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MVS System Codes

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The document provides information about z/OS system codes and how to look them up.

The document is about z/OS MVS System Codes and provides explanations of different system codes that can occur in z/OS.

The document provides information on page 467 about submitting reader's comments via mail or email to provide feedback about the document.


MVS System Codes



MVS System Codes


Note Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under Notices on page 447.

Twenty-second Edition, April 2010 This is a major revision of SA22-7626-20. This edition applies to Version 1 Release 11 of z/OS (5694-A01) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. IBM welcomes your comments. A form for readers comments may be provided at the back of this document, or you may address your comments to the following address: International Business Machines Corporation MHVRCFS, Mail Station P181 2455 South Road Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-5400 United States of America FAX (United States & Canada): 1+845+432-9405 FAX (Other Countries): Your International Access Code +1+845+432-9405 IBMLink (United States customers only): IBMUSM10(MHVRCFS) Internet e-mail: World Wide Web: If you would like a reply, be sure to include your name, address, telephone number, or FAX number. Make sure to include the following in your comment or note: v Title and order number of this document v Page number or topic related to your comment When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1988, 2010. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

About this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Who should use this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v How to use this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Code descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v How System Codes are Explained in this Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi Location of user completion codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Where to find more information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Information updates on the web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Using LookAt to look up message explanations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii The z/OS Basic Skills Information Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii Summary of changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Chapter 1. Introduction . . . . . . . Completion Codes . . . . . . . . . Abend of a Task or Address Space . . Abend of a System Service . . . . . Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . Location . . . . . . . . . . . . Abnormal End of Subtasks . . . . . Wait State Codes in z/Architecture Mode . No Work Wait . . . . . . . . . . Wait State Codes from a Stand-Alone Dump IPCS User Completion Codes . . . . . Chapter 2. System Completion Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Chapter 3. Wait State Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 Chapter 4. System Completion Code to Module Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413 Chapter 5. Wait State Code to Module Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425 Chapter 6. Stand-Alone Dump Wait State Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431

Chapter 7. IPCS User Completion Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439 Appendix. Accessibility . . . . . . Using assistive technologies . . . . . Keyboard navigation of the user interface z/OS information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445 445 445 445

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447 Policy for unsupported hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448 Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448

Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 2010



z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

About this document

This document describes the system completion codes and wait state codes issued by components, products, and subsystems of z/OS (5694A01). The document helps you interpret and respond to the system completion codes and wait state codes. System completion codes are also called abend codes.

Who should use this document

z/OS MVS System Codes is for all people who receive abend and wait state codes from the system. Usually, these people are system operators, system programmers, and application programmers who do any of the following tasks: v Initialize the operating system and its subsystems v Keep the system running correctly v Diagnose and correct system problems v Diagnose and correct errors in problem programs

How to use this document

z/OS MVS System Codes contains: v An introduction to the format of system and user completion codes and of wait state codes v Descriptions of system completion codes issued by system components, products, and subsystems v Descriptions of wait state codes loaded during system operation v Descriptions of wait state codes loaded during operation of a stand-alone dump program

Code descriptions
Each type of code is arranged in hexadecimal order in a chapter. The description of each code: v Explains why the code was issued. v Identifies the component, subsystem, or product issuing the code. v Describes the actions taken by the system. v Suggests actions that the operator, user, application programmer, or system programmer can take, if appropriate, in response to the code. The system programmer responses assume that the programmer has performed the customary diagnosis described in the z/OS Problem Management.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 2010

How System Codes are Explained in this Book

The following describes the different parts of system code explanations in this book: Explanation The meaning of the abend, including why the system issued the abend. System Action v What the system did as a result of the system condition reported by the abend. A system condition could include running out of storage, a hardware or software failure, or other situation. v What the system did as a result of user input. User input can include a system command, a job running on the system, a transaction, a query, or another user-system interaction. Operator Response Instructions for the system operator, including, as appropriate, decisions to make and actions to take. Only provided for abends that could appear at the system console. User Response Instructions for the end user. Application Programmer Response Instructions for an application programmer. System Programmer Response Instructions for the system programmer. Only provided for abends that require additional action beyond the operator response, user response, or application programmer response. Storage Administrator Response Instructions for the DFSMSdfp storage administrator. Security Administrator Response Instructions for the security administrator. Only provided for security-related abends. Problem Determination Additional instructions for determining the cause of the problem, searching problem databases, and, if necessary, reporting the problem to the IBM support center. These instructions are for a customer support person who can troubleshoot problems, such as the system programmer or system administrator, an experienced security administrator, or an experienced storage administrator. For additional information on performing problem determination procedures, see z/OS Problem Management and the appropriate diagnosis guide for the product or element issuing the abend, such as: v DFSMS/MVS diagnosis guides and references v z/OS JES2 Diagnosis v z/OS JES3 Diagnosis Source Element, product, or component that issued the abend. Detecting Module Name of the module or modules that detected the condition that caused the abend to be issued.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Location of user completion codes

z/OS MVS System Codes does not contain the 4-digit decimal user completion codes that some IBM-provided components, subsystems, or products issue. These codes appear in documents for the component, subsystem, or product that issues the codes. Codes issued by installation-provided programs do not appear in IBM documents.

Where to find more information

Where necessary, this document references information in other documents, using the shortened version of the document title. For complete titles and order numbers of the documents for all products that are part of z/OS, see z/OS Information Roadmap. The following table lists the titles and order numbers of documents for other IBM products.
Title IBM Graphics Access Method/System Product: Messages and Codes z/Architecture Principles of Operation Print Services Access Facility for MVS Users Guide and Reference Order Number SC33-0143 SA22-7832 S544-3100

Information updates on the web

For the latest information updates that have been provided in PTF cover letters and Documentation APARs for z/OS, see the online document at:

This document is updated weekly and lists documentation changes before they are incorporated into z/OS publications.

Using LookAt to look up message explanations

LookAt is an online facility that lets you look up explanations for most of the IBM messages you encounter, as well as for some system abends and codes. Using LookAt to find information is faster than a conventional search because in most cases LookAt goes directly to the message explanation. You can use LookAt from these locations to find IBM message explanations for z/OS elements and features, z/VM, VSE/ESA, and Clusters for AIX and Linux: v The Internet. You can access IBM message explanations directly from the LookAt Web site at v Your z/OS TSO/E host system. You can install code on your z/OS systems to access IBM message explanations using LookAt from a TSO/E command line (for example: TSO/E prompt, ISPF, or z/OS UNIX System Services). v Your Microsoft Windows workstation. You can install LookAt directly from the z/OS Collection (SK3T-4269) or the z/OS and Software Products DVD Collection (SK3T-4271) and use it from the resulting Windows graphical user interface (GUI). The command prompt (also known as the DOS > command line) version can still be used from the directory in which you install the Windows version of LookAt. v Your wireless handheld device. You can use the LookAt Mobile Edition from eserver/zseries/zos/bkserv/lookat/lookatm.html with a handheld device that has wireless access and an Internet browser. You can obtain code to install LookAt on your host system or Microsoft Windows workstation from: v A CD in the z/OS Collection (SK3T-4269).

About this document


v The z/OS and Software Products DVD Collection (SK3T-4271). v The LookAt Web site (click Download and then select the platform, release, collection, and location that suit your needs). More information is available in the LOOKAT.ME files available during the download process.

The z/OS Basic Skills Information Center

The z/OS Basic Skills Information Center is a Web-based information resource intended to help users learn the basic concepts of z/OS, the operating system that runs most of the IBM mainframe computers in use today. The Information Center is designed to introduce a new generation of Information Technology professionals to basic concepts and help them prepare for a career as a z/OS professional, such as a z/OS system programmer. Specifically, the z/OS Basic Skills Information Center is intended to achieve the following objectives: v Provide basic education and information about z/OS without charge v Shorten the time it takes for people to become productive on the mainframe v Make it easier for new people to learn z/OS. To access the z/OS Basic Skills Information Center, open your Web browser to the following Web site, which is available to all users (no login required): index.jsp


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Summary of changes
Summary of changes for SA22-7626-21 z/OS Version 1 Release 11 as updated April 2010 The document contains information previously presented in z/OS MVS System Codes, SA22-7626-20, which supports z/OS Version 1 Release 11. Changed information The following system completion code has changed: v 042 You may notice changes in the style and structure of some content in this documentfor example, headings that use uppercase for the first letter of initial words only, and procedures that have a different look and format. The changes are ongoing improvements to the consistency and retrievability of information in our documents. This document contains terminology, maintenance, and editorial changes. Technical changes or additions to the text and illustrations are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change. Summary of changes for SA22-7626-20 z/OS Version 1 Release 11 The document contains information previously presented in z/OS MVS System Codes, SA22-7626-19, which supports z/OS Version 1 Release 10. New information The following system completion code has been added: v 654 Changed information The following system completion codes have changed: v 00C v v v v v v v v v v v v 02A 042 050 077 106 150 15F 1FB 730 9C6 DC2 EC6

Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 2010


The following wait state codes have changed: v 00E v 01C v 031 v 05E v v v v v 082 0A2 0A7 0B1 24

This document contains terminology, maintenance, and editorial changes, including changes to improve consistency and retrievability. Summary of changes for SA22-7626-19 z/OS Version 1 Release 10 as updated April 2009 The document contains information previously presented in z/OS MVS System Codes, SA22-7626-18, which supports z/OS Version 1 Release 10. New information The following system completion codes have been added: v 150 v 7D0 Changed information The following system completion codes have changed: v 042 v 058 v 05C v 071 v v v v v v v v v v v 07D 0C4 0D6 0D7 0F7 18F 1FB 253 306 DC2 EC6

This document contains terminology, maintenance, and editorial changes, including changes to improve consistency and retrievability.

z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Summary of changes for SA22-7626-18 z/OS Version 1 Release 10 as updated October 2008 The document contains information previously presented in z/OS MVS System Codes, SA22-7626-17, which supports z/OS Version 1 Release 10. New information The following system completion codes have been added: v 7B0 This document contains terminology, maintenance, and editorial changes, including changes to improve consistency and retrievability. Summary of changes for SA22-7626-17 z/OS Version 1 Release 10 The document contains information previously presented in z/OS MVS System Codes, SA22-7626-16, which supports z/OS Version 1 Release 9. New information The following system completion codes have been added: v 2E0 v 7B0 v D24 v DC4 The following wait state codes have been added: v A2C v 0B5 Changed information The following system completion codes have changed: v v v v v v v v v v v 01D 02A 05C 077 09A 0F7 157 1FB 233 438 55F

v 5FC v 653
Summary of changes


v C0D v DC2 v E23 The following wait state codes have changed: v 007 v 05E v 082 v 087 v 08A v 0A2 v 0A3 v 0B1 v v v v v 202 204 A22 A70 D0D

This document contains terminology, maintenance, and editorial changes, including changes to improve consistency and retrievability. Summary of changes for SA22-7626-16 z/OS Version 1 Release 9 as updated April 2008 The document contains information previously presented in z/OS MVS System Codes, SA22-7626-15, which supports z/OS Version 1 Release 9. New information The following wait state code has been added: v 0B5 Changed information The following system completion codes have changed: v 00C v v v v v 05C 2E0 35F 400 422

v 800 v 922 v EC6 The following wait state codes have changed:


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

v 0A2 v 0A3 v 0E1 This document contains terminology, maintenance, and editorial changes, including changes to improve consistency and retrievability. Summary of changes for SA22-7626-15 z/OS Version 1 Release 9 The document contains information previously presented in z/OS MVS System Codes, SA22-7626-14, which supports z/OS Version 1 Release 8. New information The following system completion codes have been added: v 050 v 1D0 v 1E0 v 2E0 Changed information The following system completion codes have changed: v 00C v v v v v v v v v 02A 05C 077 09A 0E0 15F 18F 1C5 1FB

v 290 v 2C3 v v v v v v 300 378 3C5 422 730 738

v C78 v D22 v D23 The following wait state codes have changed: v 00A
Summary of changes


v v v v v

05E 074 0A2 0A3 0B5

This document contains terminology, maintenance, and editorial changes, including changes to improve consistency and retrievability.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Chapter 1. Introduction
This chapter topic introduces system and user completion codes and wait state codes.

Completion Codes
The system or an application program issues a completion code when abnormally ending processing by a task, address space, or system module. The completion code indicates the reason for the abnormal end. A completion code can be specified by the following: v ABEND macro v CALLRTM macro v SETRP macro

Abend of a Task or Address Space

For a System-Detected Problem The system abnormally ends a task or address space when the system determines that the task or address space cannot continue processing and produce valid results. For example, a task may incorrectly specify a request for a system service. Because the system cannot perform the service with incorrect input, the system abnormally ends the task requesting the service. This task is also referred to as a caller. For a Hardware-Detected Problem The system also abnormally ends a task with a completion code when the system receives control after a hardware-generated interruption that indicates an error in the task. For example, an instruction in an application running in storage key 7 branches to low central storage, which is always in storage key 0. The difference in storage key causes a protection exception. The system recovers from this hardware problem by ending the applications task with an abend X'0C1'. If the application has a recovery routine, the system gives control to the routine; the routine can clean up resources being used by the application and can request a dump. For an Application-Detected Problem An application program abnormally ends itself when it determines that it cannot continue processing and produce valid results. For example, an application may be calculating a total by successive additions. After each addition, the application checks the new total against a limit. If the total exceeds the limit, the application issues an ABEND macro to end abnormally and, perhaps, to ask for an ABEND dump. The ABEND macro specifies a user completion code.

Abend of a System Service

If a system service represented by a service request block (SRB) experiences a problem, the system gives control to the recovery routine for the service; the routine can issue a SETRP macro to place a system completion code in the system diagnostic work area (SDWA). The system service stops processing. If the service was processing a request from a task, the system abnormally ends the task with the same system completion code. Note that another task can request the system service to do processing.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 2010

The format of completion codes is: v System completion code (or abend code): 3 hexadecimal digits v User completion code: 4 decimal digits Note: Only system completion codes appear in this book ; user completion codes do not. User completion codes are in book for the IBM-provided component, subsystem, or product that issues the user completion codes. IPCS user completion codes are documented in Chapter 7, IPCS User Completion Codes, on page 439. Codes issued by installation-provided programs do not appear in IBM book .

The codes can be obtained from the following: v Messages accompanying the abend v The header in any ABEND dump accompanying the abend v Search arguments and, sometimes, the title in any SVC dump accompanying the abend v Search arguments in any logrec data set error record written for the abend v The system diagnostic work area (SDWA) v Use of the EXTRACT macro with keyword CMC to determine the completion code for the ended task.

Abnormal End of Subtasks

When the highest-level task in a job step ends abnormally, the job step ends abnormally. When a subtask ends abnormally, only the subtask itself and its subtasks end. To get the abend code for an abnormal end of a subtask: v Examine the event control block (ECB) specified by the task that attached the subtask v Issue the EXTRACT macro with the CMC keyword A low-level subtask that ends abnormally has two ways to cause the entire job step to end abnormally: v Each task in the job steps task chain, including the job step task, must end itself abnormally when it detects an abend code from one of its subtasks. To end the job step with the abend code for the original error, each task must use the abend code from its subtask as its own abend code. v A subtask can abnormally end the entire job step if it specifies a STEP parameter on the ABEND macro.

Wait State Codes in z/Architecture Mode

The wait state code appears in the program status word (PSW) when the operating system enters a wait state. A valid PSW for a coded wait state in z/Architecture mode has one of the following general formats: v 00020000 x0000000 00000000 0rrrrwww v 00020000 x0000000 00000000 0rr00www v 00020000 x0000000 00000000 00rrrwww v 00020000 x0000000 00000000 0rrr0www 2 x Bits 12-15 (the CMWP bits, with the 'W' bit being on). Bits 32-35. Not part of the wait state information.

rrrr, rr00, 0rrr, rrr0 Bits 100-115, where r is the reason code for 8/12/16 bits and 0=zero. A supplementary code accompanying the wait state code. The wait state determines the size and position of the supplement code.

z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Usually the supplementary code is a reason code. Some wait state codes do not provide a supplementary code in the PSW. See the description of the individual wait state code for more information. www Bits 116-127. The wait state code. The IBM-supplied wait state codes appear in this book . Installation-supplied programs can use the wait state codes X'FF0' through X'FFE'; see installation-supplied information for these codes.

No Work Wait
If the system hangs because it has no work waiting to be dispatched, either because the work is waiting for a resource or because no work remained on the system queues, the PSW contains:
X'07060000 00000000 00000000 00000000'

A no work wait may not reflect an error. See z/OS Problem Management for diagnosis of a hang or wait.

Wait State Codes from a Stand-Alone Dump Program

See Chapter 6, Stand-Alone Dump Wait State Codes, on page 431 for information about reading stand-alone dump wait state codes.

IPCS User Completion Codes

IPCS issues a 4 digit decimal user code when it encounters errors in either IBM-provided IPCS code or in installation exit routines. See Chapter 7, IPCS User Completion Codes, on page 439 for more information.

Chapter 1. Introduction

z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

001 Explanation: An I/O error condition was encountered during BDAM, BISAM, BPAM, BSAM, QISAM, or QSAM processing. The completion code can be issued if CLOSE processing called end-of-volume (EOV), and EOV processing detected an out-of-space condition. Refer to the explanation of message IEC020I in z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 7 (IEB-IEE) for information about the task that was ended. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC020I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 002 Explanation: For all return codes except 2C, the error occurred while the control program was processing a sequential data set with BSAM or QSAM, or creating a direct organization data set. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC036I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC036I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code found in register 15. For return code 2C, the error occurred while the control program was opening an ISAM data set for QISAM load mode. Too many tracks were specified for cylinder overflow, or DCB BLKSIZE was not a multiple of DCB LRECL, or DCB BLKSIZE was greater than the track size. System action: For all return codes except 2C, pertinent control blocks are written to the GTF trace data set, the users DCB ABEND exit is taken if one is provided, and message IEC036I is issued. Operator response: Start a generalized trace facility (GTF) trace, and re-create the problem. Reply to message AHL100A with: TRACE=SYS,USR,SLIP On the DD statement for the data set in error, specify: DCB=DIAGNS=TRACE Application Programmer Response: See message IEC036I for the appropriate responses for each return code except 2C. For return code 2C, change the CYLOFL operand of the DCB macro instruction to reflect the correct number of tracks, or correct the DCB BLKSIZE. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 003 Explanation: The error occurred during end-of-block processing using either BSAM or QSAM. The error occurred because the I/O macro instructions for a 3525-associated data set were not run in the proper sequence. The hexadecimal reason code in register 15 indicates the nature of the error: Code 01 02 03 Explanation A READ sequence error A PUNCH sequence error A PRINT sequence error

System action: The system ends the task. Application Programmer Response: Specify the I/O macro instructions in the proper sequence, and rerun the job. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 004 Explanation: The error occurred during OPEN processing using either BSAM or QSAM because a conflicting or incorrect DCB parameter (FUNC or related parameter) is specified. The hexadecimal reason code in register 15 indicates the nature of the error: Code 01 02 03 04 Explanation Incorrect DCB FUNC parameter specified. Incorrect combination of DCB FUNC parameter and CNTRL macro specified. Conflicting access methods specified. Incorrect DCB specified for 3505 or 3525.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 2010

005 00A
05 06 Incorrect format card or an incorrect device specified with Optical Mark Read (OMR). Data protection image not found in the SYS1.IMAGELIB data set, volume containing SYS1.IMAGELIB not mounted, or SYS1.IMAGELIB data set not cataloged. exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 00A Explanation: A program attempted to schedule an asynchronous or installation exit by branch-entering the stage 2 exit effector. The stage 2 exit effector detected a problem. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code 0004 Explanation IQETCB did not point to a valid TCB. A program sets up the IQE by putting a TCB address into the IQETCB field. The program then branch-enters the stage 2 exit effector to schedule an asynchronous or installation exit, passing the address of the IQE. RQETCB did not point to a valid TCB. A program sets up the RQE by putting a TCB address into the RQETCB field. The program then branch-enters the stage 2 exit effector to schedule an asynchronous or installation exit, passing the address of the RQE. The program branch-entering the stage 2 exit effector did not hold the local lock for the home address space. The program branch-entering the stage 2 exit effector did not have addressability to the address space in which the asynchronous or installation exit was to be dispatched. The program branch-entering the stage 2 exit effector was not in primary or secondary address space control (ASC) mode.

System action: In all cases, the system ends the task. Application Programmer Response: In all cases, correct the incorrect fields of the DCB macro instruction and rerun the job. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 005 Explanation: The error occurred because of an incorrect DECB during READ processing using BSAM. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC041I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC041I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code. System action: The task is ended. Application Programmer Response: Make sure that the RBL type of read is used and that the area address and header address parameters are specified so that the DECB is valid. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 008 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a SYNAD routine. The routine was given control following processing of a BSAM CHECK macro instruction. The SYNAD routine returned control to the control program for the CHECK macro instruction. Application Programmer Response: Correct the SYNAD routine so that the control program save area is not destroyed. Then run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix





System action: The system abends the program that branch-entered the stage 2 exit effector. The system may also write a logrec data set error record and an SVC dump. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=00A,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Do the following: v If an SVC dump or a logrec data set error record is not written with the abend, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. v Use the address in register 14 at the time of error to identify program that branch-entered the stage 2 exit effector. For an installation-provided module, continue diagnosis with the module. For an IBM module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the component group for the module at

z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

00B 00C
the IBM Support Center. Provide, if available, the SVC dump and the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control 00B Explanation: During restart of a checkpointed job, the system detected an error. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) accompanies the abend and explains the error: Code 001 002 1F4 1F5 1F6 1F7 1F8 Explanation The system failed to obtain enough storage from the pre-allocated storage area. A storage pointer pointed to an area outside the pre-allocated storage area. A parameter list contained an error. An error was detected during initialization of scheduler restart. An error occurred while processing a find request. An error occurred while processing a get request. An error occurred while building a DD names table (DDNT) record for a scheduler work area (SWA) DDNT. An error occurred while building a DD names table (DDNT) record for unallocated step input output tables (SIOTs). An error occurred while building a Type 1 data set descriptor record (DSDR) for a step input output table / job file control block (SIOT/JFCB). An error occurred while building a Type 2 data set descriptor record (DSDR) for a job file control block extension (JFCBX). An error occurred while building a Type 2 data set descriptor record (DSDR) for a job file control block extension (JFCBE). An error occurred while building a Type 3 data set descriptor record (DSDR) for a generation data group name table (GDGNT). An error occurred while writing an updated step input output table (SIOT) to the scheduler work area (SWA). An error occurred when the system tried to end the scheduler JCL facility (SJF). An error occurred when a program issued the DELETE macro. An error occurred when a program issued the WTO macro. 02070000 202 The system found an error in the parameter list passed by the routine that reads and writes from data sets.

System action: The system writes an error record to the logrec data set and writes an SVC dump. Operator response: If the abend recurs, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: If the error recurs, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Scheduler restart 00C Explanation: Cross-system coupling facility (XCF) encountered an error. See z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Reference for more information on diagnosing sysplex problems. The reason code in register 15 is: Code 00000004 Explanation A group member abended another group member using the IXCTERM macro. Data Space IXCDSCBE cannot be created or accessed. A group member abended another group member using the IXCTERM macro. Data space IXCDSMEM cannot be created or accessed. Data space IXCDSCBD cannot be created or accessed. Either the system encountered an error while loading an XCF module or an XCF module is missing from the nucleus. Data Space IXCDSLO1 cannot be created or accessed. Data Space IXCDSLK1 cannot be created or accessed. Data Space IXCAP1DS cannot be created or accessed. A member of an XCF group appeared to be causing signalling sympathy sickness and was terminated. Message IXC615I is issued to indicate which member was selected for termination. A non-retryable error occurred and the function is considered complete.

0000004C 00000040



00000044 00000048 0000005C



00000100 00000104 00000108 00000160



1FF 200 201

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

v If the message exit was not called, the signal has been preserved and will be presented later. v If the message exit was called, the exit returned before the error occurred, so the signal was delivered successfully. XCF percolates to the task to which the member is associated. The task can retry in its recovery routine. The system issues a LOGREC data set error record and an SVC dump. If the ABEND occurred while XCF was in control, the system issues an SVC dump. 02070001 A non-retryable error occurred and the signal data might not have been delivered to a member message exit. v If the message exit routine was called, the failure occurred before the exit could successfully return to XCF. v If the message exit was not called, XCF discarded the message, in which case a signal was lost. XCF percolates to the task to which the member is associated. The task can retry in its recovery routine. The system issues a LOGREC data set error record. If the ABEND occurred while XCF was in control, the system issues an SVC dump. 020F0006 A member of an XCF group appears to be stalled. XCF periodically monitors each active member of an XCF group to determine whether the member is processing its XCF work in a timely fashion. The monitor considers a member to be stalled if any of the following are true: v A user group exit routine has not returned control to XCF in a timely fashion v A user message exit routine has not returned control to XCF in a timely fashion v A user message notify exit routine has not returned control to XCF in a timely fashion v An SRB scheduled to the member address space to perform internal XCF processing has not returned control in a timely fashion v Signals queued for processing by the user message exit routine have not been processed in a timely fashion v Signals queued for processing by the user message notify exit routine have not been processed in a timely fashion v XCF work items queued for processing in the member address space have not been processed in a timely fashion Timely is generally defined as 30 seconds. A member is considered stalled if any of the listed conditions is true, even though it may be processing other XCF work in a timely fashion. The DISPLAY XCF,GROUP command identifies stalled groups and members with an asterisk (provided the stalled member is active on the system where the command is executed). Message IXC431I is issued to document a stall condition that persists for more than 180 seconds. ABEND 00C reason 020F0006 is issued if the stall condition persists for more than 195 seconds. The ABEND does not impact the processing of the stalled member as it is issued by the monitor while running under a separate work unit in the XCF address space. Message IXC430E is issued if the stall condition persists for more than 300 seconds. The stall could be due to a user error, an internal XCF error, a system error (such as storage overlay or lost SRB), or could be normal behavior from which the system will recover. The system issues this ABEND to initiate recovery actions to document the problem, and to verify/repair internal XCF control blocks. For signalling related stalls, the system may provide replacement member message delivery cell(s) in hopes that signal delivery can resume. If signal delivery does not resume, signalling resources (for example, MMDCs or SIOCBs) may be consumed/lost for the life of the member. This consumption of signalling resources could surface itself in many ways, such as: common storage growth, degradation of signal delivery (possible to the point where

v Events queued for processing by the user group exit routine have not been processed in a timely fashion

z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

no signals can be delivered), rejected message-out requests, or repeated path restarts. 020F000C A member of an XCF group appears to be causing signaling sympathy sickness. The DISPLAY XCF,GROUP command identifies stalled group and member causing signaling sympathy sickness with an exclamation point (in addition to the asterisk, since any member causing signaling sympathy sickness has to be stalled as well). 020F000D A member of an XCF group appears to be causing signaling sympathy sickness and is about to be terminated. When the MEMSTALLTIME interval expires, XCF determines which member is most responsible for causing the problem and initiates an SVC dump. Message IXC615I indicates which member was selected for termination. An error occurred while XCF was processing a Status Exit. XCF continues processing the Status Exit. XCF tries to end the task that owns the Status Exit. The system writes a LOGREC data set error record. If the ABEND occurred while XCF was in control, the system issues an SVC dump. 05070000 An error occurred while XCF was processing a Status Exit. XCF continues processing the Status Exit. XCF tries to end the task that owns the Status Exit. The system writes a LOGREC data set error record. If the ABEND occurred while XCF was in control, the system issues an SVC dump. 06010001 060B0001 Internal error. An error occurred while XCF was processing a Group Exit. Some group event information may have been lost. XCF tries to end the task that owns the Group Exit. Some group event information may have been lost. The system writes a LOGREC data set error record. If the ABEND occurred while XCF was in control, the system issues an SVC dump. 060C0000 A non-retryable error has occurred on the first invocation of the users Group 060C0001 Exit for this event. The exit will be rescheduled and presented with the same event. Group information may have been lost due to either a non-recoverable error in XCF or the users Group Exit has ABENDed two consecutive times. This code indicates the user may want to issue a IXCQUERY macro to see what may have been lost. XCF forcibly ended processing of a SETXCF STOP command that was stopping a signalling path. This can happen when an operator specifies UNCOND=YES on a SETXCF STOP command. The XCF signalling service may have lost some messages as a result of this ABEND. There may be unpredictable results for the XCF groups whose messages got lost. 081CFF01 Unconditional stop processing is terminating the task that is currently processing a signalling path START, STOP, or RESTART request. Internal error.




0A1x0001 (x=4,5,6) A couple data set has been taken over by another sysplex. The data set is removed from service in the sysplex of which the issuing system is a member. The system does not take a dump, but records the error in LOGREC. 0A1x0070 (x=4,5,6) I/O interrupt occurred with an invalid CCW address. 0A1x0074 (x=4,5,6) XCF detected an I/O error while reading or writing to a couple data set. This may be a hardware error. If XCF cannot recover from the I/O error, it may end one or more groups or members using the couple data set, or else stop using the couple data set. XCF writes a LOGREC data set error record. 0A1x0078 (x=4,5,6) Failure of a previous write to the couple data set was detected. 11050040 11050041 Data space IXCDSMEX cannot be created or accessed. Data space IXCDSMEX cannot be created or accessed.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

13C00851 System REXX exec IXCL2XPU is missing from the System REXX library. The system encountered an error executing System REXX exec IXCL2XPU. Internal error. The system encountered an error executing System REXX exec IXCRXCDS, or System REXX exec IXCRXCDS is missing from the System REXX library. 02220002 02220003 02220004 02220005 02220006 022D0002 02330001 02330002 02380002 02430001 0416xxxx 041Axxxx 041Dxxxx 13C008xx 05010084 05030088 05050090 08030001 08080002 0820100C 08300002 08600002 08750002 087A1001 08960001 08FF0224 08030002 080A0001 08221001 08321001 08690001 08750003 087E1002 08960002 08040001 080C0001 08221007 08340001 08691001 08780001 08801004 08FB0100 08060002 08201002 08240001 085A1006 086B0001 08780002 08891001 08FD0001 08080001 08201003 08300001 08600001 08750001 08781001 088E0001 08FF0001

16140003 17090001

System action: XCF tries to end a member of a group in the sysplex. The system may issue a LOGREC data set error record or an SVC dump. Messages explaining the error might precede this ABEND. Depending on the reason code, the system also does the following: Code 00000004 08960002 Others Explanation XCF ends the group member. The system initiates two MVS dumps. XCF tries to end a member of a group in the sysplex. The system may issue a LOGREC data set error record or an SVC dump. Messages explaining the error might precede this ABEND.

09030001 09031001 09080001 09080002 09080003 09080004 090A0001 090A0002 090E0001 09110001 091C0001 0F01008C 0F07006E 0F080060 0F08006C 0F0F008C 12B10001 12B10002 16030001 16090070 160F0002 16120001 16160003 161E0003 161E0008 16280002 162A0004 162A0009 162A000E 163C0001 16400020 16440050 164E0002 16500003 16560002 16050010 160B0010 160F0003 16140001 16160004 161E0004 16200001 16280003 162A0005 162A000A 162C0010 163C0002 16400030 16440070 164E0003 16500004 16560003 16090010 160B0030 160F0004 16140002 16160005 161E0005 16200002 162A0001 162A0006 162A000B 162C0030 163E0001 16420001 16440090 164E0004 16500005 16560004 16090030 160D0001 160F0005 16160001 16160006 161E0006 16240030 162A0002 162A0007 162A000C 16320001 163E0002 16440010 164400B0 164E0005 16500006 165B0001 16090050 160F0001 16100001 16160002 161E0002 161E0007 16280001 162A0003 162A0008 162A000D 16320002 16400010 16440030 164E0001 16500001 16560001

Operator response: Depending on the reason code, do the following: Code 08960002 Explanation Contact your system programmer.

0A1x0074 (x=4,5,6) Determine the cause of the I/O error. If the error is caused by a hardware problem, contact hardware support. Others See the operator response for the preceding messages. Obtain the LOGREC data set and SVC dump, if one is issued. Notify the system programmer.

xxxx1008 xxxx100C Note: For reason code 08960002, the system initiates two MVS dumps. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center.f In this case, both dumps should be gathered before contacting the IBM Support Center. Application Programmer Response: Depending on the reason code, do the following: Code 02070001 Explanation Make sure that the program that owns the message exit has recovery established for missing messages. The recovery routine might do one of the following: v Send a request to other active group members requesting that they resend the message.

The following reason codes represent errors internal to the XCF component. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the LOGREC data set and SVC dump, if one is issued. Reason Codes: 00000050 00000054 00000058 00000060 00000064 00000068 0000006C 00000070 00000080 0000008C 00000120 00000124 00000134 02030001 020F0002 020F0009 02140003 02160005 02170006 02030002 020F0003 020F000A 02140005 02170001 02170007 02030003 020F0005 02130001 02160001 02170002 02170008 02070002 020F0007 02140001 02160002 02170003 021A0001 020F0001 020F0008 02140002 02160003 02170004 02220001


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

v Back up to a previous point in the program and continue processing from there. v End the task if the function cannot tolerate any missing messages. 060B0001 Determine which program owned the Group Exit. Make sure that the program that owns the Group Exit has recovery established to handle missing group event information. The recovery routine should do one of the following: v Issue the IXCQUERY macro to determine whether group event information was lost. v Back up to a previous point in the program and continue processing from there. v End the task if the function cannot tolerate missing information. 08960002 Contact your system programmer. 00000301 fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the formatted SVC dump. Source: Cross-system coupling facility (XCF) 00D Explanation: An error occurred during processing of a CTRACE or CTRACEWR macro. Register 15 contains a reason code that further describes the error. Code 00000101 Explanation For the CTRACE DEFINE macro, the parameter list version number is incorrect. For the CTRACE DEFINE macro, the component name either does not begin with an alphabetic or national character, or it contains one or more characters that are not alphanumeric or national characters. The system found either nonzero values in the reserved fields or unused fields for the requested service in the CTRACE DEFINE macro parameter list. The system found either nonzero values in the reserved fields or unused fields for the requested service in the CTRACE DELETE macro parameter list. For the CTRACE macro, an incorrect service request code was specified. Valid services are DEFINE and DELETE. For the CTRACE DEFINE macro, the length of the minimum options string is greater than 256 bytes. For the CTRACEWR macro, the parameter list version number is incorrect. The system found either nonzero values in the reserved fields or unused fields for the requested service in the CTRACEWR macro parameter list. For the CTRACEWR macro, the buffer length was passed was zero or less.


System programmer response: Depending on the reason code, do the following: Code 08960002 Explanation Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide both MVS dumps issued by the system. 00000302

Other internal reason codes Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the LOGREC data set and SVC dump, if one is issued. Non-internal reason codes See the system programmer response for the messages preceding this abend. If the problem persists, do the following: v Format the SVC dump with the IPCS COUPLE subcommand. Include all the reports and the summary, detail, and exception levels for each report. v Format the SVC dump with the IPCS CTRACE COMP(SYSXCF) subcommand to obtain XCF component trace data. v Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no






System action: The component trace service abnormally ends. Application Programmer Response: Correct the input on the CTRACE or CTRACEWR macro. See the z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference ALE-DYN for the CTRACE and CTRACEWR macros.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


00F 016
System programmer response: If the problem recurs, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Component trace 014 00F Explanation: The system detected a logic error in a hardware configuration definition (HCD) module. System action: The system issues message CBDA099I. The system abends the current task. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: See z/OS HCD Users Guide for diagnosing abend X'00F'. Source: Hardware configuration definition (HCD) 012 Explanation: A program incorrectly issued a TIMEUSED macro. A reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code 4 Explanation The program issued TIMEUSED with LINKAGE=SYSTEM, but the program was not in task control block (TCB) mode. The program issued TIMEUSED with LINKAGE=SYSTEM, but the program held one or more locks. The program issued TIMEUSED with LINKAGE=SYSTEM when enabled unlocked task (EUT) recovery routine was running. Explanation: An error occurred during processing of a CLOSE macro instruction for a basic direct access method (BDAM) data set. This completion code is accompanied by message IEC208I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC208I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code in register 15 (which is provided in the IEC208I message text). Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC208I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 015 Explanation: The print services access facility (PSAF) detected an error condition that is identified by the unique reason code accompanying this abend. Operator response: For an explanation of the system action, the programmer response, and the reason codes, see Print Services Access Facility for MVS Users Guide and Reference Source: DFSMSdfp 016 Explanation: An error occurred in the sequential access method (SAM) SIO/PAGE FIX or direct access storage device (DASD) end-of-block modules. A reason code (hexadecimal) further explains the error: Code 04 Explanation The DASD end-of-block modules issued an EXCPVR SVC request on behalf of a user request, but a previous EXCPVR SVC request has not yet completed. One of the following occurred: v A data event control block (DECB) was used twice. v Multiple READs or WRITEs were issued, but CHECK macros were not issued for those requests in the same order. The SAM SIO/PAGE FIX appendage issued this abend. reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp

System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the TIMEUSED macro. Application Programmer Response: Modify the code so that TIMEUSED will be issued in the correct environment. Run the program again. Source: Timer supervision 013 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of an OPEN macro instruction. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC141I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC141I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code in register 15 (which is provided in the IEC141I message text). Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC141I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

017 019
08 An EXCPVR SVC request on behalf of a user request was going to be issued to read a data set that is RACF EXECUTE access protected, but the user is not in supervisor state. The SAM SIO appendage issued this abend. SPTOKEN and PURGE=YES requested that an SRB be purged. This issuer held a lock higher than or equal to the DISP lock. The macro issuer must not hold such a lock. 0304 The content of access register 1, passed for a RESUME macro with PURGE=YES, is not valid. The ALET, used to address the SPTOKEN and passed for a RESUME macro with SPTOKEN and PURGE=YES, is not valid. The SPTOKEN, passed for a RESUME macro with SPTOKEN and PURGE=YES, is not valid.

System action: The system abnormally ends the task. System programmer response: If the EXCPVR SVC request was issued before the first request was completed, ensure that the DECB that is created for the READ/WRITE operation is tested for successful completion before it is reused. Also, ensure that the CHECK macros are issued in the same order as the associated READ or WRITE macros. Otherwise, unless the task is in supervisor state, do not attempt to read a data set that is protected with RACF EXECUTE access authority. Source: DFSMSdfp 017 Explanation: A program issued the SUSPEND or RESUME macro with an SPTOKEN macro incorrectly. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code 0100 Explanation The issuer of a SUSPEND macro with SPTOKEN held a lock other than a local or CML lock. The content of access register 1, passed for a SUSPEND macro with SPTOKEN, was not valid. The access list entry token (ALET), used to address the SPTOKEN and passed for a SUSPEND macro with SPTOKEN, is not valid. The issuer of a SUSPEND macro with SPTOKEN was not running under a service request block (SRB). The SUSPEND EXIT (specified by the EXIT keyword on the SUSPEND macro) returned an incorrect return code to the system. Recursive errors occurred while processing a SUSPEND macro with SPTOKEN. The caller of the RESUME SPTOKEN= service held a lock higher than or equal to the DISP lock in the locking hierarchy. The content of access register 1, and passed for a RESUME macro, is not valid. The ALET used to address the SPTOKEN, and passed for a RESUME macro, is not valid. The SPTOKEN passed for a RESUME macro is not valid. The issuer of a RESUME macro with 0308


System action: For all reason codes, the system abends the issuer of the SUSPEND or RESUME macro. For reason code X'0114' only, the system writes a logrec data set error record and an SVC dump. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=017,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Do the following: 1. If an SVC dump is not produced with the abend, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. 2. For reason code X'0110', look at the registers at the time of error for the following: v Register 2 contains the return code from SUSPEND macro processing. v Registers 3 and 4 contain the SPTOKEN. 3. Identify the module that issued the SUSPEND or RESUME macro by using the program status word (PSW) of the current entry in the linkage stack. v For an installation-provided module, continue diagnosis with the module. v For an IBM module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the component group associated with this module at the IBM Support Center. Provide, if available, the SVC dump and the logrec data set error record. For reason code X'0110', provide the problem data collected in step 2. Source: Supervisor control 019 Explanation: With the exception of reason code 00000000, a window services request was made either: v With an input parameter value that is not valid v Without a required input parameter value Reason code 00000000 is applicable to any callable service.





0114 0200

0204 0208 020C 0300

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


The following hexadecimal reason codes provide further information about the error: Code 00000000 00000110 00000111 00000112 00000113 00000114 00000115 00000116 00000120 00000121 00000122 00000123 00000124 Explanation Request failed. Routine on down-level system. Identify and access request failed. Operation type is not valid. Identify and access request failed. Object type is not valid. Identify and access request failed. Scroll area value is not valid. Identify and access request failed. Object state is not valid. Identify and access request failed. Access mode is not valid. Identify and access request failed. Object size is not valid. Identify and access request failed. Object identifier is not valid. View request failed. Operation type is not valid. View request failed. Object identifier is not valid. View request failed. Usage type is not valid. View request failed. Disposition is not valid. View request failed. Specified offset is larger than the maximum size of the object. View request failed. Span extends beyond the maximum size of the object. Scroll out request failed. Object identifier is not valid. Scroll out request failed. Specified offset is larger than the maximum size of the object. Scroll out request failed. Cannot perform the SCROLLOUT service because the data object does not have a scroll area. Save request failed. Object identifier is not valid. Save request failed. Specified offset is larger than the maximum size of the object. Save request failed. The SAVE service is not allowed, because the 00000160 00000161 00000162 00000163 00000150 00000151 data object was identified and accessed in READ ONLY mode. Refresh request failed. Object identifier is not valid. Refresh request failed. Specified offset is larger than the maximum size of the object. EVW request failed. The operation type must be BEGIN or END. EVW request failed. The object ID specified is not valid. EVW request failed. The usage type must be SEQ. EVW request failed. The disposition input value must be REPLACE or RETAIN. EVW request failed. Specified offset is larger than the maximum size of the object. EVW request failed. Span extends beyond the maximum size of the object.



System action: The system abnormally ends the task. Application Programmer Response: Check your parameters for valid values and rerun your job. System programmer response: If the parameters are correct and the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Callable Services (SCCSR) 01A Explanation: The system found a problem during TSO/E LOGON processing. The following hexadecimal reason codes provide further information about the error: Code 04 08 Explanation The LOGON RACF interface routine received an incorrect function type. The RACROUTE macro received incorrect parameters for storing logon information in the RACF data base. The RACROUTE macro received incorrect parameters for obtaining logon information from the RACF data base. The RACROUTE macro returned an incorrect segment length. The LOGON panel load module IKJLPxxx (xxx is the 3-character code for the language in which the panel is written) is in error. The


00000130 00000131


00000140 00000141


18 1C



z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

01B 01D
variable recording area (VRA) contains the LOGON panel address and the offset being accessed in the panel. 20 The LOGON command detected an error in data supplied by either installation exit IKJEFLN1 or installation exit IKJEFLN2. The VRA will contain the parameter number and the parameter entry in error. The LOGON command detected an error in validated data. One of the following is true: v Either installation exit IKJEFLN1 or installation exit IKJEFLN2 validated a field by setting the key to X04. The LOGON processor has found that this value is not valid. For example, one of the exits may have validated the new password field. However, on the RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY that is done by LOGON, RACF may reject the password. v Either installation exit IKJEFLN1 or installation exit IKJEFLN2 changed the key of a field that was already validated (the key was X04). v Either installation exit IKJEFLN1 or installation exit IKJEFLN2 requested that the LOGON processor prompt the user for a field that has already been validated (the key is X04). The VRA contains the LOGON panel field number and the parameter entry in error. 28 The LOGON help text load module IKJLHxxx (xxx is the 3-character code for the language in which the help text is written) is in error. The VRA will contain the LOGON help panel address and offset being accessed in the panel. Either installation exit IKJEFLN1 or installation exit IKJEFLN2 validated the account number field on the LOGON panel for a user defined only in the UADS data set, but the exit did not supply a procedure name. 01B Explanation: An error occurred during RACONVRT processing; the following hexadecimal reason codes provide further information about the error: Code 04 08 Explanation The RACROUTE macro returned an unexpected return code. The RACONVRT I/O routine received an incorrect data management request.


System action: The system abnormally ends the command. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Obtain the JCL for the job. Obtain the SYSOUT output for the job. Collect all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. If the problem recurs and if the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Time Sharing Option Extensions (TSO/E) 01C Explanation: The RACROUTE macro returned an unexpected return code. System action: The system abnormally ends the command. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Obtain the JCL for the job. Obtain the SYSOUT output for the job. Collect all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. If the problem recurs and if the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Time Sharing Option Extensions (TSO/E) 01D Explanation: During processing of a DSPSERV or HSPSERV macro, the system found a non-environmental error. The macro processing failed. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code. For the reason codes presented with format xxzzNNxx, zz must be one of: v 07 for CREAD v 08 for CWRITE v 09 for SREAD v 0A for SWRITE v FE if the service that is requested cannot be determined


System action: The system ends the TSO/E LOGON attempt. The system writes an ABEND dump. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: If the problem recurs and if the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Time Sharing Option Extensions (TSO/E)

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


When zz is not one of those values, such as 00, those reason codes do not apply. Code xxzz07xx Explanation The CREAD or CWRITE request failed because the caller was unauthorized. The indicated address space does not exist or cannot be accessed by the caller. The indicated Hiperspace does not exist or cannot be accessed by the caller. This could be caused by the owner of the Hiperspace being swapped out. The system does not recognize the macro request. A storage key violation occurred on the specified Hiperspace virtual storage. The caller did not issue a GETMAIN macro for the indicated address space virtual storage. A storage key violation occurred on the specified address space virtual storage. The specified address space virtual storage did not start on a 4-kilobyte boundary or was not within the bounds of the private area. The specified Hiperspace virtual storage did not start on a 4-kilobyte boundary or was not within the bounds of the Hiperspace. The SREAD or SWRITE request failed because it was issued against address space virtual storage that maps a data-in-virtual object, but the storage is virtual I/O (VIO) storage, fixed, or part of a disabled reference (DREF) subpool. The caller specified a value for NUMRANGE that was not in the acceptable range. The SREAD or SWRITE request failed because the caller was in cross-memory mode. The SREAD or SWRITE request failed because it was issued against an ESO Hiperspace. The request failed because the caller is not in 31-bit addressing mode. xxzz1Axx xxzz15xx xxzz16xx xxzz17xx The specified parameter list or range list is not accessible. The caller specified an incorrect parameter list version. The parameter list contains inconsistent data or data that is not valid. The SWRITE request failed because the caller issued it against Hiperspace storage while a DIV SAVE macro was active. The HSPSERV macro failed because an unauthorized caller requested it against a shared standard Hiperspace without supplying an access list entry token. (ALET). The supplied access list entry token (ALET) does not belong to the Hiperspace as indicated by the specified STOKEN. A problem-state program with PSW key 8-F attempted either to create a SCOPE=ALL or SCOPE=COMMON data space, a disabled reference (DREF) data space, or a non-fetch protected data space, or to assign ownership of a Hiperspace to another task. A supervisor-state caller attempted to create a data space on behalf of an owner that is not in the callers home or primary address space. A service request block (SRB) mode request did not specify the owner of the data space or Hiperspace. The caller requested that a storage key be assigned to the data space, but the caller was not in supervisor state. The system did not create a data space because the designated owner does not exist. The problem-state program with PSW key 8-F attempted to prefix the data space name with SYS, which is reserved for system use. The caller specified an incorrect number of blocks for the data space size. The specified data space name is not correct. It must be left-justified or non-blank, can contain only alphabetic, numeric and national characters, cannot start with a





xxzz0Axx xxzz0Bxx



















z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

numeric character, and must be padded on the right with blanks. xx000Exx A supervisor-state caller attempted to prefix the data space name with SYSDS, which is reserved for system use. An unauthorized caller requested creation of an ESO Hiperspace. The parameter list is inconsistent. An unauthorized caller requested creation of a shared standard Hiperspace. An problem-state program with PSW key 8-F tried to create a data space and assign ownership of the data space to a task that is neither the callers own task nor the callers job step task. The creation of a SCOPE=COMMON data space failed because the caller was swappable or because the system detected that the owner of a SCOPE=COMMON data space has become swappable. The DELETE request failed because a problem program cannot specify TTOKEN. An authorized program specified a TTOKEN that is not valid. An authorized program attempted to delete a data space on behalf of an owner that is not its home or primary address space. A service request block (SRB) mode request failed because it did not specify a TTOKEN, which is required to determine the owner. A specified STOKEN does not represent a valid data space. The specified STOKENs owner (as specified by the TTOKEN) is not the owner of the data space. The specified data space contains I/O defined pages. The specified data space contains pages mapped by the DIV macro. The specified data space contained pages for which a DIV SAVE operation was in progress. A problem program attempted to delete a SCOPE=ALL or SCOPE=COMMON data space. xx0209xx xx0208xx xx010Dxx xx010Bxx A problem program attempted to delete a SCOPE=SINGLE data space that has a key different than the callers key. A problem-state program with PSW key 8-F tried to delete a SCOPE=SINGLE data space, created by the callers task, that was assigned ownership to a task other than the callers task or the callers job step task. The caller attempted to delete a Hiperspace while the Asynchronous Data Mover Facility (ADMF) was still processing a request to transfer data to or from the Hiperspace. The caller attempted to delete a data space which has one or more shared segments. The RELEASE request failed because the data space does not exist. The RELEASE request failed because the start address is not on a page boundary. The RELEASE request failed because the input STOKEN is not valid. The RELEASE request failed because the number of blocks is not valid. The RELEASE request failed because the requested range of blocks is not in the addressable range of the data space. The RELEASE request failed because the problem program caller attempted to release a SCOPE=ALL or SCOPE=COMMON data space. The RELEASE request failed because the problem-state program tried to release storage in either a Hiperspace it does not own or a SCOPE=SINGLE data space it does not own or did not create, or to release a data space on behalf of an owner that is not in its primary address space or is not the current dispatching task. The RELEASE request failed because the supervisor state program attempted to release a private data space on behalf of an owner that is not in the supervisor states home or primary address space. The RELEASE request failed because the caller is not in key 0, and the key for the data space page did not match the callers key.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


xx000Fxx xx0011xx xx0012xx




xx0201xx xx0202xx


xx0203xx xx0204xx xx0205xx

xx0102xx xx0103xx




xx0105xx xx0106xx

xx0107xx xx0108xx xx0109xx



xx020Axx The RELEASE request failed because the data space page is fixed, or fixed in another view of a sharing group. The RELEASE request failed because the caller was disabled and requested release of enabled reference storage. The RELEASE request failed because the caller requested a page that is READONLY. The RELEASE request failed because the range list contains a non-zero value in one or more reserved fields. The DEFINE IOON request failed because the data space does not exist. The DEFINE IOON request failed because the start address is not on a 4-kilobyte boundary. The DEFINE IOON request failed because the input STOKEN is not valid. The DEFINE IOON request failed because the number of blocks is less than one. The DEFINE IOON request failed because the requested addressable range of blocks is not in the range of the data space. The DEFINE IOON request failed because the caller was in problem program state and not in system key. The DEFINE IOON request failed because the caller attempted to DEFINE IOON for a SCOPE=SINGLE data space on behalf of an owner that is not in the callers home or primary address space. The DEFINE IOON request failed because the data space page has a DIV SAVE operation in progress. The DEFINE IOON request failed because it was issued for a hiperspace. The DEFINE IOON request failed because the caller was disabled and specified storage that was neither in a disabled reference (DREF) state or an IOON state. The DEFINE IOON request failed because the input range list contains a non-zero value in one or more reserved fields. xx0401xx The DEFINE IOOFF request failed because the data space does not exist. The DEFINE IOOFF request failed because the start address is not on a 4-kilobyte boundary. The DEFINE IOOFF request failed because the input STOKEN is not valid. The DEFINE IOOFF request failed because the number of blocks is less than one. The DEFINE IOOFF request failed because the requested addressable range of blocks is not in the data space. The DEFINE IOOFF request failed because the caller was in problem program state and not in system key. The DEFINE IOOFF request failed because the caller attempted to DEFINE IOOFF for a SCOPE=SINGLE data space on behalf of an owner that is not in the callers home or primary address space. The DEFINE IOOFF request failed because it was issued for a Hiperspace. The DEFINE IOOFF request failed because the input range list contains a non-zero value in one or more reserved fields. The specified STOKEN does not represent a valid data space or represents a data space for which the caller is not authorized. The new current size exceeds the maximum size for the data space and Hiperspace. The DEFINE DREFON request failed because the data space does not exist. The DEFINE DREFON request failed because the start address is not on a 4-kilobyte boundary. The DEFINE DREFON request failed because the input STOKEN is not valid. The DEFINE DREFON request failed because the number of blocks is less than one. The DEFINE DREFON request failed































z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

because the requested addressable range of blocks extends beyond the end of the data space. xx0606xx The DEFINE DREFON request failed because the caller was not in supervisor state. The DEFINE DREFON request failed because the caller attempted to use DREFON against storage in a scope-single data space on behalf of an owner that is not in the home or primary address space. The DEFINE DREFON request failed because the data space page has a DIV SAVE operation in progress. The DEFINE DREFON request failed because the input STOKEN is for a Hiperspace. The DEFINE DREFON request failed because the specified area is part of a data space that was created with a disabled reference (DREF) attribute. The DEFINE DREFON request failed because the caller was disabled and specified storage that was neither in a disabled reference (DREF) state nor an IOON state. The DEFINE DREFON request failed because the input range list contains a non-zero value in one or more reserved fields. The requestor tried to DEFINE DREFON for a data space with shared segments. CREAD processing detected a PGSER fix in progress for the address space virtual storage. An OUT failed because the data space does not exist. An OUT failed because the start address is not on a page boundary. An OUT failed because the input STOKEN is not representing a callers data space. An OUT failed because the number of blocks is not valid. An OUT failed because the requested range of blocks is not in the range of the data space. An OUT failed because the problem program caller attempted to OUT a SCOPE ALL or SCOPE COMMON data space. xx0D03xx xx0B07xx An OUT failed because the problem program caller attempted to OUT a data space on behalf of an owner that is not in its primary address space. An OUT failed because the supervisor state program attempted to OUT a scope single data space on behalf of an owner that is not in its home address space. An OUT failed because the data space is a Hiperspace. A LOAD failed because the data space does not exist. A LOAD failed because the start address is not on a page boundary. A LOAD failed because the input STOKEN is not valid. A LOAD failed because the number of blocks is not valid. A LOAD failed because the requested range of blocks is not in the range of the data space. A LOAD failed because the problem program caller attempted to LOAD a SCOPE ALL or SCOPE COMMON data space. A LOAD failed because the problem state program caller attempted to load a data space on behalf of the data space owner, but the data space is not in the owners primary address space. A LOAD failed because the supervisor state program attempted to load a scope single data space on behalf of the data space owner, but the data space is not in the owners home address space. A LOAD failed because the data space is a Hiperspace. The DEFINE DREFOFF failed because the data space does not exist. The DEFINE DREFOFF failed because the start address is not on a 4-kilobyte boundary. The DEFINE DREFOFF failed because the input STOKEN is not valid. The DEFINE DREFOFF failed because the number of blocks is less than one.



xx0B09xx xx0C01xx xx0C02xx xx0C03xx xx0C04xx xx0C05xx











xx0B01xx xx0B02xx xx0B03xx

xx0C09xx xx0D01xx


xx0B04xx xx0B05xx



Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


xx0D05xx The DEFINE DREFOFF failed because the requested addressable range of blocks is not in the range of the data space. The DEFINE DREFOFF failed because the caller was not processing in supervisor state with a system program status word (PSW) key. The DEFINE DREFOFF failed because the caller attempted to DEFINE DREFOFF a SCOPE SINGLE or data space on behalf of an owner that is not in its home or primary address space. The DEFINE DREFOFF failed because the input STOKEN is for a Hiperspace. The DEFINE DREFOFF failed because the specified area is part of a data space that was created with the disabled reference attribute. The requestor tried to DEFINE DREFOFF for a data space with shared segments. A DSPSERV DEFINE DREFOFF is issued with FORCE option. The option is no longer supported. The DSPSERV macro request failed because a secondary address space identifier (ASID) is not valid. The request failed because the caller held locks but indicated DISABLED=NO. The DSPSERV macro request failed because the caller issued a macro version that is not valid. The DSPSERV macro request failed because reserved fields in the macro parameter list are not zeros. The DSPSERV macro request failed because the caller requested an unknown service. The DSPSERV macro request failed because a protection exception occurred while referencing the callers parameter list. The DSPSERV macro request failed because the caller must be in 31-bit addressing mode to use any service of the DSPSERV macro. The request failed because the caller was disabled but requested a service that requires the caller to be enabled. xxFF09xx The request failed because the caller held one or more locks needed by the system to process the request. The request failed because the caller specified an input range list for a service that does not support a range list. The request failed because the caller specified an incorrect value for NUMRANGE. It must be greater than zero. The request failed because the caller specified a value for NUMRANGE that exceeded the maximum of 16 for an unauthorized caller. The request failed because the caller specified an input range list that is not accessible to the service using the callers PSW key. The DEFINE request failed because IOON or IOOFF was incorrectly coded.












System action: The system sends messages about the job to the job log, writes an ABEND dump for the failing job step, and writes the JCL and SYSOUT output for the job. Application Programmer Response: If the caller was an application program, correct the program and run the job again. System programmer response: If the caller was provided by the installation, correct it. Look at accompanying messages in the job log, the JCL and the SYSOUT output. If the caller was an IBM-supplied program, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the messages, the JCL, the SYSOUT output, and the ABEND dump. Source: Real storage manager (RSM) 01F Explanation: A unit of work attempted to end without removing all its entries from the linkage stack. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the abend: Code 04 Explanation The unit of work issued an EXIT macro (SVC 3) without unstacking the linkage stack entries of the corresponding request block (RB). An RB routine did not unstack the linkage stack entries it had added.











z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

020 022
System action: The system abends the task and may write a dump. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=01F,ACTION=SVCD,MATCHLIM=1,END System programmer response: Do the following: 1. If an SVC dump is not produced with the abend, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. 2. In the system trace, find an SVC D or SVCE D entry for abend X'01F'. Use this entry to determine which address space and task control block (TCB) was active at the time of error. Note the address space identifier (ASID). 3. Look at the linkage stacks for the TCBs associated with the active address space. 4. Determine which linkage stack entries were not unstacked by examining the entries on the stack after the entry with the unstack suppression bit set on. The high-order bit of the linkage stack entry descriptor (LSED) is the unstack suppression bit. 5. Identify the module that failed to remove its linkage stack entries by using the program status word (PSW) address associated with the unstacked linkage stack entry. v If the module is not an IBM module, continue diagnosis with the module. v If the module is an IBM module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the component group associated with this module at the IBM Support Center. Provide all data collected and, if available, the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control 020 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a BDAM OPEN macro instruction. The control program found that the DCBMACRF field of the data control block did not contain an A, K, or I, or an attempt was made to open a BDAM data set that contained zero extents. System action: The system ends the task. Application Programmer Response: In the first case, make sure that A, K, or I is specified in the MACRF operand of the DCB macro instruction. Verify that the DCBMACRF field was correctly modified by the problem program before the opening process. After making corrections, reassemble the program and run the job step again. In the second case, create the data set before attempting to open it as a BDAM file. System programmer response: If the error recurs 022 Explanation: The vector processing subsystem support (VPSS) encountered a missing device end condition on control port 0. The VPSS cannot continue processing or respond to operator commands. System action: The VPSS missing interruption handler exit abnormally ends the VPSS monitor address space with system completion code X'022'. The system issues message IGF991I to identify the 3838 Array Processor that caused the VPSS monitor address 021 Explanation: A task management macro passed an address space control block (ASCB) address with an error indicated in the following reason codes: Code 00 04 08 0C 10 14 18 1C Explanation High order bits are set on in the input ASCB for move or add processing. ASCBNOQ bit is off in the ASCB for add processing. Attempt to add, move or delete the master scheduler address space. Acronym check for the input ASCB fails. Incorrect CHAP entry function code. Incorrect EXTENDED MOVE function code. Incorrect EXCNT count passed from the system. Acronym check for the input enclave control block fails. and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp

System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the macro, writes a logrec data set error record, and writes a dump. Application Programmer Response: When calling the routine, ensure that the high-order byte of the ASCB address is set to zero. Correct the error. Run the job again. System programmer response: Collect all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set record and the dump. Source: Task management

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


space to end. The system writes a logrec data set error record. Operator response: Contact hardware support. Application Programmer Response: Determine why the 3838 Array Processor is not responding with a device end. You may let the system operator restart the VPSS so that the operator may enter VPSS commands for other 3838 devices. Source: Vector processing 023 Explanation: LNKLST or library lookaside (LLA) encountered an error that prevented LLA from completing some processing. LLA issues other contents supervision (CSV) messages with the abend code. When more than one abend has occurred, LLA includes the original abend and reason code in the message or messages it issues for the sequence of abends. The hexadecimal reason code that describes the cause of the abend is one of the following: Code 00000001 Explanation While LLA was copying directory entries from a LNKLST library to build a new LLA directory, dynamic allocation or unallocation failed. While LLA was copying directory entries from a LNKLST library to build a new LLA directory, OPEN failed. While LLA was building a new LLA directory, LLA found a partitioned data set (PDS) directory block with a record key equal to X'0000000000000000'. While LLA was building a new LLA directory, LLA found a PDS directory block with an incorrect record key; the PDS directory block that contained the final PDS directory entry did not have the correct record key of X'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'. While LLA was building a new LLA directory, LLA found a PDS directory entry with the name X'0000000000000000'. While LLA was building a new LLA directory, LLA found a PDS directory block whose given length was too small to contain an integral number of PDS directory entries. While LLA was building a new LLA directory, LLA found a PDS directory block for which both of the following were true: 0000000A v The block did not contain the final directory entry in the directory v The blocks record key differed from the name of the last PDS directory entry in the block. 00000008 00000009 While LLA was building a new LLA directory, LLA had an I/O error. While LLA was building a new LLA directory, LLA reached the physical end of the PDS directory before finding the last PDS directory block. The last block must have a record key of X'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'. While LLA was building a new LLA directory, the directory for an LLA-managed data set contained too many directory entries for LLA to fit into its available virtual storage. LLA failed unexpectedly. An I/O error occurred during LLA processing. A media error occurred during LLA processing. An error occurred during data set processing. An error occurred during SMS processing. SMS failed to obtain required resources. An error occurred during LLA processing. During LLA address space initialization processing, the ATTACH of LLAs resource manager subtask failed. LLA address space initialization processing determined that the LLA fetch installation exit CSVLLIX1 was not reentrant. LLA detected that its resource manager subtask abnormally ended. LLA fetch installation exit CSVLLIX1 was AMODE 24. While building a new LLA directory, LLA failed while making a table of PDS or PDSE directory entries from the directory of an LLA-managed data set. LLA failed while building an index for a new LLA directory. While building a new LLA directory, LLA found no modules in the LNKLST.

0000000B 00000014 00000015 00000016 00000017 00000018 00000019 00000100






00000102 00000103 00000201



00000202 00000203


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

00000204 LLA directory build processing of the list of data sets to be managed by LLA failed unexpectedly. LLA directory build processing failed because incorrect data was detected while parsing the LLA parmlib member CSVLLAxx. LLA directory build processing failed because LLA failed unexpectedly while parsing the LLA parmlib member CSVLLAxx. LLA directory build processing failed because LLA failed unexpectedly while processing a refresh request for specific members of an LLA-managed data set. During LLA MVS operator command processing, the user did not have proper security authorization facility (SAF) and security product (RACF) authorization to an LLA parmlib data set resource. Dynamic allocation (SVC 99) failed. LLA may have been: v Allocating an LLA-managed data set to read its directory to build a new LLA directory. v Allocating an LLA-managed data set to copy modules from it while staging modules. v Allocating SYS1.parmlib or another parmlib data set to process an LLA start or update request. v Unallocating a data set that LLA had previously allocated. Dynamic allocation or unallocation failed while LLA was staging modules for an LLA-managed library into the virtual lookaside facility (VLF) data space. The LLA staging installation exit CSVLLIX2 was AMODE 24. While LLA was obtaining PDS directory entries for an LLA-managed data set during a selective module refresh, BLDL returned with a return code greater than 4. LLA directory refresh processing could not obtain sufficient storage to hold all the PDS directory entries accumulated from selective LLA directory refreshes. LLA directory update processing failed while reading the LLA parmlib member CSVLLAxx, which contains the control statements needed to perform the LLA directory update. The parmlib 00000B52 00000B53 00000C00 00000A03 read routine detected that the input parameter list contained incorrect data. LLA directory refresh processing failed unexpectedly while reading the LLA parmlib member CSVLLAxx, which contains the control statements needed to perform the LLA directory update. LLA directory refresh processing failed unexpectedly while parsing the LLA parmlib member CSVLLAxx, which contains the control statements needed to perform the LLA directory update. LLA was unable to refresh a PDSE library. LLAs cross memory directory access routine was entered with incorrect parameters. LLA module staging processing did not convert a floating point number to 64-bit unsigned binary because the number was less than one. LLA module staging processing was unable to convert a floating point number to 64-bit unsigned binary because the number was too big to be represented by 64 bits. LLA module staging processing was unable to convert a floating point number to 64-bit unsigned binary because the number was not normalized. An incorrect LLPM parameter area has been passed to the LLA search routine. The LLA search routine was called from a program which was not running under an supervisor request block (SVRB). The LLA search routine was called with an incorrect DEB as input. The LLA search routine was called with an incorrect value in LLPPCNCT. The pointer to LLAs component trace buffer was outside of the projected storage range for the buffer. LLA directory build processing failed unexpectedly while processing the LLA parmlib member CSVLLAxx. LLA directory update processing failed while reading the LLA parmlib member
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes





00000A05 00000A50









00000501 00000A00






CSVLLAxx, which contains the control statements needed to perform the LLA directory update. The parmlib read routine detected that the input parameter list contained incorrect data. 00000D02 LLA directory refresh processing failed unexpectedly while reading the LLA parmlib member CSVLLAxx, which contains the control statements needed to perform the LLA directory update. LLA directory refresh processing failed unexpectedly while parsing the LLA parmlib member CSVLLAxx, which contains the control statements needed to perform the LLA directory update. LLA directory refresh processing failed unexpectedly while allocating the LLA parmlib member CSVLLAxx, which contains the control statements needed to perform the LLA directory update. The allocation was performed using the IEFPRMLB service. A previous message issued by the IEFPRMLB service accompanies this ABEND. While LLA was building a new LLA directory, dynamic allocation or unallocation failed. While LLA was building a new LLA directory, OPEN failed. While LLA was building a new LLA directory, LLA found no data sets to manage. While LLA was building a new LLA directory, LLA found that a data set to be managed by LLA was not a PDS. While LLA was building a new LLA directory, LLA found that FREEZE or NOFREEZE was specified for a non-LLA data set. During LLA MVS operator command processing, the user did not have proper SAF and security product (RACF) authorization to an LLA-managed data set resource. While LLA was building a new LLA directory, LLA found that a data set to be managed by LLA was a PDSE that was not known to be a load library. Make sure that the data set was not empty and had at least one program object in it. 00001200 The caller invoked an LLACOPY macro with an incorrect data control block (DCB) parameter. The caller invoked an LLACOPY macro with an incorrect DCB parameter. The DCB does not point to a valid DEB. The caller invoked an LLACOPY macro whose DCB references a data set for which the user does not have proper SAF security (RACF) authorization. The caller invoked an LLACOPY macro with a zero DCB parameter. The caller invoked an LLACOPY macro with an incorrect level parameter list or non-zero reserved fields. The user invoked an LLACOPY macro while in problem state. CSVLLCPY was called with an invalid DCB - data set not PDS(E).




00001203 00001204


00001205 00001206


System action: If the LLA address space ends because of this error, the system usually attempts to restart LLA in another address space. LLA issues one or more of the following messages: CSV222I, CSV226E, CSV227I, CSV247I. If the failed LLA address space had not become active and had been created to recover from a prior LLA address space failure, the system issues message CSV218E without restarting LLA. Specific system actions for each reason code are as follows: Code 00000001 System Action This error was preceded by an abend for which LLA took an SVC dump and recorded the error in logrec data set. If SVC 99 itself failed, LLA issues abend X'023', reason code X'00000401', and message CSV224I. If this error occurred during an initial LLA directory build, LLA also issues abend X'023', reason code X'00000201', to end its address space.

00000E02 00000E03





00000002 through 00000019 DFSMS may take an SVC dump. LLA records this error in the logrec data set. The indicated library will not be processed. LLA issues message CSV221I or CSV247I, which contains this reason code in its message text. If this error occurred during an initial LLA directory build, LLA also issues


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

abend X'023', reason code X'00000201', to end its address space. 00000100 LLA takes an SVC dump and records this error in the logrec data set. The next system action depends on what release you are using; for MVS/SP 3.1, the LLA address space ends. For MVS/SP 3.1.0 or higher, LLA continues processing without its resource management subtask until it determines if the reattach threshold has been reached. If the threshold has not been reached, LLA attempts to reattach the subtask. Otherwise, LLA continues processing without its resource management subtask. LLA initialization issues message CSV232I, and continues processing as if CSVLLIX1 was not installed in the LNKLST. LLAs resource management subtask abnormally ends, and then the LLA address space also abnormally ends. LLA initialization issues message CSV232I, and continues processing as if CSVLLIX1 was not installed in the LNKLST. For dynamic allocation errors, LLA issues message CSV224I; for PDS related I/O errors, LLA issues message CSV225I, for PDSE related errors, LLA issues message CSV247I. In any case, LLA issues message CSV221I to show how far the LLA directory build had progressed prior to the error, and includes a reason code that identifies the specific error. Then, if the error occurred during an LLA directory refresh, LLA issues CSV217I and keeps the old directory active. Otherwise, the LLA address space ends. 00000205 and keeps the old directory active. Otherwise, the LLA address space ends. LLA issues message CSV235I, CSV236I. If the error occurred during an LLA directory refresh, LLA issues message CSV217I and keeps the old directory active. Otherwise, the LLA address space ends. If the error occurred during an LLA directory refresh, LLA issues CSV217I and keeps the old directory active. If the error occurred during an initial directory build, LLA issues abend X'023', reason code 204, to end its address space. LLA issues message CSV224I, which includes dynamic allocations specific error and information codes. LLA takes an SVC dump and records the error in logrec data set. LLAs subsequent actions depend on the task LLA was performing when the dynamic allocation was requested: v For MVS/SP 3.1, if LLA was allocating a data set to read its directory to build a new directory, then LLA issues message CSV221I. If the error occurred during an LLA directory refresh, LLA also issues message CSV217I and keeps the old directory active. If the error occurred during an initial directory build, LLA issues abend X'023', reason code X'00000201', to end its address space. v For MVS/SP 3.1.0e or higher, if LLA was allocating a data set to read its directory to build a new directory, then LLA issues message CSV241I. If the error occurred during an LLA directory refresh, LLA also issues message CSV217I and keeps the old directory active. If the error occurred during an initial directory build, LLA issues abend X'023', reason code X'00000204', to end its address space. v If LLA was allocating a data set to copy modules from it while staging modules, then LLA does not stage modules from this library. v If LLA was allocating a parmlib data set to process a start LLA request, LLA issues message CSV235I, CSV236I, and does not start the LLA address space.







00000202, 00000204, 00000206, 00000207 For the original abend that LLA detected, LLA takes an SVC dump and records the error in the logrec data set. LLA then issues this abend. If the error occurred during initial build processing, LLA ends its address space. Otherwise, LLA keeps the old directory active. 00000203 LLA takes an SVC dump and records the error in the logrec data set. Then, if the error occurred during an LLA directory refresh, LLA issues CSV217I

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


v If LLA was allocating a parmlib data set to process a LLA refresh request, LLA issues message CSV235I, CSV236I and keeps the old directory active. v If LLA was unallocating a data set that it had previously allocated, then LLA takes no further action. 00000500 If SVC 99 itself failed, LLA issues abend X'023', reason code 401, and message CSV224I. LLAs subsequent actions depend on what release you are using. For MVS/SP 3.1, this error was preceded by an abend for which LLA took an SVC dump and recorded the error in the logrec data set. LLAs resource manager subtask ends, causing the LLA address space to end. For MVS/SP 3.1.0e or higher, LLAs resource manager subtask ends and LLA continues processing without its resources management subtask until it determines if the reattach threshold has been reached. If the threshold has not been reached, LLA attempts to reattach the subtask. Otherwise, LLA continues processing without its resource management subtask. 00000501 LLA issues message CSV232I, and continues processing as if CSVLLIX2 was not installed in the LNKLST. LLA, the caller takes an SVC dump, records the error in the logrec data set, and provides the module using program fetch. 00000C00 LLA takes an SVC dump and records the error in the logrec data set. Then, LLA trace is deactivated, and LLA continues without component trace capabilities.

00000D00, 00000D01, 00000D02, 00000D03 LLA takes an SVC dump and records the error in the logrec data set. If the error occurred during an LLA directory refresh, LLA issues message CSV217I and keeps the old directory active. Otherwise, the LLA address space ends. 00000E01 LLA issues message CSV224I, which includes dynamic allocations specific error and information codes. If the error occurred while allocating the data set, LLA issues message CSV241I which includes the name of the data set which could not be allocated. If the error occurred during an LLA directory refresh, LLA also issues message CSV217I and keeps the old directory active. If the error occurred during an initial directory build, LLA issues abend X'023', reason code X'204' to end its address space. LLA issues message CSV240I, which includes the name of the data set which could not be opened. This error is preceded by an abend for which LLA takes an SVC dump and records this error in the logrec data set. If the error occurred during an LLA directory refresh, LLA also issues message CSV217I and keeps the old directory active. If the error occurred during an initial directory build, LLA issues abend X'023', reason code X'204' to end its address space. If the error occurred during an LLA directory refresh, LLA also issues message CSV217I and keeps the old directory active. If the error occurred during an initial directory build, LLA issues abend X'023', reason code 204 to end its address space. LLA issues message CSV242I, which includes the name of the data set which is not a PDS. If the error occurred during an LLA directory refresh, LLA also issues message CSV217I and keeps the old directory


00000A00 through 00000A05 LLA takes an SVC dump and records the error in the logrec data set. Then, LLA issues message CSV217I, and does not perform the requested LLA refresh. 00000A50 If the caller is LLA or BLDL, the caller takes an SVC dump and records the error in the logrec data set. Then, the caller ends the LLA address space with an abend 312. 00000E03

00000B00 through 00000B02 LLA takes an SVC dump and records the error in the logrec data set. Then, LLAs resource manager subtask ends, and LLA also issues abend X'023', reason code X'00000102', to end its address space. 00000B50, 00000B51, 00000B52, 00000B53 If the caller is BLDL, the caller takes an SVC dump, records the error in the logrec data set. and abends the caller with a X'212' abend. If the caller is



z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

active. If the error occurred during an initial directory build, LLA issues abend X'023', reason code X'204' to end its address space. 00000E05 LLA issues message CSV245I, which includes the name of the data set for which FREEZE or NOFREEZE was specified. If the error occurred during an LLA directory refresh, LLA also issues message CSV217I and keeps the old directory active. If the error occurred during an initial directory build, LLA issues abend X'023', reason code X'204', to end its address space. If the error occurred during an LLA directory refresh, LLA issues CSV217I and keeps the old directory active. If the error occurred during an initial directory build, LLA issues abend X'023', reason code 204, to end its address space. LLA issues message CSV242I which includes the name of the data-only or empty PDSE. If the error occurred during an LLA directory refresh, LLA also issues message CSV217I and keeps the old directory active. If the error occurred during an initial directory build, LLA issues abend X'023', reason code X'00000204' to end the address space. LLACOPY abends. LLACOPY abends. LLACOPY abends. LLACOPY abends. LLACOPY abends. LLACOPY abends. LLACOPY abends. 00000E06 00000E03 00000103 Make sure that the LLA fetch installation exit, CSVLLIX1, is AMODE 31 or AMODE ANY, and then link edit the exit again. Verify that the catalog for the LNKLST data sets is valid and has not been overlaid. Ensure that the person who issues the LLA operator command has proper RACF authorization (update) to the LLA-managed data sets. Make sure that the LLA staging installation exit, CSVLLIX2, is AMODE 31 or AMODE ANY, and then link edit the exit again. Follow the programmer response for CSV217I, and see the logrec data set, which may contain information on specific I/O errors. If no specific I/O error is evident, then stop and restart LLA. Follow the programmer response for CSV217I, and issue a complete LLA refresh.








00000A50 through 00000B02 Restart LLA. 00000B50, 00000B51, 00000B52, 00000B53 Respond to any related messages that appear in the system log (SYSLOG) and to any related abends. Follow the programmer response for a X'212' abend. 00000C00 To regain component trace capabilities, stop and then restart LLA. Verify that the parmlib members specifying the list of data sets LLA is to manage is correct. Follow the programmer response in for messages CSV217I or CSV218I. Ensure that the person who issued the LLA operator command has proper RACF authorization (update) to the LLA-managed data sets. Eliminate the PDSE data-only library from the specified parmlib member. Correct the DCB input parameter for the LLACOPY macro. Make sure that the input DCB has been opened and that the DCB is not being overlaid. Run the job step again. Correct the DCB input parameter for the LLACOPY macro. Make sure that the input DCB has been opened, and

00001200 00001201 00001202 00001203 00001204 00001205 00001206

Operator response: Contact hardware support. Application Programmer Response: Follow the application programmer response for accompanying CSV messages issued both to the console and the system log (SYSLOG). Follow the application programmer response for any other accompanying abends. For the reason codes below, do the following: Code 00000101 Response Make sure that the LLA fetch installation exit, CSVLLIX1, is reentrant, and then link edit the exit again.

00000E07 00001200


Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


024 026
that the DCB is not being overlaid and points to a valid DEB. Run the job step again. 00001202 Ensure that the invoker of the LLACOPY macro has sufficient RACF authority to the data sets described by the LLACOPY input DCB. Run the job step again. Correct the DCB input parameter of the LLACOPY macro. The input DCB must be a valid opened DCB. Run the job step again. Ensure that all reserved fields are zero. Ensure that the macro library used to compile or assemble the program invoking LLACOPY corresponds to the target environment. Run the job step again. Ensure that the invoker of the LLACOPY macro is supervisor state. Run the job step again. Ensure that the input DCB represents a PDS or PDSE. Run the job step again. System programmer response: Review the console log for all PSF messages and, if any, the PSF abend reason code. Refer to PSF for z/OS: Messages and Codes for more information on the PSF messages, PSF abend reason code, and to determine the appropriate response for this error. Source: PSF for OS/390 025 Explanation: The system was initiating a piece of work when a system error occurred. The reason code is in register 15 at the time the system issues the abend. Code 0002 0003 0004 Explanation The APPC Asynchronous_Manager callable service returned an error code to the initiator. The system found too many parameters on the job used to start the scheduler. The user tried to run the initiator under the initiator.





Others The system found an internal error. System action: The system writes an SVC dump, writes the logrec data set error records, and ends initiator processing. System programmer response: Depending on the reason code, do the following: Code 0002 Response Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Check the parameters on the job used to start the scheduler. Rename the program that is causing the abend.

System programmer response: Follow the system programmer response for any messages issued to the console or the job log and for any accompanying abends. If the problem persists and the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the following: v All printed output and output data sets related to the problem. v The program listing for the job. v The JCL for the job. v The Logrec data set error record. Source: Contents supervision (CSV) 024 Explanation: The Print Services Facility (PSF) ESTAE routine detected a PSF functional subsystem application (FSA) error. An FSA is the print driver application that executes within the PSF functional subsystem (FSS). System action: Depending on the error condition, PSF restarts the FSA or terminates the FSA. PSF issues a message indicating the action taken and may take a SVC dump. Operator response: Inform your system programmer that this error occurred. Application Programmer Response: None.

0003 0004

For all other reason codes, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump and the logrec data set error records. Source: Initiator/terminator 026 Explanation: Cross-system extended services (XES) encountered an error. See z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Reference for more information on diagnosing sysplex problems. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code 0A060002 Explanation XES processing could not prevent SRB to task percolation however its


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processing has continued successfully and no action need be taken on the part of the user. 0C010101 Error in users Complete Exit. The connector will be terminated. Review the exit processing of the application. The issue a dump. Error in users Contention Exit. The connector will be terminated. Review the exit processing of the application. The system does not issue a dump. Return code error from users Contention Exit. The user specified that the Contention Exit was to be deferred during rebuild processing, but the structure was not being rebuilt. The connector will be terminated. Review the exit processing of the application. The system does not issue a dump. Error in users Complete Exit for a list or cache connection. The connection is terminated. Error in users Notify Exit. The connector will be terminated. Review the exit processing of the application. The system does not issue a dump. XES processing could not prevent SRB to task percolation. However, its processing has continued successfully and no action need be taken on the part of the user. XES processing could not prevent SRB to task percolation. However, its processing has continued successfully and no action need be taken on the part of the user. Error in users Notify Exit. The connector will be terminated. Review the exit processing of the application. The system does not issue a dump. Error in users List Transition Exit. The connector will be terminated. Review the exit processing of the application. The system does not issue a dump. Unexpected return code from users Event Exit. Register 0 contains the event code (EEPLevent) presented to the users Event Exit. Register 2 contains the return code (EEPLretcode) returned by the users Event Exit. See IXLYEEPL mapping macro for EEPL fields. The connector will be terminated. Review the exit processing of the application. The system does not issue a dump. 0E0D0101 Error in users Event Exit. The connector will be terminated. Review the exit processing of the application. The system does not issue a dump.


System action: Additional messages explaining the error may precede the ABEND. If there is a hexadecimal value of 01 in the third byte of the reason code the connector issuing the IXLCONN service will be terminated by the system. The system issues an SVC dump, unless the abend is related to the failure of a user exit. Operator response: The following reason codes represent errors internal to the XES component. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center.
Reason Codes: 02040001 05010001 09100001 0A010002 0A060103 0A060003 0A160001 0C090020 0C0E0001 0C1D0101 0C2A0002 0C2A0007 0C2A000C 0C2A0011 0C2D0001 0C340002 0C340106 0C380005 0C390001 0C41xxxx 0C54xxxx 0C560004 0C5B1013 0C700102 0C7C0002 0C890101 0C950103 0D010102 0D070103 0D120101 0D120150 0D150150 0E0B0004 0E130004 020A0001 05060001 09100002 0A010102 0A090101 0A0D0101 0A160101 0C0A0001 0C130101 0C21xxxx 0C2A0003 0C2A0008 0C2A000D 0C2A0012 0C2F0101 0C340101 0C380001 0C380009 0C391013 0C440101 0C560002 0C560005 0C650001 0C740101 0C7C0003 0C890102 0C9E0001 0D010103 0D070104 0D120102 0D150004 0D180101 0E0C0103 0E130101 020D0001 070B0001 09100003 0A020102 0A0D0001 0A130103 0A160102 0C0B0106 0C170101 0C23xxxx 0C2A0004 0C2A0009 0C2A000E 0C2A0013 0C2F0102 0C340103 0C380002 0C380106 0C3C0107 0C460101 0C540101 0C560150 0C670101 0C740103 0C830001 0C920002 0C9E0101 0D010104 0D070105 0D120103 0D150101 0D1C0001 0E0D0102 0E130102 02120001 07160001 09100004 0A040103 0A0D0002 0A130104 0C080001 0C0C0105 0C190001 0C26xxxx 0C2A0005 0C2A000A 0C2A000F 0C2A0014 0C30xxxx 0C340104 0C380003 0C380107 0C3C0108 0C4A0101 0C560001 0C5A0101 0C680102 0C760102 0C830002 0C950001 0D010001 0D070101 0D0C0001 0D120007 0D150102 0D1C0150 0E0F0101 11050001 03200001 081A0001 0A010001 0A060101 0A0D0004 0A130106 0C090001 0C0D0101 0C1Cxxxx 0C2A0001 0C2A0006 0C2A000B 0C2A0010 0C2A0020 0C340001 0C340105 0C380004 0C380108 0C400101 0C4A0103 0C560003 0C5A0102 0C6C0001 0C7C0001 0C830003 0C950102 0D010101 0D070102 0D0C0150 0D120008 0D150103 0E0A0102 0E120001









System programmer response: Format the SVC dump with the following IPCS subcommands: v XESDATA, including all the reports at all levels summary, detail, and exception. v CTRACE COMP(SYSXES) SUB((GLOBAL))
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


027 029
v CTRACE COMP(SYSXES) SUB((individualconnections)) You can determine the individual connections by issuing the CTRACE QUERY command to see the sub name traces associated with SYSXES. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the formatted SVC dump. Source: Cross-system extended services (XES) 027 Explanation: The Print Services Facility (PSF) ESTAE routine detected a PSF functional subsystem (FSS) error. An FSS is a PSF address space. System action: PSF terminates the FSS and issues a message indicating the action taken and may take a SVC dump. Operator response: Inform your system programmer that this error occurred. Application Programmer Response: None. System programmer response: Review the console log for all PSF messages and, if any, the PSF abend reason code. Refer to PSF for z/OS: Messages and Codes for more information on the PSF messages, PSF abend reason code, and to determine the appropriate response for this error. Source: PSF for OS/390 028 Explanation: The system could not complete a paging operation for one of the following reasons: v A permanent I/O error occurred during a page-in or swap-in operation. The data being paged in or swapped in is lost. v A page cannot be accessed on auxiliary storage because of a previous I/O error. v An indeterminable error occurred during management of central storage paging. The system ends processing. Register 15 may contain a reason code. v The operator canceled a Time Sharing Option Extensions (TSO/E) user before the TSO/E logon completed. v An address space referred to a pageable link pack area (PLPA) page that contains noncontiguous code or large constant areas. The system had already detected this error and issued message IEA928I. See message IEA928I. v The system found an unexpected error while processing a swap-in or swap-out request. The error is described by a reason code in register 6. v The only current copy of a page resides in a defective frame on expanded storage. An error occurred when the system tried to bring the page into central storage from the defective expanded frame. v An I/O error occurred when the system wrote the page to auxiliary storage. v An I/O error occurred when the system attempted to transfer data from a data-in-virtual object into a mapped window page. v A reason for the abend code X'028' can be due to an mmap() failure.

System action: The system abnormally ends the current task or address space. Operator response: If the system issued message IEA928I, see the operator response for that message. Otherwise, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Look for messages indicating a hardware error. If you find any, contact hardware support. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. The logrec data set error record might not contain information regarding this abend. Source: Auxiliary storage manager (ASM) and real storage manager (RSM) 029 Explanation: The auxiliary storage managers (ASM) page operations starter routine detected an incorrect virtual I/O (VIO) request. The logrec data set error record contains the incorrect VIO request reason code: Code 0004 Explanation The requested VIO logical group number is greater than the maximum allowable logical group number. The requested VIO logical group number is not assigned to any logical group. The calling program does not have access to the requested VIO logical group. The requested VIO logical group cannot accept new work because work is already pending for that logical group. The requested VIO page number is greater than the number of pages in the VIO data set. The requested VIO page does not exist. The system could not create tables in storage for the requested VIO pages. The requested VIO page previously suffered an I/O error. The system does not contain a valid auxiliary storage copy of the requested VIO page.

0008 000C 0010

0014 0018 0020 0024 0028

System action: The system abnormally ends the


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

02A 02C
current task. The system writes a logrec data set error record. System programmer response: If the problem cannot be resolved, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Auxiliary storage manager (ASM) and Allocation 02A Explanation: An error occurred during execution of a data management request for a spool data set. The hexadecimal reason code in Register 2 indicates the cause of the abend: Code Explanation HASP access method found that a data management control block (ACB or DEB) was not valid. HASP access method found that a JES2 UBUF was not valid. HASP access method detected a serialization error for a spool data set. HASP access method found that SETPRT failed when printing UBUF. HASP access method detected inconsistent temporary protected buffer pointers. HASP access method detected a serialization error for an internal reader data set. HASP access method detected a JES2 internal logic error when processing an internal reader data set. HASP access method detected an invalid extent in MTTR during PUT processing. HASP access method found a spool control record that is not valid during PUT processing. HASP access method detected an error (loop condition) in HPUTFULL processing. HASP access method detected an error (loop condition) in HAMFIX processing. HASP access method detected an error (loop condition) in HAMSIO processing. HASP access method detected an error in HCPBUFND processing. HASP access method found
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

| | |

unauthorized use of authorized request parameter list (RPL) option during protected PUT processing. System action: The system ends the task, and produces a dump. For reason codes X'0000000C' and X'00000020', the system terminates the job step, and produces a dump. System programmer response: Obtain the program listing for the job. Look at the messages in the job log. If the JOB statement did not specify MSGLEVEL=(1,1), specify it and run the job again. Verify that the problem program did not modify data management control blocks or the JES2 UBUF control block. For reason codes X'0000000C' and X'00000020', also verify that the problem program used proper serialization techniques for sharing a SYSIN, SYSOUT or internal reader data set among multiple tasks. After making corrections, execute the job step again. If the problem recurs and if the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center.

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


00000008 0000000C 00000010 0000001C

| | |

In case of reason codes X00000030 through X0000003C, contact the IBM Support Center with dump and SYSLOG. Source: JES2 02B Explanation: A user exit routine issued a return code that is higher than the maximum return code value specified in the MAXRC parameter of the $EXITnnn macro instruction. System action: The system abnormally ends the user task and issues a dump. Operator response: Use the $TEXIT command to disable EXITnnn. System programmer response: Collect all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. If the exit routine is issuing an incorrect return code, correct the routine. If the routine is issuing the correct return code, change the maximum return code value specified on the $EXITnnn macro instruction. Then rerun the job. Source: JES2 02C Explanation: An error occurred in JES2 support of a functional subsystem address space. When this system completion code appears without a JES2 message, the following information applies: During a hot start, either:








0000003C 00000040


02D 02E
v HASPWARM found an active Functional Subsystem (FSS) with no active FSA v JES2 found that the FSS address space was being connected with no active FSA. System action: HASPWARM uses CALLRTM macros to abnormally end the FSS address space. Operator response: Enter a $S PRT command to restart the FSS. Application Programmer Response: This condition occurred because a functional subsystem printer either was drained or started during a JES2 hot start. HASPWARM ended the FSS address space in case the printer initialization parameter was changed across hot start. One of the following messages may also accompany this system completion code: $HASP413 $HASP415 $HASP750 See z/OS JES2 Messages for more information. Source: JES2 28,2A,2B,48 02D Explanation: The JES2 main task has abnormally terminated. One of the following events caused the termination. v The operator issued a $PJES2,ABEND command, which terminated JES2. v A JES2 catastrophic error/abend has occurred. For further details concerning the abend, see message $HASP095. System action: The system invokes JES2 recovery/termination processing. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: To help you determine the nature of the problem, refer to error messages $HASP08 and $HASP095. Source: JES2 02E Explanation: The system found an error during availability manager (AVM) processing. One of the following contains a reason code that explains the error: v Register 15 in the SDWA or RTM2WA data areas at the time of the error. v The SDWACRC field in the SDWA data area. v Message AVM010E. The reason code is in the form mmrrssss. In the reason code: 39 37 34,35,37 mm rr The identifier for the availability manager entry point that issued the abend A hexadecimal error indicator, which is one of the following: Indicator 2 12 18 Explanation The system could not find an entry point in the nucleus. The system could not find a load module. The primary availability manager load module was not started by started task control (STC). Incorrect parameters were received through the START AVM command. The availability manager checks for one of the following values in the AVMMODE parameter: OPERATOR, THINLAYER, or RESTART. The availability manager continues to run normally. However, no additional subsystems may connect to the availability manager until an equal number of current subsystem users disconnect from it. The availability manager reached the maximum number of subsystems that it can handle. The availability manager received an error return code from the I/O supervisor. The IOS return code is located in the third byte of the availability manager reason code. The fourth byte of the availability manager reason code contains an associated IOS reason code. The error indicator specifies which IOS service the availability manager was trying to use: 34 35 PREVENTIO IOPIDENTRELEASE IOPIDENT- OBTAIN


The availability manager could not access subsystem owned storage to store the results of a CALLAVM request. Most likely, from the


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

030 031
time the availability manager verified the CALLAVM request to the time it completed the request, the subsystem has freed the storage. The following error indicators specify an internal error in the availability manager and, in most cases, cause abnormal ending of the availability manager address space: v 01 v 03-11 v 13-17 v 1A-27 v 29 v 2C-33 v 38 v 3A-47 v 49 ssss The related system service completion codes 031 Explanation: An I/O error occurred during processing using QISAM. The control program attempted to pass control to an error analysis (SYNAD) routine, but found that (1) the DCBSYNAD field of the data control block did not contain the address of a valid SYNAD routine, or (2) the error occurred after a CLOSE macro instruction was run by task end (the problem program returned control to the supervisor without processing a CLOSE macro instruction). The task was abnormally ended. The DCBEXCD1 and DCBEXCD2 fields of the data control block indicate the possible causes of the original error: DCBEXCD1: Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Explanation Record not found. Incorrect actual address for lower limit. Space not found. Incorrect request. Uncorrectable input error. Uncorrectable output error. Block could not be reached (input). Block could not be reached (update). The control program found that the DCBMACRF field of the data control block (DCB) did not indicate a valid mode of operation for BISAM or QISAM. The DCBMACRF field is set up by the MACRF operand of the DCB macro instruction or by the problem program before the data control block is opened. Application Programmer Response: Make sure that a valid mode of operation is specified in the MACRF operand of the DCB macro instruction. Verify that the DCBMACRF field was not incorrectly set up or modified by the problem program. After making corrections, reassemble the program and run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp

System action: The system abends the current task. Operator response: Depending on the error indicator rr, do one of the following: Indicator 18 Response Do not try to start the availability manager under an initiator. Use the START command. When you issue the START AVM command, omit the AVMMODE parameter.


Otherwise, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Depending on the error indicator rr, do one of the following: Indicator Response 2 Ensure that the availability manager was installed correctly. Ensure that the availability managers load modules contain all the correct CSECTs. Ensure that the availability manager was installed correctly. Ensure that the load libraries contain the correct load modules. Correct the failing program. Source: Availability manager (AVM) 030 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a basic index sequential access method (BISAM) or queued indexed sequential access method (QISAM) OPEN macro instruction.


34,35,37 DCBEXCD2: Bit 0 1 2 3 Explanation Sequence check. Duplicate record. DCB closed when error detected. Overflow record.

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


032 034
4 PUT: length of field greater than length indicated in DCBLRECL field of the data control block. (Reserved bits). 01 02 An I/O error occurred while reading the highest level index. An I/O error occurred while searching for the end-of-file mark following the last data record in the prime area. The DCBLPDA field of the data control block (DCB) contains the address of the last record in the prime area. An I/O error occurred while searching for the end-of-file mark following the last data record in the independent overflow area. The DCBLIOV field of the data control block (DCB) contains the address of the last record in the independent overflow area. The DCBMSHIA field of the data control block (DCB) contained an address that either specified a location outside the boundaries of the virtual storage assigned to the task or had a storage protection key other than that specified in the task control block (TCB). An I/O error occurred while reading the last prime data block during open processing for resume load. All volumes of a multivolume ISAM data set were not mounted.


Application Programmer Response: Examine the DCBEXCD1 and DCBEXCD2 fields of the data control block to determine the cause of the error. Specify the address of an error analysis routine to be given control when an I/O error is detected and, for errors occurring during CLOSE, run a QISAM CLOSE macro instruction prior to returning control to the supervisor. For errors occurring during the processing of a QISAM CLOSE macro instruction, respond as indicated by message IEC011I or IEC203I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 032 Explanation: An error occurred during processing of a basic index sequential access method (BISAM) or queued indexed sequential access method (QISAM) OPEN macro instruction. The control program found that the DCBMACRF field of the data control block (DCB) did not contain valid information for ISAM. Application Programmer Response: Make sure that valid information is specified in the MACRF operand of the DCB macro instruction. Verify that the DCBMACRF field was not incorrectly modified by the problem program before the opening process. After making corrections, reassemble the program and run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 033 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of an OPEN macro instruction for an indexed sequential data set. If the error occurred during the processing of an indexed sequential access method (ISAM) OPEN executor, register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code: Code Explanation
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Application Programmer Response: Verify that the DCBLPDA, DCBLIOV, and DCBMSHIA fields were not incorrectly specified or modified by the problem program. At the time of the abnormal end, register 4 contains the address of the DCB. After making corrections, reassemble the program and run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 034 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a BISAM OPEN macro instruction. For variable length records, the control program found that the address in DCBMSWA was not valid. Either the address is outside the boundaries of virtual storage or the protection key of that address is not the same as the protection key in the TCB. The control program found that the fields of the data control block (DCB) indicated a virtual storage area too small to contain the highest level index for the data set. The size of the virtual storage area that should be reserved for the highest level index is placed in the DCBNCRHI field of the data control block at OPEN exit time. Application Programmer Response: The error can


035 037
be corrected by one of the following: v Specify a valid address in the MSWA operand of the DCB. Verify that this field has not been incorrectly modified. v Provide a sufficient virtual storage area by proper specification of the DCBSMSI and DCBMSHIA fields. v Provide no virtual storage area and either do not specify the contents of the DCBSMSI and DCBMSHIA fields or set the fields to zero. The highest level index can then be processed without being loaded into virtual storage. After making corrections, reassemble the program and run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 035 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a BISAM OPEN macro instruction. The control program found that new records were to be added to the data set, but the DCBMSWA and DCBSMSW fields of the data control block (DCB) indicated a virtual storage area too small to contain one track from the prime area. The appropriate ISAM-calculated value that you should specify in DCBSMSW is returned in register 15. If this value is greater than 65535, you must let ISAM obtain this work area for you. Application Programmer Response: The error can be corrected by one of the following: v Provide a sufficient area by proper specification of the DCBMSWA and DCBSMSW fields. v For fixed-length records, provide no virtual storage area. Either do not specify the contents of the DCBMSWA and DCBSMSW fields or set the fields to zero. A virtual storage work area is required only for variable-length records. After making corrections, reassemble the program and run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 036 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a BISAM or QISAM OPEN macro instruction. The control program found that no space was allocated on a direct access device as the prime area for the data set: v In QISAM load mode, during data set generation, the SPACE parameter of the DD statement did not specify a primary quantity. v The data set control block (DSCB) for the data set was incorrectly modified by the problem program. Application Programmer Response: In the first case, the data set should be dumped sequentially and recreated using QISAM load mode. The job should be restarted with a primary quantity specified in the SPACE parameter of the DD statement. If the prime area is to span more than one volume, the number of volumes and the number of units required should be specified. In the second case, verify that the data set control block was not incorrectly modified by the problem program. After making corrections, reassemble the program and run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 037 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a BISAM or QISAM OPEN macro instruction. The control program found that the buffers supplied by the programmer were inadequate for the records to be processed: v If the buffers were acquired by use of the BUILD macro instruction, either the BUFNO operand of the DCB macro instruction was not specified or the BUFL operand specified too small a value. v If the buffers were acquired by use of the GETPOOL macro instruction, the buffer length operand specified too small a value. Application Programmer Response: Specify the buffers correctly. Then run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


038 03B
038 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of an OPEN macro instruction for QISAM load mode. The control program found that the space on a direct access device that had been allocated for the index area was either exhausted or occupied more than one volume. The index for an ISAM data set must reside on one volume. Application Programmer Response: If a new data set is being created, the job must be restarted with larger space allocation specified in the SPACE parameter of the DD statement. If an old data set is being updated, the data set should be dumped sequentially, the old data set scratched, and the data set recreated from the sequential data set using QISAM load mode. The job should be restarted with larger space allocation specified in the SPACE parameter of the DD statement. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 039 Explanation: The error occurred in scanning a data set using QISAM. The end of the data set (EOD) was reached. The control program found that the DCBEODAD field of the data control block (DCB) did not contain an end-of-data-set exit routine address. Application Programmer Response: Make sure that the address of a routine to be given control when the end of the data set is reached is specified either in the EODAD operand of the DCB macro instruction or in the problem program before the end of the data set is reached. Then reassemble the program and run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 03A Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a BISAM or QISAM CLOSE macro instruction. A format 2 data set control block (DSCB), read from a direct access device into virtual storage, was updated from various fields of the data control block (DCB). When an attempt was made to write the updated data set control block back to the direct access device, an I/O error occurred. When the ISAM interface is used to process a VSAM data set, this system completion code can be accompanied by message IEC251I. If it is, refer to the explanation of message IEC251I for information about the task that ended. Application Programmer Response: Determine the data set for which the problem occurred and the nature of the problem. If this system completion code is accompanied by message IEC251I, respond as indicated by message IEC251I. At the time of the ABEND, register 4 points to the OPEN/CLOSE/END-OF-VOLUME work area. At X'64' in the work area is the address of the job file control block (JFCB) whose contents begin with the 44 character data set name. The address of the unit control block (UCB), which contains the device address for the data set, is located and X'230' in the work area. The address of the users DCB which contains the address of the data event block (DEB) is located at X'238' in the work area. Correct the problem with the data set and rerun the job. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 03B Explanation: The error occurred during processing of an OPEN macro instruction for an indexed sequential data set. If register 15 does not contain a hexadecimal reason code, then no records could be processed because: v The block size (DCBBLKSI) is less than the logical record length (DCBLRECL). v The block size (DCBBLKSI) is not a multiple of the logical record length. If the error occurred during the processing of an ISAM OPEN executor, register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code. No records could be processed because: Code 01 Explanation The format-2 data set control block (DSCB) indicated that 1/2 1/21/21/2MSG 8028 1/2 1/21/21/2MSG 8028 the data set had not been created (DS2STIND is not equal to X'20'), or the format-2 DSCB indicated that the data


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control block (DCB) had not been closed after the data set had been created. 03 For variable length records, the relative key position (DCBRKP) field in the data control block (DCB) is less than four. The relative key position (DCBRKP) plus the key length (DCBKEYLE) is greater than the logical record length (DCBLRECL). The DCBKEYLE field of the data control block contained zero. The DCBKEYLE field of the data control block (DCB) does not equal the value in the DS1KEYL field of the format-1 DSCB. A QISAM data control block was being opened in preparation for a PUT operation, but the OPEN macro instruction had not been issued for output. The logical record length in the data control block (DCBLRECL) is zero. The record format in the format-1 DSCB (DS1RECFM) indicates fixed blocked records, but the block size (DCBBLKSI) equals the logical record length (DCBLRECL). The block size (DCBBLKSI) differs from the format-1 DSCB block size (DS1BLKL). The logical record length (DCBLRECL) differs for the format-1 DSCB logical record length (DS1LRECL). QISAM data control block was being opened in preparation for a PUT operation and DISP=SHR was coded in the JCL. The value for the record format (DCBRECFM) is zero. The value for the record format (DCBRECFM) is not the same as the record format value specified when the data set was created (DS1RECFM). 0D 04 Application Programmer Response: Take the following actions depending on the reason code you received: Code 01 Response Make sure that the data set has been properly created and that the creating task closes the data control block. If variable length records are used, make sure that the value of the DCBRKP field is not less than four. Make sure that the value of the DCBRKP field of the data control block, when added to the value of in the DCBKEYLE field, does not exceed the value in the DCBLRECL field. Correct the DCBKEYLE field. For an existing ISAM data set, omit the KEYLEN operand on the DCB macro instruction. This allows the data set control block to supply the key length value. Make sure that OUTPUT is specified as option 1 in the OPEN macro instruction. Make sure that the block size (BLKSIZE) and logical record length (LRECL) have been specified correctly on the data control block (DCB) and that they are compatible. Code DISP=OLD in the JCL for the QISAM data control block that is being opened for a PUT operation. Make sure that the record format has been specified correctly. For an existing ISAM data set, list the VTOC to determine the correct format of the data set.



05 06


05, 06

09 0A


0B 0C

09, 0A, 0B, 0C


0E 0F

0E, 0F

Register 2 contains the address of the DCB for which the abend was issued. When the ISAM interface is used to process a VSAM data set, this system completion code can be accompanied by message IEC161I. If it is, refer to message IEC161I for information about the task that ended. The ISAM interface of VSAM issues system completion code 03B for one of the following reasons: v The access method services and DCB values for LRECL, KEYLE, RKP do not match. v DISP=OLD was specified and the DCB was opened for output and the number of logical records is greater than zero (RELOAD is implied). v An OPEN ACB error code 116 was returned for a request to open a VSAM structure.

If register 15 does not contain a hexadecimal reason code, then make sure that: 1. the blocksize (BLKSIZE) and logical record length (LRECL) have been specified correctly on the data control block (DCB). 2. the BLKSIZE and LRECL are compatible. In cases when the ISAM interface issued an ABEND, make sure that a valid mode of operation is specified in the MACRF operand of the DCB macro. Additionally, make sure that the DCB is not being opened for load mode while there are records in the data set. In all cases, run the job step again.

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


03C 03E
If message IEC161I accompanies this system completion code, respond as indicated for message IEC161I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 03C Explanation: A page, a segment, or an ASTE fault occurred. RSM detected one of the following conditions. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code. In the reason code, the bytes designated x contain diagnostic data that may be requested by IBM. Code xxxx08xx Explanation A program disabled for interrupts held the RSM lock, or a higher lock, when a fault occurred. No central storage frames were available to resolve a page fault when the unit of work was running disabled for interrupts. listed first. The number of volumes and the number of units allocated must be the same, and all volumes must be mounted. v In case (2), the volume serial numbers in the SER subparameter of the VOLUME parameter of the DD statement were not in proper sequence. v In case (2), the DCB DSORG=DA and the DD statement specifies an indexed sequential data set name. This system completion code is sometimes accompanied by message IEC156I. If so, refer to the explanation of message IEC156I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Correct the DCB parameter or SER subparameter, as necessary, and run the job step again. If this system completion code is accompanied by message IEC156I, respond as indicated for the message. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 03E Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a QISAM OPEN macro instruction. The position of the last prime data record indicated that there is no room to add records with resume load. The loading of an indexed sequential data set must be completed during the initial OPEN/PUT/CLOSE cycle for that data set. An indexed sequential data set that has been opened and closed for loading may be subsequently loaded if no data was created. Possibly, an attempt was made to add records with resume load to the prime area of an ISAM data set that had no space available for additional records. Application Programmer Response: Either load the data set again with a larger space allocation, or add records using BISAM. After making corrections, run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp


System action: The system issues an abend to the current task. Application Programmer Response: For reason code X'xxxx0Dxx', run the job again. If the error recurs, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Real storage manager (RSM) 03D Explanation: The error occurred during processing of (1) a QISAM or BISAM OPEN macro instruction or (2) a BDAM OPEN macro instruction. One of the following occurred: v In case (1), the DD statement did not specify an indexed sequential organization (which can be specified by a DSORG=IS or DSORG=ISU subparameter of the DCB parameter). v In case (1), if the data set resides on multiple volumes, either the volume serial numbers in the SER subparameter of the VOLUME parameter of the DD statement were not in proper sequence, or not all volume serial numbers were specified. The serial number of the volume containing the index must be


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03F 042
03F Explanation: An error has been detected during checkpoint restart processing. This completion code is accompanied by message IHJxxxI and the appropriate reason code. System action: The job is abnormally ended and a dump is produced. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated in the accompanying message. Source: DFSMSdfp 040 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of an OPEN macro for a telecommunications access method (TCAM) line group data set. System action: The error code is inserted into register 0 if the user has coded an address in the EXLST= operand of the line group DCB macro. The exit routine may examine the code in register 0. If no user exit is specified, an indication of the error type may be found in the explanation of console message IED008I. Application Programmer Response: See the documentation of message IED008I for the appropriate responses. Source: Teleprocessing 041 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of an OPEN macro for a telecommunications access method (TCAM) message queue data set. System action: The error code is inserted into register 0 if the user has coded an address in the EXLST= operand of the message queue DCB macro instruction. The exit routine may examine the code in register 0. If no installation exit is specified, an indication of the error type may be found in the explanation of console message IED008I. Application Programmer Response: See the documentation of message IED008I for the appropriate responses. If your system has the advanced communications function (ACF)/TCAM program product installed, see the appropriate ACF/TCAM messages book . Source: Teleprocessing 042 Explanation: A call for a base control program internal interface (BCPii) service was issued in an incorrect environment, or BCPii detected an unrecoverable error. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code Explanation

00010000 For a call to the HWICMD service, the parameters passed by the caller are not in the primary address space. 00010001 For a call to the HWICMD service, the parameters passed by the caller are not accessible. 00010002 For a call to the HWICMD service, the number of the parameters passed by the caller is not correct. 00020000 For a call to the HWICONN service, the parameters passed by the caller are not in the primary address space. 00020001 For a call to the HWICONN service, the parameters passed by the caller are not accessible. 00020002 For a call to the HWICONN service, the number of the parameters passed by the caller is not correct. 00030000 For a call to the HWIDISC service, the parameters passed by the caller are not in the primary address space. 00030001 For a call to the HWIDISC service, the parameters passed by the caller are not accessible. 00030002 For a call to the HWIDISC service, the number of the parameters passed by the caller is not correct. 00040000 For a call to the HWIEVENT service, the parameters passed by the caller are not in the primary address space. 00040001 For a call to the HWIEVENT service, the parameters passed by the caller are not accessible. 00040002 For a call to the HWIEVENT service, the number of the parameters passed by the caller is not correct. 00050000 For a call to the HWILIST service, the parameters passed by the caller are not in the primary address space.

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


00050001 For a call to the HWILIST service, the parameters passed by the caller are not accessible. 00050002 For a call to the HWILIST service, the number of the parameters passed by the caller is not correct. 00060000 For a call to the HWIQUERY service, the parameters passed by the caller are not in the primary address space. 00060001 For a call to the HWIQUERY service, the parameters passed by the caller are not accessible. 00060002 For a call to the HWIQUERY service, the number of the parameters passed by the caller is not correct. xxxx0001 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0002 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0003 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0004 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0005 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0006 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0007 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0008 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0009 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx000A xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx000B xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx000C xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx000D xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx000E xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx000F xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0010 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0011 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0012 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0013 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0014 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0015 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0016 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0017 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0018 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0019 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx001A xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx001B xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx001C xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

xxxx001D xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx001E xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx001F xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0020 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0021 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0022 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0023 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0024 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii.

| | |

xxxx0020,xxxx0021,xxxx0022,xxxx0023,xxxx0024, xxxx0025,xxxx0026,xxxx0027,xxxx0028,xxxx0029, xxxx002A BCPii continues processing, but the system does not perform the requested service. The system takes an SVC dump. xxxx0001,xxxx0002,xxxx0004,xxxx000A,xxxx000B, xxxx0015,xxxx0017 The system abnormally ends the BCPii address space, and takes an SVC dump. No BCPii callable services are accepted by the system until the address space is manually restarted. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for the specific reason code: Code Programmer Response

00010000 through 00060002 Check the calling program for a probable coding error; correct the program and run it again. All other codes Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Operator response: If the abend recurs, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: If the error recurs, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: HWIBCPII (BCPii) address space 043 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of an OPEN macro for a telecommunications access method (TCAM) application program data set. Register 0 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 01 Explanation An OPEN macro for a TCAM application program data set has been issued but there is no message control program (MCP) active in the system. The QNAME= parameter of a DD statement associated with an application program is not the name of a process entry defined in the terminal table, or the QUEUES= operand appeared in the TPROCESS macro instruction when an application program data control block (DCB) was being opened for output only, or the QUEUES= operand was not specified when an application program DCB was being opened for input.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

xxxx0025 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0026 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0027 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0028 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx0029 xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. xxxx002A xxxx is greater than or equal to 0100. An internal error occurred in BCPii. System action: Specific system actions for each reason code are as follows: Code System Action


00010000 through 00060002 The system rejects the service call. xxxx0003,xxxx0005,xxxx0006,xxxx0007,xxxx0008, xxxx0009,xxxx000C,xxxx000D,xxxx000E,xxxx000F, xxxx0010,xxxx0011,xxxx0012,xxxx0013,xxxx0014, xxxx0016,xxxx0017,xxxx0018,xxxx0019,xxxx001A, xxxx001B,xxxx001C,xxxx001D,xxxx001E,xxxx001F,


03 A process entry named by the QNAME= parameter of a DD statement associated with an application program is currently being used by another application program. Insufficient virtual storage was available in the MCP to build internal control blocks, or the PGFN macro failed for the process entry work area. Insufficient virtual storage was available in the application program area to build internal control blocks. The application program attempted to open a secured queue. The system operator rejected the request. The application program is not an authorized program, but the user has either coded AUTHA=YES or taken YES as the default value for AUTHA parameter on the TCAM INTRO macro. Page control block (PCB) error. OPEN was issued for a TPROCESS entry while its PCB was in use by another task. A TCAM job name was not found with the same name as the TCAM job name that was qualified on the DD statement as input to IGG01946 (DCB OPEN). The number of environmental checkpoint records that can be written is less than the number of environmental checkpoint records requested. 0A 08 09 size on the JOB statement for the MCP, or restart the system specifying a larger system queue space. 05 Specify a larger partition size on the JOB statement for the application program. Recode the SECURE=YES operand associated with the queue, or instruct the system operator to allow the queue to be opened. Link edit the application program as an authorized program into an authorized library, or specify AUTHA=NO on the TCAM INTRO macro. Open all TPROCESS entries for the PCB in the same application program. Either start the TCAM with the jobname wanted or change the jobname on the QNAME=procname.jobname operand and restart the application program. Either increase the number of environmental checkpoint records that can be written, or decrease the requested number of environmental checkpoint records.










Source: Teleprocessing 044 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of the FE Common Write (COMWRITE) task. The COMWRITE task has been ended. The hexadecimal contents of register 3 indicates the nature of the error: Register 3 01 Explanation Permanent I/O error on output device. Register 7 contains user ID; register 8 contains address of failing DECB. STAE routine failed. Register 15 contains the return code. User parameter list is incorrect, and output required was specified. Register 7 contains the address of the parameter list saved in COMWRITE. Register 11 contains the address of the error message. The output DCB failed to open. For one of the traces specified, the size of one half of the trace table is larger than the maximum block size specified for the trace data set.

System action: If an ABEND installation exit is provided in the EXLST= operand of the DCB macro for the data set, the system gives control to the routine. If it returns, or if no ABEND installation exit is provided, the system abnormally ends the task. Message IED015I may accompany this system completion code. Application Programmer Response: No action is required if an ABEND installation exit has been provided in the EXLST= operand of the DCB macro for the application program data set. The contents of register 0 indicate the action to be taken: Register 0 01 Response Ensure that an MCP is active before attempting to start an application program. Recode the QNAME= parameter specifying the name of a valid process entry. Recode the QNAME= parameter specifying the name of a valid process entry. Specify a larger region or partition
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02 03


05 06




045 046
Application Programmer Response: Response depends upon the hexadecimal contents of register 3: Register 3 01 Response Check the status of the recording medium. If it is valid, call your hardware support personnel. Call your hardware support personnel. Check the parameter list. Missing DD statement. Include the DD statement and rerun the job. Ensure that the size of one half of the trace table does not exceed the maximum block size specified for the trace data set. 0A 08 09 A disk read error occurred. It was a hardware error, not a logical read error. Either insufficient space was allocated for the checkpoint data set, or a read error occurred when attempting to read records from the checkpoint data set during a restart. Either the checkpoint data set is too small, or the number of checkpoint records specified in the INTRO macro is too large.

02 03 05 06

System action: The system abnormally ends. The system writes an error to the logrec data set. Application Programmer Response: Except for return code X'08', this is a probable user error. To determine the action for a specific reason code, follow these procedures based on the reason code in register 15: Code Response Either specify a larger data set or request that close down occur at an earlier point. Specify a larger data set or one that occupies more than one extent. Before issuing the OPEN macro for the lines, test for successful open of the message queue data set. Specify FEATURE=(,,TIMER). Assemble and run the MCP again. The message issued to the operator just before ABEND describes the cause of failure, and the message description provides a response. Either allocate more space for the checkpoint data set, or specify fewer checkpoint records in the INTRO macro.

Source: DFSMSdfp 045 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a telecommunications access method (TCAM) message control program (MCP). The MCP ends. The low-order byte of register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 01 Explanation I/O has been requested on a nonreusable disk record that is beyond the capacity of the data set. The nonreusable disk data set cannot be wrapped. Logical read error caused by the reusable disk receiving a heavy burst of new traffic. This traffic causes unsent messages to be overlaid before being copied to the alternate destination queue. Logical read error while trying to fetch a message for transmission to a terminal. The copy subtask needed to copy messages from one data set to another has not been loaded by the disk OPEN. A multiple-route or distribution list message has been enqueued to go to dissimilar message queue types. The copy subtask is needed to put the message on the queue. Caused by failure to open successfully a disk message queue data control block (DCB). I/O has been requested on an unopened disk message queue data set. FEATURE=(,,NOTIMER) has been specified on the INTRO macro, but a function requiring the system timer has been called. A message longer than the reusable disk data set has been entered.


02,03,07 04,05

06 09



03 04

System programmer response: For return code X'08', look at the messages in the job log for more information. Contact hardware support. Provide the logrec data set error record and the SYSOUT output for the job. For all other return codes, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Teleprocessing 046 Explanation: The telecommunications access method (TCAM) message control program (MCP) has ended but an application program data set is still open. The application program data set is scheduled to be ended with a system completion code of X'046'. System action: The application program abnormally ends.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

05 06



047 04A
Application Programmer Response: See the programmer response for the system completion code provided with the abnormal end of the MCP. Source: Teleprocessing 047 Explanation: An unauthorized program issued a restricted Supervisor Call (SVC) instruction: An authorized program: v runs in supervisor state v Holds PSW key 0-7 v Resides in an APF-authorized library System action: The system writes a logrec data set error record. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=047,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Do the following: 1. Ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. 2. In the system trace, look for the SVC D or *SVCE D entry for abend X'047'. 3. Look for an SVC entry preceding the entry found in step 2. The SVC entry should be for the same TCB and have the same ASID as the entry found in step 2. The PSW for this SVC entry contains the address of the unauthorized program that issued a restricted SVC. 4. Use the PSW found in step 3 to identify the unauthorized module that issued the restricted SVC. v For an installation-provided module, continue diagnosis with the module. v For an IBM module whose module prefix is IED or IKJ, the module is most likely a TCAM module. Specify AUTHA=NO on the INTRO macro in the TCAM MCP program and run the job again. If the problem recurs, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the TCAM group at the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump and the logrec data set error record. v For an IBM module that is not part of TCAM, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the component group associated with this module at the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump and the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control 002 048 Explanation: A subsystem address space supported by advanced communications function/ telecommunications access method (ACF/TCAM) had an error condition. An ACF/TCAM subsystem has determined that recovery could not occur. The subsystem abnormally ends. Register 0 contains one of the following failure codes: Code 001 Explanation The request parameter list (RPL) address was incorrect when the subsystem interface was not running with authorized path. An abnormal end occurred before the subsystem was notified of function recovery routines (FRR) recovery.

System action: Restart the subsystem. Application Programmer Response: Print the SVC dump, which was stored in the SYS1.DUMP data set. System programmer response: Format the SVC dump with the interactive problem control system (IPCS). Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Teleprocessing 049 Explanation: A subsystem address space or telecommunications access method (TCAM) appendage supported by advanced communications function (ACF)/TCAM had an error condition. The FRR was unable to recover the subsystem. System action: A logrec data set entry has been created that explains why recovery could not occur. An SVC dump was written to SYS1.DUMP. Operator response: Restart the system. Application Programmer Response: Print the dump and logrec entry. System programmer response: Format the SVC dump with the interactive problem control system (IPCS). Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Teleprocessing 04A Explanation: An MVSSERV program made an incorrect request for data management services. A reason code provides further information: Code Explanation


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

04B 04F
004 The program passed an incorrect operation code in a request for a data management service. The program made an unsupported request for the data management GET macro. The program made an unsupported request for the data management PUT macro. 04E Explanation: When the system detects an error in internal IBM DATABASE 2 (DB2) processing, it will abnormally end a connected user task (TCB) or one of its own internal tasks. For information about the reason codes associated with this abend code, see DB2 Messages and Codes. System action: The system abnormally ends the connected user task or the DB2 internal task. Application Programmer Response: Check register 15 of the SDWA section General Purpose Registers at Time of Error, and locate the accompanying reason code. In addition, check the information displayed at the users terminal, and in the corresponding logrec data set entry. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SYSOUT output for the job and the logrec data set error record. Source: DFSMSdfp 04F Explanation: To avoid data integrity problems, the subsystem abnormally ends; one or more 04E system completion codes will usually precede the end. During DATABASE 2 (DB2) abend, a user task with an active DB2 connection can be abended with a X'04F' system completion code; in rare instances, the entire connected address will be abended (MEMTERM). However, if the subsystem ends an address space after numerous cancel attempts, this is not a DB2 internal error. System action: The subsystem abnormally ends DB2. Operator response: Message DSNV086E should appear on your console screen. First, copy this message and the accompanying subsystem end reason code. Second, notify the system programmer. Application Programmer Response: If the subsystem abnormally ends DB2, then record the subsystem end reason code that is displayed in message DSNV086E. In addition, you should be aware of the following situations. 1. If you received any X'04E' system completion codes prior to this subsystem end, perform the following actions. Check register 15 of the SDWA section General Purpose Registers at Time of Error, and locate the accompanying reason code. In addition, check the information displayed at the users terminal, and in the corresponding logrec data set entry. 2. If you did not receive any X'04E' system completion codes prior to the subsystem end, you will need an SVC dump, which is entitled DB2 SUBSYSTEM
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

008 012

System action: The MVSSERV program ends abnormally. The system writes an ABEND dump. System programmer response: If the problem recurs and if the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND dump. Source: Time Sharing Option Extensions (TSO/E) 04B Explanation: An incorrect operation code was passed to a TSO linkage assist routine (LAR). Register 15 contains a hexadecimal code that indicates the reason for the termination. Code 004 008 Explanation The LAR for the terminal monitor program received an incorrect function number. The service routines LAR was invoked an incorrect service routine entry point.

System action: TSO does not perform the requested service. The system writes an ABEND dump. The system writes a logrec data set error record. Application Programmer Response: Determine the calling routine and correct the operation code. System programmer response: If the problem recurs and if the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND dump and the logrec data set record. Source: Time Sharing Option Extensions (TSO/E) 04C Explanation: A user invoked the TMP (terminal monitor program) and the TMP detached a program that completed with a nonzero completion code. The nonzero completion code is in register 15. System action: The system does not change the user return code. Source: Time Sharing Option Extensions (TSO/E)


050 052
TERMINATION REQUESTED REASON=xxxxxxxx. The reason code in the message and the one found in the MVS operator message will be the same. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SYSOUT output for the job and the logrec data set error record. Source: DFSMSdfp 050 Explanation: An abend occurred in System REXX processing. Code Explanation exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND dump. Source: Time Sharing Option Extensions (TSO/E) 052 Explanation: A program incorrectly issued a macro to request processing by Program Call/authorization (PC/AUTH) service routines. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code in the form xxyy, where x identifies the macro that was issued, and yy identifies the error. See the system programmer response for an explanation of these reason codes. System action: The system abends the program that issued the macro. The system writes an ABEND dump. System programmer response: Obtain the ABEND dump and find the reason code associated with the abend. In the system trace table, look for the last *SVCE D entry. The PC entry preceding it gives the address in the program of the failing macro. If the macro was issued by an installation-provided program, correct the program. If the macro was issued by a system component, or if the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND dump. The reason codes in register 15 are: Code 01yy 0101 Explanation The program issued an LXRES macro. A reserved field in the parameter list is not 0. Register 5 contains the first word of the parameter list. The format number field in the parameter list is not valid. Register 5 contains the first word of the parameter list. The request count in the linkage index (LX) list is not valid. Register 5 contains the first word of the parameter list. A job step attempted to issue the LXRES macro, but a prior job step owned space-switch entry tables. (Subsequent job steps are not permitted to issue PC/AUTH macros.) The program issued an LXFRE macro. A reserved field in the parameter list is not 0. Register 5 contains the first word of the parameter list. The format number field in the parameter list is not valid. Register 5 contains the first word of the parameter list.

xxxx042B The job step task of TSO Server address space is ending because the task that created it is terminating. xxxx0432 The job step task of a TSO Server address space is terminating because the request timed out. xxxx0442 A TSO Server address space is terminated because it is running under the MSTR subsystem and JES is now active. xxxxyyyy All other internal errors. System action: An SVC dump may be produced. Operator response: Contact the System Programmer for xxxxyyyy. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center for xxxxyyyy. 051 Explanation: An MVSSERV program made an incorrect request for data management services. A reason code provides further information: Code 004 Explanation The program passed an incorrect operation code in a request for a data management service.




02yy 0201

System action: The MVSSERV program ends. The system writes an ABEND dump. System programmer response: If the problem recurs and if the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix



z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

0203 The request count in the linkage index (LX) list is not valid. Register 5 contains the first word of the parameter list. A linkage index (LX) is incorrect. Register 5 contains the incorrect LX. A linkage index (LX) is not owned by the home address space. Register 5 contains the incorrect LX. The program attempted to free a non-reusable system linkage index (LX). Register 5 contains the linkage index. A linkage index (LX) has one or more entry tables connected and the LXFRE macro did not specify FORCE=YES. A linkage index (LX) appeared more than once in the LX list. The sequence number for a linkage index (LX) was incorrect. Register 5 contains the linkage index and register 6 contains the sequence number. The program issued an ETCRE macro. Register 2 contains the index of the entry in which the error was found. A reserved field is not equal to 0 in the header of the entry table description (ETD) specified in the ENTRIES parameter. The format number field in the entry table description (ETD) is incorrect. The request count in the ETDNUM field is not valid. The caller passed a non-zero value in register 1. A reserved field is not equal to 0 in one of the description elements in the entry table description (ETD). Register 2 contains the entry index associated with the description element. The program identified in one of the description elements could not be found. Register 2 contains the entry index associated with the description element. The entry indexes are not in ascending order. Register 2 contains the entry index that was not in ascending order. A job step attempted to issue an ETCRE macro, but a prior job step owned space-switch entry tables. (Subsequent job steps are not permitted to issue PC/AUTH macros.) Reserved fields in the extended portion of the entry table description (ETD) are non-zero. 0323 0318 0316 Options that are valid only for a stacking Program Call (PC) were specified for a basic PC. An incorrect combination of ETDPKMC and ETDPKC was specified. On the ETDEF macro, either: v PKM=REPLACE was specified without EK. v EK value was not one of the keys specified in the EKM list. The extended authorization index (EAX) is not in the range of valid authorization indexes (AXs). The extended authorization index (EAX) specified was not reserved by the home address space. The name of the associated recovery routine (ARR) could not be found. An entry table descriptor (ETD) requested that CANCEL/DETACH processing be deferred while the associated recovery routine (ARR) is running. PC/AUTH is not authorized to defer this processing because it might not run in supervisor state or key 0. An entry table descriptor (ETD) requested that CANCEL/DETACH processing or asynchronous exits be deferred while the ARR is running, but no ARR was specified. The index specified in the entry table description (ETD) is greater than the maximum index allowed. The program issued an ETDES macro. A reserved input field in the parameter list is not 0. The format number field in the parameter list is not valid. The specified token is not valid. The program specified a token for a system entry table but did not specify PURGE=YES. The specified token is for an entry table that the home address space does not own. The program specified a token for an entry table that is in use, but the program did not specify PURGE=YES. The program issued an ETCON macro. A reserved input field is not 0. The format number field is not valid. The token list count or the linkage index (LX) list count is not valid. The token list count and the linkage index (LX) list count are not equal.

0211 0212





0215 0216

0320 0321




0302 0303 0304 0311

04yy 0401 0402 0411 0412 0413 0414



05yy 0501 0502 0503 0511



Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


0512 0513 0514 0515 A specified linkage index (LX) is already in use. Register 2 contains the incorrect LX. A specified linkage index (LX) is not reserved. Register 2 contains the incorrect LX. A specified token is incorrect. A specified token is for an entry table that is already connected to the home address spaces linkage table. Register 2 contains the incorrect token. A specified token is for an entry table that is not authorized for connection. Register 2 contains the incorrect token. An entry table and the corresponding linkage index are not owned by the same address space. Register 2 contains the LX. A token appeared more than once in the token list. Register 2 contains the token. A linkage index (LX) appeared more than once in the LX list. The sequence number for a linkage index (LX) was incorrect. Register 5 contains the linkage index and register 6 contains the sequence number. The program issued an ETDIS macro. The token count is not valid. Register 2 contains the incorrect count. The caller passed a non-zero value in register 1. Register 2 contains the value. A specified token is incorrect. Register 2 contains the token. The specified token is for a system entry table. Register 2 contains the token. A specified token is for an entry table that is not connected. Register 2 contains the token. A token appears more than once in the token list. Register 2 contains the token. The LXFRE macro passed an incorrect address space identifier (ASID) to the ETDIS macro. Register 2 contains the incorrect ASID. The program issued an AXRES macro. The request count is not valid. Register 4 contains the request count. The caller passed a non-zero value in register 1. A job step attempted to issue an AXRES macro, but a prior job step owned space-switch entry tables. (Subsequent job steps are not permitted to issue PC/AUTH macros.) A program issued an AXFRE macro. 0A23 0A20 0A21 0918 09yy 0901 0904 0803 0804 0813 The request count is not valid. Register 4 contains the request count. The caller passed a non-zero value in register 1. An authorization index (AX) is not reserved by the home address space. Register 4 contains the AX. An authorization index (AX) is still in use. Register 4 contains the address of the address space control block (ASCB) using the AX. Register 5 contains the AX. An authorization index (AX) appeared more than once in the authorization index list. Register 4 contains the duplicate AX. An authorization index (AX) may still be in use as an extended authorization index (EAX). An authorization index (AX) equal to 0 or 1 appears in the authorization index list. An AX of 0 or 1 cannot be freed. Register 4 contains the AX. A program issued an AXEXT macro. A reserved input field is not 0. The caller passed a non-zero value in register 1. The address space identifier (ASID) passed as input is not for an active address space. Register 4 contains the ASID. The program issued an AXSET macro. A reserved input field is not 0. The caller passed a non-zero value in register 1. The authorization index (AX) is not within the authorization index allocation table (AXAT). Register 4 contains the authorization index. The authorization index (AX) is not reserved. Register 4 contains the authorization index. The home address space has one or more connected SASN=OLD space switch entry tables that could cause an address space switch. The authorization index (AX) for the master address space must be 1. Register 4 contains the requested AX value, which is not valid because it is not 1. The program issued an ATSET macro. A reserved input field is not 0. The caller passed a non-zero value in register 1. The authorization index (AX) specified is not within the authorization index allocation table





0818 0823

0519 051A 051B

06yy 0603 0604 0611 0612 0613 0614 0615

0Ayy 0A01 0A04 0A19

07yy 0703 0704 0705

0Byy 0B01 0B04 0B19



z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

(AXAT). The second halfword of register 4 contains the AX value. The content of the first halfword of register 4 is undefined and unpredictable. 0B20 0B22 The authorization index (AX) specified is not reserved. Register 4 contains the AX. The specified authorization index (AX) is for a predefined authorization table entry. Register 4 contains the AX. The program issued a PCLINK macro with the STACK parameter. The program held one or more locks that caused an internal error in PCLINK processing. If SAVE=NO was specified, register 5 contains the callers return code. If SAVE=YES was specified, register 8 contains the callers return code. The program issued a PCLINK macro with the UNSTACK parameter. The macro included the UNSTACK,THRU or the UNSTACK,TO parameter, but the current PCLINK stack element chain was empty. The specified token was for a PCLINK stack element (STKE) that is not on the PCLINK stack element chain. Register 2 contains the token. The program issued a PCLINK macro with the EXTRACT parameter. The specified token was for a PCLINK stack element (STKE) that is not the most recently stacked STKE. Register 2 contains the token of the current element. This problem can be caused by an application program or the system. 1314 1416 The specified token is not valid. Register 2 contains the incorrect token. The program incorrectly modified either the system function table (SFT) or extended system vector table (SVTX). The sum of the highest extended linkage index (LX) value (an LX value above 2047) in the SFT and the value in the SVTXNSBLX field of the SVTX is greater than decimal 16383, which it should not be. Register 2 contains the highest extended LX value in the SFT. Register 3 contains the value in the SVTXNSBLX field. 053 Explanation: A program requested processing by Program Call/authorization (PC/AUTH) service or a program call linkage service. An error prevented PC/AUTH from processing the macro normally. The system records the registers in field SDWAGRSV in the system diagnostic work area (SDWA). Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code in the form xxyy, where xx identifies the macro that was issued and yy identifies the error. See the system programmer response for an explanation of the reason codes. System action: The system abends the program that issued the macro, unless PC/AUTH requests a retry. The system writes an SVC dump and a logrec data set error record. System programmer response: Look at the explanation of the reason code. If you receive one of the reason codes below, do the following: v For reason code X'xx97': Look in the SDWA variable recording area (SDWAVRA) for the original abend and reason code and continue diagnosis with that abend. v For reason code X'xx98': Look at message IEA139E, which PC/AUTH issued at the time of the original failure. v For reason code X'xx99': Look in the SDWA variable recording area (SDWAVRA) for a PC/AUTH control block that is not valid. v For reason code X'0112': Change the application program to use fewer linkage indexes (LXs) or change the limit of system LXs with the NSYSLX parameter in the IEASYSxx parmlib member. If you cannot correct the problem, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump, including the system trace table, and the logrec data set error record. The reason codes in Register 15 are: Code 01yy 0101 Explanation The program issued an LXRES macro. PC/AUTH requested dynamic work area storage, but the request failed. Register 5 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested storage for a new linkage index allocation table (LXAT) in the pageable storage of (PC/AUTH) address space. The request failed. Register 5 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested that an old linkage index allocation table (LXAT) in the PC/AUTH address spaces pageable storage be freed.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

11yy 1112

12yy 1211


13yy 1313


Source: Program Call/authorization (PC/AUTH)



The request failed. Register 5 contains the return code from the request. 010A PC/AUTH requested that a dynamic work area be freed, but the request failed. Register 5 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH could not reserve one or more linkage indexes (LX) because the maximum number of LXs the system supports would be exceeded. Register 5 contains the number of LXs that are currently unreserved. The program tried to reserve more system linkage indexes (system LXs) then were available. The total number of system linkage indexes is the sum of the number of LXs in the system function table and the value of the NSYSLX parameter of the IEASYSxx parmlib member. The default value for NSYSLX is 165. An unexpected error occurred. Another abend occurred while PC/AUTH was processing. The system converted the abend to X'053'. Look in the SDWA variable recording area (SDWAVRA) for the original abend and reason codes and continue diagnosis with that code. PC/AUTH previously failed and cannot process requests. The acronym at the beginning of a PC/AUTH control block is incorrect. Register 5 contains the expected acronym. The program issued an LXFRE macro. PC/AUTH requested storage for a dynamic work area, but the request failed. Register 5 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested storage for a new force disconnect queue block (FDQB) in the program PC/AUTH address spaces pageable storage. The request failed. Register 5 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested that a force disconnect queue block (FDQB) in the PC/AUTH address spaces pageable storage be freed. The request failed. Register 5 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested that a dynamic work area be freed, but the request failed. Register 5 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH was building the force disconnect queue (FDQ) to process a FORCE request. The service found more than one connection description (ETIXCD) with the same address space identifier(ASID)/linkage index (LX) values while searching the entry table information block (ETIB) chain. An unexpected error occurred. Another abend occurred while PC/AUTH was processing. The
z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

system converted this abend to X'053'. Look in the SDWA variable recording area (SDWAVRA) for the original abend and reason codes and continue diagnosis with that code. 0298 0299 PC/AUTH previously failed and cannot process requests. The acronym at the beginning of a PC/AUTH control block is incorrect. Register 5 contains the expected acronym. The program issued an ETCRE macro. PC/AUTH requested storage for a dynamic work area, but the request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested storage in the system queue area (SQA), but the request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested storage in the PC/AUTH address spaces local system queue area (LSQA). The request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested storage in the PC/AUTH address spaces pageable storage. the request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested that storage in the system queue area (SQA) be freed, but the request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested that storage in the PC/AUTH address spaces local system queue area (LSQA) be freed. The request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested that storage in the PC/AUTH address spaces pageable storage area be freed. The request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested that a dynamic work area be freed, but the request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. An unexpected error occurred. Another abend occurred while PC/AUTH was processing and the system converted the abend to X'053'. Look in the SDWA variable recording area (SDWAVRA) for the original abend and reason codes and continue diagnosis with that code. PC/AUTH previously failed and cannot process requests. The acronym at the beginning of a PC/AUTH control block is incorrect. Register 2 contains the expected acronym. The program issued an ETDES macro.


