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WEG40029 Star Wars The Far Orbit Project 2nd Ed

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_ STAR WARS: ws | % \3 . Sire ; 7 ae : the It is a dangerous time for the Rebel Alliance. Following the destruction of the Death Star battle AoE e Mal ke EUR mC Relce icc the annihilation of those who would oppose his rule. Vast fleets of Imperial ships have been dispatched to the far corners of the galaxy to root out and destroy Rebels wherever they can be found. In this desperate hour, the Rebel Alliance needs supplies, equipment and weapons to pursue its mission of liberating the galaxy from the forces of tyranny. To further this goal, Mon Mothma and other Alliance leaders have issued Letters of Marque and Reprisal to a select group of private raiding ships: tee One of the first privateers to take up the dangerous mission of harassing Imperial ships is the Far Orbit, ER) Come ees eee ite Reel mE] ied meee RM CIMUITL LeeLee oe itn The captain of the Far Orbit, Dhas Vedij, was once a capable and respected officer in the Imperial Navy. Now, he has volunteered to spearhead a series of daring strikes into the Ringali Shell, deep in the heart of Palpatine’s domain. But, unbeknownst toVedij,an old enemy awaits him in the Core Worlds.... =) AR. WARS by Timothy S. O'Brien Design: Timothy S. O'Brien Development, Editing, Additional Material, and Additional Graphics: Eric S. Trautmonn Additional Editing and Material: Jen Selden Cover Design: Joe Bavitz Graphics: Joe Bavitz, Brian Schomburg Interior Art: Jacen Burrows, Storn Cook, Joe Cortoney, Mike Dubisch and Fantastic Vision Studio, Tanner Goldbeck, John Paul Lona, Andy Pork, Jeff Reitz Interior Mops: Sterling Hershey, Brian Schomburg Playresting and Advice: Wes Divin, Terry Grazier, Pat Villenueva, Paul Wocken Special Thanks To: Jack and Anita O'Brien; Sterling Hershey; Sue Rostoni, John Whitman and Lucy Autrey Wilson (LFL); and Scott Palter and Rich Hawran (WEG) “The Ringali Shell” creared by Paul Sudlow (Cleor Skies, Paull) Publisher: Daniel Scom Pater Asodlote Publisher recsurer: Denise Pater Asodlre Publisher: Richard Hawran Senior Creative ond Eoroick Deecor: Peter Schweighofer Creative Directo: Craig Corey, Fred Jona, Jen Seiden, Ec 5. Tautmann ’an OxecrorsTom ONell rian Schomburg ‘Grophie Ais: Joe Bovitz Director of Soles ond Mastering: Tim ©'Bien Soles Assocore: Sue Hemung Soles Asssont: Ubeny Doda Director of Licensing: Ron Seiden ‘Warehouse Manager Ea Hl Asstt Treasure: Karen Bayly ‘Accounting: Mary Galant, Wendy Lord E-Mail « Eto: WEGEcionl com * An: WestendAn@oo|.com Solos: « Licensing and Administion:reweg@mol preprolog,net WWWEST Vata GAMES» Published by West End Games RR 3 Box 2345 * Honesdale, PA 18431 40029 ere not strain against his captors as he was marched down the corridor toa hatch marked EMERGENCY USE ONLY. He was well aware of the destruction that the Imperiabissue blaster could wreak, and he currently had over a dozen of them aimed in his direction. ‘The captives—consisting of Kenit, a juntor of- ficerandahalfdozen disarmed ImperialNNavytroop- ers—were herded to the end of the corridor. The leader of the group—still wearing an Imperial commander's uniform, Kenit noticed—stepped for- ward. “Blasters ready," he ordered sharply. ‘Kenit looked his second-in-command in the eye. *You willall die for this,” he said, his voice amono- tone, “You know what the Empire does to muti neers, We will hunt you down. Your families will be executed, And you, Commander,” the captain spat, “willbe subjected to theslowest torture that canbe devised.” Commander Dhas Vedij faced his former captain and smiled without humor. “Perhaps,” hesaid, “But {you will not live to see it.” Turning to, his fellow: mutineers, he gestured at the group of captives and issued his first command as the new master of the Far Orbit. “Pit them in. ‘The mutineers cycled theairlock open. Kenitand the rest of the prisoners, facing’a wall of blaster muzzles, stepped reluctantly into the chamber be- yond. ‘The lock cyéled back and from his vantage point Kenit could see Vedij grip the release handle, Vedi) took a moment to face Kenit and the others in the eseape pod, Then he pulled the handle. There was the sharp crack of the docking clamps retracting, and a sickening lurch as the escape pod shot out from the Far Orbit like a falling star. Kenit was hurled back into the mass of bodies behind him as the pod tumbled into the void. ‘The Far Orbit Project [ere Rebel Privateering Military commerce raiders have operated throughout history, and while the Alliance has always run hit-and-fade attacks on Imperial ship- ping, destroying cargo denies it to everyone. Seizing supplies from the Empire allows the Rebels to continue their fight against Palpatine’s forces. Unfortunately, most Rebel units are not equipped or skilled enough to undertake board- ingactions, nor are Alliance commanders willing to risk their troops in such actions. Recently, a proposal by the Alliance Minister of Ordnance and Supply, Ral'Rai Muvune, has stirred up controversy among the Rebel leader- ship. Muvunc suggested that the Alliance may be ableto contract privateersto answer many ofthe Rebellion’s needs: + Privateers can supply their own ships by seiz- ing enemy ships and supplies, providinga cheap alternative to expensive X.wing or Y-wing hit- and-fade missions. + Privateers interdict Imperial cargo, denying valuable supplies to the Empire while providing those same supplies to the Alliance. + Privateering divides Imperial forces by forcing some lines to bereassigned to combating piracy. * Privateering drives corporations away from the Empire, as it cuts into target corporation's profits, increases insurance rates, and fosters dread in the hearts of crews and executives. + Privateers profitably distract the most accept- able pirates away from random violence. * Privateers provide goods that can be resold to help fund the Rebellion. ‘+ As longas the Rebel privateers can be focused on Imperial targets and within an acceptable margin of behavior, the idea seems to have great utility. A problem with this proposal immediately presented itself: Mon Mothmais uneasy with the idea of associating the Alliance with piracy— even a semi-legitimate privateering operation. She feels that most privateers would be merce- naries at heart, and uninterested in the higher ideals of the Alliance. The privateers would have tobeheldtoahigh standard and showan equally high level of results. Currently, Rebel privateeringisin the midst of an experimental period, thus far resulting in ‘numerous complaints from the privateers them- selves: the Alliance holds privateers to a higher standard of behavior than they hold their own crews; the profits are too low; the allowed tar- oe The Fer Ore ern ion gets are too heavily armed (and therefore are too dangerous to engage); the Alliance observation agents assigned to privateer vessels interfere in ship com- mand and are generally disruptive; Alliance bases give privateers low priority and short shrift on repair and resupply rosters. Justifying the practice of privateering is one of the few genuinely deep rifts in the Alliance, as Admiral Ackbar and others have wanted the privateering ex- periment scuttled. Ordnance & Supply and Support Services argue that the privateers can serve the Alli- ance well, and that to create an equivalent milita force for the express purpose of interdicting and seiz- ing Imperial trade would require far more resources, than are available. The controversy continues. State of the Galaxy This campaign takes place at about the sametimeas the events of Star Wars: A New Hope. Alderaan and the Death Star were destroyed a few weeks earlier. The Rebel Alliance is scattered and has limited support on the Rim and among many alien populations. In the Core Worlds, the Rebels are a media curiosity, al- though they’are about to become the subject of a vicious Imperial propaganda campaign. Piracy is on the rise on the fringes of settled space, but virtually extinct in the heart of the Empire and on major space lanes. Rebel privateering Is a new phe- nomenon, unheard of anywhere but the Outer Rim. ‘The Empire is healthy—at least on the surface— and is publicly dedicated to the safety and security of its citizens, Fleets of mighty Imperial Star Destroyers patrol the Empire, supplemented by cruisers, frigates, strike cruisers, and corvettes. Ironically, in the Core Worlds and Colonies region, these symbols of Imperial power are more rare than in the outlying systems (Gince these areas are powerful enough to patrol their own space with patrol craft). The Mission The captain of the Far Orbit, Dhas Vedi, has taken upa highly dangerous mission: to lead a daring series of strikes into the Core Worlds, long considered sui- cidal targets by most pirates. Vedij, a former commander in the Imperial Navy, believes the Empire to havea soft underbelly where it should be best protected—thisis one of many reasons ‘Vedi led amutiny several weeks ago whileonaroutine patrol in the Outer Rim Territories. ‘The Far Orbit has a Letter of Marque specifically limiting its raids to the Ringali Shell, and to the Empire and its supporters (see page 6). If Vedij or any of his crew violates this contract the Far Orbit will be tar- geted by the Alliance for capture and trial. The Far Orbit Campaign ‘The Far Orbit Campaign is divided into three main “phases.”In the first phase of the campaign, “Predator the Fold,” the Far Orbit will have a relatively easy time, since no one initially suspects that an escort frigate might be under the control of an enemy of the Empire. “Predator in the Fold” includes background information, setting information and initial suggested adventures for starting the campaign. In addition to these adventures, the Far Orbit might run into any number ofother adventures ofa gamemaster's design. In the second phase, “Gathering Storm,” the Far Orbit has attracted the attention of local patrol and law-enforcement agencies, and begins to suffer the attentions of the Imperial Navy. There are also sug- gested adventures for this phase of the Far Orbit's raids. Inthe third phase, “Stormbreak,” the Far Orbitis the subject of a full-scale hunt, as Imperial battle lines are diverted to search out and destroy this affront to Imperial power. In the face of this overwhelming atten- tion, the Far Orbit stages daring raids before retiring from the field...or is destroyed. Characters in the Far Orbit Campaign ‘The player characters in the Far Orbit campaign come inthree varieties: mutineers, pirates and Rebels. + Mutineers. Alarge percentage of the Far Orbits crew served aboard her when twas under Imperial control. All of the mutineers are human and most are male. Many of the mutineers were either drafted into the Imperial Navy or retained forcibly at the end of their term of service “for the duration of the emergency.” Since the mutiny, they are all under a death sentence and unable to return home. Outlawed, they require a Purpose. Vedi has given them one. ‘Most of the ship's officers are from the mutineer sroup, simply because Vedij knows them and their abilities, and also knows he can trust them in a tough situation. Volunteers. Alarge proportion of the Imperial Navy ismade up of young people who joined to fight against thewell-publicized and heavily propagandized “chaos and piracy in the galaxy,” and defend the Empire from a vaguely defined alien threat. Volunteers tend (or, on the Far Orbit, tended) to be somewhat idealistic and Imperialist. The bulk of the officers are or were volun- teers. Conscripts. An equally large proportion of the Impe- rial Navy consists of young people pressed into ser- vice, either directly by the Empire or by their local government to meet Imperial Navy quotas. While the draftees are generally willing to serve, they largely do 30 because they are compelled by social and legal pressures—avoiding serviceisacriminal offense, pun- ishable by up to 20 years of hard labor. The bulk of the Far Orbit's deckhands are draftees, and they were among the most enthusiastic mutineers. Careerists. Some Navy personnel choose to remain in the service after their initial term of service ends; The Far Orbit Project My So a BE IT KNOWN that Dhas Fenoep Vedij, owner of the raiding frigate FAR ORBIT {hereafter the OWNER), is now licensed and authorized by the Alliance to Restore the Republic (hereafter the ALLIANCE) by this Letter of Marque and Reprisal to conduct raids upon the Imperial government and Pee et eC een cr ee aoc ed ete) EU ener es kee to capture the personnel, officers, and officials of the Empire and its See eee rarckc ee eure Cima eect on Se eet kee Chee cea Rae key te eee et te eer en eee aa) eee eet eet ete ate eee gn BU ea ara eas ee ieee te EDs ia cae d Rove a ee MR alan Be Role Lee L in credit or kind. The Alliance may choose to buy an entire cargo at its need. The Alliance shall also award bounties, paid according to a schedule Bee een een ee tines ecmcay See eee Cac eer ee cents) eet ene cos BCP nea ee Re a Re) CLL od Cee ee ens eee eet eee ee ee members of the vessel's crew, formerly political opponents of the Alliance, members of the Imperial Navy, mutineers and criminals, are hereby Pee ee een oe eee at ee oe Peo om ech utk nok ias Petree eee ees tad Bec ae nC Un nes be reviewed. If either party is dissatisfied, the contract may be dissolved. eee ek kc eee acy Pree eee Se eee Oe 0 enn Supreme Allied Commander Pricer et sy @efeen¢4 ee eee The Far Orbit Project ero others are compelled to remain—typically | mitment of some of the Navy families to his policies, deckhands—but they remain in service, because they | control of the Navy has largely slipped into the hands enjoy their duties, liketotravel, havefoundavocation, | of comelately careerists and Imperial political agen- orsimply have nowhere else to go. Senior officers and | cies. Natives are neither volunteers or draftees; they long-term deckhands are careerists. Relatively few of | move into the Navy in their youth as a way of life. the remaining Far Orbit officers were careerists, a3 Captain Vedijis aNavynative. Only oneortwoother most have families and a longterm mental commit- | crew members are natives; they could be officers or ment to the Navy, but a few remain under Vedij’s | senior deckhands. command, + Pirates. Pirates are new crew members recruited Navy Natives. A constantly shrinking percentage of | from shadowports (mainly StarForge Station). They Naval personnel is made up of “Navy natives,” people | can be of any species and gender. The pirates are all who belongtofamiliesthathaveservedintheNavyfor | criminals of some kind, most of whom see Rebel generations. With the rise of Palpatine and the com- | privateering as a chance to stick it to the Empire ut blatantly associating with the Alliance th, to most pirates’ thinking, doesn’thavea chance anyway). Most of the pirates are deckhands or boarders, although a competent pirate might fill an empty officer's slot, if Vedij doesn’t have a mutineer available. (in other words, if player wants to have a pirate officer character and the gamemaster agrees.) Nearly any sort of personality is possible; the typical pirate is not what one might expect from the holothrillers. Pirates come from all walks of life: Thugs. The stereotypical, bloodthirsty pirate lusting for gold, spice and save booty. Only the richest cargoes slake his thirst, because he spendsitall ina single leave. Thugs tend tohave short, exciting careers that end in a burst of turbolaser fire. Few thugs are acceptable to the Alliance, and vice versa. Professionals. These are able, well-trained beings looking for an interesting and profitable career in space service. They are usually unor- thodoxin personality and unacceptablein secu- rity ormilitary service. Others merely found the usual options—shippingand trading—unappeal- ing, or simply have a taste for something more far-reaching. Professionalstend tohavethelong est and most profitable careers. Thrillseekers. A large section of any criminal group are the thrillseeking type, always looking for a way to make an exciting living. These pirates usually chase bigger and bigger prizes until they take on something they can’t handle. Their careers are flamboyant and often short, ending violently. Drafiees. Many pirates start their careers as draitees, pressed into service either through mutiny (like the Far Orbit crew), capture (the alvernatives usually being death or slavery), or overall peer pressure. Draftees often stay with the work out of lack of options or an acquired taste for the life. A large portion of the Far Orbit pirate crew is made up of draftees. Misfits. A small group of pirate crews are misfits, not really belonging anywhere, but free in piracy to be their own odd selves. The Far Orbit Project ‘+ Rebels make up the smallest portion of the Far Orbit crew. There is only one Rebel character required by the campaign: the Alliance Observer (whose duty is to oversee the operations and activities of the privateer captain and crew). If no one wants to take on this position the Observer can bea gamemaster character (@ sample is provided on pages 16-17), but the Ob- server should ideally be a player character. Other Rebels might be aboard for advice and observation— or as an additional security element should the priva- teers become foo unruly—but no more than one Alli anceafiiliated character per player should be allowed; this campaign centers on privateers, not Rebels. Multi-character Play ‘One of the problems of running large groups of characters is the amount of attention it requires of the errors gamemaster. Another diff. culty in playing in a large crew is that a player may not have a character that cancontribute meaningfully ton adventure. Both of these problems canbesolvedthroughakind of game play called multi- character ortroupe")play. ‘Theplayersrun not justone, but two to four characters ina group, each with their ‘ownpersonalities, skills and unusual contributions to make to the campaign. Play- ers don’t play all of their charactersat once;they ust runoneat atime, but might play one character on one adventure and another dur- ing a different scenario, de- pending on theneeds of the plot. This has several ben- efits—there are fewer “spare” characters on a adven- ture, the gamemaster can leave a large part ofthe crew to the players, the crew gains a wider range of devel- oped characters, theutility ofa partyis broadened (for example you can play a boarding party one session and the command crew in another), characters can be more specialized than the typical player character, adventures aren't performed by the same small group of heroes all the time, and youcan play several charac- ters in one campaign, reducing the odds of getting bored with your character. For example, a player may choose to develop three characters: an officer, a boarder and a deckhand. The officer will be involved with the real decision-making cn board, has access to Captain Vedij, can issue or- ders, and is responsible for the