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Developmental Standards Project David Luna Ball State University EDPS 250-2 December 9 20!"

Purpose: #$e purpose o% t$is project is to demonstrate my understandin& o% t$e

development o% students '$o 'ant to en&a&e in t$e diverse culture o% music '$ile also ta(in& several developmental %actors in t$e e)uation* + 'ill address $o' bein& a band teac$er isn,t as di%%erent as an ot$er teac$er because + $ave to account %or bullyin& p$ysical or cyber and $o' obesity -D.D divorce t$e over'$elmin& drop out rates substance abuse and media and violence a%%ect my students lives and $o' + 'ill $ave to deal 'it$ t$em in t$eir respective manner* + 'ill be able to use all o% t$is in%ormation to become a better teac$er and become a more rounded teac$er capable o% teac$in& any and all students %rom di%%erent bac(&rounds* +/#-S0 2 The teacher understands how children learn and develop, and can provide learning opportunities that support their intellectual, social and personal development. #$ese are my %ollo'in& concepts1 !* 2edia and 3iolence 2* 0yber Bullyin& "* 4besity 5* -D.D 5* Divorce 6* Drop outs 7* Substance -buse Ball State University Conceptual Framework:

#$is %rame'or( contains t$ree t$emes1 e8pertise en&a&ement and conte8t* Expertise: 0onductin& yoursel% in a pro%essional manner is one o% t$e $ardest t$in&s to ac$ieve t$en becomin& a teac$er and it,s especially true %or band teac$ers* Band teac$ers $ave to be able to en&a&e t$eir students to play t$eir instruments 'ell '$ile at t$e same tryin& to (eep a pro%essional distance and not bein& t$eir %riend but bein& t$eir pro%essional role model* + %ell t$at once a student respects a teac$er t$en you t$e teac$er $ave ac$ieved your &oal* Plus + %eel t$at &ettin& your procedure and routine do'n in t$e class room ta(es a %e' years to even ac$ieve but '$en it does $appen t$en t$e rest 'ill soon %ollo'* 9-: 2; Engagement: Bein& a music education major + (no' t$at it is imperative t$at + actively en&a&e my students* #$e reason bein& because i% + don,t en&a&e my student no matter t$e a&e &roup + end up teac$in& 'ill end up messin& around and eventually brea(in& an instrument or t'o* /o' (eepin& t$em en&a&ed isn,t so $ard because + 'ant t$em to be playin& t$eir instrument and learnin& and students '$o are in band &enerally 'ant to learn* -lso bein& a band director doesn,t mean t$at + can,t incorporate tec$nolo&y into t$e classroom smart music is a &ood 'ay to test t$e students and (eep t$em on t$eir toes* 9-: 5; Context: Bein& a band teac$er $as to be one o% t$e $ardest jobs around because not only do 'e $ave to teac$ lar&e &roups o% students and teac$ $o' to play various instruments but 'e also $ave to be able to teac$ t$em di%%erently because everyone learns at a di%%erent pace*

#$e better t$e teac$er t$en t$e better t$ey are able to adapt at di%%erent situations and teac$ a &roup o% (ids no matter '$at because some students are very $arder to teac$ t$an ot$ers* -nd '$ile 'e are doin& t$is 'e also $ave to connect 'it$ t$e students because o% t$e students can,t see a band teac$ers passion %or music t$en $o' 'ill t$ey come to eventually love music as 'ell< 9-: !; Developmental Research opic: !e"ia an" #iolence: + decided to &o 'it$ 2 separate studies because o% t$e vast area t$at is (no'n as t$e media* #$e %irst study loo(ed at t$e associations bet'een parental psyc$olo&ical control and relational a&&ression in c$ildren and adolescents 9=uppens Laurent .eyvaert 4n&$ena 20!";* >elational a&&ression is de%ined as $armin& ot$ers t$rou&$ purpose%ul manipulation and dama&in& relations$ips 9Ber( 20!2; and includes t$e ?silent treatment@ t$reatenin& to end %riends$ips and usin& social e8clusion as a means o% a&&ression* #$e study consisted o% 2" studies '$ic$ encompassed !65 dependent siAes and came to t$e conclusion t$at t$ere is sli&$t evidence pointin& to t$ere bein& a relations$ip bet'een parents and relational a&&ression 'it$ t$eir c$ildren* -%ter readin& t$e study + came to t$e conclusion t$at parents play a critical role in brin&in& out all types o% a&&ression and teac$in& t$em a&&ression traits in adolescents* -dolescents are very smart in catc$in& on to t$eir surroundin&s and i% t$eir parents use relational a&&ression to'ards t$em t$en t$ey are more li(ely to do t$e same to t$eir %ello' peers*

