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Synthesis and Timing Verification Manual By Dr.

Ahmet Bindal Computer Engineering Department San Jose State University

ac_shell -gui Launch BuildGates Synthesis tool. Under the UNIX terminal, type ac_shell gui, it will launch the BuildGates Synthesis tool. Example: ac_shell -gui

source (TCL script) source is command in TCL script to compile a TCL source code. setup.tcl proc setup {} { set_global echo_commands true set_global fanout_load_limit 12 read_alf /apps/cadence/bg40/lib/lca500k.alf read_update_library /apps/cadence/bg40/lib/lca500k.wireload3 set_global target_technology lca500kv } Example: ac_shell> source setup.tcl To run the script: ac_shell> setup

set_global The set_global command sets the global variables of ac_shell. These variables are independent of the design, but affect the overall run procedure and the ac_shell policies on various global matters, for example, the Verilog module naming style, message verbosity level, slew limit, and line length in reports. Example: ac_shell> set_global target_technology lca500kv To set the fanout load limit (maximum value) on the output ports of a top level module. Fanout load limits are only used to enforce the design rule checks; they do not affect timing analysis. Setting port capacitance limit affects timing analysis. Example: ac_shell> set_global fanout_load_limit 12

Or For specific fanout limit for an individual output, use set_fanout_load_limit follow by a number value. Example: ac_shell> set_fanout_load_limit 12 [find -port -output sum_out] This is to set the ac_shell to show all the commands as they are execute in the script. Example: ac_shell> set_global echo_commands true

read_alf read_alf command is used to read an ALF library into the database before synthesis. Example: ac_shell> read_alf /apps/cadence/bg40/lib/lca500k.alf

read_library_update Includes various cell-specific information related to layout and wire loading, operating conditions to the existing technology library. Example: ac_shell> read_library_update /apps/cadence/bg40/lib/lca500k.wireload3

read_verilog Reads in Verilog RTL files to ac_shell. read_verilog can read in one file or multiple files. Example: ac_shell> read_verilog my_design.v Read in the multiple files and the files are located in the local directory. Each filename is separate by a space after the command. Example: ac_shell> read_verilog my_design.v mux.v full_adder.v ff.v Read in the file or files in a remote directory. Example: ac_shell> read_verilog {bg40/vlog/design.v bg40/vlog/mux.v}

do_build_generic Transforms the design read in by the commands read_verilog into a hierarchical, gate-level netlist consisting of technology-independent logic gates, using components from the Ambit Synthesis Technology Library (ATL) and Extended ATL (XATL). The command performs constant propagation, loop unrolling, lifetime analysis, and logic mapping. Example: ac_shell> do_build_generic Builds a generic netlist for all modules in the design hierarchy. If there are multiple top-level modules in the design hierarchy, the -all or -module option must be specified. If -all is specified, the first module returned by [find -top *] is selected as the top of the design hierarchy and as the default top timing module. Example: ac_shell> do_build_generic all Builds a generic netlist for the named module and all sub- modules in the hierarchy. Selects the named module as the top of the design hierarchy and as the default top timing module. Example: ac_shell> do_build_generic module module_name

set_top_timing_module Identifies the module to be used by subsequent commands as a context for setting timing constraints. All the constraints are set with reference to the module specified as the top timing module. The optimization commands operate on the module (and its hierarchy) set by the top timing module. Example: ac_shell> set top module_name ac_shell> set_top_timing_module $top This example is without using the TCL shell variable to execute the command. Example: ac_shell> set_top_timing_module <module_name>

set_current_module Sets the module represented by module_name as the current module. Design objects referenced by subsequent commands can be found relative to this module. All searches for design objects are started in this module. If design objects are referenced hierarchically, module_name is used as the root (top level module) of the hierarchy. Example: ac_shell> set_current_module <module_name>

set_clock set clock clock_name {[-period period] | [-waveform {lead_time trail_time}]} Defines an ideal clock signal. An ideal clock must be defined as a global reference signal for all the data signals in the design. The ideal clock is defined by its name, period, and position of the leading edge and trailing edge. In a singleclock design, only one set_clock command is used. In a multiphase clock system, several set_clock commands are used to define each phase of the clock. For purely combinational design, an ideal clock (or any clock) definition is not necessary. Single Clock in a system: Example: ac_shell> set_clock ideal_clock period 10 lead 3 trail 8 Or Example: ac_shell> set_clock ideal_clock period 10 -waveform {3 8} Note1: In this example, there is no defined positive or negative edge. In figure 1, a positive edge clock is shown, but it can be a negative edge clock. Note2: The ideal_clock is the name of your ideal clock. Figure 1


T = 10 T=8

T = 20 Trailing edge



Leading Edge

Multiple Clock in a System: Example: ac_shell> set_clock ideal_clock1 period 10 lead 0 trail 5 ac_shell> set_clock ideal_clock2 period 20 lead 8 trail 18 ac_shell> set_clock ideal_clock3 period 20 lead 5 trail 9 Or Example: ac_shell> set_clock ideal_clock1 period 10 waveform {0 5} ac_shell> set_clock ideal_clock2 period 20 waveform {8 18} ac_shell> set_clock ideal_clock3 period 20 waveform {5 9} Note: All the clocks in figure 2 are drawn with the positive edge, set_clock command doesnt define positive or negative edge of the clock.

Figure 2
T =0 T = 10 T = 20 T = 30 T = 40




set_clock_root set_clock_root -clock ideal_clock_name [-pos | -neg] list_of_pins Assigns a polarity to a previously (set_clock) specified ideal clock and associates a list of clock pins or ports with the ideal clock signal. This command is usually right after the command set_clock Example: ac_shell> set_clock ideal_clock period 10 -waveform {3 8} ac_shell> set_clock_root clock ideal_clock neg clk

Note: clk is the actual clock name of the module of the design. This example, the clock in figure is negative edge because of the option neg. Figure 3
T =0 T =5 T = 10 T =8 T = 15 T = 20 T = 25 Trailing edge


T =3

Leading Edge

Example: ac_shell> set_clock ideal_clock1 period 10 waveform {0 5} ac_shell> set_clock ideal_clock2 period 20 waveform {8 18} ac_shell> set_clock ideal_clock3 period 20 waveform {5 9} ac_shell> set_clock_root ideal_clock1 pos clk1 ac_shell> set_clock_root ideal_clock2 neg clk2 ac_shell> set_clock_root ideal_clock3 pos clk3 Note: In this example, the design has three clocks, clk1, clk2 and clk3.