performance of his section. The boarder is much more concerned with The Far Orbit Project (60) [eros The Far Orbit Project the next firefight he'll be in, and whether his armor is going to stand up to getting shot again. The deckhand is probably a technician of some kind, and might be sent along on landing parties to scout out the area, pick up vital shipping information or slice into. a ‘computer system. For the Far Orbit campaign, it is suggested that the players take on three characters; one major character and two minor characters. Major characters are experienced and talented people—skilled officers or tough senior deckhands. ‘They should be generated with an initial nine skill dice (instead of the usual seven). Major characters are expected to be pivotal in the campaign. Player charac- ter officers and the Alliance Observer are major char- acters. ieee Minor characters are relatively normal characters generated with sixskill dice instead of the usual seven. ‘These characters are usually deck hands, boarders, techs, and perhaps lesser officers. Players may con- trol two minor characters. Additional Far Orbit Campaign Information For gamemasters that want additional material touse In the Far Orbit Campaign, see The Official Star Wars Adventure Journal, Volume 1, Number 18. Players may alsofind the character templates presented inthe “Rebel Privateers” article (in The Best ofthe Star Wars Adventure Journal) and Pirates and Privateers useful. Heroes & ‘Rogues and Plat's Smugglers Guide should provide addi- tional inspiration for suitable pirate characters. The Far Orbit Project Chapter One: The Far Orbit The Far Orbit The Empire's solution to pirate and Rebel attacks on imperial shipping was the Nebulon-B escort frigate. Overall, the Nebulon-B has performed admirably; kill rates have doubled since her introduction a few years ago. Theshipis equipped withasuperiorsensorarray, a long-range subspace transceiver, and facilities for two platoons of troops and two TIE squadrons. ‘The Far Orbit was, until several weeks ago, an Impe- rial ship operating in the Outer Rim. Her mission: guard Imperial transports from piracy and Rebel at- tacks. The Far Orbit’s former captain, Vocis Kenit, was amartinet and a bully, and his methods of maintaining discipline were an affront to several of his officers. Crew discipline was inordinately brutal—particularly to troops that had been pressed into service—and his treatmentof capturedenemies waseven worse. Kenit's only saving graces were his political connections and “Ops: Ships’ status?” Vedijasked, leaning back in his chair. He had stripped the captain’s ready room ofKenit's memorabiliaand personalitems, and had. thus farleftit undecorated. The room was starkand efficient. “Sir, we are running at skeleton efficiency. The ship is sound and the crew’s morale is up, but we ‘can not operate effectively as a combat vessel. We lack the proper crew to fight.” “I see.” Vedij mused for a moment. “Plainly we will have to take on crew or abandon the ship. I'd rather take on crew. Inced this ship.” *Sir, perhaps the Rebels would buy it,” offered the ops officer. “They might if they had the money. Contrary to ‘widespread reports, the Rebels have very little income. Their raids on our—excuse me—on /mpe- rial shipping are limited to destroying isolated freighters and injuring the occasional escort... ‘Vedi’s gaze focused on the far door as he reflected for a moment. “Now there's an interesting idea,” Vedij finished. “Sin?” his insight into pirate strategies. is second-in-command was Commander Dhas Vedi, acareer officer with aNavy lineage goingbackto the very foundingof the service. Vedi has watched the transformation of the Navy into the overfunded, over- grown creature in service to political hacks itis today. He watched as New Order officers were promoted beyond their abilities while capable officers with ties tothe Old Republic—himself included—werekept out of command posts. Worse yet, he saw the Empire create dangerous instability in the galaxy by imposing its own twisted brand of “order.” Months ago, he made up his mind tostrike backand take the Far Orbit out of Imperial service along with him, He gradually gathered support in the crew, wait- ing for the right mix of crew outrage. Then news of Alderaan’s destruction reached the ship and an ‘Alderaanian deckhand was arrested for suspected treason. *I think I've just figured out how to finance our little operation,” Vedij said. “We may make the newsnet beamicasts cometrue, inamanner ofspeak- ing. “Start combat-drilling the crew. Weneed tocome up with working plans for operatingin combat with ‘a skeleton crew. See what engineering can do to ‘automate sections where we're short on crew and. select decks for mothballing. We are going to have to be on top of our form if this is going to work out. How long until we reach the StarForge Nebula?” “Eighteen hours, si.” “Plus seventy-two to find the Station, another seventy-two to locate and deal with the people I need. Then, perhaps a week of negotiations.” *You'll see, if you stay,” Vedi sald. “Otherwise, keepyour eyes onthe holonews. Get mea full report fromall sections. Start weapons testing and shield- oad balancing. | want us ready to respond to what ever we trip over and a complete picture of our The Far Orbit Project Vedi immediately saw through the propaganda and realized that the time to overthrow the ship was at hand. He circulated a rumor among the crew that the Empire had destroyed the world as an exercise of power and that the Alderaanian had been arrested and beaten for his planet of origin. ‘The ship's security was provided by a platoon of Naval troopers and a platoon of stormtroopers. The stormtroopers were unapproachable, but Vedij man- ‘aged to convince most of the Navy troopers to either mutiny or stay in their quarters until it was over. ‘The struggle for control of the ship was brief. The ‘single COMPNOR Observation officer was quietly over- ‘come. The stormtroopers were distracted by a false report of a riot and trapped by security bulkheads. ‘When Vedi announced a general mutiny, roughly two- “Length: ‘Skil Capital ship piloting: Nebulon-B ‘Grew: 854, gunners: 66, skeleton: 207/+10. ‘Garrent Crew: 427, gunners: 47 (Grew Skill:See Crew Fos: $40.2 feapons. “Twelve Turbolaser Batteries Wire Are:6 front left Sight Grew: @.28.4@ ‘Sul Capital ship gunnery Fire Control 30 ‘Space Range:3-15/35/75 Aine, Rane 24501 Fire Are 6 front left? right, 2 back Grew: 125) St suri gin : Fre Contos ‘Space Range: -3112/25 “Atmosphere Range: thirds of the crew joined him. The rest had no heart to resist; they were promptly “stored” with the captured stormtroopers. The Far Orbit was secured. Captain Kenit, his loyalists and the stormtroopers were ejected in escape pods. Half of the remaining ‘crew elected to jump ship, leaving just enough crew to run the Far Orbit. The ship was intact, with 6 months supplies...but had nowhere to go. Since at that time the Nebuion-B was only in Imperial service, the Far Orbit couldn't go to any Fringe port without drawing far too much attention...and even outright attacks. Vedij, however, headed quickly and surely to locate ‘The Far Orbit Project a shadowport. By approaching the port quietly and keeping the Far Orbit a considerable distance outside sensor range, he shuttled a landing party in to look for Rebel contacts without trouble. Once contact was made he offered the Alliance a deal; for a Letter of Marque and general pardon for himself and his crew he would cut a swath through space long considered to untouchable: the Core Worlds. The Alliance was halfheartedly pursuinga privateer program, but saw this as a chance to strike a blow to the softest part of the Empire (largely due to Vedi’s reputation as a fine officer and excellent strategist). Negotiations followed, and after a few weeks the rel- evant parties met at Starforge Station to sign the deal and recrew the ship. The Far Orbifs Crew ‘The following stats can be used for the various “generic” troops and deckhands that gamemasters may need in the course of the campaign. Typical Far Orbit Mutineer Hands. All stats 2D except: Astrogation 3D, capital ship gunnery 4D- 1, capi- Groene tal ship piloting 3D+2, capital ship shields 3D, sensors 3D+1, starship gunnery 4D+1. Move 10. Datapad, comlink, toolkit, blaster pistol (4D). Character points: 3. ‘Typical Far Orbit Mutineer Troopers. Dexterity 2D+1, blaster 3D+1, blaster: blaster rifle 4D+2, brawling parry 3D+1, dodge 3D+1, grenade 3D-1, melee combat S3D+1, melee pary 3D+1, running 3D+2, Knowledge IDI, intimidation 2D+1, streetwise 2D+1, Mechanical 1D+2, Repulsorlift operation 2D+2, capital ship shields 2D+2, Perception 3D, command 4D, search 4D, Strength 2D+2, brawling 4Ds2, stamina 3D+2, Technical ID, security 2D. Move: 10. Blast helmet (+1D physical, +1 energy) blaster pistol (4D), comlink. Character Points: 3. ‘Typical Far Orbit Mutineer Officers. All stats 2D except: Astrogation 3D, capital ship gunnery 4D, capital ship piloting 4D, capital ship shields 3D, command 4D, sensors 3D, starship gunnery 3D. Move 10. Datapad, comlink, rank cylinder, blaster pistol (4D). Character points: 8 ‘Typical Far Orbit Pirate Hands. All stats 2D ex- cept: Blaster 3D+2, capital ship gunnery 4D-1, capital ship piloting 3D-1, capital ship shields 3D, sensors 3D, starship gunnery 4D. Move 10. Datapad,comlink, toolkit, blaster pistol (4D). Character points: 4. ‘Typical Far Orbit Pirate Boarders. All stats 2D except: Blaster 4D+2, melee combat 4D, melee parry 3D+2, Strength 3D, brawling 3D+1. Move 10. Datapad, comlink, toolkit, heavy blaster pistol (5D). Character points: 4 Typical Far Orbit Pirate Officers. All stats 2D except: Astrogation 3D, capital ship gunnery 4D, capital ship piloting 4D, capital ship shields 3D, command 4D, sensors 2D+1, starship gunnery 3D. Move 10. Datapad, comlink, rank cylinder, blaster pistol (4D). Character s: 4. ‘Typical Far Orbit Mutineer Officers The Far Orbit Project. (23) Cenk Typleal Far Orbit Pirate Hands Far Orbit Command Staff ‘The following are stats for the main command crew that can be used as gamemaster characters during the course of the campaign. While players are encouraged to create their own characters, use of the following individuals is strongly recommended. Captain Dhas Vedij Dhas Fenoep Vedij was born into a life of privilege and power. His father, Baron Admiral Ronnan Tyla Vedij, was a well-respected member of Coruscant society. Baron Vedij had inherited his title and wealth, but— unlike his ancestors—who were content to let their money buy sale, noncombat positions in the military—joined the Navy, where he led a distinguished career. At one point, then-Bosun Vedij suffered grievous wounds at the hands of alien commerce raiders. His heroic actions—he singlehandedly fended off the as- sault—led to his commission to Captain. Rising quickly through the ranks, heeventually attained the rank of Admiral and retired to Coruscant. His sons, Dhas and Elon, had been born while the Baron Admiral was still in the Navy, but he made sure that the boys was brought up believ- ing in a strong military, and eventually Dhas joined the Navy himself. His brother followed a few years later. @Q The Far Orb Projet Like his father, Dhas rose quickly through theranks. Shortly before Palpatine dissolved the Imperial Sen- ate, however, Vedij’s career stalled. The Emperor had begun seeding New Order loyalists into the military, and those who had ties to the Old Republic Navy saw their careers enter a tailspin. Shortly after attaining the rank of Commander, Vedi was transferred to the Far Orbit, where he served under Captain Vocis Kenit. Vedij despised Kenit, who had achieved his present position largely due to politi- cal acumen, not military proficiency. Vedij—and the other officers on the Far Orbit— bridled under the constant haranguing and outright violence of Kenit's command style. One dissenting officer was reported to the ISB and later died under mysterious circumstances. In a military notorious for corruptand brutal leaders, Kenitwasamongtheworst. At about the same time as his transfer to the Far Orbit, Vedij received word that his parents had died in “traffic accident” on Coruscant. Apparently, a robo- hack had misinterpreted routing instructions and en- tered a flight pattern traveling in the opposite direc- tion, While pursuingan inquiry into the accident, Vedi was “warned off” by Coruscant security forces and the ISB. Vedij believed his father—a vocal opponent of Palpatine’s “retooling” of the military—had been as- Typical Far Orbit Pirate Officers. ranean sassinated at the Emperor's order. Two days after the death of his parents, Vedij’s younger brother, Elon, was transferred to the Far Orbit's fighter crew. The Vedil’s believed that they ‘would be the next targets of Imperial reprisal, and that they had been placed together to facilitate thelr “re- moval.” Dhas began to plot a mutiny, though only in vague theoretical terms. ‘The incident that finally sparked the mutiny was not an assassination attempt; instead, Captain Kenit’s ar- rogance—and incompetence—pushed Vedi into ac- tion. The Far Orbit had been tracking a pirate group— the Silent Blades—for several weeks. The pirates had destroyed several system patrol craft and starlighters, and local governments were demanding Imperial as- sistance. Kenit—a fair tactician in his own right— possessed a flair for anticipating the pirates’ move- ments, and had the pirates on the run. Eventually, Kenit pushed the Silent Blades into a stand-off. The pirates had taken refuge in an asteroid field; the Far Orbit could not easily enter the region, but neither could the pirates flee. Vedij recommended that reinforcements be called in to further intimidate the pirates into surrender, but Kenit refused. In fact, Kenit berated Vedij for suggesting that the “glory of the pirates’ destruction” be given to others. The Far Orbit Project ‘Typical Far Orbit Mutineer Officers. (cnr Kenit ordered a starfighter assault on the pirate stronghold—an attack that ended in victory but cost the lives of every Imperial pilot...including Elon Vedij The Far Orbit's entire starfighter complement was destroyed. Infuriated that Kenit’s desire for glory and promo- tion cost so many lives, Vedij’s nebulous mutiny plans began to crystallize. Alter orchestrating the mutiny, Vedij vowed to teach a lesson to the Empire that honored ruthless and inept bullies like Kenit. Vedijis an inscrutable, seemingly passionless indi- vidual, whose quiet nature belies the fiery determina- tion underneath. Vedi is an excellent strategist, tacti- cian and leader who Is accustomed to being obeyed, However, his cold and calculating nature has left him without attachments or many friendships; the Navy was his life, and now, the Far Orbit is. m™ Captain Dhas Vedij ‘Type: Rebel privateer DEXTERITY 4D. Blaster 6D, brawling parry 5D, dodge 60-2, grenade 40-2, melee combat 7D, melee parry 6D+2, KNOWLEDGE 3D. ‘lien species 4D, business 4D, intimidation 6D, languages 4D, law enforcement: piracy 4D+1, planetary systems 4D+2, streetwise S5D+I, tacies 4042, tactes: raiding SD-1, willpower 3D MECHANICAL 20:2 Astrogation 4D-1, capital ship gunnery 5D, capital ship piloting ‘5D+1, capital ship shields 3D+2, communications 30-1, sensors ‘30.2, space transports 40-1, starship gunnery 4D PERCEPTION 4D Command D1, con 40:2, investigation SD, persuasion SD, search 4D.2, sneak 4Del STRENGTH 2D<1 Brawling 3D.2, brawling: martial arts 7D, stamina 4D TECHNICAL 2) Capital ship repalr 20-1, first aid 3D, security 4D+2, space twansports repair 4D Force Points: Dark Side Points: 1 Character Points: 20, Mover 10, Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol (5D), vibrorapler (STR+3D), vibrodagger (STR-2D), datapad,rankeylinder,comlink, Nebulon Birigate (the Far Orbit) Major Cet Willak Major Cet Willak is a SpecOps special missions agent on assignment as an Observer for the Rebel privateer Far Orbit. It is not a glorious job and Willak will be happy tolive through a tour with what herefers to as “a band of cutthroats, thieves, murders, and space-rats.” He is not at all happy to be assigned the duty, since he is sure that the “real action” is happen- ing somewhere else. Willak’s mission is to observe the actions of the The Far Orbit Project _ Cet Willak — Major Willak can be used as a gamemaster character ifnone of the players are interested in _ the Allliance Observer position. He isn't as good ‘as he thinks hes and the player characters may "havea hard time keeping He _ kept alive, though, to report back on the Far Orbit's progress—it would be very hard to ex- plain his death to the Alliance and Captain Vedi _| it. privateers, record prize values and lend assistance as heis able. The crew doesn't like him and the feeling is ‘mutual, Willak’s opinion of the crew is offered without provocation, and Vedij has had to step in several times to prevent crewers from harming the Alliance Ob- server. Willakis cocky and fondofrelatinghow good heis— at virtually every task—to anyone unfortunateenough to happen by. He is sure that “this group of losers and. pirates doesn’t stand a chance against the Empire,” but has the duty of keeping them honest and away rom civilians. Despite his abrasive nature, Willak is competent— not exceptional, but competent—at combat opera- tions, strategy and planning. However, his obvious disdain for the crew and their captain has made him an extremely unpopular individual. mi Mojor Cet Willak ‘Type: Alliance Observer DEXTERITY 3De1 Blaster 4D, dodge 4D KNOWLEDGE $D+1. Streetwise 4D, tactics 3D.2, value 4D MECHANICAL 3D Communications 4D, space trans- ports Del, starship gunnery 3De2 PERCEPTION 3D+7 Search 4D, sneak 4D STRENGTH 2062 TECHNICAL 2D First aid 3D, space trans- ports repair 30-1 Character Poin Move: 10, Equipment: Comlink, commu rleation encryption unit, datapad with safe port and contact information, 100ered- ite, blaster pistol (damage). Far Orbit Command Sections ANebulon-B is divided into several sections, most separated by main bulkheads. Each section is com- manded by an officer—Chief Engineering Officer, Op- erations Officer, and so on—and has a corresponding station on the main bridge. The following descriptions of Nebulon-B sections illustrate how a Nebulon-B is operated in the Imperial Navy. In most cases, Captain Vedij has kept the operation of the Far Orbit consistent with Imperial protocols. Operations Section Operations (Ops) is the largest single section and its commander has the broadest responsibility of any of the section chiefs. Opsis responsible for the overall running of the ship and smooth integration of all the other sections to that end. Several other sections report directly to Ops, and the Ops Officer is the Far Orbit’s second-in-command. In the Imperial Navy this, command goes to an officer of at least junior com- mander rank. (Vedij was the Operations Officer of the Far Orbit until the mutiny.) Quarters Quarters sectionis responsiblefor themaintenance and housekeeping of the living sections of the ship. Enlisted personnel