#$e second study 'as c$osen because o% its loo( at media as a '$ole and t$at t$e study 'as comprised o% 99 Dutc$ adolescents mainly boys ran&in& in a&es %rom !2-!7 years 9=oni&n /ije B Bus$man 2007;* #$e study started 'it$ &ivin& t$em a )uestionnaire about a&&ression t$en t$ey 'ere to play ! out o% !2 preselected &ames and a%ter 20 minutes t$ey 'ere to complete a competitive reaction time test a&ainst anot$er ?opponent@* #$e person '$o 'on &ot to c$oose a noise level %rom !-!0 to blast t$eir opponent 'it$ noise and t$ey 'ere told t$at levels C-!0 could cause permanent ear dama&e* #$ey $ad 25 trials to complete t$e reaction test and out o% 25 t$ey 'on !2 and started to s$o' a&&ression '$en t$ey believed t$eir ?partner@ $ad blasted t$em 'it$* #$e study also pointed out t$at adolescents are more susceptible to violent movies because it,s $ard %or t$em to tell '$at is real and '$at is not* #$e same also counts %or violent #3* -%ter readin& t$is study + came to t$e conclusion t$at video &ames can cause a&&ression reactions in adolescents but + do not believe t$at t$ey cause violent and $omicidal tendencies li(e t$e ne's li(es to believe* 2y reasonin& %or t$at is because t$ey study also stated t$at a%ter adolescence many people start to discern '$at is real and '$at is not and t$en it no lon&er a%%ects t$em* $nstructional Decisions: + came up 'it$ usin& tec$nolo&y t$at $elped cause t$e a&&ression and turn it a&ainst t$em* - lot o% #3,s come 'it$ parental bloc(s or t$e 3-0$ip and parents need to be a'are t$at t$ey can use t$at* 9-: 2*!!; -not$er t$in& is t$at parents need to loo( at t$e ratin&s on video &ames and movies be%ore allo'in& t$eir c$ildren to 'atc$ itD t$e ratin&s are t$ere %or a reason*

Cy%er Bullying: Bullyin& in sc$ool 'ill most li(ely be a problem in sc$ools because 'e eventually learn t$at everyone is di%%erent but since 'e are so youn& 'e aren,t able to di%%erentiate t$at di%%erence so i% t$ere is someone '$o is very di%%erent t$en 'e star to isolate t$at person and ma(e %un o% t$em* #ec$nolo&y 'ill al'ays be vie'ed as an incredible resource but %or bullyin& it adds a '$ole ne' level o% bullyin& because no' people can bully you even i% you are under t$e sa%ety o% your o'n roo%* #$e study + %ound compared !02" students 96"6 -%rican -merican "C6 E$ite; in &rades 5 t$rou&$ 7* 9Lo' 20!"; #$e study as(ed a series o% )uestions startin& 'it$ p$ysical bullyin& t$en &oin& to cyber bullyin& and loo(in& at %amily violence individual c$aracteristics depressive symptoms empat$y and dru& and alco$ol use* +t too( t$e avera&e student around 55 minutes to complete* #$e result %rom t$e survey s$o'ed t$at %emales $ad a $i&$er rate o% cyber bullyin& '$ereas males $ad a $i&$er level o% nonp$ysical bullyin&* #$e data also s$o'ed t$at -%rican -mericans $ad a $i&$er bullyin& perpetuatin& level '$ic$ is consistent 'it$ ot$er lar&e nationally datasets* 9Lo' 20!"; $nstructional Decision: + %eel t$at as t$e teac$er it is my job to create a sa%e environmetn in t$e classroom so t$at t$e students are able to e8press t$emselves %eely t$rou&$ music* 9-: 5*!; Bullyin& 'ould not be tolerated in my classroom and t$ere 'ould be a $e%ty punis$ment %or doin& so and + %eel t$at a%ter everyone &ot to (no' eac$ ot$er t$at some bands are li(e one bi& %amily* -s a base rule no p$ones 'ould be allo'ed out in my presence because t$ere s$ouldn,t be a time '$ere t$ey 'ould need it out because t$ey 'ould be playin& an instrument and its