03yy 0301






0198 0199


02yy 0201









0398 0399




0401 PC/AUTH requested storage for a dynamic work area, but the request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested that storage in the system queue area (SQA) be freed, but the request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested that storage in the PC/AUTH address spaces local system queue area (LSQA) be freed. The request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested that storage in the PC/AUTH address spaces pageable storage be freed. The request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested that a dynamic work area be freed, but the request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. An unexpected error occurred. Another abend occurred while PC/AUTH was processing and the system converted the abend to X'053'. Look in the SDWA variable recording area (SDWAVRA) for the original abend and reason codes and continue diagnosis with that code. PC/AUTH previously failed and cannot process requests. The acronym at the beginning of a PC/AUTH control block is incorrect. Register 2 contains the expected acronym. The program issued an ETCON macro. PC/AUTH requested storage for a dynamic work area, but the request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested storage in the PC/AUTH address spaces local system queue area (LSQA). The request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request.. PC/AUTH requested storage in the PC/AUTH address spaces pageable storage. the request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested that storage in the PC/AUTH address spaces local system queue area (LSQA) be freed. The request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested that a dynamic work area be freed, but the request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. An unexpected error occurred. Another abend occurred while PC/AUTH was processing and the system converted the abend to X'053'. 07yy 0701 0598 0599 Look in the SDWA variable recording area (SDWAVRA) for the original abend and reason codes and continue diagnosis with that code. PC/AUTH previously failed and cannot process requests. The acronym at the beginning of a PC/AUTH control block is incorrect. Register 2 contains the expected acronym. The program issued an ETDIS macro. PC/AUTH requested storage for a dynamic work area, but the request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested that storage in the PC/AUTH address spaces pageable storage area be freed. The request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested that a dynamic work area be freed, but the request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. An unexpected error occurred. Another abend occurred while PC/AUTH was processing and the system converted the abend to X'053'. Look in the SDWA variable recording area (SDWAVRA) for the original abend and reason codes and continue diagnosis with that code. PC/AUTH previously failed and cannot process requests. The acronym at the beginning of a PC/AUTH control block is incorrect. Register 2 contains the expected acronym. The program issued an AXRES macro. PC/AUTH requested storage for a dynamic work area, but the request failed. Register 4 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested storage in the PC/AUTH address spaces pageable storage. the request failed. Register 4 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested that storage in the PC/AUTH address spaces pageable storage area be freed. The request failed. Register 4 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested that a dynamic work area be freed, but the request failed. Register 4 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH cannot satisfy the request because the authorization index (AX) count would cause the total number of AXs to exceed the maximum number that the system supports. Register 4 contains the AX count for the request. An unexpected error occurred. Another abend
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes



06yy 0601







0498 0499

0698 0699

05yy 0501












occurred while PC/AUTH was processing and the system converted the abend to X'053'. Look in the SDWA variable recording area (SDWAVRA) for the original abend and reason codes and continue diagnosis with that code. 0798 0799 PC/AUTH previously failed and cannot process requests. The acronym at the beginning of a PC/AUTH control block is incorrect. Register 4 contains the expected acronym. The program issued an AXFRE macro. PC/AUTH requested storage for a dynamic work area, but the request failed. Register 4 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested that a dynamic work area be freed, but the request failed. Register 4 contains the return code from the request. An unexpected error occurred. Another abend occurred while PC/AUTH was processing and the system converted the abend to X'053'. Look in the SDWA variable recording area (SDWAVRA) for the original abend and reason codes and continue diagnosis with that code. PC/AUTH previously failed and cannot process requests. The acronym at the beginning of program PC/AUTH control block is incorrect. Register 4 contains the expected acronym. The program issued an AXEXT macro. PC/AUTH requested storage for a dynamic work area, but the request failed. Register 4 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested that a dynamic work area be freed, but the request failed. Register 4 contains the return code from the request. An unexpected error occurred. Another abend occurred while PC/AUTH was processing and the system converted the abend to X'053'. Look in the SDWA variable recording area (SDWAVRA) for the original abend and reason codes and continue diagnosis with that code. PC/AUTH previously failed and cannot process requests. The acronym at the beginning of a PC/AUTH control block is incorrect. Register 4 contains the expected acronym. The program issued an AXSET macro. PC/AUTH requested storage for a dynamic work area, but the request failed. Register 4 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested that a dynamic work area 0B03 0Byy 0B01 0A97 0A32 be freed, but the request failed. Register 4 contains the return code from the request. 0A30 An unexpected error occurred before the service set the authorization index (AX) of the home address space. An unexpected error occurred after the service set the authorization index (AX) of the home address space, but before the bind break routine could break all binds to other address spaces. An unexpected error occurred after the service set the authorization index (AX) of the home address space and the bind break routine broke all binds to other address spaces. An unexpected error occurred. Another abend occurred while PC/AUTH was processing and the system converted the abend to X'053'. Look in the SDWA variable recording area (SDWAVRA) for the original abend and reason codes and continue diagnosis with that code. PC/AUTH previously failed and cannot process requests. The acronym at the beginning of program PC/AUTH control block is incorrect. Register 4 contains the expected acronym. The program issued an ATSET macro. PC/AUTH requested storage for a dynamic work area, but the request failed. Register 4 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested storage in the PC/AUTH address spaces local system queue area (LSQA). The request failed. Register 4 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested that storage in the PC/AUTH address spaces local system queue area (LSQA) be freed. The request failed. Register 4 contains the return code from the request. PC/AUTH requested that a dynamic work area be freed, but the request failed. Register 4 contains the return code from the request. An unexpected error occurred before the service set the authorization bits in the authorization table (AT) of the home address space. An unexpected error occurred after the service set the authorization bits in the authorization table (AT) of the home address space, but before the bind break routine broke all binds to other address spaces. An unexpected error occurred after the service set the authorization bits in the authorization


08yy 0801



0A98 0A99

0898 0899

09yy 0901





0998 0999



0Ayy 0A01




z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

table (AT) of the home address space and the bind break routine broke all binds to other address spaces. 0B97 An unexpected error occurred. Another abend occurred while PC/AUTH was processing and the system converted the abend to X'053'. Look in the SDWA variable recording area (SDWAVRA) for the original abend and reason codes and continue diagnosis with that code. PC/AUTH previously failed and cannot process requests. The acronym at the beginning of a PC/AUTH control block is incorrect. Register 4 contains the expected acronym. PC/AUTH resource manager detected an error. The resource manager requested storage for a dynamic work area, but the request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. The resource manager requested that storage in the system queue area (SQA) be freed, but the request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. The resource manager requested that storage in the PC/AUTH address spaces local system queue area (LSQA) be freed. The request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. The resource manager requested that storage in the PC/AUTH address spaces pageable storage be freed. The request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. The resource manager requested that a dynamic work area be freed, but the request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. An unexpected error occurred. Another abend occurred while PC/AUTH was processing and the system converted the abend to X'053'. Look in the SDWA variable recording area (SDWAVRA) for the original abend and reason codes and continue diagnosis with that code. The acronym at the beginning of a PC/AUTH control block is incorrect. Register 2 contains the expected acronym. The ASCBAXR count in the address space control block (ASCB) for the ending address space was too low. The ASCBLXR count in the address space control block (ASCB) for the ending address space was too low. The bind break routine issued a non-zero return code. 1413 0D88 0D89 11yy 1110 0Dyy The Program Call authorization functional recovery routine (PC/AUTH FRR), detected an error. For any yy value except 88 and 89, the PC/AUTH FRR detected an incorrect service-in-control code and cannot determine which PC/AUTH service is running; the dump title contains PCRAEERC =nnnn, where nnnn is the value in the PCRAEERC field of the Program Call recovery area (PCRA) at the time the FRR got control. The FRR received return code X'18' after single-threaded queue verification. The FRR received return code X'18' after double-threaded queue verification. The program issued a PCLINK macro with the STACK parameter. PC/AUTH requested storage for storage in the common storage area (CSA). the request failed. Register 2 contains the return code from the request. The program issued a PCLINK macro with the UNSTACK parameter. On the stack element queue (STKE), one of the pointers to the next STKE is incorrect. Register 2 contains the incorrect pointer. On the stack element queue, one of the fields containing the address space identifier (ASID) of the next stack element (STKE) is incorrect. Register 2 contains the incorrect ASID. The cause of the error is unknown. Look in the SDWA variable recording area (SDWAVRA) for the original abend and reason codes issued by the PCLINK macro. The abend code is in the VRAOA field and the reason code is in the VRAOR15 field. An error occurred during PC/AUTH initialization. The system does not write an SVC dump or a logrec data set error record. A program received a non-zero return code from the system address space creation. Register 2 contains the original return code and register 3 contains the original reason code. A routine received a non-zero return code from the system address space initialization. Register 2 contains the original return code and register 3 contains the original reason code. A routine issued the NUCLKUP macro but the system was unable to process the request. Register 2 contains the original return code and register 3 contains the parameter passed to NUCLKUP. The sum of the highest linkage index (LX)
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

0B98 0B99

0Cyy 0C01


12yy 1211
















054 056
value in the system function table (SFT) and the value in the SVTNSLX field of the system vector table (SVT) is greater than decimal 1023. This condition indicates that the SFT or the SVT was incorrectly modified. Register 2 contains the highest LX value in the SFT, and register 3 contains the value in the SVTNSLX field. 1415 The routine received an incorrect return code from the bind break. Register 2 contains the return code. A PC/AUTH service abnormally ended. An unexpected error occurred while updating the primary address space number (PASN) access list. 3C 28 30 34 An error occurred in one of the listen requests waiting to be processed. An ENF signal pre-processing routine returned a non-valid return code. During ENF initialization, ENF could not obtain the address of a needed signal pre-processing routine. The control blocks representing a listen request contain instructions that are not valid for comparing the listeners bit-mapped qualifier with the bit-mapped qualifier associated with the current event. The system could not create the IEFSCHAS address space. Time-of-error registers 2 and 3 contain the return and reason codes, respectively, from the ASCRE macro. The system could not join or create ENFs XCF group. Time-of-error registers 2 and 3 contain the return and reason codes, respectively, from the IXCJOIN macro. The system could not obtain information about the other members of ENFs XCF group. Time-of-error registers 2 and 3 contain the return and reason codes, respectively, from the IXCQUERY macro. The system could not send an event notification to other systems in the sysplex. Time-of-error registers 2 and 3 contain the return and reason codes, respectively, from the IXCMSGO macro. The system could not receive an event notification from some other system in the sysplex. Time-of-error registers 2 and 3 contain the return and reason codes, respectively, from the IXCMSGI macro.


15yy 1501

Source: Program Call/authorization (PC/AUTH) 40 054 Explanation: An unrecoverable error occurred when a program requested a scheduler JCL facility (SJF) service. The error is internal. The valid reason codes, in decimal format, to report to the IBM Support Center are as follows:
Reason Codes: 1 6 11 16 21 27 33 38 43 2 7 12 17 23 29 34 39 100 3 8 13 18 24 30 35 40 4 9 14 19 25 31 36 41 5 10 15 20 26 32 37 42




System action: The system abnormally ends SJF processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Scheduler JCL facility (SJF) 055 Explanation: The system found an error while processing a listen or signal request for event notification. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 24 Explanation The storage containing the requestors event parameter list was overlaid after initial validation.
z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

System action: For reason code X'34', ENF initialization fails. For reason codes X'3C', X'40', and X'44', ENF sysplex-wide notification is not available. For all other reason codes, the system abnormally ends the current task. All other processing continues. Application Programmer Response: Respecify the data on the event parameter list. System programmer response: If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Event notification facility (ENF) 056 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of the graphic attention service routine for the IBM 2250 Display Unit. The routine referred to an incorrect unit control block (UCB). The routine obtained the reference


057 058
to the unit control block through a data control block (DCB). The user gives the routine the addresses of data control blocks through the poll list address in the first operand of the ANALYZ macro instruction or the address of a data control block through the list item address in the first operand of the GSERV macro instruction. The DCBDEBAD field in the data control block points to a data extent block (DEB), which in turn points to the unit control block. The unit control block is used by the control program to obtain information about an I/O device; each unit control block is associated with one I/O device. Application Programmer Response: Check the first operand in the ANALYZ or GSERV macro instruction to make sure that it correctly specified the poll list address or list item address. If the first operand was correct, make sure that the macro expansion and the data control block were not incorrectly modified by program errors. After correcting the error, run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 057 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of the graphic attention service routine for the IBM 2250 Display Unit. The routine referred to a unit control block (UCB) that was associated with a device other than a graphic device. The routine obtained the reference to the unit control block through a data control block (DCB). The user gives the routine the addresses of data control blocks through the poll list address in the first operand of the ANALYZ macro instruction or the address of one data control block through the list item address in the first operand of the GSERV macro instruction. The DCBDEBAD field in the data control block points to a data extent block (DEB), which in turn points to the unit control block. The unit control block is used by the control program to obtain information about an I/O; each unit control block is associated with one I/O device. Application Programmer Response: Check the first operand in the ANALYZ or GSERV macro instruction to make sure that it correctly specified the poll list address or list item address. If the first operand was correct, make sure that the macro expansion and the data control block were not incorrectly modified by program errors. After correcting the error, run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL 10 and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 058 Explanation: Supervisor control detected an error when establishing a work units cross memory environment. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code to be used when searching problem reporting data bases or when reporting the problem to the IBM Support Center. The reason code in register 15 is one of the following: Code 00 Explanation An attempt to establish a cross memory environment failed. The target ASID was not valid for the cross memory address. The work units primary address space job step task has ended. The low order halfword of register 12 contains the primary ASID number. The work unit had addressability to an incorrect primary ASID. The low order halfword of register 12 contains the primary ASID number. Termination of the primary address space is the likely cause of this error. The work units secondary address space job step task has ended. The low order halfword of register 11 contains the secondary ASID number. The work unit had addressability to an incorrect secondary ASID. The low order halfword of register 11 contains the secondary ASID number. Termination of the secondary address space is the likely cause of this error. Internal error. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Internal error. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Internal error. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Internal error. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Internal error. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. An attempt to establish a cross memory address failed. The ASCB for the target ASID did not pass validity checks. The first four bytes of the target ASCB did not contain the character ASCB. Register 12 contains the address of the invalid ASCB.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes











2C The work unit had addressability to an incorrect primary ASID. The low order halfword of register 12 contains the primary ASID number. Termination of the primary address space is the likely cause of this error. The work unit had addressability to an incorrect secondary ASID. The low order halfword of register 11 contains the secondary ASID number. Termination of the secondary address space is the likely cause of this error. Internal error. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Internal error. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Internal error. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 059 Explanation: Supervisor control detected an error during stop or reset processing. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code 00 08 0C Explanation Stop processing received as input a disabled program status word (PSW). An unrecoverable error occurred during stop/reset processing. Stop processing detected a request to stop a task with an unlocked task control block (TCB). The task was already stopped. Reset processing detected a request to reset a locked TCB. The task did not hold a local lock or cross memory local (CML) lock. Reset processing detected a request to reset a locked TCB, but the address space control block (ASCB) lockword did not contain a suspend value of X'7FFFFFFF'. A program requested that functional recovery routines (FRR) be deleted from the normal stack, but the program is not currently running with the normal stack. Stop/reset processing was unable to obtain a linkage stack for a routine running under a service request block (SRB). Reset processing detected a request to reset a locked SRB, but the ASCB lockword did not contain the suspend value X'7FFFFFFF'.







For the above listed reason codes, this abend may be normal. That is, if a work units primary or secondary address space ends or if the primary or secondary address space job step task ends, the required cross memory connection cannot be made and the work unit abnormally ends with abend X'058'. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, use the reason code to perform a search in the IBM database and indicate the findings when reporting the problem to the IBM Support Center. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that requested the cross memory service. The system may write a logrec data set error record. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=058,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Do the following: 1. Use the address in register 14 at the time of error to identify the module that requested the cross memory services. 2. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, and the abend is not expected (e.g. the unit of work owning the cross memory resources was not ended), ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. Contact the component group associated with this module at the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump, the reason code of the failure, and, if available, the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control




System action: The system abnormally ends the program that requested the stop or reset processing. The system may write a logrec data set error record. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=059,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Do the following: 1. For reason code X'08' or X'1C', ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the supervisor control component group at the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump and, if available, the logrec data set error record. 2. For any other reason code, use the address in register 14 at the time of error to identify which module requested stop or reset processing. v For an installation-provided module, continue diagnosis with the module. v For an IBM module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. Contact the component


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

05A 05C
group associated with this module at the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump and, if available, the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control 05A Explanation: Supervisor control detected an error in a request to free a service request block (SRB) or to free a suspended SRB (SSRB). Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code to be used when searching problem reporting data bases or when reporting the problem to the IBM Support Center. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that tried to free the SRB or SSRB. The system may write a logrec data set error record. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=05A,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Do the following: 1. Use the address in register 14 at the time of error to identify the module that tried to free an SRB or an SSRB. 2. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, and no dump was written with the abend, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the component group associated with this module at the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump used, the reason code of the failure, and, if available, the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control 05B Explanation: A system service running in service request block (SRB) mode issued an SRBTIMER macro to set a processing time limit. When the time limit expired, timer supervision ended the service. System action: The system abnormally ends the system service. Operator response: Retain the logrec data set error records. Contact hardware support. Source: Timer supervision 05C Explanation: An error occurred during allocation of the data sets for a job step. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that you should report to the IBM Support Center. The following are valid hexadecimal reason codes, for cases where the system programmer might or might not be able to take corrective actions. There are other 202 201 102 005 004 internal reason codes that are not listed here. For any reason code not documenented here, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Code 001 Explanation System address space initialization denied the request to create the allocation address space. The allocation address space received a nonzero return code from GETMAIN processing. The display allocation tables manager received a request which, if processed, would cause the DALTUSE count to be less than zero. An allocation module issued the POST macro instruction, and the macro processing has entered the routine specified on the ERRET parameter. An allocation module issued the ESTAE macro instruction, and the return code from ESTAE processing was not zero. An allocation module issued the STIMERM macro instruction, and the macro processing has entered the routine specified on the ERRET parameter. The ATTACH macro instruction was issued for the eligible device table (EDT) verification routine during allocation initialization processing. The return code from the ATTACH routine was not zero. An error occurred during an RESMGR ADD TYPE(ADDRSPC) when establishing the ATS Address Space Resource Manager. An error occurred during an RESMGR ADD TYPE(TASK) when establishing the ATS Task Resource Manager. IEFAB4F7 was called to read a single SWA block, and the SWAREQ was unsuccessful. Allocation was invoked during DDR SWAP to update the unit control block (UCB) pointer list (UPL) so that the UPL would reflect the swapped UCBs. However, one or both of the swapped UCB addresses is not in the UPL. Invalid UCB address.







Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


203 210 211 212 213 214 220 221 224 IEFAB4FP discovered that SIOTDDIB does not point to a DDIB. Invalid JCT in the JSCB. Invalid SCT in the JSCB. Invalid ACT in the JCT. Invalid ACT in the SCT. Invalid SVA found in IEFAB4FE. Device is not automatically switchable for a function that requires it. Device is not registered to this system. Device type ENQ not held before requesting more than one Device ENQ on a single request. Device ENQ not held before requesting a function on a device that requires it. Needed device array was not passed to the IEFAB4FX service. Needed device type array was not passed to the IEFAB4FX service. Invalid function request for the IEFAB4FX service. Individual General Device Element (IGDE) not found. NED not found for self-describing device. Invalid Queue Manager Queue Block Chain (used by QMQBLK processing, not IEFAB4FX) Unrecognized return code from IEFOIGDE methods. IGDE was not built when it was expected to be. TCB and/or ASCB address not supplied when requesting clean up for terminating TCB or ASCB. Non-zero return code received from ?IXCMSGO. IGDE not owned when it should have been. Attempt to push a non-AS device. Recovery was entered after an abend or cancel and the ATS Service Routines Recovery block (IEFZATRB) or Allocation Automatic Tape Sharing (ATS) Parameter List (IEFZATSP)was corrupted. The address space has 308 309 307 303 304 305 244 245 246 241 243 240 been taken down to clean up ATS ENQs and Latches. An Autoswitchable (AS) device chosen for allocation is not assigned. DDR Swap failed because GRS failed trying to swap Device ENQs. IEFASWAP failed, issued against the target task. IEFASWAP failed, issued against the DDR/SWAP task. ENQ/DEQ for Tape device failed. Allocation Recovery is unable to verify all Automatic Tape Sharing (ATS) Device ENQs have been released. A loop was detected in Queue Manager Queue Control Block. Detected a corrupted hash value. The request attempted to assign ownership to another TCB unconditionally. Error in determining the UCB common extension address by IOS. At the end of processing all allocation requests for a job step, an unsatisfied request is detected. An incorrectly modified eligible device table (EDT) or specifying VSAM parameters for a non-VSAM data set is the probable cause. Error encountered in the EDL storage manager. Unexpected return code for IEFAB480. Either the EDT library section does not exist or an error occurred while obtaining the library names from the current configuration. IEFAB480 found a cost adjustment value of zero which would fail to decrease any transformed costs (TCs). IEFAB480 found an edge with a valid transformed cost (TC), but never adjusted the transformed cost. Two jobs are allocated to the same tape drive. Devices selected by JES3 are not in the Allocation Eligible Device List (EDL). Check the Job Log of the failing job for messages

253 254 255


226 227 228 229 230 231

257 301

232 233 234


235 236 237 238


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

IEF202I/IEF272I. Message IEF202I indicates that a previous step was not run because of: v condition codes v COND=even v COND=only Message IEF272I indicates that a previous step was not executed. 311 Array bounds were exceeded for an internal control block during Tape Device Allocation. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center and provide the dump. Internal error in the allocation dynamic storage manager. Invalid JCT in the JSCB. Invalid first SCT in the JCT. Invalid next SCT in the SCT. An allocation module called SMS for the Data Set Stacking operation. SMS returned an unrecognized return code. An allocation module called SMS for the Device Pool Services. SMS returned an unrecognized return code. SIOT not found for affed DD (UNIT=AFF). Issued from IEFAB4FE. Undefined return code from JES3. IEFAB4MG (called by macro IEFMSGBL) was attempting to build a message, but no message definition was found. IEFAB4MG (called by macro IEFMSGBL) was attempting to build a message, but the SIOT pointer required for this message was not found. IEFAB4MG (called by macro IEFMSGBL) was attempting to build a message, but an incorrect number of variables was supplied. IEFAB4MG (called by macro IEFMSGBL) was attempting to build a message, but an invalid buffer was passed. IEFAB4MG (called by macro IEFMSGBL) was attempting to build a message, but no storage was defined for the message buffer. IEFAB4MG (called by macro 8FF 80B 702 701 IEFMSGBL) was attempting to build a message, but the message text was too long. The scheduler JCL facility (SJF) returned an unexpected return code or reason code. SVC 99 caller does not hold the SYSZTIOT resource and has requested that TIOT resource be obtained. SIOT to be dechained is not found in the SIOT chain. Allocation tried to remove a DSAB entry from the dynamic communication table, but the entry did not exist. Allocation tried to mark a DSAB entry in the dynamic communication table as eligible for remove in-use processing, but the entry did not exist. Allocation tried to change the TCB address of a DSAB entry in the dynamic communication table, but the entry did not exist. Allocations dynamic communication table manager was called with an invalid function code. The system takes a dump for diagnostic purposes because it could not allocate one or more devices to a step. Contact the system programmer.

704 804

313 30A 30B 30C 30D



30F 501 604



System action: The system issues message IEF100I or message IEF197I with the abend code and the reason code. The system stops allocation processing for the step. The system ends the job, writes an SVC dump, and writes a logrec data set error record. For reason code 229, if the number of the device can be determined, message IEF707I is issued indicating the device number. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. For reason code 229, message IEF707I might be issued to indicate the number of the device that cannot be found. If IEF707I is issued, see the Operator Response and System Programmer Response for that message. Source: Allocation/unallocation 05D Explanation: A program issued a CALLDISP macro that is not valid. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error:





Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


Code 00 04 08 Explanation The program is disabled and has super bits set. The current functional recovery routine (FRR) stack is not the normal FRR stack. The macro specified FRRSTK=SAVE while the program holds a lock, or the macro specified FRRSTK=NOSAVE while the program holds a lock other than the LOCAL lock or the cross memory local (CML) lock. The program is the first level of the recovery termination manager (RTM1), a service invoked by RTM1, or an FRR. The program was not in task control block (TCB) mode. Register 0, on input, contained a function code that is not valid. Register 1, on input, did not contain 0. 05E Explanation: A program issued the SRBSTAT macro, but this program either: v Is in an environment that is not valid v Specified parameters that are not valid A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code 00 04 08 0C 10 14 Explanation The program holds a lock. The current functional recovery routine (FRR) stack is not the normal FRR stack. The program has super bits set. The program is not in service request block (SRB) mode. The program is disabled. The first level of the recovery termination manager (RTM1), a service invoked by RTM1, or an FRR used the RESTORE parameter on the SRBSTAT macro. The PCLINK stack header was not zero on entry to processing for the RESTORE parameter of the macro. The program specified RESTORE or MODIFY on the macro, and the status save area does not contain valid status. Processing for the RESTORE parameter of the macro scheduled an SRB to obtain correct processor affinity, but the SRB was unable to run. The program specified MODIFY on the macro, but register 0 contains a MODIFY identifier code that is not valid.


10 14 18

System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the CALLDISP macro. The system may write a logrec data set error record. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=05D,ACTION=SVCD,MATCHLIM=1,END System programmer response: Do the following: 1. Ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. 2. Analyze the dump to see if the program that abended was entered by a Supervisor Call (SVC) or Branch instruction, as follows. In the system trace, look for an SVC X'74' entry. Routing code 08 will be in the UNIQUE-1 column. v If found, the program was entered by an SVC instruction. Use the address in the PSW ADDR column for this SVC entry to identify the module that issued the CALLDISP macro. v If not found, the program was entered by a Branch instruction. Register 14 contains the address of the caller. Use the address in register 14 to identify the module that issued the CALLDISP macro. 3. After identifying the module, do one of the following: v For an installation-provided module, continue diagnosis with the module. v For an IBM module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the component group associated with this module at the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump and, if available, the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control





System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the SRBSTAT macro. The system may write a logrec data set error record. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=05E,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Use the address in register 14 at the time of error to identify the module that issued the SRBSTAT macro. v For an installation-provided module, continue diagnosis with the module. v For an IBM module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. Contact the component group associated with this module at the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump and, if available, the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

05F 062
05F Explanation: The VSPC address space encountered an error. System action: The VSPC address space and all address spaces that depend on the VSPC address space are abnormally ended. The system writes a logrec data set error record. The system issues messages about the job to the job log. The system writes an ABEND dump for the failing job step. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Look at the messages in the job log. If the JOB statement did not specify MSGLEVEL=(1,1), specify it and run the job again. Obtain the JCL for the job. Obtain the SYSOUT output for the job. Obtain the ABEND dump for the failing job step. Collect all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Obtain the logrec data set error record. If the problem recurs and if the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Vector processing 060 Explanation: Bulk data transfer (BDT), BDT TQI, or a subtask within either address space is ending. One or more accompanying error messages explain why. Register 15 may contain one of the following reason codes: Code 3014 3024 8000 9000 A000 C000 D000 E000 F000 F800 Explanation A spool error was detected in BDTINGL. There are more than 300 DYNALLOC and CELLPOOL statements (BDTINGL). A non-zero code was returned from the master ESTAE for BDTINIT. An error was detected in the FAILDAP routine in BDTABMN. A non-zero code was returned from the ESTAE is BDTGSC1. The ABEND macro was issued by BDTINTK. BDT was unable to register both the FTF and NJE features. A non-zero code was returned from the ESTAE in BDTTQIAS. A non-zero code was returned from the ESTAE in BDTTQMSG. A non-zero code was returned from the retry ESTAE in BDTTQMSG. 062 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a routine of the graphic subroutine package (GSP) for FORTRAN IV, COBOL, and PL/I. A condition was encountered that produced a return code equal to or greater than the absolute value specified by the programmer as the null argument in the call to the INGSP subroutine. The GSPARRAY field in the GSPCB identifies the return code produced, register 2 contains the address of the status table entry last invoked, and register 3 contains the address of the GSPARRAY field. Application Programmer Response: Determine the condition that caused the job step to be abnormally ended and change the program accordingly. Then, run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

System action: BDT or its subtask end and may issue a dump. This abend code is accompanied by messages explaining the error. System programmer response: Use the dump and accompanying codes and messages to determine the cause of the error. For more information, see the z/OS BDT Messages and Codes. Source: Bulk Data Transfer (BDT) 061 Explanation: The error was detected during processing of a CLOSE macro instruction for a graphic data control block. The graphic CLOSE executor issued a DAR macro instruction for a graphic attention control block (GACB) that was not specified (via a SPAR macro instruction) by the closing task. System action: An abnormal end occurred for the task that issued the SPAR macro instruction for the graphic attention control block. Application Programmer Response: Issue a DAR macro instruction, for the graphic attention control block, in the task that issued the SPAR macro instruction, before the closing task issues the CLOSE macro instruction. Then run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp


063 066
exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 063 Explanation: During processing of a graphic program, the 2250 operator pressed the CANCEL key on the alphameric keyboard of the display unit. The 2250 operator selected either the TERMINATE option or the DUMP option on the end option display. The problem program was ended either with or without a dump. Operator response: If you were having a problem, report the conditions that caused you to end the program to the system programmer. Application Programmer Response: Respond according to the information provided by the 2250 operator. Source: DFSMSdfp 064 Explanation: An address space that holds a cross memory local lock (CML) ended abnormally before it freed the lock. Note: This abend is directly related to the address space completion. This abend is informational and does not need to be pursued independent of the address space completion. System action: The system gives control to recovery for CML lock processing. Other system processing continues. Source: Supervisor control 065 Explanation: When processing an SSAFF macro, the system detected an error. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 04 Explanation The index into the subsystem affinity table (SSAT) is greater than the number of subsystems currently defined. The caller is not in task control block (TCB) mode. There is insufficient local system queue area (LSQA) storage to build the SSAT. The specified TCB is incorrect. It does not include the TCB acronym. The caller is disabled. 10 0C 1C 20 24 28 The callers address did not have addressability to the home address space. The specified TCB is not the currently active TCB or a subtask of the currently active TCB. The caller issued the SSAFF macro while holding locks. Unexpected error percolated to system recovery.

System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the SSAFF macro. The system writes a logrec data set error record and a dump. Application Programmer Response: v Reason codes 04, 08, 10, 14, 1C, 20, 24 and 28 indicate an error in the calling program. Fix the problem using the reason code information and run the job again. v Reason code 0C indicates a system error. Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Collect all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set record and the dump. Source: Task management 066 Explanation: The dispatcher of tasks and service routines detected an error. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code 04 Explanation A completed routine that ran under a service request block (SRB) held a system lock when it returned to the dispatcher. A routine that ran under a suspended service request block (SSRB) held the cross memory local (CML) lock of a failing address space. The ASCBFAIL bit is on. The ASCBFAIL bit is in the address space control block (ASCB) of the failing address space. The SRBASCB field of an SRB or an SSRB points to an ASCB that has an erroneous acronym. A task holds the CML lock of a failing address space. The ASCBFAIL bit for the failing address space is on. Status could not be saved for the current task due to an error in the dispatcher. A task attempted to reenter the dispatcher through the SRB entry point.

08 0C 10 14


18 1C


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

20 A routine that ran under an SRB attempted to reenter the dispatcher through a task entry point. Status could not be saved for the current SRB due to an error in the dispatcher. Task could not be dispatched because the CML lock was stolen. 00000008 00000004 A program encountered a page fault, segment fault, or address space secondary entry table (ASTE) validity fault on a data space that was deleted. The target address space was created after the access list entry (ALE) was created. The interrupted programs extended authority index (EAX) does not have Set Storage Address Register (SSAR) authority to the target address space specified by a private ALE. The EAX in the ALE does not have SSAR authority to the target address space. An ASTE sequence exception occurred while attempting to reference an incorrect or deleted data space. An unexpected error occurred in the access register translation second level interrupt handler (SLIH). An ASTE validity exception occurred when a program tried to access a subspace that had been deleted. An ASTE sequence exception occurred when a program tried to access a subspace that had been deleted. A system error occurred during the fetch of a PR, PTI, or SSAIR instruction. The target PASN or SASN is no longer valid. A system error occurred. The desired target PASN or SASN has a non-matching instance number. A program attempted to reference a data space that has been deleted. An unexpected error occurred when the system tried to bring a data space page into real storage.

24 28

System action: The system abends the task or SRB and may write a logrec data set error record. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,ENABLE,COMP=066 System programmer response: Do the following: 1. For reason code X'04', go to step 3. 2. For any other reason code, go to step 6. 3. For reason code X'04', if a logrec data set error record is not written with the abend, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. Format the dump to see: v Register 2 through register 8 v Register 10 through register 13 These are the SRB routines registers at the time it gave up control. 4. Check these registers to see if one looks like a base register, as follows. Look for a group of registers containing addresses near the same place in storage. If you find such a group of registers, look for the register with the lowest address. This is possibly a base register. Identify the module that is using this register as its base register. 5. Determine which lock was held when the problem occurred. The current lock held string can be found in two different places: v Register 14 at the time of error v In the PSACLHS field of the SVCE D trace entry for abend X'066' 6. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, and an SVC dump has not be obtained, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide: v The SVC dump v The system trace v The logrec data set error record, if available Source: Supervisor control 067 Explanation: An access register translation exception occurred. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error; x in the reason code contains diagnostic data: Code Explanation








00000068 00000072 00000076 xxxx0Axx xxxx0Bxx

System action: The system abends the task and writes an ABEND dump for the failing job step. System programmer response: Do the following: 1. Obtain the ABEND dump for the failing job step. If the JCL for the step did not contain a DD statement for an ABEND dump, add a SYSMDUMP DD statement. 2. Find the reason code in register 15. 3. Use the PSW address at the time of the error to obtain the name of the load module.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


4. If the module is installation-provided, correct it and run the job step again. 5. If the module is an IBM module, or if the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Program Call/authorization (PC/AUTH) 104 068 Explanation: A JES2 subtask has abnormally terminated. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code which identifies the abending subtask. Code 100 104 108 200 300 Abending Subtask Name HASPCKVR - JES2 DEBUG option detected an error building the APPLCOPY. HASPCKVR - Data integrity error detected. HASPCKVR - JES2 DEBUG option detected an error building a Checkpoint Version. HASPSUBS - Subtask work dequeue error has occurred. HASPSUBS - The Network Path Manager encountered an unexpected return code from the $NATGET service. HASPSUBS - Error detected in the Network Path Manager full path work queue. HASPACCT - Error detected in the $SMFBUSY queue. CFEVENT - JES2 coupling facility exit abnormally ended. HASPCKCF - A coupling facility write request (IXLLIST REQUEST=WRITE) timed out. HASPCKCF - An unexpected return code from a coupling facility read request (IXLLIST REQUEST=READ) was encountered. HASPCKCF - An unexpected return code from a coupling facility write request (IXLLIST REQUEST=WRITE) was encountered. HASPCKCF - An incorrect list element control value was detected associated with an element in a JES2 checkpoint structure. HASPCKCF - An unexpected return code from a coupling facility read request (IXLLIST REQUEST=WRITE) was encountered. HASPCKCF - An unexpected return code from a coupling facility request (IXLLIST) was encountered while processing LIST 0. HASPCKCF - An unexpected return code from a coupling facility request (IXLLIST) was encountered while processing LIST 0. 608-61C JES2 treats this as a logical I/O error on the checkpoint and enters checkpoint reconfiguration. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Respond as indicated for the specific reason code: Code 100 Response Determine the reason for the copy failure. If the problem persists, disable the application copy of the checkpoint. Determine the reason for the failure. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Determine the reason for the failure. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Determine the reason for the failure. JES2 should be restarted to recover any lost JES2 processors. 304 300 108 200 Code 100 System Action The subtask will recover and recopy the entire checkpoint data set next time the data set is posted. Application programs looking at the checkpoint data can detect this abend by looking at the bad copy indicator. The subtask will recover and resume normal processing. The subtask will recover and resume normal processing. The subtask will attempt to recover and resume its search for work. One or more requests might be lost. This might result in the temporary loss of the corresponding processor because it will not be posted. JES2 main task will ABEND and recovery will rebuild the network path manager control blocks or disable the network path manager if appropriate. JES2 main task will ABEND and recovery will rebuild the network path manager control blocks or disable the network path manager if appropriate. The JES2 address space will be terminated. The subtask attempts to recover if retry is allowed. If retry is not allowed, JES2 percolates. JES2 treats this as a logical I/O error on the checkpoint and enters checkpoint reconfiguration.

400 600

304 400 600 604 608










System action: Specific system actions for each reason code are as follows:


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

069 06A
300 Determine the reason for the failure. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Determine the reason for the failure. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Determine the reason for the failure. JES2 should be restarted. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Determine the reason for the failure. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Respond to any reconfiguration messages. Determine the reason for the failure. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Respond to any reconfiguration messages. Determine the reason for the failure. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: JES2 069 Explanation: An address space has ended. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) provides an explanation. Code 00 Explanation An error occurred during the creation of a new address space from one of the following requests: v ASCRE macro v CALL IEEMB881 v LOGON command v MOUNT command v START command A request by the caller to destroy an ASCRE-created address space has completed. 1. Determine why a new address space could not be created: v If a module issued the ASCRE macro, check the return and reason codes returned from ASCRE. See the z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference ALE-DYN for a description of the return and reason codes. v If a module did a direct call to IEEMB881 or if the operator entered a command to create the new address space, check the return codes returned by module IEEMB881. 2. If you cannot resolve this problem, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and the logrec data error record. For reason code 04, no action is necessary. Source: Master scheduler 06A Explanation: The functional recovery routine (FRR) for a service request block issued a SETRP macro with the SERIAL=YES option. The macro requests serial percolation to the recovery routine for the task with which the SRB is associated. To prepare for percolation, the recovery termination manager (RTM) requested storage in the tasks local system queue area (LSQA). The request failed. System action: RTM abnormally ends the task. The system writes an ABEND dump for the failing job step. Note that this dump contains no time-of-error information for the original problem that caused entry into the FRR. The system may write a logrec data set error record. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=06A,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Do the following: 1. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for this problem. If no fix exists, obtain the ABEND dump for the abend. 2. Look in the dump for the reason why the GETMAIN macro failed. Check for the possibility of an LSQA GETMAIN loop. 3. If the reason for the failure cannot be determined, and you need further information from a dump, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. 4. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if available, the logrec data set error record. Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM)







System action: For reason code 00, the system: v Ends the new address space v Writes a dump v Writes a logrec data set error record v Issues messages For reason code 04, the system: v Ends the new address space System programmer response: For reason code 00, do the following:

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


06B 070
06B Explanation: At least one of the input parameters to the excessive spin loop notification routine is not valid. This is probably a system error. Register 4 contains the input spin loop reason code, and register 5 contains the target processor identifier. System action: The system abnormally ends the caller of the excessive spin loop notification routine. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Loadwait/Restart 06C Explanation: One of the following occurred during SLIP processing: v While processing a program event recording (PER) interrupt, the program being monitored issued a Move Character Long (MVCL) instruction that would overlay low storage. v The environmental indicators that control SLIP processing were overlaid or not valid for some other reason. System action: The system ends SLIP processing for the current event. The status of PER in the system and of the existing SLIP traps is unchanged. System programmer response: If the program being monitored caused the problem, correct the program. If the problem cannot be resolved, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM) 06D Explanation: SLIP processing found that an incorrect parameter list was passed to SLIP. System action: The system ends SLIP processing for the current event. The status of program event recording (PER) in the system and of the existing SLIP traps is unchanged. The system sends messages about the problem to the job log. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=06D,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, try to obtain the ABEND dump for the abend. If no dump exists, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump. Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM) 06E Explanation: One of the following occurred while SLIP was activating or deactivating a program event recording (PER) trap: v For a global PER trap, SLIP requested cell pool storage. The request returned a nonzero return code, indicating an error. v SLIP requested that cell pool storage be freed. The request returned a return code other than 0 or 20, indicating an error. System action: SLIP processing ends. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=06E,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, obtain a dump for the abend. Then contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM) 06F Explanation: An active SLIP trap requests ACTION=RECOVERY. SLIP found a match for the program event recording (PER) trap that was defined in the command. For the RECOVERY action, SLIP gives control to the recovery termination manager (RTM). This completion code is used to take a dump for SLIPs which specify MSGID= and is considered normal in that case. System action: RTM abnormally ends the task being monitored. SLIP processing continues. Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM) 070 Explanation: A program issued the SUSPEND, RESUME, or TCTL macro, but the program issuing the macro either: v Is in an environment that is not valid v Specified parameters that are not valid A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code 0C Explanation The program issued the RESUME macro with the RETURN=N parameter, but the program was not in service request block (SRB) mode. The program issued the RESUME macro, but the specified task control block (TCB) was not valid. The program issued the RESUME macro, but could not address the specified address space control block (ASCB).




z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

18 The program issued the RESUME macro with the RETURN=N parameter, but the program was not in primary address space control mode. The program issued the RESUME macro with the RETURN=N parameter while holding one or more locks or while running with a PCLINK stack that was not empty. The program issued the TCTL macro, but was not in SRB mode. The program issued the TCTL macro, but was not in primary address space control mode. The program issued the TCTL macro while holding one or more locks. The program issued the RESUME macro with the MODE=UNCOND parameter and the ASYNC=N parameter, but the program held the local lock of an address space other than the target address space. The program issued the SUSPEND macro, but the request block (RB) suspend count was not 0. The program issued the SUSPEND macro with the RB=PREVIOUS parameter, but no previous RB existed. Processing for a RESUME macro detected a request to resume an RB that had a suspend count other than 0 or 1. A RESUME macro with unconditional synchronous options required the local lock. The issuer was disabled and did not hold the necessary local lock. Processing for a RESUME macro detected a request from reset processing to resume an RB. The RB does not exist on the RB chain for the specified TCB. The program issued the TCTL macro, but the specified task control block (TCB) was not valid. v Register 14 contains the address of the module that issued the macro. v Register 15 contains the reason code and indicates whether the error is a SUSPEND, RESUME, or TCTL error. 3. Use the address in register 14 to identify the module that issued the macro. v For an installation-provided module, fix the error described by the reason code and rerun the job. v For an IBM module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the component group associated with this module at the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump, including registers 14 and 15, and, if available, the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control 071 Explanation: An error occurred when the operator initiated a restart. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 00 04 08 Explanation The operator replied ABEND to message BLW004A. The operator replied REPAIR to message BLW004A. A programming error caused the program that was currently running to branch directly to the restart interruption handler. The operator selected RESTART option 0 on a processor that is in a valid spin waiting for a global resource held by a second processor that is in an erroneous disabled loop. A DSGNL RESTART command, directed to the second processor, failed. The system started writing logrec data set error records after detecting an excessive spin loop condition. The interrupted unit of work continues to run. The system abnormally ended the program that was causing a system excessive spin loop. Recovery routines are not allowed to retry because the recovery action for the spin loop was TERM. The system abnormally ended the program that was causing a system excessive spin-loop condition. Recovery routines are allowed to retry because the recovery action for the spin loop was ABEND.


20 24 28 2C









System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the macro. The system may write a logrec data set error record. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=070,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Do the following: 1. If a dump or a logrec data set error record was not written with the abend, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. 2. The registers at the time of error contain the following information:



System action: The system does one of the following:

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


v For reason code X'00', X'08', X'0C', X'20', or X'30', the system abnormally ends the program currently running. v For reason code X'04', the system detects and repairs, where possible, errors in critical system areas. The system refreshes selected system control blocks and validates and repairs selected system resources. The system logs the old values of some refreshed control block fields in the variable recording area (VRA) of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA). The system writes these old values in the logrec data set error record. Then the system returns control to the interrupted program. v For reason code X'10', the system records the excessive spin loop in a logrec data set error record. Operator response: If requested by the system programmer, set a SLIP trap to obtain a dump. System programmer response: Depending on the reason code, do the following: Reason Code X'00' Message BLW004A should have identified the work that was in progress at the time of the interruption: 1. If a logrec data set error record is not produced with the abend, ask the operator to obtain an SVC dump. 2. Examine the program status word (PSW) at the time of error in the logrec data set error record. The PSW points to the location where RESTART was entered by the operator. If the program was in a loop, the PSW address will be within the loop. 3. Examine the system trace table for evidence of a loop or a wait. If a loop or a wait is suspected, use the address in the PSW to obtain the name of the looping module. v If the module is not an IBM module, continue diagnosis with the module. v If the module is an IBM module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and the logrec data set error record. Reason code X'08' Determine which program branched incorrectly, as follows: 1. If a logrec data set error record is not produced with the abend, ask the operator to obtain an SVC dump. 2. Look at register 14 at the time of the error. If the illegal branch was made by a BALR 14,15 instruction, register 14 points to the instruction following the instruction that took the bad branch. If this instruction is a branch instruction, then this instruction probably branched directly into the restart interrupt handler. 3. Use the address in register 14 to get the name of the module that issued the bad branch instruction. v If the module is not an IBM module, continue diagnosis with the module. v If the module is an IBM module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and the logrec data set error record. Reason code X'0C', X'10', X'20', or X'30' Determine why an excessive spin condition occurred, as follows: 1. Get the program status word (PSW) at the time of error as follows: v For reason code X'10', X'20', or X'30', obtain the PSW from the logrec data set error record. v For reason code X'0C', X'20', or X'30', ask the operator to obtain an SVC dump. Format the dump to see the PSW at the time of error. 2. Use the address in the PSW to obtain the name of the spinning module. v If the module is not an IBM module, continue diagnosis with the module. v If the module is an IBM module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and the logrec data set error record. See z/OS Problem Management for information about diagnosing a loop. Source: Loadwait/Restart 072 Explanation: The system abnormally ended a program that had a processor affinity requirement because no processors on which it can run are online. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 indicates the type of program: Code 0004 0008 Explanation A task running under a task control block (TCB). A routine running under a service request block (SRB).

System action: The system abnormally ends the program that had a processor affinity requirement. Application Programmer Response: Resubmit the job when the processor affinity requirements can be met. Source: Supervisor control


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

073 Explanation: Supervisor control detected an error while processing a SETLOCK OBTAIN or SETLOCK RELEASE macro. The hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code 00 Explanation While spinning for a disabled spin lock, the system found that the lockword contains a processor identifier that is not valid. Register 10 contains the lockword value that is not valid. The system detected serialization that is not valid. The caller was disabled but requested the LOCAL, cross memory local (CML), or cross memory services (CMS) lock unconditionally. The lock was not immediately available. The system detected a hierarchy violation. v If a SETLOCK OBTAIN macro was being processed, one of the following occurred: The requested lock was lower in the locking hierarchy than the locks currently held. Another lock of the same type was already held. A CMS lock was requested, but a local lock was not held. A local or CML lock was requested unconditionally, but the PSASUPER field was nonzero. v If a SETLOCK RELEASE macro was being processed, one of the following occurred: A local lock was specified while a CMS lock was still held. All CMS locks were specified, but not all CMS locks were held. 0C The caller requested a CML lock. The caller passed an address space control block (ASCB) address that was not valid. Register 11 contains the ASCB address. The caller requested another address spaces CML lock but did not establish an active bind to that address space. Register 11 contains the ASCB address. The caller specified an ASCB for an address space that was being ended. Register 11 contains the ASCB address. The caller requested the CML lock of an address space that was not dispatchable. Register 11 contains the ASCB address. The caller requested the CML lock of the master address space or the WAIT address space. 40 140 38 20 24 The caller requested a lock type that is no longer supported. The caller tried to obtain a SHR/EXCL lock unconditionally EXCL, but the lock was held SHR by the caller. The caller tried to obtain a SHR/EXCL lock conditionally EXCL, but the lock was held SHR by the caller. The caller tried to release a SHR/EXCL lock EXCL, but the lock was held SHR by the caller. The caller tried to obtain a SHR/EXCL lock unconditionally SHR, but the lock was held EXCL by the caller. The caller tried to obtain a SHR/EXCL lock conditionally SHR, but the lock was held EXCL by the caller. The caller tried to release a SHR/EXCL lock SHR, but the lock was held EXCL by the caller. A caller unconditionally requested a class lock that was held by the processor as a class lock at a different level of the lock hierarchy. The caller specified release of locks according to a bit string mask in register 11. However, the caller does not hold all the locks that the mask specifies. The system was invoked recursively for an unconditional lock obtain. The caller issued a SETLOCK RELEASE macro to release a lock from PSACLHS, but the caller is not holding the lock. The caller issued a SETLOCK RELEASE macro to release a lock from PSACLHSE, but the caller is not holding the lock. The caller issued a SETLOCK RELEASE macro to release a spin lock, but the caller is not holding the lock. Lock manager was invoked for a lock obtain, and the caller was enabled but specified DISABLED. While spinning for a disabled spin lock, the system found that global recovery was active. The caller tried to obtain a SHR/EXCL lock conditionally EXCL, the lock was not held SHR, and an unexpected error occurred. The caller tried to obtain a SHR/EXCL lock conditionally EXCL, the lock was held SHR, and an unexpected error occurred. The caller tried to obtain a SHR/EXCL lock unconditionally EXCL and an unexpected error occurred.


224 324




524 28


30 34








System action: The system abends the program that issued the SETLOCK macro. The system may write a logrec data set error record.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


074 075
Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=073,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Do the following: 1. If a dump or a logrec data set error record was not written with the abend, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. 2. Identify the module that issued the SETLOCK macro by using the address in register 14 at the time of error. v For an installation-provided module, continue diagnosis with the module. v For an IBM module, identify lock information as follows: Register 9 contains the current lock held string extension (PSACLHSE). Register 12 contains the PSASUPER bits at the time of abend. Register 13 contains the current locks held string (PSACLHS) that was current when the lock request was made. See the PSA section of meaning of the bits in the PSASUPER, PSACLHS, and PSACLHSE fields in the z/OS Internet Library at systems/z/os/zos/bkserv/ for z/OS MVS Data Areas manuals. 3. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. Include in the search argument: v PSASUPER bits at the time of abend: GPR12/hhhhhhhh v PSACLHS bits at the time of abend: GPR13/hhhhhhhh If no fix exists, contact component group associated with the module that issued the SETLOCK macro at the IBM Support Center. Provide, if available, the SVC dump and the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control 074 Explanation: A program issued the SETLOCK macro. Supervisor control could not finish processing the macro for one of these reasons: v The lockword address specified on the SETLOCK macro is not on a fullword boundary. v A page fault occurs when the lockword address specified on the SETLOCK macro is used. v A machine check occurs in the lockword specified on the SETLOCK macro. System action: The system writes a logrec data set error record and may write messages about the error. Operator response: Check messages and the logrec data set error record to determine if a machine check Register 14 contains the value from SRBASCB. Register 15 at the time of error points to the SRB that was being scheduled. System action: The system ends processing of the SCHEDULE macro. The system may write an SVC dump, a logrec data set error record, or both. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,ENABLE,COMP=075,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Do the following: 1. If an SVC dump is not produced with the abend, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. occurred just before the abend. If so, the problem is a hardware problem. Contact hardware support. If not, notify the system programmer. If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=074,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Do the following: 1. Examine messages and the logrec data set error record for previous abend codes. Look at the explanations of any previous abend codes. A previous problem could have caused this problem. 2. If a dump is not produced with the abend, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. In the system trace, find the SVC D entry for abend X'074'. In the entry, note the address space identifier (ASID) in the ASID column. Back up to look for a PGM entry with the same ASID. This indicates that a program check occurred. 3. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the component group associated with the module that took the program check at the IBM Support Center. Provide all problem data collected and the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control 075 Explanation: A program running in supervisor state, key 0 issued a SCHEDULE macro to schedule a service request block (SRB). The system checked the acronym in the address space control block (ASCB) pointed to by SRBASCB. The acronym failed the check. Possible reasons are: v The issuer of the SCHEDULE macro put an incorrect address into SRBASCB. Consequently, SRBASCB did not point to a valid ASCB. v SRBASCB pointed to a valid ASCB, but the ASCB has gone away normally or abnormally. v SRBASCB pointed to a valid ASCB, but the ASCB was overlaid.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

076 077
2. Examine SRBASCB to see if it contains a valid address. Check for an incorrect address in the SRBASCB field. The address in SRBASCB is not valid if: v It is all zeros v It does not end in X'00' or X'80' v It is not an address in the system queue area (SQA) If the address in SRBASCB does not look like a valid address, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide all problem data collected. 3. If SRBASCB looks like a valid ASCB address, check the address space vector table (ASVT) for this address. The ASVT contains a list of ASCB addresses. The CVTASVT field of the communications vector table (CVT) points to the ASVT. ASVTENTY begins the ASCB addresses. Scan for the address that is in SRBASCB. 4. If the address in SRBASCB is in the ASVT, then the ASCB pointed to by SRBASCB has been overlaid. See if you recognize the overlay by looking for any EBCDIC eye-catchers around the overlay. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. Include in the search argument: v EBCDIC eye-catcher that is a module name: PIDS/cccccccc v Abend X'075': AB/S075 v Overlay of the ASCB: OVS/ASCB The size and content of the overlay can also be added to the search argument. If no fix exists, contact the supervisor control component group at the IBM Support Center. Provide data collected in previous steps and, if available, the logrec data set error record. 5. If the address in SRBASCB cannot be found in the ASVT, then either: v The ASCB was deleted when the address space went away abnormally. v The ASCB went away normally. v The ASCB is not valid. The issuer of the SCHEDULE macro put a bad address into SRBASCB. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the supervisor control component group at the IBM Support Center. Provide data collected in previous steps and, if available, the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control 076 Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to create or initialize an address space. One of the following hexadecimal reason codes explain the error: Code 0004 Explanation Command processing received a nonzero return code from the virtual storage management (VSM). Register 5 contains the return code. Command processing requested virtual storage for a service request block (SRB). The request returned a nonzero return code. Register 5 contains the return code. Command processing received a nonzero return code from another command processing module. Register 5 contains the return code. An unexpected error occurred in a command processing module.




System action: The system: v Ends the START, MOUNT, or LOGON command v Deletes the partially created address space v Issues message IEA890I to identify which command was ended as a result of the failure System programmer response: If the problem recurs, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the component group for command processing at the IBM Support Center. Source: Supervisor control 077 Explanation: While the system was processing a console service request, an error occurred. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal error code in the format xxxxyyyy. The fields in this error code are the following: xxxx yyyy This halfword is for IBM internal use only. This halfword is the unique reason code identifier. Only yyyy is listed below.

The following are the yyyy values and their meanings: Code 0000 Explanation In a request to start or stop MONITOR JOBNAMES, STATUS, or SESSIONS processing, the caller passed an incorrect console name or address space identifier (ASID). The parameter list passed to the communications task was not valid.


Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


0008 000C 0010 0014 0018 001C The system found that a caller asked to delete a nonexistent buffer. The system could not establish a recovery environment. The parameter list passed was not valid. A caller was not running in the Console address space. The system could not obtain a needed area. The system could not process a console request because of conflicting requests in the parameter list. The system could not process a console request because of incomplete or incorrect data in the parameter list. The system could not process a console request because the specified console was not dedicated to the requesting component. The system encountered an error in CommTask processing. The SMCS Logical Error exit determined that there was a logical error associated with a SMCS console session. SMCS could not initialize or a session with an LU could not be established. Message IEE052I or IEE053I has been issued with more specific information. An unexpected condition has occurred in SMCS attempting to establish a session with an LU. Message IEE053I or IEE057I may be issued with more specific information. A storage overlay within DIDOCS has been detected. A storage overlay within SMCS has been detected. SMCS will continue; however, performance may be degraded. The tracking facility issued an abend. To help identify the occurrence of what is being tracked, the following registers are set: Note: The information stored in these registers is the same information recorded and displayed in message CNZ1001I when the instance is made. R2 The value found in TRPL_TRACK_VALUE that was tracked R3 Address of the CNZTRKR parameter list (mapped by CNZTRPL) that the tracking facility was processing R4 Address of the jobname under which the caller of the tracking facility was running 0038 R5 Address of the program name which called the service that invoked the tracking facility Address of the location where what is being tracked occurred. Offset within the program where what is being tracked occurred ASID of the occurrence of what is being tracked

R6 R7 R8

UCME look-up error. Either the requested UCME could not be located, or the console ID supplied for the look-up was invalid. IEEVARYD found a parameter or option that is not valid. The CnzConv service was unable to process the request made by the caller. The caller invoked a service in AR mode with a non-zero ALET associated with the input parameter list. The service however requires that input parameter list is addressable from the primary address space.

003C 003D



0028 002C

04003FFF These codes are for IBM internal use only with the following exceptions: 0A08, 0F00. 0A08 A subsystem console request was made to module IEAVG700 with a Subsystem Console Service Routine Parameter List (SCSR mapped in macro IEZVG100) with a version value in field SCSVER that is no longer supported. An unexpected return code was received from the IXCMSGO service while sending information to other systems in the sysplex.




002F 0030

System action: If the error occurred during MONITOR or STOPMN command processing, the MONITOR function is not changed. Otherwise, the system abnormally ends the calling routine. The following reason codes also have their respective unique system action: Reason Code System Action 003C 003D The IEEVARYD service returns return code X'10'. The service called is unable to process the request.


Operator response: If the error occurred during MONITOR command processing, reenter the MONITOR or STOPMN command. For other errors, contact the system programmer. The following reason code also has a unique Operator Response: Reason Code Operator Response


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

078 079
0018 Look for a message backlog. Ease the backlog by allowing the messages to roll off the screen or purging the messages with a CONTROL Q command. 078 Explanation: There was an error in one of the following routines invoked by the region control task (RCT): v ATTACH of the dump task v ATTACH of started task control (STC) during RCT initialization v PURGE I/O during QUIESCE processing v The real storage manager (RSM) swap out routine during QUIESCE processing RCT received an unacceptable return code from the routine and cannot continue processing. This abend may indicate a storage shortage. System action: The system gives RCT recovery control. The system: v Requests that the address space end v Issues an SVC dump for the address space if the error was unrecoverable or recursive v Writes a logrec data set error record v Performs resource clean-up System programmer response: Look for errors in the logrec data set error record or the SVC dump indicating a prior failure in the same address space. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set error record and the SVC dump. Source: Region control task (RCT) 079 Explanation: An error occurred while the region control task (RCT) attention request was trying to obtain or release the local lock. System action: The system gives RCT recovery control. The system: v Issues a Time Sharing Option (TSO) error message to the terminal indicating that the attention request was ignored or requests an SVC dump of the address space v Performs resource clean-up v Writes a logrec data set error record v May request an SVC dump System programmer response: If a TSO error message is issued to the terminal, you can either regenerate the attention request or continue processing. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, report the problem to the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set error record and the SVC dump if available. Source: Region control task (RCT)

Application Programmer Response: The following reason code has a unique Application Programmer Response: Reason Code Application Programmer Response 0A08 Update the application to use a Subsystem Console Service Routine Parameter List that is supported and set SCSVER to the current version (constant SCSVERSN as defined in IEZVG100).

System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. The following reason codes also have a unique System Programmer Response: Reason Code System Programmer Response 0034 No dump is taken for this ABEND, and the occurrence of what is being tracked continues normally. If a dump is needed, a SLIP trap can be set for this ABEND. An example SLIP trap follows. SLIP SET,ENABLE,ID=TRAK,COMP=077, REASON=34,ACTION=SVCD,END After determining what is being tracked, notify the vendor that a change to their product is required. If the application or program is an IBM product, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center to determine if this is a known instance. If it is not known, inform IBM of the occurrence being tracked. IBM will correct this interface in a future release. 003C Correct the program invoking the IEEVARYD service. If the VDEV_ENQS_HELD flag (found in mapping IEEZB833) is being used, the code must be updated to remove this option (it is no longer supported), and to release the ENQ serialization required to bring the device online (that is, SYSIEFSD.VARYDEV and SYSIEFSD.Q4). Correct the program that called the CNZCONV service, so that the request can be successfully completed.


Source: Console services

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


07A 07C
07A Explanation: An unrecoverable error occurred during region control task (RCT) processing such as: v A system interruption request block (SIRB) failure v A swap-out processing error System action: The system gives RCT recovery control. To avoid an address space interlock, RCT abends the address space without cleaning up address space-related resources. The system may or may not write a logrec data set error record. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, report the problem to the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set error records if any were written. Source: Region control task (RCT) 07B Explanation: The system detected an error in interprocessor communications (IPC). A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code 00 Explanation For a RISGNL macro, the caller passed an incorrect physical configuration communications area (PCCA) address. Registers 2 and 3 contain the values of registers 0 and 1 that were input from the caller. For a RPSGNL macro, the caller passed an incorrect PCCA address. Registers 2 and 3 contain the values of registers 0 and 1 that were input from the caller. For a DSGNL macro, the caller passed an incorrect PCCA address. Registers 2 and 3 contain the values of registers 0 and 1 that were input from the caller. For a RISGNL macro, the callers serial receiving routine abnormally ended on the processor processing the emergency signal interrupt. Registers 2 and 3 contain the values of registers 0 and 1 that were input from the caller. The emergency signal second level interrupt handler (SLIH) detected second level recursion. For a DSGNL macro, the caller passed an incorrect order code for the SIGP instruction. This order code is not supported. You were on a 2066 machine type with an LPAR name of ZOSExxxx. You must change the LPAR name to something other than ZOSExxxx. System action: One of the following: v For reason code X'00', X'04', X'08', X'0C', or X'14', the system abnormally ends the caller. v For reason code X'10', the system writes a logrec data set error record. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=07B,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Do the following: 1. If a logrec data set error record is not produced with the abend, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. 2. Use the address in register 14 at the time of error to identify the module that issued the macro or caused the emergency signal interruption. v For an installation-provided module, continue diagnosis with the module. v For an IBM module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the component group associated with this module at the IBM Support Center. Provide, if available, the SVC dump and the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control 07C Explanation: The system has detected a recursive ABEND macro (SVC 13). Field ASCBARC of the address space control block (ASCB) contains a hexadecimal reason code, as follows: Code 00 04 Explanation The system abnormally ended the task or the address space. The SVC first level interrupt handler (FLIH) recovery abnormally ended the address space.




System action: The system ends either the current task or the current address space. The system may write an SVC dump, a logrec data set error record, or both. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=07C,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Do the following: 1. If an SVC dump was not produced with the abend, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. 2. In the dump, find the reason code in the ASCBARC field. 3. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, continue with step 4. 4. Analyze the dump to find the original abend causing the recursive loop, as follows. In the system trace,





z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

find the SVC D entry for abend X'07C'. Note the address space identifier (ASID) in the ASID column of this entry. Back up to the next SVC D entry with this ASID. Note the abend code in the UNIQUE-3 column. This is the original abend code. 5. Develop a second search argument, using the abend code found in step 4. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide all problem data collected in the previous steps and, if available, the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control 07D Explanation: The system found an error while adding or deleting a functional recovery routine (FRR) from one of the FRR recovery stacks. The reason codes are as follows: Code 00 Explanation The FRR recovery stack could not hold any more FRRs because all of the available slots were filled. This abend is probably caused by an installation-provided program that issued SETFRR incorrectly as follows: v Adding FRRs without deleting them. v In a loop that includes a SETFRR macro. v Adding too many FRRs. The system only guarantees that installations can add two FRRs. As system services also need to add FRRs, dump processing and LOGREC recording cannot be performed. S07D is normally followed by an S0DC-8 abend which will contain recursive S07D SVCE entries in the system trace. 04 The caller of SETFRR DELETE was not in a legal state to be holding FRRs at the time that SETFRR DELETE was issued. From the time an FRR is established until the time it is deleted, at least one of the following things must be true: v Some lock is held v The unit of work is running disabled v The unit of work is an SRB v An FRR with EUT=YES exists System action: The system abnormally ends the unit of work that issued the SETFRR macro. The system may write a logrec data set error record. The unit of work may request a dump. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=07D,ACTION=SVCD,END SLIP SET,COMP= 0DC,RE=8,ACTION=SVCD,END
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

System programmer response: Do the following: 1. Check for the problem in all installation-provided programs that are in protection key 0 and that issue SETFRR. At the time of the abend, register 14 points to the program that invoked SETFRR. This program is likely to have caused the problem. 2. Format the dump for the abend to see the prefixed save area (PSA) for the system on which the abend occurred. The first 3 words in the PSASTAK field should contain the following: 00000BB8 00000DB8 00000020 3. If the PSASTAK field is incorrect, an overlay occurred. Use the following SLIP storage alteration trap to determine which routine caused the overlay: SLIP SET,SA,RANGE=(B80,B8B),A=WAIT,END 4. For S07D-0, a dump cannot be taken. Trace entries similar to the following will be found in the S0DC-8 dump which follows an S07D-0: 01 014E *SVCE D 816A2E88 8007D000 01 014E *SVCE D 01371EC4 8007D000 01 014E *SVCE D 816C50F8 8007D000 01 014E *SVCE D 01371EC4 8007D000 01 014E *SVCE D 816C50F8 8007D000 01 014E *SVCE D 01371EC4 8007D000 01 014E *RCVY ABRT 3C000304 01 014E *RCVY MEM 00000008 00000000 040C2000 800003FA 040C2000 800003FA 040C2000 800003FA 040C2000 800003FA 040C2000 800003FA 040C2000 800003FA 00FF050C 00FF050C 00FF050C 00FF050C 00FF050C 00FF050C



The SVCE D entries with R1=8007D000 indicate that S07D-0 has occurred. Although the FRR stack current pointer will be reset in the S0DC-8 dump, there will be residual data in the FRR stack which can be used to determine the FRR entries that filled the stack. 5. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If you suspect an overlay, include in the search argument: v Program identifier: PIDS/5752SCRTM v System abend code: AB/S007D v The name of the field that is overlaid: FLDS/PSASTAK Note: Prior to OS/390 the program identifier to search for is PIDS/5752SC1CM. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide problem data collected in the previous steps. Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM)


07E 083
07E Explanation: A CONFIG or VARY command requested addition or removal of hardware units from a configuration. To process the command, the system checked the availability of device paths. While checking the device paths, the system encountered an error. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code 04 Explanation The unit control block (UCB) address, passed to the device path checking routine, did not point to the common segment of the UCB. An incorrect function code was passed to the device path checking routine. The system received a return code from a device path checking routine indicating that an unrecoverable program or hardware error occurred. 080 Explanation: An unexpected error occurred during system processing except for the following reason code:. Code Explanation

6B000121 Indicates that a task which owned high virtual fixed storage terminated without first unfixing the pages. System action: The system issues an abend to the current address space or to the current unit of work. The system writes a logrec data set error record. This abend may be accompanied by messages. For reason code 6B000121, the address space owning the fixed page is terminated. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set record and the SYSOUT output for the job. For reason code of 6B000121, correct the application so that it unfixes the high virtual pages that it owns prior to task termination. Source: Real storage manager (RSM) 081 Explanation: A GETMAIN macro requested virtual storage for the system queue area (SQA) or the local SQA (LSQA). The request passed an incorrect virtual address. This is a problem in the system. System action: The system denies the request for a central storage frame. The system writes messages and a dump. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the messages and the dump. Source: Real storage manager (RSM) 083 Explanation: Auxiliary storage manager (ASM) was unable to convert a logical slot identifier (LSID) to a full seek address. The relative byte address (RBA) is outside the range of the extension data block (EDB) entries. System action: The ASM I/O request area (AIA) being processed is marked in error. The system writes a logrec data set error record containing a copy of the AIA and EDB. Processing continues. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix

0C 14

System action: The system ends the CONFIG or VARY command. Operator response: Depending on the reason code, do the following: v For reason code X'04' or X'0C', contact the system programmer. v For reason code X'14', if you entered the VARY or CONFIG command to bring a device online, try to vary the individual paths to the device. If this is unsuccessful, contact hardware support. System programmer response: Search problem reporting bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Reconfiguration 07F Explanation: During recovery, the system found that the task control block (TCB) queue associated with the abnormally ended address space was empty. System action: The system abnormally ends the address space or job. The system writes messages, a logrec data set error record, and a dump. Application Programmer Response: Run the job again. If the error recurs, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Collect all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set record and dump. Source: Task management


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

084 089
exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Auxiliary storage manager (ASM) 084 Explanation: For an I/O operation, the auxiliary storage manager (ASM) detected an error. System action: The system writes a logrec data set error record and attempts to continue processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Auxiliary storage manager (ASM) 0028007C 085 Explanation: The auxiliary storage manager (ASM) detected an internal error. System action: The system writes a logrec data set error record. Processing continues. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Auxiliary storage manager (ASM) 086 Explanation: The auxiliary storage manager (ASM) received an error from VSAM during an I/O operation. Register 15 contains the VSAM return code or feedback code in the first half-word and an ASM return code in the other half-word. The ASM return code identifies the operation that was being attempted when the VSAM error occurred. Code 00000008 00000014 0000001C 00000030 00xx0050 Explanation VSAM did not find the requested record. VIO journaling data set is full. Could not obtain storage for buffer. Partially retrieved ASPCT for release request. VSAM GENCB macro did not build a request parameter list (RPL) on a GET request. VSAM GET had a physical I/O error. VSAM GET found the record was held exclusively by another requestor. ASM will put the record on the WAIT queue and wait for an ECB to be posted. VSAM GET had insufficient storage to process the request. 089 Explanation: A paging I/O operation for the auxiliary storage manager (ASM) resulted in a permanent I/O error caused by either hardware or software problems. System action: If the I/O error occurred during a read operation, the system writes a logrec data set error
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


VSAM GET received a return code from VSAM other than 0 or those listed here. VSAM GET was processing the maximum number of requests already. VSAM GENCB macro did not build a request parameter list on a PUT request. VSAM PUT had a physical I/O error. VSAM PUT found the record was held exclusively by another requestor. ASM will put the record on its WAIT queue and wait for an ECB to be posted. VSAM PUT had insufficient storage to process the request. VSAM PUT received a return code from VSAM other than 0 or those listed here. VSAM PUT was processing the maximum number or request already.

00400064 00xx0070

000C0074 00140078


00400084 Notes:

1. The high-order byte might not be X'00', but it contains the VSAM component code (the component being processed when the error occurred). 2. xx=Return Code or feedback code from VSAM. These codes are documented in the VSAM Macro Instruction Reference manual . System action: The system writes a logrec data set error record. Processing continues. System programmer response: Contact hardware support. Source: Auxiliary storage manager (ASM) 087 Explanation: The system detected an error while attempting to free virtual storage. System action: The system writes a logrec data set error record. Processing continues. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Auxiliary storage manager (ASM)

000C0054 00140058



08A 08B
record for abend X'089'. The system then abnormally ends the task that required the page with abend code X'028'. If the I/O error occurred during a write operation, ASM retries the write to a different location in the page data set. ASM also writes a logrec data set error record. If the I/O error was caused by hardware problems, logrec data set may contain a second error record, an outboard record (OBR) for the I/O error. System programmer response: For a hardware problem, contact hardware support. Otherwise, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Auxiliary storage manager (ASM) 000F 08A Explanation: The auxiliary storage manager (ASM) detected a paging I/O error. The problem may have been caused by either the hardware or the software. System action: ASM writes a logrec data set error record. System programmer response: For a hardware problem, contact hardware support. Otherwise, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Auxiliary storage manager (ASM) 08B Explanation: An error occurred while the system processed a data-in-virtual service request. Either a parameter on the DIV macro or another condition that existed when the DIV macro was issued caused the error. The 2 low-order bytes in register 15 contain a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 Explanation The caller requested an unknown service. Data-in-virtual does not recognize the parameter list format. The input parameter list cannot be addressed. The parameter list specifies storage that data-in-virtual cannot address. The parameter list contains a reserved field that does not contain binary zeroes. The caller is not running in task mode. The primary and home address spaces are not equal. The macro specified an incorrect TYPE parameter. The ID parameter is either incorrect or an ID that the caller cannot use.
z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

000A 000B 000C

Data-in-virtual is processing another data-in-virtual request with the specified ID. The system already accessed an object with the specified ID. The caller does not have the proper resource access control facility (RACF) authorization to the requested object. (Or, the caller is attempting to use a password-protected data set for an object. Data-in-virtual does not support passwords.) The specified range exceeds the maximum allowable size for the object. The system does not have access to an object for the specified ID. The specified range overlaps with a range already mapped for the ID. The specified virtual range overlaps with an already mapped virtual range in the current address space or the specified data space. An undetermined system or caller error occurred while data-in-virtual was attempting to access data from the object; all data was not retained. The virtual storage specified does not begin on a 4-kilobyte boundary. The virtual storage specified is not in a pageable private area subpool. The system cannot use the virtual storage specified to map an object. For example, the virtual storage may contain storage assigned to virtual input output (VIO). The specified range of virtual storage contains at least one page that was not in a virtual range obtained by a GETMAIN macro. The specified virtual storage contains at least one page in a range that is specified on a current PAGE FIX request; however, RETAIN=YES was not specified. Portions of virtual storage that mapped the object were not addressable, and could not be saved. Either a paging error occurred or data occupied a bad central storage frame. The caller does not have UPDATE ACCESS to the object. Data-in-virtual marked as non-pageable a page in a range to be saved or reset. That is, a PAGE FIX was outstanding against the page. The specified range is not in any mapped area of the object. The virtual storage area specified to be unmapped is not currently mapped.

000D 000E



0012 0013 0014




0018 0019

001A 001B


001C 001D Data-in-virtual cannot access the object at the current time; the object data set is in use. The accessed object is not a virtual storage access method (VSAM) linear data set, and thus does not have the correct control interval size that is implicit for a VSAM linear data set. The length of the DDNAME parameter value exceeds the maximum size allowed. The callers storage key is not the same as when data-in-virtual issued the IDENTIFY. A task that does not own the specified ID issued a DIV macro with an ACCESS parameter. Data-in-virtual could not access portions of the object on permanent storage; therefore, all data was not retained. A task issued a DIV macro with an IDENTIFY parameter for an object. The task does not own the virtual storage specified to be mapped. For authorized programs, that task or one of its subtasks does not own the storage. The callers storage key does not permit access to part or all of the specified storage to be mapped. The caller issued a DIV macro while holding the local lock. The caller issued a DIV macro while in an environment that precludes the use of Supervisor Call (SVC) instructions. The caller issued a DIV macro, but was not in 31-bit addressing mode. The specified OFFSET and SPAN parameters describe a range that exceeds the maximum supported object size. Data-in-virtual attempted to access an empty data set for a DIV macro with MODE=READ. Data-in-virtual attempted to map into a disabled reference (DREF) data space. Data-in-virtual attempted to establish a mapped local view into a data space. LOCVIEW=MAP was specified on a previous DIV macro with an ACCESS parameter. The specified virtual range exceeds the bounds of the specified data space. The caller requested either: v A data space map while one or more address space maps were still active under a given ID v An address space map while one or more data space maps were still active under a given ID 0042 0041 003F 0040 003D 0031 0032 0036 002D Data-in-virtual deleted the data space. However, the requested operation completed successfully. Data-in-virtual deleted the data space. The requested operation cannot be performed. A page to be saved was in the define I/O on (IOON) state. The virtual range specified contained at least one define I/O on (IOON) page and RETAIN=YES was not specified. The caller specified an incorrect TTOKEN. The caller is not authorized. The DIV macro supplied an STOKEN value that does not represent a valid data space that the requester can use. The caller accessed an object that was defined with SHAREOPTIONS other than (1,3), and LOCVIEW=YES was not specified. The caller attempted to access a non-linear data set. The DIV macro requested a SAVE or RESET on a data space range with DREF pages. Data-in-virtual attempted to MAP the virtual storage of a ESO type Hiperspace. Data-in-virtual attempted to UNMAP Hiperspace storage, but RETAIN=YES was not specified. Data-in-virtual attempted to UNMAP virtual storage that maps a Hiperspace data object, but RETAIN=YES was specified. The STOKEN for the object associated with the specified ID does not represent a valid Hiperspace that may be used with this request. The Hiperspace object may not be accessed at this time. Either the maximum for READs has been reached, or there is a violation of SHARE options. The DIV macro specified LOCVIEW=MAP for an ID associated with a Hiperspace object. The specified MAP range would cause the Hiperspace object to be extended such that the installation data space limits for the address space would be exceeded. The DIV macro specified an STOKEN with an ID that represents a Hiperspace data-in-virtual object. Data space virtual storage cannot be mapped into a Hiperspace. The DIV macro tried to access a Hiperspace, but the ALESERV ADD command already had been entered for this Hiperspace. The caller issued the DIV macro with the SAVE
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

002E 002F 0030

001E 001F 0020




0038 0039 003A 003B


0024 0025


0026 0027

0028 0029 002A


002B 002C



or the SAVELIST parameter and specified an incorrect LISTSIZE value. 0047 The caller issued a DIV macro with the SAVE parameter with one of the required keywords missing. The missing keyword is either LISTADDR or LISTSIZE. The caller issued a DIV macro with the SAVE parameter and LISTADDR and LISTSIZE keywords to specify a user list. One of the following problems occurred: v The ranges specified for the user list do not intersect with a mapped range. v The user list contains incorrect data. 0049 The caller issued a DIV macro with the SAVE parameter using incorrect keywords. One of the following is true: v The caller used keyword LISTADDR and LISTSIZE to specify a user list, but also used one or both of the OFFSET or SPAN keywords. The LISTSIZE and LISTADDR keywords are not compatible with the OFFSET and SPAN keywords. v The caller specified the STOKEN keyword with either the OFFSET or SPAN keywords. The STOKEN keyword is incompatible with the OFFSET and SPAN keywords. 004A The caller issued a DIV macro with the SAVE parameter but specified incorrect addresses in the user list. Either an address was not on a page boundary or the start address was higher than the end address. The caller issued the DIV macro with SAVE parameter but specified a range in the user list that spans multiple data spaces or Hiperspaces. The caller issued the DIV macro with the SAVE parameter for a data space or Hiperspace but did not specify the STOKEN keyword. The user is not authorized to ACCESS the requested data. The caller issued the DIV macro with the MAP parameter for a shared data page that does not meet the requirement that it reside in non-swappable storage and have a SHAREDWRITE view mode. The caller issued the DIV macro with the MAP parameter for another member of the same sharing group. The caller issued the DIV macro with the MAP parameter for a Hiperspace object into shared storage. The caller issued the DIV macro with the MAP 0052 parameter for one member of a sharing group, but this sharing group contains a member that is currently fixed. The virtual storage specified contains at least one protected page and RETAIN=YES was not specified. The caller attempted to DIV MAP a page that is part of an address space view of a shared segment. The storage available was insufficient for building the necessary data-in-virtual control block structure. An I/O driver failure occurred. The system could not read a required page table into central storage. The catalog update failed. An undetermined system error occurred. An I/O error occurred. Data may be damaged in the allocated space on a direct access storage device (DASD). The space is currently beyond the saved portion of the object. The system has not completed I/O from a previous request.




0802 0803 0804 0805 0806 0807


System action: The system abends the program that issued the DIV macro. The system writes a logrec data set error record, and it may write a dump. If the reason code is X'0805', data-in-virtual requested an SVC dump with the title COMPON=DATA-IN-VIRTUAL. System programmer response: For reason code 0052, remove the protection status from the protected pages in the specified virtual range. Then issue the DIV macro again. If you want to invoke MAP or UNMAP and want to preserve the protection status, specify RETAIN=YES when you issue the macro. For other reason codes, look in the system trace for the first PC entry with 00307 in the UNIQUE-1 column above the SVC 0D entry for the X'08B' abend. The address column contains the address of the program that issued the DIV macro. Identify this program. If the program is installation-provided, continue diagnosis with the program. If it is IBM-provided, search the problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the data-in-virtual component at the IBM support center. Source: Data-in-virtual 08C Explanation: A program issued a SCHEDULE macro to schedule a service request block (SRB). The system detected an error while processing the macro. Register 2 contains the SRB address. Register 3 contains the



004D 004E





z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

return address of the issuing program. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code 04 Explanation The address specified in field SRBASCB of the service request block (SRB) does not point to a valid address space control block (ASCB). The ASCB specified in the SRB has the ASCBFAIL flag set on. The flag indicates that the address space is ending. The specified STOKEN does not represent the same address space as the ASCB specified in the SRB. A feature was requested using the SCHEDULE macro but there are no online processors with the specified feature. An entry point was requested using the SCHEDULE macro but an incorrect feature indicator was specified. A feature was requested using the SCHEDULE macro but an non-valid feature indicator was specified. An internal error occurred during schedule processing. A program issued a SCHEDULE macro to schedule an SRB with the SPTOKEN option while holding a lock higher than or equal to the DISP lock in the locking hierarchy. You cannot use the SPTOKEN option while holding a lock equal to or higher than the DISP lock. DISABLED was specified on the SCHEDULE macro, but the caller was not disabled. The caller was in AR ASC mode but did not specify this via the SYSSTATE macro. The SRB was not in common storage. 0004 2. In the system trace, find the system service event (SSRV) entry for abend X'08C'. Diagnostic data in this entry is as follows: v The return address for the issuer of the SCHEDULE macro is in the ADDR column. v The input SRB address is in the UNIQUE-1 column. v The target address space ASCB address is in the UNIQUE-2 column. v The STOKEN representing the target address space is in the UNIQUE-3 column. 3. Use the address in the ADDR column of the SSRV entry to identify the module that issued the SCHEDULE macro. v For an installation-provided module, continue diagnosis with the module. v For an IBM module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the component group associated with this module at the IBM Support Center. Provide all problem data collected and, if available, the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control 08D Explanation: A system error occurred during converter processing. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code 0001 0002 0003 Explanation The system found a storage management error. The system found an error while processing an IF statement. The system found an error in the statement ordering routing processing. The system could not find more storage for the converter text data space. Either a large amount of JCL or an internal error caused the lack of storage. The system found an error in the symbol table processor. The system found an error in the build message processor. During merge processing, the system found a statement type that is not valid. The system found an internal error while processing an Advanced Program-to-Program Communications (APPC) transaction program (TP). The system found an internal error.






1C 20

24 28 2C

System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the SCHEDULE macro. The system may write a logrec data set error record. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=08C,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: For reason code 10, resubmit the job on a processor complex that has the feature installed. For reason code 24, you must obtain the CPU lock before using the SCHEDULE macro. For reason code 28, specify SYSSTATE ASCENV=AR prior to issuing the SCHEDULE macro in order to ensure the macro expansion will be correct. For reason code 2C, ensure the SCHEDULE macro is being used with an SRB that is in common storage. For all other reason codes, do the following: 1. Ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump.

0005 0006 0008 020x


System action: The system ends converter processing and does not run the job.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


08E 08F
System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the group for the converter component at the IBM support center. Source: Converter 08E Explanation: The address space was abended by an IMS address space. System action: The address space is abnormally ended. Application Programmer Response: If the ending address space is a CCTL that is hooked up to IMS (DBCTL), then the S08E abend is a result of an operator CANCEL request for that address space. CICS is an example of a CCTL. No further action is needed if the address space ends to completion. If not, then the operator should try the FORCE command, which IMS will internally change to a CANCEL command. If the address space still doesnt end after this first FORCE attempt, then the operator can enter the FORCE command again. IMS will not change this FORCE attempt, and MVS will process the FORCE to end the address space. Source: DFSMSdfp 08F Explanation: An error occurred during processing of a CHANGKEY macro. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code: Code 04 Explanation One of the following is true: v The beginning address of the virtual storage range specified on the CHANGKEY macro is greater than the ending address v At least one page in the specified virtual storage range is in an unauthorized subpool. The system restores all pages processed by the CHANGKEY macro before the error to their previous key. 0C The parameter list specified by the LISTAD parameter was in pageable storage. The system restores all pages processed by the CHANGKEY macro before the error to their previous key. 10 At least one page in the specified virtual storage range is part of a sharing group that has been defined by the IARVSERV macro. The system restores all storage keys to their previous value. 14 An unexpected internal error occurred.
z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

The system restores all pages processed by the CHANGKEY macro before the error to their previous key. 18 A request was made to change a key to 0. The system restores all pages processed by the CHANGKEY macro before the error to their previous key. 2C One of the following is true: v The beginning address of the virtual storage range specified on the CHANGKEY macro is greater than the ending address v At least one page in the specified virtual storage range is in an unauthorized subpool. The system does not restore all pages processed by the CHANGKEY macro before the error to their previous key. 34 The parameter list specified by the LISTAD parameter was in pageable storage. The system does not restore all pages processed by the CHANGKEY macro before the error to their previous key. 38 At least one page in the specified virtual storage range is part of a sharing group. The system does not restore all pages processed by the CHANGKEY macro before the error to their previous key. 3C An unexpected internal error occurred. The system does not restore all pages processed by the CHANGKEY macro before the error to their previous key. System action: The system issues an abend to the caller of the CHANGKEY macro. The system writes messages, the logrec data set error record, and the SYSOUT output for the job. Application Programmer Response: For return code 04, 18, 0C, 2C, or 34, correct the error condition indicated. For return code 14 or 3C, run the job step again. For return code 10 or 38, modify the program to correct the IARVSERV macro with the SHARE parameter for the virtual storage range in error. Return code 10 and 38 are relevant only with a READONLY or SHAREWRITE view. If the program did not issue the IARVSERV macro, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the messages, the logrec data set record, and the SYSOUT output for the job. Source: Real storage manager (RSM)


090 094
090 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a basic telecommunications access method (BTAM) OPEN macro. An OPEN routine found that a device other than a communications device was allocated to the data control block (DCB) being opened. That is, the device class code in the unit control block (UCB) for the device allocated to the data control block was not equal to X'40'. Application Programmer Response: Either the UNIT parameter of the DD statement for the communications device is incorrect or the UCB generated during system generation is incorrect. Check for improper specification of the UNIT parameter or the IODEVICE macro used in generating the system. Also, check for program errors that could have improperly modified control information. After correcting the error, run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: Teleprocessing 091 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a basic telecommunications access method (BTAM) OPEN macro. An OPEN routine found an incorrect or unsupported type of transmission control unit specified in the unit control block (UCB) for the device allocated to the data control block (DCB) being opened. Application Programmer Response: Check for improper specification of the IODEVICE macro used in generating the system. Also, check for program errors that could have improperly modified control information. After correcting the error, run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: Teleprocessing 092 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a basic telecommunications access method (BTAM) OPEN macro. An OPEN routine found an incorrect or unsupported type of terminal control or terminal adapter specified in the unit control block (UCB) for the device allocated to the data control block (DCB) being opened. Application Programmer Response: Check for improper specification of the ADAPTER parameter in the IODEVICE macro used in generating the system. Also, check for program errors that could have improperly modified control information. Correct the error, and run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: Teleprocessing 093 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a basic telecommunications access method (BTAM) OPEN macro. An OPEN routine found an incorrect or unsupported type of terminal specified in the unit control block (UCB) for the device allocated to the data control block (DCB) being opened. Application Programmer Response: Check for improper specification of the UNIT parameter in the IODEVICE macro used in generating the system. Also, check for program errors that could have improperly modified control information. Correct the error, and run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: Teleprocessing 094 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a basic telecommunications access method (BTAM) OPEN macro. An OPEN routine found an incorrect or unsupported optional feature or mode of operation specified in the unit control block (UCB) for the device allocated to the data control block (DCB) being opened. Application Programmer Response: Check for improper specification of the FEATURE parameter in the IODEVICE macro used in generating the system. Also, check for program errors that could have improperly modified control information. Correct the error, and run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: Teleprocessing

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


095 099
095 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a basic telecommunications access method (BTAM) OPEN macro. An OPEN routine found that the lines allocated to the line group did not have identical terminal types and/or optional features. Application Programmer Response: Determine which line group contains different terminals and redefine its lines through DD statements. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL. Source: Teleprocessing 096 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a basic telecommunications access method (BTAM) OPEN macro. An OPEN routine found that dynamic buffer allocation had been specified in the DCBBFTEK field of the data control block (DCB). However, the OPEN routine could not dynamically allocate buffers because the data control block specified neither the address of a buffer pool control block (in the DCBBUFCB field) nor the number and length of the buffers (in the DCBBUFNO and DCBBUFL fields). Application Programmer Response: Correct the error by doing one of the following: v Providing a buffer pool and specifying the address of its control block in the DCBBUFCB field. v Specifying the number and length of the buffers in the DCBBUFNO and DCBBUFL fields. v Handling buffering in the program and deleting the BFTEK=D operand in the DCB macro or DCB parameter of the DD statement. Then run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: Teleprocessing 097 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a basic telecommunications access method (BTAM) OPEN macro. The open routine required an additional entry in the device I/O directory. However, the directory was already full. Since the last system start, the maximum number of device types has already been opened. Normally, the maximum number of device types is 30. Application Programmer Response: Additional space in the device I/O directory can be provided by changing one statement in the read/write routine. The statement following the one labeled IOD must be changed. The duplication factor must be increased to correspond to the number of different device types being used. The new read/write routine must be reassembled and link edited to SVCLIB. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: Teleprocessing 098 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a basic telecommunications access method (BTAM) OPEN macro. Dual communication interface B or dual code feature B was specified. However, the transmission control unit was not a 2701, the transmission control unit was not the dual communication interface, or the dual code feature was not specified in the unit control block (UCB). Application Programmer Response: Correct program errors. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: Teleprocessing 099 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a basic telecommunications access method (BTAM) OPEN macro. An OPEN routine found that dynamic buffering was being initiated while the BTAM application was running V=V. BTAM dynamic buffering is not supported for V=V. Application Programmer Response: Add the ADDRSPC=REAL operand to the job statement and initiate the BTAM application again (V=R). System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: Teleprocessing


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

09A Explanation: Global resource serialization encountered an error. Note: The X'09A' abend code does not propagate to GQSCANs caller. The two low-order bytes of register 15 contain a hexadecimal function and reason code: Code 1208 Explanation Issued when the GRS receives notification for a global resource that is not known to GRS. Issued when the GRS receives notification for a global ENQ or DEQ request that is not known to GRS. An invalid control block was detected while running in GRS=STAR mode. Issued by when the system cannot create the GRS address space. GRS could not create a dependent enclave for the GRS EQDQ monitor to use because of an unexpected return or reason code from the WLM IWMECREA service. The IWMECREA return and reason codes were placed in registers 2 and 3 before the abend is issued. Issued by the GRS Lock Structure Complete Exit and indicates the resource specified in the exit is not known to GRS. Issued when GRS STAR Mode global GQSCAN processing could not add the ISGQSCAN dataspace to the DU-AL. Issued when the GRS Message Exit failed to receive an incoming message through the IXCMSGI macro. Issued by ISGCDSP as part of DISPLAY GRS D GRS processing. X'FA' indicates a non-zero return code was received from MSGSERV. This typically occurs when the user issues a form of the command that generates too much output, D GRS,ALL or D GRS,RES=(*,SYSDSN), for example. An error occurred in the Queue Merge processing when this system tried to rejoin the GRS ring. An error occurred in Queue Merge processing when this system tried to rejoin the GRS ring. C50C 68CA 6324 Issued when an attempt is made to initiate I/O on a CTC that has I/O still pending. Indicates a non-zero return code from an IXCMOD request. GRS issues IXCMOD to change its XCF monitoring interval. An IXCPART partition request returned a return code or reason code that is not expected. GRS issues IXCPART to remove a system from the sysplex. An error occurred in storage manager allocation processing while trying to allocate a cell. An error occurred in storage manager deallocation processing while trying to deallocate a cell. Issued when the GQSCAN RESNAME specification contains a QNAME ADDR and QNAME length of 0-7, but with RNAME ADDR, RNAME length, and specific/generic omitted (for example, RESNAME=(QNAME,,,,7)). Indicates a GQSCAN with SYSNAME was in progress, but the SYSNAME was unknown. This can occur when normal ENQ/DEQ processing changes control blocks while GQSCAN processing is looking at them. A dump is produced because recovery cannot determine the cause the cause of the changing control blocks (for example, if they changed because of normal ENQ/DEQ activity, or if they changed because of an overlay or other serious event). ISGQSCNR, which is the GQSCAN services functional recovery routine, converted the ABEND. An undefined error occurred during execution of the GQSCAN service, which is the GQSCAN service routine. The system saves the original completion code in register 2 and the original reason code in register 3. An unexpected error occurred when the ISGQSCAN information routine was activated to obtain requestor information from the service address space. GQSCAN recovery will not percolate to the GQSCAN callers recovery since retry is requested. The GRS STAR sysplex wide global resource contention notification server task, ENF 51 issuer, has determined
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


81xx or 85xx


82xx or 87xx

1904 2204 2505













that the length of its processing queue has reached a critical threshold. This indicates that the task can not keep up with the amount of work asked of it. This could be due to dispatch priority, a large amount of sysplex wide contention, or a problem with the server. C544 Function code C5 is module ISGGCN the contention notification task. Subfunction 44 indicates GQSCAN. This reason code indicates a failure occurred in GQSCAN during contention notification processing. Internal error. IBM might request this information for diagnosis. The contents of registers 3 through 5 may contain diagnostic data. v 65yy v 66yy v 67yy v 6Ayy v 6Cyy v C1yy v E1yy v E3yy You do not need to obtain a dump for the codes above when yy is one of the following: v 45 v 90 v B2 v B6 v E0 v EC v FA v FC Application Programmer Response: Do one of the following: v If mmff is 4808, 480C, or 4810, this is probably a user error. Correct the problem and resubmit the job. v If mmff is 46FA, check to see if the problem was caused by a shortage of WTO buffer space. If not, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center and provide the return code in register 2. v If the reason and function codes are A2xx, the problem is with the GQSCAN macro. Respecify the GQSCAN macro. If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. System programmer response: If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the function and reason codes, the logrec data set error record, and the dump. For the appropriate reason and function codes, provide a dump of the GRS address space dumps for each system in the global resource serialization complex. Provide all dumps taken by GRS recovery for the ABEND. For C50C, before you contact the IBM support center, use the monitors to determine if an application created an abnormal amount of contention. If so, consider changing the application, or use the following installation exits to suppress notification of specific high frequency contention cases: v ISGCNFXITSYSTEM v ISGCNFXITSYSPLEX. Also, check for any possible dispatch priority issues. Source: Global resource serialization


System action: System processing continues. The system usually writes a logrec data set error record and issues an SVC dump. For reason codes X'4814' and X'4818', the system will attempt to force a dump on the system in the complex which was assisting with the rejoin process. For C50C: The contention notification task: 1. Takes an SVC dump to identify the instance and to gather diagnostic data. 2. Prevents any more elements from being queued. 3. Informs ENF listeners that the ENF 51 data is temporarily suppressed and that some data could be lost. 4. Purges all queued elements. 5. Gives up ownership of the sysplex wide function. Because ownership is relinquished, another contention notification server on a different sysplex system, who may or may not have more resources, could become the sysplex wide notification server. If there is no other system, the same system will continue being the owner. Use the DISPLAY GRS command, found in z/OS MVS System Commands to determine which system is the notification server. 6. The new owner will inform ENF listeners that the data is valid again. Operator response: For C50C: Inform the system programmer. For some 09A abends, you should obtain a dump of the GRS address space from each system in the global resource serialization complex. The IBM Support Center will request the dumps for diagnosis. The following function and reason codes require a dump from each system in the complex: v 43yy v 44yy v 45yy v 62yy


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

09B 09E
09B Explanation: An abnormal end occurred in IP PrintWay. This system completion code and the IP PrintWay abend reason code are contained in either message ANFM102I or ANFM105I. See z/OS Infoprint Server Messages and Diagnosis for an explanation of the abend reason code. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message ANFM102I or ANFM105I. Problem determination: If the error recurs, search problem-reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM support center. Source: IP PrintWay 1211 09D Explanation: A PTRACE macro was issued requesting the creation of a trace table entry to be placed in the system trace table. A system trace service routine detected an error in the PTRACE macro. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 1151 Explanation Input register 1 of the PTRACE macro issuer contains an incorrect register range. Register 2 contains the incorrect register range that was input in register 1. The parameter area of the PTRACE macro issuer contains more than 1024 words of data to be traced. Register 2 contains the address of the user parameter area (input register 1). Register 3 contains the number of words of data to be traced from the user parameter area. 2100 2101 0252 The system trace function could not be initialized. The nonzero return code was placed in register 2. The ESTAE macro failed to establish a recovery environment. The nonzero return code from ESTAE was placed in register 2. An error occurred while waiting for the master address space to complete initialization. A nonzero return code was passed in register 15. A reason code was passed in register 0. The return code was placed in register 2. The ESTAE macro failed to establish a recovery environment. The nonzero return code from ESTAE was placed in register 2. The system detected an incorrect control block acronym. Register 2 contains the real address of the control block. Register 3 contains the expected acronym. The system detected an incorrect control block level number. Register 2 contains the real address of the control block. Register 3 contains the acronym of the control block. Register 4 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The request for a system trace was not issued in task mode. The system trace request is incorrect because the option is not valid. The request is received in register 1 and placed in register 2. The trace request is incorrect because the request type is not valid. The request is received in register 0 and placed in register 2. The trace request is incorrect for one of the following reasons: v Register 0 did not contain the address of a physical configuration communication area (PCCA) or X'FFFFFFFF'. v The request type in register 1 was not TRACEON, TRACEOFF, or TRACEFIX. The request input is received in registers 0 and 1 and the detected request is placed in registers 2 and 3. 2202 Trace requests conflict for one of the following reasons: v A single processor request specified a change in the trace options or number of buffers. v Both ON and OFF were requested for the AS, BR, or EX options. v The reserved bits were not zero.








System action: The system abnormally ends the task associated with the program that issued the PTRACE macro. Application Programmer Response: Correct the PTRACE macro. Run the job again. Source: System trace 09E Explanation: During processing of a system trace routine, the system detected an error. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 0251 Explanation The system trace address space could not be created. The nonzero return code was placed in register 2. The reason code was placed in register 3.

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


The request input is received in registers 0 and 1 and the detected request is placed in registers 2 and 3. 2211 The system found an incorrect acronym in the system trace option block (TOB). Register 2 contains the address of the TOB. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the system trace option block (TOB). Register 2 contains the address of the TOB. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in the system trace services parameter list (TRSP). Register 2 contains the address of the TRSP. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the system trace services parameter list (TRSP). Register 2 contains the address of the TRSP. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in the system trace option block (TOB). Register 2 contains the address of the TOB. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the system trace option block (TOB). Register 2 contains the address of the TOB. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in a system trace buffer vector table (TBVT). Register 2 contains the address of the TBVT. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in a system trace buffer vector table (TBVT). Register 2 contains the address of the TBVT. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The trace request could not be recognized. The specified option is not SUSPEND, RESUME, or PSTART. The request was received in register 1 and placed in register 2. The system found an incorrect acronym in the system trace option block (TOB). Register 2 contains the address of the TOB. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the system trace option block (TOB). Register 2 contains the address of the TOB. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in a system trace buffer vector table (TBVT).
z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Register 2 contains the address of the TBVT. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. 2414 The system found an incorrect level number in a system trace buffer vector table (TBVT). Register 2 contains the address of the TBVT. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in the system trace SNAPTRC parameter list (TRSN). Register 2 contains the address of the TRSN. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the system trace SNAPTRC parameter list (TRSN). Register 2 contains the address of the TRSN. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect request type in the system trace SNAPTRC parameter list (TRSN). The request type is not one of the expected constants: v TRSNASFR v TRSNFREE v TRSNSNAP v TRSNTKFR Register 2 contains the address of the TRSN. Register 3 contains the detected request type. 2601 The system found an incorrect acronym in the system trace services parameter list (TRSP). Register 2 contains the address of the TRSP. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the system trace services parameter list (TRSP). Register 2 contains the address of the TRSP. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in the system trace services parameter list (TRSP). Register 2 contains the address of the TRSP. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the system trace services parameter list (TRSP). Register 2 contains the address of the TRSP. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in the system trace COPYTRC parameter list (TRCT). Register 2 contains the address of the TRCT. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the system trace COPYTRC parameter list (TRCT). Register 2 contains the address of the TRCT. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in a






















system trace table snapshot copy header (TTCH). Register 2 contains the address of the TTCH. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. 2812 The system found an incorrect level number in a system trace table snapshot copy header (TTCH). Register 2 contains the address of the TTCH. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in the system trace SNAPTRC parameter list (TRSN). Register 2 contains the address of the TRSN. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the system trace SNAPTRC parameter list (TRSN). Register 2 contains the address of the TRSN. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in a system trace table snapshot copy header (TTCH). Register 2 contains the address of the TTCH. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in a system trace table snapshot copy header (TTCH). Register 2 contains the address of the TTCH. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in a parameter. Register 3 contains the control block address. Register 4 contains the expected acronym. Register 5 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in a parameter. Register 3 contains the control block address. Register 4 contains the acronym of the control block. Register 5 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in a parameter. Register 3 contains the control block address. Register 4 contains the expected acronym. Register 5 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in a parameter. Register 3 contains the control block address. Register 4 contains the acronym of the control block. Register 5 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system detected an incorrect parameter. Register 3 contains the control block address. Register 4 contains the acronym of the incorrect control block. Register 5 contains the 5151 offset into the control block of the error. Register 6 contains the content of the incorrect field. 5101 The system found an incorrect acronym in the system trace table format request parameter list (TRFM). Register 2 contains the address of the TRFM. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the system trace table format request parameter list (TRFM). Register 2 contains the address of the TRFM. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The address of the current system trace table entry (TTE) is past the expected end of data in the buffer for the current processor. Register 2 contains the address of the TTE. Register 3 contains the address of the expected end of data. Register 4 contains the processor index into the trace formatter work area (TFWA). An ESTAE macro issued to establish a recovery environment failed. Register 2 contains the ESTAE return code. The system found an incorrect acronym in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system has determined that no valid ASID filtering options were specified. Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the contents of TFWAFLG1. The system found an incorrect acronym in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in the
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes





















trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. 5502 The system found an incorrect level number in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system requested that the work buffer for a processor be refilled while the processors end of trace data bit was turned on. Register 2 contains the address of the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 3 contains the processor index into the TFWA. Register 4 contains the physical address of the processor. The system found an incorrect acronym in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected acronym.
z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes


The system found an incorrect level number in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in
























the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. 6301 The system found an incorrect acronym in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. The system found an incorrect acronym in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the trace formatter work area (TFWA). Register 2 contains the address of the TFWA. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers. Incorrect TFWA parameter acronym. Incorrect TFWA parameter level number. The system found an incorrect acronym in the system trace vector table (TRVT). A CALLRTM TYPE=MEMTERM had been issued for the trace address space. 7452 The system found an incorrect level number in the system trace vector table (TRVT). A CALLRTM TYPE=MEMTERM had been issued for the trace address space. The system found an incorrect acronym in the system trace option block (TOB). A CALLRTM TYPE=MEMTERM had been issued for the trace address space. The system found an incorrect level number in the system trace option block (TOB). A CALLRTM TYPE=MEMTERM had been issued for the trace address space. The system found errors in the system trace control blocks or queues. The functional recovery routine (FRR) IEAVETRR, entry point IEAVETFR, records the errors. The system found an incorrect acronym in the system trace services parameter list (TRSP). Register 2 contains the address of the TRSP. Register 3 contains the detected acronym. The system found an incorrect level number in the system trace services parameter list (TRSP). Register 2 contains the address of the TRSP. Register 3 contains the detected and expected level numbers.












System action: The system abnormally ends the current task. The system may abnormally end the trace address space. The system writes a logrec data set error record and a dump. The system may issue message IEA133E. Operator response: Enter the TRACE command to restart the trace address space. Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: If the error recurs, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set error record, the dump, and all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Source: System trace 09F Explanation: A program issued a vector instruction, but the system cannot create the proper environment for the vector operation. The program is running under a task control block (TCB) or service request block (SRB). A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code Explanation




6801 6802 7451

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


0A0 0A1
00 04 08 The program issued the vector operation in SRB mode. The program issued the vector operation while disabled. None of the online processors with an attached Vector Facility met the tasks affinity requirements. The program cannot create the vector environment. The vector second level interrupt handler (SLIH) detects the error. The vector SLIH failed due to a system error. The system encounters a vector environment that is not valid. A machine check in the Vector Facility causes the vector status for a task to be lost. The issuing task holds a local lock. The system encounters a secondary task control block (STCB) that is not valid. No Vector Facility exists in the complex. Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) has indicated that the user is not authorized to use the Vector Facility. The program issued the vector instruction and had established enabled, unlocked task (EUT) mode functional recovery routines (FRR). 03 02 Provide, if available, the SVC dump and the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control 0A0 Explanation: During initial program load (IPL), an error occurred while the system was starting the master scheduler. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code: Code 01 Explanation The system detected a converter, interpreter, or system error during master scheduler initialization. The system detected an allocation error, an OPEN catalog error, or a locked catalog error during master scheduler initialization. The system could not obtain a special region for the master scheduler.


10 14 18 1C 20 24 28

System action: The system does not start the master scheduler. System initialization ends. The system writes an SVC dump. The system may issue message IEE479W. Operator response: If the system issues message IEE479W, see the operator response for message IEE479W. Otherwise, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Examine the SVC dump, looking at the master trace table for messages which will pinpoint the problem with the JCL (for RC=01) or with allocation (for RC=02). If the master JCL data set (MSTJCLxx) was updated recently, check that the changes are correct. The messages associated with the processing of MSTJCLxx are sent to the console if you specify the L option (,L) on the MSTRJCL system parameter. Respond to messages issued by the converter, interpreter, or allocation. If the problem recurs and if the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump. Source: Initiator/terminator 0A1 Explanation: An incorrect condition was detected by the Graphics Access Method/System Product (GAM/SP) OPEN executor routine, IGG0193Y. The error occurred in either GAM/SP or the operating system. System action: A message appears on the system console that identifies the cause of the error; and GAM/SP produces a dump on the system dump data set. Application Programmer Response: Do the following:


System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the vector instruction. The system may write an logrec data set error record. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=09F,ACTION=SVCD,END Application Programmer Response: Do the following: v For reason code X'00', X'04', X'1C', or X'2C', ensure that the program issues vector instructions in the proper mode. v For reason code X'08', a program that uses a Vector Facility should not specify affinity requirements. System programmer response: Do the following: 1. If a logrec data set error record is not produced with the abend, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. 2. Use the program status word (PSW) at the time of error to identify the module that issued the vector instruction. v For an installation-provided module, continue diagnosis with the module. v For an IBM module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the component group associated with this module at the IBM Support Center.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

0A2 0A6
1. Check for messages identifying the cause of the error. If these are GAM/SP messages, (that is, the message number is of the form GABnnn), they are described in IBM Graphics Access Method/System Product: Messages and Codes. 2. Get a listing of the system dump. 3. Contact your programming support personnel. Source: DFSMSdfp 0A2 Explanation: An incorrect condition was detected by the Graphics Access Method/System Product (GAM/SP) CLOSE executor routine, IGG0203Y. The error occurred in either GAM/SP or the operating system. System action: A message appears on the system console that identifies the cause of the error and GAM/SP produces a dump on the system dump data set. Application Programmer Response: Do the following: 1. Check for messages identifying the cause of the error. If these are GAM/SP messages, (that is, the message number is of the form GABnnn), they are described in IBM Graphics Access Method/System Product: Messages and Codes. 2. Get a listing of the system dump. 3. Contact your programming support personnel. Source: DFSMSdfp 0A3 Explanation: An error was detected in the Graphics Access Method/System Product (GAM/SP) attention handler module, IGG019OE. The error may have originated in the GAM/SP OPEN executor, IGG0193Y. It could also be caused by modules IGG019OE and IGG0193Y being at inconsistent maintenance levels. System action: A message appears on the system console that describes the error. In addition, GAM/SP writes a record to the logrec data set data set and produces a dump on the system dump data set. Application Programmer Response: Do the following: 1. Check for messages identifying the cause of the error. If these are GAM/SP messages, (that is, the message number is of the form GABnnn), they are described in IBM Graphics Access Method/System Product: Messages and Codes. 2. Check the module identifiers and PTF levels for modules IGG019OE and IGG0193Y. 3. Get a listing of the system dump. 4. Contact your programming support personnel. Source: DFSMSdfp 0A4 Explanation: An error occurred either in the Graphics Access Method/System Product (GAM/SP) or in the operating system. This completion code is issued when: 1. A program check or abnormal end occurs in the Graphics Access Method/System Product (GAM/SP) attention handler module. 2. The GAM/SP attention handler module detects an incorrect condition. System action: A message appears on the system console, accompanied by a reason code identifying the area of processing in which the error occurred. In addition, GAM/SP writes a record to the logrec data set data set and produces a dump on the system dump data set. Application Programmer Response: You should take the following actions: Do the following: 1. Check for messages identifying the cause of the error. If these are GAM/SP messages, (that is, the message number is of the form GABnnn), they are described in IBM Graphics Access Method/System Product: Messages and Codes. 2. Get a listing of the system dump. 3. Contact your programming support personnel. Source: DFSMSdfp 0A5 Explanation: A program check or abnormal end occurred within the Graphics Access Method/System Product (GAM/SP) attention handler module, IGG019OE. The recovery routine for IGG019OE determined that the problem was caused by an application error. System action: Message GAB333 appears on the system console and diagnostic data is provided. The message and the diagnostic data are described in IBM Graphics Access Method/System Product: Messages and Codes. Application Programmer Response: Check for messages identifying the cause of the problem. Using the message and other diagnostic information, correct the application program. IBM Graphics Access Method/System Product: Messages and Codes contains information on application recovery from this problem. Source: DFSMSdfp 0A6 Explanation: The Print Services Facility (PSF) ESTAE routine detected an error in the Page Printer Communications Component (PPCC) of PSF. System action: Depending on the error condition,
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


0A7 0A8
PSF restarts the functional subsystem application (FSA) or terminates the FSA. PSF issues a message indicating the action taken and may take a SVC dump. Operator response: Inform your system programmer that this error occurred. Application Programmer Response: None. System programmer response: Review the console log for all PSF messages and, if any, the PSF abend reason code. Refer to PSF for z/OS: Messages and Codes formore information on the PSF messages, PSF abend reason code, and to determine the appropriate response for this error. Source: PSF for OS/390 700D 0A7 Explanation: During VTAM HALT QUICK, VTAM HALT, VTAM HALT CANCEL, or VTAM abnormal termination processing, VTAM found that no storage was available to schedule a TPEND exit for an access method control block (ACB) opened by a users application program or VTAM subtask. or the ACB storage was freed. This abend code is also issued during VTAM HALT CANCEL or VTAM abnormal termination processing if a TPEND exit for an ACB does not exist, the ACB was not valid, or the ACB storage was freed. System action: The callers task abnormally ends. Source: Teleprocessing 0A8 Explanation: Virtual telecommunications access method (VTAM) detected an error while processing a users application program. The two low-order bytes of register 15 contain a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error. Code 2101 Explanation A VTAM validity check of the users request parameter list (RPL) failed because the RPL does not have the same protection key as the application programs task control block (TCB). The users RPL control block, or event control block (ECB) is incorrect. A VTAM request for storage failed. The pointer to the request parameter list (RPL) is not valid. An ACB OPEN failed due to an access method control block (ACB) address that is not valid. Storage pointed to by RPLAREA is not valid. Storage pointed to by RPLAAREA is not valid. FC01 FC02 FF01 7007 7008 7009 700A 700B 700C The request parameter list (RPL) is not valid. Unable to find ACB. RPL6 pointed to by RPLAAREA is not valid. Node initialization block(s) (NIB) pointed to by the request parameter list (RPL) is not valid. Model Terminal Support (MTS) data pointed to by node initialization block (NIB) is not valid. Restore parameter list pointed to by node initialization block (NIB) is not valid. Application-supplied dial parameters storage pointed to by node initialization block (NIB) is not valid. Bind area pointed to by node initialization block (NIB) is not valid. Network management interface abend. VTAM agent users read queue PAB had a storage failure. A session awareness (SAW) data buffer that is not valid was passed to VTAMs data space services release routine.

System action: The task abnormally ends. The system may issue a dump. Application Programmer Response: This is probably a user error. Do one of the following: v For reason codes 2101, 7001, 7003, 7005, 7006, 7007, 7008, 7009, 700A, 700B, and 700C, verify that the RPL and ECB pointers are correct, and execute the job step again. v For reason code 7002, verify that the operator entered the buffer pool or CSA start options as specified in the start procedures. Increase storage as required. For insufficient storage errors, you might want to redefine your buffer pool or CSA limits. If the start option cannot be modified using the MODIFY VTAMOPTS command, you must modify the VTAM start options file (ATCSTRxx) and restart VTAM to use the new start option. Use the Estimating Storage for VTAM diskette to determine the storage requirements for VTAM. Refer to the z/OS Communications Server: SNA Resource Definition Reference for a description of VTAM start options. Refer to the z/OS Communications Server: SNA Operation for information about the DISPLAY BFRUSE command, the DISPLAY STORUSE command, and the MODIFY VTAMOPTS command. Refer to the z/OS Communications Server: SNA Network Implementation Guide for an explanation and description of buffer pools, and for general information about buffer pool specification and allocation.

7001 7002 7003 7004 7005 7006


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

See z/OS Communications Server: SNA Diagnosis Vol 1, Techniques and Procedures for information about analyzing dumps and for information about analyzing storage using the VIT analysis tool if external trace is active. v For reason code 7004, verify that the ACB pointer is valid and check the storage to be sure it resides in the applications storage protection key. v For reason code 700D, check the application program. v For reason code FC01, save the dump for problem determination. v For reason code FF01: If you have access to IBMLink, search for known problems in this area. If no applicable matches are found, report the problem to IBM by using the electronic technical report (ETR) option on IBMLink. If you do not have access to IBMLink, report the problem to the IBM software support center. System programmer response: Do the following: v See the reason code in register 15. Register 15 and its contents can be found in the SDWA or by issuing the IPCS VERBEXIT LOGDATA subcommand. The generalized trace facility (GTF) trace record, SVC trace (comprehensive), also displays the contents of register 15. v If MSGLEVEL=(1,1) was not specified in the JOB statement, specify it and rerun the job. v Make sure that the failing job step includes the SYSABEND DD statement. v Collect the following for the failing job: Console log from the primary or remote console. Job stream associated with the job. All associated output. Program listing for the job. The dump, if one is issued. Linkage editor or loader map. If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL, the linkage editor output, the program listing for the job, and all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Source: Teleprocessing 0A9 Explanation: One of the following occurred: v If this abend is accompanied by a zero value in register 15, a VTAM HALT command has been successfully completed. 7012 7013 6902 v If register 15 is not zero, an error has occurred during the execution of a VTAM module. The contents of the 2 low-order bytes of register 15 indicate the cause of the error: Code 0000 10F1 Explanation A VTAM HALT CANCEL has been successfully completed. The ABEND was issued by VTAMs retry functional recovery routine (FRR) to pass the original abend to the next recovery routine (if any) associated with the task control block (TCB). See the original abend, which was recorded in SYS1.LOGREC and appears just prior to the supervisor call (SVC) dump that was generated and indicated by reason code 10F1. The request parameter list (RPL) is not in the correct storage key. Error in CP-CP sessions processing. Missing element on list pointed to by AND_BOTH_CP_STATUS_STORAGE_PTR. Error in CP-CP sessions processing. Missing element on list pointed to by AND_CW_CP_STATUS_STORAGE_PTR. Error in CP-CP sessions processing. Missing element on list pointed to by AND_CL_CP_STATUS_STORAGE_PTR. Storage was not available to drive a user exit. VTAM was unable to restore its registers from the RPH after a user exit routine returned to VTAM. CPPROC was unable to obtain adequate storage from the vary work area (VWA). TPEXIT code was entered while VTAM was holding a lock. A CPWAIT was attempted with an event ID length greater than EIDMAX. A message module needs more vary work area (VWA) storage within the component recovery area (CRA) than is currently available. Encountered a session awareness block (SAB) that was not valid. A GETRDTE or RDTFIND for a resource failed because the resource definition table entry (RDTE) chain has been corrupted. A locks count shows no user is holding the lock, but the lock is held. Lock hierarchy violation.

2101 6901


7002 7005

7006 7007 7008 7009

700F 7010

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


7014 7015 7071 7072 7074 7075 7076 7077 7078 TSLINK found the component recovery area (CRA) too small to hold all of the data. A transmission subsystem control block (TSCB) was encountered that is not valid. A RELSTORE was issued for a previously freed buffer. A VTFREE was issued for a previously freed area. A VTFREE was issued for a buffer that is not valid. A VTFREE was issued for a previously freed storage area. C/370 code ran out of ISA storage for autodata. Storage management header has been overlaid. The last word in the buffer being RELSTOREd is not BFPPCBA (fence corrupted). Header in REQSTORE buffer being allocated is not valid (no match on fence word). A FREESTOR was issued for a previously freed storage area. CDRM error detected. An error was found and corrected in a CDRM minor node during CDRM major node deactivation. DS process error. The DS disk I/O subtask has abended due to insufficient storage. The checkpoint has been disabled. Initialization error. A pool has been defined by the POOLDEF macro with an unacceptable length or the lengths in a variable-length pool were not defined in ascending order. A FREEBLK macro returned a nonzero return code. A utility module detected a function code that is not valid. A request, response, or vector was not defined to the RU information table. The main entry for the extended router was invoked but processing was already occurring within a CALLSSCP environment. No sense code was set, but one should have been. FF20 FF22 FF25 FF26 FF99 FF18 FF19 FF09 FF10 FF11 FF12 FF13 FF14 FF15 FF16 FF17 FF07 FF08 The CPCBURC field contained no format, but the response has a format. The limit of topology elements (SWBVDCVD) has been exceeded. D3/D4 vectors for elements exceeding limit were not built. The VWA area in use is too small to satisfy this request. A request was made to queue a response to a process anchor block (PAB). A suspend code that is not valid was passed to suspend. A SENDER invocation that is not valid was made. An unexpected value was received. The value may be valid in another context. An unexpected finite state machine (FSM) state was encountered. An unexpected field value was encountered for an enumerated type. An unexpected control block was received as input. A session information block (SIB) or SIB address that is not valid was passed to FREESIB. The SENDER buffer area is not large enough. The DETERMINER routine returned results that are not valid. The BUILD routine returned results that are not valid. SRTDEL failed. Secondary Access Point (SAP) table overflow. HPRCTL was issued with the TOKEN option and the value passed was not valid. Indicates that a FFST probe was tripped. Console messages with prefix EPW will be issued by FFST to provide information about the probe trip. See z/OS Communications Server: SNA Diagnosis Vol 1, Techniques and Procedures for a description of FFST probes.


707A CD01 CF01

FA01 FA02

FA09 FE02

FF02 FF03 FF04 FF05

System action: The task that initiated the VTAM request abnormally ends. Application Programmer Response: Do the following: v If MSGLEVEL=(1,1) was not specified in the JOB statement, specify it and rerun the job.



z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

v Save the console log from the primary console. For systems with remote consoles, save the remote console log. For systems with multiple-console support (MCS), save a copy of the hard copy log. v Save the job stream associated with the job. v Make sure that the failing job step includes the: 1. SYSABEND DD statement 2. SYSUDUMP DD statement. v Save all the associated output. v Save the dump. v Execute the EREP service aid to dump the LOGREC file, and save the resulting output. For MSS, execute the following program to dump the LOGREC file: 1. Service aid IFCISDA0 2. Program ISDASDAO with the DETAIL(ALL) parameter. v If register 15 is 0015, take the following actions to try to determine the cause of the TSCB integrity loss: 1. Save the dump. 2. If VTAM internal trace is running MODE=EXT, save this trace. Note: The default trace internal options may not be enough to resolve this problem. All options but LOCK, with a trace table of at least SIZE=200, may be required. System programmer response: If the error recurs and an installation-provided program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SYSOUT output for the job, the logrec data set error record, and all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Source: Teleprocessing 0AA Explanation: An abend condition occurred during processing of virtual telecommunications access method (VTAM). VTAM functional recovery routines (FRRs) were unable to associate the failure with any particular task control block (TCB) in the address space. System action: The system abnormally ends all the tasks in the address space. Application Programmer Response: v If MSGLEVEL=(1,1) was not specified in the JOB statement, specify it and rerun the job. v Save the console log from the primary console. For systems with remote consoles, save the remote console log. In systems with multiple-console support (MCS), save a copy of the hard copy log. v Make sure that the failing job step includes the SYSABEND DD statement. v Save all the associated output. v Save the dump. 0203 0201 0104 0AB Explanation: The error occurred while TSO/VTAM was in operation and a VTIOC module was processing a VTAM macro. See the VTAM Messages and Codes manual or the VTAM Diagnosis Guide for additional information. This error is usually due to a storage problem with the LPBUF or CRPL buffers. The two low-order bytes of register 15 contain a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 0101 Explanation The terminal-input manager for LU1 (for example, IBM 3767 and IBM 3770 terminals) encountered an unrecoverable error while executing a VTAM macro instruction that uses a request parameter list (RPL). The terminal-output manager for LU1 (for example, IBM 3767 and IBM 3770 terminals) encountered an unrecoverable error while executing a VTAM macro instruction that uses an RPL. The terminal-input manager for LU0 and LU2 (for example, IBM 3270 SNA terminals) encountered an unrecoverable error while executing a VTAM macro instruction that uses an RPL. The terminal-output manager for LU0 and LU2 (for example, IBM 3270 SNA terminals) encountered an unrecoverable error while executing a VTAM macro that uses an RPL. The VTIOC LOSTERM exit routine encountered an error during execution of a SNA BIND or UNBIND command that used an RPL. An application ID problem was encountered during execution of a VTAM OPEN macro. The error occurred during initialization of a TSO/VTAM user-address space. An error occurred during execution of a VTAM OPEN macro. The ERROR field of the ACB indicates the problem. An error occurred during execution of a VTAM CLOSE macro. The code in the ERROR field
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

v Have the linkage editor/loader map available. System programmer response: If the error recurs and an installation-provided program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the linkage editor and all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Source: Teleprocessing






of the ACB is X'42', indicating that the ACB has been closed, but a VTAM error has prevented the successful disconnection of one or more TSO terminals. System action: The terminal session in which the error occurred ends. Application Programmer Response: Do the following: v Save the console log from the primary console. For systems with remote consoles, save the remote console log. For systems with multiple-console support (MCS), save a copy of the hard copy log. v Save all the associated output. v Save the dump. v Execute the EREP service aid to dump the LOGREC file, and save the resulting output. For MSS, execute the following program to dump the LOGREC file: 1. Service aid IFCISDA0 2. Program ISDASDAO with the DETAIL(ALL) parameter. v Have the linkage editor/loader map available. System programmer response: If the error recurs and an installation-provided program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set error record, the linkage editor output. and all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Source: Teleprocessing 0AD 0AC Explanation: The terminal control address space (TCAS) was unable to continue its normal processing due to an error. The two low-order bytes of register 15 and TCAS work area (TWAR) field TWARSON both contain the hexadecimal reason code that indicates the cause of the error: Code 00 04 10 14 18 1C Explanation A STOP command was entered. A START command that is not valid was entered. The TCAS main task was unable to attach the VTAM interface subtask. The TCAS main task was unable to attach the user-interface subtask. The TCAS main task was unable to attach the console-communication subtask. TCAS was unable to obtain storage for the TCAS table (TCAST) in the common service area (CSA). 010C 0110 020C 0210 Explanation: An error occurred while Time Sharing Option/ Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (TSO/VTAM) time sharing was in operation. VTAM terminal I/O coordinators (VTIOC) queue manager was executing a GETCELL or FREECELL macro. The two low-order bytes (hexadecimal) of register 15 indicate the cause of the error: Contents 0108 Explanation The cell address supplied to the FREECELL macro instruction was incorrect. No cell pool existed for the FREECELL request. An incorrect cell pool ID was specified for the FREECELL request. No cell pool existed for the GETCELL request. An incorrect cell pool ID was specified for the GETCELL request. 20 30 34 38 The TCAS main task abnormally terminated and was unable to recover. The VTAM interface subtask abnormally terminated and was unable to recover. The user-interface subtask abnormally terminated and was unable to recover. The console-communication subtask abnormally terminated and was unable to recover.

System action: The system abnormally ends TCAS. Operator response: Reply DUMP to the TCAS abnormal end message IKT012D to obtain a dump. Application Programmer Response: Do the following: v Save the console log from the primary console. For systems with remote consoles, save the remote console log. For systems with multiple-console support (MCS), save a copy of the hard copy log. v Save the system output (SYSOUT) associated with the job. v Save all the associated output. v Save the dump. v Print the associated SVC dump data set, using IPCS. See z/OS Communications Server: SNA Diagnosis Vol 1, Techniques and Procedures for information about IPCS. Source: Teleprocessing

System action: The queue manager ends abnormally, and the terminal session in which the error occurred


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

ends. The system writes a logrec data set error record and an ABEND dump. Application Programmer Response: v Save the console log from the primary console. For systems with remote consoles, save the remote console log. In systems with multiple-console support (MCS), save a copy of the hard copy log. v Save the program listing associated with the job. v Execute the EREP service aid to dump the LOGREC file, and save the resulting output. For MSS, execute the following program to dump the LOGREC file: 1. Service aid IFCISDA0 2. Program ISDASDAO with the DETAIL(ALL) parameter. v Have the linkage editor/loader map available. v Print the associated SVC dump data set, using IPCS. See z/OS Communications Server: SNA Diagnosis Vol 1, Techniques and Procedures for information about IPCS. Source: Time Sharing Option Extensions (TSO/E) 0AE Explanation: The system cannot purge a completed I/O request. System action: The system abnormally ends all tasks in the address space where the system was waiting to purge the I/O request. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 0085 0AF Explanation: The Time Sharing Option Extensions (TSO/E) interactive data transmission facility detected a system error during the processing of a TRANSMIT or RECEIVE command. Register 15 contains a reason code: Code 0025 Explanation The RECEIVE command encountered an error while invoking the Job Entry Subsystem (JES) interface. The RECEIVE command was issued to determine if any Interactive Data Transmission Facility files were available for you to receive. The JES subsystem request was not successful. Reason code 0025 is associated with message INMR037I. 002A The TRANSMIT command attempted to allocate the SYSPRINT message file for IEBCOPY using SVC 99, and the allocation failed. The SYSPRINT message file is usually allocated to either the terminal or to a SYSOUT 0086 0084 007F class. You can specify where you want it to be allocated in either in CSECT INMXPARM or on the TRANSEC keyword of parmlib member IKJTSO00. Reason code 002A is associated with messages INMX040I and INMX042I. 0043 The TRANSMIT command was issued with the DATASET or DSNAME keyword and the OBTAIN SVC was issued to get information about the data set. The OBTAIN SVC set a return code other than 0 (successful termination), 8 (data set not on volume), or 12 (VTOC I/O error). Reason code 0043 is associated with message INMX067I. The TRANSMIT command attempted to OPEN a data set previously written by the IEBCOPY utility or the AMS REPRO command. The OPEN failed. The data set is a temporary data set the TRANSMIT command allocates to contain intermediate data. Normally, the TRANSMIT command reads, transmits, and deletes the temporary data set. Reason code 0053 is associated with message INMX083I. The RECEIVE command attempted to allocate a spool file and the allocation failed. The RECEIVE command obtained the name of the spool file from JES. Reason code X'007F' is associated with message INMR127I. The RECEIVE command was issued with the INDATASET or INDSNAME keyword. The data set specified with the keyword failed to OPEN. The data set was allocated successfully. Reason code 0084 is associated with message INMR132I. The RECEIVE command attempted to OPEN a file for incoming network files from the JES spool, but the OPEN failed. The process sysout subsystem interface successfully selected a name for the spool file and the dynamic allocation SVC successfully allocated the spool file. Reason code 0085 is associated with message INMR133I. The RECEIVE command attempted to deallocate a data set using SVC 99, and the unallocation failed. The data set was a JES input file or was specified by an INDATASET or INDSNAME keyword. Reason code 0086 is associated with message INMR134I. The RECEIVE command encountered an error while attempting to end the external writer interface with JES. After all files have been processed or after a unrecoverable error, the RECEIVE command invokes the process sysout subsystem interface, specifying that this is the final call to the subsystem interface. The subsystem returned a nonzero return code indicating an error. Reason code 0089 is associated with message INMR137I.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes




009C The TRANSMIT or RECEIVE command processor received an unknown return code from the module IKJSMS1. The reason code 009C is associated with message INMC156I. The TRANSMIT command processor encountered an error while opening the JES output file. Reason code 00CC is associated with message INMX204I. The TRANSMIT command processor encountered an error while opening the output data set. Reason code 00D2 is associated with message INMX210I. failed to pass an ID at all and the block does not have an embedded ID. 20 24 The system tried to write a block using an incorrect pointer to the block. An error occurred while the system was translating an SVA for an SWA block that is above 16 megabytes. The routine that called the SWA manager specified zero on the EPA parameter of the SWAREQ macro. The EPA parameter must be the address of a fullword pointer to the EPA. Check the value specified on the EPA parameter of the SWAREQ macro to ensure that it is the address of a pointer to the EPA and not the EPA itself. An attempt has been made to allocate or delete an SWA block in an unauthorized environment. While attempting to process an assign request, the SWA manager encountered a zero value as the pointer to the QMPA. The most likely cause of this error condition is that a task running under the master subsystem (SUB=MSTR) attempted a dynamic allocation in its own address space, but that address space is not yet totally established. Some specific causes are as follows: 1. Attempting to run a started JOB as SUB=MSTR or under a WLM initiator (INIT), when the JOB to be started has an instream procedure (proc). The converter issues a dynamic allocation to create a temporary PDS to hold the procedure being read in. 2. Attempting to run a started task (STC) as SUB=MSTR, but not all of the data sets needed for that started task are cataloged in the MASTER CATALOG. Either a JOBCAT or STEPCAT is included in the JCL, or simply one of the data sets in the JCL is cataloged in a USER catalog (usercat). Allocation issues a dynamic allocation for the required catalog. 3. The device type in the catalog for one of the data sets that is started as SUB=MSTR is incorrect (for example, the information specifies that the data set is on a 3380 device, but the data set is really on a 3390 device.). Corrective actions are: 1. You cannot run started jobs with PROC statements as SUB=MSTR. Do one of the following actions: v Remove the PROC statement, or




System action: The system issues one of the following messages: INMC156I, INMR037I, INMX067I, INMX083I, INMR127I, INMR132I, INMR133I, INMR134I, INMR137I, INMX040I, INMX042I, INMX204I, INMX210I. The system issues an SVC dump. System programmer response: If the problem recurs and if the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump and hardcopy of the TSO session if possible. Source: Time Sharing Option Extensions (TSO/E) 0B0 Explanation: The scheduler work area (SWA) manager detected an uncorrectable error. Register 15 contains a reason code explaining the error: Code 04 08 Explanation The routine that called SWA manager requested an incorrect function. The routine that called SWA manager passed an incorrect SVA (SWA virtual address). The SVA does not point to the beginning of a SWA prefix or the SWA prefix was destroyed. A SWA manager routine tried to read a record not yet written into SWA. The system tried to read or write a block that is not 176 bytes or the system tried to assign a block with a specified length of 0 or a negative number. The routine that called SWA manager specified an incorrect count field. For move mode, an incorrect count is 0 for a READ, WRITE, or ASSIGN function, and 00 for WRITE/ASSIGN. The routine that called SWA manager by issuing the QMNGRIO macro specified both or neither of the READ or WRITE options. The routine that called SWA manager tried to write into a SWA block for the first time and has either passed a nonexistent ID, or has
z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes



0C 10





v Remove the JOB statement and run it as a started task v Run it as SUB=JES2 (or JES3) 2. Ensure that all data sets required by jobs or tasks running SUB=MSTR are cataloged in the master catalog or are directly pointed to by the specification of UNIT and VOL=SER parameters on the DD statement. 3. Ensure that the device types for all required catalogued data sets and any UNIT parameters on DD statements are correct. System action: The task ends and the system writes a dump. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. Application Programmer Response: If the program that ended was a started task, and the code in register 15 is X08 or X0C, check the JCL for this task. For all started tasks, the JCL must either: v refer to existing data sets that are cataloged in the master catalog; or v include unit and volume information on the DD statements for existing data sets. Modify the JCL to meet one of these requirements, and resubmit the job. System programmer response: If the problem recurs and if the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. It is the responsibility of the caller to SWA manager to take the dump, and if none was taken, then a SLIP would need to be set up to capture the failure. Provide the dump to the IBM Support Center. Source: Scheduler work area (SWA) manager 0B1 Explanation: System initialization cannot continue because of a problem in the LOADxx member, the I/O definition file (IODF) data set, or a device. The right-most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: xrr00www where: x rr www Irrelevant information. A hexadecimal reason code indicating the reason for the failure. The wait state code. 08 09 0A 03 04 05 06 A required device is not defined. MSCH instruction failed for a required device. The IODF is not valid for an IPL. The configuration ID specified in the LOADxx member does not match any I/O configuration contained in the IODF. The LOADxx member contains blanks as the configuration ID. If there is only one I/O configuration defined in the IODF, then the system ignores the blanks and uses the I/O configuration. In this case, the IODF contains multiple definitions and the system requires that you specify a valid configuration ID in the LOADxx member. The IODF suffix is not valid. The IODF data set name high level qualifier is not valid. The IODF is not valid for an IPL. It must be a VSAM data set.


Note: This wait state can also occur because of an invalid IODF statement. In addition to incorrect data entries this wait state can also be caused by incorrect keyword filtering using the HWNAME, LPAR NAME, and VMUSERID keywords. System action: The system enters nonrestartable wait state X'0B1'. The system issues the following messages with the following wait state reason codes: Code 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Accompanying Message IEA513W. IEA514W. IEA515W, to display the device number. IEA516W, to display the device number. IEA517W. IEA518W. None. IEA512W. None.

Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Depending on the hexadecimal reason code, one of the following: Code 01 Action Verify that the correct device number was specified on the LOAD parameter. Enter the correct IODF data set name in the LOADxx member.

The reason code (rr) is one of the following: 01 02 The required data set was not found. The IODF occupies more than one extent.

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


0B2 0B5
02 03 Ensure that the IODF data set is allocated as a single extent data set. Verify that the device specified on the LOAD parameter is defined to the channel subsystem. (There is no device with the proper subchannel identifier.) Verify that the correct device number was specified on the LOAD parameter. Verify that the hardware configuration matches the definitions in the IODF. Move any of the following data sets (that are on the device specified on the LOAD parameter) to a different device: v IODF v SYS1.PARMLIB v SYSn.IPLPARM Change the LOADxx member to specify another IODF. Be sure to specify the name of a production-IODF (instead of work-IODF). Change the LOADxx member to specify the correct IODF or to specify the correct operating system configuration ID. Specify the correct operating system configuration identifier. Verify that the IODF data set name suffix specified in the LOADxx member is a valid hexadecimal number X'00' through X'FF'. Enter the correct IODF data set name in the LOADxx member. the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Initiator/terminator 0B3 Explanation: A caller of the master subsystem incore access method attempted an incorrect or not serviceable access request. System action: The system abnormally ends the task using the access method. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Initiator/terminator 0B4 Explanation: The master subsystem could not make use of the SYS1.PROCLIB data set defined by the IEFPDSI statement in the MSTRJCL. This occurred for one of the following reasons: v The master subsystem was unable to OPEN the PROCLIB data set. v The blocksize of the opened SYS1.PROCLIB data set was not a multiple of 80. System action: The system cannot function without an open SYS1.PROCLIB data control block (DCB). The system does not start the requested subsystem. System programmer response: Check for a valid data set name on the IEFPDSI card in the MSTRJCL data set. Check for a valid blocksize either on the IEFPDSI card or in the data sets format data set control block (DSCB) in the VTOC. If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Initiator/terminator 0B5 Explanation: The master subsystem was unable to attach the converter. System action: The system does not start the requested subsystem. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Initiator/terminator




07 08

In each case, ask the operator to reIPL the system. Problem determination: If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. Provide the following search argument: v WS/D0B1: Wait state code v PRCS/00000rrr: Reason code v MS/IEAnnnW: Message identifier If no fix exists, ask the operator to obtain the stand-alone dump. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump, the accompanying message, and the reason code. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 0B2 Explanation: The system detected an incorrect statement in the MSTRJCL data set. The system could not convert the MSTRJCL nor start the master scheduler. System action: The system does not start the master scheduler. The system abnormally ends master scheduler initialization. System programmer response: If the MSTRJCL data set in the LINKLIB was updated manually, check it for a statement without a // in columns 1 and 2. Ensure that the MSTRJCL is delimited by a /* or a // (null) card. If


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

0B6 0B7
0B6 Explanation: Library automation communication services (LACS) has detected an error condition. The specific error is identified by a reason code in register 15. Code 04 Explanation The return code from the Asynchronous Operations Manager (AOM) LIBSERV service indicates that a parameter error has been detected. The return code and reason code from the AOM AOMQUE service indicate that an invalid request was made. The return code from the Library Control System (LCS) CBRXVOL service indicates that a parameter error has been detected. The return code from the LCS CBRXLCS service indicates that a parameter error has been detected. A non-zero return code has been received from the OAM message construction service. The return code and reason code from the IEEMIFSV message buffer manager service indicate that a parameter error has been detected. The return code and reason code from the AOM LIBSERV service indicate that no libraries have been defined to AOM. The return code and reason code from the AOM LIBSERV service indicate that the library configuration has not yet been set to AOM. During the processing of a library mount request, a mount order has been sent to the library. The library has responded with a unit check and an error recovery action (ERA) code. The mount request was for a specific volume, but the ERA code is appropriate only for a scratch volume. During the processing of a library mount request, a mount order has been sent to the library. The library has responded with a unit check and an error recovery action (ERA) code. The mount request was for a scratch volume, but the ERA code is appropriate only for a specific volume. During the processing of a library mount or demount request, an order has been sent to the library. The library has responded with a unit check and an error recovery action (ERA) code. The ERA code is an unexpected and inappropriate response to the order. During the processing of a library mount request, the library has indicated that the mount operation completed successfully, but the external volume serial number of the mounted volume does not match the requested volume serial number. 34 The return code from the Library Control System (LCS) CBRXLIB service indicates that a parameter error has been detected.


System action: The system abnormally ends the task. An SVC dump is requested and the error is recorded in SYS1.LOGREC. The system resumes processing of the task. LACS sets the permanent error return code and an appropriate reason code, and returns control to the caller. The job for which the LACS service was requested fails. Operator response: Resubmit the failing job. If the failure persists, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: For reason codes 04, 08, 0C, 10, 14, and 18, the problem is probably caused by incorrect LACS software. For reason codes 1C and 20, the problem is probably caused by incorrect software in the caller of LACS or in AOM. For reason codes 24, 28, 2C, and 30, the problem is probably caused by incorrect library micro-code. Save the console log and the dump data set, print the contents of SYS1.LOGREC, then search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0B7 Explanation: A CONFIG or VARY command requested addition or removal of hardware units from a configuration. While processing the command, the system detected an error. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code 00000301 00000302 00000303 Explanation The system detected an incorrect parameter. The caller was not authorized to use the vary path interface. For the processing, the system requested virtual storage but failed to obtain it. The vary path interface detected a failing return code from the reconfiguration message service. The service processor was running a CONFIG STOR ONLINE command. The service processor varied the requested storage physically online, but the system was unable to vary the storage logically online. The service processor then tried unsuccessfully to vary the storage physically offline.



