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MPO LERM Collected Essays

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Essay One........................................................................................................................... ........1 Essay Two............................................................................................................... ..................14 Essay Three.............................................................................................................................. .29 Essay One !!"#1$ %:&o'n#at(onreports(n)(&ephys(cs.or*/+po)er+,essay1.asp-.)er+.essay.

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5ew peop)e rea)(6e that the(r consc(o's +(n# on)y processes a4o't 1" 4(ts o& (n&or+at(on per secon# o& )(near t(+e. 7owe!er8 (n !ert(ca) t(+e8 the 'nconsc(o's +(n# 9(.e.8 the (nte*rate# cort(co$enter(c ner!o's syste+ p)'s the entero+yo&asc(a) co+p)e-: (s process(n* appro-(+ate)y ;0$80 +())(on 4(ts o& (n&or+at(on. <n nor+a) consc(o'sness8 h'+ans are aware o& on)y an (n&(n(tes(+a) a+o'nt o& the (n&or+at(on that (s constant)y 4e(n* &e# to the+ at the 'nconsc(o's )e!e). E-(st(n* (nte))(*ence enhace+ent techno)o*y to#ay (s #es(*ne# to re#'ce the &()ter(n* 4y the consc(o's +(n# to ena4)e the h(*her an# 4roa#er 4an#w(#th (n&or+at(on pac0ets to 4e &e# to the consc(o's +(n#. <n para))e) w(th th(s e&&ort8 the 4ra(n c(rc'(try (s re$ w(re# to han#)e the h(*her 4(oe)ectr(c #e+an#s o& the (n&or+at(on that (s 4e(n* &e# to the consc(o'sness8 a))ow(n* capa4()(t(es )(0e photo*raph(c +e+ory an# a4stract tho'*ht to co$ e-(st. These capa4()(t(es 4eco+e the +atr(- &()ter that #raws &ro+ the 'nconsc(o's repos(tor(es the +ost re)e!ant (n&or+at(on at any part(c')ar t(+e 4ase# on the pro4)e+ or tas0 at han#. There are se!en s'per#o+a(ns &or+e# &ro+ a T$4o'n#ary. Each o& these s'per#o+a(ns (s a rat(o o& space an# t(+e. =(&&erent s'per#o+a(ns ha!e #(&&erent rat(os8 an# w(th(n each s'per#o+a(n8 there w()) 4e #(&&erent rat(os8 #epen#(n* when 9not >'st where: yo' are. The spacet(+e (n wh(ch we e-(st (s o'r (n#e- space/t(+e rat(o8 an# what we 0now as the ?'n(!erse@ (s a !ar(ant o& the (n#e- space/t(+e rat(o (n wh(ch we e-(st. Th(s +eans we w()) enco'nter !ar(at(ons (n how space (s (n the spacet(+e we 0now as ?the 'n(!erse8@ Aetween the T$ 4o'n#ary an# any s'r&ace o& spacet(+e (n o'r ?'n(!erse8 there are ro'*h)y 1289608000 non)(near #e*rees o& (nterconnect(!(ty8 wh(ch (nterconnects a)) )e!e)s o& +an(&estat(on 9that (s8 a)) rat(os o& space an# t(+e: &ro+ T$4o'n#ary or Bo'rce to any where/any when (n the 4$ spacet(+e 'n(!erse or s'per#o+a(n 9the ;th (n the Cn'+8 or the s'+ tota) o& a)) s'per#o+a(ns create#:. T(+e (s not e-c)'s(!e)y )(near as #ep(cte# (n a t(+e)(ne. T(+e (s sa(# to 4e a4)e to 4e #escr(4e# as !ert(ca)8 w(th e!ery +o+ent (n e-(stence stac0e# 'pon the ne-t an# a)) co(nc(#(n* w(th one another. <n other wor#s8 t(+e (s the co))ect(!e o& a))

+o+ents o& a)) e-per(ence s(+')taneo's)y e-(st(n* w(th(n non$t(+e8 wh(ch (s 's'a))y re&erre# to as etern(ty. Dert(ca) t(+e (n&ers that one can se)ect a +o+ent o& e-per(ence an# 'se t(+e an# space as the porta) thro'*h wh(ch they +a0e the(r se)ect(on rea). Once the se)ect(on (s +a#e8 t(+e an# space 4eco+e the cont(n'(ty &actor that chan*es !ert(ca) t(+e (nto hor(6onta) t(+e or con!ent(ona) t(+e. Bo !ert(ca) t(+e has to #o w(th the s(+')taneo's e-per(ence o& a)) t(+e8 an# hor(6onta) t(+e has to #o w(th the cont(n'(ty o& t(+e (n )(near8 +o+ent$4y$+o+ent e-per(ences. Th(s +a0es th(n*s !ery (nterest(n* &or 's8 &or e!ery e-per(ence we ha!e e!er ha# or w()) e!er ha!e e-(sts r(*ht now8 an# the past an# &'t're are act'a))y (n the present8 4't ro))e# 'p as (& 4oth were (n&(n(t(es 4't are not8 not rea))y. A't8 (n or#er to 4e on the sa+e pa*e8 )et@s sett)e on a )an*'a*(n* syste+. Eot(ce we #(#n@t say )an*'a*e re*(ster 9as (n8 techn(ca) )an*'a*e re*(ster:8 4't rather )an*'a*(n* syste+. B'ch a syste+ (s +'ch +ore than spo0en or wr(tten )an*'a*e. <t (s a)so an (nterna) )an*'a*e o& the (+a*(nat(on an# (ntent(on an# w()) an# &a(th an# attent(on #ep)oy+ent an# +'ch +ore. What we can a*ree on (s that (t (s a syste+8 an# (t (s T7E syste+ 4y an# thro'*h wh(ch we )(tera))y 3FEGTE o'r rea)(ty. Bo each one o& 's (s a)rea#y LEFH(n*. We a)rea#y possess T7E )an*'a*(n* syste+ 4y8 an# thro'*h8 wh(ch we )(*ht$enco#e the +atr(- o& o'r own (n#(!(#'a) rea)(tyI Eeat8 (sn@t (tJ Oh8 (t (s that8 an# +'ch +ore. Ka'se a&ter yo' ha!e &(n(she# rea#(n* th(s para*raph8 stop an# )oo0 'p an# away &ro+ th(s #oc'+ent8 )oo0 aro'n# not at the &a+()(ar p)ace yo' 0now 9or the +(n# +o#e) o& what yo' th(n0 the L&a+()(ar p)aceM (s: 4't rather at the +atr(- o& the who)e p)ace (n wh(ch yo' are now. E-a+(ne (s w(th the ten#r()s o& yo'r *'t 4ra(n. es8 there (s a 4ra(n (n yo'r *'tN (t has a)ways 4een thereN an# (t (s ca))e# the enter(c 4ra(n. <t perce(!es an# processes (n&or+at(on (n h'*e ch'n0s we can 4est ca)) *esta)ts or who)es an# th(s process(n* (s not >'st 4(oche+(ca) an# 4(o)'+(nescent 9as the cran(a) 4ra(n an# (ts centra) ner!o's syste+ operate:. <n a##(t(on to 4(oche+(ca) an# 4(o)'+(nescent processes8 (t a)so 'ses 4(oson(c8 4(oener*et(c8 4(oe+ot(!e8 an# 4(o+ot(!e ones. Eow enter the rea)+ o& rea) we(r#ness o& the NEW ADVANCED LIFE PHYSICS8 or the wor)# that (s not as (t see+s. %'st how #o we #o MANIFEST PRODUCTION OBSERVERSHIP? Ay )(*ht$enco#(n* the !ery +atr(- o& the rea)(ty we )(!e. =o yo' *rasp the +a*n(t'#e o& the state+ent? E!eryth(n* we now 0now (n the NEW ADVANCED LIFE PHYSICS8 or what we now re&er to (t (n o'r shop as the phys(cs o& )(&e8 (s that there are se!en s'per#o+a(ns as one h'+'n*o's tho'*ht ca))e# the Cn'+ 9an# th(s (nc)'#es o'r 4$spacet(+e as a s'per#o+a(n:. <n th(s Cn'+8 o4ser!ersh(p (s on)y poss(4)e 4y co+p)e- osc())at(n* 4(o)o*(ca) ent(t(es capa4)e o& )(*ht$ enco#(n* a co++on rea)(ty +atr(- as a 4(o)o*(ca) 0(n# 9or 4(o0(n#:. O4ser!ersh(p as a ter+ 9+'ch )(0e )an*'a*(n* syste+ a4o!e: (s h'*e)y +'ch +ore enco+pass(n* than >'st sens(n* w(th the &(!e sensory (np't +o#es. O4ser!ersh(p a)so (nc)'#es (nteract(n* w(th the )(!(n* ha4(tat$conte-t (n ways 4eyon# >'st 0now(n* when the s'n r(ses8 sets an# not to stay 'n#er (t 'nco!ere# an# w(tho't water &or !ery )on*. Bens(n*$ (nteract(n* +eans we see0 an# #er(!e +ean(n* &ro+ the Len!(ron+ent.M The +eans we 'se are o'r senses an# the res')t (s a L+o#e) o& the wor)#M we ho)# (n +(n# GE= pro>ect o't 'nto the en!(ron+ent as Lthe wor)#M (n wh(ch we )(!e. FEGL<T (s8 then8 HGE<5EBT KFO=C3T<OE OABEFDEFB7<K. A't there are +any poss(4)e ways to ha!e HGE<5EBT KFO=C3T<OE OABEFDEFB7<K. What (s FEGL<T 8 rea))y? What #oes FEGL FEGL<T )oo0s )(0e? FEGL<T (s act'a))y the Lorent6 trans&or+ 9ener*y pattern: o& a sea o& ener*y8 +'ch )(0e (n 9G: 4e)ow:

A Lorentz transform is the pattern of the light energy pa !ets that ea h of the "#ant#m ma ro$o%&e ts are in the en'ironment( Let)s say the pi t#re a%o'e is that of a %ea#tif#l s#nset( Is it* Can it %e* At first %l#sh+ ,e -on)t !no, %e a#se this is &#st a 2$-imensional representation of a .$-imensional e'ent( Let)s say then ,e are e/perien ing this pattern of energies ,ith o#r o,n sensoria 0 all fi'e of them 0 an- ,e are as!e- to say ,hat it is ,e are loo!ing at( 1nly then o#l,e say ,e are loo!ing at a %ea#tif#l s#nset in the E'ergla-es(

WHICH of the t,o 2ANIFES3 P41D5C3I1N 16SE4VE4SHIPS is more 4EAL than the other* Well+ a t#ally that is the ,rong "#estion to as!( 6oth 2P1s are real manifests of t,o information$set on-itions in t,o le'els of manifestation( 3he -ifferen e is the 16SE4VE4 an- his or her in-e/ 2ANIFES3 P41D5C3I1N 16SE4VE4SHIP( Yo#r in-e/ is ,here yo# ,ere %orn an- ,here yo# are no,+ i(e( planet Earth+ solar system+ 2il!y Way gala/y( An- yo#r in-e/ing me hanism is the sensorial apparat#s yo# ha'e that transform Frame,or! A into Frame,or! 6(

Whi h is Y154 2P1* 2ost pro%a%ly Image 6 0 the .$-imensional sensory image of the %ea#tif#l E'ergla-es s#nset( So ,hat is it that happene-* What ma-e 768 yo#r 2P1 an- not 7A8* 3he ans,er is9 yo#r sensory inp#t into yo#r orti al %rain an- its interpretation of the information in terms of the :mo-el of the ,orl-; starte- %y yo# on the -ay yo# ,ere %orn( 3he effe t is alle- H1L1N12IC+ the thin!ing pro ess is alle- H1L1<4A2IC+ an- the r#les %y ,hi h yo#r 2ANIFES3 P41D5C3I1N 16SE4VE4SHIP res#lt 768 are referre- to as H1L1<4A22A3ICS(

Are ,e tal!ing a%o#t holography an- holograms here* Well+ not spe ifi ally a%o#t .$-imensional holography an- holograms per se+ %#t ,e are saying that the same P41CESS that pro-# es holograms is the same one that pro-# es 2ANIFES3 P41D5C3I1N 16SE4VE4SHIP effe ts( In other ,or-s+ yo#r 4EALI3Y as in Frame,or! 6 a%o'e is an effe t of yo#r information pro essing an- thin!ing pro esses( An- this is spe ies$spe ifi + spe ifi to the h#man ra e(