Figure 4
T =0 T = 10 T = 20 T = 30

clk1 clk2


find [-blackboxes] [-alias_only] [-bus] [-cellrefs] [-clocks] [-dont_modify] [-exact] [-exclude] [-full_path_name] [-glob | -regexp] [-hierarchical] [-inputs] [-instances] [-modules] [-nets] [-nocase] [-noclocks] [-of_cell_type cell_name] [-of_lib_type lib_name] [-of_pin_type { data | clock | output | reset | set }] [-outputs] [-pins] [-ports] [-registers] [-sop] [-techlib] [-top] [-scalar] name_list

Finds various design objects and prepares the list for other ac_shell commands. The design objects are found in the design database using global style pattern matching, unless -regexp option is used. Multiple wildcard matching in a name is permitted.

Filter for -cellref and -instances. Returns only objects that are blackboxes.

Filter for nets, ports, and instance pins. Returns only bus components. -cellrefs Searches for cell references.

Filter for -pins and -ports. Returns only clock pins or ports.

Filter for all objects types. Returns objects with dont_modify flag set. Refer to set_dont_modify.

Searches only for exact name matches.

-exclude namelist

Will not return objects specified by namelist. This option will work with any object type including cells. instances, net, modules, ports, pins, and techlibs.

Returns the complete path name of the object, not the object_id. It returns the complete path of the nets, instances, and the instance pins from the current module. It returns the object name for all other object types.

Searches the complete database hierarchically from current module.


Filters for -pin and -port. Returns only input pins or ports.

Searches only for instances.


Searches for modules.


Specifies the names of the objects to search. Pattern matching and regular expressions may be used to find many objects.

Searches only for net object types.


Use this switch in conjunction with the -module or the - techlibs switches to specify. It determines whether a case- insensitive search is performed. It is a useful in searching for the VHDL modules.

Filter for -pins and -ports. Returns only nonclock pins or ports. -of_cell_type cell_name Filter for -instances. Returns only the instances of cell_name, which can be *. -of_pin_type { data | clock | output | reset | set } This is a filter for -pin. It returns the respective pins for the sequential elements. This option allows you to apply path exceptions (false paths, multi-cycle paths) across reused modules.

Filter for -pins and -ports. Returns only output pins or ports.

Searches only for instance pins.


Searches only for ports.


Performs pattern matching using regular expression rules instead of glob style pattern matching by default.

Filter for -instances. Returns only sequential instances.


Filter for -cellref and -instances. Returns objects which are sum-ofproducts (SOP) logic.

Filter for nets, ports, and instance pins. Returns only the scalar components and filters out the bus components. Useful in the cases where there is a name collision between a scalar and bus component.

Searches for technology libraries.


Filter for -module. Returns only the top level module. The following symbols are used for wildcard matching:

Matches 0 or more occurrence of any character.


Matches any single character.


Matches a or b or c. In this example, find all the inputs of the top module and except the clock. Example: [find port input noclocks *] The following example is written in a TCL script to find all the output whenever the script was call upon. The script name is all_outputs. The equalent to the script is like assign all output to a variable all_outputs.

Example: proc all_outputs {} { find port output *}

set_input_delay [-early | -late] [-rise | -fall] [-clock clock_name] [-lead | -trail] [-worst_case] float port_or_pin_list

Sets input path delay values on input ports (or internal input pins). This input path delay models the delay from an external register to an input port of the module. Example: ac_shell> set_input_delay -clock clk -late 9.5 -fall [all_inputs]

Figure 5
T =0 T =5 T =3 T = 10 T =8 T = 15 T = 20 T = 25 Trailing edge


Leading Edge


Setup time = 0.5

Note: Because the ideal clock clk is a negative edge clock, -lead and -fall options have the same meaning.

set_external_delay [-rise | -fall] [-late | -early] [-sig | -ref] [-lead | -trail] [-clock clock_name] [-arrival float] [-worst_case] external_delay port_or_pin_list

External delay requirements specify the required time that the output ports must be stable. This constraint considers the timing requirement of the configuration of the output port and the connection to the register input of the external block.
-arrival float

Specifies the actual arrival time of the edge of the clock waveform that is being used to determine the external delay. This is used if the arrival time of the capturing clock signal is different than the arrival time of the corresponding edge of the ideal (or generated) clock. This option is similar to specifying the actual clock arrival time using the set_clock_insertion_delay command in relation to the ideal (or generated) clock signal defined by the set_clock (or set_generated_clock) command. The -arrival option is an archaic method of specifying latency for the clock network for the fictitious flops connected to the output ports. It is used to set the absolute clock arrival time for those flops, which requires you to calculate the clock reference time plus latency along the clock path. With the set_clock_insertion_delay, only the network latency needs to be given for those clocks. So you do not need to do any arithmetic. The -arrival option is still available though. And if it is given, it overrides the set_clock_insertion_delay specification.
-clock clock_name

Specifies the ideal clock signal which is controlling the external register. A generated clock cannot be used with this option. The default is the asynchronous (@) clock.
-early | -late

Specifies that the constraint refers to the early (data hold/clock setup) or late (data setup/clock hold) times. If both -late and -early options are omitted, then the external delay is considered to apply to both early and late times.

Specifies the external delay, including data setup time for the external register.
-lead | -trail

Specifies that the leading or trailing edge of the clock waveform controls the external register. If both -lead and -trail options are omitted, the default is lead. If the external register is a latch, the controlling edge is the capturing edge.


Specifies the list of output or bidirectional ports or pins. When an external delay is asserted on an internal circuit pin (one that is not an output port), all outgoing signals from the pin are blocked.
-rise | -fall

Specifies that the external delay refers to the rising edge or falling edge at the output port. If both -rise and -fall options are omitted, the external delay applies to both the edges at the output port.
-sig | -ref

Determines whether the external delay assertion is being applied on a data path (-sig) or a clock network (-ref). If neither option is given, the default is -sig.