pretty $ard to do bot$* &%esity: + 'anted to loo( at t$e obesity %actor because + (no' t$at '$en + 'as a (id + 'as obese and + never %elt truly com%ortable 'it$ mysel% or around ot$ers* 2y role as a teac$er is to ma(e all o% my students %eel com%ortable in my class and no matter et$nic bac(&round o% 'ei&$t + 'ill try my best to ma(e t$at $appen* 9-: !*"; #$e study + %ound compared bot$ &enetics and t$e environment on '$et$er or not t$ey play a crucial role in obesity in c$ild$ood adolescence and adult$ood* #$e study %ound t$at any intervention on t$ese modi%iable environmental %actors may $elp to decrease t$e rate o% obesity in c$ildren and adults* 9>ooney 20!!; #$is article really opened my eyes to obesity in &eneral because + never (ne' t$at t$ere 'ere so many %actors to 'orry about t$at can lead you to bein& obese as an adult* 2ot$ers, '$o 'ere obese at pre&nancy 52F o% t$eir o%%sprin& 'ere obese* 9>ooney 20!!; #$e numbers only increased %rom t$ere and t$at 'as only t$e be&innin&* -lso mot$ers '$o 'ere in lo' poverty also tended to $ave obese c$ildren* Smo(in& durin& pre&nancy 'as a stron& predictor %or an early adult obesity and also t$at breast %eedin& s$ould not occur a%ter t$e 5-6 mont$ mar(* #$is in%ormation $elps me as a teac$er because i% + $ave an obese student in my class t$en + (no' t$at t$ere 'ere some outside %actors t$at caused t$is and t$at t$ey may $ave some problems because o% t$at* 9-: !*2; 'D(D: -d$d can be a very cripplin& disorder %or a student especially i% a students 'ant to learn but is not able to* Luc(ily in band class t$e students are &enerally craAy out&oin& and $ave t$e attention span o% s)uirrels any'ays* So + 'ould approac$ someone 'it$ -D.D di%%erently

dependin& on t$eir &rade but mostly all t$e same* -%ter readin& my article + (no' no' t$at -D.D plays a crucial %actor '$en you &et to middle sc$ool because t$ere is a point ri&$t be%ore you &o to middle sc$ool t$at can eit$er ma(e you or brea( you* #$e article %ound t$at i% students 'it$ -D.D can $ave an intervention t$at &ets t$em on a sc$edule and &oes into more details on t$in&s li(e $ome'or( and papers t$at t$ey %air better a&ainst students '$o $adn,t $ad any intervention* 9Lan&ber& 200C; $nstructional Decision: -s a teac$er + $ave to (no' t$at -D.D is primarily a learnin& disability and + must treat it as suc$* So '$en + meet someone 'it$ -D.D my %irst t$ou&$t 'ill 'ant to be $o' t$eir transition %rom elementary to middle sc$ool 'ent* + can &o about t$at by as(in& $im $o' $is studyin& &oes on a t $ome and i% $e $as a detailed $ome'or( sc$edule t$en t$ey s$ould %air %ine but i% t$ey $ave a less detailed sc$edule t$en + mi&$t 'ant to be tal(in& to t$e parents to see i% 'e can 'or( somet$in& out because eit$er 'ay + 'ill 'ant anyone '$o is interested to come and join band* 9-: !*5; -nd i% t$ey aren,t &ettin& anyt$in& at $ome and + am not able to contact t$e parents or t$ey 'on,t 'or( 'it$ me t$en durin& my class time be%ore and a%ter + 'ould sit do'n 'it$ t$em and 'or( out a sc$edule t$at 'ill &ive t$em enou&$ time to %inis$ assi&nments and &et t$e best learnin& opportunity out o% it* -: 5*6; Divorce: #oday in t$e United States 20 million c$ildren are livin& 'it$ just one parent and demo&rap$ers predict t$at about $al% o% -merica,s yout$ 'ill spend some part o% t$eir c$ild$ood in a one-parent %amily* 90lar(e-Ste'art 2000; #$ose are some scary but true statistics and t$at +