14 18









Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


00000402 00000403 The system returned an unexpected return code. The system tried to vary storage online or offline, but received an unexpected response code from the service processor. Processing for vary path reconfiguration received an unexpected response code from the service processor. The system tried to obtain storage element information, but received an unexpected response code from the service processor. The system failed to establish a recovery environment. The system received an unexpected return code from the service processor call SVC routine. The system tried to vary a storage element online or offline, but received an unexpected response code from the service processor. The system tried to obtain storage element information, but received an unexpected response code from the service processor. The system tried to copy and reassign storage, but received an unexpected response code from the service processor. The system failed to establish a recovery environment. The system returned an unexpected return code. The system failed to establish a recovery environment. The system received an unexpected return code for reconfiguration message processing. The system received an unexpected return code when requesting storage status. The system received an unexpected return code when requesting that storage be logically varied online. The system received return code 8 when requesting that storage be logically varied offline. This code indicates that the requested storage range contains permanently resident storage. 00081001 00000E01 xxxx0B02 00000704 The system received an unexpected return code when requesting that storage be logically varied offline. The system failed to establish a recovery environment. The system received an unexpected response code for a Store Extended Storage Usability Map command from the service processor. The system received an unexpected return code for a Store Extended Storage Usability Map command from a service processor routine. Processing for the DISPLAY MATRIX command received a nonzero return code. Processing for the DISPLAY MATRIX command tried to issue a message, but could not find the associated message text. The system received a nonzero return code from the ESTAE macro. xxxx is the return code. A command identified a processor on which it is to run. The processor identifier is not in the system table of identifiers. Reconfiguration message processing returned a nonzero return code to reconfiguration. The system could not establish a recovery environment. The system tried to call reconfiguration message processing, but an error occurred. Reconfiguration message processing received an incorrect address for the message buffer. Processing for the VARY PATH command received an unidentified or failing return code from reconfiguration message processing. The message text was too long. Processing for the VARY PATH command received an unidentified or failing return code from reconfiguration message processing. The return code indicates that reconfiguration message processing was to issue a WTOR macro and await a reply, but no replies exist in the static message area. Processing for the VARY PATH

00000705 00000706





00000406 00000501







xxxx0D01 xxxx0D02

00000505 00000601 00000602 00000603







z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

command received an unidentified or failing return code from reconfiguration message processing. The number of message inserts was incorrect. 00101001 Processing for the VARY PATH command received an unidentified or failing return code from reconfiguration message processing. The return code indicates that the system could not establish a recovery environment. Processing for the VARY PATH command received an unidentified or failing return code from reconfiguration message processing. The return code indicates that the message buffer area could not be obtained. Processing for the VARY PATH command received an unidentified or failing return code from reconfiguration message processing. The return code indicates that the message buffer identifier was incorrect. Processing for the VARY PATH command received an unidentified or failing return code from reconfiguration message processing. The return code indicates that an abend occurred. Processing for channel path reconfiguration received a nonzero return code. Processing for channel path reconfiguration received a nonzero return code during vary processing. Processing for channel path reconfiguration detected an incorrect post code during vary processing. Processing for vary path reconfiguration received an unexpected return code. Processing for vary path reconfiguration received an unexpected return code. The system was processing a request to bring online a Teleprocessing (TP) device with active I/O. Processing for vary path reconfiguration received a nonzero return code indicating one of the following errors: v The system was unable to obtain enough storage to process the online request. v The system encountered an unrecoverable program error. xxxx1A01 xxxx1606 00001505 00001504 The operator replied CANCEL to message IEE717D, then one of the following occurred: v The system encountered a programming error while processing a request to bring a path online. v Processing for vary path reconfiguration encountered a programming error. The pointer to the current vary request block is 0. Processing for vary path reconfiguration received an unidentified or failing return code. Reconfiguration requested virtual storage. The request failed. xxxx xxxx1602 The GETMAIN return code.




Processing to force a channel path offline encountered an error. xxxx The last return code encountered.



A service processor failure occurred. xxxx The last service processor call return code.

00001604 xxxx1605

A service processor command is incorrect. Processing to force a channel path offline received an unidentified service processor response code. xxxx The service processor response code.




The service processor took more than 45 seconds to process a request. xxxx The last service processor call return code.



Reconfiguration requested virtual storage. The request failed. xxxx The GETMAIN return code.



A service processor failure occurred. xxxx The service processor response code.



Reconfiguration received a nonzero return code from an ESTAE macro. xxxx The return code.


Reconfiguration received a nonzero return code from an ESTAE macro. xxxx The return code.

Reconfiguration received a nonzero return code from an ESTAE macro. xxxx The return code.

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


xxxx1A02 Reconfiguration called the service processor, but the service processor did not return information. xxxx xxxx1B01 The response code from the service processor. xxxx xxxx2120 The reason or response code.

Reconfiguration received a nonzero return code from an ESTAE macro. xxxx The return code.


Reconfiguration called the service processor, but the service processor did not return CHP information. xxxx The response code from the service processor.

Reconfiguration requested virtual storage. The request returned a nonzero return code. Reconfiguration records diagnostic information in the SDWA, in the VRA, or for CPU/VF reconfiguration, SYMREC. Reconfiguration returns control to the caller with return code X'20'. xxxx The GETMAIN return code.


Reconfiguration received an incorrect request. The request is incorrect for one of the following reasons: v The parameter list control block identifier or version number was incorrect. v The function code was unrecognized. v The side information block control block identifier or version number was incorrect.


Reconfiguration received a nonzero return code from an ESTAE macro. xxxx The return code.


A reconfiguration call to the service processor failed. xxxx The response code from the service processor. 0000212C

xxxx2001 xxxx2002 xxxx2003

Reconfiguration could not set up an ESTAE environment. Reconfiguration message processing could not find a message identifier. Reconfiguration message processing found that the number of inserts received in the parameters does not match the message definition. Reconfiguration message processing found that the specified message does not fit into the 72-byte buffer. Reconfiguration message processing found that the parameters passed to it specified more than 4 bytes for the length of a table insert or a hexadecimal or decimal insert. Reconfiguration message processing found that the parameters passed to it specified a table insert that was beyond the insert table in the message definition. A reconfiguration call to the service processor did not return information; the reason and response codes were either not recognized or expected. Reconfiguration records diagnostic information in the system diagnostic work area (SDWA), in the variable recording area (VRA), or for CPU/VF reconfiguration, SYMREC. Reconfiguration returns control to the caller with return code X'1C'.

Reconfiguration was running on a central processor that does not support the service processor architecture. Reconfiguration received a nonzero return code from an ESTAE macro. xxxx The ESTAE return code.




Reconfiguration received an incorrect function code. xxxx The incorrect function code.



Reconfiguration received a nonzero return code. xxxx The return code.



Reconfiguration requested virtual storage. The request returned a nonzero return code. xxxx The GETMAIN return code.


Reconfiguration received a nonzero return code from a service processor call SVC. xxxx The return code.



Reconfiguration received an unexpected response from the service processor. xxxx The service processor response.


The system called reconfiguration message processing; an error occurred.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

0B8 0B9
xxxx2402 The system called reconfiguration message processing; an error occurred. The system called reconfiguration message processing; an error occurred. The system called reconfiguration message processing; an error occurred. The system called reconfiguration message processing; an error occurred. The system called reconfiguration message processing; an error occurred. The system called reconfiguration message processing; an error occurred. The system called reconfiguration message processing; an error occurred. 04 The command code in the command scheduling control block (CSCB) for the START, MOUNT, or LOGON command was incorrect. The system tried to build a task I/O table (TIOT) for the START, MOUNT, or LOGON processing, but failed. While processing the START, MOUNT, or LOGON command, the system could not open or write to an internal reader. Processing to initialize the address space returned an undefined return code; the defined codes are 0 and 4. The newly created address space cannot be made nonswappable. To create the requested address space, the system issued a REQSWAP SYSEVENT macro. The macro failed. The newly created address space did not initialize completely. Dynamic allocation or unallocation failed for an internal reader.








14 18



1C 20

System action: The system: v Frees all resources related to the reconfiguration command. v Writes a logrec data set error record. v May issue message IEE174I or IEE521I. v Writes a dump. Operator response: Enter the command again. If the command fails again, look at message IEE521I. Depending on the text of message IEE521I, do the following: STATUS NOT OBTAINED: SERVICE PROCESSOR FAILURE Contact hardware support. Provide the logrec data set error record. STATUS NOT OBTAINED: SERVICE PROCESSOR CALL FAILED Contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and the logrec data set error record. Source: Reconfiguration 0B8 Explanation: A START, MOUNT, or LOGON command requested the creation or initialization of a new address space. The system detected an error while processing the command. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code Explanation

System action: The system: v Ends the START, MOUNT, or LOGON command. v Writes a dump. v Writes a logrec data set error record. v Issues messages. For a START or MOUNT command, the system issues message IEE824I. System programmer response: If the problem recurs, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM support Center. Provide the dump and the logrec data set error record. Source: Master scheduler 0B9 Explanation: A START, MOUNT, or LOGON command requested creation or initialization of an address space. The started task control (STC) queried the master subsystem to determine if a subsystem was started. STC received a return code that was not valid from the master subsystem. System action: The system: v Ends the START, MOUNT, or LOGON command. v Writes a dump. v Writes a logrec data set error record. v Issues messages. For a START or MOUNT command, the system issues message IEE824I. System programmer response: If the problem recurs, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM support
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


0BA 0Cx
Center. Provide the dump and the logrec data set error record. Source: Master scheduler 0BA Explanation: Started task control was processing a START, MOUNT, or LOGON command and issued a request to a subsystem. The subsystem or subsystem interface (SSI) returned an incorrect return code, which is contained in Register 15. Valid return codes are: v 0 - Request processed by a subsystem. v 4 - Subsystem does not support the requested function. v 8 - Subsystem exists, but is not up. v C - Subsystem does not exist. Invalid return codes are: v 10 - Function not completed - disastrous error SSOB unavailable (for example, SSOB pointer invalid) SSIB unavailable (for example, SSIB pointer invalid) The JES detected an abend or other major error Note: In most cases, the 0BA abend with return code 10 will have been preceded by another error - usually an abend. If this is the case, then the 0BA should be ignored and the preceding error (or abend) should be researched and resolved. If no preceding abend is found, check to see if anything was written to the logrec data set. v 14 - Logical error SSOB block identifier not = SSOB SSOB length invalid SSIB block identifier not = SSIB SSIB length invalid v Any value other than those previously listed. Note: In certain cases in which the subsystem must be available to process the request, 0 will be considered to be the only valid return code. System action: In started task control, if the command is START, MOUNT, or LOGON the system issues message IEE824I and ends the START, MOUNT, or LOGON task. In the initiator, the system issues message IEF187I and ends the job. The system writes a logrec data set error record. The system may write an SVC dump. Operator response: Enter the command again. If it fails again, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem 0C3 0C4 reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump, if available, and the logrec data set error record. Source: Master scheduler or initiator/terminator 0BB Explanation: During initialization of a job step or processing of a START or LOGON command, the initiator issued an ATTACH macro to attach the job step task, the started task, or the LOGON task. The ATTACH failed. System action: The initiator is abnormally ended causing failure of the job, START or LOGON. Register 15 contains the return code from ATTACH. Operator response: Retry the command. If the problem persists, tell the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center, providing the SVC dump and the logrec data set error records. Source: Initiator/terminator 0Cx Explanation: A program interruption occurred, but no routine had been specified to handle this type of interruption. Refer to the instruction description in Principles of Operation to find out how the instruction stops processing for the error condition. The last digit of this completion code is a hexadecimal number that indicates the cause of the program interruption. Each X'0Cx' system completion code has a reason code, which in most cases equals the last digit. X'0C4' however, has several reason codes. Code 0C1 0C2 Explanation Operation exception. The reason code is 1. Privileged-operation exception. The reason code is 2. Execute exception. The reason code is 3. One of the following exceptions occurred: 4 Protection exception. The key of the storage area that the running program tries to access is different from that of the running program. The key of the running program can be obtained from the PSW key field. The key of the storage can be obtained using the IPCS LIST subcommand if the DISPLAY(MACHINE) option is in effect. The DISPLAY(MACHINE) option is not the IPCS-supplied default and must be enabled by explicitly


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

asking for the data or as a consequence of having used SETDEF to make the DISPLAY(MACHINE) option the default. The programmer should determine whether the program is running with the correct key or whether the storage address is set up correctly. The protection exception might have occurred when the program referenced a page that is protected with the PGSER PROTECT service, or is defined as shared by the IARVSERV service with a view of read-only. 10 Segment-translation exception. This error is caused by one of the following: v A program that was running disabled attempted to reference storage while the page table for that storage was paged out. To correct the error, page-fix the storage before a program running disabled attempts to reference it. v A program attempted to reference storage that had not been obtained. To correct the error, allocate the storage before attempting to reference it. v A program running in a subspace attempted to reference storage that was not accessible to the subspace at the time of error. To correct the error, ensure that the program running in a subspace references only the storage assigned to that subspace, or storage that can be referenced by all subspaces. 11 Page-translation exception. This error is caused by one of the following: v A program that was running disabled attempted to reference storage while that storage was paged out. To correct the error, page-fix the storage before a program running disabled attempts to reference it. v A program attempted to reference storage that had not been obtained. To correct the error, allocate the storage before attempting to reference it. v A program running in a subspace attempted to reference storage that was not accessible to the subspace at the time of error. To correct the error, ensure that the program 38 running in a subspace references only the storage assigned to that subspace, or storage that can be referenced by all subspaces. v SMS abend. The reason code is X'12C'. 2B ASTE-validity exception. This error is caused by one of the following: v During access-register translation, except as in the case of the following bullet, the access-list entry used designates an ASN-second-table entry in which bit 0 is not zero. The access-list entry is the one designated by the access register used. v During access-register translation of ALET 1 by BRANCH IN SUBSPACE GROUP, the subspace-ASTE origin (SSASTEO) in the dispatchable-unit control table designates an ASN-second-table entry in which bit 0 is not zero. v During a subspace-replacement operation, the subspace-ASTE origin (SSASTEO) in the dispatchable-unit control table designates an ASN-second-table entry in which bit 0 is not zero. ASCE Type exception. This error is caused by one of the following: v A program attempted to reference storage that had not been obtained. To correct the error, allocate the storage before attempting to reference it. v A program running in 64-bit addressing mode used a 31-bit pointer that had the high order bit on. Note: Programs running in 31-bit mode using 4-byte pointers often use the high order bit of a 4-byte pointer to indicate 31-bit addressing mode, versus 24-bit mode. Also, certain instructions will set the high order bit on in registers to indicate addressing mode. v A program running in 64-bit addressing mode loaded a 31-bit pointer into a 64-bit register and did not clear the high half of the register. To correct the error, ensure that the program running in 64-bit
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


addressing mode clears the 33 high-order bits of any register when loading a 31-bit pointer into that register. v A program that was running disabled attempted to access storage that was not obtained as DREF. 39 Region-First exception. This error is caused by one of the following: v A program attempted to reference storage that had not been obtained. To correct the error, allocate the storage before attempting to reference it. v A program running in 64-bit addressing mode used a 31-bit pointer that had the high order bit on. Note: Programs running in 31-bit mode using 4-byte pointers often use the high order bit of a 4-byte pointer to indicate 31-bit addressing mode, versus 24-bit mode. Also, certain instructions will set the high order bit on in registers to indicate addressing mode. v A program running in 64-bit addressing mode loaded a 31-bit pointer into a 64-bit register and did not clear the high half of the register. To correct the error, ensure that the program running in 64-bit addressing mode clears the 33 high-order bits of any register when loading a 31-bit pointer into that register. v A program that was running disabled attempted to access storage that was not obtained as DREF. 3A Region-Second exception. This error is caused by one of the following: v A program attempted to reference storage that had not been obtained. To correct the error, allocate the storage before attempting to reference it. v A program running in 64-bit addressing mode used a 31-bit pointer that had the high order bit on. Note: Programs running in 31-bit mode using 4-byte pointers often use the high order bit of a 4-byte pointer to indicate 31-bit addressing mode, versus 24-bit mode. Also, certain instructions will set the high order bit on in registers to indicate addressing mode. v A program running in 64-bit addressing mode loaded a 31-bit pointer into a 64-bit register and did not clear the high half of the register. To correct the error, ensure that the program running in 64-bit addressing mode clears the 33 high-order bits of any register when loading a 31-bit pointer into that register. v A program that was running disabled attempted to access storage that was not obtained as DREF. 3B Region-Third exception. This error is caused by one of the following: v A program attempted to reference storage that had not been obtained. To correct the error, allocate the storage before attempting to reference it. v A program running in 64-bit addressing mode used a 31-bit pointer that had the high order bit on. Note: Programs running in 31-bit mode using 4-byte pointers often use the high order bit of a 4-byte pointer to indicate 31-bit addressing mode, versus 24-bit mode. Also, certain instructions will set the high order bit on in registers to indicate addressing mode. v A program running in 64-bit addressing mode loaded a 31-bit pointer into a 64-bit register and did not clear the high half of the register. To correct the error, ensure that the program running in 64-bit addressing mode clears the 33 high-order bits of any register when loading a 31-bit pointer into that register. v A program that was running disabled attempted to access storage that was not obtained as DREF.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

0D2 0D5
0C5 0C6 0C7 Addressing exception. The reason code is 5. Specification exception. The reason code is 6. Data exception. The reason code is whatever the data exception code is in field SDWADXC in the SDWA (systems diagnostic work area). Fixed-point-overflow exception. The reason code is 8. Fixed-point-divide exception. The reason code is 9. Decimal-overflow exception. The reason code is A. Decimal-divide exception. The reason code is B. Exponent-overflow exception. The reason code is C. Exponent-underflow exception. The reason code is D. Significance exception. The reason code is E. Floating-point-divide exception. The reason code is F. 0D3 Explanation: A program check occurred; the interruption code is X'13' for a special operation error. See Principles of Operation for more information about special operation errors. System action: The system abnormally ends the task experiencing the program check. Application Programmer Response: Check to see if the program issued a PC in secondary mode. Remove the Set System Mask (SSM) instruction. This instruction is not valid in the system. Source: Supervisor control 0D4 Explanation: A program issued a Program Call (PC), Program Return (PR), Program Transfer (PT), or Set Storage Address Register (SSAR) instruction. During processing of the instruction, an address space number (ASN) translation specification exception occurred. The ASN translation exception is also known as an address space identifier (ASID) translation exception. The program interruption code if X'17'. The address space first table (AFT) or the address space second table (AST) contains incorrect data. System action: The system abends the program that issued the PC, PR, PT, or SSAR instruction. The system writes an SVC dump or a logrec data set error record or both. System programmer response: If a search of the problem reporting data bases does not show a fix for the problem, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide: v The SVC dump and the logrec data set error record, which contains control registers 3, 4, and 14 v The instruction being processed by PC/AUTH when the problem occurred. To determine the instruction, start at the bottom of the system trace table and back up to a *PGM 017 entry. Continue backing up to the first PC, PT, or SSAR entry, which is the instruction that was being processed at the time of the failure. Source: Program Call/authorization (PC/AUTH) 0D5 Explanation: A program issued a Program Call (PC), Program Return (PR), Program Transfer (PT) or Set Storage Address Register (SSAR) instruction for cross memory access. One of the following occurred: v An address space first table index (AFX) translation exception (program interruption code X'20') occurred. The value in the address space first table (AFT) corresponding to the address space identifier (ASID) is not valid. Either no such address space exists or the system had swapped it out.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

0C8 0C9 0CA 0CB 0CC 0CD 0CE 0CF

System action: The system abnormally ends the task, unless a recovery routine was provided to handle the interruption. The hardware action is given in Principles of Operation. System programmer response: Determine whether the problem program or control program was in error. If the problem program contained an error, correct it, and run the job step again. Source: Supervisor control 0D2 Explanation: A program check occurred; the interruption code is X'12' for a translation specification error. The error was caused by incorrect data in control registers 0 or 1 or a segment or page table. The incorrect data is due to: v A hardware error v Damage by a program running in key 0 See Principles of Operation for more information about translation specification errors. System action: The system tries to end the task experiencing the program check. If the task cannot be ended because of the translation problems, the system tries to end the address space. If this fails, the system enters a disabled wait state, for example, wait state X'014'. Application Programmer Response: Correct the error. Rerun the program. Source: Supervisor control


v An address space second table index (ASX) translation exception (program interruption code X'21') occurred. The value in the address space second table (AST) corresponding to the ASID is not valid. Either no such address space exists or the system had swapped it out. v The cross memory access is to a swappable address space, which is a violation of MVS cross memory access protocol. System action: For program interrupt code X'20' or X'21', the system attempts to correct any errors in the AFT. The system abnormally ends the program that issued the PC, PR, PT or SSAR instruction. If the error was cross memory I/O in progress for a swappable address space, the system abnormally ends the program that was waiting for the I/O to complete. The system continues swapping out the address space. If the error was an incorrect cross memory reference to a swappable address space, the system abends that address space. For example, if additional pages are to be fixed in a logically swapped address space, the system ends the logically swapped address space. Check the return code located in register 15 for additional information: Return Code Meaning 04001300 An enabled caller suffered a page fault due to an invalid attempt to reference storage in a logically swapped out address space. 2D001310 A disabled caller suffered a page fault due to an invalid attempt to reference storage in a logically swapped out address space. 05000302 An enabled caller suffered a segment fault due to an invalid attemp to reference storage in a logically swapped out address space. 4F000510 An enabled caller suffered a page fault due to an invalid attempt to reference storage in a data space owned by a logically swapped out address space. 50000511 A disabled caller suffered a page fault due to an invalid attempt to reference storage in a data space owned by a logically swapped out address space. System programmer response: v For a program interrupt code X'20' or X'21': Look for a problem with the PC/AUTH macros that established the cross memory service. Correct any problems. Check the failing program for logic that changes general register 3, 4, or 14. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. v For cross memory access to a swappable address space: Ensure that the address spaces that provide cross memory services are non-swappable. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump. Source: Either: v Real storage manager (RSM) v Program Call/Authorization (PC/AUTH) 0D6 Explanation: A program issued a Program Call (PC) instruction that specified an incorrect PC number. A hexadecimal reason code or interrupt code explains the error: Code 00 Code 22 Explanation The PC number specified in the PC instruction is undefined. Explanation A linkage index (LX) translation exception occurred; the program interruption code is X'22'. An entry table (EX) translation exception occurred; the program interruption code if X'23'. Linkage first index translation exception. Linkage second index translation exception. An LSTE-Sequence Exception interrupt occurred. The linkage-second-table-entry sequence number in bits 0-31 of 64-bit general register 15 for a PROGRAM CALL instruction does not have the required value.


26 27 2E

System action: The system abends the program that issued the PC instruction. The system writes an ABEND dump. System programmer response: Look for a problem with the PC/AUTH macros that established the cross memory service being used by the failing program. For reason code X'00', register 14 points to the next instruction after the PC instruction. Bit 31 of register 14 is the PSW problem state bit at the time the PC instruction was issued. Registers 0, 2, 5-11, and 13 contain the values they had when the PC instruction was issued. If the program that abended is a TCPIP application, see z/OS Communications Server: IP Diagnosis Guide If no problems were found or the problem recurs, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

0D7 0DA
problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND dump. Source: Program Call/authorization (PC/AUTH) 0D7 Explanation: A problem occurred while the system processed a Program Return (PR), Program Transfer (PT) or Set Storage Address Register (SSAR) instruction, as follows. v A program issued the PT instruction, but a primary authority exception occurred. The primary address space is not authorized to issue a PT instruction to the target address space. Either: The authorization index (AX) is greater than the number of elements in the target address spaces authorization table (AT) The P bit is off in the target address spaces AT. The program interruption code is X'24'. v A program issued the SSAR instruction, but a secondary authority exception occurred. The primary address space is not authorized to issue an SSAR instruction to the target address space. Either: The AX is greater than the number of elements in the target address spaces AT. The S bit is off in the target address spaces AT. The program interruption code is X'25'. v A program issued the PR instruction, but a secondary authority exception occurred. The primary address space is not authorized to issue an PR instruction to the target address space. Either: The AX is greater than the number of elements in the target address spaces AT. The S bit is off in the target address spaces AT. The program interruption code is X'25'. System action: The system abended the program that issued the PR, PT or the SSAR instruction. System programmer response: This error might be normal and can occur if an address space involved in the cross memory environment has ended. If the address space is still active, look for a problem with the PC/AUTH macros that established the cross memory service being used by the failing program. If no problems were found or if the problem recurs, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, and the abend is not expected (e.g. the unit of work owning the cross memory resources was not ended), contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Program Call/authorization (PC/AUTH) 0D8 Explanation: A space switch exception occurred. A program issued a Program Call (PC), Program Return (PR), or Program Transfer (PT) instruction, but the cross memory resource ownership task in the target address space has ended. The target address space is not the home address space of the program that issued the PC or PT instruction. The program interruption code if X'1C'. System action: The system abends the program that issued the PC, PR, or PT instruction. System programmer response: Look for a problem with the PC/AUTH macros that established the cross memory service being used by the failing program. Correct any problems in the program and resubmit it. If no problems were found or if the problem recurs, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Program Call/authorization (PC/AUTH) 0D9 Explanation: One of the following system errors occurred: v A program check occurred because of a hardware problem. v A program running storage key zero caused data damage. System action: The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Rerun the job. Source: Program Call/authorization (PC/AUTH) 0DA Explanation: A program issued a Program Call (PC) instruction and a PC translation specification exception occurred. The program interruption code is X'1F'. Either the linkage table (LT) or the entry tables (ET) contain incorrect data. This can be either an application program or system program error. System action: The system abended the program that issued the PC instruction. The system may write an SVC dump for this abend. Operator response: If requested by the system programmer, set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. Specify the address space for the failing program as the first address space identifier (ASID) in the ASIDLIST parameter as follows: SLIP SET,ID=C0DA,COMP0DA,ACTION=SVCD,ASIDLIST= (02),END System programmer response: Do the following:
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


1. Check the addressing mode of the PC routine. If it is 24-bit, ensure that there is no extraneous data in bits 1-7 of the address. 2. Obtain the SVC dump, if one was written. If no dump was produced, but the problem can be recreated, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain the dump. 3. In the SVC dump, determine the PC number of the PC instruction processing at the time of the failure by doing the following: a. Starting at the bottom of the system trace table, back up to to a *PGM 01F entry. b. Continue backing up to the first PC entry. This is the PC entry for the instruction that was being processed. The PC number is in the UNIQUE-1 column. 4. If the failing PC instruction was for an ETCRE or ETCON macro in an installation-provided program, obtain the following data to fix the problem: v The input to the ETCRE macro v The parameters on the ETDEF macro, if used. 5. If the failing PC instruction is in an IBM module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the component group for the module. Provide the SVC dump. Source: Program Call/authorization (PC/AUTH) 0DB Explanation: A program check was detected. An interruption code of X15, an operand exception, has occurred. System action: The task ends. Application Programmer Response: This is a system error. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL, the program listing for the job, and all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Obtain the ABEND dump for the failing job step. If the JCL for the step did not contain a DD statement for an ABEND dump, add one of the following and run the job step again. Use a SYSMDUMP DD statement if you plan to analyze and format the dump with the interactive problem control system (IPCS). SYSABEND DD statement SYSMDUMP DD statement SYSUDUMP DD statement Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM) 10 0C 0DC Explanation: The recovery termination manager (RTM) encountered an unrecoverable error while processing a functional recovery routine (FRR) stack. RTM issues this abend when: v It detects a problem while processing another abend. v It detects that critical fields in important control blocks for the address space or system are overlaid. These control blocks include the: Address space control block (ASCB) Extended status block (XSB) Request block (RB) Task control block (TCB) RTM ends the address space. This abend code is found in the ASCBMCC field in the ASCB for the ended address space and in message IEF402I. A hexadecimal reason code in field ASCBARC of the ASCB and in message IEF402I explains the error: Code 04 Explanation RTM recovery received control after RTM FRR processing encountered an unrecoverable error and abnormally ended the address space. RTM FRR processing that is not covered by an FRR encountered an unrecoverable error. RTMs default recovery received control and abnormally ended the address space. During second level interrupt handler (SLIH) processing, RTM detected an incorrect value in the TCBTCBID field of the current TCB. RTMs recovery received control and abnormally ended the address space. During SLIH processing, RTM found 0 in the TCBRBP field. RTMs recovery received control and abnormally ended the address space. During SLIH processing, RTM detected an invalid value for the current FRR pointer in PSASTAK (FRRSCURR). Due to this damage, RTM can not determine which FRRs are available to the current unit of work. A LOGREC record is written that shows the damaged and corrected versions of PSASTAK, and the current Address Space is abnormally ended.



System action: The system abnormally ends the address space, places the abend code and reason code into the ASCB for the ended address space, and issues message IEF402I. System programmer response: Do the following: 1. Obtain the reason code from message IEF402I or from field ASCBARC of the ASCB. 2. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

0E0 0E1
Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM) 0E0 Explanation: A program check occurred. The hexadecimal interruption code is as follows: Code 1D 1E 28 29 2A 2B Explanation A square root exception occurred. An unnormalized operand exception occurred. Reserved bit positions in an access list entry token (ALET) were nonzero. An ALET specified an access list entry (ALE) that is not valid. An ALET specified a previously deleted ALE. Either an ALE specified a data space that is not valid or there is an ASTE validity check for an address space on an access list. An ALE refers to a sequence number in the address space second table entry (ASTE). The sequence number is not equal to the number in the ALE. A private ALE is specified, but the current extended authorization index (EAX) is not authorized to the target address space. An ASTE-Instance Exception interrupt occurred. An ASTE instance number associated with a PROGRAM TRANSFER WITH INSTANCE instruction, a PROGRAM RETURN instruction, or a SET SECONDARY ASN WITH INSTANCE instruction, does not have the required value. A stacking instruction was issued when the linkage stack was full. An unstacking instruction such as PR or EREG was issued when the linkage stack was empty. A linkage stack specification interrupt occurred. The hardware or an unstacking operation found a linkage stack entry (LSE) type that is not valid. A Program Return (PR) instruction was issued against a linkage stack entry that has the unstack suppression bit set. The system sets this bit in a linkage stack entry to prevent SVC routines from unstacking entries they did not add to the stack. An unexpected interrupt code. A possible cause of this is that the level of MVS is not the correct one for the hardware. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=0E0,ACTION=SVCD,END Application Programmer Response: Do one of the following: v For reason code X'30', determine if your program has improperly added entries to the linkage stack. For example, unintentionally executing a BAKR many times can fill the linkage stack. If your program is not improperly adding entries to the linkage stack, then use an LSEXPAND macro to increase the size of the linkage stack. v For reason code X'32' or X'33', see Principles of Operation. v For other reason codes, determine if the problem program or the system was in error. If the problem program contained an error, correct it, and run the job step again. System programmer response: Do the following: 1. If a logrec data set error record was not written for the program check, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. 2. Look at the program status word (PSW) at the time of error. Use the address in the PSW to identify the module that experienced the X'0E0' program check. v For an installation-provided module, continue diagnosis with the module. v For an IBM module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the component group associated with this module at the IBM Support Center. Provide, if available, the SVC dump and the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control 0E1 Explanation: An error was encountered while processing the first EXCP against a virtual I/O (VIO) data set. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code: Code 2xx Explanation RSM was unable to assign null the virtual track buffer or the DSPCT map. Where xx is: xx 04 Explanation An assign (move-in) error occurred. The page identified by the VCBVSA field is not available. A write (move-out) error occurred. The page identified by the VCBVSA field is fixed in real storage and cannot be written to the data set in auxiliary storage.




30 31 32 33




System action: The system abnormally ends the task experiencing the program check, unless the task provides recovery to handle the interruption. The system may write a logrec data set error record.

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


0E2 0E3
0C 10 The request was incorrect; it was not an assign or a write request. The page identified by the VCBVSA field is not written to the data set because it was not brought into real storage by the prior read request or because data in the page has not been modified. The page identified by the VCBVSA field belongs to an LPID other than the LPID in the VCBLPID field. The virtual storage address in the VCBVSA field was incorrect. A GETMAIN macro was not issued for the page identified by the VCBVSA field. An assign error occurred. The page identified by the VCBVSA field was read previously but was not disconnected by a move-out or move-out-null request before the current read (assign) operation. 2xx RSM was unable to assign null the virtual track buffer or the DSPCT map. Refer to code 0E1 for an explanation of xx.

System action: The input parm list (IDAVOP1), DSPCT header (IDAVBPH) and SWA are dumped to the SYS1.DUMP data set. Application Programmer Response: System error. Rerun the job. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SYSOUT output for the job and the logrec data set error record. Source: DFSMSdfp 0E3 Explanation: The error occurred while processing a VIO data set. Register 15 contains one of the following hexadecimal reason codes: Code 004 Explanation An incorrect RBA was passed to VBP. Probable causes of error code are (1) DEB with extent descriptions that do not fall within the allocated extents as described in the virtual data set control block (VDSCB) (2) EXCP was issued to read the format 1 DSCB on the volume. RSM was unable to assign or move out pages in the virtual track buffer. Refer to code 0E1 for an explanation of xx.





The auxiliary storage manager (ASM) was unable to ASSIGN a logical group for this VIO data set. Where xx is: xx 1C Explanation One of the following occurred: v ASM could not obtain storage to process the request. v ASM could not assign a logical group because the requested maximum relative page number was too large.


System action: The input parm list (IDAVOP1), the DSPCT header (IDAVBPH) and SWA are dumped to the SYS1.DUMP data set. Application Programmer Response: System error. Rerun the job. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SYSOUT output for the job and the logrec data set error record. Source: DFSMSdfp 0E2 Explanation: The error was detected while processing the first EXCP for the VIO data set after a restart. Register 15 contains one of the following hexadecimal reason codes: Code Explanation
z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

System action: The following are dumped to the SYS1.DUMP data set: v Input parameter list (IDABUFC) v DSPCT header (IDAVBPH) v SWA v LSQA v The region (in some cases) Application Programmer Response: System error. Rerun the job. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SYSOUT output for the job and the logrec data set error record. Source: DFSMSdfp


0E4 0E7
0E4 Explanation: The error occurred while trying to scratch a VIO data set. Register 15 contains one of the following hexadecimal reason codes: Code 3xx Explanation ASM could not RELEASE the logical group for this data set. Where xx is: xx 04 1C 20 Explanation Incorrect LGN. Unable to obtain storage to process request. Incorrect operation code is supplied in the auxiliary storage manager control area (ACA). Incorrect identifier type when an LGN was given, but S type symbol is required. SYSOUT output for the job and the logrec data set error record. Source: DFSMSdfp 0E6 Explanation: Unable to process against a VIO data set that has already been scratched. System action: The VDSCB (IDDVDSCB) is dumped to the SYS1.DUMP data set. Application Programmer Response: Do not access a scratched data set. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SYSOUT output for the job and the logrec data set error record. Source: DFSMSdfp 0E7 Explanation: The error occurred while journaling the DSPCT header (IDAVBPH) at step end or at checkpoint. Register 15 contains one of the following hexadecimal reason codes: Code 2xx Explanation RSM was unable to ASSIGN or MOVE OUT pages in the virtual track buffer. Refer to code 0E1 for explanation of xx. ASM was unable to SAVE the logical group for this data set. Where xx is: xx 0E5 Explanation: Unable to disconnect the virtual track buffer from the VIO data set. Register 15 contains one of the following hexadecimal reason codes: Code 2xx Explanation RSM was unable to MOVE OUT pages in the virtual track buffer. Refer to code 0E1 for an explanation of xx. 04 14 1C 20 Explanation Incorrect LGN. Unrecoverable error occurred while writing to VIO journaling data set. Unable to obtain storage to process request. Incorrect operation code is supplied in the auxiliary storage manager control area (ACA). Indeterminate error has occurred.


System action: The DSPCT header is dumped to the SYS1.DUMPxx data set. Application Programmer Response: System error. Rerun the job. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SYSOUT output for the job and the logrec data set error record. Source: DFSMSdfp



System action: The DSPCT header and SWA are dumped to the SYS1.DUMP data set. Application Programmer Response: System error. Rerun the job. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the

System action: The DSPCT header (IDAVBPH) and SWA are dumped on the SYS1.DUMP data set. Application Programmer Response: System error. Rerun the job. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


0E8 0F2
SYSOUT output for the job and the logrec data set error record. Source: DFSMSdfp 02 0E8 Explanation: The error occurred while processing the VIO data sets for the job after an abnormal system or job step task failure. Register 15 contains one of the following hexadecimal reason codes: Code 3xx Explanation ASM was unable to release the logical group for this data set. See code 0E4 for an explanation of xx. 04 05 06 07 Code 01 Explanation IATUX58 exit returned an incorrect return code in register 2. System authorization facility (SAF) returned an incorrect return code in register 2. Register 3 contains the security product return code, and register 4 contains the security product reason code. IATUX59 exit returned an incorrect return code in register 2. IATGRSC module issued this return code to cause entry into the callers recovery routine. The system rejected a security request for authorization to create a SYSIN data set. The system rejected a security request for authorization to create a SYSOUT data set. A multi-line write to operator text extraction service, IEAVM703, returned a non-zero return code in register 2. Register 3 contains the reason code. The JES3 security subtask received incorrect input. Unexpected return code from a SAF call in module IATISEN.


System action: The input parm list (RMPL) and the ASCB are dumped to the SYS1.DUMP data set. Application Programmer Response: System error. Rerun the job. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SYSOUT output for the job and the logrec data set error record. Source: DFSMSdfp 0F0 Explanation: When the system tried to process a machine check interruption, an error occurred when the function recovery routine (FRR) stack was active. System action: The system issues error messages. The system writes an SVC dump. The system abnormally ends the task that was running when the machine check interruption occurred. Application Programmer Response: Run the job again. Source: Machine check handler (MCH) 0F1 Explanation: While processing a security request, JES3 received an unexpected return code. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that indicates the type of error. For reason codes X'01, 02, 03, 04, or 07': v Register 5 contains the offset in module IATGRSC where the error was detected. v Register 6 contains the logical IATXSEC index, which indicates the type of processing in progress when the security request was made. v Register 8 contains the address of the security check parameter list.

08 09

System action: The security request processing is ended. Operator response: Request a dump of the address space, save all associated print output, and notify the system programmer. Application Programmer Response: Depending on the reason code, do the following: v For reason code X'01', code a valid return code in installation exit IATUX58. v For reason code X'03', code a valid return code in installation exit IATUX59. v For reason codes X'02, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08', search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: JES3 0F2 Explanation: An error occurred when the system was processing an I/O interrupt. An I/O recovery routine failed. System action: The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Rerun the job. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS)


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

0F3 0F7
0F3 Explanation: A hard machine check interruption occurred. System action: The system abnormally ends the task that was running when the machine check interruption occurred. Application Programmer Response: If the data on external storage devices is still valid, run the job step again. If the data is not valid, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Machine check handler (MCH) 0F4 Explanation: An error was detected by some system components. The ABEND reason code (in register 15) is the service return code. The service reason code is in register 0 and its first byte can be used to aid in identifying the reporting component:. v X04 - IGWSPZAP v X71 - CICS VR Logger v X77 - CICS VR Logger v X83 - Program Management Binder v In most other cases, DFSMSdfp is the source System action: Most commonly, recovery routines retry to allow the failing module to return to its caller. If DFSMS or CICS VR Logger issued the abend, an SVC dump will usually have been taken. A failure in the binder will ordinarily produce an extensive snap dump if an IEWDUMP DD has been allocated. Failure information for IGWSPZAP can be captured through one of the following: v SYSUDUMP v SYSABEND v SYSMDUMP Application Programmer Response: System error. Rerun the job providing any diagnostic DD indicated above under System Action. System programmer response: See the problem determination information for this abend. In some cases a SLIP trap on 0F4 may catch a situation from which the system will be able to recover completely. The SLIP 0F4 should be ignored in these cases if there are no other symptoms of a problem. Problem determination: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look for a logrec record related to this abend. In the logrec record, look for the abend return and reason codes. See z/OS DFSMSdfp Diagnosis for a description of the return and reason codes. If none found, search problem reporting data 20 04 08 0C bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL, the SYSOUT output for the job, and the logrec data set error record. Source: DFSMSdfp, Binder, SPZAP, VSAM RLS, TVS, or CICS VR Logger Detecting Module: Many modules. 0F6 Explanation: During processing of a SETEVENT macro for the generalized trace facility (GTF), an error occurred. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 00 Explanation The issuer of the SETEVENT macro was not authorized through the authorized program facility (APF), was not in protect key 0-7, or was not in supervisor state. The parameter list passed to SETEVENT was incorrect. An incorrect address for the monitor call queue element (MCQE) was passed to SETEVENT. The MCQE at the address passed to SETEVENT is incorrect for the function requested. The call to SETEVENT: v Attempted to add elements to an existing event directory v Would have resulted in multiple MCQEs. System action: The system writes messages and a dump. System programmer response: If an installation-provided program issued the SETEVENT, ensure that the program is authorized. Correct the error indicated by the reason code. Run the job again. If an IBM-provided program issued the SETEVENT, collect all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SYSOUT output and the dump for the job. Source: Generalized trace facility (GTF) 0F7 Explanation: The system found a serious error condition in the JES2 component specific user environment (HASCxxxx) load modules. The REASON parameter on the ABEND macro specifies a hexadecimal reason code that further explains the error. The system records the hexadecimal reason code associated with this abend in a logrec data set record. Code Explanation
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


00 A subsystem interface (SSI) function was unable to cancel an outstanding ESTAE recovery program, probably because the TRETOKEN field in the TCB recovery element ($TRE) control block was overlaid during that SSI function. Following is the text associated with this reason code: UNABLE TO CANCEL ESTAE. A task attempted to acquire the lock of two distinct subsystem job blocks (SJBs); a task may lock only one SJB at a time. Following is the text associated with this reason code: ATTEMPT MADE TO LOCK TWO SJBS AT ONCE. While attempting to return a common storage area (CSA) cell to the cell pool, $FRECEL routine found one of the following error conditions: v The cell being returned does not have a valid cell control element (CCE) address at offset 0 v The cell being returned has not been allocated. Storage has been overlaid in either the first four bytes of the cell being returned, or in the CCE associated with the cell. Following is the text associated with this reason code: INVALID/UNCLAIMED CELL ADDRESS. 0C During a functional subsystem or functional subsystem application (FSS/FSA) disconnect, a GETMAIN failed to obtain storage from subpool 230 for a parameter list. Following is the text associated with this reason code: DISCONNECT DENIED-- GETMAIN FAILURE. During the Job Termination SSI function, the final input/output table (IOT) could not be written to spool. Following is the text associated with this reason code: UNABLE TO WRITE FINAL IOT CHAIN. While attempting to end processing for a job under the control of an execution batch monitor (joblet), the Job Termination SSI was unable to locate the PDDB for the job journal. (The PDDB is the control block that defines a spool data set.) Therefore, the Job Termination SSI could not nullify the joblet-related spool dataset so that it could be reused for the next joblet. Following is the text associated with this reason code: UNABLE TO FIND JOB JOURNAL PDDB. The common storage $RETURN service determined that there was no previous save area address associated with the current save area. Therefore, the service was unable to return to the proper location. Following is the text associated with this reason code: NO PREVIOUS SAVE AREA FOUND. 1C The JES2 exit effector determined that the exit was invoked from an FSS assembly environment. However, while attempting to load the address of the HFCT control block for the exit, the exit effector found that the address space was not properly initialized. Following is the text associated with this reason code: ASXBJSVT DOES NOT CONTAIN FSVT ADDRESS. While attempting to write the job control table (JCT) to spool, the job termination routine received a nonzero return code, probably because of one of the following: v An I/O error v JCT storage was overlaid. Following is the text associated with this reason code: UNABLE TO WRITE JCT. 24 Without holding a subsystem job block (SJB) lock, the caller attempted to obtain the job communication queues lock ($SVJLOK) that serializes communication between address spaces. Following is the text associated with this reason code: $SVJ LOCK REQUEST FAILED. A TCB attempted to preempt a holder of the SJB lock while producing a dump for an abend that occurred while the SJB lock was held. Following is the text associated with this reason code: UNABLE TO OBTAIN SJB LOCK. Storage could not be obtained for the service request block (SRB) work area. Following is the text associated with this reason code: HASCDSS DATA SPACE SERVICES FAILURE. HASCDSS was entered with a function other than CREATE or DELETE. Following is the text associated with this reason code: HASCDSS DATA SPACE SERVICES FAILURE. The value given for the BLOCKS parameter was either negative or zero. Following is the text associated with this reason code: HASCDSS DATA SPACE SERVICES FAILURE. RMTR EXIT recovery processing was entered. Following is the text associated with this reason code: HASCDSS DATA SPACE SERVICES FAILURE. FRR recovery processing was entered. Following is the text associated with this reason code: HASCDSS DATA SPACE SERVICES FAILURE. The MVS macro DSPSERV failed. Following is















z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

the text associated with this reason code: HASCDSS DATA SPACE SERVICES FAILURE. 44 The MVS macro ALESERV failed. Following is the text associated with this reason code: HASCDSS DATA SPACE SERVICES FAILURE. The address space control block (ASCB) for the address space that will own the data space is not equal to the current ASCB. Following is the text associated with this reason code: HASCDSS DATA SPACE SERVICES FAILURE. Incorrect $DSWA version number. Following is the text associated with this reason code: HASCDSS DATA SPACE SERVICES FAILURE. JES2 SAVE/RETURN services detected an error. Following is the text associated with this reason code: CALLER ADDRESS ARRAY FILLED UP. JES2 SAVE/RETURN services detected an error. Following is the text associated with this reason code: NO ENTRY IN CALLER ADDRESS ARRAY. JES2 SAVE/RETURN services detected an error. Following is the text associated with this reason code: $RETURN - SAVE AREA HAS IMPROPER FORMAT. JES2 SAVE/RETURN services detected an error. Following is the text associated with this reason code: ENTERED $SSIEND WITH AN OUTSTANDING $SAVE. JES2 detected an error while processing a scheduler JCL facility request. Following is the text associated with this reason code: SJF SERVICE REQUEST FAILED. JES2 detected an error while grouping SYSOUT. Following is the text associated with this reason code: INVALID GROUPING STRINGS OBJECT. JES2 detected an error while grouping SYSOUT. Following is the text associated with this reason code: SWBTUREQ RETRIEVE ERROR. JES2 detected an error while grouping SYSOUT. Following is the text associated with this reason code: INVALID STORAGE BLOCK POINTER. JES2 detected an error while grouping SYSOUT. Following is the text associated with this reason code: SJFREQ KEYLIST ERROR. JES2 detected an error while building a generic grouping token. Following is the text associated with this reason code: UNEXPECTED NUMBER OF SWBIT BUFFERS. 78 JES2 SAVE/RETURN services detected an error. Following is the text associated with this reason code: ENTERED $SSIEND WITH AN OUTSTANDING $ESTAE. JES2 detected an error while unlocking a $SJB. Following is the text associated with this reason code: SJB UNLOCK NOT BY LOCK HOLDER. JES2 detected an error while freeing storage buffers. Following is the text associated with this reason code: NOT ALL PROTECTED BUFFERS $FREEBUFED. The $GETHP service detected an error while freeing a task control block recovery element ($TRE). Following is the text associated with this reason code: $GETHP ERROR ATTEMPTED TO FREE THE TRE. The FRETRE service detected a loop in the cell pool chain. The GETTRE service detected an error in the $TRE cell pool chain. Following is the text associated with this reason code: GETTRE ERROR. The system encountered a failure while serializing a JES2 trace table entry. Following is the text associated with this reason code: $TRACER Trace Table ENQ Error A routine in CSECT HASCRQUE detected an erroneous input parameter. An incorrect resource number was passed to the $$POST macro. JES2 detected inconsistent temporary protected buffer pointers. JES2 requested an ENQ for the SVJ lock but received an unexpected return code. The return code from ENQ is in register 2. JES2 detected a problem in an SJB. The SJB is not on the expected queue. The SJB address is in register 10. JES2 detected a problem in an SJB. The SJBQUEUE field is not valid. The SJB address is in register 10. JES2 detected a problem in an SJB. The SJB is not on the queue indicated in SJBQUEUE. The SJB address is in register 10. JES2 detected a problem in an SJB. The SJB is not on the queue indicated in SJBQUEUE. The SJB address is in register 10. Following an unrecoverable I/O error, JES2 detected that channel-end processing
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes







88 8C





98 9C A0 A4













requested, incorrectly, to re-drive the I/O. The text associated with the reason code is: INTERNAL ERROR IN CHANNEL END PROCESSING BC JES2 detected a problem during a rebuild of the SJB queues. Either the $HAVT is bad, or the SVJ lock was not held at entry to the rebuild routine. The caller of SJBRQ attempted to move the SJB to a different job communication queue, but did not hold the SVJ lock. An invalid SAPID pointer was passed in the SSS2 (SAPI, IAZSSS2) SSOB extension. The fields that should be zeroes in the SSS2 (SAPI, IAZSSS2) SSOB extension were not zeros. An SJF Request error occurred on an GETDS/SAPI request. The MVS Cell Pool Service returns a non-zero return code when JES2 calls the MVS service to process $CPOOL ACTION=GET request. Following is the text associated with the reason code: $CPOOL ACTION=GET FAILED TO ALLOCATE THE CELL. The MVS Cell Pool Service returns a non-zero return code when JES2 calls the MVS service to process $CPOOL ACTION=FREE request. Following is the text associated with the reason code: $CPOOL ACTION=FREE FAILED TO FREE THE CELL. When processing a PSO SSI request, JES2 discovered that the $PSO control block is in error. Following is the text associated with the reason code: $PSO NOT VALID. An inconsistency was detected between the input parameter list (XMPLIST) supplied to $XMPOST, and the parameters specified to $XMPOST. Following is the text associated with the reason code: $XMPOST PARAMETER LIST NOT VALID. An error was encountered removing a element using $FIFODEQ which specified ABENDERR=YES. The requested element was not found on the chain. Following is the text associated with this reason code: FIFODEQ ElEMENT NOT ON QUEUE. JES2 end of memory processing was unable to access an SJB that is associated with the terminating address space. A VSMLOC for the SJB storage failed. Following is the text associated with this reason code: SJB MEMORY NOT AVAILABLE. $SUBIT request was made from an address space that does not support $SUBIT requests (not a NETSERV address space). Following is
z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

the text associated with this reason code: SUBIT, NOT A NJE SERVER ADDRESS SPACE. F0 A request buffer queued by JES2 to a NETSERV address space does not have a valid request type (TBFTYPE or NRQEYE is not valid). Following is the text associated with this reason code: UNRECOGNIZED TBUF DATA. A JES2 owned subtask in the NETSERV address space has terminated in such a way that the NETSERV address space must come down. The $GETTBUF or $FRETBUF service was called from outside a NETSERV or the JES2 address space. Following is the text associated with this reason code: $FRETBUF CALLED FROM INCORRECT ADDRSPC or $GETTBUF CALLED FROM INCORRECT ADDRSPC. The $GETABLE service has located a table pair in which the JES2 table pointer points to a USER table, or the USER table pointer points to a HASP table, or a dynamic table pointer does not point to a dynamic table. The probable cause is either a mismatch of levels of the $MCT macro, or a failure to use the $PAIR macro to define a table pair. Following is the text associated with this reason code: $GETABLE - INVALID TABLE ENTRY. The NETSERV early init routine (in HASCNJEX) has been entered more than once. Following is the text associated with this reason code: MULTIPLE ROUTINE CALLS. The length of the message passed to the $NOTIFY service exceeds the maximum length allowed (132 bytes). Following is the text associated with this reason code: INCORRECT NOTIFY MESSAGE LENGTH. Storage key of the ECB encountered by the $ECBEXIT service is 8 or greater. This implies either a bad ECB pointer was passed to $XECBSRV or an unauthorized user is attempting to use a service illegally. Following is the text associated with this reason code: $ECBEXIT - UNAUTHORIZED ECB DETECTED. JES2 (CJOBVFY service) detected an error in the parameter list passed to the Security Authorization Facility (SAF) to validate the job. Following is the text associated with this reason code: JOBVALM PARM LIST ERROR. JES2 (CJOBVFY service) is validating a job that is to execute locally, however the SAF token returned by JOBVALM is a submitter token. The job being processed will be purged.



C4 C8
















Following is the text associated with this reason code: JOBVALM TOKEN TYPE ERROR. 114 NJE JOB header passed to CJOBVFY is in error. Following is the text associated with this reason code: CJOBVFY NJE HEADER ERROR. NJE JOB header corruption detected when trying to locate the SPOOL offload section. Following is the text associated with this reason code: NJE JOB HEADER/TRAILER CORRUPTED. ENQ error encountered while attempting to serialize SPOOL space allocation (TRKCELL routine, TRACK GROUP ALLOCATION ENQ minor name). Following is the text associated with this reason code: TBLOB ENQ ERROR. ENQ error encountered while attempting to serialize CPOOL build processing (CPBUILD routine, cell_pool_type CPOOL EXPAND minor name). Following is the text associated with this reason code: $CPOOL BUILD ENQ FAILED or $CPOOL EXPAND ENQ FAILED. JES2 CPOOL GET service detected an update to a free cell. This update occurred after the cell had been freed. Following is the text associated with this reason code: STORAGE DEBUG CHECK FAILED. JES2 CPOOL FREE service detected an alteration to a guard byte past the end of a cell. The user of the cell updated storage beyond the end of the cell. Following is the text associated with this reason code: INVALID STORAGE REFERENCE. $NSSTLOK service was called requesting shared access to a JES2 NSST lock by a subtask not known to JES2. Following is the text associated with this reason code: INCORRECT $NSSTLOK ENVIRONMENT. A return code of X'18' was returned to JES2 when attempting to perform an ENQ with the minor name of WAITING FOR SPOOL SPACE. The text is TBLOBE ENQ ERROR. An error occurred when a JESXCF service to retrieve messages was invoked. The text associated with this reason code is FAILURE FROM AN JESXCF SERVICE. A recursive call has been detected in module HASCSISC. 20 Application Programmer Response: Take one of the following actions, depending on the reason code associated with this abend. If the application programmer response is not specified here, then search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Code 00 Response Determine whether the task control block recovery element ($TRE) control block was properly addressed, and whether that control block has been overlaid. Ensure that you release the lock for one SJB before you attempt to acquire the lock of another SJB. Verify that offset 0 of the cell points to a valid CCE, and shows that the cell is allocated. Determine why subpool 230 has been depleted. Correct the error. Determine why $CBIO failed while attempting to write the IOT chain. Refer to z/OS JES2 Macros for information about the return codes for $CBIO. Determine why the PDDB cannot be located. Correct the error. Note that an SSI ESTAE recovery program is not active for this abend because the call to end the job originates from the HASCHAM assembly module. Determine whether the save area has been overlaid; if not, determine whether the caller intended to issue a $RETSAVE macro instead and correct any errors found in the $RETSAVE macro. Ensure that the following conditions are met: v The assembly module that issued the $EXIT call is assembled with the correct ENVIRON parameter on the $MODULE statement. v The FSS address space is fully initialized before the $EXIT call is attempted. Determine why $CBIO failed while attempting to write the IOT chain. Refer to z/OS JES2 Macros for information about the return codes for $CBIO. Ensure that the caller holds an SJB lock before attempting to obtain the $SVJLOK. Determine the caller of the $SJBLOCK routine. Notify your programming support personnel. Ensure that table pairs have been defined correctly. Ensure that all modules referencing table pair definitions have been assembled with the same level of the $MCT macro. Ensure that the message passed to the $NOTIFY service is not longer than 132 characters.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes




08 0C 10










24 28 FC


System action: If an SSI function took the $ERROR, the system produces a dump (unless the dump is suppressed by dump analysis elimination (DAE)), and the SSI functions caller receives a disastrous error indication upon return. Otherwise, the system abnormally ends the program.



0F8 0F9
124 Determine if the data area being updated was previously owned by JES2 or by a user exit. Since the data area itself had been zeroed, it may require a search of the System Trace to determine who last owned the data area. Attempt to determine where the update access was made and if in IBM code, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. The data area being freed is the most likely cause of the error. Ensure that the modules referencing the data areas have all been assembled with the correct level of macros (including HASCPOOL). If the data area was owned and managed by IBM code, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 2. Identify the address space where the abend occurred by doing one of the following: v In the logrec data set error record, find the address space identifier (ASID) of the address space. v In the system trace, get the ASID from the SVCE D entry for abend X'0F8'. 3. Use the program status word (PSW) address at the time of error to identify the module that abended. v For an installation-provided module, continue diagnosis with the module. v For an IBM module, continue diagnosis as follows: For reason code X'08', go to step 4. For any other reason code, go to step 5. 4. For reason code X'08', determine which lock was held by the issuer of the SVC. If you have not already obtained an SVC dump, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. In the system trace, look at the SVCE D entry for completion code X'0F8'. The PSACLHS column contains the current lock held string at the time of the error. Use the PSACLHS field in the prefix save area (PSA) to determine which lock was held at the time of error. 5. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. For reason code X'08', include in the search argument the name of the lock held, as determined in step 4. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide, if available, the SVC dump and the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control 0F9 Explanation: An error occurred when the system attempted to acquire or release a supervisor request block (SVRB) in order to process a Supervisor Call (SVC) instruction. This is probably an error in a program, but not necessarily in the program that abnormally ended. A hexadecimal return code in register 15 explains the error: Code 00 Explanation The local system queue area (LSQA) has been exhausted, so that the SVRB space is not available to honor an SVC instruction in the address space. This problem may be caused by a loop in the program issuing the SVC. An SVRB is being freed, but the system cannot identify it as belonging to the SVRB pool. A type 2, 3, or 4 SVC routine exited, but the data in its SVRB in field RBSID was not valid.


Source: JES2 0F8 Explanation: The issuer of a Supervisor Call (SVC) instruction was not in the correct mode to issue the SVC. A hexadecimal reason code in the RTM2CRC field of the RTM2WA data area explains the error: Code 04 08 0C 10 14 Explanation The issuer was in a mode other than task control block (TCB) mode. The issuer held a lock. The issuer was disabled. The issuer was in cross memory mode. The issuer had established an enabled, unlocked task (EUT) mode functional recovery routine (FRR) by specifying EUT=YES on a SETFRR macro. The issuer was in access register (AR) address space control mode. This error applies to only those SVCs that cannot be issued in AR address space control mode. The issuer is not authorized to use the SVC microcode assist instruction.



System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the SVC. The system may write a logrec data set error record. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,ENABLE,COMP=0F8,END System programmer response: Do the following: 1. If a logrec data set error record is not written with the abend, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump.

04 08

System action: The system writes a logrec data set error record. The system abnormally ends the program that was running.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

For reason code X'08', the system writes a logrec data set error record. One of the data items recorded in the VRA is the number of the returning SVC. The system does not abnormally terminate the program that was running. System programmer response: Do the following: 1. For reason code X'00', examine the REGION parameter on the JCL JOB or EXEC statement for the job. If the REGION parameter allocates too much private storage, this may be causing a shortage of available storage for the LSQA. Reduce the value of the REGION parameter. 2. For reason code X'04', search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the supervisor control component group at the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set error record. 3. If the REGION parameter for the job is determined to be reasonable, a complete SVC dump will be needed to diagnose the cause of the abend X'0F9' reason code X'00.'. Since a SLIP on an abend X'0F9' with A=SVCD will not produce a complete SVC dump, and since an abend X'0F9' is nearly always preceded by either an abend X'878' or X'80A', the following two SLIPs should be set to obtain a useful SVC dump. SLIP SET,C=878,A=SVCD,J=failingjob,END SLIP SET,C=80A,A=SVCD,J=failingjob,END 4. For reason code X'08', the SVC routine must be updated to not modify the SCB in the SVRB. Report the problem to the owner of the SVC routine. Source: Supervisor control 0FB Explanation: A translation exception has occurred. The system detected an incorrect value in control register 0. System action: The system abnormally ends the program experiencing the error. The system may write a logrec data set error record. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=0FB,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump and, if available, the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control 0FC Explanation: A program referenced data in an address space other than its home address space. That address space has either: v Incorrect data in its dynamic address translation (DAT) tables v An incorrect segment table origin (STO) address This error is probably in the system. System action: The system abnormally ends the program and ends the address space. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM) 0FD Explanation: The Type 6 SVC routine issued the T6EXIT macro to schedule a cross memory service request block (SRB), but the SRBASCB address is not the same as the current memory address. This is a probably an error in the SVC routine. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the T6EXIT macro. The system may write a logrec data set error record. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=0FD,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Do the following: 1. Ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. 2. In the system trace, back up to the *RCVY entry for abend X'0FD'. Look for an SVC entry, other than SVC D, prior to the *RCVY entry for this abend. In the entry, note the address in the PSW ADDR column. 3. Use the address in the PSW to identify the module that issued the T6EXIT macro. v For an installation-provided module, continue diagnosis with the module. v For an IBM module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the component group associated with this module at the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump and, if available, the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


0FE 104
0FE Explanation: An error was detected while RMF was sampling data about the state of the system. System action: All RMF measurement collection is terminated. Reinstatement of RMF can be attempted, and, if successful, RMF continues under the control of the original options. If reinstatement fails, RMF is terminated. The system writes an ABEND dump for the failing job step. System programmer response: Obtain the ABEND dump for the failing job step. If the JCL for the step did not contain a DD statement for an ABEND dump, add one of the following statements and run the job step again: SYSABEND DD statement SYSMDUMP DD statement SYSUDUMP DD statement Use a SYSMDUMP DD statement if you plan to analyze and format the dump with the interactive problem control system (IPCS). Obtain the logrec data set error record. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, report the problem to the IBM Support Center. Source: Resource Measurement Facility (RMF) 0FF Explanation: The system encountered an error while processing a DATOFF Move Long (MVCL) instruction. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code 04 Explanation Index given to DATOFF was out of range. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing for the job. Source: Task management 102 Explanation: During processing of a POST macro, the system found an incorrect address for an event control block (ECB). Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 00 04 08 10 Explanation Incorrect ECB and the linkage from the caller is through an SVC instruction (LINKAGE=SVC). Incorrect ECB for a cross memory POST (XMPOST) macro. The problem program passed an incorrect ECB address. An ECB address of 0 was specified.

System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the POST macro. Application Programmer Response: Ensure that the specified ECB address is a valid virtual storage address and that the address was not incorrectly modified. Also, ensure that the program issuing the POST macro has a storage protection key that allows it to update the ECB. Correct the error. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing for the job. Source: Task management 104 Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an EU, LU, or VU form of the GETMAIN macro. The GETMAIN requested virtual storage that requires more central storage than is available. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 04 Explanation There is not enough central storage available to back a request for space in a system queue area (SQA) subpool. There is not enough central storage available

System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the instruction. Source: Supervisor control 101 Explanation: During processing of a WAIT macro, the system found that the problem program specified more events than there were event control blocks (ECB). System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the WAIT macro. Application Programmer Response: Change the events specified to less than or equal to the number of ECBs. If the specification was correct, ensure that it was not incorrectly modified. Correct the error. Run the job again.



z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

to back a request for space in a fixed common service area (CSA) subpool. 0C There is not enough central storage available to back a request for space in a local system queue area (LSQA) subpool. The system could not satisfy a request for an LSQA subpool. The page table for the segment describing the area to be obtained was paged out. The system could not satisfy a request for an authorized private area subpool. The page table for the segment describing the area to be obtained was paged out. 18 0D 0E Unable to fix storage.

The control program found an incorrect record type in the load module. The control program found an incorrect address in the load module. Code 20 Explanation Error converting TTR. One of the following occurred: v A job opened a data set with DISP=SHR, and another job updates the data set causing the extents in the data set to increase. v An error occurred in an application program, for example, while retrieving a directory entry using build link-list (BLDL) from one DCB and passing that entry and a different DCB to the LOAD or LINK macro. 24 28 2C Block is outside of the module. The address constant location is incorrect. LOAD from a VIO data set was requested while using ADDR64 or ADRNAPF64 and specifying a target area above the 2GB bar. That is not supported.



System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Ensure that the calling program is not requesting too much central storage. If the system issues this abend frequently, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: See installation procedures to increase the central storage requirements. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) 106 Explanation: An error occurred during processing of a LINK(X), LOAD, ATTACH(X), or XCTL(X) macro. An error was detected by the control program when it attempted to fetch the requested program into virtual storage. The return code in register 15 identifies the error; see accompanying messages IEW4005I, CSV031I, and CSV028I to determine the reason code. For PMLOADER internal errors not listed, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Code 0B Explanation An error occurred during FETCH processing or in one of the routines that gets control as a result of FETCH processing. Not enough storage was available for FETCH to get storage for the module or control blocks. Code 04 08 0C 10 14 Explanation No storage for DATD. No storage for data extent block (DEB). No storage for I/O supervisor block (IOSB). No storage for EXLIST. No storage for module. 10 28 0F

Either an uncorrectable I/O error occurred, or an error in the load module caused the channel program to fail. See the accompanying IEW message for a description of the data set error. Code 40 44 48 4C Explanation I/O error on a PDS. Error on a virtual DS. Seek address outside extent. Possible program-controlled interrupt (PCI) logic error.

The control program detected a relocation error in the load module. Internal error occurred during fetch processing.


System action: The task is ended unless ERRET was specified on the macro. The system issues message CSV011I. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. Application Programmer Response: For a return code of: v X'0C' with a reason code of: X'14', increase the region size.

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


10A 10E
X'04', X'08', or X'10' try decreasing the region size. If the problem recurs, notify the system programmer. v X'0D', or X'0E' (reason code of X'24' or X'28'), ensure that the load module was not altered so that it is no longer valid. If the load module is valid, then notify the system programmer. v X'0E' (reason code of X'20'), if the error occurred because a different job updated the data set extents, then restart the job so that the extent list is updated (if the error occurred with the LINKLIST, the system must be IPLed to fix the problem). System programmer response: For a return code of: v X'0F', resubmit the job. Then have the operator enter a START GTF command specifying tape output, MODE=EXT and TIME=YES. Have the operator reply TRACE=IO in response to message AHL100A. Format the output with the IPCS GTFDATA subcommand. v X'0B', X'0D', X'0E' (reason code of X'24' or X'28'), X'28', or if the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Contents supervision (CSV) 10A Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an R form of the GETMAIN macro. The GETMAIN requested virtual storage that required more central storage than is available. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 04 Explanation There is not enough central storage available to back a request for space in a system queue area (SQA) subpool. There is not enough central storage available to back a request for space in a fixed common service area (CSA) subpool. There is not enough central storage available to back a request for space in a local system queue area (LSQA) subpool. The system could not satisfy a request for an LSQA subpool. The page table for the segment describing the area to be obtained was paged out. The system could not satisfy a request for an authorized private area subpool. The page table for the segment describing the area to be obtained was paged out. calling program is not requesting too much central storage. If the system issues this abend frequently, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: See installation procedures to increase the central storage requirements. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) 10B Explanation: Timer supervision found an error on the input parameters for the TIME macro. System action: The system takes an SVC dump. System programmer response: Use the program status word (PSW) address in the CLK entry to identify the caller. Do one of the following: v If the caller is provided by the installation, check the parameters on the TIME macro. If MIC or STCK was specified, the area specified by the address must have the callers storage protect key. v If the caller is provided by IBM, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. v If the PSW does not contain the callers address, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Timer supervision 10D Explanation: A job step task abnormally ended, but it had a subtask with a status of step must complete (MC). This completion code is found only in the job step task. System action: The system abnormally ends the subtask. The system sends messages about the problem to the job log. System programmer response: Find the abend code for the task that attached the abended subtask in: v Messages in the job log v The logrec data set error record v The TCBCMP field of the task control block (TCB) for the attaching task, if a dump is available Diagnose the original abend in the attaching task. Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM) 10E Explanation: A program issued a SPIE macro. The macro specified an incorrect address for the program interruption control area (PICA). System action: The system sends messages about the problem to the job log. The system abends the program.





System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Ensure that the


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

110 117
Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=10E,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Do the following: v If the program is installation-provided code, correct the PICA address. v If the program is IBM code, search problem reporting data bases for a problem fix. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide: Messages from the job log The ABEND or SVC dump The assembly listing for the job The JCL for the job The program listing for the job Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM) 110 Explanation: While the system was processing a PURGE macro, an error occurred when the system tried to process the parameter list for the macro. System action: The system ends the program that issued the PURGE macro. Application Programmer Response: Correct the pointer to the purge parameter list in the PURGE macro. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 112 Explanation: Incorrect input was passed to SVC 18 by the BLDL or FIND macro instruction. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC908I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC908I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code found in register 15. System action: For return codes 13 and 14, the DCB was written to the GTF trace data set. Operator response: Start a generalized trace facility (GTF) trace, and re-create the problem. Reply to message AHL100A with: TRACE=SYS,USR,SLIP On the DD statement for the data set in error, specify: DCB=DIAGNS=TRACE Application Programmer Response: Correct the BLDL or FIND macro instruction. For return codes 03, 13, 04, and 14, make sure that the DCB is not being overlaid, in particular, the fields DCBEBAD and DCBPOINT. Recompile the program and run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 113 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of an OPEN macro instruction or an OPEN macro instruction with a TYPE=J operand. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC142I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC142I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC142I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 115 Explanation: The error occurred during the processing of SVC 21 (STOW). The DCB did not point to a valid DEB, or the DEB did not point back to the DCB. System action: An unsuccessful attempt was made to invoke the STOW task recovery routine. Application Programmer Response: Verify that register 1 contained the correct DCB address prior to issuing SVC 21, and that the DCB has not been overlaid since it was opened. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 117 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a BSAM CLOSE macro instruction with a TYPE=T operand. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC218I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC218I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC218I.

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


118 128
System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 118 Explanation: Incorrect parameters were passed to DEVTYPE (SVC 24). This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC912I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC912I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code found in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Correct the DEVTYPE macro instruction, recompile the program, and rerun the job step. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 119 Explanation: Incorrect input was passed to SVC 25. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC914I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC914I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code found in register 15. System action: For return codes 12 and 13, the DCB is written to the GTF trace data set. For return code 14, both the DCB and IOB are written. Operator response: Start a generalized trace facility (GTF) trace, and re-create the problem. Reply to message AHL100A with: TRACE=SYS,USR,SLIP On the DD statement for the data set in error, specify: DCB=DIAGNS=TRACE Application Programmer Response: Make sure that your program does not overlay the DCB and IOB fields described by the error code. Correct the error, and rerun the job step. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 11A Explanation: The error occurred trying to store into a user-supplied OS/VS CAMLST work area. System action: SVC 26 received a protection check because the protect key of the supplied work area did not match the users protect key. Application Programmer Response: Correct the pointer in the OS/VS LOCATE parameter list to the LOCATE work area, and run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 121 Explanation: A module tried to stop I/O activity by issuing the IOHALT macro with the low order bit of register 1 off. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the IOHALT macro. Application Programmer Response: Change the program that issued the IOHALT macro so it sets the low order bit of register 1 on. System programmer response: If the IOHALT macro is issued within the system code, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 122 Explanation: The operator canceled the job and requested a dump. System action: The system ends the job. The system writes a dump to the data set described by the SYSABEND, SYSMDUMP or SYSUDUMP DD statement in the canceled job step. Application Programmer Response: Find out why the operator canceled the job. Correct the error(s). Resubmit the job. Source: Master scheduler 128 Explanation: During processing of an EXTRACT macro, the system found an incorrect address for the list to hold the requester fields. The beginning address for the list did not define a fullword boundary, or the list


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12A 12D
did not begin and end within the storage assigned to the job step. The first operand of the macro specifies the beginning address of the list. The number of fields requested determines the length of the list. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the EXTRACT macro. Application Programmer Response: Determine if the first operand of the macro was specified correctly or if program errors had incorrectly modified the EXTRACT macro expansion. Correct the error. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the source program listing for the job. Source: Task management 12A Explanation: During processing of an ATTACH macro, the system found an error. In a GSPV or GSPL operand, the macro specified that a subpool was to be given to the subtask being created. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 00 Explanation The attaching task owned the subpool, but had previously shared it with other subtasks through SHSPV and/or SHSPL operands. A task cannot give an owned subpool to a subtask if that task shared the subpool with other subtasks. The specified subpool contains data-in-virtual (DIV) mapped storage; such a subpool cannot be specified with GSPV or GSPL. The specified subpool contains storage that had been specified on the IARSUBSP macro with the IDENTIFY parameter, and the storage is eligible to be assigned to a subspace. Ownership of a subpool eligible to be assigned to a subspace cannot be passed to an attached subtask. source program listing for the job. Source: Task management 12C Explanation: During processing of a CHAP macro, the system found an incorrect address for the task control block (TCB) for the subtask whose priority was to be changed. The second operand of a CHAP macro points to a fullword that contains the TCB address. The address was incorrect for one of the following reasons: v It was not a valid TCB address. v The valid TCB at the address was not associated with a subtask of the task issuing the macro. v It was not a multiple of 4. v The valid task has abnormally ended. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the CHAP macro. Application Programmer Response: Change the address specification. Ensure that it and the TCB were not incorrectly modified by the problem program. Correct the error. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the source program listing for the job. Source: Task management 12D Explanation: A program requested an overlay. When trying to answer the request, the overlay supervisor found that words 3 and 4 of the overlay segment table are incorrect. The overlay segment table is used by the overlay supervisor; it resides in the load module and is in the same storage protection key as the application program. Note: Overlay programs run only in 24-bit addressing mode, not in 31-bit addressing mode. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that requested the overlay. The system writes an ABEND dump, if a dump DD statement is provided. Application Programmer Response: Check the program for errors that caused the overlay segment table to be incorrectly modified. Correct the errors; then assemble, link edit, and run the program again. Source: Overlay supervisor



System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the ATTACH macro. Application Programmer Response: Change the ATTACH macro to specify the subpool in an SHSPV or SHSPL operand. Correct the error. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


12E 130
12E Explanation: A program issued a TTIMER macro with incorrect parameters. System programmer response: Use the program status word (PSW) address in the CLK entry to identify the caller. Do one of the following: v If the caller is provided by the installation, check the parameters on the TIME macro. If MIC or STCK was specified, the area specified by the address must have the callers storage protect key. v If the caller is provided by IBM, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. v If the PSW does not contain the callers address, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Timer supervision 12F Explanation: A program issued an STIMER macro with incorrect parameters. A reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code 00 Explanation The system could not find a data area that was specified on a parameter for an STIMER request. The Coordinated universal time (UTC) or local time of day (LT or TOD) parameter was specified for a TASK type STIMER request. The value for the Coordinated universal time (UTC) or local time of day (LT or TOD) parameter was greater than 24:00:00.00. The STIMER service routine cannot access the storage containing the user-specified parameters for the STIMER macro. The STIMER service routine received an STIMER macro parameter that was not valid. For example, a program running in 31-bit addressing mode is not using the MVS/SP Version 2 or later version of the STIMER macro. The requested time interval was too large. One of these situations occurred: For TASK type requests, the requested MICVL time interval was larger than X'7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'. For REAL/WAIT type requests, the requested time interval (BINTVL, DINTVL, MICVL, or TUINTVL) added to the current TOD clock contents would have exceeded X'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' (a value that would expire on September 17, 2042). A value greater than X'7FFFFFFF' was specified for BINTVL. 28 v The control blocks associated with the task that issued the STIMER request v The register contents for the task that issued the STIMER request v The virtual subpools that contain the parameter list passed to STIMER Application Programmer Response: Depending on the reason code, one of the following: Code 00 04 Explanation Check the spelling of the data area name on the STIMER request. Do not specify the TASK parameter with the GMT and TOD parameters on the STIMER request. Change the value for the GMT and/or TOD parameter(s) to one that is less than 2400. Check that a program running in 31-bit addressing mode uses the MVS/SP Version 2 or later version of the STIMER macro. Change the parameter address so it is in the callers addressable storage. Ensure that the specified time interval is correct.

0C 14


Source: Timer supervision 130 Explanation: Global resource serialization found an error during processing of the DEQ macro instruction. The DEQ macro instruction specified a resource not previously specified by an ENQ macro instruction under the same task. In other words, the program was attempting to release a resource that was not previously requested. The DEQ macro instruction did not specify a RET=HAVE operand. System action: The system issued an ABEND dump. Application Programmer Response: Do one of the following: v Check the DEQ macro instruction for incorrect qname or rname operands v Specify RET=HAVE in the DEQ macro instruction v Add an ENQ macro instruction for the same resource before the DEQ macro instruction Then recompile and rerun the program. If the problem persists, do the following: 1. Obtain the address of the DEQ parameter list from register 1 in the UNIQUE-3 column of the SVC 30 or SVC 38 entry in the system trace. 2. Check the parameter list against the SVC 30 or 38 mapping. When analyzing the parameter list, remember that the unit control block (UCB) pointer,






System action: The STIMER routine produces a tailored dump that provides the following information:


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133 138
if present, is the address of a field that, in turn, contains the address of the UCB. If the parameter list contains incorrect data, continue diagnosis in the program that issued the macro. System programmer response: If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND dump. Source: Global resource serialization 133 Explanation: An unauthorized program requested an SVC dump. To request an SVC dump through an SDUMP macro (SVC 51), the program must be one of the following: v Authorized by the authorized program facility (APF) v In storage key 0-7 To request an SVC dump by a branch entry, the program must be one of the following: v In storage key 0, supervisor state. v One of the following must be true: The caller is in SRB mode. The caller owns a lock. The caller is disabled and has a PSASUPER bit set on. The caller is in enabled unlocked task (EUT) mode. That is, the caller specified EUT=YES for the SETFRR macro. Generally, those modules that cannot issue Supervisor Call (SVC) instructions can do a branch entry to request an SVC dump. System action: The system abnormally ends the program. If a recovery routine is available, it is given control. SVC dump processing issues message IEA911E or IEA611I. This message indicates whether the dump is complete or partial. System programmer response: For an unauthorized program, request an ABEND dump. If the branch entry is being used incorrectly, correct the error or use an SDUMP macro. If the problem persists or is in an IBM-provided program, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the assembly listing and the linkage editor output for the job. Source: Dumping services 135 Explanation: An error occurred during the processing associated with SVC 53, which obtains and releases exclusive control of a resource associated with a BDAM data set. The task recovery routine for this SVC determined that all user control blocks required as input to the SVC were in the users region and key, hence the error could not be ascribed to any user control block. System action: Message IEC903I is issued. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SYSOUT output for the job and all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Source: DFSMSdfp 137 Explanation: The error occurred at an end-of-volume on a magnetic tape. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC022I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC022I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC022I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 138 Explanation: Global resource serialization encountered an error occurred during processing of an ENQ macro. One of the following is true: 1. One ENQ macro instruction was issued for a list of resources. The same resource appears more than once in the list. 2. Two ENQ macro instructions were issued for the same resource in the same task without an intervening DEQ macro instruction to release the resource. The second ENQ macro instruction did not specify TEST, USE, or HAVE in its RET operand. System action: Processing continues. Application Programmer Response: For the first type of error, delete duplicate resources from the list on the ENQ macro instruction.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


139 13C
For the second type of error, do one of the following: v Specify RET=TEST, RET=USE, or RET=HAVE in the second ENQ macro instruction v Add a DEQ macro instruction between the two ENQ macro instructions v Delete one of the ENQ macro instructions. If the problem persists, do the following: 1. Obtain the address of the DEQ parameter list from register 1 in the UNIQUE-3 column of the SVC 30 or SVC 38 entry in the system trace. 2. Check the parameter list against the SVC 30 or 38 mapping. When analyzing the parameter list, remember that the unit control block (UCB) pointer, if present, is the address of a field that, in turn, contains the address of the UCB. If the parameter list contains incorrect data, continue diagnosis in the program that issued the macro. System programmer response: If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND dump. Source: Global resource serialization 139 Explanation: An error occurred during the processing associated with SVC 57, which frees a buffer or extends the unscheduled test (via the FREEDBUF macro issued either by the user or the system). The BDAM task recovery routine for this SVC determined that all user control blocks required as input to the SVC were in the users region and key, hence the error could not be ascribed to any user control block. System action: Message IEC905I is issued. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SYSOUT output for the job and all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Source: DFSMSdfp 13C Explanation: A program issued one of the following macros: v ATTACH with an ESTAI parameter v ATTACHX with an ESTAI parameter v ESTAE v ESTAEX v STAE 14 0C The macro specified an incorrect value, or the environment in which the macro was running was incorrect. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code 08 Explanation An ATTACH or ATTACHX macro with ESTAI was issued. One of the following errors occurred: v The macro specified an EXIT address of 0 with CT. v The macro specified OV. v The macro specified an incorrect task control block (TCB) address, or did not specify a TCB address at all. v The program calling the ATTACH macro service routine is not the ATTACH macro. An ESTAE or ESTAEX macro with BRANCH=YES was issued. One of the following errors occurred: v The macro is not running under a supervisor request block (SVRB). v The program calling the ESTAE service routine is not the ESTAE macro. v The issuer of the macro did not obtain the local lock. 10 A TOKEN parameter was incorrectly specified as follows: v A program specified the TOKEN parameter on a macro other than the ESTAE macro. v An unauthorized program issued an ESTAE macro with the TOKEN parameter. A STAE macro was issued by a program running in 31-bit addressing mode (AMODE). This is not valid. An ESTAE or ESTAEX macro with CANCEL=NO parameter was issued by a program that: v Is not authorized by APF to do so v Is not running in key 0 supervisor state


System action: The system abnormally ends the program issuing the macro. If a recovery routine is available, RTM gives it control. The system may write an ABEND dump for the abend if the job step provides a dump data set. If so, the LSQA dump option is specified with the ABEND macro. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=13C,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Do the following:


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13E 147
v If an installation-provided program issued the incorrect macro, rewrite the macro or modify the parameter list built by the ESTAE macro. For reason code X'10', be sure that the TOKEN parameter is specified only by authorized programs and only on the ESTAE macro. v If it was an IBM program, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide: The assembly listing for the job The ABEND or SVC dump Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM) 145 13E Explanation: The task that created a subtask issued a DETACH macro for that subtask, specifying STAE=NO, before the subtask ended. This may or may not be an error, depending on the intent of the user. Consequently, the system does not abnormally end the task issuing the DETACH macro. System action: The system abnormally ends the subtask to force its completion. Application Programmer Response: If the subtask must complete its processing before being detached, use an ECB or ETXR operand on the ATTACH macro that creates the subtask to achieve synchronization. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the source program listing for the job. Source: Task management 13F Explanation: An error has been detected during checkpoint restart processing. This completion code is accompanied by message IHJxxxI with the appropriate reason code. System action: The job is abnormally ended, and if a SYSABEND statement was included in the job, a dump is produced. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated in the accompanying message. Source: DFSMSdfp 144 Explanation: The error occurred during the processing of SYNADAF, where it was determined that an incorrect access method code was specified in the high order byte of register 15. Application Programmer Response: Make sure that Explanation: The error occurred during the processing of SVC 69 (BSP). Register 15 contains a return code indicating the cause of the error. See message IEC916I for a complete description of the possible return codes and their meanings. System action: The backspace task recovery routine has been invoked. If the callers DCB or BSAM control blocks are in this region, an attempt was made to trace them to the SYS1.TRACE data set. Operator response: Start a generalized trace facility (GTF) trace, and re-create the problem. Reply to message AHL100A with: TRACE=SYS,USR,SLIP On the DD statement for the data set in error, specify: DCB=DIAGNS=TRACE Application Programmer Response: Verify that register 1 contained the correct DCB address prior to issuing BSP and that the DCB has not been overlaid since being opened. If the DCB is valid, verify that it contains the correct IOB and/or ICB addresses and that neither the IOBs and/or ICBs have been overlaid. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 147 Explanation: A program check or abnormal end occurred in the Graphics Access Method/System Product (GAM/SP) buffer management routine, IGC0007A. The error occurred either in GAM/SP or in the operating system. System action: Message GAB260 appears on the system console, identifying the cause of the error and the original system completion code. In addition, GAM/SP writes a record to the logrec data set and produces a dump on the system dump data set.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

the ACSMETH parameter on the SYNADAF macro instruction is correctly coded, or that the high order byte of register 15 contains a valid access method code before issuing SVC 68. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp


149 14C
Application Programmer Response: Do the following: 1. Check for messages identifying the cause of the error. If these are GAM/SP messages, (that is, the message number is of the form GABnnn), they are described in IBM Graphics Access Method/SP: Messages and Codes 2. Perform any corrective actions associated with the original system completion code. 3. Get a listing of the system dump. 4. Contact your programming support personnel. Source: DFSMSdfp 149 Explanation: An error occurred in either the Graphics Access Method/System Product (GAM/SP), or the operating system. This completion code appears when: 1. A program check or abnormal end occurs in the GAM/SP specify-attention (SPAR) routine, IGC0007C. 2. IGC0007C detects an incorrect condition. System action: A message appears on the system console, accompanied by a reason code identifying the area of processing where the error occurred. In addition, GAM/SP writes a record to the logrec data set and produces a dump on the system dump data set. Application Programmer Response: Do the following: 1. Check for messages identifying the cause of the error. If these are GAM/SP messages, (that is, the message number is of the form GABnnn), they are described in IBM Graphics Access Method/SP: Messages and Codes. 2. Get a listing of the system dump. 3. Contact your programming support personnel. Source: DFSMSdfp 14A Explanation: An error occurred in either the Graphics Access Method/System Product (GAM/SP), or the operating system. This completion code appears when: 1. A program check or abnormal end occurs in the GAM/SP delete-attention (DAR) routine, IGC0007D. 2. IGC0007D detects an incorrect condition. System action: A message appears on the system console, accompanied by a reason code identifying the area of processing where the error occurred. In addition, GAM/SP writes a record to the logrec data set and produces a dump on the system dump data set. Application Programmer Response: Do the following: 14C Explanation: An error occurred in the system environmental recording (LOGREC) component. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 01 10 11 12 13 Explanation An incorrect input request to build a logrec data set record was specified. The name/token create service returned an unexpected return code. An attempt to load module IEANTRT failed. The ENFREQ signal event returned an unexpected return code. The ENF 49 parameter area storage obtain request returned an error return code. 14B Explanation: An error occurred in either the Graphics Access Method/System Product (GAM/SP), or the operating system. This completion code appears when: 1. A program check or abnormal end occurs in the GAM/SP attention inquiry (ATTNINQ) routine, IGC0007E. 2. IGC0007E detects an incorrect condition. System action: A message appears on the system console, accompanied by a reason code identifying the area of processing where the error occurred. In addition, GAM/SP writes a record to the logrec data set and produces a dump on the system dump data set. Application Programmer Response: Do the following: 1. Check for messages identifying the cause of the error. If these are GAM/SP messages, (that is, the message number is of the form GABnnn), they are described in IBM Graphics Access Method/SP: Messages and Codes. 2. Get a listing of the system dump. 3. Contact your programming support personnel. Source: DFSMSdfp 1. Check for messages identifying the cause of the error. If these are GAM/SP messages, (that is, the message number is of the form GABnnn), they are described in IBM Graphics Access Method/SP: Messages and Codes. 2. Get a listing of the system dump. 3. Contact your programming support personnel. Source: DFSMSdfp


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20 21 30 31 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 50 51 The ENFREQ event code 48 listen request returned an unexpected return code. The ENFREQ event code 36 listen request returned an unexpected return code. The input parameter list, IXGENF, is not valid. An error occurred during a storage obtain request for an IFBLISCB element. The input parameter list, IFBENF36, is not valid. Storage could not be obtained for the An record. An IXGSXCMP validation error occurred. Unable to obtain storage (IFBSXCB). Unable to obtain storage (IFBSXCBG). Unable to obtain storage for log block area. The OPEN data area validation failed. The CLOSE data area validation failed. The unallocation data area validation failed. An error occurred on browse options. This event is unsupported. An error occurred accessing IFBSXCB or IFBSXCBG. 28 2C 30 24 20 1C 18 14 10 (ASID) for the STATUS STOP function. The ASID parameter is valid only on the STATUS START function. You issued the STATUS macro with the must complete (MC) parameter, but you had already specified the MC parameter on a previous invocation. You must issue the STATUS macro with the RESET,MC,STEP parameter before issuing another SET,MC,STEP. You issued a STATUS macro with the STOP option, but you had already issued a STATUS STOP. You must issue the STATUS macro with the START option before issuing another STATUS STOP. The input mask you specified on the STATUS SET,SD invocation set TCBSTPP. This bit can only be set by specifying STATUS STOP. The mask you specified on the STATUS SET,ND invocation set TCBSTP. This bit can only be set by specifying STATUS SET,MC or STATUS SET,MC,STEP. A routine running under a service request block (SRB) cannot use a STATUS macro to set a step nondispatchable. In the parameter list on a SET or RESET request, the caller specified an incorrect address for a task control block (TCB). The caller does not hold a needed local lock. The caller does not hold a needed local lock. The specified TCB did not pass an acronym check. The TCB was probably overlaid or incorrect. The mask of nondispatchability bits specified with the SD parameter includes the TCBSRBND bit. This nondispatchability bit can be set only by specifying STATUS STOP,SRB. The STATUS macro specified an incorrect function code. A program issuing either STATUS SET,MC,PROCESS or STATUS RESET,MC,PROCESS was not running in task mode. The calling program must be running in task mode. The input mask you specified on the STATUS SET,ND invocation, set the TCBPNDSP bit. The caller can not set TCBPNDSP. A routine running under a service request block (SRB) cannot use a STATUS macro for the requested function. You specified an input address space identifier (ASID) or enclave token on a STATUS invocation that is not valid.

System action: The system writes a record to logrec and requests a dump. Processing continues. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump, logrec data set and SYSLOG. Note, for reason code X'10' and X'11', the system could not establish the DSNLOGREC name/token, so the name of the logrec data set cannot be retrieved using the name/token retrieve service. Source: System Environmental Recording (LOGREC) 14F Explanation: During processing of a STATUS macro, the system found an error. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 04 Explanation The STATUS macro specified an incorrect function code. Register 2 contains the function code. Only a program in supervisor state with PSW key 0-7 can request the specified STATUS function. You specified an address space identifier


38 3C






Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


150 157
50 The input TCB specified on a STATUS STOP or STATUS START invocation was the callers TCB. The caller cannot perform this operation on itself. A STATUS invocation to set a callers nondispatchability bit was invoked using SVC. STATUS STOP,SRB was invoked, but had been invoked previously. Invoke STATUS START,SRB before invoking STATUS STOP,SRB again. The system detected a possible overlay of a TCB field for a task that is the target of a STATUS macro request. The input TCB specified on a STATUS SET,ND,E or STATUS SET,SD,E invocation was the callers TCB. The caller cannot perform this operation on itself. Application Programmer Response: Make sure that the SETPRT macro instruction is correctly coded. Correct the error and rerun the job step. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 153 Explanation: An error occurred while system management facilities (SMF) processed a record. SMF was unable to handle the new record because of buffer contention. System action: The system abnormally ends SMF processing. The system requests an SVC dump. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: System Management Facilities (SMF) 157 Explanation: An error occurred when the system was processing a DOM macro. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal error code in the format xxxxyyyy. The fields in this error code are the following: xxxx yyyy This halfword is for IBM internal use only. This halfword is the unique reason code identifier. Only yyyy is listed below.

54 58



System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the STATUS macro. Application Programmer Response: Correct the error. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing for the job. Source: Task management 150 Explanation: A non-recoverable System REXX error was encountered. Code Explanation

xxxx0401 During recovery processing, a key System REXX control block was found to be incorrect System action: The AXR address space is terminated. Application Programmer Response: Contact the System Programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: System REXX 151 Explanation: The error occurred during the processing of SETPRT. The parameter list whose address was passed to SETPRT in register 1 was not in the users region. System action: Message IEC918I is issued.

The following are the yyyy values and their meanings: Code 0004 0008 Explanation The caller passed an incorrect value in register 0. Either caller was not a task in the same job step and address space as the issuer of the WTOR macro that created the message to be deleted, or the caller was not in key 0-7 or APF authorized. A program check occurred while the system was verifying that the caller could access each byte of a multiple DOM parameter list. An unauthorized caller tried to delete a WTO message that was not created by the same task in the same address space. The entry was by a branch, but the caller is not authorized.





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15B 15F
0018 yy1C An unauthorized caller tried to delete a message that was issued on another system. The system could not obtain needed storage. The return code from the STORAGE service is found in the yy field. A recovery environment could not be established. The return code from the ESTAE macro is found in the yy field. A DOMCBLK request specified an invalid DOMC length. A failure occurred when broadcasting the DOM to the sysplex. A failure occurred when attempting to DOM a message found in the parking lot. A failure occurred in the data block create routine. The return code from the data block create routine is found in the yy field. An internal processing error occurred. The yyy contains the abend code of the failure. 15C Explanation: Execute channel program (EXCP) processing found that the program issuing an SVC 92 request was not running in supervisor state. System action: The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Ensure that the program is authorized to issue TCBEXCP or the EXCP macro. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program issuing the XDAP or EXCP macro is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Execute channel program (EXCP) 15D Explanation: User specified an incorrect data area to SVC 93 (TGET/TPUT). System action: The user is abnormally ended and processing continues. Application Programmer Response: Supply a data area for access by the program invoking SVC 93. A TPUT request requires read access, a TGET request requires write access. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing for the job. Source: VTAM, or TSO/E if Session Manager is being used. 15F Explanation: A SYSEVENT macro incorrectly invoked the system resources manager (SRM). Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 04 Explanation The address space identifier (ASID), the SYSEVENT code, or an input parameter was incorrect. Program was not authorized to issue the SYSEVENT. A page fault occurred when the system referred to a data area assumed to be fixed. A protection check occurred; the program issuing the macro did not have the correct storage key for storing in the parameter data area.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


0050 0051 0052 yy53


System action: The system ignores the DOM macro. The DOM parameter list and the failing message identifier are shown in the dump. The system ignores any other message identifiers in the parameter list. Application Programmer Response: Ensure that the correct message identifier is being used in the DOM macro. Ensure that the DOM issuer is in the same job step as the WTOR issuer. System programmer response: For a yy53 reason code, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center with the reason code. Source: Console services 15B Explanation: A VOLSTAT macro can be issued only by an authorized program. While processing a VOLSTAT macro, the system determined that the issuing program was not: v An authorized program facility (APF) authorized program v In supervisor state v In storage protection key 0 through 7 System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the VOLSTAT macro. Application Programmer Response: Correct the program so that an authorized program issues the VOLSTAT macro. Source: DFSMSdfp

08 0C 10


14 18 1C A program held the SRM lock before the SYSEVENT macro invoked SRM. The SRM recovery routine converts this reason code to completion code X'25F'. A SYSEVENT TRANSWAP or REQSWAP with an event control block (ECB) was issued when the maximum allowed number of pending TRANSWAPs or REQSWAPs with ECBs had already been reached. An SRM stack overflow was detected. The SRM entry point did not receive an SRM recovery parameter area (RRPA). An unexpected condition occurred while enforcing a defined capacity limit. One reason is that the partition weight is too high relative to the defined capacity limit. As a result, the phantom weight SRM tries to assign is not valid. If this is the case, check the phantom weight assigned to the LPAR. The phantom weight is calculated based on the defined LPAR capacity, the total CEC capacity and the partition weight. The value specified for a phantom weight should not exceed 1000 times the number of active LPARs. For more information about how to calculate the phantom weight, see Workload Management Participants, Workload Management and Workload Licence Charges in z/OS MVS Planning: Workload Management. If the phantom weight is correct, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, open a problem record and provide the dump to the IBM Support Center for diagnosis. 2C The invocation of the SYSEVENT macro with ENTRY=UNAUTHPC failed. See R0 for more information: xxxx0004 Sysevent is not enabled for ENTRY=UNAUTHPC. xxxx0801 The caller is in SRM mode and Task mode is required. xxxx0803 The caller must be enabled for interrupts. xxxx0804 No locks must be held. xxxx0823 The caller invoked service while DAT is set to OFF. xxxx0824 The caller invoked service in AMODE24. xxxx0841 The caller is in cross-memory (XMEM) mode. xxxx08B6 The caller must not be authorized. Other Internal SRM error. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, save the dump and contact IBM support.

20 24 28

System action: Take action according to the different reason codes. For reason codes 04 to 24, and 2C: The system abnormally ends the issuer of the SYSEVENT macro. The system writes messages and a logrec data set error record. For reason code 28: The system can no longer enforce a defined capacity limit. System programmer response: Take action according to different reason codes. For reason codes 04 to 24, and 2C: If an installation-provided program issued the SYSEVENT, ensure that the program is authorized. Correct the error indicated by the reason code. Run the job again. If an IBM-provided program issued the SYSEVENT, run the job again. In either case, if the error recurs, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set error record and the SYSOUT output for the job. For reason code 28: Increase the defined capacity limit, or adjust the weight of the partition. Source: System resources manager (SRM) 169 Explanation: The error occurred during the processing of IMGLIB with the CLOSE option. The DCB address passed to IMGLIB in register 1 was incorrect. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC919I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC919I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code in register 15. Operator response: Start a generalized trace facility (GTF) trace, and re-create the problem. Reply to message AHL100A with: TRACE=SYS,USR,SLIP On the DD statement for the data set in error, specify: DCB=DIAGNS=TRACE Application Programmer Response: Make sure that the IMGLIB CLOSE macro instruction is correctly coded.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

16B 16E
Make sure that the DCB address passed to IMGLIB is the same address returned to your program by a previous IMGLIB OPEN, and that your program has not issued a prior IMGLIB CLOSE specifying this DCB address. Correct the error and rerun the job step. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 16B Explanation: During processing of a MODESET macro, the system found an error. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 04 08 0C 10 Explanation The macro parameter list was null. The macro specified reserved bits. The macro requested an incorrect mode. The macro requested an incorrect key. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code 0004 0008 Explanation A program specified an incorrect ESR code. The ESR code was too large. A program specified an unsupported ESR code.

System action: The system moves the incorrect ESR code from register 15 to register 2. The system abnormally ends the program that issued the incorrect SVC instruction. The system may write a logrec data set error record. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=16D,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Do the following: 1. Ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. 2. In the system trace, back up to the *RCVY entry for abend X'16D'. Look for an SVC entry, other than SVC D, prior to the *RCVY entry. In the entry, note the address in the PSW ADDR column. 3. Use the address in the PSW to identify the module that called supervisor control. v For an installation-provided module, correct the problem as follows: For reason code X'0004', correct the ESR code, and run the job step again. For reason code X'0008', be sure that the requested ESR is installed in the system. v For an IBM module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the component group associated with this module at the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump and, if available, the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control 16E Explanation: The system control program issued a DEBCHK macro for the data extent block (DEB) pointed to in the DCBDEBAD field of a data control block (DCB) passed by the program. The DEBCHK function could not be performed. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code: Code Explanation The DEB pointer is not in the DEB table. A DEB whose address is not in the DEB table cannot be verified, deleted, or purged. The TYPE specified in the DEBCHK macro is incorrect. The TYPE must be VERIFY, ADD, DELETE, or PURGE.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the MODESET macro. Application Programmer Response: Correct the macro or the program errors that incorrectly modified the parameter list. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the source program listing for the job. Source: Task management 16D Explanation: The system was processing one of the following Supervisor Call (SVC) extended service routines (ESR): 109 116 122 137 The system detected an incorrect ESR code in register 15. This error is the result of a program specifying either: v An incorrect ESR code v An unsupported ESR code




0C A DEBCHK macro that specified a TYPE other than VERIFY was issued by a program that is not authorized. The system found that the DEBDCBAD field in the DEB does not point to a DCB. DEBDCBAD must point to a DCB when TYPE is VERIFY, ADD, or DELETE. AM value in the DEBCHK macro does not equal the DEBAMTYP value in the DEB. When a DEB pointer is added to the DEB table, the access method (AM) value, if given, is placed in the DEBAMTYP field of the DEB. If no AM value is coded, a 0 is inserted in DEBAMTYP. Subsequent DEBCHKs issued to verify or delete that DEB pointer must either specify the same AM value or omit the operand. When the operand is omitted, no comparison is made. If you run programs that use batch LSR, see MVS Batch Local Shared Resources for more information about S16E-14 abends. 18 The DEBCHK macro specified TYPE=ADD; however, the DEB was not queued on the TCB DEB chain. Before the DEB pointer can be added to the table, the DEB itself must be queued on the current TCB DEB chain. The TCBDEB field points to the first DEB in the chain. The DEBCHK macro specified TYPE=ADD, but the DEBCHK routine found one of the following: v The DEBAMTYP or DEBTBLOF field in the DEB contains zero. v The DEB table already contains a pointer to the DEB. v The DEB to be added is in fetch-protected main storage. 20 The DEBCHK macro specified TYPE=ADD; however, the DEB table contains 32760 bytes, which is its maximum size. The current DEB table does not have space for this new DEB pointer. 35000201 35000301 36000101 The page had not been obtained by a GETMAIN macro. Permanent error. A program check occurred when the paging services was accessing the callers service list (SL) entry. The entry point whose ID is equal to the second byte of the reason code issued the reason code. The starting address in a virtual subarea list (VSL)/page service list (PSL) entry is greater than the ending address. The starting address in a VSL/PSL entry is greater than the ending address. Note: If you dont find your reason code in Register 0, see the error code listed in Register 15. Code 06000101 Explanation The starting address in a virtual subarea list (VSL) entry is greater than the ending address.



06F20101 07F20101 0AF20101 32F20101 33F20201 3BF20101 6FF20101 A program check occurred when the paging services was accessing the callers service list (SL) entry.

07000101 09000101 0A000101 34000101 51000401 The starting address in a virtual subarea list (VSL) entry is greater than the ending address. The page is part of a virtual I/O (VIO) window.


36000201 3AF20101

Application Programmer Response: Correct the error indicated by the reason code. Source: DFSMSdfp 171 Explanation: A PGFIX, PGFREE, PGLOAD, PGOUT, PGRLSE, or PGANY macro requested a paging service. The request was not valid. The storage range specified by the input parameters may not have been requested first by a GETMAIN macro. The registers contain the following: v Register 0: A hexadecimal reason code, which is one of the following: 3C000101 3B000401



z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

3C000102 The SVC callers storage key was not zero and did not match the event control block (ECB) storage key. The ECB page had not been obtained by a GETMAIN macro. 6A000801 The caller specified an incorrect TCB. The request was a PGFIX, PGFREE, PGLOAD or PGOUT.


51000101 through 51000105 An incompatible function combination exists in a VSL entry. 51000201 51000301 A VSL entry did not request a valid function. A caller requested 24-bit interface and a real address in the VSL entry. Register format entry and a starting address was greater than an ending address. The caller is not in key 0. The key for the page did not match the callers. The caller requested that a permanently resident page be released. The caller specified a nonzero ECB address with a cross memory page services request. The caller specified a nonzero ECB address with a PGOUT, PGRLSE or PGANY request. An ECB address contained a negative number. The request was a PGFIX, PGFREE or PGLOAD. An ECB was not on a word boundary. The request was a PGFIX, PGFREE or PGLOAD. The caller is not authorized to perform the page service function requested. The request was a PGFIX or PGFREE. The caller specified a cross memory mode request and a nonzero task control block (TCB) address with a page service function to which the TCB address was applicable.

6A000901 through 6A000906 The caller specified incorrect options with the page services request. 6A000A01 The caller did not specify a valid function in the VSL/PSL entry.

6A000B01 6A000B02 The caller specified an ECB address, and the page containing it had not been obtained by a GETMAIN macro. A caller that is not in key 0 specified an ECB address. The key of the page containing it did not match the callers key.





v Register 3: If an SVC entry, the contents of register 3 are destroyed. v Register 4: If LIST-FORMAT entry, address of the callers erroneous VSL entry. If REGISTER-FORMAT entry, register 4 contains zero. v Registers 5-9: If branch entry, registers 5-9 are the same as the callers input registers. If SVC entry, registers 5-9 contain zero. v Register 10: If the error is related to paging address of the page in error. If the error is not related to paging, register 10 contains zero. v Register 11: If LIST-FORMAT entry, address of the callers first VSL entry. If REGISTER-FORMAT entry, register 11 contains 0. v Register 12: Address of the input ECB. If no ECB address was supplied, register 12 contains zero. v Registers 13-14: The VSL entry in error. If the VSL was in pageable storage or if the VSL storage key did not match a nonzero callers storage key, registers 13-14 contain zero. v Register 15: Hexadecimal error code, as follows: Code 04 Explanation This is a PGFIX request. The caller did not obtain the VSL storage using a GETMAIN macro. The input ECB, TCB, or PSL/SSL failed to pass validity checks.








System action: The system issues an abend to the current task. System programmer response: Correct the problem in the request and run the job again. If PGFIX or
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


172 178
PGFREE was requested and the caller was not authorized, obtain proper authorization and run the job again. Source: Real storage manager (RSM) 172 Explanation: Execute channel program (EXCP) processing found that an unauthorized program issued the EXCPVR macro. One of the following conditions must be present for the program to be authorized: v The program must run under system protection key 0 through 7. v The program must be in supervisor state. v The SVC 114 authorization bit is set on in the job step control block (JSCB). v The SVC 114 authorization bit is set on in the data extent block (DEB). System action: The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Ensure that the program is authorized to issue the EXCPVR macro or SVC 0, the EXCP macro. Check the problem program for the error. If the error cannot be determined, run the job again, requesting an ABEND dump. Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: If the system wrote a dump, look at field TCBEXCPD at offset X'C0' in the task control block (TCB) of the current task. TCBEXCPD points to the EXCP debugging area (XDBA). The XDBA contains diagnostic data associated with the EXCP processor. If the error recurs and the program issuing the EXCPVR or EXCP macro is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Execute channel program (EXCP) 177 Explanation: During processing of a TESTAUTH macro, the system detected incorrect input parameters, as follows: v An incorrect bit mask is in register 1. v RBLEVEL=2, but the request block (RB) is the last RB chained or is out of range. v The function code is greater than 256 or is out of range. v The authorization code is greater than 256 or is out of range. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the TESTAUTH macro. Application Programmer Response: Ensure that the TESTAUTH parameter list is valid. The only valid IBM-supplied authorization or function code is one (1). If the installation supplied an authorization matrix, check to see that the function and authorization codes fall within the range of the installation-defined codes. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing for the job. Source: Task management 178 Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an RU or VRU form of the GETMAIN macro or the STORAGE OBTAIN macro. The GETMAIN or STORAGE OBTAIN requested virtual storage that requires more central storage than is available. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 04 Explanation There is not enough central storage available to support a request for space in a system queue area (SQA) subpool. There is not enough central storage available to support a request for space in a fixed common service area (CSA) subpool. There is not enough central storage available to support a request for space in a local system queue area (LSQA) subpool. The system could not satisfy a request for an LSQA subpool. The page table for the segment describing the area to be obtained was paged out. The system could not satisfy a request for an authorized private area subpool. The page table for the segment describing the area to be obtained was paged out.





System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Ensure that the calling program is not requesting too much central storage. If the system issues this abend frequently, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: See installation procedures to increase the central storage requirements. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM)


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

179 17D
179 Explanation: While processing an I/O request, the system found an error in the I/O parameters. Register 2 contains a reason code, as follows: Code 04 08 0C 10 14 18 1C 40 44 48 4C 50 54 58 Explanation An error occurred when a program issued the SETLOCK macro. The system found an incorrect access method block (AMB) or I/O management block (IOMB). The system found an incorrect channel program area (CPA). The system could not fix a page in storage. The system found an incorrect buffer address. The system found incorrect addresses in a chain of channel control words (CCW). The storage block size is not 4 kilobytes. IOMVEB points to a VEB that has incorrect data. IOMVEB is zero, but the media manager return code indicates it should point to a VEB. AMB MRET pointer is incorrect. MRET MREB pointer is incorrect, or MREB does not point back to BUFC that points to it. For shared resources, no MRET entry pointed to IOMBUFC that points to BUFC. Received unexpected MMCALL return code. Could not find BUFC in error, but the media manager return code indicates some MMRE is posted with an error. table. Correct the error. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing and the assembly listing associated with the job. Source: Task management 17B Explanation: A program running in supervisor state, key 0 issued the PURGEDQ macro with an incorrect value in the ASID parameter. The address space for the specified ASID does not exist. System action: The system abnormally ends the task that issued the PURGEDQ macro. The system may write a logrec data set error record. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=17B,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Do the following: 1. Ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. 2. In the system trace, look for an SVC 7B entry. The address in the PSW ADDR column for this SVC entry is the address of the calling module. 3. Use the PSW address to identify the module that issued the PURGEDQ macro. v For an installation-provided module, continue diagnosis with the module. v For an IBM module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the component group associated with this module at the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump and the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control 17D Explanation: During processing of an EVENTS macro for a wait request, the system found an incorrect address specified for the EVENTS table. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the EVENTS macro. Application Programmer Response: Ensure that an EVENTS macro was issued to construct the EVENTS table. Correct the error. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

System action: The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Do the following: 1. Check to see if the program incorrectly modified the I/O parameters. Correct any errors. 2. Recompile the job step. 3. Run the job step again. Source: VSAM 17A Explanation: During processing of an EVENTS macro for a table creation or deletion, the system found an incorrect address specified for the EVENTS table. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the EVENTS macro. Application Programmer Response: Ensure that an EVENTS macro was issued to construct the EVENTS


182 18A
exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing and the assembly listing associated with the job. Source: Task management 182 Explanation: RACF could not successfully establish an ESTAE recovery environment when processing a RACHECK request. System action: The system ends the task. System programmer response: Register 15 contains the nonzero return code passed back from the ESTAE macro. For a description of the ESTAE return code, see z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference EDT-IXG. See z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide for information on diagnosing RACF abends and reporting abend problems to IBM. Note: For batch jobs, if you need to do dump analysis but do not have a dump, run the job again. For batch jobs using DSMON, a RACF command, or the RACF report writer, specify a SYSABEND DD statement in the job. This will ensure that a dump is taken. Source: Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) 183 Explanation: RACF could not successfully establish an ESTAE recovery environment when processing a RACINIT request. System action: The system ends the task. System programmer response: Register 15 contains the nonzero return code passed back from the ESTAE macro. For a description of the ESTAE return code, see z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference EDT-IXG. See z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide for information on diagnosing RACF abends and reporting abend problems to IBM. Note: For batch jobs, if you need to do dump analysis but do not have a dump, run the job again. For batch jobs using DSMON, a RACF command, or the RACF report writer, specify a SYSABEND DD statement in the job. This will ensure that a dump is taken. Source: Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) 185 Explanation: RACF could not successfully establish an ESTAE recovery environment when processing a RACDEF request. System action: The system ends the task. System programmer response: Register 15 contains the nonzero return code passed back from the ESTAE macro. For a description of the ESTAE return code, see z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference EDT-IXG. See z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide for information on diagnosing RACF abends and reporting abend problems to IBM. Note: For batch jobs, if you need to do dump analysis but do not have a dump, run the job again. For batch jobs using DSMON, a RACF command, or the RACF report writer, specify a SYSABEND DD statement in the job. This will ensure that the system produces a dump. Source: Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) 18A Explanation: A PGSER macro requested a paging service (FIX, FREE, LOAD, RELEASE, ANYWHER, PROTECT, or UNPROTECT). The request was not valid. The caller used 31-bit addressing. The registers contain the following: v Register 0: A hexadecimal reason code, which is one of the following: Code 08000101 Explanation On a branch request, the start address is greater than the end address. The request was a register-format input. On an SVC request, the start address is greater than the end address. The request was a register-format input. The page is part of a virtual I/O (VIO) window. The page had not been obtained by a GETMAIN macro. The page had not been obtained by a GETMAIN macro. Permanent error. A program check occurred when the paging services was accessing the callers service list (SL) entry. The entry point whose ID is equal to the second byte of the reason code issued the reason code.


35000201 35000301 36000101 36000201 3AF20101


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

3B000401 The starting address in a virtual subarea list (VSL)/page service list (PSL) entry is greater than the ending address. The callers page service list (PSL) entry contains the reserved flag. The starting address in a VSL/PSL entry is greater than the ending address. A program check occurred when the paging services was accessing the callers service list (SL) entry. The caller is not in key 0. The key for the page did not match the callers. The caller requested that a permanently resident page be released. The caller specified a nonzero event control block (ECB) address with a cross memory page services request. The caller specified a nonzero ECB address with a PGOUT, PGRLSE or PGANY request. An ECB address contained a negative number. The request was a PGFIX, PGFREE or PGLOAD. An ECB was not on a word boundary. The request was a PGFIX, PGFREE or PGLOAD. The caller is not authorized to perform the page service function requested. The request was a PGFIX or PGFREE. The caller specified a cross memory mode request and a nonzero task control block (TCB) address with a page service function to which the TCB address was applicable. The caller specified an incorrect TCB. The request was a PGFIX, PGFREE, PGLOAD or PGOUT. xx0702xx xx0701xx 6A000C01 address, and the page containing it had not been obtained by a GETMAIN macro. 6A000B02 The caller specified an ECB address, and the page containing it had not been obtained by a GETMAIN macro. A caller that is not in key 0 specified an ECB address. The key of the page containing it did not match the callers key. A program check occurred when the paging services was accessing the callers service list (SL) entry. The caller tried to release a page of protected storage. The caller issued a PGSER macro with the PROTECT parameter, but one of the other parameters specified was either incorrect or incompatible. The caller issued a PGSER macro with the UNPROTECT parameter, but one of the other parameters specified was either incorrect or incompatible. The caller issued a PGSER macro with the PROTECT parameter for storage with a key that does not match the PSW key under which the program runs. The program issuing the PGSER macro with the PROTECT parameter must be either key zero or else run under a PSW key that matches the key of the storage being protected. The caller tried to issue the PGSER macro with the PROTECT parameter for virtual storage in either the PSA or any VIO window. Neither storage area can be specified with the PROTECT keyword. The caller issued a PGSER macro with the UNPROTECT parameter with a key that does not match the PSW key under which the program runs. The program issuing the PGSER UNPROTECT macro must be either key zero or else run under a PSW key that matches the key of the storage being unprotected. The caller tried to issue the PGSER macro with the UNPROTECT parameter for virtual storage in either the PSA or any VIO window.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

3B000501 3B000601




xx0008xx xx000907











6A000901 through 6A000906 The caller specified incorrect options with the page services request. 6A000A01 6A000B01 The caller did not specify a valid function in the VSL/PSL entry. The caller specified an ECB xx0802xx


18B 18F
Neither storage area can be specified with the UNPROTECT keyword. v Register 3: If branch entry, callers return address. v Register 4: If LIST-FORMAT entry, address of the callers erroneous page service list entry (PSL)/short page service list (SSL). If REGISTER-FORMAT entry, register 4 contains zero. v Registers 5-7: If SSL format entry, registers 5-7 contain the callers input registers. If PSL format SVC entry, registers 5-7 contain zero. If PSL format branch entry, registers 5-7 are irrelevant. v Register 8: If SSL format entry, register 8 is the same as the callers input register. If PSL format SVC entry, register 8 contains zero. If PSL format branch entry, register 8 contains the callers input TCB address, or, if no TCB address was supplied, register 8 contains zero. v Register 9: If PSL format entry, address of the input ECB. If no ECB address was supplied, register 9 contains zero. If SSL format entry, register 9 is the same as the callers input register. v Register 10: If the error is related to paging, the address of the page in error. If the error is not related to paging, register 10 contains zero. v Register 11: If LIST-FORMAT entry, address of the callers first PSL/SSL entry. If REGISTER-FORMAT entry, register 11 contains 0. v Registers 12-14: If PSL format entry, the PSL entry in error. If the PSL was in pageable storage or if the PSL storage key did not match a nonzero callers storage key, registers 12-14 contain zero. If SSL format entry, register 12 contains zero. Registers 13-14 contain the SSL entry in error, or, if the SSL was in pageable storage, registers 13-14 contain zero. v Register 15: Hexadecimal reason code, as follows: Code 04 Explanation A caller issued a PGFIX request but did not obtain the PSL storage using a GETMAIN macro, or a page release operation failed because either the caller attempted to release permanently backed storage or a non-system key caller attempted to release storage in a different key. The input ECB, TCB, or PSL/SSL failed validity checks. authorized, obtain proper authorization and run the job again. Source: Real storage manager (RSM) 18B Explanation: The common VTOC access facility (CVAF) encountered one of the following conditions: v A structure error in the VTOC index v The CVAF return code is not consistent with the CVAF status code. System action: A dump is written to SYS1.DUMP and an error record is written to the logrec data set. The task is not ended. If CVAF encountered a structure error in the VTOC index: v Message IEC606I is issued. v CVAF disables the VTOC index. v If the caller of CVAF requests a read or write of a format 1 or 4 DSCB, CVAF performs the function and returns a code of yes to its caller. v If the caller of CVAF requested a CVAF function that requires the VTOC index, CVAF returns an error return code to its caller. This may cause the caller to end. If the CVAF return code is not consistent with the CVAF status code, CVAF returns an I/O error return code to its caller. This may cause the caller to end. Application Programmer Response: If a structure error in the VTOC index was encountered and the program ended, it may be rerun if it does not depend upon the VTOC index. Run the IEHLIST utility to list the VTOC and the disabled VTOC index. An inconsistency between the CVAF return code and status code indicates a logic error in CVAF. You may not be able to successfully run the job until the problem is corrected. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set error record and all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Source: DFSMSdfp 18F Explanation: An abend occurred during the processing of the Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility/MVS (ICSF/MVS) main task. Reason codes are as follows: Code 01 Explanation Reason codes for ICSF mainline routines: The ICSF mainline process could not establish a data space.


System action: The system issues an abend to the current task. System programmer response: Correct the problem in the request and run the job again. If PGFIX or PGFREE was requested and the caller was not


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

03 04 05 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 1A 1B 1C 1E 1F 20 21 22 Error in the ICSF mainline cross memory environment. Error loading or calling installation exits. The entry code in the component trace environment is not valid. Error in the master key validation routine. Error in creating an in-storage cryptographic key data set (CKDS). Error in the interface to the event notification facility. Error from the component trace routine. ICSF could not load a required exit. Exit number is not valid. ICSF could not obtain a cross memory linkage index. ICSF could not set a cross memory authorization index. ICSF could not create an entry table for space-switching PC routines. ICSF could not connect its entry table to the system tables. Error reading the CKDS into storage. ICSF could not establish an ENF listen exit. ICSF could not issue a broadcast ENF signal. ICSF could not establish an ESTAE during initialization. The entry code in the termination resource manager is not valid. ICSF could not establish a termination resource manager. ICSF could not OPEN, READ, WRITE, or CLOSE a data set. ICSF could not interpret the options data set. Serious error encountered during processing of the CICS Wait List data set. The entry code to the data space create routine is not valid. Error from DSPSERV CREATE in the data space create routine. Error from ALESERV ADD in the data space create routine. Error from ALESERV EXTRACT in the data space create routine. Error from ALESERV DELETE in the data space create routine. 40 41 42 43 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 2A 2C 32 33 37 38 3C 3D 3E 3F 23 28 29 Error from DSPSERV DELETE in the data space create routine. Error in the look for disabled cryptographic feature routine. Error from ATTACH in the look for disabled cryptographic feature routine. Error from DETACH in the look for disabled cryptographic feature routine. The refresh code in the component trace routine is not valid. Error in the generic service loader routine. ICSF could not load a required installation service. Error loading an application service. ICSF could not install the compatibility cryptographic SVC. Invalid domain index specified in ICSF parameters. Error in CPOOL manager. Error in I/O subtask control routine. Error from ATTACH in the I/O subtask control routine. Error from DETACH in the I/O subtask control routine. Error in initialization. Error in initialization - ATTACH. Error in initialization - DETACH. Error in serialization. Error in resource manager. Cryptographic public key operation disabled. Cryptographic public key operation not initialized. Cryptographic public key operation not available. CCCs do not match. Error in CSFMCCPC module. Error from ATTACH in CSFMCCPC. Error from DETACH in CSFMCCPC. Erroneous result from PCI Cryptographic Coprocessor controller. ICSF error interface to PCI Cryptographic Coprocessor controller. Error from latch manager in CSFACCPR module.

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


52 53 54 Error from resource manager in CSFACCPR module. Attempt to free zero storage in CSFMCCPC module. SYSPLEXTKDS(YES,FAIL(YES)) was specified in the ICSF Installation Options Data Set and the IXCJOIN request failed, which is issued by the ICSF Cross-System Services Controller task to join the ICSF sysplex group. One of the following conditions occurs: v Error from latch manager in ICSF Cross-System Services. v An attempt to create the TKDS latch set failed. 56 57 58 59 5A 60 61 6D Unexpected return code from ISGENQ in ICSF Cross-System Services. Unexpected return code from ESTAE in ICSF Cross-System Services. IXCQUERY failed. Incorrect entry code passed to CSFMTDS. Incorrect entry code passed to CSFMTDSC. CSVDYLPA call failed in module CSFMENFC. Problem encountered during CSVDYLPA in module CSFMENF1. Error from ATTACH of CSFINQKP. Error in termination manager, tasks holding ENQs. Error in termination manager, tasks waiting for ENQs. B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 AF B0 A2 Error in the CKDS retrieval routine. The requested system key has a MAC that is not valid. Error in the CKDS retrieval routine. The requested dummy key was not found. Output type not valid. Error in internal ICSF parameters service calls. Cryptographic public key request not valid. Public key token type not valid. Hardware configuration is not enabled. Hardware configuration contains wrong key size. Arithmetic operand is not valid. Error in public key processing. Error in public key processing. Value for the FUNCTION parameter is unrecognized on call to CSFAPKDS. Error occurred in module CSFMIOPC. Error occurred in ATTACH macro issued in CSFMIOPC. Error occurred in DETACH macro issued in CSFMIOPC. Unable to obtain storage for CPRB. Domain in CPRB does not match CCVE. Length of CPRB in SPB is wrong. Return code 16 from PCI Cryptographic Coprocessor application. Too much data for the CPRB/parameter block. The reply CPRB or parameter block can not be processed because of invalid format or invalid data. Reencipher of the CKDS failed due to an error in processing on the PCI Cryptographic Coprocessor. Unexpected failure reading PKDS header. Error in Pause processing. Error in Release processing. Error in Allocate_Pause_Element processing. Error in CSFMXCFC. Error from ATTACH in CSFMXCFC. Error from DETACH in CSFMXCFC. The storage allocated to the TKDS data space or to the session object data space becomes full.

A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AC AD AE


| 70 | | 71 | | 80
84 8C 90 92

| Reason codes for application services routines:

Parameter block for the compatibility services is not valid. An unrecognized service number was passed from the user application. The master key version number is not valid. The status word from the hardware contained a response code that is not valid. The key encrypting key (KEK) was the wrong type or was not a no control vector (NOCV) KEK. The variant passed to the twist processing routine is not valid. ICSF ended abnormally. An exit installed with the FAIL=ICSF option has ended abnormally. Error in the CKDS retrieval routine. Requested system key was not found in the in-storage and/or the DASD CKDS.



94 98 A0 A1


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CC CD D0 A bad entry code is passed to the TKDS I/O subtask controller. Error in ATTACH processing while attaching the TKDS I/O subtask. Error in DETACH processing while attaching the TKDS I/O subtask. The FUNCTION parameter is unrecognizable on a call to CSFATKDS. Error from an attempt to create or access a PKCS #11 data space. Error in CSFMTXCC. Error from ATTACH in CSFMTXCC. Error from DETACH in CSFMTXCC. Error in the CKDS retrieval routine. The sysplex entry point was not called properly. Unable to attach the PKDS cross system services task. Failure detaching the PKDS cross system services task during termination. Internal parameter error during ICSF sysplex processing. 185 182 183 184 10E 10F Bad message ID during enque process. Bad AP TYPE returned from a TESTQ operation to a cryptographic coprocessor.

Reason codes for key generator utility program (KGUP) and common services: 144 148 180 181 Cannot build LSR in CSFIO003 module. Cannot use LSR in CSFIO003 module. Error found in the message queue. The exit list in the common I/O routine is not valid. The access control block in the common I/O routine is not valid. The request parameter list in the common I/O routine is not valid. MAC_generation or Mac_verification failed with RC=12 during dynamic CKDS update processing. An incorrect function request was passed to common I/O routines for dynamic CKDS update processing. Unexpected return or reason codes were returned from common I/O routines during dynamic CKDS update processing. Incorrect CKDS record created during dynamic CKDS update processing.


Common reason codes (issued by more than one function): 100 101 102 103 104 105 The return code from an installation exit is not valid. Compatibility mode service was requested but has not been available since z/OS V1R3. Condition code from the ICSF (instruction) macro is not valid. Return code from the RCFSTAT macro is not valid. Return code from the RCFCONF macro is not valid. A master key version change occurred during the re-encipher, conversion or dynamic CKDS update process. Invalid CCC or invalid algorithm bits in CSFMPMKV module. Error in public key processing. Error in interprocessor communication. Bad response code for PKSC/PKA request. Bad PKSC/PKA request block. PCI Cryptographic Coprocessor queue full error from CSFACCPS. Unknown response code from PCI Cryptographic Coprocessor instructions. Storage exception during dequeue process. 205 202 187

Reason codes for ICSF message processing: 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 Message processing block (MPB) is not valid. A blank message skeleton was retrieved. A matching message table was not found. The message was not found The substitution tag is not valid. The message buffer size was exceeded. The Message variable not found in the MPB. CAMQ reply PSMID does not match. CCP reply PSMID does not match. Unknown response code after dequeue CAM.

106 107 108 109 10A 10B 10C 10D

Reason codes for ICSF callable services: 200 An error occurred in the encode or decode callable service. An error occurred in the key generate callable service. The parameter to CSFKGN1 called IK_PROCESS_RULE has an unknown value, and processing cannot continue. The control vector (CV) in the cryptographic key data set (CKDS) record is not valid.

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


206 207 The conversion service received a CKDS that is not valid. WLM encountered a bad data area. Resource Class Code 03 Resource Name FmDevRes Resource Description abstract class for workflow server input/output device resources implementation class for the system console interface implementation class for the flight recorder implementation class for the queue serialization implementation class for the MVS message services interface implementation class for the in-storage queues implementation class for the error recovery implementation class for the data set access implementation class for the security server interface implementation class for the subtask management implementation class for the subtask synchronization implementation class for the timer interface implementation class for the component trace interface implementation class for the subtask services implementation class for the workload manager interface implementation class for the cross-system coupling facility interface implementation class for the cross-language services

Reason codes for dialog routines: 300 A function that was passed to the dialog service routine is not valid.



Reason codes for component trace: 380 381 A message ID that was used in the component trace routine is not valid. The control block in the component trace routine is not valid. 05 06 Diagnose FifoLock

System action: If the abend occurred during ICSF initialization, ICSF ends abnormally. 07 In general, if the abend occurred after ICSF is available and running, your application or unit of work ends. ICSF is still available. However, if the error occurred when trying to set the cryptographic domain index or if an exit that is installed with the FAIL=ICSF option abends, ICSF ends abnormally. Application Programmer Response: Review the reason codes on the dump title to see if the abend was an installation or user error. Also check to see if the reason code was an installation-generated reason code. If you cannot resolve the problem, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, save the dump, gather the dump header record, and contact the IBM support center. Debugging aids and recovery-related information are discussed in ICSF System Programmers Guide. Source: Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility (ICSF) 1C2 Explanation: The MQSeries Workflow for OS/390 server address space encountered a severe internal error. The reason code identifies the source of the error. It has the format X'rrmmnnnn', where rr denotes the resource class (as detailed in the table that follows), mm denotes the method of the resource class, and nnnn identifies the place within the method where the error was encountered. Resource Class Code 01 Resource Name Resource Resource Description abstract class for workflow server resources abstract class for workflow server instance resources 18 XcfGroup 14 15 TimeServ ExtTrace MvsMsgSv



09 10

ErrStack ServerDS
















z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Resource Class Code 20 Resource Name XMemServ Resource Description implementation class for the cross-memory services Value 0418 Description Bad return code from ESTAE macro. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 0419 Bad return code from VSM Locate macro. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 0420 Bad return code from LOAD or NUCLKUP macros. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 0422 Bad return code from DSPSERV Create. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 0423 Bad return code from ALESERV Add. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 0424 Bad return code from EnfReq Listen. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 0425 C Daemon not responding to termination request. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records.

System action: The system issues an ABEND dump. Application Programmer Response: None. System programmer response: For reason code X'1505nnnn', verify the setup for the component trace and restart the server. For reason code X'1705nnnn', verify the setup for the workload manager application environment and restart the server. For other reason codes, search the problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center and provide the ABEND dump. Source: MQSeries Worklfow for OS/390 1C3 Explanation: An error occurred during IBM License Manager (ILM) processing. The accompanying reason codes identify either an internal IBM License Manager error or an external error code as follows: Value 0403 Description Bad input parameters. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 0414 Bad return code from ETCRE macro. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 0415 Bad return code from ETCON macro. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records.

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


Value 0427 Description Attach of BPXBATSL to execute Agent C Daemon failed. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 0428 Taking dump as requested by Agent C Daemon. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 0429 Taking dump as requested by Server C Daemon. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 05C4 Cell storage address required. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 05C5 Cannot do DSPSERV RELEASE for this cell pool. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 05C6 Bad return code from Csrpbld service. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 05CC Value 05C7 Description Bad return code from Csrpexp service. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 05C8 A Storage Manager Control Block stack is invalid. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 05C9 A Storage Manager Control Block stack overflowed. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 05CA A Master Cell Pool is out of extent storage cells. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. Cell pool token is invalid. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 05CD Cell pool is out of cells. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 05CE Cell address is invalid. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Value 05CF Description Bad return code from Csrpfre service. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 05D0 Bad return code from Csrpget service. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 05D1 Bad return code from Csrpqpl service. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 05D2 Incorrect data in a certificate. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 05D3 The set of certificates had no IBM global certificate. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 05D4 The agent provided a DOM ID of 0 to be saved. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. 05D5 The server provided a DOM ID of 0 to be saved. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. C003 8005 05D7 Value 05D6 Description The agent provided a stall time of 0. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. The agent or server provided a DOM ID of 0 to be deleted.. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and, if this problem caused multiple abends, the portion of the logrec log containing the relevant logrec records. The callable service was issued by a program running with an EUT FRR set. Action: You must not issue the callable service when an FRR is set. FRRs must be deleted before calling the service. 8006 The callable service was issued by a program running with a system lock held. Action: You must not issue the callable service when a lock is held. Release the locks before calling the service. C001 The IBM License Manager is not supported on this system. Action: Start the IBM License Manager on a processor that supports this capability. The callable service was not issued by a program running under a task. Action: You must issue the callable service only in task mode. SRB mode is not supported. C004 The CVTILM bit is off, which means no calls to the IBM License Manager should be made. Action: User error. If the official stubs are used to call the IBM License Manager, the stub will test the CVTILM bit. If you are calling the IBM License Manager without the stub, you must check CVTILM and call only if the flag is ON. C007 The callable service was issued in cross-memory mode. Action: You cannot issue the callable service in cross-memory mode. Correct the problem and resubmit the job.

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


Value C009 Description The parameter list contains an incorrect number of parameters. Action: An error was encountered that prevents the running of the callable service. However, the system cannot set an error return code for the caller because the input parameter list is incorrectly specified. An ABDUMP or symptom dump has been requested for the caller. In the dump, register 2 contains the return code value and register 3 contains the reason code value of the original failure. Do both of the following: v Analyze the return code and reason code for the cause of the original problem. v Check for incorrect input parameters passed to the callable service. C00E An incorrect address was encountered when trying to move user parameter data. This can be caused by one of the following conditions: v The total number of parameters is incorrect for the callable service being issued. v Action:There is an error in one of the passed user parameters causing the IBM License Manager to program check when the parameter is accessed. Check for the following conditions: A parameter that points to non-existent storage. A parameter that cannot be accessed in the current user PSW key. Any other reason codes indicate that an internal error has occurred. System action: For the reason codes listed above, use the system actions specifically listed. System programmer response: Try the request again. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and logrec entries associated with this abend. For the reason codes listed above, use the system programmer response specifically listed. Source: IBM License Manager Detecting Module: Many 1C5 Explanation: An error occurred during System Logger processing. The accompanying reason codes identify either an internal recoverable Logger error or an external error code as follows: Code Explanation
z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes


An IXGBRWSE or IXGDELET request failed because the block identifier could not be found in the log stream. System Action: The request is not honored and a return code 8, reason code 00000804 (or corresponding missing data reason code) is returned to the caller. System Programmer Response:Ensure that the value in the request references an existing portion of the log stream. You can run the utility IXCMIAPU with LIST LOGSTREAM (logstream-name) DETAIL(YES) to help you determine if the requested blockid is in a valid range, and it is not in a loss of data range. If the blockid is valid, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and LOGREC entries associated with this ABEND.


Control percolated to the service requesters task due to an abend during system logger processing. Retry was not possible. System Programmer Response: Request the service again. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center.


Logger encountered an error that would have resulted in overwriting log data on DASD. System Action: System Logger ends the task. System Programmer Response: If the operation in question fails, refer to message IXG269I for diagnostic procedures. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center and provide the diagnostic information.


Logger is unable to interpret the contents of an offload data set. System Action: The request to read the data set fails. Logger will issue message IXG063I to attempt to identify the log stream, and it will request a dump. Logger may have also issued message IXG0269I to


identify the data set in error. Browse (IXGBRWSE) requests to a log stream that encounters this error might result in warning or error gap conditions. System Programmer Response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 00010009 Logger is attempting to read from or write to an offload data set, but a Media Manager access method error was encountered. System Action: Logger will issue message IXG063I to attempt to identify the log stream and it will request a dump. For offload processing, if Logger can recover from the error, it will close the current data set, allocate a new one, and continue with the offload. If Logger cannot recover, it will issue message IXG301I and the offload will fail. Browse (IXGBRWSE) requests to the log streams that encounter this error might result in warning or error gap conditions. System Programmer Response: If the operation in question fails, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center and provide the diagnostic information. 00030006 An abend occurred after system logger called an applications complete exit. Either the complete exit abended and percolated to system logger recovery, or the address of the complete exit specified on the COMPLETEEXIT parameter of the IXGCONN request for the log stream was incorrect. System Action: System logger ends the task that owned the connection to the log stream in order to end the connection. System Programmer Response:Ensure that the complete exit address specified on the IXGCONN request was correct and that the address does not change. System logger requires that the callers complete exit remain loaded in storage at the address specified on IXGCONN until the application receives control after successfully 00030009 disconnecting from the log stream. Then, if necessary, restart the application. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and logrec entries associated with this abend. System logger was unable to complete an offload during log stream recovery. The operator response to message IXG115A caused system logger to abnormally terminate the structure connect task. System Action: System logger ends the task that owned the connection to the log stream and the structure for which the offload was processing. System Programmer Response:Restart any applications that use the log stream identified in message IXG114A. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and logrec entries associated with this abend. 00040003 System Logger has detected that the timestamp of the last block written for the current logstream is well in the future. It is likely that this log stream was used in a clock adjusted testing environment, and an attempt has been made to reuse the log stream once testing was complete and the clock has been set back to the present or appropriate date/time. This type of Logger ABEND condition has been known to occur during the following types of testing situations: v during Y2K testing. v during reverse migration from a Mixed-CTN to an ETR-only network on z/OS images on the CPC for which the ETR ports are enabled. A Coordinated Timing Network (CTN) is a collection of servers and Coupling Facilities that are time synchronized to a time value called Coordinated Server Time. A Mixed-Coordinated Timing Network (Mixed-CTN) requires a Sysplex Timer, and allows for both an External Time Reference (ETR) network and a Server Time Protocol
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


1C6 1C7
(STP). Depending on how long the stratum 2 server resides in STP-timing mode, the TOD clock may drift enough for Logger to detect that a system on an ETR-timing CPC might be less advanced than one on the STP-Timing CPC. This might be encountered on any image on the STP-timing server if they are actively writing log blocks to a CF structure based log stream. System Action: If the log stream had been newly connected on a system after the clock (time) adjustment, then the system has previously issued message IXG218A, warning of this condition. Once the issue is encountered, no IXGWRITE requests for this log stream can be completed until the date/time becomes current (as indicated in Message IXG218A). Until the appropriate date and time are reached, Logger will reject IXGWRITE requests with a return code X'0C'. A dump will be requested to provide diagnostic information. System Programmer Response: The most likely cause of this problem is that the clock value for the sysplex has been adjusted backwards in time, and that this log stream was written to while the clock was adjusted forward. If the time difference from the clock adjustment or wait time indicated in message IXG218A is unacceptable, it will be necessary to disconnect from the log stream, delete it, redefine it, and reconnect. Any other reason codes indicate that an internal error has occurred. System action: The system will have issued message IXG063I in an attempt to identify the log stream (and CF structure) resources Logger was operating on at the time of the ABEND. The system writes a dump and records the error in logrec. For the reason codes listed above, use the system actions specifically listed. System programmer response: Try disconnecting a log stream and connecting again. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and logrec entries associated with this abend. For the reason codes listed above, use the system programmers response specifically listed. Source: System Logger 1C6 Explanation: The system detected a possible overlay of a TCB field for a task that is the target of a STATUS macro request. For more information about the STATUS macro, see z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference SET-WTO. System action: The system abnormally ends the address space in which the task is running. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM support center. Source: Task Management 1C7 Explanation: An error occurred during workload manager (WLM) processing. The accompanying reason code identifies either an internal recoverable WLM error or an external error code as follows: Code 0Axx0004 xxxx0005 Explanation An attempt to reference a callers parameters caused an 0C4 abend. This is issued by WLM Module IRASAQUE (Queue delay samples gatherer). The QM sampling routine, QMSAM, has either returned with an error code, or it has abended an excessive number of times. This may be the result of damage to the QM/EM data structures, or it could also be a consequence of QMSAM running unserialized. WLM is rebuilding its internal structure. 1030003 This is issued during initialization of the WLM address space when the load of a WLM load module fails or the load module is not in the nucleus.

System action: Code 1030003 System Action The system goes into a wait state.

Operator response: Code 0Axx0004 xxxx0005 Response Notify the system programmer. Ignore and continue, and notify system programmer if the problem persists. Notify the system programmer.


Application Programmer Response: Check for


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

possible programmer errors that might exist in a program that requests services from WLM. Code 0Axx0004 Response WLM could not access the parameter list or parameters passed by the IWMPQRY or IWMWQRY services. The following are possible problems: v WLM could not copy the parameter list because the parameters could not be accessed by storage key. v WLM could not copy the service definition, service classification rules, or the service notepad area to a private copy. v WLM could not copy a local copy of the parameter list back into the callers copy. Check the parameter list areas for the service definition, service classification rules, and notepad area. Ensure that correct storage keys are specified. For all other reason codes, contact programmer service support. System programmer response: Code 1030003 Response This problem can result from an incorrect PTF apply, that is, a PTF was not installed successfully. If you cannot identify the respective PTF and fix the problem, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, create a stand-alone dump and contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump issued by the system. 0008 0005 Value 0002 Description The callable service was issued by a program running with a system lock held. Action: You must not issue the callable service when a lock is held. Release the locks before calling the service. 0003 The callable service was not issued by a program running under a task. Action: You must issue the callable service only in task mode. SRB mode is not supported. 0004 The callable service was issued in cross-memory mode. Action: You must not issue the callable service in cross-memory mode. Correct the problem and resubmit the job. The caller was not enabled. Action: You must enable the caller to invoke this service. 0007 The specified length for a CEA input argument is incorrect. Action: The length of a SIGNED or UNSIGNED argument cannot be longer than 8 bytes (64 bits). The specified type of a CEA input argument is incorrect. Action: Correct the type. The address of the invalid type is in register 2. 0009 The input parameter list of the user is not accessible. Action: Check the input parameter list for the service and verify that it is correct. 000A There is no security product. Action: Install a security product such as RACF and retry the request. Other reason codes from 0401 - 3FFF indicate that an internal error has occurred. System action: Use the system actions specifically listed. System programmer response: For the reason codes listed above, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Common Event Adapter Detecting Module: Many

For other reason codes, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump. 1D0 Explanation: An error occurred during Common Event Adapter (CEA) processing. The accompanying reason codes identify either an internal Common Event Adapter error or an external error code as follows: Value 0001 Description The callable service was issued by a program running with an FRR set. Action: You must not issue the callable service when an FRR is set. FRRs must be deleted before calling the service.

