Equity Task Force Survey Results
Equity Task Force Survey Results
Equity Task Force Survey Results
Information Gathering Survey Results November 22, 2013 1. 2. What does diversity/equity mean to you? All children/families have equal access and activities reflect the diversity of the families/communities. Celebrating diversity, challenging our assumptions and it is a dynamic process Understanding that each individual is unique and recognizing our individual differences. To understand each other and moving beyond simple tolerance to embracing and celebration each individual. Children, teachers, support staff and families are able to be involved with teaching each other at least respect through openness to all differences in humans, and possibly evolving to celebrating the beautiful varieties Means being appreciative and inclusive of all students, parents, staff and community members regarding school resources and events where members can fairly access resources based on needs. Presence and representation of multiple identifies that allows equal opportunity and attention toward all people Everyone feeling like they are welcomed and empowered to participate and be able to view issues from anothers perspective Do you think it is important to form the Equity Task Force and if so, why? Yes, to ensure that we are equitable in all of our practices. It is important that we have a system in place to measure the way we do things. Yes, to lead the staff on this issue So all families feel welcome when they come to Loring. Talk about situations and feelings before they become issues Very important so students learn to be confident in their own skins Yes, to create awareness and create a warm and welcoming learning environment for all It is vital for moving Loring forward to being an even better school by ensuring that every parent see and feel like they have an equal voice Especially when Loring is at 10% contributing to the achievement gap in MN and for the school to have conversations and acknowledgement about how race and class affect achievement in Loring. Also while we have an anti-bully program, it including addressing what students are being bullied for. Goals: What are three relevant and viable goals for the Equity Task Force to accomplish the school year 2013-2014? To observe and track processes, ensuring all children have access to after school enrichment and ensure our celebrations recognize the achievements/cultural of our families. Rigorously review our climate, curriculum and delivery of services then make recommendations. Celebrate our diversity, challenge our assumptions, keep focus on this important ever changing issue All families feel welcome--Establish what will happen after 2014 Groups of people name three things people say/do that are hurtful and at least three things that show respect. Podcast in an interview format of what equity and diversity mean to people at Loring and in the community To clarify purpose and establish a structure for the committee members to begin the work equity To establish Lorings statement of commitment to diversity and equity Identified the issues of importance to Loring stakeholders and plan an activity that involves either staff or families to do community building so that the committee is known and appreciated. The curriculum reflects the diversity of the school and increase new members by 3 each month Who do you think are the crucial stakeholders that must be a part of the Equity Task Force? Parents Community members (business leaders and Victory Neighborhood representative Staff Students Other people interested
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How often, how long and when during the month do you think the Equity Task Force members should meet? Bi-weekly Meet once a month per hour and meet more when there is a need/problem Flexible Quarterly or 3 times a year What other suggestions do you have? Find out how to involve those that cant attend meeting