms of
Responsibility for mix design Permitted materials

Designedmix All grades Performance (strength grade)

Producer Generally complying with a wide range of British Standards

Prescribedmix All grades Mix proportions

Engineer Free to specify, or restrict, any material

Standardmix C7.5 C30 Mix from Table

Engineer selects Complying with a restricted range ofBritish Standards

Main parameter used forjudgement ofcompliance


Mix proportions

Mix proportions

special requirements. Wherever possible, limitations on materials and mix proportions should be kept to the minimum needed in order that the concrete producer can make the best use of his knowledge and experience of local materials. 6.3.2 Selection of compressive strength grade The grades of concrete required should be selected from those given in BS 5328 (Table H6.5).

Table H6.5 Compressive strength

Concrete grade C2.5 CS C7.5

Characteristic compressive strength at 28 days

N/min (~ MPa) 2.5

I [

7.5 10.0

ClS C20

15.0 20.0

C30 C40 C45 CSO C55


30.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0



The minimum grades and/or other specified requirements for reinforced. prestressed and unreinforced concrete and different condjtions of exposure are given in


..K K K KKK K. K.~ ,K

... K

- ---K-K4 . K -4 ~KKK -K K-K..-...


K ..4K~ ~K ~

- -. - . K

, -


K K ~





Part!: Section 6

Table 3.4 for reinforced concrete

Table 4.8 for prestressed concrete Table 6.2 for unreinforced concrete Table 6.1 for concrete exposed to sulphate attack.

BS 8110 deals primarily with concrete for structural purposes. However, if concrete is required for non-structural uses. such as blinding or backfill, then the mixes given in
Table H6.5 may be appropriate.

6.3.3 Limitations on mix parameters for durability

The free water/cement ratio is an important factor governing the durability of concrete

and should always be the lo~vest value compatible with producing fully compacted concrete without segregation or bleeding. A minimum cement content is a prmary
requirement for durability. The cement content required for a particular water/cement ratio can vary significantly for different mix constituents. Where adequate workability is difficult to obtain at the maximum free water/cement ratio allowed, an increased

cement content, the use of ggbfs or pfa and/or the use of plasticizing or water-reducing adinixtures should be considered. Mixes are frequently specified in terms of prescribed mixes. In such cases, the importance of minimum cement content and free water/cement ratio in determining
durability suggests that concrete mixes should preferably be specified in terms of (special)

prescribed or standard mixes.

With prescribed mixes. the Engineer has the responsibility for specifying the mix

proportions and ensuring that these will provide the required performance. Moreover,
with a prescribed mix, strength testing is not a means of judging compliance.

There are some occasions when a prescribed mix may be suitable such as: (a) where the Engineer has had successful experience in the past of a prescribed mix
made with particular constituent materials from known sources (b) where the concrete is to be provided by a contractor and there is insufficient time

for the collection of data. or the scale of work or economy does not justify the application of mix design procedures
(c) where special architectural finishes such as exposed aggregate are required.

In Table 1 of BS 5328, ordinary prescribed (or standard) mixes are given in nominal terms by mass of dry aggregate to be used with 100kg of cement, for the lower grades of concrete from C7.5 to C30. As far as BS 8110 is concerned. the ordinary prescribed (or standard) mixes will only cover the grades C25 and CSO. Since they have to take account of such a wide range of
materials, limitations are applied to the types and gradings of aggregates which can be

used and the cement contents are conservati~ely high. As strength is not a criterion with prescribed mixes. compliance with the specified mix proportions has to be assessed by either:
(a) observation of the batching. (b) examination of the autographic records of the batch weights used, or (c) results of analysis tests on the fresh concrete with the requirement that proportions

shall be within 10% of the value specified. Compliance with the specified maximum free water/cement ratio may be assessed
using workability test results provided satisfactorv evidence is available on the relationship between free water/cement ratio and workability for the materials used.

The cement content will affect the appearance of the hardened concrete, the handling
and placing characteristics of the fresh concrete and performance during setting. hardening and curing when, for example. bleeding and settlement after initial

compaction may occur. If a mix is specified only by reference to the size of aggregate.
slump and strength, then some qualities of the fresh or hardened concrete may be

inadequate. Variability and deficiencies in grading of aggregate may necessitate a minimum cement content to reduce the sensitivity of the mix to bleeding, grout loss.
colour variation, poor local compaction etc.

Therefore. when checking the cement content of a proposed mix for any concrete. assessment should be made of: (a) the likely variability in mix materials

Handbook to BSS!I0:1985 (b) (c) (d) (e) the workability requirements the surface finish other special placing requirements. e.g. pumping the permeability of the hardened concrete.


When concrete mixes are specified either in terms of a minimum cement content or a maximum water/cement ratio. some difficulties may occur in establishing compliance with these requirements. Analysis of fresh concrete is not a generally accepted test at present and continuous observation of the materials batched is not always practicable. adopting a compressive strength grade as suggested below~6~~.

As an alternative, assurance of compliance with mix proportions can be obtained by From a comprehensive survey of concrete mixes manufactured throughout the UK.

r r

basic relationships were obtained between the average compressive strength at 28 days and cement content, and free water/cement ratio and cement content as shown in Figures H6. I and H6.2. These data apply to ordinarv Portland cements. 75mm slump and coarse aggregate of nominal maximum size 20mm. From such data applied to local materials, it is possible to establish the average compressive strength level which will satisfy any combination of maximum free water/cement ratio and minimum cement content.

For any given requirement. the equivalent strength grade may therefore be obtained from one or other of the following methods.
Method A Use of data from records or from trial mixes relating to cement content, water/cement ratio and mean strength (M). representative of the particular materials and workability

[ C

proposed for use. The equivalent grade is taken as (MI0) N/mm-.












U 0











Figure H6.l: Relationship betwee,i strength and cement content of concrete made with OPC. 75,nm shimp and coarse aggregate with maximum size 20mm.


4 444 K

K . - - . .

4 - K .4~4::44 K -

-.4 - , 4





,~ 444 44~ K---


4 -. K K . K K -.

~~.:-:: K ..~ ,


-: - -.:
K K~

. . K

K K K K. K K


Part]: Secnon o


Q I-( I-


z w



~ 0.5



190 180



170 160 150









Figure H6. 2: Relationship between free water/cement ratio and cement content of concrete (0 PC, 7Smm slump, 20mm coarse aggregate).

Method B

For any given cement content and ~vater/ceinent ratio. Tables H6.6 and H6.7 may be used to determine the controlling grade. These values provide a probability of about
95% that the cement content and water/cement ratio requirements will be met using

United Kingdom materials (British ordinary Portland cement, aggregate of 20mm nominal maximum size in a concrete having a slump of 75mm). Modifications to the equivalent grades given in Tables H6.6 and H6.7 to allow for other specified requirements are given in Table J-16.8.

Table H6.6 Equivalent grades for cement content

Minimum cement content (kg/in3) Equivalent grade





270280 290310 320 330 340-360

C30 C35 C40


400 and above

Use method (A) 139




Table H6.7 Equivalent grades for free water/cement ratio

Maximum free water/cement ratio 0.70 0.65 0.60 0.55 0.50 0.45 less than 0.45 Equivalent grade C25 C30 C35 C40 C45 C50 Use method (A)

[ I C

Table H6.8 Modifications to Tables H6.6 and H6.7 to allow for other specified requirements
Specified requirement Adjustment to the equivalent grade in TablesH6.6 andH6.7 25mm 100mm 10mm 14mm 40mm 0 0 0 0

I! I

Workability (slump) Nominal maximum aggregate size

Aggregate type Cement complying with

Lightweight BS 4027 BS 12(rapid hardening) BS146 BS6588 BS 1370 Waterreducing agents

Use method (A) 0 +5 0 0 Use method (A)

C [ Li


Only when cement content is the critical parameter determining grade. 6.3.4 SpecIfication of constituent materials General A list of the clauses giving information on the effects of materials on the properties of concrete is given in Table H6.9. Cements, ggbfs and pfa Aggregates Admixtures
6.3.5 Fresh concrete


Workability and cohesion of the fresh concrete should be suitable for the conditions of handling and placing so that after compaction concrete surrounds all reinforcement. tendons and ducts and completely fills the formwork. Excess bleeding should be avoided as this can lead to plastic settlement cracking and/or poor quality surfaces. The characteristics which have the major effect on the properties of fresh concrete are workability ( air content ( and temperature ( 6.7 and 6.8) minimum and maximum density (
140 aggregate

, . K ~ KKK K. -K.. K~ K 4K K K K K K ~KKKK K K 4 K K K K -~ 4

grading (
K KKK.. K K .. K , K~

K. K K KK~






KKKKK~ ..KKKK~ K-,~ K K~










K -

Part 1. Section 6

Table H6.9 Clauses relating to the effects of materials on the characteristics of concrete
Propertyofmaterial or concrete Strength Earlydevelopment Very high Low heatevolution Materials Limits on: grading sulphates chlorides shell content flakiness density Avoidance of: high moisture movements other effects Cement, ggbfs or pta Aggregates Admixtures

6.1.5 6.1.54

Improved resistance to: sulphate attack ASR freezing and thawing wear fire chemical attack

Of these characteristics, the Engineer would not normally be concerned with workability, since this would be decided by the Contractor. General Worka.bility Density 6.3.6 Concrete to meet special requirements Concrete mixes made with most British cement and aggregate can be designed to meet the requirements of strength, durability and workability under normal conditions of exposure. Where special requirements are needed. guidance is even in the Code and this is summarised in Table H6.9.

6.4 Methods of specification, production, control and tests

6.4.1 Specification and acceptance of mix
Specification can best be done by the use of forms. as in Appendixes A, B and C:

Appendix A Form for specifying a designed mix or a prescribed mix, in accordance

with BS 5328

Section 1: Essential items

Appendix B Appendix C Section 2: Optional items Form for specifying a standard mix in accordance with BS 5328 Materials for use in standard mixes


Hcjndbook to BSS/IO.198S


The exchange of information should include: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) nature and source of constituent materials and any alternatives which may be used: manufacturers certificates for cement. ggbfs and pfa: proposed quantity of each material for prescribed mixes: details of admixtures: any changes in mix composition: for designed mixes. information on suitability of proposed mix proportions to meet a specified strength based either on previous production data or on trial mixes: (g) suitability of proposed mix proportions to meet a specified maximum free water/ cement ratio or minimum cement content: (h) any other information.


6.4.2 Production, supei-i-ision and tests


Compliance with characteristic compressive strength Compliance with the characteristic strength is based on individual test results and on
groups of test results. Where compressive strength is specified. theirst result alone cannot be used to judge compliance with the specified characteristic strength. Compliance with the specified characteristic strength shall be assumed if: (a) the average strength determined from the first 2. or the first 3 consecutive test results. or from consecutive, but non-overlapping, groups of 4 test results complies with the appropriate limits in column A of Table H6. 10. and (b) any individual test result complies with the appropriate limits in column B of Table H6.10.

C. E

rable H6.1O Compressive strength compliance requirements

Specified grade Test results A Averageo(first2, orflrst3, orof4 consecutive, nonoverlapping test results exceeds the; specified characteristic B Anyindlvidualtest resultisnot less than the specified characteristic strength minus:

C [

strength by atleast:
C20 and above C7.5 to C15 first 2 first 3 consecutive 4 first 2 first 3 consecutive 4 IN/mm 2N/mm 3N/mmON/mmIN/mm2N/mm3N/mm 3N/mm 3N/mm 2N/mm 2N/mm 2N/mm

Compliance with specified mix proportions (prescribed and standard mixes only) BS 5328 details the compliance requirements for mixes specified in terms of mix
proportions and these are summarised in Table H6.11.

6.4.3 Additional tests on concrete for special purposes Other requirements may be specified that are not described in detail in this Code. such as modulus of elasticity of concrete. Compliance with those requirements should be
determined only in association with the detailed description of the method of test and with tolerances vhich take appropriate account of variability due to manufacture. sampling and testing. A British Standard method of test should be used whenever it ~S

I; Li L

Other information on the strength of concrete in structures is given in BS 6089.

-KJ. ~ 4 K

Part I: Section 6

HG.11 Compliance with specified mix proportions

Specified properties Minimum or maximum cement content (i) By observtion of batching or from autographic records (ii) Fresh analysis tests in accordance with DD 83 Assessment ofthe composition offresh concrete Maximum free water cement ratio Equivalent grades Compliance requirements Cement content not less than 95% of specified minimum or more than 105% of specified maximum Limits agreed with concrete producer. based on DD 83 \Vorkabilitv results. based on relationship between free Water/cement ratio and workability Compliance based on equivalent grade agreed as satisfying minimum cement content or maximum free water/cement ratio z25mmor /3 ofthe specified value. whichever is the greater Specified value Tolerance 25mm +35mm -25mm 50mm ,~mm 75mm andover ~~3 of specified slump plus 10mm) ~,s or 1/5 of the specified value, whichever is the greater 0.03 where specified value is 090 or greater 004 where specified value is less than 090 but more than 0.80 005 where specified value is 080 or less Specified value 50mm Individual samples 1.5% of the required value Average of4 consecutive determinations 1.0% of the required value Not less than specified minimum value less 20C Not morethan specified maximum value plus 20C Not less than 95% of specified minimum value or more than 105% ofspecified maximum value.

Workability (designed and prescribed mixes) Slump Slump (sample taken in accordancewith 12.2 of BS 5328)

Vebe Compacting factor

Flow table Air content ofconcrete

Temperature of fresh concrete Density of fully compacted concrete

6.5 Transporting, placing and compacting concrete

6.5.1 Transport of concrete General
Concrete should be transported as rapidly as possible because any undue delay may cause the workability to decrease to the extent that it cannot be properly compacted as required by Section 6.5.2. The rate of loss of workability with time depends on a number of factors including cement type. admixtures. concrete temperature and the rate of evaporation of water from the concrete. Guidance on acceptable intervals between mixing and placing concrete is given in BS 5328. Transport and deliveiy of ready-mixed concrete Before ready-mixed concrete is delivered, the site should ensure that the truck can gain access to the intended point of discharge and that. when discharged. the concrete can be transported to the point of placing in accordance with the requirements of Clause Further information on the handling of ready-mixed concrete is given in BS 5328.




6.5.2 Placing and compacting concrete

Prior to placing the concrete, checks should be made on the rigidity and tightness of the
formwork and on the fixing of reinforcement and prestressing ducts. Particular attention should be given to ensure that sufficient spacers in number, location and quality have been used and that they are securely fixed and do not become dislodged during the placing of the concrete. Particular care should be taken when placing concrete under box outs, top sloping forms or other complex shapes where air pockets might form. Extra care is required when casting against permanent formwork if. like woodwool. it can absorb energy from the concrete whilst it is being compacted. Thorough compaction is essential if the hardened concrete is to have the intended strength and durability. For general guidance see reference 6.9. Further information on placing concrete in deep lifts is given in reference 6.10 and on concreting underwater in reference 6.11. When concrete is placed in deep lifts with reinforcement near the upper surface. consideration should be given to re-vibrating the top surface of the concrete to prevent plastic settlement cracking. This is a particular problem with concretes containing ggbfs or retarders. Finishing times are increased with concretes containing mixtures of OPC with ggbfs or pfa. This can be an advantage in hot weather, but in mild or cold conditions it may require overtime working to ensure a properly floated surface and adequate abrasion resistance.

[I r

r r

66.1 General
Appropriate curing is essential for achieving the strength and durability of concrete in

structures. The areas most affected by poor curing are the surface zones and these are
the critical zones with respect to durability. Abrasion resistance depends on the quality of the concrete in the top few millimetres and the protection of reinforcement depends

on the quality of the concrete in the cover. If the curing is inadequate the concrete may
not be durable nor provide adequate protection to the reinforcement despite full compliance with the specification in all other aspects. Several references provide information on curing when members are of considerable bulk or length~6-2 6,13), the cement content of the concrete is hight613), the surface finish is critical~6-4- ~ or special or accelerated methods are to be applied~6-16~. 6.6.2 Minimum periods of curing and protection

C [ U

Curing should ideally be carried out until the capillary voids are discontinuous, but at present it is not possible to establish the precise times when this occurs. The figures in
Table 6.5 provide a useful guide but are minima and may need to be exceeded. The

times quoted relate to both the ambient conditions and the average surface temperature
of the concrete. The ambient conditions can vary during the period of curing. Conditions which started as good can deteriorate to ~average or poor and the curing periods should be increased. For example, if the good conditions do not last for the average time, curing needs to be applied for the remainder of the average~ period or the outstanding proportion of the poor period. Proportions of the curing times can be used to calculate the curing period but it may be simpler to cure for the longer period. CEB Bulletin 166 gives additional information on curing6 ~ Concrete and ambient temperatures will vary throughout the curing period and the daily average values can usually be taken as the mid value between the maximum and the minimum readings. At 00C the water in concrete freezes, expands and disrupts the concrete. Temperatures between 1 and 50C are not harmful to concrete, but the rate of strength gain is very slow and therefore for practical reasons Clause 6.6.2 requires a minimum concrete temperature of 50C. BS 5328 states that the temperature of the concrete at the time of delivery shall not be less than the specified value less 20C which in practice means the acceptance of any concrete over 30C. When one considers that an 1-14

[ C

unheated form is likely to cause the concrete in the surface zone to cool, a delivCIY temperature of 30C is too low. It would be prudent to specify a minimum concrete

-..~4.~ K K K

K K ~


Part 1: Section 6

temperature of 7C which in practice will mean that any concrete not at 50C or greater can be rejected. It should be noted that the necessary curing times are increased when the OPC in a mix is partially replaced by ggbfs or pfa. This is to compensate for the lower rate of strength development. Ideally, curing should start as soon as the concrete has been placed and should not be interrupted during the whole of the period given in Table 6.5.
6.6.3 Methods

Further information on methods of curing are given in references 6.10 and 6.15. Thermal curing of large pours is described in references 6.12 and 6.13.


Concreting in cold weather

6.7.1 General

Experience from Northern Europe and Canada shows that it is possible to concrete throughout the winter, but in some parts of the UK it may be worth considering whether it would be acceptable and economic to suspend concreting for a short period. It has to be appreciated that in very severe conditions it maynot be possible to transport concrete
to or around a site.

