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tags - Common tags are used to display headings, paragraphs, lists, tables, and images">, , and tags - Common tags are used to display headings, paragraphs, lists, tables, and images">

Web Authoring (HTML)

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Web Authoring (HTML)

Samantha Mathara Arachchi,

B.Sc,Pg.Dip(Com.Tech.),Pg.Dip.(IM),M.Sc.(IM),MCS(SL) MACM,MIEEE

Advanced Digital Media Technology Center-University of Colombo School of Computing

What is HTML
HTML- HyperText Markup Language HTML is not a programming language, it is a markup language A markup language is a set of markup tags HTML uses markup tags to describe web pages

Use of HTML
Display text data Call up other Web Pages (Link between Pages) Display multimedia data

Creating HTML Files

Creating directly using a text editor;
Notepad Wordpad

Use an HTML Editor

FrontPage HomePage Dreamweaver

How to save a file

File Name

All Files

Creating HTML Document

Grammar Tag
A tag is a code used in the HTML document A tag is single-byte UPPERCASE/lowercase letters enclosed by < and > <HTML> tag at the beginning of the document </HTML> tag at the end of the document

HTML Document

Header is the starting section of the HTML document Description of the name of the web page is enclosed between the <HEAD> tag and the </HEAD> tag

Main contents of the HTML document Tags related to the display of the web page are contained between the <BODY> tag and the </BODY> tag

Grammar of the Tag

Grammatically , they belong to any of the patterns described follows

Basic Tag <TAG>

Opening tag

.. </TAG>
Closing tag

character String

<TITLE> My First Page</TITLE> For this type of tag an opening tag is used before a character string and a closing tag is used after it.

Grammar of the Tag

Single Tag <TAG>

or <TAG>

For this type of tag an opening tag is used either before or after a character string.
Eg. <BR> Line Break Tag

Grammar of the Tag

Attribute Tag

<TAG attribute attribute ..> .. </TAG>

For this type of tag is used to specify attributes within a tag for detailed specification Depending on the type of tag, the attributes that can be used are different. Multiple attributes can be specified in random order Attributes are separated by a single-byte space.
Eg <BODY BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF BACKGROUND=image.gif> ..</BODY> <font color=#aa1122 size=16px type=arial>attribute tag</font>

Font Face, Size and Color

<FONT FACE=SPECIFY A TYPE> - </FONT> These tag is used to specify the font Type
Eg <FONT FACE= Arial> My First Web Page</Font>

<FONT SIZE=SPECIFY A SIZE> - </FONT> These tag is used to specify the font size
Eg <FONT SIZE = 16> My First Web Page</Font>

<FONT COLOR=SPECIFY A COLOR> - </FONT> These tag is used to specify the the color
Eg <FONT color = red> My First Web Page</Font>


To combine Font Attributes


These attributes are used to specify the font size, color and type


Displaying Text Data

<HTML> - </HTML> These tags define the start and end of the HTML Document All the other tags are specified between them <HEAD> - </HEAD> These tags define the attribute of the HTML document They form the header section of the HTML document <TITLE> - </TITLE> These tags define the title of the Web page They are specified between <HEAD> - </HEAD>. The title defined by these tags is shown on the title bar of the browser. <BODY> - </BODY> These tags defined the body of the HTML document 12

<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>My First Web Page</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <P> This is my first web page. Let's enjoy with HTML</P> </BODY> </HTML>


These tags are used to display the headings The numbers indicate the levels of the headings (Relative size) from 1-6)

<body> <h1>Heading 1</h1> <h2>Heading 2</h2> <h3>Heading 3</h3> <h4>Heading 4</h4> <h5>Heading 5</h5> <h6>Heading 6</h6> </body>

Other Tags
<BR> This tag is used to define line breaks <br/> <!-- -- > This tag is used to comment out line
Eg: <!-- table 1.1-->


