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Bipolar-Junction (BJT) transistors

References: Hayes & Horowitz (pp 84-141), Rizzoni (chapters 8 & 9) A bipolar junction transistor is formed by joining three sections of semiconductors with alternatively dierent dopings. The middle section (base) is narrow and one of the other two regions (emitter) is heavily doped. Two variants of BJT are possible: NPN and PNP.
C n B p n+ E B B B

NPN Transistor
C C p n

PNP Transistor

E Circuit Symbols

p+ E

E Circuit Symbols

Behavior of NPN BJT is discussed below. Operation of a PNP transistor is analogous to that of a NPN transistor except that the role of charge carries reversed. In NPN transistors, electron ow is dominant while PNP transistors rely mostly on the ow of holes. Therefore, to zeroth order, NPN and PNP transistors behave similarly except the sign of current and voltages are reversed. i.e., PNP = NPN ! In practice, NPN transistors are much more popular than PNP transistors because electrons move faster in a semiconductor. As a results, a NPN transistor has a faster response time compared to a PNP transistor. At the rst glance, a BJT looks like 2 diodes placed back to back. Indeed this is the case if we apply voltage to only two of the three terminals, letting the third terminal oat. This is also the way that we check if a transistor is working: use an ohm-meter to ensure both diodes are in working conditions. (One should also check the resistance between CE terminals and read a vary high resistance as one may have a burn through the base connecting collector and emitter.) The behavior of the BJT is dierent, however, when voltage sources are attached to both BE and CE terminals. The BE junction acts like a diode. When this junction is forward biased, electrons ow from emitter to the base (and a small current of holes from base to emitter). The base region is narrow and when a voltage is applied between collector and emitter, most of the electrons that were owing from emitter to base, cross the narrow base region and are collected at the collector region. So while the BC junction is reversed biased, a large current can ow through that region and BC junction does not act as a diode. The amount of the current that crosses from emitter to collector region depends strongly on the voltage applied to the BE junction, vBE . (It also depends weakly on voltage applied
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between collector and emitter, vCE .) As such, small changes in vBE or iB controls a much larger collector current iC . Note that the transistor does not generate iC . It acts as a valve controlling the current that can ow through it. The source of current (and power) is the power supply that feeds the CE terminals. A BJT has three terminals. Six parameters; iC , iB , iE , vCE , vBE , and vCB ; dene the state of the transistor. However, because BJT has three terminals, KVL and KCL should hold for these terminals, i.e., iE = i C + i B vBC = vBE vCE
iC iB vCB + _ + vBE + vCE _ _ iE

Thus, only four of these 6 parameters are independent parameters. The relationship among these four parameters represents the iv characteristics of the BJT, usually shown as i B vs vBE and iC vs vCE graphs.

The above graphs show several characteristics of BJT. First, the BE junction acts likes a diode. Secondly, BJT has three main states: cut-o, active-linear, and saturation. A description of these regions are given below. Lastly, The transistor can be damaged if (1) a large positive voltage is applied across the CE junction (breakdown region), or (2) product of iC vCE exceed power handling of the transistor, or (3) a large reverse voltage is applied between any two terminals. Several models available for a BJT. These are typically divided into two general categories: large-signal models that apply to the entire range of values of current and voltages, and small-signal models that apply to AC signals with small amplitudes. Low-frequency and high-frequency models also exist (high-frequency models account for capacitance of each junction). Obviously, the simpler the model, the easier the circuit calculations are. More complex models describe the behavior of a BJT more accurately but analytical calculations become dicult. PSpice program uses a high-frequency, Eber-Mos large-signal model which is a quite accurate representation of BJT. For analytical calculations here, we will discuss a simple low-frequency, large-signal model (below) and a low-frequency, small-signal model in the context of BJT ampliers later. 46

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A Simple, Low-frequency, Large Signal Model for BJT: As the BE junction acts like a diode, a simple piece-wise linear model can be used : BE Junction ON: BE Junction OFF: vBE = v , vBE < v , and and iB > 0 iB = 0

where v is the forward bias voltage (v 0.7 V for Si semiconductors). When the BE junction is reversed-biased, transistor is OFF as no charge carriers enter the base and move to the collector. The voltage applied between collector and emitter has not eect. This region is called the cut-o region: Cut-O: vBE < v , iB = 0, i C iE 0