Takes the worst-case delay when multiple external delays for the same clock are specified. Without this option, successive external delays on the same clock overwrite previously asserted values. Example: ac_shell> set_external_delay clock clk_sys 5 out_1

set_drive_resistance -clock clk_name [-lead | -trail | -pos | -neg] [-rise | -fall] [-early | -late] [-slew_res slew_res_value] [-slew_intrinsic slew_intrinsic_value] value port_list

It provides a simpler version of the set_drive_cell command, and it can be used in many situations where the drive resistance can be specified. It is used only for timing analysis. It does not affect the electrical properties of the design. It is used to specify the drive resistance of a cell. It computes an offset to the arrival time of an input and also changes the slew time used to compute the delay of the cell on the sink of the net. Adding the RC constant to the specified arrival time at the input port modifies the arrival time at the input port. The RC constant is the capacitance (C) seen at the input port multiplied by the drive resistance (R). The RC value is used as the slew value for the delay calculation of the next cell.
-clock clk_name

The name of the clock.

-early | -late

Specifies that the drive resistance should be applied to the early arrival time (data hold time) or late arrival time (data setup time) for timing analysis.
-lead | -trail | -pos | -neg

Indicates that the signal at the specified port must be recognized as a data signal with the specified association (lead or trail) with respect to the specified clock clock_name. The default edge option is -lead.

For a clock signal, -pos and -neg specify that the slew time should be applied to an actual clock that has positive or negative polarity with respect to the ideal clock waveform. The default polarity is -pos.

List of ports for which drive resistance is specified.

-rise | -fall

Specifies that the drive resistance is applicable to only the rising edge or the falling edge transition at the input port. If neither rise nor fall options are specified then the resistance is applied to both transitions at the input port.
-slew_intrinsic slew_intrinsic_value

Specifies the intrinsic value of slew used in the slew computation at the input port of the module. The slew value at the input port of the module is computed as follows, assuming cap is the capacitance at this port:
slew = slew_intrinsic_value + slew_res_value * cap -slew_res slew_res_value

Specifies the value of resistance used in the slew computation at the input port of the module.

Resistance value. Example: ac_shell> set_drive_resistance 0 [all_inputs]

do_optimize It performs logic optimization on the current module as specified with the set_current_module command. Depending upon the state of the design database, logic optimization will include some or all of the following: unification, constant propagation, structuring, redundancy removal, technology mapping, timing-driven optimization, buffering of multi-port nets, and design-rule fixing. Example: ac_shell> do_optimize

report_timing [-clock_from clk_signame_list] [-clock_to clk_signame_list] [-edge_from {lead | trail}] [-edge_to {lead | trail}] [-rise] [-fall] [-early | -late] [-max_slack float] [-min_slack float] [-max_paths integer | -max_points npoint] [-nworst integer] [{-from | -from_rise | -from_fall} pin_list] [{-through | -through_rise | -through_fall} pin_list] [{-to | -to_rise | -to_fall} pin_list] [-bidi_input_from | -bidi_output_from] [-bidi_input_to | -bidi_output_to] [-bidi_input_through | -bidi_output_through] [-unconstrained [-delay_limit float]] [-check_clocks] [-latch] [-path_group groupname_list]

[-false_path_analysis {static | robust}] [-justify] [-true] [-tclfile tclfile_name] [-gcffile gcffile_name] [-hdl_sim_file hdlfile_name] [-spice_output filename [-spice_power_node power_rail_voltage_name_list]] [-net] [-unique_pins] [path_type {end | summary | full | full_clock}] [-check_type {setup | hold | pulse_width | clock_period | clock_gating_setup | clock_gating_hold | clock_gating_pulse_width | recovery | removal | clock_separation | skew | no_change_setup | no_change_hold}] [-format column_list] [-tcl_list] [{> | >>} filename] Valid columns are: addition arc arrival bottle cell clkordata clkordatapin delay delay_ast direction dont_modify_instance dont_modify_net edge eslack fanin fanout fpin from_edge hpin instance instance_location load lslack net phase pin pinload pin_location required slack slew stolen to_edge tpin wireload wlmodel -bidi_input_from | -bidi_output_from Specifies that the bidirectional pins in the -from/-from_rise/ from_fall pin list refer to the input or output part of the bidirectional

pins. For default value, see Bidirectional Pin Defaults.

-bidi_input_through | -bidi_output_through Specifies that the bidirectional pins in the -through/ -through_rise/through_fall pin list refer to the input or output part of the bidirectional

pins. For default value, see Bidirectional Pin Defaults.

-bidi_input_to | -bidi_output_to

Specifies that the bidirectional pins in the -to/-to_rise/ -to_fall pin list refer to the input or output part of the bidirectional pins. For default value, see Bidirectional Pin Defaults.

Enables reports generated based on timing paths on the clock network, instead of the standard timing to data endpoints. This report includes clock paths that end at the reference end of a check or a clock gating end point. By default, data paths and all the other clock paths (for example, clock path ending at D pin of a register) are reported. A clock path ending at D pin of a register is considered a data path by default because the global clock_gating_regardless_of_downstream_logic is false by default. Note: If the clock_gating_regardless_of_downstream_logic global is set to true, the report_timing slack results without -check_clocks option may not match the slack numbers from get_module_worst_slack without -clknet_too option. By default (without -clknet_too option), get_module_worst_slack does not consider clock networks at all.

-check_type check_type

Reports only the paths which end at the specified timing check. The supported check types are: setup, hold, pulse_width, clock_period, clock_gating_setup, clock_gating_hold, clock_gating_pulse_width, recovery, removal, clock_separation, skew, no_change_setup, no_change_hold. This option cannot be used with the -unconstrained or -early |-late options.
-clock_from clk_signame_list

Enables reports generated based on source clock waveform(s). Reports only those paths whose source clocks are the clock signals in clk_signame_list.
-clock_to clk_signame_list

Enables reports generated based on target clock waveform(s). Reports only those paths whose target clocks are the clock signals in clk_signame_list.
-delay_limit float

Specifies the path delay limit for unconstrained paths (-unconstrained option). For early paths (-early option), reports only those paths with path delay less than the delay limit. For late paths (-late option) reports only those paths with path delay more than the delay limit. The -delay_limit option can only be used in conjunction with the unconstrained option.
-early | -late

The timing report is generated for early paths (data hold checks/ clock setup checks) or late paths (data setup checks/clock hold checks). The default is -late. The -late and -early options in report_timing are meant for the data path, not the clock path. BuildGates will check late data against early clock in the -late option, and early data against late clock in the -early option. For clock signals, there is another timing criteria called the PulseWidth Check in the report. Specifying report_timing with the -late option (the default) will report the worst slack path between the pulsewidth check and the hold check. Similarly, the -early option reports the worst slack path between the pulsewidth check and the setup check. See Examples for some sample reports.
-edge_from {lead | trail}

Enables reports generated based on source clock edge, either leading or trailing. Default is both.
-edge_to {lead | trail}

Enables reports generated based on target clock edge, either leading or trailing. Default is both.

