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Studying in Canada

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Studying in Canada

Anyone who intends to study in Canada for more than six months must apply for a Study Permit before they enter Canada. A study permit allows you to remain in Canada to take an academic, professional or vocational training course at an approved university, college or other institution. For information on studying in Canada, Citi enship and !mmigration Canada. "gyptian and Sudanese students are re#uired to have a $emporary %esident &isa '$%&( to enter Canada. )ou do not have to make a separate application or pay a separate fee. An officer will issue the visa at the same time as the documentation that you need to enter Canada as a student. Be Aware: )ou are not obliged to hire a consultant for visa, immigration or refugee matters. $he *overnment of Canada treats everyone e#ually, whether they use the services of a consultant or not. +eware of any persons who promise that you will get a visa, obtain citi enship, or get special treatment from the Canadian government by using their services. ,ur websites 'Citi enship and !mmigration Canada, and this Cairo &isa Section site( provide all the necessary visa application information and links to downloadable forms free of charge. ,ur *uide to Studying in Canada will be useful in planning for your academic future in Canada. For specific information for "gyptians about the Canadian education system, Citi enship and !mmigration Canada.

-. .o ! need a Study Permit to study at a Canadian educational institution/ 0. 1here do ! find the application form and list of re#uired documents for submission/ 2. 3ow much does it cost/ 4. 3ow do ! apply/ 5. 1hat are the basic re#uirements for a Study Permit/ 6. 1hen should ! apply/ 7. 3ow much money will ! need during my studies in Canada/ 8. !f my application is refused, will the Canadian "mbassy help me to get back the money paid to the school in Canada/ 9. Can my spouse and child come with me to Canada, visit me at a later date, or :oin me to work;study/ -<. !f ! have a Study Permit, can ! stay permanently in Canada/ --. ! am a returning student with a valid Study Permit, but an expired visa. 1hat do ! do/

-0. 1hat do ! do if ! change schools in Canada/ -2. =y application was refused. 1hat can ! do about it/

1. Do I need a Study Permit to study at a Canadian educational institution?

!f you intend to study in Canada for more than six '6( months, you need a Study Permit. Applicants going to study in any field in Canada for six '6( months or less do not re#uire a Study Permit and will be processed as visitors. 3owever, this applies only if the full course is six months or less. )ou cannot go to Canada for the first six months without a Study Permit and then obtain the permit. For more details, Citi enship and !mmigration Canada.


!ere do I "ind t!e a##lication "orm and list o" re$uired documents "or su%mission?

A *uide, all relevant forms and the list of re#uired documents. )ou must submit a fully completed and signed 'i.e., all boxes filled in( application form. Failure to submit all the supporting documents re#uired will result in your application not being processed. $op of Page

&. 'ow muc! does it cost?

For details. Please note that the fees are charged for the processing of the application and are not based on the outcome of the case. >o refunds are given in the case of refused applications.

(. 'ow do I a##ly?
!f you are in "gypt, you must submit your completed and signed application with supporting documents directly to, and pay your fees at, the &isa Section at the Canadian "mbassy in Cairo in person. )ou will be given an interview at that time. !f successful at this stage, you may be asked to undergo a medical exam, and given forms to be filled out by the doctor who will do the exam. )ou will be told when to pick up your visa and permit letter. )ou must present the study permit letter at the Port of "ntry into Canada. $he immigration officer there will verify your letter and print out your study permit, to give to you. &isa applications are accepted at the &isa Section. Please consult the link for our hours of operation. )ou may use a commercial courier. Please send your completed application form and all re#uired supporting documents to?

"mbassy of Canada in "gypt &isa Section P. ,. +ox -667 06 @amel "l Shenawy St. Cairo, "gypt $el. 0A<0A079-A87<< !nclude your home, work and mobile phone numbers, fax number and;or email address so we may contact you. )ou must arrange with the courier company to pay the processing fee at this time. 1ithin ten '-<( working days of receiving your application from the courier, we will contact you to tell you your file number, to re#uest any additional documents, if necessary, and to arrange an interview time and subse#uent steps. As soon as a decision is made on your case, we will return by courier your passport and original documents, with both a visa and a study permit letter, or a refusal letter. 1e will not advise you on the phone or by eAmail of the outcome of your application. !f you have valid, legal status in another country, you may apply at a Canadian "mbassy in that country. For information on Canadian "mbassies in other countries? Citi enship and !mmigration Canada. Please note that the ,ffice of the Canadian "mbassy in @hartoum, Sudan is not responsible for any form of visa processing. Warning? !t is an offence under the !mmigration and %efugee Protection Act to knowingly submit false documents, make false or misleading statements or signatures, or commit any other form of fraud in support of an application to enter Canada. .oing so can result in a twoAyear ban from entering Canada. Begal action will be taken against persons who violate the law. $op of Page


!at are t!e %asic re$uirements "or a Study Permit?