6.7.2 Concrete temperature Guidance on this may beobtained from references 6.18 and 6.19.

6.8 Concreting in hot weather

Further information on concreting in hot weather is given in references 6.20 and 6.21.

6.9 Formwork
6.9.1 Design and construction The design and construction of formwork and falsework has a significant effect on the appearance and durability of concrete structures. Some of the references given in BS 8110 for loading or pressures have been superceded. The current recommendations are gven in references 6.22 and 6.23.
6.9.2 Cleaning and treatment of forms

The type of release agent used can influence the appearance of the concrete surface and
the life of the formface~6-~~. The release agent may also affect the bond of paint or other

surface treatments subsequently applied to the concrete surface.

6.9.3 Striking of formwork General Early removal of formwork can reduce cycle time for both in situ and precast work. This can be achieved safely by the use of accelerated curing technIques616 6.Z41 Striking periodfor cast in situ concrete

Table 6.6 is based on a grade 20 concrete and as the lowest grade PPFAC reinforced concrete is C30, this may be used to determine the striking times of PPFAC concretes. Table 6.6 should not be used for slag-based blended hydraulic cement concretes unless evidence is produced to show its applicability for the particular materials being used on the site. 145



Handbook to 8581 JO:/985

striking if the calculation using the equation in the last column is carried out.

The heading in Table 6.6 160C and above does not rule out shorter periods before The effects of temperature on the rate of gain of strength (maturity) are different for

blended hydraulic cement concretes. The maturity rules used for OPC concretes are unlikely to be applicable and a maturity calculation based on activation energies is

The strength of concrete in a structural element can be assessed for striking purposes by using temperature-matched curing6~, pull-out tests66~, break-off tests6~7~ or penetration tests~6-8. Care is needed to ensure that a safe (conservative) relationship is used to convert instrument readcr to equivalent cube strength. An unintentional change in the idifl~ntiz~-~ction on striking formwork supporting concrete in flexure from CPI1Os ION/mm in cubes of equal maturity to the structur& to BS 8110s iON/mm strength in the structure may lead to an incorrect interpretation of this clause. What is intended is lONfmm in cubes of equal maturity to the structure and an amendment is being issued to change the text to clarify this point. The ideal method of curing cubes under the same conditions as the concrete in the element is by using temperature-matched curing~6~. In partially completed structures, local bond stresses on partially embedded reinforcement may be the controlling criterion. Unfortunately, the table of local bond stresses has not been included in BS 8110 and therefore reference should be made to CPI1O or reference 6.24.

Surface finish of concrete

6.10.1 Type of finish

Guidance on the wide range of finishes which may be obtained is given in references
6.14 and 6.29-6.32. 6.10.2 Quality of finish

Guidance on the specification and production of high quality finishes is given in reference 6.33. Where the quality of the surface is important, it is essential that specifier and
contractor liaise closely before and after the tender stage to develop a mutual

understanding of the quality required. Demonstration or trial panels can be of immense

help in developing this understanding. 6.10.3 Type of surface finish


Smooth off-the-form and board-marked finishes can form the basis of a wide range of
internal finishes produced by the application of paint or other coatings. 6.10.4 Production

Guidance on the production of surface finishes is ~ivenin references 6.14 and 6.29-6.32.
6.10.5 Inspection and making good Obtaining a high-quality durable finish when making good is a skilled operation which should be undertaken by a specialist. 6.10.6 Protection Vulnerable areas of surface may merit permanent protection to avoid, discoloration or physical damage.


6.11 Dimensional deviations

Formwork is made and erected within some tolerances whether or not theyare specified
and checked and at some cost which will depend considerably on the level of the tolerance adopted. Even when no special attention is given to tolerances, experience

determines some upper limit to the deviation from the specified nominal dimensiOns because excessive inaccuracy would cause construction difficulties, resulting in increased 146 cost, or would produce work of unacceptable quality. Within the range of tolerances


- K

K .4


-.-... . K

~ K K


K -,

Part 1: Section 6

used in practice. however, an increase in precision will generally be accompanied by an increase in formwork costs. The engineer is usually concerned with tolerances on the finished concrete, whether cast in situ or precast. For precast concrete, the deviations of the relevant dimension of the mould from the nominal dimension specified should normally be smaller than the 1specified tolerances for the concrete. to account for such factors as: (a) the inaccuracy of the measurement system used when making and assembling the mould (b) the change in size of the mould with repeated uses (c) the changes in size of the mould with changes of temperature when the concrete is cast (d) the deformation during casting (e) the change in sizeof ofthe themould finished concrete due to changes in the conditions to which it is exposed between casting and checking. These factors are also valid for in situ concrete but, in addition, the following should also be taken into account: (f) the accuracy of setting out


(g) of any fixing the formwork correctly in relation to the setting out positions (h) the the uncertainty deflection of supporting falsework during casting. When tolerances are specified. therefore, it is essential that they be related to a clearly defined and stated checking procedure with a precision of measurement appreciably greater than the tolerance allowed. The level of tolerance selected should not be out of proportion to the other uncertainties inherent in the construction. 6.11.1 General

I ]

6.11.2 In situ concrete 6,11.3 Precast concrete members

F K~.J

6.11.4 Prestressed units 6.11.5 Position of reinforcement and tendons 16.11.6 Position of connecting bolts and other devices in precast concrete components


6AL7 Control of dimensional accuracy 6J1.8 Checking of dimensional accuracy 6.12 Construction joints Further information on the forming of construction joints is available in reference 6.10. Particular care should be taken ~ith construction joints in liquid retaining structures (BS 5337). If reinforcement le~els are lo~v. restrained thermal contrtion or restrained drying shrinkage are likelx- to manifest themselves at construction joints. The Code is understandably brief when describing good practice in relation to construction joints because of the verv wide range of circumstances in which construction joints have to be made. Instead of the weak porousconcretes sometimes seen, the quality of concrete in kickers should be at least equal to that of the main structure. Since, to obtain a fully compacted concrete in a kicker. the proportion of fine to total aggregate is likely to have to be increased, the maximum size of the aggregate reduced and the workability of the concrete increased compared with the concrete in the structure, it is evident that the proportion of cement in the concrete for kickers should generally be greater than that in the main 147

Handbook to BS8IIO:1985

part of the structure. This is liable to result in a concrete of darker colour than the rest of the structure: hence, where the appearance of the work is of high importance, kickers are best avoided.

Ineffective clamping of the forms to hardened concrete all too often leads to leakage
of mortar from the subsequent pour and therefore to an unsightly appearance. The need for full compaction of concrete in the vicinity of construction joints is e~.iphasized, particularly as the effectiveness of compactive effort is often reduced close to a mass of hardened concrete. Although the possibility of using a rather higher workability concrete at the joint is often discussed, this is not practicable when readymixed concrete is used. The best way of attaining full compaction is therefore to use

vibrators and to reckon that they will have to be used for considerably longer, perhaps twice as long, near joints as compared with the bulk of the structure.
No recommendations are made about the moisture condition of the hardened concrete

against which a new concrete is to be placed: the concrete should not. however, be so dry as to draw excessive quantities of water from the concrete being placed; conversely
the concrete should not have puddles of free water laying on it as this might inhibit good bond between the old and new concretes. The Code also makes no recommendations about the use of a layer of fresh mortar or grout on the hardened concrete just before the new concrete is to be placed. Although good joints have been produced by using mortar or grout. the technique appears to present more problems than it solves: it is therefore best avoided in most situations and emphasis placed instead on a high compactive effort. Note that the surface treatment selected for joints may be defined by considerations of interface shear (5.4.7).

6.13 Movement joints

Poor performance of movement joints can affect the serviceability and durability of a structure. If joints cannot move, this may cause the structure to crack excessively or for other joints to open excessively allowing ingress of deleterious materials. Special attention needs to be paid to joints which include a waterbar as some types are particularly

vulnerable to the consequences of poor workmanship. For further information, see Part 2. Section 8.

6.14 Handling and erection of pre-cast concrete units


[ L

and sPOONER, D.C. The properties and use of concretes made with composite cements. Wexham Springs. Cement and Concrete Association. Interim Technical Note 10.

6.2 6.3 6.4


6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9

Engineering aspects of alkali-silica reaction. Wexham Springs, Cement and Concrete Association. Interim Technical Note No.8, October 1985. HOBBS. 0 w Expansion of concrete due to alkali-silica reaction. The Structural Engineer. January 1984, Vol62A. NoA. pp 26-34. 4Y. Minimising the risk of alkali-silica reaction. Guidance Notes and Model THE CONCRETE SOCIE~I Specification Clauses. Draft for Public Comment. London. The Society, 1985. DEACON. C. and DEWARK 1.0. Concrete durability specifying more simply and surely by strength. Concrete. February 1982. Vol.16. No.2. pp 19-21. KLEINLOGEL. A. Influences on concrete. New York. Frederick Ungar Publishing Co. 1950. 28lpp. EGLINTON. i s. Review of concrete behaviour in acidic soils and ground waters. London. Construction Industry Research and Information Association. Technical Note 69. 1975. 52 pp. BARRY. D.L. Material durability in aggressive ground. London. Construction Industry Research and Information Association. Report 98. 1983. 60 pp. BLACKLEDGE. Man on the job: Placing and compacting concrete. Wexham Springs. Cement and Concrete Association. 1980. 45. 108. 28 pp.

[ r L


Concrete practice. Wexham Springs. Cement and Concrete



Association. 1984. 48.037. 63 pp.

-~ K

- -.


K. K

<K -K ~ .44..

,~ ~


K .~.

K -K. K

.~ K ... ..

4 K~4~

K K -

4KKKK~ ~4

- ~4 -


K~ - - -


Parr 1: Section 6 6.11 TIlE C~~~R~TE socieTy. Underwater concreting. London. 1971. 52.018. 13 pp. Technical Report

No. 3. 6.12 BAMFORTN. i~a. Mass concrete. London. Concrete Society Digest No. 2. 1985. 53.046. 8 pp. 6.13 HARRISON. TA. Early-age thermal crack control in concrete. London, Construction Industry
Research and Information Association. Report 91, 1981. 48 pp. 6A4 MONKS, w. Appearance matters 1: Visual concrete: Design and production. Wexham Springs. Cement and Concrete Association. 1980. 47.101. 28 pp. 6.15 DEACON, R.C. Concrete ground floors: their design, construction and finish. Wexham Springs. Cement and Concrete Association. 1986. 48.034. 28 pp. 6.16 pip Guide to good practice Acceleration of concrete hardening by thermal curing. London.

Federation Internationale de Ia Precontrainte. 1982. 15.907.

Bulletin 166. 1985.

6.17cm Guide to durable concrete structures. Lausanne. Comite Euro-International du Beton.

6.18 PINK. A. Winter concreting. Wexham Springs. Cement and Concrete Association.
19 pp.



6.19 HARRISON. TA. Tables of minimum striking times for soffit and vertical formwork. London.

Construction Industry Research and Information Association. Report 67. 1977. 23 pp. 6.20 SHIRI.EY. D.E. Concreting in hot weather. Wexham Springs. Cement and Concrete Association Construction Guide. 1980. 45013. 7 pp. 6.21 AcInOSR47. Hot weather concreting. Detroit. American Concrete Institute Manual of Concrete
Practice. 1985: Part 2. pp 305R-1 to 305R-17. 6.22 CLEAR. CA. and HARRISON. TA. Concrete pressure on formwork. London, Construction Industry Research and Information Association. Report 108. 1985. 31 pp. 6.23 TIlE CONCRETE soCIETY/INSTrrUTIoN OF STRLCTIJRAL ENGINEERS. Formwork. A guide to good practice. 6.24 HARRISON,TA. The application of accelerated curing to apartment formwork systems. Wexham Springs. Cement and Concrete Association. 1977. 45.032. 8 pp. 6.25 BRmsH STANDARDS INSTTTtYnON. Method for temperature-matched curing of concrete specimens.

London. 1986.

London. BSI DD92: 1984. 4 pp. 6.26 BICKLEY. LA. North American experience with pull-out testing. Paper presented at Nordisk
Betonkongress. 22 may 1980. 12 pp. 6.27 JOHANSEN, R. In situ Strength evaluation of concrete the Break-off method. Concrete International. Vol. 1. No. 9. September 1979. pp 44-51. 6.28 BUNGEY.J H. Testing by penetration resistance. Concrete. Vol. 15. No. 1. January 1981. pp 30-32. 6.29 MONKS. w. Structural concrete finishes: a guide to selection and production. Wexham Springs. Cement and Concrete Association Reprint 1/80. l6pp. 6.30 MONKS. w. Appearance matters 7: Textured and profiled concrete finishes. Wexham Springs. Cement and Concrete Association. 1986. 47.107. pp 12. 6.31 MONKS. W. Appearance matters 8: Exposed aggregate concrete finishes. Wexham Springs. Cement and Concrete Association 1985. 47.108. pp 16. 6.32 MONKS. W. Appearance matters 9: Tooled concrete finishes. Wexham Springs. Cement and Concrete Association. 1985. 47.109. pp 8. 6.33 wiLsoN. jo. Specification clauses covering the production of high quality finishes to in situ concrete. Wexham Springs. Cement and Concrete Association. 47.010. pp 12. 1970.


Handbook to B58110 198S


Appendix A: Form for specifying a designed mix or a prescribed mix in accordance with BS 5328
Section 1: Essential items
Type of mix (ring one) Permitted type(s) ofcement
(ring those permitted) Designed or Prescribed BS 12(OP) BS 4027 BS 12(RH) B.S 4246 BS 146 B54248 B51370

Required (see Section 2) Required (see Section 2) BS 1165


BS 4027 (low alkali) Combinations with ggbfs or pfa (Permitted or not permitted) Permitted type(s) Coarse of aggregate (ring those permitted) Fine Nominal maximum size of aggregate (ring one) Designed mixesonly Grade (ring one in Group A. B or C) Group A Compressive C2.5 CS C7.5 ClO CiS C20 C25 C30 C40 C45 C50 C55 Group B Flexural F3 F4 ggbfs to BS Permitted Permitted B5877

pfa to BS 3892: Part I B5882 B53797 BS882 40mm

Not permitted Not permitted BS 1047

BS 877 20mm

BS 1165 14mm

B53797 10mm

Prescribed mixes only Mix proportions cement fine aggregate

Group C



coarse aggregate


C12.5 C35 C60



Minimum cement content kg/in3 Rate of sampling for strength testing Number of cubic metres per sample or Number of batches per sample

iK K

K -~ - ~




K - -. K-K-K.-... K

K, K-K.- K .-:... KKKK~K~ K K

Parr I: S~crion 0

K K ,K ~ , ~K K--K. KK K K

Section 2: Optional items

Workability (enter value for one only) Slump mm Vebe s Compacting factor Flow table mm
Special cement(s) and combinations of ggbfs or pfa Maximum free-water/cement ratio Maximum cement content kg/in

Special requirements
for aggregates

Coarse: Fine:

Admixtures Pigments
ggbfs pfa Air content %by

Prohibited Temperature of fresh concrete 0C maximum 0Cminimum
. . . .

Quantity required

Density of freshconcrete

kg/in maximum kg/mminimum


Maximum chloride content Specification of trial mixes Details of test procedures Method of assessment

% by weight of cement

Other requirements

As BS 5328 Or (details of method)


Handbook to B58110:1985


Appendix B: Form for specifying a standard mix in

accordance with BS 5328

Standard mix number
(ring one) Permitted type(s) of cement (ring those permitted)



5M6 BS12(OP) BS 12 (RH) ES 146 ES 6588 ES 4027 ggbfsto ES 6699


BS 12(OP) BS 12(RH) ES 146 B56588


Combinations with ggbfs or pfa (ring those permitted)

BS6699 pfato

B53892 Part 1
Permitted type(s) of aggregate (ring those permitted) Nominal maximum size Coarse Fine All-in B5882 BS 1047 B5882

ES 3892
Part 1



ES 882
N/A 40

ES 882 40 20 Medium High

of aggregate (mm)
(ring one) Workability (ring one) Any additional information

10 Medium




4 KK K K

~K ,~ 4. K. KK

~ --

Part 1: Section 6

Appendix C: Materials for use in standard mixes

Standard Mixes Cement

SMi, SM2, 5M3

ES 12 (OP or RH)

SM4, 5M5, SM6

ES 12 (OP or RH)

ES 146
B56588 Ground granulated blastfurnace slag Pulverized-fuel ash

ES 146 ES 6588
ES 4027

Where cement to BS 146 is permitted. ggbfs complying

with ES 6699 may be combined with cement to BS 12 at the

mixer as specified in 6.1.2. Where cement to ES 6588 is permitted. pfa complying with ES 3892: Part 1 maybe combined with cement to ES 12 at the mi.xer as specified in 6.1.2. ES 882
ES 1047 ES 882 ES 1047 ES 882 (see Note 2)

Coarse aggregate (see Note 1) Fine aggregate All-in aggregate (see Note 3) Admixtures

B5882 BS882

Not allowed Not allowed

Not allowed

Note 1. Single-sized coarse aggregates. Where several sizes of single-sized coarse aggregates are used, they shall be combined in such proportions that the combined grading falls within the limits given in BS 882 or ES 1047 for graded aggregate of the appropriate nominal size except that a tolerance of up to 5% may be applied. This tolerance may be divided between the sieves within the total of 55%. Note 2. The purchaser should satisfy himself that concrete made with crushed gravel or rock fines, blended fine aggregate or fine aggregate grading type F will provide the performance he requires. Note 3. With all-in aggregates, it is preferable that the fine content is at the higher end of the range.



