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Judicial Review in India

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Interbranch Bargaining and Judicial Review in


Sunita Parikh and Alfred Darnell

Department of Political Science

Washington University in St. Louis,

Version 1.0

Prepared for Presentation at the Law and Political Economy Colloquium at

Northwestern University Law School, October 29, 2007

Since the emergence of modern political institutions in the 18th Century, an

independent judiciary has been a mainstay of government. Courts have been created or

evolve into existence either at the time of a state's inception, such as the United States,

or they are introduced in the course of transforming governmental structures, such as in

India. India's modern judicial system was introduced in the late 1700s and went through

several stages of development before reaching its current structure and form. Even

though each branch of government has as one of its prime objectives the promotion and

protection of the state and society, conflict between the different branches of

government over the role and power of the judiciary has been relatively commonplace.

We would expect that such discord would have an effect on the way courts make

decisions and situate themselves in the wider politics of the state and in relation to other

state institutions. Surprisingly, this facet of judicial development has not been widely

studied, although the conflicts between courts and elected governments in newly

consolidating democracies have begun to receive attention (Orkeney and Scheppele

1996, Scheppele 1999, Vanberg 2001, Epstein et al. 2001, Helmke 2002, Helmke


Scholars have advanced many theories to explain judicial behavior. Some

propose that judges are politically astute, strategic in their actions, and interested in

achieving specific policy goals. Others suggest that judges are politically disinterested,

sincere in their actions, and motivated by issues of law rather than policy outcomes.

These characterizations focus on judges’ attitudes about the specifics of the cases they

decide and the political ramifications of specific outcomes (or lack thereof), but they

tend to neglect any consideration of judges’ attitudes toward the establishment and

maintenance of the institutions in which they are situated. Since the U.S. has driven the

development of theory, this focus is not surprising; the Court has been well established
for two centuries and its social and political legitimacy is rarely questioned. The neglect

is harder to justify for studies of judicial politics in new democracies and developing

countries, however. In these contexts, the court’s ability to issue decisions, the extent

to which these decisions are honored in the implementation process, and the its

insulation from political pressure are still being determined. We should expect to see

conflicts that arise from different preferences over policy, but we should also find that

conflicts arise because of different preferences over the role of judicial institutions.

In this paper we examine the creation and early tenure of three apex courts in

India, which were created at three different points in time and by three different

governments. The first, the Supreme Court of Judicature, was chartered by the British

Crown and Parliament in 1773 and appeared to be endowed with wide and powerful

jurisdiction. The second, the Federal Court of India, was established by the

Government of India Act of 1935 and was intended to consider disputes among British

provinces and Indian princely states. The third, the Supreme Court of India, was

established in the Constitution of India and given original and appellate jurisdiction as

well as explicit powers of judicial review. While the political and institutional context in

which the three courts operated were quite different, they shared traditions of British

common law and British political institutions and cultures. In addition, all three

governments shared a key characteristic: all had the ability to alter the courts if they

became sufficiently dissatisfied with them. The governments of the British Raj had the

unilateral power to do so, and the post-independence government was a parliamentary

system in which the Congress Party dominated and faced no unified oppos ition.

Nevertheless, all three courts soon found themselves issuing dec isions that were in

direct conflict with the desires of the executive branches that had created them and

leading those branches to respond.

We explore these cases to try and solve the contradictions of why new courts

challenge the authority and power of more powerful institutions and why judges make
decisions that put the autonomy and authority of their courts in jeopardy. We adopt the

framework of the strategic theory of judicial politics, which assumes that judges are

acting rationally, and we then analyze whether the courts' actions comport with the

theory. In addition, we pay particular attention to the interests and preferences of the

governments that created the new courts. We hypothesize that conflicts emerge in new

courts between the creators and the created because frequently the two actors'

interests are at odds. Courts are created by executives to serve executive interests, but

judges develop their own, often competing, sets of goals. The two are almost inevitably

in conflict, especially in the early years of institutional development.

In the next section of the paper we discuss research in the current literature on

judicial politics that speaks directly to our questions. We then summarize briefly the

history of the Supreme Court of Judicature, the Federal Court of India, and the first

decade of the Supreme Court of India. We emphasize their composition, their powers,

and their relations with other branches of government. We then discuss critical cases

by each court to compare their processes of judicial decision making and to highlight the

similarities and differences in their treatment of the preferences of the executive or

parliamentary branch. In conclusion, we return to our original arguments and consider

the applicability of our findings for research in other contexts and other periods.

Judicial Behavior and Interbranch Relations

The extensive literature on judicial politics includes two discussions that are especially

pertinent to our analysis: studies of judicial decision making and studies of interbranch

bargaining. We begin by asking what factors predict how judges will decide cases, and

the literature on decision making offers a wide range of motivations. At one end of the

spectrum lie judges who are motivated almost entirely by issues in the law itself and are

largely uninterested in either the policy outcomes under consideration or the political

ramifications of their decisions. In the India-specific literature this approach has been
termed “black-letter law” (Galanter 1989, Dhavan 1977). There is evidence to suggest

that Indian judges had relatively apolitical backgrounds, even during the independence

movement (Gadbois 1969), and that they were deeply concerned with issues like

precedent and prior case law (Dhavan 1977). But it is a stretch to argue that their

decisions were made in a completely apolitical or asocial context. For example, the

early decisions of the Federal Court as well as the concurrent writings of its Chief

Justice demonstrate that the Court was intensely aware that its early decisions would

shape its future status (Pylee 1966, Linlithgow Papers, IOLR).

