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Customer Satisfaction Project Report

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Consumer Satisfaction

For Th P!r"#!$ F%$&#$$' (" o& M!)" r o& B%)#( )) A*'#(#)"r!"#o( +,-.--/




(F!0%$"1 2%#* )

Bo)"o( Co$$ 2 For Pro& ))#o(!$ S"%*# ) G3!$#or

This is to declare that the Summer Training Report has been accomplished by me and being submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Business dministration Bo)"o(

Co$$ 2 For Pro& ))#o(!$ S"%*# ) G3!$#or from J#3!4# U(#5 r)#"16
G3!$#or The wor! has not been submitted by me anywhere else for the award of any degree or diploma" ll source of information are based on my

on training e#perience and learning"

D!" : P$!0 :



This is to certify that MR. SHAILENDRA TYAGI student of BB $ Semester of Bo)"o( Co$$ 2 For Pro& ))#o(!$ S"%*# ) G3!$#or has successfully completed his Summer Training dated from %& days and this report is submitted by 'er for the completion of the training requirement under my guidance and super(ision"

D!" : P$!0 :


(F!0%$"1 2%#* )


)t is great pleasure for me to put on record my appreciation and gratitude towards *lacement and Training Coordinator of Bo)"o( Co$$ 2 For Pro& ))#o(!$ S"%*# ) G3!$#or. +y special than!s to my respected faculty MR. AJAY PHALTAN7AR for him (aluable support and suggestions for the e#ecution of Summer Training" ) than! her for the right direction and pro(iding inputs for the completion of my summer training pro,ect"

D!" : P$!0 :


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Chapter )ntroduction to the Topic -.


R1S1 RC' +1T'ODO2O34

0"- Statement of *roblem 0"0 Need for the Study 0". Ob,ecti(es of Study 0"% 'ypothesis 0"& Source of Data 0"6 Scope of the Study 0"7 8uestionnaire Design 0": Sampling 0"5 Statistical Tools 0"-9 2imitations of the Study -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 09 09 09 09





Tables and 3raphs


%"- ;indings %"0 Suggestions %5 &&0


B)B2)O3R *'4


Satisfaction is consumer>s fulfillment response" )t is a ,udgment that a product or a ser(ice feature or the product or ser(ice itself pro(ides pleasurable le(el of consumption related fulfillment" Customer>s satisfaction influenced by specific product are ser(ice features and by perceptions of quality" )t is also influenced by specific ser(ice attributions? and their perceptions MAR7ETING ORGANI9ATION C1O

+ N 3)N3 D)R1CTOR

TR NS;1R + N 31R @ORA + N 31R

1=1C<T)$1 + N 31R

S 21 B S1R$)C1 + N 31R

Customer Satisfaction is the pillar of the marketing concept. Satisfaction is consumer>s fulfillment response" )t is a ,udgment that a product or a ser(ice feature or the product or ser(ice itself pro(ides pleasurable le(el of consumption related fulfillment" Customer>s satisfaction influenced by specific product are ser(ice features and by perceptions of quality" )t is also influenced by specific ser(ice attributions? and their perceptions The telling factor in the company>s long run fortunes will be the amount of customer satisfaction that it managers to generate" But it doesn>t not mean the company>s sole aim is to ma#imiCe Customer Satisfaction" )f that where the case? it should simply put out the best product and ser(ice in the world and price is below cost" There by it would be creating substantial customer satisfaction" But in the long run it would be also be out of

business" Customer Satisfaction li!e happiness bet achie(ed by rendering substantial forma of assistance to others rather than by direct pursuit" Companies that mo(e towards adopting the mar!et concept benefit themsel(es and The society" )t leads the society>s recourse to mo(e in the direction of social needs? there by bringing the interests of business firms and the interest of society in to harmonious relationship" Thus the third pillory of the mar!eting concept aims to achie(e good profits by gi(ing the customer genuine (alues in the satisfaction" Customer satisfaction? a business term? is a measure of how products and ser(ices supplied by a company meet or surpass customer e#pectation" )t is seen as a !ey performance indicator within business and is part of the four perspecti(es of a Balanced Scorecard" )n a competiti(e mar!etplace where businesses compete for customers? customer satisfaction is seen as a !ey differentiator and increasingly has become a !ey element of business strategy" )ncreasing competition Dwhether for/profit or nonprofitE is forcing businesses to pay much more attention to satisfying customers" D)t may help the reader to notice the role of customer satisfaction in the o(erall conte#t of product or ser(ice de(elopment and management" M !)%r#(2 0%)"o' r )!"#)&!0"#o( OrganiCations are increasingly interested in retaining e#isting customers while targeting non/customersFG0H measuring customer satisfaction pro(ides an indication of how successful the organiCation is at pro(iding products andIor ser(ices to the mar!etplace" Customer satisfaction is an ambiguous and abstract concept and the actual manifestation of the state of satisfaction will (ary from person to person and productIser(ice to productIser(ice" The state of satisfaction depends on a number of both psychological and physical (ariables which correlate with satisfaction beha(iors such as return and recommend rate" The le(el of satisfaction can also (ary depending on other options the customer may ha(e and other products against which the customer can compare the organiCationJs products" Because satisfaction is basically a psychological state? care should be ta!en in the effort of quantitati(e measurement? although a large quantity of research in this area has

