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Relevant Portions of the Constitution of India relating to the All India Services. The All India Services Act, 1951 The All India Services (Leave) Rules, 1955 The All India Services (Special Disability Leave) Regulations, 1957 The All India Services (Study Leave) Regulations, 1960 The All India Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954 The All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955 The All India Services (Compensatory Allowance) Rules, 1954 The All India Services (Travelling Allowance) Rules, 1954 The All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 The All India Services (Prevention of Sexual Harassment) Regulations, 1998 The All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969 The All India Services (Death-Cum-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958 The All India Services (Commutation of Pension) Regulations, 1959 The All India Services (Conditions of Service-Residuary Matters) Rules, 1960 The All India Services (Remittances Into and Payments from PF and family pension Funds) Rules, 1958 The All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007 The All India Services (Joint Cadre) Rules, 1972 The All India Services (Dearness Allowance) Rules, 1972 The Former Secretary of State Service Officers (Conditions of Service) Act, 1972) The All India Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1975 The All India Services (House Rent Allowance) Rules, 1977 The All India Services (House Building Advanced) Rules, 1978 The All India Services (Group Insurance) Rules, 1981 Miscellaneous Executive Instructions - Concerning All India Services




Article 308. Interpretation.In this part, unless the context otherwise requires, the expression State does not include the State of Jammu & Kashmir. Article 310. Tenure of office of persons serving the Union or a State. (1)Except as expressly provided by this Constitution, every person who is a member of a defence service or of a civil service of the Union or of an all-India service or holds any post connected with defence or any civil post under the Union, holds office during the pleasure of the President, and every person who is a member of a civil service of a State or holds any civil post under a State holds office during the pleasure of the Governor of the State. (2) Notwithstanding that a person holding a civil post under the Union or a State holds office during the pleasure of President or, as the case may be, of the Governor of the State, any contract under which a person, not being a member of a defence service or of an all - India service or of a civil service of the Union or a State, is appointed under this Constitution to hold such a post may, if the President or the Governor, as the case may be, deems it necessary in order to secure the services of a person having special qualifications, provide for the payment to him of compensation, if before the expiration of an agreed period that post is abolished or he is, for reasons not connected with any misconduct on his part, required to vacate that post. Article 311. Dismissal, removal or reduction in rank of persons employed in civil capacities under the Union or a State.(1) No person who is a member of a civil service of the Union or an all-India service or a civil service of a State or holds a civil post under the Union or a State shall be dismissed or removed by an authority subordinate to that by which he was appointed. (2) No such person as aforesaid shall be dismissed or removed or reduced in rank except after an inquiry in which he has been informed of the charges against him and given a reasonable opportunity of being heard in respect of those charges: Provided that where it is proposed after such inquiry, to impose upon him any such penalty, such penalty may be imposed on the basis of the evidence adduced during such inquiry and it shall not be necessary to give such person any opportunity of making representation on the penalty proposed: Provided further that this clause shall not apply: (a) Where a person is dismissed or removed or reduced in rank on the ground of conduct which has led to his conviction on a criminal charge; or (b) Where the authority empowered to dismiss or remove a person or to reduce him in rank is satisfied that for some reason, to be recorded by that authority in writing, it is not reasonably practicable to hold such inquiry; or


Where the President or the Governor, as the case may be, is satisfied that in the interest of the security of the State it is not expedient to hold such inquiry.

(3) If, in respect of any such person as aforesaid, a question arises whether it is reasonably practicable to hold such inquiry as is referred to in clause (2), the decision thereon of the authority empowered to dismiss or remove such person or to reduce him in rank shall be final. Article 312. 1All India Services.(1) Notwithstanding anything in Chapter VI of Part VI or Part XI, if the Council of States has declared by resolution supported by not less than two thirds of the members present and voting that it is necessary or expedient in the national interest so to do, Parliament may by law provide for the creation of one or more all India Services (including an all India Judicial Service) common to the Union and the States, and, subject to the other provisions of this Chapter, regulate the recruitment, and the conditions of service of persons appointed, to any such service. (2) The Services known at the commencement of this Constitution as the Indian Administrative Service and the Indian Police Service shall be deemed to be services created by Parliament under this article. (3) The all India judicial service referred to in clause (1) shall not include any post inferior to that of a district judge as defined in article 236. (4) The law providing for the creation of the all India Judicial service aforesaid may contain such provisions for the amendment of Chapter VI of Part VI as may be necessary for giving effect to the provisions of that law and no such law shall be deemed to be an amendment of this Constitution for the purposes of article 368. Supreme Courts Ruling:The Supreme Court has held in an appeal filed before them that article 312 does not exclude the delegation of power to frame rules for regulation of recruitment and the conditions of service of All India Services. Article 313. Transitional Provisions.Until other provision is made in this behalf under this Constitution all laws in force immediately before the commencement of this Constitution and applicable to any public service or any post which continues to exist after the commencement of this Constitution, as an all India Service or as service or post under the Union or a State, shall continue in force so far as consistent with the provisions of this Constitution.

In its application to the State of Jammu & Kashmir, in article 312 after the words, the State the brackets and words (including the State of Jammu & Kashmir) shall be inserted.




[ No. LXI OF 1951]

An Act To Regulate The Recruitment, And The Conditions Of Service Of Persons Appointed, To The All India Services Common To The Union And The States. Be it enacted by Parliament as follows: 1. Short title.This Act may be called the All India Services Act, 1951. 2. Definition.In this Act, the expression an All India Service means the service known as the Indian Administrative Service or the service known as the Indian Police Service [ or any other service specified in section 2A]. 2-A2 Constitution of new All India Services.With effect from such date as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint in this behalf, there shall be constituted the following All India Services and different dates may be appointed for different services, namely: 1. The Indian Service of Engineers (Irrigation, Power, Buildings and Roads); 2. The Indian Forest Service; 3. The Indian Medical and Health Service. 3. Regulation of recruitment and conditions of service.(1) The Central Government may, after consultation with the Governments of the States concerned3 [including the State of Jammu and Kashmir],4 (and by notification in the Official Gazette) make rules for the regulation of recruitment, and the conditions of service of persons appointed to an All India Service.

(1A)The power to make rules conferred by this section shall include the power to give retrospective effect from a date not earlier than the date of commencement of this Act, to the rules or any of them but no retrospective effect shall be given to any rule so as to prejudicially affect the interests of any person to whom such rule may be applicable.

(2) Every rule made by the Central Government under this section and every regulation made under or in pursuance of any such rule, shall be laid, as soon as may be after such rule or regulation is made, before each House of Parliament while it is in session for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions, and if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the session or the successive sessions aforesaid, both Houses agree in making any modification in such rule or regulation or both Houses agree that such rule or regulation should not be made, the rule or regulation shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be; so, however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule or regulation. 4. Continuance of existing rulesAll rules in force immediately before the commencement of this Act and applicable to an All India Service shall continue to be in force and shall be deemed to be rules made under this Act.
1 2 3

Act No. 61 of 1951 enacted on 29.10.1951 Introduced by All India Services (Amendment) Act, 1953 (27 of 1963) enacted on 06.09.1963. Introduced by All India Services (Amendment) Act, 1958 (25 of 1958) enacted on 03.09.1958 4 Introduced by All India Services Regulation (Indemnity) Act, 1975 (19 of 1975) enacted on 06.05.1975 5 Introduced by the A.I.S (Amendment) Act, 1975 (23 of 1975) enacted on 09.05.1975



In exercise of the powers conferred by sub section (1) of section 3 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (LXI of 1951), the Central Government after consultation with the Governments of the States concerned, hereby makes the following rules, namely: 11. Short titleThese rules may be called the All India Services (Leave) Rules, 1955. 2. DefinitionsIn these rules, unless the context otherwise requires: 2(a) commuted leave means leave taken under rule 13; 2(b) completed year of service means continuous service of the specified duration under the Government and includes periods spent on duty as well as on leave including extraordinary leave; 2(c) duty means duty as a member of the Service and includes: (i) service as probationer; (ii) joining time; (iii) such other periods as the Government may, by general or special order, declare as duty; 2 (d) earned leave means leave earned under rule 10; 2 (e) earned leave due means the amount of earned leave to the credit of a member of the Service on the date on which he became subject to these rules calculated in accordance with the Government rule by which he was governed immediately before that date plus the amount of earned leave calculated as prescribed in rule 10 diminished by the amount of earned leave taken after the date on which he became subject to these rules; 2 (f) foreign service means service where a member of the Service receives his pay with the sanction of the Government from any source other than the Consolidated Fund of India or the Consolidated Fund of any State; 2 (g) Government means : (i) in the case of member of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the Union, the Central Government; or (ii) in the case of a member of the Service serving under a foreign Government (whether on duty or on leave), the Central Government; or (iii) in the case of a member of the Service serving in connection with affairs of a State, the Government of that State; or (iv) in the case of a member of the Service on leave, the Government who sanctioned him the leave;

The principal rule was published vide Notification No.5/2/53-AIS(II), dated 12.09.1955 (GSR No.1979 dt.17.09.1955) Notification No. 5/2/53-AIS(II) dated 12.09.55 (GSR No. 1979 dt. 17.09.55)

Provided that in the case of a member of the Service who is granted leave on expiry of his deputation to the Central Government, another State Government or Foreign Service, Government shall also include the Government of the State on whose cadre he is borne.

Explanation:A member of the Service whose services are placed at the disposal of any company, corporation, organization or any local authority by the Central Government or the Government of a State shall, for the purposes of these rules, be deemed to be a member of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the Union or the affairs of that State, as the case may be, notwithstanding that his salary is drawn from sources other than the Consolidated Fund of the Union or of that State. 2(h) half pay leave means leave earned under rule 12 in respect of completed years of service; 2 (i) half pay leave due means the amount of half pay leave to the credit of member of the Service on the date on which he became subject to these rules calculated in accordance with the Government rules by which he was governed immediately before that date plus the amount of half pay leave calculated as prescribed in rule 12 diminished by the amount of half pay leave including twice the amount of commuted leave taken under these rules; 2 (j) joining time means the time allowed to a member of the Service in which to join a new post or to travel to or from station to which he is posted; 2(k) leave includes earned leave, half pay leave, commuted leave, leave not due, extraordinary leave, study leave, special disability leave, maternity leave or any other authorised leave of absence; 2 (l) leave salary means the monthly amount admissible to a member of the Service who has been granted leave under these rules;

2(m) member of the service means a member of an All-India Service as defined in Section 2 of the All-India Service Act, 1951 (61 of 1951) 2(n) month means a calendar month.

Explanation:In calculating a period expressed in terms of months and days, complete calendar months irrespective of the number of days of which each such month may consist shall first be calculated and the odd number of days calculated subsequently. 3. Right of leave3 (1) Leave cannot be claimed as of right and when the exigencies of public service so demand, leave of any description may be refused or revoked by the Government. 3(2) It shall not be open to the Government to compel any member of the Service to proceed on leave or, except at the request of the member of the Service, to alter the nature of leave due and applied for. 4. Earning of leaveExcept as otherwise provided in these rules, leave shall be earned by duty only. Explanation: For the purpose of this rule, the period spent on foreign service counts as duty if, on account of such period, contributions towards leave salary have been paid by the foreign employer or the member of the Service or remitted by the Government.
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Inserted vide M.H.A. Notification No. 14/2/68-AIS(III) dated 05.09.1968 (GSR No.1562 dt.14.09.1968.) Substituted vide MHA Notification No. 14/9/66-AIS(III) dated 19.10.1966 (GSR No.1633 dt.29.10.1966.).

5. Commencement and termination of leaveLeave ordinarily begins on the day on which a transfer of charge is effected and ends on the day preceding that on which such charge is resumed. Where joining time is allowed to a member of the Service returning from leave out of India, the last day of his leave is the day before the arrival at his moorings or anchorage in the port of debarkation on which the aircraft in which he returns, arrives at its first regular port in India: Provided that the Government may prescribe the circumstance in and conditions on which Sundays or other public holiday may be prefixed, or, affixed (or both prefixed and affixed) to leave. 6. Return to duty on expiry of leaveExcept with the permission of the authority which granted him leave, no member of the Service on leave may return to duty before the expiry of the period of leave granted to him. 7. Maximum period of absence from duty(1) No member of the Service shall be granted leave of any kind for a continuous period exceeding five years.

(2) A member of the Service shall be deemed to have resigned from the service if (a) (b) (c) is absent without authorisation for a period exceeding one year from the date of expiry of sanctioned leave or permission, or is absent from duty for a continuous period exceeding five years even if the period of unauthorized absence is for less than a year, or continues of foreign service beyond the period approved by the Central Government:

he -

Provided that a reasonable opportunity to explain the reason for such absence or continuation of foreign service shall be given to the member of the Service before the provisions of this sub-rule are invoked. 8. Combination of leaveExcept as otherwise provided in these rules, any kind of leave under these rules may be granted in combination with or in continuation of any other kind of leave. 9. Grant of leave beyond the date of retirement


No leave shall be granted to a member of the Service beyond the date on which he retires from service under Rule 16 of the All India Services (Death cum Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958.

6 7 8

9(2) 9(3) 9(4) The Government shall suo motu sanction to a member of the Service who is deemed to have retired from service under sub-rule (1) of rule 5A of the All India Services (Death-um-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958, the cash equivalent of leave salary in respect of the period of earned leave at his credit on the deemed date of his retirement to the

Substituted by DO&T Notification No.11019/15/2003-AIS-III dated 19.10.2004 (GSR No.373, dt. 30.10.2004 and Notification No.11019/15/2003-AIS-III dated 19.03.2007 (GSR No.207E dated 19.03.2007) 5 Substituted vide MHA Notification No. 14/1/69-AIS(III) dated 13.5.1970 and further modified by DP&AR Notification No. 11019/40/77-AIS(III) dated February, 1979 (GSR No. 366, dt. 10.03.1979) 6 Deleted vide Notification No. 11019/25/81-AIS(III) dated 03.02.1984 (GSR No. 163, dated 18.02.1984) 7 Deleted vide DP&AR Notification No. 19/40/77-AIS(III) dt. 12.02.1979 (GSR No. 366 dated 10.03.1979). 8 Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 11019/10/86-AIS(III) dated 14.05.1987 (GSR No.406 dt. 30.05.1987)

extent permissible under the orders issued by the Central Government in regard to the officers of the Central Civil Services, Group A.


10. Rate and amount of earned leave


10(1)(a) The leave account of a member of the Service shall be credited with 30 days earned leave in calendar year. This shall be done in advance in two instalments of 15 days each on the 1st of January and July, every year: Provided that the leave account of a member of the Service working in the North East or who goes on inter-cadre deputation to a North Eastern State shall be credited 40 days earned leave in calendar year. This shall be done in advance in two instalments of 20 days each on the 1st of January and July, every year.


The credit afforded under clause (a) above shall be reduced by 1/10th of the period of extraordinary leave only availed of during the previous half year, subject to a maximum of 15 days. The earned leave at the credit of a member of the Service at the close of a half-year shall be carried forward to the next half-year subject to the condition that the earned leave so carried forward plus the credit for that half-year shall not exceed 300 days. If a member of the Service is appointed on or after the 1st of January of a year, earned leave shall be credited to his leave account at the rate of 2 1/2 days for each completed calendar month of service which he is likely to render in a half-year of the calendar year in which he is appointed: Provided that earned leave shall be credited to the leave account at the rate of 3-1/3 days for each completed calendar month of service for a member of the Service working in the North East or on intercadre deputation to a North Eastern State.




The credit for the half-year in which a member of the Service is due to retire or resign from service shall be afforded only at the rate of 2 1/2 days per completed calendar month in the half-year up to the date of retirement or resignation. If the leave already availed of is more than the credit so due to him necessary adjustment shall be made in respect of leave salary overdrawn, if any: Provided that the credit for the half year in which a member of the Service working in the North East or on inter-cadre deputation to a North Eastern State is due to retire or resign from service shall be afforded at the rate of 3-1/3 days for each completed calendar month.


When a member of the Service is removed or dismissed from the service or dies while in service, credit of earned leave shall be allowed at the rate of 2 1/2 days per completed calendar month up to the end

Deleted vide DP&AR Notification No. 11019/5/76-AIS(III) dated 20.06.1977 (GSR No. 815 dt 25.06.1977.) Substituted vide DOP&T Notification No. 11019/6/97-AIS(III) dt. 03.03.1998 (GSR No. 60 dt. 14.03.1998) 11 Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No.11019/17/2005-AIS-III dated 19.03.2007(GSR No.208E dated 19.03.2007) 12 ibid note 11 13 ibid note 11

of the calendar month preceding the calendar month in which he is removed or dismissed from service or dies in service. Where the quantum of earned leave is in excess of the leave, the overpayment of leave salary shall be recovered in such cases: Provided that when a member of the Service working in the North East or on inter-cadre deputation to a North Eastern State is removed or dismissed from the service, credit of earned leave shall be allowed at the rate of 3-1/3 days for each calendar month
15 14


When a member of the Service joins a new post without availing full joining time by reason that (a) he is ordered to join the new post at a new place of posting without availing of full joining time to which he is entitled; or (b) he proceeds alone to new place of posting and joins the post without availing full joining time and takes his family later within the permissible period of time for claiming travelling allowance for the family, the number of days of joining time subject to a maximum of 15 days reduced by the number of days actually availed of, shall be credited to his leave account as earned leave: Provided that the earned leave at his credit together with the unavailed joining time allowed to be so credited shall not exceed 300 days.

[Note: For the provisos in clauses (a), (d), (e), (f), in sub-rule(1), North East or North Eastern State shall mean North East cadres of Assam-Meghalaya, Manipur-Tripura, Nagaland and Sikkim.] 10(2) While affording credit under sub rule (1) fraction of a day shall be rounded off to the nearest day. 10(3) In the case of a State service officer appointed to the All India Services the maximum limit on accumulation of leave laid down in clause(c)17 of sub-rule (1) shall not apply during the period of the first five years from the date of his appointment to the Service or from that of the commencement of these rules, whichever is later, and such an officer may be allowed during the said period of five years to avail himself of the accumulated leave to his credit: Provided that on the expiry of the said period of five years the leave at the credit of the officer in excess of the normal maximum limit of accumulation of leave laid down in sub-rule (2) shall lapse: Provided further that he shall not earn leave during that period unless the accumulated leave at his credit falls below 300 days. 11.


Maximum Leave Admissible at a time

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ibid note 11 Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 11019/5/76-AIS(III) dated 14.05.1977, inserted vide Notification No. 11019/4/88-AIS(III) dated 08.01.1990 (GSR No. 45, dt. 27.01.1990) 16 Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No.11019/17/2005-AIS-III dated 19.03.2007(GSR No.208E dated 19.03.2007) 17 Substituted vide DP&AR Not. No. 11019/5/76-AIS(III) dated 20.06.1977 (GSR No. 815 dt.25.06.1977) 18 Substituted vide Not. No. 11019/6/91-AIS(III) dated 03.05.1993 (GSR No. 252 dt. 22.05.1993)

11(1) Subject to the provisions of rule 9, and sub-rule (2) of this rule, the maximum earned leave that can be granted to a member of the service at a time shall be 19180 days:

Provided that earned leave granted as preparatory to retirement shall be subject to a maximum of 30021 days.

11(2) Earned leave may be granted to a member of the Service exceeding a period of 180 days but not exceeding 240 days, if the entire leave so granted or any portion thereof is spent outside India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, 22Nepal and Pakistan: Provided that where earned leave exceeding a period of 120 days is granted under this sub-rule, the period of such leave spent in India shall not in the aggregate exceed 120 days. 12. Half pay leave

12(1) The half pay leave account of every member of Service shall subject to the provisions of sub-rule (2), be credited with half pay leave in advance in two instalments of ten days each on the first day of January and July of every calendar year.

12(2) (a) The leave shall be credited to the said leave account at the rate of 5/3 days for each completed calendar month of service which he is likely to render in the half year of the calendar year in which he is appointed. 12(2) (b) The credit for the half year in which a member of Service is due to retire or resign from the service shall be allowed at the rate of 5/3 days per completed calendar month up to the date of retirement or resignation. 12(2) (c) When a member of the Service is removed or dismissed from service or dies while in service, credit of half pay leave shall be allowed at the rate of 5/3 days per completed calendar month up to the end of the calendar month preceding the calendar month in which he is removed or dismissed from service or dies in service. 12(3) The leave under this rule may be granted on medical certificate or on private affairs. 13. Commuted Leave

13(1)Commuted leave not exceeding half the amount of half pay leave due may be granted on medical certificate to a member of the Service subject to the condition that twice the amount of such leave shall be debitable to the half pay leave due.

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Inserted vide DOP&T Not.No.11019/6/97-AIS(III) dated 03.03.1998(GSR No. 60 dt . 25.06.1977) ibid note 19 ibid note 19 22 The words Daman, Diu & Goa omitted vide M.H.A Not. No. 14/1/69-AIS(III), dated 13.05.1970 (GSR No.815 dt. 23.05.1970) 23 Substituted vide DOP&T Not.No.11019/16/85-AIS(III) dt. 26.5.1986. (GSR No. 411 dt. 07.06.1986) 24 Inserted/deleted/modified vide DP&AR Notification No. 1/9/74-AIS(III) dated 10.06.1975 (GSR No. 754, dt. 21.06.1975) effective from 01.11.1973 & DP&AR Notification No. 11019/13/77-AIS(III) dated 01.07.1977. (GSR No.431E, dt. 01.06.1977.)

13(2) Commuted leave for a period not exceeding ninety days may be granted to a member of the Service during his entire service when such leave is availed of for course of study which is certified to be in public interest by the Government. 13(3) No commuted leave may be granted under this rule unless the Government has reason to believe that the member of the Service will return to duty on its expiry.

13(4)Where a member of the Service who has been granted commuted leave resigns from service or, at his request, is permitted to retire voluntarily without returning to duty, the commuted leave shall be treated as half pay leave and the difference between leave salary in respect of commuted leave and half pay leave shall be recovered: Provided that no such recovery shall be made if the retirement is by reason of ill-health incapacitating the member of the Service for further service or in the event of his death.

14. Leave not dueSave in the case of leave preparatory to retirement leave not due may be granted to a member of the Service for a period not exceeding 360 days during his entire service 26[ ] on medical certificate. NOTE (1) Leave not due shall not be granted to a member of the Service unless the Government is satisfied that as far as can be reasonably foreseen, he will return to duty and earn an equal amount of half pay leave. Leave not due shall be debited against the half pay leave the member of the Service may earn subsequently. (2) A member of the Service who is invalidated during the currency of or at the end of a period of leave not due, shall be retired from the date of expiry of such leave not due. (3) Where a member of the Service who has been granted leave not due under this rule applies for and is granted permission to retire, the leave not due shall be cancelled and his retirement shall have effect from the date on which such leave commenced. 15. Extraordinary Leave 15 (1) Subject to the provisions of rule 7, extraordinary leave may be granted to a member of the Service in the following special circumstances, that is to say 15 (1) (a) When no other kind of leave is admissible, or 15 (1) (b) When any other kind of leave is admissible but the member of the Service applies in writing for the grant of extraordinary leave. 15 (2) Government may retrospectively convert periods of absence without leave into extraordinary leave even when any other kind of leave was admissible at the time when absence without leave commenced. 15 (3) Extraordinary leave shall not be debited to the leave account. 16. Special disability leave

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Inserted vide Notification No. 11019/24/81-AIS(III) dt. 13.04.1983 (GSR No. 338, dt. 30.04.1983) Deleted vide Notification No. 11019/11/88-AIS(III), dt. 29.03.1989. (GSR No.397E, dt. 29.03.1989)


16 (1) Special disability leave, which may be combined with leave of any other kind, may be granted to a member of the Service under such conditions as may be prescribed in the regulations made in this behalf by the Central Government in consultation with the State Governments concerned. 16 (2) Such leave shall not be debited to the leave account except as provided in sub-rule (6) of rule 20. 16 (3) Such leave may be granted on more than one occasion if the disability is aggravated or reproduced in similar circumstances on a later date but not more than twenty-four months of such leave in all shall be granted in consequence of any one disability. 16 (4) When a member of the Service suffers an injury while on service under the Armed Forces, any period of leave granted under the leave rules applicable in the Armed Forces in respect of that injury shall be treated as leave granted under this rule. 17. Study Leave 17 (1) Study Leave may be granted to a member of the Service on such terms as may be prescribed in the regulations made in this behalf by the Central Government in consultation with the State Governments concerned to enable him to undergo, in India or out of India, a special course of study or instructions approved by the Government in public interest. 17 (2) Such leave shall not be debited to the leave account. 18. Maternity leave

18(1) Maternity leave may be granted to a woman member of the Service with less than two surviving children on full pay up to a period of 180* days from the date of its commencement. During such period, she shall be paid leave salary equal to the pay drawn immediately before proceeding on leave.

18 (2) Such leave shall not be debited to the leave account . 18 (3) Maternity leave may be combined with leave of any other kind. Notwithstanding the requirement of production of medical certificate contained in rule 13 and rule 14, leave of the kind due and admissible (including commuted leave for a period not exceeding 60 days and leave not due) up to a maximum of two year*, may, if applied for, be granted in continuation of maternity leave granted under sub-rule (1). NOTE: Maternity leave may be granted in cases of miscarriage including abortion subject to the condition that the leave applied for does not exceed six weeks and the application for leave is supported by a medical certificate.


18(A) Leave to a female member of Service on adoption of child (1) A female member of the Service with less than two surviving children, on valid adoption of a child below the age of one year, may be granted child adoption leave for a period of 180 days immediately after the date of such adoption:


Inserted vide Not. No. 11019/6/97-AIS(III) dt. 09.03.1998. (GSR No. 60 dt . 14.03.1998) 28 Inserted vide Not. No. 11019/27/08-AIS(III) dt. 19.09.2011. (GSR No. 707(E) dt . 21.09.2011) * Inserted vide Not. No. 11019/27/08-AIS(III) dt. 19.09.2011. (GSR No. 707(E) dt . 21.09.2011)


Provided that child adoption leave shall not be admissible where such member is already having two or more surviving children at the time of such adoption. (2) During the period of child adoption leave, such member shall be paid leave salary equal to the pay drawn immediately before proceeding on leave. (3) Child adoption leave can be combined with leave of any other kind. (4) In continuation of child adoption leave granted under sub-rule(1), a female member of the Service on valid adoption of a child, if so applies, may also be granted leave of the kind due and admissible (including commuted leave without production of medical certificate for a period not exceeding 60 days and leave not due), for such period and in such manner as may be specified hereunder, namely:a) if the age of the adopted child is less than one month on the date of adoption, leave up to one year may be allowed; b) if the age of the child is six months and above but less than seven months, leave up to six months may be allowed; c) if the age of the child is nine months and above but less than ten months, leave up to three months may be allowed: (5) Child adoption leave shall not be debited against the leave account.

18(B) Paternity leave(1) A male member of the Service (including a probationer) with less than two surviving children, may be granted paternity leave by an authority competent to grant leave for a period of 15 days, during the confinement of his wife for childbirth, i.e. up to 15 days before, or up to six months from the date of delivery of the child. (2) During such period of 15 days, he shall be paid leave salary equal to the pay drawn immediately before proceeding on leave. (3) The paternity leave may be combined with leave of any other kind. (4) The paternity leave shall not be debited against the leave account. (5) If paternity leave is not availed of within the period specified in subrule (1), such leave shall be treated as lapsed. Note:- The paternity leave shall not normally be refused under any circumstances.

18 (C)* Paternity leave for child adoption(1) A male member of the Service (including a probationer) with less than two surviving children, on valid adoption of a child below the age of one year, may be granted Paternity Leave by the competent authority for a period of 15 days, within a period of six months from the date of such adoption: Provided that such leave shall not be refused under any circumstances.

Inserted vide Notification No. 11019/6/97-AIS(III) dated 09.03.1998 (GSR No.71. dt. 28.03.1998) Substituted vide Notification No.11019/50/2006-AIS(III) dated 26.07.2007 (GSR No.510E, dt.26.07.2007) * Inserted vide Not. No. 11019/27/08-AIS(III) dt. 19.09.2011. (GSR No. 707(E) dt . 21.09.2011)



(2) During the period of Paternity Leave, such member shall be paid leave salary equal to the pay drawn immediately before proceeding on leave. (3) The Paternity Leave may be combined with leave of any other kind. (4) The Paternity Leave shall not be debited against the leave account. (5) If Paternity Leave is not availed within the period specified in sub-rule (1), such leave shall be treated as having lapsed. 18 (D)* Child Care Leave to a female member of the Service(1) A female member of the Service having minor children below the age of eighteen years may be granted child care leave by the competent authority for a maximum of 730 days during her entire service for taking care of up to two children. (2) During the period of child care leave, such member shall be paid leave salary equal to the pay drawn immediately before proceeding on leave. (3) Child care leave may be combined with leave of the kind due and admissible. (4) Notwithstanding the requirement of production of medical certificates contained in sub-rule (1) of rule 13 or rule 14, leave of the kind due and admissible (including commuted leave not exceeding 60 days and leave not due) up to a maximum of one year, if applied for, be granted in continuation of child care leave granted under sub-rule(1). (5) Child care leave may be availed in more than one spell. (6) Child care leave shall not be debited against the leave account of the member of the Service. 19. Conversion of one kind of leave into another kind 19 (1) At the request of a member of the Service, the Government may convert any kind of leave retrospectively into leave of a different kind, which may be admissible, but the member of the Service cannot claim such conversion as a matter of right. 19 (2) If one kind of leave is converted into another the amount of leave salary admissible shall be recalculated and arrears of leave salary paid or amounts overdrawn recovered, as the case may be. 20. Leave Salary 20 (1) A member of the Service on earned leave is entitled to leave salary equal to the pay drawn immediately before proceeding on earned leave, 20 (2) A member of the Service on half pay leave or leave not due is entitled to leave salary equal to half the amount specified in sub-rule (1).
*Inserted vide Not. No. 11019/27/08-AIS(III) dt. 19.09.2011. (GSR No. 707(E) dt . 21.09.2011)


20 (3) A member of the Service on commuted leave is entitled to leave salary equal to the amount admissible under sub-rule (1). 20 (4) A member of the Service on extraordinary leave is not entitled to any leave salary. 20 (5) A member of the Service on special disability leave shall be entitled, in respect or the initial period of 120 days, to leave salary in accordance with sub-rule (1). 20 (6) In respect of special disability leave beyond the initial period of 120 days leave salary equal to the amount specified in sub-rule (1), may be granted at the option of the member of the Service for a further period limited to the number of days of earned leave due to him in which case the earned leave account shall be debited with half the number of days for which leave salary is granted under this sub-rule. 20 (7) The leave salary during special disability leave in respect of any period not covered by sub-rules (5) and (6) shall be at the rate specified in subrule (2).

20A Payment of cash equivalent of leave salary in case of retirement or death.(1) Where a member of the Service retires from the service, whether on attaining the age of superannuation under sub-rule(1) of rule 15 or sub-rule(2), (2A) or (3) of rule 16, of the All India Services (Deathcum-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958 or dies, the Government shall suomotu sanction to him or his family, as the case may be, cash equivalent of leave salary in respect of both earned leave and half pay leave, if any, standing in his credit on the date on which he ceases to be member of the Service subject to a maximum of 300 days and pay the same in lumpsum as a one time settlement32. The cash equivalent shall be equal to the leave salary as admissible for earned leave and /or equal to the leave salary as admissible for half pay leave plus dearness allowance admissible on the leave salary for the first 300 days. (2) The cash equivalent of leave salary payable to a member of service, under sub-rule(1) shall also include dearness allowance but shall not include any other allowances. (3) The cash equivalent of leave salary for earned leave payable under sub-rule(1) shall be calculated as follows:


Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No. 1/9/74-AIS(III) dated 10.06.1975 (GSR No.754 dt . 21.06.1975) and sub-rule(1) further modified vide DP&AR Not.No.11019/13/77-AIS(III), dated 01.07.1977(GSR No.431E dt . 01.07.1977) and further modified vide DOP&T Notification No. 11019/7/93-AIS(III) dated 22.12.1993(GSR No.52 dt . 22.12.1999) 32 Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No. 11019/10/2000-AIS(III) dt. 07.02.2001.


Pay admissible on the date of retirement/death Plus Dearness Allowances admissible thereon x 30
Number of days of unutilized earned leave at credit up to a maximum of 300 days

Cash payment in lieu of Earned leave component

(4)* The leave salary payable for the Half Pay Leave component under sub-rule (1), shall be calculated as follows:Half pay leave salary admissible on the date of retirement plus Dearness Allowance admissible on that date 30 Number of days of half pay leave at credit subject to the total of earned leave and half pay leave at credit not X exceeding 300 days.

Cash payment in lieu of half pay leave component =

Provided that to make up the shortfall in earned leave, no commutation of half pay leave shall be permissible. (a) A member of the Service who has been permitted by the State Government to voluntarily retire from service while under suspension or who is retired by the Central Government in public interest while under suspension shall be paid cash equivalent of leave salary under sub-rule(1) in respect of the period of leave at his credit on the date of his retirement from service provided that in the opinion of the authority competent to order reinstatement the member of the service has been fully exonerated and the suspension was wholly unjustified.

20(B) Payment of cash equivalent of leave salary to a member of service who resigns from serviceThe Government shall suo motu sanction to a member of Service who resigns from the service the cash equivalent of leave salary in respect of earned leave at his credit on the date of cessation of service, to the extent of half of such leave at his credit, subject to a maximum of 150 days34. 20(C) Encashment of earned leave at the time of availing Leave Travel Concession (1) A member of the Service may be sanctioned encashment of ten days of earned leave out of the total earned leave at his credit while availing leave travel concession if (i) The total earned leave encashed under this rule during the entire service of such member does not exceed sixty days;


33 34 35

Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No. 11019/6/97-AIS(III) dated 09.03.1998 (GSR No. 71 dt. 28.03.1998) Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No.11019/7/93-AIS(III) dt. 22.12.1993 (w.e.f 14.7.1982) (GSR No.52 dt . 22.12.1999) Inserted & substituted vide DOP&T Notification No. 11019/6/97-AIS(III) dated 09.03.1998 (given effect from 07.10.1997) (GSR No. 71 dt. 28.03.1998) & 03.03.1998 (given effect from 1.7.1997) (GSR No. 60 dt. 14.03.1998) * Inserted vide Not. No. 11019/27/08-AIS(III) dt. 19.09.2011. (GSR No. 707(E) dt . 21.09.2011)


(ii) Omitted* Provided that the encashment of earned leave up to ten days at the time of availing leave travel concession is without any linkage to the number of days and the nature of leave availed by the member of the Service while proceeding on leave travel concession. (iii) A balance of at least thirty days earned leave remains at the credit of the member of the Service after availing of the earned leave during leave travel concession. (2) The earned leave encashed under this rule shall not** be deducted from the total earned leave encashable by a member of the Service at the time of superannuation, resignation or death, as the case may be. (3) The amount admissible in case of encashment of earned leave under sub-rule (1) shall be equal to the corresponding leave salary.
**(4) Where both husband and wife are members of the Services, the

encashment of leave equal to ten days at the time of availing Leave Travel Concession shall continue to be available to both, subject to the provisions of clause (i) of sub-rule (1). 21. Accepting any service or employment while on leave 21(1) A member of the Service on leave shall not take any service or accept any employment without obtaining the permission of the Government: Provided that a member of the Service who has been granted permission to take any service or accept any employment during leave preparatory to retirement shall be precluded from withdrawing his request for permission to retire and from returning to duty. NOTE.This rule does not apply to casual literary work or service as an examiner or similar employment. 21(2) The leave salary of a member of the Service who is permitted to take up employment36 during leave preparatory to retirement shall be subject to such restrictions as the Central Government may, by general or special order, prescribe. 22. Recall of a member of the Service while on leave A member of the Service who is recalled to duty before the expiry of the leave granted to him shall be entitled. 22(a) if the leave from which he is recalled is out of India. (i) to receive a free passage to India, and provided that he has not completed half the period of his leave by the date of leaving for India


Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No. 11019/6/97-AIS(III) dated 09.03.1998 (given effect from 7.10.1997) (GSR No. 71 dt. 28.03.1998) 37 Substituted vide DP&AR Not. No. 11019/13/77-AIS(III) dated 01.07.1977 (GSR No. 431(E) dt. 12.07.1977) * Omitted vide Not. No. 11019/27/08-AIS(III) dt. 19.09.2011. (GSR No. 707(E) dt . 21.09.2011) ** Inserted vide Not. No. 11019/27/08-AIS(III) dt. 19.09.2011. (GSR No. 707(E) dt . 21.09.2011)


on recall or 90 days whichever period is shorter, to receive a refund of the cost of his passage from India; (ii) to receive travelling allowance, admissible to him as a member of the Service in respect of the journey from the port of debarkation to the station to which he is posted; (iii) to count the time spent on the voyage to India as duty for purpose of calculating leave; and (iv) to receive leave salary during the voyage to India, and for the period from the date of landing in India to the date of joining his post, to be paid leave salary at the same rate at which he would have drawn it had he not been recalled but returned in the ordinary course on the termination of his leave. 22(b) If the leave from which he is recalled is in India, to be treated as on duty from the date on which he starts for the station to which he is ordered and to draw traveling allowances admissible to him as a member of the service for the journey but to draw until he joins his post, leave salary only. ExplanationFor purpose of this rule leave out of India has the same meaning as given in sub-rule (2) of rule 11. 23. Rejoining of duty on return from leave on medical grounds No member of the Service who has been granted leave on medical certificate shall return to duty without first producing a medical certificate of fitness in such form as the Government may, by order, prescribe. A similar certificate may be required in the case of a member of the Service who has been granted leave for reasons of health, even though such leave was not actually granted on a medical certificate. 24. Overstayal after expiry of leaveA member of the Service who remains absent at the end of his leave is entitled to no leave salary for the period of such absence and that period shall be debited to his leave account as though it were leave on half pay, unless his leave is extended by the Government. Willful absence from duty after the expiry of leave may render a member of the Service liable to disciplinary action. 25. Effect of transfer to foreign service while on leave A member of the Service transferred to foreign service while on leave ceases, from the date of such transfer, to be on leave and shall not be entitled to draw leave salary from that date. 26. Regulation of leave during foreign service in India 26(1) A member of the Service who is on foreign service in India shall not be granted leave otherwise than in accordance with these rules and shall not be entitled to avail himself of leave or draw leave salary from Government unless he is actually relieved of his duty under the foreign employer and proceeds on leave. 26(2) If a member of the Service avails himself of leave to which he is not entitled, he may be required to refund leave salary irregularly drawn and in the event of his refusing to refund he shall forfeit previous service under the Government and shall cease to have any claim on the Government in respect of either pension or leave salary. 27. Regulation of leave during foreign service out of India


27(1) A member of the Service on foreign service out of India may be granted leave by his foreign employer on such conditions as the employer may determine. In any individual case, the authority sanctioning foreign service may determine beforehand in consultation with the employer, the conditions subject to which such leave may be granted by the employer. The leave salary in respect of such leave granted by the employer will be paid by the employer and such leave shall not be debited to the leave account of the member of the Service. 27(2) In special circumstances, the authority sanctioning a transfer to foreign service out of India may make arrangements with the member of the Service or the foreign employer under which leave may be granted to a member of the Service in accordance with these rules if the foreign employer or the member of the Service pay to the Consolidated Fund of India leave contribution at such rate as the Central Government may, by general or special order, prescribe.

Note. In the case of a member of the service who remains on foreign service out of India and who, on reversion, immediately takes leave under these rules, the leave salary shall be calculated in accordance with rule 20 of these rules. The pay, which the member of the Service would have drawn if on duty in India but for foreign Service out of India, shall be taken as the pay actually drawn for the purpose of calculating leave salary. 28(1) While a member of the Service is on foreign service in India contributions towards the amount of leave salary shall be paid to the Government concerned on his behalf. 28(2) The contribution due under sub-rule (1) shall be paid by the member of the Service himself unless the foreign employer agrees to pay them. 28(3) The rates of contribution payable under this rule shall be such as the Central Government may by general or special order, prescribe. 28(4) The Government may, by general or special order, remit the contributions payable under this rule in any specific case or class of cases. 28(5) A member of the Service on foreign service may not elect to withhold contributions and to forfeit the right to count as duty in Government service the time spent in foreign employ. 28(6) Neither the member of Service nor the foreign employer has any right of property in a contribution paid and no claim for refund shall be entertained.

28. Leave salary contribution while on foreign service in India

ExplanationFor the purpose of calculating the rate of leave salary admissible the pay drawn in foreign service, less in the case of the member of the Service paying his own contribution, such part of pay as may be paid as contribution, shall count as pay. 29. Extent of leave admissible to a probationer in case of termination of service If for any reason it is proposed to terminate the services of a member of the Service on probation, any leave which may be granted to him shall not extend beyond the date on which probationary period already sanctioned or extended expires, or any


Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 11019/25/80-AIS(III) dated 04.11.1982 (GSR No.931 dt.21.11.1982)


earlier date on which his services, are terminated by an order of the Central Government. 30. Counting of former service for leave in case of reinstatement after dismissal or removal or compulsory retirement from service A member of the Service who is dismissed or removed or compulsorily retired from the Service but is reinstated on appeal or revision, under the relevant provisions of the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969, shall be entitled to count his former service for leave. 31. Procedural instructions 31(1) A leave account shall be maintained in respect of each member of the Service. 31(2) Subject to any general or special order that may be issued by the Central Government, if necessary in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India, the Government may prescribe the procedure to be followed in regard to (i) making of application for leave, and for permission to return from leave. (ii) granting of leave; and (iii) the payment of leave salary. 32. Relaxation of the provisions of the rules in individual casesWhere the Government is satisfied that the operation of any of these rules causes or is likely to cause undue hardship to a member of the Service, it may, after recording its reasons for so doing and notwithstanding anything contained in any of these rules, deal with the case of such member in such manner as may appear to it to be just and equitable: Provided that the case shall not be dealt with in any manner less favouable to such member than that prescribed in these rules. 33. InterpretationIf any question arises as to the interpretation of these rules, the Central Government shall decide the same. 34. RepealAll rules corresponding to these rules and in force immediately before the commencement of these rules are hereby repealed: Provided that any order made or action taken under the rules so repealed shall be deemed to have been made or taken under the corresponding provisions of these rules. 3540

39 40

Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No.7/1/73-AIS(III)-A dated 02.01.1975 (GSR No. 39 dt. 18.01.1975) Omitted vide DP&AR order No. 31/7/72AIS(III) dated 22.05.1973



GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS ORDERS UNDER RULE 2 1. Joining time, pay and Transfer allowance is not entitled to a probationer, who subsequently joins IAS before completion of the earlier IPS probation, though carry forward of earned leave is permissible: - A question arose whether the past service, as an I.P.S. probationer, or an I.A.S. Probationer would count for purpose of joining time, leave etc. 2. The attributes of a substantive holder of a post that a probationer enjoys can apply to the Service or Post in which he is on probation. Consequently, on his appointment to the I.A.S. before completion of his probationary period in the I.P.S. the officer is to be treated as the nonsubstantive holder of a post in the I.P.S. He will therefore not be entitled to joining time, joining time pay and transfer allowance under the Government of Indias decision No.4 below F.R. 105. 3. The carry forward of the leave earned by the officers as an I.P.S probationer is permissible, as it does not depend on his status, permanent or temporary. [G.I. M.H.A. letter No. 14/12/62AIS(I) dated 28th November, 1962] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS ORDERS UNDER RULE 10 1. Procedure for crediting earned leave for Govt. Servants.- The Fourth Pay Commission, vide its report in para 26.2, made the following recommendations: 2. The present procedure of crediting E.L. in two instalments of 15 days each on January 1st and July 1st of every calendar year may be reviewed to remove disadvantages to employees in cases where they have already accumulated 180 days of E.L. (now 240 days) before January 1st or July 1st. 3. The above recommendation was considered and accepted by the Government. This was implemented with effect from 1.1.90 in the manner indicated below. (i) In case of officers, having at their credit E.L of 225 days or less as on 1st January/1st July of a year, Earned Leave of 15 days or proportionately less in respect of retiring persons or those leaving service during the next half year may continue to be credited to their leave account in advance as at present. In case of officers, having at their credit E.L. of 225 days or less as on 1st January / 1st July of a year, Earned Leave of 15 days may be kept separately and first adjusted against any E.L. that the officer may take during the ensuing half year and the balance if any credited to the earned leave account at the close of the half year subject to the ceiling of 240 days . If the earned leave taken during the half year is more than 15 days the amount in excess of 15 days will however, have to be debited to the leave account.


For example: (1) if as on 1.1.90 the officer has at his credit earned leave of 225 days, 15 days earned leave will be credited in advance to his leave account provided he is not due to retire during the ensuing half year; (2) if on 1.1.90 the officer has at his credit 240 days earned leave and (a) if he avails 15 days earned leave during the period 1.1.90 to 30.6.90, the earned leave so taken will be adjusted against the 15 days earned leave kept


separately to be credited to his account as on 1.1.90. He will thus have at his credit as on 1.7.90, 240 days earned leave and (b) if on the other hand he takes only 10 days earned leave during the half year ending 30.6.90 such leave will be adjusted against the earned leave of 15 days to be credited to his earned leave account on 1.1.90. No further leave will, however, be credited to his earned leave account and the earned leave at his credit as on 1.7.90 will continue to be 240 days. (3) if as on 1.1.90 the officer has 230 days earned leave at his credit and (a) if he takes 15 days earned leave during the half year ending 30.6.90 such leave will be adjusted against the 15 days earned leave to be credited to his account on 1.1.90 and the earned leave at credit as on 1.7.90 will remain 230 days (b) if, however, he takes only 10 days earned leave during the same half year, this will first be adjusted against the 15 days earned leave to be credited as on 1.1.90 and the balance of 5 days will be credited to his leave account so that as on 1.7.90 the earned leave at his credit will be 235 days. [DP&T letter No. 11019/5/90AIS(III) dated 8.8.90 and amended further vide letter No. 11019/4/99AIS(III) dated 15.7.99, which is reproduced below.] 2. Procedure for crediting earned leave: - Extracts of letter No. 11019/4/99AIS(III) dated 15.7.99 of Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training ) addressed to all the Chief Secretaries of the State Governments/UTs: (1) The question whether procedure for crediting earned leave, as contained in this Departments letters No. 11019/5/90AIS(III) dated 8th August 1990 required any modifications in view of the maximum limit of the earned leave having been increased from 240 days to 300 days by the Fifth Pay Commission, was examined by the Central Government and it has now been decided that the procedure for crediting earned leave, as contained in the aforesaid letter, will continue to be same except that the figures 225 days and 240 days , wherever occurring in the said letter, will be replaced by the figures 285 and 300 days respectively. (2) The benefit of earned leave to the maximum limit of 300 days was extended to the members of the All India Services, vide Notification No. 11019/6/97AIS(III) dated 3rd march 1998, which was made effective from 1st of July 1997. These instructions will also come into effect from 1st of July 1997. The State Governments etc., may kindly regulate the crediting of earned leave accordingly. (3) Unavailed Joining Time: It has been decided that the unavailed joining time should be credited in the earned leave account of the member of the Service automatically by the administrative authorities when the officer furnishes his joining report. In case he wishes to go back at a later time to bring his family etc., he may avail of any leave due to him for that purpose. [No.11019/9/93AIS(III) dated 15.7.93 & 6.12.93] (4) If a Govt. Servant is on leave on the last day of any particular half of a calendar year, he shall be entitled to earned leave credited on the first day of the succeeding half year provided that the authority competent to grant leave has reason to believe that the Government servant will return to duty on its expiry. [DP&AR letter No. 11019/9/93AIS(III) dated 15.7.93 & 6.12.93] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS ORDERS UNDER RULE 14


1. Leave not due availed by earlier Central/State rules shall be counted towards the limit of 360 days: - The Govt. of India have decided that leave not due, if any, availed of by a member of the Service under the Ordinary Leave Rules or the Revised Leave Rules, 1933 (Central) or the corresponding Rules of the State Govts. shall be counted towards the limit of 360 days laid down in this rule. [G.I.M.H.A letter No. 10/7/56 AIS(II) dated 24.10.56] 2. Leave not due will be cancelled if a moS resigns without returning duty and shall be liable to refund of leave salary if he/she returns from leave and resigns before earning such leave: - Government of India have decided that where a member of the Service who had been granted leave not due (i) resigns from service without returning to duty, the leave not due shall be cancelled, his resignation taking effect from the date on which such leave had commenced and the leave salary shall be recovered; and

(ii) returns to duty but resigns before he has earned such leave, he shall be liable to refund the leave salary to the extent the leave has not been earned subsequently. [File No. 11011/2/78AIS (III).] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS ORDERS UNDER RULE 15 1. Prior approval of the Government of India is necessary for grant of ex-India extraordinary leave on personal grounds: - This Department has been receiving references from the State Governments seeking clarifications whether it is necessary to seek prior approval of the Government of India for grant of extraordinary leave to a member of the All India Services for going abroad on personal grounds. It is hereby clarified that in such cases prior approval the Government of India is necessary. [DOPT letter .No.11020/15/97/AISIII Dated 14th Dec., 1998]


1. Abortion included under the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 should be considered for the purpose of grant of maternity leave: - According to note below rule 18 of the All India Services (Leave) Rules, 1955, a female member of the Service may be granted maternity leave in cases of miscarriage, including abortion subject to the conditions that the leave applied for does not exceed six weeks and the application for leave is supported by a medical certificate. 2. It has now been decided that the abortion induced under the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971, should also be considered as a case of abortion for the purpose of granting maternity leave under the All India Services (Leave) Rules, 1955. [G.I. D.P. & A.R. letter No. 11019/9/75AIS (III), dt. 6th June, 1975] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS ORDERS UNDER RULE 20 1. Dearness Allowance is admissible on cash equivalent of leave salary payable at the time of retirement for the first 300 days: - I am directed to say as per Rule 39(5) of the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972, as applicable to the Central Government employees, the component of Dearness Allowance for the calculation of cash equivalent of leave salary at the time of retirement etc. is admissible for the first 300 days. This provision has not so far been brought in the All India Services (Leave) Rules, 1955. However, necessary action for the amendment has already been initiated.


2. Till the amendment is effected, the provision in regard to admissibility of Dearness Allowance for the purpose of calculation of cash equivalent to leave salary in respect of members of the All India Service, will be the same as that of the Central Government employees. In other words, DA will be admissible on cash equivalent of the leave salary payable at the time of retirement for the first 300 days only w.e.f the 14th July, 1982. 3. All the State Government and Union Territories are requested to finalise the cases of calculation of cash equivalent of leave salary as indicated above. [DOPT letter No. 11019/6/2000-AIS(III) dated 12.6.2000] 2. Dearness Allowance is admissible to a moS on half pay leave/under suspension whose salary/subsistence allowance falls below the admissible DA: - A member of the Service, on half pay leave/under suspension, whose leave salary/subsistence allowance falls below the amount on which dearness allowance is admissible to Central Government servants, would be entitled to dearness allowance. The leave salary actually drawn should be taken into account for both the purpose of monetary limits within which the allowance is admissible and for calculation of the amount of the dearness allowance. [G.I. MHA letter No. 1/133/63AIS(II)dated 2nd December, 1963.] 3. Previous services rendered by IAS/IPS/IFS probationers under Central Government before their appointment to these services, should count for leave if the service is continuous: - Clarifications have been sought by some Accountants General as to how the leave salary of IAS/IPS probationers in respect of their past service under the Central Government is to be allocated and whether prior concurrence of the Central Ministry/Department concerned is necessary in this regard. 2. It is clarified that all previous services rendered by IAS/IPS/IFS probationers under the Central Government before their appointment to these Services, should count for leave if the service is continuous. The leave salary in such cases has to be allocated on the analogy of the provisions contained in Rule 9 of Part IIB of Appendix 3 to Accounts Code Vol. I. The concurrence of the concerned Ministry of Government of India is not necessary. However intimation may be sent to them in this regard. As regards probationers, who were working under the State Government before their appointment to the IAS/IPS/IFS their previous service shall count for leave provided the State Government under whom they were working, agree to pay the leave salary. [Letter No. 1/19/72AIS (III), dated 13th October, 1972] 4. Encashment of leave to the moS serving under the State Government will be regulated by the State Rules: - A point has been raised whether orders issued by some State Governments in regard to the encashment of leave to its employees could be extended to members of the All India Services working under them under rule 2(b) of the All India Services (Conditions of ServiceResiduary Matters) Rules, 1960. It is clarified that encashment of leave to members of the AIS serving under the State Government is a matter relating to conditions of service and since there is no provision in any of the rules made under the All India Services Act, 1951 for encashment of leave, in the case of the members of the Service serving in connection with affairs of the State are to be regulated in accordance with the rules, regulations and orders applicable to members of the State Civil Service, Class I in terms of Rule 2(b) of the AIS (Conditions of ServiceResiduary Matters) Rules, 1960. 2. It is further clarified that in accordance with the provisions contained in rule 2(a) of the Rules referred to in the previous paragraph members of the All India Service serving in connection with affairs of the Union are governed by the rules, regulations and orders as


applicable to the Central Civil Service Group A. As the benefit of leave encashment is not available to the members of Central Civil Services, Group A, members of the AIS serving in connection with the affairs of the Union are not entitled to this benefit. It is, therefore, not correct to sanction leave encashment to members of the All India Services, who are serving in connection with the affairs of the Union. [G.I., DP & AR letter No. 14/1/70AIS (III), dated 28th June, 1975 and No. 11019/6/81AIS(III), dated 21-9-81]. 5. Encashment of Earned Leave during the service is not allowed to the members of the All India Services under the State Rules: - I am directed to invite attention to this Departments letter No. 14/1/70-AIS(III) dated the 28th June, 1975, wherein it had been clarified that encashment of leave to members of the AIS serving under the State Government is a matter relating to conditions of service and since there is no provision in any of the rules made under the All India Services Act, 1951 for encashment of leave, matters relating to encashment of leave in the case of members of the service serving in connection with affairs of the State are to be regulated in accordance with the rules, regulations and orders applicable to members of the State Civil Services, Class I in terms of Rule 2(b) of the AIS (Conditions of Services Residuary Matters) Rules, 1960. 2. Further clarification was issued vide this Departments letter No. 11019/8/81-AIS(III) dated 21st September, 1981 that in accordance with the provisions contained in Rule 2(a) of the All India Services (Conditions of Service Residuary Matters) Rules, 1960, members of the All India Services who are serving in connection with the affairs of the Union are governed by the rules, regulations and orders as applicable to the Central Civil Services Group A. Such members of the All India Services, who are serving in connection with the affairs of the Union, are therefore, not entitled to the benefit of leave encashment as per the rules of the State Government. 3. A provision for encashment of leave on superannuation has since been incorporated as Rule 20 A in the All India Services (Leave) Rules, 1955 vide Notification No. 11019/7/93-AIS-III dated the 22nd December, 1993. The members of the All India Services are, therefore, no longer entitled to the benefit of encashment of leave under any of the rules of the State Government. It is, therefore, requested that no benefit under the rules of the State Government should be allowed to the members of the All India Services. However, no deductions may be made towards encashment of leave availed of by the members of AIS prior to the issue of these instructions from the leave outstanding at their credit at the time of superannuation.

[DOPT letter No. 11019/34/2003-AIS-III dated 19.01.2005]

6. No encashment of leave while in service shall be allowed to any member of All India Services under any rules of the State Government except as provided in the All India Service Rules.: - I am directed to refer to this Department's letter of even number dated 19th January, 2005 wherein it was decided that members of the All India Services would not be entitled to the benefit of encashment of leave under any of the rules of the State Government. However, encashment of earned leave subject to the maximum of 300 days can be allowed on retirement/death of the member of the Service under rule 20A of the All India Services(Leave) Rules, 1955. 2. This Department has received a number of requests from the State Governments for allowing encashment of leave to the members of the All India Services working under


them under the provisions of the State Rules, which is otherwise applicable to employees of that particular State Government. 3. It is hereby clarified that the provision under rule 20A of the AIS(Leave) Rules, 1955 was inserted vide Department of Personnel and Training's Notification No.11019/6/97AIS-11I dated 3rd March, 1998 (made effective from 01.07.1997), wherein the maximum days for encashment of earned leave was increased from 240 days to 300 days which can only be allowed at the time of retirement/death of the member of the Service. Apart from this, pursuant to the recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, the Central Government officers are allowed to encash ten days earned leave at the time of availing of Leave Travel Concession (LTC) to the extent of sixty days during the entire career. The leave encashed at the time of LTC will not be deducted from the maximum amount of earned leave encashable at the time of retirement. It is further clarified that where both husband and wife are Government servants, the present entitlement for availing LTC shall remain unchanged, and encashment of leave equal to 10 days at the time of availing of LTC will continue to be available to both, subject to a maximum of sixty days each during the career. This provision has been made applicable to the Alii India Services Officers vide this Department's letter No.11022/2/2008-AIS(II) dated 7th October, 2008. 4. There is no other provision for encashment of earned leave while in service under the rules applicable to the members of All India services. Therefore, members of the All India Services are entitled for encashment, of earned leave for 10 days each subject to the maximum of 60 days in the entire career; and a maximum of 300 days of earned leave on retirement/death under rule 20A of the All India Services(Leave) Rules, 1955. No member of the Service should be allowed encashment of earned leave during service, other than mentioned above, under any rule of the State Government. [DOPT Letter No.11019/34/2003-AIS-III dated 17.09.2009] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS ORDERS UNDER RULE 21 1. Prior approval of the Government of India should be obtained under the respective Cadre Rules before negotiating for or taking up any employment by members of the All India Services:- I am directed to invite attention to this Department's letter No. 11017/47/2005-AIS-III, dated the 27th December, 2005, under which instructions reiterating the provisions of Rule 13(1)(b) of the All India Service (Conduct) Rules, 1968 were issued, stating that all the members of the All India Services should obtain prior permission of the Government before negotiating for or undertaking any other employment. 2. The service conditions of All India Service Officers are governed according to the rules framed by the Central Government in consultation with the State Governments under the All India Services Act, 1951. 3. Some State Governments like Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra have brought in employment schemes under which officers of the State Government are allowed to serve private organisations on extraordinary leave. They have, however, implemented these schemes for the All India Services officers also. 4. The issue has been examined in the light of the relevant rules, in consultation with the Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Law &Justice.


5. The main rules dealing with the cadre management of All India Services are the Indian Administrative Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954, the Indian Police Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954 and the Indian Forest Service (Cadre) Rules, 1966. According to sub-rule (1) of Rule 6, a cadre officer may be deputed for the service under the Central Government or another State Government or under a company etc. which is wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the Central Government or by another State Government only with the concurrence of the State Government and the Central Government. Sub rule (2) (ii) of Rule 6 provides that a cadre officer may be deputed for service under an international organisation, an autonomous body not controlled by the Government, or a private body, by the Central Government in consultation with the State Government on whose cadre he is borne. The State Government can depute for service only under a body wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the State Government, a Municipal Corporation or a Local Body of the State cadre where the officer is borne under rule 6(2)(i) of the respective Cadre Rules. 6. Rule 13(1) of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 provides that no member of the All India Service can negotiate for or undertake any employment without the approval of the Government. Rule 21(1) of the All India Services (Leave) Rules, 1955 provides that a member of the Service on leave shall not take any service or accept any employment without obtaining the permission of the Government. These rules have limited scope with regard to 'conduct' and 'leave' provisions with reference to All India Service officers and deputation of All India Services is governed by Rule 6 of the respective Cadre Rules. Deputation to an international organisation, an autonomous body not controlled by the Government, or a private body is only possible under rule 6(2)(ii) of the respective All India Service Cadre Rules for which the Cadre Authority is the Central Government. 7. Rule 13(1) of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 and Rule 21(1) of the All India Services (Leave) Rules, 1955 read with the provisions of the Cadre Rules thus make it explicitly clear that approval of the Government of India is essential for allowing a member of the All India Service for undertaking any employment outside the State Government on leave of any kind. 8. It has, therefore, been decided that no member of the All India Service should be allowed by the State Governments to undertake any private employment after taking leave from the State Government and all such cases should be referred to the Government of India for approval and necessary permission for service under an international organisation, an autonomous body not controlled by the Government or a private body under the Rule 6(2)(ii) of the respective All India Service Cadre Rules. 9. All the cases in which State Governments have allowed the members of All India Services to take up employment under the provisions of these rules, should be referred to the respective All India Service Cadre Controlling Authorities for approval under the provisions of Rule 6(2)(ii) of the respective All India Service Cadre Rules within one month of the date of issue of this letter. [DOPT No.l1019/62/2005-AIS-III dated 04.07.2006] DELEGATION OF POWERS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA I. Delegation of certain powers of the Central Government to the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India: - The undersigned is directed to say that it has been decided to delegate to each Ministry/Department the powers of the Central Government under Rules 3(1), 6, 9(2), 11(2), 12(2), 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20(6) of


the A.I.S. (Leave) Rules, 1955, in regard to the All India Service Officers working in or under each Ministry/Department. (G.I. letter No. 11019/7/78AIS (III), dated 12th April, 1978) II. Delegation of powers of the Central Government to the State Governments and Ministries/Departments of the Government of India for grant of ex-India leave: 1. The moS will be granted en-India leave in conjunction of official deputation abroad up to 50% of the actual duty abroad or a fortnight, whichever is less, by the State Governments. Any excess will be granted by Department of Personnel & Training: - I am directed to refer to this Deptts earlier letter No. 6/6/71AIS.III, dated 11.1.1974 and the Ministry of Finance (Deptt. of Expd.) O.M.No. 19036/7/75E.IV(B), dated 8.5.1976 which have been extended in the case of All India Services Officers and No. 19036/7/76/E.IV(B), dated 15.3.1978 in regard to the terms & conditions of deputation abroad of All India Services Officers. 2. A question has been raised in regard to the period of leave admissible to All India Services Officers on deputation when such leave is taken in conjunction with deputation (including training) abroad. 3. As per the existing provisions in the All India Services (Leave) Rules, 1955, there is no bar to an officer spending abroad a part or whole of the leave sanctioned to him by the competent authority as per these rules. However, restrictions have been imposed in regard to the amount of leave an officer can be granted while abroad, including training abroad, in conjunction with such deputation. Presently, it has been provided that an officer may, subject to the exigencies of public service, be granted leave while abroad for a period not exceeding 50 percent of the actual period of duty abroad (excluding the transit time and enforced halt) or for a fortnight, whichever is less, for personal reasons. It is made clear that cases of grant of leave in excess of this limit can be approved only in consultation with the Deptt. of Personnel & Trg. (Services Division). The above may please also brought to the notice of all members of the All India Services in your Cadre. 4. All cases, in which the State Government propose to send a member of an All India Service abroad on deputation or on leave due and admissible to him (including study leave) should be referred to the Department of Personnel in the case of members of the Indian Administrative Service, the Ministry of Home Affairs in the case of members of the Indian Police Service and the Ministry of Environment and Forests in the case of the members of the Indian Forest Service. [No.11019/13/93-AIS-III dated 14th January, 1994] 2. Delegation of some powers of the Central Government to the State Governments and the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India for grant of ex-India leave: - I am directed to say on the subject mentioned above that an Executive Instruction B was issued by this Department (Letter No. 9/26/71-AIS-III) on 23.09.1972 under Regulation 12 of the AIS (Study Leave) Regulations, 1960 wherein it is provided that all cases, in which the State Government proposes to send a member of an All India Service abroad on deputation or on leave due and admissible to him (including study leave) should be referred to the respective Cadre Controlling Authority in the Government of India. 2. There has been demand for doing away with the aforementioned provision for Central Governments prior approval for grant of ex-India leave excluding study leave so as to


avoid delay both at the level of the State Government and Central Government. After careful consideration, it has now been decided to modify the existing provision and stipulate that the approval of the Central Government for travel abroad of members of the All India Service is no longer required in the following cases to the extent provided therein:(a) In case of private visits abroad on leave due and admissible, the delegation is restricted to Casual leave, Earned leave and Leave on Medical Certificate. (b) AIS officers may be accorded permission to travel abroad in conjunction with an official visit/tour abroad subject to the condition that the total period abroad (including travel time) should not exceed three (3) weeks. (c) Official visits/Training/Tours/ Study tours/ Seminars/ Workshops etc. abroad up to three (3) weeks duration where the entire expenses are borne by the Government of India, the State Government, an International Agency such as the United Nations Agency, World Bank, IMF, ADB etc. or an International Agency in which India is a member. (d) Project related visits as defined in the OM No. 37/15/97-EO(F) dated 05.03.1999, issued by the Office of the Establishment Officer, Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India. 3. While considering the requests of the member of an All India Service for grant of leave to proceed abroad, all the State Governments/Ministries to the Government of India are requested to satisfy themselves regarding the funding of such visits made by the officer concerned in each case and to see that no cadre officer accepts hospitality from a foreign government/private body other than a close relative.

4. It is further noted that the above delegation will not apply to any travel abroad in conjunction with leave granted under the provisions of the All India Service (Study Leave) Regulations, 1960, where the specific clearance of the Central Government is invariably required. 5. The following category of official visits/tours/study tours/seminars/workshops etc. abroad will continue to be referred to DOP&T for grant of cadre clearance: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) all cases of more than three (3) weeks duration. all cases where the invitation is direct to the officer and the State Govt. is not bearing the expenditure, irrespective of the duration of the visit. all cases where foreign hospitality from a private agency is involved. all cases where an officer is getting any remuneration/fees for the work performed by him

6. The proposal should be sent in a self-contained format furnishing all the relevant details in the prescribed format (copy enclosed). In case, proposal is not in the prescribed format or information in respect of any item in the format is missing, no back reference will be made by this Department and cadre clearance will not be granted. 7. The proposal should be forwarded to DOP&T well in time i.e at least before a fortnight from the date of commencement of the training/workshop etc.


8. To the extent possible, nomination of officers may be made for those seminars/workshops etc. which are related to the job/assignment of the officer. 9. In case where an officer proceeds for a training programme/workshop/ seminar/study tour abroad without obtaining the cadre clearance of this Department there is likelihood that the period of his absence would be treated as dies-non. 10. It is requested that the provisions of this circular may be brought to the notice of all the members of All India Services serving with the State / Central Governments at an early date. PROFORMA FOR CADRE CLEARANCE OF IAS OFFICERS VISITING ABROAD 1. 2. 3. Name and designation of the officer Date of birth Details of the training programme/workshop/seminar etc. with a copy of the invitation/admission (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 4. Name of the course/workshop/seminar etc. Name of the institution/country Duration Details of the cost of the training/workshop/Seminar

Expenditure (i) Details of expenditure on the visit abroad(including travel, hospitality etc.) (ii) Source of funding


Agency that bears the cost of the training/workshop/seminar (i) (ii) Details of such cost Details of the Agency

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Service/cadre to which the officer belongs Year of allotment to the cadre Job description of the officer Relevance of the training/workshop/seminar to the job of the officer Whether the officer is clear from vigilance angle Recommendation of the Cadre Controlling State Government/Ministry

12. No objection/approval of Deptt. of Personnel & Trg. will be subject to clearance by Ministry of External Affairs from political angle, MHA in FCRA and Ministry of Finance if need be from Screening Committee etc.


[DOPT letter no.11019/6/2001-AIS-III dated 07.03.2003] 3. Delegation of full powers to State Governments, Ministries/Departments of the Government of India to grant ex-India leave on personal grounds (except Half-pay Leave and extraordinary leave): In continuation of this Departments letter of even number dated 7th March, 2003 on the subject mentioned above, it is further clarified that the following points may also be taken into account : (i) it is clarified that for cases under para 2(a) i.e. private visits abroad, which are purely personal, without any sponsorship and not linked to official visit, on leave due and admissible, whether casual leave, earned leave, or leave on medical certificate, are not subject any time limit. If the leave is admissible and due, whatever be the duration, the State Government may sanction the same. The limit of 3 weeks mentioned in para 2(b) is only in case of private travel abroad in conjunction with the official tour abroad; It is also clarified that while the State Governments may sanction ex-India leave for private purposes in conjunction with official duty, provided the total period does not exceed 3 weeks, this will also be subject to the instruction issued by this Departments letter no.11019/13/93-AIS-III dated 14.1.1994 that the number of days spent on private work does not exceed 50% of the number of days spent on official work. The other contents of this Departments letter of even number dated 7th March, 2003 will remain unchanged. [DOPT letter no.11019/6/2001-AIS-III dated 04.08.2003] 4. Consolidated instruction of delegation of some powers of the Central Government to the State Governments and the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India for grant of ex-India leave: - This Department has issued a number of instructions regulating cases of members of All India Services proceeding abroad on ex-India leave (excluding study leave), which are as under: A. No.9/26/71-AIS-III dated 23rd September, 1972 regulating ex-India leave. B. No.11019/13/93-AIS-III dated 14th January, 1994 regulating leave in conjunction with duty abroad. C. No.11020/15/1997-AIS-III dated 14th December, 1998 regulating ex-India extraordinary leave on personal grounds. D. No.11019/6/2001-AIS-III dated 7th March, 2003, 4th August, 2003 and 10th March, 2004 delegating some of the powers of the Central Government to the State Governments. Copies of all these instructions are available in this Departments Website (



2. These instructions were re-examined in this Department and it has been decided to modify the existing provisions for further delegation of powers, subject to the general


conditions mentioned in para 3 of this letter, to the State Governments and Ministries/Departments of the Government of India for grant of ex-India leave, as under: (i) Private visits abroad for purely personal reasons Current Status: - State Governments and Ministries/ Departments of the Government of India have been delegated the power to sanction private visits abroad, which are purely personal, without any sponsorship and not linked to official visit, whether casual leave, earned leave or leave on medical certificate. This delegation does not include private visits on extra ordinary leave and half-pay leave (Reference C & D). Further Delegation: - It has now been decided that approval of the respective Cadre Controlling Authorities of the All India Services will no longer be required in the case of private visits abroad, which are purely personal without any sponsorship and not linked to any official visit, on leave due and admissible, whether casual leave, earned leave, half-pay leave, leave on medical grounds and extra ordinary leave. State Governments and Ministries/ Departments of the Government of India may sanction such leave, due and admissible, to a member of the Service as per rules. (ii) Visits abroad in conjunction of an official visit / tour abroad Current Status: - The State Governments and Ministries/Departments of the Government of India have been delegated the power to accord permission to travel abroad on leave due and admissible in conjunction with an official visit/tour abroad (including training) subject to the exigencies of public service, not exceeding 50% of the actual period of duty abroad (excluding transit time and enforced halt) or a fortnight, whichever is less, for personal reasons provided that the total period abroad (including travel time) does not exceed three weeks. Grant of leave in excess of this limit can be approved only in consultation with the Department of Personnel and Training (Services Division). (Reference B & D) Further Delegation: - It has been decided to raise the maximum period of ex-India leave in conjunction with official duty to 3 weeks while adhering to the limit of 50% of the period of official duty abroad. However, in the case of official visits of duration less than 8 days, the limit of 50% may be relaxed and ex-India leave upto a maximum of 4 days may be granted. The power to grant such leave is delegated to the State Governments and Ministries/Departments of the Government of India subject to the condition that further leave shall not be permitted above such limits under any circumstances and no reference shall be made to the Department of Personnel and Training in this regard. (iii)Visits abroad on direct invitation from foreign organizations for participation in events on the basis of the experience in a particular subject gained by a member of the Service in his/her personal capacity. Current Status: - Cadre clearance of the Central Government is required in all cases where the invitation is direct to the officer and the State Government is not bearing the expenditure irrespective of the duration of visit and all cases of more than three weeks duration (Reference D).


Further Delegation:- It has been decided that State Governments and Ministries/Departments of the Government of India be delegated the power to allow permission for such private visits in which the government is not bearing any expenditure subject to the condition that the total period of ex-India leave does not exceed three weeks. As per the conditions prescribed in the Department of Expenditures O.M.F.No.19036/1/2000-E-IV dated 21st March, 2000, the officer shall be treated as on personal visit and he/she will be required to take leave due and admissible. This is further subject to the condition that generally no Government of India officer will accept free passage or hospitability from a foreign government/agency and, if it is necessary, approval of the Screening Committee of Secretaries or of the Prime Minister should be ensured to be taken before accepting such invitations. Similar provisions should be adopted by the State Governments. This delegation is also subject to the following conditions: (a) The authority granting permission should take into consideration, inter-alia, the sources of financing of the foreign travel, the desirability of accepting any foreign hospitality, whether the member of the Service has utilized his official position for the purpose of meeting the travel expenses, accommodation abroad, etc, and whether the member of the Service is clear from vigilance angle; (b) If the visit is to a country with which India does not have friendly relations, the prior approval of the Government of India should be obtained; (c) The officer shall take leave, due and admissible; (d) The visit on personal invitation shall be subject to the provisions of SR 12. (e) Participation shall be subject to the provisions of All India Service (Conduct) Rules, 1968 especially rules 6, 7, 9 and 11. 3. General conditions: The State Governments and Ministries/ Departments of the Government of India shall keep in mind some general aspects while exercising these delegated powers while granting ex-India leave to the members of the All India Service working under them, as under: a) The member of the Service will take FCRA clearance from the Ministry of Home Affairs and other required clearances from the Department of Economic Affairs/Ministry of External Affairs, wherever required. b) The delegation shall not apply to any travel abroad in conjunction with leave granted under the provisions of the All India (Study Leave) Regulations, 1960, where the specific clearance of the Central Government is invariably required. c) In cases where a member of the Service proceeds for a visit abroad without obtaining necessary cadre clearance, the period of his absence shall be treated as dies non apart from other consequences under the service rules. d) The provisions of Rule 7(1) and (2) of the All India Service (Leave) Rules, 1955 should be complied with. Rule 7(1) provides that no member of the Service shall be granted leave of any kind for a continuous period exceeding 5 years. Rule 7(2) provides that a member of the Service shall be deemed to


have resigned from the service if he is absent without authorization for a period exceeding one year or remains absent from duty for a continuous period exceeding 5 years, with or without leave.

e) If the visit abroad requires the sanction of the Central Government, proposal should be forwarded to the Central Government well in time, i.e., at least before a fortnight from the date of commencement of the visit
in a self-contained format furnishing all the relevant details in the prescribed format (copy enclosed). f) Approval of the Central Government with respect to travel abroad of members of All India Services, wherever required shall mean the approval of the concerned Cadre Controlling Authority, i.e., the Department of Personnel and Training for the Indian Administrative Service, the Ministry of Home Affairs for the Indian Police Service and the Ministry of Environment and Forests for the Indian Forest Service. 4. While granting leave to a member of the Service, the State Governments and Ministries/Departments of the Government of India should scrupulously follow the Government of India instruction issued vide this Departments letter no.11019/62/2005AIS-III dated 4th July, 2007 which envisages that no member of the All India Service shall be allowed to undertake any private employment after taking leave from the State Government or from a Central Ministry/Department. 5. All the relevant instructions issued earlier in this regard stand modified/deleted. 6. The above delegation of powers is not applicable in cases of official visits abroad for attending foreign training/tours/study tours/seminars/workshops, etc., in which the member of the Service is nominated by the Central/State Governments, which are dealt by the EO Division of this Department. 7. It is requested that the provisions of these instructions may be brought to the notice of all the members of the All India Services serving with the State/Central Governments at an early date.

PROFORMA FOR CADRE CLEARANCE OF IAS OFFICERS VISITING ABROAD 1. 2. 3. Name and designation of the officer Date of birth Details of the training programme/workshop/seminar etc. with a copy of the invitation/admission (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Name of the course/workshop/seminar etc. Name of the institution/country Duration Details of the cost of the training/workshop/Seminar



Expenditure (i) Details of expenditure on the visit abroad(including travel, hospitality etc.) (ii) Source of funding


Agency that bears the cost of the training/ (i) (ii) Details of such cost Details of the Agency


6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Service/cadre to which the officer belongs Year of allotment to the cadre Job description of the officer Relevance of the training/workshop/seminar to the job of the officer Whether the officer is clear from vigilance angle Recommendation of the Cadre Controlling State Government/Ministry

12. No objection/approval of Deptt. of Personnel & Trg. will be subject to clearance by Ministry of External Affairs from political angle, MHA in FCRA and Ministry of Finance if need be from Screening Committee etc. [DOPT letter no.11019/6/2001-AIS-III dated 05.12.2007]




In pursuance of sub-rule (1) of rule 16 of the All India Services (Leave) Rules, 1955 the Central Government, after consultation with the State Governments concerned hereby makes the following regulations namely: 1. Short title.These regulations may be called the All India Services (Special Disability Leave) Regulations, 1957. 2. Definitions.In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires2 (1) (a) disability means any injury, illness, infirmity or disease, and 2 (1) (b) Medical Board means a medical board set up by the Government 2 (2) All other words and expressions used in these regulations but not defined shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the All India Services (Leave) Rules, 1955. 3. Conditions for the grant of special Disability Leave and the amount of such leave 3 (1) (i) Special disability leave may be granted to a member of the Service who suffers 2[a disability] as a result of risk of office or special risk of office. 3(1) (ii) Such leave shall not be granted unless the disability manifested itself within three months of the occurrence to which it is attributed and the member of the Service 2[who suffers the disability] acted with due promptitude in bringing it to notice of the Government. The Government may, however, if satisfied as to the cause of disability, permit such leave being granted in cases where the disability manifested itself more than three months after the occurrence of its cause. Explanation(i) Risk of office means any risk not being special risk, of accident or disease to which a member of the Service is exposed in the course of and as a consequence of his duties, but nothing shall be deemed to be risk of office which is a risk common to human existence in modern conditions in India, unless such risk is definitely enhanced in kind or degree by the nature, conditions, obligations or incidents of Government service and includes any risk of injury, illness, disease or accident (whether caused or occasioned by riots, civil disorders or commotions and other extraordinary circumstances) arising out of and in the course of discharge of his duties by a member of the Service on a working day or a holiday. A member of the Service who is proceeding to or returning from any place to which he has to go in the course of his duties or in order to discharge his duties shall be deemed to be acting in the discharge of his duties. (ii) Special risk of Office means (a) risk of suffering injury by the act of a person who inflicts an injury on member of the Service-

1 2

Published vide Notification No. 6/1/55-III dated 15.07.1957. Substituted vide MHA Notification No.13/54/57-AIS(III) dated 13.05.1958


(i) by assaulting or resisting him in the discharge of his duties, or in order to deter or prevent him from performing his duties or (ii) because of anything done or attempted to be done by such member of the Service in the lawful discharge of his duty as such, or (iii) because of his official position; (b) a risk of injury by accident to which a member of the Service is exposed in the course of or as a consequence of, the performance of any particular duty which has the effect of materially increasing his liability to such injury beyond the normal risk of his office: and (c) a risk of contracting disease in the performance of any particular duty which has the effect of increasing his liability to illness beyond the ordinary risk attaching to the civil post which he holds. 3 (2) The period of leave granted shall be such as may be certified by a medical board to be necessary and shall not be extended except on a certificate from a medical board. 3 (3) Where a member of the Service suffers a disability by an injury accidentally incurred in or in consequence of his official position or by illness incurred in the performance of any particular duty which has the effect of increasing his liability to illness or injury beyond the ordinary risk attaching to the post which he holds, the grant of special disability leave is subject to the further conditions that : (i) the disability if due to a disease must be certified by a medical board to be directly due to the performance of the particular duty; and (ii) the disability contracted during service otherwise than with the Armed Forces must, in the opinion of Government, be so exceptional in character or in the circumstances of its occurrence as to justify such unusual treatment as the grant of this form of leave; (iii) a period of absence recommended by a medical board may be covered in part by special disability leave and in part by other leave and that a period of special disability leave granted on full pay may be less than 120 days. [No.6/1/55-AIS(III) dated 15.7.1957]




In pursuance of sub-rule (1) of rule 17 of the All India Services (Leave) Rules, 1955, the Central Government in consultation with the State Governments concerned hereby makes the following regulations namely: 1. Short title.These regulations may be called the All India Services (Study Leave) Regulations, 1960. 2. Definitions. 2(1) 2(1) 2(1) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires: (a) Audit Officer means such officers as may be appointed by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. (b) Head of Mission means Ambassador, Charge d Affairs, Ministers, Consul-General, High Commissioner and any other authority declared as such by the Central Government in the country in which the member of the Service undergoes a course of study or training. (c) Pay and Accounts Officer means such officer as may be appointed by the Ministries of Departments of the Government of India in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.


2(1) 2(2)

(d) State Government means the Joint Cadre Authority in relation to a member of an All India Service borne on a Joint Cadre. All other words and expressions used in these regulations but not defined shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the All India Services (Leave) Rules, 1955. Subject to the conditions prescribed in these regulations, study leave may be granted to a member of the Service, with due regard to the exigencies of public service, to enable him to undergo, in or out of India (i) a special course of study consisting of higher studies or specialised training in a professional or technical subject having a direct and close connection with the sphere of his duty; or (ii) a course of training or study tour, where such course of training or study tour is related to the sphere of his duties even though he/she may not attend a regular academic or semi-academic course; or

3. Conditions for grant of study leave.





3(1) (iii) studies connected with the framework or background of public administration; or 3(1) (iv) studies which may not be closely or directly connected with the work of the member of the Service, but which are capable of widening his mind in a manner likely to improve his ability as a civil servant and to

1 2

The principal regulation was notified vide GSR No.666 dt. 18.06.1960 Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No. No. 12/4/71AIS(III) dated 11.01.1972 (GSR No. 840 dt. 25.01.1972) 3 Substituted vide MHA Notification No. 16/2/61AIS(III) dated 16.07.1962 (GSR No. 965 dt. 21.07.1962)


equip him better to collaborate with those employed in other branches of public service: Provided that the grant of study leave under clauses (ii) and (iii) shall be subject to the following conditions, namely: (a) that the particular course of training, study or study tour is approved by the authority competent to grant study leave; and (b) that the member of the Service is required to submit, on his return, a full report on the work done by him while on study leave. Note. Applications for study leave falling under clause (iv) shall be considered on merits of each case, in consultation with the Central Government. 3(2) 3(2) Study leave shall not be granted unless (i) it is certified by the Government that the proposed course of study or training shall be of definite advantage from the point of view of public interest; and (ii) it is for prosecution of studies in subjects other than academic or literary subjects. Study leave out of India shall not be granted (i) without the prior approval of the Central Government; and (ii) for the prosecution of studies in subjects for which adequate facilities exist in India or under any of the Schemes administered by the Government of India. Study leave shall not[ ]5 be granted to a member of the Service (i) who has rendered less than seven years service under the Government: Provided that the All India Service Officers borne on the North East Cadres of Assam-Meghalaya, Manipur-Tripura, Nagaland and Sikkim shall be eligible for the study leave after completion of six years service under the Government; and
7 6



3 (3) 3(3)

3(4) 3(4)


(ii) who is due to reach the age of superannuation within three years from the date on which he is expected to return to duty after the expiry of leave. Study leave shall not be granted to a member of the Service with such frequency as to remove him from contact with his regular work or to cause cadre difficulties owing to his absence on leave.


3(6) Where a member of the Service borne permanently on the cadre of one State is serving, temporarily in another State or under the Central Government, the grant of study leave shall be subject to the condition that

Substituted vide DP&AR Not. No. 3/1/72AIS(III) dated 14.12.1972 (GSR No. 1617 dt 30.12.1972) Deleted vide Notification No. 11020/14/97AIS(III) dated 23.02.1998 (GSR No. 57 dt. 14.03.1998) Inserted vide Notification No.11020/12/2006-AIS-III dated 11.06.2007 (GSR No.427(E) dt.13.06.2007 ) 7 Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No.11020/24/79-AIS(III) dated 04.10.1980 ((GSR No. 1073 dt. 18.10.1980) and again substituted vide Notification No,11020/02/2003-AIS-III dt.13.10.2004 (GSR No.366 dt.23.10.2004) 8 Substituted vide MHA Notification No.14/6/69AIS(III) dated 16.07.1969 (GSR No. 1746 dt. 27.06.1969)
5 6


the concurrence of the State Government, on whose cadre he is permanently borne, is obtained before the leave is given. 4. Maximum amount of study leave that may be granted at a time and during the entire service. The maximum amount of study leave, which may be granted to a member of the Service, shall be 4(i) 4(ii) ordinarily twelve months at any one time, which shall not be exceeded save for exceptional reasons; and twenty-four months (inclusive of study leave granted under any other rules) in all during his entire service: Provided that the All India Service Officers selected for fellowships approved by the Government of India, from time to time, by general or special orders, will be granted study leave for the entire period of fellowship, not exceeding twenty-four months. 5. Combination of study leave with leave of other kinds.
10 9

5(1) Study leave may be combined with other kinds of leave, but in no case shall the grant of this leave in combination with leave other than extraordinary leave, involve a total absence of more than twentyeight months generally and thirtysix months for the courses leading to Ph.D degree from the regular duties of the member of the Service.

Explanation: The limit of twenty-eight months or thirty-six months of absence prescribed in this sub-regulation includes the period of vacation. 5(2) A member of the Service granted study leave in combination with any other kind of leave may, if he so desires, commence his study before the end of the other kind of leave but the period of such leave coinciding with the course of study shall not count as study leave.

6. Regulations of study leave extending beyond course of study When the course of study falls short of study leave sanctioned, the member of the Service shall resume duty on the conclusion of the course of study, unless the previous assent of the government to treat the period of short-fall as ordinary leave has been obtained. 7. Grant of study and other allowance

7 (1) A study allowance shall be granted to a member of Service who has been granted study leave out of India, for the period spent in prosecuting a definite course of study at a recognised institution or in any definite tour or inspection of any special class of work, as well as for the period covered by any examination at the end of the course of study:

Provided that the period for which study allowance may be granted shall not exceed twenty-four months in all.


(a) The rates of study allowance shall be as follows, namely:

Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No. 11017/38/87AIS(III) dated 06.06.1989 (GSR No.658E dt.30.06.1989) and vide DOPT Notification No.11020/17/2000AIS(III) dated 24.01.2001(GSR No. 74 dt. 10.2.2001) 10 Substituted/deleted vide DOP&T Notification No. 11020/9/91AIS(III) dated 06.02.1992 (GSR No. 70 dt.22.02.1992) 11 Substituted/deleted vide DP&AR Notification No.3/3/74-AIS(III) dated 28.10.1975 effective from 01.11.1973 (GSR No.2691 dt.22.11.1975) 12 Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No.11020/3/75-AIS(III) dated 17.11.1975 (GSR No.2779 dt.13.12.1975)


Name of country Australia ................................ Continent of Europe................ New Zealand............................ United Kingdom........................ United States of America........... 7(2)

Study allowance per diem 1.00 (Pound Sterling) 1.65 (Pound) 1.20 (Pound) 2.00 (Pound) 2.75 (Pound)

(b) The rate of study allowance to be granted to a member of the Service who takes study leave in other countries shall be such as may specially be determined by the Central Government. (c) No allowance of any kind, other than the study allowance, 13house rent allowance where admissible, dearness allowance or the travelling allowance, 14where specially sanctioned under subregulation (10)of the regulation 7, shall be admissible to a member of the Service in respect of the period of study leave granted to him. Study allowance may be paid at the end of every month provisionally subject to an undertaking in writing being obtained from the member of the Service that he would refund to Government any overpayment consequent on his failure to produce the required certificate of attendance or otherwise. A member of the Service may be allowed to draw study allowance for the entire period of vacation during the course of study subject to the conditions that (i) he attends during vacation any special course of study or practical training under the direction of the Government; or (ii) in the absence of any such direction, he produces satisfactory evidence before the Government or Head of Mission, as the case may be, that he has continued his studies during the vacation.





No study allowance shall be drawn during the vacation falling at the end of a course of study except for a maximum period of fourteen days.

NOTE The period of vacation during which study allowance is drawn shall be taken into account in calculating the maximum period of twenty four months for which study allowance is admissible. 7(6) Study allowance shall not be granted for any period during which the member of the Service interrupts his course of study to suit his own convenience.

Provided that the Government, in case where the study leave is taken in 15a country where there is no Indian Mission, and the Head of Mission in other cases, may authorise the grant of study allowance for any period not exceeding

13 14

Inserted/substituted vide DP&T Notification No.11020/27/83-AIS(III) dated 25.10.1985 (GSR No.1040 dt.9.11.1985) Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No.11020/2/77-AIS(III) dated 01.10.1977 effective from 14.5.1977(GSR No.1431 dt. 29.10.1977) 15 Substituted/deleted vide DP&AR Not. No. 3/3/74AIS(III) dated 28.10.1975 effective from 01.11.1973 (GSR No. 2691 dt. 22.11.1975)


fourteen days at a time during which the member of the Service is prevented by sickness from pursuing his course of study. 7(7) In case of definite course of study at a recognised institution, the study allowance shall be payable by the Government, if the study leave availed of is in 16a country where there is no Indian Mission, and by the Head of Mission in other cases, on claims submitted by the member of the Service from time to time, supported by proper certificates of attendance. The certificate of attendance required to be submitted in support of the claims for study allowance shall be forwarded at the end of the term, if the member of the Service is undergoing study in an educational institution, or at intervals not exceeding three months, if he is undergoing study at any other institution. When the programme of study approved does not include, or does not consist entirely of such a course of study, the member of the Service shall submit to the Government or Head of Mission, as the case may be, a diary showing how his time has been spent and report indicating fully the nature of the methods and operations which have been studied and including suggestions as to the possibility of adopting such methods or operations to conditions obtaining in India. The Government shall decide whether the diary and report show if the time of the member of the Service was properly employed and shall determine accordingly for what periods study allowance may be granted.



7(10) A member of the Service shall not ordinarily be paid travelling allowance but the Government may in exceptional circumstances sanction the payment of such allowance. 7(11) A member of the Service, who is granted study leave, may be permitted to receive and retain, in addition to his leave salary, any scholarship or stipend that may be awarded to him from a Government or nonGovernment source. Such a member of the Service shall ordinarily not be granted any study allowance; but in special cases where the net amount of the scholarship or stipend (i.e. the value of the scholarship or stipend minus any cost of fees paid by the member of the Service) is less than the study allowance that would be admissible but for the scholarship or stipend, the difference between the value of the net scholarship or stipend and the usual study allowance may be granted by special sanction. 7(12) If a member of the Service, who is granted study leave, is permitted to receive and retain, in addition to his leave salary, any remuneration in respect of a part-time employment, he shall ordinarily not be granted any study allowance; but in special cases where the net amount of remuneration received in respect of the part-time employment (i.e. remuneration minus any cost of fees paid by the member of the Service) is less than the study allowance that would be admissible but for the remuneration, the difference between the net remuneration and the usual study allowance may be granted by special sanction.


ibid note 14


8. Cost of fees for study A member of the Service granted study leave shall ordinarily be required to meet the cost of fees paid for the study but in exceptional cases the Government may sanction the grant of such fees: Provided that in no case shall the cost of fees be paid to a member of the Service, who is in receipt of scholarship or stipend, or who is permitted to receive or retain, in addition to his leave salary, any remuneration in respect of part-time employment, if the quantum of the stipend or scholarship or remuneration from part-time employment is equal to or more than the amount of fees payable: Provided further that in case where the quantum of scholarship of stipend or remuneration in respect of part-time employment is less than the fees payable, the member of the Service may be sanctioned the amount equivalent to the difference between the quantum of such scholarship or stipend or remuneration in respect of part time employment and the fees.] 9. Resignation or retirement after study leave or non-completion of the course of study.
19 18 17


Every member of the Service, who has been granted study leave or extension of such leave shall be required to execute a bond as given in Appendix A or Appendix AI, as the case may be, annexed to these regulations before the study leave or extension of such leave granted to him commences. The Government shall send to the Audit Officer and in respect of the Ministry or Department where audit has been separated from accounts to Pay and Accounts Officer as well, a certificate to the effect that the member of the Service has executed the requisite bond. If a member of the Service resigns or retires from Service without returning to duty after a period of study leave or within a period of three years after such return to duty or fails to complete the course of study and is thus unable to furnish the certificates referred to in Appendix B to these regulations he shall be required to refund.(i) the actual amount of leave salary, study allowance, cost of fees, travelling and other expenses, if any, drawn by him for the period of study leave, and (ii) the actual amount, if any, of the cost incurred in connection with the course of study by other agencies, such as the foreign Government, Foundations, or Trusts. together with interest thereon, at Government rates for the time being in force on Government loans from the date of demand before his resignation is accepted or permission to retire is granted: Provided that save in the case of members of the Service who fail to complete the course of study nothing in this regulation shall apply



17 18 19

Substituted vide DOP&T Notification No. 11020/21/84AIS(III) dated 23.06.1986 (GSR No.496 dt. 15.07.1986) Amended vide DOP&T Notification No. 11020/10/84AIS(III) dated 23.07.1986 (GSR No.584 dt. 09.08.1986) Substituted vide DOP&T Notification No. 13/2/64AIS(III) dated 07.12.1964 (GSR No. 1747 dt.12.12.1964) 20 Substituted vide DOP&T Notification No. 14/13/68AIS(III) dated 09.11.1971 (GSR No. 1857 dt. 11.12.1971) 21 Omitted vide DP&T Notification No. 1/3/72AIS(III) dated 16.05.1972 (GSR No. 666 dt. 10.06.1972 and inserted vide DOP&T Notification No. 11020/10/84AIS(III) dated 23.07.1986 (GSR No.584 dt. 09.08.1986)


(a) to member of the Service who, on return to duty from study leave, is permitted to retire from service on medical grounds, and (b) to a member of the Service, who after return to duty from study leave, is deputed to serve in any statutory or autonomous body or institution under the control of the Government and is subsequently permitted to resign from service under the Government with a view to his permanent absorption in the said statutory or autonomous body or institution in the public interest. 9(3) The study leave availed of by such a member of the Service shall be converted into regular leave standing at his credit on the date on which the study leave commenced, any regular leave taken in continuation of study leave being suitably adjusted for the purpose and the balance of the period of study leave, if any, which cannot be so converted, treated as extraordinary leave. In addition to the amount to be refunded by the member of the Service under sub-regulation (2), he shall be required to refund any excess of leave salary actually drawn over the leave salary admissible on conversion of the study leave as above.


9 (4) Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing sub-regulations, the Government may, if it is necessary or expedient so to do, either in public interest or having regard to the peculiar circumstances of the case or class of cases, by order, waive or reduce the amount required to be refunded under sub-regulation (2) by the member of the Service concerned or class of members of the Service.

23 24

10. Leave salary, during study leave. 10(1) During the study leave availed of outside India a member of the Service shall draw leave salary equal to amount of pay that the member of the Service drew while on duty immediately before proceeding on such leave and in addition the dearness allowance, the house rent allowance and study allowance admissible under Regulation 7. 10(2) (a) During study leave availed of in India, a member of the Service shall draw leave salary equal to the pay that the member of the Service drew while on duty immediately before proceeding on such leave and in addition dearness allowance and house rent allowance.


10(2) (b) Payment of leave salary at full rate under clause (a) shall be subject to furnishing of a certificate by the member of the Service to the effect that he is not in receipt of any scholarship or stipend or remuneration in respect of any part-time employment. 10(2) (c) The amount, if any received by a member of the Service during the period of study leave as scholarship or stipend, or remuneration in respect of any part-time employment, as envisaged in sub-regulation

Substituted/deleted vide DP&AR Notification No. 3/3/74AIS(III) dated 28.10.1975 effective from 01.11.1973 (GSR No.2691 dt. 22.11.1975) Substituted vide DOP&T Notification No.14/8/66AIS(III) dated 04.10.1967 (GSR 1595 dt. 28.10.1967) 24 Inserted/substituted vide DOPT Notification No.11020/27/83AIS(III) dated 25.10.1985 (GSR No. 1040 dt. 9.11.1985) 25 Ibid note 23


(11) and (12) of regulation 7, shall be adjusted against the leave salary payable under this sub-regulation, subject to the condition that the leave salary shall not be reduced to an amount less than that payable as leave salary during half pay leave. 10(2) (d) No study allowance shall be paid during study leave for course of study in India.

10(2)(e) Notwithstanding anything contained in these regulations, a member of the Service who has availed himself of study leave in connection with a fellowship approved by Government of India from time to time by general or special order shall be entitled to receive the full value of the fellowship and full pay including dearness allowance and house rent allowance that he would have been entitled to had he not received any fellowship.

11. Counting of study leave for promotion, pension, seniority, leave and increments 11(1) Study leave shall count as service for promotion, pension, seniority and increments, provided that in the case of a member of the Service who, at the time of proceeding on study leave, was officiating in a higher post the study leave shall count for increments to the extent indicated by Government from time to time.



12. Procedure for making application for study leave and grant of such leave.The procedure for making application for study leave and grant of such leave shall be as laid down in the Procedural Instructions given in Appendix B annexed to these regulations.

26 27

Inserted vide DOP&T Not.No.11017/38/87-AIS-III dated 06.06.1989 (GSR No.658E dt. 30.06.1989) Deleted vide DP&AR Notification No.11020/4/81-AIS-III dated 21.12.1981(GSR No.6 dt. 02.01.1982)


APPENDIX A [See Regulation 9(i)] Bond to be executed by the member of the Service proceeding on study leave. KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that I .................................. resident of...................................... in the District present employed the Ministry of...............................Government of India/under the Government of hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators to pay to the PRESIDENT of India (hereinafter referred to as the Government) on demand and without demur the sum of Rs............. (Rupees ....................................) together with interest thereon from that date of demand at Government rates for the time being in force on Government loans or if payment is made in a country other than India the equivalent of the said amount in the currency of that country converted at the official rate of exchange between that country and India together with all costs between attorney and client and all charges and expenses that shall or may have been incurred by the Government. Dated this day of .....................two thousand and..................... WHEREAS the above bounden................. is granted study leave by Government. AND WHEREAS for the better protection of the Government above bounden has agreed to execute this bond with such condition as hereunder is written: NOW THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE WRITTEN OBLIGATION is that in the event of the above bounden................resigning or retiring from service without returning to duty after expiry or termination of the period of study leave so extended or at any time within a period of three years after his return to duty, he shall forthwith pay to the Government or as may be directed by the Government on demand the said sum of Rs....................(Rupees..............................) together with interest thereon from the date of demand at Government rates for the time being in force on Government loans. And upon the above bounden..................... making such payment the above written obligation shall be void and of no effect: otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and virtue. Stamp duty payable on this bond shall be borne and paid by the Government. Signed and delivered by the above bounden ........................ in the presence of ......................... Accepted for and on behalf of President of India/the Governor.


APPENDIX A.I [See Regulation 9(i)] Bond to be executed by the member of the Service granted extension of study leave. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT I..............................resident the present employed in the Ministry of.................................. Government of India/under the hereby bind myself and my heirs, executors and administrators to pay to the President of India (hereinafter referred to as the Government) on demand and without demur the sum of Rs.............(Rupees................................) together with interest thereon from the date of due and of Govt. rates for the time being in force on Government loans, or if payment is made in a country other than India, the equivalent of the said amount in the currency of that country converted at the official rate of exchange between that country and India together with all costs between attorney and client and all charges and expenses that shall or may have been incurred by the Government. Signed and dated of ............................two thousand and.............. WHEREAS I...................... was granted study leave by Government for the period from in consideration of which I executed bond dated....................... for Rs.............. (Rupees.................) in favour of the President of India. AND WHEREAS the extension of study leave has been granted to me at my request until...................... AND WHEREAS for the better protection of the Government I have agreed to execute this bond with such condition as hereunder is written. NOW THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE WRITTEN OBLIGATION IS THAT in the event of my resigning or retiring from service without returning to duty after expiry or termination of the period of study leave so extended or at any time within a period of three years after my return to duty I shall forthwith pay to the Government or as may be directed by the Government on demand the said sum of Rs.......................(Rupees.................) together with interest thereon from the date of demand at Government rates for the time being in force on Government loans. And upon my making such payment the above written obligation shall be void and no effect: otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and virtue. Stamp duty payable on this bond shall be borne and paid by the Government. Signed and delivered by ................... in present of Witness (I) .................... (2)......................... For and on behalf of President of India. .................................................. .................................................. Governor of...............................


APPENDIX B [See Regulation 12] Procedural instructions for making application for study leave and grant of such leave 1. Except as otherwise provided in these regulations, all applications for study leave shall be submitted with the Audit Officers or Pay and Accounts Officers certificate, as the case may be, to Government through the prescribed channel and the course or courses of study contemplated and any examination which the member of the service proposes to undergo shall be clearly specified therein. If the course of study is out of India, Government will forward to the Head of Mission, if there is an Indian Mission in that country, a copy of the approved programme of study. In case where it is not possible for the member of the Service to give full details in his original application, or if, after leaving India, he is to make any change in the programme which has been approved in India, he shall submit the particulars as soon as possible to the Head of Mission or the Government, as the case may be. In such case he shall not, unless prepared to do so at his own risk, commence the course of study or incur any expenses in connection therewith until he receives approval of the Government to the course. 2 (1) On an application for the study leave out of India being sanctioned by the Government, it shall inform the Head of Mission, if there is an Indian Mission in that country, of the particulars of the case. (2) The member of the Service shall also place himself in communication with the Head of Mission, if there is an Indian Mission in that country, and he will arrange any details and issue any letter of introduction that may be required. 3. On completion of a course of study a certificate in form prescribed by Government together with certificates of examinations passed or special courses of study undertaken, indicating the dates of commencement and termination of the course with remarks, if any, of the authority in charge of the course of study, shall be forwarded to the Head of Mission concerned. When the study leave has been taken in India or any other country where there is no Indian Mission, such certificates shall be forwarded to the Government which sanctioned the leave.


1. Executive Instruction B-Prior approval of the Central Government is necessary for ex-India deputation/leave :- All cases, in which the State Government propose to send a member of an All India Service abroad on deputation or on leave due and admissible to him (including study leave) should be referred to the Department of Personnel in the case of members of the Indian Administrative Service, the Ministry of Home Affairs in the case of members of the Indian Police Service and the Ministry of Environment and Forests in the case of the members of the Indian Forest Service. (Department of Personnel and A.R. letter No. 9/26/71AIS(III), dated 23-9-1972). 2. General procedure to be followed by the applicant for facilitating proper examination of applications for ex-India deputation/leave: - Applications referred to above are required to be examined in consultation with the Ministries of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs and Expenditure), External Affairs and often the Ministry of Education and S.W. Clearance from the view point of the Foreign


Contribution Regulation Act is also required in most cases. Accordingly, late submission of applications for placement in Foreign Universities or grant of study leave not only causes avoidable inconvenience to the concerned Departments but causes unnecessary anxiety to the applicants themselves. 2. The following procedure is therefore laid down with a view to facilitating proper examination of such applications: (i) Applications seeking admission to or grant of study leave for pursuing higher studies abroad should be forwarded to this Department at least two months before the last date prescribed for the purpose, unless there are convincing reasons for not doing so. Before forwarding applications for grant of study leave to this Department the State Government should satisfy themselves that the applicants fulfill the conditions of eligibility laid down in the AIS (Study Leave) Regulations, 1960. It is imperative that the State Government / Administrative Ministries furnish the certificate prescribed under regulation 3 of the AIS (Study Leave) Regulation 1960. While forwarding applications for placement in foreign Universities / grant of study leave State Governments etc. should furnish full particulars of the course of study, viz. the subjects in which admission is sought, the duration of the course, whether it leads to the award of a degree, diploma etc. The duration and nature of the leave required should also be specified. The manner in which the officer proposes to finance his stay abroad and in particular, to meet the foreign exchange requirements while on study abroad should be clearly spelt out. In case the officer proposes to seek or avail himself of any financial assistance by way of a scholarship or fellowship or take up part-time employment, the quantum, break up and source of the assistance/ remuneration, should also be mentioned. Members of the Service concerned and the sponsoring Governments/ Administrative Ministries should not presume the sanction of study leave. Applicants should not make any preparations for journey etc. in anticipation of sanction of study leave to avoid frustration. They will do so only at their risk. (D.P& A.R.s letter No. 11020/20/77AIS(III), dated 26th October, 1977). 3. Power of the Central Government to grant study leave in India has been delegated to the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India: - The powers of the Central Government to grant study leave in India under the All India Service (Study Leave) Regulations, 1960 to members of the All India Service working in or under them and those who are serving under a foreign Government are delegated to the Ministries / Departments of the Government of India. 2. It may, however, be ensured that the concurrence of the State Government on whose cadre the officer concerned is permanently borne is invariably obtained as required under sub-regulation (6) of regulation 3 of the All India Services (Study Leave) Regulations, 1960. Prior concurrence of the Department of Agriculture28 in respect of members of the Indian Forest Service and the Ministry of Home Affairs in respect of the




(v) (vi)

To be read as Ministry of Environment & Forests in the present context.


Indian Administrative Service and Indian Police Service borne on the U.T. Cadre, should also be obtained. [G.O.I. Deptt. of Personnel O.M. No. 11020/20/77AIS(III), dt. 20-11-78.] 4. The moS should serve the government for 2 to 3 years after returning from long-term training abroad before being recommended for study leave: - I am directed to refer to executive instructions issued under AIS(Study Leave) Regulations, which provides that before forwarding applications for grant of Study leave to this Department, the State Government should satisfy themselves that the applicants fulfill the condition of eligibility laid down in the AIS(Study Leave) Regulations. 2. In this regard, several cases have come to the notice of the Government where it has been seen that officers are being recommended for grant of study leave despite the fact that they have not served the Government for 2 or 3 years after returning from a longterm Government sponsored training programme abroad as they are bound to, in terms of the bond all such officers are required to sign before proceeding on training. 3. It is requested that henceforth in such cases, State Governments should give due consideration to this aspect and refrain from sending their recommendations to the Department of Personnel & Training. (DOPT Letter No.11020/6/94AIS(III) Dated 20.7.94 to the Chief Secretaries of all State Govts.)


1. Study leave shall not be granted before completion of seven years of Service: Study leave shall not ordinarily be granted to a member of the Service who has rendered less than seven years of service under the Government. 2. This Department has been receiving proposals wherein the State Governments have recommended grant of extra ordinary leave, earned leave or other kinds of leave for the purpose of study even much before completion of seven years of service. This is in effect circumvention of the provision of the regulation 3(4)(i) of the AIS (Study Leave) Regulations, 1960. 3. The All India Services provide sufficient opportunities to their members to develop their personality by working in various responsible posts. The first seven years in service are the formative years and the members of the services should devote their time and energy to acquiring experience in their area of work in order to develop themselves for future higher responsibilities. No academic qualification can be a substitute for the experience acquired through handling various responsibilities in the Governments 4. It would be in the public interest and also in the interest of the members of Services that first few years are devoted to enrichment through work experience instead of acquiring academic qualifications. 5. It, therefore, has been decided that neither study leave should be granted nor any other leave like earned leave or extra ordinary leave should be granted to a member of the Service for the purpose of study before completion of seven years of service under the Government. 6. It is requested that these instructions may be brought to the notice of the members working in the respective State cadre.


(Letter No. 11020/10/97AISIII dated 22.12.1997 to the Chief Secretaries of All States/UTs.) 2. The moS should submit a full report on the work done on study leave after completion of leave: - As per Regulation 3(1)(iv), there is no requirement of submitting the study report at the end of study leave by a member of the Service. 2. Now it has been decided that in cases where study leave is granted under this Regulation, a member of the Service should be required to submit, on his/her return a full report on the work done by him/her on study leave. (GOI, DOPT Letter No. 11020/18/94AIS(III) dated 9.8.1994.)


1. Fellowships awarded by Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, KK Birla Foundation and IIMS are approved as courses of studies under the AIS(Study Leave) Regulations and moS is entitled to receive the fellowship:- The question relating to approving the fellowship/fellows programme awarded by KK Birla foundation, Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, IIMS as regular courses of studies for the purpose of grant of study leave under the AIS (Study Leave), Regulation, 1960, has been under consideration of the Government of India. It has been decided now to approve these fellowships as approved courses of studies for the purpose of grant of study leave under the AIS (Study Leave) Regulation, 1960, in view of these fellowships being of national level standards and involving substantial subject of study. The member of the Service in receipt of these fellowships will be entitled to receive the full value of the fellowship, in addition to his leave salary, in terms of rule 10 (2)(e) of the AIS (Study Leave) Regulations, 1960. However, all such cases where the members of the Service, who have been awarded these fellowship and are being considered for grant of study leave, should be referred to the Government of India for approval. State Governments may grant study leave for these fellowships when pursued in India. (No.11019/5/99AIS (III) dated 19.2.99 to Chief Secretaries of all States/Uts) 2. Fellowship Programme in Management (FPM) conducted by Management Development Institute (MDI), Gurgaon will be a regular course of studies for grant of study leave: - The Management Development Institute at Gurgaon, Haryana is conducting a Fellowship Programme in Management (FPM) to provide management education at the doctoral level. The MDI, Gurgaon is recognized by AICTE. Therefore, the Fellowship Programme in Management now being conducted by MDI, Gurgaon has been included in the approved list of fellowships of the Government of India. 2. It has also been decided by the competent authority that this Programme will be a regular course of studies for grant of study leave to member of the All India Services and for the extension of benefits under Regulation 10(2) (e) of All India Services (Study Leave) Regulation, 1960. (No.11019/2/2002AISIII dt. 18.04.2002 to Chief Secretaries of all States/UTs).


Copy of the letter No. 11020/13/2008-AIS-III(I) 27/03/2009 dated addressed to the Chief Secretaries of all States/Union Territories Subject: - Negotiation and acceptance of assistance from domestic sources for financing study by members of the All India Services - Violation of rules regarding. I am directed to say the power to give cadre clearance for ex-India study leave/leave for the purpose of pursuing study abroad vests with the respective cadre controlling authorities viz., Department of Personnel and Training in respect of IAS officers, Ministry of Home Affairs in respect of IPS officers and Ministry of Environment & Forests in respect of IFS officers. The proforma for obtaining cadre clearance from this Department (copy enclosed), inter alia, seeks information on expenditure (including travel, hospitality etc.), sources of funding and details of agencies bearing funding. 2. Instructions have been issued vide this Department's letter No. 11017/18/91-AISIII dated 01.07.1991 that in case a member of the Service proposes to receive financial assistance for higher studies from any other foreign sources other than the financial assistance provided by the institution under which he studies, prior permission of the Government would have to be taken. 3. Attention is also invited to Rule 10 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, which provides that no member of the Service shall, except with the previous sanction of the Government or of such authority as may be empowered in this behalf, ask for, or accept contributions to or otherwise associate himself with the raising of any fund or other collections in cash or kind in pursuance of any objective whatsoever. 4. In this respect, a few cases have come to the notice of this Department wherein members of the Service have negotiated/taken financial assistance from private bodies and other domestic organizations, not known to sponsor study programmes, for financing their study programmes, without the previous knowledge of the Government, thereby violating the provisions of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules as well as the All India Services (Study leave) Regulations and the instructions issued thereunder. Further, the fact of negotiating with these organizations was concealed while applying for leave. 5. It has, therefore, been decided that(a) No application for study leave or leave for study purposes shall be entertained unless the member of Service furnishes clear information on expenditure (including travel, hospitality etc.), sources of funding and details of agencies bearing funding. (b) No member of the Service shall negotiate for financial assistance from any institution (other than the one under which he/she intends and is permitted to pursue study) without the prior approval of the Government. Violation of this provision will make the member of Service liable for disciplinary action. (c) State Governments/Central Ministries/Departments, who are competent to grant study leave within Inaja, shall ensure, before granting the leave that the member of the Service has given clear information on expenditure (including travel, hospitality etc.), sources of funding and details of agencies bearing funding.


(d) Before recommending the case of ex-India study leave/leave for study abroad to the respective cadre controlling authorities viz., the State Governments/Central Ministries/Departments -shall ensure that the member of the Service has given clear information on expenditure (including travel, hospitality etc.), sources of funding and details of agencies bearing funding. In the absence of clear details, cadre clearance shall not be given. 6. It is requested that contents of this letter may please be brought tothe notice of all the AIS officers. Copy of the letter No. 11020/09/2008-AIS-III dated 14/07/2008 d addressed to the Chief Secretaries of all States/Union Territories Subject: - The All India Services (Study Leave) Regulations, 1960 - Regulation of grant of Study Leave to the members of the All India Services who are on deputation to the Government of India under the Central Staffing Scheme of the Department of Personnel and Training or as CVOs in the Public Sector Undertakings. The powers of the Central Government to grant study leave, within India, to the members of the All India Services working in or under them have been delegated to the Ministries/ Departments of the Government of India, in this Department's letter No. 11020/20/1977-AIS-III, dated 20th November, 1978. This is, however, subject to the condition that prior consent of the State/Cadre to which the member of the Service is permanently borne, should be obtained. 2. The powers to grant ex-India study leave vest with the respective Cadre Controlling Authorities of the Central Government, i.e. the Department of Personnel & Training in respect of the members of the Indian Administrative Service, the Ministry of Home Affairs in respect of members of the Indian Police Service and the Ministry of Environment and Forests in respect of members of the Indian Forest Service, under regulation 3(3)(i) of the All India Services (Study Leave) Regulations, 1960. 3. In pursuance of this Department's O.M. NoA/6/2005-EO (MM.II) dated 23rd May, 2008, it has now been decided that the following procedure should be followed for the grant of study leave to the members of the All India Services, who are on deputation under the Central Staffing Scheme of the Department of Personnel and Training or as Chief Vigilance Officers in the Central Public Sector Undertakings: (i) It should be ensured that no member of the Service is allowed long term study leave before completion of two years of Central Deputation. (ii) In cases of study leave within India, where prior concurrence of the respective Cadre Controlling Authorities in the Central Government are not required, the concerned Ministries/Departments of the Government of India should obtain prior concurrence of the Department of Personnel and Training (EO Division) before considering the proposals of study leave, as required under the All India Services (Study Leave) Regulations, 1960. (iii) In cases of study leave abroad, the concerned Ministries/Departments of the Government of India should send the proposal for grant of study leave to the respective Cadre Controlling Authorities in the Central Government, which should


obtain prior concurrence of the Department of Personnel and Training (EO Division) before giving its no objection. (iv) On completion of the study leave, the member of the Service shall automatically stand reverted to his/her parent cadre. Copy of the letter No.11020/12/2005-AIS-IIIdated 30/04/2009 addressed to the Chief Secretaries of all States/Union Territories Subject: The All India Services (Study Leave) Regulations, 1960 - Obtaining of prior approval of the Central Government for grant of/extension of ex-India study leave/leave in continuation of ex-India study leave. I am directed to refer to this Department's letter No.9/26/71-AIS(III) dated 23rd September, 1972, which, inter-alia, envisages that all cases, in which the State Government propose to send a member of the All India Service abroad on leave including study leave, should be referred to the respective Cadre Controlling Authorities in the Central Government. Further, this Department's letter No.l1020/20/77-AIS(lII) dated 26th October, 1977, envisages, inter-alia, that application for grant of study leave abroad should be forwarded to the respective Cadre Controlling Authorities in the Central Government at least two months before the last date prescribed for the purpose and the member of the Service as well as the sponsoring Government should not presume the sanction of study leave. 2. However, a number of cases has come to the notice of this Department wherein the sponsoring Governments did not send the proposals in time, did not seek prior approval of the Central Government for grant of/extension of ex-India study leave/leave in continuation of ex-India study leave and sought ex-post facto approval of leave from the Central Government in a routine manner. This approach, while causing administrative problems, results in avoidable inconvenience to the members of the All India Services. 3. The following instructions, as contained in the Departments letter No.l1020/20/77-AIS(III) dated 26th October, 1977, are reiterated for strict compliance by all the sponsoring authorities as well as members of the All India Services: (i) Applications seeking admission to grant of study leave for pursuing higher studies abroad should be forwarded to the respective Cadre Controlling Authorities at least 2 months before the commencement of study leave/leave for study purposes. (ii) Before forwarding applications for grant of study leave to the respective Cadre Controlling Authorities, the State Governments should satisfy themselves that the applicants fulfill the conditions of eligibility laid down in the AIS(Study Leave) Regulations, 1960. (iii) The requisite information/copies of the documents, as mentioned in the Checklist (Copy enclosed) should be invariably provided. (iv) Members of the Services concerned and the sponsoring Governments, Administrative Ministries/Departments should not presume the sanction of study leave.


(v) Applicants should not make any preparations for journey etc. in anticipation of sanction of study leave to avoid frustration. They will do so only at their risk. 4. The same procedure should also be adopted for extension of ex-India study leave/other kind of leave in continuation of ex-India study leave. 5. The contents of this letter may be brought to the notice of all members of the All India Services.





In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 of the All India Services Act, 1951(LXI of 1951), the Central Government, after consultation, with the Government of the States concerned, hereby makes the following rules, namely: 1. Short title and application 1(1)

These rules may be called the All India Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954. They shall apply to members of the Service while they are on duty or on leave or under suspension, within India 2[ ] authorised medical attendant means the principal medical officer appointed by the Government to attend to its officers in the station or district 4(where the member of the Service falls ill) and includes a medical officer who, in rank, is equal or immediately junior to such principal medical officer 5and who is attached to any hospital or dispensary in the station where such principal medical officer is posted: Provided that if there is no principal medical officer appointed by the Government for the station at which or the district in which the member of the Service falls ill, the principal medical officer shall be the officer appointed by the Government of the State in which the station or district is situated;


2. Definitions.In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires




Contributory Health Service Scheme means any approved scheme of free medical attendance and treatment of servants of the Government and the members of their family in return for such monthly contribution by every Servant of the Government as may, from time to time, be determined by the Government. family means


(i) Husband or wife as the case may be, of the member of the Service; and

(ii) The parents, sisters, widowed sisters, widowed daughters, minor brothers, children and step-children wholly dependent upon the member of the Service and are normally residing with such member including dependent brothers, dependent divorces/separated daughters and step-mother.

1 2

The principal rule was notified vide Notification No.6/1/54-AIS-III (GSR No.158E dt. 14.09.1954) Substituted vide DOPT Notification No. 31/7/72AIS(III) dated 22.05.1973 The words Provided that these rules shall cease to apply to such members as soon as the Contributory Health Service Scheme is introduced in stations to which they are for the time being posted deleted w.e.f. 17.03.1958 vide MHA Notification No. 13/8/57AIS(III), dated 17.03.1958 (GSR No. 156, dt 22.03.1958). 3 Amended/added vide MHA Notification No. 6/4/1959AIS(III), dated 19.08.1959 (GSR No. 983 dt 29.08.1959) 4 Substituted for the words to which the member of the service is posted vide MHA Notification No. 6/3/58AIS(III), dated 21.03.1958(GSR No.192, dt. 29.03.1958) 5 Substituted vide MHA Notification No. 7/18/64AIS(III), dated 24.05.1967 (GSR No. 824 dt.03.06.1967) 6 Amended vide MHA Notification No. 7/13/60AIS(III), dated 03.10.1961 (GSR No. 1245, dt. 14.10.1961) 7 Substituted vide DOPT Notification No.11023/2/97-AIS-III dated 30.09.2003 (GSR No.364 dt. 12.10.2003)


Explanation IFor the purposes of 9clause 2(a), the members of the family shall be regarded as wholly dependent upon the member of the Service if they ordinarily reside with the said member and their total monthly income does not exceed Rs.1500/-.
10 11

Explanation II Omitted.

Explanation III In the case of the member of the Service, whose personal law recognises adoption as a mode of filiation and who has been adopted, the adoptive parents, and not the real parents, shall be treated as parents. 2(d) Government means in the case of a member of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the Union, the Central Government, and in the case of a member of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of a State, the Government of that State: Provided that a member of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of a State falls ill in some other State the Government of that other State shall be deemed to be the Government for the purpose of clause (a); 2(e) Government hospital includes a military hospital, any railway hospital notified in this behalf by the Central Government, a hospital maintained by a local authority and any other hospital with which arrangements have been made by the Government for the treatment of its officers; medical attendance means attendance in a Government hospital or at the residence of a member of the Service or at the consulting room maintained by the authorised medical attendant by arrangement with him and includes; (i) such pathological, bacteriological, radiological or other methods of examination for the purposes of diagnosis as are available in any Government hospital or laboratory 12[ ] and are considered necessary by the authorised medical attendant, and (ii) such consultation with any other medical officer or specialist in the service of (the Central Government or any State Government) as the authorised medical attendant certifies to be necessary to such extent and in such manner as the medical officer or the specialist may, in consultation with the authorised medical attendant, determine; 2(g) 2(h) member of the Service means a member of an All-India Services as defined in section 2 of the All India Services Act, 1951, (61 of 1951); nurse means a qualified nurse holding a certificate or a diploma recognised by the Chief Administrative Medical Officer of the State or a registered nurse in a State in which there is statutory provision for the registration of nurses; patient means a member of the Service who requires medical attendance and treatment;


2 (i)

8 9

added vide MHA Notification No.22/12/62-AIS-III datedt.03.01.1968 (GSR No.290 dt.17.02.1968) Substituted vide DOPT Notification No.11023/2/97-AIS-III dated 20.12.2004 (GSR No.7 dt. 08.01.2005) 10 Omitted vide DOPT Notification No.11023/2/97-AIS-III dated 30.09.2003 (GSR No.364 dt. 12.10.2003) 11 inserted vide DOPT Notification No.8/4/71-AIS(III) dated 18.03.1972 (GSR No.706 dt. 01.08.1981) 12 [] The words in the State omitted and () substituted by MHA Notification No. 13/15/57-AIS(III) dated 15.03.1960 (GSR No. 322 dt 19.07.1968)




State means the State in which a member of the Service falls ill; treatment means the use of all Medical and surgical facilities available at the Government hospital in which a patient is treated, and includes (i) the employment of such pathological, bacteriological, radiological or any other methods as are considered necessary by the authorised medical attendant;


(ii) dental treatment including extraction of teeth, scaling and gum treatment, filling of teeth (other than cost of denture) and root canal treatment

Explanation (deleted)


(iii) the supply of such medicines, vaccines, sera or other therapeutic substances as are ordinarily available in Government hospitals in the State but excluding: (iii) (a) such preparations which are not medicines but are primarily used as food, tonic, toilet or disinfectant, and (iii) (b) such expensive drugs, tonics, laxatives and other elegant and proprietary preparations (for which drugs of equal therapeutic value are available) as may be 16notified by the Central Government.

(iv) the supply of such medicines, vaccines, sera or other therapeutic substances not ordinarily so available as the authorised medical attendant may certify in writing to be essential for the recovery or for the prevention of serious deterioration in the condition of the patient; (v) such accommodation as is ordinarily provided in the hospital to which the patient is admitted and is suited to his status; (vi) the services of such nurses as are ordinarily employed by the hospital to which the patient is admitted; (vii) such special nursing as the authorised medical attendant may certify in writing to be essential for the recovery or for the prevention of serious deterioration in the condition of the patient having regard to the nature of the disease; and (viii) the medical attendance described in sub-clause (ii) of clause (f); but does not include diet, or provision at the request of the patient of accommodation superior to that described in sub-clause (v) 3. Medical Attendance by authorised medical attendant 3 (1) A member of the Service shall be entitled to free of charge to medical attendance by the authorised medical attendant. 3 (2) Where a member of the Service is entitled under sub-rule (1), free of charge to medical attendance, any amount paid by him on account of
13 14 15

Substituted vide Notification No. 8/22/66AIS(III) dated 19.10.1966. Substituted vide Notification No. 11023/19/77AIS(III) dated 18.07.1981 (GSR No. 706 dt 01.08.1981) Substituted vide DPAR Notification No.4/11/73AIS(III) dated 18.07.1981 (GSR No. 776, dt 27.02.1974) 16 Circulated to State Govts. vide letter No. 4/11/73AIS(III) dated 06.08.1974 and 26.9.74 and notified vide Not. No. 4/11/73AIS(III) dated 27.09.1975 (GSR No.2501 dt.11.10.1975).


such medical attendance shall, on production of a certificate in writing by the authorised medical attendant in this behalf, be reimbursed to the member of the Service by the Government: Provided that the Government shall reject any claim if it is not satisfied with its genuineness on facts and circumstances of each case, after giving an opportunity to the claimant of being heard in the matter, while doing so, the Government shall communicate to him the reasons, in brief, rejecting the claim; and the claimant may submit an appeal to the Central Government within a period of forty-five days of the date of communication of the order rejecting this claim. 4. Medical Attendance and treatment of families of members of the Services 4(1) The members of the family of a member of the Service shall be entitled at Government cost to medical attendance and treatment at a government hospital or at the residence or at the consulting room maintained by the authorised medical attendant by arrangement with him, and to travelling allowance on the scale and conditions allowed to the member of the Service himself under these rules. Medical attendance and treatment referred to in sub-rule (1), shall include confinement in a hospital and pre-natal and post-natal treatment of the wife of the member of the Service.
18 17


5. Travelling Allowances. 5(1) When the place at which a patient falls ill is not the headquarters of the authorised medical attendant: (a) the patient shall be entitled to travelling allowance for journey to and from such headquarters; or (b) if, the patient is too ill to travel, the authorised medical attendant shall be entitled to travelling allowance for the journey to and from the place where the patient is: Provided that a patient shall not be entitled to travelling allowance for a journey for attendance by a dentist or an oculist. 5(2) An application for travelling allowance under sub-rule (1) shall be accompanied by a certificate in writing by the authorised medical attendant stating that medical attendance was necessary and, if the application is under clause (b) of that sub-rule, that the patient was too ill to travel. 6. Medical attendance by person other than authorised medical attendant. 6(1) If the authorised medical attendant is of the opinion that the case of a patient is of such a serious or special nature as to require medical attendance by some person other than himself he may, with the approval of the Chief Administrative Medical Officer of the State (which shall be obtained beforehand unless the delay involved entails danger to the health of the patient)

17 18

Substituted vide DP&AR Bo.11023/8/77AIS(III) dated 14.05.1979 (GSR No. 713 dt 26.05.1979) Amended vide MHA Notification No. 7/16/61AIS(III) dated 10.08.1962 (GSR No. 1094 dt 25.08.1962)


(a) send the patient to the nearest specialist or other medical officer19 as provided for in clause (f) of rule 2, by whom, in his opinion, medical attendance is required for the patient; or (b) if the patient is too ill to travel, summon such specialist or other medical officer to attend upon the patient. 6(2) Where a patient is sent to a specialist or other medical officer under clause (a) of sub-rule (1), he shall, on production of a certificate in writing by the authorised medical attendant in this behalf, be entitled to travelling allowance for the journey to and from the headquarters of the specialist or other medical officer. A specialist or other medical officer summoned under clause (b) of subrule (1) shall, on production of a certificate in writing by the authorised medical attendant in this behalf, be entitled to travelling allowance for the journey to and from the place where the patient is.


7. Hospital at which treatment may be received and reimbursement therefor. 7(1) Every member of the Service shall be entitled free of charge, to treatment (a) in such Government hospital in the station or district where he falls ill as can in the opinion of the authorised medical attendant, provide the necessary and suitable treatment; or (b) if there is no such hospital as is referred to in clause (a), in such hospital other than a Government hospital in that station or district as may, in the opinion of the authorised medical attendant, provide the necessary and suitable treatment; or (c) if there is no such hospital referred to in clauses (a) and (b) in such hospital in the State as may, in the opinion of the authorised medical attendant, provide the necessary and suitable treatment: Provided that where in any exceptional case the authorised medical attendant is of opinion that the necessary and suitable treatment is available only in a hospital outside the State (but within India), he may, with the approval of the Chief Administrative Medical Officer of the State (which shall be obtained beforehand unless the delay involved entails danger to the health of the patient) send the patient for treatment in such hospital. 7(2) Where a member of the Service is entitled under sub-rule (1), free of charge, to treatment in a hospital, any amount paid by him on account of such treatment shall, on production of a certificate in writing by the authorised medical attendant in this behalf, be reimbursed to the member of the Service by the Government:

Provided that where special nursing forms a part of such treatment, the amount to be reimbursed in respect of such special nursing shall be limited to the amount which is excess of 25 per cent of the pay of the member of the Service for the period of a special nursing:


The word in the State deleted by MHA notification No. 13/45/57AIS(III), dated 15.03.1960 (GSR No.322 dt. 19.03.1960)


Provided that the Government shall reject any claim if it is not satisfied with the genuineness on facts and circumstances of each case, after giving an opportunity to the claimant of being heard in the matter; while doing so, the Govt. shall communicate to him the reasons, in brief, rejecting the claim, and the claimant may submit an appeal to the Central Govt. within a period of forty-five days of the date of communication of the order rejecting his claim.


7 (3) If the patient has to proceed to a station other than at which he falls ill for the purpose of treatment under sub-rule (1), he shall, on production of a certificate in writing from the authorised medical attendant in this behalf, be entitled to travelling allowance for the journey to and from the place at which such treatment is received. Such travelling allowance shall also be admissible for an attendant, if the authorised medical attendant certifies in writing that it is unsafe for the patient to travel unattended and that an attendant is necessary to accompany the patient to the place of treatment and back. If the authorised medical attendant is of opinion that owing to the absence or remoteness of a suitable hospital or to the severity of the illness a member of the Service cannot be given treatment as provided in sub-rule (1) of rule 7, he may receive treatment at his residence. Where a member of the Service is receiving treatment at his residence under sub-rule (1) he shall be entitled to receive towards the cost of the treatment incurred by him a sum equivalent to the cost of such treatment as he would have been entitled to receive free of charge, under these rules if he had not been treated at his residence. A claim for any amount admissible under sub-rule (2) shall be accompanied by a certificate in writing by the authorised medical attendant, (a) his reasons for the opinion referred to in sub-rule (1); (b) the amount of the cost of similar treatment referred to in sub-rule (2)

8. Treatment at residence. 8(1)



9. Charges for services other than medical attendance to be paid 9(1) Any charge for services rendered in connection with, but not included in, medical attendance on, or treatment of, a patient entitled, free of charge, to medical attendance or treatment under these rules, shall be determined by the authorised medical attendant and paid by the patient. If any question arises as to whether any service is included in medical attendance or treatment, it shall be referred to the Government whose decision thereon shall be final.


10. Countersignature of certificate for reimbursement of travelling allowance.The Government may by general or special order direct that any certificate required by these rules to be given by the authorised medical attendant and the controlling officer for the purpose of travelling allowance of a patient shall be countersigned by the Chief Administrative Medical Officer of the State.

20 21

Substituted vide DP & AR Notification No. 11023/8/77AIS(III), dated 14.05.1979 (GSR No. 713 dt. 26.05.1979) Amended vide MHA Notification No. 7/16/61AIS(III), dated the 10.08.1962 (GSR No. 1094, dt. 25.08.1962)


11. Transfer to foreign service.No member of the Service shall be transferred to foreign service unless the foreign employer undertakes to afford to him, so far as may be, privileges not inferior to these to which he would be entitled under these rules if he had been employed in the service of the Government: Provided that this rule shall not apply in the case of a transfer of a member of the Service at his own request or when the member of the Service makes a specific request in writing that the provisions of this rule need not apply in his case. 11 A. Deputation to Government Organisations having separate Medical Attendance Rules. A member of the Service deputed to serve under a Government organisation having a separate set of rules for the grant of medical facilities to its employees may, at his option, elect to be governed by the rules of that organisation during the period of such deputation. Explanation.The expression Government Organisation in this rule includes Railways or other similar Organisation whose expenditure is debitable to the consolidated Fund of India or of the State. 12. Injuries due to civil disturbances. 12(1) A member of the Service serving in a disturbed area shall be deemed as being on duty continuously and any injury received by him as a result of the disturbances shall be deemed as having been received in the course of such duty, unless the facts of the case give a clear indication to the contrary. 12(2) When a member of the Service receives any injury while on duty in connection with the disturbance, he shall be entitled to medical attendance and treatment specified in clauses (f) and (k) of rule 2 free of charge. 12(3) A member of the Service on leave in a disturbed area is also entitled to the concessions outlined in sub-rule (2) above, if it is established that he was attacked and injured because of his being a Government servant. 12 A. Application of the Contributory Health Service SchemeNotwithstanding anything contained in these rules, they shall not apply to a member of the Service during any period in which he is on deputation to the Central Government at a station, where the contributory Health Service Scheme, is in operation, and the said scheme, as for the time being in force, shall apply to such member during the said period, as it applied to Central Government Servant Class I. 13. Interpretation.If any question arises as to the interpretation of these rules, the Central Government shall decide the same. 14. Saving.Nothing in these rules shall be deemed to i) entitle a member of the Service to reimbursement of any cost incurred in respect of medical services obtained by him, or to travelling allowance for any journey performed by him otherwise than as expressly provided in these rules, or
24 23 22


Added vide MHA Notification No. 7/6/64AIS(III) dated 21.01.1965 (GSR No.162 dt. 30.01.1965) and 11.03.1965 (GSR No. 434 dt 20.03.1965) 23 Introduced vide MHA Notification No. 13/8/57AIS(III) dated 17.03.1958 (GSR No.156 dt. 22.03.1958) 24 Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 7/1/73AIS(III),B, dated 02.01.1975 (GSR No. 40, dt 18.01.1975)



(i-a) entitle a member of the Service to reimbursement of any cost incurred in respect of (a) such preparations which are not medicines but are primarily used as food, tonic, toilet or disinfectant, and (b) such expensive drugs, tonics, laxatives and other elegant and proprietary preparations (for which drugs of equal therapeutic value are available) as may be 26notified by the Central Government.


(ii) prevent the Government from granting to a member of the Service, or to a member of the family of a member of the Service any concession relating to medical treatment or attendance for travelling allowance for any journey performed by him which is not authorised by these rules.

Inserted vide MHA Notification No. 8/8/69AIS(III) dated 02.01.1975 (GSR No. 1632 dt 29.10.1966) Circulated to State Govts vide letter No. 4/11/73AIS(III) dated 06.08.1974 & 26.9.74 and notified vide Notification No. 4/11/73AIS(III) dated 27.09.1975 (GSR No. 2501 dated 11.10.1975.) 27 Substituted vide Department of Personnel Notification No. 8/4/71-AIS(III) dated 18.03.1972 (GSR No. 419 dt 08.04.1972)




GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS ORDERS UNDER RULE 1 1. Members of the family of the AIS officers, serving with the affairs of the Union and on ex-India deputation or leave, may avail medical facilities under the AIS (MA) Rules: - The Government of India have decided that members of families in India of All India Services Officers serving in connection with the affairs of the Union proceeding ex-India on deputation or leave, including study leave and deputation-cumspecial leave under the various training and fellowship schemes may avail themselves of the medical facilities as admissible under these Rules. If the family members left behind in India are resident in an area covered by the Contributory Health Service Scheme, the grant of medical facilities to them under the Scheme will be conditional on the Government servant concerned paying the prescribed contributions. 2. The State Governments may extend these concessions to members of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the State. [G.I M.H.A. letter No. 7/10/60AIS (III), dated 30-7-1960]. 2. AIS officers whose headquarter is not in Delhi, shall get medical facilities under these rules while in Delhi and not under Contributory Health Service Scheme: - All India Services Officers whose headquarters are elsewhere than in Delhi/New Delhi and who visit Delhi/New Delhi on leave or on tour shall get medical facilities not under the Contributory Health Service Scheme but under the All India Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954. The authorised medical attendants for these officers will be the medical officers designated as such by the Delhi Administration for their employees. [G.H. M.H.A. letter No. 7/25/61AIS (III), dated 29-11-1962]. GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS ORDERS UNDER RULE 2 1. Authorised Medical Attendant is determined at the place where the moS falls ill; treatment of kidney stone can be taken at the place first noticed; and reimbursement will be admissible to the moS o rto his wife if they go outside his/her ordinary place of residence: - The Govt. of India have held that under rule 2(a) (i) The authorised medical attendant of a member of the Service is determined with reference to the place where he falls ill and not where he takes treatment, etc. (ii) Treatment for stones in kidney can be taken at the place where the stones are first noticed or at the place where the trouble suddenly occurs. (iii) Reimbursement of medical expenses will be admissible if the member of the All India Service or his wife goes outside the ordinary place of her/his duty/residence for the purpose of confinement. 2. In order to ensure genuineness of the claims relating to cases of confinement at a place other than the ordinary place of duty/residence, it would be desirable to obtain a declaration from the member of the Service of her/his intention of going herself or sending out his wife to a particular station for the purpose. [G. I. MHA letter No. 7/18/62AIS (III), dt. 5-4-63 read with DP & AR letter No. 11023/7/77AIS (III) date 10-10-1977.]


2. It is not binding that only Class I Medical Officers should be declared as Authorised Medical Attendants:- Under rule 2(a), it is not binding that only class I Medical Officers working in a particular place should be declared as Authorised Medical Attendants. The phrase Principal Medical Officer used therein refers to the Principal Medical Officer in charge of each independent Hospital/Dispensary in that place. Under the provisions of General Clauses Act, 1978 the words in the singular shall include the plural and viceversa. Accordingly, Principal Medical Officer means Principal Medical Officers. [GI MHA letter No. 7/14/65AIS (III), dated 29-11-1965] 3. State Governments are competent to appoint any govt. doctor working as Principal Medical Officer to act as an Authorised Medical Attendant;- Under Clause (a) read with clause (d), the State Governments are themselves competent to appoint any Government doctor working in any place in the State as Principal Medical Officer to act as an Authorised Medical Attendant for All India Services officers. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/14/62AIS(III), dated 30-10-1962 and No.7/1/64AIS (III), dated 9-1-1964] 4. State Governments are competent to declare Hony. Medical Officers as Authorised Medical Attendants:- The Govt. of India have held that the practice followed in the case of Central Civil Services employees according to which Honorary Medical Officers outside the hospital precincts are treated just like private medical practitioners is not applicable to All India Service Officers serving in connection with the affairs of the State. 2. Under rule 2(a) read with rule 2(d), the State Governments are competent to declare Hony. Medical Officers as Authorised Medical Attendants for the purposes of medical attendance of the members of the Service and the members of their families. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/5/63AIS (III), dated 15-3-1965.] 5. Reimbursement of medical expenditure is admissible to widowed/divorced daughter wholly dependant on the moS:- The Govt. of India have held that sub-rule 2(c) (ii) stipulates, that the children (including step children) are included in the family, provided they are wholly dependent on the member of the Service. The fact of marriage, divorce, widow-hood, or the age of the child is not relevant. If the circumstances of the case so warrant and the officer certifies that the widowed/divorced daughter is wholly dependent on the member of the Service and the controlling authority is satisfied, claim for reimbursement of the medical expenditure is admissible. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/16/64AIS (III), dated 15-2-1965.] 6. Fees prescribed in Central Service (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944 are applicable to the AIS offices serving in connection with the affairs of the Union. The State Governments are to prescribe fees for AIS officers working with the affairs of the States:- The Govt. of India have held that the schedule of fee prescribed in the Central Service (Medical Attendance) Rule, 1944, is also applicable to All India Services Officers serving in connection with the affairs of the Union under rule 2(a) of the All India Services (Conditions of ServiceResiduary Matters) Rules, 1960. So far as the All India Services Officers serving in connection with the affairs of the States are concerned it is for the State Government to prescribe, under rule 2(d) read with rule 2(a) of the A.I.S. (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954, fees for medical attendance and treatment to be rendered by the Authorised Medical Attendance to such officers. If no specific rates of fees are prescribed by the State Government for such officers, the rates of fees, etc. prescribed for Class I officers of the State concerned will apply in respect of


A.I.S. Officers serving in connection with affairs of the State under rule 2(b) of the All India Services (Conditions of ServiceResiduary Matters) Rules, 1960. If the State Government has not prescribed the rates of fees etc. for Class I officers of the State, they may by issue of suitable orders, adopt the rates of fees etc. prescribed for Central Services in respect of All India Services Officers serving in connection with the affairs of the State. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/8/63AIS (III), dated 3rd October, 1963.] 7. A member of the family of the moS is entitled to medical attendance if he/she falls ill in a State which is not the State of allotment of the moS:- The Govt. of India have held that a member of family of the member of the Service is entitled to medical attendance and treatment in the State in which he or she falls ill though the State may not be the State of allotment of the member of the Service. The facility will be subject to the provisions of the M.A. Rules. Such cases could be covered straight away by the proviso to rule 2(d) read with rule 7(1) (a) or rule 4 and 7(1) (a) of these rules and no special sanction of the State Government to cover such cases under rule 14 or otherwise would be necessary. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/26/62AIS(III), dated the 10th January, 1963.] 8. All Police Hospitals and Dispensaries are recognised for the purpose of medical attendance and treatment of Indian Police Service officers and members of their families: - The Government of India have decided that, for the purpose of these rules: (i) all Police Hospitals and Dispensaries may be deemed as recognised for the purpose of medical attendance and treatment of Indian Police Service officers, and members of their families; and the medical officers in charge of Police Hospitals/Dispensaries shall be regarded as the authorised medical attendants of Indian Police Service officers, so long as they receive treatment in these Hospitals/ Dispensaries.


2. As far as possible, Indian Police Service officers should avail themselves of the facilities provided at the Police Hospitals/Dispensaries. If, in any particular case, any facility which is not available in a Police Hospital/Dispensary, is essentially required the same may be had at the nearest Government recognised hospital on the advice of the appropriate authorised medical attendant under the provisions of these Rules. In such cases, the medical officer in charge of the Police Hospital/Dispensary should certify that the necessary facilities required for the treatment are not available in the Police Hospital/Dispensary. [G.I. MHA letter No. 6/3/58AIS (III), dated 22-11-1958] 9. It is not mandatory for IPS officers and their members of the family to receive medical treatment only from police hospitals/dispensaries, they can avail treatment from Authorised Medical Attendants under these rules:- The Government of Indias decision (8) above enables Indian Police Service officers to receive, as far as possible, treatment from Police Hospitals/Dispensaries, as that is considered more convenient for them. It is not to be interpreted as meaning that Indian Police Service officers must necessarily consult police medical officers in the first instance and receive treatment, only in Police Hospital/Dispensaries. They are entitled to receive treatment, if they so desire, from the authorised medical attendants under this rule without first consulting the police medical officers. The certificate referred to in the concluding sentence of the said decision is necessary in a case where the patient has started receiving medical attendance/treatment from the Medical Officer of the Police


Hospital/Dispensary or at the Police Hospital/Dispensary and needs further facilities which are not available there and have to be obtained elsewhere. [G.I. MHA letter No. 6/ /59AIS(III), dated 2-11-1959.] 10. State Govts may declare any hospital other than a Railway Hospital as a recognised hospital for the purpose of treatment: - The Government of India have decided that, under this rule, it is for the State Government to declare any hospital other than a Railway Hospital as a recognised hospital for the treatment of members of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of State. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/6/60AIS (III), dated 4-4-1960] 11. State Govts are competent to recognise Unani or Ayurvedic Hospitals for the purpose of treatment:- Under clause (e), the State Governments are competent to recognise Unani or Ayurvedic Hospitals for the purpose of treatment of All India Services officers serving in connection with the affairs of the State. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/11/62AIS(III), dated 15-12-1962.] 12. Fee for consulting in consulting room and the cost of medicine is reimbursable:- Under rules 2(f), 3 and 2(k) (iv), medical attendance includes medical attendance in the consulting room maintained by the authorised medical attendant. Any fee for consultation in consulting room and the cost of medicines prescribed in consulting room will be reimbursable. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/3/63AIS(III), dated 11-4-63.] 13. A moS appointed to Public Service Commission is not covered under this rule: - Members of the Service, on appointment to Public Service Commissions, shall be governed in all respects by the rules regulating the conditions of service of Members of Public Service Commissions framed by the President/Governors. Such regulations may, however, be amended to include any facilities that may be available to the members of the All India Service. [G.I. MHA letter No. 6/11/58AIS (III), dated 6-10-1958.] 14. The word Patient under the rule includes a member of the family of the moS:- Under rule 2(i) read with rule 4, the word patient includes a member of the family of the member of the Service, for the purposes of benefits admissible under the A.I.S. (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954, except when treatment is taken in a non-government hospital or by a non-government specialist. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/3/64AIS (III), dated 28-1-1964, G.I. MHA letter No.6/11/58AIS (III), dated 6-10-1958. and 6/1/59AIS (III), dated 2-1-1960.] 15. Dental treatment is not permissible unless it indicates that teeth are the real source of disturbance:- Under rule 2(k) (ii), dental treatment, even when it is obtained at a Government hospital under the advice of the authorised medical attendant, is not permissible unless the diagnosis of the physiological or other disability from which a member of the Service is suffering indicates that teeth are the real source of disturbance. It does not include sealing of teeth or free supply of artificial dentures, or treatment from private Dentist, or outside the hospital even on the advice of the authorised medical attendant. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/2/64AIS(III), dated 10-2-1964, [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/13/64AIS (III), dated 20-1-1964.]


16. Reimbursement of the cost of medicine prescribed by AMA is permitted if a certificate is given by him under the rule:- A member of the Service is entitled to reimbursement of cost of the medicine prescribed by the Authorised Medical Attendant if a certificate is given by him as required under rule 2(k)(iv). [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/16/62AIS (III), dated 20-1-1964.] 17. Reimbursement of electricity and furniture charges is allowed:- Electricity and furniture are regarded as part of accommodation referred to in clause (k) (iv). Members of the Service may, therefore, be allowed reimbursement of electric and furniture charges, if they are otherwise entitled to reimbursement of charges on account of accommodation. [G.I. MHA letter No. 32/10/60AIS (III), dated 24-9-1960File No. 7/24/60-AIS(III).] 18. moS is entitled to accommodation as per hi status: - Under rule 2(k) (v), the All India Services officers are, as a part of their treatment, entitled to such accommodation as is ordinarily provided in the hospital to which the patient, is admitted and is suited his status. If the Authorised Medical Attendant is satisfied that any particular hospital does not provide suitable accommodation he can refer the case to some other hospital having suitable accommodation under rule 7(c). [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/7/61AIS (III), dated 26-4-1961.] 19. Reimbursement of charges to private nurses/nurses provided by the hospital is allowed:- The term special nursing referred to in clause (k)(vii) relates both to private nurses and the nurses provided by the hospital for this purpose; and reimbursement of charges on this account is to be allowed as laid down in the proviso to rule 7(2) whether the treatment is taken at the hospital or at the residence, if the claim is supported by a certificate of the authorised medical attendant as provided under clause (k)(vii). [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/2/60AIS(III), dated 7-4-1961.] 20. AIS officers belonging to one State falling ill in another State should be treated at par with the officers of that State:- The State Governments have been requested to issue instruction to the Hospitals etc, under their control, that in the case of an All India Services officer belonging to one State, falling ill in another State, he should be treated at par with the officers serving in connection with the affairs of the latter State in the matter of charging fees, etc. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/4/65AIS (III), dated 8-7-1965.] 21. Sons and married daughters, who are employed otherwise than on a part time basis shall not be treated as wholly dependent on the moS:- A question has been raised whether children, who are gainfully employed but are otherwise dependent on the parents, can be deemed to be wholly dependent on the All India Service Officers. 2. It has been decided that, for the purpose of reimbursement under the AIS (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954, sons and married daughters, who are employed otherwise than on a part time basis shall not be treated as wholly dependent on the members of the All India Service . (G.I. MHA letter No. 8/15/69AIS(III) dated 26.12.1969) 22. See Annexure I (letter No. 8/8/66AIS (III), dated 14-7-66 placed at Sl.No.9 under the Heading Miscellaneous Executive Instructions issued under these rules).


23. Inadmissible medicines specified in the Central Services Medical Attendance Rules are also applicable to AIS officers: - The list of inadmissible medicines specified in Schedule I and II of the Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules are also applicable to members of the All India Services under rule 2(k) (iii) of the A.I.S. (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954. 2. Ministry of Health have now clarified that the list of items of allopathic medicines specified in schedule I and II may be treated as illustrative only indicating ineligible medicines/preparation or expensive drugs. The Authorised Medical Attendant may take a decision whether a particular new medicine or preparation falls under any of the broad categories specified in schedule I or schedule II and shall so certify whereupon the cost of such medicines may be reimbursed. A copy of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare OM No. S 14025/67/84MS dated 24.10.1986 is enclosed for ready reference. [Min. of Health & Family Welfare No. 14025/67/84MS dt. 24-10-86.] 24. AMA may take a decision regarding admissibility/inadmissibility of the medicines specified in the Central Service Medical Attendance Rules:- The undersigned is directed to invite attention to Rule 2(h) (iii) of the CS(MA) Rules, 1944 whereunder the guidelines regarding prescription and reimbursement of essential medicines for the recovery of prevention of serious deterioration in the condition of a Government servant or his family member have been laid down. This matter has been further considered and it has now been decided that the list of items of allopathic medicines specified in Schedule I and Schedule II of the Rules may be treated as illustrative only indicating ineligible medicines/ preparations or expensive drugs. The Authorised Medical Attendant may take a decision whether a particular new Medicine or preparation falls under any of the broad categories specified in Schedule I or Schedule II and shall so certify whereupon the cost of such medicines may be reimbursed. No references as to the admissibility or otherwise of medicines will be entertained by the Ministry of Health. 2. All Ministries/Departments are requested to bring the contents of this O.M. to the notice of the concerned, particularly of the Authorised Medical Attendants appointed by them. (Deptt. of Pers. & Trg. Circular No. 11023/6/87AIS (III) dt.8-3-1988.) 25. Instructions on:- (i) Definition of family, (ii) If both the husband or wife are employed, one in AIS and the other in different Service, they are free to choose medical attendance under the AIS(MA) Rules or the facilities provided by the other Service ((iii) if husband and wife both are AIS officers, prior declaration may be given as to who will prefer the claim of reimbursement:- The following instructions may be observed for the purpose of deciding cases of reimbursement of medical expenses due to the revised definition of the term family: (a) (1) The term family does not include any other dependent relations such as brother, sister, widowed sister etc. (2) The term children will include children adopted legally. (3) The term wife includes more than one wife. (b) The husband or wife of the Government servant, as the case may be, if employed in a Service other than the All India Service which provides medical facilities of its own would be entitled to choose the medical facilities either of the All India Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954, or of the Service of which he/she is employed.



In a case where both husband and wife are All India Service Officers they as well as the eligible dependents may be allowed to avail of the medical concessions according to his/her status under the All India Service (Medical Attendance), Rules, 1954. For this purpose, they should furnish to their respective administrative authorities a joint declaration as to who will prefer the claim for reimbursement of medical expenses incurred for the medical attendance and treatment in respect of wife/husband and the children. The above declaration shall be submitted in duplicate and a copy of each shall be recorded in the personal file of each of them in their respective offices. A copy of such joint declaration should also be forwarded to the Accountant General concerned. This declaration shall remain in force till such time as it is revised on the express request in writing by both the husband and the wife. In the absence of such a joint declaration, the medical concessions shall be availed of by the wife and the children according to the status of the husband. [G.I. M HA letter No. 7/20/60AIS (III), dated 7-12-1961]

GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS ORDERS UNDER RULE 3 1. No ceiling limit on consultation fixed for AMAs in respect of AIS officers serving with the affairs with the Union. However, the State Governments may prescribe such limits for the AIS officers serving with them:- Under this Rule, the Government of India have not prescribed any ceiling limits on consultations etc. with authorised medical attendants in respect of members of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the Union. It is however for the State Government to prescribe such limits if they consider necessary for members of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the State. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/23/60AIS (III), dated 26-9-1960] 2. No restriction on the AIS officers serving with the affairs of the Union under AIS(DCRB) Rules, 1960 of consultation and injections, (including injectibles) under the order issued by the Ministry of Health in their O.M. No. F. 28-12-66/hl. dated the 6th March 1962, in respect of the members of the Central Service Class I:- on The Government of India have held that rules 3, 4 and 7 provide for free medical treatment and attendance to the members of the Service and the members of their families without restriction. In view of this, it is not permissible to invoke rule 2 of the A.I.S. (Conditions of Service-Residuary Matters) Rules, 1960, and restrict the number of consultation and injections, (including injectibles) under the order issued by the Ministry of Health in their O.M. No. F. 28-12-66/hl. dated the 6th March 1962, in respect of the members of the Central Service Class I. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/14/63AIS (III), dated 12-5-1964] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS ORDERS UNDER RULE 4 1. Reimbursement of expenses entitled for the treatment availed at any place where an officer or his family fall ill:- A question arose whether an officer was entitled to reimbursement of expenses incurred on the treatment of his wife or delivery even though she was treated at a place outside the State of his posting.


2. According to rule 7(1) (a) read with rule 4, an officer and members of his family are entitled to medical attendance and treatment at any place where they fall ill irrespective of the consideration whether that place is within or outside the State in which the officer is posted. The officer is therefore, entitled to reimbursement of the expenses, if it is otherwise admissible. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/1/60AIS (III), dated 5-3-1960.] 2. Medical attendance and treatment at any Government hospital at a station other than his AMA is attached, is permitted:- It will not be inconsistent with this rule, if an officer is permitted to have medical attendance and treatment of the members of his family at any Government hospital at a station other than that in which his authorised medical attendant is attached. In such cases, it would only be necessary that the medical officer of the other hospital is also declared by the State Government as authorised medical attendant under rule 2(a). [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/12/60AIS (III), dated 14-7-1960.] 3. Reimbursement on Confinement in a hospital on account of abortion is admissible:- Confinement in a hospital on account of abortion is to be treated as confinement on account of child-birth under sub-rule (3) and as such reimbursement of medical charges is admissible in connection with the treatment of the wife of a member of the Service on that account. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/26/60AIS (III), dated 27-10-1960.] 4. Reimbursement of prescription made by AMA during his visit to the officers residence or on social call: - A question arose, whether, in case, where the authorised medical attendant prescribes medicines, for the member of an officers family during the course of visit to the officers residence on his way to the hospital or on social call, reimbursement of the expenses could be permitted, even though the conditions in proviso to sub-rule (1) were not satisfied. 2. Rule 2(k), read with this rule cannot be interpreted to mean that an authorised medical attendant cannot prescribe medicines at any place other than at a Government hospital or his consulting room, if he chooses to do so. There should, therefore, be no objection to the reimbursement of the expenses. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/17/60AIS(III), dated 2-8-1960, and 2-2-1960 read with letter No. 7/9/61AIS(III), dated 5-8-1960.] 5. Members of the family of an AIS officer are entitled medical attendance at government cost on the scale and conditions allowed to the moS if treatment is taken in any Government Hospital only, though the moS is entitled to treatment in any private hospital: - Under sub-rule (1) the members of the family of an All India Service Officers are entitled to medical attendance and treatment at Government cost on the scale and conditions allowed to the members of the Service provided the treatment in such cases is taken in a Government hospital. Accordingly, reimbursement of medical expenses will be admissible if a member of the family of an All India Service officer is sent for treatment in a Government hospital only, outside the State under the proviso to rule 7(1) (c). The members of the Service themselves are, however, entitled to treatment in any hospital private or Government outside the State under the above-mentioned proviso. 2. In accordance with the provisions of sub-rule (1), the provisions of rule 14 are also applicable to the members of the family of an All India Service Officers. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/26/61AIS(III), dated 23-12-1961.]


6. Travelling allowance to the attendant of a family member of a moS will be the actual single railway fare by which the patient travels of a lower class the attendant actually travels:- Under this rule read with rule 7(3), travelling allowance will be admissible to the attendant accompanying a member of the family of an All India Service officer also provided that such patient travels to consult a specialist in a Government Hospital only. 2. The travelling allowance admissible to the attendant accompanying the patient will be the actual single railway fare of the appropriate class by which the patient travels or of a lower class by which the attendant actually travels for the rail journey and actual cost of transit not exceeding the travelling allowance admissible to the member concerned for the journey by road. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/10/62AIS(III), dated 17-11-1962.] 7. Presence of the moS is not necessary at the place of the ordinary residence of his/her members of the family for their treatment of claim:- Under sub-rule (1), a member of the Service is entitled to claim reimbursement of medical charges incurred by him for medical attendance and treatment given to the member of his family at the place of their ordinary residence, which is different from his headquarters. The presence of the member of the Service at such a place either on leave or on duty is not necessary. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/11/62AIS(III), dated 16-10-1963.] 8. No limit on the amount of reimbursement by the controlling officer has been prescribed:- The Government of India have held that no limit has been prescribed for the amount upto, which the controlling officer can allow reimbursement either under the All India Service (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954, or under the Central Service (Medical attendance) Rules, 1944. However, sanction of the Government will be necessary if the claim is admitted in term of rule 14(4) of the AIS (M.A.) Rule 1954. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/2/65AIS(III), dated 20-4-1965.] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS ORDERS UNDER RULE 6 1. Approval of Chief Administrative Medical Officer is not necessary if he is satisfied that treatment other than AMA is necessary, of permission in this regard is obtained: - Under this rule, it is immaterial whether the approval of the Chief Administrative Medical Officer is obtained by the member of the Service or the authorised medical attendant so long as the Chief Administrative Medical Officer is satisfied that treatment other than by an authorised medical attendant is necessary. The member of the Service may obtain such permission on the suggestion of the Authorised medical attendant or the Chief Administrative Medical Officer may give such permission after consultation with the authorised medical attendant. [G.I. MHA letter No. 31/6/56AIS (II), dated 27-7-1956.] 2. State governments may take into consideration to facilities available within the State while referring the patients outside the State for treatment of special and malignant diseases: - Though this rule as amended permits All India Service officers and members of their families to get medical attendance/treatment outside the State for all diseases the actual intention in amending the rule is that the facilities for such treatment should, as far as possible be restricted to cases of special and malignant diseases like tuberculosis, cancer and polio or in respect of officer posted to under developed areas like Manipur and Tripura where reasonable and adequate facilities for treatment may not be available at a hospital within the State and where treatment at a


hospital in an adjoining State might be recommended. The State Government may bring this fact to notice of their medical authorities so that they might bear it in mind while recommending medical attendance/treatment in hospital outside the State. 2. The State Government may, however, at their discretion, permit officers in deserving cases to have treatment outside their State or other districts where the medical authorities are of opinion that there is immediate danger to life and that treatment outside the State is absolutely necessary. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/7/60AIS(III), dated 3-6-1960.] 3. MoS can get medical treatment from doctors other than AMA: - Member of the Service can get medical treatment from doctors other than their authorised medical attendants (including doctors equal or immediately junior to the authorised medical attendants in the same hospital) only on the prior advice of their authorised medical attendants, who will further get the approval of the Chief Administrative Medical Officer of the State. The State Government can, however, allow the All India Service officers and the members of their families to get medical treatment from any government doctor stationed in the place where they are serving, if they declare principal medical officers of all separate hospitals to be the authorised medical attendants for them under rule 2(a) read with rule 2(d). [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/8/60AIS (III), dated 9-11-1960.] 4. Members of the family of the moS are also entitled to treatment by a Government specialist: - The Government of India have held that the provisions of the rule 6(1) are also applicable to a member of the family of the member of the Service and he/she may be entitled to treatment by a specialist provided the specialist is Government specialist. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/3/64AIS (III), dated 28-1-1965.] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS ORDERS UNDER RULE 8 1. AMA could allow a moS for treatment at his residence if suitable facilities consistent with his/her status are not available at the govt. hospital: - Under rule 2(k)(v), treatment is defined to include such accommodation as is ordinarily provided in the hospital to which the patient is admitted and is suited to his status. If, therefore, the authorised medical attendant is of the view that suitable facilities consistent with the status of the member of the Service are not available at the Government hospital, he could, under sub-rule (1), allow the member of the Service to receive medical treatment at his residence. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/16/60AIS (III), dated 4-3-1961.] 2. It is the discretion of the AMA to decide the remoteness of a hospital considering the condition of the patient and distance of the hospital from the residence of the patient: - As remoteness has not been defined in the rule, a doubt was raised as to whether any criteria, which should guide authorised medical attendants, in determining whether, in a particular case, a hospital was remote or not, had been prescribed. 2. It is not practicable to prescribe any absolute definition of remoteness in respect of any particular hospital merely with reference to its location, i.e. physical distance. A hospital may be at a considerable distance from the residence of a patient; but the condition of the patient may be such that he could safely be asked to get treatment in that hospital. On the other hand, there may be a patient whose condition is such that he


may not be able to attend the same hospital or even a hospital, which is nearer, but may have to be given treatment at his residence. Thus a hospital, which is not remote, for one case may have to be considered as remote for certain other cases. That is why, in this, as in number of other matters under these rules, complete discretion has been vested in the authorised medical attendant. He is trusted to decide each case on its merits after taking into consideration the location of the hospital, the condition of the patient and the severity of illness. Any certificate issued by him may, therefore, be accepted by audit authorities without question. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/2/61AIS (III), dated 19-4-1961.] 3. Members of the family of a moS are entitled to received treatment at their residence if certified by AMA: - Under rule 8 read with rule 4, the family of a member of the Service is entitled to receive treatment at their residence only if certificates prescribed in sub-rule (3) of Rules are furnished by the Authorised Medical Attendant. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/9/64AIS (III), dated 17-7-1964.] 4.1 MoS and his/her members of the family are entitled to received treatment at their residence if certified by AMA and claim reimbursement thereon: - The Government of India have held that if the Authorised Medical Attendant is of the opinion that suitable facilities for hospitalisation are not available, or the condition of the patient is such that he cannot be shifted to the hospital without risk of deterioration in his health, he may give treatment to the member of the Service (or the member of family) at his residence. In case where illness is not severe or the disease is of a chronic nature, the patient should consult the Authorised Medical Attendant, either at his consulting room (if it has been so maintained) or in the hospital as an out-door patient. 4.2 However, if an Authorised Medical Attendant, of his own free will, examines a patient at his/her residence and prescribes medicines, there is no objection if the State Government permits reimbursement of the cost of the medicines. G.I. MHA letter No. 7/7/64AIS(III), dated Feb. 1965). GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS ORDERS UNDER RULE 9 1. Fees paid to compounders for administering injection and nurses for attending patients at the residence is not admissible: - It has been decided that the fees paid to compounders for administering injections and to nurses for attending to a member of the Service/members of the family of the member of the Service at their residence are not admissible. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/20/61AIS (III), dated 25-4-1962.] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS ORDERS UNDER RULE 14 1. Government has inherent power to grant any concession in deserving cases which are otherwise not provided in these rules: - The effect of clause (i), as far as the member of the Service is concerned, is that he is not entitled to reimbursement of any cost otherwise than as expressly provided in these rules. But, so far as the Government is concerned, its inherent power to grant, in suitable and deserving cases, any concession relating to medical treatment or attendance not authorised by the rules is expressly saved by clause (ii). The expression not authorised must be construed to mean not sanctioned or not justified by these Rules. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/10/61AIS (III), dated 10-7-1961.]


2. Reimbursement of expenditure other than a Government hospital can be granted in exceptional circumstances by the State Government: - Clause (ii) can be invoked by the State Government for granting to a member of the Service reimbursement of expenditure incurred by him for the treatment of a member of his family in a hospital other than a Government hospital outside the State provided very exceptional circumstances justify such action. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/13/62AIS (III), dated 1-2-1962.] 3.1. Additional concession can be granted by the State Government in individual, deserving and suitable cases for treatment abroad: - Clause (ii) does not empower the Government to grant to the members of the All India Services general additional concessions not covered by the rules. But they can grant in individual, deserving and suitable cases any concession within or outside the framework of the rules. Accordingly the State Government can under this rule, permit reimbursement of the cost of medical treatment and attendance taken abroad in a suitable and deserving case, even though it is outside the scope of the rules as laid down in rule 1(2). In such cases, however, the Government of India do not, as a matter of principle, accept any liability, though, in very special cases, they make payment equivalent to what proper treatment would have cost in India itself. 2. The powers under clause (ii) can be exercised by the State Government without any limitations. Rule 13 of these rules does not control the action of the State Govt. in such cases. It is also not necessary for them to consult the Central Government in this regard. [G.I. MHA File No. 8/62/62AIS (III), dated 29-8-62.] 4. Guidelines to be adopted in dealing with cases relating to Medical Treatment abroad:- The question of reimbursement of expenses incurred over treatment abroad for Central Government employees has been further considered and it has now been decided that the guidelines as in the annexure to Department of Personnel and A.R. letter No. 11023/7/83AIS (III), dated 7th November 1983 (reproduced below) should be adopted in dealing with the cases relating to request for medical treatment abroad. 2. The above decision also applies to members of the All India Service serving at the Centre. 3. The State Government have been requested to consider adopting the same policy in respect of the members of All India Services working in connection with the affairs of the State as well as the State Government employees. [G.I., DP&AR letter No.11023/7/83AIS(III), dated the 7th November 1983.] Guidelines to be adopted in dealing with cases relating to Medical Treatment abroad. (i) (ii) As a rule, reimbursement of cost of medical treatment incurred abroad should not be allowed. In exceptional cases necessitating treatment of a kind yet to be widely established in the country, where Government servants on medical advise choose to go on their own for treatment abroad, reimbursement could be authorised by the Director General of Health Services but should be limited to the expenditure that would have been incurred had such treatment been received in India in a Government Hospital or in a private hospital or nursing home specially recognised and accepted by the


Director General of Health Service. The question of reimbursement of air passage in such cases should not arise at all. (iii) Foreign exchange may be released to Government servants for purpose of treatment abroad to the same extent as is permissible to private citizens. Hospitals and clinics indicated in paragraph 3 below have facilities for specialist treatment for which requests are generally received for treatment abroad and in ordinary of which treatment facilities in ordinary Government hospitals are still inadequate. The services provided by these hospitals may be availed by eligible Government servants. In such cases reimbursement should be allowed subject to D. G. H. S. being satisfied about the reasonableness of the claim. Pending cases of reimbursement claims may be dealt with on the basis of the guidelines indicated in (i) to (iv) above.



NOTE. Only those cases which may have been brought up for consideration on or after 9th February, 1982 and not finally decided by that date would be deemed to be pending cases to qualify for such consideration. 2. The following ailments have been identified by the D. G. H. S. as being such for which facilities for treatment in India are not yet widely established. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Cadaver Kidney Transplant. Old operated by-pass surgery cases (in which the initial operation was done abroad) needing revascularization. Bone Marrow transplant. Operative correction for high myopia cases. Complex cyanote-Heart-Lesion and newly born infants suffering from heart diseases.

2.1 To consider cases of the above type, a Medical Board should be constituted at the State level by the State Director of Health Services. The Board should make specific recommendations and also give reasons for recommending treatment abroad. It should also certify that the treatment is not available in India. The certificate should be endorsed by the Director of Health Service, and sent to the Director General of Health Services, New Delhi, for his approval: 2.2 For purposes of reimbursement, as envisaged in these guidelines, the schedule of charges as applicable for private ward treatment at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, in force from time to time should be adopted. 3. The following Institutions have been identified as having facilities for specialist treatment: (a) Bye-pass coronary surgery: (i) Southern Railways Headquarters Hospitals, Perambur, Madras. (ii) Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore. (iii) K. E. M. Hospital, Bombay. (iv) Jaslok Hospital, Bombay. (v) Bombay Hospital, Bombay.


(vi) Kasturba Hospital, Bhopal. (vii) Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute of Medical Sciences and Technology, Trivendrum. (b) Kidney Transplant: (i) Christian Medical College & Hospital, Vellore. (ii) All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. (iii) Post Graduate Institute, Chandigarh. (iv) Jaslok Hopital, Bombay. (c) Blood Cancer: (i) Tata Memorial Hospital, Bombay. (ii) Cancer Institute, Adayar, Madras. (d) Complicated heart surgery cases: (i) Southern Railway Hospital, Perambur, Madras. (ii) Christian Medical College & Hospital, Vellore. (iii) K. E. M. Hospital, Bombay. (iv) All India Institute of Medical Science, New Delhi. (v) Bombay Hospital, Bombay. (vi) G. B. Pant Hospital, Delhi. (vii) Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute of Medical Sciences and Technology, Trivandrum. (viii) Post Graduate Institute, Chandigarh. (ix) S. S. K. M. Hospital, Calcutta. (x) Samaritan Hospital, Alwaye (Kerala). (xi) Kasturba Hospital, Bhopal (BHEL). (xii) N. M. Wadia Institute of Cardiology, Pune. 5. State Governments can issue executive instructions under this rule granting general additional concessions under the residuary powers in respect of officers serving in connection with the affairs of the State: - The Government of India have held that executive instructions giving general additional concessions in the matter of medical treatment and attendance to the members of the All India Service (Medical Attendances) Rules, 1954, can be issued by the State Government not under rule 14 (ii) of the said Rules but under the residuary powers resting with the State Governments in respect of officers serving in connection with the affairs of the States. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/10/63AIS(III), dated September, 1963.] 6. reimbursement of the cost of medical treatment taken from a private practitioner can be allowed in exceptional cases if the State Governments are satisfied with the circumstances: - The Govt. of India have held that ordinarily a member of the Service is expected to receive treatment from the Authorised Medical Attendant which term includes the principal medical officer appointed by the


Government to attend its officers, a medical officer equal in rank or immediately junior to such principal officer and attached to the same hospital or dispensary. In exceptional cases, however, re-imbursement of the cost of medical treatment incurred on the advice of the private practitioner can be reimbursed by the State Government by invoking Rule 14(ii) of the A.I.S. (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954, if the State Government are satisfied of the existence of special circumstances in which treatment could not be had through the Authorised Medical Attendant and the refusal to re-imbursement such cost, is likely to cause undue hardship to the officer. In so far as Central Government employees are concerned, their cases are regulated in terms of Ministry of Finance O.M. No. 2192EV(5)/62. dated the 17th April, 1963. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/10/63AIS (III), dated 10-8-64.] 7. No limit on the amount of reimbursement by the controlling officer has been prescribed:-The Government of India have held that no limit has been prescribed for the amount upto which the controlling officer can allow re-imbursement either under the A.I.S. (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954 or the Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944. However sanction of the Government will be necessary if the claim is admitted in terms of rule 14(ii) of the A.I.S. (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954. 2. The State Government are the competent authority to regulate such procedural matters. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/2/65AIS (III), dated 20th April, 1965.] 8. State Governments are competent to grant any additional concession and to allow reimbursement not authorised under this rule in deserving cases: - The Government of India have held that under rule 14(ii) (i) The State Governments are themselves competent to grant to an All India Service officer serving in connection with the affairs of the State any concession relating to medical attendance or treatment, which is not authorised under the A.I.S. (Medical Attendance) Rules 1954. The State Government can, therefore, grant Nursing Home facilities to a member of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the State under this rule.

(ii) It is open to the State Government to allow re-imbursement of expenses when treatment has been taken from a doctor other than the Authorised Medical Attendant in case of emergencies due to the nonexistence of any Government/recognised hospital within a reasonable distance from the place where the patient fell ill. [G.I. MHA letter No. 7/7/61AIS (III), dated the 26th April, 1961.]

1. Claims for reimbursement of medical expenses: Procedure for drawal ofThe form of application and the various certificates prescribed for the Central Government servants under the Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944, as amended by the Ministry of Health from time to time, shall, with necessary modifications, be used for claiming refund of medical expenses incurred in connection with medical attendance and/or treatment of members of the All India Services and their families. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No.31/16/56AIS (II), dated 17th November,1956.]


2. Reimbursement of medical expensesPreferring of claimsFixing of time limits.The Government of India have decided that claims for reimbursement of medical expenses of Central Government servants should invariably be preferred within six months from the date of completion of treatment as shown in the essentiality certificate of the authorised medical attendant/medical officer concerned. The bills for reimbursement of charges on account of medical attendance and treatment should be countersigned by the controlling authorities, who are empowered to countersign the travelling allowance bills of the officers concerned. In the case of members of the Service who are their own controlling officers regard to travelling allowance bills, medical bills concerning them and members of their families shall be countersigned by the members themselves. Specific sanction to the reimbursement of medical charges is not ordinarily necessary. If, however, a claim for reimbursement of medical charges is not countersigned and preferred, within six months/one year of the date of completion of treatment should be subject to investigation by the Accountant General in accordance with the provisions of rules 123 and 124 of the General Financial Rules, Volume I, respectively. If a special sanction is accorded for reimbursement of any charges in relation of the rules, that sanction should be deemed to be operative from the date of its issue and the period of six-months/one year will count from that date. 2. If the State Government has no objection, the same procedure and time limit may also be prescribed in the case of All India Service officers preferring claims under the All India Service (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 31/3/57AIS (i), dated 13th March, 1957 read with letter No. 6/6/59AIS (III), dated 12th May, 1959 and 7/22/60AIS (III),dated 25th October, 1960.] 3. Delegation of powers to Head of Departments.Letter No. 8/8/66AIS (III), 14-71966 11023/5/75 AIS (III), 19th January, 1976, 11023/16/76 AIS(III), 14th Dec., 1977, 11023/5/76AIS(II), 19th Aug., 76. [See Annexure-I] 4. Concessions regarding treatment of tuberculosis or leprosy.In exercises of the powers conferred under clause (ii) of rule 14 of the All India Services (Medical Attendance) Rule, 1954, the administrative Ministry in respect of All India Services officers working in connection with the affairs of the Union and the State Government in respect of officers working in connection with the affairs of the States, may reimburse expenses incurred by the officers in the following cases: (i) Post treatment check up: a member of the Service who has suffered from tuberculosis or leprosy and who has obtained treatment in accordance with the relevant rules and orders, will be entitled to reimbursement of fee for obtaining the certificate of fitness for return to duty. If he is required to undergo post-treatment check-up with specialist, he will also be entitled to reimbursement of fees for medical examinations during such periodical check-up as well as travelling allowance from his place of duty to the headquarters of the specialist and back. Post-treatment follow-up should, however, be done by a recognised T.B specialist/Institution, stationed at or nearest to the place of the ex-T.B. patient. The specialist if necessary, may call for the complete records of the ex-patient from the institution where he was treated originally. Ambulance charges: Reimbursement of ambulance charges will also be allowed even if the ambulance used belongs to a social service organisation such as the Red Cross Society.



[G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 6/1/58AIS (III), dated 16th April, 1958, read with O.M. No. 6/1/58AIS (III), dated 30th August, 1958.] 5. Medical attendance and treatment in the St. Georges Nursing Home Bombay Reimbursement of charges.The Government of India have decided that the Nursing Home at the St. Georges Hospital, Bombay should be treated as a recognised institution for purpose of medical attendance and treatment of the All India Service officers serving in connection with the affairs of the Union and stationed in Bombay State, who are in receipt of a pay of over Rs.500 per mensem and the members of their families. In view, however, of the fact that the charges levied by the Nursing Home for the professional services rendered by the attending doctors are high, reimbursement of charges incurred by officers on their own treatment and/or on the treatment of members of their families in the Nursing Home, will be allowed subject to the following conditions. (i) The treatment should be received only at the hands of Government doctors of the hospitals and not at the hands of private doctors and private specialists who are allowed to treat patients at the Nursing Home. (ii) The reimbursement of visiting fees of the doctors in the case of persons drawing a pay of Rs. 1,000 per mensem would be restricted to a maximum of Rs. 16 for the first visit and Rs. 10 for subsequent visit. (iii) the reimbursement of anaesthetists charges would be restricted to a maximum of Rs. 50 for a minor operation and Rs. 100 for a major operation. (iv) The reimbursement of operation charges would be made in full at the rates prescribed by the Government of Bombay. (v) The reimbursement of surgeons charges would be restricted to a maximum of Rs. 500 in the case of a major operation and a maximum of Rs. 130 in the case of a minor operation. This will be in addition to the other usual hospital charges. (2) The Government of Bombay may extend the above concession to All India Services officers serving in connection with the affairs of the State in exercise of the powers vested in them by rule 2(d) and rule 14(ii) of the All India Services (Medical Attendance) Rule, 1954. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 7/3/60AIS (II), dated 19th March, 1960.] 6. Reimbursement of fees paid to Honorary Specialists in the State of Bombay. The Government of India have decided that, since there are no Government specialists in the State of Bombay Honorary specialists attached to Government hospitals should be regarded as Government specialist in respect of All India Service Officers, serving in connection with the affairs of the Union and stationed in Bombay State, and the fees paid to them for consultations in their private consulting rooms reimbursed to the officers in accordance with the rates prescribed for Government specialists. The honorary specialists should, however, be consulted on the advise of the authorised medical attendant and with the prior approval of the Surgeon General with the Government of Bombay. The consultation with the honorary specialist at their private consulting rooms will be permissible only in emergent cases and in all other cases such consultation should be had at the hospitals without payment of any fees. (2) The Government of Bombay may extend the above concessions to All India Services Officers serving in connection with the affairs of the State in exercise of the


powers vested in them by the rule 2(d) and rule 14(ii) of the All India Service (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 7/3/60AIS (III), dated 19th March 1969.] 7. Concessions regarding treatment of members suffering from tuberculosis, cancer and poliomyelitis.The Government of India have decided that the following concessions which are admissible to the Central Government servants under the Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944, should be extended to members of the All India Services serving in connection with the affairs of the Union. The State Government may extend these concessions to members of the All India Service serving in connection with the affairs of the State also. TUBERCULOSIS (i) Consultation: If a Government specialist in tuberculosis diseases is not available, consultation on the advise of the authorised medical attendant with a specialist in T.B. diseases recognised as such by the State Administrative Medical Officers concerned will be admissible. Where the authorised medical attendant proposes to advise a member to consult a specialist in T.B. diseases, the approval of the Chief Administrative Medical Officer of the State concerned shall be obtained. The specialist consulted should, as far as possible, be a medical officer equal in status to the authorised medical attendant and if such a specialist is in Government service, he should charge fees at the following rates: In respect of consultation with specialists, who are not in the service of the Government, the fees paid to them for consultations should be reimbursed to the members concerned to the extent of the rates indicated above. (ii) Treatment in a Sanatorium: If the specialist in T.B. diseases certifies that treatment in a T.B. Santorium is necessary, the member concerned will be entitled to treatment at a recognised sanatorium, located at or nearest to the place of duty, which can, in the opinion of the T.B. specialist, provide the necessary and suitable treatment and where accommodation for him is available. A list of T.B. institutions recognised for the purpose is given in Appendix I. Where in the opinion of the T.B. Specialist, the member concerned does not require treatment in a T.B. Sanatorium, he will be entitled to receive treatment in a hospital in the State, which can provided the necessary treatment. These concessions are admissible to members of their families also. Members of the Service and the members of their families, who fail to get accommodation in a recognised T.B. institution or for whom treatment as an in-patient in a Government hospital and/or a recognised T.B. institution is not considered necessary, may, on the advise of the authorised medical attendant, be allowed to receive treatment at the outpatient department of a Government hospital and/or a recognised T.B. institution at or near the place where they fall ill or at the consulting room of a T.B. specialist, subject to the following conditions: (i) that a certificate signed by the authorised medical attendant or the government recognised specialist is submitted to the effect that the patient was advised to receive treatment as an out-door patient at the


consulting room of the T.B. Specialist, as they failed to get necessary accommodation at the recognised T.B. institution or treatment as in patient in a recognised T.B. institution was not considered necessary; and (ii) that a certificate from the authorised medical attendant and/or the Government recognised T.B. specialist is submitted to the effect that the patient had reasonable chances of recovery if treated otherwise than as an inpatient in a recognised T.B. institution. Reimbursement of consultation fees paid to the authorised medical attendant and for a Government recognised specialist for treatment at his consulting room will be allowed in full at the prescribed rates for the first consultation and at two-thirds for each subsequent consultation. The cost of medicines, which will include the cost of drugs injected but not with professional fees for administering the injections, will be reimbursable in full, if otherwise admissible under the Rules. (iii) Travelling allowance: A member of the Service and the members of his family sent to a recognised sanatorium for treatment under the advice of the authorised medical attendant or the T. B. Specialist consulted, will be entitled to travelling allowance for the journeys performed by rail and road to and from the place of treatment. Travelling allowance will not be admissible for journeys performed by air. If the T.B. Specialist consulted certifies in writing that it is unsafe for the patient to travel unattended and that an attendant is necessary to accompany him to the place of treatment, then the attendant may draw T.A for the outward and return journeys. A member of the Service will be entitled to travelling allowance at tour rate for the rail and road journey; but no halting allowance will be paid. A member of his family referred for treatment, will be entitled to the actual single railway fare for the class of accommodation to which the member of the Service is entitled, or of any lower class, by which the patient travels for the rail journey and actual cost of transit not exceeding the travelling allowance admissible to the member of the Service for journey by road. An attendant accompanying a patient will be granted actual single railway fare for the appropriate class in which the patient travels, or by a lower class, by which the attendant actually travels, for the rail journey, and actual cost of the transit not exceeding the travelling allowance admissible to the member concerned for journey by road. The outward journey will be deemed to have commenced from the headquarters of the member of the Service or from the place, from which the patient actually travels, whichever is nearer to the sanatorium. Likewise, the return journey will be deemed to have ended at the headquarters or at the place, to which the patient actually travels, whichever is nearer. For purpose of reimbursement of travelling allowance for the return journey, a certificate testifying to the actual performance of the journey from the Medical Superintendent of the sanatorium or any other doctor-in-charge of the case in the sanatorium, who for all


practical purposes is the authorised medical attendant of the patient while at the sanatorium, will be acceptable. CANCER (i) Treatment: A member of the Service or a member of his family may receive treatment for cancer at the nearest recognised hospitals providing such treatment, subject to the conditions that such treatment is recommended by the authorised medical attendant and that the prior approval of the State Administrative Medical officer concerned is obtained. A list of the hospitals recognised for this purpose is given in Appendix II. If the Medical Superintendent of the recognised hospital to whom the patient was sent for treatment by the authorised medical attendant considers that special treatment is necessary, he may refer the patient to the Tata Memorial Hospital, Bombay or the Cancer Institute, Madras. Travelling Allowance: A member of the Service and the members of his family sent to a recognised hospital for treatment of cancer under the advise of the authorised medical attendant will be entitled to travelling allowance for the journeys performed by rail and road to and from the place of treatment. Travelling allowance will not be admissible for journeys performed by air or by Air-conditioned accommodation on trains. If the authorised medical attendant certifies in writing that it is unsafe for the patient to travel unattendant and that attendant is necessary to accompany him to the place of treatment he may draw travelling allowance for the onward and return journeys. A member of the Service will be entitled to travelling allowance at tour rates for the rail and road journey but no halting allowance will be paid. A member of his family, referred for treatment will be entitled to the actual single railway fare for the class of accommodation to which the member of the Service entitled, or of any lower class, by which the patient travels for the rail journey, and cost of transit not exceeding the travelling allowance admissible to the member of the Service for journey by road. An attendant accompanying the patient will be granted actual single railway fare of the appropriate class by which the patient travels or by a lower class by which the attendant actually travels for the rail journey and actual cost of transit not exceeding the travelling allowance admissible to the member concerned for journey by road. The outward journey will be deemed to have commenced from the headquarters of the Government servant or from the place, from which the patient actually travels, whichever is nearer to the hospital. Likewise, the return journey will be deemed to have ended at the headquarters at the place, to which the patient actually travels, whichever is nearer. (iii) Post-treatment check-up: A member of the Service, who has suffered from cancer and who has obtained treatment in accordance with the relevant rules and orders, will be entitled to reimbursement of fees for obtaining the certificate of fitness for return to duty. If he is required to undergo post-treatment check-up with a specialist, he will be entitled to reimbursement of fees for medical examinations during such periodical check-up as well as travelling allowance by rail and road from his place of



duty to the headquarters of the specialist and back. Post treatment followup should however, be done by a recognised cancer specialist/institution stationed at or nearest to the place of duty of the ex-patient. The Specialist, if necessary, may call for the complete records of the expatient from the institution where he was treated originally. (iv) Ambulance charges: Reimbursement of ambulance charges will also be allowed even if the ambulance used belongs to a social service organisation such as the Red Cross Society etc.

POLIOMYELITIS : (i) Treatment: A member of the Service or a member of his family may receive treatment for poliomyelitis at the nearest recognised hospital providing such treatment, subject to the conditions that such treatment is recommended by the authorised medical attendant and that the prior approval of the State Administrative Medical Officer concerned is obtained. A list of hospitals recognised for this purpose is given in Appendix III. Travelling Allowance: A member of the Service and the members of his family sent to a recognised hospital for treatment of poliomyelitis under the advise of the authorised medical attendant will be entitled to travelling allowance for the journeys performed by rail and road to and from the place of treatment. Travelling allowance will not be admissible for journeys performed by air or by Air-conditioned accommodation on trains. If the authorised medical attendant certifies in writing that it is unsafe for the patient to travel unattended and that an attendant is necessary to accompany him to the place of treatment, he may draw travelling allowance for the onward and return journey. A member of the Service will be entitled to travelling allowance at tour rates for the rail and road journey, but no halting allowance will be paid. A member of his family, referred for treatment will be entitled to the actual single railway fare for the class of accommodation to which the member of the Service is entitled or of any lower class by which the patient travels, for the rail journey and actual cost of transit not exceeding the travelling allowance admissible to the member of the Service for journey by road. An attendant accompanying the patient will be granted actual single railway fare of the appropriate class by which the patient travels, or by a lower class, by which the attendant actually travels, for the rail travelling allowance admissible to the member concerned for journey by road. The out ward journey will be deemed to have commenced from the headquarters of the Government servant or from the place from which the patient actually travels whichever is nearer to the hospital. Likewise, the return journey will be deemed to have ended at the headquarters or at the place to which the patient actually travels, whichever is nearer. MENTAL DISEASES : (i) Treatment: A member of the Service may receive consultation and/or treatment for mental disease in the nearest Government Recognised Mental Hospital on the advise of the authorised medical attendant and with the prior approval of the Chief Administrative Medical Officer of the



State, subject to the condition that the duration of the treatment, for which reimbursement of medical expenses will be admissible to the member concerned, should not exceed six months unless the Medical Superintendent of the Mental Hospital concerned certifies that treatment for a reasonable period upto six months beyond the six-month limit is likely to lead to complete recovery of the patient. A list of recognised mental hospitals is given in Appendix IV. (ii) Travelling Allowance: A member of the Service suffering from mental disease will be entitled to travelling allowance (by rail and road and not by air) for the outward and return journeys in the manner indicated below when sent for consultation/treatment in a Mental Hospital. (a) for the rail journeys in question, actual fare for the entitled or lower, class by which the patient may actually travel; and (b) for the road portion of the journey or for journeys between stations connected by road only travelling allowance at half the rate of the road mileage admissible under the All India Services (Travelling Allowance) Rules, 1954. If the authorised medical attendant certifies in writing that it is unsafe for the patient to travel unattended and that an attendant is necessary to accompany him to the place of consultation/treatment, the attendant accompanying the patient will be entitled to actual single railway fare, both ways, of the appropriate class, in which the patient is entitled to travel or of a lower class, by which the attendant actually travels. Journey by air or by Air-Conditioned accommodation on trains are not permissible. The outward journey should be deemed to have commenced from the headquarters of the members of the Service or from the place, from which the patient actually travels, whichever is nearer to the place of consultation/ treatment. Likewise, the return journey will be deemed to have ended at the headquarters or at the place, at which the patient actually travels, whichever is nearer. For the road portion of the journey, the attendant will be allowed the actual cost of transit not exceeding the travelling allowance admissible to the member of the Service concerned: (iii) The concessions mentioned in (i) and (ii) above will also be admissible to the members of the family of a member of the Service provided the treatment for such diseases is taken in a Government Mental Hospital.

8. Reimbursement of expenses on purchase/replacement/repair/adjustment of Hearing Aid instrument:The undersigned is directed to invite attention to this Ministrys O.M. No. 14025/32/83MS dated 5th March 1984 according to which the reimbursement of cost of Hearing Aid to Central Govt. Employees and members of their families is admissible on the recommendations of the Director General of Health Services. Representations are being received in this Ministry for the reimbursement of expenses for the purchase of Hearing Aid to the Central Govt. employees and members of their families under the CS (MA) Rules, 1944. After careful consideration, it has now been decided that the reimbursement of cost of Hearing Aid to Central Govt. employees and their family members, will be made on the recommendation of the ENT Specialist of Govt./recognized hospital and on the basis of the Audiogram given by him/her,


identifying the degree and the nature of the deafness. The payment would be made by the Administrative Authority direct to the Supplying Agency and not to the Govt. Servant concerned. 2. In view of the procedure indicated above, it is no more necessary to obtain the concurrence of the Director General of Health Services for the reimbursement of expenditure incurred by the Deptt./Office concerned for their employees. 3. This issues with the concurrence of the Deptt. of Pension & P.W. vide their U.O. PPW No. 570/87 P&PW dated 31.8.87. 4. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Departments are concerned, there orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. 5. These orders also apply to the Central Govt. employees who are beneficiaries of Central Govt. Health Scheme. The payment will be made from the Service Head of the beneficiary. [M/o H&FW O.M. No. 14025/48/96MS dated 20.11.87 read with DP&T Circular letter No.11023/6/92AIS(III) dated 11.11.94.] APPENDIX I List of T.B. Institutions recognised for the purpose of Medical Treatment of Members of the All India Services and Members of their families suffering from Tubercular Diseases. Andhra Pradesh: 1. T. B. Hospital, Iramnuma. 2. T. B. Sanatorium, Vikarabad (Anathgir). 3. T. B. Clinic, Dapirpura. 4. Government King George Hospital, Visakhapatanam. 5. Government Wellesey Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Bellary. 6 Visranthipuram Sanatorium, Rajahmundhry. Assam: 1. Reid Provincial Chest Hospital, Shillong. Bihar: 1. Itki Sanatorium, Itki. 2. Patna Medical College Hospital, Patna. 3. Ramakrishna Mission T.B. Sanatorium, Ranchi. Bombay: 1. Bel, Air Sanatorium Dalkaith, Pachgani. 2. Hillside Sanatorium, Vengurla. 3. Wanless Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Wanlesswadi, Distt., Satara. 4 .Group of Hospitals for Tuberculosis, Bombay. 5. Salvation Army Hospital, Anand Distt., Kaira. 6. Talegaon General Hospital and Convalescent Home, Talegaon (Dhabhada, Distt Poona.) 7. Padmavati Sanatorium, Baroda.


8. Hospital for the diseases of chest, Camp Aundh. Poona 9. Karnataka Health Institute Hospital and Sanatorium Ghattaprabha (Distt. Belgaum.) 10. Tuberculosis Clinic, Nagpur 11. K. J. Mehta T. B. Hospital, Amaragadh (via Songadh). 12. V. C. Nath T. B. Sanatorium, Bharapur. Delhi: 1. Silver Jubilee Tuberculosis Hospital, Delhi. 2. Tuberculosis Clinic, Queens Road, Delhi. 3. New Delhi Tuberculosis Centre, New Delhi. 4. Rama Krishna Mission Free Tuberculosis Clinic, Karol Bagh, New Delhi Himachal Pradesh 1. Government T. B. Clinic Mahasau, Mashobra. 2. Government T. B. Clinic, Mandhi. Kerala: 1. Tuberculosis Hospital, Nagarcoil. 2. Kerala Varma Sanatorium, Mulkunnathukavu. 3. T. B. Clinic and Demonstration Centre, Trivendrum. 4. T. B. Clinic Attached to the District Hospital, Kottayam. 5. T. B. Clinic, Palurathy. 6. Civil Hospital, Trichur. 7. Govt. Headquarters Hospital, Kozhikode. Madhya Pradesh 1. Tuberculosis Clinic, Jabalpur. 2. Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Pendra Road. 3. T. B. Wards, J. A. Hospitals, Gwalior. 4. T. B. Wards, M. T. Hospital, Indore. 5. T. B. Sanatorium, Rao (Indore). Madras: 1. Government T. B. Institute, Madras. 2. Government T. B. Hospital, Madras. 3. Coimbatore T. B. Sanatorium, Peelamedu, P.O. Avanashi. 4 Government Headquarters Hospital, Coimbatore. 5. Government Headquarters Hospital, Tanjore. 6. Government Headquarters Hospital, Tiruchirapalli. 7. Government Erskine Hospital, Madurai. 8. Union Mission Tuberculosis Sanatorium Arogyavaram, Chittoor District 9. Coimbatore, District Jubilee Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Perundurai, Coimbatore District. 10. Government General Hospital, Madras. 11. Santosh Memorial Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Tambaram, Madras. 12. Rajaji tuberculosis Sanatorium, Tiruchirapalli. 13. Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Sengipatti (Tanjore District) Mysore:


1. P. K. Sanatorium, Mysore. 2. 2. S. D. S. Sanatorium, Bangalore. 3. Government Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Bangalore Orissa: 1. T.B. Clinic Attached to the A.C.B. Medical College Hospital, Cuttack Punjab: 1. Lady Linlithgow Sanatorium, Kasauli. 2. Lady Irwin Sanatorium, Jubar. 3. King Edward Sanatorium, Dharampore. 4. Victoria, Jubilee Hospital, Amritsar. 5. R. B. Sir Gujjarmal Kesra Deve Sanatorium, Amritsar. 6. T. B. Clinic Patiala. 7. Hardlings Sanatorium Dharampore (Simla Hills) Rajasthan: 1. T. B. Sanatorium, Jaipur. 2. G. G. J. T. B. Hospital, Bikaner. 3. T. B. Clinic, Jodhpur. 4. M. G. Hospital, Jodhpur. 5. Madar Union Sanatorium, Madar Uttar Pradesh: 1. K. E. VII Sanatorium, Bhowali. 2. King George Medical College Hospital, Lucknow. 3. Kasturba T. B. clinic and Hospital, Lucknow. 4. Central T. B. Clinic, Kanpur. 5. T. B. Sanatorium, Dakpathar, Distt. Dehra dun. 6. T. B. Clinic, Allahabad. West Bengal: 1. Kanchrapara Tuberculosis Hospital. 2. Jadabpur Tuberculosis, Jadabpur. 3. S. B. Dey Sanatorium, Kurseong. 4. T. B. Clinic Attached to the Calcutta Medical College, Calcutta. 5. M. R. Bangur T. B. Sanatorium, Bigri, Midnapur APPENDIX II List showing the Names of Hospitals recognised for the purpose of medical Treatment of Members of the All India Services and their families suffering from Cancer: I. Hospitals for Men and Women (general): 1. District Civil Hospital, Simla. 2. Victoria Jubilee Hospital, Amritsar 3. Memorial Hospital, Ludhiana. 4. King George Hospital, Visakapattanam. 5. Government General Hospital, Madras. 6. Government Stanley Hospital, Madras. 7. Assam Medical College Hospital, Dibrugarh. 8. Welsh Mission Hospital, Shillong.


9. Patna Medical College Hospital, Patna. 10. Medical College Hospital, Calcutta. 11. Chittaranjan Cancer Hospital, Calcutta. 12. R. C. B. Medical College Hospital, Cuttack. 13. Sarojini Naidu Hospital, Agra. 14. Tata Memorial Hospital, Bombay. 15. Miraj Medical Centre, Miraj (Bombay). 16. Seth Vedilal Sarabhai General Hospital, Ahmedabad. 17. Cancer Institute, Madras. 18. Irwin Hospital, New Delhi. II. Hospitals for Women and Children only: 1. Lady Reading Hospital, Simla. 2. Government Hospital for Women and Children, Madras. 3. Chittaranjan Seva Sadan, Calcutta. 4. Lady Hardling Medical College Hospital, New Delhi. III. Hospitals for Men, Women and Children: 1. General Hospital, Trivandrum. 2. S. M. S. Hospital, Jaipur. 3. M. G. Hospital, Jodhpur. 4. Osmania General Hospital, Hyderabad Deccan. 5. Sir Takhatsinghji Hospital, Bhavanagar. 6. J. A. Hospital, Lashkar, (Gwalior) 7. M. T. Hospital, Indore. 8. Irwin Hospital, Jamnagar. APPENDIX III List showing the Names of Institutions recognised for the purpose of Medical Treatment of Members of the All India Services and their Families suffering from Poliomyelitis. 1. Government General Hospital, Madras 2. Government Stanley Hospital, Madras. 3. J. J. Hospital, Bombay. 4. B. J. Hospital for Children, Bombay. 5. Bal Jerbia Wadia Hospital for Children, Parel, Bombay. 6. Chittaranjan Seva Sadan, Calcutta. 7. Presidency General Hospital, Calcutta. 8. Nil Ratan Sarkar Medical College Hospital, Calcutta. 9. R. G. Kar Medical College Hospital, Calcutta 10. Fraser Hospital, Burdwan. 11. Medical College Hospital, Calcutta. 12. Victoria Jubilee Hospital, Amritsar. 13. Medical College Hospital, Nagpur. 14. Sarojini Naidu Hospital, Agra. 15. G. M. and Association Hospital, Lucknow. 16. A. M. C. Hospital, Dibrugarh. 17. Medical College Hospital, Patna. 18. Medical College Hospital, Darbhanga. 19. J. A. Hospital, Lashkar (Gwalior).


20. M. T. Hospital, Indore. 21. B. C. Roy Polio Clinic Hospital, Calcutta. APPENDIX IV List of Hospitals recognised for the Treatment of Members of the All India Services suffering from Mental Diseases. ANDHRA PRADESH: ASSAM................... BIHAR.................. BOMBAY............... Mental Hosptial, Eragadda, Hyderabad Dn. Mental Hospital, Waltair. Mental Hospital, Tezpur. Indian Mental Hospit Ranchi. Hospital for Mental Diseases, Ranchi. N. M. Mental Hospital, Thana. Mental Hospital, Ratnagiri Central Mental Hospital, Yeravada, Poona. Mental Hospital, Ahmedabad. Mental Hospital, Baroda. Mental Hospital, Bhavnagar. Mental Hospital, Nagpur. Mental Hospital, Kutch. Mental Hospital, Kozhikode. Mental Hosptial, Trivandrum Mental Hospital, Gwalior Mental Hosptial, Indore. Government Mental Hospital, Madras. Mental Hospital, Bangalore. Mental Hospital, Dharwar. Mental Hospital, Amritsar. Mental Hospital, Jaipur. Mental Hospital Jodhpur Mental Hospital, Banaras. Mental Hospital, Bareilly. Mental Hospital, Agra. Mental Observation Ward, Bhowanipur.

KERALA........... MADHYA PRADESH... MADRAS............ MYSORE............. PUNJAB................. RAJASTHAN........ UTTAR PRADESH..


[G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 61/3/59AIS (I), dated 24th December, 1959, read letter No. 7/14/61AIS(III), dated 31st August, 1961.] 9. Instructions of the Ministry of Finance Govt. of India regarding reimbursement of medical claims of Central Government Officers in emergent circumstances not conversed under the Central rules: Instruction to the State Government for adoption :- Instructions have been issued by M/O Finance vide OM. No. F. 49(15) EV/59 dt. 21-5-59 and 21(2)EV(B)/62, dt. 17-4-63 regarding reimbursement of medical expenses incurred by the Central Government servants and the All India Services Officers serving in connection with the affairs of the Union, on having medical attendance/treatment in emergent circumstances from sources other than those from when it is permissible under the relevant Medical Attendance Rules. The State Govt.


may adopt these orders in respect of All India Services Officers serving in connection with the affairs of State delegating the powers of allowing the State Govt. The medical attendance and treatment will include the cost of all facilities mentioned in clause (f) and (k) of rule 2 of the AIS (M. A) Rules, 1954 including cost of medicines, fees for administration of injections and visiting fees, charged by the Medical Officers and Private Practitioners who are not authorised Medical Attendants of the officers in question. [No. 8/8/66AIS (III), dated 14th July, 1966.] (i) Copy of Min. of Finance (Exp.) O.M. No. F. 49(15)EV/59, dated 21st May, 1959. 1. At present all cases where Central Government servants & members of their families receive medical attendance/treatment in emergent circumstances from sources other than those from whom it is permissible under the relevant Medical Attendance Rules, are referred to the Ministries of Finance/Health for allowing reimbursement of the Medical expenses by special sanction. Such cases are referred to the Ministries of Finance/ Health irrespective of the amount involved. In the past it has been noticed that in the majority of such cases medical attendance and /or treatment were received either from Railway/ Military/ Factory/ Local Board (District and Municipal Boards, Local Funds and Panchayats) hospital or from doctors attached thereto, or from private practitioners, due to the non-existence of any Government/recognised hospital within a reasonable distance from the place where the patient fell ill. With a view to cutting out delays in the settlement of such cases caused by frequent references to the Ministries of Finance and Health, the President has been pleased to delegate powers to all Ministries/Head of Departments to allow refund of medical expenses upto a maximum limit of Rs. 50/- in each case where they are satisfied that although refund is not permissible under the strict application of the various Medical Attendance Rules, the circumstances of the case warranted medical attendance/treatment being had from hospitals and doctors mentioned above, in the absence of Government/recognised hospital or doctors within a reasonable distance from the place where the patient fell ill. The reasonableness of the distance may be determined with reference to the nature and severity of the ailment in each case. Further, refunds as above may be allowed only to the extent admissible under the relevant Medical Attendance Rules and subject to the general spirit of those rules being observed. Doubtful cases should continue to be referred to the Ministries of Finance/Health. (ii) Copy of Min. of Finance (Exp.)O.M.No. F. 21(2) EV (B)/62, dated 17th April, 1963. 1. In modification of the orders contained in this Ministrys Office Memorandum No. F.49 (15) EV/59 dated 21st May, 1959 (Copy enclosed for ready reference) on the above subject, the President has been pleased to decided that the existing limit of Rs. 50/- laid down in the above orders shall be raised to Rs. 100/- in each case. 2. Ministries and Head of Departments may henceforth allow refund of medical expenses upto Rs. 100/- in each case in relaxation of the relevant Medical Attendance Rules subject to the consideration and conditions set out in the aforesaid orders. 3. The powers referred to above may also be exercised in cases where medical attendance and treatment is received in a private hospital, as a result of serious accident, or on the advice of the Authorised Medical Attendant. 4. These powers can also be exercised in cases where medical attendance and treatment is received from Government doctors other than the Authorised Medical Attendant, or in Government recognised hospitals or institutions without following the


prescribed procedure of obtaining prior approval of the Authorised Medical Attendant, Chief Administrative Medical Officer of the State etc. and in cases where medical tests like X-ray, Blood examination etc. are got done in private clinics due to absence of facilities in Government hospitals/institutions or due to severity of ailment which confines the patient to bed. 5. Doubtful cases should, however, be referred to the Ministry of Health for their advice, who would consult the Ministry of Finance, if necessary. 6. It has also been decided that in the types of cases referred to above, where the amount exceeds Rs. 100 refund may be allowed by the Ministries and Head of Departments in relaxation of various Medical Attendance Rules and orders issued thereunder in consultation with the Ministry of Health only. (That Ministry will be free to consult the Ministry of Finance in cases of doubt). 7. It has further been decided that: (a) in cases where medical attendance/ treatment is received in State/State-aided hospital in Calcutta, which has not been specifically recognised by the Government of India for medical attendance/treatment of Central Government employees and members of their families i.e. in respect of which Schedule of Charges has not been published by the Ministry of Health, reimbursement of medical expenses to the extent otherwise admissible may be allowed by the Ministries/ Heads of Departments, where necessary and justified, in direct consultation with the Director of Health Services, West Bengal, Calcutta. The Director of Health Services, West Bengal will be deemed to be the final authority to decide whether the charges on account of accommodation and other expenses recovered from a Central Government employee in such a hospital are reasonable and suited to the status of the Government servant concerned. The same procedure may be adopted in the case of hospitals in respect of which the Schedules of Charges have been published by the Government of India but such Schedules have undergone changes, till such charges are communicated to all concerned by the Government of India, Ministry of Health. Such cases need not be referred to the Ministries of Health and Finance. (b) in cases where artificial appliances have to be purchased (e.g. for diseases like polio, T.B. etc. or in cases requiring surgical operations etc.) reimbursement of expenses incurred in connection with the procurement of such artificial appliances (e.g. travelling expenses, hospitalisation charges etc. if any) including the actual cost of appliance, may, where necessary and justified, be allowed by the Ministries/Heads of Departments, in consultation with the Ministry of Health direct. Such cases need not be referred to the Ministry of Finance.

8. The powers referred to in these orders shall not be exercised by the Heads of the Departments in their own cases. In such cases sanction of the higher authority should be obtained. 9. These orders also apply to Central Government employees who are beneficiaries of the Contributory Health Service Scheme mutatis mutandis. 10. Pending cases may be decided in the light of these orders.


11. In their application to persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, these orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. 10. Instructions of the Ministry of Finance Govt. of India regarding reimbursement of indoor medical treatment in private hospitals Central Government: Instruction to the State Government for adoption:- I am directed to refer to the Ministry of Home Affairs letter No. 8/8/66AIS(III), dated the 14th July, 1966 and forward herewith a copy of a Ministry of Finance O.M. No. F. 26 (10) EV(B)/74 dated the 16th July, 1974. It is requested that the State Government may adopt the orders contained therein in respect of members of the All India Services working under them. [DP & AR Letter No. 11023/5/75AIS(III), dated 19th January, 1976.] (i) Copy of Min. of Finance (Exp.) O.M.26(10)EVB/74 of 16-7-74. 1. The question of reimbursement of indoor medical treatment in private hospitals was raised by the staff in the National Council of the J.C.M. and on the basis of the decision taken in the National Council, the President is pleased to decide that in partial modification of the orders contained in Finance Ministrys Office Memorandum No. F. 21(2)E.V.(B) 62 dated the 17th April, 1963 the ceiling of Rs. 100/- upto which Ministries/Heads of departments were at present delegated powers for sanctioning reimbursement in each case where treatment was received in private hospitals as a result of serious accidents or on the advise of the authorised medical attendants mentioned therein, would be raised to Rs. 250/- where Ministries and Heads of departments consider claims in respect of their own staff and to Rs. 500/- where they consider claims in respect of the employees of their subordinate and lower formations. In other cases as at present, the claims in respect of reimbursement for treatment in private hospitals would be examined on merits by the Ministry of Health. 2. The other conditions mentioned in this Ministrys Office Memorandum No. F. 49 (15)/59 dated 21st May, 1959 and Office Memorandum No.F. 21(2)E.V.(B)/62 dated the 17th April, 1963 will, however, continue to be observed. 3. In their application to the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, these orders issue after consultation with Comptroller and Auditor General of India. (ii) Copy of DP & AR letter No. 11023/16/76AIS(III), dated 14th December, 1977. 1. I am directed to enclose a copy of the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) Office Memorandum No. 22(3)EV(B)/76, dated the 18th June, 1976 regarding reimbursement of the cost of Heart Pace Maker and its replacement. In accordance with these orders, the reimbursement of the cost of Heart Pace Maker and the replacement of its pulse generator has been brought within the purview of the delegated powers in terms of their earlier Office Memorandum No. F. 21(2)EV(B)/62 dated the 17th April, 1963. 2. Attention in this connection is invited to the Ministry of Home Affairs letter No. 8/8/66AIS(III), dated the 14th July, 1966 (copy enclosed with its enclosures) under which the instructions contained in the Ministry of Finance (Deptt. of Exp.) O.M. dated 17th April, 1963 were adopted in respect of All India Services Officers serving in connection with Affairs of the State, directing further that powers allowing refund in such cases may be delegated to the Heads of Departments under the State Government.