$ave to realiAe t$at more t$an $al% o% my students may live in a one parent $ome* Divorce can be a really complicated time %or any student and t$e youn&er it $appens to t$en t$e more li(ely t$ey 'ill be %or at ris( %actors* 9-:!*"; 2y study s$o'ed me t$at it,s not necessarily t$e '$ole act o% divorce t$at in%luences t$em but it,s $o' t$e %amily acts to&et$er a%ter'ards* +% t$e mom is bitter to'ards t$e dad t$en t$e c$ild may end up livin& 'it$ one parent '$o is al'ays tal(in& bad about t$e ot$er parent and t$at can cause some trust issues or an&er issues later on* $nstructional Decision: 4bviously + 'on,t be able to (no' every student '$o $as divorced parents at $ome an %ran(ly it,s not my business but i% one o% my students are &oin& t$rou&$ a divorce t$en + 'ould 'ant to sit t$em do'n and tell t$em t$at it isn,t t$e end o% t$e 'orld and t$at i% t$ey can &et past t$is little barrier t$en it 'ill be smoot$ sailin& $ope%ully %rom t$en on* +% + just sit by and idly 'atc$ t$en + am lettin& t$is student become more at ris( to abuse substances $ave se8 at an early a&e and many numerous ot$ers* 90lar(e-Ste'art 2000; Drop &uts: #$e .i&$ Sc$ool drop out rate o% at-ris( students a&ed !C years and youn&er $as been estimated at appro8imately 50F* 9/o'ic( Gr 2005; #$e dop-out rate %rom -merica + %ell is &ettin& a little out o% $and and + %eel it,s because a lot o% $i&$ sc$oolers %eel t$at $i&$ sc$ool is just a 'aste o% time* + (no' personally t$at my dad 'or(ed more t$an $e 'ent to sc$ool because $e needed money over education* Ee need to impress our students $o' &reat $avin& an education can be and $o' %urt$erin& t$at education t$rou&$ colle&e can be one o% t$e best decisions o% your li%e* #$e study t$at + %ound s$o'ed t$at t$e E%%ective Learnin& Pro&ram 9ELP;


$elped a lot o% at ris( c$ildren &raduate* #$e ELP is more li(e a sc$ool 'it$in a sc$ool because t$ey ta(e all o% t$e at ris( teens %or drop out and &ive t$em an e8tra motivatin& to %inis$ t$e process '$et$er it be t$rou&$ $ome'or( or $elpin& t$em 'it$ time mana&ement t$ey 'ere t$ere to $elp* #$is pro&ram 'as so e%%ective t$at t$e at ris( students 'ere startin& pass o% t$e people '$o on t$e top lists* #$e student teac$er ration 'as also lo'ered so t$at student $ad a more one on one time 'it$ t$eir teac$er* $nstructional Decision: #$e ELP is a very e%%icient 'ay to $elp teens and + %eel t$at everyone s$ould (no' about $is* +% + 'ent to a sc$ool t$at o%%ered t$at pro&ram + 'ould 'ant to be on t$at committee because + 'ould love to $elp out and also + %eel t$at bein& a band teac$er may allo' me to teac$ di%%erently t$an some teac$ers and in turn $elp t$e students out* 9-: 2*C; 4ne o% my instructional decisions 'ould be to raise a'areness about t$is pro&ram because o% $o' e%%ective it 'as and possibly tal(in& to t$e principle about t$e option* -s teac$ers + %eel it is our responsibility to %ind t$e best 'ay to educate our students and even i% t$ey aren,t playin& an instrument t$ey 'ill still need my $elp and my only job is to allo' t$em to &ro'* 9-: 2*7; Su%stance '%use: 4ver one t$ird o% students reported t$at t$ey $ad used marijuana 9"7F; and alco$ol 9"CF; in t$e last seven days a rate considerably $i&$er t$an typical 0anadian avera&es* 9Salm 20!!; #$is article loo( at substance abuse in a local 0anadian $i&$ sc$ool and t$e one t$in& t$at + too( a'ay %rom t$is study is t$at teac$ers are rarely ever on t$e same pa&e* +n t$e study t$ere 'ere " types o% teac$ers one normaliAed substance in adolescence ot$ers coped