The literature on judicial behavior includes considerable research arguing that

judges have preferences over policies as well as over points of law. Particularly in the

case of judges' policy preferences, we would expect to find conflict with other branches

of government. Both of the dominant and competing approaches, the attitudinal and the

separation of powers (SOP) approaches, assume that judges hav e policy preferences

but take different paths to achieve them (Segal and Spaeth 1993, Epstein and Knight

1988, Gely and Spiller 1990). The Indian case does not provide direct evidence that

judges had policy preferences independent of issues of law, but there is clear evidence

that they preferred certain outcomes over others, which pitted them against the

preferences of the executive (Dhavan 1977, Galanter 1989, Pylee 1966, Austin 1999).

If judges have preferences over policy outcomes, interpretations of law, or some

combination of the two, how do they ensure that their preferences are achieved? On

this point the attitudinal and SOP models diverge sharply. The attitudinal model

assumes judges are generally apolitical actors who decide cases based on their sincere

policy preferences, while the SOP model posits that in order for judges to achieve their

sincerely preferred outcomes they must take into account the behavior of other

institutional actors who respond to judicial decisions. In anticipating the range of

possible responses, at times judges may choose to act strategically and issue decisions
that reflect second choices that are likely to be supported rather that first choices that

might be challenged or repealed (Epstein and Knight 1998).

The importance of strategic interaction in the SOP model has led to an

expanding literature that explores how strategic considerations and constraints on

behavior affect judicial decision making, and it assumes explic it or implicit bargaining

between the affected branches of government. In a strategic approach, judges will

consider how legislatures and executives will implement their decisions and shape their

rulings accordingly. Legislators and executive actors in turn will draft statutes and

constitutional provisions that give judges more or less flexibility in interpretation. In a

variety of time periods and political settings, scholars have shown how interbranch

bargaining narrows the range of possible judicial and political policies chosen (Eskridge

and Ferejohn 1993, Epstein and Knight 1998, Vanberg 1998, Vanberg 2001).

Researchers have offered a range of explanations for why and how the judicial

and legislative-executive branches are constrained by this relationship. Rogers

hypothesizes that because judges receive cases after laws have been passed and

implemented, they have more knowledge than the original legislators and therefore the

court’s decision may be better informed (Rogers 2001). Several scholars point to the

institutional and public legitimacy court decisions can giv e legislation and constitutional

provisions, a consideration which may override legislative or exec utive preferences over

a specific bill (Epstein and Knight 2000, Vanberg 2001, Epstein et al. 2001). And, of

course, since legislative and executive branches can punish the court for decisions it

dislikes, judges may constrain themselves in order to avoid being sanctioned (Rogers

2001, Gely and Spiller 1992, Epstein and Walker 1995).

A basic characteristic of the SOP model and rational-actor approaches more

generally is the assumption that because the actors behave strategically, they will strive

to anticipate unwelcome responses. Therefore, in equilibrium we should not observe

courts challenging legislatures and executives unless they are certain to prevail. But
our evidence from Indian courts contradicts this assumption. All three of the courts we

studied issued rulings that resulted in sanctions by the executive, and the most recent,

the Supreme Court, engaged in a long-term, clearly losing battle. We cannot explain

this behavior within the rational-actor paradigm as it is presented in the SOP model; we

would have to assume judges were either badly informed or acting irrationally. But

neither explanation is fully satisfying.

We offer a different explanation, one that is probably most applicable to new

courts but may also occur at times in mature, established courts. We assert that the

current theories of judicial behavior and Interbranch bargaining pay insufficient attention

to judges’ preferences over the institution itself. Judges care about policies and issues

of law, but they also have preferences over the strength and stability of the court.

Indeed, it seems obvious that unless judges can assume a stable and powerful court,

their policy or black-letter law preferences are much less likely to be achieved. In new

courts, issues of stability, strength, and scope of decision making are often still

contested (Orkeney and Scheppele 1996, Vanberg 2001, Epstein et al. 2001, Helmke

2002). Therefore, we hypothesize that judges are likely to challenge the legislature and

executive in two instances. First, they will issue decisions contrary to executive

preferences in cases that they perceive to be especially important in terms of

institutional legitimacy or sphere of influence. Second, they will be more likely to make

these decisions in the early years of the court, when it is less established and therefore

more vulnerable, but when precedents are less binding and the judges are in the

process of establishing legal doctrine.

We now turn to the three cases, the Supreme Court of Judicature in Calcutta

under Elijah Impey's tenure as Chief Justice, the Federal Court of India, and the first

decade of the Supreme Court of India. We discuss the conditions that led to the

creation of each court and provide evidence about the preferences both of the exec utive

branch institutions who established the courts and of the judges who were appointed.
We then discuss critical decisions issued by each court and explore how these cases

reflect the competing preferences of judges and governments. While these cases are

the exception rather than the rule (Darnell and Parikh 2006), they are important

because they generate interbranch conflict, and they often test the courts’ jurisdictional

bounds and scope of authority.

The Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William

When the ships carrying the members of the new Supreme Council and the new

Supreme Court left England in 1773, all parties involved thought they had solved a

difficult problem. The Crown and Parliament had created a new court that would have

greater power than the patchwork judicial system that had been under increasing strain

in Bengal. At the same time, they had strengthened the gover nance structure by

creating a council that would serve along with the newly styled and appointed Governor-

General, Warren Hastings. Although British political parties were engaged in intense

competition at the time, they had been able to agree on an institutional solution that

would regulate the East India Company and provide a more systematic rule of law for

British agents in India and the indigenous population who interacted with them. The

three judges of the new Supreme Court, all of whom were experienced jurists drawn

from the King's Bench, saw themselves as bringing the rule of law to a new British

territory. But by the time the two ships landed in Bengal in October of 1774, the schisms

that were to mark the first decade of Court and Council were already becoming


The conflicts between the Governor General, his Supreme Council and the Court

have been analyzed and commented upon for over a century. Hastings' impeachment

trial in Parliament was the penultimate use of impeachment in British politics, and the

divisions between members of the Supreme Council, in particular between Hastings and

Philip Francis, reflected the intense party polarization and conflict within domestic British
politics (Marshall 1965, Marshall 1968, Sutherland 1952). Edmund Burke held up

Hastings as the archetype of the corrupt imperial East India agent, and fifty years later,

Macaulay wrote a stinging indictment of Hastings that reasoned and well-researched

studies have failed to dislodge as the dominant view (Stephen 1885, Feiling 1954,

Sutherland 1957, Marshall 1965). But the long-standing emphasis on individuals and

personal conflicts has tended to obscure the institutional mismatch that the Regulating

Act of 1773 created. In recent years, historians have emphasized institutional factors in

their analyses, and although their foci have been on larger issues of colonial rule or law

rather than interbranch relations (Benton 1999, Hussain 2003, Travers 2007), they help

us think about how institutional configurations and strategies shaped actors' behavior.

The new Supreme Court of Judicature was bedeviled from its inception by

ambiguities in its jurisdiction and its scope of authority. While scholars have explained

these ambiguities as arising from the role of the East India Company and its unusual

relation to the British government (Pandey 1967, Sen 2006, Travers 2007), they also

arose because of competing inter ests in Parliament and the often contradictory aims of

the Regulating Act. The competing interests were a result of the intense partisan

conflict within British politics during the latter half of the 18th century; this conflict led to

a deep divide over how to oversee the actions of the East India Company. The

Company had been reporting significant debts and paying lower dividends to its

shareholders and to the Crown for several years, and one faction in Parliament sought

greater control over the Company's actions, while the other fought against increased

ministerial supervision. The outcome was the creation of a Governor-General in

Council, but the Council in Calcutta mirrored the divide between the two political

factions in London.

For the Supreme Court, the effect of this parliamentary infighting was to endow

the Court with apparently immense powers in some areas and leave other issues

inadequately specified. The judges were considered personal representatives of the

Crown, "with sources of fiat independent of the Company" (Travers 2007: 183). They

were also empowered to review all policies and regulations emanating from the

Supreme Council, which gave them not only the right of judicial review in the

conventional sense, but the potential responsibility for day-to-day oversight of the

Council's actions. While this sweeping authority was unusual, it was understandable

given the fears within Parliament that the Company was insufficiently regulated.

Surprisingly, however, this review authority was not the source of the most controversy

with regard to the Court's decisions.

The strongest repercussions from the Court's mandate arose from its authority to

hear suits against British agents of the Company and its Indian employees. Agents who

had been used to acting unilaterally suddenly found that they could be called before a

judicial bench and held to English law, and the Court's reach extended through Bengal,

Bihar, and Orissa, not just the towns and factories that were recognized as British

settlements (Travers 2007). And the judges were not hesitant to use this authority,

because they saw themselves as bringing British law and justice to a corrupt, lawless

territory (Hussain 2003, Travers 2007). As Justice Robert Chambers wrote to Lord

North, whose government passed the Regulating Act, the Act rescued "oppressed and

declining People from Insecurity and Unhappiness of Dominion exercised without

Regularity or Knowledge," and the judges served as "an Instrument of this glorious

Purpose" (quoted in Travers 2007: 184). Given this perspective, it is hardly surprising

that Company agents and Council members were protesting the Court's decisions to

London within the first year of the Court's operation.

However extensive the formal power granted to the court, it was undercut by

factors that weakened the judges' ability to issue decisions that would be accepted by

the litigants, Indian elites more generally, and the East India Company. The greatest

handicap the justices faced was their complete ignorance of local laws, customs, and

languages. While the justices were well versed in English law and had a mandate to
extend that law to Britons in India, they were also instructed to apply it only "as nearly

as the Condition and Circumstance of the Place, and the Persons will admit of" (Letters

Patent, quoted in Travers 2007: 183). There had been considerable debate within

Parliament about the advisability of imposing British law in such a different social and

political context, and the result was a confusing mixture of judicial responsibilities: on

the one hand, the Court was to respect indigenous laws and customs, but on the other

they were to extend the protections of British law to anyone engaged in business with

the Company's agents, even if their rulings went against the Company's interests.

Given the background of the judges, it is hardly surprising that they chose to emphasize

the latter rather than the former. Two well-known and extremely controversial cases

illustrate how this preference played out in practice.

The first case, which has become known as the Patna Cause, involved the Court

in an inheritance dispute between the widow of the property holder and his nephew

(Benton 1999). The indigenous Muslim law officers who had initially heard the case in

Patna had ruled for the nephew. The Court claimed appellate jurisdiction on the

grounds that the nephew was a Company employee and overturned the decision. In

doing so they stretched the admittedly ambiguous definition of "employee" as defined in

the original charter, they rejected the Muslim law officers' bases for their decision, and

they invoked "universal reason, natural law, and common sense to see [them] through

to an area of jurisdiction beyond the usual remit of English law" (Travers 2007: 198). In

a single case, Impey's Court went beyond the English settlements to Patna, overturned

Company-appointed indigenous legal officials, and adjudicated a case in which the East

India Company was not a direct party. The Court's actions in the Patna Cause became

a critical component of the Company's case against the Court's jurisdiction in their later

petition to Parliament.