keep their own areas neat, but there is a small staff of deckhands and droids that cleaned the officer's quarters and the common areas ‘of the ship. Quarters also runs and mai tains the galley and autochefs. ‘This is a minor administra- tive post and the most junior ‘section command aboard shij The Far Orbit Project © cee Ship’s Articles To all officers, crew, civilians, and passengers of the Independent Frigate FAR ORBIT: the following ship's articles replace the Imperial Military Code and Regulations and must be Soe each teres Dag WEN Ree Re Geen eee Cea cee sy the crew. During any period where the FAR ORBIT is not in immediate danger, any officer ‘may call for votes on matters unsettled by these Articles. The final determination on eae urea ee ae ee roe member shall have a vote when votes are called for, and equal share of provisions found Cte tier! Pea ee ee ee ee ee ee cy Pens e ce cee Mee eee eee ea Cee sete ee eee ea econ) Se ee ee a ee) SS aol A en Re eae ae ee CO em ene et gets Coe Pe ee Ro ee ees Failure to comply with this article is punishable by forfeiture of share. eae eee eee ea eae Tae) ee ea ie een er ee ey complement be reduced to skeleton levels, the captain will suspend the tour until the eater eae CE ee eee ee Lean] ees og eo eee eee ee hee em ee eae) Failure to comply with this Article is punishable by marooning, 8. DISBANDING. Tho crew of the FAR ORBIT shall not retire or disband until each of us has shared out 1,000,000 credits and served one Standard year. Those crippled during the tour shall receive 250,000 credits out of the public stock, and those who have suf- eee ete cer ace 9, PRISONERS. Captives will be held safely in the brig or in assigned quarters, Torture or Pe oan eee eee ny imprisonment in the brig or marooning, determined by a crew vote. ROR Gee ee ee OC any Cn eee cc a Cee a) At Oe Atk SAA aI Cee ee th eee Le @ The Far Orbit Project Crk eie es / Except on the largest Imperial ships, Chief of Quarters is usually headed by a junior lieutenant who answers. to Ops. Command Section Command section has the overall responsibility for the ship as a whole and isthe link to Line Command— the mind of the ship. All other sections ultimately answer to the Command Section Chief, referred to in all but the most legalistic situations as the Captain. In the Imperial Navy, the Captain is an officer of at least junior commander rank. Combat vessels are com- manded by at least commanders, and most capital vessels by actual captains. Dhas Vedijis the Captain of the Far Orbit Secondary Engineering Secondary Engineering is responsible for power, maintenance and repair for the ship, as well as emergency power the command module is cutoff (literally or functionally) from engineering. Sec ondaryEngineeringis usually referred to as “Power” to avoid confusion with Pri- mary Engineering: the section com- mander is commonly relerred to as the Power Chief. The Power Chief, at least a lleutenant in the Imperial Navy, answers administratively toEngineeringand func. tionally to Ops. Life Support Life Support is one of the most critical sections on any ship. “Life” operates and maintains the atmosphere tanks, air scrubbers, water delivery and reclama- tion systems, gravity generators,and tem- perature controls aboard ship. The Chief of Life Support (CLS) works closely with Power and answers to Engi- neering. Sensors and Communications Sensors and Communications (SenCom) is split into three main areas on a Nebulon-B. The main sensors sec- tion is near the ventral end of the com- mand module, whilethe primary and sec- ‘ondary communications sections are on the top dorsal end of the primary mod- ule. The sensor and communications ar- rays are physically separated to reduce interference, but administratively tied because they are technically SenCom is the eyes, ears and ship. Directly under the Chief of SenCom are two experts more directly responsible for their respective specialties: the Sensor Officer and the Com- munication Officer. Each subsection has its own sta tion on the bridge. The SenCom Chief is primarily an administrative position answering to the Captain. Weapons and Security Weapons Section is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the ship's weapons and shield, ‘The Far Orbithas 2 turbolasers, 12laser cannons, wo tractor beams, and a full array of deflector shields. Although the section has aally small staf of gunners and shield operators, they are crucial to the ship's survival. The Weapons Officer is also the administra- tive head of ship's security via a security chief com- The Far Orbit Project renner ‘manding the Naval troops. Stormtroopers have their ‘own internal administration and although they gener- ally obey the security chief they are more directly under the captain and CompForce Observer. Sincethe Far Orbit does not possess stormtroopers, boarders fill their role. Flight and Vehicle Operations Flight and Vehicte Operations—commonly called FVO or Boom section—is in charge of operating and maintaining all the ship's carried craft, including shuttles, starfighters (typically TIEs), escape pods, and ground vehicles. The Far Orbit lost all of its TIE complement during the ill-advised assault on the Si ver Blade pirates. In addition, the Far Orbit was never issued ground vehicles. Also, the escape pods were jettisoned in the mutiny. As a result, the Far Orbit's FVO staff is quite small. ‘The main area of FVO is located around the ship's boom, although there is also a docking bay in the ‘command module. FVO answers to Ops. Deflectors Deflector section is run out of a heavily armored, ‘cramped module just off the engineering section. The deflector module is only occupied when the Far Orbit isincombat-readiness posture, anditis ahigh-priority target in any ship-to-ship action. Most simple combat repairs can be made in the deflector module by the operators (who are generally trained in this unusual repair specialty.) Section administration takes place onthe top level of the engineering module. The Deflec- tor Chief answers to the Weapons Officer. Engineering Quarters Engineering Quartersis under main Quarters. There is no separate officer for this section. Engineering Operations Engineering operates and maintains the ship’s en- gines, supplies power, and is responsible for the hard- ware and technical aspects of the ship's operations. ‘The Chief Engineering Officer has several sections under his authority and is stretched as thin as the ‘The Far Orbit Project Operations Officer. Engineering Operations is run out of main engineering, inthe forward area of the propul sion module. Engines Theactual drive section of theshipis at theextreme rear of the ship. This section includes all technicians involved with the seven realspace engines, the hyper- space motivators, the reactor, and the fuel transfer system, Command Module The command module consists of the Nebulon-B section fore of the boom module. Thisis wheremost of the ship's non-engineeringoperations occur. The com- mand module is divided into sections, roughly corre- (cl spondingwith section commands. Most of these physi- cal sections are separated by main bulkheads (Body Strength 3D+2 capital scale to resist damage). Forward First Section Water Tanks. The water tanks actually only hold enough water to last about one day. The water is, almost fully reclaimedin the water reclamationstation (the Life Support section in Fifth Section). TIE Flight Deck. The flight deck is the launch and landing deck for the ship's two TIE fighter squadrons. Ithousesashort-range catapult/cushion tractor beam, ‘TIE racks, repair bays, and flight control center. Since the Far Orbit had not yet received its replacement TIE complement, this area is no longer used; the deck is mothballed and empty of any fighters’ or support equipment. Crew Quarters. Thefull crewis supposed tobesqueezedintoaseriesoftight, cramped, uncomfortable compartments on Deck 5. ‘The forward compartmentsaredirectly over the TIE flight deck and the aft compart- ments abut against the docking areas. The triple bunks can just fit an average human. ‘The quarters have limited entertainment facilities and basiccommonrefreshers. With the current small crew aboard these facill- ties are actually adequate, with some modi- fications for any “larger-than-average” deckhands, Crew Galley. The crew galley is where the enlisted crew is intended to eat. This area is too small to feed the entire crew simultaneously and the crew usually eats in shifts. Currently, the crew might be able to squeeze in, but meals have shifted over toa buffet-style, help-yourself method and typi cally are obtained “off-watch” whenever possible (leading to a relatively constant flow of crew through the area). The galley is run by a small staff of hands with the aid of several cook droids and low-capacity serv- ingdroids. The food quality hasnot changed since the ‘mutiny, although Vedi) has or- dered fresh provisions be acquired as soon as possible. Storage. Therearestorage compartments all over the ship. This is a main storage compartment. Awide variety of goods, from power packs to ready-to-eat meals can be found here, but no weapons, parts or spe- [yer fe Secondary Systems Moning Motenonce Sopplles S refiner igen A 4 © Fuel Tonks LAB ain Engines ak tow) Power Raguotor The Far Orbit Project Deck 11 Sips Systems 5 a1 be rit Ofer Goon S e Cole Outs fester Booigang as 3 ue Ofer Guanes eee eas ss Srteme Senor fice uate ull creamy orn UE Fee eas Sige Dur Senor cer Ger ‘ ( Jer fee Guero: — | Once ote il A Safe Bk Ponty ———]] Emergency Supplies debit toler. Autochet pa | ood once —T eh | [EER gf omen aocas | | am, cope Pod Charging Systems cope Pods Ue Boots eck 14 The Far Orbit Project. Cea ris Deck 14 iP qvotes Single bunk Tile Ducts le Oanks Escape Pod Chasing Systems Escape ods Hut obove The Far Orbit Project (G3) Cnn ee Main Reactor Control Room— Deck 16 (Engineering) Mentoring Soins ulation Ado 7 P Equigment Lockers Coma Systems —T Equipment ioiaten loom Sct Panel To Recor Access Shafts iewpons cs Panel fing: ——] _Z ‘Acct aon Room Chonging Room Convo stems J cds Lockers SOE Ce conte Sem Subigh Engine Sublight Engine Control Sublight Engine Control Room—Lower Level Room—Upper Level ‘The Far Orbit Project Erne Deck 17 Ship Stems Emergency Suppiot captains Ready Room cape Pod Charging tems Th Far rb Project @ Deck 18 Emergency Supplies The Far Orbit Project Cennard Deck 24—Secondary Engineering (Power) eck 21 Secondor Enginoesng owes |__ power conctonon: oe systems A m\ : = ity Shots Power Regulators Emergency Power Sweet Bisson " stetng bey ‘The Far Orbit Project 2 2) CT ‘Foot Ceang) bot The Far Orbit Project Gee e ee Chapter Two: The Ringali Shell Overview of the Ringali Shell On the outer edge of the Core Worlds lies the Ringali Nebula, a bright cloud of interstellar gas that dominates the skies of hundreds of worlds in Bormea and Darpa sectors. The two sectors that encompass this impressive nebula are referred to as the Ringali Shell These sectors are among the most developed and densely populated in the Empire, most with advanced manufacturing or service economies, These Core Worlds rely on resource planets in the Outer Rim region for the raw materials needed to support their industries, but only a fraction of the goods made in these sectors are shipped back the outlying sectors. Most of the Shell's exports are sold to other Core sectors and the Colonies and Expanse regions. Inhabitants of the Core Worlds are generally wealthy in the material sense, although not neces- sarily rich. Most inhabitants of the Core have ac- cess to goods and services rare or unheard of in the Outer Rim, and can live a life littered with opportu- nity. Even the poorest human Coreworlder can ex- pect to have regular meals and basic shelter, due to healthy economy, system government programs, charity organizations, or corporate weal. Aliens in the Core, especially on human-dominated worlds, live markedly different lives, however. There are hundreds of worlds in the Ringali Shell. Some are terrestrial planets with vast populations, others are small, developed satellites, and still oth: ers are dull, backspace settlements. (Gamemasters ‘can be sure that every inhabitable world has been settled and that most tolerable moons have at least a token outpost. The Core is brimming with inhab- itants and the Shell is no exception.) Jump Zones AllsystemsintheRingaliShell have multiplecharted Jump zones. A jump zones asetof coordinates used to safely arrive and depart a system. These zones are kept clear of debris by local system patrols, and vis- ited as briefly as possible to reduce the risk of a collision with other incoming ships. Ringali systems with high traffic have differentiated jumpszonesfor commercial, military, super-container, private, and corporate ships. Very few ships arrive elsewhere; todo 01s too dangerous for most captains torisk. While it is possible to jump to any position in a system—as close as planetary orbit—only military and illegal vessels do so, and even then itis fantasti- cally dangerous. Regular commercial and private ships file flight plans to maximize the odds of arriving safely in their assigned jump zone. The transit fromzoneto orbit can beanywherefrom 5 minutes to a few hours, depending on local charts, traffic and Imperial Survey Corps updates. A zone might be as little as 50 spacial units from orbit, or up to 2,000 or more units distant. Brentaal, for example, has jump zones as far away as three days travel from orbit at standard speed for a x2 hyperdrive. ‘Once a ship arrives in a jump zone, it may take several minutes to calculate jump coordinates. Many ships calculate their hyperspace jump while en route to the jump point, although all starports in the Shell offer navigation calculation services (for a small fee) and most corporate ships have their jumps pre-caleu- lated by the company traffic control computers. Gamemaster Note: The Far Orbit is not immune to these dangers, but shouldn't be frequenting the busi- est sections of system trafficanyway—there’s no place to hide and the presence of a Nebulon-B frigate will be noticed by dozens of ships. The best place to take on afreighterisinthedeepest sections of asystem's jump zones and out in deep space—in the void between systems, where the space lane traffic is thinnest. The Far Orbit Project © Caco A TreC LMM Cols mods Seely The ships, cargoes, and space-born property of the following Ringali Shell govern ments and corporations are considered legitimate targets for Alliance Privateers: All ships and properties of the Imperial Navy, COMPNOR, or Imperial govern- ment, and subsidiary Bormea and Darpa sector governments. (©) = Corporation, (8) = System government. Aether Hypernautics. (C) Hyperdrive manufacturer; Contractor or subcontractor for several classified Imperial military projects. Provides military-gradehyperdrives eT eer a COL Meee eee a seeking to produce a.1 military hyperdrive motivator. Works closely with Sienar eee errno Cambrielle SolidState. (C) Manufacturer of a wide variety of power cells: Provides Cg ee RC Caldrahlsen Mechanicals. (C) Manufacturer of third degree droids; Producer of the SOcTa See ea ee ree none Le eee aa Pre eee steer ae LAO ae) eared bolster Justice's policy of Imperial legal infalibiity. Headquarters: Esseles. Corutag. (S) The House of Citizens of Corulag is a strong and vigorous supporter of Se ero ee ee ce er ce en camer Danth Artifice, Ltd. (C) Developer of droid personality matrixes; Major interface Pee nee ea gc Re eee Esseles. (S) Supporter of the Empire, host of Terril Naval Base, the primary support Perea aT Gwain Spices. (C) Spice producer, buyer, importer, and seller; operates under Ses een eam TE ea Seek ees eNO eee a PRC ae at eT Sone eM CRC eco renee Gowix Computers. (C) Primarily a commercial manufacturer of home and corporate computer systems; Provides no direct support to the Empire, however, Gowix is a TaggeCo (q.v.) subsidiary. Headquarters: Corulag Les Tech. (C) Droid manufacturer; manufacturer of Imperial scout droids, often in conjunction with Danthe Artifice. Headquarters: Brentaal, Sienar Fleet Systems (SFS). (C) Starship and starfighter construction: Although Santhe/Sienar Technologies is based on Lianna, a non-Ringali world, Sienar Fleet Systems maintains a major research and development complex on Corulag. near Dammon University. SFS works closely with Aether Hypernauties, designer of the ee nes ea © The Far Orbit Project CE eee on Sienar Intelligence Systems (SIS). (C) Droid programming (personality matris, ST eRe Taek acoes Cae nnn eeu ese alo os Pree eee ea ease ter ee Or Me ce eg een cre ee ene ee Onecare Ce Se Oe Se eee eae een Arakyd Corp. Produces weapons and droids systems for the Empire. Currently Peer ee Man tas BlasTech Corp. Czerka Weapons. Blethern Gas Industries. Norsam Corp. Muni- tions and weapons systems suppliers to the Imperial Military. (Oe eo eg ee Rem MCC emer) Laboratories, Corellian Chemical Corp. (CorChemCo), Chiewab Nutrition, Degan Explorations, and The Vernan Group. Manufacturers of various pharmaceuticals, Peer ee es eS eo Re tees na ea ag Consolidated Learning Systems. Supplies computer systems to Imperial military Corporate Sector Authority; ships of. The Corporate Sector Authority is a strong supporter and supplier of the Galactic Empire and routinely ships cargoes through reais) Pec RS ee eee oe Pe ee ee ses ee Dene oneness een eee Drever Corp. Small arms and tool manufacturer. Supplies the Phoenix Plasma Pine MCR ets Co Dweomilis Advisory Foundation. Think tank and policy advisory company. Works PUR eee ee ee RCo cee esc Eres Dynacorp. Arakyd probot subcontractor. Works with Danthe Artifice, ren ee Oe ec eee eee tary. Contracts and subcontracts for Santhe/Sienar and Sienar Fleet Systems. Gastess Finance, Ine. Economic pirates, indirectly supplies slave labor for Imperial Renesas tenes cee eee COLAO Ren en eee aa es Hydrospeare Corp. Manufactures Imperial water vehicles. Design center: Kailor V ete Goo a Cee ee Diet Chapter Two: The Ringoli Shell Imperial Droid Corporation. Assembled {rom our Mic-Rim droid manufacturers (anche Tech, Cencil Corporation, Reiber Manufacturing, and SFI Systems), IDC manufactures combat, assassin and other military droids, Routinely develops PRO eee ree Sea ce eee ca Oe On CoD Ocoee perenne Imperial Meats and Produce. An Imperialized food production corporation, Head quarters: Tyed Kant Imperial Mining Corp. Imperial corporation with branch offices in several sectors. Headquarters: Coruscant, branch offices in several sectors, including receiving and Ce eRe SN een ce est Incom Corp. The new incom management is Imperial-riendly and actively designing en eee Cen nce ae ents Kessel Spice Corporation. The Imperial administrating force of the infamous Spice Mines of Kessel. Supplies Gwain Spice with glitterstim. Headquarters: Kessel. POND Ea Coe ee ee MerenData, Droid and security system manufacturer. Supplies Imperial military and interrogation droids and targeting drones. PU eee eens eee eR ee a iaries: MerrSonn Munitions, MerrWeapons, Merr-Sonn