7.1 General
Hot-rolled steel bars in grades 250 and 460 are required to conform to BS 4-449, Grade 250 bars are of circular cross-section with a plain surface, and are available in sizes from 6mm to 50mm. Grade 460 bars. which ha\-e a higher carbon content. are usually rolled with a ribbed surface to meet the requirements for Type 2 bars and are available in the same nominal sizes as grade 250 bars. BS 4461 specifies requirements for rolled steel bars. other than plain round bars, that have been cold-worked to increase their yield stress. The method of cold-working is not specified in theextension Standard.inbut it normally of twisting the this bar treatment while it israises held longitudinally: tension alone isconsists not satisfactory since the yield stress in tension but lowers it correspondingly in compression. The bars may be either of plain square (or chamfered square) cross-section (Type I) or of circular cross-section with ribs (Type 2). The latter form is normal nowadays. Cold reduced steel ~vireto BS 4-482 is supplied mainly for the manufacture of reinforcing fabric and for the mass production of reinforcement for precast concrete products. The wire may be plain, indented (Type I) or deformed in sizes from 5mm to 12mm. For the indented wire, the size. spacing and depth of indentations are given. It should be noted that this wire is not of high enough strength to be used for prestressing concrete. ES 4483 deals with reinforcing fabric manufactured from plain or deformed wires or bars complying with BS 4-149. BS 446t or BS 4482. Its main uses in bui1din~ are in floor slabs and walls. as secondary reinforcement for developing fire resistance. and in precast products. which Each are of summarized the specifications in Table setsH7.1 a number with some of requirements of the otherfor detailed mechanical requirements. properties. The Standard also set limits for the deviations from the nominal mass of the material

[ F


as As the testare results are on cross-sectional the cross-sectional of the bars and thesupplied. design calculations based oncalculated the nominal area area or mass. any undersized bars will be over-stressed in design and this over-stress must be accommodated within the partial safety factor. -y~, for the steel. For hot-rolled bars of 12mm size and above, the cross-sectional area is allowed to be as much as 2.5% under-size for the batch and 4% under-size for individual bars: the corresponding figures for cold.~vorked bars are 3% and 4.S/o respectively. In exceptional circumstances, when enhanced durability is required (see 2.2.4 in general terms), reinforcement that offers some integral protection against corrosion may need to be considered. Three main types are available commercially, namely: galvanized. epoxy-coated and stainless steel reinforcement. Galvanized and epoxy~coated reinforcement is obtained by coating normal reinforcement to BS -1-449 or ES 4461 and stainless steel reinforcement is available which complies with the requirements of ES 4449 other than weldabilitv. Evidence about the performance of galvanized steel in concrete is confusing, even though it has been used for some years. While in some marine conditions its corrosion protection has considerably improved the durability of reinforced concrete. many exposure studies have shown that corrosion protection in chloride-bearing concrete iS increased only marginally over the performance of uncoated steel. However. it offers an undoubted increase in corrosion resistance in carbonated. but chloride-free, concrete. The durability of galvanized reinforcement is enhanced by chromate treatment which also depresses initial alkali-induced corrosion (See BRE Digest 109). Epoxy-coated bars have not been used extensively in the UK but have in the US. The protection provided by an epoxy coating depends on the continuity of the film and its freedom from gaps. even of pinhole size. occurring during manufacture. The protection is also affected by the coatings ability to withstand damage from abrasion and impact during bending and handling on site. There is a wide range of epoxy coatinLs but those applied as powder coatings and thermally cured provide the lowest risk of 154





4 ~

- KKK ~

.. ~

.4 , . K K~K ---

K ... -

Part 1: Section 7

pinholing of the epoxy layer. Cut ends of bars should be protected. e.g. by painting with a compatible epoxy. The quality achievable is improving but it should be appreciated that a defective coating which permits oxygen and moisture to penetrate beneath the coating may allow sub-film corrosion of the reinforcement to occur. Coated and uncoated bars should not be mixed. The great advantage of epoxy-coated bars is that they limit
corrosion-induced damage and so facilitate repair. Stainless steel, so far, has had limited use as reinforcement for economic reasons; the only technical reason is the need to provide sufficient oxygen to maintain the oxide film on the steel. Thus, stainless steel is of least value in anaerobic conditions in the presence

of chlorides. Under low covers where the environment is aerobic the advantages over
plain carbon steel are significant. In the absence of a product standard it is important to select an appropriate grade of stainless steel. An austenitic non-free machining grade. such as 304 or 316, should be used. Type 316 is not essential for low cover applications: the cheaper type 304 gives adequate performance in carbonated concrete. Tests may be necessary to establish suitable conditions under which bars of this material may be bent

satisfactorily, because residual stresses may be above the threshold to initiate stress
corrosion cracking in certain environments. Further information on galvanized, epoxy-coated and stainless steel reinforcement

may be obtained from reference 7.1.

Table H7.1 British Standard requirements for reinforcing bars for concrete
BS 4.4.49 Typeof reinforcement Hot-rolled plainround bars Grade 250 Preferred sizes (mm) Specified characteristic strength (N/mm2) 250 (Yieldstressorstress for0~33% total strain: the tensile strength should be at least 15% greater than actual yield stress, the yield stress should not exceed 425) 460 (Yieldstressorstress for 0~43% total strain: the tensile strength should be at least 15% greater than actual yield stress)
460 (Yieldstressorstress for0~43% totalstrain: the tensile strength should be at least bob

Composition of steel C ~0~25% 5 ~0~06% P >0~06% K (Carbon equivalent >042%)

Other requirements
Minimumeloncationon565varea=22%. Bendtestthrough l800aroundaformerwith adiameterdouble the nominal size ofbar. Rebend test (if specified) through 450 around a former with a diameterdouble the nominal size ofbar. then heated to 1000C for 30 mm. cooled and bent back through at least 230.

I (6) 8 10 12 16 20 25 32 40 (50)i~
Asfor grade250 bars


Hot-rolled high-yield deformed steel bars Grade460

C *0~30% S =0.05% P 4~ 0~05% (Carbon equivalent >0~51 %)

C =0-25% S ~-0~06% P ~0~06% (Carbon I

Minimumelongationon5.65vTh= 12%. Bend test and rebend tests as for grade250 bars but ~vith a former of diameter three times the nominal size ofbar for the bend test and five times the nominal size of the bar for the rebend test,
Minimum elonEation on565varea = 12%. Bendandrebendtestsasforhot-rolled hi2h-vield deformed bars to BS 4-449,

. 4461

Cold-worked steelbars Grade46O

As for hot-rolled bars


plain and Cold-reduced deformed steel wire

1 1 1 10 12

460 stress greaser (Yield than or actual stress yield for0~43% total strain: the tensile strength should be at least 5% greater than the actual yield stress and not less than 510)

S =0~06% C> 0~25% P >0~06% (Carbon equivalent =t).42%)

Rebend test as for cold worked steel bars.

*If a bar smaller than 8mm is required. 6mm is recommended.

If a bar larger than 40mm is required. 50mm is recommended. 155

Handbook to BS8JIQ:198S


7.2 cutting and bending

Attention needs to be given to the correct dimensions in bending and cutting of reinforcement if the required tolerances on the position of reinforcement and thickness of concrete cover in 7.3 are to be achieved in construction. Bending dimensions are given in ES 4466 which specifies the cutting and bending tolerances in Table H7.2.


Table H7.2 Cutting and bending tolerances

Dimensions ofbent hars (mm) uptoand over including
1000 1000 2000

Tolerances (mm) plus

5 5

5 10

2000 Dimensions ofstraight bars

all lengths

5 25

25 25

The minimum permissible diameters for bends in bars are set out in Table H7.3. It is not always practicable to bend binders, links and stirrups to diameters that
correspond to the diameters of the main bars to which they are fixed. Allowance for the

effect of any lack offit on the position of the main bars should therefore be made in design.

Table H7.3 Minimum diameter of former

Type ofmaterial Minimum diameter offormer

Grade 250 steel to BS 4449 Grade 4.60 steel to B54449andB54461

ct~20 4~25


t is the size of the bar. i.e. the diameter of a circle of equivalent area.

7.3 Fixing
See commentary on, and 7.2.

7.4 Surface condition

The surface of the reinforcement should be free from any material which is likely tO reduce the bond with the concrete or lead to corrosion of the steel. When loose rust
and scale have been removed, the remaining rust is known to benefit bond with the concrete. particularly for plain bars. If steel must remain in position in the forsriwOrk for more than a few days before casting, it may be coated with cement grout to prevent rusting. In particularly aggressive environments the desirability of grit blasting the reinforcement should be considered.

7.5 Laps and joints





--K. -4 ~ K

KK ~.K ....,...--.

~K K

,KKKK . . , K

K~KK -- K -. K K -K K. K


K -- K

Part 1: Section 7



The value

ease of

with the

which steel.

reinforcing Bars provided are observed. to BS

bars 44-61 the Grade where of to

may and

be grade

welded 250

depends bars of to ES 4449 ES

upon 4449 and

the are


equivalent to be





requirements 460 bars to ES

5135 are


manufacturers to be weldable. to which

recommendations Welding large the should numbers links have of be

considered are to of much



concrete loads. The be

members fatigue reduced


subjected in

repetitions welded

substantial the main

strength by as

beams as










































MARSDE.N. Concrete.



reinforcing September

steels. 1985.

Concrete pp 19-20.











8.1 General
Although specific reference is made to BS 4486 and BS 5896. it is reasonable to use other types of steel tendon that have been shown to have properties not inferior to the materials described in the British Standards. There are no explicit requirements regarding steel making or chemical composition. except that the air and air/oxv~en bottom-blown processes should not be used and the cast analysis should not show more than 0.04% sulphur or more than 0.04% phosphorus. The main types of steel used in the UK for prestressing are all covered by the British Standards noted. i.e. tendons processed from hot steel bar or fabricated from cold-drawn steel wire, often in the form of seven-wire strand. A summary of the preferred sizes and strengths of tendons is given in Table H8. I together with the main requirements of the British Standards.


Table H8.1 British Standard requirements for prestressing tendons for concrete

Nominal Nominal Nominal Specified diameter- tensile steel characteristic load

orsize strength area

Minimum Modulus elongation of at max. elasticity

load or fracture


(% initial load) Initial Niax. relaxation

load as after 1000 hours Of f ,oO breaking

breaking 0.1%
load (mm) 4486 Hot-rolled bar (smooth orribbed) Hot-rolled and processed 5896 Colddrawn

proof load






60 70 Sf) [5 3.5 6-0 forall bars Relax. Relax. class I clasS 2

20 25 32 40 20 25 32
4 4


165 12

491 804 1257 1230 314 491 804 12-6 12-6 15-9 19.6 19-6

505 830 1300 385 600 990 21-0

22-3 25-8

410 670 1050 340 530 871)


at fracture 4~0 at fracture 3-5 at

forbars as rolled and stretched 206 10 in other cases 20510 for all wires

wire (stressrelieved)


1670 1770

S 5
6 6
7 7

1620 1670


18-5 21-4 27- 28-8


max. load

60 70 80


1-0 2-5

for all wires

4-5 for all wireS

1770 1570


1770 1770 1770 1670


47.3 50-1 60-4 64-3

41-6 50-I 53-4

at max. load 19510 for all strands 60 70 80



I3q 197

standard strand 7-~ire super strand


11-0 15-2



1-i) 2-5


for all strands

232 70 102 139 186 265 209 300 380

4-5 for all strands

8-0 9-6 11-3 12-9 15-7

12-7 15-2 18-()

1860 1860 1860 1860 1770




L I;
-. : . .

75 100 150 112 165


118 158 225


7-wire drawn




Note. See BS -1486 and BS ~896for further information, including tolerances and ductility tests, and requirements for cold drawn ire in mill coil. 158


.. ~ 4

K -~ - -. - KKKKK.K~4~KKK ->~-- ,-...; .......


. . K K K.

K K...,




,,K, K K. - K .~4KK K

K K~.

K ~K K


K K-

K K K. - ~


Part]: Se-tiun ~ ES -4486 gives the requirements for bars which are produced by hot rolling lo~v alloy steels under controlled conditions, so that. as the bar leaves the last rolls, the temperature is at the right stage in the cooling cycle to give a fine pearlitic structure. The bars are next cold worked by stretching under about 90% of the characteristic strength. permanent

1 1

stretch being carefully controlled. The bars have a maximum length of 18m. the ends being machined and threads formed by cold rolling in the machined length. Longer tendon lengths are obtained by coupling bars together. Ears are normally smooth but max rolled a ribbed surface. ESalso 5896be gives thewith requirements for round cold-drawn wire, which may either have a plain surface or be indented or crimped to improve bond with the concrete. The Standard differentiates between three categories of material: pre-straightened wire with normal relaxation properties; pre-straightened wire with low relaxation properties: and as drawn wire in mill coils. The last-mentioned type of ~vire was used ~vhenprestressing was introduced into this country some fifty years ago. Since then. substantial improvements

1 I

-in The propert ieshave beenobt ainhot edbyt hdedevel o~vhich pment ofnewt echni qeuesi nhby product inogn.5000C wi r i s drawn from rol l e rod. has been pat nt e d heat i n a 0C fol l o wed by cool i n g i n a l e ad bat at about cont i n uous furnace t o about 1000 tpiociklmipart teat o tm heentst,eelthea rod suitaisblpassed e microst ruct uuousl re for drawi ng.a Aft eers removal ofscal e di ineas n g t r cont i n y t h rough seri of wat e r-cool e d whi c h reduce i t s cross-sect i o nalarea bybet w een 60% and 80% and i n crease t h e t e nsi l e st h byonbet wteen two and threeantimand es. tAft erpassi ncoi g lthdi rough thr eoffin0.al6 ditoe,0.t7hm. e wiTo re imai s rengt wound t o h e drawi n g capst h en has a a met e taine cont nuitbefore y of thteheprocesses. oneieldengt s vel ded thehsnext . These weldnsar cut iout steel is suppl as hwiof re,rod unleiss speci al tloengt ofwi re are requi rthed; in thatthcase, wel dused s made before theonipat entnintgprocess mayurebeofaccept ed. I n i s form. e wi r e i s for pre-t e nsi n g-i h e manufact some precast product s such as pi p es and rai l w ay sl e epers. Under st r ess. i t exhi b i t s subst al permanent deformation even at low,levels of stress with a considerable relaxatioant n iof st ressrataiglht evel s icorrespondi nforpost g to those atoned transfer. SinceForpost wire in-tmi l ocoi lsg,wi doesrenot pa~outst , i t s unsui t a bl e t e nsi t e ndons. e nsi ni n shoul d be purchased from t h e manufact u reri n apre-st r ai g ht e nedform:st r ai g ht e ni n g ~vire from miPre-st l coilsraibyghttheened purchaser iobt s not recommended. wi r e i s a i n ng thueremitlo coi en eisther subjected to heat treatment at aedfabyirlystrloaivghtteeni mperat rellise;veit tihse theffect of strel r ai g ht e ni n gor t o speci a l t r eat m ent (somet i m es t e rmed st a bi l i z i n g) t o furt h er reduce a xat i o n l o sses. The former mat e ri a l i s descri b ed i n ES5896 as wi r e wi t h claassrge1 rel a xat i o n and t h e l a t e r aswi r e wi t h cl a ss2 rel a xat i o n. Each i s v ound i n t o coi l s ofl di met er t4.o5pay out st raight, 2.Om for 6 and 7mm wire. 1.Sm for 5mm wire and 1.25m foraMost 4 and mm wi r e. cold-drawnthatwigreat re used in iaprest g hasnga wi plathin thsmoot h surface. It has shown, however, er rel bilitryessi ofnbondi e concret e can be obtabeen ined by indentsiinzge torhelasurface. andbebond may be subst ainntdent ial yedimsurface, proved by criform mpinofg. iWi res of3mm rger may suppl i e d v i t h an t h e n dent bei nggn agreed bet w een the manufact urer and the fpurchaser. Relyeeffectont vant informat ion rfor desi i s gi v eni n 4. 1 0, butfort h epurpose ofspeci i c at i o nt h eonl h e requi ed mechani c al propert i e s i s t o reduce t h e speci f i e d bend t e st from four reverse bends to three reverse bends. ES 5896 al s o gi v es t h e requi r ement s for seven-wi r e st r and. whi c h i s produced by spi nniWel ng sidxs col dpermi -drawnt ewi riesi nehel ic~alf oual rm wi around astdrai ghtthatcortehey wirwere eofslmade ightly before larger si z e. ar e d n t h i n di i d r es provi ed pat entmientt ng. Aft er the stclrandi n1 gnormal process. st andard and superst rands aretiosubj etct edmtoentheat tproduce reat o produce a ss rel a xat i o n st r and and t o an addi nal r eat teo cl a ss2 l o wrel a xat i o n st r and. Drawn st r andi s producedby drawi n g aseven-wi r st rand threl rougha die under cont rollebdtiteacharact nsion anderitsetmperat ure. Asa resultSt, rthand, e product hasl o w a xat i o nand t h ewi r esexhi i c non-ci r cul a r shape. whi cha imi s produced i n si z es rangi n g from 8 t o 18mm. i s ei t h er coi l e d or put on t o reel s wi t h nimum diametefor r ofte800mm. The St a ndards ndons requi rehisthrepresent e manufact ue. rerThi to skeep records oftotedet st eresul tes for i n spect i o n by t h e purchaser or a t i v i s necessary rmi n compl ancewi requi rement fortheofspeci risticd stfarlengt tendons. which irequi resththtathenot more than5% the tfeiestdcharact results eshoul belhowoftthhee speci fi159 ed

Handbook to BS8IIO:1985


characteristic strength ~ and that none should be less than 0.95 fm,. Both Standards
also require the manufacturer to provide load-extension curves for the estimation of the

extension of tendons in stressing operations.

Since the characteristic strength of a tendon is specified in terms of breaking load. dimensional accuracy does not directly affect the ultimate strength of prestressed concrete members. Further information on the manufacture and properties of steel for prestressing tendons may be obtained from reference 8.1.

C I-

8.2 Handling and storage

Since nearly all the types of tendon in general use have a high tensile strength imparted by cold-working, it is important that they should not be subjected to temperatures which would impair their properties. In handling and storage. therefore, the tendons should

not Experience be near cutting does not or welding suggest operations that corrosion without causes proper serious safeguards. problems when reasonable care is taken to provide good conditions of storage for tendons. It must be recognized. however, that the steel used in tendons is susceptible to severe corrosion in circumstances where ordinarv reinforcement would suffer little damage. Protection from ground damp is essential, because severe corrosion has resulted when sulphates or other salts in the soil have come into contact with the steel. Corrosion may also be caused by stray welding currents or even the presence of bacteria near the steel. In coastal construction, protection
from airborne spray and salt is needed. Where storage is prolonged, provision should be made for regular inspection of tendons for pitting. Visual examination for surface pitting is required and metallurgical inspection should be made in cases of doubt. Reductions in tensile strength resulting from severe and unacceptable levels of corrosion may be quite small and changes in mechanical properties may be assessed better from the changes in ductility revealed by bend tests or the extension at fracture.