silently and a %e' called %or specialiAed support %rom ot$er $uman services* E$en +,m a teac$er +,m not &oin& to t$in( it,s normal %or a !5 year old to be smo(in& pot and &ettin& drun(* + 'ould 'ant my students to &et $elp t$rou&$ some ot$er means because t$ey probably aren,t &ettin& '$at t$ey need at $ome* #$e study 'as done as a random survey and everyt$in& 'as anonymous so t$at no one 'ould %eel &uilty %or puttin& t$eir ans'er* #$e study t$en &oes onto more detail about t$e )uestionnaire and t$e evaluatin& t$e " di%%erent types o% teac$ers on t$eir vie' o% substance abuse* $nstructional Decision: 2y instructional decision 'ould be to raise as muc$ a'areness as possible because everyone $as to realiAe t$at substance abuse is not &oin& to be tolerated* Ee as teac$ers need to ma(e sc$ool a sa%e learnin& place and 'e s$ould e8pect more %rom our students* 9-: 5*2; + 'ould &et to&et$er 'it$ t$e ot$er teac$ers and try to &et as many on my side as + could over i% t$ere 'as already a side + 'ould &et on it* #$en + 'ould try to &et t$e %acts out to parents t$at t$eir c$ildren mi&$t be under t$e in%luence o% dru&s and alco$ol because i% t$e parents aren,t in%ormed t$en not$in& major 'ill c$an&e* #$ere s$ould also be a support pro&ram %or students '$o are cau&$t so t$at t$ey don,t &o strai&$t to a juvenile detention center ri&$t o%% t$e bat because t$at 'ill only ma(e t$e problem 'orse* +% 'e can sit t$em do'n and tal( 'it$ t$em and %ind t$e root o% t$e problem t$en 'e can allo' t$ose students to continue t$eir education and learn to not turn to dru&s or alco$ol* Re)lection: Doin& t$is researc$ project $as opened my eyes on '$at + really need to do as a


%uture educator because t$ere is so muc$ more &oin& on be$ind t$e scenes t$at i% you are a teac$er and aren,t involved t$en '$at,s t$e point in you bein& t$ere* - teac$in& isn,t somet$in& you can just coast t$rou&$ you $ave to be en&a&ed and %le8ible because t$e students are &oin& to come 'it$ everyt$in& you,ve &ot* +n order to $elp me become more involved and more in%ormed + 'ill continue to &o t$e +2E- conventions because + learn somet$in& every time + &o t$ere* + 'ould also %orm a &roup '$en + &ot an actual job or li(e + said i% t$ere 'as a &roup t$ere + 'ould 'ant to join it and see $o' + could contribute* -not$er valuable service t$at + t$in( is available is to (eep t$e random surveys comin& 'e can %ind out so muc$ more in%ormation but 'e only as( surveys li(e once a year and + %eel t$at it s$ould be a little more random and more o%ten to &et t$e true e%%ect* + (no' t$is project 'ill $elp me become a better teac$er and + just $ope it did t$e same %or everyone else* *orks Cite"

Ber( L* 920!2;* +n%ants c$ildren and adolescents 97t$ ed* p* 5C6-5C7;* Boston 2-1 Pearson Education +ncorporation


0lar(e-Ste'art =* 3andell D* L* 2c0artney =* 4'en 2* #* BBoot$ 0* 92000;* E%%ects o% parental separation and divorce on very youn& c$ildren* Journal of Family Psychology, 14(2 , "05-"26* doi1 !0!0"7H0C9"-"200*0!2*"05 =onijn E* -* /ije Bijvan( 2* B Bus$man B* G* 92007;* + 'is$ + 'ere a 'arrior1 #$e role o% 'is$%ul identi%ication in t$e e%%ects o% violent video &ames on a&&ression in adolescent boys* Developmental Psyc$olo&y 5"95; !0"C-!055* doi1!0*!0"7H00!2-!659*5"*5*!0"C =uppens S* Laurent L* .eyvaert 2* B 4n&$ena P* 920!";* -ssociations bet'een parental psyc$olo&ical control and relational a&&ression in c$ildren and adolescents1 - multilevel and se)uential meta-analysis* Developmental Psyc$olo&y 5999; !697-!7!2* doi1!0*!0"7Ha00"0750 Lan&ber& G 2* Epstein G* /* -ltaye 2* 2olina BH :* -rnold L* B 3itiello B* 9200C; #$e #ransition to 2iddle Sc$ool is -ssociated 'it$ c$an&es in t$e Development #rajectory o% -D.D Sympotmatolo&y in Ioun& -dolescents 'it$ -D.D* Journal of clinical chile ! "dolescent Psychological, #$($ . %&1'%%#. (oi. 1)*)+1&#$))1)*)214*),& Lo' S B Espela&e D* 920!";* Di%%erentiatin& cyber bullyin& perpetration %rom non p$ysical bullyin&* 0ommonalities across race individual and %amily predictors* Psychology of -iolence, #(1 , "9-52* Doi1 !0* !0"7Ha00"0"0C


