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Transco Summary Gudinace For Work Method Statements R 0 300912

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A Summary Guide for the Completion of Work Method Statements

Revision 0 September 2012 HSEQ Department, TRANSCO



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Foreword ..............................................................................................................................2 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................3 Work Method Statements......................................................................................................3 Top Ten Tips (TTT) to complete a good WMS ...................................................................... 4 The benefits of a good WMS that has been implemented to an adequate level on site ......... 4 What should you consider when writing a WMS? .................................................................. 4 The List of Content Items ......................................................................................................5 Implementation of WMS ........................................................................................................6 Monitoring Compliance to WMS ............................................................................................6 Emergency Procedures ........................................................................................................7 WMS Procedure ...................................................................................................................7 WMS Approval Process ........................................................................................................7 Subcontractor WMS ..............................................................................................................8 Compliance to Legislation .....................................................................................................8 Transco Site Inspections .......................................................................................................8 WMS that Require Consultant & Transco, only Consultant and only Contractor Approval ..... 9 Further Advice and Assistance..............................................................................................9 Work Method Statement Inspection Form ........................................................................... 10

This Guide has been constructed with the input of Transco Projects, Maintenance, HSEQ, our Consultants and Contractors. Its purpose is to improve the quality of construction, implementation and monitoring of Work Method Statements used on work activities and projects across the Transco Networks. All parties want to see, and are committed to delivering a consistency of approach and implementation at work locations. The Guide covers the basic processes in the governance of requirement and approval, but does not cover all. Changing situations and circumstances will dictate that changes or specific requirements will be required and any party if unsure in the process or requirement must check with the appropriate Transco representatives. Any queries can be directed to Transco HSEQ in the first instance or Transco Projects or Maintenance as appropriate responsible Transco representatives. It does not transfer any responsibility from Client, Consultant or Main Contractor of their duty under Abu Dhabi EHSMS Version 2, to any other party for the construction, implementation and monitoring of compliance to Work Method Statements.


1. Foreword Transco is fully committed to delivering all its projects, maintenance and repairs without injury or illness to all involved workers or harm to the surrounding environment. All parties large or small have a role to play in delivering our goal:It is the goal of the Transco Senior Management, to make HSEQ part of the day to day decisions and activities of all its employees, including its Contractors and Consultants making HSEQ a normal day to day automatic consideration within all our decisions and activities We will work together to achieve world class compliance & performance A key step in preventing injury/illness and developing the role of front line supervisors is the implementation of quality and consistent Work Method Statements (WMS). We have found through inspection and investigation that even approved Transco WMS have not been implemented on sites and sometimes not even looked at, by the engineers and supervisors who are supposed to be following them. This Summary Guide provides information that if used correctly will help any Contractor or Transco employee produce a WMS to a consistent high standard with implementation to a satisfactory level of compliance. It will help the Consultant to review the WMS contents and provide consistent comments back to the Contractor. It is up to the Senior Managers within Transco, our Contractors and Consultants to take this forward and champion the improvement in quality, consistency, implementation and monitoring that we all want to see. All employees who have the authority to make improvements for the better protection of employees and the environment from harm, must take this opportunity and use this Guide to put in place long term action/plans and corrective actions to deliver implemented, consistent, simple, and easy to follow WMS. Implementing this Guide together with improving the competence of our front line supervisors/foremen, will go a long way in moving us forward together towards our goal. Lets make a change for the better today the success of this Guidance will only begin with our will of mind to make tomorrow a better, safer day for all workers on all our projects and work activities..

Paul Roberts HSEQ Department Manager




This booklet describes in summary the elements of the stages of the construction of a Work Method Statement (WMS). Its purpose is to provide Transco employees, Consultants and Contractors with an aid memoir of information when they come to produce a WMS for works on Transco projects or assets or help Transco employees and Consultants provide comments on a submitted WMS for approval. It can be used by existing employees and given to new employees as part of their Induction. If any Consultant is unsure on their role and responsibilities in any way, they should refer to their supervisor or refer it to the Transco Project Manager or HSE Engineer. Detailed requirements including technical aspects will be documented with the contractual documentation and clarified through any required meeting between Transco and the Consultancy.