L p

8.3 Surface condition

To avoid superficial rusting, the manufacturer usually gives the steel a protective coating which needs to be removed by the method suggested to obtain good bond: if light surface rusting has developed, however, removal of the coating is not necessary. It has been established experimentally that light surface rusting of hard-drawn wire has little or no effect on the static or fatigue strength of members in which it is incorporated.

8.4 Straightness
Except for cold-drawn wire supplied in mill coils, wire and strand complying with British Standards should pay out reasonably straight. As straightening modifies the properties of steel substantially manufacture(s control. and in some respects adversely, it should be done only under the

8.4.1 Wire 8.4.2 Strand


8.4.3 Bars




--K-.-. K...

Rart 1: Section 8

~J8.5 cutting
Pre-tensioned tendons of wire or strand may be cut flush with the ends of units. No special measures for protecting the ends of the tendons against corrosion are then 1required. The method of cutting should not impart shock to the tendon. as this might impair 1bond or cause slip in the anchorage if the tendons have not been grouted.

8.6 Positioning of tendons and sheaths The recommendations on accuracy of placing apply to both pre-tensioned and posttensioned tendons. Proided that the tolerance of 5mmis maintained, there should 71 be nothe difficulty satisfying the requirement that the actual cover should be not less than nominalin co-er less 5mm. These tolerances are so small that they are unlikely to affect compliance with requirements for serviceability and ultimate limit states except for very shallow members. In In practice, it will often be necessary to agree larger tolerances positioning. short members with pre-tensioned steel, it is usually sufficienton to position the tendons at their ends only. but for long members some intermediate supports, which may be withdrawn before the completion of casting, may be required to prevent the tendons being displaced by vibration or other cause during the filling of the moulds. For posttensioning, the positioning of the tendons is usually governed by the positioning of the sheaths or duct-formers which should therefore be fixed firmly during concreting. If sheaths are used. it-may be desirable to place the tendon in the sheath before concreting. thereby stiffening the sheath, and to support the sheaths either temporarily or permanently at centres of at least 0.75m. Maintenance of the true cross-sectional form of sheaths and ducts and avoidance of leakage is needed to minimize frictional effects during the stressing operations.


8.7 Tensioning the tendons :ij 8.7.1 General If prestressed concrete construction is to resist cracking and comply with the requirements for construction, the prestressing forces imposed musi be as required in the design; success therefore depends on the skill and accuracy with which the prestressing operations are carried out in the field and in the factory. All tensioning should be done under the direct control of a supervisor with thorough experience of the various stressing operations involved. The choice of system of prestressing to be used in particular circumstances does not usually present difficulty. Pre-tensioning is normally used for the mass production of similar units. such as floor beams. If they can be readily transported. they are precast in the concrete products factory, but if they are too large to be handled easily then they maybe made on a prestressing bed at the site. Post-tensioning is most frequently employed in large structures and carried out in situ as construction proceeds. However, where sites are very constricred. it may be more convenient to precast the members in short sections in the factory and to assemble them on site: one advantage of this is that it gives better control of the concrete production. Each of the methods of post-tensioning available has particular advantages which may make it more suitable in certain circumstances. For short members. bars with threaded ends are most suitable because losses of prestress due to draw-in. which could be excessive with wire or strand. are completelyavoided. Ears can carry the largest prestressing forces in individual tendons but strand has the advantage if they have to be curved. Large tendons can be built up from groups of strands which may be anchored together or in individual anchorages. or from individual wires anchored in groups by wedge-anchorages or by button-heading in a special anchorage assembly. For particularly long tendons, both wire and strand have the merit of being available in long lengths and so do not need connectors. The longer the tendon, the less the significance of the loss of prestress due to drawin of the grips. lb I


Handbook to B58110:198S
8.7.2 Safety precautions

During the life of a prestressed concrete structure. the concrete and the steel are usually most severely stressed during the operations associated with tensioning and transfer, at a time when the strength of the concrete is not fully developed and the anchoring of the steel may be only temporary. It is then, therefore. that the risk of failure and of accident
is greatest. Although it is not possible to safeguard personnel completely from the risks


of such an accident, reasonable precautions should always be taken when working with or near tendons which have been tensioned or are in the process of being tensioned. Personnel should not stand in line with the tendons, anchorage or jacking equipment.
Simple protective measures such as stout timber shields should be placed in line wi th~ the tendons and behind the jacks to protect those passing in the course of their duties. Each factory or site will call for separate consideration of the most reasonable form- of protection. It must be emphasized, however, that the most effective safety precaution

is the proper supervision and training of personnel in prestressing techniques. Manufacturers instructions for the use of stressing equipment should always be followed~ closely. Notes for guidance with regard to safety precautions for prestressing operations are provided in references 8.2 and 8.3.
8.7.3 Tensioning apparatus


Item (c) requires that the elongation of the tendon be measured. This measurement should be checked against the elongation calculated from the loadelongation % relationship supplied by the manufacturers of the tendons for the batch of material being used.
8.7.4 Pre-tensioning General Straight tendons Deflected tendons 8.7.5 Post-tensioning Arrangement of tendons

[ Anchorages Deflected tendons

The requirement refers to deflectors for external tendons, as the curvature of internal tendons will be determined by that of the ducts which will be usually less onerous than the limit given here.
The use of deflectors of smaller radius of curvature or with a larger angle of deflectio

[ [

is permitted as long as test data on the loss of strength are obtained. Some experimentaIL results (see reference 8.4) for strand of 12mm diameter show that the loss of strength
is less than 10% for a ratio of deflector radius to tendon diameter of 2. There is therefore

considerable scope for testing, but it should be noted that the secondary stresses that develop at sharp changes in curvature would have an adverse effect on fatigue strength
under cyclic loading and could aggravate an otherwise passive situation should mildly corrosive conditions develop in the region of the deflector. Tensioning procedure

8.8 Protection and bond of prestressing tendons

The recommendations apply only to post-tensioned steel; pre-tensioned steel is
162 adequately protected by the concretecover. provided that the requirements for thickness



:~<-. ~.K. . -K.... K

..~ K~. -

.~K. K

Parr 1~- Section 8

of nominal cover and for quality of concrete in are satisfied. The primary reason for pouting internal tendons and for encasing external tendons in concrete is to protect the steel against corrosion and fire.
A secondary but important consideration is the effect of grouting and encasement on

stiffness and strength. If other materials based on bitumen. epoxy resins or rubber are used, there may be a reduction in stiffness and strength which will need to be allowed for and the fire resistance may be affected. Great care is needed in selecting materials which are not bound by cement, to ensure not only that they are not harmful to the
steel but that they cannot become so under conditions that could develop in the ducts

over a prolonged period.

8.8.1 General
8.8.2 Protection and bond of internal tendons

8.8.3 Protection and bond of external tendons

of prestressing tendons
8.9.1 General

Further guidance on preparing and grouting ducts is given in reference 8.5. 8.9.2 Ducts Duct design Construction 8.9.3 Properties of grout General Fluidity Cohesion Compressive strength 8.9.4 Composition of grout General Cement Water Sand andfillers Adinixtures Chloride content 8.9.5 Batching and mixing of grout


Handbook to BS8JIO:1985

8.9.6 Grouting procedure Trials
8S.6..2 Injection Injection procedure 8.9.7 Blockages and breakdown

8.9.8 Maintenance and safety

r L

8.9.9 Grouting during cold weather 8.9.10 Precautions after grouting 8.9.11 Checking the effectiveness of grouting

Steel for prestressed concrete. Concrete Society Digest No. 4. 1984. 8 pp. Publication 53.048. 8.2 mc co~cac-rc socic-ry. Safety precautions for prestressing operations (post-tensioning). Notes for guidance. Concrete Society Data Sheet. 1980. 2 pp. Publication 53.031.
LO~~GsO-1-rON4. ~.w,

8.3 mc coNc~xrc socic-ry. Safety precautions for prestressing operations (pre-tensioning). Notes

for guidance. Concrete Society Data Sheet. 1982. 4 pp. Publication 53.036. VANDEPrI-rE. D. RAThE. .r, and KERcI4AER-r. p Loss of strength of prestressing strand due to severe curvature. Revue C Tijdschrift. Vol 4. No 9. 1966. pp 275-283. 8.5 BCDGE. ci. Preparing and grouting ducts in prestressed concrete members. Wexham Springs.
8.4 Cement and Concrete Association Construction Guide. 1981. 8 pp. Publication 47.012.

a I


K K K K K K. K K K K K,.. K- KKKKKKKKKK~~KK~ K .- ~ K K~ K K K -K.K. K . K ~ K K K~~KK .. .- K..-... - .. -- -- KKKKK K K. KK.KK.K K KK K K K. K K K


- ~44

~4 .




,K;~-:.:-. K 4-K -

- ----

~ -

K K ~

-: - K~ K -K ,K .. K






K -K-K-K





1.1 Scope 1.2 Definitions 1.3 Symbols




2.1 General 2.2 Design loads and strengths
2.2.1 General Choice of values Analysis phase Element design phase 22.2 Selection of alternative partial factors General 22.22 Statistical methods The situations where adequate statistical data are likely to be available for this approach to be contemplated are currently rare. Nevertheless, there are possibilities such as where acceptance tests are carried out on mass produced units. In this case, a statistical evaluation of y~ might be feasible. .4ssessment of worst credible values Some explanatory remarks on Table 2.1 may be helpful as it should be interpreted with some care. (a) Adverse loads. The greater the number of different, independent, types of loading considered to be acting together on a member. the lower is the probability of them all being at their worst credible value together. hence the lower partial factor suggested for (c). Case (c) assumes dead load, and at least two other types of loading acting together (e.g. dead+live+wind). (b) Beneficial loads. It must be noted that the ~vorst credible beneficial load is its minimum credible value. The factor of 1.0 is therefore not directly comparable with the partial factors applied to characteristic loads in Part 1 of the Code: it is being applied not to a characteristic value but to an estimate of the lowest value of the load that is considered credible.

U Worst credible values for earth and water pressures

The -worst credibl& approach to assessing design loads was first developed in the ground engineering field~~ and this is an area where it is particularly applicable and where other methods of assessing partial factors are particularly suspect.

U I I 3 I

2.2.3 Implications for serviceability

If si~nificantlv lower partial factors are used than those given in Part 1 of the Code. then the stress under service loads will be significantly higher. This, in turn, will mean that deformations under service loads (cracking and deflections) will be greater: hence the necessity for this warning.
I 6S


4K~4.~4--~-K-4Kr~4 ,..

K ---~

~ - - ~-, K - -..~-: .--. -. -. 4 - - ~ ~ K 4K

-:~~-..J. . K

K...~ K K K.K.

$.K,,K KKK~~~KK~ - K.K




. -


~ KK~

K K ---K-K - K K




2: Section





















strengths Figure to

Material 2.1 has from

properties been taken from to cube the CEE Model Code: 1978(22) with minor modifications























X C)

2.4.4 The

Torsional nominal

shear torsional Torque

stress shear levels stress a in of is calculated shear and by stress assuming less than a plastic Vt mm and in may shear Table be is the stress 2.3 ignored. the same do

distribution. not The as The in for cause upper shear a


nominal flexural the a and

si~niflcant limit alone to is v~ for and this

reduction the is to sum

shear and

strengths2-3~ torsional shear

flexural premature the

stresses of


compressive limitation to

failure prevent

concrete. spalling

background small sections

requirement in







sections In be to the




I-sections of T-, Lor each I-sections, of which it has been a assumed torque that a whole section proportional can

treatment into

divided its

rectangles torsional




stiffness. The

Hollow treatment or this

sections of thin-walled box sections to has has resist been the been omitted because distortion for, stress the provision is the from outside St the of the

diaphragms scope torsion formula. of

transverse clause.

reinforcement distortion by calculating

cross-sectional properly

Where for

provided nominal

Venant Eredt















Handbook to BS8IIO:198S


2.4.7 Area of torsional reinforcement The reinforcement2-5~. formulae basedfor on the the efficiency equations for an orthogonal with 450 The are reasons factor of 0.8 are truss described in
compressive struts reference 2.4. All of the torsion should be resisted by reinforcement although the capacity of the concrete in flexural shear is unaffected.

2.4.8 Spacing and type of links The detailing requirements have been chosen to give reasonable control of cracking. They are more stringent than those for shear because of the different overall stress configuration. It is particularly important to resist the tendency for the corners to spall~2-1

owing to the resultant of the diagonal compressive forces in adjacent faces of the member.
For this reason, the pitch and cover to the closed links should be as small as practicable.

2.4.9 Arrangement of longitudinal torsion reinforcement

2.4J0 Arrangement of links in T-, L- or I-sections

Effective column height

2.5.1 General

Reference 2.6 gives further information on the rigorous definition of effective heights of columns. 2.5.2 Symbols 2.5.3 Stiffness of memliers
2.5.4 Relativestiffness The assumption of a~ = 1.0 for bases designed to resist moment is appropriate to pad

footings. Where a mass concrete base is provided with depth and width greater than. say, four times the depth of the column cross-section. it will be reasonable to assume a rigid fixing, i.e. a~ = 0.
2.5.5 Braced columns: effective height for framed structures

Equations 3 to 6 are simplifications of the buckling equations derived for regular frames. Figure H(2)2. 1 shows the buckling modes considered, from which- it will be seen that the effective length must always be less than the actual length for a braced frame and always greater than the actual length for an unbraced frame.
2.5.6 Unbraced columns: effective height for framed structures

See above.


I ..~

Figure H(2~I2. I: Buckling modes for rectangular frames.

K K K K K K . -. -K K K ~ ~ K

- K - ~KKKKK -. ~



- .

KK K K,~. K - -..Z--t~--t-.---tKK K K ~ K-K. ~ K - - -. - - -

---.4... -

.~.. K..

-: K..


- -. -. - K,-,.



Part2: Section 2

26 Robustness
2.6.1 General

2.6.1 Key elements Where key elements have to be designed, the Ym factors should be those given for exceptional loads or localised damage. The values of y~ on the dead load and on any live load that it may be considered appropriate to include, should be 1.0 and 1.05 respectively. No factor need be applied to the 34kN/m. Special considerations apply when it is desired to check whether a length of plain wall will withstand 34kNlm2; the following method is suggested. Step 1: Assess axial preload on the wall, due to dead load only. Step 2: Consider mode of collapse to be by formation of yield lines at top, bottom and centre of wall (Figure 1-1(2)2.2).

yield lines

Figure H(2)2.2. Formation of yield lines in a wall subjected to lateral loading.


Figure H(2)2.3 Configuration of wall at ultimate conditions.

Step 3: Sketch deflected shape under ultimate conditions, taking ultimate deflection a~ at central yield line equal to ea = le/2500 h as given in of Part 1 (Figure

Step 4: Determine neutral axis depth x at yield lines from x = (n~/0.3f~)(I3/1.5)mm where n~ is the preload in kNlm run. The equation for x is derived from the simple rectangular stress-block as explained in the commentary to of Part 1. The 1.3/L5 ratio adjusts for the different Ym factor. Step 5: Determine ultimate lateral load q~ l~t by taking moments about centre of stress-block at central yield line. This gives
q~ ~


Step 6: Check for shear. Shear force at upper and lower yield lines should be less than or equal to one-quarter of the axial load n
Example. Wall. Sm long. 150mm thick.f~~

30N/mm, clear height between


floor slabs 2.3m. preload l8OkN/m run. Check resistance to 34kN/m.



BS8IIO:1985 le = 0.75x2300


= 1725/(2500x 150) = 8mm = x = (180/0.3x30)(1.3/1.5) = 17mm Therefore q~ lac = 8X 180(0. 1500.025)/2.3Z = 34kN/m. which checks. Shear at base = 34x 1.15 = 39k.N/m run Permitted = 180/4 = 4SkN/m run. which


checks. It should be noted that l8OkN/m run is a substantial preload which would be unlikely to be realized in the topmost storeys of a structure. In such cases. it will be necessary either to provide reinforcement tying (see of Part 1) over the whole wall area or to provide local strengthening. 2.62.1 Design of key elements (where required in buildings offive or more storeys) Loads on key elements 2.62.3 Key elements supporting attached building components
2.6.3 Design of bridging elements (where required in buildings of five or more storeys)

i I g

Any building component that is normally not load-bearing may be taken into account. There are limitless possibilities here over the range of types of structure (and their usage) covered by this Code and the value of the loading is left to the discretion of the engineer; in general. all permanent loads would be considered and some fraction of imposed loading this will depend on usage and special consideration may have to be given to warehouses, plant rooms. etc. Only rarely will it be necessary to consider debris loading. because of the relative magnitudes of the safety factors for normal and exceptional loads and also because of the force requirements.

0 I I 5
C [ [

The bridging method outlined above will be the most appropriate for precast concrete structures made of load-bearing elements. This involves the further necessity to define a lateral support: this may be either a substantial partition at right-angles to the wall being considered andstiffened tied in to itis or. alternatively, aa narrow width of the force. wall itself which has been locally and capable of resisting specified horizontal General Walls Length considered lost Lateral support
REFERENCES 2.1 sI~~tPSoN. B, PAPPIN. iw and CROFT. DO, An approach to limit state calculations in geotechnics. Ground Engineering. Volume 4. No.6. September 1981. 2.2 cEn-Fip. Model Code for Concrete Structures. Paris. Comite Euro-International du Beton. Bulletin dInformation N t24/125-E. April 1978. 2.3 HSU. T.T.c and KEMP. EL. BackEround and practical application of tentative design criteria for torsion. Journal of the American Concrete Institute. Vol.66. No.1. January 1969. pptZ-J2.4 SWANN. RA. The effect of size on the torsional strength of rectangular reinforced concrete beams. London. Cement and Concrete Association. March 1971. Spp. Publication 42.4532.5 LAMPERT. Torsion and bendin2 in reinforced and prestressed concrete members. Proceedings of the Institution or Civil Encineers. Vol. 50. December 1971. pp 487-505. 2.6 CRANSTON. WE, Analysis and design of reinforced concrete columns. London. Cement and


Concrete Association. 1972. 2Spp. Publication 41 .020.

