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Sam Crescent

Erotic Romance

Secret Cravings Publishing

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A Secret Cravings Publishing Book Erotic Romance The Taking of Clara 3: Taken by the Boss Copyright 2013 Sam Crescent E-book ISBN: 978-1-61885-735-4 First E-book Publication: June 2013 Cover design by Dawn Dominique Edited by Theresa Stillwagon Proofread by Elaine Meyler

All cover art and logo copyright 2013 by Secret Cravings Publishing ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission. All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

PUBLISHER Secret Cravings Publishing

I want to thank my readers for their constant support of my work. Without you guys I wouldnt be able to do what I love doing the most. Thank you so much and I appreciate the time you spend reading. Sam x(Insert dedication)

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Sam Crescent Copyright 2013

Chapter One
The anger inside Matthew threatened

to consume him. He stared at her father, wishing he could take the bastard down once and for all. Seeing the other mans arms on his woman filled his mind with so many vile thoughts they threatened to explode out of him. No man, not even her father, got to touch Clara unless he said otherwise. Shes a beauty, Matthew. I see why youve been keeping her to yourself, Luke said. His friend moved over to his woman, took her chin in hand, and turned her head this way and that. For some reason seeing his friend touching Clara

didnt fill him with anger. If anyone touched his woman Luke would be the only man he trusted. Before Matthew got a chance to speak Luke moved away from Clara. Matthew turned his attention to Edward Baines. What the fuck are you doing in my home? Matthew asked. Matthew He cut Clara off with a raised hand. Dont speak for him, Clara. Go upstairs to our room. Ill talk with you later. She looked ready to argue. Taking

his gaze away from her father, Matthew stared at his woman. Dont argue with me. Nodding her head, Clara moved away. She took one last look around the room then left. Youre right, shes submissive all right. He didnt get the chance to feel the pleasure at his friends words. His attention moved to her shit head of a father. The older man looked ready to scarper. I fucking told you not to get in touch

with her. He moved closer, ready to take Edward down. The man before him would only cause more problems than actually solving them. Shes my daughter. You cant keep her away from me. Matthew grabbed him around the throat and pressed him against the wall. He kept a firm grip on his neck, wanting to squeeze the life out of him. Instead, he kept control of his sanity. He didnt like being disobeyed. Youve never given a shit about her or her problems. Youve always been

the fucking cause. Now, tell me, what are you doing in my home? He refused to break his stare. Not a match for the man in front of him, Edward looked down at the floor, defeated. I need more money. If I dont get the money to Randal hes going to kill me. Matthew knew the name. Randal owned half of the illegal gambling strip in Vegas. He wasnt one of the best men to know. How much do you need? Matthew asked.

You cant be serious? If you give this scum the money hes only going to come back for more, Luke said. Im not giving this shit head the money. Im going to give it to Randal and Im going to make sure Clara is never in any danger. Randal may be a bastard but hell listen to me. Hed warn the man about Edward. The only way to stop her father from constantly appearing on their doorstep would be to go to one of the main sources of his loans. I think youre stupid.

Im not stupid. Im thinking of my woman. He didnt hit Claras father even though he wanted to. Edward told him the amount. In the next moment he phoned his accountant, requesting the large sum of money out of his bank. Luke grabbed a pair of cuffs from Matthews playroom. Matthew cuffed Edward to a chair to keep him in place. Staring at Claras father felt like a kick to the gut. When he gave the money to Randal, there would be no chance of Edward getting away with it.

Keep an eye on him. Im going to talk with Clara. Luke nodded. His friends attention lay on the paper in front of him. He made his way up the stairs. The door to his room was open. Was Clara waiting for him to enter? Clara sat on the end of the bed in a white negligee, brushing her hair. She looked so tempting to him. Leaning against the doorframe, Matthew simply watched her. He only came because of the money, didnt he? she asked.

She looked up at him. Tears shone in her eyes making her look vulnerable. Im afraid so, baby. Hes got problems and no amount of rehab will help him. Her sigh filled the silence. Matthew moved to her side and pulled her into his arms, wanting to offer her the comfort he could provide. She went into his arms without argument. Im such a fool. Part of me always wishes hed come back for something more than money. Matthew wanted to go back

downstairs to show the bastard what he really thought. I hate this. I hate feeling weak. If you hadnt have come back Id have done what he asked because hes my father. You must hate me. He caught her chin in his hands, tilting her head back to gaze in her eyes. Im not angry with you, baby. I could never be angry with you. Edward knows youll do anything for him. He plays at it. Ill never let anything hurt you. The tears trailed down her cheeks. He wiped them away. Dont do it.