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


1E0 1FB
1E0 Explanation: A JES SSI routine detected an error in the information passed by the caller. Either an unauthorized caller is attempting to use an SSI that requires authorization or an SSI caller passed a data area to the SSI that it does not have access to. The return code in register 15 identifies the error. Code 04 Explanation An unauthorized caller (problem state and non-authorized PSW storage key) invoked an SSI that requires the caller to be authorized. A data area passed on an SSI could not be accessed in the PSW storage key of the caller. Because this is a transformed ABEND code (original ABEND may have been an X'0C4'), it is not possible to set a SLIP trap on this code to force an SVC dump. 1FB Explanation: JES3 may have issued one of the following messages because of the indicated error: IAT1601 The user is trying to perform I/O to a data set that is closed. An incorrect IATYDAT was found on the data buffer block (DAT) queue. IAT1602 One of the following control blocks either (1) could not be validated or (2) contains incorrect data: IATYDAT, IATYDMC, IATYDSB or IATYDSS. IAT1603 A JES3 module passed, as a parameter to IATDMEB, a code that requested an incorrect data management function. IAT1604 A start I/O operation in the users storage returned an error code. IAT1605 A start I/O operation in the users storage returned an error code. IAT1606 IATDMEB found an incorrect unprotected buffer (IATYDAT) address or the associated IATYDMC address was incorrect. IAT1607 IATDMEB could not allocate an unprotected buffer. IAT1609 One of the following occurred: v When module IATDMEB or IATSIAD attempted to set up a data management WAIT, the module found a data management function already waiting. v When module IATDMEB or IATSIAD attempted to set up a subsystem interface WAIT, the module found a subsystem function already waiting. IAT1610 During ENDREQ processing, a request for macro IATYJDS failed. IAT1611 The JES3 SSVT was either (1) incorrect or (2) could not be found. IAT1612 The SYSOUT class to be allocated is not alphanumeric. IAT1614 A failure occurred while processing a started task or TSO logon internal reader data set. IAT1803 An attempt to move data from a JES3 protected


System action: The program invoking the SSI is ABENDed. User response: Correct the application. Operator response: None. System programmer response: A LOGREC entry will be created to document that this error has occurred. Problem determination: Review SSI requirements in z/OS MVS Using the Subsystem Interface. Source: JES2, JES3 Detecting Module: HASCLINK, IATSIAU 1FA Explanation: The error occurred during execution of a data management request for a spool data set. JES2 found that the data management control blocks are no longer valid. System programmer response: Obtain the program listing for the job. Look at the messages in the job log. If the JOB statement did not specify MSGLEVEL=(1,1), specify it and run the job again. Probable user error. Verify that the problem program did not modify the data management control blocks. After making the correction, execute the job step again. If the problem recurs and if the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: JES2 or DFSMSdfp


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

buffer in the JES3 auxiliary address space to a user storage unprotected buffer failed. IAT6700 During deallocation, when attempting to update the JDSENTRY, the module could not find a job data set (JDS) entry. IAT6703 When the module attempted communication, an error that disrupted operations occurred in the global processor. IAT6704 OPEN could not allocate a user address space buffer to a data set. IAT6707 At deallocation of the external writer data set, the module could not find an output scheduling element (OSE). IAT6708 A permanent I/O error occurred on an output data set. IAT6711 A SSISERV macro sent incorrect data to the global processor; the request could not be serviced. IAT6309 A failure has occurred during an MVS LOAD or BLDL of a JES3 input service module. If none of these messages appear, JES3 found an incorrect IFGACB, IATYDSS, or IATYDSB control block or received an error return code as a result of a SJFREQ request. System action: Depending on the error, the system ends either the job step or the user address space. Application Programmer Response: If the problem occurred in an I/O operation, correct any I/O errors in your program. Then rerun the job. If JES3 issued message IAT6309, correct the cause of the LOAD or BLDL failure. Then rerun the job. Otherwise, notify your system programmer, supplying a SYSABEND dump. System programmer response: If messages accompany this abend, register 3 in the dump points to a copy of the data set status block (DSS). A hexadecimal reason code explains the error. Use this reason code to determine the cause of the error. Code 01 Explanation Module IATDMEB, while performing verification of the subsystem vector table (SVT), has found that the SVT block ID (SVTID) is incorrect. The data extent block (DEB) does not contain the data set block (DSB) upon entry to IATDMEB. 0E 03 04 Module IATDMEB contains undefined function code. Module IATDMEB received an error code from the IATXSIO macro while processing the GET routine. Module IATDMEB received an error code from the IATXSIO macro while processing the data management point routine. Module IATDMEB received an error code from the IATXSIO macro while processing the SSI point routine. Module IATDMEB received an error code from the IATXSIO macro while processing the GET routine. Module IATDMEB received an error code from the IATXSIO macro while processing the PUT-Update routine. Module IATDMEB contains a dynamic address translation (DAT) validation error. The DAT address is out of range (too low). Module IATDMEB contains a dynamic address translation (DAT) validation error. The DAT address is out of range (too high). Module IATDMEB received an error code from the IATXSIO macro while processing IATDMEBS routine. Module IATDMEB received a busy return from macro IATXUBAL while processing the buffer checkpoint routine. Module IATDMEB received an error return from macro IATXUBAL while processing IATDMEBS routine. Module IATDMEB received an error code from the IATXSIO macro while processing IATDMEBS routine. Module IATDMEB received an error code from the IATXSIO macro while processing IATDMEBS routine. Module IATDMEB received an error code from the IATXSIO macro while processing IATDMEBS routine. Module IATDMEB received a busy return from macro IATXUBAL while processing IATDMEBS routine. Module IATDMEB detected a CLOSE serialization failure in the ENDREQ routine. Module IATDMEB received a busy return form macro IATXUBAL while processing IATDMEBS routine. Module IATDMEB received an UBUFF validation error while processing. DMC block ID (DMCID) is incorrect.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes













12 13




15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Module IATDMEB found the data management wait already outstanding. Module IATDMEB found the SSI wait already outstanding. Module IATDMEB received an error return from macro IATXSIO. Module IATDMEB received an DMC validation error. The DMC block ID (DMCID) is incorrect. Module IATDMEB received an DMC validation error. DMC address is out of range (too low). Module IATDMEB received an DMC validation error. DMC address is out of range (too high). Module IATDMEB received an DAT validation error. DAT block ID (DATID) is incorrect. Module IATDMEB received an DAT validation error. DAT address is out of range (too low). Module IATDMEB received an DAT validation error. DAT address is out of range (too high). Module IATDMEB received a GETMAIN failure while processing ENDREQ routine. Module IATSICC received a permanent I/O error writing last buffer. Module IATDMFR received a failure in IATDMEB channel end routine (IATDMEBS). Module IATDMEB received a cross memory move (IATXMVXM) error return. Module IATDMEB detected the data set status block id (DSSID) is not valid upon entry. Module IATDMEB received an DSS validation error. The SVT pointer (DSSSSVT) is incorrect. Module IATDMEB received an DSB validation error. DSB block ID (DSBID) is incorrect. Module IATDMEB received an error return from UBUFF while processing the allocation routine. Module IATDMEB received an error return from IATXSIO while processing the IATDMEBS routine. Module IATDMEB could not free user memory buffers. The DSS or DSB failed validation in module IATDMUB. Module IATDMEB received an DAT validation error. DAT address is out of range (too low). Module IATDMEB received an DAT validation error. DAT address is out of range (too high). Module IATDMEB received an SSISERV error while processing ENDREQ routine. The JIB block ID incorrect. Module IATDMEB received an error in JDS access while processing ENDREQ routine.
z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A

Module IATDMEB received an DMC validation error. DMC address is out of range (too low). Module IATDMEB received an DMC validation error. DMC address is out of range (too high). Module IATDMEB received an DAT validation error. DAT address is out of range (too low). Module IATDMEB received an DAT validation error. DAT address is out of range (too high). Module IATDMEB received an error return from spool record allocation (IATDMDKR). Module IATDMEB received an DAT validation error. DAT address out of range (too low). Module IATDMEB received an DAT validation error. DAT address out of range (too high). Module IATDMEB received an DAT validation error. DAT block ID (DATID) is incorrect. Module IATDMEB received an DAT validation error. DAT address out of range (too low). Module IATDMEB received an DAT validation error. DAT address out of range (too high). Module IATDMEB received an DAT validation error. DAT block ID (DATID) is incorrect. Module IATDMEB received an DAT validation error. DAT address is out of range (too low). Module IATDMEB received an DAT validation error. DAT address is out of range (too high). Module IATDMEB received an DAT validation error. DAT block ID (DATID) is incorrect. Module IATDMEB received an error while adding a data set status block (DSS) to the record allocation block (RAB) queue during write error recovery. Module IATDMEB received an error while adding a data set status block (DSS) to the record allocation block (RAB) queue after IATXSIO processing. Module IATDMEB received an error while resetting a data set status block (DSS). Module IATDMEB received an error while adding the data set status block (DSS) to the record allocation block (RAB) queue. Module IATDMDM received an incorrect ACB on entry. Module IATDMDM received an DSB validation error. DSB block ID (DSBID) incorrect. Module IATDMDM received an DSS validation error. DSS block ID (DSSID) incorrect. Module IATDMDM received an incorrect DAT address while processing the PUT routine.


3C 3D


28 29 2A

40 41 42 43



44 45 46 47 48 Module IATDMDM received an incorrect buffer point while processing the PUT routine. Module IATDMDM found that no room remains in the buffer while processing the PUT routine. Module IATDMDM received an DAT validation error. DAT address out of range (too low). Module IATDMDM received an DAT validation error. DAT address out of range (too high). Module IATDMDM received an unsuccessful GETMAIN while processing the ENDREQ routine. Module IATDMDM received an input service error while processing the ENDREQ routine. Module IATDMDM did not receive the JOBID from input service while processing the ENDREQ routine. Module IATDMDM received an error re-opening INTRDR data set while processing the PUT routine. Module IATDMDM detected serialization failure in the PUT routine. GETMAIN failed while processing a started task or TSO logon request. Module IATSIAD received an SSISERV error return. Module IATSIAD received an SSISERV error return. Module IATSIAD received an SSISERV error return. The job is marked delete only. Module IATSIAD received a catastrophic error from SSISERV. Module IATSIAD detected bad data was sent during SSISERV processing. Module IATSIAD received an error during PSO unallocation from SSISERV error return. Module IATSIAD received an SSISERV error return. There was no job number available. Module IATSIAD received an SSISERV error return. Module IATSIAD received an SSISERV error return. A JES3 module received an allocation request for a SYSOUT class that is not A-Z or 0-9. Module IATSIOR detected an OPEN serialization failure. Module IATSIOR detected an OPEN serialization failure. Module IATSIOR found ORT not available. Module IATSIOR found ORT not available. 78 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B Module IATSIOR received an error return from IATSIOD module. Module IATSIOR found the user writer name was not specified. Module IATSIOR received an SSISERV error return. The job was marked delete-only. Module IATSIOR received a catastrophic error from SSISERV. Module IATSIOR did not find a job data set (JDS). Module IATSIOR received an SSISERV error return. There was no job number available. Module IATSIOR received a BUSY return from the buffer allocation routine. Module IATSIOR received an error while adding a data set status block (DSS) to the record allocation block (RAB) queue after an error during OPEN processing. Module IATSIOR received an SSISERV error return. The job is marked delete only. Module IATSIOR detected an OPEN serialization failure. Module IATSIOR detected an OSE buffer number overflow. A JES3 module received a JDS pointer value that was zero during DS OPEN processing. Module IATSICC received an SSISERV error return. The job was marked delete-only. Module IATSICC received an SSISERV error return while processing INTRDR job. Module IATSICC received a catastrophic error from SSISERV. Module IATSICC received an SSISERV error return. Bad data was sent. Module IATSICC received an SSISERV error return. The job number is not available. Module IATSICC detected a CLOSE serialization failure. Module IATSICC detected a PUT serialization failure. Module IATSICC detected an INTRDR serialization failure. No task was holding the DSBOCTCB lock. Module IATSICC detected an INTRDR serialization failure. Some other task was already holding the DSBOCTCB lock. Module IATSICC detected an INTRDR serialization failure. The DSBOCTCB lock was overlayed while processing the INTRDR close request.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

49 4A


6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77

4C 4D 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 5A 60 61 62 63



80 Module IATDMFR received a failure in module IATSIAD while processing the IATSIADD routine. Module IATDMDK failed when adding a DSS to the PBUF wait queue. Module IATDMDK failed when adding a DSS to the SRB wait queue. Module IATDMDK failed when attempting to reset the DSS after it was removed from the RAB wait queue. Module IATDMER failed when adding a DSS to the SRB wait queue. Module IATDMDM received an error code from a STORAGE OBTAIN request. Module IATDMDM received an error code from a call to IATGRAS. Module IATDMDM received an error code from a call to IXZXIXSM. SEGTYPE=FIRST was specified on the call. Module IATDMDM received an error code from a call to IXZXIXSM. SEGTYPE=LAST was specified on the call. Module IATDMDM received an error code from a call to IXZXIXAC. Module IATDMDM received an error code from a STORAGE RELEASE request. Module IATDMDM found no output buffer or the buffer failed validation. Module IATDMDS, while processing a chain of DMCs, found them chained in a circular chain. Module IATDMDS, while in the Link-up routine, detected an error in processing the Extent Busy queue. Module IATDMIT detected that the channel program for I/O request was incomplete while the request complete normally. Module IATDMIT detected a failure when attempting to a DSS to the SRB Wait Queue. Module IATDMIT detected a failure when attempting to reset a DSS after it had been removed from the Protect Buffer (PBUF) Wait Queue. Module IATGRSP detected a failure when releasing the DSB spinoff lock. Module IATGRSP detected a failure writing a buffer. Module IATGRSP detected a failure freeing unprotected buffers (UBUFs). Module IATGRSP detected a failure obtaining UBUFs .
z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

AF B0 B1 B2 C0

Module IATGRSP detected a failure during a dataset point operation. Module IATGRSP detected a failure during spinoff processing. Module IATGRSP detected a failure trying to obtain the UBUF lock. Module IATGRSP detected a failure when freeing the UBUF lock. Module IATDMEB detected an error in the EBR000 routine. The EBGETUBF service returned +0. Module IATDMEB detected an error in the EBR000 routine. The EBGETUBF service returned +0. Module IATDMEB - the IATDMEBS routine detected an error. The EBGETUBF returned +0. Module IATDMEB detected an error in the Data Management Point routine when the IATXSIO call returned via its error return. Module IATDMEB - the IATDMEBS routine detected an error when freeing the buffer pointed to by DSBLSTBF. Module IATDMEB detected an error in the EBT000 routine. The EBGETUBF service returned +0. Module IATDMEB detected an error in the EBT000 routine. The EBGETUBF service returned +0 Module IATDMEB detected an error in the EBG000 routine. The read buffers were not in a sequential order. Module IATDMEB, the Data Management Point routine, detected an error when the IATXSIO call returned via its error return. Module IATDMEB or IATGRSP detected that a job termination request was made before the data management request was processed. Module IATDMEB detected zero DATPREV when searching backward during a POINT operation. Module IATDMEB found the current UBUF chained to the list of waiting buffers. The DMC failed validation in the GET routine of IATDMEB. Module IATDMEB was unable to allocate a buffer for a spool browse GET.

81 82 83

84 90 91 92






94 95 96 A0 A1









D2 D3 D4


Source: JES3


1FC 200
1FC Explanation: In response to a Supervisor Call (SVC) instruction, the SVC first level interrupt handler (FLIH) was running, but a system error occurred. System action: In an attempt to recover, the system abnormally ends the task that issued the SVC instruction. The system writes a logrec data set error record. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=1FC,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Do the following: 1. Find the original abend causing the problem in the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) in the logrec data set error record for abend X'1FC'. 2. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump and, if available, the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control 200 Explanation: During a validity check of an I/O request, execute channel program (EXCP) processing encountered an error. Each X'200' abend code has a three digit reason code that explains the error. Each digit of the reason code has a specific meaning: First Digit - The first digit in the reason code indicates the type of error: Code 1nn Explanation Storage protection check. The storage protection key of one of the control blocks being tested was not the same as the storage protection key in the callers request block (RB). Segment translation error. A segment exception occurred when EXCP processing was processing a control block. A segment exception occurs when EXCP uses an incorrect address. The incorrect address results from one of the following: v The caller may have passed an incorrect address. v The storage area that the address is obtained from may have been overlaid. v The control block that the address points to may have been prematurely freed. v Necessary data sets were prematurely closed. 3nn Page translation error. Second Digit - The second digit in the reason code indicates the phase of processing when that the error occurred: Code n1n n2n Explanation EXCP encountered an error during the front end processing. EXCP encountered an error during the back end processing. Back end processing includes DASD ERP, PCI, PURGE, and FRR routines. EXCP encountered an error during the post-processing. EXCP encountered an error while updating the data control block (DCB) during the validity check. EXCP encountered an error while processing a related. request. EXCP encountered an error while processing the PCI appendage. A page translation error occurs when EXCP uses an incorrect address. The incorrect address results from one of the following: v The caller may have passed an incorrect address. v The storage area that the address was obtained from may have been overlaid. v The control block that the address points to may have been prematurely freed. v Necessary data sets were prematurely closed.

n3n n4n

n5n n5n

Third Digit - The third digit in the reason code indicates which control block was being tested when EXCP encountered the error: Code nn1 nn2 nn3 nn4 nn5 nn6 Explanation Input/output block (IOB) Data control block (DCB) Data extent block (DEB) Event control block (ECB) Input/output block extension (IOBE) I/O error data block (IEDB)


System action: The system abnormally ends the current task and issues a SNAP dump. Application Programmer Response: Correct the problem that the reason code indicates. Verify also that the data set was opened and that the control block indicated was correctly modified by the problem program. If the EXCP access method is being used, ensure that the IOB and the ECB are correctly built. Correct the error. Run the job again.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


201 205
If the error recurs and you cannot determine the cause, run the job again, requesting an ABEND dump. Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: In the dump, look at field TCBEXCPD at offset X'C0' in the task control block (TCB) of the current task. TCBEXCPD points to the EXCP debugging area (XDBA). The XDBA contains diagnostic data associated with the EXCP processor. If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL for the job and the dump. Source: Execute channel program (EXCP) 201 Explanation: During processing of a WAIT macro, the system found either: v The macro expansion contained an incorrect address for an event control block (ECB) v The program issuing the WAIT macro was not running under the same storage protection key as the storage containing the ECB System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the WAIT macro. Application Programmer Response: Ensure that the ECB address specified is a valid virtual storage address and that it was not incorrectly modified. Correct the error. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing and the assembly listing associated with the job. Source: Task management 202 Explanation: During processing of a POST macro, the system found an error with an event control block (ECB). Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 00 Explanation The system found an incorrect address for a request block (RB) in the 3 low-order bytes of the ECB specified by the problem program. The system places the address of the RB in the ECB during processing of a WAIT macro. 04 08 This address must remain in the ECB until a POST macro places a post code or zeros in the ECB. The waiting RB is not enabled for interrupts. For a POST in a problem program protection key and a WAIT in a system protection key, the ECB to be posted does not match any ECB being waited on. For a WAIT in a problem program protection key, the ECB address is incorrect. This can also mean that the program issuing the WAIT has specified a list of ECBs and one of those ECBs is not valid. This could happen if the ECB storage has been released by another process.


System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the POST macro. Application Programmer Response: Ensure that the contents of the ECB were not modified after the WAIT macro and before the POST macro. Correct the error. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing and the assembly listing associated with the job. Source: Task management 204 Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an EC, EU, LC, LU, VC or VU form of the GETMAIN macro. During request processing, the system tried to get local system queue area (LSQA) storage to support the request, but no central storage is available to back the LSQA storage. System action: The system abnormally ends the address space where the job was running. Application Programmer Response: Run the job step again. If the system issues this abend again, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) 205 Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an EC, EU, LC, LU, VC or VU form of the FREEMAIN macro. During request processing, the system attempted to get local system queue area (LSQA) storage to support the request, but no central


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

storage is available to back the LSQA storage. System action: The system abnormally ends the address space where the job was running. Application Programmer Response: Run the job step again. If the system issues this abend again, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) 206 Explanation: An error occurred during processing of a LINK(X), LOAD, XCTL(X), DELETE, or SYNCH macro. The control program detected one of these errors: v The address of the parameter list specified in the macro instruction was erroneous. v The address of the name (if EP or EPLOC was specified), or the address of the directory entry (if DE was specified) was erroneous. v The parameter list pointed to by the macro contains a nonzero value in an undefined field. v The caller is not authorized to use the options specified in the macro. v The LOAD macro includes conflicting options. v The LOAD macro includes the ADDR parameter, but addr is not a doubleword boundary. v An incorrect alias name was detected. 34 The reason code in register code 15 identifies the error: Code 04 Explanation A LOAD macro was issued with conflicting options. One of the following occurred: v The EOM (delete module at end of memory) keyword, with the GLOBAL keyword omitted. The EOM keyword applies only if the module is loaded into CSA storage. v The GLOBAL and ADDR keywords are both specified. v The ADDR and LOADPT keywords are both specified. 08 An unauthorized program attempted to run a LOAD macro that had the load to global feature (GLOBAL keyword). An unauthorized program attempted to run a LOAD macro that had the explicit load option (ADDR keyword). One of the following occurred: v An unauthorized program attempted to run a SYNCH macro having the KEYADDR, C0 C4 30 20 24 STATE, or KEYMASK operands. These operands are available only to authorized programs. v Reserved bits in the first word of the SYNCH macro parameter list have nonzero values. 14 18 The requested name is an alias for another, already loaded, alias. A LOAD macro was issued with the ADDR keyword but the value of the ADDR keyword, the address, is not a doubleword boundary. A SYNCHX macro was issued with an XMENV operand that contains an incorrect length indicator. The macro level for this macro is not compatible with this system. The program issuing the macro is in AR mode, but the parameter list address does not have an access list entry table (ALET) of zero. Callers in AR mode must qualify the parameter list address with an ALET of zero. Either the EP (entry point) keyword parameter or the DE (list entry address) keyword parameter does not have an ALET of zero. The data control block (DCB) address (DE) keyword parameter does not have an ALET of zero. An incompatible level of TSO/E is being used with a PDSE load module. An incorrect byte was supplied in the DE parameter. A parameter was not addressable or was in the wrong storage key. The directory entry passed in the data control block (DCB) address (DE) keyword parameter was not addressable or was in the wrong storage key. The data control block (DCB) was not addressable or was in the wrong storage key. The data extent block (DEB) was not addressable or was in the wrong storage key.





System action: The system issues an ABEND dump. The system issues a message depending on the reason code accompanying the abend: Code 04 08 0C 10 14 Explanation Message CSV010I CSV014I CSV018I CSV012I CSV023I



Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


20A 212
18 1C 20 24 28 2C 30 CSV022I CSV012I CSV029I CSV029I CSV029I CSV029I CSV040I As a result, the system abnormally ended the job step. Note: The original abend code is in the TCBCMP field of the task control block (TCB) for the subtask that caused the error. System action: The system ends the job step. The system writes an ABEND dump for the failing job step, if it provides a dump data set. Application Programmer Response: Find the original abend code in the TCB of the subtask that caused the error. Continue diagnosis with that abend. Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM) 20E Explanation: A program issued a SPIE macro that specified an incorrect address for the SPIE program interruption element (PIE). System action: The system sends messages about the problem to the job log. The system abends the program that issued the SPIE macro. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=20E,ACTION=SVCD,END Application Programmer Response: If an application program issued the incorrect macro, correct the PIE address, ensuring that it is a valid virtual storage address assigned to the job step. Rerun the job. System programmer response: If an IBM program issued the macro, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide: v Messages from the job log v The ABEND or SVC dump v The assembly listing for the job v The JCL for the job v The program listing for the job Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM) 20F Explanation: A program tried to issue the ERREXCP macro. The program was not in supervisor state. System action: The system abnormally ends the current task. The system does not process the macro. Application Programmer Response: Remove the ERREXCP macro from the program. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 20D Explanation: An abend occurred in a subtask. The subtask either: v Operated in step-must-complete (MC) status v Issued an ABEND macro with the STEP option 212 Explanation: An error occurred during the processing of SVC 18; the error could not be attributed to incorrect user input. This system completion code is

Application Programmer Response: See the application programmer response for messages accompanying this abend issued to the console or the job log. Check for program errors that incorrectly modify the parameter list. If the DE operand is specified, check that the macro is correct for the attributes of the requested module. Ensure that the address specified in the EP, EPLOC or DE operand is not incorrectly specified or modified. After making corrections, run the job step again. System programmer response: See the system programmer response for messages issued to the console or the job log. If the error recurs and the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND dump and the source program listing for the job. Source: Contents supervision (CSV) 20A Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an R form of the GETMAIN or FREEMAIN macro. During request processing, the system attempted to get local system queue area storage (LSQA) to support the request, but no central storage is available to back the LSQA storage. System action: The system abnormally ends the address space where the job was running. Application Programmer Response: Run the job step again. If the system issues this abend again, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM)


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213 218
accompanied by message IEC909I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC909I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code in register 15. System action: Message IEC909I is issued indicating whether a dump was taken to the SYS1.DUMP data set. Application Programmer Response: Make sure that the BLDL or FIND macro instruction is correctly coded, and that the parameter list and control blocks involved are not modified by your program during the processing of SVC 18. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL, the program listing for the job, and the logrec data set error record. Source: DFSMSdfp On the DD statement for the data set in error, specify: 213 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of an OPEN macro instruction for a direct access device. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC143I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC143I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated to the applicable message. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 214 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a CLOSE macro instruction for a data set on magnetic tape. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC210I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC210I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC210I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL DCB=DIAGNS=TRACE Application Programmer Response: For return codes 01, 02, and 03, verify that register 1 contained the correct DCB address prior to issuing SVC 21 and that the DCB has not been overlaid since being opened. For return code 04, verify that register 0 contained the correct parameter list address and that the list is within the callers region prior to issuing SVC 21. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 218 Explanation: An error occurred during the processing of DEVTYPE (SVC 24) that could not be attributed to incorrect user input. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC913I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC913I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Make sure that the DEVTYPE macro instruction is correctly coded, and that the areas passed to DEVTYPE are not freed by your program during the processing of SVC 24. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 215 Explanation: The error occurred during the processing of SVC 21 (STOW). This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC910I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC910I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code in register 15. System action: The STOW task recovery routine has been invoked. If the callers DCB is in the callers region, an attempt was made to trace it to the SYS1.TRACE data set. Operator response: Start a generalized trace facility (GTF) trace, and re-create the problem. Reply to message AHL100A with: TRACE=SYS,USR,SLIP


219 22C
and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 219 Explanation: An error occurred during the processing of SVC 25 that could not be attributed to incorrect user input. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC915I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC915I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code in register 15. System action: Message IEC915I is issued to indicate whether a dump was taken to the SYS1.DUMP data set. Application Programmer Response: Make sure that your program does not alter the DCB or IOB during the processing of SVC 25. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 222 Explanation: The operator, or an authorized time sharing option extensions (TSO/E) user, canceled the job without requesting a dump. System action: The system ends the job. In some cases, the system might write a dump even though a dump was not requested, depending on which system routine has control. Application Programmer Response: Find out why the operator or TSO/E user canceled the job. Correct any errors and resubmit the job. If you want a dump, have the operator resubmit the job and then cancel it using the command CANCEL jobname, DUMP. Source: Master scheduler 228 Explanation: During processing of an EXTRACT macro, the system found that the location of the input parameter list was incorrect. The input parameter list, ordinarily created through expansion of the standard or MF=L form of the EXTRACT macro, describes the function to be performed. The starting address indicated that the parameter list did not begin either on a fullword boundary or within the storage assigned to the job step. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the EXTRACT macro. Application Programmer Response: Correct the program so that the address of the input parameter list is valid. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the source program listing for the job. Source: Task management 22A Explanation: During processing of an ATTACH macro, the system found an error. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal code that explains the error: Code 00 Explanation The issuer of the ATTACH macro specified a GSPV, GSPL, SHSPV, or SHSPL parameter with a subpool ID greater than 127.

System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the ATTACH macro. Application Programmer Response: Change the macro to specify a problem program subpool (1 through 127). If the macro is specified correctly, check for program errors that incorrectly modify it. Correct the error. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Gather GTF trace data using trace option keyword TRACE=SYSP and event keyword SVC=42,END. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the source program listing for the job. Source: Task management 22C Explanation: During processing of a CHAP macro, the system found that the address of the fullword specified in the second operand is incorrect. This fullword contains the address of the task control block (TCB) for the subtask whose priority was to be changed. The address was incorrect for one of the following reasons: v It was not a multiple of 4. v The addressed virtual storage has not been allocated. v The protection key of the fullword does not match the protection key of the issuer of the CHAP macro. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the CHAP macro.


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22D 233
Application Programmer Response: Change the CHAP macro to specify a valid fullword address. Ensure that this fullword will contain the address of the TCB when the CHAP macro is processed. Also, ensure that the problem program does not incorrectly modify the specification. Correct the error. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Format a GTF trace, using trace option keyword TRACE=SVCP and using event keywords SVC=44,END. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the source program listing for the job. Source: Task management 22D Explanation: A program requested an overlay. When trying to answer the request, the overlay supervisor found an incorrect address in the overlay segment table or the entry table. The address points to a location outside the boundaries of the virtual storage assigned to the job step. The overlay segment table is used by the overlay supervisor; it resides in the load module and is in the same storage protection key as the application program. Note: Overlay programs run only in 24-bit addressing mode, not in 31-bit addressing mode. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that requested the overlay. The system writes an ABEND dump, if a dump DD statement is provided. Application Programmer Response: Check the program for errors that caused the overlay segment table or the entry table to be incorrectly modified. Correct the errors; then assemble, link edit, and run the program again. Source: Overlay supervisor 22F Explanation: No usable combination of time-of-day (TOD) clock and clock comparator (REAL or WAIT type request) or no usable CPU timer (TASK type request) is available. Application Programmer Response: Probable hardware error with the system clocks. Contact hardware support. Source: Supervisor control and timer supervision 14 18 230 Explanation: Global resource serialization encountered an error during processing of a DEQ macro. The DEQ macro specified an incorrect length for the resource name. The length was specified in the rname length operand of the DEQ macro instruction, was supplied by the assembler program, or was contained in the byte immediately preceding the resource name. System action: The system issues an ABEND dump. Application Programmer Response: Correct the incorrect macro instruction or the program errors that incorrectly modified the length. Recompile the program and run the job step again. System programmer response: If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the abend dump. Source: Global resource serialization 233 Explanation: The caller passed incorrect parameters in a request for an SVC dump. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 04 Explanation The address of the parameter list is zero, or the caller is in AR ASCMODE and the access register of the parameter list is non-zero. The parameter list is not a valid SVC dump or SNAP parameter list. The caller-supplied data set is on an unsupported device. One of the following: v In a caller-supplied storage range, the start address is greater than or equal to the end address. v For any of the LIST, STORAGE and SUMLIST parameters, the high-order bit of the last ending address was not set to B'1'. v For any of the LISTA, LISTD, LIST64, SUMLSTA, SUMLSTL and SUMLIST64 parameters, the length of the list or the number of ranges was not correctly specified. The caller-supplied data for the HDR or HDRAD option is greater than 100 characters. The caller requested the 4-kilobyte system queue area (SQA) buffer, but it is not serialized.

08 0C 10

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


1C 20 The parameter list or what it points to is in the 4-kilobyte SQA buffer. The caller supplied a data control block (DCB) address, and the DCB is not open or the address is not valid. An address space identifier (ASID) specified in the ASIDLST, ASID, or SUBPLST parameter is incorrect. The ASID is less than zero or greater than the maximum value. The caller specified the 4-kilobyte SQA buffer, but an SVC dump function was already in progress. The caller specified a subpool greater than the maximum value allowed (255). An inconsistency was detected in the SDUMP parameter list that might be resolved by zeroing the storage for the list before calling the SDUMPX macro. Not all of the parameter list is accessible. The caller-supplied DCB is not accessible. The callers storage list is not accessible. The callers header data is not accessible. The caller-supplied event control block (ECB) is not accessible. The callers ASID list is not accessible. The callers SUMLIST is not accessible. The callers subpool identification (ID) list is not accessible. The callers storage key list is not accessible. A copy of SLIP registers and a copy of the program status word (PSW) are not accessible. The caller-supplied SRB is not accessible. An incorrect version number is in the parameter list. The caller-supplied LISTD or LIST64 list is not accessible. The caller-supplied SUMLSTL or SUMLIST64 list is not accessible. SDUMPX parameter list contained conflicting parameters. The ID is longer than 50 characters. The ID is not addressable. The PSW/register area is an incorrect length. The PSWREGS is not addressable. The symptom record is incorrect. The symptom record is not addressable. A4 AC B0 B4 B8 BC C0 C4 The data extent block (DEB) for the caller-supplied DCB is not accessible. The STRLIST area supplied by the caller is not accessible. The caller-supplied INTOKEN area is not accessible. The caller-supplied REMOTE area is not accessible. The caller-supplied PROBDESC area is not accessible. The caller-supplied JOBLIST area is not accessible. The caller-supplied DSPLIST area is not accessible. The caller-supplied REMOTE area is not valid; the length of a field in the area is specified as less than 4 bytes.



44 47

50 54 58 5C 60 64 68 6C 70 74 78 7C 80 84 88 8C 90 94 98 9C A0

System action: The system writes a logrec data set error record. SVC dump processing attempts retry and gives the caller a return code of 8 and an associated reason code. If retry is not possible, the system abnormally ends the caller. SVC dump processing issues message IEA911E or IEA611I. This message indicates whether the dump is complete or partial. System programmer response: For reason code X'AC', make sure the STRLIST area specified is addressable from the callers current address space. Then request the dump again. For all other reason codes, correct the incorrect parameters and issue the SDUMP macro again. If the problem persists or is in an IBM-provided program, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the assembly listing for the job. Source: Dumping services 235 Explanation: An error occurred during processing associated with SVC 53, which obtains and releases exclusive control of a resource associated with a BDAM data set. The task recovery routine for this SVC determined that a control block required as input to SVC 53 was not in the users region and/or key. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC902I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC902I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code in register 15. System action: Message IEC902I is issued, specifying a cleanup code that indicates the results of the cleanup of resources attempted by the recovery routine. Application Programmer Response: Insure the


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237 23E
validity of the control block from which the address of the block in error was taken. For example, make sure that the input specified in the RELEX macro, the BLKREF address, is valid and in the correct format and that the DCB address passed is valid. If a RELEX macro was not issued, make sure that the IOB related to the exclusive control request is correct and contains the correct DECB address (IOBECBPT) and DCB address (IOBDCBPT). In addition, check the DCBEBAD field in the DCB to ensure that it contains the correct DEB address, and that the DEB (DEBDCBAD) points back to this DCB. If the next IOB is found to be in error, find the entry in the read exclusive list associated with the requested block and ensure that the RDXIOBUQ field is correct. Source: DFSMSdfp 237 Explanation: The error occurred at an end-of-volume. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC023I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC023I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC023I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 238 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of an ENQ macro instruction during the processing of global resource serialization. An incorrect length was specified for the name representing the resource. This length was specified in the rname length operand of the ENQ macro instruction, was supplied by the assembler program, or was contained in the byte immediately preceding the resource name. System action: The system issues an ABEND dump. Application Programmer Response: Correct the incorrect macro instruction or the program errors that incorrectly modified the length. Recompile the program, and run the job step again. System programmer response: If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND dump. Source: Global resource serialization 23E Explanation: During processing of a DETACH macro, the system found an error in the input parameters. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 00 Explanation The protection key of the address does not match the key of the issuer of the DETACH. 239 Explanation: An error occurred during the processing associated with SVC 57, which frees a buffer or extends the unscheduled text (via the FREEDBUF macro issued either by the user or the system). The BDAM task recovery routine for this SVC determined that a control block required as input to SVC 57 was not in the users region and/or key. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC902I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC902I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code in register 15. System action: Message IEC902I is issued, specifying a cleanup code that indicates the results of the cleanup of resources attempted by the recovery routine. Operator response: Start a generalized trace facility (GTF) trace, and re-create the problem. Reply to message AHL100A with: TRACE=SYS,USR,SLIP On the DD statement for the data set in error, specify: DCB=DIAGNS=TRACE Application Programmer Response: Insure the validity of the control block from which the address of the block in error was taken. The DECB and DCB were specified in the FREEDBUF macro as input to the SVC. Make sure that the DCBBUFCB field in the DCB contains the correct address of the buffer control block and the DCBDYNB field contains the correct address of the unscheduled list (if address space was virtual). The BCB or USL contain the address of the next IOB waiting to get a buffer, if one was not available. Ensure that this address has not been overlaid. Make sure also that the input DECB contains the address of the buffer being freed (DECAREA field) and, if a buffer was requested for keys also, that the DECKYADR field contains the correct address. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SYSOUT output for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


23F 247
04 Access register 1 was nonzero for a caller in access register address space control (ASC) mode. The task control block (TCB) specified in the input parameter list is not a subtask of the callers TCB. 244 Explanation: The error occurred during the processing of SYNADAF. It was determined that the register save area provided by the user was incorrect. Application Programmer Response: Probable user error. Make sure that when SYNADAF (SVC 68) is issued, register 13 points to a register save area within the users region. If SYNADAF is issued from a SYNAD routine, make sure that register 13 has not been altered since the SYNAD routine was entered, and that register 13 contained the address of a valid register save area when the last data management macro was issued. Correct the error and rerun the job step. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 245 23F Explanation: A security violation has been detected during checkpoint restart processing. This completion code is accompanied by message IHJxxxI with the appropriate reason code. System action: The job is abnormally ended. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated in the accompanying message. Source: DFSMSdfp 240 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a RDJFCB macro instruction. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC155I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC155I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC155I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp Explanation: An error occurred during the processing of SVC 69 (BSP) that could not be attributed to incorrect user input. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC917I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC917I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code in register 15. System action: The backspace task recovery routine has been invoked. Low real storage and the callers region have been dumped to the SYS1.DUMP data set. The callers input register 1 and DCB have been written to the logrec data set. Application Programmer Response: Make sure that the BSP instruction is correctly coded, and that the DCB and IOBs and/or ICBs for the data set being processed are not overlaid by your program during the processing of SVC 69. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL, the program listing for the job, the logrec data set error record, and all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Source: DFSMSdfp 247 Explanation: An error occurred in either the Graphics Access Method/System Product (GAM/SP), or the operating system. This completion code appears when an incorrect condition is detected by the GAM/SP buffer


System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the DETACH macro. Application Programmer Response: This is probably an error in the calling program. Change the DETACH macro to specify a valid TCB address and ensure that it was not incorrectly modified by the problem program. If running in access register ASC mode, ensure that the problem program does not alter access register 1. Correct the error. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the source program listing for the job. Source: Task management


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251 260
management routine, IGC0007A. System action: A message appears on the system console that identifies the cause of the error. In addition, GAM/SP writes a record to the logrec data set and produces a dump on the system dump data set. Application Programmer Response: 1. Check for messages identifying the cause of the error. If these are GAM/SP messages, (that is, the message number is of the form GABnnn), they are described in IBM Graphics Access Method/SP: Messages and Codes. 2. Get a listing of the system dump. 3. Contact your programming support personnel. Source: DFSMSdfp 251 Explanation: The error occurred during the processing of SETPRT. A user-provided area was determined to be incorrect. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC918I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC918I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code in register 15. System action: Message IEC918I is issued. Application Programmer Response: Make sure that the last entry in the exit list has a high-order bit set to B1. Make sure that any FCB image entry in the exit list points to a valid FCB image, that the image is within the users region, that any FCB image has a valid length field and that it is ended by an end-of-FCB image indicator. Correct the error and rerun the job step. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 253 Explanation: While writing to system management facility (SMF) data sets, SMF encountered an error and abnormally ended. System action: The system ends the SMF address space and releases the resources used by SMF. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. If SMF recording is essential for the system, restart the SMF address space using the SMF SET command as soon as the problem is corrected. System programmer response: Check error messages and the SVC dump produced as a result of any previous abnormal endings. Source: System Management Facilities (SMF) 25F Explanation: A system failure destroyed data used by the system resources manager (SRM) in controlling an address space. System action: If the ended task is the master scheduler command processor and SRM was processing a NEWIPS SYSEVENT, the new installation performance specification (IPS) may have been lost. In all other cases, data pertaining to the address spaces swap status or performance characteristics may have been lost. SRM may no longer be able to control the address space according to its previously assigned performance specification. The system does the following: v Writes a logrec data set error record v Inserts worst case substitute values in place of the lost address space characteristics in case the specify task abnormal exit (STAE) routine or the abnormally ended task requests retry v Abnormally ends the controlling task of the address space or system component affected by the data loss System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set error record and the SYSOUT output for the job. Source: System resources manager (SRM) 260 Explanation: A parameter of the STAX macro was used incorrectly. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error. Code 00 04 08 0C 10 14 18 Explanation A parameter list address is incorrect. The input buffer size is greater than 32 kilobytes. The input buffer address is incorrect. The output buffer size is greater than 32 kilobytes. Both DEFER bits are on. The format number of the parameter list is incorrect. An IGNORE attention request was issued by a routine that is not a CLIST capable attention exit routine. An IBUF or OBUF address has been specified, but is not a clean 24-bit address.


Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


269 279
20 The caller of STAX DEFER=NO,LINKAGE=BRANCH is not running in task mode. The caller of STAX DEFER=NO,LINKAGE=BRANCH is locked. The caller of STAX DEFER=NO,LINKAGE=BRANCH is disabled. The caller of STAX DEFER=YES,LINKAGE=BRANCH is not running in task mode. Application Programmer Response: Correct the program or obtain proper authorization from installation management. System programmer response: Look at the messages in the job log. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the messages and the dump. Source: Real storage manager (RSM) 278 Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an RC, RU, VRC, or VRU form of the GETMAIN macro, or an RC or RU form of the FREEMAIN macro or the STORAGE RELEASE macro. The system attempted to get local system queue area (LSQA) storage to support the request, but no central storage is available to back the LSQA storage. System action: The system abnormally ends the address space where the job was running. Application Programmer Response: Run the job step again. If the system issues this abend again, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) 279 Explanation: While processing the end of an I/O request, the system found an error in the I/O parameters. Register 2 contains a reason code, as follows: Code 04 14 Explanation The system found an incorrect buffer control block (BUFC). The system found an incorrect buffer address while trying to perform I/O.

24 28 2C

System action: The system abends the program that issued the STAX macro. System programmer response: Correct the STAX parameter list error indicated by the reason code. See z/OS TSO/E Programming Services for the STAX macro parameters. If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for the fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Region control task (RCT) 269 Explanation: An error occurred during the processing of IMGLIB that could not be attributed to incorrect input to IMGLIB. Register 15 contains a return code that indicates whether a dump was taken to the SYS1.DUMP data set. System action: The IMGLIB task recovery routine has attempted to take a storage dump to the SYS1.DUMP data set; the result of the dump attempt is indicated by the return code in register 15. See message IEC920I for a complete description of the possible return codes and their meanings. Additional diagnostic information was written to the logrec data set data set. Application Programmer Response: Make sure that the IMGLIB macro instruction is correctly coded. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL, the program listing for the job, and the logrec data set error record. Source: DFSMSdfp 271 Explanation: The caller requested fixing or freeing of a page. The request was in 24-bit addressing and was without proper authorization. System action: The system denies the requested service. The system writes messages and a dump. The system issues an abend to the current task.

System action: The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Do the following: 1. Check to see if the program incorrectly modified the I/O parameters. Correct any errors. 2. Recompile the job step. 3. Run the job step again. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS)


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

27B 282
27B Explanation: Processing for the PURGEDQ macro issued a FESTAE macro to establish recovery. An error occurred during FESTAE processing. The PURGEDQ and FESTAE macros were issued correctly: They did not cause the error. The problem is an environmental error. System action: The system abnormally ends the task that issued the PURGEDQ macro. The system may write a logrec data set error record. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=27B,ACTION=SVCD,END Application Programmer Response: Rerun the job. If the problems recurs, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump and, if available, the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control 282 Explanation: An error was detected by RACF in the parameters passed to RACF for RACROUTE REQUEST=AUTH processing. System action: The system terminates the task. Application Programmer Response: Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code (message ICH409I, if issued, also contains this reason code): Code 04 10 Explanation Parameter list length not valid. APF authorization, or system key 0-7, or supervisor state required for CSA, LOG, PRIVATE, PROFILE, ACEE, UTOKEN, USERID, or GROUPID option. ATTR option not valid. Volume serial required but not supplied. Inconsistent PROFILE/ENTITY flag settings. No resource name or PROFILE specified. No CLASS name specified. Incorrect LOG option specified. (This code is used only through RACF Version 1.4.) Volume serial specified for class other than DATASET. File sequence number not valid. 6C 64 68 5C 38 3C 40 44 48 File sequence number specified for non-tape data set. Tape label parameter specified for non-tape data set. Tape label option not valid. Erase-on-scratch request not valid. USERID = * was specified on the REQUEST=AUTH. * is an unacceptable RACF user ID. For the ENTITYX keyword, both the entity name length and the buffer length are zero. Buffer length is not valid: v Less than zero v Greater than 255 v Not zero but less than the entity name length. 54 Entity name length is not valid: v Less than zero v Greater than 44 if CLASS=DATASET, or greater than the length for that class as defined in the class-descriptor table v Greater than 44 if CLASS=DATASET, or greater than the maximum length for that class as defined in the class-descriptor table. 58 The in-storage profile provided to the REQUEST=AUTH was not at the version required by RACF. Ensure that the version of the in-storage profile (addressed by the ENTITY parameter with CSA specified) is at the required version number. The entity name contains a blank. If the ENTITYX keyword is specified and the entity name length is given, the name has a blank in the beginning, in the middle, or at the end. 60 RTOKEN keyword is mutually exclusive with the CSA and PRIVATE parameters of the ENTITY keyword. ACEE not valid. Unauthorized caller specified subpool greater than 127 on RACROUTE MSGSP parameter. The message chain pointed to by SAFPMSAD for an unauthorized caller contains too many elements, indicating a chaining problem.

4C 50

14 18 1C 20 24 2C 30 34

Identify and correct the indicated error. Problem determination: Use the reason code in Register 15 to identify the error. If the issuer of the RACF macro is a user routine (such as an installation exit), correct the parameter list specified for the RACF
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


283 285
macro in the installation exit. If the issuer of the RACF macro is an IBM routine, see z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide for information on diagnosing abends and reporting abend problems to IBM. Note: For batch jobs, if you need to do dump analysis but do not have a dump, run the job again. For batch jobs using DSMON, a RACF command, or the RACF report writer, specify a SYSABEND DD statement in the job. This will ensure that a dump is taken. 283 Explanation: An error was detected by RACF in the parameters passed to RACF for RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY processing. System action: The system terminates the task. Application Programmer Response: Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code. (Message ICH409I, if issued, also contains this reason code.) Code 04 14 18 1C 20 24 28 30 34 38 3C 40 44 Explanation Incorrect parameter list length. ENVIR data specified was not valid. USERID specified did not conform to length requirements. PASSWRD specified did not conform to length requirements. GROUP specified did not conform to length requirements. NEWPASS specified did not conform to length requirements. OIDCARD specified had length field=0. A parameter was specified that is not allowed in combination with ENVIR=CREATE. Incorrect combination of ENVIR keyword data and GROUP specified. ENVIR = CHANGE specified but no ACEE exits. User ID specified is *NONE* and REQUEST=VERIFY is not branch entered. Reserved ENVIR=CREATE and SESSION=APPCTP were specified but POE was not specified and is required in this case. ENVIR=CREATE and SESSION=APPCTP were specified but APPL was not specified and is required in this case. The ACEE specified does not appear to be a valid ACEE. The ENVRIN keyword was specified and the
z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

ENVR object storage area address was zero, or, either the ENVRIN or ENVROUT keyword was specified and the ENVR object storage area was not on a doubleword boundary. 54 The ENVRIN keyword was specified and the ENVR object contained in the ENVR object storage area was larger than the ENVR object storage area specified. This can be caused by using an ENVR object from another external security manager. For example, MCS console services routes commands from other systems with ENVRIN data. Identify and correct the indicated error. System programmer response: Use the reason code in Register 15 to identify the error. If the issuer of the RACF macro is a user routine (such as an installation exit), correct the parameter list specified for the RACF macro in the installation exit. If the issuer of the RACF macro is an IBM routine, see z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide for information on diagnosing abends and reporting abend problems to IBM. Note: For batch jobs, if you need to do dump analysis but do not have a dump, run the job again. For batch jobs using DSMON, a RACF command, or the RACF report writer, specify a SYSABEND DD statement in the job. This will ensure that a dump is taken. 285 Explanation: RACF detected an error in the parameters passed to it for RACDEF request processing. System action: The system terminates the task. Application Programmer Response: Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code. (Message ICH409I, if issued, also contains this reason code.) Code 04 08 0C 10 Explanation Parameter list length is not valid. Level number is not valid. TYPE option is not valid. Resource name required. Entity-name (and newname keywords, if specified) must point to valid, non-blank resource names. New data set name or old volume serial specified but address is zero. Volume serial required but not specified. New data set name and old volume serial flags both set. Parameters supplied which are inconsistent for

14 18 1C 24


4C 50


a general resource class other than DATASET. These incorrect parameters might be model name, model volume serial, VSAM data set bit on, old volume serial, or new data set name. 28 2C 30 Model resource information supplied with type other than DEFINE for DATASET class. Model name supplied but model volume serial not supplied. Unqualified data set name specified. This return code is not issued if RACFIND=NO was specified. Old volume serial number is absent for CHGVOL request. Length of the unit field is not valid. AUDIT value is not valid. Specified OWNER is not valid. This reason code can occur for several reasons. Among the possible reasons are: v The OWNER is not a RACF-defined user ID or group ID. v The OWNER is a RACF-defined user ID but that user ID is revoked. 44 48 UACC value is not valid. Rename request is not valid. Either ENTITY name or NEWNAME name, but not both, is a generic name. This reason code could occur because of the attempt to create a data set profile with a single-qualifier name, when RACF protection for single-qualifier names has not been activated (SETROPTS command with PREFIX specified). Note that there are several cases in which data set profiles can be created automatically: when users with the ADSP attribute create data sets, when PROTECT=YES is specified in JCL, and when a user issues the ADDSD command. Type=CHGVOL specified for TAPE. Parameters specified for TAPE are not valid. FILESEQ omitted when required for TAPE. Operands specified for DASD are not valid. The in-storage profile provided to the RACHECK request was not at the version required by RACF. Ensure that the version of the in-storage profile (addressed by the ENTITY parameter with CSA specified) is at the required version number. FILESEQ value is not valid. TAPELBL value is not valid. EXPDT/RETPD value is not valid. NOTIFY user ID is not valid. 6C 70 74 78 7C 80 84 88 RESOWNER specified for other than TYPE=DEFINE. Specified RESOWNER is not valid. MGMTCLAS and/or STORCLAS specified without RESOWNER. Length for MGMTCLAS is not valid. Length for STORCLAS is not valid. Length for RESOWNER is not valid. Specified SECLABEL is not valid. Buffer length specified with ENTITYX keyword is not valid: v Less than zero v Greater than 255 v Not zero but less than the entity name length 8C Name length specified with ENTITYX keyword is not valid. v The specified length is less than zero. v The specified length is greater than 44 if CLASS=DATASET or greater than the maximum length for that class as defined in the class-descriptor table. v The name which was supplied is longer than 44 if CLASS=DATASET or longer than the maximum length for that class as defined in the class-descriptor table. 90 94 For the ENTITYX format, both the entity name length and the buffer length are zero. Buffer length specified with MENTX keyword is not valid: v Less than zero v Greater than 255 v Not zero but less than the entity name length 98 Name length specified with MENTX keyword is not valid: v The specified length is less than zero. v The specified length is greater than 44 if CLASS=DATASET or greater than the maximum length for that class as defined in the class-descriptor table. 9C A0 For the MENTX keyword, both the entity name length and the buffer lengths are zero. Buffer length specified with NEWNAMX keyword is not valid: v Less than zero v Greater than 255 v Not zero but less than the entity name length.

34 38 3C 40

4C 50 54 58 5A

5C 60 64 68

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


28A 290
A4 Name length specified with NEWNAMX keyword is not valid: v The specified length is less than zero. v The specified length is greater than 44 if CLASS=DATASET or greater than the maximum length for that class as defined in the class-descriptor table. v The name that was supplied is longer than 44 if CLASS=DATASET or longer than the maximum length for that class as defined in the class-descriptor table. A8 AC For the NEWNAMX keyword, both the entity name length and the buffer lengths are zero. The profile name for the FILE and DIRECTRY class does not contain at least two valid qualifiers for keyword ENTITY or ENTITYX. v The profile name contains only one qualifier. v The profile name begins with a period. v The second qualifier is longer than 8 characters. B0 The profile name for the FILE and DIRECTRY class does not contain at least two valid qualifiers for keyword MENTITY or MENTX. v The profile name contains only one qualifier. v The profile name begins with a period. v The second qualifier is longer than 8 characters. B4 The profile name for the FILE and DIRECTRY class does not contain at least two valid qualifiers for keyword NEWNAME or NEWNAMX. v The profile name contains only one qualifier. v The profile name begins with a period. v The second qualifier is longer than 8 characters. B8 The entity name contains a blank: If the ENTITYX keyword is specified and the entity name length is given, the name has a blank in the beginning, in the middle, or at the end. BC The model profile name contains a blank. If the MENTX keyword is specified and the name length is given, the name has a blank in the beginning, in the middle, or at the end. C0 The new profile name contains a blank. If the NEWNAME keyword is specified and the new name length is given, the name has a blank in the beginning, in the middle, or at the end. C8 Specified SECLVL is not valid: v The number of data fields is not zero or one. 290 Explanation: The IBM Health Checker for z/OS encountered an error. A reason code is displayed along with the 290 abend code. The format of the abend code is cc-mm-rrrr, where rrrr is the halfword reason code. The IBM Health Checker for z/OS reason codes for the 290 abend code and actions that you can use to correct the problem are: 002D The HZSCPARS REQUEST=PARSE was issued a second time without freeing the parse area that was obtained for the first HZSCPARS REQUEST=PARSE request. Action: Verify that a HZSCPARS REQUEST=FREE before a subsequent HZSCPARS REQUEST=PARSE is issued. Identify and correct the indicated error. System programmer response: Use the reason code in Register 15 to identify the error. If the issuer of the RACF macro is a user routine (such as an installation exit), correct the parameter list specified for the RACF macro in the installation exit. Note: For batch jobs, if you need to do dump analysis but do not have a dump, run the job again. For batch jobs using DSMON, a RACF command, or the RACF report writer, specify a SYSABEND DD statement in the job. This will ensure that a dump is taken. 28A Explanation: A caller requested fixing or freeing of a page. The request was in 31-bit addressing and was without proper authorization. System action: The system denies the requested service. The system writes messages and a dump. The system issues an abend to the current task. Application Programmer Response: Correct the program or obtain proper authorization from installation management. System programmer response: Look at the messages in the job log. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the messages and the dump. Source: Real storage manager (RSM) v The value of the data fields is not within the range of 1 - 254.

| 0035 | |

The HZSCPARS REQUEST=FREE was requested for an area that does not match the area returned by REQUEST=PARSE.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

| | |
1xxx Action: Verify that the HZSCPARS REQUEST=FREE request is passing the matching area. An internal error in the IBM Health Checker for z/OS component. Action: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix to the problem. If no fix is found, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the LOGREC data set and SVC dump, if one is issued. Action: Verify that you specified the correct message ID on the HZSFMSG macro. 4109 The maximum number of variables allowed in a check message is defined by Mgb_MaxInserts. Action: Verify that you specified the correct number of variables on the HZSFMSG macro. 410A The message table requested a variable that is out of sequence or too few inserts. Action: Verify that you specified the correct variable on the HZSFMSG macro. 410B The message definition requires a variable that does not exist in the HZSMGB data area. Action: Verify that you specified the correct variable on the HZSFMSG macro. 410C The HZSMGB data area contained variables that were not requested in the associated message. Action: Verify that you specified the correct variables on the HZSFMSG macro. 410D A variable described in the HZSMGB data area had a bad address or length. Action: Verify that you specified the correct address and length for the variable on the HZSFMSG macro. 410E A variable described in the HZSMGB data area had a bad address or length. Action: Verify that you specified the correct address and length for the variable on the HZSFMSG macro. 410F The HZSFMSG macro parameter was not accessible or not in the callers key. Action: Verify that the parameter list for the HZSFMSG macro is accessible and in the callers key. 4110 The HZSFMSG request CHECKMSG requires a valid HZSMGB data area. Action: Verify that you specified a valid control block on the HZSFMSG macro. 4111 The HZSFMSG parameter list contained an unsupported version number. Action: Verify that you specified the correct version number on the HZSFMSG macro. 4112 The HZSFMSG request was issued by a program that was not a check routine. Action: Verify that you did not issue the HZSFMSG macro from a program that was not a check routine. 4113 The HANDLE parameter issued on the HZSFMSG contained an incorrect value.

| 4007 | | | | | | | | | 4008 | | | | | | | |

HZSADDCK could not load the specified check routine. Action: Make sure that you specified the proper check routine name. The check routine module must be in an APF-authorized library. The system must be able to locate the check routine within the joblib, the steplib of the IBM Health Checker for z/OS address space, the LPA, or the LNKLST. HZSADDCK could not load the specified message table. Action: Make sure that you specified the proper message table name. The message table module must be in an APF-authorized library. The system must be able to locate the message table within the joblib, the steplib of the IBM Health Checker for z/OS address space, the LPA, or the LNKLST. HZSADDCK found a message table that is not supported on this release, or the message table was not created by HZSMSGEN. Action: Verify the check and the message table are intended for the release of MVS that is active on this system and that it was created by HZSMSGEN.


The variable defined in the HZSMGB area has a length greater than the value defined by Maxlen in the message table. Action: Verify that you specified the correct length for the variable.


The HZSMGB data area or the HZSMGB data area variable array is not available or could not be accessed. Action: Verify that the input parameter is correct on the HZSFMSG macro.


A variable described in the HZSMGB data area had a bad address or length. Action: Verify that you specified the correct address and length for the variable.


The message number provided in MGB_Id does not exist in the message table.

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


Action: Verify that the HANDLE parameter on the HZSFMSG request contains a valid value. 4114 The HZSFMSG macro was requested from a remote routine that was not a check routine. Action: Verify that the HZSFMSG macro is issued from a check routine. 4115 The system could not set the ABENDRESULT parameter on the HZSFMSG macro request. Action: Verify that the input parameter is correct on the HZSFMSG macro. 4116 The variable defined in the HZSMGB area has a length greater than the value defined by Fieldsize in the message table. Action: Verify that you specified the correct length for the variable. 4117 The message table supplied by a remote check is not valid. Action: Verify that the message table was built via the HZSMSGEN exec and has not been overlaid. 4118 A remote check issued HZSFMSG other than from the INITRUN or RUN function. Action: Verify that HZSFMSG is only issued the check has gotten control with PQE_Function_code of either PQE_Function_code_Init or PQE_Function_Code_Check. 08 DevQueue 03 FmDevRes Resource Class Code 01 Resource Name Resource Resource Description abstract class for workflow server resources abstract class for workflow server instance resources abstract class for workflow server input/output device resources implementation class for the system console interface implementation class for the flight recorder implementation class for the queue serialization implementation class for the MVS message services interface implementation class for the in-storage queues implementation class for the error recovery implementation class for the data set access implementation class for the security server interface implementation class for the subtask management implementation class for the subtask synchronization implementation class for the timer interface implementation class for the component trace interface implementation class for the subtask services implementation class for the workload manager interface





05 06

Diagnose FifoLock



09 10

ErrStack ServerDS

| 4FFF | | | |

A check was terminated by DELETE FORCE=YES. Action: A DELETE FORCE=YES command was processed, which terminated the specified checks with this abend reason code.



System action: The system continues. System programmer response: See the appropriate reason code listed above and correct the error. Source: IBM Health Checker for z/OS 2C2 Explanation: The MQSeries Workflow for OS/390 server instance subtask encountered a severe internal error. The reason code identifies the source of the error. It has the format X'rrmmnnnn', where rr denotes the resource class (as detailed in the table that follows), mm denotes the method of the resource class, and nnnn identifies the place within the method where the error was encountered.





14 15

TimeServ ExtTrace






z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

2C3 2C6
Resource Class Code 18 Resource Name XcfGroup Resource Description implementation class for the cross-system coupling facility interface implementation class for the cross-language services implementation class for the cross-memory services 0410 Table 1. Reason code explanations (continued) Reason code 0384 Explanation F ZFS,ABORT command was issued The system this code issued on is taking a zFS dump at the request of zFS running on another sysplex member. The IOEAGFMT utility has attempted to obtain storage and failed. Action None







System action: The system issues an ABEND dump. Application Programmer Response: None. System programmer response: Search the problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center and provide the ABEND dump. Source: MQSeries Workflow for OS/390 2C3 Explanation: The zFS Physical File System (PFS) encountered an internal error. An internal reason code is displayed along with the zFS 2C3 abend code. Each reason code is made up of 4 bytes; cccc rrrr, where cccc is a halfword reason code qualifier and rrrr is the halfword reason code. The high-order bytes of the reason codes returned contain a value that is used to qualify the contents of the 2 low-order bytes. zFS reason code qualifiers are found within the range X'EA00' to X'EAFF'. The low-order bytes of the reason codes are found within the range X'0000' to X'FFFF'. System action: The system issues an ABEND dump and then zFS might attempt to stop and restart. Additional messages can be issued. Application Programmer Response: None. System programmer response: Search the problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center and provide the ABEND dump and the internal reason code. If the automatic stop and restart of zFS is unsuccessful, cancel the zFS address space and then respond R to the BPXF032D WTOR to restart zFS. Table 1. Reason code explanations Reason code 0342 Explanation F ZFS,DUMP command was issued Action None

If possible, determine why the storage obtain failed and correct the problem. Try to increase the region size for the job and run it again. Ensure that a user exit does not cause the job to fail to obtain storage. To recover the compatibility mode aggregate, unmount it, run the zFS IOEAGSLV utility against it and then mount it again. See z/OS Distributed File Service zSeries File System Administration for information on IOEAGSLV.


zFS marked a zFS aggregate dead because of an internal problem. zFS will attempt to dump on this system and on each member of the sysplex (with the same abend reason code).

Source: zSeries File System (zFS) 2C6 Explanation: The MIHQUERY service, the IOSCDR service, the IOSPTHV service, or the IOSCAPU service has encountered an abend condition while attempting to satisfy the callers request. MIHQUERY The reason codes for the MIHQUERY service are as follows: 0001 0002 0003 Caller of MIHQUERY is not in supervisor state. Caller of MIHQUERY is not in key 0-7. Incorrect parameter list. For one of the following reasons, an error occurred when the MIHQUERY service tried to copy the list:

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


v The caller passed an incorrect parameter list address. v The caller passed an address that the caller did not own. v The storage was in an incorrect key. 0004 Incorrect parameter list. For one of the following reasons, an error occurred when the MIHQUERY service tried to update the list: v The caller passed an incorrect parameter list address. v The caller passed an address that the caller did not own. v The storage was in an incorrect key. The caller might have freed the parameter list between the time when MIHQUERY copied the parameter list and the time when it updated the list. 0005 0006 The caller of MIHQUERY passed an incorrect UCB address in the parameter list. The caller of MIHQUERY is in cross memory mode; that is, PASN=HASN=SASN is not in effect. 0204 0203 v The caller passed an incorrect parameter list address. v The caller passed an address that the caller did not own. v The storage was fetch protected. Incorrect parameter list. For one of the following reasons, an error occurred when the service tried to update the list: v The caller passed an incorrect parameter list address. v The caller passed an address that the caller did not own. v The storage was in a key that is not accessible from the key of the caller. The caller might have freed the parameter list between the time when the service read the parameter list and the time when it updated the list. In addition, if the storage is not accessible from the key of the caller, then reads may work, but updates may not. Incorrect IOCTOKEN storage. For one of the following reasons, an error occurred when the service tried to read the IOCTOKEN. v The caller passed an incorrect IOCTOKEN address. v The caller passed an address that the caller did not own. v The storage is fetch protected. 0205 Incorrect IOCTOKEN. For one of the following reasons, an error occurred when the service tried to update the IOCTOKEN: v The caller passed an incorrect IOCTOKEN address. v The caller passed an address that the caller did not own. v The storage was in a key that is not accessible from the key of the caller. The caller might have freed the IOCTOKEN storage between the time when the service read it and the time when it attempted to update it. In addition, if the storage is not accessible from the key of the caller, then reads may work, but updates may not. 0206 Incorrect CDRAREA. For one of the following reasons, an error occurred when the IOSCDR service tried to update the CDRAREA. v The caller passed an incorrect CDRAREA address. v The caller passed an address that the caller did not own. v The storage was in a key that is not accessible from the key of the caller.

IOSCDR The reason codes for the IOSCDR service are as follows: 0100 Incorrect authorization. For LINKAGE=LINK callers, the caller is not in supervisor state. For LINKAGE=SYSTEM callers, the caller is not any one of the following: v In supervisor state v In PKM 0-7 v In problem state v In PSW key 0-7 v APF-authorized v RACF authorized to the FACILITY class and the IOSCDR entity. Caller of IOSCDR is not in task mode. Caller of IOSCDR is locked. Incorrect AMODE. Caller of IOSCDR is not in 31-bit mode. Incorrect parameter list. Caller of IOSCDR passed an incorrect version of the parameter list. Incorrect parameter list. The integrity of the parameter list was compromised. For example, more than one parameter in a list of mutually exclusive parameters was specified. Incorrect parameter list. For one of the following reasons, an error occurred when the IOSCDR service tried to read the list:

0101 0102 0103 0200




z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

The caller might have freed the CDRAREA storage before IOSCDR attempted to update it. IOSPTHV The reason codes for the IOSPTHV service are as follows: 0100 0101 0102 0103 0200 Caller of IOSPTHV is not in supervisor state. Caller of IOSPTHV is not in task mode. Caller of IOSPTHV is locked. Incorrect AMODE. Caller of IOSPTHV is not in 31-bit mode. Incorrect parameter list. Caller of IOSPTHV passed an incorrect version of the parameter list. Incorrect parameter list. For one of the following reasons, an error occurred when the IOSPTHV service tried to read the list: v The caller passed an incorrect parameter list address. v The caller passed an address that the caller did not own. v The storage was fetch protected. 0202 Incorrect parameter list. For one of the following reasons, an error occurred when the IOSPTHV service tried to update the list: v The caller passed an incorrect parameter list address. v The caller passed an address that the caller did not own. v The storage was in a key that is not accessible from the key of the caller. The caller might have freed the parameter list between the time when the service read the parameter list and the time when it updated the list. In addition, if the storage is not accessible from the key of the caller, then reads may work, but updates may not. 0203 Incorrect IOCTOKEN storage. For one of the following reasons, an error occurred when the IOSPTHV service tried to read the IOCTOKEN. v The caller passed an incorrect IOCTOKEN address. v The caller passed an address that the caller did not own. v The storage is fetch protected. 0204 Incorrect IOCTOKEN. For one of the following reasons, an error occurred when the service tried to update the IOCTOKEN: v The caller passed an incorrect IOCTOKEN address. 0205 v The caller passed an address that the caller did not own. v The storage was in a key that is not accessible from the key of the caller. The caller might have freed the IOCTOKEN storage between the time when the service read it and the time when it attempted to update it. In addition, if the storage is not accessible from the key of the caller, then reads may work, but updates may not. Incorrect MSGBUF. For one of the following reasons, an error occurred when the IOSPTHV service tried to update the MSGBUF. v The caller passed an incorrect MSGBUF address. v The caller passed an address that the caller did not own. v The storage was in a key that is not accessible from the key of the caller. The caller might have freed the MSGBUF storage before IOSPTHV attempted to update the MSGBUF. IOSCAPU The reason codes for the IOSCAPU service are as follows: 01000100 Caller of IOSCAPU CAPTUCB or IOSCAPU UCAPTUCB is locked or is not enabled. Caller of IOSCAPU CAPTOACT is locked. Caller is in SRB mode during nucleus initialization program (NIP) processing and authorization for a PC routine is not available. Caller of IOSCAPU CAPTUCB or IOSCAPU UCAPTUCB is in cross memory mode. Caller of IOSCAPU CAPTUCB, IOSCAPU UCAPTUCB, or IOSCAPU CAPTOACT ASID is in problem state and is not in key 0-7. Caller of IOSCAPU passed an incorrect version of the parameter list. For one of the following reasons, the integrity of the parameter list was compromised: v More than one parameter in a list of mutually exclusive parameters was specified. v A function parameter was not specified. v Reserved fields are not zero.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


01000101 01000102



01000200 01000201


v A required parameter associated with a function parameter was not specified. 01000202 For one of the following reasons, an error occurred when IOSCAPU tried to read the parameter list: v The caller passed an incorrect parameter list address. v The caller passed an address that the caller did not own. v The storage was fetch protected. 01000203 For one of the following reasons, an error occurred when IOSCAPU tried to update the parameter list: v The caller passed an incorrect parameter list address. v The caller passed an address that the caller did not own. v The storage was in a key that is not accessible from the key of the caller. 01000204 01000205 01000300 The access list entry token (ALET) for the parameter list is not valid. The requested function does not exist. The release of the specified captured UCB exceeds the number of captures specified with the LASTING parameter or in SRB mode. cases, the 2E0 abend is percolated to an application recovery routine or another system component recovery routine. IOSHMSUS 00010001 IXCSETUS macro returned a parameter error or environment error return code. 00010002 IXCSETUS macro returned an unexpected return code. IOSHMMSG 00020001 Input message request qualifier is not defined. 00020002 Input message request type is not defined. IOSHIPCR 00030001 Redundant PC routine initialization call is detected. 00030002 IOSHMPCR entry point is unresolved. 00030003 Basic HyperSwap address space authorization failed. 00030004 Basic HyperSwap address space linkage table index reserve failed. 00030005 IOSHMPCR ETCRE macro request failed. 00030006 IOSHMPCR ETCON macro request failed. IOSHMPAR 00040001 Input message request type is not defined. IOSHMCIT 00050001 CSVDYNEX DEFINE IOSHSWAP_EXIT macro request failed. 00050002 Input message request type is not defined. 00050003 CSVDYNEX UNDEFINE IOSHSWAP_EXIT macro request failed. IOSHMHST 00060001 Input message request type is not defined.

System action: The system continues processing. The caller ends abnormally with the appropriate reason code. Application Programmer Response: The application recovery routine should have recorded and/or dumped the data needed to debug this problem. The dumped data should include the parameter list and its UCB address, the callers key and the key of the storage that the caller was attempting to obtain. Correct the application and resubmit. If the recovery routine did not save the dump information, fix the recovery routine and try to recreate the original problem. If the error recurs, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: If the application programmer is unable to debug the error, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump data from the application recovery routine. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 2E0 Explanation: An unexpected error occurred during Basic HyperSwap processing. This abend can be used for entry into a recovery routine that captures additional documentation and then attempts to try again. In other


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00060002 Input message request is not received on the master processor. IOSHMCMT 00070001 Input message request type is not defined. 00070002 IOSXTIM macro request failed. 00070003 Input message request was not received on the master processor. IOSHINTT 00080001 Task termination wait time for a Basic HyperSwap task has been exceeded. IOSHMENF 000F0001 Unable to locate input device UCB. 000F0002 Unable to retrieve configuration data record (CRD) information. 000F0003 Unable to locate device node descriptor (NED) information. 000F0004 IOSHXSND macro request failed. Unable to deliver ENF signal. IOSHMCFG 00100001 Input message request type is not defined. 00100002 Response from the master members configuration validation task (IOSHMCF2) is missing. 00100003 Response from the configuration validation task (IOSHMCF2) on one of the slave members is missing. 00100004 Unable to locate member information in the Basic HyperSwap global information (GMI) table. IOSHMCF2 00110001 Input message request type is not defined. 00110002 Response from the HyperSwap API services interface task is missing. IOSHMPED 00120001 Input message request type is not defined. IOSHIMSG 00130001 IXCQUERY macro request failed. 00130002 IXCJOIN macro request failed. IOSHMEPT 00140001 Unrecognized Basic HyperSwap operator command is received from SSI. 00140002 Incorrect operator command parameter list (CSCB) is received from SSI. 00140003 Unrecognized Basic HyperSwap command from the application user exit. 00140004 Incorrect parameter list information from the application user exit. 00140005 Input message request type from the SSI (IOSHMSSM) is not defined. 00140006 Input message request qualifier from the SSI (IOSHMSSM) is not defined. 00140007 Input message request type from subordinate task (IOSHMEPT) is not defined. 00140008 Incorrect operator command parameter list (CSCB) length from subordinate task (IOSHMEPT). 00140009 IOSHXSND macro failed to send request to IOSHMEPT on the master. 0014000A IOSHXSND macro failed to send request to IOSHMHST on the master. 0014000B IOSHXSND macro failed to send request to IOSHMCIT. 0014000C IOSHXMAC macro enable request failed. 0014000D IOSHXMAC macro disable request failed. 0014000E IOSHXMAC macro PPRC suspend request failed.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


| 0014000F IXCMSGI service failed. | | 00140010 A system timed out during FREEZE. |
IOSHISSI 00150001 IEFSSVT macro CREATE request failed. 00150002 IEFSSVT macro EXCHANGE request failed. 00150003 IEFSSVT macro DISABLE request failed. 00150004 IEFSSI macro PUT request failed. 00150005 IEFSSI macro ACTIVATE request failed. 00150006 IEFSSI macro DEACTIVATE request failed. 00150007 IEFSSI macro QUERY request failed. 00150008 IEFSSI macro ADD request failed. 00150009 SSI Broadcast Message START request (IEAVG700) failed. 0015000A SSI Broadcast Message STOP request (IEAVG700) failed. IOSHMOPR 00170001 Operator requested Basic HyperSwap SVC dump. IOSHMSND 00180001 IOSHXSND macro processing error occurred and caller requested the DumpOnError parameter option. IOSHXREC 00190001 Rsn Code 1 - Unable to establish an ESTAE. IOSHMMQM 001A0001 IOSHXMAC macro processing error. Request code is not defined. IOSHMXUS 001B0001 IXCSTATUS macro request failed. IOSHMTKX 001C0001 Unable to locate TCB in the Basic HyperSwap task table. IOSHSAPI 80000001 Dump option requested for HyperSwap API services wSwap (FC=3) request timeout. IOSHSSUB 80010001 Query PPRC pair status I/O error encountered. 80010002 Terminate PPRC pair I/O error encountered. 80010003 IOSVSWAP routine call failed. 80010004 Query unit address configuration I/O error encountered. 80010005 UCBINFO macro on PAVINFO request failed. 80010008 Read DASD volume Label I/O error encountered. 80010009 Write DASD volume Label I/O error encountered. 8001000A UCBLOOK macro request failed. 8001000B IOSVMSCQ routine request failed. 8001000C IEFSSREQ macro request failed. 8001000D Establish PPRC pair I/O error encountered. 8001000E Establish PPRC pair I/O error encountered. 8001000F IOSCFT macro request failed. 80010011 IOPTHVAL macro request failed. 80010012 IOSSLFD macro request failed. IOSHSENF 80020001 UCBPIN macro request failed. 80020002 UCBPIN macro token count error encountered.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

2F3 300
System action: The system might request an SVC dump and may write messages related to the problem. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the messages, the logrec data set record, the SYSOUT output for the job, and the dump. Source: Input/output supervisor HyperSwap function (IOSH) Detecting Module: See individual reason codes. 2F3 Explanation: One of the following has occurred to a job which was journaled or was otherwise eligible for restart (checkpoint/restart, step restart, or job restart): v The job was running when a system failure occurred, and a system restart (IPL and JES2 WARM start) was performed. v The initiator the job was running in terminated at End Of Memory (EOM). A system job queue entry for the job existed at the time of the failure, but the specific step to be restarted at was not eligible for restart. Application Programmer Response: Resubmit the job. Source: Initiator/terminator Detecting Module: IEFIB605 2FB Explanation: The system has abnormally ended at one of the following points in processing: 1. A critical error occurred early in JES3 or the functional subsystem (FSS) initialization or late in JES3 abnormally ending. The JES3 ESTAE environment had not yet been established or is deleted, so no JES3-formatted ABEND dump is available. 2. Once JES3 initialization has successfully established the JES3 ESTAE routine (IATABMN), the retry routine (IATABRT) uses this ABEND code to return to IATABMN in order to percolate. An MVS dump will always appear for a X'2FB' ABEND, regardless of the original abend code. The original abend code is shown in message IAT3713 to the operator and in the JES3-formatted dump. The dump by itself does not tell whether the failing JES3 function recovered or had to be ended. Note: An MVS dump with a 2FB means that IATABRT or a routine used by module IATABRT failed, thereby producing the 2FB abend. System action: In the first case, JES3 writes message IAT3702 to the operator and to a dump data set of the type specified during JES3 initialization. This message details critical debugging information. Operator response: In the first case, respond to message IAT3nnn. Application Programmer Response: In the second case, analyze the abend dump to find the cause of the error. System programmer response: Obtain the abend dump for the failing job step. If v v v v the problem occurred in JES3 you should: Save the hardcopy log Provide a listing of the initialization deck (JES3OUT) Provide a console log from initialization Check the JESYSMSG data set for error indications

Source: JES3 2FC Explanation: While the I/O first level interrupt handler (FLIH) was running, an error occurred. System action: In an attempt to recover, the system abnormally ends the task that experienced the I/O interrupt. The system writes a logrec data set error record. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=2FC,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Do the following: v Find the original abend causing the problem in the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) in the logrec data set error record for abend X'2FC'. v Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump and the logrec data set error records. Source: Supervisor control 300 Explanation: During processing of an I/O request, execute channel program (EXCP) processing encountered an error. Each X'300' abend code has a reason code that explains the error: Code 1-2 Explanation EXCP encountered an incorrect data extent block (DEB) at one of the following phases during the validity check: v Reason code 1 - front end processing v Reason code 2 - while processing a related request (RRQE)
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


301 302
The problem can be one of the following: v The DEB does not exist in the DEB TABLE. v The offset in the DEB TABLE (DEBTBLOF) for this DEB is less than 1 or greater than the number of entries in the DEB TABLE. v The DEB address that was obtained from the data control block (DCB) does not match any entry in the DEB TABLE. 3 4 The DEB is not an EXCP or Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM) DEB. The system detected that the IOBM field in the input/output block (IOB) is higher than the maximum extent count (DEBNMEXT) in the DEB. The Related Request Queue (RRQ) address in the DEB does not match the RRQ address in each Request Queue Element (RQE) associated with the DEB. Dataset Name Hiding is active and the user does not have RACF/SAF Facility Class Authorization to read the VTOC. During EXCP purge processing an invalid input/output block (IOB) was found on the IOB restore chain. 301 Explanation: During processing of a WAIT macro, the system found that the wait flag was already on in the event control block (ECB). The flag on indicated that a previous WAIT macro was already waiting for posting of the ECB. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the WAIT macro. Application Programmer Response: Change the problem program to eliminate a double wait on a single event. If no double wait is found, ensure that the program did not incorrectly modify the ECB. Then run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing and the assembly listing associated with the job. Source: Task management 302 Explanation: During processing of a POST macro, the system found an error in the callers environment. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 04 08 14 18 24 28 34 38 3C 40 48 Explanation The caller does not hold the home address spaces local lock. The caller does not have addressability to the home address space. The caller does not hold the home address spaces local lock. The caller does not have addressability to the home address space. The caller does not hold the home address spaces local lock. The caller does not have addressability to the home address space. The caller does not hold the home address spaces local lock. The caller does not have addressability to the home address space. A disabled caller issued a POST macro with the LINKAGE=SYSTEM option. A caller who held a lock issued a POST macro with the LINKAGE=SYSTEM option. A caller who was not processing in primary

System action: The system abnormally ends the current task and issues a SNAP dump. Application Programmer Response: Correct the problem that the reason code indicates. Verify that the DCB contains the address of the DEB. Correct the error. Run the job again. For reason code 6, obtain read access to the STGADMIN.IFG.READVTOC.volser Facility Class profile and rerun the job. If the error recurs, check the problem program for the error. If the error cannot be determined, run the job again, requesting an ABEND dump. Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: In the dump, look at field TCBEXCPD at offset X'C0' in the task control block (TCB) for the current task. TCBEXCPD points to the EXCP debugging area (XDBA). The XDBA contains diagnostic data associated with the EXCP processor. If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL for the job and the dump. Source: Execute channel program (EXCP) For reason code 5, also EXCP purge exit IECVEXPR. For reason code 7, IECVEXPR.


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305 306
address space control (ASC) mode issued a POST macro with the LINKAGE=SYSTEM option. 4C A caller who was not authorized for a cross memory POST (XMPOST) issued a POST macro with the LINKAGE=SYSTEM option. Application Programmer Response: Do the following: v Ensure that the FREEMAIN operands A and LV do not specify a different subpool and/or key than the subpool or key of the storage you are trying to free. v Ensure that the task control block (TCB) specified on the FREEMAIN request is the same one specified on the corresponding GETMAIN request. v If a caller running in supervisor state and key 0 made the original GETMAIN request, ensure that the corresponding FREEMAIN request is issued in supervisor state and key 0. If a caller in supervisor state and key 0 requests storage in subpool 0 or 250, the system will satisfy this request with storage from a different subpool. This situation is described in z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Reference. v Check for program errors that incorrectly modify the FREEMAIN macro expansion. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) 306 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a LINK(X), XCTL(X), ATTACH(X), or LOAD macro. An incorrect load to global request was attempted, or the authorized routine requested a module that could not be found in an authorized library. The module was found either in an unauthorized library or already loaded in storage but marked as coming from an unauthorized library. The reason code in register 15 identifies the error: Code 04 Explanation A LOAD macro requested, by the load to global option, a module residing in a library that is not authorized program facility (APF) authorized. A LOAD macro requested, by the load to global option, a module that is not reentrant. An authorized program requested, by a LINK(X), LOAD, XCTL(X) or ATTACH(X) macro, a module in a non-APF-authorized library or concatenation of libraries. A LOAD macro requested, using the GLOBAL=(YES,F) keyword, a module that requires page alignment. A job step module was found in a LNKLST data set that was not APF authorized; an APF authorized module was required. An authorized service attempted, via a LINK(X), LOAD, XCTL(X), or ATTACH(X) macro, to access a copy of a load module which is non-reentrant and loaded from an

System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the POST macro. Application Programmer Response: This is probably an error in the calling program. Modify the code to allow the POST macro to be issued in the correct environment. Run the job again. Source: Task management 305 Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an EU, LU, or VU form of the FREEMAIN macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 08 0C 10 14 18 1C Explanation System queue area (SQA) storage is not in the specified subpool. Common service area (CSA) storage is not in the specified subpool. Local system queue area (LSQA) storage is not in the specified subpool. Private area storage is not in the specified subpool. The system could not find a private area subpool. Zero length is not specified on a subpool FREEMAIN. Zero length must be specified on a subpool FREEMAIN. Note: If this error is detected, the calling program is abnormally ended even though EC, LC, or VC is specified on the FREEMAIN macro. 20 One of the following: v In the CSA, the area specified on a FREEMAIN is larger than the area specified on the original GETMAIN. v The FREEMAIN start address is not valid. 24 One of the following: v In the private area, the area specified on a FREEMAIN is larger than the area specified on the original GETMAIN. v The FREEMAIN start address is not valid. System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task.

08 0C




Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


authorized library by an unauthorized caller. Another copy of the module could not be found. 30 The user attempted to use a controlled program but is not authorized by RACF to use that program. This can occur when a user has EXECUTE access to a program librarys data set profile, even if none of the program modules involved are RACF program protected. Have the system security administrator grant you READ access to the data set profile instead. The user attempted to use a program while a program-accessed data set was open. The user requested access to an in-storage program that is not RACF-controlled while a program access data set (PADS) was open. Signature verification for the module being loaded was required but failed. The user attempted to use a program that is not program-controlled, while a must remain controlled environment exists. 30A Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to run an R form of the FREEMAIN macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 08 0C 10 14 Explanation System queue area (SQA) storage is not in the specified subpool. Common service area (CSA) storage is not in the specified subpool. Local system queue area (LSQA) storage is not in the specified subpool. One of the following: v Private area storage is not in the specified subpool. v The TCB requesting the FREEMAIN is not the same as the TCB which owns the storage. Usually, the TCB that owns the storage did the GETMAIN. v The key of storage does not match. This can happen when the FREEMAIN is done under a different PSW key than the GETMAIN. 18 1C The system could not find a private area subpool. Zero length is not specified on a subpool FREEMAIN. Zero length must be specified on a subpool FREEMAIN. One of the following: v In the CSA, the area specified on a FREEMAIN is larger than the area specified on the original GETMAIN. v The FREEMAIN start address is not valid. 24 One of the following: v In the private area, the area specified on a FREEMAIN is larger than the area specified on the original GETMAIN. v The FREEMAIN start address is not valid. System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Do the following: v Ensure that the FREEMAIN operands A and LV do not specify a different subpool and/or key than the subpool or key of the storage you are trying to free. v Ensure that the task control block (TCB) specified on the FREEMAIN request is the same one specified on the corresponding GETMAIN request. v If a caller running in supervisor state and key 0 made the original GETMAIN request, ensure that the corresponding FREEMAIN request is issued in supervisor state and key 0.

34 38

40 42

System action: The system issues an ABEND dump. The system issues a message depending on the reason code accompanying the abend: Code 04 08 0C 10 20 24 30 34 Message CSV013I CSV015I CSV019I CSV020I CSV024I CSV027I CSV025I CSV026I 20

Application Programmer Response: If the requested module could not be found, make sure the module exists on a system or user-defined authorized library. Correct the error, and run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, see the system programmer response for accompanying messages in the job log for more information. If the error recurs and the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the source input for the job. Source: Contents supervision (CSV)


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

30D 312
If a caller in supervisor state and key 0 requests storage in subpool 0 or 250, the system will satisfy this request with storage from a different subpool. This situation is described in z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Reference. v Check for program errors that incorrectly modify the FREEMAIN macro expansion. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) 30D Explanation: End of memory (EOM) processing has detected that an EOM resource manager has been inactive (not dispatched) for at least 4 minutes. That EOM resource manager is considered to have failed and receives this abend. The hexadecimal reason codes are: Code 00 04 Explanation The failing resource manager receives this reason code. This reason code is used internally during the detection process. This reason code may be seen in the LOGREC record that the system records for this abend. v A program in supervisor state issued the macro. The macro should be issued by a program running in problem state. v The program that issued the macro had a program status word (PSW) storage key that did not match the task control block (TCB) key. v A program issued the macro in 31-bit addressing mode. System action: The system sends messages about the problem to the job log. The system abends the program that issued the macro. Application Programmer Response: If an application program issued the SPIE macro, check the program for the errors listed in the explanation. If the program is in 31-bit addressing mode, use an ESPIE macro instead of the SPIE macro. Correct the error. Run the job step again. System programmer response: If an IBM program issued the macro, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide: v Messages from the job log v The ABEND or SVC dump v The assembly listing for the job v The JCL for the job v The program listing for the job Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM) 312 Explanation: An error occurred in a LNKLST or library lookaside (LLA) directory data access routine. The reason code in register 15 identifies the error: Code 1 Explanation LLA partitioned data set (PDS) search function failed. PDS search is used to obtain BLDL format directory entries from the LLA directory. LLA fetch search function failed. Fetch search is used to obtain directory information needed to retrieve a copy of a staged module from LLAs virtual lookaside facility (VLF) data space. LLA logging function failed. LLA logging is used to record fetch statistics in the LLA directory for a fetched module. LLA search failure count has reached the allowed limit. The failures counted are only those caused by an LLA directory problem rather than those caused by a user problem.

System action: The system takes a synchronous SVCDUMP to capture the situation, then issues this abend. The abend is retriable. If the EOM resource managers recovery fails to retry, EOM processing will continue with the next EOM resource manager. Application Programmer Response: None. System programmer response: The title of the SVCDUMP will begin with END OF MEMORY RESOURCE MANAGER HANG DETECTED:, and will contain a TCB address as well as the name or address of the last EOM resource manager that was given control. The owner of that resource manager should examine the indicated TCB (which is in ASID 1) to determine why it was not progressing and correct the situation that caused the resource manager to fail in this way. Note: Since the SVCDUMP is taken before ABEND30D is issued (to provide a more clear picture of the problem), this abend will not be seen under the failing TCB in the dump. It may be seen under the detecting TCB (with reason code 04) and should be ignored there. Source: Recovery Termination Manager (RTM) 30E Explanation: A program incorrectly issued a SPIE macro in one of the following ways: v An unauthorized program specified program interruption code 17 on the macro.

System action: LLA does one of the following: v Issues message CSV222I and then initiates automatic restart processing v Issues message CSV218E and stops processing.

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


313 322
The system issues an SVC dump and writes a logrec data set error record. System programmer response: See the system programmer response for message CSV222I or CSV218E. Source: Contents supervision (CSV) 313 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of an OPEN macro instruction for a data set on a direct access device. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC144I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC144I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC144I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 314 Explanation: The error occurred during the processing of a CLOSE macro instruction for a data set on a direct access device. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC211I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC211I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC211I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 315 Explanation: An error occurred during the processing of SVC 21 (STOW) that could not be attributed to incorrect user input. This completion code is accompanied by message IEC911I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC911I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code in register 15. System action: The STOW task recovery routine has been invoked. Low real storage and the callers region have been dumped to the SYS1.DUMP data set. The callers DCB and input registers 0 and 1 have been included in a software error record written to the logrec data set. Application Programmer Response: Make sure that the STOW macro instruction is correctly coded, and that the parameter list and DCB involved are not modified by your program during the processing of SVC 21. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL, the program listing for the job, the logrec data set error record, and all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Source: DFSMSdfp 317 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a BSAM CLOSE macro instruction with a TYPE=T operand for a data set on a direct access device. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC220I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC220I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC220I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 322 Explanation: One of the following occurred: v The system took a longer time to run a job, job step, or procedure than the time specified in one of the following: The TIME parameter of the EXEC or JOB statement The standard time limit specified in the job entry subsystem v For a started task under the master subsystem, the TIME parameter was not specified on the PROC statement of the catalogued procedure, and the PPT entry did not indicate a system task System action: The system abnormally ends the job, job step, or procedure.


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328 32E
Application Programmer Response: If the TIME parameter was not specified on the PROC statement of the catalogued procedure, add the TIME parameter or add a PPT entry for the PGM parameter. Otherwise, check for program errors. If none exist, specify a longer time in the TIME parameter. Then run the job again. Source: System Management Facilities (SMF) 328 Explanation: During processing of an EXTRACT macro, the system found that the task control block (TCB) specified in the second operand was not for a subtask of the callers TCB. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the EXTRACT macro. Application Programmer Response: Change the EXTRACT macro to specify a TCB for a subtask. If the macro was specified correctly, check for program errors that incorrectly modified the EXTRACT macro expansion. Correct the error. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the source program listing for the job. Source: Task management 32D Explanation: A program requested an overlay. In answer to the request, the overlay supervisor was using program fetch to load a program segment from the library. Fetch found one of the following: v A record of an incorrect length v An uncorrectable input/output (I/O) error Note: Overlay programs run only in 24-bit addressing mode, not in 31-bit addressing mode. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that requested the overlay. The system writes an ABEND dump, if a dump DD statement is provided. Operator response: If messages show an I/O error on the device containing the overlay segment, run the job step again. If the I/O error recurs, contact hardware support. Application Programmer Response: If messages did not show an I/O error, link edit and run the program again. Source: Overlay supervisor 0210 0220 011C 0120 0110 32E Explanation: When a program issued the STIMERM service routine, an error occurred. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code: Code 010C Explanation The Coordinated universal time (UTC), time-of-day (TOD), or local time (LT) parameter in a STIMERM SET macro specified a value that was greater that 24 hours. The TIMER service routine received an incorrect STIMER or STIMER SET macro parameter. For example, a program running in 31-bit addressing mode is not using the MVS/SP Version 2 or later expansion of STIMER. The limit of concurrent STIMERM SET macro requests was exceeded. The timer service routine cannot access the storage containing the parameters for the STIMERM SET macro. The requested time interval was too large. One of these situations occurred: The time interval specified (BINTVL, DINTVL, MICVL, or TUINTVL), added to the current TOD clock contents, would have exceeded X'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' (a value that would expire on September 17, 2042). A value greater than X'7FFFFFFF' was specified for BINTVL. An incorrect parameter was specified on the STIMERM TEST macro. The timer service routine cannot access the storage containing the parameters for the STIMERM TEST macro. The STIMERM ID number specified for a TEST request was 0, which is not valid. An incorrect parameter was specified on the STIMERM CANCEL macro. The timer service routine cannot access the storage containing the parameters for the STIMERM CANCEL macro. The STIMERM ID number specified for a CANCEL request was 0, which is not valid.


0224 0310 0320


System action: The system abnormally ends the task that issued the macro. Application Programmer Response: Check and correct the parameters specified on the STIMERM macro. See z/OS MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference ABE-HSP for format and restrictions. Check that a program running in 31-bit addressing mode uses the MVS/SP Version 2 or later expansion of STIMER.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


330 333
Source: Timer supervision 330 Explanation: An unauthorized task attempted to use authorized options of the DEQ macro instruction during the processing of global resource serialization. Register 15 may contain a reason code associated with this error: Code xxxx0001 Explanation An unauthorized requester attempted to DEQ an authorized resource. The list of authorized major names is described in z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference ALE-DYN. xxxx0002 An ISGNQXIT exit specified an authorized resource name for an unauthorized DEQ request. The list of authorized major names is described in z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference ALE-DYN. xxxx0006 xxxx0007 An unauthorized requester specified TCB or RMC. An unauthorized requester attempted to issue a generic request. 0C Code 04 Explanation While dumping global storage, SVC Dump (SDUMP) detected a start address that is higher that the end address for a storage range. The SDUMP VSM interface routine detected a start address that is higher than the end address for a storage range. SDUMP has detected a LIST64 storage range with a start address that is higher than the end address for a storage range. While dumping local storage, SDUMP detected a start address that is higher than the end address for a storage range. Before enqueueing on the SDUMP resource, SDUMP detected that it was running in an address space that is not in the current dump. After enqueueing on the SDUMP resource, SDUMP detected that it was running in an address space that is not part of the current dump. SDUMP is running in an environment that is not valid. While processing a synchronous dump, an SDUMP cross memory post failed to post a task which was to complete the dump. SDUMP recovery processing captured the local storage which was still in real for the address space where the task was located, and then terminated the address space. The dump is unavailable for user specified DCB SVC dumps. While dumping global storage, SDUMP experienced an internal error. ABDUMP (SYSABEND, SYSUDUMP, or SYSMDUMP) did not produce a dump because another task holds a critical resource. Because ABDUMP waited longer than the interval used to determine if the resource was available, the system determined that the task may never release the resource. This abend was issued and an SVC dump was requested instead of the ABDUMP dump. The dump title will include the JOBNAME of the abending task. LOGREC data contains the JOBNAME and the ENQ name.





1C 20

The reason code could also be associated with an ISGENQ Request=Release. See the reason codes listed for the ISGENO macro in z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference EDT-IXG. System action: The system issues an ABEND dump. Application Programmer Response: Correct the macro instruction. Recompile and run the job step again. Either use an unauthorized major name or make the program authorized. System programmer response: If the reason code is X'0002', check your ISGNQXIT installation exits to ensure that they are not coded to specify an authorized major name for unauthorized requests. Otherwise, if the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the abend dump. Source: Global resource serialization 333 Explanation: During processing for a dump, an error occurred. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error:

24 30

System action: Dump processing may write an error record to the LOGREC data set. For ABDUMP reason code 30 an SVC dump was requested instead with the JOBNAME in the dump title and message IEA848I was issued. For the other codes: Dump data collection ends and SDUMP proceeds to clean up its system resources. Message IEA794I


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

335 338
indicates which job requested the dump. When the dump is written to DASD, message IEA911E or IEA611I contains the SDRSN bits which indicate the reasons for an incomplete dump. Operator response: Determined by the system programmer. System programmer response: For ABDUMP reason code 30, see the information for message IEA848I. For SDUMP reason codes, when necessary, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap with ACTION=WAIT to obtain a standalone dump if abend X'333' recurs. Source: Dumping services 335 Explanation: SVC 53, which obtains and releases exclusive control of a resource associated with a BDAM data set, found that the block for which acquisition or release of exclusive control was requested was not in the data set. Application Programmer Response: If the RELEX macro was issued the user should ensure that the BLKREF address supplied in the RELEX macro points to a valid address within the data set described by the input DCB. Make sure that the address format is compatible with the addressing scheme specified in the DCBOPTCD field of the DCB. If the RELEX macro was not issued, the block ID was taken from the IOBSEEK field, or in the case of write-add requests, the IOBDNCRF field. These addresses are derived from conversion of the block ID pointed to by the DECRECPT field of the DECB. Make sure that this address is correct and that the format of the block ID is compatible with that specified in the DCBOPTCD field of the DCB and that the format of the block ID is left-aligned. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: DFSMSdfp 337 Explanation: The error occurred when the end of a data set was reached. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC024I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC024I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC024I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix xxxx0002 exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL, the program listing, and the compiler output for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 338 Explanation: An unauthorized task attempted to use authorized options of the ENQ macro instruction during the processing of global resource serialization. Register 15 may contain a reason code associated with this error: Code xxxx0001 Explanation An unauthorized requester attempted to ENQ an authorized resource. The list of authorized major names is described in z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference EDT-IXG An ISGNQXIT exit specified an authorized resource name for an unauthorized ENQ request. The list of authorized major names is described in z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference EDT-IXG. xxxx0003 An unauthorized requester attempted to RESERVE a device that is not allocated to the requesting task. An ISGNQXIT exit specified a UCB for a device that is not allocated to the requesting, unauthorized task. An unauthorized requester attempted to issue a MASID request. An unauthorized requester specified TCB or SMC. An unauthorized requester attempted to issue an ECB request.


xxxx0005 xxxx0006 xxxx0008

The reason code could also be associated with an ISGENQ Request=Obtain or Request=Change. See the reason codes listed for the ISGENQ macro in z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference EDT-IXG. System action: The system writes an ABEND dump. Application Programmer Response: Correct the macro instruction. Recompile and run the job step again. If the problem persists, do the following: 1. Obtain the address of the ENQ parameter list from register 1 in the UNIQUE-3 column of the SVC 30 or SVC 38 entry in the system trace.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


339 351
2. Check the parameter list against the SVC 30 or 38 mapping. When analyzing the parameter list, remember that the unit control block (UCB) pointer, if present, is the address of a field that, in turn, contains the address of the UCB. If the parameter list contains incorrect data, continue diagnosis in the program that issued the macro. System programmer response: If the reason code is X'0002', check your ISGNQXIT installation exits to ensure that they are not coded to specify an authorized major name for unauthorized requests. If the reason code is X'0004', ensure that the installation exits do not modify the UCB to specify one that is not allocated to an unauthorized requests. Otherwise, if the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND dump. Source: Global resource serialization 339 Explanation: SVC 57, which frees a buffer or extends the unscheduled list (via a FREEDBUF macro issued either by the user or by the system) found that the DEB pointed to by the input DCB (DCBDEBAD) was not on any DEB chain associated with that job step TCB, or did not point back to that DCB, or the request was issued for a data set that was neither BDAM or ISAM. Application Programmer Response: Make sure that the input DCB address is correct and that the DCBDEBAD field of the input DCB has not been overlaid. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: DFSMSdfp 33E Explanation: During processing of a DETACH macro that specified a STAE=YES operand, the system found that the specified subtask had not completed processing. System action: The system abnormally ends the subtask. If the STAE macro was issued by the subtask, the specified recovery routine gains control during abend processing. However, if the STAE exit routine specified a retry routine, the retry routine does not gain control. Application Programmer Response: This may or may not be an error, depending on the programmers intent. If the subtask should complete processing before it is detached, synchronize the processing through the ECB or ETXR parameters on the ATTACH macro that creates the subtask. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the source program listing for the job. Source: Task management 33F Explanation: An error has been detected during checkpoint restart processing. This completion code is accompanied by message IHJxxxI with the appropriate reason code. System action: No dump is produced; the system attempts to retry to the cleanup address. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated in the accompanying message. Source: DFSMSdfp 344 Explanation: The error occurred during the processing of SYNADAF, where it was determined that the DCB address was incorrect. Application Programmer Response: Register 15 contains the DCB address in error. For BDAM, BPAM, QSAM, BISAM, and QISAM, the DCB address should be passed to SYNADAF as the PARM1 operand on the SYNADAF macro instruction. (For BDAM, BPAM, BSAM, and QSAM, the DCB address is in register 1 on entry to the users SYNAD routine.) For EXCP access method, verify that the IOBDCBPT field contains the correct DCB address. Correct the error and rerun the job. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 351 Explanation: An error was detected during the processing of SETPRT that could not be attributed to incorrect macro instruction invocation or incorrect control blocks. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC918I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC918I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Make sure that the SETPRT macro instruction is correctly coded, and that the parameter list and DCB involved are not


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

35F 378
modified by your program during the processing of SVC 81. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL, the program listing for the job, and the logrec data set error record. Source: DFSMSdfp 35F Explanation: In order to initiate a nonswappable program or V=R job step, the system issued a SYSEVENT TRANSWAP macro to swap out an address space. One of the following situations occurred: v Before the system could complete the swap, the address space became unswappable. v The swap could not be executed because the swap HOLD count in the OUCB was non-zero. System action: The system abnormally ends the initiator of the job. The system writes messages and a logrec data set error record. System programmer response: This is probably a system error. Resubmit the job. If the error recurs, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set error record and the SYSOUT output for the job. Source: Initiator, based on a decision by the System Resources Manager (SRM) Detecting Module: IEFSD263 36D Explanation: An error was detected in communications between RMF and the System Resources Manager while attempting to initialize, collect, or reinitialize workload activity measurements. System action: All RMF measurement collection is terminated. Reinstatement can be attempted and, if successful, RMF will continue under the control of the original options. If reinstatement fails, RMF is terminated. Register 15 contains the return code from the System Resources Manager depending on the function attempted by RMF: Byte 0 1 Attempted Function N/A Reinitialization of workload activity measurement collection after a change in the Installation Performance Specification (IPS). Collection of workload activity measurements. Initialization of workload activity measurements.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

The system writes an ABEND dump for the failing job step. System programmer response: Obtain the SYSOUT output for the job. Obtain the ABEND dump for the failing job step. If the JCL for the step did not contain a DD statement for an ABEND dump, add one of the following statements and run the job step again: SYSABEND DD statement SYSMDUMP DD statement SYSUDUMP DD statement Use a SYSMDUMP DD statement if you plan to analyze and format the dump with the interactive problem control system (IPCS). Obtain the logrec data set error record. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Resource Measurement Facility (RMF) 36F Explanation: One of the following errors occurred during processing of a job entry subsystem SVC 111: v An non-valid entry code was passed to SVC 111. v DEBCHK processing found that the DEB (data extent block) was invalid. v The DEB was not a subsystem DEB. System action: The program issuing the SVC terminates. System programmer response: Be sure the program is authorized to use SVC 111 and check that the SVC is issued at the correct point in the program. Correct the error and rerun the job. If the problem recurs and if the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: JES2 378 Explanation: An error when the system tried to process an RU or VRU form of the FREEMAIN macro or the STORAGE RELEASE macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 08 Explanation System queue area (SQA) storage is not in the specified subpool.

2 3


37A 37D
0C Common storage area (CSA) storage is not in the specified subpool, or it is not in the specified key. Local system queue area (LSQA) storage is not in the specified subpool. Private area storage is not in the specified subpool, is not in the specific key or is not owned by the specified task. The system could not find a private area subpool. A user has requested that storage at virtual address 0 be freed. This can happen if the user intended an entire subpool, but has incorrectly specified a non-zero length with an address of 0. Zero length must be specified on a subpool FREEMAIN or STORAGE RELEASE. Another possibility is that the user has specified the wrong address. One of the following: v In the CSA, the area specified on a FREEMAIN or STORAGE RELEASE is larger than the area specified on the original GETMAIN or STORAGE OBTAIN. v The FREEMAIN or STORAGE RELEASE start address is not valid. 24 One of the following: v In the private area, the area specified on a FREEMAIN or STORAGE RELEASE is larger than the area specified on the original GETMAIN or STORAGE OBTAIN. v The FREEMAIN or STORAGE RELEASE start address is not valid. System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Do the following: v Ensure that the FREEMAIN or STORAGE RELEASE operands A and LV do not specify a different subpool and/or key than the subpool or key of the storage you are trying to free. v Ensure that the task control block (TCB) specified on the FREEMAIN or STORAGE RELEASE request is the same one specified on the corresponding GETMAIN or STORAGE OBTAIN request. v If a caller running in supervisor state and key 0 made the original GETMAIN or STORAGE OBTAIN request, ensure that the corresponding FREEMAIN or STORAGE RELEASE request is issued in supervisor state and key 0. If a caller in supervisor state and key 0 requests storage in subpool 0 or 250, the system will satisfy this request with storage from a different subpool. This situation is described in z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Reference. v Check for program errors that incorrectly modify the FREEMAIN or STORAGE RELEASE macro expansion. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) 37A Explanation: During processing of an EVENTS macro, the system found that another task was currently waiting on the EVENTS table. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the EVENTS macro. Application Programmer Response: Ensure that only one task at one time can wait on the EVENTS table. Correct the error. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing and the assembly listing associated with the job. Source: Task management 37B Explanation: While the system was processing a PURGEDQ macro, an error occurred in a resource manager termination routine (RMTR). System action: The system records the address of the failing service request block (SRB) in a logrec data set error record. The system asks for a retry and PURGEDQ processing continues. The system does not return control to the RMTR in which the error occurred. System programmer response: Do the following: v Use the program status word (PSW) address in the logrec data set error record to identify the failing RMTR. v Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the component group associated with this module at the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control 37D Explanation: During processing of an EVENTS macro, the system found that another task was currently waiting on the EVENTS table. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the EVENTS macro. Application Programmer Response: Ensure that no program can issue any EVENTS macro that specifies a table currently being waited on. Correct the error. Run the job again.

10 14

18 1C



z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

382 3C2
System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing and the assembly listing associated with the job. Source: Task management 382 Explanation: The RACROUTE REQUEST=AUTH preprocessing or postprocessing exit routine passed an invalid return code to RACF. The return code was not part of the defined interface. System action: The system abnormally terminates the task. Application Programmer Response: Possible user error. Register 15 contains the return code from the exit routine. Verify that the exit routine is issuing valid return codes. System programmer response: If the installation exit is issuing a correct return code and RACF still issues this abend, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM support center for advice about whether this is a documentation error or an incorrect output error. Note: Before calling IBM, make sure the return code passed by the installation exit is correct. 383 Explanation: The RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY preprocessing or postprocessing exit routine passed an invalid return code to RACF. The return code was not part of the defined interface. System action: The system abnormally terminates the task. Application Programmer Response: Possible user error. Register 15 contains the return code from the exit routine. Verify that the exit routine is issuing valid return codes. See z/OS Security Server RACROUTE Macro Reference for the correct return codes. System programmer response: If the installation exit is issuing a correct return code and RACF still issues this abend, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM support center for advice about whether this is a documentation error or an incorrect output error. See z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide for information on reporting documentation errors or incorrect output to IBM. Note: Before calling IBM, make sure the return code passed by the installation exit is correct. 385 Explanation: The RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY preprocessing or postprocessing exit routine passed an invalid return code to RACF. The return code was not part of the defined interface. System action: The system abnormally terminates the task. Application Programmer Response: Possible user error. Register 15 contains the return code from the exit routine. Verify that the exit routine is issuing using valid return codes. See z/OS Security Server RACROUTE Macro Reference for the correct return codes. System programmer response: If the installation exit is issuing a correct return code and RACF still issues this abend, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM support center for advice about whether this is a documentation error or an incorrect output error. See z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide for information on reporting documentation errors or incorrect output to IBM. Note: Before calling IBM, make sure the return code passed by the installation exit is correct. 3C2 Explanation: The MQSeries Workflow for OS/390 workload manager selector subtask encountered a severe internal error. The reason code identifies the source of the error. It has the format X'rrmmnnnn', where rr denotes the resource class (as detailed in the table that follows), mm denotes the method of the resource class, and nnnn identifies the place within the method where the error was encountered. Resource Class Code 01 Resource Name Resource Resource Description abstract class for workflow server resources abstract class for workflow server instance resources abstract class for workflow server input/output device resources implementation class for the system console interface implementation class for the flight recorder









Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


Resource Class Code 06 Resource Name FifoLock Resource Description implementation class for the queue serialization implementation class for the MVS message services interface implementation class for the in-storage queues implementation class for the error recovery implementation class for the data set access implementation class for the security server interface implementation class for the subtask management implementation class for the subtask synchronization implementation class for the timer interface implementation class for the component trace interface implementation class for the subtask services implementation class for the workload manager interface implementation class for the cross-system coupling facility interface implementation class for the cross-language services implementation class for the cross-memory services application environment and restart the server. For other reason codes, search the problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center and provide the ABEND dump. Source: MQSeries Workflow for OS/390 3C4 Explanation: During system processing, an internal system request encountered an unexpected error. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code. Code 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 00000005 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009 0000000A 0000000B 0000000C 0000000D 0000000E 0000000F 00000010 00000011 00000012 00000013 00000014 00000015 00000016 System action: The system issues an ABEND dump. Application Programmer Response: None. System programmer response: For reason code X'1726nnnn', verify the setup for the workload manager 00000017 00000018 Explanation Recovery routine (ESTAEX) could not be established. The request came from an unauthorized program. Not enough storage was available. POST returned an an error code. ATTACH did not complete successfully. LXRES did not complete successfully. AXSET did not complete successfully. Too many ETEs (entry table entries). Incorrect EX (entry index) ARR (associated recovery routine) not found. A PC integrity error occurred. A PC provided an incorrect attribute. ETCRE did not complete successfully. ETCON did not complete successfully. An unexpected error occurred. ENQ did not complete successfully. Start was incorrect. The SSCVT was incorrect. The DSCT was incorrect. Dispatcher control blocks were incorrect. ALESERV did not complete successfully. DSPSERV did not complete successfully. IEFJSVEC did not complete successfully. A required routine could not be found.





09 10

ErrStack ServerDS







14 15

TimeServ ExtTrace












z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

3C5 3C6
00000019 0000001A RESMGR did not complete successfully. Recovery was entered and there was no available entry on the dynamic area stack for the recovery routine to use. The stack storage has been used up. xx010Axx to specify the correct amount of storage and resubmit the job. IARSUBSP IDENTIFY failed. The address of the storage specified by the first fullword of the range entry must be aligned on a segment boundary. A segment is 1 megabyte (1,048,576 bytes) long. Programmer Response: Correct the first fullword of the range list entry to specify a storage address on a segment boundary, and resubmit the job. xx0112xx IARSUBSP IDENTIFY failed. The storage specified by the range list entry must be pageable and located in either high private or low private storage, and must have been previously obtained using the STORAGE or GETMAIN macro. Programmer Response: Correct the range list entry to specify pageable, private storage, or change the subpool from which the storage was obtained, and resubmit the job. xx0113xx IARSUBSP IDENTIFY failed. The storage specified by the range list entry must be owned by one of the following: v The calling task v The task that previously issued IARSUBSP IDENTIFY v A task higher in the task hierarchy than the calling task or the task that previously issued IARSUBSP IDENTIFY. Programmer Response: Correct the range list entry to specify storage owned by one of the tasks listed in the error description. If the range list entry is correct, redesign the program so that the task that issues the IARSUBSP IDENTIFY (or a task higher in the task hierarchy) owns the storage and is the task that issued any previous IARSUBSP IDENTIFY requests. xx0116xx Subspace identity failed. A segment in the storage range is part of a shared segment. Programmer Response: Correct the storage range list entry to specify a storage range that does not include pages that are part of a shared segment. xx0211xx IARSUBSP CREATE failed. The
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


System action: If the error occurred during address space initialization, the initialization process terminates. Application Programmer Response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center, providing the reason code that accompanies the abend. Source: MVS reuse 3C5 Explanation: This abend is issued by the TCP/IP product. For more information, see TCP/IP abend 3C5 reason codes in z/OS Communications Server: IP and SNA Codes. 3C6 Explanation: An error occurred during IARSUBSP macro processing. System action: The system fails the IARSUBSP request. Application Programmer Response: Take the action indicated by Programmer Response in the reason code description. Source: Real Storage Manager (RSM) The reason code in register 15 identifies the error. When an entry in the range list (specified on the RANGLIST parameter) causes the abend, GPR 2 contains the address of the range list element in error and GPR 3 contains the address of the storage being processed. Code xx0108xx Meaning IARSUBSP IDENTIFY failed. The value specified in the NUMRANGE parameter must be greater than zero and not greater than 16. Programmer Response: Correct the value on the NUMRANGE parameter. xx0109xx IARSUBSP IDENTIFY failed. The number of pages specified by the second fullword of the range list entry must be greater than 0 and a multiple of 256. Programmer Response: Correct the second fullword of the range list entry


subspace name is incorrect. The name must not be blank, or begin with a numeric character. The name must be left-justified, padded to the right with blanks, and must contain only alphanumeric characters and the characters @, $, and #. Programmer Response: Correct the subspace name specified on the NAME parameter, and resubmit the job. xx0301xx IARSUBSP ASSIGN failed. The callers primary and home address spaces must be the same. Programmer Response: Change the cross memory mode so that the primary and home address spaces are the same, and resubmit the job. xx0302xx IARSUBSP ASSIGN failed. The caller held a lock. Programmer Response: Release all locks and resubmit the job. xx0303xx IARSUBSP ASSIGN failed. A protection exception occurred while the caller was referencing the parameter list. Programmer Response: The parameter list must be in storage that the caller can access. Make sure the storage was obtained by the caller or passed to the caller by a task higher in the task hierarchy. xx0304xx IARSUBSP ASSIGN failed. The caller issued a macro version that is not valid. Programmer Response: Use the IARSUBSP macro to generate the parameter list. xx0308xx IARSUBSP ASSIGN failed. The value specified in the NUMRANGE parameter must be greater than zero and not greater than 16. Programmer Response: Correct the value on the NUMRANGE parameter. xx0309xx IARSUBSP ASSIGN failed. The number of pages specified by the second fullword of the range list entry must be greater than 0 and a multiple of 256 for storage addresses above 16 megabytes. Programmer Response: Correct the value specified in the second fullword of the range list entry, and resubmit the job. xx030Cxx xx030Axx IARSUBSP ASSIGN failed. The range entry must be aligned on a segment boundary for storage addresses above 16 megabytes. A segment is 1 megabyte (1,048,576 bytes) long. Programmer Response: Correct the first fullword of the range list entry to specify a storage address on a segment boundary, and resubmit the job. xx030Bxx IARSUBSP ASSIGN failed. The range list entry must specify an address that is aligned on a page boundary for storage addresses below 16 megabytes. Programmer Response: Correct the first fullword of the range list entry to specify a storage address on a page boundary, and resubmit the job. IARSUBSP ASSIGN failed. The specified STOKEN does not represent a valid subspace. Programmer Response: Correct the value specified on the STOKEN parameter and resubmit the job. xx0310xx IARSUBSP ASSIGN failed. The range must have been specified on a prior IARSUBSP IDENTIFY request before it can be specified on IARSUBSP ASSIGN. Programmer Response: Ensure that you are supplying the correct range list to IARSUBSP ASSIGN, and that the values in the range list are correct. If so, correct your program design to issue IARSUBSP IDENTIFY before issuing IARSUBSP ASSIGN, and rerun the program. xx0311xx IARSUBSP ASSIGN failed. The range already is assigned to another subspace. Programmer Response: None necessary. However, you might want to take some action depending on your program. If you resubmit the job, specify a different range of storage that is eligible to be assigned to a subspace but not yet assigned. xx0312xx IARSUBSP ASSIGN failed. The range cannot span across either the 16-megabyte boundary or the 2-gigabyte boundary.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Programmer Response: Change the second fullword of the range list entry to specify a valid storage range, and resubmit the job. xx0401xx IARSUBSP UNASSIGN failed. The callers primary and home address spaces must be the same. Programmer Response: Change the cross memory mode so that the primary and home address spaces are the same, and resubmit the job. xx0402xx IARSUBSP UNASSIGN failed. The caller held a lock. Programmer Response: Release all locks and resubmit the job. xx0403xx IARSUBSP UNASSIGN failed. A protection exception occurred while the caller was referencing the parameter list. Programmer Response: The parameter list must be in storage that can be read by the calling program. xx0404xx IARSUBSP UNASSIGN failed. The caller issued a macro version that is not valid. Programmer Response: Use the IARSUBSP macro to generate the parameter list. xx0408xx IARSUBSP UNASSIGN failed. The value specified in the NUMRANGE parameter must be greater than zero and not greater than 16. Programmer Response: Correct the value on the NUMRANGE parameter. xx0409xx IARSUBSP UNASSIGN failed. The number of pages specified by the second fullword of the range list entry must be greater than 0 and a multiple of 256 for storage addresses above 16 megabytes. Programmer Response: Correct the value specified in the second fullword of the range list entry and resubmit the job. xx040Axx IARSUBSP UNASSIGN failed. The range entry must be aligned on a segment boundary for storage addresses above 16 megabytes. A segment is 1 megabyte (1,048,576 bytes) long. Programmer Response: Correct the first fullword of the range list entry to xx0510xx xx050Cxx xx040Cxx specify a storage address on a segment boundary, and resubmit the job. xx040Bxx IARSUBSP UNASSIGN failed. The range list entry must specify an address that is aligned on a page boundary for storage addresses below 16 megabytes. Programmer Response: Correct the first fullword of the range list entry to specify a storage address on a page boundary, and resubmit the job. IARSUBSP UNASSIGN failed. The specified STOKEN does not represent a valid subspace. Programmer Response: Correct the value specified on the STOKEN parameter and resubmit the job. xx0412xx IARSUBSP UNASSIGN failed. The range cannot span across either the 16-megabyte boundary or the 2-gigabyte boundary. Programmer Response: Change the second fullword of the range list entry to specify a valid storage range, and resubmit the job. IARSUBSP DELETE failed. The specified STOKEN does not represent a valid subspace. Programmer Response: Correct the value specified on the STOKEN parameter and resubmit the job. IARSUBSP DELETE failed. The caller is running in or is eligible to run in the subspace that is to be deleted. Programmer Response: Correct the STOKEN supplied on the STOKEN parameter. If the STOKEN is correct, change the program design to switch to full address space addressability before attempting to delete the subspace. xx0511xx IARSUBSP DELETE failed. Another program is running in or is eligible to run in the subspace that is to be deleted. Programmer Response: Correct the STOKEN supplied on the STOKEN parameter. If the STOKEN is correct, change the program design to delete the subspace after the program has finished processing.

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


xx0512xx IARSUBSP DELETE failed. The caller does not own the subspace to be deleted. Programmer Response: Correct the STOKEN supplied on the STOKEN parameter. If the STOKEN is correct, change the program design so the task that created the subspace deletes it. xx0608xx IARSUBSP UNIDENTIFY failed. The value specified in the NUMRANGE parameter must be greater than zero and not greater than 16. Programmer Response: Correct the value on the NUMRANGE parameter. xx0609xx IARSUBSP UNIDENTIFY failed. The number of pages specified by the second fullword of the range list entry must be greater than 0 and a multiple of 256. Programmer Response: Correct the second fullword of the range list entry to specify the correct amount of storage and resubmit the job. xx060Axx IARSUBSP UNIDENTIFY failed. The address of the storage specified by the first fullword of the range entry must be aligned on a segment boundary. A segment is 1 megabyte (1,048,576 bytes) long. Programmer Response: Correct the first fullword of the range list entry to specify a storage address on a segment boundary, and resubmit the job. xxFF01xx IARSUBSP failed. The callers primary, secondary, and home address spaces are not the same (the caller is in cross memory mode.) Programmer Response: Change the cross memory mode so that the primary, secondary, and home address spaces are the same, and resubmit the job. xxFF02xx IARSUBSP failed. The caller held a lock. Programmer Response: Release all locks and resubmit the job. xxFF03xx IARSUBSP failed. A protection exception occurred while the caller was referencing the parameter list. Programmer Response: The parameter list must be in storage that can be read by the calling program. xxFF0Exx xxFF08xx xxFF07xx xxFF04xx For a CREATE request, the parameter list must be in storage that can also be modified by the calling program. IARSUBSP failed. The caller issued a macro version that is not valid. Programmer Response: Use the IARSUBSP macro to generate the parameter list. xxFF05xx IARSUBSP failed. The reserved fields in callers IARSUBSP parameter list must be zeros. Programmer Response: Ensure that you are running the program on the correct MVS release, and that you use the IARSUBSP macro to generate the parameter list. xxFF06xx IARSUBSP failed. The caller requested a service that is not valid. Programmer Response: Use the IARSUBSP macro to generate the parameter list. xxFF07xx IARSUBSP failed. The caller must be in 31-bit addressing mode to use IARSUBSP. Programmer Response: Change to 31-bit addressing mode by issuing the BASSM or BSM instruction, then resubmit the job. BASSM and BSM are described in Principles of Operation. IARSUBSP failed. The caller must be in 31-bit addressing mode to use IARSUBSP. Programmer Response: Change to 31-bit addressing mode by issuing the BASSM or BSM instruction, then resubmit the job. BASSM and BSM are described in Principles of Operation. IARSUBSP failed; caller must not have virtual space above 2G. Programmer Response: In order to use subspaces, the program must be running in an address space that has not previously used virtual storage above 2 gigabyes. The programmer should either run the program as a started task, or submit the program to run in an initiator job class (set by the installation) that limits address spaces to 2 gigabytes. IARSUBSP failed. The caller must be in task mode.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

3C7 3FC
Programmer Response: Change the program design to ensure that the IARSUBSP macro is invoked in task mode, and resubmit the job. 3C7 Explanation: An error occurred while RACF was attempting to either allocate or unallocate dynamic storage while RACF was running in SRB mode. System programmer response: Using IPCS, format the dump taken for this abend. For an explanation of the dump title, see z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide. Look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) The reason code in register 15 identifies the error: Code 04 08 0C 10 Explanation BAD LENGTH: The length of the area to get or free is not greater than zero. BAD ALIGNMENT: The pointer to the area to free is not on a doubleword boundary. DUPLICATE FREEMAIN: The area to free has already been freed. INCORRECT SUBPOOL: The subpool for the area to free is not the subpool in which the area is allocated. INVALID OVERLAP: Part of the area to free equals part of the area allocated, but the match is not correct for either a full or partial FREEMAIN. NOT FOUND: The area to free does not have a corresponding GETMAIN entry in the tracking table, and the caller did not specify that it should not have. FOUND: The area to free has a corresponding GETMAIN entry in the tracking table, and the caller specified that it should not have. NOT FREED: There is a temporary area still allocated at the end of processing. A RACF module issued a get-space request. However, register 1 is not equal to zero and does not point to a buffer previously created by the program. A RACF module issued a get-space request. However, the subpool in register 0 is not the subpool in which the previously created buffer is allocated. Identify and correct the indicated error. 3FB Explanation: JES3 could not obtain enough storage to either build a data set block (DSB) or to build a data set status block (DSS). System action: The system ends the user address space. System programmer response: Rerun the job with a SYSABEND DD statement. The problem may not recur. If it does, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: JES3 3FC Explanation: The system detected an error in the processing following an external interrupt. The program that experienced the external interrupt is running under a task control block (TCB) or service request block (SRB). A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code 00 04 08 0C Explanation The system detected, but does not support, a third recursion of this interrupt. An error occurred during processing for the interrupt. An error occurred during a first recursion. An error occurred during a second recursion. A8 AC A RACF module issued a free-space request. However, register 1 is equal to zero. A RACF module issued a free-space request. However, register 1 does not point to the buffer previously created by the program.




System action: The system abnormally ends the active task that experienced the external interrupt. The system writes a logrec data set error record. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=3FC,ACTION=SVCD,END Application Programmer Response: Resubmit the job. If the error recurs, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Do the following: v Find the original abend causing the problem in the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) in the logrec data set error record. v Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, ask the operator to set a
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

20 A0



400 402
SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump and the logrec data set error records. Source: Supervisor control 10 400 Explanation: Execute channel program (EXCP) processing found an error while processing an I/O request. One of the following is true: v The address for the data control block (DCB) in the data extent block (DEB) is not the same as the DCB address in the callers input/output block (IOB). This situation can occur if the data set is not open or if the control blocks are prematurely freed or overlaid. v The program issued an EXCPVR macro for a DCB that was opened for BSAM, BPAM, or QSAM. Those access methods allow the user program to issue EXCP or XDAP but not EXCPVR. v BSAM, BPAM, or QSAM detected that control blocks that are internal to the access method were corrupted. The control blocks are in the application program protection key, so the application program might have overlaid them. The address being checked is in register 11. System action: The system abnormally ends the task and may issue an SVC dump. Application Programmer Response: Verify that the data set was opened and that the control blocks were handled correctly in the problem program. Run the job again. If the system wrote a dump, look at field TCBEXCPD at offset X'C0' in the task control block (TCB) for the current task. The TCBEXCPD points to the EXCP debugging area (XDBA). The XDBA contains diagnostic data associated with the EXCP processor. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL, the program and assembly listings for the job, and the SVC dump. Source: Execute channel program (EXCP) 401 Explanation: During processing of a WAIT macro, the system found an error in the callers environment. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 04 Explanation The caller does not hold the home address spaces local lock. 14 08 0C The caller does not have addressability to the home address space. A disabled caller issued a WAIT macro with the LINKAGE=SYSTEM option. A caller who held a lock issued a WAIT macro with the LINKAGE=SYSTEM option. A caller who was not processing in task mode issued a WAIT macro with the LINKAGE=SYSTEM option. A caller who was not processing in primary address space control (ASC) mode issued a WAIT macro with the LINKAGE=SYSTEM option.


System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the WAIT macro. Application Programmer Response: This is probably an error in the calling program. Modify the code to allow the WAIT macro to be issued in the correct environment. Run the program again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing for the job. Source: Task management 402 Explanation: During processing of an EVENTS POST macro, the system found an error. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 00 Explanation The system found an incorrect EVENTS table address in the low-order bytes of the extended format event control block (ECB) that was specified. The waiting request block (RB) is not enabled for interrupts.


System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the EVENTS macro. Application Programmer Response: Correct the error. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing and the assembly listing associated with the job. Source: Task management


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

406 40D
406 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a LINK(X), ATTACH(X), or XCTL(X) macro. The reason code in register 15 identifies the error: Code 04 Explanation The requested program is only loadable. The program was produced by linkage editor processing for which the EXEC statement contained OL in the PARM parameter field. Attempt to fetch an AMODE 64 module when not running in z/Architecture mode. Attempt by a program running AMODE 24 or 31 using the LINK or LINKX macro to link to an AMODE 64 module without having specified AMODE64OK=YES on the LINKX macro. 08 Only subpools defined as eligible for subpool FREEMAIN may be freed as an entire subpool. All other subpool storage areas must be freed by individual requests explicitly describing the area. A problem program tried to free subpool zero. The control program releases subpool zero when a job step ends.

System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: If you intended the FREEMAIN macro to release subpool zero, remove it from the program. If you did not intend the FREEMAIN macro to release subpool zero, check for program errors that incorrectly modify the FREEMAIN macro expansion. After making corrections, run the job step again. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) 40D Explanation: When the recovery termination manager (RTM) was ending a task, recursive errors occurred. RTM ends the address space. This abend code is in the ASCBMCC field in the address space control block (ASCB) for the ended address space and in message IEF402I. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15, in message IEF402I, and in the SVC dump title explains the error: Code 00 Explanation At the time of the recursive abends, RTM had established only critical error recursion processing. Therefore, RTM could determine only that the error was not due to a problem identified by the other reason codes. RTM2 detected a critical error in RTM2 processing. RTM experienced another error while processing a recursive error. RTM2 was unable to obtain the RTM2 work area (RTM2WA) associated with the original error. RTM2 could not obtain the previous RTM2WA because the pointer to it was not valid. No storage was available in either the local system queue area (LSQA) or the extended local system queue area (ELSQA) for the RTM2WA. RTM2 detected that an RTM request to get or free virtual storage ended abnormally. RTM was entered recursively after it had completed end-of-task processing.

08 12

System action: The task is ended unless ERRET is specified on the macro instruction. For reason code 04, the system issues message CSV009I. The system issues an ABEND dump. Application Programmer Response: Code 04 Response Rewrite the problem program so that it specifies only loading, not processing, of the only loadable program. Next, recompile and run the job step again. Avoid having the system attempt to fetch an AMODE 64 module unless running in z/Architecture mode. Use LINKX and specify AMODE64=OK and make sure that your program provides the interface needed by the AMODE 64 target routine.



System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, see the system programmer response for messages in the job log. If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND dump and the source program listing for the job. Source: Contents supervision (CSV)

04 08

0C 10

40A Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an R form of the FREEMAIN macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 04 Explanation The caller tried to FREEMAIN a subpool that cannot be freed.

14 18

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


413 417
1C RTM2 was entered recursively. RTM2 could not find the request block (RB) for the previously abended routine. RTM2 was entered recursively to process an RTM-initiated abend of a daughter task. RTM2 could not find the error RB for the previously abended mother task. RTM2 tried to enter an exit, but found no exit flag on to indicate which exit to take. RTM2 experienced an unrecoverable recursive error while ending a daughter task of the current task. RTM2 has been recursively entered for multiple DOD abends from a subtask. RTM2 encountered a recursive abend due to a problem with the current Tasks Linkage Stack. 413 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of an OPEN macro instruction for a data set on magnetic tape or on a direct access device. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC145I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC145I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC145I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 414 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a CLOSE macro instruction for a data set on a direct access device. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC212I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC212I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC212I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 417 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a BSAM CLOSE macro instruction with a TYPE=T operand for a data set on a direct access device. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC221I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC221I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC221I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL


24 28

30 34

System action: RTM ends the address space. The system issues message IEF402I. The system writes an SVC dump. Critical problems in the address space can prevent the SVC dump from completing successfully. Even if successful, message IEA911E or IEA611I might not be issued to indicate the dump is complete. Operator response: Obtain the SVC dump. The dump has the title:

Note: Prior to OS/390 the COMPID is SC1CM. System programmer response: Do the following: 1. Obtain the reason code from message IEF402I, register 15, or the SVC dump title. 2. For reason code X'10', continue diagnosis with virtual storage manager (VSM) to determine why there is not enough ELSQA available. If the problem cannot be determined, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the component group for VSM at the IBM Support Center. Provide the problem data collected in previous steps. 3. For a reason code other than X'10', a critical problem occurred while RTM was processing an abend. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. Include in the search argument: v Program identifier: PIDS/5752SCRTM v Abend code: AB/S040D v Abend reason code: PRCS/xx If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and any messages about the problem. Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM)


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 422 Explanation: This abend is a general use abend code. It provides an abend that will be treated similarly to a 222 abend generated by a CANCEL. This abend will not be delivered to the target task if the task is already in recovery processing. This abend may be retryable or nonretryable depending on the reason code. The 422 abend reason codes are in the format: xxxxyyzz The parts of the reason code are: xxxx The first halfword will be left to the component to set. Some components use these two bytes for internal identification. The 3rd byte will contain a component identifier. This will allow the 422 abend to be shared by multiple products and components. The following yy values indicate which component or product generated the abend: 01 02 03 04 05 zz UNIX System Services JES2 BCP console services TCP/IP Reason Codes JES3 xxxx0189 xxxx0187 xxxx0185 xxxx0186 xxxx0184 BPX1EXI (_exit) service being issued in a process with multiple threads. The initial pthread_create task (IPT), if not already exited, is abended with this reason, if the thread calling BPX1EXI is created by pthread create. xxxx0183 BPXPRMPC was requested to terminate and clean up a process. This required the Assembler termination macro CALLRTM of the initial pthread task. The task is being ended because it is in a wait state controlled by the kernel address space, which is being ended. To prevent leaving the task in a never-ending wait, the task is abended. If a recovery routine exists in the task, the routine can retry for this abend. A system error occurred during thread creation. The process was terminated. A system error occurred during the processing of a local process exec. The jobstep is terminated. A system error occurred during fork processing. Fork is in the APPC Receive and Wait window trying to create the child address space. Fork maybe hung waiting for ASCH initiators. The kernel has, at the request of the user, terminated a thread that was in a ENQ wait. A system error occurred creating the child process during fork processing. The child process address space is terminated. A system error occurred during server_init processing for a server manager address space. The calling task is terminated. This abend is the result of the kernel terminating a thread. The thread and its associated task are terminated. This retryable abend will drive the BPXOINIT process to clean up a suspected growth of zombie processes. This growth of zombies could have been due to a cross memory post failure that prevented BPXOINIT from waking up sooner to clean up the zombies. This abend is the result of a request to shutdown z/OS UNIX System
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


The last byte is used by the component to create unique reason codes.

UNIX System Services Reason Codes (yy= 01): Code xxxx01zz Explanation Where zz is between the values of X'01' and X'7F' and represents the signal that caused the task to end. An error occurred in an application program that uses z/OS UNIX System Services. The ending address space is the target of a signal. A signal is program-generated and causes the job step task in the target user process to be ended with an abend that cannot be retried. This abend is the result of the BPX1EXC (exec) or BPX1EXM (execMVS) service being issued in a process with multiple threads. All dubbed threads in the process are terminated with the abend. This abend is the result of the










Services. The thread and its associated task are terminated. xxxx01A4 The current owner of a mutex (mutual exclusion lock) or condition variable abended thereby making unusable the mutex or condition variable held at that time. The system terminates the thread and any task(s) waiting for the mutex or condition. The sytem has terminated a user task that has held a z/OS UNIX System Services latch for an excessively long time. xxxx01A5 terminated when the owner of the mutex or condition variable terminated. Determine why the owner of the z/OS UNIX System Services latch was holding it for an excessive period of time. Correct the problem and resubmit the affected job(s) or restart the affected task(s).


Rerun the job and use a debugger if necessary to determine why the signal has occurred. Source: z/OS UNIX System Services (BPX)

System action: The unit of work is ended with a nonretryable error. Application Programmer Response: Code xxxx01zz Response The unit of work has terminated for a signal that was either sent by the user or generated by the system. Determining the reason for the signal generally requires an understanding of when signals are generated by the system. For a list of signals, refer to z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference. No action is required by the user. No action is required by the user. No action is required by the user. The task was in a wait at the time the kernel terminated. This is not an error. Retry the operation. If the error persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, report the error to the IBM Support Center. No action is required by the user. Review the APPC/ASCH setup relating to OMVS. No action is required by the user. No action is required by the user. No action is required by the user. No action is required by the user. No action is required by the user. This is part of automated clean-up of zombie storage that is no longer needed. No action is required by the user. Resubmit those jobs that were

JES2 Reason Codes (yy = 02): Code xxxx0200 Explanation xxxx is the identifier of the JES2 processor control element (PCEID) currently active. A value of X'02' in the 3rd byte indicates the JES2 component. When xxxx=0003, this abend is the result of a job/TSU/STC being canceled via an $C job or $C job,D command while it is awaiting conversion or active in conversion. The address space was terminated (through CALLRTM TYPE=ABTERM) during job select processing by a JES2 $C operator command. A dump was produced if the DUMP operand was included on the $C command. The address space was terminated (through CALLRTM TYPE=MEMTERM) as the result of a JES2 $C command with the FORCE operand. Determine why the job is being canceled. If you require a dump, have the operator resubmit the job, and then cancel it with the DUMP operand.


xxxx0181 xxxx0182 xxxx0183 xxxx0184 xxxx0185



xxxx0186 xxxx0187 xxxx0189 xxxx018A xxxx018B xxxx01A0 xxxx01A2

Source: JES2 System action: The job/TSU/STC is ended with a nonretryable error. Console Component Reason Codes (yy=03): Code 00010301 Explanation A command was cancelled at the operators request through the CMDS ABEND command.

Source: Console services TCP/IP Reason Codes (yy=04): See TCP/IP abend 422 reason codes in z/OS

xxxx01A3 xxxx01A4


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425 430
Communications Server: IP and SNA Codes. JES3 Reason Codes (yy=05): Code 00000501 00000502 00000503 Explanation The job was cancelled during job initiation. No dump was requested. The job was cancelled with dump during job initiation. The job was forced by using the *MODIFY J=nn,FORCE command. 42D Explanation: While an overlay program was running, an error occurred in the processing of a SEGLD macro. Note: Overlay programs run only in 24-bit addressing mode, not in 31-bit addressing mode. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that requested the overlay. The system writes an ABEND dump, if a dump DD statement is provided. Application Programmer Response: Obtain the address in register 12 at the time of the error. Add X'14' to the address to find the address of the event completion block (ECB) that contains the subtask completion code. Look for errors in the program. Correct the errors; then assemble, link edit, and run the program again. Source: Overlay supervisor 430 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a DEQ macro instruction during the processing of global resource serialization. The control program found that the parameter list created from the macro instruction was incorrect. Register 15 might contain a reason code associated with this error: Code xxxx0001 xxxx0002 xxxx0003 Explanation The input parameter list was altered during DEQ processing. The DEQ request specified UCB and RNL=NO. The storage specified by the input UCB address does not map to a valid UCB. The storage specified by the UCB address specified by an ISGNQXIT exit routine does not map to a valid UCB. The storage passed to DEQ processing could not be accessed in the callers key. The storage containing the QNAME could not be accessed in the callers key. The storage containing the RNAME could not be accessed in the callers key. The storage containing the pointer to the UCB address could not be accessed in the callers key.