3. It has also been decided that the orders contained in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Exp.) O.M. No. F.22(3)EV(B)/76, dated the 18th June, 1976 may also be adopted in respect of the members of All India Services and the powers of reimbursement of the cost of Heart Pace Maker and the replacement of its pulse generator may also be delegated to the Heads of Departments of the State Government. The initial supply of the Heart Pace Maker as well as the replacement of the pulse generator will in all cases be made only on the recommendation of the Department of Health of the State concerned. 4. Wherever the supply is approved by the Department of Health of the State concerned, the administrative authority would make payment direct to the supplying agency and not direct to the member of the All India Service concerned. 5. These orders also apply to the members of the All India Services serving in connection with the affairs of the Union and who are beneficiaries of Central Government Health Scheme. (iii) Copy of Ministry of Finance (Exp.) O.M. No. F. 22(3)EV(B), dated 18th June, 1976. 1. The undersigned is directed to say that a question has been raised whether the reimbursement of the expenses incurred on the purchase of Heart Pace Maker or its replacement is covered by the power delegated to Ministries/Heads of Departments in terms of para 7(b) of this Ministrys Office Memorandum No. F.21(2)EV(B)/62, dated 17th April, 1963. The matter has been considered carefully and the President has been pleased to decide that the reimbursement of the cost of Heart Pace Maker and the replacement of its pulse generator should also be brought within the purview of the delegated powers in terms of the above mentioned para 7(b). But the initial supply of the Heart Pace Maker as well as the replacement of the pulse generator will in all cases be made only on the recommendation of the Director General of Health Services and not as a matter of course. 2. Wherever the supply is approved by DGHS, the administrative authority would make the payment direct to the supplying agency and not direct to the Government servant concerned. 3. These orders also apply to Central Government employees who are beneficiaries of Central Government Health Scheme. 4. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders have been issued after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General Of India. 11. Sanctioning authorities of medical reimbursement in respect of moS serving at the headquarters and places outside the headquarters in the State Government: A question was raised as to who would be the sanctioning authority for allowing medical reimbursement of Rs. 250/- and Rs. 500/- to members of the All India Services serving at the headquarters of the State Governments and those serving at places outside the State Governments Hqrs. The matter has been considered in consultation with the Ministry of Finance and the position is clarified as under: (i) In respect of All India Services officer serving at the headquarters in the Ministries/Departments of the State Governments viz., State Governments Capital such as Bombay, Calcutta, Lucknow etc., the Heads of Departments viz., Secretary, Special Secretary, Chairman, Board of Revenue, Commissioner and Secretary and the other officers of


equivalent status who are Heads of the Ministries/Departments would be empowered to sanction amounts upto Rs. 250/- in each case; and (ii) In respect of members of the All India Services serving outside the State Governments headquarters viz., outside the capital of the State Governments the Heads of Departments viz., Secretary, Special Secretary, Chairman, Board of Revenue, Commissioner and Secretary and other officers of equivalent status who are Heads of Ministries/Departments would be empowered to sanction amounts upto Rs. 500/- in each case.

2. In case the amounts mentioned at (i) and (ii) above are exceeded, the matter shall be decided by the cadre authority (e.g. Appointment department, Department of Personnel etc.) in consultation with the Health Department of the State Government concerned. (This disposes Government of Rajasthan letter No. 3/8/(1)1/68, dated the 10th March, 1976). [DP & AR letter No. 11023/5/76AIS (III), dated 19th August 1976.] 12. Instructions of the Ministry of Finance Govt. of India regarding the reimbursement of the cost of replacement of diseased heart valves: Delegation of powers: Instruction to the State Government for adoption:- I am directed to enclose a copy of the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) O.M. No. F. 23(5) EV(B)/77 dated the 18th Sept., 1978, regarding the reimbursement of the cost of replacement of diseased heart valves. In accordance with these orders, the reimbursement of the cost of heart valves, has been brought within the purview of the delegated powers of their earlier O.M. No. F. 21(2)EV/(B)/62 dated 17th April, 1963, a copy of which is attached to this Departments letter No. 11023/16/76AIS(III),dated 14th December, 1977. 2. It has been decided that the orders contained in the Ministry of Finance O.M. No. F. 23(5)EV(B)/77 dated 18th Sept., 1978 may be adopted in respect of member of All India Services and the powers of reimbursement of the Cost of replacement of diseased heart valves may be delegated to the Heads of Department of the State Government. The initial supply of the heart valves will, however, in all cases be made only on the recommendation of the Department of Health of the State concerned. 3. Wherever the supply is approved by the Deptt. of Health of the State concerned, the administrative authority would make payment direct to the supplying agency and not direct to the member of the All India Service, concerned. These orders also apply to the members of the All India Services serving in connection with the affairs of the Union and who are beneficiaries of the Central Government Health Scheme. [DP & AR letter No. 11023/14/78AIS(III), dated 6th January, 1979.] (i) Copy of Ministry of Finance (Exp.) O.M. No. F.23(5)EV (B)/77. dated 18.09.1978. 1. The undersigned is directed to say that a question has been raised whether the reimbursement of the cost of the replacement of diseased Heart Valves is covered by the powers delegated to the Ministries/Heads of Departments in terms of para 7(b) of this Ministrys Office Memorandum No. F.21(2)EV(B)/62 dated the 17th April, 1963. The matter has been considered carefully and the President has been pleased to decide that the reimbursement of the cost of replacement of diseased Heart Valves should also be brought within the purview of the delegated powers in terms of the above mentioned


para 7(b). The initial supply of the Heart Valves will, however, in all cases be made only on the recommendation of the Director General of Health Services. 2. Wherever the supply is approved by D.G.H.S. the Administrative authorities would make the payment direct to the supplying agency and not direct to the Government servant concerned. 3. These orders also apply to Central Government employees who are beneficiaries of Central Government Health Scheme. 4. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned these orders have been issued after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. 19. Copy of letter No. 11023/4/76AIS(III), dated 21st January, 1977. 13. Instruction of the Ministry of Health, Govt. of India on the procedure to be followed regarding medical treatment under Indian System of Medicine and Homoeopathy in respect of Central Government servants: Instructions to the State Governments for adoption: - I am directed to say that in accordance with the Government of India decision No. 13 below Rule 2 of the All India Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954, the State Governments are competent to recognise Unani or Ayurvedic Hospitals for the purpose of treatment of All India Services Officers serving in connection with the Affairs of the State. The Government of India (Ministry of Health and Family Planning) have issued orders/instructions regarding the procedure to be followed regarding medical treatment under Indian System of Medicine and Homoeopathy in respect of Central Government servants vide their O.M. No.29/16/71MA dated 14-91972 (copy enclosed). 2. It has been decided that the provisions contained in the Deptt. of Healths O.M. referred to in para 1 above may also be adopted in respect of the members of All India Services. 3. The authorised Medical Attendant in respect of members of the AIS will have the same meaning as mentioned in para 2(i) (a) of the Ministry of Health and Family Planning O.M. No. 2916/71MA, dated 14-9-1972, referred to in para 1 above, and also under rule 2(a) of the AIS (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954. 4. I am to request that the contents of this letter may be brought to the notice of the members of the Service working under the State Government. (i) Copy of Deptt. of Health letter No. 2916/71MA, dated 14th September, 1972. 1. Reference is invited to this Ministrys Office Memorandum No.F. 2826/61HI, dated the 6th November, 1961 reproduced as Government of India decision No. 5 at page 11 of the Compilation of Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944 and orders (1964 edition). It was clarified under para 2 that under the Medical Attendance Rules, modern system of medicine only is recognised and other systems of medicines such as Ayurvedic, Unani, Homoeopathy amount covered by these rules, and that Ayurvedic etc., hospitals are not recognised for the purpose of aforesaid orders even though some of the State Governments have recognised such hospitals for the treatment of their own employees. This decision was based on the policy of Government according to which Allopathic (Modern) scientific medicine should continue to be the basis for the development of the National Health Services in the country. The above mentioned policy decision has recently undergone modification according to which the Union and State Governments have been directed that Allopathic, Indian and


Homoeopathic Systems of medicine should contribute towards the development of the National Health Services in the country. 2. The question of giving effect to the aforesaid revised policy decision in so far as medical attendance and treatment of Central Government servants and members of their families are concerned under the provisions of the Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules have been under the consideration of the Government for some time past. It has now been decided as follows: (i) Authorised medical attendant for the purposes of these orders within the meaning of Rule 2 of the Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944, will mean (a)In respect of a Government servant who belongs to a Central Service Class I, or whose pay is not less than Rs. 500 per mensem, Class I officers belonging to Ayurveda, Unani, Sidha and Homoeopathic Medical Services of the State/or Central Government or any other qualified medical officer, appointed by the Government, to attend its officers in the district; (b)In respect of a Government servant not belonging to a Central Service, Class I whose pay is less than Rs. 500 per mensem, but more than Rs. 150/- per mensem, a Class II Gazetted Officer of the Department of Indian Medicine or Homoeopathy of a State or Central Government, or any other qualified Medical Officer, appointed by the Government to attend its officers in the station; (c)In respect of any other Government servant, the physicians-in-charge of Government, Government aided Municipal and Panchayati dispensaries of Ayurveda, Sidha, Unani and Homoeopathic systems of medicines and/or any other qualified medical officer, similarly appointed. N.B.: The term qualified would mean in the case of Ayurveda, Unani and Sidha, persons possessing recognised medical qualifications as included in the II, III and IV Schedules of the Indian Medicines Central Council Act, 1970. As far as Homoeopathy is concerned, it would include the recognised medical qualifications as notified in the II Schedule of the Homoeopathy Central Council Bill, 1971. (ii) Rates of fees for purposes of re-imbursement. (a)Class I Officers belonging to Ayurveda, Unani, Sidha and Homoeopathic Medical Services of the State or Central Government of any other medical officers of equivalent status appointed by the Government....................Rs. 16 (b)Class II Officers of the Departments of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy of a State or Central Government or any other medical officer of an equivalent status appointed by the Government........... Rs. 3. (c)Others.....................Rs 3. Provided that in respect of medical officers of State Governments who are not allowed to receive any payment, no fees would be reimbursable. NOTE: The fees prescribed in clause (a) and (b) above will be payable for consultation at the consulting room of the authorised medical attendant or at the residence of the patient. (iii) List of admissible medicines for the purpose of reimbursement: Ayurveda, Sidha, Unani and Homeopathy.


The list of medicines in these systems approved for the purposes of reimbursement with indication of maximum prices against each medicine is given in Annexure I. In this Annexure, lists of medicines have been drawn up in three categories viz. (a)Costly medicines and treatment like panchakarma therapy which may be prescribed only by class I officers or a doctor of equivalent rank; (b)General medicines which may be prescribed by all authorized medical attendants, and (c)Restricted medicines which may be deemed to be medical tonics having curative properties which may be prescribed only by a Class I and Class II Officer or by a doctor of equivalent rank. The cost of medicines will be reimbursed on the basis of the prices indicated in the catalogues of the pharmacies concerned. The cost of medicines indicated in Annexure I will however, be applicable in the case of medicines manufactured by private practitioners, who may be nominated as authorized medical attendants for the propose of these rules. 3. Lists of approved pharmacists Druggists/Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopath, Central Government servants should purchase Ayurveda/Unani/Siddha/Homeopathic medicines prescribed by their Authorised Medical Intendancies from the pharmacies or concerns or their authorized dealers indicated in the list attached. ANNEXURE-I 4. With a view to ensuring that the incidence of expenditure on medical reimbursement in the Indian system of medicine and Homoeopathy does not tend to be unduly heavy, it has further been decided that, all claims pertaining to restricted and costly medicines and cost on therapy like panchakarma preferred by the Central Government employees in these systems should be required to be countersigned by the State Directors/Officersin-charge of Indian Systems of Medicine or Homeopathy Department of the State/Administrative or Central Government concerned. In cases where no Indian Systems of Medicine or Homoeopathy department exist, such claims may be countersigned by the Directors of Heath Services of the State concerned or by any other of Indian systems of Medicine/Homeopathy Branch in the Ministry of Health and Family Planning (Department of Health) as may be authorized for the purpose. In other cases, the Controlling authorized will be empowered to dispose of claims as provided in the Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules in accordance with these orders. 5. These orders will take effect from the 15th October, 1972. These orders are also applicable to Central Government servants and member of their families stationed in or passing through Calcutta. 20.6 In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Departments are concerned, these orders have been issued after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. ANNEXUREI Lists of approved Ayurvedic, Unani and Siddha Pharmacies under the Reimbursement Scheme 1. 2. Hamdard Dwakhana, Lal Kuan Delhi-6. Hamdard Dwakhana, Lal Kuan


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

Shama Laboratories, Lal Kuan, Delhi-6. Dawakhana Tibbia College, Muslim University, Aligarh Chi Chi Pharmacy , Rani Talao , Surat. Shri Baidyanath Ayurved Bhavan (P) Ltd., Calcutta. Dabur (Dr. S.K. Burma) Private Ltd. Catcutta and Faridabad. Aphalic Pharmaceutical Limited, Station Road, Amednagar Zandu Pharmaceutical Works Limited, Gokhale Road, South, Bombay-25 Ayurveda Reshala, Poona. Sahana Aushadhalya (Dacca) (36, B.K. Paul Avenue, Calcutta) Gurukul Kangri Pharmacy, Hardwar, P.O. Gurukul Kangri, District Saharanpur. The Arya Vaidya Pharmacy Limited, Trichy Road, Coimbatore Indian medicail Practitioners Cooperative Pharmacy and Stores Limited, Adyar, Madras-20. The Keralvarma Ayurvedic Co-operative Pharmacy Limited, Trichur. Co-operative Drugs Factory, Ranikhet Dhutapapeswer Industries(P) Limited, Panvel, Maharashtra Raka Laboratories, Relief Road, AhmedabadI Risikul Ayurbedic Pharmacy, Hardwar. Laksamivilasam Vaidyasala , Trivandrum Madhava Ayurvedic Pharmacy, Ernakulam (Kerala) Arya Vaidyashala, Kottakkai(Kerala) Dhanvantari Laboratories, Calcutta and Bangalore Utkal Co-operative Ayurvedic Pharmacy, P.O. Berhampur (Orissa) Navashakti Ayurvedic Pharmacy, Bhusaval (Maharashtra) Dhanvantari Ayurvedic Pharmacy ,Katra Baghain, Amritsar. D.A.V. College Pharmacy Jullunder Petlad Mahal Ayurvedic Pharmacy Nadiad, Maharashtra Ayurved Vikas Mandal Pharmacy, Junagadh, Gujarat Siddha Pharmacy, Trivattiyur (Tamil Nadu) All India States Ayurvedic Pharmacies in various States of India. Any other Pharmacy or Individuals manufacturing medicines for the purpose of their patients notified by the Government of India. ANNEXUREII List of homoeopathic pharmacists

1. 2.




M/s. L. R. Bhandari and Sons, Hanging Bridge, Darya Ganj Chowk, Delhi-6 M/s. Ramakrishna Pharmaceuticals, 23647/125, Beg Anberpet, Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh ) M/s Father Mullers Charitable Institutions, 17804, Father Muller Road, Kankandy, Bangalore-3 M/s St. Georges Homoeopathic Pharmacy, 16139A Balanatta, Kankandy, Bangalore-2 (Mysore) M/s Economic Homoeo Parmacy, 89 Netaji Subhas Road, (Ground Floor ),Calcutta-1


6. 7.

8. 9.

M/s. Hehnemann Publishing Co.(P) Limited, 169, B.B. Ganguly Street, Calcutta-12 M/s. M. Bharracharya and Company (P) Limited , 73, Netaji Shubhs Chandra Road, Calcutta-12 M/s. National Homoeo Laboratory, 110 Acharaya Jagdish Bose Road, Calcutta-1 M/s. Sunder Homoeo Sadan, 113, Netaji Subhas Road,Culcutta-1

FOREIGN PHARMACISTS 1. 2. 3. M/s. Willnar Schiwada(West Germany) M/s. Boerioke and Tagel (U.S.A.) M/s. Dr. Madaus and Company (West Germany)

14. Instruction of the Ministry of Health, Govt. of India on reimbursement of expensed incurred in connection with the procurement of artificial appliances in respect of Central Government servants: Instructions to the State Governments for adoption: The Govt. of India have decided to extend the provisions contained in the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare O.M. No. 14025/31/79MS, dated 26-9-80 (copy reproduced below) regarding reimbursement of the cost of artificial appliances to the members of the All India Services serving in connection with the affairs of the Union. The State Govt. have been requested to adopt these orders in respect of the members of the All India Services, serving in connection with the affairs of the States. [Govt. of India DP & AR No. 11023/14/80AIS (III), Dt. 21st July 1981.] (i) Copy of the letter No. S. 14025/31/79MS, dated the 26th September, 1980, from the Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. 1. The undersigned is directed to invite a reference to para 7(b) of the Ministry of Finance office Memorandum No. 21 (2)EV(B)/62 dated the 17th April, 1963 (copy enclosed-placed at 9(i)) which provides for reimbursement of expenses incurred in connection with the procurement of artificial appliances where necessary and justified to those covered under the CS (MS) Rules 1944, by the Ministries/Heads of Department in consultation with the Department of Health. The question of rationalisation and streamlining of the existing procedure involved in the reimbursement, of the expenses incurred on artificial appliances, its replacement, repair and adjustment has been under consideration of the Government of India. The question of drawing up a list of such artificial appliances whose cost would be reimbursible to those covered under the CS (MA) Rules 1944, has also been under consideration of the Government of India and it has now been decided as under: (1) The list of artificial appliances whose cost would be reimbursible to the government officials and the entitled members of their families covered under the CS (MA) Rules, 1944 is enclosed. The expenses incurred on the purchase, replacement, repair and adjustment of these appliances may be reimbursed to the government employees when these are certified essential by a specialist in the concerned speciality in the hospitals recognised under the CS (MA) Rules, 1944. The repairs and adjustments where necessitated under the advise of the medical specialist should be got done by the Rehabilitation Department of the Medical colleges and hospitals, Artificial Limb Centre, Pune and such other centres and



organisations recognised for this purpose by the Central or State Government. Where, however, under the advise of the Medical specialist the artificial appliance is to be repaired/adjusted, it has to be ensured that the cost of repairs /adjustment of appliance is less than the cost of replacement thereof. 2. It has also been decided by the Government to delegate power to all Ministries/Heads of Department to allow reimbursement of expenses incurred on the procurement/adjustment/repairs of these appliances subject to the condition that these have been done when they are certified as essential by a concerned specialists in the government/recognised hospitals under the CS (MA) Rules, 1944 and have been purchased/repaired from the Rehabilitation Department of the Medical Colleges and Hospitals, Artificial Limb Centre, Pune, and such other centres and organisations recognised for the purpose by the Central or State Government. 3. These orders will, however, not be applicable to the Artificial appliances which are covered under the specific orders of the Government of India e.g. Heart Pace Maker and replacement of its pulse generator and cost of replacement of diseased Heart valves vide Ministry of Finance O.M. No. 22(3) EV(B)/76, dated 18-6-76, O.M. No.22 (3) EV(B)/77 dated 18-9-78 and Ministry of Health and F.W. No. S. 14025/58/78MS, dated 18-8-1978. 4. These orders have been issued in consultation with the Department of Personnel & A.R. List of Artificial Appliances Annexed yo Memo No S14025/3179MS, dated the 26th September, 1980. S.No. Artificial Appliances

1. Unilateral long leg brace without hip joint. 2. Hip Joint with pelvic band. 3. Spinal Brace. 4. Unilateral short leg brace. 5. Shoe or BootProtective or aiding to paralysed or weak leg. 6. Bilaterial hip joint with pelvic band/weak leg. 7. Bilaterial long leg Brace without hip joint. 8. Bilaterial short leg Brace. 9. LumbeSacral or spinal support or Back support. 10. Taylors Brace. 11. Milwaukee brace. 12. Mesmaid Splint. 13. Posterior slab. 14. Cervical Brace four post. 15. Rigid Cervical Collar with head extension. 16. Cervical Collar. 17. Dynamic Splint (Aluminium). 18. Cock-up Splint (plain Aluminium). 19. Cock-up Splint (Plastic) or long oponents. 20. Turn Buckle Splint. 21. Nuckle Bender Splint. 22. Anterior Knee Guard Splint. 23. Denis Brown Splint.


24. Congenital Talipus Equino Varos/Valgus Splint. 25. Short Oponens P.V.C. (Plastic). 26. Knee Cage. 27. Long Oponens with M.P.Fl. bar and finger. 28. Extension (Plastic) Dynamic. 29. Boot with C and E heel and arch support. 30. C and E heel. 31. Arch Support. 32. M.T. Pad. 33. M.T.E. Raising. 34. T. Strap. 35. Sponte heel. 36. Wedge 1/8" 37. Universal Raising 1" 38. Foot drop Splint. 39. Below Knee prosthetics (P.T.B. type prosthetics). 40. A.K. Prosthetics. 41. Aluminium adjustable above knee right splint. 42. Plastic shoulder abduction splint. 43. Plaster of Paris or Gypsona cast. 44. Modified Shoes. 45. Below Elbow Prosthesis. 46. Hooks. 47. Cosmetic Hand. 48. Splint for C.D.H. 49. Splint for Elbow. 50. Above Elbow and below elbow Prosthetics. 51. Corset. 52. Wheel Chair. 53. Protective Shoes with microcellular rubber without nails of ten with additional gadgets like adjustable springs and rockers 54. Crutches. 55. Walking iron with Plaster Casts. 56. Calipers. 57. Braces. 58. Artificial limbs. (ii) Copy of the Office Memorandum No. S. 14025/58/75 MC, dated the 18th August, 1978. 1. The undersigned is desired to say that the representations have been received in this Ministry that in the case of diseases like polio, an appliance is fitted to a child which has to be re-adjusted or replaced periodically as the child grows or the affected part improves. After careful consideration it has now been decided that reimbursement of cost of boot (shoe) prescribed in the case of patients should be allowed only after three years, for a maximum limit of three times, in respect of an individual, under Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944. The re-imbursement cost of artificial appliances should be allowed only when these are certified as essential by a specialist in the concerned speciality in the hospitals and these are purchased from Rehabilitation


Department of Medical College/Hospitals, Artificial Limbs Centre, Pune and such other centres and organisations recognised for the purpose. 2. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Departments are concerned, these orders have been issued after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. 3. This issues with concurrence of the Ministry of Finance vide their U.O. No. 3520/EV(B) 78, dated the 3rd July, 1978 and will take effect from the date of issue of this memorandum. 15. List of non reimbursable medicines of Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944 shall be the applicable list for this rule: - In supersession of all previous orders on the subject, the Central Govt. have issued orders to the effect that the list of medicines included in Schedule I & II appended to Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944, as amended from time to time, shall be the list of medicines not reimbursable to a member of the All India Service or a member of his/her family under the All India Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954. [Govt. of India DP & AR No.4/11/73AIS(III), dt. 27th Sept. 1975.] 16. Restrictions in respect of reimbursement of the cost of insulin under this rule:I am directed to refer to this Departments letter No.8/10/70AIS(III), dated the 16th May, 1972, on the subject cited above. and to say that Audit has expressed the view that the words a member of an All India Service is entitled to free medical attendance and treatment without restrictions occurring therein creates an impression that it supersedes the provisions of the All India Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954 and, in particular, the amendment thereto made in Notification No. 8/8/69AIS(III), dated the 6th January, 1970, and the executive instructions contained in letter No. 6/11/58 AIS(III), dated the 2nd January, 1960, issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs. 2. The Subject of the letter of the 16tj May, 1972, cited above, makes its scope very clear and the letter, read as a whole should not leave any doubt that it was intended to supersede only letter No. 7/3/65AIS(III), dated the 12th March, 1965, issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs and not any other rule, order or instruction. 2.1 The provision of statutory rules cannot be superseded or modified by means of executive instructions, Accordingly, the instructions issued in the letter of the 16th May, 1972, cited above, do not supersede the provisions of the All India Service (Medical Attendance) Rule, 1954 (including the amendment thereto made through the Notification dated the 6th January, 1970.) [Letter No. 4/1/73AIS III dt.23.4.1973] 17. List of expensive drugs the cost of which shall not be reimbursable to a moS circulated: - I am directed to refer to rules, 2(k)(iii) and 14(i-a)of the All India Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954 as revised vide this Departments notification of even number dated the 11th July, 1974 and to forward herewith a list of expensive drugs etc., the cost of which shall not be reimbursable to a member of an All India Services or a member of his family. The list may be circulated among the authorized medical attendants for their information and guidance. [Letter No. 4/11/73AISIII dt. 6.8.1974] 17. Delegation of powers to the heads of the Department to allow refund of medical expenses in relaxation of rules: forwarding a copy of the Ministry of Finance, Govt. of Indias O.M.No.F.26(10)-EV-(B)/74 dated 16.07.1974 to the State Governments for adoption: - I am directed to refer to the Ministry of Home Affairs


letter No. 8/8/66AIS(III) dated the 14th July, 1966 and to forward herewith a copy of a Ministry of Finance O.M.No. F. 26(10)EV(B/74dated the 16th July, 1974. It is requested that the State Government may adopt the orders contained therein respect of member of the All India Services working under them. [Letter No. 23/5/75AISIII dt. 19th January, 1975] 18. Instructions of the Ministry of Finance Govt. of India regarding the reimbursement of the cost of replacement of diseased heart valves: Delegation of powers: Instruction to the State Government for adoption:- I am directed to enclose a copy of the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) O.M.No. F 23(5) EV(B)/77 dated the 18th Sept., 1978, regarding the reimbursement of the cost of replacement of diseased heart valves. In accordance with these orders, the reimbursement of the cost of heart valve, has been brought within the purview of the Elegised powers in terms of their earlier F 21(2)EW (B)/62 dated 17th April, 1963, a copy of which is attached to this Departments letter No. 11023/16/76 dt. 14th Dec. 1977. 2. It has been decided that the orders contained in the Ministry of Finance O.M. No. F. 23(5)EV (b)/77 dt. 18th Sept., 1978 may be adopted in respect of member of All India Services and the powers of reimbursement of the Cost of replacement of diseased heart valves may be delegated to the Heads of Department of the State Government. The initial supply of the heart valves will, however, in all cases be made only on he recommendation of the Department of Health of the State concerned. 3. Wherever the supply is approved by the Deptt. of Health of the State concerned, the administrative authority would make payment direct to the supplying agency and not direct to the member of the All India Service concerned. These orders also apply to the members of the All India Services serving in connection with the affairs of the Union and who are beneficiaries of the Central Government Health Scheme. [DP&T letter no. 11023/14/78AISIII dated 6.1.1979] (i)O.M.No.23(5)EV(B)/77 of Government of India/Ministry Department of Expenditure dated the 18th September, 1978. of Finance,

1. The undersigned is directed to say that a question has been raised whether the reimbursement of the cost of the replacement of the diseased Heart Valves is covered by the powers delegated to the Ministries/Heads of Departments in terms of para 7 (b) of this Ministrys Office Memorandum No. F. 21(2)EV(B)/62 dated the 17th April, 1963. The matter has been considered carefully and the President has been pleased to decide that the reimbursement of the cost of replacement of diseased Heart Valves should also be brought within the purview of the delegated powers in terms of the above mentioned para 7(b). The initial supply of the Heart Valves will, however, in all cases be made only on a recommendation of the Director General of Health Services. 2. Wherever the supply is approved by D.G.H.S., the administrative authorities would be making the payment direct to the supplying agency and not direct to the Government servant concerned. 3. These orders also apply to Central Government employees who are beneficiaries of Central Government Health Scheme. 4. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders have been issued after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.


19. AMA may take a decision regarding admissibility/inadmissibility of the medicines specified in the Central Service Medical Attendance Rules:- I am directed to say that a list of inadmissible Medicines specified in Schedule I and II of the Central Service (Medical Attendance) Rules are also applicable to members of All India Services under rule 2(k) (iii) of the All India Services(Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954. 2. Ministry of Health have now clarified that the list of items of allopathic medicines specified in Schedule I and II may be treated as illustrative only, indicating ineligible medicines/preparation or expensive drugs. The authorized Medical Attendant may take a decision whether a particular new medicine or preparation falls under any of the broad categories specified in Schedule I or Schedule II and shall so certify whereupon the cost such medicines may be reimbursed. A copy of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare O.M. No S. 14025/67/IMS dated 24.10.1986 is enclosed for ready reference. [Letter no. 11023/6/870AIS III dated 5.3.1988.]




In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (LXI of 1951), the Central Government, after consultation, with the Governments of the States concerned hereby makes the following rules, namely: 1. Short title.These rules may be called the All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955. 2. Definitions. 2(1)

In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires: (a) Account Officers means the officer to whom the duty to maintain the provident fund account of the subscriber has been assigned by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India or Government, as the case may be. NOTE: In relation to a subscriber borne on the cadre of State or Union Territory where the provident fund accounts have not been departmentalised, the duty maintain the provident fund accounts is assigned by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. In case of other subscribers, this duty is assigned by Government. (b) child means a legitimate child, a stepchild and shall include an adopted child if, under the personal law of the subscriber, adoption is legally recognised as conferring the status of a natural child; (c) emoluments means, except where otherwise expressly provided, pay, special pay, personal pay, leave salary or subsistence allowance and includes any remuneration in the nature of pay received by a member of the Service while on foreign service; (d) family means (i) in the case of a male subscriber, the wife or wives and children of a subscriber and the widow, or widows, and children of a deceased son of the subscriber. Provided that if a subscriber proves that his wife has been judicially separated from him or has ceased under the customary law of the community to which she belongs to be entitled to maintenance, she shall thenceforth be deemed to be no longer a member of the subscribers family in respect of matters to which rules relate, unless the subscriber subsequently indicates in writing to the Account Officer that she shall continue to be so regarded; (ii) in the case of a female subscriber, the husband and children of a subscriber, and the widow or widows and children of a deceased son of a subscriber.

1 2

Principal Rules were published vide Notification No. 12/1/54AISII dated 12.09.1955 (SRO 1980 dt. 12.09.1955) Substituted vide DP & AR Notification No. 11026/11/77AIS(III) dated 27.11.1979 (GSR No. 1529 dt. 29.12.1979)


Provided that if a female subscriber notifies in writing to the Account Officer expressing her intention to exclude her husband from her family, the husband shall thenceforth be deemed to be no longer a member of the subscribers family in respect of matters to which these rules relate, unless the subscriber subsequently indicates in writing to the Accounts Officer that her husband shall continue to be so regarded; (e) form means a form annexed to these rules; (f) Fund means the All India Services Provident Fund; (g) Government means (i) in the case of a member of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the Union, the Central Government, or (ii) in the case of a member of the Service serving under a foreign Government (whether on duty or on leave), the Central Government, or (iii) in the case of a member of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of a State, the Government of that State: Provided that the President in the case of members of the Service referred to in sub-clause (i) or (ii) and the Governor in the case of members of the Service referred to in sub-clause (iii) shall be deemed to be the Government for the purposes of assignment of an insurance policy or mortgage to the Government. Explanation.A member of the Service whose services are placed at the disposal of any company, corporation, organisation or any local authority by the Central Government or the Government of a State, shall, for the purposes of these rules, be deemed to be a member of the Service serving in connection with affairs of Union or the affairs of that State, as the case may be, notwithstanding that his salary is drawn from sources other than the Consolidated Fund of the Union or of that State. (iv) in the case of a member of the Service on leave, the Government who sanctioned him the leave.

(g)(g)Indian Civil Service member of the Indian Administrative Service means a person who was initially appointed to the Civil Service of the Crown in India known as the Indian Civil Service and who subsequently became a member of the Indian Administrative Service;

(g)(g)(g) Indian Police member of the Indian Police Service means a person who was initially appointed to the Police Service of the Crown in India known as the Indian Police and who subsequently became a member of the Indian Police Service;

3 4

Inserted vide Department of Personnel Order No. 31/7/72AISIII dated 01.10.1972. Substituted vie MHA Notification No. 5/28/66AISII dated 13.12.1966 (GSR No. 1913 dt. 27.12.1966)


(h) insurer has the same meaning as assigned to it in the Insurance Act, 138 (IV of 1938); (i) leave means any kind of leave granted under the All-India Services (Leave) Rules, 1955;

(j) member of the Service means a member of [an All India Service as defined in section 2 of All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951)]:

(k) year means a financial year. (2) All words and expressions used in these rules and not defined but defined in the Provident Fund Act, 1925 (XIX of 1925) or in the Indian Administrative Service (Pay) Rules, 1954, or in the Indian Police Service (Pay) Rules, 1954, shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the said Act or in the said Rules. 3. Constitution of the Fund. (1) The Fund shall be maintained in India in rupees: (2) Every member of the Service shall subscribe to the Fund.

Provided further that nothing contained in this rule shall apply to the persons appointed on or after the 1st day of January, 2004, Explanatory Memorandum A new pension system based on defined contribution has been introduced in respect of persons recruited to Government service from the 1st day of January, 2004. As the new pension system shall not be applicable to the existing Government servants. the interest of the existing officers of All India Service shall not be affected by giving retrospective effect to the amendment.

(3) In the case of a member of the Service who immediately before joining the Fund was a subscriber to any other non-contributory provident fund or funds maintained by the Government under whom he was at that time serving, his credit in, and liabilities to, any such fund or funds shall be transferred to this Fund.

(4) In the case of a member of the Service who immediately before joining the Fund was a subscriber to any Contributory Provident Fund or Funds maintained by the Government under whom he was at that time serving, his credit in, and liabilities to, any such Fund or Funds shall, insofar as the subscribers contribution and interest thereon are concerned, be transferred to this Fund and the Governments contribution with interest there on shall be dealt with in the manner indicated in Rule 8 of All India Services (Deathcum-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958.

(5) In the case of an Indian Civil Service member of the Indian Administrative Service, his credit in the Indian Civil Service Provident Fund and in the

Introduced w.e.f 12.09.1955 vide MHA Notification No.13/8/56AISII dated 21.01.1957 (GSR No. 275 dt. 26.01.1957) Inserted vide DOPT Notification No.11026/03/2003-AIS-III dated 17.04.2004 (GSR No.176 dt.29.05.2004) 6 Substituted vide MHA Notification No. 29/64/64AISII dated 13.08.1965 (GSR No. 1175 dt. 21.08.1965)


Indian Civil Service (Non-European Members) Provident Fund shall be transferred to this Fund.

(6) In the case of an Indian Police member of the Indian Police Service, his credit in the Secretary of States Services General Provident Fund shall be transferred to this Fund.

4. Nomination.(1) Each subscriber shall, as soon as may be after joining the Fund, send to the Accounts Officer a nomination conferring on one or more persons the right to receive the amount that may stand to his credit in the Fund, in the event of his death before the amount has become payable or having become payable, has not been paid: Provided that if at the time of making the nomination the subscriber has a family, the nomination shall not be in favour of any person or persons other than the members of his family. (2) If a subscriber nominates more than one person under sub-rule (1), he shall specify in the nomination the amount or share payable to each of the nominees in such manner as to cover the whole of the amount that may stand to his credit in the Fund at any time. (3) Every nomination under sub-rule (2) shall be in such one of the forms I to IV as may be appropriate to each case. (4) A subscriber may at any time cancel a nomination by sending a notice in writing to the Accounts Officer: Provided that the subscriber shall, along with such notice, send a fresh nomination made in accordance with the provisions of this rule. (5) A subscriber may provide in a nomination (a) in respect of any specified nominee, that in the event of his predeceasing the subscriber the right conferred upon that nominee shall pass to such other person or persons as may be specified in the nomination: Provided that such other person or persons shall, if the subscriber has other members of the family, be a member or members of his family; (b) that the nomination shall become invalid in the event of the happening of a contingency specified therein: Provided that if at the time of making the nomination the subscriber has no family, he shall provide in the nomination under that it shall become invalid in the event of his subsequently acquiring a family; Provided further that, if at the time of making the nomination the subscriber has only one member of the family, he shall provide in the nomination that the right conferred upon the alternate nominee under clause (a) shall also become invalid in the event of his subsequently acquiring other member or members in his family. (6) Immediately on the death of a nominee in respect of whom no special provision has been made in the nomination clause (a) of sub-rule (5) or on the occurrence of any event by reason of which the nomination becomes
7 8

Inserted vide Deptt. of Personnel Order No. 31/7/72AISIII dated 01.10.1972. Introduced vide MHA Notification No. 13/11/57AIS(III) dated 20.02.1958 (GSR No. 62 dt. 01.03.1958)


invalid in pursuance of clause (b) of sub-rule (5) or the proviso thereto, the subscriber shall send to the Accounts Officer a notice in writing cancelling the nomination, together with a fresh nomination made in accordance with the provisions of this rule. (7) Every nomination made, and every notice of cancellation given, by a subscriber shall, to the extent that it is valid take effect on the date on which it is received by the Accounts Officer, who shall acknowledge the receipt of every such communication. Explanation:For the purpose of this rule person or persons shall include a company or association or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not. It shall also include a Fund such as the Prime Ministers National Relief Fund or any of charitable or other Trust or Fund, to which nominations may be made through the Secretary or other executive, authorised to receive payments. 5. Subscribers account. An account shall be prepared in the name of each subscriber and shall show the amount of his subscriptions with interest there on calculated as prescribed in sub-rule (2) of rule 9. 6. Conditions and rates of subscriptions. (1) A subscriber shall subscribe monthly to the Fund except during a period of suspension: Provided that a subscriber may, at his option, elect not to subscribe during leave; Provided further that a subscriber on reinstatement after a period passed under suspension shall be allowed the option of paying in one sum, or in instalments, any sum not exceeding the amount of subscriptions in arrear payable for that period. Explanation. A subscriber shall be deemed to have intimated his election not to subscribe during leave if he makes no deduction on account of subscription in his first pay bill drawn after proceeding on leave and the option so intimated shall be final.
10 9

(1A) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1): (a) a subscriber due to retire shall not subscribe to the fund during the last three months his service; (b) a subscriber not covered by (a) above shall not subscribe to the fund for the month in which he quits service unless, before commencement of the said month, he communicates to the Head of the Office in writing his option to subscribe for the said month;

(2) A subscriber, who has under rule 29 withdrawn the amount standing to his credit in the Fund shall not subscribe to the Fund after such withdrawal unless and until he returns to duty. (3) The amount of subscription shall be fixed by the subscriber himself subject to the following conditions, namely: (a) (b) it shall be expressed in whole rupees; It may be any sum, so expressed, not less than 11six per cent of his emolument 12[ ] and not more than 13(his emoluments).

Inserted vide DP & AR Notification No. 11026/18/83AIS(III) dated 27.06.1984 (GSR No. 741 dt. 14.07.1984) Substituted vide DP&T Notification No. 11026/15/84AIS(III) dated 22.10.1986 (GSR No.932 dt. 01.11.1986) 11 Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 11026/4/77AIS(III) dated 21.11.1977 (GSR No. 1657 dt. 10.12.1977) 12 i.e. [One anna in the rupee] was omitted w.e.f. 27.05.1958 vide MHA Notification No.18/29/57AIS(III), dated 27.05.1958 (GSR No. 447 dt. 07.06.1958) 13 Substituted for 15-5/8% the 2 annas in the rupee vide MHA Notification No.13/29/57 AIS(IIIA) dated 27.05.1958 (GSR No.407 dt.07.06.1958)


6(4) For the purpose of sub-rule (3), the emoluments of the subscriber shall be (a) in the case of a subscriber who was a member of the Service on the 31st day of March of the preceding year, the emoluments to which he was entitled on that date, provided as follows (i) if the subscriber was on deputation out of India on the said date and elected not to subscribe during such leave or was under suspension on the said date, his emoluments to which he was entitled on the first day after his return to duty; (ii) if the subscriber was on deputation out of India on the said date or was on leave on the said date and continues to be on leave and has elected to subscribe during such leave, his emoluments shall be the emoluments to which he would have been entitled had he been on duty in India; (b) in the case of a subscriber who was not a member of the Service on the 31st day of March of the proceeding year, the emoluments to which he was entitled on the first day of his Service. 6(5) A subscriber shall intimate the fixation of the amount of his monthly subscription in each year in the following manner: (a) if he was on duty on the 31st day of March of the preceding year, by the deduction which he makes in this behalf from his pay bill for that month; (b) if he was on leave on the 31st day of March of the proceeding year and elected not to subscribe during such leave, or was under suspension on that date, by the deduction which he makes in this behalf from his first pay bill after his return to duty; (c) if he has been appointed as a member of the Service during the year, by the deduction he makes in this behalf from his pay bill for the month following the month in which he was appointed to the Service;

(d) if he was on leave 31st day of March of the preceding year and continues to be on leave and has elected to subscribe during such leave, by the deduction which he causes to be made in this behalf from his salary bill for that month; (e) if he was on foreign service on the 31st day of March of the preceding year, by the amount credited by him into the treasury on account of subscription for the month the April in the current year. 6(6) The amount of subscription so fixed may be (a) reduced once at any time during the course of the year; or (b) (c) enhanced twice during the course of the year; or reduced and enhanced as aforesaid: Provided that when the amount of subscription is so reduced, it shall not be less than the minimum in sub rule (3).



6(7) If a subscriber is on leave without pay or leave on half-pay for a part of a calendar month and he has elected not to subscribe during such leave, the amount of subscription payable shall be proportionate to the number of days spent on duty, including leave, if any, other than the leave referred to above.

7. Transfer to foreign service or deputation out of India.When a subscriber is transferred to foreign service or sent on deputation out of India, he shall continue to be subject to the rules of the Fund in the same manner as if he was not so transferred or sent on deputation. 8. Realisation of subscription. 8(1) When emoluments are drawn from treasury in India, subscriptions on account of such emoluments and the principal and interest of advances if any, shall be deducted from the emoluments; but when emoluments are drawn from any other source, the subscriber shall forward his dues monthly to the Accounts Officer.

Provided that in the case of subscribers on deputation to a body corporate owned or controlled by Government, the subscriptions shall be recovered and forwarded to the Accounts Officer by such body.

8(2) If a subscriber fails to subscribe with effect from the date on which he joined the Fund or is in default in any month or months during the course of a year otherwise than as provided in rule 6, the total amount due to Fund on account of arrears of subscription shall with interest thereon at the rate provided in rule 9, forthwith be paid by the subscriber to the Fund or in default be ordered by the Account Officer to be recovered by deduction from the emoluments of the subscriber by instalments or otherwise as may be directed by the Government: Provided that subscribers whose deposits in the Fund carry no interest shall not be required to pay any interest. 9. Interest. 9(1) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (5), interest at such rate as may be determined for each year according to the method of calculation prescribed from time to time by the Central Government shall be paid to the credit of the account of a subscriber. 9(2) Interest shall be credited with effect from the last day in each year in the following manner: (i) on the amount at the credit of a subscriber on the last day of the preceding year, less any sums withdrawn during the current yearinterest for twelve months; (ii) on sums withdrawn during current year-interest from the beginning of the current year up to the last day of the month preceding the month of withdrawal;

14 15

Substituted vide DP & AR Notification No. 11026/4/77AIS(III), dated 21.11.1977 (GSR No. 1657, dt. 10.12.1977) Added vide MHA Notification No. 5/22/67AIS(II)A, of 18.03.1968 .(GSR No. 584, dt. 30.03.1968).


(iii) on all sums credited to the subscribers account after the last day of the preceding year-interest from the date of deposit upto the end of the current year; (iv) the total amount of interest shall be rounded to the nearest whole rupee, a fraction of a rupee less than 16[Fifty Naye Paise] being regarded and a fraction of rupee equal to or exceeding (Fifty Naye Paise) being regarded as one rupee. Provided that when the amount standing at the credit of a subscriber has become payable, interest shall be credited under this rule in respect only of the period from the beginning of the current year or from the date of deposit, as the case may be, upto the date on which the amount standing at the credit of the subscriber became payable. 9(3) In this rule, the date of deposit shall: (a) in the case of a recovery from emoluments, be deemed to be the first day of the month in which it is recovered; and

Provided that where there has been a delay in the drawal of pay of leave salary and allowances of a subscriber and consequently in the recovery of his subscription towards the Fund, the interest on such subscriptions shall be payable from the month in which the pay or leave salary of the subscriber was due under the rules irrespective of the month in which it was actually drawn. Provided further that where the emoluments for a month are drawn on the last working day of the same month the date of deposit shall in the case of recovery of his subscriptions, be deemed to be the first day of the succeeding month.

(b) In the case of an account forwarded by the subscriber be deemed to be the first day of the month of receipt if it is received by the Accounts Officer before the fifth day of that month and if it is received on or after the fifth day of that month, the first day of the next succeeding month:

Provided that in the case of an amount forwarded in accordance with the proviso to sub-rule (1) of rule 8, the date of deposit shall be deemed to be the first day of the month if it is received by the Accounts Officer before the fifteenth day of that month.

9(4) In addition to any amount to be paid under rules 28, 29 or 30, interest thereon up to the end of the month preceding that in which the payment is made or up to the end of six month after the month in which such amount became payable whichever of these periods be less, shall be payable to the person to whom such amount is to be paid: Provided that where the Accounts Officer has intimated to that person (or his agent) a date on which he is prepared to take payment in cash, or has posted a cheque for the amount to that person, interest shall be payable only up to the end of the month preceding the date so intimated or the date of posting of the cheque, as the case may be:

[ ] Substituted in place of eight annas vide M.H.A. Notification No. 13.29.1957AIS(III)A, dated the 27.05.1958 (GSR No.407 dt. 07.06.1958) 17 Added vide MHA Notification No. 5/22/67AIS (II)A dated 18.03.1968 (GSR No. 584 dt. 30.03.1968) 18 Added vide Deptt. of Personnel Notification No. 5/8/71AIS(II), dated 09.02.1972 (GSR No. 2249, dt. 26.02.1972)



Provided further that where a subscriber on deputation to a body corporate owned or controlled by the Government or an autonomous organisation registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860) is subsequently absorbed in such body corporate or organisation with effect from a retrospective date, for the purpose of calculating the interest due on the Fund accumulations of the subscriber, the date of issue of the orders regarding absorption shall be deemed to be the date on which the amount to the credit of the subscriber became payable subject, however, to the condition that the amount recovered as subscription during the period commencing from the date of absorption and ending with the date of issue of orders of absorption shall be deemed to be the subscription to the Fund only for the purposes of awarding interest under this sub-rule. NOTE: Payment of interest on the Fund balance beyond a Period six months may be authorised:

(a) up to a period of one year, by an officer (which expression includes the Pay and Accounts Officer in a Union Territory where the accounts have been departmentalised) nominated by the Head of Accounts Office; and (b) up to a period, exceeding one year by the Head of Accounts Office (which expression includes a Controller of Accounts in a Union Territory where the accounts have been departmentalised, after the said officer or as the case may be the Head of Accounts Office has personally satisfied himself that the delay in payment was occasioned by circumstances beyond the control of the subscriber or the person to whom such payment was to be made and in every such cases the administrative delay involved, in the matter shall be fully investigated and action, if any required, taken.


9(5) Interest shall not be credited to the accounts of a subscriber if he informs the Accounts Officer that he does not wish to receive it; but if he subsequently asks for interest, it shall be credited with effect from the first day of the year in which he asks for it. 9(6) Interest on amounts which under sub-rule (2) of rule 8, 21[ ]rule 28 or 29, are replaced at the credit of the subscriber in the Fund, shall be calculated at such rates may be successively prescribed under sub-rule (1) of this rule and so far as may be in the manner described in this rule.

9(7) In case a subscriber is found to have drawn from the fund an amount in excess of the amount standing to his credit on the date of the drawal, the overdrawn amount, irrespective of whether the overdrawal occurred in the course of an advance or a withdrawal or the final payment from the fund, shall be repaid by him with interest thereon, in one lumpsum, or in default, be ordered to be recovered by deduction in one lumpsum from the

Inserted vide Notification No. 11026/4/77AIS(III), dated 14.02.1979 (GSR No. 295,dt. 24.02.1979) and further modified vide Not. 11026/7/79AIS(III) dated 17.11.1980 (GSR No. 1235, dt. 06.12.1980). Deleted vide DP&D AR Notification No. 11026/4/77AIS(III) dated 21.11.1977 (GSR No.1657 dt. 10.12.1977). 21 Deleted vide Deptt. of Personnel & A.R. Notification No.11026/1/75AIS(III) dated 16.04.1975 (GSR No. 515 dt.26.04.1975) 22 Inserted vide Notification No. 11026/19/83 AIS (III) dated 22.07.1985 (GSR No. 710 dt. 03.08.1985).



emoluments of the subscriber. If that total amount to be recovered is more than half of the subscribers emoluments recoveries shall be made in monthly instalments of moieties of his emoluments till the entire amount together with interest, is recovered. For this rule, the rate of interest to be charged on overdrawn amount would be 2 1/2% over and above the normal rate of Provident Fund balances under sub-rule (1). The interest realised on the overdrawn amount shall be credited to Government account under a distinct, sub-head Interest on overdrawal from Provident Fund. 10. Advance from the Fund.(1) The Government 23(or an officer not below the rank of the subscriber and specified in this behalf by the Government) may sanction the payment to a subscriber of a temporary advance from the amount standing to his credit in the Fund, subject to the following conditions: 10(1)(a) No advance shall be granted unless the sanctioning authority is satisfied that subscribers pecuniary circumstances justify it and that it will be expended on any of the following objects namely: (i) to pay expenses incurred in connection with the serious or prolonged illness of the subscriber or any person actually dependent on him; to pay for the overseas passage for reasons of health or education of the subscriber or any person actually dependent on him and also to meet the cost of education of the subscriber or of any person actually dependent on him outside India, whether for an academic, technical, professional or vocational course; or in India for medical, engineering or other technical or specialised courses beyond the high school stage, provided that the course of study is not less than 3 years; to pay obligatory expenses on a scale appropriate to the subscribers status which by customary usage the subscriber has to incur in connection with marriages, funerals or other ceremonies; to meet the cost of legal proceedings instituted by or against the subscriber, any member of his family or any person actually dependent upon him, the advance in this case being available in addition to any advance admissible for the same purpose from any other Government source; to meet the cost of subscribers defence where he engages a legal practitioner to defend himself in an inquiry in respect of any alleged official misconduct on his part. to meet the cost of plot or construction of a house or flat for his residence or to make any payment towards the allotment of plot or flat by any Urban Development Authority or a State Housing Board or a House Building Co-operative Society;










Inserted or substituted vide M.H.A. Notification No. 8/34/57AIS(II) dated the 21.07.1959. (GSR No. 850 dt. 25.07.1959) 24 Substituted vide Notification No. 11026/11/79AIS(III) dated 25.09.1980 (GSR No. 1048, dt. 11.10.1980) 25 Inserted vide Notification No. 11026/11/78AIS (III) dated 04.08.1979 (GSR No. 1081, dt 25.08.1979)




to purchase consumer durables such as television, video cassette recorder, video cassette player, washing machine, cooking range, geysers, computers. Provided that in special circumstances, the Government at its discretion or where the sanctioning authority is other than the Government, such authority with previous approval of the Government, may sanction an advance if it is satisfied that the subscriber concerned requires the advance for reasons other than those mentioned above:


Provided that the advance under sub-clause (iv) or sub-clause (v) shall not be admissible to a subscriber who institutes legal proceedings in any court either in respect of any matter unconnected with his official duty or against Government in respect of any condition of service or penalty imposed on him.

10(1)(b) The sanctioning authority shall record in writing its reasons for granting the advance. 10(1)(c) An advance shall not, except for special reasons (i) exceed three months pay or half the amount standing at the credit of the subscriber in the Fund, whichever is less, or (ii) unless the amount already advanced does not exceed twothirds of the amount admissible under sub-clause (I) above, be granted until at least a period of twelve months has lapsed after the final repayment of all previous advances 28[ ] Provided that if any such reason is of a confidential nature it may be communicated to the Account Officer personally or confidentially; 29 Provided further that where the sanctioning authority is other than the Government no such advance shall be sanctioned except with the previous approval of the Government. 10(2) In fixing the amount of an advance, the sanctioning authority shall pay due regard to the amount standing at the credit of the subscriber in the Fund. 28 10(3) When an advance is sanctioned under clause (c) of sub-rule (1) before repayment of the last instalment of any previous advance is completed, the balance of any previous advance not recovered shall be added to the advance so sanctioned and instalments for recovery shall be fixed with reference to the consolidated amount. After sanctioning the advance, the amount shall be drawn on an authorisation from the Accounts Officer in cases where the application for final payment had been forwarded to the Accounts Officer under clause (ii) of sub-rule (3) of rule 31. 11. Recovery of advances.
26 27 28


10 (4)

Inserted Vide DP&T Notification No. 11026/2/95AIS(III)A, dated 23.12.1996 (GSR No.157 dt. 23.04.1997) Introduced vide M.H.A Notification No 13/9/58AIS(III),dated 14.05.1958 (GSR No. 401 dt. 24.05.1958) Deleted vide D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 11026/1/75AIS(III) dated 16.04.1975 (GSR No. 515 dt. 26.04.1975). 29 Inserted or substituted vide M.H.A. Notification No. 8/34/57AIS(III) dated 21.07.1959 (GSR No. 850 dt. 25.07.1959) 30 Inserted vide Deptt. of Personnel & A.R. Notification No. 11026/4/77AIS(III), dated 21.11.1977 (GSR No. 1657, dt. 10.12.1977)


An advance shall be recovered from the subscriber in such number of equal monthly instalments as the 31sanctioning authority may direct, but such number shall not be less than twelve unless the subscriber so elects or more than twentyfour. A subscriber may at his option, repay more than one instalment in month. Each instalment shall be a number of whole rupees the amount of the advance being raised or reduced, if necessary to admit of the fixation of such instalments: Provided that where the amount advanced exceeds three months pay or half the amount at the credit of the subscriber, the Government or where the sanctioning authority is other than that Government such authority with the previous approval of the Government, may direct that the amount may be recovered in a maximum of thirtysix instalments. 11(2) Provided that 32 (a) 33 (b) recovery may be postponed by sanctioning authority during the recovery of an advance of pay granted to the subscriber. 21 11(3) 21 11(4) 11(5) If an advance has been granted to a subscriber and drawn by him and the advance is subsequently disallowed before repayment is completed the whole or balance of the amount withdrawn shall, 21[ ] forth with be repaid by the subscriber to the Fund, or in default, be ordered by the Accounts Officer to be recovered by deduction from the emoluments of the subscriber by instalments or otherwise, as may be directed by the 31 (sanctioning authority): 21 [] Provided that, before such advance is disallowed, the subscriber shall be given an opportunity to explain to the sanctioning authority in writing, and within fifteen days of the receipt of the communication, as to why the repayment should not be enforced, and if an explanation is submitted by the subscriber within the said period of fifteen days, it shall be referred to the Government for decision and if no explanation within the said period is submitted by him, the repayment of the advance shall be enforced in the manner prescribed in this sub-rule. 11(6) Recoveries made under this rule shall be credited as they are made to be subscribers account in the Fund.


12. Withdrawal from the Fund. 35(1) subject to the conditions specified in rules 13, 15 and 16, Government may at any time after the completion of 36ten years of Service (including broken periods of service if any) of a subscriber or within ten years before the date of his retirement on superannuation whichever is earlier, sanction

Inserted vide Deptt. of Personnel & A.R. Notification No. 8/34/57AIS(III), dated the 21.07.1959. (GSR No. 850, dt. 25.07.1959). 32 Omitted vide M.H.A. Notification No. 5/5/67AIS (II)B, dated 20.10.1967.(GSR No. 1598, dt. 28.10.1967). 33 Substituted or inserted as the case may be vide M.H.A. Notification No. 8/3/57AIS (II), dated 21.07.1959 (GSR No. 850, dt. 25.07.1959). 34 Inserted vide DP Notification No. 11026/19/83 AIS(III) dated 22.07.19859 GSR No.710 dt. 03.08.1985) 35 Substituted vide Notification No. 11026/6/76AIS (III) dated 28.11.1978 (GSR No. 1491 dt. 16.12.1978). 36 Substituted vide DOPT Notification No. 11026/19/84AIS (III) dated 17.04.1985



withdrawal by him from the amount standing to his credit in the Fund for one or more of the following purposes, namely: 12(1)(a) building or acquiring a suitable house or a readybuilt flat for his residence including the cost of the site; 12(1)(b) repaying an outstanding amount on account of a loan expressly taken for building or acquiring a suitable house or readybuilt flat for his residence; 12(1)(c) purchasing a house site for building a house thereon for his residence or repaying any outstanding amount on account of a loan expressly taken for this purpose; 12(1)(d) reconstructing of/or making additions or alterations to a house or a flat already owned or acquired by a subscriber; 12(1)(e) renovating, making additions or alterations to or upkeep of an ancestral house at a place other than the place of duty or to a house built with a loan from Government at a place other than the place of duty; 12(1)(f) constructing a house on a site purchased under clause (c);

12(1)(g) meeting the cost of consumer durables such as television, video cassette recorder, video cassette player, washing machines, cooking range, geysers, computers.

12 (1A) Subject to the conditions specified in rules 14 and 14A, the Government may at any time after the completion of fifteen years of service (including broken periods of service if any) of a subscriber or within ten years before the date of his retirement on superannuation, whichever is earlier, sanction withdrawal by him from the amount standing to his credit in the Fund for one or more of the following purposes namely: 12(1A) (a) meeting the cost of higher education, including where necessary the travelling expenses of the subscriber or any child of the subscriber in the following cases, namely: (i) for education outside India for academic, technical, professional or vocational course beyond the High School Stage; for any medical, engineering or other technical or specialised course in India beyond the High School Stage;


12(1A) (b) meeting the expenditure in connection with the betrothal or marriage of the subscriber or his sons or daughters, and any other female relation actually dependent on him; 12(1A) (c) meeting the expenses in connection with the illness, including where necessary, the travelling expenses, of the subscriber and members of his family or any person actually dependent on him.



12(1B) The Government may at any time within twelve months before the date of retirement on superannuation sanction withdrawal of upto ninety percent of the amount standing to his credit of a member of an All India Service in the Fund without assigning any reason for such withdrawal by him. This facility shall be admissible only once. 12 (1C) The Government may, once during the course of a financial year, sanction withdrawal from the amount standing to his credit in the Fund a sum equivalent to one years subscription paid for by the subscriber towards the Group Insurance Scheme under the All India Services (Group Insurance) Rules, 1981.


NOTE 1: A subscriber who has availed himself of an advance under the scheme of the Ministry of Works and Housing for the grant of advance for house building purpose or has been allowed any assistance in this regard from any other Government source, shall be eligible for the grant of final withdrawal under clauses (a), (c), (d) and (f) of sub-rule (1) for the purpose specified therein and also for the purpose of repayment of any loan taken under the aforesaid Scheme subject to the limit specified in the second proviso to sub-rule (1) of rule 13. If a subscriber has an ancestral house or built a house at a place other than the place of his duty 39with the assistance of loan taken from the Government, he shall be eligible for the grant of final withdrawal under clauses (a), (c) and (f) of sub-rule (1) for purchase of a house site or for construction of another house or for acquiring a readybuilt flat at the place of his duty. NOTE 2: Withdrawal under clauses (a), (d), (e) or (f) of sub-rule (1) shall be sanctioned only after subscriber has submitted a plan of the house to be constructed or of the additions or alterations to be made duly approved by the local municipal body of the area where the site or house is situated and only in cases where the plan is actually got approved.

NOTE 3: The amount of withdrawal sanctioned under sub-clause (b) of sub-rule (1) shall not exceed 3/4 of the balance on date of application together with the amount of previous withdrawal under sub-clause (a) reduced by the amount of previous withdrawal. The formula to be followed is: 3/4th balance as on date plus amount of previous withdrawal(s) for the house in question minus the amount of the previous withdrawal (s). NOTE 4: Withdrawal under clause (a) and (d) of sub-rule (1) shall also be allowed where the house site or house is in the name of wife/husband provided she/he is the first nominee to receive provident Fund money in the nomination made by the subscriber.

NOTE 5: Only one withdrawal shall be allowed for the same purpose under rule 12, But marriage/education of different children or illness on different occasions shall not be treated as the same purpose. Second or subsequent withdrawal under clauses (a) or (f) of sub-rule (1) for

37 38 39

Substituted vide DOPT Notification No. 11026/5/90AIS (III) dated 16.03.1993 9 GSR No.190 dt. 10.04.1993) Inserted vide D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 11026/18/83AIS(III) dated 27.06.1984.(GSR No. 741, dt. 14.07.1984). Deleted vide D.P. & A.R. No. 11026/11/78AIS (III) dated 04.08.1979 (GSR No. 1981, dt. 25.08.1979).


completion of the same house shall be allowed upto the limit laid down under Note 3. NOTE 6:

A withdrawal under rule 12 shall not be sanctioned if an advance under rule 10 is being sanctioned for the same purpose and at the same time. Subject to the conditions specified in rule 14C, the Government may, at any time after the completion of fifteen yeas of service by a subscriber, sanction withdrawal by him from the amount standing to the credit in the Fund for booking or purchasing a motor car or motor cycle/Scooter/moped etc. or for repaying a Government loan already taken by him for the purpose;



Subject to the conditions laid down in sub-rule (1A) of rule 14C, the Government may, at any time after the completion of twenty eight years of service by a subscriber or within three years before the date of his retirement on superannuation, sanction withdrawal by him from the amount standing to his credit in the Fund for extensive repairs or overhauling of his motor car;



Whenever a subscriber is in a position to satisfy the competent authority about the amount standing to his credit in his account with reference to the latest available statement of his account together with the evidence of subsequent contributions the competent authority may itself sanction withdrawal within the prescribed limits, as in the case of a refundable advance. In doing so, the competent authority shall take into account any withdrawal or refundable advance already sanctioned by it in favour of the subscriber. For this purpose, the competent authority, while sanctioning withdrawal, shall record a certificate in Form IV A or Form IV B, as the case may be. Where, however, the subscriber is not in a position to satisfy the competent authority about the amount standing to his credit or where there is any doubt about the admissibility of the withdrawal applied for, a reference may be made to the Accounts officer by the competent authority for ascertaining the amount standing to the credit of the subscriber with a view to enabling the competent authority to determine the admissibility of the amount of withdrawal. The sanction for the withdrawal should prominently indicate the Account Number and the Accounts Officer, maintaining the accounts and a copy of the sanction for withdrawal should invariably be endorsed to that Accounts Officer. The sanctioning authority shall be responsible to ensure that an acknowledgement is obtained from the Accounts Officer that the sanction for withdrawal has been noted in the ledger account of the subscriber. In case the Accounts Officer reports that the withdrawal as sanctioned is in excess of the amount to the credit of the subscriber or otherwise inadmissible, the sum withdrawn by the subscriber shall forthwith be repaid in one lump sum by the subscriber to the fund and in default of such repayment, it shall be ordered by the sanctioning authority to be recovered from his


Substituted, vide D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 11/24/73AIS(III) dated 05.03.1974 (GSR No. 282, dt 23.03.1974) and D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 11026/2/86AIS(III), dt. 09.03.1988. 41 Inserted vide D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 11026/18/81-AIS(III) dated 06.07.1983. (GSR No. 531, dt. 23.07.1983). 42 Inserted vide D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 11026/4/77-AIS(III) dated 21.11.1977 (GSR No.1657 dt. 10.12.1977)


emoluments either in a lump sum or in such number of monthly instalments as may be determined by the President. 12(4) Where, a withdrawal has been sanctioned under sub-rule (3), the amount shall be drawn on an authorisation from the Accounts Officer in cases where the application for final payment had been forwarded to the Accounts Officer under clause (ii) of sub-rule (3) of rule 31.

13. Maximum amount of withdrawal 44under sub-rule (1) of rule 12 : 45(1) Any sum withdrawn by a subscriber under clauses (a) to (f) of sub-rule (1) of rule 12 from the amount standing to his credit in the Fund shall not exceed 13 (1) 13 (1) (a) (b) One-half of such amount, or in the case of building or acquiring a suitable house for his residence, including the cost of the site or the amount required for repayment of the loan taken for this purpose or for reconstruction, or making additions or alterations, to a house already owned or acquired by him, the actual cost, whichever is less. Provided that the sanctioning authority may sanction the withdrawal of an amount in excess of the limit set out in Clause (a) upto ninety percent of the balance at the credit of the subscriber in the Fund: Provided further that in no case maximum amount of withdrawal shall exceed the maximum limit prescribed from time to time under clause (a) of paragraph 2 and clause (b) of paragraph 3 of the scheme of the then Ministry of Works and Housing for the grant of advances for house building purposes: Provided also that in the case of a subscriber who has availed himself of an advance under the Scheme of the then Ministry of Works and Housing for the grant of advances for house building purposes, or has been allowed any assistance in this regard from any other Government source, the sum withdrawn under this subrule together with the amount of advance taken under the aforesaid Scheme or the assistance taken from any other Government source shall not exceed the maximum limit prescribed from time to time under clause (a) of paragraph 2 and clause (b) of paragraph 3 of the aforesaid Scheme. Explanation. For the purposes of this sub-rule the actual expenditure incurred in connection with the execution of any document relating to transaction may be included in the cost of the house or the amount required for the payment of the loan. NOTE. In cases where a subscriber has to pay in instalments for a site or a house or flat purchased, or a house or flat constructed through any Urban Development Authority or a State Housing Board or a House Building Cooperative Society, he shall be permitted to make a withdrawal as and when he is called upon to make a payment of any instalment. Every such


43 44

Amendment w.e.f. 23.03.1957 vide MHA Notification No.3/12/57-AIS(III), 13.02.1958 (GSR No.31, dt. 22.02.1958.) Amendment vide D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 11026/6/76-AIS(III) dated 28.11.1978 (GSR No. 1491, dt. 16.12.1978) 45 Substituted vide D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 11026/3/79-AIS(III), dated the 05.11.1980 (GSR No. 1209, dt. 22.11.1980). 46 Substituted vide Notification No. 11026/7/2000AIS(III) dated 14.05.2002 (GSR No.190 dt. 01.06.2002)


payment shall be treated as a payment for a separate purposes for the purpose of sub-rule (1) of rule 13.

13(2) If a subscriber desires to withdraw any sum under sub-rule (1) of rule 12 for constructing, reconstructing or making additions or alterations to a house he shall be permitted to do so only in equal instalments of not less than two and not more than four in number; but the withdrawal of any instalment after the first shall be permitted by the Government only if it is satisfied that there has been sufficient progress in the construction of the house. If any sum withdrawn by a subscriber under this rule is found to be in excess of that actually spent for the purpose for which such sum was withdrawn or is not applied for such purpose the excess or the whole of such sum or so much thereof as has not been so applied, shall forthwith be repaid by the subscriber to the Fund; and in default of such repayment, it shall be ordered by the Government to be recovered from his emoluments either in a lump sum or in such number of monthly instalments as may be determined by the Government: Provided that, before repayment of a withdrawal is enforced under this sub-rule, the subscriber shall be given an opportunity to explain in writing, and within fifteen days of receipt of the communication, as to why the repayment should not be enforced, and if the Government is not satisfied with the explanation or no explanation is submitted by the subscriber within the said period of fifteen days, it shall be ordered by the Government to enforce the repayment in the manner prescribed in this sub-rule;
49 48



14. Maximum amount of withdrawal for meeting the cost of higher education. (1) 50 A subscriber may under 51clause (a) of sub-rule (1A) of rule 12, withdraw from the amount standing to his credit in the Fund (i) a sum not exceeding one-half of such amount or six months pay, whichever is less, when education is imparted outside India: and (ii) a sum not exceeding one half of such amount or six months pay, whichever is less, when education is imparted in India. Provided that the sanctioning authority may sanction the withdrawal of an amount in excess of this limit upto three-fourths of the balance at the credit of the subscriber in the fund, having due regard to his status and the amount to his credit in the fund.
53 52


A withdrawal sanctioned to a subscriber under clause (a) of sub-rule (1A) of rule 12, from the amount standing to his credit in the Fund, may


Substituted /inserted vide MHA Notification No. 5/1/68AIS(II) dated 28.11.1968 (GSR No. 2135 dt. 28.11.1969) and further amended vide DP& AR Notification No. 11026/8/75AIS (III) dated 22.04.1976 ( GSR No. 631 dt. 08.05.1976) Inserted vide D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 11026/19/83AIS(III) dated 22.07.1985. (GSR No. 710 dt. 03.08.1985) 49 Deleted vide DP&AR Notification No. 11026/1/75AISIII dated 16.04.1975 (GSR No. 515, dt. 26.04.1975) 50 Substituted vide D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 5/18/69AIS(II)A, dated 22.08.1970. (GSR No. 1268,dt. 01.09.1970). 51 Substituted vide D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 11026/6/76AIS(II)-A, dated 28.111978. (GSR No.1491, dt. 16.12.1978). 52 Inserted vide D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 5/12/68-AIS(II)-A dated 03.02.1972 (GSR No. 234, dt. 19.02.1972) and amended vide D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 11026/4/77-AIS(III), dated 21.11.1977 (GSR No. 295, dt. 24.12.1979). 53 Substituted vide D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 11026-4/82-AIS(III) dated 16.10.1982 (GSR No. 890, dt. 30.10.1982).


be drawn instalments the number of which shall not exceed four in a period of twelve calendar months counted from the date of sanction. 14(3) (a) A subscriber who has been permitted to withdraw money under clause 54 (a) of sub-rule (1A) of rule 12 from the amount standing to his credit in the Fund, shall satisfy the government within a period of six months from the date of withdrawal that the money has been utilised for the purpose for which it was withdrawn, and if he fails to do so, the whole of the sum so withdrawn or so much there of as has not been applied for the purpose for which it was withdrawn, shall forth with be repaid, 55 [ ] by the subscriber to the Fund 56[and in default of such repayment, it shall be ordered by the Government to be recovered from his emoluments either in a lump sum or in such number of monthly instalments, as may be determined by the Government]. Provided that, before repayment of a withdrawal is enforced under this subrule, the subscriber shall be given an opportunity to explain in writing, and within fifteen days of the receipt of the communication, as to why the repayment should not be enforced and if the Government is not satisfied with the explanation or no explanation is submitted by the subscriber within the said period of fifteen days, it shall be ordered by the Government to enforce the repayment in the manner prescribed in this sub-rule. Provided further58 57that where a portion of the money withdrawn is not likely to be spent within the said period and the subscriber desires to withdraw any further sum of money from the Fund during the period of six months immediately following the said period, he shall so fix the amount proposed to be withdrawn during the period as to take into account this excess amount and submit an application in writing to the Government in that behalf within one month of the expiry at the said period: Provided58 59also that such excess amount shall not exceed ten per cent of the amount utilised. [(b)] 14A(1). 60Maximum amount of withdrawal by subscriber for meeting expenditure on betrothal/marriage ceremony of his sons or daughters. Any sum withdrawn by a subscriber under clause (b) of sub-rule (1A) of rule 12 from the amount standing to his credit in the Fund shall be normally limited to one half of such amount or six months pay whichever is less:


Provided that the sanctioning authority may sanction the withdrawal of an amount in excess of this limit upto three-fourths of the balance at the credit of the subscriber in the Fund, having due regard to his status and the amount to his credit in the Fund.
54 55


Substituted vide D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 11026/66/76-AIS(III) dated 28.11.1978, (GSR No. 1491, dt. 16.12.1978). Deleted vide D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 11026/1/75-AIS (III) dated 16.04.1974 (GSR. 515, dt. 26.04.1975). 56 [ ] Introduced vide M.H.A. Notification No. 13/38/56-AIS(III), dated 02.05.1957 (GSR No. 1429. dt. 11.05.1957). 57 Inserted (GSR 710 dated 22.07.1985) amended vide & D.P. & T. Notification No. 11026/19/83 AIS (III) dated 22.07.1985 (GSR No. 710 dt. 22.07.1985). 58 Introduced w.e.f. 03.01.1956, vide M.H.A. Notification No. 13/28/56-AIS(III), dated 31.07.1957 (GSR No.2543, dt. 10.08.1957). 59 () Introduced vide M.H.A. Notification No. 13/38/56-AIS(III), dated 02.05.1957.(GSR No.1429, dt. 11.05.1957). 60 Substituted vide D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 11026/66/76-AIS(III) dated 28.11.1978, (GSR No. 1491 ,dt. 16.12.1978). 61 Added vide Deptt. of Personnel Notification No. 5/1/68-AIS (II)-A, dated 03.02.1972 .(GSR No. 234, dt. 19.02.1972) & amended vide D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 11026/4/76-AIS (III), dated 21-11-77 (GSR No. 1657, dt. 10.12.1977).


NOTE 1. If two or more marriages are to be celebrated simultaneously, the amount admissible in respect of each such marriage will be determined as if the advances are sanctioned separately, one after the other.

[] 14A (2) In respect of the same marriage, the subscriber may either withdraw the money under 63clause (b) of sub-rule (1a) of rule 12 or draw an advance under rule 10. 14A (2A) 64[Deleted.] 14A (3) Withdrawal by a subscriber from the amount standing to his credit in the Fund shall be permitted not earlier than three months preceding the month in which the marriage actually takes place. A subscriber shall satisfy the Government within a period of one month from the date of marriage or, if he is on leave, within one month of his return from leave, that the money has actually been utilised for the purpose for which it was withdrawn and if he fails to do so, the whole of the sum so withdrawn or so much there of as has not been applied for the purpose for which it was withdrawn 65[ ] from the month of withdrawal shall be redeposited into the Fund forthwith by the subscriber; and in default of such repayment, it shall be ordered by the Government to be recovered from his emoluments either in a lump sum or in such number of monthly instalments as may be determined by the Government:

14A (4)

Provided that, before repayment of a withdrawal is enforced under this sub-rule, the subscriber shall be given an opportunity to explain in writing, and within fifteen days of the receipt of the communication, as to why the repayment should not be enforced, and if the Government is not satisfied with the explanation or no explanation is submitted by the subscriber within the said period of fifteen days, it shall be ordered by the Government to enforce the repayment in the manner prescribed in this sub-rule 67[ ].


14B (1) Maximum amount of withdrawal for meeting the expenses in illness etc. Any sum withdrawn by a subscriber under clause (c) of sub-rule(1A) of rule 12 from the amount standing to his credit in the Fund shall be limited to one half of such amount or six months pay whichever is less:

Provided that the sanctioning authority may sanction the withdrawal of an amount in excess of this limit upto threefourths of the balance at

[] Note 2 deleted vide Deptt. of Personnel & A.R. Notification No. 10/1/74-AIS(III),dated 03.12.1974.(GSR No. 317, dt. 14.12.1974). 63 Substituted vide D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 11026/6/76 AIS (III), dated 28.11.1978 (GSR No.1491, dt. 16.12.1978) 64 Deleted vide Notification No. 11026/3/98 AIS (III) dated 27.05.1999 (GSR No.179 dt. 12.06.1999) 65 Amended vide Notification No. 11026/3/98 AIS(III),dated 27.05.1999 (GSR No.179 dt. 12.06.1999) 66 Inserted vide D.P. & Notification No. 11026/19/83-AIS(III),dated 22.07.1985 (GSR No.710 dt. 03.08.1985) 67 Substituted /deleted vide Deptt. of Personnel and A.R. Notification No. 11026/6/76-AIS(III),dated 28.11.1978.(GSR No. 1491, dt. 16.12.1978). 68 Inserted vide notification No. 11026/3/79-AIS(III)dated, 05.11.1980.(GSR No. 1209,dt. 22.11.1980).


the credit of the subscriber in the fund, having due regard to his status and the amount to his credit in the Fund.

14B (2) A subscriber who has been permitted to withdraw money from the fund under the clause (c) of sub-rule (1A) of Rule 12 shall satisfy the Government within a period of six months from the date of withdrawal that the money has been utilised for the purpose for which it was withdrawn, and if he fails to do so the whole of the sum so withdrawn or so much thereof as has not been applied for the purpose for which it was withdrawn, shall forthwith be repaid in one lump sum by the subscriber to the Fund, and in default of such payment, it shall be ordered by the Government to be recovered from his emoluments either in a lump sum or in such number of monthly instalments, as may be determined by the Government:

Provided that, before repayment of withdrawal is enforced under this sub-rule, the subscriber shall be given an opportunity to explain in writing, and within fifteen days of the receipt of the communication, as to why the repayment should not be enforced, and if the Government is not satisfied with the explanation or no explanation is submitted by the subscriber within the said period of fifteen days, it shall be ordered by the Government to enforce the repayment in the manner prescribed in this sub-rule:

14C. Maximum amount of withdrawal for booking 70 Purchase/repairs/ overhauling of motor cars/motor Cycle/ Scooter/Moped etc. (1) Any sum withdrawn by a subscriber under sub-rule (2) of rule 12 from the amount standing to his credit in the Fund shall be limited to :


rupees one lakh and ten thousand for purchase of motor car and rupees twenty thousand for the purchase of motor cycle, scooter or moped Provided that the advance admissible for purchase of motor car or motor cycle or scooter or moped plus the withdrawal from the provident fund account does not exceed the cost of the vehicle proposed to be purchased.



rupees ten thousand for booking a motor car or repair or over hauling of motor car and rupees five thousand for booking motor cycle or scooter or moped ;or the actual price/actual amount for purchase/booking of the car or motor-cycle/ scooter/moped etc. as the case may be whichever is less.



Modified vide D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 11026/2/81-AIS(III),dated 06.07.1983.(GSR No. 531 dt. 23.07.1983) and DP & T Notification No. 11026/7/86-AIS(III) dated 07.03.1988. 9GSR No.255 dt. 09.04.1988) 70 Inserted vide D.P & T Notification No. 11026/19/83-AIS(III),dated 22.07.1985 9GSR No.710 dt. 03.08.1985) 71 Inserted vide Notification No. 11026/2/81-AIS(III), dated 06.07.1983 (GSR No. 531,dt. 23.07.1983).


NOTE. 1: The subscriber shall produce the deposit receipt for verifications by the government within a period of one month from the date of drawal and if he fails to do so the total amount of withdrawal shall be redeposited into the Fund forthwith. NOTE. 2: The subscriber shall redeposit into the fund the amount of final withdrawal together with the interest received thereon from the manufacturer/dealer, if he does not purchase a car/motor-cycle/scooter/moped etc. or opts out of the scheme. NOTE. 3: Withdrawal for booking shall not be counted as withdrawal for purchase of motor car or motor-cycle/scooter/moped etc. but the amount of withdrawal for booking sanctioned earlier shall be adjusted against the amount admissible and sanctioned for the purchase; Provided that the sanctioning authority may, if considered necessary, and as a special case sanction the withdrawal of an amount in excess of this limit upto one half of the balance at subscribers credit in the fund account or the price of the motor car which ever is less.

14C(1A)Any sum withdrawn by subscriber under sub-rule (2A) of rule 12 from the amount standing to his credit in the Fund shall not exceed five thousand rupees or one third of the amount standing to his credit in the fund or the actual amount of extensive repairing/overhauling whichever is the least;

Provided that no withdrawal shall be allowed unless a period of 5 years has elapsed from the date of purchase of the car by the subscriber or in the case of a second hand car from the date of purchase by the first purchaser.

14C(2) Withdrawal by a subscriber under sub-rule (2) or sub-rule (2a) of rule 12 from the amount standing to his credit in the Fund shall be permitted only on one occasion.

15. Conditions for withdrawal under72 sub-rule (1) of rule 12. (1) No, withdrawal shall be permitted for any purpose specified in clause (a) to (f) of sub-rule (1) of rule 12 unless the Government is satisfied 15(1)(a) that, except in the case of withdrawal for the reconstructing, or making additions or alterations to a house under clauses (a) to (f) of sub-rule (1) of rule 12, the subscriber does not already own a house at the place of his duty 74[ ] and that only one house will be built, acquired, or redeemed by the subscriber at such place; 15(1)(b) that the sum which it is proposed to withdraw is actually required for that purpose; 15(1)(c) that such sum, together with the private savings, if any, of the subscriber would be sufficient for that purpose; 15(1)(d) that in the case of withdrawal for the construction of a house


Substituted, vide Deptt. of Personnel & A.R. notification No. 11026/6/76-AIS (III),dated 28.11.1978.(GSR No. 1491, dated 16.12.1978). 73 Added vide M.H.A. Notification No. 13/25/57-AIS(III), dated 23.07.1957 (GSR No. 2405, dt. 27.07.1957). 74 [ ] Deleted vide Notification No. 11026/11/78-AIS(III), dated 04.08.1979. (GSR No. 1081,dt. 25.08.1979).


(i) (ii) (iii)

the subscriber possesses or intends to acquire forthwith the right to build it on the site therefore; the subscriber has an approved plan; the construction shall commence within six months from the date of withdrawal of money and shall be completed within a period of one year from the date of commencement of construction; the subscriber has produced an agreement of sale together with the title deeds of the vendor, whether original or certified copies thereof, showing that the vendor has an indivisible and clear title to the land and house which he agrees to sell to the subscriber: Provided that this condition shall not preclude withdrawal for the purpose of building a house on any plot of land taken on lease from the Government or from any local authority as defined in the General Clauses Act, 1897, including an improvement trust;

15(1)(e) that in the case of withdrawal for the acquisition of a house




the house shall be purchased or redeemed within three months from the date of withdrawal;

15(1)(f) that in the case of withdrawal for the purpose of repayment of loan, the subscriber has produced necessary deeds and papers before the Government proving his undisputed title to the land and the house thereon and the loan shall be repaid within three months from the date of withdrawal; 15(1)(g)
77 76


15(1) (h)that in the case of withdrawal for reconstruction of, or making additions or alterations to a house under clauses 78(a) to (f) of sub-rule (1) of rule 12, the work shall commence within six months from the date such withdrawal and shall be completed within a period of one year from such commencement.

(2) A subscriber who has been permitted to withdraw money from the fund under the clause(c) of sub-rule (1A) of Rule 12 shall satisfy the Govt,. within a period of six months from the date of withdrawal that the money has been utilized for the purpose for which it was withdrawn and if he fails to do so the whole of the sum so withdrawn or so much thereof as has not been applied for the purpose for which it was withdrawn shall forthwith be repaid in our lumpsum by the subscriber to the Fund, and in default of such payment it shall be ordered by the Government to be recovered from his emoluments either in a lumpsum or in such number of monthly instalments, as may be determined by the Government . Provided that before repayment of withdrawal is enforced under the sub-rule, the subscriber shall be given opportunity to explain in writing and within fifteen days of receipt of the communications as to why the repayment should not be enforced and if
75 76

Substituted, vide MHA Notification No. 13/2/57-AIS(III),dated 12.03.1957. (GSR No. 855, dt. 23.03.1957). Added with effect from 12.09.1955 vide M.H.A. Notification No. 13/28/56-AIS(III), dated 31.07.1957(GSR No. 2543, dt. 10.08.1957) and deleted vide DP & T Notification No. 11026/12/84-AIS(III), dated 16.01.1986 (GSR No.82 dt. 01.02.1986) 77 Introduced with effect from the 23.03.1957 vide M.H.A. Notification No. 13/12/57-AIS(III), dated 13.02.1958. (GSR No.31 dt. 22.02.1958) 78 Substituted vide D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 11026/6/76-AIS(III), dated 28.11.1978 (GSR No. 1491, dt. 16.12.1978.)


the Govt. is not satisfied with the explanation or no explanation is submitted by the subscriber within the said period of 15 days, it shall be ordered by the Govt. to enforce the repayment in the manner prescribed in this sub-rule. 15A. Conversion of an advance into a withdrawal. A subscriber who has already drawn or may draw in future an advance under rule 10 for any of the purposes specified in sub-rules (1), (1A) and 2 of rule 12 may convert at his discretion by a written request addressed to the Accounts officer through the Government the balance outstanding against it into a final withdrawal on his satisfying the conditions laid down in rules 12, 13, 14A, 14B, 14C and 15. 16. Annual declaration and production of documents: 16(1) A subscriber who has been permitted under clause (a) to (f) of sub-rule (1) of rule 12 to withdraw money from the amount standing to his credit in the Fund shall submit an annual declaration on or before the 31st December, in such form as may from time to time be prescribed by the Government, and satisfy the Government, if called upon to do so, by the production of tax receipts, title deeds, or documents, that the house remains in his sole ownership and that he has not parted with the possession thereof, by way of sale, mortgage, gift, exchange, or lease for a term exceeding three years, without the previous permission of the Government. If at any time before retirement a subscriber parts with the possession of the house contrary to the provisions of sub-rule (1), the sum withdrawn by him shall forthwith be repayable 80[ ] by the subscriber to the fund in one instalment 81and in default of such repayment, it shall be ordered by the Government to be recovered from his emoluments either in a lump sum or in such number of monthly instalments, as may be determined by the Government; 82[ ]


17. Payment towards insurance policies: (1) Subject to the conditions hereinafter contained in this rule and in rules 18 to 26: 17(1)(a) payment towards a policy of life insurance may, at the option of subscriber, be substituted in whole or in part for subscriptions due to the Fund. Provided that no insurance policies shall be allowed to be financed from the fund after the normal date of retirement; and any policies which before retirement were being financed from the Fund shall be reassigned or handed over to the subscriber in accordance with the provisions contained in these Rules. 17(1)(b) the amount of subscription with interest thereon standing to the credit of a subscriber in the Fund may be withdrawn to meet (i) a payment toward a policy of life insurance; and


Inserted vide D.P. & A.R Notification No. 11026/4/80-AIS(III),dated 14.10.1980 (GSR No. 1133 dt. 01.11.1980), and amended vide DP & AR No 11026/7/86 AIS (III), dated 09.03.1986. 80 Deleted vide Department of Personnel and A.R. Notification No. 11026/1/75-AIS(III),dated 16.04.1975. (GSR No. 515, dt. 26.04.1975). 81 Introduced vide M.H.A. Notification No. 13/38/56-AIS(III), dated 02.05.1957. (GSR No. 1429, dt. 11.05.1957). 82 Deleted vide D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 11026/1/75-AIS(III), dated 16.04.1975.(GSR 575,dt. 26.04.1975). 83 Introduced vide M.H.A. Notification No. 8/8/58-AIS(III) dated 30.05.1959 (GSR No. 652, dt. 06.06.1959)


(ii) the purchase of a single payment insurance policy: Provided that no amount shall be withdrawn (i) (ii) (iii) before the details of the purposed policy have been submitted to the Account Officer and accepted by him as suitable, or to meet any payment or purchase made or effected more than six months before the withdrawal, or in excess of the amount required to meet premium actually due for payment within six months of the date of withdrawal:

Provided further that payments towards an educational endowment policy may not be substituted for subscriptions to the Fund and that no amount may be withdrawn to meet any payment or purchase in respect of such a policy if that policy is due for payment in whole or part thereof before the subscribers age of normal superannuation: Provided also that amounts withdrawn shall be rounded to the nearest whole rupee in the manner prescribed in clause (iv) of sub-rule (2) of rule 9. 17(2) The number of policies in respect of which substitution for subscriptions due to the Fund or withdrawal of subscriptions from the Fund may be permitted under this rule shall not exceed four: Provided that where immediately before joining the Fund a member of the Service was a subscriber to any other non-contributory provident fund maintained by the Government, and substitution for subscriptions due to or withdrawal of subscriptions from that fund was permitted in respect of more than four policies, such substitution or withdrawal shall continue to be permitted in respect of these policies under this rule. 17(3) The premium for a policy in respect of which withdrawal of subscriptions may be permitted under this rule shall be payable annually and not otherwise.

Explanation:In computing the maximum number of policies specified in sub-rule (2), policies which have matured shall be excluded. 18. Payment of difference between substituted payments and minimum subscription: 18(1) If the total amount of any payments substituted under clause (a) of subrule (1) of rule 17 is less than the amount of the minimum subscription payable to the Fund under sub-rule (3) of rule 6, the difference shall be rounded to the nearest rupee in the manner provided in clause (iv) of sub-rule (2) of rule 9 and paid by the subscriber as a subscription to the Fund. If the subscriber withdraws any amount standing to his credit in the fund for any of the purposes specified in clause (b) of sub-rule (1) of rule 17, he shall subject to his option under clause (a) of sub-rule (1) of the said rule continue to pay to the Fund the subscription payable under rule 6.



19. Reduction of subscription in certain cases:(1) A subscriber who desires to substitute a payment under clause (a) of sub-rule (1) of rule 17, may reduce his subscription to the Fund accordingly: Provided that the subscriber shall 19(1)(a) intimate to the Account Officer on his pay bill or in writing the fact of, and reason for, the reduction; 19(1)(b) send to the Account Officer, within such period as the Account Officer may require, receipts or certified copies of receipts in order to satisfy the Account Officer that the amount by which the subscription has been reduced was duly applied for the purpose specified in clause (a) of subrule (1) of rule 17. 19(2) A subscriber who desires to withdraw any amount under clause (b) of sub-rule (1) of the rule 17 shall (a) (b) (c) intimate in writing the reasons for the withdrawal to the Account Officer; make arrangements with the Account Officer for the withdrawal; and send to the Account Officer within such period as the Account Officer may require, receipts or certified copies of receipts in order to satisfy the Account Officer that the amount withdrawn was duly applied for the purposes specified in clause (b) of sub-rule (1) of rule 17.


The Account Officer shall cause the recovery of any amount by which subscriptions have been reduced, or of any amount withdrawn, in respect of which he has not been satisfied in the manner required by clause (b) of sub-rule (1) and clause (c) of sub-rule (2), 84 [ ] from the emoluments of the subscriber and place it to the credit of the subscriber in the Fund:


20. Government not to make payments to insurer on behalf of subscribers 20(1) 20(2) The Government shall not make any payments on behalf of subscribers to the insurer nor take steps to keep policy alive. A policy to be acceptable under these rules shall be one effected by the subscriber himself on his own life, and shall (unless it is a policy effected by a male subscriber which is expressed on the face of it to be for the benefit of his wife and children or any of them) be such as may be legally assigned by the subscriber to the Government.

Explanation 1A policy on the joint lives of the subscriber and the subscribers wife or husband shall be deemed to be a policy on the life of the subscriber for the purpose of this sub-rule. Explanation 2A policy which has been assigned to the subscribers wife shall not be accepted unless either the policy is first reassigned to the subscriber or the subscriber and his wife both join in an appropriate assignment.

Deleted vide D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 11026/1/75-AIS(III), dated 16.04.1975.(GSR No. 515, dt. 26.04.1975).


Explanation 3The policy any not be effected for the benefit of may beneficiary other than the wife or husband of the subscriber of the wife or husband and children of the subscriber or any of them. 21. Assignment of policies. 21(1) The policy within six months after the first withholding of a subscription or withdrawal from the Fund in respect of the policy, 85or within six months of joining the Fund in the case of a member of the Service, who was previously subscribing to some other Provident Fund] or in the case of an insurer whose headquarters are outside India, within such further period as the Account Officer, if he is satisfied by the production of the completion certificate (interim receipt) may fix, shall (a) unless it is a policy effected by a male subscriber which is expressed on the face of it to be for the benefit of the wife of the subscriber, and children, or any of them, be assigned 86[further assigned] to the Government as security for the payment of any sum which may become payable to the fund under rule 25, and delivered to the Account Officer the assignment86[further assignment] being made endorsement on the policy in form Vi or form VII or form VIII or form IX or form X according as the policy is on the life of the subscriber or on the joint lives of the subscriber and the subscribers wife or husband or the policy has previously been assigned 86 [further assigned] to the subscribers wife, 87[or the policy is on the life of the subscriber and was previously, assigned to the President/Governor in accordance with some other Provident Fund Rules or policy is on the joint lives of the subscriber and the subscribers wife or husband and was previously assigned to the President/Governor in accordance with the some other Provident Fund Rules.] (b) if it is a policy effected by a male subscriber which is expressed on the facts of it to be for the benefit of the wife of the subscriber or of his wife and children or any of them, be delivered to the Account Officer.


The Account Officer shall satisfy himself by reference to the insurer when possible, that no prior assignment of the policy exists except in the case of a subscriber who prior to joining the Fund was subscribing to some other Provident Fund] Once a policy has been accepted by a Account Officer for the purpose of being financed from the Fund, the terms of the policy shall not be altered nor shall the policy be exchanged for another policy without the prior consent of the Account Officer to whom details of the alteration or of the new policy shall be furnished.


Introduced or substituted, vide M.H.A. Notification No. 13/43/57-AIS(III), dated 27.06.1958.(GSR No. 549, dt. 05.07.1958). Introduced or substituted, vide M.H.A. Notification No. 13/43/57-AIS(III), dated the 27.06.1958.(GSR No. 549, dt. 05.07.1958). 87 [ ] Introduced or substituted, vide M.H.A. Notification No. 13/43/57-AIS(III), dated the 27.06.1958.(GSR No. 549, dt. 05.07.1958).




If the policy is not assigned and delivered, or delivered, within the said period of six months or such further period as the Account Officer may under sub-rule (1), have fixed, any amount withheld or withdrawn from the Fund in respect of the policy shall [84 ]forthwith be paid or repaid, as the case may be, by the subscriber to the Fund, or, in default, be ordered by the Account Officer to be recovered by deduction from the emoluments of the subscriber, by instalments or otherwise, as may be directed by the Government:



Notice of assignment 88[further assignment] of the policy shall be given by the subscriber to the insurer and the acknowledgement of the notice by the insurer shall be sent to the Account Officer within six months of 88 the date of assignment [further assignment].89

22. Bonus on policiesThe subscriber shall not during the currency of the policy draw any bonus, the drawal of which during such currency is optional under the terms of the policy, and the amount of any bonus which under the terms of the policy the subscriber has no option to refrain from drawing during its currency shall be paid forthwith into the Fund by the subscriber or in default recovered by deduction from his emoluments, by instalments or otherwise, as may be directed by the Government. 23. Reassignment of Policies.(1) Save as provided by rule 26 when the subscriber (a) (b) (c) quits the Service; or has proceeded on leave preparatory to retirement and applies to the Account Officer reassignment or return of the policy; or while on leave has been permitted to retire or is required to retire on grounds of ill-health and applies to the Account Officer for reassignment of return of the policy; or pays or repays to the Fund the whole of any amount withheld or withdrawn from the Fund for any of the purposes mentioned in clauses (a) and (b) of sub-rule (1) of rule 17[90] has completed twenty years of service (including broken periods of service, if any), the Account Officer shall (i) if the policy has been assigned 91[further assigned] to the Government reassign the policy in form 92[XI] to the subscriber, or to the subscriber and the joint assured, as the case may be, and make it over to the subscriber together with a signed notice of the reassignment addressed to the insurer; if the policy has been delivered to him, make over the policy to the subscriber;





[ ] Introduced or substituted ,vide M.H.A. Notification No. 13/43/57-AIS(III), dated the 27.06.1958.(GSR No. 549, dt. 05.07.1958). 89 Inserted vide DP & AR Notification No. 11026/15/83-AIS(III),dated 23.09.1983. (GSR No.733 dt. 08.10.1983.) 90 ibid note 28 91 Submitted ,vide Deptt. of Personnel & A.R. Notification No. 11026/6/76-AIS(III), dated 28.11.1978. (GSR No.1491 dt. 16.12.1978). 92 Submitted vide 11026/7/76-AIS (III), dated 17.11.1980 (GSR No. 1235, dt. 06.12.1980).



Provide that if a subscriber to whom clause (b) or clause (c) applies return to duty, any policy so reassigned or made over shall, if it has not matured or been assigned or charged or encumbered in any way be again assigned to the Government and delivered to the Account Officer, or again be delivered to the Account Officer, as the case may be, in the manner provided in rule 21, and thereupon the provisions of these rules shall, so far as may be again apply in respect of the policy; Provided further that, if the policy has matured or been assigned or charged or encumbered in any way, the provision of sub-rule (4) of rule 21 applicable to a failure to assign and deliver a policy shall apply: [ ]28 23(2) Save as provided by rule 26, when the subscriber dies before quitting the Service, the Account Officer shall (i) if the policy has been assigned [further assigned] 90 to the Government reassign it in form XII to such person as may be legally entitled to receive it, and make it over to him together with a signed notice of the reassignment addressed to the insurer; if the policy has been delivered to him make it over to the beneficiary, if any, or if there is no beneficiary, to such person as may be legally entitled to receive it.


24. Procedure on maturity of policies. 91 (1) If a policy assigned (further assigned) to the Government under rule 21 or under the 92 corresponding rule heretofore in force, matures before the subscriber quits service, or if a policy on the joint lives of a subscriber and the subscribers wife or husband assigned under the said rule, or under the corresponding rule heretofore in force, falls due for payment by reasons of the death of the subscribers wife or husband, the Accounts Officer shall, save as provided by rule 26, realise the amount assured together with any accrued bonuses and shall place the amount so realised to the credit of the subscriber in the Fund; Provided that if the amount assured together with the amount of any accrued bonus is more than the whole of the amount withheld or withdrawn, it shall be the duty of the subscriber to inform the Account Officer in writing, within a month from the date of maturity of the policy, whether the difference or a part of the difference as specified by the subscriber be paid to him; and it shall be the duty of the Accounts Officer to act in accordance with the option of the subscriber. NOTE If no option is exercised by the subscriber in writing to the Account Officer within the period prescribed, he shall be deemed to have opted to deposit the differences in his account in the fund such deposit will be merged in the amount standing to the subscribers credit in the Fund. 24 (2) Save as provided by rule 26, if a policy delivered to the Account Officer under rule 21 matures before the subscriber quits the Service, the Account Officer shall make over the policy to the subscriber: Provided that if the interest in the policy of the wife of the subscriber, or of his wife and children, or any of them as expressed on the face of the policy, expires when the policy matures, the subscriber, if the policy moneys are paid to him by the insurer, shall immediately on receipt thereof, pay or repay to the Fund either (i) the whole of any amount withheld or withdrawn from the Fund in respect of the policy



[ ], or


an amount equal to the amount assured together with any accrued bonuses thereon whichever is less, and in default, the provisions of sub-rule (4) of rule 21 applicable to a failure to assign and deliver a policy shall apply.


25. Lapse or wrongful assignment of policies. If the policy lapses, or is assigned otherwise than to the Government under rule 21, charged or encumbered, the provisions of sub-rule (4) of rule 21 applicable to a failure to assign and deliver a policy shall apply. 26. Duty of Account Officer when he receives notice of assignment, charge or encumbrance of policiesif the Account Officer receives notice of (a) an assignment (otherwise than an assignment to the Government under rule 21), or (b) a charge or encumbrance on, or (c) an order of a Court restraining dealings with the policy or any amount realised thereon, the Account Officer shall not (i) reassign or make over the policy as provided in rule 23, or (ii) realise the amount assured by the policy or reassign, or make over the policy, as provided in rule 24; but shall forthwith refer the matter to the Government. 26A. Restriction of the provisions relating to financing of policies to existing subscribers in respect of existing policies.The provisions of rules 17 to 26 shall apply only to the subscribers who, before 1st October, 1967 have been substituting in whole or in part payment towards policies of life insurance for subscription to the fund or making withdrawals from the Fund for such payment: Provided that the subscribers aforesaid shall not be permitted to substitute such payments for subscriptions due to the Fund withdrawn from the Fund for making payments in respect of any new policy. 27. Wrongful use of advance. Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, if the Government is satisfied that the money drawn as an advance from the Fund under rule 10 or withheld or withdrawn from the Fund under rule 17 or any portion thereof has been utilised for a purpose other than that for which sanction was given to the drawal, withholding, or withdrawal of the money, the amount in question or any portion thereof shall 95[ ] forthwith be repaid or paid as the case may be, by the subscriber to the Fund or in default be caused by the Government to be recovered from the subscribers emoluments even if he be on leave in one or more instalments as it thinks fit: Provided that the subscribers whose deposits in the Fund carry no interest shall not be required to pay any interest.


Deleted vide Department of Personnel and A.R. Notification No. 11026/1/75-AIS(III),dated 16.04.1975. (GSR No. 515, dated 26.04.1975). 94 Added vide MHA Notification 5/12/64-AIS(II) dated 10.10.1967 (GSR No. 1549, dt. 21.10.1967). 95 Deleted vide DP & AR Notification No. 11026/1/75-AIS (III) dated 16.04.1975 (GSR No. 515, dt. 26.04.1975).


Explanation. The expression emoluments in this rule does not include a subsistence allowance. Provided further that if the sanctioning authority has reason to doubt that money drawn as an advance from the Fund under rule 10 has been utilised for a purpose other than that for which sanction was given to the drawal of the money the said authority shall communicate to the subscriber the reasons for his doubt and require him to explain in writing, and within fifteen days of the receipt of such communication, whether the advance has been utilised for the purpose for which sanction was given to the drawal of the money. If the sanctioning authority is not satisfied with the explanation or no explanation is furnished by the subscriber within the said period of fifteen days, the sanctioning authority shall enforce the repayment in the manner prescribed in this rule. 28. Final withdrawal of accumulations in the Fund. When a subscriber quits the Service, the amount standing to his credit in the Fund shall become payable to him : Provided that a subscriber, who has been dismissed or removed or compulsorily retired from the service and is subsequently reinstated in the service under the relevant provisions of the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal)Rules 971969, shall if required to do so by the Government, repay any amount paid to him from the Fund in pursuance of this rule, with interest thereon at the rate provided in rule 9, and in the manner provided in the proviso to rule 29. The amount so repaid shall be credited to his account in the fund. Provided further that the subscribers whose deposits in the Fund carry no interest shall not be required to pay any interest.
98 96

28A. Deleted. 29(1)


29. Retirement of subscriber. When a subscriber has proceeded on leave preparatory to retirement, or while on leave, has been permitted to retire or is required to retire on grounds of ill-health, the amount standing to his credit in the Fund shall, upon application made by him in that behalf to the Accounts Officer, become payable to the subscriber: Provided that the subscriber, if he returns to duty, shall, if required to do so by the Government, repay to the Fund for credit to his account, the whole or part of any amount paid to him from the fund in pursuance of this rule with interest thereon at the rate provided in rule 9, in cash or securities or partly in cash and partly in securities, by instalments or otherwise, by recovery from his emoluments as may be directed by the Government; Provided further that the subscribers whose deposits in the Fund carry no interest shall not be required to pay any interest. (a) (b)

96 97

Inserted vide DP & AR Notification No. 11026/19/83-AIS(III) dated 22.07.1983.(GSR No.714 dt. 03.08.1985) Amended vide DP & AR Notification No. 6-4-77-AIS(II) dated 21.11.1977 (GSR No. 1657 dt. 10.12.1977). 98 Deleted vide DP & AR Notification No. 11026/1/75-AIS (III) dated 16.04.1975 (GSR No. 515, dt. 26.04.1975). 99 Renumbered vide DP Notification No. 31-1-72-AIS(III), dated 01.10.1972



The account of each Indian Civil Service member of Indian Administrative Service shall be credited on his retirement, or previous death, with a sum of Rs. 6,000.


30. Procedure on death of subscriber.On the death of a subscriber before the amount standing to his credit has become payable, or where the amount has become payable, before payment has been made 30(i) when the subscriber leaves a family (a) if a nomination made by the subscriber in accordance with the provisions of rule 4 in favour of a member or members of his family subsists, the amount standing to his credit in the Fund or part thereof to which the nomination relates, shall become payable to his nominee or nominees in the proportion specified in the nomination. if no such nomination in favour of a member or members of the family of the subscriber subsists, or if such nomination relates only to a part of the amount standing to his credit in the Fund, whole amount or the part thereof to which the nomination does not relate, as the case may be, shall, notwithstanding any nomination purporting to be in favour of any person or persons other than a member or members of his family, become payable to the members of his family in equal shares: Provided that no share shall be payable to (i) sons who have attained legal majority; (ii) sons of a deceased son who have attained legal majority; (iii) married daughters whose husband are alive; or, (iv) married daughters of a deceased son where husbands are alive; if there is any member of the family other than those specified in clauses (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv); Provided further that the widow or widows and the child or children of a deceased son shall receive between them in equal parts only the share which that son would have received if he had survived the subscriber and had been exempted from the provisions of clause (i) of the first proviso. 30(ii) when the subscriber leaves no family: if, nomination made by him in accordance with the provisions, of rule 4 in favour of any person or persons subsists, the amount standing to his credit in the Fund or the part thereof to which the nomination relates, shall become payable to his nominee or nominees in the proportion specified in the nomination. nominee(s) or any other claimant(s) may claim final payments of balance, in the Provident Fund Account in the prescribed form XIV.



31. Manner of payment of amount to credit in the Fund.


Inserted vide DP Notification No. 31-1-72-AIS(III) dated 01.10.1972.


31(1)When the amount standing to the credit of a subscriber in the Fund becomes payable, it shall be the duty of the Account Officer to make payment as provided in section 4 of the Provident Fund Act, 1925 (XIX of 1925) 101on receipt of an application from the subscriber in the prescribed form XV. 31(2) If the person to whom, under these rules, any amount of policy to be paid, assigned, reassigned or delivered, is a lunatic for whose estate a manager has been appointed in this behalf under the Indian Lunacy Act, 1912 (IV of 1912), the payment, or reassignment or delivery shall be made to such manager and not to the lunatic. Provided that where no manager has been appointed and the person to whom the sum is payable is certified by a Magistrate to be lunatic, the payment shall, under the orders of the Collector be made in terms of sub-section (1) of section 95 of the Indian Lunacy Act,1912 to the person having charge of such lunatic and the accounts officer shall pay only the amount which he thinks fit to the person having charge of the lunatic and the surplus if any shall be paid for the maintenance of such members of the lunatics family as are dependent on him for maintenance.
103 102

31 (3) Payments of the amount withdrawn shall be made in India only. The persons to whom the amounts are payable shall make their own arrangements to receive payment in India. The following procedure shall be adopted for claiming payments by a subscriber namely: 31(3) (i) To enable a subscriber to submit an application for withdrawal of the amount in the Fund, the Head of Office shall send to every subscriber necessary forms either one year in advance of the date on which the subscriber attains the age of superannuation, or before the date of his anticipated retirement, if earlier, with instructions that they should be returned to him duly completed within a period of one month from the date of receipt of the forms by the subscriber. The subscriber shall submit the application to the Accounts Officer through the Head of Office or Department for payment of the amount in the Fund. The application shall be made: (a) for the amount standing to his credit in the Fund as indicated in the Accounts Statement for the year ending one year prior to the date of his superannuation, or his anticipated date of retirement, or (b) for the amount indicated in his ledger account in case the Accounts Statement has not been received by the subscriber.

Inserted vide M.H.A. Notification No. 5/1/69-AIS (III), dated 01.01.1970 (GSR. No. 55, dt. 10.01.1970). Inserted vide M.H.A. Notification No. 5/14/70-AIS(II), dated 02.04.1971(GSR. No. 536, dt. 17.04.1971). 103 Substituted, vide Deptt. of Personnel and A.R. Notification No. 11026/4/77-AIS(III), dated 21.11.1977 (GSR No.1657 dt. 10.12.1977)




31(3) (ii) the subscriber shall make another application immediately after the last fund deduction has been made and the exemption from subscription to the fund has begun to operate, for the payment of subscriptions made by him and the recoveries effected against advances, if any, during the periods not covered by the first application referred to at (1) above.

31(3) (iii) The Head of Office/Department shall forward the applications to the Accounts Officer indicating the advances taken and the recoveries effected against the advance which are still current and the number of instalments yet to be recovered in respect of each advance and also indicate the withdrawals, if any, taken by the subscriber; 31(3) (iv) The Accounts Officer shall after verification with the ledger account issue an authority for the consolidated amount indicated in the two applications referred to (I) & (iii) above at least a month before the date of superannuation but payable on the date of the superannuation; 31(3) (v) The authority mentioned in clause (iii) will constitute the first instalment of payment. A second authority for payment will be issued as soon as possible after superannuation. This will be related to the contribution made by the subscriber subsequent to the amount mentioned in the application submitted under clause (i) plus the refund of instalments against advances which are current at the time of the first application. 31(3) (vi) After forwarding the application for the final payment to the Accounts Officer, advance/withdrawal may be sanctioned but the amount of advance/withdrawal shall be drawn on an authorisation from the Account Officer concerned who shall arrange this as the formal sanction of sanctioning authority is received by him. 31(4) When the amount standing to the credit of a subscriber has become payable under rule 28, 29 or 30 the Accounts Officer shall authorise prompt payment of the amount in the manner indicated in sub-rule (3).

32. Method of maintaining accounts.All sums paid into the Fund under these rules shall be credited in the books of the Government to an account named The All India Service Provident Fund. Sums of which payment has not been taken within six months after they become payable under these rules shall be transferred to Deposits at the end of the year and treated under the ordinary rules relating to deposits. 33. Number of account to be quoted at the time of payment of subscription. When paying a subscription, either by deduction from emoluments or in cash, a subscriber shall quote the number of his account in the Fund, which shall be communicated to him by the Account Officer. Any change in the number shall similarly be communicated to the subscriber by the Accounts Officer.


Inserted and amended vide Notification No. 11026/15/84-AIS(III),dated 22.10.1986.(GSR No.932 dt. 01.11.1986)


34. Annual statements of accounts to be supplied to subscriber. 34(1) As soon as possible after the close of each year, the Account Officer shall send to each subscriber a statement of his account in the Fund showing the opening balance as on the 1st April of the year, the total amount credited or debited during the year, the total amount of interest credited as on the 31st March of the year and the closing balance on that date. The Account Officer shall attach to the statements of account an enquiry whether the subscriber (a) (b) 34(2) desires to make any alteration in any nomination made; has acquired a family in a case where the subscriber has made no nomination in favour of a member of his family.

Subscribers should satisfy themselves as to the correctness of the annual statement, and errors should be brought to the notice of the Account Officer within three months from the date of receipt of the statement. The Account Officer shall, if required by a subscriber, once, but no more than once, in a year inform the subscriber of the total amount standing to his credit in the Fund at the end of the last month for which his account has been written up.


35. Relaxation of the provisions of the rules in individual cases. When the Government is satisfied that the operation of any of these rules causes or is likely to cause undue hardship to a member of the Service, it may, after recording the reasons for so doing and notwithstanding anything contained in those rules, deal with the case of such member in such manner as may appear to it to be just and equitable: Provided that the case shall not be dealt with in any manner less favourable to such member than that prescribed in these rules. Explanation. For the purpose of this rule Government, in relation to a member of the Service borne on a joint Cadre serving in connection with the affairs of a Constituent State, means the Joint Cadre Authority. 36. 106Interpretation.If any question arises as to the interpretation of these rules, the Central Government shall decide the same. 37. 107[ ]

105 106 107

Inserted vide Deptt. of Personnel Notification No. 13/4/71-AIS(I) dated 11.01.1972. Substituted vide DP & AR Notification No. 7/1/73-AIS(III),dt. 02.01.1975 (GSR No.41, dt. 18.01.1975). Omitted vide DP Notification No. 31/7/72-AIS(III) dated 22.05.1973


FORM 1 [Rule] 4(3)] When the subscriber has a family and wishes to nominate one member thereof I hereby nominate the person mentioned below, who is a member of my family as defined in rule 2 of the All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955, to receive the amount that may stand to my credit in the Fund, in the event of my death before that amount has become payable, or having become payable has not been paid:
Name and address of nominee Relationship with subscriber Age/Contingencies on the happening of which the nomination shall become invalid Name, address and relationship of the person or persons if any to whom the right of the nominee shall pass in the event of his predeceasing the subscriber 108[ ]

Dated this Two witnesses to signature 1. 2.

day of

20 at

Signature of Subscriber. FORM II [Rule 4(3)] When the subscriber has a family and wishes to nominate more than one member thereof I, hereby nominate the persons mentioned below, who are members of my family as defined in rule 2 of the All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955, to receive the amount that may stand to my credit in the Fund, in the event of my death before that amount has become payable, or having become payable has not been paid, and direct that the said amount shall be distributed among the said persons in the manner shown below against their names:
Name and address Relationship Age of nominees with subscriber
109 Amount or share of accumulation to be paid to each

Contingencies on the happening of which the nomination shall become invalid

Name, address of the person or persons if any to whom the right of the nominee shall pass in the event of his predeceas110 ing the subscriber

Dated the Two witnesses to signature

day of

20 at

The words or no the happening of the contingency or contingencies a specified in the previous column deleted vide MHA Notification No. 5/10/59-AIS II dated the 19.08.1959.(GSR No.982 dt. 29.08.1959) 109 NOTE- Where a subscriber who has no family makes a nomination, he shall specify in this column that the nomination shall become valid in the event of his subsequently acquiring a family. 110 Ibid note 108



1. 2. Signature of Subscriber

FORM III [Rule 4(3)] When the subscriber has no family and wishes to nominate one person I, having no family as defined in rule 2 of the All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955, hereby nominate the persons mentioned below to receive the amount that may stand to my credit in the Fund, in the event of my death before that amount has become payable, or having become payable has been paid:
Name and address Relationship with Age 111Contingencies of nominee subscriber on the happening of which the nomination shall become invalid Name, address and relationship of the person or persons if any to whom the right of the nominee shall pass in the event of his predeceasing the 112 subscriber [ ]

Dated this Two witnesses to signature 1. 2.

day of

20 at

Signature of Subscriber.

FORM IV [Rule 4(3)] When the subscriber has no family and wishes to nominate more than one person I, having no family as defined in rule 2 of the All India Services Provident Fund) Rules, 1955, hereby nominate the persons mentioned below to receive the amount that may stand to my credit in the Fund, in the event of my death before that amount become payable, or having become payable has not been paid, and direct that the said amount shall be distributed among the said persons in the manner shown below against their names:

The words or no the happening of the contingency or contingencies a specified in the previous column deleted vide MHA Notification No. 5/10/59-AIS II dated the 19.08.1959. (GSR No.982 dt. 29.08.1959) 112 Note : where a subscriber who has no family makes a nomination, he shall specify in this column that the nomination shall become invalid in the event of his subsequently acquiring a family.



Name and address of nominees

Relationship Age with subscriber

Amount or share of accumulation to be paid to each


Contingencies on the happening of which the nomination shall become invalid


Name, address and relationship the person or persons if any to whom the right of the nominee shall pass in the event of his predecasing the subscriber

Dated the Two witnesses to signature 1. 2.

day of

20 at

Signature of Subscriber. NOTE : Where a subscriber who has no family makes a nomination, he shall specify in this column that the nomination shall become invalid in the event of his subsequently acquiring a family. FORM IV A

[Rule 12(3)]

When the subscriber wishes to take partfinal withdrawal. Shri...........................was last sanctioned a partfinal withdrawal by this office for an amount of Rs..........vide..........after the statement of his accounts for the year............was issued by the Accounts Officer. Signature of sanctioning Authority.

FORM IV B [Rule 12 (3)] When the subscriber wishes to take partfinal withdrawal. understood (as stated by him) to have been last sanctioned a partfinal withdrawal of Signature of sanctioning Authority.


Inserted vide D.P. & A.R. Notification N..11026/4/77-AIS(III) dated 21.11.1977 (GSR No.1657 dt. 10.12.1977) This form was introduced with effect from 03.01.1956 vide MHA Notification No.13/28/56 (AIS-II) dated 31.07.1957 (GSR No.2543 dt. 10.08.1957) 115 ibid note 113




[Rule 15(1)(g)] FORM VI

[Rule 21(1) (a)]

I, A.B. of.............. herby assign unto the President of India /Governor of the State of............the within policy of assurance as security for payment of all sums which under rule 25 of the All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955, I may hereafter become liable to the All India Services Provident Fund. I hereby certify that no prior assignment of the within policy exists. Dated of..........20 Station Signature of Subscriber. One witness to signature. NOTE : The assignment may be executed on the policy itself either in the subscribers handwriting or in type, or alternatively a typed or printed slip containing the assignment may be pasted on the blank space provided for the purpose on the policy. A typed or printed endorsement must be duly signed and if pasted on the policy, it must be initialised across all four margins. FORM VII [Rule 21(1) (a)] We, A.B. (the subscriber)of...........and C.D. (the joint assured) consideration of the .......... 117President of India/ Governor of the State of.............agreeing at our request to accept payments towards the within policy of assurance in substitution for the subscription payable by me the said A.B. to the All India Services Provident Fund (or, as the case may be, to accept the withdrawal of the sum of Rs.......from the sum to the credit of the said A.B. in the All India Services Provident Fund for payment of the premium of the within policy of assurance), hereby jointly and severally further assign unto the said. *President of India/Governor of the State of...........the within policy of assurance as security for payment of all sums which under rule 25 of All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955, the said A.B. may hereafter become liable to pay to that Fund. We hereby certify that no prior assignment of the within policy exists. Dated this of.....20 Station
This form was introduced with effect from 03.01.1956 vide MHA Notification No.13/28/56 (AIS-II) dated 31.07.1957 (GSR No.2543 dt. 10.08.1957) and omitted vide DP&T Notification No.11026/12/84-AIS(III) dated 16.01.1986(GSR No.982 dt. 01.02.1986) 117 Strike off the alternative which does not apply


Signature of Subscriber and the Joint Assured, One witness of signature. NOTE. The assignment may be executed on the policy itself either in the subscribers handwriting in type or alternatively a type or printed slip containing the assignment may be pasted on the blank space provided for the purpose on the policy. A type or printed endorsement must by duly signed and if pasted on the policy, it must be initialled across all four margins.

FORM VIII [Rule 21(1)(a)] I, C.D., wife of A.B., and assignee of within policy, having, at the request of A.B. the assured, agreed to release my interest in the policy in favour of A. B., in order that A.B. may be assign the policy to the......... 118President of India/Governor of the State of.......who has agreed to accept payments towards the within policy of assurance in substitution for the subscriptions payable by A.B. to the All India Services Provident Fund hereby at the request and by the direction of A.B. assign and I the said A.B. assign and confirmed unto the President of India/Governor of the State of......the within policy of assurance as security for payment of all sums which under rule 25 of the rules of the Fund the said A.B. may thereafter become liable to pay to the Fund. We hereby certify that no prior assignment of the within policy; exists. Dated of......20

Signature of the assignee and the subscriber. One witness to signature. FORM IX [Rule 21(1)(a)] I, A.B. of ....................hereby further assign unto the President of India/Governor of the State of...............the within policy of assurance as security for payment of all sums, which under rule 25 of the All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955, I may hereafter become liable to pay to the All India Services Provident Fund.

118 119 120

Strike off the alternative which does not apply Strike off the alternative which does not apply Strike off the alternative which does not apply


I hereby certify that except an assignment to the 121President of India/Governor of the State security for payment of all sums, which I have become liable to pay under rule.............of the ...........Provident Fund Rules, no prior assignment of the within policy exists. Dated of..........20 Station Signature of Subscriber One witness to signature. FORM X

[Rule 21(1)(a)]

We, A.B. (the subscriber) of.............and C.D. (the joint assured) consideration of the................. 123President of India/Governor of the State of ............agreeing at our request to accept payments towards the within policy of assurance in substitution for the subscriptions payable by me the said A.B. to the All India Services Provident Fund (or, as the case may be, to accept the withdrawal of the sum of Rs........ from the sum to the credit of the said A.B. in the All India Services Provident Fund for payment of the premium of the within policy of assurance), hereby jointly and severally further assignment unto the said. President of India/Governor of the State of......... the within policy of assurance as security for payment of all sums which under the rule 25 of the All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955, the said A.B. may hereafter become liable to pay to the Fund. We hereby certify that except an assignment to the 125President of India/Governor of the State the security for payment of all sums, which the said A.B. has become liable to pay under rule ...........of the ...............Provident Fund Rules, no prior assignment of the within policy exists. Dated of............20 Station Signature of Subscriber, and joint Assured, One witness to signature. FORM XI [Rule 23(1)(i)] All sums which have become payable by the above named. A.B. under rule 25 of the All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955, having been paid and all liability for payment by him of such sum in the future having ceased, the............... 126President of India/Governor of the State of..............doth here by reassign the within policy of assurance to the said 127A.B. and C.D.

121 122

Strike off the alternative which does not apply Introduced vide MHA Notification No.13/43/57-AIS-III dated 27.06.1958(GSR No.549 dt. 05.07.1958) 123 Strike off the alternative which does not apply 124 Strike off the alternative which does not apply 125 Strike off the alternative which does not apply 126 Strike off the alternative which does not apply 127 Strike off the alternative which does not apply


A.B. Dated this of........20 Executed by ............Account Officer of the Fund for and on behalf of the *President of India/ Governor of the State the presence of.. X.Y. (Signature of Account Officer) (One witness who should add his designation and address). FORM XII [Rule 24(1)(i)] The abovenamed A.B. having died on of.....20.., 128President of India/Governor of the State of........doth hereby reassign the within policy of assurance to C.D.......... doth hereby reassign the within policy of assurance to C.D. ................... Date of.......20........ Executed by........Account Officer of the Fund for and on behalf of the of India/Governor of the State of ......... in the presence of


X.Y. (Signature of Account Officer) Y.Z. (One witness who should add his designation and address). (Signature of Account Officer)

FORM XIII [Rule 24(1)(i)] President of India/Governor of the State of......both hereby reassign the within policy of assurance. A. B. to A.B and C.D Dated the of......20

128 129 130

Strike off the alternative which does not apply Strike off the alternative which does not apply Strike off the alternative which does not apply


Executed by .................Account Officer of the Fund for and on behalf of the 131President of India/Governor of the State of .............. in the presence of X.Y. (Signature of Account Officer) Y.Z. (One witness who should add his designation and address). (Signature of Account Officer) [No.12/1/54-AIS-II dated 12.09.1955]


[Rule 30(ii)] Form of application for final payment of balances in the provident fund account of a subscriber to be used by the nominees or any other claimants where no nomination subsists. To The Accountant General, (Through the Head of Office) Sir, It is requested that arrangements may kindly be made for the payment of the accumulations in the Provident Fund Account of Shri/Shrimati.......... The necessary particulars required in this connection are given below: 1. Name of the Government Servant. 2. Date of birth. 3. Post held by the Government servant. 4. Date of death. 5. Proof of death in the forms of a death certificates issued by the municipal authorities etc., if available. 6. Provident Fund Account Number allotted to the subscriber. 7. Amount of Provident Fund money standing to the credit of the subscriber at the time of his death, if known 8. Details of the nominees alive on the date of death of the subscriber if a nomination subsist. Name of the Nominee Relationship with the subscriber Share of nominee

131 132

Strike off the alternative which does not apply Inserted vide MHA NotificarionNo.5/1/69-AIS(II) dated 01.10.1970 (GSR No.55 dt.10.01.1970)


1. 2. 3. 9. In case the nomination is in favour of a person other than a member of the family, the details of the family if the subscriber subsequently acquired a family. Name 1. 2. 3. 10. In case no nomination subsists, the details of the surviving members of the family on the death of the subscriber. In the case of a daughter or of a daughter of a deceased son of the subscriber, married before the death of the subscriber, it should be stated against her name whether her husband was alive on the date of death of the subscriber. Name 1. 2. 3. 11. In the case of amount due to a minor child whose mother (widow of subscriber) is not a Hindu, the claim should be supported by Indemnity Bond or Guardianship certificate, as the case may be. 12. If the subscriber has left no family and no nomination subsists, the names of persons to whom the Provident Fund money is payable (to be supported by letter of probate or succession certificate etc.) Name 1. 2. 3. 13. Religion of the claimant(s) 14. The payment is desired 133through the office of.....through the ..Treasury/Sub Treasury. In this connection the following documents duly attested by a Gazette Officer in Service/ Magistrate are attached. (i) Personal marks of identification. (ii) Left/Right hand thumb and finger impressions (in the case of illiterate claimants). (iii) Specimen signature in duplicate (in the case of literate claimants.) (iv) Photographs in duplicate. Relationship with the subscriber Address Relationship with the subscriber Age on the date of death Relationship with the subscriber Age on the date of death


This applies only when payment is not desired through the Head of Office


Yours faithfully, (Signature of claimant) Full name and Address

Station ................ Date.................. (FOR USE OF HEAD OF OFFICE/DEPARTMENT) Forwarded to the Accountant General.............for necessary action. The particulars furnished above have been duly verified. 2. The Provident Fund Account No...........of Shri/Smt/Kumari(As verified from the annual statement furnished to him/her) is ............... 3. He/She died on.............A death certificate issued by the Municipal authorities has been produced/is not required in this case as there is no doubt about his/her death. 4. The last fund deduction was made from his/her pay for the month of.........drawn in this office Bill........No...... dated.........for Rs.......(Rupees............) Cash Voucher No........... of........Treasury the amount of deduction being Rs........... and recovery on account of refund of advance Rs............ 5. Certified that he/she was neither sanctioned any temporary advance nor any final withdrawal from his/her Provident Fund Account during the 12 months immediately preceding the date of his/her death. OR Certified that the following temporary advances/final withdrawals were sanctioned to him/her and drawn from his/her Provident Fund Account during the 12 months immediately preceding the date of his/her death. Amount of advances /withdrawal Date of place of encashment 1. 2. 3. 6. Certified that no amount was withdrawn/the following amounts were withdrawn from his/her Provident Fund Account during the 12th months immediately preceding the date of his/her death for payment of insurance premier or for the purchase of a new policy. Policy No. and name of the company No. 1. 2. Amount Date Voucher Voucher No.


3. 7. It is certified that no demands of /following demands Government are due for recovery.

(Signature of the Head of Office/Deptt.) Note. Certificate No. 7 to be furnished in the case of C.P.F. only


[Rule 31(1)] Form of Application for Final Payment/of Balances in the Provident Fund Account. To The Pay and Accounts Officer/Accountant General, ________________________________________________ (Through the Head of Office) Sir, I am due to retire/have retired/have proceeded on leave preparatory to retirement for months/have been discharged/dismissed/have permanently been transferred to service/have resigned service underGovernment to take up appointment with and my resignation has been accepted with effect from______ forenoon/afternoon, I joined service with____________on__________forenoon/afternoon. 2. I request that the entire amount at my credit with interest due under the rules may be paid to me through____Treasury/SubTreasury. My Provident Fund Account No. is _________________ PARTI (To be filled in when the application for final payment is submitted upto one year prior to retirement.) 3. An amount of Rs.________ stood to the credit in my Provident Fund Account as indicated in the Accounts statement issued to me for the year _________as appearing in my ledger account being maintained by you. I request you that my Provident Fund Account may be reviewed and brought up-to-date. 4. The undermentioned Life Insurance Policies were being financed by me from my Provident Fund Account. Number 1. 2.

Name of the Company

Sum assured.

_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
Modified vide DP&T Notification No.11.26/15/84-AIS-III dated 22.10.1986




5. I will make another application immediately after last fund deduction has been made from my salary, in part II of the Form.

Yours faithfully,

Signature Station___________ Date_____________ Name _______________________ Address_______________________ _______________________

(FOR USE BY HEADS OF OFFICE) Forwarded to the pay and Accounts officer/Accountant General,_____ for necessary action. 2. The Provident Fund Account No. /of Shri/Smt./Kum.__________ as verified from the statement issued to him/her from year______________. 3. He/She is due to retire form Govt. Service with effect from _______afternoon. 4. Certified that he/she had taken the following advances in respect of which______ instalments of Rs.___________are yet to be recovered and credited to the Fund Account. The details of the final withdrawals granted to him/her after the period covered by the aforesaid accounts Statements are as indicated below: Temporary advances 1. 2. 3. ______________ ______________ _____________ Final withdrawals __________ __________ __________

Signature of the Head of Office PART II (To be submitted by the subscriber immediately after the last fund deduction has been made from his salary. This part is also applicable in the case of subscribers who


apply for final payment for the first time after the date of superannuation, discharge, resignation etc.) In continuation of my earlier application, dated for_________ for the final payment of Provident Fund balance, I request that entire balance at my credit with interest due under the rules may be paid to me. OR I request that the entire amount at my credit with interest due under rules may be paid to me/transferred to_________

Signature___________________ Name______________________ Address_____________________ ____________________________ (FOR USE BY HEADS OF OFFICE) Forwarded to the Pay & Accounts officer/Accountant General, _______for necessary action/ in continuation of endorsement No.___________ 2. He/She is due to retire from service on________ /has proceeded on leave preparatory to retirement for ________months from __________ /has been discharged/dismissed/permanently transferred to_______ /has resigned finally from Government service/has resigned service under_______ Government to take appointment with________and his/her resignation has been accepted with effect from________fore noon/afternoon. He/she joined service with ______on________ forenoon/afternoon. 3. The last fund deduction was made from his/her pay in this office Bill No.____ dated_______ for Rs________(Rupees), Cash Voucher No._____of Treasury, the amount deduction being Rs._________ and recovery on account of refund of advance Rs.___________ 4. Certified that he/she was neither sanctioned any temporary advances nor any final withdrawals from his/her provident fund account during the 9 months immediately preceding the date on which the last fund deduction has been made from his/her salary or thereafter. OR Certified that the following temporary advances final withdrawals were sanctioned to him/her and drawn from his/her Provident Fund Account during the 9 months immediately preceding the date on which the last fund deduction has been made from his/her salary or thereafter. Amount of advance/withdrawal 1. Date Voucher number



2. 3.

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

(Signature of Head of Office) APPENDIXI Copy of Letter No. 10026/6/67AIS III dated 13.10.1987 of Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Department of Personnel & Training. Subject : All India Service (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955Introduction of PassBook for AIS Officers.

I am directed to say that in pursuance of the recommendation of the Fourth Pay Commission it has been decided that the system of Passbooks on a voluntary basis for Provident Fund accounts should be introduced by the Central Government in respect all Group A employees and All India Services officering in the Centre. The system will be introduced from the financial year 198889. In this connection , a copy of the Office Memorandum dated 1st September, 1987 issued by the Department of Pensions & Pensioners Welfare is enclosed. 2. The State Government may consider introducing the system of Passbooks on a voluntary basis for Provident Fund accounts should be introduced by the Central Government in respect all Group A employees and All India Services officers serving under them. The scheme may be operated as under : (a) The passbook may be in the annexed to the OM of 1.9.1987 referred to above. (b) As soon as the scheme is introduced, the State Government shall inform the members of the All India Service (borne on the cadre of that State) serving under the State and also on Central deputation. (c) In the case of officers on Central Deputation, the State Government concerned may obtain the option and in cases where the option has been exercised in favour of the passbook, entries upto the month upto which Provident Fund Contribution was made may be completed and the following certificate recorded in the passbook: Provident Fund account transferred to__________ vide Government of________ letter No.________ dated________ consequent on the deputation of Shri _______________ to_____________ w.e.f.______ The passbook will then be sent to the member of the Service. (d) When a member of the AIS is transferred on Central deputation, the entries in the PF account shall be completed upto the month for which the PF contribution has been made by the member of the Service concerned and the pass book shall be given to the officer at the time of his transfer.


(e) After the officer has taken over his assignment in the Central Department, the D.D.O. of the Administrative Ministry /Organisation concerned with the preparation of the Pay bill of the officer shall complete the entries in the pass book at the end of each year as indicated in item (f) para 3 of the OM cited above. (f) At the time of his reversion to his cadre, the entries in the passbook shall be completed upto the month in which PF deductions have been made in the Pay Bill of the officer and the passbook shall be returned to him with the following endorsement : The PF account has been transferred to _________vide Ministry/Department_________ letter No.________ dated____ 3. In regard to the adjustment of missing credits, the instructions on para 4 of the aforesaid OM shall apply. 4. It is requested that the decision taken by the State Government regarding the introduction of the passbook may be intimated to this Department early. Copy of O.M. No. 20011/P&PW/86 dated 1.9.87 of Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Department of Pension & P.W.) Subject : Fourth Central Pay Commission Recommendation regarding introduction of Pass Books for employees. 1. The undersigned is directed to say that the Fourth Central Pay Commission had recommended that Pass Books should be issued to all employees showing the upto date position of their Provident Fund accounts. The recommendation of the Pay Commission was under consideration of the Government and it has now been decided to introduce the system of Pass Books on a voluntary basis in respect of all Group A employees and All India, Services officers. The pass book system for group D employees is already in vogue since 197475. The system will be introduced from the financial year 198689. The format of the Pass Book is enclosed(Annexure). 2. Each subscriber will be given an option to be exercised within three months from the date of issue of these orders, if he/she is willing to have a Pass Book for his/her G.P. Fund account. Option once exercised will be final. 3. The scheme will be operated as follows : (a) The Pass Book will be got printed locally by each Ministry/Department in exercise of the powers delegated to it. (b) The Pass Books will be supplied by DDO of each officer. (c) Every employees opting for Pass Book and subscribing to the General Provident Fund will be provided a Pass Book which at the time of its supply will indicate the balance will be indicated by the DDO.

(d) Every employees opting for Pass Book will be provided with the Pass Book at the end of the financial year during which he commences contribution to the General Provident Fund. (e) In case a subscriber loses his Pass Book and asks for a copy thereof, he may be charged Rs. 10/ for supply of another Pass Book.



At the end of each year, the Head of Office will obtain the Pass Book of the subscriber for completion and return. Entries in the Pass Book will be certified by the P&AO/DDO.

(g) Every optee for the Pass Book is expected to satisfy himself as to the correctness of the entries made in the Pass Book and bring to the notice of the Head of Office errors, if any, within three months. The Pay Bill Register of the subscriber, if desired by him, will be made available for inspection. (h) When a subscriber is transferred to another Ministry/Department, the Head of office will obtain the Pass Book from the employees, complete it and record the following endorsement therein and thereafter return the Pass Book to him : The GPF account has been transferred to Ministry/Department of _________ vide this Ministry/Department letter No. ________dated the ________. 4. In case the P&AO/DDO is not able to trace the missing credits, he will arrange for payment of GPF balance on the basis of entries made in the Pass Book. Adjustment of debits will be made on the basis of entries made in the Pass Book. 5. In so far as AIS officer are concerned , the Deptt. of Personnel & Training (AIS Division) will issue necessary instructions separately. 6. In so far as officers Serving in the India Audit and Accounts Deptt. are concerned, there orders issue with the concurrence of Comptroller and Auditor General of India. FORM OF PASS BOOK The Pass Books may be of size 13 cms. X 11cms. It may have a thick cover and be provided with a plastic jacket. This format of the cover page and other pages may be as follows: (i) First cover page Outside EMBLEM Government of India Pass Book General Provident Fund Name Account No. (ii) Back cover pageoutside Name of subscriber Designation Residential Address : Name of nominee and his/her relation with the subscriber. Inside

Note : (i) The subscriber is requested to satisfy himself as to the correctness of the statement and to bring errors, if any, to the notice of the Cash Section within


three months from the date of entries in the pass book. The pay bill registrar, if so required by him, will be available for inspection. (ii) If this Pass Book is lost, the matter should be reported to the office. An amount of Rs. 10/ will be charged from the subscriber for issue of each extra pass book. (iii) First Page NAME OF OFFICE DATE OF JOINING GPF ACCOUNT NUMBER

(IV) Page 2 onwards

Deposit Year PBR Opening Subscription Refunds Rate Interest Closing Full No. Balance Amount balance signature of Withdrawals DDO/P&AO



GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 3 1. Officers appointed before promulgation of this rule should subscribe to the Fund from the date of their confirmation: - Officers appointed to the Indian Administrative Service and the Indian Police Service from various sources prior to 12th September, 1955, the date of promulgation of these Rules, should subscribe to the General Provident Fund (Central) from the date of confirmation and not from the date of appointment on probation, though they would be eligible to subscribe to the fund at their own option during the period of probation. The amount so subscribed voluntarily during the probationary period should not be refunded to them. {G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 13/35/56AIS(II), dated the 8th October, 1956}. 2. Officers should subscribe compulsorily to the Fund from the date of their appointment on probation: - A question was raised whether officers of the All India Services should be required to subscribe to the fund compulsorily from the date of their appointment on probation or from the date of their confirmation in the service. The status of a probationer is the same as that of a person appointed substantively to the service from the date of appointment on probation. The Government of India have, therefore, decided that the officers of the Indian Administrative/Police Service should be required to subscribe compulsorily to the Funds from the date of their appointment on probation. {G.I., M.H.A letter No. 13/35/56AIS(II), dated the 27th October, 1956}. 3. Eligibility for incentive bonus under the new bonus scheme: - It was clarified vide Department of Personnel & A.R, letter No. 11026/4/77AIS(III), dated the 11th January, 1979 that the new bonus scheme for the members of the All India Services under the All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955 would take effect from the 1st April, 1978. Consequently, the incentive bonus for not withdrawing any amount from the Provident Fund account would be payable as on 31.3.1979 provided, the subscriber has not withdrawn any amount from his account during the preceding five years commencing from 1.4.1974. 2. The period of 5 years has been reduced to 3 years from 1.4. 1979, i.e the bonus of one percent on the entire balance at the credit of the subscriber in case he has not withdrawn any amount from the fund during the preceding 3 years commencing from 1.4.1979 vide the Ministry of Finance Resolution No. F.6(1)PD81 dated the 1st July, 1981. 3. It is also clarified, having regard to the provisions of rule 3 of the All India Services (PF) Rules, 1955, according to which the credit in and liabilities to any Provident Fund (only the subscribers contribution and interest thereon in respect of a Contributory Provident Fund) to which a member of the All India Service was subscribing prior to his joining the All India Services (Provident Fund), that the previous service rendered under the State or Central Govt., by a member of the Service, during which such member was subscribing to the P.F. shall be reckoned for calculating the incentive bonus in accordance with the provisions on the new bonus scheme referred to above. {G.I., DP & AR letter No. 11026/8/83AIS(III) dated the 14th July, 1983} GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 4


1. Subscribers should make fresh nominations after promulgation of these rules: Subscribers to the Fund, who had made their nominations under the General Provident Fund (Central Services) Rules, prior to promulgation of these rules, should be required to make fresh nominations in the prescribed forms. {G.I., MHA letter No. 13/33/56AIS (II) dated the 14th September, 1956} GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 5 1. The subscribers should be provided with an annual statement of GPF contribution/deductions: - The problem regarding missing credits in the Provident Fund Accounts of members of the All India Services was considered by the Ministry of Finance (Department of ExpenditureController General of Accounts) and they have issued instructions in this regard to all Chief Controllers of Accounts/Controllers of Accounts of various Ministries/ Departments of Government of India, according to which members of All India Services and other Central Services on deputation with the Central Ministries/ Departments should be supplied with an annual statement in the prescribed performa indicating the amount of GPF and other deductions made from their salary. A copy of this statement will also have to be sent simultaneously to the accounting authority concerned. In this connection, a copy of Ministry of Finance (Controller General of Accounts) letter No. C. 30012/Coord/ 2/CGA /307 dated 31st October, 1981, addressed to all Chief Controllers of Accounts/ Controllers of Accounts of various Ministries/Departments along with its enclosure, is annexed. [DP & AR letter No. 11026/12/83AIS(III), dated the 27th May, 1983.] ANNEXURE TO GOVERNMENT OF INDIA INSTRUCTIONS BELOW RULE 5 OF THE AIS (PROVIDENT FUND) RULES [Copy of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure Letter No. 30012 /Coord/MF/CGA/307, dated 31st October, 1981.] It has been reported that in a large number of cases, the Annual Statements of G.P.F. Account of officers who are on deputation to various Ministries/Departments of Central Government for all India Services, I.A. and A.D., Posts and Telegraph, Railway, Defence etc. do not generally reflect all the credits in respect of deductions made in a financial year from their salary disbursed through the departmentalised Pay and Accounts officer even though the recoveries effected are regularly remitted to the concerned accounting authorities before the close of the financial year. The noninclusion of all credit in the annual statements causes considerable inconvenience to the officers and involves avoidable correspondence With a view to reassuring the subscribers regarding proper accounting of the deductions made from the salary towards G.P.F and other advances, it would be desirable that each Pay and Accounts Office should send a statement each year in the enclosed proforma to individual officers on deputation to the Ministry/Department under their payment control. A copy of the statement will also be simultaneously sent to the subscribers accounting authority. This will enable the officer to have in his possession a permanent record of the deductions made from his salary and the details of remittances made to his accounts officer. The latter can also make use of this statement for adjusting missing credits, if any, in the subscribers account without having to correspond with Pr. PAO/PAOs of Central Government Ministries/Departments.


In this connection, a copy of the circular letter issued by the Controller of Accounts, Ministry of Finance is enclosed. The Procedure set out above may be adopted from 198081 onwards. Copy of D.O. letter No. CA/Fin/Misc/8081 from the Controller of Accounts, Ministry of Finance. As you are aware, deductions are made from your salary each month towards GPF contributions. But as the ultimate responsibility for maintaining your GPF account devolves on the Accounting Authority of your parent cadre, we remit to him by cheque the amount deducted from your pay bills It has come to our notice that in many cases, the Annual Statement of Accounts issued by your Accounting Authority does not reflect all the credits even though the cheques have been received (and in many cases encashed) by him. All this must be causing you considerable inconvenience. While, by the very nature of the Accounting Procedure, there is necessarily a time lag of 2 to 3 months between deductions and remittances, it has been our endeavour to send the requisite cheque to your Accounting Authority promptly. However, with a view to further reassuring you that due care has been taken by us in this matter, we have decided to send you each year a statement (enclosed) with a copy to your Accounting Authority containing necessary details of these deductions and remittances. We hope that you will find this statement useful both as a permanent record and as a collateral evidence so that if any credit is missing in your Annual Statement, you can pursue the matter direct with your Accounting Authority. The latter can also make use of this statement for adjusting missing credits, if any, in your accounts without having to enter into protracted correspondence with us. Deductions may also have been made from your salary bills on accounts of advances such as House Building, Conveyance etc. We have, therefore, included in the statement details in this regard as well. Statement showing details of deductions and remittances Name and Designation of the officer..Office....... G.P.F Account NumberOfficer to which remittance sent......... Year of Account Amount of deductions
Month Salary of G.P.F. House Building Advance

Particulars of the cheque sent

Motor Car Advance No. Date Amount of Cheque Details of the forwarding letter Date of encashment of cheque Remarks

March April May June July August


September October November December January February March

2. Missing credits in the accounts of MoS may be completed on the basis of annual statements sent by Pay and Accounts Officers: - The undersigned is directed to say that vide this Departments O.M.No. 11026/12/83AIS (III) dated 31.5.1983 it was requested that the members of AIS on deputation with Central Ministries/Departments should be supplied with an annual statement in the prescribed proforma circulated by Controller General of Accounts vide their letter No. 30012/Coor/MF/CGA/307 dated 31.10.1981. 2. The Controller and Auditor General have now issued instructions to the Accounts General that missing credits in the accounts of members of All India Services may be completed on the basis of such annual statements sent by Pay and Accounts Officers. A copy of C&A.G;s letter No. 2021AccountsII/24785 dated 16.10.1985 addressed to Accountant General is enclosed. 3. It is requested that the annual statement in the prescribed proforma is supplied regularly to members of All India Services on deputation to Central Govt. It is also requested that the instructions contained in the above said letter of C & A.G may be brought to the notice of members of All India Services on deputation to Central Government for their information. [DOPT O.M. No. 11026/14/85AIS(III) dated the 10.12.1985] Copy of General Circular No. 64A/CS.II/85 (No. 2021AccountsII/24785) of the Office of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India, New Delhi dated the 16th October, 1985 addressed to all the Accountants General (A&E) Senior Deputy Accountants General (Accounts), Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Manipur, Nagaland & Sikkim. Subject:General Provident Fund credits of All India Service Officers Adjustment on Collateral Evidence Basis. According to the existing procedure the Provident Fund Accounts of All India Service Officers who are on deputation to various Central Govt. Ministries/Departments are being maintained by the respective State Accountants General. The Provident Fund credits in respect of these officers are being remitted monthly by the departmentalised Pay and Accounts officers to concerned Accounting authorities through cheques/drafts. It has been reported by a number of officers that in a large number of cases Annual Statements of General Provident Fund Accounts of the officers do not generally reflect all the credits in respect of deductions made in a financial year from their salaries by the Pay & Accounts Officers. The noninclusion of all credits in the annual statements causes considerable inconvenience to the officers and involves avoidable correspondence. 2. Ministry of Finance, Controller General of Accounts issued instructions vide letter No. C30012/Co-ord/MF/CGA/307 dated 31.10.1981 according to which the Pay and Accounts Officer should send to individual officers on deputation to the Ministry/Department and also to his accounting authority, an annual statement showing the deductions made from his salary along with the cheque number and date vide which these were remitted to the concerned accounting authority so that the later is able to


take action for having the missing credits, if any, traced and get his General Provident Fund account completed. 3. In this connection, the attention is invited to this office circular letter No. 1581 AC.II/24785 dated 23.5.1985 wherein it has been mentioned that in case the Pay & Accounts Officer or any other Disbursing Officer relevant to a particular case/Officer has certified that Provident Fund recoveries, in question have been made and the cheque/draft of the amount has already been remitted to Accountant General Office and full particular of the letter No. etc. are also furnished by him, the amount may be adjusted on collateral evidence basis in the Provident Fund Account of the concerned employee of the State by operating the head P4. The matter has been examined in this Office and it has been decided that missing credits/debits in respect of All India Service Officers may be completed on the basis of such annual statements sent by the Pay and Accounts Officers. The statements may also be used as collateral evidence, if necessary, for adjustment of credits/debts of the concerned officers by operating the head Provident Fund Suspense in the State Section of Account. The drill prescribed in para 3 of this Office circular dated 23.5.1985 for clearance of amount from the head Provident Fund Suspense by actual tracing of credits/debits may also please be followed scrupulously. GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 6 1. It would not be necessary to increase the rate of subscription consequent on the increase in pay, due to revision of pay scales etc. during the course of the year:- It has been decided that it would not be necessary to increase the rate of subscription consequent on the increase in pay, due to revision of pay scales etc. during the course of the year. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 8/4/57AIS(III), dated 1-4-1957, and letter No. 6/1/62AIS(II), dated 29-9-62] 2. It would be not necessary to increase the rate of subscription to the provident Fund consequent on the increase of pay of the subscribers during the course of the year: - In the case of subscribers to the General Provident Fund (Central Services) the amount of subscription originally fixed by a subscriber is not to be varied during the course of the year on account of any increase or decrease of pay which might ultimately have been found to be in respect of 31st March preceding or which might take place during the year. The Government of India have decided that similar procedure should be followed in the case of subscribers to the All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules. In view of the above position it would be not necessary to increase the rate of subscription to the provident Fund consequent on the increase of pay of the subscribers during the course of the year. [M.H.A. letter No. 6/16/62AIS(II), dated 10th September 1962.] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 9 1. A moS, after promoted to the AIS, is entitled to get interest on GPF according to the Central Rules and not by the State Rules: - All India Service Officers who prior to their appointment to the All India Services were governed by the State Provident Fund Rules, cease to become entitled to the protected rate of interest from the date of their promotion. As member of AIS, the officer is entitled to get interest according to the G.P Fund (Central Services) Rules, from the date he becomes subject to new Rules. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 8/4/57AIS(III), dated 1-4-1957, and letter No. 6/1/62AIS(II), dated 1-9-62]


2. The interest on subscriptions made by subscribers while on Central Deputation shall be payable from the month in which the pay of the subscriber was due under the Rules: - The question relating to entitlement of interest on Provident Fund to subscribers while serving on deputation to the Central Government has been examined. It had been pointed out that in certain cases the respective A.Gs/P.A.Os. are not allowing interest on their accumulations in G.P.F. for the month in which their subscription are deducted from their pay and remitted to them under Demand Draft etc. when these remittances may have been realized in the following months because of administrative delays or otherwise. It is clarified that according to proviso under sub-rule 3 (a) of Rule 9 AIS(PF) Rules, 1955, the interest on subscriptions made by subscribers while on deputation to the Central Govt. shall be payable from the month in which the pay of the subscriber was due under the Rules irrespective of the date or month in which it was actually drawn by the Accounts Officers of the concerned states. [G.I., DP&T letter No. 11026/1/91AISIII dated 26.2.1991] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 10 1. Company Secretaryship Course and Pre-Sea Training on TS-Rajendra are recognised courses for grant of advance: - It has been decided to treat the following courses as technical/specialised for the purpose of grant of advance under Rule 10(1)(a)(ii) and withdrawal under 12(1A)(a) respectively of the All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955: (i) The Company Secretaryship Course of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India; and (ii) The Course of PreSea Training imparted on the Training Ship Rajendra to prospective navigating officers on merchant ships. [DP & AR letter No. 11026/3/81AIS(III), dt. 10-2-1981.] 2. The power to sanction of advance up to 90 percent under first proviso of rule 10 may be exercised by Ministries/Department: - Under the first proviso to Rule 10, the Government (or the sanctioning authority with the previous approval of the Government) may sanction an advance for reasons other than those specified in Clauses (i) to (vi) of Rule 10(1)(a). The power to sanction an advance under this proviso may henceforth be exercised by Ministries/Departments, to the extent of 90 percent of the balance of the Provident Fund accumulation at the credit of subscriber. [G.I., D.P.& T O.M. 11026/3/86AISIII dated 7.4.1986] 3. Power of the Central Government in case of members of the AIS posted in UT Administrations will be exercised by the Administrator of the UT: - The powers of the Central Government to sanction advances under this rule to a member of the Service serving in the Union Territories shall subject to the conditions prescribed in the rule be exercised by the Administrators of the Union Territories within their respective jurisdiction. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 5/34/59AIS(II), dated 30th July, 1960.] 4. Sanctioning authorities of temporary advances for IPS officers posted in Intelligence Bureau, Special Police Establishment and Central Reserve Police Force: - The sanctioning authority for the purpose of granting temporary advances from the Fund to members of the Indian Police Service serving in the intelligence Bureau, the Special Police Establishment and the Central Reserve Police shall be the Director,


Intelligence Bureau, the Inspector General, Special Police Establishment and the Inspector General, Central Reserve Police respectively. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 16/16/60p(III), dated 12th December, 1960.] 5. The power to sanction advance for special reasons has been delegated to the Ministries/Departments: - The power to sanction advance for special reasons under rule 10 of the AIS (PF) Rules, 1955 is now being exercised by the Administrative Ministries in consultation with the Deptt. of Pensions and Pensioners Welfare in terms of Govt. of India Instructions Under the GPF (CCS) Rules the powers in this regard are vested in the Ministries. 2. The question of delegation of powers to sanction advance for special reasons under the AIS (PF) Rules to Ministries/Departments has been considered in consultation with the Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare and it has been decided that all such cases where advances are sanctioned for special reasons may be decided by the Administrative Ministries/Departments. [G.I. M.H.A. Letter No. 11026/12/84AISIII dt. 04.10.85] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 12 1. Withdrawal for purchase a site may be allowed subject to the condition that construction of house should commence within six months and completed within a year of commencement of construction: - A question arose whether withdrawal could be permitted purely for the purchase of a site. The Government of India have decided that it could be, provided that the conditions in the other rules, especially the one in rule 15, that construction of the house should commence within six months of the withdrawal of money and should be completed within a year from the date of commencement of constructions, are satisfied. [G.I. M.H.A. U.O. No. 263/557AIS(III), dated 29th January, 1957.] 2. Withdrawal for pilgrimage to Haj not allowed: - A member of the Service wanted to withdraw money from the fund for meeting expenses in connection with his pilgrimage to Haj. As pilgrimage to Haj is not obligatory, the withdrawal was not sanctioned. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 8/5/57AIS (II), dated 7th March, 1957.] 3. Withdrawal applied for after the marriage is over should not be entertained: - A question was raised whether final withdrawal could be permitted for meeting the expenditure on a marriage, which had already taken place. 2. Marriage is a foreseeable event and ordinarily it should not be difficult for the member concerned to make up his mind beforehand whether he would be able to meet the entire expenditure thereon from his private resources or whether he would have to resort to a final withdrawal from his provident fund account for this purpose, and, if the latter, to apply for the final withdrawal sufficiently in advance of the date of marriage. Where, however, an officer applies for the withdrawal well before the date of marriage, but the application is sanctioned after the aforesaid date or, if sanctioned before that date, the case is received in audit office for the issue of authority for payment after that date, there will be no objection to the payment of the amount being made after the date of marriage. The certificate in terms of sub-rule (4) should be furnished in such cases to the sanctioning authority within a month of the actual drawal of the amount for the fund. Cases in which withdrawal is applied for after the marriage is over should not ordinarily be entertained. [G.I. M.H.A. letter No. 8/41/57AIS(II), dated 20-11-1957.]


4. Previous services rendered by the moS before inducting to AIS shall be counted in computing minimum service for advance/withdrawal: - A question has been raised whether the previous service rendered under the State or Central Government by a subscriber to the All India Service Provident Fund, prior to his becoming a member of an All India Service, shall count for the purpose of computing the minimum service prescribed under sub-rule(1), (1A) and (2) of the All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955. It is clarified, having regard to the provisions of rule 3 of the All India Services (PF) Rule, 1955, according to which the credit in and liabilities to any provident Fund (only the subscribers contribution and interest thereon in respect of a Contributory Provident Fund) to which a member of the All India Service was subscribing Prior to his joining the All India Service, shall be transferred to the All India Service Provident Fund, that the previous service rendered under the State or Central Government by a member of the Service during which such member was subscribing to any Contributory or NonContributory Provident Fund, shall be counted in computing the minimum service prescribed under sub-rule (1), (1A) and (2) of Rule 12 of the All India Services (PF) rules, 1955.
[G.I., D.P. & A.R. letter No. 11026/32/82AIS(III), dated 23-4-1983.]

5. There is no objection to allowing part final withdrawal from the Provident Fund for the same child in instalments once in 6 months instead of there being a single withdrawal till the relevant rules are amended: - I am directed to say that in terms of clause (a) of sub-rule (1A) of rule 12 and Note 5 below rule 12 of the All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955 for the purpose of higher education of a child, only one withdrawal shall be allowed but education of different children on different occasions shall not be treated as the same purpose. However, sub-rule (2) of rule 14 of the said Rules provides that withdrawal, by a subscriber under clause (a) of sub-rule (1A) of rule 12, from the amount standing to his credit in the fund, shall be permitted once in every six months. 2. The provisions of Rule 12 and Rule 14 referred to above appear to be contradicting each other. The intention of the Government of India is that as higher education is spread over a period of 3 to 5 years and fees and other expenses are payable in instalments the amount of the withdrawal sanctioned under Clause (a) of sub-rule 1(A) of Rule 12 for meeting the cost of higher education of a child may be drawn in instalments once in every 6 months. It is proposed to make this intention clear through suitable amendments in the AIS (PF) Rules, 1955. Till such time this is done, there is no objection to allowing part final withdrawal from the Provident Fund for the same child in instalments once in 6 months instead of there being a single withdrawal. [G.I., DP & AR letter No. 11026/12/79AIS(III) dated 8.10.80] 6. Previous services rendered by the moS before inducting to AIS shall be counted for computing minimum service for advance/withdrawal: - I am directed to say that under sub-rule (1) of Rule 12 of the All India Services (PF) Rules, 1955, a subscriber to the All India Service Provident Fund, after 15 years of service (including broken period of service, if any) is eligible to seek final withdrawal from the amount standing to his credit in the fund for acquiring a house/house sit in accordance with the provisions of the rules; and under sub-rule (1A) of Rule 12, a subscriber on completion of 20 years of service (including broken period of service, if any), is eligible to seek final withdrawal for one or more of the purpose mentioned therein. Under sub-rule (2) of Rule 12, a withdrawal for purchasing a motor car can be sought by a subscriber on completing 25 years of service, including broken periods of service.


2. A question has been raised whether the previous service rendered under the State or Central Government by a subscriber to the All India Services Provident Fund, prior to his becoming a member of a All India Service, shall count for the purpose of computing the minimum service, shall count for the purpose of computing the minimum service prescribed under sub-rule (1), (1A) and (2) of Rule 12 of the All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955. It is clarified, having regard to the provision of Rule 3 of the All India Services (PF) Rules, 1955, according to which the credit in and liabilities to any Provident Fund (only the subscribers contribution and interest thereon in respect of a Contributory Provident Fund) to which a member of the All India Service was subscribing prior to his joining the All India Service shall be transferred to the All India Service Provident Fund, that the previous service rendered under the State or Central Government by a member of the Service during which such member of the Service during which such member was subscribing to any Contributory or Non-Contributory Provident Fund, shall be counted in computing the minimum service prescribed under sub-rule (1), (1A) and (2) of Rule 12 of the All India Services (PF) Rules, 1955. [Copy of G.I., MHA, DT & AR letter No. 11026/32/82AISIII date 23.4.83] 7. Procedure to be followed for granting advance/withdrawal of AIS officers during their service with the Central Government: - It has been decided in consultation with the Ministry of Finance that the following procedure may be followed for granting advances/final withdrawals to officers of the All India Services, including members of a former Secretary of States Service, under the various Provident Fund Rules, during the period of their service in connection with the affairs of the Central Government. 2. All cases of advances/final withdrawals which are fully covered by the existing rules may be sanctioned by the administrative Ministries themselves. The Ministries of the Government of India shall exercise all the power of the sanctioning authority in all such cases. 3. [Deleted vide G.I. MHA letter No. 11026/12/84AISIII dated 4.10.1985] 4. All cases of advances/final withdrawals which involve relaxation of the rules should be sanctioned by the administrative Ministries after obtaining the concurrence of both the Department of Personnel and A.R and the Ministry of Finance (Establishment Division) 5 Before an officers request for advance/final withdrawal is referred to the Ministry of Finance or both to the Department of Personnel and A.R. and Ministry of Finance, the administrative ministries are requested to examine the cases carefully and specify the special reasons or grounds why the rule(s) should be relaxed in favour of the officer. [G.I., M.H.A. O.M. No. F.5/13/64AIS(II), dated 20-5-1964.] 2. Power of the Central Government in case of members of the AIS posted in UT Administrations will be exercised by the Administrator of the UT: - The powers of the Central Government to sanction advances under this rule to a member of the Service serving in the Union Territories shall subject to the conditions prescribed in the rule be exercised by the Administrators of the Union Territories within their respective jurisdiction. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 5/34/59AIS(II), dated 30th July, 1960.] 3. Betrothal ceremony and marriage ceremony of the same child shall also be treated as different purpose. [F.No. 11026/7/84AIS(III)]


GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 13 1. withdrawal of the second and subsequent instalments for construction of house shall be permitted only if the Government certify: - The Government of India have decided that the withdrawal of the second and subsequent instalments shall be permitted only when the Government issues a certificate to the effect that the required formalities regarding the constructions of the house, in pursuance of which the instalments, have become due have been complied with. [G.I. M.H.A. letter 5/26/59AIS (II), dated 4th November, 1959.] 2. In case a moS constructs a house in a State other than his allotted State, the State concerned should act as an agent for the former State on a reciprocal basis for verifying the details: - A question was raised as to how the house building loans to All India Services officers for constructing houses outside the State of their allotment should be regulated. 2. It has been decided that where an All India Services Officer who has been granted loan for house building purposes by the State under whom he is serving at the time of such grant, decides to construct the house outside the state within whose jurisdiction the house is constructed should act as an Agent for the former state, on a reciprocal basis and (i) examine the correctness of title deeds, (ii) watch the progress of construction and (iii) enforce mortgage proceedings in case of default in the observance of the conditions on which the loan has been granted. The cost of verification of title deeds is to be borne by the member of the All India Services seeking loans for housebuilding purpose. [M.H.A. letter No. 8/12/58AIS(II), dated 18th March, 1959.] 3. Points to be mentioned in the sanction letter in all cases, where a final withdrawal is sanctioned from the Provident fund for purposes house building: It was noticed that a large in number of cases where final withdrawals were sanctioned for house building purposes under rule 13(I) etc., the information as regards the officers pay or the amount of advance drawn by him from the Ministry of Works, Housing and Urban Development or any other assistance from any Government source were not specifically mentioned in the sanction letter. The result was that the Account Officer concerned was unable to satisfy whether the relevant provisions of the provident Fund Rules were satisfied in a particular case or not. 2. The Government of India have decided that in future, in all cases, where a final withdrawal is sanctioned from the Provident fund for purposes of building, acquiring, reconstructing, or making additions or alternations to a house, the sanctioning authority must indicate in the sanction letter, (i) the pay of the subscriber at the time of sanctioning the final withdrawal; (ii) particulars and amount of advance drawn by him for housebuilding purposes under the scheme of the Ministry of Works, Housing and Urban Development; and (iii) the amount of any other assistance in this regard received by him from any other Government source. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 5/1/65AIS (II), dated 21st March, 1966.] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 14 1. Withdrawal will not ordinarily be allowed before the expiry of six months from the date of the previous withdrawal, and in any case not more than two


withdrawals should be allowed in any financial year:- A doubt was raised whether under sub-rule (2), the withdrawals may be made at any time during the first and second halves of the financial year (AprilSeptember and OctoberMarch), even though the time lag between the dates of the first withdrawal and the second is less than six months. The intention of the sub rule is that a withdrawal will not ordinarily be allowed before the expiry of six months from the date of the previous withdrawal, and in any case not more than two withdrawals should be allowed in any financial year. [G.I., M.H.A., letter No. 13/16/55AIS(II), dated 14 July, 1956.] 2. Ministries/Departments may sanction withdrawals up to 90 per cent under rule 13, 14 and 14A: - Under Rules 13,14, 14A and 14B, the sanctioning authority is competent to sanction a withdrawal from Provident Fund for the purpose mentioned therein(e.g. House Building, meeting the cost of higher education, expenditure on marriage of subscribers son/daughter, meeting the expenditure on illness of subscriber or any member of his family) up to three-fourths at the credit of subscriber. Ministries/Departments may henceforth sanction withdrawals up to 90 per cent accumulations at the credit of the subscriber under Rules 13, 14 and 14A referred to above. [D/P & Trg. No. 11026/3/86AIS(III)dated 7-4-1986.] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 17 1. The term matured occurring in the explanation under sub-rule (3) should be deemed to include paid up policies also. rd [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 8/45/57AIS (II) 23 April, 1958. ] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 21 1. Further recoveries should be stopped but not refund of the amount already recovered should be allowed in case the policy was assigned, delivered, converted into paid up one or revived: - A question was raised whether recoveries ordered under sub-rule (4) and rule 25 should be stopped and the amount already recovered be refunded, as soon as the policy was assigned, delivered, converted into paid up one or revived as the case might be. 2. It has been decided that further recoveries should be stopped in such cases but not refund of the amount already recovered should be allowed. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 13/36/56AIS (II), dated 26-9-1956.] 2. The policies once assigned to the President or the Governor will hold good throughout the service: - The policies once assigned to the President or the Governor, under whom a member of the Service is serving for the time being, will hold good throughout the service. The same are not to be reassigned every time the member is transferred from his parent State to the Centre or from the Centre to the parent State. [ G.I. M.H.A. letter No. 13/42/56AIS(II)dated 2 nd November, 1957].

3. Insurance policies already assigned under the Central or other General Provident Fund Rules need not be reassigned in favour of the subscribers, before they are further assigned to the President or Governor, as the case may be, under the All India Service (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955.


[G.I. M.H.A. letter No. 8/46/58, AIS (II), dated the 17 GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 23


December, 1958 ].

1. The amount of policy may be repaid in convenient number of instalments settled between the subscriber and the Accounts Officer: - It has been decided that the amount may be repaid in convenient instalments the number of which should be settled between the subscriber and the Accounts Officer; the policy will, however, be assigned by the Accounts Officer only after repayment of the amount with interest is completed. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 5/23/59AIS (II), dated 3-10-1959.] 2. Recognition of second assignment under the policy by the LIC: - The Life Insurance Corporation shall register the second assignment in their books on receipt of such assignment along with a notice thereof. When the dues of Central Government have been settled the office of the Accountant General, Central Revenue, will nullify the first assignment either by an assignment in favour of the policy holder or by cancelling or striking out the original assignment on the policy and will give due notice to the Corporation of such reassignment and it is only after the original assignment is so nullified and notice thereof served on the Corporation, that they shall be able to recognise the second assignment under the policy. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. F.6/26/62AIS (II), dated 1st January, 1963] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 29 1. Regulation of GPF contribution of IAS officers appointed to Public Service Commissions: - On a reference from the State of Punjab, it was decided that in accordance with the provision contained in regulation 9 of the Punjab State Public Service Commission (Conditions of Service) Regulations, a member of the Commission can, if he so elects, subscribe to the GPF in accordance with the GPF Rules in force from time to time in the Punjub, whereas in the UPSC (Conditions of Service) Regulations, there is a specific provision that the PF accumulations of an officer who is appointed to the Commission as a member while in service under any Government in India shall become payable to him on the date on which he would have superannuated from service had he not been appointed to the Commission. Unless the Regulations in force governing the conditions of service of members and chairman of the PSC of Punjab specifically provide to the contrary, and unless the officer chooses to retain his accumulations in the fund for a further period under proviso(1) to rule 28 of AIS (PF) Rules, 1955, the accumulations in the AIS PF of the members of the SPSC who was accumulations in the AIS PF of the members of the SPSC who was formerly a member of IAS shall become payable to him on the date of his normal superannuation from IAS in accordance with the IAS (PF) Rules. [G.I., MHA letter No. 6/16/62AIS (II)dated 10 GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 35 1. State Governments are competent to order conversion of the Temporary Advance to a non-refundable one in relaxation of the provisions of rule 12, under the powers vested in them under rule 35: - A question was raised whether under rule 35 of the All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955, the State Government were competent to relax the provisions contained in rule 12 thereof, and order conversion of a th September, 1962].


Temporary Advance to a non-refundable one for a purpose which was not provided for under the rules. 2. The Government of India have held that rule 35 empowers the Government to decide the case of a subscriber, in a manner other wise than that provided for in the rules, provided that it is convinced that the operation of the rules is likely to cause undue hardship to a subscriber, Rule 35 has a wider scope than merely to provide for relaxation of the existing rules. Accordingly the State Government were competent to order conversion of the Temporary Advance to a non-refundable one in relaxation of the provisions of rule 12, under the powers vested in them under rule 35. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. F. 5/22/64AIS(II), dated 22nd October, 1964] 2. Restrictions suggested for the State Governments while invoking the powers conferred by rule 35: - All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955 provide for the grant of refundable advances and part-final withdrawal from the Fund for the purpose specified in the Rules, to subscribers who have completed the prescribed period of service. Rule 35 of the Rules ibid vest power in the State Governments to allow refundable advances and part-final withdrawals from the Fund in relaxation of the exhaustive provisions of the general rules and even for the purposes not specified in the rules. 2. The comptroller and Auditor General of India has brought to the notice of the Central Government certain cases in which there seems to be some doubt regarding the propriety of the State Government invoking their special power under the aforesaid Rule 35. 3. Although it is not intended to restrict the powers of the State Government available to them under the above rule, it is considered necessary to draw their attention to the fact that the special powers under this rule are to be invoked only in cases where the operation of any of these rules is likely to cause undue hardship to a member of the Service. Thus, it may not be appropriate to invoke the powers conferred by rule 35 ibid with a view to (a) allowing part-final withdrawal to a subscriber who has not completed the prescribed period of service after the expiry of which one becomes eligible for part-final withdrawal; (b) postponing the recovery of an advance for a period after the expiry of which subscriber became entitled to convert that advance into a part-final withdrawal; (c) allowing part-final withdrawal for purposes entirely unrelated to those prescribed in the rules (e.g. construction of brothers or sons house, nieces marriage, meeting a bank overdraft etc.)

4. For the enumeration of the State Government, it may be mentioned here that on its part, the Central Government has not invoked its powers under rule 35 ibid in case such as those mentioned at (a & (b) in para 2 above. As for permission for part-final withdrawal, for purposes not prescribed in the rules, it is being granted only for purposes directly concerned with a prescribed purpose (i.e. part-final withdrawal for payment of fees for registration of any for allotment of a DDA Flat is directly connected with payment of the price of the flat.) The Central Government has also been agreeing, on merits, to relax the monetary limit upto which a part-final withdrawal is permitted under the rules, and also the maximum number of instalments in which an advance is recoverable under the rules. The maximum period upto which interest on P.F. balance can be allowed after


the subscriber quits service is also relaxed by the Central Government in cases where the subscriber is not responsible for the delay in final payment. In such cases the Central Government allow interest upto the end of the month preceding the month of the final payment. 5. The above enumeration, which is illustrative and not exhaustive, is not intended to impose any fetters on the exercise of the independent powers of the State Government under Rule 35 ibid but to impress upon them the desirability of invoking the special powers referred to above only in hard cases. [DP&T letter No. 11026/8/77AISIII dated 8.6.78]



In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (LXI of 1951), the Central Government, after consultation with the Governments of the States concerned, hereby makes the following rules, namely: 1. Short titleThese rules may be called the All India Services (Compensatory Allowance) Rules, 1954. 2. DefinitionsIn these rules, unless the context otherwise requires (a) compensatory allowance means an allowance granted to meet personal expenditure necessitated by the special circumstances in which duty is performed, but it does not include dearness allowance, sumptuary allowance, or any other allowance which is regulated by separate rules made from time to time under the All India Services Act, 1951 (LXI of 1951); Explanation : Rent free accommodation shall be treated as compensatory allowance for purposes of these rules. (b) Government means in the case of a member of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the Union, the Central Government, and in the case of a member of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of a State, the Government of that State; and

(c) member of the Service means a member of an All India Service as defined in Section 2 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951).

3. Regulation of compensatory allowanceThe grant of a compensatory allowance admissible to a member of the Service and the conditions subject to which it may be granted shall be regulated by such general or special order of the Government under whom such member is for the time being serving as may from time to time be made by that Government. 4. InterpretationIf any question arises as to the interpretation of these rules, the Central Government shall decide the same.

1 2

(No. 20/1/54-AIS(II), dated the 14.09.1954 (Extraordinary Gazette No. 158, dt. 14.09.1954) Substituted vide Ministry of Home Affairs Notification No. 1/60/66-AIS(II), dated 19.12.1966. 3 Substituted vide D.P & A.R. Notification No. 7/1/73-AIS(III)-D, dated 02.01.1975.




In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (LXI of 1951), the Central Government, after consultation with the Governments of the States concerned hereby makes the following rules, namely: 1. Short titleThese rules may be called the All India Services (Travelling Allowances) Rules, 1954. 2. DefinitionsIn these rules, unless the context otherwise requires (a) Government means in the case of a member of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the Union, the Central Government, and in the case of a member of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of a State, the Government of that State.

(b) member of the Service means a member of an All India Service as defined in Section 2 of the All India Services Act, 1951. 3. Regulation of travelling allowance 3(1) Every member of the Service shall be entitled to the highest class of accommodation (which does not include air-conditioned accommodation in the case of travel by railway) for travel (on duty in India). In all other respects, the travelling allowance admissible to such member and the conditions in which those allowances are payable shall be regulated by the appropriate rules of the Government under whom he is serving for the time being: Provided that Government may by general or special order regulate the entitlement of a member of the Service to travel by air-conditioned accommodation: Provided further that in the absence of first class accommodation on any particular train, a member of the Service may, at his option, travel by air-conditioned accommodation, and shall, when so travelling be entitled to draw rail fare at the presumptive first class rate, in addition to such allowance for incidental expenses of the journey as may be admissible under the appropriate rules aforesaid.

3(2) In respect of journey by land, sea or air on duty outside India, a member of the Service shall be entitled to accommodation in accordance with the rules and orders on the subject governing members of the Indian Foreign Service A. 4. Travelling allowances on transfer or deputationThe travelling allowances of a member of the Service who is serving under one Government shall, on transfer or deputation or service under any other Government, be governed by the rules of the Government under whom he is transferred or deputed to serve unless, by a special or general order of the Government, he continues to be governed by the rules of the Government under whom he was serving before such transfer or deputation. Substituted vide Ministry of Home Affairs Notification No. 16/5/66-AIS(II), dated 07.01.1967.
2 1

Added vide Ministry of Home Affairs Notification No. 16/13/60-AIS(II), dated 06.09.1961.


Provided that in the case of a member of the Service transferred or deputed to serve under Constituent State of a joint cadre, an order under this rule shall be passed by the Joint Cadre Authority.

5. InterpretationIf any question arises as to the interpretation of these rules, the Central Government shall decide the same.

6. Repeal and SavingAll rules corresponding to these rules in force immediately before the commencement of these rules and applicable to members of the Service are hereby repealed: Provided that any order made or action under the rules so repealed shall be deemed to have been made or taken under the corresponding provision of these rules. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA'S DECISIONS GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS INSTRUCTIONS UNDER RULE 3 1. Travelling Allowances to family members of the members of the Services who die while in service will be allowed under the following conditions: - Conveyances at Government expenses of families and personal effects of officers who die while in service 1.1 In the case of All India Services officers, who die while in service, the following concessions will be admissible to members of their families, as defined in S.R. 2(8) - for purposes of travelling allowance rules, provided the journey is completed within six months after the death of the officer. 1.2 Travel expenses will be admissible by the shortest route from the last headquarters of the officer to his normal place of residence which shall be the permanent home as entered in his service book or recorded or such other place as might have been declared to be the permanent home by the officer while in service. 1.3 The amount of travel expenses payable to the members of the family will be: (a) For journey by rail and/or steamer: (i) Actual fare (without the incidentals) of the class of accommodation, to which the deceased officer was himself entitled, for each member of the family. (ii) Actual cost of transportation of personal effects on the scale admissible under S.R. 116(a)/(I)/ (iii). (b) For journeys by road: (i) One mileage allowance for one member of family, a second mileage allowance, if two other members of family, and a third mileage allowance, if more than two other members of family travel, at the rate applicable to the deceased officer. (ii) Actual cost of transportation of personal effects on the scale admissible under S.R. 116(a) /(II)/(iii).
3 4

Inserted vide D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 13/4/71-AIS(II), dated 11.01.1972. Substituted vide D.P. & A.R. Notification No. 7/1/73-AIS(II), dated 02.01.1975. Added vide DP&AR Notification No. 28/1/54-AIS(II), dated the 14.09.1954.


1.4 If at the time of the death of an officer, a member of his family happens to be at a station other than the officers last headquarters or being there proceeds to a station other than the normal place of residence, such member may draw the actual fare for the journey made by rail or steamer, road mileage for the actual distance of road journey and cost of transport of personal effects from the place where he was at the time of the officers death to the place to which he actually travelled, provided that the total expenses claimed shall not exceed the total mileage allowance and cost of transportation of personal effects up to the prescribed limit that would have been admissible, had such member travelled from the headquarters of the officer to the normal place of residence.

(G.I. Ministry of Home Affairs letter No. 4/8/56-AIS(III), dated 17 January, 1958.) 2. Conditions for grant of Travelling allowances for journeys to peruse official records at outstations in disciplinary cases All India Services officers serving in connection with the affairs of the Union, who undertake journeys to outstations to peruse official records for the preparation of their defence in connection with the disciplinary proceedings instituted against them may be given T.A. as for a journey on tour without any allowance for halts. The T.A. will be allowed from the headquarters of the officer or from any other place where the officer may be spending his leave or where the suspended officer has been permitted on his own request to reside, but not exceeding what would be admissible had the journey been undertaken from the headquarters of the officer. The grant of the travelling allowance will be subject to the following further conditions: (i) The inquiring officer certifies that the official records to be consulted are relevant and essential for the preparation of the defence statement: (ii) The competent authority certifies that the original records could not be sent to the headquarters station of the officer or the bulk of the documents ruled out the possibility of copies being made out, and sent; and (iii) the Head of office, under whose administrative control the officer is, certifies that the journey was performed with his approval. 2. It has also been decided that, in the case of officers not under suspension at the time of undertaking the journey, the period spent in transit to and fro and the minimum period of stay required at the place where official records are made available for perusal should be treated as duty or leave, according as the officer is on duty or on leave at that time. In case of officers under suspension, who are subsequently reinstated in service, the period will be treated as duty, leave or otherwise in accordance with the orders passed by the competent authority under rule 9 of the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1955. 3. In so far as All India Services officers serving in connection with the affairs of the States are concerned, the State Governments have been requested to consider the desirability of framing similar instructions. [G.I., Ministry of Home Affairs letter No. 16/5/59-AIS(II), dated the 19.11. 1959.]

3. All India Services officers retire from the Central Government are entitled to Travelling Allowances: - A question arose whether officers of the AIS who were borne on State Cadres but were serving the Central Govt. at the time of retirement and who retired from service without reverting to the parent State Cadre were entitled to T.A. admissible to Central Govt. servants on retirement under Ministry of Finance O.M. No. 5(109)-E-IV/57 dated 11.7.60. The Government of India have held that in view of the provisions of Rule 3 and 4 of the AIS (T.A.) Rules, 1954, such officers are entitled to the benefit of retirement T.A. admissible under the orders of the Central Government referred to above.


[G.I., MHA O.M. No. 5/4/66-AIS(II) dated 25/1/66] 4. Conditions for sanction of Travelling Allowances on retirement Orders have been issued sanctioning the grant of travelling allowance to retiring Central Government servants vide

Government of India, Ministry of Finance O.M. No.5(109), EIV/57, dated the 11 July, 1960 (extract reproduced below). These orders are applicable to All India Service officers serving in connection with the affairs of the Union. As far as All India Services officers serving in connection with the affairs of the States are concerned, the State Governments have been requested to take necessary action to extend the instructions, referred to above, under their own rules.
th rd

(G.I., Ministry of Home Affairs letter No.16/5/60-AIS(II), dated the 27 October, 1960 and the 3 February, 1962).

I. Extracts from Government of India Ministry of Finance O.M. No. 5(109)-E/IV/57 dated the 11 July, 1960, as amended from time to time:- T.A. to Central Government servants on retirement I. Settlement in station other than last station of duty. -It has been decided to sanction the grant of travelling allowance to retiring Central Government servants on the scale and the conditions set out below. The travelling allowance referred to will be admissible in respect of the journey of the Government servant and members of his family from the last station of his duty to his home town or to the place where he and his family is to settle down permanently even if it is other than his declared home town and in respect of the transportation of his personal effects between the same place. (a) For journeys (i) By air Government servants who are entitled to travel by air at their discretion on tour/transfer while in service can travel by air along with the entitled family members, on retirement. (ii) By rail and/or steamer. Actual fares including the tax on fares, of the class of accommodation to which the Government servant was entitled on the date when he was last on duty in respect of self and members of his family, as defined in S.R. 2(8). (iii) By road One mileage allowance for the Government servant, a second mileage allowance if two members of the family travel with him, and a third mileage allowance if more than two members of his family travel with him, at the rate applicable to the Government servant on the date when he was last on duty. (iv) Partly by one mode of travel and partly by another. As admissible under sub paras (i) and (ii) above, in so far as they are respectively applicable. (v) In a private car between stations connected by rail/steamer. As admissible under sub-para (iii) limited to railway/steamer fares admissible under sub-para (ii). ExplanationIn regard to the question as to how the travelling allowance in respect of the members of the family of a retiring Government servant, who do not actually accompany him is to be regulated, it has been decided that the provisions of SR 116(b) (iii) may be applied mutatis mutandis in all such cases. A member of a Government servants family who follows him within six months or precedes him by not more than one month may, therefore, be treated as


accompanying him. The period of one month or six months, as the case may be, may be counted from the date the retiring Government servant himself actually moves. The claims of travelling allowance in respect of the family members will not be payable until the head of the family himself or herself actually moves. The time-limits of one month and six months mentioned above may be extended by the competent authority in SR 116(b)(iii) in individual cases attendant with special circumstances. (b) The Government servant shall, besides the fares, be also eligible to lumpsum grant and transfer incidentals as admissible on transfer. (c) The Government servant shall also be eligible to Packing Allowance as admissible on transfer. (d) Transportation of personal effects at the scale of allowance laid down in Order below SR 116 is allowable. The Government servant will also be entitled to claim the cost of transportation of personal effects between railway station and residence at either end of the journey as in the case of transfer. (e) The actual cost of transporting a motor car or other conveyance maintained by the Government servant before his retirement is reimbursable as per Order below SR 116, provided the possession of the conveyance by the officer while in service at the place of his last posting was considered to be in public interest. (f) Mileage allowance will be admissible for journeys between residence and the Railway Station or Bus Terminal, as the case may be, at either end. NOTE The revised entitlements for transfer T.A. in so far as these are admissible under the normal rules, will also be applicable in cases of Travelling Allowance on retirement. ExplanationIn regard to the time-limits applicable for the transportation of personal effects on availment of the concession, it has been decided that the time-limits prescribed in the Explanation below sub-para (a) above in the case of members of the family, namely one month anterior and six months posterior to the date of the movement of the retiring Government servant himself, should apply in case of transport of his personal effects. These limits may, however, be extended by the competent authority prescribed under SR 116 (b) (iii) in individual cases attendant with special circumstances. 2. The grant of the concession will be further subject to the following conditions, clarifications and subsidiary instructions: (i) The concession will be admissible by the shortest route from the last place of duty of the Government servant to his home town or to the place where he and his family are to settle down permanently even if it is other than his declared home town. (ii) (Omitted). (iii) The concession may be availed of by a Government servant who is eligible for it, at any time during his leave preparatory to retirement, or within one year of the date of his retirement. Powers to extend the time-limit of one year will be exercised by the Administrative Ministries/Departments with the approval of the F.A. concerned, in individual cases attendant with special circumstances. (iv) The concession will be admissible to permanent Central Government servants who retire on a retiring pension or on superannuation, invalid or compensation pension. (v) The concession will also be admissible to temporary employees who retire on attaining the age of superannuation or are invalided or are retrenched from service, without being offered alternative employment, provided that they have put in a total


service of not less than 10 years under the Central Government at the time of retirement/invalidment/retrenchment. (vi) In the case of a person whose domicile is elsewhere than in India or who intends to reside permanently outside India after retirement, the concession will be admissible up to the railway station nearest to the port of his embarkation. In the case of such a person who travels by air, the concession of travelling allowance by rail/road under these Orders will be admissible up to the airport of emplacement for himself and members of his family and up to the port of despatch for his personal effects. (vii) Where an officer is re-employed under the Central Government while he is on leave preparatory to retirement or within six months of the date of his retirement, the concession admissible under these orders may be allowed to be availed of by him within one year of the expiry of the period of his re-employment. (viii) A Government servant will be eligible to the retirement travelling allowance concession in full, notwithstanding the fact that he had availed of leave travel concession to home town or any place in India during one year preceding the date of retirement or commencement of leave preparatory to retirement. 3. Non-admissibilityThe concession is not admissible to Government servants (a) who quit service by resignation; or (b) who may be dismissed or removed from service; or

(c) who are temporary employees with less than ten years of service retiring on superannuation/invalidation/retrenchment. 4. The Travelling Allowance claims admissible under these Orders will be drawn on Travelling Allowance Bill forms like Transfer Travelling Allowance claims. The claims of officers who were their own controlling officers before retirement, will, however, be countersigned by the next superior administrative authority. The claim of an officer who before retirement was employed as the Comptroller and Auditor-General or as a Secretary to the Government of India may be countersigned by his successor in office. The certificate required to be furnished by the officers in respect of Transfer Travelling Allowance claims will also be required to be furnished in respect of claims of Travelling Allowance under these orders.

5. Before reimbursing the Travelling Allowance admissible under these orders, the countersigning authorities should satisfy themselves, as far as possible, that the claimant and members of his family actually performed the journey to the home town or the other place to which he might have proceeded to settle there, e.g., by requiring the production of original railway vouchers relating to transportation of personal effects, conveyance, etc. [ClarificationThe checks prescribed on retirement travelling allowance claims would be with reference to duties and powers of the controlling officers enumerated under SR 195 and no separate set of guidelines would be necessary vide E.I., M.F., D.O., Dy. No. 1914-IV/89, dated
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the 7 December, 1989, in reply to C.&A.G., U.O. No. 1009-A.I./82-86, dated the 1 November, 1989.]

6. Payment of Travelling Allowance claims under these orders may be made by the Treasury Officer in relaxation of Rule 21 of the Central Treasury Rates, i.e., may make the payment of such claims even after the issue of a last pay certificate and without asking the retired officer to surrender the last pay certificate which will be required for the purpose of the finalization of his pension.
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[G.I., M.F., No. 5(109)-E.IV/57, dated the 11 July, 1960; No. 5(3)-E. IV (B)/60, dated the

18 January, 1961; No. 5(5)-E.IV(B)/62, dated the 17 May, 1962; No. 5(109)-E. IV/57, dated the


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11 October, 1962; No. 5 (70)-E. IV (B)/64. dated the 12 January, 1965; No. 5 (54)-E. IV(B)65, dated the 16 February, 1966; No. 19030/1/73-E.IV(B), dated the 29 June, 1974 and the 18

February, 1975; No. 19018/1/74-E.IV(B) dated the 1 June, 1976; No. 19016/1/75-E.IV(B) dated
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the 24 February, 1977; No. 19016/2/76-E. IV (B), dated the 25 April, 1977; No. 19030/1/76-E.
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IV (B), dated the 30 January, 1978; No. 19016/1/78-E.IV(B), dated the 14 February, 1979; No.
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19018/86-E.IV dated the 13 February, 1986; No. 19016/1/86-E.IV, dated the 18 August, 1986;
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No. 19030/5/86-E.IV, dated the 24 August, 1987; No. 19018/1.93-E. IV, dated the 13 July, 1993

and O.M. No. 19016/1/94-E. IV, dated the 8 July, 1994.] II. For settling down at the last station of duty/within short distance:- It has been decided that in cases where the Government servant wishes to settle down permanently at the last station of duty, travelling allowance may be allowed to the extent indicated below, provided the Government servant concerned is required to change his residence as a result of his retirement: (a) Self and familyActual cost of conveyance but not exceeding the road mileage allowance admissible under SR 116 (a)/II (i)/ and (ii). (b) Personal effectsActual cost of transportation not exceeding the amount admissible under SR 116 (a) II (iii). (c) Transportation of ConveyanceAn allowance for car/scooter/motor cycle at the rates notified by the concerned Directorate of Transport for taxi/auto-rickshaws. Where the above allowance is claimed, mileage allowance will not be admissible to the Government servant/members of family travelling by the conveyance. If they travel otherwise than by the conveyance they will be entitled to the mileage allowance as per SR 116 (a) II (i) and (ii). Note 1.No lumpsum or any other travelling allowance concession will be admissible. Note 2.For the purpose of this Order, the term last station of duty will be interpreted to mean the area falling within the jurisdiction of the Municipality or Corporation, including such of suburban municipalities, notified areas or cantonments as are contiguous to the named municipality, etc., where the Government servant was posted immediately before his retirement. The admissibility of travelling allowance as above will also be subject to other conditions for the grant of travelling allowance on retirement as contained in Order (1) above as amended from time to time.

[G.I., M.F., O.M. No. 19016/1/81-E. IV, dated the 13 August, 1981.] Note 3.No lumpsum transfer grant is admissible for transfer/setting down on retirement at last station of duty or within relatively short distance from the old headquarters. Hence no packing allowance is admissible in such cases.
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[C. & A.G. New Delhi, Letter No. 216-Audit 1/4-86, dated the 15 October, 1986 and the 26 February, 1987.] 7.1 Travelling Allowance Rules Implementation of the Sixth Report. Central Pay Commission

7.2 The undersigned is directed to say that in pursuance of the decisions taken by the Government on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission relating to Travelling Allowance entitlements, sanction of the President is conveyed to the modifications in the Travelling Allowance Rules as set out in the Annexure to this Office Memorandum in so far as they apply to civilian employees of the Central Government. Separate orders will be issued by the Ministries of Defence and railways in respect of their personnel.


7.3 The Grade Pay for determining the TA/DA entitlement is as indicated in Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 2008. 7.4 The term pay for the purpose of these orders refer to basic pay as defined in Rule 3(8) of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules ,2008 and includes the revised non-practicing allowance, if any admissible in addition. 7.4 In respect of these employees who opt to continues in their pre-revised scales of pay , the corresponding Grade Pay of the pay scales of the post occupied on 1/1/2006 would determine the TA/DA entitlements under these orders . However, for determining the Composite Transfer Grant for such employees, the term pay shall also include, in addition to the basic pay in the pre-revised Scales, stagnation increments, dearness Pay and NPA a per orders in force on 1/1/2006. 7.5 These orders shall take effect from 1st September , 2008. However , if the Travelling Allowance entitlements in terms of the revised entitlements now prescribed result in a lowering of the exiting entitlements in the case of any individual ,groups or classes of accommodation, etc, shall not be lowered. They will instead continue to be governed by the earlier orders on the subject till such time as they become eligible, in the normal course, for the higher entitlements. 7.6 The claims submitted in respect of journey made on or after 1st September,2008, may be regulated in accordance with these orders. 7.8 It may be noted that no additional funds will be provided on account of revision in TA/DA entitlements. It may therefore be ensured that permission to official travel is given judiciously and restricted only to absolutely essential officials requirements. 7.9 In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit & Accounts Department are concerned these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India. (Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure OM No.19030/3/2008-E.IV, New Delhi , the 23rd September,2008) 8.1 The undersigned is directed to refer Para 3 of Annexure to this Deptt OM even no dated 23/9/2008 regarding Travelling Allowance Rules- Implementation of the Sixth Central Commission. 8.2 It is clarified that the present provision of Government of India order 7 below of SR-46 reimbursement of Taxi/Auto Charges from Residence to Railway station /Air port, etc., and back headquarter station as well as for the Railway station /Airport etc, to the place of stay and back at the station of tour will continue to be applicable in addition to reimbursement of Taxi/travel charges within the city (refer Para 3 of Annexure to this Deptt. OM of even no dated 23/9/2008. 8.3 In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit & Accounts Department are concerned, these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India. (Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure OM No.19030/3/2008-E.IV Branch New Delhi , 14 October,2008) 9.1 Consequent upon the issue of this Departments O.M. of even numbered dated 23/09/2008 on the subject cited above, a number of queries have been received regarding the implementation of revised TA Rules. Some of the points raised through the references are as under:-


Whether receipt for reimbursement of food bill and travel charger for travel within city are to be produced by the Government servant mandatorily? (ii) How would DA be paid to an employee, who does not stay in a hotel/guest house and makes his /her own arrangement? (iii) In case the employee, in course of the tour, stays in Government Guest House And does not pay any charges towards the room, how daily allowance will be paid to him/her? (iv) In case a person during his/her tour returns to the headquarter within twelve hours, what will be the rate of DA payable to him/her? 9.2 In terms of Sixth CPCs recommendations regarding Travelling Allowance/Daily Allowance on tour as accepted by the Government, it is clarified that with the revision of TA/DA Rules as circulated vide this Departments OM No.19030/32/2008-E.IV dated 23rd September, 2008, Daily Allowance in monetary terms is no longer admissible to Central Government Employees on tour. It is further clarified that only the actual expenditure incurred within the prescribed limits will be reimbursed as per normal procedure of reimbursement. (Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure OM No.19030/3/2008-E.IV, New Delhi, the 19th November, 2008)


10.1 Consequent upon the issue of this Departments OM of even number dated 23/09/2008 and 19//11/2008 on the subject cited above, references have been received regarding Para 3 of OM dated 23/09/2008on daily allowance on tour. 10.2 Keeping in view the references received, it is advised that rates of Daily Allowance on Tour may be regulated either in accordance with the provisions of this Departments OM dated23/9/2008, or per the old rates prevalent prior to the issue of the said OM, whichever is claimed by the employee. The option to claim will be available as a complete package for a particular tour and not by taking part of either orders. In other words, officers may choose to be governed either by orders dated 23/09/2008 or dated 17 April, 1998, in regard to daily allowance on tour. 10.3 In case the rate of Daily Allowance on tour is regulated as per old rates prevalent prior to issue of the said OM ,dated 23/09/2008, (a) the revised pay range, i.e. pay in the pay band for the purpose of regulation of Daily Allowance only would be as under:

Pay range (as per OM) Rs 16,400 and Above Rs.8000 and Above but less than Rs 16,400 Rs.6500 and Above but less than Rs 8,000 Rs4,100 and Above but less than Rs 6,500

Revised pay in the pay band Rs 30,500 and Above Rs15,000 and Above but less than Rs 30,500 Rs 12,500 and Above but less than Rs 15,000 Rs.8000 and Above but less than Rs 12,500

Below Rs 4,100

Below Rs 8000


In respect of officers in HAG and the apex scale ,the basic pay as defined in CCS (RP Rules will be considered for determination of entitlement of Daily Allowance. b) The classification of cities/towns, as per orders prevalent with the old rates as precluded vide OM dated 17/04/1998 will continue to apply. 10.4 TA claims already settled as on the date of issue these orders may not be re-opened.

(Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure OM No.19030/3/2008-E.IV, Dated, 22 January, 2009)





In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951), the Central Government after consultation with the Governments of the State concerned, hereby makes the following rules, namely: 1. Short title and commencement. 1(1) 1(2) These rules may be called the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. DefinitionsIn these rules, unless the context otherwise requires 2.(a) Government means (i) in the case of a member of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the Union, the Central Government; or (ii) in the case of a member of the Service serving under a Foreign Government or outside India (whether on duty or on leave), the Central Government; or (iii) in the case of a member of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of a State, the Government of that State; ExplanationA member of the Service whose services are placed at the disposal of a company, corporation or other organisation or a local authority by the Central Government or the Government or the Government of a State shall for the purpose of these rules, be deemed to be a member of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the Union or in connection with the affairs of that State, as the case may be, notwithstanding that his salary is drawn from the sources other than the Consolidated Fund of India or the Consolidated Fund of that State; 2.(b) member of family, in relation to a member of the service, includes (i) the wife or husband as the case may be of such member, whether residing with (such member)2 or not, but does not include a wife or husband separated from the member of the Service by a decree or order of competent court; (ii) the son or daughter or the step-son or step-daughter of such member and wholly dependent 1(on such member) but does not include a child or step-child who is no longer in any way dependent (on such member) or of whose custody the member of the Service has been deprived by or under any law; and (iii) any other person related, whether by blood or marriage, to such member or to his or her wife or husband, as the case may be, and wholly dependent on such member.

1 2

Published vide Notification No.8/91/62AIS(III) dated 18.12.1968 (GSR No.3 dt. 04.01.1969) Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No.11017/23/77AIS(II) dated 19.04.78 (GSR No.583 dt. 06.05.1978)


2.(c) member of the Service means a member of an All India Service as defined in section 2 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951)

(cc)NonGovernmental Organisation (NGO) means any organization other than an Organisation owned or controlled by the Central Government, a State Government or an International Organisation or agency;

Explanation: International Organisation in this rule will include a multilateral body at the International level in which India is a member.


Private undertaking includes a company, firm or association or body of individuals.

3. General. 3(1)Every member of the Service shall at all times maintain absolute integrity and devotion to duty and shall do nothing which is unbecoming of a member of the Service. 3(2) Every member of the Service shall take all possible steps to ensure integrity of, and devotion to duty by, all Government servants for the time being under his control and authority.

(2A)Every member of the service shall in the discharge of his duties act in a courteous manner and shall not adopt dilatory tactics in his dealings with the public or otherwise.


(i) No member of the Service shall, in the performance of his official duties, or in the exercise of powers conferred on him, act otherwise than in his own best judgment to be true and correct except when he is acting under the direction of his official superior.

(ii) The direction of the official superior shall ordinarily be in writing. Where the issue of oral direction becomes unavoidable, the official superior shall confirm it in writing immediately thereafter. (iii) A member of the Service who has received oral direction from his official superior shall seek confirmation of the same in writing, as early as possible and in such case, it shall be the duty of the official superior to confirm the direction in writing. Explanation I. A member of the Service who habitually fails to perform a task assigned to him within the time set for the purpose and with the quality of performance expected of him shall be deemed to be lacking in devotion to duty within the meaning of the sub-rule (1); Explanation II: Nothing in clause (i) of sub-rule (3) shall be construed as empowering a Government servant to evade his responsibilities by seeking instructions from or approval of, a superior officer or authority when such instructions are not necessary under the scheme of distribution of powers and responsibilities.
3 4 5

Inserted vide Notification No.11017/18/96AIS(III),dated 16.11.1998 (GSR No.228 dt.28.11.1998) Inserted Vide DP&T Notification No. 11017/27/93AIS(III) dated 13.01.1995(GSR No.52 dt. 04.02.1995) Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 11017/27/93-AIS(III) dated 13.01.1995 (GSR No. 52 dt. 04.02.1995) 6 Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No. 11017/2/79AIS(III) dated 24.08.1979 (GSR No. 1122 dt. 08.09.1979) 7 Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 11017/39/86AIS(III) dated 01.01.1987 (GSR No. 34 dt. 17.01.1987)


(iv) Prohibition regarding employment of children below 14 years of age: No member of the Service shall employ to work any child below the age of 14 years.

4. Employment of near relatives in companies or firms. 4.(1) No member of the Service shall use his position or influence directly or indirectly to secure employment for any member of his family with any private undertaking or 9Non- Government Organisation. 4(2)(a) No member of the Service shall, except with the previous sanction of the Government, permit (a member of his family) to accept employment with any private undertaking or 10NGO having official dealings with the Government. Provided that where the acceptance of such employment cannot await the sanction of the Government or is otherwise considered urgent, the matter shall be reported to the Government, and the employment may be accepted provisionally subject to the sanction of the Government. 4(2)(b) A member of the Service shall, as soon as he becomes aware of the fact of acceptance by a member of his family of an employment with any private undertaking or 11NGO report to the Government the fact of such acceptance and also whether he has or has had any official dealings with that private undertaking or 12NGO Provided that no such report shall be necessary if the member of the Service has already obtained sanction of, or sent a report to, the Government under clause (a). 4(3)(a) No member of the Service shall in the discharge of his official duties, deal with any matter relating to, or award any contract in favour of a private undertaking NGO or any other person, if any members of his family is employed in that private undertaking or NGO under that person or if he or any member of his family is interested in such private undertaking or NGO or other person in any other manner. 4(3)(b) In any case referred to in clause (a), the member of the Service shall refer the matter to his official superior and the case shall thereafter be disposed of according to the instructions of the official superior. 5. Taking part in politics and elections. 5(1) No member of the Service shall be a member of, or be otherwise associated with, any political party or any organization which takes part in politics, nor shall he take part in, or subscribe in aid of, or assist in any other manner, any political movement or political activity. 5(2) It shall be the duty of every member of the Service to endeavour to prevent any member of his family from taking part in or subscribing in aid of or assisting in any other manner, any movement of, activity which is, or
8 9

Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No. 11017/25/99AIS(III) dated 01.02.2000 (GSR No. 51 dt. 12.02.2000) Inserted vide Notification No. 11017/18/96AIS(III) dated 16.11.9198 (GSR No.228 dated 28.11.1998) Inserted vide Notification No. 11017/18/96AIS(III) dated 16.11.1998 (GSR No. 228 dated 28.11.1998) 11 Inserted vide Not. No. 11017/18/96AIS(III) dated 16.11.1998 (GSR No.228 dated 28.11.1998) 12 Inserted vide Not. No. 11017/18/96AIS(III) dated 16.11.1998 (GSR No.228 dated 28.11.1998)


tends directly or indirectly to be subversive of the Government as by law established, and where a member of the Service is unable to prevent member of his family from taking part in or subscribing in aid of, or assisting in any other manner, any such movement of activity, he shall make a report to that effect to the Government. 5(3) If any question arises whether any movement or activity falls within the scope of this rule, the question shall be referred to the Government for its decision. 5(4) No member of the Service shall canvass or otherwise interfere with, or use his influence in connection with, or take part in, an election to any legislature or local authority: Provided that (i) a member of the Service qualified to vote at any such election may exercise his right to vote but where he does so he shall give no indication of the manner in which he proposes to vote or has voted, and (ii) a member of the Service shall not be deemed to have contravened the provisions of this sub-rule by reason only that he has assisted in the conduct of an election in the due performance of a duty imposed on him by or under any law for the time being in force. Explanation The display by member of the Service, on his person, vehicle or residence of any electoral symbol shall amount to using his influence in connection with an election, within the meaning of this sub-rule. 6. Connection with press or radioPrevious sanction of the Government shall not be required when the member of the service, in the bonafide discharge of his duties or otherwise, publishes a book or contributes to or participates in a public media. Provided that he shall observe the provisions of rules and at all times make it clear that the views expressed, are of his own and not those of the Government. 7. Criticism of Government.No member of the Service shall, in any radio broadcast 14or communication over any public media or in any document published anonymously, pseudonymously or in his own name or in the name of any other person or in any communication to the press or in any public utterance, make any statement of fact or opinion, i. ii. iii. Which has the effect of an adverse criticism of any current or recent policy or action of the Central Government or a State Government; or which is capable of embarrassing the relations between the Central Government and any State Government; or which is capable of embarrassing the relations between the Central Government and the Government of any Foreign State:

13 14

Substituted vide Notification No.11017/27/93AIS(III) dated 13.01.1995 (GSR No. 52 dt. 04.02.1995) Inserted vide Notification No. 11017/27/93AIS(III) dated 13.01.1995 (GSR No. 52 dt. 04.02.1995)


Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to any statement made or views expressed by a member of the Service in his official capacity and in the due performance of the duties assigned to him. (GOI Instructions: D.P. & A.R. letter No. 11017/9/75AIS(III), dated the 2nd March, 1976, reproduced under Miscellaneous Executive Instructions at the end of these Rules) 8. Evidence before committees, etc. 8(1) Save as provided in sub-rule (3), no member of the Service shall except with the previous sanction of the Government, give evidence in connection with any inquiry conducted by any person, committee or other authority. Where any sanction has been accorded under sub-rule (1) no member of the Service giving such evidence shall criticize the policy or any action of the Central Government or of a State Government. (a) evidence given at any inquiry before an authority appointed by the Government, or by Parliament or by a State Legislature; or


8(3) Nothing in this rule shall apply to 8(3)

8(3) (b) evidence given in any judicial inquiry; or 8(3) (c) evidence given at departmental inquiry ordered by any authority subordinate to the Government. 8(4) No member of the Service giving any evidence referred to in sub-rule (3) shall give publicity to such evidence.

9. Unauthorised communication of information. No member of the Service shall except in accordance with any general or special order of the Government or in the performance in good faith of duties assigned to him, communicate directly or indirectly any official document or part thereof or information to any Government servant or any other person to whom he is not authorised to communicate such document or information. Explanation.Quotation by a member of the Service (in his representations to the Head of Office or Head of Department or President) of, or from, any letter circular or office memorandum or from the notes on any file to which he is not authorised to have access, or which he is not authorised to keep in his personal custody or for personal purposes, shall amount to authorised communication of information within the meaning of this rule. 10. Subscriptions.No member of the Service shall, except with the previous sanction of the Government or of such authority as may be empowered by it in his behalf ask for, or accept, contributions to or otherwise associate himself with the raising of any fund or other collections in cash or in kind in pursuance of any object whatsoever.

11. Gifts 11(1) A member of the service may accept gifts from his near relatives or from his personal friends having no official dealings with them, on occasions such as wedding, anniversaries, funerals and religious functions when the


Inserted vide Notification No. 11017/27/93AIS(III) dated 13.01.1995 (GSR No. 52 dt. 04.02.1995)


making of gifts is in conformity with the prevailing religious and social practice, but he shall make a report to the Government if the value of such gift exceeds Rs.5,000/ . ExplanationFor the purposes of this rule gift includes free transport, free boarding, free lodging or any other service or pecuniary advantage when provided by a person other than a near relative or personal friend having no official dealings with the member of the Service but does not include a casual meal, casual lift or other social hospitality. 11(2) Save as otherwise provided in sub-rule (1), no member of the service shall accept any gift without the sanction of the Government if the value of gift exceeds Rs.1,000/. 11(3) Member of the Service shall avoid accepting lavish hospitality or frequent hospitality from persons having official dealings with them or from industrial or commercial firms or other organisations. 11A. Giving or taking of dowry. No member of the Service shall (i) give or take or abet the giving or taking of dowry; or (ii) demand, directly or indirectly, from the parents or guardian of a bride or bridegroom, as the case may be, any dowry. Explanation. For the purpose of the rule, dowry has the same meaning as in the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 (28 of 1961). 12. Public demonstrations in honour of Government Servants. 12(1) No member of the Service shall except with the previous sanction of the Government, receive any complimentary or valedictory address or accept any testimonial or attend any meeting or entertainment held in his honour or in the honour of any other Government Servant.: Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to (i) a farewell entertainment of a substantially private and informal character held in honour of a member of the Service or any other Government servant on the occasion of his retirement or transfer or of any person who has recently quit service of Government; or (ii) the acceptance of simple and inexpensive entertainments arranged by public bodies or institutions. 12(2) No member of the Service shall exercise pressure of any sort on any Government servant to induce him to subscribe towards any farewell entertainment even if it is of a substantially private and informal character. 13. Private trade or employment.1613(1) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (2), no member of the Service shall except, with the previous sanction of the Government, (a) engage directly or indirectly in any trade or business, or (b) negotiated for or undertake, any other employment, or

Substituted vide DP&T Notification No.11017/39/86AIS(III), dated 01.01.1987 (GSR No. 34 dt. 17.01.1987) & 25.01.1989


(c) hold an elective office, or canvass for a candidate or candidates for an elective office, in any body, whether incorporated or not, or (d) canvass in support of any business of insurance agency, commission agency etc. owned or managed by any member of his family, or (e) take part, except in the discharge of his official duties, in the registration, promotion or management of any bank or other company registered or required to be registered under the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956), or any other law for the time being in force, or of any co-operative society for commercial purposes.

(f) Participate in, or associate himself in any manner, in the making of: (i) a sponsored media (including radio, television programme, or (ii) a media programme commissioned by Government media, but produced by an outside agency, or (iii) a privately produced radio or television or other media programme including a video magazine. Provided that no previous permission shall be necessary in the case a member of the service participates in a programme produced by the Doordarshan on a subject dealt with by him in his official capacity.


(g) Involve or engage himself in the registration, promotion, management of other kinds of activities of any non-Governmental organization if the same is aided by the Central Government, State Government or an international organization or agency;

13 (2) A member of the Service may, without the previous sanction of the Government, (a) undertake honorary work of a social or charitable nature, or (b) undertake occasional work of a literary, artistic or scientific character, or (c) participate in sports activities as an amateur, or (d) take part in the registration, promotion or management (not involving the holding of an elective office) of a literary, scientific or charitable society, or of a club, or similar organisation, the aims or objectives of which relate to promotion of sports, cultural, or recreation activities, registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (21 of 1860), or any other law for the time being in force; or (e) take part in the registration, promotion or management (not involving the holding of an elective office) of a co-operative society substantially for the benefit of the members of the Service or government servants

17 18

Inserted vide Notification No. 11017/27/93AIS(III) dated 13.01.1995 (GSR No. 52 dt. 04.02.1995) Inserted vide Notification No. 11017/1/86AIS(III) dated 16.11.1998 (GSR No. 229 dt. 28.11.1998)


registered under the Co-operative Societies Act, 1912 (2 of 1912), or any other law for the time being in force in any State : Provided that, (i) he shall discontinue taking part in such activities if so directed by the Government; and (ii) in a case falling under clause (d), or clause (e) of this sub-rule, his official duties shall not suffer thereby and he shall, within a period of one month of his taking part in such activity, report to the Government giving details of the nature of his participation.

13(3) Every member of the Service shall, if any member of his family is engaged in a trade or business, or owns or manages an insurance agency or commission agency, report that fact to the Government. 13(4) No member of the Service shall accept any fee for any work done for any public body or for any private person without the sanction of the Government.

Explanation:Fee means a recurring or non-recurring payment made, whether directly or indirectly to a member of the Service from a source other than the Consolidated Fund of India or the Consolidated Fund of a State, but does not include : (a) (b) unearned income such as income from property, dividends and interest on securities; and Income from literary, cultural, artistic, scientific, or technological efforts and income from participation in sports activities as an amateur.


13(5) Contesting election to sports bodies etc.:- Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (2) of rule 13, no member of the service shall, except with the previous sanction of the Central Government:(i) hold an elective office in any sports association/ federation/ body, by whatever name known at State/ National level for a term of more than 4 years or for one term, whichever is less: provided that this restriction will not apply to functionaries like the District Magistrate, Superintendent of Police etc. when they hold posts in ex-officio capacity at Divisional/ District/ Sub-divisional/ Taluk levels; Canvass either for his own candidature or for any other person for holding elective office in such sports bodies is mentioned in clause (i) above. While canvassing for contesting elections either on his own behalf or any other person, indulge in conduct and becoming a member of the service. Shall proceed on travel abroad in connection with the work or other activities of any sports bodies described in clause (i) above without prior cadre clearance from the Central Government





Substituted vide DP&T Notification No. 11017/39/86AIS(III) dated 01.01.1987 (GSR No. 34 dt. 17.01.1987) & 25.01.1998 20 Inserted vide Notification No. 11017/9/92AIS(III) dated 27.09.1995 (G.S.R. No. 452 dt. 14.10.1995)


13A Use of Government accommodation: No member of the service shall sub-let, lease or otherwise allow occupation by any other person, of Government accommodation which has been allotted to him. 14. Investment, lending and borrowing.


14 (1) No member of the Service shall speculate in any stock, share or other investments but this provision will not apply to occasional investment made through Stock-brokers or other persons duly authorised on licence under the relevant law.

