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Question Bank CAD CAM

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Question Bank CAD/CAM

Q MCQs (1 Mark Each) i) Digitizer is constructed on the basis of: (a) Magnetic tablet mechanism (b) Acoustic tablet mechanism ii) iii) (c) Optical tablet mechanism (d) both (a) and (b) Light pen is a: (a) Writing device (b) Drawing device (c) Locating device (d) Lighting device Color raster displa uses three electron guns! namel : (a)"ed! green and blue (b) "ed# green and ellow iv) v) Q Q a) b) a) b) (c) White# blue and blac$ (d) "ed# blac$ and white Write %ull form of CAD# CAM# CA&# CA'C# CA((# C)M ****** is an image generation techni+ue: (a)stro$e writing (b) ,ablet (en (c)-calar writing(d) .one of these Elaborate stages in the development of CA !CAM" $rite note on %ard&are in CA isc(ss the importance of geometric transformations in comp(ter graphics $rite note on %omogeneo(s coordinates

# ' # '

Q Write the machining codes for following machining operations (MCQ) A. 1 %or "apid ,ravel * a! /00 a! /42 a!M02 b!/11 b! /45 b!M06 c! /22 c!/44 c!M05 d! d! d!

/03! 2 D0 loop* /41 3 ,ool change*

M07 4 -pindle anticloc$wise and coolant on a!M32 b!M36 5 /! ,ool change! a!M02 M07 c!M43 b!M06 d!M31 c!M05 d!

Question Bank CAD/CAM

Q !ollowing "#estions carr$ 1 mar% each . A. ,he device used to read the .C s stems is called888888 a) -canner c) %le9owriter . %le9ible Automation is also called as888 a) -oft automation c) %i9ed automation b) :ard automation d) "igid b) (unch tape reader d) Collator 5

automation C. )n C.C programming# the codes for angular dimensions around 9# #z a9es are888 a) A#;#C c) )#>#? b) <#=#W d) L#M#.

&. Multiple pallets are used in C.C machine tools# basicall for8888 a) )ncreasing the cost of machine b) &ase of handling the c) )ncreasing machine utilization '. ,he miscellaneous function words consist of 88888 digits a) one c) three b) two d) four ( @ob d) All of these

Q Write the C.C part program for the component given fig*4! (rovide the a) details on tools# operation se+uence and processes! Assume suitable data and

Question Bank CAD/CAM

Mention clearl !

)) Discuss the role of servomotors in C.C

Q Discuss the structure and drives in =MC with a s$etch! a) )) &laborate the importance of tool magazine and A,C Q.4 &9plain in detail adaptive control of C.C machine tools a) )) &9plain with neat s$etch different tool holding devices on C.C machines Q.5 Write short notes (on an$ 3) a) ,ool setting d) Absolute and incremental )) Canned c cles c) Modular tooling e) f) programming D.C (unch*tape and tape reader Q Write the machining codes for following machining operations (MCQ)

* 4 * 4 (


Question Bank CAD/CAM

A! %or "apid ,ravel * ;!D0 loop* c!/44 a! /3A Chec$! &! )nch (rogramming! d!/A4 a!M00 a!M02 coolant on )! Absolute positioning a!/37 >! &nd of ,ape * a!M10 b!M13 c!M4A d!M14! b!/72 c!/B3 d!/B0 b!M03 b!M06 c!M04 c!M05 d!M02 d! M07 a!M32 b!M36 c!M43 %! &nd of program /! ,ool change! :! -pindle anticloc$wise and d!M31C b!/02 d! /41 c! /30 d!/37 a! /4A b!/31 a!/A0 a! /00 b!/11 c! /22 d! /03! a! /42 C! ,ool Length offset value D! "eferences (oint "eturn c!/40 b!/A3 d!/46 c!/6B b! /45

Question Bank CAD/CAM

A! Write a manual program for drilling holes as shown in fig!3! ,he spindle is initiall positioned at the lower left corner of the @ob! ,he actual drilling once position is achieved manuall b the operator! ,M


Write the C.C part program for the component given fig* 4! (rovide the details on tools# operation se+uence and processes! Assume suitable data and Mention clearl !



Q. Attempt following 1. Define AutomationD What are its t pesD 2. What is /roup technolog D What are its advantages E disadvantages 3. &9plain %M-D Describe its elements E merits and demerits of %M4. &9plain C)M! 5. Write a note on F concept of machine cell

4 5 ( 4 4

Q 1)

MCQ )ablet *en is an++++device a ispla, b O(tp(t c -np(t

4 d All of above

Question Bank CAD/CAM

devices 2) -n CA Comp(ters are needed for+++ 3) Q. a) b) c) d) a Modification of design b Optimi.ation of design

$hat is long form of CAQC/ CA**/ C-M/ CAE/ *0C/ CA)-A E1plain vario(s f(nctions of 2raphic 3oft&are $hat is 2)4 E1plain an, t&o of them" Elaborate the stages in the development of CA !CAM $rite 3hort 5ote on 6 %omogeneo(s co7ordinate 8 1 %ard&are in CA Advantages 9 isadvantages of CA !CAM 3,stem 4 4 4 9

Q. A. 1 2 3 4

Write the machining codes for following machining operations (MCQ) %or "apid ,ravel * a! /00 b!/11 c! /22 d! /03! D0 loop* a! /42 b! /45 c!/44 d! /41 ,ool change* a!M02 b!M06 c!M05 d! M07 -pindle anticloc$wise and coolant on

a!M32 b!M36 c!M43 d!M31 5 /! ,ool change! a!M02 b!M06 c!M05 d! M07 Q.1 . !ollowing "#estions carr$ 1 mar% each A. ,he device used to read the .C s stems is called888888 e) -canner f) (unch tape reader g) %le9owriter h) Collator . %le9ible Automation is also called as888 e) -oft automation f) :ard automation g) %i9ed automation h) "igid automation C. )n C.C programming# the codes for angular dimensions around 9# #z a9es are888 e) A#;#C f) <#=#W

Question Bank CAD/CAM

g) )#>#? h) L#M#. &. Multiple pallets are used in C.C machine tools# basicall for8888 e) )ncreasing the cost of machine f) &ase of handling the @ob g) )ncreasing machine utilization h) All of these '. ,he miscellaneous function words consist of 88888 digits e) one f) two g) three h) four Q.2 a) Write the C.C part program for the component given fig*4! (rovide the details on tools# operation se+uence and processes! Assume suitable data and Mention clearl !

)) Discuss the role of servomotors in C.C

Q.3 a) )) Q.4 a) )) Q.5 a) )) c)

Discuss the structure and drives in =MC with a s$etch! &laborate the importance of tool magazine and A,C &9plain in detail adaptive control of C.C machine tools &9plain with neat s$etch different tool holding devices on C.C machines Write short notes (on an$ 3) ,ool setting d) Absolute and incremental programming Canned c cles e) D.C Modular tooling f) (unch*tape and tape reader

* 4 * 4 (

Question Bank CAD/CAM

All Q(estions asked in 5ov 6::;!Ma, 6:1:!5ov6:1:!Ma, 6:11!5ov 6:11!Ma, 6:16!5ov 6:16!Ma, 6:18!5ov6:18 2iven most probable <(estions and MCQs

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