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A concise guide to OVM the Open Verification Methodology

OVM Golden Reference Guide

Version 2.0, September 2008
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
The information contained herein is the property of Doulos
Ltd and is supplied without liability for errors or omissions.
No part may be used, stored, transmitted or reproduced in
any form or medium without the written permission of
Doulos Ltd.

is a registered trademark of Doulos Ltd.

OVM is licensed under the Apache Software Foundations
Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004. The full
license is available at
All other trademarks are acknowledged as the property of
their respective holders.
First published by Doulos 2008
ISBN 0-9547345-6-4
Church Hatch
22 Market Place
BH24 1AW
Tel +44 (0) 1425 471223
Fax +44 (0) 1425 471573
Preface................................................................................................... 4
Using This Guide .................................................................................. 5
A Brief Introduction To OVM ............................................................... 6
Finding What You Need in this Guide ................................................ 8
Alphabetical Reference...................................................................... 13
Index .................................................................................................. 207
4 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
The OVM Golden Reference Guide is a compact reference guide to the Open
Verification Methodology for SystemVerilog.
The intention of the guide is to provide a handy reference. It does not offer a
complete, formal description of all OVM classes and class members. Instead it
offers answers to the questions most often asked during the practical application
of OVM in a convenient and concise reference format. It is hoped that this guide
will help you understand and use OVM more effectively.
This guide is not intended as a substitute for a full training course and will
probably be of most use to those who have received some training. Also it is not
a replacement for the official OVM Class Reference, which forms part of the
OVM and is available from
The OVM Golden Reference Guide was developed to add value to the Doulos
range of training courses and to embody the knowledge gained through Doulos
methodology and consulting activities.
For more information about these, please visit the web-site
You will find a set of OVM tutorials at For those
needing full scope training in OVM, see the OVM Adopter Class from Doulos.
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 5
Using This Guide
The OVM Golden Reference Guide comprises a Brief Introduction to OVM,
information on Finding What You Need in This Guide, the Alphabetical
Reference section and an Index.
This guide assumes a knowledge of SystemVerilog and testbench automation. It
is not necessary to know the full SystemVerilog language to understand the
OVM classes, but you do need to understand object-oriented programming in
SystemVerilog. You will find some tutorials at
The main body of this guide is organized alphabetically into sections and each
section is indexed by a key term, which appears prominently at the top of each
page. Often you can find the information you want by flicking through the guide
looking for the appropriate key term. If that fails, there is a full index at the back.
Except in the index, the alphabetical ordering ignores the prefix ovm_. So you
will find Field Macros between the articles ovm_factory and
Finding What You Need in This Guide on page 8 contains a thematic index to
the sections in the alphabetical reference.
The Index
Bold index entries have corresponding pages in the main body of the guide. The
remaining index entries are followed by a list of appropriate page references in
the alphabetical reference sections.
Methods and Members
Most sections document the methods and members of OVM classes. Not all
public members and methods are included; we have tried to concentrate on
those that you may want to use when using the OVM. Also, deprecated features
are not usually included. For details on all the members and methods, please
refer to the official OVM Class Reference and the actual OVM source code.
6 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
A Brief Introduction To
Various verification methodologies have emerged in recent years. One of the
first notable ones was the e Reuse Methodology for verification IP using the e
language. This defines an architecture for verification components together with
a set of naming and coding recommendations to support reuse across multiple
projects. The architecture of eRM and some of its concepts (e.g. sequences)
were used to create the Cadence Universal Reuse Methodology (URM), for
The SystemC TLM 1.0 library defines a transport layer for transaction level
models. Mentor Graphics Advanced Verification Methodology (AVM) uses
SystemVerilog equivalents of the TLM ports, channels and interfaces to
communicate between verification components (there is also a SystemC version
of AVM that uses the TLM classes directly).
URM and AVM have been joined together to form the Open Verification
Methodology (OVM). This still uses the TLM 1.0 transport layer for
communicating between components, even though TLM 2.0 has subsequently
been released.
The Open Verification Methodology combines the classes from AVM and URM.
It is backwards compatible with both.
Transaction-level Modeling
Transaction-level modeling involves communication using function calls, with a
transaction being the data structure passed to or from a function as an argument
or a return value.
Transaction level modeling is a means of accelerating simulation by abstracting
the way communication is modeled. Whereas an HDL simulator models
communication by having a separate event for each pin wiggle, a transaction
level model works by replacing a bunch of related pin wiggles by a single
transaction. Obvious examples would be a bus read or bus write.
OVM is implemented entirely in SystemVerilog so it should work on any
simulator that supports the full IEEE 1800 standard. Note that at the time of
A Brief Introduction to OVM
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 7
writing, none of the simulators available implements the complete 1800
standard. However, both Mentor Graphics QuestaSim and Cadence Incisive
simulators support all of the language features required by OVM.
The OVM source code can be downloaded from the OVM web site. There is also
an active user forum on this site that any registered user can freely participate in.
OVM Class Hierarchy
The main OVM classes form a hierarchy as shown here. The ovm_object class
is the base class for all other OVM classes.
User defined transaction classes should be derived from ovm_transaction or one
of its children.
TLM channels such as tlm_fifo are derived from ovm_report_object so include
the ability to print their state. There are also implementations of the SystemC
TLM 1.0 interface classes (not shown here) that are inherited by TLM channels.
The ovm_component class is for user-defined verification components. It has a
run task that is automatically invoked at the start of a simulation.
Base classes for common verification components such as environments, drivers
and monitors are also provided.
ovm_test ovm_sequencer
Simplified Class Hierarchy
8 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Finding What You Need in
This Guide
This section highlights the major areas of concern when creating or modifying an
OVM verification environment, and indicates the most important classes that you
will need to use for each of these areas. Classes and OVM features highlighted
in bold have their own articles in the Alphabetical Reference section of this
Designing Transaction Data
OVM verification environments are built using transaction level modeling.
Stimulus, responses and other information flowing around the testbench are, as
far as possible, stored as transactions objects carrying a high-level, fairly
abstract representation of the data. Because these objects are designed as
SystemVerilog classes, they can all be derived from a common base class
ovm_object, ovm_transaction or ovm_sequence_item. When designing
classes derived from these, you not only add data members and methods to
model the data itself, but also overload various base class methods so that each
data object knows how to do a standard set of operations such as copying or
printing itself.
Creating Problem-Specific Testbench Components
The core of a testbench is the set of testbench components that will manipulate
the transaction data. Some of these components need a direct connection to
signals in HDL modules representing the device-under-test (DUT) and its
supporting structures. Other components operate at a higher level of abstraction
and work only with transaction data. Notwithstanding this distinction, all the
components you create should be represented by classes derived from
ovm_component. This base class is described in detail in the article on
Components need to pass data to and from other components. In OVM this is
achieved by providing the components with suitable ports and exports through
which they can communicate with one another. Components never need to
know about neighboring components to which they are connected; instead,
components send and receive data by means of calls to methods in their ports.
The set of methods implemented by ports is known as the TLM Interfaces. This
is the fundamental principle of transaction level modeling: one component calls a
TLM interface method in its port and, thanks to the connection mechanism, the
corresponding method is automatically called in a different component's export.
Finding what you need in this Guide
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 9
When a component makes data available for optional inspection by other parts
of the testbench, it does so through a special kind of port known as a
tlm_analysis_port, which connects to a tlm_analysis_export on each
component that wishes to monitor the data.
Almost every block of testbench functionality should be coded as a component.
However, some kinds of functional block are sufficiently common and sufficiently
well-defined that special versions of the component base classes are provided
for them, including ovm_driver, ovm_monitor and ovm_scoreboard. In some
situations it is useful to build groupings of components, with the connections
between them already defined; ovm_agent is such a predefined grouping, and
you can also use ovm_env to create such blocks.
Choosing and Customizing Built-in OVM Components
Some components have standard functionality that can be provided in a base
class and rather easily tailored to work on any kind of transaction data. OVM
provides ovm_in_order_*_comparator and ovm_algorithmic_comparator.
Communication between components is often made simpler by using FIFO
channels rather than direct connection. Built-in components tlm_fifo and
tlm_analysis_fifo provide a complete implementation of such FIFOs.
All these built-in components can be tailored to work with any type of transaction
data because they are defined as parameterized classes. It is merely necessary
to instantiate them with appropriate type parameters.
Constructing the Testbench: Phases and the Factory
The structure of your testbench should be described as components that are
members of a top-level environment derived from ovm_env. The top level test
automatically calls a series of virtual methods in each object of any class derived
from ovm_component (which in turn includes objects derived from ovm_env).
The automatically-executed steps of activity that call these virtual methods are
known as Phases.
Construction of the sub-components of any component or environment object is
accomplished in the build phase; connections among sibling sub-components
is performed in the connect phase; execution of the components' run-time
activity is performed in the run phase. Each of these phases, and others not
mentioned here, is customized by overriding the corresponding phase method in
your derived component or environment class.
Construction of sub-components in a component's build phase can be
achieved by directly calling the sub-components' constructors. However, it is
more flexible to use the ovm_factory to construct components, because the
factory's operation can be flexibly configured so that an environment can be
modified, without changing its source code, to behave differently by constructing
derived-class versions of some of its components.
Finding What You Need in this Guide
10 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
The factory can also be used to create data objects in a flexible way. This
makes it possible to adjust the behavior of stimulus generators without modifying
their source code.
Structured Random Stimulus
A predefined component ovm_random_stimulus can be used to generate a
stream of randomized transaction data items with minimal coding effort.
However, although the randomization of each data item can be controlled using
constraints, this component cannot create structured stimulus: there is no way to
define relationships between successive stimulus data items in the random
stream. To meet this important requirement, OVM provides the Sequences
mechanism, described in more detail in articles on ovm_sequence,
ovm_sequence_item, ovm_sequencer, Special Sequences, Sequencer
Interface and Port and Sequence Action Macros.
Writing and Executing a Test
Having designed a test environment it is necessary to run it. OVM provides the
ovm_test class as a base class for user-defined top-level tests, defining the
specific usage of a test environment for a single test run or family of runs. In the
1.1 release of OVM, a new mechanism for encapsulating the whole of your OVM
testbench and top-level test was introduced; it is described in the article on
When a test begins, there is an opportunity for user code in the test class to
provide configuration information that will control operation of various parts of the
testbench. The mechanisms that allow a test to set this configuration
information and, later, allow each part of the testbench to retrieve relevant
configuration data, is known as Configuration. For configuration to work
correctly it is necessary for user-written components to respect a set of
conventions concerning the definition of data members in each class. Data
members that can be configured are known as fields, and must be set up using
Field Macros provided as part of OVM.
One of the most commonly used and important aspects of configuration is to
choose which HDL instances and signals are to be accessed from each part of
the testbench. Although OVM does not provide any specific mechanisms for
this, the conventional approach is outlined in the article Virtual Interface
Finding what you need in this Guide
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 11
Reporting and Text Output
As it runs, a testbench will generate large amounts of textual information. To
allow for flexible control and redirection of this text output, a comprehensive set
of reporting facilities is provided. These reporting features are most easily
accessed through methods of the base class ovm_report_object. Detailed
control over text output formatting is achieved using ovm_printer and
Alphabetical Reference Section
14 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
The ovm_agent class is derived from ovm_component. Each user-defined
agent should be created as a class derived from ovm_agent. There is no
formal definition of an agent in OVM, but an agent should be used to
encapsulate everything that's needed to stimulate and monitor one logical
connection to a device-under-test.
A typical agent contains instances of a driver, monitor and sequencer (described
in more detail in later sections). It represents a self-contained verification
component designed to work with a specific, well-defined interface for
example, a standard bus such as AHB or Wishbone. An agent should be
configurable to be either a purely passive monitor or an active verification
component that can both monitor and stimulate its physical interface. This
choice should be controlled by the value of a bit data member, conventionally
named is_active; the driver and sequencer sub-components of the agent
should be constructed only if this data member has been configured to be true
(1) before the agent's build method is invoked.
Agents generally have rather little functionality of their own. An agent is primarily
intended as a wrapper for its monitor, driver and sequencer.
class ovm_agent extends ovm_component;
typedef enum bit { OVM_PASSIVE=0, OVM_ACTIVE=1 }
function new( string name,
ovm_component parent = null);
Constructor; mirrors the
superclass constructor in
Note: These fields are not defined in ovm_agent, but should almost always be
provided as part of any user extension.
Controls whether this instance
has an active driver.
Exposes the monitor sub-
component's analysis output to
users of the agent.
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 15
class example_agent extends ovm_agent;
example_sequencer #(example_transaction) m_sequencer;
example_driver m_driver;
example_monitor m_monitor;
ovm_active_passive_enum is_active;
ovm_analysis_port #(example_transaction) monitor_ap;
example_virtual_if_wrapper vi_wrapper;
virtual function void build();;
$cast(m_monitor, create_component(
"example_monitor", "m_monitor") );
monitor_ap = new("monitor_ap", this);
if (is_active) begin
$cast(m_sequencer, create_component(
"example_sequencer", "m_sequencer") );
$cast(m_driver, create_component(
"example_driver", "m_driver") );
endfunction: build
virtual function void connect;
... // code to pass physical connection information
// (in vi_wrapper) to monitor omitted for clarity
if (is_active) begin
endfunction: connect
endclass: example_agent
16 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
An agent should represent a block of "verification IP", a re-usable
component that can be connected to a given DUT interface and then used
as part of the OVM test environment. It should be possible to specify a
single virtual-interface connection for the agent, and then have the agent's
build or connect method automatically provide that connection (or
appropriate modports of it) to any relevant sub-components such as its
driver and monitor.
Every active agent should have a sequencer sub-component capable of
generating randomized stimulus for its driver sub-component.
Provide your agent with an analysis port that is directly connected to the
analysis port of its monitor sub-component. In this way, users of the agent
can get analysis output from it without needing to know about its internal
You will need to create appropriate sequences that the sequencer can use
to generate useful stimulus.
Use ovm_active_passive_enum rather than a bit to set the agent mode.
ovm_agent has no methods or data members of its own, apart from its
constructor and what it inherits from ovm_component. However, to build a
properly-formed agent requires you to follow various methodology guidelines,
including the recommendations in this article. In particular, you should always
provide an is_active flag, a configurable means to connect the agent to its
target physical interface, and the three standard sub-components (driver,
monitor and sequencer). An agent is in effect a piece of verification IP that can
be deployed on many different projects; as such it should be designed to be
completely self-contained and portable.
See also
ovm_component, ovm_driver, ovm_monitor, ovm_sequencer
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 17
A suitably parameterized and configured ovm_algorithmic_comparator can
be used to check the end-to-end behavior of a DUT that manipulates
(transforms) its input data before sending it to an output port. Its behavior is
generally similar to ovm_in_order_class_comparator, but it requires a
reference model of the DUT's data manipulation behavior, in the form of a
special "transformer" object, to be passed to the comparator's constructor.
The comparator provides two analysis exports, before_export for input
transactions and after_export for output transactions (after processing by the
DUT). Unlike the other OVM comparator classes, these two exports are not
required to support the same type of transaction.
Transactions received on before_export are first processed by the
transform method of a user-provided "transformer" object in effect, a
reference model. The result of the transform method is the predicted DUT
output, represented as a transaction of the same type as will be received from
the DUT output on after_export.
Internally, there is an in_order_class_comparator. Its before_export is
fed with the transformed (predicted) transactions; its after_export sees the
real DUT output. In this way, the DUT's output is compared with the expected
values computed from the observed DUT input.
class ovm_algorithmic_comparator
#( type BEFORE = int, type AFTER = int,
type TRANSFORMER = int )
extends ovm_component;
function new(
TRANSFORMER transformer,
string name ,
ovm_component parent ) ;
Constructor "transformer" is
the reference-model object
whose transform method
will be used to predict DUT
output values
ovm_analysis_export #( BEFORE )
Connect to first transaction
stream analysis port, typically
monitored from a DUT's input
ovm_analysis_imp #(AFTER, ...)
Connect to second transaction
stream analysis port, typically
monitored from a DUT's output
18 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Code pattern for any user-defined transformer class:
class example_transformer;
... // member variables to represent internal
// state of the reference model
function new(any appropriate arguments);
... // initialize the state of the reference
// model based on the constructor arguments
function after_class_type transform (
before_class_type b );
... // maintain the state of the reference model
// based on the new input transaction, and
// compute and return the expected result
Using ovm_algorithmic_comparator within a scoreboard component
class cpu_scoreboard extends ovm_scoreboard;
// Fetched instructions are observed here:
ovm_analysis_export #(fetch_xact) af_fetch_export;
// Execution results are observed here:
ovm_analysis_export #(exec_xact) af_exec_export;
#(.BEFORE(fetch_xact), .AFTER(exec_xact),
.TRANSFORMER(Instr_Set_Simulator) ) m_comp;
function new( string name, ovm_component parent );, parent);
endfunction: new
virtual function void build();;
// Create the transformer object
Instr_Set_Simulator m_iss = new(...);
// Create analysis exports
af_fetch_export = new("af_fetch_export", this);
af_exec_export = new("af_exec_export", this);
// Supply the transformer object to the comparator
m_comp = new(m_iss, "comp", this);
endfunction: build
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 19
virtual function void connect;
af_fetch_export.connect( m_comp.before_export );
af_cpu_export.connect( m_comp.after_export );
endfunction: connect
integer m_log_file;
virtual function void start_of_simulation;
m_log_file = $fopen("cpu_comparator_log.txt");
set_report_id_action_hier("Comparator Match",LOG);
set_report_id_file_hier ("Comparator Match",m_log_file);
set_report_id_action_hier("Comparator Mismatch",LOG);
set_report_id_file_hier ("Comparator Mismatch",
endfunction: start_of_simulation
virtual function void report;
string txt;
$sformat(txt, "#matches = %d, #mismatches = %d",
m_comp.m_matches, m_comp.m_mismatches);
ovm_report_info("", txt);
endfunction: report
endclass: cpu_scoreboard
Although there is no ready-to-use OVM class for the transformer (reference
model) object, it is probably a good idea to derive it from ovm_component so
that its behavior and instantiation can be controlled by the configuration and
factory mechanisms.
In current releases of OVM the transformer and comparator objects in an
ovm_algorithmic_comparator have local access. Consequently they
cannot easily be controlled from code written in a derived class In particular,
there is no way to flush the comparator. Users may wish to write their own
version of ovm_algorithmic_comparator, using the OVM code as a model,
to provide better control over the comparison process. This problem is not so
important for the transformer object, because it must be supplied in the
algorithmic comparator's constructor and therefore the environment can easily
keep a reference to it.
See also
ovm_analysis_port, ovm_analysis_export, ovm_in_order_*_comparator
20 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Components that work with transactions typically make those transactions
available to other parts of the testbench through analysis ports. A monitoring or
analysis component that wishes to observe these transactions must subscribe to
the producing component's analysis port. This is achieved by connecting an
analysis export on each subscriber to the analysis port on the producer. The
analysis export provides the write method required (called) by the analysis port.
There is no limit to the number of analysis exports that can be connected to a
given analysis port. An analysis export may be connected to one or more
analysis exports on child components or implementations.
class ovm_analysis_export #(type T = int)
extends ovm_port_base #(tlm_if_base #(T,T));
function new( string name,
ovm_component parent );
function void write( input T t ); called implicitly by
connected analysis port's
write method, forwards call
to connected exports or
virtual function string
function void connect

port_type provider);
connects the analysis export
to another analysis export,
or to an analysis imp, that
implements a subscriber's
write functionality

Inherited from ovm_port_base

This example shows the implementation of a specialized analysis component
that contains two different subscribers, both observing the same stream of
transactions. The analysis component has just one analysis export that is
connected to both subscribers.
class custom_subscr_1 extends
ovm_subscriber #(example_transaction);
... // code for first custom subscriber
class custom_subscr_2 extends
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 21
ovm_subscriber #(example_transaction);
... // code for second custom subscriber
class example_double_subscriber extends ovm_component;
custom_subscr_1 subscr1;
custom_subscr_2 subscr2;
ovm_analysis_export #(example_transaction)
function void build();
$cast(subscr1, create_component (
"custom_subscr_1", "subscr1" );
$cast(subscr2, create_component (
"custom_subscr_2", "subscr2" );
analysis_export = new ( "analysis_export", this );
function void connect();
// Connect the analysis export to both internal components
Every analysis export must ultimately be connected to an
ovm_analysis_imp implementation that provides a write method. It is
possible to connect an analysis port directly to an ovm_analysis_imp,
but user-written components more commonly have an
ovm_analysis_export that in its turn is connected either to one or more
ovm_analysis_imp, or to an ovm_analysis_export on a sub-
component that is a member of the component.
An especially useful and common idiom is for a subscriber component to
have a tlm_analysis_fifo. The component's
ovm_analysis_export is then connected to the analysis FIFO's
analysis_export. In this way, the user has no need to code an
ovm_analysis_imp explicitly. Transactions from a producer's analysis
port are written into the analysis FIFO without blocking. A thread in the
user-written component can take transactions from the analysis FIFO's get
port at its leisure.
ovm_subscriber provides a convenient base class for user-written
subscriber components that observe transactions from exactly one analysis
22 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
port. In ovm_subscriber the necessary arrangement of analysis export
and implementation has already been coded, and it is only necessary for
the user to override the base class's write method in their class derived
from ovm_subscriber.
The overall pattern of connection of analysis ports, exports and imps is:
A producer of analysis data should write that data to an analysis port.
An analysis port can be connected to any number of subscribers
(including zero). Each subscriber can be another analysis port on a
parent component, or an analysis export or analysis imp on a sibling
An analysis export can be connected to any number of subscribers.
Each subscriber can be an analysis export or an analysis imp on a
child component.
You must call new() to create an instance of an analysis export in a
component's build method.
Analysis ports and exports must be parameterized for the type of
transaction they carry. The transaction parameters for connected analysis
ports and exports must match exactly.
Conventionally, a producer calls the non-blocking write method for its
analysis port and assumes that the transaction object will not be required
once write has returned. A subscriber should therefore never store a
reference to a written transaction: if it needs to reference the transaction at
some future time step, its write method should create a copy and store that
Analysis components should never write to objects they are given for
analysis. If your analysis component needs to modify an object it is given, it
should make a copy and work on that. Other analysis components might
also have stored the same reference, and should be able to assume that
the object will not change.
See also
ovm_subscriber, ovm_analysis_port, tlm_analysis_fifo, ports and exports
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 23
It is often necessary for some parts of a testbench for example, end-to-end
checkers and coverage collectors to observe the activity of other testbench
components. Analysis ports provide a consistent mechanism for such
class ovm_analysis_port #(type T = int)
extends ovm_port_base #(tlm_if_base #(T,T));
function new( string name,
ovm_component parent = null);
function void write(
transaction_type t);
Publishes transaction t to
any connected subscribers
virtual function string
function void connect(
port_type provider);
Connects the analysis port
to another analysis port, or
to an analysis export that
implements a subscriber's
write functionality
See the article on ovm_monitor for an example of using an analysis port.
When designing any component, use an analysis port to make data
available to other parts of the testbench. The analysis port's write method
does not block, and therefore cannot interfere with the procedural flow of
your component. If there are no subscribers to the analysis port, calling its
write method has very little overhead.
Any component that wishes to make transaction data visible to other parts
of the testbench should have a member of type ovm_analysis_port,
parameterized for the transaction's data type. This analysis port should be
constructed during execution of the component's build method.
Whenever the component has a transaction that it wishes to publish, it
should call the analysis port's write method with the transaction variable
as its argument. This method is a function and so is guaranteed not to
block. It has the effect of calling the write method in every connected
subscriber. If there is no subscriber connected, the method has no effect.
24 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
The member variable name for an analysis port conventionally has the
suffix _ap. There is no limit to the number of analysis ports on a
Monitor components designed to observe transactions on a physical
interface (see ovm_monitor) are sure to have an analysis port through
which they can deliver observed transactions. Other components may
optionally have analysis ports to expose transaction data that they
manipulate or generate, so that other parts of the testbench can observe
those data. Note, in particular, that every tlm_fifo has two analysis ports
named put_ap and get_ap; these ports expose, respectively,
transactions pushed to and popped from the FIFO.
You must call new to create an instance of an analysis port in a
component's build method.
The write method of an analysis port takes a reference (handle) to the
transaction as an input argument. Consequently, it is possible (although
not recommended) for the target of the write() to modify the transaction
object. To avoid difficulties related to this issue, consider writing a copy of
the transaction to the analysis port using the transaction's own copy
method (although in a well-behaved system, it is usually the responsibility
of the subscriber to make the copy):
Other parts of the OVM library, including the built-in comparator
components, assume that transactions received from an analysis port are
"safe" and have already been cloned if necessary.
See also
ovm_monitor, ovm_subscriber, ovm_analysis_export, tlm_fifo, ports and exports
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 25
Components are used as the structural elements and functional models in an
OVM testbench. Class ovm_component is the virtual base class for all
components. It contains methods to configure and test the components within
the hierarchy, placeholders for the phase callback methods, convenience
functions for calling the OVM factory, functions to configure the OVM reporting
mechanism and functions to support transaction recording. It inherits other
methods from its ovm_report_component and ovm_object base classes.
Prior to OVM 2.0, ovm_component was only used as the base class for
components that did not consume simulation time: components with
independently-executing, time-consuming activity (known as "threads" or
"processes").used an alternative ovm_threaded_component base class that
extended ovm_component by adding a run method and a few methods for
process control. From OVM 2.0 onwards, ovm_threaded_component is a
typedef for ovm_component, provided for backwards compatibility (it should not
be used in new code).
virtual class ovm_component extends ovm_report_object;
Constructor and interaction with hierarchy
Functions are provided to access the child components (by name or by handle).
The order in which these are returned is set by an underlying associative array
that uses the child component names as its key. The lookup function searches
for a named component (the name must be an exact match wildcards are not
supported). If the name starts with a ., the search looks for a matching
hierarchical name in ovm_top, otherwise it looks in the current component.
function new( string name,
ovm_component parent);
function string get_name

(); Returns the name

virtual function string
Returns the full hierarchical
path name
virtual function void set_name(
string name);
Renames the component and
updates children's hierarchical
virtual function string

Returns type name
virtual function ovm_component
Returns handle to parent
26 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
function ovm_component
get_child(string name);
Returns handle to named child
function int get_first_child(
ref string name);
Get the name of the first child
function int get_next_child(
ref string name);
Get the name of the next child
function int
Return the number of child
function int has_child(
string name);
True if child exists
function ovm_component lookup(
string name );
Search for named component
(no wildcards)
function void print(
ovm_printer printer=null);
Prints the component