What ma!es 2ANIFES3 P41D5C3I1N 16SE4VE4SHIP effe ts possi%le* Fe, people realize that their ons io#s min- only pro esses a%o#t => %its of information per se on- of linear time( Ho,e'er+ in 'erti al time+ the #n ons io#s min- is pro essing appro/imately ?@$A@ million %its of information( 3h#s+ in normal ons io#sness+ h#mans are a,are of only an infinitesimal amo#nt of the information that is onstantly %eing fe- to them at the #n ons io#s le'el( 3here are te hnologies -esigne- to re-# e the filtering aspe ts of the ons io#s minan- ena%le the higher f#n tion information to %e fe- to the ons io#s min-( In parallel ,ith this effort+ the %rain ir #itry is re,ire- to han-le the higher information %an-,i-th %eing fe- to the ons io#sness+ allo,ing apa%ilities li!e photographi memory an- a%stra t tho#ght to o$e/ist( 3hese apa%ilities %e ome the matri/ filter that -ra,s from the #n ons io#s repositories the most rele'ant information at any parti #lar time %ase- on the pro%lem or tas! at han-(

S# h te hnologies e/ist an- ,ere -esigne- to fa ilitate nat#ral intelligen e+ %y re-# ing mental stress$response thro#gh the p#mping of lo, po,ereenergeti s of a spe ifi spe tr#m of mental performan e enhan ing fre"#en ies( Strangely eno#gh+ there is another pro ess that also pro-# es similar+ if not i-enti al res#lts+ an- that is a metho- of me-itation !no,n as 3rans en-ental 2e-itation 732B8+ originally -e'elope- %y the 2aharishi 2ahesh Yogi( An instant of pea ef#l larity is ,orth a ent#ry of mental fog 0 literally( It is this -i t#m #pon ,hi h 2ANIFES3 P41D5C3I1N 16SE4VE4SHIP rests+ 1#r 4EALI3Y %e omes manifest+ an- the ,orl- is literally ma-e %y manifest pro-# tion o%ser'ership agreement %et,een an- among mem%ers of a spe ies( An- then all spe ies that share a planet a ess the entraining reality ,ithin their o,n spe ies$spe ifi sensorial+ %#ttressing the 4EALI3Y generate- %y the C16E spe ies 0 the %iologi al organisms ,ith most omple/ os illating li'ing matri es( Yo# an- yo#r neigh%or agree along a spe tr#m of intera tion 7 ons io#s to s#% ons io#s8 that yo#r ho#se or apartment loo!s an- is in the ,ay yo# e/perien e it+ the ity or to,n in ,hi h yo# li'e is th#s an- s# h+ the state or region)s topography is of a ertain form an- shape( All :physi al; manifestations are manifest pro-# tion o%ser'ership agreement effe ts( What ma!es :things; P1SSI6LE an- 4EAL* Yo# alrea-y ha'e the a%ility to light$en o-e the matri/ of ,hi h yo#r share- physi al reality is+ onsists+ %e omes+ an- onstantly hanges %y yo#r ,ill an- the 'e tor$intention that yo# an- mem%ers of the spe ies are( LI<H3$ENC1DIN< 1F 154 4EALI3Y 2A34IC IS 65IL3 IN31 3HE H52AN 4ACE+ AND WI4ED IN31 3HENE4V15S SYS3E2 AS SPECIES CAPA6ILI3IES( 31 LI<H3$ ENC1DE D 31 C4EA3EEFIVE FISH IN31 >+@@@( 1NE 3E2PLA3E F LI<H3$ ENC1DED .$D 16GEC3( CLEA4 3E2PLA3E 2EANS C1HE4EN3 LI<H3 ENC1DIN< 1F 3HE 16GEC3( 4ES5L3 D 1NE 2A3E4IAL H1L1<4A2 1F 3HE 3E2PLA3E(


3o en o-e light means to in'ite photons to o #py spa e an- transform themsel'es into elementary parti les an- atoms+ organizing themsel'es li!e an

or hestra ,ith a spe ifi pie e to perform as a gro#p( 3he operati'e term is to in'ite+ for that is pre isely ,hat ,e -o( Where an-

ho, they organize themsel'es is a or-ing to the pattern of the information 7or tho#ght8 template+ as in the fig#re to the right( 3he C$ray hologram sho,s the positions of ea h of o%alt atoms ,ithin a str# t#re prime- %y a tho#ght or information template(

So ,hat -oes it ta!e for a template to %e transforme- into a .$-imensional o%&e t right %efore yo#r eyes* It re"#ires yo# to master se'eral things+ none of ,hi h are -iffi #lt+ e/ ept for ,hat yo# see an- %elie'e to %e so( 3he -eagi'ea,ay that life forms on Earth are apa%le of this feat is in the DNA of a :lo,er; form+ !no,n as salaman-ers( 3he apa ity is al,ays there+ %#t not e/presse- on all life forms on earth along the e'ol#tionary s ale( All life forms ha'e a template+ an- all templates lea- to a form( 3he salaman-er :gro,s; its tail %a !+ or a lim%+ %y a %io$appli ation of L.E.R.M.+ in ,hi h the %o-y part gro,s %a ! %y a light pa !ets initializing pro ess that lea-s the %o-y to gro, %a ! ,hole ells organize- %y the life fiel- of the salaman-er)s %o-y at the spe ifi lim% or %o-y part( 3he pro ess+ regar-less of the appli ation is as follo,s9


3he immersion ,e no, -o is into the holonomi e/perien e of a hologrami moment ,hen one)s 2P1 72ANIFES3 P41D5C3I1N 16SE4VE4SHIP8 res#lts in a form yo# ,ante- to pro-# e( 6#t H1W* L.E.R.M. 7Light$en o-e- reality matri/8 manifest pro-# tion re"#ires an o%ser'er 0 a "#ant#m ma ro$o%&e t+ a life form+ something that has a 'e tor$intention( Well+ as a h#man %eing+ yo# "#alify( Let)s see9 yo# ha'e a 'e tor$intention 7e/ ept yo# refer to a pale refle tion of yo#rs to %e yo#r ,illI+ yo# ha'e a orti o$enteri %rain omple/ 7a om%ine- CNSJANS ner'o#s system ,ith fo#r %rains on line 0 the ol- reptilian+ ol- mammalian+ the neo orti al an- the enteri %rainsI+ yo# ha'e a om%ine- %iomin- hopef#lly ,ith f#lly ,or!ing senses Ksight+ hearing+ to# h+ taste+ an- smellI+ imagination+ an- a !no,le-ge a%o#t 7if not the a t#al e/perien e ofI pea e( If yo# ha'e all of these re"#isite e"#ipment omponents+ yo# an -o L.E.R.M. Again+ H1W* 6y the holonomi e/perien ing of a hologrami moment ,hile follo,ing hologrammati r#les( 5hL*

E/a tlyH

We !no, yo#)'e hear- the saying+ :as insi-e+ so o#tsi-e(; Insi-e yo# is the me-i#m an- the means %y ,hi h light$en o-ing is possi%le an- reality$matri es graspe- an- #n-erstoo-( 3he simplest 2ANIFES3 P41D5C3I1N 16SE4VE4SHIP effe ts are those gi'en to yo# as first assignment as an infant( Yo# see+ there are far more omple/ tas!s ,e are apa%le of Yo# alrea-y !no, no, that Y15 reate yo#r o,n reality( Well+ imagine then ,hat ,e are apa%le of ,hen ,e an ha'e holonomi e/perien es of hologrami moments #sing hologrammati r#les to pro-# e things( 6#t H1W* Follo, the pro ess an- the pro e-#re for pro-# ing a hologram+ %#t instea- of fo #sing a 2$-imensional image+ fo #s on a .$-imensional o%&e t(


No, ,e an -eal ,ith the -etails of H1W the holonomi e/perien e of a hologrami moment ,ill %ring yo# the pro-# t yo# ,ant+ an- not something else( Yo#r internal holonomi e/perien e nee-s to %e pre-i ate- on 4EAL W14LD information( With nat#ral o%&e ts in the ,orl- 0 a ripe+ s,eet orange+ or a roll of ,hile otton yarn+ an o%&e t as present for someone in yo#r family 0 yo#r a t#al+ physi al to# hJtasteJ feelJsmellJsight e/perien e of the target o%&e t pro'i-es the a t#al :frame,or! information; for the o%&e t to %e an e/a t spe imen( 3he IDEA of the 16GEC3 has to ontain all ne essary information for the latter to %e a ,orl-$'ali- o%&e t( 1ther,ise+ all yo# ha'e is a fa simile 7or .$-imensional Cero/ opy8( 3his then means yo# -o N13 ,ant to -o 2ANIFES3 P41D5C3I1N 16SE4VE4SHIP of o%&e ts yo# !no, little to nothing a%o#t( An- of those yo#

-on)t !no, m# h a%o#t+ %#t are intereste- in+ yo# nee- to !no, more a%o#t them %efore -i'ing in to L.E.R.M. them( So+ yo# nee- to ma!e them holonomi ally simpleH Yes+ #n ompli ate-( Complete in information+ yet #n ompli ate-( 3his is one of the hologrammati r#les or %o#n-aries for the manifest pro-# tion of a hologrami res#lt( What ,o#l- then yo# ha'e to -o if yo# ,ant to ha'e a -igital photographi amera* 1r M =@@+@@@ 5S -ollars in relati'ely small %ills* Do yo#r H12EW14NH

If yo# ,ere to 65Y a -igital amera+ instea- of one+ ,hat is it yo# ,o#l- -o %efore getting one* 4esear h the types+ %ran- names+ apa%ilities yo#)- li!e in it+ et ( When yo# spe ify that the one yo# ,ant is a Sony+ s# h anth#s+ yo# are in-i ating the physi al o%&e t+ an- yo# are also alling forth its "#ant#m potential template( With the money+ ,hat -o yo# nee- to !no,* 3he ontrol n#m%ers an- magneti strips for the %ill -enomination yo# ,ant yo#r pile in( We ,o#l- hoose M =@@ %ills+ ,hi h then re"#ires that ,e ha'e all nee-e- information+ starting ,ith the ontrol n#m%ers of a sample or in-e/ %ill+ an- -oing the math to fig#re =+@@@+@@@ spe imen n#m%ers %et,een the in-e/ an- the last or %o#n-ary n#m%er( Is that all yo#)ll nee-* No+ not "#ite( Yo# ,ill also -o ,ell to ha'e+ holan- e/amine losely a sample or in-e/ %ill for all its elements an- intri a ies+ an- the appro/imate time on the to,er of In-epen-en e Hall on the re'erse of the %ill( Either ha'e an in-e/ %ill+ or ,at h the mo'ie NA3I1NAL 34EAS54E+ anpay attention to the lea- male hara ter)s ren-ition of its #sef#lness in the mo'ie)s plot( 1f o#rse+ yo# ,ill %e paying lose attention to all of these hologrammati r#les+ if yo# inten- to spen- the money( 4emem%er+ ,ith man$ ma-e o%&e ts 7s# h as money an- other 'al#a%les8 the more information yo# ha'e on an- a%o#t it+ the higher its #sef#lness in :real life; ,ill %e to yo#(

3he !ey to #n-erstan- here is that the thin!ing yo# -e'elop is %ase- on ho, a hologram ,or!s( 6efore getting to the me hani s+ let)s remem%er t,o spe ifi aspe ts of its -ynami s( 1ne is that all holograms+ in l#-ing that pro-# e- %y yo#r 2ANIFES3 P41D5C3I1N 16SE4VE4SHIP 7an- %e omes an apple or a -igital amera8 are %ase- #pon light oheren e an- interferen e patterns( Light oheren e means all photons are tra'eling at the same spee-+ fre"#en y+ arrangement an- -ire tion( A laser is therefore a oherent %eam of light( 6#t in 2ANIFES3 P41D5C3I1N 16SE4VE4SHIP+ yo# are a ting #pon light from the "#ant#m potential %y in'iting 7a t#ally+ the proper internal stan e is :in-# ing;8 the photons to ome to the tho#ght template yo# offer them in min- an- for them 7photons8 to %e ome laser oherent 7%y spee-+ fre"#en y+ arrangement an- -ire tion8 an- %egin o #pying the arrangement pro'i-e- %y the tho#ght template( In the arrangement ,e spea! of+ there are no single %eams reating the manifest pro-# tO rather+ the o%&e t %eam %e omes the o%&e t interferen e pattern+ an- the referen e %eam %e omes the energeti 7or oherent$light8 referen e pattern( An-+ as yo# !no,+ t,o pi t#res are ,orth t,o tho#san,or-s( See the fig#re %elo, an- the one on the ne/t page( Hologrami pro ess %y hologrammati r#les ma!es Charlie)s 2ANIFES3 P41D5C3I1N 16SE4VE4SHIP pro-# e ,hat he sets his fo #s on( Ho, -oes all of this ha'e to %e organize- for a Sams#ng SCH$APP@ to appear in his han-*