Work Method Statements

What is a WMS? A WMS is a document detailing how a particular task or activity will be carried out What is the purpose of a WMS? To outline a correct, systematic and safe method of work for the particular task or activity To provide an induction document that workers must read/understand before starting a task to meet legal compliance, hazard identification and control To help plan for the task ahead of time To provide the Supervisor with a procedure for completing the work Where does a WMS sit in the hierarchy of the construction site? A WMS is part of your Quality Plan Your Quality Plan will include a list of required WMS for the Project The WMS will be produced as site specific to cover the required task Some WMS may need to go to both Consultant and Transco for approval Where does a WMS sit in the hierarchy of Consultants and Contractors working under Transco System Safety Rules? A WMS is part of the Application For Work (AFW) It is the document that must be submitted to detail how the work will be carried out It is attached to the Safety Document when issued to ensure it is at site The Competent Person under Transco System Safety Rules (SSR) must understand the WMS and ensure this is communicated (TBT) and implemented for their task and working party Why do Transco ask for WMS to be completed? To ensure the Contractor can demonstrate experience and knowledge of what they will be doing To ensure the Contractor has considered the work, the environment and the people for the task To ensure a safe system of work is employed to protect workers/assets/environment from the known hazards To ensure emergency procedures are in place in the event of something going wrong When do I need a Work Method Statement? Under Abu Dhabi EHSMS Regulatory Framework Version 2, COP 53.0, EHS Management During Construction Works, and COP 53.1 EHS Construction Management Plan highlight the requirement for management practices to be in place, and planned well in advance. While there is no absolute guidance as when a WMS must be prepared, it would be in the interest of the Main Contractors to always err on the side of caution and produce a WMS for all activities. There must be documented WMS for the EHSMS Regulatory COPs that cover specific topics such as working at height, excavation etc. Cleary, due to the nature of construction many activities will be intertwined such as working at height and painting for example. Main Contractors will be required to combine WMS for specific works.


When should a Work Method Statement be reviewed or changed? WMS should be constantly under review by the Supervisor/Engineer in charge. As sites change, as workers change, the Supervisor should be observing and reviewing the changes with regards to the WMS. Formal review must take place when major changes or new hazards are introduced to the environment, working practice, and or resources. As an example a formal change would be required when changing working at height from scaffolding to working from a mobile elevated work platform. Normal approval procedures would apply. Can I use a generic Work Method Statements? Generic WMS are always a good place to start when completing a WMS, however, WMS must be site specific because the surrounding environment and resources are always different from site to site. This is applicable to 99% of the work activities. Generic WMS would only be acceptable where the working environment was constant, but this is very rare. Generic WMS should be reviewed every 6 months just to make sure it is still current.


Top Ten Tips (TTT) to complete a good WMS

The TTT listed below is a quick reference and can be used as the starting point or at the end, as a checklist to review the WMS against. 1. Keep the WMS simple. Dont make it complicated 2. Use plain English, consider the reader, your message will be clearer 3. Make it site specific, know the location, visit the site, gather information 4. Consult with experts in the work/activity 5. Dont write the WMS in isolation. Involve all the parties, seek feedback, add check points, pause points for verification/validation through the work process 6. Dont just copy and paste, and especially from any standards 7. Check to see if any similar WMS has been done before 8. Check for lessons that have been learnt from previous work and include them, where appropriate 9. Identify obstacles/issues early and plan, elimination or mitigation actions 10. Use pictures or diagrams as much as you can


The benefits of a good WMS that has been implemented to an adequate level on site
The risk of harm to employees/environment/assets/customers is reduced, also protecting reputations Time and costs are saved through not having to stop work because of incidents/errors By planning ahead, obstacles can be planned out or mitigation action taken reducing delays and costs It delivers a proactive culture to planning ahead Employees will be trained and communicated with, making them feel more involved and motivated

The benefits are:


What should you consider when writing a WMS?