Explanation. Frequent purchase or sale or both of shares, securities or other investments shall be deemed to be speculation within the meaning of this sub-rule. 14 (2) No member of the service shall make or permit any member of his family or any person acting on his behalf to make, any investment which is likely to embarrass or influence him in the discharge of his official duties. For this purpose, any purchase of shares from out of the quotas reserved for Directors or their friends and associates, shall be deemed to be an investment which is likely to embarrass the Government Servant. 14 (3) If any question arises whether any transaction is of the nature referred to in sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (2), it shall be referred to the Government for its decision. 14 (4) (i) No member of the Service shall save in the ordinary course of business with a bank or a public limited company, himself or through any member of his family or any person acting on his behalf. (a) lend or borrow or deposit money as a principle or agent, to, or from, or with, any person or firm or private limited company within the local limits of his authority or with whom he is likely to have official dealings or otherwise place himself under pecuniary obligation to such person or firm; or lend money to any person at interest or in manner whereby return in money or kind is charged or paid;


Provided that a member of the Service may give to, or accept from a relative or a personal friend a purely temporary loan of small amount free of interest or operate a credit account with a bonafide tradesman or make an advance of pay to his private employee : Provided further that nothing in this sub-rule shall apply in respect of any transaction, entered into by a member of the Service with the previous sanction of the Government. 14(4)(ii) When a member of the Service is appointed or transferred to a post of such nature as would involve him in the breach of any of the provisions of sub-rule (2) or sub-rule (4), he shall, forthwith report the circumstances to the Government and shall thereafter act in accordance with such order as may be made by the Government.

21 22

Inserted vide Notification No. 11017/27/93AIS(III) dated 13.1.95 Inserted vide Notification No. 11017/27/93AIS(III) dated 13.1.95


15. Insolvency and habitual indebtedness. 15 (1) A member of the Service shall so manage his private affairs as to avoid habitual indebtedness or insolvency. 15 (2) A member of the Service against whom any legal proceedings is instituted for recovery of any debt due from or for adjudging him as an insolvent, shall forthwith report the full acts of such legal proceedings to the Government. 15 (3) The burden of proving that indebtedness or insolvency is the result of circumstances which, with the exercise of ordinary diligence, the member of the Service could not have foreseen or over which he had no control, and has not proceeded from extravagant or dissipated habits, shall be upon him. 16. Movable, immovable and valuable property. 16 (1) Every person shall, where such person is a member of the Service at the commencement of these rules, before such date after such commencement as may be specified by the Government in this behalf, or where such person becomes a member of the Service after such commencement, on his first appointment to the Service, submit a return of his assets and liabilities in such form as may be prescribed by the Government giving the full particulars regarding : (a) the immovable property owned by him, or inherited or acquired by him or held by him on lease or mortgage, either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family or in the name of any other person; shares, debentures, postal Cumulative Time Deposits and cash including bank deposits inherited by him or similarly owned, acquired or held by him; other movable property inherited by him or similarly owned, acquired or held by him; and debts and other liabilities incurred by him directly or indirectly


(c) (d)

NOTE I. In all returns, the values of items of movable property worth less than an amount equal to two months basic pay of the member of Service*, in value may be added and shown as a lump sum. The value of articles of daily use such as clothes, utensils, crockery and books need not be included in such return NOTE II. Where a member of an All India Service is appointed as a member of another All India Service, he shall not be required to submit a fresh return under this sub-rule.

16(2) Every member of the Service shall submit an annual return in such form as may be prescribed by the Government in this regard, giving full particulars regarding the immovable property inherited by him or owned or acquired by him or held by him on lease or mortgage, either in his own

Substituted vide Notification No.11017/45/76AIS(III) dated 11.01.1978 (GSR No.151 dt, 28.01.1978) *Substituted vide Notification No.11017/5-A/2011AIS(III) dated 05.05.2011 (GSR No. 363(E) dt. 05.05.2011)



name or in the name of any member of his family or in the name of any other person. 16(3) No member of the Service shall, except with the previous knowledge of the Government, (a) acquire any immovable property by lease, mortgage, purchase, gift or otherwise, either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family; or dispose of by lease, mortgage, sale gift or otherwise any immovable property owned by him or held by him either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family:


Provided that the previous sanction of the Government shall be obtained if any such transaction is with a person having official dealings with the member of the Service.

16 (4) Every member of the Service shall intimate the Government in respect of each transaction, whose value exceeds 25two months basic pay of the member of Service within a month of the completion of such transaction.

Provided that the previous sanction of the Government shall be obtained if any such transaction is with a person having official dealings with the member of the Service.

16 (5) The Government or any authority empowered by it in this behalf may, at any time, by general or special order, require a member of the Service to furnish within a period specified in the order, a full and complete statement of such movable or immovable property held or acquired by him or on his behalf or by any member of his family as may be specified in the order and such statement shall if so required by the Government or by the authority so empowered, include details of the means by which, or the source from which such property was acquired. Explanation I. For the purpose of this rule, the expression movable property includes inter alia the following property, namely : (a) jewellery, insurance policies the annual premia of which exceeds *two months basic pay of the member of Service, shares, securities and debentures; (b) loans advanced by or to such member of the Service, whether secured or not; (c) motor cars, motor cycles, horses, or any other means of conveyance; and (d) refrigerators, radiograms and television sets. Explanation II. For the purpose of this rule, lease means, except where it is obtained from, or granted to, a foreign national or foreign mission or a foreign organisation controlled by, or associated with, foreign missions, or a person having

Substituted vide DP&T Notification No. 11017/85/84AIS(III) dated 15.10.1985 (GSR No. 1009 dt. 02.11.1985) Substituted vide Notification No.11017/5-A/2011AIS(III) dated 05.05.2011 (GSR No. 363(E) dt. 05.05.2011) 26 Substituted vide DP&T Notification No. 11017/85/84AIS(III) dated 15.10.1985 (GSR No. 1009 dt. 02.11.1985) 27 Explanation renumbered as Explanation, words and radiograms Substituted by words radiograms and televisions sets and Explanation II inserted vide DP&T Not.No.5/23/72 AIS(III) dt.27.07.1774 (GSR No.834 dt. 10.08.1974) *Substituted vide Notification No.11017/5-A/2011AIS(III) dated 05.05.2011 (GSR No. 363(E) dt. 05.05.2011)



official dealings with the member of the Service, a lease of immovable property from year to year or for any term exceeding one year or receiving a yearly rent. 16A. Transaction in immovable property outside India:Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (3) of rule 16, no member of the Services shall except with the previous sanction of the Government, 16A (a) acquire by lease, mortgage, purchase, gift or otherwise, either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family, any immovable property situated outside India; or 16A (b) dispose of by mortgage, sale, gift or otherwise, or grant any lease in respect of, any immovable property situated outside India which was acquired or is held by him either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family; or 16A (c) enter into any transaction with any foreigner, foreign Government, foreign organisation or concern, (i) for the acquisition, by lease, mortgage, purchase, gift or otherwise, either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family, or any immovable property. (ii) for the disposal of, by mortgage, sale, gift or otherwise, or the grant of any lease in respect of any, immovable property which was acquired or is held by him either in his own name or inthe name of any member of his family 17. Vindication of acts and character of members of the Service:No member of the Service shall, except with he previous sanction of the Government have recourse to any court or to the press for the vindication of official act which has been the subject matter of adverse criticism or attack of a defamatory character. 28 Provided that if no such sanction is conveyed to by the Government within 12 weeks from the date of receipt of the request, the member of the service shall be free to assume that the sanction sought for has been granted to him. Explanation.Nothing in this rule shall be deemed to prohibit a member of the Service from vindicating his private character or any act done by him in his private capacity. Provided that he shall submit a report to the Government regarding such action. 29 17A. Observance of cultural norms: Every member of the service in his personal capacity or otherwise shall (i) observe strictly, the existing policies regarding age of marriage, preservation of the Environment, Wild Life and Cultural heritage: (ii) observe the existing policies regarding crime against women and (iii) observe the two children family norms. 18. Canvassing. No member of the Service shall bring or attempt to bring any political or other influence to bear upon any superior authority to further interests in respect of matters pertaining to his service under the Government 30 19. Restriction regarding marriage.

28 29

Inserted vide Notification No.11017/27/93AIS(III) dated 13.01.1995 (GSR No. 52 dt. 04.02.1995) Inserted vide Notification No. 11017/27/93AIS(III) dated 13.01.1995 (GSR No. 52 dt. 04.02.1995) 30 Substituted/Added vide DP&AR Notification No. 9/32/70AIS(III) dated 10.03.1971 (GSR No. 419 dt. 27.03.1971)


19 (1) No member of the Service shall enter into, or contract a marriage with a person having a spouse living; and 19 (2) no member of the Service having a spouse living, shall enter into, or contract, a marriage with any person: Provided that the Government may permit a member of the Service to enter into or contract, any such marriage as is referred to in clause (1) or clause (2) if it is satisfied that (a) Such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such member of the Service and the other party to the marriage and (b) there are other grounds for so doing. 19 (3) A member of the Service who has married or marries a person other than of Indian Nationality shall forthwith intimate the fact to the Government. 20. Consumption of intoxicating drinks and drugs.A member of the Service shall 20(a) strictly abide by any law relating in intoxicating drinks or drugs in force in any area in which he may happen to be for the time being; 31 20(b) not be under the influence of any intoxicating drink or drug during the course of his duty and shall also take due care that the performance of his duties at any time is not affected in any way by the influence of such drink or drug;

20.(bb) not consume any intoxicating drink or drug in a public place; 20(c) not appear in a public place in a state of intoxication; 20(d) not use such drinks or drugs to excess.

Explanation. For the purpose of this rule, public place means any place or premises (including a conveyance) to which the public have or are permitted to have, access whether on payment or otherwise. 21. Interpretation. If any doubt arises as to the interpretation of these rules, the Central Government shall decide the same. 22. Delegation of powers. The Government may, by general or special order, direct that any power exercisable by it under these rules (except the power under rule 21 or the power under this rule) shall, subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the order, be exercisable also by such officer or authority as may be specified in the order. 23. Ceaser and saving. The All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1954 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules), shall cease to be in force: Provided that the ceaser shall not affect (a) (b) the previous operation of, or anything duly done or suffered under, the said rule; or any right, privilege, obligation, liability acquired, accrued or incurred under the said rules; or


31 32

Substituted vide MHA Notification No. 9/2/70AIS(III) dated 23.05.1970 (GSR No. 876 dt. 10.08.1974) Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No.5/23/72AIS(III) dated 27.07.1974 (GSR No. 834 dt. 10.08.1974) 33 Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No.5/23/72AIS(III) dated 27.07.1974 (GSR No. 834 dt. 10.08.1974)


(c) (d)

any penalty or punishment incurred under the said rules; or any investigation, legal proceeding or remedy in respect of any such right, privilege, obligation, liability penalty or punishment as aforesaid; and any such investigation, legal proceeding or remedy may be instituted, continued or enforced and any such penalty or punishment may be imposed as if the said rules had not ceased to be in force. [No. 8/91/62AIS(III), dated 18-12-1968. (GSR No. 3, dt. 4-1-69)].



I. FORMS USED TO PROVIDE INFORMATION/RETURNS UNDER VARIOUS RULES FORM I [See Government of Indias Instructions (1) and (2) below rule 16.] Statement of Immovable property on appointment for the year....... 1. Name of Officer (in full) and Service ......................... to which the officer belongs. 2. Present post held ............................................. 3. Cadre of the state on which borne.............................. 4. Present Pay: .................................................. Inapplicable clause to be struck out.
Name of Name and detailsPresent districts, of Property Value subDivision, Taluk and village in which property is situated 1.Housing and other buildings 2. Lands If not in own name, state in whose name held and his/her relationship to the members of the Service How acquired Annual Remarks whether by purchase, income lease, mortgage, from inheritance, gift or of property otherwise with date of acquisition and name with details of person/ persons from whom acquired.

Signature ................... Date ......................... Note. This declaration form is required to be filled in and submitted by every member of the IAS/I.P.S. under rule 16(5) of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 on first appointment to the Service, and thereafter at the interval of every twelve months, giving particulars of all immovable property owned, acquired or inherited by him or held by him on lease or mortgage, either in his own or in the name of any member of his family or in the name of any other person. FORMII [See Government of Indias Instruction 27 below Rule 16.] Form for giving prior intimation of seeking previous sanction under Rule 16(3) of the AIS (Conduct) Rules, 1968 for transactions in respect of immovable property. 1. Name and designation :


2. Scale of pay and present pay 3. Purpose of application sanctions for transaction/prior intimation of transaction: 5. Probable date of acquisition/disposal of property 6. Mode of acquisition/disposal 7. (a) Full details about location, viz, municipal No., Street/Village, Taluk, District and State in which situated (b) Description of the property, in the case of cultivable land, dry or irrigated land (c) Whether freehold or lease hold (d) Whether the applicants interest in the property is in full or part. (In case of partial interest, the extent of such interest must be indicated) (e) In case the transaction in not exclusively in the name of the Government servant, particulars of ownership and share of each member 8. Sale/purchase price of the property, (Market value in the case of gifts) 9. In case of acquisition, source or sources from which financed/proposed to be financed: (a) personal savings : (b) other source giving details. 10. In the case of disposal of property, was requisite sanction/intimation obtained/given for its acquisition (A copy of the sanction/ acknowledgement to be attached 11.(a) Name and address of the party with whom transaction is proposed to be made. (b) Is the party related to the applicant? If so, state the relationship. (c)

: :

4. Whether property is being acquired or disposed of : : :

: : :

: : :

: : :

Did the applicant have any dealings with the party in his official capacity at any time, or is the applicant likely to have any dealings with him in the near future? :

(d) How was the transaction arranged? (Whether through any statutory body or a private agency through advertisement or through friends and relatives.


Full particulars to be given) 12. In the case of acquisition by gifts, whether sanction is also required under Rule 11 of the AIS (Conduct) Rules, 1968. 13. Any other relevant fact, which the applicant may like to mention. Declaration

: :

I,..hereby declare that the particulars given above are true. I request that I may be given permission to acquire/dispose of property as described above form/ to the party whose name is mentioned in item 11 above. OR I,..hereby intimate the proposed acquisition/disposal of property by me as detailed above. I declare that the particulars given above are true. Station : Date : Signature: Designations:

Note: 1. In the above form, different portions may be used according to requirement. 2. Where previous sanction is asked for, the application should be submitted at least 30days before the proposed date of the transaction. FORMIII [See Government of Indias Instruction 27 below Rule 16.] Form for giving intimation or seeking previous sanction under Rule 16(4) of AIS (Conduct) Rules, 1968 for transaction in respect of movable property. 1. Name of the Government servant 2. Scale of pay and present pay 3. Purpose of application-sanction for transaction/ intimation of transaction : : :

4. Whether property is being acquired or disposed of : 5. (a) Probable date of acquisition/disposal of property : (b) If property is already acquired/disposal of, Actual date of transaction. 6. (a) Description of the property e.g. Car/Scooter/ Motorcycle/Refrigerator/Radio/ Radiogram/ jewellery/loans/insurance policies etc.) (b) Make, model (and also registration number, in case of vehicles), where necessary 7. Mode of acquisition/disposal(purchase, sale, gift, mortgage, lease or otherwise). 8. Scale/purchase price of the property (market value in the case of gifts) :

: : : :


9. In case of acquisition, source or sources from which financed/proposed to be financed (a) personal savings (b) other source giving details. 10. In the case of disposal of property, was requisite sanction/intimation obtained/given for its acquisition, a copy of the sanction / acknowledgement to be attached 11.a. Name and address of the party with whom transaction is proposed to be made. b. Is the party related to the applicant? If so, state the relationship. c. Did the applicant have any dealings with the party in his official capacity at any time, or is the applicant likely to have any dealings with him in the near future? d. Nature of official dealing with the party.

: : :

: : :

: ;

e. How was the transaction arranged? (Whether through any statutory body or a private agency through advertisement or through friends and relatives Full particulars to be given). : 12. In the case of acquisition by gifts, whether sanction is also required under Rule 11 of the AIS (Conduct) Rules,1968. : 13. Any other relevant fact, which the applicant may like to mention. Declaration I,..hereby declare that the particulars given above are true. I request that I may be given permission to acquire/dispose of property as described the above form/ to the party whose name is mentioned in item 11 above. OR I,..hereby intimate the proposed acquisition/disposal of property by me as detailed above. I declare that the particulars given above are true. Station : Date : Note:1. 2. Signature: Designations: In the above form, different portions may be used according to requirement. Where previous sanction is asked for, the application should be submitted at least 30days before the proposed date of the transaction. (DP&T Letter No. 11017/14/95AIS(III)dated 16.5.1995.) :


FORMIV [See Govt. of Indias decision No. 4 below rule 16]. Form of report/application for permission of the Govt. for the building of or addition to, a house. Sir, This is to report to you that I propose to build a house/make an addition to my house. This is to request that permission may be granted to me for the building of a house/making addition to my house. The estimated cost of the land and materials for the construction/extension of the house is given below: LAND : (1) Location (Survey numbers, village, district, State). (2) Area. (3) Cost. BUILDING MATERIALS ETC: (1) Bricks (Rate/quantity/cost). (2) Cement (Rate/quantity/cost). (3) Iron and Steel (Rate/quantity/cost) (4) Timber (Rate/quantity/cost). (5) Sanitary Fittings (cost). (6) Electrical Fittings (Cost). (7) Any other special fittings (Cost). (8) Labour Charges. (9) Other charges, if any. TOTAL COST OF LAND AND BUILDING: 2. The construction will be supervised by myself/The construction will be done by.............. I do not have any official dealings with the contractor, nor did I have any official dealings with him in the past. I have/had official dealings with the contractor and the nature of my dealings with him is/was as under: 3. The cost of proposed construction will be met as under: Amount (i) Own Savings (ii) Loans/Advances with full details. (iii) Other sources with full details. Yours faithfully


FORMV [See Govt. of Indias decision No.4 below rule 16.] Form of report to the Government after completion of the building of a house/addition of the house. Sir, In my letter No ............ dated .......... I had reported that I proposed to build a house or make addition to my house/Permission was granted to me in Order No........... dated the........... for the building of house or making addition to my house. The construction of the house or the addition to the house has since been completed and I enclosed a Valuation Report duly certified by 2. The cost of construction indicated in the enclosed valuation report was financed as under: Amount (i) Own Savings. (ii) Loans/Advances with full details.

Yours faithfully, ( Dated: (Note Variation, if any, between the figures given above and the figures given in Form II may be explained suitably). Valuation Report I/We hereby certify that I/We have valued House .............. constructed by Shri/Shrimati ................. and I/We give below the value at which we estimate the cost of the house under the following headings: Cost Rs. 1. Bricks. 2. Cement. 3. Iron and Steel 4 Timber. 5. Sanitary fittings. 6. Electrical fittings. 7. All other special fittings. 8. Labour charges. N.P. )


9. All other charges. Total cost of the building: (Signature of the valuation authority) Date: II. INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING CONTACT OF MEMBERS OF THE ALL INDIA SERVICES WITH FOREIGN NATIONAL/MISSIONS 1. Utmost discretion should be exercised in contacts with foreign nationals: Officers should exercise the utmost discretion in their contact with foreign correspondents, members of foreign missions/organisations and other foreign nationals in India. They should also avoid any conversation likely to reveal, even inadvertently, information on matters of secret nature. They should scrupulously avoid overpatronisation and indiscriminate and frequent acceptance of hospitality, particularly of an informal nature, from foreign nationals or Indian nationals employed by foreign missions. Such excessive hospitality could place the recipient under obligation to the host and may thus impair the impartial and judicious exercise of his functions in the eyes of others. 2. Private Correspondence with foreign missions etc. should be avoided: - Private correspondence with foreign Embassies/ Missions/High Commissions should be avoided. Similarly, no private or personal correspondence on matters of an official nature should be entered into directly with members of foreign missions in India. 3. Rules should be kept in mind in exchange of gifts with foreign nationals/Missions: - In the matter of exchange of gifts with foreign national/ members of a foreign mission or acceptance of foreign articles from them the relevant provisions of the A.I.S. (Conduct) Rules, 1968, should be borne in mind and prior permission taken wherever necessary under the rules. It is to be noted that it would be illegal to bring foreign exchange into this country save as provided for in the foreign Exchange Regulations. 4. Prior permission is required for attendance at National Day Receptions by foreign Missions:- Officers shall attend National Day Receptions by foreign Missions only after obtaining the prior permission of the Government. 5. Invitations/Hospitality may be accepted only when these are from an officer of equivalent higher diplomatic status; prior permission for Under Secretaries/Deputy Secretaries:(i) Officers should normally accept invitations for formal or informal entertainment offered by foreign diplomats only when the invitations is from an officer of a corresponding or higher diplomatic status. Officers of the Ranks of Under Secretary and Deputy Secretary and comparable ranks should not accept any invitations except with the prior and specific approval of the Secretary concerned.


6. Official and social calls should not be initiated and kept limited to appropriate official level: - Officers shall not initiate action for paying official/social calls on Heads of Missions/Consulates of other countries or members of the staff. 2. Officers should particularly ensure that the contacts with representatives of other countries limited to their appropriate officials level.


7. Report of conversations at social functions:- All officers who accept or are permitted to accept invitations to social functions from foreign diplomats/representatives of foreign mission should report to their senior officers any conversation with diplomats/representative of foreign missions, on matter of interest and importance to Government, on such occasions. 8. Return of hospitality accepted from foreign Mission/Consulates by local officers is limited and not a quid pro quo basis:- It is well recognised everywhere that diplomats are specially paid to enable them to entertain local officials and that the local officers capacity to return their hospitality is limited. There need not, therefore, be anything like a quid pro quo basis maintained in the matter entertainment between diplomats and local officers. 9. Supply of information to members of Missions/Consulates and nationals of other countries should not be made by the officer on his own: The Supply of information to foreign Mission/Consulates or their members or foreign nationals is the responsibility of the Central Government. Any officer, on his own, should not do this directly or by implication. The contacts by junior officers with Personnel Assistants and Secretaries in foreign diplomats or foreign national abroad with the permission should on any account maintain contacts with junior diplomats personnel in foreign Missions/Consulates except with the express approval of the Government. 10. Officers should not stay with foreign diplomats/national as guests in India and should not invite diplomats to stay with them:(a) Officers should not stay as guest with foreign diplomats or foreign nationals in India. They could, however, stay with foreign diplomats or foreign national abroad with the permission of the Government. (b) Officers should not invite foreign diplomats to stay with them as their guests in India. 11. Permission should be obtained before seeking employment of wives/dependants of officers in foreign mission: - An officer whose wife or dependant intends to take up employment under a foreign mission in India or with any foreign organisation (including a commercial concern) should apply to Government for permission. 12. Lifts in aircraft belonging to foreign Embassies in India or foreign Governments abroad should normally not be accepted: - No officer should accept, or permit his wife or dependants to accept passage money or free air transport from a foreign Mission/Government organisation. Exceptional cases where humanitarian or compassionate grounds are involved should be referred to Government for grant of permission. 2. Relaxation of this rule is permissible only in cases which are covered by specific agreements or memoranda of understanding entered into by the Government of India with foreign Governments or organisations and which might still be in force. In regard to invitations to visits abroad, which may be accepted only after consultation with the Ministry of External Affairs, the convention in respect of senior officers is that while local hospitality offered by foreign Governments may be accepted from the host such hospitality is not accepted from non-Government societies ,organisations, private parties etc. 3. There would, however, be no objection to the acceptance of the cost of passage in the case of officers who are invited by foreign Governments and organisations to participate


in conferences, seminars, etc. if the invitation is extended to a particular officer by name with a view to benefit from the expertise of the officer invited. In other cases, in which participation in conferences etc. is considered desirable in the interests of the officer concerned or the Department sponsoring his deputation, the cost of passage should continue to be met by the sponsoring Department. 4. Within the foreign country, an officer could accept a free flight in connection with his official duties only. When an officer and his family are in a foreign country as State guests, it would be permissible for them to accept free flights from foreign Governments. 13. Previous knowledge of the Government is required for Disposal of immovable property by lease to foreign nationals: - Under rule 16(3) of the AIS (Conduct) Rules, 1968, no officer shall, except with the previous knowledge of the Government acquire or dispose of any immovable property by lease, mortgage, purchase, sale, gift otherwise, either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family, provided that the previous sanction of the competent authority shall be obtained by the officer, if any such transaction is with a person having official dealings with the officer or otherwise than through a regular or a reputed dealer the term lease occurring in this rule covers letting out accommodation on rent, either by written or oral agreement whether for a short period or for a long one. It is clarified that prior permission should be taken or prior intimation given, as the case may be, in regard to all transactions in immovable properties, including lease as explained above with foreign nationals/ member of foreign Missions/ organisations controlled by or associated with foreign Mission. 14. Prior permission of the Government is required for joining of foreign language classes: - Officers who are desirous of joining foreign language classes conducted by foreign Missions and Embassies in India or organizations controlled by, or associated with foreign Missions or Indoforeign cultural organisation should seek prior permission from the Government. III. ASSOCIATION WITH INDO-FOREIGN CULTURAL ORGANISATIONS 1. Officer should not associate with Indo-foreign cultural organisations without the permission of the Government: - Officers should not be members of, or actively participate in the activities of Indoforeign cultural organisation without the permission of the Government. [M.H.A. letter No. 9/31/69AIS(III), dated 14-1-1970 read with M.H.A. O.M. No. 25/34(S)/67Estt.(A), dated 22-5-1969]. 2. State Governments should obtain prior approval of the Central Government for granting permission to AIS officers for association with Indo-foreign cultural organisations: - In accordance with item 15 of extracts from Ministry of Home Affairs Office Memorandum No. 25/34(S)/67EStt. (A), dated the 22nd May, 1969 officers should not be members of, or actively participate in the activities of Indo-foreign cultural organisation without the permission of the Government. In view of the fact that Foreign Affairs is the subject matter of the Central Government, a question arose whether permission as envisaged in the said Office Memorandum should be granted by the Central Government or the State Government. 2 It has been decided after careful consideration of the matter that so far as members of All India Services working in connection with the affairs of the State are concerned, permission should not be granted by the State Government without the prior approval of


the Central Government. It is accordingly requested that individual cases of IAS/IPS/IFS Officers be referred to the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms, Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Environment & Forests respectively for approval of the Central Government. [DP & AR letter No. 5/21/72AIS(III), dated 4-12-1972] 3. Association of moS with Indo-Foreign cultural organization would normally be avoided: - It has been decided that, while Indo-Foreign cultural organization, may in suitable cases, be looked upon with favour and assisted, the association of member of the Service with such organizations, would be avoided. [DP & AR letter No. 11017/9/75AIS(III), dated 2-3-1976] 4. A moS should obtain prior permission of the government before he becomes a member of a book club run by a foreign agency and accept books as gift: - It has been decided that a member of the Service should obtain prior permission of the government before he becomes a member of a book club run by a foreign agency if the membership of the book club entitles such a member of the service to receive books as gift. A member of the service while holding a post has been given permission, to become a member of such book club, should consequent upon his transfer or appointment to any other post, intimate the Government about his membership of the book club concerned and thereafter act in accordance with such order as may be made by the Government. For receiving books by way of gifts the question of acceptance of such gifts would be governed by rule 11 of the All India Service (Conduct) Rules, 1968. [D.P. & A.R. No. 5/17/72AIS(III), dated 23-4-1973 and dt. 16-9-74.] 5. A moS should obtain prior permission of the Government before he becomes a member of a foreign centre with multifaceted activities which includes Library or book club facility: - It was clarified in the Department of Personnel and A.R. letter No. 5/17/72AIS(III), dated the 23rd April, 1973 that a Member of All India Services should obtain prior permission of the Government before he becomes a Member of a book club run by a foreign agency. It was further clarified in the Department of Personnel and A.R. letter No. 5/17/72AIS(III), dated the 6th September, 1974 that prior permission for accepting membership of a book club or Library run by a foreign agency would be necessary only if the membership entitles such a member of the service to receive books as gifts. 2. A question has now been raised whether a member of an All India Service should obtain permission from Government for accepting membership of a foreign centre, which extends book club facility in addition to providing cultural and other activities. It is clarified that a member of an All India Service should obtain prior permission of the Government before he becomes a member of a foreign centre with multifaceted activities which includes Library or book club facility. IV. PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED IN ACCEPTING OFFERS OF SCHOLARSHIPS/ FELLOWSHIPS AND OTHER KINDS OF GRANTS FROM FOREIGN/ INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. (i) Offers from correspondence with foreign Governments/institutions for visits abroad/grant of scholarships/fellowships or grants. The State Governments or the members of the All India Services individually should not negotiate directly with foreign Governments/institutions/agencies


and international organisations including Indo-Foreign Cultural Organisations for the grant of Scholarships/fellowships/grants to the members of the All India Services or offers to visit abroad. When such offers of fellowships etc., or offers to visit abroad are received by the State Governments not meant for a particular member of the Service directly from the foreign Governments or organizations the State Government should forward the communication together with the names of the members of All India Services, whom the State Government would like to sponsor for the scholarships, fellowships, etc., to the Ministry/Department of the Government of India who are concerned with the particular Service. (At the same time the State Government should acknowledge receipt of the offers from the foreign Government of organisation concerned and inform them that all future correspondence in the matter should be addressed by them to the Government of India, Ministry of External Affairs). In other words, such invitations are not to be processed by the State Government or accepted by the members of the All India Services without the approval of the Ministry of External Affairs through the (i) Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms in the case of the members of the Indian Administrative Service, (ii) the Ministry of Home Affairs in the case of the members of the Indian Police Service and (iii) the Ministry of Environment &Forests in the case of the members of the Indian Forest Service. If however, such offers of fellowship, etc. or offers to visit abroad are addressed to a member of the Service direct or addressed to the State Government intended for a particular member of the Service by the foreign Government, foreign organisation etc., the State Government should straightaway reject the offer made by the foreign Government or foreign organisations, without approaching the Central Government seeking the I concurrence for permitting the members of the service concerned to accept the offer. The question of selection of a member of the Service for fellowship or travel a grant should be left to the Government to decide and not the foreign Governments, foreign organisations etc. The intention behind this restriction is to discourage the possibility of foreign Governments, foreign organisations etc. exercising patronage by means of travel grants etc., and conversely the possibility of members of the Service compromising their positions in some way as a result of these facilities. The names of the members of the All India Services whom the State Government would like to recommend for such fellowships, training courses or travel grants in response to such offers should be sent to the concerned Ministry/Department referred to above who would process the case in consultation with the other Ministries of the Government of India. (ii) Open advertisements by Central Ministries for foreign fellowships. Applications of members of the All India Services response touch advertisements may be forwarded by the State Governments to the concerned Ministries direct. (iii) Open advertisements by foreign agencies for foreign fellowships. Applications of the members of the All India Services in response to such advertisements should be routed through (i) the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms in the case of the members of the Indian Administrative Service, (ii) the Ministry of Home Affairs in the case of the Members of the Indian Police Service, and (iii) the Ministry of Environment and Forest in the case of the members of the Indian Forest Service.


(iv) Officers who wish to go abroad for higher studies at their own cost.Members of the All India Services who wish to go abroad for higher studies at their own cost may be permitted to seek admission in foreign educational institutions for higher studies in subjects which are advantageous for, or directly relevant to, the discharge of the duties usual o the service to which they belong, provided they do not apply for financial assistance in the form of fellowships, scholarships, travel grants etc. from the educational institutions. If they want to make any request for financial assistance they should rout their requests through (i) the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms in the case of the members of the Indian Administrative Service, (ii) the Ministry of Home Affairs in the case of the Indian Police Service and (iii) the Ministry of Environment & Forests in the case of the member of the Indian Forest Service. 2. Whenever a member of an All India Service goes abroad for a fellowship, training course etc., a copy of the orders issued by the State Governments may be endorsed to the (i) Secretary to the Government of India, Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms and the Establishment officer to the Government of India, in the case of a member of the Indian Administrative Service, (ii) Secretary to Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs in the case of a member of the Indian Police Service, and (iii)Secretary to Government of India, Ministry of Environment & Forests the case of members of the Indian Forest Service. 3. The present procedure has been reviewed in the light of the Governments policy to encourage higher studies in specialized areas by officers in order to gain greater knowledge and exposure to the international environment and also to special areas of learning. In view of the fact that the present system is far too stringent and causes difficulties and delays in the processing of applications because by which officer might miss the opportunity of getting admission etc. The procedure has been simplified as under:(i) A member of the service applying for higher studies to a reputed foreign university/training institution would require no prior permission of the Government but would be required to keep Government informed of his intention to apply to such universities and also indicate the subjects of study he proposes to pursue. (ii) In case the member of the service is applying for financial assistance to the concerned university which is of standard nature and is available on open merit based criteria, namely, university fellowships, teaching assistantship research assistantship or tuition waiver, Government may only be kept informed. (iii) In case the member of the service proposes to receive financial assistance from any other foreign source which is not of the type mentioned in (ii) above, prior permission of the Government would have to be taken. (iv) The question of taking leave or study leave is a separate issue and would have to be dealt with after the officer obtains admission and applies for the leave. 4. The Government may, however, at any time disallow the officer from pursuing his application for admission of financial assistance in cases where Govt. is of the view that


a member of the service has utilized his official influence to obtain the same or if the Government feels that such course of action is not in the interest of the Government. [Letter No. 11017/18/91-AIS(III)dated 1.7.91.] 5. The above instructions are issued in super session of Ministry of Home Affairs letter No. 6/14/69AIS(III), dated 21-7-1970 and letter of the same number dated the 6th July, 1971 of the (Deptt of Personnel). [Deptt. of Personnel and A.R. letter No. 9/26/71AIS(III), dated 25-7-1973]. V. PARTICIPATION IN CONFERENCES/SEMINARS ETC. 1. State Governments can permit a member of the Service working under them to attend programmes organised by the various foreign cultural centres in India which are properly scrutinised by MEA: A question has been raised as to the procedure to be followed and the authority competent to give permission to members of All India Services for participating in conferences/seminars organised by United States information Service/British Council similar Cultural Organisation of foreign mission etc. in India. 2. This Department have examined this matter carefully. The programmes organised by the various foreign cultural centres in India such as the United States information Service and British Council etc. are properly scrutinised by the Ministries of External Affairs, Home Affairs and Education and Social Welfare. In view of this, the State Government can permit a member of the Service working under them to attend such conferences or seminars without a reference to this Department. While giving the permission to a member of the Service to participate in any such seminar or conference, he should be asked to keep in mind the provisions contained in the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, particularly rule 7 thereof. 3. As regards members of the Service who are working under the Central Government, the Ministry or Department in which the officer is working can give such permission without obtaining the concurrence of this Department. [D.P. & A.R. letter No. 11017/9/75AIS(III) dt. 2.3.1976]. 2. Clearance of MHA under FCRA Act, 1976 is required to visit abroad to participate international seminars: - In the case of visits abroad by Government servants to participate in international seminars etc., it is necessary, among other things to obtain the clearance of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India under the provisions of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976. For this purpose, a format has been prescribed in which the particulars of the officers sponsored for the visit abroad are required to be furnished to the Ministry of Home Affairs. A copy of the format, form FC-2, is annexed. 2. While forwarding proposals for participation of Members of the All India Services in international seminars etc. in foreign countries, the particulars in form FC-2, should invariably be sent along with the proposal. [G.I. DP&AR letter No. 11017/66/81AIS(III), dated 23rd January, 1982].


ANNEXURE to DP & AR Letter No. 11017/66/81AIS(III), dated 23rd January, 1982]. FORM FC2 [See rule 3 (b)]. Application for seeking prior permission of the Central Government to accept foreign hospitality. [Section 9 read with sections 10(a) and 11(I) of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976]. 1. Name in full (in block letters) 2. Date of Birth 3. Name of father. 4. Present address. 5. Permanent address. 6. Passport Particulars (if already in possession of) 7. Status. Member of a Legislature. Office bearer of a political party. Employee of a Company/Corporations Any person or class of person specified in Section 9. 8. Names of countries/places to be visited with duration of stay. 9. The countries and places where foreign hospitality is to be accepted. 10. Duration and purpose of visit to the country (ies)/ place(s) mentioned in column 9. 11. Particulars of host(s): (a) (b) If an individual, his personnel particulars including name, present address, permanent address, nationality, profession. If an Organisation/ Institution/ Association/ Trust/ Foundation Trade Union, etc. full particulars thereof including: i. Full Name and complete Address. ii. Address of head Officer-Principal officer. iii. Aims and objects. iv. Particulars of important office bearers. 12. Full particulars as in serial II (a) & (b) of the foreign source in case the actual source extending the hospitality is located in the country other than actually proposed to be visited. 13. Nature and duration of hospitality proposed to be accepted (give specific details).


14. Nature of connection/dealings with the host and/or foreign source extending the hospitality. 15. Approximate expenditure to be incurred on hospitality. 16. Any other information of significance, which the applicant may like to furnish. DECLARATION I hereby declare that the above particulars furnished by me are true and correct. Place: Date: Signature of the Applicant. 3. Conditions for acceptance of invitations from Foreign Bodies/International organizations to attend studies/seminars etc.: - In some cases Central Government officers are receiving invitations from foreign governments/foreign/organizations/ international organizations etc., for delivering lectures or presenting papers at Conference/Seminars/Workshops etc. For this purpose, these foreign organizations/bodies are meeting expense on airfare, boarding and lodging but also giving remuneration or honorarium to these officers. In large number of such cases, the Screening Committee of Secretaries has been taking a view that these offices should take leave as they are going abroad in their personal capacity. However, since there are no guidelines in this regard, the matter has been considered and it has now been decided that in cases where: (a) the invitation is received by the Government of India and the Government of India selects an officer to attend such a workshop/ to present papers/ to deliver lectures etc.; the officer may be treated as on official deputation; (b) in cases where the invitation in received by the officer directly in his personal capacity, the officer should be treated as on a personal visit and he may be asked to proceed on leave.

2. In this connection, it becomes imperative to reiterate the guidelines mentioned in Cabinet Secretariats O.M. No. 21/1/7/94Cab, dated 30th March, 1995, that generally no Government of India officer will accept free passage or hospitality, the approval of the Screening Committee of Secretaries or PM should be ensured to be taken before accepting invitation in this connection. 3. As regard accepting remuneration honorarium, the orders given in SRII and SR 12(FRSRPartI) and Government of India orders printed below them should be strictly followed. 4. Proposals be regulated accordingly. [OM No. 19036/1/2000-E-IV dated 21st March, 2000 of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure]


VI. EMIGRATION OF MEMBERS OF ALL INDIA SERVICE TO OTHER COUNTRIES 1. No member of the service should apply for or seek emigration to any other country so long as he is in Government service: - A question has been raised as to whether a member of the service can correspond with foreign missions in regard to emigration and whether they can be granted no-objection-certificate for seek such emigration to foreign countries. The matter has been considered carefully and decided that no member of the service should apply for or seek emigration to any other country so long as he is in Government service. Issuing a no-objection-certificate to any member of the service, who wishes to migrate to a foreign country does not arise. [Letter No.11017/70/93AIS(III) dated 30.12.93.] VII. APPLYING FOR JOBS AGAINST ADVERTISEMENTS: 1. Cadre clearance is not required for applying jobs in response to advertisements, however, prior permission is required after selection under respective Cadre rules: - A question has been raised as to whether the members of the All India Services can be permitted to apply for posts advertised in the Press by the Government, Public Sector Undertakings etc. The Govt. of India are of the view that applications should be forwarded only in case where Government servants in lower services with inadequate prospects seek further advancement. In the Indian conditions, the All India Services offer the best available prospects for regular advancement and a fair share of deputation posts in the Public Sector Undertakings etc. Therefore, the members of the All India Services should not be permitted to apply for any post advertised in the Press. Members of the Indian Police Service and in the Indian Forest Service may, however, be permitted to apply for the combined competitive examination for appointment to the Indian Administrative Service and Central Civil Services Class I. [D.P. & A.R. letter No. 5/21/72AIS(III), dated 4-12-1972.] 2. The aforesaid instruction has, affected the prospects for regular advancement in career of the members of the Service; therefore it has been decided that in response to advertisements issued n the press by UPSC etc. the applications of the members of the All India Services may be forwarded for consideration for the said posts. If the Recruitment Rules for the post so advertised provide for transfer on deputations also as one of the methods of recruitment in the event of the selection, the officer may be allowed to proceed on deputation if it is administratively feasible for the State Government to spare the officer. In case the Recruitment Rules for the post do not have any provision for transfer on deputations the member of the service may be requested to giver an undertaking at the time of making a request for forwarding the application to the effect that, in the event of selection, he/she is willing to seek retirement or resignation, as the case may be. 3. The deputation of the members of the All India Services to a post which has transfer on deputations as one of the methods of recruitments, will be subject to the conditions laid down in rule 6 of respective Cadre Rules of IAS, IPS and IFS, which requires all deputations to be made with the concurrence/approval of the Central Government. [DP&T letter Nos. 11017/9/91AIS(III) dated 7.2.91 and 11017/9/91AIS(III) dated 19.7.94]


VIII. JOIN CORRESPONDENCE/EVENING COURSES 1. Permission to join correspondence/evening courses may be given if it is not detrimental to official duties and can be withdrawn at any time: - References are being received in the Department from various Ministries/Departments of the Government of India regarding requests of members of all India Services for Governments permission for joining correspondence courses, evening classes, language classes etc. 2. The Ministry/Department may examine case on merits and grant necessary permission subject to the following conditions: (i) The permission does not ipso facto confer any right on the member of the service for his continued posting at a particular station for the duration of the course. Pursuit of studies by the member of the service should be without detriment to the efficient discharge of his official duties.


(iii) The grant of permission will not entitle the member of the service to leave office by any particular time every day. On occasions requiring his presence in office beyond the office hours, he will stay in office till the time required. (iv) The Government will accept no responsibility for his failure to complete the percentage of compulsory attendance prescribed for the course if any, of this account. (v) The permission will not entitle the member of the service to claim leave either for preparation or for the duration of examination. Leave, if any, required for this purpose will be sanctioned subject to title of any exigencies of work.

(vi) The Government reserves the right to withdron the permission at any time without assigning any reason. [DP & AR O.M. No. 11017/44/77AIS(III), dt. 29-12-77.] IX. LEGAL ASSISTANCE TO ALL INDIA SERVICE OFFICERS IN CONNECTION WITH LITIGATION ACTION TAKEN BY THEM IN THE CASE OF THEIR OFFICIAL DUTIES 1. Government can provide assistance to a moS in public interest, with litigation action taken by them in the cases of their official duties: - I am directed to refer this Departments letter No. 45/5/53Estt. (A) dated 8.1.59 on the above subject and to say that an increasing tendency has been observed among certain sections to lodge legal complaints against members of the All India Services in their personal name for official acts done by these officials in the case of their official duties. 2. While State Governments and the Central Government vide DP&AR letter No. 45/5/53Estt(A) dated 8.1.59 do have provisions to undertake the defence of such government servants in case it is in the public interest, whereupon all arrangements are made by the Government, there in often a tendency for the State Governments to ask the officer to undertake the defence on his own and consider reimbursement of the legal expenses only in case such officer is successful in the legal proceedings. In other cases, the State Governments may agree to provide legal expenses but subject to the condition that in case is lost, the officer has to bear the entire cost of litigation. The practice of


asking officers to defend themselves in such legal proceedings in bound to cause harassment for such officers in addition to expense, the reimbursement of which by the State Government and the extent thereof being uncertain. 3. In the performance of the official acts, the officer usually is only implementing the decision of the Government and it is not unjust to expect that the Government would undertake the defence of all government servants who have been impleaded in such legal action. For this purpose, there appears no need to make a distinction as to whether the complaint has been filed against the officers in their official designation or in their individual name. 4. While the State Governments are themselves the best judge of the public interest in respect of acts done by officers working for them the above may please be kept in mind while examining the case in which officers are subjected to harassment through such legal action. [Letter No.11017/17/93AIS(II) dated 15/9/93] X. ACCEPTANCE OF FREE COMPANION TICKET BY GOVERNMENT SERVANTS AND MEMBERS OF THEIR FAMILIAR UNDER THE COMPANION FREE SCHEME INTRODUCED FROM TIME TO TIME BY VARIOUS AIRLINES. 1. Government servants may be permitted to accept the Free Companion Tickets if benefits are restricted to travel by the national carriers: - The undersigned is directed to refer to this Departments O.M. No. 11013/13/93Estt.(A) dated 9.12.93 and dated to say that in the light of the representations received from various quarters, and the fact that such a scheme is part of normal sales promotion and is not confined to Government servants alone, the Government have reviewed these instructions. It has been decided to withdraw these instructions with immediate effect. Accordingly, the Government servants may be permitted to accept the Free Companion Tickets or variations thereof, provided that such benefits are restricted to travel by the national carriers (Indian Airlines and Air India.) [O.M. No. 11013/2/97Estt. (A) of Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) dated the 5th March, 1997] 2. No objection to Government servants accepting the free tickets earned by them under Flying Returns scheme of Air India/Indian Airlines: - The undersigned is directed to refer to this Departments O.M if even number dated 5th March, 97 on the subject mentioned above wherein it was provided that Government servants may be permitted to accept the Free Companion Tickets or variations thereof provided that such benefits are restricted to travel by the national carriers (Indian Airlines and Air India). References have been received seeking clarification whether Government servant may be permitted to accept the Free Tickets earned under the Flying Returns Schemes of Air India/Indian Airlines. It is clarified that since the O.M. dated 5.3.97 permits acceptance of Free Companion Tickets or variations thereof, there would be no objection to Government servants accepting the free tickets earned by them under Flying Returns scheme of Air India/Indian Airlines. [O.M. No11013/2/97Estt.(A) of Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions(Department of Personnel & Training) dated the 5th March, 1997) dated the 15th September, 1998.]


3. No objection to Government servants availing of the benefit of Frequent Flier Programme of Flying Return Programmers of other Airlines: - The undersigned is directed to refer to this Departments O.M. of even number dated the 19th August, 1997 on the above subject wherein it has been clarified that there would be no objection to Government servants accepting the free tickets earned by them under Flying Return Scheme of Air India/Indian Airlines. References have been received seeking permissions to avail such Frequent Flier/Flying Return Programmers of other Airlines including foreign airlines. 3.2 The matter has been considered in this Department and it has been decided that there would be no objection to Government servants availing of the benefit of such Frequent Flier Programme of Flying Return Programmers of other Airlines also. In so far as the Free Companion Scheme is concerned, the availing of this facility should remain confined to National Carriers only. [O.M. No. 11013/2/97Estt.(A) of Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel & Training) dated the 15th Sept., 1998.] XI. BRINGING POLITICAL OR OUTSIDE INFLUENCE TO FURTHER SERVICE INTERESTS Action should be taken against Government servants approaching Members of Parliament or State Legislature for sponsoring individual cases: - Rule 20 of the CCS (CONDUCT) Rules, 1964 provides that no Government servant shall bring or attempt to bring any political or other outside influence to bear upon any superior authority to further his/her interest in respect of matters pertaining to his/her service under the Government. The Government of India has, from time to time, emphasized that Government servants should not approach Members of Parliament or State Legislatures or other political/outside authorities to sponsor their cases in respect of service matters. As per the existing instructions, vide O.M. No. 11013/7/85Estt.(A) dated 22.5.95, the following action should be taken against Government servants approaching Members of Parliament or State Legislature for sponsoring individual cases: I. A Government employee violating the aforesaid provisions of the Conduct Rules for the first time should be advised by the appropriate disciplinary authority, to desist from approaching Members of Parliaments/Members of State Legislature to further his/her interest in respect of matters pertaining to his/her service conditions. A copy of this advice need not, however, be placed in the CR dossier of the employee concerned.

II. If a Government employee is found guilty of violating the aforesaid provisions of the Conduct Rules a second time despite the issue of advice on the earlier occasion, a written warning should be issued to him/her by the appropriate disciplinary authority and a copy thereof should be placed be placed in his/her CR dossier. III. If a Government employee is found guilty of violating the aforesaid provisions of the Conduct Rules despite the issue of warning to him/her disciplinary action should be initiated against him/her by the appropriate disciplinary authority under the provisions of CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965. 2. In spite of those instructions, cases of individual Government servants continue to be sponsored by public representatives/outside authorities. After careful consideration of all


aspects of the matter it has been decided that the following procedure may be adopted for dealing with communications from public representatives/outside relating to the service matters of Government employees: (a) Communications received from public representatives regarding problems of groups/categories of Government functionaries must be entertained and dealt with on a time-bound basis. In all such cases, after due examination, appropriate replies would continue to be issued at the level of the Minister concerned. (b) All communications from public representatives relating to the grievances of the retired personnel should receive the same consideration and be dealt with in the same way as outlined in (a) above. (c) In cases in which a public representative sponsors the cause of an individual Government servant (e.g. recruitment, appointment to a specific position, complaints against supersession, expunction of adverse remarks, allotment of Government accommodation, etc.) a formal reply should continue to be sent from the Minister acknowledging the receipt of the communication stating that the contents of the letter have been noted and where necessary, suggesting that the person whose case has been recommended, may be advised to represent his case through proper official channels. All such communications addressed to the Minister shall be replied to at, his/her level. In all such cases the formal reply given by the Minister shall be deemed to dispose off the communication unless there are further directions from the Minister in the matter. 3. All Ministries/Departments/Offices etc. are requested to bring the above instructions to the notice of all concerned under their control and take action against the Government servants who violate the provisions of the Conduct Rules as prescribed in para 1. [Copy of DP&T O.M. No. 11013/12/94Estt.(A) dt. 12.1.95] XII. OBSERVANCE OF THE PROVISIONS MANUAL OF OFFICE PROCEDURE REGARDING ACTION ON ORAL INSTRUCTION 1. I am directed to forward herewith a copy of this Departments Office Memorandum No. 11013/4/88Estt. (A) dated 19th April, 1988 on the above subject and to say that the instructions (herein apply mutatis mutandis in respect of All India Service Officers. 2. It is requested that the instructions may be brought to the notice of the members of the All India Services serving in the State. The State Governments may also consider issuing suitable instructions in the light of regulations relating to Officer Procedure in the States corresponding to the instructions in the Manual and Office Procedure enclosed with this letter. [D.P. & A.R. letter No. 11017/21/80AIS (III) dt. 5-5-89, addressed to All State Governments and copy endorsed to all Ministries/ Departments to the Government of India, etc.] Copy of DP & Trg. O.M. No. 11013/4/88Estt.(A) dt. 19-4-88 addressed to all Ministries/Departments etc, to Govt. of India. 1. The undersigned is directed to invite attention to the provisions of Rule 3 of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 and paras 25 to 25-C of Central Secretariat Manual of Office


Procedure (extracts enclosed for ready reference) which define the scope and role of oral instructions in the transaction of Government business and also lay down the detailed procedure to be followed whenever it becomes necessary to give oral directions by a higher officer to a subordinate or when a member of the Personal Staff of the Minister communicates an oral order on behalf of the Minister. Instances have come to notice where the above provisions have not been followed. 2. The purpose for keeping a proper written record of policy decisions taken by the various Government functionaries, when action in this regard is to be initiated on the basis of oral instructions given by senior officers, is to ensure proper accountability of the decisions taken on important matters and have a record of the considerations leading to the decisions. It is, therefore, reiterated that the procedure prescribed in the Manual of Office procedure and the provisions of the Conduct Rules referred to above should be scrupulously followed at all levels in order to avoid ambiguity or doubts and to specify responsibility when important decisions are taken. It is clarified that these provisions apply equally to matters, which may be considered sensitive or secret. In such cases of sensitive nature, adequate care should however be taken to accord proper security classification to the relevant papers and to ensure their safe custody as envisaged in the Manual of Departmental Security Instructions. 3. Ministry of Agriculture etc. may please bring the above position to the notice of all administrative authorities under their control. Extract from Manual of Office Procedure. CHAPTER V 25. Oral Discussions (1) All points emerging from discussions between two or more officers of the same department and the conclusions reached will be recorded on the relevant file by the officer authorising action. All discussions/instructions/decisions which the officer recording them considers to be important enough for the purpose, should be got confirmed by all those who have participated in or are responsible for them. This is particularly desirable in cases where the policy of the Government is not clear or where some important departure from the prescribed policy is involved or where two or more levels differ on significant issues or the decision itself, though agreed upon by all concerned, is an important one. Where an officer is giving direction for taking action in any case in respect of matters on which he or his subordinate has powers to decide, he shall ordinarily do so in writing. If, however the circumstances of the case are such that there is no time for giving the instructions in writing, he should follow it up by a writing confirmation at his earliest. An officer shall, in the performance of his official duties, or in the exercise of powers conferred on him, act in his best judgement except when he is acting under instructions of an official superior. In the latter case, he shall obtain the directions in writing wherever practicable before carrying out the instructions, and where it is not possible to do so, he shall obtain


25A. Oral instructions by higher officers (1)



written confirmation of the directions as soon thereafter as possible. If the officer giving the instructions is not his immediate superior but one higher to him in the hierarchy, he shall bring such instructions to the notice of his immediate superior at the earliest. 25B. Oral orders on behalf of or from Minister (1) Whenever a member of the personal staff of a Minister communicates to any officer an oral order on behalf of the Minister, it shall be confirmed by him in writing immediately thereafter. If any officer receives oral instructions from the Minister or from his personal staff and the orders are in accordance with the norms, rules, regulations or procedures they should be brought to the notice of the secretary or the head of the department where the officer concerned is working in or under a non-secretariat organisation. If any officer receives oral instructions from the Minister or from his personal staff and the orders are not in accordance with the norms, rules, regulations or procedures, he should seek further clear orders from the secretary (or the head of the department in case he is working in or under a non-secretariat organisation) about the line of action to be taken, stating clearly that the oral instructions are not in accordance with the rules, regulations, norms or procedures. If an officer seeks confirmation of an oral instruction given by his superior, the latter should confirm it in writing whenever such confirmation is sought. Receipt of communications from junior officer seeking confirmation of oral instructions should be acknowledged by the senior officers or their personal staff, or the personal staff of the Minister, as the case may be.



25C. Confirmation of oral instructions (1)


XIII. BAN ON PARTICIPATION OF CERTAIN ORGANISATIONS 1. Ban on participation in certain organisations like R.S.S., Jamat-e-Islami, Anand Marg and CPM(L) etc that have been banned by rule 33 of the Defence and Internal Security of India Rules, 1971: - I am directed to say that certain organisations like the R.S.S., Jamat-e-Islami, Anand Marg and CPM(L) have been banned under the provisions of rule 33 of the Defence and Internal Security of India Rules, 1971 vide Ministry of Home Affairs Gazette Notifications dated 3rd and 4th July, 1975 (copies enclosed for ready reference). This rule, inter alia provides that no person shall : (a) manage or assist in managing any organisation to which the rule applies; (b) promote or assist in promoting a meeting of any members of such organisation, or attend any such meeting in any capacity; (c) publish any notice or advertisement relating to any such meeting; and (d) invite persons to support such an organisation or otherwise in any way assist the operations of such organisation.


Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of the above rule, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to seven years, or with fine or with both. 2. Sub-rule (1) of rule 5 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, provides that no members of the service shall be a member of, or be otherwise associate with any political party or any organisations which takes part in politics nor shall he take part in, or subscribe in aid, or assist in any other manner, any political movement or political activity. Members of the service who are found to have connections with these banned organisations are liable to be dealt with suitably in departmental proceedings. In appropriate cases action could also be considered against them under proviso (c) of clause 2 of article 311 of the Constitution. 3. I am to request that these instructions may be brought to the notice of all members of the All India Services working under the State Government. [O.M. No. 11017/50/75AIS(III), Dated 6th March, 1976 addressed to All State Governments and the Ministries/Deptts. of the Government of India, etc.] Rule 33 of the Defence and Internal Security of India Rules, 1971 (vide M.H.A. Gazette Notification Dated 3rd and 4th July, 1975). S.O. 304(E). Whereas the Central Government is satisfied with respect to the organisations specified in the schedule below that they are organisations which are and whose members and the persons in control whereof are, indulging in activities prejudicial to the internal security, the public safety and the Maintenance of public order: Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-rule (1) of rule 33 of the Defence and Internal Security of India Rules, 1971, the Central Government hereby directs that the said rule shall apply to the organisations specified in the schedule below. The Schedule 1. Anand Marg. 2. Proutist Forum of India. 3. Proutist Block of India. 4. Vishya Sanskranti Seva also known as Volunteer Social Service. 5. Sewa Dharm Mission. 6. Education, Relief and Welfare Section. 7. Pragatisheel Bhojpuri Samaj. 8. Angika Samaj. 9. Baghelkhand Samaj. 10. Universal Proutist Labour Federation. 11. Universal Proutist Students Federation. 12. Renaissance Universal Club. 13. Renaissance Artists and Writers Association. 14. Anand Marg Universal Relief Team. [No. II/16013/5/75S & P(D.II)]


S.O.305(E). Whereas the Central Government is satisfied with respect of the organisations specified in the schedule below that they are organisations which are and whose members and the persons in control whereof are, indulging in activities prejudicial to the internal security, the public safety and the maintenance of public order: Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-rule (1) of rule 33 of the Defence and Internal Security of India Rules, 1971, the Central Government hereby directs that the said rule shall apply to the organisations specified in the schedule below. The Schedule 1. Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) (Charu Mazumdar Group-Pro-Lin Piao Faction. 2. Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) (Charu Mazumdar Group-anti-Lin-Piao Faction). 3. United Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) (S.N. SinghChandra pulla Reddy Group). 4. The Andhra Pradesh Communist Committee (Revolutionaries) (T. Negi Reddy Group). 5. Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) (Suniti Ghosh-Sharma Faction). 6. Eastern India Zonal Consolidation Committee of the Communist Party (MarxistLeninist). 7. The Maoist Communist Centre. 8. The Mukti Yadha Group. 9. Unity Centre of Communist Revolutionaries of India (Marxist-Leninist). 10. Centre of Indian Communists. [No. II/16013/5/75S & P (D.II)] S.O.306 [E]Whereas the Central Government is satisfied with respect to the organisations known as Rashtriya Sawyam Sevak Sangh that it is an organisations which is and whose members and the persons in control whereof, are indulging in activities prejudicial to the internal security, the public safety and the Maintenance of public order: Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-rule (1) of rule 33 of the Defence and Internal Security of India Rules, 1971, the Central Government hereby directs that the said rule shall apply to the Rashtriya Sawyam Sevak Sangh aforesaid. [No. II/16013/5/75S & P (D.II)] MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS Notification No. 234 dt. 4.7.1975: S.O. 307(E). Whereas the Central Government is satisfied with respect to the organisations specified in the schedule below that they are organisations which are and whose members and the persons in control whereof are, indulging in activities prejudicial to the internal security, the public safety and the Maintenance of public order: Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-rule (1) of rule 33 of the Defence and Internal Security of India Rules, 1971, the Central Government hereby directs that the said rule shall apply to the Jammat-e-Islami-e-Jammu and Kashmir aforesaid.


[No. II/60/5/75S&P(DII)] S.O.307(E). Whereas the Central Government is satisfied with respect of the organisations specified in the schedule below that they are organisations which are and whose members and the persons in control whereof are, indulging in activities prejudicial to the internal security, the public safety and the maintenance of public order: Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-rule (1) of rule 33 of the Defence and Internal Security of India Rules, 1971, the Central Government hereby directs that the said rule shall apply to the Jammat-e-Islami-e-Jammu and Kashmir aforesaid. [No. II/60/5/75S&P(DII)] 2. Action will be taken against the Government Servant found participating in banned organisations under normal service rules: - The undersigned is directed to refer to this Departments Office Memorandum No. 18011/1/S/75Estt.(B) dated the 28th November, 1975 on the subject mentioned above and to say that consequent upon the lifting of the ban on organizations may be treated as deleted. Hereafter, action may be taken against Central Government employees if they come to notice for participation in the activates of the political organizations, under the normal service rules, such as rule 5 of the Central Civil Service (Conduct) Rules 1964, or corresponding rules governing the service conditions of other categories of the employees. The Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring the contents of this Office Memorandum to the notice of all concerned including those working in their attached and subordinate offices. [OM No. 34013/4/(S)/77Estt. (B) of Government of India Ministry of Home Affairs Departments if Personnel and Administrative Reforms dated the 23rd April, 1977] 3. Ban on association with Anand Marg or any of its organisations: - It has been decided that the instructions contained in Department of Personnel & A.R. letter No. 15014/6(S)/80Estt.(B), dated the 31st December, and 5th Aug. 81C regarding association of Govt. servants with the activities of Anand Marg will apply to members of All India Service also. 2. According to Rule 5 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules 1968, no member of an All India service shall be a member of, or be otherwise associated with any political party or any other organisation which takes part in politics, nor shall take part in, or subscribe in aid of, or assist in any other manner, any political movement or political activity. Membership of or association of a member of an All India Service with the Activities of the Anand Marg movement would attract the provisions of the above rule and any member of the Service who contravenes the provisions of the above rules would be liable to disciplinary action. [G.I. M.H.A. D.P.&A.R letter no.11017/68/81-AIS(III) dated 34d March, 1982] G.I., M.H.A. D.P. & A.R. letter No.15014/6/(S)/80Estt.(B), dated 31st December, 1980 to the Chief Secretaries of all State Governments on association of Government servants with the activities of Anand Marg. I am directed to say that the Government of India consider that a Government servants membership of or association with the activities of movement known as Anand Marg would attract the provisions of sub-rule(1) of Rule 5 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 which lays down that no Government servant shall be a member of, or be otherwise associated with any political party of any organization which takes


part in politics nor shall be take part in, subscribe in aid of, or assist in any other manner, any political movement or activity. Instructions have been issued to Ministries etc. at the Centre that a Government Servant who contravenes the provisions of the above rule and takes part in the activities etc. of Anand Marg or any of its organizations (see list in Annexure) would be liable to disciplinary action. 2. I am to request that if there is no objection the State Government may also consider the question of issuing similar instructions in the case of the State Government servants. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. VSS (Volunteer Social Service). Amra Bengali. The Progressive Fenderation of India. The . Proutist Forum of India. Angika Samaj. Pragatisheel Bhojpuri Samaj. Nagpuri Samaj Maithill Samaj Pragatisheel Bhojpuri Samaj. Braj Samaj. Awadhi Samaj. Bundeli Samaj Garhwali Samaj Kumaoni Samaj Pragatisheel Haryana Samaj Asia Punjabi Proutist League.

Copy of MHA DP&AR OM No. 15014/6/(5)/80Estt.(B) dated 5-8-1981. SUBJECT :Association of Government servants with the activities of Anand Marg. The undersigned is directed to invite the attention of the Ministry of Finance etc. to this Departments O.M. No. 15014/6/(S)/80Estt.(B), dated the 31st December, 1980 on the above subject and to say that in the Annexure to the said O.M., the Organisations as per list enclosed may be added. I. The Ministry of Finance, etc. are requested to bring the above to the notice of all Government employees working in or under them. LIST OF FRONT ORGNISATIONS OF ANAND MARG 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Education, Relief and Welfare Section. Sewa Dharm Mission Anand Marg Universal Relief Team. Womens Welfare Department. Girl Volunteers. Spiritual Sports & Adventures Club. Proulist Bloc of India. Proutist Universal Universal Proutist Labour Federation Universal Proutist Youth Federation Universal Proutist Student Federation


29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58.

Universal Proutist Intellectual Federation Universal Proutist Farmers Federation Renaissance Artists & Writers Association. Renassance Universal Ek Manav Samaj Bhojpuri Samaj Chhatisgarh Samaj Malwi Samaj Vidarbha Samaj Telangana Samaj Circal Samaj Utkal Samaj Kosal Samaj Navya Malayalam Samaj Konkani Samaj Kannad Samaj Tulu Samaj Dogri Samaj Haryanavi Samaj Pahari Samaj Haroti Samaj Sahvadri Samaj Gurjar Samaj Coorgi Samaj Tamil Samaj Rayalaseeema Samaj Assam Unnayan Samaj Mewari Samaj Marwari Samaj Kathiawari Samaj

XIV. OBSERVANCE OF PROPER PROCEDURE IN OFFICIAL DEALINGS BETWEEN THE ADMINISTRATION AND MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT AND STATE LEGISLATURES 1. Procedure for corresponding with Members of the Parliament/State Legislature: - With regard to the correspondence with the Members of Parliament, a copy of the guidelines(O.M. No. 25/19/64Estt.(A) dated 8.11.1974) on the subject issued by the Government of India is enclosed for necessary action. A separate O.M. No. 11013/2/2000Estt.(A) dated the 23rd May, 2000 giving the details about official dealings between the Administration and Members of Parliament and Members of State Legislatures is also enclosed. Extracts of the relevant portion of the Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedure are also enclosed herewith for guidance. 2. As regards the availability of the members of the All India Services on telephones, it is indicated that even though the members of the Service may not always be available on telephone because of the exigencies of work, they are supposed to make suitable arrangements for getting recorded during their absence the message received from the


Members of Parliaments and the messages received from the Members of State Legislatures and getting back to them as soon as they are in a position to do and also for talking suitable actions on the basis of the message received from the Honble Members. Suitable arrangements must be made so that the members of the Parliament are not put to inconvenience and any indifferent attitude in this respect should be strongly dealt with under AIS(D&A) Rules, 1969. 3. It is requested that copies of these instruction /guidelines may kindly be circulated among all the members of the Service for strict compliance. [letter No. 28011/3/2000AIS (III) dated 11.7.2000] Copy of O.M. No.11013 /2/2000Estt. (A) of Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) dated the 23rd May, 2000. 1. The undersigned is directed to say that the broad guidelines to govern the official dealings between the Administration and Members or Parliament and State Legislature were issued vide Personnel & A..R. O.M. No. 25/19/64Estt.(A) dated 8th November, 1974. Although these guidelines were reiterated from time-to-time vide Department of Personnel & Training O.Ms. dated 21.12.92 and 29.10.96 yet there are instances where the laid down procedure and protocol has not been observed property. The Parliamentary Committee during the course of meeting on demands for grants of Ministry of Home Affairs raised a point that there is a need to issue fresh instructions in the matter, as the earlier instructions are not available in most of operative officers. The Committee also observed that letters are not replied in some cases by the person who has been addressed by Members of Parliament/Members of Legislative Assembly. 2. As the members of Parliament and State Legislatures occupy, in our democratic set up, a very important place as accredited representative of people, they have important functions to perform under the Constitution and they find it necessary to seek information from the Ministries/Departments of the Govt. of India or the State Governments, or make suggestions for their consideration or ask for interviews with the officers in connection with their Parliamentary and allied duties. In this connection, certain well recognized principles and conventions to govern the relations between Members of Parliament and of State Legislatures and Government servants have already been established. The existing instructions emphasise that it should be endeavour of every officer to help Members of Parliament and State Legislature to the extent possible in the discharge of their functions under the Constitution. The basis principles to be borne in mind by the Govt. servants while interacting with the Members of Parliament and State Legislatures are that: (i) The Government servants should show courtesy and consideration to Members of Parliament and State Legislatures may have to say, they should always act according to their own best judgement. That while they should consider carefully of listen patiently to what the Members of Parliament and State Legislatures may have to say, they should always act according to their own best judgement. Any deviation from an appointment made with a Member must be promptly explained to him to avoid any possible inconvenience. Fresh appointment should be fixed in consultation with him.




(iv) (v)

An officer should be meticulously correct and courteous and rise to receive and see off a Member visiting him. Members of Parliament/State Legislatures of the area to be invariably invited to public function organised by a Govt. office. Proper and comfortable seating arrangements at public functions to be made for Member who appear above officers of the rank of Secretaries to Government of India in Warrant of Precedence. Letters from Members of Parliament and Members of State Legislatures must be promptly acknowledged, and a reply sent at an appropriate level expeditiously. Relevant provisions of the Manual of Office Procedure should be observed in this regard.


(vii) Information or statistics relating to matter of local importance must be furnished to M.Ps, and M.L.As when asked for. If request is to be refused, instructions from higher authority should be taken. (viii) A Government servant should not approach MPs/MLAs for sponsoring his individual case; and (ix) References from Committees of Parliament must be attended to promptly. A senior officer at the level of Joint Secretary or equivalent should be charged with the responsibility for ensuring this. The Officers should not ignore telephonic messages left for them by the Members of Parliament/State Legislatures in their absence and should try to contact at the earliest the concerned Member of Parliament/State Legislature.


3. All Ministries/Departments are requested to ensure that the above basic principles and instructions are followed by all concerned in letter and spirit. It may also be impressed on all concerned that violation of the laid down guidelines will be viewed seriously. Paras 57, 60 & 122 of Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedure (Eleventh Edition, 1998) 57. Correspondence with Member of Parliament (1) Communications received from Members of Parliament should be attended to promptly. (2) Where a communication is addressed to a Minister, it should, as far as practicable, be replied to by the Minister himself. In other cases, a reply should normally be issued over the signature of an officer of the rank of Secretary only. (3) Where, however, a communication is addressed to the head of an attached or subordinate office, Public Sector Undertaking ) financial institutions (including nationalized banks) Division/Branch In charge in a Ministry/ Department/ Organisation, it should be replied to by the addressee himself. In routine matters not involving question of policy, he may send an appropriate reply on his own. In matters involving questions of policy the officer should have prior consultation with higher authorities before sending a reply. It should, however, be ensured that minimum level at which such replies are sent to Members of Parliament is that of Under Secretary and that also in letter form only.


(4) Normally Information sought by a Member should be supplied it is such a nature that it would have been denied to him even if asked for on the floor of the Houses of Parliament. (5) As far as possible, in corresponding with Members of Parliament, preprinted or cyclostyled copies should be avoided. (6) In case reference from an Ex-Member of Parliament (or MP who has not been re-elected) is addressed to a Minister or Secretary, reply to such reference may be sent by the concerned Divisional Head after obtaining approval of the Secretary of the Ministry/Department. In case the reference is addressed to a lower level officer reply to such reference could be sent by the officer on his own in non-policy cases and after obtaining approval of the higher authorities in policy cases. However, the minimum level at which reply could be sent should be that of an Under Secretary and that too in letter form only. 60. Prompt response to letters received (1) Each communication received from Members of Parliament, a member of the public, a recognized association or a public body will be replied to within 15days. (2) Where (i) delay is anticipated in sending a final reply, or (ii) information has to be obtained from another Ministry or another office, an interim reply will be sent within a fortnight indicating the possible date by which a final reply can be given. (3) If any such communication is wrongly addressed to a department, it will be transferred promptly(within three days) to the appropriate department under intimation to the party concerned. (4) Where the request of a Member of the Public cannot be acceded to for any reason, reasons for not acceding to such a request should be given. (5) As far as possible, requests from members of public should be looked at from the users point of view of what may be administratively convenient. 122. Watch on disposal of communication received from Members of Parliament. The personal section of each Joint Secretary/Director (if the director submits cases direct to secretary/additional secretary) will maintain a separate register of communications received from Members of Parliament in the form given in Appendix 45. The serial number at which a letter is entered in this register will be prominently marked on that letter together with its date of registration e.g., 25/JS/P/MP) 20.3.96 a. To keep a special watch on speedy disposal of communication received from Members of Parliament, each section will; i. maintain a register as in form at Appendix 46; and ii. Make out prominently those communications finally disposed of by rounding off the serial numbers of the register in red ink. b. If for any reason an M.P.s letter is received by a section without being registered in the personal section of the Joint Secretary/Director, immediate steps will be taken to get it registered there.



On the 1st and 15th day of each month, each section will submit the register along with the report in the form at Appendix 47 to the Under Secretary/Deputy Secretary. Particulars of communications pending for more than a fortnight will be given in the form at Appendix 48. The report, with the remarks of Under Secretary/Deputy Secretary, will be submitted to the Director/Joint Secretary and register will be returned to the section. The personal section of the Joint Secretary/Director will check whether all the communications entered in its register figure in the reports sent by the sections. If any discrepancy is found, it should be reconciled. Thereafter, the report will be submitted to the Joint Secretary/Director for scrutiny and for such other action, as he may consider appropriate. Ministries may through departmental instructions include additional columns in the forms at Appendix 45, 46,47 and 48 to suit local needs.



2. Instructions to all Ministries/Departments of Government of India with copy to all State Governments and LBSNAA regarding guidelines to deal with the Members of the Parliament/State Legislatures: - The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department O.M. No. 11013/2/92Estt.(A) dated 21.12.92 on the subject mentioned above wherein broad guidelines to govern dealings between the Administration and Members of Parliament and State Legislatures have been reiterated . The instructions emphasise that it should be the endeavour of every officer to help Members of Parliament and State Legislatures to the extent possible in the discharge of their functions under the Constitution. It has also been laid down that the two basic principals to be borne in mind by the Government servants while interacting with the Members of Parliament and State Legislatures are that (i) the Govt. servants should show courtesy and consideration to Members of Parliament and State Legislatures; and (ii) that while they should consider carefully or listen patiently to what the Members of Parliament and of the State Legislatures may have to say, they should always act according to their own best judgement. 2. The Lok Sabha Secretariat has brought to the notice of this Department that of late complaints have been received from Honble Members about non-observance by some of the authorities of instructions/guidelines regarding courtesy to be extended to peoples representatives in relation to public functions. The Honble Speaker has directed that it is has to be ensured that Members of Parliament are invariably apprised of the function being held/organized in their respective parliamentary constituencies. 3. In this connection, attention of Ministries/Departments is invited to para 5 of the instructions contained in the O.M. dated 21.12.92 wherein it has been prescribed that Ministries/Departments should issue instructions to ensure that in a public function organised by any of its offices in any part of the country, the Members of Parliament /State Legislatures of the area are invariably invited and entry passes wherever necessary, are sent to them in advance to avoid any inconvenience to them in this regard. It has also been prescribed in these instructions that proper and comfortable seating arrangements at public functions should be made for Members of Parliament who appear above the officers of the rank of Secretary of Government of India in Warrant of Precedence. 4. Ministries/Departments are requested to ensure that these instructions are followed by all concerned in letter and spirit. It may also be impressed on all concerned that violation of these instructions will be viewed seriously. [O.M. No. 11013/9/96Estt. (A) 29th October, 1996]


Copy of O.M. No 11013/2/92Estt.(A) of Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions (Department of Personnel & training) dated the 2112-92. 1. The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Personnel & A.R. O.M. No No. 25/19/64Estts.(A) dated the 8th Nov., 1974 wherein broad guidelines were laid down to govern official dealings between the Administration and the Members of Parliament and State Legislatures. These guidelines were re-circulated on 23.6.1988 and again on 23.4.91 with the request to bring these instructions to be notice of all concerned for strict compliance. 2. It has been noted that of late there have been cases where due and proper courtesy was not shown to MPs/MLAs, there by inviting adverse comments. There is, therefore, need for ensuring that proper courtesy is always shown to the members of Parliament/State Legislatures. Therefore, it is once again reiterated that Ministries/Departments should ensure that the guidelines contained in the O.M. dated 8th November, 1974 are observed strictly at all levels. 3. It has further been noted that references from Committee of Parliament were not being attended to promptly. It has, therefore, been decided that all such references should be attended to promptly and should not be passed on routinely down the line. Ministries/Departments should immediately identify senior officer at the level of JointSecretary or equivalent who should be charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the references are attend to promptly. 4. As regards treatment of letters received from members of Parliament/State Legislature, attention in invited to the para 7 contained in the instruction issued by the Government of India in 1974. 5. It has also been decided that Ministries/Departments should issue instructions to ensure that in a public function organized by any of its officers in any part of the country, the members of Parliament /States Legislatures of the area are invariably invited and entry passes wherever necessary, are sent to them in advance to avoid any inconvenience to them in this regard. 6.Ministries/Departments may also ensure that while addressing communications to the members of Parliaments, proper protocol conforming to their position in the Warrant of precedence (Copy enclosed) should be observed. In all official correspondence, where the name of an MP is to appear along with others, the name should be listed according to the position assigned to the MPs in the Warrant of Procedure. Care should also be taken to address each of them as member of Parliament (or MP) and not as Member of Parliament of Rajya Sabha. If it is desired to be more specific about the House to which they belong they may be addressed as Member of Parliament of MP(Lok Sabha)/(Rajya Sabha). 7. With a view to ensuring that these instructions are scrupulously followed by all concerned, it is necessary that these instructions are made available to all the Offices preferably in local languages. 8. It may please be ensured that these instructions are followed by all concerned in letter and spirit. It may also be emphasized on all concerned that a serious note will be taken of any violation of these instructions.


Copy of O.M. No. 25/19/64Estt(A) of Government of India/Cabinet Secretariat/Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms dated the 8th November, 1974. 1. The undersigned is directed to state that Members of Parliament and State Legislature occupy in our democratic set-up a very important place as accredited representatives of the people. They have important functions to perform under the Constitution and they may occasionally find it necessary to seek information form the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India or the State Governments, of make suggestions for their consideration or ask for interview with Officers in connection with their parliamentary and allied public duties. In this connection, certain well-recognized principle and conventions to govern the relations between Members of Parliament and of State Legislatures and Government Servants have already been established. These principles and conventions were communicated in Ministry of Home Affairs (new Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms) Office Memorandum No. 25/29/56Estts (A) dated the 28th August, 1957 and ) Office Memorandum No. 25/6/68Estts (A) dated the 27th March, 1968. copies enclosed as EnclosureI and II respectively. However, on a review of the position it has been considered necessary to reiterate, and to spell out in some detail, the principles and practices that should govern the relations between Members of Parliament and State Legislature and Government servants. The instructions in this regard are contained in the subsequent paragraphs. The Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring the contains of this Office Memorandum to the notice of all concerned for guidance and strict compliance. 2. The two basic principles to be borne in mind are (i) that Government servants should show courtesy and consideration of Members of Parliament and of the State Legislatures and (ii) that while they should consider carefully or listen patently to what the Member of Parliament and of State Legislatures may have to say, they should always act according to their own best judgment. 3. It should be the endeavour of every Officer to help the Members of Parliament and of State Legislatures to the extent possible in the discharge of their important functions under the Constitution. In cases, however, where an officer in unable to accede to the request or suggestion of a Member, the reasons for his inability to do so should be courteously explained to the member. 4. It is realize that many officers have very heavy public duties and responsibilities and if they are to function effectively they should be permitted to plan out their days work with some care and adhere to the plan. An officer should feel free to set apart some hour when he can refuse to meet visitors without being considered guilty of discourtesy, lack of consideration and the like. He should, however, set apart some time every day when anybody can see him and, within these hours and also during other office hours in which he is to meet visitors, he must give priority to Members of Parliament and of State Legislatures except when a visitors has come by previous appointment and a Member of Parliament of a State Legislature his come without an appointment. In such a case he should see the Member of Parliament or of a State Legislature immediately after he has met the visitor who had come by previous appointment. Any deviation from an appointment made with a Member of Parliament or of a State Legislature or indeed with any Member concerned so that the least possible inconvenience is caused to him and a fresh appointment should be fixed in consultation with him.


5. When a Member of Parliament or of a State Legislature comes to see him, an officer should rise in his seat to receive the Member and to see him off. Small gestures have symbolic value and officers should, therefore, be meticulously correct and courteous in their dealing with Members of Parliament and of State Legislatures. 6. Similarly, seating arrangement at public functions should be ensured that there is no room for any misunderstanding on this score. The position of Members of Parliament has been clearly brought out in the warrant of procedure approved by the President. M.Ps. appear at Article 30 above officers of the rank of full Central or equivalent, Secretaries to the Government of India, etc. The instructions appended to the Warrant of precedence also lay down that when Members of Parliament are invited en bloc to major State functions, the enclosure reserved for them should be next to the Governors, Chief Justice, Speaker of the Lokl Sabha, Ambassadors, etc. A further provision in the instructions is that the Members of State Legislatures who, owing to their presence in Delhi happen to be invited to State functions, should be assigned rank just after Member of Parliament. To convenience to Members of Parliament and of seats meant for them should be kept reserved till end of the function and should not be occupied by other persons, even though they may be vacant. The seats provided for them should be at least as comfortable and as prominently placed as those for officials. 7. Letters received from Members of Parliament and of State Legislatures should be acknowledged promptly. All such letters should receive careful consideration and should be responded to at an appropriate level and expeditiously. The officers should furnish to Members of Parliament and of State Legislatures when asked for, such information or statistics relating to matters of local importance as are readily available and are not confidential. In doubtful cases instructions should be taken from a higher authority before refusing request. 8. While the official dealings of Government servants with Members of Parliament and of State Legislature have to be regulated as stated in the previous paragraphs, it is necessary to invite the attention of Government servants to what is expected of them in their individual capacity in respect of their own grievances in the matter of conditions of service. Under the relevant Conduct Rules governing them, Government servants are prohibited from bringing or attempting to bring any, political or other influence to bear upon any superior authority to further their interests in respect of matters pertaining to their service under the Government. Therefore, a Government servants is not expected to approach a Member of Parliament or of a State Legislature for sponsoring his individual case. Copy Ministry of Home Affairs(now Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms), Office Memorandum No. 25/29/56Estt. (A) dated the 28th August, 1957.(EnclosureI) 1. It has been brought to the notice of the Government by certain Members of Parliament that instances have occurred in which Members of Legislatures have not been accorded by Government officers the consideration and regard which their position in the public life of the country requires. Government of India have no doubt that, lapses, if any, in this respect cannot be intentional, and that there in no desire to be discourteous or rude. Nevertheless, Government of India would like to remind all officers that due courtesy and regard to the representatives of the people are desirable in the larger interests of the country. The Members of Parliament have important functions to perform under the Constitution and it should be the endeavour of every officer to help them to the extent possible in the discharge of their functions. In cases, however, when officers


are unable to accede to the request or suggestions of Members of Parliament, the reasons for the offices inability to do so should be courteously explained to them. For purposes of interview, Members of Parliament should be given preference over other visitors, and in the very rare cases where an officer is unable to see a Member of Parliament at a time about which he had no previous notice, the position should be politely explained to the Member and another appointment fixed in consultation with him. The same courtesy and regard should be shown to Members of Legislatures attending public functions where, in particular, seats befitting their position should be reserved for them. 2. Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring these instructions to the notice of all concerned. Copy of O.M. No. 25/6/68Estt(A) dated 27.3.1968.(EnclosureII) 1. As the Ministry of Finance etc. are aware, instructions were issued on 28.8.57(Vide copy enclosed) emphasizing the need for observance of proper courtesies by officers of the Govt. in their dealings with Members of Parliament. In continuation of these instructions, it is further emphasized that where any meeting convened by Govt. is to be attended by Members of Parliament, special care should be taken to see that notice is given to them in good time regarding the date, time venue etc. of the meeting, and it should be ensured that there is no slip in any matter of detail, however minor it may be. 2. Ministry of Finance etc. are requested to bring the above instructions to the notice of all concerned. PRESIDENTS SECRETARIAT No. 33Pres/79 dated the 26th July, 1979. a. In suppression of all previous notifications issued on the subject, the following Table, with respect to the rank and precedence of the persons named therein which has been approved by the President, is published for general information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. President Vice President Prime Minister Governors of States within their respective States Former Presidents 5(A) Deputy Prime Minister Chief Justice of India. Speaker of the Lok Sabha (7) Cabinet Ministers of the Union. Chief Ministers of States within their respective States Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission Former Prime Ministers.


Leaders of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha. 7(A) Holders of the Bharat Ratna Decoration 8 Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Commissioners of Commonwealth countries accredited to India. High

Chief Ministers of States outside their respective States/Governor of States outside their respective States. 9 Judges of Supreme Court Comptroller & Auditor General of India. 10 Deputy Chairman, Rajya Sabha Deputy Chief Ministers of States Deputy Speaker, Lok Sabha Members of the Planning Commission Ministers of State of the Union and other Minister in the Ministry of Defence for defence matters. 11. Attorney General of India. Cabinet Secretary Lieutenant Governors within their respective Union Territories. 12. 13. 14. Chiefs of Staff holding the rank of full General or Equivalent rank Envoys Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary accredited to India. Chairman and Speakers of State Legislatures within their respective States Chief Justice of High Courts within their respective jurisdictions. 15. Cabinet Ministers in States within their respective States. Chief Ministers of Union Territories and Chief Executive Councillor, Delhi, within their respective Union Territories, Deputy Ministers of the Union 16. 17. Officiating Chief of Staff holding the rank of Lieutenant General or equivalent rank. Chairman, Central Administrative Tribunal Chairman, Minorities Commission Chairman, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Commission Chairman, Union Public Service Commission Chief Justices of High Courts outside their respective jurisdictions. Puisne Judges of High Courts within their respective jurisdictions. 18. Cabinet Ministers in States outside their respective States. 9-A. Chief Election Commissioner


Chairman, and Speakers of State Legislatures outside their respective States. Chairman, Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission. Deputy Chairman and Deputy Speaker of State legislature within their respective States. Ministers of States in States within their respective States Ministers of Union Territories and Executive Councillors, Delhi, within their respective Union Territories. Speakers of Legislative Assemblies in Union Territories and Chairman of Delhi Metropolitan Council within their respective Union Territories. 19. Chief Commissioner of Union Territories not having Councils of Ministers, within their respective States. Deputy Ministers in States within their respective States. Deputy Speaker of Legislative Assemblies in Union Territories and Deputy Chairman, of Metropolitan Council, Delhi, within their respective Union Territories. 20. Deputy Chairman and Deputy Speaker of States Legislatures, outside their States. Ministers of State in, States outside their States Puisne Judge of High Courts outside their respective jurisdictions. 21. 22. 23. Member of Parliament Deputy Ministers in their States outside their respective States. Army Commanders/Vice Chief of the Army Staff or equivalent in other Services. Chief Secretaries to State Governments within their respective States. Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities. Commissioner for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Members, Minorities Commission. Member, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Commission. Member, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Commission Officers of the rank of full General or equivalent rank Secretaries to the Government of India (including officers holding this office ex-officio) Secretary, Minorities Commission Secretary, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Commission Secretary, to the President Secretary to the Prime Minister Secretary, Rajya Sabha, Lok Sabha


Solicitor General Vice-Chairman, Central Administrative Tribunal 24. 25. Officers of the rank of Lieutenant General or equivalent rank. Additional Secretaries to the Government of India. Additional Solicitor General Advocate Generals of States. Chairman, Tariff Commission Charges Affairs and Acting High Commissioners a pied and ad interim. Chief Ministers of Union Territories and Chief Executive Councillor, Delhi, outside their respective Union Territories. Chief Secretaries of States Governments outside their respective States. Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General Deputy Speaker of Legislative Assemblies in Union Territories and Deputy Chairman, Delhi Metropolitan Council, outside their respective Union Territories. Director, Central Bureau of Investigation Director, General, Central Reserve Police. Director, Intelligence Bureau. Lieutenant Governors outside their respective Union Territories. Members, Central Administrative Tribunal. Members, Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Commission Members, Union Public Service Commission Ministers of Union Public Territories and Executive Councillor, Delhi, outside their respective Union Territories. Principal Staff officers of the Armed Forces of the rank of Major General or equivalent rank Speaker of Legislative Assemblies in Union Territories and Chairman of Delhi Metropolitan Council, outside their respective Union Territories. 26. Joint Secretaries to the Government of India and Officers of equivalent rank. Officers of the rank of Major-General or equivalent rank. NOTE 1 The order in this Table of Precedence is meant for State and Ceremonial occasions and has no application in the day-to-day business of Government. NOTE 2 Persons in the Table of Precedence will take rank in order of the number of the articles. The entries in the same article are arranged alphabetically. Those included in the same article will take precedence inter se according to date of entry into that article. However, where the dignitaries of different States and Union Territories included in the same article are


present at function outside their States or Union Territories and there in difficulty in ascertaining their dates of entry, they may be assigned precedence inter se in the alphabetical order of the name of States and Union Territories concerned after those whose precedence is determined according to date of entry into that article. NOTE 3 In Article 7, the former Prime Ministers will take precedence over the Cabinet Ministers of the Union and the Leaders of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha. The Chief Ministers of States within their respective States will take precedence over the Cabinet Ministers of the Union of official functions held in the respective States. NOTE 4 (a) In Article 8 Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and High Commissioners of Commonwealth countries accredited to India will en bloc rank above Governors of State outside their respective States. Governors of States outside respective States will en bloc rank above chief Ministers of States outside their respective States.


NOTE 5 The Ministry of External Affairs may assign appropriate ranks to foreign dignitaries and Indian Ambassadors, High Commissioners and Ministers Plenipotentiary during their visit to India. NOTE 6 Notwithstanding the procedure laid down in Note 2, the rank inter se and precedence of the persons in Article 10 shall be assigned in the following order: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Deputy Chairman, Rajya Sabha. Deputy Speaker, Lok Sabha Ministers of State of Union and any other Minister in the Ministry of Defence for defence matters, Deputy Chief Ministers of States. Members of the Planning Commission However, the Deputy Chief Ministers of States outside their respective States will always rank below all other dignitaries figuring in this article.

NOTE 7 The Chairman of State Legislative Councils will rank above the Speakers of Legislative Assemblies in case where they were elected on the same date. NOTE 8 When Members of Parliaments are invited en block to major State functions, the enclosures reserved for them should be next to the Chief Justice, Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Ambassadors etc. NOTE 9 Speakers of Legislative Assemblies in Union Territories and Chairman of the Delhi Metropolitan Council, Delhi, will take precedence over Ministers and Executive Councillors, included in the same article. NOTE 10. In Article 23



Secretaries in the Ministry of External Affairs other than the Foreign Secretary between themselves, will take precedence in the order of their seniority in Grade I of the Indian Foreign Service and both of them will take precedence after the Foreign Secretary; Member of the Minorities Commission and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Commission will always take precedence over the Secretaries of these Commissions; In official functions held at Delhi/New Delhi, Army Commanders/Vice Chief of the Army Staff or equivalent in other Services will always rank after Secretaries to the Government of India. In Article 25 Additional Secretaries in the Ministry of External Affairs among themselves will take Precedence in the order of their seniority in Grade II of the Indian Foreign Service; Additional Solicitor General will take precedence above the Advocate Generals of States; Lieutenant Governors will take precedence over the Chief Ministers and Chief Executive Councillor, Delhi, and the latter will take precedence over Speakers of Legislative Assemblies and Chairman , Metropolitan Council, Delhi; Deputy Speaker of Legislative Assemblies of Union Territories and Deputy Chairman of Delhi Metropolitan Council will take precedence after Ministers of Union Territories and Executive Councillors, Delhi.



NOTE 11 (a)

(b) (c)


NOTE 12For the purpose of Article 26, the posts equivalent to the posts of Joint Secretaries to the Government of India will be determined by the Ministry of Home Affairs.


GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 3 1. Participation in proselytising activities may be treated as good and sufficient reason for taking disciplinary action against a moS: - A question was raised whether members of the Service were prohibited from taking part in proselytising activities under these Rules. The Government of India have decided that although, under the Constitution of India, servants of the States are entitled in their private lives to profess, practice or propagate any religion freely, they should so conduct themselves in public as to leave no room for an impression that they are likely in their official dealings to favours persons belonging to any particular religion. Such an impression is bound to arise in respect of a member, who participates in bringing about or organizing conversions from one religion to another and such conduct would be even more reprehensible if, in the process, he makes use, directly or indirectly, of his official position or influence.


2. Although a specific provision in this regard is not made in these Rules, participation in proselytising activities may be treated as good and sufficient reason for taking disciplinary action against a member under the All India Service (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1955. 3. The provisions contained in the proceeding paragraph may be kept in view by the State Governments, while examining the conduct of members of the Service in this regard. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No.(IS)503/58-AIS(III), dated 30th May, 1958, read with O.M. No. 25/50/57-Esst.(A), dated 15th January, 1958-M.H.A. F.No.16/39/58-AIS(III)]. GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 5 1. Permission should not be given to a moS to publish articles in the journals, souvenirs etc., of political parties: - A doubt has been raised whether members of the All India Services can be permitted to publish articles in the journals, souvenirs etc., of political parties. 2. The matter has been examined in this Department and it has been decided, that in all such cases, permission should not be given. [DP&T letter No. 11017/30/93 AIS (III), dated 21/06/93]

GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 10 1. A moS may be permitted to participate in Flag Day Collection: - According to Rule 10 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, no member of the service shall except with the previous sanction of the Government or such authority as may be empowered by it in this behalf ask for or accept contributions to or otherwise associate himself with the raising of any funds or other collections in cash or any kind or in pursuance of any object whatever. For the purpose of this rule, Government in the case of the member of the service serving in connection with the affairs of the Union is the Central Government and in the case of a member of the service serving in connection with the affairs of State the Government of that State. 2. A question was raised whether members of All India Services may be permitted to associate themselves with the raising of funds in connection with the Armed Force Flag Day. So far as the Central Government servants are concerned, Government of India has decided to relax the provision of the Rule 12 of the CCS (conduct) Rules and to allow Central Government servants to participate in such collections on voluntary basis, keeping in view the object underlying the Flag Day Collection, vide Ministry of Home Affairs Memo. No. 25/33/55Estt., dated 31st October, 1955. 3. It was decided to extend the provisions of the Ministry of Home Affairs Memorandum cited above to the members of the All India Services serving under the Central Government. 4. The State Governments were requested to consider adopting the same policy in respect of the members of All India Services working under them. [DP & AR letter No. 11017/80/82AIS(III), dated 16-11-82.]


GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 11 1. The criteria to decide acceptance of gift my a moS or his members of the family is whether it is inspired by his official position: - The main criteria to be followed in deciding whether a member of the Service or a member of his family, should be permitted to retain a gift would be whether it has been inspired by his official position and also whether it is likely to embarrass or influence him, either immediately or prospectively in the discharge of his official duties. [G.I. M.H.A. letter No. 7/15/56AIS (II), dated 10th April, 1956]. 2. No officer should be given permission to accept gifts of more than trifling value, at the time of transfer: - Instances have come to the notice of the Government in which senior officers and others were presented, on the occasion of their retirement or transfer expensive gifts for the purchase of which the members of staff contributed. Though farewell entertainment of substantially private and informal character may be held in the honour of officers on the eve of their retirement or transfer, yet it is hardly healthy or desirable to allow the practice of accepting gifts from the staff. It has, therefore, been decided that in future no officer should be given permission to accept gifts of more than trifling value, at the time of transfer. 2. There is, however, no objection to the officers accepting gifts at the time of his retirement from members of the staff subject however to prior permission of Government wherever such permission is necessary. 3. The State Government may, if there be no objection follow these instructions while dealing with the similar cases of officers serving in connection with the affairs of the State. [G.I. M.H.A. letter No. 8/51/62AIS(III), dated 30th November 1962] 3. Procedure for disposal of presents received by a moS by visiting foreign dignitaries: - The Government of India have decided that presents made to members of the Service by visiting foreign dignitaries as distinguished from foreigners shall be disposed of in the following manner: (i) (ii) (iii) Presents, which are of a symbolic and not of any practical value, like swords ceremonial robes etc., may be retained by the recipients; Presents of trivial value, which for this purpose shall be *Rs. 3000/ may be retained by the recipients; and Presents not covered by the above two categories shall be deposited at the Government Toshakhanna (in the Ministry of External Affairs), from where the recipients may be given the option to purchase them at prices fixed by the authorities in charge.

[G.I. M.H.A/ letter No. 25/49/55Estt., dated 31st March, 1956, read with Dept. of Personnel and A.R. letter No. 5/28/73AIS(III), dated 10-1-1974 and No. 11017/55/76AIS (III), dated 8-12-1976] 4. Presents received by a moS from foreign firms will also be covered under the procedure above: - A question has been raised whether the instructions contained in letter No. 5/28/73AIS (III), dated 10-1-1974 could be applied in the case of gifts received by members of the service from foreign firms. 2. This question has been carefully considered in this department. According to the normal policy no permission is granted, save in exceptional circumstances, for


acceptance of gifts made to members of the services by firms, whether foreign or indigenous, with whom the members of the service concerned has had or has or is likely to have official dealings, either directly or indirectly by virtue of his official position. Permission should also not be normally granted for the acceptance of gifts by members of the All India Services from firms, which are contracting firms with the Government even if the contract is entered into by Ministry of Department other than one in or under which the member of the service concerned is serving. The question of grant of permission for acceptance of gifts from a foreign firm would, therefore, normally arise only in those cases where the foreign firms concerned is neither a firm contracting with the Government where it is proposed to grant permission for acceptance of the gifts made by a foreign firm the procedure laid down in this department letter of even number dated 10-1-1974 referred to above should be followed. [D.P. & A.R. letter No. 5/28/73AIS (III), dated 22-10-1975]. 5. Procedure for contacts with business firms: - I am directed to invite attention to sub-rule (4) of Rule 11 of AIS (Conduct) Rules, 1968 and to forward herewith a copy of this Departments office Memorandum No. 11013/1/88Estt. (A) dated the 10th May, 88 on the subject mentioned above. I am further directed to say that the instructions stipulated therein shall apply mutatis mutandis to members of the All India Services also. 2. It is requested that the above instructions may be brought to the notice of the members of the All India Services serving in the State/Central Government of the Compliance [Letter No. 11017/25/88AIS(III) dated 12-7-1988] Copy of O.M. No. 11013/1/88Estt.(A) dated 10.5.88 of Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training 1. The undersigned is directed to invite attention to Note (II) below Rule 13(I) of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 which lays down that a Government servant shall avoid accepting lavish hospitality or frequent hospitality from any commercial firms, organizations etc. Rule 4(3) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 interalia envisages that no Government servant shall in the discharge of his official duties deal with any matter concerning any company of firm of any other person if he or any member of his family is interested in such matter in any manner. These instruction have been issued to ensure that Government servants are extremely careful and discreet while coming in contact which businessmen and business firms so as to avoid situations, which might cause embarrassment to the Government or to the Government servants concerned, while dealing with matters relating to those business firms/businesses in their official capacity. 2. It may sometimes so happen that a Government servant is required to maintain contact with outsiders to gain information, in the public interest, about the violation of rules, regulations etc. In such cases the Government servant concerned has to exercise adequate care and discretion in making use of such outside contacts so that neither the Government nor the Government servant personally becomes obliged or committed to the said contact in any manner. 3. The aforesaid instructions are brought to the notice of all Ministries/ Departments for strict compliance by Government servants of all categories.


GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 12 1. The members of the Services should refrain from declaring building etc. open and should take prior permission if necessary: - A question was raised whether it would be in consonance with the spirit of this rule for members of the Service to accept invitations to declare buildings, etc. open, or to lay the foundation-stones of new buildings, or to allow bridges, road, buildings, parks or public institutions such as hospitals, schools or colleges be named after them. The Government of India have decided that it would not only be against the spirit of this rule, for members of the Service to act in the manner set forth above, but it would be inappropriate and inconsistent with the rule of detached impartiality legitimately expected of them and that it would generally have an unwholesome effect. 2. While it is possible that there may be occasion when members may have to participate in such functions, which have a cultural or sociological significance especially in remote areas, they should, as far as possible refrain from associating themselves with such functions. In cases, where they are in doubt, they would be well advised to take the prior permission of their superior officers. 3. The State Government may issue similar orders in respect of members of the Service serving under them. [M.H.A. letter No. 6/79/57AIS(II), dated 28th October, 1957 read with O.M. No. 25/24/57Estt.(A) dated 16-9-1957]. 2. The members of the Services should not accept awards conferred by private organisations: - This Department has been receiving references from various Ministries/Departments recommending grant of Awards from organisations of National/ International repute and also from Private Bodies, to members of All India Services. 2. In this connection, I am directed to invite the attention of all Ministries/Departments to the clarification issued in this Departments letter No.11017/48/93-AIS(III) dated 20th October, 1993 and to say that it is not appropriate for members of All India Services to accept awards from Private Bodies. {DOPT Letter No.11017/71-93-AIS(III) dated 9th August, 1994] Copy of the DOPT Letter No.11017/48/93-AIS(III) dated 20th October, 1993 regarding acceptance of awards conferred by private organisations. 1. As per rule 12(1) of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, a member of the Service is required to take the previous sanction of Government, which may be subject to such conditions and provisions as may be specified therein, before receiving any complimentary or valedictory address or testimonial or attending any meeting or entertainment held in his honour. While there is no specific rule regarding the acceptance of awards conferred on officers by private organisations, however, the policy of the Government has been that if a government servant has done any outstanding work, there are various methods open to Government themselves to recognise his merits and service and it would not be appropriate for him to accept such an award from a private body. In some isolated cases, however, the acceptance of awards was not objected to where the body giving the award was highly respected and the award did not include any monetary component. 2. It is relevant to point out that the activities of the Government extend over wide ranging fields, some of which are well publicised and some are not; this could lead to an unintended preference in recognition for persons engaged in the former category which


is not desirable. Some of the bodies which institute awards may also be involved in activities which may prove embarrassing for Government. Moreover, it has been accepted that a civil servant should not strive to seek publicity or public recognition since his job is to act in a fair manner within the framework of the policy laid down by the political executive; seeking awards instituted by private bodies can affect such functioning. Finally, the achievement which may be attributed to a public servant or member of the Service is almost always a result of coordinated efforts and thinking by a number of individuals and not the achievement of one person alone. Therefore, it is felt that, in general, awards sought to be given by private bodies and institutes to members of the Services do not need to be encouraged. In case there are exceptional circumstances like rewarding the merit of an officer for work done outside the purview of his functions in government or where Government otherwise thinks that an individual deserves a particular award, it is left to the discretion of the competent authority to decide such issues in a reasonable and judicious manner. 3. The main criteria which may be followed in granting permission to individual officers to accept awards from private organisations is that such awards should not have a monetary component. The competent authority must also take their decisions on a case-to-case basis since instructions cannot precisely encompass the multitude of possibilities that can crop up in such matters.

GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 13 1. Income from literary, cultural or artistic efforts, which are not aided by the knowledge acquired by the member in the course of his service, is not `fee for the purpose of SR 12 and can be retained by the officer in full: - A question arose, whether a member of the service could accept royalty of the publication of a book of literary, artistic, or scientific character and also whether such royalties were to be treated as Fee under supplementary Rule 12. It has been decided that the income from literary, cultural or artistic efforts, which are not aided by the knowledge acquired by the member in the course of his service, is not `fee for the purpose of SR 12 and can be retained by the officer in full. In other cases, SR 12 will apply and 1/3rd or the amount above Rs. 250 will have to be credited to the Consolidate Fund of India/State. [G.I. M.H.A. letter No. 16/12/59AIS(III), dated 15th June, 1959]. 2. There is nothing in this rule prohibiting a member of the Service from becoming a member of any Co-operative Society. [G.I. M.H.A. letter No. 8/50/61AIS(III), dated 29th November, 1961] 3. Members of the Services are not permitted to act as a sleeping partner: Instances have come to the notice or the Government of India, when members of the service sought permission to continue, as a sleeping partner to keep their interests alive in the joint family concern or otherwise. As a rule the Government are averse to the continued association of an all India Service Officer with a commercial firm in his own State of Allotment. [G.I. M.H.A. letter No. 8/6/63AIS (III), dated the 15th May, 1963]. 4. Members of the Services may be discouraged to hold Elective posts in University Senate: - Seeking election to a University Senate is neither in the scheme of social nor literary work. In fact the work of the University Senate itself cannot be regarded as of social, or literary character. In a large number of Universities, elections to


the Senate are hotly contested by nominees of the major political parties and the senate bodies are considered another forum for political activity. 2. In view of the considerations mentioned above it has been decided that elective post of the nature referred to above should not be held by the members of the All India Services and that they may be discouraged from seeking such election. [M.H.A. letter No. 8/88/65AIS(III), dated 8-12-1965]. 5. Power of the Central Government to grant previous sanction under rule 13(1) has not been delegated to the Central Ministries/Departments: - Rule 13(1) of All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 as amended by this Departments Notification No. 5/23/72AIS (III), dated, the 27th July, 1974 provides that no member of the service shall except with the previous sanction of the Government, engage directly or indirectly in any trade or business or negotiate for or undertake any employment. The powers of the Central Government under this rule are exercisable by the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms, as these powers have not been delegated to the administrative Ministries/Departments. The Ministry of Finance etc. are therefore, requested to ensure that proposals for grant of permission under this rule to the members of the All India Services working in, or under, them are invariably referred to this Department for prior concurrence. [Department of Personnel and A.R. O.M. No. 11017/3/75AIS (III), dated 9-4-1975]. 6. State Governments are not competent to nominate or appoint any member of the AIS on Central deputation to any executive or semi-executive positions under the State Government without the specific approval of the Central Government: Instances have come to notice where members of All India Services while on Central deputation have been nominated/appointed to specific executive semi-executive positions under the State Governments. Not only does this practise create avoidable embarrassment, it is also contrary to the rules. According to sub-rule (1) rule 13 of the AIS(Conduct) Rules read with clause (a) of rule 12 ibid no member of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the Union, or serving under a foreign Government or outside India whether on duty or on leave, shall, except with the previous sanction of the Central Government undertake any employment under a State Government. In view of these provisions State Government are not competent to nominate or appoint any member of the AIS on Central deputation to any executive or semi-executive positions under the State Government without the specific approval of the Central Government. The concurrence of the Central Government cannot be presumed. The basic assumption is that the entire time of a Government servant, particularly a senior one, should be available to the Central or State Government depending on where he is working. Moreover, it is necessary that while an officer is serving in the Government of India, he is not subject to any kind of control by a State Government. 2. If an officer in a State Government is holding certain positions in the State, it is not necessary that he should continue to do so, even when he comes on deputation to the Centre. For one thing, he will be able to devote the same time which he may have done while he was in the State and this may be against the interest of the institution(s) with which he was associated. For another, such step may tend to cause demoralization amongst officers in the State as it implies that there is no one competent enough to take over the responsibility. 3. For the above reasons, it has been decided that, as a matter of principle, members of the All India Services who are serving at the Centre will not be permitted to occupy


executive or semi-executive position under a State Government or Public sector organisation etc. controlled by the State Government except, where they are nominated by the Central Government to represent the interests of that Government. [DPAR letter No. 11017/10/78AIS (III), dated 20-7-1978]. 7. Details of the trade or business, the family members of the moS is engaged in, should invariably be furnished: - Under sub-rule (3) or rule 13 or the All India Service (Conduct) Rules, 1968, every member of the Service shall, if any member of his family is engaged in a trade or business, or owns or manages an insurance agency or commission agency, report that fact to the Government. It is, however, noticed that in a number of cases in the past, members of the All India Services did not furnish details relating to the trade/business started by their family members while making their reports to the Government under the aforesaid sub-rule with the result that Government had no information in this regard. Hereafter whenever a report is made by a member of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, elementary details like nature of and name under which trade/business is being done, its location, whether with or without partners, amount invested and the source of the amount invested etc. should invariably be furnished. [G.I., M.H.A., DP&AR letter No. 11017/15/79AIS(III), dated the 30th July, 1979] 8. A moS should not stand guarantee/surety for loans taken by their relatives for business purposes: - A question was raised whether an All India Service Officer can stand surety/guarantee to a loan being taken by his wife for business purposes. 2. It has been clarified that members of the All India Service should not stand guarantee/surety for loans taken by their relatives for business purposes as in this way indirect interest in business and financial commitments are created attracting the provisions of Rules 13 and 15 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968. [G.I.DP&AR letter No. 11017/46/82AIS(III), dated 4th September, 1982] 9. A moS can enrol with bar association with a condition that he should not engage in legal profession while in government service: - A question has arisen whether a member of an All India Services could enrol himself with bar association. It has been decided that a member an All India Services can be permitted to enrol himself as an advocate, on condition that he should not engage himself in the legal profession either independently or otherwise for so long as he continues in Government Services. [DP&T No. 11017/55/92 AIS(III), dated 22/12/92] 10. Secretaries of the Government of India should not associate themselves with Boards of Public Sector Undertakings: - Instances have come to the notice of the Government in which the Secretaries of the Government of India have associated themselves with the Public Sector Undertakings, as members of their Board of Directors. 2. The matter has been carefully considered in this Department and with the approved of Prime Minister, Secretaries to Government need not be appointed to the Boards of Public Sector Undertakings or in such companies with which Public Sector Undertakings are intimately involved. [DP&T Letter No. 11017/11/93AIS(III) dated 12.7.93] 11. A moS should obtain prior permission of the Government before negotiating for consultancies and other appointments: - Under Rule 13(1) (b) of the AIS(Conduct) Rules 1968 the members of All India Services are required to obtain prior


permission of the Government before they negotiate for, or undertake, any other employment. 2. It has come to the notice of the Government of India that some members of AIS have taken up consultancies and other appointments without obtaining the prior permission of the Government. The matter has, been viewed seriously and it is again reiterated that members of All India Services should not negotiate for, or undertake, any other employment without the previous sanction of the Government. 3. It is requested that this may be brought to the notice of all the members of the All India Service, and that all the State Governments should maintain strict control in this matter. [Letter no. 11017/52/93AIS(III) dated 2.12.94] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 6 AND RULE 13(4) 1. There is no objection to radio broadcasts or contributions to newspapers, periodicals, etc. on matter relating to sports being made by members of the Service without prior sanction of the Government. [G.I. M.H.A. letter No. 7/23/56AIS II, dated 27th April, 1956] 2. State Governments can permit a moS to submit thesis for Ph.D. etc. if there are not likely to interfere his due discharge of duties: - A question arose, whether members of the Service can be permitted to submit thesis for Ph.D. etc., the Govt. of India advised that the State Governments themselves could decide each individual case on merits. If the State Government are satisfied that the proposed course of studies is not likely to Interfere with the efficient discharge of officers duties, they may, at their discretion, permit the officer. [G.I. M.H.A. F. No. 8/76/62AIS(III) dated] 3. Sanction of the Government is not necessary for publication of books/articles of literary, artistic or scientific character: - Sanction of the Government is not necessary for publication of a book or article by a member of the service if the work is of literary, artistic or scientific character and is not aided by his official duties but the officer should take care that in publishing the book he does not contravene provisions of rule 6 or any other provisions of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968. 2. Provisions of S.R. 12 are also not attracted in such cases. [G.I. M.H.A. F. No. 8/35/62AIS(III)] 5. Prior sanction of the Government is necessary under rule 13(4) for accepting remuneration for publication of books/articles of purely literary, artistic or scientific character, though permission is not required for their publication under rule 6: - According to rule 6 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, a member of an All India service is not required to obtain the previous sanction of the Government for publishing a book or for contributing an article to a newspaper, periodical etc. If the subject matter of the book or contribution is of a purely literary, artistic or scientific character and, in the case of a book, it is published through a publisher. A question has been raised as to whether in such cases a member of an All India Service should obtain the sanction of the Government for accepting remuneration for such publication. 2. Sub-rule (4) of rule 13 ibid provides that no member of an al India Service shall accept any fee for any work done for any public body on for any private person without the sanction of the Government. This provision is independent of the provision contained in rule 6. As such even though a member of an All India Service is not required to obtain


the sanction of the Government for publishing a book etc. on a purely literary artistic or scientific subject he has to obtain the sanction of the Government for accepting any remuneration, for the work from a source other than the Consolidated Fund of India or the Consolidated Fund of a State. Similarly, in cases where a member of an All India Services, is required to obtain the sanction of the Government, under rule 6, for the publication of the book etc. the sanction under rule 6, does not automatically imply sanction of the Government under sub-rule (4) of rule 13, and, in cases where the provisions of the sub-rule are attracted, specific sanction there under is necessary. 3. The question whether any portion of the fee, received for the work, should be credited to the Government, is to be decided in accordance with Supplementary Rule 12, as far as the members of and All India Service serving in connection with the affairs of the Union are concerned. In the case of a member of an I.A.S. serving in connection with the affairs of a State, this matter may be regulated by the rules, regulations and orders, applicable to the members of the State Civil Service Class I of that State. (Department of Personnel and A.R. No. 5/4/73AIS(III), dated 27-4-73). 5. Greater care/discretion should be taken about the provisions of the Official Secrets Act, 1923, while giving permission to serving/retired officers to publish books/articles: - It has been brought to the notice of the Government that some retired officers have published books/articles, which revealed sensitive information on certain operation pertaining to the security of the State/having a bearing on the sovereignty and integrity of India. It has also been noted that such disclosures are not only likely to embarrass the Govt. and the officers concerned, whose names has been revealed, but they are also likely to perilously affect cordial and friendly relations with foreign States. Administrative Ministries/ Departments/Authorities should very carefully and critically review such instances and ensure that necessary follow-up action as envisaged in the Official Secrets Act, 1923/relevant Pension Rules governing the conditions of pension of retired Govt. servants, are taken in time, as and when necessary. Even more important would be the need to exercise greater care/discretion at the time of according permission to serving the case may be, for publication of material which would attract the provisions of the Official Secrets Act, 1923. (DP&T letter No. 11017/48/92AIS(III) dated 4.2.1993) GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 10 AND RULE 13 1. No objection if individual members of the trainee took part in the variety of performance organised by the public organising committee, but collection of contribution is not allowed: - In connection with the Tagore Centenary Celebrations, sanction of the Government of India was sought by members undergoing training at the Central Police Training College to collect funds in aid of the Viswa Pharaoh University and to stage a variety performance. While the sanction to collect contributions was not given it was indicated that there would be no objection if individual members of the trainees took part in the variety performance, organised by the public organising committee. (G.I. M.H.A. letter No. 8/22/61AIS(III), dated 4th May, 1961). 2. A moS should not be allowed to collect any contributions/donations in connection with the celebrations of the Anniversaries of Independence etc.: - A question has been raised as to whether District Magistrates/ Deputy Commissioners/District Collectors can be authorised to raise voluntary contributions in


connection with the celebrations of the 25th Anniversary of Independence. The Central Government have considered the matter carefully and are of the view that association of Government servants with such collections is bound to evoke public criticism. It has therefore, been decided that members of the All India Services should not be allowed to collect any contributions/donations in connection with the celebrations of the 25th Anniversary of Independence. [D.P. & A.R. Letter No. 5/13/72AIS (III), dated 9-8-1972] 3. Members of the Services may not be allowed to be a member of the societies/bodies which collect funds/accept contributions: - A member of an All India Service, who is permitted under rule 13(3) of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 to associate himself with Societies which have a specific objective like building schools/hospitals or celebrating centenaries etc. of eminent public men/institutions etc. cannot, under rule 10 ibid accept contribution to the society or otherwise associate himself with the raising of any fund or other collections in cash or in kind for that society without the previous sanction of the State Government if he is serving in connection with the affairs of the State and with the previous sanction of the concerned Ministry/Department if he is serving in connection with the affairs of the Centre. If a member of the Service is working in connection with the affairs of the State Government, it is for that Government to decide, while permitting him under rule 13(3), whether any previous Sanction under rule 10 is to be given to him in his capacity as Chairman/Office Bearer of the body to collect funds or to associate himself with collection of funds by that body. If the State Government are of the view that such previous sanction should not be given for any reason and, if the body concerned is likely to raise funds for any specific purpose, then State Government will be well advised not to permit the member of the service to associate himself with that Society under rule 13(3). If, however, State Government are of the view that previous sanction under rule 10 be given then there is no bar to the member of the Service to collect funds or associate himself with the collection of funds by that society as the requirements of rule 10 will stand fulfilled as far as he is concerned. 2. However, it should be remembered that association of AIS officers who hold responsible positions with fund collection for societies/bodies is bound to evoke public criticism. It would, therefore, be appropriate that members of the Service in Districts are not permitted under rule 13 to associate themselves with such bodies whose specific objectives can be fulfilled only by collection of funds. In fact, Government of India Decision No.2 below rule 10 of the Rules ibid stipulates that members of All India Services should not be allowed to collect any contribution/donations in connection with the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of Independence. 3. The State Governments are advised that, in view of the circumstances explained in para 1above, it would be but proper not to permit members of the All India Services to be associated with such societies/bodies lest the credibility of the officers in the eyes of the public should be eroded. [DPAR letter No. 11017/44/81AIS(III), dated the 29th October, 1981] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 14 1. It has been decided that taking of loans from reputable firms or banks does not require previous sanction of the Government under this rule. [M.H.A. O.M. 8/79/62AIS(III), dated 24th October, 1962].


2. Small amount under sub-rule 4 depends on case to case basis: - A question having arisen and it was decided that the definition of small amount used in proviso to sub-rule (4) depends on the circumstances of each individual cases and no hard and fast criteria can be laid down e.g., what constitute a small loan for an officer drawing Rs. 2,250 may not be shall amount for another officer drawing Rs. 500. [M.H.A. No. 8/69/73AIS (III), dated 30-12-1963]. 3. If a moS, holding shares of a particular company, subsequently appointed to a post which requires to deal with the affairs of that company, he may not be permitted to such post or he may be asked to dispose of his shares of that company: - Instances have come to notice of this Department where members of the All India Services had purchased shares from Company, etc., with which they were not having any official dealings but later on they were appointed/transferred to a post, which required them to deal with the company etc., of which he had purchased the shares earlier. The question whether they may be allowed to retain such shares has been considered and it has been held that it would be necessary to abide by the provisions of Rule 14(4)(ii) of the All India Service (Conduct) Rules, 1968 in letter and in spirit. Accordingly, in such cases, either the work concerning the company in question may be withdrawn from the concerned officer or he may be asked to dispose of his shares, irrespective of the fact that the holdings of the officer or any member of his family in the company concerned may be nominal. 2. It is requested that the above decision may be uniformly applied in all such cases. [D.P. & A.R letter No. 11017/2/77AIS(III), dated 22nd April, 1977]. 4. Procedure for treatment of fixed deposits with companies and banks: Questions have been raised, from time to time in regard to the treatment to be accorded to fixed deposits with companies and banks. Doubts have been raised particularly on the point whether in regard to such deposits, the provisions of Rule 14(4) of the AIS (Conduct) Rules, 1968,will be attracted. The matter has been examined and the position is clarified as under : (1) Fixed deposits with public limited companies, whether in the private sector or the public sector, will be covered by the saving clause in Rule 14(4) of the AIS (Conduct) Rules, 1968, as public limited companies receive deposits from the public on authorisation given by the Central Government under the companies (Acceptance of deposits from the public) Rules, 1975. However, where the amount of deposit with a public limited company exceeds the monetary limits laid down in Rule 16(4) of the AIS (conduct) Rules, 1968, then a report to the prescribed authority in regard to the deposit will be necessary under that rule. (2) Deposits with private limited companies and firms are in the nature of loans to those companies and firms and they should be regulated with reference to the provision or Rule 14(4) of the AIS (Conduct) Rules, 1968. (3) Fixed deposits with banks are, as already provided in Rule 14(4) of the AIS (Conduct) Rules, 1968, exempt from the operation of this rule. However, in regard to fixed deposits with banks also, a report should be made to the prescribed authority under Rule 16(4) of the AIS (Conduct) Rules, 1968, if the monetary limits laid down therein are exceeded. The clarification contained in Prar 4 of the Department letter No. 5/8/73AISIII, dated 1-7-74 will stand modified to this extent.


(4) Day-to-day Savings Bank transactions, either with a bank or with a post-office would not, however, come with in the purview of Rule 16(4) of the AIS (Conduct) Rules, 1968. [DP & AR letter No. F. 11017/24/81AIS(III), dated 22-6-82] 5. A moS should not purchase nor should he permit any member of his family to purchase shares from out of the quota reserved for friends and associates of Directors of Companies: - A question has raised whether a member of All India Services can purchase share of companies from out of a quota reserved for the friends and associates of the Directors of Companies. The provisions of rule 14(2) of the AIS Conduct Rules 1968, makes it clear beyond doubt that a member of All India Services should be circumspect in the matter of making investments and their is room for the inference that purchase of shares in a company from out of the quota reserved for friends and associates of Directors is likely to embarrass him in the discharge of his official duties at some time or other. In the circumstances, and keeping in view of the provisions of rule 14(2) of the AIS Conduct Rule, 1968 member of AIS should not purchase nor should he permit any member of his family to purchase shares from out of the quota reserved for friends and associates of Directors of Companies. (DP&T No. 11017/52/92 AIS(III), dated 27/1/1993)

GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 16 1. Declaration of immovable property to be made in Form-I in duplicate, one to the concerned State Government and the other to the Establishment Officer of the Government of India: - The members of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the Union or serving under a Foreign Government or outside India shall submit the declaration under sub-rule 1 & 2 in Form 1. The declaration shall be submitted in duplicate, one copy being forwarded to the State Government, on whose cadre the member is borne, and the other to Establishment Officer to the Government of India. As far as the members of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the State are concerned, the State Governments may adopt the same form, subject to such changes, if any, as they may consider necessary in the light of local conditions. In their case also, the declaration shall be submitted in duplicate, one copy being forwarded to the Government of India in the Ministry of Home Affairs. 2.The returns shall be submitted in separate sealed covers subscribed as follows: Statement of immovable property furnished under rule 16 (1) of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1954, on the first appointment for the year. Name (In block letters) (Service, Cadre) and Designation of Officer, 3.The returns in respect of members serving in connection with the affairs of the Union etc., will be kept in separate folders. When the return relating to a particular year is received from such a member it would be added to the relevant letter and retained in safe custody, after it is scrutinised by the Deputy Secretary (Vigilance). The State


Governments may also adopt the same course in respect of returns of members serving under them. [G.I., M.H.A. letter and O.M. No. 8/2/54AIS (II), dated 8th November, 1955, and O.M. No. 18/2/55AIS (III), dated 23rd May, 1956 read with letter No. 12(2)E.O. III/69, dated 13th November, 1959]. 2. The return of immovable property shall be submitted by the moS within one month on his first appointment to the Service and subsequently in the month of January every year: - The return of immovable property shall be submitted by the members of the Service on their first appointment to the Service within a month of such appointment and subsequently in the month of January every year. The initial return shall show the position as on the date of their appointment and subsequent returns as on the 1st January of the year in which they are submitted. [G.I., M.H.A. No. 8/9/60AIS (III), dated 16th February, 1960.] 3. The moS should report the share in a joint family property and require to obtain prior permission of the Government for the disposal, if necessary: - Under this rule, a member of the Service who has share in a joint family property is required to report it. He is also required to obtain Governments permission for the disposal of his share in the joint family property, when such permission is necessary under sub-rule (4). [G.I., M.H.A. U.O. No. 6/34/57AIS (II), dated 7th May, 1957.] 4. The moS should seek prior permission before starting construction/extension of a house and should report details after construction: - The Govt. of India have decided that the purchase of any movable property exceeding Rs.15,000 in value by a member of the Service for the construction or extension of a house shall be reported to the prescribed authority in the following manner: (i) before starting the construction/extension, he shall report or seek permission, as the case may be, in form IV, and (ii) after completing the construction/extension, he shall report in Form V. 2. The details in Forms IV and V shall be furnished wherever it is possible to do so. Where however it is not possible to furnish details, the members shall mention the covered area, on which the building is proposed to be erected, and the estimated cost of the building. The decision should be construed to have been issued under Rule 16. [G.I. M.H.A. letter No. 6/5/57AIS (III), dated 12th September, 1957, read with letter No. 11017/25/75AIS (II), dated 9th September, 1975 and letter No. 11017/40/75AIS (III), dated 11th November, 1975.] 5. If construction of a house is being done by a contractor, the moS should indicate whether he has any official dealing with him or not: - It should inter alia also be mentioned in the prescribed form I whether the construction etc. would be done by any contractor. If the construction is to be done by a contractor he should also indicate whether he had or has any official dealings with the contractor. [M.H.A. letter No. 8/55/63AIS (III), dated 1st February, 1964.] 6. Interest in joint family property, which is non-existent if governed by Dayabhai School, need note be reported: - In the case of a member of the Service governed by the Dayabhai School, he has no right in the ancestral property, so long as father is alive.


His interest in the joint family property, which is non-existent, is not therefore, to be included in the return prescribed in sub-rule (3). [letter no.6/37/57-AIS-II dated 18.11.1957] 7. Transaction of movable property by the wife or by a member of the family of a moS from his/her won funds, need not be reported, however, transaction of immovable property in this regard need to be reported separately: - A question was raised whether a transaction involving purchase of movable property exceeding Rs.2000/- in value by the wife or by an other member of the family of an All India service Officer, entirely from his/her funds, is required to be reported to the Government and whether such property should be included in the property return which the State Government may call for under sub rule (5). 2. It has been decided that such transaction in movable property need not be reported to the Government. As regards similar transactions in immovable property by the family members of an All India Services officers, while they are not required to be reported as and when they are entered into, they have to be included, as separate items in the returns of immovable property prescribed in sub-rule (2) . 3. As regards return which the State Government may prescribed under sub-rule (5), it is not, circumscribed by the provision of sub-rule(2). Thus, though there is no mention of the members of their families in the return prescribed by them under sub-rule (5). [G.I. M.H.A. letter No. 16/33/59AIS(III), dated 9th September, 1959] 8. Fixed deposits in banks from the savings of the salary of the moS need not be reported, but all purchases of Postal or National Saving Certificate exceeding Rs.2,000 in value need to be reported: - The Government of India have decided that, while fixed deposits in a bank or deposit in a saving bank account made by a member of the Service from out of his salary or accumulated savings would not come within the scope of sub-rule (2), it would be necessary for the member to report to the Government all purchases of Postal or National Saving Certificate exceeding Rs.2,000 in value, from such accumulated savings or deposits in banks or post offices, as the Postal or National Saving Certificates come in the same category as insurance policies, shares, securities and debentures mentioned in Explanation I of rule 16(5). [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 16/59/59AIS (III), dated 12th January, 1960.] 9. Provisions of this rule apply to transactions, even though they are with persons outside the jurisdiction of a member of the Service or outside the State, on whose cadre he is borne: - Provisions of this rule apply to transactions, even though they are with persons outside the jurisdiction of a member of the Service or outside the State, on whose cadre he is borne. In such cases, the procedure to be followed before grant of sanction approval to the purchase or sale of immovable property by the member is, that the State Government may ascertain from the local authorities, in the case of property situated within the State, whether the price to be paid or the sale price is reasonable in the case of sale or purchase of immovable property situated outside the State the State Government concerned may be addressed in the matter. [G.I. MHA letter No. 8/4/60AIS(III) dt. 30th January 1960.] 10. Sanction of the Government is necessary for contribution towards construction of a building on a plot owned by a member of the family: - A doubt was raised whether sanction of the Government was necessary where a member of the Service contributed towards the construction of a building on a plot of land owned by a member of his family.


2. Such a transaction would come within the scope of sub-rule (4) if the contribution in cash or kind exceeds Rs.2,000 in value. The requirement of this sub-rule should, therefore, be complied with by the officer. [M.H.A. letter No. 8/6/61AIS (III), dated 16th February, 1961.] 11. Where a member of the Service enters into a transaction in immovable property with the Government no prior sanction is necessary. [M.H.A. letter No. 8/36/61AIS (III), dated 25th August, 1961.] 12. Construction/extension of a house financed entirely by a member of the family of the moS need not be reported: - The intention behind the forms prescribed in Government of Indias decision (4) above is that the immovable property that would be acquired during the construction/extension should be reported to the Government as required by sub-rule (4). If the construction/ extension is financed entirely by a member of the family of the officer, rule 16 would not be attracted and hence it would not be necessary for him to submit the reports; but where such construction/extension is financed wholly or partly by a member of the Service in his own name or in the name of any member of his family, reports will have to be submitted. [M.H.A. letter No. 8/19/62AIS (III), dated 15th March, 1962.] 13. The Government of India have decided that a Co-operative Society can be termed as a regular/reputed dealer for purposes of rules 16(3) and 16(4) of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968. [M.H.A. letter No. 8/69/62AIS (III), dated 4th September, 1962.] 14. Sub-rules (3) and (4) extend to gifts made by a member of the Service to his wife relative dependents etc. When a gift is made by a member of the Service to his relative or dependents the question of approaching a dealer or an agent would not arise. The proviso to sub-rules (3), (4) of rule 16 have therefore, no application where the nature of transaction is such as to exclude the possibility of the engagement of a dealer or agent. In view of this, a member of the Service need not obtain the prior permission of the Government for making gifts to his wife or relatives or any one else. It would suffice if he makes a report to the Government under rule 16(3) or 16(4) as the case may be for information. [Deptt. of Personnel and A.R. letter No. 9/15/71AIS (III), dated 26th August, 1971.] 15. Properties acquired by the members of the family of the moS from out of their own funds need note be included in the property return of the moS: - Sub-rules (3) and (4) of rule 16 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, apply only to properties acquired etc. by the members of the Service either in their own names or in the names of the members of their families. In other words, the properties either acquired by the members of the families of the officers from out of their own funds or inherited by them would not attract the provisions of the rules. As such, the movable/ immovable properties owned, etc. by the members of the families of the officers, which are either inherited by them or acquired by them from out of their own funds, are not required to be included in the property returns envisaged in sub-rule (2) of rule 16 ibid (Letter No 5/4/74AIS (III), dated 21st February, 1974.] 16. No prior permission is needed for acquiring any movable/immovable property by inheritance, but reported to the Government (if value exceeds Rs.2000/- in case of movable property) ; - A question has arisen as to whether a member of All India Services should report to, or seek permission of, Government under sub-rule (3) and (4) of the rule 16 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 for acquiring immovable


and movable properties by inheritance. The following clarification is issued for the guidance of the State Government: 16.2 Sub-rule 3 of rule 18 provided that no member of the Service shall, except with the previous knowledge fo the Government: (a) acquire any immovable property by lease, mortgage, purchase, gift or otherwise, ether in his own name or in the name of the member of this family; or (b) dispose by lease, mortgage, sale, gift or otherwise any immovable property owned by him or held by him either in his own name or in the name of any member of his family. The proviso below this sub-rule envisages that previous sanction of the Government shall be obtained by a member of the Service for entering into any such transaction if it is with a person having official dealings with him or otherwise than through a regular reported dealer. 3. The word or otherwise occurring in the sub-rule could cover property acquired by a member of the Service by inheritance also. When a member of the Service inherits any immovable property, the question of approaching a dealer or agent would not arise and the proviso below this sub-rule will have no application in such types of transaction. A member of the Service need not, therefore, obtain prior permission of the Government for acquiring any immovable property by inheritance. He should, however, submit a report to the Government giving full details of the property so acquired. 3.1 Acquiring movable properties (including cash) by member of the Service by inheritance, would amount to transaction in movable property, for the purpose of subrule (4) of rule 16 ibid. In this type of transaction also, since the proviso below this subrule would have no application as member of the Service need not obtain prior sanction of the Government for acquiring any movable property (including cash) by inheritance. He should, however, report to the Government the details of the movable property (including cash) inherited by him if the value of such property exceeds rupees two thousand. [D.P. & A.R. letter No. 5/19/74AIS (III), dated 3rd July, 1974.] 17. A moS need not report to seek permission from the Government for depositing money in and receiving final payment from the Cumulative Time Deposit Account whether operated with a bank or a post office even if the amount in question exceeds Rs.2,000 and also deposits/withdrawals of amounts exceeding Rs.15,000/- from his back account: - A question has been raised whether investment in Unit Trust of India, Treasury Savings Deposits, National Savings Certificates, Post Office Time Deposits etc. is a transaction in movable property for the purpose of sub-rule (4) of rule 16. It is clarified that sale or purchase of Units of Unit Trust of India, Treasury Savings Deposits, National Saving Certificates is a transaction in movable property if the value of any such transaction exceeds Rs.15,000 member of the service has to report to the Government about such transaction as provided for in sub-rule (4). Prior permission of the Government is not necessary for entering into such type of transactions. It has also been decided that a member of the Service need not report to seek permission from the Government for depositing money in and receiving final payment from the Cumulative Time Deposit Account whether operated with a bank or a post office even if the amount in question exceeds Rs.2,000. 2. Similarly, a member of the Service is not required to report to the Government about the deposits and withdrawals of amounts exceeding Rs.15,000 to and from his account in a bank.


[Deptt. of Personnel and A.R letter No. 5/32/74AIS(III), dated 22nd November, 1974 and No. 11017/12/75AIS(III), dated 14th July, 1975.] 18. Procedure for prior permission for joining chit fund, taking life insurance policies, making fixed deposits in banks: - A question has arisen whether: (a) a member of an All India Service should obtain permission of the Government for joining chit fund; (b) a member of an All India Service should report to the Government or seek prior permission of the Government for taking life insurance policies; and (c) a member of the Service should obtain permission of the Government for making fixed deposits in banks. The correct position is explained in the following paragraphs: 2. The subscriptions which a member of an All India Service gives to a chit fund would be a transaction in movable property within the meaning of sub-rule (4) of rule 16 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968. If the annual subscription to the chit fund exceeds Rs. 2,000 a member of the Service has to report to the Government under the aforesaid rule previous sanction of the Government would be necessary only if the member of the service concerned has official dealings with the chit fund and if it is not a registered chit fund company. The amount that a member of the service may receive from the chit fund can be classified into two categories. (i) receiving the amount of the sum total of the contribution payable by all subscribers for any one instalment less the discount or commission payable to the Chit Fund company by bid before the expiry of the period upto which the subscription is to be made, and (ii) receiving the amount at the time of maturity. 2.1 As regard (i) above, since the amount received, by a subscriber from the chit fund by bid would be more than the amount subscribed by him and the difference will have to be made good by him by future subscriptions upto the total period of the chit fund, the amount received in such case would amount to loan received from the chit fund company. Since the chit fund company is not a banking company and the provisions of the Banking Regulations Act 1949 are not therefore, applicable to such companies, a member of the Service has to obtain permission of the Government under proviso to sub-rule (4) of rule 16 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 for receiving the money from the chit fund companies in such cases. As regards (ii) if the amount received from the chit fund exceeds Rs.2,000 a member of the Service has to report to the Government under sub-rule (4) of the rule 16 ibid because the amount received by him would not be exclusively the amount subscribed by him but would also include the commission payable by the chit fund company. 3. As regards (b), a member of the Service need not obtain prior permission of the Government for taking a life insurance policy. He will have, however, to submit a report to the Government as laid down below: (i) A member of the Service should submit a report to the Government while taking an insurance policy if the annual premium of it exceeds Rs.15,000/-. However, if the annual premium first determined is less then Rs.15,000/- but on conversion, it exceeds Rs.15,000/- a report to the Government is necessary at the stage. When he receives the sum assured as survival benefit/on maturity of the policy he need not submit any report to the Government.


(ii) A member of the Service need not report to the Government while taking an insurance policy annual premium of which is less than Rs.2,000/-. He should however, submit a report to the Government as the time of receiving the sum assured as survival benefit/on maturity of the policy. 4. As regards (c) while fixed deposits in a bank or deposits in a Savings Bank account made by a member of the service from out of his salary or accumulated savings would not come with in the scope of sub-rule (2), it would be necessary for the member of the service to report to the Government all purchase of Postal or National Savings Certificates exceeding 15Rs. 2,000 in value, from such accumulated Savings. (M.H.A., letter No. 16/59/59AIS(III), dt. 13-1-1960 read with DP. & AR. letter No. 5/8/73AIS(III), dated 1-7-1974). 19. No prior sanction of Government is necessary in transaction of immovable property with the State Housing Boards for purchasing flats etc., but the Government should be informed in advance: - In cases of transactions in immovable property with the State Housing Boards in regard to purchase of residential flats etc. no prior sanction of the Government is necessary. However, the officers have to inform the Government in advance. Attention is also invited to Government of India decision 14 below rule 16 of the A.I.S. (Conduct) Rules, 1968 (reproduced at p. 104 of AIS Manual Part I corrected upto 1-8-1984). (G.R. DP & AR O.M. No. D2456/83 AIS(III), dt. 3-12-1983.) 20. Rental value of property exceeding Rs.10,000/- for a year to be shown in the annual property returns and rental value exceeding Rs.15,000/- need to be reported to the Government: - A question has been raised whether the house/flat let out a member of All India Services, the rental value of which does not exceed 10,000/p.m., is required to be reported to the Govt. It has been decided that the property return is filled on annual basis, therefore, if the rental value of property exceed Rs.10,000/- for a year, it is be shown in the annual property returns. The rental value of the property exceeding Rs.15,000 it to be reported to the Govt. (DP&T No. 11017/37/92 AIS(III), dated 2/9/92),) 21. Powers of the Central Government in respect of IPS officers working in the Central Police Organisation in ranks upto D.I.G. shall be exercised by the heads of the organisations concerned under delegated powers: - In exercise powers vested under rule 22 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, it has been ordered that the powers of the Central Govt. under sub-rule (4) of rule 16 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 in respect of I.P.S. officers working in the Central Police Organisation in ranks upto D.I.G. shall be exercised by the heads of the organisations concerned. Copies of sanctions issued in this regard will, however, be endorsed to the Ministry of Home Affairs (I.P.S. Section). [Order No. 11017/22/78AIS(III), dated 5-7-79.] 22. transaction entered into by the officer on behalf of a Trust need to be reported to the Government if the moS or his wife is a Trustee: - A question has been raised whether transactions made by a Trust are to be reported to the Govt. if the Trustee is a member of the All India Services or his wife is a Trustee 2. It has been decided that any transaction entered into by the officer on behalf of the Trust will be dealt with under the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 as if the transaction(s) were entered into in his personal capacity. In other words, the provisions of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 attract also the transactions entered into by the member of the Service on behalf of the Trust.


[Deptt. of Personnel & Trg. letter No. 11017/95/84AIS(III), dated March, 1985] 23. The moS, while reporting to the Govt. or seeking the permission of a transaction, has to indicate whether he has had any official dealings with the person with whom he has entered into of proposes to enter into the transactions in movable of immovable property: - As per the existing provisions of Rules 16(3) of the AIS (Conduct) Rules 1968, a member of the service is not allowed either in his own name or in the name of any member if his family to acquire or dispose of any immovable property without the previous knowledge of the Government. It is also provided that pervious sanction of the Govt. shall be obtained if any such transaction is with a person having official dealings with the person. 2. Attention is invited to this departments letter No. 5/18/73AIS(III) dated the 20th July 1973 wherein it has been clarified that a member of the service has to obtain the pervious sanction of Govt. in the following types of transactions: (i) transactions with persons having official dealings with the member of the services; (ii) transactions with persons having no official dealings with the member of the service. 3. When a member of the service reports to the Govt. or seeks the permission of a transaction, he has to indicate whether he has had any official dealings with the person with whom he has entered into of proposes to enter into the transactions in movable of immovable property. It is therefore for the Government to decide whether the transaction is in accordance with the provisions of the transactions thereon especially in regard to Rule 3(1) ibid, and to grant or refuse permission accordingly. [letter No. 11017/95/84AIS(III), dt. 4.5.1993] 24. State Governments should ensure that every moS should furnish their annual property returns in respect of every calendar year, by the 31st January of the next year: - In accordance with the provisions of Rules 16(2) of the AIS (Conduct) Rules, 1968, every member of the service is required to submit an annual return giving full particulars regarding the immovable property inherited by him or owned or acquired by him or held by him on lease or mortgage, either in his own name of in person. It has been prescribed in Government of Indias instruction Nos. 1 & 2 below Rule 16 ibid that the return of immovable property in form I shall be submitted by the members of the service on their first appointment to the service within a month of his appointment and subsequently in the month of January every year. The need for obtaining these returns regularly and making careful scrutiny of the same has also been reiterated from time to time. 2. It has however, been noticed that in many cases these returns are not being submitted on time. All State Governments etc. are therefore requested to ensure that the returns of immovable property are submitted by all members of the service under their control, in respect of every calendar year, by the 31st January of the next year. It may also be impressed upon them that failure on the part of the members of the Service to comply with the requirements of the aforesaid rules constitutes good and sufficient reason for institution of disciplinary proceedings against them. [letter No. 11017/74/93AIS(III) dated 4.1.94] 25. All moS should scrupulously follow the provisions of this rule while submitting the property returns lapses of would attract action under AIS(D&A) Rules, 1969: - I am directed to refer to the provisions contained in sub-rule(1) and (2) of Rule 16 of the All India Services(Conduct) Rules, 1968 Rules in regard to submission of


immovable/movable and valuable property returns to be filed by the members of the All India Services and to state a review of the application of the said provisions has revealed certain short-falls, namely: a. While filling the annual immovable property returns, in some cases, officers had not initially furnished information of acquisition of property in the years when they were due but the return subsequently filed contained information of acquisition/disposal that had not been initially given. b. There have been cases where the returns have not been filled by officers in respect of the years when no property was acquired/disposed. c. There have been cases where property returns have not been filed even though the transactions have been taken place. d. Cases where property transactions have been duly reported to the administrative authorities and the relevant information recorded or the necessary permission obtained and the sources of funding such property fully explained but the annual property returns were not filled. e. Case where the intimation or permission required were not given to or asked for from the administrative authorities concerned and where the intimation has been given but full details of the sources of acquisition or the income from disposal have not been fully explained and the annual immovable property statements were not submitted. 2. After careful consideration of all the aspects involved in dealing with the above kinds of cases on receipt of complaints of allegations, the Government of India are of the considered view that the State Governments/Union Territories Administration should scrupulously follow the provisions contained in the All India Services(Conduct) Rules and orders issued thereunder in order to avoid instances of such cases, by bringing relevant portions thereof to the notice of the members of the All India Services. 3. Disciplinary action should invariably by taken against the officers concerned under the A.I.S.(D&A) Rules, 1969 in case of lapse. However, in the case of minor lapses such as those indicated in para (ii) and (iv), where the authorities are of the view that the lapses are minor and of technical in nature, a lenient view can be taken depending upon the circumstances of the case. [letter No. 11017/33/92AIS(III) dated 7.7.92] 26. Prior sanction/report is required by a moS whenever entering into transaction under sub-rule 3 and 4 in prescribed forms: - I am directed to say that the procedure for obtaining prior sanction or making a report about the transactions of property by a member of the Service under Rule 16(3) and 16(4) of AIS(Conduct) Rules in a prescribed forms has already been circulated to all State Governments vide this departments letter no.11017/46/86-AIS(III) dated 20.1.1987 (copy enclosed) 2. It has come to the notice of the Government that some state Governments have not followed the procedure prescribed in the above said circular. It is however, reiterated that whenever a member of Service enter into transaction under sub rule 3 and 4 or Rule 16 of the AIS(Conduct) Rules, 1968, he/she may obtain prior sanction or make a report, as the case may be, in prescribed forms, copies of which are attached. [Letter no.11017/14/95-AIS(III) dated 16.05.1995] Copy of letter No.11017/46/86-AIS(III) dated 20.1.1987 regarding calling of a statement of movable or immovable property at any time


1. I am directed to say that a question has been raised whether in addition to the return of assets and liabilities to be submitted at the time of initial appointment and the annual return of immovable property, the members of the Service can be asked to furnish, at any time, the details of movable or immovable property held by them or on their behalf. Attention in this regard is invited to sub-rule (5) of Rule 16 of the AIS(Conduct) Rules, 1968, which provides that the Government or any authority empower4d by it in this behalf, may at any time, by general or special order, require a member of the Service to furnish a full and compete statement of such movable or immovable property held or acquired by him on his behalf or by any member of his family. The member of the Service can also be asked to indicate the means by which, or the source from which such property was acquired. The State Governments are requested to bring the above provisions to the notice of all administrative authorities with the advice that thy may make use of these provisions, as and when considered necessary. 2. The question of streamlining the procedure for obtaining prior sanction or making a report about the transactions of property by the members of the Service under subrules (3) and (4) of Rule 16, has also been considered and it has been decided that all requests for obtaining prior sanction and making intimation about transaction in immovable and movable property may be made in the enclosed standard Forms I and II respectively. These forms contain the basic information required by the prescribed authority in all cases for considering a request for grant of permission or taking note of an intimation given by the Government servant. The prescribed authority concerned, if it so desires, may seek any additional information/clarification about the transaction entered into by the members of the Service, depending upon the fact and circumstances of the case. 3. The application for obtaining sanction or making prior intimation regarding construction of house or additions to the house will continue to be made in the form already prescribed. 4. The State Governments are requested to circulate these forms among all the authorities under their control, who are required to deal with the requests for grant of permission and receive intimation about transactions of property. [Forms are given as Form-II and Form-III under heading of Forms] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 19 1. A moS who marries to a person other than Indian Nationality should intimate the facts to the Government and this aspect will be kept in view while deciding his posting: - I am directed to say that a member of the All India Service who has married or marries a person other than of Indian Nationality shall forthwith intimate the fact to the Govt. under Rule 19(3) of the AIS(Conduct) Rules, 1968. 2. The Central Govt. had issued certain instructions on the subject vide O.M. No. 25/34(S)/67Estt.(A) dated the 16th March, 1970. A copy thereof is sent herewith for the information of the State Govts. in dealing with such cases. [DOP&T letter No. 11017/31/90AIS(III) dated 16.10.90] Copy of MHA, DOP&T OM No. 24/34/(S)/67Estt(A) dt. 16.3.70 regarding Government servants marrying foreignersAction to be taken


The undersigned is directed to say that the question of Government servants marrying foreigners has been considered. So far as officers of the Indian Foreign Service are concerned, they are governed by the Indian Foreign Service (Conduct& Discipline) Rules, 1961, and orders on the subject issued by the Ministry of External Affairs. So as far as the Government servants working in or under other Ministries/Departments are concerned, it is considered that some security risk is likely to be involved when a Government servant has, as his wife a foreigner, especially if the foreigner belongs to a country with which Indias relations are not quite happy and accordingly, this aspect has to be kept in mind while ordering the posting or transfer of the officer concerned. It has been decided that a provision should be made in the Conduct Rules to the effect that a Government servants who has married/marries a foreign national should inform the Government of such marriage and that the fact of such marriage should be kept on record in the character roll or personal file of the officer, so that this aspect is kept in view while deciding the posting of the officer. Amendment of the Conduct Rules will be issued separately. An officer having a foreigner as wife should not be appointed to a post, which is considered sensitive. The above decision would also apply mutatis mutandis to the husbands of female Government servants.

GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 20 1. Every moS should scrupulously follow the rules relating consumption of intoxicating drinks and violation of this rule is a good and sufficient reason for taking disciplinary action against him and imposing any of the penalties specified in rule 6 of the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969: - Rule 20 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rule, 1968 provides that: (i) the members of the All India Services shall strictly abide by any law relating to intoxicating drinks or drugs in force in any area in which he may happen to be for the time being; (ii) he shall not be under the influence of any drink or drug during the course of his duty and shall also take due care that the performance of his duties at any time is not affected in any way by the influence of such drinks or drugs; (iii) he shall not consume any intoxicating drink or drug in a public place; (iv) he shall not appear in a public place in a state of intoxication; and (v) he shall not use any intoxicating drink or drug to excess. The rule further defines public place as any place or premises (including a conveyance) to which the public have, or are permitted to have, access whether on payment or otherwise. 2. The above provisions of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, are of special importance in the context of the latest endeavour to reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages and drug. While it is expected that every member of an a All India Services will scrupulously adhere to the provisions of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, mentioned above, it is also expected of the disciplinary authorities to keep a strict watch on the conduct of members of the All India Services in regard to matter covered by the aforesaid Rule. Violation of any of the provisions of rule 20 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, will constitute a good and sufficient reason for taking disciplinary action against a member of the All India Service. While any of the penalties specified in rule 6 of the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969 can be


imposed on a member of an All India Service for good and sufficient reason after following the prescribed procedure the disciplinary authorities should take a very serious view of any violation of rule 20 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 and should not hesitate to impose the severest punishment on such members of the All India Service who are proved guilty of violating the said Rule. [ DP & AR letter No. 11017/1/76AIS(III), dated the 5th February, 1976] 2. Definition of public places and special provisions for foreign Missions/visitors/ tourists etc: - Following points have been raised with reference to rule 20. (i) Whether the definition of Public place would include a club meant exclusively for members where it is permissible for the members to invite non-members as guests, and (ii) whether a hotel would be a public place or not for the purpose of the said rule. 2. The position in regard to the above two points is clarified as under: (i) The club of the nature mentioned above would be a public place not only for the non-member guests but also for members who may be the members of the All India Services. (ii) Drinking in the logging room in a hotel will not attract the provisions of rule 22 but drinking at the bar or restaurant where the public is permitted would attract the aforesaid rule. 3. In their letter No. 2010/75SD, dated 21-2-1976 to all Chief Secretaries copy of which was also forwarded to all Ministries and Departments the Department of Social Welfare had advised the State Governments to make certain special provisions in the interests of Foreign Missions, foreign visitors, Tourists and others, in the context of the programme for reducing consumption of alcoholic beverages. The special provisions are as follow : (a) here need be no restriction on serving of liquor in the precincts of foreign embassies, foreign embassies may also be allowed to serve liquor in halls/lounges of hotels and clubs provided which halls/lounges are exclusively reserved or taken on by them to entertain a select number of invitees. (b) The exemption referred to in (a) above may also be extended to parties hosted by others in honour of foreigners, subject to the condition that the number of invites does not exceed 100, and these hosting such parties obtain permits from the Deputy Commissioner/District Magistrate concerned. (c) & (d) Clubs may be permitted to provide for service of drinks in their bar rooms only; beer, however, may be permitted to be served anywhere within the precincts of such clubs. (e) Alcoholic beverages may be permitted to be served in official parties hosted by the Government of India/State Governments on closed lounges in hotels, clubs etc., where important foreign visitors are required to be entertained. 4. A question has been raised whether consumption of intoxicating drinks by the members of All India Services in the place and under the circumstances mentioned in the preceding paragraph would amount to violation of Rule 20 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968. The position is clarified below, Seriatim:


(a) In terms of the clarifications given in para 2 above a member of the All India Services cannot take drinks in the clubs or in the Halls/Lounges. However, where officers are required to attend official entertainments arranged by foreign Missions in Halls/Lounges of Hotel and Clubs, in the discharge of their official duties, taking drinks at such official entertainments will not attract rule 20 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, provided the places where the entertainments arranged are exclusively reserved or taken on hire by the Foreign Mission to entertain a select number of invitees. (b) The clarification at (a) above would apply to the circumstance also, subject to the condition that the parties are hosted by Government or any organisation controlled by Government, like autonomous bodies, public sector undertakings, etc. (c) & (d) Members of the All India Services will not be exempt from the operation of rule 20 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 in the places and circumstances, referred to. (e) The provisions of Rule 20 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 would not apply to the members of the All India Services invited to such parties in their official capacity. [DP & AR letter No. 11017/66/76AIS(III), dated 18th January, 1977] 3. Members of the All India service should refrain from consuming intoxicating drinks even at official parties arranged by Foreign Mission whether in the Mission premises or in halls-lounges exclusively reserved: - In the context of the present policy of the Government aimed at progressive introduction of prohibition in the country the position regarding consumption of intoxicating drinks by Government servants has been reviewed. In partial modification of paragraph 4(a), (b) and (c) of this Departments letter dated the 18th January, 1977, referred to in the above paragraph it has been decided that members of the All India service should refrain from consuming intoxicating drinks even at official parties arranged by Foreign Mission whether in the Mission premises or in halls-lounges exclusively reserved. The same position would obtain in respect of consumption of intoxicating drinks at parties arranged by Government or semi-Government Organisations where foreigners are entertained or at similar parties hosted by others. [DP & AR letter No. 11017/62/77AIS(III), dated 9-1-1978] 4. Members of the All India Services should strictly comply with the provisions contained in rule 20 relating to the consumption of intoxicating drinks and drugs: - The Home Minister in his D.O. letter No. 11013/3/84Estt.(A), dated 30th March, 1984 to the Chief Ministers of the States has emphasised the need for the Government servants, serving both under the Central Government and under the State Governments, to observe scrupulously and abide by any law relating to intoxicating drinks or drugs. 2. The members of the All India Services should strictly comply with the provisions contained in rule 20 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 relating to the consumption of intoxicating drinks and drugs. Besides, there are also detailed executive instructions about the role of disciplinary authorities in enforcing compliance by the members of the All India Services, with the rules and orders on the subject. [D.O. letter No. 11017/23/84AIS(III), dated the 31st May,1984 from Secretary, MHA, Deptt. of Personnel & AR to the Chief Secretaries of All India Services].


GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 22 1. Delegation of certain powers of the Central Government under these Rules to the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India: - Power of the Central Government under rules 4, 6, 8, 11, 12, 14,15, 16(3), 16(4) and 16(5) of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 have been delegated to each Ministry/Department in respect of members of the Service working in or under them. 2. It has been decided in partial modification of the instructions contained in the said O.M. No. 9/4/69AIS(III), dated 23.1.1969 that reports submitted for information under Rule 16(4) of the All India Services(Conduct) Rules, 1968 may be submitted, in the cases of officers of the level of Joint-Secretary to the Additional Secretary/Secretary and in the cases of officers of the level of Additional Secretary to the Secretary in the Administrative Ministry concerned; in the cases of officers of the level of Secretary, may be submitted to the Minister, in-Charge of the Ministry/Department. [DP & Trg. O.M. No. 11017/18/85AIS(III), dated 17-6-85.] 2. Delegation of powers of the Central Government under rule 5(2) and rule 15(2) to the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India: - In continuation of the Ministry of Home Affairs O.M. No.9/4/69AIS(III), dated the 23rd January, 1969, it has been decided to delegate to Ministries/Departments, the powers of the Central Government under sub-rule (2) of Rule 5 and sub-rule (2) of Rule 15 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, in regard to All India Services Officers working in or under them. 2. If on submission of a report under sub-rule (2) of Rule 5 or sub-rule (2) of Rule 15 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, it is proposed to take any action in relation to such reports, the matter maybe referred to this Department in the case of Indian Administrative Service officers, to the Ministry of Environment & Forests in the case of Indian Forest Service officers and the Ministry of Home Affairs in the case of Indian Police Service officers. [DP & AR letter No. 11017/63/77AIS(III), dated 22-3-78.] Copy of the letter No. 11017/47/2005-AIS-III dated 27/12/2005 addressed to the Chief Secretaries of all States/Union Territories Subject: - AIS(Conduct) Rules, 1968 Rule 13(1)(b) of AIS(Conduct) Rules, 1968 obtaining of prior approval of he Government before negotiating for or taking up of any employment by the members of the All India Services. As per the provisions of Rule 13(1)(b) of AIS(Conduct) Rules, 1968, members of the All India Services are required to obtain prior permission of the Government before they negotiate for, or undertake any other employment. 2. It has come to the notice of the Government of India that some members of Service have negotiated private employment without the specific permission of the Government. Instances have also come to light where a member of Service has joined a private sector company without waiting further for the final acceptance of his resignation. It has been viewed seriously and has been decided that violation of the provisions of the


aforesaid Rule is a grave misconduct entailing initiation of disciplinary proceedings for major penalty under Rule 6 of AIS (D&A) Rule, 1969. All the members of All India Services are therefore, advised to obtain prior permission of the Government before negotiating for or undertaking any other employment. 3. It is requested that these instructions may be brought to the notice of all the members of the All India Services. Copy of the letter No. 11017/07/2008-AIS-III dated 01/07/2008 addressed to the Chief Secretaries of all States/Union Territories Subject: - Acceptance of part-time employment by the members of the All India Services. It has come to the notice of this Department that there is some doubt about allowing members of the All India Services to accept part-time employment in other Government, quasi-Government or an autonomous body not controlled by the Government or a private body. Such employment, even though it is outside office hours, is contrary to the principle embodied in rule 13(1) of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, which stipulates that no member of the Service shall except, with the previous sanction of the Government, engage directly or indirectly in any trade or business, or negotiate for or undertake, any other employment. 2. Allowing a member of the Service to take part-time employment before/after office hours in other organisations may result in some deterioration in his efficiency because if he does part-time work in addition to his full working hours in his office, he may not get sufficient time for rest and recreation and Will, therefore, be unable to give undivided attention to his work even during office hours. Moreover, such part-time work by members of All India Services leads generally to depriving unemployed people of work, which they would otherwise have got. 3. Having regard to all these considerations, it has been decided that while the competent authority may permit a member of the Service to undertake work of a casual or occasional character, a whole time member of the Service should not ordinarily be allowed to accept any part-time employment whether under Government or elsewhere, even though such employment may be after office hours. 4. These instructions may please be brought to the notice of all the members of the All India Services. Copy of the D.O. letter No. No.11017/04/2010-AIS-III dated 03/03/2010 from Cabinet Secretary addressed to the all Secretaries of the Government of Indian and Chief Secretaries of all States/Union Territories Observance of ethics by Civil servants-Letter of Cabinet Secretary to Secretaries of all Ministries/Departments of the Government of India. Of late there have been some disturbing incidents which call for serious introspection by civil servants. It is important that we ponder over the manner in which we discharge our duties and fulfil our responsibilities and what we need to do to refurbish our image.


2. Civil servants are appointed on the basis of a fair and open competition. We must respond in full measure to the faith that citizens have reposed in us and meet their hopes and aspirations of good governance. Integrity, honesty, objectivity, impartiality, transparency, accountability and devotion to duty are the core values which civil servants should cherish and which should form an integral part of our decisions and actions. 3. The issue of corruption needs to be addressed fairly and squarely. The Government's policy of zero tolerance for corruption must be implemented fully and effectively. Preventive vigilance should be strengthened. Transparency must be introduced in decision making and in all our systems. Stringent action must be taken against officers found guilty. Disciplinary proceedings must be expedited. 4. We need to stand by and uphold our core values. Senior officers must set an example and mentor their colleagues. The Civil Services must work wholeheartedly to provide good governance. 5. Please share these sentiments with all officers. Let us resolve to serve the nation and the citizens in a committed manner.


In exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-section (1) of section 3 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951), the Central Government in consultation with the Governments of the States concerned hereby makes the following Regulations under Rule 3 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, namely: 1. Short title: These regulations may be called the All India Services (Prevention of Sexual Harassment) Regulations, 1998. (2) They shall come into effect on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Definition: Sexual harassment includes such unwelcome sexually determined behaviors (whether directly or otherwise) as: (a) Physical contact and advances; (b) A demand or request for sexual favours; (c) Sexually coloured remarks; (d) Showing pornography or (e) Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature. 3. Prohibition of sexual harassment of working women (1) Every member of the Service shall take all possible steps to ensure that all Government Servants for the time being under his control and authority keep away from any act of sexual harassment of working women. (2) Every member of the Service who is incharge of a work place shall take appropriate steps to prevent sexual harassment to any woman at such working place. (3) No member of the Service shall indulge in any act of sexual harassment of any woman at working place.

The principal regulation was notified vide DOPT Notification No.11017/30/97-AIS(III) dated 24.07.1998 (GSR No.143 dt. 08.08.1998)


In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (I) of Section 3 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951), the Central Government, after consultation with the Governments of the States concerned, hereby makes the following rules, namely: 1. Short title and commencement. 1(1) These rules may be called the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969. 1(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Definitions. In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires: 2(a) 2(b)

Commission means the Union Public Service Commission; disciplinary authority means the authority competent under these rules to impose on a member of the service any of the penalties specified in rule 6; (i) in the case of a member of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of a State, or who is deputed for service in any company, association or body of individuals whether incorporated or not, which is wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the Government of a State, or in a local authority set up by an Act of the Legislature of a State, the Government of that State; in any other case, the Central Government;

2(c) Government means


2(d) member of the service means a member of an All India Service as defined in Section 2 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951).


Probationer means a person appointed to the Service on probation;

2(e) State Government concerned in relation to a joint cadre, means the Government of all the States for which the joint cadre is constituted and includes the Government of a State nominated by the Government of all such States to represent them in relation to a particular matter. PART IISUSPENSION 3. Suspension. (1) If, having regard to the circumstances in any case and, where articles of charge have been drawn up, the nature of the charges, the Government of a State or the Central Government, as the case may be, is satisfied that it is necessary or desirable to place under suspension a member of the Service,
1 2

Principal rules were published vide Notification No. 7/15/63-AIS-II dt. 20.3.1969 Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 6/9/72-AIS-III dt. 5.7.1975 (GSR No. 872, dt. 19.7.1975) 3 Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 31/7/72-AIS-III dt. 22.5.1972. 4 Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No. 11018/4/76-AIS(III), dt. 25.2.1977 (GSR No. 358 dt. 19.3.1977)


against whom disciplinary proceedings are contemplated or are pending, that Government may (a) (b) if the member of the Service is serving under that Government, pass an order placing him under suspension, or if the member of the Service is serving under another Government request that Government to place him under suspension, pending the conclusion of the disciplinary proceedings and the passing of the final order in the case. Provided that, in cases, where there is a difference of opinion, (i) (ii)

between two State Governments, the matter shall be referred to the Central Government for its decision ; between a State Government and the Central Government, the opinion of the Central Government shall prevail:

Provided further that the Chief Secretary, Director General of Police and the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, who are the heads of the respective Services, shall not be placed under suspension without obtaining prior approval of the Central Government:. Provided also that, where a State Government passes an order placing under suspension a member of the Service against whom disciplinary proceedings are contemplated, such an order shall not be valid unless, before the expiry of a period of forty-five days from the date from which the member is placed under suspension, or such further period not exceeding forty-five days as may be specified by the Central Government for reasons to be recorded in writing, either disciplinary proceedings are initiated against him or the order of suspension is confirmed by the Central Government.

(1A) If the Government of a State or the Central Government, as the case may be, is of the opinion that a member of the Service has engaged himself in activities prejudicial to the interests of the security of the State, that Government may if the member of the Service is serving under that Government, pass an order placing him under suspension, or if the member of the Service is serving under another Government, request that Government to place him under suspension, till the passing of the final order in the case: Provided that, in cases, where there is a difference of opinion (i) (ii) between two State Governments, the matter shall be referred to the Central Government for its decision; between a State Government and the Central Government, the opinion of the Central Government shall prevail.

(a) (b)

Substituted vide Notification No. 11018/3/97-AIS-III, dt. 13.7.1998 (GSR No. 130 dt. 25.7.1998) and again substituted vide Notification No.11018/3/2004-AIS-III dt.30.09.2009 (GSR No.714(E) dt. 30.09.2009) 6 Substituted vide Notification No.11018/3/2004-AIS-III dt.30.09.2009 (GSR No.714(E) dt. 30.09.2009) 7 Deleted/inserted/substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 6/9/72-AIS-III, dt. 5.7.1975 (GSR No. 872,dt. 19.7.1975)


(1B) The period of suspension of a member of the Service on charges other than corruption shall not exceed one year and the inquiry shall be completed and appropriate order shall be issued within one year from the date of suspension failing which the suspension order shall automatically stand revoked: Provided that the suspension can be continued beyond one year only on the recommendations of the Central Ministrys Review Committee: Provided further that the period during which the disciplinary proceedings remain stayed due to orders of a Court of Law, shall be excluded from this limit of one year.

(1C) The period of suspension of a member of the Service on charges of corruption shall not exceed two years and the inquiry shall be completed and appropriate order shall be issued within two years from the date of suspension failing which the suspension order shall automatically stand revoked: Provided that the suspension can be continued beyond two years only on the recommendations of the Central Ministrys Review Committee: Provided further that the period during which the disciplinary proceedings remain stayed due to orders of a Court of Law, shall be excluded from this limit of two years.

(1D) The composition and functions of the Central Ministrys Review Committee and the procedure to be followed by them shall be as specified in Schedule 2 annexed to these rules.

(2)A member of the Service who is detained in official custody whether on a criminal charge or otherwise for a period longer than forty-eight hours, shall be deemed to have been suspended by the Government concerned under this rule. (3) A member of the Service in respect of, or against, whom an investigation, inquiry or trial relating to a criminal charge is pending may, at the discretion of the Government11 be placed under suspension until the termination of all proceedings relating to that charge, if the charge is connected with his position as a [member of the Service] or is likely to embarrass him in the discharge of his duties or involves moral turpitude. (4) A member of the Service shall be deemed to have been placed under suspension12 by the Government concerned with effect from the date of conviction, if, in the event of conviction for a criminal offence, if he is not forthwith dismissed or removed or compulsorily retired consequent on such conviction provided that the conviction carries a sentence of imprisonment exceeding forty-eight hours.

8 9

Inserted vide Notification No.11018/3/2004-AIS-III dt.30.09.2009 (GSR No.714(E) dt. 30.09.2009) Inserted vide Notification No.11018/3/2004-AIS-III dt.30.09.2009 (GSR No.714(E) dt. 30.09.2009) 10 Inserted vide Notification No.11018/3/2004-AIS-III dt.30.09.2009 (GSR No.714(E) dt. 30.09.2009) 11 Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 6/9/72-AIS-III, dt. 5.7.1975 (GSR No. 872 dt. 19.7.1975) 12 Inserted/substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 6/9/73-AIS-III, dt. 26.7.1975 (GSR No. 985 dt. 9.8.1975)


Explanation. The period of forty-eight hours referred to in sub-rule (4) shall be commuted from the commencement of the imprisonment after the conviction and for this purpose, intermittent periods of imprisonment, if any, shall be taken into account. (5) Where a penalty of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement from service imposed upon a member of the Service under suspension is set aside in appeal or on review under these rules and the case is remitted for further inquiry or action or with any other directions, the order of his suspension shall be deemed to have continued in force on and from the date of the original order of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement and shall remain in force until further orders. (6) Where a penalty of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement from service imposed upon a member of the Service is set aside or declared or rendered void in consequence of or by a decision of a Court of Law, and the disciplinary authority, on a consideration of the circumstances of the case, decides to hold further inquiry against him on the allegations on which the penalty of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement was originally imposed, the member of the Service shall be deemed to have been placed under suspension by the Central Government from the date of original order of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement and shall continue to remain under suspension until further orders: Provided that no such further inquiry shall be ordered unless it is intended to meet a situation where the court has passed an order purely on technical grounds without going into the merits of the case.
15 14


(6A) Where an order of suspension is made, or deemed to have been made, by the Government of a State under this rule, detailed report of the case shall be forwarded to the Central Government ordinarily within a period of fifteen days of the date on which the member of the Service is suspended or is deemed to have been suspended, as the case may be. An order of suspension made or deemed to have been made under this rule shall continue to remain in force until it is modified or revoked by the authority competent to do so.

(7) (a)


(b) Where a member of the Service is suspended or is deemed to have been suspended, whether in connection with any disciplinary proceeding or otherwise, and any other disciplinary proceeding is commenced against him during the continuance of that suspension, the authority competent to place him under suspension may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, direct that the member of Service shall continue to be under suspension subject to sub-rule (8). An order of suspension made or deemed to have been made under this rule may at any time be modified or revoked by the authority which made or deemed to have made the order.


13 14

Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No. 11018/6/78-AIS-III, dt. 16.11.1978 (GSR No. 1415 dt. 2.12.1978) Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No. 11018/18/81-AIS-III, dt. 3.8.1983 (GSR No. 612, dt.20.8.1983) 15 Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No. 6/9/72-AIS-III, dt. 5.7.1975 (GSR No. 872 dt. 19.7.1975) 16 Substituted vide DOP&T Notification no. 11018/3/97-AIS-III, dt. 13.7.1998 (GSR No. 130 dt. 25.7.1998)



(8) (a)

An order of suspension made under this rule which has not been extended shall be valid for a period not exceeding ninety days and an order of suspension which has been extended shall remain valid for a further period not exceeding one hundred eighty days, at a time, unless revoked earlier. An order of suspension made or deemed to have been made or continued, shall be reviewed by the competent authority on the recommendations of the concerned Review Committee. The composition and functions of the Review Committees and the procedure to be followed by them shall be as specified in the 18 Schedule 1 annexed to these rules. The period of suspension 19[under this rule] may, on the recommendations of the concerned Review Committee, be extended for a further period not exceeding one hundred and eighty days at a time: Provided that where no order has been passed under this clause, the order of suspension shall stand revoked with effect from the date of expiry of the order being reviewed.




(9) Every order of suspension and every order of revocation shall be made, as nearly as practicable, in the appropriate standard form appended to these rules. 4. Subsistence allowance during suspension


A member of the Service under suspension or deemed to have been placed under suspension by the Government concerned shall be entitled to receive from that Government: (a) a subsistence allowance at an amount equal to the leave salary which a member of the Service would have drawn if he had been on leave on half-average pay or on half pay and in addition, dearness allowance, if admissible on the basis of such leave salary: Provided that where the period of suspension exceeds 21three months, the authority which made or is deemed to have made the order of suspension shall be competent to vary the amount of subsistence allowance for any period subsequent to the period of the first three months as follows: (i) the amount of subsistence allowance may be increased by a suitable amount, not exceeding 50 per cent of the subsistence allowance admissible during the period of the first three months, if, in the opinion of the said authority, the period of suspensions has been prolonged for reasons, to be recorded in writing, not directly attributable to the member of the Service;

17 18

Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No. 11018/3/97-AIS-III dt. 13.7.1998 (GSR No. 130 dt. 25.7.1998 Inserted vide Notification No.11018/3/2004-AIS-III dt.30.09.2009 (GSR No.714(E) dt. 30.09.2009) 19 Inserted vide Notification No.11018/3/2004-AIS-III dt.30.09.2009 (GSR No.714(E) dt. 30.09.2009) 20 Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 11018/11/78-AIS-III dt. 16.6.1979 21 Substituted vide DP&AR Notification no. 28013/2/78-AIS-III dt. 12.1.1982 (GSR No. 92 dt. 30.1.1982)



the amount of the subsistence allowance may be reduced by a suitable amount, not exceeding 50 per cent of the subsistence allowance admissible during the period of the first three months, if in the opinion of the said authority, the period of suspension has been prolonged for reasons, to be recorded in writing directly attributable to a member of the Service; the rate of the dearness allowance will be based on the increased or, as the case may be, the reduced amount of subsistence allowance admissible under sub-clause (i) or sub-clause (ii) above.



any other compensatory allowance admissible from time to time on the basis of pay of which a member of the Service was in receipt on the date of suspension, subject to the fulfilment of other conditions laid down for the drawal of such allowance.

(2) No member of the Service shall be entitled to receive payment under subrule (1) unless he furnishes a certificate that he is not engaged in any other employment, business, profession or vocation. (3) The authority to grant subsistence allowance shall be the suspending authority. 5. Admissibility of pay and allowances and treatment of service on reinstatement after dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement as a result of appeal or review. (1) When a member of the Service, who has been dismissed, removed or compulsorily retired is reinstated as a result of appeal or review or would have been so reinstated but for his retirement under the All India Services (Death-cum-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958, while under suspension or not, the authority competent to order reinstatement shall consider and make a specific order (a) regarding the pay and allowances to be paid to the member of the Service for the period of his absence from duty including the suspension preceding his dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement, as the case may be; and whether or not the said period shall be treated as a period spent on duty.


(2) The member of the Service shall, subject to the provisions of sub-rule (6) be paid the full pay and allowances to which he would have been entitled, had he not been dismissed, removed or compulsorily retired or suspended prior to such dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement, as the case may be, in cases: (i) where the authority competent to order reinstatement is of opinion that the member of the Service who had been dismissed, removed or compulsorily retired has been fully exonerated, or


Substituted vide DP&AR Notification no. 28013/2/78-AIS-III dt. 12.01.1982 (GSR No. 92 dt. 30.1.1982)



where the order of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement from service is set aside by the appellate or reviewing authority solely on the ground of non-compliance with the requirements of clause (1) or clause (2) of article 311 of the Constitution and no further inquiry is proposed to be held: Provided that where such authority is of the opinion that the termination of the proceedings instituted against the member of the Service had been delayed due to reasons directly attributable to the member of the Service, it may, after giving him an opportunity to make his representation and after considering the representation, if any, submitted by him, direct, for reasons to be recorded in writing, that the member of the Service shall, subject to the provisions of sub-rule (7), be paid for the period of such delay, only such proportion of such pay and allowances as it may determine.

(3) In a case falling under sub-rule (2), the period of absence from duty including the period of suspension preceding dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement, as the case may be, shall be treated as a period spent on duty for all purposes. (4) In cases other than those covered by sub-rule (2) the member of the Service shall, subject to the provisions of sub-rule (6) and (7), be paid such proportion of the full pay and allowances to which he would have been entitled, had he not been dismissed, removed or compulsorily retired or suspended prior to such dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement, as the case may be, as the authority competent to order reinstatement may determine after giving notice to the member of the Service of the quantum proposed and after considering the representation, if any, submitted by him, in that connection within 60 days from the date on which the notice aforesaid is served on the member of the Service. (5) In a case falling under sub-rule (4), the period of absence from duty including the period of suspension preceding his dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement, as the case may be, shall not be treated as a period spent on duty, unless the authority competent to order reinstatement specifically directs that it shall be so treated for any specified purpose: Provided that if the member of the Service so desires, such authority may direct that the period of absence from duty including the period of suspension preceding his dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement, as the case may be, shall be converted into leave of any kind due and admissible to the member of Service. (6) The payment of allowances under sub-rule (2) or sub-rule (4) shall be subject to all other conditions under which such allowances are admissible. (7) The portion of the full pay and allowances determined under the proviso to sub-rule (2) or under sub-rule (4) shall neither be equal to the full pay and allowances nor less than the subsistence allowance and other allowances admissible under rule 4, as the case may be.


(8) Any payment made under this rule to a member of the Service on his reinstatement shall be subject to adjustment of the amount, if any, earned by him through an employment during the period between the date of removal, dismissal or compulsory retirement, as the case may be, and the date of reinstatement. Where the pay and allowances admissible under this rule are equal to or less than the amounts earned during the employment elsewhere, nothing shall be paid to the member of the Service. 5A. Admissibility of pay and allowances and treatment of service on reinstatement where dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement is set aside by a Court of Law. 5A(1) Where the dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement of a member of the Service is set aside by a Court of Law and such member is reinstated without holding any further inquiry, the period of absence from duty shall be regularised and the member of the Service shall be paid pay and allowances in accordance with provisions of sub-rule (2) or (3) subject to the directions, if any, of the Court. 5A(2) (i) In cases other than those covered by sub-rule (3), the member of the service shall be paid such portion of the full-pay and allowances to which he would have been entitled had he not been dismissed, removed or compulsorily retired, or suspended prior to such dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement, as the case may be, as the authority competent to order reinstatement may determine, after giving notice to the member of the Service of the quantum proposed and after considering the representation, if any, submitted by him, in that connection, within 60 days from the date on which the notice aforesaid is served on the member of the Service: Provided that any payment under this sub-rule to a member of the Service shall neither be equal to the full pay and allowances nor less than the subsistence allowance and other allowances admissible under rule 4 as the case may be. (ii) The period intervening between the date of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement, including the period of suspension preceding such dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement, as the case may be, and the date of judgement of the Court shall be regularised in accordance with the provisions contained in sub-rule (5) of rule 5.

5A(3) Where the dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement of a member of the Service is set aside by a Court on the merits of the case, or where the dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement of a member of the Service is set aside by a Court-solely on the ground of non-compliance with the requirements of clause (1) or clause (2) of article 311 of the Constitution and no further enquiry is proposed to be held, the period intervening between the date of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement as the case may be, and the date of reinstatement shall be treated as duty for all purpose and he shall be paid full pay and allowances for the period to which he would have been entitled, had he not been dismissed, removed or compulsorily retired


Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 28013/2/78-AIS-III dt. 12.01.1982 (GSR No. 92 dt. 30.01.1982)


or suspended prior to such dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement, as the case may be. 5A(4) The payment of allowances under sub-rule (2) or sub-rule (3) shall be subject to all other conditions under which such allowances are admissible. 5A(5) Any payment made under this rule to a member of the Service on his reinstatement shall be subject to adjustment of the amount, if any, earned by him through an employment during the period between the dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement and the date of reinstatement. Where the pay and allowances admissible under this rule are equal to or less than those earned during the employment elsewhere, nothing shall be paid to the member of the Service. 5B. Admissibility of pay and allowances and treatment of Service on reinstatement after suspension. 5B(1) When a member of the Service under suspension is reinstated or would have been so reinstated but for his retirement under the All India Services (Death-cum-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958 while under suspension, the authority competent to order reinstatement shall consider and make a specific order (a) regarding the pay and allowances to be paid to the member of the Service for the period of suspension ending with reinstatement or the date of his retirement on superannuating, as the case may be; and whether or not the said period shall be treated as a period spent on duty.


5B(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 4, where a member of the Service under suspension dies before the disciplinary or court proceedings instituted against him are concluded, the period between the date of suspension and the date of death shall be treated as duty for all purposes and his family shall be paid the full pay and allowances for that period to which he would have been entitled had he not been suspended, subject to adjustment in respect of subsistence allowance and other allowances already paid. 5B(3) Where the authority competent to order reinstatement is of the opinion that the suspension was wholly unjustified, the member of the Service shall, subject to the provisions of sub-rule (8), be paid the full pay and allowances to which he would have been entitled, had he not been suspended, subject to adjustment in respect of subsistence allowance and other allowances already paid: Provided that where authority is of the opinion that the termination of the proceedings instituted against the member of the Service had been delayed due to reasons directly attributable to the member of the Service, it may, after giving him an opportunity to make his representation and after considering the representation, if any, submitted by him, direct, for reasons to be recorded in writing, that the member of the Service shall be paid for the period of such delay only such proportion of such pay and allowances as it may determine.

Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 6/9/73-AIS-III dt. 26.7.1975 (GSR No. 985 dt. 9.8.1975)


5B(4) In cases falling under sub-rule (3) the period of suspension shall be treated as a period spent on duty for all purposes. 5B(5) In case other than those falling under sub-rules (2) and (3), the member of the Service shall subject to the provisions of sub-rules (8) and (9) be paid such proportion of the full pay and allowances to which he would have been entitled had he not been suspected, as the authority competent to order reinstatement may determine, after giving notice to the member of the Service of the quantum proposed and after considering the representation, if any, submitted by him in that connection within 25[Sixty days from the date on which the notice aforesaid is served on the member of the Service.] 5B(6) Where suspension is revoked pending finalization of the disciplinary proceeding or proceedings in a court any order passed under sub-rule (1) before the conclusion of the proceedings against the member of the Service, shall be reviewed on its own motion after the conclusion of the proceedings by the authority mentioned in sub-rule (1) who shall make an order in accordance with the provisions contained in sub-rule (3) or sub-rule (5), as the case may be. 5B(7) In a case falling under sub-rule (5) the period of suspension shall not be treated as a period spent on duty, unless the authority competent to order reinstatement specifically directs that it shall be so treated for any specified purpose: Provided that if the member of the Service so desires such authority may order that the period of suspension shall be converted into leave of any kind due and admissible to the member of the Service. 5B(8) The payment of allowances under sub-rule (2), sub-rule (3) or sub-rule (5) shall be subject to all other conditions under which such allowances are admissible. 5B(9) The proportion of the full pay and allowance determined under the proviso to sub-rule (3) or sub-rule (5) shall neither be equal to full pay and allowances nor shall it be less than the subsistence allowance and other allowances admissible under rule 4. PART IIIPENALTIES AND DISCIPLINARY AUTHORITIES. 6. Penalties. 6(1) The following penalties may, for good and sufficient reasons and as hereinafter provided be imposed on a member of the Service, namely: Minor Penalties: (i) (ii)

censure; withholding of promotion; recovery from pay of the whole, or part of any pecuniary loss caused to Government, or to a company, association or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, which is wholly or substantially owned or controlled by Government, or to a local authority set up by an Act of


25 26

Modified vide DP&AR Notification No.28013/2/78-AIS(III) dated 12.01.1982 (GSR No.92 dt.30.10.1982) Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 6/5/74-AIS-III dt. 28.7.1975(GSR No. 988 dt. 9.9.1975)


Parliament or of the Legislature of a State, by negligence or breach of orders; (iv)


withholding of increments of pay; Reduction to a lower stage in the time scale of pay for a period not exceeding three years, without cumulative effect and not adversely affecting his pension. reduction to a lower stage in the time scale of pay for a specified period with further directions as to whether or not the member of the Service will earn increments during the period of reduction and whether, on the expiry of such period, the reduction will or will not have the effect of postponing future increments of his pay; reduction to a lower time scale of pay, grade or post which shall ordinarily be a bar to promotion of the member of the Service to the time scale of pay, grade or post from which he was reduced, with or without further direction regarding conditions of restoration to the grade or post from which the member of the Service was reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that grade or post; compulsory retirement: Provided that, if the circumstances of the case so warrant, the authority imposing the penalty may direct that the retirement benefits admissible to the member of the Service under the All India Services (Death-cumRetirement Benefits) Rules, 1958, shall be paid at such reduced scale as may not be less than two-thirds of the appropriate scales indicated in Schedules A and B of the said rules;

(iv) a

Major Penalties: (v)



(viii) (ix)

removal from Service which shall not be a disqualification for future employment under the Government; dismissal from Service which shall ordinarily be a disqualification for future employment under the Government.

Provided that every case in which 29the charge of possession of the assets disproportionate to known sources of income or the charge of acceptance from any person of any gratification, other than legal remuneration, as a motive or reward for doing or for bearing to do any official act is established, the penalty mentioned in clause (viii) or clause (ix) shall be imposed. Provided further that in any exceptional case, and for special reasons recorded in writing any other penalty may be imposed.

ExplanationThe following shall not amount to a penalty within the meaning of this rule, namely:

27 28 29

Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No.11018/3/98-AIS-III dated 01.06.2000 (GSR No.212. dt. 17.06.2000) Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No. 11018/7/87-AIS-III dated 26.02.1988 Inserted vide DP&Ts Notification No.11018/5/2000-AIS(III) dated 04.04.2002 (GSR No.118 dt. 13.04.2002)



Withholding of increments of pay of a member of the Service for failure to pass a departmental examination in accordance with the rules or orders governing the service; Stoppage of a member of the Service at the efficiency bar in the timescale of pay on the ground of his unfitness to cross the bar; non-promotion of a member of the Service, whether in a substantive or officiating capacity, to a post in the senior time-scale of pay on the ground of lack of adequate length of service and experience or nonconfirmation in the service, or failure to pass the departmental examination; a non-promotion of a member of the Service, whether in a substantive or officiating capacity, after due consideration of his case to the selection grade or to a post carrying pay above the time-scale of pay. reversion of a member of the Service officiating in a higher grade or post, to which promotions are made by selection, to a lower grade or post after a period of trial not exceeding three years on the ground that he is considered unsuitable for such higher grade or post, or on any administrative ground unconnected with his conduct; reversion of a member of the Service, appointed on probation to the Service, to State Service, during or at the end of the period of probation, in accordance with the terms of appointment or the rules and orders governing such probation; replacement of the services of a member of the Service whose services have been borrowed from a State Government at the disposal of the State Government concerned; compulsory retirement of a member of the Service under the Provisions of the All India Services (Death-cum-Retirement Benefit) Rules, 1958; termination of the service of a member of the Service, appointed on probation, during or at the end of the period of probation in accordance with the terms of the service or the rules and orders governing such probation.







(vii) (viii)

(2) 31[ ] 7. Authority to institute proceedings and to impose penalty


(1) Where a member of the Service has committed any act or omission which renders him liable to any penalty specified in rule 6 (a) if such act or omission was committed before his appointment to the Service (i) the State Government, if he is serving in connection with the affairs of that State, or is deputed for service in any company, association or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, which is wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the

30 31 32

Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 12/2/69-AIS-III dt. 13.04.1971 (GSR No. 588 dt. 24.04.1971) Omitted vide DP&AR Notification No. 31/7/72-AIS-III dated 22.05.1973 Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 6/9/72-AIS-III dt. 05.07.1975 (GSR No. 872 dt. 15.07.1975)


Government of that State or in a local authority set up by an Act of the Legislature of that State; or (ii) the Central Government, in any other case, shall alone be competent to institute disciplinary proceedings against him and, subject to the provisions of sub-rule (2), to impose on him such penalty specified in rule 6 as it thinks fit;


If such act or omission was committed after his appointment to the Service (i) while he was serving in connection with the affairs of a State, or is deputed for service under any company, association or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, which is wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the Government of a State, or in a local authority set up by an Act of the Legislature of that State, the Government of that State; or while he was on training, the Central Government, unless the selection for the training was done by the State Govt. and the cost of the training was entirely borne by the State Government. while he was on leave, the Government which sanctioned him the leave; or while he was under suspension, the Government which placed him or is deemed to have placed him under suspension; or if such act or omission is willful absence from duty after the expiry of leave, the Government which sanctioned the leave; or while he was absent from duty otherwise than on leave, the Government which would have been competent to institute disciplinary proceedings against him, had such act or commission been committed immediately before such absence from duty; or the Central Government, in any other case, shall alone be competent to institute disciplinary proceedings against him and, subject to provisions of sub-rule (2), to impose on him such penalty specified in rule 6 as it thinks fit, and the Government, company associations, body of individuals or local authority, as the case may be under whom he is serving at the time of institution of such proceedings shall be bound to render all reasonable facilities to the Government instituting and conducting such proceedings.



(iii) (iv) (v) (vi)


Explanation. For the purposes of clause (b) of sub-rule (1) where the Government of a State is the authority competent to institute disciplinary proceedings against a member of the Service, in the event of a reorganisation of the State, the Government on whose cadre he is borne after such reoganisation shall be the authority competent to institute disciplinary proceedings and, subject to the provisions of sub-rule (2), to impose on him any penalty specified in rule 6.


Substituted vide Notification No. 11018/1/98-AIS-III dt. 25.08.1998 (GSR No. 177 dt. 12.09.1998)



(1A)Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1) the Director, Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of administration, the Director, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy or the President, Forest Research Institute and Colleges, shall be empowered to initiate disciplinary proceedings against a probationer who is undergoing training at the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy or Forest Research Institute and Colleges, as the case may be, in respect of any misconduct or misbehavior during the period he spends at the said Academy/Institute in accordance with the prescribed procedure laid down in rule 10 of these rules. Thereafter the Director/President shall refer the case to the Central Government with the relevant records for passing orders under rule 6 in consultation with the Commission. (1B)Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), if in any case, a question arises as to the Government competent to institute disciplinary proceedings, it shall be decided by the Central Government and the Government so decided by the Central Government, as being competent to institute disciplinary proceedings (which may include the Central Government also), shall alone be competent to institute disciplinary proceedings against him and, subject to the provisions of sub-rule (2), to impose on him such penalty specified in rule 6 as it thinks fit, and Government, company association, body of individuals, or the local authority, as the case may be, under whom he is serving at the time of the institution of such proceedings shall be bound to render all reasonable facilities to the Government instituting and conducting such proceedings.


(2) The penalty of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement shall not be imposed on a member of the Service except by an order of the Central Government. (3) Where the punishing Government is not the Government on whose cadre the member is borne, the latter Government shall be consulted before any penalty specified in rule 6 is imposed:

Provided that in relation to the members of the Service borne on a Joint Cadre, the punishing Government shall consult the Joint Cadre Authority: Provided further that where the Government concerned are the Central Government and the State Government or two State Governments and there is a difference of opinion between the said Government in respect of any matter referred to in this rule, the matter shall be referred to the Central Government for its decisions, which shall be passed in consultation with the Commission. PART IVPROCEDURE FOR IMPOSING PENALTIES 8. Procedure for imposing major penalties. 8(1) No order imposing any of the major penalties specified in rule 6 shall be made except after an inquiry is held as far as may be, in the manner
34 35 36

Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No. 11018/4/76-AIS-III dated 25.02.1977 (GSR No. 358 dt. 19.3.1977) Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No. 11018/4/76-AIS-III dated 25.02.1977 (GSR No. 358 dt. 19.3.1977) Substituted vide DOP&T Notification No. 13/1/71-AIS-III dated 11.01.1972


provided in this rule and rule 10 or provided by the Public Servants (Inquiries) Act 1850 (37 of 1850) where such inquiry is held under that Act. 8(2) Whenever the disciplinary authority is of the opinion that there are grounds for inquiring into the truth of any imputation of misconduct or misbehaviour against a member of the Service, it may appoint under this rule or under the provisions of the Public Servants (Inquiries) Act 185037, as the case may be, an authority to inquire into the truth thereof. 8(3) Where a Board is appointed as the inquiring authority it shall consist of not less than two senior officers provided that at least one member of such a Board shall be an officer of the Service to which the member of the Service belongs. 8(4) Where it is proposed to hold an inquiry against a member of the Service under this rule and or rule 10, the disciplinary authority shall draw up or caused to be drawn up (i) (ii) the substance of the imputations of misconduct or misbehavior into definite and distinct articles of charge; a statement of the imputations of misconduct or misbehavior in support of each article of charge, which shall contain (a) (b) a statement of all relevant facts including any admission or confession made by the member of the Service; a list of documents by which, and a list of witness by whom the articles of charge are proposed to be sustained.

8(5) The disciplinary authority shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the member of the Service a copy of the articles of charge, the statement of the imputations of misconduct or misbehavior and a list of documents and witnesses by which each article of charge is proposed to be sustained and shall require the member of the Service to submit, within such time as may be specified, a written statement of his defence and to state whether he desires to be heard in person. 8(6) (a) On receipt of the written statement of defence the disciplinary authority may appoint, under sub-rule (2), an inquiring authority for the purpose of inquiring into such of the articles of charge as are not admitted and where all the articles of charge have been admitted by the member of the Service in his written statement of defence, the disciplinary authority shall record its finding on each charge and shall act in the manner laid down in rule 9. If no written statement of defence is submitted by the member of the Service, the disciplinary authority may, if it considers it necessary to do so, appoint under sub-rule (2), an inquiring authority for the purpose. Where the disciplinary authority appoints an inquiring authority for holding an inquiry into such charge it may by an order, appoint a Government servant or a legal practitioner, to be known as the Presenting Officer to present on its behalf the case in support of the articles of charge.




Circulated vide DOP&T letter No. 2506/80/AIS-III dated 05.08.1980


8(7) The disciplinary authority shall forward to the inquiring authority (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) a copy of the articles of charge and the statement of imputations of misconduct or misbehaviour; a copy of the written statement of defence if any submitted by the member of the Service; a copy of the 38[statements] of witness, if any, referred to in sub-rule (4) evidence proving the delivery of the documents referred to in sub-rule 4 to the member of the Service; and a copy of the order appointing the Presenting Officer.

8(8) The member of the Service shall be required to appear in person before the inquiring authority at any time prescribed after the expiry of ten working days from the date of receipt of the articles of charge and statement of imputations of misconduct or misbehavior, or within such further time, not exceeding ten days, as the inquiring authority may allow. 8(9) (a) The member of the Service may take the assistance of any other Government servant to present the case on his behalf but may not engage a legal practitioner for the purpose unless the Presenting Officer appointed by the disciplinary authority is a legal practitioner, or, the disciplinary authority, having regard to the circumstances of the case, so permits. A member of the Service may also take the assistance of a retired Government servant to present the case on his behalf, subject to such conditions as may be specified by the President from time to time by general or special order in this behalf.


8(9) (b)


NOTE: The member of the Service shall not take the assistance of any other Government servant who has two or more pending disciplinary cases on hand in which he has to give assistance.

8(10) If the member of the Service who has not admitted any of the articles of charge in his written statement of defence or has not submitted any written statement of defence appears before the inquiring authority, such authority shall ask him whether he is guilty or has any defence to make and if he pleads guilty to any of the article of charge, the inquiring authority shall record the plea, sign the record and obtain the signature of the member of the Service thereon. 8(11) The inquiring authority shall return a finding of guilt in respect of [those] articles of charge to which the member of the Service pleads guilty. 8(12) The inquiring authority shall, if the member of the Service fails to appear within the specified time or refuses or omits to plead, require the Presenting Officer to produce the evidence by which he proposes to prove the articles of charge and shall adjourn the case to a later date, not exceeding thirty

38 39 40

Substituted DP&AR Notification No. 6/9/72-AIS-III dt. 5.7.1975 (GSR No. 872 dt. 19.7.1975) Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No. 6/9/72-AIS-III dt. 5.7.1975 (GSR No. 872 dt. 19.7.1975) Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No. 11018/12/76-AIS-III dt. 12.7.1977 (GSR No. 983 dt. 30.7.1977)


days, after recording an order that the member of the Service may, for the purpose of preparing his defence: (i) inspect, within five days of the order or, within such further time not exceeding five days as the inquiring authority may allow, the document specified in the list referred to in sub-rule (4); submit a list of witness to be examined on his behalf; If the member of the Servicees applies orally or in writing for the supply of copies of the statement of witness mentioned in the list referred to in subrule (4), the inquiring authority shall furnish him with such copies as early as possible and in any case not later than three days before the commencement of the examination of the witness on behalf of the disciplinary authority. (iii) give a notice within ten days of the order or, within such further time not exceeding ten days as the inquiring authority may allow, for the discovery or production of any documents which are in the possession of Government but not mentioned in the list referred to in sub-rule (4).

(ii) NOTE :


The member of the Service shall indicate the relevance of the documents required by him to be discovered or produced by the Government.

8(13) The inquiring authority shall, on receipt of the notice for the discovery or production of documents, forward the same or copies thereof to the authority in whose custody or possession the documents are kept with a requisition for the production of the document by such date as may be specified in such requisition: Provided that the inquiring authority may, for reasons to be recorded by it in writing, refuse to requisition such of the documents as are, in its opinion, not relevant to the case. 8(14) On receipt of the requisition referred to in sub-rule (13), every authority having the custody or possession of the requisitioned documents shall produce the same before the inquiring authority: Provided that if the authority having the custody or possession of the requisitioned documents is satisfied, for reasons to be recorded by it in writing, that the production of all or any of such documents would be against the public interest or security of the State, it shall inform the inquiring authority accordingly and the inquiring authority shall, on being so informed, communicate the information to the member of the Service and withdraw the requisition made by it for the production or discovery of such documents. 8(15) On the date fixed for the inquiry, the oral and documentary evidence by which the articles of charge are proposed to be proved shall be produced by, on behalf of, the disciplinary authority. The witnesses shall be examined by, or on behalf of, disciplinary authority. The witnesses shall be examined by, or on behalf of the Presenting Officer and may be cross-examined by, or on behalf of, the member of the Service. The Presenting Officer shall be entitled to re-examine the witnesses on any point, on which they have been crossexamined, but not on any new matter, without the leave of the inquiring


authority. The inquiring authority may also put such questions to the witnesses as it thinks fit. 8(16) If it shall appear necessary before the close of the case on behalf of the disciplinary authority, the inquiring authority may, in its discretion, allow the Presenting Officer to produce evidence not included in the list given to the member of the Service or may itself call for new evidence or recall and reexamine any witness and, in such case, the member of the Service shall be entitled to have, if he demands it, a copy of the list of further evidence proposed to be produced and an adjournment of the inquiry for three clear days before the production of such new evidence, exclusive of the day of adjournment and the day to which the inquiry is adjourned. The inquiring authority shall give to the member of the Service an opportunity of inspecting such documents before they are taken on the record. The inquiring authority may also allow the member of the Service to produce new evidence, if it is of opinion that the production of such evidence is necessary in the interests of justice. NOTE: New evidence shall not be permitted or called for or any witness shall not be recalled to fill up any gap in the evidence. Such evidence may be called for only when there is an inherent lacuna or defect in the evidence which has been produced originally.

8(17) When the case for the disciplinary authority is closed, the member of the Service shall be required to state his defence, orally or in writing, as he may prefer. If the defence is made orally, it shall be recorded and the member of the Service shall be required to sign the record. In either case, a copy of the statement of defence shall be given to the Presenting Officer, if any appointed. 8(18) The evidence on behalf of the member of the Service shall then be produced. The member of the Service may examine himself in his own behalf if he so prefers. The witnesses produced by the member of the Service shall then be examined and shall be liable to cross-examination, reexamination and examination by the inquiring authority according to the provisions applicable to the witnesses for the disciplinary authority. 8(19) The inquiring authority may, after the member of the Service closes his case, and shall, if the member of the Service has not examined himself, generally question him on the circumstances appearing against him in the evidence for the purpose of enabling the member of the Service to explain any circumstances appearing in the evidence against him. 8(20) The inquiring authority may, after the completion of the production of evidence, hear the Presenting Officer, if any, appointed, and the member of the Service or permit them to file written briefs of their respective cases, if they so desire. 8(21) If the member of the Service, to whom a copy of the articles of charge has been delivered, does not submit the written statement of defence on or before the date specified for the purpose or does not appear in person before the inquiring authority or otherwise fails or refuses to comply with the provisions of this rule, the inquiring authority may hold the inquiry ex-parte.


8(22) (a)

Where a State Government which has caused to be inquired into the articles of any charge and, having regard to its decision on any of the findings of any inquiring authority appointed by it is of the opinion that the penalties specified in clauses (vii) to (ix) of rule 6 should be imposed on the member of the Service, the State Government shall forward the records of the inquiry to the Central Government suggesting imposition of the penalties specified in clauses (vii) to (ix) of rule 6. The Central Government may act on the evidence on the record or may, if it is of the opinion that further examination of any of the witness is necessary in the interest of justice, recall the witnesses and examine, cross-examine and re-examine such witnesses. If the Central Government do not find justification for imposing one of the penalties specified in clauses (vii) to (ix) of rule 6 in a case referred to it by a State Government, then it shall refer it back to the State Government.

8(22) (b)

8(23) Whenever an inquiring authority, after having heard and recorded the whole or any part of the evidence in an inquiry, ceases to exercise jurisdiction therein and is succeeded by another inquiring authority which has, and which exercises, such jurisdiction, the inquiring authority so succeeding may act on the evidence so recorded by its predecessor, or partly recorded by its predecessor and partly recorded by itself: Provided that, if the succeeding inquiring authority is of the opinion that further examination of any of the witnesses whose evidence has already been recorded is necessary in the interest of justice, it may recall, examine, cross-examine and re-examine any such witness as here in before provided. 8(24) (i) After the conclusion of the inquiry, a report shall be prepared and it shall contain (a) (b) (c) (d) the articles of charge and the statement of imputations of misconduct or misbehaviour; the defence of the member of the Service in respect of each article of charge; an assessment of the evidence in respect of each article of charge; and the findings on each article of charge and the reasons therefor.

Explanation If in the opinion of the inquiring authority the proceedings of the inquiry establish any article of charge different from the original articles of charge, it may record its findings on such article of charge: Provided that the findings on such article of charge shall not be recorded unless the member of the Service has either admitted the facts on which such article of charge is based or has had a reasonable opportunity of defending himself against such article of charge. (ii) The inquiring authority shall forward to the disciplinary authority the records of inquiry which shall include (a) the report prepared by it under clause (i);


(b) (c) (d) (e)

the written statement of defence, if any, submitted by the member of the Service; the oral and documentary evidence produced in the course of the inquiry; written briefs, if any, filed by the Presenting Officer or the member of the Service or both during the course of the inquiry; and the orders, if any, made by the disciplinary authority and the inquiring authority in regard to the inquiry.

9. Action on the inquiry report. 9(1) The disciplinary authority may, for reasons to be recorded by it in writing, remit the case to inquiring authority for further inquiry and report, and the inquiring authority shall thereupon proceed to hold the further inquiry according to the provisions of rule 8 as far as may be.

9(2) The disciplinary authority shall forward or cause to be forwarded a copy of the report of the inquiry, if any, held by the disciplinary authority or where the disciplinary authority is not the inquiring authority, a copy of the report of the inquiring authority together with its own tentative reasons for disagreement, if any with the findings of inquiry authority on any article of charge to the Member of the Service who shall be required to submit, if he so desires, his written representation of submission to the disciplinary authority within fifteen days, irrespective of whether the report is favourable or not to the Member of the Service. 9(2-A)The disciplinary authority shall consider the representation, if any, submitted by the Member and record its findings before proceeding further in the matter as specified in sub-rules (3) and (4).


9(3) If the disciplinary authority, having regard to its findings on all or any of the articles of charge, is of the opinion that any of the penalties specified in clause (i) to (iv) of rule 6 should be imposed on the member of the Service, it shall notwithstanding anything contained in rule 10, make an order imposing such penalty: Provided that, in every case the record of the inquiry shall be forwarded by the disciplinary authority to the Commission for its advice and such advice shall be taken into consideration before making any order imposing any penalty on the member of the Service.

9(4)If the disciplinary authority having regard to its findings on all or any of the articles of charge and on the basis of the evidence adduced during the inquiry is of the opinion that any of the penalties specified in clause (v) to (ix) of rule 6 should be imposed on the member of the Service, it shall make an order imposing such penalty and it shall not be necessary to give the member of the Service any opportunity of making representation on the penalty proposed to be imposed:

41 42 43

Substituted vide DoPT Notification No.11018/1/2002-AIS-III dt.26.06.2003 (GSR No.249 dt.12.07.2003) Inserted vide DoPT Notification No.11018/1/2002-AIS-III dt.26.06.2003 (GSR No.249 dt.12.07.2003) Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 11018/15/78-AIS-III dated 13.10.1981 (GSR No. 959 dt. 31.10.1981)


Provided that in every case, the record of the inquiry shall be forwarded by the disciplinary authority to the Commission for its advice and such advice shall be taken into consideration before making an order imposing any such penalty on the member of the Service. 10. Procedure for imposing minor penalties 10(1) Subject to the provision of sub-rule (3) of Rule 9 no order imposing on a member of the Service any of the penalties specified in clauses (i) to (iv) of rule 6 shall be made except after: (a) informing the member of the Service in writing of the proposal to take action against him and of the imputations of misconduct or misbehavior on which it is proposed to be taken and giving him a reasonable opportunity of making such representation as he may wish to make against the proposal; holding an inquiry, in the manner laid down in sub-rules (4) to (23) of rule 8, 44(in every case in which it is proposed to withhold increments of pay for a period exceeding three years, or with cumulative effect for any period, or so as to adversely affect the amount of pension payable to him, or in which the disciplinary authority is of the opinion that such inquiry is necessary. taking the representation, if any submitted by the member of the Service under clause (a), and the record of inquiry, if any, held under clause (b) into consideration; recording a finding on each imputation of misconduct or misbehavior, and consulting the Commission.



(d) (e)

10(2) The record of proceedings in such cases shall include: (i) a copy of the intimation to the member of the Service of the proposal to take action against him; (ii) a copy of the statement of imputations of misconduct or misbehavior delivered to him; (iii) his representation, if any; (iv) the evidence produced during the inquiry; (v) the advice of the Commission; (vi) the findings on each imputation of misconduct or misbehavior; and (vii) the orders on the case together with the reasons therefor. 11. Cases of difference of opinion to be referred to Central Government. When there is any difference of opinion between a State Government and the Commission on any matter covered by these rules such matter shall be referred to the Central Government for its decision.


Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No.6/9/72-AIS(III) dated 05.07.1975 (GSR No.872 dated 19.07.1975)


12. Communication of orders. Orders made by the disciplinary authority shall be communicated to the member of the Service who shall also be supplied with a copy of the report of the inquiring authority and a statement of the finding of the disciplinary authority, together with brief reasons for its disagreements, if any, with the findings of the inquiring authority (unless they have already been supplied to him) and also a copy of the advice, if any, given by the Commission and, where the disciplinary authority has not accepted the advice of the Commission, a brief statement of the reasons for such nonacceptance. 13. Common proceeding. Where two or more members of the Service are concerned in any case, the Government may make an order directing that disciplinary action against all of them may be taken in a common proceeding. 14. Special procedure in certain cases. Notwithstanding anything contained in rules 8 to 12 (i) where any penalty is imposed on a member of the Service on the ground of conduct which has led to his conviction on a criminal charge; or (ii) where the disciplinary authority is satisfied, for reasons to be recorded by it in writing, that if, is not reasonably practicable to hold an inquiry in the manner provided in these rules; or (iii) where the President is satisfied that, in the interest of the security of the State, it is not expedient to hold an inquiry in the manner provided in these rules, the disciplinary authority may consider the circumstances of the case and make such orders thereon as it deems fit; Provided that the member of the Service may be given an opportunity of making a representation on the penalty proposed to be imposed before any order is made in a case under clause (i) of this rule: Provided 46further that except in cases where consultation with the Union Public Service Commission is not necessary in accordance with the provisions of the Union Public Service Commission (Exemption from Consultation) Regulations, 1958, the Union Public Service Commission shall be consulted before any order is made in any case under this rule. PART VAppeals 15. Orders against which no appeal lies. 15(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this part, no appeal shall lie against: (i) (ii) any order made by the President; any order of an interlocutory nature or of the nature of step-in-aid for the final disposal of a disciplinary proceeding, other than an order of suspension; any order passed by an inquiring authority in the course of inquiry under rule 8;


45 46

Inserted vide DP&T Notification No.11018/2/87-AIS(III) dated 09.02.1888 Substituted vide Deptt. of p &AR Notification No.6/5/74-AIS(III), dated 28/7/75 (GSR No.988, dated 9.8.75)



any order by a competent authority withholding an appeal under rule 23.

15(2) Nothing in clause (i) and clause (iv) of sub-rule (1) shall be deemed to affect or abridge the right of a member of the Service to submit a memorial to the President under, and in accordance with, the provisions of rule 25. 16. Orders against which appeal lies.Subject to the provisions of rule 15 and the explanations to rule 6, a member of the service may prefer an appeal to the Central Government against all or any of the following orders, namely: (i) an order of suspension made or deemed to have been made under rule 3; (ii) an order passed by a State Government imposing any of the penalties specified in rule 6; (iii) an order of a State Government which (a) (b) (c) denies or varies to his disadvantage his pay, allowance [ ]47 or other conditions of service as regulated by rules applicable to him; or interprets to his disadvantage the provisions of any such rule; or has the effect of superseding him in promotion to a selection post;

(iv) an order of the State Government (a) (b)


stopping him at the efficiency bar in the time scale of pay on the ground of his unfitness to cross the bar; or reverting him while officiating in a higher grade or post to a lower grade or post, otherwise than as a penalty; or deleted determining the subsistence and other allowances to be paid to him for the period of suspension or for the period during which he is deemed to be under suspension or for any portion thereof; or determining his pay and allowances (i) for the period of suspension, or (ii) from the date of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement from service, or from the date of reduction to a lower grade, post, timescale of pay or stage in a time-scale of pay, to the date of reinstatement or restoration to be paid to him on his reinstatement or restoration; or





determining whether or not the period from the date of suspension or from the date of dismissal, removal, compulsory retirement or reduction to a lower grade post, time scale of pay or stage in a time scale of pay, to the date of his reinstatement or restoration shall be treated as a period spent on duty for any purpose.

47 48

The word pension deleted vide DPAR Notification No.6/9/72-AIS(III), dated 5.7.75 (GSR No.872, dt. 19.7.75) Deleted vide Notification No. 6/9/92-AIS(III)dated 5.7.72-AIS(III), (GSR No.872 dt. 19.7.75)


Explanation.In this rule, the expression member of the Service includes a person who has ceased to be a member of the Service. 17. Period of limitation of appeals.No appeal preferred under these rules shall be entertained unless such appeal is preferred within a period of forty-five days from the date on which a copy of the order 50appealed against is delivered to the appellant: Provided that the appellate authority may entertain the appeal after the expiry of the said period if it is satisfied that the appellate had sufficient cause for not preferring the appeal in time. 18. Form and content of appeal. 18(1) Every member preferring an appeal shall do so separately and in his own name. 18(2) Every appeal preferred under these rules shall be addressed to the Secretary to the Government of India in the 51Department or the Ministry, as the case may be, dealing with the All India Service concerned and shall (a) (b) (c) contain all material statements and arguments relied on by the appellant; contain no disrespectful or improper language; and be complete in itself.


18(3) Every such appeal shall be submitted through the head of the office under whom the appellant is for the time being serving and through the Government from whose order the appeal is preferred. 18(4) The authority which made the order appealed against shall, on receipt of a copy of every appeal, which is not withheld under rule 21, forward the same with its comments thereon together with the relevant records to the appellate authority without any avoidable delay and without waiting for any direction from the Central Government. 19. Consideration of Appeal. 19(1) In the case of an appeal against an order of the State Government imposing any penalty specified in rule 6, the Central Government shall consider (a) whether the procedure laid down in these rules has been complied with, and, if not, whether such non-compliance has resulted in violation of any provision of the Constitution of India or in the failure of justice; whether the findings of the disciplinary authority are warranted by the evidence on record; and whether the penalty imposed is adequate, inadequate or severe and pass orders (i) confirming, enhancing, reducing or setting aside the penalty; or

(b) (c)

49 50 51

Substituted vide DPAR Notification No.6/9/72-AIS(III), dated 5.7.75 (GSR No. 872 dated 19.5.75 Substituted vide DPAR Not. No. 6/9/72-AIS(III), dated 5.7.75 (GSR No.872 dated 19.5.75) Substituted vide DPAR Notification No.6/9/72-AIS(III) dated 05.07.1975 (GSRNo.872, dated 19.05.1975)



remitting the case to the authority which imposed the penalty or to any other authority with such direction as it may deem fit in the circumstances of the case.