425 Explanation: A program requested an overlay. When trying to answer the request, the overlay supervisor found that the target segment for the request could be resolved but was not valid for an overlay. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that requested the overlay. The system writes an ABEND dump, if a dump DD statement is provided. Application Programmer Response: Check the program for errors in selecting the segment to overlay. Correct the errors; then assemble, link edit, and run the program again. Source: Overlay supervisor 42A Explanation: During processing of an ATTACH macro, the system found that the ECB parameter specified an incorrect address for the event control block (ECB) to be posted when the subtask abnormally ends. The address was incorrect for the following reasons: v It was not on a fullword boundary. v The addressed virtual storage is not allocated, or its protection key does not match the protection key of the issuer of the ATTACH. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the ATTACH macro. Application Programmer Response: Change the ATTACH macro to specify the correct ECB address and ensure that the specification was not incorrectly modified by the problem program. Correct the error. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing for the job. Source: Task management






Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


433 437
xxxx0009 The storage containing the UCB address could not be accessed in the callers key. The number of local resources specified in a DEQ list request has exceeded the maximum value of X'FFFF' resources. The number of global resources specified in a DEQ list request has exceeded the maximum value of X'FFFF' resources. The storage specified by the input TCB was invalid. The storage specified by the input TCB does not map to a valid TCB. Request attempted to set an obsolete bit in the input parameter list. Request illegally specified TCB with RMC. The DEQ request illegally specified MASID. Request specified invalid RET= value. Generic request specified invalid RET= value or RMC. The storage containing the PEL Prefix could not be accessed in the callers key. The RMC=STEP was specified when PASN was not equal to HASN. 433 Explanation: An error occurred while DAE was processing a symptom record. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 00000008 Explanation There is no more storage available for keeping DAE symptom strings in storage, and the existing storage cannot be reused.



xxxx000D xxxx000E xxxx0014 xxxx0015 xxxx0016 xxxx0017 xxxx0018 xxxx0022

System action: The system writes a logrec data set error record, and attempts to take an SVC dump. DAE stops processing and issues message ADY015I. System programmer response: For reason code X'00000008', DAE processing may be restarted using the MVS SET DAE command. Source: Dump Analysis and Elimination (DAE) 435 Explanation: SVC 53, which obtains and releases exclusive control of a resource associated with a BDAM data set found that: v The DEB pointed to by the input DCB (DCBDEBAD) was not on any DEB chain associated with the job step TCB, or did not point back to that DCB, or was not for a BDAM data set. v The IOB has been altered by other than a system routine. Application Programmer Response: Make sure that the input DCB address is correct and that the DCBDEBAD field of the input DCB has not been overlaid. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: DFSMSdfp 437 Explanation: The error occurred at an end-of-volume. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC025I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC025I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC025I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix


The reason code could also be associated with an ISGENQ Request=Release. See the reason codes listed for the ISGENQ macro in z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference EDT-IXG. System action: The system writes an ABEND dump. Application Programmer Response: Correct the macro instruction. Recompile and run the job step again. System programmer response: Do the following: v For reason code X'0004', check your ISGNQXIT installation exits to ensure that they are coded to specify a valid UCB address. v For reason code X'000A/000B', make sure that no single request is greater than the limit when you issue multiple DEQ LIST requests. If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND dump. Source: Global resource serialization


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 438 Explanation: An error occurred processing an ENQ macro instruction during processing of global resource serialization. The control program found that the parameter list created from the macro instruction was incorrect. Register 15 might contain a reason code associated with this error: Code xxxx0001 xxxx0002 xxxx0003 Explanation The input parameter list was altered during ENQ processing. The RESERVE request specified UCB and RNL=NO. The storage specified by the input UCB address does not map to a valid UCB. The storage specified by the UCB address specified by an ISGNQXIT exit routine does not map to a valid UCB. The storage passed to ENQ processing could not be accessed in the callers key. The storage containing the QNAME could not be accessed in the callers key. The storage containing the RNAME could not be accessed in the callers key. The storage containing the pointer to the UCB address could not be accessed in the callers key. The storage containing the UCB address could not be accessed in the callers key. The local resource count for this request exceeded X'FFFF' resources. The global resource count for this request exceeded X'FFFF' resources. The format word value specified in the input parameter list prefix was incorrect. The storage specified by the input TCB was invalid. The storage specified by the input TCB does not map to a valid TCB. xxxx000F xxxx0010 xxxx0011 xxxx0012 xxxx0013 xxxx0014 xxxx0015 xxxx0017 xxxx0019 xxxx001A A MASID request incorrectly specified TCB or SMC. A MASID request has an rname with an invalid length. A MASID request specified invalid RET= value. A MASID request has no TCB associated with it. Issuing tasks TCB is a subtask of the target TCB, illegal. Request attempted to set an obsolete bit in the input parameter list. Request illegally specified TCB with SMC. Request specified invalid RET= value. The ENQ request illegally attempted a generic request. A directed ENQ request was issued with no matching TCB in the requesters address space. Directed ENQ request illegally specified UCB. Directed ENQ request illegally specified no ECB with an invalid RET= value. An ECB request but RET does not specify ECB. An ECB request illegally specified SMC. The storage containing the format word could not be accessed in the callers key. The storage containing the format value could not be accessed in the callers key. The storage containing the PEL Prefix could not be accessed in the callers key. The RMC=STEP was specified when PASN was not equal to HASN. Unable to access the Userdata specified on the request. The ALET for the Userdata is bad.


xxxx001B xxxx001C


xxxx001D xxxx001E xxxx001F







xxxx000A xxxx000B xxxx000C

xxxx0023 xxxx0822 xxxx0823

xxxx000D xxxx000E

The reason code could also be associated with an ISGENQ Request=Obtain or Request=Change. See the reason codes listed for the ISGENQ macro in z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference EDT-IXG. System action: The system issues an ABEND dump.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


43E 451
Application Programmer Response: Correct the macro instruction. Recompile and run the job step again. If the problem persists, do the following: 1. Obtain the address of the ENQ parameter list from register 1 in the UNIQUE-3 column of the SVC 38 entry in the system trace. 2. Check the parameter list against the SVC 38 mapping. When analyzing the parameter list, remember that the unit control block (UCB) pointer, if present, is the address of a field that, in turn, contains the address of the UCB. If the parameter list contains incorrect data, continue diagnosis in the program that issued the macro. System programmer response: If the reason code is X'0004', check your ISGNQXIT installation exits to ensure that they are coded to specify a valid UCB address. Otherwise, if the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND dump. Source: Global resource serialization 43E Explanation: The event control block (ECB) address specified with the ECB parameter on the ATTACH macro instruction that created a task was not valid when the subtask abnormally ended. System action: The ECB is not posted. The system abnormally ends the originating task of the caller. Application Programmer Response: Determine if the area containing the ECB was freed before the subtask completed processing. Correct the error. Run the job again. The ECB was specified in the ATTACH macro, and the system checked it for validity while attaching the subtask. The ECB could be incorrect when the subtask is detached or at end of task through a request of the storage containing the ECB. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the source program listing and the assembly listing associated with the job. Source: Task management 43F Explanation: An error has been detected during checkpoint restart processing. This completion code is accompanied by message IHJxxxI with the appropriate reason code. System action: The system produces a dump, and retries to the address in register 14. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated in the accompanying message. Source: DFSMSdfp 444 Explanation: The error occurred during the processing of SYNADAF, where it was determined that the DECB address was incorrect. Application Programmer Response: Register 15 contains the DECB address in error: v For BDAM, BPAM, and BSAM, the DECB address should be passed to SYNADAF as the PARM2 operand on the macro instruction. For these access methods, the DECB address was in register 0 on entry to the users SYNAD routine. v For BISAM, the IOBECBPT field of the IOB in error should contain the DECB address. Make sure that the PARM2 operand on the SYNADAF macro instruction (the address of the first sense byte within the IOB) is correctly specified, and that the IOBECBPT has not been overlaid. Correct the error and rerun the job step. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 451 Explanation: The error occurred during the processing of SETPRT. Either the DCB whose address was passed in the SETPRT parameter list is incorrect, the DEB address located through the DCB was incorrect, the DCB EXIT LIST address located through the DEB was incorrect, or the IOBs located through the DCB are incorrect. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC918I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC918I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code in register 15. Application Programmer Response: v For return code 01, make sure that DCBEXLIST points to a valid exit list in your region. v For return code 02, make sure that the DCB fields DCBIOBAD and DCBIOBA have not been overlaid since the DCB was opened. Make sure that the IOB or ICB link fields have not been overlaid.


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453 46D
v For return code 03, make sure that the DCB field DCBDEBAD has not been overlaid since the DCB was opened. v For return code 04, make sure that the SETPRT macro instruction correctly specifies the address of an open DCB within your region. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 0C 453 Explanation: A buffer queue error occurred while system management facility (SMF) recording was writing to the SMF data sets; the system determined that SMF recording should be ended. System action: The system ends the SMF address space and releases the resources used by SMF. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. If SMF recording is essential for the system, restart the SMF address space using the SET SMF command as soon as the problem is corrected. System programmer response: Check error messages and the SVC dump produced as a result of any previous abends. Source: System Management Facilities (SMF) 45F Explanation: A SYSEVENT QUIESCE macro failed while a SYSEVENT TRANSWAP or REQSWAP was pending. A retry was not possible. System action: The system abnormally ends the address space being swapped. The system writes messages and a logrec data set error record. System programmer response: This is probably a system error. Resubmit the job. If the problem recurs, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set error record and the SYSOUT output for the job. Source: System resources manager (SRM) 46D Explanation: A program issued the ESPIE macro incorrectly: A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code Explanation 1C 18 10 04 08 The ESPIE macro specified an option other than SET, RESET, or TEST. The ESPIE SET or ESPIE TEST macro passed an address pointing to a parameter list. The contents of the parameter list is not valid for one of the following reasons: v The parameter list is not aligned on a fullword boundary. v The parameter list is in storage that was not obtained by a GETMAIN macro. v The parameter list is in storage that is protected from the issuer of the ESPIE macro. The ESPIE SET macro passed a parameter list containing an exit routine address that is not valid for one of the following reasons: v The high or low order bits of the address are not 0. v If the program issuing ESPIE is in 24-bit addressing mode, the high order byte is not zero. The ESPIE RESET macro attempted to delete a SPIE or ESPIE that was created by some other program. The ESPIE RESET macro passed an incorrect TOKEN parameter. TOKEN is incorrect for one of these reasons: v The TOKEN itself is not valid. v The exit that the TOKEN represents has been deleted. The program issuing an ESPIE macro is in a mode that is not valid for one of the following reasons: v The program is in supervisor state. v The program that issued the ESPIE macro had a program status word (PSW) storage key that did not match the task control block (TCB) key. The ESPIE macro passed a pointer to a SPIE program interruption exit (PIE) control block. The PIE control block is not valid. The PIE control block had probably been erroneously freed by a FREEMAIN macro. An unauthorized program issued a ESPIE macro to establish an ESPIE exit for page faults.



System action: The system abnormally ends the task. The system sends messages about the problem to the job log. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=46D,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Search problem
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


478 47D
reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide: v Messages from the job log v The ABEND or SVC dump v The assembly listing for the job v The JCL for the job v The program listing for the job Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM) 478 Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an RC or RU form of the FREEMAIN macro or the STORAGE RELEASE macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 04 Explanation The caller tried to FREEMAIN or STORAGE RELEASE a subpool that cannot be freed. Only subpools defined as eligible for subpool FREEMAIN or STORAGE RELEASE may be freed as an entire subpool. All other subpool storage areas must be freed by individual requests explicitly describing the area. 08 A problem program tried to free subpool zero. The control program releases subpool zero when a job step ends. 04 program listing and the assembly listing associated with the job. Source: Task management 47B Explanation: An error occurred during PURGEDQ processing. The SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error. Code 00 Explanation During processing of a PURGEDQ macro for the current primary address space, the system found a suspended SRB meeting the purge parameters. The system abended the SRB routine to ensure that all SRB routines affected by PURGEDQ had run to completion. An internal error occurred during PURGEDQ processing. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. During processing of a PURGEDQ macro for the current primary address space, the system found a preemptable SRB meeting the purge parameters. The system abended the SRB routine to ensure that all SRB routines affected by PURGEDQ had run to completion.


System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: If you intended the FREEMAIN or STORAGE RELEASE macro to release subpool zero, remove it from the program. If you did not intend the FREEMAIN or STORAGE RELEASE macro to release subpool zero, check for program errors that incorrectly modify the FREEMAIN or STORAGE RELEASE macro expansion. After making corrections, run the job step again. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) 47A Explanation: During processing of an EVENTS macro, the system found an incorrect number of entries specified on the on the ENTRIES parameter. The number of entries must be 1 through 32,767. System action: The system abnormally ends the caller of the EVENTS macro. Application Programmer Response: Ensure that the number of entries specified on the ENTRIES parameter is 1 through 32,767. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the

System action: The system abnormally ends the SRB routine. Application Programmer Response: If CANCEL command processing caused the error, resubmit the job. If a task-to-SRB routine serialization or abnormal TCB ending caused the problem, modify the application to avoid the problem. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing and the assembly listing associated with the job. Source: Task management 47D Explanation: During processing of an EVENTS macro, the system found that the address specified on the LAST parameter was incorrect. LAST must specify an address between the first and last valid entries in the EVENTS table. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the EVENTS macro. Application Programmer Response: Ensure that the LAST address is a valid table entry that has not been


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

482 4C7
previously purged from the EVENTS table. Correct the error. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing and the assembly listing associated with the job. Source: Task management 482 Explanation: While RACF was processing a RACHECK request, the RACF manager returned a return code that was not valid. System action: The system ends the task. System programmer response: Register 15 contains the hexadecimal return code from the RACF manager.. Message ICH409I, if issued, contains the reason code from the RACF manager. For an explanation of RACF manager return and reason codes, see z/OS Security Server RACF Messages and Codes. Using IPCS, format the dump taken for this abend. For an explanation of the dump title, see z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide. Source: Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) 483 Explanation: While RACF was processing a RACINIT request, the RACF manager returned an invalid return code. System action: The system terminates the task. Application Programmer Response: Register 15 contains the return code from the RACF manager. Message ICH409I, if issued, contains the RACF manager reason code. For an explanation of RACF manager return and reason codes, see z/OS Security Server RACF Messages and Codes. System programmer response: If a dump was taken for this abend, use IPCS to format the dump. For an explanation of the dump title, see the dump title beginning ICHRST00-RACF SVCS in z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide. 485 Explanation: While RACF was processing a RACROUTE REQUEST=DEFINE request, the RACF manager returned an invalid return code. System action: The system terminates the task. Application Programmer Response: Register 15 contains the return code from the RACF manager. See z/OS Security Server RACF Messages and Codes for 0000000C an explanation for RACF-manager return codes. System programmer response: If a dump was taken for this abend, use IPCS to format the dump. For an explanation of the dump title, see the dump title beginning ICHRST00-RACF SVCS in z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide. 4C5 Explanation: This abend is issued by the TCP/IP product. For more information, see TCP/IP abend 4C5 reason codes in z/OS Communications Server: IP and SNA Codes. 4C6 Explanation: An error occurred during Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) processing for z/OS UNIX System Services. Code 00000004 Explanation A service call to a RACF module did not complete. No accessor environment element (ACEE) was available to describe the user. A service call to a RACF module did not complete. No accessor environment element extension (ACEX) was available to describe the user. A service call to a RACF module did not complete. No user security packet (USP) was available to describe the user.


System action: The system abnormally ends the task. Application Programmer Response: The RACF input/output parameter list IRRPCOMP contains a SAF return code, RACF return code, and RACF reason code that describes an internal RACF error. System programmer response: Run the job again, or have the user log on again while RACF is active. If the abend occurs again, see z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide for information on diagnosing abends and reporting abend problems to IBM. Source: Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) 4C7 Explanation: While RACF was processing a non-SVC request, an error occurred in the RACF storage manager. System action: The system terminates the task. Application Programmer Response: Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code. (Message ICH409I, if issued, also contains this reason code.)

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


Code 04 08 0C 10 Meaning BAD LENGTH: The length of the area to get or free is not greater than zero. BAD ALIGNMENT: The pointer to the area to free is not on a doubleword boundary. DUPLICATE FREEMAIN: The area to free has already been freed. INCORRECT SUBPOOL: The subpool for the area to free is not the subpool in which the area is allocated. INVALID OVERLAP: Part of the area to free equals part of the area allocated, but the match is not correct for either a full or partial FREEMAIN. NOT FOUND: The area to free does not have a corresponding GETMAIN entry in the tracking table, and the caller did not specify that it should not have. FOUND: The area to free has a corresponding GETMAIN entry in the tracking table, and the caller specified that it should not have. NOT FREED: There is a temporary area still allocated at the end of processing. A RACF module issued a get space request. However, register 1 is not equal to zero and does not point to a buffer previously created by the program. A RACF module issued a get space request. However, the subpool in register 0 is not the subpool in which the previously created buffer is allocated. A RACF module issued a free space request. However, register 1 is equal to zero. A RACF module issued a free space request. However, register 1 does not point to the buffer previously created by the program. further identified by one of the following hexadecimal reason codes: Code 04 08 0C 10 14 18 1C 20 24 28 Explanation An error occurred during PUT processing. No storage was available for an SSISERV request. No storage was available for excession limits processing. An SJF error occurred during excession limits processing. Failure occurred while releasing storage for a JMU. Failure occurred while releasing MEMJMULK in the Rel_JMULOCK routine. Failure occurred while releasing MEMJMULK in the Cleanup_Retry routine. Failure occurred while releasing MEMJMULK in the IRB routine. Failure occurred while releasing MEMJMULK in the Check_Dump_Needed routine. An error was detected while validity checking the RRE and before the DSS could be validated.




20 A0

If no reason code is given, the job calling the SSI was failed by a CALLRTM from JES3. System action: The system ends the user address space. System programmer response: Rerun the job with a SYSABEND DD statement. The problem may not recur. If it does, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: JES3 4FC Explanation: The system detected an error in the processing following a program check interrupt. In an attempt to recover, supervisor control abnormally ended the task that experienced the program check. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that experienced the program check. The system writes a logrec data set error record. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=4FC,ACTION=SVCD,END Application Programmer Response: Resubmit the job. If the problem recurs, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Do the following:



System programmer response: Using IPCS, format the dump taken for this abend. For an explanation of the dump title, see z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide. Look at the messages in the job log for the name of the module calling RACF. For modules supplied by IBM, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM support center. Source: Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) 4FB Explanation: During JES3 processing, module IATDMDK, IATSIAD, IATSIWO, or IATSSJM detected an error related to the subsystem interface and issued this system completion code. In some cases the error is


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

500 505
v Find the original abend causing the problem in the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) in the logrec data set error record. v Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump and the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control 500 Explanation: During processing of an I/O request, execute channel program (EXCP) processing encountered an error while validating a control block. Each X'500' abend code has a reason code that explains the error: Code 1 Explanation The IOBM field of an Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM) input/output block (IOB) specified an extent of zero. A data extent block (DEB) points to a unit control block (UCB) that is not valid. The third byte of the UCB did not contain X'FF', as required. The IOBEID field of the Input/output block extension (IOBE) control block does not contain the characters IOBE, which is required. The version field of the IOBE is not compatible with the IOBEVRSC version label. The version field must equal the IOBEVRSC version label. The IEDBID field of the I/O error data block (IEDB) control block does not contain the characters IEDB, which is required. The version field of the IEDB is not compatible with the IEDBVRSC version label. The version field must equal the IEDBVRSC version label. problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the SNAP dump. Source: Execute channel program (EXCP) 502 Explanation: During processing of a POST macro, the system found that the EVENTS table specified in the event control block (ECB) had no entries available for the posted ECB address. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the POST macro. Application Programmer Response: Ensure that the EVENTS table is large enough to contain entries for all ECBs that can be posted to it. Correct the error. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing and the assembly listing associated with the job. Source: Task management 504 Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an EC, EU, LC, LU, VC, or VU form of the GETMAIN macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 04 Explanation Of the following, at least one overlapped the other: length list, address list, or parameter list. For example, the length list overlapped the address list.

System action: The system abnormally ends the current task and issues a SNAP dump. Application Programmer Response: Correct the problem that the reason code indicates. Ensure also that the problem program correctly built or modified the control blocks. If the program is correct, the problem is a system problem. Run the job again, requesting an ABEND dump. Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: In the dump, look at field TCBEXCPD at offset X'C0' in the task control block (TCB) for the current task. TCBEXCPD points to the EXCP debugging area (XDBA). The XDBA contains diagnostic data associated with the EXCP processor. If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the

System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Check for program errors that incorrectly modify the macro expansion. Correct them. Run the job step again. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) 505 Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an EC, EU, LC, LU, VC, or VU form of the FREEMAIN macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 04 Explanation Of the following, at least one overlapped the

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


506 522
other: length list, address list, or parameter list. For example, the length list overlapped the address list. System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Check for program errors that incorrectly modify the macro expansion. Correct them. Run the job step again. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) 506 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a LINK(X), LOAD, ATTACH(X), or XCTL(X) macro in an overlay program. Note: An overlay program can run only in 24-bit addressing mode, not in 31-bit addressing mode. If the requested program had been loaded, not enough virtual storage would have remained for the overlay supervisor. System action: The system issues an ABEND dump. The task ends abnormally. Application Programmer Response: Reduce the size of the entire program or of the overlay segment. If this is not possible, change the program from an overlay program to a dynamically loaded program. Then recompile and run the job step again. System programmer response: Have the operator enter a START GTF command specifying tape output, MODE=EXT and TIME=YES. Have the operator reply TRACE=SYS in response to message AHL100A. Format the output with the IPCS GTFDATA subcommand. Problem determination: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, see the system program response for the messages in the job log. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND dump and the source program listing for the job. Source: Contents supervision (CSV) 50D Explanation: Either the program: v Tried to use the OPEN, OPEN-J, CLOSE, CLOSE-T, EOV, or FEOV function while holding exclusive control of the TIOT (task input/output table) resource; or v Issued the OPEN, OPEN-J, CLOSE, or CLOSE-T macro with inconsistent mode specifications between the LIST and the EXECUTE forms of the macro. Register 15 contains a code that identifies the function that issued the abend: Code 00 04 08 0C 10 14 18 1C 20 Function OPEN OPEN-J CLOSE CLOSE-T EOV FEOV EOV OPEN or CLOSE OPEN or CLOSE

System action: The task is ended. Application Programmer Response: Correct the program so that it releases control of the TIOT resource before one of the above functions is requested. Recompile the program and run the job step again. Source: DFSMSdfp 513 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of an OPEN macro instruction for a data set on magnetic tape. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC146I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC146I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC146I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 522 Explanation: All of the tasks in a job step were in an SVC wait state for the time specified in the JWT parameter in the SMFPRMxx parmlib member. The event control block (ECB) specified in the wait request was never posted. This could be the result of waiting on the wrong ECB or not posting the correct ECB. System programmer response: Correct any errors and execute the job step again. If no errors are found and the wait is expected for that particular job step,


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52A 538
specify TIME=NOLIMIT in the EXEC statement to bypass all job step timing. Source: System Management Facilities (SMF) 52A Explanation: During processing of an ATTACH macro, the system found an error in the subtask ABEND intercept (STAI) or the extended STAI (ESTAI) routine. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 00 Explanation There is not enough storage available to create a new ESTAI specify task asynchronous exit (STAE) control block (SCB) or to copy existing STAI or ESTAI SCBs to the new task. The issuer of ATTACH is processing with AMODE 31 and requested STAI. STAI is not supported for AMODE 31 callers. 530 Explanation: Global resource serialization encountered an error during processing of a DEQ macro instruction. The DEQ macro instruction was issued in an asynchronous exit routine for a resource. That resource was previously enqueued by another routine in the same task. However, the task had not yet received control of the resource. System action: The system issues an ABEND dump. Application Programmer Response: Correct the program so that the DEQ macro instruction is issued only after the task has control of the resource. If possible, avoid issuing the DEQ macro instruction in the exit routine. Recompile and run the job step again. System programmer response: If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND dump. Source: Global resource serialization 535 Explanation: SVC 53, which obtains and releases exclusive control of a resource associated with a BDAM data set, issued a GETMAIN for storage to be used in its processing and found no storage was available. Application Programmer Response: Rerun the job. If the problem continues, storage may have to be freed by others before the exclusive control function is used. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL, the SYSOUT output for the job, and all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Source: DFSMSdfp 538 Explanation: The system determined that a requested ENQ or RESERVE would have exceeded the limit on the number of concurrent ENQ/GQSCAN/RESERVE requests for all tasks in the address space. System action: The system ends the task that issued the ENQ or RESERVE. The system issues an ABEND dump. Operator response: Obtain an SVC dump if the system programmer requests it. System programmer response: v Make sure that no tasks in the job step issue repeated ENQ, ISGENQ or RESERVE macro instructions for resources that are not required.


System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the ATTACH macro. Application Programmer Response: Reason code 00 indicates a probable system error. Notify the system programmer. For reason code 04, identify the program that issued the ATTACH macro. If an installation-provided program issued the ATTACH, change the macro parameter from STAI to ESTAI. If an IBM-provided program issued the ATTACH, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Task management 52D Explanation: A program requested an overlay. The overlay supervisor called the program loader to obtain the module segment from a linear format data set (such as a PDSE), and the program loader encountered a problem while processing the request. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that requested the overlay. The system writes an ABEND dump, if a dump DD statement is provided. In addition, the program loader may issue ABEND0F4 and an SVCDUMP. Application Programmer Response: If an ABEND0F4 was issued, see the information in this manual for that abend. Otherwise, check the program for errors that might cause a problem with the overlay segment table. Correct any errors; then assemble, link edit, and run the program again. Source: Overlay supervisor

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


53E 544
v Make sure that all GQSCAN requests that return TOKENs are either run to completion or are terminated by a QUIT=YES option on a subsequent GQSCAN macro instruction. v Make sure that all ISGQUERY requests with RESUMETOKENs have the corresponding SCANACTION=RESUME and SCANACTION=QUIT options. Prior to an abend, messages ISG368E and ISG369I monitor address spaces that are approaching the request maximum. If a particular subsystem requires more ENQ than normal, use the ISGADMIN service to raise that subsystems maximum for unauthorized and authorized requesters. As a temporary workaround, you can raise the overall system maximum by issuing the following commands: v SETGRS ENQMAXA for authorized v SETGRS ENQMAXU for unauthorized If the problem persists, set a SLIP trap for abend X'538' and rerun the job step. When the trap matches, instruct the operator to obtain an SVC dump that includes the following: v The global resource serialization private area. v The system queue area (SQA), to get the address space control block (ASCB) for the failing program. Use the GRS QCBTRACE IPCS report to determine the outstanding ENQs for the failed address space. If abend code X538 is issued for an authorized caller, an SVC dump might not be possible. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND or SVC dump. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND or SVC dump. Source: Global resource serialization 53E Explanation: During end-of-task processing, the system found an error before: v The system could post an event control block (ECB) for the ending task v The system could schedule an end-of-task exit routine (ETXR) v The system could determine that the task had neither an ECB nor an ETXR The task contains either: v An end-of-task ECB, if the ECB parameter was specified on the ATTACH macro that created the task v An ETXR if the ETXR parameter was specified on the ATTACH macro System action: The system abnormally ends the originating task for the task in error. Application Programmer Response: Run the job again. If the error recurs, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Task management 53F Explanation: An error has been detected during checkpoint restart processing. This completion code is accompanied by message IHJxxxI with the appropriate reason code. System action: A dump is produced and an entry is written to the logrec data set. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated in the accompanying message. Source: DFSMSdfp 544 Explanation: The error occurred during the processing of SYNADAF, where it was determined that the IOB address was incorrect. System action: Register 15 contains the IOB address in error: v For BDAM, BPAM, and BSAM, SYNADAF obtained the IOB address from the DECIOBPT field of the DECB; for these access methods, the DECB address was passed to SYNADAF as the PARM2 operand on the macro instruction, and was contained in register 0 on entry to the users SYNAD routine. Verify that the PARM2 operand on the SYNADAF macro instruction was correctly specified and that the DECIOBPT field has not been overlaid. v For QSAM, BISAM, and QISAM, SYNADAF received a pointer to the IOB as the PARM2 operand on the macro instruction. The address passed to SYNADAF should have been the address contained in register 0 on entry to the users SYNAD routine. Verify that the PARM2 operand on the SYNADAF macro instruction was correctly coded. v For the EXCP access method, verify that the PARM1 operand of the SYNADAF macro instruction specified the correct IOB address. Application Programmer Response: Correct the error and rerun the job step. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix


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553 56D
exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 553 Explanation: System management facilities (SMF) detected that the SMF timer queue element (STQE) chain was in error. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code 04 Explanation The forward pointer of an STQE contains zeroes. The system produces an SVC dump, and SMF repairs the STQE chain. Note: Repairing the STQE chain results in the loss of some STQEs. Therefore, some tasks no longer provide SMF interval recording. 08 The STQE chain points to an element that is not an STQE. Note: Repairing the STQE chain results in the loss of some STQEs. Therefore, some tasks no longer provide SMF interval recording. 0C The backward pointer of an STQE contains zeroes. The system produces an SVC dump, and SMF repairs the STQE chain. Note: Repairing the STQE chain results in the loss of some STQEs. Therefore, some tasks no longer provide SMF interval recording. System action: The SMF timer program ends, and the system produces an SVC dump. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. You can re-establish SMF interval recording for a specific task by restarting that task. Consider restarting tasks for which SMF interval recording is required. However, if you must re-establish SMF interval recording, but you cant determine which tasks to restart, reIPL the system. System programmer response: Check error messages and the SVC dump produced as a result of any previous abends. Check for any previous abend code X'0C4' that might indicate a storage overlay has occurred. If there is no previous abend code X'0C4', search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: System management facilities (SMF) 55F Explanation: This abend code describes cases in which the System Resource Manager (SRM) terminates an address spaces abnormally. The hexadecimal reason code explains the error: Code Explanation

xxxx0000 During the processing of a cross Memory POST macro for a swap out complete (SYSEVENT 15), the system encountered an error. The POST notified a SYSEVENT REALSWAP or TRANSWAP issuer that either the swap had to be turned around or the swap was complete. System Action: The system ends the issuer of the cross memory POST abnormally. The system writes messages and a logrec data set error record. System Programmer Response: Determine if the POST macro passes a valid event control block (ECB) address. Resubmit the job. If the problem reoccurs, search the problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set error record with the SYSOUT output of the job. Module: IRARMPST xxxx0004 The outstanding WTOR message IRA421D was answered with a reply of 1 to 5, which resulted in an abnormal termination of an address space. Module: IRARMWT1 xxxx0008 The outstanding WTOR message IRA221D was answered with a reply of 1 to 5, which resulted in an abnormal termination of an address space. Module: IRARMWT2 Source: System Resource Manager (SRM) 56D Explanation: The system issued SVC 109 with routing code 11 in register 15 (the Sort SVC). One of the following error conditions exists: v A task other than Sort issued SVC 109 with routing code 11. Only Sort is authorized to issue it. v The task that issued the SVC passed a record that was not in the tasks authorized area. v The task passed a record that contained one or more incorrect fields. System action: The task ends. The system issued an
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


56F 585
SVC dump and a logrec data set error record. Application Programmer Response: If the problem occurred because a task other than Sort issued SVC 109 with routing code 11, correct the task. If the problem occurred while Sort was executing, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: If the problem recurs and if the program is not in error, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump and the logrec data set error record. Source: Time Sharing Option Extensions (TSO/E) 56F Explanation: The error occurred during end-of-job processing for a JES2 job that was being processed by an execution batch monitor. The execution batch monitor pseudo job select procedure found that another task was holding or waiting for a lock on the SJB (subsystem job block). System action: The job terminates. Application Programmer Response: Notify the system programmer or installation manager of the problem. System programmer response: Make sure the failing job step includes a SYSABEND DD statement. If the problem recurs and if the program is not in error, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: JES2 57D Explanation: During processing of an EVENTS macro, the system found either: v An incorrect event control block (ECB) address v The program issuing the EVENTS macro instruction is running under a protection key (8 through 15) that is different from the protection key of the ECB System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the EVENTS macro. Application Programmer Response: Ensure that the ECB address specified is a valid virtual storage address and that it was not incorrectly modified. Also, ensure that the ECB is placed in storage belonging to the program issuing the EVENTS macro or the program running under protection key 0 through 7. Correct the error. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix 04 exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing and the assembly listing associated with the job. Source: Task management 582 Explanation: While processing a RACROUTE REQUEST=AUTH request, RACF was unable to verify a user. System action: The system abnormally terminates the task. Application Programmer Response: Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code. (Message ICH409I, if issued, also contains this return code.) Code 00 Explanation No accessor control environment (ACEE) was available to describe the user. Note: This is normal if a job started or a user logged on while RACF was inactive but has since been reactivated. Reserved.

Identify and correct the indicated error. Problem determination: Run the job again, or have the user log on again while RACF is active. If the abend occurs again, see z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide for information on diagnosing abends and reporting abend problems to IBM. 585 Explanation: While processing a RACROUTE REQUEST=DEFINE request, RACF encountered an error. System action: The system terminates the task. Application Programmer Response: Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code. (Message ICH409I, if issued, also contains this return code.) Code 00 Explanation No accessor environment element (ACEE) was available to describe the user. Note: This is normal if a job started or a user logged on while RACF was inactive but has since been reactivated. 04 No UCB was found to contain a volume serial that matched the volume serial passed to RACF in the REQUEST=DEFINE macro instruction for a TYPE=DEFINE operation. The ADDVOL or CHGVOL function was requested but the user did not have at least UPDATE authority to the data set.



z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

0C The ADDVOL function was requested and (1) the volume serial number is already defined (for DATASET class), or (2) the new tape volume is already defined (for TAPEVOL class). The CHGVOL function was requested and a data set profile with ENTITY name and a new volume serial number is already defined. Identify and correct the indicated error. System programmer response: For reason code 00, run the job again, or have the user log on again while RACF is active. If the abend occurs again, see z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide for information on diagnosing abends and reporting abend problems to IBM. For the other reason codes, correct the problem indicated by the reason code. For assistance in gathering additional information about the request that caused this abend (such as obtaining a dump or identifying the caller of RACF), see z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide. If an IBM program issued the REQUEST=DEFINE macro, see z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide for information on reporting abend problems to IBM. 5C4 Explanation: A call for a resource recovery services (RRS) service was issued in an incorrect environment. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code. Code xxxx000B Explanation RRS was unable to obtain a required storage area. The storage area could be in CSA. For a call to the Delete_UR_Interest service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Delete_UR_Interest service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the Express_UR_Interest service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Express_UR_Interest service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the Begin_Restart service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Begin_Restart service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the End_Restart service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. 000B0000 00040001 00050000 For a call to the End_Restart service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the Retrieve_Log_Name service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Retrieve_Log_Name service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the Retrieve_UR_Interest service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Retrieve_UR_Interest service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the Process_Interest service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Process_Interest service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the Set_Log_Name service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Set_Log_Name service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the Post_Deferred_UR_Exit routine service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Post_Deferred_UR_Exit routine service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the Retrieve_Interest_Data service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Retrieve_Interest_Data service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the Retrieve_UR_Data service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Retrieve_UR_Data service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the Retrieve_Side_Information service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes























Retrieve_Side_Information service, the parameters are not addressable. 000E0000 For a call to the Retrieve_Work_Identifier service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Retrieve_Work_Identifier service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the Change_Interest_Type service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Change_Interest_Type service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the Set_Persistent_Interest_Data service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Set_Persistent_Interest_Data service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the Retain_Interest service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Retain_Interest service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the Set_Syncpoint_Controls service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Set_Syncpoint_Controls service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the Set_Side_Information service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Set_Side_Information service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the Set_Work_Identifier service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Set_Work_Identifier service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the Application_Backout_UR service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the 00160000 00150011 00150007 00150004 00150002 Application_Backout_UR service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the Application_Backout_UR service, the caller is disabled. The program that called the Application_Backout_UR service is holding one or more locks; no locks must be held. The program called the Application_Backout_UR service. The system release does not support this service. The program that called the Application_Backout_UR service is in an unsupported ASC mode; the mode must be primary. The program called the Application_Backout_UR service. The UR is either: v not in a valid state for the service call. The UR state must be in-reset or in-flight; or, v in local transaction mode. This service is only valid for a UR in global transaction mode. The program called the Application_Backout_UR service. The service encountered an unexpected error. RRS writes a logrec record and takes a dump. The program that called the Application_Backout_UR service is not in task mode, which is required. The program called the Application_Backout_UR service, but the current UR (the UR being processed) encountered an unexpected error, and RRS cannot continue to process the UR. The program called the Application_Backout_UR service, but the service encountered an unexpected error from a context services service. For a call to the Application_Commit_UR service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Application_Commit_UR service, the parameters are not addressable. The program that called the Application_Commit_UR service is
























z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

disabled; the interrupt status must be enabled for I/O and external interrupts. 00160003 The program that called the Application_Commit_UR service is holding one or more locks; no locks must be held. The program called the Application_Commit_UR service. The system release does not support this service. The program that called the Application_Commit_UR service is in an unsupported ASC mode; the mode must be primary. The program called the Application_Commit_UR service. The UR is either: v not in a valid state for the service call. The UR state must be in-reset or in-flight; or, v in local transaction mode. This service is only valid for a UR in global transaction mode. 00160007 The program called the Application_Commit_UR service. The service encountered an unexpected error. RRS writes a logrec record and takes a dump. An application program called the Application_Commit_UR service but a resource manager has already taken the server distributed sync-point resource manager role (SDSRM), and only the SDSRM can initiate a syncpoint operation. The program that called the Application_Commit_UR service is not in task mode, which is required. The program called the Application_Commit_UR service, but the current UR (the UR being processed) encountered an unexpected error, and RRS cannot continue to process the UR. The program called the Application_Commit_UR service, but the service encountered an unexpected error from a context services service. The program called the Application_Commit_UR service, but the current UR (the UR being processed) is a child cascaded UR. Only the top-level UR of a cascaded UR family can be committed. 00170000 For a call to the Backout_UR service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Backout_UR service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the Commit_UR service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Commit_UR service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the Backout_Agent_UR service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Backout_Agent_UR service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the Commit_Agent_UR service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Commit_Agent_UR service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the Forget_Agent_UR service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Forget_Agent_UR service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the Prepare_Agent_UR service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Prepare_Agent_UR service, the parameters are not addressable. For a call to the Create_Cascaded_UR service, the parameters passed by the caller are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Create_Cascaded_UR service, the parameters passed by the caller are not addressable. For a call to the Set_Post_Sync_PET service, the parameters passed by the caller are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Set_Post_Sync_PET service, the parameters passed by the caller are not addressable. For a call to the
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

00170001 00180000



00180001 001A0000




















Delete_Post_Sync_PET service, the parameters passed by the caller are not in the primary address space. 00210001 For a call to the Delete_Post_Sync_PET service, the parameters passed by the caller are not addressable. For a call to the Delegate_Commit_Agent_UR service, the parameters passed by the caller are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Delegate_Commit_Agent_UR service, the parameters passed by the caller are not addressable. For a call to the Begin_Transaction service, the parameters passed by the caller are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Begin_Transaction service, the parameters passed by the caller are not addressable. For a call to the End_Transaction service, the parameters passed by the caller are not in the primary address space. For a call to the End_Transaction service, the parameters passed by the caller are not addressable. For a call to the Set_Environment service, the parameters passed by the caller are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Set_Environment service, the parameters passed by the caller are not addressable. For a call to the Retrieve_Environment service, the parameters passed by the caller are not in the primary address space. For a call to the Retrieve_Environment service, the parameters passed by the caller are not addressable. RRS WHEN CFS ARE DOWN An RRS service was called, but the RRS service could not be processed because the RRS address space was down. The SETRRS CANCEL command has cancelled RRS processing Application Programmer Response: For most of the reason codes, check the calling program for a probable coding error; correct the program and rerun it. For reason code X'xxxx000B', either enlarge CSA or search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center and provide the dump. For reason code X'00150004' or X'00160004', remove the calling program from the system, and install it on a system that supports RRS. Then rerun the program. For reason code X'00150007' or X'00160007', search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, obtain the related logrec record and dump, then contact IBM support. For reason code X'00150010' or X'00160010', check other diagnostic information to determine why RRS encountered the error. To ensure resource consistency, you might need to intervene manually. For reason code X'00150011' or X'00160011', check diagnostic information, such as the dump, from context services to determine why the error occurred. For reason code X'01010005', check that coupling facilities are active. For reason code X'FFFF2222', no action is necessary. For any other reason code, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, save any dump related to the problem and contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Resource recovery services (RRS) 5C6 Explanation: When the system detects an error in internal WebSphere MQSeries processing, it will abnormally end a connected user task (TCB) or one of its own internal tasks. See the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Problem Determination Guide V5.3.1 for a description of diagnostic approaches to either a X'5C6' or X'6C6' abend. For information about the reason codes associated with either abend, see the WebSphere MQ for z/OS Messages and Codes V5.3.1. System action: The system abnormally ends the connected user task or the MQSeries internal task. Application Programmer Response: Check register 15 of the SDWA section General Purpose Registers at Time of Error, and locate the accompanying reason code. In addition, check the information displayed at the console screen, and in the corresponding logrec data set entry. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the











01010005 021F0001


System action: The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program.


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5FB 602
SYSOUT output for the job and the logrec data set error record. Source: MQSeries 5FB Explanation: During processing of an MVS-JES3 allocation subsystem interface routine, an error occurred. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error. Code 01 Explanation In common allocation, the number of devices requested by MVS does not equal the number to be allocated by JES3. Register 3 contains the number requested by MVS; register 5 contains the number passed by JES3. Register 2 contains the address of the DDNAME. During deallocation processing, JES3 cannot successfully issue an ESTAE macro. JES3 cannot obtain storage for a dynamic allocation buffer. JES3 cannot obtain storage for a change DDNAME buffer. JES3 cannot find, in any address space header, the address space identifier (ASID) associated with the request. Register 2 contains the address of the job step control block (JSCB); register 3 contains the ASID. A job summary table (JST) pointer error occurred during common allocation or deallocation. Module IATSICA cannot find an active MEMDATA entry for the address space. Register 2 contains the address of the job step control block (JSCB); register 3 contains the address space ID (ASID) of the requesting address space; register 8 contains the address of the MEMDATA header. Module IATSIMS cannot find an active MEMDATA entry for the address space. Register 4 contains the address of the subsystem identification block (SSIB); register 6 contains field SSIBSUSE of the SSIB. However, both registers 4 and 6 may be incorrect. JES3 found a duplicate volume. The volume cannot be loaded. Register 2 contains the address of the SETUNIT; register 6 contains the address of the job summary table (JST). The GETMAIN macro failed for a work area for the subsystem interface (SSI). JES3 cannot process the number of concatenated DD statements passed in a change DD name request. The number of DD statements is variable; the approximate maximum number is 187. Register 3 contains the macro return code for reason code X'02', X'03', X'04', X'06', or X'0A'. System action: The system abnormally ends the task. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: JES3 5FC Explanation: Following a restart interrupt, an error occurred in the restart first level interrupt handler (FLIH). System action: The system abnormally ends the task that experienced the restart interrupt. Operator response: Perform another restart operation to restart the system. If the problem recurs, notify the system programmer. Application Programmer Response: Submit the job again. If the problem recurs, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump and, if available, the logrec data set error record for the abend. Source: Loadwait/Restart 602 Explanation: An error occurred during processing of a POST macro instruction. The system issues this abend only in association with cross memory post processing. The hexadecimal return code in register 15 indicates the nature of the error: Code 00 Explanation The target address space control block (ASCB) is incorrect.

02 03 04 05





System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the POST macro. Application Programmer Response: Correct the error identified by the return code. Run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Task management
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

0A 0B


604 60D
604 Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an EC, EU, LC, LU, VC, or VU form of the GETMAIN macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 04 08 0C 10 14 18 1C Explanation The parameter list is not on a word boundary. The parameter list is in protected storage. The length list is not on a word boundary. The length list is in protected storage. The address list is not on a word boundary. The address list is in protected storage. The parameter list request flags are not valid. 08 04 60D Explanation: The recovery termination manager (RTM) discovered an error in a calling program. A hexadecimal reason code in the following explains the error: v Field RTM2CRC of the RTM2 work area (RTM2WA) v Message IEA995I v TCBARC field of the task control block (TCB) Code 00 Explanation RTM percolates past the previous exit routine because the recursion limit had been reached for that routine. A program issued the ABEND, CALLRTM, or SETRP macro with the DUMPOPT or DUMPOPX parameter. DUMPOPT or DUMPOPX contains a pointer to a parameter list, but RTM cannot access the parameter list. A program issued the ABEND, CALLRTM, or SETRP macro with the DUMPOPT or DUMPOPX parameter. DUMPOPT or DUMPOPX contains a pointer to a parameter list. The parameter list contains a storage range list, but RTM cannot access the storage range list. A program issued the ABEND, CALLRTM, or SETRP macro with the DUMPOPT or DUMPOPX parameter. DUMPOPT or DUMPOPX contains a pointer to a parameter list. The parameter list contains a subpool list, but RTM cannot access the subpool list. A program issued the ABEND, CALLRTM, or SETRP macro with the DUMPOPT or DUMPOPX parameter. DUMPOPT or DUMPOPX contains a pointer to a parameter list. The parameter list contains a range of data space storage to be dumped, but RTM cannot access this storage. Retry was attempted from an FRR, but the retry linkage stack is inconsistent with the requested retry environment. Retry was attempted from an FRR, but the linkage stack entry is not in the currently active linkage stack range.

System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Ensure that the length list and address list are aligned on word boundaries. Check for program errors that incorrectly modify the parameter list. Correct them. Run the job step again. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) 605 Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an EC, EU, LC, LU, VC, or VU form of the FREEMAIN macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 04 08 0C 10 14 18 1C Explanation The parameter list is not on a word boundary. The parameter list is in protected storage. The length list is not on a word boundary. The length list is in protected storage. The address list is not on a word boundary. The address list is in protected storage. The parameter list request flags are not valid.





System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Ensure that the length list and address list are aligned on word boundaries. Check for program errors that incorrectly modify the parameter list. Correct them. Run the job step again. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM)

System action: Depending on the reason code, the system does the following: v For reason code X'00', RTM: Gives control to any previous exit routines that are valid Resets the recursion count to 0 Requests a dump Issues message IEA995I


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

613 622
v For reason codes 4 - 10, RTM continues processing the current recovery routine and issues message IEA995I. v For reason codes 14 - 18, the retry is not performed. System programmer response: For reason code X'00': v Look in the dump for a task control block (TCB) with X'60D' in the TCBCMP field. Look at the accompanying STAE control blocks (SCB). There will be at least 32 SCBs. The SCBEXIT field contains the address of the recovery routine. Many of the SCBs will have the same recovery routine address. Use the SCBEXIT value which is contained in many of the SCBs to get the name of the module of the recovery routine. v Identify the component for the module. If the recovery routine is an installation-provided module, correct the original error and the exit routine that ended recursively, or correct the problem with the DUMPOPT or DUMPOPX parameter list. If the recovery routine is an IBM module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the component group for the module at the IBM Support Center. Provide problem data collected in previous steps. v For reason codes 04 - 10, identify the program that issued ABEND, CALLRTM, or SETUP with the DUMPPT/DUMPOPX parameter. If it is an installation module, correct the problem. If it is an IBM module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. v For reason codes 14 -18, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM) 613 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of an OPEN macro instruction for a data set on magnetic tape. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC147I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC147I for complete information about the job that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC147I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 614 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a CLOSE macro instruction for a data set on a direct access device. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC214I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC214I for complete information about the job that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC214I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 622 Explanation: A task entered from a Time Sharing Option (TSO) terminal ended for one of the following reasons: 1. The system encountered one of the following errors while constructing control blocks for TSO: a. The system encountered a multiple-step procedure. b. The prompting task ended abnormally. 2. The terminal user signaled ATTN during LOGON scheduling. 3. The user submitting the job disconnected his or her terminal from the system. 4. The terminal malfunctioned. System action: In cases 1, the system issued messages to the terminal describing the error conditions. Application Programmer Response: In the first case, respond to the messages accompanying this abend: v For case 1a, specify a different procedure or consult your system programmer. Try running the job again. v For case 1b, consult your system programmer. In the second case, LOGON again; make sure that you do not signal ATTN inadvertently. In the third case, try running the job again when the terminal is reconnected to the system. In the fourth case, contact hardware support. System programmer response: If the problem recurs and if the program is not in error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the terminal sheet available and a record of the current
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


637 653
display on the graphics device. Source: Time Sharing Option Extensions (TSO/E) 637 Explanation: The error occurred at an end-of-volume for a data set on magnetic tape or an end-of-volume during concatenation. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC026I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC026I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC026I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 644 Explanation: The error occurred during the processing of SYNADAF, where it was determined that the message buffer obtained in the users region had been modified or freed. Application Programmer Response: Register 15 contains the address of the message buffer area. Make sure that your program does not modify or free this area until SYNADAF processing is complete. Correct the error and rerun the job step. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 653 Explanation: System management facilities (SMF) encountered an error while attempting to write an SMF record. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 04 Explanation GETMAIN failure. System Action: The SMFEWTM or SMFWTM request fails and SMF continues processing. 106 Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: It is likely the SMFEWTM or SMFWTM caller is experiencing storage problems. Check for an ABEND878 or other prior virtual storage abends, and follow the recommended actions accordingly. 09 IXGWRITE failure. The IXGWRITE operation used for writing a block of data to the logstream failed because of an internal error. For this error, registers 2 and 3 contain the return and reason codes that were returned following the IXGWRITE operation. The IXGWRITE return and reason codes are described in z/OS MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference IAR-XCT. System Action: SMF disconnects the log stream that was to receive the data at the time when the failing IXGWRITE was issued. SMF processing continues, and the data that SMF collects that are directed to be written to the now disconnected log stream are buffered until the log stream is connected. Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, capture the dump and report the problem to the IBM support center. 101-111 Error in IFASEXIT processing. For all of these error codes: System Action: IFASEXIT processing is discontinued for the current SMF record. Operator Response: Notify the system programmer. System Programmer Response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, capture the dump and report the problem to the IBM support center. 101 102 103 104 105 IFASEXIT failed to establish recovery. Incorrect input parameter list. Failure obtaining storage for IFASXCB. Failure obtaining storage for IFASXCBG. Failure obtaining storage for the log stream block (buffer). OPEN validation error because the IFASXCB token area is not correct.


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654 66D
108 110 111 Error on browse option because of incomplete browse parameters. IFASXGET input event error. IFASXGET browse session was not established. leftmost two bytes (if they are non-zero) contain the return code of the function called by the module that issued the abend. For example, if the reason code is X'0008000D', the abend reason code is X'000D' and the return code of the function called by the module is X'0008'. Code 654 Explanation: An unexpected error occurred when IFASMFDL attempted to use a LOGGER related service. System action: System takes a dump of the current address space together with the SMF address space. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Search the problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing and the assembly listing that are associated with the job and also the dump that IFASMFDL produced. Source: IFASMFDL 06 65F Explanation: The system resources manager (SRM) stopped the collection of channel measurement data in the channel measurement block (CMB) because of an error condition. System action: The system writes message IRA602I to identify the error. The system writes a logrec data set error record. The system abnormally ends the current task. It cannot be resumed until the next IPL. The SRM functions, device selection and I/O balancing, use algorithms that do not make use of CMB data. System programmer response: Look at the reason code in message IRA602I. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set error record. Source: System resources manager (SRM) 66D Explanation: This abend may be issued from three different areas in TSO/E: I/O services, REXX, and CLIST processing. A hexadecimal reason code identifies the error. This code appears either on users terminal, along with the abend notification, or in the dump taken for the abend. Note: The reason code appears on the users terminal as a four-byte field. The rightmost two bytes contain the abend reason code. If these two bytes are between X'000D' and X'0013', then the 10 11 12 13 14 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 07 01 Explanation Recovery cannot be established. This is an internal error. TSO does not perform the requested function. ECTIOWA contains an non-valid input stack address. The input stack was in use by another task when re-serialization was done. I/O services, REXX, or CLIST processing encountered an error in a multitasking environment. An non-valid I/O service identifier was supplied by the caller. This is an internal error. TSO does not perform the requested function. A input stack address is supplied in ECTIOWA but no stack exists. No input stack exists. No input stack exists, but one is being created by another program. I/O service processing encountered an error in a multitasking environment. Two tasks cannot create the first stack at the same time. An abend X'0C4' occurred when validating user pointers. The input stack is in use. An ECT was provided, but no stack exists. The ECTIOWA field does not contain the address of a valid stack. The user is trying to delete a stack which someone else is waiting on. REXX is unable to serialize on an internal resource. Unable to locate the REXX data stack. IRXESTK1 found an incorrect count of elements in the REXX data stack. IRXESTK1 found an incorrect REXX data stack size. IRXESTK failed when called by IRXESTK1. IRXESTK failed to purge the number of stack elements requested by IRXESTK1. REXX stack processing failed to release an internal REXX resource. IRXINIT failed.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

Source: System Management Facilities (SMF)

02 03




15 REXX variable protection failed. This error can occur if sufficient storage is not available to properly protect or unprotect variables when attempting to invoke an authorized command or program under REXX. If this error occurs, try changing your TSO/E PROFILE setting to PROFILE VARSTORAGE(HIGH). You might also try using a larger REGION size when logging onto TSO/E. The MARKTERM function of IRXESTK failed. While processing the data stack, TSO I/O services encountered an error. TSO does not perform the requested function. The DROPTERM function of IRXESTK failed. While processing the data stack, TSO I/O services encountered an error. TSO does not perform the requested function. The PULL function of IRXESTK failed. While processing the data stack, TSO I/O services encountered an error. TSO does not perform the requested function. The input stack size limit was exceeded. The REXX storage manager was passed a control block that is not valid. The REXX storage manager was requested to free storage for a control block that is not valid. The REXX storage manager could not allocate storage from the requested control block due to an internal error. The REXX storage manager could not free storage for the requested control block because the storage was freed previously. The REXX storage manager could not free the storage because the storage tree is not valid. The REXX storage manager could not free the storage because the storage tree is not valid. The REXX storage manager could not allocate the requested storage. The tree used to manage the storage has an incorrect format. The REXX storage manager could not allocate the requested storage. An internal tree-management routine failed. The REXX storage manager could not allocate the requested storage. The tree was determined to be not valid after storage allocation occurred. The REXX storage manager could not allocate the requested storage. The tree was determined to be not valid after storage allocation occurred. The REXX storage manager could not assign the new extent. 31 29 The REXX storage manager could not obtain additional storage from the main REXX storage manager control block. The REXX storage manager determined that a tree is not valid. An incorrect control block was present at the top of the tree. The REXX storage manager determined that a tree is not valid. An incorrect control block was passed. The REXX storage manager determined that a tree is not valid. An inner vertex appeared in place of the top of the tree. While invoking an internal routine, the REXX storage manager determined that no dynamic storage was available. The REXX storage manager could not obtain the requested storage. The REXX storage manager could not free the requested storage. Module IGX00043 was invoked with parameters that were not valid. TSO/E I/O services encountered an internal error. TSO does not perform the requested function. A TSO/E service that requires a TSO/E environment was invoked in a non-TSO/E environment. The QUEUED function of IRXESTK failed. While processing the data stack, TSO I/O services encountered an error. TSO does not perform the requested function. GETMAIN failure. This error can occur if sufficient storage is not available in the CLIST or Authorized REXX variable pool. If this error occurs, try changing your TSO/E PROFILE setting to PROFILE VARSTORAGE(HIGH). Stack serialization token has wrapped. The token which was associated with the top stack element has changed. This means that the stack has been modified while the lock was released. A TSO/E Service Routine detected a serialization error with the ALTLIB or VLF environment. The user is trying to OPENFILE a dataset which is marked EXECUTE-ONLY. The user is trying to submit a member of a dataset which is marked EXECUTE-ONLY. The user is trying to execute a CLIST from a dataset which is marked EXECUTE-ONLY. The user invoked the TSO/E environment service with a bad parameter list.







2E 2F 30


19 1E 1F 20




22 23 24

41 42




44 45 46 47




z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

48 The user tried to invoke the TSO/E environment service on an incorrect version of TSO/E. The user attempted to run an authorized command or program. This is not supported in the TSO/E environment created by the TSO/E environment service. The user attempted to attach the TSO/E TMP routine (IKJEFT01) while in a dynamic TSO/E environment. REXX output processing failed in a TSO/E environment. No command processor parameter list (CPPL) was available. REXX output processing failed in a TSO/E environment. TSO/E has detected an overlay condition while reading a member from a concatenated data set. One possible reason for this overlay condition is the concatenation of data sets with unlike RECFM specifications. The user entered the REXX immediate command HE in order to halt execution of the current REXX exec. This abend does not represent an error condition. Incorrect key or state at invocation. An ESTAE environment could not be established. Caller is not at the expected operating system level (OS/390 Release 3 or higher). Invalid request passed from caller. The ENVTABLE_HEADER pointer is zero, and a valid REXX ENVTABLE address cannot be obtained. The ENVTABLE_ENTRY pointer for the terminating REXX ENVBLOCK does not point within the bounds of the ENVTABLE from entry two through the end of the ENVTABLE. The CHAIN_LOCK pointer for the terminating REXX ENVBLOCK does not point within the bounds of the ENVTABLE from entry two through the end of the ENVTABLE. occurs during TSO/E logon, the user will need to logon again. Code System Action


02 - 0B An SVC dump is not taken for the abend. 0D - 13 See the note at the beginning of the ABEND66D description section. An SVC dump is not taken for the abend. 14 - 19 An SVC dump is not taken for the abend. Application Programmer Response: Try rerunning the REXX exec or re-invoking the TSO/E function. The error may have been due to a temporary condition (such as insufficient storage), and your job may succeed on a second attempt. If the error is severe, the TSO/E session may need to be restarted. Code 02 Response Check the validity of the I/O service parameter list and the command processor parameter list (CPPL). Verify that the ECT address in both of these parameter lists is correct, that is, the ECT address supplied to a command processor is in fact, in the CPPL. Check the validity of the I/O service parameter list and the command processor parameter list (CPPL). Verify that the ECT address in both of these parameter lists is correct, that is, the ECT address supplied to a command processor is in fact, in the CPPL. Wait until the stack is created by the terminal monitor program (TMP) initialization function before calling this service, or use the stack-create service. Verify that all addresses in the I/O service parameter list (and the IKJCT441 parameter list if applicable) are correct. Provide a valid stack address in the ECTIOWA. The stack address may be obtained from the ECT provided by the ECT pointed to from the CPPL or the stack-create service. If your installation has replaced a parameters module, verify that the correct module was called during REXX initialization. The READY state resumes; retry the TSO function. Log off from TSO/E and log back on. If the problem occurs again, check your programs that were running around the time of the abend. Any programs that perform input stack operations using the stack service routine should be examined for possible looping conditions.



4C 4D



51 52 53 54


| | | | | | | | | | |







Note: If you are not able to locate the abend reason code in the above table, see the note at the beginning of the ABEND66D description section. System action: The action of the system varies depending on the error and on the level of ESTAE that receives control. In all cases, the TSO/E or REXX function is not performed. However, for a TSO/E CLIST or a REXX exec, a retry may be attempted following the statement that encountered the error. In most cases, the TSO/E READY mode will be reinstated. If the abend

15 19

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


67D 684
31 44 Rerun the program in a TSO/E environment or address space. Obtain READ access from the owner of the dataset. The user cannot OPENFILE a dataset marked EXECUTE-ONLY. Obtain READ access from the owner of the dataset. The user cannot submit a member from a dataset marked EXECUTE-ONLY. Obtain READ access from the owner of the dataset. The user cannot run CLISTs from a dataset marked EXECUTE-ONLY. See z/OS TSO/E Programming Services for information on invoking the TSO/E environment service. Correct the error and invoke the TSO/E environment service again. Make sure the installation has the proper version of TSO/E installed. Remove the TSO/E authorized command or program that you tried to run. If you are using the IRXEXEC programming service, provide a CPPL and retry the operation. Ensure that the TSO/E I/O services are available in the address space. Invalid record length found. One possible reason is the concatenation of FB and VB data sets being used for CLIST input. 683 Explanation: The module calling RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY is not authorized (is not APF-authorized, in system key 0-7, or in supervisor state). Note: If the NEWPASS keyword is not specified on the REQUEST=VERIFY, you can authorize the calling module by entering it in the RACF-authorized caller table. However, IBM does not recommend placing entries in the RACF-authorized caller table. System action: The task is terminated. Application Programmer Response: Possible user error. Verify that the module is an authorized caller. Problem determination: If the request originated as a RACF command (that in turn resulted in the issuing of the REQUEST=VERIFY), check to make sure the RACF command is in the list of APF-authorized commands for your system. If the module making the request is an IBM routine, see z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide for information on diagnosing abends and reporting abend problems to IBM. 684 Explanation: The module calling the RACF manager, or the RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST function, or the RACROUTE REQUEST=EXTRACT function is not authorized (is not APF-authorized, in system key 0-7, or in supervisor state). System action: The system abnormally terminates the task. Note: If the NEWPASS keyword is not specified on the REQUEST=VERIFY, you can authorize the calling module by entering it in the RACF-authorized caller table. However, IBM does not recommend placing entries in the RACF-authorized caller table. Application Programmer Response: Possible user error. Verify that the module is an authorized caller. System programmer response: If the request originated as a RACF command (that in turn resulted in a call to the RACF manager or the REQUEST=LIST), check to make sure the RACF command is in the list of APF-authorized commands for your system. If the module making the request is an IBM routine, see z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide for information on diagnosing abends and reporting abend problems to IBM.




48 49 4B

4C 4D

System programmer response: If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Time Sharing Option Extensions (TSO/E) 67D Explanation: During processing of an EVENTS macro, the system found that the wait flag was already on in the event control block (ECB). The flag on indicated that a previous EVENTS or WAIT macro was already waiting for posting of the ECB. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the EVENTS macro. Application Programmer Response: Change the problem program to eliminate a double wait on a single event. If no double wait is found, ensure that the ECB was not incorrectly modified by the program. Then run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing and the assembly listing associated with the job. Source: Task management


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

685 6C4
685 Explanation: The module calling RACROUTE REQUEST=DEFINE is not authorized (is not APF-authorized, in system key 0-7, or in supervisor state). To issue a REQUEST=DEFINE, the calling module must be authorized (APF-authorized, in system key 0-7, or in supervisor state). System action: The system abnormally terminates the task. Application Programmer Response: Possible user error. Verify that the calling module was executing in an authorized state. System programmer response: If the request originated as a RACF command (that in turn resulted in the issuing of the REQUEST=DEFINE), check to make sure the RACF command is in the list of APF-authorized commands for your system. If the module making the request is an IBM routine, see z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide for information on diagnosing abends and reporting abend problems to IBM. 6C4 Explanation: The SOM subsystem could not be initialized because one of the following occurred: v Another SOM subsystem is already active v Another SOM subsystem ended without cleaning up its resources. System action: The SOM subsystem subsystem is not initialized. The system abnormally ends the command. The system continues other processing. System programmer response: Stop the DSOM subsystem that is active before starting this SOM subsystem. If the subsystem is already stopped and the problem persists, start the new SOM subsystem with the same name as the SOM subsystem that previously stopped. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. For more information about starting and stopping a SOM subsystem, see OS/390 SOMobjects Configuration and Administration Guide. A reason code further describes the error: Code 000A1000 Explanation The activation of a logical unit failed because the VTAM application for the logical unit is not APPC-capable. Check the VTAM APPL statement for the logical unit to ensure that you specified APPC=YES. System Action: The system also issues abend X'EC7' with reason code X'000A0037', which can be ignored. 000100xx An internal error occurred. System Action: The system continues processing, but the requested APPC/MVS service fails. The system writes an SVC dump. 010F0002 DSOM could not open the data control block (DCB) for the C runtime library for the SOM subsystem. The SOM subsystem might not be installed properly. Module: GOSAMCEE System Action: The system ends the application. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the SOM subsystem is properly installed. Ensure that the GOSRTL1 data sets are correct and accessible to the userid associated with the SOM subsystem. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 02020001 The caller of a service is not in supervisor state. Module: GOSAMCCP System Action: The application is abnormally ended. System Programmer Response: Verify that the application is using standard interfaces. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 02020002 Common area storage could not be obtained. Module: GOSAMCCP System Action: The system issues abend X'6C4' and ends the command processing. Programmer Response: Contact the system programmer. System Programmer Response: Increase the amount of common storage specified on the CSA parameter in IEASYSxx parmlib member. ReIPL the system to activate the change. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


02020003 An asynchronous cross memory post failed. A DSOM command might have been entered while the system was processing a command to stop the SOM subsystem. Module: GOSAMCCP System Action: The system abnormally ends the command. Operator Response: Start DSOM again. Once DSOM is started,enter the DSOM command again. System Programmer Response: Restart the SOM subsystem. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 02080002 The system could not obtain common storage. Module: GOSAMCST System Action: The system abnormally ends the command. System Programmer Response: Increase the amount of common storage specified on the CSA parameter in IEASYSxx parmlib member. ReIPL the system to activate the change. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 02080003 An asynchronous cross memory post failed. A DSOM command might have been entered while the system was processing a STOP DSOM command. Module: GOSAMCST System Action: The system abnormally ends the command. Operator Response: Enter a START DSOM command to start DSOM again. System Programmer Response: If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 05000001 Unsupported DSOM subsystem service. Module: GOSAPBAD System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. 05010001 User Response: Contact the system programmer. System Programmer Response: Verify that the application is using standard interfaces. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Input to a service routine is missing. The caller of the service is not valid. save Module: GOSAPASC System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Verify that the application is using standard interfaces. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 05010002 The caller of a DSOM service is not valid. Module: GOSAPASC System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Verify that the application is using standard interfaces. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 05010003 The system could not create a server address space. Module: GOSAPASC System Action: The system records the error and continues processing. The system does not start the server. System Programmer Response: Obtain the return code from the ASCRE macro in register 0. Verify that the server PROC is defined correctly. See the section on using a JCL procedure to start a DSOM server in OS/390 SOMobjects Configuration and Administration Guide for more information. Enter the START command to start the server. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

05020007 The caller of a service is not valid. Module: GOSAPTRC System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Verify that the application is using standard interfaces. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 05030001 Input to a service routine is missing. The caller of the service is not valid. Module: GOSAPRC1 System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Verify that the application is using standard interfaces. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 05030003 The caller passed a parameter list that is not valid. Module: GOSAPRC1 System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Verify that the application is using standard interfaces. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 05030004 The caller requested a security function that is not valid. The caller of the service is not valid. Module: GOSAPRC1 System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Verify that the application is using standard interfaces. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0503000A The caller is not authorized to invoke the requested function. The caller of the service is not valid. Module: GOSAPRC1
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Verify that the application is using standard interfaces. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 05030109 The system could not process a RACROUTE REQUEST=AUTH request when checking command authorization to a server. Module: GOSAPRC1 System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Verify that the application is using standard interfaces. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0503000B A PC routine is not available. Module: GOSAGCRT, GOSAGCAU System Action: The system issues abend X'6C4' to the caller of the DSOM service. The system might issue message GOS009I. Operator Response: Enter a START DSOM command to start DSOM again. If DSOM is already started and the system issued message GOS009I, contact the system programmer. System Programmer Response: If you cannot start DSOM, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 05040001 Input to service routine missing. The caller of the service is not valid. Module: GOSAPRC2 System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Verify that the application is using standard interfaces. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 05040003 The parameter list that was passed to


a service routine is not valid because the caller of the service is not valid. Module: GOSAPRC2 System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Verify that the application is using standard interfaces. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 05040004 Function requested from service routine is not valid. The caller of the service is not valid. Module: GOSAPRC2 System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Verify that the application is using standard interfaces. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0504000A The caller is not authorized to invoke the requested function. The caller of a service is not valid. Module: GOSAPRC2 System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Verify that the application is using standard interfaces. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0504000B SOM subsystem services not available. Module: GOSACACE, GOSACACE, GOSACAUT, GOSADACE, GOSAGRTO, GOSAMAUT, GOSASAUT, GOSASECI, GOSASECU System Action: The system issues abend X'6C4' to the caller of the DSOM service. The system might issue message GOS009I. Operator Response: Enter a START DSOM command to start DSOM again. If DSOM is already started and 05040101 the system issued message GOS009I, contact the system programmer. System Programmer Response: If you cannot start DSOM, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 05040100 During security initialization, the system could not process a RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST,ENVIR=CREATE request for the SOMDOBJS RACF security class. Module: GOSAPRC2 System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Register 0 contains diagnostic information in the form X'00wwyyzz', where X'ww' is the SAF return code, X'yy' is the RACF return code, and X'zz' is the RACF reason code. See z/OS Security Server RACROUTE Macro Reference for a description of the return and reason codes from RACROUTE. During security initialization, the system could not process a RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST,ENVIR=CREATE request for the CBIND RACF security class. Module: GOSAPRC2 System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Register 0 contains diagnostic information in the form X'00wwyyzz', where X'ww' is the SAF return code, X'yy' is the RACF return code, and X'zz' is the RACF reason code. See z/OS Security Server RACROUTE Macro Reference for a description of the return and reason codes from RACROUTE. 05040102 During client authentication, the system could not process a RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST,ENVIR=CREATE request. Module: GOSAPRC2 System Action: The system abnormally ends the application.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

System Programmer Response: Register 0 contains diagnostic information in the form X'00wwyyzz', where X'ww' is the SAF return code, X'yy' is the RACF return code, and X'zz' is the RACF reason code. See z/OS Security Server RACROUTE Macro Reference for a description of the return and reason codes from RACROUTE. 05040103 During client authentication, the system could not process a RACROUTE REQUEST=FASTAUTH request. Module: GOSAPRC2 System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Register 0 contains diagnostic information in the form X'00wwyyzz', where X'ww' is the SAF return code, X'yy' is the RACF return code, and X'zz' is the RACF reason code. See z/OS Security Server RACROUTE Macro Reference for a description of the return and reason codes from RACROUTE. 05040104 During client authentication or client/server disconnect, the system could not process a RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY ENVIR=DELETE request. Module: GOSAPRC2 System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Register 0 contains diagnostic information in the form X'00wwyyzz', where X'ww' is the SAF return code, X'yy' is the RACF return code, and X'zz' is the RACF reason code. See z/OS Security Server RACROUTE Macro Reference for a description of the return and reason codes from RACROUTE. 05040105 During security cleanup processing, the system could not process a RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST ENVIR=DELETE request. Module: GOSAPRC2 System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Register 0 contains diagnostic information in the form X'00wwyyzz', where X'ww' is the SAF return code, X'yy' is the RACF return code, and X'zz' is the RACF reason code. See z/OS Security Server RACROUTE Macro Reference for a description of the return and reason codes from RACROUTE. 05040106 During security cleanup processing, the system could not process a RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST ENVIR=DELETE request for the CBIND RACF security class. Module: GOSAPRC2 System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Register 0 contains diagnostic information in the form X'00wwyyzz', where X'ww' is the SAF return code, X'yy' is the RACF return code, and X'zz' is the RACF reason code. See z/OS Security Server RACROUTE Macro Reference for a description of the return and reason codes from RACROUTE. 05040107 During client/server connect processing, the system could not process a RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST REQUEST=VERIFY ENVIR=CREATE PASSCHK=NO request. Module: GOSAPRC2 System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Register 0 contains diagnostic information in the form X'00wwyyzz', where X'ww' is the SAF return code, X'yy' is the RACF return code, and X'zz' is the RACF reason code. See z/OS Security Server RACROUTE Macro Reference for a description of the return and reason codes from RACROUTE. 05040108 During method level authorization processing, the system could not process a RACROUTE REQUEST=FASTAUTH request. Module: GOSAPRC2 System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Register 0 contains diagnostic information in the form X'00wwyyzz', where X'ww' is the SAF return code,
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


X'yy' is the RACF return code, and X'zz' is the RACF reason code. See z/OS Security Server RACROUTE Macro Reference for a description of the return and reason codes from RACROUTE. 05040109 During server authorization processing, the system could not process a RACROUTE REQUEST=AUTH request. Module: GOSAPRC2 System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Register 0 contains diagnostic information in the form X'00wwyyzz', where X'ww' is the SAF return code, X'yy' is the RACF return code, and X'zz' is the RACF reason code. See z/OS Security Server RACROUTE Macro Reference for a description of the return and reason codes from RACROUTE. 0504010A During server authorization or client authentication processing, the system could not process a RACROUTE REQUEST=EXTRACT,TYPE= ENCRYPT request. Module: GOSAPRC2 System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Register 0 contains diagnostic information in the form X'00wwyyzz', where X'ww' is the SAF return code, X'yy' is the RACF return code, and X'zz' is the RACF reason code. See z/OS Security Server RACROUTE Macro Reference for a description of the return and reason codes from RACROUTE. 0504010B During method level authorization processing, a bad parameter was passed to the service. The caller of the service is not valid. Module: GOSAPRC2 System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Register 0 contains diagnostic information in the form X'00wwyyzz', where X'ww' is the SAF return code, X'yy' is the RACF return code, and X'zz' is the RACF reason code. See z/OS Security Server RACROUTE 050C0001 050B0002 Macro Reference for a description of the return and reason codes from RACROUTE. 0507000A The caller is not authorized to invoke the requested function. The caller of the service is not valid. Module: GOSAPRST System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Verify that the application is using standard interfaces. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 050B0001 Input to a service routine is missing. The caller of the service is not valid. Module: GOSAPIOK System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Verify that the application is using standard interfaces. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. The caller of a DSOM service is not valid. Module: GOSAPIOK System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Verify that the application is using standard interfaces. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Input to service routine missing. The caller of the service is not valid. Module: GOSAPSER System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Verify that the application is using standard interfaces. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

050C0003 The parameter list that was passed to a service routine is not valid because the caller of the service is not valid. Module: GOSAPSER System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Verify that the application is using standard interfaces. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 050C0004 Function requested from service routine is not valid. The caller of the service is not valid. Module: GOSAPSER System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Verify that the application is using standard interfaces. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 050C0005 Unable to create DSOM latch Module: GOSAPSER System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Obtain the return code from the latch obtain service (ISGLCRT) in register zero. See z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference EDT-IXG for descriptions of return codes from ISGLCRT. 050C0006 Unable to obtain DSOM latch Module: GOSAPSER System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Obtain the return code from the latch obtain service (ISGLOBT) in register zero. See z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference EDT-IXG for descriptions of return codes from ISGLOBT. 050C0007 Unable to release DSOM latch Module: GOSAPSER xx0129xx xx0126xx xx0124xx xx0125xx xx0123xx System Action: The system abnormally ends the application. System Programmer Response: Obtain the return code from the latch release service (ISGLREL) in register zero. See z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference EDT-IXG for descriptions of return codes from ISGLREL. Source: GOSAMISP 6C5 Explanation: During processing of an IARVSERV macro, the system found a non-environmental error. The macro processing failed. Register 15 contains one of the following hexadecimal reason codes. Code xx0120xx Explanation For a SHARE request, the STOKEN for the source area does not represent a valid data space token. For a SHARE request, the STOKEN for the target area does not represent a valid data space token. For a SHARE request, the beginning address of the source area specified in the range list entry is not page-boundary aligned. For a SHARE request, the beginning address of the target area specified in the range list entry is not page-boundary aligned. For a SHARE request, the source and target areas are not different. For a SHARE request, specified storage has not been obtained with GETMAIN macro or STORAGE macro with the OBTAIN parameter as part of the pageable private region of the callers address space, nor within the size of an existing data space as pageable storage. For a SHARE request, the caller does not have legal access to the source area with the given ALET. For a SHARE request, the caller does not have legal access to the source area with the given STOKEN. For a SHARE request, the caller does not have legal access to the target area with the given ALET. For a SHARE request, the caller does not have legal access to the target area with the given STOKEN.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes






xx012Axx For a SHARE request, the address space that owns the source is not swapped in. For a SHARE request, the address space that owns the target is not swapped in. For a SHARE request, the callers PSW key is insufficient for altering the target area. For a SHARE request, the TARGET_VIEW(SHAREDWRITE) option is specified but the callers PSW key is insufficient for altering the source area. For a SHARE request, one page in the source area and its corresponding page in the target area do not have the same storage protect key and fetch-protection status. For a SHARE request, the source area is not acceptable because it contains system data that is not eligible for sharing. For a SHARE request, the target area is not acceptable because it contains system data that should not be altered by the caller. For a SHARE request, the target area contains unacceptable pages, such as pages that are page-protected or page-fixed. For a SHARE request, the source and the target areas do not meet the storage attribute requirements for sharing. For a SHARE request, READONLY sharing pages cannot be made shared with SHAREDWRITE. For a SHARE request, the source area contains pages that are shared with a target view of TARGETWRITE. For a SHARE request, the source area contains pages that are currently to a hiperspace object through the DIV macro. For a SHARE request, the target area contains pages that are currently mapped through the DIV macro. For a SHARE request, part of the source area is in a hiperspace, VIO window, V=R region, or PSA. For a SHARE request, part of the xx0228xx target area is in a hiperspace, VIO window, V=R region, or PSA. xx0139xx For a SHARE request, the number of pages specified in a range list entry is not valid. For a SHARE request, the specified source ALET represents a subspace. For a SHARE request, the specified target ALET represents a subspace. For a SHARE request, the specified target storage was not obtained by the GETMAIN macro or STORAGE macro with the OBTAIN parameter as part of the callers pageable private region, or within the size of an existing data space as pageable storage. For a SHARE request, the specified source ALET is not valid. It is not on the current access list. For a SHARE request, the specified target ALET is not valid. It is not on the current access list. For a SHARE request, the source area contains HIDDEN pages. IARVSERV-SHARE failed. The source page is part of a shared segment. IARVSERV-SHARE failed. The target page is part of a shared segment. For an UNSHARE request, the STOKEN for the target area does not represent a valid data space STOKEN. For an UNSHARE request, the beginning address of the target area specified in the range list entry is not page-boundary aligned. For an UNSHARE request, the specified storage has not been obtained with GETMAIN macro or STORAGE macro with the OBTAIN parameter as part of the pageable private region of the callers address space, or within an existing data space. For an UNSHARE request, the caller does not have valid access to the address of the target area with the given ALET. For an UNSHARE request, the caller does not have valid access to the address of the target area with the given STOKEN.


xx013Axx xx013Bxx xx013Dxx








xx0140xx xx0141xx xx0142xx xx0221xx













z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

xx022Bxx For an UNSHARE request, the address space that owns the target is not swapped in. For an UNSHARE request, the callers PSW key is insufficient for altering the target area. For an UNSHARE request, the target area contains unacceptable pages, such as pages that are page-protected or page-fixed pages. For an UNSHARE request, part of the target area is in a Hiperspace, VIO window, V=R region, or PSA. For an UNSHARE request, the number of pages specified in a range list entry is not valid. For an UNSHARE request, the specified target ALET represents a subspace. For an UNSHARE request, the specified target ALET is not valid. For a CHANGEACCESS request, the STOKEN for the target area does not represent a valid space STOKEN. For a CHANGEACCESS request, the beginning address of the target area specified in the range is not aligned on a page-boundary. For a CHANGEACCESS request, the caller does not have access to the target area with the given ALET. For a CHANGEACCESS request, the caller does not have access to the target area with the given STOKEN. For a CHANGEACCESS request, the address space that owns the target area is not swapped in. For a CHANGEACCESS request, the callers PSW key is insufficient for altering the target area. For a CHANGEACCESS request, the target area contains unacceptable pages, such as pages that are fixed by PGSER or in permanent storage. For a CHANGEACCESS request, the target area is not acceptable because it contains data that the caller should not alter. For a CHANGEACCESS request, part of the target area is in a hiperspace window, a VIO window or V=R region, or in a PSA. xx0339xx For a CHANGEACCESS request, the number of pages specified in a range list is not valid. For a CHANGEACCESS request, the specified target ALET represents a subspace. For a CHANGEACCESS request, the storage was not obtained using the GETMAIN or STORAGE OBTAIN macro as part of the pageable private region of the callers address space, nor within any existing data space. For a CHANGEACCESS request, the specified target ALET is not valid. For a xx04xxxx reason code please search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM service center. The caller held a lock other than the local lock. The input parameter list or range list is not accessible to the service using the callers PSW key. The caller issued a macro version that is not valid. Reserved fields in the callers macro parameter list are not zeros. The caller requested a service that is not valid. The caller is not in 31-bit addressing mode. The range list entry count (NUMRANGE) is less than one or greater than 16.






xx033Fxx xx04xxxx



xxFF10xx xxFF11xx

xx023Fxx xx0321xx

xxFF12xx xxFF13xx xxFF14xx xxFF15xx xxFF16xx






System action: The system sends messages about the job to the job log, writes an ABEND dump for the failing job step, and writes the JCL and SYSOUT output for the job. Application Programmer Response: Correct the program and run the job again. System programmer response: If the caller was provided by the installation, correct it. Look at accompanying messages in the job log, the JCL and the SYSOUT output. If the caller was an IBM-supplied program, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the messages, the JCL, the SYSOUT output, and the ABEND dump. Source: Real storage manager (RSM)




Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


6C6 6C7
6C6 Explanation: To avoid data integrity problems, the subsystem abnormally ends; one or more X'5C6' system completion codes will usually precede the end. During MQSeries abend, a user task with an active MQSeries connection can be abended with a X'6C6' system completion code; in rare instances, the entire connected address will be abended (MEMTERM). However, if the subsystem ends an address space after numerous cancel attempts, this is not an MQSeries internal error. System action: The subsystem abnormally ends MQSeries. Operator response: Message CSQV086E should appear on your console screen. First, copy this message and the accompanying subsystem end reason code. Second, notify the system programmer. Application Programmer Response: If the subsystem abnormally ends MQSeries, then record the subsystem end reason code that is displayed in message CSQV086E. In addition, you should be aware of the following situations. 1. If you received any X'5C6' system completion codes prior to this subsystem end, perform the following actions. Check register 15 of the SDWA section General Purpose Registers at Time of Error, and locate the accompanying reason code. In addition, check the information displayed at the console screen, and in the corresponding logrec data set entry. 2. If you did not receive any X'5C6' system completion codes prior to the subsystem end, you will need an SVC dump, which is entitled MQSERIES SUBSYSTEM TERMINATION REQUESTED REASON=xxxxxxxx. The reason code in the message and the one found in the MVS operator message will be the same. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SYSOUT output for the job and the logrec data set error record. Source: MQSeries 6C7 Explanation: During processing of a REFPAT macro, the system found a non-environmental error. The macro processing failed. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code. Code xx0005xx Explanation The INSTALL request failed because the caller does not own the specified data space. xxFF02xx xx0006xx The INSTALL request failed because the caller specified a data space that does not exist. The REMOVE request failed because the caller does not own the specified data space. The REMOVE request failed because the caller specified a data space that does not exist. The REFPAT macro request failed because the caller was in cross-memory mode. The REFPAT macro request failed because the caller held one or more locks needed by the system to process the request. The REFPAT macro request failed because a protection exception occurred while referencing the callers parameter list. The REFPAT macro request failed because reserved fields in the macro parameter list are not zeros. The REFPAT macro request failed because the caller requested an unknown service. The REFPAT macro request failed because the caller must be in 31-bit addressing mode to use any service of the REFPAT macro. The REFPAT macro request failed because the caller cannot be in SRB mode. The REFPAT macro request failed because the virtual storage addresses specified on PSTART and PEND straddle a common area boundary.










System action: The system sends messages about the job to the job log, writes an ABEND dump for the failing job step, and writes the JCL and SYSOUT output for the job. Application Programmer Response: If the caller was an application program, correct the program and run the job again. System programmer response: If the caller was provided by the installation, correct it. Look at accompanying messages in the job log, the JCL and the SYSOUT output. If the caller was an IBM-supplied program, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the messages, the JCL, the SYSOUT output, and the ABEND dump.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Source: Real storage manager (RSM) 6FB Explanation: 28 module IATSSRE, contained a bad user return code. The user return code was non-zero. The JES3 SRB reply exit routine (SSRECRXT) within module IATSSRE attempted to obtain storage for the staging area buffer using the STORAGE service. The attempt was unsuccessful and a non-zero return code was returned from the STORAGE service. The JES3 global status routine (SSRESTAT) in module IATSSRE invoked the IXZXIXIF service to obtain JES3 complex status information. The buffer returned by the service contains a bad JESXCF member information record. The eye-catcher was not correct. The JES3 global status routine (SSRESTAT) in module IATSSRE was unable to find the global MPC entry within the main processor control table. The JES3 global status routine (SSRESTAT) in module IATSSRE attempted to obtain storage for the JESXCF Information Record buffer (IXZXIXIF) via the STORAGE service. The attempt was unsuccessful and a non-zero return code was returned from the STORAGE service. The JES3 global status routine (SSRESTAT) in module IATSSRE invoked the IXZXIXIF service to obtain JES3 complex status information. The service was unsuccessful and provided the SSRESTAT routine with a bad return and/or reason code. v Register 3 - Return Code v Register 4 - Reason Code 35 The JES3 global status routine (SSRESTAT) in module IATSSRE invoked the IXZXIXIF service to obtain JES3 complex status information. The JESXCF Information Records returned by the service did not contain any information for the global processor. Module IATSSCM encountered a JES3 subsystem communications service entrance list (SEL) which was already in use by another caller. Module IATSSCM determined the caller was not authorized to issue the SSISERV service. Module IATSSCM encountered a bad memory data block (MEMDATA) pointer. The eye-catcher for the MEMDATA header was not correct. The JES3 subsystem communications service entrance list (SEL) passed into module IATSSCM had an incorrect length. This could be a result of a zero SELDATA pointer or a length of zero or a length exceeding the maximum staging area data size. This applies
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

JES3 4.2.1 or prior level If you are at JES3 4.2.1 or a prior level of JES3, the following information applies:


During JES3 processing, module IATSSCM, IATSSRN or IATSSRE detected an error related to the subsystem interface and issued this system completion code. The error is identified by a hexadecimal reason code in register 15. Code 10 Explanation IATSSRN - Module IATSSRN received a bad return code from the JESXCF message reroute service (IXZXIXRR). v Register 3 - Return Code from IXZXIXRR service v Register 4 - Reason Code from IXZXIXRR service 21 A bad SRB address was passed as input to the JES3 SRB reply exit routine (SSRECRXT) in module IATSSRE. A bad service request block (SRB) extension address was passed as input to the JES3 SRB reply exit routine (SSRECRXT) in module IATSSRE. The common area data space (CADS) buffer, provided as input to the JES3 SRB reply exit routine (SSRECRXT) in module IATSSRE, contained a bad JESXCF acknowledgement message. The eye-catcher for the JESXCF acknowledgement message was not correct. The CADS buffer, provided as input to the JES3 SRB reply exit routine (SSRECRXT) in module IATSSRE, contained a bad staging area header. The eye-catcher for the staging area header was not correct. The CADS buffer prefix, provided as input to the JES3 SRB reply exit routine (SSRECRXT) in module IATSSRE, contained a bad response exit address. The response exit address must be non-zero. The CADS buffer prefix, provided as input to the JES3 SRB reply exit routine (SSRECRXT) in module IATSSRE, contained an incorrect buffer length. The buffer length must be non-zero. The JESXCF Acknowledgement Message, passed as input within the CADS buffer to the JES3 SRB reply exit routine (SSRECRXT) in









101 102





to all SSISERV service requests except TYPE=RESPONSE request. 104 Module IATSSCM encountered bad parameters specified for an SSISERV TYPE=WAIT request. One of the following problems was found with the parameters: v A response buffer was not specified. A response buffer is required for SSISERV TYPE=WAIT. v An EXIT address was specified. An exit address must not be specified for SSISERV TYPE=WAIT. 105 Module IATSSCM encountered bad parameters specified for an SSISERV TYPE=REPLY request. One of the following problems was found with the parameters: v Both the ECB and EXIT address were specified. Only one of these parameters can be specified. v A response buffer address was not specified for a request that did not specify an EXIT address. If a response buffer address is not specified, an EXIT address must be specified. 106 Module IATSSCM was unable to find an entry in the Main Processor Control table for the JESXCF member that is to receive this request. Module IATSSCM attempted to obtain storage for a memory data block (IATYMEM) using the STORAGE service. The attempt was unsuccessful and a non-zero return code was returned from the STORAGE service. v Register 2 - Return Code from STORAGE service 107 Module IATSSCM attempted to create a TTOKEN for the current task using the TCBTOKEN service while processing an SSISERV TYPE=REPLY request. The attempt was unsuccessful and a non-zero return code was returned from the TCBTOKEN service. v Register 2 - Return Code from TCBTOKEN service 111 Module IATSSCM attempted to release storage it had obtained for a memory data block (IATYMEM) using the STORAGE service. The attempt was unsuccessful and a non-zero return code was returned from the STORAGE service. v Register 2 - Return Code from STORAGE service 112 Module IATSSCM attempted to obtain a CADS buffer using the JESXCF IXZXCADS service. 125 122 121 120 113 The attempt was unsuccessful and a non-zero return code was returned from the IXZXCADS service. v Register 2 - Return Code from IXZXCADS service v Register 3 - Reason Code from IXZXCADS service Module IATSSCM attempted to release a CADS buffer using the JESXCF IXZXCADS service. The attempt was unsuccessful and a non-zero return code was returned from the IXZXCADS service. v Register 2 - Return Code from IXZXCADS service v Register 3 - Reason Code from IXZXCADS service Module IATSSCM received a bad return code from the JESXCF acknowledge processed message service (IXZXIXAC) while processing an SSISERV TYPE=PURGE request. v Register 2 - Return Code from IXZXIXAC service v Register 3 - Reason Code from IXZXIXAC service Module IATSSCM received a bad return code from the JESXCF send message service (IXZXIXSM) while processing an SSISERV TYPE=WAIT request. v Register 2 - Return Code from IXZXIXSM service v Register 3 - Reason Code from IXZXIXSM service Module IATSSCM received a non-zero user return code from the response to a JESXCF send message service (IXZXIXSM) request while processing an SSISERV TYPE=WAIT request. Module IATSSCM received a bad return code from the JESXCF acknowledge processed message service (IXZXIXAC) while processing an SSISERV TYPE=WAIT request. v Register 2 - Return Code from IXZXIXAC service v Register 3 - Reason Code from IXZXIXAC service 124 Module IATSSCM received a bad return code from the JESXCF send message service (IXZXIXSM) while processing an SSISERV TYPE=REPLY request. v Register 2 - Return Code from IXZXIXSM service v Register 3 - Reason Code from IXZXIXSM service Module IATSSCM received a bad return code




z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

from the JESXCF send message service (IXZXIXSM) while processing an SSISERV TYPE=ACK request. v Register 2 - Return Code from IXZXIXSM service v Register 3 - Reason Code from IXZXIXSM service 126 Module IATSSCM received a bad return code from the JESXCF send message service (IXZXIXSM) while processing an SSISERV TYPE=COMM request. v Register 2 - Return Code from IXZXIXSM service v Register 3 - Reason Code from IXZXIXSM service 127 Module IATSSCM received a bad return code from the JESXCF acknowledge processed message service (IXZXIXAC) while processing an SSISERV TYPE=RESP request. v Register 2 - Return Code from IXZXIXAC service v Register 3 - Reason Code from IXZXIXAC service 128 Module IATSSCM received a zero response data address from the JESXCF send message service (IXZXIXSM) while processing an SSISERV TYPE=WAIT request. v Register 2 - Return Code from IXZXIXSM service v Register 3 - Reason Code from IXZXIXSM service Source: JES3 System action: The system writes the current address space along with the JES3 and JESXCF address spaces and related storage areas to a SYS1.DUMP data set. If the current address space is not the JES3 address space, the system abnormally ends the current address space. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists and the problem occurred in JES3, you should: v Save the hardcopy log v Provide a listing of the initialization deck (JES3OUT) v Provide a console log from initialization v Check the JESYSMSG data set for error indications After gathering the necessary data, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. If an SVC dump was taken, provide the SVC dump, the reason code, and, if available, the data set error record. X'2C' X'24'

JES3 4.2.1 or prior level If you are at JES3 4.2.1 or a prior level of JES3, the following information applies: Explanation: During JES3 processing, module IATSSCM or IATSSRE detected an error and issued this system completion code. The error is identified by a hexadecimal reason code in the high-order byte of register 15 and, for some reason codes, a hexadecimal return code in the low-order byte of register 15. Code 00 Explanation The subsystem interface common service (SSICS) routine detected an error in its calling parameters or in the system status. Return codes are: X'18' X'1C' The caller of SSICS is not in system protection key 0 through 7. The SYSID parameter in a SSISERV macro specified a processor that is not defined. An incorrect combination of the fields SELECBF, SELEXIT, SELBUFF was found in the IATYSEL control block for a WAIT or REPLY type SSISERV macro request. An error occurred when the SSICS routine attempted to write a staging area. The primary and all secondary staging area extents have been exhausted. The service entrance list (SEL) contained an incorrect MEMDATA pointer. The channel-to-channel (CTC) adaptor address is incorrect. An attempt was made to post a wait that cannot be posted.



X'30' X'34' 01

The IATXBGM or IATXBFM macro passed an error return code back to JES3 module IATSSCM: X'08' A GETMAIN or FREEMAIN failed.


The MVS FREECELL macro passed an error return code back to JES3 module IATSSCM: X'04' The cell was not allocated from the subpool indicated by the specified cell pool identifier. The cell address is incorrect. FREECELL could not find the cell pool.

X'08' X'0C'

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


X'10' 03 The cell pool identifier is incorrect. 16 The system abnormally ended FREEMAIN processing of the staging area wait queue (SAW Q). The system abnormally ended FREEMAIN processing of the staging area pending queue (SAP Q). The system abnormally ended an attempt to page-fix the staging area pending queue (SAP Q). The system abnormally ended copying of the staging area pending queue (SAP Q) from JES3 auxiliary storage to the common service area (CSA). Module IATSSCM detected an error, which may have caused another ABEND, during GETCELL processing for JES3 auxiliary storage. Module IATSSCM detected an error during validation of a staging area queue. Module IATSSRE detected an error: X'04' The passed staging area was not found on the staging area pending (SAP) queue. IATSSRE failed while processing a wait or reply request. The module produces a dump that indicates the failure IATSSRE encountered. The passed staging area was not found on the GETMAINED staging area (SAG) queue. Source: JES3 System action: The system writes the common service area (CSA), system queue area (SQA), and the MVS trace table to a SYS1.DUMP data set and abnormally ends the current address space. If the address space is the JES3 address space, the system does not write a dump. For reason code X'40', return code X'08', the system abnormally ends the requesting task so that no user must wait for a response that cannot be received. System programmer response: If the problem occurred in JES3 you should: v Save the MLOG listing or get a print of DLOG v Provide a listing of the initialization deck (JES3OUT) v Provide a console log from initialization v Check the JESYSMSG data set for error indications 6FC Explanation: During processing following a program check interruption, the system detected an error in a SPIE or ESPIE macro. The SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) contains a hexadecimal reason code to be used when searching

The MVS BLDCPOOL macro passed an error return code back to JES3 module IATSSCM: X'04' X'08' X'0C' X'10' X'14' GETMAIN failed. The cell pool identifier is incorrect. The specified subpool was not global. The cell size was greater than the pool size. BLDCPOOL found a DELETE subpool in progress for the specified pool. 19 18 17


The MVS GETCELL macro passed an error return code back to JES3 module IATSSCM: X'04' X'08' X'0C' X'10' GETCELL could not find any available cells. The chain pointers had been destroyed. The cell pool format was incorrect. The cell pool identifier is incorrect.


1B 40


The JES3 subsystem interface read-end module IATSSRE failed to obtain storage; the storage would have held a copy of a staging area destined for an functional subsystem (FSS) address space. The three low-order bytes of register 15 contain the return code from the MVS GETMAIN macro. The JES3 subsystem interface read-end module IATSSRE could not find the FSID in the staging area; the FSID identifies the dynamic destination queue (DESTQ) for which the staging area is intended. The JES3 subsystem interface read-end module IATSSRE could not find the proper control block structure required for queuing the staging area in an FSS address space. A JES3 routine issued the IATXSSXM macro to call a specific routine in module IATSSXM. IATSSXM returns in the low-order byte of register 15 the ECODE parameter value from the IATXSSXM macro. z/OS JES3 Customization describes the IATXSSXM macro. The system abnormally ended JES3 during staging area initialization. The system abnormally ended JES3 during processing to move a staging area to make it a dedicated staging area. The system abnormally ended the processing following an end of memory (EOM) or an end of task (EOT) call.





13 14



z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

700 702
problem reporting data bases or when reporting the problem to the IBM Support Center. Code 04 08 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 Explanation The users PICA contains an invalid bit setting in the program mask. The users PICA is unavailable. The SCA, pointed to by the TCBPIE, is unavailable. The RPP, pointed to by the SCARPPTR, is unavailable. The PIE, pointed to by the SCAPIE or SCAPPIE, is unavailable. The SCA, pointed to by the TCBPIE, is unavailable. The RPP, pointed to by the SCARPPTR, is unavailable. The PIE, pointed to by the SCAPIE or SCAPPIE, is unavailable. Unable to reference SPIE/ESPIE control blocks or an error occurred while handling a SPIE/ESPIE exit. control block (TCB) for the current task. TCBEXCP points to the EXCP debugging area (XDBA). The XDBA contains diagnostic data associated with the EXCP processor. Look for the problem in one of the service routines used by EXCP. If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set error record and the source program listing for the job. Source: Execute channel program (EXCP) 702 Explanation: During processing of a POST macro, the system found either incorrect input data or an unauthorized POST exit routine request. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 00 04 08 Explanation A function request was incorrect. The address is incorrect for an exit routine for a CREATE or DELETE request. During an attempt to post an extended event control block (ECB), the descriptor word of the ECB extension contained incorrect data. During an attempt to post an extended ECB, the ECB extension contained an incorrect exit routine address. A POST exit routine attempted to post an extended ECB. During an attempt to post an extended ECB, either the ECB address or ECB extension address was incorrect. Without use of the local lock for serialization, the ECB has been updated from an initialized extended state to a waited state.

System action: The system abnormally ends the task that experienced the program check. The system may write a logrec data set error record. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=6FC,ACTION=SVCD,END Application Programmer Response: Resubmit the job. If the error recurs, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump, the reason code, and, if available, the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control 700 Explanation: During processing of an I/O request, a program check occurred in a supervisor service routine called by the execute channel program (EXCP). System action: The system abnormally ends the current task. The system writes a logrec data set error record. Application Programmer Response: Check the problem program for the error. If the error cannot be determined, run the job again, requesting an ABEND dump. Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: In the ABEND dump, look at field TCBEXCPD at offset X'C0' in the task


10 14


System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the POST macro. Application Programmer Response: This code is only associated with extended ECB processing. If an extended ECB was being posted, ensure that it contains valid data. Then correct the error identified by the return code. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the source program listing for the job.

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


704 705
Source: Task management 704 Explanation: A system error, uncorrectable machine error, or error that cannot be determined occurred when the system tried to process an EC, EU, LC, LU, VC, or VU form of the GETMAIN macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Note: Some VSM return codes may be a half-word in length. In these cases, the high-order byte is the module id of the issuing module, and the low-order byte is the return code. Module ID 1 3 4 6 7 A B C E 44 Code 01 Module Name IGGVVSMRT IGVVSM24 IGVVSM31 IGVGSQA IGVFSQA IGVGLSQA IGVFLSQA IGVGAPVT IGVFSP IGVVSMRF Explanation While processing the GETMAIN request, the system tried to release central storage backing global or local system queue area (SQA or LSQA) storage. A program page fixed the virtual storage. However, it is a basic property of the system that SQA and LSQA storage is page fixed. Status information indicates that the system has obtained a global lock to support the GETMAIN request. However, when the system attempted to release the lock, the release request failed. A system service routine returned an incorrect return code to the virtual storage manager (VSM) interface module. While getting or freeing storage in a local or global SQA subpool, the service routine that builds double free elements (DFE) tried to place virtual storage on the DFE queue, but could not do so because the storage was described by another DFE already on the queue. 705 Explanation: A system error, uncorrectable machine error, or error that cannot be determined occurred when the system tried to process an EC, EU, LC, LU, VC, or VU form of the FREEMAIN macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Note: Some VSM return codes may be a half-word in length. In these cases, the high-order byte is the module id of the issuing module, and the low-order byte is the return code. Module ID 1 3 4 6 7 A B C E 44 Code 01 Module Name IGGVVSMRT IGVVSM24 IGVVSM31 IGVGSQA IGVFSQA IGVGLSQA IGVFLSQA IGVGAPVT IGVFSP IGVVSMRF Explanation While processing the FREEMAIN request, the system tried to release central storage backing global or local system queue area (SQA or LSQA) storage. A program page fixed the virtual storage. However, it is a basic property of the system that SQA and LSQA storage is page fixed. While processing a subpool FREEMAIN 10 While in recovery processing, the system detected a condition that is normally considered a user error, such as an error in the parameter list. However, it is likely that the error is not a user error because recovery processing is in control.

System action: The system writes a logrec data set error record. The system continues processing. Application Programmer Response: Run the job again. If the error recurs, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM)






z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

706 70A
of a local system queue area subpool, a service routine was called to free storage described by an allocated element (AE). The service routine returned a return code indicating that the storage is not described by an AE. 04 Status information indicates that the system has obtained a global lock in support of the FREEMAIN request. However, when the system attempted to release the lock, the release request failed. While getting or freeing storage in a local or global system queue area subpool, the service routine that builds double free elements (DFE) tried to place virtual storage on the DFE queue, but could not do so because the storage was described by another DFE already on the queue. A FREEMAIN service routine returned an incorrect return code to the virtual storage manager (VSM) interface module. While in recovery processing, the system detected a condition that is normally considered a user error, such as an error in the parameter list. However, the error is most likely not a user error because recovery processing is in control. edited by the linkage editor again. Then recompile, and run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, see the system programmer response for the messages in the job log. If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND dump and the source program listing for the job. Source: Contents supervision (CSV) 70A Explanation: A system error, uncorrectable machine error, or error that cannot be determined, occurred when the system tried to process an R form of the GETMAIN or FREEMAIN macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Note: Some VSM return codes may be a half-word in length. In these cases, the high-order byte is the module id of the issuing module, and the low-order byte is the return code. Module ID 1 3 4 6 7 A B C E 44 Code 01 706 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a LINK(X), XCTL(X), ATTACH(X), or LOAD macro. The requested load module was marked not executable. System action: The task is ended unless ERRET is specified on the macro. The system issues message CSV016I and an ABEND dump. Application Programmer Response: Ensure that the target load module is executable and the linkage editor did not find errors in the module. Have the module 02 Module Name IGGVVSMRT IGVVSM24 IGVVSM31 IGVGSQA IGVFSQA IGVGLSQA IGVFLSQA IGVGAPVT IGVFSP IGVVSMRF Explanation While processing the FREEMAIN request, the system tried to release central storage backing global or local system queue area (SQA or LSQA) storage. A program page fixed the virtual storage. However, it is a basic property of the system that SQA and LSQA storage is page fixed. While processing a subpool FREEMAIN of a local system queue area subpool, a service routine was called to free storage described by an allocated element (AE). The service routine returned a return code indicating that the storage is not described by an AE.




System action: The system writes a logrec data set error record. The system continues processing. Application Programmer Response: Run the job again. If the error recurs, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM)

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


70D 713
04 Status information indicates that the system has obtained a global lock in support of the FREEMAIN request. However, when the system attempted to release the lock, the release request failed. A GETMAIN storage management service routine returned an incorrect return code to the virtual storage manager (VSM) interface module. While getting or freeing storage in a local or global system queue area subpool, the service routine that builds double free elements (DFE) tried to place virtual storage on the DFE queue, but could not do so because the storage was described by another DFE already on the queue. A FREEMAIN storage management service routine returned an incorrect return code to the virtual storage manager (VSM) interface module. While in recovery processing, the system detected a condition that is normally considered a user error, such as an error in the parameter list. However, the error is most likely not a user error because recovery processing is in control. 08 A program that does not hold the local lock issued the CALLRTM TYPE=ABTERM macro specifying the address of a task control block (TCB) that is not current. RTM1 was entered through CVTBTERM, but without the local lock.




System action: RTM abnormally ends the program that issued the CALLRTM TYPE=ABTERM macro. If the caller requested ending of another task, RTM also ends that task using the abend code and reason code supplied by the caller. The system issues message IEA995I. The system may write an SVC dump. Operator response: If RTM did not write a dump and the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=70D,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: The return address of the issuer of the CALLRTM TYPE=ABTERM macro is in: v Register 14 at the time of error v The RCVY entry for the ABTERM request in the system trace. Analyze the dump to identify the module issuing the CALLRTM TYPE=ABTERM macro: v For an installation-provided module, correct the program to obtain the correct serialization. v For an IBM-provided module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide problem data collected. Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM) 713 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of an OPEN macro instruction for a data set on magnetic tape or on a direct access device. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC148I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC148I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC148I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp



System action: The system writes a logrec data set error record. The system continues processing. Application Programmer Response: Run the job again. If the error recurs, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) 70D Explanation: A program issued a CALLRTM TYPE=ABTERM macro. In response, the recovery termination manager (RTM) was validating entry into RTM1. RTM determined that the entry mode requirements were not met. A hexadecimal reason code in the following explains the error: v Field RTM2CRC of the RTM2 work area (RTM2WA) v Message IEA995I v TCBARC field of the task control block (TCB) Code 04 Explanation A program that is not disabled issued the CALLRTM macro with TYPE=ABTERM,TCB=0 or TYPE=ABTERM,TCB=(the current TCB).
z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes


714 72A
714 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a CLOSE macro instruction for a data set on magnetic tape. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC215I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC215I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC215I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 72A 717 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a BSAM CLOSE macro instruction with a TYPE=T operand for a data set on magnetic tape. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC222I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC222I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC222I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 71A Explanation: This system completion code is used to end a catalog address space service task when (1) the catalog address space is ending and restarting or (2) an abend has already occurred in a user address space during catalog processing. System completion code 71A is intended for catalog internal communication only, and no further diagnosis is necessary. System action: None. Source: DFSMSdfp 722 Explanation: One of the following output limits was exceeded: 1C 18 08 0C 10 Explanation: During processing for an ATTACH macro, the system encountered an error. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 00 Explanation The system found an incorrect parameter address when processing the ATTACH parameter list. An end-of-task exit routine (ETXR) address is incorrect because both of the following situations exist: v The ETXR is already in effect as an ETXR for a subtask of the task v The current ATTACH was issued in a different addressing mode than the ATTACH that created the matching ETXR The length of the ATTACH parameter list is incorrect. The format number of the parameter list is incorrect. A caller using the ATTACHX macro encountered nonzero access list entry tokens (ALETs). The ALETs should have been set to zero, but they were not. A caller in access register ASC mode used the ATTACH macro instead of the ATTACHX macro. An unauthorized caller issued ATTACH or ATTACHX with the DISP=RESET parameter. The caller must be authorized. A caller issued ATTACHX with the KEY=NINE parameter, but the storage protection override facility is not installed. Only specify KEY=NINE v The output limit specified by the OUTLIM keyword on the SYSOUT DD statement v The job output limit specified in the LINES and CARDS parameters of the JES2 JOBPARM statement v The job output limit specified in the BYTES, CARDS, LINES, and PAGES parameters on the STANDARDS initialization statement or the JES3 MAIN statement System action: The system ends processing of the job step. Application Programmer Response: Check for input/output (I/O) loops. Verify that the parameter value does not conflict with any installation requirements. If no errors are found, increase the value in the statement. Then run the job again. Source: JES



Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


730 738
when this facility (indicated by bit CVTOVER in mapping macro CVT being on) is installed. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the ATTACH macro. The system does not create the new subtask. Application Programmer Response: This is probably an error in the program. Correct the error indicated by the reason code by changing the ATTACH macro or the environment in which the macro runs. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Task management 737 730 Explanation: Global resource serialization encountered an unexpected error occurred during the processing of a DEQ macro. Register 15 may contain a reason code associated with this error: Code xxxx0000 xxxx0004 xxxx0005 xxxx0006 Explanation General module failure in DEQ processing. DEQ processing could not obtain storage in the home address space. DEQ processing could not obtain storage in the common area. DEQ processing could not obtain the ALET of the callers primary address space. DEQ processing could not obtain the ALET of the GRS address space. DEQ processing could not obtain storage in the primary address space. Abend in dynamic exit. Explanation: The error occurred at an end-of-volume or during allocation of a secondary quantity of direct access storage as requested in the SPACE parameter of the DD statement for the data set. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC027I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC027I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC027I. System programmer response: If the data set does exist on the specified volumes and the problem recurs, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 738 Explanation: Global resource serialization encountered an unexpected error during the processing of an ENQ macro instruction. Register 15 may contain a reason code associated with this error: Code xxxx0000 xxxx0001 An ISGENQ REQUEST=OBTAIN, RESERVEVOLUME=YES, SYNCHRES=YES, request resulted in device I/O error when performing the reserve device state transitioning. Explanation General module failure in ENQ processing. 2. Check the parameter list against the SVC 30 mapping. When analyzing the parameter list, remember that the unit control block (UCB) pointer, if present, is the address of a field that, in turn, contains the address of the UCB. If the parameter list contains incorrect data, continue diagnosis in the program that issued the macro. 3. For abend X'730' and reason code X'xxxx0009', determine or relieve the cause of the storage shortage and try the request again. System programmer response: If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND dump. Source: Global resource serialization


| xxxx0009

The reason code could also be associated with an ISGENQ Request=Release. See the reason codes listed for the ISGENQ macro in z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference EDT-IXG. System action: The system writes a logrec data set error record. The system issues an ABEND dump. Application Programmer Response: Do the following: 1. Obtain the address of the DEQ parameter list from register 1 in the UNIQUE-3 column of the SVC 30 entry in the system trace.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

There is something wrong with the device rather than a GRS problem. Note that for ISGENQ SYNCHRES=SYSTEM RESERVEVOLUME=YES requests, the result of the device state transitioning is not provided back to the user. xxxx0002 xxxx0003 xxxx0004 xxxx0005 xxxx0006 RESERVE start processing failed. Synchronous RESERVE done processing failed. ENQ processing could not obtain storage in the home address space. ENQ processing could not obtain storage in the common area. ENQ processing could not obtain the ALET of the callers primary address space. ENQ processing could not obtain a DSQE to suspend a request for a RNL change. ENQ processing could not obtain the ALET of the GRS address space. ENQ processing could not obtain storage in the primary address space. Abend in dynamic exit. RESERVE processing detected an overflow when updating the reserve count. ENQ processing was unable to query the linkage stack entry. yy is the return code from the linkage stack query/update service. ENQ processing was unable to update the linkage stack entry. yy is the return code from the linkage stack query/update service. System action: The system writes a logrec data set error record and an ABEND dump. Application Programmer Response: Do the following: 1. Obtain the address of the ENQ parameter list from register 1 in the UNIQUE-3 column of the SVC X'38' entry in the system trace. 2. Check the parameter list against the SVC X'38' mapping. When analyzing the parameter list, remember that the unit control block (UCB) pointer, if present, is the address of a field that, in turn, contains the address of the UCB. If the parameter list contains incorrect data, continue diagnosis in the program that issued the macro. 3. For abend X'738' and reason code X'000000FF', none. 4. For abend X'738' and reason code X'xxxx0009', determine or relieve the cause of the storage shortage and try the request again. System programmer response: If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set error record and the ABEND dump. If abend X'738' with reason code X'000000FF' persists, issue D GRS,DEV=xxxx (xxxx is the device number in hexadecimal) command to determine what are the reserve requests on the device. For reason code X'00FF', do the following: v Obtain the address of the parameter list from register 1 in the UNIQUE-3 column of the SVC X'30' or SVC X'38' entry in the system trace. v Check the parameter list against the SVC X'30' or SVC X'38' mapping. When analyzing the parameter list, remember that the unit control block (UCB) pointer, if present, is the address of the field that contains the address of the UCB. The UCB mapping will contain the device number that had more than 255 simultaneous RESERVE requests outstanding. For all other reason codes, if the problem persists, search the problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center, providing the logrec data set error record and the ABEND dump. Source: Global resource serialization Additionally, there are 738 abends that occur without reason codes. These include: v If there are ENQs on resources and the number of jobs suspended exceeds 12,000 on a system during a resource name list (RNL) change. When the number reaches 800, the system cancels the RNL change. v If there is a control block corruption in the GRS address space. 744 Explanation: A program check occurred during the processing of SYNADAF or SYNADRLS. This error could not be attributed to incorrect user input. System action: The SYNADAF recovery routine tried to take a dump of LSQA and the users region. The dump header includes the job name, step name, and
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


xxxx0008 xxxx0009 xxxx00FE xxxx00FF



The reason code could also be associated with an ISGENQ Request=Obtain or Request=Change. See the reason codes listed for the ISGENQ macro in z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference EDT-IXG.


75F 778
procedure step name. See message IEC907I to determine whether the dump attempt was successful. A software error record was written to the logrec data set. Application Programmer Response: Rerun the job step. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL, the program listing for the job, and the logrec data set error record. Source: DFSMSdfp 75F Explanation: The system resources manager (SRM) detected that the system timer queue element (TQE) exceeded the expected interval. System action: SRM performs normal TQE expiration processing and requeues the TQE. The system abnormally ends the current task. The system writes messages and a logrec data set error record. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set error record. Source: System resources manager (SRM) 76D Explanation: The system found an error while processing an OUTADD or OUTDEL macro. System action: The system does the following: v The system writes a logrec data set error record. v The system writes an SVC dump. v The system abnormally ends the program that issued the macro, or returns to the macro caller with a return code of X'10'. Application Programmer Response: Check for incorrect input parameters passed to the OUTADD or OUTDEL macro. Submit the job again. System programmer response: If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Dynamic output 778 Explanation: A system error, uncorrectable machine error, or error that cannot be determined occurred under one of the following conditions: 09 08 04 02 v While the system was attempting to satisfy a request made through the STORAGE macro v While the system was trying to process an RC, RU, VRC, or VRU form GETMAIN macro v While the system was trying to process an RC or RU form FREEMAIN macro A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Note: Some VSM return codes may be a half-word in length. In these cases, the high-order byte is the module id of the issuing module, and the low-order byte is the return code. Module ID 1 3 4 6 7 A B C E 44 Code 01 Module Name IGGVVSMRT IGVVSM24 IGVVSM31 IGVGSQA IGVFSQA IGVGLSQA IGVFLSQA IGVGAPVT IGVFSP IGVVSMRF Explanation While attempting to free storage, the system tried to release central storage backing global or local system queue area (SQA or LSQA) storage. A program page fixed the virtual storage. However, it is a basic property of the system that SQA and LSQA storage is page fixed. While attempting to release an entire LSQA subpool, a service routine was called to free storage described by an allocated element (AE). The service routine returned a return code indicating that the storage is not described by an AE. Status information indicates that the system has obtained a global lock in support of a request to release storage. However, when the system attempted to release the lock, the release request failed. While attempting to obtain storage, a storage management service routine returned an incorrect return code to the virtual storage manager (VSM) interface module. While getting or freeing storage in a


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77D 7B0
local or global system queue area subpool, the service routine that builds double free elements (DFE) tried to place virtual storage on the DFE queue, but could not do so because the storage was described by another DFE already on the queue. 0C While attempting to free storage, a storage management service routine returned an incorrect return code to the virtual storage manager (VSM) interface module. While in recovery processing, the system detected a condition that is normally considered a user error. However, it is not likely that the error is a user error because recovery processing is in control. VSM failed to backout the acquisition of a new address queue anchor table (AQAT) stack. In this case, the system issues abend X'778' only to record the error. The system continues processing upon retry from VSM recovery. The STORAGE service routine has failed unexpectedly. The failure is probably not a user error. macro, and the contents of register 0. Correct the error. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the assembly listing for the job. Source: Task management 7B0 Explanation: An error occurred during processing of the hardware instrumentation services (HIS). Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code describing the error. The first halfword of each reason code (xxxx) is set by the system and contains internal information. The following reason codes only list the external errors. Any unlisted reason codes are internal and should be reported to the IBM Support Center. Reason code Explanation xxxx8001 System storage is exhausted or not available. System Action: HIS does not perform the requested operation. The HIS address space is not initialized if system storage cannot be obtained. Programmer Response: Free up system storage and resubmit the HIS job. xxxx8003 It takes too long to write the sampling data. System Action: The data collection activities are stopped. HIS waits for the sample data to be written out. However, a preset wait time expires and not all data have been written. Programmer Response: Assign a sufficiently high dispatch priority to the HIS task, so that the sampling data can be written to the output in a timely manner. If the problem still exists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. xxxx8005 The CALLRTM macro was issued against HIS main task. System Action: The HIS main task is being abnormally ended by calling the recovery termination manager (RTM). This is a generic abend reason code. The specific reason for the CALLRTM action can be found in the accompanying error messages, or SVC dumps (for unexpected errors).




System action: The system writes a logrec data set error record. The system continues processing. Application Programmer Response: Run the job again. If the error recurs, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) 77D Explanation: During processing of an EVENTS macro, the system found an error in the macro input parameters. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 04 08 Explanation A caller issued an incompatible level of the EVENTS macro. Both WAIT=YES and WAIT=NO were specified.

System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the EVENTS macro. Application Programmer Response: Verify the EVENTS macro input parameters, the level of the

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


7C4 7C7
Programmer Response: Analyze the accompanying error messages for the cause. Resubmit the HIS job after the error has been corrected. System action: The system abnormally ends the HIS address space. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Hardware instrumentation services (HIS). 7C4 Explanation: JES3 encountered an error when calling a JESXCF console-related function. The abend reason code identifies the specific error. Code 01 Explanation IATXCSIF SERVICE=XAUTH was passed a bad parameter list (service routine IATCS01). Analyze the parameter list to determine the problem. IATXCSIF SERVICE=CONSTYPE was passed a bad parameter list (service routine IATCS03). Analyze the parameter list to determine the problem. During JES3 initialization processing, module IATINC2 detected an error while invoking an IXZXCNSV order. An IXZXCNSV ORDER(START) returned with a bad return code. The return and reason code for the IXZXCNSV macro invocation is within the IXZXCNSV parameter list. The parameter list is contained within the automatic area of IATCS04. The automatic area is pointed to by general register 8 at the time of failure. Use the return and reason codes to determine why JESXCF failed to process the START order successfully. During JES3 initialization processing, module IATINC2 detected an error while invoking an IXZXCNSV order. An IXZXCNSV ORDER(SYNCPT) returned with a bad return code. The return and reason code for the IXZXCNSV macro invocation is within the IXZXCNSV parameter list. The parameter list is contained within the automatic area of IATCS04. The automatic area is pointed to by general register 8 at the time of failure. Use the return and reason codes to determine why JESXCF failed to process the SYNCPT order successfully. console function may be lost or produce unpredictable results. System programmer response: To determine the error, refer to reason code descriptions. Source: JES3 7C6 Explanation: The system encountered an error while processing the UCBPIN macro with the UNPIN option. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code 01 02 Explanation The PTOKEN supplied as input on the UCBPIN macro request contains incorrect data. The PTOKEN supplied as input on the UCBPIN macro request contains non-addressable data.

System action: The system abnormally ends the task, unless a recovery routine was provided to handle the interruption. Application Programmer Response: Check your programs for one of the following possible scenarios causing the abend: v A task does the following: 1. Pins a unit control block (UCB) without specifying the LASTING parameter on the UCBPIN macro. 2. Schedules a service request block (SRB) to unpin the UCB. Because the program did not specify LASTING on the UCBPIN macro, the task ends before the SRB is dispatched. When the task ends, the system unpins the UCB. When the SRB subsequently tries to unpin the same UCB, the system issues this abend. v The PTOKEN specified on the UCBPIN macro is overlaid or altered by the application program. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 7C7 Explanation: The batch local shared resources (LSR) subsystem encountered an unexpected error. Register 15 contains diagnostic information in the format Xmm0002rr. The mm field identifies the issuing module; the 02 identifies the batch LSR subcomponent of the callable service request (CSR) component. rr is the reason code associated with the abend. System action: The subsystem schedules an SVC dump, and does not perform the request. Operator response: Report the problem to the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix




System action: For reason codes X'01' and X'03', varies with invoking function. For reason codes X'04' and X'05', JES3 initialization continues but the remote


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

7D0 804
exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Report the diagnostic information in register 15. Source: Callable Service Requests (CSR) 3 7D0 Explanation: An HSM CANCEL TCBADDRESS (tcbaddress) was issued to cancel an active task. The task is cancelled, and the ABEND code associated with the task cancellation is x7D0 (decimal 2000). System action: The HSM task is ended. No dump is taken. Application Programmer Response: None. System programmer response: None. Source: DFSMShsm 6 7FB Explanation: An uncorrectable error occurred while one of the MVS-JES3 dynamic device reconfiguration (DDR) subsystem interface (SSI) routines was running. System action: The system ends the reconfiguration. Operator response: If you initiated the reconfiguration, retry it. If the system initiated the reconfiguration, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Dynamic device reconfiguration (DDR) 800 Explanation: During processing of an I/O request, execute channel program (EXCP) processing encountered an error. Most instances of the X'800' ABEND code have a reason code that explains the error. After the pages for a buffer were fixed, an LRA instruction for a page in the buffer got a nonzero condition code. This means that page is not valid. Code 1 Explanation An error occurred during indirect address word (IDAW) or channel command word (CCW) validity check processing. An access protection error occurred when: v The EXCP IDAW routine tried to access the IDAW using an incorrect storage protection key. v The EXCP CCW validity check routine tried to access the virtual channel program using an incorrect storage protection key. v The channel program attempted to execute a restricted operation. An access protection error can occur when there is an error in the channel program. Correct the channel program. 8 7 5 2 System error. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. An error occurred during page-fix or page-unfix processing. A page-fix error can occur if the EXCP processor tries to fix pages that are not assigned to the callers address space identifier (ASID). A program issued SVC 114, the EXCPVR macro, but an error occurred during page-fix or page-unfix processing. A page-fix error can occur if the EXCP processor tries to fix pages that are not assigned to the callers ASID. The IOBE specified that 64-bit IDAWs are to be used for an EXCPVR request, but they are not supported by the hardware. The IOBE specified that 64-bit IDAWs are to be used for an EXCPVR request but they are not supported by the device support code The IOBE specified that format 1 CCWs are to be used for an EXCP request, but format 1 CCWs are only supported with EXCPVR requests. The IOBE specified that MIDAWs are to be used for an EXCP request, but MIDAWs are only supported with EXCPVR requests.

System action: The system abnormally ends the current task. The system writes a logrec data set error record and issues a system dump. Application Programmer Response: Correct the problem that the reason code indicates. If you get reason code 3 or 4, or if the error cannot be determined, run the job again, requesting an ABEND dump. Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: In the dump, look at field TCBEXCPD at offset X'C0' in the task control block (TCB) for the current task. TCBEXCPD points to the EXCP debugging area (XDBA). The XDBA contains diagnostic data associated with the EXCP processor. If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set error record, the JCL for the job, and the SNAP dump. Source: Execute channel program (EXCP) 804 Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an EC, EU, LC, LU, VC, or VU form of the GETMAIN macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error:
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


805 806
Code 04 08 Explanation There is not enough virtual system queue area (SQA) storage available to satisfy the request. There is not enough virtual common service area (CSA) storage available to satisfy the request. There is not enough virtual local system queue area (LSQA) storage available to satisfy the request. There is not enough virtual private area storage available to satisfy the request. Note: This error can occur if an installation exit is requesting virtual storage from a V=R region before the system completely initializes the region. 14 A negative amount of storage was specified on the GETMAIN. Note: If this error is detected, the calling program abnormally ends even though RC, EC, LC, or VC is specified for GETMAIN, or COND=YES is specified for STORAGE. 1C During request processing, the system tried to get LSQA virtual storage for virtual storage managements (VSM) cell pool. There was not enough LSQA virtual storage available. There is not enough virtual storage in the LSQA to build a new address queue anchor table (AQAT) stack. 1C During request processing, the system tried to get local system queue area (LSQA) virtual storage for virtual storage managements (VSM) cell pool. There was not enough LSQA virtual storage available. There is not enough virtual storage in the LSQA to build a new address queue anchor table (AQAT) stack.



System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Check for program errors that incorrectly modify the macro expansion. Correct them. If necessary, change the program to request less virtual storage. Source: Virtual storage management (VSM) 806 Explanation: The supervisor, or the Supervisor Call (SVC) for the BLDL (build a directory entry list) macro, detected an error during the processing of a LINK(X), XCTL(X), ATTACH(X), or LOAD macro with the EP (entry point) or EPLOC (EP location (address)) operand. The reason code in register 15 identifies the error: Code 04 Explanation The system could not find the module, whose entry point is the value of the EP or EPLOC operand, in the indicated library (private library, job library, or link library). This situation can occur when LSEARCH=YES is specified on the macro and the limited library search fails to locate the module. For an alias name, ensure that the entry point attributes match that of the load module which was previously loaded (that is, authorization, RMODE, entry point displacement). An uncorrectable I/O error occurred when the BLDL control program routine attempted to search the directory of the library that contained the program whose entry point was specified in the EP or EPLOC operand. This can occur if the specified library is an uninitialized partitioned data set (PDS). An incorrect data extent block (DEB) has been detected by the BLDL control program. The DEB was built in other than protect key 0 through 7. 0C The supervisor attempted to search a library for the program that the EP or EPLOC operand specifies and found that the library data control block (DCB) is not open. A program issued a LOAD macro with the explicit load option, but there is no DCB parameter. For explicit loads, the program must supply the DCB parameter with the macro



System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Check for program errors that incorrectly modify the macro expansion. Correct them. If necessary, change the program to request less virtual storage. Source: Virtual storage management (VSM) 805 Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an EC, EU, LC, LU, VC, or VU form of the FREEMAIN macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 18 Explanation A negative amount of storage was specified on the FREEMAIN macro. Note: If this error is detected, the calling program abnormally ends even though RC, EC, LC, or VC is specified for FREEMAIN. 10



z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

because the system searches for the module that the LOAD specifies only in the library that the DCB parameter specifies. 14 The system could not find the module, whose entry point is the value of an EP or EPLOC operand of a XCTL(X) macro, in the link pack area (LPA), which is where the module must be when the module is requested by an SVC routine. An SVC routine issued a XCTL(X) macro for a module. The system tried to search the link pack area directory to find the module, but the directory had not as yet been built. The data control block (DCB), included as part of a LINK(X), LOAD, XCTL(X), or ATTACH(X) macro is incorrect. Internal error. START GTF command specifying tape output, MODE=EXT and TIME=YES. Have the operator reply TRACE=IO in response to message AHL100A. Format the output with the IPCS GTFTRACE subcommand. If the error recurs and the program is not in error, see the system programmer response for messages in the job log. For reason code X'2C' or if the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND dump and the source program listing for the job. Source: Contents supervision (CSV) 80A Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an R form of the GETMAIN or FREEMAIN macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 04 08 Explanation There is not enough virtual system queue area (SQA) storage available to satisfy the request. There is not enough virtual common service area (CSA) storage available to satisfy the request. There is not enough virtual local system queue area (LSQA) storage available to satisfy the request. There is not enough virtual private area storage available to satisfy the request. Note: This error can occur if an installation exit is requesting virtual storage from a V=R region before the system completely initializes the region. 1C During request processing, the system tried to get LSQA virtual storage for VSMs cell pool. There was not enough LSQA virtual storage available. There is not enough virtual storage in LSQA to build a new address queue anchor table (AQAT) stack.




System action: The system issues a message depending on the reason code accompanying the abend: Code 04 08 0C 10 14 18 1C Message CSV003I CSV004I CSV005I CSV007I CSV008I CSV006I CSV021I


10 The system issues an ABEND dump. Application Programmer Response: If the reason code is X'04', this is probably a user error. Make sure that the requesting program was not incorrectly modified. Make sure that the source library was indicated correctly and that the indicated library does contain the requested program. For an alias name, make sure the alias attributes match the attributes of the load module which was already loaded; check the library authorization, RMODE, and alias entry point displacement). Also, check that there are no duplicate aliases or related primary module names in the library concatenation. MVS expects that all module names, and aliases, are unique across every library. Correct the error, and run the job step again. If the reason code is X'14' or X'18', report this completion code to the system programmer. If the reason code is X'0C' or a X'1C', it is a probable user error. Make sure that the DCB for the library is valid and open. Correct the error and run the job step again. System programmer response: For reason code X'08', resubmit the job. Then have the operator enter a


System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: A complete dump is necessary to diagnose this out of storage condition. If no dump was produced, SLIPs should be set to obtain a dump on problem recurrence. An abend 878 can cause this same condition, so both SLIPs should be set as follows:

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


813 830
SLIP SET,COMP=80A,A=SVCD,SDATA=(ALLNUC, PSA,SQA,CSA,LPA,TRT,LSQA,RGN),END SLIP SET,COMP=878,A=SVCD,SDATA=(ALLNUC, PSA,SQA,CSA,LPA,TRT,LSQA,RGN),END Also, check for program errors that incorrectly modify the macro expansion. Correct them. If necessary, change the program to request less virtual storage. Further debugging information may be found in Informational APAR II05506. Source: Virtual storage management (VSM) 813 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of an OPEN macro instruction for a data set on magnetic tape. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC149I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC149I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC149I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 81A Explanation: A request to abnormally end the catalog address space (CAS) mother task was issued either through the MODIFY CATALOG,RESTART command, or through catalog analysis task processing. System action: The system re-drives all catalog requests in process. Source: DFSMSdfp 822 Explanation: During initialization of a job, the initiator could not obtain a region required to run the step. System action: The system issues message IEF085I when the job is an ordinary job. The system issues message IEF186I when the job is a deferred checkpoint restart. Operator response: If more than one 822 abend is received for the same initiator, stop and restart the initiator in which the failing job ran. System programmer response: A complete dump is necessary to diagnose this out of storage condition. If no dump was produced, a SLIP should be set to obtain 830 Explanation: Global resource serialization encountered an error during processing of a DEQ macro instruction. The resource specified by the DEQ is the target of an outstanding ENQ macro instruction with the MASID and MTCB options specified. The task that issued the ENQ macro instruction with MASID and MTCB should issue the DEQ macro instruction before this task. System action: The system issues an ABEND dump. Application Programmer Response: Correct the program so that the DEQ macro instruction is issued only after DEQs have been issued for any outstanding MASID/MTCB ENQs. Recompile and run the job step again. System programmer response: If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump. Source: Global resource serialization a dump on problem recurrence. SLIP SET,COMP=822,A=SVCD,SDATA=(ALLNUC, PSA,SQA,CSA,LPA,TRT,LSQA,RGN),END Also, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Initiator/terminator 82A Explanation: During processing of an ATTACH macro, the system found an incorrect subpool specified by an authorized task with the NSHSPV or the NSHSPL parameter. The authorized task is in system key, supervisor state, or authorized by the authorized program facility (APF). System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the ATTACH macro. The system does not create the new subtask. Application Programmer Response: Change the incorrect parameter. Only subpool 236 or 237 may be specified with the NSHSPV or the NSHSPL parameter. Correct the error. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the assembly listing for the job. Source: Task management


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

837 878
837 Explanation: The error occurred at an end-of-volume for a sequential data set. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC028I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC028I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC028I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 838 Explanation: The system denied an ENQ macro request because of serious damage to the ENQ/DEQ control blocks. System action: The system issues an ABEND dump. Application Programmer Response: Resubmit the job after the system has been re-IPLed. Do the following: 1. Obtain the address of the DEQ parameter list from register 1 in the UNIQUE-3 column of the SVC 30 or SVC 38 entry in the system trace. 2. Check the parameter list against the SVC 30 or 38 mapping. When analyzing the parameter list, remember that the unit control block (UCB) pointer, if present, is the address of a field that, in turn, contains the address of the UCB. If the parameter list contains incorrect data, continue diagnosis in the program that issued the macro. System programmer response: If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND dump. Source: Global resource serialization 85F Explanation: The channel path measurement facility (CPMF) is not available because of a hardware error. Code 4 Explanation A restart was not attempted either because the restart threshold was exceeded or because the hardware error was not recoverable. A restart was attempted but was not successful. 18 System action: The system issues message IRA604I in conjunction with this system completion code. System programmer response: Correlate this event to disruptions in CPMF data collection. A CPMF restart will be attempted at the next system IPL. See further documentation regarding CPMF under IRACPMB in the z/OS Internet Library at os/zos/bkserv/ for z/OS MVS Data Areas manuals. Source: System resource manager (SRM) 878 Explanation: The error occurred when the system was trying to do one of the following: v Satisfy a request made through the STORAGE macro v Process an RU or VRU form of the GETMAIN macro v Process an RU form of the FREEMAIN macro A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 04 08 Explanation There is not enough virtual system queue area (SQA) storage available to satisfy the request. There is not enough virtual common service area (CSA) storage available to satisfy the request. There is not enough virtual local system queue area (LSQA) storage available to satisfy the request. There is not enough virtual private area storage available to satisfy the request. This is due to one of the following: v A program is requesting virtual storage, but not subsequently freeing the storage. v The region size specified is too small. v An installation exit is requesting virtual storage from a V=R region before initialization of the region has completed. 14 A negative amount of storage was specified on a GETMAIN macro. Note: If this error is detected, the calling program abnormally ends even though RC, EC, LC, or VC is specified for GETMAIN, or COND=YES is specified for STORAGE. A negative amount of storage was specified on the FREEMAIN or STORAGE macro. Note: If this error is detected, the calling program abnormally ends even though RC, EC, LC, or VC is specified for FREEMAIN, or COND=YES is specified for STORAGE.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes




87D 8C3
1C During request processing, the system tried to get LSQA virtual storage for virtual storage managements (VSM) cell pool. There was not enough LSQA virtual storage available. There is not enough virtual storage in the LSQA to build a new address queue anchor table (AQAT) stack. A GETMAIN or STORAGE OBTAIN request with the LOC=EXPLICIT keyword specified failed for one of the following reasons: v Part of the requested area was already allocated. v Storage was already allocated in the same page as this request, but one of the following characteristics of the storage was different: The subpool The key Central storage backing A GETMAIN or STORAGE OBTAIN request with the LOC=EXPLICIT keyword specified failed because part of the requested area exceeds the bounds of the region. v The TCB address for the STORAGE macro. Make sure also that the area of storage you are requesting is completely free. If part of the area requested is in a page that is already allocated, make sure that the central storage backing specified on the LOC=EXPLICIT keyword matches that of the allocated storage. 28 Ensure that the calling program specifies the following correctly: v The storage address on the INADDR keyword. v The length on the LENGTH keyword for the STORAGE macro or the LV keyword for the GETMAIN macro. Make sure also that the calling program correctly specifies the value on the JCL REGION keyword. If the JCL REGION value is not large enough for the requested storage area, increase the size of the JCL REGION and resubmit the job. 04-0C, 14-20 Check for program errors that incorrectly modify the macro expansion and correct them. If necessary, change the program to request less virtual storage. Source: Virtual storage management (VSM) 87D Explanation: During processing of an EVENTS macro, the system found that the EVENTS table specified in the event control block (ECB) had no entries available for the posted ECB address. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the EVENTS macro. Application Programmer Response: Ensure that the EVENTS table is large enough to contain entries for all ECBs that can be posted to it. Correct the error. Run the job again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the program listing and the assembly listing associated with the job. Source: Task management 8C3 Explanation: An abnormal end occurred in NetSpool. This system completion code and a NetSpool abend reason code are provided at the time of the dump. See the z/OS Infoprint Server Messages and Diagnosisfor an explanation of the abend reason code. Application Programmer Response: If the error recurs, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for




System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: A complete dump is necessary to diagnose this out of storage condition. If no dump was produced, SLIPs should be set to obtain a dump on problem recurrence. Further debugging information may be found in Informational APAR II05506. An abend 80A can cause this same condition, so both SLIPs should be set as follows: SLIP SET,COMP=878,A=SVCD,SDATA=(ALLNUC, PSA,SQA,CSA,LPA,TRT,LSQA,RGN),END SLIP SET,COMP=80A,A=SVCD,SDATA=(ALLNUC, PSA,SQA,CSA,LPA,TRT,LSQA,RGN),END Also, depending on the reason code, do one of the following: 10 Try increasing the region size specified in the region parameter on the JOB or EXEC statement in the JCL for the job. However, if the cause of the problem is actually that a program is requesting virtual storage and not freeing it, the abend will recur when the program uses the virtual storage in the larger region. 24 Ensure that the calling program specifies the following correctly: v The storage address on the INADDR keyword. v The length on the LENGTH keyword for the STORAGE macro or the LV keyword for the GETMAIN macro. v The desired subpool or key. v The target address space for the STORAGE macro.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

8C4 8C6
the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 8C4 Explanation: During the processing of an automatic restart manager function, JES detected an error. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 04 Explanation Unexpected return code from IEFSSREQ macro. 15 13 An unexpected error was encountered in validating the SSOB and SSIB provided as input to a subsystem function request. An unauthorized caller of the IEFSSI query service requested that the information be returned in storage obtained from an authorized subpool. A caller in cross-memory mode requested a dynamic SSI service.


System action: The system action depends on the reason code: Code System Action

System action: The system issues an SVC dump. Application Programmer Response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump. Source: Functional subsystem interface (FSI) 8C5 Explanation: The Subsystem Interface (SSI) encountered a system or user error when either initializing dynamic SSI services or responding to a dynamic SSI service request issued through the IEFSSI or IEFSSVT macros. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 01 03 04 Explanation The system was unable to obtain storage for the subsystem vector table (SSVT). The system was unable to establish a PC entry table to support internal SSI services. The system was unable to establish the PC entry table to support the dynamic SSI services. An invalid request type was passed to an internal SSI or dynamic SSI service. The system was unable to obtain storage for internal SSI control structures. The MSTR subsystem could not be initialized. An SSI routine was unable to establish an ESTAE. An unauthorized caller requested a dynamic SSI service. All dynamic SSI services with the exception of the IEFSSI REQUEST=QUERY require the caller to be authorized. An SRB mode caller requested a dynamic SSI service A caller holding a lock requested a dynamic SSI service.