Color Theory
Six digit hexadecimal numbers

# RRGGBB # ff0000 - RED # 00ff00 - GREEN # 000000 - BLACK # ffffff

Variation O~9 or a~f



Text italic, bold and Underline

<I> - </I> These tag is used to display italic text
Eg <I>My First Web Page</I>

<B> - </B> These tag is used to display bold text

Eg <B>My First Web Page</B>

<U> - </U> These tag is used to display underline text

Eg <U> My First Web Page</U>


Superscript subscript and Strike text

<SUP> - </SUP> These tag is used to display Superscript text
Eg 2<SUP>nd</SUP>

<SUB> - </SUB> These tag is used to display subscript text

Eg H<SUB>2</SUB>

<STRIKE> - </STRIKE> These tag is used to display strike out text

Eg <STRIKE> My First Web Page</STRIKE>
My First Web Page

Paragraphs and Horizontal Rules

<P> - </P> These tags define the paragraph They force a line break and insert a blank line before and after the paragraph.
<BODY> <P> This is my first paragraph </p> <BR> <P> This is my Second paragraph </p> <BR> </BODY>

blockquote { padding : 10px; border : 1px solid #6395a5; background-color : #bfd5e2; text-align : justify; font-style : italic; }

<blockquote><p>You are free to use this template in any way you like. All I ask for is that you leave the web site design credit links in the footer area of this template intact.</p></blockquote>

Horizontal Rules
<HR> - </HR> This tag is used to display a border (horizontal rule) Attribute of the <HR> tag can specify the thickness. Length, left and right alignment.


<OL> - </OL> These tags are used to display the ordered list They are used in combination with <LI> tag <UL> - </UL> These tags are used to display the unordered list They are used in combination with <LI> tag <LI> This tag is used in the scope of the <OL> tags or the <UL> tags described above for the display of a list item. One <LI> tag is used for each list item

<DL> - </DL> These tags are used to display the definition list They are used in combination with the <DT> and <DD>tags described below <DT> - </DT> These tags are used in the scope of the <DL> tags described above for the display of the definition term. </DT> Can be omitted <DD> - </DD> These tags are used in the scope of the <DL> tags described above for the display of definition The definition is displayed at an indent position from the definition term. </DD> can be omitted

<DL> <DT>HTML</DT> <DD> HyperText Markup Language</DD> </DL>


<TABLE> - </TABLE> These tags define the table They are used in combination with the <TR> and <TH> An attribute of the <TABLE>

<TR> - </TR> These tags define the rows of the table. <TD> - </TD> These tags define the data (cell) of the rows. Adjust the Column width: <td width=100> - </td> <TH> - </TH>
These tags define the Item names of the columns of the table.

ROWSPAN The ROWSPAN attribute that specifies a cells spanning across multiple rows <TD ROWSPAN=number of row> - </TD> COLSPAN The COLSPAN attribute specifies a cell across multiple columns <TD COLSPAN=number of column> - </TD> <CAPTION>-</CAPTION> These tags define the caption of the table They are used between the <TABLE> tag and the first <TR> tag

Displaying Image & Image Data

<IMG SRC=image file name> This tag is used to display an image ALT The ALT attribute that specifies the character strings to be displayed on a text based browser in place of the image
<IMG SRC=image name ALT=character string>

WIDTH and HIGHT attributes The WIDTH attribute and the HIGHT attribute that specifies the display size of the image
<IMG SRC=image name WIDTH=width of the image HEIGHT=height of the image>


Displaying Image & Image Data

ALIGN The ALIGN attribute that specifies the alignment of the text to be displayed next to the image.
<IMG SRC=image name ALIGN=position of the character string> (TOP, MIDDLE & BOTTOM)

<img src=abc.gif width=100 height=150 alt="Map of Sri Lanka">


Specifying Links
<A HREF=file name>-</A> These tags are used to set up hyperlinks for calling up other web pages. To call up Web pages from other directory, the following path must be specified.
Specify Relative Path (Specify a relative position from the directory that stores the calling Web page.) Path name/file name Specify Absolute Path (Specify an absolute position from the root directory) /directory name (in the root directory)/directory name/file name

Specifying Links to Other Pages

(I) / A
If this is current document

Absolute Path: <A HREF= /A/C/ccc.html> Absolute Path for different directory: <A HREF= /B/bbb.html>
The absolute path shows exactly where the file is on the computer.


ccc.html bbb.html

In HTML, you start every absolute pathname with a slash(/) Then you type the directory names on the computer starting with the topmost directory in the folder hierarchy Even the absolute pathnames of files located on different hard disks begin with a 30 slash.