=( Charlie is a real h#man %eing+ an- he li'es so#th of the %or-er( He is a ne,%ie+ meaning he has ne'er -one 2P1 72ANIFES3 P41D5C3I1N 16SE4VE4SHIP8 on -eman- %efore( Charlie -etermines he ,ants to pro-# e a Sams#ng SCH$APP@ ell phone+ an- %efore he sets his 2P1 session time+ he -oes his home,or!( He -oes ,hat he nee-s to -o to !no, its f#n tions anapa%ilities+ an- sin e he !no,s a%o#t ele troni s an- informati s+ he sets his !no,le-ge %ase a%o#t the target lear in his min-( When he feels he has eno#gh information a%o#t the target+ he see!s a sample of the target an- see!s to ha'e it in sight or %etter still+ hol- it in his han- so it has a signat#re of the o%&e t itself(

2( 3his is ,hen an- ,here one)s psy hophysiology omes in( A goo%a !gro#n-er on o#r h#man %iomin- an- %ioele troni li'ing matri/ %e omes a%sol#tely ne essary( We no longer thin! in terms of %o-y holonomi ally simple :systemsO; instea- ,e fo#n- the %o-y is a %ioele troni li'ing matri/ that hosts an information lo#- that interpenetrates the %o-y+ ser'ing 7along ,ith its fo#r %rains8 as a li'ing %iomin-( 3here are three ranial %rains 0 ol- reptilian+ olmammalian+ an- neo orti al 0 an- one enteri in the 'entral aspe t of the %o-y(

All together+ they inter onne t ,ith tiss#es that ,rap aro#n- all m#s les anorgans 7!no,n as fas ia8+ the systemi ,hole ma-e #p %y the entral+ peripheral an- a#tonomi ner'o#s systems+ the s affol-ing of t#%#les insi-e ea h ell+ the ple/i 7s,it h%oar-s8 of ner'es an- ar-io'as #lar onne tors+ lymphati 'essels+ an- the #taneo#s mem%rane 7s!in8+ an- its a essory str# t#res 7hair+ s ales+ feathers+ nails+ e/o rine glan-s8( 3his is ,hat is !no,n to #s as the li'ing matri/( An- this is a %ioele troni str# t#re of 'ery #ni"#e properties an- apa%ilities( 3he h#man %iomin- is not &#st the %io hemi al an- %ioele tri a ti'ity in the three ranial %rains( 4ather+ it also in'ol'es an- in l#-es the entire h#man li'ing matri/ omple/ an- the information lo#- that interpenetrates the %o-y ane/presses itself as 7a8 #nipolar+ -ipolar+ an- "#a-r#polar s alar spe tra of ele tromagneti fiel-s 7or s alar ele tro$magneti fiel-s not meas#ra%le %y #rrent h#man instr#ments8+ an- 7%8 the -ipolar+ an- "#a-r#polar ele tro$ magneti an- %iol#mines ent %iophotoni 7light8 fiel-s emanating from e'ery

s"#are in h of h#man %o-y s#rfa e at right angles from the s!in( 3hese t,o !in-s of fiel-s ma!e #p ,hat o'er millennia has %een !no,n as the a#ra( 3he amo#nt of information pro esse- %y the h#man neo orti al %rain is a pittan e ,hen ompare- to the amo#nt of information pro esse- %y the entire h#man %iomin- omple/ -es ri%e- a%o'e(

It is this omple/ ,hi h ma!es L.E.R.M. possi%le( A t#ally+ if there is a min-$ %lo,ing e/planation of ho, L.E.R.M. a t#ally o #rs+ ,e ,ill %e a #rate in saying that ,e #se o#r o,n photons 7light pa !ets8 to o$lo ate matter a or-ing to the 7"#ant#m$potential an- .$spa etime8 templates of the o%&e t ,e ,ish to manifest(

We !no, from Chinese lassifie- an- open so#r e resear h+ an- from o#r o,n la%s+ that h#man %eings are "#ite apa%le of pro-# ing masers #sing their han-s as pro&e tion -e'i es 7a maser %eing a a -e'i e that pro-# es oherent ele tromagneti ,a'es thro#gh amplifi ation -#e to stim#late- emission8( Histori ally the term ame from the a ronym

;mi ro,a'e amplifi ation %y stim#late- emission of ra-iation;+ altho#gh mo-ern masers emit o'er a %roaportion of the ele tromagneti spe tr#m( 3hese masers+ ho,e'er+ emit ionizing ra-iation 7that is+ ele tromagneti ra-iation apa%le of -isr#pting the %iologi al f#n tions of li'ing ell tiss#es8( 6#t the h#man masers+ asi-e from %eing emissions in the mi ro,a'e range+ are nonionizing+ that is+ ell tiss#e e/pose- to these nonionizing fiel-s -oes not hange( Co#l- this a%ility %e appli a%le to the reality matri/ of any .$spa etime o%&e t* In other ,or-s+ o#l- ,e ta!e the tho#ght template of any .$-imensional o%&e t+ initiate a ra-iant as a-e of high 'elo ity nonionizing photons %y fo #sing this ra-iant as a-e on the o%&e t)s template* Yes+ it is not only possi%le in theory( It is also holonomi ally simple(

Far simpler that ,e e'er tho#ght possi%le( Any self$respe ting Nepalese mon! an 2P1 his o,n foo- as -emonstration of as ent in apa%ilities an- ill#mination( We ,o#l- ha'e not %elie'e- it ha- ,e not %een in'ite- to see it( 6#t ,hat ,as most hilario#s ,as seeing their fa es ,hen not only one %#t se'eral of #s+ seateas ,e ,ere+ 2P1e- o#rs( Nee-less to say+ it too! #s all more than fifteen min#tes to alm -o,n from the olle ti'e mirth that %efell the gathering( 3hey -o+ an- -i-+ ha'e an e/ ellent sense of h#mor+ an- ,ere "#ite #rio#s to !no,

ho, ,e !ne, of it+ an- ho, ,e ame to learn to -o it on -eman-( We e/ hange- information ,ith them an- m# h to o#r s#rprise+ they #se- a near i-enti al 2P1 se"#en e as ,e(

Q( Yet+ in retrospe t+ ,e sho#l- not ha'e %een s#rprise- %y the Creator)s e onomy of s ale( Why sho#l- it ha'e %een -ifferent+ as ea h of #s ,ho are %iologi ally relati'ely inta t 7i(e(+ ha'e a ,or!ing li'ing matri/8 are ,ire- %asi ally in the same fashion* At this &#n t#re in yo#r in-# tion into ,hat yo# ,ere tol- is alle- L.E.R.M. 7light$en o-e- reality matri/8+ ,e ,ill s,it h to a more a #rate an- -es ripti'e name for the pro ess an- pro-# t 0 2ANIFES3 P41D5C3I1N 16SE4VE4SHIP( We are a%le to manifest a pro-# t %y %e oming a ti'e o%ser'ers ,ith the :eye; that is not ma-e to see the ,orl- -ire tly( At this point+ let)s %aptize this :eye; as the :min-)s eye+; so yo# ,ill then !no, an- !no, ho, to internally operationalize this means( What yo# :see; in this :eye+; yo# an apply 2P1 on -eman-( It is this+ ,e %elie'e no,+ that Ges#s ha- tol- #s ,e ,o#l- %e a%le to -o in the latter -ays 0 this+ an- more(

3he a%ility to :see; ,ith the eye that is not ma-e to see the ,orl- -ire tly fig#res prominently in 2P1( So m# h so in-ee- that ,itho#t it+ the a%ility is impaire- to an e/tent that it %e omes #seless or a pale refle tion of its splen-or( 6#t+ to :see; in this fashion is not &#st the a%ility to 'is#alize in the sense of %eing a%le to see the o%&e t in the min-)s eye(

3here is also a 'ery large pin h of :!no,ing; in the f#n tion( In other ,or-s+ to :see; in this fashion is also to :!no,; the o%&e t %ehel- in min-( Nno,ing a%o#t the o%&e t means ha'ing !no,le-ge a%o#t the o%&e t ,ithin a spe tr#m of a ess 0 from s#perfi ial to intimate( 1n e a le'el of :#ser$a ess; is esta%lishe%y yo# 7meaning+ the !no,le-ge yo# feel is important an- s#ffi ient to ha'e a%o#t the o%&e t %efore yo# 2P1$LERM it8 yo# an then mo'e for,ar- on to other onsi-erations in the se"#en e(

3here are+ for instan e+ some things more important than others in the :!no,ing; spe tr#m( 3he internal f#n tioning of an ele troni pie e of e"#ipment ,o#l-+ of o#rse+ %e more important than the %ran- name or osmeti 'al#e of the e/ternal asing( Yo# m#st+ ho,e'er+ realize an- !eep in min- that the :tho#ght$essen e; of+ say+ the ell phone Charlie fo #se- on ontains all ne essary information on erning the item+ in l#-ing %#t not limite- to the ir #it ar hite t#re+ the material of ,hi h all parts are ma-e+ their internal arrangement+ the ele troni s in'ol'e- in a hie'ing telephony %y the arti le anthe net,or! on ,hi h it ,or!s+ an- more( Ho, is this possi%le* An- is there a :minim#m; in the :!no,le-ge; spe tr#m a%o#t a target o%&e t* Yes( Ho,e'er+ it is more s#%&e ti'e an- a matter of personal omfort than anything( 4emem%er+ yo#r omfort ,ith the target o%&e t is important to the pea e %asis on ,hi h yo# rest e'erything on erning the 2P1 appli ation yo# ma!e to manifest the o%&e t(


All o%&e ts in .$spa etime are a t#ally+ really ma ro$"#ant#m o%&e ts+ antherefore a'aila%le to the %iomin- %y their "#ant#m n#m%ers( 3his means yo#r %iomin- !no,s the "#ant#m n#m%er of ea h of the !in- of ell phones pro-# ein the ,orl-+ as ea h is :registere-; in the 3ho#ght s#per-omain as an #p,arhain of a#sality 7from here to So#r e+ or 3$%o#n-ary8( All of this is instantly a'aila%le to yo#r %iomin-+ so in effe t+ yo# !no, e'erything a%o#t e'erything instantly( 3he only thing -etaining yo# from %eing a,are of it is the amo#nt of information yo# are a%le to pro ess per se on- an- the le'el of orti al$enteri $ myofas ial onne ti'ity yo#r %iomin- o#nts on for :-eep; information pro essing that ta!es yo# to the P@R per ent #se of a'aila%le apa ity( 3his is in part ,hat all#-e- to pre'io#sly ,hen ,e sai- that ,e only #se QS of o#r apa%ilities( When ,e rea h the P@ per entiles an- #se o#r %iomin-s as integrate- ,holes 7%o-y an- min- as one8 ,e %e ome more po,erf#l than e'er imagine-( Yo# ha'e no i-ea ho, po,erf#lH Wal!ing o'er a %e- of li'e oals is hil-)s play in omparison( 3he operating s ope of yo#r %iomin-+ %y o#r

al #lations+ is in the Q@ %illion light$years+ ,ith earth at the enterO yo# an easily rea h the 3$%o#n-ary that segregates the !no,a%le from the #n!no,a%le range of So#r eO yo# an -o painsta!ing e/ploration of e'ery aspe t of ea h of the =T+PU@+@@@ infinities %et,een any s#rfa e of spa etime an- So#r e at its 3$%o#n-ary( If there is a ,ay of pi t#ring reation+ Fig#re = to the left is one of them( Yo# are a part of a li'ing s#per omp#ter apa%le of storing the #ni'erse in its fol- 0 the


s#per omp#ter %eing the o'erf#n tion of ,hi h ea h of #s are mem%ers+ ,hether ,e are :goo- little %oys an- girls; or not( Whether or not ,e stay mem%ers is a matter of in-i'i-#al+ personal hoi e( We+ ,ho are no, mem%ers of this ,or!ing gro#p+ ha'e ma-e 'ery lear ,hat yo# hoi e is( Choi e is no longer an iss#e( We are here+ an- ,e ,ere o#nte-( An- not %y #s+ %#t %y something m# h larger than #s that ontains #s all( As yo#r may note thro#gho#t these mo-#les+ So#r e has pro'i-e- its iss#es 7its sons V -a#ghters8 ,ith "#alities+ %iogeneti s an- %iomin- that are nothing short of perfe tion( 3h#s+ ,is-om ,itho#t longe'ity is neither -esira%le nor possi%le( H#man on-itions on earth to-ay attest to the fa t( Witho#t ,is-om+ all ,e ha'e is history(