The second case is perhaps the most famous case in the legal history of the

British Raj and comprised the main part of the impeachment case against Hastings.
The case of Nandakumar (Nuncomar in the terminology of its time) has been

exhaustively debated, from just after the decision, through Hastings' trial, to Macaulay’s

essay on Hastings, through 20th-century historiography (Sutherland 1957, Derrett 1960,

Marshall 1965, Noorani 2005). The anthropologist Nicholas Dirks has recently

published a book in which he compares Hastings' impeachment with contemporary

American and British decisions to go to war in Iraq (Dirks 2006). It is far outside the

scope of this paper to revisit these debates; whether Nandakumar was the victim of

"judicial murder" is still a subject of contention. We instead draw attention to the crime

for which he was convicted, that of forgery. Impey's and the Court's grounds for

executing Nandakumar were forgery with intent to defraud. But while forgery was still a

capital crime in Britain, it had traditionally been treated with much more lenience in

Indian law. Therefore, even if we do not believe that Impey convicted and
Nandakumar in order to help his friend Hastings, he certainly imposed a sentence that

violated the directive to observe indigenous customs, especially in criminal cases.

These and other cases in which the Company was either a party, such as the

Kasijora case (Pandey 1967, Sen 2006), or in which the Company's allies were losing

cases, led the Supreme Council, individual members of the Company, and Indians to

petition Parliament to change the jurisdiction of the Court (Touchet Committee, 1781).

Impey himself narrowly escaped being impeached by Parliament, and the Court's

jurisdiction over the Company was sharply circumscribed in the Judicature Act of 1781.

Ironically, however, many of the judicial reforms that Impey and Hastings sought to

implement were eventually carried out: the integration of the country and town courts,

the increasing application of English common law, and the extens ion of jurisdiction to

ever greater numbers of Indians (Lindsay 1936).

The conflicts between the Company and the Court and the subsequent

intervention of Parliament seem almost inevitable given the ambiguities both in the

Court's mandate and the preferences of Parliament. British political actors were
seeking to regulate the Company through the Court, but they wanted above all for the

Company to be solvent, productive, and prosperous. The Court, on the other hand, was

made up of judges who saw their role as that of bringing English common law to a

lawless and corrupt people, and they included Company agents in those categories.

When it became clear to Parliament that the Court's rulings were likely to inhibit the

Company's ability to strengthen and extend its political and economic reach, the choice

was to constrain the Court rather than the Company. Could the Court have employed

more wisdom and prudence in its decisions? Without question, but had it deferred too

much to the Company's wishes, the Court's own authority would have been

compromised. If we assume that Chief Justice Impey was a corrupt judicial officer who

took every opportunity to exceed his authority and help his friends, then the explanation

becomes simple. If we assume that he was sincerely and lawfully following what he

considered to be his responsibilities, we see that he was confronted with a Faustian

choice: The Court could draw on British law and make decisions that infuriated the

Company, or it could avoid confrontation and be seen as weak and unimportant.

The Federal Court of India

The Federal Court was established through provisions of the British Parliament’s 1935

Government of India Act and issued judgments from 1938 to 1950. The last three years

of its tenure are difficult to categorize because there was no constitution in place in

1947 after the partition of India and Pakistan at Independence. Therefore, 1947 marks

the end of the relationship of the Federal Court with the regime that created it, as well

as the departure of the last British Chief Justice, Sir Patrick Spens.

The reign of the Federal Court has been perceived to be one of a weak court that

was ineffectual against the government. However, an examination of the decisions of

the Court does not support the conventional wisdom: in nearly one-half of the

decisions in which the government was a party, the Court failed to side with the
government (Darnell and Parikh 2006: Table 1). To understand the Federal Court's

relation to the central government and why it challenged the authority and power of the

institutions that created it, we need to explore a complex set of issues. We identify

sources of institutional weakness and bases for conflicts with other branches of

government by examining the terms of its creation, the interests of those creators, the

cases it adjudicated, and the apparent preferences of the Court's judges.

The Federal Court faced a number of constraints and ambiguities from its

inception. The Act of 1935 was designed to provide a framework in which Indians and

colonial rulers governed together (although not equally ). Passed by the British

Parliament and implemented by the Government of India, it was not the creation of an

indigenous democratic regime. The establishment of the court had been discussed

extensively at the All-Parties’ Round Table Conferences, which brought together all the

British political parties as well as representatives of the major Indian political

organizations, ethnic and religious groups, and princely states in order to develop a

new institutional framework to govern India (Moore 1974, Parikh 1997). While the

outcome of the conferences was inconclusive, the debates were sophisticated and

wide-ranging, and the 1935 Act incorporated many of the suggestions raised there

(Linlithgow papers, IOLR).