/o'ic(i Gr* S* Du(e 2 P* Sisney B B #yler 2* 92005;* >educin& t$e Drop-out >ates o% -t>is( .i&$ Sc$ool Students1 #$e E%%ective Learnin& Pro&ram 9ELP;* .enetic, social ! .eneral Psychology /onographs. 1#)(# , 22&'2#, >ooney B* 2at$iason 2* B Sc$auber&er 0* 920!!;* Predictors o% 4besity in 0$ild$ood -dolescence and -dult$ood in a Birt$ 0o$ort* /aterial ! 0hild 1ealth Journal, 1&(* . !!66-!!75* Doi*!0*!007Hs!0995-0!0-06C9-! Salm #* Sevi&ny P* 2ul$olland 3* B :reenbur& .* 920!!;* Prevalence and Peda&o&y1 Understandin& Substance -buse in Sc$ools* Journal of "lcohol ! (rug 2ducation, &&(1 . 70-92* 'll +ra"e Stan"ar"s *orks Cite" Standard !1 Student Development and Diversity #eac$ers o% &rades PJ!2 $ave a broad and compre$ensive understandin& o% student development and diversity and demonstrate t$e ability to provide instruction t$at is responsive to student di%%erences and t$at promotes development and learnin& %or all students* !*2 (no'led&e o% studentsK developmental c$aracteristics and developmental variation and t$e ability to use t$is (no'led&e to in%orm instructional decision ma(in& and promote student success !*" typical development c$allen&es %or students %rom early c$ild$ood t$rou&$ &rade !2 e*&* in relation to independence sel%-esteem peer interactions p$ysical development sel% direction decision ma(in& &oal settin& involvement in ris(y be$aviors and identity %ormation; and t$e ability to $elp students address t$ese c$allen&es* !*5 (no'led&e o% types o% e8ceptionalities includin& $i&$ ability and t'ice e8ceptionalD


t$eir c$aracteristicsD and t$eir implications %or development teac$in& and learnin&D and t$e ability to use t$is (no'led&e to promote learnin& and development %or students 'it$ e8ceptionalities Standard 21 Learnin& Processes #eac$ers o% &rades PJ!2 $ave a broad and compre$ensive understandin& o% learnin& processes and demonstrate t$e ability to %acilitate student ac$ievement* 2*7 strate&ies %or promotin& students, independent t$in(in& and learnin& re%lection and $i&$er-order t$in(in& and t$e ability to use t$ese strate&ies to promote students, &ro't$ as learner* 2*C strate&ies %or en&a&in& students in &eneratin& and evaluatin& ne' ideas and novel approac$es see(in& inventive solutions to problems and developin& ori&inal 'or(* 2*!! (no'led&e o% $o' di&ital-a&e tools and environments in%luence learnin& processes and outcomes and t$e ability to use t$is (no'led&e to improve teac$in& e%%ectiveness and learnin& outcomes* Standard 51 Learnin& Environment #eac$ers o% &rades PJ!2 $ave a broad and compre$ensive understandin& o% student learnin& environments and demonstrate t$e ability to establis$ positive productive 'ellmana&ed and sa%e learnin& environments %or all students* 5*! t$e ability to create sa%e $ealt$y supportive and inclusive learnin& environments includin& indoor and outdoor environments t$at encoura&e all studentsK en&a&ement collaboration and sense o% belon&in& 5*2 t$e ability to apply s(ills and strate&ies %or establis$in& a culture o% learnin& t$at emp$asiAes $i&$ e8pectations %or all students promotes sel%-motivation and encoura&es studentsK sense o% responsibility %or t$eir o'n learnin& 5*6 t$e ability to apply s(ills and strate&ies %or mana&in& class sc$edules and transitions and %or or&aniAin& t$e p$ysical environment to ma8imiAe student learnin& time and meet student


learnin& needs

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