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User Manual

Smart_MOD KLink Protocol converter Klink/Modbus


Versions Documentation: Configuration tool, RS-232: Firmware version: Hardware version: V1.05 V2.03 V1.05 V1.20


P.O. Box 2143 D-96410 Coburg Germany Phone +49 9561 6400 Fax +49 9561 640130
7_6933_MOD 02 E

Smart_MOD KLink User manual

1. 2. 3. 4.
4.1. 4.2. 4.3.

Notes to obey Introduction Delivery content Hardware specification

Dimensions, connectors, state display Technical data Interface signals

4 5 6 7
7 8 8

5.1. 5.2.

Usage of the hardware

Working scenario Connection of the hardware

9 10

6.1. 6.2.

Configuration via code switches Configuration via the RS-232 interface Installation of the tool Usage of the 'Smart_MOD KLink Serial Configuration-Tool' Configuration via Modbus register Parameter Protocol

12 13 13 13 22 23 24

6.2.1. 6.2.2. 6.3. 6.3.1. 6.3.2.

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7.1. 7.2.

Field use of the Smart_MOD KLink

General information The register structure in the overview

27 28

7.3. Smart_MOD KLink - Communication with SIGMA CONTROL or SIGMA AIR MANAGER 30 1. Establish connection 30 2. Synchronization 30 3. Set password 30 4. Call operational data 31 7.4. 7.5. 7.6. 7.7. Master - communication with Smart_MOD KLink SIGMA CONTROL operational data SIGMA AIR MANAGER operational data KLink password 32 34 34 34




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Smart_MOD KLink User manual

1. Notes to obey
The usage of hardware and software should only take place after studying this user manual in detail!

Generally: 1. Connect the hardware correctly to the power supply. 2. Use the right voltage: U = +18-36V DC Voltage out of the defined range can lead to the destruction of the device. SELV Compliance: The safety status of any connections to the Smart_MOD module must comply to the SELV requirements.

Copyright: Neither this user manual nor parts of it may be copied or distributed in any way, e.g. on paper or in an electronic form, without the written permission of KAESER KOMPRESSOREN GmbH.

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Smart_MOD KLink User manual

2. Introduction
The manufacturer of Smart_MOD is b-plus GmbH. Smart_MOD Klink is exclusively made for KAESER KOMPRESSOREN GmbH. By means of a Smart_MOD KLink, the KAESER controllers SIGMA CONTROL or SIGMA AIR MANAGER can be easily connected to Modbus. Thereby Smart_MOD takes over the complete communication to the controllers, so that on the side of the Modbus network only the actually relevant process data such as measurement values, set points, device parameters etc. have to be transferred. Generally, the Smart_MOD KLink makes it possible for a Modbus master system (e.g. a PC or a PLC) to call data from a SIGMA AIR MANAGER. Smart_MOD Klink communicates with SIGMA CONTROL or SIGMA AIR MANAGER via KAESER KLink protocol.

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3. Delivery content
Smart_MOD KLink Box Ready-to-operate module, in a strong aluminium housing, including a power supply connector. Power supply: U = +18-36V DC

It is possible to get a KAESER compressor with built in Smart_MOD or to get Smart_MOD as a retrofit kit for KAESER compressors.

Accessories (optional):

Software Smart_MOD KLink CD CD with configuration tool for the serial interface, user manual as *.pdf file inclusive description of setting the parameters via the Modbus master.

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4. Hardware specification
4.1. Dimensions, connectors, state display

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4.2. Technical data

Power supply (Smart_MOD Box)
Operating voltage Power consumption (RS-232 and Modbus in operating state) +18-36V DC approximately 2 Watt

Environment conditions (Smart_MOD Box)

Operating temperature Stock temperature 0 C ... +50 C -10 C ... +70 C

Modbus interface RS485

Interface, galvanic separated Baud rate 9-SUBD female connector 9.6, 19.2 kBit/s

RS-232 interface
Standard PC RS-232 interface Baud rate 9-SUBD male connector 0.3, 0.6, 1.2, 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 14.4, 19.2, 28.8, 38.4, 57.6, 76.8, 115.2 kBit/s

4.3. Interface signals

Power supply (PIN)
+ GND PE +18-36V DC GND PE (safety ground)

RS-232 (PIN)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

9-SUBD male connector


Modbus interface RS485 (PIN)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

9-SUBD female connector

n.c. n.c. B+ n.c. DGND VP (+5V) n.c. An.c.

LED red (CONNECTION) LED green (OPERATION) Connection indicator Operation state

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5. Usage of the hardware

This product is a sensitive electronic device and therefore, special attention has to be paid to the following items.

5.1. Working scenario

A possible working scenarios for the Smart_MOD KLink module is shown in the picture below: In order to put the Smart_MOD into operation, the serial interface has to be connected by a standardized RS-232 cable with the RS-232 interface of SIGMA CONTROL or SIGMA AIR MANAGER. The RS-232 interface of Smart_MOD KLink is compatible to the RS-232 of a PC, i.e. it can be connected directly with each standard RS-232 interface of a terminal device. The power supply for the Smart_MOD KLink must provide a stable and interference-free operating voltage of +18-36 Volt DC, whereby the power consumption is about 2 Watt. The Modbus interface of Smart_MOD KLink is equipped with a SUBD female connector. Via this connector the Smart_MOD KLink is connected as a slave to a Modbus master system (master system can be e.g. a PLC or a PC).