recently been de(eloped" @or! done by Berry? Brooder between -559 and -55:G.H defined ten J8uality $aluesJ which influence satisfaction beha(ior? further e#panded by Berry in 0990 and !nown as the ten domains of satisfaction" These ten domains of satisfaction includeK 8uality? $alue? Timeliness? 1fficiency? 1ase of ccess? 1n(ironment? )nter/ departmental Teamwor!? ;ront line Ser(ice Beha(iors? Commitment to the Customer and )nno(ation" These factors are emphasiCed for continuous impro(ement and organiCational change measurement and are most often utiliCed to de(elop the architecture for satisfaction measurement as an integrated model" @or! done by *arasuraman? Leithaml and Berry between -5:& and -5:: pro(ides the basis for the measurement of customer satisfaction with a ser(ice by using the gap between the customerJs e#pectation of performance and their percei(ed e#perience of performance" This pro(ides the measurer with a satisfaction MgapM which is ob,ecti(e and quantitati(e in nature" @or! done by Cronin and Taylor propose the MconfirmationIdisconfirmationM theory of combining the MgapM described by *arasuraman? Leithaml and Berry as two different measures Dperception and e#pectation of performanceE into a single measurement of performance according to e#pectation" ccording to 3arbrand? customer satisfaction equals perception

of performance di(ided by e#pectation of performance" The usual measures of customer satisfaction in(ol(e a sur(ey with a set of statements using a 2i!ert Technique or scale" The customer is as!ed to e(aluate each statement and in term of their perception and e#pectation of the performance of the organiCation being measured"

C%)"o' r Lo1!$"1 M)t ta!es a lot less money to increase your retention of current customers than to find new ones/but ) !now ) donJt gi(e it as much effort as ) should because it does ta!e a lot of energy and effortNM S"r!" 2#: A(* P$!( For Lo1!$"1; Do you e(en ha(e a specific plan for building customer loyaltyO ) bet you ha(enJt gi(en it as much thought as you should/ because to tell the truth ) need to gi(e it more effort also" )f you currently retain 79 percent of your customers and you start a program to impro(e that to :9 percent? youJll add an additional -9 percent to your growth rate" *articularly because of the high cost of landing new customers (ersus the high profitability of a loyal customer base? you might want to reflect upon your current business strategy" Th ) &o%r &!0"or) 3#$$ 2r !"$1 !&& 0" 1o%r !<#$#"1 "o <%#$* ! $o1!$ 0%)"o' r <!) : -" *roducts that are highly differentiated from those of the competition" 0" 'igher/end products where price is not the primary buying factor" ." *roducts with a high ser(ice component"

%" +ultiple products for the same customer" M!r= " "o Yo%r O3( C%)"o' r); 3i(ing a lot of thought to your mar!eting programs aimed at current customers is one aspect of building customer loyalty" @hen you buy a new car? many dealers will within minutes try to sell you an e#tended warranty? an alarm system? and maybe rust proofing" )tJs often a (ery easy sale and costs the dealer almost nothing to ma!e" your customers" Three years ago my house was painted? and itJs now due for another coat" @hy hasnJt the painter called or at least sent a cardO )t would be a lot less e#pensi(e than getting new customers through his newspaper ad? and since ) was happy with his wor! ) wonJt get four competing bids this time" Aeep all the information you can on your customers and donJt hesitate to as! for the ne#t sale" U) Co'>$!#(") To B%#$* B%)#( )); @hen customers arenJt happy with your business they usually wonJt complain to you / instead? theyJll probably complain to ,ust about e(eryone else they !now / and ta!e their business to your competition ne#t time" ThatJs why an increasing number of businesses are ma!ing follow/up calls or mailing satisfaction questionnaires after the sale is made" They find that if they promptly follow up and resol(e a customerJs complaint? the customer might be e(en more li!ely to do business than the a(erage customer who didnJt ha(e a complaint" )n many business situations? the customer will ha(e many more interactions after the sale with technical? ser(ice? or customer support people than they did with the sales people" So if youJre serious about retaining customers or getting referrals? these interactions are the ones that are really going to matter" They really should be handled with the same attention and focus that sales calls get because in a way they are sales calls for repeat business" R !0h O%" To Yo%r C%)"o' r); Contact " " " contact " " " contact with current customers is a good way to build their loyalty" The more the customer sees someone from your firm? the more li!ely youJll get re there additional products or ser(ices you can sell

the ne#t order" Send Christmas cards? see them at trade shows? stop by to ma!e sure e(erythingJs o!ay" Send a simple newsletter to your customers/tell them about the great things that are happening at your firm and include some useful information for them" Send them copies of any media clippings about your firm" )n(ite them to free seminars" The more they !now about you? the more they see you as someone out to help them? the more they !now about your accomplishments/the more loyal a customer they will be" Lo1!$ C%)"o' r) !(* Lo1!$ Wor=&or0 ) Building customer loyalty will be a lot easier if you ha(e a loyal wor!force/not at all a gi(en these days" )t is especially important for you to retain those employees who interact with customers such as sales people? technical support? and customer/ser(ice people" +any companies gi(e a lot of attention to retaining sales people but little to support people" )J(e been fortunate to ha(e the same great people in customer ser(ice for years/ and the compliments from customers ma!e it clear that they really appreciate specific people in our ser(ice function" The increasing trend today is to send customer/ser(ice and technical/support calls into queue for the ne#t a(ailable person" This builds no personal loyalty and probably less loyalty for the firm" Before you go this route? be sure this is what your customers prefer" Otherwise )Jd assign a specific support person to e(ery significant customer" ?MAR7ETTING JOB IS TO CONVERT SOCIETAL NEEDS IN TO PROFITABLE OPPORTUNITIES@. D &#(#"#o( o& '!r= "#(2 !) &o$$o3) +ar!eting is a social managerial process by which indi(iduals and group obtain what the need and want through creating" Offering and e#changing products of (alue with othersP" This definition of mar!eting rests on the following core concepts needs? wants and elements? products Dgoods? ser(ices and ideasEF (alue cost and satisfaction e#change and transactions? relationships and networ!s? mar!ets and mar!eters and prospects" THE MA7ETING CONCEPT The mar!eting concept hold that !ey to achie(ing organiCations goals consists of being more effecti(e than competitor in integrating more effecti(e then competiti(e in

integrating mar!eting acti(ities towards determining and satisfying the needs and wants of target mar!etsP"