Industrial Equipment Pee ea eee user. Operates distribution center on Brentaal Peete ee Cee en eee Nebula Consumables. An Imperial military food supplier. Headquarters: Tyed Kant er eee ee ene cere a een Re cea eee Santhe/Sienar Technologies and subsidiaries: Santhe Passenger and Freight, Cn eee ee eee tee eee development and manufacture of several imperial military systems and technolo- Peon ar een nC cn eet et Ge es Rese nee Se eRe eS eee Snedarl Electronies. Imperial electronics equipment contractor. Ee ees oe eee ce eee een eae Navy. Occasionally works with Aether Hypernauitics. Headquarters: Demophon. © The Far Orbit Project SoroSuub Corp. One of the largest manufacturers and retailers in the Galaxy and laver of their homeworld, Sullust, for the Empire, Headquarters: Sullust. TR ORC eC COMO a OC ema Perse eat eo es eS eam Cea Transports, Gowix Computers (R), the Tagge Restaurant Association, which owns the Biscuit Baron chain and several macro‘arms. Major supplier to the Imperial Governments, COMPNOR and the Corporate Sector. en er eee ae ee ee Dey Ubrikkian Speeders. Imperial combat vehicle manufacturer. Zone Supplies, Ltd. Produces security systems for the Imperial Army. Pee eee ere aoc ena ce etc Per a ee ee Ree ee aco container ships, transports and freighters, and routinely contract small, local eee Rc ee Cesc ae sc Para ae eS Pees eset cn Red Star Shipping Lines. Red Star is a dominating commercial shipper in the Prekenea mee es Ua Ren ia tec eee a ese set? Ra eee ce RC RSC Ree Ce ser eee een Ret cans Ciera Pore et aa eee eee Ucn eee ae cease service, and has a division devoted to sensitive cargoes; Imperial, system govern- ment, military, and classified cargoes of both the corporate and governmental varieties. SP&F's range is Empire-wide, and operates hundreds of hubs, including ee ee eon eee aes ee eS surface. A subsidiary of an Imperial support corporation, SP&F is also a direct target aN eects Xizor Transport Systems (XTS). Xizor Transport is an Empire-ranging immense shipping megacorporation which owns a huge fleet of container ships and courier vessels. XTS concentrates on two main areas; cheap bulk transport and specialized point-to-point delivery. Like its two rivals, XTS controls an orbiting distribution platform and a shipping center and corporate office on Brentaal RR ie Far Orbit Project © Cae Cc (60) en a - oe PEN eZ ee MAPKEY : ce : Sector Boundary —-— — MajorSystem g ; : ey : Regional Boundary « Sector Copital ZA 4 5 Bee Rested Space Miltary Bose : Bes fs iy Transit times (x1 hyperdiive travel): B Pe . fe ee fe d= Standard doy = Standard hour ecu re nee Note: All ingali Shel hy jumps ore Moderate. For each pie ee SMA hour of travel ype red ity increases by one level Siero), Dyan SECTOR: a ae nero Ld bel MO nett * FIR) dco ca Lo) Me Pane sh y SE SS See eee eee eee eee The Far Orbit Project The Far Orbit Project Bormea Sector Bormea sector is the Coreward of the two Ringali Shell sectors. It is a quiet sector, steeped in millennia ofhistory and influence, with the mostrecent interest- ing period ending decades ago. Bormea sector Moff Jansom Caglio is a quiet, inoffensive man with no ‘identifiable ambition, who spends most of his time on Coruscant, only a few hours away by x1 hyperdrive. Most of theactual power in the sector lies in the hands of the Imperial Governor of Corulag, Zafiel Snopps. Snopps is much more hard-edged than Caglio, but is ‘more interested in using his official position to build his industrial empire than cracking down on minor Infractions of Imperial Code or flexing his political muscles. Bormea’s military is fairly small; the Sector Group consists of two superiority fleets plus attendant deepdock and support fleets, with a single system army comprising the sector ground troops. Thesector is classified Passive, Cae iro Corulag Corulag is, in many ways, the perfect Imperial ‘world—low crime rates, primarily human population, placid, industrious, productive, and concerned only with its own affairs, The planet's surface is predom!- nantly urban, ranging from thick skyscraper forests to labyrinths of shopping zones and quiet residential zones. Corulag is home to Aether Hypernautics, Danth Artifice Limited, Gwain Spices, Gowix Computers, sis- ter corporations Sienar Fleet Systems and Sienar Inte! ligence Systems, and the Corulag Imperial Military ‘Academy, which houses both Army and Navy under graduate and graduate programs. Corulag’s largest moon hosts a branch Navy training facility. The ancient ruling body of Corulag, the House of Citizens, is entirely compliant to the will of Imperial Governor Zafie! Snopps, whois fortunately more inter- ested in maintaining the system's economy than in political reform The Far Orbit Project Croan rire An acrial view of the Corulag cityscape. Chandrila Chandrila contrasts with its sister Bormean worlds inmany ways. Although urban, Chandrila prides itself on its balance of developed areas and tended agricul- ture and agriforest zones. Although most of the planet Is developed for production, the bulk of this devel- opedareais in agricombines, making Chandrila one of the last food exporters in the Core, and one of the few with no oxygen factories. Atmosphere: Type I (breathable) — Hydrosphere: Dry Gravity: Standard “Terral: Developed rural ‘Length of Day: 20 standard hours Length of Year: 368 cal days Seatfent Species: Human ‘Starport: Stellar class Population: 12 billion Planet Funetion: Agriculture Government: Participatory democracy Tech Level: Space Major Exports: Foodstulls ‘Major Imports: High tech Chandrilans are noted as gardeners and farmers in the midst of the most urbanized sectors of known space, and export rare fresh fruits and vegetables to the finest restaurants and most expensive food ser- vices of the Core. Vast agrifarms provide staple grains while the carefully managed park system offers one of the few hunting grounds in the entire Core. Brentaal Brentaal is the crux system of the Perlemian Trad- ing Route and the Hydian Way, making the Brentaal system an ideal transshipment point. The Perlemian Trading Route is a hyperlane from the Core to the Outer Rim, and the Hydian Way is a main hyperlane reaching from the Corporate Sector across the Mid- Core. The capital planet of the system is Brentaal lV. The planet's eight continents are dominated by cities of warehouses and hectares of landing pads, controlled bya few central offices. Every major shipping corpora- tion has at least a primary branch on Brentaal IV, and many are simply headquartered here. Brentaal IV produces essentially nothing; all its economic needs are met by trade, warehousing and the byproducts of transshipment. Brentaalan space is, thick with ships entering and exiting hyperspace or The Far Orbit Project GEncee eee uploading or droploading shipments from the sravityside warehouses, and space platforms, con- stantly buzzing with activity—worker droids loading, unloading and transferring cargoes. No ship enters Brentaal space without filing a flight plan—the risk of hyperspace collision is too great for an unscheduled flight. ‘Ofcourse, this hive of activity is also home toa vast invisible market. Smugglers, thieves and black marketers find Brentaal a perfect environment for blending their work into the background activity of ‘one of the busiest spaceports in the galaxy. Brentaal is also home to a huge Imperial Customs. office, with one of the largest bodies of customs agents in the Empire, but still with a fairly low agentto-ship ratio. Customs agents have a vast array of tools, con- tacts, resources, and the full cooperation and support of the Sector Rangers and assorted Brentaalan police forces, yetariver of smuggled goods stillslides through the shipping network each year. Darpa Sector Darpa sector is on the border between the Coreand the Colonies, and Is considered a frontier by stuffy Core World standards. For centuries, the sector was dominated politically and culturally by Esseles, and is still greatly under Esselian sway. Darpa sector has shown some signs of Rebel activ ity and anew Moff—Jander Graffe—has been assigned to keep the sector secure. To do this, he ordered the invasionand occupation of Ralltir to"scour the planet ofits Rebel infestation.” The other border worlds were outraged, but got the message, and Rebel activity has all but vanished from the region. ‘The Far Orbit Project cee ee Moff Graffe is a dark and twisted man, totally loyal to the Empire and eager to do its work, but he is ofthe stymied by the political need to keep the poli sector placid and under control. Darpa sector has a full Sector Group, with three superiority fleets, one assault fleet and complete st tor army. Of this, a full superiority force and one line corpsisassigned to the Ralltiiran occupation taskforce. Darpa Sector Border Stations Darpa Sector possesses a pair of border outposts, located near the Ringali Nebula (along the Darpa. Bormea border). The stations—holdovers from the days when Esseles was the dominant power in the region—now act as rescue outposts and anti-smug- sling staging areas. Since the Ringali Nebula is an excellent route for pirates and smugglers to sneakinto Scenario Hook: The Hutt Gambit In dealing with the Rebel Alliance, Vedij may rapidly tire of the lack of assistance he receives; the Alliance Observer is obstruc- tionist, the Far Orbit gets short shrift on repairrosters and resupply drops, theRebels demand igresultsbut providepoor backup, and soon. Inresponse, Vedij mayturn tothe riminalunderworldto receiveneededweap- ons, starfighters, replacement parts, food: stuffs, and additional personnel. Since Vedij has served on apatrol craft in this region for years, he is already well-acquainted with Many aspects of the criminal element. Vedij decides that the group mostlikely to help the Far Orbit—for a steep price, natu- rally—is a consortium of Hutt “entrepre- neurs® that operate out of Brentaal. They control the local black market, have only modestly marked-up prices and carry goods of decent quality. ‘The characters are sent to Brentaal IV to negotiatea trade agreement” withtheHutts; Vedi offers a percentage of the overall prof- its selzed in the Far Orbit's raids—skimmed off the top, before the Alliance gets its cut— In exchange for a shadowport, access to illegal weapons and protection from bounty hunter groups that may beseeking members of his crew. The percentages sultably high: 30 percent of the merchandise, money and goods seized by the Far Orbit will be deliv- ered to the Hutts. However, Vedij will at- tempt to exclude military hardware from the deal; the Far Orbit needs weapons, armor and gear more than the Hutts, and Vedij is not so far removed from his Imperial roots that he would arm a gang of criminals. ‘The Hutts may demand that the charac ters pass somesortof test, orperformarisky errand for them—which could easily lead to. a game of hide-and-seek with the RSSF or Imperial Customs. Ifthe characters perform well, the agreementis made. Vedi will likely reward them accordingly. m Puullo the Hutt ‘Type: Hutt criminal leutenant DEXTERITY 3D. Blaster 3D-2, blaster: hold out blaster 7D, dodge 4D KNOWLEDGE 5D ‘Allen species 8D, business 7D, bureaucracy 7D, cultures 6D, intimidation 5+2, languages TD, law enforcement 7D, planetary systems 80, streetwise Astrogation 5D, capital ship gunnery 5D, capital ship piloting 4D12, capital Ship shlelds 50, hover vehicle operation 5D, repulsorift operation 6D, sensors 5, space transports 6D, starship gunnery 6D, starship shields 3D PERCEPTION 4012. Bargain 7D, con 6D; forgery 6D, gombling 8D, search SD_ Capital starship repair 5D, computer programming/repalr SD Special Abiives Force Resirarce: Some Hutt have an innate defense agaist Force based mind manipulation echniqueandroldoublethelPereptiondicetoresist, such attempts, Character Pints: 15 Move:4 Equipment: Multepocketed ves, concealed Noldout blaster BD), en- crypteddatapad, encrypted coming, credit voucher (1 millon credits), Imperial ansit poss Capsule: Puulo the Hutt alieutenant in thecriminal faction run by Shettora,a fellow Hutt Unlike most of species, Puullo is generally ‘welltked by those in the criminal underworid, He is soft-spoken, relatively fair (ita bit uncompromising) in his negotiations, even: handed, and tends to avoid violence, Puullo snot to be fled with, however; several individuals who have mistaken his patienee and pleasant demeanor for weakness have never been seen again, Puuilo is essentially the “beachhead” of Shettora's organiza- tion; because of Puullo's shrewd nature and business acumen, he effectively controls the black market on Brentaal IV, and has his pudgy ingersin theactivities ofseveral other Core World criminal ventures. Puullo specializes in procuring starships—particularly stafighters and freighters—and Is knowiedgeable in many as- pects of space travel and combat. As a result, he selects quality Ierchandise, refusing to deal in defective goods. Merchandise purchased irom Puullo is typically very reliable and, in the event, ‘of malfunction, the Hutt can occasionally be convinced to pay a refund or replace the damaged item. Itis ths faimess and wiling- ness to stand behind his products that has made him a valued member ofthe fringe. in fact, Puullo often travels with an entourage—consisting of sgunslingers, smugglers, pirates, and other roughand-ready indl- ‘Viduals—who typieally owe Puullo afavor or two. Asa result, the Hutt is extraordinarily weltprotected. The Far Orbit Project the Core Worlds, these stations routinely patrol and scan the region. Both border stations areunder the direct command of Esseles’ naval bases; in fact, troops stationed on Esseles are often rotated out to border station pzosts for tours lasting six to eight months. Station 2L.C/Blue Station 2LC/Blue is considered by Esseles-based Imperial forcesas the easier of thetwo border postings. It is 10 hours (x1 hyperdrive) from Rhinnal, and 16 hours of from Esseles. (The route to 2LC/Blue is a restricted-use hyperspace path; any unauthorized vessels encountered within 100 units of the platform are immediately attacked.) If the station encounters trouble, help is less than a day away. Inaddition, the proximity to two Core Worlds means that there is always a supply of fresh food, replace- ment parts, entertainment packages, and other ameni- ties. Since the Esseles naval base is nearby, Station 2L.C/Blue has only a modest force present. Station 2LC/Blue is a massive space platform, but has one glaring tactical weakness: lack of storage spacefor consumables and supplies. Asaresult, cargo pods float in close proximity to the station; when suppliesare needed, a cargotugmust bedispatchedto bring the pods to the station. Vice Admiral Alpiett Gredge at his residence on Brentaal IV. Pero 2LC/Blue's primary defenses are formidable: 50 capk- talscale turbolasers and 50 more starfighter-scale can- nons. In addition, a missile rack (turret mounted) pro- vides extraantistarfighter capability. Twosquadrons of ‘TIE fighters (36 ships in all) a pair of troop transports and a dozen cargo tugs round out the available space- craft at the station. In addition, capital ships—notably the Victory-class Star Destroyer Scourge, which patrols the sector—frequently stop off at 2LC/Blue to deliver newpersonnel, replacement starfighters andcargo pods. mStation 2LC/Dlue Grats Reni StarDrive's BavostHearyty Mier Space ‘Type: Miltary space station Length: 1,300 meters ‘Creve: 606, gunners: 200, skeleton: 100/+20 Crew Skil: Capital ship gunnery 6D, capital ship shields 5D, starship gunnery 6D ‘Passengers: 200 (100stormtroopers, 100Imperial Navy troopers) (Cargo Capacity: 50 metric tons Consumables: 3 months Hull: 60 Shields: 20 Sensors Passive: 40/1D ‘Scan: 100/20 ‘Search: 120/30 Focus: 5/4D The Far Orbit Project rican ere Weapons: 50 Medium Turbolaser Cannons Fire Arc: Turret Grew: 2 ‘cote: Capita ‘Shit: Capital ship gunnery Fire Contr: 20 Space Range: 13/12/25 Damage: 5D 50 Ant starighter Turbolaser Cannons Fire Arc: W0turee, 10 front, 10 lft, 10 riht, 10 back Crew: 2 ‘cote: Starighter ‘Shit Starship gunnery Fire Control: 2B Space Range: 12/1/20 5D Concussion Missile Bank (30 miss! Fire Are Turret Crew: 1 (bridge oficer) ‘Scale: Sarighter ‘Skill Starship gunnery Fire Conrot 30 ‘Space Range: 15/15/28 Bamage: 60 SilverWing and GoldWing Squadrons ‘Two squadrons—20/181 and 20/604—maintain pa- trol in close proximity to station 2LC/Blue. The TIE pilots for the squadrons—nicknamed SilverWing and GoldWingSquadrons—arean arrogant, haughty bunch, but are highly skilled and dangerous foes. The wing commander—Colonel Vel Terno—is afighter ace with 15 combat kills to his credit. He demands perfection and constantly subjects his pilots to drillsand training exercises. As a result, any ship approaching the sta- tion are met with alert, battle-ready TIE flights. fred from bridge) Adventure Idea: Raid on 2LC/Blue 21.C/Blue can be a tempting target for the Far Orbit:allofthe base's consumables—blaster gas, fresh food, water, medical supplies, and so on— must be shipped in from Esseles and Rhinnal. Typically, these cargo pods are brought to the station by lightly armed bulk transports. Of ‘course, once word reaches the station that ship- ‘mentsare being hijacked bya Nebulon-B, the Far Orbits masquerade as an Imperial vessel is well and truly ended. Vedi’s best bet is to follow the normal mili- tary-access hyperspace route to the station and attemptto convince the station commander that the Far Orbitis carrying replacement personnel. Ifhe is successful, the player characters—dis- ‘guised as Imperials—must board the station and. seize the command center. Onceincontrolof the station's bridge, the characters can activate the interior security bulkheads (sealingthe station’s plersonn in place), giving the Far Orbit enough: time to steal fighters and supplies. Colonel Vel Terno. Dexterity 3D, blaster 5D, Knowl- ‘edge 2D, alien species 5D, bureaucracy 6D, intimidation 5D, law enforcement 5D, planetarysysiems 5D, streetwise 5D, tactics 4D, tactics: starfighter 7D, willpower SD, Mechanical 4D, astrogation 6D, repulsorlift operation 6D, sensors 5D, starfighter piloting 6D, starship gunnery 6D, Perception 3D, command 6D, Strength 3D, brawling 6D, Technical 3D, starfighterrepair6D. Character Points: 20. Move: 10. Blaster pistol (4D), flight suit, datapad, comlink, ‘Typical 2LC/Bine TIE Pilot. Dexterity 3D, Knowl- edge 2D, intimidation 4D, law enforcement 4D, plan- etary systems 4D, streetwise 4D, tactics 4D, tactics starfighters 4D+2, Mechanical 4D, astrogation 5D, repulsorlift operation 5D, sensors 4D+1, starfighter pilot: ing 5D, starship gunnery 5D, Perception 3D, Sirength 3D, Technical 3D. Character Points: 1-6. Move: 10. Blaster pistol (4D), flight suit, datapad, comlink. Station 1B6/Green Station 1B6/Green—referred to by her inhabitants as ‘the Bulwark’—is widely regarded as the most difficult military posting in the sector. The station—a sprawling Bavos-IImilitary space platiorm—is located 46 hours (x1 hyperdrive travel) from Esseles, on the fringe of the Ringali Nebula. The