Specifying Links to Other Pages

(II) / A
If this is current document

Relative Path: <A HREF= C/ccc.html> or <A HREF= ./C/ccc.html> Relative Path from various directory: <A HREF= ../B/bbb.html>
To reference a file in a folder above the current folder in the folder hierarchy (One level up) To reference a file in a folder below the current folder in the folder hierarchy then just specify the name of the subfolder.


ccc.html bbb.html

Links to the Same Page

<A HREF =file name #anchor name>-</A>
Eg <a href="#B">Part B</a>

These tags and the option assign a name to an arbitrary position in the HTML document. Using a link defined by the <A> tags described next, the position specified by these tags can be display at the beginning of the browser screen. Anchor name can be any alphabets <A NAME =anchor name>-</A>
Eg <a name="B">Part B</a>

These tags define a link to display the part of a Web page.


Link to separate page and target to specific area

For Link page:
<a href="link2section_in_da_other_page2.htm #a">Introduction</a>

Source Page: <a name=a><h1>Introduction</h1></a>


Example (Link to the same Page)

<A HREF=#UCSC>About the UCSC</A> <A HREF=#ADMTC>About the ADMTC</A> : : :
<H2><A NAME=UCSC>About the UCSC (Paragraph) <H2><A NAME=ADMTC>About the UCSC (Paragraph)


Links to e-mail.
Others: <A NAME =mailto:e-mail address>-</A> Specifies an e-mail program to be started up mailto protocol and the e-mail address as the URL with the HRE attribute.

<ADDRESS> <A HREF=mailto:user00@flm.co.jp>Development Team</A> </ADDRESS>


Links to External Media Data

<A HREF =specify external media file>-</A> These <A> tags are used to display external media data
<A HREF =clip01.avi>Play the production information video-</A>


Image Map
What is an Image Map The image map is a function that calls up another Web page when any part of its image is clicked. There are two ways to use this image map function
Client side Image Map This method makes use of the tag function in the HTML document Server side Image Map This method makes use of the application (CGI/SSI) on the WWW server to process data


Image Map cont

<IMG SRC=image file name ALT=Comment USEMAP=#name of the map>

These tags and the USEMAP attribute are used to display images to be used as the image map. <MAP NAME=name of map> - </MAP> These tags are used to set up the image map The <AREA> tags described below are specified in the scope of these tags.
<IMG SRC=can02.gif ALT=Can Image USEMAP=#CAN> <MAP NAME=CAN> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS=8,38,87,63 HREF=Comet01.html alt=xxx> <AREA SHAPE=CIRCLE COORDS=8,38,20 HREF=Comet02.html alt=yyy >
<AREA SHAPE=POLY COORDS=8,38,87,63 HREF=http://www.yahoo.com alt=bbb >

</MAP> <AREA SHAPE=shape COORDS=specify coordinates HREF=file name 38 or URL ALT=comment>

Image Map cont

<IMG SRC=image file name ALT=Comment USEMAP=#name of the map>

These tags and the USEMAP attribute are used to display images to be used as the image map.
Shapes: RECT (0,0) <img> (a,b) a b (e,f) d (a,b) C C Shape=rect (c,d) Shape=circle Coords=a,b,c
(Centre & Radius)




(c,d) Shape=poly Coords=a,b,c,d,e,f


<AREA SHAPE=shape COORDS=specify coordinates HREF=file name 39 or URL ALT=comment>