The introduction of a Federal Court at the apex of the Indian judicial system was

a response to a new political configuration that joined British India with the nominally

independent princely states. But the history of the judicial administration of the British

Raj dated from the early days of the British presence in India and preceded formal

colonial rule by nearly a century. It had clear judicial and institutional ties to the courts

created by Parliament in the late 1700s. In its rulings, the Federal Court made attempts

to expand its jurisdiction throughout the subcontinent and continued previous efforts to

dispense decisions based on English common law, Hindu law, and Islamic law.
The Court was grafted on to the existing judicial system above the long-

established High Courts in the provinces. Indeed, the prestige of the High Court system

produced opposition to the idea of the Federal Court, with many of the sitting High Court

judges fearing that the new court would undermine their prestige. They argued that the

existing system, in which cases appealed at the High Court level were sent on to the

Privy Council in England, could be adapted to suit the new circumstances. However,

the forces that supported the new court prevailed, and the provisions of the 1935 Act

empowered a Federal Court at the apex of an integrated judiciary. The Court was

intended to have a very limited jurisdiction. Under the terms of the Act, British India was

established as a federation for the first time; until then, provinces had had bilateral

relations with the central Government of India, but they had not been statutorily

connected to each other. The princely states were not required to be members of the

federation, but provisions for their voluntary inclusion were set forth. The very name,

Federal Court, reflects the decision of the British government to avoid establishing a

Supreme Court (Linlithgow papers, IOLR).

The Federal Court had carefully delineated areas of original, appellate, and

advisory jurisdiction. The scope of its original jurisdiction seems fairly expansive at first

glance, The 1935 Act specified that

the Federal Court shall ... have an original jurisdiction in any dispute between any
two or more of the following parties, that is to say, the Federation, any of the Provinces
or any of the Federated States.

However, the Act goes on to stipulate restrictions on this jurisdiction which take up more

room than the previous section, and which feature the following clause: “The Federal

Court in the exercise of its original jurisdiction shall not pronounce any judgment other

than a declaratory judgment.” The Court’s original jurisdiction ''was to cover the

minimum grounds of dispute in a federation ... Nevertheless, ... [it] was certainly in
Parikh & Darnell 16

conformity with the position of such a court as the sole defender of the federal compact''

(Pylee 1966, 106). Significantly, the stipulated jurisdiction of the Court bound only the

British provinces; the princely states were not required to subject themselves to its


The enumerated aspects of the Court's appellate jurisdiction appeared, like its

original jurisdiction, to be quite extensive at first glance. It was given the power to

consider on appeal any civil or criminal case that involved a ''substantial question of law

as to the interpretation of the Constitution Act [of 1935]'' (Pylee 1966, 110). And the

lower and High Courts were to consider its decisions as binding on them. But this was

a less extensive grant of appellate power than it first appeared. Once again, the

princely states were not required to adhere to its rulings, and the provincial courts were

only bound insofar as the particulars of the case fell under the provisions of the Act of

1935. Indeed, the British government expected few cases to arise this way (Linlithgow

papers, IOLR). As we shall see, however, both litigants and the Court expanded their

reading of relevance under the Constitution Act to develop a jurisdiction that was broad

and powerful in scope.

Finally, the third arena of jurisdiction was the obligation of the Court to provide

advisory decisions to the Government of India about the constitutionality of new

provisions formulated either by the Governor-General in Council or by one of the

Federal Legislatures. This was expected to be infrequently used, but it was included in

the expectation that a new constitution would occasionally give rise to ambiguities in

pending legislation.

Not surprisingly, the Federal Court was confronted with a number of problems in

establishing its authority. First, it met some resistance as a new judicial institution from

the High Courts and had to assert its autonomy in relation to them. Second, it did not

have universal jurisdiction on two fronts: princely states were not obligated to submit to

its rulings and its role relative to certain aspects of the Government of India was only
Parikh & Darnell 17

advisory. Finally, the tenure of individual justices was generally brief given the criteria

for being a justice. No member of the court was likely to serve more than a few years

due to the mandatory age retirement provision, and talented Indian justices could be

promoted to the Privy Council in England.

Several lines of potential conflict existed during the era of the Federal Court,

including the composition of the justices and the substantive issues of the cases before

the Court. Unlike the judges on the Supreme Court of Judicature, the justices who

comprised the Federal Court combined longstanding ties to the British Raj with a deep

knowledge of Indian legal institutions. The first Chief Justice, Sir Maurice Gwyer, was

probably the most distinguished British jurist serving in India, and at the time of his

appointment he was Chief Justice of the Calcutta High Court. The first Muslim

associate justice, Sir Shah Suleiman, was Chief Justice of the Allahabad High Court for

six years, and the Hindu associate justice, M. R. Jayakar, was a leading Indian lawyer

who had been elected to the Bombay Legislative Council and the Bombay Legislativ e

Assembly as a member of the Swaraj Party and the Nationalist Party respectively.

Later appointments were also distinguished, although by the middle and late 1940s the

Governor-General and the Secretary of State both complained about finding qualified

British candidates in the waning years of the Raj (Wavell collection, IOLR). The Indian

judges continued to be selected from the High Courts of the provinces, and the last

Indian justices of the Federal Court became the first justices of the new Supreme Court

in 1950.

Many members of the judiciary in India, particularly those in the High Courts,

prided themselves on remaining above politics. The British judges, not surprisingly, saw

themselves as agents of the Raj who were responsible for administering the rule of law

in British India. But even Indian judges tended to avoid politics, or to embrace a

moderate or conciliatory brand of politic al participation that frequently drew scorn from

the left wing of the Indian National Congress and from strong nationalist and radical
Parikh & Darnell 18

political actors (Dhavan 1977). These attributes meant that the Federal Court judges

were perceived by both the British and Indian political leaders as conservative, removed

from the heated politics of the independence period, and unlikely to be legal innovators.