-from | -from_rise | -from_fall pin_list

Reports paths starting from the pin(s) specified by the pin_list. Using from_rise (or -from_fall) specifies that the rising (or falling) edge of the signals on the pins in pin_list are the start of the paths. Note: This option combined with the -through and -to options provides a method for specifying particular paths in the design.
-max_paths integer

Reports the specified number of worst paths in the design, regardless of the endpoint. This is useful, but can be time consuming if a large number of paths are requested. The paths are always sorted based on slack. The default is one worst path. The -max_paths option cannot be used with the -max_points option.
-max_points integer

Reports the worst path it finds to each endpoint up to the number specified by the -max_points option. The default is to show worst path to one endpoint. If -path_type end option is specified, it reports worst path to each endpoint by default. This is the most frequently used report. The -max_points option cannot be used with the -max_paths option.
-max_slack float

Reports only those paths with slack equal to or less than the value of float are reported. The -max_slack option limits the report to paths that fall into the specified range. A positive slack value indicates that timing was met. A negative value for slack indicates a timing violation. The -max_slack option cannot be used with the -unconstrained option. Typically, you can report all violating endpoints by using:
-max_slack 0.0 -max_points 1000

Note: This still limits the report to 1000 endpoints. The endpoint limitation can be adjusted to a reasonable number.
-min_slack float

Reports only those paths whose slack is greater than the value of float. The -min_slack option cannot be used with the -unconstrained option. You can generate a timing report containing any path with greater than the specified slack by using the -max_paths option. For example, to report all paths with slack greater than 2ns:
-min_slack 2.0 -max_paths 1000

Note: This still limits the report to 1000 paths. The path limitation can be adjusted to a reasonable number.
-nworst integer

Specifies the number of paths to be enumerated for each endpoint. By default, only the worst path to each endpoint is reported. Use the -nworst option to report all the checks at an end point or use the -check_type option to report a specific check. The -nworst option cannot be used with the -max_paths option.

-path_group groupname_list

Reports only paths contained in the groups specified in groupname_list. You can report paths belonging to the default path group by using path_group default. The paths that do not belong to any user-specified path group belong to the default path group named default.
-rise | -fall

Reports the path with the specified edge on the endpoint. If an endpoint is specified using -to_rise (or -to_fall) option, the rise (or -fall) option is ignored and paths with edge specified by to_rise (or -to_fall) are reported.
-through | -through_rise | -through_fall pin_list

Reports paths that pass through the pin(s) specified by the pin_list. Any number of -through pins can be specified. Using -through_rise (or through_fall) specifies that the paths go through the rising (or falling) edge of the signals on the pins in pin_list. The pin_list is a logical OR function. The resulting path may pass through any of the pins in the -through pin_list. To force the report to pass through multiple pins, separate -through statements are needed.
-to | -to_rise | -to_fall pin_list

Reports paths leading to the pin(s) specified by the pin_list. Pins in the pin_list can be either pins on the design boundary (ports) or pins on an instance. Only one list of -to pins can be specified per report. Using to_rise (or -to_fall) specifies that the rising (or falling) edge of the signals on the pins in pin_list are at the end of the paths.

Reports only the unconstrained paths (paths with no slack). If no paths are found, there may be constrained paths or false paths or the path may not exist. Each signal arriving at the path end node which does not have a matching required time, results in an unconstrained path. If there is an asynchronous signal (specified with '@' clock) arriving at the path end node, the path is always reported as an unconstrained path. Note: An asynchronous signal is applied to all the unconstrained primary inputs during this mode. The report_timing command without -unconstrained option reports only constrained paths. If no constrained path is found, there may be unconstrained paths or false paths or the path may not exist. If no constrained or unconstrained path is found, the path is either false or does not exist structurally. Note: The -min_slack and -max_slack options cannot be specified with the -unconstrained option. See -delay_limit option described below. See for the conditions under which a path is reported as constrained or unconstrained.


Reports paths through unique set of pins. Only one path (the worst) is reported for unique set of pins. This option suppresses multiple paths that differ only because of transition polarity or conditional arcs. Note: Using this option may significantly affect runtime and memory usage if the number of paths to be reported is high. Option for Latch Analysis Type

Reports the paths through latches in maximum time borrow latch mode. With this option, latch_time_borrow_mode is automatically set to max_borrow, if not already set. After report_timing the global is automatically reset back to its previous mode. Only the worst path is reported for each end point. The -latch option cannot be used with the -max_paths, -nworst, or any of the -from* or -through* options. For more information, see Analyzing Latch-Based Designs in the Timing Analysis for BuildGates Synthesis and Cadence Physically Knowledgeable Synthesis (PKS) manual. Options for Reporting False Paths In addition to the analysis that is performed by default, you can use options to perform false path analysis. The following five options (-false_path_analysis through -gcffile) deal with false path analysis. For more information, see Identifying and Eliminating False Paths in the Timing Analysis for BuildGates Synthesis and Cadence Physically Knowledgeable Synthesis (PKS) manual.
-false_path_analysis {static | robust}

Determines the status of a path using static (or robust) analysis. You must always specify the analysis type, either static or robust, with the false_path_analysis option. Unless the -true option is used to disable printing of false paths, a false path is indicated in the report as shown in this example: Path 1: FALSE PATH
-gcffile gcffilename

Generates a General Constraint Format (GCF) file, gcffilename, containing GCF DISABLE constraints which correspond to the false paths identified. An error message is issued if gcffilename is not specified. Use gcffilename to pass the DISABLE constraints (false paths) to backend tools for operations like place and route. These backend tools will not consider the timing on the false paths while doing placement and routing. Note: This option can only be used with the -false_path_analysis option.

-hdl_sim_file hdlfile_name

Generates HDL simulation models for combinational TRUE paths. The HDL simulation models are appended to the file specified by hdlfile_name. Use the -hdl_sim_file option to pass the result of false path analysis to dynamic simulation tools for the purpose of verifying true paths under sequential operation. Note: This option can only be used with the -false_path_analysis option.