Using Forms
<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=mailto:e-mail address ENCTYPE=text/plain> Type of Data </FORM>

These tags and the attributes are used to define the data screen (HTML form) The input data is sent as e-mail to the address specified for the ACTION attribute. Form Attribute types are as follows;
Text password Radio Check box Submit Reset

Text boxes
<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=textbox name SIZE=length of the textbox>

The <INPUT> tag and the attributes are used to define the textbox <INPUT> tag, when the attribute TYPE=PASSWORD is specified, * will be displayed in the place of the input password.
<INPUT TYPE=PASSWORD NAME=textbox name SIZE=length of the textbox>


Pull-down Menus
<SELECT NAME=pull-down Menu name>-</SELECT>

These tags are used to define the pull down menu They are used in combination with the following <option> tags They are described in the scope of the <FORM> tags. An attribute of the SELECT tag can be set for multiple items to be selected from the pull-down menu. The MULTIPLE attribute that allows section of multiple items
<SELECT NAME=pull-down Menu name MULTIPLE>-</SELECT>

The SIZE attribute that specifies the number of items to be displayed in the list
<SELECT NAME=pull-down Menu name SIZE=number of items></SELECT>

Pull-down Menus
<OPTION> Item Name (Value to be sent)

This tag defines an item of the pull-down menu. Selection list option) It is described in the scope of the <SELECT> tags An attribute of the <OPTION> tag can be set for a list item to be selected by default (default selection item)
<select name ="fruit"> <option> Banana</option> <option> Pineapple</option> <option selected> Starfruit</option> <option> Mango</option> </select> <select name="vegettable" multiple size="3"> <option> Go-ya </option> <option> Papaya </option> <option> Carrot </option> <option> Egg </option> <option> Fish </option> </select>


Radio Button
<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=radio button group name VALUE=value to be sent>This tag defines the radio button (Exclusive input). It is specified in the scope of the <FORM> tags



<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME=checkbox name> This tag defines the checkbox. It is specified in the scope of the <FORM> tags. In the e-mail to be sent, the selected item is described as checkbox name=on.




Input Areas
<TEXTAREA NAME=name of the input area ROWS=height of the input area COLS=width of the input area> - </TEXTAREA> These tags define an input area that contains more than 1 line of input They are specified in the scope of the <FORM> tags The character string described in the scope of the <TEXTAREA> tags is displayed in the area as the initial value In the e-mail to be sent, it is described as name of input area=input sentences
Please write your comments here


Send Button and Cancel Button

<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=name of send button> This tag and the attributes define the button for sending input or selected data Press this button and e-mail will be sent to the address specified by the ACTION attribute of the <FORM> tag. <INPUT TYPE=RESET VALUE=name of cancel button> This tag and the attributes define the button for clearing the input data


What is the Frame Function? This function splits the browser screen into multiple frames, which display separate web pages. To use the frame function, define the method for splitting the browser and the file names of the web pages to be displayed in different frames in the HTML file used for frame setting


<FRAMEST>-</FRAMEST> These tags are used to define the split screen. In the HTML file used for frame setting, these tags are used in place of the <BODY> tags. The method of split and the size of each frame are set up in the options The COLS attribute that splits the screen into left and right frames
<FRAMESET COLS=size of the left frame, size of the right frame> </FRAMEST> The ROWS attribute the split the screen into top and bottom frames
<FRAMESET ROWS=size of the top frame, size of the bottom frame> </FRAMEST>

<FRAME SRC=HTML file name NAME=frame name> This Tag defines the web page to be displayed in a frame. It is specified in the scope of the <FRAMESET> tags. Frames are displayed from the left or the top in the order of description. <A HREF=HTML file name TARGET=frame name></A>
The target frame name that display the HTML file is specified in the TARGET attribute The target frame name is the frame name assigned by the NAME attribute of the <FRAME> tags. The frame that display the linked web page is specified by the TARGET attribute.

