Drama Lesson-Masks
Drama Lesson-Masks
Drama Lesson-Masks
O&ser'ations$ (ey )uestions: .roducts/.er+ormances$ O&ser'e the mo'ements *hat di++erent emotions are there, -o# do #e sho# those #ith our &odies, .er+ormance o+ emotions #ith &ody lan/ua/e
Attention Grabber Expectations for Learning and Behavior Advance Organizer/Agenda Transition to Body Learning Activity #1 Learning Activity #2 Introduction "ome into the room #earing a mas$. Move slo# and go through a series of body positions. %ou are going to learn ho# to #or$ #ith mas$s& #hi!h is the basis of all theatre'drama( )hen you are #earing the mas$s you are a!ting li$e a mime& you have no lips so you have to use your bodies to !ommuni!ate to the audien!e( 45 %as3 slide sho# 65 Emotion demonstrations 3. Emotion centers *oday #e are going to learn about drama through some mas$ and mime #or$( Body A &it o+ history$ pi!tures of +ree$ theatres& +ree$ a!tors all #ore mas$s. Pi!tures of mas$s. +ree$ mas$s and !ontemporary mas$s. Emotion demo$ !reate a list of emotions on the smart board. is!uss #ays that #e !an sho# these emotions #ithout our fa!es and #ithout our #ords. *al$ about ho# part of drama in!ludes performing( As I tea!h you drama throughout the ne,t !ouple of #ee$s you #ill ea!h get a !han!e to perform. -ave students .dra# sti!$s/ !ome up to the front of the !lass and demonstrate the body language that goes #ith the emotion. *hey are to #ear a mas$ that I give them. I #ill give them s!enarios to perform. .happy that you are about to open a birthday present/ .s!ared of a really big dog that is !oming your #ay/ .mad that you are not allo#ed to go to the par$/ "lear body positions( Emotion centers$ -ave !ue !ards at ea!h station that have the emotions. 0tudents ta$e turns performing the emotions for ea!h other. *here is one student that performs& one that reads the flash!ards and one that observes. .3 students per group/. 0#it!h roles #hen the timer goes .time 2 minutes per role/. 1emember a!tors #earing mas$s don2t tal$& they use their body language. )al$ around and observe losure Is drama fun3 )hat2s your favourite emotion to a!t out3 4o# that #e have learned some of the basi!s of theatre #e !an do some more drama a!ting ne,t lesson( Re+lections Time 2 minutes
Time 5 minutes
10 minutes
Learning Activity #
6 minutes
Assessments/ Differentiation