Gets one test vector for which the reported paths become true. This option also displays a test pattern for each true path. Note: This option can only be used with the -false_path_analysis option.
-tclfile tclfilename Generates a Tcl file, tclfilename,

containing set_false_path commands corresponding to the false paths identified. An error message is issued if tclfilename is not specified. You can source tclfilename before running the report_timing command again. This filters out the false paths from the report and next available true paths are reported. The Tcl file can also be sourced before performing finer timing optimizations so that the false paths are not optimized. Note: This option can only be used with the -false_path_analysis option.

Displays only identified true paths. The false paths identified are not printed. The sensitization criterion must be specified using the false_path_analysis option. Note: This option can only be used with the -false_path_analysis {static | robust} option. Options for Creating Spice Output The following two options are used to generate Spice files.
-spice_output filename

Creates output in Spice format for the path reported. The file can be simulated in a Spice simulator for transient analysis of the path waveform. BuildGates appends the suffix .sp to the given filename. If report_timing gives more than one path, then BuildGates generates more than one output file with the following pattern: filename.sp filename2.sp filename3.sp. In this example, filename.sp is the Spice representation of Path 1 in report_timing, filename2.sp corresponds to Path 2 and so on. See Generating a Spice Netlist in the Timing Analysis for BuildGates Synthesis and Cadence Physically Knowledgeable Synthesis (PKS) manual for more information.

-spice_power_node power_rail_voltage_name_list

Ties any node whose name is in the list of power rail names to its instance operating voltage. The instance-specific operating voltage can be updated using the read_rrf command when rrf file is available. This option can only be used in conjunction with the -spice_output option. When the instance operating voltage value is not specified, the rail voltage value from the operating conditions will be used. Options for Formatting and Redirecting Reports
{> | >>} filename

Stores the generated report in the file specified by filename. If the file name is not specified the report is displayed on standard output. The file name must be the last argument in the list.

Generates an end point report for each path consisting of an endpoint, cause, slack, arrival time, required time, and phase. This option generates a very fast report. The -format option does not have any impact on this report format. Note: The -path_type end format is identical to the format produced by the obsolete -summary option.
-format column_list

Formats the report according to the column_list. The column_list specifies which columns to display in the timing report and the order in which they appear. For example:
-format {hpin cell delay required arrival required edge}

See Table 7-8 for a list of valid options. The default format for the full path is: {instance arc cell delay arr req} The default net format (with -net option) for the full path is: {hpin edge net cell delay arr req}. If the -unconstrained option is specified, the req column is not displayed. The -format option cannot be used with the -path_type end or -path_type summary options.

Generates a report which displays the full path with accompanying required time and slack calculation. This is the default path type. The report format can be controlled by using the -format option.

If the path reported ends at a timing check, this option also reports the full clock path (Other End Path) in addition to the full data path (Timing Path). If the reported path is a clock path, it also reports the full data path. By default, without this option, either the full data path or the full clock path is reported depending on the endpoint (data or clock).

Adds a row for the net arc. By default, the net arc is not shown, and the net delay is added to the following delay. This option also separates the cell delay from the wire delay.

-path_type {end | summary | full | full_clock} The path_type option lets you choose the format of the report by path type. The default format, if the -path_type option is not specified is full.

See path type examples.


Generates a summary report for each path consisting of a start point, endpoint, cause, slack, arrival time, required time, and phase. The -format option does not have any impact on this report format. Note: The -path_type summary format differs from that produced by the obsolete -summary option. To generate a report in the same format as summary, use -path_type end.

Produces a report in a tcl list. This is useful for integrating timing with custom Tcl functions and customizing report generation.

Table 7-8 Report Timing--Column List Options Option


Description Delay addition on pin. This delay typically comes from cycle addition or clock uncertainty. The column is labeled Delay Addition. The arc as described by the from pin, from pin edge, to pin, and to pin edge. For example, the arc from the rising edge of pin A to the falling edge of pin Z is reported as:
A ^->Z v


Arrival Bottle Cell Clkordata

Arrival time on the pin. Number of paths in the report that pass through the pin. Cell name of the given pin's instance. Reports whether the given pin is on a clock path or a data path. The column is labeled Clock/Data. Reports whether the given pin expects a clock signal or a data signal. The column is labeled Clock Expected. Arc delay. If stolen slack at the arc output pin (output of transparent latches) is not zero, the stolen column is also displayed along with this column. Reports if a delay has been asserted on the arc.




Direction Dont_modify_instance

Pin direction (IN, OUT). Reports whether the instance is dont_modify. If it is, YES appears in the column. Otherwise, this column will be blank. This argument displays the instance column automatically. Reports whether the net is dont_modify. If it is, YES appears in the column. Otherwise, this column will be blank. This argument displays the net column automatically. Edge on the pin (^=rise, v=fall). Worst early slack at the given pin. Total fanin on the net. Total fanout on the net. From or source pin of the arc. Edge on the from, or source, pin. Hierarchical pin name. Hierarchical name of the given pin's instance. Location (x,y) of the instance. If the design is not placed, the column will be blank. This argument displays the instance column automatically. Total capacitive load on a given pin. Worst late slack at the given pin. Hierarchical name of the net connected to given pin. Phase name on pin. Pin name of the given hierarchical pin. Total capacitive load from pins on a given pin, including its own load. Location (x,y) of the pin. If the design is not placed, the column will be blank.


Edge Eslack Fanin Fanout Fpin From_edge Hpin Instance


Load Lslack Net Phase Pin Pinload


Required Slack Slew Stolen

Required time on the pin. Slack on the pin (this is the same for the entire path). Propagated slew at the given pin Slack stolen (or the time given to previous stage) at the given pin. If the slack is not zero and the delay column is specified, this column is displayed by default. (only visible on the output of transparent latches.) Edge on the to, or sink, pin. To, or sink, pin of the arc. Total capacitive load from the wire on a given pin. Wireload model used to calculate load on the net.