Since the collector and emitter currents are very small for any vCE , the eective resistance between collector and emitter is very large (100s of M) making the transistor behave as an open circuit in the cut-o region. When the BE junction is forward-biased, transistor is ON. The behavior of the transistor, however, depends on how much voltage is applied between collector and emitter. If vCE > v , the BE junction is forward biased while BC junction is reversed-biased and transistor is in active-linear region. In this region, iC scales linearly with iB and transistor acts as an amplier. Active-Linear: vBE = v , iB > 0, iC = constant, iB vCE v

If vCE < v , both BE and BC junctions are forward biased. This region is called the saturation region. As vCE is small while iC can be substantial, the eective resistance between collector and emitter in saturation region is small and the BJT acts as a closedcircuit. Saturation: vBE = v , iB > 0, iC < , iB vCE vsat

Our model species vCE vsat , the saturation voltage. In reality in the saturation region 0 < vCE < v . As we are mainly interested in the value of the collector current in this region, vCE is set to a value in the middle of its range in our simple model: vCE vsat 0.5v . Typically a value of vsat 0.2 0.3 V is used for Si semiconductors.
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The above simple, large-signal model is shown below. A comparison of this simple model with the real BJT characteristics demonstrates the degree of approximation used.
iB BJT ON BJT OFF v vBE vsat vCE iC Saturation

Active Linear

Cut Off

How to Solve BJT Circuits: The state of a BJT is not known before we solve the circuit, so we do not know which model to use: cut-o, active-linear, or saturation. To solve BJT circuits, we need assume that BJT is in a particular state, use BJT model for that state to solve the circuit and check the validity of our assumptions by checking the inequalities in the model for that state. A formal procedure will be: 1) Write down a KVL including the BE junction (call it BE-KVL). 2) Write down a KVL including CE terminals (call it CE-KVL). 3) Assume BJT is in cut-o (this is the simplest case). Set iB = 0. Calculate vBE from BE-KVL. 3a) If vBE < v , then BJT is in cut-o, iB = 0 and vBE is what you just calculated. Set iC = iE = 0, and calculate vCE from CE-KVL. You are done. 3b) If vBE > v , then BJT is not in cut-o. Set vBE = v . Solve above KVL to nd iB . You should get iB > 0. 4) Assume that BJT is in active linear region. Let iE iC = iB . Calculate vCE from CE-KVL. 4a) If vCE > v , then BJT is in active-linear region. You are done. 4b) If vCE < v , then BJT is not in active-linear region. It is in saturation. Let vCE = vsat and compute iC from CE-KVL. You should nd that iC < iB . You are done.
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Example 1: Compute the parameters of this circuit ( = 100). Following the procedure above: BE-KVL: CE-KVL: 4 = 40 103 iB + vBE 12 = 10 iC + vCE ,
+ 4V

12 V 1 k iC 40 k iB + vBE + vCE _ _ iE

Assume BJT is in cut-o. Set iB = 0 in BE-KVL: BE-KVL: 4 = 40 103 iB + vBE vBE = 4 > v = 0.7 V

So BJT is not in cut o and BJT is ON. Set vBE = 0.7 V and use BE-KVL to nd iB . BE-KVL: 4 = 40 103 iB + vBE iB = 4 0.7 = 82.5 A 40, 000

Assume BJT is in active linear, Find iC = iB and use CE-KVL to nd vCE : iC = iB = 100iB = 8.25 mA CE-KVL: 12 = 1, 000iC + vCE , vCE = 12 8.25 = 3.75 V

As vCE = 3.75 > v , the BJT is indeed in active-linear and we have: vBE = 0.7 V, iB = 82.5 A, iE iC = 8.25 mA, and vCE = 3.75 V. Example 2: Compute the parameters of this circuit ( = 100). Following the procedure above: BE-KVL: CE-KVL: 4 = 40 103 iB + vBE + 103 iE 12 = 1, 000iC + vCE + 1, 000iE
+ 40 k 4V iB + vBE 12 V 1 k iC + vCE _ _ iE 1 k