station is much more isolated than 2LC/Green, and as a resulthas additional defenses that the smaller platform does not possess. The Bulwark is protected by a pair of IPV-I system patrol craft and a Lancer-class frigate. In addition, 1B6/ Green has a ring of Imperial Munitions’ Type5 hunter- killer mines, four squadrons of TIE fighters (64 ships in all, a squadron (18 ships) of TIE bombers, dozens of shuttles, cargo tugs, and assault gunboats, and a di- rect HoloNet node to a support naval base on Esseles. ‘The Bulwark is viewed as a demanding, post; raiding vessels that use StarForge Station often pass the area that 1B6 controls, and the combat rate in the region is surprisingly high for the Core Worlds. In addition, the commander of the Victory Star Destroyer Scourge once served as the commanding officer at the Bulwark. As a result, he occasionally “drops in” on the station to make sure all is well mStation 1D6/Green Craft: Renal StarDrive's Bavos-ll Heavy-duty Miltary Space Plato ‘Type: Miltary space station Length 2500 meters ‘Crew: 1,600, gunners: 400, skeleton: 200/525 ‘Crew Sid: Capital ship gunnery 6D, capital ship shlelds 5D, ‘starship gunnery 6D Passengers: 300 (150 stormtroopers, 150 Imperial Navy troop- ers) ‘Cargo Capacity: 300 metric tons i8monthe Shields: 20-2 Seniors: ‘Passive 6/10 ‘Sean: 150/20 ‘Search: 200/2D+2 Pocus: 5/20 The Far Orbit Project Weapons: 100 Medium Turbolaser Cannons Fire Are Turret Crew: 2 ‘Seale: Capital ‘Shite Capital ship gunnery Fire Control: 2D. ‘Space Range: 13/12/25, Damage: 8D 100 Antistarfighter Turbolaser Cannons Fire Are: WOturret, 10 front, 10 et, 10 rg Crew? ‘Scale: Starfighter ‘kilt Starship gunnery Fire Control: 20 Space Range: 1-2/10/20 Damage: 30 Three Concussion Missile Banks (30 missiles, fred from bridge) ire Arc Turret Crew: | (bridge ofticer) ‘Seal: Starfighter ‘hilt Starship gunnery Fire Control: 30 Space Range: 15/15/28 Damage: 60 mm Imperial Type 5 Mines ‘Type: Imperial system defense drones Seale: Starfighter Lengtl: 5 meters Cost 1,200 credits Ht: 1D Sensors: Passive: 5/5D ‘Sean: 5/4 Weapons: Taser Cannon 10 back Scenario Hook: Who Is The More Foolish...? Sie partol the ar Orbueowmtscionstowreak havoc on the Imperial Navy, Vedij may decide | that 1B6/Green is a worthy target, despite her fearsome defenses. Vedij iopes to distract Vice ‘Admiral Gredge and the Scourge, luring the Vic- tory Star Destroyer away from Ralltiirin a hunt for the Far Orbit. The Scounge’s absence trom Ralltiir makes it easier for blockade runners to slipin and provide supplies and medicine to the civilian population. .or for gunrunners to arm the region’s burgeoning resistance movements. ‘The Far Orbit—posingas an Imperial vessel— shouldbe able to get close enough to 1B6/Green todamageorcripplethestation, but will likely be forced to make a run for theRingali Nebula when the platform's support craft react to the assault. If the Far Orbit’s true nature is known to the Empire, 1B6/Green will poseamajor threat tothe privateer; since the route to StarForge Station passes through 1B6/Green’s operational theater, the Far Orbit will be forced to run a dangerous gauntlet to escape Darpa sector. : Cea re Fire Are: Turret ‘Scale: Starfighter ‘Shl:Starship gunnery Fire Control: 3D ‘Space Range: 1-3/5/10 Damage: SD ‘Concussion Missile Launcher (one missile) Fire Are: Turret ‘Seal: Starfighter ‘Skill Starship gunnery Fre Control: 0 ‘Space Range: 13/15/30 Damage: 9 Capsule: The Type 5 mine is a stationary drone, with builtin active and passive sensors. As soon as it detects target that is not broadcastinga pre-arranged transpon dr signal, it begins fring alaser cannon; the mine's droid brain has 3D in starship gunnery. The mine is only lightly armored, and any damage to its outer hull triggers an ‘automatic destruct mechanism, and firesasingleconcus- sion missileat theattacking craft. 1B6/Green has 200such ‘mines englobingtthe station ata distance of 5SpaceUnits. AAs an additional precaution, each mine is pre-pro- ‘grammed to recognize the transponder codes broadcast byauthorized shipsand{fighters;anyshipthatapproaches: the mines that is not broadcasting a “friendly” transpon- der (or none at all) is immediately fired upon. m Imperial Assault Gunboat (Craft: Alpha Class Xe Star Wing ‘Type: Assault fghter/gunboat Seale: Starlighter Lena isrcters arfighter ploting: assault gunboat Sew! Cargo Capacity: 100 kilograms Consumables: Three days Maneuverability: 20 ‘Space: 8 ‘Atmosphere: 365; 1,050 kmh Halls 40-1 Shields: 20-2 Sensors: ‘Passive: 20/00 ‘Sean: 35/1 ‘Search: 50/20 Focus: 3720-2 Weapons: ‘Two Taim & Bak KXS Laser Cannons (single or firelinked) Fire Are: Front ‘Skil: Starship gunnery Fire Control 20 ‘Space Range: 13/12/25 “Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/25 km ‘Damage: 30.2 ‘Two Borstel NK-3 fon Cannons (single or fretinked) "ire Are: Front ‘Stilt Starship gunnery Fire Control: 20 Space Range: \-3/1/36 “Atmosphere Range: 100-800/700/3.6 km Damage: 30.2 Two SS Ms Concussion Missile Launchers (8 missiles cach), Fire Arc: Front ‘Skit Starship gunnery Fire Control: 80. ‘Space Range: 1/3/7 “Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/700 ‘Damage: 9D ‘The Far Orbit Project Crna ere Green/Aura and Green/Besh, IPV-1 System Pa- trol Craft. Capital-seale, capital ship gunnery 4D, capi- tal ship piloting 5D, capital ship shields 4D, sensors 3D. Maneuverability 2D+1, space 7, atmosphere 350, 1,000 Smash the Scourge! ‘kmh, hull 3D+1, shields 3D. Weapons: four turbolaser a If Vedij has not exhausted all his favors with Sammons (re control 2D; damage 4D), the Alllance, he proposes an audacious assault The Rage, Lancer-class frigate. Capital-scale, ‘on the Scourge. Since he knows that Gredge will astrogation 3D+2, capital ship piloting 4D, capital ship respond to attacks on Station 1B6/Green, Vedij shields 5D, starship gunnery 5D. Maneuverability 1D, proposes a joint assault to the Rebels. space 4, hull 4D, shields 2D+2. Weapons: 20 quad laser "the Far Orbit takes repeated hitand:fade cannons (starfighter-scale, firecontrol 4D, damage 4D. attacks on 1B6/Green until Gredge is concerned ‘TIEBomber. Starfighter scale, missile weapons 4D+1, ‘enough to investigate. (Of course, support ships Starfighter piloting 4D, starship gunnery 5D+2. Maneu- from Esseles will also aid in the hunt for the Far verability 0D, space 6, atmosphere 295; 850 kmh, hull Orbit.) Once the Scourge is located, Vedi plays a 4D+1. Weapons: Two laser cannons (fire-linked, fire dangerous game of hide-and-seek with Gredge, control 2D, damage 3D), concussion missiles (16 car- luringhimtoapre-arranged ambush point (where ried, fire control 3D+2, damage 9D). atask force of five Corellian gunships, sixCorellian Sienar Fleet Systems’ Hauler-2 Cargo Tug. corvettes anda Mon Cal MC80 cruiser are waiting ecticnten i for Vedi’s signal). Ftoges trie psalm emanate Provided theFar Orbitcan survivelongenough, caeamane Vedij helps the Alliance capture or destroy a Victory-class Star Destroyer. Theambushingforce The Scourge surprises Gredge enough to allow three fll sal One of the best-known Imperial vessels in Darpa_| | vos offon cannon blasts, giving the Rebels a real sector is the Scourge, a Victory-class Star Destroyer_| | chance to neutralize the Victory. commanded by Alpiett Gredge, an aging (but well Once this happens, Phase One of the cam- respected) Vice Admiral, Gredge—a native and part- | | paign has ended, and the forces of the Imperial time resident of Brentaal IV—is an honorable man, but ‘Navy are now actively seeking Vedij’s capture or he is uncompromising in his support for the Navy; he destruction, will never betray his Emperor. When he learns of Vedii’s mutiny, he is eager to provide whatever assis- tance to Kenit that he can. Typically, the Scourge helps ‘Hull: 4D maintain the security of the restricted space around Shields: 30-1 Ralltir, but Gredge frequently makes inspection tours | Sensors of the sector's two border outposts Pastog gD Vice Admiral Alpiett Gredge. Dexterity 3D+2, Know Score 80/90 edge 4D, alien species SD, bureaucracy 6D, planetary we Pocus: 4/3D+2 systems 5D, planetary systems: Ringali Shell 7D, Me- in — Chantel 302, Perception 40, command 1D, Srenghh | "cyt Teratmernaen 2Del, Technical 2D+1. Move: 8. Character Points: 15. Gears Blaster pistol (4D), comlink, rank cylinders, datapad. Skill Capital ship gunnery Fre Con Space Range 9-15/5(15 mVSD Scourge ‘imasphere Range: 6-30/70/150 km raft Rendl Star Drv's Victory Damage 53 ‘Types Vit clase Sar Destroyer 40 Double Turboaser Batteries Seale: Capt ‘rere oon, 11s rght Leng 900 meters Gourd Skil Capita ship piloting Star Destroyer ‘Shi Capital ship gunnery Gre 798, gunners 408 skeleton: 185/15 Fre Gonrot SD ‘Grew Sl Astogation 95:2 capital ship gunnery 4Dx2 capital Space Range: 315/955 Ship piloting SD capital ship shields 4, sensors 90-2 “mosphere Range 6-9070/10 kn Passengers 2040 (roops) Damage 20-2 argo Eapacty 8,100 metre tons 80 Concussion Missile Tube Launchers Socsunahien i yous rear 20 tron 20 Te 2 iit, 20 ack Sot Not avatae forsale Geis fipperariveMaltpler st ‘Shit Capital sip gunnery yperdve backup: Fire Cont 20 Nav Computer: Yee Space Reng. 2-12/30160 Manewwerabliy: 1D ‘mosphere Range! 24/60/20 km Spaces Damage ‘Atmosphere: 280; 800 kmh The Far Orbit Project 10 Tractor Beam Project Fire Are:6 front, 2 llt,2 Crew: 2 @), 4 2), 106) ‘Skil: Capital ship gunnery Fire Control: 4D Space Range: I-5/15/20 ‘Atmosphere Range: 2-30/30 60 km Damage: 5D ight Esseles Esseles is the Darpa sector capital and the secure home of Imperial power in the area. Although the popu- lation clings to a parochial “Esseles first” ideology and has only a lukewarm interest in the Empire’s High Cul- ture ideology, the New Order party is firmly in control of the Esselian Hall. The lingering remains of Esselian power lie primarily in the hands of President Cambira Ralle—an aging Clone Wars veteran—and, as he never opposes Palpatine’s edicts, he is essentially powerless. Although obsessive about their glorious past, the Esselian people do invest in their future. Esseles has a brisk manufacturing economy with dozens of corpo- rate branches represented. Although there are no major manufacturers headquartered on Esseles, most of the corporations based in Bormea sector have production facilities in Darpa sector to take advantage ofthe concentration of engineers and the favorabletax Ertan base. Aether Hypernautics and Sienar Fleet Systems both have important factories here, as does Les Tech and Gowix Computers. ‘The Empire has a deep investment in this region. Esseles is the sector capital, Moff Graffe's official residence and home to the sector's major military installation, Terril Naval Base (the only facility in the sector equipped to handle Star Destroyers). Thelmpe- @ The Far Orbit Project Gta ee ee rial governor, Griff Takel, is a moderate and capable administrator, able to balance the demands of the Empire with Esselian sensibilities. Both Graffe and Takel are working hard to ensure Esselian loyalty, via pro-imperial marches, rallies and “spontaneous” pro- Palpatine demonstrations. Rhinnal Rhinnal is a quiet world noted mainly for its ad- vanced medical facilities. The Imperial governor, Phadreas Kole, is more interested in his landspeeder collection than in converting Rhinnal to Imperial stan- dards, and as the locals have posed no threat to the Empire, Kole’s Imperial masters have taken no notice of his inactivity. Rhinnal was occupied by Esseles for centuries be- fore the Empire arrived and the people saw no signifi cant change in governing. Rhinnalians find their cul- tural identity in passive aggression; Rhinnal is noted forits exclusive attitude toward fashion, behavior and style, and no foreigner, particularly non-humans, can measure up to their standards. Rhinnalian medical science is famous throughout the Core and the economy is based on advanced treatments ranging from genetic to holistic treatment. The planet's industrial base is devoted primarily to cybernetic prosthetics and the production of pharma- ceutical medicines. The most honored and ancient hospice on the Rhinnal : ‘Type: Terrestrial planet is reputed to be one of the few Jedi chapter houses stillstandingin the Empire, (presumably spared only because of its reputation as a medical facility). Rhinnal also has a cottage textile industry, pr tapestries and rugs to the Core. Although ithas shrunk dramatically in the last few hundred years, the indus- tryhas stabilized as a luxury item for chic Core shops. Ralltiir Ralltiir was once a powerful world, the only major Darpan world to evade Esselian control and remain The Far Orbit Project free of mperial intervention. The basis of thisindepen- dence was the famous Ralltiiran banking system, giv- ing the planet the complete support of most of its client worlds against any would-bedominator (andthe necessary cash to pay for the best military and merce- nary forces available). This independent streak was an affront to the Em- pire for years, until quite recently, when Moff Jander Graffeused a trumped-up charge of rebellion to justify a full scale invasion, led by Lord Tion. The invasion was brutal and followed by a punitive ‘occupation. An entire line corps is assigned to the occupation of Ralltiir—Army troopers and stormtroopers patrol the streets and deal with law- breakers harshly. Travel from place to place requires transit pass, arrests for political crimes are common andastrict curfew is enforced. A full Imperial garrison was deployed in the capital shortly after the invasion. ‘The Ralltiiranruling body—theHigh Council—remains in place, but has been purged of all political “unreliabies.” Ralltir’s financial system is now in shambles, with the majority of the banking assets frozen by the Empire, pending investigation. This situation is still developing, but itis likely that aseries of show trials will follow, with most of thenon- human accounts seized, the interest on all accounts confiscated and the human accounts released to key businessmen and nobles who can be “convinced” to support Imperial policies. Lord Tion has recently turned over the occupation tolmperial Governor DennixGraeber,aharshmanand protege of Moif Graffe (transferred to the position at Gratte's request). Graeber is able to indulge his sadis- tictendencies where his teacher isnot, and Rati will likely suffer for it The occupation of Ralltir is highly evident. The sys- tem is patrolled by a large military force (a “superiority force”): three battle squadrons and a light squadron, includingthreeImperial Star Destroyers and the Victory Star Destroyer Scourge. The superiority force will re- ‘main until Raltir is considered pacified. @- ‘The Far Orbit Project Shell Ccaeacon ert While interstellar corporations are departing as rap- idly as possible, the Ralltiiran citizens are unable to leave the planet without an expensive and dificult-to- acquire travel visa. The only remaining economic re- source still operating undamaged is the formerly-unim- portant, high-grade Ralltiiran marble mining concern (Note that the space around Ralltir is highly re- stricted; the chances of encountering large, heavily- armed military convoys or patrol ships is tripled when rolling random encounters.) The Ringali Nebula ‘The Ringali Nebulaisa thick, barely navigablecloud of gases and charged particles that is avoided by commercial freighters and passenger ships. The nebula is a hyperspace navigation hazard, avoided byall publicly charted hyperlanes. The Impe- rial military has charted some cross-nebula lanes, used for rapid deployment and hidden military facili ties. Cross-nebula hyperlanes can cut three to six hours off a Ringali Shell crossing. The Far Orbit has no information on these hyperlanes, although Vedijis aware of their existence, Ifthe crew wants to enter or cross the Ringali Nebula they will have to chart new lanes or steal astrogation data from the Imperial military. Inthe thickest section of the Nebula, nohyperspace travel is possible; the Nebula’s mass acts as a barrier to hyperspace travel. Rogue asteroids and uncharted asteroid belts litter the area. Inaddition, some of theNebula’s gassesare volatile, and might bedetonated by engine emissions or blaster fire (causing anywhere from 1D to 10D damage, gamemaster's choice of scale, toall ships caught in the blast). The Nebulais electromagneticallyactive, scram- bling sensors and communication (which adds +5 to +15 to sensors and communications attempts). (or more specific information on the Ringali Shell and the Core Worlds in general, please refer to the Official Star Wars Adventure Journal, Volume 1, Number 7, pages 206-229.) Ringali Shell Random Ship Encounter Tables It faced with the need to quickly come up with an assortmentof ships (suchasdetermining what shipsare in transit near a hyperspace jump point) gamemasters are encouraged to use the tables in this section. Roll randomly or pick from the tables. The result indi cates only what ships or other phenomena are in sensor range of the Far Orbi, not what isin the system overall. All sorts of surprises might lurk just outside sensor range. Tousethese tables roll two differently colored dice. Onedie indicates the tableto use, the other theship(s) encountered. Major systems are constantly buzzing with activity; roll three times. Secondary systems in the Shell are quite busy themselves; roll twice. Minor systems are less busy; roll once. “Typical” examples of ships and crews are given below. Typical ship stats may be higher by as much as 1D+2 (or +4 in the case of Space speed). Typical personnel stats can be higher by as muchas +2D, or +2 for Move. Table 4 Light Freighters and Space Barges DieRoll Encounter Incom X-series space barge Ghitroc light freighter YT series light freighter Lesser known freighter Light freighter convoy 6 Mixed freighter convoy Typical light freighter crew. All stats 2D except: Mechanical 3D, astrogation 4D, space transports 5D, ‘sensors 3D+2. Move 10, comlink, blaster pistol (4D). Character points: 10. E Table 2 Medium Freighters Die Roll Encounter 1 Mark I Bulk Transport 2 Gallofree Medium Transport 3 Imperial Armored Transport “AC WAction Series Bull Freighter: : i ie Medium freighter convoy Mixed freight ‘Typical medium freighter crew. All stats 2D ex- cept: Mechanical 3D, astrogation 4D, space transports 5D, sensors 3D+2. Move 10, comilink, blaster pistol GD). Character points: 10. Ss Table 3 Heavy Freighters and Large Cargo Vessels _ " @uajor systems only) Container Ship Ore Hauler Riv ASSid Bulk Hauler Super Convoy ~Bacoifed Super Convey” ‘The Far Orbit Project Table 4 Patrols Die Roll Encounter T= Customs 2 Sector Rangers 3 Ringali Shell Security Force Patrol] 45 System Patrol 6 Navy Patrol Table 5. Navy Die Roll Encounter © Ritack Line’ Heavy Attack Line Pursuit Line ‘Skirmish Line Troop Line Star Destroyer Gtaecners Soc olable 6 Other Encounters Die Roll Encounter 1 ton Storm 2 Asteroid Squall 3) Consiilar Ship 4 Space Rescue Corps Ship 1/5) neta Siiwvey Corps Lone Scout A’ 6 Star Yacht Light Freighters and Space Barges Light freighters in the Shell