The document provides a blue print for setting the chemistry question paper for class 12. It details the distribution of questions, marks and topics across 4 parts of the exam. Part I will have 30 multiple choice questions worth 1 mark each from inorganic, physical and organic chemistry. Part II will have 15 very short answer questions worth 3 marks each. Part III will have 7 short answer questions worth 5 marks each with at least 2 from each section. Part IV will have 4 long answer questions worth 10 marks each, including 1 compulsory question with an either-or choice. The document also provides instructions regarding practical exams assessing record work, projects, volumetric analysis and mixture analysis.
The document provides a blue print for setting the chemistry question paper for class 12. It details the distribution of questions, marks and topics across 4 parts of the exam. Part I will have 30 multiple choice questions worth 1 mark each from inorganic, physical and organic chemistry. Part II will have 15 very short answer questions worth 3 marks each. Part III will have 7 short answer questions worth 5 marks each with at least 2 from each section. Part IV will have 4 long answer questions worth 10 marks each, including 1 compulsory question with an either-or choice. The document also provides instructions regarding practical exams assessing record work, projects, volumetric analysis and mixture analysis.
The document provides a blue print for setting the chemistry question paper for class 12. It details the distribution of questions, marks and topics across 4 parts of the exam. Part I will have 30 multiple choice questions worth 1 mark each from inorganic, physical and organic chemistry. Part II will have 15 very short answer questions worth 3 marks each. Part III will have 7 short answer questions worth 5 marks each with at least 2 from each section. Part IV will have 4 long answer questions worth 10 marks each, including 1 compulsory question with an either-or choice. The document also provides instructions regarding practical exams assessing record work, projects, volumetric analysis and mixture analysis.
The document provides a blue print for setting the chemistry question paper for class 12. It details the distribution of questions, marks and topics across 4 parts of the exam. Part I will have 30 multiple choice questions worth 1 mark each from inorganic, physical and organic chemistry. Part II will have 15 very short answer questions worth 3 marks each. Part III will have 7 short answer questions worth 5 marks each with at least 2 from each section. Part IV will have 4 long answer questions worth 10 marks each, including 1 compulsory question with an either-or choice. The document also provides instructions regarding practical exams assessing record work, projects, volumetric analysis and mixture analysis.
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BLUE PRINT - CHEMISTRY - Higher Secondary Second Year
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 150 OBJECTIVES KNOWLEDGE UNDERSTANDING APPLICATION SKILL TOTAL 1. Atomic Structure - - - 1(1) - - 1(3) - - - - 1(1) - 1(5) - - 10 2. Periodic Classification 1(5) - - - - - 1(1) - - 1(3) - - - - - 09 3. p-Block elements - - 1(3) - - - 1(3) - 1(5) - - - - - - 1(1) 12 4. d-Block elements - 1(5) 1(3) - - - 1(3) 1(1) - - - 1(1) 1(5) - - - 18 5. f-Block elements - - - - - 1(5) - 1(1) - - - 1(1) - - - - 07 6. Co-ordination and Bio-coordination 1(5) - - - - - - 1(1) - 1(5) - - - - - - 11 compounds 7. Nuclear Chemistry - - - - 1(5) - - - - - - 1(1) - - 1(3) - 09 8. Solid state - - - - - - 1(3) - 1(5) - - - - - - 1(1) 09 9. Thermodynamics-II - - - 1(1) - - - 1(1) - 1(5) - - - - 1(3) - 10 10. Chemical equilibrium-II - - 1(3) - - 1(5) - - - - - 1(1) - - - 1(1) 10 11. Chemical Kinetics-II - - 1(3) - - - - 1(1) - - 1(3) - - 1(5) - - 12 12. Surface Chemistry 1(5) - - 1(1) - - 1(3) 1(1) - - - 1(1) - - - - 11 13. Electrochemistry-I - - - 1(1) 1(5) - 1(3) - - - - - 1(5) - - - 14 14. Electrochemistry-II - - - - 1(5) - - - - 1(5) - - - - - - 10 15. Isomerism in Organic Chemistry - - 1(3) - 1(5) - - - - - - - - - - - 08 16. Hydroxy Derivatives - - 1(3) - - - 1(3) - - - - 1(1) 1(5) - - - 12 17. Ethers - - - 1(1) - 1(5) - - - - - - - - - 1(1) 07 18. Carbonyl Compounds - - 1(3) - - 1(5) - - - - - 1(1) 1(5) - - - 14 19. Carboxylic Acids - - 1(3) - 1(5) - - - - 1(5) - 1(1) - - - - 14 20. Organic Nitrogen Compounds 1(5) - - - - - - 2(1) - - - 1(1) - - 1(3) - 11 21. Bio molecules - - - 1(1) - - - 1(1) 1(5) - - - - - - - 07 22. Chemistry in Action - - - - - - 1(3) - - 1(5) - - - - - - 08 23. Problems in Chemistry TOTAL 20 5 24 6 25 20 24 10 15 25 6 10 20 10 9 4 233 S.No E/LA SA VSA O E/ LA SA VSA O E/LA SA VSA O E/LA SA VSA O No. of Questions Marks Summary / E / LA 8 80 Short Answers (SA) No. 12 60 Very Short Answers (VSA) No. 21 63 Objective 30 30 233 Part - I MCQ - 30/30 Part - II VSA - 15/21 Part - III SA - 7/12 Part - IV E/LA - 3/6 & 1 Compusory (Either or Type) Scheme of options / Scheme of Sections Knowledge : 24% Application : 24% Understanding : 34% Skill : 18% 2 Ins t ruc t i ons t o t he Que s t i on Pape r Se t t e rs Blue Print for XII Chemis t ry Ti me : 3 hours Max. Marks : 1 5 0 Part - I 30x1=30 marks Choose the Correct answer : answer all questions. Question numbers : from 1 to 30. Distribution of questions : 10-Inorganic, 10-Physical and 10- Organic Portions. Part - II 15 x 3 = 45 marks Answer in one or two sentences : Question number from 31-51. Answer 15 questions out of 21 questions. Question number 31 -37 (7) from Inorganic Question number 38 - 44 (7) from Physical Question number 45 - 51 (7) from Organic Part - III 7 x 5 = 35 marks Answer any Seven questions choosing atleast two from each section A, B and C Section - A - Inorganic 4 questions 52-55 (one problem) Section - B - Physical 4 questions 56-59 (one problem) Section - C - Organic 4 questions 60-63 (one mechanism) Part - IV 4 x 10 = 40 marks Question number 70 is compulsory consisting of problems carrying 10 marks (either or type) 70 (a) Organic Problem - 5 marks (b) Inorganic Problem - 5 marks OR (c) Organic Problem - 5 marks (d) Physical Problem - 5 marks 3 Question number 64 and 65 - Inorganic Question number 66 and 67 - Physical Question number 68 and 69 - Organic answer any three from question number 64-69 Note : 1. In Part-III five mark questions no subdivisions are allowed. 2. In Part-IV ten mark questions there should be two sub divisions each with 5 marks. 3. 60% of the total layout of questions (for 233 marks) must be asked from self evaluation questions of all branches of chemistry (Inorganic, Physical and Organic) in equal propotions. 4. Problems can be asked from any lesson or chapter instead of descriptive questions and vice versa. 5. Problems Part - I MCQ 4 questions 4 x 1 = 4 (1+2+1) Part - II 3 questions 3 x 3 = 9 (1+1+1) Part - III Inorganic - 1 question 2 x 5 = 10 Physical - 1 question Part - IV question no 70 is compulsory, either or choice 2 x 10 = 20 marks maximum marks 4 + 9 +10 + 20 = 43 marks. 6. A question paper should not contain problems for more than 43 marks out of 233 marks. 7. Organic reaction mechanicsm may be asked one in Part-III Section-C (organic) and another in Part-IV question number 68 or 69 subdivision for 5 marks. 8. List of Mechanisms EM. Page No. (i) Aldol condensation of acetaldehyde..................... 281-282 (ii) Aldol condensation of acetone ............................. 