K KKKK 2.K~. K ,~ K KK . K...... K K




--K--K..-.-. K



3.1 General
This Section contains a substantial amount of explanatory material far. more than is commonly provided in Part 1 of the Code. Additional information is therefore only required for relatively few clauses. There is. however, one general point about serviceability calculations which, even though it is touched on in the Code, needs reiterating. By their nature, serviceability calculations cannot be accurate. This arises from our inability to predict the properties of concrete which influence the deformations of the structure. Some of the problems with prediction of these properties will be considered below.
(1) Tensile strength


The deformation under load, particularly of lightly reinforced members, is critically affected by the tensile strength of the concrete. This is illustrated schematically in Figure H(2)3.1. Normally, the information about the concrete available to the person doing the calculation is just its compressive strength. There is no reliable, unique relationship between the compressive and tensile strength of concrete. Unless a great deal more is known about the concrete than just its cube strength. it is doubtful if the tensile strength can be estimated to a better accuracy than 30%



Service load Range of uncertainty in cracking load Li in 1-~


Figure H(2)3. 1.- Influence of uncertainty about tensile strength of concrete on deformation.
(2) Behaviour of concrete in the tension zone after cracking After cracking, the concrete between the cracks continues to carry some tension and therefore this concrete adds significantly to the overall stiffness. The amount of this contribution is very variable and cannot be predicted with precision. ] (3) Creep and shrinkage These characteristics are not known with any precision in normal circumstances and yet contribute 50% or more to the total deformation. They will depend on the exact details of the mix used, the loading history and the environmental history. There can be significant differences in behaviour between members cast in early summer compared with those cast in late autumn. Differences in formwork striking times and propping procedures could also have a substantial effect. The person attempting calculations is unlikely to be able to define any of these factors, but needs to put 4J bounds on their effects. The calculation methods used in this Section are based on simplified assumptions about section behaviour; however, in view of the major uncertainties discussed above, 173


Handbook to BS8IIO:198S it is doubtful if a more rigorous approach could be justified. Another feature of serviceability calculations is that they can be checked against the actual behaviour of the structure. Since calculation and reality are most unlikely to a~rcc. this tends to undermine the confidence of the designer. Calculations cannot be expected to predict what the deflection or crack width will actually be: they can be used to set bounds on the likely values, and it is important that they are used in this way. so that positive practical action is taken by the designer to ensure serviceable and durable structures (see Section 7, regarding the required accuracy of calculations). 3.1.1 Introduction 3.1.2 Assumptions

Is [


3.2 Serviceability limit states

32.1 Excessive deflections due to vertical loads Appearance The limit on sagging of span/250 follows the recommendations of a committee of the
Institution of Structural Engineers on the testing of structures3-1. A survey of beams and slabs in Germany conducted by Mayer, where sag had given rise to complaints3 produced about 50 examples. The measured sag was less than span/250 in only two of

these examples. and span/300 was the smallest sag which gave offence-. The selected
limit thus has some practical justification. When the designer can show that greater sag is unlikely to give rise to trouble, this limit might be increased to span/200. A limit to precamber is not given; ho~vever. a reasonable limit would seem to be about L/250. If

greater precambers are needed, then the structure must be a verv flexible one and could
give rise to problems due to general liveliness. Damage to non-structural elements The basic problem is that partitions, since they tend to be vertical, are very stiff and generally cannot follow the deflection of the floor or beam which supports them. If the partition possesses a reasonable degree of tensile strength. the floor can deflect away from the partition, leaving a gap between the partition and the floor of much the same magnitude as the deflection. This, of course, can be hidden by skirtings or similar details. Unfortunately, with permanent partitions (e.g. blockwork), the bottoms of the partitions

N crack


-4.. N


Figure H(2)3. 2.- Partition wall damage cracks between wall and floor due to a self-supporting wall.



.---,KK....K-K.KK.KK - K K


K 4.

Parr 2, Section 3




crack crack Crack

17i W


Figure H(2)3.3: Partition it-all damage cracks at joints between wall and ceiling and towards exterior wall due to rotation or movement of individual wall panels.


Figure H(2)3.4: Partition it-all damage

inclined cracks due to shear.

Figure H(2)3.S: Partition tall damage

t-ertical cracking due to f7exure.


Handbook to B58110:198S





Figure H(2)3.6: Partition wall damage npes of damage related to different structural configurations.

[ C

are frequently held down by the floor screeds. In this case. the bottom of the partition is pulled down and cracks appear in the body of the wall. These can be large and unsightly. The presence of openings (e.g. doors, windows) in partitions tend to produce weaknesses and will often act as crack initiators. A paper by Clarke, Neville and Houghton-Evans~33~ gives illustrations of the type of damage that can occur in particular cases and the relevant Figures are reproduced here (H(2)3.2 H(2)3.6). Masonry is generally fairly brittle and it seems clear that, if a floor or beam below a masonry partition deflects. then that deflection will be accommodated very largely by cracks (i.e. 10mm of deflection over the length of a wall is going to produce a total crack width of the order of 10mm somewhere). While the accommodation of verticaldeflection by horizontal cracking can produce large cracks, the cantilever example shown in Figure H(2)3.5 is capable of producing quite startlingly large cracks even where the deflection


is relatively small.

Figure H(2)3.7, taken from reference 3.4, shows the damage produced in model walls where various forms of deformation are imposed on the lower edges of the walls. It can


I [ U
Figure H(2)3. 7: Cracking of model walls due to sagging or hogging (from Ref. 2.3.4)j K.K--K -



,K,,KK KK~~ .---. K



K ,. -


K -.7. ~

- -.
K K~ .4


K~44KK~, K~..4~K,K KK~~ .~-KKKKK ~~~K.. 44K~KK KKK~KK K

K~ , K


~.. K




KKK~ K ,

Part 2: Section 3 Ibe seen that hogging deformations cause much greater disruption than sagging deformations. This concludes the discussion of the types of damage that can commonly occur. It is far met. from The complete but 2ives general is idea the general forms of damage which can be next question toaconsider the of limitations to deflections required to keep damage within acceptable limits. Much of the work done on damage to partitions has been concerned with allowable settlement of foundations rather than the deflection of members supporting walls: ne~ertheless. the data should have some relevance. t3-5~. He related One of the earliest investigations of this problem was that by Skempton damage to angular distortion (Figure H(2)3.S).

1 1

angular distortion =

Figure H(2,l3.8 Skempton s definition ofangular distortion He concluded that cSIL should be limited to /300. This would appear to be more equivalent to a limit to mid-span deflection of a beam of L/600. Mayer. who collected information from buildings in which deflections had caused complaint, reported the results shown in Figure H(2)3.9. The deflections occurring after construction of the partitions could not. of course, be measured and are therefore estimated values. It will be seen that these results, obtained from studies of deflection problems in buildings. are not inconsistent with the results obtained from considerations of damage due to foundation settlement. Both sources suggest that deflections would have to be limited to around 11000 if damage is to be avoided with any certainty. It must be concluded that it is impossible to give universally applicable limits for allowable deflections and the designer should really establish limits appropriate to the particular structure and type of partition. The values given in this clause are those given in the ISO standard ISO 4356-1977 which has been approved by the UK, but the point is made that the values are only indicative. Construction lack offit Loss of performance A cracks between wall and support o cracks within wall C bending and shear cracks nature of crack not reported zi 0l -I Z W 0. WI 0I

L350 L500 L1000 -

. 0 0 ~AT~~@~A. 0 A e.P A A -~ ;~-r OK. i~O 5


~ 0


0, 10 15 SPAN (ml Figure H(2 13.9: Damage to partitions as a function of calculated deflection of supporting srructure (Ref 3.2,.

Handbook to B58110.-198S 3.2.2 Excessive response to wind loads Discomfort or alarm to occupants 3.22.2 Damage to non-structural elements 3.23 Excessive vibration Research has been carried out on the response of humans to vibration. For further information on this, for example, see reference 3.6. 3.2.4 Excessive cracking Appearance

Clearly the width of crack which will be acceptable is very dependen on the particular circumstances and a code could not possibly give more than a guide. Factors likely to influence acceptable crack widths are: (a) surface texture of concrete (b) distance of observers from surface (c) exposure conditions (in surfaces exposed to weather, cracks can become accentuated by dirt and by exudations of calcium carbonate) (d) aesthetic importance of element (a crack in. say. the entrance lobby of a prestige office block is likely to lead to more complaints than the same crack in, say, a pigsty)

[ F
IT Corrosion In recent years a considerable effort has been put into establishing what relationship, if any, exists between crack width and corrosion~3-71. The general conclusion from cuch studies is that small cracks (say less than 0.5mm) very rarely pose any particular corrosionU~
risk. whatever the nature of the eiivironment. However, very few studies have been

carried out in circumstances where the cracks follow the line of a reinforcing bar rather than crossing it. In the absence of reliable information on this question, it therefore seems prudent to limit widths to about 0.3mm. Loss of performance Leakage is probably the commonest manifestation of loss of performance caused by cracking. Investigations of leakage through cracks have been carried outt38~ but have not been entirely conclusive. It seems probable that cracks passing right through a section with widths less than 0.2mm will fairly rapidly seal themselves and would therefore not cause significant loss of water in a water-retaining structure.


3.3 Loads
3.3.1 General 3.3.2 Dead loads 3.3.3 Live loads


3.4 Analysis of structure for serviceability limit states 35 Material properties for the calculation of curvature and stresses 3.6 Calculation of curvatures
The approach used for calculating shrinkage curvatures is given in reference 3.9. 178

[I U

K.... .~ 4~ ~ K--K---.K K ~ -

K-K...--~ K K

-- .--~ .4 K -K-K.. KK K

- - - K - -

Parr2: Section 3


3.7 Calculation of deflection



3.7.2 Calculation of deflection from curvatures

3.8 Calculation of crack width

3.8.1 General 3.8.2 Symbols 3.8.3 Assessment of crack widths

The basis of equation 12 is given in reference 3.10. Equation 13 can be derived approximately from the assumptions given in 3.6 as follows: If the tensile stress at the tension face is f, then the force carried by the concrete in tension (Figure 3.1) will be given by:


This can be convened to an effective strain reduction in the steel of:




Clause 3.6 gives values of 1 and 0.55N/mm2 for the stress in the concrete at the steel level under instantaneous and long-term loads respectively. The corresponding values of f will be slightly larger than the values but x, calculated on the basis of a cracked section. will be underestimated. What has been done is to assume a value of ~sN/mm forf and assume that this will cope adequately with the various uncertainties. This lives an approximate value for the steel strain as:
Earn = 8s


Equation 13 assumes a linear distribution of strain over the tension zone. Figures H(2)3.1O and H(2)3.11 may be used for calculating the properties of cracked sections. In the Figures, a~ is the modular ratio and h is the second moment of area of the cracked section. For cracking in pure tension, equation 12 is somewhat approximate. Recent work by Williamst3lZ) provides more information.

aA. bd 0.4
0.3 0.2 0.1 0


K .7. K



0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6


Figure H(2)3. 10: Neutral axis depths for rectangular section.







aA, bd 0.2 0.3 0.3




002 0.040060.08 0.1 0120.140.16

Figure H(2 3.11. Second moments of area of rectangular sections.

3.8.4 Early thermal cracking General The information used in the drafting of this section has been taken from references 3.12

3. 14 which give considerably more detailed information. Estimating early thermal crack widths REFERENCES

24pp. testing ofvon structures. 1964. bauteilen. Bauschaden als ENGINEERS folge der The durchbiegung stahlbeton Report No.68. Materialprufungsamt fur das bauwesen der technischen hochschule Munchen. 1966. 3.3 CLARKE.C.V. NE\1LLE. AG. and HOUGH-roN-evANs. w. Deflection problems and treatment in various countries. American Concrete Institute. Deflections of concrete structures. Special Publication 5P43. 3.4 i~s-nTunoN op STRCCTCRAL ENGINEERS. Structure soil interaction A state of the art report. The Institution. 1978. 3.5 s~.~trro~. AW. and McDONALD. OH. The allowable settlement of buildings. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Vol.5. December 1956. 3.6 AMERICAN CONCRETE INrn-rUrE. Vibrations of concrete structures. American Concrete Institute.
3.1 3.2


Publication SP6O. Detroit. 1979.



.~w. Cracking and corrosion. Concrete In the Oceans Report. NoA. CIRIAIUEG. London. Cement and Concrete Association. Dept of Energy. 1978. 3.8 CLEAR. c..~. The effects of autogenous healing upon the leakage of water through cracks in concrete. Wexham Springs. Cement and Concrete Association. Technical Report. May 1985. 42.559. 3.9 HOBBS, D.W. Shrinkage-induced cun-ature of reinforced concrete members. Wexham SpringS.


and Concrete Association. Development Report 4. November 1979. 3.10 Cement BEEBY. ..w The prediction of crack widths in hardened concrete. The Structural Engineer. VoL57A. No.1. January 1979. 3.11 ~~ILLIAMS. A Tests on large reinforced concrete elements subjected to direct tension. Wexham Sprints. Cement and Concrete Association. Technical Report. April 1986. 42.562. HARRISON TA. Early age thermal crack control in concrete. CIRIA Report No.R91. 19814 roE L-O\c-RETE ~OCIETh Non-structural cracks in concrete. Technical Report No.22. 1982Publication 53,038. 3.14 BA\IFOR1~H. p Mass concrete. Concrete Society Digest No.2. London 1985. 8pp. PublicatiOn 3.12 3A3

I ~(iJ
K--K.. K K~,, . , K . K KK K~,:.

U .
K.K~ K - -K KKKK K K K K K~K~ K K K K K K K,., KK K ~;.~~7.:;.-: ~>--~ ~. - - K K-K--K:-.-. K K ~>7~~ K.. K-4. -

-,.4 .44

-4w. -


...... K ~. - - K - K ,KK K K



In the thirteen years between the introduction of CP1 10 and this Code there have been
a number of important

reports issued on the fire resistance of concrete elements. From the viewpoint of the design of structures in the United Kingdom these are (in
1975 (The Orange Book) 1978 Fire resistance of concrete structures Report of a Joint Committee of.the Institution of Structural Engineers and

chronological order):

the Concrete Society.

Design and detailing ofconcrete structuresforfire resistance

(The Red Book) 1980

(The BRE Guidelines)

Interim Guidance by a Joint Committee of the Institution of Structural Engineers and the Concrete Society.
Guidelines for tile construction of fire resisting structural elements by R E H Read. F C Adams and G M E Cooke A Building Research Establishment Report published by

the Department of the Environment. The content of these three reports (where relevant) has been incorporated into this Code. The four principle changes from CP1lO:1972 are:
I. The concept of continuity CP1 10:1972 distinguished between simply-supported concrete elements and those where

conditions of restraint could be incorporated into the structure. such that the fire resistance of a concrete element could be increased. In the use of the old Code from 1972 onwards verv few constructions have been able to demonstrate the advantages of higher fire resistance from such restraint. The 1978 report put forward the concept of achieving better fire resistance through continuity in structural elements, which was adopted as the principle on which the concrete elements section of the 1980 BRE Report was prepared
(Tables 4.3. 4.4 and 4.5). 2. Variation of width of section and cover

The present tabular data in the 1980 BRE Guidelines state for any concrete element the required minimum width and appropriate concrete cover. In the majority of cases at the lower ends of fire resistance (Le. up to two hours) the requirements for minimum widths are belo~- those which most designers would wish to use in practice. Consequently, some increase in the minimum width requirement could be justified on practical grounds.

Table H(2)4.1. Variation of minimum width of member and cover to reinforcement

Minimum increase in width (mm)
25 50 100 150 20(1 250 350 450

Decrease in cover Dense Liehtweicht concrete concrete (mm) (mm)

1 10 15 15 15 20 2() 2t) 10 [5 20 25 SO

(Refer to clause 4.3.5 in Part 2)



to BS8IIO:198S


It was also evident that the results of fire testing both in this country and abroad have shown that flexural elements. (Le. beams and ribs) have higher periods of fire resistance when the width of the beam or rib is increased. Consequently. thereemerged a viewpoint that some small reductions in concrete cover for beams and ribs could be established if the minimum values for widths of these flexural elements were increased. A table of adjustments to concrete cover for increase in minimum width was therefore produced, Table H(2)4.1. By adopting the more realistic practical minimum widths for beams and ribs, it was found possible to reduce the concrete covers required, particularly in the continuous support situation.
3. Provision of supplementary reinforcement


C [

The requirements of BS 8110 centre around the concept of nominal cover to reinforcement or prestressing steel for durability, as well as fire resistance. An area of conflict that had to be resolved within CP11O was the requirement to position a layer of D49 mesh at 20mm from the face of beams. ribs and columns wherever cover to the main steel exceeded 40mm for dense concrete or 50mm for lightweight concrete. This requirement was negated by the new requirements for durability, whereby a cover of 20mm to a steel mesh was unacceptable. A working party examined the requirement for supplementary reinforcement and decided to relegate its importance in favour of three other methods:

an applied finish to enhance fire resistance provision of sacrificial steel in the main tensile zone provision of a fire resistant false ceiling to the underside of floors

Supplementary reinforcement in the form of a D49 mesh implanted in concrete cover was not, however, rejected outright for the BRE have proved in fire tests on beams that such a construction improves fire resistance of flexural elements. However, this mesh cannot now be used where durability requirements set a nominal cover above 20mm. (Refer to Table 3.4 in Part 1).
4. Design for fire resistance by calculation

In thirteen years of Code development and the issue of major reports it has been possible to promulgate design for fire resistance based on first principles. Consequently this Code is the first to include such design principles as opposed to compliance with tabular data on minimum width of section and required concrete cover to steel. Apart from the changes introduced by the four principal items stated above this Code also makes further minor changes from those to be found in CPI1O:1972 viz:

rationalisation of tabular data for columns additional tabular data for reinforced concrete walls simplification of construction types for ribbed floors removal of data on additional protection from tables.