<NOFRAMES> - </NOFRAMES> These tags define the content of the web page to be displayed for browsers that do not support the frame function


Sample code: <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us"> <title>Main Entrance</title> <!-- frames --> <frameset rows="159,*" border="0"> <frame name="top" src="top.html" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0 noresize="noresize"> <frameset cols="159,*" border="0"> <frame name="left" src="left.html" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0 noresize="noresize"> <frame name="main" src="main.html" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0 noresize="noresize"> </frameset> </frameset> </head> <body> <noframes> </noframes> </body> 52 </html>

Targeting frames
TARGET attribute. This attribute is not found in the frame definition but is used within normal HTML documents to direct data to specific frames
TARGET attribute is used to direct data to different frame consider the TARGET attribute in terms of frames and the <A> tag. In order to direct data to a different frame, the receiving frame must have been named in the frame definition.


Frame target names

There are some special target names, called frame target names. These all begin with an underscore ( _ ) and are used to load pages into groups of frames. _blank The user agent should load the designated document in a new, unnamed window. _self The user agent should load the document in the same frame as the element that refers to this target. _parent The user agent should load the document into the immediate FRAMESET parent of the current frame. This value is equivalent to _self if the current frame has no parent. _top The user agent should load the document into the full, original window (thus canceling all other frames). This value is equivalent to _self if the current frame has no parent


Send mail
<A HREF="mailto:e-mail address > - </A>
These tags define to send an e-mail to somebody
<A HREF="mailto:saman17lk@yahoo.com">saman</a>


Adding Multimedia Features to WWW

How to embed a Music file

Adding Multimedia bgsound to WWW <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>FONT FACE</TITLE> <HEAD> <BODY> <bgsound src="SOUND.WAV"> </BODY> </HTML>


Adding Multimedia Features to WWW

How to embed a Movie file Avi,wma files can use <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>EMBEDED</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <EMBED SRC="SRILANKA.AVI" WIDTH="300" HEIGHT="350" PLAY="TRUE" LOOP="TRUE" QUALITY="HIGH"> </BODY> </HTML> <video src=music.mov" /> <audio src="music.mp3" autoplay="autoplay" loop="20000" />


How to Create i-frame in HTML

<body> <TABLE ALIGN=RIGHT BORDER=1 BGCOLOR="#FFFFCC"> <TR> <TD><H4>Facts About Beavers</H4> <UL> <LI><A HREF=habitat.html" TARGET="abc">Habitats</A> <LI><A HREF=food.html" TARGET="abc">Food</A> <LI><A HREF=health.html" TARGET="abc">Health</A> </UL> <IFRAME NAME="abc" SRC="Habitat.html" WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=200> </IFRAME></TD> </TR></TABLE> </body> </html>


Browse a File
<body> <!--forms then file field --> <p>Insert your image:<input type=file name="as"></p> </body>


Download a Word File (doc) or PDF

<a href="application form.doc">Download your Application (doc) </a> <a href="application form.pdf">PDF </a>


HTML Standards.. for HTML Validation

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html lang="en" xml:lang="en""> <head> <title>On Going Events</title> <link href="../css/default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" title="Default" /> <link href="../css/black.css" rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" title="High Contrast" /> </head> <body> </body> </html>

HTML <meta> Tag

Describe metadata within an HTML document
<head> <meta name="description" content="Free Web tutorials" /> <meta name="keywords" content="HTML,CSS,XML,JavaScript" /> <meta name="author" content="Hege Refsnes" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" /> </head>

Definition and Usage Metadata is information about data. The <meta> tag provides metadata about the HTML document. Metadata will not be displayed on the page, but will be machine parsable. Meta elements are typically used to specify page description, keywords, author of the document, last modified, and other metadata. The <meta> tag always goes inside the head element. The metadata can be used by browsers (how to display content or reload page), search engines (keywords), or other web services.


http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_intro. asp


Markup Validation Service v0.7.1



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