.( Let)s then say that the target "#ant#m ma ro$o%&e t is !no,n in s#ffi ient -etail+ an- yo#r %iomin- has its signat#re an- is a%le to ontain ,ithin yo#r min-)s eye the tho#ght$template of the target( What yo# are then loo!ing to -o is a 2ANIFES3 P41D5C3I1N 16SE4VE4SHIP effe t that res#lts in a .$ -imensional "#ant#m ma ro$o%&e t i-enti al to in e'ery ,ay to that ontain in the tho#ght$template of the target( 3he -isplay me-i#m is normal .$spa etime air( 3he target o%&e t is forme- %y yo#r %iomin- in a pea ef#l state+ in anthro#gh ,hi h yo# 'is#alize learly the target 7eyes open or lose-+ as s#its yo#8+ an- yo#r li'ing matri/+ thro#gh yo#r other han- 7one set o#t palms #p to hol- the o%&e t$formation pro ess an- the final o%&e t materialize-+ the other to f#n tion as the maser)s pro&e tion -e'i e aime- at the other open han-8 an then a t as the -e'i e pro&e ting on to the pla e yo#r eyes are fo #se- on9 yo#r open han-+ palms #p( 3h#s+ 2ANIFES3 P41D5C3I1N 16SE4VE4SHIP as -ynami pro ess %egins ,ith a tho#ght$template that is hel- in min- anpro&e te- on to a lo ation or spa etime :a--ress; %y loo!ing at the e/a t pla e an- seeing the pro&e tion in one)s min- learly( 3he -ynami pro ess m#st %e entirely fl#i- from start to finish+ an- in-ee- %e holonomi ally simple to yo#( Simpli ity %ree-s rela/ation+ an- rela/ation is al,ays the %asis for internal pea e(

As rela/ation is the %asis for holonomi pea e+ pea e is the mental me-i#m that ma!es the internal psy hophysiology responsi%le for the manifest pro-# tion of nonionizing mi ro,a'e$le'el ra-iant energy thro#gh yo#r pro&e tion -e'i e 7yo#r han- or han-s8+ ,ith yo#r min-)s eye pro'i-ing the mental frame,or! or template 'is#alize- in spa etime 7in front of yo# or on yo#r open palm8 pro&e te- %y yo# on to a parti #lar pla e in spa etime( It is then at this spe ifi pla e in spa etime that high$energy photons are in'ite- to transm#te an%e ome elementary parti les forming atoms in atomi str# t#res that onform the matter omposition of the target o%&e t( Whether the target o%&e t is inert or li'e+ -oes not matter at all( An- herein then lies the po,er gi'en to ea h of #s %y So#r e( Ho,e'er+ to a t on life an- the reation of li'ing matri es is artf#l negotiation ,ith all in'ol'e- an- intereste- :parties+; in l#-ing the -isease7h#man+ pet+ or other,ise8( Lazar#s respon-e- to Ges#s+ an- so -i- my at anA(4()s -og( Games hose not to attempt the manifest pro-# tion o%ser'ership of a li'ing matri/+ mostly %e a#se ,hat ,as important to him ,as alrea-y long in the past an- ,o#l- reate a ma&or -ist#r%an e in :the for e; or 5n#m( If yo# grasp %y analysis the on-itions of the other e'ents+ yo# may s#rmise that the


a t ,o#l- ha'e not a#se- ma&or -isr#ptions in the li'ing fa%ri in ,hi h these %eings e/iste-+ an- ,o#l- in-ee- ser'e as a :re#niting; of life #nto itself 0 ,hi h on earth it is !no,n as mira le(

>( 3he physi al res#lt of a 2ANIFES3 P41D5C3I1N 16SE4VE4SHIP 72P18 e'ent is a re or- of the intera tion of t,o oherent patterns of oherent ra-iant energeti s+ in the form of mi ros opi pattern of interferen e fringes( It is an energeti registration of the interferen e pattern forme- %y t,o energeti patterns of oherent nat#re+ one of ,hi h is oherent light( 1ne pattern 7the referen e pattern8 goes straight from the light so#r e an- the other is s attereonto the template of the target o%&e t in the min- of the 2P1 in-# tor 7or the h#man 'e tor$intention8( 3he Q$-imensional pro-# t is pro-# e- %y the interferen e pattern of the t,o ,or!ing patterns an- is pro esse- in s# h ,ay that ,hen the tho#ght$template is materialize- appropriately a three$ -imensional image is pro-# e-(


We lea'e momentarily on the tho#ght that <ene 4o--en%erry ,as one ,ell informe- -#-e( Ho, he ame #p ,ith the i-eas of the holo-e ! an- the repli ator are stories ,orthy in an- of themsel'es+ to hear 2a&el 6arrett 4o--en%erry tell a%o#t her h#s%an-)s so#r es of i-eas( 2P1 is not a ne, i-ea in itself( 6#t it is most -efinitely a ra-i al 'ie, of ho, reality is( We -i- not ma!e #p the notion of 2P1+ %#t rather ga'e it name %e a#se the emerging Wor!ing 2o-el strongly s#ggeste- it as %eing a normal f#n tion of C16Es 7 omple/ os illating %iologi al entities8+ in l#-ing h#mans li!e #s(

THE AUTHORS A. R. BORDON is a retire- s

ientist an- ofo#n-er of the LIFE PHYSICS <415P 0 CALIF14NIA( A former e/e #ti'e -ire tor of the Ameri an Asso iation of 4emote Vie,ers+ he is an e/perien e- physi al$gnosi'e e/tension ne#rosensor an- ons#ltant to a pri'ate resear h instit#te in northern California(

E. M. WIENZ* is an a

ti'e astrophysi ist an- omp#ter s ientist ,or!ing for a pri'ate resear h instit#te in northern California+ as ,ell as ,ith one of the national la%oratories in the San Fran is o 6ay area( He is also a ofo#n-er of the LIFE PHYSICS <415P 0 CALIF14NIA(

J.A. SANCHEZ* is a -o

toral le'el ele tri al engineer ,or!ing for a large aerospa e onglomerate in so#thern California(


W 3he names a-opte- %y these a#thors is a pen name #se- in any ,ritten ,or! asso iate- ,ith the LIFE PHYSICS <415P+ an- is -esigne- to prote t their professional asso iation ,ith their respe ti'e employers(

Essa T!"'n#at(onreports(n)(&ephys(cs.or*/essa y2,+po)er+ser(es.asp-.s(te:&o'n#at(onreports(n)(&ephys(cs.or*.)er+.essay.2/h)=en/ct=c) n0/c#=2/*)='0/c)(ent=&(re&o-$a1234r120/12E or'n#at(onreports(n)(&ephys(cs.or*/essa y2,+po)er+ser(es.asp-.s(te:&o'n#at(onreports(n)(&ephys(cs.or*.)er+.essay.2/h)=en/ct=c) n0/c#=2/*)='0/c)(ent=&(re&o-$a


The h'+an 4o#y (s +a#e to host a 4(o+(n#. Kroper)y 'se# an# care# &or8 (t can )ast we)) (nto120 earth years8 an# +'ch +ore. The (nterna) c)oc0 that te))s the ce)) to casca#e (nto #eath (s the te)o+ere that separates the *enes one &ro+ the other. E!ery t(+e a ce)) #(!(#es8 (ts te)o+eres #e*ra#e8 or shorten 4y way o& the pro#'ct(on o& te)o+erase8 an en6y+at(c 4ypro#'ct o& the +(ot(c an# +(tot(c ce)) #(!(s(ons (n the 4o#y. G)) ce))s a)so ha!e a *ene that acts )(0e a L#r'++erM o& sorts8 0eep(n* the rhyth+ an# pace o& the(r pro#'ct(!(ty an# )(&eN o##)y eno'*h8 we chose to re&er to th(s *ene as the Ls'(c(#e *ene.M Once the 4o#y8 (n (ts (n&(n(te (nte))(*ence #eter+(nes that (ts ce))s can no )on*er s'sta(n a 4(oe)ectr(c e-(stence8 (t co++'n(cates (nstantaneo's)y to a)) others8 (n &act ca))(n* &orth the Ls'(c(#e 4an#)ea#erM *ene8 wh(ch then orchestrates the sh'tt(n* #own o& 4o#y syste+s. <nterest(n*)y eno'*h8 a)) o& th(s 4e*(ns to happen a&ter there (s separat(on o& +(n# &ro+ 4o#y8 (n a #eco'p)(n* that (s as e)e*ant as the weep(n* #ance o& a *oose at the s(*ht o& (ts +ate. G *oose8 when (t ha# not seen (ts +ate &or a wh()e w()) &)y r(*ht towar#8 e!en see+(n*)y (nto8 (ts +ate 4't !eer (ts !ector an# +atch (ts +ate@s #(rect(on (n e!ery way8 on)y to s'##en)y !eer away &ro+ the *an#er (n an e)e*ant !o))ey that (+(tates the s'##en #rop to the *ro'n# o& a #a+se) so happy to see her )o!er8 o&ten 4est capt're# (n the choreo*raphe# +o!e+ents o& a 4a))et. A't the *an#er #oesn@t &o))ow8 cont(n'(n* to &)y stra(*ht ahea#.


The h'+an 4o#y (s an ener*et(c 4'n#)(n* o& (#(o+ater(a) processes. Th(s8 (n ter+s o& the Eew G#!ance# Khys(cs8 (s the +ost acc'rate way o& #escr(4(n* o'r 4(o+(n#. <t says we are tho'*ht/+atter to*ether8 (n a 4(oe)ectron(c +atr(- that e-presses a ho)o*ra+(c 4o#y$&or+ as a L&'n#a+enta)M 4't can a)so e-press a n'+4er o& #(&&erent Lresonant har+on(cM 4o#(es8 so+e o& wh(ch can ta0e the &or+s o& a!atars 9or 4e co'p)e# to co+p'ter$*enerate# a!atar$&or+s: an# e-ten# a Lpo(nt$o&$!(ewM 9KOD: away &ro+8 4't )(n0e# to8 (ts L&'n#a+enta).M Gn a!atar &or+ (s 4est tho'*ht o& as a sca)ar$ran*e 94eyon# the e)ectro+a*net(c ran*e: (n&or+at(on &(e)# w(th &'66y 4o'n#ar(es 4't #e&(na4)e &or+. Ta0e a c)ose )oo0 at the &(*'re o& a +an 9r(*ht: (ns(#e a +o#(&(e# B'percon#'ct(n*


OCant'+ <nter&erence =e!(ce 9BOC<=:. 7e (s an O)y+p(c ath)ete on r(n*s (ns(#e the BOC<=. Th(s (+a*e (s a &a)se co)or &ra+e o& a seq'ence o& 128000. 7= !(#eo &ra+es. The *ray areas c)osest to the 4o#y &or+ correspon# to the He(ssner &(e)# 9or a'ra: that s'rro'n#s a h'+an 4e(n*. There are a co'p)e o& see+(n* Lwa!esM +o!(n* away &ro+ the 4o#y8 an# these correspon# to what we ha!e #eter+(ne# to 4e the &(rst ant(He(ssner resonant har+on(c8 or Lsecon# 4o#yM potent(a) o& the &'n#a+enta) 9He(ssner &(e)#:. <& yo' #etect a re+ote !(ewer )'r0(n* aro'n# (n yo'r #(*s8 (t (s +ost )(0e)y h(s or her L&(rst ant(He(ssner &(e)#M as so&t a!atar &or+ that (s host(n* the re+ote !(ewer@s KOD thro'*h wh(ch he or she (s 0eep(n* an eye on yo'. 3an th(s 4e #etecte#? es. 3an a re+ote !(ewer 4e pre!ente# &ro+ enter(n* a phys(ca) 6one? es8 4eca'se the KOD (s (n#e-e# to the phys(ca) 4o#y8 wh(ch (s the He(ssner &'n#a+enta) &(e)#. Gny sa&ety 6one can 4e set 'p 4y a spec(a) w(re net co!er that creates an# +a(nta(ns a !ar(a4)e e)ectro+a*net(c &(e)#8 wh(ch can 4e +a#e to 4roa#cast (n e-tre+e)y )ow &req'enc(es that w()) *enerate a n'+4er o& h(*h)y #(stress&') an# #(st'r4(n* 4o#y react(ons (n the re+ote !(ewer@s &'n#a+enta) 9or (n#e- 4o#y: P anyth(n* &ro+ ha!(n* a !(o)ent nee# to #e&eca te8 to !o+(t(n* an# sto+acha) #(stress.