Fire resistance is treated at two levels in the code. Part 1 gives simplified recommendations for use in the majority of dense concrete structures either reinforced (3.3.6) or prestressed ( Part 2. Section 4 gives detailed recommendations for fire resistance in any concrete structure. Part 2. Section 5 gives simplified recommendations for use in the majority of reinforced lightweight concrete structures. No simplified recommendations are given for prestressed lightweight concrete structures. This treatment of fire resistance between two parts of the Code is unfortunate as the designer has no single point of reference as existed in Section 10 of CP11O:1972. The reason for the split in treatment was the Code Committe&s insistance that reference to cover to steel whether for fire. durability or other should be available in one sectiOn. This was achieved in Section 3.3 of Part 1.

I 82


K K ~.

44K~ K


K.,-- -

-. :-.->.-.----. K~ K K K -

- , K. -- KK~ .. K


-. -

. K

K.,.-.. K K K K

..K K


K -K -. K-K-~KK

Parr 2: Section 4



L (-11>


resistance cover


nominal cover

Figure H(2)4. 1: Nominal cover and fire resistance cover in beams or columns.
fire r~istance cover


nominal cover

Figure H(2)4.2: Nominal cover and fire resistance cover in walls or slabs.

Before embarking on a clause by clause explanation of Section 4 of Part 2 it is necessary for the designer to appreciate the significance of the word cover used in this Code. CONCRETE COVER TO STEEL Section 10 of CP11O:1972 made reference to concrete covers to reinforcement or prestressing steels which were the distances from the exposed face of the concrete to the edge of the main tensile steel bar, strand, wire. It is very important for the designer using this Code to appreciate that the use of the term nominal cover will give differingvalues to the term ~coverused in fire resistance dependingon the use of secondary steel such as stirrups, lacers, links etc. For example:

Beams links must be used (3.4.5 of Part 1) Columns links must be used (3.12.7 of Part 1) Ribs links not usually required, therefore the nominal cover is usually equal to the fire resistance cover W~iI1s vertically reinforced with lacers horizontally

Therefore great care is needed in reference to the word cover to distinguish between the two meanings. For ease of reference to fire resistance the designer should note: Part 1 Part 2, Section 4 Part 2, Section 5 generally refers throughout to nominal covers refers throughout to fire resistance covers refers to nominal covers.

4.1 General
The handbook on the Unified Code (i.e. Section 10 of CP1lO) gave a description of the behaviour of concrete elements in fire with figures showing the effect of temperature on material properties. This description is still valid thirteen years later but is not reproduced here in the interests of brevity. In the intervening thirteen years a much better understanding of the roles of the structure in fire resistance has emerged. Apart from the three reports mentioned in the opening summary to this section there have been other reports, technical papers and

Handbook to BS8JIO:1985

conferences which have advanced knowledge considerably The designer is therefore referred to these which, among others, can be listed as:
Date 1975 Title and author(s) FIP/CEB Recommendations for the design ofreinforced and prestressed concrete structural membersforfire resistance FIP/CEB Reporton Methods ofassessment ofthefire resistance ofconcrete structural members Assessment offire-damaged concrete structures and repairbvgunite. (Technical Report No 15) Concreteforfire resistant construction, Cembureau Spalling of normal weight and lightweight concrete on exposure to fire. IrWJ Copier An international review of thefire resistance of lighweightconcrete J CM Forrest


Cement and Concrete

Association Cement and Concrete Association

1978 1979 1979 1980

The Concrete Society

Cement and Concrete Association Heron (Netherlands) Vol 24. No?. 1979


The Concrete Society & The International

Journal of Lightweight Concrete


Design ofconcretestructures forfire resistance.

Vol 2. No?. June 1980 CEB (Lausanne) The Structural

Engineer. Vol 60B. No 1. March 1982


Preliminary Dr-aft of an Appendix to the CEB-FIP Model Code 1982 1983

1983 1984 The effects ofelevated temperatures on tile strength properties ofreinforcing andprestressing steels.

R Holmes.RD Anchor. Di Cook and RN Crook

A basisfor tile design offire protection ofbuilding structures, Margaret Law

lnternational Seminar. Three decadesofstructuralfire safety. 22-23 February 1983

Guidancefor the application oftabular dataforfire resistance ofconcrete elements, J C M Forrest and

The Structural Engineer. Vol 61A. No 1.Januarv 1983 Buildinit Research Establishment Institution of Structural Engineers CIRIA (London) CIRIA (London)

( C

Margaret Law
1984 1985 Spallingof concrete infires, HL Malhotra

(Technical Note 118)

Fire resistance ofribbed concretefloors. R M Lawson

(Report No 107)

4.1.1 Methods

Three methods are available for use by the designer to determine the fire resistance of
a concrete element. 4.1.2 Elements 41.3 Whole structures 4.1.4 Surfaces exposed to fire The present state of knowledge denies determination of the fire resistance of an assembly

of concrete elements. Some research centres in Europe and the USA are currently working on the fire resistance of complete frames by mathematical modelling but no
practical applications capable of being used in codes. are yet available.

L I I;

41 5 Factors affecting fire resistance

I X4

Consequently the designer is required to ensure that the details of concrete member sizes. cover, disposition of steel reinforcement or prestressing strand. and choice of materials achieves the desired response of the structure under fire attack.


K ~. ..~

K~ ~


or concrete




Part 2: Section 4

4.1.6 Spalling

at elevated temperatures

During preparation of the Code further research in the UK was commissioned by CIRIA. The report was written by H L Malhotra and published in 1984 as Technical Note 118 under the title Spalling of concrete in fires. A summary of this report from CIRIA News. January/February 1985 is given below. Spalling is the breaking off of layers or pieces of concrete from the surface of a structural element. and can occur when reinforced concrete is exposed to the high and rapidly rising tmperatures experienced in fires. Spalling may be insignificant in amount and consequence, such as surface pitting or the fall of a small piece from an arris. or it can seriously affect the stability of the construction because of the extensive removal of concrete from reinforcement or because it causes holes to appear in slabs or panels. It can occur soon after exposure to heat. accompanied by violent explosions or it may happen when the concrete has become so weak after heating that, when cracks develop, pieces fall off the surface. All these phenomena are covered by the expression spalling. Over the last twenty years or so. various national and international codes have suggested that measures are needed to prevent spalling when dealing with certain types of concrete or when the cover to the reinforcement is large. These requirements created difficulties on site. leading to increased cost and problems of control. The resulting criticisms necessitated a re-examination of the basis of the earlier requirements and further kno~vledge which has become available over the last decade by experiments as well as by study of actual fires. Technical Note 118 Spalling of concrete in fires presents the results of the first part of a CIRIA research project intended to provide a basis for future code recommendations. It describes, collates and assesses existing information in the literature, from laboratory tests and reports of the effects of actual fires on buildings. This leads to a review of the causes of spalling as recently understood. the ways in
which it may be controlled and. particularly. the areas in which more research is

needed. including recommendations for further experimental studv.~

4.1.7 ProtectIon against spalling

In concrete structures the concrete cover protects the steel reinforcement or tendon from becoming overheated and and losing strength. This concrete cover can spall away under fire attack exposing the steel. Subject, to the method of detailing employed by the designer such spalling can be ignored if alternative paths for load transference or capacity are available. Where they are not then the designer has to ensure that the concrete cover remains sufficiently unimpaired for the period of fire resistance required. CP11O:1972 recommended the use of a secondary reinforcement system as follows: Supplementary reinforcement will be required in those cases indicated in the table when the cover to all the bars and tendons under consideration is more than 40mm. When used. supplementary reinforcement should consist of expanded metal lath or centres) or a continuous arrangement of links at not more than 200mm centres incorporated in the concrete cover ata distance not exceeding 20mm from the face.

a wire fabric not lighter than OSkg/m2 (2mm diameter wires at not more than 100mm

This requirement arose from the test programme. by the Fire Research Station in 1968. on concrete beams when the use of such a mesh as secondary reinforcement was found to be advantageous in increased fire resistance for simply-supported beams. The
test specimens were manufactured under laboratory conditions whereby the mesh could be accurately located at 20mm from the faces of the beam and without regard to cost or time implications in manufacture. Regrettably via CPI1O this requirement was imposed on the construction industry at large with the result that the use of such a mesh led to many cases. well documented. of poorly compacted concrete. displaced mesh positioning and increased costs of concrete site production. The use of such mesh became abhorrent to those concerned with the production of good qt~ality homogeneous concrete. During preparation of this Code the

important aspects of durable concrete were incorporated as the concrete cover

requirements for durability (refer to 3.3 in Part I). It was realised that the requirements for supplementary reinforcement mesh would be in conflict with those for durability and

Handbook to BS8IIO:198S


alternative measures for protection against spalling would be necessary. A working party of the Code Committee (including representativs from the Building Research Establishment) advised alternative measures as given in this clause so as to resolve the

However the use of a mesh as supplementary reinforcement was not removed from the Code as otherwise the test experience by the BRE would be negated. Instead the use of a mesh was down-graded in favour of the four alternatives and suitable cautionary notes included in the clause.
4.1.8 Detailing

An understanding of the requirements for good detailing is given in the 1978 Report Design and Detailing of Concrete Structures for Fire Resistance Interim Guidance by a Joint Committee of the Institution of Structural Engineers and the Concrete Society. Two principal aspects from reports of existing fires are:

r L

Bottom reinforcement in slabs The designer should check that at least 50% of the main steel is anchored at both ends (i.e. avoid the staggered straight bar arrangement whereby only one end is anchored in a beam zone). Top reinforcement in beams and slabs Does the length of steel from the support enable the beam or slab to adopt a near cantilever structural action at the limit state


in fire?

4.2 Factors to be considered in determining fire resistance

4.2.1 General 4.2.2 Aggregates For the purposes of the Code, concrete materials are divided into two classes (i.e. dense and lightweight). The aggregates used in these classes are given. Unlike CPI1O:1972 no separate subdivision of dense concretes made from calcareous as opposed to siliceous aggregates is made. This is a retrograde step after thirteen years but reflects the evidence obtained by the BRE that there is no superior fire resistance
from limestones (calcareous) over gravels (siliceous) in a flexural mode in fire. Concrete


section sizes for beams and slabs are therefore identical for either type ofdense aggregate. For the compression mode however there is no just cause to penalise columns and would be reasonable to use CP1 10:1972 values for concrete sections made from calcareous aggregates. The values for fully exposed columns are as follows: Periodofflreresistance(hours) Minimum dimension of column (mm)
(ComparewithTable4.2 0.5 1 1.5 2 3 4








4.2.3 Cover to main reinforcement The designer is referred to the summary introduction to this Section for a clear understanding of the use of the word cover. As stated throughout this Section, reference is made to the fire resistance cover unless specifically called nominal cover.
(a) Floor slabs

During the preparation of the Code significant strides in new knowledge of the
information gained suggests that the concept of average cover should now only apply to solid slabs with multi-layer reinforcement or to one-way spanning ribbed floors Two-way spanning ribbed floors have been examined by CIRIA in a programme Of testing during 1984/85 leading to CIRIA Report No 107 in 1985 Fire resistance of ribbed concrete floors. The designer is referred to a full description of the tests. summary and conclusions. In relation to cover the report states: I 86 ~To clarify the use of the tabular data in BS 8110, the definition of minImum

behaviour of one-way spanning and two-way spanninit ribbed floors was made. The



Parr 2: Section 4

cover to the bars in the ribs of two-way spanning floors (such as waffle slabs) is taken to be to the lower bars. The increased cover to the bars in the transverse ribs is not important. because of the ability of the slab to redistribute moment from any heat-affected area.~ The last sentence is invariably valid because waffle floors are usually cast as in situ construction where adequate continuity of structural action is available from each of the two spans concerned.
(b) Rectangular beams

Note 2 riven in this clause refers to the relative heating effect on corner bars compared with the others. Corner bars are heated from two directions with equal intensity. All other bars have the main heat applied from one direction only. It is good detailing practice to arrange for the majority of the fully stressed tensile bars/tendons to be grouped away from the corner.
(c) I-section beams

On a practical note these beam types are rarely found in in-situ construction as they are usually the product of precast works. Where volume production is required for
such applications as floor beams in system construction it is usual to undertake a

fire test (method 2). The requirements of this clause are therefore usually checked against the behaviour of the test model after initial sizing of the concrete section. Of great importance in these beam types is the retention otThe web of the beam in fire. and the use of web reinforcement as shown in Figure 4.2 is essential. There have been some notable fire test failures where early collapse of the web has resulted in the premature failure of the beam.
4.2.4 Additional protection

The values given in this clause represent a more conservative approach to the use of applied materials to enhance fire resistance than the values obtainable from CP11O:1972. In putting forward these values the BRE considered that insufficient test evidence was available from the use of modern applied finishes to be specific for each period of fire resistance for each material. The intention of this clause is therefore to aid the designer with initial sizing of concrete section and applied finish and then to seek more direct informationon the fire resistant qualities of the applied finish from selected manufacturers at the detailed design stage. 4.2.5 Floor thickness
4.2.6 Width of beams

The designer is referred to Section 4.3.5 for the influence of width of beams on cover requirements for given periods of fire resistance. 4.2.7 Distinction between ribs and beams The requirement to distinguish between ribs and beams in this clause was inserted to ensure that rib spacing did not move too far apart and consequently negate the role of a ribbed floor as a floor rather than a topping over a series of beams. The original maximum spacing proposed was 1.2m but representations from the precast industry enabled the Code Committee to. raise the spacing to 1.5m so that double T units of width 3.Om could be made if required, to match construction widths in the USA for example

4.2.8 Beams and floors 4.2.9 Columns

Figures 4.2 and 4.3 have been prepared to illustrate the general intention of construction on which the tabular data in Tables 4.2. 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5 are based. The sketches are idealised and the designer should ensure the relevance of the important factors of minimum dimensions, thicknesses and covers in the design of the concrete element concerned. 187

Handbook to BS8IIO:198S


4.3 Tabulated data (method 1)

4.3.1 Method by design from BRE Guidelines The summarv introduction to this Section of the Handbook explained that the BRE
Guidelines, published in 1980, were used as the basis for the tabular data in this Code. In turn the BRE Guidelines were based on the tabular data contained in the 1978 Report Design and detailing of concrete structures for fire resistance (the Red Book). Consequently the tabular data given represent the combined input of the three organisations over seven years deliberations. It is anticipated that any alterations to


BRE Guidelines in the future will be in conjunction with BSI revisions to the text of this Code.
4.3.2 Support conditions: simply-supported and continuous 4.3.3 Use of tabular data

r r

Examples of continuous constructions are given in the 1978 Report. Design and detailing of concrete structures for fire resistance (the Red Book). The 1978 report also indicates how the fire resistance of concrete elements varies with applied load, viz increases in fire resistance for lightly loaded elements and vice versa. 4.3.4 Spalling of nominal cover The designer should note that the onset of the required protection against spalling now starts when the nominal cover, i.e. the cover to the outermost steel. exceeds 4Omm/SOmm respectively for dense and lightweight concretes and not the fire resistance cover as in
CPI1O:1972. (Refer to this Handbook covering clause 3.3.6 of Part 1.) 4.3.5 Variation of cover to main reinforcement with member width

Table 4.1 was produced following modern evidence from fire tests that as beam widths ~vereincreased there were small permissible reductions in concrete cover to maintain the same period of fire resistance. No such facility was available in Section 10 of CP11O:1972 and in many cases designers were using concrete beam and rib sections well above the minimum required but havingno benefit in decrease of required concrete cover. Table 4.1 was therefore used to prepare revised concrete covers to those given in BRE Guidelines to suit practical everyday widths of beams at 200mm wide and ribs at 125mm wide. These concrete covers are given in Tables 3.5 (reinforced concrete) and 4.9
(prestressed concrete) of Part I of the Code.

Table 4.1 can also be used to vary the covers of beams and ribs from those given in the BRE Guidelines viz Tables 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5 of the Code. The proviso that the cover to beam steel should not be reduced to a value lower than that for a solid concrete floor is necessary to ensure retention offire engineering principles.
4.3.6 Reinforcement


BRE Guidelines and hence the tabulated data in the Code are based on fire tests held in the UK where the variation of material properties of UK reinforcing steels and

I i~.

prestressing tendons (to British Standards) under heating are well known and documented. This clause alerts the designer to consider the heating effects on other steels the strength properties of which do not conform to the pattern given in Figure 4.5 or to British Standards. Tables applicable to method I Table 4.2 Reinforced concrete columns

The exposure gradings are illustrated in Figure 43. The designer should note that for practical the link to purposes arrive at the the covers nominal given cover in this given table in Part should 1. be reduced b~ the dimension of
Table 4.3 Concrete beams The designer should note the requirement for the onset of protection against spalling. 188 concrete.


i.e. when the nominal cover exceeds 40mm for dense concrete and ~0mmfor lightweight





K~ K

K ~

. . - . - -A K

- ~:.

K ~. .


-. KK

Part 2: Secnon 4 Table 4.4 Plain soffit concrete floors Table 4.5 Ribbed open soffit concrete floors

The footnote on cover is incorrect as floor reinforcement does not normallx- have any
links. Consequently the cover to the main reinforcement is also the nominal cover. Table 4.6 Concrete walls with vertical reinforcement Walls are grouped into three categories depending on the percentage of vertical

reinforcement viz:

less than 0.4% (note 0.9% is a printing error)

0.4% to 1% over 1%
The values in the table extend the range available from CP11O:1972.

Fire test (method 2)

This brief clause covers the requirements for constructions not conforming to the general arraneements outlined in this section. Also where precast units in volume production would benefit economically by a suitably designed fire test programme to verify the fire resistance of a manufactured unit.