01, 03, 04, 06, 07 The system requests a dump and enters a permanent wait state (either code 00B or 00D). 05, 08, 13 A dump is produced. If these reason codes occurred during system initialization, the system may enter a permanent wait state. A user error occurred. A dump is not produced. Operator response: If the system enters a permanent wait state, reIPL the system. Application Programmer Response: The programmer response depends on the reason code: Code 10, 11, 12, 15 Programmer Response Revise the program issuing either the IEFSSI macro or the IEFSSVT macro to ensure that the correct environment is established. Requestors must be unlocked, in task mode, may not be in cross-memory mode, and must be authorized for all requests other than IEFSSI REQUEST=QUERY. Change the requested subpool to an unauthorized subpool.

10, 11, 12, 14, 15

05 06 07 08 10


System programmer response: Analyze the dump to determine why the system was unable to either obtain storage, establish a PC entry table or establish an ESTAE. Source: Subsystem Interface (SSI) 8C6 Explanation: A program attempted to free a CIB control block that was not properly chained for execution. System action: The attempt is rejected, and the CIB is not freed. System programmer response: Using the information
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

11 12


8C7 8FB
that was dumped for the abend (CIB and associated CSCB), identify the program that attempted to free the CIB. Change the program to avoid chaining a CIB that is not valid. IBM recommends using the MODIFY macro for this purpose. Source: Master Scheduler Address Space/SVC 34 07 8C7 Explanation: MVS message service (MMS) processing failed. Due to the error, MMS could not issue an error message to explain the error. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the reason that MMS could not issue the error message. System action: The system abnormally ends all MMS processing with completion code X'8C7'. MMS functions are not available. The system writes an SVC dump. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, enter the IPCS VERBEXIT MMSDATA subcommand to format the SVC dump. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the VERBEXIT MMSDATA output. Provide the reason code associated with the X'8C7' abend code. Source: MVS message service (MMS) 8FB Explanation: One of the following routines detected an error in a subtask: v Converter/interpreter (C/I) v Locate v Main device scheduling (MDS) v JES3 interface A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error. Code 01 Explanation Module IATIIPL detected a subsystem interface error during storage management subsystem (SMS) pre-locate catalog orientation processing. Register 2 contains the subsystem interface return code. Storage management subsystem (SMS) pre-locate catalog orientation processing returned an unexpected return or reason code to module IATIIPL. Register 2 contains the return code from that processing, and register 3 contains the reason code. Module IATLVLC detected a subsystem interface error during storage management subsystem (SMS) pre-locate catalog orientation processing. Register 2 contains the subsystem interface return code. While creating the system work area (SWA), module IATIIII detected an error. The error
z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

occurred when the module was either reading or mapping SWA control blocks. 06 Module IATDMGR detected an error in a JES3 user spool access method (USAM) POINT or WRITE operation. Register 2 contains the return code from the failing operation. Module IATDMGR detected an error during the initialization of either a data set status block (DSS) or a data set block (DSB). Register 2 contains the return code from the failing operation. Module IATDMGR detected a user spool access method (USAM) buffer initialization error. Register 2 contains the return code from the failing operation. While incrementing the JCL statement count, module IATIICX detected an overflow condition. Module IATLVLC detected a subsystem interface error during storage management subsystem (SMS) VOLREF services processing. Register 2 contains the subsystem interface return code. Module IATMDST detected a subsystem interface error during storage management subsystem (SMS) system select processing. Register 2 contains the subsystem interface return code. SMS system select processing returned an unexpected return or reason code to module IATMDST. Register 2 contains the return code from that processing, and register 3 contains the reason code. Module IATSISA detected an error during a PUT operation. Register 2 contains the return code from that operation. The reader/interpreter passed an incorrect return code to JES3. Module IATIISP detected an error during a user spool access method (USAM) PUT operation. Module IATDMGR detected an incorrect function code. Module IATDMGR detected an error in the block spooler. Register 2 contains the return code from the block spooler. Module IATLVLC detected an error in the block spooler. Register 2 contains the return code from the block spooler. Module IATMDST detected an error in the block spooler. Register 2 contains the return code from the block spooler. Module IATSISA detected an error during a GET operation. Register 2 contains the return code from that operation.


09 0A




0F 10 11 12








16 Module IATLVLC detected that the ESTAE service could not set up a recovery environment. Register 2 contains the return code from that service. Module IATMDST could not find a job data set (JDS) entry. Module IATLVLC either could not find a locate request table (LVS), or encountered an incorrect LVS entry. Module IATIIST detected an error during a PUT operation. Storage management subsystem (SMS) VOLREF services returned incorrect information to module IATLVLC. Catalog management (SVC 26) returned incorrect information to module IATLVLC. Module IATIIPL detected that the ESTAE service could not set up a recovery environment. Register 2 contains the return code from that service. Invalid LRSIZE, larger than allowed maximum issued by IATLVLC. Module IATIICX received a return code of 4 from IATUX03 indicating that the JCL limit has been exceeded. Module IATIIST detected a zero for the number of systems eligible to access SMS resources (field SSSABNUM in IEFSSSA). Module IATMDST detected a zero for the number of systems eligible to access SMS resources (field SSSACNUM in IEFSSSA). OAM or SMS subsystem called return code nonzero. OAM or SMS subsystem called SSOB return code nonzero. LIBSERV FUNC=build error. LIBSERV FUNC=call error. LIBSERV FUNC=delete error. SMS subsystem called invalid subfunction. UCBLOOK failure. Also, the system cancels with print the job that the DSP was processing. 03, 04, 06, 07, 08, 0A, 0B, 13, 18, 1A, 1B, 1C The system ends the locate subtask; when the subtasks ESTAE gets control, the system produces a dump. Then, the system cancels with print the job that the subtask was processing. 05 The system ends the address space; when the ESTAE gets control, the system produces a dump. Then, the system cancels with print the job that was processing. The system ends the converter/interpreter (C/I) subtask. When the subtasks ESTAE receives control, the system produces a dump. Then, the system cancels and prints the job that the subtask was processing and reinstates the subtask.

17 18

19 1A

09, 10, 19, 21

1C 1D

1F 20


0C, 0D, 14, 17, 22 The system ends the main device scheduling (MDS) subtask. When the subtasks ESTAE gets control, the system produces a dump. Then, the system either cancels and prints the job that the subtask was processing or places it on the MDS error queue. The system reinstates the subtask. 0E, 11, 12, 15 The system ends the subtask; when the subtasks ESTAE gets control, the system writes a dump. Then, the system cancels with print the job that the subtask was processing. The system ends the job and continues other processing. The system ends the locate subtask.


5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64

0F 16

Operator response: Save all associated print output, and notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Obtain the JCL for the job. For a return code of X'05', rerun the job with the DEBUG=ALL option after a //* PROCESS CI JECL statement. For a return code of X'21', examine the IEFSSSA data area and determine the reason for the zero in the SSSABNUM field. Also, examine the SSSABSAC and SSSABSAR fields (failing service return code and reason code). Notify SMS support. For return code X'22', examine IEFSSSA and determine the reason for the zero in the SSSACNUM field. Also, examine the SSSACSAC and SSSACSAR fields (failing service return code and reason code). Notify SMS support.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

System action: The system action depends on the abend reason code: Code 01, 02, 1D System Action The system ends the generalized subtask; when the subtasks ESTAE gets control, the system writes a dump. Then, with a DM146 abend, the system fails the converter/interpreter or postscan dynamic support program (DSP) that was using the subtask.


905 90A
For all other return codes, examine the print output to find and correct the error. If the problem occurs in JES3 and the return code is an X'05' you should: v Obtain a stand-alone dump of the system by specifying DUMP=PRDUMP on the OPTIONS statement in the initialization deck. v Save the hardcopy log v Provide a listing of the initialization deck (JESOUT) v Determine the MVS and JES3 PTF levels v Rerun the job with //*PROCESS CBPRINT and save the output after interpreter DSP. If the problem is not for X'05', check the JESYSMSG data set for error indications. Source: JES3 905 Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an EC, EU, LC, LU, VC, or VU form of the FREEMAIN macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 04 Explanation The virtual storage area that the FREEMAIN macro tried to release is not on a double word boundary. 100 0C module, is greater than the allowable maximum, which is 32767. The failing program has issued an XCTL(X) request, but the program has an outstanding program linkage that has not completed properly. This commonly occurs when a program issues a program call (PC) and then issues an XCTL(X) request before issuing a program return (PR). An error was detected during processing of a CSVINFO request. It was determined that an Extent List (XTLST) control block contained incorrect information.

System action: For reason codes X'04' X'08', the task ends unless ERRET is specified on the macro. For reason codes X'0C' and X'100', the request is terminated. The system issues a message depending on the reason code accompanying the abend: Code 04 08 0C 100 Message/ABEND Type CSV001I/ABDUMP CSV002I/ABDUMP CSV030I/ABDUMP /SVCDUMP

System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Check for program errors that incorrectly modify the macro expansion. Correct them. If necessary, change the program to request less virtual storage. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) 906 Explanation: A reason code in register 15 identifies the error: Code 04 Explanation An error was detected during the processing of a LOAD macro. The LLE (load list element) count (responsibility count), indicating the number of load requests for a module, is greater than the allowable maximum, which is 32767. An error was detected during processing of a LINK(X), XCTL(X), ATTACH(X), or LOAD macro. The CDE (contents directory element) use count, indicating the number of LINK(X), XCTL(X), ATTACH(X), or LOAD requests for a

Application Programmer Response: Check for program errors, such as endless loops, that cause macros to be run too often. Ensure that the program logic does not permit improper program linkage. After making corrections, recompile and run the job step again. System programmer response: For reason code X'100', search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and logrec entries associated with with abend. For the other reason codes, if the error recurs and the program is not in error, see the system programmer response for the messages in the job log. Source: Contents supervision (CSV) 90A Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an R form of the FREEMAIN macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 04 Explanation The virtual storage area that the FREEMAIN macro tried to release is not on a doubleword boundary.


System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Check for program errors that incorrectly modify the macro expansion. Correct them. If necessary, change the


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

913 930
program to request less virtual storage. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) 92A 913 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of an OPEN macro instruction. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC150I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC150I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated in message IEC150I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 91A Explanation: A request to abnormally end the catalog address space (CAS) service task was issued either through the MODIFY CATALOG,RESTART command, or through catalog analysis task processing. System action: The system re-drives the catalog request currently in process. Source: DFSMSdfp 922 Explanation: During initialization of a job step, after all of the job steps data sets had been allocated, or during termination of a job step, before any of the job steps data sets had been unallocated, the initiators ESTAE routine was invoked for one of the following conditions: v An abend v A program check v Depression of the RESTART key v A machine check System action: The system ends the job step and writes an SVC dump unless the ESTAE routine was entered recursively or was percolated to. The system writes a logrec data set error record, except in the case of an OPEN failure. Job processing continues, subject to normal conditional processing. Application Programmer Response: Submit the job again. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center, providing the SVC dump and logrec data set error records. Source: Initiator/terminator 0C 10 14 18 Explanation: During processing of an ATTACH macro, an environmental error occurred that was not caused by the current task. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error: Code 00 Explanation An error occurred in the extended subtask ABEND exit (ESTAE) SVC issued to establish a recovery environment for ATTACH processing. Storage in subpool 255 was not available for the new supervisor request block (SVRB), subpool queue elements (SPQEs), and parameter save area. An error occurred in SVC 60 (STAI/ESTAI) issued to propagate STAI/ESTAI storage control blocks (SCBs) from the current task control block (TCB) to the new TCB, and to build a new SCB if STAI or ESTAI was specified on the ATTACH macro. The SVC 60 was a STAI entry if the STAI keyword was specified on the ATTACH macro; otherwise, it is an ESTAI entry. An error occurred when the system tried to obtain the local lock. An error occurred when SETLOCK was entered to release the local lock. The parameter list passed to ATTACH processing contains an error. ATTACH is unable to obtain a linkage stack for the task. Detecting Module: IEFIB621



System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the ATTACH macro. The system does not create the new subtask. Application Programmer Response: Run the job again. If the error recurs, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Task management 930 Explanation: A job issued an DEQ macro instruction that included the TCB operand. However, the TCB operand identified a task that was ending. System action: The system writes a logrec data set error record and issues an ABEND dump. Application Programmer Response: Determine why
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


937 9C4
the task identified in the TCB operand was terminated. Correct that error and resubmit the job that caused the abend. System programmer response: If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND dump. Source: Global resource serialization 937 Explanation: The error occurred at an end-of-volume for a checkpoint data set or a RACF-protected data set. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC029I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC029I for complete information about the task that was terminated and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. System programmer response: See the system programmer response for message IEC029I. Source: Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) 938 Explanation: The job issued an ENQ macro instruction that included the TCB operand. However, the TCB operand identified a task that was in the process of ending. System action: The system records the error in logrec data set and issues an ABEND dump. Application Programmer Response: Determine why the task identified in the TCB operand ended. Correct that error and resubmit the job that caused the abend. System programmer response: If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND dump. Source: Global resource serialization 978 Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process one of the following: v A STORAGE macro v An RC or RU form of the FREEMAIN macro A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 04 Explanation The virtual storage area that the FREEMAIN macro tried to release is not on a doubleword boundary. program errors that incorrectly modify the macro expansion. Correct them. If necessary, change the program to request less virtual storage. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) 9C4 Explanation: An abend has been issued by the system data mover function. Register 15 contains one of the following reason codes. You may also receive message ANTX5000E, ANTX5001E, or ANTX5002E with this abend. These messages can contain information that is related to this abend code. Code 4 Explanation The ANTMAIN address space has restarted due to an operator-initiated CANCEL command, or due to an error condition that ended the session. The session can be a concurrent copy, FlashCopy, XRC, or PPRC session. Any program that attempts to access the ANTMAIN address space is ended with this abend condition. Check the results of the ended jobs to determine if data movement was successful before the jobs ended. Resubmit the job if data movement was unsuccessful. The XRC function has detected an error that requires an abend dump to isolate the cause. The reason codes contain specific diagnostic information to help isolate the specific error condition. In all cases, data on the secondary volumes is preserved at a known consistent state as reported by XRC messages. A dump is generated only if the XRCTRAP function is ON. The following are some of the more common reason codes for configuration ration-type errors that can produce 9C4 abend dumps: 10 A record from the storage control cannot be found. 2C An invalid track format error has occurred when writing to a secondary volume. 30 34 The data mover has not read from the storage control for at least the timeout interval specified. The storage control session has been canceled; all XRC volume pairs associated with this storage control must be reinitialized. 38 A storage control logic error has occurred. 54 A nonstandard Record 0 has been detected on the primary volume. The reason codes indicate why the abend was generated. In every case, data on the


System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Check for


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

9C5 9C6
secondary volumes is left in a consistent, recoverable state. The following are some of the reasons why a 9C4 can occur: v A volume has been initialized using an XADDPAIR command with NOCOPY specified, but the volume contents were not identical. v The secondary volume has been updated by a function other than the data mover. The secondary volume must be dedicated to the data mover for all update operations. Other functions may read the volume, but only the data mover can make updates. v Multiple data movers are updating the secondary volume. It is possible that more than one data mover is copying data to the same secondary volume. Only one data mover may have ownership of a secondary volume. v I/O has stopped in a subsystem. I/O may not be active on a primary storage control, secondary volumes, or journal volumes. Activity may be stopped because the subsystem is not accepting I/Os or because of a line failure in a channel extended environment. v A session has been restarted after maintenance has been applied to the data mover system. If incompatibilities exist in the journal, state, or control data sets, a 9C4 abend with reason codes 10 or 2C may result. Ensure that the data sets have been properly allocated before starting or restarting the data mover. System action: The system abnormally ends the task that encountered the abend condition. System programmer response: Register 15 contains the nonzero return code that describes the reason the abend was issued. The abend error may be the result of a hardware- or software-detected error. Search problem reporting data bases for a solution. If no solution exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the console log, the dump data set, and the LOGREC data set error record. The data mover issues the 9C4 abend to freeze the environment for problem diagnosis, and to ensure that the error does not result in data integrity errors. In most cases, XRC suspends one or more volume pairs as a result of the error and the error level specified. You can usually issue an XADDPAIR command to return the volume pairs to the session, and then resynchronize them. In some cases, you may need to issue the MODIFY ANTAS001,RESTART command, followed by XADDPAIR commands, to rebuild the failed data mover sessions. Source: System data mover (ANT). 9C5 Explanation: A NetView RODM abend occurred. The following reason codes describe the error: Code 0 Explanation RODM has cancelled the transaction based on the reply to message EKG132D. Message EKG1326D is issued when there are still transactions running in RODM during checkpoint or RODM termination. System Action:Task is cancelled. 33 A RODM internal error has occurred. System Action:Task is ended. System Programmer Response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 9C6 Explanation: An error occurred when a task or SRB routine called a global resource serialization latch manager service. Notes: 1. In the description of this system code, the term requestor refers to a task or SRB routine that calls a latch manager callable service to: v Request ownership of a latch, or v Release a granted or pending request to obtain ownership of a latch. 2. Equate symbols defined in the latch manager IDFs are followed by their numeric equivalents; you may specify either when coding calls to Latch_Obtain. For example, ISGLOBT_COND (value of 1) indicates the equate symbol ISGLOBT_COND and its associated value, 1. Source: Global resource serialization General purpose register (GPR) 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code that explains the error. xxxx indicates internal information. If Code xxxxyyyy Explanation Some of the 9C6 reason codes indicate internal errors. If the high order bit is on in the second half of the reason code (xxxx8yyy, for example), or if the reason code is not included in the following list, the error is an internal component error. Search problem data bases for any matching problems. If none found, report this problem to your IBM support center. A caller of a latch manager service specified an incorrect value on the latch_set_token parameter.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes



System Action: The latch manager does not perform the requested operation. Programmer Response: Specify a latch_set_token value that was returned by a previous call to the Latch_Create service. xxxx0002 One of the following occurred: v The caller of the Latch_Create service specified an incorrect value on the number_of_latches parameter. This value must be a non-zero fullword integer. v The caller of the Latch_Obtain service specified an incorrect value on the latch_number parameter. The latch_number must be a fullword integer that is in the range between 0 and the number of latches in the associated latch set minus one. System Action: If the error occurred when calling the Latch_Create service, the system does not create the latch set. If the error occurred when calling the Latch_Obtain service, the latch manager does not obtain the latch. Programmer Response: v If the error occurred on a call to the Latch_Create service, specify a non-zero fullword integer on the number_of_latches parameter. v If the error occurred on a call to the Latch_Obtain service, specify a value on the latch_number parameter in the range between 0 and the number of latches specified on the call to the Latch_Create service. xxxx0003 A caller of the Latch_Obtain service specified an incorrect value on the obtain_option parameter. The obtain_option parameter must contain one of the following values: v ISGLOBT_SYNC (value of 0) v ISGLOBT_COND (value of 1) v ISGLOBT_ASYNC_ECB (value of 2) System Action: The latch manager does not obtain the latch. Programmer Response: On the call to the Latch_Obtain service, specify xxxx0007 one of the values listed above on the obtain_option parameter. xxxx0004 A caller of the Latch_Release service specified an incorrect value on the release_option parameter. The release_option must be ISGLREL_UNCOND (value of 0) or ISGLREL_COND (value of 1). System Action: The latch manager does not release the latch. Programmer Response: On the call to the Latch_Release service, specify ISGLREL_UNCOND (value of 0) or ISGLOBT_COND (value of 1) on the release_option parameter. xxxx0005 A caller of a latch manager service specified an incorrect requestor_ID of all binary zeroes. The requestor_ID can be any value except all binary zeroes. System Action: The latch manager does not perform the requested operation. Programmer Response: Specify a requestor_ID that is not all binary zeroes. xxxx0006 A caller of the Latch_Obtain service specified an obtain_option of ISGLOBT_ASYNC_ECB and an ECB_address that was all binary zeroes. When the obtain_option is ISGLOBT_ASYNC_ECB, the ECB_address must be a non-zero address that points to an event control block (ECB). System Action: The latch manager does not obtain the latch. Programmer Response: Specify an ECB_address that points to a valid ECB. A caller of the Latch_Release service specified a release_option of ISGLREL_UNCOND (value of 0). The latch manager did not grant ownership of the latch to the original caller of the Latch_Obtain service. The system did not post the ECB specified on the original call to Latch_Obtain. System Action: The latch manager does not release the latch. Programmer Response: Wait until the system posts an ECB to indicate that the caller of Latch_Obtain has


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

obtained the latch. Then call the Latch_Release service to release the latch. xxxx0008 A requestor called the Latch_Release service before the original caller of the Latch_Obtain service could obtain the latch. System Action: The latch manager does not obtain or release the latch. The Latch_Manager returns a return code of 0 to the caller of Latch_Release. The system passes control to the recovery routine for the caller of Latch_Obtain. Programmer Response: Check the application code to ensure that the correct latch token is passed to the caller of the Latch_Release service. xxxx0009 A caller of the Latch_Release service specified a release_option of ISGLREL_UNCOND (value of 0). The latch manager did not grant ownership of the latch to the original caller of the Latch_Obtain service because the original caller is suspended while waiting to obtain the latch. System Action: The latch manager does not release the latch. Programmer Response: Check the application code to ensure that the correct latch token is passed to the caller of the Latch_Release service. xxxx000A A caller of the Latch_Release service specified a latch_token that: v Did not match a latch_token returned from the original call to the Latch_Obtain service, or v Matched a latch_token for a latch that was previously released or purged. System Action: The latch manager does not release the latch. Programmer Response: On the call to Latch_Release, specify a latch_token that matches a valid latch_token. xxxx000B A requestor called a latch manager service while disabled for I/O and external interrupts. System Action: The latch manager might not perform the requested operation. xxxx0010 xxxx000F xxxx000D xxxx000C Programmer Response: Call the latch manager service while enabled for I/O or external interrupts. A requester called a 31-bit latch manager service while the latch manager service is in a 24-bit or 64-bit addressing mode. System Action: The latch manager does not perform the requested operation. Programmer Response: Call the latch manager service again while running in a 31-bit addressing mode. A requestor called a latch manager service while holding a lock. System Action: The latch manager might not perform the requested operation. Programmer Response: Issue the SETLOCK RELEASE macro to release the lock that the requestor currently holds. xxxx000E A requestor called a latch manager service while in access register (AR) address space control (ASC) mode. System Action: The latch manager might not perform the requested operation. Programmer Response: Call the latch manager service again while running in primary ASC mode. One of the following: v A requestor called the Latch_Release service and specified an incorrect value on the latch_token parameter v An internal error occurred in a latch manager service. System Action: The latch manager might not perform the requested operation. Programmer Response: Check the application code to ensure that the correct latch token is passed to the caller of the Latch_Release service. If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. A requestor the Latch_Obtain service to obtain a latch. The requestor is currently suspended and waiting for
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


the latch. The system is ending the requestor because the latch set job step task (the task that created the latch set) or latch set address space (the address space in which the latch set resides) is ending. System Action: The latch manager does not obtain the latch. Programmer Response: If necessary, call the Latch_Create service to create a new latch set. xxxx0011 A requestor called the Latch_Create service to create a latch set. The maximum number of latch sets allowed by the system has been reached. System Action: The latch manager does not create the latch set. Programmer Response: Identify programs that are creating an unnecessarily large number of latch sets. Correct any problems with those programs. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. xxxx0012 A requestor called the Latch_Create service with an incorrect value on the create_option parameter. The create_option must be a fullword integer with one of the following values: v ISGLCRT_PRIVATE (value of 0), v ISGLCRT_PRIVATE + ISGLCRT_DEADLOCKDET1 (value of 64), or v ISGLCRT_PRIVATE + ISGLCRT_DEADLOCKDET2 (value of 128). System Action: The latch manager does not create the latch set. Programmer Response: Specify a valid create_option on the call to the Latch_Create service. See z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference SET-WTO for more details on the valid create_options. xxxx0013 On a call to the Latch_Create service, a requestor specified a latch_set_name parameter with a value that had a first character of zero or blank. The latch_set_name can xxxx0017 contain any 48-byte hexadecimal value as long as the first character is not binary zeroes or an EBCDIC blank. System Action: The latch manager does not create the latch set. Programmer Response: On the latch_set_name parameter, specify a value with a first character is not binary zeroes or an EBCDIC blank. xxxx0014 A caller of a latch manager service has a PSW key that does not allow access to the latch set storage. System Action: The latch manager does not perform the requested operation. Programmer Response: Call the latch manager service with a PSW key that matches the storage key of the latch set. xxxx0015 An internal error occurred in a latch manager service. System Action: The latch manager does not perform the requested operation. Programmer Response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. xxxx0016 The system could not obtain enough storage for a particular latch set. GPR 2 contains the return code from the STORAGE OBTAIN macro. System Action: The latch manager does not create the latch set. Programmer Response: See the description of the return codes for the STORAGE OBTAIN macro in z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference SET-WTO to diagnose the error. A requestor called the Latch_Obtain service with an incorrect access_option. The access_option must be a fullword integer with a value of ISGLOBT_EXCLUSIVE (value of 0) or ISGLOBT_SHARED (value of 1). System Action: The latch manager does not obtain the latch. Programmer Response: Specify an access_option of ISGLOBT_EXCLUSIVE (value of 0) or


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

ISGLOBT_SHARED (value of 1) on the call to the Latch_Obtain service. xxxx0019 A requestor called the Latch_Obtain service to obtain a latch. The maximum number of Latch_Obtain requests allowed by the system has been reached. System Action: The latch manager does not obtain the latch. Programmer Response: Consider placing limits or the number of tasks or SRB routines that can request latches, or release held latches or requests to obtain latches to reduce contention for resources. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. xxxx0020 A requestor called the Latch_Obtain service to obtain a latch. The requestor ended before the latch manager could finish processing the Latch_Obtain request. System Action: The latch manager does not obtain the latch. Programmer Response: Call the Latch_Obtain service again, if the requestor still requires access to the latch. xxxx0023 A requestor called the Latch_Obtain service to obtain a latch. The user provided invalid latch information. System Action: The system terminates the request. Programmer Response: Correct your parameters and call the Latch_Obtain service again. xxxx0024 The system could not obtain enough storage for a particular latch request. GPR 2 contains the return code from the STORAGE OBTAIN macro. System Action: The latch manager does not perform the requested operation. Programmer Response: Alleviate the virtual storage constraint in the requesters address space and try the request again. System Programmer Response: To diagnose the error, see the description of the return codes for the STORAGE OBTAIN macro in z/OS MVS xxxx002F xxxx0025 Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference SET-WTO. A caller of a 64-bit latch manager service was not in 64-bit addressing mode. System Action: The latch manager does not perform the requested operation. Programmer Response: Call the latch manager service again while in 64-bit addressing mode. xxxx002E A requestor called the Latch_Obtain service to obtain a latch, specifying an access_option of ISGLOBT_EXCLUSIVE (value of 0). The latch has already been obtained by the same unit of work earlier with the ISGLOBT_EXCLUSIVE access_option and it has not yet been released. Note: This reason code can only happen if the ISGLCRT_DEADLOCKDET1 (value of 64) create_option is specified in ISGLCRT. System Action: The latch manager does not perform the requested operation. Proceeding with the requested operation will result in a latch hang condition. Programmer Response: Check the application code to ensure that the first latch has been released via the Latch_Release service before the second latch obtain request is issued. A requestor called the Latch_Obtain service to obtain a latch, specifying an access_option of ISGLOBT_SHARED (value of 1). The latch has already been obtained by the same unit of work earlier with the ISGLOBT_EXCLUSIVE access_option (value of 0) and it has not yet been released. Note: This reason code can only happen if the ISGLCRT_DEADLOCKDET1 (value of 64) create_option is specified in ISGLCRT. System Action: The latch manager does not perform the requested operation. Proceeding with the

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


requested operation will result in a latch hang condition. Programmer Response: Check the application code to ensure that the first latch has been released via the Latch_Release service before the second latch obtain request is issued. xxxx0036 A requestor called the Latch_Obtain service to obtain a latch, specifying an access_option of ISGLOBT_EXCLUSIVE (value of 0). The latch has already been obtained by the same unit of work earlier with the ISGLOBT_SHARED access_option (value of 1) and it has not yet been released. Note: This reason code can only happen if the ISGLCRT_DEADLOCKDET2 (value of 128) create_option is specified in ISGLCRT. System Action: The latch manager does not perform the requested operation. Proceeding with the requested operation will result in a latch hang condition. Programmer Response: Check the application code to ensure that the first latch has been released via the Latch_Release service before the second latch obtain request is issued. xxxx0038 A requester called a latch manager service with one or more inaccessible parameters. System Action: The latch manager does not perform the requested operation. Programmer Response: Ensure that the parameter list is accessible, and try the request again. xxxx0039 A requester called a latch manager service with an incorrect version. System Action: The latch manager does not perform the requested operation. Programmer Response: Ensure that the version for the requested service is valid, and try the request again. xxxx003A A requestor called the Latch_Obtain service to obtain a latch, specifying an access_option of ISGLOBT_SHARED (value of 1). The latch has already been obtained by the same unit of work earlier with the ISGLOBT_SHARED access_option (value of 1) and it has not yet been released. And another unit of work was already waiting for exclusive ownership on the same latch. Allowing the requester to wait for the latch would result in a deadlock. Note: This reason code can only happen if the ISGLCRT_DEADLOCKDET2 (value of 128) create_option is specified in ISGLCRT. System Action: The latch manager does not perform the requested operation. Proceeding with the requested operation would have resulted in a latch hang condition. Programmer Response: Check the application code to ensure that the first latch has been released through the Latch_Release service before the second latch obtain request is issued. Note: Recursive entries into the same routines through IRBs and abend exit can result in the same latch obtained twice. xxxx01yy A requestor called the Latch_Obtain service to obtain a latch. The system found an error when it tried to issue the SUSPEND macro. A return code from the SUSPEND macro (yy) indicates the reason for the error: Code (yy) 8 Explanation A program tried to call the Latch_Obtain service with an obtain option of ISGLOBT_SYNC (value of 0) from an SRB after the SRB abended with code X'47B'. A program tried to call the Latch_Obtain service with an obtain option of ISGLOBT_SYNC (value of 0) from within the SUSPEND exit.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

20 An error occurred in the SUSPEND exit routine. A system error occurred. The system was not able to PAUSE/SUSPEND because a PURGDEQ is pending against the SRB. Only the Purge, Release, or conditional OBTAIN (ISGLOBT_COND (value of 1)) can be used after an SRB has a PURGDQ pending against it. The requested function is not supported after an SRB has abended with X'47B'. Only the Purge, Release, or conditional OBTAIN (ISGLOBT_COND (value of 1)) can be used by an SRB that has been abended by a code X'47B'. 20, 22 (value of 0) from within the SUSPEND exit. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Terminate the SRB processing so the system can complete the PURGEDQ of the SRB. Correct the program so it does not try to call any service other than Purge and Release from an SRB that abended with code X'47B'.

22 FE




For more information about the SUSPEND macro, see z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference SET-WTO. 9C7 Explanation: RACROUTE functions that use tokens (such as VERIFY, VERIFYX, TOKENBLD, TOKENMAP) abend 9C7 when an incorrect token is detected. The following reason codes will be issued with abend 9C7: Code 01 02 04 08 0C 10 14 18 1C 20 24 28 2C 30 Explanation STOKEN area is too small. TOKNIN area is too small. TOKNIN keyword is missing. TOKNOUT keyword is missing. TOKNOUT area is too small. VERSION=0. USERID has length greater than 8. PASSWORD has length greater than 8. GROUPID has length greater than 8. NEWPASSWORD has length greater than 8. EXENODE has length greater than 8. SUSERID has length greater than 8. SNODE has length greater than 8. SGROUP has length greater than 8.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

System Action: The latch manager does not obtain the latch. Programmer Response: Depending on the return code from the SUSPEND macro, do one of the following: Code (yy) 8 Action Correct the program so it does not try to call the Latch_Obtain service with an obtain option of ISGLOBT_SYNC (value of 0) from an SRB that abended with code X'47B'. Correct the program so it does not try to call the Latch_Obtain service with an obtain option of ISGLOBT_SYNC


9FB A03
34 TOKNOUT version is greater than the current maximum. at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set error record, the JCL for the job, and the SNAP dump. Source: Execute channel program (EXCP) A03 Explanation: A task tried to end normally by issuing a RETURN macro or by branching to the return address in register 14. The task was not ready to end processing because either: v The task had attached one or more subtasks that had not ended. v The task did not detach a subtask that it had previously attached with the event control block (ECB) option. System action: The system abends the task. Operator response: If the system or application programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=A03,ACTION=SVCD,END Application Programmer Response: Do the following: 1. If a dump is not produced with the abend, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. 2. From the dump, identify the abnormally ended module from the contents directory entry (CDE) or from the PRBRSV field in the associated RB. 3. If the module is an installation-provided program, change the program so that, before the task ends, all its subtasks will end. A task can determine that its subtasks have ended by specifying event control block (ECB) operands in ATTACH macros that initiate the subtasks, and then issuing WAIT macros that specify ECBs representing the end of its subtasks. When the ECB option has been specified with the ATTACH macro, the task must detach its subtask once notification of subtask ending has been received. Failure to do so will result in this abend. If a WAIT macro had been issued and the ECBs indicated that all subtasks had ended, check for program errors that incorrectly modified the WAIT macros or ECBs. After making corrections, recompile the program. Run the job step again. System programmer response: If the module is an IBM program, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump. Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM)

System action: The system abnormally ends the task. Application Programmer Response: This is possibly a user error. Verify that the token interface is correct. System programmer response: Check the reason code and make sure you pass the correct token in the request. Source: Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) 9FB Explanation: JES3 output service module IATOSDR or IATOSPS abnormally ended an MVS service routine, usually SETPRT, in order to process a JES writer function or an operator command. This completion code does not indicate a program failure. System action: The system continues processing. Source: JES3 A00 Explanation: During processing of an I/O request, execute channel program (EXCP) encountered an error while an appendage was running. Each X'A00' abend code has a reason code that shows which appendage contained the error: Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 Explanation Program controlled interrupt (PCI) appendage Start I/O (SIO) appendage End of extent (EOE) appendage Channel end (CHE) normal end appendage Abnormal end (ABE) appendage Callers page fix appendage

System action: The system abnormally ends the current task. The system writes a logrec data set error record and issues a SNAP dump. Application Programmer Response: If EXCP is being used for I/O operations, this is an error in the appendage identified by the reason code. Fix the appendage and run the job again. If the error persists, run the job again requesting an ABEND dump and then notify the system programmer. System programmer response: In the dump, look at field TCBEXCPD at offset X'C0' in the task control block (TCB) for the current task. TCBEXCPD points to the EXCP debugging area (XDBA). The XDBA contains diagnostic data associated with the EXCP processor. To determine which appendage was active, see the microfiche mapping for data area XFRR of the EXCP/EXFR FRR parameter area. If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

A05 A0A
A05 Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an EC, EU, LC, LU, VC, or VU form of the FREEMAIN macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error. Code 04 08 0C 10 14 18 1C 20 Explanation The system queue area (SQA) storage to be freed overlaps free storage. The common service area (CSA) storage to be freed overlaps free storage. The local system queue area (LSQA) storage to be freed overlaps free storage. The private area storage to be freed overlaps free storage. Part of the CSA to be freed is fixed. Part of the private area to be freed is fixed. The private area to be freed is associated with a data-in-virtual object. The private area to be freed has been specified on the IARSUBSP IDENTIFY request, and is eligible to be assigned to a subspace. The task or service request block (SRB) routine tried to free SQA storage that either overlaps free storage or was obtained by more than one request. The task or SRB routine tried to free CSA storage that either overlaps free storage or was obtained by more than one request. v Check for program errors that incorrectly modify the FREEMAIN macro expansion. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) A06 Explanation: The error was detected during processing of either a LINK(X), LOAD, XCTL(X) or ATTACH(X) macro instruction. Code 04 Explanation A request block (RB) is requesting a serially reusable program. Another RB associated with the task requested the same program, and that request has not yet been satisfied.

System action: The task ends unless ERRET is specified on the macro. The system issues message CSV000I. The system issues an ABEND dump. Application Programmer Response: Change the program to wait until the serially reusable load module is run before issuing the LINK(X), LOAD, XCTL(X) or ATTACH(X) macro for the load module. After making corrections, recompile and run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, see the system programmer for the messages in the job log. If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND dump and the source program listing for the job. Source: Contents supervision (CSV) A0A Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an R form of the FREEMAIN macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 04 08 0C 10 14 18 1C 20 Explanation The system queue area (SQA) storage to be freed overlaps free storage. The common service area (CSA) storage to be freed overlaps free storage. The local system queue area (LSQA) storage to be freed overlaps free storage. The private area storage to be freed overlaps free storage. Part of the CSA to be freed is fixed. Part of the private area to be freed is fixed. The private area to be freed is associated with a data-in-virtual object. The private area to be freed has been



System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Do the following: v Ensure that the FREEMAIN operands do not specify a different subpool and/or key than the subpool or key of the storage you are trying to free. v Ensure that the task control block (TCB) specified on the FREEMAIN request is the same one specified on the corresponding GETMAIN request. v If a caller running in supervisor state and key 0 made the original GETMAIN request, ensure that the corresponding FREEMAIN request is also issued in supervisor state and key 0. If a caller in supervisor state and key 0 requests storage in subpool 0 or 250, the system satisfies this request with storage from a different subpool. This situation is described in z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Reference. v If the storage is eligible to be assigned to a subspace, make the storage ineligible by specifying the storage range on an IARSUBSP UNIDENTIFY request before attempting to release the storage.

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


A13 A1C
specified on the IARSUBSP IDENTIFY request, and is eligible to be assigned to a subspace. 24 The task or service request block (SRB) routine tried to free SQA storage that either overlaps free storage or was obtained by more than one request. The task or SRB routine tried to free CSA storage that either overlaps free storage or was obtained by more than one request. A14 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a CLOSE macro instruction for a data set on a direct access device. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC216I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC216I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC216I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp A1A Explanation: The catalog address space (CAS) modify task ended abnormally because the modify task exceeded the allotted time for processing. The task may have been waiting for some system resource that is permanently unavailable. System action: The system attaches a new task to restore the modify function. Source: DFSMSdfp A1C Explanation: The Device Manager Address Space (DEVMAN) encountered an unexpected error. The reason code is in register 15 at the time the system issues the abend. Code 0001 0002 0003 Explanation The DEVMAN VTOC Convert Routine call to UCBLOOK failed. The DEVMAN VTOC Convert Routine call to DSPSERV to extend the data space failed. The DEVMAN VTOC Convert Routine encountered an unexpected error processing the VTOC DSCBs.


System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Do the following: v Ensure that the FREEMAIN operands do not specify a different subpool and/or key than the subpool or key of the storage you are trying to free. v Ensure that the task control block (TCB) specified on the FREEMAIN request is the same one specified on the corresponding GETMAIN request. v If a caller running in supervisor state and key 0 made the original GETMAIN request, ensure that the corresponding FREEMAIN request is also issued in supervisor state and key 0. If a caller in supervisor state and key 0 requests storage in subpool 0 or 250, the system satisfies this request with storage from a different subpool. This situation is described in z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Reference. v If the storage is eligible to be assigned to a subspace, make the storage ineligible by specifying the storage range on an IARSUBSP UNIDENTIFY request before attempting to release the storage. v Check for program errors that incorrectly modify the FREEMAIN macro expansion. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) A13 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of an OPEN macro instruction for a data set on magnetic tape. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC151I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC151I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC151I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp

System action: The system writes an SVC Dump. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: DFSMSdfp


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

A22 A78
A22 Explanation: A FORCE command requested that a job be canceled, possibly for one of these reasons: v The CANCEL command could not cancel the job. v The system was in a deadlock. For example, two tasks were enqueued on a resource without an intervening dequeue. v An installation-established procedure was violated by the job. There may be nothing wrong with the job itself. System action: The system ends the address space associated with the job. The system ends all tasks running in the address space. Application Programmer Response: Find out why the operator canceled the job and make any necessary corrections. Rerun the job, ensuring that the operator enters a CANCEL jjj,DUMP command, if necessary. Source: Reconfiguration A23 Explanation: The system was trying to process a macro instruction issued by the communications task (COMMTASK). An error occurred because an incorrect address was specified. System action: The system issues messages about the problem. Application Programmer Response: Run the job again. If the error persists, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Console services A37 Explanation: The error occurred during end-of-volume processing. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC015I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC015I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Operator response: Start a generalized trace facility (GTF) trace, and re-create the problem. Reply to message AHL100A with: TRACE=SYS,USR,SLIP On the DD statement for the data set in error, specify: DCB=DIAGNS=TRACE Application Programmer Response: Respond as
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

indicated for message IEC015I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SYSOUT output and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp A78 Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an RU or RC form of the FREEMAIN macro or the STORAGE RELEASE macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 04 08 0C 10 14 18 1C 20 Explanation The system queue area (SQA) storage to be freed overlaps free storage. The common service area (CSA) storage to be freed overlaps free storage. The local system queue area (LSQA) storage to be freed overlaps free storage. The private area storage to be freed overlaps free storage. Part of the CSA to be freed is fixed. Part of the private area to be freed is fixed. The private area to be freed is associated with a data-in-virtual object. The private area to be freed has been specified on the IARSUBSP IDENTIFY request, and is eligible to be assigned to a subspace. The task or SRB routine tried to free either SQA storage that overlaps free storage or SQA storage that was obtained by more than one request. The task or SRB routine tried to free either CSA storage that overlaps free storage or CSA storage that was obtained by more than one request.



System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Do the following: v For reason code X'1C', ensure that the program issued a DIV UNIDENTIFY request before any FREEMAIN or STORAGE RELEASE request. v For reason code X'24' or X'28', ensure that the start address, length and subpool specified on the FREEMAIN or STORAGE RELEASE macro do not contain errors.


v Ensure that the FREEMAIN or STORAGE RELEASE operands do not specify a different subpool and/or key than the subpool or key of the storage you are trying to free. v Ensure that the task control block (TCB) specified on the FREEMAIN or STORAGE RELEASE request is the same one specified on the corresponding GETMAIN or STORAGE OBTAIN request. v If a caller running in supervisor state and key 0 made the original GETMAIN or STORAGE OBTAIN request, ensure that the corresponding FREEMAIN or STORAGE RELEASE request is also issued in supervisor state and key 0. If a caller in supervisor state and key 0 requests storage in subpool 0 or 250, the system satisfies this request with storage from a different subpool. This situation is described in z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Reference. v If the storage is eligible to be assigned to a subspace, make the storage ineligible by specifying the storage range on an IARSUBSP UNIDENTIFY request before attempting to release the storage. v Check for program errors that incorrectly modify the FREEMAIN or STORAGE RELEASE macro expansion. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) A7A Explanation: The system detected an error in the input from an invoker of the Service Processor Interface, or an internal error in MVS. Register 15 contains the reason code in the format X'0000xxrr', where rr is the reason code. Code 06 Explanation The Service Processor Interface is unable to establish the recovery environment. 28 Code 00 04 08 Explanation Operation was successfully performed. The OPERATION requested is not supported by the IATXCNDB macro. An invalid IATXCNDB parameter list was passed to the IATCNDB module. The eyecatcher in the parameter list is not YCNDB An invalid IATXCNDB parameter list was passed to the IATCNDB module. The version indicator in the parameter list was not equal to the the current version. The input IATYCNDB (INCNDB parameter) passed to the IATXCNDB INITIALIZE service did not have CNDB as its eyecatcher. The console id and console name parameters were passed to the INITIALIZE service. These parameters are mutually exclusive. An error return (>4) was received from the call to CONVCON by the IATXCNDB INITIALIZE operation. The IATYCNDB was successfully initialized, but the console name/ID passed to the INITIALIZE routine was not found in the JES3 console table. The IATYCNDB has been initialized with a non-JES3 console type and the console ID and console name passed on the IATXCNDB invocation and returned by MCS. The input IATYCNDB (CNDB parameter) address passed to the IATXCNDB TRANSFER service was zero. The input IATYCNDB (CNDB parameter) passed to the IATXCNDB TRANSFER service did not have CNDB as its eyecatcher. The output IATYCNDB (OUTCNDB parameter) address passed to the IATXCNDB TRANSFER service was zero. The IATYCNDB passed to the VERIFY service did not have CNDB as its eyecatcher. An error return (>4) was received from the call to CONVCON by the IATXCNDB service VERIFY operation. The IATYCNDB was successfully converted to an IATYCNDB at the current release level, but the console name in the down level CNDB was not found in the JES3 console table. The IATYCNDB has been initialized with a non-JES3 console type and the console ID returned by MCS. The input IATYCNDB (CNDB parameter) address passed to the IATXCNDB TRANSCONSID service was zero.








Others The Service Processor Interface detected an unrecoverable error. System action: The system abnormally ends the invoker of the Service Processor Interface. System programmer response: For reason code X'06', determine why the system could not establish a recovery environment. If this cannot be done, or if the reason code is other than one previously listed, search problem reporting data bases for a fix. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Service Processor Interface AC4 Explanation: JES3 encountered an error while processing an IATXCNDB service call which specified (or defaulted to) ABEND=YES. The abend reason code identifies the specific error.

2C 30




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3C The input IATYCNDB (CNDB parameter) passed to the IATXCNDB TRANSCONSID service did not have CNDB as its eyecatcher. The output IATYCNDB (OUTCNDB parameter) address passed to the IATXCNDB TRANSCONSID service was zero. The input IATYCNDB (CNDB parameter) address passed to the IATXCNDB TRANSROUT service was zero. The input IATYCNDB (CNDB parameter) passed to the IATXCNDB TRANSROUT service did not have CNDB as its eyecatcher. The output IATYCNDB (OUTCNDB parameter) address passed to the IATXCNDB TRANSROUT service was zero. The input IATYCNDB (CNDB parameter) address passed to the IATXCNDB EXTRACTCONSID service was zero. The input IATYCNDB (CNDB parameter) passed to the IATXCNDB EXTRACTCONSID service did not have CNDB as its eyecatcher. The OUTCONSID address passed to the IATXCNDB EXTRACTCONSID service was zero. The input IATYCNDB (CNDB parameter) address passed to the IATXCNDB EXTRACTCONSNAME service was zero. The input IATYCNDB (CNDB parameter) passed to the IATXCNDB EXTRACTCONSNAME service did not have CNDB as its eyecatcher. The OUTCONSNAME address passed to the IATXCNDB EXTRACTCONSNAME service was zero. The input IATYCNDB (CNDB parameter) address passed to the IATXCNDB EXTRACTCONSTYPE service was zero. The input IATYCNDB (CNDB parameter) passed to the IATXCNDB EXTRACTCONSTYPE service did not have CNDB as its eyecatcher. The OUTCONSTYPE address passed to the IATXCNDB EXTRACTCONSTYPE service was zero. The input IATYCNDB (CNDB parameter) address passed to the IATXCNDB EXTRACTROUT service was zero. The input IATYCNDB (CNDB parameter) passed to the IATXCNDB EXTRACTROUT service did not have CNDB as its eyecatcher. The OUTROUT address passed to the IATXCNDB EXTRACTROUT service was zero. 80 The input IATYCNDB (CNDB parameter) address passed to the IATXCNDB UPDATE service was zero. The input IATYCNDB (CNDB parameter) passed to the IATXCNDB UPDATE service did not have CNDB as its eyecatcher. An attempt was made to pass the CONSID and CONSNM parameters to the IATXCNDB service for an UPDATE operation. These parameters are mutually exclusive. An error return (>4) was received from the call to CONVCON by the IATXCNDB UPDATE operation. The IATYCNDB was successfully updated, but the console name/ID passed to the UPDATE routine was not found in the JES3 console table. The IATYCNDB has been Updated with a non-JES3 console type and the console ID and console name passed on the IATXCNDB invocation and returned by MCS. The input IATYCNDB (CNDB parameter) address passed to the IATXCNDB RESET service was zero. The input IATYCNDB (CNDB parameter) passed to the IATXCNDB RESET service did not have CNDB as its eyecatcher. The input IATYCNDB (CNDB parameter) address passed to the IATXCNDB EXTRACTCART service was zero. The input IATYCNDB (CNDB parameter) passed to the IATXCNDB EXTRACTCART service did not have CNDB as its eyecatcher. The OUTROUT address passed to the IATXCNDB EXTRACTCART service was zero.





















System action: The IATXCNDB request processing is ended. System programmer response: To determine the error, perform the following: 1. If called from the JES3 main task, locate the ACALL and RETURN trace entry for the IATXCNDB macro. 2. Register 1 of the ACALL trace entry contains the address of the parameter list used by the IATXCNDB macro. The parameter list is mapped by a DSECT generated from an IATXCNDB MF=L call. 3. Use the trace table to locate the module that issued the IATXCNDB macro. Register 14 of the ACALL entry in the trace table contains the return address and register 10 contains the base register. 4. When IATXCNDB is invoked from a users address space, the caller issued a BASSM R14,R15 from the IATXCNDB macro. The registers are then saved on the linkage stack by IATCNDB via BAKR R14,R0. 5. Use the abend reason code to identify the cause of the error.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes







6. Correct the parameter list in the module that issued the IATXCNDB macro. Source: JES3 AC5 Explanation: An unexpected error was encountered during internal RACF processing datasharing or sysplex communication functions. A hexadecimal reason code is given in register 15. Code 03 05 07 Explanation An error occurred when attempting to obtain storage. An error occurred when attempting to free storage. After IXCJOIN, all other members left the data sharing group before the group data set name and range table were received. One reason this can happen is that you are IPLing a system and all other systems in the group were simultaneously re-IPLed. If this is the case, re-IPL your system. Otherwise, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM support center. An XCF service failed during sysplex communication. XCF services failed. RACF will try to restart the RACF datasharing address space. This abend occurs when a system in datasharing mode is put into failsoft mode due to the occurrence of some other error. An internal RACF error has occurred. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 00000002 00000001 AC7 Explanation: A supervisor service was issued in an incorrect environment. Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code. System action: The system ends the current unit of work. Application Programmer Response: Respond according to the reason code: Code 00000000 Explanation/Programmer Response Explanation: The caller of the enqueue timer queue element (TQE) service did not hold the dispatcher lock. Action: Correct the program to obtain the dispatcher lock before calling the enqueue TQE service. Explanation: The caller of the dequeue TQE service did not hold the dispatcher lock. Action: Correct the program to obtain the dispatcher lock before calling the dequeue TQE service. Explanation: The STIMER/STIMERM service detected an error when processing an STIMER/STIMERM WAIT request. Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 00000003 Explanation: An enqueue request for a TQE failed because the TQE to be added is already on the real TQE queue. The original STIMER or SETDIE request represented by this TQE will not occur. For this reason code, register 2 contains the address of the caller of Timer services. Action: Correct the program to not schedule the same TQE twice. 00000004 Explanation: Internal error does not receive a response within one second, the physical log task is terminated with this abend code and log buffers are purged. 2. The DBRC instance required for this instance of ILS has terminated. All remaining ILS instances dependent upon the abended DBRC will wait for that DBRC and abend with reason code X'01'. System action: IMS continues termination. System programmer response: Determine primary cause of failure and take appropriate action.

08 0F 10


System action: A dump is taken in all cases. If the abend occurs in the RACF data sharing address space, the address space will be restarted. If the abend occurs in the master address space, the system will enter failsoft mode. Application Programmer Response: If the abend occurred in the master address space, the system will need to be re-IPLed in order for RACF to be made active again. If necessary, contact your programming support personnel. AC6 Explanation: IMS uses this code when forcibly terminating one MVS task from another MVS task. There are two situations where this occurs: 1. An ESTAE routine has gained control due to an abend in the system. The abended task (ESTAE) attempts to purge the log buffers and signals the physical log task of its intention. If the ESTAE task


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 00000005 Explanation: Internal error Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 00010000 Explanation: The IEAMCPUF macro was issued by an enabled caller. Action: Correct the program so that IEAMCPUF is issued while running disabled. 00020000 Explanation: The affinity service, IEAAFFN, was invoked by a caller in access register (AR) mode. Action Correct the program so that IEAAFFN is invoked in primary ASC mode. 00020001 Explanation: The affinity service, IEAAFFN, could not access the storage containing the callers parameter list. Action: Correct the program so that the storage containing the callers parameter list is accessible. 00030000 Explanation: A name/token callable service, IEANTCRS or IEANTDLS, could not access the storage containing the callers parameter list or parameter storage. Action: Correct the program so that the storage containing the callers parameter list or parameter storage is accessible. 00030001 Explanation: A name/token callable service, IEANTCRS or IEANTDLS, could not access the callers home address space. Action: Retry the request. 00030002 Explanation: The name/token pair callable service, IEANTDLS, found an internal error. Action: Retry the request. 00040000 Explanation: Internal error. Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 00040001 Explanation: Internal error. 00050000 00040004 00040003 00040002 Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Explanation: Internal error. Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Explanation: Internal error. Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Explanation: Internal error. Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 00040005 Explanation: Internal error. Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Explanation: The caller of the SCHEDIRB macro did not hold the local lock. Action: Correct the program so that it holds the local lock before invoking the SCHEDIRB macro. 00050001 Explanation: A program invoked the SCHEDIRB macro with one of the following errors: v The callers cross memory mode was not HASN=PASN, which is required. v The callers ASC mode of AR was correct, but AR1 does not contain the primary ALET. Action: Correct the program so that the cross memory mode is HASN=PASN or PASN=HASN. 00050002 Explanation: The caller of the SCHEDIRB macro specified the RBPTR keyword to schedule a directed interrupt request block (IRB) while in SRB mode. The calling program cannot schedule directed IRBs while in SRB mode. Action: Correct the program so that it is not in SRB mode if you want to

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


specify the RBPTR keyword on the SCHEDIRB macro to schedule a directed IRB. 00050003 Explanation: The caller of the SCHEDIRB macro specified an incorrect task control block (TCB) address on the TCBPTR keyword. Action: Correct the program so that it specifies a valid TCB address in the TCBPTR keyword on the SCHEDIRB macro. 00050004 Explanation: The caller of the SCHEDIRB macro specified an incorrect interrupt queue element (IQE) address on the IQEPTR keyword. Action: Correct the program so that it specifies a valid IQE address on the IQEPTR keyword on the SCHEDIRB macro. 00050005 Explanation: The caller of the SCHEDIRB macro scheduled a directed IRB to the current task. However, the current task is an error task and the error IRB is active. Action: Correct the program so that it does not specify the RBPTR keyword on the SCHEDIRB if the current task is the error task and the error IRB is active. 00050006 Explanation: The caller of the SCHEDIRB macro specified and IQE whose IQETCB field pointed to a TCB which is not valid. Action: Correct the program so that it specifies a valid TCB address in the IQE field IQETCB. 00060000 Explanation: Internal error Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 00070000 Explanation: The request block (RB) chain is circular or there are a very large number or RBs on the RB chain. Action: This may be caused by a loop which caused many RBs to be created. If the source of the problem cannot be determined, search problem reporting data bases for a fix of the problem. If no fix exits, contact the IBM support center. 00080001 Explanation: The space token 00090000 00080009 00080007 00080004 specified via the TARGETSTOKEN keyword on IEAMSCHD is not valid. Action: Retry the request specifying a valid address space token. 00080002 Explanation: The enclave token specified on IEAMSCHD was not a valid token. Action: Retry the request specifying a valid enclave token. 00080003 Explanation: CRYPTO was specified on the FEATURE keyword of IEAMSCHD, but there are no processors with the Integrated Cryptographic Feature online. Action: Explanation: A DIE routine issued IEAMSCHD to attempt to schedule an SRB with PRIORITY=CURRENT. Action: Correct the program so that the routine does not specify PRIORITY=CURRENT on IEAMSCHD. 00080005 Explanation: The space token specified via the PURGESTOKEN keyword on IEAMSCHD is not valid. Action: Retry the request specifying a valid PURGESTOKEN token. 00080006 Explanation: The space token specified via the CLIENTSTOKEN keyword on IEAMSCHD is not valid. Action: Retry the request specifying a valid CLIENTSTOKEN. Explanation: The parameter list for IEAMSCHD is not in the users primary address space. Action: Correct the program so that the parameter list is addressable. Explanation: The caller of IEAMSCHD specified SYNCH=YES but held a lock. Action: Ensure that no locks are held when SYNCH=YES is specified on IEAMSCHD. Explanation: Internal error Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 00090001 Explanation: Internal error


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 00090002 Explanation: Internal error Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 00090003 Explanation: Internal error Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 000A0000 Explanation: Internal error Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 000B0000 Explanation: Internal error Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 000C0000 Explanation: Internal error Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 000C0001 Explanation: Internal error Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 000D0000 Explanation The SCHEDULE macro detected a circular SRB chain. The reason may be that the SCHEDULE macro was issued more than once for an SRB. Action: Ensure that the program does not issue SCHEDULE for the SRB again before the SRB is dispatched. General purpose register 3 points to the SRB. 000D0001 Explanation The PURGEDQ macro detected a circular SRB chain. The reason may be that the SCHEDULE macro was issued more than once for an SRB. Action: Ensure that the program does not issue SCHEDULE for the SRB 00110000 again before the SRB is dispatched. General purpose register 3 points to the SRB. 000D0002 Explanation: Internal error Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 000D0003 Explanation: The SCHEDULE macro detected an SRB which is not valid. The reason may be that the SCHEDULE macro was issued more than once for an SRB. Action: Ensure that the program does not issue SCHEDULE for the SRB again before the SRB is dispatched. The SRB and the associated WEB are recorded in LOGREC. 000E0000 Explanation: Internal error Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 000E0001 Explanation: Internal error Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 000E0002 Explanation: Internal error Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 000F0000 Explanation: Internal error Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 00100000 Explanation: Internal error Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 00100001 Explanation: Internal error Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Explanation: For a call to the Begin_Context service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. The system rejects
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action: Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the program and rerun it. 00110001 Explanation: For a call to the Begin_Context service, the parameters are not addressable. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action: Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the program and rerun it. 00120000 Explanation: For a call to the Delete_Context_Interest service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action: Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the program and rerun it. 00120001 Explanation: For a call to the Delete_Context_Interest service, the parameters are not addressable. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action: Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the program and rerun it. 00130000 Explanation: For a call to the Express_Context_Interest service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action: Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the program and rerun it. 00130001 Explanation: For a call to the Express_Context_Interest service, the parameters are not addressable. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action: Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the program and rerun it. 00140000 Explanation: For a call to the End_Context service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. 00170000 00160001 00160000 00150001 00150000 00140001 The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action: Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the program and rerun it. Explanation: For a call to the End_Context service, the parameters are not addressable. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action: Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the program and rerun it. Explanation: For a call to the Switch_Context service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action: Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the program and rerun it. Explanation: For a call to the Switch_Context service, the parameters are not addressable. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action: Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the program and rerun it. Explanation: For a call to the Retrieve_Context_Interest_Data service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action: Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the program and rerun it. Explanation: For a call to the Retrieve_Context_Interest_Data service, the parameters are not addressable. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action: Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the program and rerun it. Explanation: For a call to the Set_Context_Interest_Data service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. The system rejects


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action: Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the program and rerun it. 00170001 Explanation: For a call to the Set_Context_Interest_Data service, the parameters are not addressable. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action: Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the program and rerun it. 00180000 Explanation:Internal Error Action:Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 00180001 Explanation:Internal Error Action:Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 00190001 Explanation:Internal Error Action:Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 00190002 Explanation:Internal Error Action:Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 00190003 Explanation:Internal Error Action:Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 00190004 Explanation:Internal Error Action:Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 00190005 Explanation:Internal Error Action:Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 00190006 Explanation:Internal Error 00200001 001B0000 0019000B 0019000A 00190009 Action:Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 00190007 Explanation:Internal Error Action:Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 00190008 Explanation:Internal Error Action:Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Explanation:Internal Error Action:Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Explanation:Internal Error Action:Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Explanation:Internal Error Action:Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Explanation:This completion code and reason code are used to permit MVS to take a system dump the first time MVS issues message IEA059E for the current IPL. Action:This reason code should not be treated as an error. Refer to message IEA059E for additional information. 00200000 Explanation:For a call to the Set_Context_Data service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action:Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the problem and rerun it. Explanation:For a call to the Set_Context_Data service, the parameters are not addressable. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


Action:Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the problem and rerun it. 00210000 Explanation:For a call to the Retrieve_Context_Data service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action:Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the problem and rerun it. 00210001 Explanation:For a call to the Retrieve_Context_Data service, the parameters are not addressable. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action:Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the problem and rerun it. 00220000 Explanation:For a call to the Retrieve_Current_Context_Token service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action:Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the problem and rerun it. 00220001 Explanation:For a call to the Retrieve_Current_Context_Token service, the parameters are not addressable. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action:Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the problem and rerun it. 00310000 Explanation: For a call to the Unregister_Resource_Manager service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action: Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the program and rerun it. 00310001 Explanation: For a call to the Unregister_Resource_Manager service, the parameters are not addressable. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. 00360001 00360000 00350001 00350000 00330001 00330000 Action: Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the program and rerun it. Explanation: For a call to the Register_Resource_Manager service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action: Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the program and rerun it. Explanation: For a call to the Register_Resource_Manager service, the parameters are not addressable. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action: Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the program and rerun it. Explanation: For a call to the Retrieve_Resource_Manager_Data service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action: Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the program and rerun it. Explanation: For a call to the Retrieve_Resource_Manager_Data service, the parameters are not addressable. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action: Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the program and rerun it. Explanation: For a call to the Set_Exit_Information service, the parameters are not in the primary address space. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action: Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the program and rerun it. Explanation: For a call to the Set_Exit_Information service, the parameters are not addressable. The system rejects the service call. The system abnormally ends the calling program.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

AC8 B04
Action: Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the program and rerun it. 00360002 Explanation: For a call to the Set_Exit_Information service, the parameters are not addressable. However, the call successfully set exit routines with the exit manager. The system abnormally ends the calling program. Action: Check the calling program for a probable coding error. Correct the program and rerun it. 00400000 Explanation: Internal Error AFB Explanation: While JES3 dynamic support program (DSP) for systems network architecture (SNA) remote job processing (RJP) was executing as a JES3 subtask or under an SRB, a JES3 module IATSNDA, IATSNDE, IATSNDM, IATSNDR, IATSNDT, IATSNDU, or IATSNDV attempted to reuse a still-active request parameter list (RPL). System action: The system cancels the session associated with the RPL and writes a dump. The system continues processing all other sessions, including those associated with the same work station. Application Programmer Response: Analyze the dump to determine which RPL is about to be overlaid and what data is about to be sent or received. Source: JES3 B00 Explanation: During processing of an I/O request, a program check occurred in an execute channel program (EXCP) procedure. System action: The system abnormally ends the current task. The system writes a logrec data set error record. Application Programmer Response: Check the problem program for the error. If the error cannot be determined, run the job again, requesting an ABEND dump. Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: In the dump, look at field TCBEXCPD at offset X'C0' in the task control block (TCB) for the current task. TCBEXCPD points to the EXCP debugging area (XDBA). The XDBA contains diagnostic data associated with the EXCP processor. If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set error record, the job control language (JCL), the program listing, and the assembly listing for the job. Source: Execute channel program (EXCP) B04 Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an EC, EU, LC, LU, VC, or VU form of the GETMAIN macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 04 Explanation The GETMAIN macro requested an undefined subpool.

Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 00400001 Explanation: Internal Error

Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 00400002 Explanation: Internal Error

Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Timer supervision, supervisor control, context services, or registration services AC8 Explanation: Unicode Services detected an error in processing. Code 04 Explanation Unicode detected an unexpected return code from the IEANTRT service and register 3 contains the return code. Unicode detected critical overlay information.


System action: The system abnormally ends the task. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Unicode Services

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


B05 B0A
08 14 The program issuing the GETMAIN macro is not authorized to request system subpools. A local branch entry caller of the GETMAIN macro did not hold the local lock for the address space that is currently addressable. An incorrect task control block (TCB) address was specified on a branch entry request. The address space control block (ASCB) address specified on a branch entry request was not the current ASCB. Using the GETMAIN macro or its equivalent branch entry, the caller tried to obtain disabled reference storage that resides above 16 megabytes. This entry only satisfies requests for storage below 16 megabytes. A program attempted to obtain user key (8-F) storage from a CSA subpool, and ALLOWUSERKEYCSA(NO) was specified in a DIAGxx PARMLIB member. 20 18 1C macro did not hold the local lock for the address space that is currently addressable. Incorrect task control block (TCB) address specified on a branch entry request. The address space control block (ASCB) address specified on a branch entry request was not the current ASCB. Using a FREEMAIN macro or its equivalent branch entry, the caller attempted to free disabled reference storage that resides above 16 megabytes. This entry only satisfies requests for storage below 16 megabytes.

18 1C


System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Depending on the reason code, do one of the following: Code 04 08 Response Ensure that the subpool is not incorrectly specified or modified. If the program requires system subpools, ensure that the program resides in an authorized program library. Specify the correct ASCB address on the FREEMAIN macro. Change the program to request expanded storage. Check for program errors that could modify the parameter list.


System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Depending on the reason code, do one of the following: Code 04 08 Response Ensure that the subpool is not incorrectly specified or modified. If the program requires system subpools, ensure that the program resides in an authorized program library. Specify the correct ASCB address on the FREEMAIN macro. Change the program to request expanded storage. Check for program errors that could modify the parameter list.

1C 20 ALL

1C 20 ALL

Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) B06 Explanation: During input/output activity, a system error task operating in behalf of a user task was abnormally ending. System action: The system reinstates the system error task and abnormally ends the user task. Application Programmer Response: Run the job again. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) B0A Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an R form of the GETMAIN or FREEMAIN macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 04 Explanation The macro tried to obtain or free storage in an undefined subpool.

Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) B05 Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an EC, EU, LC, LU, VC, or VU form of the FREEMAIN macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 04 08 Explanation The FREEMAIN macro tried to free storage in an undefined subpool. The program issuing the FREEMAIN macro is not authorized to free storage in system subpools. A local branch entry caller of the FREEMAIN
z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes



B13 B23
08 The program issuing the macro is not authorized to obtain or free storage in system subpools. A local branch entry caller of the GETMAIN or FREEMAIN macro did not hold the local lock for the address space that is currently addressable. An incorrect task control block (TCB) address specified on a branch entry request. The address space control block (ASCB) address specified on a branch entry request was not the current ASCB. The caller tried to release disabled reference storage using a GETMAIN/FREEMAIN macro with the R operand or its equivalent branch entry. This entry only satisfies requests for storage below 16 megabytes. Disabled reference subpools do not reside below 16 megabytes. A program attempted to obtain user key (8-F) storage from a CSA subpool, and ALLOWUSERKEYCSA(NO) was specified in a DIAGxx PARMLIB member. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp B14 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a CLOSE macro instruction for a partitioned data set opened for output to a member. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC217I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC217I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC217I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp B1A Explanation: The user address space catalog ESTAE module IGG0CLHC requested the abnormal end of the catalog address space (CAS) service task. An abnormal end occurred in the user address space during catalog recall processing. Application Programmer Response: Use the following information to determine the cause of the error: v The SYS1.DUMP produced for this abnormal end. v The SYS.DUMP produced by the abnormal end of the user address space. Source: DFSMSdfp B23 B13 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of an OPEN macro for a data set on an impact printer. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC152I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC152I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC152I. Explanation: A task issued a WTOR macro. Before the operator replied to the WTOR message, a system problem occurred, leaving the message unanswered. System action: The system abnormally ends the task that issued the WTOR. The system issues message IEE824A or IEE824E. Operator response: See the operator response for message IEE824A or IEE824E. Restart the task that ended with abend code X'B23'. Source: Console services
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


18 1C



System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Depending on the reason code, do one of the following: Code 04 08 Response Ensure that the subpool is not incorrectly specified or modified. If the program requires system subpools, ensure that the program resides in an authorized program library. Specify the correct ASCB address on the FREEMAIN macro. Change the program to request expanded storage. Check for program errors that could modify the parameter list.

1C 20 ALL

Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM)


B2D B78
B2D Explanation: A program requested an overlay. In answer to the request, the overlay supervisor was using program fetch to load a program segment from the library. While the fetch recovery routine was processing because of a previous abend, a program check occurred. Note: Overlay programs run only in 24-bit addressing mode, not in 31-bit addressing mode. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that requested the overlay. The system writes an ABEND dump, if a dump DD statement is provided. Application Programmer Response: Check the linkage editor input to be sure the program is designed correctly. Correct the errors; then assemble, link edit, and run the program again. Source: Overlay supervisor 18 B37 Explanation: The error was detected by the end-of-volume routine. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC030I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC030I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC030I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 34 B78 Explanation: The error occurred when the system tried to run one of the following: v An RC, RU, VRC, or VRU GETMAIN macro v An RC or RU FREEMAIN macro v A STORAGE macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error. The reason code appears in the form xxxxxxyy, where xxxxxx is the internal reason for the error, and yy is described in the following table: Code 04 08 Explanation The macro tried to obtain or free storage in an undefined subpool. The program issuing the macro is not
z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

authorized to obtain or free storage in system subpools. GETMAIN or FREEMAIN users must be supervisor state, key 0, or authorized program facility (APF) authorized. STORAGE users must be supervisor state, or key 0. 0C A global branch entry caller of the GETMAIN or FREEMAIN macro tried to obtain or free a nonglobal subpool. The LOC parameter is not valid. Virtual storage manager (VSM) received a request for either a fetch-protected local system queue area (LSQA) or a disabled reference subpool that resides below 16 megabytes. Fetch-protected LSQA and disabled reference subpools are supported only above 16 megabytes. A local branch entry caller of the GETMAIN or FREEMAIN macro did not hold the local lock for the address space that is currently addressable. An incorrect task control block (TCB) address was specified on a branch entry or STORAGE request. The address space control block (ASCB) address specified on a branch entry request was not the current ASCB. The user of the STORAGE macro is disabled. A caller that is not in supervisor state, or keys 0 through 7, specified the ALET parameter or the TCBADDR parameter on the STORAGE macro. The caller violated the STORAGE services locking restrictions by holding a suspend lock that is not the local lock of the target address space. The specified ALET does not translate to a valid STOKEN. The STOKEN does not translate to a valid ASCB; the address space from which the storage is to be obtained or released is not valid for cross memory access. The target address space is the master schedulers address space, which is not the home address space. The target address space is either in the process of ending, or has ended. A user violated serialization requirements by calling global branch entry GETMAIN or FREEMAIN while enabled. A program issued a SETLOCK OBTAIN,TYPE=VSMFIX macro before issuing a VSMLIST or VSMLOC request. The program or an associated FRR issued a GETMAIN,




24 28




3C 40



FREEMAIN, or STORAGE request before issuing SETLOCK RELEASE,TYPE=VSMFIX. 48 A program issued a SETLOCK OBTAIN,TYPE=VSMPAG macro before issuing a VSMLOC request. The program or an associated FRR issued a GETMAIN, FREEMAIN, or STORAGE request before issuing SETLOCK RELEASE,TYPE=VSMPAG. An incorrect subpool was specified on a GETMAIN or STORAGE OBTAIN request with the LOC=EXPLICIT keyword specified. Valid subpools for unauthorized programs are: v 0-127 v 131-132 Valid subpools for authorized programs are: v 0-127 v 129-132 v 240 v 250-252 50 A GETMAIN or STORAGE OBTAIN request failed because the address specified on the INADDR keyword was greater than 16 megabytes and the central storage backing specified on the LOC keyword was BELOW. The virtual storage address specified on INADDR and the central storage backing specified on the LOC=EXPLICIT must be a valid combination. For example, if the address specified on INADDR is for virtual storage above 16 megabytes, specify LOC=EXPLICIT or LOC=(EXPLICIT,ANY). The following combinations are valid: v virtual above, central any v virtual any, central any v virtual below, central below v virtual below, central any A GETMAIN or STORAGE OBTAIN request failed because the address specified on the INADDR keyword was not on an doubleword boundary. Branch entry caller for local storage request is running in AR mode. A program attempted to obtain user key (8-F) storage from a CSA subpool, and ALLOWUSERKEYCSA(NO) was specified in a DIAGxx PARMLIB member. The boundary indicated by the CONTBDY parameter on a GETMAIN or STORAGE OBTAIN request was less than the requested storage area length. CONTBDY or STARTBDY was specified on a variable-length GETMAIN or STORAGE OBTAIN request. CONTBDY or STARTBDY was specified with LOC=EXPLICIT on a GETMAIN or STORAGE OBTAIN request. 6C CONTBDY or STARTBDY was specified with BNDRY=PAGE on a GETMAIN or STORAGE OBTAIN request. Storage overlay detected while freeing storage. VSM processing has recovered this error.


System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Depending on the reason code, do one of the following: Code 04 08 Response Ensure that the specified subpool is not incorrectly specified or modified. If the program requires system subpools, ensure that the program resides in an authorized program library. Users of the STORAGE macro must also switch to supervisor state, or key 0. Note that a global branch entry request can only request global subpools, that is, system queue area (SQA) subpools or common service area (CSA) subpools. An incorrect bit combination for the LOC operand was put into an input register. Ensure that a local branch entry caller holds the local lock for the currently addressable address space. Issue the SETLOCK RELEASE,TYPE=VSMFIX macro before you issue a GETMAIN, FREEMAIN, or STORAGE macro. Issue the SETLOCK RELEASE,TYPE=VSMPAG macro before you issue a GETMAIN, FREEMAIN, or STORAGE macro. Check for program errors that modify the parameter list.



10 14





Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) BC2 Explanation: During the processing of an FSI call, validation of cell failed before returning it to cellpool. Code 04 08 0C 10 14 18 1C Explanation IAZFSIT work area cell pool. FSI trace work area cell pool. Save area across FSI function call cell pool. FSI trace connected FSS chain cell pool. FSI trace connected FSS chain cell pool. FSI trace connected FSS chain cell pool. FSI trace connected FSS chain cell pool.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

58 5C





For all codes, the associated component module is JES common, and the detecting module is IAZFSIT. System action: The system issues an SVC dump. Application Programmer Response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center and provide the SVC dump. Source: Functional subsystem interface (FSI) BC3 Explanation: The JES3 dump job server address space encountered an error. The abend reason code identifies the specific error. Code 01 Explanation The ASEXT macro returned a non-zero return code while the dump job server space was attempting to extract the address space parameters. Registers 2 and 3 when the BC3 abend is issued contain the return and reason codes from the ASEXT macro call. The address of the extracted parameter string returned from the ASEXT macro is zero. The ALESERV macro returned a non-zero return code while the dump job server space was attempting to add JES3s ALET to its access list. Registers 2 and 3 when the BC3 abend is issued contain the return and reason codes from the ALESERV macro call. The ALESERV macro returned a non-zero return code while the dump job server address space was attempting to extract its STOKEN. Registers 2 and 3 when the BC3 abend is issued contain the return and reason codes from the ALESERV macro call. The ALESERV macro returned a non-zero return code while the dump job server address space was attempting to extract JES3s STOKEN. Registers 2 and 3 when the BC3 abend is issued contain the return and reason codes from the ALESERV macro call. The STOKEN associated with the JES3 address space that started the dump job server address space is not the same as the current JES3 address space. The STIMERM macro returned a non-zero return code while the dump job server address space was attempting to setup status monitoring for the JES3 address space. Register 2 when the BC3 abend is issued contains the return code from the STIMERM macro call. The dump job servers ECB was posted with an incorrect function code. Register 2 when the BC3 abend is issued contains the function code. System action: A dump of the JES3 dump job server address and the JES3 address space is taken. The dump job server address space ends and the Dump Job DSP in the JES3 address space that controls the server address space also ends. Application Programmer Response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center and provide the following documentation: v The BC3 abend reason code. v The information in registers 2 and 3 at the time of error (if applicable). v The dump taken by the JES3 server address space. v The SYSLOG around the time of error. v The *CALL DJ command that caused the JES3 dump job server address space to be started. v The dump job DSP log (if available). Source: JES3 BC5 Explanation: The system terminated an address space. Code 01 Explanation The system attempted to rebuild its work unit queues and encountered an address space whose queues it could not rebuild.

02 03


System action: The system ends the address space. System programmer response: If the source of the problem cannot be determined, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM support center. Source: Supervisor Control BFB Explanation: During JES3 abnormal termination recovery processing, JES3 was unable to invalidate the spool space allocation checkpoint record (PTC). The invalidation failed due to an error in the checkpoint access method or an unrecoverable I/O error in the checkpoint data set(s). Message IAT6352 accompanies this completion code. JES3 could not invalidate the spool space allocation checkpoint record (PTC) during JES3 abnormal termination recovery processing. When message IAT1025 accompanies this completion code, JES3 could not invalidate the only copy or both copies of a partition track allocation table (PTAT) during JES3 initialization or after JES3 failsoft processing.






z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

C03 C0D
System action: After issuing the message, JES3 ends. IAT6352 contains the checkpoint access method return code, which identifies the error. If message IAT1025 appears, the system writes an error record to the logrec data set. Application Programmer Response: Using message IAT6352, analyze the return code and correct the error, then restart JES3. For message IAT1025, analyze the error record in the logrec data set and the accompanying messages. In case the error is caused by a bad track, assign another track to the checkpoint data set and restart JES3 with a warm start. Otherwise, reallocate the checkpoint data set and perform a cold start. System programmer response: If the problem occurs in JES3, take a system dump by specifying DUMP=MVS on the OPTIONS card in the initialization deck Make sure that the failing job step includes a SYSABEND statement. Source: JES3 C03 Explanation: A task tried to end normally by issuing a RETURN macro or by branching to the return address in register 14. The task was not ready to end processing because the task had opened one or more data sets that had not been closed. The system received a nonzero return code from Data Facility Product (DFP) indicating one of the following: v DFP returned a nonzero return code. v DFP could not successfully close one or more data sets still open because a previous error or abend had been ignored by a recovery routine or a data control block (DCB) abend exit routine. v DFP could not successfully close one or more of the tasks data sets that was still open because the DCB for the data set had been incorrectly modified. Examples of how the DCB could be incorrectly modified are: A program containing an open DCB issued an XCTL(X) macro. A program freed virtual storage that contained an open DCB. The program modified the DCB incorrectly. System action: The system may issue message IEC999I. Message IEC999I provides the address of the DEB that could not be properly closed. Operator response: If the application or system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=C03,ACTION=SVCD,END Application Programmer Response: Do the following: 1. If a dump is not produced with the abend, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. 2. From the dump, find the data extent block (DEB) from the IEC999I message. The DEB + X'18' points to the associated DCB or ACB. 3. If the DCB or ACB has been freed, then this is a user error. This is a common user error during subtask processing. A user must close a DCB or ACB before freeing the storage where the DCB or ACB resides. If the DCB or ACB has been overlaid, you must determine the cause of the overlay. System programmer response: If the module is an IBM program, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump. Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM) C0D Explanation: An unexpected error occurred. For example , a system component experienced an unexpected program check or perhaps an I/O device returned data that was not expected. This abend may be used for entry into a recovery routine that will capture additional documentation and then attempt retry. In other cases, the C0D abend will be percolated to an application recovery routine or another system component recovery routine. Several components utilize C0D for these unexpected error situations and therefore it becomes necessary to utilize additional information to determine the specific component to determine the exact nature of this unexpected error. Continue reading for additional diagnostic techniques to help identify the nature of your specific instance of this C0D abend. Note: Some Common C0D reason codes are documented below for convenience. This is not an all inclusive list. In most cases you will need IBM assistance to interpret the reason codes based on the specific component which issues the abend. The system may provide a hexadecimal reason code to describe the error. Code Explanation

2A00010x or 2A00020x After a page fixing request that specified a task control block (TCB) address of zero, the system received a corresponding page freeing request with a specific TCB address. The system could not locate the necessary control blocks to process the request. 5E000101 While processing a page fixing
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


request, the system encountered a fixed page that was not backed with central storage. To satisfy the request, the page must be backed. The reason code, if any, and the location at which the C0D ABEND was issued, are shown in an entry of type RCVY ABT in the system trace table. For an indexed sequential access method (ISAM) request, the system found an excess number of error input output blocks (IOB). The probable cause of the problem is that an application neglected to free the dynamic buffers associated with a READ macro. The following reason codes are used by the input/output supervisor HyperSwap function (IOSH): IOSHSAPI 80000002 Attach macro request failure. 80000003 Error attaching subtask. 80000004 ETCRE macro request failure. 80000005 CSVQUERY macro request failure. 80000006 IEANTDL macro request failure. 80000007 IEANTRT macro request failure. 80000008 IEANTCR macro request failure. 80000009 Error removing SSID name from master SSID_Array. 8000000A RESMGR macro ADD request failure. 8000000B RESMGR macro DELETE request failure. 8000000C ENFREQ macro LISTEN request failure. 8000000D ENFREQ DELETE request failure. 8000000F IDENTIFY macro request failure. 80000010 Maximum number of subtask restart attempts reached. IOSHSSUB 80010001 ESTAEX macro request failure. 80010002 NUCLKUP macro request failure. IOSHSENF 80020001 UCBPIN macro request failure. 80010002 NUCLKUP token count error occurred. IOSHSRDR 80030001 IRXEXCOM routine call failure. System action: The system may write a logrec data set error record, may write a dump, and may write messages about the problem. The system issues an abend to the current task. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=C0D,ACTION=SVCD,END Application Programmer Response: For an ISAM request error, fix the program and run the job again. For a problem in obtaining storage, fix the storage request and run the job again. System programmer response: Do the following: 1. If a dump or a logrec data set error record was not written with the abend, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. 2. If you are unable to identify a responsible component from the logrec record symptoms such as CSECT NAME and COMPID, then use additional information from logrec data set records, dumps, or both to identify the component that is the source of the ABEND. See the chapter topics on Recording Logrec Error Records and on System Trace in z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids for details on how to interpret logrec records and System Trace entries. The failing PSW address, in most cases, will reflect the component that issued the ABEND macro. To ensure that the PSW address corresponds to an ABEND macro invocation, refer to the failing instruction text in the logrec record or dump. The failing instruction should have been 0A0D. There are some cases where the CALLRTM TYPE=ABTERM macro is used and this will cause the error PSW instruction address to reference a system or a user program that might be in some kind of wait. Hence, the failing instruction text might be an 0A01 or some other instruction. This might be due to the asynchronous nature of the recovery associated with a CALLRTM. For this case, you will need a dump that contains SYSTEM TRACE.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

C13 C37
3. Search the System Trace for an entry of the type RCVY ABT corresponding to the C0D ABEND, and note the PSW address. Once you have determined the PSW address for the program responsible for invoking the ABEND or CALLRTM macro, use the IPCS WHERE command to find the module name. v If the module is not an IBM module, continue diagnosis with the module. v If the module is an IBM module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the messages, the logrec data set record, the SYSOUT output for the job, and the dump. Source: Code C0D can be issued by many components, including: v Real storage manager (RSM) v Auxiliary storage manager (ASM) v Contents supervision (CSV) v Program Call/authorization (PC/AUTH) v Input/output supervisor (IOS) v Access methods (e.g. BSAM, QSAM) C13 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of an OPEN macro instruction for a concatenated partitioned data set or a graphic device. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC153I (or for graphics, message IEC157I). Refer to the explanation of message IEC153I (or message IEC157I) for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC153I (or message IEC157I). System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the source program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp C1A Explanation: Through the MODIFY CATALOG,ABEND command, a request was issued to abnormally end either the catalog address space (CAS) allocation/unallocation, analysis, or modify task. System action: The system attaches a new task to restore the allocation/unallocation, analysis, or modify function. Source: DFSMSdfp C22 Explanation: The execute channel program (EXCP) processor abnormally ended the job because the maximum number of EXCP/EXCPVR macro requests permitted for an address space was exceeded. The maximum number of outstanding requests is defined in the ASCBXCNT in the address space control block (ASCB). System action: The EXCP processor abnormally ends the job. Application Programmer Response: Check the job for a loop that could result in EXCP/EXCPVR macros being issued repeatedly without intervening WAIT macros. If the reason for the error cannot be determined, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: If the error recurs and an installation provided program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the source program listing for the job. Source: Execute channel program (EXCP) C2D Explanation: A program requested an overlay. In answer to the request, the overlay supervisor was using program fetch to load a program segment from the library. Fetch could not get enough storage for the module or control blocks. Note: Overlay programs run only in 24-bit addressing mode, not in 31-bit addressing mode. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that requested the overlay. The system writes an ABEND dump, if a dump DD statement is provided. Application Programmer Response: Determine why no storage was available. Correct the errors; then assemble, link edit, and run the program again. Source: Overlay supervisor C37 Explanation: The error occurred when an input operation was requested. The data set was on a direct access device. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC033I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC033I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC033I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Source: DFSMSdfp C78 Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process a virtual storage management (VSM) service. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 04 Explanation For the CPOOL BUILD or GET options, there is not enough virtual storage available to build or extend a cell pool. For the CPOOL BUILD or GET options, there is not enough central storage available to build or extend a cell pool. For the CPOOL BUILD or GET options, page tables are paged out for the storage obtained for the pool or pool control blocks. For the CPOOL BUILD GET or DELETE options, an unauthorized user tried to build get or delete storage from an authorized subpool. For the CPOOL BUILD option, an unauthorized caller specified the task control block (TCB) parameter. For the CPOOL GET or DELETE option, an incorrect cell pool identifier (CPID) is specified. For the CPOOL BUILD DELETE or GET option, there is not enough storage available for a modules work area. For the CPOOL BUILD option, an incorrect cell count is specified. For the CPOOL BUILD option, a reserved field in the parameter list is nonzero. For the CPOOL BUILD, GET, or DELETE options, the invoker of the VSM service is in service request block (SRB) mode and problem state, which is not allowed by the system. For the CPOOL BUILD option, the invoker of the VSM service is in SRB mode requesting a local area subpool. However, the invoker did not specify the TCB parameter. A FREEMAIN routine returned a nonzero return code unexpectedly when a task ended. Recovery attempts a retry. For the CPOOL BUILD or DELETE option, the subpool identifier is incorrect. 74 78 38 3C For the CPOOL BUILD option, the LOC parameter is incorrect. For the CPOOL BUILD option, the PSATOLD field points to a TCB that is not in the currently addressable address space. For the CPOOL BUILD option, the invoker of the VSM service holds the VSMPAG lock. This is not valid because the system BUILD routine must obtain the CMS lock, which is lower in the hierarchy than the VSMPAG lock. For the CPOOL BUILD option, the cell size is less than 4 bytes. This is not valid. On a request to free a central or virtual region, the subpool FREEMAIN failed. The address space that is making a request to free a virtual region is nonswappable. On a request to get a real region, the system assigned virtual=real (V=R) storage that VSM allocated in virtual storage. On a request to get a real region, the request for a VSM cell failed. For the CPOOL GET option, BNDRY=QWORD was requested but the cell size is not a multiple of 16 bytes. The system detected one of the following: v The reserved bits of register 15 are not zero. v The storage type indicator passed to VSMLOC is not valid. Valid storage types are the system queue area (SQA) SQA, local system queue area (LSQA), common service area (CSA), and private area. v The size passed to VSMLOC is zero or negative. v The sum of the address passed to VSMLOC plus the size passed is greater than 2 gigabytes. The reserved bits of the VSMLIST parameter list are not zero. The return code field in the work area passed to the VSMLIST routine is not zero (first call) or four (restart). The SP operand of VSMLIST is not valid. The SPACE operand of VSMLIST is not valid. Note: SPACE=UNALLOC is not allowed if SP=SQA, SP=LSQA, or SP=(subpool list) is specified. VSMLIST was invoked again. Control information that was saved in the work area, provided by the caller, is not valid. The TCB address is not valid or not in the currently addressable address space.


44 48 4C 50



54 58




18 1C

20 24 28


7C 80






z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

8C 90 A0 On VSMLIST, the subpool list address is zero. On VSMLIST, the work area size is less than 4 kilobytes. On CPOOL, the primary cell count, cell size or cells per CPU specified is too large. Ensure that the cell count, cells per CPU and cell size values are specified correctly. If they are, decrease one or more values. On CPOOL Build, the secondary cell count, cell size or cells per CPU specified is too large. Ensure that the cell count, cells per CPU and cell size values are specified correctly. If they are, decrease one or more values. CPOOL FREE attempted to free a cell which is already free. Register 2 contains the address of the cell pool. Register 2 plus x1C contains the address of the cell being freed. Register 14 contains the address of the cell pool free requester that results in the system completion code C78. During an address space create operation, RSM returned a failing reason code. In the LOGREC record associated with the abend, register 0 contains the RSM reason code. An unauthorized caller of CPOOL Build specified the MULTIHDR=YES parameter. The caller must be running Supervisor State or PSW Key 0-7 or APF Authorized to use this option. Ensure that the caller has the authority to perform the requested action. VSMPAG lock before issuing the CPOOL macro with the BUILD parameter. 3C Ensure that the program passes the proper TCB address. Notify the system programmer. Ensure that the input registers are properly initialized. Ensure that the information in the work area does not change before the VSMLIST macro is invoked again. Ensure that the TCB specified and all subtasks of the TCB are correct. Ensure that the work area size is at least 4 kilobytes. Ensure that the cell count and cell size values are specified correctly. If they are, decrease one value or both values.


48, 4C, 50, 54, 58 60


| | | | | |





A0, A4

System action: The system writes a logrec data set error record. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Depending on the reason code, do one of the following: Code 04, 08, 0C, 1C Response Run the job again. If the error recurs, notify the system programmer. Ensure that the correct values are specified. Ensure that the caller has the authority to perform the requested action. Ensure that the parameter list is properly initialized. Change the program so it releases the

System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) CC2 Explanation: The error occurred while processing an IXCMSGO macro. Register 2 contains the IXCMSGO return code. Register 3 contains the IXCMSGO reason code. System action: System processing continues. System programmer response: If the problem persists, search the problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the return and reason codes and the dump. Source: Transaction trace.

18, 20, 30, 34, 38, 44

10, 14, 28, 2C, B4

24, 74, 78, 7C, 80, and 8C


Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


CC3 Explanation: This abend code is used by WebSphere Application Server on z/OS. This abend code is used by WebSphere Application Server on z/OS. See WebSphere Application Server on z/OS for further information. CC4 Explanation: This abend code is issued as a part of normal processing by JES2 during task termination when resolving a deadlock condition involving an internal lock. This is not considered an error. System action: Normal task termination continues. System programmer response: None Source: JES2 CC7 Explanation: A work unit (a task or a system service running under an SRB) issued an instruction requiring the presence of an Integrated Cryptographic Feature (ICRF) on a processor that does not have the feature installed. The system was unable to move the work to a processor with the feature. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 further describes the error condition. Code 00 04 08 10 Explanation The work unit was disabled. The ICRF is not available in the processor complex. No processors with the feature satisfy the work units restrictive processor affinity requirements. An unexpected error occurred. 10 v In the SRB (in the SRBCPAFF field) Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, collect diagnostic data and contact the IBM Support Center.

Source: Supervisor control CFB Explanation: One of the following occurred: v During JES3 initialization, JES3 could not attach the JES3 auxiliary task, module IATAUX. ATTACH processing writes message IAT3005 to the console. v After JES3 initialization, the JES3 auxiliary task, module IATAUX, could not recover from an error and abnormally ended. The ESTAI routine in module IATABMN requests a dump of module IATAUX to the SYSABEND or SYSUDUMP data set. System action: JES3 ends. Application Programmer Response: If JES3 wrote message IAT3005 to the console, make sure that module IATAUX is in one of the following: v The library concatenation defined by the JES3LIB initialization statements, if used. v The STEPLIB concatenation defined in the JES3 procedure. v The linklist specified in response to message IEA101A. If JES3 did not write message IAT3005, look in the dump of module IATAUX to find the system completion code for the modules failure. Respond to that completion code. System programmer response: If module IATAUX could not be attached, the system issues messages about the job. Make sure that the failing job step includes a SYSABEND statement. Collect all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. If the problem occurs in JES3 you should: v Obtain system dump by specifying DUMP=JES on the OPTIONS card in the initialization deck and save the output v Provide a console log from initialization v Provide a listing of the JES3 start up procedure, containing all JCL used to start the subsystem. If module IATAUX abnormally ended, the system sends messages about the job to one of the following: v The primary console v The remote console, for a system with remote consoles v The hard-copy log for a system with multiple console support (MCS)

System action: The system ends the work unit. Application Programmer Response: Respond according to the reason code: 00 Correct the program so that the instruction requiring the ICRF is issued while running enabled. Resubmit the job to a processor complex that has the ICRF installed. In a recovery routine, if this condition is temporary, the routine could: v Retry the instruction later v Issue a message to the end users to retry the request later v Terminate the part of the program that requires the feature. Remove the restrictive processor affinity which might have been assigned to the work unit in one of the following ways: v In the program properties table (PPT) (using the AFF keyword in SYS1.PARMLIB member SCHEDxx)
z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes




D04 D0A
Make sure that the failing job step includes a SYSABEND statement. Collect all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Source: JES3 D04 Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an EU, LU, or VU form of the GETMAIN macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 08 Explanation The system could not satisfy a request for local system queue area (LSQA) storage because there is not enough central storage for the control blocks needed to support the request. procedures to decrease the fixed central storage requirements of the system. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) D06 Explanation: A program issued the LOAD macro for a module. The macro included some form of the GLOBAL parameter. However, within the same job step task structure, a task control block (TCB) already loaded the requested module with different variables on the GLOBAL parameter. For example, a program issues the LOAD macro for module MYPROG1 with the parameter GLOBAL=(YES,P). However, a TCB already loaded module MYPROG1 with the parameter GLOBAL=(YES,F) or GLOBAL=NO. If a user tries to load the same module twice - once into a fixed subpool and once into a pageable subpool, or once into global storage and once into local storage, this situation arises. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that issued the LOAD macro abnormally ends unless the macro included the ERRET parameter. The system issues message CSV017I. The system issues an ABEND dump. Application Programmer Response: Change the GLOBAL parameter on the LOAD macro. Resubmit the job. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, see the system programmer response for the messages in the job log. If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the ABEND dump and the source program listing for the job. Source: Contents supervision (CSV) D0A Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an R form of the GETMAIN or FREEMAIN macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 04 Explanation A FREEMAIN request was specified for local system queue area (LSQA) virtual storage that is associated with a task. However, the virtual storage area specified is not associated with the task. The system could not satisfy a request for LSQA storage because there is not enough central storage for the control blocks needed to support the request.

System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: Resubmit the job. If the system issues this abend frequently, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: See installation procedures to decrease the fixed central storage requirements of the system. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) D05 Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an EU, LU, or VU form of the FREEMAIN macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error: Code 04 Explanation A FREEMAIN request was specified for local system queue area (LSQA) virtual storage that is associated with a task. However, the virtual storage area specified is not associated with the task. The system could not satisfy a request for LSQA storage because there is not enough central storage for the control blocks needed to support the request.


System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: For reason code X'04', change the FREEMAIN request to obtain storage owned by the task. Run the job step again. For reason code X'08', resubmit the job. If the system issues this abend frequently, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: See installation


System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


D0D D22
Application Programmer Response: For reason code X'04', change the FREEMAIN request to obtain storage owned by the task. Run the job step again. For reason code X'08', resubmit the job. If the system issues this abend frequently, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: See installation procedures to decrease the fixed central storage requirements of the system. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) D0D Explanation: The system abnormally ended a subtask. While processing the subtasks end, the recovery termination manager 2 (RTM2) was reentered incorrectly. Therefore, RTM abnormally ended all tasks in the job step. Note: The original abend code is in the supervisor request block (SVRB) for the original SVC 13 (ABEND macro). This SVRB is queued from the task that experienced the original error. System action: RTM2 attempts to end the job step. The system may write an SVC dump, or the program may write an ABEND dump. The system sends messages about the problem to the job log. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=D0D,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Do the following: 1. If a dump is not produced with the abend, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. 2. Examine the abend code for the original subtask. This abend code can be found in the SVRB of the original SVC 13 SVRB queued from the task that experienced the error. Continue diagnosis for that abend code. If the problem cannot be resolved, continue with step 3. 3. Look at the messages in the job log. 4. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide: v An ABEND or SVC dump v Messages from the job log v The assembly listing associated with the job Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM) D13 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of an OPEN macro instruction for a graphic data control block. This system completion code is usually accompanied by message IEC158I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC158I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC158I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the source program listing for the job and all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Source: DFSMSdfp D14 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of a CLOSE macro instruction for a graphic data control block. The graphic device to be closed was not opened by the closing task. Application Programmer Response: Issue the CLOSE macro instruction within the same task that issues the OPEN macro instruction, or remove the incorrect CLOSE macro instruction. Then run the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp D1A Explanation: The catalog address space (CAS) analysis task ended abnormally because the analysis task exceeded the allotted time for processing. The task may have been waiting for some system resource that is permanently unavailable. System action: The system attaches a new task to restore the analysis function. Source: DFSMSdfp D22 Explanation: A program issued the MGCR or MGCRE macro (SVC 34) or an operator issued a command. While processing the request, the system detected an error. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code 04 Explanation The request specified both CMDFLAG=SUBSYS and


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

CMDFLAG=COMMTASK. These parameter values are mutually exclusive. 08 On the TEXT parameter, the request specified a length field that is either greater than 126 characters or zero. The request parameter list did not include the control block acronym MGCRE. The request required the CONSID or CONSNAME parameter, but neither was specified. The request specified both the CONSNAME and CONSID parameters. These are mutually exclusive. The request specified a CONSNAME parameter value that does not represent a valid console. The request specified a CONSID parameter value that is out the defined range for a multiple console support (MCS) console. The program is not authorized to issue the MGCR or MGCRE macro. The program must be in supervisor state and PSW key 0-7. Recovery could not be established while processing a command, whether issued by the operator or issued using the MGCR or MGCRE macros. Parameters specified on the MGCR or MGCRE cannot be accessed because they are specified incorrectly. The command abended because the security product took longer than 30 seconds to process the command authorization (RACROUTE). It was causing a wait in the Console main task, which cannot be tolerated. The request specified both CMDFLAG=SUBSYS and CMDFLAG=TSO. These parameter values are mutually exclusive. The request specified both CMDFLAG=TSO and CMDFLAG=COMMTASK. These parameter values are mutually exclusive. The request specified CMDFLAG=TSO, but did not specify CONSID. CONSID is required with CMDFLAG=TSO. The request specified CONSNAME or CONSID and found the console name or ID to be defined, but the control blocks that represent the console could not be accessed. The request parameter list indicated that a UTOKEN address was provided, but the UTOKEN address contains a zero. system does not process the command. If reason code X'2C' was issued, the command will be abended to fail the command. For all other reason codes, the system does not process the MGCR or MGCRE macro. System programmer response: If reason code X'24' was issued, ask the operator to issue the command again. If the problem persists, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. If reason code X'2C' was issued, check the security products database to determine why the RACROUTE is taking longer than usual. For all other reason codes, determine which module issued the MGCR or MGCRE macro: v If the module is installation-provided code, correct the MGCR or MGCRE macro. Recompile and run the job step again. v If the module is an IBM module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the component group for the module at the IBM Support Center. Source: Master scheduler D23 Explanation: An error occurred in processing for a write to operator (WTO) or write to operator with reply (WTOR). Register 15 contains a hexadecimal error code in the format xxxxyyyy. The fields in this error code are the following: xxxx yyyy This halfword is for IBM internal use only. This halfword is the unique reason code identifier. Only yyyy is listed below.

0C 10









The following are the yyyy values and their meanings: Code 0002 Explanation The caller issued a WTO or WTOR specifying an incorrect number of lines. Possible errors: v A WTOR was specified with SYNCH=NO and more than one line was specified v A multiple-line WTO with zero lines was specified v A WTO or WTOR was specified with SYNCH=YES, and more than 14 lines were specified 0003 0004 The parameter list that the caller passed does not reside in storage that the caller can access. The caller requested a WTO or WTOR with a





System action: If reason code X'24' was issued, the

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


text length of zero, or a multiple-line WTO was specified with one of the lines having a text length of zero. 0005 A caller requested a WTO or WTOR with a text length too long for the type of line. The text was truncated to the maximum length for that type of line. A caller that was not in key 0-7 or not APF-authorized requested one or more of the authorized WTO keywords. The caller requested mutually exclusive functions. Examples: v Both CONSID and CONSNAME were specified v A multiple-line message requested incompatible or invalid line types for a line v A WTOR prefix was specified with a WPX 0008 The caller supplied an incorrect parameter list structure. Here are possible reasons: v WPX length was not correct. v WQEBLK parameter was specified with an incorrect WPL. v Zero address was specified for the WPL. 0009 The caller requested a WTO or WTOR with a zero text address, or a multiple-line WTO was specified with one of its lines having a zero text address. The caller specified LINKAGE=BRANCH with unsupported keywords. The caller issued a WTOR with SYNCH=NO and LINKAGE=BRANCH. This processor does not hold the restart resource. The system could not access the action code storage. The system found an incorrect value in the write-to-operator queue element (WQE). The console name is reserved or incorrect. The system was unable to create or expand an SQA cellpool. The return code from the failing STORCSR will be found in yy. A GETCELL for an operator reply element (ORE) failed. The return code from the GETCELL macro will be found in yy. The system could not build a cellpool for an operator reply element (ORE). The return code from the BLDCPOOL macro will be found in yy. The system could not obtain storage for an operator reply element (ORE). The return code from the STORAGE macro will be found in yy. 0060 yy61 0055 0053 yy52 0030 yy40 A write-to-operator queue element (WQE) for an operator reply could not be obtained. A recovery environment could not be established. The return code from the ESTAE macro will be found in yy. A LOADWAIT request failed. The return code from the BLWLDWT service will be found in yy. The system could not obtain needed storage. The return code from the STORAGE macro will be found in yy. When yy equals 00, a WTO multi-line exceeded the maximum 65533 total lines allowed. The WTO multi-line connect was too large. A failure occurred in the data block create routine. The return code from the data block routine will be found in yy. Storage could not be obtained for the dummy SSI control blocks (SSOB, SSWT, WQE, ORE). Processing continues for this message; however, the SSI is not called for this message. The caller requested a function that requires additional parameters. Delayed issued WTO subtask timed out. Delayed issued WTO subtask could not establish recovery, where yy is the ESTAEX return code. Delayed Issued WTO task could not attach a subtask where yy is the ATTACH return code. An internal processing error occurred. The yyy field contains the abend code of the failure.

yy50 yy51



000B 000C 000E 000F 0010 0011 yy12

yy62 Fyyy

Application Programmer Response: Correct the program issuing the WTO or WTOR macro. Recompile the program. Run the job step again. If the problem persists, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. If the reason code is X'0012', then increase the SQA/ESQA values in IEASYSxx in parmlib. Source: Console services D24 Explanation: An error occurred in the Write To Log (WTL) parameter list. Here are the reason codes and their meanings: Code 01 02 Explanation No WTLBLK address was specified. The WTLBLK parameter is not valid. The acronym is not valid.





z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

D2D D82
03 04 The WTLBLK parameter is not valid. The version level is incorrect. The WTLBLK parameter is not valid. The length of the WTLBLK parameter is not correct for the version level. The WTLBLK parameter is not valid. Reserved fields or bits are not zeros. The WTLBLK parameter is not valid. Field WTLBLen does not contain a valid length of the header and text. 08 Code 04 Explanation A FREEMAIN request was specified for local system queue area (LSQA) virtual storage that is associated with a task. However, the virtual storage area specified is not associated with the task. The system could not satisfy a request for LSQA storage because there is not enough central storage for the control blocks needed to support the request.

05 06

D2D Explanation: A program requested an overlay. In answer to the request, the overlay supervisor was using program fetch to load a program segment from the library. Fetch found an incorrect record type in the segment to be loaded. Note: Overlay programs run only in 24-bit addressing mode, not in 31-bit addressing mode. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that requested the overlay. The system writes an ABEND dump, if a dump DD statement is provided. Application Programmer Response: Link edit and run the program again. Source: Overlay supervisor D37 Explanation: The error occurred when an output operation to a direct access device was requested. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC031I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC031I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC031I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp D78 Explanation: An error occurred when the system tried to process an RU or VRU form of the GETMAIN or an RU form of the FREEMAIN macro. A reason code in the SDWACRC field of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA) explains the error:

System action: The system issues message IEA705I. The system abnormally ends the current task. Application Programmer Response: For reason code X'04', change the FREEMAIN request to obtain storage owned by the task. Run the job step again. For reason code X'08', resubmit the job. If the system issues this abend frequently, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: See installation procedures to decrease the fixed central storage requirements of the system. Source: Virtual storage manager (VSM) D82 Explanation: While RACF was processing a RACROUTE REQUEST=AUTH, an error occurred in the RACF storage manager. System action: The system terminates the task. Application Programmer Response: Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code. (Message ICH409I, if issued, also contains this reason code.) Code 04 08 0C 10 Explanation BAD LENGTH: The length of the area to get or free is not greater than zero. BAD ALIGNMENT: The pointer to the area to free is not on a doubleword boundary. DUPLICATE FREEMAIN: The area to free has already been freed. INCORRECT SUBPOOL: The subpool for the area to free is not the subpool in which the area is allocated. INVALID OVERLAP: Part of the area to free equals part of the area allocated, but the match is not correct for either a full or partial FREEMAIN. NOT FOUND: The area to free does not have a corresponding GETMAIN entry in the tracking table, and the caller did not specify that it should not have. FOUND: The area to free has a corresponding




Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


D83 D84
GETMAIN entry in the tracking table, and the caller specified that it should not have. 20 A0 NOT FREED: There is a temporary area still allocated at the end of SVC processing. A RACF module issued a get-space request. However, register 1 is not equal to zero and does not point to a buffer previously created by the program. A RACF module issued a get-space request. However, the subpool in register 0 is not the subpool in which the previously created buffer is allocated. A RACF module issued a free-space request. However, register 1 is equal to zero. A RACF module issued a free-space request. However, register 1 does not point to the buffer previously created by the program. 20 A0 GETMAIN entry in the tracking table, and the caller specified that it should not have. NOT FREED: There is a temporary area still allocated at the end of SVC processing. A RACF module issued a get-space request. However, register 1 is not equal to zero and does not point to a buffer previously created by the program. A RACF module issued a get-space request. However, the subpool in register 0 is not the subpool in which the previously created buffer is allocated. A RACF module issued a free-space request. However, register 1 is equal to zero. A RACF module issued a free-space request. However, register 1 does not point to the buffer previously created by the program.





Identify and correct the indicated error. System programmer response: Using IPCS, format the dump taken for this abend. For an explanation of the dump title, see z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide. D83 Explanation: While RACF was processing a RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY, an error occurred in the RACF storage manager. System action: The system terminates the task. Application Programmer Response: Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code. (Message ICH409I, if issued, also contains this reason code.) Code 04 08 0C 10 Explanation BAD LENGTH: The length of the area to get or free is not greater than zero. BAD ALIGNMENT: The pointer to the area to free is not on a doubleword boundary. DUPLICATE FREEMAIN: The area to free has already been freed. INCORRECT SUBPOOL: The subpool for the area to free is not the subpool in which the area is allocated. INVALID OVERLAP: Part of the area to free equals part of the area allocated, but the match is not correct for either a full or partial FREEMAIN. NOT FOUND: The area to free does not have a corresponding GETMAIN entry in the tracking table, and the caller did not specify that it should not have. FOUND: The area to free has a corresponding
z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Identify and correct the indicated error. System programmer response: Using IPCS, format the dump taken for this abend. For an explanation of the dump title, see z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide. D84 Explanation: While RACF was processing a RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST, an error occurred in the RACF storage manager. System action: The system terminates the task. Application Programmer Response: Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code. (Message ICH409I, if issued, also contains this reason code.) Code 04 08 0C 10 Explanation BAD LENGTH: The length of the area to get or free is not greater than zero. BAD ALIGNMENT: The pointer to the area to free is not on a doubleword boundary. DUPLICATE FREEMAIN: The area to free has already been freed. INCORRECT SUBPOOL: The subpool for the area to free is not the subpool in which the area is allocated. INVALID OVERLAP: Part of the area to free equals part of the area allocated, but the match is not correct for either a full or partial FREEMAIN. NOT FOUND: The area to free does not have a corresponding GETMAIN entry in the tracking table, and the caller did not specify that it should not have. FOUND: The area to free has a corresponding








D85 DC2
GETMAIN entry in the tracking table, and the caller specified that it should not have. 20 44 A0 NOT FREED: There is a temporary area still allocated at the end of SVC processing. Too many actions specified on ICHEINTY macro. A RACF module issued a get-space request. However, register 1 is not equal to zero and does not point to a buffer previously created by the program. A RACF module issued a get-space request. However, the subpool in register 0 is not the subpool in which the previously created buffer is allocated. A RACF module issued a free-space request. However, register 1 is equal to zero. A RACF module issued a free-space request. However, register 1 does not point to the buffer previously created by the program. A8 AC 20 A0 1C a corresponding GETMAIN entry in the tracking table, and the caller did not specify that it should not have. FOUND: The area to free has a corresponding GETMAIN entry in the tracking table, and the caller specified that it should not have. NOT FREED: There is a temporary area still allocated at the end of SVC processing. A RACF module issued a get-space request. However, register 1 is not equal to zero and does not point to a buffer previously created by the program. A RACF module issued a get-space request. However, the subpool in register 0 is not the subpool in which the previously created buffer is allocated. A RACF module issued a free-space request. However, register 1 is equal to zero. A RACF module issued a free-space request. However, register 1 does not point to the buffer previously created by the program.




Identify and correct the indicated error. System programmer response: Using IPCS, format the dump taken for this abend. For an explanation of the dump title, see the z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide. D85 Explanation: While RACF was processing a RACROUTE REQUEST=DEFINE, an error occurred in the RACF storage manager. System action: The system terminates the task. Application Programmer Response: Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code. (Message ICH409I, if issued, also contains this reason code.) Code 04 08 0C 10 Explanation BAD LENGTH: The length of the area to get or free is not greater than zero. BAD ALIGNMENT: The pointer to the area to free is not on a doubleword boundary. DUPLICATE FREEMAIN: The area to free has already been freed. INCORRECT SUBPOOL: The subpool for the area to free is not the subpool in which the area is allocated. INVALID OVERLAP: Part of the area to free equals part of the area allocated, but the match is not correct for either a full or partial FREEMAIN. NOT FOUND: The area to free does not have 0016 0017

Identify and correct the indicated error. System programmer response: Using IPCS, format the dump taken for this abend. For an explanation of the dump title, see the z/OS Security Server RACF Diagnosis Guide. DC2 Explanation: RSM virtual services failed. A DC2 abend will be issued for an invalid request and can be issued for a valid request which cannot be successfully processed by RSM. DC2 abends are today only generated when an IARV64 request is issued. An IARV64 macro invocation to manage storage above 2 gigabytes failed. The 4 byte hexadecimal reason code is in the format xxRRRRyy, where RRRR describes the error. The following are the RRRR values and their meanings: Code 0004 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 Explanation Virtual address specified is not valid. Spin locks held. Local lock held. Subspaces exist in target space. Caller in amode 24. Target address space does not exist. Maximum number of segments have been obtained. Memory limit exceeded. Insufficient free space to satisfy request.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes




0018 0019 001A 001B 001C 001D 001E 001F 0020 0021 0022 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003A 003B 003C 003D 003E Could not obtain storage to manage request. Caller must be authorized to perform request. No memory objects above 4GB have been allocated. Frame/pagefix request conflict. Page is lost. No 64BIT Shared or 64BIT Common storage above 4G has been allocated. Fixed page found. ChangeGuard request in progress for the memory object. User environment has changed (usually after enablement). Memlimit was zero. Pageframesize=1MEG is specified, but large frame area is not available. Parameter list is not accessible. Range list is not accessible. Version is not supported. Range list must be specified. ALET not valid. ALET not allowed for problem program invoker. Unauthorized caller specified CONTROL(AUTH). Key specified is not valid for caller. Bits 031 of user token are non-zero for authorized caller. Bits 3263 of user token are zero for unauthorized caller. Specified MATCH=USERTOKEN and no token specified. No memory objects were found for the specified user token. Memory object were found for this request but none were detached. User token specified does not match the memory object for the specified address. User token was specified, and address specified is for a memory object that was created without a user token. Requested memory object could not be found. Address specified is not valid. OWNER value specified is not valid for caller. Guard size is greater than object size. 005C 005D 0059 005A 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 004E 004F 0050 0051 004B 004C 004D 0047 0048 0049 004A 0044 0043 Caller must be authorized for memory object specified. Memory object not created with CONTROL=AUTH attr; required for this request. A range was specified that is not contained within a single memory object. A range was specified that does not start on a page boundary. TCB TOKEN for calling task does not match TCB TOKEN for memory object. TCB TOKEN specified does not match TCB TOKEN for memory object. TCB TOKEN specified does not map to valid task. TCB TOKEN specified does not map to valid address space. TCB TOKEN specified does not map to valid address space. TCB TOKEN specified does not map to valid task. TCB TOKEN required but not specified. Request not supported. Request to unfix a page that is not currently fixed. The range or starting address specified does not start on a segment boundry. Invalid View was specified. Pageframesize=1MEG/Max is specified, but the caller is not authorized. Pageframesize = 1MEG is specified, but the enhanced DAT architecture is not available. A duplicate UToken already exists for the memory object specified for the address space. Affinity=System Detach already performed. Reserve field not zero. Range or address specified includes shared storage or pages backed by large frames or common storage that is not supported by the service requested. Invalid request for 0 segments. A bad CONVERT parameter specified by CHANGEGUARD. Work area length is too small. There were not enough frames available for backing large pages. IARV64 failed. Parms are not in fixed storage.


003F 0040 0041 0042



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| |
005F 0060 0061 0062 0081 0082 00AA 00AC 00AE Invalid dump priority value (out of range) specified. A range was specified that contains hidden pages. A range was specified that contains protected pages. A range was specified that contains guarded pages. A cross-memory error has occurred. An I/O error has occurred. Unable to access parmlist or workarea. Keyword CONVERTSTART is not allowed on a large page request. AFFINITY=SYSTEM was specified with a MEMOBJSTART address that is not in the 64BIT Common or the 64BIT Shared areas. Internal system error previously detected. The request could not be processed. Inconsistent data. Internal service failed. A page with I/O in progress has no pagefix PCB. Parameter not valid. Duplicate memory object found. Memory object is damaged User Token Block is damaged. Unable to obtain TCB Token. Internal control block damaged. Parameter not valid. Parameter not valid. Internal control block damaged. Memory object detected is not for specified address. Common release failed. Internal control block damaged. Unable to free storage. System Error. 04 05 06 02 03 DC5 Explanation: JES common coupling services (JESXCF) detected an unrecoverable error during its processing. A hexadecimal reason code returned in register 0 describes the error: Code 01 Explanation The parameter list passed to the IXZXIXAT or IXZXIXDT macro service does not have a valid eyecatcher. The parameter list passed to the IXZXIXAT or IXZXIXDT macro service has an incorrect level. The XCF member name passed on the IXZXIXAT macro either contains a character that is not valid or is all blanks. The XCF member name passed on the IXZXIXAT macro contains imbedded blanks. JESXCF validation of the member name on the IXZXIXAT macro failed. The XCF group name passed on the IXZXIXAT macro either contains a character that is not valid or is all blanks. v If the reason code is memory limit exceeded (0016), determine if the MEMLIMIT value for the address space can be raised to accommodate its storage needs. v If the reason code indicates an internal RSM error except common release (00FA), then rerun the job to determine if the error happens again, and collect the appropriate diagnostic information. System programmer response: v If the reason code indicates a parameter or requestspecific error, then correct the parameters the application code uses to issue the IARV64 macro. v If the reason code is common release (00FA), then the application has tried to detach a memory object which contains fixed pages or a task that owns pages which are still fixed has terminated. v If the reason code is memory limit exceeded (0016), and the MEMLIMIT for the address space cannot be raised to meet the applications needed, then the application needs to be changed to reduce the storage consumption within the address space. Source: RSM DC3 Explanation: This abend code is used by WebSphere Application Server on z/OS. This abend code is used by WebSphere Application Server on z/OS. See WebSphere Application Server on z/OS for further information.

00EB 00EC 00ED 00EF 00F0 00F1 00F2 00F3 00F4 00F5 00F6 00F7 00F8 00F9 00FA 00FB 00FE 00FF

System action: The IARV64 request has failed. The system was unable to complete operation requested using IARV64 macro. Operator response: None. Application Programmer Response:

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 The XCF group name passed on the IXZXIXAT macro contains imbedded blanks. Validation of the group name on the IXZXIXAT macro failed. Validation of the IXZXIXAT/IXZXIXDT parameter list failed. An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred. The group token passed on the IXZXIXDT macro contains an eyecatcher that is not valid. The group token passed on the IXZXIXDT macro contains a version number that is not valid. The JES indicator flag bit (WHICHJES) in the parameter list had both or none of the JES flags set. The release in the IXZYIXAT mapping macro is not supported. The release validation of the IXZYIXAT mapping macro returned an unknown reason code. The maintenance level of the IXZYIXAT mapping macro parameter list is not current. An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred. The IXZXIXAT macro failed because the member was already active in that group. The member name specified on the IXZXIXDT macro could not be found. An internal error occurred. The data space could not be created for the IXZXIXAT macro request. JESXCF could not add the JES member to the specified XCF group. The XCF group maximum has been reached. The XCF member maximum has been reached. JESXCF could not add the JES member to the specified XCF group.
z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

24 25

An internal error occurred. The IXZXIXDT macro failed, because it was issued from a different ASCB and TCB than the issuer of the IXZXIXAT macro that created the specified member. An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred, probably because the JESXCF address space was forced and restarted. An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred. An internal error occurred.

26 27 32

33 34 35 36


System action: JESXCF produces a dump for the error (unless the dump is suppressed by DAE), and return code X'C' is returned to the caller of the service. Operator response: Notify your system programmer. System programmer response: If this abend was issued due to an error in an installation invocation of the IXZXIXAT or IXZXIXDT macro, correct the error based on the reason code provided. Refer to z/OS MVS Programming: JES Common Coupling Services for information about using and coding IXZXIXAT and IXZXIXDT. Interpret the return and reason code provided and determine if the problem is due to a configuration error or coding error. If the problem is due to a configuration error, then correct the problem and restart JES. If the problem is due to a coding error, search the problem reporting data bases for a fix to the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center with the return and reason codes and the dump produced by the error. For additional information on dumping the JES and JESXCF address spaces, as well as restarting the JESXCF address space, see z/OS MVS Programming: JES Common Coupling Services. Source: JES common coupling services (JESXCF) DC4 Explanation: An error occurred in processing for either IARCP64 or IARST64. Here are the values and their meanings for IARCP64: Code Explanation

13 14

15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23

xx0410xx (IARCP64AbendRsnCellAddrLow) The cell address passed to the IARCP64 FREE service is within a meg used for storage pools, but the address is less than the address of the first usable storage address.


Action: Correct the address passed to IARCP64 FREE, making sure that it is the same address that was returned from IARCP64 GET. xx0412xx (IARCP64AbendRsnBuildMotherFromCmro) The OWNINGTASK was specified as the mother task, but the caller is running on the CMRO task. This is not supported. Action: Correct the specification of OWNINGTASK. If you need the storage to survive job step termination, then specify RCT as the owner. If you are unauthorized, use OWNINGTASK that is set to either CMRO or JOBSTEP. xx0413xx (IARCP64AbendRsnCellNotInExtent ) The request was to the IARCP64 or IARST64 FREE service, and the address of the storage passed in, is not within the bounds of a cell pool. Action: Correct the address passed to IARCP64 FREE or IARST64 FREE, making sure that it is the same address that was returned from IARCP64 GET or IARST64 GET. xx0414xx (IARCP64AbendRsnBuildNotRctOrCmro ) The parameter list passed to the IARCP64 BUILD service from an SRB or cross memory environment did not specify RCT or CMRO as the owning task. Action: Fix the OWNINGTASK parameter to specify RCT or CMRO. Alternatively, build the pool from a different environment. xx0415xx (IARCP64AbendRsnBuildCellSizeZero ) The parameter list passed to the IARCP64 BUILD service specified the CELLSIZE as zero. Action: Change the cell size to be in the range of 1 to 520 192. xx0416xx (IARCP64AbendRsnBuildNotAuth) The parameter list passed to the IARCP64 BUILD service from an unauthorized caller requested an authorized option: system key, common storage, RCT ownership, MEMLIMIT=NO, MOTKN, TYPE=FIXED or DREF. Action: Either correct the environment such that the caller is authorized, or change the options on IARCP64 BUILD such that it does not request options that require authorization. xx0417xx (IARCP64AbendRsnBuildCellSizeTooBig ) The parameter list passed to the IARCP64 BUILD service specified a cell size larger than the maximum size supported. Action: Specify a size between 1 and 520 192. If a larger storage area is needed, consider using IARV64 REQUEST=GETSTOR or GETCOMMON. xx0418xx (IARCP64AbendRsnBuildKeyNot9) The parameter list passed to the IARCP64 BUILD service from an unauthorized caller, specified a storage key other than 9. Action: Either remove the key specification for an unauthorized caller, specify key 9, or change the program to run in an authorized environment. xx0419xx (ARCP64AbendRsnCellOverRun) The request was to the IARCP64 or IARST64 FREE service, and the trailer data at the end of the cell was detected as being overrun. If the overrun is sufficiently large, it causes damage to the following cell. The caller is abended, so they can fix the code to not use more storage than is requested. Action: Determine whether the storage has been overrun or whether the trailer data was overlaid by some other code. Fix the code so that it only uses the amount of storage requested. Possibly increase the cell size to meet the programs needs. xx041Axx (IARCP64AbendRsnCellNotInUse) The request was to the IARCP64 or IARST64 FREE service, and the address of the storage passed in, is already in the freed state. This happens when an application frees the storage twice. Action: Determine whether the current application is freeing the storage twice or whether it is using a cell that some other program is freeing twice. xx041Bxx (IARCP64AbendRsnNotOnCellBoundary) The request was to the IARCP64 or IARST64 FREE service, and the address of the storage passed in is not on a cell boundary in the cell pool from which the GET request was satisfied. Action: Correct the address passed to IARCP64 FREE, making sure that it is the same address that was returned from IARCP64 GET. xx041Cxx (IARCP64AbendRsnIARV64Error) During processing of IARCP64 BUILD or GET, a call to the IARV64 service for GETSTOR, GETCOMMON, PAGEFIX, or PROTECT failed. The failing return code from IARV64 was placed in register 2 before the abend. The failing reason code from IARV64 was placed in register 3 prior to the abend. Action: Examine the return and reason code as documented under IARV64 to determine if you can resolve the problem.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


xx041Dxx (IARCP64AbendRsnCellPoolHeaderKeyNot0) The cell pool header points to a key 0 control block used to protect cell pool information. The pointer did not point to key 0 storage. This would happen if a caller tried to trick the service into getting storage that the user was not normally allowed to get. Action: Correct the cell pool address passed to IARCP64 GET, making sure that it is the same address that was returned from IARCP64 BUILD. Do not modify the cell pool header, other than through IARCP64 services. xx041Exx (IARCP64AbendRsnHeaderFailedValidityCheck) The cell pool header points to a key 0 control block used to protect cell pool information. The pointer did not point to a valid structure used by IARCP64. This would happen if a caller tried to trick the service into getting storage that the user was not normally allowed to get. Action: Correct the cell pool address passed to IARCP64 GET, making sure that it is the same address that was returned from IARCP64 BUILD. xx041Fxx (IARCP64AbendRsnHeaderDamaged) The cell pool header authorized area was damaged. This could be caused by a storage overlay or by a user deleting a cell pool while other work units are trying to obtain a cell from the pool. Action: Make sure that the application does not request cells during or after the cell pool is deleted. xx0420xx (IARCP64AbendRsnCphaNotQueued) The cell pool header authorized area was not queued to the owning task as expected. This could happen due to storage overlays, or possibly the user doing IARCP64 DELETE while the pool was still in use. Action: Make sure that the application does not request cells during or after the cell pool is deleted. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, collect a dump and contact the IBM Support Center. xx0421xx (IARCP64AbendRsnBuildVersionHigh) The parameter list passed to the IARCP64 BUILD service has a version level higher than the current implementation can support. Action: Correct the call of IARCP64 such that you dont specify a level or use parameters that are not supported on the release of the operating system on which it is intended to run. xx0422xx (IARCP64AbendRsnBuildBadParmlist) The parameter list passed to IARCP64 BUILD is not addressable in the callers key or is not valid storage. Action: Correct the calling program to place the parameter list in storage addressable in the primary address space. xx0423xx (IARCP64AbendRsnBuildNoOwner) The parameter list passed to the IARCP64 BUILD service for a common cell pool does not have an owner option specified. Action: Add the OWNER keyword to the call of IARCP64 BUILD when building a cell pool in common. xx0424xx (IARCP64AbendRsnDeleteNotChained) A request was made to the IARCP64 DELETE service for a user key cell pool. The control information for this cell pool was missing from the system queue used to maintain it. This can only happen if the caller has two tasks racing to delete the same cell pool. Action: Fix the application cleanup logic so that the cell pool is only deleted once. xx0425xx (IARCP64AbendRsnPoolNotInCallerKey) The request to IARCP64 GET or DELETE was against a pool that was not in the key of the caller. Action: You must be in a key that has the ability to modify the pool storage for the request to be processed. xx0426xx (IARCP64AbendRsnPrimaryExtentOverlaid) The request to IARST64 or IARCP64 GET was against a storage pool where the primary extent control information had been overlaid. Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, collect a dump and report the problem to the IBM Support Center. xx0427xx (IARCP64AbendRsnSecondaryExtentOverlaid) The request to IARST64 or IARCP64 GET was against a storage pool where the secondary extent control information had been overlaid. Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, collect a dump and report the problem to the IBM Support Center. xx0428xx (IARCP64AbendRsnUnexpectedError) During processing of IARCP64 BUILD, DELETE or the cell pool expansion on a GET, an unexpected abend occurred. An SDUMP should have been generated.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, collect the dump and report the problem to the IBM Support Center. xx052Axx (IARCP64AbendRsnValidationError) The call to the IARCP64 GET service detected a validation error when locating the storage pool to be used. The possible cause is the storage overlay of the storage pool control block in the callers key. Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, collect a dump and report the problem to the IBM Support Center. xx052Cxx (IARST64AbendRsnCellLT4Gig) The call to the IARCP64 or IARST64 FREE service is passed to a cell address less than 4GB, so it cannot be a valid cell address in a 64-bit cell pool. Action: Pass a storage address that is obtained with IARCP64 or IARST64 GET. Here are the values and their meanings for IARST64: Code Explanation xx041Axx (IARST64AbendRsnCellNotInUse) The request was to the IARCP64 or IARST64 FREE service, and the address of the storage passed in is already in the freed state. This happens when an application frees the storage twice. Action: Determine whether the current application is freeing the storage twice or whether it is using a cell that some other storage is freeing twice. xx041Bxx (IARST64AbendRsnNotOnCellBoundary) The request was to the IARCP64 or IARST64 FREE service, and the address of the storage passed in is not on a cell boundary in the cell pool from which the GET request was satisfied. Action: When freeing storage with IARST64 REQUEST=FREE, make sure to specify the address that was returned by IARST64 REQUEST=GET. xx041Cxx (IARST64AbendRsnIARV64Error) During processing of IARST64 GET, a call to the IARV64 service for GETSTOR, GETCOMMON, PAGEFIX, or PROTECT failed. The failing return code from IARV64 was placed in register 2 before the abend. The failing reason code from IARV64 was placed in register 3 before the abend. Action: Examine the return and reason code as documented under IARV64 to determine if you can resolve the problem. xx0420xx (IARST64AbendRsnCphaNotQueue) The cell pool header authorized area was not queued to the owning task as expected. This could happen due to storage overlays or the caller bypassing the IARST64 macro and PCing directly to the service with incorrect input paramters. Action: Make sure that the application is using the IARST64 macro to request storage. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, collect a dump and contact the IBM Support Center. xx0425xx (IARST64AbendRsnPoolNotInCallerKey) The request to IARST64 GET was against a storage pool that was not in the key of the caller. Normally, this abends with an 0C4, but if the pool is out of cells and is in storage that is not fetch protected, the pool expand routine verifies that the caller is allowed to modify this storage pool. Action: You must be in a key that has the ability to modify the pool storage for the request to be processed.

xx0410xx (IARST64AbendRsnCellAddrLow The storage address passed to the IARST64 FREE service is within a meg used for storage pools, but the address is less than the address of the first usable storage address. Action: Correct the address passed to IARST64 FREE, making sure that it is the same address that was returned from IARST64 GET. xx0413xx (IARST64AbendRsnCellNotInExtent) The request was to the IARCP64 or IARST64 FREE service, and the address of the storage passed in is not within the bounds of a cell pool. Action: The address passed to IARST64 REQUEST=FREE must be the same as the address obtained from IARST64 REQUEST=GET. xx0419xx (IARST64AbendRsnCellOverRun) The request was to the IARCP64 or IARST64 FREE service, and the trailer data at the end of the cell was detected as being overrun. If the overrun is sufficiently large, it causes damage to the following cell. The caller is abended so that they can fix the code to not use more storage than is requested. Action: Determine whether the storage has been overrun or whether the trailer data was overlaid by some other code. Fix the code so that it only uses the amount of storage requested.

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


xx0426xx (IARST64AbendRsnPrimaryExtentOverlaid) The request to IARST64 or IARCP64 GET was against a storage pool where the primary extent control information had been overlaid. Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, collect a dump and report the problem to the IBM Support Center. xx0427xx (IARST64AbendRsnSecondaryExtentOverlaid) The request to IARST64 or IARCP64 GET was against a storage pool where the secondary extent control information had been overlaid. Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, collect a dump and report the problem to the IBM Support Center. xx0428xx (IARST64AbendRsnUnexpectedError) During processing of IARST64 GET, an unexpected abend occurred. An SDUMP should have been generated. Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, collect the dump and report the problem to the IBM Support Center. xx0511xx (IARST64AbendRsnKeyGT7Common) The request to IARST64 GET was for common storage, but the requested or caller key was greater than key 7. You cannot allocate common storage in key 8 or above. Action: Correct the key passed to IARST64 GET or change your request to get private storage. xx0512xx (IARST64AbendRsnGetMotherFromCmro) The request was to the IARST64 GET service and specified OWNINGTASK(MOTHER), but the caller is running on the CMRO task. You cannot request that the mother task be the storage owner from the CMRO task. Action: Either specify CMRO as the owner or specify RCT if you want the storage to persist across termination of the CMRO. xx0514xx (IARST64AbendRsnGetNotRctOrCmro) The request was to the IARST64 GET service for private storage, and the caller was running in cross memory mode or SRB mode. In these environments, the OWNINGTASK parameter must be set to RCT or CMRO. Neither of these was specified, so the request failed. Action: Specify the OWNINGTASK parameter as RCT or CMRO. xx0515xx (IARST64AbendRsnGetCellSizeZero) The request was to the IARST64 GET service and specified a length of zero. Action: Specify a length between 1 and 64 KB. xx0516xx (IARST64AbendRsnGetNotAuth) The request was to the IARST64 GET service and specified a parameter that requires the caller to be running in key 0-7. The caller is not authorized to use authorized options of COMMON, DREF, FIXED, OWNINGTASK(RCT), CALLERKEY(NO), and Key00ToF0 set to a system key. Action: Either run the code in key 0-7 or do not use authorized options. xx0517xx (IARST64AbendRsnGetCellSizeTooBig) The request was to the IARST64 GET service and specified a length greater than 64 KB. Action: Specify a size between 1 and 64 KB. If larger storage is needed, consider using IARCP64 or IARV64 GETSTOR or GETCOMMON. xx0518xx (IARST64AbendRsnGetKeyNot9) The request was to the IARST64 GET service and specified a CALLERKEY(NO) and a value for Key00ToF0 that was not key 9, and the caller is not authorized. Action: The only key that an unauthorized user can specify is key 9. Either request key 9 or change the specification to CALLERKEY(YES). xx0529xx (IARST64AbendRsnGetSizeTooBig) The call to the IARST64 GET service specified a cell size larger than the maximum size supported. Action: Specify a size between 1 and 64 KB. If a larger storage area is needed, consider using IARCP64 or IARV64 REQUEST=GETSTOR or GETCOMMON. xx052Axx (IARST64AbendRsnValidationError) The call to the IARST64 GET service detected a validation error when locating the storage pool to be used. The possible cause is the storage overlay of the storage pool control block in the callers key. Action: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, collect a dump and report the problem to the IBM Support Center. xx052Bxx (IARST64AbendRsnMemLimitNoUnauth ) The call to the IARST64 GET service requested MEMLIMIT=NO, but is running unauthorized (key 8-15 and problem program state). Action: Either specify MEMLIMIT=YES or call from an authorized environment.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

xx052Cxx IARST64AbendRsnCellLT4Gig The call to the IARCP64 or IARST64 FREE service is passed to a cell address less than 4GB, so it cannot be a valid cell address in a 64-bit cell pool. Action: Pass a storage address that was obtained with IARCP64 or IARST64 GET. System action: The abend is delivered to the applications recovery routine (if any). The application can retry or percolate. Operator response: None. Application Programmer Response: The programmer needs to determine whether the problem was caused by bad input, improper use of authorized option, a structure damaged by the application, or a defect in the service. For user-triggered problems, correct the error. For suspected damaged control blocks, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, collect a dump and contact the IBM Support Center. System programmer response: None. Problem determination: If the caller is authorized, some of the abends trigger a system SVC DUMP. For unauthorized callers, no dump will be taken. You can either allocate a SYSMDUMP DD to gather a SYSMDUMP or use a SLIP on DC4 abends to collect a dump. Detecting Module: IAXCV, IAXCY, or IAXSV DC7 Explanation: While running the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler, the system found an unrecoverable error. A reason code further describes the error: Code 01 Explanation A CLASSADD statement in parmlib tried to modify the characteristics of a class that already existed. The system found an incorrect transaction scheduling type for a transaction program (TP). The system could not run the Resource Access Control Facility (RACF). The system could not create a security environment. The system could not delete the security environment. The system could not obtain SYSOUT and accounting information from RACF. The GETTRANS service could not notify system management of a new TP. An internal error occurred. 57 59-65 44 35 21, 22, 23 The system could not initialize the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler. 24, 25 28-32 33 34 The system could not create a new ASCH initiator. An internal error occurred. The system could not obtain a transaction from APPC. The system could not initialize the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler. An attempt was made to start the ASCH address space by something other than a START command. The system could not initialize the ASCH. An internal error occurred. The system could not create a new ASCH initiator. While APPC was active, the system could not initialize ASCH. The system could not verify the subsystem specified on the SUBSYS keyword in the current parmlib configuration. While the system was processing a DISPLAY ASCH command, an error occurred. When the system tried to invoke the APPC associate service, an error occurred. The system could not verify the subsystem specified on the SUBSYS keyword in the current parmlib configuration.

36 37 38-41 42, 43

45 46 47

48, 49, 50 After being notified that APPC was active, the system could not initialize the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler. 51 The ASCH failed while it was ending.

03 04 05 07 08 10 11-20

52, 53, 54 The system could not initialize the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler. 56 After being notified that APPC was active, the system could not initialize the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler. The system could not initialize the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler. An internal error occurred.

System action: Depending on the reason code, one of following: Code 01 System Action The system does not process the incorrect CLASSADD statement. Other processing continues.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


03 The APPC scheduler does not schedule the TP. The initiator address space where the TP should have run ends. The requestor of the TP receives a return code indicating that the conversation was deallocated. Unpredictable. The initiator address space where the TP was scheduled to run ends. The requestor of the TP receives a return code indicating that the conversation was deallocated. If the TP provided recovery, recovery receives control. Otherwise, the TP ends. Unpredictable. The APPC/MVS transaction scheduler ends. No restart is possible. The system continues processing with the existing initiator. The system continues processing. If this error occurs again in a certain time period, the system attempts an automatic restart. If restart is unsuccessful, the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler ends. Unpredictable. The system continues processing. If this error occurs again in a certain time period, the system attempts an automatic restart. If restart is unsuccessful, the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler ends. The APPC/MVS transaction scheduler ends. No restart is possible. The system does not initialize the ASCH address space. The APPC/MVS transaction scheduler ends. No restart is possible. The system continues processing with the existing initiator. The system automatically attempts a restart. If this error occurs again, the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler ends. The system continues processing with the existing initiator. The system rejects the DISPLAY ASCH command. The system continues processing. The requestor of the transaction receives a return code indicating that the conversation was deallocated. The system continues processing with the existing initiator. The system automatically attempts a restart. If 26 27 this error occurs again, the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler ends. 51-55 56 The APPC/MVS transaction scheduler ends. No restart is possible. The system automatically attempts a restart. If this error occurs again, the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler ends. The APPC/MVS transaction scheduler ends. No restart is possible. Unpredictable. The system continues processing. The system automatically attempts a restart. If this error occurs again, the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler ends.

04-07 08

57 58-60 61, 62 63, 64

10 11-20 21-23 24-25 26-27

Operator response: Depending on the reason code, do one of the following: Code Explanation

01, 03, 04 Enter a DISPLAY ASCH command to find the incorrect CLASSADD statement. Notify the system programmer. 08 Contact the RACF administrator to check the installations security package for information identifying the error. Notify the system programmer. Enter a START ASCH command. If the error occurs again, notify the system programmer. Notify the system programmer. If the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler is not processing critical work, enter a CANCEL ASCH command to end the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler. Then enter the START ASCH command to restart the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler. Otherwise, notify the system programmer. Notify the system programmer. If the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler ends, notify the system programmer. Enter a START ASCH command. Notify the system programmer. The system continues processing. The requestor of the transaction receives a return code indicating the conversation was deallocated. Enter a START ASCH command. If the error occurs again, notify the system programmer. Notify the system programmer. If the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler ends, notify the system programmer. Enter a START ASCH command.

28-32 33

10-22 23 24 25

34 35 36-37 38-41 42-43

44 45 46

28-32 33

34 35 36

47 48-50


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

37 Enter a START ASCH command. If the error occurs again, notify the system programmer. Code 01 Explanation Delete the incorrect class using a CLASSDEL statement in the current parmlib configuration. Then try to add the class again, using a CLASSADD statement. If the error occurs again, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Check to see whether a program issued the UNIX System Services spawn callable service, passing a user ID that is not valid. If the user ID is valid, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Contact the RACF administrator. Check the installations security package for information identifying the error. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Determine how APPC/MVS transaction scheduler initialization was invoked and take appropriate actions to prevent re-occurrences. The only proper way to initialize the scheduler is with the START command. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Enter a valid JES subsystem on the SUBSYS keyword in the current parmlib configuration. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center.