Inherited from ovm_object

OVM phases and control
Components provide virtual callback methods for each OVM phase. These
methods should be overridden in derived component classes to implement the
required functionality. Additional methods are provided as hooks for operations
that might be required within particular phases.
Phase Callback Methods
For further details of these, see Phase.
virtual function void build(); Build phase callback
virtual function void
Connect phase callback
virtual function void
End_of_elaboration phase
virtual function void
Start_of_simulation phase
virtual task run(); Run phase callback
virtual function void
Extract phase callback
virtual function void check(); Check phase callback
virtual function void report(); Report phase callback
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 27
Phase Support Methods
The connections associated with a particular component may be checked by
overriding the resolve_bindings function. This is called automatically
immediately before the end_of_elaboration phase or may be called
explicitly by calling do_resolve_bindings.
The flush function may be overridden for operations such as flushing queues
and general clean up. It is not called automatically by any of the phases but is
called for all children recursively by do_flush.
Process control for the currently executing task in an ovm_component is
provided by the suspend, resume, kill and status methods. They are
convenience methods for the standard SystemVerilog std::process class.
The do_kill function recursively calls kill for a component and all of its
There are two methods of stopping the currently executing phase task: kill
causes it to terminate immediately; calling ovm_top.stop_request by default
also causes it to terminate immediately. If the enable_stop_interrupt bit is
set, a stop request calls the stop task and does not terminate the phase until
the stop task completes. If the stop task has been overridden and includes a
time delay, this will give the phase task time to complete its current activity
before it terminates.
The phases are usually executed automatically in the order defined by OVM. In
special cases where the OVM scheduler is not used (e.g. a custom
simulator/emulator), it is possible to launch the phases explicitly. This should not
be attempted for typical testbenches.
virtual function void
Called immediately before
end_of_elaboration phase
override to check connections
function void
Calls resolve_bindings for
current component and
recursively for its children
virtual function void flush(); Callback intended for clearing
function void do_flush(); Recursively calls flush for all
virtual task suspend (); Suspend current task
virtual task resume (); Resume current task
virtual function void kill (); Kills the current task-based
phase (e.g. run)
virtual function void
Recursively call kill for all
function string status (); Return status of current task
28 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
virtual task stop(
string ph_name);
Called after stop request if
enable_stop_interrupt bit is
set. Override to delay stopping
virtual function void
do_func_phase(ovm_phase phase);
Explicitly start a function-
based phase
virtual task do_task_phase (
ovm_phase phase);
Explicitly start a task-based
protected int
enable_stop_interrupt = 0;
Set to 1 to enable stop task
Component configuration
Components work with the OVM configuration mechanism to set the value of
members using a string-based interface.
See Configuration for full details.
virtual function void
string inst_name,
string field_name,
ovm_bitstream_t value);
Sets an integral-valued
configuration item.
virtual function void
string inst_name,
string field_name,
string value);
Sets a string-valued
configuration item.
virtual function void
string inst_name,
string field_name,
ovm_object value,
bit clone=1);
Sets a configuration item as
an ovm_object (or null). By
default, the object is cloned.
virtual function bit
string field_name,
inout ovm_bitstream_t value);
Gets an integral-valued
configuration item. Updates
member and returns 1'b1 if
field name found.
virtual function bit
string field_name,
inout string value);
Gets a string-valued
configuration item. Updates
member and returns 1'b1 if
field name found.
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 29
virtual function bit
string field_name,
inout ovm_object value,
input bit clone=1);
Gets a configuration item as
an ovm_object (or null).
Updates member and returns
1'b1 if field name found. By
default, the object is cloned.
virtual function void
bit verbose=0);
Searches for configuration
items and updates members
function void
string field="",
ovm_component comp=null,
bit recurse=0);
Prints configuration
static bit
print_config_matches = 0;
For debugging. If set, configuration
matches are printed.
The Factory
Components work with the OVM factory. They provide a set of convenience
functions that call the ovm_factory member functions with a simplified
From OVM 2.0 onwards, the factory supports both parameterized and non-
parameterized components using a proxy class for each component type that is
derived from class ovm_object_wrapper. The component utility macros
register a component with the factory. They also define a nested proxy class
named type_id and a static function get_type that returns the singleton
instance of the proxy class for a particular component type.
The create and clone methods inherited from ovm_object are disabled for
See ovm_factory, ovm_component_registry
function ovm_component
string requested_type_name,
string name);
Creates component as a
child of current
component (parent set
to this)
30 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
function ovm_object
string requested_type_name,
string name="");
Creates object as a child
of current component
static function void
string original_type_name,
string override_type_name,
bit replace=1);
Overrides the type used
by the factory for
specified type
static function void
ovm_object_wrapper original_type,
ovm_object_wrapper override_type,
bit replace=1);
Overrides the type used
by the factory for
specified type
function void
string relative_inst_path,
string original_type_name,
string override_type_name);
Overrides the type used
by the factory for the
specified instance only
function void
string relative_inst_path,
ovm_object_wrapper original_type,
ovm_object_wrapper override_type);
Overrides the type used
by the factory for the
specified instance only
function void
string requested_type_name,
string name="");
Prints details about the
type of object that would
be created for the given
static function type_id get_type

(); Returns proxy (wrapper)