Provided that (i) the Commission shall be consulted before an order confirming, enhancing, reducing or setting aside a penalty is passed; (ii) if the enhanced penalty which the Central Government proposes to impose is one of the penalties specified in clauses (v) to (ix) of rule 6 and an inquiry under rule 8 has not already been held in the case, the appellate authority shall, subject to the provisions of rule 14, itself hold such inquiry or direct that such inquiry be held in accordance with the provisions of rule 8 and thereafter, on a consideration of the proceedings of such inquiry 52[ ] make such orders as it may deem fit; (iii) if the enhanced penalty which the Central Government proposed to impose is one of the penalties specified in clause (v) to (ix) of rule 6 and an inquiry under rule 8 has already been held in the case, the Central Government shall, 53[ ] make such orders as it may deem fit; and (iv) no order imposing an enhanced penalty shall be made in any other case unless the appellant has been given a reasonable opportunity as far as may be in accordance with the provisions of rule 10, of making representation against such enhanced penalty. 19(2) In an appeal against any other order specified in rule 16 the Central Government shall consider all the circumstances of the case and make such orders as it may deem just and equitable. 20. Implementation of orders on appealEvery order passed by the Central Government in appeal under any of the relevant provisions of these rules shall be final and the State Government concerned shall forthwith give effect to such order. 21. Circumstances in which appeals may be withheld. 21(1) The State Government, from whose order an appeal is preferred, may withhold the appeal if 21(1) (a) it is an appeal in a case in which under these rules there is no right of appeal, or 21(1) (b) it does not comply with the provisions of rule 18, or 21(1) (c) it is not preferred within the period specified in rule 17 and no reasonable cause is shown for the delay, or 21(1) (d) it is a repetition of a previous appeal which has already been decided and no new facts or circumstances are adduced which afford grounds for a reconsideration of the case. 21(2) In every case in which an appeal is withheld, the appellant shall be informed of the fact and the reasons therefore.

52 53

Deleted vide Notification No. 11018/15/78-AIS(III) dated 13.10.1981 (GSR No.955, dated 31.10.1981) Substituted vide Notification No. 6/9/75-AIS(III), dated 5.7.75 ( GSR No. 872, dt. 19.7.75)


21(3) An appeal withheld on account only of failure to comply with the provisions of rule 18 may be resubmitted at any time within one month of the date on which the appellant has been informed of the withholding of the appeal, and, if resubmitted in a form which complies with the said provisions, shall not be withheld. 22. List of appeals withheld. The State Government shall forward to the Central Government on the first day of January and July every year a list of appeals to the Central Government withheld by them under rule 21 during the preceding six months together with the reasons for withholding the same. 23. Appellate authority may call for any appeal withheld. The Central Government may call for any appeal which has been withheld by any State Government under rule 21, dealt with it in the manner laid down in rule 19 and pass such orders thereon as the Central Government thinks fit.


24. Revision. 24(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Central Government or the State Government concerned, as the case may be, may at any time not exceeding 6 months from the date of the order passed in appeal, if an appeal has been preferred, and where no such appeal had been preferred, within one year of the original order which gives the cause of action, either on its own motion or otherwise call for the records of any order relating to suspension or any inquiry and revise any order made under these rules or under the rules repealed by rule 30 from which an appeal is allowed. But from which no appeal has been preferred or from which no appeals is allowed, 55 [ ] and may: (a) confirm, modify or set aside the order; or (b) confirm, reduce, enhance or set aside the penalty imposed by the order, or impose any penalty where no penalty has been imposed, or (c) remit the case to the authority which made the order directing such authority to make such further inquiry as it may consider proper in the circumstances of the case; or (d) pass such orders as it may deem fit: Provided that no order imposing or enhancing any penalty shall be made unless the member of the Service concerned has been given a reasonable opportunity of making a representation against the penalty proposed and where it is proposed to impose any of the penalties specified in clauses (v) to clause (ix) of rule 6 or to enhance the penalty imposed by the order sought to be revised to any of the penalties specified in these clauses, no such penalty shall be imposed except after an inquiry in the manner laid down in rule 8 and 56except after consultation with the Commission:
54 55 56

Substituted/inserted vide DPAR Notification No. 11018/19/81-AIS(III), dated 3.2.84 (GSRNo.162, dt. 18.2.84) Deleted vide DPAR Notification No.6/9/72-AIS(III) dated 05.07.1975 (GSR No.872, dt. 19.07.1975) Deleted vide Notification No.11018/15/78-AIS(III) dated 13.10.1981,(GSR No.959, dt. 31.10.1981)


Provided further that where the original order was passed by the Central Government or the State Government concerned, as the case may be, after consultation with the Commission, it shall not be revised except after consultation with the Commission. 23(2) No proceeding for revision shall be commenced until after (i) (ii) 23(3)

the expiry of the period of limitation for an appeal, or the disposal of the appeal, where any such appeal has been preferred.

An application for revision shall be dealt with in the same manner as if it were an appeal under these rules.

24-A. Review.The Central Government may at any time, either its own motion or otherwise, review any order passed under these rules, when any new material or evidence which could not be produced or was not available at the time of passing the order under review and which has the effect of changing the nature of the case, has come, or has been brought, to its notice: Provided that no order imposing or enhancing any penalty shall be made by the Central Government unless the member of the Service concerned has been given a reasonable opportunity of making a representation against the penalty proposed or where it is proposed to impose any of the major penalties specified in rule 6 or to enhance a minor penalty imposed by the order sought to be reviewed to any of the major penalties and if an enquiry under rule 8 has not already been held in the case, no such penalty shall be imposed except after inquiring in the manner laid down in rule 8, subject to the provisions of rule 14, and except after consultation with the Commission. 25. Memorials.

25(1) A member of the Service shall be entitled to submit a memorial to the President against any order of the Central Government or the State Government by which he is aggrieved: Provided that (a) no memorial shall lie against any order which is interlocutory in nature or of the nature of step-in-aid for final disposal of disciplinary proceedings;. (b) such memorial shall be submitted only after all other remedies provided in these rules, including appeal, review and revision have been exhausted; (c) such memorial shall be submitted within a period of ninety days, from the date of passing of an order in any appeal, review or revision, as the case may be, by the Central Government or the State Government as the case may be.

57 58

Substituted/inserted vide D/oP&R Notification No.11018/19/81-AIS(III) dated 03.02.1984 (GSR No.162 dt.18.02.1984) Substituted/inserted vide Notification No.11018/3/2010-AIS(III) dated 22.11.2010 (GSR No.212 dt.27.11.2010)


Explanation. In this sub-rule, the expression member of the Service includes a person who has ceased to be a member of the Service. 25(2) Every such memorial shall be authenticated by the signature of the memorialist and submitted by the memorialist on his own behalf. 25(3) Every memorial submitted under these rules shall 25(3) (a) contain all material statements and arguments relied upon by the memorialist; 25(3) (b) contain no disrespectful or improper language; 25(3) (c) be complete in itself; and 25(3) (d) end with a specific prayer.


25(4)If the memorial is against the orders of a State Government, it shall be submitted through the State Government concerned and if the memorial is against the orders of the Central Government, it shall be submitted through the Ministry or the authority concerned in the Central Government, and the State Government concerned, or as the case may be, the Ministry or authority in the Central Government shall forward the same together with a concise statement of facts material thereto and, unless there are special reasons to the contrary, with an expression of its opinion thereon: Provided that if the memorialist is for the time being serving under a State Government, or under a Ministry or an authority in the Central Government, which has not passed the orders against which the Memorial is submitted then, the memorial shall be submitted through that State Government, or that Ministry or authority in the Central Government, under which he is for the time being serving.


25(5)A memorial submitted under the proviso to sub rule (4) shall be referred to the State Government, or as the case may be, to the Ministry or authority in the Central Government, against whose orders the memorial is submitted, and the State Government concerned or, as the case may be, the Ministry or authority in the Central Government, shall return the memorial together with a concise statement of facts material thereto, and, unless there are special reasons to the contrary, with an expression of its opinion thereon.


25(5a)If the memorial is against an order imposing any of the penalties specified in rule 6, no such order shall be revised except after consultation with the Commission.

59 60 61 62

Inserted vide D PAR Notification No. 6/9/72-AIS(III), dt. 5.7.75 (GSR No.872,dt.19.7.75) Substituted vide DPAR Notification No. 11018/7/79-AIS(III), dt. 11.11.80 (GSR No. 1220 datted29.11.80) Inserted vide DPAR Notification No.6/9/72-AIS(III),dt. 5.7.75 (GSR No.872, dt. 19.7.75) Inserted vide DPAR Notification No.6/9/72-AIS(III), dated 5.7.75 (GSR No.872, dt. 19.7.75)


25(6) The authority against whose orders a memorial is submitted under this rule shall give effect to any order passed thereon by the President. 26. Forwarding of advance copies In cases where an appeal is preferred or a memorial is submitted under these rules, the appellant or the memorialist, as the case may be, may, if he do desires, forward an advance copy to the appellate authority in the case of an appeal or to the President of India in the case of a memorial. PART VIIMISCELLANEOUS 27. Service of orders, notices etc Every order, notice and other process made or issued under these rules shall be served in person on the member of the Service concerned or communicated to him by registered post. 28. Power to relax time limit and condone delay Save as otherwise expressly provided in these rules, the Central Government or the State Government, as the case may be, may, for good and sufficient reasons or if sufficient cause is shown extend the time specified in these rules for anything required to be done under these rules or condone any delay. 29. Supply of copy of Commissions advice Whenever the Commission is consulted as provided in these rules, a copy of the advice by the Commission and, where such advice has not been accepted, also a brief statement of the reasons for such non-acceptance, shall be furnished to the member of the Service concerned along with a copy of the order passed in the case. 30. Repeal and Saving The All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1955, are hereby repealed. Provided that (a) such repeal shall not affect the previous operation of the said rules, or anything done, or any action taken, hereunder; (b) any proceedings under the said rules, pending at the commencement of these rules shall be continued and disposed of, as far as may be, in accordance, with the provisions of these rules, as if such proceedings were proceedings under these rules. (2) Nothing in these rules shall be construed as depriving any person to whom these rules apply of any right of appeal which had accrued to him under the rules hereby repealed (hereinafter referred to as the repealed rules). (3) An appeal pending at the commencement of these rules against any order made before such commencement under the repealed rules shall be considered and orders thereon shall be made, in accordance with these rules, as if such orders were made and the appeal was preferred under these rules. (4) As from the commencement of these rules any appeal or application for review against any order made before such commencement under the repealed rules shall be preferred or made under these rules, as if such orders were made under these rules:


Provided that nothing in these rules shall be construed as reducing any period of limitation for any appeal or review provided by the repealed rules. 31. Removal of doubts: Where a doubt arises as to the interpretation of any of the provisions of these rules, the matter shall be referred to the Central Government for its decision. [No. 7/15/63AIS(III) dated 20.3.69 GSR No. 926 dated 12.4.69]




{see rule 3(8)(c) } 1. Composition of Review Committees: (a) The Review Committee constituted by the Central Government shall consist of (i) (ii) (iii) Note: Secretary to the Government Ministry/Department Chairman. of India in the concerned

Additional Secretary/Joint Secretary in charge of Administration in the concerned Ministry/DepartmentMember. Any other Additional Secretary/Joint Secretary in the concerned Ministry/DepartmentMember.

The Committee may, if considered necessary, co-opt an officer of the Department of Personnel and Training with the approval of Secretary (Personnel), Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions. (b) The Review Committee constituted by the State Government shall consist (i) (ii) Chief SecretaryChairman. Senior most Additional Chief Secretary/Chairman, Board of Revenue/ Financial Commissioner or an officer of equivalent rank and statusMember. Secretary, Department of Personnel in the State Government Member Secretary.


Note: (i) The Home Secretary/Director General (Police) of the concerned States may be co-opted wherever a case concerning a member of the Indian Police Service is considered. (ii) The Secretary Forest/Principal Chief Conservator of forest of the concerned State may be co-opted wherever a case concerning a member of the Indian Forest Service is considered by the Committee. (iii) In States where Civil Services Board have been constituted, the State Government may entrust the work of the Review Committee to the Board. 2. Functions: (a) The Review Committee/ Civil Services Board shall review the cases of officers under suspension in order to determine whether they are of sufficient grounds for continuation of suspensions. (b) In every case the review shall be done within 90 days from the date of order of the suspension. In a case where the period of suspension has been extended, the next review shall be done within a period of 180 days from the date of last extension. 3. Procedure :

Renumbered vide Notification No.11018/3/2004-AIS-III dt.30.09.2009 (GSR No.714(E) dt. 30.09.2009)


(a) The Review Committee/ Civil Services Board while assessing the justification for further continuance of any suspension, shall look into the progress of any enquiry/investigation against the officer by obtaining relevant information from the authorities enquiring/investigating into the charges. (b) The Review Committee/ Civil Services Board while examining a case shall consider the possibility of the officer under suspension tampering with the evidence, his influencing the process of enquiry or investigation and deprivation of his services during suspension. (c) The Review Committee/Civil Services Board shall submit a detailed report to the competent authority, clearly stating its recommendations and the reasons for arriving at the recommendations relating to the continuance of suspension.

[See rule 3 sub-rule (1B), (1C) and (1D)] 1. Composition of the Review Committees.- The Central Ministrys Review Committee constituted by the Central Government: shall consist of (i) (ii) (iii) Secretary to the Government of India in the concerned Ministry/Department. Additional Secretary/Joint Secretary in charge of Administration in the concerned Ministry Any other Additional Secretary/Joint Secretary in the concerned Ministry/Department. Chairperson Member Member

Note: The Committee may, if considered necessary, co-opt an officer of the Department of Personnel and Training with the approval of Secretary (Personnel), Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions. 2. Functions.- On a reference being made by the Government that has ordered the suspension seeking extension beyond the period stipulated, the Central Ministrys Review Committee shall review the cases of officers under suspension on charges other than corruption in order to determine whether there are sufficient grounds for continuation of suspension beyond the period of one year and review the cases of officers under suspension on charges of corruption in order to determine whether there are sufficient grounds for continuation of suspension beyond the period of two years. 3. Procedure:- (a) The Central Ministrys Review Committee while assessing the justification for further continuation of any suspension beyond the period of one year, where the member of the Service is placed on suspension on charges

Inserted vide Notification No.11018/3/2004-AIS-III dt.30.09.2009 (GSR No.714(E) dt. 30.09.2009)


other than corruption, shall look into the progress of any enquiry or investigation against the member of the Service by obtaining relevant information from the authorities enquiring or investigating into the charges; (b) The Central Ministrys Review Committee while assessing the justification for further continuation of any suspension beyond the period of two years, where the member of the Service is placed on suspension on charges of corruption, shall look into the progress of any enquiry or investigation against the member of the Service by obtaining relevant information from the authorities enquiring or investigating into the charges; (c) The Central Ministrys Review Committee shall satisfy itself that the delay has occurred for reasons beyond the control of the disciplinary authority and reinstatement of the officer may result in his tampering with the evidence or otherwise influencing the process of enquiry or investigation; (d) The Central Ministrys Review Committee shall submit a detailed report to the Central Government, clearly stating its recommendations and the reasons for arriving at the conclusions relating to the continuance of suspension. STANDARD FORMS {see rule 3(9)} Note: 1. The order should be signed by the competent authority himself. 2. Where an order has to be made in the name of the President of India/Governor of a State, the phrase By order and in the name of the President/Governor or State of .............. should be inserted above the signatures. Such an order/communication should be signed by an officer in the appropriate Ministry/Department who is authorised under the Constitution to authenticate the orders on behalf of the President of India/Governor of a State. 3. The form should not be used mechanically. Wherever necessary, suitable modifications should be made in the form to meet the requirements of a particular case. FORM I STANDARD FORM FOR ORDER OF SUSPENSION ORDER Whereas a disciplinary proceeding against Shri... (name and designation) is contemplated/pending under investigation/ Inquiry/trial. Whereas a case against Shri.......(name and Designation) in respect of a criminal offence is contemplated/pending under investigation/ Inquiry/trial.

Now, therefore, the .......(Authority competent to place under suspension), in exercise of powers conferred by clause(a) of sub-rule (i) of rule 3 of the All India


Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules,1969, hereby places the said Shri........under suspension with immediate effect. It is further ordered that during the period that this order shall remain in force, the Headquarters of Shri ...... shall be............(name of place and the said Shri ............ shall not leave the said Headquarters without obtaining the permission of the undersigned. Signature.................. Name and Designation of the suspending authority No............ Dated, the.................. Copy to Shri .......... (name and designation): Order regarding subsistence allowance admissible to him during the period of his suspension will issue separately. Note: Copies should be endorsed to the Pay and Accounts Officer who authorizes the drawal of his salary; to the Cash and Accounts Section of the Department; to the Establishment Section for making an entry in the Service Book; to the Appointing Authority, if the order is made by some other authority; and to the Lending Authority in the case of borrowed officer. The reasons for suspension should be communicated to the Appointing Authority and the Lending Authority, separately, through confidential letters. FORM II STANDARD FORM FOR ORDER OF DEEMED SUSPENSION ORDER WHEREAS a case against Shri.......... (name and designation of the member of the service) in respect of a criminal offence is under investigation/inquiry/trial; AND WHEREAS the said Shri ..........was detained in custody on ........ for a period exceeding fortyeight hours; NOW, THEREFORE, the said Shri..... is deemed to have been placed under suspension by an order of the appointing authority w.e.f .............. in terms of sub rule..............of rule 3 of the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969 until further orders. Signature......................... Name and designation of the Appointing authority Copy to Shri .............(name and designation). Order regarding subsistence allowance admissible to him during the period of his suspension will issue separately. Note: Copies should be endorsed to the Pay and Accounts Officer who authorizes the drawal of his salary; to the cash and Accounts Section of the Department; to the Establishment Section for making an entry in the Service Book; to the Appointing Authority, if the order is made by some other authority; and to the Lending Authority in the case of borrowed officer. The reasons for suspension should be communicated to the Appointing Authority and the Lending Authority, separately, through confidential letters.


FORM III STANDARD FORM FOR REVOCATION OF ORDER OF SUSPENSION ORDER WHEREAS an order placing Shri ...........(name and designation), under suspension, was made/was deemed to have been made by..............on.............. Now, therefore, the President/undersigned, in exercise of the powers conferred by Rule..........(here mention the relevant rule) hereby revokes the said order of suspension, with immediate effect. Signature Name and designation of the authority competent to revoke the order of suspension No.. Dated, the

Copy to Shri..(name, designation and address of the officer during suspension). Copies should also be endorsed to the Treasury Officer/Pay and Accounts Officer, to the Cash and Accounts Section of the Department; to the Establishment Section for making an entry in the Service books to the Appointing Authority, if the order is made by some other authority; and to the lending authority (in case of a borrowed officer).




I am directed to invite a reference to letter No. 6/6/72AIS(III), dated the 8th January, 1973 issued by the Department of Personnel on the subject mentioned above, and to say that as a sequel to the amendment of Article 311(2) of the Constitution and the provisions contained in Rule 9, 19 and 24, of the All India Services (Discipline & Appeal) Rules, 1969 it is no longer necessary to issue a show cause notice in cases where the disciplinary authority proposes to impose any of the major penalties or where it is proposed to enhance an existing penalty. As a result some changes in the proforma to be used for consulting the Union Public Service Commission have become necessary. It has also been found necessary to make certain modifications in items 1, 2, 4, 7, 12 and 13 of the proforma. Revised proforma which may hereafter be used for consulting the U.P.S.C. is forwarded herewith. 2. It has been observed by the Commission that, even though the proforma clearly provides that it should be signed by an officer of the State Government etc. making the reference, in some cases the proforma is forwarded to the Commission without ensuring that entries contained herein are appropriate and reflect the correct position. The importance of making correct entries in the proforma cannot be over emphasised. It is, therefore, requested that it may kindly be ensured that reference to the Commission in disciplinary cases are made to the Commission in the prescribed proforma complete in all respect, duly signed by an officer of the State Government. [D.P & A.R. letter No. 11018/7/82AIS (III), dated the 13th July, 1983.]


Particulars relating to the disciplinary case referred to the Union Public Service Commission with letter No............................. Date............................. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*1. Name of accused officer and the Service to which he belongs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*2. (i) (ii) Whether confirmed in the Service. Date of such confirmation.


Inserted vide DP & AR Notification No.6/9/72-AIS(III) dated 05.07.1972 (GSR No.872, dt.19.07.1975)


3. Post held: (a) (b) (c) (d) Designation. Scale of Pay. Pay Drawn. Date from which Pay shown against (c) drawn.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4. Date of next increment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Date of Birth. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6. Date of Joining Govt. Service. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. Date when due to retire or date of actual retirement in case of persons who have already retired. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. (a) (b) (i) (ii) (i) (ii) Amount of monthly pension admissible. Amount of monthly pension sanctioned. Amount of gratuity admissible Amount of gratuity sanctioned.

(This information is required only in respect of cases of recovery from or withholding of pension/special additional pension) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 (a) (b) (c) Appointing authority. Punishing authority. Appellate authority. oral enquiry, if required, under the rules has

10. Whether an been held.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11. Name and designation of the Enquiry Officer, appointed, if any. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12. Whether all the relevant documents, in original, particularly the following have been enclosed with the letter seeking the Commissions advice/letter forwarding the case to the Central Government in the case of certain major penalties, appeals and memorials). (A) In the case of original enquiries:



Papers relating to preliminary enquiry, if any. In case the preliminary enquiry as done by S.P.E. their report together with all the depositions recorded by them. Suspension order, if any. (a) Order revoking suspension, if any. Order of the Competent Authority for joint / common proceedings. Where issued, if two or more Govt. servants are involved in the case. Charge-sheet with the statement of imputations of misconduct or misbehaviour and other enclosures. Reply of the accused officer to the charge sheet. Order of appointment of the Inquiry Officer. Order appointing the Presenting officer. Record of the oral inquiry: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Daily order sheet Correspondence file of the Inquiry officer. Depositions. Questions put to the accused officer by the I.O Statement of defence before the Inquiry officer Written briefs of: (i) (ii) (g) the Presenting Officer. the Charged Officer.

(ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii)

Inquiry Officers report.

(ix) (x) (xi)

Miscellaneous documents regarding evidence such as exhibits, statements etc. referred to in items (i) to (viii) above. Sanction of the Central Govt. for institution of departmental proceedings, where necessary. Show cause notice for withdrawing/withholding the pension.

(xii)Reply of the accused officer to the show cause notice (B) In the case of appeals: In addition to the documents specified under (A) above, the following: (i) (ii) Order of the punishing authority. Appeal, if any, of the accused officer.

(iii) Comments on the appeal as required under rule18(4) of the A.I.S. (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969. (C) In the case of Memorials: or Suo Motu Review In addition to the documents specified under (A) & (B) above, the following:


(i) (ii)

Orders, if any, on the appeal. Memorial, if any, from the accused officer.

(iii) Note indicating the reasons for modifying the existing order of penalty and precise extent of such modification. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13. Miscellaneous documents such as extracts of relevant Rules, Codes Acts, Judgements, Manuals etc., referred to in the charge-sheet, statement of allegations, statement of defence, Inquiring Authoritys Report, reply to show cause notice, appeal, State Governments comments. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14. In case where no enquiry has been held and factual and procedural points have been raised in the officers explanation. A note explaining such points. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15. Whether comments on procedural points, if any raised by the officer in his explanation to the charge sheet/reply to show cause notice/appeal, have been given. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16. Whether complete and up to date confidential roll of the officer has been enclosed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature _________________________ Name in Block Letters of officer of the State Govt. signing the statement: ____________ Designation ___________________ Date ___________________ Telephone Number _________________ II INSTRUCTIONS TO STATE GOVERNMENTS TO KEEP IN MIND THE JUDGEMENT OF SOME COURT CASES ON THE QUESTION OF STANDARD OF PROOF IN DEPARTMENTAL PROCEEDINGS.

1. A copy of the Ministry of Home Affairs D.O. Letter No. 24/25/62-AVD, dated 26-51962 along with extracts from some judgements of High Courts which were circulated among Vigilance Officers to apprise them of the establishment law on the question of standard of proof in departmental enquiries against Government servants is enclosed. The same issue came up for consideration before the Supreme Court in the case of India Vs. Sardar Bahadur (1972). A copy of the judgement of the Supreme Court in this case is also enclosed.


2. It is requested that State Governments may kindly keep in mind the observations of the Supreme Court, especially the observations of the Court reproduced below, while dealing with disciplinary cases against the members of the All India Services: (i) A disciplinary proceedings is not a criminal trial. The standard of proof required is that of preponderance of probability and not proof beyond reasonable doubt. (ii) A finding cannot be characterised as perverse or unsupported by any relevant materials if it is a reasonable inference from proved facts. This observation has been made in the context of the facts as stated in para 14 of the judgement. (iii) Where there are some relevant materials which the authority has accepted and which materials may reasonably support the conclusion that the officer is guilty, it is not the function of the High Court exercising its jurisdiction under Article 226 to review the materials and to arrive at an independent finding on the materials. If the enquiry has been properly held the question of adequacy or reliability of the evidence cannot be canvassed before the High Court. (iv) Now it is settled by the decision of this Court in State of Orissa V. Vidyabhushan Mahapatra (6) that if the order of punishing authority can be supported on any finding as to substantial misdemeanour for which the punishment can be imposed, it is not for the Court to consider whether charge proved alone would have weighed with the authority in imposing the punishment. The Court is not concerned to decide whether the punishment imposed, provided it is justified by the rules, is appropriate having regard to the misdemeanour established. [D.P. & A.R. letter No. 11018/2/75AIS(III), dated 30th June, 1975.] Copy of D.O. No. 24/75/62-AVD, dated 26-5-1962. 1. You may perhaps be aware of the decisions of certain courts in which it has been held that officers holding inquiries in departmental proceedings are not under any obligation to follow strictly the rules of evidence as laid down in the Evidence Act or the procedure prescribed in the Criminal Procedure Code. In this connection, I forward herewith relevant extracts from the judgements of the courts for your information. 2. I shall be grateful, if you would kindly bring these decisions to the notice of all authorities dealing with disciplinary cases, as the principle of these decisions, if followed, should enable the competent authority to deal with disciplinary cases more expeditiously. ******** (All Vigilance Officers)



1. The provisions contained in rule 20 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, are of special importance in the context of the latest endeavor to reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages and drugs. While it is expected that every member of the All India Services will scrupulously adhere to the provisions of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, mentioned above, it is also expected of the disciplinary


authorities to keep a strict watch on the conduct of members of the All India Services in regard to matters covered by the aforesaid Rules. Violation of any of the provisions of rule 20 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 will constitute a good and sufficient reason for taking disciplinary action against a member of the All India Service. While any of the penalties specified in rule 6 of the All India Service (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969 can be imposed on a member of an All India Service for good and sufficient reasons after following the prescribed procedure, the disciplinary authorities should take a very serious view of any violation of rule 20 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968,and should not hesitate to impose the severest punishment on such members of the All India Services who are proved guilty of violating the said Rule. 2. I am to request that the contents of this letter may be brought to the notice of all members of the All India Services working under the State Government. [Extract of letter No. 11017/1/76AIS(III), dated 5-2-76.] IV. PROVIDING LEGAL AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO RETIRED GOVERNMENT SERVANT-EXTENSION OF GOI O.M.No. 28022/1/75 Estt.(A), DATED THE 20TH JANUARY, 1977 TO MEMBERS OF THE ALL INDIA SERVICES.

1. The instructions contained in this Departments Office Memorandum No. 28022/1/75Estt.(A), dated the 20th January, 1977, are extended to the retired members of the All India Services. [letter No. 11018/3/77-AIS(III), dated 29-4-77.] (i) Copy of D.P. & A.R. letter No. 28022/1/75Estt.(A), dated 20th January, 1977 1. A question has been raised whether, and if so, under what circumstances, Government should provide legal and financial assistance to a retired Government servant for the conduct of legal proceedings instituted against him by a private party in respect of matters connected with his official duties or position before his retirement. This has been considered by the Government and it has been decided that the provisions contained in paragraph 2(c) of the Ministry of Home Affairs O.M.No. 45/5/53Estt(A), dated 8th January, 1959. (Copy enclosed) should be extended also to be retired Government servants. Accordingly, the provisions contained in the aforesaid paragraph, with the exception of the provision regarding grant of advance from Provident Fund, will apply also to Government servants who have retired from service other than those who have been compulsorily retired from service as a measure of punishment. Further, the amount of interest free advance that may be granted to a retired Government servant will be subject to a maximum limit of Rs. 500/-. 2. The form of declaration to be obtained from a retired Government servant when the Government undertakes his defence and the form of Bond to be obtained from him, if advance is granted to cover legal expenses, are enclosed as Annexure A and B to this Office Memorandum. 3. The provisions regarding consultation with Union Public Service Commission and the authority competent to take decision in each case will be the same as those contained in Ministry of Home Affairs Office Memorandum dated 8th January, 1959. (ii) Copy of MHA O.M. No. 45/5/53Est(A), dated 8-1-59.


1. A question has been raised whether, and if so, under what circumstances, Government should provide legal and financial assistance to a Government servant for the conduct of legal proceedings by or against him. The following decisions which have been taken in consultation with the Ministries of Law and Finance and the Comptroller and Auditor General are circulated for information and guidance. 2. (a) Proceedings initiated by Government in respect of matters connected with official duties or position of the Government servant. Government will not give any assistance to a Government servant for his defence in any proceedings, civil or criminal instituted against him by the State in respect of matters arising out of or connected with his official duties or his official position. Should, however the proceedings conclude in favour of the Government servant, Government will entertain his claim for reimbursement of costs incurred by him for his defence, and if Government are satisfied from the facts and circumstances of the case that the Government servant was subjected to the strain of the proceedings without proper justification they will consider whether the whole or any reasonable proportion of the expenses incurred by the Government servant for his defence should be reimbursed to him. (b) Proceedings in respect of matters not connected with official duties or position of the Government servant.

Government will not give any assistance to a Government servant or reimburse the expenditure incurred by him in the conduct of proceedings in respect of matters not arising out of, or connected with, his official duties or his official position, irrespective of whether the proceedings were instituted by a private party against the Government servant or vice versa. (c) Proceedings instituted by a private party against a Government servant in respect of matters connected with his official duties or position. (i) If the Government on consideration of the facts and circumstances of the case consider that it will be in the public interest that Government should themselves undertake the defence of the Government servant in such proceedings and if the Government servant agrees to such a course, the Government servant should be required to make a statement in writing as in Annexure A and thereafter Government should make arrangements for the conduct of the proceedings as if the proceedings had been instituted against Government. If the Government servant proposes to conduct his defence in such proceedings himself, the question of reimbursement of reasonable costs incurred by him for his defence may be considered in case the proceedings conclude in his favour. In determining the amount or costs to be so reimbursed, Government will consider how far the Court has vindicated the acts of the Government servant. The conclusion of proceedings in



favour of the Government servant will not by itself justify reimbursement. To enable the Government servant to meet the expenses of his defence, Government may sanction, at their discretion, an interest free advance not exceeding Rs.500/- or the Government servants substantive pay for three months, whichever is greater, after obtaining from the Government servant a bond in the form reproduced as Annexure B. The amount advanced would be subject to adjustment against the amount, if any, to be reimbursed as above. The Government servant may also be granted any advance from any Provident Fund to which he is a subscriber not exceeding three months pay or one half of the balance standing to his credit, whichever is less. This advance will be repayable in accordance with the rules of the Fund. (d) Proceedings instituted by a Government servant of his being required by Government to vindicate his official conduct.

A Government servant may be required to vindicate his conduct in a Court of Law in certain circumstances, [vide Ministry of Home Affairs O.M. No. F. 25/32/54-Estt(A), dated 8th January, 1959]. The question whether costs incurred by the Government servant in such cases should be reimbursed by the Government and if so; to what extent should be left over for consideration in the light of the result of the proceedings. Government may, however, sanction an interest-free advance, in suitable instalments, of any amount to be determined by them in each case on the execution of a bond by the Government servant in the form reproduced in Annexure B. In determining the amount of costs to be reimbursed on the conclusion of the proceedings, the Government will consider to what extent the Court has vindicated acts of the Government servant in the proceedings. Conclusion of the proceedings in favour of the Government servant will not by itself justify reimbursement. (e) Proceedings instituted by a Government servant suo motu, with the previous sanction of Government to vindicate his conduct arising out of or connected with his official duties or position.

If a Government servant resorts to a Court of Law with the previous sanction of Government to vindicate his conduct arising out of or connected with his official duties or position, though not required to do so by Government, he will not ordinarily be entitled to any assistance but Government may, in deserving cases, sanction advances in the manner indicated in sub-para c(ii) above, but no part of the expenses incurred by the Government servant will be reimbursed to him even if he succeeds in the proceedings.


3. Clause (d) of article 320(3) of the Constitution requires consultation with the Union Public Service Commission on any claim of Government servant for the reimbursement of the costs incurred by him in defending legal proceedings instituted against him in respect of acts done or purporting to be done in the execution of his duty. In other cases consultation with the Union Public Service Commission is not obligatory, but it will be open to Government to seek the Commissions advice, if considered necessary. 4. The question whether a case falls under article 320(3)(d) of the Constitution so as to require consultation with the Commission may at times be difficult to determine. It may be stated generally that the consultation is obligatory in a case where a reasonable connection exists between the act of the Government servant and the discharge of his official duties. The act must bear such relation to the official duties that the Government servant could lay a reasonable but not a pretended or a fanciful claim that he did it in the course of the performance of his duties. 5. The appropriate authority for taking decision in each case will be the administrative Ministry of the Government of India concerned who will consult the Finance and Law Ministries, where necessary. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India will exercise the powers of an administrative Ministry in respect of the personnel of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department. 6. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders are issued in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General. ANNEXURE A (Here enter description of the proceedings) The Government of India having been pleased to undertake my defence in the above proceedings, I hereby agree to render such assistance to Government as may be required for my defence and further agree that I shall not hold Government in any way responsible if the proceedings end in a decision adverse to me. Date................................ Signature of the retired Government servant. ANNEXURE B BY THIS BOND 65I __________________ ________________ a retired Government servant at present residing at ____________________ having taken an advance of Rs _________________(Rupees _________________ only) from the President of India (hereinafter called the Government) promise and undertake to refund and pay to the Government the said sum of Rs. _________ in ____________

Here give the name and other particulars of the retired Government servant including the post held by him before retirement


____________ 66equal monthly ______________ instalment ___________ of Rs. ____________________ payable by the 10th of every month commencing from __________________


2. And I agree that in case I fail to pay any of the above mentioned instalment on due date, the entire balance of the amount then remaining due shall at once become due and payable by me to the Government and if I fail to pay the same within six months from the date on which the balance of the amount thus becomes due for payment, the Government shall have the right to recover the same from me by due process of Law. Dated this ________________ day of ________________ 20 .

(Signature of the retired Government servant) Witness to signature. Accepted. 1. _____________________ 2. _____________________




1. In pursuance of the provision contained in clause(b) of sub-rule (9) of rule 8 of the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969, the President hereby prescribes the following conditions subject to which a member of the Service may take the assistance of a retired Government servant to present the case on his behalf: Sub para (i) & (ii)Deleted69 (i) No retired Government servant can take up more than three cases at a time. At the time of appearance before the Inquiry Officer, the retired Government servant should certify that he has only three cases on hand at that time. (ii) A retired Government servant cannot assist a member of an All India Service in disciplinary proceedings after the expiry of three years from the
Here mention the number of instalments Here mention the date of commencement of the first installment. 68 Here mention the designation of the officer who is authorized to execute the bond under article 299(!) of the constitution. 69 Vide DP&T letter No.11018/5/86-AIS(III)dated 20.01.1987
67 66


date of retirement. The retired Government servant should produce before the Inquiry Officer, a declaration regarding his date of retirement. (iii) If the retired Government servant is also a legal practitioner, the restrictions on engaging a legal practitioner by a delinquent Government servant to present the case on his behalf as contained in rule 8(9) of the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969, would apply. (iv) In the matter of payment of travelling and other expenses to the retired Government servant assisting a member of the Service in disciplinary proceedings, the instructions contained in the Ministry of Home Affairs Office Memorandum No. 16/122/56AVD, dated the 18th August, 1960 will apply. The retired Govt. servant concerned will be deemed to belong to the grade of Government servants to which he belonged immediately before his retirement, for the purpose of these instructions. The expenditure on account of travelling and other expenses will be borne by the State Government/ Department to which the delinquent Govt. servant belongs. Explanation.Any person, who has retired from service under the Central Government, or the Government of a State or a Union Territory may be engaged by the member of the Service to assist him in the disciplinary proceedings. 2. The decision contained in this letter may be brought to the notice of all concerned. [DP&AR, letter No. 11018/12/78AIS(III), dated the 14th August, 1978.] VI. GUIDELINES TO BE FOLLOWED FOR ADHERING THE TIME LIMITS OF COMPLETION OF VARIOUS STAGES OF DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS FOR EXPEDITIOUS DISPOSAL

1. Time limits for completing certain stages of inquiry into charges against members of the All India Services are laid down in sub-rule (8) and (12) of rule 8 of the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969. However, experience has shown that very often, disciplinary proceedings are inordinately delayed. It is felt that if the guidelines laid down below are followed, it will ensure expeditious disposal of disciplinary cases. 2. Sub-rule (8) of rule 8 provides that a member of the Service shall be required to appear in person before the Inquiring Authority at any time prescribed after the expiry of 10 working days from the date of the receipt of the charge-sheet. It would therefore, be justified if the charged officer is given not more than 10 days for submitting his written statement of defence in reply to the charge-sheet under sub-rule (5) of rule 8 ibid. 2. 1The statement of defence under rule 8(5) ibid is expected to be limited simply to admitting or denying the charges communicated to the officer, and for such admission or denial inspection of documents is not necessary. Therefore, a request for inspection of documents at this stage made by the delinquent officer may not be accepted and it may be explained to the officer that he would get full opportunity to inspect the listed documents during the course of inquiry as per rule 8(12) ibid. 2.2. Although no time limit, as such, has been stipulated for the admission of the report by the Inquiry Officer after completion of the oral inquiry, ordinarily it should be possible for an Inquiry Officer to submit the inquiry report within a period of one month from the conclusion of the inquiry proceedings.


2.3 If these time limits and principles are assiduously observed, the period from the date of serving a charge-sheet in a disciplinary case to the submission of the report by the Inquiring Officer should ordinarily not exceed six months. 3. After submission of the Inquiry Report by the Inquiring Officer, where the State Government comes to the conclusion that a major penalty may be imposed on an officer, they may issue a show cause notice to the officer, or remit the case to the Central Government under rule 8(22) (a) ibid, as the case may be, within one to one and a half months from the receipt of the inquiry report. In cases where the State Government considers that a minor penalty would be enough, a reference to the U.P.S.C. may also be made for their advice, within one to one and a half months of the receipt of the inquiry report. 4. While processing disciplinary cases against members of the All India Services, the guidelines mentioned above may be kept in view for completion of inquiries promptly. The State Government may also consider the desirability of issuing suitable instructions and that where a case is delayed at a particular stage beyond the time-limit stipulated for that stage, it be reported to the next higher authority with a statement of reasons for the delay. [D.P. & A.R. letter No. 11018/7/78AIS(III), dated 16-8-1978.] VII. PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED UNDER RULE 8(20) OF THE AIS(D&A) RULES

1. I am directed to forward herewith a copy of this Departments Office Memorandum No. 11012/18/77Ests(A), dated the 2nd September, 1978 and to state that rule 14(19) of C.C.S. (C.C. & A) Rules, 1965 corresponds to sub rule (20) of rule 8 of the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969. 2. The clarification contained therein may please be brought to the notice of all concerned. With regard to its application in respect of sub-rule (20) of rule 8 of the AIS (D&A) Rules, 1969. [Letter No. 11018/19/78AIS (III), dated 15th January, 1979.] Office Memorandum No. 11012/18/77Est(A), dated 2nd September, 1978. SUBJECT: CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965Procedure to be followed under rule 14(19) thereof.

1. The undersigned is directed to say that according to rule 14(19) of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 the inquiring authority may, after the completion of the production of evidence, hear the Presenting Officer, if any appointed, and the Government servant or permit them to file written briefs of their respective cases, if they so desire. With reference to this rule, a question has been raised whether the written brief filed by the Presenting Officer should be made available to the accused Government Servant before he files his own written brief. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Ministry of Law and the position is explained in the succeeding paragraph. 2. It will be seen from the phraseology of rule 14(19) that the inquiring authority has to hear arguments that may be advanced by the parties after their evidence has been closed. But he can, on his own or on the desire of the parties, take written briefs. In case he exercises the discretion of taking written briefs, it will be but fair that he should first


take the brief from the Presenting Officer, supply a copy of the same to the Government Servant and then take the reply brief from the Government Servant. In case the copy of the brief of the Presenting Officer is not given to the Government Servant, it will be like hearing arguments of the Presenting Officer at the back of the Government servant. In this connection, attention is also invited to the judgment of the Calcutta High Court in the case of Collector of Customs Vs. Mohd Habibul (SLR 1973 (1) Calcutta, 321) in which it is laid down that the requirement of rule 14(19) of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965 and the principles of natural justice demanded that the delinquent officer should be served with a copy of the written brief filed by the Presenting Officer before he is called upon to file his written brief. 3. Ministry of Finance etc., are requested to bring the above clarification to the notice of all concerned authorities under their control. VIII. PROCEDURE FOR INTIMATION OF DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS AGAINST THE OFFICERS OF THE ALL INDIA SERVICES SERVING UNDER THE GOVT. OF INDIA AND ORGANIZATIONS UNDER THE GOVT. OF INDIA.

1. Rule 7 of the AIS(Discipline & Appeal) Rules, 1969 stipulates the authority competent to institute proceedings and to impose penalty on the members of the All India Services. The said rule vests this authority either with the State Government or with the Central Government depending upon the circumstances explained therein. Powers of the Central Government in respect of members of the IAS while they are on deputation with the Central Government are exercised by the Department of Personnel & Training and in respect of Indian Police Service and IFS Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Environment & Forests respectively. 2. With a view to avoiding delay in the processing of cases in respect of members of All Service pertaining to the period of their central deputation the following procedure may be followed while forwarding such cases to the cadre controlling authority, namely Department of Personnel & Training/MHA/ Ministry of Environment & Forests, as the case may be: (i) Any proposal to place an officer under suspension should be sent to the Cadre controlling Department only with the approval of the Minister in charge of the Department/Ministry administratively concerned. (ii) Any proposal to initiate disciplinary proceedings should be forwarded only after a decision has been taken at the level of the Minister in charge of the Department/Ministry after obtaining the preliminary explanation of the officer and after considering the same. In cases having a vigilance angle, administrative Ministries/Departments are also required to consult the Central Vigilance Commission and obtain its first stage advice before submitting the papers to the Minister. (iii) If an officer is transferred to another Ministry/Department, the Ministry concerned where the alleged misconduct was committed by the officer will have to take a view on the case in the light of the facts of the case and the explanation of the concerned officer at the level of the Minister before forwarding the case records for further necessary action. They must also give an intimation in this regard to the Ministry where the officer may be working for the time being.


(iv) Where it is proposed to initiate disciplinary proceedings, the proposal shall always be accompanied by a draft charge sheet along with imputations of misconduct and two sets of certified list of documents. (v) In cases where it is decided not to formally proceed against an officer but only to convey a caution/waning/displeasure of the Government, this will be communicated to the officer by the Ministry/Department concerned, through the administrative Ministry where he may be working at that time and two copies of the same shall be endorsed to the respective cadre controlling Department for record. (vi) In a case, where there is no full fledged investigation by the CBI and where formal action for major penalty is instituted by the concerned cadre controlling Ministry after due consideration of a proposal received from the administrative Ministry or otherwise, the administrative Ministry shall also nominate an officer who is well versed with the facts of the case for being appointed as the Presenting Officer. (vii) All communications meant for the officers proceeded against would be served through the Ministry/Department where the officer is working for the time being. 3. It may be ensured that the above procedure is followed while referring cases of members of the All India Services to the cadre controlling Ministries namely, Department of Personnel & Training, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Environment & Forests, for initiation of Disciplinary Proceedings under the AIS(D&A) Rules. [O.M. No.11018/3/98AIS(III) the 9th June 1995 of Ministry of Personnel, PG.& D/o Pension (D/o Personnel & Trg.)] IX. DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS AGAINST THE MEMBERS OF THE ALL INDIA SERVICES MAY BE CLOSED IN THE EVENT OF HIS/HER DEATH DURING THE PENDENCY OF ENQUIRY

1. I am directed to say that this Department has been receiving references seeking clarifications whether disciplinary cases initiated under the All India Services (Discipline & Appeal) Rules, 1969 should be closed in the event of the death of the accused member of the All India Services during pendency of the proceedings. 2. After careful consideration of the issues involved, it has been decided that where a member of the All India Service dies during the pendency of enquiry, i.e. without charges being proved against him, imposition of any of the penalties prescribed under the All India Service (Discipline & Appeal) Rules, 1969, would not be justifiable. Therefore, disciplinary proceeding should be closed immediately on the death of the alleged member of the Service. [DOPT letter No. 11018/1/99-AIS(III) dated 14.5.1999] X. EXTRACTS OF THE JUDGEMENTS OF HIGH COURTS ON DEPARTMENTAL PROCEEDINGS Extracts from judgements of High Courts A.I.R. 1958 Punjab 27.


It has been argued on behalf of the petitioner that an Inquiry Officer performs in the course of inquiry quasijudicial functions and the proceedings held by him are in the nature of criminal or at least quasicriminal proceeding, and, therefore, he must comply, at least in substance, with the provisions of S.173(4) of the Criminal Procedure Code. It is, therefore, necessary to determine the nature of the inquiry held under the Punjab Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules, 1952. It is stated before me that the charges which the petitioner has been called upon to meet are in substance the same as will be covered by S.5(2) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, and Sections 161 and 109 of the Indian Penal Code, and I shall decide this case on this assumption. Rule 7(2) lays down the procedure, which should be observed in the course of an inquiry. The Punjab Civil Services Rules are only statutory rules regulating terms of service between the Government and its employees. The identical Rules called the Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules and also the provisions of the Public Servants (Inquiries) Act, 1850, were discussed by their Lordships of the Supreme Court in S.A. Venkataraman V/s Union of India, A.I.R. 1954 SC 375 (A). Their Lordships held that the purpose of such an inquiry is merely to hold the Govt. to come to a definite conclusion regarding the conduct of a Government servant and to decide what penalty, if any, should be imposed upon him. There is no other purpose which is served y this inquiry. The Inquiry Officer is appointed merely to find facts and it is clear from the Rules that it is not the Inquiry officers concern whether the facts established disclosed the commission of a criminal offence punishable under the Indian Penal Code or any other law, or they disclose liability to imposition of penalties like censure or reduction in rank, or dismissal. He merely sends his report to the proper authority who may or may not accept his conclusions on facts found by him on the evidence produced before him. In these circumstances it is impossible to hold that proceedings before the Inquiry Officer are of criminal or quasi-criminal nature. Obviously such proceedings cannot be said to be criminal proceedings governed by the terms and provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code. The Inquiry Officer is not a Court within the Criminal Procedure Code, nor is the Govt. servant accused of any offence, nor is he liable to be sentenced for the commission of an offence under any penal law. These proceedings cannot be said to be of quasi-criminal in nature because the ultimate effect of these proceedings at the most is dismissal of the Government servant from service and the imposition of this penalty cannot be held to be of criminal nature. There is no provision in these rules which makes it incumbent on the Inquiry Officer to hold enquiry in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Criminal Procedure Code or to observe the provisions of S. 173(4) of that Code. In this view of the matter it cannot possibly be held that the Inquiry officer is bound to see that the provisions of Section 173(4) are observed before he proceeds to record evidence in the inquiry. If an Inquiry Officer refuses to comply with the provisions of Section 173(4), then it cannot be held that it is liable to be set aside by this Court in the exercise of jurisdiction conferred upon it under Article 226 of the Constitution. A.I.R. 1958, Allahabad


As a broad proposition of law that in a disciplinary enquiry the rules of procedure for a Court need not be observed and the rules of evidence need not be strictly followed cannot be disputed, but all the facts of the case will have to be examined. The breach of the rules of evidence which may be nothing but rules of natural justice may be relevant in connection with the question as to whether sufficient opportunity was or was not given to a petitioner in a particular case to show-cause against the charges. A.I.R. 1958, Calcutta 470 It is true that so far as departmental proceedings are concerned, they are not governed by the Indian Evidence Act, in other words, the strict provisions laid down in the Indian Evidence Act are not applicable to departmental proceedings. Nevertheless, the proceedings are subject to rules of natural justice. The question, therefore, is as to what principle of natural justice is involved in such a case. The rules of natural justice are not codified and cannot be stated with exactitude. In departmental proceeding, it is unnecessary to import the strict procedure applicable to judicial trials. But where the departmental enquiry consists of the trial, which the punishing authority either by himself or through his delegate has a statutory duty to hear the delinquent or his witnesses, the procedure adopted is to a certain extent like a judicial trial and it is an open question as to whether such proceedings are purely administrative or are to be considered as quasijudicial. Be that as it may, if the enquiring authority has the duty to come to a conclusion as to the guilt of the delinquent upon an evaluation or assessment of the evidence, then it is entirely necessary that he should be the person who should hear the evidence of the witnesses. It is impossible to evaluate the evidence of a witness taken on proxy because one of the salient features in such a proceeding is to observe the demeanor of the witness. As it has been said, even the devil doth not know the mind of man, and, therefore, to arrive at the truth, it is necessary not only to read the evidence but to see the demeanor of the person giving evidence, and where necessary to elicit answer to doubtful points. To any one conversant with such trials, it is but an elementary proposition that the demeanor of a witness is the most important element is assessing the value of his evidence. The evidence of a witness, which might sound all right on paper, may be rendered useless by observing his demeanor. SUPREME COURT OF INDIA Before: C.A. Vaidialingam, P. Jaganmohan Reddy and K.K. Mathew, JJ. Civil Appeal No. 1758 of 1970 Decided on 28.10.1971. Union of India.(Appellant) Versus Sardar Bahadur..(Respondent) JUDGEMENT MATHEW J. This is an appeal by Special leave filed by the Union of India from the Judgement in appeal clause 10 of Letters Patent of the Delhi High Court confirming the decision of a learned Single Judge allowing Civil Writ No. 716D of 1964 filed by the Respondent by quashing the order made by the President on 23rd April, 1963 compulsorily retiring the Respondent from service.


2. The Respondent, Shri Sardar Bahadur, was employed as a Section Officer in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in the Steel and Cement Section (B) which along with other Sections like Industries Act and Industrial Polices etc. was under the control of Shri P.S. Sundaram, Deputy Secretary in that Ministry at that time. 3. In April, 1956, the Ministry invited applications for grant of licenses to set up steel re-rolling mills. 4. On June 14, 1956, one Shri Nand Kumar representing Messrs. Ram Sarup Mam Chand and M/s. Mam Chand and Company of Calcutta applied for five licenses to set up steel re-rolling Mills. He also handed over on June 23, 1956 to the respondent a cheque for Rs.2,500/- drawn on the Punjab Co-operative Bank Limited in favour of Shri P.S. Sundaram. The cheque was certified by the Bank as good for payment up to September 24, 1956. At the back of the cheque, there was a signature which purported to be that of Shri P.S. Sundaram. It may be noted at this stage that Shri P.S. Sundaram, the Deputy Secretary had denied the signature to be his. Above the signature the respondent wrote the words: Please pay to Shri Sardar Bahadur. Lower down the respondent wrote the following words: Please collect and credit the amount into my account. First payees endorsement may kindly be guaranteed on my behalf and risk. This cheque was duly sent to the account of the respondent and the amount of Rs.2,500 was credited to his account in the State Bank of India, New Delhi. 5. The respondent was prosecuted by the Special Police Establishment on the allegations that the amount covered by the cheque was taken by him as illegal gratification for using his official position illegally and in a corruption manner in order to procedure licenses for Messrs. Ram Sarup Mam Chand of Calcutta who had filed applications in that behalf and that the signature of Shri P. S. Sundaram had been forged by him. The respondent was charged with offences punishable under Section 5(2) read with Section 5(1)(d) of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947 and Sections 161, 467 and 471 of the Indian Penal Code. The respondent was acquitted of all the charges on June 20, 1960. Therefore, it was proposed to hold an inquiry against him under Rule 15 of the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1957 on the basis of the following charges: 1. That he failed to in form Shri P.S. Sundaram, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, New Delhi, that a cheque for Rs.2,500 in the name of Shri Sundaram had been issued by Shri and Kumar of Messrs. Ram Sarup Mam Chand and Messrs. Mam Chand & Company of Calcutta, whose applications for grant of licenses for establishing steel re-rolling mills were pending in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. As security in connection with the said applications when he knew that no such deposit was to be made; 2. That he failed to inform Shri P.S. Sundaram that the said Shri Nand Kumar had given him a cheque bearing Shri Sundarams signature and had asked him to deposit it in his account which he had done after asking the bank (instead of showing the cheque first to Shri Sundaram himself) to guarantee the said signature of Shri Sundaram; and


3. That he borrowed a sum of Rs.2,500 (the amount covered by the cheque referred to above) from the said Shri Nand Kumar, without obtaining previous sanction of the Government and placed himself under pecuniary obligations to the extent of Rs.2,500 and thereby also contravened rule 13(5) of the Civil Services (Conduct) Rues, 1955. 6. The enquiry was held and the Inquiring Officer found that the first two charges were not proved as the identity of P.S. Sundaram, the payee of the cheque, had not been established with Shri P.S. Sundaram, Deputy Secretary. But the Inquiring Officer found that the third charge has been proved. 7. The findings of the Inquiring Officer on the first two charges were not agreed to by the Deputy Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, exercising the powers of the President. He found that all the charges had been proved. The President after consultation with the Union Public Service Commission passed an order on April 22, 1968 holding that the charge of gross mis-conduct and failure to maintain absolute integrity and devotion to duty as a Government servant had been substantially proved against the respondent and imposed the penalty of compulsory retirement on him. The respondent was directed to be retired from service with immediate effect. 8. It was this order, which was quashed by the Single Judge in the write petition filed by the respondent. The Letters Patent Appeal against the order filed by the Union of India before the Division Bench was dismissed. 9. It was contended on behalf of the appellant that the Inquiring Officer went wrong in finding that charges Nos. 1 and 2 had not been proved and that the President was right in holding that these charges had been proved and therefore, the High Court should have found that charges Nos. 1 and 2 were proved, as there was evidence to support the charges. It was contended that the Inquiring Officer wrongly rejected the copies of the statements of the witnesses examined in the criminal trial, which statements if admitted would have fully established the first two charges against the respondent. Counsel for the appellant argued that the provisions of the Evidence Act are not applicable to disciplinary proceedings and therefore the statements of the witnesses in the criminal trial ought to have been admitted and relied on for establishing the guilt of the respondent on the first two charges. Counsel relied on the following observations of Venkatrama Iyer, J. in Union of India V. Verma(1). Now it is no doubt true that the evidence of the Respondent and his witnesses was not taken in the mode prescribed in the Evidence Act; but that Act has no application to enquiries conducted by tribunals even though they may be judicial in character. The law requires that such Tribunals should observe rules of natural justice in the conduct of the Inquiry and if they do so, their decision is not liable to be impeached on the ground that the procedure followed was not in accordance with that which obtains in Court of Law. In M/s. Bareilly Electricity Supply Co. Ltd. V. The Workmen and others (2), the scope of the above, observation was considered and this is what Jaganmohan Reddy, J. said: But the application of principle of natural justice does not imply that what is not evidence can be acted upon. On the other than what it means is that no materials can be relied upon to establish a contested fact which are not spoken to by persons who are competent to speak about them and are subjected to cross-examination by the party against whom they are sought to be used. When a document is proceeded in a Court or


a Tribunal the questions that naturally arise is, is it a genuine document, what are its contents and are the statements contained therein true. 10. We do not think that the statements should have been received in evidence as the appellant had taken no step to produce the persons who made the statements for cross-examination of the respondent. It was the duty of the appellant to have produced these persons whose statements were sought to be proved for the cross-examination of the respondent. In State of Mysore V. S.S. Makasur (3), this Court said that the purpose of an examination in the presence of a party against whom an enquiry is made, is sufficient is recalled, that statement is put to him, and made known to the opposite party, and the witness is tendered for cross-examination by that party. As the persons whose statements were sought to be relied on were in Delhi and as they were not produced and tendered for cross-examination by the respondent, we think that the Inquiry Officer was right in refusing to act upon the statements relied on by the appellant. As there was no material before the Inquiry Officer to show that P.S. Sundaram, mentioned in that cheque is P.S. Sundaram, the Deputy Secretary, we think the High Court was justified in holding that these charges had not been proved. 11. Coming to charge No. 3 the Single Judge as well as the Division Bench said that although there was great deal of suspicion on the bona fides of the transaction in the respondent borrowing money from Nand Kumar, suspicion cannot take the place of proof. They, therefore, held that the charge has not been proved. The third charge, as already stated, was that the respondent borrowed Rs. 2,500 from Nand Kumar without obtaining the previous permission of the Government and placed himself under a pecuniary obligation to the extent of the amount and thus contravened the provisions of rule 13(5) of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1955 which reads: (5) No Government servant shall, save in the ordinary course of business with a Bank or a firm of standing borrow money form or otherwise place himself under pecuniary obligation to any person within the local limits of his authority, or any other persons with whom he is likely to have official dealings, nor shall he permit any member of his family, except with the previous sanction of the Government, to enter into any such transactions. Provided that a Government servant may accept a purely temporary loan of small amount, free of interest from a personal friend or a relative or operate a credit account with a bona fide tradesman. 12. The Inquiring Officer found that the respondent had borrowed Rs.2,500 from Nand Kumar without obtaining the previous permission as required by Rule 13(5) and thereby contravened the provisions of the sub-rule. The learned Single Judge held that although it was proved that the money was borrowed and the respondent placed himself under pecuniary obligation to Nand Kumar, there was no evidence nor had it been found either by the Inquiry Officer or by the President that Nand Kumar was a person with whom the respondent was likely to have official dealings. He further said that the evidence of Shri P.S.Sundaraman was quite clear that the application for licence of M/s. Ram Sarup Mam Chand was received in the Industries Act Section which are called I.A. (I) Section whereas the petitioner was working in the Steel & Cement Section where the copies of these applications started coming only in July, 1956 and so in June 1956 when the cheque was issued it was not possible to see how in the absence of any other evidence the petitioner could be regarded as being in a position where Nand Kumar was likely to have official dealing with him in the matter of the grant of the licenses. The Division Bench accepted this finding.


13. It may be noted that the first part of sub-rule 13(5) of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1955 says that no Government servant shall borrow money from or otherwise place himself under pecuniary obligation to any person within the local limits of his authority, save in the ordinary course of business with a Bank or a firm of standing. The second part of the sub-rule forbids him from borrowing money from any other person with whom he is likely to have official dealings. The appellant at no time had a case that the respondent contravened the first part of the sub-rule in borrowing the amount from Nand Kumar. So neither the learned Single Judge nor the Division Bench had occasion to consider the application of the first part of the sub-rule to the facts of the case. Even in the Special Leave Petition the appellant did not rely on the first part of the sub-rule. We do not, therefore, think it necessary to consider the scope of the first part of the sub rule or its application to the case here. 14. A finding cannot be characterized as perverse or unsupported by any relevant materials if it is reasonable inference from proved facts. Now what are the proved facts: Nand Kumar as representative of M/s Ram Sarup Mam Chand and M/s. Mam Chand and Company of Calcutta filed five applications for licenses to set up steel re-rolling mills on 14.6.1956, a cheque drawn in favour of P.S. Sundaram was given to the respondent by Nand Kumar for Rs.2,500 the cheque was endorsed and the amount credited in the account of the respondent. When the respondent borrowed the amount in question from Nand Kumar, he was not working in the Industries Act Section. Nand Kumar knew that the respondent was working in the Steel & Cement Section of the Ministry and applications for the grant of licenses for setting up the steel re-rolling mills would go to the Section. Even if the applications were to be dealt with at the initial stage by the Industries Act Section the respondent at least was expected to know that in due course the Section in which he was working had to deal with the same. This is borne out by the fact that in July, 1956 copies of the applications were actually sent to the Steel & Cement Section where the respondent was working. If he, therefore, borrowed money from Nand Kumar a few days earlier it seems rather clear that he placed himself under pecuniary obligation to a person who was likely to have official dealings, take within the ambit the possibility of further dealings between the officer concerned and the person from whom he borrowed money. A disciplinary proceedings is not a criminal trial. The standard of proof required is that of preponderance of probability and not proof beyond reasonable doubt. If the inference that Nand Kumar was a person likely to have official dealing with the respondent was one which a reasonable person would draw from the proved facts of the case, the High Court cannot sit as a court of appeal over a decision based on it. Where there are some relevant materials which the authority has accepted and which material may reasonably support the conclusion that the officer is guilty, it is not the function of the High Court exercising its jurisdiction under Article 226 to review the materials and to arrive at an independent finding on the materials if the enquiry has been properly held. The question of adequacy or reliability of the evidence cannot be canvassed before the High Court [see State of Andhra Pradesh Vs. Sree Rama Rao (4)]. No doubt there was no separate finding on the question whether Nand Kumar was a person likely to have official dealings with the respondent by the Inquiring Officer or the President. But we think that such a finding was implied when they said that Charge No. 3 has been proved. The only question was whether the proved facts of the case would warrant such an inference. Tested in the light of the standard of proof necessary to enter a finding of this nature, we are satisfied that on the material facts proved, the inference and the implied finding that Nand Kumar was a person likely to have official dealings with the respondent were reasonable.


15. The Division Bench said that the conclusion of the Single Judge that there was no evidence before the Inquiring Officer that Nand Kumar was likely to have officials dealings with the respondent was not wholly unwarranted, and as there are limits to the power exercised by a Single Judge, under Article 226 of the Constitution, there are limits to the powers of a Division Bench while sitting in appeal over the judgement of a Single Judge. If the inference that Nand Kumar was a person likely to have officials dealings with the respondent was in the circumstances of the proved facts in the case a reasonable one, we do not think there was anything which prevented the Division Bench from interfering with the order of the Single Judge. In Jugal Kishore Bhadani Vs. Union of India (5), the Court observed: It is well established principle of law that, unless the statute otherwise provides, an appellate Court has the same power of dealing with all questions, either of fact or of law, arising in the appeal before it, as that of the Court whose Judgement is the subject of scrutiny in the appeal. 16. The respondent contended that he did not borrow Rs.2,500/- from Nand Kumar. His case was that Nand Kumar owned him Rs.500/- and that when he gave the cheque to the respondent it was on the undertaking that Rs.2,000/- would be repaid to him and that was done immediately. The respondent produced a receipt executed from Nand Kumar for having received Rs.2,000/- but Nand Kumar was not examined to prove the genuineness of the receipt. The Inquiry Officer has considered the question at length in his report and he came to the conclusion that the case of respondent that he did not borrow the amount of Rs.2,500/- from Nand Kumar cannot be accepted. The learned Single Judge found that the petitioner had borrowed the amount of Rs.2,500/- from Nand Kumar. That finding was endorsed by the Division Bench. As it was a reasonable inference from materials before the Inquiring Officer that Nand Kumar was a person likely to have official dealings with the respondent and since the respondent borrowed money from such a person without the permission of Government, the finding of the Inquiring Officer and the President that the respondent had contravened Rule 13(5) of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1955 should not have been interfered with by the High Court. 17. It may be recalled that the punishment of compulsory retirement was imposed upon the respondent on the basis that all the three charges had been proved against him. Now, it is found that only the third charge has been proved. The question then is whether the punishment of compulsory retirement imposed by the President can be sustained even though the first two charges have not been proved. 18. Now it is settled by the decision of this Court in State of Orissa Vs. Vidyabhushan Mahapatra (6) that if the order of punishing authority can be supported on any finding as to substantial misdemeanour for which the punishment can be imposed, it is not for the Court to consider whether the charge proved alone would have weighed with the authority in imposing the punishment. The Court is not concerned to decide whether the punishment imposed is justified by the rules, is appropriate having regard to the misdemeanour established. 19. We reverse the judgement under appeal and hold that the order of the President imposing the punishment of compulsory retirement was not liable to be quashed. 20. In the result, the appeal is allowed, but in the circumstances, there will be no order as to costs.


Appeal allowed. GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS ORDERS UNDER RULE 3 1. In the event of suspension of a moS, Government of India may be communicated telephonically immediately and the facts communicated within 15 days: - As soon as a member of the Service is placed under suspension or is deemed to have been placed under suspension, the fact may be communicated to this Department telegraphically and a detailed report of the case may be furnished within 15 days of the date of suspension, as provided for in the rules. [D.P. & A.R. letter No. 11018/1/76AIS (III), dated 11-2-1976.] 2. Appeal/memorial submitted by a suspended moS should be forwarded to the Central Government within one week of receipt by the State Governments: Whenever, a member of an All India Service who is placed under suspension, submits an appeal or memorial against the order of the State Government placing him under suspension, the same should be forwarded to the Central Government by the State Government together with their comments within one week of its receipt. If the original appeal or memorial along with the comments of the State Government is not received by the Central Government within that period, the Central Government would take a decision on the advance copy of the appeal or memorial received by them. 2. The original appeal or memorial submitted by a member of the Service referred to above and the report about the orders issued by the State Government placing a member of the Service under suspension, as envisaged in this Departments letter of even number dated the 11th February, 1976, may be forwarded to this Department in the case of members of the Indian Administrative Service, to the Ministry of Home Affairs in the case of the Indian Police Service and to the 70Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (Department of Agriculture) in the case of the Indian Forest Service. [D.P. & A.R. letter No. 11018/1/76AIS (III), dated 30-4-1976.] 3. Further inquiry should not be ordered in cases where the order of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement from Service is set aside by a court of law except where it is set aside on technical ground by the court:- The scope of the action that can be taken against a member of the Service whose dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement from Service has been set aside or declared or rendered void in consequence of or by a decision of a court of law under sub-rule (6) of Rule 3 and the circumstances which a disciplinary authority should take into account while taking recourse to this rule have been examined and it is clarified for the information of State Governments that further inquiry contemplated in sub-rule (6) of rule 3 of the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969 should not be ordered except in case when the penalty of dismissal removal or compulsory retirement has been set aside by a Court of Law on technical grounds without going into the merits of the case or when fresh material has come to light which was not before the Court. A further inquiry into the charges which have not been examined by the Court, can however, be ordered by the inquiring authorities under sub-rule (6) of rule 3 ibid depending on the facts and circumstances of each case. [D.P. & A.R. letter No. 11018/8/78AIS (III), dated 19-5-1978.]


May be read as Ministry of Environment & Forests in the present context.


4. Doubts on interpretation of any provision of these rules shall be referred to the Central Government: - Where a doubts arised as to the interpretation of any of the provisions of these rules, the matter shall be referred to the Central Government for its decision. [No. 7/15/63 dt. 20/3/69 GSR No. 926 dt. 12/4/69] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS ORDERS UNDER RULE 4 1. The amount of subsistence allowance should be varied by the suspending authority after recording the reasons in writing: -The Government of India have decided that: (i) the amount of subsistence allowance once granted should be varied by the suspending authority under the first proviso to this rule only after recording in writing the reasons for increasing or decreasing the amount; (ii) a member shall not be entitled to compensatory allowance of which he was in receipt prior to suspension unless the suspending authority is satisfied that he continues to meet the expenditure for which they were granted. [G.I., M.H.A. Letter No. 13/7/58AIS (III), dated 18th October, 1958, read with No. 7/20/59AIS (II), dated the 17th November, 1959.] 2. Deductions from the subsistence allowance: - Government of India have decided that the following deductions should be enforced from subsistence allowance: (i) Income tax and super tax (provided the members annual income calculated with reference to subsistence allowance is taxable). (ii) House rent and allied charges i.e. electricity, water furniture etc. (iii) Repayment of loans and advances taken from Government at such rates as the competent authority deems it right to fix. 2. The following deductions should not be made except with a members written consent letter (a) Premium due on Postal Life Assurance Policies. (b) Amounts due to Co-operative Stores and Co-operative Credit Societies. (c) Refund of Advances taken from General Provident Fund. 3. The following deductions should not be made from subsistence allowances: (i) Subscription to the All India Services Provident Fund. (ii) Amounts due on Court attachments. (iii) Recovery of loss to Government for which a member is responsible. 4. There is no bar to the recovery of overpayments from subsistence allowance but the competent authority will exercise discretion in deciding whether recovery should be held wholly in abeyance during the period of suspension or it should be effected at full or reduced rate depending on the circumstances of each case. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 7/18/59AIS (II), dated 21st October, 1959] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS ORDERS UNDER RULE 6


1. Formal inquiry is not necessary in case of termination of probation, but if it is under rule 11(2), an opportunity should be given to the probationer: - Termination of employment of a probationer during or at the end of the period of probation in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Indian Administrative Service/Indian Police Service (Probation) Rules, 1954, does not amount to removal or dismissal within the meaning of these rules and hence a formal inquiry in accordance with the procedure laid down in rule 5 is not necessary in such cases. If, however, a probationer is removed or dismissed on disciplinary grounds mentioned in rule 11(2) of Probation Rules he should be given an opportunity to show cause against the action proposed to be taken against him. (G.I., MHA letter No. 414/4/58Estt.(A), dt. 14.10.58) 2. IPS officers appointed against promotion quota may be reduced to a supernumerary direct recruitment post in the Junior Scale: - A question arose whether a member, who was appointed substantively to the Indian Police Service in the senior scale against the promotion quota, could be reduced to the rank of Astt. Superintendent of police (a rank which he never held in his service) or whether it was necessary to reduce to the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police (State Police Service) which he held before appointment to the Indian Police Service. Reduction in rank includes reduction to a lower post or to a lower time-scale. A member appointed to the Indian Police Service against the promotion quota could, therefore, be reduced to the Junior Scale of the Indian Police service. On reduction to the Junior Scale, he would be shown against a supernumerary direct recruitment post in the Junior Scale like a State Police Officer appointed to the Junior Scale under the Special Recruitment Scheme. His pay and seniority, on reversion, would be regulated in accordance with the principles applicable to a State Police Service Officer appointed in the Junior Scale under the Special Recruitment Scheme. (G.I. MHA letter No./ 9/7/58AIS(II), dated 30.10.58) 3. Copy of the warning/displeasure/reprimand referred to in the Confidential Report should be placed in the ACR dossier as an annexure to the Confidential Report for the relevant period: - The instructions contained in the Ministry of Home Affairs letter No. 7/4/59AIS(II) dated the 20th March, 1959 and letter No.7/5/60 AIS(II), dated the 4th May, 1960 have been reviewed and the following clarifications are given: (i) It has been stated in the MHA Letter No.4/7/60AIS(II), dated 4th May, 1960 that if it is decided, on the conclusion of disciplinary proceedings not to impose any of the prescribed punishments but to administer a warning or reprimands, mention of it should be made in the CR. The Delhi High Court in the case of Sh. Nadhan Singh Vs. the Union of India expressed the view that warning kept in the CR dossier has all the attributes of Censure which is a formal punishment and which can only be awarded by the competent authority after following the procedure prescribed in the relevant disciplinary Rules. It has, therefore, been decided that where it is considered, after the conclusion of the disciplinary proceedings, that some blame attaches to the officer concerned which necessitates cognizance of such fact, the disciplinary authority should award one of the recognized statutory penalties. If the intention of the disciplinary authority is not to award the penalty of censure, then no recordable warning or reprimand should be awarded.


(ii) In the Ministry of Home Affairs letter No/ 7/4/59AIS(II) of the 20th March, 1959, it is stated that there may be occasions when a superior officer may find it necessary to criticise adversely the work of an officer working under him, and he may feel that while the matter is not serious enough to justify the imposition of a formal punishment, it calls for some informal action such as communication of a written warning, admonition or reprimand. It has now been decided that where such a warning/displeasure/reprimand is issued, it should be placed in the personal file of the officer concerned. At the end of the year (or period of report), the reporting authority while writing the confidential report of the officer, may decide not make a reference in the confidential report to the warning/displeasure/reprimand, if in the opinion of that authority, the performance of the officer reported upon after the issue of the warning or displeasure or reprimand, as the case may be, has improved and has been found satisfactory. If, however, the reporting authority comes to the conclusion that despite the warning/displeasure/reprimand the officer has not improved, it may make appropriate mention of such warning/displeasure/reprimand, as the case may be, in the relevant column in Part II of the ACR form prescribed under the All India Services (Confidential Rolls) Rules, and in that case a copy of the warning/displeasure/reprimand referred to in the Confidential Report should be placed in the ACR dossier as an annexure to the Confidential Report for the relevant period. The adverse remarks should also be conveyed to the officer and his representation, if any, against the same disposed of in accordance with the procedure laid down in the rules. (DP&AR letter No. 11018/5/79AIS(III) dt. 3.4.1981) GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS ORDERS UNDER RULE 8 1. Whenever a member desires to be heard in person, a Board of Inquiry or an Inquiry Officer will have to be appointed: - The hearing in person, referred to in subrule (3), is really in the course of the inquiry to follow. Member of the Service has the option to say that the inquiry may proceed on the strength of the written statement filed by him and he does not wish to participate in person in the inquiry. 2. It is not necessary to hear the member concerned in person before the inquiry starts. It is sufficient if an opportunity of personal hearing is given to him in the course of the inquiry. If, however, the Government propose to inquire into the charges in such manner as they deem fit (and not by a Board of an Inquiry or Inquiry Officer) and the member desires to be heard in person, Government will have to appoint an inquiring authority as required by sub-rule (6). In other words, whenever a member desires to be heard in person, a Board of Inquiry or an Inquiry Officer will have to be appointed. Government can inquire into charges in such manner as they deem fit, only in cases where the member does not wish to be heard in person. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 7/7/59AIS (III), dated 11-5-1959] 2. The mention of more than one punishment in the show cause notice, does not violate the provisions of article 311(2) of the Constitution: - The Supreme Court has held in an appeal filed before them that the mention of more than one punishment in the show cause notice, does not violate the provisions of article 311(2) of the Constitution. On the contrary, it gives the Government servant a better opportunity to show cause against each of the punishments, proposed to be inflicted on him, which he would not


have had, if only the severest punishment had been mentioned and a lesser punishment, not mentioned in the notice, had been inflicted on him. [Hukum Chand Malhotra Vs. Un of IndiaG.I., M.H.A. F.No.7/6/59AIS(I)] (3) [Deleted vide letter No. 11018/4/79AIS(III), dated 26679] 3. Powers to drop the charges after the consideration of the written statement of defence by the accused member of the Service lies with the disciplinary authority. However, consultation with CBI, CVC. State Vigilance Commission, Anti Corruption Department etc should be made if the case in initiated at their insistence: - A question has been under consideration of this Department whether rule 8(6)(a) of the All India Services (Discipline & Appeal) Rules 1969, which is analogous to Rule 14(5)(a) of the Central Services (CCA) Rules, 1965, permits the dropping of charges by the disciplinary authority after considering the written statement of defence submitted by the accused member of an All India Service under the aforesaid rules. The question has been considered in consultation with the Ministry of Law and the position in respect of the AIS (Discipline & Appeal) Rules, 1969 is clarified as under: (a) The disciplinary authority has the inherent power to review and modify articles of charge or drop some of the charges or all the charges after the receipt and examination of the written statement of defence submitted by the accused member of an All India Service under Rule 8(6) of the AIS (Discipline & Appeal) Rules, 1969; The disciplinary authority is not bound to appoint an Enquiry Officer for conducting an enquiry into the charges which are not admitted by the accused member of the Service but about which the disciplinary authority is satisfied on the basis of the written statement of defence that there is no further cause to proceed with.


2. It may, however be noted that the exercise of the powers to drop the charges after the consideration of the written statement of defence by the accused member of the Service will be subject to the following conditions: (a) In cases arising out of the investigation by the Central Bureau of Investigation, the CBI should be consulted before a decision is taken to drop any of, or all, the charges on the basis of the written statement of defence submitted by the accused member of the Service. The reasons recorded by the disciplinary authority for dropping the charges should also be intimated to the Central Bureau of Investigation. The Central Vigilance Commission/State Vigilance Commission/ Anti Corruption Deptt., as the case may be, should be consulted where the disciplinary proceedings were initiated on the advice of any of these bodies and the intention is to drop the proceedings altogether, as distinct from dropping or reviewing or modifying some charges. [D P. & A R, letter No.11018/8/81AIS(III), dated the 25.11.1981.] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS ORDERS UNDER RULE 9 1. If any act of omission renders a moS liable of any penalty except dismissal, removal and compulsory retirement, the State Government can directly make a reference to UPSC for the quantum of penalty, which in turn, communicate the



same directly under intimation to the respective Cadre Controlling Authorities of the Central Government: - When a member is adjudged guilty of committing any act or omission which renders him liable to any of the penalties specified in rule 3 other than dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement, the State Government under whom he was serving at the time of such act or omission, shall make a reference direct to the Union Public Service Commission for their advice as to the quantum of penalty to be imposed on him. The Commission would communicate their advice direct to the State Government concerned under intimation to the 71Department of Personnel and A R in the case of the IAS, Ministry of Home Affairs in the case of IPS and the 72Department of Agriculture in the case of IFS. The State Government should endorse copies of their final orders to the Commission and the 73Ministry of Home Affairs. If, however, the State Government does not accept the advice of the Commission in any case, they will have to make a reference to the Government of India in accordance with the proviso to rule 6. 2. Cases referred to the Commission and the Government of India should be complete in all respects. All the documents in connection with the case should invariably forwarded be in original. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 7/1/59AIS(II), dated 9th June, 1959 read with letter No. 73/60AIS(II), dated 17th March, 1960.] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS ORDERS UNDER RULE 16 1. IPS Officers on deputation to the Government of India or their Heads of Departments, should not enter into direct correspondence with the State Government or the Inspector General of Police concerned on matters relating to service conditions: - IPS Officers serving with the Government of India on deputation or their Heads of Departments, should not enter into direct correspondence with the State Government or the Inspector General of Police concerned on matters relating to service conditions. The correspondence in this regard should invariably be between the borrowing and the lending Government. Representations from such officer are, therefore, to be routed through the Ministry of Home Affairs and not sent to the State Government or the Inspector General of Police of the State. [G.I MHA letter No. 13/4/61P(V) dated 5th May,1961.]

71 72 73

To be read as Department of Personnel & Training in the present context. To be read as Ministry of Environment & Forests in the present context. To be read as DP&T in the present context


3. Procedure for intimation of disciplinary proceedings against the officers of All India Services under the Government of India and organizations under the Government of India GOI, DoPT O.M. No.11018/3/94-AIS.III dated 9th June, 1995 Rule 7 of the AIS (Discipline & Appeal) Rules, 1969 stipulate the authority competent to institute proceedings and to impose penalty on members of the All India Services. The said rule vests this authority either with the State Government or with the Central Government depending upon the circumstances explained therein. Powers of the Central Government in respect of members of the Indian Administrative Service while they are on deputation with the Central Government are exercised by the Department of Personnel & Training. In respect of Indian Police Service and Indian Forest Service these powers are exercised by the Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Environment & Forests respectively. 2. With a view to avoiding delay in the processing of cases in respect of members of All India Service pertaining to the period of their central deputation the following procedure may be followed while forwarding such cases to the cadre controlling authority, namely Department of Personnel & Training / MHA/ Ministry of Environment & Forests, as the case may be:i) Any proposal to place an officer under suspension should be sent to the cadre controlling Department only with the approval of the Minister in charge of the Department/ Ministry administratively concerned.

ii) Any proposal to initiate disciplinary proceedings should be forwarded only after a decision has been taken at the level of the Minister-in-Charge of the Department/ Ministry after obtaining the preliminary explanation of the officer and after considering the same. In cases having a vigilance angle, the administrative Ministries/ Departments are also required to consult the Central Vigilance Commission and obtain its first stage advice before submitting the papers to the Minister. iii) If an officer is transferred to another Ministry/ Department, the Ministry concerned where the alleged misconduct was committed by the officer will have to take a view on the case in the light of the facts of the case and the explanations of the concerned officer at the level of the Minister before forwarding the case records for further necessary action. They must also give intimation in this regard to the Ministry where the officer may be working for the time being. iv) Where it is proposed to initiate disciplinary proceedings the proposal shall always be accompanied by a draft charge sheet along with imputations of misconduct and two sets of certified list of documents. v) In cases where it is decided not to formally proceed against an officer but only to convey a caution/ warning/ displeasure of the Government, this will be communicated to the officer by the Ministry/ Department concerned, through the administrative Ministry where he may be working at that time and two copies of the same shall be endorsed to the respective controlling Department for record. vi) In a case where there is no full fledged investigation by the CBI and where formal action for major penalty is instituted by the concerned cadre controlling Ministry


after due consideration of a proposal received from the administrative Ministry or otherwise, the administrative Ministry shall also nominate an officer who is well versed with the facts of the case for being appointed as the Presenting Officer. vii) All communications meant for the officers proceeded against would be served through the Ministry/ Department where the officer is working for the time being. 3. It may be ensured that the above procedure is followed while referring cases of members of the All India Services to the cadre controlling Ministries, namely, Department of Personnel & Training, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Environment and Forests, for initiation of Disciplinary proceedings under the AIS (D&A) Rules.



In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the All India Services Act. 1951(61 of 1951), the Central Government, after consultation with the Governments of the States concerned, hereby makes the following rules, namely:1.Short title and application 1(1) These rules may be called the All India Services (Death-cum-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958. 1(2)(a)

Subject to the provisions of clause (b) of this sub-rule, they shall apply to all persons who retired from the Service on or after the 29th October, 1951. They do not apply to those members of the Service who were promoted to the Service from the State Services or were appointed to the Service under the Indian Administrative Service (Extension to States) Scheme or the Indian Police Service (Extension to States) Scheme and who, under orders issued by the Central Government before the coming into force of those rules, were given an option in the matter of pension rules, by which they would be governed and who in exercise of that option, chose to be governed by the Superior Civil Services Rules, the Civil Service Regulations, or the pension rules of the State concerned, as the case may be:


Provided that the members of the Service to whom these rules do not apply, and who were in service on the 1st January, 1964, may opt to be governed by these rules in accordance with such orders as may be issued by the Central Government in this behalf. Provided further that nothing contained in these rules shall applied to the persons appointed to the service on or after the 1St day of January 2004. 2. Definitions 2(1) 2(1)(a)
3 2

In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires:"Accounts Officer" means such officer as may be appointed by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India; "average emoluments" means the average of the emoluments drawn by a member of the Service during the last ten months of his service; If during the last ten months of his service, a member of the Service has been absent on leave with allowances or having been suspended, has been reinstated without forfeiture of service, his emoluments for the purpose of ascertaining the average should be taken as what they would have been had he not been absent from duty or suspended. If during the last ten months4 of his service a member of the Service has been absent from duty on leave without allowances (not counting of pension)


NOTE : (i)


1 2

Substituted vide DP &AR orders No. 31/7/72-AIS(III) dated 22.05.1973. Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No. 25014/14/2001-AIS(II)(A) (GSR No. 105(E) dt 06.02.2004) 3 Inserted w.e.f. 31.12.72 vide DP &AR Notification No. 33/12/73-AIS(III),dated 24.1.57 read with Notification No.25011/29/75AIS(II) dated 30.1.1976 (GSR No. 196 dated 14.2.76).

or suspended under such circumstances that the period so passed does not count as qualifying service, the period of such leave or suspension shall be disregarded in the calculation of the average, an equal period before the ten months being included. (iii) In the case of a member of Service who, while on leave preparatory to retirement is confirmed in the higher post which he held in an officiating or temporary capacity before proceeding on such leave, his substantive emoluments in the higher post, which he would have drawn had he been on duty, shall be taken into account for the purpose of calculation of his average emoluments.

(iii-a) The emoluments drawn by a member of the Service during the last ten months of his service shall count for purposes of calculation of average emoluments only if the pay drawn during the said period is(a) in a cadre post; and (b) in an ex-cadre post if it is fully met out of the Consolidated Fund of either the Union or the State;

(iii-b) in the case of a member of the Service who was deputed to any foreign service post during the last 10 months of his service the pay should be reckoned with reference to his entitlement in the Cadre or the pay which he would have drawn in a post under the Central Government, had he been on central deputation. For this purpose, the certificate given by the State Government on whose cadre the member is borne, regarding the pay he would have drawn in the cadre, or the certificate given by the Central Government regarding the pay he would have drawn in a post under the Central Government, had he not gone on foreign service, would be treated as sufficient.


Except as provided in clauses (i), (ii), (iii), (iii-a) and (iii-b) above, only emoluments actually received shall be included in the calculation. For example, where a member of the Service is allowed to count time retrospectively towards increase of pay but does not receive retrospectively the intermediate periodical increments, these increments shall not be reckoned in the calculation of average emoluments. Period of joining time which fall within the last ten months7 of service of a member of the service shall form part of the ten months for the purpose of average emoluments. Where the emoluments of a member of the Service have been reduced during the last 10 months of his service, otherwise than as a penalty, average emoluments may, at the discretion of the Government, be substituted for emoluments for the purpose of calculation of the gratuity or death-cumretirement gratuity admissible under rule 18 or rule 19.



(vii) In the case of a member of Service, who while officiating in a higher post proceeds on leave and retires or dies while on leave, the benefit of officiating
4 5

Substituted w.e.f. 1.3.76 vide Notification No. 11024/4/76-AIS(II) dated 7.12.77 (GSR No. 1700 dated 24.12.77). Inserted w.e.f. 01.01.1973 vide Notification No. 25011/66/75-AIS(II) dated 22.05.1976 (GSR No. 1700 dt. 24.12.1977). 6 Substituted vide DP &Trg. Notification No.25011/40/88-AIS (GSR No. 91 dt. 25.02.1989). 7 Substituted w.e.f. 01.03.1976 vide Notification No. 11024/4/76-AIS(II) dated 07.12.1977.

or temporary pay for the purposes of this clause and clause (bb) shall be given only if it is certified that the member of the Service would have continued to hold the higher officiating or temporary appointment but for his proceeding on leave. 2(1)(b)

"death-cum-retirement gratuity means the lump sum granted to a member of the Service or his family in accordance with rule 19.

2(1)(bb) "Emoluments" means the basic pay that a member of the service was receiving before his retirement/death, as the case may be;

(w.e.f. 1.1.1997) Emoluments" for the purpose of calculation of retirement/death Gratuity, means the pay and Dearness Allowance that a member of the service was receiving on the date of his retirement/death, as the case may be: Provided further that those who retire between the 1st day of January,1996 and the 31st day of December,1997 shall have an option to retain the pre-revised scales of pay and have their pension and death-cum-retirement gratuity calculated under the rules in force immediately before the 1st day of January, 1996. In such cases the term "Emoluments" shall mean the pay which the member of service was receiving before his retirement or death, as the case may be, and will include Dearness Allowance up to AICPI 1436 and Interim Relief I and Interim Relief II: Provided also that, in case of the persons who retain pre-revised scales ( i.e. prior to the 1st day of January,1996) and retire or die in harness subsequent to the 31st December, 1997, Pension, Retirement Gratuity, Death Gratuity and Family Pension, as may be relevant, shall be calculated in terms of relevant rules as effective from the 1st January, 1996 . The "emoluments" for calculation of pensionary benefits in their case shall be the basic pay in the pre-revised ( i.e. prior to the 1st January, 1996) scale, plus Dearness Allowance as admissible up to CPI 1510 in terms of Ministry of Finance Office Memorandum No.1(5)/96.E II (B) dated the 20th March, 1996 appropriate to the basic pay plus two instalments of Interim Relief at the rates in force on the 31st December, 1995, appropriate to the said basic pay: Provided also that the average emoluments based on the basic pay of the preceding ten months of those Government servants who had opted to come over to the revised scales of pay and had retired within a period of 10 months reckoned from the 1st day of January, 1996 shall, for the purpose of determining their pension entitlement, be calculated as follows: (A) For the period during which pay was drawn in the pre-revised pay scales: The total emoluments for the number of months for which pay was drawn in the pre-revised pay scales shall be calculated after taking into account the following: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Basic Pay (including increments, if any drawn during the intervening period). Dearness allowance upto CPI 1510, i.e. @ 148%, 111% and 96% of the basic pay as the case may be. The first and second instalments of Interim Relief appropriate to the Basic Pay drawn during the relevant period. Notional increase of the Basic Pay by applying the Fitment Benefit of 40 percent on the Basic Pay in the pre-revised pay scale.

Substituted/inserted w.e.f. 01.01.1996 vide DP &T Notification No. 25011/24/97-AIS(II) dated 19.12.1997 (GSR No. 717E dated 19.12.1997). 9 Substituted vide DP&T Notification No. 25011/24/97-AIS(II) dated 01.09.2000

(B) For the period during which pay was drawn in the revised pay scales: The aggregate of the Basic Pay for the number of months for which pay was drawn in the revised pay scales.

The average emoluments of the preceding ten months will thereafter be calculated by adding (A) and (B) and dividing the result by 10. Pension admissible will consequently be 50% of the average emoluments so calculated. Explanation For the purposes of this sub-rule, the expressions pre-revised pay scales and revised pay scales shall mean the scales of pay applicable before the implementation of the recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission with effect from 1st day of January, 1996 and the scales of pay accepted and notified on the basis of the recommendation of the Fifth Central Pay Commission with effect from the 1st day of January, 1996 respectively. Provided that in the case of all members of the Service retiring from Service within ten months of the coming over to the revised scales of pay, as revised w.e.f .the 1st day of Jan,1986 emoluments in respect of any period prior to coming over to the revised scale of pay shall include: (i) (ii) Pay other than special pay in the pre-revised scale of pay prior to the 1st Jan, 1986; Dearness allowance, additional dearness allowance and ad hoc dearness allowance appropriate to pay up to Cost of Price Index 608 actually drawn during the relevant period; and Interim relief appropriate to pay actually drawn during the relevant period. "gratuity" means the lump sum specified in sub-rule (1) of rule 18 which may be granted to a person retiring from the Service before completion of 10 years of qualifying service.




2(1)(cc) Indian Civil Service member of the Indian Administrative Service means a person, who was initially appointed to the Civil Service of the crown in India known as the Indian Civil Service and who subsequently became a member of the Indian Administrative Service. "leave rules" means the All India Services (Leave) Rules, 1955. "leave with allowances" means leave other than extraordinary leave. "member of the Service" means a member of an All India Service as defined in section 2 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951). "Pay" means the amount drawn monthly by a member of the service as pay, other than special pay, against the post held by him at the time of his retirement from service. "Pension" means the amount payable monthly under rule 18 to person who has retired from the service, in recognition of the service rendered by him to the Government. [ ]Omitted. 2(1)(e) 2(1)(f) 2(1)(g)

11 12




10 11

Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No.31/7/72-AIS(III) dated 22.05.1973 th Substituted vide MHA Notification No.29/41/64-AIS(III) dated the 8 April, 1965 12 th Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No.29/76/66-AIS(II)-A dated the 13 December,1966 13 Substituted vide D/P&T Notification No.25011/12/87-AIS(II) dated 22.05.1987(GSR No.522E dt. 22.05.1987)


"retirement benefits" includes pension or gratuity and death-cum-retirement gratuity where admissible, "Revised scales of pay means the scales of pay introduced with effect from the 1st day of January, 1996, unless specified otherwise. "Schedule" means Schedule to these rules. Deleted.


2(1)(k) 2(1)(l)

2(1)(m) "State Government" means the State Government on whose cadre the member of the Service was borne immediately before retirement or death and in relation to a member of an All India Service borne on a joint cadre, the joint cadre Authority.

2(2) All words and expressions used in these rules and not defined therein but defined in the Pensions Act, 1871 (23 of 1871) or the General Clauses Act, 1897 (10 of 1897), or in the Leave Rules shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the said Acts or in the said Rules. 3. General Conditions.3(1) 3(2) Future good conduct of the pensioners is an implied condition of every grant of pension and its continuance. The Central Government may withhold or withdraw any pension or any part of it, for a specified period or indefinitely, on a reference from the State Government concerned, if after retirement a pensioner is convicted of a serious crime or be guilty of grave misconduct. Provided that no such order shall be passed without consulting the Union Public Service Commission. 3(3) The decision of the Central Government on any question of withholding or withdrawing the whole or any part of the pension under sub-rule (2) shall be final.

4. Limitations:- A member of the Service cannot earn two pension in the same office at the same time or by the same continuous service. 5. Removal, Dismissal or Resignation from Service. 5(1) No retirement benefits may be granted to a person who has been dismissed or removed from the Service or who has resigned from the Service: Provided that, if the circumstances of the case so warrant the State Government may grant to a person who has been dismissed or removed from the Service a compassionate allowance not exceeding two-thirds of the retirement benefits which would have been admissible to him if he had been invalidated and not dismissed or removed from the Service.



The Central Government may permit a member of service to withdraw his resignation in the public interest on the following conditions, namely :-

14 15

Substituted w.e.f.1.1.96 vide D/P&T Notification No.25011/24/97-AIS(II) dated 19.12.1997(GSR No.717E dated 19.12.1997) Substituted vide DP &AR Notification No.13/4/71-AIS(I) dated 11.01.1972. 16 th Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No.25011/22/82-AIS(II) dated the 16 July, 1983(GSR No.557 dt. 30.07.1983) 17 Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No. 24012/10/2010-AIS(II)(A) (G.S.R. No. 585(E) dt 28.07.2011).

(a) that the resignation was tendered by the a member of service for some compelling reasons which did not involve any reflection on his integrity, efficiency or conduct and the request for withdrawal of the resignation has been made as a result of a material change in the circumstances which originally compelled him/her to tender the resignation; that during the period intervening between the date on which the resignation became effective and the date from which the request for withdrawal was made, the conduct of the member concerned was in no way improper; that the period of absence from duty between the date on which the resignation became effective and the date on which the member is allowed to resume duty as a result of permission to withdraw the resignation is not more than ninety days; that the post, which was vacated by the member of service on the acceptance of his/her resignation or any other comparable post, is available.




(ii) Request for withdrawal of a resignation shall not be accepted by the Central Government where a member of service resigns his/her service or post with a view to taking up an appointment in or under a private commercial company or in or under a corporation or company wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the Government or in or under a body controlled or financed by the Government. (iii) Request for withdrawal of resignation shall not be accepted by the Central Government where a member of the Service resigns from his/her service or post with a view to be associated with, any political parties or any organisation which takes part in politics, or to take part in, or subscribe in aid of, or assist in any other manner, any political movement or political activity or to canvass or otherwise interfere with, or use his/her influence in connection with, or take part in, an election to any legislature or local authority. (iv) When an order is passed by the Central Government allowing a member to withdraw his/her resignation and to resume duty, the order shall be deemed to include the condonation of interruption in service but the period of interruption shall not count as qualifying service. 5(2) Subject to the provisions of Rule 5A, where a member of the service is required to retire or resign from the service as a condition of his appointment under a Statutory or other body, he shall be granted the retirement benefits to which he would have been entitled if he had been invalidated from the Service and not resigned or retired.

5A. Permanent Absorption of Members of the Service in or under a Corporation, Company or body.5A(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in Rule 5, a member of the Service, who has been permitted by the Central Government to be absorbed in service or post in or under a corporation or company wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the Central Government or under a body



Amended vide DP &AR Notification No. 25011/46/76-AIS(II) dated 28.03.1978 (GSR No. 450 dt 08.04.1978).

controlled or financed by the Central Government, shall be deemed to have retired from Service from the date of such absorption and shall be eligible to retirement benefits in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government in respect of officers of Central Civil Services Group `A'.
19 20

5A(2) A member of the Service referred to in sub-rule (1) shall not be governed by the provisions of rule 22 or 22B as the case may be, if his family is entitled to family pension under the rules of the organization in which he is permitted to get absorbed permanently. The Central Government reserves to itself the right of withholding a pension or 22gratuity, or both, either in full or in part, whether permanently or for a specified period, and of ordering recovery from pension or gratuity of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused to the Central or a State Government, if the pensioner is found in a departmental or judicial proceedings to have been guilty of grave misconduct or to have caused pecuniary loss to the Central or a State Government by misconduct or negligence, during his service, including service rendered on re-employment after retirement: Provided that no such order shall be passed without consulting the Union Public Service Commission: Provided further that(a) such departmental proceeding, if instituted while the pensioner was in service, whether before his retirement or during his re-employment, shall, after the final retirement of the pensioner, be deemed to be a proceeding under this sub-rule and shall be continued and concluded by the authority by which it was commenced in the same manner as if the pensioner had continued in service. (b) such departmental proceeding, if not instituted while the pensioner was in service, whether before his retirement or during his re-employment; (i) shall not be instituted Government ; save with the sanction of the Central



6 Recovery from pension.-


(ii) shall be in respect of an event which took place not more than four years before the institution of such proceedings; and (iii) shall be conducted by such authority and in such place or places as the Central Government may direct and in accordance with the procedure applicable to proceeding on which an order of dismissal from service may be made; (c) such judicial proceeding, if not instituted while the pensioner was in service whether before his retirement or during his re-employment, shall
19 20 21

Deleted vide DOP&T Notification No. 25011/4/2000-AIS(II) dated 18.01.2002 (GSR No. 49(E) dt. 18.01.2002.) st Inserted vide 25011/7/50/78-AIS(II) dated 1 May, 1980 (GSR 545, dt. 17.05.1980) th Substituted vide MHA Notification No. 29/7/63-AIS(II) dated 25 March, 1964. 22 Substituted vide Notification No. 25011/19/91-AIS(II) dated 26.05.1993.(GSR No. 308, dt. 19.6.93). 23 Inserted vide DP &AR Notification No. 25011/22/82-AIS(II) dated 16.7.83. (GSR No. 557 dt. 30.0719.83)

not be instituted in respect of a cause of action which arose or an event which took place more than four years before such institution. Explanation:- For the purpose of this rule (a) a departmental proceeding shall be deemed to be instituted when the charges framed against the pensioner are issued to him or, if he has been placed under suspension from an earlier date, on such date and (b) a judicial proceeding shall be deemed to be instituted(i) (ii)

In the case of criminal proceedings, on the date on which a complaint is made or a charge-sheet is submitted, to the criminal court; and in the case of civil proceedings, on the date on which the plaint is presented or, as the case may be, an application is made to a civil court.

Note-1- Where a part of the pension is withheld or withdrawn the amount of such pension shall not be reduced below the amount of rupees one thousand two hundred seventy five per mensem. Where Central Government decides not to withhold or withdraw pension but orders recovery of any pecuniary loss from pension, the recovery shall not ordinarily be made at a rate exceeding one-third of the pension admissible on the date of retirement of the member of the service. Where any departmental or judicial proceeding is instituted under sub-rule (1), or where a departmental proceeding is continued under clause, (a) of the proviso thereto against an officer who has retired on attaining the age of compulsory retirement or otherwise, 25he shall be sanctioned by the Government which instituted such proceeding, during the period commencing from the date of his retirement to the date on which, upon conclusion of such proceeding final orders are passed, a provisional pension not exceeding the maximum pension which would have been admissible on the basis of his qualifying service upto the date of retirement, or if he was under suspension on the date of retirement, upto the date immediately preceding the date on which he was placed under suspension; but no gratuity or death-cum-retirement gratuity shall be paid to him until the conclusion of such proceedings and the issue of final orders thereon. Provided that where disciplinary proceeding has been instituted against a member of the Service before his retirement from service under rule 10 of the All India Service (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969, for imposing any of the penalties specified in clause (i), (ii) and (iv) of sub-rule 1 of rule 6 of the said rules and continuing such proceeding under sub-rule (1) of this rule after his retirement from service, the payment of gratuity or death-cum-retirement gratuity shall not be withheld.




Payment of provisional pension made under sub-rule (2) shall be adjusted against the final retirement benefits sanctioned to the pensioner upon conclusion of the aforesaid proceeding, but no recovery shall be made where the pension finally sanctioned is less than the provisional pension or the pension is reduced or withheld either permanently or for a specified period.

24 25

Substituted vide DOP&T Notification No. 25011/06/2000-AIS(II)(A) (G.S.R 385(E) dt 08.05.2003). Substituted vide Notification No.25011/30/77-AIS(II) dated 10.7.78(GSR No.422 dated 22.7.78) 26 Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No.25011/22/82-AIS(II) dated 16.7.83(GSR No.557 dated 30.7.83)


NOTE:A member of the Service who as a measure of penalty is compulsorily retired from the Service by the Central Government in accordance with the provisions of the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969, may be granted retirement benefits on the basis of his qualifying service on the date of such compulsory retirement on the appropriate scales admissible under rules 2818 and 19: Provided that, if the circumstances of the case so warrant, the 30Central Government after consultation with the Union Public Service Commission may direct that the retirement benefits shall be paid at such reduced scales as may not be less than two-thirds of the retirement benefits under rules 18 and 19.

7. Compulsory Retirement as a Measure of Penalty:7(1)



The family of a member of the Service who is compulsorily retired from the service as a measure of penalty shall be entitled to a family pension under Rule 22, 22A or 22B, as the case may be. For the purpose of rule 22, the family pension shall be admissible for maximum period of five years from the date of compulsory retirement. Unless provided otherwise in these rules, qualifying service of a member of the Service for purposes of these Rules begins from the date of his substantive appointment to the Service: Provided that in the case of a member of the Service appointed initially on probation the period of probation shall also count as qualifying service.

8. Qualifying service.8(1)


Any period of service under the Central or a State Government rendered by a member of the Service prior to his appointment to the Service shall count as qualifying service under these rules to the extent to which such service would have counted as qualifying service for pension under the rules applicable to him prior to his appointment to the Service provided that the service is otherwise continuous. Provided that temporary or officiating service, followed without interruption by confirmation in the same or another post, shall count in full as qualifying service except in respect of periods of temporary or officiating service in non-pensionable establishment.

Explanation - For the purposes of this rule(1) Leave of any kind or suspension followed by reinstatement does not constitute a break. (2) Service under a State Government includes the service rendered before migration into India as a result of the partition in States which have since become part of Pakistan; breaks in service, if any, caused at the time of such
27 28 29

Omitted vide Notification No. 25011/13/82-AIS(II) dated 11.09.1980 (GSR No. 978 dt. 27.09.1980) Substituted vide DP &AR Notification No. 25011/14/79-AIS(II) dated 01.09.1979 (GSR No. 1151 dated 16.09.1979) Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 25011/14/79-AIS(II) dated 1.9.79 w.e.f 31.03.1979 (GSR No.1151 dt. 15.09.1979) 30 Substituted vide DP&AR Notification no. 25011/22/82-AIS (II) dated 16.07.1983 (GSR No.557 dt 30.07.1983) 31 Substituted wef 1.1.64 vide MHA Notification No. 29/11/65-AIS(II) dated 05.02.1966. 32 Substituted vide MHA Notification No. 29/7/60-AIS(II) dated 31.12.1962.

migration due to reasons beyond the control of the member of the service may be condoned by the State Government but the period of break or breaks will be ignored in determining the total length of qualifying service.


The period of service rendered under an autonomous body, wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the Central Government and taken over by it, by a member of the service who left the service of that body at any time prior to its take-over by the Central Government and who later on joined Government Service with or without break, shall count as qualifying service for pension under these rules to the extent and subject to the conditions under which such service is counted as qualifying service for pension under the Central Civil Service (Pension) Rules, 1972 or under any orders issued by the Central Government in this behalf.
[] A member of the Service who renderedwar/military service, before his appointment to an all India Service shall count that service as qualifying service to the extent to which such service is counted as qualifying for pensions under the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 or under any orders that might be issued by the Central Government in this behalf. A member of the Service who, prior to his appointment to the Service, held a post in the General Administrative Reserve or a post under Government on a contract basis, shall have the option to count the period of his service in such post in full as qualifying for pension under these Rules. Provided that such service is otherwise continuous and that he did not draw inflated rates of pay by reason of the absence of retirement benefits. The option under clause (a) shall be exercised within a period of three months from the 31st December, 1962 or within three months from the date of appointment to the Service, whichever is later. The option, once exercised; shall be treated as final. Where a member of the Service exercises the option to count his previous service in the General Administrative Reserve or on contract basis, the amount of Government contributions with interest thereon standing to his credit in any contributory provident fund to which he might have been admitted shall be surrendered 36and credited to the consolidated funds of the Constituent States, in such proportion as may be prescribed by the Joint Cadre Authority) while the amount of his own subscriptions to that fund, if not already withdrawn, together with interest thereon, shall be transferred to his account in the All India Service Provident Fund. Provided that in a case where the Government contributions have already been paid to the member of the Service, he shall be required to refund them with interest from the date of payment to the date of final refund in a suitable number of instalments, to be prescribed by the State Government.








33 34

Inserted /Substituted vide Notification No.25011/41/80-AIS(II) dt 15.5.81 (GSR No. 705 dt 1.8.81) Omitted vide MHA Notification No. 29/81/66-AIS(II)-A dt.20.6.68 35 Substituted vide MHA Notification No.29/7/60-AIS(II) dated 31.12.62. 36 Substituted vide DP &AR Notification No. 13/4/71-AIS(II) dated 11.1.72



A member of the Service who prior to his appointment to the Service held a post under Government carrying contributory provident fund benefits shall have the option to count as qualifying service the whole of the period of his service in such a post during which he actually subscribed to the contributory provident fund.

The option under this sub-rule shall be exercised within a period of three months from the 31st December, 1962 or within three months of appointment to the Service, whichever is later. The option once exercised shall be final. Where a member of the Service exercises the option, the amount of Government contribution together with interest thereon standing to his credit in that fund shall be surrendered and 38credited to the Consolidated fund of the State on whose cadre he is borne while the amount of his own subscriptions to that fund if not already withdrawn, together with interest thereon, shall be transferred to his account in the All India Services Provident Fund: Provided that in a case where the Government contributions have already been paid to the member of the Service, he shall be required to refund them with interest in a suitable number of installments to be prescribed by the State Government.39 8(7) Foreign service rendered by a member of the Service shall count as qualifying service provided that contributions towards the cost of retirement benefits of the member of the Service, at such rates as the Central Government may prescribe from time to time have been paid either by the foreign employer, or, failing that, by the member of the Service himself, in respect of the entire period of foreign service, unless the payment of contributions have been waived by Government. `Authorised Joining Time availed of by a member of the Service shall count as qualifying service.


(8A) A member of the Service, who had participated in the national movement and who entered Government service by availing himself of the concession of relaxation of age in terms of the Ministry of Home Affairs office memoranda No.15/21/48-Ests, dated the 29th November 1948 and No. 6/1/51-NGS, dated the 14th February, 1951 or corresponding orders, if any, issued by the State Government in this regard, shall be allowed to add to his qualifying service, only for superannuation pension purpose, a period not exceeding one-forth of the length of his service or the actual period by which his age at the time of recruitment exceeds 25 years, a period of 5 years, whichever is the least.



The qualifying service shall be calculated in six monthly periods. A fraction of less than three months shall not be taken into account and any period between three months and six months shall be treated as six monthly period in calculating the total qualifying service.

37 38 39

Substituted vide MHA Notification No.29/7/60-AIS(II) dated 31.12.62. Substituted vide DP &AR Notification No. 13/4/71-AIS(II) dated 11.1.72 Substituted vide MHA Notification No.29/7/60-AIS(II) dated 31.12.62. 40 Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No. 25011/21/76 AIS(II) dt 21.4.77 (GSR No.579 st 21.4.77) 41 Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 25011/9/83-AIS(II) dt 14.9.83 (GSR No. 712 st 1.10.83)


Note - A member of the service who was not entitled to receive the Governments share of the contribution in the Contributory Provident Fund in respect of any service rendered prior to his appointment to the Service, on the ground that he did not put in the minimum period of service under the rules of the said Fund, shall be deemed to have opted for counting that service as qualifying for pension under sub-rules (5) or (6) of this rule. But the Governments contribution to the Contributory Provident Fund, together with interest accrued thereon shall be transferred to the accounts of the State on whose cadre he is borne and that State shall bear the pensionary liability for the said service. 8A Addition to qualifying service on voluntary retirement. The qualifying service as on the date of intended retirement of a member of the Service retiring under sub-rule (2) or sub-rule (2A) of rule 16 shall be increased by the period not exceeding 5 years subject to the condition that the total qualifying service rendered by him does not in any case exceed 33 years and it does not take him beyond the age of superannuation. The weightage upto 5 years under sub-rule (1) shall not be admissible in the case of a member of the Service who is retired from Service in Public interest by the Central Government under sub-rule (3) of rule 16. All periods of leave with allowances and extraordinary leave granted on the basis of medical certificate shall count as qualifying service: Provided that the Central Government may, in any case in which it is satisfied that the extraordinary leave was taken by a member of the Service for any cause beyond the control of such member or for prosecuting higher 45 studies in the field of science, technology, finance, economics, law or other social sciences, direct that such extraordinary leave shall be counted as qualifying service.




9. Counting of periods of leave as qualifying service.




Leave granted by foreign employer to a member of the Service while on foreign service out of India under sub-rule (1) of rule 27 of the Leave Rule shall be treated as leave and not as duty and shall qualify for pension subject to the provision of sub-rule(1)

10. Counting of period of deputation or leave outside India for purposes of qualifying service 10(1) Where a member of the Service is deputed out of India on duty, the whole period of his absence from India on such deputation shall count as qualifying service. Where a member of the service on leave out of India is employed, or is detained on duty out of India after the termination of his leave, the period of such employment or detention shall count as qualifying service:


42 43

Added vide MHA Notification No.29/64/64-AIS(II) dated 13.08.1965 Substituted vide DP &AR Notification No. 25011/14/83-AIS(II) dated 03.01.1983 (GSR No. 33 dt. 21.01.1984) 44 Substituted vide DP &AR Notification No. 25011/22/82-AIS(II) dated 16.7.83 (GSR No. 557 dated 30.7.83) 45 Substituted vide DOP&T Notification No. 25011/06/2000-AIS(II)(A) (G.S.R 385(E) dt 08.05.2003).

Provided that the periods of deputation converted into leave shall count for purposes of qualifying service as leave and not as deputation . 10(3) Time spent on journey to India by a member of the Service who is recalled to duty before the expiry of any duty sanctioned leave out of India counts as qualifying service.

11. Periods not qualifying as service for pension - The following periods of service of a member of the Service do not count as qualifying service for pension:46


Time passed by a member of the Service under suspension unless, on conclusion of the disciplinary proceeding he has been fully exonerated or the suspension is held to be wholly unjustified: Provided that where a member of the Service has not been fully exonerated in the disciplinary proceedings or the suspension has not been held to be wholly unjustified, the period of suspension shall count as qualifying service only to such extent and in accordance with such directions as the competent authority may issue under rules 5, 5A or 5B of the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) rules, 1969,

11 (2) 11(3)

Leave other than leave which counts as qualifying service under rule 9. Unauthorised absence in continuation of authorised leave of absence or joining time. In the absence of a specific indication to the contrary in the service records of a member of the Service, an interruption between two spells of service, rendered by him after his appointment to the service shall be treated as automatically condoned and the pre-interruption service treated as qualifying service except in a case where interruption is caused by dismissal or removal from service. In a case falling under sub-rules (2), (5) or (6) of rule 8, where service rendered by a member of the Service under a State Government or the Central Government prior to his appointment to the Service is counted as qualifying service under the said rule and an interruption in service is inevitable due to the two appointments being at different stations, such interruption not exceeding the joining time permissible under the rules of transfer, shall be treated as automatically condoned. In a case where war or military service is counted as qualifying service for pension under sub-rule (4) of rule 8, the interruption if any, in such service as well as any interruption between such service and subsequent civil service shall be treated as automatically condoned. The period or periods of interruptions referred to in sub-rules (1) to (3) shall not count as qualifying service. Where the Government has reason to believe that a member of the Service is suffering from:

12. Condonation of Interruption in service.47





13. Invalid gratuity or pension:13(1)

46 47

Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 25011/22/82-AIS(II) dt 16.7.83 (GSR No. 557 dt 30.7.83) Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 25011/22/82-AIS(II) dt 16.7.83 (GSR No. 557 dt 30.7.83)

(a) a contagious disease or (b) a physical or mental disability which in its opinion interferes with the efficient discharge of his duties. It may direct him to undergo medical examination with a view to retire him from service on invalid gratuity or pension, as the case may be. A member of the Service also may, if he feels that he is not in a fit state of health to discharge his duties, apply to the Government for retirement on invalid gratuity or pension as the case may be. 13(2) An invalid gratuity or pension and death-cum-retirement gratuity where admissible shall be granted to a member of the Service who having appeared under the direction of the Government or on his own application before a duly, constituted Medical Board, is certified that Medical Board, by bodily or mental infirmity, to be permanently incapacitated for further service. 48The family of a member of the service who retires or is retired under this rule shall be entitled to the benefits of the family pension as laid down in Rule 22 or 22B.

13(2A) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub rule (2), relief against rise in the cost of living index shall be granted to every such member of the Service at such scales and in such manner as may be prescribed by the Central Government from time to time for officers of the Central Government Civil Services, Class-I.


The medical certificate of incapacity shall be attested: (a) if the member of the Service is on leave out of India, by a Medical Board to be convened for the purpose by the Indian Mission in the country in which the member of the Service is on leave; (b) in other cases, by the Medical board to be convened by the Chief Administrative Medical Officer of the State in which the member of the Service is on duty or on leave. The Chief Administrative Officer, shall, wherever practicable, preside over such a Board.


Save where he is on leave out of India no member of Service shall apply for a medical certificate of incapacity and no such certificate shall be granted unless (a) the applicant produces evidence to show that the Government is aware of his intention to appear before the Chief Administrative Medical Officer; and (b) the Chief Administrative Medical officer is informed about the age of the applicant as recorded in his history of services and is supplied with a statement of the leave taken by him during the three years immediately preceding and of the history of the medical case and the treatment adopted as far as possible.


If the medical Board, although unable to discover any specific disease in the member of the Service, considers him incapacitated for further

48 49

Inserted wef 1.6.64 vide MHA Notification No. 29/11/65-AIS(II) dt 5.2.66 Inserted wef 1.1.73 vide DP&AR Notification No. 33/20/73 AIS(II) dt 31.5.75

service by general debility while still under the age of 50fifty eight years, it shall give detailed reasons for its opinion. Wherever possible a second medical opinion shall in such cases be obtained. Note In a case of this kind, a statement giving the grounds on which it is proposed to invalidate a member of the Service shall be forwarded to the Medical Board by the Government under whom he is serving. A certificate that inefficiency is due to old age or natural decay from advancing years shall not be deemed to be sufficient for retiring a member of the Service on invalid gratuity or pension. The Medical Certificate shall be in the form set forth in Schedule `C. A member of the Service who is discharged from the Service on ground other than those specified in rule 13 shall have no claim in invalid gratuity or pension or death-cum-retirement gratuity even though he produces medical evidence of incapacity for Service. 51[Nor will his family, be entitled to the benefits of the family pension]. If the incapacity is directly due to irregular or intemperate habits, no invalid gratuity or pension or death-cum-retirement gratuity shall be granted to a member of the Service. If it has not been directly caused by such habits but has been accelerated or aggravated by them it shall be for the Central Government to decide what reduction, if any, shall be made on this account in the retirement benefits otherwise admissible.


13(7) 14(1)

14. Restrictions on the grant of invalid gratuity or pension :-


Note--(1) The mere fact that a member of the Service has suffered from syphilis, taken by itself, is not sufficient to bring his case under the operation of this rule. 14(2) Unsoundness of mind caused by drug habits shall be taken as sufficient to bring his case under the operation of this rule. The expression irregular or intemperate habits occurring in this rule refers to incapacity on account of drug habits or on account of diseases resulting from immoral habits. Cases where incapacity was due to other cause e.g. work at irregular hours during war and after, due to exigencies of service and not due to own volition, do not come under the purview of this rule. 15. Retirement from service of a member of the service in certain cases and grant of leave 15(1) A member of the Service who has been declared by a Medical Board to be permanently incapacitated for further service shall, if he is on duty, be invalidated from service from the date of relief which shall be arranged without delay on receipt of the report of the Medical Board or, if he is granted leave under sub rule (2), on the expiry of such leave: Provided that if he is on leave at the time of receipt of the report of the Medical Board, he shall be invalidated from service on the expiry of that leave or extension of leave, if any, granted to him under sub-rule(2).

50 51

A member of the Service in respect of whom a Medical Board has reported

Substituted for Fifty Five Years vide MHA Notification No. 29/47/61-AIS(II) dt 25.5.63 Inserted wef 1.6.64 vide MHA Notification No. 29/11/65-AIS(II) dt 5.2.66

that there is no reasonable prospect of his ever being fit to return to duty, may not be granted leave except as follows:-(a) If the Medical Board is unable to say with certainty that the member of the Service will never again be fit for service, leave not exceeding 12 months in all may be granted to him. Such leave shall not be extended without further reference to a Medical Board. (b) If a member of the Service has been declared by the Medical Board to be completely and permanently incapacitated for further service leave or any extension of leave may be granted to him after the report of the Medical Board has been received, provided that the amount of leave so granted, together with any period of duty beyond the date on which the Medical Board signed their report, shall not exceed 6 months. 16. Superannuation gratuity or pension.52


A member of the Service shall retire from the service with effect from the afternoon of the last day of the month in which he attains the age of sixty years: Provided that a member of the Service whose date of birth is the first day of a month shall retire from service on the afternoon of the last day of the preceding month on attaining the age of sixty years: Provided further that a member of the Service dealing with budget work or working as a full-time member of a Committee which is to be wound up within a short period may be given extension of service for a period not exceeding three months in public interest, with the prior approval of the Central Government. Provided also that a Member of the Service holding the post of Chief Secretary to a State Government may be given extension of service for a period not exceeding six months on the recommendations made by the concerned State Government with full justification and in public interest, with the prior approval of the Central Government. Provided also that a member of the Service who has attained the age of fifty-eight years on or before the first day of May, 1998 and is on extension in service, shall retire from the service on the expiry of his extended period of service or on the expiry of any further extension, granted by the Central Government in public interest, and that no such extension in service shall be granted beyond the age of sixty years.
55 54 53


Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), the Central Government may, if it considers necessary in the public interest to do so, give extension in service to the incumbents of the posts of the Cabinet Secretary, Defence Secretary, Home Secretary, Director, Intelligence Bureau, Secretary, Research and Analysis Wing and Director, Central Bureau of Investigation for such period as it may deem proper Provided that the total term of the Cabinet Secretary who is

52 53

Substituted/Inserted vide DP&T Notification No. 25011/8/97-AIS(II) dt 13.5.98(GSR No. 249E dt 13.5.98) Inserted vide notification No. 24012/22/2005-AIS(II) dated 30/11/2005 54 Substituted vide DP&T Notification No. 25011/24/98-AIS(II) dt 7.12.98 (GSR No. 719 dt 7.12.98) 55 Substituted vide notification NO. 25011/4/2006-AIS(II) dated 12/6/2007.

granted such extensions of service shall not exceed 56four years; Provided further that the total term of the other Secretaries and Directors who are granted such extensions of service under these Rules shall not exceed two years. Provided also that Notwithstanding anything contained in subrule (1A), the Central Government may, if it considers necessary in public interest to do so, give an extension in service for a further period, not exceeding three months, beyond the period of two years to the Home Secretary and the Defence Secretary.
58 57


A member of the Service may, after giving at least three months previous notice in writing, to the State Government concerned, retire from service on the date on which such member completes thirty years of qualifying service or attains fifty years of age or on any date thereafter to be specified in the notice: Provided that no member of the Service under suspension shall retire from service except with the specific approval of the 59Central Government. Provided further that the State Government concerned on a request made by the member of the service may, if satisfied and for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax the period of notice.
61 60

16(2A) A member of the service may, after giving three months previous notice in writing to the State Government concerned, retire from service on the date on which he completes 20 years of qualifying service or any date thereafter to be specified in the notice: Provided that a notice of retirement given by a member of the service shall require acceptance by the Central Government 62if the date of retirement on the expiry of the period of notice would be earlier than the date on which the member of the Service could have retired from service under sub-rule (2): Provided further that a member of the Service, who is on deputation to a corporation or company wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the government or to a body controlled or financed by the Government, shall not be eligible to retire from the service under this rule for getting himself permanently absorbed in such corporation, company or body. Provided also that a member of the Service borne on the Cadres of Assam-Meghalaya. Manipur-Tripura, Nagaland and Sikkim may retire from service on the date on which he/she completes 15 years of service.

56 57

Substituted vide DOP&T Notification No. 26014/03/2010-AIS(II)(A) (G.S.R 612(E) dt 09.08.2011). Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No. 26014/03/2010-AIS(II)(A) (G.S.R 612(E) dt 09.08.2011). 58 Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 28/8/72-AIS(II) dt 30.9.72 59 Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 25012/1/88-AIS(II) dt 16.7.88 (GSR No. 567) 60 Added vide notification No. 29018/11/2003-AIS(II) dated 20/12/2004. 61 Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No. 25011/24/77-AIS(II) dt 2.2.78 (GSR No. 253 st. 18.2.78) 62 Substituted vide DP&T Notification No. 25012/1/88-AIS(II) dt 1.7.88 (GSR No. 567 dt 16.7.88) 63 Added vide notification No. 29018/11/2003-AIS(II) dated 20/12/2004



The Central Government may, in consultation with the State Government concerned and after giving a member of the Service at least three months previous notice in writing, 65or three months pay and allowances in lieu of such notice require that member to retire in public interest from service on the date on which such member completes thirty years of qualifying service or attains fifty years of age or on any date thereafter to be specified in the notice.


Note 1: In computing the period of three months notice referred to in sub-rules (2), (2A) and (3) the date of service of the notice and the date of its expiry shall be excluded. In the case of a member of Service who retires under sub-rule (2) or (2A) or who is retired under sub-rule (3), the date or retirement shall be treated as a non-working day. A superannuation gratuity or pension shall be granted to a member of the Service who is required to retire under sub-rule (1) of this rule.

Note 2:




16-A Acceptance of date of birth-


For the purpose of determination of the date of superannuation of a member of the service, such date shall be calculated with reference to the date of his birth as accepted by the Central Government under this rule. In relation to a person appointed, after the commencement of the All India Services (Death-cum-Retirement Benefits) Amendment Rules, 1971 (a) Indian Administrative Service under clause (a) or clause (aa) of sub-rule (1) of rule 4 of the Indian Administrative Service (Recruitment) rules, 1954; or (b) the Indian Police Service under clause (a) or clause (aa) of sub-rule (1) of rule 4 of the Indian Police Service (Recruitment) Rules, 1954; or (c) the Indian Forest Service under clause (a) or clause (aa) of sub-rule (2) of rule 4 of the Indian Forest Service(Recruitment) Rules, 1966;


the date of birth as declared by such person in the application for recruitment to the service shall be accepted by the Central Government as the date of birth of such person. 16(3) In relation to a person to whom sub-rule (2) does not apply, the date of birth as recorded in the service book or other similar official document maintained by the concerned government shall be accepted by the Central Government, as the date of birth of such person. The date of birth as accepted by the Central Government shall not be subject to any alteration except where it is established that a bonafide clerical mistake has been committed in accepting the date of birth under sub-rule (2) or (3).



17. Retiring Pension and gratuity.-

64 65 66

Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 28/8/72-AIS(II) 30.9.72 Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No. 25011/45/75-AIS(II) dt 5.12.75 Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No. 25011/6/80-AIS(II) dt 26.4.80 (GSR 512 dt 10.5.80) 67 Inserted vide MHA Notification No. 29/10/64-AIS(II) dt 1.9.65 68 Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 25011/7/77-AIS(II) dt 7.7.78 (GSR No. 924 dt 22.7.78) 69 Substituted wef 30.8.65 vide MHA Notification No. 29/10/65-AIS(II) dt 1.9.65


A retiring pension and death-cum-retirement gratuity shall be granted to a member of the Service who retires or is required to retire under rule 16. Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), relief against rise in the cost of living index shall be granted to every such member of the Service at such scale and in such manner as may be prescribed by the Central Government from time to time for officers of the Central Civil Services, Class I. In case a member of the Service retires from service in accordance with the provisions of these rules, before completing qualifying service of ten years gratuity shall be admissible at the rate of half months pay of each completed six monthly period of qualifying service.


18. Amount of Gratuity or Pension:


(1) (a)


(i) In case a member of the service retires from service in accordance with the provisions of these rules, after completing qualifying service of thirty three years or more, pension shall be admissible to him at the rate of fifty per cent of the average emoluments reckonable for pension: Provided that the pension calculated under this rule shall not be more than rupees fifteen thousand per month subject to the condition that the full pension shall in no case be less than fifty per cent of the minimum of the revised scale of pay introduced with effect from the 1st day of January, 1996 for the post last held by the member of the Service at the time of his retirement. (ii) In case a member of the Service retires from service in accordance with the provisions of these rules after completing 10 years of qualifying service but less than 33 years of qualifying service, the pension admissible to him shall be such proportion of the maximum pension admissible 63under this sub-rule as the qualifying service rendered by him bears to the qualifying service of 33 years.

In case a member of the Service retires from Service between the 1st January, 1996 and the 31st December, 1997, and exercises an option to retain the pre-revised scale of pay and draws pension and death-cum-retirement gratuity under the rules in force immediately before the 1st day of January, 1996, the pension and death-cum-retirement gratuity in such cases shall be regulated as follows: (i) Pension shall be calculated at fifty percent of the average emoluments. To the amount so calculated, Dearness Relief upto AICPI 1510 at the prescribed rates shall be added and the amount so arrived at shall be regarded as pension. Death-cum-retirement gratuity shall be admissible with reference to emoluments at (i) above under the orders/rules ( including that in respect of ceiling) in force immediately before coming into effect of the revised rules, with effect from 1st day of January, 1996.



Explanation:- In this sub-Clause, "emoluments" means Pay as defined in first provision of Rule 2(1) (bb).
70 71

Inserted/renumbered wef 1.5.73 vide DP&AR Notification No. 33/20/730AIS(III) dt 31.5.75(GSR No. 724 dt 14.6.75) Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 25011/14/79-AIS(II) dt 1.9.79 (GSR No. 1151 dt 5.9.79) and again substituted vide DP&T Notification No. 25011/12/87-AIS(II) dt 22.5.87 (GSR No. 522 E) 72 Substituted vide DP&T Notification No. 14021/5/98 AIS(II) dt 14.1.99 (GSR No. 35E dt 14.1.99) 73 Inserted vide DP&T Notification No. 25011/24/97-AIS(II) dt 19.12.97 (GSR No. 712E dt 19.12.97)

18.2 An Indian Civil Service member of the Indian Administrative Service shall be entitled to receive an annuity of Rs.13,333.33;

Provided that if any such member opts for the death-cum-retirement gratuity scheme, his annuity shall be reduced by the annuity equivalent amount of gratuity; Provided that the amount of invalid pension shall not be less than the amount of family pension admissible under sub-rule (2) of rule 22B.
75 74


A member of the service retired from service before the 1st day of January, 1986 shall be granted such additional relief in pension as may be sanctioned by the Central Government. Subject to the provisions of rule 14, a member of the Service who retires or is retired under rule 13 or 1676 and has on the date of such retirement completed 5 years qualifying service may be granted a death-cum-retirement gratuity not exceeding the amount specified in sub-rule (3). If a member of the Service 77[ ] dies while in service, a death-cum-retirement gratuity not exceeding the amount specified in sub-rule (3) may be paid to the person or persons on whom the right to receive such gratuity is conferred under rule 21 and, if there is no such person, it may be paid in the manner indicated below: (i) If there are one or more surviving members of the family as in items (i), (ii) and (iii) of clause (a) of sub-rule (1) of rule 21, it may be paid to all such members, other than any such member who is a widowed daughter, in equal shares. (ii) If there are no such surviving members of the family as in clause (i) above, but there are one or more surviving widowed daughters and/or one or more surviving members of the family as in items 78[(iv) to (viii)] of clause (a) of sub-rule (1) of rule 21, it may be paid to all such members in equal shares.

19. Death cum retirement gratuity(1)




If a member of the Service dies after retirement without receiving the gratuity admissible under these rules, the gratuity shall be disbursed to the family in the manner indicated in sub-rule(2).


The right of a female member of the family or that of a brother of the member of the Service who dies while in service or after retirement, to receive the share of gratuity shall not be affected if the female member marries or re-marries or the brother attains the age of 18 years after death of the member of the service and before receiving his or her share of gratuity. Where gratuity is granted under this rule to a minor member of the family of the deceased member of the service, it shall be payable to the guardian


Inserted wef 31.12.72 vide Notification No. 33/12/73 AIS(II) dt 24.1.75 read with No. 25011/29/75-AIS(II) dt 30.1.76 Omitted/Inserted vide DP&T Notification No. 25011/12/87AIS(II) dt 22.5.87 (GSR No. 522 E) 76 The figures & words 13 or 16 substituted for the figures and words 13-16 or 17 vide MHA Notification No. 29/10/64 AIS(II) dt 1.9.65 77 Deleted vide MHA Notification No. 29/5/67-AIS(II) dt 1.9.68 78 Substituted vide MHA Notification No. 29/7/60-AIS(II) dt 30.11.62 79 Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No. 25011/37/80-AIS(II) dt 26.2.81 (GSR No. 276 dt 14.3.81)


on behalf of the minor.

(3)(a)(i) A retirement gratuity equal to one fourth of the emoluments for each completed period of six months of service shall be paid to member of the service on his retirement from service who has completed five years qualifying service, subject to a maximum of sixteen and half times of the emoluments: Provided that the amount of retirement gratuity payable under this clause shall not exceed rupees 81three lakh and fifty thousand.


In the case of the death of a member of the service while in service, death gratuity shall be admissible at the following rates:-

Length of service (i) Less than one year (ii) One year or more but less than 5 years. (iii) 5 years or more but less than 20 years (iv) 20 years or more

Rate of Gratuity Two times of emoluments. Six times of emoluments. 12 times of emoluments. Half of emoluments for every completed six monthly period of qualifying service subject to a maximum of 33 times emoluments provided that the amount of Death Gratuity shall in no case exceed Rupees three lakh and fifty thousand.


If a member of the Service who has become eligible for gratuity or pension dies after he has retired from the Service, and the sums to which he had become entitled at the time of his death on account of such gratuity or pension together with the death-cum-retirement gratuity granted under sub-rule(1) and the commuted value of any portion of pension commuted by him are less than an amount equal to 12 times of his emoluments, a gratuity equal to the deficiency may be granted to the person or persons specified in sub-rule (2).

82 83

[ ] Omitted

19A. Interest on delayed payment of Gratuity or Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity: 19A (1) If the payment of gratuity or death-cum-retirement gratuity has been authorised after three months from the date when its payment became due, and it is clearly
80 81

Substituted vide DP&T Notification No. 25011/14/84-AIS(II) dt 31.5.85 Substituted vide DP&T Notification No. 25011/24/97-AIS(II) A dt 19.12.97 (GSR No. 717E dt 19.12.97) 82 Omitted vide DP&T Notification No. 25011/12/87-AIS(II) dt 22.5.87 83 Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No. 25011/22/82-AIS(II) dt 16.7.83


established that the delay in payment was attributable to administrative lapses, interest at the rate prescribed by the Central Government from time to time shall be paid on the amount of gratuity or death-cum-retirement gratuity in respect of the period beyond three months. 19A(2) If as a result of Governments decision taken subsequent to the retirement of a member of the Service, the amount of gratuity or death-cum-retirement gratuity already paid on his retirement is enhanced on account of:(i) grant of emoluments higher than the emoluments on which gratuity or death cum retirement gratuity was determined; or (ii) liberalisation in the provisions of these rules from a date prior to the date of retirement of the member of the Service concerned, no interest on the arrears of the gratuity or death-cum-retirement gratuity shall be paid.

19-B. Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme for members of the services-

On the death of the member of the service 86on or before 30th Sept., 91 and to whom rule 19BB does not apply the persons entitled to receive the amount standing to his credit in the Provident Fund under the All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955, shall be sanctioned an additional amount equal to the average balance in the said account during the three years immediately preceding the death of such members, subject to the fulfilment of the following conditions, namely:(a) the balance in the said account should not have fallen below Rs.400087 at any time during the said period of three years. (b) the limits upto which the benefit of insurance cover will be available will be Rs.10,00088. (c) the benefit would be admissible only if the member of the service has put in at least five years service at the time of his death. Note1:-The average balance shall be worked out on the basis of the balance at the credit of a member of the service in his provident fund account at the end of each of the 36 months preceding the month in which the death occurs. For this purpose, as also for checking the minimum balance prescribed in clause (a) above:(i) the balance at the end of March, shall include the interest credited under rule 9 of the All India Service (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955, and; (ii) if the last of the aforesaid 36 months is not the month of March, the balance at the end of the said last month shall include interest in respect of the period from the beginning of the financial year in which death occurs to the end of the said last month. Note2.-Payment under this scheme shall be in whole rupees. If an amount due includes a fraction of a rupee it shall be rounded to the nearest rupee, a fraction of less than 50 paise being ignored. Note3.-Any sum payable under this Scheme is in the nature of insurance money and,
84 85 86

Substituted vide DP&T Notification No. 25011/14.84-AIS(II) dt 31.5.85 Substituted vide DP&T Notification No. 25011/37/80-AIS(II) dt 26.2.81 (GSR No. 276 dt 14.3.81) Inserted vide DP&T Notification No. 25011/25/89 AIS(II) dt 2.7.90 87 Substituted/inserted vide Notification No.25011/37/80-AIS(II) dated 26.02.1981 (GSR No.276 dt. 14.03.1981) 88 Substituted/inserted vide Notification No.25011/37/80-AIS(II) dated 26.02.1981 (GSR No.276 dt. 14.03.1981)

therefore, the statutory protection given by section 3 of the Provident Fund Act - 1925 (Act 19 of 1925) shall not apply. 19BB Deposit-Link and Insurance Revised Scheme for members of the service On the death of a member of the service, the person entitled to receive the amount standing to the credit of the member in the provident fund under the All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955, shall be sanctioned an additional amount equal to the average balance in the said account during the 3 years immediately preceding the death of such member, subject to the fulfilment of the following conditions, namely:(a) the balance in the said account should not have fallen below 90rupees twenty five thousand at any time during the 3 years preceding the month of death. (b) the additional amount payable under this rule shall not exceed thousand.
91 89

rupees thirty

(c) the member of the service had put in at least 5 years of service at the time of his/her death. Note I. The average balance shall be worked out on the basis of the balance at the credit of the member of the service in his provident fund account at the end of each of the 36 months preceding the month in which the death occurs. For this purpose, as also for checking the minimum balance prescribed in clause (a):-

(i) the balance at the end of March shall include the interest credited under rule 9 of the All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955; and (ii) If the last of the aforesaid 36 months is not the month of March, the balance at the and of said last month shall include interest in respect of the period from the beginning of the financial year in which death occurs to the end of the said last month. Note 2. Payment under this scheme shall be in whole rupees. If an amount due includes a fraction of a rupee it shall be rounded to the nearest rupees (50 paise or above counting as the next higher rupee). Note 3. Any sum payable under this scheme is in the nature of insurance money and, therefore, the statutory protection given by section 3 of the Provident Fund Act, 1925 (Act 19 of 1925) does not apply to sums payable under this Scheme.

Note 4. In a case of member who died before the 30Th day of May,2000 the rate of amount as specifying in condition (a) and (b), before the commencement of the All India Services(DCRB) Amendment Rules, 2003 shall be applicable.

19-C. Recovery and Adjustments of Government dues:(1) (2) It shall be the duty of every retiring member of the service to clear all Government dues before the date of his retirement. Where a retiring member of the Service does not clear the Government dues and such dues are ascertainable:-

89 90

Inserted vide DP&T Notification No.25011/25/89-AIS(II) dated 02.07.1990 Substituted vide DOP&T Notification No. 25011/06/2000-AIS(II)(A) (G.S.R 385(E) dt 08.05.2003). 91 Substituted vide DOP&T Notification No. 25011/06/2000-AIS(II)(A) (G.S.R 385(E) dt 08.05.2003). 92 Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No. 25011/06/2000-AIS(II)(A) (G.S.R 385(E) dt 08.05.2003).

(a) an equivalent cash deposit may be taken from him; or (b) an equivalent amount shall be deducted from the gratuity and the death-cum-retirement gratuity. Explanation: For the purpose of this rule, dues which are ascertainable shall include balance of house building or conveyance advance, arrears of rent and other charge pertaining to occupation of Government accommodation, over payment of pay and allowances and arrears of income-tax deductable at source under the Income-tax Act,1961 (43 of 1961). 20 [ ] 21. Nominations:(1) For the purpose of this rule(a) "family" shall include the following relatives of the member of the Service:(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) Wife or husband; sons; unmarried and widow daughters; brothers below the age of widowed sisters; Father; mother; married daughters; and children of a pre-deceased son. 18 years, and unmarried or

NOTE 1.- Items (ii) and (iii) will include step children. NOTE 2.- An adopted son or an adopted daughter may be treated as son or daughter for the purpose of this rule provided that the Accounts Officer, or if any doubt arises in the mind of the Accounts Officer, the solicitor to the State Government is satisfied that under the personal law of the member of the service , adoption is legally recognised conferring the status of a natural child. (b) "person" shall include any company or association or body of individuals whether incorporated or not. (2) A member of the Service shall, soon after confirmation in the Service make a nomination conferring on one or more persons the right to receive the death-cum-retirement gratuity, that may be sanctioned under sub-rule (2) or clause (b) of sub-rule (3) of rule 19 and any gratuity, which having become admissible to him under rule 18 had not been paid to him before his death. Provided that: (i) if at the time of making the nomination, the member of the Service has a family, the nomination shall not be in favour of any person or persons other than the members of his family; and

(ii) where the member of the Service has only one member in his family in whose favour the original nomination should be made the alternate nomination can be made in favour of any person who is not a member of his family or in favour of a body of persons corporate or incorporate.


If a member of the Service nominates more than one person under sub-rule (2), he shall specify in the nomination the amount or share payable to each of the nominees in such manner as to cover the whole amount of death gratuity. A member of the Service may provide in a nomination (a) in respect of any specified nominee that in the event of his predeceasing the member of the Service, the right conferred upon that nominee shall pass to such other person as may be specified in the nomination; provided that if at the time of making the nomination, the member of the Service has a family consisting of more than one member, the person to be specified shall not be a person other than a member of his family; and (b) that the nomination shall become invalid in the event of the of a contingency specified therein. happening



The nomination made by a member of the Service who has no family at the time of making it, or a provision made in a nomination under clause (a) of sub-rule (4) by a member of the Service whose family consists, at the time of making the nomination, of only one member, shall become invalid in the event of the member of the Service subsequently acquiring a family or an additional member in the family, as the case may be. Every nomination shall be in such one of the forms given in Schedules D to G, as may be appropriate in the circumstances of the case. A member of the Service may at any time cancel a nomination by sending a notice in writing to his Accounts Officer; provided that the member of the Service shall along with such notice send a fresh nomination made in accordance with this rule. Immediately on the death of a nominee in respect of whom no special provision has been made in the nomination under clause (a) of sub-rule (4) or on the occurrence of any event by reason of which the nomination becomes invalid in pursuance of clause (b) of that sub-rule (5), a member of the service shall send to his Accounts Officer a notice in writing formally cancelling the nomination together with a fresh nomination made in accordance with this rule. Every nomination made and every notice of cancellation given by a member of the Service under this rule shall be sent by him to his Accounts Officer. Every nomination made and every notice of cancellation given by a member of the Service shall to the extent that it is valid take effect on the date on which it is received by the Accounts Officer.

(6) (7)(a)




22. Family Pension:- (1) This rule applies to those members of the Service who were in service on the 31st December, 1963 and who had specifically opted for the benefits of this rule under the orders issued by the Central Government.
94 93


The State Government may grant a family pension to the family of a member of the Service in the event of the death of that member after he had rendered twenty years of qualifying service. In exceptional circumstances, the Central Government may grant a family pension to the family of a member of the Service if the death of such member occurs before he has completed twenty years of qualifying service, if he has rendered not less than ten years of qualifying service. The total period for which a family pension may be paid shall be ten years;


Provided that the period of payment of family pension shall in no case extend beyond a period of five years from the date on which the member of the Service actually retired, or on which he would retire, on superannuation pension in the normal course according as the death takes place after retirement or while the member of the Service was in service. Note:- In the case of a member of the Service who dies while on extension of service the expression date on which he would have retired on superannuation pension in the normal course in the above proviso shall mean the date upto which extension of service has been sanctioned to him before his death. (3) Subject to the maximum of Rs.150 per mensem the amount of family pension shall be(a) in the event of death while in service, half the pension admissible to a member of the Service had he retired on a superannuation pension on the date following the date of death; (b) in the event of death after retirement, half the pension sanctioned for him at the time of retirement. If, however, a member of the Service mentioned in clause (b) has commuted a part of his pension before his death, that part of pension shall be deducted from the family pension calculated as above.


The family pension admissible under this rule shall be enhanced by ad hoc increase at such scales and in such manner as the Central Government may, from time to time, specify for officers of the Central Services Group `A. For the purpose of this rule- family shall include the following relatives of the members of the Service (i) wife or husband; (ii) sons; (iii) unmarried and widowed daughters; (iv) brothers, below the age of 18 years; and unmarried sisters; (v) father; and (vi) mother. or widowed


93 94

Added vide MHA Notification No. 29/7/60-AIS(I) dt 30.11.62 Added vide MHA Notification No. 29/7/60-AIS(I) dt 30.11.62 95 Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 25011/9/76-AIS(II)A dt 15.6.77

NOTE 1.NOTE 2. Items (ii) and (iii) will include step-children. An adopted son or an adopted daughter may be treated as son or daughter for the purpose of this rule provided that the Accounts Officer, or if any doubt arise in the mind of the Accounts Officer, the Solicitor to the State Government, is satisfied that under the personal law of the member of the Service, adoption is legally recognized as conferring the status of the natural child. No family pension shall be payable under this rule(a) to a person mentioned in clause (b) of sub-rule (6) without the production of reasonable proof that the person was dependent on the member of the Service for support; (b) to an unmarried woman member of the family of the member of the Service, in the event of her marriage; (c) to a widowed woman member of the family of the member of the Service in the event of her re-marriage; (d) to a brother of a member of the Service, on the former attaining the age of 18 years; and (e) to a person who is not member of the family of the member of the Service. (6) Except as may otherwise be provided by a nomination under sub-rule (7)(a) a family pension under this rule shall be allowed(i) to the eldest surviving widow if the deceased was a male member of the Service or to the husband if the deceased was a woman member of the Service. Explanation.- The expression `eldest surviving widow shall be construed with reference to the seniority according to the date of the marriage with the member of the Service and not with reference to the age of the surviving widows; (ii) failing a widow or husband, as the case surviving son; may be, to the eldest


(iii) failing (i) and (ii), to the eldest surviving unmarried daughter; (iv) failing the above, to the eldest widowed daughter. (b) in the event of no family pension becoming payable under clause (a), family pension may be granted(i) to the father; (ii) failing (i) above, to the mother; (iii) failing (i) and (ii) above to the eldest of 18; surviving brother below the age

(iv) failing (i) to (iii) above, to the eldest surviving unmarried sister;

(v) failing (i) to (iv) above, to the eldest surviving widowed sister.
(7) If a member of the Service who has completed 10 years service desires

that any family pension that may be sanctioned under this rule should be payable to any member of his family in any order to be specified by him, he may make a nomination for the purpose in the form given in Schedule H indicating the order in which the family pension should be payable to the members of his family and to the extent that it is valid, the family pension shall be payable in accordance with such nomination provided the persons concerned satisfy the requirements of sub-rule(5) at the time of the grant of such pension. In case the person concerned does not satisfy the requirements of sub-rule (5), family pension shall be granted to the person next lower in that order. NOTE.- The provisions of clause (a) of sub-rule (7), sub-rule(8) and (9) of shall apply in respect of nomination made under this sub-rule also. (8) (a) rule 21

A family pension sanctioned under this rule shall not be payable to more than one member of the family of the member of the Service at the same time. If a family pension sanctioned under this rule ceases to be payable before the expiry of the period mentioned in sub-rule (2) on account of the death or marriage of the recipient or other causes, it shall be re-granted for the unexpired portion of that period to a person next lower in the order shown in the nomination made under sub-rule (7) or in the absence of a nomination, to the person in the order mentioned in sub-rule (6), who satisfies the other provisions of this rule. A family pension sanctioned under this rule shall be tenable in addition to any compensation or any extraordinary pension or gratuity that may be granted to the member of the pensioners family under the existing Rules or Acts.

(8) (b)


96 97

22(10) [ ] 22-A. Continuation of family pension benefitsIn respect of widows or minor children who were actually in receipt of family pension on the 31st December,1963, or who become entitled to family pension under these rules consequent on the death on or after the 1st January, 1964, of an officer who retired as a member of the Service before that date, the period of payment of family pension shall be extended beyond the expiry of the period of which family pension is admissible under rule 22, upto: (a) the date of death or re-marriage, whichever is earlier, in the case of widows; and (b) the date of attaining majority in the case of children (or, the date of marriage, if earlier, in the case of daughters).



The rate of family pension for the extended period will be equal to half the family pension admissible previously subject to a minimum of Rs.20 per mensem.

96 97

Deleted vide MHA Notification No. 25011/ 7/82-AIS(II) dt 24.3.83 Inserted vide MHA Notification No. 29/50/64-AIS(II) dt 19.6.65

NOTE.- The benefits of the rule are subject to the general conditions laid down in sub-rules (8), (9) and (10) of rule 22.


The family pension admissible under this rule shall be enhanced by ad hoc increases at such scales and in such manner as the Central Government may from time to time specify for officers of the Central Services Group `A. (a) All the members of the Service appointed to the service on or after the 1st January, 1964.


22-B (1) Application.- This rule shall apply to:

(b) All those who were members of the Service on 31st December,1963 and
who opted or are deemed to have opted for this rule under the general or special orders issued by the Central Government.


Subject to the provisions of rule 22C, 101with effect from the 1st day of January 1996, family pension shall in no case be less than thirty percent of the minimum pay in the revised scale of pay introduced with effect from the 1st day of January, 1996 of the post last held by the pensioner or the deceased member of the Service as the case may be subject to the minimum of rupees one thousand two hundred and seventy five per mensem and a maximum of rupees nine thousand.


NOTE: In case, the members of the Service who retire or will be retiring between the 1st day of January, 1996 and the 31st day of December, 1997 exercise an option to retain the pre-revised scales of pay, the family pension in such cases shall be allowed in accordance with the rules and orders applicable prior to the 1st day of January, 1996 and shall be calculated with reference to the basic pay in the pre-revised scale. To the family pension so calculated Dearness Relief upto average AICPI 1510 at the prescribed rate shall be added. The amount so arrived at shall be regarded as the family pension for regulating payment of Dearness Relief beyond average AICPI 1510. The period for which family pension is payable shall be as follows:(i) In the case of a widow or widower, upto the date of death or remarriage, whichever is earlier; (ii) in the case of a son or unmarried daughter till such son or daughter attains the age of 25 years or upto the date of his/her marriage, whichever is earlier;


(ii a) in the case of a widowed/divorced daughter till her re-,marriage, subject to the income criterion as prescribed by the Central Government from time to time. (iii) in case of parents, up to the death of both the parents. Provided that if the son or daughter of a member of the service is suffering from any disorder or disability of mind or is physically crippled or disabled so as to render him or her unable to earn a living even after attaining the age of 25 years in the case of a son or a
98 99

Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 25011/9/76-AIS(II) dt 15.6.77 (GSR No. 830 dt 2.7.77) Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 25011/7/82-AIS(II) dt 24.3.83 (GSR NO. 293 dt 9.4.83) Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 25011/12/87-AIS(II) dt 22.5.87 (GSR No. 522E) 101 Substituted vide DP&T Notification No. 14021/5/98-AIS(II) dt 14.1.99 (GSR No. 35 E dt 14.1.99) 102 Inserted vide DP&T Notification No. 25011/24/97-AIS(II) dt 19.12.97 (GSR No. 717E dt 19.12.97) 103 Substituted vide notification No. 25014/10/2005, dated 20/12/2005.

daughter, the family pension shall be payable to such son or daughter for following conditions, namely:subject to the

(a) if such son or daughter is one among two or more children of the member of the service, the family pension shall be initially payable to the minor children in the order set out in clause (iii) of sub-rule (5) of this rule until the last minor child attains the age of 25 years, as the case may be, and thereafter the family pension shall be resumed in favour of the son or daughter suffering from disorder or disability of mind or who is physically crippled or disabled and shall be payable to him or her, for life; (b) if there are more than one such son or daughter suffering from disorder or disability of mind or who are physically crippled or disabled, the family pension shall be paid in the following order namely:


if there if there are more than one such son or daughter suffering from

disorder or disability of mind or who are physically crippled or disabled, the family pension shall be paid in order of their birth and the younger of them will get the family pension only after the elder next above him/her ceases to be eligible. (ii)

If the family pension is payable to twin children, it shall be paid such children in the manner specified in clause(d) of sub-rule (4) of rule 22-B;

(c) family pension shall be paid to such son or daughter through the guardian as if he or she were a minor except in the case of physically crippled or disabled son/daughter who had attained the age of majority;

(d) before allowing the family pension for life to any such son or daughter, the sanctioning authority shall satisfy that the handicap is of such a nature as to prevent him or her from earning his or her livelihood and the same shall be evidenced by a certificate obtained from a medical officer not below the rank of a Civil Surgeon setting out, as far as possible, the exact mental or physical condition of the child; (e) the person receiving the family pension as guardian of such son or daughter 88or such son or daughter not receiving the family pension through guardian, shall produce every three years a certificate from a medical officer not below the rank of a Civil Surgeon to the effect that he or she continues to suffer from disorder or disability of mind or continues to be physically crippled or disabled.

(f) In the case of a child having disability of mind, the family pension shall be paid to the person nominated by the member of service and in case of absence of any nomination, to the person nominated by the spouse of a Member of the Service.

Notes: [ ]107 Omitted. 1. A daughter shall become ineligible for family pension under the sub-rule from the date she gets married. 2. The family pension payable to such a son or daughter shall be stopped, if he/she starts earning his/her livelihood. 3. In such cases it shall be the duty of the guardian
104 105


or son or daughter to

Substituted vide DOP&T Notification No. 25011/06/2000-AIS(II)(A) (G.S.R 385(E) dt 08.05.2003). Substituted vide DP&T Notification No. 25011/49/89-AIS(II)(B) dt 19.1.91 106 Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No. 25011/06/2000-AIS(II)(A) (G.S.R 385(E) dt 08.05.2003). 107 Omitted/inserted vide DP&T Notification No. 25011/49/88-AIS(II)B dated 1.1.1991

furnish a certificate to the Treasury or Bank, as the case may be, every month, that (i) he or she has not started earning his/her livelihood; (ii) in case of daughter, that she has not yet married. (4)(a): (i) Where the family pension is payable to more widows than one, the family pension shall be paid to the widows in equal shares. (ii) On the death of a widow, her share of the family pension shall become payable to her eligible child; provided that if the widow is not survived by any child, her share of the family pension shall cease to be payable.

Provided that if the widow is not survived by any child, her share of family pension shall not lapse but shall be payable to the other widows in equal shares or if there is one such other widow, in full, to her. (b) Where the deceased member of the service or pensioner is survived by a widow but has left behind eligible child or children from another wife who is not alive, the eligible child or children shall be entitled to the share of family pension which the mother would have received if she had been alive at the time of the death of the member of the service or pensioner.

Provided that on the share or shares of family pension payable to such a child or children or to a window or window ceasing to be payable, such share or shares shall not lapse, but shall be payable to the other widow or widows, or to the child or children otherwise eligible, in equal shares, or if there is one window or child, in full, to such widow or child. 106 (c) where the deceased member of the service is survived by a widow but has left behind an eligible child or eligible children from a divorced wife or wives the eligible child or children shall be entitled to the share of family pension which the mother would have received at the time of death of the member of the service had she not been so divorced: Provide that on the share or shares of family pension payable to such a child or children or to a widow or widows ceasing to be payable, such share or shares, shall not lapse, but shall be payable to the other widow or widows and to the other child or children otherwise eligible, in equal shares, or if there is only one widow or child, in full, to such widow or child; (d) where the family pension is payable to twin children, it shall be paid to such children in equal shares:


Provided that when one such child ceases to be eligible, his or her share shall revert to the other child and when both of them cease to be eligible, the family pension shall be payable to the next eligible single child or twin children.
(5): (i) Except as provided in sub-rule (4), the family pension shall not be payable to more than one member of the family at the same time.

108 109

Omitted/inserted vide DP&T Notification No. 25011/49/88-AIS(II)B dated 1.1.1991 Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No. 25011/06/2000-AIS(II)(A) (G.S.R 385(E) dt 08.05.2003).

(ii) If a deceased member of the service or pensioner leaves behind a widow or widower, the family pension shall become payable to the widow or widower, failing which to the eligible child.

family pension to the children shall be payable in the order of their birth and the younger of them will not be eligible for family pension unless the elder next above him or her has become ineligible for grant of family pension. Provided that where the family pension is payable to twin children, it shall be paid to such children in the manner specified in clause (d) of sub-rule (4) of rule 22B.
(iii) . (6) Where a deceased member of the Service or pensioner leaves behind more children than one the eldest eligible child shall be entitled to the family pension for the period mentioned in clause (ii) of clause (iii) of sub-rule (3) as the case may be, and after the expiry of the period the next child shall become eligible for the grant of family pension. Where family pension is granted under this rule to a minor, it shall be payable to the guardian on behalf of the minor. In case both wife and husband are members of the service and are governed by the provisions of this rule and one of them dies while in service or after retirement, the family pension in respect of the deceased shall become payable to the surviving husband or wife, the surviving child or children shall be granted the two family pensions in respect of the deceased parents subject to the limits specified below, namely:(a) (i) if the surviving child or children is or are eligible to draw two family pensions at the rate mentioned in Rule 22-C, the amount of both the pensions shall be limited to 111two thousand five hundred rupees per mensem; (ii) if one of the family pensions ceased to be payable at the rate mentioned in Rule 22-C and in lieu thereof the pension at the rate mentioned in sub-rule (2) of this rule becomes payable the amount of both the pensions shall also be limited to two thousand five hundred rupees per mensem; (b) if both the family pensions are payable at the rates mentioned in sub-rule (2) of this rule, the amount of two pensions shall be limited to 112one thousand two hundred and fifty rupees per mensem. (9) Where a member of the service dies leaving behind a judicially separated husband or widow, as the case may be, and no child or children, the family pension in respect of the deceased shall be payable to the person surviving:


(7) (8)

Provided that where, in a case, judicial separation is granted on the ground of adultery and the death of the member of the service takes place during the period of such judicial separation, the family pension shall not be payable to the person surviving if such person surviving was held guilty of committing adultery.

110 111

Substituted vide DOP&T Notification No. 25011/06/2000-AIS(II)(A) (G.S.R 385(E) dt 08.05.2003). Substituted vide DP&T Notification No. 25011/49/89-AIS(II)(A) dt 7.1.91 112 Substituted vide DP&T Notification No. 25011/49/89-AIS(II)(A) dt 7.1.91

(10) (a) Where a member of the Service dies leaving behind a judicially separated husband or widow as the case may be, with a child or children, the family pension payable in respect of the deceased shall be payable to the surviving persons provided he or she is the guardian of such child or children. (b) Where the surviving person has cased to be the guardian of such child or children, such family pension shall be payable to the person who is the actual guardian of such child or children. (11) (i) As soon as possible after joining service a member of the Service shall give details of his family in the form given in Schedule J to the Accounts Officer. If he has no family, he shall furnish the details as soon as he acquires a family. If there is a subsequent change in the family, including the marriage of a daughter, the facts shall be intimated to the Accounts Officer, who shall make necessary entry in the form. The Accounts Officer shall, on receipt of the form, keep it in safe custody and acknowledge receipt of the form and all further communications received from the member of the Service in this behalf. As and when the disability referred to in the proviso to sub-rule (3) of rule 22B manifests itself in a child which makes him or her unable to earn his or her livelihood, the fact duly supported by a medical certificate from a Medical Officer not below the rank of Civil Surgeon shall be brought to the notice of the Government by the member of the service or by the nominee. As and when the claim for family pension is filed, the legal guardian of the child should make an application supported by a fresh medical certificate from a Medical Officer not below the rank of Civil Surgeon, that the child still suffers from the disability. The benefits of this rule shall not accrue to the family of a member of the Service who is dismissed or removed from service:





(12): (i)

Provided that if such a member of the service was in receipt of compassionate allowance under proviso to sub-rule (1) of rule 5, his family shall be eligible to family pension under this rule;


Family pension admissible under this rule shall not be granted to a person who is already in receipt of another family pension under the rules, made by the Central Government or a State Government or Public Sector Undertaking or Autonomous Body or local fund under the Central or a State Government:

Provided that a person who is otherwise eligible for family pension under this rule may opt to receive family pension under this rule if he foregoes family pension ad-missible from any other source.


if a person, who is the event of death of a member of the service while in service, is eligible to receive family pension under this rule, is charged with the offence of the murder of the member of the service or for abetting in the commission of such an offence, the claim of such a person, including other

113 114

Inserted vide DOP&T Notification No. 25011/06/2000-AIS(II)(A) (G.S.R 385(E) dt 08.05.2003). Substituted vide DOP&T Notification No. 25011/06/2000-AIS(II)(A) (G.S.R 385(E) dt 08.05.2003).

eligible member or members of the family to receive the family pension, shall remain suspended till the judgment by the competent court about the criminal proceedings instituted against him or her. (iv) If on the judgment about the criminal proceeding referred to in clause (iii), the person concernedis convicted for the murder or abetting in the murder of the member of the service, such a person shall be debarred from receiving the family pension which shall be payable to other eligible member of the family, from the date of death of the member of the service; is acquitted of the charge of murder of abetting in the murder of the member of the service, the family pension shall be payable to such a person from date of death of the member of the service; The provisions of clause (iii) and clause (iv) shall also apply in the case of the family pension becoming payable on the death of a member of the service after his retirement. The family pension admissible under this rule shall be enhanced by ad hoc increases at such scales and in such manner as the Central Government may from time to time, specify for officers of Central Services Group `A. Definition of Family. `Family for the purpose of this rule includes the following relatives of a member of the Service, namely:(i) (ii) wife and husband as the case may be, provided the marriage took place before the retirement of the member of the service; [ ]115 a judicially separated wife or husband such separation not being granted on the ground of adultery, and the person surviving was not held guilty of committing adultery. son and daughter who has not attained the age of 25 year including son and daughter adopted legally before retirement [ ]116. the parents provided they were wholly dependent on the Government servant when he/she was alive and the deceased employee had left behind neither a widow nor a child subject to the dependency criteria in case of parents as prescribed by Central Government from time to time.






(iii) (iv)


22-C. Special Provision regarding family pension in certain cases.

For a period of seven years from the date following the date of death or till the date on which the member of the Service would have 119(attained the age of 65 years) had he remained alive, whichever period is shorter, the pension payable under sub-rule (2) of
115 116 117

Deleted vide DP&T Notification No. 25011/40/90-AIS(II) dt 31.10.91 Deleted vide DP&T Notification No. 25011/49/88-AIS(II) dt 29.1.91 Inserted vide DP&T Notification No. 25011/24/97-AIS(II) dt 19.12.97 (GSR No. 717E dt 19.12.97) 118 Added vide MHA Notification No. 29/61/67-AIS(II) dt 20.3.68 (wef1.1.85) 119 Substituted /deleted vide DP&AR Notification No. 33/12/73 AIS(II) dt 24.1.75 read with No. 25011/29/75-AIS(II) dt 30.1.76 (wef 31.12.72)

rule 22-B, shall be at 50 per cent of the basic pay last drawn, subject to a maximum of twice the pension admissible under the said sub-rule: Provided that the enhanced pension will be admissible if the member of the Service has put in at least 7 years continuous service prior to his death: Provided further that in the event of death after retirement the enhanced pension rates shall not exceed the pension sanctioned to the member of the Service at the time of the retirement inclusive of the part of the pension which the retired member of the Service may have commuted before his death. Explanation1.- In case a member of the Service dies while on extension of Service, the date upto which the extension of service has been sanctioned before his death shall be deemed to be the normal date of superannuation. Explanation 2.- Family Pension in the case of the death of a member of the Service after retirement shall be payable only to those members of his family who were declared as such before his retirement: Provided that no such declaration is necessary in respect of such of the members of the Service who retire during the period between the 1st January, 1973 and the date of publication of the All India Services (Death-cum-Retirement Benefits) Amendment Rules,1975, in the Official Gazette. 23.[ ]120 24.[ ]121 25. Commutation of Pension.- A member of the Service may commute his pension under such conditions and to such extent as may be prescribed by Regulations made in this behalf by the Central Government after consultation with the Government of the States.

26. Acceptance of employment after retirement.A pensioner shall not accept any commercial employment before the expiry of 123one year from the date of his retirement, except with the previous sanction of the Central Government by submitting an application in Schedule L. If a pensioner accepts a commercial employment without such sanction, it shall be competent for the Central Government to declare by an order in writing that he shall not be entitled to the whole or such part of the pension and for such period as may be specified in the order: Provided that the previous sanction may be granted by the State Government concerned on whose cadre the member of the service is borne and who is not holding a post higher than a post in the pay scale of Rs.22400-24500/- and has not worked under the Central Government during the preceding 124three years prior to his retirement form the service. Provided further that no such order shall be made without giving the pensioner concerned an opportunity of showing cause against such declaration:


120 121 122

Deleted vide MHA Notification No. 29/60-AIS(II) dt 31.12.62 Deleted vide MHA Notification No. 29/60-AIS(II) dt 31.12.62 Amended vide DP&T Notification No. 25011/12/82-AIS(II) dated 16.7.83 (GSR No. 557 dt 30.7.83) 123 Substituted vide notification no. 26013/2/2006AIS(II) dated 12/1/2007. 124 substituted vide notification no. 26013/3/2006-AIS(II), dated 12/1/2007.

Provided also that it shall be competent for the Central Government or the State Government, as the case may be, to allow the pensioner to continue in any commercial employment in an organisation with whom the services of the Members of the All India Services had been placed immediately before his/her retirement under the provisions of the respective Cadre Rules of All India Services pending formal sanction of such commercial employment subject to the condition that the Member of the Service shall withdraw from such organisation forthwith once a decision is taken by the Competent Authority not to accord such sanction. Provided also that a pensioner who has been permitted by the Central Government to take up a particular commercial employment during leave preparatory to retirement shall not be required to obtain subsequent permission for his continuance in such employment after retirement.
127 126 125

Explanations: `Commercial Employment means: (i) an employment, whether paid or honorary, in any capacity including that of an agent under a company, firm, co-operative society, body or individual engaged in trading, commercial, industrial, financial or professional business, and includes a directorship of such company or partnership of such firm but does not include employment under a body corporate, wholly or substantially owned or controlled by Government; (ii) setting up practice, either independently or as a partner of a firm, as adviser or consultant in matters in respect of which a pensioner has(a) no professional qualifications and the matters in respect of which the practice is proposed to be set up or carried on are relatable to his official knowledge or experience; or (b) professional qualifications, but the matters in respect of which such practice is to be set up are such as are likely to give his clients an unfair advantage by reason of his previous official position; or (c) to undertake work involving liaison or contact with the offices or officers of the Government.



For the purpose of this Explanation, `employment under a co-operative society includes the holding of any office, whether elective or otherwise, such as that of President, Chairman, Manager, Secretary, Treasurer and the like, by whatever name called in such society. For the purpose of this sub-rule the expression the date of retirement in relation to a pensioner re-employed after retirement, without any break either in a Class I post under the Central Government, or in an equivalent post under a State Government, shall mean the date on which such pensioner finally ceases to be so re-employed in Government service. A pensioner shall not accept any employment under a Government outside


125 126

Inserted vide notification no. 23013/11/2005-AIS(II), dated 8/3/2007. Substituted vide notification no. 29018/11/2003-AIS(I) dated 20/12/2004 127 Amended vide DP&T Notification No. 25011/12/82-AIS(II) dated 16.7.83 (GSR No. 557 dt 30.7.83)

India, (or under an international organization of which the Government of India is not a member) except with the previous sanction of the Central Government. No pension shall be payable to a pensioner who accepts such an employment without such sanction in respect of any period for which he is so employed or for such longer period as the Central Government may determine: Provided that a pensioner who has been permitted by the Central Government to take up a particular employment under a Government outside India during his leave preparatory to retirement shall not be required to obtain subsequent permission for continuance in such employment. NOTE.- Employment under a Government outside India shall include employment under a local authority or corporation or any other institution or organisation which functions under the supervision or control of a Government outside India.


In granting or refusing permission under sub-rule (1) or sub rule (2) to a pensioner for taking up any employment, the Central Government or the State Government, as the case may be, shall have the following factors, namely:(i) whether the organisation the pensioner proposes to join has any conflict of interest or activities prejudicial to Indias foreign relations, national security and domestic harmony; and whether the organisation is undertaking any form of intelligence gathering; whether the pensioner has been privy to sensitive or strategic information in the last three years of his service which is directly related to the areas of interest or work of the organisation which he proposes to join or the areas in which he proposes to practice/consult, whether there is conflict of interest between policies of the office(s) held by the pensioner during the last three years and the interest represented or work undertaken by the organisations he proposes to join. Such conflict of interest, however, should not be interpreted narrowly to mean normal economic competition with Government or its Undertakings, whether the service record of the pensioner is clear, particularly with respect to integrity and dealings with Non-Government Organisations, the emoluments offered by the proposed employer to the pensioner and whether the proposed emoluments and pecuniary benefits are far in excess of those currently prevalent in the Industry.(The word far in excess should not be narrowly interpreted to cover increases in such benefits that may be result of buoyancy in the industry or in the economy as a whole); and



(iv) (v)

(vi) any other relevant factors.

27. Anticipatory Payments:(1) Where a member of the Service is likely to retire before his pension can be finally, assessed and settled in accordance with these rules, the Accounts


Substituted vide notification no. 26013/3/2006-AIS(II), dated 12/1/2007

officer shall sanction the disbursement to him of pension to which, after the most careful summary investigation that the Accounts Officer can make without delay, he believes the member of the Service to be entitled, on the basis of his verified qualifying service, provided that such disbursement shall be made only after the declaration specified in Schedule `I has been signed by the retiring member of the service. (2) If the Accounts Officer considers it likely that, in a case contemplated under sub-rule (1), the member of the Service would be entitled to gratuity only, one-sixth of the amount of gratuity which, after the most careful summary investigation that the Accounts Officer can make without delay, he believes the member of the Service to be entitled shall, upon a similar declaration, be disbursed to him monthly until the amount is finally settled or for six months, whichever period is less. The payment of the anticipatory pension or gratuity shall be so arranged that it is not delayed beyond the first of the month following the month in which the member of the Service is due to retire. If, upon the completion of regular investigation, it be found that the pension thus summarily assigned differs from the pension finally settled, the difference shall be adjusted in the first payment after such final settlement: Provided that if a gratuity summarily assigned under sub-rule (2) proves to be larger than the amount finally settled, the retired member of the Service shall not be required to refund any excess actually paid to him unless otherwise decided by the State Government. (5) Subject to the general conditions prescribed above the anticipatory payments of death-cum-retirement gratuity and family pension may also be sanctioned to the extent of 3/4ths of the amounts clearly admissible on the basis of the qualifying service as verified up to the date of sanction, and after a declaration in the form given in Schedule `I has been signed by the recipient. (i) Subject to the provisions of rule 3 and Rule 6, Pension once authorised after final assessment shall not be revised to the disadvantage of the member of the service, unless such a revision becomes necessary on account of detection of a clerical error subsequently; Provided that no revision of pension to the disadvantage of the pensioner shall be ordered by any Authority without the concurrence of the Department of Personnel and Training, if the clerical error is detected after a period of two years from the date of occurrence of such error. (ii) For the purpose of sub rule (I), the pensioner concerned shall be served with a notice by the sanctioning authority requiring him to refund the excess payment of pension within a period of two months from the date of receipt of notice by him.




27-A Revision of Pension after authorisation-


Inserted vide DP&T Notification No. 25011/24/97-AIS(II)A dt 19.12.97 (GSR No. 717E dt 9.12.97)

(iii) In case the pensioner fails to comply with the notice, the authority competent to sanction pension/family pension shall, by order in writing, direct that such excess payment, shall be adjusted in instalments by short payments of pension in future in one or more instalments as such authority may direct.

28 Miscellaneous:(1) (2) (3) (4) The amount of pension shall be rounded off to next higher rupee. The retirement benefits under these Rules shall be drawn in rupees in India only. Application for the grant of retirement benefits under these Rules shall be made in such form as may be prescribed by the Central Government. The 130[ ] payment of retirement benefits admissible under these Rules shall be regulated by such procedural instructions as may be issued by the Central Government. A pension under these Rules shall be payable from the date on which the date on which the member of the Service quits service or from the date of his application for pension whichever is later. Provided that where satisfactory explanation is forthcoming for the delay in making an application for pension, the State Government may allow the pension to take effect from the date on which the member of the Service quits service. (6) The claim of a member of the service to the retirement benefits shall be regulated by the rules in force at the time when the member of the service resigns, retires or is retired or discharged from service or where the member of the Service dies while in service immediately before death. The authorities competent to retire a member of the Service on different kinds of retirement benefits shall be those indicated in 131Schedule K.



29 Interpretation:- If any question arises as to the interpretation of these rules, the Central Government shall decide the same. 30. Repeal:- All rules corresponding to these rules in force immediately commencement of these rules are hereby repealed. before the

130 131

Omitted vide DP&AR Notification No. 25011/13/80-AIS(II) dt 11.9.80 (GSR No. 978 dt 27.9.80) Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 25011/7/82-AIS(II) dt 24.3.83 (GSR No. 293 dt 9.4.83)


SCHEDULE A - [Deleted.] SCHEDULE B [ " ]


SCHEDULE C (a) Form of Medical Certificate in India

The form of the certificate to be given respecting a member of the Service in India is as follows:"Certified that we have carefully examined A.B. son of C.D.holding the post of . Under the Government. His age is by his own statement..years, and by appearance about .years. We consider A.B. to be completely and permanently incapacitated for further service of any kind in the Indian Administrative Service/Indian Police Service in consequence of .. (here state disease or cause). His capacity does not appear to us to have been caused by irregular or intemperate habits". NOTE(If the incapacity is obviously the result of intemperance, substitute for the last sentence: "In our opinion his incapacity is the result of irregular or intemperate habits".)

(If the incapacity does not appear to be complete and permanent, the certificate should be modified accordingly and the following addition should be made. `We are of opinion that A.B. is fit for further service of a less laborious character than that which he has been doing (or may after resting for ..months, be fit for further service of a less laborious character than that which he has been doing)'. (b) Form of Medical Certificate in countries outside India The form of the medical certificate given by the Medical Board attached to the Indian Mission abroad in respect of a member of the Service in a station outside India is as follows:"We have carefully examined A.B. taking into account all the facts of the case as well as his present condition, we consider that A.B. , is permanently incapacitated for further service in India". NOTE:- (If the incapacity is obviously the result of intemperance add the following sentence at the end:"In our opinion his incapacity is the result of irregular or intemperate habits".)

132 Deleted vide DP&AR Notification No. 25011/14/79-AIS(II) dt 1.9.79 wef 31.3.79 (GSR No. 151 dt 15.9.79) 133 Deleted wef 31.12.72 vide DP&AR Notification No. 33/12/73-AIS(II) dt 24.1.75 read with No. 25011/29/75 dated 30.1.76



Nomination for death-cum-retirement Gratuity (when the member of the Service has a family and wishes to nominate one member thereof) I hereby nominate the person mentioned below who is a member of my family and confer on him the right to receive any death-cum-retirement gratuity that may be sanctioned by State Government in the event of death while in service and the right to receive on my death, any gratuity which having become admissible to me on retirement may remain unpaid at my death.

Name and address of nominee

Relationship with the member of the Service


Contingencie s on the happening of which the nomination shall become invalid.

Name, address and relationship of the person or persons if any, to whom the right conferred on the nominee shall pass in the event of the nominee predeceasing the member of the Service the nominee dying after the death of the member of the Service but before receiving payment of the gratuity.

Amount of share or gratuity payable to each

This nomination supersedes the nomination made by me earlier on .. which stands cancelled. Dated this day of 19 at.


Nomination for Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity (When the member of the Service has a family and wishes to nominate more than one member thereof) I hereby nominate the persons mentioned below, who are members of my family, and confer on them the right to receive, to the extent specified below any death-cum-retirement 134 135
Substituted vide MHA Notification No. 29/7/60-AIS(II) dt 31.12.62 Substituted vide MHA Notification No. 29/7/60-AIS(II) dt 31.12.62

gratuity that may be sanctioned by State Government in the event of my death while in service and the right to receive on my death, to the extent specified below, any gratuity which having become admissible to me on retirement may remain unpaid at my death:

Name and address of nominee

Relations hip with the member of the Service


Amount or share of gratuity payable to each*

Contingenc ies on the happening of which the nomination shall become invalid

Name, address and relationship of the person or persons if any, to whom the right conferred on the nominee shall pass in the event of the nominee predeceasing the member of the Service or the nominee dying after the death of the member of the service but before receiving payment of the gratuity

*Amount of share of gratuity payable each



Nomination for Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity (When the member of the Service has no family and wishes to nominate one person) 1. having no family, hereby nominate the person mentioned below and confer on him the right to receive any death-cum-retirement gratuity that may be sanctioned by State Government in the event of my death while in service and the right to receive on my death any gratuity which having become admissible to me on retirement may remain unpaid at my death.
Name and address of nominee Relationship with the member of the Service Age Contingencies on the happening of which the nomination shall become invalid Name, address and relationship of the person or persons if any, to whom the right conferred on the nominee shall pass in the event of the nominee predeceasing the member of the Service but before receiving the payment of gratuity Amount or share of gratuity payable to each*


Substituted vide MHA Notification No. 29/7/60-AIS(II) dt 31.12.62

This nomination supersedes the nomination made by me earlier on............which stands cancelled. Dated of................19 at......... Witnesses to Signature: 1.......................... 2.......................... Signature of the member of the Service.


Nomination for death-cum-Retirement Gratuity (When the member of the Service has no family and wishes to nominate more than one person) 1. having no family, hereby nominate the persons mentioned below and confer on them the right to receive to the extent specified below, any death-cum-retirement gratuity that may be sanctioned by State government in the event of my death while in service specified below any gratuity which having become admissible to me on retirement may remain unpaid at my death.
Name and address of nominees Relationship with the member of the Service Age Amount or share gravity payable to each* Contingencies on the happening of which the nomination shall become invalid Name, address and relationship of the person or persons if any, to whom the right conferred on the nominee shall pass in the event of the nominee predeceasing the member of the Service or the nominee dying after the death of the member of the Service but before receiving the payment of gratuity Amount of share of gratuity payable to each+

This nomination supersedes the nomination made by me earlier on.......... which stands cancelled.

Substituted vide MHA Notification No. 29/7/60-AIS(II) dt 31.12.62

Dated of............19 at................... Witnesses to signature: 1..................... 2..................... Signature of the member of the Service. N.B.- The officer shall draw lines across the blank space below the last entry to prevent the insertion of any name after he has signed. *This column should be filled in so as to cover the whole amount of gratuity. +The amount/share of gratuity shown in this column should cover the whole amounts/share payable to the original nominees.


Nomination for Family Pension I hereby nominate the persons mentioned below, who are members of my family, to receive, in the order shown below, the family pension which may be granted by State Government in the event of my death after completion of 10 years qualifying service. Name and nominee 1 address of Relationship with member of Service 2 the Age Whether married or unmarried 4

This nomination supersedes the nomination made by me earlier on . Which stands cancelled. Dated this .day of 19 at . Witnesses to signature: 1.................. 2.................. Signature of the member of the Service. N.B.- The officer should draw lines across blank space below the last entry to prevent the insertion of any name after he has signed. 138
Substituted vide MHA Notification No. 29/7/60-AIS(II) dt 31.12.62

SCHEDULE I Declaration Form Whereas the...................(here state the designation of the officer sanctioning the advance) has consented provisionally, to advance to me the sum of Rs..............a month/ anticipation of the completion of the enquiries necessary to enable the Government to fix the amount of gratuity/pension/death-cum-retirement 139 gratuity/family/pension, payable to me (as the nominee/legal heir of Shri...............) I hereby acknowledge that, in accepting this advance I fully understand that any gratuity/pension/death-cum-retirement gratuity/family pension, payable to me is subject to revision on the completion of the necessary formal enquiries and I promise to base no objection to such revision on the ground that the provisional gratuity/pension/death-cum-retirement gratuity/family pension now to be paid to me exceeds the gratuity/pension/death-cum-retirement gratuity/family pension which may be finally sanctioned to me. I further promise to repay any amount advanced to me in excess of the gratuity/pension/death-cum-retirement gratuity/family pension that may be finally sanctioned to me. Signature.............. Designation (if a Government Servant)............ Station................ Date.................... Witnesses to signature: (With address), 1............... 2...............


[See rule 22B(11) (i)] Details of Family Name of the member of the Service: Designation : Date of birth: Date of appointment: Details of the members of my family as on:

139 The words may be omitted where inapplicable 140 Inserted vide DP&AR Notificatiion No. 25011/7/82-AIS(II) dt 24.3.83

I hereby undertake to keep the above particulars up-to-date by notifying to the State Government/Accounts Officer any addition or alteration. Place: Date : Signature of the member of Service

S.No .

Name of member Family141 2

the Date of birth of

Relationship with the officer


SCHEDULE K Authorities Competent to Retire a Member of the service on various kinds of Retirement Benefits. Nature of Retirement Benefits 1 (i) Authority Competent to Retire 2

Proportionate pension under rule 7 Central Government. and death-cum-retirement gratuity where admissible. Invalid gratuity or pension under rule State Government after obtaining then 13 and death-cum-retirement gratuity concurrence of the Central where admissible. Government. (iii) @ Superannuation pension or gratuity State Government. under sub-rule (4) of rule 16 and death-cum-retirement benefits where admissible. Retiring pension under rule 17@ State Government. [read with rule 16(2)16(2A) and death-cum-retirement gratuity where




141 The words may be omitted where inapplicable

142 143

Substituted wef 30.8.65 vide Notification No. 29/10/64-AIS(II) dt 1.9.65 Substituted vide MHA Notification No. 29/47/60-AIS(II) dt 20.1.68.

admissible. (iv-a) Retiring pension under rule 17 144[read Central Government in Consultation the State Government with rule 16(3)] and death-cum- with concerned. retirement gratuity where admissible. Family Pension under rule 22, 14522A State Government. and 22B and death-cum-retirement gratuity where admissible.


Schedule L

(See sub-rule (1) and (2) of rule 26) Form of application to accept commercial employment 1. Name ( in block letters) 2. Date of retirement 3. Ministry/Department/Office in which the officer served during the last three years preceding retirement (with duration): Name of the Ministry/ Department/ Office Post held Duration From To

Note: Before granting permission a no objection would be obtained from the Cadre Controlling Authority and from the office from where the officer retired. 4. 5. 6. Post held at the time of retirement and period for which held Pay scale of the post and pay drawn by the Officer at the time of retirement Pensionary benefits:

Pension expected/sanctioned (commutation, if any, Gratuity, if any should be mentioned)


Details regarding commercial employment proposed to be taken up-

144 [ ] added vide Notification No. 29/50/64-AIS(II) dt 19.6.65 145 Substituted /inserted/modified vide Notification No. 25011/7/82-AIS(II) dt 24.3.83 146 Substituted vide notification no. 26013/3/2006-AIS(II), dated 12/1/2007

(a) Name of the firm/company/co-operative Society, etc. (b) Type of business carried out and products being manufactured or services being provided by the firm/ company/co-operative Society, etc. (c) Whether the officer had during the last three years of his official career, any dealings with the firm company/co-operative Society, etc. (d) Duration and nature of the official dealings with the firm/company/cooperative Society, etc. (e) Name of the job/post offered by the firm/company/co-operative Society, etc. (f) Whether post was advertised, if not, how was offer made (attach details of the advertisement, and a copy of the offer of appointment, if any). (g) Description of the duties of the job/post. (h) Remuneration offered for post/job. (i) If proposing to set up a practice, indicate (i) professional qualification/in the field of practice, (ii) nature of proposed practice. 9. 10. Any information which the applicant desires to furnish in support of his request. Declaration :(i) The employment which I propose to take up will not involve activities prejudicial to Indias foreign relations, national security and domestic harmony. It will not involve conflict of interest with the policies of the office(s) held by the me during the last three years and the interest represented or work undertaken by the organisations I propose to join and will not bring me into conflict with the working of the Government. I have not been privy to sensitive or strategic information in the last three years of service which is directly related to the areas of interest or work of the organisation which I propose to join or the areas in which I propose to practice/consult. My service record is clear, particularly with respect to integrity and dealings with Non-Government Organisations.

I hereby declare that-



I agree to withdraw from the Commercial Employment in case of any objection by the Government. Address: Place: Dated: Signature of the applicant.


GOVERNMENT OF INDIA'S DECISIONS UNDER RULE 1 1. The moS has the option to draw death-cum-retirement gratuity under the liberalised pension rules or under the old rules applicable to officers of the Central Services Class I: - The Government of India decided to give option to certain categories of officers to elect the old Rules by which they were governed previously of the pension rules as applicable to officers of the Central Services Class I. The following categories of officers were accordingly given the option indicated against them. The option was to be exercised in writing and communicated to the Accounts Officer within the stipulated time-limit. The option once exercised was final. The officers who elected to be governed by the pension rules as applicable to officers of the Central Services, Class-I, were subsequently brought under these Rules after they were promulgated. 2. The Government of India have decided that, where death-cum-retirement gratuity has been drawn under the Liberalised Pension Rules by an officer who subsequently opted to be governed by the Old Pension Rules, the gratuity amount shall first be offset against any arrears of pension that may become due to him consequent on opting for Old Pension Rules. The remaining amount if any, may be recovered in one of the following methods. The officer concerned may also be given the option to elect for one of these two methods:(i) the death-cum-retirement gratuity may be recovered in one lump-sum where this is possible or in such number of instalments as, in the opinion of the State Government will not put the officer to undue hardship subject to the condition that the number of such instalments does not exceed twelve. Where the amount is proposed to be recovered in instalments, a bond or other instrument may be taken from the officer binding himself and his heirs to refund the excess of death-cum-retirement gratuity recoverable from him; (ii) the death-cum-retirement gratuity may be treated as the commuted value of pension and adjusted accordingly. This method will be applicable only to those officers who have not already commuted any portion of their pension or have commuted less than the permissible limit, viz., half of the annuity. Where an officer had already commuted to the extent of one-third and becomes eligible for commuting one-half pension consequent on opting for Old Pension Rules, he need not be subject to a further medical examination. In the case of officer, who had not commuted any portion of their pension earlier the gratuity recoverable from them should be treated as automatic commutation of pension and the revised rate of pension reduced by the pension equivalent of gratuity as on age next birth day after retirement. They need to undergo medical examination only in case they desire to commute their pension further. The amount that may become admissible may then be set off against the amount of gratuity already received by the officers and the balance, if any, recovered in one instalment. 2.2. Individual cases of hardship may, however, be referred to the Government of India as and when they arise. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 2/16/56-AIS (II) Pt. II, dated the 31st March 1958, read with 2/33/58-AIS(III), dated the 8th April, 1959 and 2/43/59-AIS(III), dated the 17th June, 1959.]

3. Provisions of these rules are extended to the moS who retired/died before 29th November, 1951, but elected to be governed under these rules: - It has been decided to extend these rules to officers who retired/died before the 29th October, 1951, but elected or are deemed to have elected these rules under the option given to them. It has also been decided that, in appropriate cases, provisions of article 487-A of the Civil Service Regulations may be applied, although these rules do not contain a similar provision. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 2/28/59-AIS(III), dated the 24th April, 1959, read with letter No. 2/41/59-AIS(III), dated the 24th August, 1959.] 4. IPS officers can retire under the Premature Retirement Rules: - A question arose whether Indian Police Officers who elect to be governed by the All India Services (Deathcum-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958, had the right to retire under Premature Retirement Rules. Rule 30 of the All India Services (Death-cum-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958, has replaced only the corresponding provisions in the Superior Civil Service Rules, the Civil Services Regulations etc. and not the Premature Retirement Rules. The above category of Indian Police Officers shall therefore, retain the right to retire under the Premature Retirement Rules. In case of retirement under Premature Retirement Rules the pension shall, however, be determined under those Rules, and not under the All India Services (Death-cum-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 2/10/59-AIS(III), dated the 9th August, 1960.] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 2 1. The State Government can issue a certificate with referent to a cadre post only. Additional charge allowed may be treated as pay for the purpose of calculation of pension: 1.1 Note (iii-b) below clause (aa) of rule 2(1) provides that in the case of a member of the Service, who was deputed to any foreign service during the last 10 months of his service, the pay should be reckoned with reference to his entitlement in the cadre. For this purpose a certificate given by the State Government would be sufficient. A question has been raised whether the State Government can issue such a certificate with reference to an ex cadre post. It has been decided in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India that the State Government can issue such a certificate with reference to a cadre post only. If a State Government issues such a certificate with reference to a cadre post having regard to the seniority of the officer, its validity cannot be questioned on the ground that the officer concerned never held such a post within the cadre or that there was no vacancy in the cadre during that period against which the certificate has been issued by the State Government. It has been decided that the additional charge allowance granted to a member of the All India Service under rule 9B of the IAS(Pay) Rules or the corresponding rules applicable to the IPS and IFS should be treated as pay for the purpose of calculation of pension. [DP & AR letter No. 25011/56/77-AIS (II), dt. 16.2.78.] The Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) have issued orders treating a portion of dearness allowance as pay for the purpose of calculation of retirement benefits in the case of Central Government servants, who retired on or after the 30th September, 1977 vide their O.M. No. 19(4)-E. V/79, dated the 25th May, 1979. The question of extending the above order to members of All India Services, who retired on or after 30th September, 1977 has been considered. It has been decided that out of the dearness allowance admissible, the following amounts shall be treated




as pay under sub-clause (iii) of clause (g) of sub-rule (1) of rule 2 of AIS (DCRB) Rules, 1958, in the case of members of All India Services, who retired on or after the 30th September, 977:(a) Pay range (i) Up to Rs.2157 Amount of Dearness Pay 27% of pay subject to maximum of Rs.243.00 The amount by which pay falls short of Rs.2400.00

(ii) Above Rs.2157 and up to Rs.2399

(b) in the case of officers drawing pay above Rs. 2180/- and retiring on or after 1-12-78, the amount of dearness pay will be as follows in substitution of provisions of para 2.2(a)(ii) above:Pay range (i) Above Rs.2180 and up to Rs.2380/(ii) Rs.2381 up to 2450/(iii) Rs.2451/- and Up to Rs.2500 (iv) Rs.2501/- and up to Rs.2599/(v) Rs.2600 and up to Rs.2650/(vi) Above Rs.2650/Amount of Dearness Pay Rs.220.00

The amount by which pay falls shorts of Rs.2600/Rs.150.00

The amount by which pay falls short of Rs.2600/- + Rs.50/Rs.50/-


Officers drawing between Rs.2157/- and Rs.2179/- will continue to be governed by the provisions of para 2.2(a)(ii) above. The amount of dearness pay as indicated in para 2 above, will be treated as emoluments under clause (bb)(ii) of sub-rule (1) of rule 2 ibid for calculating pension and gratuities. However, there will be no change in the maximum amount of gratuity of Rs.30,000.00 admissible under rule 19 ibid . or in the minimum emoluments of Rs.2,500.00 per month that could be taken into account from computing DCR gratuity, as envisaged in Note below rule 19 ibid. The amount of dearness pay as indicated in para 2 above, will be taken into account for determining average emoluments as envisaged in sub-rule (1) (aa) of rule 2 ibid for calculating pension except as stated in para 2.3 below. 2.3 In the case of officers who have already retired on or after 30.9.1977/1.12.1978 but within 10 months of those dates, the average emoluments will be calculated as follows:

(a) (i) In the case of officers who retired between 30.9.1977 and 28.2.1978 One half of dearness pay appropriate to the pay equal to such average emoluments shall be added to the average emoluments.

(ii) In the case of officers who retired on or after 1.12.1978 but not later than 30.4.1979 and are governed by para 2.2(b) (b) (i) In the case of officers who retired after 28.2.1978, and Full dearness pay appropriate to the pay equal to such average emolument shall be added to the average emoluments.

(ii) Those who retired after 30.4.1979 and are governed by para 2.2(b) above. 2.4 Pension and gratuities of officers who have already retired or died on or after the 30th September, 1977 shall be recalculated on the above basis, and arrears, if any, paid subject to such adjustments as may be necessary. Officer who retired on or after the 30th September, 1977, but not later than the 30th April, 1979, will have an option to choose either of the two alternatives below:(a) to have their pension and DCR Gratuity calculated on their pay excluding the element of Dearness Pay as indicated in para 2.2 above in accordance with the rules in force on 30.9.1977 and get graded reliefs on pension to the full extent admissible from time to time; OR (b) to have their pension and DCR Gratuity recalculated after taking into account the element of dearness pay. In such cases, the first four instalments of graded relief sanctioned upto the average index leval 272 will not be admissible; these pensioners will be entitled only to the instalments of graded relief sanctioned beyond the average index level 272. 2.5 The option will have to be exercised by 31.1.1980. The option once exercised will be final. In cases where the pensioner has died before exercising an option, the State Government/Accountant General will, on an application made to them, calculate the pension and death-cum-retirement gratuity on the existing basis as well as on the basis of merged portion of dearness allowance, and allow the more advantageous of the two to the persons entitled to receive the arrears of pension. Those who fail to exercise the option or make an application (in the case of death of a pensioner) within the stipulated period will be governed by para 2.4(b) above. Where the option is exercised in favour of the alternative (b) in para 2.4 above, the amount of graded relief paid in excess of that now admissible will be adjusted


against the balance of D.C.R. gratuity payable or against the future payments of reduced amount of graded relief. 2.7 2.8 These orders may be brought to the notice of all All India Services officers, who retired on or after the 30th September, 1977. These orders are issued with concurrence of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide their UO No. 4562-EV/79, dated 11.7.1979. [DP&AR letter No. 25011/15/79-AIS(II), dated the 27th July, 1979.] 3. Orders of the Ministry of Finance treating a portion of additional dearness allowance as dearness pay in the case of Central Government servants is extended to the members of the AIS: - The question of extending the orders contained in the Ministry of Finance O.M. No. F. 1(3)-E.V./82, dated 8.4.1982 to members of the All India Services who retired on or after 31.1.1982 has been considered and it has been decided that the orders of the Ministry of Finance treating a portion of additional dearness allowance as dearness pay in the case of Central Government servants should also be extended to the members of the All India Services. Accordingly, it has been decided that out of the additional dearness allowance now admissible, the following amount shall be treated as pay under sub-clause (iii) of clause (g) of sub-rule (1) of rule 2 of A.I.S. (DCRB) Rules, 1958 in the case of members of the Service who retired/retire on or after 31.1.1982. 2 Pay range Amount of Dearness Pay 15% of pay subject to a maximum of Rs.120/Rs. 370/- including the amount of dearness allowance treated as dearness pay under this Departments letter No. 25011/15/79 AIS (II) dated the 27th July, 1979.

(i) Pay upto Rs. 2037 (ii)Pay above Rs.2037

3. The amount of dearness pay as indicated in para 2 above, will be treated as emoluments under clause (bb)(ii) of sub-rule (1) of rule 2 ibid for calculating pension and gratuity. It is proposed to revise the ceiling of DCR gratuity from Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 36,000 by suitable amending rule 19(3) ibid. However, there will be no change in the maximum emoluments of Rs. 2500/- p.m. that could be taken into account for computing DCR gratuity as envisaged in the note below rule 19 ibid. 4. The amount of dearness pay as indicated in para 3.2 above will be taken into account for determining average emoulments as envisaged in sub-rule (1) (aa) of rule 2 ibid for calculating pension except as indicated in para 3.5 below. 5. In the case of officers who have already retired on or after 31.1.1982 or may retire hereafter, but within ten months from that date, the ultimate average emoluments will be calculated as follows: (a) In the case of officers who retired/retire between 31.1.82 and 29.6.82 One half of dearness pay appropriate to the pay equal to such average emoluments as per para 3.2 above, shall be added to the average emoluments. Full dearness pay appropriate to the pay equal to such average emoluments as per para 3.2 above, shall be added to the average emoluments.

(b) in the case of officers who retire after 29.6.82.

6. Officers who retired/retire on or after 31st January, 1982 will have an option to choose either of the two alternatives below:(a) to have both pension/service gratuity and DCR gratuity calculated on their pay, without including the element of dearness pay indicated in para 3.2 above, and get dearness relief on pension as for these governed under para 4(b) of this departments letter dated the 27th July, 1979. OR (b) to have both pension/service gratuity and DCR gratuity calculated after taking into account the element of dearness pay now being merged. In such cases, the pensioners will be entitled only to the instalments of dearness relief sanctioned beyond the average index level 320. 7. The option may be exercised within six months beforeretirement. Officers who have retired on or after 31.1.1982 but before the issue of these orders, may exercise their option within six months from the date of issue of this order. The option once exercised shall be final. Those who fail to exercise the option within the stipulated period will be deemed to be governed by para 6(b) above. If a pensioner has died before exercising the option, the State Government / Accountant General shall calculate the pension and gratuity under both the options in para 6 above, and sanction the more advantageous of the two. 8. Where the option is exercised in favour of the alternative (b) in para 6 above, the amount of dearness relief in pension paid in excess of that now admissible will be adjusted against the balance of DCR gratuity payable or against the future payments of reduced amount of dearness relief. 9. These orders may be brought to the notice of all members of the service who retired/retire on or after 31.1.82. 10. These orders are issued with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide their U.O. 1664-EV/82, dated 17.5.1982. [DP&AR letter No. 25011/11/82-AIS (II), dated the 1st June, 1982 read with letter No. 25011/11/82-AIS (II), dated 10.5.82.] 4. A moS on Central Deputation, who takes leave and retires at the end of leave, it may be deemed that he would have continued to officiate in the post in the Central Government before leave, but proceeding on such leave and accordingly his average emoluments should be determined for the purpose of calculation of retirement benefits: - A cases has arisen in which orders were issued by the Central Government reverting a member of an All India Service on deputation to the Central Government to his parent cadre, but instead of joining duty under the State Government the member of the Service gave three months notice to the State Government under sub-rule (2) of rule 16 of the All India Services (DCRB) Rules, 1958 and applied to the Central Government for grant of leave co-terminus with the period of notice. This leave was granted by the Central Government and the officer proceeded on leave preparatory to retirement and retired from service on the expiry of the leave. A question was raised as to the emoluments for this leave period which should be taken into account for computing the average emoluments of this officer for the 10 months prior to the date of his retirement from service for determining the retirement benefits admissible to him. 2. The matter has been carefully examined in consultation with the Ministry of Law, (Deptt. of Legal Affairs). The emoluments for the leave period in this case which should be taken into account for the purpose of computing the average emoluments of the last 10 months of the service should be determined in the manner laid down in Note 1 below rule 2(1)(aa) ibid

In the present case though the Central Government had passed orders reverting the officer to his parent cadre, yet he did not assume charge of any post under the State Government and instead proceeded on leave preparatory to retirement sanctioned by the Central Government. Therefore, for the purpose of the above note, the emoluments for the leave period should be taken as what they would have been had he not been absent from duty from the post he was holding under the Central Government before the proceeded on such leave. 3. The aforesaid Note 1 below rule 2(1)(aa) ibid provides a self-regulating procedure to determine the emoluments in such cases and does not call for the issue of the certificate either by the Central Government or by the State Government as to the emoluments which should be taken into account for computing the average emoluments in the circumstances mentioned in that Note. Keeping in view the position explained above, it has been decided that in the case of a member of an All India Services on deputation of the Central Government who takes leave in continuation of the deputation and retires at the end of the leave, it may be deemed that he would have continued to officiate in the post under the Central Government which he was holding immediately before proceeding on leave but for proceeding on such leave and accordingly his average emoluments should be determined for the purpose of calculation of retirement benefits. 5. Counting of stagnation increment for calculation of pension and other retirement benefits: - According to the provisions of Rule 33 of the Central Civil Services(Pension) Rules, 1972, as amended from 1.1.86, the expression Emoluments means only the pay as defined in Rule 9(21)(a)(i) of the Fundamental Rules which a Government servant was receiving immediately before his retirement or on the date of his death. The question whether the ad hoc increments sanctioned to the Central Government employee on stagnating at the maximum of their scale of pay can be treated as emoluments for purposes of the pension has been under the consideration of Government for some time past, in consultation with the staff side of the National Council(JCM). It has now been decided that stagnation increment shall be treated as emolument and shall be taken into account for calculation of pension and other retirement benefits. 2. These orders take effect from 1.1.1986 i.e. they apply to those who retire on or after 1.1.1986. Formal amendments to the Central Civil Service(Pension) Rules, 1972 are being issued separately. 3. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, this order issues after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. [O.M.No.38/52/90-P&W/A dated 31.10.90] 6. Deemed retirement of members of the All India Services on appointment to the post of Central Vigilance Commissioner and other Vigilance Commissioners in the Central Vigilance Commission:-I am directed to state that this Department has issued a Resolution No.371/20/99-AVD-III dated 13th August, 2002, making specific provision about the filling up of the posts of Central Vigilance Commissioner and other Vigilance Commissioners as also spelling out service conditions of the aforesaid Central Vigilance Commissioner and other Vigilance Commissioners. According to para 1.8 of the said resolution, it has been provided that the salary and allowances payable to and the other conditions of service of:(a) (b) the Central Vigilance Commissioner shall be the same as those of the Chairman of the Union Public Service Commission; the Vigilance Commissioner shall be the same as those of a Member of the Union Public Service Commission

2. The Government of India decision below Rule 5 of the AIS(DCRB) Rules, 1958 lays down that a member of an All India Service, on his appointment as Chairman or Member of a Public Service Commission shall cease to be a member of the service from the date he assumes office in the Public Service Commission. His lien on the post held by him or in the cadre shall stand terminated. He shall also cease to be governed by the rules framed under the All India Services Act, 1951, in the matter of pay, leave and pension etc. which will be regulated in accordance with the regulations framed by the President/Governor, as the case may be, in terms of Article 318 of the Constitution of India. 3. In view of the position mentioned in para 1 above that the service conditions of the Central Vigilance Commissioner and other Vigilance Commissioners shall be the same as those of the Chairman of the Union Public Service Commission and those of the other Vigilance Commissioners shall be the same as that of a member of the Union Public Service Commission, it has been decided to make the Government of India decision quoted above applicable to the post of Central Vigilance Commissioner and other Vigilance Commissioners in the Central Vigilance Commission. [letter no. 24012/14/2002-AIS(II) dated 19th September, 2002] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISION UNDER RULE 5. 1. Clarification on service benefits accrued to a moS appointed as a Member or Chairman of the Public Service Commission: - In the case of P.K. Gnanasundara Mudaliar Vs. State of Madras, the Madras High Court has held that when a Government servant is appointed as a Member or Chairman of the Public Service Commission, he ceases thenceforth to be in the service of the Government. The Government of India have accordingly reviewed the position in the light of the judgement under reference, and in supersession of their letter No.15/6/63-AIS(II), dated the 4th October, 1965 have decided that an officer of an All India Service on his appointment as Chairman or Member of Public Service Commission shall cease to be a member of the service from the date he assumes office in the Public Service Commission. His lien on the post held by him or in the cadre shall stand terminated. He shall also cease to be governed by the Rules framed under the All India Services Act in the matter of pay, leave and pension, etc, which will be regulated in accordance with the regulations framed by the President/Governor, as the case may be, in terms of Article 318 of the Constitution. In order to ensure that the officer concerned does not stand to lose benefits of pension, leave and other service benefits which had accrued to him as a member of an All India Service, prior to his appointment to the Public Service Commission the State Government may take into consideration the following suggestions, while revising the relevant regulations:(1) The officer concerned may be permitted to elect to draw his pension and other retirement benefits admissible to him under the All India Services(Death-cum-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958, or elect to count his service on the Commission as qualifying service for the purposes of pension under the All India Services(Death-cum-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958 provided the retirement benefits in the latter case will be subject to the overall ceiling of the amount of retirement benefits which the officer would have drawn, had be not been appointed to the Commission and continued in service. A time limit of six months from the date of his entering office on Service Commission, may be allowed to exercise this option and the option so exercised will be final. (2) If the officer elects to draw pension for the service as a member of an All India Service, his pay as Chairman or Member of the Commission may be reduced by the gross amount of

pension and pension equivalent of the retirement benefits. He will also not be entitled to any other pension for the services as Member/Chairman of the Public Service Commission. (3) Subject to the provisions of sub-para (2) above, the officer will be entitled to the pay of the ppost of Member/Chairman of the Public Service Commission, as prescribed under the relevant regulations. It will also not be necessary to equate the post in Commission to a cadre post which he would have held as a member of an All India Service. Nor will the officer be entitled to claim benefits under the Next Below Rule, after assuming office in the Commission. (4) The officer may be permitted to carry forward all the leave at his credit at the time of assumption of office in the Commission. Such leave and also the leave earned by him during his tenure in the Commission may be availed of by the officer before his retirement from the service of the Commission. No leave may be granted so as to extend the tenure of the officer in the Commission. The State Government may, however, make a provision in the State Public Service Commission regulations to the effect that Chairman/Member, Public Service Commission shall be paid cash equivalent of leave salary in respect of unutilised portion of earned leave at his credit at the time of demitting office on the line of the provision contained in regulation 7A of the U.P.S.C.(Members) Regulations, 1969. (5) The officer may also be permitted to contribute to the Provident Fund under the relevant rules and also to carry forward his balance in the A.I.S. Provident Fund to the new fund account. GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISION UNDER RULE 6 1. State Government may follow the instructions contained in the Ministry of Finance O.M., dated 28th February, 1978 while granting provisional pension to All India Services Officers against whom departmental/judicial proceedings are instituted/ continued: - The Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) have issued orders in the case of Central Government servants to the effect that retired Central Government servants against whom departmental/judicial proceedings are pending under rule 65 and 74 of the C.C.S. (Pension) Rules, 1972 shall be sanctioned 100 per cent of the pension normally admissible to them as provisional pension vide their O.M. No. 4(1)-E. (V) (A)/78, dated the 28th February, 1978, copy (annexed). 1.2 Under sub-rule (2) of rule 6 of AIS (DCRB) Rules 1958, the State Government is competent to sanction provisional pension to an all India Service Officer against whom departmental/judicial proceedings under sub-rule (1) of this rule, are such proceedings are instituted/continued by the Central Government, the Central Government is the competent authority to sanction provisional pension. The State Government may like to follow the instructions contained in the Ministry of Finance O.M., dated 28th February, 1978 referred to above while granting provisional pension to All India Services Officers against whom departmental/judicial proceedings are instituted/continued by them. It has been decided that the instructions contained in the said O.M. will be applied while dealing with the cases of All India Service Officers against whom departmental/judicial proceedings are initiated/continued by the Central Government. [DP&AR letter No. 25011/5/79-AIS(II), dated the 31st August, 1979.] (ANNEXURE to DP&AR Letter No. 25011/5/79-AIS(II), Dated the 31st August, 1979.] Copy of Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure O.M. Dated the 28th February, 1978 regarding grant of provisional pension to retired Central Government servants against whom departmental or judicial proceedings are in progress.

1. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry's Office Memorandum No.11(6)-EV(A)/73, dated 22nd July, 1974 on the above subject (copy enclosed) in which it was clarified that the payment of provisional pension to the retiring Government servants against whom departmental/judicial proceedings had been instituted or are continued is mandatory under rule 65 and 74 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972. It has been brought to the notice of this Ministry that in spite of this clarification provisional pension is not being authorised by some Heads of Officers where departmental/judicial proceedings are pending against a retiring Government servant. Since non-payment to such Government servants, and the Heads of Offices have no discretion in this matter, it is again emphasised that the provisional pension must be sanctioned in all such cases in accordance with the rules. Non-compliance with this rule will be viewed seriously by Government. 2. Rules 65 and 74 ibid inter-alia provide that the provisional pension in such cases should not exceed the maximum pension which would have been admissible on the basis of the qualifying service upto the date of retirement of the Government servant. It has been reported that the discretion vested in the Heads of Offices by these rules which lay down the ceiling for provisional pension, is being used by them to pay less than 100 per cent of the admissible pension. The matter has been considered and it has been decided that even in cases covered by the above mentioned mentioned rules 100 per cent pension, which is otherwise admissible to the Government servants should be authorised as provisional pension, as in cases of normal retirement. No gratuity shall however be paid at this stage. 3. The instructions contained in Office Memorandum No. 14(3)EV(A)/76, dated 28th February, 1976 that provisional pension will become final after six months if not otherwise finalised, will not apply to the provisional pension granted in cases where departmental or judicial proceedings are pending. In these cases the pension can be finalised only after the proceedings are concluded and decision taken in the light of these proceedings. 4. In so far as persons serving in the India Audit and Accounts Department are concerned these orders have been issued after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA'S DECISION UNDER RULE 7 1. UPSC should be consulted before any order under rule 7 is passed: - The Government of India have decided that where, under rule 7, it is proposed to pass an order original, appellate or in exercise of powers of review, granting a pension less than the appropriate scales indicated in rule 18, the Union Public Service Commission should be consulted before the order is passed [G.I., MHA letter No. 29/20/63-AIS(II), dated the 5th August, 1965.] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISION UNDER RULE 8 1. rates of pension contributions in respect of AIS officers on foreign service will be regulated under the procedure laid down in FR and SR: - The Government of India have decided that the rates of pension contributions, in respect of office of the All India Services on foreign service in or out of India, shall be the same as those applicable to officers of the Central Services. Class I, viz., the rates which are laid down in Appendix 11-A in Volume-II of the A.G.P &Ts Compilation of the Fundamental and Supplementary Rules.

[G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 10/9/66-AIS(II), dated the 31st July, 1956.] 2. It has been decided to extend the period within which option under sub-rules (5) and (6) should be exercised, upto 31st October, 1963. [G.I., MHA letter No. 29/48/63-AIS(II), dated the 3rd September, 1963] 3. The service rendered by a moS in the Ministry of Defence on contract basis will be regulated by the revised sub-rule 2(A)(a) of rule 8: - A member of the Service, prior to his joining the Service was serving in the Ministry of Defence on contract basis, according to the terms of which he was entitled to bonus. It was decided in his case that his previous service might be treated as temporary contract service, although he was not entitled, to any contributory provident fund benefits for the same and counted as qualifying service to the extent of half under sub-rules (2) and (5) subject to his refunding to Government the bonus that he had drawn together with interest thereon from the date of payment to the date of final refund. The position has since been modified to the extent indicated in the revised sub-rule (2A) (a) of rule 8.