38, 39, 40 Notify the system programmer. 41 If the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler is not processing critical work, enter a CANCEL ASCH command to end the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler. Then enter the START ASCH command to restart the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler. Otherwise, notify the system programmer. Notify the system programmer. If the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler ends, notify the system programmer. Enter a START ASCH command. If the error occurs again, notify the system programmer. Enter the DISPLAY ASCH command again. If the error occurs again, notify the system programmer. Notify the system programmer. If the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler is not processing critical work, enter a CANCEL ASCH command to end the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler. Then enter the START ASCH command to restart the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler. Otherwise, notify the system programmer. Notify the system programmer. If the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler ends, notify the system programmer. Enter a START ASCH command. Notify the system programmer. If the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler ends, notify the system programmer. Enter a START ASCH command. If the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler ends, enter a START ASCH command. If the error occurs again, notify the system programmer. Notify the system programmer. If the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler is not processing critical work, enter a CANCEL ASCH command to end the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler. Then enter the START ASCH command to restart the APPC/MVS transaction scheduler. Otherwise, notify the system programmer. If the error occurs again, notify the system programmer. DFB 44 45-65 36-43 10-34

03, 04

42 43


44 45



46 47


48, 49 50

51-54 55


Source: APPC/MVS transaction scheduler

57-61 62

Explanation: During processing in a functional subsystem (FSS) address space, a JES3 module detected an error. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 and/or the SDWA explains the error. (Note: when the reason code is X'26', it will appear only in the SDWA, not in register 15.) Code 01 Explanation The connect subsystem interface (SSI) routine in module IATSICD determined that the START command for the FSS address space did not contain a token.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

63, 64

System programmer response: Depending on the reason code, do one of the following:


02 The connect subsystem interface (SSI) routine in module IATSICD could not locate the MEMDATA header for the FSS address space. The connect subsystem interface (SSI) routine in module IATSICD could not establish the listen task, IATFCLT, for the FSS or the FSA. Module IATSICD encountered an error during JESXCF attach processing (IXZXIXAT service). Module IATSICD encountered an error during JESXCF mailbox build processing (IXZXIXMB service) for the default mailbox. Module IATSICD encountered an error during JESXCF mailbox delete processing (IXZXIXMD service) for the default mailbox. Module IATSICD encountered an error during JESXCF detach processing (IXZXIXDT service). The common end-of-task exit routine in module IATSICD found that a task in the FSS address space had ended unexpectedly. The common end-of-task exit routine in module IATSICD could not identify a task that had ended. The writer FSA specific connect routine, IATFPCC, could not initialize for GETDS spool access using the block spooler. The writer FSA specific connect routine, IATFPCC, could not establish the read-ahead task for the FSA. The writer FSA specific connect routine, IATFPCC, could not establish the checkpoint writer task for the FSA. The FSI order interface routine, IATFCOR, received a nonzero return code from the FSS or FSA order routine. The FSI post interface routine, IATFCPT, received a nonzero return code from the FSA post routine. Module IATFCLT encountered an error during JESXCF mailbox build processing (IXZXIXMB Service) for a FSS/FSA mailbox. Module IATFCLT encountered an error during JESXCF mailbox clear processing (IXZXIXMC Service) for a FSS/FSA mailbox. Module IATFCLT encountered an error during JESXCF receive message processing (IXZXIXRM Service) for a FSS/FSA mailbox. Module IATFCLT encountered an error during JESXCF acknowledge message processing (IXZXIXAC Service) for a FSS/FSA mailbox. Module IATFCLT encountered an error during 48 3F 3E 29 JESXCF mailbox delete processing (IXZXIXMD) for a FSS/FSA mailbox. 26 A stop FSA abnormal order has been received from JES3. If a dump has been requested, a dump will be taken as part of abend processing of the FSA task. The C/I FSS order processing routine, IATIIFO, found that the FSI parameter list did not contain an order. The C/I FSS order processing routine, IATIIFO, received an incorrect order type. The C/I FSS order processing routine, IATIIFO, received an incorrect stop FSS order. The C/I FSS order processing routine, IATIIFO, could not locate the C/I communications block (CCB). The writer FSA quick-cell service routine, IATFPQC, failed to get an index, because the first free index was incorrect. The writer FSA quick-cell service routine, IATFPQC, failed to get a buffer, because the first free buffer was incorrect. The writer FSA quick-cell service routine, IATFPQC, failed to free an index, because the index passed in the request was incorrect. The writer FSA quick-cell service routine, IATFPQC, failed to free a buffer, because the buffer passed in the request was incorrect. While reading a data set checkpoint record, the writer FSA GETDS routine, IATFPGD, received an error return from the block spooler routine; the error return indicated that the parameter list was incorrect. While reading a data set checkpoint record, the writer FSA GETDS routine, IATFPGD, received an error return from the block spooler routine; the error return indicated that the spool address was incorrect. While reading a data set checkpoint record, the writer FSA GETDS routine, IATFPGD, received an error return from the block spooler routine; the error return indicated that an error occurred during a cross-address space move. While reading the scheduler work block (SWB), the writer FSA SWB processing service routine, IATFPSB, received an error return from the block spooler routine; the error return indicated that the parameter list was incorrect. While reading the scheduler work block (SWB), the writer FSA SWB processing service routine, IATFPSB, received an error return from the block spooler routine; the error return indicated that the spool address was incorrect.


05 06

2A 2B 2C






















z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

49 While reading the scheduler work block (SWB), the writer FSA SWB processing service routine, IATFPSB, received an error return from the block spooler routine; the error return indicated that an error occurred during a cross-address space move. The scheduler JCL facility (SJF) PUTSWB function returned an error code to the writer FSA scheduler work block (SWB) processing service routine, IATFPSB. The scheduler JCL facility (SJF) UPDATE function returned an error code to the writer FSA scheduler work block (SWB) processing service routine, IATFPSB. The scheduler JCL facility (SJF) DELETESWB function returned an error code to the writer FSA scheduler work block (SWB) processing service routine, IATFPSB. The writer FSA read-ahead task, IATFPRA, could not initialize for spool access using the block spooler. While reading data from spool, the writer FSA read-ahead task, IATFPRA, received an error return from the block spooler routine; the error return indicated that the parameter list was incorrect. While reading data from spool, the writer FSA read-ahead task, IATFPRA, received an error return from the block spooler routine; the error return indicated that the spool address was incorrect. While reading data from spool, the writer FSA read-ahead task, IATFPRA, received an error return from the block spooler routine; the error return indicated that an error occurred during a cross-address space move. The writer FSA read-ahead task, IATFPRA, found an error in the format of a spool data buffer. The writer FSA read-ahead task, IATFPRA, found an error in the format of a JESNEWS data buffer. The writer FSA checkpoint writer task, IATFPCW, could not initialize for spool access using the block spooler. While writing a data set checkpoint record, the writer FSA checkpoint writer task, IATFPCW, received an error return from the block spooler routine; the error return indicated that the parameter list was incorrect. While writing a data set checkpoint record, the writer FSA checkpoint writer task, IATFPCW, received an error return from the block spooler routine; the error return indicated that the spool address was incorrect. 5E While writing a data set checkpoint record, the writer FSA checkpoint writer task, IATFPCW, received an error return from the block spooler routine; the error return indicated that an error occurred during a cross-address space move.

System action: The system abnormally ends the task. Most failures in the read-ahead task, IATFPRA, and in the checkpoint writer task, IATFPCW, cause processing of the current data set to be ended. The task is reinstated to resume processing with the next data set. All other failures result in the FSA or of the entire FSS address space ending. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. If the FSS address space was ended and if this is not a recurring error, issue the appropriate command to restart the FSS. System programmer response: Format the SVC dump with the interactive problem control system (IPCS). If the problem occurs in JES3, save the hardcopy log. Source: JES3 E00 Explanation: During processing of an I/O request, execute channel program (EXCP) processing encountered one of the following errors: v A program check or machine check occurred while the input/output supervisor (IOS) interruption response block (IRB) analysis modules were processing or IOS POST was processing. v The operator pressed the RESTART key while the I/O request was being processed. v A program check or machine check occurred while a nonresident error recovery program (ERP) was processing or the ERP loader module was processing. System action: The system abnormally ends the current task. The system writes a logrec data set error record. The previous error record in the logrec data should indicate the cause of the abend. The system does not provide the EXCP debugging area (XDBA). System programmer response: Look at the messages in the logrec data set error record for the probable cause of the error. If the reason for the error cannot be determined or if an IBM-provided program is causing the error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec data set error record, the JCL, the program listing, and the assembly listing for the job. Source: Execute channel program (EXCP)













Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


E03 E06
E03 Explanation: A task tried to end normally by issuing a RETURN macro or by branching to the return address in register 14. The task was not ready to end processing because the task issued one of the following macros with a SET,MC (must complete) parameter: v STATUS v RESERVE v ENQ The task did not issue an accompanying STATUS RESET,MC or DEQ RESET,MC macro to reset the step-must-complete status before attempting to end. System action: The system abnormally ends the task. Operator response: If the application or system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=E03,ACTION=SVCD,END Application Programmer Response: Do the following: 1. If a dump is not produced with the abend, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. 2. From the dump, identify the abnormally ended module. 3. If the module is an installation-provided program, ensure that each ENQ, RESERVE, or STATUS macro with the SET,MC parameter is paired with a DEQ or STATUS macro with the RESET,MC parameter. System programmer response: If the module is an IBM module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the component group for the module at the IBM Support Center. Provide problem data collected. Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM) 40 E06 Explanation: An error occurred during contents supervisor processing of an z/OS UNIX System Services (z/OS UNIX) exec, fork, loadhfs, or deletehfs function. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 describes the error. The reason codes are in the form xx yy, where xx represents the 1-byte function ID of the function that caused the error, and yy represents the reason code for the error. The possible values for the function code xx are: Code 00 01 02 Explanation An exec or fork function failed. A loadhfs function failed. A deletehfs function failed. 58 44 34 30 The reason code value yy can have one of the following values: Code 00 Explanation An unauthorized program requested contents supervisor processing for the z/OS UNIX exec, loadhfs, or deletehfs function. An internal error occurred while processing the exec, loadhfs, or deletehfs z/OS UNIX callable service. A PGMF FIND was not successful. Message CSV034I accompanies this abend. A PGMF FIND for the requested module program checked or ended abnormally. Message CSV036I accompanies this abend. An unexpected error occurred during contents supervisor processing for an z/OS UNIX callable service. The requested pathname resulted in a fetch of a loadable-only file. Message CSV039I accompanies this abend. The requested pathname references a loadable-only file, which is not valid as the target of an exec callable service. The requested pathname resulted in a fetch of a nonexecutable file. Message CSV038I accompanies this abend. The requested pathname resulted in a fetch of a nonexecutable file. The module was marked as being an overlay module. This should not occur for an exec executable file. Message CSV038I accompanies this abend. The requested pathname resulted in a fetch of a nonexecutable file. Message CSV038I accompanies this abend. An internal error occurred while attempting to fetch the executable file. A PGMF FIND for the requested module program checked or ended abnormally. Message CSV036I accompanies this abend. The callable service was unable to establish ESTAE recovery. The caller had more than one RB on its TCB chain. These reason codes indicate an internal error occurred during fork callable service processing. An internal error occurred while attempting to remove a program from storage.


20 24




48 4C 50-54

System action: The system abnormally ends the program issuing the callable service. Application Programmer Response:


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

E13 E37
Code 00 04-1C 20 24 30 34 38 3C 40 44 50-54 Response No system dump is taken and no LOGREC record is written. Contact the system programmer. Refer to accompanying message CSV034I. Contact the system programmer. Correct the program. Correct the pathname to refer to an executable file. Correct the pathname to refer to an executable file. Correct the pathname to refer to an executable file. Refer to accompanying message CSV034I. Contact the system programmer. Contact the system programmer. E1A Explanation: The catalog address space (CAS) allocate task ended abnormally because the allocate task exceeded the allotted time for processing. The task may have been waiting for some system resource that is permanently unavailable. System action: The system attaches a new task to restore the allocate function. Source: DFSMSdfp E23 Explanation: An error occurred during processing of a write to operator with reply (WTOR) macro. The macro specified one of the following incorrectly: v The address of the event control block (ECB) v The address of the request block (RB) in the ECB v The address of the virtual storage area Application Programmer Response: Correct the macro or program errors that incorrectly modified the macro expansion. Ensure that the ECB address is a fullword on a fullword boundary. Recompile the program and run the job step again. Source: Console services E2D Explanation: A program requested an overlay. In answer to the request, the overlay supervisor was using program fetch to load a program segment from the library. Fetch found an incorrect address. Note: Overlay programs run only in 24-bit addressing mode, not in 31-bit addressing mode. System action: The system abnormally ends the program that requested the overlay. The system writes an ABEND dump, if a dump DD statement is provided. Application Programmer Response: Link edit and run the program again. Source: Overlay supervisor E37 Explanation: The error occurred when an output operation was requested. The data set was on a direct access or magnetic tape device. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC032I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC032I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC032I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

System programmer response: Some of the reason codes may indicate that there is a problem with the file system or the underlying PGMF mechanism. For reason codes other than 00, a system dump is normally taken. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, provide the dump to the IBM Support Center. For reason codes 04 through 18 and 50 through 54, an internal error occurred. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, report the error to the IBM Support Center. Source: Contents Supervision E13 Explanation: The error occurred during processing of an OPEN macro instruction for a graphic data control block. This system completion code is accompanied by message IEC159I. Refer to the explanation of message IEC159I for complete information about the task that was ended and for an explanation of the return code (rc in the message text) in register 15. Application Programmer Response: Respond as indicated for message IEC159I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the source program listing for the job and all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Source: DFSMSdfp


E82 EC4
the job log for more information. Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp E82 Explanation: SVC 130 (RACROUTE REQUEST=AUTH macro) was invoked; however, SVC 130 is inactive because RACF is not properly installed on the system. System action: The task is terminated. System programmer response: If you have installed RACF on your system, make sure that RACF is properly enabled. Check the IFAPRDxx member pointed to by the PROD= statement in the IEASYSxx parmlib member that was used when the system was initialized. For more information, see z/OS Security Server RACF System Programmers Guide. If you have not installed RACF on your system, this abend could be issued when a data set has the RACF indicator bit on. This could occur if the data set came from a system with RACF installed. E83 Explanation: SVC 131 (RACROUTE REQUEST=VERIFY macro) was invoked; however, SVC 131 is inactive because RACF is not properly installed on the system. System action: The task is terminated. System programmer response: If you have installed RACF on your system, make sure that RACF is properly enabled. Check the IFAPRDxx member pointed to by the PROD= statement in the IEASYSxx parmlib member that was used when the system was initialized. For more information, see z/OS Security Server RACF System Programmers Guide. E84 Explanation: SVC 132 (RACROUTE REQUEST=LIST macro) was invoked; however, SVC 132 is inactive because RACF is not properly installed on the system. System action: The task is terminated. System programmer response: If you have installed RACF on your system, make sure that RACF is properly enabled. Check the IFAPRDxx member pointed to by the PROD= statement in the IEASYSxx parmlib member that was used when the system was initialized. For more information, see z/OS Security Server RACF System Programmers Guide. E85 Explanation: SVC 133 (RACROUTE REQUEST=DEFINE macro) was invoked; however, SVC 133 is inactive because RACF is not properly installed on the system. System action: The task is terminated. System programmer response: If you have installed RACF on your system, make sure that RACF is properly enabled. Check the IFAPRDxx member pointed to by the PROD= statement in the IEASYSxx parmlib member that was used when the system was initialized. For more information, see z/OS Security Server RACF System Programmers Guide. EC3 Explanation: This abend code is used by WebSphere Application Server on z/OS. This abend code is used by WebSphere Application Server on z/OS. See WebSphere Application Server on z/OS for further information. EC4 Explanation: NetView issues abend EC4 using CALLRTM in order to terminate NetView tasks in error situations. NetView uses abend EC4 during the NetView commands: STOP FORCE To cause a NetView task that will not respond to other signals to abend and recover or terminate. CLOSE IMMED To cause a NetView task to shut down after approximately 1 minute if the task is still active after the CLOSE IMMED is processed. System action: Abend EC4 means that NetView decided the only way to stop the task was to intervene using a system abend. System programmer response: If you are using the STOP FORCE command or the CLOSE IMMED command to recover from errors, notify your system programmer to determine whether customer or IBM programming is failing. The NetView product provides the STOP FORCE and CLOSE IMMED commands as a means of recovering from user or IBM product errors until the cause can be remedied. Using STOP FORCE or CLOSE IMMED as a normal operations practice is otherwise a misuse of the product. If you observe a high number of abend EC4 reports: v Advise your operators that excessive use of error recovery commands can cause storage loss and affect system performance. Ask them to use the


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

non-abend STOP TASK and CLOSE STOP before resorting to STOP FORCE or CLOSE IMMED. v If tasks will not stop when using STOP TASK, or NetView does not close down when using CLOSE STOP, call NetView Service for advise on dumps or other problem determination needed to find and fix either customer or IBM programming defects. EC5 Explanation: JES common coupling services (JESXCF) detected an unrecoverable error that causes the JES member to terminate abnormally. The hexadecimal reason code returned in register 0 describes the error: Code 00 Explanation An error was detected in the JESXCF recovery environment. 002C 002E 0030 0031 0037 003F 0016 0025 0026 0027 0029 002A 002B An ESTAE macro returned an error return code. An unsupported entry code was specified to a file system service. While building osi_thread support a failure was reported by the set_dub_default service. The Dspserv to create an address space failed. The z/OS UNIX couple dataset is not accessible. The z/OS UNIX couple dataset data not as expected. The z/OS UNIX address space could not be created. The z/OS UNIX address space could not be initialized. The request was made by a process that was not properly dubbed. Issuing Syscalls from SRBs not allowed. The syscall requested is not supported in SRB mode. Specified port in use. A large open count is being re-established between a shared file system client and server, and may result in delays. A shared object is in an unknown state, and the object is not usable. The OAPB address specified in register 2 for an SRB SYSCALL was not zero and did not point to a valid OAPB. An error occurred on a file mapped by mmap(). One of the following conditions: v An error occurred during opening or reading the /etc/inittab file. v An error occurred during opening the STDIN or STDOUT file. v A /etc/inittab file entry could not be spawned. 0044 An error occurred trying to send an I/O Complete Notification to the AIO#MsgQ message queue. A syscall detected that the USTA control block might have been corrupted. The system detected that a non-started task attempted to start z/OS UNIX System Services. The system detected a start request for z/OS UNIX System Services, but z/OS UNIX cannot be started this way. Bad Entry code to module. Unexpected error.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

System action: The system abnormally terminates the JES member. Operator response: Notify your system programmer. System programmer response: Find the associated JESXCF abend and the associated JESXCF dump. Use these to diagnose the error. If the problem is due to a coding error, search the problem reporting data bases for a fix to the problem. Fix the problem and restart JES. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center with the return and reason codes and the dumps produced by the error. For additional information on dumping JES and JESXCF address spaces, as well as restarting the JESXCF address space, see z/OS MVS Programming: JES Common Coupling Services. Source: JES common coupling services (JESXCF) EC6 Explanation: An error occurred during processing of a callable service to z/OS UNIX System Services (z/OS UNIX). The callable service may have been originally issued as a function in a program or as a shell command. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 describes the error. The reason codes are in the form xxxx yyyy, where xxxx represents internal information (not described here) and yyyy represents external information shown below. Only external reason codes are documented. There are many other possible reason codes for internal errors. The internal errors should be reported to IBM. Code 000D Explanation A failing physical file system requested that the z/OS UNIX kernel be ended.

0040 0041

0042 0043


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0046 0047

0401 0402


0403 0405 0407 0421 0441 0442 0444 0445 0446 0447 0481 0482 0483 0484 0485 0486 0488 0489 048A 048B 048C 048D 048E 048F 0490 04C1 04C2 04C3 04C4 04C5 04C6 04C7 04C8 04C9 04CA 04CB 04CC 04CD Set Ktimer (BPXXKTIM) failed. Bad input parameters. Validity checks of Kernel Blocks failed. Bad Entry code to module. Invalid entry into the syscall layer. Environmental Error. Invoking PC Number is not recognized. Invalid entry to PC. This thread is not known. Bad function request code. Bad Entry code to module. Not an z/OS UNIX thread. Too many events requested. Mask contains an undefined event. No events in list. Invalid KSER address. Invalid combination of events in list. The task is not properly setup to wait. Bad Return code from ESTAE macro. The input ECB list was longer than 1013 entries. Kernel wait and User Kernel Wait not interchangeable. Unable to obtain latch for KSER storage pool. Failed to release latch for KSER storage pool. Set Ktimer failed. Hash table count is invalid. Bad Entry code to module. Bad RC from DSPSERV Create. Bad RC from ALESERV Add. Bad RC from ALESERV Extract. Bad RC from ALESERV Delete. Bad RC from DSPSERV Delete. Bad RC from TCBTOKEN macro. Bad RC from LXRES macro. Bad RC from AXSET macro. Bad RC from ETCRE macro. Bad RC from ETCON macro. Bad RC from ESTAE macro. Bad RC from VSM Locate macro. 0517 0518 0515 0516 0511 0512 050D 050E 050F 0510 0501 0503 0506 0507 0508 0509 050A 04DD 04D6 04D7 04D8 04D9 04DA 04DB 04DC 04CE 04CF 04D0 04D1 04D2 04D3 04D4 04D5 Bad RC from LOAD or NUCLKUP macros. Bad RC from ETDES macro. Bad Parms in ParmLib. Bad RC from CSVQUERY macro. Bad RC from Pgser macro. Bad RC from Axres macro. Bad RC from Asext macro. Bad RC from BPXFSIT during sysplex initialization. Bad RC from Lxfre macro. A colony AS ended due to Mother Thread termination. IXCJOIN of Sysplex failed. XCF IXCQUERY operation failed. BPXXQHIT queue manager processing failed. Sysplex initialization failed. XCF IXCMSGI Message-In macro processing failed. BPXOPIT failed to ATTACH command processor BPXOTASK. Bad Entry code to module. OSAB already exists for the new task. _Exit Abend Reason Code. Bad RC from StorMan Create. Edsa does not exist in calling process. Load of program failed, program not found. Load macro failed with unexpected abend code. Invalid Function # passed to BPXPKEXC. Bad RC from Attach Macro. Bad RC from call to BPXPTCAC. BPXXNXMS(FREE) not issued to free allocated resources. Required response not issued to BPXXNXMS(SYNC) request. Response not allowed for BPXXNXMS(ASYNC) request. The L16J in BPXJCPRC failed unexpectedly. SAF failure during ACEE create/delete in BPXMRCSI. Required BPXXNXMS(DEFER) not issued before DEFERRESP or DEFERFREE. Current buffer is also on the free chain.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

0519 054F 0550 0551 0553 0554 0555 0556 0557 0558 0559 055C 055D 055E 055F 0560 0561 0581 0582 0583 0584 0585 0586 0587 05C0 05C1 05C2 05C3 05C4 05C5 05C6 05C7 05C8 Resource is already freed. Current buffer is also on the free chain. PPRT, KSER or PPRP ID overlayed. PPRA has been clobbered, contents inconsistent. Failure occurred during vdac task initialization. Unexpected failure of IVTCSM invocation. No free Ppra slots while PpraActiveCount lifetime MaxProcSys. Create Latch failure during process initialization. PID not found in PPRA. Obtain Latch failure during process initialization. PprtLatchedToken only with its PprtPprp, R4. Invokers BPXXJPID area date does not match. Invokers BPXXJPID NEXT holds other latch, R4. Request for latch held by ancestor, R4, R5. Invoker of BPXXJPID holds too many latches, R4. Invalid Function # passed to internal MvsIptAffinity. SLTB has been clobbered, contents inconsistent. Bad RC from RESMGR macro. Bad Entry code to module. Critical control blocks have been damaged. Bad return code from Estae. EOM recovery time out. Tcb/Ecb table is full. Bad return code from ATTACH. Bad Entry code to module. Storage Manager Latch Set already exists in this AS. Storage Manager Latch Create out of storage. Bad RC from Isglcrt service. Cell storage addr required. Bad RC from Aleserv macro. Cannot do DSPSERV RELEASE for this cell pool. Bad RC from Csrpbld service. Bad RC from Csrpexp service. 0601 0603 0605 0606 0607 060A 060B 060C 060D 060E 05C9 05CA 05CB 05CC 05CD 05CE 05CF 05D0 05D1 05D2 05D3 05D4 05D5 05D6 05D7 05D8 05D9 05DA 05DB 05DC 05DD 05DE 05DF Cell pool token invalid. Cell address is invalid. Bad RC from Csrpget service. Bad RC from Csrpfre service. Bad RC from Csrpqpl service. Bad RC from Csrpcon service. Bad RC from Csrpact service. A Storage Manager Control Block stack is invalid. A Storage Manager Control Block stack overflowed. A Master Cell Pool is out of extent storage cells. A Master Cell Pool is out of control block cells. A Cell Pool for stack storage is out of cells. Expand stack invoked with an invalid cell pool ID. Unexpected failure of IUTL invocation. Bad return code from Estae. Bad RC from Csrpqex service. Bad RC from Csrpdac service. Bad RC from Csrpdis service. Length of requested storage exceeds the maximum. Invalid data space group ID is passed. Invalid data space alet is passed. Invalid data space Stoken is passed. Unexpected error from BPXSMDSP data space manager. Sleep or Alarm had a system failure. An error occurred while closing a file. Process could not notify parent of status change. Signal Code Failed to Obtain Local Lock. Signal generation failed. Bad Return Code from Save Signal Environment Service. Process could not be stopped. Unexpected error in Load 16 and Jump from OESIR. The OESIR was passed an invalid PPSD. Ppsqs exceeded the space available on InitPpsqChunck.

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


0641 0642 0643 0644 0645 0646 0647 0648 0649 064A 064B 064C 064D 064E 0650 0651 0652 0653 065B 065C 0680 0685 0686 0688 0689 0700 0703 0704 0705 0706 0707 0708 0709 No Storage to create PTY Latchset. Duplicate Latchset Name detected. Unexpected Return Code from Latch Manager. Storage not obtained for input queue. Storage not obtained for output queue. The PTY device state is invalid or unexpected. The PTY Device Driver input event is invalid. The Audit Trail EVENT is invalid. A Count discrepancy was found in the PTY Buffers. A Count discrepancy was found in the PTY Buffers. A Count discrepancy was found in the PTY Buffers. Bad RC from ESTAE macro. Internal logic error in Pty support. Invalid Recovery Code during EOT/EOM processing. Invalid select()criteria. Invalid select()function. Invalid value in SBCS scan TRT table. Invalid value in DBCS scan TRT table. Unexpected return code from BPXXKTIM Set. Unexpected return code from BPXXKTIM Cancel. Bad Entry code to module. Unexpected error in Load 16 and Jump. Ptrace request code in Ptrb is invalid. SVCUPDATE for ptrace SVC 144 failed. Bad caller id to module. Bad Entry code to module. Bad RC from Attach Macro. The File System that owns the root was not started. Bad return from storage manager during initialization. Bad return from PFS that owns root file system. No ROOT statement was specified in SYS1.PARMLIB. Invalid vnode address returned on vn_create by PFS. Queue Manager failed to Initialize. 0724 0725 0726 0727 0729 072A 072B 072D 072E 0723 0720 0721 0722 071E 071F 071D 0711 0714 0715 0716 0717 0718 0719 071A 071B 071C 070A 070B 070C 070D 070E 070F 0710 Queue Manager failed to Connect. An invalid Pnode was passed. No KSER for Dispatchable Unit to be waited. No Pnwt was found. The Pipe GFS was not found. The GRS Latch Manager request failed. File System latch service error during Umask request. Umask input error. Invalid bits set on in Mode. Received invalid ALET as a parameter. Bad command code passed to module. Bad RC from file/directory close service. Read/Write invoked with an invalid syscall request. The Vnode received is invalid. Pointer to next filedes table page is 0. The requested function requires a parent directory vnode. The length passed is negative - not valid. Attempt made to stop a colony PFS that was not started. File System module is overlaying a latch handle. Invalid Vnode address was referenced. BPXFRLOC caller did not have FRLOC on its BPXXFENT. BPXFTCLN detected a bad vnode cache queue. Module Exit while holding Vnode Latches. BPXXCALL EXCL when held latches were locked SHR. PFS Recovery Token Stack overflow. See BPXZFSRB. Invalid Snode or socket detected. Error in socket read/write queue. Error in setting up interface to TCP/IP. Invalid control block address found. Bad RC from PGSER Fix or Free. Current system is already the owner. Different vnod returned after vget or mount. CSVDYNEX in error attempting to call the pre-process initialization exits. CSVDYNEX in error attempting to call the post-process initialization.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

072F 0730 0731 0732 0733 CSVDYNEX in error attempting to call the image initialization exits (during exec). Colony AS was canceled when the z/OS UNIX AS was canceled. Invalid retval from dd_configure. CSFS DDWT detected invalid DDWE. On PFS restart, a request was made to allocate a restartbyte beyond the end of the Cabc. Could not create a msgq for colony thread support. No saved CDSI token for request which requires token. Saved CDSI token valid from previous request. IXCXCDSI return and reason code indicate code error. Internal structure of CDS inconsistent. Socket is not in a valid state. Error on read or write of CDS. Byte Range Lock Manager cannot be initialized. Byte Range Lock Manager cannot be terminated. Unexpected error occurred while unlocking a byte range. Unexpected error occurred while registering a process. Unexpected error occurred while registering an object. The Byte Range Lock Mgr detected an internal error. Error occurred while trying to get lock information. Unexpected error occurred while unregistering process. Unexpected error occurred while unregistering object. Unexpected error occurred while setting a lock. Unexpected error occurred while calling MarkBroken. PprtFd field already used to hold a Vde ptr. Vnode Vde count is about to go negative. Oapb Chain has not been cleaned up properly. IEAVLSUP query service failed. IEAVLSUP update service failed. 0815 0816 0817 0791 07E0 07E1 07E2 07E3 07E4 07E5 07E6 07E7 07E8 07E9 0800 0801 0802 0803 0804 0805 0806 0807 0808 0809 080A 080B 080C 080D 080E 080F 0810 0811 0812 0813 0814 Unix System Services has terminated unexpectedly. Level mismatch between kernel and TFS. Bad TFS mount table for filesys token. Attempt to add a file to a non-directory. Bad chain pointer, data block not in file. Bad chain pointer, freeing block not in file. Allocating an already allocated block. Freeing an already freed block. Attempt to free the superblock. Attempt to lookup in a non-directory. Bad length for a WTO. Reg2 -> offending parameter in BPXXQHIT (see QhitT). Unexpected return code from BPXXQHIT macro. Incorrect UDP-plus flag combination. Structure of QHIT queue damaged. Channel program check occurred. Counter goes negative. The buffer length passed is zero or incorrect. Unexpected buffer sequence number detected. BPXUIIOC processing failed. BPXXKSOC processing failed. Master socket not created. Invalid value to an internal counter. Unexpected ERRNO from BPXUTBIN. QnodSeqNum mismatch found during accept. Unexpected TCP state detected. Attempt to DEQ UTBQEs on empty backlog queue. Requested wait time is either too long or too short. Timer processing caught its tail in a circular array. TCP Readable BFQE chain is corrupted. TCP Send BFQE chain is corrupted. The transport provider unexpectedly ran out of latching resources for TCP sockets. The buffer chain has been corrupted. Bad return code from BPXXFAST NEWODB. Waitlist post failure unexpectedly.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

0734 0735 0736 0737 0738 0739 073A 0781 0782 0783 0784 0785 0786 0787 0788 0789 078A 078B 078C 078D 078E 078F 0790


0818 0819 081A 081B 081C 081D 081E 8002 8004 8006 800C 8010 8011 8012 8013 8014 8015 8017 8018 8022 8024 8028 8033 tcp_drop() invalidly invoked. UTTC2 invoked with 0 Bfqe and FIN not received. Unexpected return code from ?IWMELEAV macro. Osenv cell is no longer valid for use. A new ACEE was created when only a use count update on an existing one is expected. Invalid VFS or no VFS found when expected. Invalid Xnod returned to client from server. z/OS UNIX is not running. The kernel has been terminated and restarted. Connection to the old kernel is no longer valid. The current process is being ended. An error occurred because of a duplicate file system name. The caller has an incorrect PSW key. The caller is running in AR mode. The caller has an incorrect signal data area (PPSD). A ptrace router was invoked while the calling program was not being traced using ptrace. A ptrace router was invoked in an incorrect thread. A ptrace router was invoked in an authorized process. A sleep callable service was invoked while z/OS UNIX was not running. An invoker of a callable service had an incorrect PSW key. A ptrace router was invoked in an exited thread. A ptrace router was invoked in a process with a controlled environment. The local INET failed to initialize. Duplicate NETWORK parmlib statements with DOMAINNAME(AF_INET) and TYPE(OESTACK) not supported. The specified Network type is not supported under DOMAINNAME(AF_INET). TCP/IP BASE feature is required but not enabled. The sysplex server for the byte range lock manager has terminated. The PARM= value is incorrect in the Colony proc. 8604 864F 865A 8681 8682 8683 8684 8687 868A 8701 8702 8712 8713 8728 C001 C003 803A 8487 8502 8504 8514 The specified TCPIP stack was not configured under Cinet. The task has already been pseudo-dubbed. Required VSMLIST absent. Bad RC from Exec Kernel syscall. An unexpected error occured in BPXJCSE while changing the address space/process identity for a socket. Signal processing detected kernel shutdown. Cannot get the Pty Latch in device driver. Cannot get the Rty Latch in device driver. Sigaction callable service from Ptrace failed. Kill callable service from Ptrace failed. Sigprocmask callable service from Ptrace failed. Ptrace initialization of fork child failed. Ptrace kernel function failed. Quiesce callable service from Ptrace failed. The LFS Mother Task did not initialize. Bad RC from Estae Macro. Mask not changed. Security support not installed. Security service error during Umask request. A file system latch could not be obtained during term. The callable service is incorrect or is not supported. The callable service was not issued by a program running under a task control block (TCB). Callable services cannot be nested. The callable service was issued in cross-memory mode. The calling process cannot be dubbed. The parameter list contains an incorrect number of parameters. A parameter length is negative. An incorrect address was encountered when trying to move user parameter data. There is insufficient storage to copy user parameters. The calling program was running in an incorrect request block (RB) state. A security product is not installed.

C005 C007 C008 C009 C00A C00E C00F C019 C01A

8034 8035 8038 8039


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

C01B C01C C01D C01E C01F C020 C021 C023 C02F C032 C036 The user ID is not defined to the security product. The user ID is in a group that does not have access to z/OS UNIX. The user ID does not have access to z/OS UNIX. The user ID does not have a UID. The user ID is in a group that has does not have a GID. An internal error is reported by the security product. The status specified on the _exit callable service is not valid. The callable service was rejected because the requesting thread is in termination. Caller is not authorized for this callable service. Exec Phase 2 failed because a sticky program was not found in the MVS library search order. Exec Phase 2 failed because the execution of a HFS executable was attempted from a controlled environment. Parameter Rules not present for the callable service. Unexpected error in Load 16 and Jump. Proc init invoker not key 0 and not supervisor state. Unauthorized caller to BPXPRTRM internal callable service. Terminating signal with dump. Unauthorized Caller to Exec2 internal callable service. Osab does not exist in calling process. Bad Return Code from RACF Exec Set Uid/Gid Service. Caller not authorized (key 0 | supervisor) for BPXMRKIN. Terminating signal with no dump. z/OS UNIX is not running and the caller does not expect a return code. z/OS UNIX is not running and the parameter list is too long. Kernel termination or error with user in wait. Normal end of Exec Phase 1, with multiple TCB/RBs. The _exit service was invoked with a normal 0044 A BPX1AIO asynchronous I/O operation has completed and the attempt to invoke msgsnd() for the I/O Completion message has failed. This usually means that the queue has filled up. The return and reason codes from this attempt are recorded in the VRA section of the dump and they are also loaded into registers 4 and 5 just before the abend is taken. Only one dump will be taken for this type of error but each failed attempt will abend and
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

| | |

exit status completion code from a task with subtasks, more than one request block (RB), or linkage stack entries. System action: The system abnormally ends the program issuing the callable service. Application Programmer Response: Code 000D Response The failing file system indicated that, should it fail, all of z/OS UNIX should be terminated also. Ptrace was invoked to process a ptraceable event, but was unable to establish a recovery environment. The probable cause is a shortage of system resources. Obtain more system resources or reduce the use of system resources. The entry code specified on the interface to a file system service is not within the range of codes supported by that interface. The request is not processed. Ensure that the procedure for this colony has an entry in the security products started procedures table, and that it specifies a valid userid. A possible reason for this failure is that the dataspace already exists. Verify that there are no duplicate entrypoint names specified in the parmlib member. Run the XCF couple dataset utility for TYPE BPXMCDS to create the z/OS UNIX couple dataset. Issue the SETXCF COUPLE operator command to add the new TYPE=BPXMCDS couple data set. This abend is percolated to the /usr/sbin/init process so that /usr/sbin/init ends abnormally and causes the installation to see a failure for the ETCINIT job. This is an unexpected type of error that can only occur for a privileged caller during system initialization. You can request a system dump by the kernel to capture the environment of the failure. This dump also allows immediate debugging of the problem without requiring a recreate.










generate a logrec record for diagnostic purposes. If the message queue is full or the system limit on number of messages has been reached, the application involved may be hung and not able to receive these messages so it may need to be recycled. 002A Run the XCF couple dataset utility for TYPE BPXMCDS to create the z/OS UNIX couple dataset. Issue the SETXCF COUPLE operator command to add the new TYPE=BPXMCDS couple data set. Consult registers 2 and 3 at time of error in the resulting dump to extract the ASCRE return and reason codes indicating the nature of the error and search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. A cross memory post failure occurred during z/OS UNIX address space initialization. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. The calling process is either in termination or has reached its limit on concurrent SRBs issuing z/OS UNIX callable service. If the process is not in termination, reissue the callable service. Either issue the callable service from task mode or use another callable service to perform the function required. There may be a parameter specification error. Refer to message BPXF219I, which was issued along with this abend and follow the instructions listed there. If the problem can not be corrected, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, provide this dump to the IBM Support Center. Delays may be experienced in the shared file system environment on multiple systems due to this situation. If the condition appears to be preventing systems from completing initialization, it may be necessary to IPL this system to relieve the contention. 8004 z/OS UNIX has been stopped and restarted. Either issue a call to BPX1MPC (MVS process cleanup) to clean up the process before issuing another callable service, or end the job. A new callable service cannot be issued until this termination is complete. During file system initialization, an error occurred while processing a duplicate file system name. Verify in the parmlib member used that there are no duplicate file system names in either the ROOT or any MOUNT statements in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member. This includes a duplicate that may be caused by any names when DSNAMEs are specified. Ptrace was invoked to process a ptraceable event, but the PSW key was not valid. You can only debug programs using ptrace that are run with a PSW key of 8. Ptrace was invoked to process a ptraceable event, but the ASC mode was not valid. Ptrace only supports non-AR mode programs. Only debug programs with ptrace that are non-AR mode. Ptrace was invoked to process a ptraceable event, but the PPSD was not valid. Invoke ptrace with a valid PPSD. The PPSD is mapped by macro BPXYPPSD. Ptrace was invoked to process a ptraceable event, but the process ptrace was invoked in is not currently being debugged using ptrace. Invoke ptrace to process ptraceable events only in processes being debugged by ptrace. Ptrace was invoked to process a ptraceable event, but the thread ptrace was invoked under was not dubbed. Invoke ptrace to process ptraceable events only under dubbed threads. Ptrace was invoked to process a ptraceable event, but the process was authorized. Do not attempt to debug programs using ptrace in an authorized process. Callable service sleep (BPX1SLP) was invoked when z/OS UNIX became inactive. Have the system operator use the DISPLAY OMVS operator console command to determine the status of z/OS UNIX. The operator will probably need to restart z/OS UNIX. An z/OS UNIX callable service requires the invoker to have a PSW key that would allow signals to be delivered. Change the application to invoke the z/OS UNIX callable service with a PSW key that allows signals to be delivered. Ptrace was invoked to process a ptraceable event, but the thread ptrace was invoked under

8006 800C















0401-081C Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 8002 If z/OS UNIX has not been started, request the operator to issue the command to start z/OS UNIX. Verify that z/OS UNIX completes its initialization before running the job again.




z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

has already exited. Do not invoke ptrace to process ptraceable events under exited threads. 8024 Ptrace was invoked to process a ptraceable event, but the process had security product controlled data sets open. Do not attempt to debug programs using ptrace in this controlled environment. Either the local INET was started without bringing up the converged sockets file system, or the converged sockets file system was started with only the local INET. Converged sockets must be brought up with at least one other file system in order for the local INET to be started. During file system initialization, an error occurred while processing a duplicate NETWORK parmlib statement with DOMAINNAME(AF_INET) and TYPE(OESTACK). Verify that only one such statement is specified in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member. During file system initialization, an error occurred while processing a SUBFILESYSTYPE parmlib statement with DOMAINNAME(AF_INET). The specified NAME is not accepted. Only NAME(OESTACK) can be specified. The TCP/IP BASE feature is required for FILESYSTYPE OESTACK. Enable the feature in the IFAPRDxx member. The byte range lock manager will be reactivated on another system. To protect the integrity of previously locked files, any process that has been locking files must be terminated and will have to be restarted. If you do not wish to terminate the process that has done or is doing byte-range locking, then specify preferred signal using pfsctl support. In the Colony procs EXEC PGM=BPXVCLNY,PARM=TP(TPNAME) statement, the PARM= value has a syntax error. It must be TP(TPNAME), where: v Everthing is in upper case EBCDIC. v TP( is contained in the first three characters. v TPNAME is 1 to 8 characters, left justified and followed by a blank or ). Correct the value to conform the previously described rules, and reply to the console prompt to restart the Colony. 803A In a Common Inet, Cinet, configuration, the TCPIP stack name specified by the TPNAME value in the Colony procs EXEC PGM=BPXVCLNY,PARM=TP(TPNAME) C009 C008 statement was not configured under Cinet or is not in upper case. Issue D OMVS,P from the console to see a list of the configured TCPIP stacks, and check the spelling of the TPNAME used. Check the BPXPRMxx parmlib member used for the names specified on the SUBFILESYSTYPE NAME(TPNAME) statements. Correct the name and reply to the console prompt to restart the Colony. 8487-8728 Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. C001 C003 C005 Specify the correct callable service number and resubmit the job. Callable services can be issued only in TCB mode. SRB mode is not supported. The system has detected a nested callable service. For example: The request block (RB) issues a callable service. An interrupt request block (IRB), for example, in an STIMER exit, interrupts the RB and attempts to issue another callable service. The second callable service request is detected and flagged as an error. Correct the problem and resubmit the job. C007 You cannot issue callable services in cross-memory mode. Correct the problem and resubmit the job. An error occurred while trying to make the calling process an z/OS UNIX process. The system cannot set an error return code for the caller because the caller does not expect a return code. A user ABDUMP has been requested. The cause of the error can be determined from either the ABDUMP or the symptom dump. In the dump, register 2 contains the return code value and register 3 contains the reason code value of the failure. Analyze the return code and reason code for the cause of the problem. For detailed information, see z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes. An error was encountered that prevents the running of the callable service. However, the system cannot set an error return code for the caller because the input parameter list is incorrectly specified. An ABDUMP or symptom dump has been requested for the caller. In the dump, register 2 contains the return code value and register 3 contains the reason code value of the original failure. Do both of the following:
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes








v Analyze the return code and reason code for the cause of the original problem. v Verify that the high-order bit of the last parameter list entry is set on. Currently, a maximum of 25 parameter list entries is supported for a callable service. C00A Check for incorrect input parameters passed to the callable service. One of the following conditions may have occurred: v The specified length of a variable-length parameter is negative. (This error can occur only in programs issuing Assembler callable services.) The length of a variable-length parameter cannot be negative. Callable services with variable-length parameters normally specify them in pairs. The first of the pair specifies the length of the variable-length parameter that comes next. v The length of a fixed-length parameter exceeds the allowable value. The maximum length of any fixed-length parameter cannot exceed 5000 bytes. v The size of an input buffer to be used for holding an output variable length parameter is specified as more than 5000 bytes. The actual maximum size of the parameter is much less. This error is reported for performance reasons, to avoid inefficient usage of system resources, including storage and processing time. Specify a smaller size for the input buffer. C00E An error occurred while accessing the user parameter data. This can be caused by one of the following conditions: v The total number of parameters is incorrect for the callable service being issued. v There is an error in one of the passed user parameters causing z/OS UNIX to program check when the parameter is accessed. Check for the following conditions: A parameter that points to non-existent storage. A parameter that cannot be accessed in the current user PSW key. Check for incorrect input parameters passed to the callable service. C00F z/OS UNIX cannot obtain storage to make a copy of the passed user parameters. This can be caused by one of the following conditions: v The user region is filled up and the STORAGE request cannot be satisfied. v There is an error in one of the passed user parameters, causing z/OS UNIX to issue a C023 C021 C019 STORAGE request for a large amount of storage that cannot be satisfied. Check for incorrect input parameters passed to the callable service. If the parameters are correct, consider increasing the user REGION size. Fix the application program. An z/OS UNIX callable service, which requires that it be invoked from a specific request block, was invoked from an incorrect request block. The problem may have been caused by a previous invocation of callable service mvssigsetup from a different request block. Because signals can be delivered only to the request block that issued mvssigsetup, z/OS UNIX cannot perform the callable service. A security access facility (for example, RACF) is required, but not installed in the system. Define the user to the security product. Define the current group as an z/OS UNIX group. Define the user as an z/OS UNIX user. Define the user as an z/OS UNIX user. Define the current group as an z/OS UNIX group. The security access facility (for example, RACF) has reported an error condition. A dump should have already been taken by the security product. The cause of the error can be determined from the dump. A user ABDUMP has also been requested by the z/OS UNIX kernel. The error return code from the security product can be determined from either the ABDUMP or the symptom dump. In the dump, register 4 contains the error return code value and register 5 contains the error reason code value as reported by the security product. Analyze the return code and reason code for the cause of the problem. Specify a valid exit status on the _exit call. See the BPXYWAST macro for a definition of the accepted exit status values. The BPX1PTX callable service should be issued to complete the termination of the thread and to obtain a new thread to process. Other z/OS UNIX callable services are not supported while a thread is in this state. Caller must be APF authorized to issue a callable service. Caller must insure that the program is either in LPA, LINKLIST or the STEPLIB that the program is targeted to run with.

C01A C01B C01C C01D C01E C01F C020

C02F C032


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

C036 Caller must ensure that the program is marked as program controlled in the HFS, or place the program in the MVS library search order and define it to SAF program control. A reason code further describes the error: Code 000A1000 Explanation The activation of a logical unit failed because the VTAM application for the logical unit is not APPC-capable. Check the VTAM APPL statement for the logical unit to ensure that you specified APPC=YES. System Action: The system also issues abend X'EC7' with reason code X'000A0037', which can be ignored. 000100xx An internal error occurred. System Action: The system continues processing, but the requested APPC/MVS service fails. The system writes an SVC dump. 00020001 A program called the Cleanup_AS service, but either did not provide the correct number of parameters or did not follow VLIST conventions. System Action: The system continues processing, but the requested APPC/MVS service fails. 00020002 A program called the Cleanup_TP service but either did not provide the correct number of parameters or did not follow VLIST conventions. System Action: The system continues processing, but the requested APPC/MVS service fails. 00020003 - 00020006 An internal error occurred. System Action: The system continues processing, but APPC/MVS initialization fails. 00020007 A program called the unauthorized Cleanup_TP service but either did not provide the correct number of parameters or did not follow VLIST conventions. System Action: The system continues processing, but the requested APPC/MVS service fails. 00020008 A program issued a version of the Cleanup_Address_Space service that is not valid on the release of MVS installed on the system. System Action: The system continues processing, but the requested APPC/MVS service fails. 00020009 A program called a version of the unauthorized Cleanup_TP service that
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

C443-C55A Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. FDxx If xx is in the range of X'01' to X'7F', a signal was received causing termination and a dump to be taken. This condition is usually the result of an application programming exception. For a description of the signal represented by the value xx, check the appropriate appendix BPXYSIGH - Signal Constants or Signal Defaults in z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference.

FDF1-FDF4 Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. FFxx If xx is in the range of X'01'to X'7F', a signal was received causing termination. This condition is usually the result of a process explicitly sending a terminating signal to either itself or to another process in the process group. For a description of the signal represented by the value xx, check the appropriate appendix BPXYSIGH - Signal Constants or Signal Defaults in z/OS UNIX System Services Programming: Assembler Callable Services Reference. If z/OS UNIX has not been started, request the operator to issue the START OMVS command. Verify that z/OS UNIX completes initialization before running the job again. An error was encountered that prevents the running of the callable service. However, the system cannot set an error return code for the caller because the input parameter list is incorrectly specified. Verify that the high-order bit of the last parameter list entry is set on. Currently, a maximum of 25 parameter list entries is supported for a callable service.



FFFA-FFFE Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: z/OS UNIX System Services (BPX) EC7 Explanation: Advanced Program-to-Program Communications (APPC) issues abend X'EC7' when it detects an unrecoverable error.


is not valid on the release of MVS installed on the system. System Action: The system continues processing, but the requested APPC/MVS service fails. 0002000A A program called the ATBCUC1 service, which is not valid on the release of MVS installed on the system. System Action: The system continues processing, but the requested APPC/MVS service fails. 0002000B An abend occurred when the system tried to access the input parameters for a callable service. The caller of the program does not have read or write access to the parameters. An internal error occurred while the DISPLAY APPC command processor was trying to extract data for display. System Action: The system ends the DISPLAY command but APPC continues processing. 00050001 A system error occurred during conversion of a transaction program (TP) profile. System Action: The system does not use the TP profile. 00050002 An internal error occurred. System Action: The system does not use the TP profile. 00050300 - 000503E0 An internal error occurred during VSAM processing. System Action: The system continues processing, but the requested APPC/MVS service fails. 00050420 - 00050424 A system error occurred during transaction program (TP) profile processing. System Action: The system does not use the TP profile. 00050800 - 00050822 An internal error occurred during TP profile or side information processing. System Action: The system continues processing, but the requested APPC/MVS service fails. 00050200 An internal error occurred during APPC initialization 0006000B System Action: The system continues processing, but APPC/MVS initialization fails. 00050602 - 00050657 An internal error occurred during TP profile or side information processing. 00060001 - 00060004 An internal error occurred. System Action: The system abnormally ends APPC. If the restart criteria are met, APPC restarts in a new address space. 00060005 - 00060009 An internal error occurred. System Action: APPC continues processing, but inbound processing could be affected. 0006000A An internal error occurred. System Action: The system abnormally ends APPC. If the restart criteria are met, APPC restarts in a new address space. An internal error occurred. System Action: APPC continues processing, but inbound processing could be affected. 0006000C - 0006000E An internal error occurred. System Action: The system abnormally ends APPC. If the restart criteria are met, APPC restarts in a new address space. 0006000F - 00060014 An internal error occurred. System Action: APPC continues processing, but inbound processing could be affected. 00070001 - 00070002 An internal error occurred. System Action: The system sends messages to the operator console to show APPCs status following the abend. If restart conditions are met, APPC will restart itself in another address space. 00070003 Initialization of the APPC/cross-system coupling facility (XCF) group name failed. System Action: The system continues processing, but APPC resources are not available. If the operator enters the START APPC



z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

command in response to this problem. APPC initialization will fail. 00070004 The system failed to initialize the APPC/XCF group name. The system could not find a match for CVTSNAME in the system information returned from the IXCQUERY macro. The system has not initialized the APPC/XCF group name. System Action: The system continues processing, but APPC resources are not available. If the operator enters the START APPC command in response to this problem. APPC initialization will fail. 00070005 An unauthorized attempt was made to start APPC. APPC can only be invoked by the installation as a started task using the START APPC command. System Action: The system sends messages to the operator console to show APPCs status following the abend. If restart conditions are met, APPC will restart itself in another address space. 00070006 APPC was unable to obtain required common storage. Register 2 contains the return code from the system STORAGE macro. System Action: The system sends messages to the operator console to show APPCs status following the abend. If restart conditions are met, APPC will restart itself in another address space. 00070008 An illegal state transition was requested for APPC. System Action: The system sends messages to the operator console to show APPCs status following the abend. If restart conditions are met, APPC will restart itself in another address space. 00070009 APPC was unable to obtain required private storage. Register 2 contains the return code from the system STORAGE macro. System Action: The system sends messages to the operator console to show APPCs status following the abend. If restart conditions are met, APPC will restart itself in another address space. 0007000A An internal error occurred. 00070010 0007000F System Action: The system sends messages to the operator console to show APPCs status following the abend. If restart conditions are met, APPC will restart itself in another address space. 0007000B An illegal state transition was requested for one of APPCs divisions. System Action: The system sends messages to the operator console to show APPCs status following the abend. If restart conditions are met, APPC will restart itself in another address space. 0007000C The system cannot load the ATBINPVT load module. System Action: The system sends messages to the operator console to show APPCs status following the abend. If restart conditions are met, APPC will restart itself in another address space. 0007000D - 0007000E An internal error occurred. System Action: The system sends messages to the operator console to show APPCs status following the abend. If restart conditions are met, APPC will restart itself in another address space. An initialization error occurred. The system was unable to obtain an APPC resource. System Action: The system continues processing, but the error will cause the failure of APPC initialization processing if the operator enters a START APPC command. An internal error occurred. System Action: The system sends messages to the operator console to show APPCs status following the abend. If restart conditions are met, APPC will restart itself in another address space. 00070011 The system was unable to load the ATBINPVT load module. Register 2 contains the return code from the system LOAD macro. System Action: The system sends messages to the operator console to show APPCs status following the abend. If restart conditions are met, APPC will restart itself in another address space.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


00070012 The system was unable to load the ATBINLPA load module. Register 2 contains the return code from the system LOAD macro. System Action: The system sends messages to the operator console to show APPCs status following the abend. If restart conditions are met, APPC will restart itself in another address space. 00070013 The system was unable to load the ATBINMIG load module. Register 2 contains the return code from the system LOAD macro. System Action: The system sends messages to the operator console to show APPCs status following the abend. If restart conditions are met, APPC will restart itself in another address space. 00070015 An attempt was made to update the state of a division, but the division identifier is not defined. System Action: The system sends messages to the operator console to show APPCs status following the abend. If restart conditions are met, APPC will restart itself in another address space. 00070019 - 0007001D An internal error occurred. System Action: APPC cannot restart itself in another address space. APPC services remain unavailable. 00090001 The caller specified a parameter list that contained too many or too few parameters for the service being invoked, System Action: The system denies the request. No conversations end as a result of the error, unless it results in the abnormal ending of the address space. If the address space abnormally ends, all conversations owned by the address space will be cleaned up as part of normal APPC processing. 00090002 An abend occurred while the system tried to access one of the following: v Input parameters to which the caller does not have read access. v Output parameters to which the caller does not have write access. 00090058 00090052 An internal error occurred. System Action: The system continues processing, but the requested APPC/MVS service fails. The system issues an SVC dump. 00090054 APPC/MVS cannot access the conversation_ID parameter for the Error_Extract service. System Action: The system does not process the call to Error_Extract. The system continues other processing. 00090055 APPC/MVS cannot access the service_name parameter for the Error_Extract service. System Action: The system does not process the call to Error_Extract. The system continues other processing. 00090056 APPC/MVS cannot access the service_reason_code parameter for the Error_Extract service. System Action: The system does not process the call to Error_Extract. The system continues other processing. 00090057 APPC/MVS cannot access the message_text_length parameter for the Error_Extract service. System Action: The system does not process the call to Error_Extract. The system continues other processing. APPC/MVS cannot access the message_text parameter for the Error_Extract service. System Action: The system does not process the call to Error_Extract. The system continues other processing. 00090059 APPC/MVS cannot access the error_log_product_set_ID_length parameter for the Error_Extract service. System Action: The system does not process the call to Error_Extract. The system continues other processing. 00090060 APPC/MVS cannot access the error_log_product_set_ID parameter for the Error_Extract service. System Action: The system does not process the call to Error_Extract. The system continues other processing. 00090061 APPC/MVS cannot access the error_log_data_length parameter for the Error_Extract service.

00090003 - 00090051 An internal error occurred.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

System Action: The system does not process the call to Error_Extract. The system continues other processing. 00090062 APPC/MVS cannot access the error_log_data parameter for the Error_Extract service. System Action: The system does not process the call to Error_Extract. The system continues other processing. 00090063 APPC/MVS cannot access the return_code parameter for the Error_Extract service. System Action: The system does not process the call to Error_Extract. The system continues other processing. 00090064 APPC/MVS cannot access the reason_code parameter for the Error_Extract service. System Action: The system does not process the call to Error_Extract. The system continues other processing. 00090065 A program specified an incorrect number of parameters on a call to Error_Extract. System Action: The system does not process the call to Error_Extract. The system continues other processing. 00090066 - 00090068 An internal error occurred in APPC/MVS. System Action: The system does not process the call to Error_Extract. The system continues other processing. 00090069 APPC/MVS cannot access the parameter list for the Error_Extract service. System Action: The system does not process the call to Error_Extract. The system continues other processing. 00090070 - 00090072 An internal error occurred in APPC/MVS. System Action: The system continues processing, but the requested APPC/MVS service fails. The system takes an SVC dump. 000A00xx An internal error occurred. System Action: APPC continues processing. 000A1000 The activation of a logical unit failed because the VTAM application for the logical unit is not APPC-capable.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

Check the VTAM APPL statement for the logical unit to ensure that you specified APPC=YES. 00100003 The join group service abnormally ended while trying to access the XCFMSGIN_EXIT_ADDRESS input parameter. System Action: The system rejects the request. The system does not join the caller to the APPC group. 00100004 The join group service abnormally ended while trying to access the XCFMSGIN_MEMDATA input parameter. System Action: The system rejects the request. The system does not join the caller to the APPC group. 00100005 The join group service abnormally ended while trying to access the XCF_RETURN_CODE input parameter. System Action: The system rejects the request. The system does not join the caller to the APPC group. 00100006 The join group service abnormally ended while trying to access the XCF_REASON_CODE input parameter. System Action: The system rejects the request. The system does not join the caller to the APPC group. 00100007 The join group service abnormally ended while trying to access the RETURN_CODE input parameter. System Action: The system rejects the request. The system does not join the caller to the APPC group. 00100008 The join group service abnormally ended while trying to access the MEMBER_TOKEN input parameter. System Action: The system rejects the request. The system does not join the caller to the APPC group. 00100009 An incorrect number of parameters was passed to the join group service. System Action: The system rejects the request. The system does not join the caller to the APPC group. 0010000A - 0010000B An internal error occurred.


System Action: The system automatically restarts APPC. If a second failure occurs, APPC will abnormally end. 0010000C The parameter list passed to the Associate Service contained an incorrect number of parameters. System Action: APPC continues processing, but the system does not perform the requested service. 0010000D The parameter list passed to the Connect Service contained an incorrect number of parameters. System Action: APPC continues processing, but the system does not perform the requested service. 0010000E The parameter list passed to the Control Service contained an incorrect number of parameters. System Action: APPC continues processing, but the system does not perform the requested service. 0010000F The parameter list passed to the Disconnect Service contained an incorrect number of parameters. System Action: APPC continues processing, but the system does not perform the requested service. 00100010 The parameter list passed to the Identify Service contained an incorrect number of parameters. System Action: APPC continues processing, but the system does not perform the requested service. 00100011 The parameter list passed to the Unidentify Service contained an incorrect number of parameters. System Action: APPC continues processing, but the system does not perform the requested service. 00100012 The parameter list passed to the Define Local TP Service contained an incorrect number of parameters. System Action: APPC continues processing, but the system does not perform the requested service. 00100013 The parameter list passed to a transaction scheduler interface service contains inaccessible parameters. System Action: APPC continues processing, but the system does not perform the requested service. 00100020 0010001F 00100014 The join service failed while trying to access the parameter pointers. The parameter list is inaccessible. System Action: The system rejects the request. The system does not join the caller to the APPC group. 00100015 The parameter list passed to the Set_AS_Attributes service contained an incorrect number of parameters. System Action: The system continues processing, but the requested APPC/MVS service fails. 00100016 The parameter list passed to the Set_AS_Attributes service contains inaccessible parameters.

00100017 - 00100018 An internal error occurred. System Action: The system automatically restarts APPC. If a second failure occurs, APPC abnormally abends. 00100019 An internal error occurred. System Action: The callers task is ended. A program issued a version of the Identify service that is not valid on the release of MVS installed on the system. System Action: The system continues processing, but the requested APPC/MVS service fails. A program issued a version of the Unidentify service that is not valid on the release of MVS installed on the system. System Action: The system continues processing, but the requested APPC/MVS service fails. 00100023 A program issued a version of the Join_Sysappc_Group service that is not valid on the release of MVS installed on the system. System Action: The system continues processing, but the requested APPC/MVS service fails. 00100025 A program passed a parameter list containing an incorrect number of parameters to the Version_Service. A program passed an inaccessible parameter list to the Version_Service. A program passed a parameter list

00100026 00100027


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

containing inaccessible parameters to the Version_Service. System Action: The system continues processing, but the requested APPC/MVS service fails. 00100028 An internal error occurred during processing of the Identify service. System Action: The system ends the callers task. 00100029 An internal error occurred during processing of the Unidentify service. System Action: The system ends the callers task. 00120001 The Accept_Test service abnormally ended because the callers parameter list was incorrect. The Accept_Test service abnormally ended while trying to write to callers parameter list. The Register_Test service abnormally ended because the callers parameter list was incorrect. The Register_Test service abnormally ended while trying to write to callers parameter list. The Unregister_Test service abnormally ended because the callers parameter list was incorrect. The Unregister_Test service abnormally ended while trying to write to callers parameter list. An internal error occurred. System Action: The system action is unpredictable. --> 00140001 The Register_For_Allocates service abnormally ended because the caller specified a parameter list that contained too many or too few parameters. The Register_For_Allocates service abnormally ended because the system tried to access one of the following: v Input parameters to which the caller does not have read access v Output parameters to which the caller does not have write access. The Receive_Allocates service abnormally ended because the caller specified a parameter list that contained too many or too few parameters. 0014000A 00140007 00140006 00140005 00140004 The Receive_Allocates service abnormally ended because the system tried to access one of the following: v Input parameters to which the caller does not have read access v Output parameters to which the caller does not have write access. The Reject_Conversation service abnormally ended because the caller specified a parameter list that contained too many or too few parameters. The Reject_Conversation service abnormally ended because the system tried to access one of the following: v Input parameters to which the caller does not have read access v Output parameters to which the caller does not have write access. The Set_Allocate_Queue_Notification service abnormally ended because the caller specified a parameter list that contained too many or too few parameters. The Set_Allocate_Queue_Notification service abnormally ended because the system tried to access one of the following: v Input parameters to which the caller does not have read access v Output parameters to which the caller does not have write access. The Get_Event service abnormally ended because the caller specified a parameter list that contained too many or too few parameters. The Get_Event service abnormally ended because the system tried to access one of the following: v Input parameters to which the caller does not have read access v Output parameters to which the caller does not have write access. The Query_Allocate_Queue service abnormally ended because the caller specified a parameter list that contained too many or too few parameters. The Query_Allocate_Queue service abnormally ended because the system tried to access one of the following: v Input parameters to which the caller does not have read access













Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


v Output parameters to which the caller does not have write access. 0014000D The Set_Allocate_Queue_Attributes service abnormally ended because the caller specified a parameter list that contained too many or too few parameters. The Set_Allocate_Queue_Attributes service abnormally ended because the system tried to access one of the following: v Input parameters to which the caller does not have read access v Output parameters to which the caller does not have write access. The Set_Conversation_Accounting_ Information service abnormally ended because the caller specified a parameter list that contained too many or too few parameters. The Set_Conversation_Accounting_ Information service abnormally ended because the system tried to access one of the following: v Input parameters to which the caller does not have read access v Output parameters to which the caller does not have write access. The Unregister_For_Allocates service abnormally ended because the caller specified a parameter list that contained too many or too few parameters. The Unregister_For_Allocates service abnormally ended because the system tried to access one of the following: v Input parameters to which the caller does not have read access v Output parameters to which the caller does not have write access. System Action: The system writes an SVC dump and continues processing. APPC/MVS accepts Allocate requests for only conversations with a synchronization level of none or confirm. 00150006 During the activation of a logical unit (LU), APPC/MVS encountered an error while attempting to perform resource manager restart processing. System Action: The system writes an SVC dump and continues processing. APPC/MVS adds the LU to the configuration, but the LU can process only conversations with a synchronization level of none or confirm. 00150008 During the processing of a synchronization request, a partner LU detected a syncpoint architecture protocol violation made by APPC/MVS during the syncpoint transaction exchange. System Action: The system writes an SVC dump and continues processing. The syncpoint request completes, but the state of the distributed resources is unknown; a heuristic condition might exist. The syncpoint conversation is deallocated by the partner. 00150009 - 0015000B An internal error occurred while the DISPLAY APPC command processor was trying to extract data for display. System Action: The system writes an SVC dump and continues processing. The system ends the DISPLAY command processing. Other APPC/MVS work continues. 0015000C An APPC LOGNAME mismatch has occurred between APPC and RRS. System Action: The system writes an SVC dump and continues processing. APPC/MVS adds the LU to the configuration, but the LU can process only conversations with a synchronization level of none or confirm. System programmer response: The logging value may have been changed in the APPC PROC from either: v LEGACY to RRSGNAME or v RRSGNAME to LEGACY






00140013 - 00140020 An internal error occurred. 00150001 - 00150004 During the activation of a logical unit (LU), APPC/MVS encountered an error while attempting to perform resource manager restart processing. System Action: The system writes an SVC dump and continues processing. APPC/MVS adds the LU to the configuration, but the LU can process only conversations with a synchronization level of none or confirm. 00150005 An internal error occurred.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

If the LOGGING value has been changed, then check the following: v If the APPC logging value is incorrect, change it back to either LEGACY or RRSGNAME (the opposite of what was currently specified), and cancel and restart APPC. v If the APPC logging value is correct and conversations with a synchronization level of synchpoint are required, then it is necessary to cancel both APPC and RRS using the following procedure: COLD START RRSs logstreams Restart both APPC and RRS For more information, see Considerations when using the APPC LOGGING keyword in z/OS MVS Planning: APPC/MVS Management. 0015000D - 00150011 During the activation of a logical unit (LU), APPC/MVS encountered an error while attempting to perform resource manager restart processing. System Action: The system writes an SVC dump and continues processing. APPC/MVS adds the LU to the configuration, but the LU can process only conversations with a synchronization level of none or confirm. 00150012 An internal error occurred. System Action: The system writes an SVC dump and continues processing. APPC/MVS accepts Allocate requests for only conversations with a synchronization level of none or confirm. 00150013 - 00150017 APPC/MVS received an unexpected return code from an RRS callable service during resynchronization processing for a unit of recovery, associated with a protected conversation. System Action: The system writes an SVC dump and continues processing. The resynchronization transaction processing ends, and the unit of recovery remains incomplete. 00150018 An internal error occurred, causing the APPC/MVS resource manager exits for an LU to become unset. Message ATB208I identifies the LU whose resource manager exits have been unset. System Action: The system writes an SVC dump and continues processing. All active protected conversations associated with the LU have ended abnormally. APPC/MVS automatically re-registers the LUs exits. 0015001A - 0015001B An internal error occurred. System Action: The system writes an SVC dump and continues processing. The system does not purge log-name affinities for partner LUs that established protected conversations with an APPC/MVS LU. 0015001C During the activation of a logical unit (LU), APPC/MVS encountered an error while attempting to perform resource manager restart processing. System Action: The system writes an SVC dump and continues processing. APPC/MVS adds the LU to the configuration, but the LU can process only conversations with a synchronization level of none or confirm. 0015001D - 00150028 An internal error occurred. System Action: The system writes an SVC dump and continues processing. The system does not purge log-name affinities for partner LUs that established protected conversations with an APPC/MVS LU. 00150029 - 0015002A During the activation of a logical unit (LU), APPC/MVS encountered an error while attempting to perform resource manager restart processing. System Action: The system writes an SVC dump and continues processing. APPC/MVS adds the LU to the configuration, but the LU can process only conversations with a synchronization level of none or confirm. 0015002B APPC/MVS reported an asynchronous abend during syncpoint processing. System Action: APPC/MVS continues to process the syncpoint. An asynchronous abend may require

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes


APPC/MVS to perform re-synchronization to resolve the unit of recovery. 0015002C An internal error occurred in APPC/MVS during syncpoint processing. System Action: The system continues processing. The system issues an SVC dump. 0015002D An internal error occurred in APPC/MVS during syncpoint processing. System Action: The system continues processing. APPC/MVS may perform re-synchronization to resolve the unit of recovery. 00150030 RRS has been restarted with a different GNAME while APPC is active. System Action: The system writes an SVC dump and continues processing. APPC/MVS adds the LU to the configuration, but the LU can process only conversations with a synchronization level of none or confirm. System Programmer Response: Ensure that the GNAME specified on the RRS PROC when RRS was restarted is correct. If the GNAME is specified correctly, then cancel and restart APPC. For more information, see Considerations when using the APPC LOGGING keyword in z/OS MVS Planning: APPC/MVS Management. 0016xxxx An internal error occurred. System Action: Ensure that the GNAME specified on the RRSPROC when RRS was restarted is correct. If the GNAME is specified correctly then CANCEL and RESTART APPC. v Allocate requests for conversations with a synchronization level of syncpt v Resynchronization processing to resolve incomplete units of recovery and bring distributed resources to a consistent state. Operator response: If APPC abends and does not restart itself automatically, enter the START command to restart APPC. For errors during FMH-5 manager inbound processing, reason code 0006xxxx, quiesce APPC by deleting all of the logical units (LU) that are active in order to reject any new inbound TPs. Allow TPs in progress to end normally. When APPC has quiesced, enter a START command to restart APPC. If the system failed to initialize APPC, and APPC is an integral part of the installation, then reIPL the system. See the system messages written to the console to track the status of APPCs ending/restart processing. If multiple system abends occur or if a reIPL does not correct the problem, notify the system programmer. Application Programmer Response: Depending on the reason code, do one of the following: 00020001 - 00020002 Ensure that your program provides all the parameters for the requested APPC/MVS service. Ensure that all bits except for the high order bit are off. The high order bit must be on. Correct the parameter list for the requested service and submit the program again. 00020008 - 0002000A Do one of the following: v Invoke the indicated call on a system where the corresponding version of MVS is installed. v Invoke the version of the service that is appropriate for the release of MVS installed on the system. 00010000C - 000100016 Ensure that your program provides all the parameters for the requested APPC/MVS service. Ensure that all bits except for the high order bit are off. The high order bit must be on. Correct the parameter list for the requested service and submit the program again. 0010001F - 00100023 Do one of the following: v Call the service on a system where a version of MVS that supports the service is installed. v Call the version of the service that is supported on the release of MVS that is currently installed. 00100025 - 00100027 Ensure that the call to the Version_Service is coded correctly. For other parameter errors, check the program to ensure that all services are correctly coded and that all parameters are correctly specified. If the problem recurs, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Examine the SVC dump and the APPC trace records, if available, for the cause of the problem. For the following return codes, try using LUDEL followed by LUADD, or VTAM VARY


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

INACT followed by VARY ACT, to reactivate the LU: v 00150001 - 00150004 v 00150006 v 0015000C - 00150011 v 0015001C v 00150029 - 0015002A If the problem cannot be resolved or if the reason code indicates an internal error, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump. Source: APPC/MVS EC8 Explanation: An error occurred in the NETSERV address space during JES TCP/IP NJE processing. Register 15 contains the hexadecimal reason code for the error. The error is explained in the IAZ0nnnI message (where nnn = decimal value of reason code) preceding the abend. For example, if the reason code (in R15) = X'64' = 100, it would be described in IAZ0100I. System action, operator response and system programmer response are documented in the IAZ0nnnI message description. Code Explanation: See descriptions of messages IAZ0001I to IAZ0499I in z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 6 (GOS-IEA) for all possible abend error messages. Source: JES TCP/IP NJE Server (NETSERV) EFB Explanation: JES3 DLOG processing encountered an error. The abend reason code identifies the specific error. Code 01 Explanation The ASEXT macro returned a non-zero return code while the JES3DLOG address space was attempting to extract the address space parameters. Registers 2 and 3 when the EFB abend is issued contain the return and reason codes from the ASEXT macro call. The MCSOPER macro returned a non-zero return code while the JES3DLOG address space was attempting to activate its extended MCS console. Registers 2 and 3 when the EFB abend is issued contain the return and reason codes from the MCSOPER macro call. Reserved - not used The IXZXIXAT macro returned a non-zero return code while the JES3DLOG address space was attempting to attach to the JESXCF 0B 09 07 group. Registers 2 and 3 when the EFB abend is issued contain the return and reason codes from the IXZXIXAT macro call. 05 The IXZXIXMB macro returned a non-zero return code while the JES3DLOG address space was attempting to attach to the default mailbox. Registers 2 and 3 when the EFB abend is issued contain the return and reason codes from the IXZXIXMB macro call. The IXZXIXMD macro returned a non-zero return code while the JES3DLOG address space was attempting to delete the default mailbox. Registers 2 and 3 when the EFB abend is issued contain the return and reason codes from the IXZXIXMD macro call. The MCSOPMSG macro returned a return code greater than 12 while the JES3DLOG address space was attempting to access the next message in its message data space. Registers 2 and 3 when the EFB abend is issued contain the return and reason codes from the MCSOPMSG macro call. IATCNDFM returned a non-zero return code when it was called by IATCNDMS to format an MDB in JES3 DLOG format. Registers 2 and 3 when the EFB abend is issued contain the return and reason codes from IATCNDFM. An invalid function code was passed to IATCNDAL. Register 2 when the EFB abend is issued contains the function code. An invalid function code was passed to IATCNDIT. Register 2 when the EFB abend is issued contains the function code. An invalid function code was passed to IATCNDTR. Register 2 when the EFB abend is issued contains the function code. An invalid message pointer cell was returned by IATCNDFM when it was called by IATCNDIT to format an MDB in JES3 DLOG format. The RESMGR macro returned a non-zero return code while the JES3DLOG address space was attempting to setup a task level resource manager. Registers 2 and 3 when the EFB abend is issued contain the return and reason codes from the RESMGR macro call.







System action: A dump of the JES3DLOG address space and its message data space is taken, the JES3DLOG address space is terminated, and the DLOG facility is disabled. Note: A dump will not be taken for reason code 2 if a return code of four (extended MCS console already active) is returned from the MCSOPER macro.
Chapter 2. System Completion Codes

03 04


System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center and provide the following documentation: v The EFB abend reason code v The return and reason codes from the service that was called (if applicable) v The dump taken by the JES3DLOG address space (if any) v The SYSLOG around the time of error 01 See z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference ALE-DYN for a description of the ASEXT return and reason codes. The following additional documentation should be provided: v Compiler listings for modules IATCNDS and IATCNDIT. 02 See z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference LLA-SDU for a description of the MCSOPER return and reason codes. The following additional documentation should be provided: v Compiler listing for module IATCNDIT. 04 See z/OS MVS Programming: JES Common Coupling Services for a description of the IXZXIXAT return and reason codes. The following additional documentation should be provided: v Compiler listing for module IATCNDIT. v A non-zero return code from the IXZXIXAT macro is usually preceded by an ABEND from the IXZXIXAT service routine (e.g. DC5 abend). If a dump was taken of the JESXCF address space as a result of that abend, that dump should also be provided as part of the documentation. 05 See z/OS MVS Programming: JES Common Coupling Services for a description of the IXZXIXMB return and reason codes. The following additional documentation should be provided: v Compiler listing for module IATCNDIT. v A non-zero return code from the IXZXIXMB macro is usually preceded by an ABEND from the IXZXIXMB service routine (e.g. DC5 abend). If a dump was taken of the JESXCF address space as a result of that abend, that dump should also be provided as part of the documentation. 06 See z/OS MVS Programming: JES Common 0C 0A 09 Coupling Services for a description of the IXZXIXMD return and reason codes. The following additional documentation should be provided: v Compiler listing for module IATCNDIT. v A non-zero return code from the IXZXIXMD macro is usually preceded by an ABEND from the IXZXIXMD service routine (e.g. DC5 abend). If a dump was taken of the JESXCF address space as a result of that abend, that dump should also be provided as part of the documentation. 07 See z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference EDT-IXG for a description of the MCSOPMSG return and reason codes. The following additional documentation should be provided: v Compiler listings for modules IATCNDIT and IATCNDMS. 08 See macro IATYCNDF for a description of the return codes from IATCNDFM. The following additional documentation should be provided: v Compiler listings for modules IATCNDMS and IATCNDFM. The following additional documentation should be provided: v Compiler listings for modules IATCNDTK and IATCNDAL. The following additional documentation should be provided: v Compiler listings for module IATCNDIT and the module that called IATCNDIT (usually IATCNDTK or IATCNDRR) 0B The following additional documentation should be provided: v Compiler listings for module IATCNDTR and the module that invoked it via the IATXDLTR macro. The caller of IATCNDTR can be found by examining the linkage stack in the dump at the time of error. When the callers registers and return address are saved on the linkage stack via a BAKR R14,0 instruction. The following additional documentation should be provided: v Compiler listings for modules IATCNDFM and IATCNDMS. 0D See z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference LLA-SDU for a description of the RESMGR return and reason codes.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

The following additional documentation should be provided: v Compiler listing for module IATCNDIT. Source: JES3 Fnn Explanation: The system detected an error while processing a Supervisor Call (SVC) instruction. The last 2 digits of this completion code, nn, are the operand of the SVC instruction in hexadecimal. For example, completion code X'F0D' means that the error occurred while the system was processing SVC X'0D', that is, SVC 13. One of the following occurred: v When nn is equal to 13, 14, 17, or 37, recovery for OPEN/CLOSE/EOV failed to recognize a passed internal abend code. Register 12 contains the passed internal abend code. This is probably a system error. If the ABEND is accompanied by message IEC900I, the code was issued by DFSMSdfp and the code explanations are provided in this section . If the ABEND is accompanied by error messages starting with message prefix EDG, the code was issued by DFSMSrmm. See z/OS DFSMSrmm Implementation and Customization Guide for explanations of the codes when they are issued by DFSMSrmm. v When nn is not equal to 13, 14, 17, or 37, the system detected an incorrect SVC instruction. System action: Depending on the value of nn, the system does the following: v When nn is equal to 13, 14, 17, or 37, the system records the unrecognized internal abend code in register 12. It issues message IEC900I. v When nn is not equal to 13, 14, 17, or 37, the system records in register 2 the address of the request block prefix for the program that issued the incorrect SVC. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for an SVC dump, set the following SLIP trap: SLIP SET,COMP=Fnn,ACTION=SVCD,END System programmer response: Depending on the value of nn, do one of the following: v When nn is equal to 13, 14, 17, or 37, see message IEC900I. Search the problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, ask the operator to set a SLIP trap to obtain an SVC dump. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump and, if available, the logrec data set error record. v When nn is not equal to the above values, do the following: For recently installed SVCs, if the number (nn) is X'C8' thru X'FF', it is an installation defined SVC. If the SVC number is X'00' thru X'C7', and you continue to have a problem after following the next steps,

search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 1. Correct the error as follows: Make sure that the SVC instruction was not incorrectly modified. Check the operand against the valid codes for the system being used. Determine if the SVC that was issued has been installed correctly in the system. For a detailed description on creating installation defined SVCs, see z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Guide, or z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference. a. Ensure that the EPNAME specified in IEASVCxx parmlib member or on the SVCUPDTE macro, matches the name specified in the LINKEDIT JCL used to link the SVC routine into SYS1.NUCLEUS or the LPA. b. Ensure that the system has been reIPLed after the linkedit of the SVC routine to the modified LPA. See z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference for information about the CLPA and MLPA system parameters. 2. Run the job step again. Also, the are a couple of other common situations that can cause this ABEND: v Programs coded or compiled to run on CMS systems commonly issue SVCs 200-204 (X'C8'- X'CC'). If one of these objects is linked into an MVS load module, it will get the corresponding Fnn ABEND when that instruction is executed. The fix is to write such code so that it detects which operating system its running on and execute the appropriate instructions. v Another variation on this (and more likely to occur) is REXX EXECs that have been compiled into object format. These have to be link-edited with the appropriate stub code CSECT (EAGSxxxx). If the compiler output is linked into a load module by itself (or the entry point is not set to the stub), the resultant load module will get a FCA ABEND. The programmer should refer to IBM Compiler and Library for SAA REXX/370 - Users Guide and Reference for details. Source: Supervisor control

Chapter 2. System Completion Codes



z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Chapter 3. Wait State Codes

002 Explanation: During initial program load (IPL), an I/O operation was not initiated; the subchannel status word (SCSW) was stored, and the channel was not busy. Operator response: This is probably a hardware error. ReIPL the system. If the problem recurs, contact hardware support. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 003 Explanation: Initial program load (IPL) cannot continue processing because the subchannel for one of the following devices is not operational: v The IPL device. v The IODF volume, as specified in the first four characters of the LOAD parameter. Note: If you did not specify an IODF volume in the LOAD parameter, this wait state is due to a problem with the subchannel for the IPL device. System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: Do one of the following: v Make sure the IPL device and the IODF volume are enabled and reIPL the system. v IPL from a different device, or IPL using a different IODF volume. v Contact hardware support. Source: Initial program load (IPL) 004 Explanation: During system initialization, the system did not initiate an I/O operation. The channel was not busy after the system tried to store control and status information for the subchannel. System action: The system enters wait state X'004'. The system does not store the subchannel status word (SCSW). Operator response: Report this problem to the system programmer. System programmer response: You need to determine whether a device or a path to the device caused the problem. The most likely path is the last path used to access the device. Take the following steps: 1. Using the hardware Alter/Display facility, read the 4-byte subchannel address in central storage at X'B8'. The subchannel number is the last two bytes
Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 2010

(at location X'BA') of the 4-byte subchannel identification word at location X'B8'. 2. Bring up the Device Configuration Display. Enter the 2-byte subchannel number found in step 1. This displays the device number, unit address, and the installed channel paths for the selected subchannel number. If there is only one channel path to the device, there is no need for the system operator to continue problem determination. Contact hardware support. 3. It is likely that the failing path is the last path used. Display subchannel status information. On CMOS-based processors, this is the Analyze Subchannel Data display. Read the last path used mask (LPUM) field to determine the last path used. The LPUM field consists of 8 bits. If bit n is on, then CHPIDn is the last path used. For example, if the LPUM field shows B'01000000', bit 1 is on and the CHPID1 field identifies the last path used. 4. Bring up the CHPID menu and configure the last used channel path offline. 5. ReIPL the system. 6. If the problem does not recur, you have identified the failing path. If the problem recurs and there are other paths to the device, configure the other paths offline one by one until you have identified the failing path. If this does not identify a failing path, the problem is caused either by the remaining online path or by the device. Contact hardware support. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 005 Explanation: An I/O interruption during initial program load (IPL) indicated a unit check. A sense operation was unable to determine the cause of the unit check, but the unit check was not caused by one of the following: v No record found v File mask violation v End of cylinder v Track condition check System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: This problem can indicate either that: v The system programmer either modified the IPL text or the IODF data set (if defined). v The system detected a hardware error on the IODF volume or the SYSRES volume.


006 007
If a system programmer modified the IPL text or the IODF data set, notify the system programmer. Otherwise, make sure the IPL pack is ready, and reIPL the system. For other situations, a hardware problem is affecting the system. The steps below will assist to find the address of the device that received the unit check, and you need to determine whether a device or a path to the device caused the problem. The most likely path is the last path used to access the device. Take the following steps: 1. Using the hardware Alter/Display facility, read the 4-byte subchannel address in central storage at X'B8'. The subchannel number is the last two bytes (at location X'BA') of the 4-byte subchannel identification word at location X'B8'. 2. Bring up the Device Configuration Display. Enter the 2-byte subchannel number found in step 1. This displays the device number, unit address, and the installed channel paths for the selected subchannel number. If there is only one channel path to the device, there is no need for the system operator to continue problem determination. Contact hardware support. 3. It is likely that the failing path is the last path used. Display subchannel status information. On CMOS-based processors, this is the Analyze Subchannel Data display. Read the last path used mask (LPUM) field to determine the last path used. The LPUM field consists of 8 bits. If bit n is on, then CHPIDn is the last path used. For example, if the LPUM field shows B'01000000', bit 1 is on and the CHPID1 field identifies the last path used. 4. Bring up the CHPID menu and configure the last used channel path offline. 5. ReIPL the system. 6. If the problem does not recur, you have identified the failing path. If the problem recurs and there are other paths to the device, configure the other paths offline one by one until you have identified the failing path. If this does not identify a failing path, the problem is caused either by the remaining online path or by the device. Contact hardware support. Finally, if the above steps do not locate the failing hardware, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: If the IPL text or the IODF data set was modified, look for a problem in the modified text or data set and fix it. If the failing hardware is not found using the steps in the Operator Response, ask the operator to obtain a stand-alone dump. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center and provide the stand-alone dump. Source: Initial program load (IPL)/nucleus initialization program (NIP) 006 Explanation: During initial program load (IPL), an I/O error occurred while IPL was reading from the SYSRES or IODF volume. The error can be one or more of the following: v An interface control check v A channel control check v A channel data check v A program check v A channel chaining check v STATE CHANGE INTERRUPT detected due to SETCACHE SUBSYS OFF issued on sharing system. Note: One commonly seen cause for this problem is having the nucleus in secondary extents. This problem has also been caused by the nucleus containing a not-executable SVC. Browse SYS1.NUCLEUS for any member with an attribute of NX. System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: Use the hardware Problem Determination facilities to see if any errors occurred during the IPL process. If channel errors occurred, try configuring the channel paths offline and reipling the system. If the problem recurs, notify the system programmer. If the system programmer requests, obtain a standalone dump. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump. Source: Initial program load (IPL) 007 Explanation: During system initialization, a console was not available to the system. Operator response: Check to see if the console is available. If so, reIPL. If not, contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Check the Console Report, contained in the HCD Operating System report (OS), to verify that at least one nucleus initialization program (NIP) console is configured. HCD builds the OS report based on the IODF configuration data. Do the following: v See z/OS HCD Users Guide for information regarding IODF. v Obtain a stand-alone dump. v Search problem reporting databases for a fix to the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

009 00E
Source: Console services 009 Explanation: There is a system build error. The required release is not installed. A reason code identifies the error: Code 0 Explanation The required release of DFSMS is not installed. v If the system programmer asks for a stand-alone dump, obtain one. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, obtain the dump. If no dump exists, ask the operator to obtain a stand-alone dump. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump. Source: Master scheduler 00D Explanation: During system initialization, the master scheduler ended abnormally. System action: The system ends system initialization. The system enters wait state X'00D'. Operator response: Try to reIPL the system. If unsuccessful, contact the system programmer. If the system programmer asks for a stand-alone dump, obtain one. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, ask the operator to obtain a stand-alone dump. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump. Source: Master scheduler 00E Explanation: Initial program load (IPL) cannot continue due to a problem on the system residence (SYSRES) volume. The right-most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: x rr00www where: x rr www Irrelevant information. A hexadecimal reason code indicating the reason for the failure. The wait state code.

System action: The system issues wait state code X'009' reason 0 and message IEA016W. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Install the proper release of DFSMS, and then re-IPL. Source: System initialization (IPL/NIP) 00A Explanation: For one or more of the following data sets: v SYS1.LINKLIB v SYS1.MIGLIB v SYS1.CSSLIB v SYS1.SIEALNKE v SYS1.SIEAMIGE Their catalog entries could not be found on, or could not be retrieved from the system catalog. This wait state is preceded by message IEA326I. System action: The system issues message IEA326I before entering a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Ensure that all of the above data sets are in the catalog, and then restart the system. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Initial program load (IPL)

The reason code (rr) is one of the following: 00B Explanation: During system initialization, the master scheduler ended abnormally. System action: The system ends system initialization. The system writes a dump. The system enters wait state X'00B'. Operator response: Do the following: v Try to reIPL the system. If unsuccessful, contact the system programmer. v Obtain the dump written by the system. Reason Code Explanation 01 IPL cannot locate the SYS1.NUCLEUS data set or the system nucleus member of the SYS1.NUCLEUS data set on the system residence volume or the SYS1.NUCLEUS data set is described by a format 8 DSCB. The nucleus member is one of the following: v IEANUC01, which is DAT-on nucleus IEANUC01
Chapter 3. Wait State Codes


00F 017
v IEANUC0x, which is an alternate DAT-on nucleus where x is not 1 v IEAVEDAT, which is the DAT-off nucleus DAT is the acronym for dynamic address translation. 02 An incorrect system residence (SYSRES) volume has been chosen for the IPL. System programmer response: If the problem cannot be resolved, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, ask the operator to obtain a stand-alone dump. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump. 013 Explanation: During processing of the nucleus initialization program (NIP), an error occurred from which recovery is impossible. Check the system completion code to determine the problem. Operator response: If requested by the system programmer, obtain a stand-alone dump. ReIPL the system. System programmer response: If the problem cannot be resolved, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, ask the operator to obtain a stand-alone dump. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump. 014 Explanation: The system encountered recursive program checks. Usually, this is the result of an overlay of a critical system control block, such as PSA, ASCB, SGTE, or PGTE. System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: If the system programmer requests a stand-alone dump, obtain one. ReIPL the system. System programmer response: Do the following: 1. Ask the operator to obtain a stand-alone dump. 2. Determine the control block that has been overlaid and the module that did the overlay. In many cases, the last program to be dispatched on that processor caused the overlay. The last program dispatched can be determined from the system trace table. 3. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Because of the possibility that a hardware malfunction contributed to this problem, you should also contact hardware support. Provide to the IBM Support Center and to hardware support the stand-alone dump. Source: Supervisor control 017 Explanation: During initial program load (IPL), a unit check occurred after an I/O operation was successfully started. The I/O operation was: v A sense I/O v An attempt to read the home address and record 0 of a track that previously caused a track condition check

System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: Reason Code Action 01 If you selected an alternate DAT-on nucleus member, make sure that the alternate nucleus identifier (x of IEANUC0x) was correctly entered through the console frame, or at absolute storage location X'F'. Then reIPL the system. Ensure that the correct SYSRES volume is specified for the IPL then reIPL the system.


If the error persists, notify the system programmer. Obtain a stand-alone dump if requested by the system programmer. System programmer response: Reason Code Action 01 Make sure that the SYS1.NUCLEUS data set resides on the system residence volume, and that it contains the members you want to load, and that it is a data set described with a format 1 DSCB in the VTOC, not a format 8 DSCB. Ensure that the correct SYSRES volume is specified for the IPL and that the hardware management console (HMC) load profile points to this volume. Then reIPL the system.


If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump. For reason code 01, also provide the name of the SYS1.NUCLEUS member that the IPL program could not find. Source: Initial program load (IPL) 00F Explanation: For initial program load (IPL), a volume has been loaded that does not contain IPL text. Operator response: Correctly identify the correct volume to be loaded. Verify that the correct volume is mounted. If requested by the system programmer, obtain a stand-alone dump. ReIPL the system.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

019 01B
The 4-byte address of the subchannel identifier can be found in central storage at decimal address 184 (X'B8'). System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: Report this problem to the system programmer. System programmer response: You need to determine whether a device or a path to the device caused the problem. The most likely path is the last path used to access the device. Take the following steps: 1. Using the hardware Alter/Display facility, read the 4-byte subchannel address in central storage at X'B8'. The subchannel number is the last two bytes (at location X'BA') of the 4-byte subchannel identification word at location X'B8'. 2. Bring up the Device Configuration Display. Enter the 2-byte subchannel number found in step 1. This displays the device number, unit address, and the installed channel paths for the selected subchannel number. If there is only one channel path to the device, there is no need for the system operator to continue problem determination. Contact hardware support. 3. It is likely that the failing path is the last path used. Display subchannel status information. On CMOS-based processors, this is the Analyze Subchannel Data display. Read the last path used mask (LPUM) field to determine the last path used. The LPUM field consists of 8 bits. If bit n is on, then CHPIDn is the last path used. For example, if the LPUM field shows B'01000000', bit 1 is on and the CHPID1 field identifies the last path used. 4. Bring up the CHPID menu and configure the last used channel path offline. 5. ReIPL the system. 6. If the problem does not recur, you have identified the failing path. If the problem recurs and there are other paths to the device, configure the other paths offline one by one until you have identified the failing path. If this does not identify a failing path, the problem is caused either by the remaining online path or by the device. Contact hardware support. Source: Initial program load (IPL) 019 Explanation: During initial program load (IPL), an unexpected program interruption occurred. IPL did not complete loading the resident nucleus. If this wait state occurred because the IPL program is in error, a stand alone dump should be taken so that the cause of the program error can be diagnosed. The problem is one of the following: v The operator pressed START during system initialization. v The IPL program is in error. v The storage in which IPL resides is failing. v The IODF being used for IPL may be empty. System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: Do one of the following: v If this wait state occurred because an operator pressed the START key during system initialization, let the IPL continue. It is not necessary to reIPL; the system will start the waiting processors automatically. v Make sure the SYS1.NUCLEUS data set does not have secondary extents. If there are no secondary extents, the error is probably the result of a hardware problem. Contact hardware support. When the problem has been corrected, reIPL the system. v Ensure that the IPL text program installed is at the correct level for the operating system. If not, reinstall IPLTEXT as described in the MVS program directory. Source: Initial program load (IPL) 01B Explanation: An active SLIP trap requests an action of WAIT. The conditions specified on the SLIP command have been met. The system enters a wait state, as requested. PSAWTCOD in the prefixed storage area (PSA) points to a 28-byte field:
01ccccxxrrrrrrrrppppppppssssssssllllllllzzzzzzzzgggggggg Recovery termination manager 1 (RTM1) functional recovery routine (FRR)type of entry. 2ccccxxrrrrrrrrppppppppwwwwwwwwllllllllzzzzzzzzgggggggg RTM2 ESTAE type of entry (RTM2WA). 03ccccxxrrrrrrrrppppppppaaaaaaaallllllllzzzzzzzzgggggggg Address space ending type of entry. 04ccccxxrrrrrrrrppppppppiiiiiiiillllllllzzzzzzzzgggggggg Program event recording (PER) interrupt type of entry.

The variable information in the field is as follows: cccc A pointer to the logical CPU id of the processor where the event was detected. Irrelevant information. A pointer to the general registers. A pointer to the program status word (PSW). A pointer to the system diagnostic work area (SDWA). A pointer to control registers 3 and 4. A pointer to the access registers. A pointer to the RTM2 work entry.

xx rrrrrrrr pppppppp ssssssss llllllll zzzzzzzz wwwwwwww

Chapter 3. Wait State Codes


01C 022
aaaaaaaa iiiiiiii gggggggg A pointer to the address space control block (ASCB). A pointer to the PER interrupt code. A pointer to the high 32 bits of the 64-bit GPRs, or 0 if not available. 020 Explanation: Reconfiguration initialization failed. The wait state reason code specifies the error. The right-most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: xrrrrwww where: x rrrr www 01C Explanation: Supervisor control experienced a recursive abnormal end in its super functional recovery routine (FRR). This is probably a software error. The right-most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: x0rrrwww where: x rrr www Irrelevant information. A hexadecimal reason code indicating the reason for the failure. The wait state code. Irrelevant information. A hexadecimal reason code indicating the reason for the failure. The wait state code.

System action: The system issues message IEA992I before the system enters the restartable, disabled wait state. Operator response: Follow the directions of the system programmer for the SLIP trap. Then restart the system by invoking the restart function. Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM)

The reason code (rrrr) is one of the following: 0010 The service processor could not provide channel path information to reconfiguration. This is a hardware problem.

System action: The system ends the initialization. The system enters nonrestartable wait state X'020'. Operator response: For reason code X'0010' or X'0030', obtain a stand-alone dump. Contact hardware support, providing the recorded contents of the wait state PSW. Check the processor controller. Try to do a switch-over or reIPL. If this does not work, partition the machine and use the side with a good service processor. For reason code X'0040', contact the system programmer. System programmer response: For reason code X'0040', search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Ask the operator to obtain the stand-alone dump and provide it to IBM. Source: Reconfiguration 022 Explanation: A page fault occurred for a page with a primary and secondary copy. The primary and secondary devices are in one of the following states: v Quiesced v Not ready The error occurred in a system facility invoked by direct access volume verification (DAVV). Operator response: Do the following: v Display the contents of register 7 to see if the correct volume is mounted. Register 7 contains the address of the unit control block (UCB) that contains the following: The device address The volume serial number of the volume that should be mounted

The reason code (rrr) is one of the following: 000 004 Supervisor control experienced a double recursive abend. Supervisor control experienced a recursive abend during list transition processing. System completion code AC7, reason code 000B0000, occurred recursively. This can happen as a result of a shortage of virtual storage above 16 megabytes.

| 008 | | |

System action: The system may issue message IEA967W. The system writes a logrec error record. Operator response: If the system programmer requests a stand-alone dump, obtain one. ReIPL the system. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, ask the operator to obtain a stand-alone dump. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump and, if available, the logrec error record. Source: Supervisor control


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

023 02E
ATTENTION: If you do not mount the correct volume before restarting the system, some system data may be lost. v ReIPL the system. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 023 Explanation: During the creation of the system trace address space or during the initialization of the system trace function, the system detected an error. System trace returned a nonzero return code. System action: The system abnormally ends the system trace initialization with a nonrestartable wait state. The system writes message IEA416W. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: System trace 025 Explanation: The system detected a duplicate entry point name appearing in modules being loaded into the DAT-on nucleus. (DAT is the acronym for dynamic address translation.) System action: The system issues message IEA087W to identify the entry point names and the modules in which the entry points appear. IEA087W appears one or more times in the IPL WTO buffer. The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: Do the following as soon as possible to find the WTO buffer and locate message IEA087W in the buffer. Do not write a stand-alone dump before doing this procedure, because the dump might overlay storage. v Using the hardware Alter/Display facility, display the address at location X'14' in central storage. This address points to the IPL diagnostics area. Primary Real Storage must be displayed to find the IPL diagnostic area. v Add X'28' to the address of the IPL diagnostic area and display the resulting location in central storage. This location contains the 31-bit virtual address of the IPL vector table (IVT). Henceforth, all addresses are 31-bit virtual and you must switch to displaying Primary Virtual Storage to display remaining storage locations. v Add X'E0' to the IVT address. The result is the address of the IVTMQHP field. IVTMQHP contains the address of the message queue header (MQH). v MQH+X'0' contains the address of the oldest message queue element (MQE) available. The message text for the oldest MQE begins at MQE+X'8'. v Use MQE+X'0' of the oldest MQE to find the MQE of the next oldest message. Again, the message text for this MQE begins at MQE+X'8'. v Repeat this sequence (using MQE+X'0' of the current MQE to locate the next MQE), until the message text for the appropriate IEA51xW message is displayed. Notify the system programmer, providing the texts of IEA087W messages. If the system programmer requests it, obtain a stand-alone dump. System programmer response: Translate the text of IEA087W messages from hexadecimal into EBCDIC. If a NUCLSTxx member is being used (the LOADxx member has a NUCLST statement which refers to a NUCLSTxx member), and the NUCLST member includes one or both of the modules in the message text, the problem may be that the module being included has entry points in common with a module that is already included. If this is the case, the NUCLST member must be changed, or the entry point(s) in the module being included must be changed to have different entry point names. If either module in the message text is supplied by the installation, change the entry point name. If one of the modules is IEANUC0x, look in the link-edit map to find which CSECT contains the duplicate CSECT name. If IBM supplies both modules, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide a stand-alone dump and the IEA087W message text. Source: Initial program load (IPL) 02E Explanation: The auxiliary storage manager (ASM) is unable to function because of recovery problems or an unusual number of permanent I/O errors on one or more necessary page data sets. The accompanying reason code further describes the error: Code 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 Explanation The cause of the error cannot be determined. The PLPA data set is now bad. The common data set is now bad. Both the PLPA and common data sets are not available. The PLPA data set is now bad. The common data set is now bad. The last local page data set is now bad.
Chapter 3. Wait State Codes


030 031
07 08 09 0A The catalog entry for the data set has been deleted while in use. The catalog data set extents, volume, device type, or page data set attributes have changed. The status information record header has become unrecognizable. The status information record has been updated. Source: Nucleus initialization program (NIP) 031 Explanation: The system did not find a unit control block for the device containing the system residence (SYSRES) volume, for one of the following reasons: v The system was IPLed using the wrong SYSRES volume v The SYSRES volume was not specified in the I/O configuration definition v The system did not select the desired I/O configuration. System action: The system enters wait state X'031'. Operator response: Depending on the reason that this wait state code was issued, do the following: v If the system was IPLed using the wrong SYSRES volume, then mount the correct SYSRES volume and reIPL the system. v If the SYSRES volume was not specified in the I/O configuration definition, then notify the system programmer to rebuild the I/O configuration to include the correct SYSRES volume. v If the system did not select the desired I/O configuration, use the following steps to determine which I/O configuration was selected; then notify the system programmer: 1. Using the hardware Alter/Display facility, read the real address in central storage at X'14', representing the address of the IPL diagnostic area. 2. Add X'28' to the address in X'14', and also read this as a real address in central storage. The result is a 31-bit virtual address, which is the IPL vector table (IVT). Henceforth, all addresses are 31-bit virtual and you must switch to displaying Primary Virtual Storage to display remaining storage locations. Note that the following addresses are also 31-bit virtual addresses. 3. Add X'E0' to the address of IVT to locate the IVTMQHP field, which points to the message queue header (MQH). 4. MQH + X'0' points to the oldest message queue element (MQE) available. Message text beings at MQH + X'8'. This message should be IEA371I, showing the device number and data set (SYS1.PARMLIB or SYS1.IPLPARM) used to located the selected LOADxx member. 5. MQE + X'0' of the oldest MQE points to the second oldest MQE. This message should be IEA246I, showing which LOADxx member was selected. 6. MQE + X'0' of the oldest MQE points to the third oldest MQE. This message should be either IEA097I, showing which MVSCP IOCONFIG was selected, or IEA519I, showing which IODF was selected.

System action: System processing ends. The system issued message ILR008W or ILR035W prior to the wait state. The system may have issued messages ILR007I, ILR009E, and ILR010I previously; these messages indicate what conditions led to the wait state. Operator response: Report this wait state to the system programmer. Provide the system programmer with the system messages for problem analysis. If necessary, at the IPL, replace the page data sets referenced in the preceding messages or add more page data sets. Then IPL the system. System programmer response: Analyze the messages provided by the operator to determine the cause of the error. Look at any I/O, machine check, missing interrupt handler, or disabled console communication messages that occurred prior to the wait. Determine which page data sets are no longer usable. Correct or replace these data sets. Source: Auxiliary storage manager (ASM) 030 Explanation: The system abended a task during nucleus initialization program (NIP) processing. The hexadecimal abend code ccc appears in the right-most four bytes of the wait state program status word (PSW). The wait state PSW can appear in either of the following formats: x0cccwww xccc0www System action: The system abends the task and enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: Record the wait state PSW and notify the system programmer. If the system programmer requests it, obtain a stand-alone dump. System programmer response: See the system programmer response for the abend code. The abend SVC entry in the systems SVC table contains the address of a trap routine in NIP and not the address of the abend SVC. The registers at the time of the abend SVC request are found in the Type I SVC save area. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM support Center. Provide the contents of the wait state PSW.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

032 035
System programmer response: If the SYSRES volume was not specified in the I/O configuration definition, then rebuild the I/O configuration to include the correct SYSRES volume. If the system did not select the desired I/O configuration, then ensure that the device number, data set (SYS1.PARMLIB or SYS1.IPLPARM), LOADxx member, and I/O configuration were specified correctly. Also, if LOADxx filtering keywords (HWNAME, LPARNAME and VMUSERID) were being used, ensure that the keywords were specified correctly. For more information on the filtering keywords in LOADxx, see the Filtering with LOADxx chapter in z/OS MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference . Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 032 Explanation: A module required for nucleus initialization (NIP) is missing from the SYS1.NUCLEUS data set. The reason code identifies the missing module. You can determine the name of the missing module by appending the last 2-digits of the reason code after IEAVNP. For example, if the reason code is 003, the missing module is IEAVNP03. Exceptions are 7D4, 7E1, and 7E7, as follows: Reason Code (hex) 7D4 7E1 7E7 Module in SYS1.NUCLEUS IEAVNIPM IEAVNPX1 IEAVNIPX Component NIP NIP NIP 033 Explanation: An I/O error occurred in build link-list request (BLDL macro) processing for a required nucleus initialization program (NIP) module. The reason code rrr identifies the missing module. The reason code can appear in the right-most four bytes of the wait state program status word (PSW). The wait state PSW can appear in either of the following formats: x0rrrwww xrrr0www To identify the NIP module, see the explanation for wait state X'032'. System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: This is probably a hardware error. ReIPL the system. If the error persists, contact hardware support. Provide the number of the IPL device where the I/O error occurred and the contents of the wait state PSW. Source: Nucleus initialization program (NIP) 035 Explanation: During system initialization, the system could not find an entry point in the nucleus. The system loaded one of the following: v An incomplete nucleus v An incomplete I/O configuration v Both an incomplete nucleus and an incomplete I/O configuration System action: The system enters wait state X'035'. The system places message IEA084W in the initial program load (IPL) write to operator (WTO) buffer. Operator response: Do the following as soon as possible to find the WTO buffer and locate message IEA084W in the buffer. Do not write a stand-alone dump before doing this procedure, since the dump might overlay storage. 1. Using the hardware Alter/Display facility, read the real address in central storage at X'14'. This address points to the IPL diagnostic area. 2. Add X'28' to the address at real X'14', and also read this as a real address in central storage. The result is the 31-bit virtual address of the IPL vector table (IVT). Henceforth, all addresses are 31-bit virtual and you must switch to displaying Primary Virtual Storage to display remaining storage locations. 3. Add X'E0' to the IVT address. The result is the 31-bit address of the IVTMQHP field. IVTMQHP contains the address of the message queue header (MQH).

| | | | | |

The reason code rrr can appear in the right-most four bytes of the wait state program status word (PSW). The wait state PSW can appear in either of the following formats: x0rrrwww xrrr0www System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: Record the contents of the wait state PSW and notify the system programmer. If the system programmer requests it, obtain a stand-alone dump. System programmer response: If no modules are missing from the data set, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump. Note to IBM Support Center: The source code for module IEADRIMS contains the correspondences between module names and components. Source: Nucleus initialization program (NIP)

Chapter 3. Wait State Codes


037 03A
4. MQH+X'0' contains the address of the oldest message queue element (MQE) available. The message text for the oldest MQE begins at MQE+X'8'. 5. Use MQE+X'0' of the oldest MQE to find the MQE of the next oldest message. Again, the message text for this MQE begins at MQE+ X'8'. 6. Repeat this sequence (using MQE+X'0' of the current MQE to locate the next MQE), until the message text for the appropriate message is displayed. Notify the system programmer, providing the texts of the IEA084W messages. If the system programmer requests it, obtain a stand-alone dump. Then reIPL the system, using a different nucleus member, if possible. System programmer response: Do the following: 1. Look in the stand-alone dump for message IEA084W. Note the entry point given in the message text. 2. Use the IEHLIST program to print the SYS1.NUCLEUS directory. 3. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, call the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump and the SYS1.NUCLEUS directory listing. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 037 Explanation: The data space control block (DSCB) for logrec, SYS1.SVCLIB, SYS1.PARMLIB, or SYS1.LINKLIB could not be successfully read from the volume where the data set resides for one of the following reasons: v The data set does not exist on this volume. v An unrecoverable input/output (I/O) error occurred during the attempt to read the related data space control block (DSCB). v An error occurred during nucleus initialization program (NIP) OPEN processing. Register 1 contains a pointer to the input/output buffer (IOB) for the failing I/O operation (EXCP). Diagnostic messages explaining the reason for the wait state and identifying the name of the data set involved precede the system wait. Operator response: Report this wait state code and the diagnostic messages that precede it to the system programmer. System programmer response: If any IGGNxxx messages are issued with this wait state code, perform the system programmer response for those messages. Otherwise, ensure that the data set is not cataloged with an esoteric device name. Correct the error that caused the DSCB read I/O operation. Ask the operator to reIPL the system. If the error recurs and the program is not in error, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Logrec 038 Explanation: The operating system cannot initialize itself because there is not enough central storage. One of the following is true: v There are not enough usable online frames v There are not enough usable contiguous frames Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Ensure that there is enough central storage available for IPL processing. You may have to reduce the number of optional system facilities selected for this system configuration. Then ask the operator to IPL the system. Source: Auxiliary storage manager (ASM), initial program load (IPL), and nucleus initialization program 039 Explanation: The system could not mount a direct access volume because the mount request conflicted with another volume. One of the following occurred: v Both volumes were required by the system. v Both volumes had the same volume serial. v The volume to be mounted required a different device type than that containing the online volume. v The system could not find a proper device on which to mount the volume. System action: The system enters wait state X'039'. System programmer response: If any IGGNxxx messages are issued with this wait state code, perform the system programmer response for these messages. Otherwise, change the volume where one of the two data sets resides. Update the catalogue to contain the volume of the moved data set. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 03A Explanation: An error occurred during an attempt to build the link pack area (LPA) during a cold start. System action: The system issues message IEA304W to identify the error. The system may also issue message IEA353I and/or IEA354I. Operator response: Report this wait state code and the preceding diagnostic messages to the system programmer. If requested by the system programmer, obtain a stand-alone dump.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

03B 03E
System programmer response: See the programmer response for message IEA304A. Correct the conditions that caused the LPA cold start to fail. Ask the operator to reIPL the system. If the error recurs and the program is not in error, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump. Source: Contents supervision (CSV) 03 03B Explanation: A module required for continued system operation cannot be found in the system link pack area (LPA). System action: The system may issue message IEA363I to indicate which module could not be found. The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: Report this wait state code to the system programmer and save the console listing. System programmer response: Examine the console listing and look for message IEA363I to determine the name of the missing module. Execute the IEHLIST utility program to obtain a directory listing of the SYS1.LPALIB data set. Examine this list to determine which required system modules are missing. The missing modules should then be copied into SYS1.LPALIB from the starter system libraries or from a similar back-up source. Ask the operator to reIPL the system and add the missing module to the LPA either by requesting an LPA cold start or by using the MLPA or FIX options. If the problem recurs and the program is correct, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the contents of the wait PSW available. Source: Contents supervision (CSV) 03C Explanation: The auxiliary storage manager (ASM) found that not enough auxiliary storage space is available for system operation: During IPL Either the needed number of page data sets was not specified or ASM has detected a problem with a required page data set. After IPL ASM has run out of usable auxiliary storage for the pageable link pack area (PLPA), common, or local page data sets. Either all the local page data sets were full or damaged, or the PLPA, common, or duplex data set was full or damaged. A reason code identifies the error: 04 Code 00 01 02 Explanation The cause of the error cannot be determined because of an error in recovery processing. The last local page is full, so there is insufficient local paging space. The PLPA data set is full, duplexing is not active, and the common data set is unavailable. The common data set is full, duplexing is not active, and the PLPA data set is unavailable. The duplex data set is full, and both the PLPA and common data sets are unavailable.

System action: During IPL, the system issues message IEA935W, then enters this wait state. After IPL, the system issues message ILR008W, then enters this wait state, unless all the local page data sets were unusable; in that case, the system does not issue a message before entering this wait state. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. ReIPL the system, specifying larger page data sets or additional page data sets. System programmer response: Do one of the following: v Redefine spaces to conform with the description provided in paging planning specifications. Ask the operator to reIPL with the CLPA option. v Provide additional paging spaces and make them available through either the PAGE parameter or the IEASYSxx parmlib member during reIPL v After additional paging spaces are added and the system is re-IPLed, issue the D ASM command to monitor the available paging space to help prevent a reoccurrence of the wait state condition. Source: Auxiliary storage manager (ASM) 03D Explanation: When the nucleus initialization program was running, an error occurred while the system was building common area page tables. There may not be enough central storage available to initialize the system. System action: The system may issue message IEA907W. The system enters wait state X'03D'. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Increase the amount of available central storage. Source: Virtual storage management (VSM) 03E Explanation: The auxiliary storage manager (ASM) determined that there were not enough slots to back master scheduler initialization.

Chapter 3. Wait State Codes


03F 045
System action: The system ends IPL. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. ReIPL the system, specifying larger page data sets or additional page data sets, as indicated by the system programmer. System programmer response: Increase the amount of auxiliary storage for system operation. Source: Auxiliary storage manager (ASM) 044 03F Explanation: A program invoked a nucleus initialization program (NIP) function incorrectly. System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: If the system programmer requests it, obtain a stand-alone dump. System programmer response: If the problem recurs or if the program is correct, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump. Source: Nucleus initialization program (NIP) 040 Explanation: The system abended a task during nucleus initialization program (NIP) processing. The right-most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: x0cccwww where: x ccc www Irrelevant information. A hexadecimal abend code indicating the reason for the failure. The wait state code. Explanation: During nucleus initialization program (NIP) processing, a machine check occurred on a central processor. The right-most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: xaaa0www where: x aaa www Irrelevant information. The logical address of the central processor on which the machine check occurred. The wait state code. the area pointed to by field NVTDIAGA (mapped by macro IHANVT). If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Providing the contents of the wait state PSW. Source: Nucleus initialization program (NIP)

System action: The system issues messages about the problem. The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: This is probably a hardware error. ReIPL the system. If the error persists, configure the failing central processor offline. This action requires a power-on-reset. Contact hardware support. Source: Nucleus initialization program (NIP) 045 Explanation: While initializing the recovery termination manager (RTM), the nucleus initialization program (NIP) requested cell pool storage in the system queue area (SQA). The request failed. System initialization cannot continue. System action: The system may issue message IEA897I. Operator response: If requested by the system programmer, obtain a stand-alone dump. Then try again to IPL the system. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump. Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM)

System action: The system issues message IEA303W. The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: Record the wait state PSW and report the problem to the system programmer. If the system programmer requests it, obtain a stand-alone dump. System programmer response: See the system programmer response for the abend code displayed in message IEA303W. The abend SVC entry in the systems SVC table contains the address of a trap routine in NIP, and not the address of the abend SVC. The registers (0 through 15) at the time of the abend SVC request are found in


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

046 053
046 Explanation: During nucleus initialization program (NIP) processing, an unexpected program check occurred. System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. If the system programmer requests it, obtain a stand-alone dump. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump. Source: Nucleus initialization program (NIP) 04A Explanation: A time-of-day (TOD) clock on one of the central processors is in error. The clock must be set to avoid generating a machine check later in nucleus initialization program (NIP) processing. System action: Every central processor with a clock that needs setting will enter restartable wait state X'04A'. Operator response: Perform restart function, then press the TOD ENABLE and ALT keys at the system console to set the clock. IPL will continue. Source: Nucleus initialization program (NIP) 050 Explanation: The system determined that alternate CPU recovery (ACR) was recursively invoked. System action: The system issues message BLW007W. Then the system enters disabled wait state X'050'. Operator response: Retain the SYS1.LOGREC error records. Take a stand-along dump and reIPL the system. Contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Search the problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump and the SYS1.LOGREC error records. Source: Loadwait/Restart 051 Explanation: Alternate CPU recovery (ACR) encountered an unrecoverable error while recovery was in progress for another processor. ACR attempted to recover but was unsuccessful. This is probably a software error. System action: The system: v Issues message IEA857W v Tries to write a logrec error record for the failed processor v Places all processors in a wait state X'051' Operator response: If requested by the system programmer, obtain a stand-alone dump. ReIPL the system. System programmer response: Look at accompanying message IEA857W to identify the error. If a search of the program reporting databases shows no existing fix, report the problem to the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump the logrec error records. Source: Alternate CPU recovery (ACR) 052 Explanation: Alternate CPU recovery (ACR) encountered an unrecoverable error while recovery was in progress for another processor. This is probably a hardware error. System action: The system: v Issues message IEA857W v Writes a logrec error record for the failed processor v Places all processors in a wait state X'052' Operator response: Look at accompanying message IEA857W and the logrec error record to identify the error. If message IEA857W indicates that this is a hardware error, remove the failing hardware from the system, or remove the system with the failure from the complex. Then reIPL the other systems. Contact hardware support. Otherwise, report the problem to system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec error record and the text of message IEA857W. Source: Alternate CPU recovery (ACR) 053 Explanation: A program requested processing by Program Call/authorization (PC/AUTH) service or a program call linkage service. An error prevented PC/AUTH from processing the macro normally. The system records the registers in field SDWAGRSV in the system diagnostic work area (SDWA). Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code in the form xxyy, where xx identifies the macro that was issued and yy identifies the error. See the system programmer response for an explanation of the reason codes.
Chapter 3. Wait State Codes


054 055
System action: The system abends the program that issued the macro, unless PC/AUTH requests a retry. The system writes an SVC dump and a logrec data set error record. System programmer response: Look at the explanation of the reason code. If you receive one of the reason codes below, do the following: v For reason code X'xx97': Look in the SDWA variable recording area (SDWAVRA) for the original abend and reason code and continue diagnosis with that abend. v For reason code X'xx98': Look at message IEA139E, which PC/AUTH issued at the time of the original failure. v For reason code X'xx99': Look in the SDWA variable recording area (SDWAVRA) for a PC/AUTH control block that is not valid. v For reason code X'0112': Change the application program to use fewer linkage indexes (LXs) or change the limit of system LXs with the NSYSLX parameter in the IEASYSxx parmlib member. If you cannot correct the problem, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the SVC dump, including the system trace table, and the logrec data set error record. The reason codes in Register 15 are: Code 1416 Explanation The program incorrectly modified either the system function table (SFT) or extended system vector table (SVTX). The sum of the highest extended linkage index (LX) value (an LX value above 2047) in the SFT and the value in the SVTXNSBLX field of the SVTX is greater than decimal 16383, which it should not be. Register 2 contains the highest extended LX value in the SFT. Register 3 contains the value in the SVTXNSBLX field. member. The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: If the system programmer requests, do the following to find the WTO buffer and locate message IEA089W: 1. Using the hardware Alter/Display facility, read the real address in central storage at X'14'. This address points to the IPL diagnostic area. 2. Add X'28' to the address at real X'14', and also read this as a real address in central storage. The result is the 31-bit virtual address of the IPL vector table (IVT). Henceforth, all addresses are 31-bit virtual and you must switch to displaying Primary Virtual Storage to display remaining storage locations. 3. Add X'E0' to the IVT address. The result is the 31-bit address of the IVTMQHP field. IVTMQHP contains the address of the message queue header (MQH). 4. MQH+X'0' contains the address of the oldest message queue element (MQE) available. The message text for the oldest MQE begins at MQE+X'8'. 5. Use MQE+X'0' of the oldest MQE to find the MQE of the next oldest message. Again, the message text for this MQE begins at MQE+ X'8'. 6. Repeat this sequence (using MQE+X'0' of the current MQE to locate the next MQE), until the message text for the appropriate message is displayed. If the system programmer requests it, obtain a stand-alone dump. System programmer response: Link edit the nucleus again using the SCTR option. If the problem recurs, have the operator retrieve message IEA089W from the WTO buffer. Translate the text of message IEA089W from hexadecimal into EBCDIC. The translated message text will show which module or member was in error. If the member identified in message IEA089W belongs to IBM, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide a stand-alone dump. Source: Initial program load (IPL) 055 Explanation: The initial program load (IPL) program was unable to locate a necessary member in the SYS1.NUCLEUS data set. The right-most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: xrr00www where:

Source: Program Call/authorization (PC/AUTH) 054 Explanation: The system detected an error with a member being loaded into the dynamic address translation (DAT)-on nucleus region during system initialization. If bits 36 through 43 in the wait state program status word (PSW) contain reason code X'1', the member being loaded contained more than one control section (CSECT). The member was not link-edited with the SCTR option. System action: The system issues message IEA089W to the IPL WTO buffer to identifies the


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

x rr www Irrelevant information. A hexadecimal reason code indicating the reason for the failure. The wait state code. 5. Use MQE+X'0' of the oldest MQE to find the MQE of the next oldest message. Again, the message text for this MQE begins at MQE+ X'08'. 6. Repeat this sequence (using MQE+X'0' of the current MQE to locate the next MQE), until the message text for the appropriate message is displayed. For all reason codes, notify the system programmer. For reason codes X'01' through X'04' and X'06', provide the text of message IEA086W. If the system programmer requests it, obtain a stand-alone dump. System programmer response: For reason codes X'01' through X'04' and X'06', get the text of message IEA086W from the IPL WTO buffer and translate it from hexadecimal into EBCDIC. The translated message text will show which module or member was not found in SYS1.NUCLEUS: v If memname is IEANUC0x, IEANUC1x, or IEANUC2x, make sure that x is the correct identifier for the nucleus you need. Specifically, if memname is IEANUC1x or IEANUC2x, make sure both that x refers to the correct IEANUC0x and that the corresponding IEANUC1x or IEANUC2x exists. For example, if x is 5 (you are defining an alternate nucleus named IEANUC05), you also need to create the corresponding IEANUC15 and IEANUC25 members. If x is incorrect, ask the operator to reIPL the system and specify the correct identifier for the nucleus on the SYSCTL frame load parameter. v If memname is a member name other than IEANUC0x, IEANUC1x, and IEANUC2x, reason code X'04' identifies the module as an MLT, and reason code X'02' or X'06' indicates either a nucleus device support module, a nucleus extension module, or a module specified on an INCLUDE statement in a NUCLSTxx member (identified on the NUCLST statement in the LOADxx member). If the member is a module specified on an INCLUDE statement, verify that the module was specified correctly. If the member is an MLT or a nucleus device support module, find the MLT name and the corresponding user information module (UIM) name in the MVS device report from HCD. If the UIM was installation-provided: Verify that the UIM logic is correct and that the UIM provided the correct MLT name. Make sure the SYS1.NUCLEUS directory contains a directory entry for the MLT. If the UIM was not installation-provided, determine which product contains the member and why the member was not installed in SYS1.NUCLEUS. If the reason code is X'05' or if you cannot solve the problem, search problem reporting databases for a fix

The reason code (rr) is one of the following: 01 IPL could not find a DAT-off nucleus module. (DAT is the acronym for dynamic address translation.) IPL could not find a DAT-on nucleus module. IPL could not find one or more required module list tables (MLT) in SYS1.NUCLEUS. IPL could not find a module required for IPL processing. This reason code indicates that MVS is not properly installed. IPL could not find a DAT-on nucleus module.

02 04 05


System action: For reason codes X'01' through X'04', IPL writes one or more IEA086W messages in the IPL WTO buffer. The system enters a non-restartable wait state. For reason code X'06', IPL writes one or more IEA086W messages in the IPL WTO buffer. The system enters a restartable wait state. Operator response: For reason code X'01', if you selected an alternate I/O configuration ensure that you correctly entered the alternate I/O configuration identifier (xx) through the console frame or at storage location 9-10. ReIPL the system. If the error persists, notify the system programmer. For reason codes X'02' and X'06', make sure that the load parameter fifth and sixth digits are correct. For reason code X'01', X'02', X'04', and X'06', do the following to find the WTO buffer and locate message IEA086W in the buffer: 1. Using the hardware Alter/Display facility, read the real address in central storage at X'14'. This address points to the IPL diagnostic area. 2. Add X'28' to the address in X'14', and also read this as a real address in central storage. The result is the 31-bit virtual address of the IPL vector table (IVT). Henceforth, all addresses are 31-bit virtual and you must switch to displaying Primary Virtual Storage to display remaining storage locations. 3. Add X'E0' to the IVT address. The result is the 31-bit address of the IVTMQHP field. IVTMQHP contains the address of the message queue header (MQH). 4. MQH+X'0' contains the address of the oldest message queue element (MQE) available. The message text for the oldest MQE begins at MQE+X'08'.

Chapter 3. Wait State Codes


056 05D
for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the text of accompanying message IEA086W if issued. Source: Initial program load (IPL) 056 Explanation: DFP encountered a terminating error during NIP initialization. See message IGW008D for further information. System action: System is in a disabled wait state without restart capability. Operator response: Report this wait state code to the system programmer. Application Programmer Response: See message IGW008D for further information. System programmer response: Provide software support personnel with console listing and stand alone dump. Also include a copy of message IGW010I in the console listing. Source: DFSMSdfp 059 Explanation: During nucleus initialization program (NIP) processing, a build link-list request (BLDL macro) returned an undefined return code. System initialization cannot continue. System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. If the system programmer requests it, obtain a stand-alone dump. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump. Source: Nucleus initialization program (NIP) 05A Explanation: Alternate CPU recovery (ACR) attempted to remove the last standard CP. There must be at least one standard CP online in order for the system to run. System action: The system issues message IEA856W and enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: The system has lost access to the last standard CP and can not run in this mode. If the CP was lost due to hardware failure, it will require the LPAR to be reconfigured to have at least one usable standard CP. If the CP was taken offline due to a software error, then reIPL the system. Source: Alternate CPU recovery (ACR) 05C Explanation: During nucleus initialization program (NIP) processing, the pointer to the master catalog could not be obtained from the SYS1.NUCLEUS data set. Possible causes are: v I/O errors while attempting a build link-list request (BLDL macro) to find the member. v Member not found. v I/O errors attempting to read records from the member. The pointer to the master catalog should be in the SYSCATLG or SYSCATnn member in the SYS1.NUCLEUS data set. System action: The system issues messages about the problem. The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: ReIPL the system. If the problem persists, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Ask the operator to IPL a different system. Use it to determine if the SYSCATLG or SYSCATnn member exists in the SYS1.NUCLEUS data set and is in the correct format: v Run the IEHLIST utility with LISTPDS to list the directory of the SYS1.NUCLEUS data set. v Run the IEBPTPCH utility to print the SYSCATLG or SYSCATnn member of SYS1.NUCLEUS. Add the SYSCATLG or SYSCATnn member to the SYS1.NUCLEUS data set. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: DFSMSdfp 05D Explanation: During initialization, DFP could not find a data set control block (DSCB) for the master catalog or could not read the DSCB from the volume pointed to by the SYS1.NUCLEUS data set. For an integrated catalog facility (ICF) master catalog, NIP could not read the DSCB for the VSAM volume data set (VVDS) of the volume that it required. For example, a page data set is specified that resides on a different volume than the master catalog, and the volume containing the page data set has a damaged VVDS. Possible causes include: v Hardware errors v The wrong volume is mounted


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

05E 05F
v The pointer to the master catalog is incorrect in the SYSCATLG member of SYS1.NUCLEUS data set. System action: The system issues messages about the problem. The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: ReIPL the system. Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: IPL a different system. Use it to determine whether the volume table of contents (VTOC) of the volume containing the master catalog or the VVDS are correct: v Run the IEHLIST utility with LISTVTOC FORMAT to format the VTOC for the volume associated with the problem. v Run the IEBPTPCH utility to print the SYSCATLG member of SYS1.NUCLEUS. If the problem persists, contact hardware support. Source: DFSMSdfp 05E Explanation: An I/O error occurred while the system attempted to read the master catalog self-describing records. The wait state can be caused by one of the following: v The VVDS entry for the master catalog is damaged. v The master catalog name, volume serial or both in the SYSCATxx member of SYS1.NUCLEUS is incorrect. v A hardware error was detected. v A catalog was moved to a different volume serial and the SYSCATxx member was not updated. Run the IEBPTCH utility to print the cataloged procedure. Issue the access method services LISTCAT command to list catalog entries and information about objects defined in the catalog. The master catalog must either be recreated or restored to the proper volume after the damage to that volume is corrected. Source: DFSMSdfp 05F Explanation: DFP processing found an error related to the master catalog. The problem was caused by one of the following: v The catalog information found during IPL was incorrect. This information can be supplied by SYSCATLG or SYSCATxx members of the SYS1.NUCLEUS data set, or in the LOADxx members of the SYS1.PARMLIB or SYSn.IPLPARM data sets. v Either the SYSCATLG member or an alternate SYSCATxx member of SYS1.NUCLEUS contains incorrect data. v Either the master catalogs VSAM volume record (VVRs) or its first ten records have been improperly written over or damaged. The first ten records in the master catalog data set describe the master catalog itself. They are the catalog entry for the master catalog. System action: The system issues messages about the problem. The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. After the system programmer corrects the error in the SYSCATLG member or alternate SYSCATxx member, reIPL the system. System programmer response: Check to see if the catalog information was correctly specified. This information will be taken from the first of these places it is found during IPL: 1. The SYSCAT parameter found in the specified LOADxx member of the first SYS0.IPLPARM through SYS9.IPLPARM data set found on the IODF volume. 2. The SYSCAT parameter found in the specified LOADxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB on the IODF volume. 3. The SYSCAT parameter found in the specified LOADxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB on the system residence volume. 4. The specified SYSCATxx member of the SYS1.NUCLEUS data set used for IPL (if none is specified, SYSCATLG is the default).
Chapter 3. Wait State Codes

| |

v The SYSCAT entry of LOADxx produced an incorrect master catalog name. The first ten records in the master catalog data set describe the master catalog itself. They are the catalog entry for the master catalog. System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: ReIPL the system and report this wait state code to the system programmer. System programmer response: Do the following: v Check the the master catalog name and volume serial in the SYSCATxx member of the SYS1.NUCLEUS. If the name or volume serial is incorrect, correct it and have the operator reIPL the system. v If the master catalog name is correct, look for a problem with the VVDS entry for the master catalog. v If neither the master catalog name nor the VVDS entry for the master catalog are in error, this is probably a hardware error. Contact hardware support, providing one of the following:


060 063
Confirm that the data in the SYSCATLG member or alternate SYSCATxx member, including the volume serial number and the device type, are correct. To look at the master catalog, run the IEBPTPCH utility to print the SYS1.NUCLEUS data set. If the member is correct, either restore the master catalog to the proper volume or recreate it. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: DFSMSdfp 060 Explanation: While saving or rebuilding the pageable link pack area (PLPA) or extended PLPA (EPLPA), the auxiliary storage manager (ASM) detected an error in processing external page table entries. System action: The system issues message IEA943W. The system ends the IPL. Operator response: Notify the system programmer of this wait state. ReIPL, specifying the CLPA system parameter. For a hardware error, contact hardware support. System programmer response: Try to determine the cause of the problem. Check for hardware and software errors. Source: Auxiliary storage manager (ASM) 061 Explanation: The auxiliary storage manager (ASM) detected an error with the time-of-day (TOD) clock while processing the store clock (STCK) instruction. System action: The system issues message IEA945W. The system ends IPL. Operator response: Correct the TOD clock. ReIPL the system. If the problem persists, contact hardware support to repair the clock. Source: Auxiliary storage manager (ASM) 062 Explanation: An error occurred on one or more channel paths to reserved devices (such as DASD) or assigned devices (such as tapes). System action: The system does not use the channel path(s) until recovery is complete. Recovery waits until the operator restarts the system. The system issues message IOS201E when the I/O on other processors that share devices can be started. Operator response: The correct response varies, depending on whether there are non-DASD devices on any channel paths where an error occurred. For errors on channel paths with DASD or assignable devices only: 1. Enter the IOACTION STOP command to prevent other processors that share devices from initiating I/O. If the IOACTION STOP command fails, stop sharing processors to prevent I/O activity to the shared devices. 2. After the IOACTION STOP command is successful or sharing processors have been stopped, restart the system that has the error. 3. After the system issues message IOS201E, do one of the following: v If the IOACTION STOP command was successful, enter the IOACTION RESUME command. v Otherwise, restart sharing processors. For errors on channel paths with at least one non-DASD or non-assignable device: 1. Stop sharing processors to prevent I/O activity to the shared devices. 2. Restart the system that has the error. 3. After the system issues message IOS201E, restart sharing processors. See z/OS Problem Management for further information about restarting the system. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 063 Explanation: The nucleus initialization program (NIP) was unable to obtain storage. The probable cause of this error is that insufficient system queue area (SQA) was available to provide the options requested for this IPL. Another possibility is a system error resulting in excessive demands on the NIP region. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: If the request was for SQA after NIP processes the SQA parameter, the problem can be corrected by specifying a larger value on the SQA parameter. However, the problem can occur before NIP processes the SQA parameter. If the system was initialized with insufficient central storage available to back the SQA requests, then it may be necessary to increase the amount of online storage before attempting to reIPL, or to reduce the number of optional system facilities selected for this system configuration. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Auxiliary storage manager (ASM)


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

064 Explanation: During nucleus initialization program (NIP) processing, NIP detected a software or hardware error. An attempt was made to enter the recovery termination manager (RTM). This was trapped by NIP because the system is in a variable state of initialization and, in particular, RTM is not fully initialized. The right-most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: x0rrrwww where: x rrr www Irrelevant information. A hexadecimal reason code indicating the reason for the failure. The wait state code. 00F 010 00C 00D 00E appear on the console, you can find the message in the wait state message area (WSMA). The WSMA is described in the z/OS Internet Library at z/os/zos/bkserv/ for z/OS MVS Data Areas manuals. 00A 00B NIP called the alternate CPU recovery (ACR) component. A call to cross-memory abend processing was issued with the address space identification (ASID) provided. A routine entered RTM holding a cross memory local (CML) lock. A module specified the ITERM option on the CALLRTM macro. A module specified the SABEND option on the CALLRTM macro. A call to ABTERM processing was issued with RETRY=NO. A call to cross-memory ABTERM processing was issued with RETRY=NO.

The reason code (rrr) is one of the following: 001 002 003 004 A module branched to abnormal ending processing. A dynamic address translation (DAT) error occurred. The operator pressed the RESTART key instead of the time-of-day (TOD) key. A machine check occurred. This can be caused by: v An I/O interrupt from a device that was not defined in the I/O configuration program (IOCP). The channel subsystem presents the interruption as a machine check. v The system is changing the state of a resource during system initialization. 005 A Supervisor Call (SVC) instruction was issued in an incorrect mode. However, this is not usually the actual error, because it is common for system routines to issue an abend while holding a lock. Code X'05' can occur when: v NIP is reading from SYS1.PARMLIB v NIP is trying to process an incorrect load module v I/O errors occurred on the system residence volume 006 007 A paging I/O error occurred. A call to abnormal ending processing was issued without providing an address space identifier (ASID). A request for memory ending occurred. A program check occurred. Accompanying message IEA304W further explains this wait state and entry code. If the message does not

System action: The system issues messages about the problem. The system may issue message IEA304A. The system enters a restartable wait state. Operator response: Do one of the following: v For table entry code X'003' reIPL the system. v For table entry code X'004', do the following: Use the hardware Problem Determination facilities to see if any unexpected events occurred during the IPL process. Check that the system is using the correct I/O configuration data set (IOCDS). Notify the system programmer and provide the text of the message. Do not: Detach, attach, or define any I/O service during system initialization. Configure on or offline any channel path identifiers (CHPID) to the logical partition where the system is initialized if the system is running in logically partitioned (LPAR) mode. v For table entry code X'009', try restarting the system, specifying CLPA in the reply to accompanying message IEA101A. Table entry code X'009' may occur on a warm or quick start if the previous cold start failed before or during master scheduler initialization. v For other entry codes, check the READ/WRITE switch on direct access storage devices (DASD) before reporting this wait state code to the system programmer.

008 009

Chapter 3. Wait State Codes


065 06F
If the system programmer requests it, obtain a stand-alone dump. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, do the following before contacting the IBM Support Center: v For table entry code X'005', determine if an SVC 13 was the last SVC issued by looking at the SVC OLD PSW or the trace table in a stand-alone dump. If this is the case, register 1 in the trace table contains the abend codes and register 15 contains the reason code. The abend code may indicate which SVC issued the abend. If it does, the trace table may show the module that issued the SVC. If SVC 13 was not the last SVC issued, then it is a true SVC error. The problem could be: A module is incorrectly issuing an SVC while holding a lock. A routine that was in control returned to its caller without releasing a lock. In this case, the SVC-issuer is not at fault. v For table entry code X'009', the program check OLD PSW indicates the type of exception and where it occurred. The registers at the time of the exception are saved at displacement X'48' into the logical configuration communication area (LCCA). If it was a translation exception (program interrupt code X'10' or X'11'), location X'90' contains the address that could not be translated. The system trace also contains this information. Search problem reporting databases for a fix. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the information gathered above, including the wait state PSW. Source: Nucleus initialization program (NIP) 065 Explanation: During nucleus initialization program (NIP) processing, a program issued type 3 or 4 Supervisor Control (SVC) instruction before these types were loaded. This SVC interrupt was trapped by NIP. System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. If the system programmer requests it, obtain a stand-alone dump. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide a stand-alone dump. Source: Nucleus initialization program (NIP) 01 Offset 2 06F Explanation: The system found one of the following along a path to a device: v An inoperative control unit v A channel error v An undetermined error There is no device reservation or active I/O operation on the path to indicate which system owns the device. If the system could not determine the channel path identifier and/or device number, the system substitutes X'FFFF' for the channel path identifier and/or device number. System action: The system: 1. Disables the device. 2. Enters wait state X'06F' because it cannot issue message IOS427A. 3. Expects an operator action, but does not prompt the operator for a reply. Operator response: Do the following: 1. Find the address of the error information by using the hardware Alter/Display facility to display the contents of location X'40C'. Record the first 4 bytes of data at this location. 2. Use the hardware Alter/Display facility to display the storage pointed to by location X'40C'. Note: This is indirect addressing. The system displays the contents of the error information area: Offset 0 The channel path identifier (or X'FFFF', if the CHPID could not be determined). The device number (or X'FFFF', if the device number could not be determined).