for class type required
by factory methods

Created by utility macros

Hierarchical configuration of component report handler
Components provide methods to configure the OVM report handler for a
particular component and recursively for all of its children. The methods can
apply to all reports of a particular severity, all reports with a matching id or all
reports whose severity and id both match those specified. Where there are
overlapping conditions, matching both severity and id takes precedence over
matching only id which takes precedence over matching only severity.
The reports can be written to a file that has previously been opened (using
$fopen) if the action is specified as OVM_LOG. The file descriptor used for
writing can be selected according to the severity or id of the message.
See ovm_report_object.
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 31
function void
ovm_severity s, ovm_action a);
Set the action for reports
with severity s
function void
string id, ovm_action a);
Set the action for reports
with matching id
function void
ovm_severity s, string id,
ovm_action a);
Set the action for reports
with both severity s AND
matching id
function void
Set the default file
written by action
function void
ovm_severity s,
Set the file written by
action OVM_LOG for
reports of severity s
function void
string id,
Set the file written by
action OVM_LOG for
reports with matching id
function void
ovm_severity s,
string id,
Set the file written by
action OVM_LOG for
reports with both
severity s AND matching
function void
int v);
Set verbosity threshold
only messages with
lower verbosity written
typedef int OVM_FILE; File descriptor
Recording component transactions
Components provide methods to record their transactions to streams that can be
displayed in a waveform viewer. The stream format is vendor-specific only the
API is defined by OVM. Each component has an event pool containing
accept_tr, begin_tr and end_tr events that are triggered when
transactions are accepted, when they begin and when they end, respectively.
As of OVM 2.0, the API is not fully defined and is subject to change.
See ovm_transaction
32 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
function void accept_tr(
ovm_transaction tr,
time accept_time=0);
Call transactions accept_tr
function and trigger
accept_tr event
function integer begin_tr(
ovm_transaction tr,
string stream_name="main",
string label="",
string desc="",
time begin_time=0);
Call transactions begin_tr
function, trigger begin_tr
event and write transaction
details to stream. Return
transaction handle.
function integer begin_child_tr
( ovm_transaction tr,
integer parent_handle=0,
string stream_name="main",
string label="",
string desc="",
time begin_time=0);
Call transactions
begin_child_tr function,
trigger begin_tr event and
write transaction details to
stream. Return transaction
function void end_tr(
ovm_transaction tr,
time end_time=0,
bit free_handle=1);
Call transactions end_tr
function, trigger end_tr event
and write transaction details
to stream.
function integer record_error_tr(
string stream_name="main",
ovm_object info=null,
string label="error_tr",
string desc="",
time error_time=0,
bit keep_active=0);
Records error in transaction
function integer record_event_tr(
string stream_name="main",
ovm_object info=null,
string label="event_tr",
string desc="",
time event_time=0,
bit keep_active=0);
Records event in
transaction stream.
virtual protected function void
ovm_transaction tr);
Callback from accept_tr (by
default does nothing)
virtual protected function void
ovm_transaction tr,
string stream_name,
integer tr_handle);
Callback from begin_tr (by
default does nothing)
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 33
virtual protected function void
ovm_transaction tr,
integer tr_handle);
Callback from end_tr (by
default does nothing)
protected ovm_event_pool
Events for transaction accept,
begin and end
Utility macros generate factory methods and the get_type_name function for
a component. (See Utility Macros for details.)
Fields specified in field automation macros will automatically be handled
correctly in copy, compare, pack, unpack, record, print and sprint.
Parameterized components should use the
macros instead. Note that these do not generate a get_type_name function
and register the component with the factory with the type name "<unknown>".
The following field utility macros enable field automation macros to be used
without generating the factory methods or get_type_name function. This can
be useful for abstract base classes that will never get built by the factory.
34 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Components may only be created and their ports (if any) bound before the
end_of_elaboration phase: the hierarchy must be fixed by the start of
this phase.
Components cannot be cloned: the clone and create methods inherited
from ovm_object are disabled.
The ovm_component class is abstract and cannot be used to create
objects directly. Components are instances of classes derived from
Using ovm_component for a simple parameterized testbench class
class lookup_table #(WIDTH=10) extends ovm_component;
ovm_blocking_get_imp #(int,lookup_table) get_export;
int lut [WIDTH];
int index = 0;
function new (string name="", ovm_component parent=null);,parent);
endfunction : new
function void build();;
foreach (lut[i]) lut[i] = i * 10;
get_export = new("get_export",this);
endfunction: build
task get (output int val);
#10 val = lut[index++];
if (index > WIDTH-1) index = 0;
endtask: get
`ovm_field_sarray_int(lut,OVM_ALL_ON + OVM_DEC)
endclass: lookup_table
Finding a component, changing its name and configuring its report handler to
write reports to a file
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 35
module top2;
OVM_FILE fd = $fopen("drv2.log");
initial begin
ovm_component c;
ovm_phase build_ph;
build_ph = ovm_top.get_phase_by_name("build")
c = ovm_top.find("env2.m_driver");
Delaying return from run task after stop request:
class cov_col extends ovm_component;
virtual chip_if if1;
function new(string name, ovm_component parent);,parent);
enable_stop_interrupt = 1;
endfunction : new
task run(); ... endtask
task stop(string ph_name);
// wait until bus transaction completed
wait(chip_if.bus.done == 1);
ovm_report_info("DRV","Stopping now");
endtask: stop
endclass: cov_col
OVM defines virtual base classes for various common testbench
components (e.g. ovm_monitor) that are themselves derived from
ovm_component. These should be used as base classes for testbench
components in preference to ovm_component where appropriate.
Use class_name::type_id::create or create_component to create
new component instances in the build phase rather than new or
36 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Use the field automation macros for any fields that need to be configured
automatically. These also enable the fields of one component instance to
be copied or compared to those of another.
Set the required reporting options by calling the hierarchical functions
(set_report_*_hier) for a top-level component since these settings are
applied recursively to all child components.
Stop the simulation by calling ovm_top.stop_request rather than kill.
It gives components the opportunity to complete their current actions before
Component names must be unique at each level of the hierarchy.
new and build should call the base class new ( and build
( methods respectively.
Do not forget to register components with the factory, using
`ovm_component_utils or `ovm_component_param_utils.
Reports are only written to a file if a file descriptor has been specified and
the action has been set to OVM_LOG for the particular category of report
See also
configuration, ovm_factory, ovm_driver, ovm_monitor, ovm_scoreboard,
ovm_agent, ovm_env, ovm_test, ovm_root
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 37
The ovm_component_registry class is used to register components with the
factory. It acts as a "proxy" which allows a component to be registered with the
factory before any instance of the component has actually been created. It
enables the factory to support parameterized components since each
"specialization" has a unique corresponding proxy that is registered with the
The proxy instance is a specialization of the registry class created automatically
by the component utility macros as a singleton instance of a nested class named
Calling the static create member function of a component's type_id nested
class is the simplest way to instantiate components with the factory. It returns a
handle of the correct type so no type casts are necessary.
class ovm_component_registry #(type T=ovm_component,
string Tname="<unknown>")
extends ovm_object_wrapper;
function ovm_component
create_component( string name,
ovm_component parent);
Used by factory to
create instance
static function this_type get(); Returns proxy
function string get_type_name(); Returns type name
static function T create(
string name, ovm_component parent,
string contxt="");
Called by user to
create component
instance with the
static function void set_type_override(
ovm_object_wrapper override_type,
bit replace=1);
Overrides the type
used by the factory
for specified type
static function void set_inst_override(
ovm_object_wrapper override_type,
string inst_path,
ovm_component parent=null);
Overrides the type
used by the factory
for the specified
instance (path is
relative if parent
38 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
const static string type_name = Tname; Type name string
typedef ovm_component_registry
#(T,Tname) this_type;
Type of proxy (for
internal use)
class compA extends ovm_component;
`ovm_component_utils(compA) // creates nested registry class
endclass: compA
class compAA extends compA;
`ovm_component_utils(compAA) // creates nested registry class
endclass: compAA
class compB extends ovm_compnent;
compA A1;
`ovm_component_utils(compB) // creates nested registry class
function void build();
if(useAA) begin
// override compA to use compAA before creating A1
A1 = compA::type_id::create("A1",this);
endfunction: build
endclass: compB
Use the utility macros to create the registry class rather than declaring a
typdef for it yourself. This ensures interoperability across simulators which
may use different internal type names for the registry specialization.
Use the ovm_component_param_utils macro for parameterized
See also
ovm_component, ovm_object_wrapper, ovm_factory
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 39
Configuration is a mechanism that OVM provides to modify the default state of
components, either when they are built or when a simulation is run. It provides
an alternative to factory configuration for modifying the way components are
created. Configuration acts on components, but not transactions.
Configuration can be used to specify which components should be instantiated
and settings for run-time behavior. It may also be used to change run-time
behavior dynamically.
(Prior to OVM 1.1 there was a configure simulation phase. This was not
related to the configuration mechanism discussed here: new designs should use
the end_of_elaboration.phase instead ).
Configuration Settings Table
Each component has a configuration settings table. There is also a global
configuration settings table. These are accessed using the
set_config_*/get_config_* methods and global functions respectively.
Components will use the configuration settings tables during the build phase.
Typically, configurations are used in tests to configure the environment
(set_config_*) without having to modify any code in the environment. This
relies on components in the environment being responsible for getting
(get_config_*) their own configuration information; however, field automation
has the side-effect of making fields available for configuration, in which case
configuration is automatic.
Configuration works top-down global configuration settings have precedence
over local ones, and a parents configuration takes precedence over those of its
Whilst configuration usually occurs at build time, the configuration tables can
also be queried at run-time, if appropriate.
Wildcard Matching
The inst_name and field_name arguments of the set_config_* functions
and methods may include wildcards: * matches zero or more characters, ?
matches exactly one character. Note that * matches ., the hierarchy
separator, so matching may be through the whole hierarchy. (Wildcard matching
uses the global function ovm_is_match.)
Printing Configuration Information
The print_config_settings method of ovm_component may be used to
print configuration information about the component. Called without arguments,
it prints all the components configuration information. If the field argument is
given (wildcards may not be used), configuration for the matching field is printed.
print_config_settings may also recursively print configuration for the
components children (recurse=1).
40 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Global Functions
These functions use the global configuration table. See below for a description of
the inst_name and field_name arguments.
function void set_config_int(
string inst_name,
string field_name,
ovm_bitstream_t value);
Sets an integral-valued
configuration item. (See below
for ovm_bitstream_t)
function void
string inst_name,
string field_name,
string value);
Sets a string-valued
configuration item.
function void
string inst_name,
string field_name,
ovm_object value,
bit clone=1);
Sets a configuration item as
an ovm_object (or null). By
default, the object is cloned.
The bitstream type ovm_bitstream_t is a global type for passing integral
parameter OVM_STREAMBITS = 4096;
typedef logic signed [OVM_STREAMBITS-1:0] ovm_bitstream_t;
Methods of ovm_component
These functions are members of ovm_component (or an extension) and use the
components local configuration table. They have been reproduced here for
virtual function void
string inst_name,
string field_name,
ovm_bitstream_t value);
Sets an integral-valued
configuration item.
virtual function void
string inst_name,
string field_name,
string value);
Sets a string-valued
configuration item.
virtual function void
string inst_name,
string field_name,
ovm_object value,
bit clone=1);
Sets a configuration item as
an ovm_object (or null). By
default, the object is cloned.
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 41
virtual function bit
string field_name,
inout ovm_bitstream_t value);
Gets an integral-valued
configuration item. Updates
member and returns 1'b1 if
field name found.
virtual function bit
string field_name,
inout string value);
Gets a string-valued
configuration item. Updates
member and returns 1'b1 if
field name found.
virtual function bit
string field_name,
inout ovm_object value,
input bit clone=1);
Gets a configuration item as
an ovm_object (or null).
Updates member and returns
1'b1 if field name found. By
default, the object is cloned.
virtual function void
bit verbose=0);
Searches for configuration
items and updates members
function void
string field="",
ovm_component comp=null,
bit recurse=0);
Prints configuration
Members of ovm_component
static bit
print_config_matches = 0;
For debugging. If set,
configuration matches are
Automatic configuration using field automation:
class verif_env extends ovm_env;
int m_n_cycles;
string m_lookup;
instruction m_template;
typedef enum {IDLE,FETCH,WRITE,READ} bus_state_t;
bus_state_t m_bus_state;
endclass: verif_env
42 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
class test2 extends ovm_test;
register_instruction inst = new();
string str_lookup;
function void build();
endfunction : build
endclass : test2
Manual configuration
// In a test, create an entry count in the global configuration settings table
// ... and retrieve the value of count
if (!get_config_int("count",m_n_cycles) )
m_n_cycles = 1500; // use default value
Standard (Verilog) command-line plusargs may be used to modify the
configuration. This provides a simple, yet flexible way of configuring a test.
set_config_* / get_config_* only work within the hierarchy of
ovm_components, not with other object types such as transactions and
A wildcard * in an instance name will match any expanded path at that
point in the hierarchical name, not just a single level of hierarchy. A
wildcard * in a call to get_config will only match a corresponding wildcard
in a call to set_config: it will not match a more specific name.
When set_config is called, there is no obligation for a corresponding
field to have been registered, but if it has been then the type should match
(that is, int, string, or object), and the value of the field will be
print_config_settings does not give any indication about whether the
configuration has "successfully" set the value of a component member.
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 43
See also
ovm_component, ovm_factory, Field Macros, ovm_root
44 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
The ovm_driver class is derived from ovm_component. User-defined drivers
should be built using classes derived from ovm_driver. A driver is typically
used as part of an agent (see ovm_agent) where it will pull transactions from a
sequencer and implement the necessary BFM-like functionality to drive those
transactions onto a physical interface.
A sequence item pull port that may be connected to a corresponding export on a
sequencer was added in OVM 2.0. This is backwards-compatible with the
deprecated sequence interface (seq_item_prod_if ) used in earlier versions.
class ovm_driver #(type REQ = ovm_sequence_item,
type RSP = REQ) extends ovm_component;
function new( string name,
ovm_component parent = null);
Constructor, mirrors the
superclass constructor in
ovm_seq_item_pull_port #(REQ,RSP)
Port for connecting the
driver to the sequence item
export of a sequencer
ovm_analysis_port #(RSP)
Analysis port for responses
REQ req; Handle for request
RSP rsp; Handle for response
function new( string name,
ovm_component parent,
int min_size=0,
int max_size=1);
Constructor. Default
minimum size of 0 makes
connection to sequencer
task get_next_item(
output REQ req_arg);
Blocks until item is returned
from sequencer. There must
be a subsequent call to
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 45
task try_next_item(
output REQ req_arg);
Attempts to fetch item. If
item is available, returns
immediately and there must
be a subsequent call to
item_done. Otherwise
req_arg set to null
function void item_done(
RSP rsp_arg = null);
Indicates to the sequencer
that the driver has
processed the item and
clears the item from the
sequencer fifo. Optionally
also sends response
task wait_for_sequences(); Calls connected sequencer's
task (by default waits #100)
function bit has_do_available(); Returns 1 if item available,
otherwise 0
task get(output REQ req_arg); Blocks until item is returned
from sequencer. Call
item_done before
task peek(output REQ req_arg); Blocks until item is returned
from sequencer. Does not
remove item from sequencer
task put(RSP rsp_arg); Sends response back to
class example_driver extends ovm_driver #(my_transaction);
virtual task run();
forever begin
// code to generate physical signal activity
// as specified by transaction data in req
endclass: example_driver
46 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
The driver's physical connection is usually specified by means of a virtual
interface wrapper object. This object can be configured using the
set_config mechanism, or can be passed into the driver by its enclosing
If a driver sends a response back to a sequencer, the sequence ID and
transaction ID of the response must match those of the request. These can
be set by calling rsp.set_id_info(req) before calling item_done.
Do not forget to call the sequence item pull port's item_done method
when your code has finished consuming the transaction item.
See also
ovm_agent, Virtual Interface Wrapper, Sequencer Interface and Ports,
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 47
A class derived from ovm_env should be used to model and control the test
environment (testbench), but does not include the tests themselves. An
environment may instantiate other environments to form a hierarchy. The leaf
environments will include all the main methodology components: stimulus
generator; driver; monitor and scoreboard. An environment is connected to the
device under test (DUT) through a virtual interface. The top-level environment
should be instantiated and configured in a (top-level) test.
Prior to OVM 1.1, simulation was started by calling the top-level tests run_test
method and controlled by its run method. From OVM 1.1 onwards, the
run_test method has been moved to ovm_root. The do_test mode is
deprecated and its associated methods are not shown. (See OVM Class
virtual class ovm_env extends ovm_component;
function new(
string name=env,
ovm_component parent=null);
static task run_test(
string test_name="");
Runs all simulation phases for
all components in the
environment (deprecated).
Also, inherited methods, including
build, connect, run
Only inherited members
48 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
This is a minimal environment:
class verif_env extends ovm_env;
// Testbench methodology components
function new(string name="", ovm_component parent=null);,parent);
endfunction : new
function void build();
// Instantiate top-level components using new or
// the factory, as appropriate
endfunction: build
virtual function void connect();
// Connect ports-to-exports
endfunction: connect
virtual task run();
// Control stimulus generation
// Control simulation run length
endtask: run
endclass: verif_env
The new, build, connect and run methods should be overridden.
Control simulation using the run method. Call ovm_top.stop_request
in the run method to stop simulation. Alternatively, set
ovm_top.phase_timeout before the start of simulation, e.g. in the
start_of_simulation method.
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 49
You would not normally use do_global_phase. Instead, the phases are
run by calling run_test.
For maximum flexibility, use the command-line to set the test name, rather
than passing it as an argument to run_test.
Instantiate one top-level environment in a (top-level) test. This may in turn
instantiate other (lower-level) environments.
If no test is specified, no new components are created so simulation
proceeds with an empty environment, and nothing much happens!
new and build should call the base class new ( and build
( methods respectively.
Do not forget to register the environment with the factory, using
Do not call the set_inst_override member function (inherited from
ovm_component) for a top-level environment.
See also
ovm_test, Configuration. Virtual Interface Wrapper
50 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Class ovm_event is an ovm_object that adds additional features to standard
SystemVerilog events. These features include the ability to store named events
in an ovm_event_pool, to store data when triggered and to register callbacks
with particular events. When an event is triggered, it remains in that state until
explicitly reset. ovm_event keeps track of the number of processes that are
waiting for it.
Several built-in OVM classes make use of ovm_event. However, they should
only be used in applications where their additional features are required due to
the simulation overhead compared to plain SystemVerilog events.
class ovm_event extends ovm_object;
function new(string name=""); Constructor
virtual task wait_on(
bit delta=0);
Waits until event triggered. If
already triggered, returns
immediately (or after #0)
virtual task wait_off(
bit delta=0);
Waits until event reset. If not
triggered, returns
immediately (or after #0)
virtual task wait_trigger(); Like Verilog @event
virtual task wait_ptrigger(); Like wait_trigger but
returns immediately if
triggered in current time-step
virtual task wait_trigger_data(
output ovm_object data);
Calls wait_trigger.
Returns event data
virtual task wait_ptrigger_data(
output ovm_object data);
Calls wait_ptrigger.
Returns event data
virtual function void trigger(
ovm_object data=null);
Triggers event and sets
event data
virtual function ovm_object
Returns event data
virtual function time
Time that event was
virtual function bit is_on(); True if triggered
virtual function bit is_off(); True if not triggered
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 51
virtual function void reset(
bit wakeup=0);
Resets event and clears
data. If wakeup bit is set,
any process waiting for
trigger resumes
virtual function void
ovm_event_callback cb,
bit append=1);
Add callback (class with
pre_trigger and
post_trigger function).
Adds to end of list by default
virtual function void
ovm_event_callback cb);
Removes callback
virtual function void cancel(); Decrements count of waiting
processes by 1
virtual function int
Number of waiting
Using event to synchronize two tasks and send data
class C extends ovm_component;
ovm_event e1;
function new (string name="", ovm_component parent=null);,parent);
endfunction : new
function void build();;
e1 = new ("e1");
endfunction: build
task run();
basic_transaction tx,rx;
tx = new();
begin = 10;
tx.addr = 1;
#10 e1.trigger(tx);
52 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
endtask: run
endclass: C
Creating a callback
class my_e_callback extends ovm_event_callback;
function new (string name="");;
endfunction : new
function void post_trigger(ovm_event e,
ovm_object data=null);
basic_transaction rx;
if (data) begin
ovm_report_info("CBACK",$psprintf("Received %s",
endfunction: post_trigger
endclass: my_e_callback
To use the callback, create an instance of the callback class and register it with
the event
my_e_callback cb1;
cb1 = new ("cb1"); //in build
e1.add_callback(cb1); //in run
Use wait_ptrigger rather than wait_trigger to avoid race conditions
An ovm_object handle must be used to hold the data returned by
wait_trigger_data and wait_ptrigger_data. This must be
explicitly cast to the actual data type before the data can be accessed. Use
wait_(p)trigger and get_trigger_data instead since the return
value of get_trigger_data can be passed directly to $cast.
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 53
Class ovm_event_pool is an object that behaves like an associative array of
named events. A global ovm_event_pool exists that may be used to
synchronize processes running across multiple components or modules. It is
also possible to create a local event pool if required.
class ovm_event_pool extends ovm_object;
function new(string name=""); Constructor
function ovm_object create(
string name="");
Convenience function to
create an event pool
static function ovm_event_pool
Returns a handle to the global
even pool
virtual function ovm_event get(
string name);
Returns the named event (if
not found, creates it and adds
to pool)
virtual function int num(); Number of events in pool
virtual function void delete(
string name);
Deletes named event
virtual function int exists(
string name);
Returns 1 if named event is in
pool, otherwise 0
virtual function int first(
ref string name);
Gets name of first event in
virtual function int last(
ref string name);
Gets name of last event in
virtual function int next(
ref string name);
Gets name of event in pool
after specified name
virtual function int prev(
ref string name);
Gets name of event in pool
before specified name
54 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
A stimulus task that waits for the end of each transaction using its event pool
virtual task generate_stimulus(basic_transaction t = null,
input int max_count = 30 );
basic_transaction temp;
ovm_event_pool tx_epool;
ovm_event tx_end;
if( t == null ) t = new("trans",this);
for( int i = 0;
(max_count == 0 || i < max_count-1);
i++ ) begin
assert( t.randomize() );
$cast( temp , t.clone() );
//get handle to transaction's event pool
tx_epool = temp.get_event_pool();
blocking_put_port.put( temp );
//get transaction's "end" event
tx_end = tx_epool.get("end");
endtask: generate_stimulus
The contents of an ovm_event_pool may be displayed by calling print
You need to call get to add an event to the event pool.
See also
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 55
The OVM factory is provided as a fully configurable mechanism to create objects
from classes derived from ovm_object (sequences and transactions) and
ovm_component (testbench components).
The benefit of using the factory rather than constructors (new) is that the actual
class types that are used to build the test environment are determined at run-
time (during the build phase). This makes it possible to write tests that modify
the test environment, without having to edit the test environment code directly.
Classes derived from ovm_object and ovm_component can be substituted
with alternative types using the factory override methods. The substitution is
made when the component or object is built. The substitution mechanism only
makes sense if the substitute is an extended class of the original type. Both the
original type and its replacement must have been registered with the factory
using one of the utility macros `ovm_component_utils,
`ovm_component_param_utils, `ovm_object_utils or
The factory keeps tables of overrides in component and object registries
(ovm_component_registry and ovm_object_registry). To help with
debugging, the factory provides methods that print the information in these
Prior to OVM 2.0, the factory methods used strings to specify the type of
component to create (or the overrides). OVM 2.0 introduced a new mechanism
based around a proxy class to specify object or component types with a new
user interface. The type-based methods enable the compiler to detect type
name errors and also support parameterized objets and components. The
original string-based methods have been replaced by new methods with more
descriptive names and are not shown here (they have been deprecated).
A singleton instance of ovm_factory named factory is instantiated within the
OVM package (ovm_pkg). The factory object can therefore be accessed
from SystemVerilog modules and classes, as well as from within an OVM
class ovm_factory extends ovm_component;
function ovm_object
ovm_object_wrapper requested_type,
string parent_inst_path="",
string name="");
Creates and returns an
object. Type is set by
proxy. Name and parent
specified by strings
56 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
function ovm_component
ovm_object_wrapper requested_type,
string parent_inst_path="",
string name,
ovm_component parent);
Creates and returns a
component. Type is set
by proxy. Name and
parent specified by
function ovm_object
string requested_type_name,
string parent_inst_path="",
string name="");
Creates and returns an
object. Type, name and
parent are specified by
function ovm_component
string requested_type_name,
string parent_inst_path="",
string name,
ovm_component parent);
Creates and returns a
component. Type, name
and parent are specified
by strings
function void
ovm_object_wrapper original_type,
ovm_object_wrapper override_type,
string full_inst_path);
Register an instance
override with the factory
based on proxies (see
function void
string original_type_name,
string override_type_name,
string full_inst_path);
Register an instance
override with the factory
based on type names
(see below)
function void
ovm_object_wrapper original_type,
ovm_object_wrapper override_type,
bit replace=1);
Register a type override
with the factory based
on proxies (see below)
function void
string original_type_name,
string override_type_name,
bit replace=1);
Register a type override
with the factory based
on type names (see
function ovm_object_wrapper
ovm_object_wrapper requested_type,
string full_inst_path);
Return the proxy to the
object that would be
created for the given
function ovm_object_wrapper
string requested_type_name,
string full_inst_path);
Return the proxy to the
object that would be
created for the given
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 57
function void register(
ovm_object_wrapper obj);
Registers a proxy with
the factory (called by
utility macros)
function void
ovm_object_wrapper requested_type,
string parent_inst_path="",
string name="");
Prints information about
the type of object that
would be created with
the given proxy, parent
and name
function void
string requested_type_name,
string parent_inst_path="",
string name="");
Prints information about
the type of object that
would be created with
the given type name,
parent and name
function void print(
int all_types=1);
all_types is 0: Prints
the factory overrides
all_types is 1: Prints
the factory overrides +
registered types
all_types is 2: Prints
the factory overrides +
registered types
(including OVM types)
Components and objects are generally registered with the factory using the
macros `ovm_component_utils and `ovm_object_utils respectively.
Parameterized components and objects should use
`ovm_component_param_utils and `ovm_object_param_utils
respectively. Registration using these macros creates a specialization of the
ovm_component_registry #(T,Tname) (for components) or
ovm_object_registry #(T,Tname) (for objects) and adds it as a nested
class to the component or object named type_id. If you try to create a
component or object using a type that has not been registered, nothing is
created, and the value null is returned.
Overriding instances and types
You can configure the factory so that the type of component or object that it
creates is not the type specified by the proxy or string argument. Instead, if a
matching instance or type override is in place, the override type is used.
The set_inst_override_by_* function requires a string argument that
specifies the path name of the object or component to be substituted (wildcards
"*" and "?" can be used), together with the original type and the replacement
type (strings or proxies). A warning is issued if the types have not been
registered with the factory. The ovm_component class also has a
58 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
set_inst_override member function that calls the factory method this
adds its hierarchical name to the search path so should NOT be used for
components with no parent (e.g. top-level environments or tests).
Creating Components and Objects
The create_object_by_* and create_component_by_* member
functions of ovm_factory can be called from modules or classes using the
factory instance. The type of object/component to build is requested by
passing a proxy or string argument. The instance name and path are specified
by string arguments. The path argument is used when searching the
configuration table for path-specific overrides. The create_component_by_*
functions require a 4
argument: a handle to their parent component. This is not
required when objects are created.
The ovm_component class provides create_object and
create_component member functions that only require two string arguments
the type name and instance name of the object being created. These can only
be called for (or more likely, within) an existing component. The path is taken
from the component that the function is called for/within. The
ovm_component::create component function always sets the parent of the
created component to this.
The create_object_by_* and create_object functions always return a
handle to the new object using the virtual ovm_object base class. The
create_component_by_* and create_component functions always return a
handle to the new component using the virtual ovm_component base class. A
$cast of the returned handle is therefore usually necessary to assign it to a
handle of a derived object or component class.
The easiest way of creating objects and components with the factory is to make
use of the create function provided by the proxy. This function has three
arguments: a name (string), a parent component handle and an optional path
string. The name and parent handle are optional when creating objects.
When you create an object or component, the factory looks for an instance
override, and if there is none, a type override. If an override is found, a
component or object of that type is created. Otherwise, the requested type is
class verif_env extends ovm_env;
// Register the environment with the factory
`ovm_component_utils (verif_env)
instruction m_template;
function void build();
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 59;
// Use the factory to create the m_template object
m_template = instruction::type_id::create("m_template",
endfunction : build
endclass: verif_env
class test1 extends ovm_test;
verif_env env1;
function void build();
// Change type of m_template from instruction to register_instruction
// using factory method
// Type overrides have lower precedence than inst overrides
same_regs_instruction::get_type() );
// Print all factory overrides and registered classes
// Call factory method to create top-level environment (requires cast so
// type_id::create is generally preferred)
verif_env::get_type(),"","env1",null) );
endfunction : build
endclass : test1
Do not create an ovm_factory object or derive a class from
ovm_factory. A factory is created automatically. It is a singleton there
is only one instance named factory.
Use the factory to create components and objects whenever possible. This
makes the test environment more flexible and reusable.
60 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Prefer the type-based (proxy) functions to the string-based (type name)
For convenience, use the create function from an object or component
proxy it requires less arguments, is more likely to pick up errors in class
names at compile time and returns a handle of the correct type. If this is
not possible, then prefer a components own create_component or
create_object method to
ovm_factory::create_component_by_name or
ovm_factory::create_object_by_name respectively.
With create_component_by_name and create_object_by_name use
the same name for the instance that you used for the instance (handle)
Do not forget to register all components and objects with the factory, using
`ovm_component_utils, `ovm_component_param_utils,
`ovm_object_utils or `ovm_object_param_utils as appropriate.
Errors in type names passed as strings to the factory create and override
methods may not be detected until run time (or not at all)!
If you use the create_component_by_* methods remember to use
$cast, because the return type is ovm_component: you will probably
want to assign the function to a class derived from ovm_component, which
is a virtual class.
See also
Field Macros, Configuration, Sequences, ovm_component,
ovm_component_registry, ovm_object, Utility macros
Field Macros
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 61
Fields are the data members or properties of OVM classes. The field macros
automate the provision of a number of data methods:
There are field automation macros for integer types (any packed integral type),
enum types, strings and objects (classes derived from ovm_object). These
macros are placed inside of the `ovm_*_utils_begin and
'ovm_*_utils_end macro blocks.
The field macros enable automatic initialization of fields during the build phase.
The initial values may be set using OVMs configuration mechanism
(set_config_*) from the top level of the testbench. (Fields that have not been
automated may still be configured manually, using the get_config_*
Field Macros
Macro Declares a field for this type:
`ovm_field_int (ARG, FLAG) Any packed integral type
`ovm_field_enum (
Enum of TYPE
`ovm_field_object (ARG, FLAG) ovm_object
`ovm_field_object (ARG, FLAG) event
`ovm_field_string (ARG, FLAG) string
`ovm_field_sarray_int (
(Fixed-size) array of packed
integral type
`ovm_field_array_int (
Dynamic array of packed
integral type
`ovm_field_sarray_object (
(Fixed-size) array of
`ovm_field_array_object (
Dynamic array of
`ovm_field_sarray_string (
(Fixed-size) array of string
Field Macros
62 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
`ovm_field_array_string (
Dynamic array of string
`ovm_field_queue_int (
Queue of packed integral type
`ovm_field_queue_object (
Queue of ovm_object
`ovm_field_queue_string (
Queue of string
`ovm_field_aa_int_string (
Associative array of integral
type with string keys
`ovm_field_aa_object_string (
Associative array of
ovm_object with string keys
`ovm_field_aa_string_string (
Associative array of string with
string keys
`ovm_field_aa_int_<key_type> (
Associative array of key_type
(an integer type: int, integer,
byte, ) with integral keys
`ovm_field_aa_string_int (
Associative array of string with
int keys
`ovm_field_aa_object_int (
Associative array of objects
with int keys
The FLAG argument is specified to indicate which, if any, of the data methods
(copy, compare, pack, unpack, record, print, sprint) NOT to implement.
Flags can be combined using bitwise-or or addition operators.
OVM_DEFAULT Use the default settings.
OVM_ALL_ON All flags are on (default)
OVM_COPY, OVM_NOCOPY Do/Do not do a copy
OVM_COMPARE, OVM_NOCOMPARE Do/Do not do a compare
OVM_NODEFPRINT Do not print if the field is the
same as its default value.
OVM_PACK, OVM_NOPACK Do/Do not pack/unpack.
OVM_PHYSICAL Treat as a physical field.
OVM_ABSTRACT Treat as an abstract field.
Field Macros
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 63
OVM_READONLY Do not allow this field to be set
using set_config_*
Radix settings (integral types
only). The default is OVM_HEX.
class basic_transaction extends ovm_sequence_item;
rand bit[7:0] addr, data;
`ovm_field_int(data,OVM_ALL_ON | OVM_BIN)
endclass : basic_transaction
Call field macro for every member of a transaction class or sequence.
Declare as fields any data members that require configuration using
set_config_*, for example an instance of a virtual interface wrapper class.
Mark as readonly (OVM_READONLY) fields that you do not want to be
affected by configuration.
If you use + instead of bitwise-or to combine flags, make sure that the same
bit is not added more than once.
The macro FLAG argument is required (macro arguments cannot have
defaults). Typically, use OVM_ALL_ON.
See also
64 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
The ovm_in_order_*_comparator family of components can be used to
compare two streams of transactions in an OVM environment. They each
provide a pair of analysis exports that act as a subscribers to the transaction
streams (the streams typically originate from analysis ports on OVM monitors
and drivers). The transactions may be built-in types (e.g. int, enumerations,
structs) or classes: you should use ovm_in_order_class_comparator to
compare class objects, and ovm_in_order_built_in_comparator to
compare objects of built-in type. In each case the type is set by a parameter.
Both versions are derived from a parent class ovm_in_order_comparator;
this underlying class is not normally appropriate in user code, and is not
described here.
The incoming transactions are held in FIFO buffers and compared in order of
arrival. Individual transactions may therefore arrive at different times and still be
matched successfully. A count of matches and mismatches is maintained by the
comparator. Each pair of transactions that has been compared is written to an
analysis port in the form of a pair object a pair is a simple class that contains
just the two transactions as its data members.
class ovm_in_order_class_comparator #( type T = int )
extends ovm_in_order_comparator #(T, ...);
class ovm_in_order_built_in_comparator #( type T = int )
extends ovm_in_order_comparator #(T, ...);
function new( string name ,
ovm_component parent ) ;
function void flush(); Clears (mis)matches counts
ovm_analysis_export #( T )
Connect to first transaction
stream analysis port, typically
monitored from a DUT's input
ovm_analysis_export #( T )
Connect to second transaction
stream analysis port, typically
monitored from a DUT's output
ovm_analysis_port #(pair_type)
Pair of matched transactions
that has been compared
int m_matches; Number of matches
int m_mismatches; Number of mismatches
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 65
Using ovm_in_order_class_comparator within a scoreboard component
class cpu_scoreboard extends ovm_scoreboard;
ovm_analysis_export #(exec_xact) af_iss_export;
ovm_analysis_export #(exec_xact) af_cpu_export;
ovm_in_order_class_comparator #(exec_xact) m_comp;
function new( string name, ovm_component parent );, parent);
endfunction: new
virtual function void build();;
af_iss_export = new("af_iss_export", this);
af_cpu_export = new("af_cpu_export", this);
m_comp = new("comp", this);
endfunction: build
virtual function void connect();
af_iss_export.connect( m_comp.before_export );
af_cpu_export.connect( m_comp.after_export );
endfunction: connect
integer m_log_file;
virtual function void start_of_simulation();
m_log_file = $fopen("cpu_comparator_log.txt");
set_report_id_action_hier("Comparator Match",LOG);
set_report_id_file_hier ("Comparator Match",
set_report_id_action_hier("Comparator Mismatch",LOG);
set_report_id_file_hier ("Comparator Mismatch",
endfunction: start_of_simulation
virtual function void report();
string txt;
$sformat(txt, "#matches = %d, #mismatches = %d",
m_comp.m_matches, m_comp.m_mismatches);
ovm_report_info("", txt);
endfunction: report
66 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
endclass: cpu_scoreboard
The comparator writes a message for each match and mismatch that it
finds. These messages are of class Comparator Match and Comparator
Mismatch respectively. You may wish to disable these messages or
redirect them to a log file as shown in the example.
If you need your comparator also to model the transformation that a DUT
applies to its data, you may find ovm_algorithmic_comparator more
appropriate it allows you to incorporate a reference model of the DUT's
data-transformation behavior in a convenient way.
Consider using ovm_in_order_class_comparator as a base class for
a type-specific comparator that can be built by the factory, for example
class exec_comp extends
ovm_in_order_class_comparator #(exec_xact);
function new(string name, ovm_component parent);,parent);
endfunction: new
endclass: exec_comp
ovm_in_order_class_comparator requires transaction classes to
have a comp member function (this is not defined by the field automation
macros). Its signature is:
bit comp( input exec_xact t );
This can be easily implemented by calling compare (which is created for
you by the field automation macros).
ovm_in_order_class_comparator does not have a type_id proxy so
cannot be used directly with the factory (see above for a work-around).
See also
ovm_analysis_port, ovm_analysis_export, ovm_transaction,
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 67
The ovm_monitor class is derived from ovm_component. User-defined
monitors should be built using classes derived from ovm_monitor. A monitor is
typically used to detect transactions on a physical interface, and to make those
transactions available to other parts of the testbench through an analysis port.
class ovm_monitor extends ovm_component;
function new ( string name,
ovm_component parent = null);
Constructor, mirrors the
superclass constructor in
Analysis port through which
monitored transactions are
delivered to other parts of the
Note: this field is not defined
in ovm_monitor, but should
always be provided as part of
any user extensions.
class example_monitor extends ovm_monitor;
ovm_analysis_port #(example_transaction) monitor_ap;
example_virtual_if_wrapper vi_wrapper;
virtual function void build();;
endfunction: build
virtual task run();
example_transaction tr;
forever begin
// Start with a new, clean transaction so that
// already-monitored transactions are unaffected
tr = new;
// code to observe physical signal activity
// and assemble transaction data in tr
68 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
endclass: example_monitor
A monitor can be useful "stand-alone", observing activity on a set of signals
so that the rest of the testbench can see that activity in the form of complete
transaction objects. Alternatively it can form part of an agent.
By using an analysis port to pass its output to the rest of the testbench, a
monitor can guarantee that it can deliver this output data without consuming
time. Consequently, the monitor's run method can immediately begin work
on receiving the next transaction on its physical interface.
The monitor's physical connection is specified by means of a virtual
interface wrapper object. This object can be configured using the
set_config mechanism, or can be passed into the monitor by its
enclosing agent.
ovm_monitor has no methods or data members of its own, apart from its
constructor and what it inherits from ovm_component. However, building a
properly-formed monitor usually requires additional methodology guidelines,
including the recommendations in this article.
See also
ovm_agent, Virtual Interface Wrapper
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 69
ovm_object is the virtual base class for all components and transactions in an
OVM environment. It has a minimal memory footprint with only one dynamic
member variable a string that is used to name instances of derived classes
and which is usually left uninitialized for data objects.
virtual class ovm_object extends ovm_void;
function new(string name=""); Constructor
virtual function string
Returns the name
virtual function string
Returns the full hierarchical
path name
virtual function void set_name(
string name);
Sets the name
static function int
Returns running total count
of number of ovm_object-
based objects created
virtual function int
Returns unique ID for object
(count value when object
static function
ovm_object_wrapper get_type();
Returns the type proxy for
this class (overriden by utils
virtual function string
Returns type name.
Override unless utility
macros called
virtual function ovm_object
create(string name="");
Creates a new object.
Override unless utility
macros called
virtual function ovm_object
Creates a copy of the object
function void copy(
ovm_object rhs);
Copies rhs to this
function bit compare(
ovm_object rhs,
ovm_comparer comparer=null);
Comparison against rhs
function void print(
ovm_printer printer=null);
Prints the object
70 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
function string sprint(
ovm_printer printer=null);
Prints the object to a string
function void record(
ovm_recorder recorder=null);
Used for transaction
function int pack(
ref bit bitstream[],
input ovm_packer packer=null);
Packs object to array of bits.
Returns number of bits
function int pack_ints(
ref int unsigned intstream[],
input ovm_packer packer=null);
Packs object to array of ints.
Returns number of ints
function int pack_bytes(
ref byte unsigned bytestream[],
input ovm_packer packer=null);
Packs object to array of
bytes. Returns number of
bytes packed.
function int unpack (
ref bit bitstream[],
input ovm_packer packer=null);
Unpacks array of bits to
function int unpack_ints(
ref int unsigned intstream[],
input ovm_packer packer=null);
Unpacks array of ints to
function int unpack_bytes(
ref byte unsigned bytestream[],
input ovm_packer packer=null);
Unpacks array of bytes to
function void reseed(); Set seed based on object
type and name if
use_ovm_seeding = 1
virtual function void do_print(
ovm_printer printer);
Override for custom printing
(called by print)
virtual function string
do_sprint(ovm_printer printer);
Override for custom printing
(called by sprint)
virtual function void do_record(
ovm_recorder recorder);
Override for custom
reporting (called by report)
virtual function void do_copy(
ovm_object rhs);
Override for custom copying
(called by copy)
virtual function bit do_compare(
ovm_object rhs,
ovm_comparer comparer);
Override for custom
compare (called by
virtual function void do_pack(
ovm_packer packer);
Override for custom packing
(called by pack)
virtual function void do_unpack(
ovm_packer packer);
Override for custom
unpacking (called by
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 71
static bit use_ovm_seeding = 1; Enables the OVM seeding
mechanism (based on type
and hierarchical name)
The utility macros generate overridden get_type_name() and create()
functions for derived object classes.
Use `ovm_object_param_utils(TYPE#(T)) or
`ovm_object_param_utils_begin(TYPE#(T)) for parameterized objects.
Fields specified in field automation macros will automatically be handled
correctly in copy(), compare(), pack(), unpack(), record(), print()
and sprint() functions.
Using ovm_object to create a wrapper around a virtual interface
class if_wrapper extends ovm_object;
virtual chip_if if1;
function new(string name,virtual chip_if if_);;
if1 = if_;
endfunction : new
endclass : if_wrapper
Objects that need to be configured automatically at run-time using OVM
configurations should use ovm_component as their base class instead.
72 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Call the utility macros in derived classes to ensure the get_type_name
and create functions are automatically generated. This will also enable
these classes to be used with the OVM factory.
See also
ovm_factory, ovm_printer
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 73
The ovm_object_registry class is used to register objects with the factory.
It acts as a "proxy" which allows an object to be registered with the factory
before any instance of the object has actually been created. It enables the
factory to support parameterized objects since each "specialization" has a
unique corresponding proxy that is registered with the factory.
The proxy instance is a specialization of the registry class created automatically
by the object utility macros as a singleton instance of a nested class named
Calling the static create member function of an object's type_id nested class
is the simplest way to instantiate objects with the factory. It returns a handle of
the correct type so no type casts are necessary.
class ovm_object_registry #(type T=ovm_object,
string Tname="<unknown>")
extends ovm_object_wrapper;
function ovm_object
create_object(string name);
Used by factory to
create instance
static function this_type get(); Returns proxy
function string get_type_name(); Returns type name
static function T create(
string name="",
ovm_component parent=null,
string contxt="");
Called by user to
create object
instance with the
static function void set_type_override(
ovm_object_wrapper override_type,
bit replace=1);
Overrides the type
used by the factory
for specified type
static function void set_inst_override(
ovm_object_wrapper override_type,
string inst_path,
ovm_component parent=null);
Overrides the type
used by the factory
for the specified
instance (path is
relative if parent
74 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
const static string type_name = Tname; Type name string
typedef ovm_object_registry #(T,Tname)
Type of proxy (for
internal use)
class pktA extends ovm_transaction;
rand bit signed[7:0] A;
function new(string name="", ovm_component parent=null);,parent);
endfunction: new
`ovm_object_utils_begin(pktA) // Creates nested registry class
endclass: pktA
class pktA_cons extends pktA;
constraint lowA { A != 0; A > -10; A < 10; }
function new(string name="", ovm_component parent=null);,parent);
endfunction: new
`ovm_object_utils(pktA_cons) // Creates nested registry class
endclass: pktA_cons
class pktgen extends ovm_component;
task run();
pktA p1;
// Override pktA (pktA_cons::get_type() calls pktA_cons::type_id::get() )
// Create p1 using the factory
p1 = pktA::type_id::create({get_full_name(),"_p1"});
endtask: run
endclass: pktgen
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 75
Use the utility macro to create the registry class rather than declaring a
typdef for it yourself. This ensures interoperability across simulators which
may use different internal type names for the registry specialization.
Use the ovm_object_param_utils macro for parameterized classes.
Use the get_type function of objects and components to get the proxy
instance for objects rather than calling the get function of
See also
ovm_object, ovm_object_wrapper, ovm_factor
76 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
The proxy classes used by the factory to create objects and components of a
particular type are derived from the virtual class ovm_object_wrapper. This
class is used internally by the factory and various factory methods require
arguments of type ovm_object_wrapper. The proxy classes override its
virtual methods which by default do nothing. It is shown here for completeness:
users do not usually need to derived classes from ovm_object_wrapper or
call its methods explicitly.
virtual class ovm_object_wrapper;
virtual function ovm_object
create_object(string name="");
Called by the factory to
create an object
virtual function ovm_component
create_component(string name,
ovm_component parent);
Called by the factory to
create a component
pure virtual function string
Must be overriden in derived
classes to return type name
as a string
See also
ovm_component_registry, ovm_object_registry, ovm_factory
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 77
When a test is started by calling run_test, the simulation proceeds by calling a
predefined sequence of functions and tasks in every component. Each step in
this sequence is known as a phase. Phases provide a synchronization
mechanism between activities in multiple components. During each phase, a
corresponding callback function or task in each component in the hierarchy is
invoked in either top-down or bottom-up order (depending on the phase). It is
also possible for users to create custom phases which can be inserted into the
standard OVM phase sequence.
All components implement a common set of phases.
Standard OVM Phases
Phase Name
(in order of execution)
Type Order Main Activity
build function top-down Call factory to
create child
connect function bottom-up Connect ports,
exports and
end_of_elaboration function bottom-up Check
(hierarchy fixed)
start_of_simulation function bottom-up Prepare for
simulation (e.g.
open files, load
run task bottom-up Run simulation
until explicitly
stopped or
maximum time
step reached
extract function bottom-up Collect results
check function bottom-up Check results
report function bottom-up Issue reports
Additional phases for backwards compatibility with AVM and URM are
deprecated and not listed here (see OVM Class Reference for details).
78 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Each phase is an object derived from class ovm_phase. Users do not usually
need to know about this class. Macros exist to automate the definition of derived
classes for user-defined phases and apply them to particular component
virtual class ovm_phase;
function new(string name,
bit is_top_down,bit is_task);
function string get_name(); Returns phase name
function bit is_task(); True if phase is a task
function bit is_top_down(); True if top-level component
callback is executed first
virtual function string
Returns phase type (name
appended with _phase)
task wait_start(); Wait until phase begins
task wait_done(); Wait until phase completed
function bit is_in_progress(); True while phase running
function bit is_done(); True once phase completed
function void reset(); Reset status flags
virtual task call_task(
ovm_component parent);
Override to invoke a task
phase callback
virtual function void call_func(
ovm_component parent);
Override to invoke a function
phase callback
The macros listed below define a new function-based or task-based phase class:
the NAME argument sets the phase name; TOP_DOWN is 1 or 0 and sets the order
that the phase callbacks execute within the component hierarchy (1 = top
downwards). The resulting class requires a single parameter that specifies the
name of the component that includes the new phase. Its constructor does not
take any arguments.
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 79
Creating a function-based my_post_run phase for class my_verif_env
1. Add the my_post_run callback to the class
class my_verif_env extends ovm_env;
virtual function void my_post_run();
endfunction: my_post_run
endclass: my_verif_env
2. Use a macro to define the phase class and create a global instance of it
typedef class my_verif_env;
my_post_run_phase #(my_verif_env) my_post_run_ph = new();
3. Insert the phase into the sequence for ovm_top (after the run phase) in the
environment's constructor or top module initial block
Waiting until the end of the build phase in a modules initial block before
finding and modifying a component
initial begin
ovm_component c;
ovm_phase build_ph;
build_ph = ovm_top.get_phase_by_name("build");
c = ovm_top.find("env2.m_driver");
Do not create additional phases unless you really need them!
Use the macros if you want to define your own phases
80 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
You will need a forward class declaration (for example typedef class
myclass) if you create a phase object before the class it applies to has
been declared.
If a phase needs to be added to multiple classes, create a common base
class with a virtual callback function/task and use it as the parameter for the
phase object
Task-based phases can only be added to threaded components.
Phases cannot be inserted once the first phase has started.
Prior to OVM 1.1, ovm_root::insert_phase was a member of
ovm_component and had different semantics.
See also
ovm_component, ovm_root
Ports, Exports and Imps
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 81
OVM ports and exports are classes that are associated with one of the OVM
interfaces. Prior to OVM 2.0, ports and exports were only provided for
implementations of the OSCI TLM 1.0 standard interfaces. OVM 2.0 added a
port and an export for the sqr_if_base interface used by OVM 2.0 sequencers
and sequence drivers.
Ports and exports are used as members of components and channels derived
from ovm_component. They provide a mechanism to decouple the initiator and
target of a transaction, providing encapsulation and improving the reusability.
Interface methods can be called as member functions and tasks of a port. The
implementations of the interface methods are not defined within the port class
the port passes on the function and task calls to another port or an export
instead. Ports therefore "require" a connection to a remote implementation of
the interface methods. Exports are classes that (directly or indirectly) "provide"
the implementation to a remote port. An OVM imp is an export that contains the
functional implementation of the interface methods. It is used to terminate a
chain of connected ports and exports.
In addition to the methods required by a particular interface, all ports and exports
have a common set of methods that are inherited from their ovm_port_base
base class (see ovm_port_base).
The type of transaction carried by a port or export is set by a type parameter.
A port of a child component may be connected to one or more exports of other
child components (usually at the same level in the hierarchy), or to one or more
ports of its parent component. Within a component, each export that is not an
imp may be connected to one or more exports of child components. The
minimum and maximum number of interfaces that can be provided/required by a
port/export is set by a constructor argument.
Port and export binding is achieved by calling the port's/exports connect
function. The connect function takes a single argument: the port or export that
provides the required interface:
p_or_e_requires.connect(p_or_e_provides). The order in which
connect functions are called does not matter bindings are resolved at the end
of the connect phase.
A unidirectional TLM port can be connected to any unidirectional TLM export that
has an identical transaction type parameter (since all TLM interfaces share a
common tlm_if_base base class). However, a run-time error will be reported
when an interface method required by the port is called if that method is not
provided by the connected export.
The class name of a TLM port, export or imp is based on the name of the TLM
interface it is related to, e.g. the ovm_blocking_put_port can call any of the
methods that are members of the tlm_blocking_put_if interface. Every
TLM interface has a corresponding port, export and imp. The complete set is
listed below.
Ports, Exports and Imps
82 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Blocking unidirectional interfaces
ovm_blocking_put_port ovm_blocking_get_port
ovm_blocking_peek_port ovm_blocking_get_peek_port
ovm_blocking_put_export ovm_blocking_get_export
ovm_blocking_peek_export ovm_blocking_get_peek_export
ovm_blocking_put_imp ovm_blocking_get_imp
ovm_blocking_peek_imp ovm_blocking_get_peek_imp
Non-blocking unidirectional interfaces
ovm_nonblocking_put_port ovm_nonblocking_get_port
ovm_nonblocking_peek_port ovm_nonblocking_get_peek_port
ovm_nonblocking_put_export ovm_nonblocking_get_export
ovm_nonblocking_put_imp ovm_nonblocking_get_imp
ovm_nonblocking_peek_imp ovm_nonblocking_get_peek_imp
Combined Interfaces
ovm_put_port ovm_get_port
ovm_peek_port ovm_get_peek_port
ovm_put_export ovm_get_export
ovm_peek_export ovm_get_peek_export
ovm_put_imp ovm_get_imp
ovm_peek_imp ovm_get_peek_imp
Ports, Exports and Imps
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 83
Bidirectional Interfaces
ovm_blocking_master_port ovm_nonblocking_master_port
ovm_blocking_master_export ovm_nonblocking_master_export
ovm_blocking_master_imp ovm_nonblocking_master_imp
ovm_blocking_slave_port ovm_nonblocking_slave_port
ovm_blocking_slave_export ovm_nonblocking_slave_export
ovm_blocking_slave_imp ovm_nonblocking_slave_imp
Ports, Exports and Imps
84 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Sequencer interface
ovm_seq_item_pull_port ovm_seq_item_pull_export
class ovm_put_port #( type T = int )
extends ovm_port_base #( tlm_if_base #(T,T) );
class ovm_blocking_put_export #( type T = int )
extends ovm_port_base #( tlm_if_base #(T,T) );
class ovm_master_port #( type REQ = int , type RSP = int )
extends ovm_port_base #( tlm_if_base #(REQ, RSP) );
class ovm_put_imp #( type T = int , type IMP = int )
extends ovm_port_base #( tlm_if_base #(T,T) );
class ovm_master_imp
#( type REQ = int , type RSP = int ,type IMP = int ,
type REQ_IMP = IMP , type RSP_IMP = IMP )
extends ovm_port_base #( tlm_if_base #(REQ, RSP) );
class ovm_seq_item_pull_port #(type REQ=int, type RSP=REQ)
extends ovm_port_base #(sqr_if_base #(REQ, RSP));
(The other port and export classes are similarly derived from ovm_port_base)
Common methods for TLM ports and exports
function new(string name ,
ovm_component parent ,
int min_size = 1 ,
int max_size = 1 );
Constructor. min_size and
max_size set minimum and
maximum number of
required/provided interfaces
respectively (unlimited = -1)
plus methods inherited from ovm_port_base
Ports, Exports and Imps
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 85
Common methods for unidirectional imps
function new(string name ,
IMP imp );
Constructor. imp is handle to
object that implements interface
Plus methods inherited from ovm_port_base
Common methods for bidirectional imps
function new(string name ,
IMP imp ,
REQ_IMP req_imp = null ,
RSP_IMP rsp_imp = null );
Constructor. imp is handle to
object that implements
interface methods
Plus methods inherited from ovm_port_base
A component with a multi-port that can drive an unlimited number of interfaces
class compA extends ovm_component;
ovm_blocking_put_port #(int) p0;
function new(string name, ovm_component parent);,parent);
endfunction: new
virtual function void build();;
p0 = new("p0",this,1,-1);
endfunction: build
task run();
for (int i=1; i<= p0.size(); i++) begin
endtask: run
endclass: compA
A component that provides the implementation of a single interface
class compB extends ovm_component;
ovm_blocking_put_imp #(int,compB) put_export;
function new(string name, ovm_component parent);,parent);
endfunction: new
virtual function void build();
Ports, Exports and Imps
86 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.;
put_export = new("put_export",this);
endfunction: build
task put(int val); //interface method
ovm_report_info("compB",$psprintf("Received %0d",val));
endtask: put
endclass: compB
A component that connects port elements to exports locally while passing the
remaining port elements to a higher level port
class compC extends ovm_component;
compA A;
compB B00,B01;
ovm_blocking_put_port #(int) put_port;
function new(string name, ovm_component parent);,parent);
endfunction: new
virtual function void build();;
put_port = new("put_port",this,1,-1);
endfunction: build
function void connect();
// the order here does not matter
endfunction: connect
endclass: compC
An environment that instantiates compC and further compB components to
provide the required number of interfaces to compA
class sve extends ovm_env;
compC C;
compB ZB1,B2,B03;
function void connect();
endfunction: connect
Ports, Exports and Imps
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 87
endclass: sve
Simulation output (note order of outputs)
OVM_INFO @ 0: sve1.C.A.p0 [Connections Debug] has 5
interfaces from 3 places
OVM_INFO @ 0: sve1.C.A.p0 [Connections Debug] has 1
interface provided by sve1.C.B00.put_export
OVM_INFO @ 0: sve1.C.A.p0 [Connections Debug] has 1
interface provided by sve1.C.B01.put_export
OVM_INFO @ 0: sve1.C.A.p0 [Connections Debug] has 3
interfaces provided by sve1.C.put_port
OVM_INFO @ 0: sve1.C.put_port [Connections Debug] has 3
interfaces from 3 places
OVM_INFO @ 0: sve1.C.put_port [Connections Debug] has 1
interface provided by sve1.B03.put_export
OVM_INFO @ 0: sve1.C.put_port [Connections Debug] has 1
interface provided by sve1.B2.put_export
OVM_INFO @ 0: sve1.C.put_port [Connections Debug] has 1
interface provided by sve1.ZB1.put_export
OVM_INFO @ 0: sve1.B03 [compB] Received 1
OVM_INFO @ 0: sve1.B2 [compB] Received 2
OVM_INFO @ 0: sve1.C.B00 [compB] Received 3
OVM_INFO @ 0: sve1.C.B01 [compB] Received 4
OVM_INFO @ 0: sve1.ZB1 [compB] Received 5
If appropriate, give producer and consumer components ports and
connect them using a tlm_fifo channel. This usually requires less
coding effort than giving the consumer an imp that can be directly
connected to the producer.
It is often easier to use the combined exports when creating a channel
since these can be connected to blocking, non-blocking or combined ports..
Remember that the export that provides the actual implementation of the
interface methods should use ovm_*_imp rather than ovm_*export.
An ovm_*_imp instance requires a type parameter that gives the type of
the class that defines its interface methods (this is often its parent class).
This object should also be passed as an argument to its constructor
The order that interfaces are stored in a multi-port depends on their
hierarchical names, not the order in which connect is called.
Ports, Exports and Imps
88 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
The interface elements in a multi-port are accessed using index 1 to size().
Index 0 and index 1 return the same interface!
See also
ovm_port_base, tlm_fifo, TLM Interfaces
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 89
Class ovm_port_base is the base class for all OVM ports and exports. It
provides a set of common functions for connecting and interrogating ports and
A port or export may be connected to multiple interfaces (it is then known as a
"multi-port"). Constructor arguments set the minimum and maximum number of
interfaces that can be connected to a multi-port.
virtual class ovm_port_base #(type IF=ovm_void) extends IF;
typedef enum {
} ovm_port_type_e;
typedef ovm_port_component_base ovm_port_list[string];
function new(string name,
ovm_component parent,
ovm_port_type_e port_type,
int min_size=0,
int max_size=1);
function string get_name(); Returns port name
virtual function string
Returns hierarchical path
virtual function ovm_component
Returns a handle to parent
virtual function string
Returns type as string
function int max_size(); Returns maximum number
of connected interfaces
function int min_size(); Returns minimum number of
connected interfaces
function bit is_unbounded(); True if no limit on connected
interfaces (max_size = -1)
function bit is_port(); True if port
function bit is_export(); True if export
function bit is_imp(); True if imp
90 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
function int size(); Number of connected
interfaces for multi-port
function void set_if(
int i = 0);
Select indexed interface