[G.I., MHA letter No. 2/39/59-AIS(III), dated the 1st December, 1959.]
4. Deficiencies in qualifying service cannot be condoned: - These rules do not contain any provision corresponding to article 423 of the Civil Service of Regulations. Deficiencies in qualifying service of members of the Service cannot, therefore, be condoned. [G.I., MHA letter No. 2/106/59-AIS(III), dated the 8th December,1959.] 5. Instructions on counting of war service rendered in conjunction with other military service: - The Government of India have decided that members of the Service, who were appointed against vacancies which arose after the 31st December, 1947 shall be allowed to count the war service rendered by conjunction with other military service towards civil pension to the extent of one-half. It however, the whole or any portion of such service satisfies the conditions laid down in Article 356 of the Civil Service Regulations, that portion of the service may be allowed to count in full towards civil pension subject to the provisions of that article. The grant of concession is also subject to following conditions namely:(i) The officer concerned should not have earned a pension under the military rules in respect of the service in question; (ii) In the case of service or posts in respect of which a minimum age is fixed for recruitment no military or war service rendered below that age, shall be allowed to count for pension. (iii) `War Service rendered in the Armed Forces of India and rendered in similar Forces of a Commonwealth country shall be allowed to count alike for pension and no contribution towards, or share of, pension earned as a result of this concessions shall be claimed from the foreign Government concerned. (iv) No refund of bonus or gratuity paid in respect of this `War Service shall be demanded from the officer concerned. If, however, the officer has been granted any retirement gratuity for service covering both the war and post-war period, such gratuity shall be refundable. If any portion of the service allowed to count towards civil pension under Article 356 of the Civil Service Regulations, whole of the gratuity received in lieu of pension (but not that portion given as a reward for war service) will have to be refunded by the officer concerned; and

2. The Government of India have also decided that in case where an officer is entitled in respect of the War Service rendered between 3rd September, 1939, and 1st April, 1946, to the concession on under Article 357C or Article 357D of the Civil Service Regulations, he may either avail himself of the concession under paragraph 1 above in respect of the whole of his military service, including `War Service or count the service rendered during the war period for civil pension under Article 357C or Article 357D as the case may be, and the remaining service rendered before or after the war period to the extent of one-half of that service. If however, in the latter case the officer concerned has rendered any military service pensionable under the military rules and satisfying the condition laid down in Article 356 of the Civil Service Regulations, before or after the war period, but did not earn a pension by his `War them during the Second World War, by itself, or in shall be allowed to count it in full on his refunding an amount of gratuity which shall bear the same proportion to the total amount of gratuity received in lieu of pension as the period dealt with under article 356 bears to the total period of military service including the period of war service. [G.I., MHA letter No. 2/108/59-AIS(III), dated the 11th December, 1959.] read with DP&AR letter no. 25011/2/79-AIS (II), dated the 14th December, 1979.] 6. Sub-rule (4) will apply to State Service Officers appointed to the Service against the promotion quota: - A question arose whether sub-rule (3) and (4) would apply to State Service officers appointed to the Service against the promotion quota and whether proviso to sub-rule (2) could not be relaxed in the case of war service in view of the fact that there was generally break between was service and subsequent civil service. Sub-rule (3) would apply only in those cases where the officer have been appointed against was reserved vacancies which arose for direct recruitment before 1st January, 1948. It would not therefore apply to State Service officers appointed to the Service against the promotion quota. War Service in their cases is to be regulated in accordance with sub-rule (4) read with Government of Indias Decision (5) above. (6.2) As regards sub-rule (2), it would apply to military service as distinguished from the not rendered in conjunction with war service, to which sub-rule (3) and (4) apply. In the case of military service, that counts as qualifying service under sub-rule (2), the conditions of such service being continuous cannot be relaxed. 7. Previous pensionable service rendered in the State Government by the moS will count for qualifying service: - A question arose whether the previous qualifying service of Uttar Pradesh State Services Officers, who were promoted to the Indian Administrative Services, should be regulated by sub-rule (2) or sub-rule (6), in view of the fact that they held pensionable posts under the State Government carrying Contributory Provident Fund Benefits. It was decided in the case that their previous pensionable service automatically counted as qualifying service invoke the provisions of sub-rule (6). [G.I., MHA letter No. 2/110/59-AIS(III), dated the 11th March, 1960.] 8. Service Breaks within the State Service can be condoned by the State Government if permissible under the State Rule: - These rules do not contain a provision for condonation of breaks, within State Service. Further, sub-rule (2) provides that previous service shall count as qualifying service under these rules provided the service is otherwise continuous. A question was, therefore, raised whether the State Government were competent to condone breaks within State Service of member prior to his appointment to the Indian Administrative/Police Service. The continuity referred to in sub-rule (2) is referred not continuity within State Service but continuity between State Service and the Indian Administrative/Police Service. Breaks within State Service, to which the rules do not apply, can, therefore, be condoned, provided State Pension Rules permit condonation of

such breaks. [G.I., MHA letter No. 2/5/60-AIS (III), dated the 14th May, 1960.] 9. INA Service recognised by the Ministry of Defence shall be counted as qualifying service for pension and gratuity: - The I.N.A. Service, which has been recognised by the Ministry of Defence for the purpose of pension and gratuity shall be treated as Military Service/War Service and shall count as qualifying service to the extent and subject to the conditions stipulated in sub-rule (4). [G.I., MHA letter No. 29/1/60-AIS (II), dated the 13th October,1960.] 10. Service of a Civilian Officer paid from the Defence Estimates and declared as war service will be regulated under sub-rule (4) for qualifying service: - A doubt wars raised whether only the enlisted or commissioned war service rendered in military capacity could be regulated under sub-rule (4). 2. Sub-rule (4) does not make any distinction between the war service in military capacity and civil capacity. In view of this, the Government of India have decided that even the service of a civilian officer paid from Defence Estimates, which has been declared as `war service in certain circumstances should be regulated under sub-rule (4). [G.I., MHA letter No. 29/63/60-AIS (II), dated the 24th December,1960.] 11. Previous service rendered by the moS before appointment to AIS shall be treated according to Central or State Rules, as the case may be, for determination of qualifying service: - Under sub-rule (2), the service rendered by an officer under the Central or a State Government shall count as qualifying service for the purposes of pension etc. to the extent admissible under the rules applicable to him prior to his appointment to the Indian Administrative/Police Service as they stand on the date of his retirement from the Service. In other words, the service by him prior to his appointment in the Indian Administrative/Police Service shall be treated according to the Pension Rules of the Central or the State Government, as the case may be which were applicable to him prior to such appointment and as applicable to him prior to such appointment and as are in force at the time when he retires from service. [G.I., MHA letter No. 29/68/61-AIS (II), dated the 7th April, 1962.] 12. Sub-rule (2) is also applicable in case of an officer holds a post on temporary capacity or on probation, before joining to the AIS: - The Government of India have held that the proviso to sub-rule (2) of rule 8 applies also to a case where an AIS officer before his appointment to the Service, had held one or more posts in a temporary capacity including service as a probationer (without being confirmed in any of them) followed by his appointment to the IAS/IPS and eventual confirmation in it. This is subject to the other conditions laid down in the said proviso. [G.I., MHA letter No. F. 29/29/63-AIS(II), dated the 14th February, 1964.] 13. Services in the Civil Defence Department during World War-II would be treated as war service for the purpose of qualifying service: - The Government of India have held that `War Service candidates are persons who had rendered during the World War II satisfactory paid whole time enlisted or Commissioned War Service between the 3rd September, 1939 and the 1st April, 1946 by itself or in conjunction with other military service in the Armed Forces of India or similar forces of a Commonwealth country which did not earn a service pension under the military, Naval or Air Force Rules. Service in the Civil Defence Department during World War II has also been treated as War Service vide Ministry of Finance OM No. F.3(8)-EVA/62, dated the 18th May, 1962.

[G.I. MHA letter No. 29/51/63-AIS(II), dated the 16th August, 1963.] 14. Previous service rendered by the moS before appointment to AIS shall be treated according to Central or State Rules, as the case may be, for determination of qualifying service: - The Government of India held that under the sub-rule (2) of rule 8, the service rendered by an officer under the Central or State Government shall count as qualifying service for purposes of pension etc., to the extent admissible under the rules applicable to him prior to his appointment to the Indian Administrative Service/Indian Police Service. In other words, the services rendered by him prior to his appointment to the IAS/IPS shall be treated according to the Pension Rules of the Central or the State Government concerned, as the case may be, which were applicable to him prior to such appointment and as are in force at the time when he retires from service. [G.I., MHA letter No. 29/66/61-AIS-(II) dated the 7th April, 1962.] 15. The Government of India have decided that the orders contained in the Ministry of Finance O.M. No. F. 3(29)-EV(A)/64, dated the 3rd June, 1965 (Annexure A) will apply to the All India Services officers governed by the AIS (DCRB) Rules, 1958 by virtue of rule 8(4). [G.I., MHA letter No. 29/51/65-AIS(II), dated the 22nd December, 1965.] 16. It has been decided that the temporary or officiating service including service as a probationer mentioned in the Government of India Decision No. 12 below Rule 8 refers not only to service under the State Government but also to service under the Central Government. [MHA letter No. 31/42/73-AIS(II), dated the 11th January, 1974.] 17. Procedure for verifying the service rendered by a moS on completion of 20 years of service: - In partial modification of the instructions contained in Department of Personnel & AR letters No. 25011/48/78-AIS(II), dated the 6th November, 1978 and 26th April, 1979 it has been decided to lay down the procedure for verifying the service rendered by a member of an All India Service on completion of 20 years of service:(i) States where accounts have not been separated from Audit or the simplified procedure of payment of salaries to Gazetted Officers, as in the Central Government has not been introduced. - It will be the responsibility of Accountant General to verify the service rendered by a member of an All India Service on completion of 20 years of service and communicate the result of verification to the officer concerned. In States where Accounts have been transferred from Audit or where accounts have not been transferred, but the simplified procedure of payment of salaries to Gazetted officers, as in the Central Government have been introduced. - It will be the responsibilities of the State Government/Union Territory Administration to verify the service rendered by a member of the service on completion of 20 years of service, in consultation with the Accountant General concerned, if found necessary, and communicate the result of verification to the officer concerned. [DP & AR letter No. 25011/48/78-AIS(II), dated the 18th September, 1979.] 18. State Governments are competent to determine the past service rendered by the moS under them before joining AIS: - According to the provisions contained in sub-rule (2) to (6) of Rule 8 of the All India Services (DCRB) Rules, 1958, service rendered by a member of an All India Service before his appointment to the service under the Central


Government or a State Government will count as qualifying service for pension subject to the fulfilment of the conditions laid down therein. Requests have been received from a few members of the Indian Administration Service for counting the service rendered by them under the Central Government and/or a State Government before their appointment to the IAS as qualifying service for pension. Under rule 8 ibid Approval of the Central Government is not necessary for counting the previous service rendered by a member of the service as qualifying service for pension, provided the conditions laid down therein are satisfied. In such cases the Government of the State on whose cadre the officer is brone/the Accountant General concerned, will have to take necessary action in consultation with the Central Ministry/Department or the State Government concerned, if the officer had worked under the Central Government or another State Government, as the case may be, before joining the All India Services, to count such service as qualifying service for pension under rule 8 ibid. The State Governments were, requested that in future requests made by members of All India Services for counting the previous service rendered by them as qualifying service under rule 8 ibid need not be forwarded to the Central Government; the State Governments themselves may process such cases in consultation with the authorities concerned and issue necessary orders . If any clarification is required or Condonation of break in service is involved a reference may be to the Department of Personnel & AR in the case of members of the Indian Administrative Service, the Police Division of the Ministry of Home Affairs in the case of members of the Indian Police Service and the Department of Agriculture in the case of members of the Indian Forest Service. [DP & AR letter No. 25011/43/80-AIS(II), dated the 9th January, 1981.] 19. in all cases where a moS is deputed for foreign service under a public sector undertaking etc. owned or controlled by the Central Government, the pension/leave salary contributions should be paid to the State Government on whose cadre the officer is borne: - It has been provided in the Department of Personnel & AR letter No. 13/27/74-AIS(II), dated 17th January, 1975 (copy annexed) that the terms of deputation of a member of an All India Service who is deputation of a member of an All India Service who is serving in connection with the affairs of a State and who is deputed to public sector undertakings etc. Controlled by the Central Government should be issued by the Ministry/Department of the Central Government which is administratively concerned with that organisation in consultation with the State Government or Joint Cadre Authority on whose cadre the officer is borne. A doubt was raised whether in such cases the pension/leave salary contributions in respect of the officer should be paid by the organisation to the Central Government or to the State Government on whose cadre the officer is borne. It has been clarified that in all cases where a member of an All India Service is deputed for foreign service under a public sector undertaking etc. owned or controlled by the Central Government, the pension/leave salary contributions should be paid to the State Government on whose cadre the officer is borne. [D.P. & A.R. letter No. 250011/8/81-AIS (II), dated the 22nd May, 1981.] [ANNEXURE TO DP & AR LETTER NO. 25011/8/81-AIS (II), DATED THE 22ND MAY, 1981.] 1. I am directed to say that a question has been raised as to who should be the competent authority to issue the terms and conditions of deputation of a member of an All India Services serving in connection with the affairs of a State and who is deputed to a public sector undertaking or any organisation controlled by the Central Government.

2. The terms of deputation of an officer, deputed on foreign Service, are normally issued by the lending authority, in consultation with the borrowing authority. In the case of the All India, Services, however, the All India Services (Leave) Rules, 1955, the All India Services Conduct) Rules, 1968 and the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969 provided that a member of an All India Services whose services are placed at the disposal of a company, corporation etc. by the Central Government or the Government of a State shall, for the purpose of these rules, be deemed to be a member of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the Union or in connection with the affairs of that State, as the case may be. By virtue of the provision contained in these rules, if the terms of deputation of a member of an All India Service, deputed to a public sector undertaking controlled be the Central Government, are issued by a State Government, `Government in his case will be the State Government concerned. It is however, only proper that such a member of the Service should be under the control of the Central Government for the purposes of these Rules. In view of this, the terms of deputation of a member of an All India Service who is serving in connection with the affairs of a State and who is deputed to a public sector undertaking etc. controlled by the Central Government should be issued by the Ministry/Department of the Central Government which is administratively concerned with that organisation in consultation with the State Government or Joint Cadre Authority on whose cadre the officer is borne. [letter No. 13/27/74-AIS (II), dated the 17the January, 1975.] 20. Ministry of Railways may be referred in case of previous service rendered by the moS under them and will be counted for qualifying service if that Ministry certifies, in case of doubts, it should be referred to the respective Cadre Controlling authorities of the Central Government: - Requests from members of Indian Administrative Service for counting the service rendered by them under the Ministry of Railways before their appointment to the Indian Administrative Service as qualifying service for pension were hitherto being processed in this Department. Recently when such a case was referred to the Ministry of Railways(Railway Board) for verifying the service rendered by the officer in the Railways, that Ministry advised that particulars of service rendered by a Railway Service Probationer, who is subsequently appointed to an All India Service, might be got verified from the Railway concerned direct by the State Government. Such Service with the Railways could be counted as qualifying service for Pension without consulting the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board). In view of this, it is requested that in future, there quests made by All India Service officers for counting the service rendered by them in the Railways before their appointment to the All India Services as qualifying service for pension need not be referred to the Central Government. In such cases, the State Government may request the Railway concerned to verify the service rendered by the officer in the Railways and if the Railway certifies that the service rendered by the officer under it would have counted as qualifying service for pension under the Railway Service Rules applicable to him prior to his appointment to the All India Services, such service may be reckoned as qualifying service for pension under rule 8(2) ibid provided there is no break in his service. In case there is a break in his Railway service or if there is any doubt whether or not a particular spell of service will qualify for pension, then a reference may be made to this Department in the case of members of the Indian Administrative Service, Police Division of the Ministry of Home Affairs in the case of members of the Indian Police Service and Department of Agriculture in the case of members of the Indian Forest Service. [DP & AR Letter No. 25011/37/77-AIS(II), dated the 7th October, 1978.]

21. Period of deputation to Foreign Service to developing countries, International Organisations etc. would be regulated by the instructions issued by the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of External Affairs and Ministry of Personnel: - The question of regulating the period of foreign service of members of All India Services, who are permitted to go on foreign service to the developing countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, for the purpose of pension, has been under the consideration of this Development. It has been decided that members of All India Services who are permitted to go on deputation to these countries by registering their names in the Foreign Assignment Section of the Department of Personnel and A.R. will be governed by the orders contained in the Ministry of Finance OM No.1(14)-E.III(B)/71, dated the 13th December, 1971, the 7th January, 1974 and No. 1(14)-E.III(B)/76, dated the 7th December 1976. The period of foreign service rendered by members of the Service who are deputed for assignment to developing countries under the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Programme of the Ministry of External Affairs will be regulated for the purpose of pension, in accordance with the orders issued by the Ministry of External Affairs. 2. Member of All India Services, who are deputed for service under the International Organisations like the U.N. Secretariat or other United Nations Bodies, such as I.M.F., I.B.R.D., etc., or the Commonwealth Secretariat, will be governed by the orders contained in the Department of Personnel & A.R. letter No. 25011/52/76-AIS(II), dated the 2nd March, 1977 and No. 25011/14/75-AIS(II) daed the 26th September, 1975. [DP & AR letter No. 25011/15/78-AIS(II), dated the 20th May, 1978.] 22. Regulation of foreign service with International Organisations, UN Sectt., Commonwealth Sectt. Etc.: - The period of foreign service of members of All India Services with International Organisations like the U.N. Secretariat, Commonwealth Secretariat etc. for period of five years or more, shall be regulated as follows:(1) Members of the All India Services sent on deputation to the International Organisations like United Nations Secretariat, or other United Nations bodies the International Monetary Fund, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Asian Development Bank or the Commonwealth Secretariat on a tenure of five years or more may at their option:a) pay the pension contributions in respect of their foreign service and count such service as qualifying for pension under these rules; avail of the retirement benefits admissible under the rules of the aforesaid Organisation and not count such service as qualifying for pension under these rules;


Provided that where a member of the service opts for clause (b), the retirement benefits accrued to him under the United National Rules will be payable in rupees in India and pension contribution, if any paid by him shall be refunded to him. (2) In the case of officer who opted for clause (b) of Rule 1 and who rejoin Government on the expiry of the foreign service with the United Nations Organisations the retirement benefits sanctioned by the United Nations will not be payable concurrently with the salary from the Government but will be credited to the revenues of the Government of the State concerned, under intimation to the concerned Accounts Officer, so that suitable record could be kept in the service record of the officer, of the amounts received from the

United National authorities. This amount will be paid to the officer concerned along with other service of the Government. For the purpose a provision should be made for such payments under the relevant head of account, for the respective year: [DP &AR letter No. 25011/4/75-AIS(II), dated the 26th September, 1975.] 23. Instruction of the Ministry of Finance in O.M. No. 8(5)-E III2/79, dated the 8th April, 198 will also apply to members of the Services sent on deputation to U.N. Bodies and the Commonwealth Secretariat: - In continuation of the Department of Personnel and A.R. letter No. 25011/4/75-AIS(II), dated the 26th September, 1975 reproduced as Government of India Decision No. 22 below Rule 8 of the All India Services (Death-cum-Retirement Benefits Rules, 1958). It has been decided, in consultation with the Ministry of Finance (Deptt. of Expenditure), that the decision contained in their O.M. No. 8(5)-E III2/79, dated the 8thApril, 1981(reproduced below) will also apply to members of All India Services sent on deputation to U.N. Bodies and the Commonwealth Secretariat. [DP & AR letter no. 25011/16/81-AIS (II), dated the 5th November, 1981.] [ANNEXURE TO DP & AR LETTER NO. 25011/16/81-AIS (II), DATED NOVEMBER, 1981.] THE 5TH

1. The undersigned is directed to invite a reference to this Ministrys O.M. No. F.1(16)-E. III(B)/66, dated the 5th November,1966 on the subject mentioned above and to state that the question of allowing interest on the amount of retirement benefits received in lump sum and deposited with the Government of India by the officers deputed on foreign service with U.N. Organisations has been under consideration for some time on receipt of a number of representations in this regard. The President is now pleased to decide that interest may be paid, as for deposits under G.P.S. Accounts, in respect of such amounts including the amounts, which were deposited by the Government servants who has served the U.N. Bodies in the past and which are at present lying with the Government even in respect of the past periods commencing from the date the deposits have been made. 2. In so far as the persons serving in the India Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders are issued after consultation with the comptroller and Auditor General of India. [O.M. No. 8(5)-E.III/79, dated the 8th April, 1981.] 24. The instruction of the Ministry of Finance for regulation of the period of less than 5 years spent in foreign service for the purpose of pension will be applicable to the members of the Services: - The manner in which the period of foreign service of members of All India Services with International organisations like U.N.Secretariat, etc. Or Commonwealth Secretariat, for a period of less than five years, should be regulated for the purpose of pension, has been under the consideration of the Central Government. It has been decided that the orders contained in the Ministry of Finance OM No.1(4)-E. III(B)/76, dated the 20th November, 1976 should apply to the members of All India Services also. [DP & AR letter No. 25011/52/76-AIS(II), dated the 2nd March, 1977.] Copy of Ministry of Finance O.M. No. 1(4)-E.III(B)/76, dated the 20th November, 1976. 1. The undersigned is directed to invite a reference to this Ministrys Office Memorandum No. F. 1(16)-E.III(B)/66 (Part II) dated the 4th June, 1971 on the subject mentioned above. Under this Office Memorandum, officers of the Central Services

deputed to foreign service with International Organisations like the United Nations, Secretariat, Food and Agriculture Organisation, International Labour Organisation, etc., on a tenure of one year or more shall be allowed to join the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund as full members and the payment of retirement benefits accruing under the Regulations and Rules of the United Nations Joint Staff pension Fund will continue to be regulated by the conditions laid down in this Ministrys Office Memorandum No. F. 1(16)-E. III(B)/66 dated the 5th November, 1966 (copy enclosed). 2. Under Article 29 of the Regulations and Rules of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, retirement benefits shall be payable to a participant whose age on separation is 60 years or more and whose contributory service was five years or longer. Under Article 30 of the said Regulations and Rules, an earlier retirement benefits shall also be payable to a participant whose age on separation is at least 55 but less than 60 years and whose contributory service was five years or longer. Under Article 31 ibid a deferred retirement benefits shall be payable to a participant whose age on separation is less than 60 years and whose contributory service was five years or longer. It will be observed from the aforesaid provisions that a contributory service of five years or longer is a sine qua non for eligibility for retirement benefits under the aforesaid Regulations and Rules. Accordingly, Rule 31 of the Central Civil Service (Pension) Rules, 1972 as amended by the C.C.S. (Pension) (Sixth Amendment) Rules, 1975 provides that a Government servant deputed on foreign service for a period of five year or more to the United Nations Secretariat or other United Nations Bodies, the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development or the Commonwealth Secretariat may, at his option pay the pension contribution in respect of his foreign service and count such service as qualifying for pension under the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 or avail of the retirement benefits admissible under the rules of the aforesaid Organisations, and not count such services as qualifying for pension under the CCS(Pensions) Rules, 1972. If the Government Servant opts to avail of the retirement benefits under the rules of the aforesaid Organisations, the retirement benefits shall be payable to him in India in rupees in accordance with the provisions of this Ministrys Office Memorandum No. F. 1(16)-E. III(B)/66 dated the 5th November, 1966. 3. The question of regulating the cases of Government servants deputed on foreign service to the Organisations mentioned in the preceding paragraph for one year or more but less than five years has been considered in this Ministry in the light of the provisions of Article 32 of the Regulations and Rules of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund under which a withdrawal settlement would be admissible to a participant whose age on separation in less than 60 years or if he is 60 or more on separation but is not entitled to a retirement benefits under Article 29, 30 and 31 referred to in para 2 above. This withdrawal settlement consists of his own contributions if the contributory service of the participants was less than five years. The President is pleased to decide, in partial modification of this Ministrys Office Memorandum No. F. 1(16)-E. III(B)/66 (Part II) dated the 14th June, 1971 that a Government servant who is deputed on a foreign service for a period of one year or more but less than five years to the United Nations Secretariat or other United Nations Bodies, the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Asian Development Bank or the Commonwealth Secretariat and who will not be entitled to retirement benefits under the Regulations and Rules of the aforesaid Organisations, will pay pension contributions monthly to the Government of India at the rates prescribed from time to time by the President under F.R. 116. On conclusion of foreign service, he may be allowed to receive from the foreign employer withdrawal benefits as may be admissible under their Rules.

4. While what has been stated in para 3 above would apply to officers who are entitled to only withdrawal benefits (as opposed to full retirement benefits) those who would be entitled to full retirement benefits under the Rules and Regulations of these organisations would be governed by Rule 31 of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972. In case they opt for availing of the retirement benefits admissible under the Rules and Regulations of the International Organisations (in which case their service in that organisation will not qualify for pension under Government) the payment of the retirement benefits in case they return to Government service will be governed by the orders of 5.11.1986. Pension contributions, if any, made to Government of India by officer, will be refunded to him. 5. These orders will also apply to officers who are already on deputation to the aforesaid Organisations. They will, however, have the option of paying pension contributions to Government to count the period of foreign service for the purposes of pension or to continue on their existing terms under which they are not required to pay pension contributions. The officers would be required to exercise options within three months from the date of issue of these orders and those who opt to pay pensions contribution for the past period can be allowed to pay pension contribution for the said period in monthly instalments not exceeding 12 along with contribution for the current period. 6. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders are issued after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. Copy of Office Memorandum No.F.1(16)-E.III(B)/66, dated the 5th November, 1966, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure regarding Deputation of Central Government Servants on foreign service with United Nations Bodies - Participation in the U.N. Pension Fund Scheme. 1. According to the Ministry of Home Affairs Office Memorandum No. 2/52/53-AIS(I), dated the 24th August, 1953, read with this Ministrys Office Memorandum No. 1(47)-E.IV(A)/60, dated the 18th October 1960, officers of All India Services and Central Services deputed on foreign service to International Organisations like the United Nations Secretariat/Food and Agriculture Organsiation/International Labour Organisation, etc., are eligible to join the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund only as Associate Participants where the period of foreign service is one year or more but less than five years. They are not allowed to become full members, when the period of foreign service exceeds five years. The question of permitting such officers to become full members has been under the consideration of Government. The President is now pleased to decide as follows:2. Officers of Central Services deputed on foreign service to United Nations Secretariat and other United Nations Bodies shall be allowed to join the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund as full members. During the period of foreign service, no payment of pension contributions will be made to the Government of India by or on behalf of the officer. This period will not count for purposes for calculation of pension under the Government. The officers will be eligible for the benefits due to him from the Organisation concerned under their rules for the period in question. In case the officer does not rejoin Government but retires from Government service while serving with the United Nations Organisation, his pension under the Government rules will be calculated on the basis of service rendered by him in case he rejoins and serves for another spell under Government, the pension admissible under Government rules will be calculated on the basis of the total of his earlier and later periods of service under Government.

3. The retirement benefits accruing under the United Nations rules will be payable to the officers in Rupees in India. In the case of officers who rejoin Government on the expiry of the foreign service with United Nations Organisations the retirement benefits sanctioned by the United Nations will not be payable concurrently with the salary from the Government but will be credited to the revenues of the Government of India by credit to XLVII Contributions and recoveries towards the Accounts Officer, pension and other retirement benefits under intimation to the Accounts Officers in case of Gazetted Officers and to the Heads of the Department in the case of Non-gazetted officers, so that a note could be kept in the service records of the officers concerned of the amount received from the United Nations authorities. This amount will be paid to the officer concerned along with his other pensionary benefits when he finally retires from the service of the Government of India, the provisions in the year concerned being made for the payment of this amount under `65 Pensions and Other Retirement Benefits, etc.. 4. Orders contained in this Ministrys Office Memorandum dated the 18th October, 1960 referred to in the opening para will continue to apply in respect of associate participants. 5. Separate orders will be issued in respect in All India Services Officers. 6. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Account Department are concerned, these orders are issued after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. ANNEXURE `A 1. The Government of India for some time past have had under consideration the question of counting the service rendered in the Indian National Army towards civil pension by persons now holding civilian posts. They fall into the following three categories:(1) Persons who were holding civil posts before joining the Indian National Army and have been reinstated in the same post. (2) Persons who were holding civil posts or were members of the regular Indian Armed Force before joining the Indian National Army and have been re-employed in some other civil posts. (3) Persons who joined the Indian National Army from the general public or from the Armed Forces and have subsequently been absorbed in civil posts. The President has been pleased to decide that the service rendered in the Indian National Army by the persons of the aforesaid categories may be treated as `war-service for the purpose of counting it towards civil pension in terms of article 357-C and 357-D of the Civil Service regulations and this Ministrys Office Memorandum No.F. 11(15)/EV/56 dated the 5th August, 1958 as amended from time to time. 2. The service in the Indian National Army referred to in the preceding para will be admitted on the basis of a certificate issued by the administrative authorities to the effect that the claim is genuine and correct. The administrative authorities will give such certificates after verification of documents or collateral evidence etc., produced by the persons concerned. In the case of persons belonging to category (iii) the production of adequate proof like documents relating to their enrolment in the Indian National Army should be insisted upon along with the collateral evidence for their having been in that Army. 3. In so far as the Persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Departments are concerned, these orders have been issued after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

27. Verification of war service of AIS officers would be done by the State Governments from appropriate military authorities: - In accordance with the instructions contained in Ministry of Defences letter No. 5324/Gen/Org.3(Records(d)/411D (Pension/Service), dated the 19th January, 1963, the verification of war/military services of All India Services officers has to be done by the State Governments from the appropriate military authorities. The result of the verification, along with the relevant particulars of the case, should then be forwarded to the Accountant General concerned for making necessary entries in the History of Service. Wherever, there is doubt whether or not a particular period of war/military service rendered by an All India Service Officer counts for pension a reference should be made to the Ministry of Home Affairs. [G.I. MHA letter No. 29/36/36/65-AIS(II) dated 29.9.1966] 28. Guidelines regarding regulation of service of the moS from All India Service to autonomous bodies and vice versa: - I am directed to say that this Department have issued orders vide OM No.28/10/84-Pension Unit dated the 29th August, 1984 regarding counting of service rendered by a Central Government servant for pension when he moves from Central Government service to the service of a central autonomous body and vice versa. According to these orders, when a Central Government servant borne on a pensionable establishment is allowed to be absorbed in an autonomous body having a pension scheme, the service rendered by him under the Government shall be allowed to be counted towards pension under the autonomous body. Similarly, a person working under such an autonomous body joins government service, the service rendered by him under the autonomous will be counted as qualifying service for pension under the Government. The Government/autonomous body will discharge its pension liability by paying a lump sum amount, as a one time settlement, of pro-rata pension etc. to the Government or autonomous body as the case may be. An employee of autonomous body having CPF scheme on absorption under the Central Government will have an option either to receive CPF benefits which have accrued to him from the autonomous body and start his service afresh under the Government or choose to count service rendered by him under that body as qualifying service for pension under the Government by foregoing employers contribution with interest thereon, which will be payable to the Central Government Department concerned by the autonomous body. 2. This Department have considered the question of extending the above orders to members of All India Services. The case of a member of an all India Service permitted to get absorbed permanently in the service of a central autonomous body can be regulated under the provisions contained in rule 5 A of All India Services(DCRB) Rules, 1958. If an employee of an autonomous body who joins service under the Central Government or a State Government and later on is appointed t an All India Service, his case can be regulated under the provisions contained in rule 8(2) ibid. Thus the case of an employee of an autonomous body who joins an All India Service direct is not covered under the rules and instructions issued by the Central Government. It has, therefore, been decided that the case of an officer who was working under a central autonomous body, as defined in para 4 of this Departments OM dated 29.8.84 referred to above, before his appointment to an All India Service should be regulated as follows:(a) The service rendered by an All India Service Officer, under a central autonomous body having a pension scheme, before his appointment to the Service, will be counted as qualifying for pension under the AIS(DCRB) Rules, 1958. The autonomous body will discharge its pension liability by paying a lump sum amount, as a one-time payment, equal to the pro-rata pension/service gratuity/terminal gratuity and the DCRG for the service rendered by him under them to the State Government on whose cadre the officer is borne.

(b) An All India Service officer who has rendered service under a central autonomous body not having a pension scheme, before his appointment to the service, can exercise option either to receive contributory provident fund benefits which have accrued to him from the autonomous body and start his service afresh under Government or choose to count service rendered in that body as qualifying service for pension under Government by foregoing employers share of CPF contributions with interest thereon, which will be paid to the State Government concerned. The option shall be exercised within one year from the date of appointment to the All India Service. If no option is received within the stipulated period, the officer shall deemed to have opted to receive CPF benefits. The option once exercised or deemed to have exercise shall be final. 3. An officer who was appointed to an All India Service prior to the date of issue of these orders but not yet retired from service, shall also be governed by these orders. Such an officer will have an option either:a) To retain the pro-rata retirement and other benefits received by him from the autonomous body. In that event the service rendered by him under the autonomous body will not count as qualifying service for pension Or b) To have the service rendered by him under the autonomous body counted as qualifying service for pension in which case the pro-rata retirement or other terminal benefits received by him, will have to be deposited with the State Government concerned along with interest thereon from the date of receipt of those benefits by him till the date of deposit with the State Government. The right to count previous service as qualifying service for pension shall not revive until the whole amount has been paid 4. The option shall be exercised within a period of one year from the date of issue of these orders. If no option is received within the prescribed time limit, the officer will be deemed to have opted for retention of the benefits received by him. The option once exercised or deemed to have exercised shall be final. 5. The benefits of these orders will be admissible only if (i) The officer had applied or has applied to the UPSC for taking the competitive examination on the basis of which he was appointed to the IAS/IPS/IFS though proper channel or after obtaining permission from the autonomous body under whom he was working, and The officer was eligible for pro-rata retirement benefits/CPF benefits from the autonomous body at the time to leaving the service of the autonomous body and the autonomous body(or the officer, in a case coming under para 3 above) is prepared to pay to the State Government concerned such pro-rata retirement benefits/CPF benefits.


6. It is requested that the above order may be brought to the notice of all concerned for information and guidance. [D/P&T letter No. 25011/27/85-AIS(II) dated the 19th May, 1986] Copy of D/P&T letter No.25011/3/93-AIS(II) dated the 4th February, 1993 1. I am directed to say that instructions had been issued vide letter No.25011/27/85AIS(II) dated the 19th May, 1986 laying down guidelines for counting the previous service rendered by an All India Service Officer under a central autonomous body having a pension

scheme prior to his appointment to the service as qualifying service for pension purposes under the AIS(DCRB) Rules. 2. According to the instructions mentioned above an officer who had been appointed to an All India Service prior to issue of those orders and who was still in service was required to exercise an option either (a) to retain the pro-rata retirement benefits received by him form the autonomous body, in which event the service rendered by him under the autonomous body would not count as qualifying service for pension in Government service or (b) to have the service rendered by him under the autonomous body counted as qualifying service for Government pension, in which case, the pro-rata retirement benefits or other terminal benefits received by him would have to be deposited with the State Government, along with interest thereon. 3. All AIS Officers were required to exercise their option within a period of one year from the date of issue of the above mentioned orders. However, a number of references have been received from officers seeking permission to exercise the option belatedly, on the ground that they were unaware of the contents of our earlier OM dated 19.5.86. 4. In this background, it has been decided to give all AIS Officers another chance to exercise their option in this regard. Such an option shall be exercised latest by 30th September, 1993. If no option is received within the prescribed time limit, the officer concerned will be deemed to have opted for retention of the benefits received by him from the autonomous bodies at the time of his termination of service with them. 5. It is requested that the contents of this circular may be brought to the notice of all All India Service Officers of your State, as are eligible, with the request that it they so desire, may exercise the required option well in time. The options received may please be forwarded to this Department within the prescribed time limit. 29. one time relaxation, to provide a last opportunity to ex-service pensioners who are at present re-employed in All India Services to exercise the option for counting of their past military service as qualifying service: - I am directed to refer to this Departments letter No.25011/14/80-AIS(II) dated the 17th December, 1980 and 28th August, 1982 and to say that sub-rule(4) of Rule 8 of AIS(DCRB) Rules, 1958 provides that war/military service rendered by a member of the service before his appointment to the AIS shall count as qualifying service to the extent to which such service is counted as qualifying service for pension under the Civil Services Regulation as applicable to the members of the Central Civil Services Class-I (now Group A) or under any orders that might be issued by the Central Government in this behalf. In the aforesaid letter it was provided that members of AIS who had rendered pensionable war/military service before joining the AIS but have not so far opted for such service to be counted for Civil pension, could exercise fresh option within a period of 6 months from the date of issue of the Order. 2. It has been represented to this Department by Association of Released ECO/SSC Officers and individuals that in some cases it has not been possible for Ministries/Departments and field officers to disseminate the information about the facility for exercise of option in terms of the above mentioned orders to the affected officers who were posted in the different parts of the country. As a result, many of these officers could not avail of the opportunity to exercise their option within the stipulated period. Keeping in view these representations, it has been decided as a one time relaxation, to provide a last opportunity to such ex-service pensioners who are at present re-employed in All India Services to exercise the option for counting of their past military service as qualifying service within a period of six months from the date of issue of these orders. They may also be informed that no further extension of time will be allowed to exercise option.

3. The option exercised by the members of the Service may be processed by the State Governments as laid down in the Government of India instructions below rule 8 ibid. [D/P&T letter No.25011/11/98-AIS(II) dated the 30th July, 1998.] GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DECISION UNDER RULE 15 1. Invalid pension is not automatic on the expiry of 6 month of the issue of the certificate of Medical Board, but should be followed by an order of the Government: It has been held that retirement of a member of an All India Service on invalid pension is not automatic on the expiry of six months from the date on which the Medical Board signed the certificate declaring him to be permanently incapacitated for further service; Government will have to issue an order retiring such an officer from service on invalid pension and the order cannot have retrospective application. (Law Ministrys advice in MHA File No.13/11/75-Pers.II) GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISION UNDER RULE 16 1. State Governments are free to initiate action and suggest the compulsory retirement in public interest of AIS officer who have put in 30 years of qualifying service or have attained the age of 50 years after giving them three months notice in writing: - A question was raised whether under rule 16(3) the State Governments have no power to initiate action for retirement of an AIS officer who has completed 30 years of qualifying service or has attained the age of 50 years. The Government of India have held that the State Governments are free to initiate action and suggest the compulsory retirement in public interest of AIS officer who have put in 30 years of qualifying service or have attained the age of 50 years after giving them three months notice in writing. The recommendations of the State Governments in these matters would be given due consideration. 2. According to rule 16(3), the orders in each case would need to be issued by the Central Government but the formal Notification giving effect to the above orders would be issued by the State Government. (G.I., MHA letter No.9/10/64-AIS(II), dated the16th March, 1966).

2. It has been decided that a notice under sub-rule (2) of Rule 16, addressed to the
Central Government can be treated as valid as defect in the notice is only formal, and in the absence of a prescribed form, endorsing a copy of the notice amounts to addressing the notice. [File No. 28/8/72-AIS(II).] 3. Government can serve notice of retirement of a member of an All India Service even before he attains the age of 50 years or has completed 30 years of qualifying service: - It has been decided that Government can serve notice of retirement of a member of an All India Service even before he attains the age of 50 years or has completed 30 years of qualifying service subject to the condition that the actual retirement takes place after he has attained age of 50 or has completed 30 years of qualifying service. [File No. 2/8/72-AIS(II).]

4. It has been held that there is no bar to issue orders under rule 16(1) granting extension of service to a member of the Service with retrospective effect. [DP & AR File No. 19/2/74-AIS(II).] 5. A moS, who has given notice for voluntary retirement under the aforesaid rule will retire from service on the expiry of the period of the prescribed three months even if he is placed under suspension after he gave notice:- Under sub-rule (2) of rule 16, ibid, retirement of a member of the service becomes effective on the expiry of three months notice given by him, unless he is under suspension. Once the notice period begins to run, it may not be open to the Government a unilateral act of suspension to prevent the running of the three month's period. In other words, a member of the Service, who has given notice for voluntary retirement under the aforesaid rule will retire from service on the expiry of the period of the prescribed three months even if he is placed under suspension after he gave notice. However, as provided in the explanation below rule 6(1) ibid, a departmental proceedings in terms of the aforesaid rule shall also be deemed to have been instituted against the pensioner on the date he was placed under suspension. In view of this if a member of the service is placed under suspension after he gives notice for retiring from service voluntarily, the benefit of the limitation contained in clause (b) (ii) of the proviso to rule 6(1) ibid will not be available to him, and departmental proceeding under this rule for reduction of his pensionary benefits can be initiated against him, even after the date of his retirement, for a misconduct committed by him while in service, although such proceeding may be in respect of an event which took place more than four years before the institution of such proceedings. [DP &AR letter No. 25011/47/78-AIS(II) dated the 16th October, 1978]. 6. Procedure for processing proposals for the grant of extension of service/re-employment to members of All India Services beyond the age of superannuation: - It has been decided to lay down the following procedure for processing proposals for the grant of extension of service/re-employment to members of All India Services beyond the age of superannuation:Extension of Service: The Ministry/Department of the Government of India which proposes to grant extension of Service to an All India Service officer beyond the age of superannuation, should obtain concurrence of the Government of the State on whose cadre the officer is borne (Joint Cadre Authority if the officer is borne on a Joint Cadre) and the Cadre Controlling Authority, namely, Department of Personnel and A.R. in the case of IAS Officer, Police Division of the Ministry of Home Affairs in the case of IPS officers and the Department of Agriculture in the case of IFS officers, before submitting the proposal to the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet. After obtaining approval of the A.C.C., the administrative Ministry/Department should request the State Government concerned, under intimation to the Cadre Controlling Authority to issue orders under proviso to rule 16(1) of All India Services (DCRB) Rules, 1958, extending the service of the member of the Service concerned, which the State Government alone are competent to issue. Re-employment: The Ministry/Department of the Government of India, which proposes to re-employee a retired All India Service officer should consult the Government of the State on whose Cadre the officer is borne (Joint Cadre Authority if the officer is borne on a Joint Cadre). Therefore, the administrative Ministry should refer the proposal to the Cadre Controlling Authority for its concurrence before submitting the case to the A.C.C. Subject to the above, the grant of extension in service/re-employment to All India Service officers beyond the age or superannuation will be governed by the criteria

and procedure laid down in the Department of Personnel & A.R.s OM No. 26011/1/77-Est.B, dated the 18th May, 1978.] [DP &AR O.M. No. 25011/42/72/AIS(II), dated the 29th August, 1978.] 7. Criteria and procedure laid by the Central Government should be strictly followed while granting re-employment/extension of service to All India Service officers under the Central Government: - The criteria and procedure laid down in the Ministry of Home Affairs O.M. No. 26/11/68-Est. B, dated the 17th June, 1969 (since replaced by the DP & AR OM No. 26011/1/79-Estt. B., dated the 18th May, 1978) are strictly followed while granting re-employment/extension of service to All India Service officers under the Central Government. It is suggested that these instructions may be kept in mind by the State Government while deciding cases of re-employment/extension of service to All India Service officers under them. [DP & AR letter No. 5/16/74-AIS(II), dated the 26th August, 1974.] Copy of Department of personnel & A.R. O.M. No. 26011/1/77-Estt.B, dated the 18th May, 1977 regarding Grant of extension/re-employment of Central Government employees beyond the age of superannuation- Issue of consolidated instructionsThe instructions on the grant of extension of service/re-employment to Central Government employees beyond the age of superannuation have been issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs (the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms) from time to time over a period of years starting from 1945 onwards. The existing instructions, being spread over a number of memoranda, have been summarised and given below in a consolidated form. The age of retirement of different categories of Central Government employees have been laid down in the Fundamental (Amendment) Rules, 1975 notified vide Notification No. 7(7)EV(A)/74, dated 7-2-75 of the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure). On attaining the age indicated in the above rules, retirement is automatic and in the absence of specific orders to the contrary by the competent authority a Government servant must retire on the due date. The date superannuation of a Government servant is knowing advance and ordinarily there should not be the question of failure to make arrangements for his release sufficiently in advance. It is the responsibility of the administrative authority concerned to ensure that the Government servants under their control so retire. It would be appreciated that in each case of extension or re-employment, it is not only the next man who misses promotion but often several people miss consequential promotions all along the hierarchical strata. Thus, one person getting re-employment/extension means deferment of promotion for six or seven persons. Too many cases of extension in service or re-extension are to cause frustration and affect the moral of the staff in general. Keeping in view these circumstances the following criteria and that extensions/re-employment of superannuated officers are resorted to only in really exceptional circumstances. The procedure indicated in the following paragraphs should also be followed by the Ministries/Departments in regard to posts in statutory/autonomous bodies and Public sector Undertakings the initial appointments to which are required to be made by or with the approval of the President/Central Government. Ministries/Department of the Government of India should bring to the notice of the autonomous bodies the instructions mentioned herein and request them to consider whether similar principles should not be adopted by them for other appointments.

2.CRITERIA FOR EXTENSION/RE- EMPLOYMENT (1) No proposal for extension of service/re-employment beyond the age of superannuation should ordinarily be considered. (2)Extension of service/re-employment can be justified only in very rare and exceptional circumstances. Even in such cases, 60 years of age should be the deadline for non-scientific/non-technical posts and 62 years in the case of scientific/technical personnel. This should not be construed to mean that extensions of service/re-employment can be granted to non-scientific/non- technical personnel upto the age of 60 years and to scientific/technical personnel upto the age of 62 years more or less as a matter of course. The over-riding consideration for the grant of extension of service/re-employment is that it must be clearly in the public interest and in addition satisfy one of the following two conditions: (i) that other officers are not ripe enough to take over the job; or (ii) that the retiring officer is of outstanding merit. Test (i) would be satisfied only if there is shortage in a particular specialisation, or if it is not possible to find a suitable successor or if the officer is engaged on a work or project of vital importance which is likely to produce results in a year or two. If officers in the next lower post are not eligible for promotion on the ground that they have not put in the minimum service in the lower grade prescribed under the rules, no promotions can be made to the higher grade, unless such officer put in the requisite length of service. But officers who are eligible for promotion to the post against which extension/re-employment is recommended, should not be rejected solely on the ground that they do not have as much experience as the retiring officer. They should be considered for promotion a according to the recruitment rules and if they are found suitable they should be promoted to the posts being vacated by the retiring officer. Test (ii) would not be satisfied by the mere fact that the specialist (e.g. a scientific or technical officer) is fit in all respects or is otherwise able to discharge effectively of the post held by him. (3)No extension of service/re-employment should be considered on the ground that a suitable successor is not available unless it is established that action to select a successor had been taken well in advance, but the selection could not be finalised in time for justifiable reasons. (4) A proposal for the grant of extension of service/re-employment based merely on the consideration that the officers predecessor had been given extension/re-employment should obviously not be accepted. (5)Honorary appointment in Public Sector Undertakings in the case of honorary appointments, e.g. appointments on the Board of Directs of Public Sector Undertaking, the limit may be 65 years provided the appointment is really honorary and does not carry any substantial remuneration. (6)Appointments of retired officers even in honorary posts of Chairman and Members of the Board of Management including the Managing Director and the Financial Adviser (if the Financial Adviser is a member of the Board of Management) of any State/Government owned corporation, company or Enterprise or of various Public Sector Undertaking should not, as a general rule, be proposed for the approval of the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet. However, where the Administrative Ministry/Department considers that there are exceptional circumstances which would justify the appointment of are tired officer, a detailed justification should be given for the consideration of the Appointments Committee.

(3) Criteria for higher officers:- While making proposals for extension of service/re-employment in higher posts, it is all the more necessary to apply higher standards of efficiency to persons whose appointments to the higher posts are recommended for approval of Appointments Committee of the Cabinet. The number of top posts is bound to be very limited and a few persons should not have them for too long. VI. CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES WHO TOOK PART IN NATIONAL MOVEMENT: Persons who took part in the National Movement and were thereby prevented from the availing themselves the normal opportunities for entry into Government service has been granted age concessions in the matter of entering into government service (vide MHAs Office Memorandum No. 15/21/48-Estt., dated 29.11.48 and No. 6.1.51-MGS, dated 14.2.1951). They have also been allowed, subject to certain conditions, to add to their service qualifying for superannuation persons, (but not for any other class of pension), the actual period not exceeding of the length of their service of the actual period of 5 years whichever is least, However, as regards the question of grant of extension of service/re-employment beyond the age of superannuation, they will be governed by the same orders as are applicable to other Central Government employees. VII. CURTAILMENT OF THE PERIOD OF EXTENSION/RE-EMPLOYMENT: A situation might arise where the grant of extension of service/re-employment beyond the age of superannuation for a specified period might have to be cancelled or modified at a later date for administrative reasons. As the Government is committed to retaining the officer for a specified period, it cannot dispense with his service before the expiry of that period except on disciplinary grounds. It is, therefore, necessary that in every case the order granting an extension of service/re-re-employment should include a clause providing for termination of service after three months/one months notice at any time within the period of extension/re-employment. VIII. PROMOTION: No government servant who is on extension of service after the prescribed date of retirement should be promoted to another post during the period of extension of service. IX. PAY: The pay of superannuated Government servants re-employed in Central Civil Department will be regulated in accordance with the instructions contained in Ministry of Finance Office Memorandum No.8(34)-E.III/57 dated 25-11-1958 (as amended from time to time). * * * * * * * Proforma for sending proposals for approval of Ministry of Home Affairs or for internal use in a Ministry/Department for grant of extension/re-employment to Government servants beyond the age of superannuation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Designation of the Post: Duration of the Post: Scale and terms of the post and perquisites attached, if any: Whether financial sanction for the creation of the duration shown at (2)has been obtained; Method of recruitment: the post/continuance of post for

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. (i) Name and the terminal date of appointment of the outgoing incumbent of the post: Name of the officer proposed for appointment and the service to which he belongs: Full service particulars of the Officer with date of birth and pay drawn: Names of other officers considered: If promotion post, whether copies of proceedings of a D.P.C. are being enclosed? if not, why? Whether character roll of the officers proposed and those considered are being sent? if not, why? If the proposal involves extension/re-employment, please indicate: (a) Whether the post is scientific/technical or non-scientific/non-technical: (b) Whether the officer is to be granted extension of service or re-employment: (c) Period of extension/re-employment granted earlier to the officer, if any: (d) Date from which extension/re-employment is to be granted: (e)Period of extension or service/re-employment: (ii) Justification for grant of extension/re-employment if the post is technical/scientific: (iii) Justification for grant of extension/re-employment if the post is non-technical/ non-scientific: (iv) (a) The date from which it was known that vacancy would occur: (b) Action taken to select a successor with chronological details: (c) If selection is being made, reasons why this could not be finalised in good time: (d) If proposal involves extension/re-employment; can some officiating or ad hoc arrangements be made, pending fresh appointment by proper selection? if not, why not? (v) If the case is referable to A.C.C., whether the case has been discussed with Cabinet Secretary? if so, his reaction to the proposal: (vi) 13. * Whether orders of the Minister-in-charge have been obtained? Whether the enclosed. prescribed Integrity certificate, from * * the appropriate authority, is *

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DECISION UNDER RULE 16(2A) 1. Guildelines for acceptance of notice of voluntary retirement: - It has been decided to lay down the following guidelines for the acceptance of the notice of retirement under sub-rule (2A) of Rule 16 of the All India Service (Death-cum-retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958 for the information and guidance of the State Governments:(i) A notice of voluntary retirement given by a member of the service may be withdrawn by him, after it is accepted by the State Government, only with the approval of the State Government concerned provided the request for such withdrawal is made before the expiry of the period of notice. (ii) In cases where disciplinary proceedings are pending or contemplated against a member of the Service for the imposition of a major penalty and the disciplinary

authority having regard to the circumstances of the case, is of the view that the imposition of the major penalty of removal or dismissal for service would be warranted, the notice of voluntary retirement given by the officer concerned may not ordinarily be accepted. (iii) In cases where prosecution is contemplated or may have been launched in a court of law against a member of the service, the notice of voluntary retirement given by him may not ordinarily be accepted. (iv) The notice of voluntary retirement given a member of the Service, Who is on study leave or who has but not completed a minimum service of 3 years on completion of study leave, may not ordinarily be accepted. [DP & AR letter No. 25011/2/80-AIS(II), dated the 16th October, 1980.] 2. EOL cannot run concurrently with the period of notice of voluntary retirement: - I am directed to refer to sub-rule (2) of Rule 16 of the AIS(DCRB) Rules which requires that a member of the service should give 3 months previous notice in writing to retire from service on the date on which he/she completes 30 tears of qualifying service or attains 50 years of age or any date thereafter to be specified in the notice. Sub-rule (2A) 3 months notice in advance in order to retire from service on the date on which he completes 20 years of qualifying service or on any date thereafter to be specified in the notice. 2. A question has arisen whether a member of the service could be granted Extra Ordinary Leave on private affairs or on medical grounds during the period of the notice for voluntary retirement. The mater has been considered and it is clarified that Extra Ordinary Leave cannot run concurrently with the period of notice given by a member of the service for seeking voluntary retirement. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DECISION UNDER RULE 17 1. A moS cannot pledge his retirement benefits to L.I.C.: - It was brought to the notice of the Government that an officer of the All India Services had obtained a loan from the Life Insurance Corporation and in the mortgage deed executed by him, he agreed inter alia, that in the event of termination of his service by death, retirement or otherwise, the retirement benefits to be received will be paid towards discharging all amount under the said Mortgage Deed by way of principal, interest or otherwise, if so due at the relevant time. He also agreed that if possible, he would appoint the Corporation as his nominee to receive the provident fund, gratuity and other retirement benefits. 2. The Government of India have examined the question whether the A.I.S. officers can pledge their retirement benefits to the Life Insurance Corporation. Section 12 of the Pension Act., 1871 and Section 3 or the Provident Fund Act, 1925 do not permit an officer to pledge his pension or provident fund in this manner. 1.3 As regards nominating the Life Insurance Corporation to receive the retirement benefits like gratuity, provident fund, etc., the respective rules regarding nomination do not permit such a course when the officer has a family. [G.I., MHA letter No. 29/53/64-AIS(II), dated the 22nd March, 1965.] 2. It has been decided that pension can be held in abeyance. [Deptt. of Personnel & AR File No. 29/88/71-AIS(II).]

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DECISION UNDER RULE 18 1. Simplification of procedure with a view to eliminating delays in the payment of pension and gratuity:- The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministrys O.M. No. F.11(3)-EV(A)/76, dated the 28th February, 1976, on the subject mentioned above, and to say that certain related issues have been separately under the consideration of the Government viz. (a) the manner in which pension cases which were pending on the date of effect of the afore said O.M. should be processed; (b) the application of the provisions of that O.M. to those cases of retirement on or after 29.2.76 in which the ful two-year period envisaged in the time-table is not available; and (c) the manner in which pension papers should be processed in those cases in which retirement occurs ahead of the age of superannuation. Appropriate instructions in regard to these matters are laid down in the ensuing paragraphs. 2. Pending pension cases - As the O.M. dated 28.2.76, was made applicable to persons retiring on or after 29.2.76, such provisions of that O.M. as involve a liberalisation of entitlements would not be applicable to those who had retired prior to 29.2.76. It is, however, the Governments intention that the spirit and approach behind the procedural changes introduced in that O.M. should fully govern the processing of such pending pension cases. Even prior to the issue of that O.M., the C.C.S. (Pension) Rules, 1972, required advance action in regard to pension cases to be initiated one year ahead of the date of the retirement, vide Rules 62, 63 & 66; from July, 75 onwards the advance action was to be initiated two years prior to the date of retirement, vide this Ministrys notification No. F.11(1)-EV(A)/73, dated the 14.7.75. Moreover, even prior to the issue of the O.M. dated 28.2.76, the procedures in force were designed to facilitate the commencement of the payment of pension on the first of the months in which it is due; the O.M. of 28.2.76 merely sought to reinforce those intentions and objectives. In the light of the above, it has been decided that all pending pension cases of those who retired before 29.2.76 should be processed and finalised (where this has been done already) strictly in accordance with the following instructions: (i) Where pension and death-cum-retirement gratuity have not yet been released even on provisional basis, action to draw and disburse provisional pension and provisional deathcum-retirement gratuity should be taken forthwith and the payments should commence not later than 1st June, 1976. For this purpose, recourse may be had, if necessary, to the summary procedures laid down in paragraph 8(a) and (b) of the O.M. dated 28.2.76. (ii) A flat period of six months at the maximum(four months for the Head of Office and two months for the office which is to issue (PPO/GPO) will be allowed for the final determination of pension and gratuity; the issue of the LPC, the ascertainment and adjustment of recoverable balance of loans and advances and other Government dues etc. Whatever the progress of work upto 29.2.76, the pension cases should be positively completed during the period of six months from 1st March, 1976, fully in conformity with the spirit of the O.M. dated 28.2.76; and the final pension and gratuity payment orders should be issued not later than 31st August, 1976. If the final PPO/GPO has not been issued by that date in any case, the provisions of paragraphs 8(c), 9 and 10 should be fully applicable.After 1st September, 1976, there should be no pending pension cases relating to any Government servant who retired prior to 29.2.76 (except those in which disciplinary proceedings are in progress). It shall be the responsibility of Heads of Departments to ensure that the dates laid down above are adhered to. 3. Cases of retirement on or after 29.2.76 in which the two-year time table is not feasible. (I) Some Government servants might have already retired on or after 29.2.76 and others might be due to retire on varying dates in the future but with less than two years to go. However,

as already mentioned, the rules and orders in force prior to the issue of the O.M. dated 28.2.76 did require advance action to be taken to initiate pension cases one year prior tothe date of retirement; and this was changed to two years by this Ministrys notification No. 11(1)-EV(A)/73 dated 14.7.75. There should, therefore, be no difficulty in processing the pension and gratuity in accordance with the time-table laid down in paragraph 2(a) of the O.M. dated 28.2.76, at least in all those cases in which the Government servants are due to retire in July, 77 or later (i.e., two years after the issue of the notification of 14.7.75 referred to above). (ii) In respect of Government servants who are due for retirement before July, 1977 it has to be presumed that in pursuance of the extent rules and orders, preparatory work on pension cases, must have started one year prior to the date of retirement. In cases where the preparatory work was not taken in hand, the work should be taken in hand immediately. To the extent that the two-year period envisaged in clause (a) of para 2 of the O.M. dated 28.2.76 is not fully available, the abridgement of the time table should take place essentially by a reduction of the time allotted to the first stage envisaged in the aforesaid clause, the other stages remaining unaltered; and the actual work of preparation of pension papers, viz. the reckoning of qualifying service and average emoluments should be taken in hand eight months before the date of retirement and the rest of the time-table applied accordingly. (iii) In respect of government servants who are due to retire in the very near future (say within the next ten months) and in whose cases the preparatory work on the processing of the pension cases has not been taken in hand, the provision of the O.M. dated 28.2.76 would be fully applicable subject only to the practical limitation that the four separate stages envisaged in sub-paragraphs (a), (b),(c) & (d) of paragraph 2 of the O.M. would get compressed into one stage. The grant of provisional pension and provisional gratuity on the first of the month in which pension is due and the final settlement of the pension case and all related matters within a period of 6 months from the date of retirement in terms of paragraphs 8, 9 10 of the O.M. dated 28.2.76 would, of course, be mandatory. 4. Retirement ahead of the age of superannuation - In case of retirement on a retiring pension clause (I) or (k) under F.R. 56 or under Rule 48 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, or retirement on invalid pension or compensation pension under Rule 38 and 39 respectively of the CCS(Pension) Rules, or retirement on absorption in or under a Corporation, Company on Body under Rule 37 of those rules, it is not possible to anticipate the date of retirement and consequently it is not feasible to initiate advance action in accordance with the twoyear time table laid down in the O.M. dated 28.2.76. Nevertheless, this does not detract from the principle that the pension case has to be finalised as quickly as possible in such cases also. Action should be commenced immediately after the fact of the impending retirement of the government servant is known and the pension case and all other related matters and formalities should be fully completed not later than six months from the date of retirement. In such cases also, a provisional Rules, and no permission of the Government of India is required. 5. AIS (DCRB) Rules, 1958 provides that `the sanction and payment of retirement benefits to a member of an All India Service shall be regulated by such procedural instructions as may be issued by the Central Government. In pursuance of this rule, the Central Government have decided that when a member of an All India Service completes 20 years of service, the Audit Officer shall verify the service rendered by him in accordance with the rules in force at that time and determine the qualifying service rendered by him and communicate the same to the officer concerned. This verification is subject to final verification of qualifying service which shall be made, if found necessary, at the time of

retirement of a member of the service. [DP& AR letter No. 25011/48/78-AIS(II), dated 6th November, 1978]. 6. The Central Government have decided that the simplified procedure laid down in the Ministry of Finance O.M. No. 11( 3)-EV(A)/76, dated the 28th February, 1976 (Annexure A) and No. 11(3)-EV(A)/76, dated the 6th May, 1976 (Annexure B) for the calculation of retirement benefits in the case of Central Government servants apply mutatis mutandis to members of All India Services. [DP& AR File No. 11023/4/76-AIS(II)]. [Ministry of Finance OM No. F.11(3)-EV(A)/76 dated 6th May, 1976.] 2. Clarification to Government of India Notification dated 14/1/99- amendment to rules 18 and 22B of the AIS(DCRB) Rules, 1958: - I am directed to state that this Department had issued a notification No. 14021/5/98-AIS(II) dated 14th January, 1999 making amendments to Rules 18 and 22B of the AIS(DCRB) Rules, 1958, for fixation of pension/family pension of the member/deceased members of the All India Services. 2. In the course of implementation of the aforesaid notification clarifications have been sought by the State Governments and individuals about the actual connotation of the post last held by the pensioner at the time of his/her superannuation. In exercise of powers conferred on the Central Government under Rule 29 of the AIS(DCRB) Rules, 1958, it is clarified that the proviso to rule 18(1)(b)(i) ibid, issued in the aforesaid notification i.e. the pension of all pensioners irrespective of their date of retirement shall not be less than 50% of the minimum pay in the revised scale of pay w.e.f. 1/1/1996 of the post last held by the pensioner shall mean that pension of all pensioners irrespective of their date of retirement shall not be less than 50% of the minimum of the corresponding scale as on 1/1/1996 of the scale of pay held by the pensioner at the time of superannuation/retirement. The provisions of sub-rule (2)of rule 22B ibid may also be similarly defined. [letter No. 14021/5/98-AIS(II), dated 6/5/2003] 3. Instructions on dure for payment of pension and other retirement benefits to the All India Service Officers retiring from the Government of India: - The undersigned is directed to state that the question of simplification of administrative procedure for payment of pension, gratuity etc. to the All India Services Officers retiring from the Government of India has been under consideration of this Department. The following decision has been taken in consultation with the Ministry of Finance and the Department of Pension and PW In the light of the earlier Government of India decisions taken in this regard. (i) It is clarified that pensionary benefits of officers belonging to the All India Services who retire from Government of India while on Central deputation with the Central Government may, at their option, be finalized and paid by the Ministries/Departments from which they retire as per the procedure in respect of similarly placed AIS officers belonging to the UT Cadre vide this Departments letter No.25011/4/83-AIS(II) dated 11th July, 1984 (p.314, AIS Manual Vol.I, 2002). Other benefits like leave encashment, GPF etc. shall also be finalized by the Ministries/Departments from which they retire. The pensionary liability of All India Services Officers is of the State Government on whose Cadre they are borne. This pensionary liability would continue to be of the State Government concerned. Therefore debit would need to be raised against the respective State Government for pension paid by the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India in respect of such All India Service Officers.

(ii) (iii)

2. The aforesaid decision of the Government of India is hereby conveyed to all the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India for further necessary action accordingly. [O.M.No. 25014/2/2002-AIS(II) dated 3rd June, 2004] 4. Simplification of Procedure for payment of pension and other benefits to All India Service officers retiring from Government of India/State Governments:- I am directed to refer to the earlier O.M.s of even number dated 3rd June, 2004 and 11th July, 2005 issued by this Ministry on the subject mentioned above. Earlier, the payment of pension to All India Service officers, including those officers who were on deputation with the Central Government, was being made by the respective State Governments on whose cadre those officers were borne. After considering the difficulties experienced by these officers and with a view to simplifying the procedure it was decided by the Government that the AIS officers who were on deputation with the Union Government at the time of retirement could opt for payment of pension and other retirement benefits through the Central Government. Accordingly, suitable instructions were issued by the Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure. 2. Measures for further simplification of the procedure for payment of pension and other retirement benefits to AIS officers retiring from Government of India/State Governments has been under consideration of the Government of India. In consultation with the Ministry of Finance and Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare it has now been decided that the following revised procedures/systems would be followed. i) ii) Government of India would take over the entire pension liability of all AIS officers, retired as well as retiring, both from the State and Central Government. All retiring AIS officers would uniformly have the option of drawal of pension through Government of India or through the State Government. Authorisation of pension for members of the services retiring from State Government would continue with the State Governments. However, officers who retire from the State Government can now opt for payment of pension from the Central Government or the State Government. Similarly, officers retiring from Government of India may opt for authorisation of pension through Government of India or the State Government. Existing AIS pensioners shall also be given an option to draw their pension from the State/Central Government as in the case of future retirees. In respect of officials retiring from the State Governments and opting to receive pension through State Government, the existing system of authorisation/issue of Pension Payment Order (PPO), payment and accounting of pension and other retirement benefits through the administrative structure of the State Governments/Accountants General will continue as hithertofore. In these cases, the Government of India would reimburse the expenditure to the State, subject to compliance with the Central Government rules and instructions in this regard, in a manner similar to the reimbursement of House Building Advance scheme for All India Services. Guidelines for claiming reimbursement from the Central Government would be issued separately by the Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, Government of India. Pension authorisation, etc. of officials retiring from the Government of India and opting to draw pension through the Government of India, shall be processed in accordance with the O.M.s dated 3/6/2004 and 11/7/2005 referred to in paragraph

iii) iv)


1 above. vi) In respect of officials retiring from the State Government and opting to draw pension through the Government of India, a Designated Authority in each State would completely process all matters relating to the determination of pension, gratuity, adjustment/recovery of advances/other dues and send the PPO for further processing by the Central Pension Accounting Office, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi (CPAO). The CPAO would, thereafter, process/forward these cases to the relevant bank branches (through whom the pensioner desires drawl of pension) in a manner similar to the other Central Civil Pensioners. The Designated Authority in each state, shall be communicated by the State Government to the CPAO. The banks would follow a procedure similar to those followed in respect of central civil pensioners, while disbursing pension to the All India Service officials. The Scheme for Payment of Pension to Central Government Civil Pensioners by Authorised Banks shall be followed, mutatis-mutandis, in respect of AIS officials.


viii) Currently, the monthly pension disbursement on the PPOs of AIS officials issued by the Ministries/Departments of GOI through CPAO, are scrolled to the accounts of the respective State Government directly (without routing it through Government of India). In the new system, all monthly disbursement on the PPOs, routed through CPAO, Government of India, will be scrolled by the banks to the CPAO, irrespective of whether the person has retired from the Central Government or State Government. ix) x) In respect of existing pensioners opting to draw pension through Government of India, separate instructions to facilitate transition would follow. In order to facilitate accounting, reimbursement to State Governments etc. a separate Head of Accounts for pension of AIS officers will be opened by the Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, in consultation with Budget Division, Department of Economic Affairs and Comptroller and Auditor General of India. Each State will prepare and send the relevant Budget Estimates against various pensionary benefits in respect of AIS officers to the CPAO by the prescribed dates.


3. Detailed operational procedure to be followed by various agencies for preparation of pension papers, issue of PPO and arranging payment and accounting of payments etc. will be issued by the Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure. 4. In cases of any problem/dispute in individual cases, references may be made to the respective Cadre Controlling Authorities in the Central Government, for appropriate action, if necessary, in consultation with other Departments. [Instruction issued vide 25014/2/2002-AIS(II) dated 11/4/2007] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS INSTRUCTIONS UNDER RULE 19 1. Gratuity is not covered under the term pension in the Pensions Act, 1871, and therefore, does not enjoy the protection: - Gratuity is not covered by the term Pension occurring in the Pensions Act, 1871, and therefore, does not enjoy the protection, conferred by the various provisions of that Act. It is, therefore, permissible to make recovery of any amount owed by a retired officer to Government from the death-cum-retirement gratuity due

in respect of him, even without obtaining his consent or that of the members of his family in the case of deceased officers, as the case may be. (G.I. MHA letter No, 2/13/59-AIS(III), dated the 29th December, 1959) 2. The daughter of a moS, who was unmarried at the time of his death, does not forfeit her share of moS gratuity on account of her subsequent marriage: - A member of the service died while in service without making any nomination. One of the surviving members of his family, an unmarried daughter, got married subsequently before the death gratuity was paid. A question arose whether the daughter who was unmarried at the time of his death and was eligible for a share of the death gratuity, forfeited her share on account of her subsequent marriage. 2. According to sub-rule (2) (i) the death gratuity became payable to the surviving members of the officers family mentioned in sub-clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) of rule 21(i) (a) on the date of his death. An interest in the gratuity had thus accrued to and became vested in each member of the family of the deceased at the time of death. His daughter who was since married was, therefore, entitled to payment of an equal share of the death gratuity along with other members of his family and her right was not forfeited on account of her subsequent marriage. (G.O.I, MHA letter No. 2/47/60-AIS(III) dated the 8th August, 1960) 3. Scheme for grant of death-cum-retirement gratuity to member of former ICS, who are now IAS: - The Government of India have decided to allow an option to the members of the former ICS who are now members of the IAS, to get the benefits of death-cumretirement gratuity by surrendering a portion of pension admissible to them under the existing rules. 2. The details of the Scheme for grant of death-cum-retirement gratuity as finally approved by the Government of India are given below:(1) Amount of Gratuity Admissible: (i) Retirement gratuity At the rate 1/4th of the emolument of Rs.1,800(maximum) for each complete six monthly period of qualifying service subject to a maximum of Rs.24,000. Death gratuity On death while in service gratuity as in (i) above subject to a minimum of 12 times of Rs.1,800.


(2) Amount of Pension to be surrendered - The pension equivalent of the death-cumretirement gratuity calculated on the basis of commutation table current at the time of retirement of the officer concerned. (3) Nominations The nominations in regard to death-cum-retirement gratuity shall be in accordance with the provisions of Rule 21 of the AIS(DCRB) Rules, 1958. (4) Commutation of Pension Further commutation of pension will be permissible to the extent of 1/3rd of the balance left after deducting pension equivalent of death-cum-retirement gratuity. 3. The benefits of the death-cum-retirement gratuity Scheme detailed above will be admissible to all I.C.S. officers who were in service on the 1st January, 1964. 4. The I.C.S. officers concerned, including those, who have retired on or after the 1st January, 1964 had to exercise their option in the matter within 6 months from the date of issue of these orders (7.12.1965). The option was required to be exercised in writing and

communicated to the Accountant General concerned. The option once exercised shall be final. 5. Those who failed to opt for the scheme within the specified period will not be entitled to any benefits of this scheme, as the conditions of service of the I.C.S. officers are different in this respect as compared with those of the other services. 6. The officers who were in service on the 1st January, 1964 but have died thereafter should be deemed to have opted for the new Scheme and their family should be allowed benefits admissible under it. (G.O.I. MHA letter No. 29/20/61-AIS(II) dated 7.12.1965) GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISION UNDER RULE 19-A 19-B 19-BB AND 19-C 1. Extra expenditure under the Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme will be debited by the State Government if the moS serves in the State, otherwise the Account Officer who maintains the provident fund account of the office concerned shall make final payment out of the provisions of the State: - A question has been raised as to whose Budget (State or Central) the extra expenditure under the Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme will be debited in cases where members of the All India Services die while working under the State Government or the Central Government. It has been decided in consultation with the Ministry of Finance and C & AG that the payments has to be debited against the Budget provision made by the concerned Accountant General out of the estimate in respect of the scheme prepared by him. In respect of members of the All India Services allotted to different States, the Budget provision will be made from the State Govt.s budget under an appropriate Head. When the members of the All India Services borne on a State Cadre are on deputation either to the Central Government or to any other State Government, the Accounts Officer who maintains the provident fund account of the office concerned shall make final payment out of the provisions of the State. [DP & AR letter No. 15011/65/75-AIS(II), dated 14.11.1965] 2. Regulation of delay in payment of gratuity in case of administrative lapse: Copy of letter No. 7/20/89-P & No. (F) dated 22.1.91 extended to members of AIS vide letter 25011/10/91-AIS(II) dated 21.3.91 of D/P&T, GOI It has been decided that if the payment of gratuity has been delayed due to administrative lapses for no fault of the retiring employee in cases of retirement other than superannuation, the payment of interest may be regulated in the following manner:(i) In case of Govt. servants against whom disciplinary/judicial proceedings are pending on the date of retirement and in which gratuity is withheld till the conclusion of the proceedings:(a) In such cases if the government servant is exonerated of all charges and where the gratuity is paid on the conclusion of such proceeding, the payment of gratuity will be deemed to have failing due on the date following the date of retirement vide DP &AR OM No. 1/4/Pen. Unit/82 dated 10/1/83, If the payment of gratuity has been delayed, interest may be allowed beyond the period of 3 months from the date of retirement. (b) In cases where the disciplinary/judicial proceedings are dropped on account of the death of the Government servant during the pendency of

disciplinary/judicial proceedings, the payment of gratuity will be deemed to have fallen due on the date following the date of death and if the payment of gratuity has been delayed, interest may be allowed for the period of delay beyond 3 months from the date of death. (c) In cases where the Government servant is not fully exonerated on the conclusion of disciplinary/judicial proceedings and where the competent authority decides to allow payment of gratuity in such cases the payment of gratuity will be deemed to have fallen due on the date of issue of orders by the competent authority for payment of gratuity vide DP &ARs OM No. 7(1)/79P dated 11.7.1979. If the payment of gratuity is delayed in such cases interest will be payable for the period of delay beyond 3 months from the date of issue of the above mentioned orders by the competent authority. (ii) On retirement other than on superannuation:Such cases of retirement will be either under clause (j) or clause (k) of FR 56 or Rules 38, 39, 40, 48 or 48-A of the CCS (Pension sanctioning authority does not get adequate time for processing pension papers, contrary to the case of retirement on superannuation. Instructions have already been issued from time to time that the work relating to verification of service should be done on year to year basis and should not be kept in arrears. Provisions also exist that and should not be kept in arrears. Provisions also exist that on completion of 25 years of service (qualifying) or on one being left with 5 years service before the date of retirement, whichever is earlier, the Head of Office should verify the service rendered by such government communicate to him the period of qualifying service as determined vide Rule 32 of the CSS(pension) Rule, 1972. It is, therefore, expected that even in cases of retiring employees. It has therefore been decided that where the payment of gratuity in such cases is delayed beyond 6 months from the date of such retirement, interest should be paid for the period of delay beyond 6 months from the date of retirement. (iii) On death of the government servant while in service:Such cases may be considered on the same line as mentioned in clause (ii) above. Detailed procedure for processing the payment of death gratuity is explained in Rule 77 to 80 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. It is felt that in these cases also it should be possible for the respective offices to process the payment of death gratuity within a reasonable time. It has, therefore, been decided that where the payment of death gratuity is delayed beyond 6 months from the date of death, interest should be paid for the period of delay beyond 6 months from the date of death. If in any case the payment of death gratuity is held up on account of more than one claimant staking his/her qualify for payment of interest in terms of these orders. These will be examined separately in consultation with this Department on the merits of each. (iv) Cases where the amount of gratuity already paid is enhanced on account of revision of emoluments or libralisation in the provisions relating to gratuity from the date prior to the date of retirement of the government servant concerned:At present, no interest is paid in such cases. Representations have been received that the payment of difference in gratuity in such cases is unduly delayed. It is expected that once the orders relating to revision of emoluments reckoning for gratuity or liberalisation of rules relating to entitlement of gratuity is issued, the difference in gratuity should be paid within a reasonable time. Taking into account

of arrears of a gratuity is delayed beyond a period of 3 months from the date of issue of the orders revising the emoluments/liberalisation in the rules, interest may be allowed for the delay beyond the period of 3 months of the date of issue on the said orders. (v) In cases of permanent absorption in PSU/autonomous bodies otherwise than on en-mass transfer on conversion of Government department or a part thereof into PSU/autonomous body:Payment of interest on delayed payment of gratuity in these cases may also be decided in the same manner as prescribed in clause above. If the payment of gratuity has been delayed beyond 6 months from the date of permanent absorption the interest may be allowed for the period of delay beyond 6 months. 2. As far as retirement on superannuation is concerned, the existing procedure for grant of interest if the payment of gratuity is delayed due to administrative reasons/lapses for no fault of the retiring employee will continue to be applicable. In other words, interest will be allowed for the period of delay beyond 3 months from the date of retirement. 3. It has also been observed that there is a general impression among the administrative authorities that interest is to be paid only after disciplinary action being taken against the defaulting staff found reasonable for the delay in payment of gratuity is concluded. It is hereby clarified that this impression is not correct. In all cases in which it is established that the delay in payment of gratuity was attributable to administrative lapse and for no fault of the retiring employee concerned, the interest should be paid without waiting for the outcome of the disciplinary proceedings against the defaulting staff. The disciplinary cases should be proceeded with separately. This may kindly be borne in mind while regulating cases under paragraphs 2 and 3 above. Wherever interest becomes payable in terms of these orders, the same shall be allowed upto the end of the months preceding the months in which gratuity/arrears of gratuity is paid. 4. These orders shall take effect from the date of issue of this O.M. The cases of those government servants who retired/died while in service before this date would also be covered if gratuity has not been paid as on the date of issue of this office Memorandum and there has been delay in its payment beyond three months/six months, as the case may be , of the date of their retirement/death but the interest would be payable in such cases only from the date of the issue of this OM or three months/six months, as the case may be, from the date of retirement/death, whichever date is later. Past cases of retirement otherwise than on superannuation and on death already settled before the issue of this OM, however, need not be reopened . [25011/10/91-AIS(II) dated 21.3.91.] 3. Procedure of payment of retirement benefits to the family members of the moS who has disappeared: O.M.No. 1/17/86-P&PW dated 29/8/86. 25011/12/89-AIS(II) dated 17/5/89. extended to members of AIS vide letter

1. In the normal course unless a period of 7 years has elapsed since the date of disappearance of the employee, he cannot be deemed to be dead and the retirement benefits cannot be paid to the family. 2. This principle is based on Section 108 of the Indian Evidence Act Which provides that when the question is whether the man is alive or dead and it is proved that he has not been heard of for 7 years by those who would naturally have heard of him if he had been alive, the burden of proving that he is alive is shifted to the person who affirms it.

3. Withholding of the benefits due to the family has been causing a great deal of hardship and it has been decided that:(i) when an employee disappears leaving his family, the family can be paid in the first instance the amount of salary due, leave encashment due and the amount of G.P.F. having regard to the nomination made by the employee, (ii) After the elapse of a period of one year, other benefits like DCRG/family pension may also be granted to the family subject to the fulfillment of living conditions. 4. The above benefits may be sanctioned by the administrative Ministry/Department after observing the following formalities:1) The family must lodge a report with the concerned Police Station and obtain a report that the employee has not been traced after all efforts had been made by the police.

2) An Indemnity Bond should be taken from the nominee/dependents of the employee that all payments will be adjusted against the payments due to the employee in case he appears on the scene and make any claim.
5. The Head of Office will assess all Government dues outstanding against the Government servant and effect their recovery. 6. The family can apply to the Head of the Office of the Government servant for grant of family pension and DCR Gratuity, after one year from the date of disappearance of the Government servant in accordance with the prescribed procedure for sanction of family pension and DCR Gratuity. In case the disbursement of DCR Gratuity is not effected within three months of the date of application, the interest shall be paid at the rates applicable and responsibility for the delay fixed. [25011/12/89-AIS(II) dated 17.5.89] 4. The admissibility of interest on the gratuity allowed after the conclusion of judicial/departmental proceedings: - I am directed to state that the Central Government has been receiving references from the State Governments about the admissibility of interest on the withheld amount of gratuity and commutation of pension during the pendency of judicial/departmental proceedings against the retired All India Services Officers. The question of grant of interest in such cases has been examined in this Department in consultation with the Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare. 2. It has been decided to follow the provision contained in the Government of India Decision No. (1) below Rule 68 of CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972, as reproduced below, regarding the admissibility of interest on the gratuity allowed after the conclusion of judicial/departmental proceedings as there is no such provision under the All India Services (Death-cumRetirement Benefits) Rules, 1958:Where disciplinary or judicial proceedings against a Government servant are pending on the date of his retirement, no gratuity is paid until the conclusion of the proceedings and the issue of the final orders thereon. The gratuity if allowed to be drawn by the competent authority on the conclusion of the proceedings will be deemed to have fallen due on the date of issue of orders by the competent authority. In order to mitigate the hardship to the Government servants who, on the conclusion of the proceedings are fully exonerated, it has been decided that the interest on delayed payment of retirement gratuity may also be allowed in their cases in accordance with aforesaid instructions. In other words, in such cases, the gratuity will be deemed to have fallen due on the date following the date of

retirement for the purpose of payment of interest on delayed payment of gratuity. The benefit of these instructions will, however, not be available to such of the Government servants who die during the pendency of judicial/disciplinary proceedings against them and against whom proceedings are consequently dropped. 3. The decision in this respect shall be applicable in those cases only which have not been decided so far and future cases. Past cases are not to be re-opened. 4. In its 44th Report, the Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Ministry of Home Affairs had observed that timely payment of pension and retirement dues is not being made to the retiring Government employees and the Committee had recommended certain steps to ensure timely payment of pension and retirement dues to the retiring employees of the Union Government. The Government has decided to implement the recommendations vide Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare O.M.No.38/64/98-P&PW(F) dated the 5th October, 1999 and it has been further decided to extend the same to AIS officials with suitable changes as follows: (a) (b) (c) All pensioners dues are to be settled by strictly following the procedures laid down in the All India Services(Death-cum-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958. Wherever delays are anticipated, provisional pension should be sanctioned immediately. Any delay in processing of pension resulting in pension not being authorised on the last working day of retirement of the Government servant should be reported by the Head of the Office to the next higher authority who would watch the settlement of delayed cases. In respect of payment of gratuity, Rule 19A of the All India Services(Deathcum-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958 may be referred to. As per this Rule, if the payment of gratuity has been delayed because of administrative lapse by more than three months from the date when its payment became due, interest at the rate prescribed by the Central Government from time to time shall be paid on the amount of gratuity in respect of the period beyond three months. In case of any such eventuality, the Chief Secretary of the State Government concerned would initiate action to fix responsibility to recover the amount from the concerned dealing official, Supervisor or Head of Office in proportion to their salary by following the prescribed procedure for the purpose. Once it has been decided to pay gratuity, the amount should be paid immediately pending a decision regarding payment of interest. This would reduce the interest liability, if any, on delayed payment of gratuity. In the matter of delayed payment of leave encashment, it is noted that there is no provision for payment of interest or for fixing responsibility. Moreover, encashment of leave is a benefit granted under the Leave Rules and not a pensionary benefit. In the matter of CGEGIS, the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance in their U.O.No.709/EV/99 dated the 6th August, 1999 has clarified that payments under CGEGIS cannot be termed as terminal benefit. As payments under this Scheme are made in accordance with a Table of benefit which takes into account the interest upto the date of cessation of service, no interest is payable on account of delayed payment in the Scheme. They have also clarified that CGEGIS payment cannot be withheld and no





Government dues can be recovered from the accumulation except the amount claimed by the financial institution as due from the employee on account of loans taken for House building purpose. 5. There is no provision either under the All India Services(Commutation of Pension) Regulations, 1959 or CCS(Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981 for payment of interest on commutation value of pension. There is no prescribed date for payment of commutation value. A pensioner continues to draw full pension till the payment of commutation value. As such, payment of interest on commutation value does not arise. Further, it may be stated that as per Rule 3 of AIS(Commutation of Pension) Regulations, 1959, a pensioner is not eligible to apply for commutation if any departmental/judicial proceedings is pending against him at the time of his retirement. He becomes eligible only after the departmental/judicial proceeding is over. 6. The State Governments are requested to deal with the matters for payment of gratuity or DCRG and other pensionary benefits to the retiring Members of the All India Services in accordance with the provisions enumerated above. These orders shall be applicable on those cases only which have not been decided so far and future cases. Past cases are not to be re-opened. [D/P&T letter No.25014/30/99-AIS(II) dated 7.8.2000] GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DECISION UNDER RULE 19-C PENSION CALCULATION SHEET (Revised Format) (vide OM No.38/24/91-P&PW(F) dated 22.11.91 extended to AIS vide D/P&T letter No.25011/4/92-AIS(II) dated 3.3.92) 1. Name 2. Designation 3. Date of Birth 4. Date of entry in the Govt. service 5. Date of retirement 6. 7. 8. Length of qualifying service reckoned for pension/gratuity (as indicated in PPO) Emoluments drawn during the last 10 months (1) Average emoluments for pension (as indicated in PPO) (2) Pension admissible Calculations to be shown as follows: Average Emoluments 2 x *2 Qualifying Service 66

9. (1) Emoluments for gratuity (as indicated in PPO) (2) Retirement gratuity admissible Calculation to be shown as follows: Emoluments 4 ( *2 In completed 6 monthly period, not exceeding 66) 10. (1) Emoluments for Family Pension (as indicated in PPO) (2) Family Pension admissible Calculations to be shown as follows: (a) Ordinary Family Pension: Pay last drawn x Prescribed % subject to prescribed minimum & maximum x * 2 Qualifying Service

(b) Enhanced Family Pension: Family Pension at ordinary rate as at (a) above x 2, subject to prescribed minimum and maximum as per Rule 54.

Head of Office Countersigned P.A.O. [25011/4/92-AIS(II) dt. 3.3.92] PAO

2. Extra-ordinary Pension- Cases of All India Service Officers:- Rates applicable to after consultation with State Governments as required under rule 2(b) of the All India Service (conditions of Service:- Residuary Matters) Rules, 1960- it has been decided that in the matter of grant of Extra-ordinary Pension to AIS officers serving in connection with the affairs of a State an option may be granted to officers to elect the extra-ordinary pension rules of the State Government or orders issued by Government of India, whichever is more favourable to them. [30/2/66-AIS(II) dated 3/7/67]
3. Special benefits in cases of death and disability in service payment/revision of disability pension/family pension recommendations of the 5th Central Pay Commission: - I am directed to state that the Department of Pension and PW vide their OM

No. 45/22/97-P&PW( C) dated 3 February, 2000 had issued orders for determination of compensation payable for death or disability under different circumstances, which are applicable to the Central Civil Services. Further that Department has issued OM No. 45/22/97-P&PW( C) dated 11th September, 2001 for revision of pension and family pension under the Central Civil Services(Extra-ordinary Pension) Rules/Liberalised Pensionary Award Scheme, applicable to the members of the Central Civil Services. Copies of the aforesaid two Office Memoranda are enclosed. 2. It has come to notice that dependents of the members of the All India Services had been granted Extra-ordinary Family Pension under the CCS(Extra-ordinary Pension) Rules on death of the member of the service. References have also been received in this Department for revision of such family pension. Recently this Department has issued orders extending the benefit of Liberalised Pensionary Award(LPA) and payment of ex-gratia lump sum compensation in the case of death/disability, originally issued by the Department of Pension and PW in respect of the Central Civil Services, to the members of the All India Services. 3. In view of the position mentioned above, it has been decided to extend provisions of the Department of Pension & PWs OM dated 3rd February, 2000 and 11th September, 2001, as referred to in para 1 above, to the members of the All India Services also, mutatis mutandis. [letter no. 25014/6/02-AIS(II), dated 9th August, 2002] (Annexure) Copy of the Department of Pension & Pensioner's Welfares O.M. No. 45/22/97P&PW(C) dated the 3rd Feb. 2000 1. The undersigned is directed to say that the Fifth Central Pay Commission inter alias recommended that for determining the compensation payable for death or disability under different circumstances, the case could be broadly categorized in five distinct categories as under: Category 'A' Death or disability due to natural causes not attributable to Government service Examples would be chronic ailments like heart and renal diseases, prolonged illness, accidents while not on duty, etc. Category 'B' Death or disability due to causes which are accepted as attributable to or aggravated by Government service. Diseases contract because of continued exposure to a hostile work environment, subjected to extreme Weather conditions or occupational hazards resulting in death or disability would be examples. Category 'C' Death or disability due to accidents in the performance of duties. Some examples are accidents while travelling on duty in government vehicles or public transport, a journey on duty is performed by service aircraft, mishaps at sea, electrocution while on duty etc.

Category 'D' Death or disability attributable to acts of violence by terrorists, anti-social elements, etc, whether in their performance of duties or otherwise. Apart form cases of death or injury sustained by personnel of the Central Police Organizations while employed in aid of the civil administration in quelling agitation, riots or revolt by demonstrators, other public servants including police personnel etc. bomb blasts in public places or transport, indiscriminate shooting incidents in public, etc would be covered under this category. Category 'E' Death or disability arising as a result of (a) attack by or during action against extremists, anti social element. etc. and (b) enemy action in international war or border skirmishes and war like situations, including cases which are attributable to (i) extremists acts, exploding mines etc. While on way to an operational area: (ii) kidnapping by extremists; and (iii) battle inoculation as part of training exercises with live ammunition. 2. The Fifth Central pay Commission recommended various relief packages for the above categories, in modification of the existing provision on the subject. 3. The recommendations of the Commission have been under consideration of the Government for some time. Orders have already been issued regarding ex-gratia payment in case of death in service vide this Deptt. OM. No. 45/55/97-P&PW(C) dated 11.09.98. In respect of disability pension/family pension the President is now pleased to decide as under:(i) Cases covered under the Category (A) would continue to be covered under the normal existing provision of CCS (Pension) Rules. (ii) In cases covered under categories (B), (C), (D) & (E) the Scales of the family pension/disability pension would be as under :I . FAMILY PENSION-FOR CATGORIES B&C (1) Distinction between widows without children or those with children, for determination of the quantum of Extra- ordinary family Pension shall stand abolished. The quantum of monthly extra -ordinary family pension for all categories of widows shall be: (a) (b) Where the deceased Government servant was not holding a pensionable post. 40% of basic pay subject to a minimum of Rs. 1,650/Where the deceased Government servant was holding a pensioable post. 60% of basic pay subject a minimum of Rs. 2500/-

(2) In case where the widow. dies or remarries, the children shall be paid family pension at the rates mentioned at (a) or (b) above, as applicable, and the same rate shall also apply to fatherless/motherless children. In both cases, family pension shall be paid to children for the period during which they would have been eligible for family pension under the CCS(Pension) Rules. Dependent parents/brothers/sisters etc. Shall be paid family pension one half the rate applicable to widows/fatherless or motherless children.

II. FAMILY PENSION UNDER CATEGORY 'D' & 'E' (1) Family pension in cases, falling under categories D & E shall be determined under the existing provision of, Liberalised Pensionary Awards Scheme. (2) If the Government servant is not survived by widow but is survived by Child/children only, all children together shall be eligible for family pension at the rate of 60% of basic pay subject to a minimum of Rs. 2500/- Children allowance, as admissible now, shall stand abolished. (3) When the Government servant dies a bachelor or as a widower without children, dependent pension will be admissible to parent without reference to pecuniary circumstances, at the rate of 75% of pay last drawn if both parents are alive and at the rate of 60% if only one of them is alive. (III) DISABILITY PENSION-FOR CASES COVERED UNDER CATEGORY 'B' & 'C' (i) (2) Normal pension and gratuity admissible under the-CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 plus disability pension equal to 30% of basic pay, for 100% disability. For lower percentage of disability, the monthly disability pension shall be proportionately lower as at present, provided that where permanent disability is not less than 60% the total pension (i,e, pension or service gratuity admissible under the ordinary pension rules plus disability pension as indicated at (1) above shall not be less than 60% of basic pay subject to a minimum of Rs. 2500/-

IV. DISABILITY PENSION-FOR CASES COVERED UNDER CATEGORY 'D' (1) Disability pension comprising a service element equal to the retiring pension and gratuity to which the employee would have been entitled to on the basis of his pay on the date of invalidation but counting service upto the date on which he would have retired in the normal course and disability element equal in amount to normal family pension subjuect tot he the condition that the aggregate of the service and disability element shall not be less than 80% of the pay last drawn, for 100% disability. (2) For lower percentage of disability, the disability element shall be proportionately lower as at present. V. DISABILITY PENSION-FOR CASES COVERED UNDER CATEGORY 'E' (1) Disability pension, comprising a service element equal to the retiring pension and gratuity to which the employee would have been entitled to on the basis of his pay on the date of invaidation but counting service upto the date on which he would have retired in normal course and disability element equal in amount to the pay last drawn subject to the condition that the aggregate of the service and disability elements shall not exceed the pay last drawn, for 100% disability. For lower percentrage of disability, the disability element shall be proportionately lower as at present.


4. Other terms and conditions in the CCS (EOP) Rules and Liberalised Pensionary Awards Scheme which are not specifically modified by these orders shall continue to remain operative. 5. The Fifth Central Pay Commission also suggested certain procedural changes. These have also been considered by the Government. The President is now pleased to decided as under :(i) The extant of disability or functional imcapacity shall be determined in the following

manner for purpose of computing the disability element forming part of benefits: Percentage of disability assessed by Medical Board Less than 50 Between 50 and 75 Between 76 and 100 Percentage to be reckoned for Computation of disability Element 50 75 100

(ii) The findings of the Medical Board on the extent of -disability would be treated as final and binding unless the employee himself seeks a review by preferring an appeal to an Authority immediately superior to the one who had constituted the Board. In case the appeal is accepted and a review Medical Board is constituted the findings of the Board would be binding on all parties. The extent of disability as determined and accepted would be treated as final and the employee would not be required to appear before Medical Board periodically for the purpose of obtaining a certificate that the disability continues to persist. (iii) Different department and offices shall have the powers to grant disability/family pension covered under the Government orders and instructions issued on the subject. They shall exercise these powers, wherever necessary, in consolation with the Financial Advisers. Only in cases not covered strictly in terms of the Government guidelines and instructions, reference to Department of Pension and Pensioner's Welfare shall be made. 6. These orders will be effective form 01.01.1996. The past cases of pre-1996 pensioners/family pensioners will be revised under this Dept's OM No. 45/86/97-P&PW(A)Part-II dated 27.10.1997. Such consolidated pension, shall however, be subject to the provisions of the Deptt's OM No. 45/10/98-P&PW(A) dated 17.12.1998. 7. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide their U.O.NO. 20/E.V/2000 dated 6.1.2000. 8. In so far as employees of India Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders have been issued after consultation with the C & AG of India. To All Ministries/Departments of Government of India . (Annexure) In para 6 of O.M. 45/22/97-P & P.W. (C), dated the 3rd February, 2000 (Decision (1) above), it has been provided that the past cases of pre-1996 pensioners/family pensioners will revised under this Department's OM, dated 17-12-1998. 2. The question of modified parity between past and present pensioners, covered under the Central Civil Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules/Liberalized Pensionary Award Scheme, on the lines of benefits sanctioned for ordinary pensioner/family pensioners, has been under the consideration of the Government. It has now been decided that the revision

of pre-1996 pensioners/family pensioners coming under this category would be done as under. (A) The past cases of pre-1996 pensioners/family pensioners will be revised under this Department' O.M No. 45/86/97-P & P.W. (A) (Part-II), dated 27-10-1997 as is being done hithertofore and the revised pension on the basis of the provisions of this OM worked out. (B) The benefits under this Department's O.M. No. 45/86/97-P. & P.W. (A) (Part-III), dated 10-2-1998 shall also be extended in the case of pensioners/family pensioners of these categories. In other words, the pay of the employee would be updated from one Central Pay Commission to the subsequent one, etc., and fixed notionally as on 1-1-1986, as if he was in service on that day, as per the procedure laid down in the OM, dated 10-2-1998. The pension/family pension on such notionally fixed emoluments would now be calculated by applying the rates applicable for each category of Extraordinary Pension/Family Pensioners and this would be further consolidated for fixation of pension as on 1-1-1996 by applying the usual procedure. (C) The pension/family pension shall also be calculated as on 1-1-1996 by applying the following procedure. 1. Family pension for Categories "B" & "C' Where the deceased Government servant was not holding a pensionable post: 40% of minimum basic pay in the revised scale, applicable from 1-1-1996, of the post last held by the employee, subject to a minimum of Rs. 1650. Where the deceased Government servant was holding a pensionable post : 60% of minimum basic pay in the revised scale, applicable from 1-1-1996, of the post last held by the employee, subject to a minimum of Rs. 2500.



In case where the widow dies or remarries, the children shall be paid family pension at the rates mentioned at (a) or (b) above, as applicable, and the same rate shall also apply to fatherless/motherless children. In both cases, family pension shall be paid to children for the period during which they would have been eligible for family pension under the CCS(Pension) Rules. Dependent parents/brothers/sisters, etc., shall be paid family pension one-half the rate applicable to widows/fatherless or motherless children. II. Family Pension under categories 'D' & 'E' Family pension shall be calculated as the minimum pay in the revised scale of pay, applicable from 1-1-1996, of the last post held by the employee. If the Government servant is not survived by his widow but is survived by child/children only, all children together shall be eligible for the family (a) pension at the rate of 60% of minimum basic pay in the revised scale, applicable from 1-1-1996, of the post held by the employee, subject to a minimum of Rs. 2,500. (b) When the Government servant dies as a bachelor or as a widower without children, dependent pension will be admissible to parent without reference

to pecuniary circumstances, at the rate of 75% of minimum basic pay in the revised scale applicable from 1-1-1996, of the post last held by the employee, if both parents are alive and at the rate of 60% if only one of them is alive. III. Disability Pension for Categories 'B' & 'C' Disability pension calculated as 50% of the minimum basic pay in the revised scale, applicable from 1-1-1996, of the post last held by the (a) employee, to be reduced proportionately, if the employee did not have required qualifying service for full pension plus disability pension equal to 30% of the same minimum basic pay, for 100% disability. For lower percentage of disability, proportionate reduction would be made (b) in the same manner as provided in the OM, dated 3-2-2000. [Decision (1) above. ] IV. Disability Pension for Category 'D' Disability pension would comprise of a service element equal to 50% of the minimum basic pay in the revised scale, applicable from 1-1-1996, of the post last held by the employee subject to proportionate reduction in case his qualifying service up to the deemed date of retirement falls short of full (a) qualifying service and disability element equal to 30% of the same minimum basic pay, subject to the condition that the aggregate of service and disability element shall not be less than 80% of the minimum basic pay in the revised scale, applicable from 1-1-1996, of the post last held by the employee, for 100% disability. (b) For lower percentage of disability, proportionate reduction shall be made as provided in OM, dated 3-2-2000. [Decision (1) above.]

V. Disability Pension for cases under Category 'E' Disability pension would comprise of a service element equal to 50% of the minimum basic pay in the revised scale applicable from 1-1-1996 of the post last held by the employee subject to proportionate reduction in case his qualifying service up to the deemed date of retirement falls short of full (a) qualifying service and a disability element equal to the same basic pay, subject to the condition that the aggregate of service and disability elements shall not exceed the minimum basic pay in the revised scale, applicable from 1-1-1996, for the post last held by the employee, for 100% disability. (b) For lower percentage of the disability, proportionate reduction would be made as provided in OM, dated 3-2-2000. [ Decision (1) above ].

3. After the revised pension/family pension has been calculated in accordance with the methods indicated in (A), (B) and (C) above, the highest of the three shall be granted as revised pension with effect from 1-1-1996. 4. All other terms and conditions contained in OM, dated 3-2-2000 [Decision (1) above ] shall remain unchanged. 5. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide their U.O. No. 355/E. V/2001, dated 26-6-2001. [G]. Dept. of P. & P.W.., No. 45/22/97-P & P.W. (C), dated the 11th September, 2001. ] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISION UNDER RULE 21. 1. The second nomination may valid even if the first nomination is not cancelled: - Mr. X, a member of the Indian Administrative Service filled in two nominations on two different dates. While forwarding the second nomination to the Accountant General the first one was not cancelled. The validity of the nominations was therefore, called in question. 2. The apparent intention of the officer in filling in the second nomination was that the first one shall be superseded, although it was not formally cancelled by him. In view of this, the Government of India decided that his second nomination might be treated as valid. [G.I., MHA letter No. 2/27/59-AIS(III),dated the1st April, 1959]. 2. Nieces do not fall within the definition of the term family given in this rule and are not, therefore, entitled to any family pension: - A question arose whether in view of judgements of certain High Courts nieces could be deemed to be members of an officer's family and family pension given to them under rule 22. 2. All India Services (Death-cum-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958 are statutory rules. As such it is not necessary to rely on any High Court ruling for the definition of family. For the purpose of these rules the definition of family of a member of the service shall be as given in this rule. Nieces do not fall within the definition of the term family given in this rule and are not, therefore, entitled to any family pension. [G.I ., MHA letter No. 2/117/59-AIS(III), dated the 17th January, 1960.] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISION UNDER RULE 22 1. See Government of Indias Decision (2) below rule 21. 2. Proposals for the grant of family pension under the proviso to sub-rule (1) should be accompanied by information on the following points:(i) The amount received or receivable by the family of the deceased officer by way of insurance, Provident Funds and death gratuity. (ii) The pay (indicating separately the officiating pay and other emoluments in the nature of Pay including dearness pay) the officer was in receipt of at the time of his death.

(iii) The number of children left behind, if any, with their ages and the classes in
which studying. [G.I., MHA letter No. 2/53/59-AIS(III), dated the 9th June, 1959.]

3. Former I.C.S. who were in service on 1.1.64, and who have opted for the scheme of DCR Gratuity introduced vide M/O Home Affairs Letter No29/20/61-AIS(II) dated the 7th December, 1965, may be allowed an option to come under the revised family pension scheme as applicable to the Central Govt. Servants: - The Government of India have decided that the members of the former I.C.S. who were in service on 1.1.64, and who have opted for the scheme of DCR Gratuity introduced vide M/O Home Affairs Letter No29/20/61-AIS(II) dated the 7th December, 1965, may be allowed an option to come under the revised family pension scheme as applicable to the Central Govt. Servants. 2. The orders regarding the revised family pension scheme contained in the Ministry of Finance O.M. No F.9(16)-EV/63, dated the 31st December, 1965, shall apply mutatis mutandis to the I.C.S. officers who were in service on 1.1.1964 and who opt for both the D.C.R. gratuity and revised family pension schemes. 3. The I.C.S. officers concerned, including those who have retired on or after 1.1.1964, were required to exercise their option in the matter in writing in the prescribed proforma within 6 months from the date of issue of these orders (8.12.1965). The option once exercised shall be final. 4. Those who failed to opt for the schemes within the specified period would not be entitled to any benefits of this scheme, as conditions of service of the I.C.S. officer are different in this respect as compared with those of other services. 5. The officers who were in service on 1.1.1964 but have died thereafter shall be deemed to have opted for the revised family pension scheme and their families should be allowed benefits admissible under it. [G.I., MHA letter No. 29/6/65-AIS(II), dated the 8th December,1965] GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISION UNDER RULE 22-B 1. Revised scheme of family pension applicable to Central Government servants has been extended to the All India Services Officers: - It has been decided to extend the revised scheme of family pension applicable to Central Government servants to the All India Services Officers governed by the AIS(DCRB) Rules, 1958. The orders contained in the Ministry of Finance OM No.F.9(16)-EV(A)/63, dated the 31st December, 1963, would apply mutatis mutandis to the All India Services Officers governed by the said Rules, with effect from 1st January, 1964. A formal amendment to the AIS(DCRB) Rules, 1958 has since been made vide Rule 22-B. 2. The officers had to exercise option for the above mentioned orders within 6 months from 1st January, 1964. Those who failed to opt out of the scheme within the stipulated period would be deemed to have opted for it. Those who have been appointed to the Service after 1st January, 1964 or would be appointed subsequently would automatically be covered by the revised scheme and would not be required to exercise the option. 3. The officers who have retired on or after the 1st January, 1964 or the families of those officers who have died while in service after this date are also eligible for the benefit of the revised scheme. In their cases Accountants General have to work out whether the old scheme as laid down in Rule 22 of the AIS(DCRB) Rules, 1958 or the new scheme laid down in Rule 22B is more beneficial to them. Accordingly, they should be deemed to have exercised their option for the old or the new scheme, as the case may be. [G.I., MHA letter No.F.29/74/63-AIS(II), dated 25.2.64]

2. Modifications contained in para 1 of the Ministry of Finance OM No.F.9(24)EV(A)/65, dated the 5th January, 1966, Annexure A will apply to AIS & ICS officers: The Government of India have decided that the modifications contained in para 1 of the Ministry of Finance OM No.F.9(24)-EV(A)/65, dated the 5th January, 1966, Annexure A will also apply to the officers of the All India Services and also of the Indian Civil Service. 2. These orders will be effective from 1st January, 1966. 3. Those All India Services Officers who were in Service on 31st December, 1963 and had not opted to be governed by the Family Pension Scheme 1964, but who may now desire to avail of the benefits of the present concession may be allowed to exercise by the 30th April, 1966, a fresh option in terms of paras 2 and 4 of the Ministry of Home Affairs letter No.F.29/74/63-AIS(II), dated the 25th February, 1964. [G.I. MHA letter No.29/5/56-AIS(II), dated 23.2.1966] ANNEXURE A Copy of OM No.F.9(24)-EV(A)/65, dated the 5th January, 1966 from the Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure addressed to All Ministries of the Government of India etc. regarding liberalisation of the provision of the Family Pension Scheme, 1964 in respect of families of Central Government employees who die while in service Recently there have been a number of deaths of civilian officers in harness where they have left their dependents rather badly off. Government have accordingly considered the question of making suitable provisions so as to alleviate the distress of the families who require greater assistance during the first few years after a Government servants death while still in service and in partial modification of the orders issued in this Ministry OM No.F.9(6)-EV(A)/63, dated 31.12.1963 and No.F.19(3)-EC(A)/65, dated 9.9.1965, the President has been pleased to decide as under: (i) For a period of 7 years from the date of death or till the date on which the Officer would have reached the normal age of superannuation had he remained alive, whichever period is shorter, the pension payable under the aforesaid orders will be at 50 per cent of the basic pay last drawn, subject to a maximum of twice the pension admissible under para 4 of the OM dated 31.12.1963 referred to above. (ii) The pension payable thereafter will be at the rates laid down in the respective orders. (iii) These orders will not be applicable if the Government servant had put in less than 7 years continuous service prior to his death. (iv) The other provisions in the existing orders will continue to operate. Note 1. In the case of widows/widowers governed by the provisions of OM dated 9.9.1965 referred to above, the child allowance, if any, will be paid in addition. Note 2. In the case of a person who dies while on extension of service, the date upto which the extension of service had been sanctioned to him before his death will be deemed to be the normal date of superannuation. 2. These orders will have effect from 1st Jnuary, 1966. 3. Government servants who were in service on 31.12.1963, and had opted not to be governed by the Family Pension Scheme, 1964 but who may now desire to avail of the benefits of the present concession will be allowed to exercise by the 31st March, 1966, a fresh option in terms of para 8 of this Ministrys OM No.9(16)-EV(A)/63, dated 31.12.1963.

In case of failure to exercise a fresh option within the stipulated period, the earlier option, if any, will be deemed to subsist. The option should be exercised in writing and communicated by the Officer concerned to the Head of Office if he is a non-gazetted officer and to his Accounts Officer if he is a gazetted officer. The option when received from a non-gazetted should be countersigned by the Head of Office and pasted in the service book of the officer concerned. It will be the responsibility of the individual concerned to ensure that the option has reached the Head of Office/Accounts Officer. 4. The administrative authorities are requested to take urgent steps to bring the contents of this OM to the notice of all concerned persons employed under their administrative control, including those on leave or on foreign service. 5. These orders will not be applicable to cases where the deceased Government servant was not governed by the Family Pension Scheme, 1964 for Central Government employees. These orders will not also be applicable to those Government servants who are governed by the Workmens Compensation Act. 6. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders have been issued after consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India. (2) The Government of India have decided that the modifications contained in the Government of India, Ministry of Finance OM No.F.15(14)-E.V./66, dated the 23rd November, 1966(Annexure C) will also apply to Officers of All India Services and the Indian Civil Service. (2.2) These modifications will be effective from the dates of the orders issued by the Ministry of Finance. (2.3) Formal amendments to the AIS(DCRB) Rules, 1958 will be issued in due course. [G.I. MHA No.29/5/66-AIS(III], dated 1.4.67] ANNEXURE B Copy of OM No.F.15(14)-EV/66, dated the 19th November, 1966, from Shri C.K. Subramanian, Under Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, New Delhi, to all Ministries of the Government of India etc. regarding Family Pension for Central Government employees, 1964 Grant of Family Pension to the widows. The President has been pleased to decide that the Note below para 6(iii) of this Ministrys OM No.F.9(16)-E.V.(A)/63, dated the 31st December, 1963 should be substituted as under:(i) where an Officer is survived by more than one widows, the pension will be paid to them in equal shares. On the death of a widow her share of the pension will become payable to her eligible minor child. It at the time of her death, a widows leaves no eligible minor child, the payment of her share of the pension will cease. (ii) where an Officer is survived by a widow but has left behind an eligible minor child from another wife, the eligible minor child will be paid the share of pension which the

mother would have received if she had been alive at the time of the death of the Officer. 2. In consequence of the above amendment, sub-para 6 of this Ministrys OM No.9(16)E.V.(A)/63, dated the 31st December, 1963 will be substituted as follows:Except as provided in the Note below sub-para (III) of this para, pension awarded under this scheme will not be payable to more than one member of an Officers family at the same time. It will first be admissible to the widow/widower and thereafter to the eligible minor children. 3. Cases which have already been settled will not be re-opened; cases outstanding on the date of issue of these orders will be dealt with in terms of these orders. ANNEXURE C Copy of OM No.F.15(33)-E.V./66, dated the 23rd November, 1966 from Shri C.K. Subramanian, Under Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, New Delhi to all Ministries of the Government of India etc. regarding Liberalisation of the provisions of the Family Pension Scheme,1964 in respect of the families of Central Government employees who die while in service. The undersigned is directed to invite a reference to this Ministrys OM No.F,9(24)E.V.(A)/65, dated the 5th January, 1966 on the above subject and to state that the existing para 1(i) therein may be substituted as under:For a period of 7 years from the date following the date of death or till the date on which the Officer would have reached the normal ate of superannuation had he remained alive, whichever period is shorter, the pension payable under the aforesaid orders will be at 50 per cent of the basic pay last drawn, subject to a maximum of twice the pension admissible under para 4 of the OM dated 31st December, 1963 referred to above. 3. Liberalised pensionary awards in the case of death/disability in certain circumstances and special benefits in cases of death and disability in service payment of ex gratia lump sum compensation to families of Government civilian employees: - I am directed to refer to this Departments letter of even number dated 3rd February, 1999 and dated 10th December, 2001 on the subject mentioned above and to state that the Department of Pension and PW in their OM No. 33/5/89-P&PW(K) dated 9th April, 1990 and OM No.45/55/97-P&PW dated 11th September, 1998 (copies enclosed) had issued orders for Liberalised Pensionary Award in the case of death/disability as a result of (i) attack by or during action against extremists, anti-social elements etc., and (ii) enemy action in international war or border skirmishes and payment of special benefits of ex gratia lump sum compensation in the case of death in certain cases, as mentioned in the aforesaid orders of the Department of Pension and PW. These orders are issued by the aforesaid Department in respect of Central Civilian Government servants, as a measure of welfare scheme, in certain circumstances. 2. Keeping in view the working conditions of the members of the All India Services it is felt that these officers are exposed to same amount of risk while performing their official duties. The question of extending the aforesaid schemes to the members of All India Services has been examined in this Department in consultation of the State Governments and it has been decided that the provisions of the aforesaid two Office Memoranda, issued by the Department of Pension & PW will be equally applicable to the members of the All India Services, mutatis-mutandis, from the date these are applicable to the Central Civilian Government servants, irrespective of their place of posting. [letter no. 25014/3/99-AIS(II), dated 12th July, 2002]

(Annexure) A number of instructions have been issued from time to time on the subject mentioned above, the last in the series being those contained in O.M. No. 2/6/87-PIC (II), dated 7-81987 in implementation of Government's decision on the recommendations of the Fourth Central Pay Commission. A need has, therefore, been felt to consolidate these instructions into a single order. For facility of reference in application these instructions have been rearranged in succeeding paragraphs under suitable subject heads. 2. Applicability (1) These orders apply to all Civilian Central Government servants, who are governed by the Central Civil Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules. (2) These orders also apply to Civilian Central Government servants governed by the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923, subject to certain adjustments being made as provided in paragraph 9. 3. (1) Scope These orders apply circumstances to Government servants in the following

Category 'D'

Death or disability attributable to acts of violence by terrorists, antisocial elements, etc., whether in their performance of duties or otherwise. Apart from cases of death or injury sustained by personnel of the Central Police Organizations while employed in aid of the civil administration in quelling agitation, riots or revolt by demonstrators, other public servants including Police personnel, etc., bomb blasts in public places or transport, indiscriminate shooting incidents, in public, etc., would be covered under this category. Death or disability arising as a result of (a) attack by or during action against extremists, anti-social element, etc., and (b) enemy action in international war or border skirmishes and warlike situations, including cases which are attributable to (i) extremists acts, exploding mines, etc., while on way to an operational area, (ii) kidnapping by extremists; and (iii) battle inoculation as part of training exercises with live ammunition.

Category 'E'

NOTE - It has been decided that the Liberalized Pensionary Awards as modified shall be extended to causalities suffered by the civilian Central Govt. employees assisting the IPKF in SriLanka. (2) The benefits under these orders will be restricted only to those cases where the death/disability is directly caused by actual operations. The following illustrations are mentioned for guidance of sanctioning authorities to determine whether the benefits under the scheme are attracted or not. In case of any doubt, cases shall be referred to the Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare. Illustration I Officers of Income Tax/Custom/Excise/Police proceed to carry out a raid. If on the way, any member of the team meets with an accident while travelling in a public/private/official vehicle or otherwise, the family shall not be allowed the benefit of these orders as the

injury/death in such a case is not due to any actual operation. However, if any officer/member of the raiding party gets killed/injured as a result of attack by members of the opposite party, family of such a civil servant shall be entitled to the benefits of these orders. Illustration II A team of Police/Armed Police members is deployed on duty during agitations. The agitation does not turn violent but the civil servant dies because of, say, heart failure, and not due to any attack by the crowd. The widow of such a civil servant shall not be entitled to the benefits of these orders. However, where a team of civil servants including Police personnel are deployed to contain an agitation by extremists, etc., and death of any civil servant takes place as a result of violence during such an agitation, the widow of the deceased shall be entitled to the benefits under these orders. Illustration III Any anti-social element/extremist, etc., deliberately kills/injures any civil servant with a view to spread terror. The widow of such a deceased civil servant shall be allowed the benefit of these orders. (3) If a Government servant having sustained an injury is invalided out of service with a disability pension under these orders but dies subsequently as a result of the same injury, he will be deemed to have been killed in action and the awards under these orders will be admissible to the family from the date following the date of his death. 4. Benefit to the family in the event of the Death of the Government Servant - family pension under categories 'D' & 'E'. (1) If the Government servant is survived by the widow, she will be entitled to family pension equal to the pay last drawn by the deceased Government servant. The said family pension shall be admissible to her for life or until her remarriage. (2) In the event of remarriage of the widow, family pension will be allowed at the rates of family pension and subject to the conditions laid down for family pension under the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, from the date following the date of her remarriage. (3) If the Government servant is not survived by widow but is survived by child/children only, all children together shall be eligible for family pension at the rate of 60% basic pay, subject to a minimum of Rs. 2,500/- Children's Allowance, as admissible now, stands alsolished. The above family pension shall be payable to the children for the period during which they would have been eligible for family pension under the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. The family pension shall be paid to the seniormost eligible child at a time on the lines on which family pension is regulated under the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. (4) Where the Government servant dies as a bachelor or as a widower without children, dependant pension will be admissible to parents without reference to the pecuniary circumstances at 75 % of the pay last drawn by the deceased Government servant for both parents and 60% of the pay last drawn by the deceased Government Servant for a single parent. On the death of one parent dependant pension at the latter rate will be admissible to the surviving parent. (5) Where family pension or dependant pension is allowed in terms of these orders, no other family pension or dependant pension will be admissible under any other orders or rules in consideration of death of the same deceased Governmentservant. 5. Children's Allowance -- Stands abolished with effect from 1-1-96.

6. Benefit to Government servant in the event of his being invalided out of service on account of injury -- Grant of Disability Pension. (a) Disability Pension -- for cases covered under Category 'D' (1) Disability Pension comprising a service element equal to the retiring pension and gratuity to which the employee would have been entitled to on the basis of his pay on the date of invalidation but counting service up to the date on which he would have retired in the normal course and disability element equal in amount to normal family pension subject to the condition that the aggregate of the service and disability element shall not be less that 80% of the pay last drawn, for 100% disability. (2) For lower percentage of disability, the disability element shall be proportionately lower as at present. (b) Disability Pension - for cases coverd under Category 'E' (1) Disability pension, comprising a service element equal to the retiring pension and gratuity to which the employee would have been entitled to on the basis of his pay on the date of invalidation but counting service up to the date on which he would have retired in normal course and disability element equal in amount to the pay last drawn subject to the condition that the aggregate of the service and disability elements shall not exceed the pay last drawn, for 100% disability. (2) For lower percentage of disability, the disability element shall be proportionately lower as at present. (i) The extent of disability or functional incapacity shall be determined in the following manner for purposes of computing the disability element forming part of benefits:-Percentage of disability assessed by Medical Board Less than 50 Between 50 and 75 Between 76 and 100 Percentage to be reckoned for computation of disability element 50 75 100

(ii) The findings of the Medical Board on the extent of disability would be treated as final and binding unless the employee himself seeks a review by preferring an appeal to an Authority immediately superior to the one who had constituted the board. In case the appeal is accepted and a review Medical Board is constituted, the findings of the Board would be binding on all parties. The extent of disability as determined and accepted would by treated as final and the employee would not be required to appear before medical Board periodically for the purpose of obtaining a certificate that the disability continues to persists. (2) Where disability pension is allowed under these orders, no other pension will be admissible.

7. Benefits under these orders not to affect normal entitlements to Death/Retirement Gratuity, etc. Grant of family pension under para. 4 or disability pension under para. 6 of these orders does not in any way affect normal entitlement to Death Gratuity or Retirement Gratuity, as the case may be, under the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, or the employer's contribution to the Contributory Provident Fund in the case of persons governed by CPF Scheme or the benefits under the Central Government Employees' Group Insurance Scheme. 8. Definition of expression 'Pay' The term 'Pay' referred to in these orders means the basic pay in the revised scales of pay promulgated under CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 1997, as defined in FR 9 (21) (a) (i) and also includes non-practising allowance granted to medical officers in lieu of private practice. It also includes stagnation increments. 9. Government servants governed by Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923 The Government servants governed by the provisions of the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923, shall also be eligible for the awards under these orders. Where the benefit admissible under these orders is more than the benefits admissible under the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923, the compensation admissible under the said Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923, will not be separately payable. If, however, the sum admissible under these orders is less than the amount payable as compensation under (i) the Personal Injuries (Emergency Provision) Act, 1962, as amended by the Personal Injuries (Emergency Provision) Amendment Act, 1971, and (ii) the Personal Injuries (Compensation Insurance) Act, 1963, as amended by the Personal Injuries (Compensation Insurance) Amendment Act, 1971, they shall have a right to receive an amount equal to the difference between the sum admissible under these orders and the amount of compensation payable under the said Acts. For the purpose of determining such difference, the latter amount shall be converted, if necessary, into a recurring monthly payment by applying the table given in the annexure as in the illustration below Illustration Suppose the lump sum amount is Rs. 2,437 and the age last birthday of the beneficiary is 43 years. The factor givan in Col.(2) against age 43 of the table enclosed is 0-00652957. The equated monthly installment will be equal to 2,437 x 0.00652957, i.e., Rs. 15.91 (rounded to the nearest paise). 10. Procedure for Grant of Awards and Residuary Provisions (1) The procedure prescribed for grant of awards under the CCS (EOP) Rules will continue to be followed for grant of award under these orders. (2) Except where expressly provided otherwise in these orders, the other conditions prescribed for grant of awards under the CCS (EOP) Rules will continue to be applicable. Different departments and offices shall have the powers to grant disability/family pension covered under the Government orders and instructions issued on the subject. They shall exercise these powers, wherever necessary, in consultation with the Financial Advisers. Only in cases not covered strictly in terms of the Government guidelines and instructions, referance to Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare shall be made. 11. Date of Effect These orders will be effective from 1-1-1996. The past cases of pre-1996 pensioners/family pensioners will be revised under this Dept.'s O.M. No. 45/86/97-P.&

P.W.(A)-Part-II, dated 27-10-1997. Such consolidated pension, shall, however, be subject to the provisions of the Dept.'s O.M. No. 45/10/98-P. & P.W. (A), dated 17-12-1998. 12. Interpretation Where any doubt arises as to the interpretation of the provisions of these orders, it shall be referred to the Government in the Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare for decision. 13. In their application to the staff working in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, these instructions have been issued in consultation with the Comptroller and AuditorGeneral of India. 14. Ministry of Agriculture, etc., are requested to bring these orders to the notice of all concerned for their guidance. ANNEXURE Table showing the equated monthly instalments payable for life in lieu of a lump sum payment of Re. 1 (One rupee) due at ages shown in col. (1). Age last birthday of the beneficiary on the date of death of the employee (x) (1) Equated monthly instalment for a lump sum payment of one rupee due at age (x) last birthday of the beneficiary (Rupee) (2) .00471732 .00475242 .00478911 .00482604 .00486170 .00489705 Equated monthly Age last instalment for a birthday of lump sum the beneficiary payment of one on the date rupee due at age of death of (x) last birthday of the beneficiary the (Rupee) employee (2) (x) (1)

15 16 17 18 19 20

46 47 48 49 50

.00685763 .00697478 .00709629 .00722304 .00735539

21 22 23 24 25

.00493425 .00497370 .00501551 .00505986 .00510711

51 52 53 54 55

.00749383 .00763891 .00779068 .00794944 .00811588

26 27 28 29

.00515735 .00521044 .00526648 .00532588

56 57 58 59

.00828975 .00847108 .00866105 .00885957

30 .00538879 60 .00906678

31 32 33 34 35

.00545532 .00552586 .00560069 .00567982 .00576319

61 62 63 64 65

.00928264 .00950790 .00974405 .00999134 .01024980

36 37 38 39 40

.00585008 .00593983 .00603239 .00612737 .00622483

66 67 68 69 70

.01051930 .01080167 .01109777 .01140868 .01173582

41 42 43 44 45

.00632463 .00642615 .00652957 .00663558 .00674469

71 72 73 74 75

.01207896 .01243851 .01281669 .01321462 .01363359 (annexure)

[ Instructions issued vide No. 45/55/97-P&PW (C) dated 11 September, 1998] Subject : Special Benefits in cases of Death and Disability in Service-Payment of Ex Gratia Lumpsum compensation to families of Central Government Civilian Employees who die in harness. Recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission.


Central Government Civilian Employees paid from Civil Estimates, other than those to whom the Workmen's compensation Act applies, who sustain injuries or contract diseases or die or are disabled or incapacitated on account of causes which are accepted as attributable to or aggravated by government service are eligible for certain special benefits under the Central Civil Services (Extra ordinary Pension Rules). The benefits available under these Rules have been amended and liberalized from time to time. Separate orders have also been issued by Government to provide for the grant of Liberalized pensionery Awards in cases of death or disability arising in certain special circumstances, such as (i) attack by or during action against extremists. anti-social elements etc. and (ii) enemy action in international war or border skirmishes. Instructions issued in this regard from time to time were consolidated in this Department's O.M.No. 33/5/89-P&PW (K) dated April 9, 1990. 2. Orders were also issued in this Department's D.O. Letter No. 46/1/88-P &PW(F) dated November 24, 1988 in regard to payment of ex gratia lumpsum compensation to the families of Central Government employees killed in incidents of terrorist violence in Punjab. These orders were subsequently extended in this Department's D.O. letter N0. 46/1/88-P&PW(K) dated May 25, 1990 to the families of Central Government employees killed in terrorist violence in Jammu & Kashmir.

3. Apart from the general orders and instruction issued by this Department from time to time, individual ministries and departments such as the Ministry of Home Affairs. Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, etc. have also issued separate orders to provide for the payment of ex gratia compensation at the prescribed rates to the families of personnel of the Central Police Organisations , Akashwani, Doordarshan etc. killed in the course of performance of their duties as a result of violence by armed hostile, extremists. etc. or as a result of encounters with antisocial elements. 4. The question of rationalization and further liberalization of the existing schemes and guidelines has been engaging the attention of Government for quite some time, particularly in the context of the increase in militancy and extremist activities in different parts of the country. The Fifth Central Pay Commission having been appointed in the meantime, the commission had been requested to examine the existing benefits available in terms of various schemes and guidelines and to recommend a comprehensive policy that could be adopted in regard to ex gratia payments in cases of death in various circumstances in any part of the country, which could replace all isolated decisions that might have been taken in the past by the Government or by various individual ministries for different disturbed region in the country. 5. In supersession of all earlier orders issued by Government as well as by individual ministries and departments in so far as these relate to payment of an ex gratia lumpsum compensation in certain specified circumstances the President is pleased to decide that families of Central Government Civilian employees who die in harness in the performance of their bonafide official duties under various circumstances shall be paid the following ex gratia lumpsum compensation. (a) Death occurring due to accidents in the Rs. 5.00 lakhs course of performance of duties (b) Death occurring in the course of performance of duties attributable to acts of Rs. 5.00 lakhs violence by terrorists. anti-social elements, etc. (c) Death occurring during (a) enemy action in international war or border skirmishes Rs. 7.50 lakhs and (b) action against militaries, terrorists, extremists, etc. 6. The graded structure of ex gratia lumpsum compensation takes into account the hardships and risks involved in certain assignments, the intensity and magnitude of the tragedy and deprivation that families of government servants experience on the demise of the bread-winner in different circumstances, the expectations of the employer from the employees to function in extreme circumstances etc. The Compensation is intended to provide an additional insurance and security to employees who are required to function under trying circumstances and are exposed to different kinds of risks in the performance of their duties. 7. Power were delegated in the Ministry of Finance O.M. No. 19(18) -EV (A)/66 dated February 26. 1966 to the appointing authorities to sanction awards under the relevant Extraordinary Pension Rules in those cases in which the proposed pension or gratuity is held to be clearly admissible under the rules. However, any awards proposed to be granted

on ex gratia basis were to continue to be referred to the Ministry of finance as usual. In partial modification of these orders, in so far as they relate to ex gratia awards, the admissibility of and entitlement to the ex gratia lumpsum compensation in the circumstances specified in these orders may be decided in each individual case by the concerned Administrative Ministries themselves in consultation with their Financial Advisers. 8. The Conditions governing the payment of ex gratia lumpsum compensation in terms of these orders and the guidelines to be observed have been indicated in the Annexure to this Office Memorandum. 9. The orders shall apply to all cases of death in harness occurring on or after August 1, 1997 In So far as cases of death, which occurred prior to August 1, 1997 are concerned, these shall be regulated and finalized in terms of the orders and instruction in force prior to the issue of these orders. 10. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. 11. The Ministry of Agriculture etc. are requested to bring the contents of this O.M. to the notice of all concerned for their guidance and compliance. 12. Hindi version will follow. ANNEXURE TO DEPARTMENT OF PENSION & PENSIONERS WELFARE O.M. NO. 45/55/97-P&PW(C) DATED 11TH SEPTEMBER, 1998 Conditions governing the payment of ex gratia lumpsum compensation and guidelines to be observed 1. The Main condition to be satisfied for the payment of the ex gratia lumpsum compensation in the specified circumstances is that the death of the employee concerned should have occurred in the actual performance of bonafide official duties. In other words, a causal connection should be established between the occurrence of death and government service. 2. Powers having been delegated to the Administrative Ministries to sanction ex gratia Payments under these orders, it shall be their responsibility as well as that of the Financial Advisers to satisfy themselves that the death of the government servant to be compensated by the payment of the lumpsum ex gratia to the family in fact occurred in the actual performance of bonafide official duties and to establish its causal connection and nexus with government service. This could be done on the basis of medical and other documents relating to the case. 3. Even if a Government servant had died in such circumstances that a medical report could not be secured , the nexus and causal connection with government service would need to be adequately established in determining the entitlement to the ex gratia lumpsum payment. In deciding this issue all evidence (both direct and circumstantial)shall be taken into account and the benefit of reasonable doubt given to the claimant. The benefit of reasonable doubt will be extended more liberally in field service cases, as provided in the guidelines for conceding attributability of disablement or death to Government service forming part of the Central Civil Services (Extra ordinary Pension) Rules. 4. In cases of accidents to commercial aircraft resulting in the death of passengers, compensation is payable to the next of kin by the national or private airline concerned in terms of international conventions. The ex-gratia lump sum compensation in terms of these orders will therefore, not be admissible in addition in the event of death due to accidents

while travelling on duty by commercial aircraft and shall be restricted only to those cases where death occurs in an accident while travelling on duty by service aircraft. The payment of ex gratia in these cases will be without prejudice to the bond required to be executed by the civilian government employees indemnifying the Government against any claims on account of death while travelling by service aircraft. 5. Railways also pay compensation to the next of kin of passengers killed in train accidents. Therefore, the ex gratia compensation admissible in terms of clause (a) of para 5 of these orders shall be reduced by the compensation, if any, received by the next of kin of Central Government Civilian employees killed in train accidents while travelling on duty. 6. Ex-Gratia compensation under clause (b) of para 5 will be admissible to police personnel killed while employed in aid of the civil administration in quelling agitations, protest demonstrations, riots, etc. regardless of whether such agitations, demonstrations, etc. are resorted to by members of the public, political parties, etc. or by other public servants, including police personnel. In addition, in the context of a perceptible increase in violencerelated incidents over the years, Central Government Civilian employees on duty could become unwitting victims of bomb blasts in public places or vehicles, indiscriminate shooting incidents in public, etc. often resorted to by terrorists, anti-social elements, etc. The compensation under clause (b) will also, therefore, be admissible in cases of death in such incidents, provided the employees concerned were actually on duty at the relevant time. 7. Cases of death resulting from acts of violence or assault by terrorists, anti-social elements, etc. against a Government servant with the intention of deterring or preventing him form performing his duties: or because of any act done or attempted to be done by such Government servant in the lawful discharge of his duties: or because of his official position will also be covered under clause (b). 8. Ex-Gratia compensation under clause (c) of para 5 will generally be restricted only to those cases where the death of the employees is directly caused by actual field operations. In addition, families of Central Government Civilian Employees killed after being kidnapped by militants, terrorists, extremists, etc. because of their official position or with a view to spreading terror will also be entitled to the compensation under this clause. 9. Few illustrative examples of cases to be covered under the different clauses of para 5 are contained in the Appendix for the guidance of sanctioning authorities. In case of any doubt in regard to the applicability of the ex gratia compensation scheme, such cases will be referred to the Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare for appropriate decision in consultation with the Department of Expenditure. 10. The ex-gratia compensation in the circumstances specified in these orders shall be admissible in addition to such other benefits as may be admissible under the Central Civil Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules or the Liberalized pensionery Awards Scheme, as the case may be. This will also be mutually exclusive of such other benefits as may be admissible under the Central Government Employees' Group Insurance Scheme, General/Contributory Provident Fund. etc. and will be payable in addition to such benefits. 11. In determining the admissibility of the ex gratia compensation payable from Central Government funds, ex gratia payments, if any, made to families of the deceased Government servants from State funds by the State Government concerned shall not be taken into account and shall be excluded. 12. In certain cases, relief is also provided to families of deceased Government servants from sundry government sources, such as the Prime Minister's Relief Fund, Chief Minister's Relief Fund etc. In such cases, it should be ensured that the aggregate of the relief/ex

gratia compensation paid from different sources does not exceed Rs 10 Lakhs in each individual case. 13. In view of the fact that the ex gratia compensation in terms of these orders is payable to the families of the deceased Government servants, default or contributory negligence, if any, on the part of the Government servants concerned shall not be taken into account in sanctioning the compensation. 14. Any related issue not specifically covered in these orders shall be decided in terms of the relevant provisions in this regard contained in the Central Civil Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules as amended from time to time and the instructions issued thereunder. 15. Where any doubt arises as to the interpretation of the provisions of these orders, it shall be referred to the Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare for decision. illustrative Examples of Cases Covered Under Different Clauses of Para 5 of Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare O.M. No.45/55/97-P&PW(C) DATED 11th SEPTEMBER, 1998 [Refer Sl. No. 9 of Guidelines annexed to the O..M.] Clause (a): Death Attributable to accidents while on duty: 1. Death, as a result of an accident while travelling in a public, private or official vehicle or otherwise of a Group 'D' employee, Dispatch Rider, Messenger, Postman, Notice Server, etc. deputed to distribute dak, notices etc. or of personnel on field duties. Death occurring due to an accident while travelling on bonafide official duties in a service aircraft. Accidents during test flights of aircraft and non-scheduled flights of chartered aircraft resulting in death of employees travelling on duty in public interest in such flights. Death in train accidents, of personnel undertaking official journeys on duty. Accidents to ships, river steamers, etc. resulting in death of Government servants undertaking journeys on duty by these modes of travel. Death as a result of accidents, of personnel of Income Tax and Customs & Central Excise Departments, Central Police Organisations, etc. while proceeding on raids against tax evaders, anti-social elements, etc. Death due to contact with live electric/power lines, of personnel deployed on flood /cyclone relief activities. Death due to electrocution, of departmental employees engaged in rectification of defects in generator and distribution of electricity. Accidents while engaged in rectification of defects in machinery and equipment. Death due to accidental explosion of boilers, storage tanks of inflammable materials, chemicals, etc. Death due to fire accidents while on duty. Death of fire Fighting Staff engaged in fire-fighting operation.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Clause (b): Death Attributable to acts of violence by terrorists, anti-social elements, etc

1. Death resulting from acts of violence or assault by terrorists, smugglers, Dacoits, antisocial elements, etc. against an individual Government servant(a) with the intention of deterring of preventing him from performing his duties; or (b) because of any act done or attempted to be done by him in the lawful discharge of his duties; or

(c) Because of his official position. 2. Personnel of Akashwani, Doordarshan, and other Central Government departments killed in the course of performance of their duties as a result of violence or attack by armed hostile, extremists, terrorists, anti-social elements, etc. 3. Central Government employees, on duty, killed in incidents of terrorist violence in Jammu & Kashmir, the North Eastern Region, Punjab, etc. other than in actual operations and encounters. Death due to stone-throwing use of weapons and other violent acts by demonstrators, anti-social elements, etc., of police and other civilian personnel while employed in aid of the civil administration in quelling agitations, protest demonstrations, riots, etc. Death of personnel of Income Tax and Customs & Central Excise Departments, Police personnel etc. while proceeding on raids against tax evaders, smugglers, antisocial elements etc. attributable to attacks by the parties so raided, including antisocial elements. Death of forest personnel engaged in anti-poaching and forest protection activities in encounters with poachers, timber smugglers, etc. Death, while on duty, as unwitting victims of bomb blast in public places or vehicles, indiscriminate shooting incidents in public. etc. often resorted to by terrorist, antisocial elements etc.



6. 7.

Clause (c): Death occurring during wars or border skirmishes and action against militants, terrorists, and extremists. The ex-gratia compensation under clause (c) of para 5 will be restricted only to those cases where Central Government employees are killed in actual field operations, A higher rate of compensation has been prescribed in these cases having regard to the magnitude of the hardships and risks involved in field operations, including combing operations against terrorists, militants, etc. This will generally be applicable only to the personnel of the Central Para Military forces deployed along the borders, Line of Control etc. as well as those engaged in combating terrorism. The condition of being actually involved in field operations will, therefore, have to be satisfied before the higher ex gratia compensation of Rs. 7.50 lakhs is sanctioned. As indicated in para 5 of the O..M., compensation under this clause will be admissible to families of Central Government Civilian Employees killed(i) in action in international wars: (ii) while fighting in war-like situations or border skirmishers with any country; (iii) in action against armed hostile, militants, terrorists and extremists; (iv) during laying or clearance of mines, including those laid by enemies, militants, and terrorists, etc. as well as in the course of mine-sweeping operations:

(v) as a result of exploding mines en route to an operational area: (vi) during battle inoculation as part of prescribed training exercises involving the use of live ammunition: In addition families of Central Government Civilian Employees killed after being kidnapped by militants, terrorists, extremists, etc. because of their official position or with a view to spreading terror will also be entitled to the compensation under this clause. GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISION UNDER RULE 26 1. Re-employment to cadre posts will be regulated by rule 9 of these rules and to noncadre posts, State Government rules will apply: - These rules do not contain any provision regarding reemployment of retired Indian Administrative/Police Service Officers. A question therefore, arose by what rules their re-employment under State Government should be regulated. 2. Indian Administrative/Police Service Officers are treated as non-cadre officers after their retirement. Their re-employment in cadre posts shall be regulated by rule 9 of Indian Administrative/Police Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954. As regards reemployment in non-cadre posts, State Government rules will apply. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 10/5//59-AIS(II), dated the 16th June, 1959.] 2. No permission of the Government of India is required for re-employment of a member of service on the administrative staff of a university: - A question having arisen, it was decided that re-employment of a member of service on the administrative staff of a university, does not come within the purview of Rule 26 of AIS(DCRB) rules, and no permission of the Government of India is required. (F.No.10/7/62-AIS(II) 3. permission of the Government of India is not necessary for re-employment under the State Government or body corporate or not, which is wholly or substantially controlled by State Government: - Re-employment under the State Government or body corporate or not, which is wholly or substantially controlled by State Government or an Institute like the Indian Institute or Public Administration, does not come within the definition of `commercial employment and permission of the Government of India is not necessary. [Ministry of Home Affairs letter No. 10/3/62-AIS(II), dated 23.4.1962 & F. No. 11/18/62AIS(II).] 4. It has been decided that fixation of pay of re-employed IAS/IPS officers under the State Government will be regulated in accordance with Government of India, Ministry of Finance O.M. No. 8/E.II/57, dated the 25th November, 1958. [MHA letter No. 13/19/58-AIS(III), dated 26.6.1959 and F. No. 1/5/26-AIS (II).] 5. State Governments are not competent to grant permission for re-employment within two years of retirement of the moS: - Recently, a State Government had referred to the Central Government a request from a retired officer of an All India Service for permission to accept commercial employment within two years after retirement. While forwarding the case, the State Government informed the Government of India that in view of the urgency represented by the officer, the State Government had permitted him to accept

the employment provisionally in anticipation of the Central Governments approval subject to the condition that he should resign the appointment if the Government of India did not approve of such reemployment. 2. As under Rule 26(1) of the AIS(DCRB) Rules, 1958, the responsibility of examining such cases and sanctioning permission has been cast upon the Government of India, State Governments are requested not to permit All India Services Officers to accept such commercial employment, in anticipation of Government of Indias orders. As a matter of general policy, the Government of India are averse to the acceptance of such commercial employment, by retired All India Services Officers within two years of retirement. (G.I., Ministry of Home Affairs letter No. 11/10/63-AIS(II), dated the 16th August, 1963.] 6. It has been decided that no permission is required for acceptance of Professorship at MIT Harward after retirement. [File No. 26013/4/75-AIS(II).] 7. It has been decided that the acceptance of appointment as Arbitrator does not constitute commercial employment. [File No. 17/7/72-AIS(II).] 8. The reputation of the firm offering employment would also be a consideration which should be taken into account by the State Government with reference to the relevant five criteria : - It has been decided that the reputation of the firm offering employment would also be a consideration which should be taken into account by the State Government with reference to the relevant five criteria. For instance, the fact that firm is blacklisted by Government will be one of the factors which will render the employment to be considered as not being of a thoroughly reputable kind. [G.I. DP&AR Letter No. 26013/2/75-AIS(II), dated 14.2.1975]. 9. Employment of All India Services pensioner in a nationalised bank and State Bank of India and its subsidiaries will not amount to acceptance of commercial employment. [DP&AR File No. 18/19/73-AIS(II).] 10. Instructions to the States for re-employment of AIS officers in a private undertaking as a nominee Director by the Government or a public financial institution: - The question whether appointment of an All India Service pensioner in a private undertaking as a nominee Director by the Government or a public financial institution, amounts of acceptance of commercial employment under rule 26(1) of All India Service (DCRB) Rules, has been under the consideration of this Department. It has been decided to lay down the following instructions for the information and guidance of State Governments:(1) Where the management of a private company is taken over by a public financial institution/State Government/ Central Government, `the appointment of a retired member of an All India Service as Chairman/Director/Managing Director by the public financial institution of the Government should be construed as employment under a corporation controlled by Government, as envisaged in explanation 1 below rule 26(1) ibid. Such an employment will not amount to commercial employment and the officer concerned will not require to obtain prior permission of the Central Government. (2) Where a public financial institution/Government appoints a retired member of an All India Service as Chairman/Director/Managing Director in a company, whose management

continues in private hands, such employment will technically fall in the purview of expression commercial employment. It is, however, not necessary to treat such employment on par with normal commercial employment as it is the Government or the public financial institution as the case may be, that seeks to protest its interest through appointment of the retired member of the service as a nominee Director. The retired officer would be an appointee of the institution or the Government though he would receive his pay or free from the private company. In such cases, approval of the Central Government for permitting the officer to accept the appointment in question under rule 26(1) of All India Service (DCRB) Rules, 1958, could be presumed [DP& AR letter No. 26014/17/77-AIS(II), dated 4.1.1978]. (1) While forwarding applications from individual offices for permission to accept commercial employment during leave preparatory to retirement or after retirement, the State Government/Ministry may clearly specify whether they are satisfied that each of the following criteria is fulfilled, viz. (i) Has the officer while in service had any such dealing with the proposed employer as might create the suspicion that he had shown favour to the latter? (ii) Will his commercial duties be such that his official knowledge and experience could be used to give the employer an unfair advantage? (iii) Will his duties be such has might bring him into conflict with Government? (iv) Is the proposed employment of a thoroughly reputable kind? (v) Are there any exceptional circumstances which would make the refusal of consent a real hardship? They may also indicate the salary which the officer excepts to receive on accepting commercial employment, [G.I., Ministry of Home Affairs letter No. 11/20/59-AIS(II), dated the 7th August, 1959.] (2) It has been decided that an All India Service Pensioner, who wants permission to take up commercial employment under rule 26 of AIS(DCRB) Rules, 1958, will have to indicate in his application the details of posts held by him under the Central Government any time before his retirement from service. Accordingly, the form of application for permission to accept commercial employment prescribed under the Ministry of Home Affairs Letter No. 11/1/68-AIS(II), dated the 23rd January, 1968 has been slightly amended and the revised form is annexed herewith. [D.P. & A.R. letter No. 26013/22/78-AIS(II), dated the 16th August, 1979.] GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DECISION UNDER RULE 28 ANNEXURE A Copy of Ministry of Finance OM No.11(3)-EV(A), dated the 28th February, 1976 regarding simplification of procedures with a view to eliminating delays in the payment of superannuation pension and death-cum-retirement gratuity. The question of simplifying and expediting the procedures for the sanctioning and grant of pension to Central Government employees has been under Governments consideration. The President is pleased to decide that the following modification in the

CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972, and other relevant orders will come into effect from 1st March, 1976, that is, in respect of persons retiring on or after 29th February, 1976. (f) Time table for the work The payment of superannuation pension should in all cases commence on the first of the month in which they are due. For this purpose, Head of Offices and others responsible for or connected with pension cases, including those responsible for issuing pension payment orders, will be required to observe the following time-schedule for the various processes leading to the authorisation and payment of pension and gratuity. The Governments intention is that while the preliminary and preparatory work should be commenced sufficiently in advance and adequate time allowed for the various stage and processes of work, these should not be allowed to be unduly prolonged or to become interminable; to obviate this, firm cut off dates are prescribed for each stage such that when a cut-off date is reached the work will then necessarily proceed to the next stage. (i) The Head of Office or other authority responsible for preparing the pension papers will initiate the pension case two years before the date of retirement of the Government servant. At this stage, the work will be essentially that of assembling the information necessary for working out the qualifying service(or, at a later date, the calculation of average emoluments). As most delays in pension cases arise from gaps, deficiencies and imperfections in the service book records every effort should be made at this stage to remove these while at the same time keeping in mind that what is intended is not a total overhaul or audit of the entire service book or records, but only a scrutiny limited to the immediate purpose on hand, namely the preparation of the pension papers. This process should be completed in good time and at any rate not later than 8 months in advance of the date of retirement of the Government servant. On reaching that stage i.e., 8 months before the retirement date, the actual work of preparation of pension papers viz. the reckoning the qualifying service and the calculation of average emoluments, should be taken up. Any deficiency or imperfection or omission which still remains in the service records will be ignored at this stage and the determination of the qualifying service will be proceeded on the basis of entries in the service records, whatever the degree of perfection to which it might have been possible to bring them by that time. The average emoluments will be determined with reference to emolument drawn during the last 10 complete months and not 36 months as was the practice here-to-from (while the period to be taken for average calculations has been reduced the other provisions of Rule 34 of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972, will continue to apply utates mutandis). This work involves not merely an arithmetical calculation of the average emoluments but also a check of the correctness of the emoluments on the first date of the ten-month period would naturally depend on the correctness of the emoluments prior to this date. However, any such check of the correctness of past emoluments, whether in the office preparing the pension papers or later in the office, responsible for issuing the pension payment order, should not become an occasion for an extensive examination going back into the distant past; the check should be the minimum which is absolutely necessary, and it should in any case not go back to a period earlier than a maximum of 34 months preceding the date of retirement. The process of determining the qualifying service and the average emoluments




and the admissible pension and gratuity should be positively completed within a period of 2 months, and the pension paper should be sent to the one responsible for issuing the pension payment order not later than 6 months before the date of retirement. That office will, after the necessary scrutiny of the papers (limited to the immediate purpose on hand as mentioned in subparagraph (a) and (c) above issue the pension payment order including the order for the payment of the death-cum-retirement gratuity) not later than 1 month in advance of date of retirement. (v) The time-schedule and procedures, mentioned above will equally apply utates mutandis to those cases in which the office which is to issue the Pension Payment Order has also the responsibility for the preparation of pension papers. In those cases in which the retirement of a Government servant takes place earlier than the normal date of compulsory retirement either in pursuance of the provisions of FR 56(i) or (k) (and the corresponding provision in the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972, or because of the deemed retirement in terms of Rule 37 of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 on the grounds of permanent absorption in a public sector undertaking, autonomous bodies, the nature of the retirement would preclude advance action in regard to the pension case. In such case too, the pension case would have to be processed very expeditiously and instructions in this regard will be issued separately.


2. Extraordinary Leave and Suspension (a) Under Rule 21 of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972, extraordinary leave granted on medical certificate qualifies for pension. The appointing authority may, at the time of granting extraordinary leave. Also allow the period of such leave to count as qualifying for pension if the leave is granted to a Government servant; (i) due to his inability to join or rejoin the duty on account of civil commotion, or (ii) for prosecution higher technical and scientific studies, extraordinary leave taken on other grounds is treated as non-qualifying, and , therefore, a definite entry in the service book being qualifying or otherwise is required to be made simultaneously with the event. Even where this is not done, it should still be possible to rectify the omission during the period allowed for preparatory action i.e. from two years in advance of the retirement date upto eight months before retirement. At the end of that period however(i.e. when the actual preparation of the pension papers is taken in hand as laid down in paragraph 2(b) above) no further inquiry into past events or check or past records should be undertaken. Specific entries in the service records regarding nonqualifying periods will be taken note of and such periods excluded from the service. All spells of extraordinary leave not covered by such specific entries will be deemed to be qualifying service. (b) Similarly, Rule 23 of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 requires that in cases other than those in which suspension has been held to be wholly unjustified the competent authority should at the appropriate time declare whether and to what extent the period of suspension will count towards the qualifying service. Specific entries in this regard in the service book/records will be taken note of at the time of reckoning qualifying service. In the absence of the specific entry, period of suspension shall be taken as counting towards the qualifying service.

3. Break in Service In the absence of a specific indication to the contrary in the service records, an interruption between two spells of service rendered under the Central Government including service aid out of Defence Services Estimates or Railways Estimates will be treated as automatically condoned and the pre-interruption service treated as qualifying service for pension, except where it is otherwise known that the interruption was caused by resignation, dismissal or removal from service or participation in a strike. The period of interruption itself will under no circumstances reckoned as qualifying service for pension. 4. Deputation/Foreign Service (a) There are some cases in which, in accordance with the terms of deputation/foreign service, it is the responsibility and liability of the Government servant himself to maintain pension contributions. In such cases, it will be necessary to ascertain whether the recoveries have been made before the period of foreign service is reckoned as qualifying service. However, the Government servant is sometimes put to considerable difficulty because of defective or incomplete record maintenance by the administrative/accounts offices. In such case while he could be reasonably asked to show that he had indeed made the contributions, the administrative authority should show a spirit of reasonableness and a accommodation in evaluating and accepting such evidence as he is able to put forward, and not insist rigidly on formal proof. (b) Where, however, the responsibility for making pension contributions is that of the borrowing organisation and where either some of the contributions have not been recovered or the records in respect of the recoveries of such contributions are incomplete, while the authorities concerned should pursue the matter with the borrowing organisation separately for appropriate action this should have no bearing on the processing and finalisation of pension papers. 5. Administrative sanction to pension and the concept of approved service (a) It has been noticed that the submission of pension papers to the Head of the Department or Appointing Authority for administrative sanction to pension with reference to a concept of approved service though this is largely a formality in the vast majority of cases, nevertheless leads to a good deal of delay in the finalisation of pension cases, it has, therefore, been decided that the requirement of an administrative sanction to pension which is referred to in a number of places in the CCS(Pension) Rules, should be dispensed with the determination of pension will thereafter be merely a matter of calculation in accordance with the rules and the pension papers need not be submitted to the Head of the Department or the Appointing Authority. (b) However, the intention behind the provisions in Rule 6 of the CCS(Pension) Rules, under which less than the full admissible quantum of pension/gratuity can be granted after a summary procedure in a particular case on the grounds of unsatisfactory service or conduct, is not proposed to be given up. Recourse to this provision will, obviously be had only in exceptional cases and for this purpose it is not considered necessary to submit all pension cases to the Head of the Department or the Appointing Authority or subject them to a process of administrative sanction. Instead, at the time when the preparation of pension papers is taken up, i.e. 8 months prior to the retirement date, the Head of the Office should address a separate inquiry to the Appointing Authority whether there is any intention to grant less than full pension or to institute any proceedings. (The pension papers need not be sent to that authority for this purpose). In the absence of a reply to this inquiry, the authority preparing the pension papers should assume that there is no intention to grant less than full pension/gratuity and should process the pension paper accordingly so as to transmit them

by the prescribed deadline to the authority responsible for issuing the pension payment order. If, on the other hand, the appointing authority does decide that there is a case for granting less than the full admissible pension/gratuity the procedure laid down in Rule 6 of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 should be followed, and this process should be positively completed before the deadline for sending the pension papers to the authority responsible for issuing the pension payment order is reached i.e., earlier than 6 months prior to the retirement date. (c) Where the responsibility for preparing the pension papers rests with an authority other than the Head of the Office concerned, it shall be the responsibility of the Head of the Office(or that of the next higher authority, where the pension case is that of the Head of the Office himself) to ascertain in advance from the appointing authority and communicate to the authority responsible for preparing the pension papers any intention to grant less than the full admissible pension/gratuity, not later than 6 months prior to the retirement date. Where no such intimation has been received the authority responsible for preparing pension papers will process the pension case on the assumption that full admissible pension and gratuity may be granted. 6. Right to withhold or withdraw pension (a) Nothing contained in para 6 above is intended to affect the provisions of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 which provide for the withholding or withdrawing of pension. (b) Where departmental or judicial proceedings instituted during the service of the Government servant are not likely to be finalised by the date of retirement, action to grant provisional pension in terms of Rule 65 or Rule 74 of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972, should be taken so that the retiring Government servant not be put to undue hardship. The provisions of paragraph 8(c) below will not apply to provisional pension granted in terms of Rules 65 or Rule 74 of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972. (c) If, after the pension papers have been forwarded to the office responsible for issuing the Pension Payment Order in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2(d) above, any event occurs which has a bearing on the amount of pension admissible, the fact shall be promptly reported to the office responsible for issuing the Pension and Gratuity Payment Orders. 7. Payment of Provisional Pension and Gratuity (a) The time table laid down in paragraph 2 above is intended to be followed strictly. If however, for any special reasons it has not been found possible to complete and forward the pension papers to the office responsible for issuing the Pension payment Orders within the prescribed time schedule in a particular case, of if the pension papers have been sent late to that office and/or that office has either returned the papers to the Head of Office for eliciting further information or has not been able to issue the Pension Payment Order before one month prior to the date of retirement of the Government servant, steps shall be taken by the Head of Office to authorise the payment of provisional pension and gratuity by the first of the month in which it is due. For this purpose, such information as is available in the official records may be used, and further, the Head of Office should ask the retiring Government servant, for a simple statement giving his total length of service(from the date of joining duty to the date of retirement indicating the period of breaks, if any) and also the emoluments during the last ten months of service. The retiring Government servant may also be asked to certify that the facts stated by him are correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. If complete information in regard to the emoluments drawn during the last ten months is not available either with the Head of Office or with the Government servant, the emoluments last drawn should be taken provisionally as average emoluments. The Head of Office shall

sanction 100% of the pension calculated with reference to the information so obtained as a provisional pension. The death-cum-retirement-gratuity should similarly be determined. The provisional pension and gratuity will be drawn and disbursed by the Head of Office in respect of non-gazetted Government servants. Before disbursing the provisional gratuity, all known dues such as long term advances still outstanding, over-payment of pay and allowances etc. and other recoveries due, shall be adjusted. Where no such adjustments are due, a deduction of 10% of the gratuity of Rs.1,000/- whichever is less, shall be made partly for adjustment in the light of the final determination of the gratuity. (b) At present, in respect of gazetted Government servants it is the Accounts Office which issues an Anticipatory Pension Payment Order where the final pension has not been determined. In modification of this it has been decided that in these cases too, if the final pension payment order has not been issued by the Accounts Officer one month before the retirement date, the Government servants may ask the Head of Office for the drawal and disbursement of a provisional pension and gratuity. For this purpose, the procedure laid down in clause(a) will equally apply. (c) Provisional Pension to become final after six months - The provisional pension is not intended to be continued on provisional basis beyond a period of six months from the date of retirement. If the office responsible for issuing the Pension Payment Order has not finalised the pension case by that time, the provisional pension shall be deemed to have become final and it will be obligatory for the office concerned to issue the final Pension Payment Order for the amount of pension and gratuity already calculated on a provisional basis: and the deduction made from the gratuity as per sub-paragraph (a) above shall also be released subject to the provisions of paragraphs 9 and 10 below. 8. Last Pay Certificate The issue of a Last Pay Certificate should not be insisted upon before the payment of provisional pension. During the period of six months after retirement which has been provided for various purposes above, it should be possible for the Head of Office or other office concerned to issue the Last Pay Certificate to a Government servant. In cases in which the Last Pay Certificate has not been issued by the time the formal Pension/Gratuity Payment Orders are received(whether this happens prior to the retirement of the Government servant as per paragraph 2(d) above, or after his retirement and after the grant of a provisional pension), the Gratuity Payment Order will in any case include a provision for the withholding 10% of the gratuity of Rs.1,000/- whichever is less, pending the production of the Last Pay Certificate. 9 Adjustment of Government dues (a) Dues pertaining to Government accommodation - The existing procedures for the issue of No Demand Certificates by the Directorate of Estates and the adjusted dues pertaining to the continued occupation of Government accommodation after retirement will for the present continue. (b) Dues other than those pertaining to Government accommodation In respect of other Government dues steps should be taken to ascertain or assess the outstanding dues when the processing of pension papers is taken up two years prior to the retirement date. As the next stage of the actual preparation of pension papers is reached only after a year and four months, there is ample time for ascertaining all kinds of Government dues. Once this stage is reached, i.e. eight months before the retirement of the Government servant, any further probing of records for recoveries due shall cover only a limited period i.e., not more than two years before the date of retirement. It should thus be quite possible for the Head of Office, or the office which is to issue the Pension Payment Order, as the case may

be, to ascertain or assess all the dues, particularly those pertaining to long-term advances such as house building or conveyance advances, over payments of pay and allowances, and such other dues, prior to the prescribed deadline for the issue of the Pension Payment/Gratuity Payment Orders or the Provisional pension/gratuity order. The pension papers should clearly indicate the total amount of outstanding dues which should be recovered out of the death-cum-retirement-gratuity before authority for the payment of gratuity(whether final or provisional) is issued, and if, after the pension papers have been transmitted to the office responsible for issuing the Pension Payment Order, additional recoveries to be made from the gratuity come to notice, the fact shall be promptly reported to that office. In a case where no major recoveries are due, 10% of the gratuity of Rs.1,000/- has been withheld because there might be unassessed Government dues, or because the gratuity has been provisionally paid as per paragraph 9(a) above, or because Last Pay Certificate has not been received(see paragraph 9 above), the withheld amount shall automatically become payable on the expiry of the six months after retirement. The Head of Office(or the office issuing the pension and gratuity payment orders) shall indicate in the orders granting a provisional gratuity( or the final Gratuity Payment Order) itself the amount shall be released by the office disbursing the pension without further instructions on the expiry of the period of six months from the date of retirement, unless instructions for the recovery of a specified sums from the withheld amount are issued within the aforesaid period. 10. Accountability of officers charged with the maintenance of records - In taking the above decisions, Government have preceding on the basis that in spite of every effort imperfections may remain in the records and procedures but that it would be unfair to a retiring Government servant if he had to suffer because of the lapses of those responsible for the proper maintenance of service records. The fact that under the new procedures the presumption will be in favour of the Government servant if the records are incomplete or deficient in any manner underlines the importance of ensuring the proper, regular and timely completion of all the service and accounts records by the offices concerned, so as to minimise the occasion for making such presumptions. It has accordingly been decided that if, in future service records are found to be incomplete or imperfect at the time of processing and finalising pension case, those cases will not be delayed but the officials responsible for the maintenance of the records will be held accountable for any deficiencies, failure or omissions therein, and action will be initiated against them. The Heads of Department will ensure that these directions are complied with. In supersession of Department of Personnel & AR letters No.25011/9/79-AIS(II), dated the 5th September, 1979 and 11th November, 1980, it has been decided to lay down the following procedure for preparation of pension papers and issue of pension payment orders in the case of IAS and IPS officers borne on the Union Territories Cadre:(i) Officers retiring from service while working under Union Territory Administrations The Union Territory Administration concerned will prepare pension papers and the Accounts Officer accredited to the UT Administration will issue the pension payment order. Oficers retiring from service while on deputation to Central Ministries/Departments The borrowing Ministry/Department of the Government of India will prepare the pension papers and the Accounts Officer accredited to them will issue the pension payment order. officers retiring from service while on foreign service or inter-cadre deputation to a State Government The Delhi Administration will prepare the pension papers and the PAO No. VI Tiz Hazari under the Controller of Accounts, Delhi



Administration, will issue the pension payment order. 2. In so far as members of Indian Forest Service borne on the Union Territories Cadre are concerned, instructions will be issued separately. [D/P&AR letter No.25011/4/83-AIS(III), dated the 11th July, 1984]


1. The Government of India have decided that, in regard to matters specified in subrule (4), the procedure contained in Part X of the Civil Services Regulations, et se will apply. [G.I.MHA letter No.20/10/61-AIS(II) dated the 21st February, 1961] 2. that members of AIS non-Asiatic domicile cannot be permitted to draw pension in sterling: - It was decided that members of AIS non-Asiatic domicile cannot be permitted to draw pension in sterling. They will have to make their own arrangements for remittance of pension through normal banking channels. [G.I. MHA F.No.29/36/62-AIS(II)] 3. State Governments, instead of invoking Article 282 may, in individual cases make recommendations to the Government of India for relaxation of DCRB Rules for sanction of ex-gratia grants: - Instances have come to the notice of the Government of India when State Government in exercise of their extraordinary powers in terms of Article 282 of the Constitution, sanctioned exgratia grants to the families of AIS officers dying in harness, the Attorney General of India and the Ministry of Law, who were consulted by the Government of India, opined that though the State Government were fully competent to determine public purpose within the meaning of Article 282 and their action is not justifiable but any grant excess of those provided by the rules would, serve an individual purpose and not a public purpose. It would, therefore, be advisable that the State Governments, instead of invoking Article 282 may, in individual cases make recommendations to the Government of India for relaxation of DCRB Rules. [G.I. MHA F.No.29/52/60-AIS(II) and No.29/30/62-AIS(III)] 4. When a moS completes 20 years of service, the Audit Officer shall verify the service rendered by him in accordance with the rules in force at that time and determine the qualifying service rendered by him and communicate the same to the officer concerned:- A clarification has been sought whether or not the provisions contained in Rule 32 of Central Civil Service(Pension) Rules, 1972, which lays down that when Government servant completes 25 years of service, his service should be verified and the result of the verification should be communicated to him, has been extended to All India Services. Sub-rule(4) of Rule 28 of All India Services(DCRB) Rules, 1958 provides that the sanction and payment of retirement benefits to a member of an All India Service shall be regulated by such procedural instructions as may be issued by the Central Government. In pursuance of this rule, the Central Government have decided that when a member of an All India Service completes 20 years of service, the Audit Officer shall verify the service rendered by him in accordance with the rules in force at that time and determine the qualifying service rendered by him and communicate the same to the officer concerned. This verification is subject to final verification of qualifying service which shall be made, if

found necessary, at the time of retirement of a member of the Service. [DP&AR letter No.25011/48/78-AIS(II), dated the 6th November, 1978] 5. The Central Government have decided that the simplified procedure laid down in the Ministry of Finance OM No.11(3)-EV(A)76, dated the 28th February, 1976 (Annexure A) and No.11(3)-EV(A)76, dated the 6th May, 1976(Annexure B) for the calculation of retirement benefits in the case of Central Government servants apply mutatis mutandis to the members of All India Services. [DP&AR File No.11023/4/76-AIS(II)]6





Extension of scope of family pension to unmarried daughters of All India Service officers/ All India Service pensioners.

1.1 I am directed to refer to the Department of P&PW' O.M. No.l/19/03-P&PW (E) dated the 6th September, 2007 (copy enclosed) extending the scope of family pension to unmarried daughters of Central Government servants/pensioners beyond 25years of age at par with the widowed 1 divorced daughters. 1.2. The applicability of the provisions of the aforesaid OM to unmarried daughters of All India Service officers1 All India Service pensioners has been considered by this Department and it has been decided to make applicable the provisions of the aforesaid OM of Department of Pension & PW in this respect, mutatis mutandis to unmarried daughters of All India Service officers/ All India Service pensioners. 1.3. It has also been decided to make applicable the provisions of Department of Pension &PW' O.M. No. 45/51/97-P&PW (E)(VoI.II)dated 25th July 2001 (copy enclosed) regarding eligibility of disabled divorced/ widowed daughter for family pension for life subject to conditions mentioned therein and O.M. No. 45/51/97P&PW (E)(Vol.II) dated 25th August, 2004 (copy enclosed) for making the widowed/ divorced daughter eligible for family pension,mutatis mutandis to disabled divorced/ widowed daughter and the widowed/ divorced daughter of All India Service officers/ All India Service pensioners. [DOPTs letter no.25014/2/2008-AIS(II) Dated 14th July, 2008] A. Department of Pension and PWs OM No. 1/19/03-P&PW (E) Dated: 6th September 2007

Sub: Extension of scope of family Pension to unmarried daughters of Central Members of All India Service/ pensioners. The undersigned is directed to say that as per existing provisions under clauses (ii) and (iii) of sub-rule (6) of Rule 54 of the C.C. S. (Pension) Rules, 1972, read with of para 7.2 (b)of this Departments O.M. No. 45/86/97-P&PW (A)-Part I

126 dated the 27 October 1997, son/daughter including widowed/ divorced daughter is eligible for grant of family pension till he/ she attains the age of 25 years or upto the date of his / her marriage/ remarriage, whichever is earlier subject to income criterion laid down in this Departments O.M. No. 45/51/97-P&PW(E) dated the 5th March 1998 which stipulates that a son/ daughter, including widowed/ divorced daughter, shall not have an income exceeding Rs. 2550/- per month from employment in Government, the private sector and self employment, etc., to be eligible for family pension. Orders were also issued vide this Departments O.M. No. 45/51/97-P&PW (E)(Vol.II) dated 25th July 2001 regarding eligibility of disabled divorced/ widowed daughter for family pension for life subject to conditions mentioned therein. Further, orders were issued for making the widowed/ divorced daughter eligible for family pension vide this Departments O.M. of even number dated 25th August, 2004.

2. The Staff Side of National Council (JCM) had raised the issue of extension of scope of family pension to unmarried daughters of the Members of All India Service/ Pensioners even after attaining the age of 25 years at par with the widowed/ divorced daughters, which has been agreed to in principle. It has, accordingly, been decided that the unmarried daughters beyond 25 years of age shall also be eligible for family pension at par with the widowed/ divorced daughters subject to other conditions being fulfilled. Grant of family pension to unmarried/ widowed/ divorced daughters shall be payable in order of their date of birth and younger of them will not be eligible for family pension unless the next above her has become ineligible for grant of family pension. It is further clarified that family pension to unmarried/ widowed/ divorced daughters above the age of 25 years shall be payable only after the other eligible children below the age of 25 years have ceased to be eligible to receive family pension and that there is no disabled child to receive the family pension. 3. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide their U.O. No. 380/E.V/2006 dated 05.01.2007. 4. These orders, in so far as their applicability relates to the employees of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, are being issued in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, vide their U.O. No. 56 Audit (Rules)/122007 dated 22.05.2007. B. Department of Pension and PWs O.M.No. 45/51/97-P&PW(E) Vol. II dated 25th July, 2001

Sub: Eligibility of disabled divorced/ widowed daughter for grant of family pension. The Government of India vide its Office Memorandum of even number dated 5 March, 1998 read with the Office memorandum dated 21st July, 1999 has made eligible divorced/widowed daughter for grant of family pension subject to the conditions specified in these OMs. Further, the disabled daughter is already eligible

127 for family pension for life under the proviso to Rule 54(6) of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 on fulfillment of the conditions specified under this proviso and one of the conditions therein is that the disabled daughter is eligible for family pension till her marriage or earning her livelihood. 2. In view of the above provisions, this Department has been receiving representations regarding eligibility of the disabled daughter who has been divorced after her crossing 25 years of age, as the family pension to the divorced daughters under this Departments O.M. dated 5.3.1998 is admissible till 25 years or till their remarriage or their earning a sum of Rs. 2550/- whichever is earlier. The matter has been considered in this Department. It has been decided that if the marriage of the disabled daughter is legally annulled, she would be eligible for family pension for life from the date her marriage stands annulled, subject to the following conditions:(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Divorce is valid in law Divorced daughter comes back to her parental home Disability is certified by an appropriate authority as required under the rules. The requirement regarding submission of the requisite certificates as laid down under Rule 54(6) of the CCS (Pension) Rules, for becoming eligible to family pension for life shall continue to remain operative.

3. Similarly, the widowed disabled daughter would also be eligible for family pension for life from the date of death of her husband, subject to fulfillment of above mentioned conditions, as applicable in her case. 4. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide their U.O. No. 523/EV/2001 dated 12.6.2001. C. Department of Pension and PWs O.M.No.1/19/03-P&PW(E) dated 25 August, 2004

Sub: Eligibility of divorced/widowed daughter for grant of family pension. The undersigned is directed to say that as per clauses (ii) and (iii) of sub-rule (6) of Rule 54 of the C.C.S (Pension) Rules, 1972 read with clause (b) of Para 7.2 of this Departments O.M. No. 45/86/97-P&PW (A)-Part I dated the 27th October 1997, son/daughter including widowed/divorced daughter shall be eligible for grant of family pension till he/she attains the age of 25 years or up to the date of his/her marriage/remarriage, whichever is earlier (subject to income criterion to be notified separately). The income criterion has been laid down in this Departments O.M. No.45/51/97- P&PW (E) dated the 5th March 1998 according to which, to be eligible for family pension, a son/daughter (including widowed/divorced daughter) shall not have an income exceeding Rs. 2550/- per month from employment in Government, the private sector, self employment etc. Further orders were issued vide this Departments O.M. No.45/51/97- P&PW (E) (Vol. II) dated 25th July 2001 regarding eligibility or disabled divorced/widowed daughter for family pension for life subject to conditions specified therein.

2. Government has received representations for removing the condition of age limit in favour of divorced/widowed daughter so that they become eligible for family pension even after attaining the age limit of 25 years. The matter has been under consideration in this Department for sometime. In consultation with the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure and the Ministry of Law and Justice, Department of Legal Affairs etc., it has now been decided that there will be no age restriction in the case of the divorced/widowed daughter who shall be eligible for family pension even after their attaining 25 years of age subject to all other conditions prescribed in the case of son/daughter. Such daughter, including disabled divorced/widowed daughter shall, however, not be required to come back to her parental home as stipulated in para 2(ii) of this Departments O.M. dated 25th July 2001, which may be deemed to have been modified to that extent. 3. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide I.S.No. 98/E.V/2004 dated 13.02.2004. 4. These orders, in so far as they apply to the employees of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, are issued in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India vide U.O.No.67 Audit (Rules)/37-99 dated 20.05.2004.

D. Instructions issued vide D/o P&PWs O.M. no.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 1.9.2008) Sub: Implementation of Governments decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners etc.
The undersigned is directed to say that in pursuance of Governments decision on the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission, sanction of the President is hereby accorded to the regulation, with effect from 1.1.2006, of pension/ family pension of all the pre-2006 pensioners/ family pensioners in the manner indicated in the succeeding paragraphs. Separate orders will be issued in respect of employees who retired/died on or after 1.1.2006. 2.1 These orders apply to all pensioners/family pensioners who were drawing pension/family pension on 1.1.2006 under the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972, CCS (Extraordinary Pension) Rules and the corresponding rules applicable to Railway pensioners and pensioners of All India Services, including officers of the Indian Civil Service retired from service on or after 1.1.1973. 2.2 Separate orders will be issued by the Ministry of Defence in regard to Armed Forces pensioners/family pensioners. 2.3 These orders do not also apply to retired High Court and Supreme Court Judges and other Constitutional/Statutory Authorities whose pension etc. is governed by separate rules/orders.


In these orders :
a. Existing pensioner or Existing Family pensioner means a pensioner who was drawing/entitled to pension/family pension on 31.12.2005.

b. Existing pension means the basic pension inclusive of commuted portion, if any, due on 31.12.2005. It covers all classes of pension under the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 as also Disability Pension under the CCS (Extraordinary Pension) Rules and the corresponding rules applicable to Railway employees and Members of All India Services. c. Existing family pension means the basic family pension drawn on 31.12.2005 under the CCS (Pension) Rules and the corresponding rules applicable to Railway employees and Members of All India Services. 4.1 The pension/family pension of existing pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners will be consolidated with effect from 1.1.2006 by adding together:-


The existing pension/family pension.

ii. Dearness Pension, where applicable iii. Dearness Relief upto AICPI (IW) average index 536 (Base year 1982=100) i.e. @ 24% of Basic Pension/Basic family pension plus dearness pension as admissible vide this Department's O.M. No. 42/2/2006-P&PW(G) dated 5.4.2006 iv. Fitment weightage @ 40% of the existing pension/family pension. Where the existing pension in (i) above includes the effect of merger of 50% of dearness relief w.e.f. 1.4.2004, the existing pension for the purpose of fitment weightage will be re-calculated after excluding the merged dearness relief of 50% from the pension. The amount so arrived at will be regarded as consolidated pension/family pension with effect from 1.1.2006. 4.2 The fixation of pension will be subject to the provision that the revised pension, in no case, shall be lower than fifty percent of the minimum of the pay in the pay band plus the grade pay corresponding to the pre-revised pay scale from which the pensioner had retired. In the case of HAG+ and above scales, this will be fifty percent of the minimum of the revised pay scale. 4.3 Since the consolidated pension will be inclusive of commuted portion of pension, if any, the commuted portion will be deducted from the said amount while making monthly disbursements. 4.4 The upper ceiling on pension/family pension laid down in the Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare Office Memorandum No 45/86/97-P&PW(A)(Part-I) dated 27.10.1997 has been increased from Rs. 15000/- and Rs. 9000/- to 50% and 30% respectively of the highest pay in the Government (The highest pay in the Government is Rs. 90,000 since 1.1.2006). 4.5 The quantum of pension/family pension available to the old pensioners/ family pensioners shall be increased as follows:Age of pensioner/family pensioner From 80 years to less than 85 years From 85 years to less than 90 years Additional quantum of pension 20% of revised basic pension/ family pension 30% of revised basic pension / family

From 90 years to less than 95 years From 95 years to less than 100 years 100 years or more pension 40% of revised basic pension / family pension 50% of revised basic pension / family pension 100% of revised basic pension / family pension

The amount of additional pension will be shown distinctly in the pension payment order. For example, in case where a pensioner is more than 80 years of age and his/her consolidated pension in terms para 4.1 and 4.2 above is Rs.10,000 pm, the pension will be shown as (i).Basic pension=Rs.10,000 and (ii) Additional pension = Rs.2,000 pm. The pension on his/her attaining the age of 85 years will be shown as (i).Basic Pension = Rs.10,000 and (ii) additional pension = Rs.3,000 pm. 4.6 Some of the existing pensioners who retired between 31.3.1985 and 31.12.1985 are in receipt of personal pension. The said personal pension will continue to be granted as a separate element and will not be merged into the pension as consolidated above. 4.7 Since the consolidated pension/family pension arrived at as per paragraph 4.1. includes dearness relief upto average index level 536(Base year 1982=100), dearness relief will be admissible thereon only beyond index average 536 (Base year 1982=100) in accordance with the revised scheme of dearness relief for which orders are being issued separately. The four installments of dearness relief sanctioned earlier from 1.7.2006, 1.1.2007, 1.7.2007 and 1.1.2008 in this Department's Office Memorandum No. 42/2/2006P&PW(G) dated the 15.9.2006, Office Memorandum No. 42/2/2006-P&PW(G) dated the 23,3.2007, Office Memorandum No. 42/2/2006-P&PW(G) dated the 18.9.2007 and Office Memorandum No. 42/2/2006-P&PW(G) dated the 19.3.2008 respectively shall be adjusted against revised Dearness Relief becoming due on the consolidated pension/family pension. 5.1 Where the consolidated pension/family pension in terms of paragraph 4 above works out to an amount less than Rs. 3500/- the same shall be stepped upto Rs. 3500/-. This will be regarded as pension/family pension with effect from 1.1.2006. In the case of pensioners who are in receipt of more than one pension, the floor ceiling of Rs. 3500/- will apply to the total of all pensions taken together. 5.2 Where the disability pension under the CCS(EOP) Rules, is drawn in addition to invalid pension under the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, the minimum limit of Rs. 3500/- will apply to total of two pensions as indicated in paragraph 5.1. Where the disability pension is drawn in isolation, the minimum limit of Rs. 3500/- will apply for 100% disability. For lesser degree of disability the minimum limit will be proportionately less. 6. The employed/re-employed pensioners/family pensioners are not getting dearness relief on pension at present under the extant orders. In their case the notional dearness relief which would have been admissible to them but for their employment/re-employment will be taken into account for consolidation of their pension in terms of paragraph 4.1. above as if they were drawing the dearness relief. Their pay will be re-fixed w.e.f. 1.1.2006 with reference to consolidated pension becoming admissible to them. Dearness relief beyond 1.1.2006 will, however, not be admissible to them during the period of employment/reemployment.

7. The cases of Central Government employees who have been permanently absorbed in public sector undertakings/autonomous bodies will be regulated as follows:(a) PENSION Where the Government servants on permanent absorption in public sector undertakings/autonomous bodies continue to draw pension separately from the Government, the pension of such abosrbees will be updated in terms of these orders. In cases where the Government servants have drawn one time lump sum terminal benefits equal to 100% of their pensions and have become entitled to the restoration of one-third commuted portion of pension as per Supreme Court judgement dated 15.12.1995, their cases will not be covered by these orders. (b) FAMILY PENSION In cases where, on permanent absorption in public sector undertakings/autonomous bodies, the terms of absorption permit grant of family pension under the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 or the corresponding rules applicable to Railway employees/members of All India Services, the family pension being drawn by family pensioners will be updated in accordance with these orders. 8. All Pension Disbursing Authorities including Public Sector Banks handling disbursement of pension to the Central Government pensioners are hereby authorised to pay pension/family pension to existing pensioners/family pensioners at the consolidated rates in terms of para 4.1 above without any further authorisation from the concerned Accounts Officers/Head of Office etc. A table indicating the existing basic pension/family pension without Dearness Pension, the basic pension/family pension with dearness pension and the revised consolidated pension/family pension is enclosed for ready reference. (Annexure I). This table may be used where the pensioner is in receipt of a single pension only. Where a pensioner is in receipt of more than one pension, consolidation may be done separately in terms of paragraph 4.1 and as indicated in paragraph 5 floor ceiling of Rs. 3500/- may be applied to total pension from all sources taken together. Wherever the age of pensioner/ family pensioner is available on the pension payment order, the additional pension/ family pension in terms of para 4.5. above may also be paid by the pension disbursing authorities immediately without any further authorisation from the concerned Account Officer/ Head of Office, etc. A suitable entry regarding the revised consolidated pension shall be recorded by the pension Disbursing Authorities in both halves of the Pension Payment Order. An intimation regarding disbursement of revised pension may be sent by the pension disbursing authorities to the Office of CPAO and Accounts Officer which had issued the PPO in the form given at Annexure-II so that the latter can update the Pension payment Order Register maintained by him. An acknowledgement shall be obtained by the Pension Disbursing Authorities from Office of CPAO and the respective Accounts Officers in this behalf. 9. The consolidated pension/family pension as worked out in accordance with provisions of Para 4.1. above shall be treated as final 'Basic Pension' with effect from 1.1.2006 and shall qualify for grant of Dearness Relief sanctioned thereafter. 10 40% of the arrears of pension will be paid in the year 2008-09 and the remaining 60% in the year 2009-10. 11. It shall be the responsibility of the Head of the Department of the Ministry, Department, Office, etc. from which the government servant had retired or where he was

working prior to his demise to revise the pension/family pension of all pensioners/ family pensioners with effect from 1st January 2006 in accordance with the provisions mentioned in para 4.1 and 4.2 above and to issue revised Pension Payment Order (PPOs). Action to revise pension/ family pension in terms of these provisions shall be initiated suo moto by the concerned Heads of Departments. In the case of the Defence Civilian Employees, however, the procedure prescribed in this regard by the Ministry of Defence shall be followed. It is emphasised that the Pension Sanctioning Authority, in no case, will ask the pensioner/ family pensioner to surrender his/ her original Pension Payment Order (PPO) for issuing revised authority. In case, however, the age of pensioner/family pensioner is not available on the PPO/office records, the same shall be obtained from the pensioner/family pensioner and indicated in the revised PPO. The authenticity of the age declared by the pensioner/family pensioner shall be verified by the pension sanctioning authority. It may also be ensured that a copy of the revised PPO should be invariably endorsed to the pensioner/ family pensioner. 12. It is considered desirable that the benefit of these orders should reach the pensioners as expeditiously as possible. To achieve this objective it is desired that all Pension Disbursing Authorities should ensure that the revised pension and the first installment of arrears due to the pensioners in terms of para 4.1. and para 4.5 above is paid to the pensioners or credited to their account by 30th September, 2008 or before positively. Instructions regarding release of second installment of arrears will be issued later. Concerted efforts should be made by all the authorities concerned to ensure that the revised PPOs are issued, wherever necessary, with the utmost expedition in terms of para 4.1, 4.2. and 4.5 above and arrears are paid in terms of para 10 above within two months from the date of issue of this O.M. 13. In their application to the persons belonging to Indian Audit and Accounts Department these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. 14. Ministry of Agriculture etc. are requested to bring the contents of these Orders to the notice of Controller of Accounts/Pay and Accounts Officers and Attached and subordinate Offices under them on a top priority basis. All pension disbursing offices are also advised to prominently display these orders on their notice boards for the benefit of pensioners. STATEMENT
E. Instructions issued vide D/o P&PWs O.M. No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated the 2nd September, 2008

Subject : Implementation of Governments decision on the recommendations of the sixth Central Pay Commission Revision of provisions regulating pension/gratuity/commutation of pension/family pension/disability pension/ ex-gratia lump-sum compensation. The undersigned is directed to state that in pursuance of Governments decision on the recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, the President is pleased to introduce the following modifications in the rules regulating pension, Retirement /Death/Service Gratuity/Family Pension/disability pension and ex-gratia lump-sum compensation of Pension under CCS(Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981, CCS(Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1939 etc. 1. These orders apply to Central Government Employees governed by the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972. Separate orders will be issued by the Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Railways and the AIS Division of the DOPT in respect of Armed Forces Personnel, Railway employees and the officers of All India Services respectively on the basis of these orders. DATE OF EFFECT 3.1. Save as otherwise mentioned in these orders, the revised provisions as per these orders shall apply to

Government servants who retire/die in harness on or after 1/1/2006. Separate orders have been issued in respect of employees who retired/died before 1/1/2006. 3.2. Where pension/family pension/Gratuity/Commutation of pension, etc has already been sanctioned in cases occurring on or after 1/1/2006, the same shall be revised in terms of these orders. In cases where pension has been finally sanctioned on the pre-revised orders and if it happens to be more beneficial than the pension becoming due under these orders, the pension already sanctioned shall not be revised to the disadvantage of the pensioner in view of Rule 70 of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972. EMOLUMENTS 4.1. The term Emoluments for purposes of calculating various pensionary benefits other than various kinds of Gratuity shall have the same meaning as in Rule 33 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972. 4.2. Basic pay in the revised pay structure means the pay drawn in the prescribed pay band plus the applicable grade pay but does not include any other type of pay like special pay, etc. 4.3. In the case of all kinds of Gratuity, DA admissible on the date of retirement/death shall continue to be treated as emoluments along with the emoluments as defined in paragraph 4.1. above. PENSION 5.1. A Government servant retiring in accordance with the provisions of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 before completing qualifying service of ten years shall not be entitled to pension but he shall continue to be entitled to service gratuity in terms of Rule 49(1) of the CCS(Pension) rules, 1972. 5.2. Linkage of full pension with 33 years of qualifying service shall be dispensed with. Once a Government servant has rendered the minimum qualifying service of twenty years, pension shall be paid at 50% of the emoluments or average emoluments received during the last 10 months, whichever is more beneficial to him. 5.3. In cases where Government servant becomes entitled to pension on completion of 10 years of qualifying service in accordance with Rule 49(2) of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972, pension in those cases shall also be paid at 50% of the emoluments or average emoluments, whichever is more beneficial to the Government servant. 5.4. The revised provisions for calculation of pension in para 5.2. and para 5.3. above shall come into force with effect from the date of issue of this OM and shall be applicable to Government servants retiring on or after that date. The government servants who have retired on or after 1/1/2006 but before the date of issue of this OM will continue to be governed by the Rules/orders which were in force immediately before coming into effect of these orders. 5.5. The amount of pension shall be subject to a minimum of Rs.3500/- and maximum upto 50% of highest pay in the Government (The highest pay in the Government is Rs. 90,000 since 1/1/2006) 5.6. The provisions of clauses (a) to (c ) of sub-rule (2) of Rule 49 of the Pension Rules shall stand modified to the extent mentioned in para 5.1. to para 5.5. above. The other provisions contained in Rule 49 shall continue to apply. 5.7. The quantum of pension available to the old pensioners shall be increased as follows:Additional quantum of pension 20% of basic pension 30% of basic pension 40% of basic pension 50% of basic pension 100% of basic pension

Age of pensioner From 80 years to less than 85 years From 85 years to less than 90 years From 90 years to less than 95 year From 95 years to less than 100 years 100 years or more

The Pension Sanctioning Authorities should ensure that the date of birth and the age of a pension is invariably indicated in the pension payment order to facilitate payment of additional pension by the Pension Disbursing Authority as soon as it becomes due. The amount of additional pension will be shown distinctly in the pension payment order. For example, in case where a pensioner is more than 80 years of age and his pension is Rs.10,000 pm, the pension will be shown as (i) Basic pension +Rs.10,000 and (ii) Additional pension =Rs.2000 pm. The pension onhis attaining the age of 85 years will be shown as (i) Basic Pension = Rs.10,000 and (ii) additional pension + Rs.3,000 pm. and (ii) additional pension = Rs.3,000 p.m.

GRATUITY 6.1. The maximum limit of all kinds of gratuity shall be Rs.10 lakh. Accordingly, first proviso under Rule 50(1)(b) of Pension Rules shall stand modified to the effect that the amount of retirement, gratuity or death gratuity payable under this Rule shall in no case exceed Rs.10 lakh. ADDITION TO QUALIFYING SERVICE 7.1. In view of revised provisions for computation of pension in para 5 above, the extant benefit of adding years of qualifying service for the purpose of computation of pension shall stand withdrawn with effect from the date of issue of this OM. Rule 29, 29-A, 30, 48-B and 48-C of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 shall stand modified to this extent. FAMILY PENSION 1964 8.1. Family pension shall be calculated at a uniform rate of 30 % of basic pay in all cases and shall be subject to a minimum of Rs.3500/- p.m. and maximum of 30% of the highest pay in the Government. (The highest pay in the Government is Rs.90,000 since 1/1/2006). Rule 54(2) relating to Family Pension, 1964 under Pension Rules shall stand modified to this extent. 8.2. The enhanced family pension under Rule 54(3)(a) (i) shall be payable to the family of a Government servant who dies in service from the date of death of the Government servant for a period of ten years, without any upper age limit. Rule 54(3)(a)(i) shall stand modified tot his extent. There will be no change in the period for payment of enhanced family pension to the family in the case of death of a pensioner. 8.3. The quantum of family pension available to the old family pensioners shall be increased as follows:Additional quantum of family pension 20% of basic family pension 30% of basic family pension 40% of basic family pension 50% of basic family pension 100% of basic family pension

Age of family pensioner From 80 years to less than 85 years From 85 years to less than 90 years From 90 years to less than 95 year From 95 years to less than 100 years 100 years or more

The Pension Sanctioning Authorities should ensure that the date of birth and the age of a family pensioner is invariably indicated in the Form 3 (regarding details of family) and the pension payment order to facilitate payment of additional family pension by the pension disbursing authority as soon as it becomes due. The amount of additional family pension will be shown distinctly in the pension payment order. For example, in case where a family pensioner is more than 80 years of age and his/her family pension Rs.10,000 pm, the pension will be shown as (i) Basic family pension =Rs.10,000 and (ii) Additional family pension = Rs.2000 pm. The family pension on his/her attaining the age of 85 years will be shown as (i) Basic family pension = Rs.10,000/- and (ii) additional pension =Rs.3,000 p.m. 8.4. For the purpose grant of Family Pension, the Family shall be categorized as under:-

Category I (a) Widow or widower, upto the date of death or re-marriage, whichever is earlier; (b) Son/daughter (including widowed daughter), upto the date of his/her marriage/re-marriage or till the date he/she starts earning or till the age of 25 years, whichever is the earliest. Category-II (c) Unmarried/Widowed/Divorced daughter, not covered by Category I above, upto the date of marriage/remarriage or till the date she starts earning or upto the date of death, whichever is earliest. (d) Parents who were wholly dependent on the Government servant when he/she was alive provided the deceased employee had left behind neither a widow or a child. Family pension to dependent parents unmarried/divorced/widowed daughter will continue till the date of death. 8.5. The dependency criteria for the purpose of family pension shall be the minimum family pension along with dearness relief thereon. The childless widow of a deceased Government employee shall continue to be paid family pension even after her remarriage subject to the condition that the family pension shall cease once her independent income from all other sources becomes equal to or higher than the minimum prescribed family pension in the central Government. The family pensioner in such cases would be required to


give a declaration regarding her income from other sources to the pension disbursing authority every six months. COMUTATION OF PENSION 9.1. A Government servant shall continue to be entitled to commute for a lumpsum payment up to 40% of his pension. 9.2. The existing Table of Commutation Value for Pension Annexed to the CCS (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981 shall be substituted by a new Table at Annex-I of this O.M. The revised Table of Commutation Value for Pension will be used for all commutations of pension which become absolute after the date of issue of this O.M. In the case of those pensioners, in whose case commutation of pension became absolute on or after 1/1/2006 but before the issue of this O.M., the pre-revised Table of Commutation Value for pension will be used for payment of commutation of pension based on pre-revised pay/pension. Such pensioners shall have an option to commute the amount of pension that has become additionally commutable on account of retrospective revision of pay/pension on implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission. On exercising such an option by the pensioner, the revised Table of Commutation Value for pension will be used for the commutation of the additional amount of pension that has become commutable on account of retrospective revision of pay/pension. In all cases where the date of retirement/commutation of the additional amount of pension that has become commutable on account of retrospective revision of pay/pension. In all cases where the date of retirement/commutation of pension is on or after the date of issue of this O.M., the revised Table of Commutation Value for pension will be used for commutation of entire pension. Provisions of CCS(Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981 shall stand modified in accordance with para 9.2. and 9.3 above.



CONSTANT ATTENDANT ALLOWANCE 10.1. In the case of pensioners who retired on disability pension under the CCS(Extraordinary) Pension Rules, 1939 for 100% disability (where the individual is completely dependent on somebody else for day to day functions), a Constant Attendant Allowance of Rs. 3000/- p.m. shall be allowed in addition to the disability pension, on the lines existing in Defence Forces. The CCS(Extraordinary) Pension Rules, 1939 shall stand modified to this extent.

EX GRATIA LUMPSUM COMPENSATION 11. In terms of Department of Pension & PW O.M. No. 45/55/97-P&PW(C ) dated 11/9/1998, an ex gratia lump sum compensation is available to the families of Central Government Civilian employees, who die in the performance of their bona fide official duties under various circumstances. The amount of this ex-gratia lump sum compensation shall be revised as under:

(a) Death occurring due to accidents in the course of performance of duties (b) Death occurring in the course of performance of duties attributable to acts of violence by terrorists, anti-social elements, etc (c) Death occurring (a) enemy action in international war or border skirmishes and (b) action against militants, terrorists, extremists etc. (d) Death occurring while on duty in the specified high altitude, inaccessible border posts, etc on account of natural disasters, extreme weather condition

Rs.10.00 lakh Rs.10.00 lakh Rs.15.00 lakh Rs.15.00 lakh

The Department of Pension & PW O.M. No. 45/55/97-P&PW(C ) dated 11/9/1998 shall stand modified to this extent. 12. For the purpose of computing average emoluments in the case of Government servants who have opted for fixation of pay in the revised pay structure and retire within 10 months from the date of coming over to the revised pay structure, basic pay for 10 months period preceding retirement shall be calculated by taking into account pay as follows:

(i) (ii) For the period during which pay is drawn in revised pay structure-pay drawn in the prescribed pay band plus the applicable grade pay. For the remaining period during which pay is drawn in pre-revised scale of pay- basic pay plus dearness pay and actual D.A. appropriate to the basic pay at the rates in force on 1/1/2006 drawn during the relevant period

SPECIAL PROVISION FOR THOSE WHO RETAIN THE PRE-REVISED SCALE OF PAY. 13. The pension and death-cum-retirement gratuity of those, who have elected to continue to draw pay in the pre-revised scale of pay in terms of Rule 5 of the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 and have retired or will be retiring after 1/1/2006, shall be regulated as follows: (i) (ii) (iii) The term Emoluments will mean Pay as defined in FR 9(21)(a)(i) and will include Dearness Pay and DA upto average AICPI 536 (base year 1982=100). Pension will be calculated at 50% of emoluments or average emoluments whichever is more beneficial to the employee. Death-Cum-retirement gratuity shall be admissible with reference to emoluments at (i) above plus dearness allowance, under the order in force immediately before coming into effect of these orders. The maximum amount of gratuity shall not exceed Rs.3,50,000/- in terms of Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare Office Memorandum No. 45/86/97-P&PW(A) (Part-I) dated 27/10/1997. Commutation of pension shall be admissible in accordance with the orders in force immediately before coming into effect of these orders. Family pension shall be allowed in accordance with orders applicable prior to the issue of these orders and shall be calculated with reference to basic pay in the pre-revised scale. To the family pension so calculated dearness relief upto average AICPI 536 (Base year 1982=100) at the rate contained in this Departments Office Memorandum No. 42/2/2006-P&PW(G) dated 5/4/2006 shall be added. The amount so arrived at will be regarded as the family pension for regulating payment of dearness relief beyond average AICPI 536.

(iv) (v)


Formal amendments to CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972, CCS(Extraordinary) Pension Rules, 1939 and CCS(Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981 in terms of the decisions contained in this order will issue in due course. Provisions of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972, CCS(Extraordinary) Pension Rules, 1939, and CCS(Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981 which are not specifically modified by these orders, will remain unaffected. The pension/family pension in terms of these orders will qualify for dearness relief beyond average AICPI 536 under the revised pattern being introduced on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission. These orders issue with the approval of the Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure vide their U.O. No. 4871/SE/2008 dated 2/9/2008. In their application to the employees of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, these orders issue in consultation with Comptroller and Auditor General of India. Ministry of Agriculture etc. are requested to bring the contents of these orders to the notice of controller of Accounts/Pay and Accounts Officers and Attached and Subordinate Offices under them on a top priority basis.






Instructions issued vide letter no .14021/8/2008-AIS(II)Dated 22nd September, 2008

Sub: Recommendation of Sixth Central Pay Commission- Decision of Government relating to grant of relief to central Government pensioners/family pensionersrevised rates effective from 1.1.2006, 1.7.2006, 1.1.2007, 1.7.2007 1.1.2008 and 1.7.2008.

137 I am directed to say that in pursuance of Governments decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, the Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare by its OM No. 42/2/2008 P&PW (G) dated 12th September 2008 (copy enclosed) has issued the order relating to grant of dearness relief admissible to all categories of Central Government pensioners/family pensioners. 2. The provisions contained in the aforesaid Office Memorandum of the Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare are equally applicable MutatisMutandis to All India Service pensioners/family pensioners. Instructions issued under D/o P&PWs OM No. 42/2/2008 P&PW (G) dated 12th September 2008 Sub: Recommendation of 6th Central Pay Commission Decision of Government relating to grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners revised rates effective from 1/1/2006, 1/7/2006, 1/1/2007, 1/7/2007, 1/1/2008 and 1/7/2008

The undersigned is directed to say that consequent upon the decision taken by the Government on the recommendation of 6th Central Pay Commission relating to Dearness Relief, the President is pleased to decide that the Dearness Relief admissible to all categories of Central Government pensioners/family pensioners shall be admissible from the dates mentioned below at the rates:Date from payable From 1/1/2006 From 1/7/2006 From 1/1/2007 From 1/7/2007 From 1/1/2008 From 1/7/2008 which Rate of Dearness Relief per mensem No Dearness Relief 2% of basic pension/family pension 6% of basic pension/family pension 9% of basic pension/family pension 12% of basic pension/family pension 16% of basic pension/family pension

Note : Dearness Relief at the rates indicated in above table will also be admissible on the additional basic pension/additional family pension available to older pensioners/family pensioners based on their age as indicated in this Departments O.M. No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 1/9/2008 and 2/9/2008. 2. The payment of Dearness Relief under these orders from the dates indicated above shall be made after adjusting the instalments of enhanced Dearness Relief already sanctioned and paid to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners w.e.f. 1/1/2006 vide O.M. No. 42/2/2006-P&PW(G) dated 5/4/2006, w.e.f. 1/7/2006 vide O.M. No. 42/2/2006 P&PW(G) dated 15/9/2006, w.e.f. 1/1/2007 vide O.M. No. 42/2/2007 P&PW (G) dated 29/3/2007, w.e.f. 1/7/2007 vide O.M. No. 42/2/2007 P&PW (G) dated 18/9/2007 and w.e.f. 1/1/2008 vide O.M. No. 42/2/2008 P&PW(G) dated 19/3/2008.

138 3. These orders apply to (i) All Civilian Central Government Pensioners/Family Pensioners (ii) The Armed Forces Pensioners/family pensioners, Civilian Pensioners/family pensioners paid out of the Defence Service Estimates, (iii) All India Service pensioners/family pensioners (iv) Railway pensioners/family pensioners and (v) The Burma Civilian pensioners/family pensioners and pensioners/family of displaced Government pensioners from Pakistan, who are Indian Nationals but receiving pension/family pension on behalf of Government of Pakistan, who are in receipt of ad-hoc ex-gratia allowance of Rs.1275/- p.m. in terms of this Departments O.M. No. 23/1/97-P&PW(B) dated 23/2/1998. 4. Central Government employees who had drawn lumpsum amount on absorption in a PSU/Autonomous Body and have become eligible for the restoration of 1/3rd commuted portion of pension as well as revision of the restored amount in terms of this Departments O.M. No. 4/59/97-P&PW(D) dated 14/7/1998 will also be entitled to the payment of revised rates as per the table given above of Dearness Relief w.e.f. 1/1/2006 on the full pension/family pension i.e. the revised pension/family pension which the absorbed employee would have received on the date of restoration had he not drawn lumpsum payment on absorption and Dearness pension subject to fulfillment of the conditions laid down in para 5 of the O.M. dated 14/7/1998. In this connection instructions contained in this Departments O.M. No. 4/29/99-P&PW (D) dated 12/7/2000, O.M. No. 4/31/2000-P&PW(D) dated 16/1/2001 and O.M. No. 4/79/2006-P&PW(D) dated 6/9/2007 and O.M. No. 4/38/2008 P&PW (D) dated 12/9/2008, refers. 5. The other categories of CPF beneficiaries, their widows and diseased children who are in receipt of ex-gratia payment in terms of this Departments O.M. No. 45/52/97-P&PW(E) dated 16/12/1997 will continue to be governed by the said O.M. 6. Payment of DR involving a fraction of a rupee shall be rounded off to the next higher rupee. 7. Other provisions governing grant of DR in respect of employed family pensioners and re-employed Central Government Pensioners will be regulated in accordance with the provisions contained in this Departments O.M. No. 45/73/97P&PW (G) dated 2/7/1999. The provisions relating to regulation of DR where pensioner is in receipt of more than one pension will remain unchanged. 8. In the case of retired Supreme Court and High Court Judges necessary orders will be issued by the Department of Justice separately. 9. It will be the responsibility of the pension disbursing authority including the nationalized banks, etc. to calculate the quantum of DR payable in each individual case. 10. The offices of Accountant General and Authorized Public Sector Banks are requested to arrange payment of relief to pensioner etc. on the basis of above

139 instructions without waiting for any further instructions from the Comptroller and Auditor General of India and the Reserve Bank of India in view of letter no. 528 TA, II/34-80-II dated 23/4/1981 of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India addressed to all Accountant Generals and Reserve Bank of India Circular No. GANB No. 2958/GA-64 (ii) (CGL)/81 dated the 21st May, 1981 addressed to State Bank of India and its subsidiaries and all Nationalized Banks. 11. In their application to the pensioners/family pensioners belonging to Indian Audit and Accounts Department these orders issue in consultation with the C&AG. 12. The issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide their U.O. No. 1(4) EV/2004 dated 9/9/2008 3.

Instructions issued vide letter no.14021/7/2008-AIS(II) dated 26th September, 2008

Implementation of Governments decision on the recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission Revision of provisions regulating pension/gratuity/commutation of pension/family pension/disability pension and ex-gratia lump-sum compensation.

I am directed to say that in pursuance of Governments decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, the Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare by its OM No. 38/37/08- P&PW (A) dated 2nd September 2008 (copy enclosed) has issued the necessary detailed order introducing modifications in the rules regulating pension, retirement/death/service gratuity/family pension/disability pension and ex-gratia lump-sum compensation under the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 and Commutation of Pension under CCS (Commutation of Pension) Rules,1981, CCS (Extraordinary Pension) Rules,1939, etc. 2. The applicability of the provisions of aforesaid Office Memorandum of the Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare to the members of All India Services has been considered. It has been decided that the provisions contained in the aforesaid Office Memorandum issued by the Department of Pension & Pensioners shall be equally applicable Mutatis-Mutandis to members of All India Service governed by the AIS (DCRB) Rules, 1958. A. Instructions issued vide O.M. No 38/37/08-P&PW(A).pt.II Dated the 3rd October, 2008

Sub: Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission - Revision of provisions regulating pension/gratuity/ commutation of pension/family pension/disability pension/ex-gratia lump-sum compensation.

The undersigned is directed to state that in pursuance of Government's decision on the recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, orders were issued vide this Departments O.M. No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 2.9.2008 for introducing modifications in the rules regulating pension, Retirement/Death/Service Gratuity/Family Pension/disability pension and ex-gratia lump-sum compensation under the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 and Commutation of Pension under CCS (Commutation of

Pension) Rules, 1981, CCS (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1939, etc. A number of references are being received in this Department seeking clarifications in regard to various provisions of the aforesaid O.M. The matter has been considered in consultation with the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure and the following clarifications/modifications are made in regard to the aforesaid O.M. dated 2.9.2008:
S. No 1 Point raised in regard to the OM No.38/37/08P&PW(A) dated 2.9.2008 Para 5.2 to Para 5.4 Whether the recommendation of the Sixth CPC for payment of pension at 50% of the average emoluments received during the last 10 months or the pay last drawn, whichever is more beneficial to the retiring employee, will also take effect from the date of issue of the orders i.e. 2.9.2008. Clarification/modification

(i)Yes. The Pay Commission has recommended in para 5.1.33 of its Report that linkage of full pension with 33 years of qualifying service should be dispensed with. Once an employee renders the minimum pensionable service of 20 years, pension should be paid at 50% of the average emoluments received during the past 10 months or the pay last drawn, whichever is more beneficial to the retiring employee. In para 6.5.3, the Commission has recommended that the recommendation regarding payment of full pension on completion of 20 years of qualifying service will take effect only prospectively for all Government employees other than PBORs in Defence Forces from the date it is accepted by the Government. The recommendation in para 5.1.33 is to be taken as one package and in view of para 6.5.3 of the report of Sixth CPC, the whole recommendation in para 5.1.33 has been given prospective effect. (ii) It is, however, clarified that the pension of a post-1.1.2006 pensioner shall also not be lower than fifty percent of the sum of the minimum of the pay in the pay band and the grade pay (or 50% of the minimum of the scale in the case of HAG+ and above) from which the pensioner has retired. For example, if a pensioner has retired in the grade pay of Rs. 10,000/- p.m in the pay band of Rs. 37400-67000, his minimum guaranteed pension would be 50% of Rs. 37,400+Rs. 10,000 (i.e. Rs. 23,700). For those who have retired between 1.1.2006 and 2.9.2008, the pension will be reduced pro-rata, where the pensioner had less than the maximum required service for full pension as per rule 49 of CCS(Pension) Rules 1972 as applicable during that period and in no case it will be less than Rs.3500 p.m. In case the pension calculated in accordance with Rule 49 of CCS(Pension) Rules1972, as applicable before 2.9.2008, is higher than the pension calculated in the manner indicated above, the same (higher pension) will be treated as Basic Pension.

Para 5.7 and Para 8.3 Whether the additional pension/family pension available to old pensioners would be payable from the date of attaining the age of 80 years or above or from the first day of the month in which the date of birth falls

The additional quantum of pension/family pension, on attaining the age of 80 years and above, would be admissible from the 1st day of the month in which his date of birth falls. For example, if a pensioner/ family pensioner completes age of 80 years in the month of

August, 2008, he will be entitled to additional pension/family pension w.e.f. 1.8.2008. Those pensioners/family pensioners whose date of birth is 1st August, will also be entitled to additional pension/family pension w.e.f. 1.8.2008 on attaining the age of 80 years and above. 3 Para 8.2 Whether the period of 10 years for payment of enhanced family pension would also apply in the case of a Government servant who died before 1.1.2006 and in respect of whom the family was receiving enhanced family pension as on 1.1.2006. Yes. The period of 10 years for payment of enhanced family pension will count from the date of death of the Government servant. These orders will, however, not apply in a case where the period of seven years for payment of enhanced family pension has already been completed as on 1.1.2006 and the family was in receipt of normal family pension on that date.

Para 10.1 (a) Whether the Constant Attendant Allowance is payable from 1.1.2006 or from the date of issue of the orders i.e. 2.9.2008.

(a) Constant Attendant Allowance is payable from 1.1.2006.

(b) Whether the pensioners who retired on disability pension before 1.1.2006 would also be entitled to Constant Attendant Allowance.

(b) Yes, the pensioners who retired on disability pension before 1.1.2006 and fulfilling the conditions mentioned in para 10.1 would also be entitled to Constant Attendant Allowance. (c) No.

(c) Whether Dearness Relief will be admissible on Constant Attendant Allowance.

Para 12 The Government servants who retired within 10 months from 1.1.1996 were allowed the benefit of notional increase of 40% on the pre-1996 basic pay for the purpose of calculation of average emoluments. Whether similar benefit would be given in the case of Government servants who have retired within 10 months from the date of coming over to the revised pay structure after 1.1.2006.

For the purpose of computing average emoluments in the case of Government servants who have opted for fixation of pay in the revised Pay Band and retire within 10 months from the date of coming over to the revised Pay Band, basic pay for 10 months period preceding retirement shall be calculated by taking into account pay as follows: (i) For the period during which pay is drawn in revised Pay Structure-Pay drawn in the prescribed pay band plus the applicable grade pay or the pay in the pay scale in the case of HAG+ and above (ii) For the remaining period during which pay is drawn in pre-revised scale of pay(a) Basic pay plus dearness pay and

actual D.A. appropriate to the basic pay at the rates in force on 1.1.2006 drawn during the relevant period. (b) Notional increase of the basic pay by applying the fitment benefit of 40% on the basic pay in the pre-revised pay scale. The clarification (ii) against S.No.1 above will also be applicable in such cases. Para 12 will stand modified to this extent.
6 Para 13 (ii) Whether the benefit of calculation of pension @ 50% of emoluments will be available to Government servants who retain the pre-revised scale of pay and also retire from the pre-revised scale of pay.

The provision para 13(ii) of the OM No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 2.9.2008 will be applicable in the case of those who retire on or after 2.9.2008. Pension of Government servants who retain the pre-revised scale of pay and also retired from the pre-revised scale of pay between 1.1.2006 and 2.9.2008 will be calculated at 50% of average emoluments in accordance with the orders in force immediately before 2.9.2008.

Para 13 (ii) will stand modified to this extent. 2. It is impressed upon all the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India to keep in view the above clarifications while disposing of the cases of revision of pension/family pension. They are also advised to dispose the representations received by them from pensioners on the above issues without referring them to this Department. 3. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide their I.C. U.O. No.4.2/22/2008-IC dated 30.09.2008.


Instructions issued vide O.M. No..38/37/08-P&PW(A).pt.1 Dated the 3rd October, 2008.

Sub: Implementation of Governments decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners etc.
The undersigned is directed to say that in pursuance of Governments decision on the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission, sanction of the President was accorded

to the regulation, with effect from 1.1.2006, of pension/ family pension of all the pre-2006 pensioners/ family pensioners in the manner indicated in this Departments O.M. No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 1.9.2008. A number of references are being received in this Department seeking clarifications in regard to various provisions of the aforesaid O.M. The matter has been considered in consultation with the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure and the following clarifications/modifications are made in regard to the aforesaid O.M. dated 1.9.2008:
Provision in the OM No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 1.9.2008 Clarification/modification


In these orders :
a. Existing pensioner or Existing Family pensioner means a pensioner who was drawing/entitled to pension/family pension on 31.12.2005. b. Existing pension means the basic pension inclusive of commuted portion, if any, due on 31.12.2005. It covers all classes of pension under the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 as also Disability Pension under the CCS (Extraordinary Pension) Rules and the corresponding rules applicable to Railway employees and Members of All India Services. c. Existing family pension means the basic family pension drawn on 31.12.2005 under the CCS (Pension) Rules and the corresponding rules applicable to Railway employees and Members of All India Services.
The existing pensioner or existing family pensioner would include a pensioner/family pensioner who became entitled to pension/family pension w.e.f. 1.1.2006 consequent on retirement/death of Government servant on 31.12.2005. Similarly, existing pension or existing family pension would include a pension/family pension which became due w.e.f. 1.1.2006 consequent on retirement/death of Government servant on 31.12.2005.

4.2 The fixation of pension will be subject to the provision that the revised pension, in no case, shall be lower than fifty percent of the sum of the minimum of the pay in the pay band and the grade pay thereon corresponding to the pre-revised pay scale from which the pensioner had retired.