3. Use the hardware Alter/Display facility to change location X'30E' to one of the following recovery codes: Code 00 Explanation Try to restart the device without attempting recovery. (Entering this code is the same as replying NOOP to message IOS427A). If the problem persists, the system issues message IOS427A again (or wait state code X'06F' if the system cannot issue IOS427A); consider entering one of the other recovery codes. Use the Restart facility to restart the waiting processor. Attempt to recovery access to the device through an alternate channel path.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

070 071
(Entering this code is the same as replying X'UR' to message IOS427A). Before entering this recovery code and restarting the processor, all other processors that share the device you must prevent from initiating I/O to this device by issuing the IOACTION STOP command. If this command fails, you must stop all sharing processors to prevent I/O activity to the shared device. Use the Restart facility to restart the waiting processor. The system might issue one of the following messages: IOS428I - the attempt to access the device through an alternate channel path was successful. IOS104I - the attempt to access the device through an alternate channel path was not successful. After the system issues either message, start I/O to the shared device either by issuing the IOACTION RESUME command or by restarting the sharing processors if they were stopped in step 11. 02 Force the device offline. (Entering this code is the same as replying X'BOX' to message IOS427A). The system issues message IOS501I. Use the Restart facility to restart the waiting processor. 00 One of the following occurred: v The operator selected RESTART option 0 to initiate the abnormal end. v The operator replied ABEND to either message IEA500A or BLW004A. v The operator selected RESTART with no option. When no option is specified, the system uses the default, which is option 0. v The operator did not reply to either message IEA500A or IEA502A within 125 seconds. v The system could not determine the reason for the restart, and uses the default, which is option 0. 04 08 The operator selected RESTART option 1 to initiate system diagnosis and repair. A programming error caused the program that was currently running to branch directly to the restart interruption handler. The operator selected RESTART option 0 on a processor that is in a valid spin waiting for a global resource held by a second processor that is in an erroneous disabled loop. A DSGNL RESTART command, directed to the second processor, failed. The system started writing logrec error records after detecting an excessive spin loop condition. The interrupted unit of work continues to run. The system abnormally ended the program that was causing a system excessive spin loop. Recovery routines are not allowed to retry because the recovery action for the spin loop was TERM. The system abnormally ended the program that was causing a system excessive spin-loop condition. Recovery routines are allowed to retry because the recovery action for the spin loop was ABEND.



See message IOS427A in z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 10 (IXC-IZP) for additional information. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 070 Explanation: During initial program load (IPL) processing, IPL did not find enough contiguous central storage to satisfy a request that requires contiguous storage. This is probably a hardware error. Operator response: Check the configuration of storage. If hardware errors have made too many frames unusable, contact hardware support. Otherwise, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Make sure that enough central storage is available for IPL processing. You may have to reduce the number of optional system facilities selected for this system configuration. Source: Initial program load (IPL) 071 Explanation: Either the system or the operator initiated a restart. The reason code, located in SDWA, explains the reason for the abnormal end: Code Explanation



System action: The system does one of the following: v For reason code X'00', X'08', X'0C', X'20', or X'30', the system abnormally ends the program currently running. v For reason code X'00', the system might issue either message IEA500A or BLW004A. v For reason code X'04', the system detects and repairs, where possible, errors in critical system areas. The system refreshes selected system control blocks and validates and repairs selected system resources. The system logs the old values of some refreshed control block fields in the variable recording area (VRA) of the system diagnostic work area (SDWA). The system writes these old values in the logrec error record. Then the system returns control to the interrupted program.

Chapter 3. Wait State Codes


072 073
v For reason code X'10', the system records the excessive spin loop in a logrec error record. Operator response: If requested by the system programmer, set a SLIP trap to obtain a dump. System programmer response: Depending on the reason code, do the following: Reason code X'00': Either message IEA500A or BLW004A might accompany this reason code and identify the work that was in progress at the time of the interruption. 1. If a logrec error record is not produced with the abend, ask the operator to obtain an SVC dump. 2. Examine the program status word (PSW) at the time of error in the logrec error record. The PSW points to the location where RESTART was entered by the operator. If the program was in a loop, the PSW address will be within the loop. 3. Examine the system trace table for evidence of a loop or a wait. If a loop or a wait is suspected, use the address in the PSW to obtain the name of the looping module. v If the module is not an IBM module, continue diagnosis with the module. v If the module is an IBM module, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and the logrec error record. Reason code X'08' Determine which program branched incorrectly, as follows: 1. If a logrec error record is not produced with the abend, ask the operator to obtain an SVC dump. 2. Look at register 14 at the time of the error. If the illegal branch was made by a BALR 14,15 instruction, register 14 points to the instruction following the instruction that took the bad branch. If this instruction is a branch instruction, then this instruction probably branched directly into the restart interrupt handler. 3. Use the address in register 14 to get the name of the module that issued the bad branch instruction. v If the module is not an IBM module, continue diagnosis with the module. v If the module is an IBM module, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and the logrec error record. Reason code X'0C', X'10', X'20', or X'30' Determine why an excessive spin condition occurred, as follows: 1. Get the program status word (PSW) at the time of error as follows: v For reason code X'10', X'20', or X'30', obtain the PSW from the logrec error record. v For reason code X'0C', X'20', or X'30', ask the operator to obtain an SVC dump. Format the dump to see the PSW at the time of error. 2. Use the address in the PSW to obtain the name of the module that was causing the spin. v If the module is not an IBM module, continue diagnosis with the module. v If the module is an IBM module, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump and the logrec error record. See z/OS Problem Management for information about diagnosing a loop. Source: Loadwait/Restart 072 Explanation: There is no more room in the work space allocated to initial program load (IPL). System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Initial program load (IPL) 073 Explanation: Initial program load (IPL) is waiting for an I/O or external interrupt. The right-most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: x0r00www where: x r www Irrelevant information. A hexadecimal reason code indicating the reason for the failure. The wait state code.

The reason code (r) is one of the following: 1 2 IPL is waiting for an I/O interrupt. IPL is waiting for an external interrupt.

System action: The system enters an enabled wait state.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Operator response: The wait time might vary between 30 seconds and three minutes. If the system is still in a wait state after three minutes, record the wait state PSW and inform the system programmer. System programmer response: Take the following steps: 1. Using the hardware Alter/Display facility, examine the reason code in bits 40 through 43 of the wait state PSW. v If the reason code is X'1', the system is waiting for an I/O operation to complete. Continue problem determination with step 2. v If the reason code is X'2', a hardware problem exists. Have the operator retry the IPL. If the IPL is not successful, contact hardware support. 2. If the reason code is X'1', the system is waiting for an I/O operation to complete. This wait state indicates that an I/O interrupt is outstanding. During IPL, I/O is done to either the SYSRES volume or the IODF volume. The IPL program issues SSCH to initiate the I/O, then loads a wait PSW that is enabled for I/O (X'010A0000 00100073'). This PSW remains loaded until the I/O interrupt comes in. If the I/O interrupt never comes in, the system remains in a wait state. If the system is still in a wait state after three minutes, have the operator retry the IPL. If the system enters a wait state again for three minutes, you need to determine whether a device or a path to the device is causing the problem. Continue with the next step. 3. Using the hardware Alter/Display facility, read the 4-byte subchannel address in central storage at X'B8'. The subchannel number is the last two bytes (at location X'BA') of the 4-byte subchannel identification word at location X'B8'. 4. Bring up the Device Configuration Display. Enter the 2-byte subchannel number found in step 2. This displays the device number, unit address, and one or more installed channel paths to the device for the selected subchannel number. If there is only one channel path to the device, the problem is caused either by the path or by the device. There is no need for the system operator to continue problem determination. Contact hardware support. If there is more than one channel path to the device, configure offline one path at a time and attempt to reIPL. If one of these IPL attempts succeeds, the offline path is the failing path. If none of these IPL attempts succeeds, the device is causing the problem. 5. It is likely that the failing path is the last path used. Display subchannel status information. On CMOS-based processors, this is the Analyze Subchannel Data display. Read the last path used mask (LPUM) field to determine the last path used. The LPUM field consists of 8 bits. If bit n is on, then CHPIDn is the last path used. For example, if the LPUM field shows B'01000000', bit 1 is on and the CHPID1 field identifies the last path used. 6. Bring up the CHPID menu and configure the last used channel path offline. 7. ReIPL the system. 8. If the problem does not recur, you have identified the failing path. If the problem recurs, continue attempting to reIPL the system with one path configured offline. If one of these IPL attempts succeeds, you have identified a failing path. If none of these IPL attempts succeeds, the device is causing the problem. Contact hardware support. Source: Initial program load (IPL) 074 Explanation: Initial program load (IPL) contains a program logic error. The right-most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: xrr00www where: x rr www Irrelevant information. A hexadecimal reason code indicating the reason for the failure. The wait state code.

The reason code (rr) is one of the following: 01 02 03 04 05 06 An incorrect Supervisor Call (SVC) instruction was issued. IPL SVC stack overflow. IPL SVC stack underflow. IPL received an unexpected condition code of 2 on a Start Subchannel (SSCH) instruction. IPL received an unexpected condition code of 1 on a Test Subchannel (TSCH) instruction. IPL received an unexpected condition code on a Load Real Address (LRA) instruction. Message IEA090W, which appears in the IPL WTO buffer, accompanies this reason code. IPL received an incorrect parameter list. IPL received a nonzero condition code on a Modify Subchannel (MSCH) instruction. Code was loaded from a new restart PSW. This code will be loaded when a restart is issued on a processor that has a zero prefix register. The prefix register is zero when the

07 08 09

Chapter 3. Wait State Codes


operator attempts to do a restart too early in IPL or in a logically offline processor in LPAR mode. System action: The system may issue message IEA090W to the IPL WTO buffer. The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: For a reason code other than X'05' or X'06', notify the system programmer. For reason code X'05', check that the devices are: not a secondary PPRC; not experiencing I/O errors; and not unavailable due to a Reserve in the control unit. For reason code X'06', do the following to find the WTO buffer and locate message IEA090W in the buffer: 1. Using the hardware Alter/Display facility, read the real address in central storage at X'14'. This address points to the IPL diagnostic area. 2. Add X'28' to the address at real X'14', and also read this as a real address in central storage. The result is the 31-bit virtual address of the IPL vector table (IVT). Henceforth, all addresses are 31-bit virtual and you must switch to displaying Primary Virtual Storage to display remaining storage locations. 3. Add X'E0' to the IVT address. The result is the 31-bit address of the IVTMQHP field. IVTMQHP contains the address of the message queue header (MQH). 4. MQH+X'0' contains the address of the oldest message queue element (MQE) available. The message text for the oldest MQE begins at MQE+X'8'. 5. Use MQE+X'0' of the oldest MQE to find the MQE of the next oldest message. Again, the message text for this MQE begins at MQE+ X'8'. 6. Repeat this sequence (using MQE+X'0' of the current MQE to locate the next MQE), until the message text for the appropriate message is displayed. Notify the system programmer, providing the text of message IEA090W. If the system programmer requests it, obtain a stand-alone dump. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump. For reason code X'06', provide the text of message IEA090W translated from hexadecimal into EBCDIC. Reason code X'09' can also be the result of another problem. For subchannel related reason codes, the IODF might not be on the volume that the LOADPARM indicated, or the volume might be experiencing problems. Source: Initial program load (IPL) 04 05 06 075 Explanation: Initial program load (IPL) could not load a module. The right-most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: xrr00www where: x rr www Irrelevant information. A hexadecimal reason code indicating the reason for the failure. The wait state code.

The reason code (rr) is one of the following: 01 IPL could not find IRIM IEAIPL01 in the SYS1.NUCLEUS data set. This could be caused by: v Previous I/O error reading SYS1.NUCLEUS v Mismatch in IODF or IOCDS of true system configuration v Device cabling error for IODF or IOCDS 02 03 A module is too large; it is longer than 4096 bytes. Either the delimiter for the end of the IPL resource initialization module (IRIM) list was encountered before IPL found all the IRIMs or a pre-MVS SP 4.3 IPL text was attempting to IPL a system at a level of MVS SP 4.3 or higher. IPL could not find an IRIM member in SYS1.NUCLEUS. An IRIM module is too large; it is longer than 4096 bytes. The IPL text on the volume used to IPL did not match the nucleus code resident on that volume.

System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: Record the wait state PSW. Notify the system programmer, and obtain a stand-alone dump, if requested. System programmer response: Make sure that the module is properly link-edited into SYS1.NUCLEUS. Then ask the operator to reIPL. For reason code 06 or 03 (in the case of an IPL text error), run ICKDSF to install the proper level of the IPL text on the volume used to IPL. Source: Initial program load (IPL)


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

076 07B
076 Explanation: During initial program load (IPL) processing, the system attempted to load an IPL resource initialization module (IRIM) or the DAT-off nucleus, but the system encountered a relocatable address constant that is not a fullword. (DAT is the acronym for dynamic address translation.) System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Make sure that the IRIM module is properly link-edited into SYS1.NUCLEUS on the system residence volume. Source: Initial program load (IPL) 077 Explanation: The system cannot resolve the entry point of a supervisor call (SVC) or extended SVC router (ESR) routine. Operator response: Report this wait state to the system programmer. If requested by the system programmer, obtain a stand-alone dump. System programmer response: Make sure that the IEANUC0x module is properly link-edited. If the problem cannot be resolved, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump. 078 Explanation: The master catalog could not be opened successfully. Message IEC161I precedes this wait state and identifies the specific open failure. Operator response: Probable I/O error. ReIPL the system and report this wait state code to the system programmer. Application Programmer Response: Correct the error identified by message IEC161I. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: DFSMSdfp 07B Explanation: A required processor facility is not available. The wait state reason code identifies the missing facility. The right-most four-bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: xrrr0www 18 where: x rrr www Irrelevant information. A hexadecimal reason code indicating the reason for the failure. The wait state code.

The reason code (rrr) is one of the following: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 A B C D E F 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Access register support is not available. Immediate-and-Relative instructions are not available. Suppress on Protection with Virtual-Address Enhancement is not available. Storage-Protection Override is not available. Subspace Group support is not available. Set Address Space Control Fast support is not available. Compare until Substring Equal support is not available. Perform Locked Operation support is not available. Lock Page support is not available. Compression support is not available. PER 2 support is not available. String support is not available. Checksum support is not available. Move Inverse support is not available. Compare and Move extended support is not available. Branch and Set Authority (BSA) instruction is not available. Compare Swap and Purge (CSP) instruction is not available. Store System Information (STSI) instruction is not available. Extended TOD Clock facility is not available. Extended Translation facility is not available. LICENSE=z/OSe was specified, but you were not on a 2066 machine type on a ZOSExxxx LPAR. LICENSE=z/OSe was not specified, but you were on a 2066 machine on a ZOSExxxx LPAR.

System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Upgrade the
Chapter 3. Wait State Codes


07C 07E
processor to one which supports all of the required facilities. Source: Nucleus initialization program (NIP) 07C Explanation: During system initialization an error was detected in the system configuration. The error needs to be corrected before the system will properly initialize. A reason code in the wait PSW explains the error: Code 01 Explanation A system was IPLed in a partition with a non-zero logical channel subsystem identifier (CSSID). The level of z/OS installed on this system does not support non-zero CSSIDs. System Action: Message IEA004W accompanies the wait state. System Programmer Response: Either IPL the z/OS system in a logical partition with a CSSID of 0 or modify your I/O configuration to define this partition in CSS 0. See z/OS HCD Planning or z/OS HCD Users Guide for information on how to associate a logical partition with a logical channel subsystem. 02 A system was IPLed in a partition with an logical partition identifier greater than hex F. The level of z/OS installed on this system does not support logical partition identifiers greater than X'F'. System Action: Message IEA006W accompanies the wait state. System Programmer Response: Change the LPAR identifier assigned to the partition in the LPAR image profile to a number in the range of X'0F'. See PR/SM Planning Guide. 03 More CPUs were defined for the partition than the level of z/OS installed supports. The system encountered a CPU address space that is greater than the maximum allowed by this level of z/OS. Releases before z/OS V1R6 support no more than 16 CPUs. z/OS V1R6 and later releases support no more than 32 CPUs. System Programmer Response: Change the number of logical CPUs defined for the partition in the LPAR image profile to a number less than or equal to the number of CPUs supported by the current installed level of z/OS. See PR/SM Planning Guide. 04 The system contained the following mutually exclusive facilities: v an Integrated Facility for Applications (IFA) ,and 04 Operator response: Contact the system programmer. System Programmer Response: Contact hardware support. Source: Initial program load (IPL) and Nucleus initialization program (NIP) 07D Explanation: During system initialization, an error occurred when the system tried to process the IEASYMxx parmlib member. A reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code 00 Explanation The system found a circular system symbol definition in IEASYMxx. A circular system symbol definition is one that contains another system symbol that is not resolved. System Action: The system issues message IEA012E, which further describes the error, to the NIP console. The system enters a non-restartable wait state. System Programmer Response: See the system programmer response for message IEA012E. The system found an error in IEASYMxx from which it could not recover. The error occurred when the system tried to determine the substitution text for a system symbol definition. System Action: The system issues message IEA013E, which further describes the error, to the NIP console. The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator Response: Contact the system programmer. Provide the text of message IEA013E. System Programmer Response: See the system programmer response for message IEA013E. Source: Nucleus initialization program (NIP) 07E Explanation: The system was unable to obtain storage from LSQA which was needed to process an SVC instruction. The system loaded a wait state because it was unable to terminate the address space of the program which issued the SVC. v a CPU with the Integrated Cryptographic Feature. System Action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

081 083
System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state and issues message IEA297W. Operator response: Provide a stand-alone dump if requested by the system programmer. ReIPL the system. System programmer response: The problem may be caused by a loop which causes LSQA to be exhausted. If the source of the problem cannot be determined, search problem reporting databases for a fix. If no fix exists, contact IBM support center. Provide the stand-alone dump. Source: Supervisor Control 081 Explanation: Initial program load (IPL) tried to load a module from the SYS1.NUCLEUS data set. The SYS1.NUCLEUS data set or an IEANUC0x or IEAVEDAT member occupies more than one extent. System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Make sure that the SYS1.NUCLEUS data set is allocated to single extent. Then ask the operator to reIPL the system. Source: Initial program load (IPL) 082 Explanation: The system entering the sysplex is removed to prevent sysplex data corruption. The system being partitioned either requires maintenance to be installed to be able to coexist with the other systems in the sysplex, or a system already active in the sysplex requires maintenance to be installed to be able to coexist with the failing system. A reason code in register 15 explains the error: Code 00 A pre V1R8 system without APAR OA10632 applied is attempting to enter a sysplex that has a V1R8 system active in the sysplex. The V1R8 system issues message IEA002I, and the pre-V1R8 system loads wait state X'082'. A V1R8 system is attempting to enter a sysplex that has an active system in the sysplex that is pre-V1R8 and does not have APAR OA10632 applied. The V1R8 system issues message IEA002I and loads wait state X'082'. A pre V1R10 system without APAR OA18204 applied is attempting to enter a sysplex that has a V1R10 system active in the sysplex. The V1R10 system issues message IEA002I, and the pre-V1R10 system loads wait state X'082'. Explanation 08 A V1R10 system is attempting to enter a sysplex that has an active system in the sysplex that is pre-V1R10 and does not have APAR OA18204 applied. The V1R10 system issues message IEA002I and loads wait state X'082'. A V1R11 system or V1R9-V1R10 with APAR OA27222 applied is attempting to enter a sysplex that has an active system in the sysplex that is pre-V1R11 and does not have APAR OA24172 applied. The V1R11 system issues message IEA002I and loads wait state X'082'. A pre-V1R11 system without APAR OA24172 applied is attempting to enter a sysplex that has an active system in the sysplex that is V1R11 or V1R9-V1R10 with OA27222 applied. The V1R11 system issues message IEA002I and the pre-V1R11 system loads wait state X'082'. A z/OS V1R11 or above system or z/OS V1R9-V1R10 system with APAR OA27222 applied is attempting to enter a sysplex with at least one system that has a minimum required GRS version higher than the GRS version of this system. This system waited 1 minute to be removed from the sysplex, but was not removed, and subsequently removed itself.

System action: The system entering the sysplex is partitioned from the sysplex and wait state X'082' is loaded on that system to prevent global sysplex data corruption. For reason code X'00', message IEA002I is issued, either on the failing system or on an active system in the sysplex, indicating which system requires maintenance to be applied and the appropriate APAR to apply. For reason code X'08', message IEA002I is issued on the failing system, indicating that the system requires maintenance. The system does not know the appropriate APAR to apply, so the text of the message is IEA002I APAR UNKNOWN IS NOT INSTALLED. System programmer response: Read the information regarding installation of the appropriate APAR(s). 083 Explanation: The system found an incorrect address in a critical prefixed storage area (PSA) field. The damage could not be corrected by supervisor recovery. This error is probably a software error. The right-most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: xrrr0www where:
Chapter 3. Wait State Codes


x rrr www Irrelevant information. A hexadecimal reason code indicating the reason for the failure. The wait state code. 008 (FRR) stack pointer in the recovery stack vector table (PSARSVT) of the prefixed save area (PSA). The FRR recovery routine for RTMs FRR processing could not recover from an error in RTM. The system invoked the super FRR. The super FRR scheduled RTM recovery as the retry attempt for the original error. This RTM recovery tried to end the current address space but encountered a second error. RTM found an error while processing the FRR stack. RTM processing is not covered by an FRR recovery routine. Therefore, RTM attempted to end the address space but encountered a second error. The system entered the program check FLIH recursively for segment exceptions, and detected a dynamic address translation (DAT) error in an address space. The system invoked RTMs FRR processing to end the address space experiencing the DAT error, but RTMs FRR processing encountered a second error. This is an unrecoverable software error. RTM detected a bad PSATOLD value while running in task mode. RTM could not end the failing address space to resolve the problem.

The reason code (rrr) is one of the following: 001 002 Field PSALCCAV or PSASCWA Field PSAPCCAV 00C

System action: The system may write a logrec error record. Operator response: If the system programmer requests a stand-alone dump, stop all other systems and obtain a stand-alone dump. ReIPL the system. System programmer response: Do the following: 1. If necessary, ask the operator to obtain a stand-alone dump. 2. Examine the damaged PSA for the system that is in wait state X'083'. See if you can recognize the damage. 3. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump and, if available, the logrec error record. Source: Supervisor control 084 Explanation: The recovery termination manager (RTM) encountered an error that could not be corrected while: v Supporting recovery or ending of a system routine v Supporting recovery or ending of a task of an application program The right-most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: x0rrrwww where: x rrr www Irrelevant information. A hexadecimal reason code indicating the reason for the failure. The wait state code.



System action: The system issues message IEA020W and enters the X'084' wait state. Operator response: If requested by the system programmer, obtain a stand-alone dump. ReIPL the system. System programmer response: For reason code: v X'004', do the following: 1. Look at message IEA020W for an indication of which CPU had damaged stack pointers and which pointers were damaged. 2. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. Include in the search argument: Name of the overlaid control block field: FLDS/cccccccc Wait state code: WS/D0084 Reason code: PRCS/hhhhhhhh Module name: RIDS/cccccccc If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. v X'008', X'00C', X'010', or X'014' RTM experienced recursive errors while processing an error. This problem could be due to overlays of critical fields in control blocks such as: PSA Address space control block (ASCB) Task control block (TCB) Request block (RB) Extended status block (XSB) Do the following:

The reason code (rrr) is one of the following: 004 A first level interruption handler (FLIH) determined that the interruption, which was in a PSW-disabled routine, was an error condition. The FLIH called RTM to recover or to end the routine that was interrupted. While processing the request, RTM found uncorrectable damage to at least one functional recovery routine


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

085 087
1. Analyze the dump and logrec error records for recursive errors. Identify the RTM module that experienced the recursive errors. Determine the offset into the module at which the recursive errors occurred. 2. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. Include in the search argument: Name of the overlaid control block field: FLDS/cccccccc Wait state code: WS/D0084 Reason code: PRCS/hhhhhhhh Module name: RIDS/cccccccc If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM) 085 Explanation: During this warm start IPL, the auxiliary storage manager (ASM) forced a switch to a cold start. ASM determined that one of the following is true: v The pageable link pack area (PLPA) page data set is behind a cached device. The cache must be reset. v PLPA has overflowed to the COMMON page data set and the common data set is on a cached device. Warm or quick start has failed. The cache must be reset. System action: The system ends processing and enters the wait state. Operator response: To reset the cache, reIPL the system with the CLPA option. Source: Auxiliary storage manager (ASM) 087 Explanation: At the end of removing a system from a sysplex, the system enters this wait state. A hexadecimal reason code in register 15 indicates the reason why the system was removed: Code 01 Explanation Communications task (COMMTASK) initialization could not establish a member of the SYSMCS group because the maximum number of members per cross-system coupling facility (XCF) group was reached. A recursive abend occurred while processing the console services sysplex update task. A recursive abend occurred while processing the console services cross-system update subtask. A recursive abend occurred while processing the console services sysplex send data processor. 0A 0B 0C 0D 06 A recursive abend occurred while processing the console services sysplex receive data processor. A recursive abend occurred while processing the console services cross-system service group exit. A recursive abend occurred while processing the console services cross-system service message exit. A recursive abend occurred while processing the console services sysplex command processor. A recursive abend occurred when the system processed a message. A recursive abend occurred while processing the console services sysplex data queuer. A recursive abend occurred while processing the console services sysplex cleanup task. Another system was unable to accept the system into the sysplex because of a storage shortage. A recursive abend occurred while the system was processing the sysplex reply ID task. A recursive abend occurred while processing the console services sysplex recovery module. The system could not join the XCF SYSMCS2 group. The system could not create control members in the XCF SYSMCS2 group. The system could not initialize reply ID processing. Message cache could not be created. A recursive abend occurred while processing the console services general-purpose task. Console definition initialization had an unrecoverable error. Data space could not be created. A bad return code was received from ALESERV ADD for a required data space. Both CNZ_MainDsm and CNZ_AuxDsm were damaged. A basic test of the CLT failed. A basic test of the CDUH failed. Console initialization could not establish appropriate serialization. Message CNZ0006W has been issued with additional codes. Console migration detected inconsistencies in




0E 0F 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 1D 22 27 30

02 03



Chapter 3. Wait State Codes


its data and cannot let the migration continue. Message CNZ0006W has been issued with additional error codes. 33 34 35 36 Console migration task had an unrecoverable error. Essential console services function failed. The IPLing system does not support distributed mode. The IPLing system could not obtain console data from an existing system in the sysplex. Message CNZ0008I identifies the existing system. 04 The SYSn.IPLPARM or SYS1.PARMLIB directory entry for the LOADxx member contains incorrect information. IPL cannot read the LOADxx member. The SYSn.IPLPARM or SYS1.PARMLIB directory entry for the NUCLSTxx member contains incorrect information, and IPL cannot read it. While reading the LOADxx member, IPL reached the end-of-file where there should have been more data. The contents of the LOADxx member are incorrect. While reading the NUCLSTxx member, IPL reached the end-of-file where there should have been more data. The contents of the NUCLSTxx member are incorrect. The member of SYS1.NUCLEUS selected was excluded by a NUCLSTxx EXCLUDE statement. There was no alternate IEANUC0x member of SYS1.NUCLEUS included. Could not locate nucleus extension IEANUC1x or IEANUC2x. z/Architecture mode was requested on the ARCHLVL parameter in the LOADxx parmlib member, but the processor does not support z/Architecture mode. You attempted to IPL a level of z/OS that requires z/Architecture, but the machine does not support z/Architecture. An MVSCP statement was found in the LOADxx member that was used to IPL.




37 through 43 During initialization, a module failed and could not be reattached because module IEAVN701 had not finished its initialization. System action: The system enters wait state X'087'. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Console services


0E 10

088 Explanation: During initial program load (IPL), the system encountered an error in processing the LOADxx or NUCLSTxx members of SYS1.PARMLIB. The following format shows the location of the reason code in bits 36 through 43 of the PSW: X'000A0000 8rrxxwww' 000A0000 The A is bits 12 through 15 (the CMWP bits). 8 rr xx www The wait state code. The reason code (rr) is one of the following: 00 IPL could not find the LOADxx member in SYSn.IPLPARM on the IODF volume or SYS1.PARMLIB on the IODF volume or on SYSRES. Either the system programmer did not create the member or the operator typed the wrong value for the LOAD parameter. The system could not find the NUCLSTxx member of SYSn.IPLPARM or SYS1.PARMLIB that was specified on the NUCLST statement in the LOADxx SYS1.PARMLIB member. If bits 33-39 are not zero then bit 32 must be on indicating AMODE (31-bit addressing mode). A hexadecimal reason code indicating the reason for the failure. Irrelevant information.



System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: For reason codes X'04', X'08' or X'80' notify the system programmer. For reason code X'00', check the value specified in the LOAD parameter. If it is incorrect, use the correct value and reIPL. If it is correct, notify the system programmer that the LOADxx member is missing from SYSn.IPLPARM on the IODF volume or SYS1.PARMLIB on the IODF volume or on SYSRES. System programmer response: Do one of the following: v For reason code X'00', create the LOADxx member of SYSn.IPLPARM on the IODF volume or SYS1.PARMLIB on the IODF volume or on SYSRES. Tell the operator what value to use for the LOAD parameter. v For reason code X'02' make sure that the NUCLST statement was specified correctly in the LOADxx member of SYSn.IPLPARM or SYS1.PARMLIB. Make sure also that the NUCLSTxx parmlib member resides in the same data set as the LOADxx parmlib member.



z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

089 08C
v For reason code X'06' or X'0A', delete the NUCLSTxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB. Then either recreate the NUCLSTxx member, or create a different one. Tell the operator what value to use for the LOAD parameter. v For reason code X'04' and X'08' delete the LOADxx member. Then either recreate the LOADxx member, or create a different one. Tell the operator what value to use for the LOAD parameter. v For reason code X'0C', correct the NUCLSTxx member so that it does not exclude IEANUC0x. v For reason code X'0E', if IPLing with ARCHLVL 1 specified in LOADxx, create nucleus extension IEANUC1x, or if by IPLing with ARCHLVL 2, create nucleus extension IEANUC2x. v For reason code X'10', do not specify ARCHLVL 2 in LOADxx. v For reason code X'14', IPL this z/OS release only on a machine that supports z/Architecture. v For reason code X'80', remove the MVSCP statement from the LOADxx member used to IPL. An IODF must be used to specify I/O configuration data. See z/OS HCD Users Guide for information about IODF. Source: Initial program load (IPL) 089 Explanation: During NIP processing, the system found an error with a unit control block (UCB) while trying to create the eligible devices table (EDT). System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state. System programmer response: Determine if the problem is a device error. If not, take a stand-alone dump of the system. Try to IPL with an IODF that is known to be good. If the source of the problem cannot be determined, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM support center. Provide the dump. Source: Allocation/unallocation 08A Explanation: An error occurred while requesting a wait state with the WSPARM option on the write to operator (WTO) macro. The right-most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: x0rrrwww where: x rrrr Irrelevant information. A hexadecimal reason code indicating the reason for the failure. 005 004 003 002 www The wait state code.

The reason code (rrr) is one of the following: 001 002 Two callers, running on the same processor, tried to load the same wait state. The system abended wait state processing.

System action: The system issues message IEA548W. The system enters wait state X'08A'. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for a dump, request a stand-alone dump. ReIPL the system. System programmer response: Depending on the reason code, do one of the following: 001 002 See the system programmer response for the requesting wait state. See the system programmer response for the abend displayed in message IEA548W.

Source: Console services 08C Explanation: An error occurred during workload manager (WLM) processing due to recurring abends in the WLM address space. The accompanying hexadecimal reason code identifies an internal, unrecoverable WLM error. Code 001 Description Wait state/reason code for nonspecific WLM failure. This WaitState code is by the WLM Job Step Tasks Resource Manager Routine as well as the WLM Address Space Resource Manager Routine should IWMINTSK or IWMINJST terminate for any reason Detecting EP (?IWMXLWT issuer): IWMLTLWT Wait state/reason code for WLM initialization (IWMLTATT) IWMLTATT was invoked to attach a WLM subtask but the epid is not a known WLM subtask routine Detecting EP (?IWMXLWT issuer): IWMLTATT Wait state/reason code for WLM Sysplex Mgmt (IWMSMTSK) SubTask IWMSMTSK failed Detecting EP (?IWMXLWT issuer): IWMLTETX, IWMLTATT Wait state/reason code for WLM Data Mgmt (IWMDMTSK) SubTask IWMDMTSK failed Detecting EP (?IWMXLWT issuer): IWMLTETX, IWMLTATT Wait state/reason code for WLM Policy Mgmt (IWMPMTSK) SubTask IWMPMTSK failed Detecting EP (?IWMXLWT issuer): IWMLTETX, IWMLTATT
Chapter 3. Wait State Codes


006 Wait state/reason code for WLM Performance Mgmt (IMMDCTSK) SubTask IWMDCTSK failed Detecting EP (?IWMXLWT issuer): IWMLTETX, IWMLTATT 007 Wait state/reason code for WLM Linkage/Tasking (IWMLTETX) Restart of a WLM subtask failed. Failing TCB@ not found on FTDE queue. Detecting EP (?IWMXLWT issuer): IWMLTETX 008 Wait state/reason code for WLM Work Mgmt (IWMWMTSK) SubTask IWMWMTSK failed Detecting EP (?IWMXLWT issuer): IWMLTETX, IWMLTATT 009 Wait state/reason code for WLM Workload reporting (IWMWRTSK) SubTask IWMWRTSK failed Detecting EP (?IWMXLWT issuer): IWMLTETX, IWMLTATT 00A No policy available Detecting EP (?IWMXLWT issuer): IWMPMxxx 00B Wait state/reason code for WLM (IWMLTLWT) WLM address space termination occurred. Note: Unlikely WS; see following task level RESMGR waitstates. Detecting EP (?IWMXLWT issuer): None 00C Wait state/reason code for WLM (IWMLTLWT) WLM Job Step Task IWMINTSK abnormally terminated, and is non-restartable, therefore degrading WLM/SRM and system function. IPL required. Detecting EP (?IWMXLWT issuer): None 00D Wait state/reason code for WLM (IWMLTLWT) WLM Job Step Task IWMINJST abnormally terminated, is non-restartable therefore degrading WLM/SRM and system ability, IPL required. Detecting EP (?IWMXLWT issuer): None 00F Wait state/reason code for WLM Environment Manager (IWMEMTSK) SubTask IWMEMTSK failed Detecting EP (?IWMXLWT issuer): IWMLTETX, IWMLTATT 010 Wait state/reason code for WLM Device Clustering (IWMDVTSK) SubTask IWMDVTSK failed Detecting EP (?IWMXLWT issuer): IWMLTETX, IWMLTATT 016 015 014 012 011 Wait state/reason code for WLM Workload Balancing (IWMWBTSK) SubTask IWMWBTSK failed Detecting EP (?IWMXLWT issuer): IWMLTETX, IWMLTATT Wait state/reason code for WLM Operations (IWMOPTSK) SubTask IWMOPTSK failed Detecting EP (?IWMXLWT issuer): IWMLTETX, IWMLTATT 013 Wait state/reason code for WLM Scheduling Environment (IWMSETSK) SubTask IWMSETSK failed Detecting EP (?IWMXLWT issuer): IWMLTETX, IWMLTATT Wait state/reason code for WLM Coupling Facility Manager (IWMCFTSK) SubTask IWMCFTSK failed Detecting EP (?IWMXLWT issuer): IWMLTETX, IWMLTATT Wait state/reason code for WLM LPAR Manager (IWMLMTSK) SubTask IWMLMTSK failed Detecting EP (?IWMXLWT issuer): IWMLTETX, IWMLTATT Wait state/reason code for WLM CHPID Manager (IWMCMTSK) SubTask IWMCMTSK failed Detecting EP (?IWMXLWT issuer): IWMLTETX, IWMLTATT System action: The system places the processor into a wait state. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM support center. Provide the hardcopy log and the dump. Source: Workload manager (WLM) 08E Explanation: A recursive, unrecoverable error occurred during the processing of the NEWIPS SYSEVENT. System action: The system places the processor into a wait state. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. ReIPL the system. After reIPL, avoid issuing any of the following commands, if possible, because the wait state occurred during the processing of one of them: v Issuing the V WLM,POLICY=XXXXXX command


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

08F 09x
v Activating a service policy from the WLM ISPF application System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM support center. Provide the hardcopy log and the dump. Source: Workload manager (WLM) 08F Explanation: The system attempted to rebuild the work unit queues, but was unable to do so. System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state, and issues message IEA460W. Operator response: If the system programmer asks for a dump, request a stand-alone dump. ReIPL the system. System programmer response: If the source of the problem cannot be determined, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM support center. Provide the dump. Source: Supervisor Control 09x Explanation: The system put a processor into wait state X'09x' because the following occurred: 1. The processor was in a spin loop, waiting for an event to occur on another processor. The spin loop exceeded the time normally required for the event to occur. 2. The system was unable to issue the excessive spin notification message, IEE331A. The third digit (x) of the wait state code identifies the event for which the processor waited, as follows: x 1 2 4 5 6 7 9 E Event RISGNL response Lock release Restart resource Address space to QUIESCE Central processor (CPU) in stopped state Intersect release Operator intervening state Successful bind break release ACR 1. Stop all the processors in this system. The right-most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: 0aaa009x where:
Chapter 3. Wait State Codes

aaa x

The logical address of the processor causing the spin loop. The third digit of the wait state code (x in 09x).

System action: The processor in the spin loop enters restartable wait state X'09x'. The system may issue a message that describes the problem. Operator response: Before restarting the processor, store an action code in storage location X'30E' of the processor. The action code indicates the recovery action that the processor will take in an attempt to resolve the excessive spin-loop condition. The action codes, in order of severity, and the related recovery actions are the following: Code None Recovery Action Performed by System SPIN - Continue in the spin loop, waiting for the expected event to occur. To start the SPIN action, restart the processor in the X'09x' wait state. ABEND - Abnormally end the current unit of work on the processor on which the expected event did not occur. In this case, the system does allow the recovery routines to retry. TERM - Abnormally end the current unit of work on the processor on which the expected event did not occur. In this case, the system does not allow recovery routines to retry. ACR - Start alternate recovery (ACR) for the processor on which the expected event did not occur. This will take the processor offline and initiate an abnormal end (with retry allowed) for the current unit of work on that processor.




Depending on the type of recovery action, do the following to start the recovery action: Action Procedure SPIN ABEND TERM 1. Display location X'30E' of the processor in the X'09x' wait state. 2. Store the action code (X'CC' or X'BB') at location X'30E'. 3. Restart the processor in the X'09x' wait state. The system ignores the restart reason. Restart the processor in the X'09x' wait state.

2. Display location X'30E' of the processor in the X'09x' wait state. 3. Store action code X'AA' at location X'30E'.


0A1 0A2
4. Identify the processor that is causing the spin loop (the failing processor) from the sixth byte of the X'09x' wait state PSW. The characters 4x will appear in this byte. x is the identifier for the failing processor. 5. Start all processors except the failing processor and the processor in the X'09x' wait state. 6. Restart the processor in the X'09x' wait state (the system ignores the restart reason). 7. After ACR processing is complete, enter a CONFIG CPU(x),ONLINE command at a console with master authority, where x is the identifier for the failing processor. If wait state X'09x' occurs again within approximately one spin-loop interval, respond with recovery action of the next greatest severity. Notify service personnel. Source: Loadwait/Restart 0A1 Explanation: All system-initiated recovery actions were exhausted without resolving an excessive spin loop. System action: The system issues message IEE183W before loading the wait state. Message IEE178I might have appeared at least once prior to the wait state, and may provide additional information. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. Obtain a stand-alone dump. ReIPL the system. System programmer response: Collect all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Loadwait/Restart 0A2 Explanation: Cross-system coupling facility (XCF) or cross-system extended services encountered a non-recoverable error and stopped the system. The system also issues this wait state in response to an operator request to stop the system. See z/OS MVS Diagnosis: Reference for information on diagnosing sysplex problems. The right-most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: x0rrrwww where: x Irrelevant information. 07C 030 rrr www A hexadecimal reason code indicating the reason for the failure. The wait state code.

The reason code (rrr) is one of the following: 004 The operator entered the VARY XCF,sysname,OFFLINE command to remove the system from the sysplex. XCF lost signalling path connectivity between systems. XCF lost access to all couple data sets. During IPL, XCF removed a system from the sysplex. XCF removed the system from the sysplex. One of the following occurred: v An I/O error was encountered by this system on either the primary or the alternate couple data set after this system joined the sysplex but before it could complete initialization of the couple data sets. v An I/O error was encountered by another system in the sysplex on either the primary or the alternate couple data set after this system joined the sysplex but before it could complete initialization of the couple data sets v The operator on another system in the sysplex initiated a data set transition by making a new alternate available via the SETXCF COUPLE,ACOUPLE command or by replacing the primary couple data set with the alternate couple data set via the SETXCF COUPLE,PSWITCH command. This action was taken after the time that this system joined the sysplex but before it could complete initialization of the couple data sets. v The operator replied DOWN to message IXC402D to specify that XCF was to remove the system from the sysplex. An ETR failure on another system has occurred. The operator has restarted that system. All other systems are stopped. Another system is removing this system from the sysplex because of an external time reference (ETR) failure. When there is an ETR failure, only one system can remain in the sysplex. The remaining system removes all others from the sysplex. The set of sysplex couple data sets in use by the sysplex was changed while it was marking itself active. System checks indicate that there are no

008 010 014 020



z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

allowable configurations (XCF-local, monoplex, and sysplex) for this system based on current settings. 08C XCF will not accept this system into the sysplex because a couple data set inconsistency was detected. The CFRM couple data set has been lost. Internal XCF error I/O has been prevented as a result of a system being fenced. The system was partitioned out of the sysplex as specified by XCFPOLxx. The system was found to be in a status update missing condition and was partitioned out of the sysplex. The system experienced a signalling connectivity failure and was partitioned out of the sysplex as specified by the Sysplex Failure Management policy. This is a non-restartable wait state due to the loss of the ETR link or the ETR itself. Not enough storage to define subchannel notification vectors. The wait state occurred because one of the names being declared by the operating system was already declared via logical partition definition at the hardware console, and the previously-declared name does not match the name being declared by the operating system. The system has lost time synchronization with the Server Time Protocol (STP) time source. The system has been partitioned out of the sysplex because it has lost time synchronization with the other systems in the sysplex. A member of XCF group SYSGRS, SYSMCS, or SYSXCF appeared to be causing signaling sympathy sickness. The system was removed from the sysplex to terminate the member. XES common storage control block CADS initialization failed. Operator requested partitioning with the VARY XCF command and REIPL AutoIPL option specified. Operator requested partitioning with the VARY XCF command and SADMP AutoIPL option specified. Operator requested partitioning with the VARY XCF command and SADMP and REIPL AutoIPL options specified. For other reason codes, see the operator response for any preceding messages. If the system programmer requests it, obtain a stand-alone dump. System programmer response: See the system programmer response for message IXC220W. Format the stand-alone dump with the following IPCS subcommands: v XESDATA, including all the reports and the summary, detail, and exception levels. v COUPLE, including all the reports and the summary, detail, and exception levels. v CTRACE COMP(SYSXES) SUB((GLOBAL)) v CTRACE COMP(SYSXES) SUB((individualconnections)) You can determine the individual connections by issuing the CTRACE QUERY command to see the sub name traces associated with SYSXES. v CTRACE COMP(SYSXCF) to obtain XCF trace data. Issue the D XCF,COUPLE command from a system currently active in the sysplex. Check the connectivity to the volumes that contain the couple data sets. Refer to z/OS MVS Setting Up a Sysplex for additional information on couple data set placement for avoidance of a single point of failure in couple data set availability. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support
Chapter 3. Wait State Codes

wait state and issues message IXC220W or IXL004W. Operator response: The following reason codes are possible hardware errors: v 010 v 08C v 110 v 114 Look in the LOGREC data set for hardware errors. Correct the hardware configuration. If the problem persists, contact hardware support. The following reason codes represent errors internal to the XCF component. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Reason Codes: 018 054 06C 088 118 144 024 058 070 090 120 148 028 05C 074 091 130 150 040 060 080 094 134 154 050 064 084 098 140

09C 091 104 108 10C


114 11C 14C

| 158 | | 15A | | |

164 17C



System action: The system enters a nonrestartable


Center. Provide the formatted stand-alone dump. Include all the reports and the summary, detail, and exception levels for each report. Source: Cross-system coupling facility (XCF) 0A3 Explanation: A system could not successfully participate in a global resource serialization complex. In order for a system to join a sysplex, it must also be a member of the global resource serialization complex, but the system cannot join the global resource serialization complex for one of the following reasons: v The global resource serialization system parameters specified are incorrect. v Global resource serialization encountered an unrecoverable error. 026 The right-most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: x0rrrwww where: x rrr www Irrelevant information. A hexadecimal reason code indicating the reason for the failure. The wait state code. 034 The reason code (rrr) is one of the following: 004 The system IPLed into a sysplex with GRS=JOIN or TRYJOIN parameters, but global resource serialization was unable to join the global resource serialization complex. Systems in a sysplex must be in the same global resource serialization ring. The wait state is accompanied by message ISG167W. The system IPLed into the sysplex with GRS=JOIN, START, TRYJOIN or STAR system parameter, and when global resource serialization attempted to use the cross-system coupling facility (XCF) during initialization, the service failed with an unexpected error. When this wait state occurs, message ISG152W is issued to the console. This message identifies the XCF service and the return and reason codes. 00C Global resource serialization found an error in parmlib member GRSCNFxx. The wait state is accompanied by message ISG043I or ISG044I. Global resource serialization found an error in parmlib member GRSRNLxx. The wait state is accompanied by messages ISG062I and ISG063I. Global resource serialization could not
z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

establish the event notification (ENF) exits. The wait state is accompanied by message ISG021I. 018 Global resource serialization found an error in parmlib member GRSCNFxx. The parmlib member specifies a device that is already in use. The wait state is accompanied by message ISG045I. The system IPLed with GRS=NONE and PLEXCFG=MULTISYSTEM. These two parameters are mutually exclusive. The wait state is accompanied by message ISG159W. Global resource serialization tried to remove this system from the complex, but the attempt failed. The wait state is accompanied by message ISG152W. Global resource serialization detected an unrecoverable error in an XCF exit. Global resource serialization detected an internal error. Global resource serialization detected an unrecoverable failure while running in a sysplex. The wait state is accompanied by message ISG168W. Global resource serialization detected an internal error. The system IPLed with GRS=JOIN or TRYJOIN, but global resource serialization could not invoke the XCF Set User State service. The wait state is accompanied by message ISG152W. Global resource serialization could not find the systems exclusion RNL exit (ISGGSEEA) while trying to process a GRSRNL=EXCLUDE system parameter. Global resource serialization could not find the systems inclusion RNL exit (ISGGSIEA) while trying to process a GRSRNL=EXCLUDE system parameter. The system could not send a message via the XCF message out service. The global resource serialization complex is unable to restart after a ring disruption. No active global resource serialization ring exists, and this system has repetitively failed in its attempts to initiate one. The wait state may be accompanied by messages ISG011I, ISG015I, ISG021I, ISG025I, ISG173I, ISG176I, or ISG180E. The operator entered a VARY GRS,PURGE command for this system, removing it from the global resource serialization complex. This system is unable to enter the global



028 02C





040 044






resource serialization ring. A current member of the global resource serialization complex belongs to a different multisystem sysplex than the rest of the members of the global resource serialization complex. Global resource serialization only supports one multisystem sysplex per global resource serialization complex. The wait state is accompanied by message ISG182W. 054 This system is unable to reactivate a global resource serialization ring from the quiesced state. It became quiesced because of a ring disruption, system failure, or an operator-issued VARY GRS,QUIESCE command. No active global resource serialization system exists. This system had the most current global request information of all systems in the complex. This system encountered an unrecoverable software error in recovery for global resource serialization ring processing. This system encountered an unrecoverable software error in recovery for global resource serialization internal or external command processing. Global resource serialization tried to invoke the XCF Query service to gather information about the sysplex, but the attempt failed. The wait state is accompanied by message ISG152W. This systems inclusion resource name list (GRS RNL parmlib member) is not exactly the same as the one the global resource serialization complex is currently using. All RNLs must be the same within the GRS complex. Note that RNLs that may have the same results are not considered to be exact matches. They should be the exact same RNL values in the exact same order. If they appear to be the same, then obtain a stand-alone dump; in a sysplex, a SDUMP will be taken on the assisting system. This dump should also be provided to the IBM Support Center. This systems exclusion resource name list (GRS RNL parmlib member) is not exactly the same as the one the global resource serialization complex is currently using. All RNLs must be the same within the GRS complex. Note that RNLs that may have the same results are not considered to be exact matches. They should be the exact same RNL values in the exact same order. If they appear to be the same, then obtain a stand-alone dump; in a sysplex, a SDUMP will be taken on the assisting system. This dump should also be provided to the IBM Support Center. This systems RESERVE conversion RNL (GRS RNL parmlib member) is not exactly the 080 same as the one the global resource serialization complex is using. All RNLs must be the same within the GRS complex. Note that RNLs that may have the same results are not considered to be exact matches. They should be the exact same RNL values in the exact same order. If they appear to be the same, then obtain a stand-alone dump; in a sysplex, a SDUMP will be taken on the assisting system. This dump should also be provided to the IBM Support Center. 070 This system encountered an unrecoverable software error during global resource serialization queue merge processing. Obtain a stand-alone dump; in a sysplex, a SDUMP will be taken on the assisting system. This dump should also be provided to the IBM Support Center. Global resource serialization address initialization failed. A system service called to initialize one of its modules was not successful. When this wait state occurs, message ISG305W is issued to the console. This message identifies the service, the module and the non-zero return code passed back from the service. Global resource serialization initialization failed. A critical task terminated. When this wait state occurs, message ISG306W is issued to the console. An error code in this message identifies the particular task that failed. 084 Global resource serialization failed. The type of complex the system initialized is not compatible with the complex currently active in the sysplex. A system IPLed with GRS=START, JOIN or TRYJOIN, cannot join an existing global resource serialization star complex. Similarly, when a system is IPLed with GRS=STAR, it cannot join an existing global resource serialization ring complex. If the system detected the error condition itself and issued the wait state, message ISG307W is issued. If the system partitioned out of the complex and was put into a wait state as a result of action taken by an already active system that detected the error, then message ISG307W is not issued. 088 Global resource serialization invoked a system service which did not successfully complete. Message ISG308W is issued, identifying the system service along with the error return and reason code. During system initialization, global resource









Chapter 3. Wait State Codes


serialization was unable to access the global resource serialization record on the sysplex couple dataset. When this wait state occurs, message ISG342W is issued to the console. This message identifies the reason the record could not be accessed. 08E During the initialization, GRS GRQA was allocated too high by the IARV64 service to guarantee IXLLOCK processing integrity. The wait state is accompanied by message ISG373W. See message ISG373W for additional diagnostic data that should be provided to the IBM Support Center. Global resource serialization processing failed due to the unexpected termination on one of its tasks that is critical to global resource processing. When this wait state occurs, message ISG315W is issued to the console. An error code in this message identifies the task that failed. 094 During global resource serialization processing, one of its critical task terminated. Global resource serialization is unable to reinstate the task because the ATTACH for the task failed with an error return code. When this wait state occurs, message ISG316W is issued to the console. This message identifies the module the could not be ATTACHed and the error return code from ATTACH. 098 During recovery, a primary global resource serialization control block was damaged. Global resource serialization is unable to recover from this error. When this wait state occurs, message ISG317W is issued to the console. 09C During GRS Star initialization, the system was unable to access the GRS lock structure (ISGLOCK). This wait state might occur if CFRM is not available for the first system trying to come up in STAR mode, and CFRMPOL is not specified in the COUPLExx parmlib member. When this wait state occurs, message ISG342W is issued to the console. The message describes what kind of access to the structure failed. 0A0 During GRS processing, an unexpected error occurred in one of the GRS XCF exits. GRS is unable to recover from the failure. (Message ISG310W is issued to the console.) The top level global resource serialization task
z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

from which all other task are anchored unexpectedly received control at a point in its processing that should not occur and is unable to recover. When this wait state occurs, message ISG329W is issued to the console. 0BC During initialization of a star complex, global resource serialization was not able to allocate the global resource serialization lock structure. The reason can be one of the following: 1. Connection to the structure failed with IXLCONN RC=0C and RSN=0C08 or RSN=0C27. 2. Storage on the coupling facility is insufficient or the policy size is too small for the minimum structure size needed. When this wait state occurs, message ISG338W is issued to the console. This message identifies the name of the structure causing the failure. 0C0 An unexpected error occurred in one of the Global resource serialization lock structure exits. Global resource serialization is unable to recover from this error. When this wait state occurs, message ISG310W is issued to the console. This message identifies the name of the global resource serialization lock structure that failed. 0C4 During a rebuild of the global resource serialization lock structure detected damage to the global request queue on the system. Global resource serialization is not able to continue using the original lock structure due to a structure failure or loss of connectivity. Additionally, this code is issued for a failure when the lock structure rebuild was issued on behalf of a GRSRNL=EXCLUDE to standard RNLs migration. The original structure does not contain an accurate reflection of all globally managed resources and therefore cannot be used. When this wait state occurs, message ISG309W is issued to the console. 0C8 During a rebuild of the global resource serialization lock structure, global resource serialization received a request to stop the rebuild. Global resource serialization can not resume processing with the original global resource serialization lock structure, due to a structure failure or loss of connectivity. When this wait state occurs, message ISG309W is issued to the console. 0CC During a rebuild of the global resource serialization lock structure, sysplex failure




management (SFM) determined that this system should not disconnect from the structure. Global resource serialization partitioned the system from the sysplex to insure data integrity is maintained. When this wait state occurs, message ISG309W is issued to the console. 0D0 During a rebuild of the global resource serialization lock structure, sysplex failure management (SFM) determined that the original lock structure has better connectivity than the new structure. Global resource serialization could not resume processing with the original lock structure due to a structure failure or a loss of connectivity condition. Global resource serialization partitions the system from the sysplex to insure data integrity is maintained. Additionally, this code is issued for a failure when the lock structure rebuild was issued on behalf of a GRSRNL=EXCLUDE to standard RNLs migration. The original structure does not contain an accurate reflection of all globally managed resources and therefore cannot be used. When this wait state occurs, message ISG309W is issued to the console. 0D4 During a rebuild of the global resource serialization lock structure, global resource serialization was unable to connect to the new structure. Global resource serialization partitions the system from the sysplex to insure data integrity is maintained. When this wait state occurs, message ISG309W is issued to the console. 0D8 During a rebuild of the global resource serialization lock structure, global resource serialization received an unrecoverable response from a XES service. Global resource serialization is not able to continue processing. When this wait state occurs, message ISG308W or ISG309W is issued to the console. 0DC During a rebuild of the global resource serialization lock structure, global resource serialization received an unexpected event, violating the rebuild protocol. Global resource serialization is not able to continue. When this wait state occurs, message ISG309W is issued to the console. 0E0 During a rebuild of the global resource serialization lock structure, global resource serialization stopped for an unknown reason. Global resource serialization is not able to continue processing. When this wait state occurs, message ISG309W is issued to the console. 0E4 During migration from a global resource serialization ring to a star complex, a structure error occurred. Global resource serialization is not able to continue processing. When this wait state occurs, message ISG309W is issued to the console. 0E8 During migration from a global resource serialization ring to a star complex, global resource serialization queue damage was detected. Global resource serialization is not able to continue processing. When this wait state occurs, message ISG332I is issued to the console. 0EA The system attempted to IPL while global resource serialization was migrating from a global resource serialization ring to a star complex. The system cannot join the complex during this processing. When this wait state occurs, message ISG301W is issued to the console. 0EC During migration from a global resource serialization ring to a star complex, an unexpected error occurred. When this wait state occurs, message ISG304W is issued to the console. 0EE During migration from GRSRNL=EXCLUDE to standard RNLs, an unexpected error occurred. When this wait state occurs, message ISG373W is issued to the console. System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state. For reason codes X'026', X'058', and X'05C', the system writes a logrec error record and issues an SVC dump. For reason codes X'064' through X'070', the system issues message ISG015I. The system may also issue message ISG183W. System programmer response: Do one of the following: v To IPL a system without global resource serialization, IPL with COUPLE=00,GRS=NONE. The system will IPL in XCF-local mode. Do not start any jobs that access shared sysplex resources. v To IPL a system into the sysplex and the global resource serialization complex, If you want to IPL a global resource serialization ring complex, correct the GRS= specification (in IEASYSxx parmlib member or in response to message IEA101A) to be one of the following: - START - JOIN

Chapter 3. Wait State Codes


0A4 0A5
- TRYJOIN If you want to IPL a global resource serialization star complex, check the following: 1. The global resource serialization record was formatted on the sysplex couple data set via the IXCL1DSU formatting utility. 2. The sysplex couple data set with the global resource serialization record is the current primary sysplex couple data set. v To resolve the problem preventing the system from joining global resource serialization, do the following: v See the explanations for accompanying messages for information about the problem. v Obtain the SVC dump, if one was issued, and format it with the IPCS VERBEXIT MTRACE command to find the last message global resource serialization issued. See the explanation for any message found. v For reason codes 64, 68, 6C, and 70, obtain a stand-alone dump; in a sysplex, a SDUMP will be taken on the assisting system. This dump should also be provided to the IBM Support Center. v If you cannot find the problem, or the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the logrec error record and the SVC dump if they were issued. Source: Global resource serialization 077 0A4 Explanation: Two or more processors could not complete external time reference (ETR) synchronization check processing. ETR is the MVS generic name for the IBM Sysplex Timer (9037) or equivalent. System action: The system enters wait state X'0A4'. This wait state is accompanied by message IEA503W. Operator response: Retain the logrec error records. Contact hardware support. Source: Timer supervision 0A5 Explanation: The system detected a logic error in one of the hardware configuration definition (HCD) modules. The right-most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: xrrr0www 083 where: x rrr www Irrelevant information. A hexadecimal reason code indicating the reason for the failure. The wait state code. The indicated UIM specified a device number greater than the maximum allowed device number. v Message reason code 1: Device number in the relocation information is greater than the maximum allowed device number. 082 081 078 075 The reason code (rrr) is one of the following: 070 071 Two UIMs made multiple attempts to build a GIT. The first UIM is flagged as in error. Two UIMs specified the same generic preference value. The last UIM is flagged as in error. A UIM defines a generic device type with a compatible list that contains duplicate entries. Two UIMs made multiple attempts to build a CIT for the indicated control unit. The first UIM is flagged as in error. A UIM specified an non-valid device number in DFP. v Message reason code 1: The device number in the DFP is greater than the maximum allowed device number. v Message reason code 2: A DFT exists already for the device number specified in the DFP. A UIM specified either in the DFP or UIP a generic name for which the GIT could not be found. The indicated UIM is flagged as in error. The indicated UIM specified more than 5 MLT names or specified no MLT names. The indicated UIM is flagged as in error. The indicated UIM specified more than the 256 bytes of device-dependent information. The indicated UIM is flagged as in error. The indicated UIM specified an non-valid UCB segment type for an ACON position pointer. The indicated UIM is flagged as in error. The indicated UIM specified an non-valid UCB segment type for an ACON relocation pointer. The indicated UIM is flagged as in error. The indicated UIM specified an offset for an ACON position pointer that is not within the specified UCB segment. The indicated UIM is flagged as in error. Two UIMs made multiple attempts to build a UIT for the indicated device. The first UIM is flagged as in error. The indicated UIM specified more than 24 bytes of device-dependent segment data. The indicated UIM is flagged as in error.

072 073






z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

v Message reason code 2: Device number in the device class extension area is greater than the maximum allowed device number. The indicated UIM is flagged as in error. 084 The indicated UIM specified an non-valid device class in the DFPTBYT3 field. The indicated UIM is flagged as in error. The DCT information specified for a DASD does not match the previously specified information for this DASD type. A UIM specified a DCT entry length greater than the allowed maximum. Insufficient space in DCT for current DCT entry. The indicated UIM tried to build a CIT by passing a CIP that does not specify an attachable device list. The indicated generic name as specified in the list of compatible generics could not be found in the list of GITs. The first indicated generic is deleted from the list of compatible generics. The UIM is flagged as in error. 085 086 087 088 091 083 084 CBDA083I, to display the UIM name, device number, and reason code. CBDA084I, to display the UIM name, device number, and Ucbtype3. CBDA085I, to display the DASD type. CBDA086I, to display the UIM name. CBDA087I. CBDA088I, to display the UIM name and control unit type/model. CBDA091I, to display the generic names.


086 087 088

Operator response: Notify the system programmer. If requested by the system programmer, obtain a stand-alone dump. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. Use the following search argument: v WS/D0A5: Wait state code v PRCS/hhhhhhhh: Reason code v PIDS/name of UIM: Program name v VALU/Ccccccccc: Message variable text If no fix exists, ask the operator to obtain the stand-alone dump. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump, the UIM name, if available, and the accompanying message. Source: Hardware configuration definition (HCD) 0A7


System action: The system enters wait state X'0A5'. The system issues the following hardware configuration definition (HCD) messages with the following wait state reason codes: Code 070 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 080 081 082 Accompanying Message CBDA070I, to display the UIM name and the generic name. CBDA071I, to display the UIM name and the generic names. CBDA072I, to display the UIM name and the generic name. CBDA073I, to display the UIM name and the control unit type/model. CBDA074I, to display the UIM name, device number, and reason code. CBDA075I, to display the UIM name and the DFP or UIP, as applicable. CBDA076I, to display the UIM name. CBDA077I, to display the UIM name. CBDA078I, to display the UIM name and UCB segment type. CBDA079I, to display the UIM name and the UCB segment type. CBDA080I, to display the UIM name. CBDA081I, to display the UIM names and the device type/model. CBDA082I, to display the UIM name.

| Explanation: There is insufficient storage available to | build the eligible device table (EDT) during the nucleus | initialization program (NIP). | The right-most four bytes of the program status word | (PSW) have the following format: | x0rrrwww | where: | x | rrr | | www
Irrelevant information. A hexadecimal reason code indicating the reason for failure. The wait state code.

| The reason code (rrr) is one of the following: | 002 | | 004 |

The system could not obtain enough extended system queue area (ESQA) storage. The system could not obtain enough private storage.

System action: The system enters a non-restartable Wait State. Operator response: Notify the System Programmer.

| System programmer response: If the reason code is

Chapter 3. Wait State Codes


0B0 0B1
| | | | |
002, increase the ESQA storage size specifications on the SQA parameters in the appropriate IEASYSxx member(s), and reIPL. If the reason code is 004, analyze the IODF and eliminate redundant esoterics and unused devices, and then reIPL. Source: Allocation Build EDT Resource Initialization Module (RIM) IEAVNP88. 0B0 Explanation: The system could not recognize the I/O definition file (IODF) specified in the LOADxx parmlib member. Note: If equals (==) was specified as the IODF suffix in the LOADxx parmlib member, MVS uses the IODF suffix obtained from the hardware token in the Hardware System Area (HSA). If equals (========) was specified as the IODF high-level qualifier in the LOADxx parmlib member, MVS uses the high-level qualifier obtained from the hardware token in the HSA. If the characters IODF are not found, or the IODF suffix is not X'00' to X'FF', MVS will load wait state X'0B1' reason code X'00B'. MVS uses the same rules for determining its ability to use the IODF name explicitly specified in LOADxx. The right-most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: xrr00www where: x rr www Irrelevant information. A hexadecimal reason code indicating the reason for the failure. The wait state code. 07 IODF data set name in the LOADxx PARMLIB member. Ask the operator to REIPL the system. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 0B1 Explanation: System initialization cannot continue because of a problem in the LOADxx parmlib member, the I/O definition file (IODF) data set, or a device. The right-most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: xrr00www where: x rr www Irrelevant information. A hexadecimal reason code indicating the reason for the failure. The wait state code.

The reason code (rr) is one of the following: 01 02 03 04 05 06 The required data set was not found. The IODF occupies more than one extent. A required device is not defined. MSCH instruction failed for a required device. The IODF is not valid for an IPL. The IODF did not contain an operating system configuration definition matching the configuration ID specified in the LOADxx member. The IODF is not valid for an IPL. The configuration ID was blank in LOADxx, but there was more than one operating system configuration definition. If the configuration ID is blank, then IPL will use a single-defined operating system configuration definition as the default. The IODF suffix is not valid. After parsing the LOADxx member and applying any specified filtering keywords, the high-level qualifier for the IODF data set name is not valid. The IODF is not valid for an IPL. It must be a VSAM dataset. Equals (==) were specified as the IODF suffix or equals (========) were specified as the IODF high-level qualifier in the member and the configuration hardware token was not able to be obtained from the Hardware System Area (HSA), the IODF suffix found in the hardware token did not contain a valid hexadecimal number or the characters IODF were not found in the token.

The reason code (rr) is one of the following: 01 02 The input/output supervisor (IOS) section of the IODF is not compatible with the system code. The allocation section of the IODF is not valid. The most likely reason for this is that the IODF was created by a system with a higher release level than the system that is attempting to use the IODF. 08

| 09 | | |
0A 0B

System action: The system enters nonrestartable wait state X'0B0'. System programmer response: If the correct IODF is being used, it is likely that a recent release of the operating system has converted the IODF to a format not supported by the current release and service level. Search RETAIN for an appropriate compatibility PTF to bring this system up to the required service level. If the correct IODF is not being used, enter the correct


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Note: If equals (========) were specified as the IODF high-level qualifier in the LOADxx parmlib member, MVS uses the high-level qualifier obtained from the hardware token in the HSA. If the characters IODF are not found, or the IODF suffix is not X'00' to X'FF', MVS will load wait state X'0B1' reason code X'00B'. MVS uses the same rules for determining its ability to use the IODF name explicitly specified in LOADxx. 0C An incorrect IODF volume has been chosen for the initial program load (IPL). 2. Add X'28' to the address in X'14', and also read this as a real address in central storage. The result is the 31-bit virtual address of the IPL vector table (IVT). Henceforth, all addresses are 31-bit virtual and you must switch to displaying Primary Virtual Storage to display remaining storage locations. 3. Add X'E0' to the IVT address. The result is the 31-bit address of the IVTMQHP field. IVTMQHP contains the address of the message queue header (MQH). 4. MQH+X'0' contains the address of the oldest message queue element (MQE) available. The message text for the oldest MQE begins at MQE+X'08'. 5. Use MQE+X'0' of the oldest MQE to find the MQE of the next oldest message. Again, the message text for this MQE begins at MQE+ X'08'. 6. Repeat this sequence (using MQE+X'0' of the current MQE to locate the next MQE), until the message text for the appropriate message is displayed. Operator response: Ensure that the correct IODF volume is specified for the IPL and then reIPL the system. Device numbers are four digits in length. ReIPL and run the job again. Set LOAD parameter to the device number of the device that contains or SYS1.PARMLIB. Device numbers can be four digits in length, reIPL. Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Depending on the reason code, one of the following: Code 01 Action Verify that the correct device number was specified on the LOAD parameter. Verify that the IODF resides on the same volume as SYSn.IPLPARM or SYS1.PARMLIB. Enter the correct IODF data set name in the LOAD xx parmlib member. Ensure that the IODF data set is allocated as a single extent data set. Load device does not have the proper subchannel identifier. Verify that the device on which the IODF resides is defined. Verify that the correct device number was specified on the LOAD parameter. Verify that the hardware configuration matches the definitions in the IODF. Move any of the following data sets (that are on the device specified on the LOAD parameter) to a different device: v IODF v SYS1.PARMLIB v SYSn.IPLPARM

| Note: This wait state can also occur because of an IODF statement that is not valid. In addition to | incorrect data entries, this wait state can also be | caused by incorrect keyword filtering that uses | the HWNAME, LPAR NAME, and VMUSERID | keywords. | | Note: Ensure that the LOADxx member has not been compressed by the ISPF Edit PACK option. This | can be checked by using the PROFILE | command from the ISPF edit command line to | display the state of the edit options. When PACK | ON is used, the ISPF editor stores the data set | in a compressed form that is not detected by the | operating system. |
System action: The system enters nonrestartable wait state X'0B1'. The system issues the following messages with the following wait state reason codes: Code 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C Accompanying Message IEA513W. IEA514W. IEA515W, to display the device number. IEA516W, to display the device number. IEA517W. IEA518W. None. None. None. IEA517W. IEA511W. None.

02 03


To view any accompanying message, perform the following: 1. Using the hardware Alter/Display facility, read the real address in central storage at X'14'. This address points to the IPL diagnostic area.

Chapter 3. Wait State Codes


0B2 0B4
05 Change the LOADxx member to specify another IODF. Be sure to specify the name of a production-IODF. Change the LOADxx member to specify another IODF or the correct operation system configuration ID. Specify the correct operating system configuration identifier. Correct the suffix to be within the range X'00' to X'FF'. Check to ensure that the IODF statement correctly specifies the high-level qualifier that is wanted. Then check for any usage of filtering keywords, HWNAME, LPAR NAME, or VMUSERID, to ensure that a valid IODF Statement can be found. If the filtering keywords are incorrectly specified, the high-level qualifier for the IODF statement resolves to blanks and this reason code results. Read carefully the rules for specifying these filter keywords. Change the Loadxx member to specify another IODF. Be sure to specify the name of a VSAM data set (instead of a sequential or partitioned data set). Change the Loadxx member to specify another IODF. Be sure to specify the name of a production-IODF or specify pluses (++), minuses (--), blanks ( ) or asterisks (**) and let the system locate a valid IODF. If equals (========) were specified as the high-level qualifier, specify the high-level qualifier of a production-IODF. Ensure that the correct IODF volume is specified for the IPL and that the hardware management console (HMC) load profile points to this volume. Then reIPL the system. 0B2 Explanation: No devices were defined in the I/O definition file (IODF). System action: The system enters nonrestartable wait state X'0B2'. The system may issue message IEA523W. System programmer response: See the explanation for message IEA523W. Verify that the IODF contains devices that are defined to MVS. Verify that the necessary UIMs supporting these devices are present in SYS1.NUCLEUS. If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, ask the operator to obtain the stand-alone dump. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump and the accompanying message. Source: Hardware configuration definition (HCD) 0B3 Explanation: Initial program load (IPL), found incorrect information in the LOAD parameter. The first four characters of the LOAD parameters should contain the device number of the direct access storage device (DASD) volume containing the SYS1.PARMLIB data set. The value specified in the LOAD parameter is not a valid device number. System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: Check the LOAD parameter on the hardware frame you used to IPL the system. The first four characters are supposed to be hexadecimal digits (0 through 9, A through F) that form the device number where the IODF resides. For three digit device numbers, add a leading zero so that all four characters are valid hexadecimal digits. If the value is incorrect, enter the correct value and reIPL the system. If the value is correct, record the contents of the LOAD parameter, and notify the system programmer. System programmer response: If the LOAD parameter specifies the correct four digit hexadecimal device number and the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Initial program load (IPL) 0B4 Explanation: A unit information module (UIM) specified an undefined device number. System action: The system issues message IEA525W to identify the UIM in error. The system enters nonrestartable wait state X'0B4'. System programmer response: See message IEA525W for the name of the failing UIM. Check if the


07 08

| 09 | | | | | | | | | |



In each case, ask the operator to reIPL the system. Problem determination: If the problem persists, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. Provide the following search argument: v WS/D0B1: Wait state code v PRCS/000000rr: Reason code v MS/IEAnnnW: Message identifier If no fix exists, ask the operator to obtain the stand-alone dump. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump, the accompanying message, and the reason code. Source: Input/Output supervisor (IOS)


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

0B5 0E3
failing UIM is an installation-provided or IBM-provided UIM. If it is an IBM-provided UIM, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. Provide the following search argument: v WS/D0B4: Wait state code v MS/IEA525W: Message identifier v VAlu/Cuim_name: Message variable text If no fix exists, ask the operator to obtain the stand-alone dump. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 0B5 Explanation: Basic HyperSwap has partitioned a member out of the SYSPLEX due to an error condition. Basic HyperSwap can partition a system out of a sysplex for the following reasons: v Reason 1 - User-specified policy indicates that a member failure, while a Basic HyperSwap is in progress, is to be partitioned out of the sysplex. This includes a new system joining the sysplex while a Basic HyperSwap is already in progress. v Reason 2 - User-specified policy indicates that a new sysplex member should be partitioned if it is unable to successfully load and monitor a Basic HyperSwap configuration. System action: XCF services are used to partition the failing member out of the sysplex. Basic HyperSwap message IOSHM0428I can result if XCF services are not available to perform the partition request. System programmer response: Ask the operator to obtain the stand-alone dump. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump. Review the Basic HyperSwap policy in effect at the time of the failure to ensure that the required actions were performed. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 0E0 Explanation: During nucleus initialization program (NIP) processing, the system could not signal an online processor to update control register 14. System action: The system sends messages about the job to one of the following: v The primary console. v The remote console, for a system with remote consoles. v The hard-copy log for a system with multiple console support (MCS). The system enters a nonrestartable wait state. Operator response: This is probably a hardware error. Try to reIPL the system. If the problem persists, switch to uniprocessor mode and reIPL the system. Then try to vary the other processor online. If necessary, contact hardware support. Source: Supervisor control 0E1 Explanation: A configure CPU online command failed. The following format shows the location of the reason code and wait state code in the PSW: X'000A0000 00000000 00000000 000rrwww' 000A0000 The A is bits 12 through 15 (the CMWP bits). rr www A hexadecimal reason code indicating the reason for the failure. The wait state code.

The reason code (rr) is one of the following: 10 While IEEVWKUP was processing a CF CPU online request on the target CPU, another RESTART signal was received on the same CPU. A program-check occurred on the new processor prior to the architecture mode being properly set for that processor. A machine-check occurred on the new processor prior to the architecture mode being properly set for that processor. A RESTART was received on the target CPU after IEEVCVSR timed out waiting for DSGNL RESTART to finish. During CPU online processing, IEEVWKUP detected that IEEVCVSR decided to back out of CPU online processing.





System action: The system ends command processing and loads wait state X'0E1'. Operator response: Enter the command again. If the problem recurs, contact hardware support. Source: Loadwait/Reconfiguration 0E3 Explanation: There is not enough virtual storage available to initialize the common service area (CSA). System action: The system may issue message IEA140W. The system enters wait state X'0E3'. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Modify the virtual storage allocated to the nucleus, system queue area (SQA), or link pack areas (LPA).

Chapter 3. Wait State Codes


0E8 110
Source: Virtual storage management (VSM) 0E8 Explanation: During nucleus initialization program (NIP) processing, the machine check handler (MCH) resource initialization module (RIM) failed. The right-most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: x01rrwww x02rrwww x03rrwww where: x Irrelevant information. Source: Virtual storage management (VSM) 102 Explanation: During processing for a GETMAIN macro for a program running in supervisor state, an error occurred. More pages of central storage were requested for the system queue area (SQA) than were available. System action: The system may issue message IEA946W. The system enters wait state X'102'. Operator response: ReIPL the system. If this code occurs frequently, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Increase the fixed central storage requirements for the system. Source: Virtual storage management (VSM) 104 Explanation: While the system was processing the Supervisor Call (SVC) instruction for an ABEND macro, a program check occurred recursively. System action: The system writes a logrec data set error record. The system may issue message IEA740W. The system loads the X'104' wait state PSW. Operator response: If the system programmer requests a stand-alone dump, obtain one. ReIPL the system. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, ask the operator to obtain a stand-alone dump. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump and the logrec data set error record. Source: Supervisor control 110 Explanation: The system detected a hot I/O condition on a device other than a direct access storage device (DASD). System action: The system leaves the device status pending and issues message IOS110D. Depending on the recovery code entered by the operator, the system does the following: Response 01 System Action The system clears the device status. The device remains online. The system does not attempt channel path recovery. Processing continues. The system boxes the device, as follows: v The I/O on the device is ended. v Any new I/O requests result in permanent I/O errors.

1rr, 2rr, 3rr A hexadecimal return code indicating the reason for the failure. www The wait state code.

The return code is one of the following: 1rr 2rr 3rr A request to allocate MCH control blocks returned nonzero return code rr. A request to initialize the control registers returned nonzero return code rr. A request for virtual storage returned nonzero return code rr.

System action: The system enters nonrestartable wait state X'0E8'. Operator response: Record the wait state PSW. Notify the system programmer. ReIPL the system. If the system programmer requests it, obtain a stand-alone dump. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump. Source: Machine check handler (MCH) 101 Explanation: A program running in supervisor state tried to obtain more storage from the system queue area (SQA) than was available. System action: The system may issue message IEA946W. The system enters wait state X'101'. Operator response: ReIPL the system. If this code occurs frequently, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Increase the space allowed for the SQA, or specify more space for the SQA in response to message IEA101A at the next system initialization.

02 or 03


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

v The system does not perform new allocations for the device. v If the device was online, the system marks it pending offline. A pending offline device goes offline when the following conditions occur, in this order: 1. The device is no longer allocated to any job. 2. Allocation processing allocates any device in the system. v If the device was offline, it remains offline. 04 The system tries to recover the channel path. If channel path recovery is successful, the system: v Issues message IOS203I v Leaves the channel path online v Clears the pending status of the hot device If channel path recovery is not successful, the system issues message IOS202I and forces the channel path offline. 05 The system forces the channel path offline. The system issues message IOS202I. The system tries to recover the control unit. If recovery is successful, the system: v Issues message IOS208I v Leaves the device paths online for all devices on the same control unit v Clears the pending status of the cleared device If recovery is not successful, the system issues message IOS207I. Operator response: Do the following: 1. Find the address of the status collection data (SCD) area by using the hardware Alter/Display facility to display the contents of location X'40C'. Record the first 4 bytes of data at this location. 2. Use the hardware Alter/Display facility to display the storage pointed to by location X'40C'. 3. Contact hardware support. 4. Use the hardware Alter/Display facility to change location X'30E' to one of the following recovery codes: Code 01 02 03 Explanation Do not attempt channel path recovery. Box the device. Allow the operator to store the device 06 05 04 05 06 number of each device on the control unit in the operator reply area for IOS110D. Try to recover the channel path. Force the channel path offline. Try to recover the control unit.

5. Use the Restart facility to restart the waiting processor Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 111 Explanation: The system detected a hot I/O condition on a direct access storage device (DASD). System action: The system leaves the device status pending and issues message IOS111D. Depending on the recovery code entered by the operator, the system does the following: Code 01 Response The system clears the device status. The device remains online. The system does not attempt channel path recovery. Processing continues. The system boxes the device, as follows: v The I/O on the device is ended. v Any new I/O requests result in permanent I/O errors. v The system does not perform new allocations for the device. v If the device was online, the system marks it pending offline. A pending offline device goes offline when the following conditions occur, in this order: 1. The device is no longer allocated to any job. 2. Allocation processing allocates any device in the system. v If the device was offline, it remains offline. 04 The system tries to recover the channel path. If channel path recovery is successful, the system: v Issues message IOS203I v Leaves the channel path online v Clears the pending status of the hot device If channel path recovery is not successful, the system issues message IOS202I and forces the channel path offline. The system forces the channel path offline. The system issues message IOS202I. The system tries to recover the control unit. If recovery is successful, the system: v Issues message IOS208I
Chapter 3. Wait State Codes

02 or 03



v Leaves the device paths online for all devices on the same control unit v Clears the pending status of the cleared device If recovery is not successful, the system issues message IOS207I. Operator response: Do the following: 1. Find the address of the status collection data (SCD) area by using the hardware Alter/Display facility to display the contents of location X'40C'. Record the first 4 bytes of data at this location. 2. Use the hardware Alter/Display facility to display the storage pointed to by location X'40C'. 3. Contact hardware support. 4. Use the hardware Alter/Display facility to change location X'30E' to one of the following recovery codes: Code 01 02 03 Explanation Do not attempt channel path recovery. Box the device. Allow the operator to store the device number of each device on the control unit in the operator reply area for IOS110D. Try to recover the channel path. Force the channel path offline. Try to recover the control unit. 05 06 v If the device was online, the system marks it pending offline. A pending offline device goes offline when the following conditions occur, in this order: 1. The device is no longer allocated to any job. 2. Allocation processing allocates any device in the system. v If the device was offline, it remains offline. 04 The system tries to recover the channel path. If channel path recovery is successful, the system: v Issues message IOS203I v Leaves the channel path online v Clears the pending status of the hot device If channel path recovery is not successful, the system issues message IOS202I and forces the channel path offline. The system forces the channel path offline. The system issues message IOS202I. The system tries to recover the control unit. If recovery is successful, the system: v Issues message IOS208I v Leaves the device paths online for all devices on the same control unit v Clears the pending status of the cleared device If recovery is not successful, the system issues message IOS207I. Operator response: Do the following: 1. Find the address of the status collection data (SCD) area by using the hardware Alter/Display facility to display the contents of location X'40C'. Record the first 4 bytes of data at this location. 2. Use the hardware Alter/Display facility to display the storage pointed to by location X'40C'. 3. Contact hardware support. 4. Use the hardware Alter/Display facility to change location X'30E' to one of the following recovery codes: Code 01 02 03 The system boxes the device: v The I/O on the device is ended. v Any new I/O requests result in permanent I/O errors. v The system does not perform new allocations for the device. 04 05 06 Explanation Do not attempt channel path recovery. Box the device. Allow the operator to store the device number of each device on the control unit in the operator reply area for IOS110D. Try to recover the channel path. Force the channel path offline. Try to recover the control unit.

04 05 06

5. Use the Restart facility to restart the waiting processor Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 112 Explanation: The system detected a hot I/O condition on a reserved direct access storage device (DASD). System action: The system leaves the device status pending and issues message IOS112D. Depending on the recovery code entered by the operator, one of the following: Code 01 Response The system clears the device status. The device remains online. The system does not attempt channel path recovery. Processing continues.

02 or 03


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

113 115
5. Use the Restart facility to restart the waiting processor Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 113 Explanation: The system could not recover from an error that occurred while the system was performing channel path recovery. The system may have released reserved devices. Data may be lost or written over. System action: The system may issue message IOS113W. The system enters wait state X'113'. The system issues message IOS113W. Operator response: Do the following: v Verify data sets. v Refer to installation procedures for diagnosing an error in channel path recovery. If none exist, obtain a stand-alone dump and reIPL the system. v Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 115 114 Explanation: A previous error required that the operator stop sharing processors. The system recovered from the error. The right-most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: xrrr0www 0-3 where: x rrr www Irrelevant information. A hexadecimal reason code indicating the reason for the failure. The wait state code. 4-7 8-15 16-23 24 The number of bytes in the following area. The wait state code. The name of the module issuing wait state code X'015' The time stamp. The reason code. It is one of the following: Code 10 Explanation A permanent I/O error occurred when the system was reading the volume serial number for the specified device. The device is not operational. Intervention is required for the specified device. The pack mounted does not contain the proper volume serial number for the device. Explanation: A direct access storage device (DASD) containing a page data set is unavailable for an I/O operation. Location X'40C' in central storage points to an area that contains the following: Byte Contents 1. Isolate the failing channel path for repair. 2. Identify and recover failing tasks. 3. If the reason code indicates that reserves are intact, do the following: a. Enter the IOACTION RESUME command for the device on all other sharing systems if the device was stopped, or restart any stopped systems, or vary the device back online. Start the stopped processors by pressing the START key at the system console of each sharing system or logical partition. b. Perform a system restart on the system that detected the stopped processor. 4. If the reason code indicates that reserves are lost, do the following: a. Enter the IOACTION RESUME command for the device on all other sharing systems if the device was stopped, or restart any stopped systems, or vary the device back online. Start the stopped processor by pressing the START key at the system console of each sharing system or logical partition. b. Perform a system restart on the system that detected the stopped processor. c. Notify the system programmer. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS)

The reason code (rrr) is one of the following: 001 002 Reserves are intact. The system successfully recovered the reserved devices. Reserves are lost. The system forced one or more devices that are reserved for the system offline.

20 40 80

System action: The system enters wait state X'114' because it could not issue message IOS201E. The system waits for the operator to restart the system. Operator response: Do the following:

Chapter 3. Wait State Codes


116 201
25 26-27 28-29 30-31 32-35 Zero. The device address. The first 2 bytes of sense data. Zeros. The address of the complete sense data. F01 If retry was possible but a suitable retry point could not be determined. System action: The system is partitioned from the sysplex and enters a non-restartable wait state. System programmer response: Look at the explanation of the return and reason code from the IXCJOIN service in MVS Programming: Sysplex Services Reference. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 11A Explanation: The SVC 26 routine received a protection exception when the routine tried to store into a user-supplied CAMLST work area. The storage protection key of the work area did not match the users protection key. Application Programmer Response: Correct the pointer in the LOCATE parameter list to the LOCATE work area, and execute the job step again. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, look at the messages in the job log for more information. Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the JCL and the program listing for the job. Source: DFSMSdfp 120 Explanation: Geographically Dispersed Parallel Sysplex (GDPS) processing has stopped a system. See GDPS/PPRC Installation and Customization Guide for additional information. System action: GDPS processing places the z/OS image(s) affected in wait state X'120' with reason code 4 or wait state X'CCC'. GDPS also issues message GEO557E, which is delivered to the console specified in the SYNCHDEST definition in your CONSOLxx member. Source: GDPS 201 Explanation: A failure occurred when the system was trying to create the console communications task (COMMTASK) address space. This code is associated with message IEA366W. The following shows the right-most four bytes of the wait state PSW in z/Architecture mode: v x is the return code from the IXCJOIN service divided by four. v yy is the reason code from the IXCJOIN service divided by four.

System action: The system enters wait state X'115'. Operator response: Do the following: 1. Verify that the proper pack is mounted on the device specified. Then ready the device. 2. Restart the waiting processor. 3. If the reason code indicates that the device is not operational, verify that the channel and the control unit are powered on and properly connected. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 116 Explanation: During restart processing, the system found a missing interruption for a paging device. Storage location X'40C' contains the paging device number. System action: The system enters wait state X'116'. Operator response: Do the following: 1. Check the paging device for hardware problems. 2. Check control units and switching units for proper connections. 3. Restart the waiting processor. 4. If you just mounted the device, enter a VARY DEVICE ONLINE command to generate a simulated device end. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) 117 Explanation: Joining this system to a clustered LPAR group after updating the IOS Couple Dataset failed. The right most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: xxrrrwww where: xx rrr Irrelevant information. A hexidecimal reason code indicating the reason for the failure.

www The wait state code. The reason code (rrr) is one of the following: xyy XCF JOIN failed. This code can be interpreted as follows:


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

202 204
0rrrxwww Where rrr is one of the following hexadecimal reason codes: Code 001 or 002 Explanation While the system was creating the console communications address space, a failure occurred. An abend occurred. The completion code is ccc. 0000Fccc An abend occurred. The completion code is ccc.

System action: The system enters restartable wait state X'202'. The system may issue message IEA367A. Operator response: Do the following: 1. Find the reason code by using the hardware Alter/Display facility to display the contents of location X'40C'. Report the reason code to the systems programmer. 2. Perform the restart operation to restart the system. System programmer response: Do the following: 1. Look at the explanation of message IEA367A, if issued. 2. Continue diagnosis according to the reason code: v For reason code X'0000F'ccc, see the description of the abend code. v For reason code X'00008'xxx, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Console services 204 Explanation: An error occurred during Allocation processing. A reason code appears in bits 36 through 51 of the wait state PSW and explains the error: Code 0000 Explanation During system initialization, the system found an eligible devices table (EDT) identifier specified in the LOADxx parmlib member that does not exist in the I/O definition file. During system initialization the system could not build the AGT. During system initialization, the system could not build the TSRA. During system initialization or ABEND recovery processing, the system could not attach or reattach the Tape Switch work task. During system initialization, the system could not join the sysplex. The Tape Switch work task encountered too many errors. ATS initialization error. IEFHBPDB task failed. During ALLOCAS initialization, the system could not obtain storage for device information. IEFHBPDC could not be attached.


and where www is the wait state code. Operator response: Record the contents of the wait state PSW. Notify the system programmer. ReIPL the system. System programmer response: If the reason code is Fccc, see the system programmer response for abend ccc. If the reason code is 8xxx, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Console services 202 Explanation: During system initialization, the system was initializing the address space to be used for console communications. Initialization of the address space failed. A hexadecimal reason code in field PSAWTCOD in the prefixed save area (PSA) explains the error: Code 00008001 00008002 00008003 00008004 00008005 Explanation Console communication could not establish a recovery environment. An error occurred when the system tried to load a module. An error occurred during POST macro processing. An error occurred during POST macro processing. An error occurred when the system updated the command address space table (CAST). An error occurred when the system tried to post IEEVIPL. An error occurred when the system tried to attach IEAVM613. An error occurred when the system tried to attach IEAVM605. An error occurred when the system tried to attach CNZM1TIM.

0001 0002 0003

0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0040

00008007 00008008 00008009 0000800C

System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state X'204'. System programmer response: If the reason code is
Chapter 3. Wait State Codes


205 A00
X'0000', check that the EDT identifier specified in LOADxx exists in the I/O definition file. If filtering keywords such as HWNAME, LPARNAME, and VMUSERID are used, verify that they allow the desired IODF to be found. ReIPL the system. If the reason code is X'0008', search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, take a stand-alone dump and contact the IBM Support Center. If a new IODF configuration is used for IPLing, return to the previous configuration in the interim. For all other reason codes, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Allocation 1905 205 Explanation: During nucleus initialization program (NIP) processing, the system tried to load a module that was not in the data set in the linklist (as defined by PROGxx or LNKLSTxx parmlib members). System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state X'205'. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Allocation 206 Explanation: During system initialization, a sysplex test datesource partition specified OPERATOR PROMPT. System action: The system enters a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Modify the CLOCKxx parmlib member for the sysplex datesource LPAR to specify OPERATOR NOPROMPT. Source: Timer supervision 5C7 Explanation: An error occurred during processor or system termination. The right-most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) has one of the following formats: rrrr0www 8rrrrwww 0rrrrwww where: rrrr A hexadecimal reason code indicating the reason for the failure.
z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes


The wait state code.

In z/Architecture mode, the reason code (rrrr) is one of the following: 0101 Three processors each attempted to load a wait state. There is not enough storage available to support the third request. Two concurrent wait state requests were in progress. An error occurred during ACR processing. An error occurred while the system was processing a write to operator (WTO) to display a message and load a system wait state. An error occurred in the processor stop routine. The system could not start alternate CPU recovery (ACR) on a target processor.

0201 0907 1904


System action: For reason code X'0101', the system rejects the third request and loads temporary disabled wait state X'5C7' on one processor. Then the system (all processors) enters the first successfully loaded wait state. For reason code X'0201', the system rejects one of the requests and loads temporary disabled wait state X'5C7' on one processor. Then the system (all processors) enters the other requested wait state. For all other reason codes, the system enters a non-restartable wait state X'5C7'. For reason codes X'9906' and X'1906' the system also issues message BLW006W. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. If necessary, obtain a stand-alone dump. ReIPL the system. System programmer response: For reason code X'0101'and X'0201', see the system programmer response for the wait state that the processor enters after wait state X'5C7'. For all other reason codes, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Loadwait/Restart A00 Explanation: A dynamic address translation (DAT) error occurred for a system address space. The recovery termination manager (RTM) does not end the address space because the ASCBNOMT and ASCBNOMD fields of the address space control block (ASCB) show that the MEMTERM option of the CALLRTM macro is not valid for the address space. The address space is critical for system operation. System action: The system may issue message IEA802W. The system enters the wait state.


A01 A21
Operator response: If requested by the system programmer, obtain the stand-alone dump. ReIPL the system. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump. Source: Recovery termination manager (RTM) A01 Explanation: One of the following hardware errors occurred on the only online processor: v A predefined number of hard machine check interruptions v A hard machine check interruption from which the system cannot recover System action: The system enters wait state X'A01'. Operator response: To recover possible unrecorded machine check error records, write a stand-alone dump. Contact hardware support. Source: Machine check handler (MCH) A18 Explanation: The system received an unsolicited device end interruption for a volume containing a paging data set. Volume serial verification failed for one or more of the following reasons: v The device address contained a volume with a different volume serial number. v An I/O error occurred while attempting to read the volume label. v The device went from ready to not ready status when volume verification attempted to read the volume label. System action: The system enters wait state X'A18'. Operator response: Do the following: 1. Ensure that all volumes containing paging data sets are on the same device addresses as they were at system initialization. 2. Ensure that all devices are ready. 3. Restart the waiting processor. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) A19 Explanation: The system can no longer perform I/O. System action: The system issues message IOS019W. The system enters nonrestartable wait state X'A19'. Operator response: Contact hardware support. Source: Input/output supervisor (IOS) A1F Explanation: The processor controller is not available. Time-of-day synchronization cannot occur. System action: The system enters wait state X'A1F'. Operator response: ReIPL the system. Source: Timer supervision A20 Explanation: The system found a page in the fixed link pack area (FLPA) that is not fixed. System action: The system enters wait state X'A20'. The system writes message IAR011W. Operator response: If requested by the system programmer, obtain a stand-alone dump. Attempt to reIPL the system without the FLPA. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, collect a stand-alone dump from the operator and contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump. Source: Real storage manager (RSM) A21 Explanation: The system attempted to page-protect a storage area. The segment table entry (SGTE) for this area was incorrect. The error occurred in the modified link pack area (MLPA), the extended pageable link pack area (PLPA), the fixed link pack area (FLPA), or the extended FLPA. System action: The system enters wait state X'A21'. The system issues message IAR012W. Operator response: If requested by the system programmer, obtain a stand-alone dump. If the error occurred in MLPA, EXTENDED MLPA, BLDL, FLPA, or EXTENDED FLPA, attempt to reIPL the system without this area. If the error occurred in MLPA or EXTENDED MLPA, try to reIPL the system without the default page protection for this area. Use the NOPROT option on the MLPA parameter. System programmer response: Search the problem
Chapter 3. Wait State Codes

A1E Explanation: The only online time-of-day (TOD) clock failed. This wait state is accompanied by message IEA274W. System action: The system enters wait state X'A1E'. Operator response: Retain the logrec data set error records. Contact hardware support. Source: Timer supervision


A22 A29
reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, ask the operator to obtain a stand-alone dump. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump. Source: Real storage manager (RSM) A22 Explanation: An error, such as a hot I/O condition in a multiprocessing configuration, caused the disabled console communications facility (DCCF) to load this interim wait state. While in this wait state, DCCF issues a message requesting a reply, or enters another wait state. System action: The processor on which the DCCF is running waits for responses to the messages that the DCCF sent to the console with master authority, or the alternate or system console. When message processing is complete, the system restarts the processors that are in the X'A22' wait state. Operator response: Respond to DCCF messages. Source: Console services or master scheduler A23 Explanation: A program check interruption occurred while the machine check handler was running on the only online processor. No recovery was possible. System action: The system issues message BLW006W. Processing continues on other processors. Operator response: To recover possible unrecorded machine check error records, write a stand-alone dump. Retain the dump. Contact hardware support. Source: Machine check handler (MCH) A24 Explanation: The system detected a loop while the machine check handler was running on the only online processor. No recovery was possible. System action: The system issues message BLW006W. The system enters wait state X'A24'. Operator response: To recover possible unrecorded machine check error records, write a stand-alone dump. Contact hardware support. Source: Machine check handler (MCH) A26 Explanation: A machine check interruption occurred on the only online processor. The machine check interruption code associated with the interruption is incorrect. No recovery was possible. System action: The system issues message BLW006W. The system enters wait state X'A26'. Operator response: To recover possible unrecorded machine check error records, write a stand-alone dump. Retain the dump. Contact hardware support. Source: Machine check handler (MCH) A27 Explanation: One of the following occurred: v A machine check interruption or a program check interruption occurred v The processor issued a malfunction alert (MFA) and did not enter or remain in check-stop state v The system simulated a malfunction alert when the operator replied alternate CPU recovery (ACR) to message IEE331A, but the processor did not enter or remain in check-stop state System action: The system enters wait state X'A27'. Processing continues on other processors in the sysplex. Operator response: To recover possible unrecorded error records, write a stand-alone dump. Retain the dump. Contact hardware support. Source: Loadwait/Restart A28 Explanation: The DAT-off machine check handler (MCH) routine (DAT is Dynamic Address Translation) cannot reach the DAT-on MCH routine. This situation can arise when a second machine check occurs when the load program status word (LPSW) assembler instruction gives control to the DAT-on MCH routine. System action: The system enters wait state X'A28'. Operator response: To recover possible unrecorded machine check error records, request a stand-alone dump. Retain the dump. Contact hardware support. Source: Machine check handler (MCH) A29 Explanation: The system was stopping itself when a program or machine check occurred. While trying to recover from this program or machine check, another program or machine check occurred. This problem is probably a software error. System action: The system enters wait state X'A29'. Processing continues on other processors in the sysplex. System programmer response: If the problem reporting databases do not show a fix for the problem, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Loadwait/Restart


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

A2A A71
A2A Explanation: The system detected a page within the range of the pageable link pack area (PLPA), extended PLPA, the modified link pack area (MLPA), or the extended MLPA that was never paged into auxiliary storage. Ranges of system storage that are page protected must have a copy on auxiliary storage so the system can refresh the page if necessary. System action: The system enters wait state X'A2A'. Operator response: If requested by the system programmer, obtain a stand-alone dump. Try to reIPL the system using the no-protect option on the MLPA system parameter in the IEASYSxx parmlib member. See the explanation of messages IAR012W and IEA928I for more information. System programmer response: Fix the MLPA parameter in the IEASYSxx parmlib member so that the error does not recur. If the error does recur, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, ask the operator to obtain a stand-alone dump. Contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the dump. Source: Real storage manager (RSM) A2B Explanation: A hardware error exists in extended storage. Recovery is not possible. System action: The system issues message IGF912W. The system enters wait state X'A2B'. Operator response: ReIPL the system. Source: Machine check handler (MCH) 033 A2C Explanation: The system could not allocate storage for a memory object in the high virtual common area. The address portion of the program status word (PSW) contains X'xxxrrA2C', where rr is the reason code. The following reason codes explain the failure: Code 01 02 Explanation Error in creating the control structures used to manage high virtual common storage. There is insufficient free space in the high virtual common area to hold the memory object being created. 034 035 036 099 exists, collect a stand-alone dump from the operator and contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the stand-alone dump. Source: Real storage manager (RSM) A70 Explanation: During system initialization, the console is unavailable, and the system could not deliver a write to operator with reply (WTOR) or synchronous message. System action: The system issues message IEA548W. The system issues the first 8 lines of the text of the failing message. The system enters wait state X'A70'. Operator response: ReIPL when the console becomes available. Source: Console services A71 Explanation: During initialization, the reconfiguration component either could not complete initialization or could not establish a recovery environment. The address portion of the program status word (PSW) contains X'x0rrrA71', where rr is the reason code. The following reason codes explain the failure: Code 030 032 Explanation A reconfiguration module could not determine the cause of error. A reconfiguration module could not establish a recovery environment. A reconfiguration module could not be loaded. A reconfiguration module could not be called. A reconfiguration module could not obtain a message buffer. A reconfiguration module could not obtain a required resource. A reconfiguration module could not initialize the IPLing processor.

System action: The system loads a non-restartable wait state. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Reconfiguration

System action: Message IAR024W is issued and the system enters wait state X'A2C'. Operator response: If requested by the system programmer, obtain a stand-alone dump. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix

Chapter 3. Wait State Codes


A7A B05
A7A Explanation: Initialization of the service processor interface (SPI) failed. The reason code appears in the program status word (PSW). The address portion of the PSW contains X'x0rrrA7A', where rr is the reason code. The following reason codes explain the failure: Code 001 002 004 006 007 008 009 Explanation The service processor interface task could not be attached. The recovery environment could not be established. The required service processor facilities are not installed. The service processor is busy during system initialization. A service processor malfunction occurred during system initialization. Service processor damage is detected during system initialization. Service processor interface component trace could not be initialized. The service processor interface could not load a module. The service processor interface could not obtain storage. B02 Explanation: This wait state code is issued by the 3203/3211 utility. A control statement is missing or out of order. The JOB and END control statements must be the first and last statements, respectively. The DFN, UCS, and FCB statements can be included in any order. Operator response: Correct the control statement sequence, insert any missing statements, and rerun the program. If requested by the system programmer, obtain a stand-alone dump. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: DFSMSdfp B03 Explanation: This wait state code is issued by the 3203/3211 utility. The JOB statement is incorrect. Operator response: Correct the JOB statement and rerun the program. Have the 3203/3211 utility and control statements available. If requested by the system programmer, obtain a stand-alone dump. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: DFSMSdfp B04 Explanation: This wait state code is issued by the 3203/3211 utility. The DFN statement is incorrect. Operator response: Correct the DFN statement and rerun the program. Have the 3203/3211 utility and control statements available. If requested by the system programmer, obtain a stand-alone dump. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: DFSMSdfp B05 Explanation: This wait state code is issued by the 3203/3211 utility. The UCS statement is incorrect. Operator response: Correct the UCS statement and rerun the program. Have the 3203/3211 utility and control statements available. If requested by the system programmer, obtain a stand-alone dump. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, search problem

00A 00B

00C, 00D, 00E, 00F An internal error occurred. 011 The enabled wait PSW was used for looping during a disabled write to operator. An internal error occurred.


System action: The system loads nonrestartable wait state X'A7A'. Operator response: For reason code X'06', X'07', or X'08', contact hardware support. For other reason codes, notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Service processor interface B01 Explanation: The 3203/3211 utility has completed normally. Operator response: Verify the printed image and restart the system. Source: DFSMSdfp


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

B06 B14
reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: DFSMSdfp B06 Explanation: This wait state code is issued by the 3203/3211 utility. The FCB statement is incorrect. Operator response: Correct the FCB statement and rerun the program. Have the 3203/3211 utility and control statements available. If requested by the system programmer, obtain a stand-alone dump. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: DFSMSdfp B07 Explanation: This wait state code is issued by the 3203/3211 utility. The END statement is incorrect. Operator response: Correct the END statement and rerun the program. Have the 3203/3211 utility and control statements available. If requested by the system programmer, obtain a stand-alone dump. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: DFSMSdfp B0A Explanation: This wait state code is issued by the 3203/3211 utility. An external interrupt has occurred. Operator response: Rerun the program. Source: DFSMSdfp B0B Explanation: This wait state code is issued by the 3203/3211 utility. A program check interrupt has occurred. Operator response: Have the 3203/3211 utility and control statements available. If requested by the system programmer, obtain a stand-alone dump. System programmer response: If the error recurs and the program is not in error, search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: DFSMSdfp B0C Explanation: This wait state code is issued by the 3203/3211 utility. A machine check interrupt has occurred. Operator response: Execute the SEREP program and save the output. Rerun the job. Source: DFSMSdfp B11 Explanation: This wait state code is issued by the 3203/3211 utility. The reader is not online. This will occur when the readers control unit has no power or when the control unit has been switched off the I/O interface. Operator response: Put the specified control unit online and rerun the program. If the error recurs, contact your hardware support personnel. Source: DFSMSdfp B12 Explanation: This wait state code is issued by the 3203/3211 utility. The reader is not ready. Operator response: Ready the reader and rerun the program. Source: DFSMSdfp B13 Explanation: This wait state code is issued by the 3203/3211 utility. The reader is not ready. Operator response: If the error condition is not apparent, display location 3 for sense information. (An interpretation of sense bit settings can be found in the component description book for the control unit being used.) Correct the faulty condition and clear the reader check. Rerun the program. If reader checks occur frequently, use a card guide to check for off-punched cards. If the cards are punched correctly and are in good condition and read checks continue, contact your hardware support personnel. Source: DFSMSdfp B14 Explanation: This wait state code is issued by the 3203/3211 utility. A reader channel error has occurred. Operator response: Probable hardware error. Rerun the job. Source: DFSMSdfp

Chapter 3. Wait State Codes


B15 B23
B15 Explanation: This wait state code is issued by the 3203/3211 utility. No device end is indicated on the reader. Operator response: Probable hardware error. Rerun the job. Source: DFSMSdfp B19 Explanation: This wait state code is issued by the 3203/3211 utility. The printer is not online. This will occur when the printers control unit has no power, when the control unit has been switched off the I/O interface, or when the control unit is not a part of the system. Operator response: Ensure that the address of the printer specified in the DFN statement is correct. Ensure that the control unit is online, and rerun the job. If the error recurs, contact your hardware support personnel. Source: DFSMSdfp B1B Explanation: This wait state code is issued by the 3203/3211 utility. A unit check has occurred on the printer. Operator response: If the error condition is not apparent, display low storage location 2-7 for sense information. Correct the faulty condition and rerun the job. If the problem recurs, contact your hardware support personnel. Source: DFSMSdfp B1C Explanation: This wait state code is issued by the 3203/3211 utility. A printer channel error has occurred. Operator response: Probable hardware error. Rerun the job. Source: DFSMSdfp B1D Explanation: This wait state code is issued by the 3203/3211 utility. No device end is indicated on the printer. Operator response: Probable hardware error. Rerun the job. If the error recurs, contact your hardware support personnel. Source: DFSMSdfp B20 Explanation: The operator running the stand-alone version of the input/output configuration program (IOCP) has ended IOCP. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Source: Input/output configuration program (IOCP) B21 Explanation: A program check interruption has occurred during processing of the stand-alone version of the input/output configuration program (IOCP). Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Source: Input/output configuration program (IOCP) B22 Explanation: A machine check interruption has occurred during processing of the stand-alone version of the input/output configuration program (IOCP). Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Source: Input/output configuration program (IOCP) B23 Explanation: An unrecoverable I/O error has occurred during processing of the stand-alone version of the input/output configuration program (IOCP). Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Source: Input/output configuration program (IOCP)


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

B24 EC7
B24 Explanation: During processing of the stand-alone version of the input/output configuration program (IOCP), IOCP encountered an error in the hardware processor controller and cannot communicate with the IOCP operator. Operator response: Notify the system programmer. System programmer response: Search problem reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide all printed output and output data sets related to the problem. Source: Input/output configuration program (IOCP) CCC Explanation: When the system runs the QUIESCE function, the system is placed in restartable wait state X'CCC'. System action: The system issues message BLW002I before entering wait state X'CCC'. Operator response: Perform the restart function on the waiting processor, when you want the system out of QUIESCE. Source: Loadwait/Restart D0D Explanation: System management facilities (SMF) encountered a resource shortage. Bits 40-51 in the wait state program status word (PSW) contain one of the following reason codes: Code 00 Explanation This reason code is associated with message IEE987E. No SMF buffer space is available. SMF has used up all the available storage for its internal buffers and has stopped the system, as requested by the NOBUFFS(HALT) in the SMFPRMxx parmlib member. This reason code is associated with message IEE988E. No SMF data sets are available. SMF has used up all the available data sets for its data. SMF stopped the system, as requested by the LASTDS(HALT) in the SMFPRMxx parmlib member. v ReIPL the system. If you do restart the system, request a dump of the SMF address space. 01 Do one of the following: v Perform a restart operation to restart the system. v ReIPL the system using the SMF=xx parameter to provide empty SMF data sets for SMF recording. If you do restart the system, SMF will start buffering data until a data set becomes available. If no data sets become available, the system will eventually use up all available storage for its internal buffers and generate wait state code D0D, reason code 00. System programmer response: Use the IPCS SMFDATA subcommand to retrieve the data that was in the SMF buffers at the time of the error. Source: System Management Facilities (SMF) EC7 Explanation: A severe error has occurred in the z/OS UNIX System Services component that prohibits this system from executing. The right-most four bytes of the program status word (PSW) have the following format: x0rrrwww where: x rrrr www Irrelevant information. A hexadecimal reason code indicating the reason for the failure. The wait state code (EC7).

The reason code is as follows: 001 Shared file system support is enabled by the SYSPLEX(YES) parmlib statement that is specified in the BPXPRM parmlib member used to initialize the system. The shared file system support has detected that it is executing with a software service level that is incompatible with the software service level of at least one active system in the sysplex that is also configured for shared file system support. Operator message BPXF078W is issued to the system console. Shared file system support is enabled by the SYSPLEX(YES) parmlib statement that is specified in the BPXPRM parmlib member used to initialize the system. The shared file system support on another active system has detected that this system is executing with a software service level that is incompatible with
Chapter 3. Wait State Codes


System action: SMF enters restartable wait state X'D0D'. Operator response: Respond as indicated for the specific reason code: Code 00 Response Do one of the following: v Perform a restart operation to restart the system and operate in the data lost mode. 002


the software service level of that system. The detecting system has requested that this system be partitioned out of the sysplex. The detecting system has also issued operator message BPXF077S indicating that this system is executing with an incompatible software service level. System action: Either this system or another system in the sysplex issues operator messages about the problem. Operator response: Refer to the console log of all systems in this sysplex, including this system, for any messages associated with this wait state. Contact the system programmer. System programmer response: Review the message documentation associated with this wait state. Source: z/OS UNIX System Services FFx Explanation: Non-IBM programs can use wait state codes X'FF0' through X'FFE'. Operator response: See installation-supplied information for these codes. System programmer response: See installation-supplied information for these codes. Source: Non-IBM


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Chapter 4. System Completion Code to Module Table

This table correlates system completion codes with module numbers. For each system completion code, the associated component and detecting module are listed. If the system completion code you require does not appear in the table, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the system completion code.




00D 012 01D

01 02 03 04 05 101 102

CTRACE Timer supervision RSM

022 023

Vector processing CSV

025 028

Initiator ASM

Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 2010


Code (Hex) 029 02C 02E

Reason Code (Hex)

Associated Component ASM JES2 AVM


03C 047 04B 04E 04F

RSM Supervisor control TSO/E DFP DFP


051 052 053 054


055 058 058 058 058 059 05B 05D 05E 064 065 066 06B 06C

30 34 36 40 52 00 04 08 0C 10 28 2C 30 34 38 14 18 1C 20 24

ENF Supervisor control Supervisor control Supervisor control Supervisor control Supervisor control Timer supervision Supervisor control Supervisor control Supervisor control Task management Supervisor control Loadwait RTM


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Code (Hex) 06D 06E 06F 070 071 072 073 074 075 076 077 078 079 07A 07C 07E 07F 080

Reason Code (Hex)

Associated Component RTM RTM RTM Supervisor control Loadwait Supervisor control Supervisor control Supervisor control Supervisor control Supervisor control Console services RCT RCT RCT Supervisor control Reconfiguration Task management RSM


083 084 085 086 087 089 08B


08F 09D

RSM System trace

Chapter 4. System Completion Code to Module Table


Code (Hex) 09E

Reason Code (Hex)

Associated Component System trace


09F 0A0 0A1 0A2 0A3 0A4 0A5 0AE 0B0 0B1 01 02 03

Supervisor control Initiator DFP DFP DFP DFP DFP IOS SWA manager SSI

0B2 0B3 0B4 0B5 0B7

SSI SSI SSI SSI Reconfiguration



0B8 0B9

Master scheduler Master scheduler


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Code (Hex) 0BA 0BB 0BF 0Cx 0D2 0D3 0D5 0D9 0F2 0F6 0F7

Reason Code (Hex)

Associated Component Master scheduler Initiator Initiator Master scheduler Supervisor control Supervisor control Supervisor control RSM PC/AUTH COMMTASK IOS GTF JES2


0F8 0F9 0FB 0FD 0FF 101 102 104 106 10A 10B 10D 10E 110 121 122 128 12A 12C 12E 12F 130 133 138 13C 13E 147 149

Supervisor control Supervisor control Supervisor control Supervisor control Supervisor control Task management Task management VSM CSV VSM Timer supervision RTM RTM IOS IOS Master scheduler Task management Task management Task management Timer supervision Timer supervision GRS Dumping services GRS RTM Task management DFP DFP

Chapter 4. System Completion Code to Module Table


Code (Hex) 14A 14B 14C 14F 153 157 15C 15F 16B 16D 171 172 177 178 17A 17B 17D 182 183 185 18A 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5

Reason Code (Hex)

Associated Component DFP DFP


01 10 11

System Environmental Recording (LOGREC) Task management SMF Console services EXCP SRM Task management Supervisor control RSM EXCP Task management VSM Task management Supervisor control Task management RACF RACF RACF RSM

00010001 00010002 00010003 00010004 00010005 00020001 00020002 00020003 00030000 00030002 00030003 00030004 00030006 00030009 00040001 00050001 00050002 00050003
z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger



Code (Hex) 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C5 1C6 1FC

Reason Code (Hex) 00060001 00070001 00070002 00070003 00070004 00070005 00070006 00070007 00070008 00070009 00070010 00070011 00070012 00070013 00070014 00070015 00070016 00080202 00080302 00080401 00080402 00080403 00080501 00080502 00080601 00080602 00080702 00080703 00080704 00080705 00080706 00080707 00080801 00080802 00090000 00090001 00090002 00090003 00090004

Associated Component System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger System logger Task Management Supervisor control


Chapter 4. System Completion Code to Module Table


Code (Hex) 200 201 202 204 205 206 20A 20D 20E 20F 222 228 22A 22C 22F 230 233 238 23E 247 253 25F 260 271 278 27B 282 283 285 28A 2C6 2F3 2FC 300 301 305 306 30A

Reason Code (Hex)

Associated Component EXCP Task management Task management VSM VSM CSV VSM RTM RTM IOS Master scheduler Task management Task management Task management Timer Supervision GRS Dumping services GRS Task management DFP SMF SRM RCT RSM VSM Supervisor control RACF RACF RACF RSM IOS Initiator Supervisor control EXCP Task management VSM CSV VSM




z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Code (Hex) 30E 312 322 328 32E 330 333

Reason Code (Hex)

Associated Component RTM CSV SMF Task management Timer supervision GRS Dumping services


338 33E 35F 378 37A 37B 37D 382 383 385 3FC 400 402 406 40A 42A 430 433 438 43E 45F 46D 478 47A 47D 482 483 485 4FC 500 00000008

GRS Task management Initiator VSM Task management Supervisor control Task management RACF RACF RACF Supervisor control DFP Task management CSV VSM Task management GRS Dump Analysis and Elimination (DAE) GRS Task management SRM RTM VSM Task management Task management RACF RACF RACF Supervisor control EXCP

Chapter 4. System Completion Code to Module Table


Code (Hex) 502 504 505 522 52A 530 538 53E 553 55F 57D 582 585 5FC 604 605 622 65F 67D 683 684 685 6FC 700 702 704 705 706 70A 71A 72A 730 738 75F 76D 778 77D 7C4 7C6 800 804

Reason Code (Hex)

Associated Component Task management VSM VSM SMF Task management GRS GRS Task management SMF SRM Task management RACF RACF Loadwait VSM VSM TSO/E SRM Task management RACF RACF RACF Supervisor control EXCP Task management VSM VSM CSV VSM DFP Task management GRS GRS SRM Dynamic Output VSM Task management JES3 IOS EXCP VSM



z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Code (Hex) 805 806 80A 822 82A 830 838 878 87D 8C4 905 906 90A 922 92A 930 938 978 9C6

Reason Code (Hex)

Associated Component VSM CSV VSM Initiator Task management GRS GRS VSM Task management



JES VSM CSV VSM Initiator Task management GRS GRS VSM GRS

A00 A03 A05 A06 A0A A22 A23 A78 AC4 AC7 B00 B04 B05 B0A B23 B78 01

EXCP RTM VSM CSV VSM Reconfiguration Console services VSM JES3 Timer supervision EXCP VSM VSM VSM Console services VSM

Chapter 4. System Completion Code to Module Table


Code (Hex) C0D

Reason Code (Hex)

Associated Component RSM ASM PC/AUTH CSV IOS SAM and others


C22 C78 CFB D04 D05 D06 D0A D0D D22 D23

EXCP VSM JES3 VSM VSM CSV VSM RTM Master scheduler Console services

D24 D78 DFB E00 E03 E23 EFB

Console services VSM JES3 EXCP RTM Console services JES3


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Chapter 5. Wait State Code to Module Table

This table correlates wait state codes with module numbers. For each code, the associated component and detecting module are listed. If the wait state code you require does not appear in the table, contact the IBM Support Center. Provide the wait state code.
Code (Hex) 002 003 004 005 006 007 009 00A 00B 00D 00E 014 017 019 01B 01C 020 021 022 023 024 025 028 02E 030 031 032 033 035 037 038 039 03A 03B Associated Component IOS IPL, IOS IOS IPL IPL Console services NIP IPL Master scheduler Master scheduler IPL Supervisor control IPL IPL RTM Supervisor control Reconfiguration IOS IOS System trace MCH IPL IOS ASM NIP IOS NIP NIP IOS System Environmental Recording ASM IPL IOS CSV CSV Detecting Module IEAIPL00 IEAIPL00 IEAIPL03 IEAIPL03 IEAIPL00 IEAIPL00 IEAVNPCA IEAVNPC4 IEAVNP03 IEEVIPL IEEVIPL IEAIPL00 IEAVEPCO IEAV9PCO IEAIPL00 IEAIPL00 IEESTPRS IEAVESPR IEAVNP27 IEAVNPM2 IECVDAVV IEAVNP51 IGFPTREC IEAIPL41 IEAIPL40 ILRMSG00 IEAVNIP0 IEAIPL03 IEAVNIPM IEAVNIP0 IEAVNIPM IEAVNIP0 IEAIPL03 IEAVNP76 IEAIPL00 IEAVNP05 ILRASRIM IEAVNPM3 IEAVNP05 IEAVNP05

Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 2010


Code (Hex) 03C 03D 03E 03F 040 044 045 046 04A 050 051 052 053 054 055 059 05C 05D 05E 05F 060 061 062 063 064 065 06F 070 071 072



073 074 075 076 077 07B 07D 07E 081


NIP NIP Supervisor Control IPL



z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Code (Hex) 082 083 084 085 087

Associated Component Console services Supervisor control RTM ASM Console services


088 08A 08B 08C 08E 08F 09x 0A1 0A2 0A3 0A4 0B0 0B1 0B2 0B3 0B4 0E1 0E3 0E8 101 102 104 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 200 201

IPL Console services IOS WLM SRM Supervisor Control Loadwait Loadwait XCF GRS Timer supervision IOS IOS IOS IPL IOS Loadwait/Restart VSM MCH VSM VSM Supervisor control IOS IOS IOS IOS IOS IOS IOS ALC Console services

Chapter 5. Wait State Code to Module Table


Code (Hex) 202 204 206 5C7 A00 A01 A19 A1E A1F A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A26 A27 A28 A29 A2A A2B A2C A70 A7A B23 CCC D0D FF0 FF1 FF2 FF3 FF4 FF5 FF6 FF7 FF8 FF9 FFA FFB FFC

Associated Component Console services Allocation Timer Loadwait/Restart RTM MCH IOS Timer supervision NIP Timer supervision RSM RSM Master scheduler MCH MCH MCH Loadwait/Restart MCH Loadwait RSM MCH RSM Console services Service processor interface IOCP Loadwait SMF Installation-provided Installation-provided Installation-provided Installation-provided Installation-provided Installation-provided Installation-provided Installation-provided Installation-provided Installation-provided Installation-provided Installation-provided Installation-provided



z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Code (Hex) FFD FFE

Associated Component Installation-provided Installation-provided

Detecting Module N/A N/A

Chapter 5. Wait State Code to Module Table



z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Chapter 6. Stand-Alone Dump Wait State Codes

When producing a stand-alone dump, a stand-alone dump program loads wait state codes into the PSW to tell the operator about certain problems. In z/Architecture mode, the PSW for one of these wait states has the format:
X'00020000 00000000 00000000 00wwrrrr'

2 ww rrrr

Bits 12-15 (the CMWP bits). The hexadecimal wait state code. The hexadecimal reason code.
Reason Code 0000 0000 Explanation The stand-alone dump program is waiting for I/O on the IPL device. The stand-alone dump program is waiting for intervention on the IPL device. The stand-alone dump program detected an error. Operator Response None. Ready the IPL device. If the dump program did not issue message AMD005I, try a system restart. If system restart fails, reIPL the stand-alone dump program, preferably from a different volume. Use another volume or regenerate the label. Other data sets on the volume might be unusable. Use another volume or regenerate the label. Other data sets on the volume might be unusable. Use another volume or change the DSCB. Other data sets on the volume might be unusable. Use a device type that the system supports. None. None.

Wait State Code 21 22 24


The stand-alone dump program cannot read the volume label. The volume label is nonstandard.



The stand-alone dump program cannot read the format 4 data set control block (DSCB). The system does not support the IPL device type. The SYS1.PAGEDUMP data set is not on the IPL volume. A non-format 1 DSCB for SYS1.PAGEDUMP was found on the IPL volume. The stand-alone dump program cannot read the stand-alone dump common communication table (CCT). The stand-alone dump program cannot write to the stand-alone dump file. For a tape IPL version, this could result from a missing write ring in the IPL volume.

0400 0500

| | |





None. If tape IPL, check for the needed write ring, or disable file protection. None. None.

0800 0900

The stand-alone dump program cannot read module AMDSARDM. The stand-alone dump program cannot read module AMDSADIP.

Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 2010


Wait State Code

Reason Code 0A00

Explanation The stand-alone dump program cannot read module AMDSAPGE. A program check or other unexpected error was detected during output DASD dump data set processing. The system ends the dump. The validity check of the devices and dump options table (DDO) failed after the system loaded it from SYS1.PAGEDUMP. The system ends the dump. The validity check of the dump relocation table (RLT) failed after the system loaded the AMDSAPGE load module from SYS1.PAGEDUMP. The system ends the dump. An error occurred while the system read the AMDSAPGE load module from SYS1.PAGEDUMP The system ends the dump. The system detected an internal logic error in the SADMP dump initialization program. The system ends the dump. The DASD IPL program is unable to read the label on the IPL device. The system ends the dump.

Operator Response None. None.
















None. The DASD IPL program encountered a non-standard label on the IPL device. The system ends the dump. The DASD IPL program is unable to read the format 4 data set control block (DSCB) on the IPL device. The system ends the dump. The DASD IPL program detected an unsupported device type for the IPL device. The system ends the dump. None.





The DASD IPL program could not locate None. SYS1.PAGEDUMP on the IPL device. The system ends the dump. The DASD IPL program could not read the stand-alone dump common communication table (CCT) from the IPL device. The system ends the dump. A permanent I/O error occurred while performing I/O to the SYS1.PAGEDUMP work file on the DASD IPL device. The system ends the dump. A permanent I/O error occurred while performing I/O to the SYS1.PAGEDUMP work file on the DASD IPL device. The system ends the dump. None.







z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Wait State Code

Reason Code 0900

Explanation A program check or other unexpected error was encountered in the DASD IPL module or subroutine. The system ends the dump.

Operator Response None.


The work file interface in the DASD IPL None. module was passed incorrect parameters. The system ends the dump. The DASD IPL program detected an error None. when performing a Sense-ID to the IPD device. The system ends the dump. The DASD IPL program could not read the DAT validation and initialization routine (AMDSADVI) from the IPL device. The system ends the dump. The DASD IPL program could not write page 1 to the work file on the IPL device. The system ends the dump. None.






The DASD IPL program could not read None. the IPL initialization routine (AMDSAIPI) from the IPL device. The system ends the dump. The tape IPL module was unable to write to the work file on the IPL tape. The system ends the dump. The tape IPL module was unable to read the dump program loader (AMDSADPL) from the IPL tape. The system ends the dump. A program check or other unexpected error was encountered in the tape IPL module or subroutine. The system ends the dump. None.








None. The work file interface in the tape IPL module was passed incorrect parameters. The system ends the dump. The tape IPL program could not read the DAT validation and initialization routine (AMDSADVI). The tape IPL program could not write page 1 to the work file on the IPL device. The system ends the dump. The tape IPL program could not read the IPL initialization routine (AMDSAIPI) from the IPL device. The system ends the dump. The stand-alone dump program is waiting for I/O to the device. The stand-alone dump program is waiting for intervention on the device. None.






31 32

dddd dddd

None. Mount and ready a tape.

Chapter 6. Stand-Alone Dump Wait State Codes


Wait State Code 33

Reason Code 0mmm

Explanation The stand-alone dump program is waiting for a reply to message AMDmmmA or AMDmmmD. The stand-alone dump program detected an I/O error on the device and is waiting for a sense command to complete. The stand-alone dump program restarted I/O on the device and is waiting for I/O to complete.

Operator Response Reply to the message.








0100 0200 0300

The output tape is labelled and cannot be Mount another tape and ready it. used. The output tape needs a file protect ring. The output tape is full. Insert a ring into the tape and ready it, or disable file protection. Save the previous tape and mount a new one.



The stand-alone dump program is waiting None. for I/O that is neither a sense nor a restart to complete on the device. The stand-alone dump program is waiting for I/O to complete on any of the output devices. The system is waiting for one of the following: v An attention interrupt from the operator selected console v An interrupt from the system console v An external key interrupt to indicate a no-console condition. All storage was cleared to binary zeroes prior to the loading of stand-alone dump. None.





Select the system console or press ENTER on one of the consoles defined in the AMDSADMP macro. If a console is not available, ready a tape on the tape drive that you defined on the AMDSADMP macro, then cause an external interruption. None. If SADMP is restarted at this point, a dump will be produced that contains the central processor status records, a summary of the cleared storage, and the stand-alone dump message log. To restart, clear the load parm and perform a restart.



The default console was not usable. Either the device specified in the load parm was not found, or an I/O occurred when trying to write to the device. The system ends the dump. The generated output device cannot be used, and due to a no-console condition, a replacement cannot be specified. The system ends the dump. The generated output DASD data set is not initialized and REUSEDS=NEVER was specified on the AMDSADMP macro. Because of a no-console condition, a replacement cannot be specified. The system ends the dump.





Do one of the following: v Reinitialize the output data set from another system and perform a system restart. v Perform a system restart and select a usable console so that a different output device can be specified.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Wait State Code

Reason Code 0102


Operator Response

The generated output DASD data set is Do one of the following: initialized and REUSEDS=CHOICE was v Reinitialize the output data set from specified on the AMDSADMP macro. another system and perform a system Because of a no-console condition, restart. SADMP cannot issue message AMD096A v Perform a system restart and select a to determine if the data set should be usable console so that SADMP can reused. issue AMD096A. A program check or other unexpected error was detected during output device initialization. The system ends the dump. The generated output device address is not usable, and due to a no-console condition, a replacement cannot be specified. The system ends the dump. None.






A program check or other unexpected None. error was detected during output device address processing. The system ends the dump. The SADMP program ended normally; dumping is complete. Note: Message AMD104I can be an indication of successful completion of dump. An unexpected machine check occurred. Save the dump.





Record the wait state code. If necessary, rewind and unload the output tape; the normal end-of-file is not present. Record the wait state code. If necessary, rewind and unload the output tape; the normal end-of-file is not present. Record the wait state code. If necessary, rewind and unload the output tape; the normal end-of-file is not present.


An unrecoverable machine check with invalid registers occurred. The virtual storage dump program ended due to an internal error. v ss denotes the failing module or service. v ee denotes the specific type of error. Common codes are listed below. The stand-alone dump program tries to write a self-dump to the output device. Message AMD066I also contains these wait reason codes.




An unexpected error occurred during SADMP error recovery and program ending processing.


0D02 0D03

The stand-alone dump program requested None. too many self-dumps. The system ended SADMP error recovery None. and program ending processing because of I/O errors. The system did not find any SADMP error None. recovery module on the recovery stack.


Chapter 6. Stand-Alone Dump Wait State Codes


Wait State Code

Reason Code 0E10

Explanation The system cannot continue processing because there are not enough SADMP internal storage blocks (BCT) on the available queue. A permanent I/O error occurred on the output DASD and the operator replied T to message AMD098A.

Operator Response None.


Perform a system restart to dump to another output device.


A permanent I/O error occurred on the Perform a system restart to dump to output tape and the operator replied T to another output device. message AMD098A. A permanent I/O error occurred on the Perform a system restart to dump to output tape, and the operator replied T to another output device. message AMD098A. A system restart occurred. An external interruption occurred. The operator replied T to message AMD088D. None. None. None.


1C13 1D12 1E20 1E30

The prefix storage area (PSA) was None. incorrect. The system cannot dump virtual storage. The segment table (SGT) was incorrect. The system cannot dump virtual storage. The page table (PGT) was incorrect. The system cannot dump virtual storage. The communication vector table (CVT) was incorrect. The system cannot dump virtual storage. None. None. None.

1E40 1E50 1E60


None. The paging vector table (PVT) was incorrect. The system cannot dump virtual storage. The real storage manager (RSM) internal table (RIT) was incorrect. The system cannot dump virtual storage. None.



None. The page frame table (PFT) was incorrect. The system cannot dump virtual storage. No contiguous storage could be found for a swap SGT. The system could not dump virtual storage. A permanent I/O error occurred on the output tape volume and the operator replied T to message AMD098A. A program check or other unexpected error was detected during dump title processing. The system ends the dump. An I/O error occurred on the output device. A program check occurred. cc is the rightmost byte of the program interruption code. None.



Perform a system restart to dump to another output device. None.


ssF1 FEcc

Perform a system restart to dump to another output device. None.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Wait State Code 52

Reason Code 0200


Operator Response

The IPL initialization routine found a None. non-standard label on the IPL device. The system ends the dump. The IPL initialization routine found the IPL None. device to be an unsupported device. The system ends the dump. The IPL initialization routine was unable to None. locate the SYS1.PAGEDUMP.Vvolser on the IPL device. The system ends the dump. The stand-alone dump program was IPLed on a processor which does not support z/Architecture. None.




Chapter 6. Stand-Alone Dump Wait State Codes



z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Chapter 7. IPCS User Completion Codes

Use this procedure if IPCS processing ends with a user completion code. The code is 4 decimal digits. Problems in either IBM-provided IPCS code or in installation exit routines can cause IPCS to issue an abend. Do the following for most IPCS user completion codes: 1. Check to see if IPCS issued any messages that might provide more information about the problem. These messages have the form of BLSnnnnnc, unless they were issued from an exit routine. 2. Look at the following explanation of the user completion code for a description of the problem. Follow the diagnostic steps for the code. 3. Check for a failing installation exit routine. v Use the IPCS TRAP subcommand to isolate problems relating to the use of exit services. v If your installation provides exit routines, check the dump to see if one of them is identified as the failing module. The IPCSTOC file might contain information to help identify exits. v If the problem appears to be in an installation exit routine, attempt to by-pass the problem by using the NOTEST keyword. v For an additional check: Remove all command options that cause installation exit routines to be invoked from the IPCS input stream. Rerun IPCS. If the problem goes away, an installation exit routine probably has a logic problem. If an installation exit routine caused the problem, use the dump data to isolate the reason for the failure. Correct the exit routine. The following list contains the IPCS completion codes:
0100 (hexadecimal 064) Explanation: The system detected an error while attempting to open the problem or data set directory for reading. System action: The abend follows messages that indicate the nature of the problem. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Follow the programmer response for the BLS03nnnt messages that precede the abend. 0101 (hexadecimal 065) Explanation: The system detected an error while attempting to get a record from the problem or data set directory. System action: A set of messages that describe the problem in more detail precedes the abend. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Follow the programmer response for the BLS03nnnt messages that precede the abend. 0102 (hexadecimal 066)
Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 2010

Explanation: The system detected an error while attempting to close the problem or data set directory. System action: A set of messages that describe the problem in more detail precedes the abend. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Follow the programmer response for the BLS03nnnt messages that precede the abend. 0103 (hexadecimal 067) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0104 (hexadecimal 068) Explanation: An attempt was made to acquire a problem resource while either the problem directory or the data set directory was open. System action: The system ends subcommand processing.


0105 (hexadecimal 069) 0113 (hexadecimal 071)

System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0105 (hexadecimal 069) Explanation: The system detected an error during a message production procedure. A reason code is in general purpose register 15, as follows: Reason Code 60 Explanation The system could not obtain enough storage for the current output message. An internal problem occurred. exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0109 (hexadecimal 06D) Explanation: A dump-directory equate-symbol record was passed to a service routine to have an action performed on its contents. The record contents were incorrect. The system issues the abend only if the TEST operand is specified. System action: The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0110 (hexadecimal 06E) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: A message that indicates the type of internal error detected precedes the abend. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0111 (hexadecimal 06F) Explanation: Records passed for comparison do not contain the same VSAM key. System action: Message BLS04064I precedes the abend. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0112 (hexadecimal 070) 0107 (hexadecimal 06B) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0108 (hexadecimal 06C) Explanation: The system detected an error while performing an open or close operation on the problem directory during confirmation processing. System action: Message BLS04042I or BLS04045I precedes the abend. The system ends DELPROB subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: Message BLS04061I precedes the abend. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0113 (hexadecimal 071) Explanation: The system detected an error while opening the data set directory. An attempt to free the data set directory did not succeed. System action: Message BLS04052I precedes the abend. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center.


System action: The system does not issue the message. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: If the reason code is 60, increase the region size and try again. If the problem persists or if the reason code is other than 60, search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0106 (hexadecimal 06A) Explanation: The system detected an I/O error during processing of a DELPROB subcommand. The type of problem is indicated by one of the following messages: BLS04042I, BLS04043I, or BLS04045I and their associated messages. System action: The system ends DELPROB subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

0114 (hexadecimal 072) 0123 (hexadecimal 07B)

0114 (hexadecimal 072) Explanation: The user instructed the IPCS attention processor to issue a diagnostic abend by entering abend. System action: The system ends the IPCS session. System programmer response: The purpose of the IPCS attention-exit abend function is to permit diagnostic information to be collected regarding apparent IPCS problems. Use the dump to confirm this diagnosis. 0115 (hexadecimal 073) Explanation: The system detected an error while reading the data set directory. System action: Message BLS04053I precedes the abend. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0116 (hexadecimal 074) Explanation: The system detected an incorrect write request while writing a record to the data set directory. System action: Message BLS04054I precedes the abend. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0117 (hexadecimal 075) Explanation: The system detected a permanent write problem while writing a record to the data set directory. System action: Message BLS04054I precedes the abend. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0118 (hexadecimal 076) Explanation: The system detected an error while attempting to write a record to the data set directory. System action: The informational message BLS04054I precedes the abend. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0119 (hexadecimal 077) Explanation: The system detected a permanent error while attempting to close the data set directory. System action: Message BLS04055I precedes the abend. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0120 (hexadecimal 078) Explanation: The system detected an error while attempting to close the data set directory. System action: Message BLS04055I precedes the abend. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0121 (hexadecimal 079) Explanation: The system detected an error while attempting to open the problem directory. The attempt to free the problem directory was unsuccessful. System action: Message BLS04042I precedes the abend. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0122 (hexadecimal 07A) Explanation: The system could not obtain enough virtual storage. System action: Message BLS04015I precedes the abend. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Ensure that the region size is large enough for IPCS execution. 0123 (hexadecimal 07B) Explanation: The system detected an error while reading the problem directory. System action: Message BLS04043I precedes the abend. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center.

Chapter 7. IPCS User Completion Codes


0124 (hexadecimal 07C) 0134 (hexadecimal 086)

0124 (hexadecimal 07C) Explanation: The system detected an incorrect write request while attempting to write to the problem directory. System action: Message BLS04044I precedes the abend. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0125 (hexadecimal 07D) Explanation: The system detected a permanent write error while writing a record to the problem directory. System action: Message BLS04044I precedes the abend. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0126 (hexadecimal 07E) Explanation: A problem occurred while writing a record to the problem directory. System action: Message BLS04044I precedes the abend. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0127 (hexadecimal 07F) Explanation: The system detected a permanent error while closing the problem directory. System action: Message BLS04045I precedes the abend. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0128 (hexadecimal 080) Explanation: The system detected an error while attempting to close the problem directory. System action: Message BLS04045I precedes the abend. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0129 (hexadecimal 081) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0130 (hexadecimal 082) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0131 (hexadecimal 083) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0132 (hexadecimal 084) Explanation: The system detected an error while attempting to write a record into a data set. The messages that precede this abend specify in more detail the nature of the problem. System action: The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0133 (hexadecimal 085) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: Any existing messages on the message queue were routed to the terminal prior to the abend. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Follow the programmer response(s) for any messages issued prior to the abend. 0134 (hexadecimal 086) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: The system ends subcommand processing.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

0135 (hexadecimal 087) 0150 (hexadecimal 096)

System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0135 (hexadecimal 087) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0137 (hexadecimal 089) Explanation: The system detected an error while attempting to close a data set. Messages that precede this abend specify in more detail the nature of the problem. System action: The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0138 (hexadecimal 08A) Explanation: The system detected an error while attempting to open a data set. Messages that precede this abend specify in more detail the nature of the problem. System action: The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0139 (hexadecimal 08B) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0140 (hexadecimal 08C) Explanation: The system could not close a data set. System action: Message BLS03114I precedes the abend. The system ends subcommand processing. Either the data set may not be closed or freed. System programmer response: If the data set is not properly closed, use IDCAMS VERIFY to close it. If the data set is not freed, issue a TSO/E FREE command. 0141 (hexadecimal 08D) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0145 (hexadecimal 091) Explanation: The area pointed to by the control block pointer specified in message BLS04072I does not contain the specified control block. System action: Message BLS04072I precedes the abend. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0147 (hexadecimal 093) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0148 (hexadecimal 094) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0149 (hexadecimal 095) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0150 (hexadecimal 096) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix
Chapter 7. IPCS User Completion Codes


0151 (hexadecimal 097) 2052 (hexadecimal 804)

exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0151 (hexadecimal 097) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: Message BLS04014I precedes the abend. The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0152 (hexadecimal 098) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: Message BLS03102I precedes the abend. The system ends IPCS processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0200 (hexadecimal 0C8) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0201 (hexadecimal 0C9) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 0999 (hexadecimal 3E7) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 2048 (hexadecimal 800) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 2049 (hexadecimal 801) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 2050 (hexadecimal 802) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 2051 (hexadecimal 803) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center. 2052 (hexadecimal 804) Explanation: The system detected an internal error. System action: The system ends subcommand processing. System programmer response: Search problem reporting data bases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center.


z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

Appendix. Accessibility
Accessibility features help a user who has a physical disability, such as restricted mobility or limited vision, to use software products successfully. The major accessibility features in z/OS enable users to: v Use assistive technologies such as screen readers and screen magnifier software v Operate specific or equivalent features using only the keyboard v Customize display attributes such as color, contrast, and font size

Using assistive technologies

Assistive technology products, such as screen readers, function with the user interfaces found in z/OS. Consult the assistive technology documentation for specific information when using such products to access z/OS interfaces.

Keyboard navigation of the user interface

Users can access z/OS user interfaces using TSO/E or ISPF. Refer to z/OS TSO/E Primer, z/OS TSO/E Users Guide, and z/OS ISPF Users Guide Vol I for information about accessing TSO/E and ISPF interfaces. These guides describe how to use TSO/E and ISPF, including the use of keyboard shortcuts or function keys (PF keys). Each guide includes the default settings for the PF keys and explains how to modify their functions.

z/OS information
z/OS information is accessible using screen readers with the BookServer/Library Server versions of z/OS books in the Internet library at:

Copyright IBM Corp. 1988, 2010



z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

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Policy for unsupported hardware

Various z/OS elements, such as DFSMS, HCD, JES2, JES3, and MVS, contain code that supports specific hardware servers or devices. In some cases, this device-related element support remains in the product even after the hardware devices pass their announced End of Service date. z/OS may continue to service element code; however, it will not provide service related to unsupported hardware devices. Software problems related to these devices will not be accepted for service, and current service activity will cease if a problem is determined to be associated with out-of-support devices. In such cases, fixes will not be issued.

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z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

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z/OS V1R11.0 MVS System Codes

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