are primarily owned by minor shipping companies operating only in their own systems or sectors. Occasionally some companies operate Shell-wide, although this usually indicates a fairly large business (often a subsidiary of a megacorporation). Few light freighters in the Shell are independently operated cargo haulers. Free traders are even rarer, as local laws and corporate operations squeezed out the small-time operators centuries ago. Incom X-series Space Barges X-23 StarWorker Space Barge. Starfighter. Space2, hull 3D. Cargo Capacity: 5,000 metric tons. An easy The Far Orbit Project Cte ere prize, the X-23 lacks any defense worth considering, except for its tendency to operate near well-defended stations. No hyperdrive. (See pages 56-60, Pirates & Privateers.) X-26 StarHiaul. Starfighter. Space 2, hull 3D. Cargo Capacity: 5,000 metric tons. Weapons: I laser cannon, (ire control 1D, damage 3D). (See page 60, Pirates & Privateers.) Ghtroc Light Freighter Ghtroe 580 Light Freighter. Starfighter. Maneuver- ability 1D, space 4, hull 4D, shields 1D+2. Cargo Capac- ity: 200 metric tons. Weapons: | laser cannon (fire control 1D+2, damage 4D). The 580 is an older Ghtroe model with more cargo space. (See page 62, Pirates & Privateers.) Ghtroc 720 Light Freighter. Starfighter. Maneuver- ability 1D, space3, hull 3-2, shields ID. Cargo Capac- ity: 135 metric tons. Weapons: laser cannon (fire con- trol 1D+2, damage 4D). The Ghtroc 720 shows the decline in Ghtroc’s design ability and manufacturing quality. YT-series Light Freighters This isa classic light freighter, from the highly able YT-1210to the cheaper (but easily-modified) YT-1300, to the advanced and modifiable YT-2400. YT-series freighters can be found virtually anywhere. ‘¥T-1210 Light Freighter. Starfighter. Maneuverabil- ity 1D, space 4, hull 4D, shields 1D. Cargo Capacity: 100 metric tons. Weapons: I laser cannon (fire control ID, damage 4D). The immediate predecessor to the fa- mous YT-1300, 1210s can be found virtually anywhere. Gee page 60, Pirates & Privateers.) ‘YT-1300 Light Freighter. Starfighter. Space 4, hull 4D. Cargo Capacity: 100 metric tons. Weapons: I laser cannon (fire control 2D, damage 4D). This is the basic model, without shielding or maneuvering thrusters. ‘The appeal of the YT-1300 isn't her basic equipment; it’s that she’s hardy enough to take an extraordinary amount of tinkering and alteration. Nearly every YT- 1300 is altered from these stats in some way. Smug- glers and blockade runners typically modify the weap- ons and hyperdrive, while legitimate cargo haulers add extra cargo pods and shielding. YT-2400 Light Freighter. Starfighter. Maneuverabil- ity 1D+2, space 6, hull 5D, shields 2D. Cargo Capacity: 100 metric tons. Weapons: 1 heavy double laser can- non (fire control 1D+2,damage5D). Thelatest addition to the YT-series, (See page 61, Pirates & Privateers.) Other Freighter Types ‘There are too many lesser known freighters to list here, even in abbreviated format. A long list with full statisties is available on pages 56.66 of Pirates & Priva- teers. Light Freighter Convoy A light freighter convoy is a collection of several light freighters, usually flying under contract from one ‘company, sharing astrogation data and sticking to- gether for security. Whilenot as affordableas shipping via bulk freighter, some companies simply lack the ‘cash flow to invest in larger ships. Such convoys are usually from Rimward ports and while not expecting troublein Coresystems, they can usually recover from the surprise of an attack quickly. A convoy typically has anywhere from three to twenty-four freighters. oll 3D to determine how many ships are in the convoy.) Mixed Freighter Convoy This is a collection of light and mecium freighters much like the convoy mentioned above. Like the lighter version, these convoys are usually from Rimward ports, and can recover from the surprise of an attack quickly. ‘A convoy typically has two to ten freighters, including one or two fairly large and lumbering bulk transports. Medium Freighters ‘Medium freighters, lke light freighters, mostly be- ong to small or medium-sized shipping corporations. Most of these shippers are subcontractors for larger cargo-hauling concerns. Medium freighters are usu- ally cross-sector or crossShell transports, visiting dozens of worlds every month, for a few hours at a time. Common medium freighters are presented in short stat form below. (Less common medium freight- ers can be found on pages 66-69 of Pirates & Priva- teers.) heableto capture one of ie bulk of the ships are this sort of convoy as well. Identifying the ship with the most valuable cargo Is a problem here as well, complicated by the temptation of goin freighters, loaded with more—although possibly Jess valuable—Cargoes or after thesmaller ships, probably packed with more valuable goods. The Far Orbit Project Ertan ee Mark I Bulk Transport. Starfighter. Maneuverabil- ity ID, space 3, hull 5D. Cargo Capacity: 60,000 metric tons. Weapons: Laser cannon (fire control 1D, damage 2D). A common long-range bulk transport, Sienar’s Mark I was discontinued several years ago in favor of larger transports. It is nevertheless quite common, with a high resale value. (See page 66, Pirates & Priva: teers.) Gallofree Medium Transport. Capital. Space2, hull 2D, shields 1D. Cargo Capacity: 19,000 metric tons. A common mid-range transport throughout the galaxy, the Gallofree is popular for its durability and easy loading. (See page 67, Pirates & Privateers.) Imperial Armored Transport. Starfighter. Space 4, hull, shields 1D. Cargo Capacity: 30,000 metrictons. Weapons: 2 laser cannons (fire control 2D, damage 4D). All Imperial Armored Transports carry Imperial ‘cargoes; military, corporate or government. They also carry a platoon of Navy troopers and usually travel in convoys. Unlike other convoyships, Imperial Armored Transports will swarm attack a raider. (See page 68, Pirates & Privateers.) Action-series Bulk Freighter ‘The Action-series of bulk freighters usually oper- ates in well patrolled space or in convoys, as they lack shields, speed, weapons, and rapid hyperspace abil- ity—the Actions have no nav computer and must rely ‘on an astromech droid or spaceport computer to calculate jumps. These ships are so vulnerable that pirates call them “Inaction” freighters. They stay in service only because they are extremely cheap perton of cargoto purchase, maintain and operate. (See pages 68-69, Pirates & Privateers.) Action IV Bulk Freighter. Capital. Space 2, hull 2D. Cargo Capacity: 75,000 metric tons. Action VBulk Freighter. Capital. Space2, hull 2D+2. Cargo Capacity: 80,500 metric tons. Action VI Bulk Freighter. Capital. Space 2, hull 3D. Cargo Capacity: 90,000 metric tons. Medium Freighter Convoy This is a convoy of three to twenty-four medium freighters, usually llof approximately thesametype— Actions, Subla Ransoms, Mark Is, Armored ‘Trans- ports, and so on—and almost always under the same corporate aegis. Usually, any of these ships carry far more than a pirate can carry away, and together they carry more than.a small pirate leet could steal. To take morethanafraction ofthe potential cargorequires the Far Orbit to seize the freighters as prizes and pilot them toa safe point. Mixed Medium Freighter Convoy This is a convoy of three to twenty-four medium freighters, usually not of the same type. This convoy The Far Orbit Project Gee ee contains a variety of ships, possibly including a few light freighters. These ships may all belongto the same corporation, mightbelongtoamerchant’sorshipper’s, guild or may have banded together informally and temporarily. Heavy Freighters and Large Cargo Vessels Alarge percentage of cargo in the Shellis carried by large freighters able to carry tens of thousands of tons of cargo at a minimum. These container ships are ‘owned by large shipping corporations, who also oper- atethesmaller transports that split up the cargoes and move them planetside or to lesser systems. Corpora- tions large and powerful enough tooperatesuch super transports are automatically Imperial supporters, at least publicly—they would have been Imperialized if they were not. Container Ship This is a super transport, able to ship millions of tons of cargo for a fraction of the cost of a local shipper. Such ships cross entire regions from one major transhippment system to another. This sort of ship is too large for most pirates to bother attacking, and usually operates only in the most heavily traf- ficked systems. Scores of container ships travel to and through the Shell. (See page 70, Pirates & Privateers.) Container Ship. Capital. Space 2, hull 3D+2. Cargo Capacity: 25 million metric tons. Ore Hauler Ore haulers are often escorted into the Shell to deliver high-grade ore cargoes. Included in the large cargo vessel table for the extraordinarily high value of the ore. Gee page 69, Pirates & Privateers.) Ore Hauler. Capital. Space 2, hull 2D+2, shields 1D. Cargo Capacity: 90,000 metric tons. Rin Assid Bulk Hauler Large, lumbering, amazingly slow, unarmed, and ripe for attack, Rin Assid bulk haulers ferry cargo for an assortment of corporate entities. (See page 69, Pirates & Privateers.) Rin Assid Bulk Hauler. Capital. Space 1, hull 3D, shields 1D. Cargo Capacity: 100,000 metric tons. Super Convoy ‘A super convoy includes two to twelve large ships (roll 2D to determine the number), usually of the same Class. This sort of convoy is only found going from one major transshipment point to another, andistoobigto rob—araider could hijacka ship, but the rest are likely to escape. Escorted Super Convoy ‘A super convoy with one or two escort ships. This, escort is not expecting trouble, since its arriving or departing the safe end of it's run, Nebulon-B’s are common escorts for this sort of convoy. Gamemaster Note ‘The Far Orbit will have avery easy time with local and sector patrols, at least initially, as long as they don’t announce themselves as Rebel privateers, open fire on inoffensive traffic, panic, or otherwise behave stupidly. Patrol Patrols routinely sweep every Shell system. Typ cally, patrols are not looking for pirates—they are looking for traffic code violators, smugglers, Rebels, and emergency situations. Patrois will essentially ig- nore any Navy vessel, at least initially, because they {all outside the patrol service's jurisdiction, and have overriding authority. Customs: Customs patrols are mostly interested in commer- cial traffic and curtailing smugaling. They have no authority over Navy vessels and havenointerestin the es, including boardings, as long as she is masquerading as a Navy ship. The customs agents are officers of an Imperial ministry and law enforcers, and if the Far Orbit becomes known as a pirate ship they are likely to attempt to intervene in a raid. ‘Typical Customs Agent. Allattributes and skills 2D, except blaster 3D, sensors 4D+1, space transports 4D, starship gunnery 4D, starship shields 3D+2. Blaster pistols (4D), comlink, vacsuit, medpac, survival kit, datapad. Customs Light Corvette. Starfighter. Maneuverabil- ity 2D, space 8, hull 5D+1, shields 3D. Cargo Capacity: ‘500 metric tons. Weapons: 6 double turbolaser can- nons (firecontrol2D, damage 4D). (See page 83, Pirates & Privateers.) Customs Light Frigate. Starfighter. Maneuverabil- ity 2D, space 5, hull 3D+1, shields 3D. Cargo Capacity: 100 metric tons. Weapons: 6 heavy laser cannons (fire control 2D, damage 5D). (See page 83, Pirates & Priva- teers.) Customs Gaardian-class Light Cruiser. Starfighter. Maneuverability 1D, space9, hull 5D, shields 2D. Cargo Capacity: 200 metric tons. Weapons: 4 laser cannons ire control 20-2, damage 5D). (See page 84, Pirates é& Privateers.) Sector Rangers Sector Ranger patrols can show up anywhere, have hyperspace radio links, and can command great deal of firepower. Rangers are notoriously determined and able. A Ranger patrol that stumbles across the Far Orbitin the course ofa boardingmight very well decide toattackafter calling for backup. Ranger backup takes anaverageof an hour toarrive (sometimes much less), with 2-12 ships The Far Orbit Project Typical Sector Ranger. Dexterity 3D, blaster 5D+1, dodge 4D+2, melee combat 5D, meteeparry4D+2, Knowl. edge 4D, alien species 5D, cultures 5D+1, languages 5D, law enforcement 8D, planetary systems $D+1, streetwise 5D+2, Mechanical 2D, astrogation 3D, sensors 3D+1, space transports 3D, starfighter piloting 3D, Perception 4D, bargain 5D, command 5D, hide 5D, investigation 7D, sneak SD, Strength 3D, brawling 4D, stamina 4D42, Technical 2D, armor repair 3D, blaster repair 4D, com: puter programming/repair 3D+1. Move: 10. Blaster pis- tol (4D), blast helmet (+1 energy, +1D physical, head only), comlink, medpac, survival kit, datapad, Force Points: 1. Character points: 5. Gee page 81, Pirates & Privateers.) Sector Ranger PB-950 Patrol Boat. Starfighter. Maneuverability 1D, space8, hull5D, shields 3D. Cargo Capacity: 180 metric tons. Weapons: 1 quad laser cannon (fire control 2D, damage 5D), 1 concussion missile tube (fire control 2D, damage 9D), 2 medium ioncannons (firecontrol 3D, damage4D).Seepage81, Pirates & Privateers.) m Regulator X-@2 System Patrol Cruiser Craft Regulator £2 ‘Type: System Patrol Cruiser Seale: Capital Length: 150 meters Sh Capital ship piloting Crew: 9 gunvers skeleton: 365 ‘Grew Slt Capital Ship gunnery SD, captl ship piloting D2, pital ship sells 4Ds2 Passenger: 15 (aon) Cargo Capaciys S00 metric tons Consumables: weeks ‘Cos: 350,000 (ne), 200,000 (used) Mancuverabiity: 20-2 Space’? ‘Atmosphere: 160; 460 kmh fuss Shields 20-2 Sensor: Possve- 30/10 ‘Sean: 60/20 Search 80/40 Focus 44061 Weapons: ive Laser Cannons "ire Ar: Turret (1) lel (0 ight (1) front (1), back (1) ew: 1 Seale: Capital ‘Ste: Captal ship gunnery re Controt: 20+2 Space Range: 3-15/35/75. ‘Atmosphere Range: 6-20/70/180 Damage: 4D Ringali Shell Security Force Patrol RSSF patrol ships are outfitted to provide emer- gency assistance for breakdowns and cope with poorly armed minor smugglers and other criminals. In the event they need serious firepower they can call on the aid of system patrol ships, or Ranger aid (although they are loath to do so). ‘SFS Light Patrol Ship. Starfighter. Maneuverability 1D, space 8, hull 4D«1, shields 2D. Cargo Capacity: 100 metric tons. Weapons: 2 twin laser cannons (ire con- trol ID, damage 3D+2), 3laser cannons (lirecontrol2D, damage 5D). (See page 82, Pirates & Privateers.) System Patrol ‘Most systems in the Shell maintain their own patrol forces, more to crack down on safety violators and smugglers, and provide emergency services, than to fight off piracy. System patrol ships usually have no hyperdrive and operate within an hour of their base, ‘They maintain comlink with their base at all times. Backup is usually one to six ships, and takes between ten minutes and half an hour to arrive. ‘Typical System Patrol Officers. All attributes and skills 2D, except capital ship gunnery 4D, capital ship piloting 4D, capital ship shields 3D. Blaster pistols (4D), comlink, vaesuit, medpac, survival kit, datapad. Pursuer Enforcement Ship. Capital. Maneuverabil- ity 1D, space 7, hull 4D, shields 1D. Cargo Capacity: 35 metric tons. Weapons: Twin blaster cannon (lire con- trol 2D, damage 5D), two ion cannon (lire control 2D, damage 4D). See page 75, Pirates & Privateers.) IR-3F. Capital. Maneuverability 2D, space 7, hull 3D, shields 2D+2. Cargo Capacity: 180 metric tons. Weap- ons: 4 turbolaser cannons (lire control 2D, damage 4D). (See page 74, Pirates & Privateers.) Navy Patrol ‘The Navy only maintains local patrols in sectors or systems of substantial strategie value, While the Shell is of considerable value, the Navy considers local patrols to be adequate in most systems. In the first stage of the campaign Navy patrols are confined to systems with a substantial Navy presence, whether a large number of ships or a Navy base. Typical Navy Patrol Crew. All attributes 2D except: capital ship gunnery SD, capital ship piloting 5, capital ship shields 4D, Move 10. Blaster pistols (4), comlink, vacsuit, medpac, survival kit, datapad. GAT-12} Skipray Blastboats. Capital. Maneuver- ability 1D#2, space 8, hull 2D+1, shields 20. Weapons: 3 Medium ion cannon (firelinked, fire control 3D, damage 4D), proton torpedo launcher (fire control2D, damage 9D), 2 laser cannons (lirelinked, fire control 1D, damage 5D), concussion missile launcher (lire control 1D, damage 6D). Skiprays usually operate in recon lines of two to four ships. GAT-12g Skipray Blastboats. Capital, Maneuver- ability 1D+2, space 8, hull 2De 1, shields 20. Weapon 3 medium ion cannon (lirelinked, fire control 3D, damage 4D), proton torpedo launcher (fire control2D, damage 9D), 2 laser cannons (lirelinked, fire control 1D,damageSD), tractor beam (fire control 4D, damage 6D). This Skipray model has a tractor beam in place of the standard concussion missile launcher. The Far Orbit Project. cae Imperial Patrol Vessel 1. Capital. Maneuverability 2D+l, space 7, hull 3D+1, shields 3D. Cargo Capacity: 200 metric tons. Weapons: 4 turbolaser cannons (fire control 2D, damage 4D). IPVs are not hyperspace- capable, and usually operate out of Navy bases, Impe- rial garrisons or large carriers, including Star Destroy- ers. (See page 74, Pirates & Privateers.) TIE Patrol. A TIE patrol is usually a flight of 4, operating in pairs. About half are standard TIE/In models, the rest are usually TIE/re models. TIEs report any unusual circumstances to base; base can be an orbiting defense station, Imperial garrison, or capital ship. TIE/InStarfighters, Starfighter, starshipguninerySD, starship piloting 6D. Maneuverability 2D, space 10, hull 2D. Weapons: 2 laser cannons (fire control 2D, damage 5D). TIE/In starfighters typically attack in pairs or trios. TIE/reStarfighters. Starfighter, starshipgunnerySD, starship piloting 6D. Maneuverability 2D+2, space 10, hull 2D, Weapons: 2 laser cannons (fire control 2D, damage 2D+2). These TIEs avoid combat and are in constant contact with their base Novy ‘The Navy has a moderate presence in the Shell Most Navy vessels encountered are on standard ma: neuvers, not looking for the Far Orbit, although they will attempt to engage the ship as soon as they become aware of it, following standard procedure. A high percentage of Navy lines in the Shell have green crews and a small ratio of experienced officers, operating in safe space to work their way up to postings farther out in the Rim. Navy ships usually operate in groups. Most Naval groups encountered are lines, the basic unit of aNavy squadron. Operational conditions in the Shell do not call for squadrons to be deployed, at least not in the first stage of the campaign. Although not crewed by veterans and not expecting trouble, attacking a Navy line of any configuration is a short road to suicide. Attack Line ‘This is a line of three to six combat frigates and cruisers; lighter ships indicate a larger line, heavier ships make up smaller lines. Heavy Attack Line Four to cight light and heavy cruisers, possibly including a Victory-class Star Destroyer. Pursuit Line