282-283 (iii) Crossed aldol condensation ................................... 283 (iv) Cannizaro reaction ................................................. 300 (v) Claisen or Claisen schmidt reaction........................ 301 (vi) Mechanism of esterification .................................... 336 (vii) Kolbes reaction ..................................................... 355 4 (viii)Bromination of salicylic acid.................................... 356 (ix) Nitration of benzene ............................................ 387-388 (x) Hoffmanns bromamide reaction .......................... 398-399 (xi) Reaction of aniline with carbondisulphide........... 411 - 412 For other organic reactions mechanisms need not be expected. 9. One mark question from numbered tables should not be asked. 10. For all questions answers must be available in the prescribed +2 Chemistry text book. 11. Electronic configuration of elements for which extraction is given in the book may be asked for one mark questions. 12. A question paper should not contain more than 2 questions from the mechanism. 13. Numerical data given in the form of numbered tables in all branches should not be asked in the form of questions. 14. No questions should be asked from the boxed (including deleted portion and chronology) portions of lessons. 15. For theory examination logarithmic tables are allowed. 16. One mark, three marks and five marks problems (in both Part-III & Part-IV) may be given in lessons 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7 for inorganic chemistry, lessons 8, 9, 10, 11, 13 and 14 for physical chemistry and lessons 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 for organic chemistry. 17. Inorganic and Organic problem a) For one mark - Identification of - A. b) For three marks - Identification A and B with explanation. c) For five marks - Identification A, B and C with explanation. 5 Modi fi e d Ins t ruc t i ons Re gardi ng XII Che mis t ry Prac t ic als Max. Marks : 50 Int ernal As s es ment : 20 Marks 1. Record work 10 Marks 2. Project work 10 Marks Volumet ric Analys is : 18 Marks 1. Simple or Short procedure 5 marks 2. Titre value - 1 st Titration 5 marks 3. Titre value - 2 nd Titration 5 marks 4. Calculations 3 marks Note : 1. Titre value upto 2% error 5 marks 2% to 3% error 4 marks 3% to 4% error 3 marks 4% to 5% error 2 marks above 5% error 1 mark 2. Marks for calculations Normality calculation and 1 st Titration caluculation 1 mark 2 nd Titration calculation 1 mark weight calculation 1 mark 3. Usage of calculators is allowed 4. Repetition of Questions in Volumemetric analysis can be permitted if it is required. Mixt ure Salt Analys is 12 marks 1. Preliminary Tests Flame Test, Ash Test, Action of dil HCl, Cu turnings Test and Chromyl Chloride Test 2 marks 2. Sodium Carbonate Extract Preparation and Tests 2 marks 3. Group Separation (Including ammonium ion ) 2 marks 6 4. Group Analysis (Including ammonium ion ) 2 marks 5. Confirmatory Tests and Results (for all four radicals 4 marks Note : 1. For each radical one confirmatory Test is enough 2. Any one of the Positive Tests can be written as confirmatory Test for all the four radicals. 3. Just spotting of radicals mark for each radical. 4. Writing Conformatory Test and Result alone 1 mark for each radical. Lis t of Salt Mixt ures 12 marks 1. NH 4 Cl + CuSO 4 2. (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 + BaCl 2 3. Pb(NO 3 ) 2 + CaCO 3 4. CuCl 2 + CaCO 3 5. Cu(NO 3 ) 2 + ZnSO 4 6. FeCl 3 + MgSO 4 7. CuCO 3 + Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 8. ZnS + BaCl 2 9. Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + NH 4 Cl 10. (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 + Pb(NO 3 ) 2