function void set_default_index(
int index);
set default interface of multi-
function void connect(
this_type provider);
Connect to port/export

function void debug_connected_to(

int level = 0 ,
int max_level = -1 );
Print locations of interfaces
connected to port. Recurse
through multi-ports as

function void debug_provided_to(

int level = 0 ,
int max_level = -1 );
Print locations of ports
connected to export.
Recurse through multi-ports
as necessary

function void get_connected_to(

ref ovm_port_list list);
Returns list of ports/exports
connected to port
function void get_provided_to(
ref ovm_port_list list);
Returns list of ports
connected to export
function void resolve_bindings(); Resolve port connections
(called automatically)
function ovm_port_base #(IF)
get_if(int index=0);
Returns the selected
interface of multi-port
typedef ovm_port_base #( IF )
Base type of port/export with
interface IF
See also
Ports, Exports and Imps
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 91
SystemVerilog does not provide data introspection of class objects for
automatically printing objects, their members, or their contents. OVM, however,
provides the machinery for automatically displaying an object by calling its
print function. This can recursively, print its state and the state of its
subcomponents in several pre- or user-defined formats, to the standard output or
a file.
The field automation macros (`ovm_field_int, `ovm_field_enum, etc.) can
be used to specify the fields (members) that are shown whenever an object or
component is printed and the radix to use. For example,
`ovm_field_int ( data, OVM_ALL_ON | OVM_HEX )
tells the OVM machinery to provide all automation functions, including printing.
Automatic printing of fields can be enabled and disabled using the OVM_PRINT
and OVM_NOPRINT options respectively:
`ovm_field_int ( data, OVM_PRINT | OVM_DEC )
`ovm_field_int ( data, OVM_NOPRINT )
The field data type must correspond to the macro name suffix (_int, _object,
etc). The radix (OVM_HEX, OVM_DEC, etc.) can be optionally OR-ed together
with the macro flag. See Field Macros for more details.
Users can define their own custom printing for an object or component by
overriding its do_print function. Whenever an objects print function is
called, it first prints any automatic printing from the field macros (unless
OVM_NOPRINT is specified), and then calls its do_print function (that for
ovm_object and ovm_component does nothing by default). Overriding
do_print in a derived class enables custom or addition information to be
displayed. Note that some OVM classes (ovm_transaction,
ovm_sequence_item and ovm_sequencer in particular) already override
do_printto provide customized printing.
The do_print function receives an ovm_printer as an input argument. The
ovm_printer class defines an OVM printing facility that can be extended and
customized to create custom formatting. Since all printing can occur through the
same printer, changes made in the printer class are immediately reflected
throughout all test bench code. Printer classes also contain variable controls
called knobs. Knob classes called ovm_printer_knobs allow the addition of
new printer controls and can be swapped out dynamically to change the printers
The ovm_printer can also be used to print other things besides OVM objects.
While this can be done easily enough with one of the global printer instances,
OVM also provides a series of macros to handle this automatically. For
`ovm_print_string( filename )
92 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
These macros print variables using the same formatting as an ovm_object,
providing a consistent look-and-feel to the printing interface.
Printer Types
OVM defines a basic printer type called ovm_printer. The ovm_printer
prints a raw dump of an object. This printer type is extended into 3 variations:
a tabular printer for printing in columnar format (ovm_table_printer),
a tree printer for printing objects in a tree format (ovm_tree_printer),
a line printer that prints objects out on a single line (ovm_line_printer).
The default ovm_printer type prints objects in the following raw format:
The ovm_table_printer prints objects in the following tabular format:
Here is the same object printed using the ovm_tree_printer:
packet_obj: (packet_object) {
data: {
Name Type Size Value
packet_obj packet_object - @{packet_obj} tiny+
data da(integral) 6 -
[0] integral 32 'd281
[1] integral 32 'd428
[2] integral 32 'd62
[3] integral 32 'd892
[4] integral 32 'd503
[5] integral 32 'd74
addr integral 32 'h95e
size size_t 32 tiny
tag string 4 good
packet_obj (packet_object) (da(integral)) (6)[0] (integral) (32) 'd281[1] (integral) (32) 'd428[2] (integral) (32) 'd62[3] (integral) (32) 'd892[4] (integral) (32) 'd503[5] (integral) (32) 'd74
packet_obj.addr integral) (32) 'h95e
packet_obj.size (size_t) (32) tiny
packet_obj.tag (string) (4) good
members type size value
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 93
[0]: 'd281
[1]: 'd428
[2]: 'd62
[3]: 'd892
[4]: 'd503
[5]: 'd74
addr: 'h95e
size: tiny
tag: good
The ovm_line_printer prints an objects contents all on one line:
packet_obj: (packet_object) { data: { [0]: 'd281 [1]:
'd428 [2]: 'd62 [3]: 'd892 [4]: 'd503 [5]: 'd74 } addr:
'h95e size: tiny tag: good }
Printer Functions
The ovm_printer class defines many functions that can be overridden to make
a custom printer and custom formatting. These functions define the OVM
printing API, which the printing and field automation macros use. The table,
tree, and line printers override several of these functions to create their own
custom formatting. For example, the following diagram illustrates some of the
printer function calls used to render the printing of an object:
Any of these methods can be overridden to specify different ways to print out the
OVM object members. See ovm_printer for more details and examples.
print_type_name() print_value_string()
tag: good
tag: good
packet_obj: (packet_object) {
data: {
[0]: 'd281
[1]: 'd428
[2]: 'd62
[3]: 'd892
[4]: 'd503
[5]: 'd74
addr: 'h95e
size: tiny
tag: good
94 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Printer Knobs
Each printer is controllable through a set of printing knobs which control the
format of the printers output. A class called ovm_printer_knobs contains the
knobs as variables, and it can be extended to add additional controls for a
custom printer. In fact, the table, tree, and line printers use different knob
classes to control their outputs. Knobs can control things like the column widths
for the table printer, or what radix prefix to use when printing integral types.
Every derived ovm_printer class has a variable called knobs, which is used to
point to an ovm_knobs_class. Printer functions can access these knobs
through the knobs class reference. See ovm_printer_knobs for more details
and examples.
Print Macros
In addition to printing OVM objects and components, OVM provides macros for
printing many kinds of variables using the standard printer facility. These
macros often include a printer argument for specifying the printer, which controls
the format of the output. By using the print macros instead of $display, all
printing remains consistent and controlled through a common interface. The
following table lists the available print macros in
base/ovm_printer_defines.svh. The macro parameters are:
field Name of variable
radix Radix to use
printer Printer to use
arraytype Name of array to print
(without quotes)
Note, macros that do not include a printer parameter will print to the global
default printer.
`ovm_print_int(field, radix) Prints an integral type
field, radix, printer)
Prints an integral type to a specific
`ovm_print_object(field) Prints an ovm_object
field, printer)
Prints an ovm_object to a specific
`ovm_print_string(field) Prints a string
field, printer)
Prints a string to a specific printer
field, radix)
Prints an array of integers
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 95
field, radix, printer)
Prints an array of integers to a
specific printer
field, radix, printer,
Prints an integral array type to a
specific printer
field, radix)
Prints a queue of integers
field, radix, printer)
Prints a queue of integers to a
specific printer
Prints an array of strings
field, printer)
Prints an array of strings to a
specific printer
field, printer, arraytype)
Prints an array of strings
Prints a queue of strings
field, printer)
Prints a queue of strings to a
specific printer
Prints an associative array of
integral types with a string key
field, radix, printer)
Prints an associative array of
integral types with a string key to a
specific printer
Prints an associative array of string
types with a string key
field, printer)
Prints an associative array of string
types with a string key to a specific
key, field, radix, printer)
Prints an associative array of
integral types with an arbitrary key
type to a specific printer
Here are examples of using the print macros:
int mem[255:0];
string msg = "Test passed successfully";
string sarray[2:0] = '{"string1", "string2", "string3"};
96 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
foreach (mem[i])
mem[i] = i * 3; // Initialize the memory
// Print out the memory (do not use quotes with the arraytype!)
// Print out the string
`ovm_print_string ( msg )
// Print out the array of strings
`ovm_print_array_string ( sarray )
This produces the following results:
mem mem(integral) 256 -
[0] integral 32 'h0
[1] integral 32 'h3
[2] integral 32 'h6
[3] integral 32 'h9
[4] integral 32 'hc
... ... ... ...
[251] integral 32 'h2f1
[252] integral 32 'h2f4
[253] integral 32 'h2f7
[254] integral 32 'h2fa
[255] integral 32 'h2fd
Name Type Size Value
msg string 24 Test passed
Name Type Size Value
sarray da(string) 4 -
[0] string 7 string4
[1] string 7 string3
[2] string 7 string2
[3] string 7 string1
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 97
In every OVM environment, four global printers are available:
It is also possible to create other instances of the standard OVM printers or
derived printer classes.
The printer to use can be specified by the argument to an object's print
function. If print is called for an object and no printer argument is provided,
then by default the ovm_default_printer is used. Initially, this is set to point
to the ovm_default_table_printer so everything is printed in tabular form.
The print macros that do not take a printer argument also use the
To globally change the default format of the print messages, assign a different
printer to ovm_default_printer. For example,
ovm_default_printer = ovm_default_tree_printer;
See ovm_printer and ovm_printer_knobs.
Do not use quotes for the arraytype with the print macros or it will cause
a compiler error.
To globally change the format of all print messages, assign the
ovm_default_printer a specific printer type or change the
Redefining the printer functions to create a new printer type requires a bit of
work and finesse. They are not as straightforward as they may appear! It
is often easier to copy and modify the functions from one of the standard
printers than to create them from scratch.
Do not include a semicolon at the end of the line when calling the macros.
98 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
See also
ovm_printer, ovm_printer_knobs
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 99
The ovm_printer class provides a facility for printing an ovm_object in
various formats when the object's print function is called. The field automation
macros specify the fields that are passed to the printer and their required format.
Alternatively, an object's virtual do_print function may be overridden to print its
fields explicitly by calling member functions of ovm_printer (do_printis called
implicitly by print).
Several built-in printer classes are available, which are all derived from
ovm_printer Raw, unformatted dump of object
ovm_table_printer Prints object in tabular format
ovm_tree_printer Prints multi-line tree format
ovm_line_printer Prints all object information on a
single line
The ovm_printer class can also be extended to create a user defined printer
format. Both the derived and user defined printer classes do not extend the
printers API, but simply add new knobs. Printer knobs provide control over the
format of the printed output. Separate ovm_printer_knobs classes contain
the knobs for each kind of printer.
Four default printers are globally instantiated in every OVM environment:
ovm_default_printer Default table printer used by
ovm_object::print() or
ovm_object::sprint() when
no printer is specified
ovm_default_line_printer Line printer that can be used with
ovm_default_tree_printer Tree printer that can be used with
ovm_default_table_printer Table printer that can be used with
When an objects print function is called, if no optional printer argument is
specified, then the ovm_default_printer is used. The
ovm_default_printer variable can be assigned to any printer derived from
class ovm_printer;
100 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
virtual function void
print_field(string name,
ovm_bitstream_t value,
int size,
ovm_radix_enum radix=OVM_NORADIX,
byte scope_separator=".",
string type_name="");
Called from do_print
to print an integral field
virtual function void
print_generic(string name,
string type_name,
int size, string value,
byte scope_separator=".");
Called from do_print
to print a generic value
virtual function void
print_object(string name,
ovm_object value,
byte scope_separator=".");
Called from do_print
to print an object,
recursively depending
on the depth knob
virtual function void
print_object_header(string name,
ovm_object value,
byte scope_separator=".");
Called from do_print
to print the header of an
virtual function void
print_string(string name,
string value,
byte scope_separator=".");
Called from do_print
to print a string field
virtual function void
print_time(string name,
time value,
byte scope_separator=".");
Called from do_print
to print a time value
virtual function void

(int size=0);
Prints footer information
for arrays and marks the
completion of array
virtual function void

(string name,
int size,
string arraytype="array",
byte scope_separator=".");
Prints header
information for arrays
virtual function void

(int min,int max);

Prints a range using
ellipses for values
virtual function void

Prints footer information
virtual function void

Prints header
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 101
virtual protected function void

(string id,
byte scope_separator=".");
Prints a fields name
virtual protected function void

bit do_global_indent=1);
Prints a newline
virtual protected function void

(int size=-1);
Prints a fields size
virtual protected function void

(string name,
bit is_object=0);
Prints a fields type
virtual protected function void

(ovm_bitstream_t value,
int size,
radix_enum radix=OVM_NORADIX);
Prints an integral fields
virtual protected function void

(string value="",
int size=0);
Prints an arrays value
virtual protected function void

ovm_object value);
Prints a unique identifier
associated with an
virtual protected function void

(string value);
Prints a string field
(unless it is "-")
virtual protected function void

(int depth,
string indent_str=" ");
Prints an indentation
(depth copies of
protected function void