When sitting down to write a WMS there are many items to consider that will impact the work and therefore the WMS. Persons responsible for WMS construction need to ensure that they have considered the items that are appropriate to the current site and proposed work activity sequence. When they are updating an existing generic WMS to make it site specific, they should also consider the following subjects: Scope of Work, the particular hazards and required control measures Working systems to be used, how complex is the task Are you working under Transco System Safety Rules, is there a risk of tripping Arrangements for access and egress Methods for safeguarding existing structures and systems Structural stability precautions Protecting workers, members of the public, assets and the environment Plant & equipment to be used


Health protection arrangements AD EHSMS Codes of Practice (good starting point) Potential emergency situations, including pollution prevention Segregation of specific areas Control of noise, etc WMS may also include:Client requirements Enforcement authorities The Police Civil Defence Environment Agency* (EIA)

Persons responsible for completing WMS, the more they complete, the greater their competence in WMS construction. It is up to the Main Contractor or Subcontractor to ensure that the persons responsible for WMS completion have the adequate training/experience to deliver competent and adequate WMS. This also includes not only WMS that need to be approved for Transco but WMS for all the work activities undertaken by them.


The List of Content Items

There is no one definitive list that can be used as a guaranteed content for a WMS. The content will change depending on the work, the duration, the location, and the workers involved etc. Many more variables can impact the content as above, so it is best to ensure that a wider consultation on the contents is undertaken. There is a minimum requirement and these items are listed in red below:- (Document/Version Control must be in place) Introduction Scope (work, project location) Start date and completion date Definitions References/Drawings/Standards Roles and Responsibilities/Competence Resources (manpower) including materials and equipment Detailed work procedure(s) Major Hazards and their Control (Including COSHH) Emergency Procedures including first aid, know your location, nearest hospital, any Transco EM procedures Daily and process checks to be completed (especially for SCMS) Verification/Validation pause points (Is this correct?) Subcontractor relationships and overall communication Managing change Communication requirements Specific legal compliance Implementation and Monitoring Documentation details Specialist PPE Environmental impacts Waste management Details any calculations to be completed Any records to be kept, measurements to be taken before work starts Confined Space Oxygen levels Arrangements for changing/deviating from WMS Confirmation of completion of the work Any specialist requirements* Key interfaces DO NOT COPY AND PASTE FROM STANDARDS



Implementation of WMS

The serious Incidents Transco has experienced with its Main Contractors and Subcontractors over the years have all had a WMS for the activity. In ALL the Incidents the WMS was a paper exercise that was completed for Transco approval only, but was never implemented by the Main Contractor, or enforced by the Consultant. Front line Supervisors and Engineers were unaware of the documents or the contents. Under Abu Dhabi EHSMS Regulatory Framework Version 2, there is a lot of emphasis placed on training, competence, supervision and communication and consultation with employees. It is an important control measure in the Main Contractors management of the work to implement an appropriate WMS for work activities. When implementing a WMS, the Main Contractors must ensure: That all WMS are briefed and trained to the appropriate employees That the Supervisor/Engineer in charge checks for understanding of the WMS from his working party That the Supervisor/Engineer is reviewing the WMS daily, situations and environments change daily That the Supervisor/Engineer has a copy of the WMS at the work location That the Supervisor/Engineer is conducting a daily Tool Box Talk, based on the WMS That any Subcontractor WMS are implemented and monitored by the Subcontractor and Main Contractor When monitoring implementation the Consultants must ensure: Main Contractors have implemented their WMS Main Contractors are monitoring their implementation including their Subcontractors WMS That the Consultant keeps a record of their monitoring activities and the compliance performance When working under Transco System Safety Rules, the Transco approved Competent Person takes the role as the Main Contractor and the Transco Authorized Person will take the role of the Consultant. i.e. Implementation Competent Person, approval of WMS and monitoring compliance Transco Authorized Person. When work is under warranty, there may be a requirement for the Consultant to approve the WMS before the Authorized Person.