The pension calculated at 50% of the minimum of pay in the pay band plus grade pay would be calculated (i) at the minimum of the pay in the pay band (irrespective of the pre-revised scale of pay) plus the grade pay corresponding to the prerevised pay scale. For example, if a pensioner had retired in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs. 1840022400, the corresponding pay band being Rs. 37400-67000 and the corresponding grade pay being Rs. 10,000/- p.m. his minimum guaranteed pension would be 50% of Rs. 37,400+Rs. 10,000 (i.e. Rs. 23,700). A statement indicating the minimum pension corresponding to each of the pre-2006 scales of pay is enclosed at Annexure. The pension will be reduced pro-rata, where the pensioner had less than the maximum required service for full pension as per rule 49 of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 as applicable on 01.01.2006 and in no case it will be less than Rs. 3500/- p.m. In case the pension consolidated as per para 4.1 of

OM.No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 1.9.2008 is higher than the pension calculated in the manner indicated above, the same (higher consolidated pension) will be treated as Basic Pension. The fixation of family pension will be subject to the provision that the revised family pension, in no case, shall be lower than thirty percent of the sum of the minimum of the pay in the pay band and the grade pay thereon corresponding to the pre-revised pay scale in which the pensioner/deceased Government servant had last worked. In case the family pension consolidated as per para 4.1 of OM.No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 1.9.2008 is higher than the family pension calculated in the manner indicated above, the same (higher consolidated family pension) will be treated as Basic family Pension.

4.5 The quantum of family pension available to the old pensioners/ family pensioners shall be increased as follows:Age pensioner/ Family pensioner of Additional quantum pension


From 80 years to less than 85 years From 85 years to less than 90 years From 90 years to less than 95years From 95 years to less than 100 years years 100 years more or

20% of revised basic pension/ family pension 30% of revised basic pension/ family pension 40% of revised basic pension/ family pension 50% of revised basic pension/ family pension 100% of the revised basic pension/family pension

(i) The additional quantum of pension/family pension, on attaining the age of 80 years and above, would be admissible from the 1st day of the month in which his date of birth falls. For example, if a pensioner/family pensioner completes age of 80 years on any date in the month of August, 2008, he will be entitled to additional pension/family pension w.e.f. 1.8.2008. Those pensioners/family pensioners whose date of birth is 1st August, will also be entitled to additional pension/family pension w.e.f. 1.8.2008 on attaining the age of 80 years and above. (ii) Dearness Relief will also be admissible on the additional quantum of pension available to the old pensioners, in accordance with the orders issued from time to time.

4.6 Some of the existing pensioners who Personal pension was discontinued vide retired between 31.3.1985 and 31.12.1985 Department of Pension & PW O.M.No. 45/86/97P&PW(A) (Pt. IV) dated 21.9.2000. Therefore, this

are in receipt of personal pension. The said para may be treated as deleted. personal pension will continue to be granted as a separate element and will not be merged into the pension as consolidated above. 5.1 Where the consolidated pension/family pension in terms of paragraph 4 above works out to an amount less than Rs. 3500/- the same shall be stepped upto Rs. 3500/-. This will be regarded as pension/family pension with effect from 1.1.2006. In the case of pensioners who are in receipt of more than one pension, the floor ceiling of Rs. 3500/will apply to the total of all pensions taken together.
It was clarified in Department of Pension & PW O.M.No. 38/38/02-P&PW(A) (Pt. IV) dated 23.4.2003 that in respect of civil and military pension, the floor ceiling taking the two pensions together will not apply and the individual pensions will be governed by respective pension rules. These instructions would continue to apply in the context of revised floor ceiling of Rs. 3500/-p.m. Accordingly, the floor ceiling of Rs.3500 will apply individually to the civil and military pension. In case, a person is in receipt of pension as well as family pension, the floor ceiling of Rs.3500 will apply individually to such pension and family pension. (Para 5.1 will stand modified to this extent.) It was clarified in Department of Pension & PW O.M.No. 45/86/87-P&PW(A) dated 7.8.2001 that the element of disability pension and invalid pension may be treated as distinct pensions. The invalid pension may continue to be regulated as per the CCS (Pension) Rules subject to certain minimum amount* and the extraordinary disability pension may continue to be treated as a separate element and this should be fixed as per the degree of disability. This will be subject to the further condition that the amount of disability pension and invalid pension should in no case exceed the last pay drawn. These instructions would continue to apply in the context of revised minimum pension of Rs. 3500/-p.m. Para 5.2 will stand modified to this extent. (*certain minimum amount refers to the amount calculated as per the provisions of Rule 49(2)(c) of CCS(Pension) Rules 1972

5.2 Where the disability pension under the CCS(EOP) Rules, is drawn in addition to invalid pension under the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, the minimum limit of Rs. 3500/- will apply to total of two pensions as indicated in paragraph 5.1. Where the disability pension is drawn in isolation, the minimum limit of Rs. 3500/- will apply for 100% disability. For lesser degree of disability the minimum limit will be proportionately less.

The employed/ re-employed pensioners/family pensioners are not getting dearness relief on pension at present under the extant orders. In their case the notional dearness relief which would have been admissible to them but for their employment/re-employment will be taken into account for consolidation of their pension in terms of paragraph 4.1. above as if they were drawing the dearness relief. Their pay will be re-fixed w.e.f. 1.1.2006 with reference to consolidated pension

Instructions were issued vide Department of Pension & PW OM No. 45/73/97-P&PW(G) dated 2.7.1999 for regulation of dearness relief when pay on re-employment is fixed at the minimum ignoring the full pension and also for regulation of dearness relief of employed family pensioners. These instructions would continue to apply in the context of revised pension on implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission. Para 6 will stand modified to this extent.

becoming admissible to them. Dearness relief beyond 1.1.2006 will, however, not be admissible to them during the period of employment/re-employment. 2. It is impressed upon all the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India to keep in view the above clarifications while disposing of the cases of revision of pension/family pension. They are also advised to dispose the representations received by them from pensioners on the above issues without referring them to this Department. 3. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide their I.C. U.O. No.4.2/23/2008-IC dated 30.09.2008. For Annexure

Please visit: C. Instructions issued vide O.M. No.38/37/08-P&PW(A).pt.1Dated the 14th October, 2008

Sub: Implementation of Governments decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners etc. `The undersigned is directed to say that in pursuance of Governments decision on the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission, sanction of the President was accorded to the regulation, with effect from 1.1.2006, of pension/ family pension of all the pre-2006 pensioners/ family pensioners in the manner indicated in this Departments O.M. No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 1.9.2008. Clarifications on certain provisions were also issued vide O.M.No. 38/37/08P&PW(A) pt.I dated 3.10.2008. 2. A large number of representations are being received in this Department regarding delay in payment of pension/family pension and arrears to the pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners. The matter has been reviewed in consultation with all concerned including the pension disbursing banks. In this connection, the following revised instructions are issued for implementation by all concerned. 3. Wherever, the pension is disbursed through Public Sector Banks, the Banks will pay and disburse the pension and arrears in accordance with the ready reckoner and also the additional pension to old pensioners/family pensioners (wherever the date of birth is available in the PPO) within a week from the date of issue of this OM. 4. A revised concordance table (Annexure-I) of the pre-1996, pre-2006 and post2006 pay scales/pay bands is enclosed to facilitate payment of revised

147 pension/family pension in terms of para 4.2 of the OM dated 1.9.2008 (as clarified vide OM dated 3.10.2008) in all cases where fixation of pension under that provision is more beneficial. Some illustrations for calculation of pension/family pension in terms of para 4.2 ibid have been given in Annexure-II. It will be the responsibility of the pension disbursing public sector banks to revise and disburse the enhanced pension and arrears in terms of para 4.2 of the OM dated 1.9.2008. Dearness relief at the rates notified from time to time will also be admissible on such revised pension. All the pension disbursing public sector banks are requested to revise and disburse the enhanced pension (with dearness relief) and arrears in terms of para 4.2 of the OM dated 1.9.2008 within one month from the date of issue of this O.M. A suitable entry regarding the revised pension shall be recorded by the pension Disbursing Authorities in both halves of the Pension Payment Order. An intimation regarding disbursement of revised pension may be sent by the pension disbursing authorities to the Office of CPAO and Accounts Officer which had issued the PPO in the revised form given at Annexure-III so that they can verify the pension so revised and update the Pension Payment Order Register, etc. An acknowledgement shall be obtained by the Pension Disbursing Authorities from Office of CPAO and the respective Accounts Officers in this behalf.

5. In case any information regarding date of birth, scale of pay or the qualifying service, etc. is not available with the bank, the bank may obtain the requisite information from the concerned Pay and Accounts Officer/CPAO. It will be the responsibility of the concerned Pay and Accounts Officer/CPAO to provide the information from the available records within two weeks of the receipt of request from the bank.

6. Suitable guidelines on the methodology to be adopted for payment of additional pension to old pensioners in cases where the date of birth is not available in the PPO as well as in the office records of CPAO/Pay and Accounts Office will be issued separately.

7. CGA/CPAO will devise their own monitoring mechanism to ensure that enhanced pension and arrears are disbursed to all civil/pensioners/family pensioners by 30.11.2008 positively. Similarly instructions may be issued by Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Railways to their concerned Accounts Department accordingly.

For Annexure

Please visit: D. Instructions issued vide O.M. .No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) Dated the December, 2008. 11th


Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission.

The undersigned is directed to say that in pursuance of Governments decision on the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission, orders were issued vide this Departments O.M. No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 2.9.2008 for introducing modifications in the rules regulating pension, etc. Clarifications on certain provisions in this O.M. were also issued vide O.M.No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) pt.II dated 3.10.2008. In accordance with the instructions contained in this OM, only the Government servants who retire on or after 2.9.2008 are eligible for calculation of pension at 50% of the emoluments (i.e last pay drawn) or average emoluments whichever is more beneficial to the Government servant. 2. A number of references are being received in this Department in this respect. The matter has been reviewed in consultation with the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure). It has now been decided that the provision for payment of pension at 50% of the emoluments (pay last drawn) or 50% of average emoluments received during the last 10 months, whichever is more beneficial to the retiring employee, shall be applicable to all Government servants retiring on or after 1.1.2006. However, only those Government servants, who retired during 1.1.2006 to 1.9.2008 after completion of 33 years of qualifying service, will be eligible for full pension and the pension of those Government servants, who retired during 1.1.2006 to 1.9.2008 with qualifying service of less than 33 years, will continue to be proportionate to the full pension based on their actual qualifying service.
3. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide their I.C. U.O. No.4.2/22/2008-IC dated 8.12.2008.


Instructions issued vide letter No. 25014/2/2002-AIS(II) Dated January, 2009


Subj: Simplification of Procedure for payment of pension and other benefits to All India Service officers retiring from Government of India/State Governments. I am directed to refer to this Departments letter of even number dated 11th April, 2007 on the subject mentioned above. It may be stated that by paragraph 3 of this Departments letter under reference, it was conveyed that detailed operational procedure to be followed by various agencies for preparation of pension papers, issue of PPO and arranging payment and accounting of payments etc. would be

issued by the Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure. 2. In this regard, Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO), Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance by its letter no. CPAO/AIS/M.F/01/2008-09 dated 18/8/2008 has issued the detailed procedure to be followed by various agencies for preparation of pension papers. A copy of the said letter dated 18/8/2008 of CPAO is sent herewith for information and guidance. Instructions issued vide letter no. CPAO/AIS/MF/01/2008-09 dated 18/8/2008


Sub: - Procedure for payment & Accounting of pension etc in respect of All India Services officers retiring from Government of India/State Government A reference is invited to DOPT OM No. 25014/2/2002-AIS(II) dated 11/4/2007 wherein it was decided that :1. Government of India would take over the entire pension liabilities of AIS officers who had already retired or would be retiring either from State Government or Central Government. 2. All retiring AIS officers & existing pensioners would uniformly have the option of drawing the pension through the Government of India or through State Government to whose cadre they are borne. The detailed procedure to be followed by various agencies for preparation of pension papers as approved by C&AG and the CGA is enclosed. The PAOs / Das are required to prepare the both halves of PPO in White Colour only in respect of AIS officers. The cadre / State / Batch to which the AIS officers belong should be clearly mentioned in SSA as well as both halves of the PPOs. State Governments are requested to send the name of the Designated Authority at the earliest. Further the budget may send to this office by all Designated Authorities latest by 15th Sep.2008. enclosing prescribed forms duly filled. Please ensure the guideline / procedure are followed strictly b PAOs / Das for smooth disbursement of pension to AIS officers and its proper budgeting and accounting. PROCEDURE FOR PAYMENT AND ACCOUNTING OF PENSIONS TO ALL INDIA SERVICE OFFICERS Earlier the payment of pension to All India Service Officers was being made by the respective State Governments on whose cadre those officers were borne. After considering the difficulties experienced by these officers in receiving payment

150 of pension and with a view to simplifying the procedure it was decided by the Government of India that the AIS officers who were on deputation with the Central Government could opt for payment of pension and other retirement benefits through the Central Government. As a measure of further simplification of pension payments, Department of Personnel & Training vide their OM no. 25014/2/2002-AIS (II) dated 11th April 2007 took the following decisions:1) Government of India would take over the entire pension liability of AIS Officers, who had already retired or would be retiring, either from the State Governments of form the Central Government. 2) All retiring All India Service Officers and the existing pensioners would uniformly have the option of drawing pension through the Government of India or through the State Government on whose cadre they are borne. Payment of pension to All India Service Officers With a view to implementing the above decisions of the Government and ensuring smooth disbursal of pensions and its prompt accounting, the following new system is prescribed which comes into effect from 1st April 2008. A. Procedure to be followed in cases where payment is sought from the Central Government 1. ACTION IN STATE AsG/STATE GOVERNMENTS a) Nomination of Designated Authority At present, Accountant General authorizes pension in 18 out of 28 states and in the rest, this function is discharged by the Director of Pensions or other similar authority (Mentioned in Annexure I). However, under the new scheme, all the States/AsG. will have to nominate / appoint a Designated Authority (D.A.) in their respective State who will be authorized to issue PPOs in respect of AIS Officers retiring from their States. Das will forward the same to Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO), Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, who is responsible for arranging payment of pension etc. in respect of AIS officers through Banks. b) Each State Govt will have to intimate the Designated Authority (DA) to CPAO. c) New Directory code No. has been allotted by the Office of Controller General of Accounts (CGA) to each Designated Authority and intimated to respective State Government. d) An impression of the Special Seal of the D.A. and the Specimen Signature(s) of the officer(s) authorized to issue Pension Payment Orders (PPOs), duly attested will be forwarded to the Central Pension Accounting Office by the authority who nominate the Designated Authority (DA). In the event of change in the incumbency of D.A. the specimen signature of the relieving officer will be sent to the CPAO by the relieved officer.

151 2. Allotment of PPO slots by Central Pension Accounting office

On the basis of allotment of Directory Code of the Designated Authorities, CPAO will allot a slot of 13 digit PPO numbers to each Designated Authority on the basis of their requirement to enable D.A. to depict the same in the PPOs. The break up of the 13 digit PPO number will be as follows:-

D.A.s code number (six digit) 3.

year (two digit)

serial number check digit (four digit) (one digit)

Preparation and submission of Budget Estimates to CPAO a) State Governments have already been requested to send a statement in proforma (Annexure-II) in respect of All India Service Pensioners as on 31.03.2008 containing information on (1) Number of pensioners including Family Pensioners (cadre-wise) drawing pension / Family pension from treasuries and Banks & (2) Number of pensioners (cadre-wise) opting to draw pension through State Government or Central Government. b) Each D.A. will furnish in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-III) the details of the AIS officers retiring during the next financial year to CPAO for creating a data bank, budgeting and further processing. c) Each D.A. will also submit the expenditure estimates in respect of the AIS Pensioners towards Pension, Family pension, Commuted value of pension, Gratuity & Leave Encashment to be incurred during the next financial year. Then CPAO will prepare Budget estimates for onward transmission to Budget Division, Ministry of Finance for allotment of funds under the relevant heads. d) The information mentioned b) & c) above should reach CPAO by 30th September of every year.


Processing of Pension Cases: a) Designated Authority (DA) will process the pension cases as per the provisions of the relevant rules and assess the retirement benefits admissible to retiring officers. b) PPOs must reach this office before one month of the date of retirement of the official concerned. c) He will forward the signed Special Seal Authorities along with both the copies of the PPOs depicting therein the PPO Nos, to CPAO for necessary action, as laid down in Scheme for Payment of Pensions to Central Civil Pensioners By Authroised Banks. In case of e-PPOs the digitally signed Special Seal Authority may be sent to CPAO. Pensioners copy (hard copy) will be handed over to the individual direct by the DA. d) Commuted Value of Pension (CVP), in case opted for, will be authorized by CPAO and paid through banks in case of Voluntary Retirement cases only.

152 The date of reduced pension starts from the date of Commuted Value has been credited to the pensioners account. However, once the payment of pension commenced, all further payments as per extant rules such as revised pension, commutation, differential DCRG will be payable by the paying branch on issue of revised authority by CPAO. 5. Role of CPAO: a)Opening of new heads of account Separate heads of accounts for booking the various benefits payable to AIS Officers have been opened by CPAO in consultation of Budget Division, Min. of Finance. (DEA) and Office of CGA. vide Annexure IV. b) Preparation of Budget estimates and allocation of funds I. On receipt of the relevant information from each DA, the entire budget requirement for the next financial year will be assessed by Central Pension Accounting Office and submitted to Budget Division, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance for necessary allocation of funds under each relevant head of account. II. However, during the remaining period of the financial year 2008-2009 the same procedure will be followed and necessary Supplementary demand will be proposed for allocation of funds from the Budget Division received on requests by State Governments. c) Processing of Pension Payment Authorities / Special Seal Authorities by CPAO: I. On receipt of PPOs / e-PPOs and Special seal authorities from the Das a unique computerized diary number will be allotted to each case. II. After capturing the data in computer records, the PPOs will be sent to the concerned authorization section who will apply all necessary checks to ensure that the case is in order in all respects. III. After this scrutiny, a special seal authority / e-SSA will be issued by the Authorization section for making arrangement for payment of pension through Bank from where the pensioner has desired to draw pension. IV. SSA along with both the halves of the PPOs and other relevant papers will be forwarded to the Link Branch / Central Pension Processing Centre (CPPC) of the concerned bank for making arrangement for payment of pension from Paying Branch from where the pensioner desires to draw his pension. Once the system of e-PPO and e-SSA is introduced CPAO will transmit the same to CPPC. After the introduction of Extension Counter bank (EC Bank) at CPAOe-PPO/e-SSA will be transmitted to them. 6. New system of directly crediting the pension in respect of AIS-officers

153 With a view to making the process faster a new system of direct crediting of pension is to be done by a single bank into the pension accounts of the AIS pensioners in the Paying branches as proposed under:a) On receipt of SSAs and e-PPOs from DAs, CPAO will capture the data on its system through special software and generate the requisite e-SSAs drawn on Extension Counter of a Bank (EC Bank) to be situated at CPAO office itself. b) This EC Bank will undertake the following action:I. EC Bank will receive from CPAO all the e-SSAs along with both portions of e-PPOs of the AIS pensioner. II. On receipt of e-PPOs, the EC-bank will capture the data and send the pensioners portion of the PPOs directly to the concerned paying branches. III. The EC-Bank will make available the image of the disbursers portion of PPO on their website. They will transmit the pensioners portion of the PPO to the Pension Paying Branch who will take a print out and hand over the same to the pensioner after proper identification with reference to the information on the pensioners copy of the PPO. The disbursers portion of PPO will be available in the read only format so as to avoid tempering of data by any authority. IV. The EC-bank will work out the amounts payable in respect of each pensioner and pass on credits on due dates directly to the paying branches through ECS (or any other mode i.e RTGS, EFT) for crediting the same to the account of respective pensioners. The paying branches will credit the amounts to the accounts of the pensioners and intimate the EC bank. V. On receipt of information regarding crediting of the amount, the EC-bank will prepare bank-wise daily bank scrolls both physical as well as electronic And submit the same duly reconciled to CPAO for verification. The position relating to disbursement of the pension to the pensioners would also be updated by the EC Bank on the basis of the feedback received from the paying branches.
(i) CPAO would verify the scrolls on the same day and issue clearance on- line to enable the EC bank to claim reimbursement from Reserve Bank of India CAS-Nagpur.


Simultaneously CPAO will book the expenditure on the basis of the details in the scrolls against the budget allocation available under the relevant heads of accounts. Scrolls will invariable indicate the PPO numbers in respect of the AIS pensioners.

(iii) The pensioners will have to deal with the paying branches alone in relation to their pension related matters. The pensions paying branches will also be responsible for obtaining the required certificates. Life certification of pensioners at paying branches every year in the month of November will be communicated by

154 paying branches to EC-bank at CPAO preferable electronically or by fax or post. Any change relating to payment of pension namely death of pensioner, change in marital status , remarriage, reemployment, change in address etc. should be also be intimated to EC-Bank. (iv) Pension for the month of November will be credited by EC-bank only on receipt of Life certificate as in present system. 7. Role of Banks (a) ( In the existing system)

Till the system stated in para no.6 is put in place, the existing system detailed below will continue:-

i) ii)

CPAO will send the PPOs/SSAs to link Branches for onward transmission to paying branches. The banks will follow a procedure similar to that followed in respect of Central Civil Pensioners for payment of pensions at paying branch level vide Scheme For Payment of Pension to Central Pensioners through Authorised Banks. The banks will prepare separate scrolls depicting therein the disbursement of pensions to AIS pensioners( it is chargeable to Central Government irrespective of the fact that whether the officer has retired from State Government or Central Government) to the CPAO. AIS pensioners will have to opt for any of the banks authorized for Central Civil Pensioners.(Annexure V). Those banks which have already switched over to Centralised Pension Processing system (CPPC) may send e-scrolls in addition to physical scrolls. In cases where PPOs have been routed through CPAO procedure for transfer of payment of pensions from one bank to another will remain the same as laid down in Scheme for Payment of Pension to Central Government Civil Pensioners by Authorised Banks. Dearness relief is payable by the bank directly in addition to pension/family pension as per rates notified from time to time subject to the production of non-employment certificate by the pensioner.


iv) v)



(b) Procedure to be followed in cases where AIS officers retire from Central Government

155 In cases where AIS officers who retire while on deputation to Central Government, the Pay & Accounts Officer of the Ministry/Department concerned will process the pension papers and issue PPO. The existing procedure for routing of PPOs and payment ( as mentioned in CGAs letter no. 1(7)/AIS/2004/Ta/463 dated 13.08.2004 Annexure-V will continue. However , since the Government of India have taken a decision to accept the liability on account of these pensions etc.. payment scrolls will be sent by banks to CPAO, instead of State A.G.s.
(c) Procedure to be followed in cases where AIS officers retire from State Government and seek payment through State Government:

Prior to 1-4-2008, the pension liability in respect of All India Service Officers was borne by the State Government concerned . With effect from 1-4-2008 these payments will be initially paid by State Governments and booked under the suspense heads. Reimbursement will be obtained by the State AGs by raising claims against Central Pension Accounting Office, New Delhi. (d) Procedure for transfer of pension payments (i) AIS officers drawing pension from Treasury

In case of those AIS officers who are now drawing pension from State Treasury and opt for switchover to draw pension from the Banks, the Designated Authority of the State will arrange to get PPOs from the treasuries. They will then prepare a new PPO (assigning new PPO numbers allotted by the CPAO) after canceling the old one and forward the same to CPAO for further transmission to the Banks for payment of pension. A certificate indicating the period up to which pension was paid will be recorded therein and the future date of payment indicated. These instructions are also applicable to the Family Pension cases in respect of deceased All India Service Officers. (ii) AIS Officers drawing Pension from Banks Many of the All India Service Officers are drawing their pension from the banks arranged by the respective State Government and these payment are now charged to the account of the respective State Governments. Since the Government of India has decided to take over the entire liability of AIS officers the Designated Authorities (DA) will call for the PPOs and prepare fresh PPOs after canceling the old one and forward the same to CPAO for onward transmission to the Banks for making arrangement for

156 payment of pension/family pension to the pensioner/family pensioner. A certificate indicating the period up to which pension/family pension was paid will be recorded therein and the future date of payment indicated. Annexure-I S.No. State where AG S.No. The State where pension work has been Authorizes taken over by States and the date from pension which the State Government has over the work, has been indicated in brackets. 1. Andhra Pradesh 1 Arunachal Pradesh (1-4-1989) 2. Assam 2. Gujrat (01.01.1988) 3. Bihar 3. Goa ( ab-initio) 4. Haryana 4. Madhya Pradesh (01.01.1996) 5. Himachal 5. Mizoram ( 01.03.1983) Pradesh 6. Jammu & 6. Rajasthan (01.12.1979) Kashmir 7. Kerala 7. Sikkim (ab-initio) 8. Karnataka 8. Uttar Pradesh (01.04.1989) 9. Maharashtra 9. Chhatisgarh ( ab-initio) 10. Manipur 10. Uttrakhand ( ab-initio) 11. Meghalaya 12. Nagaland 13. Orissa 14. Punjab 15. Tripura 16. Tamilnadu 17. West Bengal 18. Jhakhand

Annexure-II Proforma I Existing Pensioners Total Number of pensioners as on 31/3/2008 Option to draw Category No. State Govt Centre Govt IAS Indian Forest Service IPS TOTAL

Sl. NO. 1 2 3

157 Pensions from States Sl. No. 1 2 3 Category IAS Indian Forest Service IPS TOTAL Drawing from Treasury Drawing from banks

Note :- A list of AIS officers going to retire within next 24 months to assess the budget estimates and allocation of funds may also be furnished. Annexure III Proforma II Name and address of the Designated Authority: Details in respect of Retired/Retiring officer: 1. Name of the Officer/Pensioner: 2. Designation: 3. PPO No. 4. Service to which belongs: a)IAS (b)IPS (C) IFS 5. Date of Retirement: 6. Class of Pensioner: 7. Rules under which the pension finalized: 8. Office Name/Address with telephone NO, E-mail address: 9. Scale of Pay/last pay drawn: 10. Average Emoluments of last 10 months: 11. Basic Pension: (a) Before Commutation (b) After Commutation 12. Name of Spouse: 13. Family Pension: (a) Enhanced Rate: from (b) Normal Rate : from 14. Commutation Value of Pension (in case of retiring officer) 15. Death Cum Retirement Gratuity (in case of retiring officer) 16. Leave encashment (in case of retiring officer) 17. Name, address and BSR code of the paying branch of Bank: 18. Bank Account No. where pension is to be credited 19. Option for drawal of pension (a) Central Government (b) State Government

to to

Annexure-IV The following heads of accounts have been opened to account for this new expenditure: 2071

2071 01 Pension and other retirement benefits (Major Head) Civil (Sub-major Head) 101 04 Superannuation and Retirement allowances Ordinary Pensions (AIS) Pensionary charges Commuted Value of Pension Ordinary Pensions (AIS) Pensionary charges Gratuity Ordinary Pensions (AIS) Pensionary charges Family Pension Ordinary Pensions(AIS) Pensionary charges Leave Encashment Ordinary Pension (AIS) Pensionary Charges


102 04 04.00.04 104 04 04.00.04 105 04 04.00.04 115 04 04.00.04



Annexure V STATE-WISE LIST OF AUTHORISED BANKS FOR DISBURSEMENT OF CIVIL PENSIONS Sl. STATE Name of Authorised Banks No. 1. Andaman & Nicobar (i) State Bank of India (ii)Syndicate Bank (iii)UTI Bank 2. Andhra Pradesh (i) State Bank of India (ii) State Bank of Hyderabad (iii) Syndicate Bank (iv) Indian Bank (v) Union Bank of India (vi) Central Bank of India (vii)Andhra Pradesh (viii) Corporation Bank (ix) Vijaya Bank (x) Canara Bank (xi) HDFC Bank Ltd-1 (xii) ICICI Bank Ltd-2 (xiii) IDBI Bank Ltd-2 (xiv) UTI Bank Ltd.2 3. Arunachal Pradesh (i) State Bank of India

4. Assam (i) State Bank of India (ii) United Bank of India (iii) UCO Bank (iv) Punjab National Bank (v) Central Bank of India (vi) Allahabad Bank (vii) UTI Bank Ltd (i) State Bank of India (ii) Central Bank of India (iii) Punjab National Bank (iv) Bank of India (v) UCO Bank (vi) Allahabad Bank (vii) Union Bank of India (viii) United Bank of India (ix) Bank of Baroda (x) HDFC Bank Ltd. (xi) IDBI Bank Ltd (xii) UTI Bank Ltd (i) State Bank of India (ii) Punjab National bank (iii) Central Bank of India (iv) UCO Bank (v) State Bank of Patiala (vi) Bank of India (vii) HDFC Bank Ltd. (viii) ICICI Bank Ltd (ix) UTI Bank Ltd (i) State Bank of India (ii) State Bank of Indore (iii) Punjab National bank (iv) Allahabad Bank (v) Central Bank of India (vi) Union Bank of India (vii) Dena Bank (viii) Bank of India (ix) UCO Bank (x) Bank of Maharashtra (xi) HDFC Bank Ltd (xii) IDBI Bank Ltd. (xiii) UTI Bank Ltd. (i) Dena Bank (i) State Bank of India (ii) Bank of India (iii) Bank of Baroda (iv) Central Bank of India (v) Canara Bank (vi) Syndicate Bank (i) State Bank of India





8 9

Dadra & Nagar Haveli Daman & Diu



(ii) Bank of India (iii) Bank of Baroda (iv) Central Bank of India (v) Canara Bank (vi) Syndicate Bank (vii) HDFC Bank Ltd (viii) IDBI Bank Ltd. (ix) UTI Bank Ltd. (i) State Bank of India (ii) Dena Bank (iii) Bank of Baroda (iv) Central Bank of India (v) Bank of India (vi) Union Bank of India (vii) State Bank of Saurashtra (viii) UCO Bank (ix) HDFC Bank Ltd. (x) IDBI Bank Ltd. (xi) UTI Bank Ltd. (i) State Bank of India (ii) Punjab National Bank (iii) Central Bank of India (iv) Syndicate Bank (v) Bank of India (vi) Union Bank of India (vii) State Bank of Patiala (viii) Oriental Bank of Commerce (ix) Sikandarpur Branch (x) UCO Bank (xi) Union Bank of India (i) State Bank of India (ii) Punjab National bank (iii) UCO Bank (iv) State Bank of Patiala (v) Central Bank of India (vi) Union Bank of India (vii) HDFC Bank Ltd. (viii) UTI bank Ltd. (i) State Bank of India (ii) Punjab National Bank (iii) Central bank of India (iv) UCO Bank (v) UTI Bank Ltd. (i) State Bank of India (ii) Punjab National bank (iii) Allahabad Bank (iv) Central Bank of India (v) Union Bank of India (vi) Bank of Baroda (vii) Bank of India (viii) UCO bank






Himnachal Pradesh


Jammu & Kashmir



(ix) (x) (xi) (xii) 16 Karnataka United Bank of India HDFC Bank Ltd. IDBI Bank Ltd. UTI Bank Ltd.



18 19

Lakshadweep Madhya Pradesh



(i) State Bank of India (ii) State Bank of Mysore (iii) Canara Bank (iv) Syndicate Bank (v) Union Bank of India (vi) Indian Bank (vii) State Bank of Hyderabad (viii) Corporation Bank (ix) Vijaya Bank (x) HDFC Bank Ltd. (xi) IDBI Bank Ltd. (xii) UTI Bank Ltd. (i) State Bank of India (ii) State Bank of Travancore (iii) Canara Bank (iv) Syndicate Bank (v) Union Bank of India (vi) Central Bank of India (vii) Indian Bank (viii) Indian Overseas Bank (ix) Vijaya Bank Ltd., (x) HDFC Bank Ltd. (xi) IDBI bank Ltd. (xii) UTI Bank Ltd. (i) Syndicate Bank (i) State Bank of India (ii) State Bank of Indore (iii) Central Bank of India (iv) Bank of India (v) Punjab national bank (vi) Allahabad Bank (vii) Bank of Maharashtra (viii) Union Bank of India (ix) UCO Bank (x) Dena Bank (xi) HDFC Bank Ltd. (xii) IDBI Bank Ltd. (xiii) UTI Bank Ltd. (i) State Bank of India (ii) Bank of Maharashtra (iii) Bank of India (iv) Central Bank of India (v) Dena Bank (vi) Union Bank (vii) Bank of Baroda (viii) Canara Bank

(ix) Syndicate bank (x) UCO Bank (xi) State Bank of Hyderabad (xii) Punjab National Bank (xiii) HDFC Bank Ltd. (xiv) ICICI Bank Ltd. (xv) IDBI Bank Ltd. (xvi) UTI Bank Ltd. (i) State Bank of India (ii) United Bank of India (iii) UCO Bank (i) State Bank of India (ii) United Bank of India (iii) UCO Bank (iv) Bank of Baroda (i) State Bank of India (i) State Bank of India (ii) United Bank of India (iii) UCO Bank (i) State Bank of India (ii) UCO Bank (iii) Bank of India (iv) United Bank of India (v) Indian Overseas Bank (vi) Indian Bank (vii) Andhra Bank (viii) Central bank of India (ix) HDFC Bank Ltd. (x) IDBI Bank Ltd. (xi) UTI Bank Ltd. (i) State Bank of India (ii) Indian bank (iii) UCFO bank (iv) Indian Overseas Bank (i) State Bank of India (ii) Punjab National bank (iii) Central Bank of India (iv) UCO Bank (v) Bank of India (vi) Indian Overseas Bank (vii) State Bank of Patiala (viii) Oriental Bank of Commerce (ix) Punjab & Sind Bank (x) HDFC Bank Ltd. (xi) IDBI Bank Ltd. (xii) UTI Bank Ltd. (i) State Bank of India (ii) State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur (iii) Punjab National Bank (iv) Bank of Baroda (v) UVCO bank





23 24

Mizoram Nagaland









(vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (i) (ii) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) (i) (ii) (iii) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) Central bank of India Union Bank of India HDFC Bank Ltd. IDBI Bank Ltd. UTI Bank Ltd. State Bank of India UTI Bank Ltd. State Bank of India Indian Bank Canara Bank Indian Overseas Bank Union Bank of India Syndicate Bank Bank of Baroda Bank of India Central Bank of India Corporation Bank UCO Bank HDFC Bank Ltd. IDBI Bank Ltd. UTI Bank Ltd. ICICI Bank Ltd. State Bank of India United Bank of India UCO Bank State Bank of India Punjab National Bank Allahabad Bank Central Bank of India Union Bank of India Bank of Baroda Bank of India Canara Bank Oriental bank of Commerce Syndicate Bank Punjab & Sind Bank IDBI Bank State Bank of India Punjab National bank Allahabad Bank Central Bank of India Union bank of India Bank of Baroda Bank of India Canara Bank Oriental bank of Commerce Syndicate Bank Punjab & Sind Bank HDFC Bank Ltd. ICICI Bank Ltd (NOida only) UTI Bank Ltd.

29 30

Sikkim Tamilnadu






Uttar Pradesh

34 West Bengal (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (i) State Bank of India United Bank of India UCO Bank Central Bank of India Allahabad Bank Bank of Baroda Bank of India Punjab National Bank Union Bank of India HDFC Bank Ltd ICICI Bank Ltd IDBI Bank Ltd UTI Bank Ltd. State Bank of India, its subsidiaries and all authorized banks listed above.


NCT of Delhi and for Metropolitan cities of Delhi/New Delhi, Bombay Calcutta, Bangalore, Lucknow, Madras and Hyderabad


Instructions issued vide D/o P&PWs OM No. 38/79/2008-P&PW(G) dated 16th February, 2009

Sub:Clarification regarding commutation of pension after the implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC. The undersigned is directed to say that in accordance with the instructions contained in this Departments OM No. 38/37/2008-P&PW(A) dated 2/9/2008 in case of those pensioners, in whose case commutation of pension became absolute on or after 1/1/2006 but before the issue of that OM, the pre-revised Table of Commutation Value for Pension will be used for payment of commutation of pension based on pre-revised pay/pension. Such pensioners shall have an option to commute the amount of pension that has become additionally commutable on account of retrospective revision of pay/pension on implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission. On exercising such an option by the pensioner, the revised Table of Commutation Value for Pension will be used for the commutation of the additional amount of pension that has become commutable on account of retrospective revision of pay/pension. 2. A number of references have been received in this Department seeking clarifications in regard to various issues relating to commutation of pension in case a pensioner opts for commutation of pension that has become additionally commutable on account of retrospective revision of pay/pension. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) and the following clarifications are issued in this regard: S.No. Points raised Clarifications 1. What would be the age to The age reckoned




165 be used for commutation of additional commutable pension and which factor would be used for such additional commuted value of pension commuted value of pension at the time of original application for commutation of pension will apply for calculation of commutation value of additional commutable pension. However, as mentioned in the O.M. dated 2/9/2008, the commutation factor in the revised Table of Commutation Value for the commutation of the additional amount of pension that has become commutable on account of retrospective revision of pay/pension. Reduction in pension on account of additional commutation of pension will be in two stages as per the provisions contained in Rule 6 of the CCS(Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981. The commuted portion of pension shall be restored after 15 years from the respective dates of commutation as provided in Government of India decision No.1 under Rule 10 of CCS(Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981. Necessary endorsement should be made in the PPO.



From which date the reduction in pension on account of additional commutation of pension will take effect? What will be the date of restoration of additional commutation of pension?

4. It is impressed upon all the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India to keep in view the above clarification while disposing of the cases of commutation of additional pension. They are also advised to dispose the representations received by them from pensioners on the above issues without referring them to this Department. 5. This issue with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide their UO No. 43/EV/2009 dated 13/2/2009

C. Instructions issued vide O.M.No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) Dated the 18th May, 2009.

Sub: Implementation of Governments decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission Revision of pension of pensioners/family pensioners etc. The undersigned is directed to say that in pursuance of Governments decision on the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission, orders for revision of pension/ family pension of all the pre-2006 pensioners/ family pensioners were issued vide this Departments O.M. No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 1.9.2008. Similarly, orders were issued vide this Departments O.M. No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 2.9.2008 for introducing modifications in the rules regulating pension,

166 Retirement/Death/Service Gratuity/Family Pension/ disability pension and ex-gratia lump-sum compensation
2. References have been received in this Department seeking clarifications on some provisions of the aforesaid O.Ms. The matter has been considered in consultation with the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure and the following clarifications are issued in this regard:

S. Point raised N o. 1 OM dated 1.9.2008 Whether the family pension in respect of existing pensioners in whose case the family pension has not come into operation as on 1.1.2006 will also be revised?


OM dated 2.9.2008 Whether the arrears of pension of those Government servants who have retired during the period 1.1.06 to 31.8.08 shall also be paid during the years 2008-09 and 2009-10 in the ratio of 40 : 60?

In respect of existing pensioners in whose case the family pension has not come into operation as on 1.1.2006 as pensioners are/were alive on that date, the family pension (including enhanced family pension wherever applicable) will also be updated in terms of the instructions contained in this Departments OM of even number dt 1.9.08, as clarified from time to time. The updated rates of family pension will apply as and when family pension becomes payable in such cases. Accordingly, where a pensioner has died on or after 1.1.2006, the updated pension (including enhanced family pension wherever applicable) shall become payable to the family pensioner from the date of death of the pensioner. Yes

2. It is impressed upon all the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India to keep in view the above clarifications while disposing of the cases of revision of pension/family pension. They are also advised to dispose the representations received by them from pensioners on the above issues without referring them to this Department. 3. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide their I.C. U.O. No. 191/EV/2009 dated 14.5.2009.

Please visit:

167 D. Instructions issued vide O.M.No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) Dated the 2009 21st May,

Sub: Implementation of Governments decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission - Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners etc The undersigned is directed to say that in this Departments OM of even number dated 14.10.2008, all the pension disbursing public sector banks were requested to revise and disburse the enhanced pension (with dearness relief) and arrears within one month from the date of issue of that O.M. It was mentioned that a suitable entry regarding the revised pension would be recorded by the pension Disbursing Authorities in both halves of the Pension Payment Order and an intimation regarding disbursement of revised pension would be sent by the pension disbursing authorities to the Office of CPAO and Accounts Officer which had issued the PPO in the revised form given at Annexure-III of the said OM so that they could verify the pension so revised and update the Pension Payment Order Register, etc. In Annexure-III, it was mentioned that the verification/final revision of pension/family pension in respect of pensioners would be done by the Pay and Accounts Officer concerned. 2. Accordingly, in cases where the information in Annexure-III has been received by the Pay and Accounts Officer from the Pension Disbursing Banks etc., he should verify the same and issue a revised authority for payment of pension. In case there is any discrepancy in the revision of pension by the Bank, the bank should be informed by the Pay and Accounts Officer immediately for making necessary adjustment. In cases where the information in Annexure-III has not been received by the Pay and Accounts Officer from the Bank, the Pay and Accounts Officer should issue revised authority for payment of pension based on the PPO/available records and send it to Bank for making the payment of revised pension accordingly. 3. In the aforesaid OM dated 14.10.2008, it was provided that in case any information regarding date of birth, scale of pay or the qualifying service, etc. was not available with the bank, the bank may obtain the requisite information from the concerned Pay and Accounts Officer/CPAO. It would be the responsibility of the concerned Pay and Accounts Officer/CPAO to provide the information from the available records within two weeks of the receipt of request from the bank. 4. The matter regarding the methodology to be adopted for payment of additional pension to old pensioners/family pensioners in cases where the date of birth is not available in the PPO as well as in the office records of CPAO/Pay and Accounts Office had been under consideration in consultation with the Controller General of Accounts and the Ministry of Finance. It has now been decided that in case the exact date of birth is not available either in the PPO or in the office records but an indication regarding the age of pensioner/family pensioner is available in the office record, the additional pension/family pension shall be paid from the 1st January of the year following the year in which the pensioner/family pensioner has completed the age of 80 years, 85 years, etc. based on PPO/office records. For example, if the

168 records show that the pensioner/family pensioner has already completed the age of 80 years/85 years as on 1st January, 2008, he shall be allowed additional pension/family pension from 1st January, 2008. 5. In case neither the exact date of birth nor the age is available either in the PPO or in the office records, the Pension Disbursing Authority/Bank will send an intimation to the pensioner/family pensioner about the non-availability of the information regarding date of birth/age and request him to submit four copies of any of the following documents, duly attested by a Gazetted officer/MLA to the Pension Disbursing Authority:


Pan Card

(ii) Matriculation certificate (containing the information regarding date of birth) (iii)
(iv) (v)

CGHS Card Driving licence (if it contains date of birth)

If the pensioner/family pensioner submits a document which contains the information regarding exact date of birth, the additional pension/ family pension will be payable from the 1st day of the month in which his date of birth falls, in the manner indicated in this Departments O.M. of even number dated 3.10.2008. In case the exact date of birth is not available on the document submitted by the pensioner/family pensioner but an indication regarding the age of pensioner/family pensioner is available therein, the additional pension/family pension shall be paid from the 1st January of the year following the year in which the pensioner/family pensioner has completed the age of 80 years, 85 years, etc. based on the document submitted by the pensioner/family pensioner. For example, if the copy of the Election ID Card submitted by the pensioner/family pensioner indicates that his/her age on 1st January, 2007 is 80 years, he/she shall be allowed additional pension/family pension from 1st January, 2007. 6. The Pension Disbursing Authority/Bank will make payment of additional pension/family pension in the above manner, on provisional basis, up to a period of three months from the month in which the proof of age/date of birth is submitted by the pensioner/family pensioner. In such cases, the Pension Disbursing Authority/Bank will immediately send one copy each of the document submitted by the pensioner/family pensioner to the Pay and Account Officer/CPAO for formal authorisation of the additional pension/family pension. The Pension Disbursing Authority/Bank will make payment of additional pension/family pension beyond a period of three months only on receipt of such an authorisation from the Pay and Account Officer.

169 7. In case the pensioner/family pensioner is unable to submit any of the documents mentioned in para 5 above but claims additional pension based on some other documentary evidence, such cases will be submitted to the administrative Ministry. If the administrative Ministry is satisfied about the claim of the pensioner/family pensioner, it will authorise additional pension/family pension accordingly. The decision of the Administrative Ministry in this regard will be final. 8. It is impressed upon all the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India and the pension disbursing authorities to keep in view the above decisions while disposing of the cases of payment of additional pension/family pension. CGA/CPAO are requested to advise all Pension disbursing/sanctioning authorities to take suitable action in accordance with the above instructions/guidelines. Similarly instructions may be issued by Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Railways to their concerned Accounts Department accordingly.

9. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide their I.C. U.O. No. 185/EV/2009 dated 4.5.2009.
E. Instructions issued vide O.M.No.4/38/2008-P&PW (D) Dated 27th May 2009 Sub: Revision of 1/3rd commuted portion of pension in respect of Government servants who had drawn lumpsum payment on absorption in Central Public Sector Undertakings/Central Autonomous Bodies amount of the revised 1/3rd restored pension plus Dearness Pay (DP) & Dearness Relief (DR) on implementation of Governments decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission to be not less than 1/3rd pre revised restored pension plus admissible DP & DR as already drawn up to 01.09.2008- Regarding. The undersigned is directed to say that the restorable 1/3rd pension of the Government servants who had drawn lump sum payment in respect of pro-rata pension (1/3rd as well as 2/3rd) on absorption in a PSUs/Autonomous Bodies and have become entitled to restoration of 1/3rd commuted portion of pension as per the provisions of this Departments O.M. No. 34/2/86-P&PW dated 5th March 1987 after 15 years from the date of commutation or 1.4.85, whichever is later, is regulated vide this Departments O.M. Nos. 4/59/97-P&PW(D) dated 14th July 1998, OM No.4/79/2006-P&PW (D) dated 6.9.07 and dated 13.5.08. In pursuance of Governments decision on the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission, instructions have been issued for revision of 1/3rd restorable pension of such absorbees vide Deptt. of Pension & Pensioners Welfares OM of even No. dated 15th September 2008. 2. The Deptt. of Pension and PW has received representations that implementation of instructions contained in OM dated 15.9.2008 is resulting in drop

170 in the total amount of 1/3 restored pension plus DR in comparison to total amount of the 1/3rd restored pension plus admissible DP & DR as drawn by pensioners.

3. The President is pleased to decide that such absorbees, whose pre-revised 1/3 restored pension plus admissible DP and DR as on 1.9.2008 works out to be more than the amount of the revised 1/3rd restorable pension plus DR on the implementation of the Governments decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission in terms of instructions contained in OM dated 15.9.2008, shall continue to draw the pre-revised pension plus DP plus DR admissible in terms of orders existed prior to issue of the OM dated 15.9.2008 till such time the restored amount of revised pension in terms of instruction contained in OM dated 15.9.2008 plus admissible DR works out to be more than the pre revised 1/3rd restored pension. 4. The Administrative Ministries/ Departments are therefore directed to ensure that wherever the restored amount of the revised pension plus DR of such absorbees, in terms of instructions contained in OM dated 15.9.2008, becomes less than 1/3rd pre revised restored pension plus admissible DP & DR as already drawn, the absorbed employees should be allowed to draw the pensionary benefits admissible to them till such time restored amount of the revised pension in terms of instructions contained in OM dated 15.09.2008 plus admissible DR works out to be more than pre revised 1/3rd restored pension plus admissible DP & DR as on 01.09.2008. Necessary entries in the PPOs to this effect shall be made accordingly. 5. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide their UO No.106/EV/2009 dated 18.05.2009 and C&AGs U.O.No.30 Audit (Rules)/12-2009 dated 5.5.2009. F. Instructions issued vide D/o P&PWs Dated the 11th August, 2009.

Sub: Implementation of Governments decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission - Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners etc

The undersigned is directed say that in this Departments OM of even number dated 21.5.2009, it was provided that the following documents would be accepted as proof of date of birth/age for payment of additional pension/family pension on completion of 80 years and above: (i) Pan Card


(ii) Matriculation certificate (containing the information regarding date of birth) (iii)
(iv) (v)

CGHS Card Driving licence (if it contains date of birth)

2. The matter has been examined further. Considering the difficulty in producing any of the above mentioned documents as proof of age by the old pensioners, particularly those in the rural areas, it has been decided that the Voters ID Card may also be accepted as proof of date of birth/age for payment of additional pension/family pension on completion of 80 years and above subject to the following conditions: (i) The pensioner/family pensioner certifies that he is not a matriculate. (The matriculation certificate should be insisted in the case of matriculate pensioners/family pensioners) The pensioner certifies that he does not have any of the documents mentioned in para 1 above.


3. The other conditions for acceptance of the documents, as mentioned in the OM dated 21.5.2009, will remain the same.
4. Some doubts have been expressed regarding the date from which the additional pension is to be made effective. In this connection, attention is invited to the clarifications issued vide this Departments O.M. of even number dated 3.10.2008. It is re-iterated that the additional quantum of pension/family pension, would be admissible from the 1st day of the month in which the date of birth falls, only on completion of the age of 80 years, 85 years, etc. (and not in the beginning of the 80th year, 85th year, etc.). All references/ representations received in this respect stand disposed off accordingly. Illustration: If a pensioner/family pensioners date of birth is 26.1.1930, then he/she will be entitled to the additional quantum of pension on completion of 80 years of age w.e.f. 1.1.2010.
5. It is impressed upon all the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India and the pension disbursing authorities to keep in view the above instructions while disposing of the cases of payment of additional pension/family pension. CGA/CPAO are requested to advise all Pension disbursing/sanctioning authorities to take suitable action in accordance with the above instructions/guidelines and to make suitable entry regarding date of birth in the PPO . Similarly instructions may be issued by Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Railways to their concerned Accounts Department accordingly.


6. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide their I.C. U.O. No. 261/EV/2009 dated 9.7.2009.
Please visit: G. Instructions issued vide No.38/37/08-P&PW(A).pt.1Dated the August, 2009 20th

Sub: Implementation of Governments decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners etc.

The undersigned is directed to say that in pursuance of Governments decision on the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission, sanction of the President was accorded to the regulation, with effect from 1.1.2006, of pension/ family pension of all the pre-2006 pensioners/ family pensioners in the manner indicated in this Departments O.M. No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 1.9.2008. Clarifications on certain provisions were also issued vide O.M.No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) Pt.I dated 3.10.2008 and 14.10.2008.

2. A concordance table of the pre-1996, pre-2006 and post-2006 pay scales/pay bands was enclosed as Annexure-I of the OM dated 14.10.2008 to facilitate payment of revised pension/family pension in terms of para 4.2 of the OM dated 1.9.2008 (as clarified vide OM dated 3.10.2008) in all cases where fixation of pension under that provision is more beneficial. Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure), vide Notification No. 01/01/2008-IC (GSR 527 E) dated 16.7.2009 has notified revised pay scale for pre-revised S-30 scale of pay. Consequently, the entries at Sl. No. 32 in the Table at Annexure-I of this Departments O.M. of even number dated 14.10.2008 shall be substituted by the following:
Sl. No . Pay scale w.e.f. 1/1/8 6 Post/Grade and pay scale w.e.f. 1/1/1996 Name of Pay Band/ Scale Correspon Correspon ding Grade ding 6th CPC Pay Pay Bands/Scal es Pension*= 50% of sum of min. of PB+GP/S cales Family Pension* * =30% of sum of min. of PB+GP/


173 1 32 Scale 2 3 4 7300 S- 22400 -100- 30 -5257600 24500 5 HAG 6 6700079000 7 Nil 8 33500 Scales 9 20100

3 This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide their. U.O. No. 284/ EV/2009 dated 10.8.2009. 4. In their application to the employees of the Indian Audit and Accounts Departments, these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General.


Instructions issued vide D/o P&PWs O.M.No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) Dated the 10th December, 2009.

Sub: Implementation of Governments decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission regarding revision of pension of pensioners/family pensioners etc. Grant of full pension to Government servants who retired on or after 1.1.2006 The undersigned is directed to say that in pursuance of Governments decision on the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission, orders were issued vide this Departments O.M. No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 2.9.2008 for introducing modifications in the rules regulating pension, Retirement/Death/Service Gratuity/Family Pension/ disability pension and ex-gratia lump-sum compensation. In accordance with para 5.2 and para 5.3 of that OM, once a Government servant becomes entitled to pension on completion of 20 years/10 years of qualifying service, he shall be paid pension at 50% of the emoluments or average emoluments received during the last 10 months, whichever is more beneficial to him. In terms of para 5.4 of the OM, these revised provisions have come into force w.e.f. 2.9.2008 and shall be applicable to Government servants retiring on or after that date. Subsequently, it was clarified vide O.M. No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 11.12.2008 that pension of Government servant retiring on or after 1.1.2006 will also be calculated based on the emoluments or average emoluments received during the last 10 months, whichever is more beneficial to him but his pension would continue to be proportionate to the pension on completion of 33 years of qualifying service. Para 5.4 of this Departments O.M. No. 38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 2.9.2008 was modified to that extent. 2. This matter has been reconsidered by the Government. In partial modification of the instructions/order issued in this respect, it has now been decided that linkage of full pension with 33 years of qualifying service shall be dispensed with, with effect from 1.1.2006 instead of 2.9.2008. The revised provisions for calculation of pension in para 5.2 and 5.3 of the OM No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 2.9.2008 shall come into force with effect from 1.1.2006 and shall be applicable to the Government servants retired/retiring after that date. Para 5.4 will further stand modified to that extent.

174 3. Consequent upon the above revised provisions, in partial modification of para 7.1 of the OM No.38/37/01-P&PW(A) dated 2.9.08, the extant benefit of adding years of qualifying service for the purpose of computation of pension and gratuity shall stand withdrawn with effect from 1.1.2006.
4. The overall calculation may take into account revised gratuity and revised pension, including arrears up to date of revision based on these instructions. However, no recoveries would be made in the cases already settled. 5. It is impressed upon all the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India to keep in view the above modifications/clarifications while disposing of the cases of revision of pension. They are also advised to dispose of the representations received by them from pensioners on the above issues without referring the same to this Department. 6. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide their U.O. No.375/EV/2009 dated 19.11.2009. 7. In their application to the employees of the Indian Audit and Accounts Departments, these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.

Please visit:

5. Instructions issued vide DOPTs letter no.25014/14/2001-AIS (II) dated 8th September, 2009

Sub: - Introduction of New Pension Scheme for Members of the All India Service joining the All India Service on or after 1/1/2004. The undersigned is directed to say that the pension of the members of the All India Services appointed on or after 1.1.2004 is regulated by the new Defined Contribution Pension Scheme (known as the New Pension Scheme) notified by the Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs) vide their O.M. No. 5/7/2003- ECB 2 PR dated 22.12.2003. On introduction of the New Pension Scheme, the All India Service (Death Cum retirement Benefit) Rules, 1958 and the All India Service (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955 were amended on 7.02.2004 & 17th May 2004 respectively. Under the amended Rules, benefits of the old Defined Benefit Pension Scheme and of GPF are not available to the members of the service appointed on or after 1.1.2004. 2. The New Pension Scheme will work on a defined contribution basis and will have two tiers Tier I and II. Contribution to Tier I will be mandatory for all members of All India Services joining the All India Service on or after 1/1/2004, whereas Tier II will be optional and at the discretion of members of All India Service. 3. In Tier I, members of All India Service will make a contribution of 10% of his/her basic pay plus DA, which will be deducted from his/her salary bill every month by the DTO/TO concerned. The Government will also make an equal matching contribution..

4. Tier I contributions (and the investment returns) will be kept in a nonwithdrawable pension Tier I account. Tier II contributions will be kept in a separate account that will be available for withdrawal at the option of the member of the Service. Government will not make any contribution to Tier II account. 5. A member of the service can exit at or after the age of 60 years from the Tier I of the scheme. At exit, it would be mandatory for him/her to invest 40 percent of pension wealth to purchase an annuity (from an IRDA regulated Life Insurance Company), which will provide for pension for the lifetime of the employee and his dependent parents/spouse. In the case of members of the All India Service who leave the Scheme before attaining the age of 60, the mandatory annuitisation would be 80% of the pension wealth. 6. Recoveries towards Tier I contribution will start from the salary of the month following the month in which the member of the service has joined service. No recovery will be made for the month of joining. 7. As the existing provisions of Defined Benefit Pension and GPF would not be available to new members of All India Service joining All India Service on or after 1/1/2004, in case any GPF deduction has been made then it would have to be refunded to the concerned All India Service Officers. 8. Deduction towards Group Insurance will, however, continue to be made from the salary of new members of the All India Service joining the service on or after 1/1/2004. 9. The State Service officers appointed to the IAS/IPS/IFS by way of promotion/selection, who are already covered under the old pension scheme will continue to be governed by the old pension scheme. 10. The pension funds of members of the All India Service would be managed by pension fund managers nominated by the Pension Fund Regulatory Development Authority (PFRDA) and the records would be maintained by a Central Record Keeping Agency, the National Security Depository Limited (NSDL). 11. All State governments would be required to designate a State Nodal Officer (SNO) at the State capital for all NPS related activities. District Treasury Officer (DTO)/Treasury Officer (TO) would be entrusted the responsibility of deducting the amount of employees subscription from the salary of the AIS subscriber and would forward the same to the State Nodal Officer. 12. The amount and contribution details from each of the TO would be consolidated for all subscribers by the designated State Nodal Officer at the State capital. The SNO would also compile and consolidate Employers contribution.

13. The designated officer in the State Nodal Office would prepare and upload the Subscriber Contribution file (SCF) on CRA system; transfer funds to the Trustee Bank and send information to Department of Personnel & Training for control purposes. 14. Immediately on joining the All India Service, each member of the service will be required to provide particulars such as his/her name, designation, scale of pay, date of birth, nominees (s) for the fund, relationship with the nominee etc. in the prescribed form (Annexure-I). The same procedure should be followed for all AIS officers appointed on or after 1.1.2004. Accordingly all AIS officers recruited on or after 1.1.2004 are advised to fill up the registration form at Annexure-I immediately. 15. The DTO would be responsible for getting the physical registration form filled by all AIS officers and would also fill up their own registration form (DDO registration form) and send it to the State Nodal Officer (SNO). The State Nodal Officer would act as the PAO in the NPSCAN. He would collate the physical registration forms and also fill up the registration form for the PAO and send all these filled forms to NDSL preferably within a month of issuance of these orders. NDSL would process the details and send all the kits to the SNO by the end of October 2009. 16. On receipt of the Permanent Registration Allotment Number (PRAN), the SNO would start the regular uploads and funds transfers. After this is done the legacy data would be send in one or maximum two tranche. 17. For the legacy data, the DDOs would then prepare the arrears-SCF for month wise contribution details and send the same to SNO who will upload the same to NPSCAN and transfer the funds.Accounting procedure for the above would be devised by the State Government in consultation with Accountant General. 18. Payment to Trustee bank: The salary bills and the bills for Government contribution will be passed by TOs after exercising the checks prescribed under financial rules and Treasury Manual. The amount of NPS subscriptions (member contribution) recovered from the salary bills will be shown under the Recoveries column of the salary bill and will be classified under the Head 8342-Other Deposits-00-117-Defined Contribution Pension Scheme in the State Section of Accounts by opening suitable separate sub-heads thereunder for 01-Government Servants Contributions under Tier-1 and 02-Governments Contribution under Tier-II. The amount of Governments Contribution shall be debited to 2071-Pension Scheme -01-Civil-117-Contribution for Defined Contribution Pension Scheme-01 Government Contribution 00.04-Pensionary Charges in the Consolidated Fund of the State Government. 19. After the bills are passed, the SNOs will upload the data relating to contributions (both of members of services and Governments contributions) into NPSCAN of NDSL and also tally the figures uploaded with that booked. Further, all the accumulated balances under the DCPS would be transferred to the Trustee bank i.e. the Bank of India. 20. After uploading is completed, SNO will get Transaction ID and draw the total amount by minus crediting the head mentioned above either by cheque in favour of the Trustee Bank or remit the amount through RTGS/NEFT. SNO will also ensure the amount of

contributions booked is duly tallied with the Subscribers Contribution File (SCF) being uploaded in the NPSCAN and the same amount is drawn in the Cheque and passed on to the Trustee Bank. 21. The SNO/TO would have to maintain the Alphabetical Index Register in Annexure V wherein they would have to indicate the PRAN numbers allotted to each of the subscriber; the particulars of remittances of contributions to the Trustee bank in the Proforma prescribed vide Annexure VI; and the individual-wise account indicating the amounts of contributions paid to the Trustee Bank and the details of remittance.(vide Annexure VII). 22. In order to enable NSDL to carry out reconciliation and credit the amounts against the individuals accounts, Treasury Officers/ SNOs will have to ensure that their TO Registration numbers / SNO Registration numbers respectively and the month to which the contributions pertain /Transaction ID in NPSCAN are mentioned in the NEFT / RTGS application form (in the Remarks column) to be submitted to their banker. Where payments are made through cheques in favour of the Trustee Bank, these particulars would have to be furnished on the reverse of the cheque as well as in the forwarding letter. The time schedule prescribed will have to be strictly adhered to by SNOs, TOs and DDOs. 23. The SNO along with the State Government would have to ensure that arrears of contributions both of Government and Subscribers, are recovered and transferred to the trustee bank within a definite time span. If the contributions have been recovered but kept elsewhere, then also they must be transferred immediately to the Trustee Bank. 24. If the State Governments decide to recover the contributions in instalments, it may be ensured that the instalments of Government contributions drawn and transferred to the fund do not exceed the individuals contributions. 25. In the case of post 01.01.2004 entrants into the service, whose contributions to NPS are yet to be deducted, the State Government may consider deducting their contribution (arrears from 01.01.2004 or from their date of entry into service) from the second instalment of arrears of revision of pay due on account of the 6th Pay Commission recommendations. Further the pay arrears may be released only after individual application forms for registration to the New Pension Scheme have been obtained by the DDO/SNO from the concerned member of the service. 26. Whenever any member of the service is transferred from one office to another or goes on Central deputation etc, the TO will indicate in the Last Pay Certificate of the member of the service, the PRAN in respect of that individual and the month up to which his contributions have been recovered/ drawn. 27. Accountant Generals/Finance Departments of all State Governments are requested to bring these instructions to the notice of their TOs\DDOs\ SNOs for strict compliance.


(Details to be furnished by Member of the Service)

178 1. Name of the Member of Service: 2. Designation: 3. Name of Min/Dept./Orgn: 4. Scale of Pay: 5. Date of Birth: 6. Date of joining Govt. Service: 7. Basic Pay: 8. Nominee for accumulations Under the Pension Account: Sr.No. Name of Nominee(s) Age Percentage of share payable Relationship with Member of Service

Signature of the Member of the Service. TO/SNO


Name of SNO____________________________________ Name of Office and address_________________________

S l. Name of the Member of Service Desi gnati on Basic Pay Date of Birth Unique Pension a/c no. in 15 digits ( to be allotted by CAO(P) Date of joining service Details of nominee(s)for accumulations under Pension Account Name of Age Relatio Nominee(s) nship with MoS

% age of share

Name of the SNO_____________________ OFFICE SEAL_________________________


Name of Design the Member ation

Name of the

Date of

Date of joining

Signature of

Account No.

of Service

Office in which joined servic e


Servic e


ANNEXURE IVA Six digit code____________________________________

S l. Name of the Member of Service Desi gnati on Basic Pay Date of Birth Unique Pension a/c no. in 15 digits( to be allotted by CAO(P) Date of joining service Details of nominee(s)for accumulations under Pension Account Name of Age Relatio % Nominee nship age (s) with of Membe share r of Service Rem arks

Signature of SNO with seal_____________________


(See Para 9) Format of schedule of Member of Services contributions towards Tier I and Tier II of the New Pension Scheme (to be attached with the pay bill.)
Name of TO

Unique Pension a/c no. in 15 digits( to be allotted by CAO(P)

Nam Designat e of ion the Mem ber of Servi ce

Bas ic Pay

D P R s.

D A R s.

Contributi on under Tier I (Rs.)

Contributi Tot on under al Tier II Rs. *(Rs.)

Remark s


180 * This column is not to be used during the interim period. Date and signature of TO.

181 ANNEXURE V (See Para 10) Format of schedule of Member of Services contributions towards Tier I of the New Pension Scheme (to be attached with the bill for drawl of Governments contribution.) Name of SNO Unique Pension a/c no. in 15 digits( to be allotted by CAO(P) Name of the Member of Service Design ation Basic Pay DP Rs. DA Rs. Govern Remark ments contribu tion Rs.


Date and signature of SNO. (ANNEXURE VI) PRAN No. Name of Designation Date the Birth Member of Service of Date of joining the All India Services Date of joining Signature Deptt/office of under the TO/SNO payment control of TO/SNO



182 Name:___________________________________ Designation _________________ Department______________________ Date of joining All India Service_____________________________
Date of Superannuation _______________________________________ Unique Pension Account no. allotted by SNO


Basic Pay


Members contribution under Tier I Rs.

Govt.s contribution under Tier I Rs.

Total Tier I Rs.

Member s contributi on under Tier II Rs.


April May June July OB as on <spa ns

Tier Tier -I II



Instructions issued vide DOPTs letter no. 25014/2/2002-AIS(II) Dated 12th January, 2010
Simplification of procedure for payment of pension and other benefits to All India Service officers retiring from Government of India/State Governments bearing the iability of arrears related to Sixth Pay Commission. I am directed to refer to the above subject and to say that the issue of bearing the liability of arrears of All India Service officers related to Sixth Pay Commission by the Government of India has been considered in consultation with the Ministry of Finance. It has been decided that the arrears will be paid in two installments of 40% & 60% in 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 respectively for All India Service officers. Arrears paid up to 31.3.2008 are debitable to State Governments and arrears from 1.4.2008 are debitable to the Central Government.


All the State Governments are requested take necessary action in accordance with the above.

Instructions issued vide D/o P&PWs O.M.No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated the 25th June, 2010

183 Sub: Implementation of Governments decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission - Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners etc
The undersigned is directed to say that in this Departments O.M. of even number dated 21.5.2009 and 11.8.2009 it was provided that in case the information regarding date of birth/age is not available in the PPO or the office records, certain documents would be accepted as proof of date of birth/age for payment of additional pension/family pension on completion of age of 80 years and above. It was also provided that the Pension Disbursing Authority/Bank will make payment of additional pension/family pension in the above manner, on provisional basis, up to a period of three months from the month in which the proof of age/date of birth is submitted by the pensioner/family pensioner. In such cases, the Pension Disbursing Authority/Bank will immediately send one copy each of the document submitted by the pensioner/family pensioner to the Pay and Account Officer/CPAO for formal authorisation of the additional pension/family pension. The Pension Disbursing Authority/Bank will make payment of additional pension/family pension beyond a period of three months only on receipt of such an authorisation from the Pay and Account Officer. 2. Certain Pension Disbursing Banks to whom the documentary proof of age was submitted by the pensioners/family pensioners have informed that many Pay & Accounts Offices, to whom the same is forwarded as per OM of even number dated 21/5/2009, have not communicated to them their final authorization in accordance with the above instructions. These Banks are, therefore, finding it difficult to continue the payment of additional pension beyond three months in the absence of the formal authorization. The PAOs who are receiving the proof of age may get it sanctioned from HOO/HOD as per procedure invariably. In case the pensioner/family pensioner is unable to submit any of the documents mentioned in OMs dated 21/5/2009 and 11/8/2009 but claims additional pension based on some other documentary evidence, such cases will be submitted to the administrative Ministry. If the administrative Ministry is satisfied about the claim of the pensioner/family pensioner, it will authorize additional pension/family pension accordingly. The decision of the Administrative Ministry in this regard will be final.

3. CGA is requested to advise all Pay & Accounts Officers to take immediate action for getting the additional pension sanctioned from Head of Office/HODs so that the final authorisation of the additional pension may be done by PAOs.


Instructions issued vide DOPTs letter.No. 25014/14/2001-AIS(II)Dated 10th February, 2010

Sub: Clarification regarding applicability of pension scheme. I am directed to say that this Department has been receiving references from some State Governments and individual officers seeking clarification on the above subject. In this regard it is clarified that incumbent joining All India Services on or after 1/1/2004 and who were working in Central Government in some other post which was governed by the GPF-cum-Pension Scheme would continue to be governed by the GPF-cum-Pension Scheme. This may, however, be subject to verification of service prior to 1.1.2004. As regards the issues i.e. giving benefit of the old pension scheme and GPF accounts to such officers, it is informed the concerned State Governments may examine and decide such issues in accordance with the extant rules.

8. Instructions issued vide DOPTs letter no. 25014/2/2002-AIS(II) Dated 5th April, 2010

Sub: Simplification of procedure for payment of pension and other benefits to All India Service officers retiring from Government of India/State Governments procedure to be followed in processing pension cases of AIS Pensioners. I am directed to refer to the above subject and to say that it has been observed that difficulty is being faced in processing pension cases of AIS Pensioners. This issue has been consulted with the Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO). In order to streamline the issue, the State Governments are required to adhere to the following procedures/provisions:(a) It is seen that different State Governments are making arrear payments of All India Service officers related to Sixth Pay Commission in different proportions. This would create enormous accounting and reconciliation problems in the long term. The Central Government has taken over the liability for AIS pensioners only w.e.f. 1st April, 2008. As such, while sending the PPOs to CPAO, State Governments must clearly state all arrears due to the pensioner up to 31st March, 2008 have been accounted and paid for by the State Government. (b) Option forms of drawing Central Pension through the CPAO may be circulated to their AIS officers. (c) The Authorisation/PPOs in respect of AIS officers has to be uniform (i.e. at Central rate) in terms of admissibility of Dearness Relief, Medical Allowance etc. (d) All State Governments may appoint nodal officers for coordinating with CPAO in respect of AIS officers. (e) Basic information such as the cadre/year of joining etc. of the AIS officers must be mentioned in PPOs to be sent to CPAO. All State Governments must ensure that claims of reimbursement in respect of AIS pension are received by CPAO from the concerned State AGs. (f) The format of PPO used by Designated Authority must be as per prescribed format.

(g) Only the quantum of differential DCRG may be paid through banks. 2. All the State Governments are requested to take necessary action in accordance with the above.

9. Instructions issued vide DOPTs letter no. 25014/7/2010-AIS(II) dated 7th April, 2010
Sub: Additional Relief on death/disability of Central Civil Government servants covered by the new Defined Contribution Pension System (NPS)-regarding.

I am directed to say that the Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare by its OM No. 38/41/06/P&PW (A) dated 5th May, 2009 (copy enclosed) has issued

185 order regarding additional relief on death/disability of Central Civil Government servants covered by the new Defined Contribution Pension System (NPS) 2. The provisions contained in the aforesaid Office Memorandum of the Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare are equally applicable MutatisMutandis to members of All India Services. A. Instructions issued vide D/oP&PWs O.M.38/41/06/P&PW(A) dated 5th May, 2009 Sub: Additional Relief on death/disability of Government servants covered by the new Defined Contribution Pension System (NPS) The undersigned is directed to say that the pension of the Government servants appointed on or after 1/1/2004 is regulated by the new Defined Contribution Pension System (known as New Pension Scheme), notified by the Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs) vide their OM No. 5/7/2003-ECB 2 PR dated 22/12/2003.
2. On introduction of the New Pension Scheme, among others, the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972 and the Central Civil Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules were amended on 30/12/2003. Under the amended Rules, the benefits of Invalid Pension/Disability Pension and family Pension/Extraordinary Family Pension/Liberalised Pensionary Award relief are not available to the Government servants appointed on or after 1/1/2004. 3. Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs) has subsequently clarified that the New Pension Scheme is a replacement for only pension under normal circumstances and family pension in case of death of employees after retirement. 4. A high Level Task Force (HLTF) constituted by the Government has recommended certain additional benefits that can be provided on death or discharge on invalidation/disability of a Government servant covered by the New Pension Scheme. It is likely to take some time before the rules regulating these benefits under the New Pension System are put in place. 5. Meanwhile, considering the hardships being faced by the employees appointed on or after 1/1/2004 who are discharged on invalidation/disablement and by the families of such employees who have died during service since 1/1/2004, the President is pleased to extend the following benefits to Central Civil Government Servants covered by the New Pension Scheme, on provisional basis till further orders: (I) Retirement from Government service on invalidation not attributable to Government duty: i. Invalid Pension calculated in terms of Rule 38 and Rule 49 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972. ii. Retirement gratuity calculated in terms of Rule 50 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972. (II) Death in service not attributable to Government duty:

Family Pension (Including enhanced family pension) computed in terms of Rule 54 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972. ii. Death gratuity computed in terms of Rule 50 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972. Discharge from Government service due to disease/injury attributable to Government duty. i. Disability Pension computed in terms of the Central Civil Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules. ii. Retirement gratuity computed in terms of the Central Civil Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules read with Rule 50 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972. Death in service attributable to Government duty: i. Extraordinary Family Pension computed in terms of Central Civil Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules and Scheme for Liberalized Pensionary Awards. ii. Death gratuity computed in terms of Rule 50 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972. i.



The employee/his family will also be paid Dearness Pension/Dearness Relief admissible from time to time in addition to the above benefits, on provisional basis.
6. The above provisional payments will be adjusted against the payments to be made in accordance with the rules framed on the recommendations of the HLTF and recoveries, if any, will be made from the future payments to be made on the basis of those rules. 7. The recommendations of the HLTF envisage payment of various benefits on death/discharge of a Government employee after adjustment of the monthly-annuitised pension from the accumulated funds in the NPS Account of the employee. Therefore, no payment of monthly annuitized pension will be made to the employee/family of the employee during the period he/she is in receipt of the provisional benefits mentioned in para 5 above. 8. IN cases where, on discharge/death of the employee, the amount of accumulated funds in the NPS Account have been paid to the employee/family of the employee, the amount of monthly-annuitised pension from the date of discharge/death will be worked out in accordance with the rules/regulations to be notified by the Department of Financial Services/PFRDA and the same will be adjusted against the payment of benefits/relief after the notified rules in this respect are in place. 9. These instructions will be applicable to those Government servants who joined Government service on or after 1/1/2004 and will take effect from the same date i.e. 1/1/2004. 10. This order issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide their UO No. 127/EV/2009 dated 13/4/2009.


Instructions issued vide D/o P&PWs O.M. No.45/7/2008-P&PW (F) Dated 12th July, 2010

Sub:-Implementation of the Governments decision on the recommendation of the Sixth CPC- Revision of provisions regulating special benefits in the

187 cases of Death and Disability in service payment of ex-gratia lump sum compensation to families of central Govt. employees modification regarding The undersigned is directed to say that in this Departments Office Memorandum of even number dated 16th March, 2009, it was provided that ex-gratia lump sum compensation to the families of deceased Government servants including from sundry Government sources, such as the Prime Ministers Relief Fund, Chief Ministers Relief Fund, etc. should not exceed the aggregate of Rs. 20 lakhs in each individual case. Para 12 of Annexe to this Departments OM 45/55/97-P&PW(C) dated 11th September, 1998 was modified to that extent.
2. The matter has been further reviewed and it has now been decided that there will be no ceiling for grant of ex-gratia lump sum compensation in terms of Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfares OM No. OM 45/55/97-P&PW(C) dated 11th September, 1998 read with OM No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 2nd September, 2008 and OM No.45/7/2008-P&PW (F) dated 16th March, 2009. 3. The above revised provision will be effective from 1.1.2006.

4. All other terms and conditions in the O.M. dated 11th September, 1998 shall remain unchanged. 5. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure U.O. No. 361/EV/2010 dated 4th June, 2010. 6. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit & Accounts Department, these orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.


Instructions issued vide D/o P&PWs O.M.No.4/38/2008-P&PW (D) Dated 27th May 2009

Sub:- Revision of 1/3rd commuted portion of pension in respect of Government servants who had drawn lumpsum payment on absorption in Central Public Sector Undertakings/Central Autonomous Bodies amount of the revised 1/3rd restored pension plus Dearness Pay (DP) & Dearness Relief (DR) on implementation of Governments decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission to be not less than 1/3rd pre revised restored pension plus admissible DP & DR as already drawn up to 01.09.2008- Regarding. The undersigned is directed to say that the restorable 1/3rd pension of the Government servants who had drawn lump sum payment in respect of pro-rata pension (1/3rd as well as 2/3rd) on absorption in a PSUs/Autonomous Bodies and

188 have become entitled to restoration of 1/3rd commuted portion of pension as per the provisions of this Departments O.M. No. 34/2/86-P&PW dated 5th March 1987 after 15 years from the date of commutation or 1.4.85, whichever is later, is regulated vide this Departments O.M. Nos. 4/59/97-P&PW(D) dated 14th July 1998, OM No.4/79/2006-P&PW (D) dated 6.9.07 and dated 13.5.08. In pursuance of Governments decision on the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission, instructions have been issued for revision of 1/3rd restorable pension of such absorbees vide Deptt. of Pension & Pensioners Welfares OM of even No. dated 15th September 2008. 2. The Deptt. of Pension and PW has received representations that implementation of instructions contained in OM dated 15.9.2008 is resulting in drop in the total amount of 1/3rd restored pension plus DR in comparison to total amount of the 1/3rd restored pension plus admissible DP & DR as drawn by pensioners. 3. The President is pleased to decide that such absorbees, whose pre-revised 1/3 restored pension plus admissible DP and DR as on 1.9.2008 works out to be more than the amount of the revised 1/3rd restorable pension plus DR on the implementation of the Governments decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission in terms of instructions contained in OM dated 15.9.2008, shall continue to draw the pre-revised pension plus DP plus DR admissible in terms of orders existed prior to issue of the OM dated 15.9.2008 till such time the restored amount of revised pension in terms of instruction contained in OM dated 15.9.2008 plus admissible DR works out to be more than the pre revised 1/3rd restored pension. 4. The Administrative Ministries/ Departments are therefore directed to ensure that wherever the restored amount of the revised pension plus DR of such absorbees, in terms of instructions contained in OM dated 15.9.2008, becomes less than 1/3rd pre revised restored pension plus admissible DP & DR as already drawn, the absorbed employees should be allowed to draw the pensionary benefits admissible to them till such time restored amount of the revised pension in terms of instructions contained in OM dated 15.09.2008 plus admissible DR works out to be more than pre revised 1/3rd restored pension plus admissible DP & DR as on 01.09.2008. Necessary entries in the PPOs to this effect shall be made accordingly. 6. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide their UO No.106/EV/2009 dated 18.05.2009 and C&AGs U.O.No.30 Audit (Rules)/12-2009 dated 5.5.2009. D. Instructions issued vide D/o P&PWs O.M. No 38/37/08-P&PW(A) Dated the,2008)
Sub: Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission - Revision of provisions regulating pension/gratuity/ commutation of pension/ family pension/disability pension/ex-gratia lump-sum compensation.

The undersigned is directed to state that in pursuance of Government's decision on

the recommendation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, the President is pleased to introduce the following modifications in the rules regulating pension, Retirement/Death/Service Gratuity/Family Pension/disability pension and ex-gratia lumpsum compensation under the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 (hereafter referred to as Pension Rules) and Commutation of Pension under CCS (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981, CCS (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1939, etc. 2. These orders apply to Central Government Employees governed by the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. Separate orders will be issued by the Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Railways and the AIS Division of the DOPT in respect of Armed Forces personnel, Railway employees and the officers of All India services respectively on the basis of these orders. DATE OF EFFECT 3.1 Save as otherwise mentioned in these orders, the revised provisions as per these orders shall apply to Government servants who retire/die in harness on or after 1.1.2006. Separate order have been issued in respect of employees who retired/died before 1.1.2006. 3.2 Where pension/family pension/Gratuity/Commutation of pension, etc has already been sanctioned in cases occurring on or after 1.1.2006, the same shall be revised in terms of these orders. In cases where pension has been finally sanctioned on the pre-revised orders and if it happens to be more beneficial than the pension becoming due under these order, the pension already sanctioned shall not be revised to the disadvantage of the pensioner in view of Rule 70 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. EMOLUMENTS

4.1 The term 'Emoluments' for purposes of calculating various pensionary benefits other than various kinds of Gratuity shall have the same meaning as in Rule 33 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972. 4.2 Basic pay in the revised pay structure means the pay drawn in the prescribed pay band plus the applicable grade pay but does not include any other type of pay like special pay, etc.
4.3 In the case of all kinds of Gratuity, DA admissible on the date of retirement/death shall continue to be treated as emoluments along with the emoluments as defined in Paragraph 4.1 above. PENSION 5.1 A Government servant retiring in accordance with the provisions of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 before completing qualifying service of ten years shall not be entitled to pension but he shall continue to be entitled to service gratuity in terms of Rule

49(1) of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972. 5.2 A Government servant retiring in accordance with the provisions of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 after completing qualifying service of not less than twenty years shall be entitled to pension calculated at fifty percent of emoluments or average emoluments whichever is more beneficial to him. 5.3 A Government servant who, (a) on being declared surplus to the establishment in which he was serving, opts for voluntary retirement in accordance with the scheme of Department of Personnel & Training within a period of two months from the date of being declared surplus, or (b) on being selected for discharge owing to the abolition of his permanent post, opts for compensation pension in terms of Rule 39 of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 within a period of two months from the date of the communication regarding his selection for discharge shall be entitled to pension calculated at fifty percent of emoluments or average emoluments whichever is more beneficial to him. The entitlement for pension at this rate will, however, be subject to the following conditions: (i) The qualifying service rendered by such Government servant is not less than fifteen years on the date of option for voluntary retirement/compensation pension; and The Government servant would have rendered qualifying service of not less than twenty years had he retired on the date of his superannuation.


5.4 A Government servant who retires on attaining the age of superannuation from a service or post: (a) for which postgraduate research, or specialist qualification or experience in scientific, technological of professional fields, is essential; and to which candidates of more than twenty-five years of age are normally recruited


shall be entitled to pension calculated at fifty percent of emoluments or average emoluments whichever is more beneficial to him. The entitlement for pension at this rate will, however, be subject to the following conditions: (i) (ii) The actual qualifying service rendered by the Government servant on the said service or post is not less than 10 years, and The recruitment rules in respect of the said service or post contain a provision that the service or post is one which carries the benefit of Rule 30 of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972.

5.5 The amount of pension in the case of a Government servant who has completed qualifying service of not less than ten years and is allowed to retire on Invalid Pension in terms of Rule 38 of the CCS(Pension) Rules shall be fifty percent of emoluments or average emoluments whichever is more beneficial to the Government servant

5.6 In any other case not covered by the provisions in para 5.3 to 5.5 above, where a Government servant retires in accordance with the provisions of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 before completing qualifying service of twenty years but after completing qualifying service of ten years, the amount of pension shall be proportionate to the amount of pension admissible on completion of qualifying service of twenty years, in terms of para 5.2 above. 5.7 The revised provisions for calculation of pension in para 5.2 to para 5.6 above shall come into force with effect from the date of issue of this O.M. and shall be applicable to Government servants retiring on or after that date. 5.8 The amount of pension shall be subject to a minimum of Rs.3500/- and maximum upto 50% of highest pay in the Government (The highest pay in the Govt. is Rs 90,000 since 1.1.2006). 5.9 The provisions of clauses (a) to (c) of sub-rule (2) of Rule 49 of the Pension Rules shall stand modified to the extent mentioned in para 5.1 to para 5.8 above. The other provisions contained in Rule 49 shall continue to apply. 5.10 The quantum of pension available to the old pensioners shall be increased as follows:Age of Pensioner Additional quantum of pension From 80 years to less than 85 20% of basic pension years From 85 years to less than 90 30% of basic pension years From 90 years to less than 95 40% of basic pension years From 95 years to less than 100 50% of basic pension years 100 years or more 100% of basic pension

The Pension Sanctioning Authorities should ensure that the date of birth and the age of a pensioner is invariably indicated in the pension payment order to facilitate payment of additional pension by the Pension Disbursing Authority as soon as it becomes due. The amount of additional pension will be shown distinctly in the pension payment order. For example, in case where a pensioner is more than 80 years of age and his pension is Rs.10,000 pm, the pension will be shown as (i) Basic pension=Rs.10,000 and (ii) Additional pension = Rs.2,000 pm. The pension on his attaining the age of 85 years will be shown as (i).Basic Pension = Rs.10,000 and (ii) additional pension = Rs.3,000 pm. GRATUITY 6.1 The maximum limit of all kinds of gratuity shall be Rs. 10 lakh. Accordingly, first proviso under Rule 50(1)(b) of Pension Rules shall stand modified to the effect that the amount of retirement gratuity or death gratuity payable under this Rule shall in no case exceed Rs. 10 lakh. ADDITION TO QUALIFYING SERVICE 7.1 In view of revised provisions for computation of pension in para 5 above, the extant benefit of adding years of qualifying service for the purpose of computation of

pension shall stand withdrawn with effect from the date of issue of this O.M. Rules 29, 29-A, 30, 48-B and 48-C of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 shall stand modified to this extent. FAMILY PENSION 1964 8.1 Family pension shall be calculated at a uniform rate of 30% of basic pay in the appropriate pay band plus grade pay in all cases and shall be subject to a minimum of Rs.3500/-p.m. and maximum of 30% of the highest pay in the Government. (The highest pay in the Govt. is Rs.90,000 since 1.1.2006). Rule 54(2) relating to Family Pension, 1964 under Pension Rules shall stand modified to this extent. 8.2 The enhanced family pension under Rule 54(3)(a)(i) shall be payable to the family of a Government servant who dies in service from the date of death of the Government servant for a period of ten years, without any upper age limit. Rule 54(3)(a)(i) shall stand modified to this extent. There will be no change in the period for payment of enhanced family pension to the family in the case of death of a pensioner. 8.3 The quantum of family pension available to the old family pensioners shall be increased as follows:Age of family pensioner From 80 years to less than 85 years From 85 years to less than 90 years From 90 years to less than 95 years From 95 years to less than 100 years 100 years or more Additional quantum of family pension 20% of basic family pension 30% of basic family pension 40% of basic family pension 50% of basic family pension 100% of basic family pension

The Pension Sanctioning Authorities should ensure that the date of birth and the age of a family pensioner is invariably indicated in the Form 3 (regarding details of family) and the pension payment order to facilitate payment of additional family pension by the pension disbursing authority as soon as it becomes due. The amount of additional family pension will be shown distinctly in the pension payment order. For example, in case where a family pensioner is more than 80 years of age and his/her family pension Rs.10,000 pm, the pension will be shown as (i).Basic family pension=Rs.10,000 and (ii) Additional family pension = Rs.2,000 pm. The family pension on his/her attaining the age of 85 years will be shown as (i).Basic family Pension = Rs.10,000 and (ii) additional pension = Rs.3,000 pm. 8.4 For the purpose grant of Family Pension, the 'Family' shall be categorised as under: Category-I (a) Widow or widower, upto the date of death or re-marriage, whichever is earlier; (b) Son/daughter(including widowed daughter), upto the date of his/her marriage/remarriage or till the date he/she starts earning or till the age of 25 years, whichever is the earliest .

Category-II (c) Unmarried/Widowed/Divorced daughter, not covered by Category I above, upto the date of marriage/re-marriage or till the date she starts earning or upto the date of death, whichever is earliest (d) Parents who were wholly dependent on the Government servant when he/she was alive provided the deceased employee had left behind neither a widow nor a child. Family pension to dependent parents unmarried/divorced/widowed daughter will continue till the date of death. Family pension to Unmarried/ widowed/ divorced daughters in Category II and dependent parents shall be payable only after the other eligible family members in Category I have ceased to be eligible to receive family pension and there is no disabled child to receive the family pension. Grant of family pension to children in respective categories shall be payable in order of their date of birth and younger of them will not be eligible for family pension unless the next above him/her has become ineligible for grant of family pension in that category. 8.5 The dependency criteria for the purpose of family pension shall be the minimum family pension along with dearness relief thereon. 8.6 The childless widow of a deceased Government employee shall continue to be paid family pension even after her remarriage subject to the condition that the family pension shall cease once her independent income from all other sources becomes equal to or higher than the minimum prescribed family pension in the Central Government. The family pensioner in such cases would be required to give a declaration regarding her income from other sources to the pension disbursing authority every six months. COMMUTATION OF PENSION 9.1 A Government servant shall continue to be entitled to commute for a lumpsum payment up to 40% of his pension. 9.2 The existing Table of Commutation Value for Pension Annexed to the CCS (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981 shall be substituted by a new Table at Annex. I of this O.M. 9.3 The revised Table of Commutation Value for Pension will be used for all commutations of pension which become absolute after the date of issue of this O.M. In the case of those pensioners, in whose case commutation of pension became absolute on or after 1.1.2006 but before the issue of this OM, the pre-revised Table of Commutation Value for Pension will be used for payment of commutation of pension based on pre-revised pay/pension. Such pensioners shall have an option to commute the amount of pension that has become additionally commutable on account of retrospective revision of pay/pension on implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission. On exercising such an option by the pensioner, the revised Table of Commutation Value for Pension will be used for the commutation of the additional amount of pension that has become commutable on account of retrospective revision of pay/pension. In all cases where the date of retirement/commutation of pension is on or after the date of issue of this OM, the revised Table of Commutation Value for Pension will be used for commutation of entire pension.

9.4 Provisions of CCS (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981 shall stand modified in accordance with para 9.2 and 9.3 above. CONSTANT ATTENDANT ALLOWANCE 10.1 In the case of pensioners who retired on disability pension under the CCS (Extraordinary) Pension Rules, 1939, for 100% disability (where the individual is completely dependent on somebody else for day to day functions), a Constant Attendant Allowance of Rs. 3000/- p.m. shall be allowed in addition to the disability pension, on the lines existing in Defence Forces. The CCS (Extraordinary) Pension Rules, 1939 shall stand modified to this extent. EX GRATIA LUMPSUM COMPENSATION 11.1 In terms of Department of Pension & PW O.M.No.45/55/97-P&PW(C) dated 11.9.1998, an ex gratia lump sum compensation is available to the families of Central Government Civilian employees, who die in the performance of their bona fide official duties under various circumstances. The amount of this ex-gratia lump sum compensation shall be revised as under: (a) (b) Death occurring due to accidents in the course of performance of duties Death occurring in the course of performance of duties attributable to acts of violence by terrorists, anti-social elements, etc. Death occurring (a) enemy action in international war or border skirmishes and (b) action against militants, terrorists, extremists etc. Death occurring while on duty in the specified high altitude, inaccessible border posts, etc on account of natural disasters, extreme weather conditions. Rs. 10.00 lakh Rs. 10.00 lakh


Rs. 15.00 lakh


Rs. 15.00 lakh

The Department of Pension & PW O.M.No.45/55/97-P&PW(C) dated 11.9.1998 shall stand modified to this extent. 12. For the purpose of computing average emoluments in the case of Government servants who have opted for fixation of pay in the revised Pay Band and retire within 10 months from the date of coming over to the revised Pay Band, basic pay for 10 months period preceding retirement shall be calculated by taking into account pay as follows: (i) (ii) For the period during which pay is drawn in revised Pay Structure- Pay drawn in the prescribed pay band plus the applicable grade pay For the remaining period during which pay is drawn in pre-revised scale of pay-Basic pay plus dearness pay and actual D.A. appropriate to the basic pay at the rates in force on 1.1.2006 drawn during the relevant period.

SPECIAL PROVISION FOR THOSE WHO RETAIN THE PRE-REVISED SCALE OF PAY. 13. The pension and death-cum-retirement gratuity of those, who have elected to continue to draw pay in the pre-revised scale of pay in terms of Rule 5 of the Central Civil

Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 and have retired or will be retiring after 01.01.2006, shall be regulated as follows: (i) (ii) (iii) The term 'Emoluments' will mean 'Pay' as defined in FR 9(21)(a)(i) and will include Dearness pay and DA upto average AICPI 536 (Base year 1982=100). Pension will be calculated at 50% of emoluments or average emoluments whichever is more beneficial to the employee. Death-cum-retirement gratuity shall be admissible with reference to emoluments at (i) above plus dearness allowance, under the order in force immediately before coming into effect of these orders. The maximum amount of gratuity shall not exceed Rs. 3,50,000/- in terms of Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare Office Memorandum No. 45/86/97-P&PW(A) (Part-I) dated 27.10.1997. Commutation of pension shall be admissible in accordance with the orders in force immediately before coming into effect of these orders. Family pension shall be allowed in accordance with orders applicable prior to the issue of these orders and shall be calculated with reference to basic pay in the prerevised scale. To the family pension so calculated dearness relief upto average AICPI 536 (Base year 1982=100) at the rate contained in this Departments Office Memorandum No. 42/2/2006-P&PW(G) dated 5.4.2006 shall be added. The amount so arrived at will be regarded as the family pension for regulating payment of dearness relief beyond average AICPI 536. 14. Formal amendments to CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, CCS (Extraordinary) Pension Rules, 1939 and CCS (Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981 in terms of the decisions contained in this order will issue in due course. Provisions of the CCS (Pension) Rules 1972, CCS (Extraordinary) Pension Rules, 1939, and CCS(Commutation of Pension) Rules, 1981 which are not specifically modified by these orders, will remain unaffected. 15. The pension/family pension in terms of these orders will qualify for dearness relief beyond average AICPI 536 under the revised pattern being introduced on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission. 16. These orders issue with approval of the Ministry of finance Department of Expenditure vide their U.O. No dated . 17. In their application to the employees of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, these orders issue in consultation with Comptroller and Auditor General of India. 18. Ministry of Agriculture etc. are requested to bring the contents of these orders to the notice of Controller of Accounts/Pay and Accounts Officers and Attached and Subordinate Offices under them on a top priority basis.

(iv) (v)


Instructions issued vide D/o P&PWs O.M. No.45/7/2008-P&PW (F) Dated 12th July, 2010

Sub:-Implementation of the Governments decision on the recommendation of the Sixth CPC- Revision of provisions regulating special benefits in the cases of Death and Disability in service payment of ex-gratia lump sum compensation to families of central Govt. employees modification -

196 regarding -

The undersigned is directed to say that in this Departments Office Memorandum of even number dated 16th March, 2009, it was provided that ex-gratia lump sum compensation to the families of deceased Government servants including from sundry Government sources, such as the Prime Ministers Relief Fund, Chief Ministers Relief Fund, etc. should not exceed the aggregate of Rs. 20 lakhs in each individual case. Para 12 of Annexe to this Departments OM 45/55/97-P&PW(C) dated 11th September, 1998 was modified to that extent.
2. The matter has been further reviewed and it has now been decided that there will be no ceiling for grant of ex-gratia lump sum compensation in terms of Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfares OM No. OM 45/55/97-P&PW(C) dated 11th September, 1998 read with OM No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 2nd September, 2008 and OM No.45/7/2008-P&PW (F) dated 16th March, 2009. 3. The above revised provision will be effective from 1.1.2006.

4. All other terms and conditions in the O.M. dated 11th September, 1998 shall remain unchanged. 5. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance, Department of . Expenditure U.O. No. 361/EV/2010 dated 4th June, 2010 6. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit & Accounts Department, these orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.


In pursuance of rule 25 of the All India Services (Death-cum-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958, the Central Government, after consultation with the Governments of the States concerned, hereby makes the following regulations, namely:1. Short title.- These regulations may be called the All India Services (Commutation of Pension) Regulations, 1959. 2. Definitions. -(1) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires1


`government in relation to the members of the Service borne on a joint cadre, means the Joint Cadre Authority. `Medical Board means medical board set up by the Government. `Member of the Service means a member of 2[all India Services as defined in section 2 of the All India Services Act 1951 (61 of 1951)]. `Retirement Benefits Rules' means the (Death-cum-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958. All India Services

(b) (c)


2(2) All other words and expressions used in these Regulations but not defined shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Retirement Benefits Rules. 3. Limit of Commutation.- 3(1) A member of the Service shall be entitled subject to the provisions of these Regulations to commute for lump payment any portion not exceeding 3forty percent of the pension to which he was entitled under the Retirement Benefits Rules. Provided that a member of the Service, against whom judicial or departmental proceeding has been instituted or a pensioner against whom any such proceeding has been instituted or continued under sub rule (1) of Rule 6 of the Retirement Benefits Rules, shall not be permitted to commute any part of his pension during the pendency of such proceeding. Provided further that if a member of the Service retiring between the 1st day of January, 1996 and the 31st day of December, 1997 has opted for retaining the prerevised scale of pay, the commutation of pension in such case shall be admissible in accordance with the rules and orders in force prior to the 1st day of January, 1996. Explanation.- The compassionate allowance granted to a member of the Service under proviso to sub-rule (1) of rule 5 of the Retirement Benefits Rules, shall be treated as pension for the purpose of commutation under these rules.
1 2 3

Substituted vide M.H.A. Notification No. 13/4/71-AIS(III), dated 11.01.1972. Substituted vide MHA Notification No.29/76/66-AIS(II)B, dated 13.12.1966 Substituted vide D/P&T Notification No.25011/24/97-AIS(II) dated 19.12.1997 4 Inserted vide Notification No.11025/3/77-AIS(II) dated 06.04.1978 (GSR No.227-E dt. 06.04.1978) 5 Inserted vide D/P&T Notification No.25011/24/97-AIS(II) dated 19.12.1997(GSR No. 718 dt. 19.12.1997)


3(2) Such commutation shall be subject to the following conditions namely:(a) if the amount of annual pension is Rs.2,057 Rs.1,714 shall remain uncommuted, and or more, not less than

(b) if the amount of annual pension is less than Rs.2,057, not more than Rs.343 shall be commuted, and not less than Rs.1,371 shall remain uncommuted:Provided that in calculating the amount of annual pension for the purposes of clauses (a) and (b) of this sub-regulation, there may be added to it the uncommuted portion of any permanent extraordinary pension granted to a member of the Service. 4. Commutation of anticipatory pension.- Subject to the provisions of these regulations a member of the Service shall be entitled to commute an anticipatory pension that may be granted to him under rule 27 of the Retirement Benefits Rules. The commuted value of such pension shall be paid to him only after obtaining from him a declaration in the form set forth in Schedule `A' 5. Application for commutation.- An Application for commutation of pension shall be addressed to the Government. On receipt of an application for commutation of pension, the Government shall transmit to the applicant a copy of the Account Officers Certificate of the lump sum payable on commutation in the event of his being reported by a Medical Board to be a fit subject for commutation and shall at the same time instruct him to appear for examination before the medical board within three months of its order or if he has applied for commutation in advance of the date of his retirement, within three months of that date but in no case, earlier than the actual date of retirement. 5(2) The intimation for medical examination shall constitute the administrative sanction to commutation but shall lapse if the medical examination does not take place within the period prescribed in the sanctioning order. If the applicant does not appear for examination before the said medical board within the prescribed period the Government may at its discretion, renew the administrative sanction for a further period of three months without obtaining a fresh application for commutation of pension. 5(3) the applicant may withdraw his application by a written notice to the Government at any time before the date of the medical examination: Provided that if the medical board directs that his age for the purpose of commutation shall be assumed to be greater than the actual age, the applicant may withdraw application by written notice dispatched within two weeks from the date on which he receives information of the revised sum payable on commutation or if the sum is already stated in the sanctioning order, within two weeks from the date on which he receives intimation of the finding of the medical board and if the applicant does not withdraw his application in writing within the period of two weeks prescribed above, he shall be assumed to have accepted the sum offered. 5(4) If the applicant requests within the prescribed period that the amount to be commuted might be reduced, this request is tantamount to a withdrawal of his application for commutation; such a request shall be treated as a new application.


5(5) Subject to the provision contained in regulation 8 and to the withdrawal of an application under the proviso to sub-regulation (3), the commutation shall become absolute, (i.e. 6[ ]the title to receive the commuted value shall accrue), on the date on which the medical board signs the medical certificate. Note.- A pensioner whose application for the commutation of a portion of his pension is expressed as a percentage or fraction of the total pension admissible to him and is allowed in the first instance to commute such percentage or fraction of his anticipatory or provisional pension shall, in event of his final pension being more than his anticipatory or provisional pension, be allowed to commute a further sum, without producing a fresh certificate of medical examination, so as to make the commuted amount equal to the specified percentage or fraction of the amount of pension as finally sanctioned. In such cases, commutation as finally sanctioned shall also take effect from the date of original commutation of the anticipatory or provisional pension and the amount of residual pension shall also be readjusted from the same date. 6. Second medical examination. - Where a pensioner who applied for commutation has once been rejected on the recommendation of the medical board as not being a fit subject for commutation or after he has once declined to accept commutation on the basis of an addition of years to his actual age recommended by such board, he may be allowed to present himself once more before a medical board of medical examination with a view to the revision of the original finding at his own cost, provided that an interval of not less than one year shall elapse between the date of the first medical examination and the date of such a subsequent examination. The medical board shall in such a case be furnished with a copy of the report of the medical board which had previously examined the pensioner. 7. Payment of commuted value.- 78 (1) Payment of the commuted value shall be made to the applicant as expeditiously as possible, but in the case of a member of the Service (hereinafter referred to as impaired members) in whose case the medical board has directed that his age for the purpose of commutation shall be assumed to be greater than his actual age, no payment shall be made until either a written acceptance of the commutation has been received or the period within which the application for commutation may be withdrawn has expired. The reduction in the amount of pension on account of commutation shall become operative from the date of receipt of the commuted value of pension by the pensioner or three months after the issue of the authority asking the pensioner to collect the commuted value of the pension by the Accountant General, whichever is earlier. This date will be entered in both halves of the pension payment order by treasury officer under intimation to the Accountant General. 79 (2) The lump sum payable on commutation shall be calculated in accordance with the table given in Schedule B.

6 7 8

Omitted w.e.f. 11.07.1975 Notification No.11025/1/77-AIS(II) dated 30.08.1977(GSR No.1197 dt.17.09.1977) Inserted by MHA Notification No.1/3/59-AIS(III) dated 10.02.1959(GSR No. 177 dt.20.05.1959) [ ] Substituted w.e.f.11.07.1975 vide MHA Notification No.11025/1/77-AIS(II) dated 30.08.1977(GSR No. 1197 dt.17.09.1977) 9 [ ] Substituted by MHA Notification No. 28/2/62-AIS(II) dated 25.06.1973


Explanation.- For the purpose of this Regulation the age in the case of the impaired member shall be assumed to be such age not being less than the actual age, as the medical board may direct. 7(3)In the event of the table of present values applicable to an applicant having been modified between and the date on which the commutation is due to become absolute payment shall be made in accordance with the modified table but it shall be open to the applicant if the modified table is less favourable to him than that previously in force to withdraw his application by notice in writing dispatched within fourteen days of the date on which he receives notice the date of administrative sanction to commutation of the modification. 7(4) If the pensioner dies on or after the date on which the commutation became absolute but before receiving the commutation value, this value shall be paid to his legal heirs. 7-A Special provision for commutation.- (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in regulations 5 and 6, if a pensioner, who10

(a) retired under sub-rules (1), (2) and (2A) of rule 16 of the Retirement Benefits Rule, or is retired by Central Government under sub-rule (3) of rule 16 of the Retirement Benefits Rules, or retired under sub-rule (1) of rule 5A of the Retirement Benefits Rules and elected for monthly pension and retirement gratuity.



makes an application for commutation of pension within one year of the date of his retirement, shall not be subjected to medical examination under these regulations and the commutation shall become absolute (i.e. the title to receive the commuted value shall accrue) on the date on which the application for commutation is received by the State Government; 7A(2) The provisions contained in sub-regulations (1) to (4) of regulation 7 shall apply mutatis, mutandis to commutation of pension under sub-regulation (1) of this regulation. 7A(3) A pensioner shall have no option to withdraw under sub-regulation (1). the application made

8. Cancellation of sanction for commutation in certain cases.- If the applicant makes any statement found to be false within his knowledge or wilfully suppresses any material fact in answer to any question, written or oral, put to him in connection with his medical examination, the Government may cancel the sanction at any time before payment is actually made and such a statement or suppression may be treated as grave misconduct for the purpose of rule 3 of the Retirement Benefits Rules.


Substituted vide Notification No.11025/4/78-AIS(II) dated 25.6.79(GSR No 941 dt.14.7.79)


9. Miscellaneous.- 9(1) The sanction and payment of commuted value and matters incidental thereto shall be regulated by such procedural instructions as may be issued from time to time by the Central Government. 9(2) Application for commutation, administrative sanction and report of the medical board shall be made in such form as may be by prescribed by the Central Government. 9(3) Any fees payable to the medical board for medical examination in connection with commutation of pension shall be borne by the member of the Service desiring such commutation.


SCHEDULE A (Regulation 4) Form of Declaration Whereas the President of India through .............(here state the designation of the officer sanctioning the commutation) (hereinafter called the Government) has consented, provisionally, to advance to me the sum of Rs...............being the commuted value of part of the anticipatory pension in anticipation of the completion of the enquires necessary to enable the Government to find the amount of my pension and consequently the part of the pension that may be commuted, I hereby acknowledge that in accepting the advance, I am fully conversant that the commuted value now paid is subject to revision on the completion of the necessary formal enquiries and I have no objection to such revision and I am aware that the provisional amount now to be paid to me as the commuted value of the part of anticipatory pension may exceed the amount to which I may be eventually found entitled. I further promise and undertake to refund and pay on demand any amount advanced to me in excess of the amount to which I may be eventually found entitled and in default the Government shall be at liberty to have the said excess amount realised from the subsequent pension payable to me. Witness to signature.

(with address) 1................... 2...................

Signature.............. Station................. Date..................


SCHEDULE B Regulation 7 (2) Commutation Table ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Age on the Next Birth day Table in respect of member of Service whose commutation took effect
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Before Between Between Between Between Between On or 1.2.1957 1.2.1957 & 1.7.1959 & 1.4.1962 & 1.4.1964 & 5.2.1968 & after 30.6.1959 31.3.1962 31.3.1964 4.2.1968 28.2.1971 1.3.1971

Commutation value for a pension of Re. one per annum expressed as number of years purchase (a) 17. . . 18 . . . 19 . . . 20 . . . 21 . . . 22 . . . 23 . . . 24 . . . 25 . . . 26 . . . 27 . . . 28 . . . 29 . . . 30 . . . 31 . . . 32 . . . 33 . . . 34 . . .
11 12







(e) 21.19 21.07 20.95 20.82 20.68 20.54 20.40 20.24 20.08 19.92 19.75 19.57 19.38 19.18 18.98 18.77 18.55 18.33

(f) 20.33 20.22 20.11 19.99 19.87 19.75 19.61 19.48 19.33 19.18 19.02 18.86 18.69 18.51 18.32 18.13 17.93 17.72





.. 22.79 22.60 22.40 22.20 21.99 21.79 21.57 21.35 21.13 20.90 20.66 20.42 20.18 19.93 19.67 19.41 19.14

.. 20.94 20.78 20.62 20.46 20.29 20.11 19.94 19.76 19.57 19.38 19.18 18.98 18.77 18.56 18.34 18.11 17.88

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19.28 19.06 18.83 18.59 18.35

19.24 19.15 19.06 18.96 18.86 18.76 18.64 18.53 18.40 18.28 18.14 18.00 17.85 17.70 17.54 17.37 17.20 17.01

19.28 19.20 19.11 19.01 18.91 18.81 18.70 18.59 18.47 18.34 18.21 18.07 17.93 17.78 17.62 17.46 17.29 17.11

This is based on rate of interest of 3 per cent per annum. These are based on a rate of interest of 3.5 per cent annum. 13 This is based on a rate of interest at 4 per cent per annum introduced vide MHA Notification No.1/2/59-AIS(III) dated 25.11.1559, No.28/2/62-AIS(II) dated 25.06.1963 and 28/1/63-AIS(II) dated 01.04.1964 and amended vide Notification No.28/1/63-AIS(II) dated 22.06.1964. 14 This table is based on rate of interest of 4.75% per annum and the improvement in the mortality rate as indicated by the experience of posted Life Insurance holders, vide DP&AR Notification No.28/1/71-AIS(II) dated 05.02.1972


35 . . . 36 . . . 37 . . . 38 . . . 39 . . . 40 . . . 41 . . . 42 . . . 43 . . . 44 . . . 45 . . . 46 . . . 47 . . . 48 . . . 49 . . . 50 . . . 51 . . . 52 . . . 53 . . . 54 . . . 55 . . . 56 . . . 57 . . . 58 . . . 59 . . . 60 . . . 61 . . . 62 . . . 63 . . . 64 . . . 65 . . .

18.86 18.58 18.29 17.99 17.69 17.38 17.07 16.74 16.41 16.07 15.73 15.37 15.01 14.64 14.27 13.90 13.51 13.13 12.74 12.34 11.95 11.55 11.15 10.76 10.36 09.97 09.58 09.20 08.82 08.45 08.08

17.64 17.40 17.15 16.89 16.63 16.36 16.08 15.80 15.50 15.20 14.89 14.58 14.25 13.92 13.59 13.25 12.90 12.54 12.19 11.83 11.46 11.09 10.73 10.36 09.99 09.62 09.26 08.90 08.55 08.19 07.85

18.10 17.84 17.59 17.31 17.03 16.74 16.45 16.15 15.84 15.52 15.20 14.87 14.53 14.19 13.84 13.49 13.13 12.77 12.40 12.03 11.65 11.27 10.89 10.50 10.12 09.74 09.37 09.00 08.64 08.28 07.93

18.09 17.85 17.60 17.34 17.08 16.80 16.52 16.23 15.94 15.64 15.33 15.02 14.70 14.38 14.05 13.72 13.39 13.05 12.70 12.36 12.01 11.65 11.30 10.95 10.59 10.23 09.88 09.52 09.17 08.82 08.47

17.50 17.28 17.05 16.80 16.56 16.30 16.04 15.77 15.49 15.21 14.92 14.62 14.32 14.02 13.71 13.39 13.07 12.75 12.42 12.09 11.75 11.42 11.08 10.73 10.39 10.05 09.70 09.36 09.02 08.68 08.34

16.82 16.62 16.42 16.20 15.98 15.75 15.52 15.27 15.02 14.76 14.50 14.23 13.96 13.68 13.39 13.10 12.80 12.50 12.20 11.89 11.53 11.26 10.94 10.62 10.29 09.97 09.64 09.31 08.99 08.68 08.34

16.92 16.72 16.52 16.31 16.09 15.87 15.64 15.40 15.15 14.90 14.64 14.37 14.10 13.82 13.54 13.25 12.95 12.66 12.35 12.05 11.73 11.42 11.10 10.78 10.46 10.13 09.81 09.48 09.15 08.82 08.50


66 . . . 67 . . . 68 . . . 69 . . . 70 . . . 71 . . . 72 . . . 73 . . . 74 . . . 75 . . . 76 . . . 77 . . . 78 . . . 79 . . . 80 . . . 81 . . . 82 . . . 83 . . . 84 . . . 85 . . . 86 . . . 87 . . . 88 . . . 89 . . . 90 . . . 91 . . . 92 . . . 93 . . . 94 . . .

07.72 07.37 07.02 06.68 06.35 06.03 05.72 05.42 05.12 04.84 04.57 04.31 04.06 03.83 03.61 03.40 03.21 03.03 02.88 02.75 02.63 02.51 02.39 02.28 02.17 02.05 01.93 01.79 01.62

07.51 07.17 06.84 06.52 06.20 05.90 05.60 05.31 05.20 04.75 04.49 04.24 04.00 03.77 03.55 03.35 03.16 03.00 02.85 02.72 02.60 02.48 02.37 02.26 02.15 01.94 01.92 01.78 01.61

07.58 07.24 06.91 06.58 06.26 05.95 05.64 05.35 05.06 04.79 04.52 04.27 04.02 03.79 03.57 03.37 03.18 03.01 02.86 02.73 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

08.12 07.70 07.45 07.11 06.79 06.47 06.16 05.86 05.57 05.28 05.01 04.74 04.48 04.24 04.00 03.78 03.57 03.36 03.17 02.99 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

08.00 07.67 07.34 07.02 06.70 06.39 06.09 05.80 05.51 05.20 04.96 04.70 04.45 04.20 03.97 03.75 03.54 03.34 03.15 02.97 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

08.01 07.69 07.37 07.06 06.75 06.45 06.15 05.86 05.58 05.30 05.03 04.78 04.52 04.28 04.05 03.83 03.62 03.42 03.23 03.04 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

08.17 07.85 07.53 07.22 06.91 06.60 06.30 06.01 05.72 05.44 05.17 04.90 04.65 04.40 04.17 03.94 03.72 03.52 03.32 03.13 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


FORM A Commutation of Pension under A.I.S. Commutation of Pension Regulation, 1959 PART I-Form of Application [Vide Regulation 9 (2)] I....................desire to commute Rs..............P. of my 15 pension of Rs...................P....... @month. I certify that I have answered correctly each and all of the questions below: Signature.............. Place.............. Designation............ Date........... Questions 1. What is the date of your birth? ..................................

Address................ Answers

2.How much of your pension do you wish to commute?.....................

3.(a) Have you already commuted a portion of your pension? If so, give particulars.. (b) Has any application from you for commutation of pension ever been rejected, or have you ever accepted/declined to accept commutation of pension on the basis of an addition of years to your actual age recommended by the medical authority? If so, give particulars 4. From what treasury do you draw or propose to commutation money? ...................................................... draw your pension and

5. If you are already drawing your Pension quote the number of your Pension Payment Order ........................................................... 6. From what date approximately do you wish this commutation to have effect? See Regulation 5 of the A.I.S.(Commutation of Pension) Regulations, 1959 ............................ 7. State the amount of provident fund money (including any non-refundable withdrawals) and the amount of death-cum-retirement gratuity received by you ...........

The class of pension (superannuation, retiring, invalid compensation) should be stated and if the amount is not known, a suitable modification should be made in the Form. 16 The portion of the pension to be commuted should consist of whole Rupees or of rupees and a multiple of five naye paise. In case of anticipatory pension, the pensioner may, if he so desires, indicate his intention to commute the maximum amount in the event of his final pension being more than anticipatory pension. In such case, the amount proposed to be commuted may, alternatively be expressed in terms of a percentage of full pension within the maximum permissible limit. 17 This is without prejudice to the discretion of the sanctioning authority.



8. Name the Accounts Officer who authorised the payment of provident fund money (including any non-refundable withdrawal) and death-cum-retirement gratuity to you. 9. At what station (near the area in which you are ordinarily resident) would you prefer your medical examination to take place? ................ Place................ Signature ................ (here enter the designation and address of the Account Officer) Signature ... Designation ............. PART II Forwarded to ............. (here enter the designation and address of the sanctioning authority) 1. % Sum Payable if the commutation becomes absolute before applicant's next birthday which day falls on Years DO DO 1. Year, i.e.............................................................. DO DO 2. Year, i.e.............................................................. DO DO 3. Year, i.e.............................................................. DO DO 4. Year, i.e.............................................................. DO DO 5. Year, i.e.............................................................. DO DO 2. Sum Payable if the commutation becomes absolute after the applicant's next birthday but before his next birthday but one. Year DO DO 1. Year, i.e.............................................................. DO DO 2. Year, i.e.............................................................. DO DO 3. Year, i.e.............................................................. DO DO 4. Year, i.e.............................................................. DO DO 5. Year, i.e.............................................................. DO DO the

Date ............ Forwarded for report to .......... Place ............... Date ...........


3. The sum payable will be charged on: Central Revenues The Government of..........(State Government) Rs............. Station............ Dated.............. 2. Subject to the medical authority's recommending commutation, the lump sum payable will be as stated below:% On the basis of normal age i.e...................................Rs. Plus Years............................Rs....................... Plus Years............................Rs....................... Plus Years............................Rs....................... Plus Years............................Rs....................... Plus Years............................Rs....................... Plus PART II On the basis of normal age i.e. ..................Rs. plus Years............................Rs....................... Plus Years............................Rs....................... Plus Years............................Rs....................... Plus Years............................Rs....................... Plus Signature and Designation of Accounts Officer.


PART III Administrative sanction accorded to the above commutation. A certified copy of paragraph 2 of Part II of the Form has been forwarded to the applicant in Form B. Place.............. Dated..............


Designation................ Forwarded 18 to..................................................... (here enter the designation and address of the Chief Administrative Medical Officer). .original on(Date)................with the request that he will arrange for the medical examination of the applicant by the proper medical authority as early as possible within three months from the .....................(here enter the date) but not earlier than the(here enter the date of retirement)......................and inform the applicant direct in sufficient time where and when he should appear for the examination. The next birthday of the applicant falls on..............and his medial examination may be arranged before that date but within the period prescribed in the sanctioning order.

(Signature and designation of the sanctioning authority)

FORM B [Vide Regulation 9(2)] PART I Subject to the medical authorities recommending commutation and the conditions prescribed in Part II of this Form, the lump sum payable will be stated below: Sum payable if the commutation becomes absolute before the applicant's next birthday which fall on. ......................................................................
18 19

5 years, with one copy of form C and an extra copy of Part III of the Form. To be struck out when the next birthday falls beyond the prescribed date.


Years Do DO 1. Year, i.e............................................................. DO DO 2. Year, i.e............................................................. DO DO 3. Year, i.e............................................................. DO DO 4. Year, i.e............................................................. DO DO 5. Year, i.e............................................................. DO DO Sum payable if the commutation becomes birthday but before his next birthday but one. absolute after the applicant's next

Years DO DO 1. Year i.e.............................................................. DO DO 2. Year i.e.............................................................. DO DO 3. Year i.e.............................................................. DO DO 4. Year i.e.............................................................. DO DO 5. Year i.e.............................................................. DO DO On the basis of normal age i.e..................Rs. plus Years Years Plus Years Plus Years Plus Years Plus Years

Rs. .......................... Rs. ........................... Rs. ........................... Rs. ........................... Rs. ...........................

On the basis of normal age i.e. ................Rs. plus Years Plus Years Plus

Rs. ........................... Rs. ...........................


Year Plus Year Plus Year

Rs. ........................... Rs. ........................... Rs. ........................... Signed ...............

Station. Date.

Signature and Designation of Accounts Officer. PART II The commutation for lump payments of the pension administratively sanctioned on the basis of the report of the Accounts Officer contained in Part I above. The table of present values, on the basis of which the calculation in The Account Officer's report have been made, is subject to alteration at any time without notice, and consequently they are liable to revision before payment is made. The sum payable will be the sum appropriate to the applicant's age on his birthday next after the date on which the commutation becomes absolute or, if the medical authority directs that years shall be added to that age, to the consequent assumed age. 2. The ....................... (here enter the designation and address of the Chief Administrative Medical Officer). has been requested to arrange for the medical examination and inform where and when he should appear for the examination. He should bring with him the enclosed Form C, with the particulars required in Part I completed except for the, Signature..................... Station....................... Date.......................... Signature................. Designation...............

To .......................... .......................... (The name and address of the applicant)




[Please see regulation 9(2)] Medical Examination by the ................................................ (here enter the medical authority) --------------------------------------------------------------------------PART I Statement to be filled by the applicant for commutation of a portion of his pension. The applicant must complete this Statement prior to his examination by the (here enter the medical authority) and must sign the declaration appended thereto in the presence of that authority. 1. State your name in full (in block letters) 2. State place of birth 3. State your age and date of birth. 4. Furnish the following particulars concerning your family:Fathers age if living Fathers age at Number of brothers Number of brothers death and cause of living, their age and dead, their ages and state of health and cause of death state of health death 1. 2. 3. 4.

Mother age if living Mothers age at Number of sisters Number of sisters and state of health death and cause of living, their ages dead, their ages death and state of health and cause of death 5. 6. 5. Have you ever been examined? (a) For Life Insurance, or/and (b) by any Government medical officer or State Medical Board, State? If so, state details and with what result? Civil or 7. 8.

6. Have you ever been granted leave on medical certificate in the previous five years? If so, state period of leave and nature of illness? 7. Have you ever:(a) had small pox, intermittent or any other suppuration of glands, spitting of blood. fever, enlargement or Asthma, inflammation of


DPAR letter No. 11025/1/80-AIS(II) dated 10.06.1980


lungs, pleurisy, heart disease, fainting, attacks, rheumatism, appendicitis, epilepsy, insanity or other disease of the ear, syphilis, gonorrhoea or, (b) had any other disease or injury which required confinement to bed or medical or surgical treatment or (c) undergone any surgical operation, or (d) suffered from any illness, wound or injury sustained while on active service during war? 8. Have you Hernia? 9.A Have you varice-cele, varicose veins or piles? 10. Is your vision in each eye good? 11. Is your hearing in each ear good? 12. Have you any congenital or acquired malformation, defect or deformity? 13. Is there any further matter concerning your health not covered by the above questions such presence of albumen or sugar in the urine marked increase or decrease in your weight in the last three years or being under treatment of any doctor within the last three months and the nature of illness which such treatment was taken? Declaration by the Applicant (To be signed in presence of the medical authority) I declare all the above answers to be to the best of my belief, true and correct. I will fully reveal to medical authority or circumstances within my knowledge that concern my health & fitness. I am fully aware that by wilfully making a false statement of concealing relevant fact I shall incur the risk of losing the commutation I have applied for and of having my pension withheld or withdrawn under Rule 3 All India Services (DCRB) Rules, 1958. Signed in presence of............. Applicant's signature............. Signature and designation of Medical Authority




(To be filled by the examining medical authority) General Examination1. Apparent age 2. Height 3. Weight 4. Pulse (a) Sitting (b) Standing What is the character of pulse? 5. Blood pressure (a) Systolic (b) Diastolic 6. Is there any evidence of disease of the main organs(a) Heart (b) Lungs (c) Liver (d) Spleen (e) Kidney 7. Investigations(i) Urine (ii) Blood (iii) X-Ray Chest (iv) E.C.G.

(State specific gravity)

8. Has the applicant a hernia? If so, state the kind and if reducible. 9. Describe any scars of identifying marks. 10.Any additional information. PART III We have carefully examined Shri/Shrimati/Kumari and are of opinion that:He/She is in good bodily health and has the prospect of an average duration of life.

DPAR letter No. 11025/2/80-AIS(II) dated 10.06.1980


OR He/She is not in bodily health and is not a fit subject for commutation. OR Although he/she is suffering from..................................He/She is considered a fit subject for commutation but his/her age for the purpose of commutation i.e. the age next birthday should be taken to be...................................... (in words) years more than his/her actual age. Station...................... Dated........................

(Signature and designation of the member examining Medical Board).

FORM D FORM OF APPLICATION FOR COMMUTATION OF A FRACTION OF SUPERANNUATION PENSION WITHOUT MEDICALEXAMINATION WHEN APPLICANT DESIRESTHAT THE PAYMENT OF THE COMMUTEDVALUE OF PENSION SHOULD BE AUTHORISED THROUGH THEPENSION PAYMENT ORDER (To be submitted in duplicate 3 months before the date of retirement) PART I To The Chief Secretary to the Government of.............................. Subject:- Commutation of pension without medical examination. Sir, I desire to commute a fraction of my pension in accordance with the provisions of the AIS (Commutation of Pension) Regulations 1959. The necessary particulars are furnished below: 1. Name in block letters: 2. Father's Name (and also husband's name in the case of female member of the Service) 3. Designation: 4. Name of office/Department/Ministry in which posted .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. ..

.. ..

.. ..


5. Date of Birth (by Christian era) 6. Date of retirement on superannuation or on the expiry of extension in service 7. Fraction of superannuation pension proposed to be commuted (Maximum amount of pension that can be commuted is 40%) 8. Disbursing authority from which pension is to be drawn after retirement.

.. ..

.. ..

.. ..







(a) Treasury/sub-Treasury. (Name and complete address of the Treasury/ Sub-Treasury to be indicated). (b) (i) Branch of the nationalised bank with complete postal address. (ii) Bank Account No. to which monthly pension is to be credited each month. (c) Designation and address of the Account Officer. (Applicable in a case where the pension is proposed to be drawn through an Account Officer other than the A.O. issuing PPO) Signature Present Postal Address ----------------------------------------Postal address after retirement Place: Date: Note:The payment of commuted value of pension shall be made through the disbursing authority from which pension is to be drawn after retirement. It is not open to an applicant to draw the commuted value of pension from a disbursing authority other than the disbursing authority from which pension is to be drawn. PART II (ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) Received from Shri/Smt./Kumari............................................. (name and designation) application in part I of form D for commutation of fraction of pension without medical examination.


Place: Date:

Signature Head of Office.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note:This acknowledgement should be detached from the form and handed over to the applicant. If the form has been received by post, the acknowledgement should be sent to the applicant by registered post. If this form has been received by the State Government after the retirement of the officer, it should be returned to him asking him to submit fresh application in Form E. PART III Forwarded to the Accounts Officer. (here indicate the address and designation)........................ with the remarks that:(i) the particulars furnished by the applicant in part I have been verified and are correct: (ii) the applicant is eligible to get a fraction of his pension commuted without medical examination: (iii) the commuted value of pension determined with reference to the Table applicable at present comes to Rs. .......;and (iv) the amount of residuary pension after commutation will be Rs............... 2. The pension papers of the applicant completed in all respects were forwarded under this Government's letter No............dated........ It is requested that the payment of commuted value of pension may be authorised through the Pension Payment Order which may be issued one month before the retirement of the applicant. 3. The receipt of Part I of this Form has been acknowledged in Part II which has been forwarded separately to the applicant. 4. The commuted value of pension is debitable to Head of Account _________________________________________________

Place: Signature Date: Head of office.


FORM E FORM OF APPLICATION FOR COMMUTATION OF A FRACTION OF PENSION WITHOUT MEDICAL EXAMINATION (To be submitted in duplicate after retirement but within one year of the date of the date of retirement) PART I To The Chief Secretary to the Government of................................

Subject:- Commutation of pension without medical examination.

Sir, I desire to commute a fraction of my pension as indicated below in accordance with the provisions of the All India Services (Commutation of pension) Regulations 1959. The necessary particulars are furnished below: 1. Name in block letters ..........................

2. Father's Name (and also husband's name in the case of female member of the Service) .......................... 3. Designation of the post held at the time of retirement 4. Name of the Office/Department/Ministry in posted 5. Date of Birth (by Christian era) 6. Date of retirement


.......................... .......................... ..........................

7. Class of pension on which retired (i.e. superannuation pension, retiring pension etc.)......................... 8. Amount of pension authorised. [In case final amount of pension has not been authorised, indicate the amount of anticipatory pension sanctioned under the rule 27 of AIS (DCRB) rules 1958] .......................... 9. Fraction of pension proposed to be commuted (Maximum amount of pension that can be


commuted is 40%)


10.Designation of the Accounts Officer who authorised the pension and the No. and date of the Pension Payment Order, if issued. .......................... 11.Disbursing authority for payment of pension .......................... (a) Treasury/sub-Treasury. (Name and complete address of the Treasury/ Sub-Treasury to be indicated). (b) (i) Branch of the Nationalised Bank with complete postal address. (ii) Bank Account No. to which monthly pension is being credited each month. (c) Designation and address of the Accounts Officer. (Applicable in a case where pension is being drawn through an Accounts Officer other than the Accounts Officer who issued the P.P.O.)

Signature Present Postal Address. Place: Date: Note:The payment of commuted value of pension shall be made through the disbursing authority from which pension is being drawn. It is not open to an applicant to draw the commuted value of pension from a disbursing authority other than the disbursing authority from which pension is being drawn. PART II (ACKNOWLEDGEMENT) Received from Shri......................................................... (name) (Designation of the post held at the time of retirement) application in Part I of Form E for the commutation of a fraction of pension without medical examination.

Signature Head of Office Place: Date: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



This acknowledgement is to be signed, stamped and dated and is to be detached from the Form and handed over to the applicant, If the form has been received by the post, it has to be acknowledged on the same day and the acknowledgement sent under registered cover. If this application has been received after the expiry of one year from the date of retirement, it should be returned to the applicant directing him to submit the application in form A for undergoing medical examination.


Forwarded to the Accounts Officer_______________________________________ (here indicate the address and designation) ___________________________________________________________________ With the remarks that (i) the particulars furnished by the applicant in Part I have been verified and are correct; the applicant is eligible to get a fraction of his pension commuted without medical examination; the commuted value of pension determined with reference to the Table applicable at present comes to Rs............



2. It is requested that further action to authorise the payment of the amount of commuted value of pension may be taken under AIS (Commutation of Pension) Regulations. 3. The receipt of Part I of the Form has been acknowledged in Part II which has been forwarded separately to the applicant on........... 4. The commuted value of pension is debitable to Head of Account.

Signature Head of Office Place: Date:



1. Report from the Audit officer will have to be called for in the prescribed form for the commutation of pension twice for commutation from anticipatory and final pension: - A pensioner is not required to apply afresh for commutation of the difference between the percentage or fraction of the final pension and the anticipatory pension. However, as the commutation in such case is payable in two instalments one out of the anticipatory pension and the other after final assessment of pension, the report from the Audit officer will have to be called for in the prescribed form for the commutation of pension twice. A fresh sanction of the administrative authority for the difference of the commuted value i.e. the maximum value accrued minus value commuted provisionally, will also be necessary. [G.I., MHA letter No. 28/1/60-AIS(II) dated 15.9.1960] 2. The application for commutation, administrative sanction and report of medical board shall be made in forms A, B, & C respectively which have been prescribed for this purpose by the Government of India. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 28/1/60-AIS(II), dated 26th October, 1960.]


In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951), the Central Government, after consultation with the Governments of the States concerned, hereby makes the following rules, namely: 1. Short title.These rules may be called the All India Services (Conditions of Service- Residuary Matters) Rules, 1960. 2. Power of Central Government to provide for residuary matters.The Central Government may, after consultation with the Governments of the States concerned, make regulations to regulate any matters relating to conditions of service of persons appointed to an All India Service, for which there is no provision in the rules made or deemed to have been made under the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951); and until such regulations are made, such matters shall be regulated:(a) in the case of persons serving in connection with the affairs of the Union, by the rules, regulations and orders applicable to officers of the Central Services, Class I; (b) in the case of persons serving in connection with the affairs of a State, by the rules, regulations and orders applicable to officers of the State Civil Services, Class I, subject to such exceptions and modifications as the Central Government may, after consultation with the State Government concerned, by order in writing, make: Provided that no order granting gratuity and pension to a member of an All India Service or his family members, under the relevant extraordinary pension Rules, applicable to officers of the State Civil Services, Class I, shall be passed by the State Government except after consultation with the Union Public Service Commission:
2 1

Provided further that: (i) no order granting any costs incurred by a member of an All India Service in defending legal proceedings instituted against him in respect of acts done or purporting to be done in the execution of his duty, under relevant rules, regulations or orders applicable to officers of State Civil Service, Class I, shall be passed by a State Government except after consultation with the Union Public Service Commission and in cases where there is a difference of opinion between the State Government and the Union Public Service Commission, the matter shall be referred to the Central Government for decision, and an order granting any costs incurred by a member of an All India Service in defending legal proceedings instituted against him in respect of acts done or purporting to be done in the execution of his duty while serving in connection with the affairs of the Union, under relevant rules, regulations or orders applicable to officers of the Central Civil Services, Class I, shall be


1 2

Added vide MHA Not. No. 9/2/60-AIS(IIIa) dated 16.05.1961 Added vide MHA Not. No. 9/1/65-AIS(III) dated 02.05.1968 (GSR No.836 dt. 11.05.1968)


passed only by the Central Government after consultation with the Union Public Service Commission. 3. Power to relax rules and regulations in certain cases.Where the Central Government is satisfied that the operation of (i) (ii) any rules made or deemed to have been made under the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951), or any regulation made under any such rule, regulating the conditions of service of persons appointed to an All India Service causes undue hardship in any particular case, it may, by order, dispense with or relax the requirements of that rule or regulations, as the case may be, to such extent and subject to such exceptions and conditions as it may consider necessary for dealing with the case in a just and equitable manner.

4. Interpretation.If any question arises as to the interpretation of these rules, or relating to the application or interpretation of rules, regulations or orders referred to in clauses (a) and (b) of rules 2, the Central Government shall decide the same.


GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DECISION UNDER RULE 3 1. Recruitment rules cannot be relaxed under these rules: - A doubt was raised whether the power of relaxing rules was intended to be applicable to recruitment rules also. The Government of India have held that the recruitment rules cannot be relaxed under rule 3 of the A.I.S. (Conditions of Service- Residuary Matters) Rules, 1960. [M.H.A. F.No. 14/2/55-AIS(III).] 2. Circumstances under which rules and regulations can be relaxed: - A question arose regarding the extent of the powers vested in the Government under rule 3 of the A.I.S. (Conditions of Service-Residuary Matters) Rules, 1960, to deal with cases involving relaxation of rules and regulations. The Government of India have held that: (a) undue hardship signifies unforeseen or unmerited hardship to an extent not contemplated when the rule was framed and does not cover any ordinary hardship or inconvenience which normally arises; (b) the relaxation should enable the case to be dealt with in a just and equitable manner and not on grounds of compassion however justified: and (c) the benefit to be conferred in relaxation of any rule or rules must be of a nature already provided for in the rules; Government are not empowered by this rule to confer benefits which are not contemplated in the rules. [G.I. MHA letter No. 30/1/63-AIS(II). dated the 1st January,1966.]

Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No. 7/1/73-AIS(III)-H dated 02.01.1975


In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951), the Central Government, after consultation with the Governments of the States concerned, hereby makes the following rules, namely:1. Short title and application (1) These Rules may be called the All India Services (Remittances into the Payments from Provident and Family Pension Funds) Rules, 1958. (2) They apply to persons(a) who are members of the Indian Administrative Services and who before becoming members thereof were members of the Indian Civil Service; and (b) who are members of the Indian Police Service and who before becoming members thereof were members of the Indian Police. 2. Definitions In these rules (a) Fund means a Family Pension Fund or a Provident Fund governed by any of the rules specified in the Schedule; (b) Officer means a member of the Indian Administrative Service or the Indian Police Service to whom these rules apply; (c) Schedule means the Schedule appended to these rules. 3. Conversion of existing credits in sterling into rupees Notwithstanding anything contained in any of the rules specified in the Schedule, the amount standing to the credit of an officer in a Fund at the commencement of these rules shall be converted into rupees at the rate of 1 sh. 6 d. to a rupee. 4. Remittances into and Payments from the Funds - Notwithstanding anything contained in any of the rules specified in the Schedule, on and after the commencement of these rules, all remittances into and payments from a Fund shall be made in India and in rupees: Provided that, where the payee is of non-Indian domicile, payment from a Fund may be made through the High Commissioner of India in the United Kingdom either in the sterling minimum or in rupees converted into sterling at such rate of exchange as the President may be order prescribe. 5. Interpretation If any question arises as to the interpretation of these rules, the Central Government shall decide the same.

Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No.7/1/73-AIS(III), dated 2.1.75.


SCHEDULE (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) The Indian Civil Service Family Pension (Untransferred Section) Fund Rules. The Indian Civil Service (Non-European Members) Family Pension Rules. The Superior Services (India) Family Pension (Untransferred) Rules. The Indian Civil Service Provident Fund Rules. The Indian Civil Service (Non-European Members) Provident Fund Rules. Secretary of States Services (General Provident Fund) Rules Superior Civil Services (India Provident Fund) (Sterling Accounts) Rules. [No.13/26/57-AIS(III), dated the 30th June, 1958]



In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 of the All India Services Act, 1951, (61 of 1951), and in supersession of the All India Services (Confidential Rolls) Rules, 1970, except as respect things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the Central Government, after consultation with the Governments of the States concerned, hereby makes the following rules, namely: 1. Short title, commencement and application.- (1) These rules may be called the All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007. (2) Gazette. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official

2. Definitions. - In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires;(a) accepting authority means the authority which supervises the performance of the reviewing authority as may be specifically empowered in this behalf by the Government; (b) benchmark score shall mean the minimum numerical weighted mean score arrived at for overall grading above which an officer shall be regarded as fit for promotion or empanelment, as the case may be, to the next higher grade; (c) empanelment means the process of assessing the suitability for appointment at the level of Joint Secretary and above as well as equivalent posts in the Government of India; (d) Government means, (i) In the case of a member of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of a State, or who is deputed for service in any company, association or body of individuals whether incorporated or not, which is wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the Government of a State, or in a local authority set up by an Act of the Legislature of a State, the Government of that State; in any other case, the Central Government;


(e) member of the Service means a member of an All India Service as defined in section 2 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951); (f) performance appraisal report means the performance appraisal report referred to in rules 4 and 5;

Published vide Notification No.11059/18/2002-AIS-III dated 14.03.2007 vide GSR No.197(E) dated 14.03.2007 in supersession of All India Service (Confidential Roll) Rules, 1970


(g) performance appraisal dossier means the compilation of the performance appraisal reports written on a member of the Service, referred to in rule 3, and includes such other documents as may be specified by the Central Government, by general or special order, in this behalf; (h) promotion means appointment of a member of the Service to the next higher grade over the one in which he is serving at the relevant time; (i) referral board means a board consisting of officers of the Service designated by the Central Government for cases relating to all officers of the Service on Central deputation, or for officers of State cadres serving in the State, specified in Schedule 3; (j) reporting authority means such authority or authorities supervising the performance of the member of the Service reported upon as may be specifically empowered in this behalf by the Government; (k) reviewing authority means such authority or authorities supervising the performance of the reporting authority as may be specifically empowered in this behalf by the Government; (l) Schedule means the Schedule annexed to these rules;

(m) State means a State specified in the First Schedule to the Constitution and includes a Union Territory; (n) State Government means the Government of the State on whose cadre the member of the Service is borne and in relation to a member of the Service borne on a Joint Cadre, the Joint Cadre Authority. 3. Maintenance and custody of performance appraisal dossier. - A comprehensive performance appraisal dossier shall be maintained for each member of the Service by the State Government and the Central Government in the manner specified under these rules and the performance appraisal dossier shall consist of the documents specified in Schedule 1. 4. Form of the performance appraisal report. - The reporting authority shall write the performance appraisal report in such form as may be specified by the Central Government in Schedule 2 and the officer reported upon and the reporting, reviewing and accepting authority shall ensure that the portions of the forms which are to be filled in by them are completed by them within the time limit specified in this behalf by the Central Government: Provided that the Central Government may make such additions in the form or the cut-off dates so specified as may be considered necessary or desirable. Provided further that the performance appraisal report shall also be written in such form as may be specified in this behalf by the Central Government for the members of the Service on deputation and be treated as mandatory input for empanelment and promotion and placed in the performance appraisal dossier:


Provided also that the performance appraisal report shall also be written for members of Service who are on training or study leave in such form as may be specified in this behalf by the Central Government. 5. Performance appraisal reports.- (1) A performance appraisal report assessing the performance, character, conduct and qualities of every member of the Service shall be written for each financial year or as may be specified by the Government in the Schedule 2: Provided that a performance appraisal report may not be written in such cases as may be specified by the Central Government, by general or special order: Provided further that if a performance appraisal report for a financial year is not recorded by 31st of December of the year in which the financial year ended, no remarks may be recorded thereafter and the officer may be assessed on the basis of the overall record and self assessment for the year, if he has submitted his self-assessment on time. (2) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (4), a performance appraisal report shall also be written when either the reporting or reviewing authority or the member of the Service reported upon relinquishes charge of the post, and, in such a case, it shall be written at the time of the relinquishment or ordinarily within one month of such relinquishment. (3) Where more than one performance appraisal reports are written on a member of the Service during the course of a financial year each such report shall indicate the period to which it pertains: Provided that only one report shall be written on a member of the Service for a particular period during the course of the financial year and there shall be a single reporting, reviewing and accepting authority at each level of assessment which shall be specified in the channel for writing performance appraisal reports by the concerned Ministries and State Governments and in no circumstances more than one person shall write the performance appraisal reports in the capacity of reporting, reviewing or accepting authority for a given period of time: Provided further that if more than one person of the same superior level supervises the performance of the member of Service, the Government shall identify the person to report or review well in advance of the relevant assessment year. (4) Where the reporting authority has not seen, but the reviewing authority has seen the performance of a member of the Service for at least three months during the period for which the performance appraisal report is to be written the reviewing authority shall write the performance appraisal report of any such member for any such period. (5) Where, both the reporting authority and the reviewing authority have not seen and the accepting authority has seen, as referred to in sub-rule (4), the performance of any such member, the accepting authority shall write the performance appraisal of any such member during such period.


(6) Where the reporting authority, the reviewing authority and the accepting authority have not seen the performance of a member of the Service for at least three months during the period for which the report is to be written, the Government shall make an entry to that effect in the performance appraisal report for any such period. *(7) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rules (1), (2), (4) and (5), it shall not be competent for the reporting authority, the reviewing authority or the accepting authority to write a performance appraisal report where the authority reporting the performance appraisal report is a government servant, after one month of his retirement from service; and in other cases, after one month of the date on which he demits office. Explanation.- I For the purposes of this rule, a Minister shall not be construed as having demitted the office if he continues to be a Minister in the Council of Ministers with a different portfolio or in the Council of Ministers immediately reconstituted after the previous Council of Ministers of which he was a Minister with the same or a different portfolio provided the Prime Minister or the Chief Minister, as the case may be, continues in office. Explanation.- II A Minister shall be deemed to have demitted the office where pursuant to fresh elections, a new Council of Ministers has been reconstituted, even if the Minister who was in the earlier Council of Ministers finds a place in the new Council of Ministers with the same of different portfolio. 6. Review of the performance appraisal report. - (1) The reviewing authority shall record his remarks on the performance appraisal report, within the timeframe specified in the Schedule 2. (2) Where the report is written by the reviewing authority under sub-rule (4) of rule 5, or where the reviewing authority has not seen, and the accepting authority has seen, the performance of a member of the Service for at least three months during the period for which the performance appraisal report is written, the accepting authority shall review the performance appraisal report of any such member for any such period within the timeframe specified in the Schedule 2. (3) It shall not be competent for the reviewing authority, or the accepting authority, to review any such performance appraisal report unless it has seen the performance of the member of the Service for at least three months during the period for which the report has been written, and in every such case an entry to that effect shall be made in the performance appraisal report. (4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rules (1) and (2), it shall not be competent for the reviewing authority or the accepting authority to review any such performance appraisal report(a) Where the authority reviewing the performance appraisal report is a Government servant, after one month of his retirement from service, and (b) In other cases, after one month of the date on which he demits office.
*Substituted vide Not. No. 11059/06/2010-AIS-III dt. 22.12.2010 (GSR No. 1003(E) dt. 22.12.2010)


Explanation. *Omitted. 7. Acceptance of the Performance Appraisal Report. - (1) The accepting authority shall within the timeframe specified in Schedule 2, record his remarks on the performance appraisal report and may accept it, with such modifications as may be considered necessary, and countersign the report: Provided that where the accepting authority has not seen the performance of any member of the Service for at least three months during the period for which the performance appraisal report has been written, it shall not be necessary for the accepting authority to accept any such report and an entry to this effect shall be made in the performance appraisal report. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), it shall not be competent for the accepting authority to accept and countersign any such performance report(a) (b) where the accepting authority is a Government servant, after one month of his retirement from service, and in other cases, one month after the date on which he demits the office.

(3) When the performance appraisal report be not written or revised.Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 5 or rule 6, where the accepting authority writes or reviews the performance appraisal report of any member of the Service, it shall not be necessary to review or accept any such report. 8. Communication of the performance appraisal report to the Central Government and the State Government. - A certified true copy of the performance appraisal report shall be sent to the Central Government or the State Government or both to the Central Government and the State Government, according as the member of the Service is serving in connection with the affairs of the State, on whose cadre he is borne, or the Union, or a State to which he has been deputed under sub-rule (1) of rule 6 of the respective All India Services Cadre Rules: Provided that if the performance appraisal report is written in a language other than Hindi or English, it shall be accompanied by an authentic certified translation in Hindi or English. 9. Disclosure of performance appraisal report to the officer reported upon and procedure for representation to the Referral Board. - (1) The full annual performance appraisal report, including the overall grade and assessment of integrity, shall be disclosed to the officer reported upon after finalisation by the accepting authority to enable the officer reported upon to represent his case. (2) The officer reported upon may have the option to give his comments on the performance appraisal report in writing to the accepting authority within fifteen days of the receipt of the Performance Appraisal Report.
*Omitted vide Not. No. 11059/06/2010-AIS-III dt. 22.12.2010 (GSR No. 1003(E) dt. 22.12.2010)


(3) The comments shall be restricted to the specific factual observations contained in the Performance Appraisal Report leading to the assessment of the officer in terms of attributes, work output and competency. (4) The accepting authority shall within fifteen days of receipt of comments from the officer reported upon forward the same to the reviewing and the reporting authority and call for their views on the comments. (5) The reporting authority shall, within fifteen days of receipt of comments from the officer reported upon forward his own views on the comments to the reviewing authority failing which it shall be presumed that he has no views thereon. (6) The reviewing authority shall forward the comments of the officer reported upon along with the views of the reporting authority and his own views to the accepting authority within fifteen days of receipt of the views of the reporting authority. (7) The accepting authority shall consider the comments of the officer reported upon, the views of the reporting authority and the reviewing authority and after due consideration may accept them and modify the performance appraisal report accordingly and the decision and final grading shall be communicated to the officer reported upon within fifteen days of receipt of the views of the reviewing authority. (8)(a) In case the officer reported upon chooses to represent against the final assessment conveyed to him according to this procedure, he may represent his case through the accepting authority for a decision by the Referral Board, as specified in the Schedule 3, within one month, provided that such representation shall be confined to errors of facts. (b) The representation of the officer reported upon along with the views of the reporting authority, the reviewing authority and the accepting authority shall be forwarded to the Referral Board on the request of the officer reported upon within a period of fifteen days of receipt of communication. (9)(a) The Referral Board shall consider the representation of the officer reported upon in the light of the comments of the reporting authority, the reviewing authority and the accepting authority and confirm or modify the performance appraisal report, including the overall grade and the decision of the Referral Board shall be confined only to errors of facts and the decision of the Referral Board shall be final. (b) In case an entry or assessment is upgraded or down graded, reasons for the same shall be recorded in the performance appraisal report. (10) The entire performance appraisal report, including the overall grade, shall thereafter be communicated to the officer reported upon which shall conclude the process of assessment and no further representation of any kind shall be entertained thereafter. 10. Memorial against assessment. - Nothing in these rules shall be deemed to preclude an officer from making a memorial to the President on the Performance


Appraisal Report, as provided under rule 25 of the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969. 11. General. - The Central Government may issue instructions, not inconsistent with the provisions of these rules, or as it may consider necessary, with regard to the writing of the performance appraisal reports, the maintenance of the performance appraisal dossier and the effect of the performance appraisal reports on the conditions of service of a member of the Service. SCHEDULE 1 [See rule 3] Documents to be maintained in the Performance Appraisal Dossier (i) A Curriculum Vitae to be updated annually on the basis of the performance appraisal reports and a five-yearly Curriculum Vitae update submitted by the officer reported upon (ii) The performance appraisal reports earned throughout the career. (iii) Certificates of training, academic courses attended after joining service, study leave (iv) Details of books, articles and other publications. (v) Appreciation letters from Government or Secretary or Head of Department or special bodies or Commissions. (vi) Reports of medical check-ups. (vii) Copy of order imposing any of the penalties specified in the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969 and final result of inquiry into allegations and charges against a member of the Service. (viii) Warnings or displeasure or reprimands of the Government

SCHEDULE 2 [See rule 4]

List of Appendices containing Forms for Performance Appraisal Report Appendix I Performance Appraisal Report Forms and summary of medical report for the Indian Administrative Service Form I and general guidelines for filling up the Performance Appraisal Report form for the Indian Administrative Service officers except the level of Secretary or Additional Secretary or equivalent to Government of India. Form II and general guidelines for filling up the Performance Appraisal Report form for the Indian Administrative Service officers of the level of Secretary or Additional Secretary or equivalent to Government of India.

Substituted vide Notification No.11059/09/2006-AIS-III dated 31.03.2008 published in GSR No.256(E) dt.31.03.2008


Form III for the Indian Administrative Service officers who are on deputation under clauses (i) and (ii) of sub-rule (2) of rule 6 of the Indian Administrative Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954. Form IIIA Performance Report on study leave or leave for study for Indian Administrative Service officers. Form IIIB Performance report on training (applicable for the Indian Administrative Service officers).

Appendix II Performance Appraisal Report Forms and summary of medical report for the Indian Police Service officers Form I and general guidelines for filling up the Performance Appraisal Report form for the Indian Police Service officers except the level of Additional Director General of Police or Director General of Police or equivalent. Form II and general guidelines for filling up the Performance Appraisal Report form for the Indian Police Service officers of the level of Additional Director General of Police or Director General of Police or equivalent. Form III for the Indian Police Service officers who are on deputation under clauses (i) and (ii) of sub-rule 2 of rule 6 of the Indian Police Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954. Form IIIA Performance Report on study leave or leave for study for Indian Police Service officers. Form IIIB Performance report on training (applicable for the Indian Police Service officers).

Appendix III Performance Appraisal Report Forms and summary of medical report for the Indian Forest Service officers Form I and general guidelines for filling up the Performance Appraisal Report form for the Indian Forest Service officers except the level of Principal Chief Conservator of Forests or Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests. Form II and general guidelines for filling up the Performance Appraisal Report form for the Indian Forest Service officers of the level of Principal Chief Conservator of Forests or Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests. Form III for the Indian Forest Service officers who are on deputation under clauses (i) and (ii) of sub-rule 2 of rule 6 of the Indian Forest Service (Cadre) Rules, 1966. Form IIIA Performance Report on study leave or leave for study for Indian Forest Service officers. Form IIIB Performance report on training (applicable for the Indian Forest Service officers)..


Substituted vide Notification No.11059/09/2006-AIS-III dated 31.03.2008 published in GSR No.256(E) dt.31.03.2008


[See rule 2 (i)] Composition of the Referral Board For Indian Administrative Service (a) In respect of officers working in the States (i) (ii) (iii) Chief Secretary of the State Senior most Secretary in the State Secretary (Appointments) Chairperson Member Convener

(b) In respect of officers working in the Centre (i) (ii) (iii) Cabinet Secretary Secretary (Personnel) Establishment Officer For Indian Police Service (a)In respect of officers working in the States (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Chief Secretary of the State Director General of Police Secretary (Appointments) Principal Secretary/Secretary, Home Department Chairperson Member Member Convener Chairperson Member Convener

(b)In respect of officers working in the Centre (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Cabinet Secretary Secretary (Home) Establishment Officer, Department of Personnel and Training Joint Secretary (Police) Chairperson Member Member Convener

Provided that when the officer being appraised is of the level of Joint Secretary or above, the Joint Secretary (Police) may be replaced by an officer of the level of Secretary to be nominated by the Cabinet Secretary.. For Indian Forest Service (a) In respect of officers working in the States (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Chief Secretary of the State Principal Chief Conservator of Forests in the State Secretary (Appointments) Chairperson Member Member

Principal Secretary (Environment and Forests)/ Convener Secretary (Environment and Forests)

(b) In respect of officers working in the Centre


(i) (ii) (iii) (v)

Cabinet Secretary Secretary (Environment and Forests) Establishment Officer, Department of Personnel and Training Joint Secretary (CCI)

Chairperson Member Member Convener

Provided that when the officer being appraised is of the level of Joint Secretary or above, the Joint Secretary (CCI) may be replaced by an officer of the level of Secretary to be nominated by the Cabinet Secretary.


Appendix I Form I

[See rule 4] The All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007 (Applicable for All IAS officers except the level of Secretary or Additional Secretary or equivalent to Government of India) Performance Appraisal Report for the period from _________ to __________ Section I Basic Information (To be filled in by the Administration Division/Personnel Department) 1.Name of the officer reported upon:



4.Year of allotment:

5.Date of Birth:

6.Present Grade:

7.Present post:

8.Date of appointment to present post: 9.Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting Authorities Name & Designation Reporting Authority Reviewing Authority Accepting Authority 10.Period of absence on leave, etc. Period On Leave (specify type) Others (specify) 11.Training Programs attended Date from Date to Institute

Period worked




Substituted vide Notification No.11059/09/2006-AIS-III dated 31.03.2008 published in GSR No.256(E) dt.31.03.2008


12. Awards/Honours

13. Details of PARs of AIS officers not written by the officer as reporting/reviewing authority for the previous year

14. Date of filing the property return for year ending December

15. 5Date of last prescribed medical examination (for officers over 40 years of age). Attach copy of the summary of the medical report


Signature on behalf of______________________ Admn/Personnel Dept

Section II Self Appraisal 1.Brief description of duties: (Objectives of the position you hold and the tasks you are required to perform, in about 100 words)

Substituted vide Notification No.11059/09/2006-AIS-III dated 31.03.2008 published in GSR No.256(E) dt.31.03.2008


2.Annual work plan and achievement: Tasks to be performed Deliverables6[1] Initial8[3] Mid year9[4] Actual Achievement 7[2]

3.During the period under report, do you believe that you have made any exceptional contribution, e.g. successful completion of an extraordinarily challenging task or major systemic improvement (resulting in significant benefits to the public and/or reduction in time and costs)? If so, please give a verbal description (within 100 words):

Deliverables refer to quantitative or financial targets or verbal description of expected outputs. Actual achievement refers to achievement against the specified deliverables in respect of each task (as updated at mid-year). No explanations for divergences are to be given in this table. 8[3] Initial listing of deliverables are to be finalized within 1 month of the start of the period under report. 9[4] Mid year listing of deliverables are to be finalized within 6 months of the start of the period under report.



4.What are the factors that hindered your performance?

5. Please indicate specific areas in which you feel the need to upgrade your skills through training programs: For the current assignment:

For your future career

Please Note: You should send an updated CV, including additional qualifications acquired/ training programs attended/ publications/ special assignments undertaken, in a prescribed proforma, to the cadre controlling authority, once in 5 years, so that the records available with the cadre controlling authority remain updated. 6. Declaration Have you filed your immovable property return, as due. If yes, please mention date. Have you undergone the prescribed medical check up? Have you set the annual work plan for all officers for the current year, in respect of whom you are the reporting authority? Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Date

Signature of officer reported upon _______________ Date:


Section III


1.Please state whether you agree with the responses relating to the accomplishments of the work plan and unforeseen tasks as filled out in Section II. If not, please furnish factual details.

2.Please comment on the claim (if made) of exceptional contribution by the officer reported upon.

3. Has the officer reported upon met with any significant failures in respect of his work? If yes, please furnish factual details.

4.Do you agree with the skill up-gradation needs as identified by the officer?


5. Assessment of work output (This assessment should rate the officer vis--vis his peers and not the general population. Grades should be assigned on a scale of 1-10, in whole numbers, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the best grade. Weightage to this Section will be 40%). Reporting Reviewing Initial of Authority Authority Reviewing Authority i. Accomplishment of planned work ii Quality of output iii. Accomplishment of exceptional work / unforeseen tasks performed Overall Grading on Work Output 6. Assessment of Personal Attributes (on a scale of 1-10. Weightage to this Section will be 30%). Reporting Review Initials of Authority Authority Reviewing Authority i. Attitude to work Ii Sense of responsibility Iii Overall bearing and personality Iv Emotional stability V Communication skills vi Moral courage and willingness to take a professional stand vii. Leadership qualities viii. Capacity to work in time limit Overall Grading on Personal Attributes 7. Assessment of Functional Competency (on a scale of 1-10. Weightage to this Section will be 30%). Reporting Review Initials of Authority Authority Reviewing Authority i. Knowledge of laws/rules/procedures/ IT skills and awareness of the local norms in the relevant area ii. Strategic planning ability iii. Decision making ability iv. Initiative v. Coordination ability vi. Ability to motivate and develop subordinates / work in a team. Overall Grading on Functional competency


8.Integrity Please comment on the integrity of the officer:

9. Pen picture by Reporting Officer. Please comment ( in about 100 words) on the overall qualities of the officer including areas of strengths and lesser strengths and his attitude towards weaker sections.


10. Recommendation relating to domain assignment (Please tick mark any four) Agriculture and Rural Development Social Development Culture and Information Natural Resource Management Energy and Environment Public Finance & Financial Management Industry and Trade Internal Affairs and Defence Housing & Urban Affairs Personnel & General Administration, Governance Reform, Regulatory Systems Science & Technology

Communication Systems and Connectivity Infrastructure 11. Overall grade (on a score of 1-10)

Signature of Reporting Authority ___________ Date: Section IV Review

1. Do you agree with the assessment made by the reporting officer with respect to the work output and the various attributes in section III? Do you agree with the assessment of the reporting officer in respect of extraordinary achievements and/or significant failures of the moS / officer reported upon? (In case you do not agree with any of the numerical assessments of attributes please record your assessment in the column provided for you in that section and initial your entries). Yes No

2. In case of difference of opinion details and reasons for the same may be given.


3. 10Comments, if any, on the pen picture written by the Reporting Authority.

4. Recommendation relating to domain assignment (Please tick mark any four) Agriculture and Rural Development Public Finance & Financial Management Social Development Industry and Trade Culture and Information Internal Affairs and Defence Natural Resource Management Housing & Urban Affairs Energy and Environment Personnel & General Administration, Governance Reform, Regulatory Systems Communication Systems and Science & Technology Connectivity Infrastructure 5.Overall grade on a scale of 1-10

Signature of Reviewing Authority ____________________ Date: Section V Acceptance

1. Do you agree with the remarks of the reporting / reviewing authorities? Yes No

2. In case of difference of opinion details and reasons for the same may be given.

3. Overall grade (on a score of 1-10)


Signature of Accepting Authority_______________


Substituted vide Notification No.11059/09/2006-AIS-III dated 31.03.2008 published in GSR No.256(E) dt.31.03.2008


General guidelines for filling up the PAR form for IAS officers except the level of Secretary or Additional Secretary or equivalent to the Government of India. 1. Introduction 1.1. The Performance Appraisal Report is an important document. It provides the basic and vital inputs for further development of an officer. The officer reported upon, the Reporting Authority, Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority should therefore, undertake the duty of filling up the form with a high sense of responsibility. 1.2 Performance appraisal should be used as a tool for career planning and training, rather than a mere judgmental exercise. Reporting Authorities should realize that the objective is to develop an officer so that he/she realizes his/her true potential. It is not meant to be a faultfinding process but a developmental tool. The Reporting Authority, the Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority should not shy away from reporting shortcomings in performance, attitudes or overall personality of the officer reported upon. 1.3 The columns should be filled with due care and attention and after devoting adequate time. Any attempt to fill the report in a casual or superficial manner will be easily discernible to the higher authorities. 1.4 Although the actual documentation of performance appraisal is a year-end exercise, in order that it may be a tool for human resource development, career planning and training, rather than a mere judgmental exercise, the Reporting Authority and the officer reported upon should meet during the course of the year at regular intervals to review the performance and to take necessary corrective steps. 2. Section-I 2.1 This Section should be filled up in the Administration Division/Personnel Deptt. Period of report could either be the entire reporting year, namely, from 1st of April to 31st March or a part of the year (exceeding 3 months). In case the period of report is a full year, it should be indicated accordingly; for example, 2007-2008. In case the period of report is less than the entire year, specific start and end dates should be indicated, for example, 10th September 2007 31st March 2008. 2.2 Information on the present grade (pay-scale) as well as present post (actual designation and organization) and the date from which he/she has been on his/her present post needs to be mentioned. 2.3 In the table relating to reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities the name and designation of the reporting and reviewing authorities should be mentioned so that the officer reported upon is clear about whom he/she is required to send the report. 2.4 The period of absence from duty, on leave, training, or for other reasons, should also be mentioned in this section in the table provided for the purpose. Details of the training attended, date of filing of property returns and whether the officer reported upon has reported/reviewed and the annual performance report of all his/her subordinate officers for the previous year should be mentioned in the table for the purpose.


11 2.5 This Section provides for regular annual medical examination. The health check is mandatory for all officers above the age of 40 and may be totally dispensed with for officers below the age of 40, except in case of medical incident. A copy of the summary of the medical report is to be attached to the PAR Form by the Admin./Personnel Department. The format of the health check up and the summary of medical report will be as circulated by the Cadre Controlling Authority, after consultation with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

3. Section-II 3.1 The officer reported upon is first required to give brief description of his/her duties and responsibilities, which would normally not exceed about 100 words. Ideally, this should be in bullet form. 3.2 All officers are required to develop a work plan for the year and agree upon the same with the reporting officer. The work plan should incorporate the relative annual work rhythm and budgetary cycle. This exercise is to be carried out at the beginning of the year and finalized by 30th April, positively. In case of a change of the reporting officer during the year, the work plan agreed with the previous reporting officer would continue to apply. The work plan agreed upon at the beginning of the year has to be reviewed again during the month of September/October as a mid-year exercise and finalized by 31st October. Based on this review the work plan may undergo some changes from that originally prepared. 3.3 After the work plan is prepared, it is possible that the officer reported upon is transferred out. There need not be more than one work plan for one post each year. The period spent by the officer during the year and his contribution could be considered for evaluating his performance against the work plan. In the case of mid-term transfers, continuity and assessment of work and the lower performance profile in the first quarter should be taken into consideration. 3.4 The work plans, duly signed by the officer reported upon and the reporting authority has to be submitted to the reviewing authority for his/her perusal and custody. The performance appraisal form provides for an assessment of the accomplishments vis--vis the work plan agreed at the commencement of the year and reviewed midyear. The officer reported upon is required to fill up the table provided for the purpose in Section-II. 3.5 It is not necessary that the work plan should be entirely quantitative in nature. While for field level posts, the work plan would consist essentially of quantifiable targets, for secretarial level posts it would consist of policy objectives to be achieved etc. 3.6 Section II also provides an opportunity for the officer to reflect upon his/her performance during the year and indicate one item which he/she thought was a significant contributions made by him/her during the year. It is always possible for any officer to make significant contribution even in activities otherwise regarded as routine in nature. Examples of such contribution may be the successful organization of a major event like the Kumbh Mela or successful conclusion of an activity that has been going on for a long time, or even successful dealing of an emergency (e.g. major earth quake/flood) would certainly be an exceptional contribution.

Substituted vide Notification No.11059/09/2006-AIS-III dated 31.03.2008 published in GSR No.256(E) dt.31.03.2008


3.7 The officer reported upon is required to indicate specific areas in which he/she feels the need to upgrade skills and attend training programs. He/she should also mention the specific steps that he/she has taken or proposes to take to upgrade his/her skills in the identified area. 3.8 There is an increased emphasis on competency building in the new performance appraisal and career progression system. There would be a premium on competency and skill upgradation. Hence, all officers are advised, through a note in Section II, to keep the cadre controlling authority informed, at least once in five years, of all educational and training programs attended, including the details of marks/grades secured in such programs, details of professional papers published. These would be taken into account in the future career progression. 3.9 This Section also requires the officer reported upon to record certain certificates about submission of property returns, annual medical check up and setting up of annual work plan for whom he/she would be the reporting authority. 4. Section-III 4.1 Section III requires the reporting authority to comment on Section II as filled out by the officer reported upon, and specifically state whether he/she agrees with the responses relating to the accomplishments. In case of disagreement the reporting authority should highlight the specific portions with which he/she is unable to agree and the reasons for such disagreement. 4.2 This Section then requires the reporting authority to comment on the skill upgradation needs as identified by the officer. 4.3 Thereafter, this Section requires the reporting authority to record a numerical grade in respect of the workout put of the officer reported upon both in respect of the planned work as well as the unforeseen tasks. A numerical grade is also required in respect of the quality of the output. In doing so, the reporting authority should take into account the costs incurred (whether the officer reported upon has been cost conscious), the time taken and whether the laid down rules/procedures have been adhered to in accomplishing the tasks. 4.4 The reporting authority is also required to record a numerical grade in respect of work output, personal attributes and functional competencies. 4.5 Section III requires the reporting authority to comment on the integrity of the officer reported upon. In recording remarks with regard to integrity, he/she need not limit him/herself only to matters relating to financial integrity but could also take into account the moral and intellectual integrity of the officer reported upon. The following procedure should be followed in filling up the column relating to integrity: (i) If the Officers integrity is beyond doubt, it may be stated. (ii) If there is any doubt or suspicion, the column should be left blank and action taken as under: (a) A separate secret note should be recorded and followed up. A copy of the note should also be sent together with the Performance Appraisal Report to the


next superior officer who will ensure that the follow up action is taken expeditiously. Where it is not possible either to certify the integrity or to record the secret note, the Reporting Officer should state either that he/she had not watched the officers work for sufficient time to form a definite judgement or that he/she has heard nothing against the officer, as the case may be. (b) If, as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are cleared, the officers integrity should be certified and an entry made accordingly in the Performance Appraisal Report. (c) If the doubts or suspicions are confirmed, this fact should also be recorded and duly communicated to the officer concerned. (d) If as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are neither cleared nor confirmed, the officers conduct should be watched for a further period and thereafter action taken as indicated at (b) and (c) above. 4.6 The reporting authority is also required to record a descriptive pen-picture on the overall qualities of the officer reported upon and his/her performance including his attitude towards weaker sections. This need not exceed about 100 words and should try to cover overall qualities of the officer including areas of strengths and lesser strengths. The pen-picture is also meant to be a qualitative supplement to the quantitative assessments made earlier part of this section. 4.7 Reporting authority is then required to make recommendations relating to domain assignment. The list of domains is at para 10. 4.8 Finally, the reporting authority is required to record an overall grade. This should also be done on a scale of 1-10, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest. 5. Section-IV 12 5.1 This Section is to be filled up by the reviewing authority. He/she is required to indicate if he/she agrees with the assessments made by the reporting officer. In case of disagreement, he/she may record his/her own assessment against the work output or any of the attributes in the column specifically provided for the purpose. In case of agreement, he/she need not fill in the column meant for him/her in the attributes/work output tables. Finally, the reviewing authority is required to record an overall grade in the scale of 1-10. 6. Section-V 6.1 This Section is to be filled by the accepting authority. He/she is required to indicate if he/she agrees with the assessments made by the reporting authority/reviewing authorities. In case of difference of opinion, he/she is required to give details and reasons for the same in the column specifically provided for the purpose in the table in Section V.


Substituted vide Notification No.11059/09/2006-AIS-III dated 31.03.2008 published in GSR No.256(E) dt.31.03.2008


7. Numerical Grades 7.1 At several places, numerical grades are to be awarded by reporting and review authorities. These should be on a scale of 1-10, where 1 refers to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest. It is expected that any grading of 1 or 2 (against work output or attributes or overall grade) would be adequately justified in the pen-picture by way of specific failures and similarly, any grade of 9 or 10 would be justified with respect to specific accomplishments. Grades of 1-2 or 9-10 are expected to be rare occurrences and hence the need to justify them. In awarding a numerical grade the reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities should rate the officer against a larger population of his/her peers that may be currently working under them or would have worked under them in the past. 7.2 Weightage & Mean Weights have been assigned to work output, personal attributes and functional competency. The overall grade will be based on the addition of the mean value of each group of indicators in proportion to weightage assigned. 8. Disclosure 8.1 There should be more openness in the system of appraisal. The annual PAR, including the overall grade and integrity, should be communicated to the officer reported upon after it has been finalized by the accepting authority. 8.2. Representation The officer reported upon may have the option to give his comments on the PAR. Such comments may be restricted to the specific factual observations contained in the Performance Appraisal Report leading to the assessment of the officer in terms of attributes, competency and output. If comments are submitted, the Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authority would have the option to accept them and modify the PAR accordingly. If the comments are not accepted, the views of the Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authority would be communicated with reasons to the officer reported upon. Thereafter, only if the officer reported upon so desires, he may request for the matter to be forwarded to the Referral Board. The representation shall be confined to errors of facts and nothing else. The Referral Board shall give clear findings on the representation and take a final decision on the assessment, including the overall grading in regard to the parameters affected thereby. The decision along with details in case an entry is upgraded or down graded with, reasons for same may be recorded in the PAR and the same communicated to the officer reported upon. The decision of the Referral Board shall be final. 9. 9.1 Schedule for completion of PARs of IAS Officers The following schedule should be strictly followed: Reporting Year Financial Year Cut-off dates Below Super Time Super Time Scale Scale st Blank PAR form to be given to the officer reported 1 April 1st May upon by the Administration Division/Personnel



Department, specifying the reporting officer and reviewing authority Self appraisal for current year Appraisal by reporting authority Appraisal by reviewing authority Appraisal by accepting authority Disclosure to the officer reported upon Comments of the officer reported upon, if any (if none, transmission of the PAR to the DOPT) Forwarding of comments of the officer reported upon to the reviewing and the reporting authority by the accepting authority, in case the officer reported upon makes comments Comments of reporting authority Comments of reviewing authority Comments of accepting authority/PAR to be finalized and disclosed to the officer reported upon. Representation to the Referral Board by the officer reported upon Forwarding of representation to the Referral Board along with the comments of reporting authority/reviewing authority and accepting authority Finalization by Referral Board if the officer reported upon represents against the decision of the Accepting Authority. Disclosure to the officer reported upon End of entire PAR Process

30th April 31st May 30th June 31st July 15th August 31st August 15th September

31st May 30th June 31st July 31st August 15th September 30th September 15th October

30th September 15th October 31st October 30th November 15th December 15th January

31st October 15th November 30th November 31st December 15th January 15th February 28th February 31st March

31st January 31st March

9.2 The completed PAR should reach the Cadre Controlling Authorities by 31st March the following year. The Cadre Controlling Authority will prepare a list of PARs not received and follow up with the Secretaries of the concerned Ministries and Chief Secretaries of the respective States. 9.3 Secretary (Personnel) in the State and the Establishment Officer in the Centre shall be the Nodal officers to ensure that the PARs of the members of Service, duly completed, are sent to the Cadre Controlling Authority by 31st March of the following year. They shall send a list each of the members of Service whose PARs are to be written and reviewed to the concerned Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authorities by 15th April every year to enable them to ensure completion of PARs within the timeschedule. 9.4. If a PAR relating to a financial year is not recorded by the 31st of December of the year in which the financial year ended, no remarks shall be recorded thereafter. The member of Service will be assessed based on the overall record and self-assessment of the year concerned, if he had given his self-assessment in time and the Reporting Authority, Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority have not completed the PAR according to the time schedule given in para 9.1.


9.5. The member of Service reported upon shall, while forwarding his self-appraisal to the Reporting Authority, endorse a copy of the self-appraisal, to the nodal officer and keep a record of the same as evidence that he had submitted the same in time. 9.6. The Reporting Authority shall record his comments in the PAR of the officer reported upon within the stipulated time and send it to the Reviewing Authority along with a copy thereof to the nodal Authority. 9.7. In case the Reporting Authority fails to submit the PAR to the Reviewing Authority within the stipulated period under intimation to the nodal officer, the nodal officer shall send a copy of self-appraisal directly to the Reviewing Authority and authorize him to initiate the PAR. The nodal officer shall also keep a note of the failure of the Reporting Authority to submit the PAR of his subordinate in time for an appropriate entry in the PAR of such Reporting Authorities. 9.8. The nodal officer shall evolve a suitable mechanism to ensure that the remarks of the Reporting, the Reviewing and the Accepting Authorities are recorded without fail by the dates given in the schedule below Para 9.1. 10. Mapping of Departments to Domains I. Agriculture and Rural Development 1) Department of Agriculture & 2) Department of Agricultural Research Cooperation & Education 3) Department of Animal Husbandry, 4) Ministry of Agro & Rural Industries Dairying & Fisheries 5) Department of Rural Development 6) Ministry of Panchayati Raj 7) Department of Land Resources 8) Department of Drinking Water Supply 9) Department of Food & Public 10) Department of Consumer Affairs Distribution 11) Ministry of Food Processing Industries II. Social Development 1) Department of Health 2) Department of Family Welfare 3) Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & 4) Department of Secondary & Higher Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Education Homeopathy (AYUSH) 5) Department of elementary 6) Department of Women & Child education & Literacy Development 7) Ministry of Social Justice & 8) Department of Urban Employment & Empowerment Poverty Alleviation 9) Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs III. Culture and Information 1) Ministry of Information & 2) Ministry of Culture Broadcasting 3) Ministry of Tourism 4) Ministry of Tribal Affairs 5) Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports IV. Natural Resource Management 1) Ministry of Environment & Forests 2) Ministry of Water Resources 3) Department of Ocean Development 4) Ministry of Mines V. Energy and Environment


1) Department of Atomic energy

3) Ministry of Coal 5) Ministry of Power VI. Communication Systems and Connectivity Infrastructure 1) Ministry of Civil Aviation 2) Department of Information Technology 3) Department of 4) Department of Posts Telecommunication 5) Department of Road Transport 6) Department of Shipping & Highways VII. Public Finance & Financial Management 1) Department of Disinvestment 2) Department of Expenditure 3) Department of Economic Affairs 4) Department of Revenue 5) Ministry of Company Affairs 6) Planning Com mission 7) Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation VIII. Industry and Trade 1) Department of Industrial Policy & 2) Department of Chemicals & Promotion Petrochemicals 3) Department of Commerce 4) Department of Heavy Industries 5) Department of Fertilizers 6) Ministry of Textiles 7) Department of Public Enterprises 8) Ministry of Small Sale Industries IX. Internal Affairs and Defence 1) Department of Defence 2) Department of Defence Production 3) Department of Defence Research & 4) Department of Ex-Servicemen Development Welfare 5) Department of Internal Security 6) Department of States 7) Department of Official Language 8) Department of Home 9) Department of Jammu & Kashmir 10) Department of Border Management Affair 11) Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region X. Housing & Urban Affairs 1) Ministry of Urban Development XI. Personnel & General Administration, Governance Reform, Regulatory Systems 1) Department of Personnel & Training 2) Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances 3) Department of Pensions & 4) Department of Legal Affairs Pensioners Welfare 5) Legislative Department 6) Department of Justice 7) Cabinet Secretariat 8) Ministry of Labour & Employment 9) Presidents Secretariat 10) Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs 11) Prime Ministers Office 12) UPSC 13) Election Commission XII. Science & Technology 1) Department of Science & Technology 2)Department of Scientific & Industrial Research 3) Department of Bio-Technology 4) Department of Space

2) Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources 4) Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas


Form II [See rule 4] The All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007 (Applicable for IAS officers of the level of Secretary or Additional Secretary or equivalent to Government of India) Performance Appraisal Report for the period from _________ to __________ Section I Basic Information (To be filled in by the Administration Division/Personnel Department) 1.Name of the officer reported upon: 2.Service: 5.Date of Birth: 6.Present Grade: 7.Present post: 8.Date of appointment to present post: 9.Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting Authorities Name & Designation Reporting Authority Reviewing Authority Accepting Authority 10.Period of absence on leave, etc. Period On Leave (specify type) Others (specify) 11.Training Programs attended Date from Date to Institute Subject Period worked 3.Cadre: 4.Year of allotment:




12. Awards/Honours

13. Details of PARs of AIS officers not written by the officer as reporting/ reviewing authority for the previous year

14. Date of filing the property return for year ending December 15. 13 Date of last prescribed medical examination (for officers over 40 years of age). Attach copy of the summary of the medical report


Signature on behalf of_________________ Admn/Personnel Dept

Section II 1. Declaration Have you filed your immovable property return, as due. If yes, please mention date Have you undergone the prescribed medical check up? Have you set the annual work plan for all officers for the current year, in respect of whom you are the reporting authority? Have you prepared the work plan for yourself? Have you enclosed a note on important achievements during the period? Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Date

Yes/No Yes/No

Signature____________ Officer reported upon Date:


Substituted vide Notification No.11059/09/2006-AIS-III dated 31.03.2008 published in GSR No.256(E) dt.31.03.2008


Section III


1. Assessment of Attributes (This assessment should rate the officer vis--vis his peers and not the general population. Grades should be assigned on a scale of 1-10, in whole numbers, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the best grade. 70% weightage will be assigned to this item). Reporting officer i) Attitude to work ii) Decision making ability iii) Initiative iv) Ability to inspire and motivate v) Strategic Planning ability/innovativeness vi) Coordination ability Overall grading on attributes 2. Assessment of work output (This assessment should rate the officer vis--vis his peers and not the general population. Grades should be assigned on a scale of 1-10, in whole numbers, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the best grade. 30% weightage will be assigned to this item.) Reporting officer i) Accomplishment of Planned Work ii) Quality of Output iii) Accomplishment of exceptional work/ unforeseen tasks during the period Overall Grading on Work Output 3. Integrity Please comment on the integrity of the officer, keeping in mind both his financial integrity and his moral integrity. Review officer Initial of Reviewing Officer Reviewing officer Initial Reviewing Officer of


4. Pen picture by the Reporting Authority. Please comment (in about 100 words) on the overall qualities of the officer including areas of strengths and lesser strengths and his attitude towards weaker sections.

5. Recommendation relating to domain assignment (Please tick mark any four). Agriculture and Rural Development Social Development Culture and Information Natural Resource Management Energy and Environment Public Finance & Financial Management Industry and Trade Internal Affairs and Defence Housing & Urban Affairs Personnel & General Administration, Governance Reform, Regulatory Systems Science & Technology

Communication Systems and Connectivity Infrastructure 6. Overall Grade on a scale of 1-10

Signature of Reporting Authority___________ Date:


Section IV


1. Do you agree with the assessment made by the reporting officer with respect to the work output and the various attributes in section III? Do you agree with the assessment of the reporting officer in respect of extraordinary achievements and/or significant failures of the moS / officer reported upon? (In case you do not agree with any of the numerical assessments of attributes please record your assessment in the column provided for you in that section and initial your entries) Yes No

2. In case of difference of opinion details and reasons for the same may be given.

3. Please comment (in about 100 words) on the overall qualities of the officer including areas of strengths and lesser strengths and his attitude towards weaker sections.


3A. Comments, if any, on the pen picture written by the Reporting Authority


Substituted vide Notification No.11059/09/2006-AIS-III dated 31.03.2008 published in GSR No.256(E) dt.31.03.2008


4. Recommendation relating to domain assignment (Please tick mark any four) Agriculture and Rural Development Social Development Culture and Information Natural Resource Management Energy and Environment Public Finance & Financial Management Industry and Trade Internal Affairs and Defence Housing & Urban Affairs Personnel & General Administration, Governance Reform, Regulatory Systems Science & Technology

Communication Systems and Connectivity Infrastructure 5. Overall Grade on a scale of 1-10.

Signature of Reviewing Authority___________ Date: Section V Acceptance

1. Do you agree with the remarks of the reporting/reviewing authorities? Yes No

2. In case of difference of opinion details and reasons for the same may be given.

3. Overall Grade on a scale of 1-10.


Signature of Accepting Authority________


General guidelines for filling up the PAR form for IAS officers of the level of Secretary or Additional Secretary or equivalent to the Government of India. 1. Introduction 1.1. The Performance Appraisal Report is an important document. It provides the basic and vital inputs for further development of an officer. The officer reported upon, the Reporting Authority, the Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority should, therefore, undertake the duty of filling up the form with a high sense of responsibility. 1.2 Performance appraisal should be used as a tool for career planning and training, rather than a mere judgmental exercise. Reporting Authorities should realize that the objective is to develop an officer so that he/she realizes his/her true potential. It is not meant to be a faultfinding process but a developmental tool. The Reporting Authority, the Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority should not shy away from reporting shortcomings in performance, attitudes or overall personality of the officer reported upon. 1.3 The columns should be filled with due care and attention and after devoting adequate time. Any attempt to fill the report in a casual or superficial manner will be easily discernible to the higher authorities. 1.4 Although the actual documentation of performance appraisal is a year-end exercise, in order that it may be a tool for human resource development, career planning and training, rather than a mere judgmental exercise, the Reporting Authority and the officer reported upon should meet during the course of the year at regular intervals to review the performance and to take necessary corrective steps. 2. Section-I 2.1 This Section should be filled up in the Administration Division/Personnel Deptt. Period of report could either be the entire reporting year, namely, from 1st of April to 31st March or a part of the year (exceeding 3 months). In case the period of report is a full year, it should be indicated accordingly; for example, 2007-2008. In case the period of report is less than the entire year, specific start and end dates should be indicated, for example, 10th September 2007 31st March 2008. 2.2 Information on the present grade (pay-scale) as well as present post (actual designation and organization) and the date from which he/she has been on his/her present post needs to be mentioned. 2.3 In the table relating to reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities the name and designation of the reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities should be mentioned so that the officer reported upon is clear about whom he/she is required to send the report to. 2.4 The period of absence from duty, on leave, training, or for other reasons, should also be mentioned in this section in the table provided for the purpose. Details of the training attended date of filing of property returns and whether the officer reported upon has reported/reviewed should be mentioned in the table for the purpose and annual performance report of all his/her subordinate officers for the previous year.


15 2.5 This Section provides for regular annual medical examination. The health check is mandatory for all officers above the age of 40 and may be totally dispensed with for officers below the age of 40, except in case of medical incident. A copy of the summary of the medical report is to be attached to the PAR Form by the Admin./Personnel Department. The format of the health check up and the summary of medical report will be as circulated by the Cadre Controlling Authority, after consultation with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

Section-II This Section requires the officer reported upon to record certain certificates about submission of property returns, annual medical check up, setting up of annual work plan for whom he/she would be the reporting authority as well as for himself. The officer has to report on the preparation of the work plan for himself and has the option to enclose a note on the important achievements during the period. 4. Section-III 4.1 The reporting authority is required to record a numerical grade in respect of certain attributes and work output. 4.2 This Section requires the reporting authority to record a numerical grade in respect of the work output of the officer reported upon both in respect of the planned work as well as the unforeseen tasks. A numerical grade is also required in respect of the quality of the output. In doing so, the reporting authority should take into account the costs incurred (whether the officer reported upon has been cost conscious), the time taken and whether the laid down rules/procedures have been adhered to in accomplishing the tasks. 4.3 Section III requires the reporting authority to comment on the integrity of the officer reported upon. In recording remarks with regard to integrity, he/she need not limit him/herself only to matters relating to financial integrity but could also take into account the moral and intellectual integrity of the officer reported upon. The following procedure should be followed in filling up the column relating to integrity: (i) If the Officers integrity is beyond doubt, it may be stated. (ii) If there is any doubt or suspicion, the column should be left blank and action taken as under: (a) A separate secret note should be recorded and followed up. A copy of the note should also be sent together with the Performance Appraisal Report to the next superior officer who will ensure that the follow up action is taken expeditiously. Where it is not possible either to certify the integrity or to record the secret note, the Reporting Officer should state either that he/she had not watched the officers work for sufficient time to form a definite judgement or that he/she has heard nothing against the officer, as the case may be. (b) If, as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are cleared, the officers integrity should be certified and an entry made accordingly in the Performance Appraisal Report.

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(c) If the doubts or suspicions are confirmed, this fact should also be recorded and duly communicated to the officer concerned. (d) If as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are neither cleared nor confirmed, the officers conduct should be watched for a further period and thereafter action taken as indicated at (b) and (c) above. 4.4 The reporting authority is also required to record a descriptive pen-picture on the overall qualities of the officer reported upon and his/her performance including his attitude towards weaker sections. This need not exceed about 100 words and should try to cover overall qualities of the officer including areas of strengths and lesser strengths. The pen-picture is also meant to be a qualitative supplement to the quantitative assessments made earlier part of this section. 4.5 The reporting authority is then required to make recommendations relating to domain assignment. The list of domains is at para 10. 4.6 Finally, the reporting authority is required to record an overall grade. This should also be done on a scale of 1-10, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest. 5. Section-IV 16 5.1 This Section is to be filled up by the reviewing authority. He/she is required to indicate if he/she agrees with the assessments made by the reporting officer. In case of disagreement, he/she may record his/her own assessment against the work output or any of the attributes in the column specifically provided for the purpose. In case of agreement, he/she need not fill in the column meant for him/her in the attributes/work output tables. Finally, the reviewing authority is required to record an overall grade in the scale of 1-10. 6. Section-V 6.1 This Section is to be filled by the accepting authority. He/she is required to indicate if he/she agrees with the assessments made by the reporting authority/reviewing authorities. In case of difference of opinion, he/she is required to give details and reasons for the same in the column specifically provided for the purpose in the table in Section V. 7. Numerical Grades 7.1 At several places, numerical grades are to be awarded by reporting and review authorities. These should be on a scale of 1-10, where 1 refers to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest. It is expected that any grading of 1 or 2 (against work output or attributes or overall grade) would be adequately justified in the pen-picture by way of specific failures and similarly, any grade of 9 or 10 would be justified with respect to specific accomplishments. Grades of 1-2 or 9-10 are expected to be rare occurrences and hence the need to justify them. In awarding a numerical grade the reporting and reviewing authorities should rate the officer against a larger population of his/her peers that may be currently working under them or would have worked under them in the past.


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Weightage & Mean Weights have been assigned to attributes and work output. The overall grade will be based on the addition of the mean value of each group of indicators/descriptive picture in proportion to weightage assigned. The overall grade will be the average mean of all the numerical indicators assigned by the authority. 8. Disclosure 8.1 There should be more openness in the system of appraisal. The annual PAR, including the overall grade and integrity, should be communicated to the officer reported upon after it has been finalized by the accepting authority. 8.2 Representation The officer reported upon may have the option to give his comments on the PAR. Such comments may be restricted to the specific factual observations contained in the Performance Appraisal Report leading to the assessment of the officer in terms of attributes and output. If comments are submitted, the Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authority would have the option to accept them and modify the PAR accordingly. If the comments are not accepted, the views of the Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authority would be communicated with reasons to the officer reported upon. Thereafter, only if the officer reported upon so desires, he may request for the matter to be forwarded to the Referral Board. The representation shall be confined to errors of facts and nothing else. The Referral Board shall give clear findings on the representation and take a final decision on the assessment, including the overall grading in regard to the parameters affected thereby. In case of an adverse entry, the entry and the overall grading may be communicated. In case an entry is upgraded or down graded, reasons for same may be recorded in the PAR. 9. 9.1 Schedule for completion of PARs of IAS Officers The following schedule should be strictly followed: Reporting Year Financial Year Activity Blank PAR form to be given to the officer reported upon by the Administration Division/Personnel Department, specifying the reporting officer and reviewing authority Filling in Section II by the officer reported upon Appraisal by reporting authority Appraisal by reviewing authority Appraisal by accepting authority Disclosure to the officer reported upon Comments of the officer reported upon, if any (if none, transmission of the PAR to the DOPT) Forwarding of comments of the officer reported upon to the reviewing and the reporting authority by the accepting authority, in case the officer reported upon makes comments Comments of reporting authority Comments of reviewing authority Comments of accepting authority/PAR to be finalized and disclosed to Cut-off dates 1 June

15th June* 15th July 15th August 15th September 30th September 15th October 31st October 15th November 30th November 15th December


him Representation to the Referral Board by the officer reported upon Forwarding of representation to the Referral Board along with the comments of reporting authority/reviewing authority and accepting authority Finalization by Referral Board if the officer reported upon represents against the decision of the Accepting Authority. Disclosure to the officer reported upon End of entire PAR Process *They are required to fill in only Section II - Declaration

31st December 31st January 28th February 15th March 31st March

9.2 The completed PAR should reach the Cadre Controlling Authorities by 31st March the following year. The Cadre Controlling Authority will prepare a list of PARs not received and follow up with the Secretaries of the concerned Ministries and Chief Secretaries of the respective States. 9.3 Secretary (Personnel) in the State and Establishment Officer in the Centre shall be the Nodal officers to ensure that the PARs of the members of Service, duly completed, are sent to the Cadre Controlling Authority by 31st March of the following year. They shall send a list each of the members of Service whose PARs are to be written and reviewed to the concerned Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authorities by 15th April every year to enable them to ensure completion of PARs within the timeschedule. 9.4. If a PAR relating to a financial year is not recorded by the 31st of December of the year in which the financial year ended, no remarks shall be recorded thereafter. 9.5. The Reporting Authority shall record his comments in the PAR of the officer reported upon within the stipulated time and send it to the Reviewing Authority along with a copy thereof to the nodal Authority. 9.6. The nodal officer shall evolve a suitable mechanism to ensure that the remarks of the Reporting, the Reviewing and the Accepting Authorities are recorded without fail by the dates given in the schedule below Para 9.1. 10. Mapping of Departments to Domains

I. Agriculture and Rural Development 1) Department of Agriculture & 2) Department of Agricultural Research & Cooperation Education 3) Department of Animal Husbandry, 4) Ministry of Agro & Rural Industries Dairying & Fisheries 5) Department of Rural Development 6) Ministry of Panchayati Raj 7) Department of Land Resources 8) Department of Drinking Water Supply 9) Department of Food & Public 10) Department of Consumer Affairs Distribution 11) Ministry of Food Processing Industries II. Social Development 1) Department of Health 2) Department of Family Welfare


3) Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) 5) Department of elementary education & Literacy 7) Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment 9) Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs III. Culture and Information 1) Ministry of Information & Broadcasting 3) Ministry of Tourism 5) Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports IV. Natural Resource Management 1) Ministry of Environment & Forests 3) Department of Ocean Development V. Energy and Environment 1) Department of Atomic energy

4) Department of Secondary & Higher Education 6) Department of Women & Child Development 8) Department of Urban Employment & Poverty Alleviation

2) Ministry of Culture 4) Ministry of Tribal Affairs

2) Ministry of Water Resources 4) Ministry of Mines

3) Ministry of Coal 5) Ministry of Power VI. Communication Systems and Connectivity Infrastructure 1) Ministry of Civil Aviation 2) Department of Information Technology 3) Department of 4) Department of Posts Telecommunication 5) Department of Road Transport & 6) Department of Shipping Highways VII. Public Finance & Financial Management 1) Department of Disinvestment 2) Department of Expenditure 3) Department of Economic Affairs 4) Department of Revenue 5) Ministry of Company Affairs 6) Planning Commission 7) Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation VIII. Industry and Trade 1) Department of Industrial Policy 2) Department of Chemicals & & Promotion Petrochemicals 3) Department of Commerce 4) Department of Heavy Industries 5) Department of Fertilizers 6) Ministry of Textiles 7) Department of Public 8) Ministry of Small Sale Industries Enterprises IX. Internal Affairs and Defence 1) Department of Defence 2) Department of Defence Production 3) Department of Defence 4) Department of Ex-Servicemen Research & Development Welfare 5) Department of Internal Security 6) Department of States 7) Department of Official Language 8) Department of Home 9) Department of Jammu & 10) Department of Border Management Kashmir Affair

2) Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources 4) Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas


11) Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region X. Housing & Urban Affairs 1) Ministry of Urban Development XI. Personnel & General Administration, Governance Reform, Regulatory Systems 1) Department of Personnel & 2) Department of Administrative Training Reforms & Public Grievances 3) Department of Pensions & 4) Department of Legal Affairs Pensioners Welfare 5) Legislative Department 6) Department of Justice 7) Cabinet Secretariat 8) Ministry of Labour & Employment 9) Presidents Secretariat 10) Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs 11)Prime Ministers Office 12) UPSC 13)Election Commission XII. Science & Technology 1) Department of Science & 2)Department of Scientific & Industrial Technology Research 3) Department of Bio-Technology 4) Department of Space


Form III [See rule 4] The All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007 [17Applicable for Indian Administrative Service officers who are on deputation under clauses (i) and (ii) of sub-rule (2) of rule 6 of the Indian Administrative Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954] Performance Appraisal Report for the period from _________ to __________ Section I Basic Information (To be filled in by the Administration Division/Personnel Department) 1.Name of the officer reported upon: 2.Service: 5.Date of Birth: 6.Present Grade: 7.Present post: 8.Date of appointment to present post: 9.Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting Authorities Name & Designation Reporting Authority Reviewing Authority Accepting Authority 10.Period of absence on leave, etc. Period On Leave (specify type) Others (specify) 11.Training Programs attended Date from Date to Institute Period worked 3.Cadre: 4.Year of allotment:





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12. Awards/Honours

13. Details of PARs of AIS officers not written by the officer as reporting/ reviewing authority for the previous year

14. Date of filing the property return for year ending December


Date of last prescribed medical examination (for officers over 40 years of age). Attach copy of the summary of the medical report

Date: Section II Self Appraisal

Signature on behalf of______________________ Admn/Personnel Dept

1.Brief description of duties: (Objectives of the position you hold and the tasks you are required to perform, in about 100 words)

2.Annual work plan and achievement:


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Tasks to be performed

Deliverables19[1] Initial21[3] Mid year22[4]

Actual Achievement 20[2]

3.During the period under report, do you believe that you have made any exceptional contribution? If so, please give a verbal description (within 100 words):

4. Declaration
19[1] 20[2]

Deliverables refer to quantitative or financial targets or verbal description of expected outputs. Actual achievement refers to achievement against the specified deliverables in respect of each task (as updated at mid-year). No explanations for divergences are to be given in this table. 21[3] Initial listing of deliverables are to be finalized within 1 month of the start of the period under report. 22[4] Mid year listing of deliverables are to be finalized within 6 months of the start of the period under report.


Have you filed your immovable property return, as due. If yes, please mention date. Have you undergone the prescribed medical check up? Have you set the annual work plan for all officers for the current year, in respect of whom you are the reporting authority?

Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No


Signature of officer reported upon _______________ Date: Section III Appraisal

1. Assessment of Attributes (This assessment should rate the officer vis--vis his peers and not the general population. Grades should be assigned on a scale of 1-10, in whole numbers, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the best grade). 70% weightage will be assigned to this item. Reporting officer i) Attitude to work ii) Decision making ability iii) Initiative ivi) Ability to inspire and motivate v) Strategic Planning ability/innovativeness vi) Coordination ability Overall grading on attributes 2. Assessment of work output (This assessment should rate the officer vis--vis his peers and not the general population. Grades should be assigned on a scale of 1-10, in whole numbers, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the best grade. 30% weightage will be assigned to this item.) Reporting officer i. Accomplishment of Planned Work Ii Quality of Output iii. Accomplishment of unforeseen tasks/ exceptional work during the period Overall Grading on Work Output Review officer Initial of Reviewing Officer Reviewing officer Initial of Reviewing Officer

3. Integrity


Please comment on the integrity of the officer, keeping in mind both his financial integrity and his moral integrity.

4. Pen picture by the Reporting Authority. Please comment (in about 100 words) on the overall qualities of the officer including areas of strengths and lesser strengths.

5. Recommendation relating to domain assignment (Please tick mark any four). Agriculture and Rural Development Social Development Culture and Information Natural Resource Management Energy and Environment Communication Systems and Connectivity Infrastructure 6. Overall Grade on a scale of 1-10 Public Finance & Financial Management Industry and Trade Internal Affairs and Defence Housing & Urban Affairs Personnel & General Administration, Governance Reform, Regulatory Systems Science & Technology

Signature of Reporting Authority___________ Date:


Section IV


1. Do you agree with the assessment made by the reporting officer with respect to the work output and the various attributes in section III? Do you agree with the assessment of the reporting officer in respect of extraordinary achievements and/or significant failures of the moS / officer reported upon? (In case you do not agree with any of the numerical assessments of attributes please record your assessment in the column provided for you in that section and initial your entries) Yes No

2. In case of difference of opinion details and reasons for the same may be given.

3. 23Comments, if any, on the pen picture written by the Reporting Authority.


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4. Recommendation relating to domain assignment (Please tick mark any four) Agriculture and Rural Development Social Development Culture and Information Natural Resource Management Energy and Environment Public Finance & Financial Management Industry and Trade Internal Affairs and Defence Housing & Urban Affairs Personnel & General Administration, Governance Reform, Regulatory Systems Science & Technology

Communication Systems and Connectivity Infrastructure 5. Overall Grade on a scale of 1-10.

Signature of Reviewing Authority__________________ Date: Section V Acceptance 1. Do you agree with the remarks of the reporting/reviewing authorities? Yes No

2. In case of difference of opinion details and reasons for the same may be given.

3. Overall Grade on a scale of 1-10.


Signature of Accepting Authority________________


General guidelines for filling up the Performance Appraisal Report form for the Indian Administrative Service officers who are on deputation under clause (i) and (ii) of sub-rule (2) of rule 6 of the Indian Administrative Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954 1. Introduction 1.1. The Performance Appraisal Report is an important document. It provides the basic and vital inputs for further development of an officer. The officer reported upon, the Reporting Authority, the Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority should, therefore, undertake the duty of filling up the form with a high sense of responsibility. 1.2 Performance appraisal should be used as a tool for career planning and training, rather than a mere judgmental exercise. Reporting Authorities should realize that the objective is to develop an officer so that he/she realizes his/her true potential. It is not meant to be a faultfinding process but a developmental tool. The Reporting Authority, the Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority should not shy away from reporting shortcomings in performance, attitudes or overall personality of the officer reported upon. 1.3 The columns should be filled with due care and attention and after devoting adequate time. Any attempt to fill the report in a casual or superficial manner will be easily discernible to the higher authorities. 1.4 Although the actual documentation of performance appraisal is a year-end exercise, in order that it may be a tool for human resource development, career planning and training, rather than a mere judgmental exercise, the Reporting Authority and the officer reported upon should meet during the course of the year at regular intervals to review the performance and to take necessary corrective steps. 2. Section-I 2.1 This Section should be filled up in the Administration Division/Personnel Deptt. Period of report could either be the entire reporting year, namely, from 1st of April to 31st March or a part of the year (exceeding 3 months). In case the period of report is a full year, it should be indicated accordingly; for example, 2007-2008. In case the period of report is less than the entire year, specific start and end dates should be indicated, for example, 10th September 2007 31st March 2008. 2.2 Information on the present grade (pay-scale) as well as present post (actual designation and organization) and the date from which he/she has been on his/her present post needs to be mentioned. 2.3 In the table relating to reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities the name and designation of the reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities should be mentioned so that the officer reported upon is clear about whom he/she is required to send the report to. 2.4 The period of absence from duty, on leave, training, or for other reasons, should also be mentioned in this section in the table provided for the purpose. Details of the training attended date of filing of property returns and whether the officer reported upon



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has reported/reviewed should be mentioned in the table for the purpose and annual performance report of all his/her subordinate officers for the previous year.
25 2.5 This Section provides for regular annual medical examination. The health check is mandatory for all officers above the age of 40 and may be totally dispensed for with officers below the age of 40, except in case of medical incident. A copy of the summary of the medical report is to be attached to the PAR Form by the Admin./Personnel Department. The format of the health check up and the summary of medical report will be as circulated by the Cadre Controlling Authority, after consultation with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

3. Section-II 3.1 The officer reported upon is first required to give brief description of his/her duties and responsibilities, which would normally not exceed about 100 words. Ideally, this should be in bullet form. 3.2 All officers are required to develop a work plan for the year and agree upon the same with the reporting officer. The work plan should incorporate the relative annual work rhythm and budgetary cycle. This exercise is to be carried out at the beginning of the year and finalized by 30th April, positively. In case of a change of the reporting officer during the year, the work plan agreed with the previous reporting officer would continue to apply. The work plan agreed upon at the beginning of the year has to be reviewed again during the month of September/October as a mid-year exercise and finalized by 31st October. Based on this review the work plan may undergo some changes from that originally prepared. 3.3 After the work plan is prepared, it is possible that the officer reported upon is transferred out. There need not be more than one work plan for one post each year. The period spent by the officer during the year and his contribution could be considered for evaluating his performance against the work plan. In the case of mid-term transfers, continuity and assessment of work and the lower performance profile in the first quarter should be taken into consideration. 3.4 The work plans, duly signed by the officer reported upon and the reporting authority has to be submitted to the reviewing authority for his/her perusal and custody. The performance appraisal form provides for an assessment of the accomplishments vis--vis the work plan agreed at the commencement of the year and reviewed midyear. The officer reported upon is required to fill up the table provided for the purpose in Section-II. 3.5 It is not necessary that the work plan should be entirely quantitative in nature. While for field level posts, the work plan would consist essentially of quantifiable targets, for secretarial level posts it would consist of policy objectives to be achieved etc. 4. Section-III 4.1 The reporting authority is required to record a numerical grade in respect of certain attributes and work output.


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4.2 This Section requires the reporting authority to record a numerical grade in respect of the work output of the officer reported upon both in respect of the planned work as well as the unforeseen tasks. A numerical grade is also required in respect of the quality of the output. In doing so, the reporting authority should take into account the costs incurred (whether the officer reported upon has been cost conscious), the time taken and whether the laid down rules/procedures have been adhered to in accomplishing the tasks. 4.3 Section III requires the reporting authority to comment on the integrity of the officer reported upon. In recording remarks with regard to integrity, he/she need not limit him/herself only to matters relating to financial integrity but could also take into account the moral and intellectual integrity of the officer reported upon. The following procedure should be followed in filling up the column relating to integrity: (i) If the Officers integrity is beyond doubt, it may be stated. (ii) If there is any doubt or suspicion, the column should be left blank and action taken as under: (a) A separate secret note should be recorded and followed up. A copy of the note should also be sent together with the Performance Appraisal Report to the next superior officer who will ensure that the follow up action is taken expeditiously. Where it is not possible either to certify the integrity or to record the secret note, the Reporting Officer should state either that he/she had not watched the officers work for sufficient time to form a definite judgement or that he/she has heard nothing against the officer, as the case may be. (b) If, as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are cleared, the officers integrity should be certified and an entry made accordingly in the Performance Appraisal Report. (c) If the doubts or suspicions are confirmed, this fact should also be recorded and duly communicated to the officer concerned. (d) If as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are neither cleared nor confirmed, the officers conduct should be watched for a further period and thereafter action taken as indicated at (b) and (c) above. 4.4 The reporting authority is also required to record a descriptive pen-picture on the overall qualities of the officer reported upon and his/her performance including areas of strengths and lesser strengths. This need not exceed about 100 words and should try to cover overall qualities of the officer including areas of strengths and lesser strengths. The pen-picture is also meant to be a qualitative supplement to the quantitative assessments made earlier part of this section. 4.5 The reporting authority is then required to make recommendations relating to domain assignment. The list of domains is at para 9. 4.6 Finally, the reporting authority is required to record an overall grade. This should also be done on a scale of 1-10, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest.


5. Section-IV 26 5.1 This Section is to be filled up by the reviewing authority. He/she is required to indicate if he/she agrees with the assessments made by the reporting officer. In case of disagreement, he/she may record his/her own assessment against the work output or any of the attributes in the column specifically provided for the purpose. In case of agreement, he/she need not fill in the column meant for him/her in the attributes/work output tables. Finally, the reviewing authority is required to record an overall grade in the scale of 1-10. 6. Section-V 6.1 This Section is to be filled by the accepting authority. He/she is required to indicate if he/she agrees with the assessments made by the reporting authority/reviewing authorities. In case of difference of opinion, he/she is required to give details and reasons for the same in the column specifically provided for the purpose in the table in Section V. 7. Numerical Grades 7.1 At several places, numerical grades are to be awarded by reporting and review authorities. These should be on a scale of 1-10, where 1 refers to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest. It is expected that any grading of 1 or 2 (against work output or attributes or overall grade) would be adequately justified in the pen-picture by way of specific failures and similarly, any grade of 9 or 10 would be justified with respect to specific accomplishments. Grades of 1-2 or 9-10 are expected to be rare occurrences and hence the need to justify them. In awarding a numerical grade the reporting and reviewing authorities should rate the officer against a larger population of his/her peers that may be currently working under them or would have worked under them in the past. 7.2 Weightage & Mean Weights have been assigned to attributes and work output. The overall grade will be based on the addition of the mean value of each group of indicators/descriptive picture in proportion to weightage assigned. 8. Schedule for completion of PARs of IAS Officers

The completed PAR should reach the Cadre Controlling Authorities by 31st March the following year. The Cadre Controlling Authority will prepare a list of PARs not received and follow up with the concerned organisations. 9. Mapping of Departments to Domains I. Agriculture and Rural Development 1) Department of Agriculture & 2) Department of Agricultural Research Cooperation & Education 3) Department of Animal Husbandry, 4) Ministry of Agro & Rural Industries Dairying & Fisheries 5) Department of Rural Development 6) Ministry of Panchayati Raj 7) Department of Land Resources 8) Department of Drinking Water Supply 9) Department of Food & Public 10) Department of Consumer Affairs

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Distribution 11) Ministry of Food Processing Industries II. Social Development 1) Department of Health 3) Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) 5) Department of elementary education & Literacy 7) Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment 9) Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs III. Culture and Information 1) Ministry of Information & Broadcasting 3) Ministry of Tourism 5) Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports IV. Natural Resource Management 1) Ministry of Environment & Forests 3) Department of Ocean Development V. Energy and Environment 1) Department of Atomic energy

2) Department of Family Welfare 4) Department of Secondary & Higher Education 6) Department of Women & Child Development 8) Department of Urban Employment & Poverty Alleviation

2) Ministry of Culture 4) Ministry of Tribal Affairs

2) Ministry of Water Resources 4) Ministry of Mines 2) Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources 4) Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas

3) Ministry of Coal 5) Ministry of Power VI. Communication Systems and Connectivity Infrastructure 1) Ministry of Civil Aviation 2) Department of Information Technology 3) Department of Telecommunication 4) Department of Posts 5) Department of Road Transport & 6) Department of Shipping Highways VII. Public Finance & Financial Management 1) Department of Disinvestment 2) Department of Expenditure 3) Department of Economic Affairs 4) Department of Revenue 5) Ministry of Company Affairs 6) Planning Com mission 7) Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation VIII. Industry and Trade 1) Department of Industrial Policy & 2) Department of Chemicals & Promotion Petrochemicals 3) Department of Commerce 4) Department of Heavy Industries 5) Department of Fertilizers 6) Ministry of Textiles 7) Department of Public Enterprises 8) Ministry of Small Sale Industries IX. Internal Affairs and Defence 1) Department of Defence 2) Department of Defence Production 3) Department of Defence Research & 4) Department of Ex-Servicemen Development Welfare 5) Department of Internal Security 6) Department of States 7) Department of Official Language 8) Department of Home


9) Department of Jammu & Kashmir 10) Department of Border Management Affair 11) Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region X. Housing & Urban Affairs 1) Ministry of Urban Development XI. Personnel & General Administration, Governance Reform, Regulatory Systems 1) Department of Personnel & 2) Department of Administrative Reforms Training & Public Grievances 3) Department of Pensions & 4) Department of Legal Affairs Pensioners Welfare 5) Legislative Department 6) Department of Justice 7) Cabinet Secretariat 8) Ministry of Labour & Employment 9) Presidents Secretariat 10) Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs 11)Prime Ministers Office 12) UPSC 13)Election Commission XII. Science & Technology 1) Department of Science Technology 3) Department of Bio-Technology


2)Department of Scientific & Industrial Research 4) Department of Space


Form IIIA [See rule 4] The All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007 PERFORMANCE REPORT ON STUDY LEAVE/LEAVE FOR STUDY (Applicable for IAS Officers) (For the year/period ending_______________________) A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PERSONAL DATA Name of the Officer Cadre/year of allotment Date of Birth Present Grade Study Leave/ Leave Details a) Course b) Institution c) Duration 6. Period of Sanctioned Leave 7. Details of Degree/Certificate/Diploma and Evaluation obtained during the period (copies to be enclosed) 8. Date of Filing Annual Property Returns




Officers Signature __________________ Date:_________________________ To be filled in duplicate and submitted to Cadre Controlling Authorities in the State and the Central Government.


Form III B [See rule 4] The All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007 PERFORMANCE REPORT ON TRAINING (Applicable for IAS Officers) (For the year/period ending_______________________) A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PERSONAL DATA

Name of the Officer Service/Cadre/year of allotment Date of Birth Present Grade Training Details a) Course b) Institution c) Duration 6. Details of Degree/Certificate/Diploma and Evaluation obtained during the period (copies to be enclosed) 7. Date of Filing Annual Property Returns




Officers Signature __________________ Date:_________________________ To be filled in duplicate and submitted to Cadre Controlling Authorities in the State and the Central Government.



Appendix II Form I

[See rule 4] The All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007 (Applicable for all Indian Police Service officers up to the level of Inspector General of Police) Performance Appraisal Report for the period from _________ to __________ Section I Basic Information (To be filled in by the Administration Division/Home Department) 1.Name of the officer reported upon:

2.Service: 6.Present Grade:


4.Year of allotment: 7.Present post:

5.Date of Birth:

8.Date of appointment to present post: 9.Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting Authorities Name & Designation Reporting Authority Reviewing Authority Accepting Authority 10.Period of absence on leave, etc. Period On Leave (specify type) Others (specify) 11.Training Programs attended Date from Date to Institute Period worked





Amended vide notification No.11059/18/2002-AIS-III dated 16.04.2007 vide GSR No.296(E) dated 16.04.2007 and again modified vide Substituted vide Notification No.11059/09/2006-AIS-III dated 31.03.2008 published in GSR No.256(E) dt.31.03.2008


12. Awards/Honours

13. Details of PARs of officers not written by the officer as reporting/reviewing authority for the previous year

14. Date of filing the property return for the year ending December

15. Date of last prescribed medical examination (Mandatory for all Indian Police Service officers)Attach summary of the medical report


Signature on behalf of_________________________ Admn/Home Dept

Section II Self Appraisal 1.Brief description of duties: (Objectives of the position you hold and the tasks you are required to perform, in about 100 words)


2.Annual work plan and achievement: Tasks to be performed Deliverables28[1] Initial30[3] Mid year31[4]

Actual Achievement 29[2]

3.During the period under report, do you believe that you have made any exceptional contribution, e.g. successful completion of an extraordinarily challenging task or major systemic improvement? If so, please give a verbal description (within 100 words):

4.What are the factors that hindered your performance?