Modbus master (e.g. PC or PLC)

Modbus slave

Modbus slave Modbus slave Modbus slave


RS -232 Interface

Smart_MOD KLink


Picture 1 Working scenario

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5.2. Connection of the hardware

The following points have to be considered when connecting the Smart_MOD module: 1. Take care about connecting lines to the power connector. Use the right polarity! Attention: Wrong polarity of the voltage supply destroy's the module! 2. Connect PE to safety ground. 3. Pay attention to the right operating voltage. The Smart_MOD Box module allows an operating voltage area between +18-36V DC. Voltage out of the defined range can lead to the distruction of the device! 4. Connect the Smart_MOD module via a norm RS-485 cable to the Modbus network. 5. Connect the Smart_MOD module via a norm RS-232 cable to SIGMA CONTROL or SIGMA AIR MANAGER. Attention: If you connect the RS-232 of the Smart_MOD module to a serial port of a PC for a full functional test, you have to use a zero-modem-cable (crossed data lines)! 6. After switching on the operating voltage on the module: The green and the red LED shine for a periode of two seconds and signal readiness for the configuration with the serial configuration tool (see 6.2 - Configuration via the RS-232 interface). Both LEDS expire for approximately one second. The red LED indicates the condition of the connection between the Smart_MOD KLink and the attached SIGMA CONTROL or SIGMA AIR MANAGER: - Does the red LED shine, so the connection between the two devices hasn't taken place yet. - However, doesn't the red LED shine, so a connection exists and data are exchanged between the two devices. The green LED is permanently on and signals 'ready for operation'. If an error happens the green LED is blinking: - 1 flash Error with the Modbus initialization - 2 flashes Error in the case of the RS232 interface initialization - 3 flashes Error during the KLink protocol initialization Note: If the green LED flashes more than 15 times, so an EEPROM error exists.

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6. Configuration
In order to use the whole function of the Smart_MOD device, some parameters must be set according to the respective working scenario. The user has three possibilities to configure the Modbus/RS-232 interface: Configuration via ... Code switches in order to set the bus address RS-232 configuration software Modbus register
Code RS-232 Modbus switches register Modbus parameter
Framing Mode Type Address Baud rate Parity Character timeout Read timeout Write timeout n.a. n.a. n.a. w n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. r/w r/w r r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w RTU < 10000 Slave 8 19200 No 1000 ms 3000 ms 3000 ms Data framework: RTU or ASCII Register mode (< 10000 registers, J-bus) Operation mode (only slave) Hardware address of Smart_MOD Transmission rate Parity check (only with ASCII) Timeout for characters (ZVZ) Timeout when reading (LVZ) Timeout when writing (SVZ)

Factory settings


Serial interface
Baud rate Data bits Stop bits Parity Handshake Control signals DTR, RTS Control signals CD, CTS, RI, DSR n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w n.a. r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r 192000 8 1 no no no no Speed Number of data bits Number of stop bits Parity check Handshake mode Setting the control lines Reading the control lines

KLink protocol
Update time Timeout time n.a. n.a. r/w r/w r/w r/w 1000 ms 1000 ms Update rate for the data update Timeout for the communication between Smart_MOD KLink and SIGMA CONTROL or SIGMA AIR MANAGER Six digit (hex code 00-FF) or Six digit (ASCII)





000000000000 or 000000

Additional parameter
Internal S/N Firmware version n.a. n.a. r r n.a. n.a. Serial number Version of the firmware

(Legend: r read, w write, n.a. not available)

The table above shows, which parameters can be read or set by which tool and how the factory setting is. Important note: If the Smart_MOD cannot be found in the Modbus network, the setting of the bus address should in any case first be done by means of the code switches!
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Smart_MOD KLink User manual

6.1. Configuration via code switches

The Modbus address of Smart_MOD KLink can be configured via the code switches (see illustrations from chapter 4.1). This kind of the address assignment has priority before the configuration by software, which can be done by means of a Modbus register or by the afterwards described serial configuration tool. The settings done by software are only active, if the code switches are adjusted to an address equal to 0 or larger than 247 (in hexadecimals: F7). Otherwise, the hardware settings have priority. Example: If you intend to set the address 143, the hexadecimal code switches have to be adjusted as follows: The code switch on the left side has to be set to '8', the right switch however to 'F' Because each of the two code switches represents a nibble, the hexadecimal value '8F' results

Important note: A changing of the Modbus address via the code switches will only be active, if the Smart_MOD KLink interface is booted again (i.e. the power supply is separated and then connected again).

In any case: If you are not sure what address should be used for connecting Smart_MOD to your special Modbus network, please ask the engineer who is responsible for your bus system.