(string str);
Prints a string

Only use in derived printer classes

ovm_printer_knobs knobs; Knob object providing
access to printer knobs
string m_string Printer output is written to
this string when sprint
knob is set to 1 (only use in
derived printer classes)
function void
Replaced by
102 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
function void print_unit_list(
ovm_component comp=null);
function void print_unit(
string name,
ovm_printer printer=null);
function void print_units(
ovm_printer printer=null);
function void print_topology(
ovm_printer printer=null);
Moved to ovm_root and
class my_object extends ovm_object;
int addr = 198;
int data = 89291;
string name = "This is my test string";
`ovm_object_utils_begin( my_object )
`ovm_field_int( addr, OVM_ALL_ON )
`ovm_field_int( data, OVM_ALL_ON )
`ovm_field_string( name, OVM_ALL_ON )
endclass : my_object
module top;
my_object my_obj = new("my_obj");
initial begin
// Print using the table printer
ovm_default_printer = ovm_default_table_printer;
$display("# This is from the table printer\n");
// Print using the tree printer
ovm_default_printer = ovm_default_tree_printer;
$display("# This is from the tree printer\n");
// Print using the line printer
$display("# This is from the line printer\n");
endmodule : top
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 103
Produces the following simulation results:
# This is from the table printer
Name Type Size Value
my_obj my_object - @{my_obj} 198 8929+
addr integral 32 'hc6
data integral 32 'h15ccb
name string 22 This is my test str+
# This is from the tree printer
my_obj: (my_object) {
addr: 'hc6
data: 'h15ccb
name: This is my test string
# This is from the line printer
my_obj: (my_object) { addr: 'hc6 data: 'h15ccb name: This
is my test string }
A custom printer can also be created from ovm_printer or its derivatives.
Here is an example:
class my_printer extends ovm_table_printer;
// Print out the time and name before printing an object
function void print_object( string name,
ovm_object value, byte scope_separator=".");
// Header information to print out (use write_steam())
write_stream( $psprintf(
"Printing object %s at time %0t:\n",name, $time) );
// Call the parent function to print out object
super.print_object(name, value, scope_separator );
endfunction : print_object
endclass : my_printer
my_printer my_special_printer = new();
module top;
my_object my_obj = new( "my_obj" );
initial begin
104 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
// Print using my_printer
my_obj.print( my_special_printer );
endmodule : top
Produces the following simulation results:
Printing object my_obj at time 100:
Name Type Size Value
my_obj my_object - @{my_obj} 198 8929+
addr integral 32 'hc6
data integral 32 'h15ccb
name string 22 This is my test str+
Set ovm_default_printer to ovm_default_line_printer,
ovm_default_tree_printer, or ovm_default_table_printer to
control the default format of the object printing.
The print_time function is subject to the formatting set by the
$timeformat system task.
The print_object tasks prints an object recursively, based on the depth
knob of the default printer knobs (see ovm_printer_knobs). By default,
components are printed, but this can be disabled by setting the
ovm_component::print_enabled bit to 0 for specific components that
should not be automatically printed.
The do_global_indent argument to the print_newline function
determines if it should honor the indent knob.
The printing facility is limited to printing values up to 4096 bits.
The OVM printing facility is separate from the reporting facility and is not
affected by the severity or verbosity level settings. It is possible to create a
customized printer that takes account of the reporting verbosity settings (by
overriding its print_object function for example). Another alternative is
to redirect the printer's output from the standard output (or file) to a string.
This can be achieved by setting the sprint knob. The formatted string
can then be printed using the OVM reporting facility from within an object's
do_print function. This is shown in the following example.
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 105
class my_object extends ovm_object;
`ovm_object_utils_begin( my_object )
`ovm_field_int( addr, OVM_ALL_ON )
`ovm_field_int( data, OVM_ALL_ON )
`ovm_field_string( name, OVM_ALL_ON )
function void do_print( ovm_printer printer );
// The printer prints to m_string when sprint set
endfunction : do_print
endclass : my_object
module top;
my_object my_obj = new( "my_obj" );
initial begin
ovm_default_printer = ovm_default_table_printer;
// Set printer to print to a string instead of STDOUT
ovm_default_printer.knobs.sprint = 1;
// Now, print the object, which calls the objects
// do_print() function and uses the report mechanism
endmodule : top
This produces the following simulation result:
OVM_INFO @ 100: reporter [my_obj]:
Name Type Size Value
my_obj my_object - @{my_obj} 198 8929+
addr integral 32 'hc6
data integral 32 'h15ccb
name string 22 This is my test str+
See also
Print, ovm_printer_knobs
106 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Printer knobs provide control over the formatting of an ovm_printers output.
The ovm_printer_knobs class contains a set of variables that are common to
all printers. The knobs class can be extended to include additional controls for
other derived printers. OVM defines 3 derived knob classes:
ovm_hier_printer_knobs, ovm_table_printer_knobs, and
ovm_tree_printer_knobs. By default, the ovm_printer uses the
ovm_printer_knobs class. The ovm_hier_printer_knobs is not used
directly by any printer class, but provides additional controls common to any
hierarchical printing. The table and tree printer knob classes are derived from
the hierarchical knob class.
class ovm_printer_knobs;
class ovm_hier_printer_knobs extends ovm_printer_knobs;
class ovm_table_printer_knobs extends
class ovm_tree_printer_knobs extends
function string get_radix_str(
radix_enum radix);
Returns radix in a printable
From ovm_printer_knobs:
int begin_elements = 5; Number of elements at the
head of a list that should be
string bin_radix = "'b"; String prepended to any
integral type when OVM_BIN
used for a radix
int column = 0; Current column that the printer
is pointing to
string dec_radix = "'d"; String prepended to any
integral type when OVM_DEC
used for a radix
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 107
radix_enum default_enum =
Default radix to use for integral
values when OVM_NORADIX is
int depth = -1; Indicates how deep to recurse
when printing objects, where
depth of -1 prints everything
int end_elements = 5; Number of elements at the
end of a list that should be
bit footer = 1; Specifies if the footer should
be printed
bit full_name = 1; Specifies if leaf name or full
name is printed
int global_indent = 0; Number of columns of
indentation printed when
newline is printed
bit header = 1; Specifies if the header should
be printed
string hex_radix = "'h "; String prepended to any
integral type when OVM_HEX
used for a radix
bit identifier = 1; Specifies if an identifier should
be printed
int max_width = 999; Maximum column width to
integer mcd = OVM_STDOUT; File descriptor or multi-channel
descriptor where print output is
string oct_radix = "'o"; String prepended to any
integral type when OVM_OCT
used for a radix
bit reference = 1; Specifies if a unique reference
ID for an ovm_object should
be printed
bit show_radix = 1; Specifies if the radix should be
printed for integral types
bit size = 1; Specifies if the size of the field
should be printed
bit sprint = 0; If set to 1, prints to a string
instead of mcd
108 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
string truncation = "+"; Specifies truncation character
to print when a field is too
large to print
bit type_name = 1; Specifies if the type name of a
field should be printed
string unsigned_radix = "'d "; Default radix to use for integral
values when OVM_UNSIGNED
is specified
From ovm_hier_printer_knobs:
string indent_str = ""; Specifies string to use for
bit show_root = 0; Specifies if root object show
have its full path name printed
From ovm_table_printer_knobs:
int name_width = 25; Sets the width of the name
int size_width = 5; Sets the width of the size
int type_width = 20; Sets the width of the type
int value_width = 20; Sets the width of the value
From ovm_tree_printer_knobs:
string separator = "{}"; Two character string,
representing the first and last
characters printed when
printing an objects value
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 109
Using default printer:
ovm_default_printer.knobs.global_indent = 5; // Indent 5
ovm_default_printer.knobs.type_name = 0; // No type values
ovm_default_printer.knobs.truncation = "***";
Name Type Size Value
my_obj - @{my_obj} RX {2398***
payload 6 -
[0] 32 'h95e
[1] 32 'h2668
[2] 32 'h206a
[5] 32 'he7
crc 32 'h3
kind 32 RX
msg 7 send_tx
Using tree printer:
ovm_default_printer = ovm_default_tree_printer;
ovm_default_printer.knobs.hex_radix = "0x"; // Change radix
ovm_default_printer.knobs.separator = "@@";
my_obj: (my_object) @
payload: @
[0]: 0x95e
[1]: 0x2668
[2]: 0x206a
[3]: 0x276d
[4]: 0x33d
[5]: 0xe7
crc: 0x3
kind: RX
msg: send_tx
110 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Turning off identifiers (not very useful in practice):
ovm_default_printer = ovm_default_line_printer;
ovm_default_printer.knobs.identifier = 0;
: (my_object) { : { : 'h95e : 'h2668 : 'h206a : 'h276d :
'h33d : 'he7 } : 'h3 : RX : send_tx }
To turn off all printing to STDOUT, set the mcd field to 0. = 0;
This will stop all standard printing messages issued for transactions and
As of OVM 2.0, the show_radix knob is only implemented in the
ovm_table_printer, but has no affect because
ovm_table_printer::print_value calls
ovm_printer::print_value, which ignores the show_radix knob. To
turn off printing the radix, set the dec_radix, hex_radix, or bin_radix
knobs to empty strings or override the
ovm_printer_knobs::get_radix_str function to return an empty
The results of the reference knob is simulator-dependent.
When negative numbers are printed, the radix is not printed.
If the maximum width of a column is reached, then nothing else is printed
until a new line is printed.
Line, table, and tree printers ignore the full_name knob and always print
the leaf name.
See also
Print, ovm_printer
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 111
The ovm_random_stimulus class is a component that can be used to
generate a sequence of randomized transactions. This class may be used
directly or as the base class for a more specialized stimulus generator. The
transactions are written to an ovm_blocking_put_port named
blocking_put_port. This port may be connected to a tlm_fifo channel. If
the fifo depth is set to 1, the stimulus generator will block after each write, until
the component at the other end of the channel (usually a driver) has read the
transaction. This provides a simple mechanism to synchronize the random
stimulus with the actions of the driver.
The type of transaction generated is set by a type parameter.
The generate_stimulus task must be called to start the random stimulus
sequence. It blocks until the sequence is complete. The length of the sequence
can be specified as a task argument. By default, an infinite sequence is
produced. Another optional argument allows a transaction template to be
specified. This template is generally a class derived from the transaction
parameter type that adds additional constraints.
class ovm_random_stimulus
#(type trans_type=ovm_transaction) extends ovm_component;
function new(string name ,
ovm_component parent);
virtual task generate_stimulus(
trans_type t = null,
input int max_count = 0 );
Starts stimulus of length
max_count (0 = infinite).
Optional transaction template t
virtual function void
Ends generate_stimulus
ovm_blocking_put_port #(trans_type)
Port for generated
Using ovm_random_stimulus in an environment
class verif_env extends ovm_env;
ovm_random_stimulus #(basic_transaction) m_stimulus;
dut_driver m_driver;
tlm_fifo #(basic_transaction) m_fifo;
112 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
int test_length;
virtual function void build();;
m_stimulus = new ("m_stimulus",this);
m_fifo = new("m_fifo",this);
endfunction: build
virtual function void connect();
endfunction: connect
virtual task run();
endtask: run
endclass: verif_env
The transaction type must be a SystemVerilog class with a constructor that does
not require arguments and convert2string and clone functions. Using a
class derived from ovm_transaction with field automation macros for all of its
fields satisfies this requirement.
If you want to interrupt the blocking generate_stimulus task before its
sequence is complete, you need to call it within a fork-join (or fork-
join_none) block and call stop_stimulus_generation from a separate
See also
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 113
OVM offers a powerful reporting facility, providing the mechanisms to display
messages in a uniformed format to different destinations, filtering of messages,
and assigning actions to trigger when specific messages are issued. All
reporting messages are issued through a global ovm_report_server;
however, the report server is not intended to be directly accessed. Rather, an
ovm_report_object is provided as the user interface into the reporting
Each ovm_report_object delegates its report issuing to an
ovm_report_handler, which contains instance specific reporting controls and
issues reporting actions if specified. The handler configures the server as
necessary and then issues messages. Each reporting object has an associated
handler, but all handlers use the same global report server unless configured
otherwise. The following illustrates this association:
A report handler can be configured to perform actions that may trigger upon
certain messages occurring. The handler can even be configured to not forward
on report messages to the report server. The handler and its actions are shown
in the following diagram:
OVM_COUNT => count++
count >= max_quit_count
114 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Report Messages
There are four basic functions used for issuing messages. These methods are
available both globally and by ovm_report_object:
function void ovm_report_info(string id,
string message,
int verbosity_level=100,
string filename=,
int line=0);
function void ovm_report_warning(string id,
string message,
int verbosity_level=100,
string filename=,
int line=0);
function void ovm_report_error(string id,
string message,
int verbosity_level=100,
string filename=,
int line=0);
function void ovm_report_fatal(string id,
string message,
int verbosity_level=100,
string filename=,
int line=0);
OVM provides four levels of severity: INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL. The
severity levels print messages by default, but the ERROR and FATAL severity
perform additional actions such as exiting simulation. The severity levels are
defined as:
OVM_INFO Informational message
OVM_WARNING Warning message
OVM_ERROR Error message
OVM_FATAL Fatal message
The string id is an identifier used to group messages. For example, all the
messages from a particular component could be grouped together using the
same id to aid in debugging. This id then indicates where the messages are
issued from so messages can quickly be traced to their origin.
The string message contains the text message to be issued.
The verbosity level represents an arbitrary value used for filtering messages.
Messages with a verbosity level below the default verbosity level are issued;
whereas, messages with a higher verbosity level are not issued but filtered out.
The verbosity level provides a useful mechanism for controlling non-essential
messages like debugging messages or for filtering out certain messages to
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 115
reduce simulation log file size for simulation runs used in regression testing. To
change the default verbosity level, call the set_report_verbosity_level
function. OVM defines the default verbosity levels as:
OVM_LOW 10000
OVM_HIGH 30000
OVM_FULL 40000
The filename and line are optional arguments to indicate the filename and line
number where a report message is being issued from. This extra information
can help locate where the message occurred.
Report Actions
When a particular message occurs of a specific severity or id type, several
possible report handling actions are possible. OVM defines 7 types of actions:
OVM_NO_ACTION 6b000000 no action
OVM_DISPLAY 6b000001 send report to STDOUT
OVM_LOG 6b000010 send report to one or more files
OVM_COUNT 6b000100 increment report counter
OVM_EXIT 6b001000 calls ovm_top.stop_request() if
called from within the run phase.
Otherwise it forks a call to $finish to
terminate simulation immediately
OVM_CALL_HOOK 6b010000 call the report_hook() methods
OVM_STOP 6b100000 call the stop_request() method and end
the current phase
These action types can be OR-ed together to enable more than one action. By
default, the severity levels are configured to perform the following actions:
Actions can be assigned using the set_report_*_action functions (see
116 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
For example, to disable warning messages on a particular reporting object, the
OVM_NO_ACTION can be used:
set_report_severity_action( OVM_WARNING, OVM_NO_ACTION );
The OVM_COUNT action has a special behavior. If OVM_COUNT is set, a report
issue counter is maintained in the report server. Once this count reaches the
max_quit_count, then the die method is called (see ovm_report_object).
Likewise, if the OVM_EXIT action is set, then the die method is also called and
simulation ends. By default, max_quit_count is set to 0, meaning that no
upper limit is set for OVM_COUNT reports. To set an upper limit, use
The OVM_LOG action specifies that report messages should be issued to one or
more files. To use this action, one or more files need to be opened and
registered with the report handler. A multi-channel file id can be used, allowing
duplication of messages to up to 31 open files. To associate a file with a
handler, use the set_report_*_file functions:
For instance, the following example demonstrates how to log all ERROR and
FATAL messages into a separate error log file:
// Open a file and associate it with a severity level
f = $fopen( "errors.log", "w" );
set_report_severity_file( OVM_ERROR, f );
set_report_severity_file( OVM_FATAL, f );
Report Hooks
In addition to assigning actions, OVM allows user-definable report hooks. Hooks
are functions that determine whether or not a message should be issued. If the
hook returns a boolean value of true, then the message is issued; otherwise, it is
not sent to the report server. Customizable control like this can be quite useful
to disable reporting messages during certain periods of simulation. For
example, disabling all error messages while a reset signal is active by creating a
custom report hook for error messages:
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 117
// Override the error report hook
function bit report_error_hook();
if (reset)
return 0; // Turn off error messages if during reset
return 1;
endfunction : report_error_hook
Now, whenever an error message is issued, the report handler will first invoke
the error report hook to see if it is acceptable to issue. Once the error report
hook is called, then the report_hook is also called. The report_hook
method acts as a catch-all function that can affect all messages, regardless of
their id or severity.
Report State
While the report handler and server are not intended for direct use by testbench
code, two functions are available that provide report statistics (collected by the
server whenever messages are issued) and the state of the handler:
function void
report_summarize(FILE f=0);
Generates statistical information on
the reports issued by the server
function void
Dumps the internal state of the report
handler (max quit count, verbosity
level, actions, and file handles)
For example, here is summary printed by report_summarize():
# --- OVM Report Summary ---
# ** Report counts by severity
# OVM_INFO : 76
# OVM_ERROR : 16
# ** Report counts by id
# [ENV ] 1
# [RNTST ] 1
The report server has two virtual functions: process_report and
compose_ovm_info. These functions control the construction of the reporting
messages and the processing of the report actions. Both can be overridden, but
are only intended to be changed by expert users.
118 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
All OVM components are derived from ovm_report_object so all the
reporting functions and machinery are available from inside any component.
There are global versions of the four reporting functions that can be called from
SystemVerilog modules and from any OVM class that does not have an
ovm_report_object base class (such as transactions and sequences). This
provides them with the same reporting interface. Enumeration types for the
report severity, verbosity, and reporting actions are also globally defined so they
can be used anywhere.
A global report object _global_reporter is provided for the global report
functions (this is actually an instance class derived from ovm_report_object
whose name is set to "reporter"). Its methods can be called to set up the
report handler and server for messages that are printed using the global report
message functions.
Thresholds for the severity and verbosity levels may be set using command line
+OVM_SEVERITY=value sets the global severity level threshold,
where value equals one of the following:
+OVM_VERBOSITY=value sets the global verbosity level threshold,
where value equals one of the following:
any integer value
See ovm_report_object.
Use the ovm_report_(info|warning|error|fatal) functions for full
control of messages rather than $display and $fdisplay. The system
tasks do not provide configure and filtering capabilities in your environment.
To pass in multiple variables and format them into a single string that can
be passed to ovm_report_(info|warning|error|fatal) functions,
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 119
use a system function like $psprintf. (The OVM reporting functions do
not accept variable length arguments nor a format string specifier as
$display does).:
ovm_report_info( get_name(), $psprintf("Received
transaction. Data = %d", data));
The command line options +OVM_SEVERITY and +OVM_VERBOSITY cause
the format of the leading information printed before the message string to
be changed.
Not all information printed out by OVM is controlled through the reporting
mechanism. OVM also provides a printing facility for traversing objects
hierarchies and printing their internal contents. To control printing of data
objects (such as sequence transactions), see Printing.
See also
120 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
The OVM reporting facility provides three important features for reporting
tagging messages with specific ids
assigning 4 levels of severity (INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL)
controlling the verbosity of reported messages.
Each of these features provide users with different ways to filter or control the
generation of messages and actions associated with them.
The user interface into the OVM reporting facility is provided through the
ovm_report_object class. Report objects are delegated to report handlers,
which control the issuing of report messages. Additional hooks are also
provided so users can filter or control the issuing of messages. These hooks are
provided as the user definable functions report_hook and report_*_hook
that return 1'b1 if a message should be printed, otherwise they return 1'b0..
The hooks are executed if the OVM_CALL_HOOK action is associated with a
message severity or id. (Note, the report_*_hook function is called first and
then the catch-all report_hook function, providing two possible levels of
In addition to the call hook action, OVM defines several other report actions:
OVM_NO_ACTION, OVM_DISPLAY, OVM_LOG, etc. (see Report for full details).
These actions may be performed for messages of a specific type or severity.
The OVM_LOG action enables reports to send messages to one or more files
based on a messages type or severity using the set_report_*_file
Since all ovm_components are derived from ovm_report_object, the report
member functions are also members of every component. Typically, the
ovm_report_info, ovm_report_warning, ovm_report_error, and
ovm_report_fatal methods are called for issuing messages of a specified
severity level. The ovm_component class extends several of the
ovm_report_object functions to operate recursively on a component and all
its subcomponents. These functions have the additional _hier suffix added to
their name (see ovm_component).
Objects not derived from ovm_report_object can also use the reporting
facility by calling the global ovm_report_info, ovm_report_warning,
ovm_report_error, and ovm_report_fatal functions. A global
ovm_report_object called _global_reporter is provided for these global
Report objects provide a mechanism to increment a message count in the report
server (by setting a message's action to OVM_COUNT) and to specify a maximum
permitted count. If this maximum count is exceeded, the report server will call
the die function. An OVM_EXIT action will also invoke die. If the die function
is called within the run phase, ovm_top.stop_request is called which stops
the simulation after a specified time delay (default = 0). The remaining phases
(extract, check, and report) are then executed (see Phase). If die is called
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 121
from other locations, the report_summarize function is called and simulation
is terminated immediately with a forked call to $finish.
virtual class ovm_report_object extends ovm_object;
function new(string name=""); Constructor
function void ovm_report_fatal(
string id,
string message,
int verbosity_level=100,
string filename="",
int line=0);
Produces reports of
severity OVM_FATAL (see
function void ovm_report_error(
string id,
string message,
int verbosity_level=100,
string filename="",
int line=0);
Produces reports of
severity OVM_ERROR (see
function void ovm_report_warning(
string id,
string message,
int verbosity_level=100,
string filename="",
int line=0);
Produces reports of
severity OVM_WARNING
(see Report)
function void ovm_report_info(
string id,
string message,
int verbosity_level=100,
string filename="",
int line=0);
Produces reports of
severity OVM_INFO (see
virtual function void die(); Called by report server
max quit count reached or
OVM_EXIT action (fatal
function void
Dumps the report
handlers internal state
function ovm_report_handler
Returns a reference to the
report handler
function ovm_report_server
Returns the report server
associated with this report
virtual function void Prints copyright and
122 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
report_header(FILE f=0); version numbers to
command line if f=0 or to
a file if f is a file descriptor
virtual function bit report_hook(
string id,
string message,
int verbosity,
string filename,
int line);
virtual function bit
string id,
string message,
int verbosity,
string filename,
int line);
virtual function bit
string id,
string message,
int verbosity,
string filename,
int line);
virtual function bit
string id,
string message,
int verbosity,
string filename,
int line);
virtual function bit
string id,
string message,
int verbosity,
string filename,
int line);
User-definable functions
allowing additional actions
to be performed when
reports are issued if the
report action is
Return value of 1 (default)
allows reporting to
proceed; otherwise,
reporting is not processed
The report_*_hook
functions are only called
for messages with a
corresponding severity
virtual function void
report_summarize(FILE f=0);
Prints report server
statistical information to
command line if f=0 or to
a file if f is a file descriptor
function void
Resets this objects report
handler to default values
function void set_report_handler(
ovm_report_handler hndlr);
Sets the report hander
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 123
function void
int m);
Sets maximum number of
OVM_COUNT actions
before die method is
called; default value of 0
sets no maximum upper
function void
FILE file);
function void
ovm_severity sev,
FILE file);
function void set_report_id_file(
string id,
FILE file);
function void
ovm_severity sev,
string id,
FILE file);
Sets the output file for the
OVM_LOG action.
Specifying both severity
and id takes precedence
over id only which takes
precedence over severity
only which takes
precedence over the
function void
ovm_severity sev,
ovm_action action);
function void
string id,
ovm_action action);
function void
ovm_severity sev,
string id,
ovm_action action);
Sets the report handler to
perform a specific action
for all reports matching the
specified severity, id, or
both, respectively, where
action equals
function void
int verbosity_level);
Sets the maximum
verbosity threshold
(reports with a lower level
are not processed)
protected ovm_report_handler
Handle to a report handler
124 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
function string
Removed, use get_name
function void
set_report_name(string s);
Removed, use set_name
function void
string id, string message,
int verbosity = 300,
string filename = "",
int line = 0);
virtual function bit
string id, string message,
int verbosity,
string filename, int line);
function void
string id, string message,
int verbosity = 300,
string filename = "",
int line = 0);
Replaced by
ovm_report_info and
function void
string id, string message,
int verbosity = 200,
string filename = "",
int line = 0);
function void avm_report_error(
string id, string message,
int verbosity = 100,
string filename = "",
int line = 0);
function void avm_report_fatal(
string id, string message,
int verbosity = 0,
string filename = "",
int line = 0);
Replaced by ovm-prefixed
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 125
class my_test extends ovm_test;
// Turn off messages tagged with the id = debug for the my_env
// component only
my_env.set_report_id_action ("debug", OVM_NO_ACTION);
// Turn all OVM_INFO messages off -
// (Use set_report_*_hier version [from ovm_component]
// to recursively traverse the hierarchy and set the action)
set_report_severity_action_hier(OVM_INFO, OVM_NO_ACTION);
// Turn all messages back on
set_report_severity_action_hier( OVM_INFO,
set_report_severity_action_hier( OVM_WARNING,
set_report_severity_action_hier( OVM_ERROR,
set_report_severity_action_hier( OVM_FATAL,
// Setup the global reporting for messages that use the
// global report handler (like the sequences machinery)
_global_reporter.set_report_verbosity_level( OVM_ERROR );
_global_reporter.dump_report_state(); // Print out state
// Configure the environment to quit/die after one OVM_ERROR message
set_report_max_quit_count( 1 );
endclass : my_test
// Example with user-definable report hooks
class my_env extends ovm_env;
bit under_reset = 0; // Indicates device under reset
// Override the report_hook function
function bit report_hook(input id, string message,
int verbosity, string
filename, int line);
126 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
// Turn off all reporting during the boot-up,
// initialization, and reset period
if (!under_reset && ( $time > 100ns ))
return 1;
return 0; // Either under_reset or time less than
// 100ns so do not issue report messages
endfunction : report_hook
function void start_of_simulation();
// Duplicate report messages to a file
f = $fopen( "sim.log", "w" );
set_report_default_file_hier( f );
// Setup the environment to not print INFO, WARNING,
// and ERROR message during reset or initialization by
// adding the OVM_CALL_HOOK reporting action
set_report_severity_action_hier( OVM_INFO,
set_report_severity_action_hier( OVM_WARNING,
set_report_severity_action_hier( OVM_ERROR,
endfunction : start_of_simulation
endclass : my_env
An ovm_component derives from ovm_report_object so all the
reporting functions are available inside components. The ovm_component
also extends the reporting functions so that they can hierarchically traverse
a component and all of its subcomponents to set the reporting activity. The
additional functions provided are:
See ovm_component for function details.
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 127
Use set_report_max_quit_count to globally set the number of error
messages before simulation is forced to quit. To include warning
messages in the quit count, add the OVM_COUNT action to OVM_WARNING.
The set_report_*_file functions can use multi-channel descriptors.
Multi-channel file descriptors allow up to 31 files to be simultaneously
opened so report messages can be sent to multiple log files by OR-in the
file descriptors together. Verilog uses the MCD value 32h1 for STDOUT.
See Report for OVM severity, action, and verbosity definitions.
Both the report_*_hook and report_hook functions are called when
the OVM_CALL_HOOK action is set. This means that both a severity-specific
action can be set as well as a general catch-all action. Note, however, if
report_*_hook returns 1'b0, then report_hook is not called since the
message reporting will have already been disabled.
Many components in OVM use the global reporter. For example,
sequences print general reporting messages using the global reporter. To
turn these off, set the reporting actions on _global_reporter.
By default, reporting messages are not sent to a file since the initial default
file descriptor is set to 0 (even if OVM_LOG action is set). Use
set_report_default_file() to set a different file descriptor.
Actions set by set_report_id_action take precedence over actions set
by set_report_severity_action.
Actions set by set_report_severity_id_action take precedence
over set_report_id_action.
If the die function is called in a report object that is not an
ovm_component or from an ovm_component instantiated outside of
ovm_env, then report_summarize is called and the simulation ends by
calling $finish.
See also
128 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Used from OVM 1.1 onwards as the top level object in an OVM testbench.
Every OVM testbench contains a single instance of ovm_root named ovm_top.
Users should not attempt to create any other instance of ovm_root. Any
component that does not have a parent specified when it is created has its
parent set automatically to ovm_top. This allows components created in
multiple modules to share a common parent.
The ovm_top instance is used to search for named components within the
testbench. The searching functions are passed a string argument containing a
full hierarchical component name, which may also include wildcards: ? matches
any single character while * will match any sequence of characters, including
.. The component hierarchy is searched by following each branch from the top
downwards: a match near the top of a branch takes precedence over a match
near its bottom. The order in which the branches of the hierarchy are searched
depends on the child component names: at each level, starting from ovm_top,
these are searched in alphanumeric order. The find function returns a handle
to the first component it comes across whose name matches the string (even if
there are other matching components in subsequent branches that are closer to
the top of the hierarchy). The find_all function returns a queue of matched
component handles (by reference). An optional third argument specifies a
component other than ovm_top to start the search.
The ovm_top instance may also be used to manage the OVM simulation
phases. A new phase (derived from ovm_phase) may be inserted after any other
phase (or at the start).
virtual class ovm_root extends ovm_component;
virtual task run_test(
string test_name="");
Runs all simulation phases
for all components in the
virtual function string
Returns ovm_root
function void stop_request(); Stops execution of the
current phase
function ovm_component find(
string comp_match);
Returns handle to
component with name
matching pattern
function void find_all(
string comp_match,
ref ovm_component comps[$],
input ovm_component comp=null);
Returns queue of handles to
components with matching
names. comp specifies
component to start search
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 129
function void insert_phase(
ovm_phase new_phase,
ovm_phase exist_phase);
Inserts a new phase after
exist_phase (at start if
exist_phase = null)
function ovm_phase
Returns a handle to the
currently executing phase
function ovm_phase
string name);
Returns a handle to the
named phase
bit finish_on_completion = 1; When set run_test calls $finish
on completion of the report
bit enable_print_topology = 0; When set the testbench
hierarchy is printed when
end_of_elaboration completes
time phase_timeout =
Sets the maximum simulated-
time for task-based phases
(e.g. run). Exits with error if
time stop_timeout =
Sets the maximum time that
any phase may remain active,
after a call to stop_request
Global defines and methods
Default phase and stop
task run_test(
string test_name="");
Calls ovm_top.run_test
function void
function void
time timeout);
function void
time timeout);
130 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Configuring and running a test:
module top;
ovm_top.stop_timeout = 10000ns;
ovm_top.enable_print_topology = 1;
ovm_top.finish_on_completion = 0;
endmodule: top
Searching for components:
class test1 extends ovm_test;
verif_env env1;
ovm_component c;
ovm_component cq[$];
function new (string name="", ovm_component parent=null);,parent);
endfunction : new
virtual function void build();;
"verif_env","","env1",null) );
endfunction : build
function void end_of_elaboration();
c = ovm_top.find("env1.m_driver");
$psprintf("Found %s of type %s",
endfunction: end_of_elaboration
endclass: test1
The global functions to stop the simulation and set the timeouts were
deprecated in OVM 1.1.
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 131
Call ovm_top.stop_request in the run method to stop simulation.
Alternatively, assign ovm_top.phase_timeout before the start of
For flexibility, use +OVM_TESTNAME command-line plusarg to set the test
name, rather than passing it as an argument to run_test.
Objects of class ovm_root should not be created explicitly.
The name of ovm_top is set to so it does not appear in the hierarchical
name of child components.
A top-level environment instantiated by the test using the factory will have a
parent named ovm_test_top that must be included in the search string for
find (or use *.)
Phases can only be inserted before calling run_test.
See also
132 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Class ovm_scoreboard is derived from ovm_component. User-defined
scoreboards should be built using classes derived from ovm_scoreboard.
A scoreboard typically observes transactions on one or more inputs of a DUT,
computes the expected effects of those transactions, and stores a
representation of those effects in a form suitable for later checking when the
corresponding transactions appear (or fail to appear) on the DUT's outputs.
class ovm_scoreboard extends ovm_component;
function new(string name,
ovm_component parent = null);
Constructor, mirrors the
superclass constructor in
The ovm_scoreboard class has no members of its own. A scoreboard should
provide an analysis export (commonly connected to an internal analysis FIFO)
for each data stream that it observes, in addition to any internal structure that it
needs to perform its checking.
Use ovm_scoreboard as the base class for any user-defined scoreboard
classes. In this way, scoreboards can be differentiated from other kinds of
testbench component such as monitors, agents or stimulus generators.
For DUTs whose input and output can each be merged into a single
stream, and that deliver output in the same order as their input was
received, scoreboard-like checking can be more easily accomplished with
the built-in comparator classes ovm_in_order_class_comparator and
ovm_scoreboard has no methods or data members of its own, apart from its
constructor and what it inherits from ovm_component.
See also
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 133
Sequences provide a structured approach to developing layered, random
stimulus. A sequence represents a series of data or control transactions
generated either at random or non-randomly, and executed either sequentially or
in parallel. Sequences differ from the ovm_random_stimulus generation in
that they provide chaining or layering of other sequences to produce complex
data and control flows. Conceptually, a sequence can be thought of as a chain
of function calls (to other sequences) resulting in the generation of sequence
items (derived from the ovm_sequence_item class).
When sequences invoke other sequences, they are referred to as complex or
hierarchical sequences. Hierarchical sequences allow for the creation of
sequence libraries, which define basic sequence operations (such as reading
and writing) that can be developed into more complex control or data operations.
OVM sequences are derived from the ovm_sequence class. Each sequence is
associated with a sequencer (derived from the ovm_sequencer class). The
sequencer is used to execute the sequence and place the generated sequence
items on the sequencers built-in sequence item export (seq_item_export).
Generated sequence items are pulled from the sequencer by a driver (see
ovm_driver). Each driver has a built-in sequencer port (called
seq_item_port) that can be connected to a sequencers sequence item
export. The driver pulls sequence items from the sequencer by calling
get_next_item() and sends an acknowledgement back to the sequencer by
calling item_done() (both of these functions are members of
A sequencer is registered with the OVM factory by calling the
`ovm_sequencer_utils macro. A sequence is registered with the OVM
factory and associated with a sequencer by calling the `ovm_sequence_utils
The main functionality of a sequence is defined by declaring a body() task. In
the body, nine steps are performed by the sequence:
1. Creation of an sequence item
2. Call wait_for_grant
3. Execution of the pre_do task
4. Optional randomization of the sequence item
5. Execution of the mid_do task
6. Call send_request
7. Call wait_for_item_done
8. Execution of the post_do function
9. Optionally call get_response
The following OVM macros perform most or all of these steps automatically:
134 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Variables must be declared for any ovm_sequence or ovm_sequence_item
used by the OVM macros. Class members of the ovm_sequence or
ovm_sequence_item can be declared rand so when the sequence is
generated, the field values may be constrained using the `ovm_do_with,
`ovm_do_pri_with, `ovm_rand_send_with,
`ovm_rand_send_pri_with, `ovm_do_on_with or
`ovm_do_on_pri_with macros. The `ovm_*_pri macros allow sequence
items and sequences to be assigned a priority that is used when multiple
sequence items are waiting to be pulled by a driver.
An OVM sequence has the following basic structure:
class my_sequence extends ovm_sequence #(my_sequence_item);
my_sequence_item trans;
virtual task pre_do(); endtask // Optional
virtual task body();
// OVM sequence macro such as `ovm_do or `ovm_do_with
`ovm_do ( trans )
endtask : body
virtual task post_do; endtask // Optional
endclass : my_sequence
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 135
The following diagram illustrates the flow of interactions between the driver,
sequencer, and sequence objects:
Higher-level sequences can be created by managing sequences from multiple
sequencers and are referred to as virtual sequences. Virtual sequences are
virtual in that they do not generate their own sequence items; instead they
control the spawning and execution of sequences associated with non-virtual
sequencers. Virtual sequencers are also derived from the ovm_sequencer
class. A virtual sequencer has one or more handles to the other sequencers that
it controls (see Virtual Sequences for details).
Declaring a sequence item
class my_seq_item extends ovm_sequence_item;
rand int data;
rand bit [4:0] addr;
`ovm_object_utils_begin ( my_seq_item )
`ovm_field_int ( data, OVM_ALL_ON + OVM_HEX )
`ovm_field_int ( addr, OVM_ALL_ON + OVM_HEX )
endclass : my_seq_item
Declaring a sequencer
class my_sequencer extends ovm_sequencer #(my_seq_item);
`ovm_sequencer_utils ( my_sequencer )
function new (string name = "",
ovm_component parent = null); name, parent );
`ovm_update_sequence_lib_and_item ( my_seq_item )
ovm_driver ovm_sequencer ovm_sequence
Call sequencer.get_next_item()
Sends item to the DUT
Call sequencer.item_done
Choose a do action on a
first-come-first-served basis
(considering grabbers and
sequence.is_relevant() )
(Wait until item is generated)
get_next_item() returns
`ovm_do item
(wait in sequencer's queue)
Call pre_do(),
generate item,
call mid_do(),
acknowledge sequencer
Call post_do(),
end `ovm_do action
136 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
endfunction : new
endclass : my_sequencer
Declaring a sequence
class my_sequence extends ovm_sequence #(my_seq_item);
`ovm_sequence_utils ( my_sequence, my_sequencer )
my_seq_item m_seq_item;
function new ( string name = "my_sequence"); ( name );
endfunction : new
virtual task body();
`ovm_do ( m_seq_item )
endtask : body
endclass : my_sequence
Register all sequence related components with the OVM factory using the
registration macros for maximum flexibility and configurability.
The OVM factory configuration functions (set_config(),
set_inst_override_by_*(), and set_type_override_by_*()) can
be used to override ovm_sequence and ovm_sequence_items in order
to change the sequence generation.
Use the sequence action macros (like `ovm_do and `ovm_do_with) to
automatically create and execute a sequence.
As of OVM 2.0, the ovm_sequencer implements only PULL mode,
meaning that the ovm_driver controls or pulls the
ovm_sequence_items from the ovm_sequencer. For the sequencer to
control the interaction (i.e., PUSH mode), user modifications are required.
No ovm_virtual_sequence exists. You must use ovm_sequence for
both virtual and non-virtual sequences.
Take care not to confuse ovm_sequence with ovm_sequencer. They
differ by one letter only, but have quite different functionality.
See also
ovm_sequence_item, ovm_sequence, ovm_sequencer, Virtual Sequences,
Special Sequences, Sequence Action Macros
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 137
OVM sequences are derived from the ovm_sequence class which itself is
derived from the ovm_sequence_base and ovm_sequence_item classes.
Multiple sequences are typically used to automatically generate the transactions
required to drive the design under test. A sequence may generate either
sequence items or invoke additional subsequences.
The main functionality of a sequence is placed in the body task. This task is
either called directly by a sequencer (when it is a root sequence) or from the
body of another sequence, (when it is run as a subsequence). If the sequence is
a root sequence then its pre_body and post_body tasks are also called.
The purpose of the sequence body is to generate a sequence item that can be
sent to a driver that controls the interaction with the design. A set of do actions
provide an automated way to generate the sequence item, randomize it, send it
to the driver, and wait for the response. These do actions are provided using the
sequence action macros such as `ovm_do or `ovm_do_with. The do actions
operate on both sequence items and subsequences.
An alternative mechanism in OVM 1.0 sent existing sequence items to the driver
and waited for a response by calling an apply task. This mechanism is
deprecated and was removed from OVM 2.0.
It is also possible to create sequence items, send them to a sequencer and wait
for a response by explicitly calling the member tasks and functions of
ovm_sequence. A sequence has a response queue that buffers the responses
from a driver and permits multiple sequence items to be sent before the
responses are processed. Member functions are provided to control the
behavior of the response queue.
By default, responses from the driver are retrieved by calling get_response.
Alternatively, the sequence behavior can be set to use an automatic report
handler to fetch responses instead. The report handler is an overridden
response_handler function (inherited from ovm_sequence_base).
Additional pre_, mid_, and post_ virtual tasks can be defined for the
sequence. These tasks provide additional control over the sequences behavior.
A pre-defined request sequence item handle named req and response
sequence item handle named rsp are provided as members of ovm_sequence.
It is also possible to use your own sequence item handles in user-defined
sequence classes.
Significant changes were made to the structure and functionality of the
ovm_sequence class in OVM 2.0. These changes simplified the
implementation of virtual sequences and provided a unified approach to replace
OVM 1.0 sequences and scenarios ( ovm_scenario is deprecated).
138 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
The following diagram illustrates the possible flows of execution for an OVM
virtual class ovm_sequence #(type REQ = ovm_sequence_item,
type RSP = REQ)
extends ovm_sequence_base;
function new(
string name = "ovm_sequence",
ovm_sequencer_base sequencer_ptr
= null,
ovm_sequence_base parent_seq
= null);
Note: sequencer_ptr
and parent_seq
arguments not used
from OVM 2.0 onwards
virtual function void
ovm_sequencer_base sequencer);
Sets the sequencer that
sequence runs on
(usually done by macro)
virtual task start(
ovm_sequencer_base sequencer,
ovm_sequence_base parent_sequence
= null,
integer this_priority = 100,
bit call_pre_post = 1);
Starts execution of the
sequence on the
specified sequencer. If
call_pre_post = 1
pre_body and
post_body tasks are
(only if a root sequence)
`ovm_do sequence
Generate item or subsequence,
synchronize with sequencer,
call pre_do(),
randomize item or subsequence,
call mid_do(),
send item + wait for item_done()
or call subsequence.body(),
call post_do()
Generate ovm_sequence_item
call wait_for_grant(),
randomize item,
call send_request(),
call get_response()
(only if a root sequence)
(`ovm_send skips
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 139
function void send_request(
ovm_sequence_item request,
bit rerandomize = 0);
Sends sequence item to
driver. Randomize item
if rerandomize = 0
function REQ get_current_item(); Returns sequence item
currently executing (on
task get_response(
output RSP response,
integer transaction_id = -1);
Retrieves response with
matchingID (or next
response if ID = -1) and
removes it from queue.
Blocks until response
virtual function void put_response(
ovm_sequence_item response_item);
Puts a response back
into the queue
function void
disabled(bit value);
If value = 1, turns off
error reporting when
response queue
function bit
Returns response queue
error reporting state (1 =
function void
integer value);
Sets max depth of
response queue (default
= 8, unbounded = -1)
function integer
Get max allowed depth
of response queue
Plus methods inherited from ovm_sequence_base
REQ req; Request sequence item
RSP rsp; Response sequence item
SEQUENCER p_sequencer