Four to ten light ships, generally corvettes, frigates and light cruisers, Pursult lines are one of the few Navy units that might be sent after the Far Orbit. The Far Orbit Project Skirmish Line Four to twenty small ships as small as Skiprays and as largeas frigates. A skirmish lineis intended to engage ‘small ships to keep them off large combat vessels. Such alline might be detailed to engage the Far Orbit. Troop Line ‘Two hugetransport ships, often Evakmar-KDY trans- ports or Delta-lass troop transports, escorted by two medium cruisers. This is the most consistent line the Navy, because this line interacts almost constantly with the Imperial Army, an organi- zation that allows for little variation. This is one of the few Navy lines that might be profitably attacked by the lone Far Orbit. Star Destroyer Specifically, an Imperial-class Mark1Star Destroyer. ‘There are no Mark Ils in servic sector, and no Super-class Star Destroyers in service yet. A Star De- stroyer isfar too dangerous for the Far Orbitto engage, and is always accompanied byat least three additional lines. Other Ion Storm Powerful ionic radiation flashes across local space, causing ID-6D ion damage (starfighter or capital scale, Ertan ree at the gamemaster’s discretion) to all ships in sensor range. lon storms are sudden, unpredictable and dan- ‘gerous. They cause little direct physical damage, but can burn out power systems, touch off weapon's blaster as canisters, overload shields, blind sensors, and gen- erally cause chaos. lon storms pass as quickly as they appear. Asteroid Squall ‘An uncharted cluster of asteroids moves in a ran- dom direction through local space (roll a die; 1 indi- cates acollision course with the Far Orbit roll another die to determine direction of collision course). Aster- olds create a Difficult terrain zone for 3D rounds. Impact is a standard collision, causing variable capi- tal-scale damage depending on Speed, see page 125 of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, Second Edition, Re- bised and Expanded (Collision"; remember: no shield bonus to resist). Consular Ship This is a diplomatic vessel ferrying diplomatic staff from one Shell government to another (or possibly a ranking Imperial official). The ship's transponder code announces the craft's presence and diplomatic status. ‘The ship may obey local traffic rules or may bully it’s way throughasystem—itdoesn'thave tobe politeand is immune from normal legal considerations, The ship is unlikely tohavean escort from its own government, The Far Orbit Project Erman er as its safety is a concern for the local system patrol (The local system patrol might be on hand to receive it, however.) Corellian Corvette. Capital, capital ship gunnery 5D, capital ship piloting SD, capital ship shields 4D. Maneu- verability 2D, space 6, hull 4D, shields 2D. Weapons: 6 double turbolaser cannon (fire control 3D, damage 4D+2). Space Rescue Corps Emergency Aid Cutter ‘These striking, red-and-blackcutters arefound wher- everaspaceaccident happens—rescuing crew trapped in damaged vessels, recovering escape pods and occa- sionally lending technical assistance to Imperial Navy orSector Ranger operations. SRC cutters are equipped with universal airlocks, plasma torch hull cutters, emergency medical bays, first aid droids, and fire. foam backpacks. SRC ships are considered sacrosanct by nearly all spacers, and firing on one is unthinkable. ‘An order to do so would likely result in a mutiny. SRC Emergency Aid Cutter. Starfighter. Maneuver- ability 1D, space 10, hull 4D. Imperial Survey Corps Lone Scout-A The Imperial Survey Corps serves as both a scout service and a space-charting agency. Lately the Em- pirehas funneled most of the Corps’ remaining budget into recharting known space for military intelligence and improving trade routes. They are little threat, but are legitimate targets and may have valuable charting data, m Scout Ship (Craft: Sienar Fleet Systems "Lone Scout.A” ‘Type: Stock scout vesset starship gunnery 4D, starship shields 3D-2 Passengers:3 ‘Cargo Capacity: 150 metric tons ‘Consumables: | year ‘Cost: 125,000 (ne), 30,000 (used) Hyperdrive Multiplier: 32 Hyperdrive Backup: x15 Nav Computer: Yes Space: ‘Atmosphere: 295; 850 kmh Halls 4D Shields: 1D Sensors: Passive: 3/00 ‘Sean: 50/10 Search: 75/20 Focus: 5/30 Weapons: Laser Cannon ‘ire Are: Front Crew: Pot ‘Stilt Starship gunnery Space Range: 13/12/25 ‘Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/25 km Damage: 4D Star Yacht See pages 70-12 of Pirates & Privateers for a list of star yachts. Many star yachts are owned by the rich executives of target corporations or wealthy Imperials who have profited from their position. Which are targets and which are owned by comparatively inno- cent civilians is often very difficult to determine. ‘The Far Orbit Project Cries Chapter Three: Enemies of the Far Orbit ‘The Far Orbit's mission is extremely difficult, given thenumber of enemies present in the Ringali Shell. The Shellis well-patrolled by several agencies; the Imperial Navy, the Sector Rangers, corporate security forces and local system patrols willall hamper the privateers* activities. Individuals Captain Vocis Kenit Vocis Kenit is a fairly typical Imperial Navy officer. Kenit—a native of Hallu sector (an undistinguished Mid-Rim region)—enlisted in the Imperial Navy in Its first major expansion and attended the Imperial Naval Academy on Lianna after a two-year term of service. Upon graduation, the newly commissioned Junior Lieutenant Kenit was assigned to the Victory-class Star Destroyer Semqi Pefis. While on the Semaqi Pefis, Kenit used his cunning, technical excellence, freshly in- stilled fervor for the New Order, and strict adherence to the newly issued political regulations to bring the careers of several superior officers under scrutiny. At the end of his first tour as an officer, Kenit was promoted and assigned a dirtside post at the ‘Thomquizarr Naval Base. Herepeated his performance: superior service, intelligent execution of duties, ad- herence to the ideals of the New Order, and a keen eye for spotting the political “failings” of his rivals and superiors. In time, he was again promoted and trans- ferred. This pattern became Kenit’s career path. In every post he received commendations for his abilities and performance while alienating his peers for his per: sonal and professional habits. Too powerful and well- connected to break easily, but not powerful enough to bother destroying, the safest and easiest way to berid of Kenit was to recommend promotion and transfer. Ina mere twelve years, Kenit rose to the rank of captain, and was awarded command of anew Nebulon- B escort frigate, the Far Orbit. Kenit found himself assigned to the far edge of the Empire Kenit turned his devious intellect to rooting out the pirates that plagued these far sectors of the Empire, Goon ‘Three piratelords and a host of small-time pirate shij fell to Kenit’s coordination of escort forces into anti- iratestrike forces. Kenit's ship was kept on themove, as much to keep him from endangering the careers of his superiors as to track down pirates. Inspite of his success, the Far Orbit would probably have been his last career posting, if he hadn't had as ‘cunning and commanding a first officer as Dhas Vedi. His exacting nature and sense of politics failed him at the last moment; he was unprepared for the treachery of an officer more loyal to the Navy that to the Empire. Knit was set adrift in space with an emergency tracking signal. After his recovery and report he was incarcerated (pending a court-martial for failure of command). His many political enemies had found a convenient method of eliminating him. Weeks later Kenit was summarily marched into a holopod to face anlmperial Advisor—Sate Pestage—and learns fate: he had been tried and found guilty. estage had become involved with the affair when word of Vedij's treachery reached the Imperial court. Palpatine was outraged that officers of the Navy would desert en ‘masse, and ordered a full investigation—spearheaded by one of his closest, most-ambitious Advisors. Kenit’s sentence was death—a suspended sentence pending the results of his new assignment. Pestage ordered Kenit to locate and destroy the Far Orbitand Dhas Vedi Failure means death at the hands of Vedij...or an Imperial execution squad. Success means Kenit has a chance to resurrect his stalled career...and save his own neck in the process. m™ Captain Vocis Kenit ‘Type: Imperial Navy Captain EXTERITY 4D Blaster 5D, brawling parry 40.2, dodge 6D.2, melee combat SD, melee parry éD KNOWLEDGE 3D Alen species 5D, business 5D, intimidation 6D+1, languages 30+2, law enforcement: plracy 5D. planetary systems 50, Streetwise SD.2, tacties 40-1, tacties: aiding SD, willpower SD MECHANICAL 2D+2 Astrogation 4D, capital ship gunnery 4D, capital ship piloting '50+2, capital ship shields 4D. communications 3D, sensors 4D. Space transports 40-2, starship gunnery 4D, starship shields 30.2 PERCEPTION 4D ‘Command 5D, con 4D+2, investigation 6D STRENGTH 20+1 Brawling 30-2, stamina 4D-1 TECHNICAL 2D Capital ship repair 30, fest ald 3D, security 4D-2 Force Points: 2 Dark Side Points: 2 Character Points: 27 Mover 10, Equipment: Rank cylinder, datapad, comink, Navyissue blaster pistol (4D), Nebulon-B escort Irgate Feline The Empire The Empire seeks to control known space and all the worlds therein. To this end, the Empire must control and assure safe passage of commerce (necessary to the economy of the galaxy, and continued health of the mili tary and bureaucracy). Protecting civilians from natural and social hazards is a primary Navymission and piracy has traditionally been the target of Navy attention when no other threats loom. In addition to the powerful cap- tal combat ships used by the Navy, the Empire supports patrol services and police agencies, and maintains fleets of light ships, used to patrol Imperial space, provide search and rescue ser- vices, and maintain the peace. The Imperial Navy One of the founding principles of the Imperial Navy was the suppres- sion of piracy, and this duty built the agency's reputation and image across the galaxy—an image that still brings millions of recruits into Naval service every year. This mission is currently The Far Orbit Project secondary to suppressing the actions of the Rebel Alliance, but stil lies near to the heart of the service. (Not surprisingly, a number of old-school Naval offic- ers refer to the Rebels as pirates.) ‘The escort force is the primary anti-piracy task force, and makes up the bulk of a sector group. Escort forces are included in every fleet and are reflections of the need to spread as much firepower across a sector and maintain a presence in as many systems as pos- sible, The superiority force, built around Star Destroyers, uses a modern strategy of massive firepower concen- tration, andis used for combat missions. There are few superiority forces in the Core in this era, and those that are present are kept concentrated near key plan- ets or systems—Kuat and Coruscant, for example. More specific guidelines on escort forces, smaller Naval units, ships, and their anti-pirate activities can be found later in this book. Scenario Hook: TIE Prototypes ‘Since many of the Imperial admirals, fleet com- ‘manders and munitions manufacturers often test new equipment in the field, the Far Orbit can encounter capital ships and fighters that are far superior to the production models found in the Empire, Perhaps the Far Orbitraids aSanthe shipment that is guarded by a TIE prototype—the TIE ‘Advanced. The TIE Advanced—equipped with shields, powerfulweapons, hullarmor, and some of the fastest sublight drives available to starfighters—is potentially a match for the Nebulon-B (and is certainly the superior dogfighter against whatever starfighter comple- ment the Far Orbit has gathered). By the same token, ifthe Far Orbithas procured ion weapons, capturing the prototypes will become a priority for Vedij-—the TIEs will make fearsome additions tothe Far Orbit’s arsenal. t™ Prototype TIE Advanced Graf SF3 TIE Advanced/ TIE/Ad ‘Type: Prototype starighter ‘Seale: Starfighter ‘Length: meters Sl Starghter poting: TE Advanced ‘Sew SKE: Astrozton , sarees pilting 60, starship {gunnery 6D, starship shields 5D. Consumables: 2 days Cost: 400,000 credits ‘iaeopere: 4501300 nh Sields 2002 Sensors: Passive:10/1D yeapons: “Two SES L#9.3 Laser Cannons (irelinked) ‘Fire Are Front ‘ShleStarship gunnery Fire Control: 20 ‘Space Range: \-3/12/25 ‘Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/25 kan Damage: 6D: Imperial Customs Imperial Customs monitors intersystem shipping, enforces trade and tariff regulations, and captures or pursues smugglers. Part of Imperial Customs’ mission Is to provide security in system space (by performing search and rescue and anti-piracy actions when pos- sible). Customs answers to the Coalition for Progress Commerce branch, which collects and maintains vast amounts of data and minutiae on piracy. Commerce's interest stems from the impact piracy has on Imperial intersystem and intersector trade. Itis impractical for the Empireto assign Naval ships to constant security patrol duty. For routine system patrol, especially in secure sectors, it relies on the Imperial Customs Office, which is quite capable of countering freighter-based smugglers and pirates. Every system in the Ringali Shell has an Imperial Customs branch with at least ten ships assigned to them;important systems may havean armada. Several local system governments also acquire these ships for theirownpatrolvessels and to supplement their navies. Imperial Customs uses three main ships: Rendili StarDrive's Light Corvette, Rendili StarDrive’s Impe- rial Customs Frigate and Sienar Fleet Systems Guard: ian-class light cruiser. Each are fine spacecrait, ca- pable of performing the general task of suppressing smuggling and violations of Imperial trade laws. They are, however, probably not up to the task of dealing with the Far Orbit. mi Light Corvette Craft: Rend StarDrive Light Corvette ‘Type: Imperial customs vessel Seale: Starfighter Length: 180 meters ‘Skill Space transports: Imperial light corvette ‘Crew: 62, gunners: 6, skeleton: 18/+10 Grew Skill: Astrogation 5D, space transports: light corvette 4D+2, starship gunnery 40+2, starship shields 4D+2 Passengers: 20 (Cargo Capacity: 500 metric tons ‘Consumables: 2 months Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2 Hyperdrive Backup: x3 Nav Computer: Yer ‘Maneuverability: 20 Space: 8 ‘Atmosphere: 365: 1,050 kmh The Far Orbit Project Eee eee Hull:5Ds1 ‘Shields: 30 Sensors: Passive: 2/10 ‘Scan: 60/20 ‘Search: 90/40 Focus: 4/401 Weapons: ‘Six Double Turbolaser Cannons Tire Arc: Turret Grew: 1 ‘Stil: Starship gunnery Fire Control: 20, Space Range: 3-15/35/75 “Atmesphere Range: 300-1.5/35/75 kin ‘Damage: 4D Capsule: Rendill’s light corvetteis afast, nimble, durable craft with excellent weapons and shielding. It was de- signed to counter ships flown by smugglers who have modified their craft beyond legal speeifications...and does a good job of it. Not surprisingly, shadowport knockoffs of the light corvette are in high de- mand. Imperial Customs Frigate (Craft Rend StarDrive's Imperial Customs Frigate ‘Type: Imperial customs vessel Seale: Starighter ‘Length: 35 meters Skill: Space transports: Imperial customs frigate ‘Crew: 6, gunners: 6 skeleton: 8/410 (Crew Skil Astrogation 5D, space transports: customs. frigate 4D+2, starship gunnery 40-2, starchip shields 40-2 Passenger ‘Cargo Capacity: 100 metric tons Consumables: 3 monthe Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2 Hyperdrive Backup: 38 Nav Computer: Yes, ‘Maneuverability: 20, Space: ‘Atmosphere: 295; 850 kmh Halls 3D<1 Shields: 30 Sensors Passive: 30/10 ‘Seon: 60/20 ‘Search: 80/40 Focus: 4/40+1 Weapons: ‘Six Heavy Laser Cannons Fire Are: Turret Grew: 1 ‘Shit Starship gunnery Fire Control: 29 ‘Space Range: 1-3/12/25 “Atmosphere Range: 100-800/1.2/25 km Damage: 3D Capsule: The standard Imperial customs frigate Is slower and less durable than the corvetie it often serves with, though it hits harder and requires a smaller crew. Imperial Customs Guardian Light Cruiser raft: Sienar Fleet Systems Guardian-cass ightruiser ‘Type: Inter system customs vessel Seale: Starighter Length 42 meters ‘Skill Space transports: Guardian cruiser Crew: 16 ( can coordinate), gunners: 4, skeleton: 8/+10 Crew Skil: strogation 5D, space transports: Guardian erulser 40-2, starship gunnery 4D-2, starship shields 4D.2 Passengers: 6 (bri) ‘Cargo Capacity: 200 metric tons Consumables: months Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1 Hyperdrive Backsp: x10 Nav Computer: Yes Maneuverability: 1D Space: ‘Atmosphere: 400; 1,150 kmh ‘Hull Shields: 20 Sensors: Passive: 30/1D Sean: 60/20 Search: 90/40 Focus: 4/4001 Weapons: The Far Orbit Project Four Laser Cannons Fire Are:2 front, 2 turret Fire Control: ‘Space Range: 1-3)12/25 ‘Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/25 km Damage: 5D Capsule: The Guardian-class cruiserisa fast, tough, hard- hitting ship, intended to patrol remote systems without Immediate fear of destruction, The Guardian is not well- equipped for boarding actions, as it lacks space for a boarding party, and often patrols with corvette or frigate support. Sienar has followed this cruiser with the Guardian 344, a ship with essentially the same performance statistics but with a quarter the operating crew and space for a boarding party of 10 troopers. The Imperial Security Bureau One of the COMPNOR branches interested in piracy is the Imperial Security Bureau (SB). Ithas no interest in actual piracy, but will quickly develop an interest in “politically inspired piracy’—spectically Rebel priva- teers. Once the ISB becomes aware that the Alliance is chartering privateers, it will begin investigating ways to cut off this new “procurement method” while drum- ming up the Imperial propaganda machine to label the Rebellion “bloodthirsty pirates and violent, lawless terrorists.” This leads to assorted jurisdictional issues as agents of the Sector Rangers, Imperial Intelligence, COMPNOR, ISB, and the Imperial Navy all bicker and ‘maneuver against each other in their pursuit of glory and promotion. Scenario Hook: Tracking Devices It is possible that the Imperial Intelligence scheme to slip tracking devices into cargo the Far Orbit seizes actually succeeds. As a result, an Imperial special agent—codenamed WRATH—tracks the Far Orbit across the gal- axy. Imperial covert agents strike locations that the Far Orbit has just vacated—StarForge Station, black market operations on Brentaal, and so on—until the privateer is suddenly viewed with suspicion by the fringe, Vedij will likely realize that the ship ts somehow being tracked, and will attempt to use this informa- tion to lure the forces trailing him into an ambush. ‘m Special Agent WRATH ‘Type: imperial intelligence Special Agent DEXTERITY SD+1 “Archale guns 4D.2, blaster 60.2, aster artillery 5D-2, brawl- ing parry 6D+1, dodge 7D-1,fiearms 6D+1, grenede SD+1, melee