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6.2. Configuration via the RS-232 interface

The Smart_MOD KLink module can be configured through a tool via the RS-232 interface. This kind of configuration is an alternative to the configuration via the Modbus master by means of the Modbus registers (see 6.3 - Configuration via Modbus register).


Installation of the tool

Start the program 'setup.exe' from the corresponding directory of the Smart_MOD KLink CD ('...\Configuration\Serial') for the software 'Smart_MOD KLink Serial Configuration' and follow the instructions on the monitor. After successful installation the program 'Smart_MOD KLink Serial Configuration' can be started from the task bar under the program group 'b-plus'.


Usage of the 'Smart_MOD KLink Serial Configuration-Tool'

In order to get a connection via the 'Smart_MOD KLink Serial Configuration-Tool' to the Smart_MOD device, the following steps have to be carried out: 1. Connect the Smart_MOD module through a zero-modem-cable (crossed data lines) to a free RS-232 port of your PC. 2. Start the application 'Smart_MOD KLink Serial Configuration' from the task bar under the program group 'b-plus'. 3. Choose the COM port to which the Smart_MOD module is connected to your PC. 4. Power up the Smart_MOD module when the starting window of the application is shown on the screen. 5. After a short moment the buttons ('Read', 'Reboot') arent shadowed any more (they are active now). Further on, the fields 'Firmwareversion' and 'Internal S/N' now contain the corresponding entries. The connection to the Smart_MOD KLink is now established. If setting up a connection to the Smart_MOD module is not possible, the program will finish automatically after 10 seconds. Important note: As long as Smart_MOD is accessed via the RS-232 interface by the 'Smart_MOD KLink Serial Configuration-Tool', no contact is possible to the Modbus network, because the Modbus interface of the Smart_MOD KLink is not activated in this case!

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After the start of the serial configuration tool you see the following application window. Here you can select the COM port of your PC, to which the Smart_MOD KLink module is connected. If in the selection menu the intended COM port does not appear, it is occupied by another application (in this case you select 'cancel'). Finish the application, which uses the COM port and restart the serial configuration tool.

Picture 2 Configuration tool (select the COM port)

After you pressed OK, the serial configuration tool tries to build up a connection to the Smart_MOD KLink via the selected COM port (a blue bar indicates thereby the progress of the search procedure). Attach now the power connector to the Smart_MOD KLink module, in order to (re)start the device.

Picture 3 Configuration tool (establish connection)

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If after ten seconds no connection to the Smart_MOD KLink module was established, an error message appears:

Picture 4 Configuration tool (no connection) Please check the following items: Are all connection lines attached correctly (RS-232 zero-modem-cable, power)? Did you select the right COM port at your PC? Did you keep the correct order? First start the serial configuration tool, then select the COM port, confirm with an OK and attach Smart_MOD KLink to the power supply.

Note: By the Smart_MOD KLink module is checked during the system start, whether a PC with an active 'Smart_MOD KLink Serial Configuration-Tool' is attached.

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If a connection to the Smart_MOD module was established, then the buttons are activated and the entries of the fields 'Firmwareversion' and 'Internal S/N' are displayed:

Picture 5 Configuration tool (connection established)

In the main window the following buttons are shown: Read: The actual firmware version and serial number from the Smart_MOD module are read out. Reboot: Restarts the module (a contact with the configuration tool is not possible before the reboot of the Smart_MOD module).

By choosing a tab from the tabbed dialog, within the upper window range the respective configuration masks can be accessed (configuration masks are more detailed described on the following pages).

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Configuration of the Modbus parameters:

Picture 6 Configuration tool (Modbus configuration) Address: The Modbus address stored in the EEPROM, with which Smart_MOD KLink is identified in the Modbus network (valid Modbus addresses are in the range from 1 to 247). Note: The setting of the address with the code switches on the Smart_MOD module (see 4.1 Dimensions, connectors, state display) has in principle priority with regard to the setting from the serial configuration tool. The setting of the address with the serial configuration tool is only valid, if the code switches on the Smart_MOD module are set to an Modbus address equal 0 or higher than 247 (hexadecimal: F7). If this is the case, so the Modbus master is furthermore able to change the address of Smart_MOD KLink during the Modbus operation by accessing its configuration registers (address is stored in the EEPROM).

Type: Smart_MOD KLink operates as a slave, i.e. it receives the transmitted data, but however sends only after a request by the Modbus master. Smart_MOD KLink stores each data package which it receives via the KLink protocol from the serial interface. These data can afterwards be called up by the Modbus master ('polling procedure').

