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SAT Syllabus

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SAT I Syllabus

Critical Reading
1) Comprehension Passages
• Reading and Working with the Passage
• Working with the Questions
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
2) Strategies for Tough Reading Comprehension
• Overview
• Attacking Difficult Long Passage
• Simple Approach to the Solution
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
3) Sentence Completion
• Easy Way to Sentence Completion
• Strategies for Long Sentence Completion
o Using Clues
o Word Charge
o Working Backward
• Chapter Review and Question Bank

4) Strategies for the Writing Section Essay
• What Skills are tested
• Preparation for Essay Writing
• Sample Essay Sets
• Establish and Adhere to Practice Schedule
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
5) Writing Questions
• Overview
• Method for Sentence Correction
• Method for Paragraph Correction
• Elimination Strategy
• Chapter Review and Question Bank

SAT Math Basics

6) Arithmetic
• Overview
• Number Properties
• Root and Exponents
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
7) Algebra
• Overview
• Inequalities
• Absolute Value Problems
• Simultaneous Equations
• Radical and Exponential Equations
• Quadratics
• Functions
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
8) Geometry
• Overview
• Length, Segments, Lines, Rays and Congruence
• Triangles, Rectangles and Circles
• Coordinate Geometry
• Function Graphing
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
Math Word Problems
9) Arithmetic and Algebra Word Problems
• Work Problem Strategies
• Ratios, Proportions and Variations
• Percents
• Rates and Averages
• Set Terminology
• Exponential Sequences
• Algebra
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
10) Geometry and Data Interpertation Word Problems
• Geometry Word Problems
• Three Dimensional Word Problems
• Geometry Word Problems
• Data Interpretations
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
11) Oddball Word Problem Sets
• Oddball Word Problem Sets
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
12) Sample Tests
• Question Reviews and Test Solving
SAT Level 1 and Level II Math Syllabus
1) SAT Math Strategy
2) Arithmetic
• Overview
• Factor and Multiples
• Even and Odd, Positive and Negative
• Fraction, Decimal and Percentages
• Averages
• Exponents
• Roots
• Exponents
• Percent Change
• Logarithms
• Chapter Review and Question Bank and Question Bank
3) Algebra
• Overview
• Equations
• Factoring and Distributing
• Inequalities
• Ranges
• Direct and Inverse Variations
• Simultaneous Equations
• Quadratics
• Chapter Review and Question Bank

4) Plain Geometry
• Overview
• Approximation
• Lines and Angles
• Triangles
• Quadrilateral
• Polygons
• Circles
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
5) Solid Geometry
• Overview
• Prisms
• Rectangular Solids
• Cubes
• Spheres
• Pyramids
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
6) Coordinate Geometry
• Overview
• The Coordinate Plain
• The Equation of Line
• Linear Inequalities
• General Equations
o The Parabola
o The Circle
o The Hyperbola
o The Ellipse
• Triaxial Coordinates: Thinking 3D
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
7) Trigonometry
• Overview
• The Basic Functions
• Trigonometric Identities
• Graphing Trigonometry Functions
• Trigonometry in Non-Right Triangles
• Polar Coordinates
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
8) Functions
• Overview
• Functions in Nutshell
• Compounded Functions
• Inverse Functions
• Domain and Range
• Functions Within Interval
• Graphing Functions
• Range and Domain in Graphs
• Root of functions
• Degree of Functions
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
9) Statistics and Sets
• Overview
• Probability
• Permutations, Combinations and Factorial
• Groups
• Union and Intersection
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
10) Algebra II
• Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
• Limits
• Vectors
• Logic
• Imaginary Numbers
• The complex Plain
• Polynomial Division
• Matrix
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
11) Sample Tests Math Level 1
• Question Reviews and Test Solving
12) Sample Tests Math Level 2
• Question Reviews and Test Solving
SAT II Physics
1) SAT Physics Strategy
2) Measurement and Relationship
• Overview
• Measurement
• Relationship
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
3) Vectors and Forces
• Concurrent Forces
• Parallel Forces
• Center of Mass and Gravity
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
4) Motion and Forces
• Speed and Velocity
• Accelerated Motion
• Newton’s First Law of Motion
• Newton’s Second Law
• Impulse and Change of Momentum
• Newton’s Third Law
• Centripetal Force
• Frame of Reference
• Gravitations Fields
• Newton’s law of Gravitation
• Kepler’s Laws and Satellite Motion
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
5) Work, Energy, Simple Machines
• Overview
• Work and Energy
• Elasticity and Hook’s Law
• Simple Machines
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
6) Fluid Mechanics
• Overview
• Liquid Pressure
• The Atmosphere and Gasoline Pressure
• Pascal’s Principle
• Archimedes Principle
• Surface Tension and Capillary Action
• Bernoulli’s Principle
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
7) Heat, Temperature, Thermal Expansion
• Overview
• The Kinetic Theroy
• Temperature and Heat
• Thermometer
• Expansion and Contraction
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
8) Measurement of Heat
• Overview
• Change of Phase
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
9) Heat and Work: Heat Transfer
• Overview
• Heat Engines
• Thermodynamics
• Methods of Heat Transfer
• Energy Sources
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
10) Wave Motion and Sound
• Overview
• Wave Motion
• Sound
• Resonance and Interference
• Vibrating Air Columns
• Vibrating Strings
• Doppler Effect
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
11) Geometrical Optics: Reflection and Refraction
• Overview
• Reflection
• Refraction
• Lenses
• Color and Light
• Illumination
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
12) Physical Optics: Interference and Diffraction
• Overview
• Interference of Light
• Diffraction
• Polarization
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
13) Static Electricity – Electric Circuits
• Overview
• Kind of Electric Charge and Force Between Charges
• Methods of Charging and Electrostatic Instruments
• Electric Fields
• Electric Potential and Potential Difference
• Electric Currents – Direct Current (DC)
• Ohm’s Law and Electric Circuits
• Electrical Energy and Power
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
14) Magnetism: Meters, Motors, Generators
• Overview
• Facts and Theory of Magnets
• Electromagnetic Induction
• Mutual Induction and Transformers
• Alternating Current Circuits
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
15) Elements and Electronics
• Overview
• Capacitors and Capacitance
• Cathode Ray Tubes
• Semiconductor Devices
• Transmitter-Receiver
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
16) Photons, Atoms, Nuclei
• Overview
• Photoelectric Effect
• Atomic Models
• Atoms and Radioactivity
• Nuclear Changes
• Nuclear Reactions
• Particles and Particle Accelerators
• Fission and Fusion
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
17) Special Relativity
• Overview
• The Postulates of Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity
• Length Contraction
• Simultaneity and Time Dilation
• Relativistic Mass and Energy
• Chapter Review and Question Bank
13) Sample Tests
• Question Reviews and Test Solving

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