+.- STATEMENT OF PROBLEM The ob,ecti(e of e(ery company would be ensuring customer satisfaction for the customer satisfaction would create loyal customers" +easuring customer satisfaction is always a challenge? as customer either would not disclose or sometimes do not assess their satisfaction le(el clearly" +any times the customer can not specify the reasons for his satisfaction" +.+ NEED FOR THE STUDY N T' *"$"C *)*1S belie(es in satisfactory deli(ery of ser(ice quality to the customer? but due to un!nown reasons that the customer satisfaction analyCed by the company is not up to the ma!e" The company intends to find out the causes and remedies for the low customer satisfaction" +.. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The following are the ob,ecti(es of the study to sol(e the problem" They areK To !now the customer satisfaction regarding pipes" To identify customer interest in buying pipes" To find ser(ice rendered by the company" To !now price impact on product purchase" To find word of mouth impact on product purchase"

+./ HYPOTHESIS The purpose of usage influence customer satisfaction" RuralI<rban mar!et influence customer satisfaction"

+.A SOURCE OF DATA Pr#'!r1 D!"! The *rimary Data is collected through questionnaire sur(ey to customers" S 0o(*!r1 D!"!

)nformation is gathered from company profile? website and boo! Consumer Beha(iour author by 2oudon and Della Betta +.B SCOPE OF THE STUDY The scope of the study is to find out the customer satisfaction with reference to pipes" The study co(ers the different aspects of customer satisfaction" This has been conducted in perception" +.C DUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN 8uestionnaire Design is prepared on the basis of the following parameters" Customers satisfaction Customer wareness DUESTIONNAIRE ADMINISTRATION )nformation is gather through questionnaires from customers of nantapur Lone" +.E SAMPLING *opulation Sample siCe Q Q &999 -99 Customers of nantapur Lone" Data ha(e been collected from customer by

a personal inter(iew" The researcher too! . wee!s to study the entire customers>

Sample unit Q

+.F STATISTICAL TOOLS ;or data analysis statistical tools used are simple percentage and chi/ square test" +.-, LIMITATION OF THE STUDY: -" The study confined to the nantapur Lone" 0" The time spent was limited due to which the e#hausti(e study could not be conducted" ." 8uality of information is based on the degree of brand awareness among customer

TABLES AND GRAPHS ..- Br!(* !3!r 'o)"$1 >r & rr * <1 0o()%' r) I(& r (0 ;rom the table it is inferred that monarch first ran!? nandi second ran!? third ran! is star? fourth is (asa(i? fifth is (i,aya and si#th ran! is nalanda for dimension +ostly preferred by consumersP" P&: . 0 0 . .P+ 5 .9 . / 0% .. P. 06 % : / 07 05 P/ 7 .6 00 .9 / PA / 0. 69 -. 6 . PB / % 6 :. -9 %

'o(!r0h 5!)!5# 5#4!1! (!$!(*! )"!r (!(*#

T!<$ ..-(!): )ho3#(2 "h r )>o(* (") r!"#(2 &or G%!("#"# ) o& Br!(* !3!r 'o)"$1 >r & rr * <1 0o()%' r) ;or the table weighted arithmetic mean method has been followed under / Score method points" ;or each and e(ery priority points are allotted" Score QNo "of respondents Rpoints

Total score monarch Q D&:R6ESD5R&ES D06R%ESD7R.E Q&-: Total score (asa(iQD0R6ESD.9R&ESD%R%ESD.6R.ESD0.R0ESD%R-E Q.&% Total score (iyaya Q D0R6E S D.R&ESD:R%ESD0-R.ESD69R0ESD6R-E Q0%: Total score nalanda QD0R6ES9S9SD0R.ESD-.R0ESD:.R-EQ-07 Total score star QD.R6ESD0%R&ESD07R%ESD.9R.ESD6R0ESD-9R-EQ.&: Total score nandiQD.-R6ESD.R&ESD00R%ESD7R.ESD.R0ESD%R-EQ%79

@eight Q Total scoreINo" of Respondents

N!' 'o(!r0h 5!)!5# 5#4!1! (!$!(*! )"!r (!(*#

To"!$ )0or &-: .&% 0%: -07 .&: %79

W #2h" &"-: ."&% 0"%: -"07 ."&: %"79

R!(= % & 6 . 0

T!<$ : ..-(<) )ho3#(2 r )>o(* ("H) >r#or#"1 o( 'o(!r0h6 5!)!5#6 5#4!1!6 (!#$(*!6 )"!r !(* (!(*#.