Monitoring Compliance to WMS

There is a duty on all parties involved to monitor compliance to WMS. From Transco all the way down to the smallest Subcontractor on our sites, we all have a duty to check that what they are doing is what they have said they will do. WE ARE LOOKING FOR COMPLIANCE. Monitoring can take many forms from formal inspections, a safety walk by senior management or a quick chat to a worker on their work activities for the day. Transco will monitor compliance through formal inspection and monthly progress meetings. Consultants will monitor compliance through supervision of the work activities ensuring records are kept of good and poor compliance, issuing site memos as required. Failure by Main Contractor or their Subcontractor to comply must be escalated to the Transco Project Manager for action. This must be formally recorded.


Main Contractors will monitor compliance through daily inspections, weekly/monthly HSE meetings, safety walk around by senior management including project manager and site manager/engineer ensuring records are kept of good and poor performance to compliance and the required corrective actions and their close out.


Emergency Procedures

While every effort will be taken to ensure that work under a WMS will be conducted in a safe way, unfortunately things can still go wrong. It is important that the Emergency Procedures under the WMS cover the potential things that can go wrong considering the environment and location (live substation/pumping station) that the work is being undertaken in. Working in a confined space with naked flames greatly increases the potential for things to go wrong as one example. In the event of an incident happening employees must know how to respond. Incidents are never the same as locations, environments and circumstance change what will be experienced. This must be taken into consideration when the WMS is being put together and communicated/refreshed every day at the tool box talk.


WMS Procedure

Within the HSEQ management systems of Main Contractors and Subcontractors a written documented procedure should be available for employees to follow. It is important that this procedure is available to those employees tasked with completing a WMS for Transco or any other client. Consistency of construction is an important element in making WMS a successful tool in protecting workers and the environment from harm. A generic format or content is a good start, but be careful; it can also make employees lazy as Engineers use the same WMS on different sites. A site specific WMS is vitally important to their success in reducing risk and the potential for harm. Ensure only one site specific version is in operation for the work activity.


WMS Approval Process

The goal of the Approval Process is to ensure that Transco are fully aware and supportive of both the Consultant and Contractor in their work activity, by having a submitted WMS Approved under its very first submission. This can avoid any delays due to poorly constructed WMS having to be resubmitted. If any Contractor follows this Guide in the spirit it has been assembled and not just copy the contents, but really takes the time to think about the WMS, then the chances of it being Approved first time will be greatly increased. Transco will require certain WMS to be passed to them through the Consultant. The Consultant is responsible for checking the content and only forwarding this onto Transco when it is at an acceptable level. The Consultant will recommend either Approval (A) or Approved Except as Noted (AEN). The Transco responsible engineer will validate this or change as they see fit. Work can proceed under any WMS returned to the Main Contractor as Approved. If there are any minor comments then the Main Contractor will decide if they are appropriate and make suitable changes. If minor changes are made then this does not need to be resubmitted to either Transco or the Consultant etc. However, the Contractor must keep a record of their actions either way. Any AEN returned WMS, can allow the Contractor to commence work at their own risk. Changes to the WMS must be made based on the comments submitted by both Transco and the Consultant. Work can commence under the submitted WMS at the Contractors risk, but the revised WMS must be sent back through the process to receive an Approved status. Contractors must always keep records of changes made to WMS and the reasons why. This is standard document control procedure.


It is important that Transco, Consultants, Contractors and Subcontractors all work together to make the process as efficient as possible, all parties must be professional in their reviews and in providing constructive feedback.


Subcontractor WMS

Where a specialist Subcontractor is employed by the Main Contractor, Transco will allow for the WMS to be submitted in the specialist Subcontractors name. However, the Main Contractor is responsible for the initial review of the WMS to ensure that it meets the required Transco standards and this Guide. It is important to ensure that even small Subcontractors take the time to construct adequate WMS that protect employees from the hazards they are exposed to. When reviewing their Subcontractors WMS, Main Contractors must give consideration to the interfaces between the parties involved in the work. These interfaces alone can cause hazards to materialize, through poor communication and supervision. Monitoring for compliance to Subcontractors WMS must be undertaken by the Main Contractor. It is their responsibility to ensure any of their Subcontractors are complying with the requirements. Consultants must ensure the monitoring is undertaken and that records are kept of this taking place, this can be through the monthly reports or the monthly progress meeting minutes. Good compliance should be acknowledge as well as poor compliance detailed and corrective actions recorded.