Please Citi enship and !mmigration Canada to see if you are eligible for a study permit.


!en s!ould I a##ly?

As early as possible once you receive your acceptance letter. See our processing times to assist with your planning.

+. 'ow muc! money will I need during my studies in Canada?

$o obtain a Study Permit, if you will not receive funding from a Canadian educational institution or a governmental organi ation, you will be re#uired to provide evidence that you or your family can readily afford the cost of an education in Canada on an ongoing basis. )ou must demonstrate that you will have enough money during your stay in Canada to pay for tuition fees, books, and living expenses for yourself and any

accompanying dependents, and return transportation for both yourself and your dependents. According to Citi enship and !mmigration Canada guidelines in addition to the cost of tuition fees, you will re#uire approximately C-5 <<< per year to cover your living expenses. !f your dependants are planning to accompany or :oin you, you will re#uire an additional C4 <<< for the first dependant, and C2 <<< for each subse#uent dependant. $op of Page

,. I" my a##lication is re"used- will t!e Canadian .m%assy !el# me to get %ac/ money #aid to t!e sc!ool in Canada?
>o. $he &isa Section is not able to assist with the refund of school fees that have been paid when a Study Permit is not issued. )ou may however, use your visa refusal letter in your re#uest for a refund from the educational institution in #uestion.

0. Can my s#ouse and c!ild come wit! me to Canada- 1isit me at a later date- or 2oin me to wor/3study?
!f you proceed to Canada alone, it is possible that your dependants will not be able to :oin you there. !f you wish your spouse and;or child to accompany you to Canada or to :oin you at a later date, you must provide proof that you will be able to support them. Since funding provided by Canadian institutions or governmental organi ations is normally sufficient for one person only, you will likely be re#uired to provide proof of additional funding and; or savings. )our dependants will also be re#uired to demonstrate to a visa officer that they have sufficient ties to "gypt;the Sudan to ensure their departure from Canada. $hey may also be re#uired to undergo a medical exam. Spouses and commonAlaw partners of fullAtime students at publicly funded or degree;diploma granting institutions can apply for an ,pen 1ork Permit at the same time as the principal student applies for his;her Study Permit. $his will allow him;her to work temporarily in Canada while you are studying. D,penD means that having an employment contract from a specific employer in Canada in advance is not a condition for the issuance of the work permit. $here is no D,pen Study PermitD, as a study permit re#uires an acceptance letter from a specific educational institution, and re#uires that you fulfill financial and other re#uirements. $o apply for an D,pen 1ork PermitD it is preferable that the spouse speaks reasonable "nglish and;or French, and has some previous work experience. For further details on the ,pen 1ork Permit, go to Citi enship and !mmigration Canada.

14. I" I !a1e a Study Permit- can I stay #ermanently in Canada?

Study Permits are issued for the sole purpose of attending an academic institution. !f you have already arrived in Canada and do not attend the academic institution for which you were issued a Study Permit, removal procedures will be initiated against you. !f you are interested in staying in Canada as an immigrant, go to the immigration section of this web site. !f you are interested in working after you have completed your studies.

11. I am a returning student wit! a 1alid Study Permit- %ut an e5#ired 1isa. !at do I do?
)ou cannot enter Canada with only a valid Study PermitE you must have a valid visa. Apply at the &isa Section for a reAentry visa.


!at do I do i" I c!ange sc!ools in Canada?

Please consult the Study in Canada page for more details. $op of Page

1&. 6y a##lication was re"used.

!at can I do a%out it?

%easons for the refusal are given to unsuccessful Study Permit applicants. !f your circumstances have changed appreciably and you believe that they would result in a different decision, you may reapply. !f, however, there is no change in your situation, then it is unlikely that your application would result in the issuance of a Study Permit. Please note that the Consular Section has no mandate for visa or immigration matters and therefore cannot assist with any type of immigration;visa en#uiry from Canadian or nonACanadian individuals. $he Ambassador has no mandate to make or order visitor visa decisions. !mplementation of the immigration law is the mandate of the .epartment of Citi enship and !mmigration and not the .epartment of Foreign Affairs and !nternational $rade.

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