..+ A3!r o& Mo(!r0h >#> ) 0o'>!(1. I(& r (0 ;rom the table it is inferred that out of -99 respondents? -99 T ha(e aware the +onarch pipes company"

D 0#)#o( Y ) No To"!$

R )>o() ) -99 9 -99

P r0 ("!2 ) -99T 9T -99T

T!<$ ..+ A3!r o& Mo(!r0h >#> ) 0o'>!(1


Yes No


Gr!>h ..+ A3!r o& Mo(!r0h >#> ) 0o'>!(1

... 7(o3 !<o%" "h <r!(* Mo(!r0h P#> ) I(& r (0 ;rom the table it is inferred that out of -99 respondents? %T customers are !nown about The +onarch *ipes through print media? 0T customers are !nown about the monarch pipes through tele(ision 6%T through friends and .9T through dealers"

D 0#)#o( Pr#(" ' *#! T $ 5#)#o( Fr# (*) I R $ D !$ r) To"!$

R )>o() ) % 0 6% .9 -99

P r0 ("!2 ) %T 0T 6%T .9T -99T

T!<$ ... 7(o3 !<o%" "h <r!(* Mo(!r0h P#> )

4% 2% 30% Print media Television Friends & Rel Dealers 64%

Gr!>h ... 7(o3 !<o%" "h <r!(* Mo(!r0h P#> )

../ Wh#0h 0o'>!(1 >ro*%0") *o >ro> r "o %) I(& r (0 ;rom the table it is inferred that nandi first ran!? (i,aya second ran!? third ran! is monarch ? fourth is star?fifth is (asa(i and si#th ran! is nalanda for dimension +ostly preferred by consumersP" Mo(!r0h 5!)!5# 5#4!1! (!$!(*! )"!r (!(*# P-5 0 .9 / 0 .0 P+ 5 7 0% / 06 6 P. 00 .. % -& 6 &9 P/ 5 & -9 5 .6 5 PA .. -: .9 / -6 / PB : .& 0 76 -% .

T!<$ ../(!) Wh#0h 0o'>!(1 >ro*%0") *o >ro> r "o %) ;or the table weighted arithmetic mean method has been followed under / Score method points" ;or each and e(ery priority points are allotted" Score QNo "of respondents Rpoints

Total score monarch Q D-5R6ESD5R&ES D00R%ESD5R.E SD..R0ESD:R-EQ.&7 Total score (asa(iQD0R6ESD7R&ESD..R%ESD&R.ESD-:R0ESD.&R-E Q06& Total score (i,aya Q D.9R6E S D0%R&ESD%R%ESD-9R.ESD.9R0ESD0R-E Q%9: Total score nalanda Q9S9D-&R%ESD5R.ES9SD76R-EQ-6. Total score star QD0R6ESD06R&ESD6R%ESD.6R.ESD-6R0ESD-%R-EQ.09 Total score nandiQD.0R6ESD6R&ESD&9R%ESD5R.ES9SD.R-EQ%&0

@eight Q Total scoreINo" of Respondents

N!' 'o(!r0h 5!)!5# 5#4!1! (!$!(*! )"!r (!(*#

To"!$ )0or .&7 06& %9: -6. .09 %&0

W #2h" ."&7 0"6& %"9: -"6. ."0 %"&0

R!(= . & 0 6 % -

T!<$ ../(<) )ho3#(2 r )>o(* ("H) >r#or#"1 o( 'o(!r0h6 5!)!5#6 5#4!1!6 (!$!(*!6 )"!r !(* (!(*#

..A Mo(!r0h #) "h < )" 0o'>!(1 #( A.P. I(& r (0 ;rom the table it is inferred that out of -99 respondents? .5 T customers ha(e strongly agreed that the monarch pipe company is best company in a * while .. T ha(e agreed? 0:T of disagreed"

D 0#)#o( S.A2r A2r No" * 0#* D#)!2r S.*#)!2r To"!$

R )>o() ) .5 .. 9 0: 9 -99

P r0 ("!2 ) .5T ..T 9T 0:T 9T -99T

T!<$ ..A Mo(!r0h #) "h < )" 0o'>!(1 #( A.P.

0% 28% 39% 0% S !"ree !"ree Not de#ide Disa"ree S disa"ree


Gr!>h ..A Mo(!r0h #) "h < )" 0o'>!(1 #( A.P.

..B I()>#r * "o <%1 "h Mo(!r0h >#> ) <1. I(& r (0 ;rom the table it is inferred that out of -99 respondents? 05T customers ha(e inspired to buy the +onarch pipes through friends? .5T ha(e relati(es? :T ha(e neighbors and 0%T ha(e ad(ertisements"

D 0#)#o( Fr# (*) R $!"#5 ) N #2h<or) A*5 r"#) ' (") To"!$

R )>o() ) 05 .5 : 0% -99

P r0 ("!2 ) 05T .5T :T 0%T -99T

T!<$ ..B I()>#r * "o <%1 "h Mo(!r0h >#> ) <1.


29% Friends Relatives Nei"$%ors !dvretisements



Gr!>h ..B I()>#r * "o <%1 "h Mo(!r0h >#> ) <1.

..C R 2%$!r 0%)"o' r "o Mo(!r0h Co'>!(1 or * !$ r). I(& r (0 ;rom the table it is inferred that out of -99 respondents? &9 T of the people are regular customers and &9T people are not regular customers to the monarch pipes"

D 0#)#o( Y ) No To"!$

R )>o() ) &9 &9 -99

P r0 ("!2 ) &9T &9T -99T

T!<$ ..C R 2%$!r 0%)"o' r) "o Mo(!r0h Co'>!(1 or * !$ r).



Yes No

Gr!>h ..C R 2%$!r 0%)"o' r) "o Mo(!r0h Co'>!(1 or * !$ r).

..E I(" r )" * "o <%1 "h >#> ) &ro'. I(& r (0 ;rom the table it is inferred that out of -99 respondents? -9T customers are interested to buy the pipes directly from company while %7T through dealers? . T through bro!ers? 0T through friends and .:T through showroom"

D 0#)#o( Co'>!(1 D !$ r) Bro= r) Fr# (*) Sho3 roo' To"!$

R )>o() ) -9 %7 . 0 .: -99

P r0 ("!2 ) -9T %7T .T 0T .:T -99T

T!<$ ..E I(" r )" * "o <%1 "h >#> ) &ro'.