On the one hand, this perception provided a sense of relief to the British, who relied on

the courts to support their efforts to quash the independence movement; on the other

hand, there were reservations concerning the Chief Justice's commitment to the British

dominance because of his adherence to civil and individual rights in India. The latter

suspicion was reinforced by Gwyer's stated belief that it was the court's “duty to

administer the law as it is and not to seek to change it into what we may think it ought to

be. . . . [and] that there is no attempt to interfere with the independence of the judiciary

and the open and upright administration of justice” (Gwyer n.d.: 177).

The Court adhered to its mandate to hear only cases having to do with the

constitutionality of existing and new laws. And given that the Court turned down as

many appeals to constitutional pr otection as it supported, it cannot be argued that the

Court grasped at every case that had a constitutional question in order to increase the

number of decisions it made. But the Court's support of civil liberties arguments brought

it into direct conflict with the Government of India, most often in cases that involved the

Defence of India Act. The Act had been promulgated by the Government in the early

1940s as a wartime necessity to maintain order and crush sedition, and in this case

sedition included the civil disobedience of the Quit India movement. The Government

had argued that national security in wartime overrode civil liberties protections. But in

its first case challenging a provision of the Defence of India Act, the Court unanimously

ruled against the Government ( Keshav Talpade v. King Emperor , 30 AIR 1943). In

another case, ( Niharendu Dutt Mazumdar v. King Emperor , 29 AIR 1942), the Court

held that the speech of the appellant did not meet the definition of sedition under the

act. The Government was infuriated by these decisions, but it accepted them and
Parikh & Darnell 19

amended the relevant parts of the Defense of India Act where possible (Linlithgow

papers, IOLR).

The government’s response was to accept the decisions in order to avoid

challenging the Court in the first civil liberties cases. In 1943, however, when its first

Chief Justice reached retirement age, the government chose a new British Chief Justice

who was more likely to vote in their favor: Sir Patrick Spens was a respected judge, but

he had never spent time in India and unlike his predecessor, he had no particular

attachment to the place or its institutions. He was frequently dissented from the majority

in civil liberties cases, and his position made it easier for the Government to take cases

it lost in the Spens Court to the Privy Council rather than allowing the Federal Court

Judgment to be the final word.

We have characterized the Federal Court as an institution that did not shy away

from overruling the Executive, but it is important to note that the Court ruled for the

Government slightly more often than it ruled against. In addition, it upheld much of the

new legislation passed by the provincial and central legislatures and it regularly affirmed

the legislatures’ rights to a wide scope of authority. We cannot argue, therefore, that

the Court grasped at every case that might allow it to assert itself over the executive.

But it clearly used individual rights cases to signal the importance of the civil liberties

provisions of the Government of India Act, even in the face the Government’s assertions

of national security and self-defense, in a time of war.

The Federal Court's history reveals several conditions that converged to create a

confrontational relationship with the government that created it. Faced with an

institutional structure that had some significant weaknesses, some British and most

Indian justices were prepared to be assertive in order to promote and protect the

authority of the Court, especially in with respect to those aspect of the law that they

deemed most important. These facets of law, however, were in areas the British

wanted maximum authority because of its importance to their ability to maintain political
Parikh & Darnell 20

stability and control in India. In contrast to the choice of Parliament in the late 18th

century, however, the British government did not alter the Court's jurisdiction to

constrain it. Instead, it used the power of appointment to ensure that the next Chief

Justice would be more sympathetic to British interests 1

, and it more frequently

challenged the Court's decisions by taking them to the Privy Council.

The Supreme Court of India

The Supreme Court of India came into being when the Constitution of India was

adopted in 1950, and like the courts discussed previously, it faced institutional

limitations that justices had to confront in order to assert the authority of the Court.

Structurally, the provisions for the judicial branch of government are taken almost

verbatim from the Government of India Act. It is unclear why the Congress party, which

was frequently dismissive of colonial institutions, was willing to adopt so thoroughly the

colonial judicial system. Perhaps because the courts and their judges played little role

in the struggle for independence, Congress leaders viewed judicial institutions as

necessary to an independent state but unimportant compared to the elected branch.

The potential for conflict with the Government was further forged by following in the

steps of the Federal court in continuing to protect and advance individual and civil rights

against the spread of Government control. Indeed, in the early years of the Supreme

Court, some justices viewed the prime role of the Court to be the protector of the


When the delegates to the Constituent Assembly took up the judicial provisions

of the constitution, they were concerned with creating an autonomous judiciary that

would command respect. But they also wanted to forestall a Supreme Court that would

1 The career of Justice Gwyer is worthy of much more attention than it has received; in the course
of less than a decade Gwyer went from being the preeminent legal counsel of the Government of India to
a problematic civil servant who had "gone native" and was a source of regular annoyance to the Viceroy
and the Secretary of State for India (Linlithgow papers, IOLR).
Parikh & Darnell 21

impede the Parliament in its efforts to direct Indian economic, social, and political

development. The result, in Austin's elegant phrase, was that they “created an idol and

then fettered at least one of its arms” (Austin 1966: 174). The requirements for passing

a constitutional amendment were relatively easy to meet, especially for a government

with a comfortable majority in Parliament. For cases that did not involve state-level

issues, an amendment could be passed by two-thirds of those attending the Parliament

as long as more than half the members were present. If state-level issues were at

stake, then half the state governments also had to pass the amendment. That this

process has been fairly easy to achieve can be seen from the number of constitutional

amendments passed in less than fifty years (currently more than eighty).