Dont allow yourself to cry for him. Hes the bastard. Not you. He doesnt deserve your tears. If you need to cry for something, cry for happiness. She wiped them away. I wish I were stronger. I love you the way you are. He brushed his lips against hers. I wouldnt change a thing about you. Clara nodded, resting her head against his chest. His hold tightened around her. Ive got to go out for a few hours. Im leaving Luke here to keep an eye on

you. Please dont help my father out. He should learn to work through his own mistakes. Even though shed be the first person to help him, Matthew admired her resolve. While Edward wasnt in sight she could say those strong words. Dont worry, baby. Im going to take care of everything. He kissed her again, only this time he took possession of her lips with a firmness that surprised him. Be good and stay safe. He left her to finish combing her

hair. Going back into his office he saw Luke twirling his foot while Edward looked ready to run. I want you to stay here. Keep an eye on her. I figured youd brought me round to be a glorified babysitter, Luke said. He closed the paper then stared back. Well talk when I get back. He grabbed Edward then made his way out of his home.

Chapter Two
Clara made sure to spend most of her time in her room. She heard the door close, letting her know her father and Matthew were gone. The man downstairs offered her little comfort. He may be Matthews friend but to her, he meant nothing. The book by the side of her bed held no appeal. Reading about

sex and romance could only keep her attention so much. Her stomach started growling for the seventh time so Clara decided to go downstairs and get something to eat. The sound of the television moved her to the sitting room. Luke sat on the sofa watching a movie. He turned as she walked to the door. Shed tried to stay out of his way. Her thoughts were on Matthew. She didnt like to think about the danger he must be in. They stared at each other for several moments. Neither speaking. She didnt

know him. She would have recognized him if hed visited Matthew at work. Youve finally decided to venture out of your room, Luke said. He stood stretching his arms above his head. Im going to make some food. Do you want anything? She gazed behind her toward the kitchen. During the time she spent in her bedroom night had fallen. She tightened the belt around her waist, fastening the robe closer to her body. She didnt know Luke other than the fact he was Matthews friend. Ill come with you. He followed

behind her. She felt his presence at her back. Licking her lips, she moved around the counter putting some distance between them. He sat at the counter watching her as she worked. Blocking him out of her thoughts, she grabbed some of the chicken from the fridge and wished she was alone. Matthew knows what hes doing. Hell be safe. Im not worried about him but what my father will do. Hes not the best man in the world. She started peeling the chicken into a bowl.

I see what he sees in you. Your submissive nature is hard to ignore. She glanced up at him. Her cheeks heated. Not knowing what to say she continued to peel the chicken. Matthews a lucky guy to have found you. Hes a good Dom and will treat you well. Youll flourish under his care. How should she respond to that statement? Shed only ever talked to Matthew about him being a Dom. I know my words have shocked you.

Its not that. Well, Matthew and I havent gotten much chance to talk about it. She stopped shredding the chicken to glance at him. His intense stare startled her. Youve got questions? She nodded. Im going to talk with Matthew. Matthew understood her more than the man in front of her. I can answer some questions you might have. His gaze roamed her body. Turning away from him, she grabbed a few more items out of the fridge. He

remained in his seat. Id rather not talk about such personal matters with someone I dont know. Luke chuckled. Youre already passing many tests. She frowned at him. The desire to ask him questions filled her but she kept them under wraps. The only person she wished to speak to was Matthew. Matthew will not allow anything to happen to him. Hes more than a man with money. Your safety means everything to him. Your father has taken

advantage for the last time. You know my father? I know to avoid him. Hes not got the best reputation. Matthew must really love you to intercede on your behalf. Ignoring the man in front of her, she finished preparing the salad. She glanced at the clock, and wondered how long Matthew would be. Her hands shook slightly at her fathers panicked words. Being without Matthew wasnt an option. Hed invaded her heart and her mind. She couldnt live without him. You love him? Luke asked.

She jerked her head in acknowledgment. I think you should tell him. Clara handed him the plate of food she made. She ate her salad in silence. Once she finished, she washed their plates then offered him a good night before going back to her room. Closing the door firmly behind her, Clara went over to the closest that held his clothing. Fingering the items hed worn, she inhaled his scent. His masculine fragrance invaded her senses but his scent was masked by washing powder.

She sat down on the bed and glanced at the clock. Where are you? Nibbling her lip, she tried to calm her nerves. No matter what she tried to think about her thoughts reverted back to Matthew. Her father wasnt a good man and wouldnt have any problems with causing Matthew pain. She lay back on the bed, wishing for the man she loved to be by her side. Reaching out to his pillow, she curled her fingers around the fabric before holding the pillow against her.

I miss you, she said. In the matter of a couple of weeks Matthew had taken over her world. Her thoughts were constantly on him. Their time apart hurt more than she liked to think about. She stared out the window and wondered what he was doing.