Assume BJT is in cut-o. Set iB = 0 and iE = iC = 0 in BE-KVL: BE-KVL: 4 = 40 103 iB + vBE + 103 iE

vBE = 4 > 0.7 V

So BJT is not in cut o and vBE = 0.7 V and iB > 0. Here, we cannot nd iB right away from BE-KVL as it also contains iE .
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Assume BJT is in active linear, iE iC = iB : BE-KVL: 4 = 40 103 iB + vBE + 103 iB 4 0.7 = (40 103 + 103 102 )iB iB = 24 A CE-KVL: iE iC = iB = 2.4 mA vCE = 12 4.8 = 7.2 V

12 = 1, 000iC + vCE + 1, 000iE ,

As vCE = 7.2 > v , the BJT is indeed in active-linear and we have: vBE = 0.7 V, iB = 24 A, iE iC = 2.4 mA, and vCE = 7.2 V. Load line The operating point of a BJT can be found graphically using the concept of a load line. A load line is the relationship between iC and vCE that is imposed on BJT by the external circuit. For a given value of iB , the iC vCE characteristics curve of a BJT is the relationship between iC and VCE as is set by BJT internals. The intersection of the load line with the BJT characteristics represent a pair of iC and vCE values which satisfy both conditions and, therefore, is the operating point of the BJT (often called the Q point for Quiescent point) The equation of a load line for a BJT should include only iC and vCE (no other unknowns). This equation is usually found by writing a KVL around a loop containing vCE . For the example above, we have (using iE iC ): KVL: 12 = 1, 000iC + vCE + 1, 000iE 2, 000iC + vCE = 12

An example of a load line, iC vCE characteristics of a BJT, and the Q-point is shown below. BJT as an amplier Consider the circuit below. The operating point of the BJT is shown in the iC vCE space.
iC RB iB + vBE VBB + vCE _ _ iE VCC RC

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Let us add a sinusoidal source with an amplitude of VBB in series with VBB . In response to this additional source, the base current will become iB + iB leading to the collector current of iC + iC and CE voltage of vCE + vCE .

i C + i C RB i B + i B + vCE + vCE RC

+ vBE + vBE _ _ + ~ VBB VBB


For example, without the sinusoidal source, the base current is 150 A, iC = 22 mA, and vCE = 7 V (the Q point). If the amplitude of iB is 40 A, then with the addition of the sinusoidal source iB + iB = 150 + 40 cos(t) and varies from 110 to 190 A. The BJT operating point should remain on the load line and collector current and CE voltage change with changing base current while remaining on the load line. For example when base current is 190 A, the collector current is 28.6 mA and CE voltage is about 4.5 V. As can be seen from the gure above, the collector current will approximately be iC +iC = 22+6.6 cos(t) and CE voltage is vCE + vCE = 7 2.5 cos(t). The above example shows that the signal from the sinusoidal source VBB is greatly amplied and appears as changes either in collector current or CE voltage. It is clear from the gure that this happens as long as the BJT stays in the active-linear region. As the amplitude of iB is increased, the swings of BJT operating point along the load line become larger and larger and, at some value of iB , BJT will enter either the cut-o or saturation region and the output signals will not be a sinusoidal function. Note: An important observation is that one should locate the Q point in the middle of the load line in order to have the largest output signal. For this reason, in design problems, vCE of the Q point is usually chosen to be half of the bias voltage VCC : vCE,Q = 0.5 VCC . The above circuit, however, has two major problems: 1) The input signal, VBB , is in series with the VBB biasing voltage making design of previous two-port network dicult, and 2) The output signal is usually taken across RC as RC iC . This output voltage has a DC component which is of no interest and can cause problems in the design of the next-stage, two-port network. The DC voltage needed to bias the BJT (establish the Q point) and the AC signal of interest can be added together or separated using capacitor coupling as discussed below.
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Capacitive Coupling For DC voltages ( = 0), the capacitor is an open circuit (innite impedance). For AC voltages, the impedance of a capacitor, Z = j/(C ), can be made suciently small by choosing an appropriately large value for C (the higher the frequency, the lower C that one needs). This property of capacitors can be used to add and separate AC and DC signals. Example below highlights this eect. Consider the circuit below which includes a DC source of 15 V and an AC source of vi = Vi cos(t). We are interested to calculate voltages vA and vB . The best method to solve this circuit is superposition. The circuit is broken into two circuits. In circuit 1, we kill the AC source and keep the DC source. In circuit 2, we kill the DC source and keep the AC source. Superposition principle states that vA = vA1 + vA2 and vB = vB 1 + vB 2 .
R2 vA + vi R1 R