; Handle to sequencer
executing this sequence

Added by calling one of the sequence macros (see below)

Utility macros register sequences with a sequencers sequence library. They
also initialize the p_sequencer variable to a sequencer of type SEQUENCER.
The macros are:
(1) `ovm_sequence_utils(TYPE_NAME, SEQUENCER)
140 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Used for sequences that do not require field macros to be called for their
members, for example:
class my_sequence extends ovm_sequence #(my_seq_item);
`ovm_sequence_utils( my_sequence, my_sequencer )
endclass : my_sequence
(2)`ovm_sequence_utils_begin(TYPE_NAME, SEQUENCER)
This allows the `ovm_field_* macros to be used. For example,
`ovm_sequence_utils_begin(my_sequencer, my_sequencer)
`ovm_field_int(data, OVM_ALL_ON)
`ovm_field_int(size, OVM_ALL_ON)
(3)`ovm_sequence_param_utils(TYPE_NAME, SEQUENCER)
`ovm_sequence_param_utils_begin(TYPE_NAME, SEQUENCER)
Like (1) and (2) but used for parameterized sequences, for example:
class my_sequence #(type T=my_seq_item)
extends ovm_sequence #(T);
`ovm_sequence_utils( my_sequence#(T), my_sequencer )
endclass : my_sequence
// Define an ovm_sequence_item
typedef enum { read, write } dir_t;
class my_seq_item extends ovm_sequence_item;
bit [31:0] data;
bit [9:0] addr;
dir_t dir;
// Register sequence item with the factory and add the
// field automation macros
`ovm_object_utils_begin( my_seq_item )
`ovm_field_int( data, OVM_ALL_ON )
`ovm_field_int( addr, OVM_ALL_ON )
`ovm_field_enum( dir_t, dir, OVM_ALL_ON )
endclass : my_seq_item
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 141
// Create a sequence that uses the sequence item
class my_seq extends ovm_sequence #(my_seq_item);
`ovm_sequence_utils ( my_seq, my_sequencer )
//my_seq_item req; // built-in sequence item
my_other_seq subseq; // A nested subsequence
// Define a constructor
function new ( string name = "my_seq); (name);
endfunction : new
// Define the sequence functionality in the body()
virtual task body();
ovm_report_info ( get_name(),
"Starting the sequence ..." );
// Use the do action macros on the sequence item
`ovm_do_with( req,{ addr > 10hfff; dir == read; } )
// Invoke a nested subsequence
`ovm_do_with( subseq, { ctrl_flag == `TRUE; } )
endtask : body
endclass : my_seq
Use the sequence action macros like `ovm_do and `ovm_do_with to
automatically allocate and generate the ovm_sequence_item.
Objects derived from ovm_component have a class member available
named m_name, which is useful for printing out the components name in
reporting messages. Sequences are NOT derived from ovm_component
and do not have a corresponding public member. Instead, use
get_name() when writing reporting messages. For example,
ovm_report_info(get_name(), "Now executing sequence" );
ovm_report_error(get_name(), $psprintf(
"Write to an invalid address! Address = %s", addr)
142 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
When building a sequence library, it is useful to create macros to simplify
sequence definitions and avoid mistakes. The following provides an
example of how such macros might look like:
`define SEQUENCE( seq, seqr ) \
`ovm_sequence_utils ( seq, seqr ) \
seq seq_item; \
function new ( string name = `"seq); \ ( name ); \
endfunction : new
`define ENDSEQUENCE endclass
Now use these macros to develop the sequence library:
// Create a basic write sequence
`SEQUENCE ( intf_write_seq, intf_sequencer )
rand int reg_addr;
rand int reg_data;
virtual task body();
`ovm_do_with ( seq_item,
{ type == WRITE;
addr == reg_addr;
data == reg_data; })
endtask : body
// Create a register initialization sequence
`SEQUENCE ( intf_init_regs_seq, intf_sequencer)
intf_write_seq write_seq; // Nested subsequence
virtual task body();
for ( int i = 0; i < 256; i += 4 ) begin
// Clear registers by passing values using constraints
`ovm_do_with ( write_seq,
{ type == WRITE;
reg_addr == i;
reg_data == 0; })
endtask : body
Use the factory to override the sequence item types of sequences for
greater flexibility and randomization, allowing the same sequence to be
used with different configurations. For example,
// Modify the normal sequence to send error items
class error_seq extends normal_seq;
// intf_seq_item seq_item; - defined in normal_seq
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 143
"intf_seq_item", "intf_error_seq_item" );
`ovm_do ( seq_item )
endclass : error_seq
// Create a random sequence using randcase and factory type overrides
class rand_seq extends ovm_sequence;
intf_seq_item seq_item;
// Send an error item 25% of the time
1 : factory.set_type_override_by_name(
"intf_seq_item", "error_seq_item" );
// Send a complex item 25% of the time
1 : factory.set_type_override_by_name(
"intf_seq_item", "complex_seq_item" );
// Send a normal item 50% of the time
2 : factory.set_type_override_by_name(
"intf_seq_item", "intf_seq_item" );
// Now send the randomly selected item
`ovm_do ( seq_item )
endclass : rand_seq
Take care to use an ovm_sequence_item or ovm_sequence instead of
an ovm_transaction with the do sequence action macros.
No ovm_virtual_sequence exists so use ovm_sequence for both
virtual and non-virtual sequences.
See also
Sequence, ovm_sequence_item, ovm_sequencer, Sequence Action Macros,
Special Sequences
Sequence Action Macros
144 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
OVM defines a set of macros, known as the sequence action macros, which
simplify the execution of sequences and sequence items. These macros are
used inside of the body task of an ovm_sequence to perform one or more of
the following steps on an item or sequence:
(1) Create allocates item or sequence and initializes its sequencer and
parent sequence
(2) Synchronize with sequencer if an item, wait until the sequencer is ready
(3) pre_do execute the user defined pre_do task of the executing sequence
with an argument of 1 for an item and 0 for a sequence
(4) Randomize randomize the item or sequence
(5) mid_do execute the user defined mid_do task of the executing sequence
with the specified item or sequence as an argument
(6) Post-synchronization or body execution for an item, indicate to the
sequencer that the item is ready to send to the consumer and wait for it to
be consumed; for a sequence, execute the body task
(7) post_do execute the user defined post_do task of the executing
sequence with the specified item or sequence as an argument
These macros can be further divided into 2 groups: (1) macros that operate on
EITHER a sequence item or sequence and invoked on sequencers, and (2)
macros that operate ONLY on sequences such as used on a virtual sequencers.
The latter group contain _on as part of their names, implying their use on
sequences instead of items.
Macros used on regular sequences or sequence items:
`ovm_do(item_or_sequence) Performs all sequence actions
on an item or sequence
Same as `ovm_do but
assigns a priority
{constraint-block} )
Performs all sequence actions
on an item or sequence using
the specified constraints to
randomize the variable
{constraint-block} )
Same as `ovm_do_with but
assigns a priority
`ovm_create(item_or_sequence) Performs ONLY the create
sequence action on an item or
sequence using the factory
Sequence Action Macros
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 145
`ovm_send(item_or_sequence) Similar to `ovm_do but
skipping the create and
randomization stages
Same as `ovm_send but
assigns a priorty
Similar to `ovm_do but
skipping the create stage
Same as `ovm_rand_send
but assigns a priority
{constraint-block} )
Similar to `ovm_do_with but
skipping the create stage
{constraint-block} )
Same as
`ovm_rand_send_with but
assigns a priority
Macros used only with virtual sequences:
item_or_sequence, sequencer )
Performs all sequence actions
on a virtual sequence started
on the specified sequencer. Its
parent member is set to this
item_or_sequence, sequencer,
{constraints-block} )
Same as `ovm_do_on but
assigns a adds constraints
item_or_sequence, sequencer,
Same as `ovm_do_on but
assigns a priority
item_or_sequence, sequencer,
priority, {constraints-block}
Same as `ovm_do_on but
assigns a priority and adds
item_or_sequence, sequencer )
Performs ONLY the create
sequence action on a virtual
// Examples of `ovm_do and `ovm_do_with
class example_sequence extends
ovm_sequence #(example_sequence_item);
task body();
// Send the sequence item to the driver
Sequence Action Macros
146 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
`ovm_do( req )
// Send item again, but add constraints
`ovm_do_with( req,
{ addr > 0 && addr < hffff; })
endtask : body
endclass : example_sequence
// Examples of `ovm_create and `ovm_rand_send
class fixed_size_sequence extends
ovm_sequence #(example_sequence_item);
task body();
// Allocate the sequence item
`ovm_create ( req )
// Modify the sequence item before sending
req.size = 128;
req.size.rand_mode(0); // No randomization
// Now send the sequence item
`ovm_rand_send ( req )
endtask : body
endclass : fixed_size_sequence
// Example of `ovm_do_on in a virtual sequence
class virtual_sequence extends ovm_sequence;
`ovm_sequence_utils ( virtual_sequence, virtual_seqr )
write_sequence wr_seq;
read_sequence rd_seq;
task body();
fork // Launch the virtual sequences in parallel
`ovm_do_on_with ( wr_seq,
{ parity == 1; addr > 48; })
`ovm_do_on_with ( rd_seq,
{ width == 32; type == LONG; })
endtask : body
endclass : virtual_sequence
Sequence Action Macros
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 147
A variable used in a macro for an item or sequence only needs to be
declared; there is no need to allocate it using new() or
Do not use a semicolon after a macro.
Take care to use a semicolon after the last constraint in a macros
constraint block.
See also
Sequence, ovm_sequence, Virtual_Sequences, ovm_sequencer
148 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Virtual class ovm_sequence_base is the base class for ovm_sequence. It
provides a set of methods that are common to all sequences and do not depend
on the sequence item type. It also defines a set of virtual functions and tasks
that may be overridden in user-defined sequences and provide the standard
interface required to create streams of sequence items and other sequences.
class ovm_sequence_base extends ovm_sequence_item;
STOPPED, FINISHED} ovm_sequence_state_enum;
function new(
string name = "ovm_sequence",
ovm_sequencer_base sequencer_ptr
= null,
ovm_sequence_base parent_seq
= null);
Note: sequencer_ptr
and parent_seq
arguments not used from
OVM 2.0 onwards
function ovm_sequence_state_enum
task wait_for_sequence_state(
ovm_sequence_state_enum state);
virtual task start(
ovm_sequencer_base sequencer,
parent_sequence = null,
integer this_priority = 100,
bit call_pre_post = 1);
Starts execution of the
sequence on the specified
sequencer. If
call_pre_post = 1
pre_body and
post_body tasks are
function void stop(); Disables the body() task
of the sequence
virtual task pre_body();
virtual task post_body(); User defined task called
on root sequences
immediately after the
body() is executed
virtual task body(); Main method of the
virtual task pre_do(bit is_item); User defined task called at
the start of a do action
performed by a sequence
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 149
virtual function void mid_do(
ovm_sequence_item this_item);
User defined function
called during a do action
just after this_item is
randomized and before
either the item is sent to
the consumer or
subsequence body
virtual function void post_do(
ovm_sequence_item this_item);
User defined function
called after either the
consumer indicates the
item is done or a
subsequence body()
virtual function bit is_item(); Returns 1 for sequence
items and 0 for sequences
function integer
Returns the number of
sequences available on
the attached sequencers
sequence library, 0 if none
function integer get_seq_kind(
string type_name);
Returns the integer
location in the sequence
kind map of the sequence
function ovm_sequence_base
integer unsigned req_kind);
Creates a sequence of the
type found at the specified
integer location of
sequence kind map
function ovm_sequence_base
string seq_name);
Creates a sequence of the
specified name
task do_sequence_kind(
integer unsigned req_kind);
Invokes the sequence
found at the specified
integer location of
sequence kind map
function void set_priority(
integer value);
Changes the priority of a
sequence (default = 100)
function integer get_priority(); Returns the current priority
of a sequence
150 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
virtual task
User defined task that
defines the trigger
condition when the
sequencer should re-
evaluation if the sequence
item is relevant (only
called when is_relevant()
returns 1b0)
virtual function bit
User defined function that
defines when sequence
items are relevant for a do
action; i.e., a do action on
a sequence item is only
selected if function returns
1b1 (default
implementation is 1b1)
function bit is_blocked(); Returns 1 if sequence is
blocked; otherwise, 0
task lock(ovm_sequencer_base
sequencer = null);
Request to lock a
sequencer (null = current
default sequencer). Locks
are arbitrated
task grab(ovm_sequencer_base
sequencer = null);
Request to lock a
sequencer (null = current
default sequencer).
Happens before arbitration
function void unlock(
ovm_sequencer_base sequencer
= null);
Removes any locks or
grabs from this sequence
function void ungrab(
ovm_sequencer_base sequencer
= null);
Removes any locks or
grabs from this sequence
virtual task wait_for_grant(
integer item_priority = -1,
bit lock_request = 0);
Blocks until sequencer
granted. Must be followed
by call to send_request
in same time step
virtual function void
ovm_sequence_item request,
bit rerandomize = 0);
Sends item to sequencer.
Must follow call to
Item is randomized if
rerandomize = 1
virtual task wait_for_item_done(
integer transaction_id = -1);
Blocks until driver calls
item_done or put. If
specified, will wait until
response with matching ID
is seen
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 151
virtual function void
ovm_sequencer_base sequencer);
Sets the default sequencer
to use
virtual function
Returns current default
function void kill(); Kills the sequence
function void
use_response_handler(bit enable);
Changes the behavior to
use the response handler
if enable = 1
function bit
Returns 1 if behavior set
to use response handler
virtual function void
ovm_sequence_item response);
The response handler
called automatically with
response item if enabled
function int get_id(); Returns the sequence id
event started; Event indicating that the
body() of the sequence
has started
event ended; Event indicating that the
body() of the sequence
has finished
constraint pick_sequence{} Constraint used to select a
valid value for seq_kind
rand integer unsigned seq_kind; Sequence id
User-defined sequence classes should be derived from ovm_sequence rather
than ovm_sequence_base.
Use a handle of type ovm_sequence_base if you want to reference sequences
with different types (for example when passing arguments to functions).
See also
ovm_sequence, ovm_sequence_item
152 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Class ovm_sequence_item is derived from ovm_transaction and is used to
represent the most basic transaction item within a sequence. When sequences
are executed, they generate one or more sequence items, which the sequencer
passes through its consumer interface to the drivers producer interface. The
driver calls the get_next_item and item_done functions provided by its
ovm_seq_item_port to pull the sequence items from the sequencer.
When a sequencer creates a sequence, it gives it a unique integer identifier.
ovm_sequence_item has member functions that enable this identifier to be set
and returned. By default, the sequence identifier and other information about the
sequence is not copied, printed or recorded. This behavior can be changed by
setting a sequence info bit.
class ovm_sequence_item extends ovm_transaction;
function new(
string name ="ovm_sequence_item",
ovm_sequencer_base sequencer =
ovm_sequence parent_base = null);
function string get_type_name(); Returns
function void set_sequence_id(
integer id);
Sets ID
function integer get_sequence_id(); Returns ID
function void
set_use_sequence_info(bit value);
Sets sequence info bit
(use info = 1)
function bit
Returns current value of
sequence info bit
function void
set_id_info(ovm_sequence_item item);
Copies sequence ID and
transaction ID between
sequence items. Should
be called by drivers to
ensure response
matches request
function void set_sequencer(
ovm_sequencer_base sequencer);
Sets the sequencer for
the sequence item (not
needed when using
sequence action
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 153
function ovm_sequencer_base
Returns the sequencer
for the sequence item
function void set_parent_sequence(
ovm_sequence_base parent);
Sets the parent
sequence for a
sequence item (not
needed when using
sequence action
function ovm_sequence_base
Returns the parent
sequence of the
sequence item
virtual function bit is_item(); Returns 1 if object is a
sequence item, 0
function void set_depth(
integer value);
Sets depth of sequence
item (for example, 1 for
a root sequence item, 2
for a child sequence
item, etc.)
function integer get_depth(); Returns depth of
sequence item
function string get_full_name(); Get the hierarchical
sequence name
(sequencer and parent
function string
function ovm_sequence_base
function string get_sequence_path(); Get the sequence name
(including its parent
bit print_sequence_info = 0; If 1, sequence specific
information is printed by items
print() function (set to 1
automatically by sequence
typedef enum { RX, TX } kind_t;
154 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
class my_seq_item extends ovm_sequence_item;
rand bit [4:0] addr;
rand bit [31:0] data;
rand kind_t kind;
// Constructor
function new ( string new = "my_seq_item",
ovm_sequencer_base sequencer = null,
ovm_sequence parent_seq = null ); ( name, sequencer, parent_seq );
endfunction : new
// Register with OVM factory and use field automation
`ovm_object_utils_begin( my_seq_item )
`ovm_field_int ( addr, OVM_ALL_ON + OVM_DEC)
`ovm_field_int ( data, OVM_ALL_ON + OVM_DEC)
`ovm_field_enum ( kind_t, kind, OVM_ALL_ON )
endclass : my_seq_item
Use the sequence action macros like `ovm_do and `ovm_do_with to
automatically allocate and generate the ovm_sequence_item.
If a sequence item is created manually using new(), then set
print_sequence_info = 1 to see sequence specific information (this is
automatically set by the sequence action macros).
The get_sequence_path function returns a string containing a trace of
the sequences hierarchy, which can be useful in debug and error
The member function is_item() is declared virtual, but is not intended to
be overridden except by the OVM machinery.
The ovm_sequence_item constructor does not take the same arguments
as the ovm_transaction constructor. Be careful to note the difference
and call with the correct arguments!
See also
ovm_transaction, ovm_sequence, ovm_sequencer, Sequencer Interface and
Ports, Sequence Action Macros
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 155
Class ovm_sequencer is used for both virtual and non-virtual sequences from
OVM 2.0 onwards. Its behavior is defined in several base classes: its immediate
base class is ovm_sequencer_param_base. This is derived from the abstract
base class ovm_sequencer_base, which is itself derived from
Every Sequencer contains a library of added sequences. A sequencer provides
a mechanism to start and manage the execution of the sequences in its library.
A sequencer can also execute sequences that have not been added to its
library. Sequencers provide a sequence item export, which drivers connect to in
order to fetch the sequence items. A sequencer can also manage parallel
execution of sequences, queuing up sequence items as they are generated.
Other testbench components such as virtual sequencers can grab exclusive
access to a sequencer in order to control the generation of transactions that it
sends to its attached driver.
The ovm_sequencer_base class and the parameterized
ovm_sequencer_param_base class provide the functionality and members
common to all sequencers. In particular, they define the default_sequence,
count, and max_random_count variables, which control the default random
behavior of the sequencer. The starting and controlling of sequences on a
sequencer is generally handled by the sequence action macros.
The following diagram illustrates the connection of a sequencer with a driver:
= default_sequence
set of sequences
in the random
and exhaustive