In addition to the political constraints, legal norms and rules specific to the court

as a political institution further limited its ability to develop strong and sustained

positions that ran counter to parliamentary and bureaucratic preferences. According to

Indian common-law tradition, Parliament has the right to delegate the power to pass and

administer legislation to central and state administrative agencies and to state and local

governments, as well as to quasi-governmental bodies. The courts can invalidate this

delegation in only a few circumstances: if the delegated power is too sweeping,

contradictory to the statute authorizing it, or “repugnant to the general law” (Sarathi

1981: 399). Even more constraining is the related doctrine of “subjective satisfaction.”

Under this norm, the agent is given enormous discretion to choose how legislation is to

be implemented. Almost any bureaucratic interpretation must be accepted by the

courts, even if it can be construed as inappropriate or mistaken. “The emphasis [using

the formula of subjective satisfaction] has been laid on the amplitude of the

discretionary power rather than on the need to relate it to the purposes of the Act”

(Dhavan 1977: 239). The only recourse available under statutory review is if the agent

has intentionally and on mala fide grounds misinterpreted the legislation. The Indian

court has used this last option with considerable ingenuity to develop a pattern of review
Parikh & Darnell 22

based on the argument that any interpretation that fails the ultra vires test “is in fact a

mala fide exercise of power” (Dhavan 1977: 237), but the strategy has inherent limits.

The Supreme Court’s jurisdiction followed closely the provisions laid down for its

predecessor. It was granted the explicit power of judicial review, and it had original,

appellate, and advisory jurisdiction. Unlike the Federal Court, however, the Supreme

Court’s caseload was heavy from the outset. The Court has no tradition of certiorari ,

but must take every case present and act upon it. While it disposes of many cases

without comment, hundreds of decisions are officially reported, and the majority of

reported cases have written judgments. While the court is allowed some discretion in

when it decides to rule on a case, in theory it must rule upon them all at some point.

This means that Indian judges have far less ability to pick and choose cases that suit

their strategic or sincere interests than their American counterparts.

The structural configuration of the Court creates obstacles to political

confrontations. Supreme Court justices, for example, also function as trial court judges

much of the time. Additionally, the size of the court works against collective action. The

Court was initially established with eight justices, but justices were added regularly from

the mid-1950s, until today’s full bench of twenty-six was reached. The bench system

allows routine cases to be disposed with two- and three-judge panels, but cases with

constitutional import must be heard by a minimum of five justices, and cases that

overturn previous Supreme Court decisions must be heard by a larger bench than the

original case. The largest bench ever convened was made up of the thirteen judges

who heard the Keshav ananda Bharati case.

In brief, the structure of the institution imposed limitations on its ability to assert

itself in the political realm, a constraint exacerbated by Parliamentary abilities to

undermine the Court's oversight of legislation and its implementation. Their options as

to cases are also limited because of the requirement to take all cases that fall in its

jurisdiction. Consequently, strategic cherry-picking is not possible.

Parikh & Darnell 23

The Court, however, did rule against the Government, even though opposition to

the Government's position was not as frequent in the early years of the Supreme Court

as was the case for the Federal Court. The latter ruled against the colonial government

far more often than the Supreme Court ruled against the Congress Party government.

Nearly half the Federal Court’s decisions rejected the government’s argument, while

less than a third of the Supreme Courts decisions went against the government.

Despite the conventional wisdom that the Federal Court was relatively weak and

ineffectual while the Supreme Court was aggressively obstructionist, this position is not

supported by a simple numerical tally; we would have to argue that the cases in which

the Supreme Court rejected government positions were somehow more important than

those it upheld. It is hard to argue that a Court that rules with the government two-thirds

of the time (Darnell and Parikh 2006: 25) insists upon challenging the executive, but this

view is widely held. The interpretation is understandable because, as in the Courts that

preceded the Supreme Court, the nature of the cases in which it opposed the

Government's position are central to understanding its “oppositional” character.

The first critical case heard by the Court was A. K. Gopalan v. State of Madras

(1950 (1) SCR). Gopalan was a Communist who had been repeatedly jailed under the

Preventive Detection Acts for speech that was allegedly threatening. He challenged his

detention, arguing that it violated his fundamental rights as provided by the new


The Preventive Detention Act had an interesting legislative and policy history.

The colonial government had issued Preventive Detention (PD) provisions during World

War II and the Indian National Congress had repeatedly denounced the government for

them. The Federal Court’s rulings against PD policies in the early 1940s wer e among

the few cases that helped them find favor with the Congress. But in the tumultuous and

violent period that characterized independence, Congress was now the party in

government and found that PD was a convenient tool. The PD Act before the Supreme
Parikh & Darnell 24

Court in Gopalan allowed individuals to be detained for up to a year without being

informed of the reasons for their detention. While there were provisions for an advisory

board to review the legitimacy of the detention, the government was not required to give

the board the reasons for detention, and the board’s recommendations were not


The Supreme Court issued a complicated decision in Gopalan . Each justice

wrote a separate opinion, and the majority upheld certain provis ions of the PD Act while

invalidating others. It did not declare the Act itself unconstitutional, but it ruled that the

withholding of the reasons for detention and the failure to give the advisory board

authority over its legitimacy violated the fundamental rights clauses of the constitution.