+15 V R2 A vi R1 C1 B

+ v

+15 V vA1 C1

R2 v

+15 V vA2 C1

R2 v R



Consider the rst circuit. It is driven by a DC source and, therefore, the capacitor will act as open circuit. The voltage vA1 = 0 as it is connected to ground and vB 1 can be found by voltage divider formula: vB 1 = 15R1 /(R1 + R2 ). As can be seen both vA1 and vB 1 are DC voltages. In the second circuit, resistors R1 and R2 are in parallel. Let Rb = R1 R2 . The circuit is a high-pass lter: VA2 = Vi and VB 2 = Vi (Rb )/(Rb + 1/jC ). If we operate the circuit at frequency above the cut-o frequency of the lter, i.e., Rb 1/C , we will have VB 2 VA2 = Vi and vB 2 vA2 = Vi cos(t). Therefore, vA = vA1 + vA2 = Vi cos(t) vB = v B 1 + v B 2 = R1 15 + Vi cos(t) R1 + R 2

Obviously, the capacitor is preventing the DC voltage to appear at point A, while the voltage at point B is the sum of DC signal from 15-V supply and the AC signal.

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Using capacitive coupling, we can recongure our previous amplier circuit as is shown in the gure below. Capacitive coupling is used extensively in transistor ampliers.
vCE + vCE i C + i C VBB RB + i B + i B + vCE + vCE RC vCE

+ vBE + vBE _ _



BJT amplier circuits are analyzed using superposition principle, similar to example above: 1) DC Biasing: Input signal is set to zero and capacitors act as open circuit. This analysis establishes the Q point in the active linear region. 2) AC analysis: DC bias voltages are set to zero. The response of the circuit to an AC input signal is calculated and transfer function, input and output impedances, etc. are found. The break up of the problem into these two parts have an additional advantage as the requirement for accuracy are dierent in the two cases. For DC biasing, we are interested in locating the Q point roughly in the middle of active linear region. The exact location of the Q point is not important. Thus, a simple model, such as large-signal model of page 49 is quite adequate. We are, however, interested to compute the transfer function for AC signals quite accurately. Our large-signal model is not good for the desired accuracy and we will develop a model which is accurate for small AC signals below. To avoid confusion, we follow the following convention: We use capital letters to denote DC component (e.g., IC ) and small letters to denote AC components(e.g., vCE ) DC Biasing A simple bias circuit is shown. As we like to have only one power supply, the base circuit is also powered by VCC . Assuming that BJT is in active-linear state, we have: BE-KVL: VCC = IB RB + VBE IC = IB = VCC VBE IB = RB

RC iC iB + vBE + vCE _ _


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For a given circuit (known RC , RB , VCC , and BJT ) the above equations can be solved to nd the Q-point (IB , IC , and VCE ). Alternatively, one can use the above equation to design a BJT circuit (known ) to operate at a certain Q point. (Note: Do not memorize the above equations or use them as formulas, they can be easily derived from simple KVLs). Example 1: Find values of RC , RB in the above circuit with = 100 and VCC = 15 V so that the Q-point is IC = 25 mA and VCE = 7.5 V. Since the BJT is in active-linear region (VCE = 7.5 > V ), IB = IC / = 0.25 mA. Writing the KVLs that include VBE and VCE we get: BE-KVL: CE-KVL: VCC + RB IB + VBE = 0 VCC = IC RC + VCE 15 0.7 = 57.2 k 0.250 15 = 25 103 RC + 7.5 RB =

RC = 300

Example 2: Consider the circuit designed in example 1. What is the Q point if = 200. We have RB = 57.2 k, RC = 300 , and VCC = 15 V but IB , IC , and VCE are unknown. They can be found by writing KVLs that include VBE and VCE : BE-KVL: VCC + RB IB + VBE = 0 IC = IB = 50 mA CE-KVL: VCC = IC RC + VCE VCE = 15 300 50 103 = 0 IB = VCC VBE = 0.25 mA RB

