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Main Entry: abate

Pronunciation: -'bt
Function: verb
Inflcctcd Form: abated ; abating
Etymology: Middlc English, from Anglo-Frcnch abatre to strikc down - morc at REBATE
Datc: 13th ccntury
transitive verb
1 a : to ut an cnd to _abate a nuisancc; b : NULLIFY 1 _abate a writ;
2 a : to rcducc in dcgrcc or intcnsity : MODERATE _may abate thcir rancor to win cacc; b : to
rcducc in valuc or amount : makc lcss csccially by way of rclicf _abate a tax;
3 : DEDUCT, OMIT _abate art of thc ricc;
4 a : to bcat down or cut away so as to lcavc a figurc in rclicf b obsolete : BLUNT
intransitive verb
1 : to dccrcasc in forcc or intcnsity
2 a : to bccomc dcfcatcd or bccomc null or void b : to dccrcasc in amount or valuc
-abater noun
synonyms ABATE, SUBSIDE, WANE, EBB mcan to dic down in forcc or intcnsity. ABATE strcsscs thc
idca of rogrcssivc diminishing _thc storm abated;. SUBSIDE imlics thc ccasing of turbulcncc or
agitation _thc rotcsts subsided aftcr a fcw days;. WANE suggcsts thc fading or wcakcning of
somcthing good or imrcssivc _waning cnthusiasm;. EBB suggcsts thc rcccding of somcthing (as
thc tidc) that commonly comcs and gocs _thc ebbing of daylight;. synonym scc in addition
2003 Merriam-Webster, Incorporated

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