(m)an* Dealers +ro,ers Friends 4'% 2% 3% S$o- room

Gr!>h ..E I(" r )" * "o <%1 "h >#> ) &ro'.

..F Mo(!r0h Co'>!(1 '!#($1 0o(0 ("r!" ) o( !2r#0%$"%r!$ ) 0"or. I(& r (0 ;rom the table it is inferred that out of -99 respondents? 0T ha(e strongly agreed that the monarch pipes company mainly concentrates on agricultural sector? while %%T ha(e agreed and &%T ha(e not decided"

D 0#)#o( S.A2r A2r No" * 0#* D#)!2r S.*#)!2r To"!$

R )>o() ) 0 %% &% 9 9 -99

P r0 ("!2 ) 0T %%T &%T 9T 9T -99T

T!<$ ..F Mo(!r0h Co'>!(1 '!#($1 0o(0 ("r!" ) o( !2r#0%$"%r!$ ) 0"or.

0% 2%

S !"ree 44% &4% !"ree Not de#ide Disaree S disa"ree

Gr!>h ..F Mo(!r0h Co'>!(1 '!#($1 0o(0 ("r!" ) o( !2r#0%$"%r!$ ) 0"or.

..-, EJ> 0" &ro' >#> ) 0o'>!(1 PD%!$#"1 56 W #2h"$ )) / L (2"h & Co$o%r 7 P+ . %9 && / P. %: %6 -. P/ / -0 % :9

T!<$ ..-,(!) EJ> 0" &ro' >#> ) 0o'>!(1 ;or the table weighted arithmetic mean method has been followed under / Score method points" ;or each and e(ery priority points are allotted" Score QNo "of respondents Rpoints

Total score quality Q D56R%ESD.R.E SD-R0ES9Q.5& Total score weightlessQ9SD%9R.ESD%:R0ESD-0R-E Q00: Total score lengthQ D&R%ESD&&R.ESD.6R0ESD%R-E Q06Total score colour QD7R%ES9SD-.R0ED:9R-EQ-.%

@eight Q Total scoreINo" of Respondents

To"!$ )0or D%!$#"1 W #2h"$ )) L (2"h Co$o%r .5& 00: 06-.%

W #2h" ."5& 0"0: 0"6-".%

R!(= . 0 %

T!<$ : ..-,(<) )ho3#(2 r )>o(* ("H) >r#or#"1 o( 'o(!r0h6 5!)!5#6 5#4!1!6 (!$!(*!6 )"!r !(* (!(*# ;rom the table it is inferred that quality first ran!? length second ran!? third ran! is weightless? fourth is colour? for dimension +ostly preferred by consumersP"

..-- Th 0%)"o' r) o& "h Mo(!r0h Co'>!(1. I(& r (0 ;rom the table it is inferred that out of -99 respondents? the customers of the +onarch company 6:T customers ha(e yes and .0T ha(e no"

D 0#)#o( Y ) No To"!$

R )>o() ) 6: .0 -99

P r0 ("!2 ) 6:T .0T -99T

T!<$ ..-- Th 0%)"o' r) o& "h Mo(!r0h 0o'>!(1.

32% Yes No 68%

Gr!>h ..-- "h 0%)"o' r) o& "h Mo(!r0h Co'>!(1.

..-+ Th 0%)"o' r o& "h Mo(!r0h Co'>!(1 )#(0 . I(& r (0 ;rom the table it is inferred that out of -99 respondents? The customer of the +onarch company since"6- T are customers of monarch pipes company less than 6 month while .0T are since 6/ -0 months ? .T -to 0 years and %T are since more than 0 years"

D 0#)#o( L )) "h ( B M) B "o -+ M) - "o + Y !r) Mor "h ( + Y) To"!$

R )>o() ) 6.0 . % -99

P r0 ("!2 ) 6-T .0T .T %T -99T

T!<$ ..-+ Th 0%)"o' r o& "h Mo(!r0h 0o'>!(1 )#(0 .

3% 4%

.ess t$en 6 /s 32% 6 to 12 /s 1 to 2 Years 61% /ore t$en 2 Ys

Gr!>h ..-+ "h 0%)"o' r o& "h Mo(!r0h Co'>!(1 )#(0 .

..-. Sh!r #(&or'!"#o( 3#"h &r# (*) !(* r $!"#5 ). )nferenceK ;rom the table it is inferred that out of -99 respondents? share information with friends and relati(es .:T customers ha(e strongly agreed that they share the information with the friends and relation while 6-T ha(e agreed and -T ha(e strongly disagreed"

D 0#)#o( S.A2r A2r D#)!2r S.*#)!2r To"!$

R )>o() ) .: 69 -99

P r0 ("!2 ) .:T 6-T 9T -T -99T

T!<$ ..-. Sh!r #(&or'!"#o( 3#"h &r# (*) !(* r $!"#5 )

1% 0%


S !"ree !"ree Disaree S disa"ree


Gr!>h ..-. Sh!r #(&or'!"#o( 3#"h &r# (*) !(* r $!"#5 ).