Chapter Three
The drive to the hotel where Randal rented a room was uneventful. Matthew kept his attention on the road while ignoring the man at his side. Edward looked ready to jump out of the car. You cant ignore me, Matthew. Im Claras father, he said. The best thing for that girl to do is

ignore you. Youre a bastard who only cares about yourself. I want you out of her life for good, Matthew said. Clara deserved better than what her father had given her. Matthew pulled into a parking space. He pulled Edward out of the car then made his way to the front desk. The woman looked at him suspiciously. Im here to see Randal, he said. She lifted the phone, spoke then pointed toward the elevator. Tugging the older man at his side, Matthew waited by the elevators. One

opened, revealing two men inside. Edward, we thought youd never arrive. Matthew pushed the man inside. Edward stumbled then tried to stand as far away from the men as possible. Matthew got in and glared at the older man as the door closed and they rose upward. Matthew wanted to throttle Claras father for the danger hed put her in. He kept his anger inside. No one said a word inside the elevator as they travelled upwards. The elevator stopped and the door pinged open. They passed

more men before another door opened. Matthew spotted Randal instantly. The man stood at the end of the bed, fucking a woman. Her pleasured cries filled the air. Only when Randal completed did he turn to them. Ah, Matthew Johnson, I wondered when youd turn up. Ive heard all about your contract with the lovely Clara. Randal zipped his pants then moved toward them. Edward visibly shook at his side. Matthew shook Randals hand before taking a seat. He declined a beer but

accepted a coffee. What did he offer you? Matthew asked. Randal dropped the photograph of Clara onto the table. He offered me her. He raised his fist in the direction of Edward. You little fucker. You think offering her out will stop people coming after you? He wanted to kill the bastard. The man may be older but what hed done was fucking low. The man before him chuckled. I dont want Clara even though shes

tempting. She makes me hard. Im not interested in more women, and Clara doesnt have what I need. Then tell me what you do want. No, you tell me why youre here? Randal took control of the conversation. Glaring at Edward, Matthew turned his attention back to Randal. Im here to make sure nothing happens to Clara. Shes my woman. I own her and shes mine. I dont want to have to worry about her being approached in the street. Also, I know shes finished with him. All he wants from her is money. I will

pay you what he owes, but I want your guarantee nothing will happen to Clara. If Clara wasnt in danger he wouldnt be here with this man. Being a legal business man put him at risk in Randals company. Hed do anything for Clara. I agree to make sure your woman is safe Ill do what is necessary. Ill take his debt and in return I dont want you interfering with what Ive got planned for him. He owes me more than one payment. They all stopped speaking as the

woman Randal was fucking when they walked in left the apartment. Ill give you the amount you ask, then I want nothing to do with him. For a time Clara would be upset but this was for her own good. That sounds good to me. Matthew shook Randals hand then agreed to bring the money to him the following day. No, you cant leave me. Hell kill me. Clara will never forgive you if you give me up. Edward started begging on his knees.

He stared down at the man, feeling revulsion rise inside him. You should have thought about that before you brought this shit to my door. Matthew pushed the man away then left the apartment. The last words he heard was Edward begging. Hed done what needed to be done. Putting a call through to Luke, he told him what had happened. Once he gave his friend an update, he drove away from the hotel. Clara may hate him for a short time but hed done everything to keep her

safe. When he pulled into his parking lot relief swamped him. Inside Clara slept, safe, protected away from any danger. Luke stood at the door when he entered. Youve got a beautiful woman, Matthew. Im jealous. Did she come down? Only after her stomach demanded, she did. She didnt want to talk to me about anything. Im going to stay in the guest room. Get me up to speed tomorrow. Luke left him alone with his thoughts. Letting out a sigh, he locked up

the office then made his way up the stairs. The sight that greeted him when he opened the bedroom door filled him with yearning. Clara lay with his pillow clutched in her hands. Her eyes were closed. The white negligee she wore covered her curves beautifully. Hed prefer to see her naked. Matthew undressed then moved to climb in the bed. He snuggled up behind her. She whimpered, turned over to snuggle against him. Her eyes opened. The moment she

saw him, she smiled. Youre back. He brushed the curls off her face and smiled down at her. Im back. Im not going anywhere. Clara pulled him down for a kiss. I missed you. Taking her lips with his, Matthew showed her with his kiss how much hed missed her. Her moans echoed off the walls as he glided his palm up her thigh. Her soft skin felt damn good against him. What happened? she asked when she broke away.

Hes not going to bother you anymore. She nibbled her lip. Ask me, he said. I dont want to know. Im tired of being worried about him or not knowing if Ill be able to afford his debts. Im done with him. He heard the sadness in her voice. He wished there was more he could say to make her feel better but there wasnt. I love you, baby, he said. She gasped. I love you too. Slamming his lips down on hers,

Matthew claimed her completely. He pushed her negligee up to her waist as she pulled the top part down exposing her breasts. **** Clara whimpered with pleasure at the feel of Matthews heat surrounding her. Leaving her father to pay for his debts hurt her but she grew tired of defending him. Shutting out thoughts of her father, she allowed Matthew to remove her negligee. Seconds later the boxer briefs he wore were on the floor.