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Framing: Data are transmitted on the Modbus within a framework ('framing'). For the Modbus transmission two data frameworks (RTU and ASCII) are possible with Smart_MOD: If during a certain time period1 no data were transmitted on the Modbus, a RTU framework begins with the address of the slave (for which the new data are intended) and a function code, which specifies the use of the data. Afterwards the data follows and a CRC check sum, with which transfer errors on the bus can be recognized. Only after the pause period1 a new framework with data may then be transferred again. RTU framing: Start pause period Address 8 Bit Function 8 Bit Data n x 8 Bit CRC sum 16 Bit End pause period

The ASCII framework uses in difference to the RTU framework as start identifier a colon (hexadecimal: 3A). Afterwards follows the address of the slave, the function code and the data. After a LRC check sum, with which transfer errors on the bus can be recognized, the framework ends with a combination of the two characters 'carriage return' and 'line feed' (hexadecimal: 0D and 0A). Immediately after it a new framework can follow, which is introduced again with a colon. Apart from the starting and the ending character, all other characters may only be the ASCII values 0 to 9 or A to F. ASCII framing: Start 1 Character (hex: 3A) Address Function Data 2 Characters 2 Characters n Characters LRC sum End 2 Characters 2 Characters (hex: 0D 0A)

MODE: Accessing the register structure can be managed on two different ways <10000: This method is often only used by older Modbus systems (e.g. older masters devices). The access on the needed registers follows in context with the operating function, i.e. only relative address areas are used here. For example if register 40001 is needed, then only the start address 0 has to be used. Usually only the newer Modbus systems use this method. The access to the needed register is managed by means of an absolute address specification. For example if register 40001 is needed, then the value 40001 must be actually selected as start address.


Baudrate: Transmission rate of the Modbus.

Pause period: The pause period depends on the baud rate and lasts in principle as long as the transmission of 3,5 characters.
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Parity: The setting of a parity bit for an error detection is only of importance with an ASCII framework. With an ASCII framework each character is transmitted in the following format: 1 Character (10 Bits) ASCII value Parity 7 Bits 0 or 1 Bit

Start 1 Bit

Stop 1 or 2 Bits

In the case of an ASCII framework, the number of stop bits results automatically from the setting of the parity check and does therefore not have to be specially adjusted: Parity None Odd Even Stop bits 2 1 1

With RTU framing neither the parity nor the number of stop bits have to be set. All characters are here transmitted according to standard format 8-N-1 (so with eight data bits, without parity bit and with one stop bit). ZVZ (Character timeout): Smart_MOD KLink expects data frameworks from Modbus as a data stream, i.e. matching characters of a data framework also have to be recognizable as such. If after a character has been received Smart_MOD has to wait longer than the here given time for the next character, this is interpreted as an abort of a data framework and the already received characters are rejected. Values between 0 and 65500 milliseconds can be set. LVZ (Read timeout): After a request by the Modbus master, Smart_MOD KLink tries to read data from the serial terminal device. If the device does not permit a reading access within the time specified here, Smart_MOD KLink stops reading and sends a negative receipt to the master. Values between 500 und 65500 milliseconds can be set. SVZ (Write timeout): After Smart_MOD KLink has received data from the Modbus master, it accesses the serial interface via the KLink protocol by writing. If the terminal device at the serial interface does not confirm within the time specified here the taking over of the data, Smart_MOD KLink stops the writing procedure and sends a negative receipt to the master. When using the block check with the KLink protocol on the serial interface, values between 13000 and 65500 milliseconds can be set. Without the use of the block check, values from 4000 to 65500 milliseconds are possible. Read: Reads in the parameter values, stored in the EEPROM of the Smart_MOD KLink. Write: Writes the settings into the EEPROM of Smart_MOD KLink - the values are used after the next reboot of the Smart_MOD module.

Important note: If you are not sure which values should be used, please ask the engineer who is responsible for your Modbus master system.

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Configuration of the parameters for the KLink protocol:

Picture 7 Configuration tool (Configuration of the KLink protocol) Baudrate: Transmission rate of the RS-232 interface. Parity: Adjustment of the parity check for the serial interface (error detection procedure). Databits: Defines the width of a data word. Stopbits: Number of stop bits. Handshake: Handshake mode. DTR, RTS: Specifies if the control lines DTR and/or RTS are set at the start-up process ('boot') of Smart_MOD KLink (the serial interfaces of many terminal devices require a certain setting of the control lines, in order to be able to communicate). After the start-up process the Modbus master is able to read out and change again the conditions of the serial control lines from the Smart_MOD KLink by an access to the Modbus registers. Update: With the help of this field the update time can be adjusted with which the Smart_MOD KLink permanently calls up data from the SIGMA AIR MANAGER (i.e. the pause periode from one data acquisition to the next is set here - values between 0 and 65500 milliseconds). Timeout: With the timeout field the maximum waiting period of the Smart_MOD KLink, concerning the data collection, can be adjusted (values between 500 and 65500 milliseconds).

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Password Button: By pressing this button the input menu for the password, needed by the SIGMA AIR MANAGER, is displayed (password length: 6 characters). See chapter 7.7 for more information about the password. Read: Reads the parameter values, stored in the EEPROM of Smart_MOD KLink. Write: Writes the set values into the EEPROM of Smart_MOD KLink - the values are used after the next reboot of the Smart_MOD module.

Configuration of the password, needed by SIGMA CONTROL or SIGMA AIR MANAGER:

Picture 8 Password input (configuration of the KLink protocol) Accept: Checking and taking over of the password inputs. Cancel: Abort of the password input.