sequence 2
sequence 1
sequence items

156 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
class ovm_sequencer #(type REQ = ovm_sequence_item,
type RSP = REQ)
extends ovm_sequencer_param_base #(REQ, RSP);
typedef ovm_sequencer #(ovm_sequence_item)
From ovm_sequencer_base:
function bit is_child(
ovm_sequence_base parent,
ovm_sequence_base child);
Returns 1 if child is
child of parent
task wait_for_grant(
ovm_sequence_base sequence_ptr,
integer item_priority = -1,
bit lock_request = 0);
Issues request for
sequence and waits
until granted
task wait_for_item_done(
ovm_sequence_base sequence_ptr,
integer transaction_id);
Waits until driver calls
item_done or put
function bit is_blocked(
ovm_sequence_base sequence_ptr);
Returns 1 if sequence
is blocked
function bit is_locked(
ovm_sequence_base sequence_ptr);
Returns 1 if sequence
is locked
task lock(
ovm_sequence_base sequence_ptr);
Requests a lock on
task grab(
ovm_sequence_base sequence_ptr);
Grants exclusive
access to the
sequencers action
queue, blocking all
other requests
function void unlock(
ovm_sequence_base sequence_ptr);
Removes locks from
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 157
function void ungrab(
ovm_sequence_base sequence_ptr);
Releases exclusive
access to the
sequencers action
queue granted by
virtual function ovm_sequence_base
Returns a reference to
the current grabbing
sequence, null if no
grabbing sequence
function void stop_sequences(); Kills all sequences
running on this
virtual function bit is_grabbed(); Returns 1 if a
sequence is currently
grabbing exclusive
access, 0 if no
sequence is grabbing
function bit has_do_available(); Returns 1 if the
sequencer has an item
available for
immediate processing,
0 if no items are
function void set_arbitration(
Change the
arbitratrion mode
virtual function integer
integer avail_sequences[$]);
Called if arbitration
mode =
arbitrate between
sequences. Default
behavior is
virtual task wait_for_sequences(); User overridable task
used to introduce delta
delay cycles (default
100) , allowing
processes placing
items in the consumer
interface to complete
before the producer
interface retrieves the
function void add_sequence(
string type_name);
Add a sequence to the
sequence library
function void remove_sequence(
string type_name);
Remove a sequence
from the sequence
158 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
function integer get_seq_kind(
string type_name);
Returns the integer
mapping of a
sequence in the
sequence library
specified by
function ovm_sequence_base
get_sequence(integer req_kind);
Creates a sequence of
the type located at the
specified integer
mapping in the
sequence library
function integer num_sequences(); Returns number of
sequences in
sequence library
virtual function void
ovm_sequence_base sequence_ptr,
ovm_sequence_item t,
bit rerandomize = 0);
Sends a request to the
sequencer. May only
be called immediately
From ovm_sequencer_param_base:
function REQ get_current_item(); Returns the sequence
item being executed
function void put_response(RSP t); Put item in response
task start_default_sequence(); Called by sequencer's
run task to start
default sequence
function int get_num_reqs_sent(); Returns number of
requests sent by
function int get_num_rsps_received(); Returns number of
responses received by
function void set_num_last_reqs(
int unsigned max);
Sets size of last
request buffer
function int unsigned
Gets size of last
requests buffer
function REQ last_req(
int unsigned n = 0);
Gets the last request
from the buffer (or
possition within buffer)
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 159
function void set_num_last_rsps(
int unsigned max);
Sets size of last
response buffer
function int unsigned
Gets size of last
response buffer
function RSP last_rsp(
int unsigned n = 0);
Gets the last response
from the buffer (or
possition within buffer)
virtual task
execute_item(ovm_sequence_item item);
Execute a sequence
without adding it to the
library and ignoring
the response
From ovm_sequencer:
function new( string name,
ovm_component parent);
virtual function string
virtual function void
ovm_sequence_base sequence_ptr,
ovm_sequence_item t,
bit rerandomize = 0);
Sends a request to the
sequencer. May only
be called immediately
From ovm_sequencer_base:
protected rand int seq_kind; Sequence id
string sequences[$]; Queue storing the
names of the available
protected string default_sequence
= "ovm_random_sequence";
Name of the sequence
the sequencer starts
automatically if the
count != 0
int count = -1; Integer value used by
ce to determine the
number of random
sequences to execute
if count = -1, then a
random number of
160 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
sequences between 1
are selected
if count = 0, then the
default_sequence is
not started by
if count > 0, then the
specified count of
random sequences
are selected
integer unsigned max_random_count=10; Max number of
selected sequences if
count = -1
int unsigned max_random_depth = 4; Depth of random
From ovm_sequencer_param_base:
ovm_analysis_export #(RSP)
Analysis export that
may be used to send
responses to
From ovm_sequencer:
ovm_seq_item_pull_imp #(REQ, RSP,
this_type) seq_item_export;
Sequence item export
(connects to driver)
Utility macros create the sequence library and/or register the sequencer with the
OVM factory.
This macro provides the infrastructure required to build the sequencers
sequence library and utilize the random sequence selection interfaces. It adds
ovm_random_sequence, ovm_exhaustive_sequence, and
ovm_simple_sequence to the sequencers sequence library. It also calls
This is similar to`ovm_sequencer_utils, but
calls`ovm_component_utils_begin(SEQUENCER), and
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 161
`ovm_component_utils_end. This allows the `ovm_field_* macros to be
called. For example,
`ovm_sequencer_utils_begin(my_sequencer, my_sequencer)
`ovm_field_int(status, OVM_ALL_ON)
These macros are provided for parameterized sequencers. They have the same
behavior as (1) and (2) except that they do not add a type name when they
register the sequencer with the factory.
(4) `ovm_update_sequence_lib_and_item(USER_ITEM_TYPE)
This macro populates the sequences[$] queue and builds the sequence
library with the ovm_random_sequence, ovm_exhaustive_sequence, and
ovm_simple_sequence. The USER_ITEM_TYPE defines the sequence item
type to be used with the ovm_simple_sequence.
This macro should only be used with a non-virtual sequencer and placed in its
constructor as follows:
function my_sequencer::new( string name = "",
ovm_component parent = null ); name, parent );
`ovm_update_sequence_lib_and_item( my_seq_item )
endfunction : new
(5) `ovm_update_sequence_lib
This macro populates the sequences[$] queue and builds the sequence
library with the ovm_random_sequence,
ovm_exhaustive_sequence. Unlike (4), it does not add
ovm_simple_sequence to the sequence library. It is used for virtual
sequencers that do not create sequence item directly (only by invoking
sequences on other sequencers). See Virtual Sequences
// Define an ovm_sequence_item
typedef enum { read, write } dir_t;
class my_seq_item extends ovm_sequence_item;
bit [31:0] data;
bit [9:0] addr;
dir_t dir;
162 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
// Register sequence item with the factory and add the
// field automation macros
`ovm_object_utils_begin( my_seq_item )
`ovm_field_int( data, OVM_ALL_ON )
`ovm_field_int( addr, OVM_ALL_ON )
`ovm_field_enum( dir_t, dir, OVM_ALL_ON )
endclass : my_seq_item
// Create the sequencer
class my_sequencer extends ovm_sequencer #(my_seq_item);
// Register the sequencer with the factory
`ovm_sequencer_utils ( my_sequencer )
function new ( string name = "my_sequencer",
ovm_component parent = null ); ( name, parent );
// Create the sequence library
`ovm_update_sequence_lib_and_item ( my_seq_item )
endfunction : new
endclass : my_sequencer
// Connect the sequencer to the driver
class my_env extends ovm_env;
my_sequencer m_seqr;
my_driver m_drv;
function void connect;
// Hook up the sequencer to the driver
endfunction : connect
endclass : my_env
Use set_config_string to set the default sequence that the sequencer
should execute. For example,
set_config_string( "*.intf_sequencer", //Sequencer name
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 163
"my_seq" ); // New sequence
When in random mode, sequencers begin executing sequences
automatically based on the setting of default_sequence. Using
set_config_string simplifies a test case so that only the
default_sequence needs to be specified:
class read_write_test extends ovm_test;
... // register with factory, define constructor
// Only need build to define starting sequence
virtual function void build();;
// Specify the test sequence
set_config_string( "*.intf_sequencer",
"read_write_seq" );
// Create the environment for the test
m_env = my_env::type_id::create(...);
endfunction : build
endclass : read_write_test
Set the count to 0 using set_config_int if the test case only needs to
execute one specific sequence. For example,
// Execute only the "my_seq" sequence
set_config_string( "*", "default_sequence", "my_seq" );
set_config_int( "*.sequencer", "count", 0);
As of OVM 2.0, the ovm_sequencer implements only PULL mode,
meaning that the ovm_driver controls or pulls the sequence items from
the sequencer. For the sequencer to control the interaction (i.e., PUSH
mode), user modifications are required.
By default, a sequencer will execute the ovm_random_sequence, which is
a random selection of sequences from the sequencers sequence library.
The number of sequences executed will be between 1 and
max_random_count (default 10). These sequences will execute in
addition to the test case sequence unless count is set to 0 and the
default_sequence is set to a sequence test sequence (see examples
above in Tips section).
164 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
See also
Sequence, Virtual Sequences, ovm_sequence, ovm_sequence_item, Special
Sequences, ovm_driver, Sequence Action Macros, Sequencer Interface and
Sequencer Interface and Ports
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 165
In OVM, the passing of transactions between sequencers and drivers happens
through a sequencer interface export/port pair. A sequencer producing items or
sequences contains a sequence item export and a driver consuming items or
sequences contains a sequence item port.
The OVM library provides an interface class and an associated export and port
to handle the communication between sequencers and drivers. The interface is
defined by class sqr_if_base.
An instance of class ovm_seq_item_pull_port named
ovm_seq_item_port is a member of ovm_driver. It enables the driver to
call interface methods such as get_next_item and item_done, which pull
sequence items from the sequencers item queue.
An instance of class ovm_seq_item_pull_imp named
ovm_seq_item_export is a member of ovm_sequencer. It provides the
implementation of the sequencer interface methods which manage the queuing
of sequence items and sequencer synchronization.
virtual class sqr_if_base #(type T1=ovm_object, T2=T1);
class ovm_seq_item_pull_port #(type REQ=int, type RSP=REQ)
extends ovm_port_base #(sqr_if_base #(REQ, RSP));
class ovm_seq_item_pull_export #(type REQ=int,
type RSP=REQ)
extends ovm_port_base #(sqr_if_base #(REQ, RSP));
class ovm_seq_item_pull_imp #(type REQ=int,
type RSP=REQ, type IMP=int)
extends ovm_port_base #(sqr_if_base #(REQ, RSP));
virtual task get_next_item(
output T1 t);
Blocks until an item is
returned from the
virtual task try_next_item(
output T1 t);
Returns immediately an
item if available,
otherwise, null
virtual function void item_done(
input T2 t = null);
Indicates to the
sequencer that the
driver is done
processing the item
Sequencer Interface and Ports
166 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
virtual task wait_for_sequences(); Calls the
task of the connected
sequencer (see
virtual function bit
Returns 1 if item is
available, 0 if no item
virtual function void
put_response(input T2 t);
Puts a response into the
sequencer queue
virtual task get(output T1 t); Blocks until item is
returned from
sequencer. Call
item_done before
virtual task peek(output T1 t); Blocks until item is
returned from
sequencer. Does not
remove item from
sequencer fifo
virtual task put(input T2 t); Sends response back to
function new (string name,
ovm_component parent,
int min_size=0, int max_size=1);
Plus implementation of sqr_if_base methods
function new (string name,
ovm_component parent,
int min_size=0, int max_size=1);
Plus implementation of sqr_if_base methods
function new (string name,
ovm_component parent,
int min_size=0, int max_size=1);
Plus implementation of sqr_if_base methods
Sequencer Interface and Ports
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 167
// Demonstrate the use of ovm_seq_item_pull_port and
// ovm_seq_item_pull_imp between a driver and sequencer
class my_driver extends ovm_driver #(my_trans);
task run();
forever begin
// Pull a sequence item from the interface
seq_item_port.get_next_item( req );
... // Apply transaction to DUT interface
// Indicate that item is done
seq_item_port.item_done( rsp );
endtask : run
endclass : my_driver
// Connect the sequencer and driver together
class my_env extend ovm_env;
function void connect;
my_seqr.seq_item_export );
endfunction : connect
endclass : my_env
A driver can call get_next_item multiple times before indicating item_done
to the sequencer (in other words, there is no one-to-one correspondence of
function calls).
See also
ovm_driver, ovm_sequencer, Virtual Sequences, ovm_sequence
Special Sequences
168 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
OVM defines several special sequences that are created automatically using the
sequencer macros. When `ovm_update_sequence_lib or
`ovm_update_sequence_lib_and_item(USER_ITEM) are declared in a
sequencer, the sequence library is populated with ovm_random_sequence and
ovm_exhaustive_sequence. Both special sequences operate on all the
other sequences in the sequencers sequence library (excluding each other).
For example, ovm_random_sequence randomly selects a number of
sequences between count and max_random_count (see ovm_sequencer).
The ovm_exhaustive_sequence randomly executes all of the sequences in
the sequencers sequence library.
A third special sequence is available that executes a single randomized
sequence item called ovm_simple_sequence. The ovm_simple_sequence
is not used by virtual sequencers since virtual sequencers do not operate on
sequence items. The `ovm_update_sequence_lib_and_item(
USER_ITEM) macro adds this special sequence to a regular sequencers library
and registers the USER_ITEM as its default sequence item type.
Each sequencers or virtual sequencers default_sequence variable is set by
default to ovm_random_sequence. On startup, each sequencer executes the
sequence assigned to default_sequence, provided its count variable is not
set to 0. Therefore, by default, a sequencer will automatically start executing
the ovm_random_sequence sequence even if nothing else is specified.
class ovm_random_sequence
extends ovm_sequence #(ovm_sequence_item);;
class ovm_exhaustive_sequence
extends ovm_sequence #(ovm_sequence_item);;
class ovm_simple_sequence
extends ovm_sequence #(ovm_sequence_item);;
function new(
string name ="ovm_random_sequence");
function new(
string name="ovm_exhaustive_sequence");
Special Sequences
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 169
function new(
string name="ovm_simple_sequence");
// Use the ovm_exhaustive_sequence in an exhaustive test
class exhaustive_test extends ovm_test;
task run();
// Set all sequencers to exhaustively execute all
// sequences in every sequencers library
set_config_string( "*",
endtask : run
endclass : exhaustive_test
Use set_config_string to override the default_sequence of a
sequencer in order to the specify a specific test sequence.
Use set_config_int to override count and max_random_count to
control the behavior of the ovm_random_sequence sequence..
By default, the ovm_random_sequence will execute even if a test case
executes another set of sequences. In cases where this is not desired, set
the sequencers count to 0 and default_sequence to the test
Take care not to use `ovm_update_sequence_lib_and_item(
USER_TYPE) in a virtual sequencer since it adds ovm_simple_sequence
to the virtual sequencers sequence library. No ovm_simple_sequence
should be defined for a virtual sequencer since virtual sequencers do not
operate on sequence items.
See also
Sequences, ovm_sequence, ovm_sequencer, Virtual Sequences
170 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
ovm_subscriber is a convenient base class for a user-defined subscriber (an
analysis component that will receive transaction data from another component's
analysis port).
A subscriber that is derived from ovm_subscriber must override its inherited
write method, which will be called automatically whenever a transaction data
item is written to a connected analysis port. The analysis_export member of
a subscriber instance should be connected to the analysis port that produces the
data (typically on a monitor or other verification component).
virtual class ovm_subscriber #(type T = int)
extends ovm_component;
function new( string name,
ovm_component parent);
pure virtual function void write(
transaction_type t);
Override this method to
implement your subscriber's
behavior when it receives a
transaction data item
#(transaction_type, this_type)
Implementation of an
analysis export, ready for
connection to an analysis
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 171
// Define a specialized subscriber class. This class does nothing except to
// report all transactions it receives.
class example_subscriber extends
ovm_subscriber #(example_transaction);
int transaction_count;
function new(string name, ovm_component parent);, parent);
function void write (example_transaction t);
ovm_report_info("WRITE", $psprintf(
"Received transaction number %0d:\n%s",
transaction_count++, t.sprint() ) );
// In the enclosing environment class:
class subscriber_test_env extends ovm_env;
example_subscriber m_subscriber;
example_monitor m_monitor; // see article ovm_monitor
function void build();
$cast ( m_monitor,
"m_monitor") );
$cast ( m_subscriber,
"m_subscriber") );
function void connect();
// Connect monitor's analysis port (requires)
// to subscriber's export (provides)
m_monitor.monitor_ap.connect (
m_subscriber.analysis_export );
172 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Use ovm_subscriber as the base for any custom class that needs to
monitor a single stream of transactions. Typical uses include coverage
collection, protocol checking, or data logging to a file. It is not appropriate
for end-to-end checkers, since these typically need to monitor transaction
streams from more than one analysis port (see Gotchas below). For such
applications, one of the built-in comparator components such as
ovm_in_order_class_comparator or
ovm_algorithmic_comparator may be appropriate.
Unless one of the built-in comparator components meets your need, a
component that needs to subscribe to more than one analysis port must be
created as a specialized extension of ovm_component, with a separate
ovm_analysis_export for connection to each analysis port that will
provide data. Classes derived from ovm_subscriber are applicable only
for monitoring the output from a single analysis port (but note that a custom
comparator could contain multiple subscriber members that implement the
write function for each of its analysis_exports).
The argument for the overridden write function MUST be named "t".
See also
ovm_in_order_*_comparator, ovm_analysis_export
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 173
A class derived from ovm_test should be used to represent each test case. A
test will create and configure the environment(s) required to verify particular
features of the device under test (DUT). There will typically be multiple test
classes associated with a testbench: a single test object is created from one of
these at the start of each simulation run. This approach separates the testbench
from individual test cases and improves its reusability. ovm_test is itself
derived from ovm_component so a test may include a run task. A test class is
sometimes defined, but never explicitly instantiated, in the top-level testbench
module (a test class cannot be defined in a package if it needs to include
hierarchical references).
The ovm_top.run_test task or the global run_test task is called from an
initial block in the top-level testbench module to instantiate a test (using the
factory) and then run it (run_test is a wrapper that calls
The tests build method creates the top-level environment(s).
The simulators command-line plusarg +OVM_TESTNAME=testname specifies
the name of the test to run (a name is associated with a test by registering the
test class with the factory). If this plusarg is not used, then the test_name
argument of run_test may be used to specify the test name instead. If no test
name is given, a default test that does nothing will be run and no environment
will be created.
Configuration and/or factory overrides may be used within the test to customize
a reusable test environment (or any of its components) without having to modify
the environment code.
virtual class ovm_test extends ovm_component
function new ( string name,
ovm_component parent);
Also, inherited methods, including build, configure, connect, run
174 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
This example shows a test being defined and run from a top-level module.
module top;
class test1 extends ovm_test;
function void build();
// Create environment
endfunction: build
function void connect();
// Connect test environments virtual interface to the DUTs interface
m_env.m_mon.m_bus_if = tf.cpu_if.mon;
endfunction: connect
task run();
// Call methods in environment to control test (optional)
endtask: run
// Register test with factory
endclass: test1
initial begin
run_test("test1"); // Use test1 by default
// Can override using +OVM_TESTNAME
// Contains DUT, DUT interface, clock/reset, ancillary modules etc.
test_harness tf ();
Write a new test class for each test case in your verification plan.
Keep the test classes simple: functionality that is required for every test
should be part of the testbench and not repeated in every test class.
It is a good idea to start with a "default" test that provides random stimulus
before spending time developing more directed tests.
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 175
Use the connect method to connect the virtual interface in the driver to the
DUTs interface.
If you want to declare a test in a package, you will need to wrap the DUTs
interface in a class (as described in the Virtual Interface Wrapper article).
By doing this, you will avoid using hierarchical names in the test.
The name of the test instance is ovm_test_top.
Do not forget to register the test with the factory, using
Do not call the set_inst_override member function (inherited from
ovm_component) for a top-level test.
See also
ovm_env, Configuration, Virtual Interface Wrapper, ovm_factory
176 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Class tlm_analysis_fifo is provided for use as part of an analysis
component that expects to receive its data from an analysis port. It is derived
from tlm_fifo and adds a write member function. Only the methods directly
relevant to analysis FIFOs are described here; for full details, consult the article
on tlm_fifo.
The "put" end of an analysis FIFO is intended to be written-to by an analysis
port. Consequently, an analysis FIFO is invariably set up to have unbounded
depth so that it can never block on write. The FIFO's try_put method is
re-packaged as a write function, which is then exposed through an
analysis_export that can in its turn be connected to an analysis_port on
a producer component. The get_export (or similar) at the other end of the
FIFO is typically connected to an analysis component, such as a scoreboard,
that may need to wait for other data before it is able to process the FIFO's
The type of data carried by the analysis FIFO is set by a type parameter.
class tlm_analysis_fifo #(type T=int)extends tlm_fifo #(T);
function new(string name,
ovm_component parent = null);
function void write(input T t); Puts transaction on to the
FIFO; cannot block (FIFO
is unbounded)
function void flush() ; Clears FIFO contents
task get(output T t); Blocks if the FIFO is
function bit try_get(output T t); Returns 0 if FIFO empty
function bit try_peek(output T t); Returns 0 if FIFO empty
function bit try_put(input T t); Returns 0 if FIFO full
function int used(); number of items in FIFO
function bit is_empty(); returns 1 if FIFO empty
#(T, tlm_analysis_fifo #(T))
For connection to an
analysis port on another
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 177



Exports blocking/non-
blocking/combined get



Exports blocking/non-
blocking/combined peek



Exports blocking/non-
get_peek interface
ovm_analysis_port #( T ) put_ap;
ovm_analysis_port #( T ) get_ap;
Analysis ports

Export type omitted for clarity. *_export is an implementation of the

corresponding tlm_*_if interface (see the article on TLM Interfaces)
Declaring and connecting an analysis FIFO so that the monitor can write to it,
and the analyzer can get from it:
class example_env extends ovm_env;
tlm_analysis_fifo #(example_transaction) an_fifo;
example_monitor m_monitor; // has analysis port
example_analyzer m_analyzer; // has "get" port
virtual function void build();
$cast(m_monitor, create_component(...));
$cast(m_analyzer, create_component(...));
an_fifo = new("an_fifo", this);
virtual function void connect();
It is not necessary to use a tlm_analysis_fifo to pass data to an analysis
component that does not consume time, such as a coverage checker or logger.
In such a situation it is preferable to derive the analysis component from
ovm_subscriber so that it can provide its own write method directly. Use
analysis FIFOs to buffer analysis input to a component such as a scoreboard
that may not be able to service each analysis transaction immediately, because
it is waiting for a corresponding transaction on some other channel.
178 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
If the type parameter of a tlm_analysis_fifo is a class, the FIFO stores
object handles. If an object is updated after it has been put into a FIFO but
before it is retrieved, peek and get will return the updated object. If the FIFO is
required to transport an object with its state preserved, the object should first be
cloned and the clone written to the FIFO instead.
Do not use the put or try_put methods inherited from tlm_fifo to write data
to an analysis FIFO (they are not members of ovm_analysis_port).
See also
tlm_fifo, TLM Interfaces, ovm_subscriber, ovm_analysis_port,
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 179
Class tlm_fifo is provided for use as a standard channel. Data is written and
read in first-in first-out order. The FIFO depth may be set by a constructor
argument the default depth is 1.
The tlm_fifo channel has both blocking and non-blocking put and get
methods. A put operation adds one data item to the front of the FIFO. A get
operation retrieves and removes the last data item from the FIFO. Blocking and
non-blocking peek methods are also provided that retrieve the last data item
without removing it from the FIFO. Exports are provided to access the channel
methods. Analysis ports enable the data associated with each put or get
operation to be monitored.
The type of data carried is set by a type parameter.
class tlm_fifo #(type T = int) extends tlm_fifo_base #(T);
function new(string name,
ovm_component parent = null,
int size_ = 1);
function bit can_get(); Returns 1 if FIFO is not
function bit can_peek(); Returns 1 if FIFO is not
function bit can_put(); Returns 1 if FIFO is not full
function void flush() ; Clears FIFO contents
task get(output T t); Blocks if the FIFO is
task peek(output T t); Blocks if the FIFO is
task put(input T t); Blocks if the FIFO is full
function bit try_get(output T t); Returns 0 if FIFO empty
function bit try_peek(output T t); Returns 0 if FIFO empty
function bit try_put(input T t); Returns 0 if FIFO full
function int size(); Returns FIFO depth
function int used(); Number of items in FIFO
function bit is_empty(); Returns 1 if FIFO empty
function bit is_full(); Returns 1 if FIFO full
180 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.



Exports blocking/non-
blocking/combined put



Exports blocking/non-
blocking/combined get



Exports blocking/non-
blocking/combined peek



Exports blocking/non-
blocking/combined get_peek
ovm_analysis_port #( T )
ovm_analysis_port #( T )
Analysis ports