4.5 Fire engineering calculations (method 3)



4.5.2 Principles of design

4.5.3 Application to structural elements

This method of determining fire resistance by calculation is confined to the flexural mode of behaviour of beams and slabs in fire. For an understanding of the principles to adopt the designer is referred to Chapter 8 of the 1978 Report. Design and detailing ofconcrete structures for fire resistance (the Red Book).
4.5.4 Material properties for design 4.5.5 Design curve for concrete 4.5.6 Design curve for steel

The designer should note that the curves given in Figures 4.4 and 4.5 are design curves
derived from experimental data over many test regimes.

Design The basis of the calculation approach to the design for fire resistance of an element in flexural mode. i.e. beam. rib or slab, follows fire engineering principles. These principles dictate that the element should. over the required period of fire resistance. support the

moving pattern of loading provided by the detailing of the reinforcementltendons within

the section- At the end of the fire resistance period the reduced moment of resistance of the element under attack should still be greater than or at least equal to the applied moment. This principle is illustrated in Figure H(2)4.3. For simplicity of approach the ultimate moment of resistance (M~ for the simply-supported condition and Al,, for the continuous case) is reduced to 50% by the heating effect at the end of the fire resistance period. This approach is based on the strength of the steel being reduced to 50% of its ultimate strength as indicated in Figure 4.5.

Handbook to BS8IIO:1985
restraint r against rotation -~ 4


full anchorage by bond or equivalent

4~~-r morn:nt

design moment

support M ~-. ~ capacity ~ ultimate mid-span (a? Top and bottom capacity reinforcement at

moment mid-span moment

capacity Cal reinforcement at normal



moment 2

normal temperature

design moment
(bI reinforcement at critical temperature


support capacity

total design mOment

ultimata M Tijnused moment capacity mid-span ~ capacity (bi Top reinforcement at normal temperature. Bottom reinforcement at critical temperature


Figure H(2)4.3: Structural effects of temperature.

K K K K K K K.. K ~~~KKK K K K~ KKK K K~, .~ K. K - K K K 44

KKKK~KKKK K --K ~~4 - . .Z - K .K-


- ..KK~



-K K,


K K , ~K .., ~ K

.. K K -4.----.K K

K K K--K. --.-.;ic.:-.--.~:~;..M.-;.:vt ~~ -. -.~4 - ~4K . K . ~KK4KKK K K -K

->-. K K K- K K


K K - KK K K K

-~ K



,. K.



5.1 General


The clauses in this Section are additional to those elsewhere in the Code. and deal with situations where change is necessary in the general design provisions to cover cases where lightweight aggregate concrete is used. The Code stresses that the properties of any particular type of lightweight aggregate can be established far more accurately than for most naturally occurring materials, and recommends obtaining specific data from the aggregate producer. in preference to using generalised tabulated information. Indeed. with any one source of aggregate. a wide range of properties can be obtained, by varying the manufacturing and production processes in a controlled manner. This permits considerable flexibility to the designer. but makes the derivation of general Code clauses difficult; for that reason, most Code clauses on lightweight aggregate concrete tend to be on the conservative side. For reinforced or prestressed concrete, the Code suggests grade 20 as a minimum. This means that the density of lightweight aggregate concrete will normally be in the range 1,500-1,900kg/in3 (6r 6080% of that for normal-weight concrete). However, the material can have advantages other than that of reduced weight, notably in terms of strain capacity, stability at high temperatures (fire resistance) and good insulation characteristics; equally, there are some disadvantages, compared with normal-weight concrete. and these must be accounted for in design. In very general ternis, some design properties are listed in Table H(2)5.1 below: but, for the design of a particular structure. using a particular aggregate. recourse should be made to the data from the aggregate producer as the Code suggests.

Table H(2)5.1 Some design properties of lightweight aggregate concrete, compared with the same grade of normal-weight concrete
Relation to same grade ofnormalweightconcrete



Strength Density Stiffness Expansion Creep Drying shrinkage Shearstrength Anchorage bond Bearing capacity Permeability

the same 60-80% 50-70% 65-80% higher higher 75.85% 80-85% 60-75% hicher

I, the upper end of the range J obtains for higher grades usually because the paste content is higher

The Code makes no specific reference to prestressed lightweight aggregate concrete. In general. the provisions of Section 4, Part 1 may be taken as applicable modified by the requirements of this Section. Additionally, attention may have to be given to:

Loss of prestress may be higher with lightweight aggregate concrete. This will be due mainly to greater deformation of the concrete, either by elastic shortening or caused by greater creep and shrinkage. This requires careful checking, since overall loss of prestress can increase by as much as 50% Transmission length The values calculated by equation 60 in 4.10.3 of Part 1 of the Code should be increased by 500/o, in the absence of appropriate Loss of prestress

test data. 191




Shear in prestressed

As for reinforced concrete (see 5.4 below), the design concrete

lightweight concrete shear stress should be taken as 0.8 times that for dense concrete. 5.1.2 Symbols

5.2 Cover for durability and fire resistance

Table 5.2 sets out the nominal covers to all steel to meet specified periods of fire resistance. This table is prepared in similar format to Tables 3.5 and 4.9 in Part 1 for reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete respectively. The table should contain the same footnotes as Tables 3.5 and 4.9 referrmn~ to:
(a) the 10mm stirrup allowance to beams and columns (b) covers related to minimum dimensions given in Figure 3.2 (c) anti-spalling measures.

It is to be hoped that these footnotes will be added in later amendments to the Code. The designer should note that to cover the full range of fire resistance up to four hours there is no need to incorporate any additional measures to reduce the risk of spalling for any continuous construction. This reflects the generallymuch better spalling behaviour in For fire of flexuralconditions elements made from Mild. lightweight exposure other than Table concrete. 5.1 requires 10mm additional cover when compared with Table 3.4 in Part 1 of the Code. This is because lightweight concrete is usually more permeable since it has a greater paste water content than a normal-weight concrete of the same strength. Lightweight aggregate has -a porous structure~ and with lower grade concretes in particular. careful attention should be given to curing. to ensure that the porous particles do not provide an easy path for carbon dioxide. thus accelerating

Table 5.2. on the other hand, requires less cover for fire resistance than that required by Table 3.5 in Part 1; the differences range from 5 to 15mm. This reflects the generally better performance of lightweight aggregate concrete in fires. Exactly why this is so is not completely proven, but it is generally attributed to a greater strain capacity. in fires of limited duration, due to some combination of reduced stiffness, a lower coefficient of thermal expansion (8 x 10~ per 0C, compared with 11 x l0~ per 0C) and thermal

In practice, this means that for lightweight aggregate concrete, cover will almost always be dictated by durability requirements, except possibly for deep beams in buildings. With corrosion protection being the main issue. there are perhaps greater incentives with lightweight aggregate concrete to consider special measures for lowering permeability, such as additives or even protective coatings.


L L I-

5.3 Characteristic strength of concrete 5.4 Shear resistance

This clause in effect permits the use of conventional shear design methods. but sets limiting design concrete shear stresses at 80% of those for equivalent normal-weight concrete. Normal design shear stresses are calculated at critical sections and subsequent design is based on how these stresses relate to limiting design concrete shear stresses g The basic method has not changed for decades. but some of the limiting values have. as more data have become available. Although the method is convenient for design use, it does not directly reflect how a beam carries shear forces in practice this is generally assumed to be a combination ot dowel action of the main reinforcement, aggregate interlock across shear cracks and a contribution from the flexural compression zone. The argument for reducing the shear capacity of lightweight aggregate concrete is based on a reduced contribution to shedrp from aggregate-interlock this is because the aggregate itself can crack, leading tOL smoother faces on each side of the crack, and hence less interlock. With some types ot

lightweight aggregate. this might not happen, and higher stresses could be justified. In

K K ~ ~ K ~ K~K~ K -:- ..-K K - -

Parr 2: Secuon5

the light of present knowledge. however, this could only be on the basis of comparative data between similar beams of dense and lightweight concrete.

5.5 Torsional resistance of beams


5.6 Deftections

See 5.4.

] H

In general, direct calculation will be the most realistic and economic method of checking on deflections since the method given in of Part I of the Code will be conservative. The approach used will depend on the accuracy required from the calculation but, in general. the input to the calculation should be based on properties determined from the aggregate to be used: in particular. there is a need for precise data on elastic moduli. and on creep and shrinkage characteristics.


The significant change here, compared with 3.8 in Part 1 of the Code. is that the

slenderness limit for a short column is set at 10, irrespective of whether the column is braced or unbraced. Irt part, this is to further limit the risk of deflection-induced moments. In addition, it is suggested that the clear distance between end restraints should not exceed fifty times the minimum thickness of the column. 5.7.1 General
5.7.2 Short and slender columns


5.8 Walls

5.7.3 Slender columns


Similar restrictions are introduced here as for columns for similar reasons. For slender walls (5.8.3), the changes in the values for the divisors represent conservative assessments of the relative moduli of dense and lightweight concrete, in the context of equations 34


and 44 of Part 1.
5.8.1 General 5.8.2 Stocky and slender walls

5.8.3 Slender walls

5.9 Anchorage bond and laps


Test data indicate reduced values for anchorage bond, when lightweight aggregate concrete is used (and even greater reductions for local bond, which is verv rarely critical in practice). The Code sets this reduction at 20%, leading to increased lap and anchorage lengths, which can be something of a problem for shallow short-span members. Good detailing is essential in any case, not just for these structural reasons but also to ensure proper cover for durability.

5.10 Bearing stress inside bends

The limiting bearing stress given in this clause is one-third less than that obtained by

Handbook to BS8IJO:1985


equation 50 in in Part I of the Code, for dense concrete. In reality, bearing stresses depend very much on the lateral restraint provided, and this reduction is an attempt to allow for the fact that lighrweight aggregate may crush mor.~ easily due to its porous nature.

Manual of lightweight aggregate concrete.

Second edition. Surrey University Press/Blackie & Son. Glasgow. 1983.


K .., K - K K K K ,~K K K - ~. K ~ K K K K K K ~ ~K K~ K~K~K K - - - - K~ ~ K K K .K K ~---~ ,.4.,.K~.. ~ K K



-. ~ K -

- ___ - -~ --

K K -4 K - -

K .K~

K K :.



- K - K K K- K~



PART 2 -SECTION SIX. AUTOCLAVED AERATED CONCRETE 6.1 General IAutoclaved aerated concrete is a li2htweight cellular material and does not normally contain coarse aggregate. It is made by introducing air or other gas into a slum of cement and sand, pulverized-fuel ash or other suitable material. For structural purposes. Ithe material is autoclaved, i.e. cured in high pressure steam chambers. The material is thus made in a factory to produce various precast structural units, which, in addition to their low density (4001,00Okg/m~. o~en dry). have good thermal properties and fire 1resistance. This Section stresses that the manufacturer is responsible for the design of the units. which should meet the general requirements of Section 2, Part 1 of this Code: certainly. the manufacturers recommendations regarding the use of these units should always be carefully followed. The properties of the material. the design considerations. the production of 61~. and Additional information structural units are fully described by Short and Kinnibur~h~ may be obtained from the CEB 62)~ particularly on design and detailing. More recently, a volume edited by Wittman16~ contains numerous papers on moisture I 7 ] ] 6.3 Reinforcement I j j j Owing to its porosity and low alkalinity, aerated concrete does not afford the same protection against corrosion of the steel as doesnormal concrete, and so the reinforcement must be specially treated by protective coatings. These should resist moist heat. be chemically inert towards the steel and adhere to it. have sufficient mechanical strength to resist impact and abrasion in handling, and should not be brittle nor deteriorate with age. Coating methods now in use have been well proven, even for long exposures under corrosive conditions; in general, the~ are based either on a mixture of rubber latex and cement, Reliance or on cannot special bebituminous placed oncompounds. the bond between the aerated concrete and the reinforcement, and hence all bars must be provided with suitable anchorages. One of the most common ways of achieving this is by cross-bars, welded to the main reinforcement: hence the reference this clause matsexcept or cages. means with that itthe is important that unitsin should not to be the cut use on ofsite, in This accordance manufacturers instructions. Due to the nature of the manufacturing process. is difficult to incorporate reinforcement. In slabs, shear reinforcement need itnot be provided, as long asshear the manufacturer has allowed for the shear in his design by. for example, increasing the depth of the units. However, in lintels and single beams. shear reinforcement should be provided, -broadly in accordance with th~ principles in Section 3, Part 1 of this Code. 6.4 Production of units The compressive strength of autoclaved aerated concrete is directly related to its density, rangingfrom 23N/mm at 400kg/mt to58N/mm at 800k~/m3. Strength is also dependent
I 95

6.2 Materials

movement, and on creep and shrinkage characteristics. 6.2.1 Cement 6.2.2 Water 6.2.3 Fine materials

Handbook to BS8I]O:1985

on moisture content. and can increase by 20% or more if the moisture content falls significantly below 10%. The Code requires that the average strength of 12 specimens minus 1.64 times their standard deviation is not less than 2N/mm: normally these
measurements will be taken at relatively high moisture contents, and hence a further gain in strength can be expected as the units dry out in service to 34% moisture content by volume. 6.4.1 General

6.4.2 Quality control 6.4.3 Marking of units

6.4.4 Dimensions and tolerances 6.4.5 Rebating and grooving


Methods of assessing compliance with limit state requirements

Here the responsibility for the design is placed firmly with the manufacturer. and an indication given that prototype testing will be required. In practice, manufacturers have undertaken development testing over many years. and therefore have an extensive data bank to draw on. in formulating design procedures. Deformation generally is influenced not just by stress level in service, but also by moisture content. ambient temperature and relative humidity.

6.6 Erection of units 6.7 Inspection and testing

6.2 6.3


and KINNISLRGH w. Lightweight concrete. London. Applied Science Publishers Ltd. Third Edition. 1978. 464pp. coNlim ELROPEEN DU BETON. CEB Manual of aucoclaved aerated concrete design and technologyThe Construction Press. London. 1978. p90. WI-1-rMAN PH. (Editor). Autoclaved aerated concrete, moisture and properties. Developments 380.

in Civil Engineering. 6. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co.. Oxford. 1983. p



K K-. ~ K K KK K -



This Section is not concerned with providing minimum requirements to satisfy any particular limit state. It is concerned with different aspects of deformation. and attempts to provide helpful information on deformation and movements, for use at the detailed design stage perhaps at a time when the concrete specification has not been finalized. and hence the precise properties of the mix are not known. The point is strongly made in this Section that the designer should first decide how accurate his assessment need be, since this will affect the way he approaches the design. In effect, there are threelevels of accuracy implicit in this Section as a whole: these are: (a) information required to assess the general overall response of the structure to the design loads, and hence to calculate the resulting forces and moments. This reduces to the selection of a suitable value for the modulus of elasticity, which can be used to define the stiffness of the structure as a whole. Here, the mean values given in
Table 7.2 are usually sufficient, but care may be necessary if limestone or lightweight

aggregates are to be used. (b) information required, as part of routine design. to assess deformation and movements

of concrete the material, of individual elements. and of the structure as a whole with a view to determining how to cope with these in the design. This will involve

identi~ing the source of the movement, quantifying the likely effect (perhaps
bracketing the potential range of movement in doing so). prior to taking decisions

on whether to deal directly with the stresses so induced, or to make provision for the strains involved (by providing movement joints for example). It is this level of
accuracy that Section 7 is intended to cover.

(c) the assessment made in (b) above may reveal a level of deformation such that more precise data are required, before final design and detailing decisions are possible. The Code then suggests that the only way to obtain these data is by tests carried out on concrete made with the materials to be used in the actual structure. The information contained in Section 7 is intended as guidance in predicting in-service movement. This is clearly shown by the various sub-headings. which are concerned with:

Elastic deformation Creep Drying shrinkage Thermal strains. However, to obtain a proper overall perspective, it is important to remember that other forms of movement can occur, particularly at an early age when the concrete is still plastic (plastic shrinkage, plastic settlement) or when it has just hardened (early age thermal contraction, crazing). These deformations are essentially intrinsic, being dependent on the constituent materials, concrete technology, workmanship. etc. Dealing with this type of movement is primarily a concrete technology issue. and guidance is available in the literature~7- 7,2) However, in coping subsequently with in-service movement, it is important to remember that this early age movement (and how it is dealt with) will all too often provide the basis or datum line for all subsequent movement. Movement and deformation are mainly a serviceability issue: however, excessive deformation or a failure to deal properly with movement in design can cause cracking, or the opening of joints or other defects, all of which can accelerate deterioration and affect durability.


Handbook to 8S8110:1985

7.2 Elastic deformation

The provisions in this Section are based substantially on reference 7.3. Elastic modulus depends predominantly on the type of aggregate used, but is also influenced by the grade



of concrete. The relative importance of these factors is clearly shown in equation 17 and Table 7.2. Table 7.2 also shows the wide range of values that can occur in practice for
any particular grade, and the Code suggests that it would be prudent to consider a range of values in a particular case. in order to bracket the movement that could occur.

Although no allowance for an increase in strength with age beyond 28 days ts permitted
in Part I of the Code when dealing with limit state requirements, Table 7>1 has nevertheless been included here. since, in dealing with movements, the assessment should be as accurate and realistic as possible.

7.3 Creep
The recommendations in this Section are based mainly on reference 74. A great deal

of research has been done on creep over the years. but mainly under controlled laboratory conditions and some care is necessary in applying laboratory data to actual structuresin service. Figure 7. 1 is an attempt to present the best available information in a simplified way for design purposes. Creep depends on the stress in the element and on its stiffness. As Figure 7. 1 indicates, the creep coefficient also depends on the environmental conditions, on the maturxt~- ot the concrete, on the aspect ratio of the cross-section, and also on the composition of the concrete itself. Additionaly, creep and shrinkage effects are inter-related, although it is normal practice. as indkited here, to deal with them

[ r

7.4 Drying shrinkage

This clause is also based on reference 7.4. Figure 7.2 shows the strong influence of

relative humidity and of the aspect ratio of the cross-section. Mix proportions are also important, and attention is also drawn to the influenceof highly shrinkableaggregatest7.S). Figure 7.2 relates to plain concrete, and the influence of any reinforcement should also be taken into account. The Code gives a simple method for symmetrical reinforcement but the influence of non-symmetrical reinforcement on curvature is more complex.In this context. a cross-reference is made to Section 3. Part 2 of the Code and to equation 9 in clause 3.6 in particular. A more detailed treatment of the subject is given in reference

r I


7.5 Thermal strains

Figure 7.3 is taken direct from reference 7.4. which also contains a much more detailed version of Table 7.3.