Hex-Checkbox: By activating this checkbox the normaly ascii shown charakters can be displayed in hex notation. It has to be recommended that these hex charakters have to delared in 2 nibble notation. For example : The ascii char A has to declared as hex value 41. With this option it is also possible to insert non printable characters, such as 0 (hexvalue). In this case switching back to ascii mode is not possible. For example : If the passwort should be a 000000 hex-value, the inserted string in hex mode has to be 000000000000.

Hide-Checkbox: With this check box, the normally hidden characters can be displayed (and vice versa), i.e. is the field activated, all inputs are hidden.

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6.3. Configuration via Modbus register

Via some registers, which Smart_MOD KLink supplies on the side of the Modbus, the configuration can be changed. For this the Modbus master sends to the address of Smart_MOD KLink a Modbus data framework with the function code 'write multiple register' (hexadecimal: 10), the number of the register and the new parameters. If the data are valid, Smart_MOD KLink stores the configuration in the EEPROM (see examples 1 to 3 on the following pages). The changed configuration however first takes effect, as soon as the module is started again ('reboot'). A restart can be carried out, among other things2, by the fact that the Modbus master writes to register 65000 of Smart_MOD KLink the hexadecimal value 'AAAA' (see example 4 on the following pages). With a broadcast it is also possible to send configuration data together to all slaves in the Modbus network. For this the configuration data has to be sent to the hexadecimal address 00 (broadcast address) with the respective register indication. As well as all other Modbus Slaves Smart_MOD KLink receives then the configuration data and stores the new data (as described above) in the EEPROM. For example in this way several Smart_MOD modules in one Modbus network can be configured with the same values and rebooted together afterwards. Via a Modbus data framework the Modbus master is also able to read out the configuration from the same registers with the function code 'read holding registers' (hexadecimal: 03) - see example 5 and 6 on the following pages. Note: The Modbus specification however shows the use of further functions, but there are only two functions implemented because the remaining function are not needed. These two functions are: Write multiple registers: Read holding registers: Write to one or more registers Read out one or more registers

A restart can be carried out from the PC by the serial configuration tool or manually - as the module is separated for a short time from the power supply. 14.11.2005 Page 22/34


Smart_MOD KLink User manual



Via the following registers the configuration of Smart_MOD KLink can be read and/or changed by the Modbus data framework. Each register contains two byte, the configuration parameters are one or two byte long. Therefore over the access to a single register up to two parameters can be changed. For each parameter is given in each case, whether it is contained in the byte with high order (MSB: most significant byte) or in the byte with low order (LSB: least significant byte) of a register. Particularly has to be considered, when doing the configuration of the two byte large parameters, that register contents on Modbus are transferred with the low order byte at first (Intel format: LSB first) - see example 3.

Baud rate

Valid values
0=300; 1=600; 2=1200; 3=2400; 4=4800; 5=9600; 6=14400; 7=19200; 8=28800; 9=38400; 10=57600; 11=76800; 12=115200 kBit/s 0=None; 1=Odd; 2=Even 0=1 Bit; 1=2 Bits 0=5Bits; 1=6Bits; 2=7Bits; 3=8Bits 0=None Bit 0=DTR; Bit1=RTS Bit 0=CD; Bit1=CTS; Bit2=RI; Bit3=DSR



Configuration of the serial interface:

43001 43002 43003

Parity Check Number of stop bits Data word width Handshake DTR/RTS CD/CTS/RI/DSR n.a.


r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r r/w

Modbus configuration:
43100 43101 43102 43103 43104 43105 Baud rate Parity Check Data framework Operation mode Address Mode Character timeout Read timeout Write timeout 5=9600; 7=19200 kBit/s 0=None; 1=Odd; 2=Even 0=RTU; 1=ASCII 0=Slave 1 to 247 0=<10000; 1=J-Bus 0 to 65500 500 to 65500 500 to 65500 LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB MSB r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w

KLink configuration:
43200 43201 43202 43203 43203 Update time Timeout Password 0 to 65500 500 to 65500 00-FF (hex values) or ASCII-Character 00-FF (hex values) or ASCII-Character 00-FF (hex values) or ASCII-Character 00-FF (hex values) or ASCII-Character 00-FF (hex values) or ASCII-Character 00-FF (hex values) or ASCII-Character LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB MSB r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w

44000 Reboot hexadecimal: AAAA w (Legend: r read, w write, n.a. not available)

Factory settings see 6 Configuration. All not specified values are invalid and ignored by the Smart_MOD KLink. As well as an access to the not available bytes does not have an influence on the configuration of Smart_MOD KLink.
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In the following one you will find some examples for the configuration of Smart_MOD KLink by access to its Modbus registers. In all examples Smart_MOD KLink is adjusted to address 8. For better understanding the starting register is represented in decimal and all other fields are given in hexadecimal way of writing. At first the low order bytes, afterwards the bytes with high order are written into the registers.