As VCE < v the BJT is not in active-linear region and the above equations are not valid. Values of IC and VCE should be calculated using the BJT model for saturation region. The above examples show the problem with our simple biasing circuit as the of a commercial BJT can depart by a factor of 2 from its average value given in the manufacturers spec sheet. Environmental conditions can also play an important role. In a given BJT, IC increases by 9% per C for a xed VBE . Consider a circuit which is tested to operate perfectly at 25 C. At a temperature of 35 C, IC will be roughly doubled and the BJT will be in saturation! The problem is that our biasing circuit xes the value of IB (independent of BJT parameters) and, as a result, both IC and VCE are directly proportional to BJT (see formulas in the previous page). A biasing scheme should be found that make the Q-point (IC and VCE ) independent of transistor and insensitive to the above problems Use negative feedback!

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Stable biasing schemes This biasing scheme can be best analyzed and understood if we replace R1 and R2 voltage divider with its Thevenin equivalent: VBB R2 = VCC R1 + R 2 and RB = R1 R2


RC iC iB + vBE + vCE _ _ RE

The emitter resistor, RE is a sneaky feedback. Suppose IC becomes larger than the designed value (larger , increase in temperature, etc.). Then, VE = RE IE will increase. Since VBB and RB do not change, KVL in the BE loop shows that IB should decrease which will reduce IC back to its design value. If IC becomes smaller than its design value opposite happens, IB has to increase and will increase and stabilize IC . Analysis below also shows that the Q point is independent of BJT parameters: IE IC = IB BE-KVL: CE-KVL: VBB = RB IB + VBE + IE RE VCC = RC IC + VCE + IE RE IB = VBB VBE RB + RE


Thevenin Equivalent


RB iB + vBE

RC iC + vCE _ _ RE



Choose RB such that RB IB VBB VBE RE VBB VBE IC RE

RE (this is the condition for the feedback to be eective):



Note that now both IC and VCE are independent of ! One can appreciate the working of this biasing scheme by comparing it to the poor biasing circuit of page 55. In that circuit, IB was set by the values of VCC and RB . As a result, IC = IB was directly proportional to . In this circuit, KVL in BE loop gives VBB = RB IB + VBE + IE RE . If we choose RB IB IE RE or RB (IE /IB )RE RE (feedback condition above), the KVL reduces to VBB VBE + IE RE , forcing a constant IE independent of BJT parameters. As IC IE this will also xes the Q point of BJT. If BJT parameters change (dierent , change in temperature), the circuit forces IE to remain xed and changes IB !
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Another important point follows from VBB VBE + IE RE . As VBE is not a constant and can change slightly (can drop to 0.6 or increase to 0.8 V), we need to ensure that I E RE is much larger than possible changes in VBE . As changes in VBE is about 0.1 V, we need to ensure that VE = IE RE 0.1 or VE > 10 0.1 = 1 V. Example: Design a stable bias circuit with a Q point of IC = 25 mA and VCE = 7.5 V. Transistor ranges from 50 to 200. Step 1: Find VCC : As we like to have the Q-point to be located in the middle of the load line, we set VCC = 2VCE = 2 7.5 = 15 V. Step 2: Find RC and RE : VCE = VCC IC (RC + RE ) RC + RE = 7.5 = 3 k 2.5 103

We are free to choose RC and RE (choice is usually set by the AC behavior which we will see later). We have to ensure, however, that VE = IE RE > 1 V or RE > 1/IE = 400 . Lets choose RE = 1 k and RC = 2 k for this example. Step 3: Find RB and VBB : We need to set RB RE . As any commercial BJT has a range of values and we want to ensure that the above inequality is always satised, we should use the minimum value: RB min RE RB = 0.1 50 1 = 5 k

VBB VBE + IE RE = 0.7 + 2.5 103 103 = 3.2 V Step 4: Find R1 and R2 RB = R 1 VBB VCC R1 R2 = 5 k R1 + R 2 R2 3.2 = = = 0.21 R1 + R 2 15 R2 =

The above are two equations in two unknowns (R1 and R2 ). The easiest way to solve these equations are to divide the two equations to nd R1 and use that in the equation for VBB : R1 = 5 k = 24 k 0.21 0.79R2 = 0.21R1 R2 = 6.4 k

R2 = 0.21 R1 + R 2

Reasonable commercial values for R1 and R2 are and 24 k and 6.2 k, respectively.
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