They were both naked. Im going to love your body. He leaned down to circle her left nipple. She gasped at the intense pleasure from the single touch. Arching her back, she begged for him to give her other nipple the same touch. Please, Matthew. I need you. I need you. He nipped at her flesh making it hard for her to think. All of her thoughts were consumed by him. His hand moved down to her pussy. His fingers caressed her clit, sending her closer to orgasm. Matthew slammed his

lips down on hers. She gripped his hard, thick, cock in her tight grip. His cum coated the tip of it. She pumped the shaft relishing the sound of his gasp followed by the way he nibbled at her neck. Youre so fucking beautiful, he said. Matthew pushed her hand away from his cock. She gazed down the length of his body to see him align his cock against her then thrust forward. He pushed inside her to the hilt. She cried out, gasping for breath at the intrusion.

So fucking tight. Her mind was no longer her own. Clara pushed her pelvis up to meet him with each thrust. Matthew grabbed her hands and pressed them over her head as he pushed inside. She cried out his name, begging him with her words to fuck her harder. He gripped her thigh, moving her leg over his hip. The change of angle made him penetrate her deeper than before. Clara couldnt think past her name and the pleasure he created with her body.

Im never letting you go. Never, he growled the words against her lips. In that moment, Clara knew he owned her. Every part of her would be possessed by him. His grip moved to her hips. Matthew turned her suddenly so she could take control. Fingers teased her nipples as she rode his body. Thats it, baby. Ride my cock. I want to feel you ride me. Take me deep inside. She listened to him speak with half an ear.

Her orgasm was close to the surface. He pinched her nipples then slapped her ass to get her to move faster. Matthew, she said, gasping. Tell me what you want. I wont give you what you need until you tell me. I need to come. Please, let me come. Opening her eyes, she stared down at him. His dark gaze penetrated her soul. She cried out. Please, let me come, Sir. His eyes darkened in color looking almost black in appearance. Do you know what you do to me?

he asked. Matthews grip tightened on her hips. There would be bruises on her flesh the next morning, his brand of ownership on her skin. He pounded inside her. Clara didnt have time to analyze the sudden change inside him. Matthew took over her body giving her so much pleasure. She couldnt think past the thrusting. Touch your clit. She pressed her fingers to her nub. The instant she touched herself, Clara shattered. Her orgasm rolled through her stronger than

any wave. Growls shattered the air and they lay together seconds later, exhausted but sated. Matthew ran his hands down her back. Thank you, he said, kissing her shoulder. With his cock still inside her, Matthew turned her to the side. Arent you going to pull out? she asked. No, he said, shaking his head. Why not? Because this is where Im supposed

to be. Youre my woman, Clara. Ill be sleeping inside your snug little pussy for the rest of our lives. His body was so much larger than hers. Will my father Dont ask about him, Clara. Youve done everything you can for him. Youre only concern now is me. And about your domination? she asked. He smiled. Have you been thinking about it? I went into the room before my

father interrupted. Im intrigued about it, and I want to know more. Ill teach you, baby. Everything you need to know. It would be a pleasure for you to be my submissive but Ive got one more thing to ask you before we move on to that. What? What do you need to ask me? Her curiosity got the better of her. She never intended to deny him. BDSM may not be in her knowledge bank but she was more than happy to learn from him. He chuckled. All in good time. I

want you to sleep. How can I sleep? Ive told you to sleep. He kissed her nose then settled down. This is the best part of my day. Going to sleep? she asked. No, having you in my arms. Youre all I care about, Clara. You need to realize there is nothing I wouldnt do for you. You own my heart. And you own mine. She snuggled against his solid warmth. In her mind she finally closed the door on her father. Edward Baines, in his time, had caused

too much heartache. Sometimes, in order to move on, people needed to get rid of the people who hurt them the most. Her father, the main cause of all of her problems, needed to be let go. That night, Clara finally let go of the soul whod been destroying her happiness. Once shed pushed him away for good, Clara slept peacefully.