Example 1: The baud rate and the parity check of the serial interface should be set to 9600 kBit/s and/or even parity. For that the Modbus master sends the following telegram with the function code 'write multiple register' (hexadecimal: 10):
Start identifier ... Address 1 Byte 08hex Function 1 Byte 10hex Start register 2 Byte 43000dez Number of registers 2 Byte 00hex 01hex Number of Bytes 1 Byte 02hex Parameter 2 Byte 05hex 02hex Check 2 Byte End identifier

The access takes place on register 43000 exclusively. There the hexadecimal value 0205 is registered. Smart_MOD KLink stores the new configuration in the EEPROM and acknowledges the change with regard to the Modbus master with the following telegram:
Start identifier ... Address 1 Byte 08hex Function 1 Byte 10 hex Start register 2 Byte 43000dez Number of registers 2 Byte 00 hex 01 hex Check 2 Byte End identifier

Example 2: The serial control line RTS should be set and the control line DTR should be reset. Therefore the Modbus master sends the following telegram with the function code 'write multiple registers' (hexadecimal: 10):
Start identifier ... Address 1 Byte 08hex Function 1 Byte 10hex Start register 2 Byte 43002dez Number of registers 2 Byte 00hex 01hex Number of Bytes 1 Byte 02hex Parameter 2 Byte 00hex 02hex Check 2 Byte End identifier

The access takes place on register 43002 exclusively. There the hexadecimal value 0200 is registered. Smart_MOD KLink stores the new configuration in the EEPROM and acknowledges the change with regard to the Modbus master with the following telegram:
Start identifier ... Address 1 Byte 08hex Function 1 Byte 10 hex Start register 2 Byte 43002dez Number of registers 2 Byte 00 hex 01 hex Check 2 Byte End identifier

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Example 3: The characters timeout should be set to the value 1024 milliseconds (hexadecimal: 0400). Therefore the Modbus master sends the following telegram with the function code 'write multiple registers' (hexadecimal: 10). Since on Modbus as mentioned above the register contents are transferred with the low order byte at first, within the data framework the value for the character timeout appears with exchanged bytes (00hex 04 hex):
Start identifier ... Address 1 Byte 08hex Function 1 Byte 10hex Start register 2 Byte 43103dez Number of registers 2 Byte 00hex 01hex Number of Bytes 1 Byte 02hex Parameter 2 Byte 00hex 04hex Check 2 Byte End identifier

The access exclusively takes place on register 43103. There the hexadecimal value 0400 is going to be registered. Smart_MOD KLink stores the new configuration in the EEPROM and acknowledges the change with regard to the Modbus master with the following telegram:
Start identifier ... Address 1 Byte 08hex Function 1 Byte 10 hex Start register 2 Byte 43103dez Number of registers 2 Byte 00 hex 01 hex Check 2 Byte End identifier

Example 4: After some configuration parameters were changed, Smart_MOD KLink should be restarted, in order to make the changes become effective. Therefore the Modbus master sends the following telegram with the function code 'write multiple registers' (hexadecimal: 10):
Start identifier ... Address 1 Byte 08hex Function 1 Byte 10hex Start register 2 Byte 44000dez Number of registers 2 Byte 00hex 01hex Number of Bytes 1 Byte 02hex Parameter 4 Byte AAhex AAhex Check 2 Byte End identifier

After that Smart_MOD KLink is restarted (a receipt does not take place).

Example 5: The configuration for update time and timeout of the KLink protocol should be read out. Therefore the Modbus master sends the following telegram with the function code 'read holding registers' (hexadecimal: 03):
Start identifier ... Address 1 Byte 08hex Function 1 Byte 03 hex Start register 2 Byte 43200dez Number of registers 2 Byte 00 hex 02 hex Check 2 Byte End identifier

Smart_MOD KLink sends back the requested configuration parameters in the following telegram:
Start identifier ... Address 1 Byte 08hex Function 1 Byte 03 hex Number of Byte 1 Byte 04hex Parameter 4 Byte 07 hex E8 hex 03 hex Check 2 Byte End identifier

D0 hex

In this example the update time is equal 2000 ms (hexadecimal: 07D0) and the timeout is equal 1000 ms (hexadecimal: 03E8).

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Example 6: The control lines CD, CTS, RI and DSR should be read out. Therefore the Modbus master sends the following telegram with the function code 'read holding register' (hexadecimals: 03):
Start identifier ... Address 1 Byte 08hex Function 1 Byte 03 hex Start register 2 Byte 43003dez Number of registers 2 Byte 00 hex 01 hex Check 2 Byte End identifier

Smart_MOD KLink sends back the state of the control lines in the following telegram:
Start identifier ... Address 1 Byte 08hex Function 1 Byte 03 hex Number of Byte 1 Byte 02hex Parameter 2 Byte 09 hex 00 hex Check 2 Byte End identifier

The value 0009hex = 1001bin signals that CD and DSR are set and/or that CTS and RI are not set.

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7. Field use of the Smart_MOD KLink

If the Smart_MOD is integrated ready-for-operation in a Modbus network, then the master system is able to access the SIGMA AIR MANAGER, which is connected to the serial interface of Smart_MOD KLink.