Government leaders were nonetheless displeased with the Court. While they agreed

that PD should only be used in cases of security and threats to the nation, they were

loath to give up their ability to decide what constituted security and when information

about detenus should be offered (Austin 1999). The Act was amended to take account

of the Supreme Court’s ruling in 1950 and in successive reenactments, but the essential

contours of the policy remained unchanged.

The Gopalan case is noteworthy because the Supreme Court was seen by the

government as challenging its authority even as other observers criticized the Court for

being insufficiently protective of fundamental rights and failing to strike down the Act in

its entirety (Austin 1999). In the land reform and compensation cases, the Court went

farther, and found itself in a battle with the executive over which branch was the

guardian of the constitution.

Among the most important policy initiatives put forth by the Congress

government was a commitment to the redistribution of land. The government’s

advocacy of a “social revolution” and socialist policies led to the policy of “zamindari

abolition,” where large absentee landlords, or zamindars, would have their land seized

and (in principle) redistributed to the people who actually worked it. Congress also
Parikh & Darnell 25

claimed the right to appropriate nonagricultural land to the government or for

redistributive purposes. Not surprisingly, landlords and urban property owners

challenged these efforts in the Supreme Court as violations of their fundamental rights,

and the Supreme Court ruled against the government in several of these cases.

Like the PD case, land reform and compensation cases posed a problem for the

government. On the one hand, the redistribution of land and the public ownership of

property was critical to the Congress vision of socialist economic and political

development. But appropriation without compensation explicitly violated provisions of

the constitution. The ongoing confrontation that resulted between the executive and the

judiciary led to a debate over who had the ultimate authority over constitutional

interpretation. Nehru asserted that Parliament, not the Supreme Court, has the “duty to

see whether the Constitution so interpreted was rightly framed and whether it is

desirable to change it ... to give effect to what really ... was intended or should be

intended” (quoted in Austin 1999, 87). As for the challenges to fundamental rights, he

remarked, “inevitably in big social changes some people have to suffer” (Austin 1999,


The Court took a different view. In a series of cases it upheld the individual’s

right to compensation and struck down governmental attempts to sidestep such

compensation. The government passed legislation overriding the decisions, and the

Court in turn consistently responded by issuing narrower but equally negative decisions.

The resulting interbranch debate was not fully resolved until 1980 and put the Court in

institutional jeopardy during the Indira Gandhi administration. During this period the

Court lost considerable public prestige because Nehru and the Congress party were

successfully able to portray it as elitist and out of touch with popular needs (Rudolph

and Rudolph 1987). The Court, on the other hand, considered itself to be protecting an

essential part of the constitution, even as some justices worried about challenging the

Parikh & Darnell 26

The oppositional character of the early Supreme Court was grounded not in the

sheer numbers of cases they rule against the Government, but instead resided in the

Court's efforts to constrain the Government's efforts to amass power. They challenged

these strategies through their interpretations of fundamental rights and directive

principles (Galanter 1984), and since the language had been written and approved by

Congress party leaders the latter were put into a difficult position. The Government, in

turn, viewed the Court as obstructionist to resolving the need for economic and social

change that were necessary for the country's development. But the constraints they

imposed on the Court took the form of piecemeal responses, as policies were

repeatedly taken out of the realm of judicial review but judicial review itself remained

intact (until Indoor Gandhi’s 1971-77 term). When the Janata government that followed

the Emergency period restored judicial review, the Court in turn offered a compromise

response in the Minerva Mills decision, in which it removed the right to property from the

list of fundamental rights. Since that time, the Court has found other avenues, most

notably public interest litigation, through which to reinforce its authority and extend its



The three cases discussed in this paper have illustrated the conditions under which new

courts attempt to fortify and enhance their power and authority. New courts take risks in

order to establish their legitimacy and issue decisions that are unpopular with other

branches of government in order to shape the law to their institution’s greatest

advantage. Rather than waiting until they are more established and safer, courts

confront the preferences of other branches directly. It is difficult to call this behavior

“strategic” in the SOP model’s sense, because judges cannot easily calculate the

probability of success or failure. But the consistency with which judges confront

executives with specific types of cases, most notably civil liberties and habeas corpus
Parikh & Darnell 27

(Sen 2006), suggests that they select intentionally among the range of cases available

to them. Since all three courts had both appellate and original jurisdiction, they had a

wide range from which to choose, even the Supreme Court of Judicature, and the

consistent focus on individual rights and protection from governmental interference is

difficult to treat as coincidental.

A second finding that deserves further research and scrutiny is the way in which

powerful executives respond to adverse decisions. Of the three executives considered

here, only one, the 18th-century British Parliament, substantially altered the jurisdiction

and composition of the Supreme Court in response to its decisions. Neither the late

colonial nor the early independent governments (with the eventual exception of Indira

Gandhi’s government) went as far, instead working within the available channels of

response. It is somewhat surprising that the British government supported the Federal

Court despite outrage at the Preventive Detention decisions. But the government was

strongly committed to the successful implementation of the Government of India Act,

and if the British undermined a key institution, the door was opened for the Indian

National Congress and the Princely States to challenge other provisions. A few years

later, when the Attlee government had committed to withdrawal, the colonial

government was less concerned.

Finally, these cases support our contention that in order to understand

interbranch conflict in newly established courts, it is necessary to understand the

preferences and interests of actors from both branches. Conflict is not inevitable, but

the greater the distance between the goals of the executive in creating the court and the

goals of the judges in establishing their authority and legitimacy, the more likely it is that

conflict will arise as judges take risks to protect the institution.

Parikh & Darnell 28


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