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Probability Classification To Use

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Nomenclature Item Reference Number Item Function(s) Functional Failure(s)/ Failure *ode(s) -ause

Failure 0ffects -ompensating Provisions Failure /etection Failure Probability

-riticality ,evel

Name/ nomenclature for the equipment or component Part number for the equipment or component Identify the function(s) the item is designed to perform/provide (example Function ! Provide !"#$% &# '( po)er) Identify the probable failures associated )ith each function (example Failures !+! ,oss of !"#$% &#'( po)er !+" Po)er out of phase) Identify )hat could specifically cause the identified Failure(s) (example Failure -auses !+! .ransformer failed !+" /iode failure) For each Failure *ode% identify the local effect (i+e+ the effect at the item1s level) and the effect(s) at the next higher level For each Failure *ode% identify any design provisions% such as redundancy% operator actions% or other provisions that )ould mitigate/eliminate the effect of the failure+ Identify ho) the failure )ould be detected (example thermocouple% visual indicator% hidden failure% etc+) Identify the probability that the failure mode could occur )ithin the first 2 years of equipment operation+ 3se one of the follo)ing classifications Probability Classification to Use $ery ,o) (approximately #4) $, ,o) (less than !#4) , *edium (bet)een !#4 and * 5#4) 'igh (greater than 5#4) ' Identify the probable -riticality of the failure(s) as they relate to equipment function and/or personnel safety+ 3se the follo)ing classifications Criticality Classification to Use *inor or no effect on item1s I functional performance or on environment6 no in7ury to personnel /egradation of functional II performance Possible loss of item function6 III significant damage to equipment or environment6 ha(ard to personnel Possible loss of life6 loss of ship I$ or significant damage to environment


9long )ith the reliability data% the :eller shall provide% as applicable


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9ny assumptions made in the analyses Identification of any >single point failures1 and/or common mode failures% if applicable% and :eller1s recommendations regarding them Identification of the failures/failure modes that could cause personnel in7ury or death% or severe damage to the ship


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9dded -ompensating Provisions requirements



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