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ELE 308

S. No.
1 2 3 4 5 6

To study the V-I characteristics of SCR
To study the V-I characteristics of TRIAC To study the characteristics of IGBT To study the performance and waveform of HWR and FWR by using RC Triggering circuit To study the performance and waveform of UJT Triggering of SCR . To study the performance and waveform of Full Wave Controlled Rectifier with resistance load and Inductive load . To study the performance of voltage commutated chopper for constant frequency operations To study the speed control of Induction motor and plot speed v/s firing angle characteristics. To study the speed control of Universal motor and plot speed v/s firing angle characteristics. To obtain variable AC from DC ripple input

6-8 9-11 12-14 15-17 18-19


8 9 10

23-24 25-26 27-28

To study the V-I characteristics of S.C.R. Equipment required: SCR TY604, Power Supplies, Wattage Resistors, Ammeter, Voltmeter, etc.,

Learning Object:

To practice how to take the values of Latching current and Holding current

Circuit Diagram: -

Ideal Graph: -

Outline of the Procedure: 1. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram. 2. The value of gate current IG, is set to convenient value by adjusting VGG. 3. By varying the anode- cathode supply voltage VAA gradually in step-bystep, note down the corresponding values of VAK & IA. Note down VAK & IA at the instant of firing of SCR and after firing (by reducing the voltmeter ranges and in creasing the ammeter ranges) then increase the supply voltage VAA. Note down corresponding values of VAK & IA. 4. The point at which SCR fires, gives the value of break over voltage VBO. 5. A graph of VAK V/S IA is to be plotted. 6. The on state resistance can be calculated from the graph by using a formula. 7. The gate supply voltage VGG is to be switched off 8. Observe the ammeter reading by reducing the anode-cathode supply voltage VAA. The point at which the ammeter reading suddenly goes to zero gives the value of Holding Current IH. 9. Steps No.2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 are repeated for another value of the gate current IG.


S. No



1) All connection should be tight. 2) Wire should not over long. 3) After completing the job all tools must be kept at proper place. 4) Keep your mind and eyes on the job & dont talk any one while working. 5) Tools not being used should not be scatter on working table.

Learning outcomes: to be written by the students in 50-70 words.

To study the v-1 characteristics of a TRIAC Equipment required: TRIAC BT 136, power supplies, wattage resistors, ammeter, voltmeter, etc.,

Learning Objectives :- To practice how to measure the values of gate current by varying the gate voltage

Outline of the Procedure: - I mode 1. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram (a) 2. The value of gate current ig is set to convenient value by adjusting vgg.
3. By varying the supply voltage Vm gradually in step-by-step, note down the corresponding values of Vmt2t1 and i1. Note down Vmt2t1 and i1 at the instant of firing of TRIAC and after firing (by reducing the voltmeter ranges and

increasing the ammeter ranges) then increase the supply voltage Vmt2mt1 and i1. 4. The point at which TRIAC fires gives the value of break over voltage vbo1 5. A graph of vmt2t1 v/s i1 is to be plotted. 6. The gates supply voltage. Vgg is to be switched off 7. Observe the am meter reading by reducing the supply voltage vmt. The point at which the ammeter reading suddenly goes to zero gives the value of holding current ih. II mode: 1. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram (b) 2. The gate current is set as same value as in i-mode 3. Repeat the step no. s 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 of I-mode Characteristic curve: -

RESULT: I-mode ig= ma VTRIAC volts II-mode Ig= ma VTRIAC volts ITRIAC ma


1) All connection should be tight. 2) Wire should not over long. 3) After completing the job all tools must be kept at proper place. 4) Keep your mind and eyes on the job & dont talk any one while working. 5) Tools not being used should not be scatter on working table.

Learning outcomes: to be written by the students in 50-70 words.