..-/ Co'>!(1 0o(0 ("r!" ) o( r%r!$ '!r= " 'or "h ( %r<!( '!r= ". I(& r (0 : ;rom the table it is inferred that out of -99 respondents? Company concentrates on rural mar!et more then urban mar!et 07T customers ha(e strongly agreed that the company concentrates on the rural mar!et more than urban mar!et while %.T customers ha(e agreed 06 T ha(e disagreed and %T ha(e strongly disagreed"

D 0#)#o( S.A2r A2r D#)!2r S.*#)!2r To"!$

R )>o() ) 07 %. 06 % -99

P r0 ("!2 ) 07T %.T 06T %T -99T

T!<$ ..-/ Co'>!(1 0o(0 ("r!" ) o( r%r!$ '!r= " 'or "h ( %r<!( '!r= ".

4% 2'% 26% S !"ree !"ree Disaree S disa"ree


Gr!>h ..-/ Co'>!(1 0o(0 ("r!" ) o( r%r!$ '!r= " 'or "h ( %r<!( '!r= ".

..-A Co'>!(1 >ro5#* ) < "" r ) r5#0 ) "h!( o"h r 0o'>!(1. I(& r (0 ;rom the table it is inferred that out of -99 respondents? Company pro(ides better ser(ices than other company" .:T customers ha(e strongly agreed while 69T customers ha(e agreed and 0 T ha(e disagreed"

D 0#)#o( S.A2r A2r D#)!2r S.*#)!2r To"!$

R )>o() ) .: 69 0 9 -99

P r0 ("!2 ) .:T 69T 0T 9T -99T

T!<$ ..-A Co'>!(1 >ro5#* ) < "" r ) r5#0 ) "h!( o"h r 0o'>!(1.




S !"ree !"ree Disaree S disa"ree


Gr!>h ..-A Co'>!(1 >ro5#* ) < "" r ) r5#0 ) "h!( o"h r 0o'>!(1.

..-B Mo(!r0h 0o'>!(1 h!) h#2h )" '!r= " )h!r #( )o%"h I(*#!. )nference ;rom the table it is inferred that out of -99 respondents? -9 T ha(e strongly agreed that monarch pipes has highest mar!et share in south )ndia while 60T ha(e agreed and 0: T ha(e not decided"

D 0#)#o( S.A2r A2r No" * 0#* D#)!2r S.*#)!2r To"!$

R )>o() ) -9 60 0: 9 9 -99

P r0 ("!2 ) -9T 60T 0:T 9T 9T -99T

T!<$ ..-B Mo(!r0h 0o'>!(1 h!) h#2h )" '!r= " )h!r #( )o%"h I(*#!.

0% 10% 28% S !"ree !"ree Not de#ide Disa"ree S disa"ree 62%

Gr!>h ..-B Mo(!r0h 0o'>!(1 h!) h#2h )" '!r= " )h!r #( )o%"h I(*#!.

..-C Mo(!r0h >#> %) ) 0h '#0!$) #( #" >ro<$ ' 3h#0h 3#$$ && 0" *r#(=#(2 3!" r. I(& r (0 ;rom the table it is inferred that out of -99 respondents? . T customers ha(e strongly agreed that the monarch pipes uses chemicals that will affect drin!ing water 6. T ha(e agreed 6 T ha(e not decided .T ha(e disagreed and 0& Tha(e strongly disagreed"

D 0#)#o( S.A2r A2r No" * 0#* D#)!2r S.*#)!2r To"!$

R )>o() ) . 6. 6 . 0& -99

P r0 ("!2 ) .T 6.T 6T .T 0&T -99T

T!<$ ..-C Mo(!r0h >#> %) ) 0h '#0!$) #( #" >ro<$ ' 3h#0h 3#$$ && 0" *r#(=#(2 3!" r

3% 2&% S !"ree !"ree 3% 6% 63% Not de#ide Disaree S disa"ree

Gr!>h ..-C Mo(!r0h >#> %) ) 0h '#0!$) #( #" >ro<$ ' 3h#0h 3#$$ && 0" *r#(=#(2 3!" r

..-E %)#(2 "h >#> &or "h >%r>o) o& I(& r (0 ;rom the table it is inferred that out of -99 respondents? using the pipe for the purpose of -T has drin!ing water? 65T ha(e water flow and .9T ha(e others"

D 0#)#o( Dr#(=#(2 3!" r W!" r &$o3 Po3 r 3#r#(2 O"h r) To"!$

R )>o() ) 65 9 .9 -99

P r0 ("!2 ) -T 65T 9T .9T -99T

T!<$ ..-E %)#(2 "h >#> &or "h >%r>o) o&

1% 30% Drin,in" -ater 0ater 1loPo-er -irin" 0% 69% 2t$ers

Gr!>h ..-E %)#(2 "h >#> &or "h >%r>o) o&

..-F Th )%>>$1 0 ("r 3#"h #( A 7'. I(& r (0 ;rom the table it is inferred that out of -99 respondents? &5 T of the customers said that the supply center is & A+ away and %-T said that it is beyond &Am "

D 0#)#o( Y ) No To"!$

R )>o() ) &5 %-99

P r0 ("!2 ) &5T %-T -99T

T!<$ ..-F "h )%>>$1 0 ("r 3#"h #( A 7'

41% Yes No &9%

Gr!>h ..-F "h )%>>$1 0 ("r 3#"h #( A 7'

..+, Goo* 3or* o& 'o%"h #) 'or #'>or"!(" &or 0o'>!(1. I(& r (0 ;rom the table it is inferred that out of -99 respondents? good word of mouth is more important for company .7T ha(e strongly agreed and 6.T ha(e agreed"