28[1] 29[2]

Deliverables refer to quantitative or financial targets or verbal description of expected outputs. Actual achievement refers to achievement against the specified deliverables in respect of each task (as updated at mid-year). No explanations for divergences are to be given in this table. 30[3] Initial listing of deliverables are to be finalized within 1 month of the start of the period under report. 31[4] Mid year listing of deliverables are to be finalized within 6 months of the start of the period under report.


5. Please indicate specific areas in which you feel the need to upgrade your skills through training programs: For the current assignment:

For your future career

Please Note: You should send an updated CV, including additional qualifications acquired/ training programs attended/ publications/ special assignments undertaken, in a prescribed proforma, to the cadre controlling authority, once in 5 years, so that the records available with the cadre controlling authority remain updated. 6. Declaration Have you filed your immovable property return, as due. If yes, please mention date. Have you undergone the prescribed medical check up? Have you set the annual work plan for all officers for the current year, in respect of whom you are the reporting authority? Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Date

Signature of officer reported upon ______________ Date: Section III Appraisal

1.Please state whether you agree with the responses relating to the accomplishments of the work plan and unforeseen tasks as filled out in Section II. If not, please furnish factual details.


2.Please comment on the claim (if made) of exceptional contribution by the officer reported upon.

3. Has the officer reported upon met with any significant failures in respect of his work? If yes, please furnish factual details.

4.Do you agree with the skill up-gradation needs as identified by the officer?

5. Assessment of work output (This assessment should rate the officer vis--vis his peers and not the general population. Grades should be assigned on a scale of 1-10, in whole numbers, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the best grade. Weightage to this Section will be 40%). Reporting Reviewing Initial of Authority Authority Reviewing Authority i. Accomplishment of planned work including training courses for various ranks Ii Quality of output and effectiveness in areas like supervising, investigation iii. Accomplishment of exceptional work / unforeseen tasks performed Overall Grading on Work Output


6. Assessment of Personal Attributes (on a scale of 1-10. Weightage to this Section will be 30%). Reporting Review Initials of Authority Authority Reviewing Authority i. Attitude to work ii Sense of responsibility iii Overall bearing and personality Iv Emotional stability v Communication skills vi Moral courage and willingness to take a professional stand vii. Leadership qualities viii. Capacity to work in time limit Overall Grading on Personal Attributes 7. Assessment of Functional Competency (on a scale of 1-10. Weightage to this Section will be 30%). Reporting Review Initials of Authority Authority Reviewing Authority i. Knowledge of laws/Police rules/procedures/Knowledge of area and terrain/IT skills and awareness of the local norms in the relevant area ii. Strategic planning ability iii. Decision making ability iv. Initiative v. Interest in welfare of Policemen and their families and appraising ability vi. Ability to motivate and develop subordinates / work in a team. Overall Grading on Functional competency 8.Integrity Please comment on the integrity of the officer:


9. Pen picture by Reporting Officer. Please comment (in about 100 words) on the overall qualities of the officer including areas of strengths and lesser strengths and his attitude towards weaker sections.

10. Recommendation relating to domain assignment (Please tick mark any four) Anti-corruption & Vigilance Police Research & Development Criminal Investigation (CBI, CID) Security Related Communication Network/IT Paramilitary forces Intelligence Railways Counter-insurgency Economic Offences Security (VIP & Industrial) Traffic Armed Police Bn. Law & Order Metropolitan & Urban Policing Police Training Anti Terrorism Personnel Administration Cyber Crimes Border Management Others Forest & Wild life related crimes 11. Overall grade (on a score of 1-10)

Signature of Reporting Authority ___________ Date: Section IV Review

1. Do you agree with the assessment made by the reporting officer with respect to the work output and the various attributes in section III? Do you agree with the assessment of the reporting officer in respect of extraordinary achievements and/or significant failures of the moS / officer reported upon? (In case you do not agree with any of the numerical assessments of attributes please record your assessment in the column provided for you in that section and initial your entries). Yes No


2. In case of difference of opinion details and reasons for the same may be given.

3.Comments, if any, on the pen picture written by the Reporting Authority.

4.Recommendation relating to domain assignment (Please tick mark any four) Anti-corruption & Vigilance Police Research & Development Criminal Investigation (CBI, CID) Security Related Communication Network/IT Paramilitary forces Intelligence Railways Counter-insurgency Economic Offences Security (VIP & Industrial) Traffic Armed Police Bn. Law & Order Metropolitan & Urban Policing Police Training Anti Terrorism Personnel Administration Cyber Crimes Border Management Others Forest & Wild life related crimes 5.Overall grade on a scale of 1-10 Signature of Reviewing Authority ____________________ Date:


Section V


1. Do you agree with the remarks of the reporting / reviewing authorities? Yes No

2. In case of difference of opinion details and reasons for the same may be given.

3. Overall grade (on a score of 1-10)


Signature of Accepting Authority_______________

General guidelines for filling up the PAR form for Indian Police Service up to the level of Inspector General of Police 1. Introduction 1.1. The Performance Appraisal Report is an important document. It provides the basic and vital inputs for further development of an officer. The officer reported upon, the Reporting Authority, Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority should, therefore, undertake the duty of filling up the form with a high sense of responsibility. 1.2 Performance appraisal should be used as a tool for career planning and training, rather than a mere judgmental exercise. Reporting Authorities should realize that the objective is to develop an officer so that he/she realizes his/her true potential. It is not meant to be a faultfinding process but a developmental tool. The Reporting Authority, the Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority should not shy away from reporting shortcomings in performance, attitudes or overall personality of the officer reported upon. 1.3 The columns should be filled with due care and attention and after devoting adequate time. Any attempt to fill the report in a casual or superficial manner will be easily discernible to the higher authorities. 1.4 Although the actual documentation of performance appraisal is a year-end exercise, in order that it may be a tool for human resource development, career planning and training, rather than a mere judgmental exercise, the Reporting Authority and the officer reported upon should meet during the course of the year at regular intervals to review the performance and to take necessary corrective steps.


Instructions on filling up the different sections 2. Section-I 2.1 This Section should be filled up in the Administration Division/Home Deptt. Period of report could either be the entire reporting year, namely, from 1st of April to 31st March or a part of the year (exceeding 3 months). In case the period of report is a full year, it should be indicated accordingly; for example, 2007-2008. In case the period of report is less than the entire year, specific start and end dates should be indicated, for example, 10th September 2007 31st March 2008. 2.2 Information on the present grade (pay-scale) as well as present post (actual designation and organization) and the date from which he/she has been on his/her present post needs to be mentioned. 2.3 In the table relating to reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities the name and designation of the reporting and reviewing authorities should be mentioned so that the officer reported upon is clear about whom he/she is required to send the report. 2.4 The period of absence from duty, on leave, training, or for other reasons, should also be mentioned in this section in the table provided for the purpose. Details of the training attended, date of filing of property returns and whether the officer reported upon has reported/reviewed and the annual performance report of all his/her subordinate officers for the previous year should be mentioned in the table for the purpose. 2.5 This Section provides for regular annual medical examination. The health check is mandatory for all Indian Police Service officers. A copy of the summary of medical report is to be attached to the PAR Form by the Admin./Home Department. The format for health check up and the summary of medical report will be as circulated by the Cadre Controlling Authority, after consultation with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. 3. Section-II 3.1 The officer reported upon is first required to give brief description of his/her duties and responsibilities, which would normally not exceed about 100 words. Ideally, this should be in bullet form. 3.2 All officers are required to develop a work plan for the year and agree upon the same with the reporting officer. The work plan should incorporate the relative annual work rhythm and budgetary cycle. This exercise is to be carried out at the beginning of the year and finalized by 30th April, positively. In case of a change of the reporting officer during the year, the work plan agreed with the previous reporting officer would continue to apply. The work plan agreed upon at the beginning of the year has to be reviewed again during the month of September/October as a mid-year exercise and finalized by 31st October. Based on this review the work plan may undergo some changes from that originally prepared. 3.3 After the work plan is prepared, it is possible that the officer reported upon is transferred out. There need not be more than one work plan for one post each year. The period spent by the officer during the year and his contribution could be considered for evaluating his performance against the work plan. In the case of mid-term transfers,


continuity and assessment of work and the lower performance profile in the first quarter should be taken into consideration. 3.4 The work plans, duly signed by the officer reported upon and the reporting authority has to be submitted to the reviewing authority for his/her perusal and custody. The performance appraisal form provides for an assessment of the accomplishments vis--vis the work plan agreed at the commencement of the year and reviewed midyear. The officer reported upon is required to fill up the table provided for the purpose in Section-II. 3.5 It is not necessary that the work plan should be entirely quantitative in nature. While for field level posts, the work plan would consist essentially of quantifiable targets, for secretarial level posts it would consist of policy objectives to be achieved etc. 3.6 Section II also provides an opportunity for the officer to reflect upon his/her performance during the year and indicate one item which he/she thought was a significant contributions made by him/her during the year. It is always possible for any officer to make significant contribution even in activities otherwise regarded as routine in nature. Examples of such contribution may be the successful organization of a major event like the Kumbh Mela or successful conclusion of an activity that has been going on for a long time, or even successful dealing of an emergency (e.g. major earth quake/flood) would certainly be an exceptional contribution. 3.7 The officer reported upon is required to indicate specific areas in which he/she feels the need to upgrade skills and attend training programs. He/she should also mention the specific steps that he/she has taken or proposes to take to upgrade his/her skills in the identified area. 3.8 There is an increased emphasis on competency building in the new performance appraisal and career progression system. There would be a premium on competency and skill upgradation. Hence, all officers are advised, through a note in Section II, to keep the cadre controlling authority informed, at least once in five years, of all educational and training programs attended, including the details of marks/grades secured in such programs, details of professional papers published. These would be taken into account in the future career progression. 3.9 This Section also requires the officer reported upon to record certain certificates about submission of property returns, annual medical check up and setting up of annual work plan for whom he/she would be the reporting authority. 4. Section-III 4.1 Section III requires the reporting authority to comment on Section II as filled out by the officer reported upon, and specifically state whether he/she agrees with the responses relating to the accomplishments. In case of disagreement the reporting authority should highlight the specific portions with which he/she is unable to agree and the reasons for such disagreement. 4.2 This Section then requires the reporting authority to comment on the skill upgradation needs as identified by the officer.


4.3 Thereafter, this Section requires the reporting authority to record a numerical grade in respect of the workout put of the officer reported upon both in respect of the planned work as well as the unforeseen tasks. A numerical grade is also required in respect of the quality of the output. In doing so, the reporting authority should take into account the costs incurred (whether the officer reported upon has been cost conscious), the time taken and whether the laid down rules/procedures have been adhered to in accomplishing the tasks. 4.4 The reporting authority is also required to record a numerical grade in respect of work output, personal attributes and functional competencies. 4.5 Section III requires the reporting authority to comment on the integrity of the officer reported upon. In recording remarks with regard to integrity, he/she need not limit him/herself only to matters relating to financial integrity but could also take into account the moral and intellectual integrity of the officer reported upon. The following procedure should be followed in filling up the column relating to integrity: (i) If the Officers integrity is beyond doubt, it may be stated. (ii) If there is any doubt or suspicion, the column should be left blank and action taken as under: (a) A separate secret note should be recorded and followed up. A copy of the note should also be sent together with the Performance Appraisal Report to the next superior officer who will ensure that the follow up action is taken expeditiously. Where it is not possible either to certify the integrity or to record the secret note, the Reporting Officer should state either that he/she had not watched the officers work for sufficient time to form a definite judgement or that he/she has heard nothing against the officer, as the case may be. (b) If, as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are cleared, the officers integrity should be certified and an entry made accordingly in the Performance Appraisal Report. (c) If the doubts or suspicions are confirmed, this fact should also be recorded and duly communicated to the officer concerned. (d) If as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are neither cleared nor confirmed, the officers conduct should be watched for a further period and thereafter action taken as indicated at (b) and (c) above. 4.6 The reporting authority is also required to record a descriptive pen-picture on the overall qualities of the officer reported upon and his/her performance including his attitude towards weaker sections. This need not exceed about 100 words and should try to cover overall qualities of the officer including areas of strengths and lesser strengths. The pen-picture is also meant to be a qualitative supplement to the quantitative assessments made earlier part of this section. 4.7 Reporting authority is then required to make recommendations relating to domain assignment.


4.8. Finally, the reporting authority is required to record an overall grade. This should also be done on a scale of 1-10, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest. 5. Section-IV 5.1 This Section is to be filled up by the reviewing authority. He/she is required to indicate if he/she agrees with the assessments made by the reporting officer. In case of disagreement, he/she may record his/her own assessment against the work output or any of the attributes in the column specifically provided for the purpose. In case of agreement, he/she need not fill in the column meant for him/her in the attributes/work output tables. Finally he/she is required to record an overall grade in the scale of 1-10. 6. Section-V 6.1 This Section is to be filled by the accepting authority. He/she is required to indicate if he/she agrees with the assessments made by the reporting authority/reviewing authorities. In case of difference of opinion, he/she is required to give details and reasons for the same in the column specifically provided for the purpose in the table in Section V. 7. Numerical Grades 7.1 At several places, numerical grades are to be awarded by reporting and review authorities. These should be on a scale of 1-10, where 1 refers to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest. It is expected that any grading of 1 or 2 (against work output or attributes or overall grade) would be adequately justified in the pen-picture by way of specific failures and similarly, any grade of 9 or 10 would be justified with respect to specific accomplishments. Grades of 1-2 or 9-10 are expected to be rare occurrences and hence the need to justify them. In awarding a numerical grade the reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities should rate the officer against a larger population of his/her peers that may be currently working under them or would have worked under them in the past. 7.2 Weightage & Mean Weights have been assigned to work output, personal attributes and functional competency. The overall grade will be based on the addition of the mean value of each group of indicators in proportion to weightage assigned. 8. Disclosure 8.1 There should be more openness in the system of appraisal. The annual PAR, including the overall grade and integrity, should be communicated to the officer reported upon after it has been finalized by the accepting authority. 8.2. Representation The officer reported upon may have the option to give his comments on the PAR. Such comments may be restricted to the specific factual observations contained in the Performance Appraisal Report leading to the assessment of the officer in terms of attributes, competency and output. If comments are submitted, the Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authority would have the option to accept them and modify the PAR accordingly. If the comments are not accepted, the views of the Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authority would be communicated with reasons to the officer reported upon. Thereafter, only if the officer reported upon so desires, he may request for the matter to be forwarded to the Referral Board. The representation shall be


confined to errors of facts and nothing else. The Referral Board shall give clear findings on the representation and take a final decision on the assessment, including the overall grading in regard to the parameters affected thereby. The decision along with details in case an entry is upgraded or down graded with, reasons for same may be recorded in the PAR and the same communicated to the officer reported upon. The decision of the Referral Board shall be final. 9. 9.1 Schedule for completion of PARs of Indian Police Service Officers The following schedule should be strictly followed: -

Reporting Year Financial Year Cut-off dates Below Super TimeSuper Time Scale Scale Blank PAR form to be given to the officer reported 1st April 1st May upon by the Administration Division/Home Department, specifying the reporting officer and reviewing authority Self appraisal for current year 30th April 31st May Appraisal by reporting authority 31st May 30th June th Appraisal by reviewing authority 30 June 31st July st Appraisal by accepting authority 31 July 31st August Disclosure to the officer reported upon 15th August 15th September st Comments of the officer reported upon, if any (if none, 31 August 30th September transmission of the PAR to the MHA) Forwarding of comments of the officer reported upon 15th September 15th October to the reviewing and the reporting authority by the accepting authority, in case the officer reported upon makes comments Comments of reporting authority 30th September 31st October Comments of reviewing authority 15th October 15th November Comments of accepting authority/PAR to be finalized 31st October 30th November and disclosed to the officer reported upon. Representation to the Referral Board by the officer 30th November 31st December reported upon Forwarding of representation to the Referral Board 15th December 15th January along with the comments of reporting authority/reviewing authority and accepting authority Finalization by Referral Board if the officer reported 15th January 15th February upon represents against the decision of the Accepting Authority. Disclosure to the officer reported upon 31st January 28th February st End of entire PAR Process 31 March 31st March Activity 9.2 The completed PAR should reach the Cadre Controlling Authorities by 31st March the following year. The Cadre Controlling Authority will prepare a list of PARs not received and follow up with the Secretaries of the concerned Ministries and Chief Secretaries of the respective States.


9.3 Secretary (Home) in the State and the Joint Secretary (Police) in the Centre shall be the Nodal officers to ensure that the PARs of the members of Service, duly completed, are sent to the Cadre Controlling Authority by 31st March of the following year. They shall send a list each of the members of Service whose PARs are to be written and reviewed to the concerned Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authorities by 15th April every year to enable them to ensure completion of PARs within the timeschedule. 9.4. If a PAR relating to a financial year is not recorded by the 31st of December of the year in which the financial year ended, no remarks shall be recorded thereafter. The member of Service will be assessed based on the overall record and self-assessment of the year concerned, if he had given his self-assessment in time and the Reporting Authority, Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority have not completed the PAR according to the time schedule given in para 9.1. 9.5. The member of Service reported upon shall, while forwarding his self-appraisal to the Reporting Authority, endorse a copy of the self-appraisal, to the nodal officer and keep a record of the same as evidence that he had submitted the same in time. 9.6. The Reporting Authority shall record his comments in the PAR of the officer reported upon within the stipulated time and send it to the Reviewing Authority along with a copy thereof to the nodal Authority. 9.7. In case the Reporting Authority fails to submit the PAR to the Reviewing Authority within the stipulated period under intimation to the nodal officer, the nodal officer shall send a copy of self-appraisal directly to the Reviewing Authority and authorize him to initiate the PAR. The nodal officer shall also keep a note of the failure of the Reporting Authority to submit the PAR of his subordinate in time for an appropriate entry in the PAR of such Reporting Authorities. 9.8. The nodal officer shall evolve a suitable mechanism to ensure that the remarks of the Reporting, the Reviewing and the Accepting Authorities are recorded without fail by the dates given in the schedule below Para 9.1.


Form II [See rule 4] The All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007 [Applicable for Indian Police Service officers of the level of Additional Director General of Police or Director General of Police or equivalent] Performance Appraisal Report for the period from _________ to __________ Section I Basic Information (To be filled in by the Administration Division/Home Department) 1.Name of the officer reported upon: 2.Service: 5.Date of Birth: 6.Present Grade: 7.Present post: 8.Date of appointment to present post: 9.Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting Authorities Name & Designation Reporting Authority Reviewing Authority Accepting Authority 10.Period of absence on leave, etc. Period On Leave (specify type) Others (specify) 11.Training Programs attended Date from Date to Institute Period worked 3.Cadre: 4.Year of allotment:




12. Awards/Honours


13. Details of PARs of officers not written by the officer as reporting/reviewing authority for the previous year

14. Date of filing the property return for year ending December

15.Date of last prescribed medical examination (Mandatory for all Indian Police Service officers) Attach summary of the medical report

Date: Section II

Signature on behalf of__________________ Admn/Home Dep

1. Declaration Have you filed your immovable property return, as due. If yes, please mention date Have you undergone the prescribed medical check up? Have you set the annual work plan for all officers for the current year, in respect of whom you are the reporting authority? Have you prepared the work plan for yourself? Have you enclosed a note on important achievements during the period?

Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No


Yes/No Yes/No

Date: Section III

Signature of officer reported upon ___________________ Appraisal

1. Assessment of Attributes (This assessment should rate the officer vis--vis his peers and not the general population. Grades should be assigned on a scale of 1-10, in whole numbers, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the best grade. 70% weightage will be assigned to this item). Reporting officer i) Attitude to work ii) Decision making ability iii) Initiative iv) Ability to inspire and motivate v) Strategic Planning ability/innovativeness vi) Coordination ability Overall grading on attributes Reviewing officer Initial of Reviewing Officer


2. Assessment of work output (This assessment should rate the officer vis--vis his peers and not the general population. Grades should be assigned on a scale of 1-10, in whole numbers, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the best grade. 30% weightage will be assigned to this item.) Reporting Review Initial of officer officer Reviewing Officer i) Accomplishment of Planned Work ii) Quality of Output iii) Accomplishment of exceptional work/ unforeseen tasks during the period Overall Grading on Work Output 3. Integrity Please comment on the integrity of the officer, keeping in mind both his financial integrity and his moral integrity.

4. Pen picture by the Reporting Authority. Please comment (in about 100 words) on the overall qualities of the officer including areas of strengths and lesser strengths and his attitude towards weaker sections.

5. Recommendation relating to domain assignment (Please tick mark any four). Anti-corruption & Vigilance Police Research & Development Criminal Investigation (CBI, CID) Security Related Communication Network/IT Paramilitary forces Intelligence Railways Counter-insurgency Economic Offences Security (VIP & Industrial) Traffic Armed Police Bn. Law & Order Metropolitan & Urban Policing Police Training Anti Terrorism Personnel Administration Cyber Crimes Border Management Others Forest & Wild life related crimes 6. Overall Grade on a scale of 1-10

Signature of Reporting Authority___________ Date:


Section IV


1. Do you agree with the assessment made by the reporting officer with respect to the work output and the various attributes in section III? Do you agree with the assessment of the reporting officer in respect of extraordinary achievements and/or significant failures of the moS / officer reported upon? (In case you do not agree with any of the numerical assessments of attributes please record your assessment in the column provided for you in that section and initial your entries) Yes No 2. In case of difference of opinion details and reasons for the same may be given.

3. Comments, if any, on the pen picture written by the Reporting Authority.

4. Recommendation relating to domain assignment (Please tick mark any four) Anti-corruption & Vigilance Criminal Investigation (CBI, CID) Paramilitary forces Railways Economic Offences Traffic Law & Order Police Training Personnel Administration Border Management Forest & Wild life related crimes 5. Overall Grade on a scale of 1-10. Police Research & Development Security Related Communication Network/IT Intelligence Counter-insurgency Security (VIP & Industrial) Armed Police Bn. Metropolitan & Urban Policing Anti Terrorism Cyber Crimes Others

Signature of Reviewing Authority___________ Date:


Section V Acceptance 1. Do you agree with the remarks of the reporting/reviewing authorities? Yes No

2. In case of difference of opinion details and reasons for the same may be given.

3. Overall Grade on a scale of 1-10.


Signature of Accepting Authority________________

General guidelines for filling up the PAR form for Indian Police Service officers of the level of Additional Director General of Police or Director General of Police or equivalent. 1. Introduction 1.1. The Performance Appraisal Report is an important document. It provides the basic and vital inputs for further development of an officer. The officer reported upon, the Reporting Authority, the Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority should, therefore, undertake the duty of filling up the form with a high sense of responsibility. 1.2 Performance appraisal should be used as a tool for career planning and training, rather than a mere judgmental exercise. Reporting Authorities should realize that the objective is to develop an officer so that he/she realizes his/her true potential. It is not meant to be a faultfinding process but a developmental tool. The Reporting Authority, the Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority should not shy away from reporting shortcomings in performance, attitudes or overall personality of the officer reported upon. 1.3 The columns should be filled with due care and attention and after devoting adequate time. Any attempt to fill the report in a casual or superficial manner will be easily discernible to the higher authorities. 1.4 Although the actual documentation of performance appraisal is a year-end exercise, in order that it may be a tool for human resource development, career planning and training, rather than a mere judgmental exercise, the Reporting Authority and the


officer reported upon should meet during the course of the year at regular intervals to review the performance and to take necessary corrective steps. Instructions on filling up the different sections 2. Section-I 2.1 This Section should be filled up in the Administration Division/Home Deptt. Period of report could either be the entire reporting year, namely, from 1st of April to 31st March or a part of the year (exceeding 3 months). In case the period of report is a full year, it should be indicated accordingly; for example, 2007-2008. In case the period of report is less than the entire year, specific start and end dates should be indicated, for example, 10th September 2007 31st March 2008. 2.2 Information on the present grade (pay-scale) as well as present post (actual designation and organization) and the date from which he/she has been on his/her present post needs to be mentioned. 2.3 In the table relating to reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities the name and designation of the reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities should be mentioned so that the officer reported upon is clear about whom he/she is required to send the report to. 2.4 The period of absence from duty, on leave, training, or for other reasons, should also be mentioned in this section in the table provided for the purpose. Details of the training attended date of filing of property returns and whether the officer reported upon has reported/reviewed should be mentioned in the table for the purpose and annual performance report of all his/her subordinate officers for the previous year. 2.5 This Section provides for regular annual medical examination. The health check is mandatory for all Indian Police Service officers. A copy of the summary of medical report is to be attached to the PAR Form by the Admin./Home Department. The format for health check up and the summary of medical report will be as circulated by the Cadre Controlling Authority, after consultation with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. 3. Section-II 3.1 This Section requires the officer reported upon to record certain certificates about submission of property returns, annual medical check up, setting up of annual work plan for whom he/she would be the reporting authority as well as for himself. The officer has to report on the preparation of the work plan for himself and has the option to enclose a note on the important achievements during the period. No target should be fixed or considered which may encourage the officer to minimise or avoid registration of crime. 4. Section-III 4.1 The reporting authority is required to record a numerical grade in respect of certain attributes and work output. 4.2 This Section requires the reporting authority to record a numerical grade in respect of the work output of the officer reported upon both in respect of the planned work as well as the unforeseen tasks. A numerical grade is also required in respect of the quality of the output. In doing so, the reporting authority should take into account the costs incurred (whether the officer reported upon has been cost conscious), the time


taken and whether the laid down rules/procedures have been adhered to in accomplishing the tasks. 4.3 Section III requires the reporting authority to comment on the integrity of the officer reported upon. In recording remarks with regard to integrity, he/she need not limit him/herself only to matters relating to financial integrity but could also take into account the moral and intellectual integrity of the officer reported upon. The following procedure should be followed in filling up the column relating to integrity: (i) If the Officers integrity is beyond doubt, it may be stated. (ii) If there is any doubt or suspicion, the column should be left blank and action taken as under: (a) A separate secret note should be recorded and followed up. A copy of the note should also be sent together with the Performance Appraisal Report to the next superior officer who will ensure that the follow up action is taken expeditiously. Where it is not possible either to certify the integrity or to record the secret note, the Reporting Officer should state either that he/she had not watched the officers work for sufficient time to form a definite judgement or that he/she has heard nothing against the officer, as the case may be. (b) If, as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are cleared, the officers integrity should be certified and an entry made accordingly in the Performance Appraisal Report. (c) If the doubts or suspicions are confirmed, this fact should also be recorded and duly communicated to the officer concerned. (d) If as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are neither cleared nor confirmed, the officers conduct should be watched for a further period and thereafter action taken as indicated at (b) and (c) above. 4.4 The reporting authority is also required to record a descriptive pen-picture on the overall qualities of the officer reported upon and his/her performance including his attitude towards weaker sections. This need not exceed about 100 words and should try to cover overall qualities of the officer including areas of strengths and lesser strengths. The pen-picture is also meant to be a qualitative supplement to the quantitative assessments made earlier part of this section. 4.5 The reporting authority is then required to make recommendations relating to domain assignment. 4.6 Finally, the reporting authority is required to record an overall grade. This should also be done on a scale of 1-10, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest. 5. Section-IV 5.1. This Section is to be filled up by the reviewing authority. He/she is required to indicate if he/she agrees with the assessments made by the reporting officer. In case of disagreement, he/she may record his/her own assessment against the work output or


any of the attributes in the column specifically provided for the purpose. In case of agreement, he/she need not fill in the column meant for him/her in the attributes/work output tables. Finally, the reviewing authority is required to record an overall grade in the scale of 1-10. 6. Section-V 6.1 This Section is to be filled by the accepting authority. He/she is required to indicate if he/she agrees with the assessments made by the reporting authority/reviewing authorities. In case of difference of opinion, he/she is required to give details and reasons for the same in the column specifically provided for the purpose in the table in Section V. 7. Numerical Grades 7.1 At several places, numerical grades are to be awarded by reporting and review authorities. These should be on a scale of 1-10, where 1 refers to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest. It is expected that any grading of 1 or 2 (against work output or attributes or overall grade) would be adequately justified in the pen-picture by way of specific failures and similarly, any grade of 9 or 10 would be justified with respect to specific accomplishments. Grades of 1-2 or 9-10 are expected to be rare occurrences and hence the need to justify them. In awarding a numerical grade the reporting and reviewing authorities should rate the officer against a larger population of his/her peers that may be currently working under them or would have worked under them in the past. 7.2 Weightage & Mean Weights have been assigned to attributes and work output. The overall grade will be based on the addition of the mean value of each group of indicators/descriptive picture in proportion to weightage assigned. The overall grade will be the average mean of all the numerical indicators assigned by the authority. 8. Disclosure 8.1 There should be more openness in the system of appraisal. The annual PAR, including the overall grade and integrity, should be communicated to the officer reported upon after it has been finalized by the accepting authority. 8.2 Representation The officer reported upon may have the option to give his comments on the PAR. Such comments may be restricted to the specific factual observations contained in the Performance Appraisal Report leading to the assessment of the officer in terms of attributes and output. If comments are submitted, the Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authority would have the option to accept them and modify the PAR accordingly. If the comments are not accepted, the views of the Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authority would be communicated with reasons to the officer reported upon. Thereafter, only if the officer reported upon so desires, he may request for the matter to be forwarded to the Referral Board. The representation shall be confined to errors of facts and nothing else. The Referral Board shall give clear findings on the representation and take a final decision on the assessment, including the overall grading in regard to the parameters affected thereby. In case of an adverse entry, the entry and the overall grading may be communicated. In case an entry is upgraded or down graded, reasons for the same may be recorded in the PAR.


9. 9.1

Schedule for completion of PARs of Indian Police Service Officers The following schedule should be strictly followed: -

Reporting Year Financial Year Activity Blank PAR form to be given to the officer reported upon by the Administration Division/Home Department, specifying the reporting officer and reviewing authority Filling in Section II by the officer reported upon Appraisal by reporting authority Appraisal by reviewing authority Appraisal by accepting authority Disclosure to the officer reported upon Comments of the officer reported upon, if any (if none, transmission of the PAR to the MHA) Forwarding of comments of the officer reported upon to the reviewing and the reporting authority by the accepting authority, in case the officer reported upon makes comments Comments of reporting authority Comments of reviewing authority Comments of accepting authority/PAR to be finalized and disclosed to him Representation to the Referral Board by the officer reported upon Forwarding of representation to the Referral Board along with the comments of reporting authority/reviewing authority and accepting authority Finalization by Referral Board if the officer reported upon represents against the decision of the Accepting Authority. Disclosure to the officer reported upon End of entire PAR Process *They are required to fill in only Section II - Declaration Cut-off dates 1st June 15th June* 15th July 15th August 15th September 30th September 15th October 31st October 15th November 30th November 15th December 31st December 31st January 28th February 15th March 31st March

9.2 The completed PAR should reach the Cadre Controlling Authorities by 31st March the following year. The Cadre Controlling Authority will prepare a list of PARs not received and follow up with the Secretaries of the concerned Ministries and Chief Secretaries of the respective States. 9.3 Secretary (Home) in the State and Joint Secretary (Police) in the Centre shall be the Nodal officers to ensure that the PARs of the members of Service, duly completed, are sent to the Cadre Controlling Authority by 31st March of the following year. They shall send a list each of the members of Service whose PARs are to be written and reviewed to the concerned Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authorities by 15th April every year to enable them to ensure completion of PARs within the time-schedule. 9.4. If a PAR relating to a financial year is not recorded by the 31st of December of the year in which the financial year ended, no remarks shall be recorded thereafter.


9.5. The Reporting Authority shall record his comments in the PAR of the officer reported upon within the stipulated time and send it to the Reviewing Authority along with a copy thereof to the nodal Authority. 9.6. The nodal officer shall evolve a suitable mechanism to ensure that the remarks of the Reporting, the Reviewing and the Accepting Authorities are recorded without fail by the dates given in the schedule below Para 9.1.


Form III [See rule 4] The All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007 [Applicable for Indian Police Service officers who are on deputation under clauses (i) and (ii) of sub-rule 2 of rule 6 of the Indian Police Service(Cadre) Rules, 1954] Performance Appraisal Report for the period from _________ to __________ Section I Basic Information (To be filled in by the Administration Division/Home Department) 1.Name of the officer reported upon: 2.Service: 5.Date of Birth: 3.Cadre: 4.Year of allotment:

6.Present Grade:

7.Present post:

8.Date of appointment to present post: 9.Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting Authorities Name & Designation Reporting Authority Reviewing Authority Accepting Authority 10.Period of absence on leave, etc. Period On Leave (specify type) Others (specify) 11.Training Programs attended Date from Date to Institute Type Remarks Period worked



12. Awards/Honours

13. Details of PARs of officers not written by the officer as reporting/reviewing authority for the previous year

14. Date of filing the property return for year ending December

15. Date of last prescribed medical examination (Mandatory for all Indian Police Service officers) Attach summary of the medical report

Date: Section II Self Appraisal

Signature on behalf of______________________ Admn/Home Dept

1.Brief description of duties: (Objectives of the position you hold and the tasks you are required to perform, in about 100 words)

2.Annual work plan and achievement: Tasks to be performed Deliverables32[1] Initial34[3] Mid year35[4]

Actual Achievement 33[2]

32[1] 33[2]

Deliverables refer to quantitative or financial targets or verbal description of expected outputs. Actual achievement refers to achievement against the specified deliverables in respect of each task (as updated at mid-year). No explanations for divergences are to be given in this table. 34[3] Initial listing of deliverables are to be finalized within 1 month of the start of the period under report. 35[4] Mid year listing of deliverables are to be finalized within 6 months of the start of the period under report.


3.During the period under report, do you believe that you have made any exceptional contribution? If so, please give a verbal description (within 100 words):

4. Declaration Have you filed your immovable property return, as due. If yes, please mention date. Have you undergone the prescribed medical check up? Have you set the annual work plan for all officers for the current year, in respect of whom you are the reporting authority?

Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No


Signature of officer reported upon ___________________ Date: Section III Appraisal

1. Assessment of Attributes (This assessment should rate the officer vis--vis his peers and not the general population. Grades should be assigned on a scale of 1-10, in whole numbers, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the best grade). 70% weightage will be assigned to this item. Reporting Reviewing Initial of officer officer Reviewing Officer i) Attitude to work ii) Decision making ability iii) Initiative ivi) Ability to inspire and motivate v) Strategic Planning ability/innovativeness vi) Coordination ability Overall grading on attributes


2. Assessment of work output (This assessment should rate the officer vis--vis his peers and not the general population. Grades should be assigned on a scale of 1-10, in whole numbers, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the best grade. 30% weightage will be assigned to this item.) Reporting Review Initial of officer officer Reviewing Officer i. Accomplishment of Planned Work Ii Quality of Output iii. Accomplishment of unforeseen tasks/ exceptional work during the period Overall Grading on Work Output 3. Integrity Please comment on the integrity of the officer, keeping in mind both his financial integrity and his moral integrity.

4. Pen picture by the Reporting Authority. Please comment (in about 100 words) on the overall qualities of the officer including areas of strengths and lesser strengths and his attitude towards weaker sections.

5. Recommendation relating to domain assignment (Please tick mark any four). Anti-corruption & Vigilance Police Research & Development Criminal Investigation (CBI, CID) Security Related Communication Network/IT Paramilitary forces Intelligence Railways Counter-insurgency Economic Offences Security (VIP & Industrial)

Traffic Law & Order

Armed Police Bn. Metropolitan & Urban Policing


Police Training Personnel Administration Border Management Forest & Wild life related crimes 6. Overall Grade on a scale of 1-10

Anti Terrorism Cyber Crimes Others

Signature of Reporting Authority___________ Date: Section IV Review

1. Do you agree with the assessment made by the reporting officer with respect to the work output and the various attributes in section III? Do you agree with the assessment of the reporting officer in respect of extraordinary achievements and/or significant failures of the moS / officer reported upon? (In case you do not agree with any of the numerical assessments of attributes please record your assessment in the column provided for you in that section and initial your entries) Yes No

2. In case of difference of opinion details and reasons for the same may be given.

3. Comments, if any, on the pen picture written by the Reporting Authority.

4. Recommendation relating to domain assignment (Please tick mark any four) Anti-corruption & Vigilance Police Research & Development Criminal Investigation (CBI, CID) Security Related Communication Network/IT


Paramilitary forces Railways Economic Offences Traffic Law & Order Police Training Personnel Administration Border Management Forest & Wild life related crimes 5. Overall Grade on a scale of 1-10.

Intelligence Counter-insurgency Security (VIP & Industrial) Armed Police Bn. Metropolitan & Urban Policing Anti Terrorism Cyber Crimes Others

Signature of Reviewing Authority__________________ Date: Section V Acceptance 1. Do you agree with the remarks of the reporting/reviewing authorities? Yes No

2. In case of difference of opinion details and reasons for the same may be given.

3. Overall Grade on a scale of 1-10.


Signature of Accepting Authority________________

General guidelines for filling up the PAR form for Indian Police Service officers who are on deputation under clauses (i) and (ii) of sub-rule 2 of rule 6 of the Indian Police Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954 1. Introduction 1.1. The Performance Appraisal Report is an important document. It provides the basic and vital inputs for further development of an officer. The officer reported upon, the Reporting Authority, the Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority should, therefore, undertake the duty of filling up the form with a high sense of responsibility.


1.2 Performance appraisal should be used as a tool for career planning and training, rather than a mere judgmental exercise. Reporting Authorities should realize that the objective is to develop an officer so that he/she realizes his/her true potential. It is not meant to be a faultfinding process but a developmental tool. The Reporting Authority, the Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority should not shy away from reporting shortcomings in performance, attitudes or overall personality of the officer reported upon. 1.3 The columns should be filled with due care and attention and after devoting adequate time. Any attempt to fill the report in a casual or superficial manner will be easily discernible to the higher authorities. 1.4 Although the actual documentation of performance appraisal is a year-end exercise, in order that it may be a tool for human resource development, career planning and training, rather than a mere judgmental exercise, the Reporting Authority and the officer reported upon should meet during the course of the year at regular intervals to review the performance and to take necessary corrective steps. Instructions on filling up the different sections 2. Section-I 2.1 This Section should be filled up in the Administration Division/Home Deptt. Period of report could either be the entire reporting year, namely, from 1st of April to 31st March or a part of the year (exceeding 3 months). In case the period of report is a full year, it should be indicated accordingly; for example, 2007-2008. In case the period of report is less than the entire year, specific start and end dates should be indicated, for example, 10th September 2007 31st March 2008. 2.2 Information on the present grade (pay-scale) as well as present post (actual designation and organization) and the date from which he/she has been on his/her present post needs to be mentioned. 2.3 In the table relating to reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities the name and designation of the reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities should be mentioned so that the officer reported upon is clear about whom he/she is required to send the report to. 2.4 The period of absence from duty, on leave, training, or for other reasons, should also be mentioned in this section in the table provided for the purpose. Details of the training attended date of filing of property returns and whether the officer reported upon has reported/reviewed should be mentioned in the table for the purpose and annual performance report of all his/her subordinate officers for the previous year. 2.5 This Section provides for regular annual medical examination. The health check is mandatory for all Indian Police Service officers. A copy of the summary of medical report is to be attached to the PAR Form by the Admin./Home Department.. The format for health check up and the summary of medical report will be as circulated by the Cadre Controlling Authority, after consultation with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. 3. Section-II


3.1 The officer reported upon is first required to give brief description of his/her duties and responsibilities, which would normally not exceed about 100 words. Ideally, this should be in bullet form. 3.2 All officers are required to develop a work plan for the year and agree upon the same with the reporting officer. The work plan should incorporate the relative annual work rhythm and budgetary cycle. This exercise is to be carried out at the beginning of the year and finalized by 30th April, positively. In case of a change of the reporting officer during the year, the work plan agreed with the previous reporting officer would continue to apply. The work plan agreed upon at the beginning of the year has to be reviewed again during the month of September/October as a mid-year exercise and finalized by 31st October. Based on this review the work plan may undergo some changes from that originally prepared. 3.3 After the work plan is prepared, it is possible that the officer reported upon is transferred out. There need not be more than one work plan for one post each year. The period spent by the officer during the year and his contribution could be considered for evaluating his performance against the work plan. In the case of mid-term transfers, continuity and assessment of work and the lower performance profile in the first quarter should be taken into consideration. 3.4 The work plans, duly signed by the officer reported upon and the reporting authority has to be submitted to the reviewing authority for his/her perusal and custody. The performance appraisal form provides for an assessment of the accomplishments vis--vis the work plan agreed at the commencement of the year and reviewed midyear. The officer reported upon is required to fill up the table provided for the purpose in Section-II. 3.5 It is not necessary that the work plan should be entirely quantitative in nature. While for field level posts, the work plan would consist essentially of quantifiable targets, for secretarial level posts it would consist of policy objectives to be achieved etc. 4. Section-III 4.1. The reporting authority is required to record a numerical grade in respect of certain attributes and work output. 4.2. This Section requires the reporting authority to record a numerical grade in respect of the work output of the officer reported upon both in respect of the planned work as well as the unforeseen tasks. A numerical grade is also required in respect of the quality of the output. In doing so, the reporting authority should take into account the costs incurred (whether the officer reported upon has been cost conscious), the time taken and whether the laid down rules/procedures have been adhered to in accomplishing the tasks. 4.3. Section III requires the reporting authority to comment on the integrity of the officer reported upon. In recording remarks with regard to integrity, he/she need not limit him/herself only to matters relating to financial integrity but could also take into account the moral and intellectual integrity of the officer reported upon. The following procedure should be followed in filling up the column relating to integrity: (i) If the Officers integrity is beyond doubt, it may be stated.


(ii) If there is any doubt or suspicion, the column should be left blank and action taken as under: (a) A separate secret note should be recorded and followed up. A copy of the note should also be sent together with the Performance Appraisal Report to the next superior officer who will ensure that the follow up action is taken expeditiously. Where it is not possible either to certify the integrity or to record the secret note, the Reporting Officer should state either that he/she had not watched the officers work for sufficient time to form a definite judgement or that he/she has heard nothing against the officer, as the case may be. (b) If, as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are cleared, the officers integrity should be certified and an entry made accordingly in the Performance Appraisal Report. (c) If the doubts or suspicions are confirmed, this fact should also be recorded and duly communicated to the officer concerned. (d) If as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are neither cleared nor confirmed, the officers conduct should be watched for a further period and thereafter action taken as indicated at (b) and (c) above. 4.4 The reporting authority is also required to record a descriptive pen-picture on the overall qualities of the officer reported upon and his/her performance including areas of strengths and lesser strengths. This need not exceed about 100 words and should try to cover overall qualities of the officer including areas of strengths and lesser strengths. The pen-picture is also meant to be a qualitative supplement to the quantitative assessments made earlier part of this section. 4.5 The reporting authority is then required to make recommendations relating to domain assignment. 4.6 Finally, the reporting authority is required to record an overall grade. This should also be done on a scale of 1-10, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest. 5. Section-IV 5.1. This Section is to be filled up by the reviewing authority. He/she is required to indicate if he/she agrees with the assessments made by the reporting officer. In case of disagreement, he/she may record his/her own assessment against the work output or any of the attributes in the column specifically provided for the purpose. In case of agreement, he/she need not fill in the column meant for him/her in the attributes/work output tables. Finally , the reviewing authority is required to record an overall grade in the scale of 1-10. 6. Section-V 6.1 This Section is to be filled by the accepting authority. He/she is required to indicate if he/she agrees with the assessments made by the reporting authority/reviewing authorities. In case of difference of opinion, he/she is required to give details and reasons for the same in the column specifically provided for the purpose in the table in Section V.


7. Numerical Grades 7.1 At several places, numerical grades are to be awarded by reporting and review authorities. These should be on a scale of 1-10, where 1 refers to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest. It is expected that any grading of 1 or 2 (against work output or attributes or overall grade) would be adequately justified in the pen-picture by way of specific failures and similarly, any grade of 9 or 10 would be justified with respect to specific accomplishments. Grades of 1-2 or 9-10 are expected to be rare occurrences and hence the need to justify them. In awarding a numerical grade the reporting and reviewing authorities should rate the officer against a larger population of his/her peers that may be currently working under them or would have worked under them in the past.


Weightage & Mean Weights have been assigned to attributes and work output. The overall grade will be based on the addition of the mean value of each group of indicators/descriptive picture in proportion to weightage assigned. Schedule for completion of PARs of Indian Police Service Officers The completed PAR should reach the Cadre Controlling Authorities by 31st March the following year. The Cadre Controlling Authority will prepare a list of PARs not received and follow up with the concerned organisations. 8.


Form IIIA [See rule 4] The All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007 PERFORMANCE REPORT ON STUDY LEAVE/LEAVE FOR STUDY (Applicable for Indian Police Service Officers) (For the year/period ending_______________________) A. PERSONAL DATA 1. Name of the Officer 2. Cadre/year of allotment 3. Date of Birth 4. Present Grade 5. Study Leave/ Leave Details (a) Course (b) Institution (c) Duration 6. Period of Sanctioned Leave 7. Details of Degree/Certificate/Diploma and Evaluation obtained during the period (copies to be enclosed) 8. Date of Filing Annual Property Returns


Officers Signature __________________ Date:_________________________ To be filled in duplicate and submitted to Cadre Controlling Authorities in the State and the Central Government.


Form III B [See rule 4] The All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007 PERFORMANCE REPORT ON TRAINING (Applicable for Indian Police Service Officers) (For the year/period ending_______________________) A. PERSONAL DATA

1. Name of the Officer 2. Service/Cadre/year of allotment 3. Date of Birth 4. Present Grade 5. Training Details (a) Course (b) Institution (c) Duration 6. Details of Degree/Certificate/Diploma and Evaluation obtained during the period (copies to be enclosed) 7. Date of Filing Annual Property Returns


Officers Signature __________________ Date:_________________________ To be filled in duplicate and submitted to Cadre Controlling Authorities in the State and the Central Government.


Appendix III Form I [See rule 4] The All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007 [Applicable for All Indian Forest Service officers except the level of Principal Chief Conservator of Forests or Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests] Performance Appraisal Report for the period from _________ to __________ Section I Basic Information (To be filled in by the Administration Division/ Environment & Forest Department) 1.Name of the officer reported upon: 2.Service: 6.Present Grade: 3.Cadre: 4.Year of allotment: 7.Present post: 5.Date of Birth:

8.Date of appointment to present post: 9.Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting Authorities Name & Designation Reporting Authority Reviewing Authority Accepting Authority 10.Period of absence on leave, etc. Period On Leave (specify type) Others (specify) 11.Training Programs attended Date from Date to Institute Period worked




12. Awards/Honours


13 Details of PARs of officers not written by the officer as reporting/reviewing authority for the previous year

14. Date of filing the property return for year ending December

15. Date of last prescribed medical examination (Mandatory for all Indian Forest Service officers) Attach summary of the medical report

Date: Section II Self Appraisal

Signature on behalf of______________________ Admn./ Environment & Forest Department

1.Brief description of duties: (Objectives of the position you hold and the tasks you are required to perform, in about 100 words)

2.Annual work plan and achievement: Tasks to be performed Deliverables36[1] Initial38[3] Mid year39[4]

Actual Achievement 37[2]

Deliverables refer to quantitative or financial targets or verbal description of expected outputs. Actual achievement refers to achievement against the specified deliverables in respect of each task (as updated at mid-year). No explanations for divergences are to be given in this table. 38[3] Initial listing of deliverables are to be finalized within 1 month of the start of the period under report. 39[4] Mid year listing of deliverables are to be finalized within 6 months of the start of the period under report.
36[1] 37[2]


3.During the period under report, do you believe that you have made any exceptional contribution, e.g. successful completion of an extraordinarily challenging task or major systemic improvement (resulting in significant benefits to the public and/or reduction in time and costs)? If so, please give a verbal description (within 100 words):

4.What are the factors that hindered your performance?

5. Please indicate specific areas in which you feel the need to upgrade your skills through training programs: For the current assignment:

For your future career

Please Note: You should send an updated CV, including additional qualifications acquired/ training programs attended/ publications/ special assignments undertaken, in a prescribed proforma, to the cadre controlling authority, once in 5 years, so that the records available with the cadre controlling authority remain updated. 6.Declaration Have you filed your immovable property return, as due. If yes, please mention date. Have you undergone the prescribed medical check up? Have you set the annual work plan for all officers for the current year, in respect of whom you are the reporting authority?

Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No


Signature of officer reported upon _______________ Date:


Section III


1.Please state whether you agree with the responses relating to the accomplishments of the work plan and unforeseen tasks as filled out in Section II. If not, please furnish factual details.

.Please comment on the claim (if made) of exceptional contribution by the officer reported upon.

3. Has the officer reported upon met with any significant failures in respect of his work? If yes, please furnish factual details.

4.Do you agree with the skill up-gradation needs as identified by the officer?


5. Assessment of work output (This assessment should rate the officer vis--vis his peers and not the general population. Grades should be assigned on a scale of 1-10, in whole numbers, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the best grade. Weightage to this Section will be 40%). Reporting Reviewing Initial of Authority Authority Reviewing Authority i. Accomplishment of planned work including training courses for various ranks Ii Quality of output and effectiveness in areas like forest and wildlife conservation, supervision and investigation in forest offences. iii. Accomplishment of exceptional work / unforeseen tasks performed Overall Grading on Work Output 6. Assessment of Personal Attributes (on a scale of 1-10. Weightage to this Section will be 30%). Reporting Reviewing Initials of Authority Authority Reviewing Authority i. Attitude to work Ii Sense of responsibility Iii Overall bearing and personality Iv Emotional stability V Communication skills vi Moral courage and willingness to take a professional stand vii. Leadership qualities viii. Capacity to work in time limit Overall Grading on Personal Attributes 7. Assessment of Functional Competency (on a scale of 1-10. Weightage to this Section will be 30%). Reporting Review Initials of Authority Authority Reviewing Authority i. Knowledge of forest and related laws/rules/procedures/ knowledge of area and terrain/awareness of local norms (culture, customs, language etc.) in the relevant area and IT skills. ii. Strategic planning ability iii. Decision making ability iv. Initiative


v. vi.

Interest in welfare of forest officials and appraising ability Ability to motivate and develop subordinates / work in a team. Overall Grading on Functional competency

8.Integrity Please comment on the integrity of the officer:

9. Pen picture by Reporting Officer. Please comment ( in about 100 words) on the overall qualities of the officer including areas of strengths and lesser strengths and his attitude towards weaker sections.

10. Recommendation relating to domain assignment (Please tick mark any four) Afforestation/agro-forestry and Bio-diversity and wildlife management tribal/hill areas development Social Welfare of Dwellers in forest Training and tribal areas Forest and wild life related crimes Research and Development Natural Resource Management Bio-technology (i) General Forestry (ii) Minor Forest Produce Environmental issues including Forest Personnel Administration climate change Forest conservation and Others development 11. Overall grade on a score of 1-10

Signature of Reporting Authority ___________ Date:


Section IV


1. Do you agree with the assessment made by the reporting officer with respect to the work output and the various attributes in section III? Do you agree with the assessment of the reporting officer in respect of extraordinary achievements and/or significant failures of the moS / officer reported upon? (In case you do not agree with any of the numerical assessments of attributes please record your assessment in the column provided for you in that section and initial your entries). Yes 2. No

In case of difference of opinion details and reasons for the same may be given.

3. Comments, if any, on the pen picture written by the Reporting Authority

4. Recommendation relating to domain assignment (Please tick mark any four) Afforestation/agro-forestry and tribal/hill Bio-diversity and wildlife areas development management Social Welfare of Dwellers in forest and Training tribal areas Forest and wild life related crimes Research and Development Natural Resource Management Bio-technology (i) General Forestry (ii) Minor Forest Produce Environmental issues including climate Forest Personnel Administration change Forest conservation and development Others 5.Overall grade (on a scale of 1-10)

Signature of Reviewing Authority ____________________ Date:


Section V


1. Do you agree with the remarks of the reporting / reviewing authorities? Yes No

2. In case of difference of opinion details and reasons for the same may be given.

3. Overall grade on a score of 1-10


Signature of Accepting Authority______________

General guidelines for filling up the PAR form for Indian Forest Service officers except the level of Principal Chief Conservator of Forests or Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests. 1. Introduction 1.1. The Performance Appraisal Report is an important document. It provides the basic and vital inputs for further development of an officer. The officer reported upon, the Reporting Authority, Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority should, therefore, undertake the duty of filling up the form with a high sense of responsibility. 1.2 Performance appraisal should be used as a tool for career planning and training, rather than a mere judgmental exercise. Reporting Authorities should realize that the objective is to develop an officer so that he/she realizes his/her true potential. It is not meant to be a faultfinding process but a developmental tool. The Reporting Authority, the Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority should not shy away from reporting shortcomings in performance, attitudes or overall personality of the officer reported upon. 1.3 The columns should be filled with due care and attention and after devoting adequate time. Any attempt to fill the report in a casual or superficial manner will be easily discernible to the higher authorities. 1.4 Although the actual documentation of performance appraisal is a year-end exercise, in order that it may be a tool for human resource development, career planning and training, rather than a mere judgmental exercise, the Reporting Authority and the officer reported upon should meet during the course of the year at regular intervals to review the performance and to take necessary corrective steps.


2. Section-I 2.1 This Section should be filled up in the Administration Division/Environment & Forest Department. Period of report could either be the entire reporting year, namely, from 1st of April to 31st March or a part of the year (exceeding 3 months). In case the period of report is a full year, it should be indicated accordingly; for example, 2007-2008. In case the period of report is less than the entire year, specific start and end dates should be indicated, for example, 10th September 2007 31st March 2008. 2.2 Information on the present grade (pay-scale) as well as present post (actual designation and organization) and the date from which he/she has been on his/her present post needs to be mentioned. 2.3 In the table relating to reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities the name and designation of the reporting and reviewing authorities should be mentioned so that the officer reported upon is clear about whom he/she is required to send the report. 2.4 The period of absence from duty, on leave, training, or for other reasons, should also be mentioned in this section in the table provided for the purpose. Details of the training attended, date of filing of property returns and whether the officer reported upon has reported/reviewed and the annual performance report of all his/her subordinate officers for the previous year should be mentioned in the table for the purpose. 2.5 This Section provides for regular annual medical examination. The health check is mandatory for all Indian Forest Service officers. A copy of the summary of medical report is to be attached to the PAR Form by the Admin./Environment and Forest Department. The format for health check up and the summary of medical report will be as circulated by the Cadre Controlling Authority, after consultation with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. 3. Section-II 3.1 The officer reported upon is first required to give brief description of his/her duties and responsibilities, which would normally not exceed about 100 words. Ideally, this should be in bullet form. 3.2 All officers are required to develop a work plan for the year and agree upon the same with the reporting officer. The work plan should incorporate the relative annual work rhythm and budgetary cycle. This exercise is to be carried out at the beginning of the year and finalized by 30th April, positively. In case of a change of the reporting officer during the year, the work plan agreed with the previous reporting officer would continue to apply. The work plan agreed upon at the beginning of the year has to be reviewed again during the month of September/October as a mid-year exercise and finalized by 31st October. Based on this review the work plan may undergo some changes from that originally prepared. 3.3 After the work plan is prepared, it is possible that the officer reported upon is transferred out. There need not be more than one work plan for one post each year. The period spent by the officer during the year and his contribution could be considered for evaluating his performance against the work plan. In the case of mid-term transfers, continuity and assessment of work and the lower performance profile in the first quarter should be taken into consideration.


3.4 The work plans, duly signed by the officer reported upon and the reporting authority has to be submitted to the reviewing authority for his/her perusal and custody. The performance appraisal form provides for an assessment of the accomplishments vis--vis the work plan agreed at the commencement of the year and reviewed midyear. The officer reported upon is required to fill up the table provided for the purpose in Section-II. 3.5 It is not necessary that the work plan should be entirely quantitative in nature. While for field level posts, the work plan would consist essentially of quantifiable targets, for secretarial level posts it would consist of policy objectives to be achieved etc. 3.6 Section II also provides an opportunity for the officer to reflect upon his/her performance during the year and indicate one item which he/she thought was a significant contributions made by him/her during the year. It is always possible for any officer to make significant contribution even in activities otherwise regarded as routine in nature. Examples of such contribution may be successful dealing of an emergency (e.g. major forest fire) would certainly be an exceptional contribution. 3.7 The officer reported upon is required to indicate specific areas in which he/she feels the need to upgrade skills and attend training programs. He/she should also mention the specific steps that he/she has taken or proposes to take to upgrade his/her skills in the identified area. 3.8 There is an increased emphasis on competency building in the new performance appraisal and career progression system. There would be a premium on competency and skill upgradation. Hence, all officers are advised, through a note in Section II, to keep the cadre controlling authority informed, at least once in five years, of all educational and training programs attended, including the details of marks/grades secured in such programs, details of professional papers published. These would be taken into account in the future career progression. 3.9 This Section also requires the officer reported upon to record certain certificates about submission of property returns, annual medical check up and setting up of annual work plan for whom he/she would be the reporting authority. 4. Section-III 4.1 Section III requires the reporting authority to comment on Section II as filled out by the officer reported upon, and specifically state whether he/she agrees with the responses relating to the accomplishments. In case of disagreement the reporting authority should highlight the specific portions with which he/she is unable to agree and the reasons for such disagreement. 4.2 This Section then requires the reporting authority to comment on the skill upgradation needs as identified by the officer. 4.3 Thereafter, this Section requires the reporting authority to record a numerical grade in respect of the workout put of the officer reported upon both in respect of the planned work as well as the unforeseen tasks. A numerical grade is also required in respect of the quality of the output. In doing so, the reporting authority should take into account the costs incurred (whether the officer reported upon has been cost conscious),


the time taken and whether the laid down rules/procedures have been adhered to in accomplishing the tasks. 4.4 The reporting authority is also required to record a numerical grade in respect of work output, personal attributes and functional competencies. 4.5 Section III requires the reporting authority to comment on the integrity of the officer reported upon. In recording remarks with regard to integrity, he/she need not limit him/herself only to matters relating to financial integrity but could also take into account the moral and intellectual integrity of the officer reported upon. The following procedure should be followed in filling up the column relating to integrity: (i) If the Officers integrity is beyond doubt, it may be stated. (ii) If there is any doubt or suspicion, the column should be left blank and action taken as under: (a) A separate secret note should be recorded and followed up. A copy of the note should also be sent together with the Performance Appraisal Report to the next superior officer who will ensure that the follow up action is taken expeditiously. Where it is not possible either to certify the integrity or to record the secret note, the Reporting Officer should state either that he/she had not watched the officers work for sufficient time to form a definite judgement or that he/she has heard nothing against the officer, as the case may be. (b) If, as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are cleared, the officers integrity should be certified and an entry made accordingly in the Performance Appraisal Report. (c) If the doubts or suspicions are confirmed, this fact should also be recorded and duly communicated to the officer concerned. (d) If as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are neither cleared nor confirmed, the officers conduct should be watched for a further period and thereafter action taken as indicated at (b) and (c) above. 4.6 The reporting authority is also required to record a descriptive pen-picture on the overall qualities of the officer reported upon and his/her performance including his attitude towards weaker sections. This need not exceed about 100 words and should try to cover overall qualities of the officer including areas of strengths and lesser strengths. The pen-picture is also meant to be a qualitative supplement to the quantitative assessments made earlier part of this section. 4.7 Reporting authority is then required to make recommendations relating to domain assignment. The list of domains is at para 10. 4.8 Finally, the reporting authority is required to record an overall grade. This should also be done on a scale of 1-10, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest.


5. Section-IV 5.1. This Section is to be filled up by the reviewing authority. He/she is required to indicate if he/she agrees with the assessments made by the reporting officer. In case of disagreement, he/she may record his/her own assessment against the work output or any of the attributes in the column specifically provided for the purpose. In case of agreement, he/she need not fill in the column meant for him/her in the attributes/work output tables. Finally, the reviewing authority is required to record an overall grade in the scale of 1-10. 6. Section-V 6.1 This Section is to be filled by the accepting authority. He/she is required to indicate if he/she agrees with the assessments made by the reporting authority/reviewing authorities. In case of difference of opinion, he/she is required to give details and reasons for the same in the column specifically provided for the purpose in the table in Section V. 7. Numerical Grades 7.1 At several places, numerical grades are to be awarded by reporting and reviewing authorities. These should be on a scale of 1-10, where 1 refers to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest. It is expected that any grading of 1 or 2 (against work output or attributes or overall grade) would be adequately justified in the pen-picture by way of specific failures and similarly, any grade of 9 or 10 would be justified with respect to specific accomplishments. Grades of 1-2 or 9-10 are expected to be rare occurrences and hence the need to justify them. In awarding a numerical grade the reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities should rate the officer against a larger population of his/her peers that may be currently working under them or would have worked under them in the past. 7.2 Weightage & Mean Weights have been assigned to work output, personal attributes and functional competency. The overall grade will be based on the addition of the mean value of each group of indicators in proportion to weightage assigned. 8. Disclosure 8.1 There should be more openness in the system of appraisal. The annual PAR, including the overall grade and integrity, should be communicated to the officer reported upon after it has been finalized by the accepting authority. 8.2. Representation The officer reported upon may have the option to give his comments on the PAR. Such comments may be restricted to the specific factual observations contained in the Performance Appraisal Report leading to the assessment of the officer in terms of attributes, competency and output. If comments are submitted, the Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authority would have the option to accept them and modify the PAR accordingly. If the comments are not accepted, the views of the Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authority would be communicated with reasons to the officer reported upon. Thereafter, only if the officer reported upon so desires, he may request for the matter to be forwarded to the Referral Board. The representation shall be confined to errors of facts and nothing else. The Referral Board shall give clear findings on the representation and take a final decision on the assessment, including the overall


grading in regard to the parameters affected thereby. The decision along with details in case an entry is upgraded or down graded with, reasons for same may be recorded in the PAR and the same communicated to the officer reported upon. The decision of the Referral Board shall be final. 9. 9.1 Schedule for completion of PARs of Indian Forest Service Officers The following schedule should be strictly followed: -

Reporting Year Financial Year Cut-off dates Below Super Super Time Time Scale Scale Blank PAR form to be given to the officer 1st April 1st May reported upon by the Administration Division/Environment & Forest specifying the reporting officer and reviewing authority Self appraisal for current year 30th April 31st May st Appraisal by reporting authority 31 May 30th June Appraisal by reviewing authority 30th June 31st July st Appraisal by accepting authority 31 July 31st August th Disclosure to the officer reported upon 15 August 15th September Comments of the officer reported upon, if any (if 31st August 30th September none, transmission of the PAR to the Ministry of Environment & Forests) Forwarding of comments of the officer reported 15th September 15th October upon to the reviewing and the reporting authority by the accepting authority, in case the officer reported upon makes comments Comments of reporting authority 30th September 31st October Comments of reviewing authority 15th October 15th November st Comments of accepting authority/PAR to be 31 October 30th November finalized and disclosed to the officer reported upon. Representation to the Referral Board by the 30th November 31st December officer reported upon Forwarding of representation to the Referral 15th December 15th January Board along with the comments of reporting authority/reviewing authority and accepting authority Finalization by Referral Board if the officer 15th January 15th February reported upon represents against the decision of the Accepting Authority. Disclosure to the officer reported upon 31st January 28th February st End of entire PAR Process 31 March 31st March 9.2 The completed PAR should reach the Cadre Controlling Authorities by 31st March the following year. The Cadre Controlling Authority will prepare a list of PARs not received and follow up with the Secretaries of the concerned Ministries and Chief Secretaries of the respective States.


9.3 Secretary (Environment & Forest) in the State and the Joint Secretary (CCI) in the Centre shall be the Nodal officers to ensure that the PARs of the members of Service, duly completed, are sent to the Cadre Controlling Authority by 31st March of the following year. They shall send a list each of the members of Service whose PARs are to be written and reviewed to the concerned Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authorities by 15th April every year to enable them to ensure completion of PARs within the timeschedule. 9.4. If a PAR relating to a financial year is not recorded by the 31st of December of the year in which the financial year ended, no remarks shall be recorded thereafter. The member of Service will be assessed based on the overall record and self-assessment of the year concerned, if he had given his self-assessment in time and the Reporting Authority, Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority have not completed the PAR according to the time schedule given in para 9.1. 9.5. The member of Service reported upon shall, while forwarding his self-appraisal to the Reporting Authority, endorse a copy of the self-appraisal, to the nodal officer and keep a record of the same as evidence that he had submitted the same in time. 9.6. The Reporting Authority shall record his comments in the PAR of the officer reported upon within the stipulated time and send it to the Reviewing Authority along with a copy thereof to the nodal Authority. 9.7. In case the Reporting Authority fails to submit the PAR to the Reviewing Authority within the stipulated period under intimation to the nodal officer, the nodal officer shall send a copy of self-appraisal directly to the Reviewing Authority and authorize him to initiate the PAR. The nodal officer shall also keep a note of the failure of the Reporting Authority to submit the PAR of his subordinate in time for an appropriate entry in the PAR of such Reporting Authorities. 9.8. The nodal officer shall evolve a suitable mechanism to ensure that the remarks of the Reporting, the Reviewing and the Accepting Authorities are recorded without fail by the dates given in the schedule below Para 9.1.


Form II [See rule 4] The All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007 [Applicable for Indian Forest Service officers of the level of Principal Chief Conservator of Forests or Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests] Performance Appraisal Report for the period from _________ to __________ Section I Basic Information (To be filled in by the Administration Division/Environment & Forest Department) 1.Name of the officer reported upon: 2.Service: 3.Cadre: 4.Year of allotment:

5.Date of Birth:

6.Present Grade:

7.Present post:

8.Date of appointment to present post: 9.Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting Authorities Name & Designation Reporting Authority Reviewing Authority Accepting Authority 10.Period of absence on leave, etc. Period On Leave (specify type) Others (specify) 11.Training Programs attended Date Date to Institute from Period worked





12. Awards/Honours

13. Details of PARs of officers not written by the officer as reporting/reviewing authority for the previous year

14. Date of filing the property return for year ending December

15. Date of last prescribed medical examination (Mandatory for all Indian Forest Service Officers) Attach summary of the medical report

Date: Section II

Signature on behalf of________________ Admn./Environment & Forest Department

1. Declaration Have you filed your immovable property return, as due. If yes, please mention date Have you undergone the prescribed medical check up? Have you set the annual work plan for all officers for the current year, in respect of whom you are the reporting authority? Have you prepared the work plan for yourself? Have you enclosed a note on important achievements during the period?

Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No


Yes/No Yes/No

Signature of Officer reported upon ____________ Date: Section III Appraisal

1. Assessment of Attributes (This assessment should rate the officer vis--vis his peers and not the general population. Grades should be assigned on a scale of 1-10, in whole numbers, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the best grade. 70% weightage will be assigned to this item). Reporting officer i) Attitude to work ii) Decision making ability Reviewing officer Initial of Reviewing Officer


iii) Initiative iv) Ability to inspire and motivate v) Strategic Planning ability/innovativeness Overall grading on attributes 2. Assessment of work output (This assessment should rate the officer vis--vis his peers and not the general population. Grades should be assigned on a scale of 1-10, in whole numbers, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the best grade. 30% weightage will be assigned to this item.) Reporting Review Initial of officer officer Reviewing Officer i. Accomplishment of planned work including training courses for various ranks Ii Quality of output ad effectiveness in areas like forest and wildlife conservation, supervision and investigation in forest offences. iii. Accomplishment of exceptional work / unforeseen tasks performed Overall Grading on Work Output 3. Integrity Please comment on the integrity of the officer, keeping in mind both his financial integrity and his moral integrity.

4. Pen picture by the Reporting Authority. Please comment (in about 100 words) on the overall qualities of the officer including areas of strengths and lesser strengths and his attitude towards weaker sections.



Recommendation relating to domain assignment (Please tick mark any four). Afforestation/agro-forestry and tribal/hill Bio-diversity and wildlife areas development management Social Welfare of Dwellers in forest and Training tribal areas Forest and wild life related crimes Research and Development Natural Resource Management Bio-technology (i) General Forestry (ii) Minor Forest Produce Environmental issues including climate Forest Personnel Administration change Forest conservation and development Others

6. Overall Grade on a scale of 1-10

Signature of Reporting Authority___________ Date: Section IV Review

1. Do you agree with the assessment made by the reporting officer with respect to the work output and the various attributes in section III? Do you agree with the assessment of the reporting officer in respect of extraordinary achievements and/or significant failures of the moS / officer reported upon? (In case you do not agree with any of the numerical assessments of attributes please record your assessment in the column provided for you in that section and initial your entries) Ye s No

2. In case of difference of opinion details and reasons for the same may be given.

3. Comments, if any, on the pen picture written by the Reporting Authority


4. Recommendation relating to domain assignment (Please tick mark any four) Afforestation/ agro-forestry and Bio-diversity and wildlife tribal/hill areas development management Social Welfare of Dwellers in forest Training and tribal areas Forest and wild life related crimes Research and Development Natural Resource Management Bio-technology (i) General Forestry (ii) Minor Forest Produce Environmental issues including Forest Personnel Administration climate change Forest conservation and development Others 5. Overall Grade on a scale of 1-10.

Signature of Reviewing Authority___________ Date: Section V Acceptance 1. Do you agree with the remarks of the reporting/reviewing authorities? Yes No

2. In case of difference of opinion details and reasons for the same may be given.

3. Overall Grade on a scale of 1-10


Signature of Accepting Authority________________

General guidelines for filling up the PAR form for Indian Forest Service officers of the level of Principal Chief Conservator of Forests or Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests. 1. Introduction 1.1. The Performance Appraisal Report is an important document. It provides the basic and vital inputs for further development of an officer. The officer reported upon, the Reporting Authority, the Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority should, therefore, undertake the duty of filling up the form with a high sense of responsibility.


1.2 Performance appraisal should be used as a tool for career planning and training, rather than a mere judgmental exercise. Reporting Authorities should realize that the objective is to develop an officer so that he/she realizes his/her true potential. It is not meant to be a faultfinding process but a developmental tool. The Reporting Authority, the Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority should not shy away from reporting shortcomings in performance, attitudes or overall personality of the officer reported upon. 1.3 The columns should be filled with due care and attention and after devoting adequate time. Any attempt to fill the report in a casual or superficial manner will be easily discernible to the higher authorities. 1.4 Although the actual documentation of performance appraisal is a year-end exercise, in order that it may be a tool for human resource development, career planning and training, rather than a mere judgmental exercise, the Reporting Authority and the officer reported upon should meet during the course of the year at regular intervals to review the performance and to take necessary corrective steps. 2. Section-I 2.1 This Section should be filled up in the Administration Division/Environment & Forest Department. Period of report could either be the entire reporting year, namely, from 1st of April to 31st March or a part of the year (exceeding 3 months). In case the period of report is a full year, it should be indicated accordingly; for example, 2007-2008. In case the period of report is less than the entire year, specific start and end dates should be indicated, for example, 10th September 2007 31st March 2008. 2.2 Information on the present grade (pay-scale) as well as present post (actual designation and organization) and the date from which he/she has been on his/her present post needs to be mentioned. 2.3 In the table relating to reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities the name and designation of the reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities should be mentioned so that the officer reported upon is clear about whom he/she is required to send the report to. 2.4 The period of absence from duty, on leave, training, or for other reasons, should also be mentioned in this section in the table provided for the purpose. Details of the training attended date of filing of property returns and whether the officer reported upon has reported/reviewed should be mentioned in the table for the purpose and annual performance report of all his/her subordinate officers for the previous year. 2.5 This Section provides for regular annual medical examination. The health check is mandatory for all Indian Forest Service officers. A copy of the summary of medical report is to be attached to the PAR Form by the Admin./ Environment and Forest Department and a copy provided to the member of the Service. The format for health check up and the summary of medical report will be as circulated by the Cadre Controlling Authority, after consultation with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. 3. Section-II This Section requires the officer reported upon to record certain certificates about submission of property returns, annual medical check up, setting up of annual work plan


for whom he/she would be the reporting authority as well as for himself. The officer has to report on the preparation of the work plan for himself and has the option to enclose a note on the important achievements during the period. 4. Section-III 4.1 The reporting authority is required to record a numerical grade in respect of certain attributes and work output. 4.2 This Section requires the reporting authority to record a numerical grade in respect of the work output of the officer reported upon both in respect of the planned work as well as the unforeseen tasks. A numerical grade is also required in respect of the quality of the output. In doing so, the reporting authority should take into account the costs incurred (whether the officer reported upon has been cost conscious), the time taken and whether the laid down rules/procedures have been adhered to in accomplishing the tasks. 4.3 Section III requires the reporting authority to comment on the integrity of the officer reported upon. In recording remarks with regard to integrity, he/she need not limit him/herself only to matters relating to financial integrity but could also take into account the moral and intellectual integrity of the officer reported upon. The following procedure should be followed in filling up the column relating to integrity: (i) If the Officers integrity is beyond doubt, it may be stated. (ii) If there is any doubt or suspicion, the column should be left blank and action taken as under: (a) A separate secret note should be recorded and followed up. A copy of the note should also be sent together with the Performance Appraisal Report to the next superior officer who will ensure that the follow up action is taken expeditiously. Where it is not possible either to certify the integrity or to record the secret note, the Reporting Officer should state either that he/she had not watched the officers work for sufficient time to form a definite judgement or that he/she has heard nothing against the officer, as the case may be. (b) If, as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are cleared, the officers integrity should be certified and an entry made accordingly in the Performance Appraisal Report. (c) If the doubts or suspicions are confirmed, this fact should also be recorded and duly communicated to the officer concerned. (d) If as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are neither cleared nor confirmed, the officers conduct should be watched for a further period and thereafter action taken as indicated at (b) and (c) above. 4.4 The reporting authority is also required to record a descriptive pen-picture on the overall qualities of the officer reported upon and his/her performance including his attitude towards weaker sections. This need not exceed about 100 words and should try to cover overall qualities of the officer including areas of strengths and lesser strengths.


The pen-picture is also meant to be a qualitative supplement to the quantitative assessments made earlier part of this section. 4.5 The reporting authority is then required to make recommendations relating to domain assignment. The list of domains is at para 10. 4.6 Finally, the reporting authority is required to record an overall grade. This should also be done on a scale of 1-10, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest. 5. Section-IV 5.1 This Section is to be filled up by the reviewing authority. He/she is required to indicate if he/she agrees with the assessments made by the reporting officer. In case of disagreement, he/she may record his/her own assessment against the work output or any of the attributes in the column specifically provided for the purpose. In case of agreement, he/she need not fill in the column meant for him/her in the attributes/work output tables. Finally, the reviewing authority is required to record an overall grade in the scale of 1-10. 6. Section-V 6.1 This Section is to be filled by the accepting authority. He/she is required to indicate if he/she agrees with the assessments made by the reporting authority/reviewing authorities. In case of difference of opinion, he/she is required to give details and reasons for the same in the column specifically provided for the purpose in the table in Section V. 7. Numerical Grades 7.1 At several places, numerical grades are to be awarded by reporting and reviewing authorities. These should be on a scale of 1-10, where 1 refers to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest. It is expected that any grading of 1 or 2 (against work output or attributes or overall grade) would be adequately justified in the pen-picture by way of specific failures and similarly, any grade of 9 or 10 would be justified with respect to specific accomplishments. Grades of 1-2 or 9-10 are expected to be rare occurrences and hence the need to justify them. In awarding a numerical grade the reporting and reviewing authorities should rate the officer against a larger population of his/her peers that may be currently working under them or would have worked under them in the past. 7.2 Weightage & Mean Weights have been assigned to attributes and work output. The overall grade will be based on the addition of the mean value of each group of indicators/descriptive picture in proportion to weightage assigned. The overall grade will be the average mean of all the numerical indicators assigned by the authority. 8. Disclosure 8.1 There should be more openness in the system of appraisal. The annual PAR, including the overall grade and integrity, should be communicated to the officer reported upon after it has been finalized by the accepting authority. 8.2 Representation The officer reported upon may have the option to give his comments on the PAR. Such comments may be restricted to the specific factual observations contained in the


Performance Appraisal Report leading to the assessment of the officer in terms of attributes and output. If comments are submitted, the Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authority would have the option to accept them and modify the PAR accordingly. If the comments are not accepted, the views of the Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authority would be communicated with reasons to the officer reported upon. Thereafter, only if the officer reported upon so desires, he may request for the matter to be forwarded to the Referral Board. The representation shall be confined to errors of facts and nothing else. The Referral Board shall give clear findings on the representation and take a final decision on the assessment, including the overall grading in regard to the parameters affected thereby. In case of an adverse entry, the entry and the overall grading may be communicated. In case an entry is upgraded or down graded, reasons for same may be recorded in the PAR. 9. 9.1 Schedule for completion of PARs of Indian Forest Service Officers The following schedule should be strictly followed: Reporting Year Financial Year Activity Blank PAR form to be given to the officer reported upon by the Administration Division/Environment & Forest Department, specifying the reporting officer and reviewing authority Filling in Section II by the officer reported upon Appraisal by reporting authority Appraisal by reviewing authority Appraisal by accepting authority Disclosure to the officer reported upon Comments of the officer reported upon, if any (if none, transmission of the PAR to the Ministry of Environment & Forests) Forwarding of comments of the officer reported upon to the reviewing and the reporting authority by the accepting authority, in case the officer reported upon makes comments Comments of reporting authority Comments of reviewing authority Comments of accepting authority/PAR to be finalized and disclosed to him Representation to the Referral Board by the officer reported upon Forwarding of representation to the Referral Board along with the comments of reporting authority/reviewing authority and accepting authority Finalization by Referral Board if the officer reported upon represents against the decision of the Accepting Authority. Disclosure to the officer reported upon End of entire PAR Process *They are required to fill in only Section II - Declaration Cut-off dates 1st June 15th June* 15th July 15th August 15th September 30th September 15th October 31st October 15th November 30th November 15th December 31st December 31st January 28th February 15th March 31st March


9.2 The completed PAR should reach the Cadre Controlling Authorities by 31st March the following year. The Cadre Controlling Authority will prepare a list of PARs not received and follow up with the Secretaries of the concerned Ministries and Chief Secretaries of the respective States. 9.3 Secretary (Environment & Forest) in the State and Joint Secretary (CC I) in the Centre shall be the Nodal officers to ensure that the PARs of the members of Service, duly completed, are sent to the Cadre Controlling Authority by 31st March of the following year. They shall send a list each of the members of Service whose PARs are to be written and reviewed to the concerned Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authorities by 15th April every year to enable them to ensure completion of PARs within the timeschedule. 9.4. If a PAR relating to a financial year is not recorded by the 31st of December of the year in which the financial year ended, no remarks shall be recorded thereafter. 9.5. The Reporting Authority shall record his comments in the PAR of the officer reported upon within the stipulated time and send it to the Reviewing Authority along with a copy thereof to the nodal Authority. 9.6 The nodal officer shall evolve a suitable mechanism to ensure that the remarks of the Reporting, the Reviewing and the Accepting Authorities are recorded without fail by the dates given in the schedule below Para 9.1.


Form III [See rule 4] The All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007 [Applicable for Indian Forest Service officers who are on deputation under clauses (i) and (ii) of sub-rule 2 of rule 6 of the Indian Forest Service (Cadre) Rules, 1966] Performance Appraisal Report for the period from _________ to __________ Section I Basic Information (To be filled in by the Administration Division/Environment & Forest Department) 1.Name of the officer reported upon:

2.Service: 5.Date of Birth: 6.Present Grade:


4.Year of allotment:

7.Present post: 8.Date of appointment to present post: 9.Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting Authorities Name & Designation Reporting Authority Reviewing Authority Accepting Authority 10.Period of absence on leave, etc. Period On Leave (specify type) Others (specify) 11.Training Programs attended Date Date to Institute from Period worked





12. Awards/Honours

13. Details of PARs of officers not written by the officer as reporting/reviewing authority for the previous year

14. Date of filing the property return for year ending December 15. Date of last prescribed medical examination (Mandatory for all Indian ForestService officers) Attach summary of the medical report

Date: Section II Self Appraisal

Signature on behalf of______________________ Admn./Environment & Forest Department

1.Brief description of duties: (Objectives of the position you hold and the tasks you are required to perform, in about 100 words)

2.Annual work plan and achievement: Tasks to be performed Deliverables40[1] Initial42[3] Mid year43[4]

Actual Achievement 41[2]

Deliverables refer to quantitative or financial targets or verbal description of expected outputs. Actual achievement refers to achievement against the specified deliverables in respect of each task (as updated at mid-year). No explanations for divergences are to be given in this table. 42[3] Initial listing of deliverables are to be finalized within 1 month of the start of the period under report. 43[4] Mid year listing of deliverables are to be finalized within 6 months of the start of the period under report.
40[1] 41[2]


3.During the period under report, do you believe that you have made any exceptional contribution, e.g. successful completion of an extraordinarily challenging task or major systemic improvement (resulting in significant benefits to the public and/or reduction in time and costs)? If so, please give a verbal description

4. Declaration Have you filed your immovable property return, as due. If yes, please mention date. Have you undergone the prescribed medical check up? Have you set the annual work plan for all officers for the current year, in respect of whom you are the reporting authority?

Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No


Signature of officer reported upon _______________ Date: Section III Appraisal

1. Assessment of Personal Attributes (This assessment should rate the officer vis-vis his peers and not the general population. Grades should be assigned on a scale of 1-10, in whole numbers, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the best grade). 70% weightage will be assigned to this item. Reportin Reviewing Initials of g Authority Reviewing Authorit Authority y i. Attitude to work Ii Sense of responsibility Iii Overall bearing and personality Iv Emotional stability V Communication skills vi Moral courage and willingness to take a professional stand vii. Leadership qualities viii. Capacity to work in time limit Overall Grading on Personal Attributes


2. Assessment of work output (This assessment should rate the officer vis--vis his peers and not the general population. Grades should be assigned on a scale of 1-10, in whole numbers, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the best grade. 30% weightage will be assigned to this item.) Reporting Reviewing Initial of Authority Authority Reviewing Authority i. Accomplishment of planned work including training courses for various ranks ii. Quality of output ad effectiveness in areas like forest and wildlife conservation, supervision and investigation in forest offences. iii. Accomplishment of exceptional work / unforeseen tasks performed Overall Grading on Work Output 3. Integrity Please comment on the integrity of the officer, keeping in mind both his financial integrity and his moral integrity.

4. Pen picture by the Reporting Authority. Please comment (in about 100 words) on the overall qualities of the officer including areas of strengths and lesser strengths and his attitude towards weaker sections.

5. Recommendation relating to domain assignment (Please tick mark any four). Afforestation/agro-forestry and tribal/hill Bio-diversity and wildlife areas development management Social Welfare of Dwellers in forest and Training tribal areas Forest and wild life related crimes Research and Development Natural Resource Management Bio-technology (i) General Forestry (ii) Minor Forest Produce Environmental issues including climate Forest Personnel Administration change Forest conservation and development Others 6. Overall Grade on a scale of 1-10 Signature of Reporting Authority___________ Date:


Section IV


1. Do you agree with the assessment made by the reporting officer with respect to the work output and the various attributes in section III? Do you agree with the assessment of the reporting officer in respect of extraordinary achievements and/or significant failures of the moS / officer reported upon? (In case you do not agree with any of the numerical assessments of attributes please record your assessment in the column provided for you in that section and initial your entries) Yes No

2. In case of difference of opinion details and reasons for the same may be given.

3. Comments, if any, on the pen picture written by the Reporting Authority

4. Recommendation relating to domain assignment (Please tick mark any four) Afforestation/agro-forestry and tribal/hill Bio-diversity and wildlife areas development management Social Welfare of Dwellers in forest and Training tribal areas Forest and wild life related crimes Research and Development Natural Resource Management Bio-technology (i) General Forestry (ii) Minor Forest Produce Environmental issues including climate Forest Personnel Administration change Forest conservation and development Others 5. Overall Grade on a scale of 1-10.

Signature of Reviewing Authority__________________ Date:


Section V Acceptance 1. Do you agree with the remarks of the reporting/reviewing authorities? Yes No

2. In case of difference of opinion details and reasons for the same may be given.

3. Overall Grade on a scale of 1-10.


Signature of Accepting Authority________________

General guidelines for filling up the PAR form for Indian Forest Service officers who are on deputation under clauses (i) and (ii) of sub-rule 2 of rule 6 of the Indian Forest Service (Cadre) Rules, 1966 1. Introduction 1.1. The Performance Appraisal Report is an important document. It provides the basic and vital inputs for further development of an officer. The officer reported upon, the Reporting Authority, the Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority should, therefore, undertake the duty of filling up the form with a high sense of responsibility. 1.2 Performance appraisal should be used as a tool for career planning and training, rather than a mere judgmental exercise. Reporting Authorities should realize that the objective is to develop an officer so that he/she realizes his/her true potential. It is not meant to be a faultfinding process but a developmental tool. The Reporting Authority, the Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority should not shy away from reporting shortcomings in performance, attitudes or overall personality of the officer reported upon. 1.3 The columns should be filled with due care and attention and after devoting adequate time. Any attempt to fill the report in a casual or superficial manner will be easily discernible to the higher authorities. 1.4 Although the actual documentation of performance appraisal is a year-end exercise, in order that it may be a tool for human resource development, career planning and training, rather than a mere judgmental exercise, the Reporting Authority and the officer reported upon should meet during the course of the year at regular intervals to review the performance and to take necessary corrective steps.


2. Section-I 2.1 This Section should be filled up in the Administration Division/Environment & Forest Department. Period of report could either be the entire reporting year, namely, from 1st of April to 31st March or a part of the year (exceeding 3 months). In case the period of report is a full year, it should be indicated accordingly; for example, 2007-2008. In case the period of report is less than the entire year, specific start and end dates should be indicated, for example, 10th September 2007 31st March 2008. 2.2 Information on the present grade (pay-scale) as well as present post (actual designation and organization) and the date from which he/she has been on his/her present post needs to be mentioned. 2.3 In the table relating to reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities the name and designation of the reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities should be mentioned so that the officer reported upon is clear about whom he/she is required to send the report to. 2.4 The period of absence from duty, on leave, training, or for other reasons, should also be mentioned in this section in the table provided for the purpose. Details of the training attended date of filing of property returns and whether the officer reported upon has reported/reviewed should be mentioned in the table for the purpose and annual performance report of all his/her subordinate officers for the previous year. 2.5 This Section provides for regular annual medical examination. The health check up is mandatory for all Indian Forest Service officers. A copy of the summary of medical report is to be attached to the PAR Form by the Admin./ Environment and Forest Department. The format for health check up and the summary of medical report will be as circulated by the Cadre Controlling Authority, after consultation with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. 3. Section-II 3.1 The officer reported upon is first required to give brief description of his/her duties and responsibilities, which would normally not exceed about 100 words. Ideally, this should be in bullet form. 3.2 All officers are required to develop a work plan for the year and agree upon the same with the reporting officer. The work plan should incorporate the relative annual work rhythm and budgetary cycle. This exercise is to be carried out at the beginning of the year and finalized by 30th April, positively. In case of a change of the reporting officer during the year, the work plan agreed with the previous reporting officer would continue to apply. The work plan agreed upon at the beginning of the year has to be reviewed again during the month of September/October as a mid-year exercise and finalized by 31st October. Based on this review the work plan may undergo some changes from that originally prepared. 3.3 After the work plan is prepared, it is possible that the officer reported upon is transferred out. There need not be more than one work plan for one post each year. The period spent by the officer during the year and his contribution could be considered for evaluating his performance against the work plan. In the case of mid-term transfers,


continuity and assessment of work and the lower performance profile in the first quarter should be taken into consideration. 3.4 The work plans, duly signed by the officer reported upon and the reporting authority has to be submitted to the reviewing authority for his/her perusal and custody. The performance appraisal form provides for an assessment of the accomplishments vis--vis the work plan agreed at the commencement of the year and reviewed midyear. The officer reported upon is required to fill up the table provided for the purpose in Section-II. 3.5 It is not necessary that the work plan should be entirely quantitative in nature. While for field level posts, the work plan would consist essentially of quantifiable targets, for secretarial level posts it would consist of policy objectives to be achieved etc. 4. Section-III 4.1 The reporting authority is required to record a numerical grade in respect of certain attributes and work output. 4.2 This Section requires the reporting authority to record a numerical grade in respect of the work output of the officer reported upon both in respect of the planned work as well as the unforeseen tasks. A numerical grade is also required in respect of the quality of the output. In doing so, the reporting authority should take into account the costs incurred (whether the officer reported upon has been cost conscious), the time taken and whether the laid down rules/procedures have been adhered to in accomplishing the tasks. 4.3 Section III requires the reporting authority to comment on the integrity of the officer reported upon. In recording remarks with regard to integrity, he/she need not limit him/herself only to matters relating to financial integrity but could also take into account the moral and intellectual integrity of the officer reported upon. The following procedure should be followed in filling up the column relating to integrity: (i) If the Officers integrity is beyond doubt, it may be stated. (ii) If there is any doubt or suspicion, the column should be left blank and action taken as under: (a) A separate secret note should be recorded and followed up. A copy of the note should also be sent together with the Performance Appraisal Report to the next superior officer who will ensure that the follow up action is taken expeditiously. Where it is not possible either to certify the integrity or to record the secret note, the Reporting Officer should state either that he/she had not watched the officers work for sufficient time to form a definite judgement or that he/she has heard nothing against the officer, as the case may be. (b) If, as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are cleared, the officers integrity should be certified and an entry made accordingly in the Performance Appraisal Report. (c) If the doubts or suspicions are confirmed, this fact should also be recorded and duly communicated to the officer concerned.


(d) If as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are neither cleared nor confirmed, the officers conduct should be watched for a further period and thereafter action taken as indicated at (b) and (c) above. 4.4 The reporting authority is also required to record a descriptive pen-picture on the overall qualities of the officer reported upon and his/her performance including areas of strengths and lesser strengths. This need not exceed about 100 words and should try to cover overall qualities of the officer including areas of strengths and lesser strengths. The pen-picture is also meant to be a qualitative supplement to the quantitative assessments made earlier part of this section. 4.5 The reporting authority is then required to make recommendations relating to domain assignment. The list of domains is at para 9. 4.6 Finally, the reporting authority is required to record an overall grade. This should also be done on a scale of 1-10, with 1 referring to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest. 5. Section-IV 5.1 This Section is to be filled up by the reviewing authority. He/she is required to indicate if he/she agrees with the assessments made by the reporting officer. In case of disagreement, he/she may record his/her own assessment against the work output or any of the attributes in the column specifically provided for the purpose. In case of agreement, he/she need not fill in the column meant for him/her in the attributes/work output tables. Finally, the reviewing authority is required to record an overall grade in the scale of 1-10. 6. Section-V 6.1 This Section is to be filled by the accepting authority. He/she is required to indicate if he/she agrees with the assessments made by the reporting authority/reviewing authorities. In case of difference of opinion, he/she is required to give details and reasons for the same in the column specifically provided for the purpose in the table in Section V. 7. Numerical Grades 7.1 At several places, numerical grades are to be awarded by reporting and reviewing authorities. These should be on a scale of 1-10, where 1 refers to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest. It is expected that any grading of 1 or 2 (against work output or attributes or overall grade) would be adequately justified in the pen-picture by way of specific failures and similarly, any grade of 9 or 10 would be justified with respect to specific accomplishments. Grades of 1-2 or 9-10 are expected to be rare occurrences and hence the need to justify them. In awarding a numerical grade the reporting and reviewing authorities should rate the officer against a larger population of his/her peers that may be currently working under them or would have worked under them in the past. 7.2 Weightage & Mean Weights have been assigned to attributes and work output. The overall grade will be based on the addition of the mean value of each group of indicators/descriptive picture in proportion to weightage assigned.


Schedule for completion of PARs of Indian Forest Service Officers The completed PAR should reach the Cadre Controlling Authorities by 31st March the following year. The Cadre Controlling Authority will prepare a list of PARs not received and follow up with the concerned organisations.



Form IIIA [See rule 4] The All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007 PERFORMANCE REPORT ON STUDY LEAVE/LEAVE FOR STUDY (Applicable for Indian Forest Service Officers) (For the year/period ending_______________________) A. PERSONAL DATA 1. Name of the Officer 2. Cadre/year of allotment 3. Date of Birth 4. Present Grade 5. Study Leave/ Leave Details a) b) c) Course Institution Duration Date

6. Period of Sanctioned Leave 7. Details of Degree/Certificate/Diploma and Evaluation obtained during the period (copies to be enclosed) 8. Date of Filing Annual Property Returns B. SELF ASSESSMENT:

Officers Signature __________________ Date:_________________________ To be filled in duplicate and submitted to Cadre Controlling Authorities in the State and the Central Government.


Form III B [See rule 4] The All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007 PERFORMANCE REPORT ON TRAINING (Applicable for Indian Forest Service Officers) (For the year/period ending_______________________) A. PERSONAL DATA 1. Name of the Officer 2. Service/Cadre/year of allotment 3. Date of Birth 4. Present Grade 5. Training Details a) Course b) Institution c) Duration 6. Details of Degree/Certificate/Diploma and Evaluation obtained during the period (copies to be enclosed) Date of Filing Annual Property Returns SELF ASSESSMENT: Date

7. B.

Officers Signature __________________ Date:_________________________ To be filled in duplicate and submitted to Cadre Controlling Authorities in the State and the Central Government.


GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DECISSIONS A. 1. CLARIFICATIONS ON VARIOUS PROVISIONS OF THE RULES Clarification given to Maharashtra and copy endorsed to all State Governments/Ministries/Department of the Government of India

I am directed to refer to State Government's letter No. CPF lOO7/CR-318/2007/X dated the 9thNovember, 2007 on the subject noted above and to say that the comments of this Department on the clarification sought therein as under: Clarification sought a). What is the weightage to be given to (i) overall record and (ii) self assessment where the evaluation is to be made on the basis of the' overall record' in cases where the performance appraisal report is not written within the time? Whether self-assessment is to be accepted as it is or to be scrutinized? Comments of this Department The 'overall record' and 'self assessment' combined together, is to be taken into consideration for the specific report in a year in which the performance appraisal report is not written in time. It may be left to the

Empanelment Committee or the DPC to give due weightage to these two ingredients. The self-assessment is to be accepted as it is, since the officers who have not seen the performance of the officer reported upon are not in a position to comment upon it. b) As per the AIS (PAR) Rules, the Proposal for changes in the constitution Convener of the Referral Board for IPS & of Referral Board, in respect of IPS and IFS officer is Secretary IFS, are under consideration. (Appointments)/Secretary (Personnel). There is no post of Secretary (Appointments) in Government of Maharashtra. In the case of Referral Board of lAS, Secretary (Personnel) may function as Convener or Referral Board. Secretary Home Department) may be the appropriate officer to be nominated as Convener for Referral Board for IPS& IFS. c) Decision of the Referral Board: Taking The Referral Board will only look into the a decision by the Referral Board on the errors of facts. Thus there should be no representation of the officer reported embarrassment as far as Chief Ministers upon, which is chaired by Chief in the States, who are the Accepting Secretary of the State and where Chief Authorities in a number of cases, are Minister is the accepting, would not be concerned. The representations are proper. Though the officer reported upon expected to be based only on facts given is required to restrict his comments to by the reporting/reviewing /accepting factual information, it is not certain that authorities. In any case the issues other he will raise issues limited only to facts. than the factual errors of facts, if Referral Board's decision should be represented by the officer reported upon, made final only after approval by the may be ignored by the Referral Board.


Chief Minister. He will also take a final decision on the representation of the officer reported upon. d) In case of overall gradation of an officer should be defined for deciding outstanding/very good/ good / Average etc. For example, 9-10 should be for 'outstanding', 7-8 for 'very good', 6-8 for 'good', 4-5 for the 'average' and 3 or below for 'below average'. e) In item 5 of Section 2 of the PAR format, the reporting officer is required to indicate specific issues in which he feels to upgrade his still through training programme (i) for the given assignment and (ii) for future career. The items 'domain' the officer would like to specialize in should also be included in it. f) 'Overall bearing and personality' and 'emotional stability' which have been mentioned as attributes under the head 'assessment of personal attributes' in Item No.6 in Section 3 are liable to varying interpretation and should therefore be deleted and included in 'pen picture.'

There are no provision for gradation like outstanding/very good! Good /average etc. under the AIS(PAR) Rules, 2007. The benchmark will be decided on the basis of the numerical grading.

This issue will be examined after assessment reports are written, as this Department will be receiving suggestions from other States/members of Service also.

The formats of the AIS (PAR) Rules has been prepared after in depth study and discussions and consultation. This is a new system there may be initial functional difficulties. A Review will be undertaken to address all the problems after assessment reports are written for some time and the experience of the same becomes available. g) The health check proforma may also It has been proposed that only 'Summary include examining of vision of the medical report' should be kept in ophthalmology test. the dossier. The changes proposed by the state Government and any other State would be taken up together for consideration in due course.

[DOPT letter No. 11059/18/2002-AIS-III dated 31.01.2008] 2. Clarification given to Orissa and copy endorsed to all Governments/Ministries/Department of the Government of India State

I am directed to refer to the State Government's letter No. 5710/SE dated the 6th September, 2007 on the subject above and to furnish comments of this Department on the clarification sought by the State Government as under: Clarification sought Rule 5(3) of AIS (PAR) Rules provides that there shall be Reporting, Reviewing & Accepting, Authority at each level of assessment. Who will write/ review/ accept the PAR when an officer remains Comments of this Department The first proviso to rule 5(3) of AIS (PAR) Rules, 2007 provides that only one report shall be written on a member of the Service for a particular period during the course of the financial year and there


in charge of two posts for which there are shall be a single reporting, reviewing and two Reporting, Reviewing & Accepting accepting authority at each level of Authority(s). assessment which shall be specified in the channel for writing performance appraisal reports by the concerned Ministries and State Governments and m no circumstances more than one person can write the PAR m the capacity of reporting, reviewing or accepting authority. The second proviso to rule 5(3) ibid provides that if more than one person of the same superior level supervises the performance of the member of Service, the Government shall identify the person to report or review well in advance of the relevant assessment year. Who will disclose the PAR to the officer The State Government may make reported upon? arrangements to ensure that disclosure is done within the time limit. -DoIf it is accepted that the PAR shall be disclosed to the officer reported upon by the accepting authority, who will disclose the same where no accepting authority has been prescribed and (ii) where accepting authority is not eligible to record his remarks due to retirement/demitting office. The period under him is less than three months. Rule 9(5) of the AIS (PAR) Rules The general guidelines for filling up the provides that the Reporting Authority PAR forms prescribed the schedule for shall write the PAR of officer reported completion of various stages of writing upon within 15 days of its receipt, failing PAR. The guidelines further provide that which it shall be presumed that he has the nodal officer shall evolve a suitable no Views thereon. However, rule 9(6) mechanism to ensure that the remarks of ibid, provides that the reviewing authority the Reporting, Reviewing and the shall forward the comment or the views Accepting Authorities are recorded of the reporting authority. It does not without fail by the dates given in the make any mention if the reviewing schedule. This will ensure that the time authority fails to forward the same to the schedule is adhered to. accepting authority within 15 days. Rule 9(5) of the AIS (PAR) Rules, The Accepting Authority shall make provides that the Reporting Authority corrections in original PAR by pasting the shall consider the comments of the existing entries. officer reported upon, the views of the reporting authority and reviewing authority and after due consideration may accept them and modify the Performance Appraisal Report


accordingly and the decision and final grading shall be communicated to the officer reported upon within fifteen days of receipt of the views of the reviewing authority. As there is no separate space for modification by the accepting authority it is not clear whether he will make corrections in the original PAR. Who will disclose the PAR to the officer It is for the State Governments to reported upon after finalization by the prescribe the procedure/arrangements, Accepting Authority? as per their convenience, to ensure compliance within the time schedule. Rule 9(9) provides that in case an entry The Referral Board may use a separate or assessment is upgraded or sheet for recording the reasons for downgraded by the Referral Board, upgrading or downgrading any entry or reasons for the same shall be recorded assessment. in the PAR. But no space has been provided in the PAR for recording such reasons. Who will communicate the PAR to the It is for the State Government to ensure officer reported upon after it is modified that disclosure is done within the time by the Referral Board, as the Referral limit, as prescribed in the rules. Board comprises of several members? Who will communicate the PAR to the As stated above it IS for the State officer reported upon if the accepting Government to ensure that disclosure is authority has retired from government done within the time limit, as prescribed service or demitted office just after giving in the rules. his remarks or has recorded his remarks within one month of his retirement or demitting office? Whom the appraise will give his comments in such circumstances and who will take further action on his comments? The guidelines provide that if a PAR relating to a financial year is not recorded by the 31st of December of the year in which the financial year ended, no remarks shall be recorded thereafter. The member of Service will be assessed based on the overall record and self assessment of the year concerned, if he had given his self- assessment in time and the Reporting Authority, Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority have not completed the PAR according to the time Schedule given in Para 9.1. It is mentioned m letter No.11059/02/2006AIS-III, dated the 14th February, 2006

The assessment of Screening Committee is not recorded in the ACR of the officer reported upon. If the officer reported upon does not submit self-assessment in time, the same will not be taken into consideration for making his assessment.


that it is for the Screening Committee to make such assessment on the basis of overall record and self-appraisal submitted by him for the concerned year. But it is not clear if such assessment will be recorded m the ACR of the officer; if so, who will record the assessment of the Screening Committee in the ACR, as the said committee consists more than one member. The rule is silent about action to be taken if the officer reported upon does not submit self-assessment in time. Rule 2 (b) defines 'Benchmark Score' The matter is under consideration in this but is not clear as to what is the exact Department. number above which an officer will be regarded as fit for promotion. [DOPT letter No. 11059/02/2008-AIS-III dated 08.05.2008] B. CONSOLIDATED INSTRUCTIONS ON OBSERVANCE OF THE CUT-OFF DATES IN THE TIME SCHEDULE FOR COMPLETION OF PAR AT VARIOUS STAGES

The undersigned is directed to say that the All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007, replacing the All India Services (Confidential Roll) Rules, 1969, has been implemented for assessment of the performance of members of the All India Services from the year 2007-08 onwards. The general guidelines attached to the PAR formats contain the time schedule for completion of various stages of writing of PAR. The consolidated cut-off dates for various levels of officers for the three All India Services were again circulated to all Ministries/ Departments of the Government of India in Secretary(Personnel)'s dated 19th May, 2008 for information and compliance. 2. This Department has received a number of queries, specifically regarding the difficulties being faced by the Administration Divisions of the Ministries/Departments in complying with the time-schedule for completion of various stages of writing of PAR. It has been decided to issue comprehensive instructions covering these aspects, as under: (i) The concerned Administration Divisions which maintain the PARs of members of the All India Services in the Ministries/Departments should send three blank PAR forms to the officers concerned after filling the requisite columns and specifying the Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authorities. The officer reported upon should send two copies of the PAR with his/her self-appraisal to the Reporting Authority and one copy to the concerned Administration Division of the Ministry/Department on or before the due date. If the officer reported upon does not send his/her self-appraisal to the Reporting Authority before the due date as per the time schedule given in the "General Guidelines for filling up the PAR forms .....", the concerned Administration Division of the Ministry/Department should send two copies of the blank PAR forms, as were provided to the officer reported upon, to the




Reporting Authority. The Reporting Authority should write his report in the appropriate Section and send one copy to the Reviewing Authority and the other to the concerned Administration Division of the Ministry/Department. (iv) If the Reporting Authority does not send the report of the officer concerned to the Reviewing Authority on the due date, the concerned Administration Division should send two copies of the PAR with the Self Appraisal received from the officer reported upon (or two blank copies of the PAR if selfappraisal has not been received from the officer concerned) to the Reviewing Authority who would write his report in the appropriate Section and send one copy to the Accepting Authority and the other to the concerned Administration Division of the Ministry/Department on or before the due date. If the Reviewing Authority does not send the report of the officer concerned to the Accepting Authority on the due date, the concerned Administration Division should send a copy of the PAR available with is in respect of the concerned officer (either the copy received from the Reporting Authority, or the copy with self-appraisal received from the officer concerned or in the absence of these, the blank PAR) to the Accepting Authority who would write his report in the appropriate Section and send the same to the concerned Administration Division of the Ministry/Department for disclosure on or before the due date.


3. The concerned Administration Divisions should keep track of the movement for completion of various stages of PAR in respect of the members of All India Services under its administrative control. The Administration Divisions should follow up with the Reporting/ Reviewing/Accepting Authority of each officer to get the PARs completed before the due date. 4. As soon as the PAR is received from the Accepting Authority, the following procedures should be adopted by the concerned Administration Divisions of the Ministries/Departments: (i) The Administration Divisions should disclose the PAR to the officer reported upon under rule 9 of the AIS(PAR) Rules, 2007. The officer concerned should submit comments on his/her PAR, if any, within fifteen days of its receipt without waiting for the cut-off date specified in the in the time-schedule. If the concerned Administration Division does not receive any information from the concerned officer on or before fifteen days from the date of disclosure, it may be treated that he/she has no comments to offer and the entire PAR process of the concerned officer will end for the assessment year. The concerned Ministry/Department may, thereafter send copies of the PAR to all concerned for record as per rule 8 of the AIS(PAR) Rules, 2007. If the officer reported upon opts for giving his/her comments under rule 9(2), he/she should give the same to the Accepting Authority in writing, endorsing a copy thereof to the concerned Administration Division as well as a copy to the Nodal Officer in the Central Government i.e., the Establishment Officer in the Department of Personnel and Training in the case of IAS, the Joint Secretary(Police) in the Ministry of Home Affairs in the case of IPS and the Joint Secretary (CCI) in the Ministry of Environment and Forests in the case of IFS for information.




The Administration Division should follow up with the concerned Reporting/Reviewing and Accepting Authorities to obtain their comments on the representation received from the officer reported upon within the periods specified in the rule 9 and in the time schedule. For this purpose, the procedure given in para 2 above may be followed. The PAR, with modifications made, if any, after considering the comments of the officer reported upon by the Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting Authorities, should be again disclosed as soon as it is completed without waiting for the cut-off date by the concerned Administration Division of the Ministry /Department. The officer reported upon should submit his/her representation, if any, on his/her PAR for consideration of the Referral Board under rule 9(8)( a), to the Accepting Authority within thirty days of its disclosure under intimation to the concerned Administration Division of his/her Ministry/Department as well as to the Nodal Officer(s) in the Central Government. If the concerned Administration Division does not receive any representation from the officer on or before thirty days from the date of disclosure, it may be treated that he/she has no representation to make and the entire PAR process of the concerned officer will end. The PAR should be sent to the Nodal Officer(s) in the Central Government and the State Government concerned for record under rule 8. If a representation for consideration of the Referral Board is received, the concerned Administrative Division should obtain the views of the Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting Authorities as per the procedure mentioned in paragraph-2 and send the same to the Nodal Officer(s) in the Central Government for the All India Services for consideration within the time-limit.




5. The concerned Divisions under the Nodal Officer(s) in the Central Government for the All India Services should place the PARs of all such officers along with the representation of the officer and the comments/views of the Reporting, Reviewing and Accepting Authorities for consideration before the Referral Board within the due date. 6. As envisaged in rule 9(9)(a), the Referral Board shall consider the representation of the officer reported upon in the light of the comments of the Reporting Authority, the Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority and confirm or modify the PAR, including the overall grade. The decision of the Board shall be confined only to errors of facts and the decision of the Board will be final. The final PAR, including the overall grade after consideration of the Board, should be communicated to the officer by the Nodal Officer(s) of the Central Government through the concerned Ministry/Department before the cut-off date so that the PAR process for the year may be completed in time. No further representation of any kind shall be entertained thereafter. 7. Rule 9 of the All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007 prescribes the time periods for completion of various stages of PAR by various authorities whereas the time-schedule given in the "General Guidelines for filling up the PAR forms .... " under these rules indicates the cut-off dates for completion of each stage of PAR. However, the Ministries/Departments and the Reporting/Reviewing and Accepting Authorities should keep in mind that they should not wait for the cut-off dates and should initiate action as soon as the PARs in respect of the concerned officers are


received from various Authorities. The time periods specified in the rules should be counted from the date of receipt of the PAR by the concerned officer/Authority at various stages. If necessary information is not received from the concerned authority within the time period specified in the rules, the concerned Administration Divisions of the Ministries/Departments should take appropriate action on the next stage following the procedure given above. [DOPT OM No.11059/07/2008-AIS-IlI dated 26.06.2008] C. GOVERNMENT GRADING OF INDIA INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING NUMERICAL


General Guidelines for awarding numerical gradings by the Reporting/ Reviewing/Accepting Authorities.

The undersigned is directed to say that the All India Services (Confidential Rolls) Rules, 1970 have been replaced by the All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007 and have been implemented from the assessment year 2007-2008 onwards. 2. The relevant instructions given in the 'General guidelines for filling the PAR form' are reiterated below: (i) The. Performance Appraisal Report is an important document. It provides the basic and vital inputs for further development of an officer. The officer reported upon, the Reporting Authority, Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority should, therefore, undertake the duty of filling up the form with a high sense of responsibility. Performance appraisal should be used as a tool for career planning and training, rather than a mere judgmental exercise. Reporting Authorities should realize that the objective is to develop an officer so that he/she realizes his/her true potential. It is not meant to be a faultfinding process but a developmental tool. The Reporting Authority, the Reviewing Authority and the Accepting Authority should not shy away from reporting shortcomings in performance, attitudes or overall personality of the officer reported upon. The columns should be filled with due care and attention and after devoting adequate time. Any attempt to fill the report in a casual or superficial manner will be easily discernible to the higher authorities. At several places, numerical grades are to be awarded by reporting and reviewing authorities. These should be on a scale of 1-10, where 1 refers to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest. It is expected that any grading of 1 or 2 (against work output or attributes or overall grade) would be adequately justified in the pen-picture by way of specific failures and similarly, any grade of 9 or 10 would be justified with respect to specific accomplishments. Grades of 1-2 or 9-10 are expected to be rare occurrences and, hence, the need to justify them. In awarding a numerical grade the reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities should rate the officer against a larger population of





his/her peers that may be currently working under them or would have worked under them in the past. 3. It has come to the notice of the Government that some officers have been awarded a perfect 'ten' in respect of all segments of the Assessment Report, which is in contradiction of the instructions. Such assessments would be considered to be casual and without application of mind by the reporting officer. This would obviously detract from the credibility of the report and would also reflect on the reporting officer himself.
4. The Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting authorities are, therefore, advised that very high credits should not be given in all the cases in a routine manner and it is expected that very high marks can normally be obtained in not more than 20% of the cases reported.

5. This O.M. may be brought to the notice of all reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities. [DOPT OM No.11059/09/2008-AIS (Ill) dated 18.07.2008] 2. Instructions for the Reporting/ Reviewing/Accepting Authorities to justify, with reasons for any grading more than eight.

The All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007, replacing the All India Services (Confidential Roll) Rules, 1969 have been implemented for assessment of the performance of the members of the All India Services from the assessment year 2007-08 onwards. The general guidelines for filling up the PAR form provide that at several places, numerical grades are to be awarded by reporting and reviewing authorities. These should be on a scale of 1-10, where 1 refers to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest. It is expected that any grading of 1 or 2 (against work output or attributes or overall grade) would be adequately justified in the pen-picture by way of specific failures and similarly, any grade of 9 or 10 would be justified with respect to specific accomplishments. Grade of 1-2 or 9-10 are expected to be rare occurrences and, hence, the need to justify them. In awarding a numerical grade the reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities should rate the officer against a larger population of his/her peers that may be currently working under them or would have worked under them in the past. 2. Against the background given in the preceding paragraph, it has come to the notice of this Department that some of the reporting and reviewing authorities have generally been awarding a high score of 9-10 without giving any justification for the same under a misconception that empanelment/promotion of officers would depend solely on their getting high grades. 3. Through this communication it is clarified that the numerical grading would only be one of the grounds/inputs on which the empanelment or promotion of an officer is to be decided. The Empanelment or Promotion Committee would consider other information contained in the body of the report including past performance, notable achievements etc. 4. Further, in continuation of letter No. 11059/09/2008-AIS(III), dated the 18th July, 2008, it is clarified that numerical grading of 8 or above must be justified by giving reasons in writing for any numerical grading of 8 or above for any of the attributes listed in the PAR. A separate sheet may be attached to he PAR for this purpose.


5. These instructions may be brought to the notice of all reporting and reviewing authorities of the members of the All India Services for strict compliance. [DOPT OM No.11059/09/2008-AIS-III dated 03.12.2008] 3. Instructions giving a comparison between conventional grading and numerical grading.

With the implementation of the All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007, the conventional gradings awarded to the members of the All India Services in the old All India Services (Confidential Roll) Rules, 1970 has been changed to numerical gradings in a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 refers to the lowest grade and 10 to the highest. The Government of India instructions issued on 18th July, 2008 envisages that high credit should not be given to the members of the Service in a routine manner by the Reporting/Reviewing Authorities and this should be restricted to 20% of the officers under their supervision. Further, the Government of India instruction issued on 3rd December, 2008 provides that any grading of more than 8 for each attribute must be justified by giving reasons in writing in a separate sheet. 2. For the adoption of the new system of Performance Appraisal, it has been observed that in the absence of commonly understood benchmark, there is wide disparity in awarding numerical grading amongst reporting authorities. In order to bring about uniformity in the interpretation of numerical grades, the following guidelines are issued which Reporting Authorities may keep in mind while awarding numerical gradings: i. Members of the Service graded between 8 and 10 will be rated as 'outstanding' and will be given a score of 9 for the purpose of calculating average scores for empanelment/promotion. Members of the Service graded between 6 and short of 8 will be rated as 'very good' and will be given a score of 7. Members of the Service graded between 4 and 6 short of 6 will be rated as 'good' and given a score of 5. Members of the Service graded below 4 will be given a score of zero.

ii. iii. iv.

3. Assessment of numerical grading in the above manner will be done for the purpose of promotion/empanelment and for utilizing PAR document for any purpose pertaining to personnel management. 4. These instructions may be brought to the notice of all the All India Service Officers working under your charge. [DOPT OM No.11059/23/2008-AIS- III dated 04.06.2009]


D. 1.

GOVERNMENT OF INDIA INSTRUCTIONS ON ANNUAL HEALTH CHECK-UP Policy/procedure/instructions for annual health check up issued to all Ministries/Departments of the Government of India:-

The undersigned is directed to say that, as per the All India Services (PAR) Rules 2007, annual health check-up is mandatory for all IAS officers above the age of 40 and may be totally dispensed with for officers below the age of 40, except in case of medical incident. The proforma for health check up for IAS officers is given in Form IV of the said rules (copy enclosed). A copy of the summary of the health check report in part C of Form IV is to be attached to the Performance Appraisal Report form by the Administrative Department and copy of the report is to be provided to the member of the Service. 2. The issue relating to annual medical check up for IAS officers has been examined in consultation with the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. The five Central Government Hospitals, viz., Safdarjung Hospital, Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital, Sucheta Kriplani Hospital (for ladies), and Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narain Hospital in Delhi have the facility of conducting all the tests prescribed in the health check up proforma. Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has also provided a list of private hospitals which have agreed to conduct all the tests as prescribed in the health check up proforma @ Rs. 1,500/- per officer. Charges for further investigation recommended would be extra, as per the rates prescribed by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. A list of 16 such hospitals is enclosed. 3. The IAS officers on Central Deputation may have their annual health check- up conducted either at the government hospitals or at the private hospitals, as per their convenience. The expenditure for conducting health check-up will be borne by the concerned Administrative Ministries/Departments, where the officers are working, on reimbursement basis. 4. The rates of special package have been fixed by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in consultation with their Internal Finance Division. 5. It is requested that the IAS officers who are required to under go annual health check up may be asked to get the check-up done at the earliest. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare are being requested to work out the modalities for conducting the tests in order to ensure that the system works smoothly and the individual officer does not face any inconvenience. 6. This OM may please be brought to the notice of all IAS officers and the Chief Medical Officers of the Hospitals. Form IV [See rule 3] The All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007 PROFORMA FOR HEALTH CHECK UP


Date: Name Age Sex: M/F

Brief clinical history, if any:

A: Examination Physical Systemic

Investigations: Haemogram

Hb% TLC DLC Peripheral Smear

Blood Sugar F P.P

Lipid Profile Total Cholesterol HDL Cholesterol LDL Cholesterol VLDL Cholesterol Triglyceride Liver Function Test Total Bilirubin


Direct Bilirubin Indirect Bilirubin SGOT SGPT ALK Phosphatase

Kidney Function Test Urea Creatinine Uric Acid Electrolytes Na+ K Calcium Inorganic Phosphates

Cardiac Profile CPK CK-MB LDH SGOT

Urine Routine Sugar Albumin Microscopic



X-ray Chest Ultra Sound Abdomen Any other Investigation Advise B: Medical Report of the Officer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Haemoglobin level of the officer Blood Sugar level Cholesterol level of the officer Liver functioning Kidney Status Cardiac Status Normal/Low Satisfactory/Normal/High/Low Normal/High/Low Satisfactory/normal/dysfunctioning Normal/Both-one kidney not functional optimally Normal/enlarged/blocked/not normal


1. 2.


Overall Health of the officer Any other remarks based on the health medical check up of the officer Health profile grading

Date Signature of Medical Authority Designation List of Hospitals to be added [DOPT O.M.No.11059/18/2002-AIS-III (Pt.3) dated 11.01.2008] 2. Instructions of the Hospitals to conduct annual health check up

Please find enclosed herewith a copy of this Departments letter No. 11059/18/2002-AIS-III (Pt.3), dated the 11th January, 2008, under which instructions have been issued to all the Central Ministries/Departments for annual health check-up of IAS officers.


2. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has informed us that your Hospital has agreed to conduct annual health check-up of IAS officers, who are on central deputation, as per the Health Check-up Proforma prescribed by this Department, @ Rs. 1500/- per officer. Charges for further investigation recommended would be extra, as per the rates prescribed by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. A copy of the Health Check-up Proforma is also enclosed. 3. You are, therefore, requested to accept the communications that may be addressed to you by different Ministries/Departments and perform the health check-up as per the package rates accepted by you. 4. It is also requested that necessary arrangements for conducting the health check-up smoothly and without inconvenience to the officers concerned may please be made. 5. The summary of the medical report may please be sent to the concerned Ministry/Department and a copy of the report be given to the concerned officers. 6. It is further requested that the name, designation and telephone number of the contact officer in the hospital may please be furnished to this Department by fax (Telefax no. 23093591) so that the same may be circulated to all the central Ministries/Departments. [DOPT letter No.11059/18/2002-AIS-III (Pt.3) dated 16.01.2008] 3. Additional instructions for annual health check up issued to all Ministries/Departments of the Government of India:-

The undersigned is directed to invite attention to this Department's Office Memorandum of even number dated the 11th January, 2008, by which a list of 16 private hospitals and 5 Government hospitals in Delhi. was circulated for the purpose of annual health check up ofIAS officers who are on Central Deputation. 2. The names of Contact Officers and telephone numbers of 15 private hospitals are enclosed. Details of Contact Officers of Metro Hospital, Faridabad will be circulated as soon as these are received. 3. The concerned administrative Ministries/Departments are requested to issue authority letters to the IAS officers for getting annual health check-up conducted in the hospitals of their choice. The concerned officer may seek appointment from the Contact Officer of the respective hospital. One of the Government hospitals has stated that the officer has to come on empty stomach fasting for the health check-up. The officers may ensure about the requirements of individual hospitals when they fix their appointments. The hospitals are also being requested to get all the prescribed tests conducted in a single day and the report provided to the officer concerned on the next day. 4. The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has informed, by its letter No. S11030/7/2007-CGHS (P) dated the 11th January, 2008 that, in addition to the package charge @ Rs. 1,500/- per officer, the private hospitals have undertaken to charge Rs. 400/- each if the consulting physician advises ECHO/TMT or both and also that on any


further investigation, if advised, they will charge at their prevailing hospital tariff and provide a discount of 15% on the same. These rates have been fixed by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare in consultation with their IFD. 5. This OM may please be brought to the notice of all IAS officers. [DOPT OM No.11059/18/2002-AIS-III (Pt.3) dated the 04.02.2008] 4. Instructions to all the State Governments for making arrangements annual health check up procedure for the members of the All India Services posted with them:-

I am directed to say that rule 3 of the All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007 provides for the maintenance of a comprehensive performance appraisal dossier for each member of the Service consisting of the documents specified in Schedule 1. One of these documents is the report on medical check-up. Form IV under the Rules prescribes the proforma for health check-up and the summary of the Medical Report (in part C of Form IV) is to be attached to the PAR. The general guidelines under the PAR forms stipulate that annual health check up is mandatory for all IAS officers above the age of 40 and may be totally dispensed with for officers below the age of 40, except in the case of a medical incident. 2. The Central Government has finalized the modalities for the health check up in respect of IAS officers on Central deputation. The instructions, inter-alia, prescribe a package rate for the health check-up 9re-imburseable) and a list of Government as well as Private hospitals where an officer can get the health check up done without any reference from the Authorized Medical Attendant. A copy of the instruction issued in this regard by letter No.11059/18/2002(pt.3) dated the 11th January, 2008 is enclosed. 3. It is requested that the State Government may also work out appropriate arrangements and authorize Government as well as the Private Hospitals in the state for the health check up of IAS officers working with them so that the system may function smoothly and the officers do not face any inconvenience. Since the health check-up has been made mandatory, the authorized hospitals may be instructed to perform the tests and examinations without any reference from the Authorized Medical Attendants. The members of the Service working with the state Government may also be informed accordingly. [DOPT OM No.11059/18/2002-AIS-III dated the 21.01.2008] 5. Instructions to all Ministries/Departments of the Government of India and State Governments for annual health check up of IAS officers on Central deputation but posted outside Delhi

In continuation of this Departments communication of even number dated the 11th January, 2008, the Central Government has now finalized the modalities for health check up of IAS officers who are on Central Deputation but posted outside Delhi. 2. The IAS officers who are on Central deputation but posted outside Delhi may avail the facility of getting their medical check-up done in the hospitals authorized by the


Central Governments for IAS officers on central deputation and will also be eligible to get their medical check-up conducted in the hospitals authorized by the concerned State Government (where they are posted) and claim reimbursement from their own Ministry/Department/Organization at the rate fixed by the State Government. 3. It is requested that these instructions may be brought to the notice of all members of the IAS. 4. This issues with the approval of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. [DOPT OM No.11059/18/2002-AIS-III dated the 21.01.2008] 6. Revises proforma for annual health check-up

The undersigned is directed to invite attention to this Department's Notification No. No.11059/18/2002-AIS-III, dated the 16thApril, 2007, by which Form IV of the All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007 relating to 'Health Check-up' of IAS officers was revised.
2. It has been brought to the notice of this Department that some Ministries/ Departments are still providing the old proforma of 'Health check-up' to the IAS officers.

3. A copy of the revised proforma is again forwarded with the request that all the IAS officers should use the same. 4. This may please be brought to the notice of all the IAS officers. Form IV [See rule 3] The All India Services (Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007 PROFORMA FOR HEALTH CHECK UP Date: Name Age Sex: M/F

Brief clinical history, if any:

A: Examination Physical Systemic


Investigations: Haemogram

Hb% TLC DLC Peripheral Smear

Blood Sugar F P.P

Lipid Profile Total Cholesterol HDL Cholesterol LDL Cholesterol VLDL Cholesterol Triglyceride Liver Function Test Total Bilirubin Direct Bilirubin Indirect Bilirubin SGOT SGPT ALK Phosphatase

Kidney Function Test Urea


Creatinine Uric Acid Electrolytes Na+ K Calcium Inorganic Phosphates

Cardiac Profile CPK CK-MB LDH SGOT

Urine Routine Sugar Albumin Microscopic

E.C.G X-ray Chest Ultra Sound Abdomen Any other Investigation Advise B: Medical Report of the Officer


Haemoglobin level of the officer



2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Blood Sugar level Cholesterol level of the officer Liver functioning Kidney Status Cardiac Status

Satisfactory/Normal/High/Low Normal/High/Low Satisfactory/normal/dysfunctioning Normal/Both-one kidney not functional optimally Normal/enlarged/blocked/not normal


1. 2.


Overall Health of the officer Any other remarks based on the health medical check up of the officer Health profile grading

Date Signature of Medical Authority Designation [DOPT O.M.NO.11059/18/2002-AIS-III dated 04.03.2008] 7. Instructions to the Hospitals for providing the whole report to the officer concerned and communicating only the summary of annual health checkup to the concerned Ministry/Department.

I am directed to refer to this Departments endorsement of even number dated the 4th February, 2008 and to say that a copy of Part C Summary o the medical report (proforma enclosed) may please be prepared separately and sent directly to the concerned Ministry/Department of the IAS officers who is undergoing medical check-up in your hospital. The Officer may also be handed over the complete medical report.


1. 2.


Overall Health of the officer Any other remarks based on the health medical check up of the officer Health profile grading


Date Signature of Medical Authority Designation [DOPT Letter No.11059/18/2002-AIS-III(Pt.3) Dated 20.03.2008] 8. Final proforma for annual health check up of IAS officers

I am directed to invite attention to this Ministry's notification of even number dated the 31sl March 2008 (a copy of which was sent with Secretary (P)'s D. O. letter No.11059/18/2002-AIS-III, dated the 3rd April, 2008) which, inter alia, provides that the health check-up is mandatory for all Indian Administrative Service Officers above the age of 40 and may be totally dispensed with for officers below the age of 40, except in case of medical incidents. As regards the Indian Police Service and Indian Forest Service, the annual health check-up is mandatory for all officers. The rules further provide that the format of the health check-up and the summary of medical report will be as circulated by the Cadre Controlling Authority, after consultation with Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. 2. As regards the Indian Administrative Service Officers, a copy of the annual health check up format, which also includes the format of summary of medical report, is enclosed. 3. As regards the Indian Police Service and the Indian Forest Service officers, Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Environment & Forests are being requested to finalise the same in consultation with the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and circulate to all the State Government/UTs as well as to the Central Ministries/ Departments.
[DOPT Letter No. 11059/09/2006-AIS III dated 04.????]



GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS ORDERS UNDER RULE 3 (I) DOCUMENTS TO BE KEPT IN THE ACR DOSSIERS 1. Placing of report of the Commission of Inquiry about exoneration of the moS- I am directed to invite attention to this Departments letter No. 34/5/71-AIS (III), dated 9/8/72, containing instructions regarding communication of adverse remarks and procedure for expunction of such remarks in the Confidential reports of the members of All India Services. 2. It has been decided that whenever a member of an All India Service is exonerated by any Commission of enquiry, which resulted in the change in his Confidential Report,


relevant extracts from the report of the Commission of enquiry may be added to C.R. dossiers of the officer concerned. [Letter No. 11059/14/75-AIS III, dated 7/4/77] 2. Placing letters of appreciation/commendation granted in ACR Dossier.- I am directed to invite attention to item (i) of this Departments Order No. 11059/8/76-AIS(III), dated the 26th April, 1976 and to say that some State Governments have sought clarifications as to the nature of letters of appreciation which could be included in the Confidential reports of the members of All India Services. 2. The matter has been considered and it is clarified that the general policy in this regard should be to discourage the practice of placing letters of appreciation or notes of commendation granted to members of the All India Services in their Confidential Roll dossiers. However, exceptions may be made in the following types of cases: (i) Letters of appreciation issued by Government or Secretary or Head of Department in respect of any outstanding work done by a member of the Service. (ii) Letters of appreciation issued by special bodies or Commissions or Committees, or excerpts of reports of such bodies expressing appreciation for a member of the Service by name. (iii) Letters of appreciation from individual non-officials or from individual officials (other than a Secretary or Head of Department) if confined to expressing appreciation of service rendered by the member of the Service far beyond the normal call of duty, and provided the Secretary or the Head of the Department so directs. 3. Appreciation of an officers work should more appropriately be recorded in the annual confidential report rather than in a letter of appreciation which does not give a complete perspective of his good and bad points. The mere fact that a stray letter of appreciation goes into his Confidential Roll dossier does not give the officer undue advantage in the matter of promotion which is governed more by consideration of general and consistently high performance than by occasional flashes of good work. 4. These instructions are being issued in exercise of the powers of Central Govt. Under Rule 10(A) of the AISI Rules 1970. [Letter No. 11059/7/77-AIS(III), dated 31/5/1977] (II) PROCEDURE TO ISSUE A WARNING/DISPLEASURE/REPRIMAND 1. Procedure to issue a warning/displeasure/reprimand.- I am directed to invite a reference to Ministry of Home Affairs letter No. 7/4/59-AIS(II), dated the 20th March, 1959 and letter No. 7/5/60-AIS(III), dated the 4th May, 1960, the contents of which have been reproduced as Government of India decisions 3 and 4 under Rule 6 of the All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969, at pages 122-23 of the All India Services Manual 4th Edition, Part I, and to say that the matter has been further considered and the following clarifications are given:-


(i) It has been stated in the Ministry of Home Affairs' letter No. 7/5/60-AIS(II), dated 4th May, 1960 that if it is decided, on the conclusion of disciplinary proceedings not to impose any of the prescribed punishments but to administer a warning or reprimand, mention of it should be made in the Confidential Roll. The Delhi High Court in the case of Shri Nadhan Singh vs the Union of India expressed the view that warning kept in the C.R. dossier has all the attributes of `Censure' which is a formal punishment and which can only be awarded by the competent authority after following the procedure prescribed in the relevant disciplinary Rules. It has, therefore, been decided that where it is considered, after the conclusion of the disciplinary proceedings, that some blame attached to the officer concerned which necessitates cognizance of such fact, the disciplinary authority should award one of the recognized statutory penalties. If the intention of the disciplinary authority is not to award Censure, then no recordable warning or reprimand should be awarded. (ii) In the Ministry of Home Affairs letter No. 7/4/59-AIS(II) of 20th March, 1959, it is stated that there may be occasions when a superior officer may find it necessary to criticize adversely the work of an officer working under him, and he may feel that while the matter is not serious enough to justify the imposition of a formal punishment, it calls for some informal action such as communication of a written warning, admonition or reprimand. It has now been decided that where such a warning/displeasure/ reprimand is issued, it should be placed in the personal file of the officer concerned. At the end of the year (or period of report), the reporting authority while writing the confidential report of the officer, may decide not to make a reference in the confidential report to the warning/displeasure/reprimand, if in the opinion of that authority, the performance of the officer reported upon after the issue of the warning or displeasure or reprimand, as the case may be, has improved and has been found satisfactory. If, however, the reporting authority comes to the conclusion that despite the warning/displeasure/reprimand, the officer has not improved, it may make appropriate mention of such warning/displeasure/reprimand, as the case may be, in the relevant column in Part-II of the ACR from prescribed under the All India Services (Confidential Roll) Rules, and in that case a copy of the warning/displeasure reprimand referred to in the confidential report should be placed in the ACR dossier as an annexure to the confidential report for the relevant period. The adverse remarks should also be conveyed to the officer and his representation, if any, against the same disposed off in accordance with the procedure laid down in the rules. 2. It is requested that these instructions may be brought to the notice of the members of All India Services functioning under the State Government. [No.11018/5/79-AIS (III), dated the 3rd April, 1981] 2. Procedure to issue a warning/displeasure/reprimand.- I am directed to invite a reference to this Department's letter No. 11018/5/79-AIS.III, dated 3.4.81, which prescribes the procedure to be followed when the Reporting authority decides to issue a warning/displeasure/reprimand to the officer reported upon. The question of placing in the CR the warning issued by the Government has reconsidered. It has been decided that as soon as the communication conveying the warning/displeasure/reprimand of the Government is issued to the member of the Service concerned, a copy there of shall be kept in his Confidential dossier.


2. Clause (iii) of Govt. of Indias decision under rule 2 of the AIS (CR) Rules, 1970, specifying the documents to be kept in the CR Dossier, has been amended accordingly. 3. It is requested that these instructions may be brought to the notice of the members of the AIS functioning under the State Governments. [Letter No.11059/18/85-AIS-III dt. 8.12.1987] 3. Procedure to issue a warning/displeasure/reprimand.- Ref: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) DP & AR Order No. 11059/16/79-AIS (III), dated 23.5.80 DP & AR letter No. 11018/5/79-AIS (III) dated 3.4.81 DP & T letter No. 11059/5/91-AIS (III) dated 25.2.91 DP & AR Order No. 11018/5/79-AIS (III) dated 31.3.81 DP & T Order No. 11059/18/85-AIS (III) dated 10.12.87

I am directed to refer to this Departments order mentioned above regarding the procedure for placing of warnings, reprimand etc. given to the members of All India Services, in the Confidential Rolls. According to Rule 2 (b) of All India Services (CR) Rules, 1970, the confidential rolls of an officer includes the confidential report and other documents to be specified by the Central Government. Under the Government of India orders dated 23/5/80, as amended by the orders dated 31/3/81, mentioned above, the following documents can be included in the confidential rolls: "Copy of the communication addressed to the member of the Service warning him or conveying the displeasure or reprimand of Government, to which a reference is made in the in the confidential report for the relevant period. 2. The instructions issued vide this Departments letter no. 11018/5/79-AIS (III), dated 3rd April, 1981 provides that a) No reprimand or warning should be awarded to an officer at the conclusion of disciplinary proceedings; in case it is felt that some blame attaches to the officer which necessitates cognizance of such fact, the disciplinary authority should award one of the recognised penalties. b) In the case of superior officer watching the work of a subordinate member of the Service, there may be occasion to criticise adversely the work of the officer reported upon, though the matter may not be serious enough to justify the imposition of a formal punishment. In such cases, the procedure for recording such warnings etc. in the ACR of the officer has been laid down in detail. It is necessary in this context to distinguish between a warning issued at the conclusion of a departmental proceeding and a warning issued by way of caution to enable the officer to note his deficiencies and improve himself. As already clarified in this Departments letter dated 3/4/81 the former category has all the characteristics of a Censure and should not be resorted to; however, communications like warnings, displeasure, reprimand issued with a view to enable the officer to note his deficiency and improve himself has the characteristics of an adverse remark in the ACR of the officer.


Even in the cases where a warning etc. is issued to an officer with a view to bringing the deficiency in his performance to his notice for making improvements, a distinction has to be made between c) Warning etc. issued by the Government; and warning etc. issued by the authorities other than the Government. Reprimands, warning and communications of displeasure etc. issued by the Government should straight away be placed in the confidential rolls of the officer. In so for as any warning issued by the reporting/reviewing/accepting authority is concerned, it would be obligatory for the authority concerned to follow the procedure laid down by this departments letter dated 3/4/81 refer to in para 2 above. In regards to warning etc. issued by any other authority including a constitutional authority other than the government it would be for the government to decide, after a careful consideration of the circumstances, whether the same should be placed in the CR of the officer. 3. In every situation where a copy of a communication of warning, reprimand etc. is placed in CR of the officer, such communication should be treated as an adverse remark in the ACR for the relevant period and the procedure prescribed for the communication of adverse remark and consideration of the representation by the officer against the same should be followed. {No.11059/8/93-AIS (III), dated the 3rd Dec., 1993} GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS ORDERS UNDER RULE 5 (I) LAYING DOWN THE CHANNEL FOR WRITING PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL REPORT 1. Prescribing the reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities.- I am directed to refer to para 2 of this Department's letter No. 10(2) EO (PR/75, dated the 24th January, 1975, wherein the State Governments were requested to adhere strictly to the definition of this terms "reporting", "reviewing" and "accepting". authorities as given in the All India Services (Confidential Rolls) Rules, 1970. In order to ensure uniformity in writing the confidential reports, it is requested that the State Governments may issue detailed instructions prescribing the reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities for various posts under the State Government to which normally members of the All India Service are appointed. A copy of such order may be endorsed to this Department for record. [Letter No. 11059/3/75-AIS III, dated 16th Sept., 1975] 2. Laying down channels for recording of remarks by the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India.- The undersigned is directed to say that in case of members of the All India Services serving in connection with the affairs of the Union or any public sector undertaking, autonomous or other body within the administrative purview of the Government of India, the concerned ministries are authorised to lay down the channel of recording of remarks in the ACRs of the members of the service as provided for in the All India Services (Confidential Rolls) Rules 1970. 2. It may be pointed out that especially in cases of public sector undertakings, cooperatives and other autonomous bodies, the actual channel of supervision and the


linkage thereof may not be clear and, therefore, it is all the more necessary that the linkage and consequently the channel for recording the remarks in the ACRs of the officer needs to be laid down clearly by the ministries concerned with the approval of the competent authority. 3. It has been noticed that some ministries are yet to lay down the channel of recording of the ACRs in case of members of this service serving within their administrative purview especially in the case of cooperatives, autonomous bodies, etc. It is requested that the situation may please be got rectified immediately and orders issued in this regard may be endorsed to this Department for information. [No. 11059/9/93-AIS, dated the 30 August, 1993] 3. Reporting Authority should be immediately superior to the member of the Service or any other authority empowered by the Government. I am directed to say that there is an impression in some quarters that according to clause (e) of Rule 2 of the All India Services (Confidential Rolls) Rules, 1970, the Reporting Authority can be either the authority immediately superior to the member of the Service reported upon or such other authority as may be specifically empowered in that behalf by the Government. It is hereby clarified that subject to the provision of sub-rule (6) of Rule 5 of the said Rules, the authority who was, during, the period for which the confidential reports is written, immediately superior to the member of the Service, has necessarily to record his report on the performance of the member of the Service. In addition, any other authority may be specially empowered by the Government to act as the Reporting Authority. The use of the conjunction "and" to join two sub-clauses in clause (e), ibid makes the above position abundantly clear. 2. It is requested that the above clarification may be brought to the notice of all concerned so that the procedure followed in the matter of writing confidential reports on the members of the All India Services is in consonance with the rules. [Letter No. 11059/5/77-AIS III, dated 8/7/1977] 4. Reporting Authority should be in a higher grade of pay than the officers reported upon and the Reviewing Authority should be in a higher grade than the Reporting Authority.- I am directed to refer to Rule 2(e) of the AIS (CR) Rules, 1970, wherein the reporting authority has been defined as the authority or authorities supervising the performance of the member of the Service reported upon as may be specifically empowered in this behalf by the Government. 2. It appears that some States have kept in view the seniority and pay scale of the reporting officer vis--vis the Member of the Service reported upon while assigning reporting authorities whereas others have not. Instances have come to the notice of this Department wherein ACRs of the members of All India Service have been initiated by officers belonging to the same batch or drawing pay in the same scale as that of the officer reported upon. 3. It is suggested to the State Govts. that while assigning reporting/reviewing authorities efforts may be made to ensure that a member of the Service or any other officer does not initiate the C.R. of another member of the Service in the same grade of


pay. It is also desirable that the reviewing authority is in a higher grade than the reporting authority within the limits of administrative convenience. {No. 11059/4/89-AIS.III, dated the 28th December, 1990.} 5. Writing of ACRs by a relative of a member of the Services.- I am directed to forward a copy of the O.M. No. 21011/3/78-Estt. (A), dated 31.5.1978, the instructions stipulated therein shall also apply to the member of All India Services. 2. An instance had come to the notice of the Government in which a reporting officer wrote confidential report on his subordinate who happened to be his close relative. In this connection, a question had arisen whether a reporting officer could write report on his close relative who may happen to be his subordinate officially. The matter had been examined carefully and the following decisions taken:(i) The administrative authority may take care that to the extent possible, a close relative of an official is not placed under the direct charge of that official where the latter has to write the C.R of the former. Should such a situation become inescapable, it should not be allowed to continue beyond the barest minimum time possible. In such a situation, the employee should abstain from writing the ACR of the employee who is his close relative and instead, the reviewing officer should take on the role of the reporting officer. If a similar relationship exist between the reviewing officer on one hand and the officer reported upon then the other, the same would apply in respect of the reviewing officer and the role of the reviewing officer would be transferred to the authority next higher up. In case of this nature, where there is any doubt, it would be incumbent upon the reporting officer to consult the next higher authority before he writes the confidential reports. [Letter No. 11059/13/2000-AIS (III), dated the 18th August, 2000] (II) CHANNEL OF WRITING REPORTS OF CVOs. 1. Channel of writing Reports of Chief Vigilance Officers in the Ministries/Departments of Government of India, Central Public Sector Undertakings, etc.- I am directed to say that the authority to record remarks in the Annual Confidential Reports of All India Service Officers has been provided for in Rules, 5,6 and 6A of the All India Services (Confidential Rolls) Rules, 1970. The particular Channels for writing the ACRs are prescribed by the concerned Ministries/Departments in the Government of India and by the State Governments in the case of All India Services officers working in connection with the affairs of the States. 2. As per the provisions contained in the para 7 of the Ministry of Home Affairs' Resolution No. 24/7/64-AVD dated the 11th February 1964, the Central Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) has been empowered to assess the work of Chief Vigilance Officers and Vigilance Officers and to record such assessments in their character rolls. In accordance with the existing practice, the CVC records his assessment of the work done by the CVOs on a separate sheet which is later added to the confidential character rolls

(ii) (iii)




of the officer concerned. In order to further streamline the procedure in this regard, it is felt that a measure of uniformity needs to be brought about in the channel for recording remarks in the confidential reports of officers working as Chief Vigilance Officers etc. 3. It is, therefore, considered that the Annual Confidential Report of Chief Vigilance Officers of Public Sector Undertakings/Organisations, whether working on a full-time or part-time basis should be initiated by the Chief Executive (Chairman/Chairman-cummanaging Director/Managing Director, as the case may be) of the concerned organisation/undertaking, reviewed by the Secretary of the Administrative Ministry/Department (Wherever such review is presently being done, depending on the level of the CVO) and will be sent to the Central Vigilance Commissioner for adding his remarks as the accepting authority. 4. In respect of Chief Vigilance Officers in the Ministries and Departments of the Government of India and their attached/subordinate Offices who look after the vigilance functions in their respective organisations in addition to their normal duties, the assessment made by the Central Vigilance Commissioner will continue to be recorded on a separate sheet to be subsequently added to the confidential rolls of the officer concerned. 5. It is requested that instructions in regard to the channel for writing the ACRs of Central Vigilance Officers as mentioned above may please be circulated to all concerned offices/ organisations/undertakings in their administrative purview and the same may plea se be intimated to this department for information. [No. 11059/2/93-AIS (III), dated the 13 March, 1993 & 14th April, 1993] (II) WRITING OF REPORTS OF JOINT SECRETARIES, DIRECTORS IN CHARGE OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR UNDERTAKINGS 1. Writing of reports of Joint Secretaries, Directors in charge of the Public Sector Undertakings.- The undersigned is directed to forward herewith a copy of the O.M No. 21011/2/2000-Estt.(A) Dated 9.3.2000 laying down the procedure for writing ACRs of Joint Secretaries and Directors of PSU prescribed therein shall apply mutates mutandis to member of All India Services also. 2 The creation of the Department of Disinvestment, which is fully dedicated to and responsible for disinvestments, it has become necessary to equip this Department with appropriate control, only for the purpose of disinvestments, over the officers of administrative Ministries dealing with the Public Sector Undertakings. 3. It has, therefore, been decided that for implementation of Governments Decisions relating to disinvestments of Government equity from a PSU, the JS or the Director in charge concerned with the PSU in the administrative Ministry would continue to be responsible. He/She would, therefore, put up the files to Secretary/Minister DOD instead of the Secretary/Minister of the administrative Ministry concerned, using the existing intermediate channels. It has also been decided that the ACRs of such a Joint Secretary or Director in charge would be written at the level of Secretary to Government by both, Secretary of DOD as well as the Secretary of the administrative Ministry in the following manner: -



ACR of officer concerned would be first written by the Secretary of the administrative Ministry/Department under whose administrative control the PSU falls. The Secretary, DOD would also written a report on JS or Director in charge of the PSU in the administrative Ministry/Department. If the Director/Joint Secretary of the administrative Ministry/Department is looking after more than one component of work in addition to the disinvestments work, then the report/review/acceptance of the ACR by the DOD will be limited only to the disinvestments component of work. The report referred to at (i & ii) above would then be submitted to the Ministerin-Charge of the administrative Ministry for a review. After the review by the Minister-in-Charge, the report would be submitted to the Minister-in-Charge of DOD for his countersignature. Where the Minister-in-Charge in administrative Ministry is the Prime Minister himself, the report at (i & ii) above would in the first instance be submitted to the Minister-in-Charge, DOD for a review and thereafter submitted to PM. The ACR will be recorded in Form II of the format prescribed for IAS officers (Super Time Scale). [O.M. No. 11059/3/2000-AIS-III, dated the 24th March, 2000]


(iii) (iv) (v)


2. Writing of Reports of Joint Secretaries/Directors in charge of the Public Sector Undertakings in the Administrative Ministry under whose control the PSU falls.The undersigned is directed to state that vide this Departments Officer Memorandum of even number dated the 24th March, 2000, forwarded a copy of O.M. dated 9th March, 2000, laying down the procedure for writing of ACRs of Joint Secretaries/Directors/Deputy Secretaries handling matters on PSUs in the administrative Ministry under the control of which the PSUs fall. Those instructions have been modified vide this Departments O.M. No. 21011/2/2000-Estt.(A) dated 06/12/2000 (copy enclosed). The revised instructions will apply mutatis mutandis to members of the All India Service also. 2. It is requested that the above said instructions may be brought to the notice of members of All India Services dealing with the Public Sector Undertakings. [O.M. No.11059/03/2000-AIS (III), dated the 7th February, 2001]

(IV) WRITING OF REPORTS ON THE INTEGRATED FINANCIAL ADVISERS (IFA) 1. Writing of Confidential Reports on the Integrated Financial Advisers (IFA).- The undersigned is directed to say that the Cabinet had in August, 1975, while approving the scheme of Integrated Financial Advisers, noted that the IFA attached to a Ministry would be selected jointly by the administrative Ministry and the Finance Ministry even though he would be under the administrative control of the Ministry appointing him. It was considered that this arrangement would help in rendering objective and dispassionate advice by the IFA, on all financial matters. It is in this light that the question of devising


suitable arrangements for the assessment of the performance of IFA both by the administrative Ministry and the Finance Ministry was considered and the following decisions taken:(1) The confidential report on the Integrated Financial Advisers would be initiated by the Secretary of the administrative Ministry/Department to which the IFA is attached. (2) Where the IFA is attached to more than one Ministry/Department, the Secretaries in the Ministries/Departments concerned would write separate reports. (3) The Secretary in the Ministry of Finance, dealing with the officer reported upon, would write a report on each of the Integrated Financial Adviser. (4) The report referred to at (1,2 & 3) above, would then be submitted to the Ministerin-Charge of the administrative Ministry for a review. (5) After review by the Minister(s) in the administrative Ministry/Ministries report or reports would be submitted to the Finance Minister for his counter signature. 2. Where the Minister in the administrative Ministry is the Prime Minister himself, the report referred to at (1,2, &3) above would be, in the first instance, be submitted to the Finance Minister for a review and thereafter submitted to the Prime Minister who would act as the counter signing authority. [O. M. No. 21011/2/77-Estt. (A) DP&AR, dated the 22nd June, 1977] (V) WRITING OF REPORTS OF MEMBERS OF THE INDIAN FOREST SERVICE 1. Writing of Reports of members of the Indian Forest Service.- Attention of the State Government is invited to this Ministrys letter No. 14/20/2000-SU dated 28th September, 2000 vide which a copy of order dated 22/09/2000 passed by the Honble Supreme Court in I.A. No. 424 (Civil Writ Petition No. 202 of 1995) : T.N. Godavarman Thirumulkpad had been forwarded for implementation of various directions given by the Apex Court. 2. One of the directions of the Apex Court was in regard to writing of Annual Confidential report of the members of the Indian Forest Service. The Honble Supreme Court had directed that upto the officers of the rank of Addl. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests the reporting authority has to be the immediately superior officer within the Forest Department. It is only in the case of Principal Chief Conservator of Forest that the reporting authority would be a person other than the one belonging to the Service because there is no one superior to him within the EFS. Therefore, in his case the reporting authority would be a person to whom he reports and who is superior to him in hierarchy. 3. Keeping in view the directions given by the Hobble Supreme Court, all the State Governments are advised to ensure that for writing the Annual Confidential Reports of the IFS officers upto the rank of Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, the reporting authority should be their immediate superior authorities in the Forest Department. As regards reviewing/reporting authority in relation to officers of the rank of Addl. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, the concerned authority would person who is familiar with their work and that will be the


person to whom addl. PCCF/PCCF reports and who is superior to them in rank and hierarchy. 4. The State Government may, if necessary direct the Collectors and Commissioners to record their comments on a separate sheet about the performance of the IFS officers in relation to implementation of developmental work (including 20-point programme) funded by the District Administration for being considered by the superior departmental officers at the time of writing of ACRs. 5. The State Governments are requested to ensure that the directions given by the Honble Supreme Court in the matter of writing of ACRs, as explained above, are strictly followed. [Copy of the Ministry of Environment & Forests letter No. 2019/01/2001-IFS-I, dated the 8th November, 2001]

(VI) WRITING OF REPORTS OF ALL INDIA SERVICES OFFICERS INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING. 1. Writing of reports by the Reporting/Reviewing/Accepting Authorities after demitting office.Clarifications have been sought in the matter of writing, reviewing, accepting of an Annual Confidential Report of a member of the Service by a person who is not a Government servant. The same is clarified as under:(i) The Reporting Authority, Reviewing Authority or the Accepting Authority, as the case may be shall not be competent to write a Confidential Report in respect of a member of the Service after he demits office. {Rule 5 of All India Services (Confidential Rolls) Rules, 1970} (ii) The Reviewing Authority or the Accepting Authority, as the case may be, shall not be competent to review a Confidential Report in respect of a member of the Service after one month of the date on which he demits office. {Rule 6 of All India Services (Confidential Rolls) Rules, 1970}. (iii) The Accepting Authority shall not be competent to accept and counter-sign a Confidential Report in respect of a member of the Service after one month of the date on which he demits office. {Rule 6 A of All India Services (Confidential Rolls) Rules, 1970 }. [Letter No. 11059/6/96-AIS(III), dated 14th May,1996] 2. Writing of ACRs of All India Services Officers instructions regarding.- The Honble Supreme Court in I.A. No.424 in Writ Petition (Civil) No. 202 of 1995 (T.N.


Godavarman Thirumulkpad Vs. Union of India & Others) had considered the issue of the competent authority to write the confidential report of Forest Department Officers (implementation of the judgement of the Honble Supreme Court). The Ministry of Environment & Forests issued instructions vide letter No. 22019/1/2001-IFS-I dated 8th November, 2001 (Copy enclosed) . 2.1 This Department filed I.A.No. 477/2003 for modification or clarification of the above order of the Honble Supreme Court. The Honble Supreme Court directed that the matter be heard by the Central Empowered Committee (CEC), constituted by the Honble Supreme Court of India. The CEC has agreed with the views of Department of Personnel & Training (DOP&T) that the Honble Courts order dated 22.09.2000 was issued in a particular context and should not be generalized to cover other Services. It has also agreed with the view of the DOP&T that if the Forest Officer is working in the Secretariat or other Departments where his immediate supervising officer is a non-forest officer, his C.R should be written by such an officer [para 8(x)]. 2.2 The relevant recommendation of the CEC is reproduced below:-

In the light of the above, the Committee is of the considered view that this Honble Courts order dated 22.09.2000 requires no modification. The Honble Courts order has set right the anomaly that existed in the State of Madhya Pradesh regarding CRs of the Forest Officers. The Honble Courts order is not inconsistent with the amended CR Rules. It may be clarified that the order of 22.09.2000 of this Honble Court is applicable only for reporting, reviewing or accepting the confidential reports of the Forest Officers working within the Forest Department and is not applicable for Forest Officers working outside the Department or for other Services.(para 10) . 2.3 In pursuance of the recommendations of CEC, the Honble Supreme Court has in its order of 26th April, 2004 in I.A.No. 1035, (Report of the Central Empowered Committee in I.A. No. 776) in WP (Civil) No. 202 of 1995 , agreed with the same and has dismissed I.A.No. 424 and disposed of I.A.No. 1035. A copy of the Recommendation of the CEC can be made available on request. 2.4 It is therefore, clarified that the order passed by Honble Supreme Court on 22.9.2000 is applicable to Forest Officers working within the Forest Department and is not applicable to Forest Officers working outside the Department. It is also clarified that if the Forest Officer is working in the Secretariat or other Department where his immediate superior officer is a non-Forest officer, his CR should be written by that superior officer. This order of the Honble Apex Court is also not applicable to other Services viz., the Indian Administrative Service and the Indian Police Service. [DOPT O.M. No.22012/4/2001-AIS(III) dated 2nd September, 2004]

(VII) TREATMENT OF THE PERIOD OF TRAINING/LEAVE ETC. FOR THE PURPOSE OF COMPUTING 3 MONTHS 1. Treatment of the period of training for the purpose of computing 3 months under Rule 5(4) & 5(5) of AIS (CR) Rules, 1970.- I am directed to say that as per rule 5(5) of the AIS (CR) Rules where the reporting authority, reviewing authority and the accepting authority have not seen the performance of a member of the Service for at least three


months during the period for which the report is to be written, an entry to that effect shall be made in the confidential report for any such period by Government. 2. Doubts have been raised whether a period of training should be excluded from the period of the report for computing the 3 months period under Rule 5(4). The matter has been considered and it has been decided that as the member of the Service would not be physically present during the period of training and his performance cannot be observed by the reporting/reviewing/accepting authorities that period of training should be excluded from the period of the report. 3. For computing the 3 months period under Rule 5(4) also the above decision may be applied. {Department of Personnel & Training letter No. 11059/3/91-AIS.III,dated the 30 January, 1991} 2. Treating the period of Earned Leave for the purpose of computing 3 months for writing reports.I am directed to state that as per rule 5(4) of AIS (CR) Rules, 1970 where the Reporting / Reviewing / Accepting authorities have not seen the performance of a member of the Service for at least three months during the period for which the report is to be written, an entry to that effect shall be made in the confidential report for any such period by Government. 2. In case of training, it has been clarified vide letter No.11059/3/91-AIS-III, dated 30.1.1991 that since a member of Service would not be physically present during the period of training and his performance cannot be observed by the Reporting / Reviewing / Accepting authorities, that period of training should be excluded from the period of Report. 3. On the analogy of aforementioned instructions, it has been decided that where an officer has taken Earned Leave for a long period, which is being defined as more than 15 days, the total period spent on leave can be deducted from the total period spent on any post, for purposes of computing the period of three months which is relevant for writing of entries under Rule 5 (4) of AIS (CR) Rules, 1970. Leave taken for a shorter duration need not be treated as relevant for the purpose. [Letter No. 11059/7/2003-AIS-III, dated the 11th November, 2003] (VIII) INTEGRITY COLUMN 1. Filling up Integrity Column.- Attention is invited to the instructions issued vide MHA O.M. No.51/4/64-Estt.(A) dated the 21st June, 1965, which are incorporated in the Notebelow ACR Format under AIS(CR) Rules,1970 regarding filling up Integrity Column of a member of the All India Service. Instances have come to the notice of this Department where the prescribed procedure regarding filling up the Integrity Column has not been followed by the concerned authorities.


2. It is again emphasized that while filling up the Integrity Column, the concerned authority should either write beyond doubt or the column should be left blank and the procedure prescribed therein should be followed. No other words such as certified or not certified should be used by the concerned authorities. 3. It is requested that these instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned authorities. [Letter No.11059/26 /2005-AIS (III), dated the 2nd January, 2006] MISCELLANEOUS 1. Retention of ACRs I am directed to say that the Government of India Instructions issued in letter No. 11059/16/76-AIS(lll) dated 26th February, 1977 provide that Confidential Rolls of the members of All India Services may be destroyed after a period of two years after their death or retirement. The Confidential Rolls are important documents for the career development of the members of the Services. However, these were confidential documents under the All India Services (Confidential Roll) Rules, 1970 till the adoption of the All India Services (Performance Performance Appraisal Report) Rules, 2007. The new rules, adopted from the assessment year 2007-08 provide that the whole content of the PAR, including the overall grading shall be communicated to the officer concerned for making representation at appropriate authority. Therefore, the confidentiality of the ACR/PAR has no relevance now. 2. The AIS(PAR) Rules, 2007 envisages for maintenance of a personal dossier containing, inter-alia, the PARs earned throughout the career, certificates of training or study, details of books or articles published, appreciation letters and other documented achievements made by the officer throughout his career. Some of the members of All India Services have shown their keenness that after retirement this record be handed over to them. 3. It has, therefore, been decided that after the normal period of retention of two years and on the request of the officer, the CR dossiers of the retired members of the Services may be provided to them. Each interested member of the Service may indicate his/her intention in this regard to the concerned authority in the Central Government or the State Government at the time of retirement with the complete postal address. The Concerned authority in the Central Government as well as in the State Government shall maintain a list in this regard and send the CR dossiers to the concerned retired Member of the Service after the period of normal retention is over. [Letter No. 11059/13/2010-AIS (III) dated 09/09/2010] 2. Retention of ACRs I am directed to refer to this Departments letter No. 11059/16/76-AIS (III), dated the 26th February, 1977, a copy of which is enclosed, and to say that the confidential dossiers of members of All India Services, who are retired from service in public interest under rule 16(3) of All India Services (DCRB) Rules, 1958 should not be destroyed five


years after the date of their retirement from service if the officer concerned has submitted representation/memorial against the order of his retirement from service or if he has challenged the order of his retirement in a court of law. In such cases, the confidential dossiers should be retained till the representation/memorial is finally disposed of or, if the officer has gone to the court, the judicial proceedings, including possible appeal against the ruling of the lower court, are over. [Letter No. 11059/11/78-AIS III, dated 16th May, 1978] 2. Dispensing with the need of writing ACR of - Direct Recruit IAS officers during the period of probation.I am directed to state that under the AIS (Probation) Rules, 1954, an Assessment Report has been prescribed to maintain a record of the performance of Direct Recruit Probationers undergoing training under the charge of the Director, LBSNAA, This Assessment Report is designed to assess whether the probationer has the requisite qualities of mind, character and aptitude to be confirmed in the service. If the Competent Authority on considering the Assessment Report is of view that the probationer lacks qualities of mind, character and aptitude to be confirmed in the service, then he can be discharged under the probation rules. [No.11059/10/95-AIS (III) dt.09.10.1996]



In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the All India Services Act, 1951(61 of 1951) the Central Government, after consultation with the Governments of the States concerned, hereby makes the following rules, namely: 1. Short title, application and commencement.(i) These rules may be called the All-India Services (Joint Cadre) Rules, 1972. They shall apply to a Joint Cadre constituted for any group of States other than the Joint Cadre of Union Territories. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette.



2. Definitions - In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,(a) Joint Cadre Authority means the Committee of Representatives referred to in rule 4. Constituent States means the States in respect of which a Joint Cadre is formed.


3. Application of rules under the All India Services Act to members of All India Services borne on, and posts included in Joint Cadres. - Subject to the amendments made by rule 6, all rules made under the All-India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951) and for the time being, in force, shall apply in relation to the members of the All-India Services borne on the Joint Cadres of these Services and in relation to the posts under the control of the Constituent States. 4. Committee of representatives (1) There shall be a Committee consisting of a representative of each of the Governments of the Constituent States, to be called the Joint Cadre Authority. (2) The representatives of the Governments of the Constituent States may either be members of an All-India Service or Ministers in the Council of Ministers of the Constituent States, as may be specified by the Governments of the Constituent States. 5. Duties and functions of the Joint Cadre Authority.(1) The Joint Cadre Authority shall determine the names of the members of the All-India Services, who may be required to serve from time to time in


connection with the affairs of each of the Constituent States and the period or periods for which their services shall be available to that Government. (2) Where there is a disagreement on any matter among the members of the Joint Cadre Authority, the matter shall be referred to the Central Government for decision and the Governments of the Constituent States shall give effect to the decision of the Central Government.

6. Amendment of certain rules.(1) The rules shown in Schedule I to these rules shall be amendment in the manner indicated therein. (2) The rules shown in Schedule II to these rules shall, in respect of a Joint Cadre of the Indian Administrative Service in relation to which an agreement has been arrived at under clause (b) (b) of sub-rule (3) of rule 8 of the Indian Administrative Service (Recruitment) Rules, 1954, for the purpose of dividing the vacancies to be filled by promotion of members of the State Civil Service of any of the Constituent State and the vacancies to be filled by selection of officers serving in connection with the affairs of the Constituent State be amended in the manner indicated therein.

(3) The rules shown in Schedule III to these rules shall, in respect of a Joint Cadre of the Indian Forest Service in relation to which an agreement has been arrived at under sub-rule (3) of rule 8 of the Indian Forest Service (Recruitment) Rules, 1966, for the purpose of dividing the vacancies to be filled by promotion of members of the State Forest Service of any of the constituent States, serving in connection with the affairs of the constituent States, be amended in the manner indicated therein. (4) The rules shown in Schedule IV to these rules shall, in respect of a Joint Cadre of the Indian Police Service in relation to which an agreement has been arrived at under sub-rule (5) of rule 9 of the Indian Police Service (Recruitment) Rules, 1954, for the purpose of dividing the vacancies to be filled by promotion of members of the State Police Service of any of the constituent States, be amended in the manner indicated therein.


[See rule 6(1)] 1. The All India Services (Study Leave) Regulation, 1960- In sub-regulation (1) or regulation 2, after clause (c ), insert:-

1 2

Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No.11/2/72-AIS(I) dated 21.06.1974 Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No.16/11/(7)74-AIS(IV) dated 25.03.1975 3 Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No.11055/1/75-AIS(I) dated 17.05.1975


(d) State Government means the Joint Cadre Authority in relation to a member of an All India Service borne on a Joint Cadre. 2. The All India Services (Death-cum-Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958. - (a) In subrule (1) of rule 2, for clause (m), substitute:(m) State Government means the State Government on whose cadre the member of the Service was borne immediately before retirement or death and in relation to a member of an All-India Service borne on a Joint Cadre, the Joint Cadre Authority. In clause (c) of sub-rule (5) of rule 8, for credited to the Consolidated Fund of the State on whose cadre he is borne substitute credited to the Consolidated Funds of the Constituent States, in such proportion as may be prescribed by the Joint Cadre Authority.


3. The All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955.- In rule 35, insert at the end:Explanation.- For the purposes of this rule .Government., in relation to a member of the Service, borne on a Joint Cadre serving in connection with the affairs of a Constituent State, means the Joint Cadre Authority. 4. The All India Services (Travelling Allowances) rules, 1954-. In rule 4, insert at the end:Provided that in the case of a member of the Service transferred or deputed to serve under a Constituent State, an order under this rule shall be passed by the Joint Cadre Authority. 5. The All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) rules, 1969..In sub-rule (3) of rule 7 :(i) (ii) in the proviso, for Provided that, substitute Provided further that; before the proviso, insert:-

Provided that in relation to the members of the Service borne on a Joint Cadre, the punishing Government shall consult the Joint Cadre Authority. 6. The All India Services (Commutation of Pension) Regulations, 1960.- In subregulation (1) of regulation 2, for clause (a), substitute:(a) Government, in relation to the members of the Service borne on a Joint Cadre, means the Joint Cadre Authority. 7. The All India Services (Confidential Rules) Rules, 1970.- In rule 2, for clause (h), substitute:-



State Government means the Government of the State on whose cadre the member of the Service borne and in relation to a member of an All India Service borne on a Joint Cadre, the Joint Cadre Authority.

8. The Indian Administrative Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954,- (a) In rule 2, for clause (d) substitute:(d) State Government concerned, in relation to a Joint Cadre, means the Joint Cadre Authority. (b) After rule 11 insert :11(A). Authority to exercise certain powers in respect of members of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the State constituting a Joint Cadre.The powers of the State Government under the second proviso to sub-rule (2) of rule 4, under clause (1) of sub-rule (2) of rule 6 and under rules 7,10 and 11 in relation to the members of Service serving in connection with the affairs of any of the Constituent States shall be exercised by the Government of that State. 9. The Indian Administrative Service (Recruitment) rules, 1954.- In rule 2, for clause (h), substitute:State Government concerned, in relation to a Joint Cadre, means the Joint Cadre Authority. 10. The Indian Administrative service (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1955. (a) In clause (k) of sub-regulation (1) of regulation 2, for the existing subclause (ii), substitute:(i) in relation to a group of States in respect of which a Joint Cadre of the Service is constituted, the Joint Cadre Authority. (h)


After sub-regulation (2) of regulation 5, insert:-

Explanation. - The powers of the State Government under the second proviso to this sub-regulation shall be exercised in relation to the members of the State Civil Service of a Constituent State, by the Government of that State. 11. The Indian Administrative Service (Appointment by Selection) Regulation, 1956. In clause (b) of sub-regulation (1) of regulation 2, for sub-clause (ii), substitute: (ii) in relation to a group of States in respect of which a Joint Cadre of the Service is constituted, the Joint Cadre Authority.

12. The Indian Administrative Service (Probation) Rules, 1954.- In rule 2, for clause (i), substitute:-



State Government means the Government of the State to which a probationer is allotted or deputed for practical training and in relation to a probationer allotted to a Joint Cadre, the Joint Cadre Authority.

13. The Indian Administrative Service (Pay) Rules, 1954.- In rule 2, for clause (f), substitute:(j) State Government concerned, in relation to a Joint Cadre, means the Joint Cadre Authority. (c) After rule 10D, insert:10E. Authority to exercise powers under rules 6,7 and 9 in relation to a Joint Cadre. - The powers under rule 6 and 7, in the case of a member of the service borne on a Joint Cadre, shall be exercised by the Joint Cadre Authority. The powers under rule 9 in relation to the members of the Service, and in relation to posts, borne on a Joint Cadre shall be exercised by the Government of the Constituent State concerned.: 14. The Indian Administrative Service (Regulation of Seniority) Rules, 1954.- In rule 2, for clause (j), substitute:(j) State Government concerned, in relation to a Joint Cadre, means the Joint Cadre Authority.

15. The Indian Police (Cadre) Rules, 1954. - (a) In rule 2, for clause (d), substitute:(d) State Government concerned, in relation to a Joint Cadre, means the Joint Cadre Authority. (d) After rule 11, insert: 11A. Authority to exercise certain powers in respect of members of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the States constituting a Joint Cadre.- The powers of the State Government under the second proviso to sub-rule (2) of rule 4, under clause ( i) of sub-rule (2) of rule 6 and under rules 7,10 and 11, in relation to the members of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of any of the Constituent States shall be exercised by the Government of that State. 16. The Indian Police Service (Recruitment) Rules, 1954.- (a) In rule 2, for clause (f), substitute:(f) State Government concerned, in relation to a Joint Cadre, means the Joint Cadre Authority; in rule 9, after sub-rule (4), insert4


Amended vide DP&AR Notification No.11055/1/75-AIS(I) dated 17.05.1975



Where a vacancy occurs in a Joint Cadre is to be filled under the provisions of this rule, the vacancy shall, subject to any agreement in this behalf, be filled by promotion of a member of the State Police Service of any of the States constituting the group;


re-number the existing sub-rule (5) as sub-rule (6) thereof.

17. The Indian Police Service (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1955.- (a) In clause (k) of sub-regulation (I) of regulation 2, for the existing sub-clause (ii), substitute:(ii) in relation to a group of States in respect of which a Joint Cadre of the Service is constituted, the Joint Cadre Authority, (b) In sub-regulation (2) of regulation 5, re-number the existing Explanation as Explanation 1, and after Explanation 1, insert:

Explanation 2.- The powers of the State Government under Explanation I shall be exercised in relation to the members of the State Police Service of a Constituent State, by the Government of that State. 18. The Indian Police Service (Probation) Rules, 1954.- In rule 2 for clause (I), substitute:(i) State Government concerned, in relation to a probationer allotted to a Joint Cadre, means the Joint Cadre Authority.

19. The Indian Police Service (Pay) Rules, 1954 (a) In rule 2, for clause (j), substitute:(j) The State Government concerned., in relation to a Joint Cadre, means the Joint Cadre Authority.


After rule 10C, insert:10D. Authority to exercise powers under rules 6, 7 and 9 in relation to a Joint Cadre- .The powers under rules 6 and 7, in the case of a member of the Service borne on a Joint Cadre, shall be exercised by the Joint Cadre Authority. The powers under rule 9 in relation to the members of the Service, and in relation to posts, borne on a Joint Cadre shall be exercised by the Government of the Constituent State concerned.

20. The Indian Police Service (Regulation of Seniority) Rules, 1954.- In rule 2 for clause (j), substitute: (j) State Government concerned, in relation to a Joint Cadre, means the Joint Cadre Authority.

21. The Indian Police Service (Uniform) Rules, 1954.- In rule 2, for clause (a), substitute:-



Government in relation to a member of the Service means the Government of the State on whose cadre such member is borne and in relation to a member of the Service borne on a Joint Cadre, the Government of the Constituent State under which the member of the Service is for the time being serving.

22. The Indian Forest Service (Cadre) Rules, 1956..(a) In rule 2, for clause (d), substitute:(d) State Government concerned, in relation to a Joint Cadre, means the Joint Cadre Authority. (b) After rule 11, insert:-

11A. Authority to exercise certain powers in respect of members of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the State constituting a Joint Cadre.- The powers of the State Government under the second proviso to sub-rule (2) of rule 4, under clause (1) of sub-rule (6) and under rules 7, 10 and 11 in relation to the members of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of any of the Constituent States shall be exercised by the Government of that State. 23. The Indian Forest Service (Recruitment) Rules, 1966. - In rule 2, for clause (h), substitute:(h) State Government concerned, in relation to a Joint Cadre, means the Joint Cadre Authority.

24. The Indian Forest Service (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1966.- (a) In clause (f) of sub-regulation (1) of regulation 2, for the existing sub-clause (ii), substitute:(ii) in relation to a group of States in respect of which a Joint Cadre of the Service is constituted, the Joint Cadre Authority; (b) In regulation 3, for sub-regulation (1) substitute: (1) There shall be constituted for each of the Joint Cadres a Committee consisting of the Chairman of the Commission or where the Chairman is unable to attend, any other member of the Commission representing it and the following other members, namely: (i) Chief Secretaries to the Government of the Constituent States, Chief Conservators of Forests of the Constituent States.




A nominee of the Government of India not below the rank of a Joint Secretary.

(c) In sub-regulation (1) of regulation 4, renumber the existing Explanation as Explanation 1, and after Explanation 1, insert: Explanation 2. - The powers of the State Government under this sub-regulation shall be exercised in relation to the members of the State Forest Service of a Constituent State, by the Government of that State. 25. The Indian Forest Service (Probation) Rules, 1968.- In rule 2, after clause (h), insert:(i) State Government means the Government of that State to which a probationer is allotted or deputed for practical training and in relation to a probationer allotted to a Joint Cadre, the Joint Cadre Authority.

26. The Indian Forest Service (Pay) Rules, 1968.- (a) In rule 2, for clause (k), substitute:(k) State Government concerned in relation to a Joint Cadre, means the Joint Cadre Authority. (b) After rule 9, insert:9A. Authority to exercise powers under rules 6, 7 and 9 in relation to a Joint Cadre.- The powers under rules 6 and 7, in the case of a member of the Service borne on a Joint Cadre, shall be exercised by the Joint Cadre Authority. The powers under rule 9 in relation to the members of the Service, and in relation to posts, borne on a Joint Cadre shall be exercised by the Government of the Constituent State concerned.

27. The Indian Forest Service (Regulation of Seniority) Rules, 1968.- In rule 2, for clause (k), substitute:(k) State Government concerned., in relation to a Joint Cadre means the Joint Cadre Authority.


[See rule 6(2)] 1. The Indian Administrative Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954. After rule 11, insert:-

Substituted vide DP&AR Notification No.11/2/72-AIS(I) dated 21.06.1974


11B. Authority to exercise certain powers in respect of members of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the States constituting a Joint Cadre:The powers of the State Government under rule 9, in relation to the members of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of any of the Constituent States shall be exercised by the Government of that State. 2. The Indian Administrative Service (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1955:(a) After sub-regulation (2) of regulation 5 insert:(2A) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-regulations (1) and (2), the list referred to in sub-regulation (1) shall be prepared separately in respect of each State Civil Service. The number of members of the State Civil Service included in each such part of the list shall not be more than twice the number of substantive vacancies anticipated in the course of the period of twelve months commencing from the date of the preparation of the list, in the posts available for them under rule 9 of the Recruitment Rules, or 10 per cent of the senior posts shown against item 1 of the Cadre in the Schedule to the Indian Administrative Service (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Regulations, 1955 (hereinafter referred to as the Cadre Schedule) under the Government of Constituent State concerned and the senior posts shown against item 2 of the Cadre Schedule notionally reckoned against that State, whichever is greater.

Explanation. - The number of senior posts shown against item 2 of the Cadre Schedule of the Joint Cadre divided in the proportion of the number of posts under the Government of each of the Constituent States shown against item 1 of the Cadre Schedule shall be notionally reckoned against each of the Constituent States for the purpose of this sub-regulation. (b) In regulation 8, insert at the end:-

Explanation.- Where a Select List is prepared in the case of Joint Cadre under subregulation (2A) of regulation 5, the appointment of a member of the State Civil Service whose name appears in the Select List shall be made only to a post under the Government of the Constituent State controlling the State Civil Service to which the member belongs and in making such appointment, the Constituent State concerned shall follow the order in which the names appear in that part of the Select List. Provided that where administrative exigencies so require, a member of the State Civil Service who is not next in order in that part of the Select List may, subject to the provisions of rule 9 of the Cadre Rules, be appointed to a Cadre post if the State Government is satisfied (i) that the vacancy is not likely to last for more than three months; or



that there is no suitable Cadre officer available for filling the vacancy.

(c) In regulation 9, after sub-regulation (1) insert:Provided that the appointment of members of the State Civil Service shall be made in accordance with the agreement arrived at under clause (b) of sub-rule (3) of rule 8 of the Recruitment Rules in the order in which the names of the members of the State Civil Service occur in the relevant part of the Select List for the time being in force. 3. The Indian Administrative Service (Regulation of Seniority) Rules, 1954:(a) In rule 3, in sub-rule (3), in clause (b), at the end of Explanation 4 to the proviso insert:-

Provided also that the certificate shall be given by the Government of the Constituent State and the number of officers in respect of whom the certificate is given shall not exceed one half of the maximum permissible strength of the relevant part of the Select List under sub-regulation (2A) of regulation 5 of the Indian Administrative Service (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1955 and for every senior Select List officer appointed to a non-cadre post in respect of which a certificate is given there should be one junior Select List officer whose name appears in the same part of the Select List officiating in a senior post under rule 9 of the Indian Administrative Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954. (c) In rule 4, in sub-rule (4), in clause (i) at the end of sub-clause (c) of the proviso insert:or where their names appear in different parts of the Select List for a Joint Cadre, in the order of their date of birth.


[See rule 6(3)] 1. The Indian Forest Service (Cadre) Rules, 1966. After Rule 11, the following rule shall be inserted, namely:11. Authority to exercise certain powers in respect of members of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the States constituting a Joint Cadre. -

The powers of the State Government under rule 9, in relation to the members of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of any of the constituent states shall be exercised by the Government of that State. 2. The Indian Forest Service (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1966.-

Inserted vide DP&AR Notification No.16/11/74-AIS-IV dated 25.03.1975



After sub-regulation (2) of regulation 5, the following sub-regulation shall be inserted, namely:(2A) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-regulations (1) and (2), the list referred to in sub-regulation (1) shall be prepared separately in respect of each State Forest Service. The number of members of the State Forest Service included in each such part of the list shall not be more than twice the number of substantive vacancies anticipated in the course of the period of twelve months, commencing from the date of the preparation of the list, in the posts available for them, under rule 9 of the Recruitment Rules, or 10 per cent of the senior posts shown against item 1 of the Cadre in the Schedule to the Indian Forest Service (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Regulations, 1966 (hereinafter referred to as the Cadre Schedule) under the Government of Constituent State concerned and the senior posts shown against the item 2 of the Cadre Schedule notionally reckoned against that State, whichever is greater.

Explanation.- The number of senior posts shown against item 2 of the Cadre Schedule of the Joint Cadre divided in the proportion of the number of posts under the Government of each of the Constituent States shown against item 1 of the Cadre Schedule shall be notionally reckoned against each of the Constituent States for the purpose of this sub-regulation. (b) In regulation 8, the following Explanation shall be added at the end, namely:-

Explanation:- Where a Select List is prepared in the case of Joint Cadre under subregulation (2A) of regulation 5, the appointment of a member of the State Forest Service whose name appears in the Select List shall be made only to a post under the Government of the Constituent State controlling the State Forest Service to which the member belongs and in making such appointment, the Constituent State concerned shall follow the order in which the names appear in that part of the Select List: Provided that where administrative exigencies so require, a member of the State Forest Service who is not next in order in that part of the Select List may, subject to the provisions of rule 9 of the Cadre Rules, be appointed to a Cadre post if the State Government is satisfied (i) (ii) (c) that the vacancy is not likely to last for more than three months; or that there is no suitable Cadre Officer available for filling the vacancy. After sub-regulation (1) of regulation 9, the following proviso shall be added, namely:-

Provided that the appointment of members of the State Forest Service shall be made in accordance with the agreement arrived at under clause (b) of sub-rule (3) of rule 8 of the Recruitment Rules in the order in which the names of the members of the


State Forest Service occur in the relevant part of the Select List for the time being in force. 3. The Indian Forest Service (Regulation of Seniority) Rules, 1968:(a) At the end of Explanation 4 of the proviso, in clause (c) of sub-rule (2) of rule 3, the following proviso shall be added, namely:-

Provided also that the certificate shall be given by the Government of the Constituent State and the number of officers in respect of whom the certificate is given shall not exceed one half of the maximum permissible strength of the relevant part of the Select List under sub-regulation (2A) of regulation 5 of the Indian Forest Service (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1966 and for every senior Select List Officer appointed to a non-cadre post in respect of which a certificate is given there should be one junior Select List Officer whose name appears in the same part of the Select List officiating in a senior post under rule 9 of the Indian Forest Service (Cadre) Rules, 1966. (b) At the end of clause (c) of the proviso in sub-rule (4), of rule 4, the following shall be added, namely:Or, where their names appear in different parts of the Select List for a Joint Cadre, in the order of their dates of birth.


[See rule 6 (4)] The Indian Police Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954. After rule 11 A insert: 11.B Authority to exercise certain powers in respect of members of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the States constituting a Joint Cadre.The powers of the State Government under rule 9, in relation to the members of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of any of the Constituent States shall be exercised by the Government of that State. 2. The Indian Police Service (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1955:(a) After sub-regulation (2) of regulation 5, insert: (2A) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-regulations (1) and (2), the list referred to in sub-regulation (1) shall be prepared separately in respect of each State Police Service. The number of members of the State Police Service included in each such part of the list shall not be more than twice the number of substantive vacancies anticipated in the course of the period of twelve

Inserted vide DP AR Notification No.11.55/1/75-AIS(I) dated 17.05.1975 (No.13/4/71-AIS(I) dated 11.01.1972)


months, commencing from the date of the preparation of the list, in the posts available for them, under rule 9 of the Recruitment Rules or 10 per cent of the senior posts shown against item 1 of the Cadre in the Schedule to the Indian Police Service (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Regulations, 1955 (hereinafter referred to as the Cadre Schedule) under the Government of Constituent State concerned and the senior posts shown against item 2 of the Cadre Schedule notionally reckoned against that State whichever is greater. Explanation. - The number of senior posts shown against item 2 of the Cadre Schedule of the Joint Cadre divided in the proportion of the number of posts under the Government of each of the Constituent States shown against item 1 of the Cadre Schedule shall be notionally reckoned against each of the Constituent States for the purpose of this sub-regulation. (b) In regulation 8, insert at the end: -

Explanation. - Where a Select List is prepared in the case of Joint Cadre under subregulation (2A) of regulation 5, the appointment of a member of the State Police Service whose name appears in the Select List shall be made only to a post under the Government of the Constituent State controlling the State Police Service to which the member belongs and in making such appointment, the Constituent State concerned shall follow the order in which the names appear in that part of the Select List.

Provided that where administrative exigencies so require, a member of the State Police Service who is not next in order in that part of the Select List may, subject to the provisions of rule 9 of the Cadre Rules, be appointed to a Cadre post if the State Government is satisfied (i) (ii) (c) that the vacancy is not likely to last for more than three months; or that there is no suitable Cadre Officer available for filling the vacancy. In regulation 9, after sub-regulation (1) insert: -

Provided that the appointment of members of the State Police Service shall be made in accordance with the agreement arrived at under sub-rule (5) of rule 9 of the Recruitment Rules in the order in which the names of the members of the State Police Service occur in the relevant part of the Select List for the time being in force. 3. The Indian Police Service (Regulation of Seniority) Rules, 1954: (a) In rule 3, in sub-rule (3), in clause (b), at the end of explanation 4 to the Proviso insert: -

Provided also that the certificate shall be given by the Government of the Constituent State and the number of officers in respect of whom the certificate is given shall not exceed one half of the maximum permissible strength of the relevant part of the


Select List under sub-regulation (2A) of regulation 5 of the Indian Police Service (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1955 and for every senior Select List Officer appointed to a non-cadre post in respect of whom a certificate is given there should be one junior Select List Officer whose name appears in the same part of the Select List officiating in a senior post under rule 9 of the Indian Police Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954. (b) In Rule 4, in sub-rule (4), at the end of sub-clause (c) of the proviso, insert: or where their names appear in different parts of the Select List for a Joint Cadre, in the order of their dates of birth.



In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of the Section 3 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951), the Central Government after consultation with the Governments of the States concerned, hereby makes the following rules, namely :1. Short title and commencement :(1) These rules may be called the All-India Services (Dearness Allowance) Rules, 1972. (2) They shall come into force on the first day of April, 1972. 2. Definition : In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires- member of the Service means a member of an All-India Service as defined in Section 2 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951).

3. Regulation of dearness allowance:

Every member of the Service and every officer, whose initial pay is fixed in accordance with sub-rule (5) or sub-rule (6A) of rule 4 of the Indian Administrative Service (Pay) Rules, 1954 or sub-rule (5) of rule 4 of the Indian Police Service (Pay) Rules, 1954 or sub-rule (6) of rule 4 of the Indian Forest Service (Pay) Rules, 1968, shall be entitled to draw dearness allowance at such rates, and subject to such conditions, as may be specified by the Central Government, from time to time, in respect of the officers of Central Civil Services, Class I.

4. Interpretation :

If any question arises as to the interpretation of these rules, it shall be referred to the Central Government for decision. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DECISIONS Rule 3 of the All India Services (Dearness Allowance) Rules, 1972 stipulates that every member of the All India Services is entitled to draw Dearness Allowance at such rates and subject to such conditions as may be specified by the Central Government from time to time in respect of the officers of Central Civil Services, Group A. This is irrespective of whether the officer concerned is working in the State Government or is outside his cadre. 1.2 Ministry of Finance, Government of India, have been issuing orders from time to time in regard to payment of additional installments of Dearness Allowance to the Central Government employees. By virtue of Rule 3 ibid, therefore, these orders are ipso facto applicable to all the members of the All India Services viz., Indian Administrative Service, Indian Police Service and Indian Forest Service. It is only for the sake of convenience and information of all concerned that we have been forwarding the said letters of the Ministry of Finance relating to the grant of additional installments of Dearness Allowance and the purpose is that such orders are not lost sight of lest the payment of the said additional installment of Dearness Allowance should get unnecessarily delayed. It has, however, come to notice that some AGs have not been releasing these installments for want of receipt of our letters whereby, simply, the Ministry of Finances orders on the subject are forwarded.
1 2

Substituted vide Deptt. of Per. and A.R Not. No. 22/1/74-AIS(II) dated the 28th January, 1975. Added vide DP&AR Notification No. 1/13/70-AIS(II) dated the 18th March, 1972.


1.3 The provisions of Rule 3 of the All India Services (Dearness Allowance) Rules, 1972 are once again reiterated in this regard whereby all the members of the All India Services irrespective of their place of postings, are entitled to get Dearness Allowance at the rates and subject to the same conditions which are laid down from time to time in respect of the Group A Central Services Officers. The State Governments and the Accountants General concerned need not therefore wait for our communication, forwarding therewith the Ministry of Finances orders issued in this regard and are requested to release further installments of Dearness Allowance as and when the same are announced by the Central Government for its Group A officers. (DOPTs letter No. 11014/1/97AIS(II), dated 2nd July, 1997.)


An Act to provide for the variation or revocation of the conditions of service of former Secretary of State Service Officers in respect of certain matters and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Twenty-third Year of the Republic of India as follows:1. Short title and commencement.(1) This Act may be called the Former (Conditions of Service) Act, 1972. Secretary of State Service Officers

(2) It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint. 2. Definitions. -In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, (a) "appointed day" means the date on which this Act comes into force; (b) "former Secretary of State Service officer" means a person referred to in sub-clause (a) or sub-clause (b) of clause (1) of article 312A of the Constitution; (c) "I.C.S. member of the Indian Administrative Service" means a person who was appointed to the Indian Civil Service and who in the in India known as the India Civil Service and who on the appointed day is a member of the Indian Administrative Service; (d) "I.P. member of the Indian Police Service" means a person who was appointed to the Police Service of the Crown in India known as the Indian Police and who on the appointed day is a member of the Indian Police Service; (e) "pension" has the meaning assigned to it in clause (2) of article 366 of the Constitution. 3. Conditions of service of ICS members of the Indian Administrative Service.- Subject to the provisions of this Act, on and from the appointed day,(a) The conditions of service as respect,(i) (ii) remuneration; leave; and




(b) the rights as respects disciplinary matters, and (c) the conditions of service and the rights as respects all others matters, of the ICS members of the Indian Administrative Service shall be the same as those of the other members of that Service and accordingly and subject as afore-said the provisions of the All-India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951) and the rules and regulations made or deemed to have been made thereunder; as in force from to time, shall apply to and in relation to the I.C.S. members of the Indian Administrative Service as they apply to and in relation to the other members of that Service 4. Conditions of Service of I.P. members of the Indian Police Service.- Subject to the other provisions of this Act, on and from the appointed day,(a) the conditions of service as respects,(i) (ii) (iii) remuneration; leave; and pension;

(b) the rights as respects disciplinary matters, and (c) the conditions of service and the rights as respects all other matters, of the I.P. members of the Indian Police Service shall be the same as those of the other members of that Service and accordingly and subject as aforesaid, the provisions of the All-India Services Act,1951 and the rules and regulations made or deemed to have been made thereunder, as in force from time to time, shall apply to and in relation to the I.P. members of the Indian Police Service as they apply to and in relation to the other members of that Service. 5. Pay of I.C.S. members of Indian Administrative Service and I.P. members of Indian Police Service.- Notwithstanding anything contained in section 3 or section 4, an I.C.S. member of the Indian Administrative Service or an I.P. member of the Indian Police Service, as the case may be holding a post specified in the Schedule to this Act or a post declared by the Central Government to be equivalent to such post shall, for so long as he holds that post, be entitled to draw the pay indicated against the post in the said Schedule. 6. Retirement of I.C.S. members of Indian Administrative Service and I.P. members of Indian Police Service.- Notwithstanding anything contained in section 3 or section 4,(a) an I.C.S. member of the Indian Administrative Service, unless his service has been extended before the appointed day in accordance with the rules and regulations then applicable or is extended on or after that day in


accordance with the rules and regulations applicable to the other members of the Indian Administrative Service, shall retire compulsorily,-

(i) When he attains the age of fifty-eight years before the expiry of six months from the appointed day, on the date of expiry of the said period of six months or on the date on which he shall retire compulsorily in accordance with the rules applicable to him immediately before the appointed day, whichever date is earlier; (ii) in any case, on his attaining the age of fifty-eight years; (b) the Central Government shall have and shall be deemed always to have had the power to require an I.C.S. member of the Indian Administrative Service or an I.P. Member of Indian Police Service, in consultation with the Government of the State on whose cadre he is borne and after giving to such member at least three months' notice in writing, to retire in public interest from service on the date on which such member completes thirty years of qualifying service or on attaining fifty years of age or on any date thereafter to be specified in the notice; (c) an I.C.S. member of the Indian Administrative Service or an I.P. member of the Indian Police Service may, after giving three months' previous notice in writing to be Government of the State on whose cadre he is borne, retire from service on any date to be specified in the notice if he has completed thirty years of qualifying service or has attained the age of fifty years: Provided that no member under suspension shall retire from service expect with the specific approval of the Government of the State on whose cadre he is borne. Explanation.- For the purposes of clause (b) and clause (c), "qualifying service" means service qualifying for purposes of pension. 7. Pension of I.C.S. members of Indian Administrative Service.- Notwithstanding anything contained in section 3,(a) an I.C.S. member of the Indian Administrative Service shall, subject to the provisions of section 8 and subject to the same provisions as are applicable for the time being in the case of other members of the Indian Administrative Service in regard to the right of the Central Government to withdraw the whole or any part of pension or to order recovery of pension and the same conditions for grant of retirement benefits, be entitled on his retirement from service in accordance with the provisions of section 6, to receive by way of annuity rupees thirteen thousand three hundred and thirty three and one-third; (b) no death-cum-retirement gratuity benefits shall be available to or in respect of an I.C.S. Member of the Indian Administrative Service unless such member has exercised his option for such benefits before the appointed day in accordance with the order of the Central Government on that behalf and the


benefits admissible to or in relation to an I.C.S. member of the Service who so exercised his option shall be subject to the conditions specified in the said orders and to the same conditions for grant of retirement benefits as are applicable for the time being in the case of other members of the Indian Administrative Service. (c) no family pension benefits shall be admissible in relation to an I.C.S. member of the Indian Administrative Service unless such member exercised his option in respect of such benefits before the appointed day in accordance with the orders of the Central Government in that behalf and the benefits admissible in relation to I.C.S. member of in service who so exercised his option shall be subject to the conditions specified in the said orders. (d) the Provident Fund account of an I.C.S. member of the Indian Administrative Service shall be credited, on his retirement on previous death, with the same amount, if any, as would have been credited by way of contribution in accordance with the rules in force immediately before the appointed day. 8. Pension payable to former Secretary of State Service Officers in Indian currency only.- (1) No former Secretary of State Service Officer shall be entitled, or be deemed ever to have been entitled, to claim(a) pension in Sterling; or (b) that his pension shall be paid outside India; or (c) where his pension was expressed in Sterling or a fixed Sterling minimum was applicable in respect of the pension payable to him, that his pension shall be computed in the Rupee equivalent of the amount fixed in Sterling at a rate of exchange exceeding the rate of rupees thirteen and one-third to the Pound Sterling. Provided that in relation to every former Secretary of State Service officer who, having been in service on the 1st day of February, 1921, and domiciled in India on the date, is entitled immediately before the appointed day to claim his pension computed in the rupee equivalent of the amount fixed in sterling at a rate of exchange of rupees fifteen to a pound sterling, clause (c) shall have effect as if for the words "thirteen and one-third" the word "fifteen" was substituted: Provided further that every former Secretary of State Service Officer whose pension was expressed in sterling or in respect of whose pension a fixed sterling minimum was applicable, and who, immediately before the appointed day, is a foreigner having taken up permanent residence outside India, shall, so long as he continues to be a foreigner permanently residing outside India, be allowed to convert the annuity of rupees thirteen thousand three hundred and thirty-three and one-third or the annuity actually payable to him in rupees whichever is less, into pound sterling
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Inserted vide Amendment Act of 1975 (Act 24 of 1975) enacted on 12.05.1975.


at the rate of rupees thirteen and one-third to a pound sterling and the annuity so converted into pound sterling shall be paid outside India. Explanation 1.- Nothing contained in the foregoing proviso shall be deemed to entitle any former Secretary of State Service officer to claim conversion of amounts, representing the annuity or the commuted value thereof, already drawn in rupees before the commencement of the Former Secretary of State Service Officers (Conditions of Service) Amendment Act, 1975, into pound sterling. Explanation 2.- In this sub-section, the expression "foreigner" means a person who is not a citizen of India. 8(2) Notwithstanding any judgement, decree or order of any court, every former Secretary of State Service officer 3 [not being an officer to whom the first proviso or the second proviso to sub-section (1) applies,] who has been paid the rupee equivalent or, as the case may be, the pound sterling equivalent of his pension by calculating such pension with reference to a rate of exchange exceeding the rate of exchange of Rupees thirteen and one-third to the Pound Sterling, shall refund to the Central Government, or as the case may be, the State Government, the sum by which the amount paid to him exceeds the amount which would have been payable to him if the calculation had been made at the rate of exchange of Rupees thirteen and one-third to the Pound Sterling. 8(3) For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that the provisions of sub-sections (1) and (2) shall apply to a former Secretary of State Service officer who is holding or has held the office of the Chief Justice or other Judge of the Supreme Court or a High Court, the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, the Chairman or other member of the Union or a State Public Service Commission or the Chief Election Commissioner as they apply to other former Secretary of State Service officers. 9. Power of Central Government to adopt certain rules, regulations and orders.9(1) For the purpose of bringing the provisions of any rules and regulations made or deemed to have been made under the All India Services Act, 1951 or any rules, regulations or orders (including any other instrument having the force of Law) applicable immediately before the appointed day to or in relation to former Secretary of State Service officers into accord with the provisions of this Act, the Central Government may, before the expiration of two years from the appointment day, by order published in the Official Gazette, make such adaptations and modifications of such rules, regulations or orders, whether by way of repeal or amendment as may be necessary. 9(2) The provisions of sub-section (1) shall be in addition to and not in derogation of any power under any other law to amend or repeal the rules, regulations and orders referred to in that sub-section.
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Inserted vide Amendment Act of 1975 (Act 24 of 1975) enacted on 12.05.1975 Inserted vide Amendment Act of 1975 (Act 24 of 1975) enacted on 12.05.1975


10. Power to construe rules, regulations and orders.- Notwithstanding that no provision or insufficient provision has been made under section 9 for the adaptation of any rule, regulation or order referred to in that section, any court, tribunal or authority, required or empowered to enforce such rule, regulation or order may construe it with such modifications as may be necessary to bring it into accord with the provisions of this Act.


If the Central Government is satisfied that the conditions of service as respects any matter applicable to or in relation to, any class or category of former Secretary of State Service officers under section 6,7 or 8 or as respects any benefits by way of compensation for the increase in cost of living or any other reason, have become less favourable than those applicable to or in relation to any corresponding class or category of other officers of the Indian Administrative Service, or the Indian Police Service or, as the case may be, any comparable service, it may, notwithstanding anything contained in those sections by general or special order and subject to such conditions and restrictions (including conditions as to refund, adjustment or recovery), as may be specified therein, make such provisions as it may deem fit for securing, so far as may be, parity in such cases. Any order under sub-section (1) may be made so as to have retrospective effect. Every order made under sub-section (1) shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before each House of Parliament while it is in session, for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions, and if, before the expiry of the session immediately following the session or the successive session aforesaid, both Houses agree in making any modifications in the order or both Houses agree that the order should not be made, the order shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be, so, however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that order.



11. Powers to remove difficulties.11(1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act, the Central Government may, by general or special order published in the Official Gazette, for the purpose of removing the difficulty, make such provisions not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act as appear to it to be necessary or expedient: Provided that no such order shall be made under his section after the expiry of three years from the appointed day. 11(2) Every order made under sub-section (1) shall, as soon as may be after it is made, be laid before each House of Parliament.

Inserted vide Amendment Act of 1975 (Act 24 of 1975) enacted on 12.05.1975


12. Act to have over-riding effect.- The provisions of this Act or of any order made thereunder shall have effect notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith contained in any law other than this Act, or in any rule, regulation or order or other instrument having effect by virtue of any law than this Act. 13. Saving of orders in respect of disciplinary matters.- Any order in respect of disciplinary matter in relation to any I.C.S. member or the Indian Administrative Service or any I.P. member of the Indian Police Service in force immediately before the appointed day shall continue in force as from the appointed day: Provided that nothing in this section shall derogate from the powers of the competent authority to vary for rescind such orders. ORDERS ISSUED BY THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT UNDER SECTION 10A OF THE FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE SERVICE OFFICERS (CONDITIONS OF SERVICE) ACT, 1972. 1. Every I.C.S. member of the Indian Administrative Service who attains the age of fifty eight years on or after the 1st of April, 1974 shall retire compulsory on the afternoon of the last day of the month in which he attains the age of fifty-eight years: - In exercise of the powers conferred by section 10A or the Former Secretary of State Service Officers, (Conditions of Service) Act, 1972, the Central Government, being satisfied that the conditions regarding date of retirement applicable to an I.C.S. member of the Indian Administrative Service have become less favourable than those applicable to or in relation to the other members of the Indian Administrative Service, hereby orders that every I.C.S. member of the Indian Administrative Service who attains the age of fifty eight years on or after the 1st of April, 1974, and who is to retire in accordance with the provisions of clause (a) of Section 6 of the said Act on his attaining the age of fifty-eight years, shall retire compulsory on the afternoon of the last day of the month in which he attains the age of fifty-eight years: 2. Provided that in the case of a person who having attained the age of fifty-eight years retire from service on or after the 1st April, 1974 and before the date of publication of this Order such person shall only be entitled to the pay for the remaining days of the month in which he retires, subject to the recovery of any amount representing benefits by way of pension or otherwise for any period included in that month and to the consequential readjustment and refixation of annuity or other retirement benefits. Explanation:- For the removal of doubts it is hereby declared that a person whose date of birth falls on the first day of any month shall have attained the age of fifty-eight years on the afternoon of the last day of the preceding month. 3. This Order shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of April, 1974. [DP & AR Order No. 12012/1/75-AIS (III), dated the 17th May, 1975.] 2. An I.C.S. member of the Indian Administrative Service who retires from service on or after 1st January, 1973 can have the option for retirement benefit under the rules applicable to IAS officers: - In exercise of the powers conferred by section 10A of the Former Secretary of State Service Officers (Conditions of Service) Act, 1972


(hereinafter referred to as the said Act), the Central Government, being satisfied that the conditions regarding retirement benefits applicable to an I.C.S. member of the Indian Administrative Service, who retired or retires from service on or after 1st January, 1973, have become less favourable than those applicable to or in relation to the other officers of the Indian Administrative Service, hereby orders that every such I.C.S. member may, as respects annuity death-cum-retirement gratuity benefits, family pension and any other retirement benefits, exercise an option in writing on or before the 31st December, 1975, to be governed with effect from the 1st January, 1973, by the same rules and regulations as are applicable to the other members of the Indian Administrative Service, and upon the exercise of the option, every such I.C.S. member shall as respects annuity and other benefits aforesaid be governed as from the said date by the same rules and regulations as are applicable to the other members of the Indians Administrative Service: 2. Provided that every person who exercises the option as aforesaid shall not be entitled to the credit of any amount to the provident fund account as is referred to in clause (d) of section 7 of the said Act and where any such amount has already been credited to the provident fund of such members, the provisions of this Order shall apply to him only if such amount is refunded to the Government: 3. Provided further that the Central Government may, if satisfied that any person had reasonable cause for not exercising the option within the period aforesaid, permit him to exercise the option, the expiry of the period notwithstanding. [DP & AR Order No. 12012/1/75-AIS (II)-A, dated the 20th May, 1975.] 3. Every former Secretary of State Service officer, retired from service or who may retire and who receives his pensions in India, be granted ad- hoc relief or graded relief or both as admissible if he is member of the Indian Administrative Service or the Indian Police Service or, as the case may be, other comparable service, not being a former Secretary of State Service Officer: - In exercise of the powers conferred by section 10A of the Former Secretary of State Service Officers (Conditions of Service) Act, 1972, the Central Government being satisfied that the conditions regarding benefits by way of compensation for the increase in cost of living or otherwise applicable to former Secretary of State Service Officers have become less favourable than those applicable to or in relation to any corresponding class or category of other officers of the Indian Administrative Service or the Indian Police Service or any comparable service, hereby directs that every former Secretary of State Service officer who has retired from service or who may retire hereafter, and who receives his pensions in India, be granted such ad- hoc relief or graded relief or both as would be admissible to him if he is member of the Indian Administrative Service or the Indian Police Service or, as the case may be, other comparable service, not being a former Secretary of State Service Officer. 2. This Order shall be deemed to have come into force on 1st January, 1975. [DP & AR Order No. 12012/1/75-AIS (II)-B, dated the 20th May, 1975.] 4. Ad-hoc relief may be granted to the family pensioners of the former Secretary of State Service officers if it is less favourable than those of the corresponding IAS or IPS: - In exercise of the powers conferred by section 10-A of the Former Secretary of


State Service Officers (Conditions of Service Act, 1972 (59 of 1972) the Central Government, being satisfied that the conditions of service as respects relief in family pension by way of compensation for the increase in cost of living or otherwise applicable to former Secretary of State Service officers have become less favourable than those applicable to or in relation to the corresponding category of other officers of the Indian Administrative Service or the Indian Police Service or any comparable service, hereby directs that the family or a former Secretary of State Service officer, that receives or may in future receive family pension in India, be granted such ad hoc relief or graded relief or both as would be admissible to the family of a member of the Indian Administrative Service or the Indian Police Service or, as the case may be, any other comparable service, not being a former Secretary of State Service Officer. [DP & AR Order No. 25011/9/76-AIS (II)-B, dated the 15th June,1977.] [MHA ORDER NO. 31/7/72-AIS (III), dated 1-10-1972.] 5. Government of India order for ICS officers regarding Provident fund: - In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 9 of the Former Secretary of State Service Officers (Conditions of Service) Act, 1972 (59 of 1972), the Central Government hereby makes the following Order, namely:1. (1) This Order may be called the Former Secretary of State Service Officers (Adaptation of Provident Fund Rules) Order, 1972. (2) It shall come into force on the 1st day of October, 1972. 2. In the All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955,(a) in rule 2, after clause (g), following clauses shall be inserted, namely:(gg) "Indian Civil Service member of the Indian Administrative Service means a person who was initially appointed to the Civil Service of the Crown in India known as the Indian Civil Service and who subsequently became a member of the Indian Administrative Service: (ggg) "Indian Police member of the Indian Police Service" means a person who was initially appointed to the Police Service of the Crown in India known as the Indian Police and who subsequently became a member of the Indian Police Service. (b) in rule 3, after sub-rule (4) the following sub rules shall be inserted, namely:"(5) In the case of an Indian Civil Service member of the Indian Administrative Service, his credit in the Indian Civil Service Provident Fund and in the Indian Civil Service (Non-European Members) Provident Fund shall be transferred to this Fund. (6) In the case of an Indian Police member of the Indian Police Service, his credit in the Secretary of State's Services General Provident Fund shall be transferred to this Fund."


(c) rule 29 shall be re-numbered as sub-rule (1) thereof, and after the sub-rule as so re-numbered, the following sub-rule shall be inserted namely:"(2) The account of each Indian Civil Service member of the Indian Administrative Service shall be credited on his retirement, or previous death, with a sum of Rs.6, 000." 3. The Indian Civil Service (Provident Fund) Rules, 1943, the Indian Civil Service (Non-European Members) Provident Fund Rules, 1943 and the Secretary of State's Services (General Provident Fund) Rules, 1943 are hereby repealed. 4. The provisions of section 6 of the General Clauses Act, 1897 (10 of 1897) shall apply to the repeal effected by rule 3 as if such repeal were a repeal of an enactment by a Central Act. **********


In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951), the Central Government, after consultation with the Governments of the States concerned, hereby makes the following rules, namely : 1. Short title and commencement. (1) These rules may be called the All India Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1975. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. DefinitionIn these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, a member of the Service means a member of an All India Service, as defined in section 2 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951).

3. Regulation of Leave Travel Concession (1) The Leave Travel Concession of a member of the Service, serving in connection with the affairs of the Union, shall be regulated in the same manner and subject to the same conditions, as are applicable to the officers of the Central Civil Services, Group A. (2) The Leave Travel Concession of a member of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the State, shall be regulated in the same manner, and subject to the same conditions, as are applicable to the officers of the State Civil Services, Class I:

Provided that the concession afforded to a member of the Service under this sub-rule shall not at any time be inferior to that to which he would be entitled under sub-rule (1), had he been appointed to serve in connection with the affairs of the Union. 4. InterpretationIf any question arises as to the interpretation of these rules, it shall be referred to the Central Government for decision.
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Substituted vide Notification No. 11022/1/76-AIS(II), dated 12th May, 1977


Added vide DP&AR Notification No. 24/2/74-AIS(II), dated 10.2.1975,



GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISIONS UNDER RULE 3 1. LTC is not admissible to visit a place outside India. (D P & AR File No. 11022/1/77-AIS(II). 2. Government servant under suspension cannot avail of LTC: - A question has been raised whether LTC is admissible during the period of suspension. It is clarified that a Government servant under suspension cannot avail of LTC as he cannot get any leave including casual leave during the period of suspension. As he continues to be in service during the period of suspension, members of his family are entitled to LTC. [DP & AR File No. 11022/1/77-AIS (II)] 3. in a particular block of years, a moS serving under the State Government can exercise option to be governed by either Central Rules or the States Rules in toto : Proviso to rule 3(2) of LTC Rules empowers an officer to opt for the Central Rules. It is clarified that in a particular block of years, a member of the Service serving under the State Government can exercise option to be governed by either Central Rules or the States Rules in toto. It is not permissible to pick up certain features of the State Rules and certain other features of the Central Rules for the purpose of claims. (D P & AR letter No. 11022/6/77-AIS(II), dated 1st October, 1977). 4. LTC advance can be drawn 60 days before the proposed date of outward journey: Under Central Government Rules, a Government servant can draw advance in respect of the journey proposed to be performed under the Leave Travel Concession scheme by himself and/or by members of his family 60 days before the proposed date of the outward journey. He should however produce railway cash receipts within ten days of the drawal of the advance to the competent authority to show that he has actually utilised the amount to purchase the tickets. These orders are applicable to All India Service officers also, who are governed by the Central Rules. [DP&AR File No. 11022/3/78-AIS(II)] 5. For LTC to visit any place in India (other than home town), once in a block of four years, the reimbursement of fare may be allowed for the entire distance both ways without any deduction in respect of the first 400/160 kms as at present: - The Central Government have decided that in the case of Leave Travel Concession to visit any place in India (other than home town), once in a block of four years, the reimbursement of fare may be allowed for the entire distance both ways without any deduction in respect of the first 400/160 kms as at present. Leave Travel Concession to home town shall also be admissible irrespective of the distance between the headquarters of the Government Servant and his home-town once in a block of two calender years. (D P & AR letters No.31011/10/77-Estt.(A); dated 1.9.78 and 31011/2/84-Estt.(A) dated 11.7.85.)


