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Argumentative Essay On Discrimination

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Women Discrimination Overstated or An Actual Issue?

? Since the beginning of the 20th century, women have protested consistently to gain equal rights. While some may argue that women have garnished even more rights than men in the process, many women and feminist groups might not particularly agree. Feminist group still believe that women are heavily discriminated against in todays world. They often cite the case of women in underdeveloped and developing nations. Even women in developed countries tend to believe that they face gender discrimination at their workplace through sexual harassment and unequal pay. All of these statements, make it seem as if society is, by nature, against womens rights; but, are all of these statements really true? Are women still discriminated against? To the dismay of feminist and women groups, some recent studies state that often the issue of gender discrimination is overstated at least at the workplace. Based on these studies, this paper aims to illustrate that the issue of gender discrimination is overrated. The issue of overstatement primarily arises with respect to the workplace. Women often cite that they are paid much less than their male counterparts; and often use government data on national labor statistics to illustrate their point. While it provides some credence to the feminist agenda, women are basically wrong. Lavy (2012) shows through rational statistical adjustments, based on number of hours and work preferences of men and women, that, by large, women face equal opportunity and pay at workplace. If there is any difference in treatment that men and women face it is because of womens own work ethic and preferences rather than actual discrimination. The notion of feminist organization crying fowl with their agenda is further argued in the work of Prugl (2012). According to Prugl, the issue with feminist movements is that they are not tolerant of injustices towards women and cite many womens issues and problems to a general discriminatory attitude at the policy-making, workplace and family level.

In actuality, this is rarely the case. McRobbie (2008) theorizes that the issue with feminist movements or gender discrimination studies is that they do not take into consideration what women, en masse, think is equal treatment; but rather they take into account definitions by feminist movements themselves. The issue that arises then is the definition is not representative of all women. McRobbie (2008) conclude that many women actually tend to be happy with gender discrimination that traditional gender role levies on them as this tends to be more socially conforming. Nevertheless, the aforementioned studies do not mean that women discrimination is a misnomer or a myth. Indeed, there are studies that also point to the contrary; women face discrimination and this discrimination is quite real. One work that points to discrimination as still a prevalent issue is Miller (2009); who finds that women are still discriminated in the workplace, albeit not in the compensation and hiring departments, but in the opportunities and training they receive while at their tenure in the workplace. Despite the contrasting perspectives and studies, this paper aims to make individuals realize that gender discrimination is not as prevalent as many might make it seem. For this, the aforementioned and other relevant literature would be exhaustively considered and used. Moreover, the paper would take into consideration a survey to more definitively reach a conclusion. Survey would largely take into account working and family women. Typical survey questions asked would be along the lines of; do you feel discriminated against at your workplace and family, are your opinions considered, and do you think males have superiority over you at your workplace and family. Through the survey and literature review, the paper hopes to find substantial proof that gender discrimination is overrated.

References Lavy, V. (2012). Gender Differences in Market Competitiveness in a Real Workplace: Evidence from Performancebased Pay Tournaments among Teachers. The Economic Journal. McRobbie, A. (2008). The aftermath of feminism: Gender, culture and social change. Sage Publications Limited. Miller, P. W. (2009). Gender discrimination in training: An Australian perspective. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 32(4), 539-564. Prgl, E. (2012). If Lehman Brothers Had Been Lehman Sisters...: Gender and Myth in the Aftermath of the Financial Crisis. International Political Sociology, 6(1), 21-35.

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