To_edge Tpin Wireload Wlmodel

>report_timing -to out +--------------------------------------------+ | Report | report_timing | |---------------------+----------------------| | Options | -to out | +---------------------+----------------------+ | Date | 20000120.204141 | | Tool | ac_shell | | Release | v4.0-eng | | Version | Aug 18 2000 07:33:54 | +---------------------+----------------------+ | Module | top | | Timing | LATE | | Slew Propagation | FAST | | Operating Condition | CTLF_OP_COND | | PVT Mode | worst_case | | Tree Type | worst_case | | Process | 1.00 | | Voltage | 3.30 | | Temperature | 25.00 | | time unit | 1.00 ns | | capacitance unit | 1.00 pF | | resistance unit | 1.00 kOhm | +--------------------------------------------+

Path 1: VIOLATED External Delay Assertion Endpoint: out (^) checked with trailing edge of 'CLK1' Beginpoint: J_block/C_reg/Q (^) triggered by leading edge of 'CLK2' Other End Arrival Time 2.00 - External Delay 1.00 + Phase Shift -1.00 = Required Time 0.00 - Arrival Time 9.25 = Slack Time -9.25
+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Instance | Arc | Cell | Delay | Arrival | Required | | | | | | Time | Time | |---------------+-------------+---------+-------+---------+----------| | | clkC ^ | | | 0.05 | -9.20 | | J_block | clkc ^ | J_block | | 0.05 | -9.20 | | J_block/C_reg | CP ^ -> Q ^ | FD1QA | 0.21 | 0.26 | -8.99 | | J_block/zbuf0 | A ^ -> Z ^ | BUFA | 0.13 | 0.39 | -8.86 | | J_block/zbuf1 | A ^ -> Z ^ | BUFA | 0.13 | 0.52 | -8.73 | | J_block/u000 | A ^ -> Z ^ | AND2L | 8.73 | 9.25 | 0.00 | | J_block | out ^ | J_block | | 9.25 | 0.00 | | | out ^ | | 0.00 | 9.25 | 0.00 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+

The following command gives a report similar to the first with the addition of net arc information.
>report_timing -to {out[4]} -net
+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Pin | Edge | Net | Cell | Delay | Arrival | Required | | | | | | | Time | Time | |------------------+-------+------------------+---------+-------+---------+----------| | clkC | ^ | clkC | | | 0.05 | -9.20 | | J_block/clkc | ^ | J_block/clkc | J_block | | 0.05 | -9.20 | | J_block/C_reg/CP | ^ | J_block/clkc | FD1QA | 0.00 | 0.05 | -9.20 | | J_block/C_reg/Q | ^ | J_block/w03 | FD1QA | 0.21 | 0.26 | -8.99 | | J_block/zbuf0/A | ^ | J_block/w03 | BUFA | 0.00 | 0.26 | -8.99 | | J_block/zbuf0/Z | ^ | J_block/w03prime | BUFA | 0.13 | 0.39 | -8.86 | | J_block/zbuf1/A | ^ | J_block/w03prime | BUFA | 0.00 | 0.39 | -8.86 | | J_block/zbuf1/Z | ^ | J_block/Z | BUFA | 0.13 | 0.52 | -8.73 | | J_block/u000/A | ^ | J_block/Z | AND2L | 0.00 | 0.52 | -8.73 | | J_block/u000/Z | ^ | J_block/out | AND2L | 8.73 | 9.25 | 0.00 | | J_block/out | ^ | out | J_block | | 9.25 | 0.00 | | out | ^ | out | top | 0.00 | 9.25 | 0.00 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

The following displays the worst late path in the design. The format of the report is similar to the first example.

The following displays the worst late path to each violating endpoint that has a slack less than -1.0:
report_timing -max_slack -1.0

The following displays all the late paths that end at port out[2] and that have negative slack up to a maximum of 1000 worst paths. If there are more than 1000 paths, only the 1000 worst paths are reported.
report_timing -to out[2] -max_paths 1000 -max_slack 0.0

The following reports the worst late path that starts at in[0] and ends at out[1].
report_timing -from in[0] -to out[1]

The following displays the three worst paths that start at in[1] and end at out[3]. With reconvergent fanout, more than one path may exist:
report_timing -from in[1] -to out[3] -max_paths 3

The following displays the ten worst paths. Only the paths between the specified pins are enumerated.With reconvergent fanout, more than one path may exist:
report_timing -from i102/Z -to i123/A -max_paths 10

The following enumerates the worst ten paths through the given two pins, starting at the beginning points in the design and ending at the endpoints. This is similar to using the -from option.
report_timing -through i102/Z -through i123/A -max_paths 10

The following reports the ten worst paths through blocks A and C, or blocks B and C. The path only has to satisfy one element in a through list, but all through lists must be satisfied. The example can be thought of as ((A or B) and C).
report_timing -through {A/*B/*} -through {C/*} -max_paths 10

The following forces a path through pin A and pin B. Use the syntax shown in the example. Do not use -through {A B}.
report_timing -through -through A -through B

The following reports the worst endpoint and the ten worst paths to that endpoint. Similar to report_timing -max_paths 10 -to out[1], if out[1] is the worst endpoint:
report_timing -max_points 1 -nworst 10

The next two examples illustrate the -unconstrained option.

ac_shell[6]>report_timing -unconstrained +--------------------------------------------+ | Report | report_timing | |---------------------+----------------------| | Options | -unconstrained | +---------------------+----------------------+ | Date | 20010122.181608 | | Tool | ac_shell | | Release | v4.1-eng | | Version | Jan 22 2001 15:25:02 | +---------------------+----------------------+ | Module | scid | | Timing | LATE | | Slew Propagation | WORST | | Operating Condition | NOM | | PVT Mode | max | | Tree Type | balanced | | Process | 1.00 | | Voltage | 5.00 | | Temperature | 25.00 | | time unit | 1.00 ns | | capacitance unit | 1.00 pF | | resistance unit | 1.00 kOhm | +--------------------------------------------+ Path 1:Endpoint: O2 (^) Beginpoint: reg2/Q (v) triggered by trailing edge of 'vclk' +--------------------------------------------------+ | Instance | Arc | Cell | Delay | Arrival | | | | | | Time | |----------+-------------+-------+-------+---------| | | clk1 v | | | 10.00 | | nand1 | B v -> Z ^ | ND2 | 0.17 | 10.17 | | buf1 | A ^ -> Z ^ | BUF8A | 0.18 | 10.35 | | reg2 | CP ^ -> Q v | FD1 | 0.74 | 11.09 | | nand4 | A v -> Z ^ | ND2 | 0.07 | 11.16 | | | O2 ^ | | 0.00 | 11.16 | +--------------------------------------------------+ ac_shell[3]>report_timing -unconstrained -summary +--------------------------------------------+ | Report | report_timing | |---------------------+----------------------| | Options | -unconstrained | | | -summary | +---------------------+----------------------+ | Date | 20010122.181053 | | Tool | ac_shell | | Release | v4.1-eng | | Version | Jan 22 2001 15:25:02 | +---------------------+----------------------+ | Module | scid | | Timing | LATE | | Slew Propagation | WORST | | Operating Condition | NOM | | PVT Mode | max | | Tree Type | balanced |