The h'+an 4(o+(n# e-(sts (n a #e)(cate 4a)ance o& processes8 (n a h(*h)y chaot(c He(ssner &'n#a+enta) &(e)#8 an# possess(n* e-ten#e# h'+an &'nct(ons8 +any o& wh(ch are h(*h)y pr(6e# as top secret s'ch that they are he)# w(th(n c)ose# c(rc)es &or a !ar(ety o& reasons P ran*(n* &ro+ &ear o& the(r 'se 4y any n'+4er o& Lene+(es8M to the reasons o& nat(ona) an# *)o4a) sec'r(ty (n!o)!(n* the nat(ons o& earth8 to e*o(st(c reasons (n!o)!(n* +ar0et +an(p')at(on an# &ore0now)e#*e. The th(n* (s that we c(t(6ens o& earth #o not ha!e !a)(# reasons to co+p)a(n a4o't what others #o w(th these e-ten#e# h'+an &'nct(ons8 as each o&


's are q'(te capa4)e o& 's(n* the+ (n e!er +ore creat(!e ways &or persona) an# co))ect(!e 4ene&(t. L(0ew(se8 each one o& 's ha!e GLL o& the w(re#$(n capac(t(es to 4e a )(tera) G))$One 4(o+(n# networ0. G &ew years 4ac08 two 3ana#(an sc(ent(sts propose# a theory a4o't so+eth(n* we ha!e 0nown &or a )on* t(+e: that the earth (s act'a))y a con#'(t &or 4(oco++'n(cat(on 4etween a)) h'+an 4e(n*s on earth8 (nc)'#(n* GLL )(&e &or+s on the p)anet. A(oco++'n(cat(on (s rea)8 an# occ'rs w(th(n the e-tre+e)y )ow &req'ency ran*e 9EL5: P &ro+ those start(n* at 2 7ert6 976: to those at a4o't 120 76. What +a0es 4(oco++'n(cat(on poss(4)e? The earth 9an# other )(&e 4ear(n* p)anets: +a(nta(n a )(&e 4e)t o& e)ectro+a*net(c &(e)#s that !(4rate at a w(#e !ar(ety o& spectra P &ro+ EL5 to e-tre+e)y h(*h &req'enc(es. Bo+e narrow &req'ency ran*es are resonant har+on(c8 w(th wa!es as )on* as the earth@s c(rc'+&erence. Ea#$% R&s"'a'(&s

S(%)*a'' Wa+&,#"'$ A#")'- T%& Ea#$%


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B&$a A.1%a T%&$a D&.$a

!a+&s D;< $" !a+&s D9 $" !a+&s D< $" 8 !a+&s D6.5 $"



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MANIFEST PRODUCTION OBSERVERSHIP DMPOE 2s a($)a.. $%& 1#"-)($ ", a s)*-"+&# J "'& 1s (%"-1% s2"."A . I' "$%&# !"#-s: 2$ 2s a *2'--#2+&': *2'--A&'&#a$&1s (%"1% s2"."A 2'+".+2'A *2'--/"1#"(&ss&s a($2'A 2' )'2s"' !2$% !%a$ !& #&,&# $" as a' I"+&#)'2$ s2'F.H I' 1.a2' E'A.2s%: $%& %a#-&# ") $# : $%& .&ss ") !2.. A&$ a(("*1.2s%&-7 $%& .&ss ") $# : $%& s""'&# LERM 2s 1#"-)(&- as a MPO "/L&($. L&$Bs ,2'- a !a $" )'-&#s$a'- $%&s& s$a$&*&'$s. W%&' !& ("'(&'$#a$& %a#"' s"*&$%2'A: !& -2ss21a$& &'&#A 2' $%&#*a. #a-2a'$ ,"#*. I' "$%&# !"#-s: !& (#&a$& a' 2'("%&#&'$ 2'$&#'a. s$a$& $%a$ 1#"-)(&s %&a$: a'$%a$ 2s a/")$ 2$. IHa#-H ("'(&'$#a$2"' )s)a.. *&a's a 'a##"! ,"()s ", 2'$&#'a. "# &0$&#'a. a$$&'$2"'. T%2s a.s" 1#"-)(&s a -2s("'$2')")s: )'-&#)'2$ s2'F 2' $%& /"- &'&#A&$2(s ", $%& 1&#s"' -"2'A $%& ("'(&'$#a$2"'. T" -" a' I)'-&#)'2$ s2'FH 2'("%&#&'$ a'- -2s("'$2')")s 2'$&#'a. 1s (%"1% s2"."A *&a's $" ,"()s 'a##"!. "' a' 2'$&#'a. $%")A%$ "# +2s)a. s$2*).)s: "# &0$&#'a. s2$)a$2"' "# "/L&($. T%& 'a##"! ,"()s 2s 1#&-2(a$&- "' a +&($"#-2'$&'$2"' $%a$ !%a$ !& %a+& ("*& $" (a..


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1s (%"1% s2"."A2(a.. s1& aF2'A '"$ "'. a +a.2- a'- $#)& s$a$&*&'$: 2$ 2s a.s" "'& ,")'-&- "' $%& ,)'($2"'2'A ", $%#&& 2*1"#$a'$ "#Aa's 2' $%& %)*a' /"- 2' a ,as%2"' $%a$ (a' "'. /& (a..&- 2'$&A#a$&-. T%& "#Aa's !& s1&aF ", %&#& a#& $%& ("#$2(a. /#a2' ("*1.&0 D!%2(% 2'(.)-&s $%& ".- #&1$2.2a': ".- *a**a.2a': a''&"("#$2(a. /#a2'sE: $%& %&a#$: a'- $%& +2s(&#a. "# &'$&#2( /#a2'. T%& 2'$&A#a$2"' ", !%2(% !& s1&aF %&#& 2s &'&#A&$2(: /2".)*2'a.: /2"&'&#A&$2(: a'- /2"(%&*2(a. 2' +&# s1&(2,2( s1a(&/$2*& #&A2*&'s. T%& #&1#&s&'$a$2"' ", $%2s 1#"(&ss D1%"$"-#2A%$E 2s "#Aa'-s1&(2,2(. T%& 1%"$" -&12($s 2'+".+&*&'$ ", $%& (#a'2a. /#a2' ("*1.&0: $%& 12$)2$a# A.a'-: $%& %&a#$: $%& s".a# 1.&02 Da #&.a$2+&. .a#A& A#")1 ", '&#+& /)'-.&s A#")1&- 2' a'- a#")'- $%& /&.. a#&aE: a'- $%& A"'a-s D&s1&(2a.. : s$#a'A&. &'")A%: $%& ("*/2'a$2"' ", % 1"$%a.a*2( s2A'a.s $" $%& a'$&#2"# 12$)2$a# $" /&A2' s&(#&$2'A (&#$a2' .&)$&'2?2'A %"#*"'&sE. W%a$ /&("*&s &'AaA&- /&("*&s a' &'&#A&$2( ("*1.&0 ,#"* #")A%. $%& ,"#&%&a- $" $%& ."!&# 1&.+2( a#&a. I$ 2s $%2s ("*1.&0 ", "#Aa's a'/2"(%&*2(a. ,)'($2"'s $%a$ &'&#A2?& $%& .2+2'A *a$#20 (&..).a# ("..&($2+&: s"*& $2*& $" "+&#)'2$ . T%& s2'F 2s 1#"+2-&- / $%& *&'$a. ,)'($2"'2'A ", $%& *2'- as1&($ ", $%& /2"*2'-7 2' "$%&# !"#-s: $%& "#Aa'2s*Bs %"."A#a*2( $%")A%$ 1#"(&ss s&#+&s )1 $%& I.&'sH $%#")A% !%2(% $%& +&($"#-2'$&'$2"' A&'&#a$&- 2' a' )'-2,,&#&'$2a$&- a'- !%".&-/"A&'&#a.2?&- !a A&$s ,"()s&- "' a s1&(2,2( $a#A&$. T%& 1%"$" D#2A%$E 2s a ("'(&1$)a. #&1#&s&'$a$2"' ", $%& %&a#$ ,2&.-: !%2(% 2s $%& .a#A&s$ a'*"s$ 1"!&#,). 2' $%& /"- . T%& 12($)#& #&1#&s&'$s a ("%&#&'$ %&a#$ 2' s '(% !2$% a.. $%&s& "$%&# as1&($s a'- "#Aa'2( &.&*&'$s ", $%& /"- $" A&'&#a$& a'- *a2'$a2' a S&#1a ("'-2$2"' !2$% "+&#)'2$ a$ s2'A.&


-&A#&& ", ,#&&-"* ."'A &'")A% $" LERM a' MPO&- $a#A&$ "/L&($. As ") (a' '"! a11#&(2a$& $%#")A% $%2s 1#2*&#: $%& &'$2#& 1#"(&ss 2s a($)a.. &.&Aa'$ a'- #&.a$2+&. s2*1.&. T" ,. a #"(F&$: ") -"'B$ %a+& $" /& a #"(F&$ s(2&'$2s$: a' *"#& $%a' ") %a+& $" /& a P%.D. /2"1% s2(2s$ $" LERM a' MPO $a#A&$ "/L&($. T%& 1#"(&ss 2s a($)a.. s2*1.& a'a((&ss2/.& $" &+&# "'& M a'- 2$ 2s "'& ", $%& /&s$ F&1$ s&(#&$s 2' a.. ", (#&a$2"': ,"# #&as"'s ") (").- 1#"/a/. -2s(&#' !&.. a.. / ")#s&.+&s.


To MANIFEST PRODUCTION OBSERVERSHIP (MPO) a LIGHT-ENCODED REALITY MATRIX (LERM), accord !" #o #$% &or' !" Mod%(, ) a )*+-o,%r %,%!#, d%r ,%d a!d -rod*c%d ./ a! !#%r!a( -)/c$o-$/) o(o"/ 0or' !" 0 #$ o!% d%"r%% o1 1r%%do+ a!d 1*!c# o! !" a) a! o,%r*! #/ ) !' 0 #$ +a2 +a *- #o 3456 2 3738 ,o(#)4 A!d #o -rod*c% # 9 #$a# ), #o MPO a LERM 9 0% !%%d #o r%d )co,%r #$% a("or #$+ a(r%ad/ !)cr .%d ! %ac$ o1 *) $*+a!) #o -rod*c% %2ac#(/ 0$a# :%)*) -r%)a"%d 1or a(( o1 *) )o+% 5,777 /%ar) a"o; #$a# #$% Cr%a#or So*rc% o1 %,%r/#$ !" !)cr .%d ! o*r DNA #$% a. ( #/ #o cr%a#% a #$ !" o*# o1 !o-#$ !"4



) a r%# r%d )c %!# )# a!d co1o*!d%r o1 #$% LIFE PHYSICS GROUP 9 CALIFORNIA4 A 1or+%r %2%c*# ,% d r%c#or o1 #$% A+%r ca! A))oc a# o! o1 R%+o#% V %0%r), $% ) a! %2-%r %!c%d -$/) ca(-"!o) ,% %2#%!) o! !%*ro)%!)or a!d co!)*(#a!# #o a -r ,a#% r%)%arc$ !)# #*#% ! !or#$%r! Ca( 1or! a4


) a! ac# ,% a)#ro-$/) c )# a!d co+-*#%r )c %!# )# 0or' !" 1or a -r ,a#% r%)%arc$ !)# #*#% ! !or#$%r! Ca( 1or! a, a) 0%(( a) 0 #$ o!% o1 #$% !a# o!a( (a.ora#or %) ! #$% Sa! Fra!c )co Ba/ ar%a4 H% ) a()o a co1o*!d%r o1 #$% LIFE PHYSICS GROUP 9 CALIFORNIA4