Chapter Four
Waking up next to Clara would never get old, at least to Matthew. Hed never get tired of it. The sun shone through the curtains, highlighting her beautiful body. She looked peaceful in sleep. Ill never let anything happen to you, he said. When she made no move to wake,

he climbed out of bed and chuckled. She looked exhausted from last nights love making. Her soft sigh escaped only to be replaced by a small snore. Putting on a pair of sweat pants. Matthew made his way downstairs. He found Luke in the kitchen making coffee. I thought I heard you up. His friend turned to him. Wheres Clara? I thought youd be fucking her into this afternoon. At the raised brow on Lukes face, Matthew chuckled. I take it you

heard us? I heard you. Im surprised the house hasnt fallen down around us. You were pounding the wall some with the bed. Didnt you feel that? Youre only jealous Ive found a submissive and youre still training them. Matthew poured himself a generous cup of coffee then went toward the front door. The paper boy already posted that mornings paper. There was nothing about dead bodies or anything suspicious, which Matthew felt relieved to know. With no dead bodies turning up

that could only mean Edward was still alive. Matthew hated the man but Clara would probably be upset if her father died. He checked to make sure nothing about her father appeared inside. I like training them. Luke took a drink of his coffee. Im not looking for a permanent relationship anyway. You say that now. You havent lived until youve found the right woman to complete your soul. Clara is my other half. Ive never felt more alive than w h e n shes in my arms. Matthew

smiled, walking back toward the kitchen. Luke didnt say a word. He checked his mail before calling his banker to arrange for the money he needed. Then he called Claras landlord and terminated her contract with him. Thats a bit heavy handed. Shes only agreed to be with you for paying off all of her debts. No, she told me she loved me last night. There is more to her feelings than paying her debts. Clara is mine, and I intend to propose to her today.

Luke folded his arms and stared at him. What? Youve not collared the girl or experimented in the lifestyle. Marrying her could be a huge mistake, Luke said. I know what I want. If Clara doesnt like the lifestyle then Ill leave it behind. Matthew spent the better part of last night once shed gone to sleep thinking about their future. If she couldnt be part of the BDSM lifestyle then hed step away from being a Dom. He didnt need control in order to make

his life work. Clara meant more to him than wielding a whip. I cant believe Im hearing this. Youd give up being who you are for her? He shrugged. You dont know what its like to have the woman you love by your side. Clara means more to me than giving a spank. We are far more than giving a spank. You insult every Dom by saying such a thing. Luke looked ready to hit him. I cant stand by and watch you

destroy yourself. Please, dont fight because of me, Clara said. They both turned to see the object of their discussion standing in the kitchen doorway. The robe she wore concealed little with the sunshine behind her. How did his woman always manage to stand in front of the sun that showed her gorgeous body off to perfection? Were not fighting about you, he said. He ignored Lukes snort and moved closer to her.

You are. I heard everything that you said, Matthew. He paused in front of her. The hurt in her eyes surprised him. I promised Id give everything a try including that. She pointed toward his office. I can wait for that. He made to go down on one knee. She stopped him. No, I dont want you to propose to me. Not when youre prepared to turn your back on who you are. I could never live with myself if you did that. Its

unfair of me to even ask that. She looked around him at his friend. Id never dream of coming between you. Youre friends and that should mean something. Matthew couldnt bear for her to be in the same room and not touch her. He reached out and stroked her cheek. She didnt pull away or recoil. Her eyes softened at his touch. I love you. I love everything about you. Im not prepared to let you turn your back on something youve known your whole life.

Youd be willing to try, for me. She touched his cheek. Id try anything for you. Clara went on her toes and kissed his lips. His love for her became stronger. Am I wanted? Or should I leave? Luke asked. Leave, Matthew said. When he took Clara to his playroom to explore what he wanted, he didnt wish for his friend to be present. The sound of the door closing filled the silence between them. Not tearing his gaze away from hers, Matthew walked

her back to his office. Her back hit the door to his playroom. His thick cock, pressed to her front. Are you sure about this? he asked. Im sure about you. She reached up, pulling down the key for him. Let us explore this together. Taking the key from her, Matthew placed the key inside the lock. He shook his head, but refused to open the door. No, I want to ask you something. Clara stared up at him, waiting for him to respond. Matthew got down on one knee in front of her. Her eyes

widened. Clara, will you marry me? he asked. Matthew didnt care if they couldnt explore domination and submission together. With Clara in his life he could gladly leave the playroom and the lifestyle behind. **** Clara stared up at him shocked by his sudden proposal. She was more than prepared to explore the lifestyle with him. Part of her felt excited about giving herself over to him while another part of

her feared the unknown. Say something, he said. You dont need to propose to me, Matthew. Im staying here with you. Clara didnt want him to feel he needed to propose. Im asking you because I want you to be my wife, Clara. Matthew stood up. Im not taking you into that room unless youre my wife. Why? Because I dont want you to have a reason to run from me. He pressed a hand against the door. You and Luke

may think I need this but I dont. I love being a Dom, but being a Dom is not the only part of me. He cupped her cheek and then walked away. Ive got to go out. Ill need your answer when I get back. Matthew left her standing in his office, alone. Shed hurt him. Hurting him never entered her head. Shed rather cut her own arm off than hurt him. The sound of the front door closing pulled her out of her troubled thoughts. She ran to the window in time to see hed driven away.