7.1. General information

Smart_MOD is delivered with the KLink protocol on the RS-232 interface. General description: Smart_MOD is a Modbus slave. A master system is able to call data from a Smart_MOD KLink, which was received before over the serial interface and the KLink protocol. Smart_MOD packs the data from the serial interface into the Modbus framing and holds it for call of the Modbus master. As interface to the Modbus, Smart_MOD KLink makes a register structure available, which a Modbus master is able to access by reading and writing. These registers serve on the one hand for the datentransfer between bus and SIGMA CONTROL or SIGMA AIR MANAGER, on the other hand for the configuration of Smart_MOD KLink by the Modbus master.

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7.2. The register structure in the overview

Every in the following specified register contains two bytes. All not specified register numbers aren't implemented and therefore neither write able nor readable. First the low bytes and then the higher bytes are written into the registers.
40001 ... 40002

Serial number

Valid values


Serial number of the SIGMA CONTROL or the SIGMA AIR MANAGER: Part number of the SIGMA CONTROL or the SIGMA AIR MANAGER:
40004 ... 40019 Part number + reserve Arbitrary r

Operational data of the SIGMA CONTROL or the SIGMA AIR MANAGER: (for details see 7.5)
40021 ... 40084 40085 41044 Operational data reserved Arbitrary r

Reserved area:
42000 42005 Reserved Arbitrary r/w

Error message concerning the SIGMA CONTROL or the SIGMA AIR MANAGER:
Only low byte is valid: 00(hex) = no error 01(hex) = invalid message 02(hex) = invalid checksum 03(hex) = unknown function code 10(hex) = terminal device is not ready (Legend: r read, w write, n.a. not available) 42999 Error number r/w

Example: SIGMA AIR MANAGER with the Part number 7.7702.00124 and Serial number 00300239:
Serial number

40001 40002 Register 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 40018 40019

[decimal] MSB LSB 57 02 48 00 [decimal] MSB LSB 52 50 49 48 48 46 50 48 55 55 46 55 32 32 32 32 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 53 41 4D

[packed BCD] MSB LSB 39 02 30 00 [ASCII] MSB LSB '4' ' 2' '1' ' 0' '0' '.' '2' ' 0' '7' ' 7' '.' ' 7' ' SP ' ' SP ' ' SP ' ' SP '


Part number


' SP ' ' A'

'S' ' M'

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Valid values


Factory settings HEX


Configuration of the serial interface:

43000 Baud rate 0=300; 1=600; 2=1200; 3=2400; 4=4800; 5=9600; 6=14400; 7=19200; 8=28800; 9=38400; 10=57600; 11=76800; 12=115200 kBit/s 0=None; 1=Odd; 2=Even 0=1 Bit; 1=2 Bits 0=5Bits; 1=6Bits; 2=7Bits; 3=8Bits 0=None Bit 0 = DTR; Bit 1 = RTS Bit 0 = CD; Bit 1 = CTS; Bit2 = RI; Bit 3 = DSR r/w

43001 43002 43003

Parity check Number of stop bits Data word width Handshake DTR/RTS CD/CTS/RI/DSR n.a.

r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r r/w

00 00 03 00 00 02 00

Modbus configuration:
43100 43101 43102 43103 43104 43105 Baud rate Parity check Data framing Operation mode Address Mode Character timeout Read timeout Write timeout 5=9600; 7=19200 kBit/s 0=No; 1=Odd; 2=Even 0=RTU; 1=ASCII 0=Slave 1 to 247 0=<10000; 1=J-Bus 0 to 65500 500 to 65500 500 to 65500 r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w 07 00 00 00 08 00 E803 B80B B80B

KLink configuration:
43200 43201 43202 43203 43203 Update time Timeout Password 0 to 65500 500 to 65500 00-FF (hex values) or ASCII-Character 00-FF (hex values) or ASCII-Character 00-FF (hex values) or ASCII-Character 00-FF (hex values) or ASCII-Character 00-FF (hex values) or ASCII-Character 00-FF (hex values) or ASCII-Character r/w r/w r/w r/w r/w E803 E803 00h or 0 00h or 0 00h or 0 00h or 0 00h or 0 00h or 0

44000 Reboot hexadecimal: AAAA w (Legend: r read, w write, n.a. not available)

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7.3. Smart_MOD KLink - Communication with SIGMA CONTROL or SIGMA AIR MANAGER
In order to be able to communicate with the SIGMA CONTROL or the SIGMA AIR MANAGER, first some steps have to be taken (see illustration on page 33, for this see also KLink protocol): Establish connection Synchronization Set password Call operational data

1. Establish connection
If the SIGMA CONTROL or the SIGMA AIR MANAGER is switched on operating voltage, it sends cyclic AT instructions to the serial interface. Herewith is tried to recognize a possibly existing modem and to set it into operation. The character sequences '+++', 'ATZ' and 'ATExxxxxx' are confirmed by an 'OK', sent from the Smart_MOD KLink. If the character sequence '+++' was confirmed with an 'OK', so permanently the character sequence 'RING' is sent to the SIGMA CONTROL or the SIGMA AIR MANAGER, in order to signal a call and to establish the connection. The character sequence 'ATA' is confirmed with 'CONNECT', in order to finish the connection establishment.