) a doc#ora( (%,%( co+-*#%r )c %!# )# a!d . oc$%+ )#, 0$o 0or') 1or a +a<or +a!*1ac#*r%r o1 )-%c a(#/ +a#%r a() *)%d ! #$% )-ac% -ro"ra+ a!d ! )c %!# 1 c a--( ca# o!) r%(a#%d #o #$% )-ac% -ro"ra+4


) a doc#ora( (%,%( %(%c#r ca( %!" !%%r 0or' !" 1or a (ar"% a%ro)-ac% co!"(o+%ra#% ! )o*#$%r! Ca( 1or! a4


Essay Three O%:&o'n#at(onreports(n)(&ephys(cs.or*/+po) er+,essay2.asp-.)er+.essay.2/h)=en/ct=c)n0/c#="/*)='0/c)(ent=&(re&o-$a

Gn# then there (s the L&or+')aM that )ea#s o'r s(n*)e #e*ree o& &ree#o+ o!er'n(ty s(n0 4(o+(n#8 's(n* a ho)o*ra+(c process8 to pro#'ce a Lth(n*M 9or 4$spacet(+e q'ant'+ o4>ect: o't o& no$th(n* 9or (ts q'ant'+ potent(a) te+p)a(c con&or+at(on:. Th(s &or+')a (s an a)*or(th+


or8 as we #escr(4e# (n a pre!(o's %))a/8 La certa(n sort o& &or+a) process that can 4e co'nte# on )o*(ca))y to y(e)# a certa(n sort o& res')t whene!er (t (s ?r'n@ or (nstant(ate#8M =an(e) 3. =ennett 9L=arw(n@s =an*ero's <#eaM8 B(+on / Bch'ster8 199"8 pp. "0$"1:. We a)so sa(# 91: an a)*or(th+ has s'4strate ne'tra)(ty8 95: an 'n#er)y(n* +(n#)essness8 an# 92: *'arantee# res')ts. To re+(n# yo'8 the s'4strate or 4as(c ne'tra)(ty o& an a)*or(th+ a))ows yo' to 'se the 'n#er)y(n* proce#'re on anyth(n* (t can 4e app)(e# to8 's(n* any )o*(ca) syste+ yo' want. The power o& the proce#'re (s #'e to (ts )o*(ca) str'ct're8 not >'st the ca'sa) powers o& the +ater(a)s 'se# (n the (nstant(at(on8 >'st so )on* as those ca'sa) powers per+(t the prescr(4e# steps to 4e &o))owe# e-act)y. The +(n#)essness o& the prescr(4e# steps (s what +a0es the a)*or(th+ )o*(ca)8 4eca'se the )o*(c o& the steps an# the(r seq'enc(n* are s(+p)e. Gn a)*or(th+ wor0e# o't 4y yo' &or yo' w()) not necessar()y wor0 &or +e or &or yo'r +ate8 or &or %a(+e. The RE here (s that a)*or(th+s are as persona) as the (+pr(nts on yo'r (r(s or the patterns on yo'r &(n*erpr(nts. What yo' w()) o4ta(n (n th(s +o#')e (s a s're$&(re process yo' nee# to Ltrans)ateM to yo'r 4o#y an# 4(o+(n#8 an# the stran*e part w()) 4e 9a)4e(t new to yo': e-h()arat(n* to yo'r 4(o+(n#8 &or (t *ets to awa0en or Le-pressM a &'nct(on a)rea#y (nscr(4e# (n yo'r =EG8 an# th(s yo'r 4(o+(n# 0nows #eep)y. Tr'st yo'r 4(o+(n#8 &or (t w()) correct yo' (n yo'r (nterpretat(on o& what (s wr(tten here yo' +'st #o to create the necessary (nterna) an# e-terna) con#(t(ons a)on* each req'(re# LphaseM or LstepM (n the seq'ence o& yo'r act(ons. <n a +anner o& spea0(n*8 (t 0nows 4etter than the e*o$persona)(ty yo' th(n0 (s yo'. The Lseq'enceM or LstepsM #escr(4e# here w()) 4e *(!en (n as *ener(c a )an*'a*e set as poss(4)e8 &or yo'r (nterpretat(on o& what (s wr(tten (s T7E +ost cr'c(a) aspect o& th(s en#ea!or. Gs &(rst (+press(ons are )ast(n*8 so are &(rst (+pr(nts 9or (nterpretat(ons *(!en 4y the +(n# &or processes an# proce#'res (t w(shes the 4o#y to co+p)y an# per&or+:. <t (s here that we can he)p w(th8 &or (n wr(t(n* th(s +o#')e8 we ha# to re!(s(t o'r &(rst t(+es an# the Lnew4(eM +o+ents o& others who ha!e per&or+e# HKO$ LERM &eats.

3an yo' (+a*(ne now a rea) Btar Tre0$type rep)(cator capa4)e o& rep)(cat(n* a n(ce &(sh #(sh8 or a #e)(c(o's app)e p(e8 or a t'r0ey an# cheese san#w(ch on rye 4rea#? We are s're yo' can8 4't are we as0(n* the r(*ht q'est(on on th(s +atter? Kerhaps not. <& a rep)(cator (s poss(4)e8 what #oes (t +ean (n ter+s o& creat(n* o4>ects o't o& th(n a(r? <s the o4>ect rep)(cate# a #'p)(cat(on8 (+(tat(on8 copy8 or repro#'ct(on? <s the o4>ect yo' w(sh to )(*ht$enco#e (ts +atr(as pro#'ct a rep)(cat(on8 #'p)(cat(on8 (+(tat(on o& another8 copy8 or repro#'ct(on? 5(rst8 )et@s state the o4!(o's8 an# then e-p)ore the q'ant'+ +ean(n* o& th(n*s. <t +eans that an o4>ect (n spacet(+e has a q'ant'+ potent(a) te+p)ate8 an# 4oth the o4>ect an# the q'ant'+ te+p)ate are (n&or+at(on sets that can 4e *raspe#8 capt're#8 an# store# (n a s'(ta4)e +e#('+. Th(s a)so +eans the rep)(cator +'st ha!e q'ant'+ co+p't(n* capa4()(t(es an# the a4()(ty to rea# an# reco*n(6e the q'ant'+ n'+4ers o& any +acro$q'ant'+ o4>ect. What8 rea))y8 are these q'ant'+ n'+4ers #enot(n* an# #escr(4(n*? What aspect o& the o4>ect P a ce)) phone8 an app)e8 +oney? They are #enot(n* an# #escr(4(n* the +acro$ q'ant'+ o4>ect (tse)&. We w()) e-p)a(n that &'rther 4e)ow. 7'+an 4e(n*s8 (n the(r He(ssner &(e)#s an# )(!(n* +atr(ces8 a)rea#y ha!e q'ant'+ co+p't(n* capa4()(t(es (nscr(4e# an# +ost)y )atent.


In the case of us human complex oscillating biological entity; we have MeissnerantiMeissner nonionizing fields surrounding our bodies at 90 degrees perpendicular and away from the surfaces of the body, and these fields within fields function as our memory and information processing capacities well beyond our cortical awareness !nimals and plants also have Meissner-antiMeissner fields, but do not appear to have the capacity to extend antiMeissner harmonics " #on ionizing fields emitted by the living matrices of any living system on $arth would %ualify as Meissner range fields, as their electromagnetic range lies within the extremely low fre%uencies &$'() of * +z and *,-0 +z, though mostly from * +z to *.0 +z +owever, simply because the human Meissner field expressions are low-powered cellurar maxima of approximately * . volts per cell, the total possible output of a human being as overunity sin/ is about one %uadrillion volts, ta/ing into consideration the total cellular capacitance of the body !nd this capacitance level is sufficient to M01-LERM most anything we want Each tar*et (s a)so a q'ant'+ +acro$o4>ect8 w(th a *eo+etr(c &or+ (n 4$spacet(+e an# a &'66y &or+ 9w(th a *eo+etry o& (ts own: (n q'ant'+ potent(a). Gs yo' LERM an HKOe# o4>ect8 the L!(s'a)(6at(onM o& the tar*et o4>ect (s on the phys(ca) o4>ect. 7owe!er8 the o!er'n(ty s(n0 9(.e.8 the enter(c 4ra(n co+p)e- (n the !entra) area o& the h'+an 4o#y: (s &oc'se# on the q'ant'+ potent(a) te+p)a(c con&or+at(on o& the 4$#(+ens(ona) tar*et o4>ect. The +o+ent yo' )oc0 yo'r !(s'a) !ector$(ntent(on on yo'r tar*et o4>ect (n 4$spacet(+e8 the q'ant'+ potent(a) te+p)a(c )oc0 occ'rs a'to+at(ca))y. o' #on@t ha!e to #o anyth(n* consc(o's)y &or th(s to happenN yo'r enter(c co+p)e- per&or+s that &'nct(on &or yo' 4eyon# nor+a) awareness. Fep)(cat(on8 (n th(s (nstance8 an# 4y the 'se o& th(s a)*or(th+(c arran*e+ent8 (s )(*ht$enco#(n*


4y the L+(rror$act(onM o& one te+p)ate 9q'ant'+ potent(a): so that the other 94$spacet(+e: te+p)ate can +an(&est as +acro$q'ant'+ o4>ect. Let@s e-a+(ne an e-a+p)e8 an# th(s +ay he)p yo' 'n#erstan# th(s see+(n* L#anceM o& one te+p)ate w(th the other (n a 0(n# o& Te-as two$step. Ta0e a )oo0 at the p(ct're on the r(*ht. Th(s (s a *raph(c representat(on o& a &'66y 4o'n#ar

y *eo+etr(6e# q'ant'+$potent(a) te+p)ate o& an oran*e. G way o& 'n#erstan#(n* th(s *raph(c representat(on 9wh(ch (s not (#ent(ca) or (so+orph(c to what ne'rosensors LseeM when they )oo0 at the q'ant'+$potent(a) te+p)a(c con&or+at(on o& a 4$#(+ens(ona) oran*e: (s to th(n0 o& the te+p)a(c con&or+at(on as ha!(n* &(!e L#(+ens(onsM P &o'r #(+ens(ons o& space an# one #(+ens(on o& t(+e8 (n a rat(o o& space/t(+e that +a0es poss(4)e an# easy the )(*ht$enco#(n* o& th(s con&or+at(on an# +an(&est(n* (t as the &r'(t we 0now as oran*e. Bo when yo' th(n0 ho)o*ra+(ca))y a4o't the oran*e yo' !(s'a)(6e (n yo'r +(n# as 4$#(+ens(ona)8 #o yo' ha!e to worry a4o't the "$ #(+ens(ona) q'ant'+$potent(a) te+p)a(c con&or+at(on o& the oran*e? Eo8 yo' #on@t. A't yo' nee# to o4ey one r')e o& a)) ho)o+o!e+ent (n the Cn'+: the Te-as two$step has to 4e #ance# 4ac0war#N that (s8 yo' start o't a))ow(n* yo'r HKO to )(*ht$enco#e the rea)(ty$oran*e at (ts tho'*ht$+atr(- &ro+ (ts phys(ca) 9or 4$#(+ens(ona): center o'twar#. E!ery HKO we ha!e &()+e# shows th(s 'n(q'e pattern o& +an(&estat(on. <t #oesn@t +atter where (n the wor)# yo' are8 the sa+e th(n* happens P &ro+ the (ns(#e to the o'ts(#e. Th(s (s an (+portant p(ece o& (n&or+at(on. Fe+e+4er (t.