| Process | 1.00 | | Voltage | 5.00 | | Temperature | 25.00 | | time unit | 1.00 ns | | capacitance unit | 1.00 pF | | resistance unit | 1.00 kOhm | +--------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Pin | Cause | Arrival | Phase | |-----------+--------------------+---------+---------------| | O2 ^ | Unconstrained Path | 10.82 | vclk N | | O1 v | Unconstrained Path | 0.70 | vclk P | | reg2/D ^ | Unconstrained Path | 0.24 | Unconstrained | | reg3/D ^ | Unconstrained Path | 0.17 | Unconstrained | | reg1/D v | Unconstrained Path | 0.15 | Unconstrained | | reg4/D v | Unconstrained Path | 0.15 | Unconstrained | | nand1/A v | Unconstrained Path | 0.00 | Unconstrained | +----------------------------------------------------------+

The following examples refer to Figure 7-3. Figure 7-3 Conditions for Unconstrained and Constrained


The path from I to O is reported as an unconstrained path under the following conditions (constraints on I and O):
o o

No constraints on either I or O
set_input_delay -clock ck1 1.0 I No set_external_delay constraint on O set_external_delay -clock ck1 1.0 O No set_input_delay constraint on I set_input_delay 1.0 I set_external_delay 1.1 O set_input_delay -clock ck1 1.0 I set_data_required_time -clock ck2 1.0 O

o o

The path from I to O is reported as a constrained path under the following conditions (constraints on I and O):
o set_input_delay -clock ck1 1.0 I set_external_delay -clock ck1 1.0 O set_input_delay -clock ck1 1.0 I set_external_delay -clock ck2 1.0 O

set_data_arrival_time -clock ck1 1.0 I set_data_required_time -clock ck1 1.0 O set_data_required_time -clock ck2 1.0 O

Two paths from I to O are reported one as a constrained path and the other one as an unconstrained path under the following conditions (constraints on I and O):
o set_input_delay -clock ck1 1.0 I set_input_delay -clock ck2 1.0 I

set_data_required_time -clock ck2 1.0 O

o set_input_delay 1.0 I

set_data_required_time 1.1 O

This example is intended to help you understand -late and -early reports for clock signals. Consider the following instance of a flip-flop. First the report_cell_instance_timing command is used to show all of the checks for the instance. The results are given below:
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Instance tmp_reg of FD1 |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Check | Sig | Ref | Slack | Delay | Adjust | Sig | Ref |------------+-------+-------+-------+---------+---------+----------+---------| | PULSEWIDTH | CP ^ | CP v | 14.58 | 0.42 | 0.00 | c1(C)(P) | c1(C)(P) | PULSEWIDTH | CP v | CP ^ | 14.63 | 0.37 | -30.00 | c1(C)(P) | c1(C)(P) | HOLD | D ^ | CP ^ | 1.05 | -0.05 | 0.00 | c1(D)(P) | c1(C)(P) | HOLD | D v | CP ^ | 1.93 | 0.07 | 0.00 | c1(D)(P) | c1(C)(P) | SETUP | D ^ | CP ^ | 28.86 | 0.14 | -30.00 | c1(D)(P) | c1(C)(P) | SETUP | D v | CP ^ | 27.90 | 0.10 | -30.00 | c1(D)(P) | c1(C)(P) +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | |

Since the hold check has worse slack than pulsewidth check, report_timing (default -late) shows:
Path 1: MET Hold Check with Pin tmp_reg/D Endpoint: tmp_reg/CP (^) checked with leading edge of 'c1' Beginpoint: c1 (^) triggered by leading edge of 'c1' Other End Arrival Time 1.00 + Hold 0.05 + Phase Shift 0.00 = Required Time 1.05 - Arrival Time 0.00 = Slack Time 1.05

And similarly, since pulsewidth check has worse slack than setup check, report_timing -early shows:
Path 1: MET PulseWidth Check with Pin tmp_reg/CP Endpoint: tmp_reg/CP (v) checked with leading edge of 'c1' Beginpoint: c1 (v) triggered by trailing edge of 'c1' Other End Arrival Time 0.00 + PulseWidth 0.42 + Phase Shift 0.00 = Required Time 0.42 - Arrival Time 15.00

= Slack Time


The next two examples illustrate the transparent latch reports using the default global setting latch_time_borrow_mode budget. For a comparison of reports using max_borrow analysis mode, see Analyzing Latch-Based Designs in the Timing Analysis for BuildGates Synthesis and Cadence Physically Knowledgeable Synthesis (PKS) manual.
>report_timing #header deleted Path 1: MET Latch Borrowed Time Check with Pin ld1/G Endpoint: ld1/D (^) checked with leading edge of 'CK1' Beginpoint: I (v) triggered by leading edge of 'CK1' Other End Arrival Time 0.00 + Time Borrowed 2.21 + G (^) -> Q (^) Delay 0.54 - D (^) -> Q (^) Delay 0.51 + Phase Shift 0.00 = Required Time 2.25 - Arrival Time 1.07 = Slack Time 1.18 +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Instance | Arc | Cell | Delay | Arrival | Required | | | | | | Time | Time | |----------+------------+-------+-------+---------+----------| | | I v | | | 1.00 | 2.18 | | inv0 | A v -> Z ^ | IV | 0.07 | 1.07 | 2.25 | | ld1 | D ^ | LD1 | 0.00 | 1.07 | 2.25 | +------------------------------------------------------------+ >report_timing -through ld1/Q #header deleted Path 1: MET External Delay Assertion Endpoint: O (v) checked with leading edge of 'CK1' Beginpoint: ld1/Q (^) triggered by leading edge of 'CK1' Other End Arrival Time 0.00 - External Delay 1.00 + Phase Shift 5.00 = Required Time 4.00 - Arrival Time 2.82 = Slack Time 1.18
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Instance | Arc | Cell | Delay | Time | Arrival | Required | | | | | | Given To | Time | Time | | | | | | Previous | | | | | | | | Stage | | | |----------+------------+-------+-------+----------+---------+----------| | | CK ^ | | | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1.18 | | ld1 | G ^ -> Q ^ | LD1 | 0.54 | 2.21 | 2.75 | 3.93 | | inv1 | A ^ -> Z v | IV | 0.07 | 0.00 | 2.82 | 4.00 | | | O v | | 0.00 | 0.00 | 2.82 | 4.00 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

The following command changes the format of the report, Compare the output to that shown in the first example (report_timing -to out).

