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Circular Motion Lessonplan

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Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate: ____Jordyn Danforth_________________________

Date: _11/14/13_________

School:____ ___________________ Subject: __Physics_____________ Grade Level: _11-12______

Unit/Lesson Title/Number: Centripetal motion Lesson #1 Intro to Centripetal Motion Context and Class Profile

Common Core Standards

Assessed: Core Curriculum Physical Settings/Physics 5.1 Explain and predict different patterns of motion of objects ix: Verify Newtons Second Law for linear motion xi: Verify Newtons Second Law for uniform circular motion Performance Indicators: 5.1k According to Newtons Second Law, an unbalanced force causes a mass to accelerate 5.1n Centripetal force is the net force which produces centripetal acceleration. In uniform circular motion, the centripetal force is perpendicular to the tangential velocity.

Practiced: Students will be introduced to uniform circular motion and learn about how Newtons Second Law applies. They will be performing a lab activity that will show the application of this law.

Interdisciplinary Connections

Students will need to rely on algebra skills and knowledge of the circumference of a circle during this unit.

21st Century Skills

Using Systems Thinking Analyze how parts of a whole interact with each other to produce overall outcomes in complex systems

Lesson Objectives
Label : (Blooms Taxonomy)

1. Students will be able to explain (comprehension) Newtons Second Law for linear motion. 2. Students will be able to show (application) Newtons Second Law for uniform circular motion. 3. Students will be able to sketch (application) the acceleration, force, and velocity vectors at any point on a uniformly rotating circle.

Must be numbered


1.a. Homework

*Could be collected for accountability and/or auditing purposes.

1.b. Senteo quiz 2.a. Mini-lab 2.b. Senteo quiz 2.c. Homework 3.a. Mini-lab 3.b. Homework 3.c. Senteo quiz

Procedure Teacher input, development, instructional method(s), modeling, guided practice, independent practice, and/or activities

The teacher will be swinging a ball on a string while the students are filing into the classroom. On the Smartboard will be the bell ringer and an agenda which will only be up as long as the bell ringer is up because there is no other board to write it on. Bell Ringer: What is Newtons first law? o Looking for: object in motion stays in motion in a straight line The students will have approximately 2 minutes to complete the bell ringer. The teacher will ask the class as a whole to answer the bell ringer. If one student can answer half of it, the teacher will probe for the full answer (CFU content-informal) Transition: The answer to the bell ringer will allow for a transition into the days instruction The teacher will resume swinging the ball on a string and ask students to do a call-out to the following prompts: o What is happening here? Is there an external force acting on the ball? Where is that force directed? If force is a vector, what other vector is acting in the same direction? Where is the velocity directed? o The teacher may need to review what vectors are during this part of the lesson. The students should be taking notes on this while the teacher is asking questions and explaining.

Label: Bell Ringer Also may be called: set induction, anticipatory set, introduction/review, Do Now, Write Now, Silent Starter

Label: Transitions

Label: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic Accommodations for learning modalities

Label: Checks for Understanding: directions, procedures/routines,

and/or content (formative) Ex. (CFU directions)

The teacher will then attach a ribbon to the ball. The students will be asked what the ribbon represents. Students will be asked to independently draw the path of the ball, draw the ribbon accurately, and then label what the ribbon represents. The teacher will circulate to check for understanding (CFU-formal). The Smartnotes will be displayed and students should be taking notes both on the presentation and the teachers explanations. Students will be prompted to ask questions and answer questions during the presentation. The presentation will include videos, pictures, and examples that will ask students to interact directly with the Smartboard. This will accommodate for both visual and kinesthetic learners. The teacher will end the presentation and transition into the mini-lab. The teacher will describe the activity and then ask a handful of students to repeat the directions (CFU-directions). The students will be allowed to form their own groups of 2-3 but realize that the teacher has the power to rearrange these groups if they are ineffective. The lab handout will be given to the students and they will be allowed to obtain the materials. As the students are beginning the mini-lab, the teacher will go around and tape a target to the lab benches. The students will be trying to hit these targets as they do the lab. After the targets are set up the teacher should circulate and check the students for understanding. The mini-lab should be largely studentguided, but the teacher will be available for any questions or problems that arise. As the lab is coming to an end, the teacher will be

Label: Evidence of Cognitive Student Engagement (CSE)

Label: Closure

Assessment/ Evaluation
Label formative or summative, describe purpose, and provide grading/feedback method.

-The mini-lab will be used as a formative assessment. The lab will not actually be collected, but the teacher will go around as the students are completing the activity and give feedback on their performance. -The Senteo quiz will be used as a formative assessment because the teacher will be able to see which questions were more difficult for the students and will be able to review those questions with the class the next day. The quiz will not be graded so much as it will be used to guide the instruction during the next class. The students will be able to see which questions they got right/wrong immediately after finishing the quiz and they will be allowed to ask questions the next day. -The homework will be graded as a summative assessment for the lesson and each question will be worth one point. The students will hand the homework in the following day and receive feedback after the teacher has graded them. The teacher will

write feedback directly on the homework before handing it back.

Describe type and purpose. Include a back-up plan.

A Smartboard will be used for this lecture. The Senteo remotes will be used as an exit quiz. In the event that neither of these are working, the teacher will be able to give the instruction without the board and a print copy of the quiz will be available.

Academic Language required for the lesson

Students will be learning what centripetal acceleration and force are.

Accommodations, Student Supports, and/or Interactions with Co-Teachers and/or Support Staff

The lesson will be co-taught with another teacher and there will be support from the PDE if necessary.

Resources/ Materials

SmartBoard, ball on string, ribbon, hoops, ball bearings, target, mini-lab handout, senteo remotes

Time Required

2 periods (84 minutes)

Field Template
Lesson Objective (s):


Agenda for Board: Student/Class Profile:

Back-up plan(s), areas that might cause confusion or misconceptions, anchor activities, etc.



Complete by:


Include: cognitive engagement & formative assessment (s)

Include possible adjustments if warranted by formative assessment

Include key transitions

Include grouping if any

Key academic language


Begin by: ___ :___

Homework and/or Announcements

Begin by: ___ :___

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