7ow (s th(s enco#(n* #one? G4o!e8 we +ent(one# q'ant'+ n'+4ers o& any +acro$q'ant'+ o4>ect. There are &o'r o& the+:


!mazingly, enteric information processing functions perform all necessary calculations to /now precisely where in spacetime to begin light-encoded manifestation by following the 2framewor/3 provided by the 2mirror dance3 of the two templates &4-spacetime and %uantum-potential) mentioned above +ow we 2/now3 how to do such things is at this time still beyond our understanding 5he materialization of !#6 ob7ect lies within these four numbers and how their values are manipulated to accommodate transmuted light into elementary particles &electrons, specifically) and atoms from these !ll of what follows here is a mere reminder of what you already /now 2in your gut3 &no pun intended)

8uantum #umbers 6our enteric information processing function calculates the n and ' values automatically, determining the /ind of atom, the number of orbits each will need to have, and the atom9s azimuthal %uantum number or value of %uantum angular momentum In the chemistry of the '$:Med ob7ect, this %uantum number is very important, since it specifies the shape of its atomic orbitals and strongly influences chemical bonds and bond angles 5hese two numbers then produce the se%uence of orbitals or wavefunction for all atoms of each /ind re%uired to collocate in the matter of which the ob7ect is made It also tells your gut how much and what strength of energy to use to encode what is needed, where it is needed 5he magnetic %uantum number tells you the %uantum state of an electron and denotes the energy level within a subshell in the electron cloud of circling electrons 5he spin %uantum number gives the value of the spin of a particle ;hen the spectral lines of the hydrogen spectrum are examined at very high resolution, they are found to be closely-spaced doublets 5his splitting is called fine structure and was one of the first experimental evidences for electron spin 5he direct observation of the electron9s intrinsic angular momentum was achieved in the <tern-=erlach experiment


;hen the idea of electron spin was first introduced in *9.,, even ;olfgang 0auli had trouble accepting :alph >ronigs model 5he problem was not that a rotating charged particle would have given rise to a magnetic field, but that the electron was so small that the e%uatorial speed of the electron would have to be greater than the speed of light for the magnetic moment to be of the observed strength

5hroughout the '$:Ming process, the encoding of light energy is very much as if an invisible %uantum computer were 2writing3 the ob7ect into existence ;e say 2invisible3 because so far we don9t %uite understand how the computing capacities of the human biomind enteric complex wor/s ;e /now it does, and does very well

8uantum numbers describe the electron energies in the atoms of an ob7ect 5he %uestion of how many %uantum numbers are needed to describe any given ob7ect has no consistent and universal answer, because for each target ob7ect our enteric complex 2%uantum biocomputer3 must find the answer for a full analysis of the ob7ect9s system <o, in *9?0, (rench mathematician 0aul @irac developed a new version of the <chrAdinger ;ave $%uation which was relativistically invariant, and predicted the magnetic moment correctly, and at the same time treated the electron as a point particle In the @irac e%uation all four %uantum numbers including the additional %uantum number s arose naturally during its solution !nd all of these calculations are performed by the biomind for every atom to be collocated as light-encoded atomic matter in the ob7ect9s %uantum-potentialB4-spacetime mirror-matricesC

Interesting also that @#! plays an important, some would say crucial, role in the LERM of an M01 5his is not 7ust human @#! affecting cells of one9s body, but also language affecting @#! itself Moreover, our decipherment of @#!Benvironment interaction from what is predicted by the ;or/ing Model &see (oundation :eports in 'ife 0hysics, Dol *, #o * essays) indicates that information


bandwidths &electromagnetic ionizing, $M nonionizing, sound, electroluminescent) play a role in @#! expression, modifications, and retrofitting Imagine thisE ta/e the information bandwidth of the fertized gamete of a rat and transmit that to the fertilized gamete of a gerbil and what do you get as a resultF ! rat born to a gerbil 5his has been done in our labs and reproduced in :ussia a few years ago ;e also found that 7ust about everything has a3languaging system3 uni%ue to itselfE @#! responds to sound and to $M &ionizing and nonzionizing) and scalar &or beyond the $M) energetics 6ou can literally tal/ to your cells and change their @#! 6ou can also tal/ to the cells of another person and change them, too It is all in the fre%uency ranges you use to communicate not 7ust meaning, but also sound @o your cells understand wordsF Getter than you and in all of their denotations and connotations

5he important biogenetic basis of LERM-M01 from the biomind minding the body is what the genetic aspect of the biomind9s living matrix literally creates around the body-formE a nonionizing high energetic domain that, when measured with certain instruments, tells us this &Meissner) field is really a vacuum or wholeenergetic domain Han we extend ourselves onto a roc/ or a mountain and 2exist3 there for a while in a /ind of extension-visit while /eyed to our physical bodyF 6es !nd this is the basis of extension neurosensing +ow far can we 2go3 on these extension 2tours3F Gy our calculations, it seems we are capable of extending some ?0 billion light years without brea/ing a sweat 5his, by the way, gives new meaning to the saying, 2the universe in a grain of sand, and the whole of creation in a thought 3



5he entire algorithmic se%uence that follows has grammar rules &or rules of manifestation), syntactic rules &or how to put things together to get the result desired), and semantic rules &or what wordsBmeanings to use to activate the necessary aspect of the @#! in our living matrix) !nd the entire se%uence is predicated on two single basic logic /ernelsE $verything thought is real I am cause because I am thought

* Manifest production observership of any ob7ect9s reality matrix by light encodement depends upon your complete acceptance and ownership of the two logic /ernels (ailure to do so will result in no result at all 2 5hought is real and the cause of coherence of matter by the design of an existing template ? Giomind is cause by use of creational algorithm applied to specific productBmoment !ll results of such application&s) have to be declared as product-condensates in a horizontal time-moment 4 Giomind operation of light-encodement is from alpha-point &in 4-spacetime) to the edge of the ob7ect9s 4-spacetime template; coherence encodement is along 0lanc/ limit points between 4-spacetime and %uantum-potential templates as a threading-li/e bac/-and-forth dance , Giomind operation of the fixing mechanism for alpha-point in spacetime is the physical pair of eyes of the operator, and the dish mechanism is one of the hands cupped in the general direction of the alpha-point - Giomind operationalization of the se%uence is the following of a set of discrete se%uenced mental and physical actions ad7usted to individual differences and personal idiosyncracies, and directed at the biomind-caused materialization of a target ob7ect

I 5he biomind possesses a threshold /nowledge base of the ob7ect whose 4spacetime matrix is being light-encoded; on the basis of this direct and implied /nowledge base about the target ob7ect will its templates &4-spacetime and %uantum-potential) will the ob7ect supply a lac/ in material 4-dimensional reality fit to the world-demand characteristics necessary for the ob7ect to be consumed or used by the creator or the intended recipient



5he syntax of M01-LERM is referred to as 2result conveyors3 &or simply, 2conveyors) 5hese are the psychophysiologies that ma/e the biomind develop single degree of freedom &body functioning as a single whole) use of an overunity sin/ &above threshold nonionizing energetics at the cellular level) that is focused &hemispheric synchronization that allows clear internal stereoscopic visualization) upon an internal 2canvas3 pro7ected onto a specific 4-dimensional spacetime location

* Si !"# $#!r## o% %r##$o&' 5he psychophysiology for this syntactic re%uirement is an individually determined level of relaxation 5he level of relaxation must be /eyed to a trigger word or phrase that will elicit the desired psychophysiological state by its mere utterance 5his is the process used by the 40-year old baseball pitcher, main character of the film (or 5he 'ove of the =ame &played by >evin Hostner) to %uiet down the noise level in the stadium 7ust before a pitch J 2Hlear the mechanism 3

1nce the trigger engages the desired psychophysiology and the body responds, the organismic response must be stabilized, and this calls for a semantic formula, immediately followed by a sound trigger for the development of an energetic overunity sin/ in the organism 5he semantic formula must contained specific words with specific sounds, or specific sound in certain semantically meaningful and empowering words in the operator9s language J the language of the person engaging in M01-LERM 5he sounds which must be prevalent in the semantic message to the cells are mostly nasals, such as BnB, BmB, BngB, BaB, BoBand BuB, and some fricatives such as BfB, BhB, BzB, BvB, BthB and BshB !void too many plosives, li/e BbB, BtB, BdB, B/B, BgB !n example of an $nglish language formula is shown belowE

5he formula is in the form of one or more statements designed to soothe the mind and establish by sound formulation and semantic message the expectancy set of what must come next J the onset of an overunity sin/ 5he message does not have to be complete sentences 0hrases with power can also be used 5he rhythm of delivery is roughly one beat per second 5ry intoning the formula above to the one-beat per second &*bps) rhythm suggested @edicate one meat per word, and consider 2ummm3 as a word 5his the following delivery to the * bps rhythm


* Kmmm time9s


2 J ? J 4 comeLagainLmechanism9s on

, J - J I fullLforceLrising

M - 9 I9mLin my zone

*0 -- ** -- *. I singLa songLuu-ummm

*? -- *4 my forceLis full

*, -- *- my forceLis full

*I -- *M !h-haL!h-ha

*9 -- .0 My ummmmLsong

.0 -- .* My ummmmLsong

.. -- .? in zoneLis rising

.4 -- ., My forceLis full

.- -- .I My forceLis full

.M -- .9 -- ?0 I amLmy forceLin full

5he formula is designed as a child-li/e repetition of a /nown fact Hommunication with cells must be in present tense as their time regime is only present-tense 5he semantic content of the formula is actually an induction protocol for getting the cells prepped to engage in overunity energetics, or cellular capacitance beyond threshold &i e , * . volt per cell) 5he last thought in the se%uence needs to be set up as cue to the development of overunity sin/ !t this moment, the operator must use the cue to bring the visual field of the target ob7ect to mind9s


eye !nd eyes are opened but focus is diffused, as attention is /ept on the mind9s eye visual field containing the target ob7ect

2 O(#r) i*+ Si ,' 5he collection of overunity &or suprathreshold) energetics per cell is source to the single degree of freedom overunity, which becomes sin/ upon engaging visualization of target In the cue moments, or the period of time the operator spends repeating the cue li/e a mantram, the cue must elicit the target ob7ect in a visual field before the operator9s mind9s eye 5his must be done with eyes open but the focus of the physical eyes /ept diffused such that the mind9s eye9s field is superposed upon the spacetime where the physical eyes are trained on !ll of this needs to be done without any effort in the least,

0rocess can also be helped if the interested party engages the use of a 2blac/ light3 source, specifically one capable of illuminating an operator9s biomind with KD!-KDG-KDH multirange ultraviolet light at low power Gest results can be had with semi-nude exposure in the *,-?0 minute range, according to weight &roughly * minute per , pounds of weight) If use of this means is made, it is highly advisable to cover eyes either with a KD!-G-H- polarizing pair of sunglesses, or with an eye mas/-li/e cover, to protect the eyes from harm !dditionally, operator must also use the formula above &not the precise one shown, but one based upon its format and rhythm) that includes a verbal instruction to the cells to also derive energetics from the body9s epithelial &or s/in) cells, from which all other cells may then draw on energetics to overunity

!t the start of practice, this entrainment procedure may ta/e longer in generating desired results J increase in cellular capacitance !lso initially, many new practitioners do not /now how to recognize an overunity internal state Griefly, an overunity state is expressed holonomically in a variety of modes of experience J some feel as though ants are crawling inside in a not altogether unpleasant feeling, others feel 2electric3 along with a metallic taste in the mouth, still others can feel their hair in bac/ of the nec/ rise along with other body hair in a sensation a/in to being in a medium of high static electrical charge :egardless of what the internal cues are, the internal event transpires in an internal medium of induced sensorial peace and %uiet, as already described in previous modules

? H#&is-.#ri/-s+ /.ro i0#$ 1is)2"i02*io o% T2r!#* I %or&2*io S#* !nother s/ill set necessary is the ability to visualize the target in a clear and concise manner, based on all available


information pertinent to the target conformation and reality-matrix @ifferent targets will have different information set re%uirements 5a/e, for instance, the assignment tas/s presented belowE &*) ! perfect, ripe sweet orange &2) ! roll of ;+I5$ cotton yarn &?) ! present for your daughter or son or other member of the immediate family &4) ! digital photographic camera &your favorite brand)
D#(#"o-i ! 2 R#-#r*oir# For LERMi ! No "i(i ! 2 $ Li(i ! M2*ri/#s !s most

newbies, the reader would probably tend to thin/ of self-sufficiency in terms of an ability to ac%uire necessities of life by purchasing power J that is, by having the money to buy and consume what you and your family need LERM-M01 throws this usual and customary way of thin/ing and traditional behavior into disarray 5o LERM an M01 means being able to meet your needs without necessarily relying on ac%uisitive power by means of money 5o LERM an M01 also re%uires you to develop a repertoire of types of things you for which you have affinity &by desire, belief, need, preference, proclivity and continuous use), and these things then become your LERMBM01 repertoire 5hus, in a manner of spea/ing, you can develop two /inds of repertoires on the basis of desire, belief, need, preference, proclivity, and continuous use