Export type omitted for clarity. *_export is an implementation of the

corresponding tlm_*_if interface (see the article on TLM Interfaces)
Declaring port to connect to tlm_fifo
ovm_get_port #(basic_transaction) m_trans_in;
Calling tlm_fifo method via port
Using tlm_fifo between ovm_random_stimulus and a driver
class verif_env extends ovm_env;
ovm_random_stimulus #(basic_transaction) m_stimulus;
dut_driver m_driver;
tlm_fifo #(basic_transaction) m_fifo;
virtual function void build();;
m_stimulus = new ("m_stimulus",this);
m_fifo = new("m_fifo",this);
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 181
"m_driver",this) );
endfunction: build
virtual function void connect;
endfunction: connect
endclass: verif_env
The tlm_fifo uses a SystemVerilog mailbox class as its internal buffer so an
infinite depth FIFO can be created by setting the size constructor argument to 0.
If the type parameter of a tlm_fifo is a class, the FIFO stores object handles.
If an object is updated after it has been put into a FIFO but before it is retrieved,
peek and get will return the updated object. If the FIFO is required to transport
an object with its state preserved, the object should first be cloned and the
clone written to the FIFO instead.
See also
tlm_analysis_fifo, TLM Interfaces
TLM Interfaces
182 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
OVM provides a set of interface classes (not to be confused with SystemVerilog
interfaces) that provide standard transaction-level communication methods for
ports and exports (they are based on the SystemC TLM 1.0 library). These
methods exist in blocking and non-blocking forms. Blocking methods may
wait before returning and are always tasks. Non-blocking methods are not
allowed to wait and are implemented as functions. The interface methods are
virtual tasks and functions that are not intended to be called directly by
Three types of operation are supported. The semantics are as follows:
Putting a transaction into a channel, e.g. a request message from an
initiator. This adds the transaction to the current channel but does not
overwrite the existing contents.
Getting a transaction from a channel, e.g. a response message from a
target. This removes the transaction from the channel.
Peeking at a transaction in the channel without removing it.
Unidirectional blocking interfaces contain a single task. Unidirectional non-
blocking interfaces contain one function to access a transaction and typically
one or more other functions to test the state of the channel conveying the
transaction. For convenience, combined interfaces are provided which include
all of the methods from related blocking and non-blocking interfaces.
Bidirectional interfaces combine a pair of related unidirectional interfaces so that
request and response transactions can be sent between an initiator and target
using a single bidirectional channel.
TLM ports and exports are associated with each of the TLM interfaces. They
provide a mechanism to decouple the initiator and target of a transaction,
providing encapsulation and improving the reusability.
The type of transaction carried by an interface, port or export is set by a type
Unidirectional Interfaces
virtual class tlm_put_if #( type T = int )
extends tlm_if_base #(T, T);
Bidirectional Interfaces
virtual class tlm_master_if
#( type REQ = int ,type RSP = int )
extends tlm_if_base #(REQ, RSP);
TLM Interfaces
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 183
Blocking unidirectional interfaces
virtual task put(input T t); Blocks until t can be
virtual task get(output T t); Blocks until t can be fetched
virtual task peek(output T t); Blocks until t is available
virtual task get(output T t); Blocks until t can be fetched
virtual task peek(output T t); Blocks until t is available
Non-blocking unidirectional interfaces
virtual function bit try_put(
input T t);
Returns 1 if successful,
otherwise 0
virtual function bit can_put(); Returns 1 if transaction
would be accepted,
otherwise 0
virtual function bit try_get(
output T t);
Returns 1 if t successful,
otherwise 0
virtual function bit can_get(); Returns 1 if transaction is
available, otherwise 0
virtual function bit try_peek(
output T t);
Returns 1 if successful,
otherwise 0
TLM Interfaces
184 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
virtual function bit can_peek(); Returns 1 if transaction is
available, otherwise 0
virtual function bit try_get(
output T t);
Returns 1 if t successful,
otherwise 0
virtual function bit can_get(); Returns 1 if transaction is
available, otherwise 0
virtual function bit try_peek(
output T t);
Returns 1 if successful,
otherwise 0
virtual function bit can_peek(); Returns 1 if transaction is
available, otherwise 0
Combined Interfaces
virtual task put(input T t); Blocks until t can be
virtual function bit try_put(
input T t);
Returns 1 if successful,
otherwise 0
virtual function bit can_put(); Returns 1 if transaction
would be accepted,
otherwise 0
virtual task get(output T t); Blocks until t can be fetched
virtual function bit try_get(
output T t);
Returns 1 if t successful,
otherwise 0
virtual function bit can_get(); Returns 1 if transaction is
available, otherwise 0
virtual task peek(output T t); Blocks until t is available
virtual function bit try_peek(
output T t);
Returns 1 if successful,
otherwise 0
virtual function bit can_peek(); Returns 1 if transaction is
available, otherwise 0
TLM Interfaces
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 185
virtual task get(output T t); Blocks until t can be fetched
virtual function bit try_get(
output T t);
Returns 1 if t successful,
otherwise 0
virtual function bit can_get(); Returns 1 if transaction is
available, otherwise 0
virtual task peek(output T t); Blocks until t is available
virtual function bit try_peek(
output T t);
Returns 1 if successful,
otherwise 0
virtual function bit can_peek(); Returns 1 if transaction is
available, otherwise 0
Bidirectional Interfaces
virtual task put(input REQ t); Blocks until t can be
virtual task get(output RSP t); Blocks until t can be fetched
virtual task peek(output RSP t); Blocks until t is available
virtual function bit try_put(
input REQ t);
Returns 1 if successful,
otherwise 0
virtual function bit can_put(); Returns 1 if request would
be accepted, otherwise 0
virtual function bit try_get(
output RSP t);
Returns 1 if t successful,
otherwise 0
virtual function bit can_get(); Returns 1 if response is
available, otherwise 0
virtual function bit try_peek(
output RSP t);
Returns 1 if successful,
otherwise 0
virtual function bit can_peek(); Returns 1 if response is
available, otherwise 0
virtual task put(input REQ t); Blocks until t can be
TLM Interfaces
186 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
virtual function bit try_put(
input REQ t);
Returns 1 if successful,
otherwise 0
virtual function bit can_put(); Returns 1 if request would
be accepted, otherwise 0
virtual task get(output RSP t); Blocks until t can be fetched
virtual function bit try_get(
output RSP t);
Returns 1 if t successful,
otherwise 0
virtual function bit can_get(); Returns 1 if response is
available, otherwise 0
virtual task peek(output RSP t); Blocks until t is available
virtual function bit try_peek(
output RSP t);
Returns 1 if successful,
otherwise 0
virtual function bit can_peek(); Returns 1 if response is
available, otherwise 0
virtual task put(input RSP t); Blocks until t can be
virtual task get(output REQ t); Blocks until t can be fetched
virtual task peek(output REQ t); Blocks until t is available
virtual function bit try_put(
input RSP t);
Returns 1 if successful,
otherwise 0
virtual function bit can_put(); Returns 1 if response would
be accepted, otherwise 0
virtual function bit try_get(
output REQ t);
Returns 1 if t successful,
otherwise 0
virtual function bit can_get(); Returns 1 if request is
available, otherwise 0
virtual function bit try_peek(
output REQ t);
Returns 1 if successful,
otherwise 0
virtual function bit can_peek(); Returns 1 if request is
available, otherwise 0
TLM Interfaces
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 187
virtual task put(input RSP t); Blocks until t can be
virtual function bit try_put(
input RSP t);
Returns 1 if successful,
otherwise 0
virtual function bit can_put(); Returns 1 if response
would be accepted,
otherwise 0
virtual task get(output REQ t); Blocks until t can be
virtual function bit try_get(
output REQ t);
Returns 1 if t successful,
otherwise 0
virtual function bit can_get(); Returns 1 if request is
available, otherwise 0
virtual task peek(output REQ t); Blocks until t is available
virtual function bit try_peek(
output REQ t);
Returns 1 if successful,
otherwise 0
virtual function bit can_peek(); Returns 1 if request is
available, otherwise 0
virtual task transport(
input REQ request,
output RSP response );
Blocks until request
accepted and response is
virtual function bit nb_transport(
input REQ request,
output RSP response);
Returns 1 if request
accepted and response
returned immediately,
otherwise 0
virtual task transport(
input REQ request,
output RSP response);
Blocks until request
accepted and response is
virtual function bit nb_transport(
input REQ request,
output RSP response);
Returns 1 if request
accepted and response
returned immediately,
otherwise 0
TLM Interfaces
188 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Declaring port to connect to tlm_req_rsp_channel
ovm_master_port #(my_req,my_rsp) m_master;
Calling tlm_req_rsp_channel methods via port
Use of master_imp and slave_imp in tlm_req_rsp_channel to
implement exports.
class tlm_req_rsp_channel
#( type REQ = int , type RSP = int )
extends ovm_component;
typedef tlm_req_rsp_channel #( REQ , RSP ) this_type;
protected tlm_fifo #( REQ ) m_request_fifo;
protected tlm_fifo #( RSP ) m_response_fifo;
#( REQ , RSP , this_type , tlm_fifo #( REQ ) ,
tlm_fifo #( RSP ) ) master_export;
#( REQ , RSP ,this_type ,tlm_fifo #( REQ ) ,
tlm_fifo #( RSP ) ) slave_export;
Exports instantiated in function called from tlm_req_rsp_channel
master_export = new( "master_export" , this ,
m_request_fifo, m_response_fifo );
slave_export = new( "slave_export" , this ,
m_request_fifo , m_response_fifo );
TLM Interfaces
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 189
It is often easier to use the combined exports when creating a channel
since these can be connected to blocking, non-blocking or combined ports..
Remember that the export that provides the actual implementation of the
interface methods should use ovm_*_imp rather than ovm_*export.
An ovm_*_imp instance requires a type parameter to set the type of the
class that will define its interface methods (this is often its parent class ).
This object should also be passed as an argument to its constructor
See also
tlm_fifo, Ports and Exports
190 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
ovm_transaction is a virtual class that should be used as the base class for
transactions in a OVM environment. It is derived from ovm_object. It adds
functions for managing transactions and hooks to support transaction recording.
Transactions are often used as the stimulus in an OVM testbench. The name of
the component that initiates a transaction may be recorded as a member field.
Knowing where each transaction in a complex testbench originates from can be
a useful debugging aid. The initiator name can be set as a constructor argument
or by calling the set_initiator function. A get_initiator function is
provided to retrieve the initiator name.
The start and end time of a transaction may be recorded and stored within the
transaction using the functions begin_tr and end_tr respectively. By default,
the time recorded is the current simulation time: if a different time is required, this
can be specified as a function argument. Many transaction-level models support
the concept of a transaction being accepted by a target some time after it has
been sent. An accept_tr function is provided to indicate when this occurs. The
start, end and acceptance of a transaction are notified by events named
"begin", "end" and "accept" respectively. These events are contained
within a pool of events managed by each transaction. The event pool can be
accessed by calling the get_event_pool function. Callback functions are
provided that correspond to the "begin", "end" and "accept" events. They
are virtual functions that by default do nothing but may be overridden in a
derived class.
A transaction recording interface is provided but is not implemented in OVM
itself. This is intended to be implemented by OVM tools, where required.
virtual class ovm_transaction extends ovm_object;
function new(string name="",
ovm_component initiator=null);
function void set_initiator(
ovm_component initiator);
Sets initiator (component
that creates transaction)
function ovm_component
Get initiator
function void accept_tr(
time accept_time=0);
Accept transaction (triggers
"accept" event)
function integer begin_tr(
time begin_time=0);
Indicate start of transaction
(triggers "begin" event)
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 191
function integer begin_child_tr(
time begin_time=0,
integer parent_handle=0);
Indicate start of child
transaction (triggers
"begin" event)
function void end_tr(
time end_time=0,
bit free_handle=1);
Indicate end of transaction
(triggers "end" event)
function integer get_tr_handle(); Returns transaction handle
function void enable_recording(
string stream);
Enable (start) recording to
specified stream
function void
Disable (stop) recording
function bit
Check if recording enabled
function bit is_active(); Returns 1 if transaction
started but not yet ended,
otherwise 0
virtual protected function void
User-defined callback
virtual protected function void
User-defined callback
virtual protected function void
User-defined callback
function ovm_event_pool
Returns the local event pool
function time get_begin_time(); Return transaction begin
function time get_end_time(); Return transaction end time
function time get_accept_time(); Returns time that transaction
was accepted
virtual function string
Return transaction as string
(calls sprint() by default)
class basic_transaction extends ovm_transaction;
rand bit[7:0] m_var1, m_var2;
static int tx_count = 0;
function new (string name = "",
ovm_component initiator=null);,initiator);
192 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
endfunction: new
virtual protected function void do_accept_tr();
"Transaction %0d accepted",tx_count));
endfunction: do_accept_tr
virtual protected function void do_end_tr();
"Transaction %0d ended",tx_count));
endfunction: do_end_tr
`ovm_field_int(m_var1,OVM_ALL_ON + OVM_DEC)
`ovm_field_int(m_var2,OVM_ALL_ON + OVM_DEC)
endclass : basic_transaction
Generating constrained random transactions:
virtual task generate_stimulus(
basic_transaction t = null, input int max_count = 30 );
basic_transaction temp;
ovm_event_pool tx_epool;
ovm_event tx_end;
if( t == null ) t = new("trans",this);
for( int i = 0; (max_count == 0 || i < max_count-1);i++ )
assert( t.randomize() );
$cast( temp , t.clone() );
ovm_report_info("stimulus generation" ,
temp.convert2string() );
tx_epool = temp.get_event_pool();
blocking_put_port.put( temp );
tx_end = tx_epool.get("end");
endtask: generate_stimulus
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 193
The functions to accept, begin and end transactions are optional they are only
really useful when transaction recording is active.
Each transaction object maintains its own event pool. If an initiator needs to wait
for a transaction to be accepted/ended before continuing, it needs to save a
copy of the transaction handle to access the associated events.
See also
ovm_object, ovm_sequence_item, ovm_random_stimulus, Component
Utility Macros
194 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
OVM defines a set of utility macros for objects and components. These register
a class with the OVM factory and define functions required by the factory. Two
of these functions are visible to users:
function ovm_object create (string name="");
virtual function string get_type_name ();
These macros also provide a wrapper around the field automation macros.
Macros used only with objects:
`ovm_object_utils(T) Registers simple object
T with factory and
defines factory methods
`ovm_object_utils_begin(T) Registers simple object
T with factory and
defines factory methods.
May be followed by list
of field automation
`ovm_object_utils_end Terminates list of field
automation macros
`ovm_object_param_utils(T) Registers parameterized
object T with factory and
defines factory methods
`ovm_object_param_utils_begin(T) Registers parameterized
object T with factory and
defines factory methods.
May be followed by list
of field automation
`ovm_object_param_utils_end Terminates list of field
automation macros
Macros used only with components:
`ovm_component_utils(T) Registers simple
component T with
factory and defines
factory methods
Utility Macros
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 195
`ovm_component_utils_begin(T) Registers simple
component T with
factory and defines
factory methods. May be
followed by list of field
automation macros
`ovm_component_utils_end Terminates list of field
automation macros
`ovm_component_param_utils(T) Registers parameterized
component T with
factory and defines
factory methods
`ovm_component_param_utils_begin(T) Registers parameterized
component T with
factory and defines
factory methods. May be
followed by list of field
automation macros
`ovm_component_param_utils_end Terminates list of field
automation macros
Macros that do not register objects with the factory and do not define factory
methods (used to call field automation macros in abstract base classes or where
the default factory methods are not suitable):
`ovm_field_utils_begin(T) May be followed by list
of field automation
`ovm_field_utils_end Terminates list of field
automation macros
Registering a transaction with the factory and calling the field automation macros
on its fields
class basic_transaction extends ovm_sequence_item;
rand bit[7:0] addr, data;
endclass : basic_transaction
Utility Macros
196 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Registering a driver component with the factory and calling the field automation
macro for its virtual interface wrapper:
class dut_driver extends ovm_driver;
ovm_get_port #(basic_transaction) m_trans_in;
if_wrapper if_wr;
endclass: dut_driver
Call the macros at the end of the class definition. This will ensure any
members that are referenced by the field automation macros will have been
Do not use a semicolon after a macro or a compiler error may result.
Make sure you call `ovm_object_utils[_begin/_end] with objects
and `ovm_component[_begin/_end] with components.
Classes that call `ovm_field_utils_* cannot be built by the factory
unless they have create and get_type_name member functions.
Parameterized classes must use the ovm_object_param_utils* or
ovm_component_param_utils* versions. See ovm_component and
ovm_object. for more details and examples.
See also
ovm_object, ovm_component, ovm_factory, Field Macros
Virtual Interface Wrapper
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 197
Virtual interfaces are used in an OVM testbench to connect a class-based
environment to a module-based test harness. A virtual interface that is a
member of a class (typically a driver or monitor) may be assigned to a
SystemVerilog interface that is instantiated in a test harness (or the top-level
module that also calls run_test to create the OVM environment). The
interface is bound to the ports of the device under test (another module).
A virtual interface must be initialized to an interface instance before it is used. If
the test class is defined in the top level module, its connect method can be
used to assign the virtual interfaces to the actual interfaces (this cannot be done
from a class within a package as SystemVerilog does not allow hierarchical
references within a package). An alternative approach to connect a virtual
interface is to include a member function in its parent class that can be called
from the top-level module.
Unfortunately, a virtual interface member of a component cannot be configured
using the OVM configuration mechanism. A virtual interface wrapper class that
is derived from ovm_object overcomes this limitation. An easy way of
associating the wrappers virtual interface with an actual interface is to create a
wrapper instance in the top-level module and pass the virtual interface as an
argument to the wrapper constructor. The wrapper instance can then be
associated with a wrapper handle member of one or more components by calling
set_config_object before run_test.
The use of a wrapper enables all of the testbench classes to be defined within a
A simple virtual interface wrapper class
class if_wrapper extends ovm_object;
virtual chip_if if1;
function new(string name,virtual chip_if if_);;
if1 = if_;
endfunction : new
endclass : if_wrapper
A driver component that uses the virtual interface wrapper
class dut_driver extends ovm_driver;
if_wrapper if_wr;
task run();
if_wr.if1.driver.addr = addr; = data;
Virtual Interface Wrapper
198 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
endtask: run
endclass: dut_driver
Creating virtual interface wrapper and configuring the driver component in the
top-level module
module top;
chip_if dut_if();
chip dut ( .dut_if );
if_wrapper if_wr = new("if_wr",dut_if);
endmodule : top
An alternative virtual interface wrapper that can be built using the factory. The
virtual interface must be set by calling a member function rather than being
passed as a constructor argument.
class if_wrapper extends ovm_object;
virtual chip_if if1;
function new(string name = "");;
endfunction : new
function void set_if(virtual chip_if if_);
if1 = if_;
endfunction : set_if
endclass : if_wrapper
Virtual Interface Wrapper
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 199
Creating virtual interface wrapper using the factory
module top;
if_wrapper if_wr;
endmodule : top
Use virtual interface wrappers rather than virtual interfaces within
Use set_config_object to assign the virtual interface wrapper instance
to the virtual interface wrapper member of a component. If you make the
assignment manually, e.g. in the test class connect function, you need to
define the test class in the top-level module rather than a package.
Use modports to manage multiple connections to an interface (e.g.
separate modports for driver and monitor classes).
If multiple interfaces are instantiated within a generate loop, you should
also create the wrapper and call set_config_object within the same
generate, e.g.
genvar i;
for(i=0; i < `NUM; i++)
begin: c_gen
chip_if dut_if(.clk);
chip dut ( .dut_if, .clk );
if_wrapper if_wr = new(
initial set_config_object(
Virtual Interface Wrapper
200 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Common mistakes are forgetting to call set_config_object to setup the
automatic configuration of the component that uses the virtual interface
wrapper, or calling it with an incorrect hierarchical name.
If you forget to call the field automation macro for the virtual interface
wrapper member of a component, or you do not call set_config_object
correctly, you will not see any error message until the component tries to
access the virtual interface wrapper (usually during its run task). The error
reported will be a null reference since the wrapper in the component is not
You cannot search for a virtual interface wrapper instance by name if it was
derived from ovm_object. If you need to do this for any reason, you
should use ovm_component as the base class for the wrapper instead.
You must call create_component rather than create_object when
using the OVM factory if the wrapper's base class is ovm_object.
See also
ovm_component, ovm_test, Configuration
Virtual Sequences
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 201
A virtual sequence is a sequence whose purpose is to manage the behaviour of
other sequencers. Like ordinary sequences, a virtual sequence runs on a
sequencer. However, the sequencer for a virtual sequence is not linked to a
driver, and the virtual sequence does not itself have data items. A sequencer
used in this way is commonly called a virtual sequencer. A virtual sequencer
acts only upon sequences (not sequence items) and is used to coordinate the
execution of sequences on one or more other sequencers. A (non-virtual)
sequencer can only be associated with a single driver, which typically only
controls one device interface. A virtual sequencer provides a mechanism to
control the interaction of multiple device interfaces by managing the sequencers
that generate their transactions.
For each sequencer that it controls, a virtual sequencer must have a variable
holding a reference to that sequencer. It is your responsibility to populate these
variables with references to the appropriate subsequencer instances; this should
be done as part of the connect method of the enclosing component or
environment. Note that a virtual sequencer does not use TLM interfaces to
control its subsequencers.
The following diagram illustrates the connections of a virtual sequencer with
multiple sequencers:
Virtual Sequencer
sequence calls
sequence_y_z 2
ovm_exhaustive_sequence 1
ovm_random_sequence 0
sequences[$] id
sequence_y 3
ovm_simple_sequence 2
ovm_exhaustive_sequence 1
ovm_random_sequence 0
sequences[$] id
sequence_z 3
ovm_simple_sequence 2
ovm_exhaustive_sequence 1
ovm_random_sequence 0
sequences[$] id
Virtual Sequences
202 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Note that no ovm_virtual_sequence or ovm_virtual_sequencer classes
exist; rather, both sequencers and virtual sequencers use sequences derived
from the ovm_sequence class.
Creating a new virtual sequence is closely similar to creating any ordinary new
sequence: : However, virtual sequences invoke an alternative set of sequence
action macros: `ovm_do_on and `ovm_do_on_with. These macros require
an additional argument to specify the sequencer instance that should execute
the sequence (there could be multiple instances of a sequencer). This is
specified by providing a reference to the element of the virtual sequencers
consumer interface that is has been connected to the desired sequencer
producer interface.
class ovm_sequencer
class ovm_sequence
Virtual sequences and sequencers use the same base classes as ordinary
sequences and sequencers.
Utility macros create the sequence library and/or register the sequencer with the
OVM factory. The `ovm_sequencer_utils* macros are used in precisely the
same way as they would be for an ordinary sequencer.
(1) `ovm_sequencer_utils(sequencer_class_name)
(2) `ovm_sequencer_utils_begin(sequencer_class_name)
These macros allow the `ovm_field_* macros to be used. For example,
`ovm_field_int(status, OVM_ALL_ON)
`ovm_update_sequence_lib is specific to virtual sequencers and
(3) `ovm_update_sequence_lib
This macro builds the virtual sequence library with the ovm_random_sequence,
and ovm_exhaustive_sequence. Unlike the similar macro
`ovm_update_sequence_lib_and_item that is used for ordinary
sequencers, it does not create an ovm_simple_sequence because a virtual
sequencer cannot operate on sequence items.
Virtual Sequences
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 203
This macro must be placed in the constructor of the virtual sequencer as follows:
function my_virtual_sequencer::new( string name = "",
ovm_component parent = null ); name, parent );
endfunction : new
// Create a virtual sequencer
class my_virtual_sequencer extends ovm_sequencer;
// Variables to reference the sequencers we will control
Write_sequencer m_write_sqr;
Read_sequencer m_read_sqr;
// Register this sequencer with the factory
`ovm_sequencer_utils ( my_virtual_sequencer )
function new ( string name = "my_virtual_sequencer",
ovm_component parent = null ); ( name, parent );
// Create the virtual sequence library
endfunction : new
endclass : my_virtual_sequencer
// Create a virtual sequence
class read_write_seq extends ovm_sequence;
my_read_seq read_seq; // Sequences on sequencers
my_write_seq write_seq;
// Register sequence in virtual sequencers library
`ovm_sequence_utils(read_write_seq, my_virtual_sequencer)
function new ( string name = "read_write_seq ); ( name );
endfunction : new
Virtual Sequences
204 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
// Define the virtual sequence functionality.
// NOTE the use of `ovm_do_on() instead of `ovm_do() !!
virtual task body();
// Write to a bunch of register locations
for ( int i = 0; i < 32; i += 4 ) begin
`ovm_do_on_with ( write_seq,
{ addr == i; })
// Now read the results on another interface
`ovm_do ( read_seq, p_sequencer.m_read_sqr )
endtask : body
endclass : read_write_seq
// Connect the sequencer to the driver
class my_env extends ovm_env;
my_virtual_sequencer m_vseqr;
Write_sequencer m_seqr_w;
Read_sequencer m_seqr_r;
// Build the components
function void build();;
$cast( m_vseqr, create_component( ... ));
$cast( m_seqr_w, create_component( ... ));
$cast( m_seqr_r, create_component( ... ));
endfunction : build
// Connect up the sequencers to the virtual sequencer
function void connect;
m_vseqr.m_write_sqr = m_seqr_w;
m_vseqr.m_read_sqr = m_seqr_r;
endfunction : connect
endclass : my_env
Virtual Sequences
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 205
By default, sequences done by a virtual sequence on a subsequencer will
be interleaved with sequences created by the subsequencer itself. It is
often useful to suppress the subsequencer's normal activity by configuring
its count member to zero. For more flexible control over the relationship
between virtual sequences and ordinary sequences, your virtual sequencer
can use the grab and ungrab methods of its subsequencers to interrupt
their normal activity.
Use set_config_string() to set the default sequence that the
sequencer should execute. For example,
set_config_string( "*.virtual_seqr", // Sequencer name
"my_seq" ); // New sequence
When in random mode, sequencers begin executing sequences
automatically based on the setting of default_sequence. Using
set_config_string() simplifies a test case so that only the
default_sequence needs to be specified:
class read_write_test extends ovm_test;
... // Register with factory, define constructor
// Only need build() to define starting sequence
virtual function void build();;
// Specify the test sequence
set_config_string( "*.virtual_seqr",
"read_write_vseq" );
// Create the environment for the test
$cast( m_env, create_component(...));
endfunction : build
endclass : read_write_test
Set the count to 0 using set_config_int() if the test case only needs
to execute 1 specific sequence. For example,
// Execute only the "my_seq" sequence
set_config_string( "*", "default_sequence", "my_seq" );
set_config_int( "*.virtual_seqr", "count", 0);
Virtual Sequences
206 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
Multiple virtual sequencers can be connected together in the same way that
a sequencer connects to a virtual sequencer. A higher-level virtual
sequencers contains references to lower-level virtual sequencers, just as a
regular virtual sequencer contains references to ordinary sequencers. In
this way, multiple layers of stimulus and control can be configured using a
hierarchy of virtual sequencers.
Do not use `ovm_do, `ovm_do_with, `ovm_rand_send, etc. with virtual
sequencers. Instead, use the `ovm_do_on and `ovm_do_on_with
macros in virtual sequences.
Use ovm_sequence and ovm_sequencer for virtual sequences. No
ovm_virtual_sequence class exists. The ovm_virtual_sequencer
class (from OVM versions earlier than 2.0) is no longer useful, and is
Virtual sequence action macros such as `ovm_do_on automatically create
and randomize a sequence object. If instead you call start_sequence
manually, the argument this_item must first be allocated (using new or
sequence_type::type_id::create) and randomized.
By default, a sequencer will execute the ovm_random_sequence, which is
a random selection of sequences from the virtual sequencers sequence
library. The number of sequences executed will be between 1 and
max_random_count (default 10). These sequences will execute in
addition to the test case sequence unless count is set to zero.
A virtual sequencer's sequence library does not include
ovm_simple_sequence because it deals with sequence items.
See also
Sequences, ovm_sequencer, ovm_sequence, Sequence Action Macros,
Sequencer Interface and Ports
208 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.

$finish ............................. 121, 127
_global_reporter ..... 118, 120, 127
`ovm_create ........... 134, 137, 144
`ovm_create_on ..................... 145
`ovm_create_seq ................... 201
`ovm_do . 134, 137, 141, 144, 154
`ovm_do_on ................... 145, 206
`ovm_do_on_pri ..................... 145
`ovm_do_on_pri_with ............. 145
`ovm_do_on_with ........... 145, 206
`ovm_do_seq ......................... 201
`ovm_do_seq_with ................. 201
`ovm_do_with 134, 137, 141, 144,
`ovm_rand_send .... 134, 137, 145
`ovm_rand_send_pri .............. 145
`ovm_rand_send_pri_with ...... 145
`ovm_rand_send_with .... 134, 145
`ovm_send ............. 134, 137, 144
`ovm_sequence_param_utils . 140
in ............................................ 140
`ovm_sequence_utils ..... 133, 140
`ovm_sequence_utils_begin .. 140
`ovm_sequence_utils_end ..... 140
`ovm_sequencer_param_utils 161
`ovm_sequencer_utils .... 133, 161
`ovm_sequencer_utils_begin 161,
`ovm_sequencer_utils_end 161,
`ovm_update_sequence_lib 161,
168, 203
em .................................. 161, 168
+OVM_SEVERITY ................. 118
+OVM_TESTNAME ............... 173
+OVM_VERBOSITY .............. 118
analysis ...................... 20, 23, 170
apply() .................................... 137
body() ..................... 134, 137, 144
build() ....................................... 39
Configuration .......................... 39
Fields and ............................ 61
configure() (deprecated) ........... 39
count ...... 155, 163, 168, 169, 201
sequencer .......................... 206
default_sequence 155, 163, 168,
169, 201, 206
Device Under Test (DUT) ....... 197
die() ........................................ 127
do_global_phase() .................... 47
do_print() .................... 91, 99, 104
do_test() ................................... 47
dump_report_state() ............... 117
DUT (Device Under Test) ....... 197
Export ....................................... 81
Factory .............................. 55, 173
Field Macros ............................ 61
find() ....................................... 128
get_name() ............................. 141
get_next_item() ....... 152, 165, 167
get_sequence_path() .............. 154
global_stop_request() ....... 47, 128
Imp ............................................ 81
item_done() ............ 152, 165, 167
max_quit_count ...................... 116
max_random_count 155, 163,
168, 169, 201, 206
mid_do() ......................... 133, 144
Override (factory) ...................... 55
ovm_agent ............................... 14
................................................... 17
ovm_analysis_export ............. 20
ovm_analysis_port ......... 23, 170
ovm_bitstream_t ....................... 39
OVM_CALL_HOOK 115, 122, 123
ovm_component ..................... 25
ovm_component_registry 37, 55
OVM_COUNT ......... 115, 123, 127
ovm_default_line_printer .... 97, 99
ovm_default_printer ............ 97, 99
ovm_default_table_printer .. 97, 99
ovm_default_tree_printer .... 97, 99
OVM_DISPLAY ...... 115, 120, 123
ovm_driver ...................... 44, 133
ovm_env .................................. 47
OVM_ERROR ................ 114, 121
ovm_event ............................... 50
ovm_event_callback ................. 50
ovm_event_pool ............... 50, 53
ovm_exhaustive_sequence .... 168
OVM_EXIT ............. 115, 121, 123
ovm_factory ............................ 55
Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved. 209
OVM_FATAL ................. 114, 121
ovm_hier_printer_knobs ........ 106
ovm_in_order_*_comparator 64
................................................. 64
.................................................. 64
ovm_in_order_comparator ....... 64
OVM_INFO .................... 114, 121
ovm_is_match() ....................... 39
ovm_line_printer ................ 92, 99
OVM_LOG ..... 115, 120, 123, 127
ovm_monitor .......................... 67
OVM_NO_ACTION 115, 120, 123
OVM_NOPRINT ...................... 91
ovm_object ............................. 69
ovm_object_registry ........ 55, 73
ovm_object_wrapper ............. 76
ovm_phase ............................. 78
ovm_port_base ...................... 89
OVM_PRINT ............................ 91
ovm_printer ...................... 91, 99
ovm_printer_knobs . 91, 94, 106
ovm_random_sequence 163, 168,
ovm_random_stimulus ....... 111
ovm_report_error() ......... 114, 120
ovm_report_fatal() ......... 114, 120
ovm_report_handler ............... 113
ovm_report_info() .......... 114, 120
ovm_report_object ...... 113, 120
ovm_report_server ................. 113
ovm_report_warning() .... 114, 120
ovm_root .............................. 128
ovm_scoreboard .................. 132
ovm_seq_item_export ........... 165
ovm_seq_item_port ....... 152, 165
ovm_seq_item_prod_if .......... 137
ovm_seq_item_pull_export .... 165
ovm_seq_item_pull_port ........ 165
ovm_sequence ..... 133, 137, 144
ovm_sequence_base ........... 148
ovm_sequence_item ... 133, 152
ovm_sequencer ........... 133, 155
ovm_sequencer_base ... 155, 201
ovm_simple_sequence .......... 168
OVM_STOP ........................... 115
ovm_subscriber ................... 170
ovm_table_printer .............. 92, 99
ovm_table_printer_knobs ....... 106
ovm_test ............................... 173
ovm_threaded_component ...... 25
ovm_top ................................. 128
ovm_transaction .......... 154, 190
ovm_tree_printer ................ 92, 99
ovm_tree_printer_knobs ........ 106
ovm_virtual_sequencer .......... 155
OVM_WARNING .... 114, 121, 127
p_sequencer .......................... 140
Phase ....................................... 77
callback ......................... 26, 78
pick_sequence ....................... 140
Port ........................................... 81
Ports, Exports and Imps ........ 81
post_body() ............................ 137
post_do() ........................ 133, 144
pre_body() .............................. 137
pre_do() .......................... 133, 144
Print ......................................... 91
Print Macros ............................. 94
Report .................................... 113
report_hook() .................. 117, 120
report_summarize() 117, 121, 127
run_test() .................. 47, 128, 173
seq_item_port ........................ 133
Sequence .............................. 133
Sequence Action Macros 144,
155, 201
Sequencer Interface and Ports
................................................ 165
set_config() ............................ 136
set_global_timeout() ......... 47, 128
set_inst_override_by_type() ... 136
set_report_default_file() . 116, 127
set_report_default_file_hier() . 126
set_report_id_action() .... 116, 127
set_report_id_action_hier() .... 126
set_report_id_file() ................. 116
set_report_id_file_hier() ......... 126
set_report_max_quit_count() 116,
set_report_severity_action() 116,
................................................ 126
set_report_severity_file() ........ 116
set_report_severity_file_hier() 126
210 Copyright 2008 by Doulos. All rights reserved.
........................................ 116, 127
) .............................................. 126
set_report_severity_id_file() ... 116
................................................ 126
set_report_verbosity_level() ... 115
................................................ 126
set_type_override_by_type() . 136
Special Sequences ............... 168
start_sequence() ............. 163, 206
STDERR ................................. 127
STDIN ..................................... 127
STDOUT ................................. 127
TLM Interfaces ...................... 182
tlm_analysis_fifo .................. 176
tlm_fifo ................................... 179
Utility Macros ........................ 194
Virtual Interface Wrapper ..... 197
Virtual Sequences ........ 135, 201
Wildcard (* and ?) ..................... 39
Free OVM Tutorials
To assist new users in understanding and applying OVM,
Doulos has created a number of tutorials, which are
available on our website. Please visit
The Golden Reference Guide (GRG) series
About Doulos
Doulos is the global leader for the development and
delivery of world class training solutions for SoC, FPGA
and ASIC design and verification. Established in 1990 and
fully independent, Doulos sets the industry standard for
high quality training in SystemC
, SystemVerilog, e, PSL,

, VHDL, Perl & Tcl/Tk.

Doulos know-how is delivered worldwide through regularly
scheduled classes in major locations in the U.S and
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locations. To find out more about the Doulos training
portfolio please visit our website

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