2. Synchronization
In order to be able to communicate with the SIGMA CONTROL or the SIGMA AIR MANAGER, first a 'SYNC' telegram has to be sent. If this is confirmed, so with the next step - the password setting - can be continued. If the telegram is not confirmed - the configured timeout has been running out or an error occurred - then a 'SYNC' telegram is sent again. If after the 5. attempt this (wait for '+++').

3. Set password
After a successful synchronization the password has to be sent to the SIGMA CONTROL or the SIGMA AIR MANAGER (by default KAESER). If the password is not confirmed - the configured timeout has been running out or an error occurred - so the synchronization is started again. If however the telegram is confirmed without any errors, then from the answer telegram the serial number, the part number and the reserved number are read out and stored into the particular for it intended Modbus registers. See chapter 7.7 for more information about the password.

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4. Call operational data

After the synchronization and the password setting has been successfully finished, the data capture can now be started (read out of the operational data). For this a special telegram is sent to the SIGMA CONTROL or the SIGMA AIR MANAGER. If this telegram is not confirmed - the configured timeout has been running out or an error occurred - so the synchronization is started again. If however the telegram is confirmed without any errors, then from the answer telegram the operational data are read out and stored into the particular for it intended Modbus registers. Note: If during the communication with the SIGMA CONTOL or the SIGMA AIR MANAGER any error occurred, then these errors are put in the Modbus register 42999 and can be read out by Modbus communication. With the first correctly received answer telegram the errors in the Modbus register will be set back.

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7.4. Master - communication with Smart_MOD KLink

If the SIGMA CONTOL or the SIGMA AIR MANAGER has established a connection to Smart_MOD KLink, Smart_MOD receives the sent data and stores those in registers, which the Modbus master is able to access by reading (see illustration on page 33). In order to be able to read out the operational data of the SIGMA CONTOL or the SIGMA AIR MANAGER, a master system first has to set off a Modbus specific request telegram to the respective slave (Smart_MOD KLink), i.e. it takes place a read call for certain Modbus registers. The data buffer of the Smart_MOD KLink begins with register 40021 and ends with register 41044 (1024 words; 2 kByte data). With a single data call, up to 254 bytes can be selected. The operational data can be called up at any time by the Modbus master. In order to guarantee that the selected data are consistent, register 42999 must be evaluated, since here possible errors are put down.

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Schematic representation of the communication via Modbus and/or via the KLink protocol on the RS-232 interface (Device = SIGMA CONTROL or SIGMA AIR MANAGER):

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M odbus master (e.g. PC or PLC)

Modbus slave Sm art_M OD KLink

Device with serial Interface (RS-232)


serial (KLink protocol)


1. Step: M aster fetches data at any time Read out the registers 40021 to 40147
Address 08hex Function Start register No. of registers 03hex 40021dez 7Fhex Register 40021 ... Data xx xx xx hex 40147 Content xx xx xx xx xx xx

1. Step: Smart_M OD KLink w aits until connection established


2. Step: Synchronization w ith terminal device (sigm a unit)



Attempts > 5

Send register contents

Address 08hex Polling procedure Function 03hex No. of byte FEhex

3. Step: Passw ord transmission to terminal device (sigma unit)


2. Step: Sm art_M OD KLink evaluates register 40021

4. Step: Place Serial No. and Part No. into the registers

Smart_MOD KLink User manual

3. Step: Sm art_M OD KLink takes over the operational data, if no error is present

5. Step: Read out the operational data of the term inal device

6. Step: Place the operational data into the registers

Smart_MOD KLink User manual

7.5. SIGMA CONTROL operational data

Via Smart_MOD KLink a Modbus master can read the SIGMA CONTROL Process data of 128 Bytes. There are differences in data depending on SIGMA CONTROL software version. For every software version a Process data list 7_7000_PAMOD_* is available.

7.6. SIGMA AIR MANAGER operational data

Via Smart_MOD KLink a Modbus master can read the SIGMA AIR MANAGER Process data of 256Bytes. There are differences in data depending on SIGMA AIR MANAGER software version. For every software version a Process data list 7_7725_PAMOD_* is available.

7.7. KLink password

The KLink password of SIGMA CONTROL is: 000000 or in hex mode 000000000000. SIGMA CONTROL software 0.71 an higher: serial number read backward for example serial number 000313833 password 338313 SIGMA CONTROL software up to 0.70:

The KLink password of the SIGMA AIR MANGER is fixed to KAESER . Note: If the password is not correct all operational data (register 40021 41044) are set to 00. An software-update of the SIGMA CONTROL or the SIGMA AIR MANAGER does not change the password.

8. Support
KAESER KOMPRESSOREN GmbH P.O. Box 2143 D-96410 Coburg Phone FAX Email Internet +49 9561 640 0 +49 9561 640 130 Germany

Support Hotline

+49 171 8 63 70 00

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