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Case3 Lessonplan

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Unit Topic: Cyberbullying Group 12

Overview of Lesson:
We will be teaching the teachers how to interact with their students about cyberbullying. We will be teaching them how to bring it up to their students, how to avoid it, and how the students should not get involved in cyberbullying. We will also make teachers aware of Indiana State Legislature mandating instruction which addresses internet safety and specifically cyberbullying.

Inspiration for Lesson:

For this lesson, we wanted to give teachers the resources necessary to address a growing issue amongst todays students. We put the information in a short poster presentation to be emailed and viewed at the learners leisure, keeping in mind the time constraints that teachers face. We not only want to make the teachers aware of the issue, but give them information on what to do if they should encounter this problem. Finally, we want to encourage the teachers to share this information with their students so that this issue can be addressed.

Description of Learners:
275 teachers of 7 elementary schools, 2 middle schools, and 2 high schools Teachers of 4,500 students total Most have at least ten years of teaching experience

Description of Learning Environment:

School or home depending upon where learner has access to email.

Technology Integration:
Email Interactive poster board: Glogster Prezi presentation YouTube video

Learning Objectives:

Teachers will be given information on cyber bullying in order to build the knowledge necessary to talk to their students about cyberbullying and tell them at least two ways in which this issue affects fellow students. Given a link to resources on Indiana State Legislature concerning internet safety, teachers will demonstrate compliance with Indiana State Laws by including at least one lesson addressing cyber bullying in the curriculum. Given a list of laws addressing cyber bullying, teachers will talk to students about at least two possible repercussions for their actions. Given the resources necessary to act in cyber bullying situations,teachers will make students aware of at least one action to take if they should become a victim or witness cyber bullying.

Internet Safety Duties of School Corporations - Each school corporation shall include in the schools corporations curriculum for grades 3 and above instruction Cyberbullying

Glogster poster - Email Prezi - Cyberbullying Video - Survey for teachers -

1. Use to create a poster. 2. On the poster, include a list of laws that protect an individual against cyberbullying. Use to find the laws. 3. Create a Prezi explaining what cyberbullying is and why it is wrong. Use for more information. 4. Once the Prezi is completed, post the link of it on the poster. 5. Find a YouTube video that shows the effects of cyberbullying. Here is one 6. Post this video on the poster. 7. Create a survey about cyberbullying on for the teachers to complete to see if they understand the material well enough to teach it. 8. Once the list of laws, Prezi, and YouTube video are all put on the Glogster poster, send the poster through email to all the teachers of the school. Also, include the link to the survey in the email. 9. In the email, ask the teachers to review the poster so that they are knowledgeable on the material. After reviewing the material, have the teachers complete the survey.

10. Give feedback to the teachers from the survey on the material that they do not understand. 11. Once you feel that the teacher is knowledgeable enough on the topic, have them present the poster to their class. 12. Use a checklist to assess the teachers as they present the poster to their class.

Survey including a rating scale on the teachers understanding of several key ideas presented in the lesson. Teachers will be required to comment on what they do or do not understand so that they can receive appropriate feedback. Link to the survey: In class observation of teacher effectiveness (observer will have a checklist)

Journal Articles:
Kowalski, R. M. (2008, October). Cyber bullying: recognizing and treating victim and aggressor. Psychiatric Times, 25(11), 45. Retrieved from urdue_main&it=r&p=HRCA&sw=w&asid=60bd1201183e9a568cc74bf665b0fccd Author Robin M. Kowalski discusses the concept of cyber bullying, its prevalence among middle school children, its causes and effects, and how it compares to traditional bullying in her article, Cyber Bullying: Recognizing and Treating Victim and Aggressor. She first defines the term as bullying that occurs through instant messaging, e-mail, chat rooms, Web pages, video-gaming, or through images or messages sent via cellular phones (Kowalski 2008). Next, she points out several misconceptions that people often have about cyber bullying. For example, that it is the same thing as traditional bullying, or not as serious as traditional bullying. She states that even though the two forms of bullying share some similarities, they are different in several ways. For example, the types of people who participate in cyber and traditional bullying have some, but not all personality traits in common; however, the perpetrators of cyber bullying are much more anonymous. This makes it difficult for educators and parents to identify the perpetrator and stop the problem. Another difference that she points out is that traditional bullying takes place at the school yard or on the bus. Once the victim goes home, he or she is likely safe. With cyber bullying, however, victims are easily accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Finally, she discusses what can be done to help/identify both the victims and the bullies.She states that the victims must be made aware of the situation and learn strategies to cope with the anxiety that comes with being cyber bullied. The bullies themselves must be made aware of the consequences of their actions for the victims. We chose to use this article while doing the research for our case because it gives a basic definition of cyber bullying that will be important for us to keep in mind while creating our

lesson. It also points out many misconceptions that we will need to avoid. Finally, it contains suggestions on how to address the problems presented by cyber bullying.

Mishna, F. (2012, January). Risk factors for involvement in cyber bullying: victims, bullies, and bully-victims. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(1), 63-70. Retrieved from This article discusses a research study conducted on the risk factors for involvement in cyber bullying. We feel that this article is pertinent to our lesson because it helps us to understand what information to give teachers on what to look for in their students. The conclusions of this study were that over 30% of students are involved in cyber bullying as either a bully, victim, or bully-victim, and that the most likely perpetrators have been bullied themselves. Some risk factors for cyber bullying include: social anxiety, being female as opposed to male,the amount of hours per day spent on the computer, and many others. These are all important details for teachers to be aware of, as they can have an idea of what to look for and talk to their students about.


Discussion Group Form Group Members Names: Elizabeth Tuck, Emma Gray, Ellie Bane TA: Tyler Goedde Discussion Record

Please provide an overview of what topics your group discussed as you planned your lesson.

As we were developing our material for case 3, we mainly discussed the aspects of this case that made it different from the cases we have already completed. For example, we considered the learners( in this case teachers), and how we could give them an effective lesson without wasting their time. We discussed different ways that the teachers could be assessed and finally decided on a survey. We decided to focus our discussion mainly on the learners because the idea of having teachers as the learners is different from what we are used to. Digg Reader We selected this tool to help us look up current research and stories about cyber bullying. This tool gave us access to several interesting articles and testimonials on our topic: cyber bullying. This tool was helpful in the research process. We would use this tool again for research purposes for this class or any other.

How did you decide what topics to discuss as you planned your lesson?

What Web 2.0 tool(s) did you select? Why did you select this tool?

What was your experience with using this tool? Was it helpful or was it a hindrance? Explain. Would you use it again? Why or why not?

Insert a screen capture (or a link to) of anything you created with your selected Web 2.0 tool.

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