D 0#)#o( S.A2r A2r No" * 0#* D#)!2r S.*#)!2r To"!$

R )>o() ) .7 6. 9 9 9 -99

P r0 ("!2 ) .7T 6.T 9T 9T 9T -99T

T!<$ ..+, 2oo* 3or* o& 'o%"h #) 'or #'>or"!(" &or 0o'>!(1



S !"ree !"ree Not de#ide Disaree


S disa"ree

Gr!>h ..+, 2oo* 3or* o& 'o%"h #) 'or #'>or"!(" &or 0o'>!(1

..+- 0o'>!(1 J> 0" "o 0r !" 2oo* 3or* o& 'o%"h I(& r (0 ;rom the table it is inferred that out of -99 respondents? the company e#pect to create good word of mouth 5:T ha(e yes and 0T ha(e no" D 0#)#o( Y ) No To"!$ R )>o() ) 5: 0 -99 P r0 ("!2 ) 5:T 0T -99T

T!<$ ..+- 0o'>!(1 J> 0" "o 0r !" 2oo* 3or* o& 'o%"h


Yes No


Gr!>h ..+- 0o'>!(1 J> 0" "o 0r !" 2oo* 3or* o& 'o%"h

..++ Mo(!r0h >#> ) >r#0 ) !r $o3. I(& r (0 ;rom the table it is inferred that out of -99 respondents? .6T customers ha(e strongly agreed the +onarch pipes prices are low? 6.T ha(e agreed and -T has not decided" D 0#)#o( S.A2r A2r No" * 0#* D#)!2r S.*#)!2r To"!$ R )>o() ) .6 6. 9 9 -99 P r0 ("!2 ) .6T 6.T -T 9T 9T -99T

T!<$ ..++ Mo(!r0h >#> ) >r#0 ) !r $o3.

0% 1% 0% 36% S !"ree !"ree Not de#ide Disa"ree S disa"ree


Gr!>h ..++ Mo(!r0h >#> ) >r#0 ) !r $o3.

..+. Th 0o'>!(1 "o >ro*%0 o"h r !2r#0%$"%r!$ >ro*%0"). I(& r (0 ;rom the table it is inferred that out of -99 respondents? 56T customers ha(e yes the company to produce other agricultural products and %T ha(e no" D 0#)#o( Y ) No To"!$ R )>o() ) 56 % -99 P r0 ("!2 ) 56T %T -99T

T!<$ ..+. "h 0o'>!(1 "o >ro*%0 o"h r !2r#0%$"%r!$ >ro*%0").


Yes No


Gr!>h ..+. "h 0o'>!(1 "o >ro*%0 o"h r !2r#0%$"%r!$ >ro*%0").

..+/ Th 0r *#" &!0#$#"1 )ho%$* < !" $ !)". I(& r (0 ;rom the table it is inferred that out of -99 respondents? %T customers a(ail a credit facility of a - wee! &% T? 0 wee!s 5 T - month and .. T a(ail 0 months"

D 0#)#o( -W = + W =) - Mo("h + Mo("h) To"!$

R )>o() ) % &% 5 .. -99

P r0 ("!2 ) %T &%T 5T ..T -99T

T!<$ ..+/ "h 0r *#" &!0#$#"1 )ho%$* < !" $ !)".


33% 1 0ee, 2 0ee,s 1 /ont$ &4% 9% 2 /ont$s

Gr!>h ..+/ "h 0r *#" &!0#$#"1 )ho%$* < !" $ !)".

..+A Th Mo(!r0h >#> '!r= " 3#$$ )>r !* !$$ o5 r I(*#!. I(& r (0 ;rom the table it is inferred that out of -99 respondents? 6-T customers ha(e yes the +onarch pipe mar!et will spread all o(er )ndia and .5T customers ha(e no" D 0#)#o( Y ) No To"!$ R )>o() ) 6.5 -99 P r0 ("!2 ) 6-T .5T -99T

T!<$ ..+A "h Mo(!r0h >#> '!r= " 3#$$ )>r !* !$$ o5 r I(*#!.

39% Yes No 61%

Gr!>h ..+A "h Mo(!r0h >#> '!r= " 3#$$ )>r !* !$$ o5 r I(*#!.

/.- FINDINGS ;rom the sur(ey it is found that e(ery body is aware of 69T of the respondents were using pipes for agriculture need and only 06T of the respondents were using for domestic purpose Nearly 69T of the respondents are highly satisfied with the quality of pipes ;rom the study it is found that when compared to other brands? price of the nantha pipes is high" 6&T of the customers are satisfied with the after sales ser(ice pro(ided by nantha pipes" %T customers are !nown about The +onarch *ipes through print media? 0T customers are !nown about the monarch pipes through tele(ision 6%T through friends and .9T through dealers" .5 T customers ha(e strongly agreed that the monarch pipe company is best company in a * while ..T ha(e not decided ? 0:T of disagreed" &9 T of the people are regular customers and &9T people are not regular customers to the monarch pipes" -9T customers are interested to buy the pipes directly from company while %7T through dealers? . T through bro!ers? 0T through friends and .:T through show room" 0T ha(e strongly agreed that the monarch pipes company mainly concentrates on agricultural sector? while %%T ha(e agreed and &%T ha(e not decided" -6 T are customers of monarch *ipes Company less than 6 month while .0T are since 6/ -0 months? .T -to 0 years and %T are since more than 0 years" .: T customers ha(e strongly agreed that they share the information with the friends and relation while 6-T ha(e agreed and -T has strongly disagreed" 07T customers ha(e strongly agreed that the company concentrates on the rural mar!et more than urban mar!et while %.T customers ha(e agreed 06 T ha(e disagreed and %T ha(e strongly disagreed" nantha