Shit, she said. Why had she held herself back? Marrying him would be a blessing. Shaking her head at her insane morning, she walked up the stairs to the bathroom. She took a long shower before going down to the sitting room. She dialed her friend Tara. Talking to her most trusted friend would be an idea. Hello, Tara said, sounding sleepy. Hiya, its me. She heard movement over the line, followed by a few cuss words. Hold on, Clara. Ive got to get my mind

working. Ill call you back. The line went dead. Placing the phone back in the cradle, Clara stared ahead of her. The only person she trusted was Tara. Her hands shook as the phone rang. She picked it up. Now, Im ready to hear you. My mind is open and the scent of coffee is working wonders for my apartment. She chuckled. Im sorry for calling you so early. Dont worry about it. My girl is free to call whenever shes got a problem. I

hope I can help. Nibbling her lip, Clara wondered if her friend could help. Matthew proposed. Taras squeal over the line made her chuckle, nervously. Wow, I cant wait to meet this guy. Did you say yes? When is the wedding? I ermdidnt give him an answer. What? Clara explained everything to Tara. She talked about the dominance along with herself being a submissive. Her

friend asked little questions but listened to everything she said. I dont know what to do, Clara said. I cant tell you what to do. Think about how Matthew makes you feel. Forget about all the other crap with regards to his lifestyle and concentrate on what makes you happy. You deserve to be happy. She listened to her friends advice. When Tara needed to leave Clara rang off. Without Tara to keep her company, Clara felt alone. Matthew hadnt called.

Her heart felt heavy inside her chest. Instead of waiting for him, she decided to take her stresses out on some baking. The scent of baking always calmed her. Turning the oven on, Clara went in search of the bakery goods shed need to make a simple sponge cake. She loved Matthews kitchen. The up to date appliances and space made it her favorite place to be. He walked into the house once she started baking. Matthew took a seat at the counter and watched her. She added

baking powder to the mix. She stuck her tongue out as she concentrated. You were gone a long time, she said. Ive got everything sorted with regards to your father. He wont be coming around and upsetting you anymore. Nodding, she grabbed the wooden spoon to start mixing the eggs into the butter mixture. She stared at the yellow batter, feeling Matthews presence deep in her soul.

Yes, she said, suddenly. Her words startled her. Yes, what? Yes, Ill marry you. On the one condition, she said. Baking always cleared her head but never this much. What condition? I want to see Luke with a sub. I want to see what its like with him. Can we do that? Go and witness it? she asked. Shock widened his eyes. I dont need that. I know thats what you say. What

happens if in ten years you find you do need to be who you are? I dont imagine being a Dom is a game. This is who you are and I respect that. Please, give me a chance. She added flour to the mix then another egg. The beating helped to calm her nerves. I agree. Matthew held up the box. She paused in her beating. Will you wear my ring? Clara waited as he walked to her. He pressed the ring on her finger. You look perfect, he said.

Matthew kissed her temple before stepping back. Ill arrange everything with Luke. He left her alone to her baking. The diamond caught the light with every beat of the wooden spoon.

Chapter Five
Luke agreed to put on a show. Matthew wasnt surprised by his friends desire to help him. He stood and waited for Clara to come out of the bathroom. Hed purchased a deep purple evening dress that molded to her curves in all the right places. Matthew wore leather pants with a

white shirt. The door to the bathroom opened then Clara walked out. She looked stunning. The purple matched with her pale skin. The dark tones of her hair stood out around her. Her tits looked large while her waist appeared tiny. His cock thickened at the sight. He wasnt going to be able to keep his hands to himself. She looked simply ravishing. Do I look right for the part? she asked, twirling. I dont know if Luke is going to

keep his hands off you. The diamond on her finger filled him with immense pleasure. How are you feeling? he asked. Nervous. I want to please you. You do please me. Brushing his lips against hers, Matthew led her out of his home. Once he seated her safely in the car, he walked around to the other side. Turning the car over, he pulled out of the gate then was on the road, driving toward Lukes house. Clara remained silent beside him.

Her fingers interlocked, fidgeting in her lap. He saw the nerves inside her. Leaning over, he grasped her hand in his. Stop panicking. This is us, and Im not going to let anything happen to you. I know youre not. This is who you are. I want to please you, Matthew. This is part of that pleasure. Luke is more into the lifestyle than I am. Hes not looking for a submissive but something more. Some of the stuff you see tonight may shock you. She smiled then gave his hand a squeeze.