To study the characteristics of IGBT Equipment required: IGBT-IRGBC 20S, Power Supplies, Wattage Resistors, Ammeter, Voltmeter, etc., Learning Objective :-

To practice how to measure the values of gate current

by varying the gate voltage

Outline of the Procedure: Collector Characteristics 1. Connections are mode as shown in the circuit diagram. 2. Initially set V2 to VGE1 = 5v (slightly more than threshold voltage) 3. Slowly vary V1 and note down IC and VCE 4. For particular value of VGE there is pinch off voltage (VP) between collector and emitter 5. Repeat the experiment for different values of VGE and note down IC v/s VCE 6. Draw the graph of IC v/s VCE for different values of VGE. Transconductance Characteristics 1. Connections are mode as shown in the circuit diagram. 2. Initially keep V1 and V2 at zero. 9

3. Set VCE1 = say 0.8 v 4. Slowly vary V2 (VGE) and note down IC and VGE readings for every 0.5v and enter tabular column
5. Repeat the experiment for different values of VCE and draw the graph of





Cautions :
1) All connection should be tight. 2) Wire should not over long. 3) After completing the job all tools must be kept at proper place. 4) Keep your mind and eyes on the job & dont talk any one while working. 5) Tools not being used should not be scatter on working table

Learning outcomes: to be written by the students in 50-70 words.


To study the performance & waveforms of HWR & FWR by using RC triggering Circuit

Equipment REQUIRED: Transformer, SCR TY604, BY127, Resistor, Capacitor, Ammeter, Voltmeter

Learning Objective :- To practice how to measure the values of HWR & FWR by
using RC triggering Circuit


Outline of the PROCEDURE

Half Wave Rectifier 1. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram 2. By varying a resistance R gradually in step by step, note down the corresponding values of Vn & Vm from CRO and Vodc from the DC voltmeter. The readings are tabulated in the tabular column.


If the firing angle ranges from 0 to 90 , then the firing angle is


4. The conduction angle 5.

Watts respectively

. A graph of Vo v/s , Vo v/s , Io v/s , Io v/s , Podc v/s , Podc v/s are 6. to be plotted. 7. Compare practical output voltage with theoretical output voltage,

Voth =
Full Wave Rectifier

2 (1+cos)volts


2V rms

1.Repeat the above said procedure for full wave rectifier. WAVEFORMS :-



Result :- For HWR and FWR S. No Vm Vn ( <90 )


( >90 )

Learning outcomes: to be written by the students in 50-70 words.


Experiment 5
To study the performance & waveforms of U.J.T triggering of S.C.R. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: SCR-TY604, Power supplies, Wattage Resistors, Ammeter, Voltmeter, UJT-2N2646, Pulse Transformer, etc., Learning Object : To practice the performance of U.J.T triggering of S.C.R.

Circuit diagram :-

OUTLINE OF THE PROCEDURE: 1. Connections are mode as shown in the circuit diagram 2. By varying a resistance R gradually in step by step, note down the corresponding values of Vn & Vm from CRO and VOdc from D.C voltmeter. The readings are tabulated in the tabular column. 3. If firing angle ranges from 0 to 90 , then firing angle can be calculated from
= Sin Vm


in degrees


4. The conduction angle can be calculated by using a formula, = 180 -

5. The current & power is calculated by

If firing angle ranges from 90 to 180 , then firing angle can be calculated by using a formula,


Idc = Vdc2 Pdc =

R Amps

Watts respectively

6. A graph of Vdc v/s , Vdc v/s , Idc v/s , Idc v/s , Pdc v/s , and Pdc v/s are to be plotted on a graph sheet.

7. For given frequency, the value of R can be calculated by using a formula,

1 T = 2.303RC.log10 T
When 0.67

C = 0.1 mF & N = Intrinsic stand off ratio =

2.303C.log10 1

8. This value of R is set in the circuit, Step No S 3. 4. 5. & 6. are repeated and waveforms are observed at different points as shown.

1) All connection should be tight. 2) Wire should not over long. 3) After completing the job all tools must be kept at proper place. 4) Keep your mind and eyes on the job & dont talk any one while working. 5) Tools not being used should not be scatter on working table.

Learning outcomes: to be written by the students in 50-70 words.

