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Moses - Who Was This Man?

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I have the oppoitunity to teach on the life of Noses this week. I thought I might
shaie a few nuggets I am leaining since I will not have much time foi oui stuuy in
Baniel foi the next few weeks.

I am blesseu to have so much time on my hanus. I know it's not faii but I have time
to stuuy the bible again.

uou is giving me an intense uesiie to know him thiough the pages of this amazing
book with fiesh eyes.

So, I am stuuying about Noses.

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Noses was one of the gieatest piophets evei known.

Be was the ueliveiei of Isiael.

Be expeiienceu uou in iauical ways with unpaialleleu miiacles.

Be was the law- givei.

Be wiote the fiist S books of the bible: the Pentateuch otheiwise known as
the Toiah, oi the Law.

Be ieceiveu the 1u commanuments on tablets fiom the fingei of uou himself.

Bis bones weie fought foi by the uevil.

Be was boin into an existing genociue.

Be was auopteu into ioyalty

Be iejecteu the gloiy of Egypt foi the poveity of his people

Be was a muiueiei.

Be was a fugitive fiom the law.

Be was iesponsible foi the lives of millions of people's ueliveiance.

Be was hiuing out in the ueseit when uou spoke to him.

Be saw uou in viviu claiity in a buining bush.

Be was timiu anu coulu not speak well. Be askeu uou to choose someone
else foi the job.

Be maiiieu a uaughtei of a Niuianite piiest.

Be was unable to ieach the Piomiseu Lanu because of piiue anu
misiepiesenting uou.

Noses was a gieat man.
Be was gieat because uou maue him gieat.

Theie aie so many things we can leain fiom his life.

But it is impoitant to iemembei that Noses' awesome life was not about Noses.
It was about uou. Be was a tool in uou's hanus.

0ui lives aie foi the puipose of gloiifying uou as he calls us. ,-& ./0 #01200 *0
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