They remained silent for the rest of the journey. There was nothing else for him to say that would reassure her. When he pulled up outside of Lukes house, Matthew sent up a little prayer and climbed out of the car. Clara stepped out of the car before he got the chance to open the door. She stared up at the house in wonder. This house looks bigger than yours, she said. Matthew chuckled. Luke is a great guy but he likes big things. Holding her against his side, he walked up toward the house. There were several other cars

in the driveway, which kicked up his nerves. There are more people here, she said. This is a good opportunity for you to view several parts of the lifestyle. He knocked on the door, wishing his nerves would disappear. The Dom in him demanded he take control while the other kept thinking shed scarper at any second. A naked woman opened the door. The only clothing on her was the collar she wore around her neck. Matthew didnt recognize her.

Master Matthew, Master Luke has been waiting for you. Her head remained lowered to the floor. Matthew took Clara inside. The submissive waited for their coats. What is going on? Clara whispered against him. Shes a submissive, Clara. See the collar around her neck, shes owned by someone at the party. Nodding, Clara took his offered hand then followed him through to the party. I want you to say red when youve had enough.

Thats a safe word, isnt it? Matthew nodded. Her grip tightened as they walked over to the far room. Several couples were in the room. Luke wasnt present. When hed discussed getting a scene together, hed not anticipated so many people being present. Clara kept a firm grip on him. How are you holding up? he asked. Im fine, Matthew. Im not made of glass. Im not going to break at any moment. Wrapping his arms around her waist,

Matthew wished for her bare skin. Why are there people on the floor with chains around their necks? she asked. Theyre subs. Theyre at their masters feet. She took a deep breath and settled by his side. Luke walked in with a girl trailing behind him. A collar attached around her neck with her head bowed in submission. Luke stopped at their table. The blonde woman looked familiar. Matthew couldnt be sure if hed trained

her once before. Clara froze by his side. Present yourself, Luke said. The woman went down on her knees with her legs apart. Her head bowed in submission. Thats the position of a submissive, Matthew said. His friend took the seat opposite. I thought I suggested a smaller get together. Clara needs to know everything that is on offer. There is more to life than being someones wife or sub. She needs

to know what shes getting herself into. Lukes gaze never left Clara. A sweep of possession went through Matthew. He didnt like the other mans gaze on his woman. She looks superb, Matthew. You bought the dress? You damn well know I did, Matthew growled. * *** Clara felt her man tense by her side. Something was going on between Luke and Matthew. She didnt understand

what but it clearly made Matthew angry. The woman on the floor looked so beautiful. The pose reminded her a little of a bronze sculpture shed once owned before needing to sell it for her fathers debts. Her gaze couldnt move away. She looked so beautiful even in her nudity. She never thought looking at another woman would be all that appealing. Seeing her now, Clara knew there was more to her than sex. The woman, in her submission, offered up her trust.

Why dont you go and get us all a drink, Matthew. I want to talk with your woman. Dont worry, I wont scare her away. Her man looked like he wanted to throttle his friend. She smiled up at him, letting him know shed be fine. He left their table. The woman on the floor remained in her position. Are you willing to try to be what he needs? Luke asked. I dont know what he needs. Luke leaned back in his seat, running a finger across his bottom lip.

Im not sure about you. Matthew is convinced he sees a submissive in you. I dont know whether hes hoping there is one or if hes blinded by need to have you. Heat filled her cheeks at his assessment. Surely, Matthew would have grown bored with me after having me. He chuckled. She watched as he reached out to stroke the womans hair by his side. Matthew trained her. Her real name is Anne but here she likes to go by Pet.

Clara stared at the woman on the floor. Matthew trained her? I erm Dont worry, they were never lovers. Matthew trained her without penetration, didnt he? Anne is my woman. She doesnt need a wedding band, only my ownership. He circled the collar around her neck. Glancing down at the diamond ring on her finger, Clara felt out of place. Youre clearly mistaken about me. I never approached Matthew. He

came to me at all times. She thought about the ad in the paper along with the change of position with regards to her job. Shed never done anything to improve her position. Shed been content to earn a wage then go home at the end of the day. Matthew may think he can leave all this behind. I know him. Ive known him for a long time. Hes put his basic nature aside to tend to you. If you loved him as much as he loves you, you should give him what he wants. Glancing down at the woman

beside him, Clara felt a great yearning build inside her chest. To many people the woman on the floor may look like a slave, someone to be passed by because of her weak nature. Clara didnt see a weak woman. She saw a woman of power and strength. The love written on Lukes face for the woman at his feet filled Claras heart with hope. Anne may not wear Lukes ring but she wore something far greater, she wore his collar. The deeper relationship shone between them. I keep no secrets from her. Luke

stroked her cheek. Shes my everything. Ive never taken another woman. Licking her lips, Clara wished for the same kind of relationship with Matthew. She saw him walking toward them. Without him knowing she was looking, she took the time to observe him. Matthew could give up the lifestyle of being a Dom but the way he looked at the couples he passed, clearly meant he couldnt. She felt yearning in her heart to be his. The yearning on his face displayed an entirely different

emotion. He missed being a Dom. A woman in the far corner was being spanked over her masters knee. The flush to his cheek could be seen from where she sat. They could live happily together but their life wouldnt flourish the way Anne and Lukes clearly had. He handed her a drink then took a seat next to her. Luke smiled then toasted to new beginnings. Sipping the strong liquid, Clara watched everything with a keen eye. She stared at the couples and saw everything

differently. Luke left with Anne by his side. She watched the two together, seeing the love shining between them. Theyre in love, she said. Luke doesnt do love. He never has. Glancing up at the man by her side, she wondered how long hed been wanting her, to have missed his friend falling in love.