6. The simplified procedure laid down in the D P & AR OM No. 31011/1/77-Estt.A, dated the 1 October, 1977 is applicable to members of All India Services also, who are governed by the Central Rules. (D P & AR letter No. 11022/1/77-AIS(II), dated 7th November, 1977.) Copy of DP&AR OM No. 31011/1/77-Estt.(A) dated 1st October, 1977 on simplification and rationalisation of procedures relating to leave travel concession Scheme Recommendations of Task Force. The undersigned is directed to say that the Government of India have had under consideration the question of rationalising and simplifying the procedure regulating the claims of Central Government employees under the Leave Travel Concession Scheme. A Task Force was constituted to go into the matter and after considering their recommendations, Government have decided that the existing Leave Travel Concession Scheme for Central Government servants, as amended from time to time, shall be modified to the extent indicated below with immediate effect: (i) It is not necessary to have an elaborate check on the declaration of home town by an employee. The declaration made by the Government servant initially may be accepted and a detailed check may be applied only when he seeks a change. (ii) Advance on account of Leave Travel Concession may be sanctioned by the Head of the Office instead of by the Controlling Officer. (iii) Where the shortest route by which the journey is required to be performed is disrupted due to accidents or other causes, the power to grant reimbursement by the actual route travelled may be exercised by the Controlling Authority, instead of by the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms, in consultation with Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) as at present. 7. Extension of the facility of LTC by private airlines to All India Service officers: - I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to say that the matter regarding allowing the journey by private airlines while availing LTC by All India Service officers has been considered in this Department and it is conveyed that the provisions of this Ministrys O.M.No.31011/2/2006-Estt.(A) dated 24.4.2006 read with Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditures O.M.No.19024/1/E.IV/2005 dated 24.3.2006 (copies enclosed) maybe extended to these officers. [Letter No.11022/3/2006-AIS-II dated 4 May, 2006] Copy of [DOPT O.M.No. 31011/2/2006-Estt (A) dated 24th April 2006 regarding regulation of journeys by private airlines while availing Leave Travel Concession. 1. The undersigned is directed to refer to the Department of Expenditure OM.No.7(2)/E.Coord dated 23rd November, 2005 vide which certain measures to budget/expenditure management were issued. One of the measures was to avail the competitive prices and various schemes and concessional fares being offered by private airlines while undertaking official travel. The matter as to whether the journeys by private airlines could be allowed while availing LTC has been considered. It has been decided that the officers entitled to air travel by National Carrier under existing orders may be permitted to travel by private airlines also while availing LTC. 2. It has also been decided that while availing LTC, the air journeys by nonentitled officers (both by national and private airlines) between places connected by train may be allowed, provided the reimbursement of the fare would be restricted to the entitled class by rail other than Rajdhani / Shatabdi Express. They are also required to 749
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produce the air-ticket/boarding pass and a receipt from the concerned airlines showing the fare paid by the concerned officers, if the ticket does not indicate the airfare, while claiming reimbursement of LTC. 3. The above concession is further subject to the following conditions:(i) Conditions laid down in Department of Expenditure OM No.19024/1/E.IV/2005 dated 24.03.2006 (copy enclosed) regarding air travel by Government servants within India during official visits would be applicable in case of LTC, mutatismutandis. (ii) In case the cost paid for an air ticket (in view of promotional schemes of private airlines) is less than the train fare by the entitled class, the reimbursement by the Government will be limited to the actual air fare or entitled train fare whichever is less. 4. In their application to the staff serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, these orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. 5. This issues in consultation with Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide their ID No. 145/E.IV/05 dated 12.04.2006. Copy of the Ministry of Finance,




O.M.No.19024/1/E.IV/2005 dated 24 Government servants within India.

March, 2006 regarding Air Travel by

The existing instructions on travel by air by Government servants during official visits within India provide that air travel is permissible by the National Carriers viz. Indian Airlines and Air India in ordinary circumstances. Department of Expenditure OM No. 19036/8/95-E.IV dated 4 December,1997 and OM No.19036/8/95-99/E.IV dated 20 August, 1999 refer in the matter. 2. Department of Expenditure OM No. 7(2)E.Coord/2005, dated November 23, 2005 regarding Budget/Expenditure Management: Economy measures rationalization of expenditure, and measures for augmentation of revenues, inter alia, provides that:The air travel, both domestic and overseas, on official account would not be permissible on airlines other than Air India/Indian Airlines also, provided the criteria for selecting the alternative airline for official travel are based on better and more competitive prices being offered by the other airlines. Various incentive schemes and concessional fares offered by Air India/Indian Airlines will also be fully utilized to ensure utmost economy in air travel.
th th


3. The following guidelines are being issued accordingly to take advantage of the increasing competition and the air travel schemes of various airlines offering significant discounts on normal fares, in order to enable economy in undertaking air travel, without in any way taking away the existing entitlements:(i) The basic criteria for selecting airlines other than Indian Airlines/Air India would be better and more competitive prices being offered by he other airlines. (ii) Various incentive schemes and concessional fares offered by Indian Airlines/Air India will also be fully utilized. (iii) Each officer who is undertaking domestic travel by air, within his entitled class, should endeavour to take advantage of the concessions being provided by the airlines, to effect possible savings vis--vis the normal fares. (iv) Officers should try to make their bookings in advance to the extent possible, so that benefits of discounted fares can be obtained. However, the official work should not be deferred because discounted fares are not available. (v) Under no circumstances, should the fare exceed the normal fare of the entitled class offered by Indian Airlines/Air India or their subsidiaries. (vi) Individual officers are encouraged to make bookings through the internet. It would require a credit card through which payments can be made. Reimbursement of service charge expenses on such credit card would be permissible. (vii) Schemes offered by airlines which are co-branded with the credit cards can also be availed. However, this would need one time prior approval of the concerned Financial Adviser/Competent Authority for obtaining and utilizing such credit card. (viii) Wherever the officer seeks to utilize the service of travel agents, it should be limited to M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company and M/s Ashok Travels and Tours. The above agencies would also ensure that procurement of tickets is made on the best available bargain across all airlines. 4. These guidelines are issued in partial modification of any other existing orders on the subject and would apply to domestic air travel only. The guidelines for air travel abroad will be issued separately. 5. All Ministries/Departments of the India of India are requested to strictly adhere to these instructions. Copy of DOPT O.M.No. 31011/2/2006-Estt (A) dated 21st May, 2007 regarding regulation of journeys by private airlines while availing Leave Travel Concession: The undersigned is directed to refer to this Departments O.M.No.31011/2/2006-Estt.(A) dated 24th April, 2006 regarding regularization of journey by private airline while availing Leave Travel Concession (LTC), where it has been inter alia stated that air journeys by non-entitled officers between places connected by train may be allowed, provided the reimbursement of the fare would be restricted to the entitled class by rail other than RajdhaniShatabdi Express. 2. In partial modification of the above provision, it has now been decided that the reimbursement may also be given at the rates applicable for Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express trains, provided the Government servant is entitled to it and the headquarter of the Government servant/permissible place of commencement of journey and the home town/destination under All India LTC is directly connected by the above mentioned trains and two stations between which the air travel has been performed are connected by Rajdhani/Shatabdi trains. In case the fare paid for the air ticket on LTC is less than 751

the fare being charged for Rajdhani/Shatabdi type trains, the reimbursement would be limited to the actual expenditure. All pending cases may be settled accordingly in terms of this order. However, past cases already settled will not be re-opened. 3. The above orders will be applicable with effect from the date of issue of this Office Memorandum. 4. In their application to the staff serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, these orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. 5. This issues in consultation with Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide their I.D.No.84/E-IV/2007, dated 9th May, 2007. Copy of DOPT O.M.No. 31011/5/2007-Estt (A) dated 7th September, 2007 regarding relaxation in LTC Rules delegation of powers to Ministries/Departments regarding time limit for the submission of the claim: Rules 14 & 15 of LTC Rules provide that a claim for reimbursement of expenditure incurred is to be submitted within three months after the completion of the return journey, if no advance had been drawn. It has now been decided to delegate the powers to relax these provisions to the Ministries/Departments, where a Government servant is not in a position to submit the claim within the prescribed time limit and the Ministry/Department is satisfied that he was not able to do so due to compelling circumstances beyond his control. The Ministry/Department concerned with the concurrence of Financial Advisor can admit the claims in such cases in relaxation of the provisions subject to the following time limit without reference to DoP&T:(a) Where no LTC advance is taken, LTC bill submitted within a period not exceeding six months. (b) Where LTC advance has been drawn the LTC claim for reimbursement submitted within a period of three months after the completion of return journey (provided the Government servant refunds the entire advance within 45 days after the completion of the ruturn journey). 2. Ministries/Department are requested to keep these instruction in view while processing belated LTC claims. 3. These instructions will be effective from the date of issue of this O.M.

Copy of DOPT O.M.No. 31011/2/2006-Estt (A) dated 3rd December, 2007 regarding Central Civil Services(LTC) Rules, 1988 clarification regarding reimbursement of fare in respect of air travel by non-entitled officers: After issue of DOP&T O.M. No. 31011/2/2006-Estt.(A) dated 24th April, 2006 and dated 21st May, 2007 regarding regulation of journeys by private airlines while availing Leave Travel Concession. Certain clarifications have been sought by Government sevants/various Ministries/Departments from time to time. The doubt raised by various authorities are clarified as under: Points raised 1. Clarification

As per DOP&T O.M.No. 31011/2/2006- Yes. As per DOP&T O.M. Estt.(A) dated 24th April, 2006 journey by No.31011/2/2007-Estt.(A) dt. 21st private airlines is permissible to non-entitled May,2007 re-imbursement at the 752

officer for LTC subject to condition that reimbursement of fare would be restricted to the entitled class by rail. Whether train fare upto Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express is reimbursable? rates applicable for Rajdhani/ Shatabdi Express trains is permissible provided the Government servant is entitled to travel by such trains in such class and the places visited or the portion traveled by air is directly connected by Rajdhani /Shatabdi. Thus, the DOP&T O.M.No. 31011/8/1998-Estt.(A) dated 31.3.1999 stands modified to this extent in respect of item 5 therein. All the other clarifications regarding reimbursement of fare by Rajdhani/Shatabdi trains contained in this Departments O.M. No.31011/8/1998-Estt(A) dated 31.3.1999 will continue to apply while regulating the admissible fare in the case of such air journeys on LTC. If full air fare has been charged by the airlines and paid by the Government servant the reimbursement would be restricted to the full train fare entitled class including Rajdhani/Shatabdi.


If the Home Town/place of visit under All India LTC of an employee is connected by Train/Road but is not directly connected by Air Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express Trains. In such a case can the employee be entitled to re-imbursement of fare by Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express Trains and partly by rail/road. If a Government employee/his family member is entitled to concessional train fare such as Senior citizen, Student concession, children etc. whether in case of air travel, the reimbursement would be restricted to such concessional fare by train to entitled class.


8. Issue of fresh instructions under All India Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1975: It is conveyed that the instructions/clarifications contained in this Departments following four Office Memoranda may be extended to the All India Services officers: 1. 2. 3. 4. No.31011/3/2008-Estt.(A), dated 07.02.2007. No.31011/6/2002-Estt.(A), dated 26.03.2008. No.31011/4/2007-Estt.(A), dated 02.05.2008. No.31011/4/2007-Estt.(A), dated 14.05.2008. [DOPT letter No.11022/2/2008-AIS-II, dated 10th June, 2008]

Copy of DOPT Office Memorandum No. 31011/3/2008-Estt.(A), dated 07.02.2007 The undersigned is directed to say that as per instructions contained in Ministry of Home Affairs OM No.43/15/59-Estt.(A) dated 19.7.1960, LTC (Home Town) may be availed in combination with transfer/tour. The question of extending this facility to All India LTC (anywhere in the country in a block of 4 years) has been considered and it has been decided that the provisions of the aforesaid OM dated 19.7.1960 will also be applicable for All India LTC availed in combination with transfer/tour. 753

2. Tour T.A. and transfer T.A. shall be regulated in terms of relevant instructions of Ministry of Finance. 3. These orders will take effect from the date of issue but claims which were pending on the date of issue may be regulated under these orders. Past cases in which decisions have already been taken will not be re-opened. 4. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders have been issued after consultation with the Comptroller and Audit General.

Copy of DOPT Office Memorandum No. 31011/6/2002-Estt.(A), dated 26.03.2008: The undersigned is directed to say that under the existing instructions contained in this Departments O.M.No.31011/6/2002-Estt.(A) dated 30th July, 2002, Leave Travel Concession is qualify for the purpose of availing if the tour is conducted by ITDC/STDC either in their own buses or buses hired or chartered by them from outside provided the ITDC/STDCs certify that the journey has been actually been performed by the Government servant and his family members for which he is claiming the LTC. The Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd.(IRCTC), a Government of India enterprise under Ministry of Railways is also offering package to LTC facility availers across India. It has been decided that the tours conducted by IRCTC will also qualify for the purpose of availing LTC on the lines of ITDC/STDCs subject to the following conditions:(1) A certificate will be issued by the IRCTC Ltd. that the journey has actually been performed by the Government servant and his family members for which he is claiming the Leave Travel Concession. (2) IRCTC Ltd. will indicate separately the rail fare and bus fare competent.

Copy of DOPT Office Memorandum No.31011/4/2007-Estt.(A) dated 2 May, 2008 regarding CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988 - Relaxation for travel by air to visit NER: The undersigned is directed to say that in relaxation of CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988, the Government have decided to permit Government servants to travel by air to North Eastern Region on LTC as follows:(i) Group A and Group B Central Government employees will be entitled to travel by Air from their place of posting or nearest airport to a city in the NER or nearest airport. Other categories of employees will be entitled to travel by air to a city in the NER from Guwahati or Kolkata. All Central Government employees will be allowed conversion of one block of Home Town LTC into LTC for destinations in NER.



2. These orders shall be in operation for a period of two years from the date of issue of this O.M. 3. Data regarding number of Government employees availing LTC to NER may be maintained. 754

4. In their application to the staff serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, these orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. Copy of DOPT Office Memorandum No. No.31011/4/2007-Estt.(A) dated 14th May, 2008 Regarding Central Civil Services (LTC) Rules, 1988- clarification regarding reimbursement of fare in respect of travel by air to visit NER : After issue of DOP&T O.M. No. 31011/4/2007-Estt.(A) dated 2nd May, 2008 allowing Government servants to travel by air to North Eastern Region on LTC Clarifications on certain points have been sought by Government servants/ various Ministries/ Departments. The doubts raised by various authorities are clarified as under:Points raised 1. Whether Sikkim included in NER? Clarification is Yes. NER includes Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim& Tripura. No. On LTC Government employees can travel only in (y) class in a passenger plane of airlines. Yes. DOP&T vide O.M. No. 31011/2/2006-Estt.(A) dated 24/4/2006 has allowed LTC journey by private airlines subject the conditions laid down in the Department of Expenditure O.M. No.19024/1/E.IV/2005 dated 24th March, 2006 regarding air travel by Government servants within India during official visits. However, in the case of visit to NER in terms of O.M. dated 2.5.2008, full fare will be admissible to the categories of employees indicated therein. Yes. A Government employees is entitled to travel by air from their place of posting (or nearest airport) to a city in the NER (or nearest airport)



Whether Government employees travel by Helicopter? Whether a Government servant can travel by private airlines?



Whether a Government servant visiting Sikkim can travel by air upto Bagdogra which is not situated in NER? Whether a Government employee who has already availed All India LTC is entitled for LTC to visit NER in terms of O.M. dated 2.5.2008?



Whether air fare of children whose full fare is charged by the airlines is reimbursed? Whether Non Gazetted Group B officers are entitled to travel by air to

A Government employee can avail LTC to visit NER by conversion of one block of home-town LTC, if the same is available. However, the Government employees whose headquarters and home-town being same are not entitled for home-town LTC and the question of conversion of home-town LTC into LTC for NER in such cases does not arise. If full air fare has been charged by the airlines and paid by the Government servant the same will be reimbursed. Yes. Group A Group B Central Government employees (Gazetted and Non-Gazetted) will be entitled to travel by Air from their place of posting 755

NER 8. Whether Government employee who has already availed one home town LTC in the current block can avail LTC to visit NER? India Airlines etc. are offering Package Tours. Whether total package is reimbursable? (or nearest airport) to a city in the NER (or nearest airport). Yes. He can avail it against All India LTC.


In LTC, fare at the normal rate for the entitled class between headquarters and place of visit by shortest route or cost actually paid whichever is less is reimbursable.

9. Acceptance of recommendations of 6th Central Pay Commission relating to LTC for All India Services officers: I am directed to enclose herewith copy of the latest instructions of the Government regarding LTC to Central Government employees and to state that the instructions contained in this Departments Office Memorandum no. 31011/4/2008-Estt.(A), dated 23rd September, 2008 will also be applicable to the All India Services officers. [DOPT letter no.11022/2/2008-AIS-II, dated 7th October, 2008] Copy of DOPT Office Memorandum No. F.No. 31011/4/2008- Estt.(A) dated 23rd September, 2008 regarding Acceptance of Recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission relating to LTC : Consequent upon the acceptance of the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission, it has been decided to make necessary additions/changes in the CCS(LTC) Rules, 1988 as indicated below:Rule 4(d) Definition of family The parents and /or step parents (stepmother and stepfather)who are wholly dependenton the Government employees shall be included in the definition of family for the purpose ofLTC, irrespective of whether they are residing with the Government employee or not. The definition of dependency will be linked to the minimum family pension prescribed in Central Government and dearness relief thereon. The extant conditions in respect of other relations included in the family including married / divorced / abandoned / separated / widowed daughters shall continue without any change. Rule 8 Types of LTC Fresh recruits to Central Government may be are allowed to travel to their home town along with their families on three occasions in a block of four years and to any place in India on the fourth occasion. This facility shall be available to the Government officers only for the first two blocks of four years applicable after joining the Government for the first time. The blocks of 4 years shall apply with reference to the initial date of joining the Government even though the employee changes the job within Government subsequently. The existing blocks will remain the same but the entitlements of the new recruit will be different in the first eight years of service. All other provisions concerning frequency of travel under LTC are retained. 756

Rule 12 Entitlement Travel entitlements, for the purpose of official tour/transfer or LTC, will be the same but no daily allowance shall be admissible for travel on LTC. Further, the facility shall be admissible only in respect of journeys performed in vehicles operated by the Government or any Corporation in the public sector run by the Central or State Government or a local body. Air Journey by Private Airlines will however, continue to be admissible as per Ministry of Finance O.M. No. 19024/1/E-IV/2005 dated the 24th March, 2006 and in terms of the orders of DOPT in this regard..

Encashment of Earned Leave alongwith LTC Government officers are allowed to encash ten days earned leave at the time of availing of LTC to the extent of sixty days during the entire career. The leave encashed at the time of LTC will not be deducted from the maximum amount of earned leave encashable at the time of retirement. It is further clarified that where both husband and wife are Government servants, the present entitlement for availing LTC shall remain unchanged, and encashment of leave equal to 10 days at the time of availing of LTC will continue to be available to both, subject to a maximum of sixty days each during the career. 2. These changes are effective from 1st September, 2008.

3. The LTC claim pertaining to the period prior to 318t August, 2008 shall be regulated as per rules applicable on the date of journey and LTC claims already settled will not be reopened. 4. In so far as persons working in the Indian Audit & Accounts Department are concerned, these orders are being issued in consultation with C & A.G. of India. 5. Hindi version will follow.

Copy of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure OM No. 7(1)/E.Coord./2008, dated 10th November, 2008 regarding guidelines on Economy Measures and Rationalization of Expenditure in connection with LTC: Reference is invited to the guidelines on austerity measures issued vide O.M. of even number dated 5th June, 2008 and DoPT O.M. No. 31011/4/2008-Estt.(A) dated 23rd September, 2008 regarding acceptance of Sixth Pay Commissions recommendations related to LTC. Vide the O.M. of DoPT, it has been stipulated that travel entitlements for the purpose fo official tour/transfer of LTC will be the same but no daily allowance will be admissible for travel on LTC. In order to meet the objective of expenditure management in view of the corrent Economy Measures, it is further stipulated that insofar as travel on LTC is concerned for those entitled to travel by air, the cheapest economy fare ticket will be allowed, irrespective of entitlement of such officers to travel while on tour. These orders come into effect from the date of issue.

10. Expenditure Management Economy Measures and Rationalization of Expenditure Guidelines relating to LTC clarification for All India Service officers : I am directed to enclose herewith copy of the latest guidelines of the Government regarding LTC to Central Government employees and to state that the instructions contained in this 757

Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditures Office Memorandum no. 7(1)/E.Coord/2008, dated 10th November, 2008 and 4th December, 2008 will also be applicable to the All India Services officers. [DOPT letter no.11022/2/2008-AIS-II, dated 15th January, 2009]

Copy of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure OM No. 7(1)/E.Coord./2008, dated 4th December, 2008. The undersigned is directed to refer to OM of even number dated 10 November 2008 regarding expenditure management and guidelines for LTC. In view of the reference received in regard to the difficulties in determination of cheapest economy fare, it is clarified that officers and/or their families may choose to travel on LTC by any airline provided that the fare does not exceed the fares offered by NACL (Air India) under their LTC 80 scheme effective from 1 December, 2008 for sectors covered under the scheme, details of which are available on the website concession. For sectors not covered by the LTC 80 scheme of NACIL, officers should ensure that cheapest economy tickets are purchased by either booking through internet/ airlines directly/authorized travel agents. 2. It may also be certified by each officer while submitting his/her LTC claim that no other benefit, other than air travel, has been availed of as a part of any package offered by any airline. 3. These orders will be applicable in the case of tickets booked on after the date of issue. In respect of tickets booked between 10 November 2008 and the date of issue of these orders. LTC claims may be processed for clearance provided full fare economy tickets have not been purchased and no other benefits, except air travel, have been availed of. Copy of DOPT Office Memorandum No. 3l0II/4/2008-Est1.(A) dated 3rd June, 2009 regarding travel entitlement for the purpose of Leave Travel Concession: The undersigned is directed to refer to O.M. of even No. dated 23rd September, 2008 which says that the travel entitlements while on LTC and official tour/transfer will be the same but no daily allowance shall be admissible for travel on LTC. Subsequently, the Ministry of Finance, vide their O.M.No.7(1)/E.Coord/2008 dated 10th November, 2008, had stipulated that in the case of travel on LTC for those entitled to travel by air, only the cheapest economy fare ticket will be allowed, irrespective of their entitlements on tour. A number of references are being received in this Department to restore the travel entitlements as per the O.M. dated 23rd September, 2008. 2. The matter has been examined in this Department in consultation with the Ministry of Finance and it has now been decided to restore the travel entitlements for LTC as stipulated vide O.M. dated 23rd September, 2008. The Ministry of Civil Aviation may bring out a scheme on the lines of LTC 80 for travel by business class. The officers and/or their families may chose to travel on LTC by any airline provided the fare does not exceed the fares offered by NACIL (Air India) under their new LTC scheme for business class. 3. These orders shall take effect from the date of issue.



Issue of fresh instructions under All India Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1975: I am directed to enclose herewith copies of the instructions/clarifications

issued by the Central Government under CCS(LTC) Rules, 1988 during 2009-2010 and to state that, these instructions wherever applicable, may be invoked in respect of All India Services officers in respective State cadre in terms of the provisions contained in rule 3 of All India Services(Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1975. The list of such OMs issued by the Central Government is as follows:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. No.31011/4/2008-Estt.(A) dated 3.6.2009. No.31011/2/2006-Estt.(A) dated 27.7.2009. No.19024/1/2009-E.IV dated 13.7.2009. No.31011/2/2006-Estt.(A) dated 9.9.2009. No.31011/3/2009-Estt.(A) dated 28.10.2009. No.31011/6/2002-Estt.(A) dated 2.12.2009. No.31011/2/2006-Estt.(A) dated 11.3.2010. No.31011/4/2007-Estt.(A) dated 20.4.2010. No.31011/4/2007-Estt.(A) dated 23.4.2010. No.31011/2/2003-Estt.(A-IV) dated 18.6.2010. No.31011/2/2003-Estt.(A) dated 5.8.2010. No.19024/1/2009-E.IV dated 16.9.2010.
[DOPT letter no.11022/2/2008-AIS-II, dated 18th October, 2010] Copy of DOPT Office Memorandum No.31011/4/2008-Estt.(A) dated 3rd June, 2009 regarding Travel entitlement for the purpose of Leave Travel Concession: The undersigned is directed to OM of even No. dated 23rd September, 2008 which says that the travel entitlements while on LTC and official tour/transfer will be the same but no daily shall be admissible for travel on LTC. Subsequently, the Ministry of Finance, vide their O.M. No.7(1)/E.Coord./2008 dated 10th November, 2008, had stipulated that in the case of travel on LTC for those entitled to travel by air, only the cheapest economy fare ticket will be allowed, irrespective of their entitlement on tour. A number of references are being received in his Department to restore the travel entitlements as per the O.M. dated 23rd September, 2008. 2. The matter has been examined in this Department in consultation with the Ministry of Finance and it has now been decided to restore the travel entitlement for LTC as stiplulated vide O.M. dated 23rd September, 2008. The Ministry of Civil Aviation may bring out a scheme on the lines of LTC 80 for travel by business class. The officers and/or their families may chose to travel on LTC by any airline provided the fare does not exceed the fare offered by NACIL (Air India) under their new LTC scheme for business class. 3. 4. These orders shall take effect from the date of issue. Hindi version will follow.

Copy of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure OM No. 19024/2/2009-E.IV, dated 13th July, 2010 regarding Air Travel on official account both domestic and international : In partial modification of this Ministrys OM No.F.No.7(2)/E.Coord /2005 and in supersession of this Ministrys OM No.19024/1/E.IV/2005 dated 24.3.2006, it 759

has been decided that in all cases of air travel, both domestic and international, where the Government of India bears the cost of air passage, the official concerned may travel only by Air India. 2. For travel to stations not connected by Air India, the officials may travel by Air India to the hub/point closet to their eventual destination, beyond which they may utilise the services of another airline which should also preferably be an alliance partner of Air India. 3. In all cases of deviation from these orders because of operational or other reasons or on account of non-availability, individual cases may be referred to the Ministry of Civil Aviation for relaxation. 4. All Ministries/Departments of the Government of India are requested to strictly adhered to these instructions. 5. These orders will also apply to officials in autonomous bodies funded by Government of India.

Copy of DOPT Office Memorandum No. 3l0II/2/2006-Est1.(A) dated 27th July, 2009 regarding Regulation of Journey by air while availing Leave Travel Concessionclarification : The undersigned is directed to refer to Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure O.M.No. I9024/1/2009-E.lV dated 13/7/2009 modifying the O.M. No. 7(2)/E.Coord/2005 dated 23rd November, 2005 and superseding of O.M.No. I9024/l/E.lV/2005 dated 24/3/2006. It has been decided by the Department of Expenditure that in all cases of air travel both domestic and international where the Government of India bears the cost of air passage, the officials concerned may travel only by air India. The matter whether these orders will apply in cases of LTC has been considered in consultation with Ministry of Finance, Department of expenditure and it is confirmed that these orders/conditions will apply in cases of LTC also.

Copy of DOPT Office Memorandum No. 31011/2/2006-Estt.(A) dated 9th Sept, 2009 regarding regulation of journey by air while availing Leave Travel Concession clarification: The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's O.M. of even No. dated 27.7.2009 on the above subject and to say that consequent to issue of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure O.M.No. 7(1) E.Coord/2009 dated 7/9/2009 on expenditure management the reimbursement of the expenses on air travel while availing of the Leave Travel Concession by Government servants will be restricted to the cost of travel by the economy class, irrespective of entitlement, with immediate effect.

Copy of DOPT Office Memorandum No. 31011/3/2009-Estt.(A) dated 28th October, 2009 regarding use of own car/hired taxi on LTC journey on account of physical hardship: 1. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Departments O.M. No.31011/4/2008-Estt.(A) dated 23.9.2008 in which it was stipulated that LTC facility 760

shall be admissible only in respect of journeys performed in vehicles operated by the Government or any corporation in the public sector run by the Central or State Government or a local body. 2. Instances have come to notice where Government servants on account of physical hardship/disability of self or dependant family members are unable to perform the LTC journey by the authorized modes of transport and are compelled to undertake the journey by own car or private taxi. Representations are being received to allow reimbursement in such cases. Matter has been examined in consultation with the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure and it has been decided in relaxation of LTC Rules to authorize the Head of Department to allow use of own/hired taxi for LTC journey on account of disability of the Government servant or dependent family member after obtaining following papers/conditions to avoid misuse of such relaxation:(i) Medical Certificate from competent authority.

(ii) Undertaking from Government servant that journey in authorized mode is not feasible and he actually travelled by own car/hired taxi. (iii) Such claim should not be more than journey performed by the entitled class by rail/air by the shortest route. 3. Hindi version will follow.

Copy of DOPT Office Memorandum No. 14028/3/2008-Estt.(L) dated 16th November, 2009 regarding Recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission relating to encashment of leave in respect of Central Government employees: 1. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's O.M. of even number dated 25th September, 2008 on the subject mentioned above according to which encashment of leave in respect of central Government employees will be considered both for earned leave and half pay leave subject to overall limit of 300 days and in respect of encashment of half pay leave, no reduction shall be made on account of pension and pension equivalent of other retirement benefits. In case of shortfall in earned leave, no commutation of half pay leave is permissible. The order was made effective from the lSt September, 2008. The matter was reconsidered in this Department in consultation with the Department of Expenditure (Implementation Cell) and it has been decided to modify the date of effect of this Department's 0.M of even number dated 25th September, 2008 to O1.01.2006 instead of 01.09.2008 subject to the following conditions:(i) The benefit will be admissible in respect of past cases on receipt of applications to that effect from the pensioners concerned by the Administrative Ministry concerned. In respect of retirees who have already received encashment of earned leave of maximum limit of 300 days together with encashment of HPL standing at their credit on the date of retirement, such cases need not be reopened. However, such cases in which there was a shortfall in reaching the maximum limit of 300 days can be reopened. Calculation of cash equivalent in respect of HPL at credit shall be made mutatis mutandis in the manner given in this Department's O.M. of even number dated 25.09.2008. 761



2. In respect of persons serving in the Indian Audit & Accounts Departments, these O.M. issues with the concurrence of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

Copy of DOPT Office Memorandum No. 14028/2/2009-Estt.(L) dated 24th November, 2009 regarding Encashment of earned leave along with LTC: The undersigned is directed to refer to DOP&T O.M.No. 31011/4/2008-Estt.(A), dated 24th November, 2009 allowing encashment of earned leave alongwith LTC and to say that various references are being received from Ministries Departments with regard to the applicability of Rule 38-A of the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 to the Central Govt. employees. In this regard it is clarified that: (1) Central Govt. employees governed by CCS (Leave)Rules, 1972 who are entitled to LTC but opt for the facility of LTC provided to their spouses employed in PSUs / Corporation/Autonomous Bodies etc. and (2) Central Govt. employees governed by CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 who are otherwise not entitled to LTC, on account of their spouse being employed in Indian Railways/National Airlines who are entitled to privilege passes/ concessional tickets are entitled to leave encashment while availing the LTC facility of their spouse/privilege passes/concessional tickets of their spouse on fulfilment of all the conditions as stipulated in Rule 38-A of the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 twice in a four years block of LTC.

Copy of DOPT Office Memorandum No. 1402812/2009-Estt.(L)dated 24th November, 2009 regarding Encashment of earned leave along with LTC Clarification: The undersigned is directed to refer to DOP&T O.M.No.31011/4/2008-Estt.(A), dated 23rd September, 2008 allowing encashment of earned leave along with LTC and to say that various references are being received from Ministries/Departments with regard to the applicability of Rule 38-A of the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 to the Central Govt. employees. In this regard it is clarified that (1) Central Govt. employees governed by CCS (Leave)Rules, 1972 who are entitled to LTC but opt for the facility of LTC provided to their spouses employed in PSUs/Corporation/Autonomous Bodies etc. and (2) Central Govt. employees governed by CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 who are otherwise not entitled to LTC, on account of their spouse being employed in Indian Railways/National Airlines who are entitled to privilege Passes/concessional tickets are entitled to leave encashment while availing the LTC facility of their spouse/privilege passes/ concessional tickets of their spouse on fulfillment of all the conditions as stipulated in Rule 38-A of the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 twice in a four years block of LTC.

Copy of DOPT Office Memorandum No. 31011/6/2002-Estt.(A) dated 2nd December. 2009 regarding LTC to Central Government Employees -Travel by tour packages operated by IRCTC:


1. The undersigned is directed to refer to DOP&T O.M. of even number dated 14.3.08, allowing tours by road conducted by the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC), a Government of India's undertaking under the Min. of Railways for the purpose of reimbursement of LTC by Government servants on the lines of ITDCISTDC and to say that as the IRCTC is also offering tour packages involving air travel in the sectors like Delhi - Leh, Delhi - Srinagar, Jaipur -Goa, Chennai, Calcutta Port Blair etc., the question of allowing LTC packages of IRCTC, including the component of air travel has been examined in consultation with the Min. of Finance. 2. It has now been decided to allow the re-imbursement of air fare along with rail and road fare in the case of LTC journey 'of Government servants in tours offered by IRCTC for reimbursement under LTC provided the IRCTC indicates and certifies the 3 components separately and booking of tickets is done by IRCTC fully complying with the instructions of Govt. of lndia issued from time to time in this regard such as journey by Air lndia under LTC 80 scheme in economy class without package benefits etc. Copy of DOPT Office Memorandum No. 31011/2/2006-Estt.(A) dated 11th March, 2010 regarding Regulation of journeys by private airlines while availing Leave Travel Concession: 1. The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Expenditure O.M. No.19024/4/2009-E.IV dated 13/7/2009 and this Departments O.M.No.31011/2/ 2006Estt.(A) dated 27.7.2009 regarding journey by air while availing Leave Travel Concessions(LTC), stipulating that in all cases of air travel (including LTC) both domestic and international where the Government of India bears the cost of air passage, the official concerned may travel by Air India only. 2. It is clarified that restriction of travel by Air India only need not apply to nonentitled officers who travel by air and claim LTC reimbursement by entitled class of rail. 3. The above orders will be applicable with effect from the date of issue of this Office Memorandum. Past cases already settled will not be re-opened.

Copy of DOPT Office Memorandum No. No. 31011/4/12007-Estt.(A) dated 20th April, 2010 regarding relaxation for travel by air to visit NER under CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988: The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department O.M. of even no. dated 2.5.2008 on the subject mentioned above and to say that the relaxation for travel by air to visit North Eastern Region under CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988 is extended for further two years beyond 1'' May. 2010.

Copy of DOPT Office Memorandum No. No. 31011/4/2007-Estt.(A) dated 23rd April, 2010 regarding relaxation for travel by air to visit NER under CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988 -: The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department O.M. of even No. dated 20.4.20l0 and to clarify that the validity of this Department O.M. of even No. dated 2.5.2008 stands extended on the same terms and conditions for a further period of two years beyond 1.5.2010 in relaxation of CCS (LTC) Rules,1988 to visit North Eastern Region of India.


Copy of DOPT Office Memorandum No. 31011/2/2003-Estt.(A) dated 18th June, 2010 regarding relaxation for travel by air to visit J& under CCS(LTC) Rules, 1988 The undersigned is directed to say that in relaxation of CCS(LTC) Rules, 1988, it has been decided by the Government to permit Government employees to travel by air to J&K as per the following scheme:(i) (ii) (iii) All officers/employees of Government of India will be allowed to avail LTC to visit J&K against conversion of one block of their Home Town LTC. Officers/employees of Government of India entitled to travel by air can avail this LTC in their entitled class. All other employees of Government of India can travel by air in economy class from Delhi and Amritsar to any place in J&K by any airlines subject to their entitlement being limited to LTC-80 fares of Air India. Journey from their place of posting up to Delhi/Amritsar will have to be undertaken as per their entilement. Restriction of air travel only by Air India on LTC to other places shall continue to remain in force. This scheme shall be effective from the date of issuance.

(iv) (v)

2. These orders shall be in operation for a period of two years from the date of issue of this O.M. 3. In their application to the staff serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

Copy of DOPT Office Memorandum No. 31011/2/2003-Estt.(A) dated 5th August, 2010 regarding Regulation of Journeys by private airline while availing Leave Travel Concession to Jammu & Kashmir: 1. After issue of DOPT O.M.No. 31011/2/2003-Estt.(A) dated 18th June, 2010 regarding relaxation for travel by air to visit J&K, clarifications have been sought by Government servants/various Ministries/Departments from time to time. The doubt raised by various authorities have now been clarified by Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) as under:Point raised 1. Whether entitled officers can travel by Private airlines to J&K. Clarification Yes. Travel by private airlines is available to all the categories of Government employees, including those entitled in travel by air. LTC-80 fare would apply to all cases including those entitled to travel by air irrespective of the airlines.


Whether the restrictions of LTC 80 fare of Air India will apply in these cases.

2. This issues in consultation with Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide their I.D.No.821838/SO-E.IV dated 3rd August, 2010.


Copy of DOPT Office Memorandum No. 3101112/2006-Estt.(A) dated 9th September, 2010 regarding regulation of Journey by air while availing Leave Travel Concession : The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's O.M. of even No. dated 27.7.2009 on the above subject and to say that consequent to issue of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure O.M.No.7(1)E.Coord/2009 dated 7/9/2009 on expenditure management the reimbursement of the expenses on air travel while availing of the Leave Travel Concession by Government servants will be restricted to the cost of travel by the economy class, irrespective of entitlement, with immediate effect.

Copy of DOPT Office Memorandum No. 19024/1/2009-E.IV dated 16th September, 2010 regarding Guidelines on Air Travel on Tours/L.T.C.: This Department is receiving repeated references seeking clarifications with regard to purchase of Air Tickets through authorised agents and relaxation for travel by Airlines other than Indian Airlines. The following guidelines may be noted for compliance: 1. (i) On Official Tours: For travel by Airlines other than Air India because of operational or other reasons or on account of non-availability of Air India Flights, individual cases for relaxation to be referred to M/o Civil Aviation, as stated in this Ministrys OM No.19024/1/2009-E.IV dated 13.7.09. Air Tickets may be purchases directly from Airlines (at Booking counters/Website of Airlines) or by utilizing the services of Authorised Travel Agents viz. M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company, M/s Ashok Travels & Tours. LTC: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Travel by Air India only. In Economy class only, irrespective of entitlement. LTC-80 ticket of Air India only to be purchased. Air Tickets may be purchased directly from Airlines (at Booking counters/Website of Airlines) or by utilizing the services of Authorized Travel Agents viz. M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company, M/s Ashok Travels & Tours and IRCTC (to the extent IRCTC is authorized as per DoP&T OM No.31011/6/2002-Estt.(A) dated 2.12.09). LTC for J&K: (i) Relaxation to travel by Private Airlines to visit J&K while availing LTC is available to all the categories of Govt. employees, including those entitled to travel by Air(DoP&T OM No.31011/2/2003-Estt.(A-IV) dated 18.6.10 and 05.08.10 refer). For purchase of Air tickets, however, the procedure as given under para 2(iv) above should be followed.





4. All Ministries/Departments of Govt. of India are requested to strictly adhere to these instructions.



In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951), the Central Government, after consultation with the Governments of the States concerned, hereby makes the following rules, namely:1. Short title and commencement(1) These rules may be called the All India Services (House Rent Allowance) Rules, 1977. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Definition- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, member of the Service means a member of an All India Service, as defined in section 2 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951). 3. Regulation of House Rent Allowance (1) A member of the Service, serving in connection with the affairs of the Union, shall be entitled to draw House Rent Allowance at such rates, and subject to such conditions as may be specified by the Central Government from time to time, in respect of officers of the Central Civil Services, Group A. Provided that where any special orders have been issued by the Central Government to regulate the grant of House Rent Allowance to the members of the Service serving in connection with the affairs of the Union, such members shall be entitled to draw House Rent Allowance under such special orders. (2) A member of the Service, serving in connection with the affairs of a State, shall be entitled to draw House Rent Allowance at such rates, and subject to such conditions, as may be specified by the State Government concerned, from time to time, in respect of officers of the State Services, Class I: Provided that the House Rent Allowance allowed to a member of the Service under this sub rule shall not at any time be less than what he would have drawn under sub rule (1), had he been appointed to serve in connection with the affairs of the Union at the same station. (3) Every officer whose initial pay is fixed in accordance with sub-rule (5) or sub-rule (6A) of Rule 4 of the Indian Administrative Service (Pay) Rules, 1954 or sub-rule (5) or subrule (5A) of the Indian Police Service (Pay) Rules, 1954 or sub-rule (6) of Rule (4) of the Indian Forest Service (Pay) Rules, 1968, shall be entitled to draw House Rent Allowance in the same manner as a member of the Service under sub-rule (2). 4. Interpretation-If any question arises as to the interpretation of these rules, it shall be referred to the Central Government, who shall decide the same. (D P & AR Notification No. 20019/1/75-AIS(II) dated 4.1.1977). GOVERNMENT OF INDIAS DECISION


1. An officer owns a house, but living in a rented house, which has been leased in the name of his wife. The rent of the house is, however, reported to be paid by the officer. Since the house has been leased in the name of wife of the officer, a question has been raised whether in view of Note 2 below Rule 4 of the House Rent Allowance Rules applicable to the Central Governments servants, the officer can be granted HRA or is it necessary that he should first get the lease of the house transferred in his own name to get the HRA. It has been decided in consultation with the Ministry of Finance that the officer concerned cannot claim House Rent Allowance on the basis of the rent paid by his wife. However, as a co-sharer of the accommodation, he can claim HRA in respect of 40% of the rent actually paid by his wife. Alternatively, he can claim HRA in terms of the provisions of para 1(5) of OM No. 11011/1/E-II-B/75, dated the 25th February, 1977 if this would be more favourable to him. He will of course, have to give the appropriate certificate as required in the instructions contained in the Ministry of Finance OM No. 2(37)/E-II.B/64, dated the 27th November, 1965 as amended from time to time. [DP&AR File No. 20019/114/77-AIS(II)] 2. Acceptance of Recommendations of 6th Central Pay Commission regarding grant of House Rent Allowance(HRA) and Compensatory(City) Allowance (CCA) to All India Services officers: 1. I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of latest instructions of the Government regarding House Rent Allowance(HRA) and Compensatory(City) Allowance on the recommendations of 6th Central Pay Commission to Central Government employees and to state that the matter regarding extension of these instructions to the All India Services officers had been under consideration in this Department. 2. It is conveyed that the instructions contained in Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditures Office Memorandum No.2(13)/2008-E.II(B) dated 29th August, 2008 are applicable to the All India Services officers. However, in the States where CCA continues to exist, after its abolition at the Centre w.e.f. 1.9.2008, this allowance becomes an allowance specified to those States. [ DOPT letter No. 11016/2/2008-AIS-II dated 19th January, 2009] Copy of Ministry of Finance OM No.. 2(13)/2008-E.II(B) dated 29th August, 2008 regarding decision of the Government on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission relating to grant of House Rent Allowance(HRA) and Compensatory(City) Allowance(CCA): 1. The undersigned is directed to say that, consequent upon the decisions taken by the Government on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, the President is pleased to decide that, in modification of this Ministrys O.M.No.2(27)E.II(B)/64 dated 27.11.1965 as amended from time to time, O.M.No.2(23)/97-E.II(B) dated 3.10.1997 and O.M.No.2(21)/E.II(B)/2004 dated 18.11.2004, the admissibility of these allowances shall be as under:(i) COMPENSATORY(CITY) ALLOWANCE: The Compensatory(City) Allowance(CCA) stands ABOLISHED.

(ii) HOUSE RENT ALLOWANCE: 2. Based on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, the earlier classification of cities has been revised viz. A-1 to X, A, B-1 & B-2 to Y and C & Unclassified to Z. In determining the revised classification the revised classification,


the population of Urban Agglomeration area of the city has been taken into consideration. Accordingly, the rates of House Rent Allowance shall be as under:-

Classification of Cities/Towns

Rates of House Rent Allowance As a percentage of (Basic pay + NPA where applicable) 30% 20% 10%


3. The term basic pay in the revised pay structure means the pay drawn in the prescribed pay band plus the applicable grade pay but does not include any other type of pay like special pay, etc In the case of Government servants in the pay scales of HAG+ and above, basic pay means the pay in the prescribed scale. 4. In respect of those employees who opt to retain their pre-revised scales of pay, the pay for the purpose of these orders shall also include, in addition to the basic pay in the applicable pre-revised scales, Stagnation Increment(s), Dearness Pay and NonPractising Allowance as per orders in force on 1.1.2006. 5. The list of cities/towns classified as X,Y, and Z for the purpose of grant of House Rent Allowance is enclosed as Annexure to these orders.

6. The following orders have been issued by this Ministry in the past for grant of HRA/CCA at higher rates to the Central Government employees posted within the municipal area:O.M.No.2(4)-E.II(B)/65 dt. 5.11.74 (HRA/CCA at Delhi rates in Faridabad Complex). (ii) O.M.No.11023/9/E.II(B)/78 dt. 26.5.79 (HRA/CCA at Delhi rates in Ghaziabad municipal area). (iii) O.M.No.21011/20/89-E.II(B)-Vol.II dt. 31.1.90 (HRA/CCA at Delhi rates in NOIDA). (iv) O.M.No.11013/2/81-E.II(B) dt. 3.8.82 (HRA at Mumbai rates in Navi Mumbai). (v) O.M.No.11013/1/87-E.II(B) dt. 12.10.87 (HRA/CCA at Jalandhar rates in Jalandhar Cantt.). (vi) O.M.No.11023/1/86-E.II(B) dt. 9.12.86 (HRA/CCA at Delhi rates in Gurgaon). (vii) O.M.No.11018/6/87-E.II(B) dt. 29.12.88 (CCA at B-2 class rates in Jamnagar). (viii) O.M.No.11018/2/93-E.II(B) dt. 14.11.86 (HRA a C class in Mahe). (ix) O.M.No.2(13)-E.II(B)/74-Vol.II dt. 16.4.92 (HRA at C class rates in Goa and UT of Daman & Diu). (x) O.M.No.2(27)-E.II(B)/65 dt. 9.8.65 (HRA at C class rates in Coonoor). (xi) O.M.No.2(54)-E.II(B)/73 dt. 29.8.79 and O.M.No.11016/2/81-E.II(B) dt. 30.4.81 (CCA in cities mentioned in these orders on the basis of costiness). (xii) O.M.No.11014/1/E.II(B)/84 dt. 5.2.90 (HRA at A,B-1 & B-2 class rates in Shillong). (xii) O.M.No.11021/1/77-E.II(B) dt. 6.4.78 (HRA at C class rates in hill stations). (xiv) O.M.No.2(10)/91-E.II(B) dt. 5.2.98 (HRA at B-2 class rates in Jammu. (xv) O.M.No.2(30)/97-E.II(B) dt. 18.5.98 (classification of Kolkata and Chennai as A1 class cities). (i)


(xvi) O.M.No.2(3)/E.II(B) dt. 18.5.98 (class rates in Goa and Port Blair and C class rates in the rural areas of A&N and Lakshadweep Islands). However, due to (i) inclusion of Navi Mumbai within the UA of Greater Mumbai as per 2001 census (ii) placement of existing C class cities/towns as well as Unclassfied places under new category Z, (iii) abolition of CCA and (iv) upgradation of Jammu, Kolkata & Chennai on account of inclusion of UA, the special dispensation shall continue to be extended only to the following cities:(i) (ii) Faridabad, Ghaziabad, NOIDA and Gurgaon at X class city rates. Jalandhar Cantt., Shillong, Goa & Port Blair at Y class city rates.

7. All other conditions governing grant of HRA under existing orders shall continue to apply. 8. Special Compensatory Allowance @ 2.5% of basic pay admissible w.e.f. 1.8.97 to Group C,D and Group B non-gazetted employees whose pay scales correspond to or are lower than the pay scales of Group C employees posted at Gandhinagar as per this Ministrys O.M.No.2(64)/97-E.II(B) dated 4.7.2001, also stands ABOLISHED. 9. These orders shall be effective from September 1, 2008.

10. The orders will apply to all civilian employees of the Central Government. The orders will also be applicable to the civilian employees paid from the Defence Services Estimates. In respect of Armed Forces personnel and Railway employees, separate orders will be issued by the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Railways, respectively. 11. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders issued in consultation with Comptroller & Auditor General of India. 12. Hindi version will follow. Annexure to O.M. no. 2(13)/2008-E.II(B) dated 29th August, 2008 LIST OF CITIES/TOWNS WHERE HOUSE RENT ALLOWANCE IS ADMISSIBLE TO CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES S.N STATES CITIES CITIES CLASSIFIED AS Y o. CLASSIFIED AS X 1. Andhra Pradesh Assam Bihar Chandigarh Chhattisgarh Hyderabad (UA) 2. 3. 4. 5. Guwahati(UA) Patna(UA) Chandigarh Durg-Bhilai Nagar(UA), Raipur(UA) Vijawada(UA), Warangal(UA), Visakhapatnam(UA), Guntur


6. 7.

Delhi Gujarat

Delhi(UA) Ahmedabad(UA), Rajkot(UA), Jamnagar(UA), Vadodara(UA), Sutat(UA) Faridabad* Srinagar(UA), Jammu(UA)

8. 9.

Haryana Jammu & Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Bangaluru (UA)

10. 11.

Jamshedpur(UA), Dhanbad(UA), Ranchi(UA) Bengaum(UA), Hubli-Dharwad, Mangalore(UA), Mysore(UA) Khzhikode(UA), Kochi(UA), Thiruvanthapuram(UA) Gwalior(UA), Indore(UA), Bhopal(UA), Jabalpur(UA) Greater Mumbai(UA) Amravati, Nagpur(UA), Aurangabad(UA), Nashik(UA), Bhiwandi(UA), Pune(UA), Solapur, Kolhapur(UA) Cuttack(UA), Bhubaneswar(UA) Amritsar(UA), Jalandhar(UA),Ludhiana Pondicherry(UA) Bikaner, Jaipur, Jodhpur(UA), Kota(UA) Chennai Salem(UA), Tiruppur (UA), Coimbatore(UA), Tiruchirappalli (UA), Madurai(UA) Dehradun(UA) Moradabad, Meerut(UA), Ghaziabad*, Aligarh, Agra(UA), Bareilly(UA), Lucknow(UA), Kanpur(UA), Allahabad(UA), Gorakhpur, Varanasi(UA) Kolkata(UA) Asansol (UA)

12. 13.

Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra


15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Orissa Punjab Pondicherry Rajasthan Tamil Nadu

20. 21.

Uttarakhand Uttar Pradesh


West Bengal

*Only for the purpose of extending HRA on the basis of dependency. NOTE The remaining cities/towns in various States/UTs which are not covered by classification as X or Y are classified as Z for the purpose of HRA.


Copy of Ministry of Finance OM No.. 2(13)/2008-E.II(B) dated 7th January, 2009 regarding re-classification of cities/towns for grant of House Rent Allowance (HRA) : 1. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministrys O.M. of even number dated 29/8/2008 on the above mentioned subject and to state that the cities/towns to which the protection of retaining their higher classification was provided vide this Ministrys O.M. No. 2(21)/E.II(B)/2004 dated 16/3/2005 (though placed in lower classification under revised classification) for grant of HRA/CCA, shall continue to retain their higher status/classification, corresponding/equating to their revised classification viz. X, Y or Z as per O.M. dated 29/8/2008, until further orders and the Central Government employees working therein will be entitled to draw the rates of HRA accordingly. 2. These orders shall be effective from 1st September, 2008. 3. All other conditions governing grant of HRA under existing orders shall continue to apply. 4. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Departments are concerned, these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India. 5. Hindi version is also attached.


In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-rule (1) Section 3 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951) the Central Government after consultation with Governments of the States concerned, hereby makes the following rules, namely: 1. Short title and commencement.-(i) These rules may be called the All India Services (House Building Advance) Rules, 1978. (ii) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Definition.- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, "member of the Service" means a member of an All India Service, as defined in section 2 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951). 3. Regulation of House Building Advance.-A member of the Service shall be eligible to the grant of House Building Advance at such rates, and subject to such conditions as may be specified by the Central Government from time to time in respect of officers of the Central Civil Services, Group `A': Provided that such member may elect to the grant of House Building Advance at such rates subject to such conditions as may be specified from time to time by the State Governments or State Governments on whose cadre he is borne in respect of officers, of the State Civil Services, Class I. 4. Interpretation.-If any question arises as to the interpretation of the rules, it shall be referred to the Central Government who shall decide the same. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA'S INSTRUCTIONS GOVERNMENT OF INDIA'S INSTRUCTIONS UNDER RULE 3 1. House Building Advance can be granted by the Central Government to the All India Service officers, who will be absorbed in the Central Administrative Pool:- As the State Governments are probably aware, assistance in the form of loans is given to the Central Government servants for house-building purposes. A copy of the rules framed in this regard together with the latest amendments are forwarded herewith. These rules are not applicable to All India Services officers serving at the centre, as technically they are officers borne on the State cadres. The Government of India had recently an opportunity to examine the question whether or not the All India Services officers on deputation to the Centre, should also be given assistance in the shape of loans for house-building purposes as in the case of other Central Government servant. They have come to the conclusion that officers of the All India Services who are on permanent deputation to the Centre, i.e. such of those who will be absorbed in the Central Administrative Pool, should be given loans by the Central Government themselves, as these officers will continue to serve at the Centre till retirement. It is also

The principal rules were notified vide DP&AR Notification No. 29019/1/75-AIS (II), dated 31.05.1978


proposed to give such assistance to the All India Services officers who have been on deputation for a continuous period of 5 years. In regard to other All India Service officers, who are on deputation to the Centre, or are serving under the State Government, the State Government may themselves grant the loans for house-building purposes. 2. I am to request that if All India Services officers are not already entitled to loans for house-building purposes under the rules framed by the State Government, necessary amendments may be made to their rules for grant of loans to All India Services officers also. Such rules could be on the lines of the rules framed by the Government of India in this regard. If, however, the State Government are unable to adopt such rules for want of funds, the Government of India are prepared to advance the necessary funds in this regard. As the State Governments are aware, All India Services officers are allotted to states other than the states of domicile. It is, therefore, necessary to provide in the rules that loan may be granted to the officers for building houses even outside the state to which they have been allotted. Necessary provision to this effect may be made in the State Rules, if such a provision does not exist already. 3. I am to request the State Government may kindly examine the proposal contained in the preceding paragraph and inform the Government of India as early as possible the action taken thereon. [Ministry of Home Affairs, Letter No.55/57-AIS(III) dated 11/11/1957] 2. In the case of All India Service officers on deputation to the Central Government, applications for House Building Advance shall be processed and the advance sanctioned by the government of the State on whose cadre the officer is borne:- I am directed to say that under the All India Services (House Building Advance Rules, 1970, a member of an All India Service is eligible to the grant of house building advance either under the Central Government rules or under the State Government rules. The Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, has suggested that this Department might issue instructions to the effect that in the case of All India Service officers working under the Central Government, the application for house Building Advance should be processed and advance sanctioned by the Government of the State on whose cadre he is borne. The CGA has made this suggestion for the following reasons:(i) The house building advance is recoverable in installments over a period of 20 years. During this period the officer would have served in several capacities/posts under the State/Central Government Departments with Accountant General/Pay and Accounts Officer performing accounting functions. The officer has to enter into relevant agreement and mortgage the property in favour of the government (in favour of President or Governor, as the case may be) which gives the advance and hence it would not be legally and technically permissible to transfer the outstanding balance from Centre to State in the event of the transfer of the officer from Centre to State for facilitating recovery of the advance and maintaining account thereof and further, problem of allocation of interest element between Central and the State Government would crop up.




Retirement Benefits of All India Service officers are paid by the State Government/State Accountant General concerned and in large number of cases the outstanding balance of the advance is required to be recoverable in one limp-sum from the gratuity etc payable to the officer. In such cases, if the Central Government had sanctioned house building advance, there is likely to be delay in finalizing the pension case. The Department have carefully considered the suggestion made by the Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance and it is proposed to accept the same and issue instructions to all concerned to the effect that in the case of All India Service officers on deputation to the Central Government also, applications for House Building Advance shall be processed and the advance sanctioned by the government of the State on whose cadre the officer is borne. I am to request that the comments of the State Government in this regard may kindly be communicated to this Department immediately.


[Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms, Letter No. 14018/3/80-AIS(II) dated 26/11/1980] 3. Members of the All India Services on Central deputation may be granted HBA from the Central Ministries/Departments in which they are working in accordance with the existing rules and the interest rates. However, the balance of the HBA in respect of such officers, on their repatriation to the parent State Cadre shall, as a one time transaction, be debited to the concerned State Government and credited to the Central Government- I am directed to say that under the All India Services(HBA) Rules, 1978, a member of an All India Service is eligible to the grant of HBA either under the Central Government rules or under the State Government rules, as opted by him. Prior to issuance of the aforesaid rule the issue of grant of HBA to the members of the All India Services was considered by the Central Government and a decision was taken in this regard which was conveyed to the State Governments in its letter No. 55/57AIS(III) dated 11th November, 1957 (copy enclosed). At that time it was decided that officers of the All India Services who are on permanent deputation to the Centre, i.e. such of those who will be absorbed in the Central Administrative pool, should be given loans by the Central Government themselves, as those officers would continue to serve at the Centre till retirement. It was also decided to give assistance to the All India Services Officers who would have been on deputation for a continuous period of 5 years. In regard to other All India Services officers who were on deputation to the Centre or were serving under the State Government, the State Government concerned may grant the loans for house building purposes. 2. The aforesaid decision was reviewed by the Central Government on the basis of suggestion made by the Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance and it was decided that in the case of All India Services officers working under the Central Government, the application for HBA should be processed and advance sanctioned by the Government of the State on whose cadre the officer was borne. This decision was issued in this Departments letter No. 14018/3/80-AIS(II) dated 26th November, 1980, a copy of which is enclosed. 3. As decided above members of the All India Services have been granted HBA from the State Government concerned and the Central Government has been giving


assistance to the State Government in the form of reimbursement of their expenditure. However for the last so many years the amount of expenditure met by the State Government in grant of HBA to the members of the All India Services has been increasing but the Central assistance has not been increased to the tune. Resultantly we are not making reimbursement of cent percent expenditure met by the State Governments due to non-availability of adequate budget provision for the purpose. Of late, it has been felt that due to financial hardships in most of the State Governments, the members of the All India Services have been denied HBA from the State Government. 4. Representations from the individual All India Services officers have been received in this Department which have been considered in consultation with the Ministry of Finance(Department of Expenditure). It has been decided that the members of the All India Services who are serving at the Centre on Central deputation may be granted HBA from the Central Ministries/Departments in which they are working in accordance with the existing rules and the interest rates with the stipulation that the balance of the HBA in respect of such officers, on their repatriation to the parent State Cadre shall, as a one time transaction, be debited to the concerned State Government and credited to the Central Government. As regard grant of HBA to the members of the All India Services who are working with the State Government concerned, the State Government concerned will grant HBA to them as per existing practice. [DOPT letter No. 14018/1/2004-AIS-(II) dated 7/5/2004] 4. Grant of House Building Advance to members of All India Services on deputation to centre:- I am directed to say that under the All India Services (House Building Advance) rules 1978, a member of an All India Service is eligible to grant of House Building Advance either under the Central Govt. rules or under the State Govt. Rules. The Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, has suggested that this department might issue instructions to the effect that in the case of All India Services Officers working under the Central Govt., the application for House Building Advance should be processed and advanced sanctioned by the Govt. of the State on whose cadre he is borne. The C.G.A. has made this suggestion for the following reasons: (i) The House Building Advance is recoverable in installments over a period of 20 years. During this period the officer would have served in several capacities / posts under the state/ Central Govt. Departments with Accountant General / Pay & Account Officers performing Accounting functions. The Officers has to enter into relevant agreement and mortgage the property in favour of the Govt. (in favour of President or Governor as the case may be) which gives the advance and hence it would not be legally and technically permissible to transfer the outstanding balance from Centre to the State in the event of the transfer of the officers from centre to State for facilitating recovering of the advance and maintaining account thereof and further, problem of allocation of interest element between Central and the State Govt. would crop up. Retirement benefits of All India Service Officers are paid by the State Govt. / State Accountant General concerned and in large number of cases the outstanding balance of the advance is required to be recoverable in one




lumpsum from the gratuity etc. payable to the officers. In such cases, if the Central Govt. had sanctioned House Building Advance, there is likely to be delay in finalizing the pension case. 2. This Department have carefully considered the suggestion made by the controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance and proposed to accept the same and issue instruction to the concerned to the effect that in the case of All India Service Officers of on deputation to the Central Government also, application for house Building Advance be processed and the advance sanctioned by the Government of the state on whose cadre the officer is borne. I am to request that the comments of the State Government in this regard may kindly be communicated to this Department immediately. [DOPT Letter No.14018/3/80-AIS(II) dated 26.11.1980] 5. Grant of loans for House Building Purposes for officers:- As the State Governments are probably aware, assistance in the form of loans is given to the Central Government Servants for House Building Purposes. A copy of the rules framed in this regard together with the latest amendments forwarded herewith. These rules are not applicable to All India services Offices serving at the Centre, as technically they are officers borne on the State Cadres. The Government of India had recently an opportunity to examine the question whether or not the All India Services Officers on deputation to the Centre, should also be also be given assistance in the shape of loans for House Building purposes as in the case of other Central Government Servants. They have come to the conclusion that officers of the All India Services who are on permanent deputation to the Centre, i.e., such of those who will be absorbed in the central Administrative pool, should be given loans by the Central Govt. themselves, as these officers will continue to serve at the Centre till retirement. It is also proposed to give such assistance to the All- India Services Officers who have been on deputation for a continuous period of five years. In regard to other All India Services officers, who are on deputation to the centre, or are serving under the State Govt., the State Govt. may themselves grant the loans for House Building purposes. 2. I am to request that if All India Services Officers are not already entitled to loans for House Building purposes under the rules framed by the State Governments, necessary amendments may be made to their rules for grant of loans to the All India Services Officers also. Such rules could be on the lines of the rules framed by the Govt. of India in this regard. If however, the State Government are enable to adopt such rules for want of funds, the Government of India are prepared to advance the necessary funds in this regard. As the State Government are aware, All India Services Officers are allotted to States other than the States of domicile. It is, therefore, necessary to provide in the rules that loan may be granted to the officers for building house even outside the state to which they have been allotted. Necessary provision to this effect may be made in the state rules, if such a provision does not exist already. 3. I am to request the State Govt. may kindly examine the proposal contained in the preceding paragraph and inform the Government of India as early as possible the action taken thereon. [DOPT letter No. No. 55/57-AIS (III) dated 11.11.1957] 6. Clarification regarding % less interest to All India Service Officers for promoting small family norms:- I am directed to refer to the above subject and to state


that reference from some State Governments were received for clarification on the issue. The matter has been examined in consultation with Integrated Finance Division. As per the All India Service (House Building Advance) Rules , 1978 , para (3) under the Regulation of House Building Advance - A member of the Service shall be eligible to the grant of House Building Advance at such rates and subject to such conditions as may be specified by the Central Government from time to time in respect of officers of the Central Civil Service, Class I. 2. In view of the above position, it has been decided that the benefit of rebate of (0.5%) in the rate of Interest on House Building Advance may be allowed to the members of All India Services for promoting small family norms in accordance with the provisions laid down in the O.M.No.1/17015/13/79-H.III dated 01.09.1979 and 22.09.1980 (copy enclosed) and further instructions/clarification in this regard issued by the Government of India from time to time. [DOPT letter No.14018/4/2008-AIS(II) dated 07.08.2008] 7 Interest Rate applicable on Loans to State Governments to meet the expenditure incurred by them in connection with the grant of House Building Advance to the members of the All India Service: - I am directed to refer to above cited subject and to say that year wise (beginning financial year 2002-03 up to the current financial year) interest rate and penal rate of interest on Loans and Advances by the Central Government to State Governments are as per the following details : S.No. effective for Interest Rate on loan to Penal rate of interest above the Financial State Government(s) normal rate of interest on which loan sanctioned Year(s) 2002-2003 11.50% 2.75% 2003-2004 10.50% 2.75% 2004-2005 09.00% 2.75% 2005-2006 09.00% 2.50% 2006-2007 09.00% 2.50% 2007-2008 09.00% 2.50% 2008-2009 09.00% 2.50%

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

2. All the State Governments are requested to make a note of the above rates as applicable and to make necessary adjustments in respect of Loan from Central Government under Major Head 7601-Loans and Advances to State Governments Sub. Major Head 01-Loans for Non Plan Schemes 01- All India Services Officers 01.00.55 Loans and Advances (Non-Plan for respective financial year(s). (For the year 2009-2010 the rate of interest may be treated as 09.00% and 2.50% for Interest Rate on Loan to State Government(s) and Penal rate of Interest above the normal rate of interest respectively) [DOPT letter No.14018/2/2008-AIS-II dated 26.03.2009] 8. Cost ceiling limit in r/o House Building Advance:- I am directed to say that Ministry of Urban Development by its OM No. 17011/11(4)/2008-H.III dated 27.11.2008(coy enclosed) has issued order containing some provisions for House


Building Advance to be in operation pending finalisation of new arrangements in terms of 6th Central Pay Commissions recommendations. 2. The applicability of the provisions of aforesaid Office Memorandum of the Ministry of Urban Development to the members of All India Services has been considered. It has been decided that the provisions contained in the aforesaid Office memorandum issued by the Ministry of Urban Development shall be equally applicable Mutatis Mutandis to members of All India Services (House Building Advance) Rules, 1978. [DOPT letter No.14018/3/2010-AIS-II dated 26.05.2010] Copy of the O.M. of Ministry of Urban Development dated 27.11.2008 The undersigned is directed to say that the implementation of the recommendations of the 6th CPC relating to interest bearing advances including House Building Advance, granted to Central Government Employees is under consideration of the Government and pending finalisation of the new arrangements, the matter has been examined in consultation with the Department of Expenditure and the following provisions for House Building Advance shall be in operation : (a) The maximum limit for grant of HBA shall be 34 months of pay in the pay band subject to a maximum of Rs.7.50 lakhs or cost of the house or the repaying capacity whichever is the least for new construction/purchase of new house/flat. (b) The maximum limit for grant of HBA for enlargement of existing house s hall be 34 months pay in the pay band subject to maximum of Rs.1.80 lakh or cost of enlargement or repaying capacity , whichever is the least. (c) The cost ceiling limit shall be 134 times the pay in the pay band subject to a minimum of Rs.7.50 lakhs and a maximum of Rs. 30 lakhs relaxable up to maximum of 25% of the revised maximum cost ceiling of Rs.30 lakhs. ********




In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 of the All India Services Act, 1951 (61 of 1951), the Central Government, after consultation with the Governments of the States concerned, hereby makes the following rules, namely:1. Short title.(1) These rules may be called the All India Services (Group Insurance) Rules, 1981. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Definitions.- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,(i) "Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980" means the Group Insurance Scheme detailed in the Annexure to the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) O.M. No. F.15(3)/78-WIP, dated the 31st October, 1980 and as set out in the Schedule. (ii) `Family' shall have the meaning assigned to it in the All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955; (iii) "Member of the Scheme means a member of the Service enrolled as a member of the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980; (iv) "Member of the Service means a member of an All India Service as defined in section 2 of the All India Services Act 1951 (61 of 1951); (v) "Schedule" means the Schedule appended to these rules; (vi) "State Government means,(i) in relation to a member of the Service borne on a State Cadre, the Government of that State; (ii) in relation to a member of the Service borne on a Joint Cadre, the Government of the constituent States; and (iii) in relation to a member of the Service borne on the Cadre of Union Territories; the Central Government; (vii)"State Group Insurance Scheme" means an insurance scheme, by whatever name it may be called, introduced by a State Government in the case of State Government Servants. 3. Application of Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980.3(1)Subject to the provisions of these rules, the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980, as applicable to the officers of Central Civil Services Group `A' shall mutatis mutandis apply to the members of the Service: Provided that a member of the Service who was appointed to the Service on or before the 1st November,1980, shall exercise an option in such form and within such time as may be specified by the Central Government in this behalf expressing his willingness or otherwise to subscribe to the Central


Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980, and such option once exercised shall be final and in case he does not exercise such option he shall be deemed to have opted for the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980. Provided further that.(i) a member of the Service who has opted, or deemed to have opted, for the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980, under the above proviso, or a person appointed to the service after the 1st November, 1980, under sub-rule (1) or sub-rule (2) or rule 8 of the Indian Administrative Service (Recruitment) Rules, 1954 or under sub-rule (1) or rule 9 of the Indian Police Service (Recruitment) Rules, 1954, or under sub-rule (1) of rule 8 of the Indian Forest Service (Recruitment) Rules, 1966.


shall be required, if he is subscribing to a State Group Insurance Scheme, to elect in such form and within such time as the Central Government may specify in this behalf either continue to subscribe to the State Group Insurance Scheme or to subscribe to the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 and in the absence of such election he shall cease to subscribe to the State Group Insurance Scheme and shall be deemed to have opted for the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980. 3(2) A member of the Service enrolled as a member of the Scheme shall be informed accordingly by the State Government in such form as may be specified by the Central Government in this behalf. 3(3) The collection of subscription and payment of dues under the Scheme shall be regulated by such instructions as may be issued by the Central Government in this behalf. 4. Application of State Group Insurance Scheme.- Save as provided in rule 3, a member of the Service shall not be a member of a State Group Insurance Scheme. 5. Amendment of Schedule.- The Central Government may, after consultation with the Governments of the States concerned, amend the Schedule. 6. Interpretation.- If any question arises as to the interpretation of these rules, the Central Government shall decide the same.


THE SCHEDULE (See rule 3) (Annexure to the Ministry of Finance) (Department of Expenditure)'s O.M. No. F. 7(5)-E V/89 dated15th May, 1989 Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 Date of effect 1. Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 here-in-after referred to as the `scheme' was notified on 1st Nov., 1980 and came into force with effect from the forenoon of 1st January, 1982. Objective 2. The `scheme' is intended to provide for the Central Government employees, at a low cost and on a wholly contributory and self financing basis, the twin benefits of an insurance cover to help their families in the event of death in service and a lump-sum payment to augment their resources on retirement. Application 3.1 The `scheme' shall apply to all Central Government servants including those in the Railways, Posts and Telegraphs and Defence except members of the Armed and Para-Military Forces who have already separate schemes of their own. Contract employees, persons on deputation from State Governments., Public Sector Undertakings, or other autonomous organisations, locally recruited, staff in the Indian Missions abroad, casual labourers, part-time and ad-hoc employees will not be covered by the `scheme'. The `scheme' will also not apply to persons recruited under the Central Government after attaining the age of 50 years. Such Central Government servants to whom the `scheme' applies will hereafter be referred to as `employees'. 3.2 Re-employed Defence personnel availing the extended insurance cover under the Group Insurance Scheme applicable to the members of Armed Forces shall not be eligible to become members of the Central Government Employees Group Insurance scheme, 1980 as long as they continue to avail such insurance cover. On expiry of that benefit and subject to fulfilment of the prescribed conditions, these personnel may, on their request, be considered for membership under the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980. Membership 4.1 The `scheme' will be compulsory for all those `employees' who enter Central Government service after the `scheme' is notified i.e., all those `employees' entering Central Government service after 1st Nov., 1980 will be compulsorily covered under the `scheme'. 4.2 Those `employees' who were in Central Government service on the date the `scheme' was notified had an option to opt out of the `scheme' by 31st January, 1981. Those `employees' who did not opt out of the `scheme' by that date were deemed to have become members of the `scheme' from the date the `scheme' came into force. Those `employees' who had opted out of the `scheme' were, however, allowed


further opportunities on 20th February, 1982, 14th February, 1983, 30th March, 1985 and 27th October, 1986 to become members of the `scheme'. The option on all these occasions was to be exercised in Form No. 10. No further choice will be available to the employees who failed to avail themselves of the opportunity given on 27th October, 1986.

4.3 After the `scheme' has come into force, all `employees' who entered service on or after 2nd January of any year shall be enrolled as members of the `scheme' on the next anniversary of the `scheme'. Subscription for members 5.1 The subscription for the `scheme' will be in units of Rs.10/- p.m. till 31st December, 1989. Thereafter, with effect from 1st January, 1990 the subscription for the `scheme' will be in units of Rs.15/- p.m. All those `employees' who were members of the `scheme' on 31st January, 1989 have an option to opt out of the `scheme' with subscription units of Rs.15/- p.m. This option should be exercised by 15th June, 1989. Those `employees' who do not opt out of the `scheme' with the subscription units of Rs.15/- p.m. by that date will be deemed to have opted for the scheme with the subscription units of Rs.15/- p.m. effective from Ist January, 1990. The option, once exercised (or `not exercised') will be treated as final and no further choice will be available. Other employees who opt out of the `scheme' with the subscription units of Rs.15/- p.m. will continue to subscribe for the `scheme' in units of Rs.10/- p.m. till they cease to be in employment with the Central Government on account of retirement, resignation, death etc. 5.2 A Group `D' employee will subscribe for one unit, a Group `C' employee for two units, a Group `B' employee for four units and a Group `A' employee for eight units. Thus, the rate of subscription for a member of the `scheme' who opts out of the scheme with the subscription units of Rs.15/- p.m. shall be Rs.10/-, Rs.20/-, Rs.40/and Rs.80/- p.m. for Group `D', `C', `B' & `A' employees respectively. In the case of other employees the rate of subscription for the `scheme' shall be Rs.15/-, Rs.30/-, Rs.60/- and Rs.120/-p.m. for Group `D', `C', `B' & `A' employees respectively. 5.3 In the event of regular promotion of an employee from one Group to another, his/her subscription shall be raised, from the next anniversary of the `scheme' to the level appropriate to the Group to which he/she is promoted. Until, the date of next anniversary of the `scheme', he/she shall continue to be covered for insurance for the same amount for which he/she was eligible before such promotion. For example, if the revised rates of subscription come into force w.e.f. 1st January, 1990, a Group `D' employee promoted on regular basis to Group `C' in February, 1990 shall continue to subscribe at the rate of Rs.15/- p.m. upto December, 1990 and be eligible for the insurance cover of Rs.15,000/- only in addition to the benefits from the Savings Fund appropriate to his subscription. From January, 1991 his subscription will be raised to Rs.30/- p.m. and he will become eligible for an insurance cover of Rs.30,000/- in addition to appropriate benefits from the Saving Fund. 5.4 Sometimes `regular' promotion, e.g., on until further orders basis cannot be made for various reasons even though it is known that the promotion of the individual is likely to continue on a long term basis. Therefore, unless a promotion


has been made for a specified or short period and expected that the employee would revert to a post in a lower group at the end of that period, he/she should be treated to have been promoted, for the purpose of the `scheme', on a regular basis and subscription should be recovered accordingly. The question, whether an employee is likely to revert to a post in the lower Group may be decided by the administrative authorities in their discretion, taking into consideration the circumstances of each case. Once a person has been admitted to a higher Group, the rate of subscription will continue at the same level even if that person reverts to a post in the lower Group later on for any reason. Premium and insurance cover for `employees' other than members. 6. The `employees' entering service on or after 2nd January, of any year will be given benefit of appropriate insurance cover from the date of joining Government service to the date of their becoming members of the scheme on payment of a subscription of Rs.5.00 p.m. as the premium for every Rs.15,000/- of the insurance cover. From the date of anniversary of the `scheme' they will subscribe at the rate indicated in para 5.2 above. For example, if the revised rates of subscription come into force w.e.f. 1st January, 1990, a Group `D' employee entering service in February, 1990 shall pay a subscription of Rs.5.00 p.m. as premium for an insurance cover of Rs.15,000/- for a period of 11 months until December, 1990 and from January, 1991 his subscription will be raised to Rs.15/-p.m. and he shall become eligible for the benefits from Savings Fund in addition to the insurance cover of Rs.15,000/-. Similarly a Group `C' employee entering service in February, 1990 will pay a subscription of Rs.10/- p.m. as the premium for an insurance cover of Rs.30,000/- for a period of 11 months upto December, 1990 and from January, 1991 his subscription will be raised to Rs.30/- p.m. and he shall become eligible for the benefits from the Savings Fund in addition to insurance cover of Rs.30,000/Insurance Fund and Insurance Cover for members. 7.1 In order to provide an insurance cover to each member of the scheme a portion of the subscription shall be credited to an insurance fund to be held in the Public Account of the Central Government The amount of insurance cover will be Rs.15,000/for each unit of subscription of Rs.15/- p.m. and Rs.10,000/- for each unit of subscription of Rs.10/- p.m. It will be paid to the families of those `employees' who unfortunately die due to any cause, including suicide, while in Central Government Service. 7.2 The positive and negative balances under the insurance Fund shall be credited or debited, as the case may be, with the amount of interest calculated at the prevailing rate of interest on the Post Office Savings Bank Deposits, which at present is 5 1/2% per annum. Savings Fund 8.1 The balance of the subscription shall be credited to a Saving Fund. The amount in the Savings Fund will be held by the Central Government in Public Account. The total accumulation of Savings together with interest thereon will be payable to the member on his retirement after attaining the age of Superannuation or


on cessation of his employment with the Central Government or to his family on his death while in service. 8.2 The actual benefits from the Savings Fund will be as shown in the Table to be issued for each year. The Table will be constructed on the basis of individual's subscription reduced by the cost of insurance at mortality rate of 3.60 per thousand per annum and the compound interest at the rate of 12% per annum (compounded quarterly). If at any time the rate of interest changes and/or the cost of insurance changes, the benefits available from the Savings Fund will also change correspondingly. 8.3 In the case of death of a member while in service the payment of the amount of insurance will be in addition to the payment from the Saving Fund. 8.4 The positive balance under the Savings Fund shall be credited with the amount of interest calculated at the rate of interest notified by the Ministry of Finance, Deptt. of Economic Affairs, for the purpose. 8.5 Interest was allowed at 10% per annum (compounded quarterly) on the balances in the Savings Fund for the period from 1st January, 1982 to 31st December, 1982 and at 11% per annum (compounded quarterly) on the balances in the Savings Fund for the period from 1st January, 1983 to 31st December, 1986. Interest is allowed at 12% per annum (compounded quarterly) on the balances in the Savings Fund w.e.f. 1st January, 1987. Recovery of subscription 9.1 The subscription of a member for a month shall fall due at the commencement of the normal working hours on the 1st of that month. 9.2 The subscription as a premium for the insurance cover from the date of joining Government service to the date of membership of the `scheme' shall initially fall due from the date of joining and subsequently from the commencement of normal working hours on the 1st of every month. 9.3 The subscription for a month shall be recovered by reduction from the salary/wage of the `employee' for that month irrespective of the date of actual payment of salary/wage for that month. 9.4 The subscription shall be recovered every month including the month in which the `employee' ceases to be in employment on account of retirement, death, resignation, removal, etc., from service. 9.5 The Drawing and Disbursing Officer shall recover the subscription from the `employee' irrespective of his being on duty, leave or suspension. 9.6 No interest shall be levied on arrears of subscription if the non-recovery is due to delayed payments of salary/wage. 9.7 If an `employee' is on extraordinary leave and there is no payment of his salary/wage for any period, his subscriptions for the months for which no payments of salary/wage are made to him shall be recovered with interest rounded to the nearest whole rupee admissible under the `scheme' on the accretions to the Saving Fund in


not more than three instalments commencing from his salary/wage for the months following the month in which he resumes duty after leave. if an `employee' dies while on extraordinary leave, the subscriptions due from him shall be recovered with interest rounded to the nearest whole rupee admissible under the `scheme' on the accretions to the Savings Fund from the payments admissible to his family under the `scheme'. For example, if a Group `D' employee proceeds on the ten months' extraordinary leave from 5.2.1990 and no salary/wage is paid to him for any day for March, 1990 to Nov., 1990, his subscriptions totalling Rs.135/- will be recovered together with the interest calculated at the compound rate of interest of 12% per annum in not more than three instalments commencing from January, 1991. 9.8 If an employee on deputation or on foreign service the borrowing authority/foreign employer shall be requested to effect the recovery of the subscription and credit the same to the relevant head of account. It shall be ensured that the necessary clause to this effect is included in terms of deputation/foreign service. The recovery of this amount will be watched in the same manner as applicable to leave salary and pension contribution. If at any time the recovery of subscription falls in arrears, the same shall be recovered with interest admissible under the `scheme' on the accretions to the Savings Fund in not more than three instalments. Finance of subscription from General/Contributory Provident Fund 10.1 It will not ordinarily be permissible to finance the `scheme' from the General/Contributory Provident Fund. However, if at any stage the position of an individual member does not permit him to subscribe to the `scheme' and to the General/Contributory Provident Fund at the same time, he may be permitted to make, as a separate transaction a non-refundable withdrawal from the General/Contributory Provident Fund of an amount equivalent to a year's subscription paid for the `scheme'. 10.2 The subscription to the `scheme' will form part of the deduction allowable in respect of life insurance premium, contributions to Provident Fund etc., in computing the total income of the subscriber for the purpose of income-tax, except to the extent of the amount finally withdrawn from the General/Contributory Provident Fund on account of such subscription. Payments from Insurance Fund/Savings Fund 11.1 If an `employee' retires on attaining the age of superannuation or otherwise ceases to be in Central Government Service and his service book discloses that he has been the member of the `scheme', the Head of Office shall issue a sanction for the payment of the member's accumulation in the Savings Fund after obtaining a simple application in Form No.4. 11.2 If an `employee' dies while in service and his service book discloses that he was a member of the `scheme' the Head of Office shall address the nominees/heirs of the Government servant concerned in Form No.5 to submit an application in Form No.6 and on receipt thereof shall issue sanction for the payment of the amount of insurance and the accumulation in the Savings Fund to him /them.


11.3 In the event of death of a member of the `scheme' while in service, if a person, who is eligible to receive the insurance amounts, is charged with the offence of murdering the member of the `scheme' or abetting in the commission of such an offence, his/her claim to receive insurance amounts shall remain suspended till the conclusion of the criminal proceedings instituted against such a person. If, on the conclusion of the criminal proceeding, the person concerned is convicted for the murder or abetting in the murder, he/she shall be debarred from receiving his/her share of insurance amounts, which shall be paid in equal shares to other eligible persons. However, on the conclusion of the criminal proceedings, if the person concerned is acquitted of the charge of murdering or abetting in the murder, his/her share of insurance amounts shall be paid to him/her without any interest thereon. 11.4 If a member of the `scheme' is missing and has not been traced, the insurance cover shall be paid to the nominees/heirs of the missing person after expiry of a period of 7 years following the month of disappearance of the member provided the claimants produce a proper and indisputable proof of death or a decree of the court that the employee concerned should be presumed to be dead as laid down in Section 108 of the Indian Evidence Act. The accumulation in the Savings Fund may, however, be paid to the nominees/heirs after the lapse of a period of one year following the month of disappearance subject to the fulfilment of the following conditions:(i) The family must lodge a report with the concerned Police Station and obtain a report that the employee has not been traced after all efforts had been made by the police. (ii) An indemnity bond should be taken from the nominees/heirs of the employee that all payments shall be adjusted against the payment due to the employee in case he/she appears on the scene and makes any claim. 11.5 Full subscription at the rate applicable on the date of disappearance of the employee will continue to be recovered every month from the nominees/heirs of the missing employee for a period of one year following the month of disappearance. Thereafter premium for insurance cover at the rate of Rs.4.50 per month for every Rs.15,000/- of the insurance cover will be recovered for a further period of six years or till the month in which insurance cover is paid, whichever is later. It will, however, be permissible if recovery of full subscription for one year together with interest thereon at the rate admissible on the accumulations in the Savings Fund is made from the Savings Fund amount to be paid after one year. Similarly, premium for the next six years at the rate of Rs.4.50 per month for every Rs.15,000/- of the insurance cover may also be recovered together with interest thereon at the rate admissible on the accumulations in the Savings Fund from the insurance amount to be paid after expiry of the period of seven years following the month of disappearance. 11.6 Insurance amount shall be paid to the nominees/heirs of the missing employee subject to the fulfilment of the conditions mentioned in para 11.4 even if the date of superannuation of the missing employee falls before the expiry of the period of seven years following the month of disappearance. 11.7 The amount payable to the nominees/heirs of an `employee' who has the benefit of an insurance cover only will be the amount of insurance appropriate to his Group.


11.8 The amount payable to the nominees/heirs of a member of the `scheme', who dies while in service shall be :(a) The amount of appropriate insurance to which he was entitled at the time of his death; plus (b) the amount due to him out of the Savings Fund for the entire period of his membership in the lowest Group; and (c) the amount or amounts due to him for the additional units by which his subscription was raised on each occasion due to appointment/promotion to higher Group for the period from which the rate of subscription was raised to the date of his death. Example-I If a Group `D' employee who is a member of the `scheme' since January, 1984 acquires membership in Group `C' and Group `B' after 5 years and 15 years of service respectively and dies while in service after 30 years of total membership in all these Groups, his nominee(s) shall be paid the sum of the following amounts :(i) (ii) The amount of insurance of Rs.60,000/- due on a monthly subscription of Rs.60/- being a Group `B' employee on the date of his death; The amount due from Savings Fund on a monthly subscription of Rs.10/- from January, 1984 to December, 1989 and monthly subscription of Rs.15/- from January, 1990 to December, 2013 (total 30 years);

(iii) The amount due from Savings Fund on a monthly subscription of Rs.10/(Rs.20-Rs.10) from January, 1989 to December, 1989 and monthly subscription of Rs.15/- (Rs.30-Rs.15) from January, 1990 to December, 2013 (total 25 years).; (a) The amount due from Savings Fund on a monthly subscription of Rs.30/(Rs.60-Rs.30) from January, 1999 to December, 2013 (total 15 years) Example-2 If a Group `D' employee who becomes a member of the `scheme' since January, 1990 acquires membership of Group `C', Group `B' and Group `A' after 5 years, 15 years and 30 years of service respectively and dies while in service after 31 years of total membership in all these Groups, his nominee (s) shall be paid the sum of the following amount: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) The amount of insurance of Rs.1,20,000/- due on a monthly subscription of Rs.120/- being a Group `A' employee on the date of his death. The amount due from Savings Fund on a monthly subscription of Rs.15/for 31 years. The amount due from Savings Fund on a monthly subscription of Rs.15/(Rs.30-Rs.15) for 26 years. The amount due from Savings Fund on a monthly subscription of Rs.30/(Rs.60-Rs.30) for 16 years. The amount due from Savings Fund on a monthly subscription of Rs.60/(Rs.120-Rs.60) for 1 year.


11.9 The amount payable to the employee who ceases to be in employment with the Central Government on account of resignation, retirement, etc., shall be :(a) (b) The amount due to him from Savings Fund for the entire period of his membership in the lowest Group; and The amount or amounts due to him for the additional units by which his subscription was raised on each occasion due to appointment, promotion to higher Group, for the period from which the rate of subscription was so raised to the date of cessation of his membership.

Example-I If a Group `C' employee who is a member of the `scheme' since January, 1983 acquires membership in Group `B' and Group `A' after 10 and 20 years of service respectively and retires on superannuation after 30 years of total membership in all these Groups, he shall be paid the sum of the following amounts:(i) The amount due to him from Savings Fund on a monthly subscription of Rs.20/- from January, 1983 to December, 1989 and monthly subscription of Rs.30/- from January, 1990 to December, 1990 (total 30 years). The amount due to him from Savings Fund on a monthly subscription of Rs.30/- (Rs.60 - Rs.30) from January, 1993 to December, 2012 (total 20 years). The amount due to him from Savings Fund on a monthly subscription of Rs.60/- (Rs.120-Rs.60) from January, 2003 to December, 2012 (total 10 years).



Example-2 If a Group `D' employee who becomes a member of the `scheme' in January 1991 acquires membership in Group `C' and Group `B' after 15 and 25 years of service respectively and retires on superannuation after 32 years of total membership in all these Groups, he shall be paid the sum of the following amounts:(i) (ii) (iii) The amount due to him from Savings Fund on a monthly subscription of Rs.15/- for 32 years. The amount due to him from Savings Fund on a monthly subscription of Rs.15/- (Rs.30-Rs.15) for 17 years; and The amount due to him from Saving Fund on a monthly subscription of Rs.30/- (Rs.60-Rs.30) for 7 years.

11.10 If any `employee' dies during a month before the recovery of subscription for that month from him, his dues shall be paid after deducting the subscription. 11.11 If any `employee' joins later on an All India Service, his case shall be regulated in such a manner as may be decided by it Ministry of Finance.


Withdrawals from Insurance Fund/Savings Fund 12.1 It will not be permissible for any member or beneficiary of the `scheme' to withdraw any amount out of the insurance fund to which he has been subscribing. The amount due from the fund on the death of a member of the `scheme' while in service shall be worked out in accordance with para 11.8 and paid to his nominee(s) in accordance with the accounting procedure prescribed separately. 12.2 It will not be permissible for any member of the `scheme' to withdraw any amount out of the Saving Fund, he has been subscribing. The amount due to him from the fund on his cessation of employment on account of resignation, retirement, etc. shall be worked out in accordance with para 11.9 and paid to him or his nominee(s) in accordance with the accounting procedure prescribed separately. Loans/advances from or against accumulations in Fund Insurance Fund/Savings

13.1 No loans or advances shall be paid to any member or other beneficiary of the `scheme' from his/her accumulations in the Insurance Fund/Savings Fund to which he/she has been subscribing. 13.2 A member of the `scheme' who has obtained House Building Advance from the Government can assign his/her insurance cover and accumulation in the Savings Fund to a recognised financial institutions for the purpose of obtaining additional loans for acquiring a plot of land or a ready built house/flat or building a house/flat. Permission for assignment of the insurance cover and accumulation in the Savings Fund may be given with the specific approval of the Head of Department., if the member of the `scheme' makes a request in writing in Form No.11, subject to the condition that the total amount of House Building Advance sanctioned by the Government and the loan raised by the member from the financial institution taken together shall not exceed the cost ceiling limits prescribed by the Ministry of Urban Development. 13.3 If a member of the `scheme' has a plot of land in the name of any member of his/her family and proposes to construct a house on that plot of land or if a member of the `scheme' proposes to acquire a ready-built house/flat or a plot of land in the name of any member of his/her family, he/she will be permitted to assign his/her insurance cover and accumulation in the savings Fund for obtaining loan from a recognised financial institution. 13.4 The Head of Department will communicate his permission for assignment of the insurance cover and accumulation in Savings Fund to the `employees' in Form no. 12. The request of the `employee' in Form No. 11 and communication of permission in Form No. 12 will be pasted in the service record of the employee with the following entry in the service record in red ink :"(Name of the employee) has been allowed at his/her request to assign his/her insurance cover and Savings Fund accumulation under the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 to (the name of the recognised financial institution)


"vide letter No.....................Dated................" 13.5 At the time of the settlement of the claim of the `employee' or his/her nominee(s) under the `scheme' the amount claimed by the financial institution as due from the employee on account of loan will be paid to the institution without any detailed scrutiny and only the balance amount, if any, will be paid to the employee or his/her nominee(s). Utilisation of accumulations in Insurance Fund/Savings funds. 14. The accumulations in the Insurance Fund/Savings Fund shall be at the disposal of the Central Government Since the `scheme' is wholly self-supporting and self-financing, the bulk of these accumulations are proposed to be utilised for ownership housing schemes and other schemes for the benefit of the members of the `scheme'. Mode of notification of the scheme 15. The `scheme' shall be notified to the `employees' by displaying a copy thereof on the notice board or where no such notice board is provided at a prominent place in a premises where the employees are working. A few copies of the `scheme' may also be supplied to the recognised unions/associations of the employees. Action on notification of the `scheme' 16. By the 10th of every month following the month in which the `scheme' is notified, the Head of Office shall supply to the Drawing & Disbursing Officer names, Groups, dates of birth and date of appointment of persons who may be appointed to any service or post under the Central Government during the preceding month and who would be eligible to be the members of the scheme in terms of para 3 of the scheme. Form No.1 Government of India Ministry of..................... Department/Office........................ dated.......... ... MEMORANDUM Shri __________________________________ a Group_____ employee has been enrolled as a member of the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme,1980 w.e.f.__________. His monthly subscription of Rs.____________ (Rupees___________________) shall be deducted from his salary/wage commencing from the month of__________ and he will be eligible to the benefits of the scheme appropriate to Group ______w.e.f._______ (Head of Office) Shri...................................................... Name and designation of the employees.


Form No.2 Government of India Ministry of............... Department/Office................ Dated............... MEMORANDUM1 Shri___________________________________ has been promoted on a regular basis, from Group________to Group_______ w.e.f. __________His monthly subscription for the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 shall be raised from Rs.________to Rs.____________from the month of ___________and he will be eligible to the benefits of the scheme appropriate to Group______w.e.f.________ (Head of Office) Shri____________________2______________________________________________

Form No.3 To ( Head of Office) Sir, I have read and understood/I have been explained the details of the new Central Government employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980. I opt to remain outside this new `scheme'. Yours faithfully Place: Date: ( ) Name and designation of the employee

Form No.4 To

The_________________________ Application for payment of accumulation under Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980.


Name and designation of the employee. 2 Designation and address of the Head Office 1 Designation and address of the Head of Office.


I have been a member of the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 since.............22 I have retired from service after attaining the age of..............years. I have ceased to be in employment with the Central Government w.e.f.............I was holding the post of..................before retirement/cessation of employment with the Central Government. I request that the amount due to me under the Central Government Employees group Insurance Scheme may be paid to me. Yours faithfully ( Form No. 5 Government of India Ministry of....................... Department of..................... Office of......................... Dated................ To ................. .................. Subject:Payment of the amount due under the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme,

Dear/Sir/Madam, I am directed to state that the late Shri................................ has nominated you for payments of full/..........per cent of amounts due under the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980. You are, therefore, requested to submit an application in the enclosed form No.6 for arranging payment. Yours faithfully,

( ) --------------------------------------------------------Form No. 6 To

The........................ ............................ Application for payment of amount due to Late Shri..........under the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980. ........................



2 3 4

Month and the year of becoming a member of the scheme may be indicated here Name and address of the nominee. ( ) Name and address of the Office from where Form No. 5 is received


With reference to your letter No....................dated......... I hereby requested that the full/...........per cent of amound due to late Shri................................under the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme may be paid to me. Yours faithfully, ( Form No.7 Nomination for benefits under the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme,1980. When the Government servant has no family and wishes to nominate one person or more than one person. I, having no family, hereby nominate the person/persons mentioned below and confer on him/them the right to receive to the extent specified below any amount that may be sanctioned by the Central Government under the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 in the event of my death while in service or which having become payable on my attaining the age of superannuation may remain unpaid at my death. ______________________________________________________________________
Name and address of Nominee Contingencies Name, address and relationship of on the happening the person, if any, to whom the of which the right of the nominee shall pass in nomination shall the event of his predeceasing the become invalid Government servant. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. 2. 3. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Relationship with Government servant Age Share of amount to be paid to each

Date, the Two witness to signature. 1. 2

Day of



Signature of Government servant. _______________________________________________________________________ N.B. The Government servant should draw line across the blank space below his last entry to prevent the insertion of any names after he has signed. 6. This column should be filled in so as to cover the whole amount that may be payable under the Insurance Scheme. 7. Where a Government servant who has no family makes a nomination, he shall specify in this column that the nomination shall become invalid in the event of his subsequently acquiring a family.


Form No.8 Nomination for benefits under the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 When the Government servant has a family and wishes to nominate one member or more than one member thereof. I, hereby nominate the person(s) mentioned below who is/are member(s) of my family, and confer on him/them the right to receive to the extent specified below any amount that may be sanctioned by the Central Government under the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 in the event of my death while in service or which having become payable on my attaining the age of superannuation may remain unpaid at my death.
_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name and Relationship Age Share of Contingencies Name, address and relationship of address of with Governamount to on the happening the person, if any, to whom the Nominee ment servant be paid to of which the right of the nominee shall pass in each nomination shall the event of his predeceasing the become invalid Government servant. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. _________________________________________________________________________________________________

1. 2. 3. ______________________________________________________________________ Date, the Day of 19 at Two witness to signature. 1. 2 Signature of Government servant. ______________________________________________________________________ N.B. The Government servant should draw line across the blank space below his last entry to prevent the insertion of any names after he has signed.


Form No.9 CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES GROUP INSURANCE SHEME, 1980 REGISTER OF MEMBERS Group: Section I: Particulars of employees subscribing to the Insurance Fund only:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sl. Name Designation Date of Date of Date of Date of Date of Remarks No. Birth appoint- Commence promotion to death ment ment of higher Group/Date subscription of transfer to other Department -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section II: Particulars of employees subscribing to both Insurance Fund and Savings Fund.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sl. Name Designation Date of Date of Date of Date of Date of Remarks No. Birth appoint- Commence promotion to cessation ment ment of higher Group/Date of membersubscription of transfer to ship and other Department reason therefor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Form No.10 To (Head of Office) Sir, With reference to the Ministry of Finance Office Memorandum No. 7(6)/EV/86, dated the 27th October, 1986, I hereby request that I may be enrolled as a Member in Group............of the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 with effect from 1.1.1987 on the conditions specified therein, I agree to the recovery of the subscription of per provisions of the Scheme for providing me with an insurance cover of Rs.................... commencing from the commencement of normal working hours on the Ist January, 1987, besides benefits from the Savings Fund under the Scheme. Yours faithfully, ( ) Name and

Place: designation Date: of the employee --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Form NO.11 To (Head of Department) Sir, I am negotiating a loan of Rs........................(in words and figures) from M/s...................................(name of the Company) for the purpose of acquiring/constructing a flat/House (give details). As desired by M/s ........................agreed to by me, I may be permitted to assign my Insurance cover and saving fund accumulation as a member of the Central Government Employees Group Insurance scheme, 1980 to M/s.........................................I hereby authorise you to utilise the amount payable to me on my ceasing to be in government service or to my nominee(s) in the event of my death for making payment to M/s.............. on account of outstanding dues against the loan taken by me from them. The balance amount, if any, may be paid to me/my nominee(s). A true copy of the agreement that would be entered into by me with M/s............................will be submitted for record in due course. Yours faithfully, ( ) (Name and designation of the employee) Form No.12 To Shri.................... Sir, With reference to your letter dated......................I am directed to convey the approval of the....................(Head of Department) to your obtaining loan of Rs.......................(in words and figures) for the purpose of constructing/acquiring a house/flat (give details) and assigning your insurance cover and accumulation in the Savings Fund as a member of the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980, to M/s............................The amount claimed by M/s due from you on account of loan would be paid to them without detailed scrutiny and only the balance amount, if any, on account of the accumulation in Saving Fund or Insurance cover and accumulation in Savings Fund would be paid to you or your nominee(s) as the case may be. 2. An authenticated copy of your letter dated.................. and this letter is being sent to M/s..........................for their record. Yours faithfully, ( )


Action on the `scheme' coming into force. 17.1 By the 10th of the month in which the `scheme' came into force the Head of Office had to supply to the Drawing & Disbursing Officers a statement indicating the name, Group and the date of birth of every `employee' who had been in the Central Government service on the date `scheme' was notified, but has not opted out of the `scheme'. 17.2 Every member of the `scheme' shall be informed in Form No. 1 the date of his enrolment, the subscription to be deducted and the benefits to which he would be eligible. On his regular promotion from one Group to another he will be similarly informed in Form No. 2. 17.3 The option exercised by the `employees' who were already in Central Government service on the date the `scheme' was notified was to be in Form No. 3 which had to be pasted in the service book of the individuals concerned. Register of members:18. The Head of Office shall ensure that Group-wise register of member is maintained in the Form No.9 and kept up to date. This register shall be sent to the D.D.O. concerned once a year to verify whether appropriate subscriptions are being recovered from all employees who have joined the insurance fund or both the insurance Fund and the Savings Fund under the `scheme' and to record a certificate to this effect. Nominations:19.1 The Head of Office shall obtain from every member of the `scheme' a nomination conferring on one or more persons the right to receive the amount that may become payable under this `scheme' in the event of his/her death before attaining the age of superannuation. In the case of `employees' who join Central Government service after the date on which the `scheme' is notified such nomination shall be obtained along with joining report. 19.2 If a member of the `scheme' happens to be minor, he/she will be required to make nomination on his/her attaining the age of majority. 19.3 If a member of the `scheme' has a family at the time of his/her making the nomination he/she shall make such nomination only in favour of a member or member(s) of his/her family. For this purpose, family will have the same meaning as assigned to it in the General provident fund (Central Services) Rules, 1960 or Contributory Provident Fund Rules(India) 1962, as the case may be. 19.4 If a female member of the `scheme' by notice in writing to the Head of Office expresses her desire to exclude her husband from her family, the husband shall henceforth be deemed to be no longer a member of her family in matters to which the `scheme' relates, unless the subsequently cancels such notice in writing. 19.5 If nominated member(s) of family subsequently cease to be the member(s) of the family, e.g., minor brother crossing the age of minority, marriage of unmarried sister, remarriage of widow before payment of insurance amounts, etc, nomination made in favour of such member(s) shall become invalid.


19.6 If a member nominates more than one person, he/she should specify in the nomination the amount of share payable to each of the nominee(s) in such a manner as to cover the whole of the amount payable under the `scheme' failing which the amount payable under the `scheme' hall be equally distributed among the nominees. 19.7 The nomination shall be made in Form No. 7 or Form No. 8 as is appropriate in the circumstances. 19.8 A member of the `scheme' may at any time cancel a nomination by sending a notice to the Head of Office along with a fresh nomination made in accordance with the above provision. 19.9 The nomination received from the members shall be counter-signed by the Head of Office and pasted in their service book. The Head of Office shall also make an entry in the service book that the nomination has been duly received. 19.10 If a member of the `scheme' dies without leaving behind a valid nomination, the nomination, if made under GPF/CPF Rules may be accepted for the purpose of this `scheme' also. Where there is no nomination even for GPF/CPF accounts, amounts payable under this `scheme' shall be paid as follows:(a) The entire amount may be paid in equal shares to widow/widows, minor sons and unmarried daughters provided that in the case of more than one widow the second and subsequent marriages were solemnised with the permission of Central Government In the case of minor sons and daughters their mother, who is not a Muslim lady, shall be deemed to be the natural guardian to receive the amount due. Guardianship Certificate has to be produced by the minor sons and daughters of a Muslim lady. (b) In the absence of member(s) eligible under (a) above, the payment may be made in equal shares to other members of the family as defined in General Provident Fund (Central Services) Rules, 1960/Contributory Provident Fund Rules (India), 1962. (c) In the absence of member(s) eligible under (b) above also, payment may be made to other legal heir(s) not covered by items (a) & (b) above. 19.11 In the case of claimants covered by items (a) & (b) in para 19.10 the payment will be made by the Head of Office without insisting on production of Succession Certificate but in the event of payment to the claimants covered by items(c) in para 19.10 Succession Certificate issued by a competent court will have to be produced. 20. Central Government Employees Insurance Scheme, 1977:Central Government Employees Insurance Scheme, 1977 introduced by the Dept. of Expenditure O.M. No. 60/14/77-IC dated 23rd June, 1977 will continue for those `employees' who have opted out of the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 till they cease to be in employment with the Central Government on account of retirement, resignation, death, etc.


Accounting 21.1 The transactions relating to the `scheme' shall be accounted for in accordance with the procedure laid down separately. 21.2 Government dues recoverable from a member of the `scheme' shall not be adjusted from the amounts payable under this `scheme' except as provided in para 13.5 Interpretation and Clarification 22.1 If any categories of `employees' are not specifically classified into Group `A', Group `B', Group `C' or Group `D' their classification shall be assumed in accordance with the principles laid down in this regard under the Central Civil Service (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965. 22.2 In the actual implementation of the `scheme' if any doubt arises in regard to the interpretation of any of the provisions of this `scheme' or if any point requires clarification, the matter may be referred to the Ministry of Finance, whose decision shall be final. Review of the `scheme' The working of the `scheme' will be reviewed every three years to ensure that the `scheme' remains self-financing and self-supporting.


GOVERNMENT OF INDIA'S INSTRUCTIONS UNDER RULE 3 1. AIS officers appointed on or after 1.11.1980 are covered under this Scheme, however officers appointed before the due date have the option to opt out from this scheme: - Sub-rule (1) of rule 3 of the All India Services (Group Insurance) Rules, 1981, provides that the Insurance Scheme enumerated in the Schedule, namely, the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980, as applicable to officers of Central Civil Services Group `A' shall apply to members of All India Services. A member of an All India Service who was appointed to the service on or before 1.11.1980 can opt out of the Insurance Scheme under the first proviso to sub-rule (1) of rule 3 ibid. A member of the Service who has not exercised the option shall be deemed to have opted for the Scheme. If such a member of the Service is subscribing to a State Group Insurance Scheme, he will have to elect, under the second proviso to this sub-rule, either the Central Government employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980, or the State Group Insurance Scheme. Similarly, if a State Civil/Police/Forest service Officer appointed to the AIS/ IPS/IFS after 1.11.1980 is subscribing to a State Group Insurance Scheme, he will have to elect either the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme or the State Group Insurance Scheme. If such a member of the Service fails to exercise option, he shall cease to subscribe to the State Group Insurance Scheme and shall be deemed to have opted for the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980. 2. The options envisaged in the two provisos referred to in para 1 above, will have to be exercised simultaneously in one form, a copy of which is enclosed (Annexure-I).


It is requested that immediate action may be taken by the State Government to obtain, option from members of the State Government to obtain option from members of the All India Services as explained below :(a) A member of the Service appointed to the Service on or before 1-11-1980. He can opt out of the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 (herein after referred to as the Insurance Scheme, 1980). He may be asked to exercise his option latest by 15.12.1981. If he does not exercise the option, he shall be deemed to have opted for the Insurance Scheme, 1980. If he is subscribing to a State Group Insurance Scheme also, he will have to elect either the Insurance Scheme, 1980 or the State Group Insurance Scheme. If he fails to exercise such option by 15.12.1981 he shall cease to subscribe to the State Group Insurance Scheme w.e.f. 1.1.1982 and shall be deemed to have joined the Insurance Scheme, 1980, with effect from that date. (b) A member of the Service appointed to the Service after 1.11.1980 but before 10.11.1981 i.e. the date of commencement of the Rules. (i) The Insurance Scheme, 1980 is compulsory for a direct recruit to the Service and if he is subscribing to a State Group Insurance Scheme, he will cease to subscribe to such a scheme w.e.f. 1.1.1982. If any such member of the Service has a grievance in not allowing him an opportunity to opt out of the Insurance Scheme, 1980, his case may be referred to this Department for considering relaxation of the relevant rule to permit him to remain outside the purview of the Scheme. The Insurance Scheme, 1980 is compulsory for a State Service Officer appointed to the All India Service but if he is subscribing to a State Group Insurance Scheme, he will have to elect either the Insurance Scheme, 1980 or the State Group Insurance Scheme. Such option will have to be exercised latest by 15.12.1981. If a State Service Officer appointed to an All India Service who is not subscribing to a State Group Insurance Scheme had a grievance in not allowing him an opportunity to opt out of the Insurance Scheme, 1980, his case may be referred to this Department for considering relaxation of the relevant rule to permit him to remain outside the purview of the Scheme.


(c) A member of the Service appointed to the Service on or after 10.11.1981. (i) The Insurance Scheme, 1980 will be compulsory for a direct recruit to the Service. The Insurance Scheme 1980 will be compulsory for a State Service officer appointed to an all India Service who is not subscribing to a State Group Insurance Scheme. A State Service officer appointed to an All India Service who is subscribing to a State Insurance Scheme, will have to elect either the Insurance Scheme, 1980 or the State Group Insurance Scheme and if he fails to exercise such option, he shall be deemed to have opted for the Insurance Scheme, 1980 and shall cease to subscribe to the State Group Insurance Scheme. A State Service Officer appointed to an all India Service on or after




10.11.81 may be asked to exercise his option immediately on his appointment to the service. 3. A member of the Service will have to submit his option referred to in para 3 above in triplicate in the prescribed form (Annexure-I). Two copies of the option exercised by him may be forwarded to this Department for record and third copy may be retained by the State Government for their record. In the case of a member of the Service borne on a State/Joint Cadre and on deputation to another State, the State Government under whom the officer is working shall obtain the option on the prescribed from in triplicate and forward two copies to this Department and one copy to the State Government on whose cadre the officer is borne. In the case of members of the Service on deputation to the Central Government including those sent on foreign service in India or abroad while on deputation to the Central Government, the concerned Ministry/Department is being asked to obtain option in triplicate and forward one copy to the State Government concerned for their record. In the case of members of the Service sent on foreign service in India or abroad direct from the State Government, the State Government concerned will have to obtain the option in the prescribed form in triplicate. 4. A member of an All India Service who has opted/deemed to have opted for the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980, may be informed about his enrolment as a member of the Scheme, as in the form enclosed (Annexure-II). A copy of this communication may also be endorsed to this Department for record. In the case of members of the Service on deputation to the Central Government or to another State Government, the State Government on whose cadre the officer is borne (the constituent State of Joint Cadre in the case of members of the Service borne on the Joint Cadre), will have to inform them in the prescribed form about their enrolment as a member of the Scheme. 5. A member of the Service enrolled as a member of the Scheme will have to file nomination conferring on the nominee(s) the right to receive the amount that may become payable under the Scheme in the event of his death. The nomination will have to be filled in Form No. 7 & 8, as the case may be, appended to the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980, incorporated in the Schedule to the Rules. While informing a member of the Service about his enrolment as a member of the Scheme, he may be asked to file his nomination in Form No. 7 or 8, as the case may be, and the nomination filed by him may be retained by the State Government/Accountant General along with the nomination filed by him under the All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955 and the All India Services (DCRB) Rules, 1958. 6. Since the Insurance Scheme 1980 comes in to force on 1.1.1982, it will not be possible for this Department to give extension of time for exercising option by members of the Services. It is requested that immediate action may be taken by the State Government to obtain necessary option from members of the Service. Necessary instructions will be issued separately about the accounts procedure under the Scheme. [DP & AR letter No.11024/3/84-AIS(II), dated the 11th November, 1981.]


ANNEXURE I To, The Chief Secretary to the Government of Sir, I have read and understood the details of the All India Services (Group Insurance) Rules, 1981. I hereby (a) opt out of the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980, set out in the Schedule to the said rules, OR (b) opt for the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980, as set out in the Schedule to the said Rules/*........ scheme introduced by the Government of*...........* Yours faithfully Place .......... Name......... Date........ Designation.......... ______________________________________________________________________ *indicate the title of the insurance scheme introduced by the State Government to which the member of the Service is subscribing and the name of the State. ________________________________________________________________ N.B. (i) A member of the Service who has not opted out of the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980, and is not subscribing to a State Group Insurance Scheme, shall be deemed to have opted for the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980. If such a member of the Service is subscribing to a State Group Insurance Scheme, he shall elect either the State Group Insurance Scheme or the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980. (ii) This option is to be submitted in triplicate. --------------ANNEXURE II No............. MEMORANDUM Shri/Smt.Kum................................member of Indian Administrative/Police/Forest Service has been enrolled as a member of the Central Government Employees


Group-Insurance Scheme, 1980 w.e.f........ His monthly subscription of Rs. 80 (eighty only) shall be deducted from his salary commencing from the month of January........ and he will be eligible to the benefits of the Scheme w.e.f. January...... 2. Shri/Smt./ requested to file his/her nomination in form 7 or 8 (enclosed) as may be applicable to him/her. ( ) Designation No.......dated Copy to Secretary to the Government of India, Department of Personnel & A.R., New Delhi. 2. AIS officers joining on 2nd January of a year commencing from 1982 would required to pay the premium of Rs.24/- p.m. till December of that year for which benefit of savings fund will not be available. They will subsequently pay Rs.80/p.m. and be entitled for both savings and insurance: - In accordance with the provisions contained in sub-rule (1) of rule 3 of the All India Services (Group Insurance) Rules, 1981, read with the clarifications contained in the Ministry of Finance O.M.No.F.15(3)/78-WIP, dated the 27th December, 1980, a person who joins an All India Service on the 2nd January of a year commencing from the year 1982, will be required to pay insurance premiums at the rates of Rs. 24/- per month till the 31st December of the same year, for the insurance cover of Rs.80,000/-. During this period benefits from the Savings Fund will not be admissible to him. From 1st January of the next year he will have to pay a subscription of Rs.80/- per month and he will be entitled to benefits from both savings fund and the insurance fund with effect from that date. A person who joins an All India Service on the 1st January of a year will have to pay subscription at the rate of Rs.80/- per month from that date and he will be entitled to benefits from both the insurance fund and the savings fund with effect from that date. [DP & AR letter No. 11024/3/81-AIS(II), dated the 20th January, 1982.] 3. AIS officers joining on or before 1.11.1981, who have the option to opt out from the Scheme, have to exercise this on or before 31.12.1981: - Under the first proviso to sub-rule (1) of rule 3 of the All India Service (Group Insurance) Rules, 1981, a member of the Service who was appointed to the Service on or before 1st November, 1980, could exercise an option whether to join the Insurance Scheme, 1980, or not. According to the instructions contained in this Department's letter No. 11024/3/81-AIS(II), dated the 10th November, 1981, read with subsequent wireless message dated 17.12.1981, a member of the Service was required to exercise such option on or before 31.12.81. A member of the Service who failed to exercise the option before this date shall be deemed to have joined the Insurance Scheme, 1980. The second proviso to sub-rule (1) of rule 3 ibid further provides that if a member of the Service who was opted or deemed to have opted for the Insurance Scheme 1980 under the first proviso or a State Civil/Police/Forest Service Officer promoted to the IAS/IPS/IFS after 1.11.1980, is subscribing to a State Group Insurance Scheme or the Insurance Scheme, 1980. The proviso further provides that the option once exercised (or not exercised) shall be final. 2. In the case of officers of the Central Civil Services Group A who were appointed to the Service on or before 1st November, 1980 , and who have opted out of the Insurance


Scheme, 1980, the Ministry of Finance have issued orders giving a fresh opportunity to join the Scheme with effect from 1.1.1983, vide their OM No. 15(3)/78-WIP, dated the 20tth February, 1982. 3. It was decided to give similar opportunity to members of All India Services who had opted out of the Insurance Scheme, 1980, in pursuance of the provisos to sub-rule (1) of rule 3 ibid read with the instructions contained in the DP & AR's letter dated 10.11.1981, referred to above. [DP & AR letter No. 11024/33/82-AIS(II), dated 13.05.1982.] 4. Paragraph 3 of the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980, incorporated in the Schedule appended to the All India Services (Group Insurance) Rules, 1981, provides that the scheme will not apply to persons recruited under the Central Government after attaining the age of 50 years. In view of this, a question has been raised whether a State Civil/Police/Forest Service officer appointed to the IAS/IPS/IFS after attaining the age of 50 years will be governed by the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980. 4. It is compulsory for a Person, appointed to AIS after 1st November, 1980, to be covered under the Scheme irrespective of their age at the time of appointment to this Service, however, promotee officers, if subscribing State Insurance Scheme can exercise their option to opt out of it: - The Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 applies to a member of an All India Service subject to the provisions contained in the All India Services (Group Insurance) Rules, 1981 vide sub-rule (1) of Rule 3 ibid. Under the first proviso below this rule, only those members of the Service who were appointed to the Service on or before the 1st November, 1980, could exercise an option opting out of the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980. The Insurance Scheme is compulsory for others i.e. a person appointed to All India Services after 1st November, 1980, irrespective of their age at the time of appointment to this Service. If, however, State Civil/Police/Forest Service officers promoted to the IAS/IPS/IFS after 1.11.1980 are subscribing to State Insurance Scheme, they can exercise an option electing either the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 or the State Group Insurance Scheme of which they were/are members at the time of their appointment to the All India Service. 2. It has already been made clear in paras 3(b) and 3(c) of this Department's circular No. 11024/3/81-AIS(II), dated the 10th November, 1981. [DP & AR letter No. 11024/4/81-AIS(II), dated 31.7.1982.] 5. Categories of AIS officers given fresh opportunities to join the Scheme w.e.f. 1.1.1984 latest by the 30th June, 1983: - The following categories of members of All India Services were given a fresh opportunities to join the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980, w.e.f. 1.1.1984 latest by the 30th June, 1983. (i) Members of All India Services who opted out of the CGEGI Scheme, 1980 in pursuance of the instructions contained in this Department's circular No. 11024/3/81-AIS(II), dated 10.11.81 and who have not exercised fresh option to join the Scheme w.e.f. 1.1.1983 in pursuance of this Department's circular No. 11024/3/81-AIS(II), dated 13.5.1982.


(ii)Members of All India Services who have exercised fresh option to join the Scheme w.e.f. 1.1.1983 after the prescribed date, viz., 30.6.82 (fresh option exercised by officers in pursuance of this Department's circular dated 13.5.82 after the prescribed date, viz., 30.6.82, has not been accepted by this Department). [DP & AR letter No. 11024/7/83-AIS(II), dated the 3rd March, 1983.] 6. Prescribed procedure of the Ministry of Finance should be followed for payment of dues in respect of AIS officers under Central Deputation: - According to the Accounting Procedure prescribed by the Ministry of Finance (Controller General of Accounts) under the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 applicable to members of All India Services, when an occasion for payment of dues under the Insurance Scheme arises in the case of members of All India Services working in or under the Central Ministry/Department etc., D.D.O. of the concerned Ministry/Department etc. will have to obtain claim for payment in the revised receipted bill (Annexure-III of the Accounting Procedure-copy enclosed) and forward it to this department after filling up of Part II thereof, for further action. The responsibility for the sanction of the amount and the issue of crossed cheque/demand draft in favour of the claimant(s) rests with this Department and the PAO accredited to them. However, recently, when a member of an All India Service retired from service while on deputation to the Central Government, the Office where he was working issued a sanction for payment of dues admissible to him from the savings fund instead of referring the case to this Department and on the basis of such sanction, the PAO accredited to them authorised the payment. The procedure adopted in this case was not in accordance with the provisions contained in the Accounting Procedure issued by the Ministry of Finance (Controller General of Accounts) under their O.M. No. S 11013/2/81/TA/3845, dated the 26th December, 1981, referred to above. 2. It was emphasised that the prescribed accounting procedure should be followed. [DP & AR letter No. 11024/2/83-AIS(II), dated 28.3.1983.] 7. Accounting procedure in the case of members of All India Services under the Scheme issued by the Ministry of Finance should be followed: - Sub-rule (3) of rule 2 of the All India Services (Group Insurance) Rules, 1981, notified vide this Department's notification No. 11024/1/81-AIS(II), dated the 10th November, 1981, provides that the collection of subscriptions and payment of dues under the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 in the case of member of the All India Services, shall be regulated by such instructions as may be issued by the Central Government in this behalf. In pursuance of this, the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure-Controller General of Accounts) have issued detailed accounting procedure in the case of members of All India Services under the Scheme vide their O.M. No. S 11013/2/TA/3845. dated the 26th December, 1981. Action as indicated below is required to be taken in the case of members of All India Services working in the Academy etc. and the All India Services probationers undergoing training:(1) Members of All India Services borne on a State/Joint Cadre, other than Union Territories cadre working in the Academy etc.-The subscriptions recovered from the pay bills of these officers should not be credited to the account of the Central Government. The same will have to be passed on to the State Government/Accountant General concerned in the manner in which provident


fund contributions recovered from them are transferred as provided in para 4.1(b) of the Ministry of Finance O.M. No. S-11013/2/81/TA/3845, dated the 26th December, 1981.

(2) Members of All India Services borne on the Union Territories Cadre working in the Academy etc.- The subscriptions collected from these officers should be credited to the Central Government account, namely 811-Insurance and Pension Funds-Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme. Every month information should be sent to the Pay and Accounts Officer, DP & AR, about the subscriptions recovered from these officers and credited to the Central Government account, as provided in para 7.3 of the O.M., dated 26.12.81. (3) Probationers undergoing training- In the case of All India Service probationers joining the Academy etc. directly for training i.e., before joining their State of allotment, the insurance premium at the rate of Rs. 24 p.m. or subscription at the composite rate of Rs. 80 p.m. , as the case may be, shall be recovered from the payments made to the probationers account, namely, 811-Insurance and Pension Funds-Central Government, Employees Group Insurance Scheme. Every month necessary information shall be sent to the P & AO, DP & AR about the premium/subscription recovered from the probationers. If a probationer joins Academy etc. for training after first reporting to the State/Joint Cadre of his allotment, the premium or subscription , as the case may be, recovered from him should not be credited to be Central Government account; it should be passed on to the State Government/Accountant General concerned in the manner indicated at (1) above. When a probationer moves from LBSNAA to SVP/PA/FRI or vice-versa, the former shall issue a certificate to the latter indicating the period during which premium/subscription has been collected from him and whether it was credited to the Central Government account or passed on to the State of allotment. A similar certificate shall also be issued when a probationer moves from any of these institutions to his State of allotment. 2. When an occasion arises for making payment under the Scheme in the case of probationers undergoing training or members of the Service working in the Academy, etc., the claim shall be processed by the concerned institute in consultation with this Department and under intimation to the State Government concerned. 3. The Accounting procedure issued by the Ministry of Finance vide their O.M. dated the 26th December, 1981 does not cover the case of probationer undergoing training. That Ministry is taking necessary action to issue a corrigendum. [DP & AR letter No. 11024/2/81-AIS(II), dated 5.1.1981.] 8. Accounting procedure for the Central Ministries/Departments in cases of members of AIS working in or under them (including attached and subordinate offices):- Sub-rule (3) of rule 3 of the All India Services (Group Insurance) Rules, 1981, notified vide this Department's notification No. 11024/1/81-AIS (II) dated 10th November, 1981 provides that the collection of subscriptions and payment of dues under the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980, in the case of members of All India Services, shall be regulated by such instructions as may be issued by the Central Government in this behalf. In pursuance of this, the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure-Controller General of Accounts)


have issued detailed accounting procedure applicable to members of All India Services under the Scheme vide their O.M. No. 5-11013/2/81/TA/3845, dated the 26th December, 1981. 2. According to the accounting procedure issued by the Ministry of Finance, the Central Ministries/Departments are required to take action as indicated below in the case of members of All India Services working in or under them (including attached and subordinate offices):(i) Members of the Service borne on the State/Joint Cadre: The subscription recovered from these officers should not be credited to the Central Government account it should be passed on to the State Government/Accountant General concerned in the manner in which Provident Fund subscriptions recovered from them are transferred, as laid down in the accounting procedure issued by the Controller General of Accounts. (ii)Members of the Service borne on the Union Territories Cadre: The subscription recovered from these officers should be credited to the Central Government account viz. 811-Insurance and Pension Funds-Central Government employees Group insurance scheme. Every month, a report should be sent to the Pay and Accounts Officer, Department of Personnel & A.R. about the subscription recovered from the officers and credited to the Central Government account. 3. When an occasion arises for making payment under the Scheme on account of retirement or otherwise of a member of the Service while on deputation to the Central Government, the Ministry/Department concerned shall process the claim for payment under the scheme in consultation with this Department and under intimation to the State Government concerned. 4. In the case of members of the Service (who are members of this Scheme) sent on foreign Service in India or abroad while on deputation to the Central Government, the Ministry/Department concerned should take immediate action to incorporate a clause in the terms and conditions of foreign service already issued by them, regarding the recovery of subscription from them under the Scheme. It will be the responsibility of the foreign employer to recover the subscription from members of the Service and pass on to the State Government/Accountant General concerned. (In the case of members of the Service borne on the Union Territories cadre, it should be passed on to the Pay and Accounts Officer (Sectt.) functioning under the Controller of accounts, Delhi Administration. In case the foreign employer does not take responsibility for recovering provident contribution from a member of the Service or to make pension Leave Salary contributions etc. it will be the responsibility of the member of the Service to pay the subscriptions regularly under the Scheme. In the case of members of the Service sent on foreign service out of India, the procedure laid down in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) O.M. No. 8(8)-E.III/81, dated the 22nd September, 1981, will apply for remitting the subscriptions. In future when a member of the Service is sent on foreign service while on deputation to the Central Government, the Ministry/Department concerned should include a clause in the terms and conditions of foreign service regarding recovery of subscriptions under the scheme. [DP & AR letter No. 11024/2/81-AIS(II), dated 13.1.1982.]


9. Payment from savings fund in the CGEGI Scheme, 1980 upto 31.12.86 will be made in accordance with the Table issued under M/Finance O.M. No. F 1(8)/83-WIP, dated 22.6.84 (copy annexed). [DP & AR letter No. 11024/60/84-AIS(II), dated 16/7/84] 10. Clarification under the accounting procedure applicable to AIS officers: - The following clarifications have been issued under the accounting procedure applicable to AIS Officers. 1. Allotment of Account No. - The Accounting Procedure issued by the Ministry of Finance (Controller General of Accounts) under their O.M. No. 11013/2/81/TA/3845 dated 26th December, 1981, a copy of which has been circulated among the State Governments vide this Department's letter No. 11024/3/81-AIS(II), dated 7th January, 1982, does not envisage maintenance of detailed account individual-wise of the collection of subscriptions from members of All India Services who are subscribing to the insurance scheme. There is, therefore, no need to allot any account No. to individual officers. A member of an All India Service who has been enrolled as a member of the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980, under Sub-rule (1) of rule 3 of the AIS (Group Insurance) Rules, 1981, will have to be informed about his enrolment as a member of the Insurance Scheme under sub-rule (2) of rule 3 ibid. The subscription at the rate of Rs.80 p.m. or insurance premium at the rate of Rs.24/-p.m., as the case may be, shall be recovered form such a member of the Service by the authority paying the monthly salary to him. The Designated Drawing officer nominated by the State Government under para 5.1 of the Accounting procedure issued by the Ministry of Finance shall be responsible for the drawal in one lump sum of the total amount of subscriptions payable by all the members of the Service under the Insurance Scheme and for remitting the same to the Pay & Accounts Office, Department of Personnel & AR., Government of India, New Delhi. It will be the responsibility of the Accounts Officer of the State concerned to maintain relevant broadsheet for link and working out differences, if any, between the lump sum amount paid to the Government of India by the Designated Drawing Officer under para 5.1 of the Accounting Procedure and the actual subscription recovered, and accounted for in his books under para 4 of the Accounting Procedure referred to above. The difference could be mainly attributed to the time lag in receipt of credits relating to subscriptions recovered from officers on deputation or on foreign service. 2. Custody of nominations- In para 6 of this Departments circular No. 11024/3/81-AIS(II), dated 10th November, 1981 it has been laid down that the nomination filed by a member of the Service under the Group Insurance Scheme shall be retained by the State Government/Accountant General along with the nomination filed by him under the AIS(Provident Fund) Rules etc. However, in para 6.1 of the Accounting Procedure referred to above it has been laid down that if a member of the Service retires from service or dies while in service or otherwise ceases to be in service, the Designated Drawing Officer of the State Government concerned shall take action to obtain a pre-receipted claim from the beneficiary(s) in the prescribed form, fill in necessary details therein and forward it to the Department of Personnel & A.R., Government of India for making the payment. Unless the nomination filed by a member of the Service is under the custody of the Designated Drawing Officer, he will not be able to submit the claim from the nominee(s) to the Government of India for making payment in the case of the death of a member of the Service while in service. It is, therefore, suggested that the nomination filed by a member of the


Service under the Insurance Scheme may be kept under the custody of the Designated Drawing Officer nominated by the State Government under para 5.1 of the Accounting Procedure, referred to above. 3. Affixing of revenue stamp on pre-receipted claim- The usual revenue stamp will have to be affixed on the pre-receipted claim obtained from the beneficiary(s) in the form appended to the Accounting Procedure referred above and not in the acknowledgement obtained while handing over the cheque/draft. 4. Adjustment of Government dues- There is no provision in the Insurance Scheme for adjusting the Government dues against payment admissible from the savings fund under the Scheme except arrears of subscriptions payable by an Officer to the Scheme. Since subscription is to be deducted from the salary of a member of the Service, payment of subscription to the Scheme should not ordinarily be in arrears. It is possible that if a member of the Service dies while on extraordinary leave or immediately on return from extraordinary leave, arrears of subscription may be due from him. In such cases, the arrears of subscription due from him along with interest admissible under the Insurance Scheme on the accretions to the savings fund, shall be adjusted against the payment admissible to his family from the savings fund under the Scheme. [DP & AR letter No. 11024/2/81-AIS(II), dated the 22nd April, 1982.] 11. Promotee AIS officers should exercise their option within one month of their appointment about the subscription of Central Scheme or State Scheme: - It has been decided that a State Officer promoted to an All India Service should submit his option as envisaged in the second proviso to rule 3(1) ibid at the time of his appointment to the Service. In case, if he fails to exercise the option, within one month from the date of his appointment to the All India Service, he shall cease to subscribe to the State Group Insurance Scheme and shall be deemed to have opted for the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980, as provided in the rule quoted above. The option will have to be exercised as in form at Annexure I to this DP & AR letter No. 11024/3/81-AIS(II), dated 10.11.81. [DP & AR letter No. 11024/59/84-AIS(II), dated the 13th July. 1984.] ACCOUNTING PROCEDURE RELATING TO CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES GROUP INSURANCE SCHEME 1980 AS EXTENDED TO ALL INDIA SERVICES [M. Finance CCA OM No. S. 11013/2/81-TA/3845, dated 26.12.81.] The All India Services (Group Insurance) Rules, 1981, framed under the All India Services Act, 1951, were notified in the Gazette on 10.11.1981 vide notification No. 11024/1/81-AIS(II), dated 10.11.1981. In view of the provisions contained in rule 3 of these rules, the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980, as applicable to officers of Central Civil Services Group `A' shall mutatis mutandis apply to the members of All India Services w.e.f. 1.1.82. 2. According to proviso to rule 3 ibid read with Department of Personnel & A.R. Circular No. 11024/3/81-AIS(II), dated 10.11.1981, a member of the Service is required to submit an option in triplicate to the State Government/U.T. Administration in the prescribed form. One copy of the option shall be retained by the State Government/U.T. Administration in their custody and the other two copies will be sent to the Ministry of Home Affairs (DP&AR), New Delhi. Out of this, one copy shall be sent


by the latter to the Pay and Accounts Office functioning under Controller of Accounts, D.P.A.R. (hereafter referred to as P.A.O., D.P.A.R.) for record and reference. 3. Maintenance of list of members.-A list of members of the All India Services subscribing to the Insurance Scheme will be drawn up by the Department of Personnel & A.R. (D.P.A.R.) as on 1.1.82, to which will be added list of officers (direct recruits) appointed to the service and those appointed to the service on promotion under sub-rule (1) or (2) of rule 8 of the IAS (Recruitment) Rules, 1954, sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the IPS (Recruitment) Rules, 1954, or sub-rule (1) of rule 8 of the IFS (Recruitment) Rules, 1966, on or after 1.1.1982 and who are subscribing to the Scheme and the casualties etc. arising from time to time shall be deleted. This will be recorded by the D.P.A.R. in a special register service-wise keeping separate folios for the cadre of each State and for the cadre of Union Territories as a whole. This register in respect of members of the Indian Police Service and Indian Forest Service shall be retained by the D.P.A.R. till the work relating to these two services is transferred to the Ministry of Home Affairs (Police Division) and the Ministry of Agriculture (Department of Agriculture)*. * To be read as Ministry of Environment & Forests in the present circumstances. 4. Recovery of Subscriptions. 4.1 Each State Government/U.T. Administration shall be responsible for the recovery of subscriptions under the scheme from members of the Service who are to subscribe in terms of the scheme envisaged in the A.I.S. (G.I.) Rules, 1981. The monthly deductions to be made from the salary bills of the A.I.S. Officers covered by the scheme on account of the subscriptions, will be classified in the bills, as indicated below. This will be effective from the salary bills for January 1982 payable on 1.2.82 or, on the last working day of January, 1982. (a) In respect of officers of a State Cadre serving in the State, the deductions will be classified under the major etc.. head of account 858-Suspense Accounts - A.I.S. officers Group Insurance Scheme -Subscriptions pending its adjustment against advance payment made by the State Government to the Central Government (PAO, D.P.A.R.) in the manner indicated in Para 5.1 below. (b) Recoveries from members of the scheme belonging to a State Cadre effected in the Central books while on deputation with the Central Government, shall be classified as under: 858-Suspense Accounts. -PAO Suspense -Items adjustable by the Accountant General on account of Group Insurance Scheme.


These recoveries, along with similar recoveries on account of GPF subscriptions etc. arising in the central books shall be settled with the State Accountant General concerned by issue of Crossed Government Account cheques by the Central P.A.O. On receipt of the valuable, the Accountant General of the State concerned shall classify the receipt to the head of account indicated at (a) above. (c) In respect of members of the scheme belonging to a State Cadre placed on foreign service in India or abroad, watch over the recovery of the subscriptions, which will be initially made by the foreign employer, shall be kept by the Accounts Officer of the State concerned who is responsible for watching the P.F. subscriptions of the officer. These, on receipt by cheque or bank draft, will be credited to the head of account indicated at (a) above in the State section of accounts. (d) Deductions under this scheme from members belonging to U.T. Cadre, effected while serving under any U.T. Government/Administration or while on deputation with the Central Government, will be classified under the major etc. head of account indicated below in the central Section of books of the Accounts Officer concerned: 811-Insurance and Pensions Funds -Central Government employees Group Insurance Scheme (e) In respect of U.T. cadre members on foreign service in India or abroad, watch over receipt of subscriptions by way of bank drafts from the foreign employers, shall be kept by the PAO (Sectt.) functioning under the Controller of Accounts, Delhi Administration who is already responsible for maintaining the GPF accounts of such officers and shall classify the same under the head of account indicated at (d) above. (f) In respect of U.T. cadre members on deputation other than to Central Government, deductions under the scheme appearing in the bills shall be classified under the major etc. head of account. (g) In the case of member of All India Services working in the Academy etc. and the All India Service probationers undergoing training the following procedure may be followed:(i) Members of All-India Services borne on a State/Joint Cadre, other than Union Territories cadre, working in the Academy etc.-The subscriptions recovered from the pay bills of these officers should not be credited to the account of the Central Government. The same will have to be passed on to the State Government/Accountant General concerned in the manner in which provident fund contributions recovered from them are transferred in terms of para 4.1(b) above. (ii) Members of All India Services borne on Union Territories Cadre working in the Academy etc.-The subscription collected from these officers should be credited to the Central Government account, namely, 811-Insurance and Pension Funds-Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme. Every month information should be sent to the Pay and Accounts Officer, DPAR, about the subscriptions recovered from these officers and credited to the Central Government account in terms of para 7.3 et. seq. (iii)Probationers undergoing training- In the case of All India Service probationers joining the Academy etc. directly for training i.e., before joining their State of allotment,


the insurance premium at the rate of Rs. 24 p.m. or subscription at the composite rate or Rs. 80 p.m., as the case may be, shall be recovered from the payments made to the probationers and shall be credited to the Central Government account, namely, 811-Insurance and Pension Funds-Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme. Every month necessary information shall be sent to the P. and A.O., DPAR, about the premium subscription recovered from the probationers. If a probationer joins the Academy etc. for training after first reporting to the State/Joint Cadre of his allotment, the premium or subscription, as the case may be, recovered from him should not be credited to the Central Government account; it should be passed on to the State Government/Accountant General concerned in the manner indicated at (i) above. When a probationer moves from LBSNAA to SVPA/FRI or vice versa, the former shall issue a certificate to the latter indicating the period during which premium/subscription has been collected from him and whether it was credited to the Central Government account or passed on to the State of allotment. A similar certificate shall also be issued when a probationer moves from any of these institutions to their State of allotment. (h) In respect of a State Cadre member on deputation to another State Government, the deduction under the Insurance Scheme shall be made along with other recoveries like GPF/Advances etc. through monthly bills. The Accountant General of the borrowing State will classify these recoveries under the suspense head "893-Inter-State Suspense Account" and pass on all credit recoveries to the A.G. of the parent State for adjustment/linking at his end. 858-Suspense Accounts -PAO Suspense -Items adjustable by PAO (Sectt.), Delhi Administration on account of Group Insurance Scheme. These recoveries, alongwith similar recoveries on account of GPS subscriptions etc. shall be settled by the Accounts Officer concerned with the PAO (Sectt.) functioning under the Controller of Accounts, Delhi Administration by issue of a crossed Government Account Cheque etc. On receipt of the valuable the PAO (Sectt.) of Controller of Accounts, Delhi Administration shall classify the same to the head of account indicated in (d) above. 4.2 In respect of members of the scheme placed on deputation with Central Government or on foreign service etc., a suitable indication should be given in the L.P.C. being issued by the appropriate authorities, about the recoveries made till then during the year, and the month from which/rate at which recoveries are to be effected on this account thereafter as well as the date on which he became a member of the Scheme. 5. Remittance to Central Government of amounts of subscriptions recovered from salary bills of officers of State Cadre serving in States. 5.1 It has been decided that against the recoveries to be effected from the salary bills of the A.I.S. officers serving in the State and those of the State Cadre on deputation or on foreign service, all of which will be credited to the State accounts under the suspense head referred to in para 4.1(a) above, the State Governments should arrange to remit in one lump sum the amounts on the last working day of every


month (commencing from January 1982) (except that remittance in respect of March pay bills may be made in the 1st week of April) by cheque/demand draft to the P.A.O. of D.P.A.R. working under the Controller of Accounts, D.P.A.R., Ministry of Home Affairs, by adopting the following method of computation indicated in (a) and below and arriving at the total amounts. (a) The No. of members of the Service covered under the scheme who are serving in the State or on deputation or foreign service and who are to subscribe at the composite rate of Rs. 80 p.m. may be multiplied by 80 to arrive at the total subscription due (covering Insurance portion and savings portion). (b) The number of such members of the Service (serving in the State or on deputation or foreign service) as on the last day of the relevant month (2nd in the case of January), who are required to subscribe only to the premium for insurance cover at Rs. 24 p.m., may be multiplied by 24. The amount required to be remitted in this manner, may be drawn through a bill upon the treasury/State Head Quarter's P.A.O. by a Designated Drawing Officer in the Department of the State Government administratively or otherwise dealing with the movement/events etc. relating to the A.I.S. officers of the State such as the Home Department., the General Administration Department, the Chief Secretariat etc. The designated drawing officer, who may be nominated by the State Government for the purpose, may after ascertaining the details required for the amount to be remitted in the manner indicated in (a) and (b) above in respect of all the members of A.I.S. of the State draw a bill for the amounts classifying the same under "858-Suspense Accounts-A.I.S. Officers Group Insurance Scheme-Payment to the Central Government of the subscriptions in respect of A.I.S. officers Group Insurance Scheme". The amount of the bill should be obtained in the form of a crossed account payee demand draft in favour of the P.A.O. (D.P.A.R.) New Delhi in the Ministry of Home Affairs and sent to him by the designated drawing officer with a covering schedules indicating the number of officers in each cadre (IAS/IPS/IFS) for whom the remittances as computed in (a) and in (b) above are sent. The remittance should be made on the last working day of each month, commencing from January, 1982 (First week of April in respect of recoveries relating to March). 5.2 The credit on account of the subscriptions recovered from the officers and adjusted initially in the State books of the As G. with reference to the accountal of the salary vouchers of the A.I.S. officers, and the cash recoveries effected in respect of officers on deputation or on foreign service, which will appear under the suspense minor/sub-head "A.I.S. officers Group Insurance Scheme-Subscription", under `858' should periodically and at the close of each financial year be equal to the debits on account of the payments which will be appearing under the minor/sub head A.I.S. Officers Group Insurance Scheme - payment to the Central Government of subscriptions in respect of the A.I.S. officers Group insurance Scheme" under the same major head, with reference to the accountal of the vouchers in respect of the bills referred to para 5.1 above. A reconciliation of these credits/debits to ensure their equality periodically and at the close of the financial year, will be ensured by the As. G. in consultation with the concerned administrative department of the State Government under whom the designated drawing officer is working and by keeping a suitable broadsheet. 5.3 The demand draft received from the designated drawing officers every month by the P.A.O. (D.P.A.R.) will be credited by him in his books under the head


"8011-Insurance and Pension Funds-Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme" under the appropriate sub-heads Savings Fund/Insurance Fund 6. Payments of dues to the Beneficiaries------6.1. If a member of the Service retires from service on attaining the age of superannuation or dies while in service (whether actually serving under the state Government or on foreign service but other than on deputation with Central Government) or otherwise ceases to be a member of the Service the designated drawing Officer of the State Government concerned shall take action to obtain a pre receipted claim from the beneficiary (beneficiaries) in the proforma at Annexure III, fill in necessary details therein (enclose a duly attested copy of the death certificate in the case of claims arising due to death of a member) and forward it to the D.P.A.R. in the Government of India. The latter shall verify the details including entitlement under savings fund etc. with reference to the documents available with them vide Para 3 above and submit the bill to the PAO (DPAR) for payment. The P.A.O. shall exercise necessary usual checks and also with reference to the record maintained by him and will draw a crossed cheque/crossed bank draft in favour of the officer concerned or nominee(s) or legal heir(s) as the case may be, and send it to the Drawing Officer in the DPAR who shall arrange to transmit the same to the designated Officer of the State Government The latter shall be responsible to hand over the valuable to the Officer/nominee(s) etc. as the case may be, against necessary acknowledgement. In the case of those retiring from service on superannuation, the claim for payment from the savings fund shall be prepared and submitted three months prior to the actual date of retirement. In all other cases such claims shall be preferred as soon after the date of quitting service by the member or death, as possible. NOTE-A claim arising in the case of a member of the Scheme while on deputation to the Government of India, shall be processed through D.P.A.R. and its P.A.O. (who shall exercise necessary pre checks). by the P.A.O. of the Central Government Ministry/Department in which the Officer was serving at the time of the relevant event under intimation to the designated officer of the State/U.T. Government concerned. Suitable entry shall be made in col. 6 of Annexure I-Parts II & III. The Payment would be classified under the respective subheads below Major etc. heads indicated below: 811-Insurance and Pension Funds Central Government Employees Insurance scheme Insurance Fund (Sub head) Savings Fund (Sub head) Group

6.2 Provision of para 6.1 and note thereunder shall be applicable mulatis mutandis to claims pertaining to members of the All India Services borne on the Union Territories Cadre. 6.3 When an occasion arises for making payment under the Scheme in the case of probationers undergoing training or members of the Service working in the L.B.S. National Academy of Administration etc., the claim shall be processed by the concerned institute in consultation with the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms and under intimation to the State Government concerned, in terms of the Note under paragraph 6.1 above.


7.1 The Pay and Accounts Officer, Department of Personnel and A.R. shall credit the amounts received in terms of Paragraph 5.1 above to the head of account "811 Insurance and Pension Funds-Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme", and keep a note of the amount realised from each State Government etc. service-wise in a register (part I of the Proforma at Annexure with separate folios for each State. 7.2 During the first week of each year the Department of Personnel & A.R. shall furnish a list (service-wise) indicating the total number of officers who are members of the Scheme and borne on each State Government Cadre as on the 1st January and also indicating how this is worked out with reference to the opening balance as on the 1st January of the preceding year. Additions/deletions each month during the year should also be furnished similarly in the first week of the following month. Similarly the number of officers (Cadre and service-wise) who are required to subscribe towards insurance cover only during each month of the year should be furnished by the D.P.A.R. to its Pay and Accounts Office, during the first week of every month. The credits realised each month from each State will be verified with this list by the Pay and Accounts Office, D.P.A.R. to ensure that actual credits due each month have been received from the States concerned. Any discrepancy shall be taken up with the State Government/A.G. concerned under intimation to the D.P.A.R. 7.3 The Accounts authority of each Union Territory Administration shall furnish every month necessary information to the P.A.O., D.P.A.R. about the total subscription credited during the month indicating the number of officers service-wise who contributed at the composite rate (Rs.80) and who contributed at the insurance rate only (Rs. 24) so as to enable him to maintain details in the preacribed proforma. P.A.O., D.P.A.R. shall tally the details received from various accounts authorities with those received in terms of paragraph 7.2 above and cases of discrepancy, of any, shall be settled with D.P.A.R. and accounts authorities concerned. 7.4 P.A.O., D.P.A.R. shall maintain registers in the proforma at Annexure I for preparing annual reports prescribed for the purpose. The annual report in the form as at Annexure II shall be prepared by him (with the assistance of D.P.A.R. wherever necessary) and submitted to the organisation of the Controller General of Accounts so as to reach them by the 10th February every year from 1983 onwards. 8. The functions of the Pay and Accounts Officer, Department of Personnel and A.R. as set out above in the case of members of the Indian Police Service and India Forest Service shall be performed by the Pay and Accounts Office, (Sectt.) Ministry of Home Affairs (Department of P. & A.R.) and the Pay and Accounts Office (Sectt), Ministry of Agriculture (Department of Agriculture) after the work pertaining to these two services are transferred to them. 9. Organisation of the Controller General of Accounts will perform functions stated in paras 8.10 & 11 of the Appendix to O. M. No. S. 11013/2/81-C/2907, dated the 22nd September, 1981 of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, Controller General of Accounts) after taking into account the receipts, payments and other information following from the scheme as extended to All India Services.


ANNEXURE-I (D.P.A.R.) (To be maintained by P.O./etc. vide Para 8.1) REGISTER RELATING TO ALL INDIA SERVICES (GROUP INSURANCE) RULES, 1981 (Separate registers to be maintained separate folios for each State) for each Cadre viz. I.A.S., I.P.S., I.F.S. with

STATE................ CADRE................ PART-I NO. OF SUBSCRIBERS AS IN JANUARY, 20........ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Month Cheque/Bank draft No. and date Number of employees in respect of whom payment received at Composite Rate Insurance Rate only

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 2 3 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------January February March ....... December --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ANNEXURE-I Part-II Payment made during respect of members on their demise while in service resignation etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Month Voucher No. Post held while on Deputation with Insurance Saving Central Government at Fund Fund the time of death -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 2 3 4 5 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name of officer Amount of payment

To be filled for payment under note below para 6.1


PART-IIIPayment made to members during 20......on their retirement, resignation etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Month *Post held while on deputation with Central Government at the time of the death --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 2 3 4 5 Voucher No. Name of officer Amount of payment

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ANNEXURE-II (To be submitted by P.A.O. (D.P.A.R.) etc. to C.G.A. vide para 8.4) ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR 20......SHOWING THE NUMBER OF AIS OFFICERS SUBSCRIBING UNDER ALL INDIA SERVICES (GROUP INSURANCE) RULES AND THE NUMBER FOR WHOM PAYMENTS WERE MADE Name of PAO: Year of Report : PAO (DPAR), New Delhi 20.....

PART-I-A-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name of State Number of members of the All India Services who subscribed at composite rate. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------On Ist January, 20...(Previous year) On 1st January, 20... (Current year) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 2 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Andhra Pradesh TOTAL................................... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PART-I-B. Statement showing number of members and amounts realised from States towards insurance Fund only during the Calendar Year 20...... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------State January February March April May June ..... December. TOTAL RS. RS. RS. RS. RS. RS. RS. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Andhra Pradesh TOTAL: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


PART-II & IIIStatement showing the number of cases in which payments were made during the previous year 20.......because of --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DEATH /OTHER CASES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------State Number Amount Number Amount --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Andhra Pradesh TOTAL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ANNEXURE-III (Refer Para 6.1)


PART-I. Received the sum of Rs................................................... ( ) under the All India Services Group Insurance Rules, 1981, being the total of entitlement of Rs...................... from the *Insurance Fund and/or of Rs............................from the Savings Fund, accrued toName:.............................................................................................. Service to which I/he *belonged...................................................... Designation:..................................................................................... Name of State on whose cadre borne.............................................

Signature(s) of Recipient(s) (NAME IN BLOCK LETTERS) Dated:


PART II Endorsement to be recorded by the Designated Drawing officer of State/Union Territory or by D.D.O. of concerned Central Ministry/Department in respect of an officer on deputation to centre. (a) Date on which the officer became a member of the Scheme...................................... (b) Description of the event (retirement, resignation, death etc. and date thereof........................................... (c) Countersigned for payment of Rs.........(Rupees.....................) to claimant(s). Crossed Cheque/demand draft to be issued in favour of claimant(s): Signature : Date: Designation of DDO Government of........ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PART III Endorsement to be recorded by the DDO DPAR/MHA/Deptt. of agriculture respectively in the case of IAS/IPS/IFS officers respectively certified that the above details (including entitlement under the Savings Fund) have been verified and found to be correct. Signature................ DDO,DP&AR........ PART III For use in Pay and Account Office Passed for payment of Rs............(Rupees........................) Payment through Cheque(s) No.(s) Date Accounts officer -----------------------------------------------------------------------*Delete whichever is inapplicable.


TABLE Benefits from the Savings Fund under the Central Government Employees Group insurance Scheme, 1980 for the period from 1.1.1982 to 31.12.1986 on a monthly subscription of Rs.70/- (in rupees) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Year of entry I - year of cessation of membership - 1982. Month of cessation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.1.1982 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 57 64 71 79 86 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Year of entry II - year of cessation of membership - 1983. Month of cessation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.1.1982 94 101 109 117 125 133 147 149 157 166 174 183 1.1.1983 7 14 21 28 35 42 50 57 64 72 79 87 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Year of entry III- year of cessation of membership - 1984. Month of cessation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.1.1982 192 200 209 218 226 235 244 254 263 272 281 291 1.1.1983 95 102 110 118 126 134 142 150 159 167 175 184 1.1.1984 7 14 21 28 35 42 50 57 64 72 79 87 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date of entry IV- year of cessation of membership - 1985. Month of cessation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.1.1982 301 310 320 330 339 349 359 370 380 390 401 411 1.1.1983 193 201 210 219 228 236 245 255 264 273 282 292 1.1.1984 95 102 110 118 126 134 142 150 159 167 175 184 1.1.1985 7 14 21 28 35 42 50 57 64 72 79 87 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date of entry V- year of cessation of membership - 1986. Month of cessation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.1.1982 422 432 443 454 465 476 487 499 510 522 533 545 1.1.1983 302 311 321 331 341 350 361 371 381 391 402 412 1.1.1984 193 201 210 219 228 236 245 255 264 273 282 292 1.1.1985 95 102 110 118 126 134 142 150 159 167 175 184 1.1.1986 7 14 21 28 35 42 50 57 64 72 79 87 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOTE: (1) It is assumed that full contribution for the month of cessation of membership has already been collected/will be collected from the salary of that month, failing which it should be deducted from the accumulated amounts given above. (2) The interest rate on the balances in the Savings Fund has been allowed on the basis of 10 n per cent pr annum (compounded quarterly) for the period from 1.1.1982 to 31.12.1982 and 11 per cent per anum (compunded quarterly) from 1.1.1983 onwards. (S. Subramanian) Under Secretary to Government of India TABLE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT GROUP INSURANCE SCHEME 1980 The accumulations in the Saving Account of members corresponding to the contribution @ Rs. 10/- per month, upto the end of the month of cessation of membership of the Scheme on account of "death", "retirement", resignation etc. (in rupees) Year of entry VI- year of cessation of membership - 1987. Month of cessation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.1.1982 557 570 582 595 608 620 634 647 660 673 687 701 1.1.1983 423 434 445 456 468 479 491 503 515 527 539 551 1.1.1984 302 312 322 332 342 352 362 373 383 394 405 416 1.1.1985 193 201 210 219 228 238 247 256 265 275 285 294 1.1.1986 95 103 110 118 126 135 143 151 159 168 176 185 1.1.1987 7 14 21 28 35 42 50 57 64 72 80 87 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: (1)It is assumed that full contribution for the month of cessation of membership has already been collected/will be collected from the salary for that month, failing which it should be deducted from the accumulated amounts given above.


(2) The interest rate on the balance in the Savings Accounts has been allowed on the basis of 10 per cent per annum (Compounded quarterly) for the period from 1.1.1982 to 31.12.1982; 11 per cent per annum (compounded quarterly) from 1.1.1983 to 31.12.1986 and 12% per annum (compounded quarterly) from 1.1.1987 onwards. TABLE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES GROUP INSURANCE SCHEME-1980 The accumulations in the Savings Accounts of members corresponding to the contribution @ Rs. 10 per month, upto the end of the month of cessation of membership of the Scheme on account of "death", "retirement", "resignation", etc. (In Rupees) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Year of entry VII- year of cessation of membership - 1988. Month of cessation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.1.1982 715 729 743 758 772 787 802 816 832 847 862 878 1.1.1983 563 576 589 602 615 628 641 654 668 681 695 709 1.1.1984 427 438 450 461 473 484 496 508 520 532 545 557 1.1.1985 304 314 324 334 345 355 365 376 387 398 409 420 1.1.1986 194 203 212 221 230 239 249 258 268 277 287 297 1.1.1987 95 103 111 119 127 135 144 152 161 169 178 187 1.1.1988 7 14 21 28 36 43 51 58 66 73 81 89 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Year of entry VIII- year of cessation of membership - 1989. Month of cessation (in rupees) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.1.1982 894 910 926 942 958 975 991 1,008 1,025 1,042 1,059 1,077 1.1.1983 723 737 751 766 781 795 810 825 840 856 871 887 1.1.1984 570 582 595 608 621 634 647 661 674 688 702 716 1.1.1985 431 442 454 465 477 489 500 512 525 537 549 561 1.1.1986 307 317 327 337 348 358 369 379 390 401 412 423 1.1.1987 196 205 214 223 232 241 251 260 270 280 289 299 1.1.1988 97 105 113 121 129 137 146 154 163 171 180 189 1.1.1989 7 14 21 28 36 43 51 58 66 73 81 89 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES GROUP INSURANCE SCHEME, 1980 The accumulations in the Serving Account of the existing embers who do not opt for the enhanced rates of contribution and benefit, upto the end of the month of cessation of membership of the Scheme on account of "death", "retirement", "resignation", etc. corresponding to the contribution rate @ Rs. 10/- per month.


Year of cessation of membership - 1990. Month of cessation of membership (in rupees) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Year of Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec Entry Promotion To higher group --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1982 1095 1113 1131 1149 1167 1186 1204 1223 1242 1262 1281 1301 1983 903 919 938 951 967 984 1001 1018 1035 1052 1069 1087 1984 730 744 759 773 788 803 818 833 848 863 879 895 1985 574 586 599 612 625 638 652 665 679 692 706 720 1986 434 445 457 468 480 492 504 516 528 540 552 565 1987 309 319 329 339 350 360 371 382 392 403 414 425 1988 198 207 216 225 234 244 253 262 272 282 292 301 1989 97 108 113 121 129 137 146 154 163 171 180 189 1990 7 14 21 28 36 43 51 58 66 73 81 89 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Year of cessation of membership - 1991 Month of cessation of membership (in rupees) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Year of Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec Entry Promotion To higher group --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1982 1321 1341 1361 1382 1402 1423 1444 1466 1487 1509 1531 1553 1983 1105 1123 1141 1159 1178 1196 1215 1234 1253 1273 1292 1312 1984 911 927 943 959 976 993 1009 1026 1044 1061 1078 1096 1985 734 748 763 777 792 807 822 837 852 868 883 899 1986 578 590 603 616 629 642 656 669 683 697 711 728 1987 436 448 459 471 482 494 506 518 530 542 555 567 1988 311 321 331 342 352 362 373 384 394 405 416 428 1989 198 207 216 225 234 244 253 262 272 282 292 301 1990 97 105 113 121 129 137 146 154 163 171 180 189 1991 7 14 21 28 36 43 51 58 66 73 81 89 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Year of cessation of membership - 1992 Month of cessation of membership (in rupees) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Year of Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec Entry Promotion To higher group --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1982 1575 1598 1621 1644 1667 1691 1714 1738 1763 1787 1812 1837 1983 1332 1352 1373 1393 1414 1435 1456 1478 1499 1521 1543 1565 1984 1114 1132 1150 1168 1187 1206 1225 1244 1263 1283 1302 1322 1985 915 931 847 964 980 997 1014 1031 1048 1065 1083 1101 1986 739 753 768 783 797 812 827 842 858 873 889 905 1987 580 592 605 618 631 645 658 671 685 699 713 727 1988 439 451 462 474 485 497 509 521 533 546 558 570 1989 311 321 331 342 352 362 373 384 394 405 416 428 1990 198 207 216 225 234 244 253 262 272 282 292 301 1991 97 105 113 121 129 137 146 154 163 171 180 189 1992 7 14 21 28 36 43 51 58 66 73 81 89 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note:- (1) It is assumed that full contribution for the month of cessation of membership has already been collected/will be collected from the salary of that month, failing which it should be deducted from the accumulated amounts given above. (2) The mortality in the above calculations has been assumed at the rate of 3.75 per thousand per annum upto 31.12.1987 and 3.60 per thousand per annum from 1.1.1988 onwards. The interest rate on the balances in the Savings Account has been allowed on the basis of 10% per annum (compounded quarterly) for the period from 1.1.1982 to 31.12.1982; 11% per annum (compounded quarterly) from 1.1.1983 to 31.12.1986 and 12% per annum (compounded quarterly) from 1.1.1987 onwards.


CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES GROUP INSURANCE SCHEME, 1980 The accumulations in the Serving Account of the existing members who do not opt for the enhanced rates of contribution and benefit, upto the end of the month of cessation of membership of the Scheme on account of "death", "retirement", "resignation", etc. corresponding to the contribution rate @ Rs. 10/- p. m. upto December 1989 and @ Rs. 15/- p.m. thereafter.


Year of cessation of membership - 1990 Month of cessation of membership (in rupees) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Year of Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec Entry Promotion To higher group --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1982 1098 1120 1141 1163 1185 1207 1230 1252 1275 1298 1322 1345 1983 906 926 945 965 986 1006 1026 1047 1068 1089 1110 1131 1984 734 751 769 787 806 824 843 862 881 900 919 939 1985 577 593 610 626 643 660 677 694 711 729 747 765 1986 438 453 468 483 498 513 529 545 561 577 599 609 1987 312 326 340 354 368 382 396 410 425 440 455 470 1988 201 214 226 239 252 265 278 291 305 318 332 346 1989 100 112 123 135 147 159 171 183 196 208 221 233 1990 11 21 32 43 54 65 76 87 98 110 121 133 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Year of cessation of membership - 1991 Month of cessation of membership (in rupees) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Year of Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec Entry --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1982 1369 1393 1417 1442 1466 1491 1517 1542 1568 1594 1620 1647 1983 1153 1175 1197 1219 1242 1264 1287 1311 1334 1358 1382 1406 1984 959 979 999 1019 1040 1061 1082 1103 1124 1146 1168 1190 1985 783 801 820 838 857 876 895 915 934 954 974 994 1986 626 642 659 676 693 711 728 746 764 782 800 819 1987 485 500 516 532 547 563 579 596 612 628 645 662 1988 360 374 388 403 417 432 446 461 476 492 507 523 1989 246 259 272 285 298 312 325 339 353 367 381 395 1990 145 157 169 181 193 206 218 231 244 257 270 283 1991 11 21 32 43 54 65 76 87 98 110 121 133 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Year of cessation of membership - 1992 Month of cessation of membership (in rupees) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Year of Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec Entry --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1982 1674 1701 1728 1756 1784 1812 1840 1869 1898 1927 1957 1987 1983 1430 1455 1480 1505 1531 1556 1582 1608 1635 1661 1688 1716 1984 1212 1235 1258 1280 1304 1327 1351 1375 1399 1423 1448 1472 1985 1014 1035 1056 1077 1098 1119 1141 1162 1185 1207 1229 1252 1986 838 856 875 895 914 933 953 973 993 1014 1034 1055 1987 679 696 714 731 749 767 785 803 822 840 859 878 1988 539 555 571 587 603 619 636 653 670 687 704 722 1989 409 424 439 454 468 484 499 514 530 546 562 578 1990 296 310 323 337 351 365 379 393 408 422 437 452 1991 145 157 169 181 193 206 218 231 244 257 270 283 1992 11 21 32 43 54 65 76 87 98 110 121 133 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: - (1) It is assumed that full contribution for the month of cessation of membership has already been collected/will be collected from the salary of that month, failing which it should be deducted from the accumulated amounts given above. (2) The mortality in the above calculations has been assumed at the rate of 3.75 per thousand per annum upto 31.12.1987 and 3.60 per thousand per annum from 1.1.1988 onwards. (3) The interest rate on the balances in the Savings Account has been allowed on the basis of 10% per annum (compounded quarterly) for the period from 1.1.1982 to 31.12.1982; 11% per annum (compounded quarterly) from 1.1.1983 to 31.12.1986 and 12% per annum (compounded quarterly) from 1.1.1987 onwards. CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES GROUP INSURANCE SCHEME, 1980 The accumulations in the Serving Account of the existing members who do not opt for the enhanced rates of contribution and benefit, upto the end of the month of cessation of membership of the Scheme on account of "death", "retirement", "resignation", etc. corresponding to the contribution rate @ Rs.10/- per month up to December 1989 and @ Rs.15/- per month thereafter.


I-Year of cessation of membership - 1993 Month of cessation of membership (in rupees) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Year of Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec Entry --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1982 2017 2048 2078 2110 2141 2173 2205 2237 2270 2303 2336 2369 1983 1743 1771 1799 1828 1856 1885 1914 1944 1973 2003 2034 2064 1984 1497 1522 1548 1574 1600 1626 1653 1680 1707 1734 1762 1790 1985 1275 1298 1321 1345 1369 1393 1417 1442 1466 1491 1517 1542 1986 1076 1097 1118 1140 1162 1184 1206 1228 1251 1274 1297 1321 1987 897 917 936 956 976 996 1016 1037 1058 1079 1100 1121 1988 740 757 775 794 812 831 849 868 887 907 926 946 1989 594 611 627 644 661 678 695 712 730 748 766 784 1990 467 482 497 513 528 544 560 576 592 609 625 642 1991 296 310 323 337 351 365 379 393 408 422 437 452 1992 145 157 169 181 193 206 218 231 244 257 270 283 1993 11 21 32 43 54 65 76 87 98 110 121 133 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

II-Year of Cessation of Membership - 1994 (In Rupees) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Year of Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec Entry --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1982 2403 2437 2472 2507 2542 2578 2614 2650 2687 2724 2762 2799 1983 2095 2126 2158 2190 2222 2254 2287 2320 2354 2388 2422 2456 1984 1818 1847 1876 1905 1934 1964 1994 2024 2054 2085 2116 2148 1985 1568 1594 1620 1647 1673 1700 1728 1755 1783 1811 1840 1869 1986 1345 1368 1392 1417 1441 1466 1491 1516 1542 1568 1594 1620 1987 1143 1164 1186 1209 1231 1254 1277 1300 1323 1347 1371 1395 1988 966 986 1006 1027 1047 1068 1089 1111 1132 1154 1176 1198 1989 802 821 839 858 877 896 916 935 955 975 995 1015 1990 659 676 693 710 728 746 764 782 800 818 837 856 1991 467 482 497 513 528 544 560 576 592 609 625 642 1992 296 310 323 337 351 365 379 393 408 422 437 452 1993 145 157 169 181 193 206 218 231 244 257 270 283 1994 11 21 32 43 54 65 76 87 98 110 121 133 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


III-Year of Cessation of Membership - 1995 (In Rupees) (In Rupees) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Year of Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec Entry --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1982 2837 2876 2915 2954 2994 3034 3075 3116 3157 3199 3241 3283 1983 2491 2526 2561 2597 2634 2670 2707 2744 2782 2820 2859 2897 1984 2180 2212 2244 2277 2310 2343 2377 2411 2446 2480 2515 2551 1985 1898 1927 1957 1987 2017 2047 2078 2109 2141 2172 2204 2237 1986 1647 1673 1700 1728 1755 1783 1811 1840 1869 1898 1927 1956 1987 1419 1444 1469 1494 1519 1545 1570 1596 1623 1649 1676 1703 1988 1220 1243 1266 1289 1312 1336 1359 1383 1407 1432 1457 1481 1989 1036 1056 1077 1098 1120 1141 1163 1185 1207 1230 1253 1275 1990 875 894 913 933 953 973 993 1013 1034 1054 1075 1097 1991 659 676 693 710 728 746 764 782 800 818 837 856 1992 467 482 497 513 528 544 560 576 592 609 625 642 1993 296 310 323 337 351 365 379 393 408 422 437 452 1994 145 157 169 181 193 206 218 231 244 257 270 283 1995 11 21 32 43 54 65 76 87 98 110 121 133 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note:- (1) It is assumed that full contribution for the month of cessation of membership has already been collected/will be collected from the salary of that month, failing which it should be deducted from the accumulated amounts given above. (2) The mortality in the above calculations has been assumed at the rate of 3.75 per thousand per annum up to 31.12.1987 and 3.60 per thousand per annum from 1.1.1988 onwards. (3) The interest rate on the balances in the Savings Account has been allowed on the basis of 10% per annum (compounded quarterly) for the period from 1.1.1982 to 31.12.1982; 11% per annum (compounded quarterly) from 1.1.1983 to 31.12.1986 and 12% per annum (compounded quarterly) from 1.1.1987 onwards. Simplification of procedure for payment of insurance/saving fund to the members of the All India Services on their retirement/death under the All India Services (Group Insurance) Rules, 1981 I am directed to refer to this Departments letter of even number dated 10th October, 2001 on the subject mentioned above and to state that the All India Services (Group Insurance) Rules, 1981 were framed under the All India Services Act in which provisions of the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 were made applicable mutatis mutandis to the members of the All India Services. Accounting procedure relating to Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 as extended to All India Services were issued under the Government of Indias instructions issued in the aforesaid rule. The matter of simplification of the aforesaid procedure for payment of insurance/saving fund to the members of the All


India Services on their retirement/death has been under consideration of this Department. 2. After consultations with the Governments of States/UTs it has been decided that payment of the insurance/saving fund to the members of the All India Services on their retirement/death while serving in he State Government may be made by the concerned State Government and the amount so paid will be reimbursed from the concerned Central Ministries/Departments controlling the respective All India Services. Payment of the insurance/saving fund to the members of the All India Services under the aforesaid rule, while serving under the Central Government may be made by the respective Ministry/Department controlling the service on receipt of receipted bill from the Central Government office where they were serving at the time of retirement/death. Accordingly, the following changes have been made in the existing accounting procedure under the aforesaid rule:(i) In case of the All India Services officers serving in the State Governments the following accounting entries will be made by the State Governments:On payment of dues, the following head of account will be debited:8658-Suspense Accounts: 123-All India Services (Group Insurance Scheme) Payment of dues to beneficiaries. (new sub-head to be opened). After payment, the Accountant general/Accounts Officer of the State Government, as the case may be, should raise claims against the concerned PAO concerned, [PAO(DOPT), PAO(Ministry of Home Affairs), PAO(E&F)] will exercise necessary checks with reference to the records maintained by him (and if required, in consultation with the administrative Ministry/department concerned) and send a cheque in settlement of the claim to the concerned Accountant General/Accounts officer of the State Government by debiting the relevant sub-heads under the major head of account 8011-Insurance and Pension Funds as the case may be. (ii) In the case of members belonging to Union Territory Cadres, the payments can be made by the respective Union Territories as in the case of State Governments. As they are allowed to operate the heads of account under Public Account of India, the payments can be booked to the final heads of account i.e. MH-8011-Insurance and Pension Fund by UT Administration themselves. However, a statement of payments made by them with details thereof as in Annexure 1 (copy enclosed) to the Accounting Procedure notified in this Office Memorandum dated 26/12/1981 should be sent on half yearly basis to PAOs of DOPT, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Environment and Forests so as to enable them to maintain details in the prescribed proforma. Even if no payment is made a Nil statement should be sent to the above mentioned PAOs, who should watch receipt thereof. (iii) In the case of AIS officers on deputation to Centre, claims for payment would be processed in terms of Note below para 6 of Accounting Procedure notified in this Office Memorandum dated 26/12/1981 by the DDO of the Ministry/Department in which he was serving through DOPT/Ministry of Home Affairs/Ministry of Environment and Forests and their PAOs (who shall exercise necessary re-checks), as the case may be, under intimation to designated officers of the states/UTs concerned in terms of Note below para 6 of Accounting Procedure notified in this Office Memorandum dated 26/12/1981. Suitable entry shall be made in Col. 6 of Annexure I-Part II and III.


(iv) In case of AIS officers of UT/State cadre on foreign service or deputation (other than Central Government) or working in another State Government the claim will be processed by designated officer/DDO of the parent cadre as per (i) above. (v) In case of members of AIS officers borne on state/Joint UT Cadre working in Academy, etc. and the AIS probationers on training, the claim will be processed by concerned Institute and settled as per procedure in (ii) above. 3. All the State Governments are requested to take further necessary action in this regard. [ DOPT, letter No, 11024/1/99-AIS(II), dated 22nd May, 2003]



1. Confirmations: 1. Confirmations may be made in the senior scale as such and not merely in specified posts of Magistrates/Collectors or superintendents of Police in that Scale. The number of officers to be confirmed in the senior scale will be limited by the sanctioned strength of the Scale which will include not merely specified senior posts but also usual leave and deputation reserves. It is, however, left to the discretion of the State Governments concerned whether confirmation in the senior scale should be made against the deputation and leave reserves also. Such confirmation in the senior scale need not preclude confirmation in specific posts. 1.2. Confirmation will accordingly be of three types:(i) an officer on completion of his probation should be confirmed in the Service. The number of officers to be so confirmed will be limited only by the sanctioned strength of the cadre; (ii) an officer on promotion to the senior scale may be confirmed in that scale. Such confirmations will be limited by the sanctioned strength of the cadre; and (iii) an officer may be confirmed in specified post or group of posts e.g., the post of Chief Secretary of Inspector General of Police or Posts of Magistrate and Collector. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 2/4/54-AIS(I), dated 15th Feb. 1955, read with letters No. S/1 (6)AIS(I), dated uary,11th September, 1961, and No. 11/2/60-AIS(I), dated 29th January, 1962] 1.3. It is not necessary to confirm All India Services Officers on deputation to the Centre in tenure posts under the Government of India, in view of the fact that posts in the Central Deputation Quota of State cadres are already utilised for confirming officers in the senior scale. So long as these officers remain on deputation under the Government of India, their lien on the State cadre shall not be suspended. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 25/5/58-AIS(I), dated 8th November, 1956.] (2) As all India Service Officers can be confirmed specifically in any of the Super-time scale posts in the State Cadres, these posts cannot be declared as tenure posts without affecting confirmations. If, however, for any reason, the State Government would like to declare any of the Super-time scale posts as a tenure post, such proposals may be referred to the Government of India in the first instance. [G.L.,M.H.A. letter No. 25/5/56-AIS(I), dated 20th February, 1958.] (2.1) There is no provision in the All India Services Rules which make it necessary that an officer of the Service should be confirmed at every stage of his career. But nonetheless such a convention has always been in existence. Officers of the junior scale on their appointment to the senior scale should be allowed to officiate in such posts for some period roughly one or two years, at the end of which a definite decision should be taken regarding their confirmation in the senior scale on the basis 831

of their suitability and performance during the period of officiation. Once a definite decision is taken regarding the suitability of an officer for confirmation in the senior scale, he should normally be confirmed with effect from the date from which a substantive vacancy exists. Preferably he should be confirmed with effect from the date of appointment to the senior scale on an officiating basis. (2.2) Confirmation of direct recruits in the senior grade may be made more liberally against the posts in the Central Deputation Quota, Deputation Reserve and leave reserve because study of the cadre shows that in most of the States these Reserves are generally over-utilised. The State Government could take out averages of the utilisation of each of the above mentioned three Reserves in the last three years and make confirmations in the senior grade to that extent. (2.3) The State Governments have been advised to make confirmations of cadre officers in the senior grade in accordance with the above instructions. [G.I. M.H.A. letter No. 23/9/66-AIS(II), dated 20th October, 1966.] 2. Death Reports.-Deaths of All India Services officers should be reported to the Ministry of Home Affairs immediately after their occurrence. Where death results from violence or other unnatural causes, a report on the circumstances leading to the death of the officer should also be sent. [G.I. M.H.A. letter No. 24/5/58-AIS(I), dated 15th April, 1958.] 2.1 Deaths of All India Service officers are reported by the State Government telegraphically to enable the Government of India to communicate their condolences to the bereaved families of the deceased officers in time. It has been noticed that of late some of the State Governments have been sending reports through ordinary post with the result that the necessary action of sending a letter of condolences cannot be taken in time in such cases. In one or two cases, no such report was sent at all. I am to request that in future death of a member of an All India Service, serving in connection with the affairs of the State, should be communicated to the Government of India telegraphically as soon after the incident as possible. [G.I. M.H.A. letter No. 16/3/64-AIS(III), dated 14th February, 1964.] 3. Financial Sanctions.-Individual sanctions and orders (including clarificatory orders) having financial bearing in regard to any of the All India Services Rules may be issued direct to the Audit Officers concerned by the Ministry of Home Affairs. The Ministry of Finance need only be consulted and it would be enough if there is a mention of this fact in such orders and sanctions. Wherever the Comptroller and Auditor General of India has been consulted, this fact should also be indicated in the order/sanction. (2) The expression "Central Government" used in the All India Services Rules means `the Ministry of Home Affairs' (in respect of matters which have no financial bearing) or `the Ministry of Home Affairs in consultation with the Ministry of Finance' (in respect of matters having financial bearing.) [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 25/2/57-AIS(II), dated 6th July, 1957.] 4. Overpayments Recovery of.-The State Governments are competent to waive recovery of overpayments made to All India Services Officers serving in connection 832

with the affairs of the States or to officers holding IAS/IPS Cadre posts or equivalent posts in the States in an officiating capacity in accordance with their own financial rules without reference to the Government of India. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 1/67-54-AIS(I), dated 7th May, 1955. 5. Pensions/Leave salary contribution/incidence of.- incidence of leave salary and pension contribution of members of the Service sent on deputation to other Governments is to be regulated in accordance with the procedure laid down in Appendix 3 to Account Code Volume I, issued by the Comptroller and Auditor General. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 14/7/62-AIS(II), dated 6th June,1962.] 6. Promotion.- The Government of India are of the view that a junior Indian Police Service Officer approved for promotion earlier and, in fact, appointed to officiate in the selection grade or in a selection post earlier than an officer senior to him, should be allowed to maintain his advantage over his senior unless:(1) his (i.e. the junior officer's) standard of efficiency deteriorates, or (2) the senior officer's standard of efficiency improves to such an extent that notwithstanding his non-selection on the earlier occasion, he is regarded as having definitely a better claim on the higher selection post. 2. The same principle will hold good for promotion to selection posts in the case of the IAS also. [G.I., MHA letter No.76/5/54-AIS(I), dated 5th October, 1955] 7. Deputation Abroad-All India Service Officers-Instructions regarding.-The Government of India have laid down the following criteria for the guidance of the State Governments to regulate the grant of deputation terms to the members of All India Services working in connection with affairs of the State(1) If a member of an All India Service is nominated by the Central Government for training abroad, the period spent by him on training shall be treated as duty for all purposes subject to the fulfilment of the following conditions:(a) the member of the service should possess adequate background of the subject or field in which he would be receiving training; (b) he should have rendered a minimum of five years' service; (c) he should not be due to retire, or have the option to retire from service within three years of the date of completion of the training; and (d )the period of training should not ordinarily exceed twelve months. (2) The order, deputing a member of the Service, may be issued by the Government, under whom he is serving, with the concurrence of the Joint Cadre Authority if he is borne on the Joint Cadre. If that Government is not the Government of the State, on


the cadre of which he is borne, the latter Government or the Joint Cadre Authority, as the case may be, may be consulted before such an order is issued. (3) The grant of deputation terms in such a case, may be regulated as follows:(i) Pay.-The entire period of absence of a member of the Service from his post in India shall be treated as period of deputation on full pay which he would have drawn, had he remained on duty in India. (ii) Dearness Allowance.-During the period of deputation, a member of the Service shall be entitled to dearness allowance in accordance with such orders as may be issued by the Government of India from time to time, under the All India Services (Dearness Allowance) rules, (iii) Compensatory Allowance and House Rent Allowance.- The entitlement of a member of the Services to compensatory allowance and house rent allowance during the period of deputation abroad shall be regulated by the general or special orders issued by the State government concerned in this regard. (iv) Grant of Leave.-A member of the Service may be granted the leave as follows, if applied for by him, for stopover/stay-over on the return journey:(a) when the period of deputation is for 3 months or under, he may be granted leave upto one week; (b )when the period of deputation is for more than 3 months but less than 6 months he may be granted leave upto two weeks; and (c) when the period of deputation is over 6 months, he may be granted leave upto three weeks. (v) Execution of bond.-A member of the Service, who has been sent abroad for training and the period of training is proposed to be treated on duty, shall be required to execute a bond, as in Annexure A, to the effect that, in the event of his resigning or retiring from service, without returning to duty after the expiry of the training or at any time within the period as specified in the bond after his return to duty, he shall be liable to refund to the Government a lump sum amount to be specified in the bond. This lump sum amount shall include all moneys paid to the member of the Service viz., pay and allowances, leave salary, cost of fees, travelling and other expenses, cost of international travel and cost of training abroad met by the foreign Government/agency concerned. In case the period of deputation is extended, a supplementary bond, as in Annexure B, covering the extended period(s) of training shall also be got executed by the member of the Service concerned. (4) In the case of a member of an All India Service, who is not nominated by the Central Government, as envisaged in paragraph 1, and who is permitted by the State Government concerned to go abroad for training at his own cost or at the expense of a foreign Government or agency, the period involved shall not, without the prior sanction of the Central Government, be treated as duty for any purpose, and he may be granted(a) study leave under the All India Service (Study Leave) Regulations, 1960, if the conditions laid down in those regulations are fulfilled, and/or 834

(b) leave due and admissible under the All India Services (Leave) Rules, 1955. [Department of Pers. & AR letter No. 6/6/71-AIS(III), dated 11th January, 1974.] ANNEXURE A Bond to be executed by a Member of an All IndiaService proceeding abroad on Deputation. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT THAT I........resident of the District of present employed..........under the Government hereby bind myself and my heirs executors, administrators to pay to the Governor of.......... (hereinafter referred to as `the Government') on demand the sum of Rs.........(Rupees...........), on account of my having been placed on deputation for training connected with (particulars of nature of training) for the period from (names of countries) at the cost of the Government of...../under a foreign aid scheme (together with interest thereon from the date of demand at government rates for the time being in force on Government loans, or, if payment is made in a country other than India, the equivalent of the said amount in the currency of that country converted at the official rate of exchange between that country and India.) Dated of ............. one thousand nine hundred and ..................... `WHEREAS the Government. above placed on deputation by the

AND WHEREAS for the better protection of the Government, the above bounden has agreed to execute this bond such condition as hereunder is written. NOW, THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE WRITTEN OBLIGATION IS THAT, in the event of the above bounden................resigning or retiring from service without returning to duty or otherwise quitting the service after the expiry or termination of the period of training or at any time within a period of four years after his return to duty he shall forthwith refund to the Government, or as may be directed by the Government to refund, on demand the said sum of Rs......(Rupees.............) on account of his having been placed on deputation as aforesaid, together with interest thereon from the date of demand at Government rates for the time being in force on Government loans. AND, upon the above bounden...................making such refund, the above written obligation shall be void and of no effect; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and virtue.

Stamp duty payable on this bond shall be borne and paid by the Government. Signed and delivered by the presence of Witness (1) (2) Accepted 835

For and on behalf of the Governor of----------------ANNEXURE B Supplementary Bond to be executed by a Member of an All India Service granted extension of deputation abroad KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT I...............resident the District present employed ............ under the Government hereby bind myself and my heirs, executors, administrators to pay to the Governor of............(hereinafter referred to as `the Government') on demand the sum of Rs..........(Rupees...................), {together with interest thereon from the date of demand at Government rates for the time being in force on Government loans, or if payment is made in a country other than India, the equivalent of the said amount in the currency of that country converted at the official rate of exchange between that country and India.] Dated thousand nine hundred and.............. WHEREAS the above bounden..............was placed on deputation by the Government for the period consideration of which a bond dated .......... for Rs.......... (Rupees............) was executed by him in favour of the Governor of............... AND WHEREAS the above placed on extension of deputation (names of countries) at the cost of the Government of .............../under foreign aid scheme. AND WHEREAS, for the better protection of the Government, the above bounden has agreed to execute this supplementary bond with such condition as hereunder is written: NOW, THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE WRITTEN OBLIGATION IS THAT, in the event of the above bounden..................resigning or retiring from service without returning to duty or otherwise quitting the service after the expiry or termination of the period of training so extended or at any time within a period of four years after his return to duty, he shall forthwith refund to the Government, or as may be directed by the Government to refund, on demand the said sum of Rs.......(Rupees.................. ) together with interest thereon from the date of demand at Government rates for the time being in force on Government loans. AND, upon the above bounden................making such refund, the above written obligation shall be void and of no effect; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and virtue. Stamp duty payable on this bond shall be borne and paid by the Government. Signed and delivered by 836 the presence of Witness (1) (2) Accepted For and on behalf of the Governor of............... 7.2 The following points have been raised for clarification with reference to this Ministry's letter of even number, dated the 22nd March, 1969 (copy enclosed); (1) The services of the officers sent on deputation abroad should be available for a minimum period of 3 years. How will the fulfilment of this condition be watched in respect of the All India Service Officers who proceed on training from posts which are outside the control of the Central Government such as posts under autonomous bodies, corporations, etc.? (2) The protection of the special pay/deputation allowance, drawn by an All India Service Officer in a cadre post or an ex-cadre post, prior to his proceeding on training abroad, should be subject to the condition that the concerned officer would have continued to draw it but for his proceeding on training. (2) The above points have been considered by the Central Government and I am to clarify as under:(1) The All India Services Officers are borne on the State Cadres and they come on tenure deputation to the Central Government. They may also be appointed to posts in public sector undertakings under the control of a State Government or the Central Government. When an All India Service Officer is deputed for training abroad, a bond is obtained from him to the effect that he will serve the Government for a period of 3-4 years on his return from training. It is not necessary that he should serve in the particular post for the prescribed period. The only condition to be fulfilled is that he should not resign from the All India Service within the prescribed period. If he does so, the provisions of the bond will become operative and the amount can be recovered from him. In the circumstances no special steps are considered necessary. (2) The special pay/deputation allowance, drawn by the officer in a cadre post or an ex-cadre post prior to his proceeding on training abroad, will be allowed to him during the period of such training subject to the production of certificate from the competent authority to the effect that he would have continued to draw it but for his proceeding on training. (3) This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance. [MHA letter No. 15/65/66-AIS(III), dated 3rd June,1970.] (Copy of letter No. 15/65/66AIS(III), dated 22nd March 1969). Doubts have been raised frequently as to the manner in which IAS/IPS officers sent on training in India or on deputation out of India on training are to be treated, their pay and allowances are to be regulated etc.


(2) No provision has been made in this regard in the rules or regulations made under the All India Services Act, 1951. In respect of these matters, therefore, All-India Service officers will be governed by the rules, regulations and orders applicable to officers of the Central Civil Service Class I or the concerned State Civil Service, Class I vide clause (a) and (b) of rule 2 of the All India Services (Conditions of Service, Residuary Matters) Rules, 1960. (3) Under the Fundamental Rules, a Government servant shall be treated as on duty during a course of instruction or training in India, vide Fundamental Rule 9(6) (b) (i). His pay and allowances during such period are regulated by Fundamental Rule 20, while F.R. 36 permits acting promotions to be made in such cases. The deputation of a Government servant out of India on training is also treated as duty and is regulated by F.R. 51. (4) On the analogy of the provisions quoted above, an All India Service officer who is sent for a course of instruction or training in India, or who is deputed out of India on training shall be treated as on duty. He shall continue to draw the pay which he would have drawn but for his deputation on training in, or out of India. Although, in such cases, the officer is treated as on duty, officiating arrangement can be made to fill the vacancy caused by such deputation, and it isnot necessary to create a new post in order to accommodate the officer during his training. The officer deputed for training abroad will be considered to be on special duty and will not draw pay in any post-his pay being what he would have drawn had he remained on duty in India. (5) For the purpose of scale check, the IAS/IPS officers deputed for training/refresher course/advanced training etc. in, or out of India should not be shown against the "Training reserve" provided in the cadre schedule nor will they be counted against the cadre strength. (6) This issues in consultation with the Ministry of Finance and the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. 7.3 Fees, Travelling Allowance etc. to members of the All India Services appointed as Directors, Representatives or nominees of the Government on Industrial Undertaking/Institutions and Private Companies.-In order to ensure uniformity in the matter, the Govt. of India have decided in terms of the provisions contained in clause (b) of Rule 2 of the AIS (Conditions of Service - Residuary Matters Rules, 1960, that the payment of fees, travelling allowances etc. to the members of the All India Services, appointed in their official capacity as Directors, representatives or nominees of the Government on various Industrial Undertakings/ Institutions and Private Companies, shall be regulated in accordance with the instructions contained in the M/o. Finance O.M. No. F. 5(47) E. IV(B)/63 dated 5/7/65, O.M. No. F. 5(27)-E. IV(B)/67 dated 18.9.68, O.m. No. 19046/1/75-E. IV(B),dated 23.9.75, O.M. No. 16011/3/E. II(B) 75 dated 25/5/76, O.M. No. 7(1)E. 11(B)/71 dated 16/4/71 and 17/4/72. These are reproduced below: PAYMENT OF FEES, TRAVELLING ALLOWANCES, ETC., SERVANTS, APPOINTED AS DIRECTORS, REPRESENTATIVES OR NOMINEES OF GOVERNMENT A. INDUSTRIAL UNDERTAKINGS/INSTITUTIONS TO GOVERNMENT


In supersession of all previous orders on the subject it has been decided that the grant of travelling allowance, fees, etc., to Government servants appointed in their official capacity as Directors, Representatives, or Nominees of Government on the various industrial undertakings/institutions will henceforth be regulated in the manner laid down in the following paragraphs:2. Fees or other remuneration Fees in respect of Government servants attending meetings or for doing other work in connection with the affairs of Statutory organisations' Corporate Bodies, industrial and commercial undertakings (not departmental run) will be recoverable only if these are not wholly owned by the Central Government but in which Central Government funds are invested or which are financed partly by such funds. The cases of semiGovernment/non-Government institutions receiving grants from the Central Government should, however, be considered on merits, in consultation with the associate Finance. No fees or other remuneration should be directly accepted by Government servants unless they are specially permitted to receive such fees under F.R. 46 and S.Rs. 11 and 12. 3. Travelling and Daily Allowance (i) Travelling and daily allowance of the Government servants for journeys performed in connection with the affairs of the organisations, institutions, etc., mentioned in para. 2 above will be regulated under Government rules applicable to them and should be drawn from the source from which their pay is drawn. No part of the expenses on travelling or halts should be accepted by them from the undertakings, direct. (ii) If the journey is solely or mainly in connection with the affairs of the undertakings, etc., the whole expenditure on the travelling and daily allowance of the Government servants, which is initially borne by the Ministry/Department concerned, should be recovered from the undertakings, etc. In case, however, the journeys and halts are mainly in connection with the affairs of Government, and only partly for the work of the undertakings, etc., no part of such expenditure should be recovered from the undertakings, etc. (iii) The authority controlling the allotment of funds for the travelling and daily allowance of the Government servants concerned shall be the sole judge for determining whether recovery should be made or not from the undertakings, etc. 4. Mode of recovery of T.A./D.A., fees or other remuneration The claims in regard to T.A./D.A., fees, or other remuneration referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 above, should be preferred against the undertakings, etc. by an officer not below the rank of an Under Secretary of the Ministry/Department hereinafter referred to as "authorised officer". The claims shall be preferred by the authorised officer against the undertakings, etc., for and on behalf of the Government servants concerned, for which purpose the latter shall execute in favour of the former a power of attorney authorising the claim and receipt of the amount from the undertakings, etc. The amount recovered shall be credited to the revenues of the Ministry/Department concerned by the authorised officer, who shall also at the time of preferring claims, endorse a copy thereof to the Audit Officer concerned to enable 839

him to watch the actual recovery for the undertakings, etc. and its credit to Government. Further, the travelling allowance bills preferred by Government servants attending the meeting etc., of the organisations mentioned in para 3 above should be supported by a certificate to the effect that no travelling expenses, fees or other remuneration has been claimed or drawn by the them from the said organisations. [G.I., M.F., O.M. No. F. (47)-E. IV(B)/63, dated the 5th July, 1965.] NOTE 1.- In partial modification of the provisions contained in para. above, it has been decided that the amounts recovered from the undertakings, etc., instead of being credited as a revenue receipt of the Ministry/Department concerned, shall be adjusted as a recovery under the expenditure head in the Accounts. This change in the classification in accounts will make no change in regard to the need for budget provision. Budget provision should continue to be made for the gross amount of expenditure and the recoveries to be taken in deduction of expenditure shown separately by way of footnotes in the Demands for Grants. {G.I., M.F., O.M. No. F. 5(27)-E. IV(B)/67, dated the 18th September, 1968.] NOTE 1.- In partial modification of the provisions contained in paras 3 and 4 above, it has been decided that the Public Undertakings may make necessary travelling arrangements for themselves for the to and fro journey of Government Directors/ Representatives/Nominees for attending the meetings of the Public Undertakings. These arrangements should, however, correspond to their entitlement under the Government Rules. In such cases the claim for daily allowance due to the Government Directors. etc., for attending the meetings of the Board of Directors of the Undertakings will only be preferred by the Ministry/Department concerned as laid down in paragraph 4 read with Note 1 above. [G.I., M.F., O.M. No. 19046/1/75-E. IV(B), dated the 23rd September, 1975.] T.A. TO REPRESENTATIVES OF GOVERNMENT NOTE 3.- In a case where an officer of a State Government served in his official capacity as a Director on the Board of Directors of a Central Government Public Enterprise, it has been decided that he should be paid T.A./D.A. as is applicable to the officer concerned in accordance with the State Government rules for undertaking official tours on the analogy of Note 2 above. Any departure from this principle as also allowing sitting fee to the officer concerned on the same basis as in the case of nonofficial Directors on the Board of the concerned Public Enterprise should be agreed to only on the basis of reciprocity, i.e., if the same procedure is adopted by the concerned State Government Organisations in respect of the Central Government Officers who may be associated with the affairs of any of the Government Public Undertaking of the State in question. Of course, if under the agreed arrangement, a central Government servant receives any fees, etc., it shall have to be credited by him to the Central Government. He will draw only T.A./D.A. as admissible to him under the rules of the Central Government as applicable to him. [G.I., M.F., O.M. No. 16011/3/E. II(B)75, dated the 25th May, 1976.] B. PRIVATE COMPANIES 840

A question has been raised whether a Government servant appointed in his official capacity as Director, etc., in connection with the affairs of a private company, which does not receive any financial assistance from the Central Government or in which Central Govt. Funds are not invested, can receive and retain fee for attending meetings, etc., of the Board of Directors of Company. It is clarified that, even in such cases, the intention is that such a Government servant shall draw only travelling allowance under the rules applicable to him and from the source from which he draws his pay and he should credit to Government whatever fees, travelling allowance or their remuneration which may be received by him from such bodies under their rules and regulations. Such credits will be treated as the revenue of the Department concerned. It has been decided that the amount in respect of travelling allowance received from the private company whether during the same financial year or subsequently, shall be adjusted as recovery under the minor head "Deduct-Amounts recovered from other Government, Departments, etc." under the same Major head under which the travelling allowance, initially borne by the Government was adjusted. In cases in which Government officers already on foreign service are required to work in some capacity for a third party and receive fees from that party, such fees less the amount of expenditure incurred on them by the foreign employer by way of travelling allowance (which should be reimbursed to the foreign employer) should be credited to Government. [G.I., M.F., O.M. No. 7(1) - E.11(B) 71, dated the 16th April, 1971 and the 17th April, 1972.] 2. This is in supersession of DP&AR letter No. 20062/1/75-AIS(I) dated 17.7.75. Yours faithfully, US (S-II) Copy to All Ministries/Deptts. in the Govt. of India. 2. M/o. Home Affairs for Indian Police Service. 3. M/o. Environment & Forest for Indian Forest Service. 4. M/o. Finance, Deptt. of Expenditure, vide their U.O. no. quoted above. US (S-II) No. To The Chief Secy. of all States 7.4 Sub: Deputation abroad-Treatment of transit time and leave taken in conjection with the deputation abroad. 841

Sir, In order to ensure uniformity in the matter, the Govt. of India have decided to extend the instructions relating to treatment of transit time and leave taken in conjunction with deputation abroad contained in M/o Finance O.M. No. F. 19036/7/75 - /E.IV(B) dt. 5.8.76 and F. 19036/7/76 - E.IV(B), dt. 15.3.78, to cover members of the All India Services sent on deputation abroad. The relevant Extracts are reproduced below: [Extracts from M/o Finance O.M.F. 19036/7/75 - E.IV(B), dated 5.8.76 and F. 19036/7/76 E.IV(B), dated 15.3.78] B. Leave and Transit Time 9. Government Servants stationed outside Delhi and deputed for training abroad may be allowed up to a maximum of 4 days for completion of pre departure formalities, e.g., medical examination, arrangements for passports, etc. and this period may be treated as transit time. 10. Where an officer avails himself of earned leave/leave on average pay not exceeding 120 days/4 months in India, in conjunction with deputation(a) the normal time taken on the journey by the officer from the place where he was spending his leave to the sea/airport of embarkation limited to the normal time on the journey from his headquarters in India to the port of embarkation, and (b) the normal time taken on the journey from the port of disembarkation to his headquarters. may, under the orders of the sponsoring Department, be treated as transit time and included in the period of deputation. 11. An officer may, subject to the exigencies of public service, be granted leave while abroad for a period not exceeding fifty percent of the actual period of duty abroad (excluding the transit time from India to the country of deputation and back and enforced halt) or a fortnight, whichever is less for personal reasons. Cases involving grant of leave in excess of limits indicated above should be decided in consultation with this Department. 12. The competent authority may grant casual leave in exceptional circumstances to an officer subject to the condition that it will not have the effect of extending the period of deputation." 7.5 CHARGE REPORT : Charge report in the case of officers on deputation out of India is not necessary unless officiating arrangements are contemplated. In such cases, an official intimation of the exact date of commencement of the deputation and date of its termination should be sent to audit by Ministry/Head of Department concerned. In the case of study/training abroad the official should relinquish his post and prepare a charge report even if an officiating arrangement is not made in his place. Min. of Finance O.M. No. 2(1)-E. II/55, dt. 1-8-55.


7.6 Improvement in allowances and facilities for members of All India Services serving in the North-Eastern States and Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshdweep.- I am directed to refer to this Department's letter No. 14017/21/83-AIS(II) dated 3rd February, 1984, wherein the State Governments were requested to extend the orders contained in Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure O.M. No. 20014/3/83-E.IV dated 14th September, 1983, regarding improvement in allowances and facilities for Civilian employees of the Central Government serving in the North-Eastern States to members of All India Services serving in connection with the affairs of the State Government. 2. The Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure have now issued orders vide their O.M. No. 20014/16/86-E.IV-EIIB dated 1st December, 1988, making improvements in the allowances and facilities to the Central Government employees posted in the North Eastern Region. A copy of the O.M. is enclosed. 3. It is requested that the orders contained in the Min. of Finance, Deptt. of Expenditure O.M. dated 1.12.88 may be extended to members of All India Services serving in connection with the affairs of the State Government w.e.f. the dates they have been applied to Central Govt. employees. SUBJECT : Improvement in facilities for Civilian employees of the Central Government serving in the State of North-Eastern Region, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep. The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry's O.M. No. 20012/4/83-E.IV dated 14th December, 1983 and 30th March, 1984 on the subject mentioned above and to say that the question of making suitable improvements in the allowances and facilities to Central Government Employees posted in North-Eastern Region comprising the States of Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram has been engaging the attention of the Government. According the President is now pleased to decide as follows:(i) Tenure of posting/deputation:- The existing provisions as contained in this Ministry's O.M. dated 14.12.83 will continue. (ii) Weightage for Central deputation and training abroad: Special mention in confidential records:- The existing provisions as contained in this Ministry's O.M. dated 14.12.83 will continue. Cadre authorities are advised to give due weightage for satisfactory performance of duties for the prescribed tenure in the North-East in the matter of promotion in the cadre posts, deputation of Central tenure post and courses of training abroad. (iii) Special (Duty) Allowance:- Central Government Civilian employees who have All India transfer liability will be granted Special (Duty) Allowance at the rate of 12 1/2% of basic pay subject to a ceiling of Rs.1000/- per month on posting to any station in the North Eastern Region. Special (Duty) Allowance will be in addition to any special pay and/or deputation (duty) allowance already being drawn subject to the condition that the total of such Special (Duty) Allowance will not exceed Rs. 1000/- p.m. Special allowances like Special Compensatory (Remote Locality) Allowance, Construction Allowance and Project Allowance will be drawn separately. The Central Government Civilian employees who are members of Scheduled Tribes and are otherwise eligible for the grant of Special (Duty) Allowance under this para 843

and are exempted from payment of Income-tax under the income-tax Act will also draw Special (Duty) Allowance. (iv) Special Compensatory Allowance:- The recommendations of the 4th Pay Commission have been accepted by the Government and Special Compensatory Allowance at the revised rates have been made effective from 1.10.86. (v) Travelling Allowance on First appointment:- The present concessions as contained in this Ministry's O.M. dt. 14.12.83 will continue with the liberalisation that on first appointment T.A. should be admissible for the total distance, instead of for the distance in excess of first 400 Kms. only. (vi) Travelling Allowance for journey on transfer: The existing provisions as contained in this Ministry's O.M. dated 14.12.83 will continue. (vii) Roads mileage for transportation of personal effect on transfer: The existing provisons as contained in this Ministry's O.M. dated 14.12.83 will continue. (viii) Joining time with Leave: The existing provisions as contained in this Ministry's O.M. dated 14.12.83 will continue. (ix) Leave Travel Concession: The existing concession as contained in this Ministry's O.M. dated 14.12.83 will continue. Officers drawing pay of Rs. 5100/- or above, and their families i.e. spouse and two dependent children (upto 18 years for boys and 24 years for girls) will be allowed air travel between Imphal/Silcher/Agartala/Aizawl/Lilabari and Calcutta and vice-versa; between Portblair and Calcutta/Madras and vice-versa in case of posting in A&N Island; and between Kavarati and Cochin and vice-versa in case of postings in Lakshadweep. (x) Children Education Allowance/Hostel subsidy: Where the children do not accompany the Government servant to the North-Eastern Region, Children Education Allowance upto class XII will be admissible in respect of children studying at the last station of posting of the employees concerned or any other station where the children reside. If children studying in schools are put in hostels at the last station of posting or any other station, the Government servant concerned willbe given hostel subsidy without other restrictions. The rates of Children Education Allowance/ Hostel subsidy will be as in the D/P&T, O.M. 18011/1/87 Estt. (Allowance) dt. 31.12.87. as amended or time to time. (xi) Concession regarding grant of House Rent Allowance to officers posted in the States of North Eastern Region, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep Islands: The present concession as contained in this Ministry's O.M. No. 110016/1/EII(B)/84 dt. 29.3.84 as amended from time to time will continue to be applicable. (xii) Telephone facilities: The officers who are eligible to have residential telephone may be allowed to retain their telephone at their residences in their last place of the posting subject to the condition that the rental and all other charges are paid by such officers. 2. The above orders will also apply mutatis-mutandis to the Central Government employees posted in Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep Islands. These 844

orders will also apply mutatis-mutandis to officers posted to N.E. Council, when they are stationed in the N.E. Region. 3. These orders will take effect from the date of issue. 4. In so far as the persons serving the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned these orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. 5. Hindi version of this Memorandum is attached. Sd/-(A.JASYARAMAN) JOINT SECRETARY TO THE GOVT. OF INDIA. To All Ministries/Departments of Govt. of India, etc. Copy with usual number of spare copies forwarded to C&A.G. U.P.S.C. etc. as per standard endoresement list. 8. Applications of members of the All India Services for posts advertised by Union Public Service Commission, Public Sector Undertakings etc.- forwarding ofInstructions regardingI am directed to say that a question has been raised as to whether the members of the All India Services can be permitted to apply for posts advertised in the Press by the Government, Public Sector Undertakings etc. The Govt. of India are of the view that applications should be forwarded only in case where Govt. servants in lower services with inadequate prospects seek further advancement. In the Indian conditions, the All India Services offer the best available prospects for regular advancement and a fair share of deputation posts in the Public Sector Undertakings etc. Therefore, the members of the All India Services should not be permitted to apply for any post advertised in the Press. Members of the Indian Police Service and the Indian Forest Service may, however, be permitted to apply for the combined competitive examination for appointment to the India Administrative Service and the Central Civil Services Class I. 2. I am to request that the contents of this letter may be brought to the notice of the members of the All India Services borne on the State cadre. [G.I.Deptt. of Personnel letter No. 52972-AIS (iii), dated 4.12.1972.] 8.1 Forwarding of application of members of the All India Services for posts advertised by Union Public Service Commission etc.- I am directed to refer to this Department's letter No. 5/21/72-AIS(III) dated 4.2.72 (copy enclosed) on the subject mentioned above and to say that the above policy regarding forwarding of application has been considered in the light of the policy for appointment to posts in Public Sector Undertakings on deputation. In terms of this, the members of the service who apply for posts in Public Sector Undertakings may not be able to proceed on deputation to the Undertaking but will have to seek immediate absorption. This has, to


some extent, affected the prospects for regular advancement in career of the members of the service. 2. It has, therefore, been decided that in response to advertisement issued in the press by UPSC etc. the applications of the members of the All India Services may be forwarded for consideration for the said post. If the Recruitment Rules for the post so advertised provide for "transfer on deputation" also as one of the methods of recruitment in the event of the selection of the member of the service he may be allowed to proceed on deputation if it is administratively feasible for the State Government to spare the member of the service. If the Recruitment Rules for the post do not have any provision for "transfer on deputation" the member of the service may be requested to give an undertaking at the time of making a request for forwarding the application to the effect that in the event of selection for the post applied for he or she is willing to seek retirement or resignation as the case may be before joining the post. I am to request that the contents of the above letter may be brought to the notice of the member of the All India Services borne on the State cadre. 3. The instruction issued vide this Department letter No. 5/9/72 (AIS-III) dt. 4/12/72 stand amended as above. Copy to All Ministries/Departments. (No. 11017/9/91-AIS III dt. 7/2/1991). 9. Use of IAS/IPS crests in letter-heads by members of IAS/IPS-Instructions regarding.- It has come to the notice of the Government of India that some officers of the I.A.S.and I.P.S. are using the IAS/IPS crests with the State Emblem in their letter heads. As you are aware State Emblem can be used only for bona fide official purpose. The I.A.S./I.P.S. probationers/officers or any Association have not been authorised to use the State Emblem in their letter-heads. I am, therefore to request that all officers/Associations concerned may be instructed to discontinue immediately the printing, distribution and use of the letter-heads with the Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka showing three lions. There will, however, be no objection if the crests on the Letter-heads is printed without the State Emblem. [G.I. M.H.A. letter No. 7/2/68-AIS(III), dated 11/6/1968] 10. Territorial Army etc. Enrolment in.- In view of importance of the Territorial Army and the Auxiliary Air Force for the adequate defence of the country, no impediments should ordinarily be placed in the way of I.A.S. officers wishing to join either the Territorial Army or the Auxiliary Air Force. Officers holding essential key posts should not, however, be permitted to join. While considering application from officers, the Ministry or the State Government concerned may, therefore, take into consideration the nature of work in which the officer is employed or is likely to be employed and grant permission in such cases, where the officers can be released in an emergency without affecting the minimum essential functions of their officers. [G.I. M.H.A. letter Nos. 1/5/56-AIS(II), dated 28th December 1956, and 6/39/57 AIS(II), dated 3rd June, 1957.]


11. Travelling Allowance.-1. Joining time and joining time pay shall be granted as follows to Government servants, who are appointed to the Indian Administrative/Police Service on the results of a competitive examination, which is open to both Government servants and others:(i) joining time shall ordinarily be permitted for All Government servants serving under the Central Government and for State Government servants who hold permanent posts in a substantive capacity. (ii) joining time pay shall be granted only to Government servants who hold permanent posts under the Central or a State Government in a substantive capacity or who are provisionally permanent state or Central Government employees or quasipermanent Central Government employees. Where joint time pay is granted, *travelling allowance at transfer rates shall be allowed. 2. If, however, the terms contained in the offer of appointment are more favourable than the concessions enumerated in para. 1 above, then the former shall be allowed. 3. Candidates, who prior to their appointment to the IAS/IPS, held permanent posts either substantively or on probation under the Central or a State Government, can have their previous service counted for pension provided they joined the IAS/IPS without any interruption of duty, authorised joining time being no interruption of duty for this purpose. 4. All previous service rendered by a candidate under the Central or a State Government prior to his appointment to the IAS/IPS shall be counted for leave, provided the service is continuous and the Government, under which they were working prior to their appointment to IAS/IPS agree to pay the leave salary. [G.I. M.H.A. letter Nos. 22/20/48-G.S., dated 9th March, 1949, 20/7/49-G.S., dated 26th March, 1949, and 1/66/59-AIS(II), dated 1st October, 1959.] II. An I.P.S. probationer, on appointment to the I.A.S. will not be entitled to joining time etc., as he attributes of a substantive holder, which he enjoys as an I.P.S. in which he is on probation. [G.I. M.H.A. letter No. 14.12.62. AIS(III), dated the 28th November, 1962.] In the case of permanent/provisionally permanent State and Central Government employees and quasi-permanent Central Government employees appointed to the I.A.S. on the basis of the I.A.S. (Special Recruitment) Examination, 1956, and sent for training direct they were allowed only travelling allowance at tour rates for journeys to proceed to the training institutions. [G.I. M.H.A. letter No. 14/29/58, AIS(III), dated the 12th June, 1959.] 12. Court cases filed by members of the All India Services or members of the State Services involving interpretation of rules and regulations framed under the All India Services Act, 1951- Impleading of Union of India as a party- Instructions regarding.-In a recent Writ Petition filed by a member of an All India Services in which interpretation of certain rules and regulations made under the All India Services Act, 1951 was 847

involved the Union of India was not impleaded as a party and the court gave its judgement without the Government of India having an opportunity to place before the Court its views regarding the interpretation of the relevant rules and regulations. As the State Governments are aware, the Central Government have been empowered under the All India Services Act, 1951, to make rules and regulations to govern the recruitment and the conditions of service of persons appointed to the All India Services. The various rules also provide that the interpretation of the rules will be that of the Central Government. As such, in all court cases involving interpretation of the All India Services rules and regulations it is necessary that the Government of India is also impleaded as a party so that the Court will have before it the views of the Central Government on such interpretation, while deciding the case. 2. The State Governments may take the following action in Court Cases which involve interpretation of the All India Services rules and regulations:(i) To move the Court at the earliest opportunity that the Government of India should be impleaded as a party in cases where the Government of India have not been so impleaded. (ii) To show the Government of India draft of the counter affidavit proposed to be filed on behalf of the States in such cases for the comments, if any, of the Government of India, and then take action for filing the affidavits. [Deptt. of Personnel letter No. 10/9/72-AIS(I), dated 6-6-1972.] 13. Miscellaneous.-Officers of All India Service borne on state cadres should not correspond direct with the Government of India without the knowledge of the State Government. Applications/letters addressed to the Government of India direct by individual All India Service Officers (including retired officers) which are not routed through the State Governments would not therefore, be entertained. [G.I., M.H.A. letter No. 19/59-AIS(III), dated 8th May, 1959.]
Subject: Furnishing of annual immovable property returns by AIS officers - instructions regarding. I am directed to refer to the provisions of Rule 16(2) of the AIS (Conduct)Rules, 1968, which mandates every member of the Service to submit an annual immovable property return in the prescribed proforma. 2. The recent decision to place annual immovable property returns filed by All India Services officers in the public domain has necessitated closer monitoring of finer details like reckoning the exact date of filing return by the officers. A practical problem that is often encountered by the Cadre Controlling Authorities while implementing the provisions of Rule 16(2) of the Conduct Rules is that the IPR by AIS officers are submitted to their respective cadre authorities, who in turn forward the same to EO Division, in the capacity as the Cadre Controlling Authority for IAS officers. It is observed that most of the officers do not put the date under their signatures on the IPRs, making it virtually impossible for the EO Division to confirm the exact date of submission of immovable property return by the officers. 3. As per latest instructions, on grant of vigilance clearance to AIS officers timely submission of IPRs has been linked to the issue of grant of vigilance clearance. It is, therefore, imperative that the exact date of submission of immovable property return by the AIS officers is invariably correctly reflected by the officers in their IPRs.


4. The contents of this letter may be brought to the notice of all the members of the All India Services. [DoP&T letter No. 11017/27/2011-AIS(III), dated 24.10.2011]


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