>report_timing -to out -format {instance arc net load delay arrival}
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Instance | Arc | Net | Load | Delay | Arrival | | | | | | | Time | |---------------+-------------+------------------+-------+-------+---------| | | clkC ^ | clkC | | | 0.05 | | J_block | clkc ^ | J_block/clkc | | | 0.05 | | J_block/C_reg | CP ^ -> Q ^ | J_block/w03 | 0.00 | 0.21 | 0.26 | | J_block/zbuf0 | A ^ -> Z ^ | J_block/w03prime | 0.00 | 0.13 | 0.39 | | J_block/zbuf1 | A ^ -> Z ^ | J_block/Z | 0.00 | 0.13 | 0.52 | | J_block/u000 | A ^ -> Z ^ | J_block/out | 3.20 | 8.73 | 9.25 | | J_block | out ^ | out | | | 9.25 | | | out ^ | | | 0.00 | 9.25 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+

report_area [-summary] [-block] [-hierarchical] [-cells] [{ > | >> } filename]

Generates a report on the area of the netlist. The information contained in the report is dependent on the options used with the command.
{ > | >> } filename

Name of the file in which report will be saved. If filename is not specified, the report is displayed on the standard output. Note that filename must be the last argument in the list.

Area report is presented in summary form. The summary information contains name of the current module, wire load model used, cell area, net area, and total area. The following examples show reports where the area is taken from a TLF (or ALF) file and a LEF file. The numbers in each Cell Area column represent the area in square microns (TLF) and in terms of the number of SITES used (LEF). You can convert the LEF area units to square microns by multiplying the SITE SIZE X* Y.
Source of Area : Timing Library +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Module | Wireload | CellArea | Net Area | Total Area | |-------------+-----------------------+------------+----------+------------| |CSR1KT_viter | TSMC256K_Conservative | 1114025.68 | 0.00 | 1114025.68 | ... Source of Area : LEF +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Module | Wireload | Cell Area | Net Area | Total Area | |-------------+-----------------------+------------+----------+------------| |CSR1KT_viter | TSMC256K_Conservative | 656313.00 | 0.00 | 656313.00 | ...


Area report is presented for the entire hierarchy below the current module. If this option is not used, the data is presented only for the current module.


Area report is presented on every cell (block) in the current module. The cell report includes summary report for current module, summary report of cumulative design hierarchy, name and count of cells used, type of cells used, area for each cell, total cell area, net area and total design area. If no options are specified, then a summary area report will be generated.

Provides a block summary. See the table below.

Block report for module am Number of combination instances

Current Module Cumulative 3 812 438 10 1 1261 4181.00 9970.00 14151.00 1721 0.00 14151.00

Number of non-combinational instances 0 Number of hierarchal instances Number of blackbox instances Total number of instances Area of combinational cells Area of non-combinational cells Total cell area Number of nets Area of nets Total area 2 0 5 19.00 0.00 19.00 471 0.00 19.00

Example: ac_shell> report_area hier cells > reports/area.rpt Note: this example is to generate a area report and print on a file name area.rpt and store it under the directory reports.

report_design_rule_violations [-ignore_clknet] [-current_module_only] [-verbose] [-ignore_dont_modify_nets] [{ > | >> } filename] [-summary][-hierarchical]

It generates a report on all the design rule violations in the design. The information contained in the report depends on the options used.

Only the violations in the current module are reported.


Reports the violations for hierarchical ports.


The clock net violations are not reported.


Does not report design rule violations for nets that are set dont_modify.

Provides a summary report of the violations on each net (instead of listing all of the violations). The worst violations are reported for every violating net.

Reports all design rules for every net and port in the design regardless of whether there were any violations or not.
{> | >>} filename

Specifies the name of the report file. If filename is not specified, the report is displayed on standard output. filename must be the last argument in the list. The following a example will generate a violations report name drc_violations and store under the directory reports. Example: ac_shell> report_design_rule_violations > reports/drc_violations

report_hierarchy [-inst] [-tcl_list] [{> | >>} filename]

The report_hierarchy command reports the structural hierarchy as it exists at various stages in the synthesis process. The hierarchy reported is always that of the netlist in memory, with the current module as the top of the hierarchy. The report uses the following symbols to distinguish hierarchical blocks:
b g o

Black box module Generic (unmapped) module Optimized module attribute is set for this module

x dont_modify m

Module contains a mapped view

Includes the instance name of the module instantiation in the output. Modules that are multiply instantiated will include a separate line of output for each instantiation.

Reports the hierarchy in the form of a Tcl list. To use the output of the Tcl list to generate Tcl code, use a Tcl variable, as shown in the example below.
{> | >>} filename

Generated report is stored in the file specified by filename. If the filename is not specified then the report is displayed on standard output. Note that filename must be the last argument in the list. Example: ac_shell> report_hierarchy > reports/hier.rpt write_verilog
write_verilog [-hierarchical] [-equation] verilog_file_name

It writes out a netlist stored in the database in Verilog format. The netlist is generated by the do_build_generic command or do_optimize command.

Writes the netlist out as a hierarchical netlist. If this option is not used, the command writes out a netlist for the current module and any implied hierarchy created by BuildGates Synthesis, such as ACL modules.

Specifies the file in which the Verilog netlist will be saved.


Writes the verilog output without reference to atl, xatl, or library cells. Instead, each combinational or tristate cell instance is represented with an equation, and a simulation model for each sequential cell is written out. This to generate a gate-level netlist of the design that was synthesized and store it into the directory netlists. Example: ac_shell> write_verilog -hier netlists/design.vs

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