To study the performance and waveforms of full wave controlled rectifier with Resistance load and Inductive load EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: SCR-TY604, Power supplies, Wattage Resistors, Ammeter, Voltmeter, UJT-2N2646, BY127, Inductor, Pulse Transformer, etc.,

Learning Object : To practice the performance of full wave controlled rectifier CIRCUIT DIAGRAM :With R Load (resistive Load)

OUTLINE OF THE PROCEDURE: 1. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram for resistive load. 2. By varying a variable resistor R in step-by-step gradually. Note down corresponding values of VN, VM, from C.R.O. and VO or Vload or VDC from d.c.voltmeter for resistive load, the readings are tabulated in the tabular column

3. If varies from 0 To 900, then firing angle can be calculated from angle to angle
4. For Inductance load repeat step no. 1,2,3&4

1) All connection should be tight. 2) Wire should not over long. 3) After completing the job all tools must be kept at proper place. 4) Keep your mind and eyes on the job & dont talk any one while working. 5) Tools not being used should not be scatter on working table.

Learning outcomes: to be written by the students in 50-70 words.


To study the performance of voltage commutated chopper for constant frequency operations. EQUIPMENTS Required: Module, SCRs, Diodes, inductor, capacitors, etc.,

Learning Object : To practice how voltage commutated chopper for constant

frequency operations works .


OUTLINE OF THE Procedure: 1. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram. 2. Input DC voltage is set to convenient value (10v to 25v). 3. By varying duty cycle knob of triggering circuit module step by step gradually note down corresponding Ton and T from the CRO and VO from DC voltmeter and tabulate. 4. Duty cycle K is calculated by usingK = 5. A graph of VO v/s K is plotted.




6. Observe load and device voltage waveforms.


RESULT :Sl. No. Duty Cycle knobs TON cro TCRO



Vo (V)


1) All connection should be tight. 2) Wire should not over long. 3) After completing the job all tools must be kept at proper place. 4) Keep your mind and eyes on the job & dont talk any one while working. 5) Tools not being used should not be scatter on working table.

Learning outcomes: to be written by the students in 50-70 words.


To study speed control of Induction motor and plot speed v/s . Equipment required: Module, TRIAC, Induction Motor, etc.,

Learning Object : To practice how to control the speed of Induction Motor .


Outline of the Procedure: 1. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram. 3. A graph of v/s speed is plotted.
2. Firing angle is varied in steps gradually, note down corresponding speed of the induction motor using Tachometer and tabulate.


RESULT :Sl. No. Firing Angle ( ) Speed in RPM

1) All connection should be tight. 2) Wire should not over long. 3) After completing the job all tools must be kept at proper place. 4) Keep your mind and eyes on the job & dont talk any one while working. 5) Tools not being used should not be scatter on working table.

Learning outcomes: to be written by the students in 50-70 words.


To study speed control of Universal motor and plot speed v/s . Equipment required: Module, TRIAC-BT136, Universal Motor, Diode-IN4001 etc.,

Learning Object : To practice how to control the speed CIRCUIT DIAGRAM:Universal Motor (DC)

Universal Motor (AC)


Outline of the Procedure: DC Motor: 1. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram. 3. A graph of v/s speed is plotted. AC Motor: 1. Above procedure is repeated for AC Motor.
2. Firing angle is varied in steps gradually, note down corresponding speed of the induction motor using Tachometer and tabulate.

Result :- For AC & DC Motor


Firing Angle

Speed in RPM

1) All connection should be tight. 2) Wire should not over long. 3) After completing the job all tools must be kept at proper place. 4) Keep your mind and eyes on the job & dont talk any one while working. 5) Tools not being used should not be scatter on working table.

Learning outcomes: to be written by the students in 50-70 words.


To obtain variable AC from DC ripple input. Equipmentrequired: Module, SCRs, Diodes, inductor, capacitors, etc., Learning Object : To practice the connections of series Inverter


Outline of the Procedure: 1. To begin with switch on the power supply to the firing circuit check that trigger pulses by varying the frequency. 2. Connections are made as shown in the circuit diagram. 3. Now connect trigger outputs from the firing circuits to gate and cathode of SCRs T1 & T2. 4. Connect DC input from a 30v/2A regulated power supply and switch on the input DC supply. 5. Now apply trigger pulses to SCRs and observe voltage waveform across

the load.

6. Measure Vorms & frequency of o/p voltage waveform.

Waveforms :-

1) All connection should be tight. 2) Wire should not over long. 3) After completing the job all tools must be kept at proper place. 4) Keep your mind and eyes on the job & dont talk any one while working. 5) Tools not being used should not be scatter on working table.

Learning outcomes: to be written by the students in 50-70 words.


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