Compliance to Legislation

Under the Abu Dhabi Emirate EHSMS Version 2, requirements for Codes of Practice 53.0 EHS Management During Construction Work and 53.1 EHS Construction Management Plan clear roles and responsibilities are documented for Main Contractors and Consultants. The Main Contractor is responsible for method statements developed for the project are appropriate, including those developed by sub-contractors and other persons working on the project. The Consultant has the responsibility for EHS monitoring and ensuring construction work is planned. Both Main Contractor and Consultant can achieve their individual responsibilities by working together to apply this Guidance Document for the development of WMS.


Transco Site Inspections

Due to the importance of moving Transco, Consultants and Contractors forward and away from non-compliance, Transco has introduced a specific site inspection form for WMS. All parties working on a Transco project site are encouraged to work together to improve the cooperation between parties to ensure compliance to requirements is a normal fulfillment. Transco will regularly inspect sites to check for compliance, as it is compliance we want to see and not non-compliance.



WMS that Require Consultant & Transco, only Consultant and only Contractor Approval

The listed work activities below is a guide only, different environmental and external considerations as listed above could make the simplest of work activities into a significant hazardous activity. If the Main Contractor is in any doubt they should submit the WMS to the Consultant for Approval. It is best practice that at the start of the Project the Consultant and Main Contractor discusses and agrees on the WMS that are required for Approval by the required parties based on the listed WMS in the site Quality Plan or HSE Plan etc. WMS should be reviewed monthly at the progress meeting and in more detail when discussing the forward plan.


Excavation below 1.5 M. Modification, major rehabilitation of firefighting, low voltage, HVAC and Civil works. Working at height. Confined space work. All testing & commissioning work. Any work requiring a shutdown in a part energized installation (Power or Water) Works inside a live substation or pumping station. NDRC works. Oiling works. Using of HV testing equipment inside substation. Crossing / working parallel of existing water pipe line/cables and to make support for existing pipe lines/cables. Connection of new pipe line with the existing. Working in the Substation Gantry. Working in SVC Hall. Any heavy lifting. Any SCMS Works in live substations or pumping stations.


Material testing. Work in substation switchgear, transformer, not requiring shutdown (gas filling, oil top up, silca gel etc) Scaffolding erection. Refurbishment. Installing lifts. Working on or adjacent to roads & highways. Working to adjacent services (above and below ground) that are non Transco. Working on or adjacent to open tanks or open water. Excavation trail pits.


Soil testing. Civil works, wall construction, form/columns, steel works, flooring, painting, false ceiling, raised floors. Emergency procedures. Using a loader. Waste management. Cooling cabinet electrical work in transformers. Surveying. Back filling. Labeling. DGA and chemical oil sample for transformers. Excavation less than 1.5 M in virgin ground with no underground services present.

Please note:- As an example of when an activity may need to move from only Contractor Approval to Transco
Approval, if wall construction is being undertaken at a height above 1.5 meters this combination will require the WMS to be sent to Transco for Approval.


Further Advice and Assistance

Guidelines For Writing Work Method Statements in Plain English. o method_statement_plain_english_guidelines_0231.pdf Work Method Statements Guidelines For the Civil Construction Industry o Method Statements Examples o Abu Dhabi EHSMS Codes of Practice o



Work Method Statement Inspection Form


Head Office HSEQ Department Manager Abu Dhabi Transmission & Despatch Company (TRANSCO) Po Box 173 Abu Dhabi UAE Telephone : + 971 2 416 4010 Fax : + 971 2 694 6314 mailto: Website:-

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