Digital Linear Actuators 26DBM Series DLA's: New Options
Digital Linear Actuators 26DBM Series DLA's: New Options
Digital Linear Actuators 26DBM Series DLA's: New Options
The 26DBM series comprise two versions. Both types are based on 4 phase permanent magnet stepper motor technology and utilise a rotor with an internal thread to provide linear motion via a leadscrew. The L series are provided with a leadscrew which may be attached to the driven mechanism. When the leadscrew is prevented from rotating the operation of the motor imparts linear motion to the screw. The maximum travel of the mechanism is 48 mm although optional 300 mm long leadscrews may be purchased for an increased travel distance of 260 mm. The K series incorporate a keyway in the actuators output slideway thereby providing the spindle with linear motion. This design is ideal for driving spring loaded mechanisms over a maximum travel distance of 13 mm.
Dimensions mm:
26DBM-L series
15.18 21.31 9.58 12.03 42.82 34.90 26.16 8.13
26DBM-K Series
34 ( extended )
New options
100% increased force compared with 92100 series
0.81 Stroke: 13.2 mm 76.2 ( Max stroke: 48 mm) Leads 304.8 mm long
2 6 D B 2 0 M s e rie s
20 Force ( N )
Force ( N ) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
0 50
2 6 D B M 1 0 s e rie s
15 10 5 0
0 50 100 150 200
2 6D B M 20 -D se rie s
2 6 D B M 1 0 -D se ri e s
26 D B M 20 -B se rie s
2 6 D B M 1 0 -B se ri e s
Electrical Characteristic:
Mclennan Servo Supplies Ltd.