Chapter Six
Staring down into her beautiful eyes, Matthew wondered what she was thinking about. Her thoughts were usually reflected in her eyes, easy for him to determine. They sat together on the sofa near the far wall. No other couples approached them. He placed his arm across the back of her chair and

watched the others in the room. His cock thickened as she curled around him. Her hand rested on his leg, her fingers stroking his thigh. Do you want this? she asked. I want this with you more than you could know. Matthew smiled down at her not wanting to answer the question. She moved to her knees before him. Her lips near his ear. I want to try this with you, she said. Matthew gasped and turned toward

her. You want to be a sub? Clara shook her head. No, I want to be your sub. Do you even have any idea what youre letting yourself in for? She shrugged. He gazed at her, wondering where her change of mind had come from. Instead of answering her, Matthew wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him. Several scenes took place but he made sure they were not close to the action. A sub got a punishment by her man for not

addressing him properly. They witnessed a collaring. Clara stared intently at the scene before them. When Matthew had enough of watching, he grabbed Clara and moved her out of the house. Luke looked startled by his sudden abrupt movement. The Dom inside him demanded he take Clara back to collar her. Whats going on? Clara asked. Ignoring her question, he walked round to the drivers side. He turned the engine over the moment they were safely inside.

You didnt even say goodbye. We didnt need to. Luke understands. She slapped her thighs, gaining his attention. Matthew pulled into the first available spot to look at her. What the hell is the matter with you? he demanded. Luke knows youre going to forget who you are because you think its what I need. You shouldnt close a part of yourself off because of me, she said. Her chest looked flush and her eyes shot fire at him.

Im not prepared to make you choose, Clara. He reached over to cup her face. Youre the one I want. She covered his hands with her own. I love you, Matthew. Thats never going to change but trying to pretend youre something youre not is wrong. Clara kissed his palm. I dont know what youre asking of me. Clara sighed looking frustrated. Im asking you to train me, Matthew. Teach me how you want me to be. Train me to be your sub and no one elses.

His heart stopped. Ever since hed set eyes on her, hearing her say those words had felt a million miles away. You dont know what youre asking for. Lifting her finger with his ring on, Matthew kissed her fingers. She pulled away. Im not going to marry you until you train me to be what you need. He wanted to deny her request. Clara held her hand up and stopped him from speaking. Youve given me a great deal in the last few weeks. The last thing you could

do for me is allow me the pleasure of giving myself completely to you. But I dont need it, he denied. Even he felt the words were a lie. I see it in your eyes. I saw it as you walked toward me. Youre a Dom and you shouldnt be forced to push that aspect aside because you think youll frighten me. Teach me, well learn each other together. Please. Matthew sighed, resting his head against the steering wheel. He wanted to jump at the chance but still he held himself back.

You wont marry me unless I train you? he asked. Hed been hoping to avoid this. Clara didnt have a clue what she was asking for. When we get home, well talk about it. He pulled away from the spot where hed parked. Yes, Sir, she said. His cock hardened. Clara didnt have the first clue what shed let herself in for. With Clara as his sub, hed train her how he wanted her to be. Shed answer to him.

Pulling up outside of his home several minutes later, Matthew cut the engine and stared at her. I want you to think before you enter our home, Clara. When we go inside youll be mine. Ill train you how I see fit. I will never hurt you or harm you. Youll be my sub and your body will become mine. Well talk about your safe word along with everything else. Im going to go inside. If you follow me, then Ill take that as your agreement. Matthew walked into his home. Clara followed him inside. Her training

would soon begin.


About the Author

Sam Crescent is passionate about fiction. She loves a good erotic romance and so it only made sense for her to spread her wings and start writing. She began writing in 2009 and finally got that first acceptance in 2011. She loves creating new characters and delving into the worlds that she creates. When shes not panicking about a story or arguing with a character, she

can be found in her kitchen creating all kinds of havoc. Like her stories the creations in the kitchen can be just as dubious but sometimes things turn out great.

Other books by Sam

A Wild Older Woman Ryan's Christmas Miracle Trust Me Bend to His Will The Taking of Clara 1: Taken

by the Boss The Taking of Clara 2: Taken by the Boss

Secret Cravings Publishing www.secretcravingspu

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