-9 T ha(e strongly agreed that monarch pipes has highest mar!et share in south )ndia while 60T ha(e agreed 0: T ha(e not decided" . T customers ha(e strongly agreed that the monarch pipes uses chemicals that will effect drin!ing water 6. T ha(e agreed 6 T ha(e not decided? .T ha(e disagreed and 0& Tha(e strongly disagreed"

&5 T of the customers said that the supply center is & A+ away and %-T said that it is beyond &Am " % T customers a(ail a credit facility of a - wee! &%T? 0 wee!s 5 T - month and .. T a(ail 0 months" 0:T of the customers strongly agreed that the quality of the product is good while 70 T ha(e agreed"

/.+ SUGGESTIONS s one of the concerns in customer satisfaction is the price of the product and that the price of anantha pipes is belie(ed to be higher than the competitors? the company may ma!e an attempt to study the price and percei(ed added (alue of the product and appropriately modify the prices or may announce certain discounts and allowances to the tune of the difference" Though the customers are aware of the product? they do not percei(e that the +onarch pipes is the best company? hence efforts may be ta!en to include the image pro,ection of the company in all its communications" There appears to be little confusion among the customers that the chemicals used in the pipes might affect the drin!ing water? hence efforts may be ta!en to ma!e appropriate changes in the manufacturing process and also in the communications concerning this image" s ma,ority said that the supply centers are beyond & A+? the company may ta!e steps to ha(e more supply centers" s per the demand of the customers? the company must gi(e percentage of discount to all the customers" )t is suggested to pro(ide some discounts or allowances to the customers those who bought e(en less than -99 pipes"

ANNEKURE A S"%*1 o( M!r= "#(2 (C%)"o' r S!"#)&!0"#o() 3#"h r 2!r* "o P5"6 L"*.6 S.No. +B6 N.H.C6 B!(2!$or Ro!*6 H!'>!>%r!'6 A(!("!>%r D#)"6 A.P L-L-L D% )"#o((!#r &or M !)%r#(2 C%)"o' r S!"#)&!0"#o( 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 N!' : A2 : D%!$#&#0!"#o(: EJ"!(" L!(*: T1> o& Cro>: A5 r!2 I(0o' : Mo"or HP: W!" r So%r0 : RainIBoreI@ellITan!ICanal 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 -" @hat are the brands you are aware mostly aE +onarch H 0" re you aware of +onarch *ipesO aE 4es H ." 'ow did you get to !now about the brand +onarch *ipesO aE *rint media bE tele(ision cE friends I relati(es H %" @hich company products do you prefer to useO aE +onarch H &" +onarch is best company in "*" aE Strongly agree bE gree H 6" ) am inspired to buy the +onarch pipes by aE ;riends H 7" re you a regular customer to +onarch Company or DealersO aE 4es H :" 4ou are interested to buy the pipes from bE No G bE Relati(es cE Neighbors dE d(ertisements G cE Not decide dE Disagree eE strongly disagree G bE $asa(i cE $i,aya dE Nalandha eE Star fENandi G dE dealers G bE No G bE $asa(i cE $i,aya dE Nalandha eE Star fENandi G

aE Company H

bE Dealers

cE Bro!ers

dE ;riends

eE Showroom

5" +onarch company mainly concentrates on agricultural sector aE Strongly agree bE gree H -9" @hat do you e#pect from a pipe companyO aE 8uality H --" re you the customer of the +onarch CompanyO aE 4es H -0") am the customer of the +onarch Company since aE 2ess than 6 months cE- to 0 years H -.") share the information with my friends and relati(es aE Strongly agree H -%" Company concentrates on rural mar!et more than urban mar!et aE Strongly agree H -&" +onarch Company pro(ides better ser(ices than other company aE Strongly agree H -6" ) thin! +onarch Company has highest mar!et share in south )ndia aE Strongly agree dE Disagree H -7" Do you thin! +onarch pipe uses chemicals in it problem which will effect drin!ing water" aE Strongly agree bE gree cE Not decide bE gree cE Not decide G eE Strongly disagree bE gree cE Disagree dE Strongly disagree G bE gree cE Disagree dE Strongly disagree G bE gree cE Disagree dE Strongly disagree G bE 6 to -0 +onths dE +ore than 0 years G bE No G bE weightless cE length dE colour G cE Not decide dE Disagrees eE strongly disagree G

dE Disagree H

eE Strongly disagree

-:" 4ou are using the pipe for the purpose of aE Drin!ing water H -5" Do you ha(e the supply centre with in & AmO aE 4es H 09" The good word of mouth is more important for company aE Strongly agree dE Disagree H 0-" Can the company e#pect you to create good word of mouthO aE 4es H 00" ) thin! +onarch pipe prices are low price aE Strongly agree dE Disagree H 0." Do you in(ite the company to produce other agricultural productsO aE 4es H 0%" )f agreed the credit facility should be at least to aE -wee! H 0&" Do you e#pect the +onarch pipe mar!et will spread all o(er )ndiaO aE 4es H bE No G bE 0wee!s cE -month dE 0months eE 0months G bE No G bE gree cE Not decide G eE Strongly disagree bE No G bE gree cE Not decide G eE Strongly disagree bE No G bE @ater flow cE *ower wiring dE Others G

*rinciples of +ar!eting +ar!eting management Research methodology / Philip Kotler / Gary Armstrong / V.S. Ramaswamy & Namakumari 199 / !.R.Kothari

+ar!eting Research S !r0h E(2#( ) h"">:MM2oo2$ .0o' h"">:MM(!(*#>#> ).0o' h"">:MM>50>#> ).0o' h"">:MM3#=#> *#!.0o' h"">:MM!()3 r).0o'

/ G. !. "eri

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