7.2 7.3 7.4


Early age thermal crack control in concrete. Report 91, London. Construction Industry Rcsearch and Information Association. 1981. 48p. THECO\CRETESOC!E1~Y Non-structural cracks in concrete. Technical Report No.22. The Concrete Society. London. 1982. 38p. rEYCHENNE. 0 C. P.\RROTT. Li. and PO.\IEROY. c D The estimation of the elastic modulus of concrete for the desien of structures. Building Research Establishment. Garston. Current Paper CP 23/78. 1978. l2p. ~.~utorr. Li. Simplified methods of predicting the deformation of structural concrete. Wexham Springs. Cement and Concrete Association. Development Report No.3. October 1979. lIp. ItLILDING RESEARCH ESTAHLISH\IENT Shrinkage of natural aggregates in concrete. BRS Digest 35 (second series). 1968, HOBBS. 0 w Shrinkace-induced curvature of reinforced concrete members. Wettham Springs. Cement and Concrete Association. Development Report No. 4. November 1979. l9p.




8.1 General
Since the first national Code of Practice for reinforced concrete was published in 1934, structures have tended to become lighter and more flexible and hence more vulnerable to the effects of dimensional change. At the same time, materials have become stronger, with the result that structures are produced which are less tolerant in their intrinsic ability to accommodate movement, without special provisions being made. This means that more attention has to be given consciously to the treatment of movement in design; the mere existence of this Section of the Code highlights that fact. Section 7, Part 2 of the Code gives guidance on calculating deformations due to factors such as creep, shrinkage and thermal movement; the commentary on that Section briefly mentions other factors, and gives references which permit these to be assessed. It will be obvious from Section 7 that the prediction of deformation is not an exact science,
and engineering judgement is required in identifying and quantifying those factors which

are of importance, in individual cases.

Even more judgement is required in deciding how to allow for these deformations in design each with its associated variability. In broad terms, sources of movement can

be considered in one of three classes:

(a) Intrinsic i.e. those due to change in the inherent properties of the materials and components. For concrete, this category would include early age thermal movement, plastic shrinkage and settlement. and, to some extent, drying shrinkage and creep. (b) External ie. those due to dead and imposed loading, to temperature and humidity change. etc. (c) Time-ucp~ndent i.e. seasonal. diurnal. This classification is significant in design. since the solution to each can be different; for example. some intrinsic sources of movement can be dealt with by reducing them to acceptable levels via concrete technology, whereas time-dependent sources cannot be avoided in this way and require accommodation as part of the design. In any particular case, having identified, classified and quantified all relevant sources of potential movement and deformation, the designer is faced with making a choice between alternative strategies. Again, he has three basic approaches to choose from: (a) Reduction of the deformation. This might be appropriate for many of ihe intrinsic sources of movement. By the use of protective or insulation systems, it might also be relevant for seasonal variations. (b) Suppression of the deformation. In effect, this implies accepting built-in restraints, and coping with the resulting stresses by appropriate design of the individual elements and the structure as a whole. (c) Accommodation of the deformation. This means allowing movement to physically take place. In practice. some combination of these approaches will generally be most appropriate; however, if this is done, the required detailing associated with each should be compatible; the analyses of feedback on in-service performance indicates that this has not always been so, and that the general approach in designing for movement is often confused. This Section of the Code effectively deals only with approach (c) as outlined above. The treatment can be no more than general in nature, and reference should be made to the literature for more detailed information18-- ~

8.2 Need for movement joints 8.3 Types of movement joint


Handbook to BS8IJO:198S

8.4 Provision of joints 8.5 Design of joints


and LAWSON. RM. Design for movement in buildings. Technical Note 107. Construction Industry Research and Information Association. London. 1981. S4pp. 8.2 RAINGER. p, Movement control in the fabric of buildings. Batsford Academic and Educational Ltd. 1983. 216pp.
8.1 ALEXANDER. 5,5.


[ U I [




~ K-K

.K K~K K


KKK. ~

K~K - KK K -


9.1 General
This Section is intended to cover cases where testing may be deemed necessary during construction. That point is stressed in 9.1; model or prototype testing is specifically excluded, nor do the clauses relate to the appraisal of structures that have been in service for some time (where reference should be made elsewhere to the literature e.g. reference 9.1). Testing, particularly load testing, is expensive, and the implication behind the whole of Section 9 is that it should only be used as a last resort: and should not be regarded as an easy option in a dispute situation~ The approach is essentially a structured one. Firstly, there is the need to clearly establish that testing is necessary (9.2). 9.3 then defines the basic objective, namely to assess the structure as built and to determine if
it meets the requirements of the original design. There then follows

in 9.4 and 9.5

a progressive series of steps to be followed. Above all, any testing must be meaningful. In general, the design and construction of structures which satisfactorily fulfil their intended function is made up of an overall package which can be broken down into a series of discrete elements as follows: (a) a proper assessment of loads and load effects (b) the choice of performance criteria (e.g. deflection or crack width values) (c) a choice of appropriate factors of safety, or design margins (d) the use of representative models for structural behaviour (e) complying with material specifications (f) achieving relevant standards of workmanship. Doubts generally arise because of deficiencies in (e) and (f). Here, the importance of inspection and supervision cannot be over-emphasised in getting the construction right in the first place, and particular attention is drawn to reference 9.2. However, where something has gone wrong (9.2), then the implication of any test results obtained on the whole package (af above) must be considered.

9.2 Purpose of testing 9.3 Basis of approach 9.4 Check tests on structural concrete
9.4.1 General This clause emphasises that testing need not relate solely to strength. In general, a measure of in situ strength is a good guide to concrete quality, but B58110 as a whole. and Sections 3 and 6 of Part 1 in particular, places great stress on the provision of adequate durability. Consideration may then be given to the use of covermeters. NDT techniques. gamma radiography, chemical analysis. surface absorption measurements (or other techniques to quantify permeability), etc. 9.4.2 Concrete strength in structures

9.5 Load tests on structures or parts of structures

9.5.1 General Detailed recommendations on test procedures are given in reference 9.1.

Handbook o BS8IIO:1985 9.5.2 Test loads Since the basic objective is to ~calibrate the structure as built against the original design.

F [

the magnitude of the test load must be sufficient to give reliable measurements of strains, deflections. etc. Various caveats are given in 9.5.2. which are important in interpreting
the results obtained and in matching the assessed performance against that expected in the original design. The levels of loading specified should be regarded as minimum values, since it is also important to remember that most designs are based on an envelope approach using patterned loading. If the primary concern is about strength or stability of the structure. then there is a good case for increasing the test load up to 1.5 times the design live load, provided that this does not cause permanent damage. should the test prove satisfactory. Engineering judgement is absolutely essential in individual cases. 9.5.3 Assessment of results

Comparisons between measured and predicted results are essential. Where there are
significant differences (say greater than 1520%), then the first step should be to check that the structure is not carrying the load in a way different from that assumed in the design (due. say, to arching action. or the influence of non-load-bearing elements). Material properties should then be re-checked. If there are still serious discrepancies in the results using the criteria in 9.5.4 as guidelines then additional special tests may have to be devised (9.5.5) to eliminate all extraneous factors or. alternatsvetv. remedial action taken.


9.5.4 Test criteria The values given are for general guidance only. The most Important factor is that the test loads should be applied at least twice; repeatability, and the recovery of the structure after the load is removed. are perhaps the most important issues.

9.5.5 Special tests

This clause is intended primarily for precast units which, in the final structure. will act compositely with in situ concrete. However, the approach should also be considered for load testing of the type described in 9.5.2, if discrepancies appear in the results (see commentary on 9.5.3 above).

9.6 Load tests on individual precast units

The two paragraphs in this clause cover quite different situations. The first simply says that if there are doubts about an elementfor the reasons given in 9.2then that element should be treated like any other concrete element i.e. clauses 9.3 9.5 obtain. The second paragraph relates to Quality Assurance. A number of accredited QA schemes



now exist relates for various precast it is and important to measure remember QA generally to the entirecomponents; production here process. gives a of that assessed
capability testing is only one part of that assessment, and sampling would not be expected to exceed that laid down in the relevant technical schedule.


N5T1Tt.TtO~ OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS. Appraisal of existing structures. July 1980,


9.2 iNs-n-I-u-rto~ OFSTRUC~TURAL ENGINEERS. Inspection of building structures during construction- Aprtl 1983. 20p.

[ 3

-K K .KK.KKK~ ,K . ~

K 4 4 4 44 KKK KK K K..... K ~ K K . 4

K K --K.-


~ ~.9../CA~~ 4

4.~ ,44~K ~ K- ~4

.K,KK K~K4KK~4





-- K 4 -

K K K-


Handbook to 8S8110:198S LIST OF TABLES PART 1 Section Table H3.1 Page

33.4 3,4.4.4

H3.2 H3.3

3,4,4.4 H3 .4 H3.5 H3.6

6.1.2 6.1.3 H6. 1

Moments in columns Exposure conditions Valuesof K corresponding to various amounts of redistribution Design parameters for rectangular sections Assumed beam/column stiffnesses Multiplying factorsfor lap lengths Concrete characteristics requiring the use of special cements or ggbfs, or pfa Choice or limitationof aggregatecharacteristics Types of concrete mixes inBritish Standards Characteristics of different types of mix
Compressivestrength (from BS 5328)

27 32 38 38 60
77 129

6.3.1 6.3.1
6.3.2 6.3.3

H6.2 H6.3 H6.4

H6.5 H6. 6

130 136 136


6.3.3 6.3.3 6.3.4


H6.7 1-16.8 H6.9

H6. 10

Equivalent grades for cement content Equivalent grades for water/cement ratio Modifications toTables H6.6 and H6.7 to allow for other specified requirements
Clauses relating to the effects of materials on the

139 140 140

141 142

characteristics ofconcrete
Compressive strength compliance requirements


6.4.2 7.1
7.2 7.2

H6. 11 H7. 1
H7.2 H7.3

Compliance with specified mix proportions British Standard requirements for reinforcingbars in concrete Cutting and bending tolerances
Minimum diameter offormer

143 155 156



H8. 1

British Standard requirements for prestressing tendons for concrete


PART 2 (2)4 (2)5.1~1 H(2)4.1 H(2)5.1

Variation ofminimum width of member and cover to reinforcement Some design properties of lightweight aggregateconcrete, compared with the same grade of normal-weight concrete

181 191


Handbook to BS8IZO:198S LIST OF FIGURES PART 1 Page Schematic illustration of tying system Poor structural layouts 23

26 27 28 29 33 34 34 35 37 39

Figure H31:
Figure H3.2:

(a) lack of torsional stiffness

(b) lines of action ofload and resistance notcoincident

Permissible simplification of a frame for analysis Comparison of analyses including and ignoring the columns Figure H3.5: Alternative treatment of laterally-loaded unbraced frame Figure H3.6: Developmentof bending moments in an encastrd beam Figure H3.7: Comparison of CP 110 and BS 8110for two hours fire resistance Figure H3,8: Comparison of CP 110 and BS 81 lOfire provisions Figure H3.9: Is it a wall, beam, column or slab? Figure H3. 10: Effective flange width concepts Figure H3A1: flanged beam Figure H3. 12: Shear strength of beams without shear reinforcement Figure H3.13: Provision ofshear reinforcement in beams Figure H3. 14: Normal mode of shear failure Figure H3.15: Truss systems for shear Figure H3. 16: Ultimate shear stresses for beams loaded close to supports.: u~ taken from Code Figure H3. 17: Loads on the bottom of beams Figure H3. 18: Shear and axial compression Figure H3. 19: Examples of torsion due to imposed rotation Figure H3.20: Logic behind tension steel multipliers Figure H3.21 (a): Modification factorsas a function of steel percentage figure H3.21 (b): Modification factorsfrom Table 3.11 Figure H3.22: Development of bending moment envelope for slab Figure H3.23: Areas to be considered for section propertiesin equivalent frame analysis Figure H3.24: Distribution oflong-span negative moment in internal panel offlat slab Figure H3.25: Reduction ofshear perimeter nearholes Figure H3.26: Assumeddeformed shape of braced column Figure H3.27: Assumeddeformed shape of unbraced column Figure H3.28 (a): Effective length concept for a braced column Figure H3.28 (b): Effective length concept for an unbraced column Figure H3.29: Problem situation for treatment of minimum moments Figure H3.30: Variation of ultimate curvature at different axial loads Figure H3.31: Interpretation ofClauses 3,8.1.7,,, 3.8,3.4 and 3.8,3.9 Figure H3.32: Validity of design charts for columnswith reinforcement not concentrated in corners Figure H3,33: Effective depth of a column section
Figure H3,34:

Figure 1-13.3: Figure H3,4:

r r r

40 41 42

C 0 I

43 43 45 46

47 50 52 56

58 58
59 59


63 64 67 67

Figure H3.35:
Figure H3.36:

Eccentricity in braced walls Eccentricity in a single-storey unbraced wall

Load distribution along a wall

Stress block under ultimate conditions in plain wall Shear in pile caps

68 71 76 76 79 81 86 88

Figure H3,37:
Figure H3.38: Figure H3,39:

Modesof lap failure

Effect ofjoggled lap

Figure H3.40: Figure H3.41: Figure H3.42: Figure H4, 1: Figure H4,2: Figure H4,3: Figure H4.4:

Minimum bar spacings (hag is the maximum size of aggregate) Maximum bar spacingsin shallow members
Notation used in calculations for slender beams

Conditions atend ofa Class 3 beam Significance oftype of loading on the relation between deflectionand time Design of prestressed concrete sections in flexure

89 90


K -.

.. -

K K. K K~ 4 .K.. ~KKKKKKK


K K K - K ~~KK

>1S K~ K

, K

K K~ .K,KKKKK .K K K. KK~~K K K K.. K--K ~ KK~, -, . ~~KKK K. -K


K ,-

~ K.... K .4-

K--K...-K. K KK

K -~-4 --K - ~K

~ -~ K~KKK K K-,,


, -K

-K.. , -. K

~ K


Handbook to BS8IJO:1985

Figure H4.5: Figure H4.6: Figure H4,7: Figure H4.8: Figure H4.9: Figure H4. 10: Figure H4.11: Figure H4.12: Figure H4.13: Figure H4. 14: Figure H4.15: Figure H4.16: Figure H4.17: Figure H4.18: Figure H5A: Figure H5,2: Figure H5.3: Figure H5.4: Figure H5,5: Figure H5.6: Figure H5.7: Figure H5.8: Figure H5.9: Figure H5.10: Figure H5.11: Figure 1-15.12: Figure H5A3: Figure HS.14: Figure H6, 1: Figure H6.2:

Design chartfor prestressed rectangular beams (bonded tendon) Design of Tbeams for flexure Treatment of flangedsection where Hf=0.9x Prestressed beam showing zones for shear Flow chart for shear in prestressed concrete Prestressed beam with pdssible shear failure Effects of(a) deflected and (b) straight tendons in sections uncracked in flexure Theoretical effect of inclined tendons in sections uncracked in flexure Critical section for shear at end of a pre-tensioned beam Theoretical effect of deflected tendo-ns in sections
cracked in flexure

91 92 93 93

95 95


Effect of (a) time and (b) temperature on the relaxationof 5mm diameterwire at various levels of sttess Influence of tpe ofaggregateon creep
Splitting at ends of pre-tensioned beams



Bursting stresses from tendons with high curvature Design basis for corbels ( Possible methods of anchoringmain tension reinforcement
in corbels

113 114

Methods ofprovidingcontinuity of reinforcement for precast floors and beams Empirical detailing rules for achieving continuity of reinforcement with vertical loop bars Example ofwhere a grout recess would need its sides roughened (ajoint between two large columns subject to mainly axial load) Problems at ends of compression bars (a) stress distribution in concrete, (b) effect of bending or hooking compression bars Types ofconnection referred to in (a) compression sleeve, (b) compression and tension sleeve Examples of types of threading referred to in



118 118 119

120 120 122 123 125

Basic types ofconnection using structural steel inserts

Force system for design of singlesteel inserts for columns Effective joint area for compression joints (5.3.6) Suggested enhanced compressive stress values in composite beams for different forms of construction Continuity in composite construction Composite sections considered in designing for shear (5.4.7) (a) original member, (b) with composite infill, (c) with
composite topping

Relationship between strength and cement content ofconcrete made with OPC. 75mm slump and coarse aggregatewith maximum size 20mm Relationship between free water/cement ratio and cement content of concrete (OPC, 75mm slump, 20mm coarse




Figure H(2)2.1: Figure H(2)2.2: Figure H(2)2.3: Figure H(2)3. 1: Figure H(2)3.2:

Buckling modes for rectangular frames Formationof yield lines in a wall subjected to lateral loading Configuration of wall under ultimate conditions Influence of uncertaibty about tensile strength of concrete on deformation Partition wall damage cracks between wall and floor due to a self-supporting wall

170 171 171 173 174


Handbook to BSSIIO:198S


Figure H(2)3.3:
Figure H(2)3.4:

Partition wall damage cracks atjoints between wall and

ceiling and towards exterior wall due to rotation or movement

of individual wall panels Partition wall damage inclined cracks due to shear
Partition wall damage vertical cracking due to flexure


Figure H(2)3.5:
Figure H(2)3.6: Figure H(2)3.7:

Partition wall damage types of damage related to different

structural configurations

176 176 177


Figure H(2)38:
Figure H(2)39: Figure H(2)3. 10: Figure H(2)3. 11. Figure H(2)4. 1: Figure H(2)4,2: Figure H(2)4.3:

Cracking of model walls due to sagging or hogging (from Ref. 2.3.4) Skemptons definitionof angular distortion Damage to partitions as a function of calculated deflection of supporting structure (Ref. 3.2) Neutral axis depths for rectangular section Second moments of areaof rectangular sections Nominal cover and fire resistance cover in beams or columns Nominal cover and fire resistance cover in walls or slabs Structural effects of temperature

179 180 183 183 190


~ -K..-.

t _[
K-KKK-.K--~ -~

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