@o you believe you can LERM a nonliving M01 targetF


@o you believe you can LERM a living M01 targetF 5his is where the information set about a target begins 5he options for answering this %uestion are three, and only three !ll other replies are variations of these threeE




If 6$<, you get to move to the @1 stage, and get on with the LERM of your M01 If #1, this belief is a barrier to your formulation of your M01, since a manifest production observership is based on your belief that this process is possible and will result in a LERM of the ob7ect you desire, need, prefer, li/e andBuse !nd then, there is @1#95 >#1;, which is not to mean M!6G$ !t this 7uncture, it is necessary for you to /now that the word-message M!6G$ to your cells and to your enteric brain concerning the '$:Ming of a target ob7ect is %uite damaging to desired results J that is, to getting the ob7ect9s reality matrix light-encoded as materialized ob7ect in 4-spacetime M!6G$ splits one9s vector-intention into a 6$< and a #1, and confuses the enteric brain into inaction 5he worst thing to have is a neurotic enteric brain, trained into inaction by double messages and double entendres &meanings) &though, not necessarily of a ris%uN or sensual nature)

Most newbies either begin with a #1 or a @1#95 >#1; <trangely enough, a #1 is easier to reverse than a @1#95 >#1;, but it is also the most fragile to negative results on first try

#1 is a clear vector-intention supported by belief and experience It is also the most susceptible to change by information and mental representation supportive of the fact of LERM It is also the most susceptible to the logic of everyday '$:Ming of one9s reality #1 is belief response dubiously supported by imagination ;hen imagination can be stolen away from #1 support of the %uestion, do you believe you can LERM a living or nonliving M01 ob7ectF, you then have the means to guide the vector-intention away from a negative and toward an imagination-borne possibility of how it can be done that can lead to a 6$< !s 6$< arrived at in this manner is a conditional 6$<, provided that the process wor/s the first time around, it re%uires a posited 2proof 3 ;hen it does result in a positive proof, it is a triumph of ego-belief and personality-vectorintention #othing wrong with this outcome It is when it doesn9t that a #1turned-6$< stance can lead to internal dissonance and self-castigation 5he ones who wish to pull themselves up and move on to a new trial, do so and most, if not all, produce one eventually ;hat is not realized by newbies who reply in the negative or with a @1#95 >#1; to the belief %uestion is that each of them already perform LERM on all M01s in their lives, including but not limited to their 2individual reality 3


! @1#95 >#1; stance on the belief %uestion is initially most susceptible to demonstration by information set and /nowledge instigation 5hese are the people who depend highly on their imagination to wrap their minds around an event deemed possible, or probable, by their manifest vector-intentions It has been our experience that people who @1#95 >#1; and who have in%uiring minds are the best combination for LERM event ac%uisition

;e strongly suggest that you treat all targets as information sets ;hen moving onward on an information set to LERM its matrix, call on the matrix to complete the set with accurate information &though this is often not necessary, as the templates will not only initialize the process but also fill in the gapOsP once a target sub7ected to M01 is acted upon by LERM

;e will also advise you that attention deployment will also be a crucial element in the algorithmic se%uence 5here are four attention modalitiesE broad internal, narrow internal, broad external, and narrow external Groad internal J locating the site of a headache with sympathetic pains all over the head, getting a feel for bloated sensation, determining why you are unhappy ! deployment of attention to event or phenomenon inside that does not focus on any specific aspect but rather encompasses all or most of the event or phenomenon in its scope of perception #arrow internal J focusing on a mantram during 5ranscendental Meditation session, focusing on the precise site of pain anywhere in the body, focusing on your breathing or heartbeat ! deployment of attention to event or phenomenon that draws focus specifically on the event or phenomenon or on any specific aspect of it as its scope of perception Groad external J loo/ing at a valley from a loo/out point high up a hill, loo/ing down from an airplane window to the ground, loo/ing up at the ocean from a beach ! deployment of attention to event or phenomenon that focuses on a broad swath of space without stopping to focus on any one aspect as its scope of perception Groad internal J loo/ing at a cut on someone else9s arm, touching or petting a dog or cat, loo/ing for a familiar face on a photograph ! deployment of attention to an event or phenomenon that draws focus specifically on an aspect of it as its scope of perception In the course of the algorithmic se%uence below, you will be using most, if not all, of the attention deployment modalities mentioned above

4 A"!ori*.&i/ S#5)# /#' 5he elements in the algorithm are as followsE

!c/nowledge need or desire to light encode the matrix of ob7ect desired or needed 1wn need or desire @eclare need or desire in word to all %uanta and re%uest their cooperation in fact &i e , in the world) (ocus on ob7ect&s) targeted and synthesize an awareness of ob7ect9s information set @o this visually as observership act, i e , by placing mentally or collocating


image of target in the solar plexus area at an arm9s length at height of stomach in front of your body

1nce you have mentally collocated target image on 2development plane3 &i e , the physical place at stomach height at arm9s length in front of you) at 90 degrees away from the belly button area, you let the area in which the ob7ect will manifest become the %uantum-potential 2cage3 in which the 80 template gathers up, with all the information set necessary to physically encode the ob7ect in 4-spacetime @uring this 80 template formation is the time you as/ for and accept cooperation from all %uanta that form the ob7ect9s 80 template !nd then as/ the 80 cage to tell you by /nowingness when template formation is complete !wait replyBfeedbac/, and when it comes, ac/nowledge and express gratefulness while accepting the template and owning it &meaning, you declare this template now as yours to do by your vector-intention) @1 #15 forget to do this 5his is an 2interconnectivity loc/3 and assures flow both ways J from you to template and from template to you in the physical

#ow relax by calling in on the 2mechanism3 &a la Gilly <unday, the fictional ballplayer in the movie, 2(or 5he 'ove 1f 5he =ame3) and narrow internal locus of attention onto the 80 template completed and in front of you in its glorious fuzzy form 1nce you have the 2mechanism3 /ic/ in bring in the formula into play Hlaim and own point-of-being &body-mind as you are at this exact time) and state-of-peace &state of relaxation as you are at this exact time)

:ecite the formula you compose to the rhythm count you designed Kse the formula example cited above as a recipe for your own 5hey have to contain your words, and you have to own your formula for it to wor/ for you (rom here onward, much of what you do depends on strong ownership and acceptance of what you do :ecite formula until you achieve rise to energetic overunity all over your body !s/ your body to provide you with confirming feedbac/ by method you devise to communicate with it and recognize /nowingness of overunity cellular electrical capacitance when it happens Monitor and feelBsense rise in cellular electrical capacitance while remaining peaceful and %uiet during your formula recitation :emain open to the confirming feedbac/ and stay ready to the experience of /nowingness that your body is to overunity ;hen the moment comes, ac/nowledge and express gratitude in your own words but internally and %uietly

5hen tell your body to continue electrical capacitance increase or build up beyond threshold <hift attention style from narrow internal to broad internal, and shift focus from awareness of energetic overunity to the feel of the energetic while vector-intentionally bringing the energetic sin/ &or hole through which you are going to as/ cooperating %uanta to 2spray3 the 80 template with the right type of wave-turned-particle in the process of commencing light encode procedure Gring the sin/ to 7ust below the belly button area and feel the 2stream3 as a spray, as if it was a water spout and it was comfortably and very relaxed filling up the 80 template at arm9s length in front of your belly button area 5he important thing is to /eep calm peace throughout this transition from overunity to sin/ energetic spraying,


#ow you enlarge your broad internal attention to also include the target template at arm9s length in front of your belly button area, your energetic sin/ and the energetic overunity from all over your body 1nce you have this awareness in mind, relaxed and peaceful, move to the next process 1nce you are aware of the target template, your energetic sin/ facing it, and the energetic overunity in your body, bring your vector-intention to bear on every cell in your body, issuing a vector-intentional /nowingness to all cells to summate their energetics onto the energetic sin/, letting 2pressure3 build as time goes by &Internal Q external time may not show isomorphic or one-to-one correspondence at this stage in the process ) !s/ your biomind to give you readiness feedbac/ to start process of cooperative spray and materialization of 4-spacetime target ob7ect matrix !s/ this /nowingness to be readily and easily understandable to you ;hen it comes and you recognize it, accept, express gratitude, own, and begin next phase =ive instruction to your overunity sin/ to set up cooperative interconnectivity with flowing energetics at sin/ and direct flow of energetic stream to point alpha in the 4-spacetime location 'et the energetic stream conform the 4-spacetime matrix by light-encoding it from alpha point outward to ob7ect boundaries 1nce this is complete, go inward to source, accept the ob7ect encoded, express your gratitude to your biomind and living matrix, and ta/e physical possession of the ob7ect $nd of algorithmic process


! practicum is a practice period of time at a chosen place It is a conscious activity brought under the control of our vector-intention It is a choice and the conse%uence of its performance as chosen as well as of the product&s) derived from it It also means you perform a practicum, and the performance of the practicum is the medium of the ob7ect of the practicum J much li/e as if the practicum were the carrier wave of another &the performance of the LERM of an M01) piggybac/ing on it $stablishing 0:!H5IHKM as a LERM ritual trains your biomind and organism to respond to the demand of performing LERM of a chosen M01 anywhere, anytime It is strongly suggested to you that you adopt 0:!H5IHKM as your private, intimate ritual to LERM a chosen target M01


;e come to the end of the LERMBM01 modules and its support physics !s you may have already surmised, much of what you have already read in these


modules have other applications as well, 7ust as LERM is not 7ust an on-demand phenomenon but actually the basis of our creation of our individual and collective reality

LERM, as an on-demand phenomenon, is as ancient as the time when the perfect @#! appeared in 4-spacetime, and began the panspermia of the universe +uman science at the start of the .*st century of the Hommon $ra is at a threshold beyond its own conception ;e are as gifted as any other life form in the /nown universe, more than some and less than others according to our stage of biomind evolvement at this 7uncture of our common history ;e are also coming into our own, and the means to do so are at hand 5I!, LERM, M01 and other technologies that combine internal and external re%uisites and re%uirement assists are part of an ancient patrimony that is not even native to this galaxy 6et we have it and we are harvesting its gifts and goodies !nd we have 7ust started

5or yo'r (n&or+at(on8 when we say LHe(ssnerM we +ean the &'n#a+enta) or phys(ca) 4o#y@s He(ssner &(e)#N an# when we say Lant(He(ssnerM we are ta)0(n* a4o't the &'n#a+enta) He(ssner &(e)#@s &(rst8 secon#8 th(r# har+on(c8 an# so on. B(nce th(s He(ssner$ant(He(ssner &(e)# co+p)e- o& o'rs (s on 24/;/26"8 (t a)so has (nteract(!e8 (nter&ac(n*8 rea#$an#$co+p'te8 rea#$an#$co+pose8 an# rea#$an#$e-ten#8 a+on* other Le-ten#e# h'+an &'nct(ons.M The h'+an He(ssner &(e)# was &(rst #etecte# an# +eas're# at <.=.E.G. (n 19948 (n !er(&(cat(on o& wor0 4y Hae Wan 7o 9CR:8 Rar) Kopp 9Ser+any:8 an# 7er4ert 5roh)(ch 9Ser+any:8 an# was na+e# a&ter G)e-an#er He(ssner P an G'str(an en*(neer who ha# #e!e)ope# antennas wh(ch were a4)e to #etect )on* wa!es wh()e wor0(n* &or Te)e&'n0en (n Aer)(n8 (n 190;.


is a retired scientist and cofounder of the 'I($ 0+6<IH< =:1K0 J H!'I(1:#I! ! former executive director of the !merican !ssociation of :emote Diewers, he is an experienced physical-gnosive extension neurosensor and consultant to a private research institute in northern Halifornia

E' M' WIEN78

is an active astrophysicist and computer scientist wor/ing for a private research institute in northern Halifornia, as well as with one of the national laboratories in the <an (rancisco Gay area +e is also a cofounder of the


'I($ 0+6<IH< =:1K0 J H!'I(1:#I!


is a doctoral level computer scientist and biochemist, who wor/s for a ma7or manufacturer of specialty materials used in the space program and in scientific applications related to the space program


is a doctoral level electrical engineer wor/ing for a large aerospace conglomerate in southern Halifornia

R 5he names adopted by these authors is a pen name used in any written wor/ associated with the 'I($ 0+6<IH< =:1K0, and is designed to protect their professional association with their respective employers


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