combat 6D+1, melee parry GDr1, missile weapons Coe eo 5042, pick pocket 50:2, thrown weapons 6D, vehicle Blast. ers SD.2 KNOWLEDGE 2D Allen species 5D, bureaucracy 6D, business 5D+2, culture 6D*, intimation 5042, languages 7D", law enforcement 6D, planetary systems 7D", streetwise 6D:2, survival 60-2" MECHANICAL 3D. ‘Archaic starship piloting 6D, astrogation 7D", beast riding ‘6D, communtcatfons 6D, ground vehicle operation 6D, hover ‘vehicle operation 6b, repulsorift operation 7D, space trans- ports 5D+2; starfightor plloting D:2, swoop operation §D, ‘walker operation SD PERCEPTION 3D ‘Bargain 5D, command 6D, con 6D, forgery 6D, hide 70, per- ‘uasion 5D:2, search 6D, sneak 6D STRENGTH 2D:2— Brawling 5D, climbing/umping 6D, brawling: martial arts 942, Ifung 5D, stamina 5D, swimming 3D ‘TECHNICAL SD ‘Computer programming/repair 6D, first ald 6D, ground ve- hele repair 6D, hover vehicle repalr 6D, security 7D", walker repair 3D “Some skills have been artificially enhanced by specialized training and maemiotic drugs. Special Abilities: Martial Arts Techniques **: Blindfighting: WRATH makes a Very Dilficult brawling: ‘martial arts roll—and is within striking distance of the tar- {get-—he ean ignore the effects of blindness; he cannot see, but can hear, smell or sense-a target will enough to strike ‘This may be used asa reaction skill Flying Kick: WRATH adds «2D to his damage roll he makes ‘ Dillcult brawling: martial arts roll. Failure to beat the ‘difficulty indicates that he Is off-balance and an opponent may make an additional attack this round with no multiple action penalty. Instant Knockdown: IC WRATH makes a successful Moderste ‘brawling: marialarlsroll—and the attack Is not parrled or ‘dodged™the target is Immediately knocked to the ground ‘The fallen character must either walt one round to stand oF ‘ulfer multiple action penalties ‘Maltiple Strikes: WRATH can make a second attack with no ‘multiple action penalties if he makes a Moderate brawling ‘martial arts roll. The second attack inflicts 3D damage. Sitent Strike: Providing he can sneak up on an opponent, WRATH can instantly lill or render a target unconscious ‘The enemy must be within arm's reach and WRATH must declare if this fsa killing or stunning atkack prior to making the attempt. A successful Difficult brawling: martial arts roll Indleates that the target Is neutrallzed Spinning Kick: WRATH makes a success(ul Moderate brawt- ing: martial arts roll, he adds «1D to his damage rol, Fallure tomakethe Moderateroll Indicates thathe|s oft-balance and ‘his opponent may make an additional attack ths round with ‘no multiple action penalty. ** For mote information on martial arts techniques, see Dawes 116-118 of Rules of Engagement: The Rebel SpecForces, Handbook. Character Potnts: 21 Move: 10 Equipment: Modified hold-out blaster (4D damage, 1Dshots, ‘no serial number), blaster pistol (SD), series of fake IDs (CorSec, COMPNOR, RSSF, Sector Rangers, clvilian) datapad, encrypted comlink. Tn addition, WRATH can draw on virtu: ally any plece of personal gear in the Imperial arsenal prior toa mission. ‘Capsule: The agent known only as WRATH Is a top. Imperial Intel operative. He is a cold, brutal profes: sional who will never back down from an opponent— a merciless, incorruptible, implacable foe. The Far Orbit Project Cra keke Imperial Intelligence (the Ubiqtorate) Like its political counterpart, Imperial Intelligence (commonly referred to as the Ubiqtorate) has no Interest in actual piracy. Rebel piracy is a different matter. Also like the ISB, the Ubiqtorate isinterested in using this development to further its own ends, al- though these ends are significantly different from, even at odds with, the goals of COMPNOR. A long: Scenario Hook: Special Forces The Ubiqtorate maintains a string of secret bases, some hidden on worlds of the Ringali Shell, others are concealed within the Ringali Nebula itself. Base D8-Red is designated as the Imperial Intelligence “Special Projects Facility’—a staging area for several covert operations throughout the Core Worlds, and a preliminary launch point for ‘ops in the Outer Rim Territories. The base is built on a stable planetoid and houses thousands of Intel agents, a team of engineers and scientists (tasked with the chore of developing new weap- ‘ons suitable for covert operations), and several hundred Imperial SpecNav troops. The SpecNay program is an unusual joint effort between the Ubiqtorate and the Navy. (The Navy hopes to gain dangerous soldiers that can land and establish beachheads—eliminating the need to rely on Army troops. The Ubigtorate hopes to gain mobile Intel operatives based aboard far-rang- ing ships that can be deployed on sensitive mis- sions at a moment's notice:) Thus far, the exper- ‘ment has been successful: imperial SpecNav troops are dangerous, highly-skilled and crafty soldiers. ‘The Alliance—and indeed most of the Imperial Navy—are unaware of the existence of SpecNav troops lithe Far OrbitdiscoverstheSpecNav troops and reports it to their Alliance overseers, the Rebels will likely be very grateful. ‘m Imperial SpecNav Troops ‘Type: Imperial Naval Special Forces trooper DEXTERITY 3D Blaster 6D+2, brawling parry 5D, dodge 51-2, grenade 5D, melee combat 30.2, melee parry 50.2 KNOWLEDGE sD Allen species 4D, planetary syst MECHANICAL 20-2 Astrogation 4D+2, beast riding 3D, capital ship gunnery 4D.2, capital ship piloting 4D.2, capital shipshields 40:2, hover vehicle ‘operation $D-1, repulsorlift operation SD, space transports 5D, starfighter piloting 6D, starship gunnery 5D, starship shields 5D ‘PERCEPTION 3D. Con Sb, search 6D, STRENGTH 3D+1 Brawling 5D+1, brawling: martial arts 7 TECHNICAL 3D ‘Blaster repair 4D, computer programming/repair 6D, demolitions 60, first ald 6D, security SD. 155D,strcetwiseSD, survival 5D yak 5042 standing rift between the agents of the ISB and COMPNOR frequently causes infighting between these two powerful agencies. Law-enforcement Agencies Sector Rangers ‘The Sector Rangers have remained essentially unal- tered since the rise of the Empire. It patrols Imperial ‘Special Abilities: = Blindfighting: I the trooper makes a Very Difficult brawling: martial ars roll—and is within striking distance of the target—he ean ignore the effects of blindness; he cannot ‘see, but can heat, smell or Sense a target will enough to Strike. This may be used as a reaction skill Tasiant Knockdown: Ifthe trooper makes a successful Me erate brawling! martial ars roll—and the attack is not parried or dodged—the target is immediately knocked to the ground. The fallen character must either walt one ‘ound to stand or sulfer multiple action penalties. ‘Maitipte Strikes: The trooper can make second attack with no multiple ation penalties ithe miakes a Moderate brow ing! martial arts rll. The second attack nlicts 3D damage. Silent Strike: Providinghe can seakup onan opponent, tne {rooper ean instantly ill or render a target unconscious. ‘The enemy must be within arm'sreachand he must declare Jt this fs killing oF stunning sttack prior to making the attempt. A successful Dilicult Orawing: martial ats roll Indicates thatthe target is neutralized Zer04 Combat Traine: SpecNev troops are tralned in 210-8 Combat, and receivea «1B honus 10 all dodge rolls, or any roll toattack Character Pointe: Typieally2-12 Move: 10 Equipment: Veries from mission to mission—frequenty, SpecNav troops are issued prototype personal arms, armor and explosives as needed. Specialists: There are five standard designations for SpecNav troops: Line, Saboteur, Tech, Assault, and Covert. + Line units. Standard SpecNav troops that have the stats indicated above. ‘*Saboteur units. These troops have an additional +ID in hide and sneak, and an additional +2D in ‘computer programming/repair, demolitions, streetwise and security. * Tech units. These troops receive +1D in armor repair, blaster repair. droid programming, droid repair, first aid, repulsorlift operation, repulsorlift Tepair, space transports repair, starfighter repair, and walker repair. ‘Assault units. Assault units receive +2Din blaster, blaster artillery, brawling, brawling parry, grenade, ‘melee combat, melee parry, and vehicle blasters. * Covert units. Covert units receive additional training {n espionage and counterinteligence and have +1D to ‘bargain, command, con, hide, search, sneak, computer programming/repair, security and streetwise The Far Orbit Project Cree ee eed == Pi, SD The Far Orbit Project Crakk space and enforces the Imperial Code in general. The Sector Rangers are part of the Imperial Office of Crimi- nal Investigation (IOC, which keeps watch over as- sorted police organizations and maintains the Impe- rial Enforcement DataCore. 1OCLin turn answers to the Justice branch of the Coalition for Progress—a branch of COMPNOR. The IOCI is primarily a criminological agency which collects and exchanges data among other branches. ‘The Sector Rangers are more vigorous than their parent branch. A Ranger team—defined by the number needed to crew a given Ranger ship—may move any- where in a particular sector and are authorized to use whatever means necessary to apprehend criminals. ‘This includes powers of deputization, temporary com- mandeering of vehicles and equipment, and the suspen- sion of local officials that obstruct investigations and enforcement of Imperial law. Rangers are known to use this authority to its full extent, and are ruthless in their investigation techniques. Although too intelligent to fall back on ISB-style torture, the Rangers do apply strong- arm tactics with some regularity. “The Rangers share an uneasy co-existence with the Ringalt Shell Security Force, a local Ringali police organi- zation. The RSSF traditionally has more influence over local system patrols, but the Rangers have a higher authority as an Imperial agency. The agencies rarely cooperate or share information directly. Complicating matters is the broader physical jurisdiction granted the RSSF. The two sectors of the Shell have one Ranger branch each, but the RSSF can (and routinely do) cross sector boundaries in the pursuit of an investigation, while Rangers must coordinate with the local Sector Ranger branch. m Typical Sector Ranger DEXTERITY 3D Blaster 5D+1, dodge D2, melee combat SD. melee parry 4D+2 KNOWLEDGE 4D. Alien species 5D, cultures 8D languages 5 8, planetary eystems SDr1, streetwise 50-2, MECHANICAL 20 Astrogaton 3D, sensors 3D, space transports 8D, starfighter, piloting 3D PERCEPTION 4D Bargsin SD, command SD, hide SD, investigation 7D, sneak 50 STRENGTH 3D Braviing 4D, stamina 4002 TECHNICAL 20 Armor repair 3D, blaster repair 4D, computer programming! repair 3Dst Force Potnts: Varies: typically 1-2 Character Points: Varies: typeally 3-8 Move: 10, Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D), Dast helmet (+l energy, «1D physial head ony), comin, medpac, survival kt, datapad. Law-class Patrol Craft One of the smallest patrol ships in Imperial service, the Law-class patrol ship was KDY's first attempt at ‘creating system patrol craft It has gained little accep- tance in its intended role of scouting, but serves as a system customs and patrol craft in several sectors. The Jaw enforcement Law-class patrol ship is the primary vessel for Sector Ranger teams. m Low-class Light Patrol Craft Craft: Kuat Drive Yard Laurclass Liht Patrol Craft ‘Type: Advance scout pattol raft Seale: Starfighter Length: 51 meters SKIIE Space transports: Law patrol craft (Crew: 15, skeleton: 4/s5 ‘Grew Skil Astrogation 50, space transports: Law patrol craft 5D42, starship gunnery 5D, starship shields 4D-2 Passengers: 10 (brig) (Cargo Capacity: 250 metric tons Consumables: 5 months Hyperdrive Multiplier x Hyperdsive Backup: x12 ‘Nav Computer: Yes Maneuverabiiy: 1D Space: 5 ‘Atmosphere: 295; 850 kmh Hull's Shields: 10 Sensors: Passive: 3010 Sean: 60/20 Search 50/40 Focus: 4/4De1 Weapons: Four Laser Cannons Tire Are? front, 2 turret Shit Starship gunnery Fire Control: 2002 Space Range: 13/12/28 ‘Armospere Range: 100-300/1 2725 km Damage: SD Proton Torpedo Launcher (with five torpedoes) Fire Ave Front Skil Starship gunnery Fire Contr 03 Space Range: 15/05 ‘Atmosphere Range: 100-500/10/15 km Damage: 80 PB-950 Patrol Boat ‘The PB-950 is an older patrol boat, which saw its last productions shortly after the Clone Wars. The Empire phased out the 950in favor of the Customs Corvette, but 950s are perfectly able ships and used by many patrol services, including the Sector Rangers of Bormea and Darpa sectors. tm PD-950 Patrol Boat Craft: Corellian PB-850 ‘Type: Stock patrol boat ‘Seale: Starfighter Length: 37 meters ‘SKI Space transports: PBL950 patrol boat Crew: 2, gunners; 2 Crew Skill: AstrozationSD, spacetransports:PB-9505D, starship gunnery 5D, starship shields 4D+2 Hyperdrive Multiplier x1 Hyperdrive Backup: 12 Nav Computer: Yee Maneaverability: 1D Space: 8 ‘Atmosphere: 365: 1.050 kmh The Far Orbit Project Hull: 50 ‘Shields: 3D Sensors: Passive: 30/1 ‘Sean: 60/20 ‘Search: 90/4D Focus: 4/4De1 Weapons: (Quad Laser Cannon Fire Are: Turret Crew: ‘Stilt Starship gunnery Fire Control: 20. Space Range: 1-3/12/25 “Atmosphere Range: 100-800/1.2/35 km Damage:3D ‘Concussion Mislle Tube (with five missiles) Fire are: Turret Crew: Fire Control: 20. Space Range: 1/37 ‘Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/700 Damage: 8D ‘Two Medium fon Cannons (retinke) "Fire Are: Front Grow: 1 (pilot or co-pilot) Skill Starship gunnery Fire Control: 30. Space Range: 1-3/7/36 “Atmosphere Ronge: 100-300/700/36 kan Damage: 4D Regulator X-Q2 System Patrol Cruiser ‘The Regulator X-Q2 is a commonly used patrol cruiser, especially or longterm patrols, The Rangers. use a few Regulators in the Shel, although none of them have had to fire anything more than a warning shot in the last five years. tm Regulator X-Q2 System Patrol Cruiser Craft: Loronar Regulator X2 System Patrol Cruiser ‘Type: interSystem Patrol/Customs Cruiser Seate: Capital Length 150 meters ‘Skill: Capital ship pitting Crew: 14 ‘Crew Skill: Astrogation 5D, capita ship gunnery 0, capital ship piloting: Regulater XQ2 40-2, capital ship shields 4D-2 Passengers 15, ‘Cargo Capacity: 500 metric tons ‘Consumables: 3 months ‘Maneuverability: 20:2 Space: 7 ‘Atmosphere: 350; 1,000 kan ‘lls Shiela: 20-2 Sensors: Passive: 40/10 ‘Seon: 80/20 ‘Sear 100/30 ‘Foeus:5/40 Weapons: Five Laser Cannons Fire Are ront, 1 back, eft right, turret ‘Sil: Capital ship gunnery Fie Control: 2002 ‘Space Range: 3-15795/15 “Atmosphere Range: 630/70/150 km ‘Damage 40 eae kekue eee oc Ringali Shell Security Force ‘The Ringali Shell Security Force (RSSF) was origi nally founded centuries ago to counter a variety of threats to public safety—pirates, insurgents and crimi- nal organizations, to name a few. In time, the RSSF developed from a loose collection of police, colonial marshals and maverick constables into a model ser- vice. In recent times, it has aged into a genteel public safety service, more concerned with assisting ships in distress than in the remote threat of piracy. Most of the anti-crime duties the RSSF was founded to pursue have been assumed by the Sector Rangers. ‘The RSSF has many patrol ships criss-crossing the Shell, mostly watching for ships in distress. The RSS ‘once functioned as the Shell's de facto navy and home guard, but this side of the service withered as the frontier moved on and the Shell became reliant on the Old Republic Navy. ‘The RSSF has an investigations division which pur- sues criminal investigations (although it is primarily interested in aiding or coordinating investigations of crimes that cross Bormea and Darpa sector bound- aries). The investigations division typically hunts out smugglers, black marketers, thieves, and fugitives that attempt to move across sector boundaries. Sys- tem police forcesare perfectly able to investigate local crimes, but a criminal ring that is large enough to operate in across both sectors requires more legwork to quash than the local patrol services are able to undertake. The charter of the RSSF grants it authority to cross theBormeaDarpaborder freely in ts activities. Ringali system patrols tend to be more interested in cooper- ating with the RSSF than with the Sector Rangers, and both agencies frequently clash over ju mn. The RSSF nominally answers to the Imperial Office of Crimi- nal Investigations, as do the Rangers, but the [OCI rarely exercises any authority over local police forces. m Typical Ringali Shell Security Force Agent DEXTERITY 2D Blaster D+2, dodge 3042 KNOWLEDGE 4D Alien species 4D+2, cultures 5D+1, languages 5D, law enforce- ment 6D, planetary systems: Ringali Shell, streetwise 50-2 MECHANICAL 2D. Astrogation 3D, sensors 3D+1, space transports 3D+2 PERCEPTION 4D. Command SD, hide SD, investigation GD, sneak 5D STRENGTH 30 Brawling 3D-2, stamina 4D TECHNICAL 2b Computer programming/repair 3De1, first ald 4D Force Polats: Varies; typleally 1-2 (Character Points: Varies; typically 2-6 Move: 10, Equipment: Blaster pistot (4D), comlink, 2 medpacs, vaesut, datapad. SFS Light Patrol Ship The RSSF uses many ships included elsewhere in this chapter but has more SFS Light Patrol Ships—a The Far Orbit Project rae ee eed short-range patrol ship more common Coreward than Rimward—than any other type of craft. ‘The Light Patrol Ship is a freighter-sized vessel with excellent sublight speed and solid hull armor. The shielding and maneuverability of the ship are some- what lacking, however; asa result, the RSSF prefers to send patrol ships out in trios. mm SFS Light Patrol Ship Craft: Sienar Fleet Systems Light Patrol Ship ‘Type: Patrol ship Seale: Starfighter Lengt: 38 meters Skill Space transports: SPS light patrol ship Crew: 3, gunners:3, (Crew Skill: See Ringall Shell Agent Passengers: (orig) ‘Cargo Capacity: 100 metric tons ‘Consumables: I month Hyperdrive Multiplier: xt Hyperdrive Backup: 10 ‘Nav Computer: Yes Maneuverability: 1D Space: 8 ‘Aumnosphere: 365; 1,050 kmh Hulls 40-1 Shields: 20 Sensors: Passive: 30/10 ‘Scan: 60/1D-2 Search: 90/20-2 Focus: 420+ Weapons: ‘Twin Laser Cannons "ire re: Front ‘Skil Starship gunnery Fire Control: 1D Space Range: 13/12/25, ‘Atmosphere Rarge: 100-800/1.2725 km Damage: 30-2 ‘Three Lazer Cannons ‘ire Are: Turret Space Range: 1312/25 ‘Atmosphere Range: 100-900/1.2/25 km DDamage:5D System Patrols System patrols are operated by local law-enforce- ment agencies, native to a particular system. They generally have ships and firepower to counter the threats they expect—smugglers and minor local erimi- nals. Although generally only a minor threat to a well- armed ship like the Far Orbit, they are dedicated and annoyingly omnipresent. A system patrol ship is likely tobe the first response to a distress call in any popu- lated system or jump zone. Pursuer-class Enforcement Ship This older-model Mandalorian police ship is still used in patrol forces through the galaxy, although itis no longer known to be produced. The Pursuer is extremely nimble and possesses a formidable weap- ‘ons package. Several local system patrols have this ship in their space force, especially ones with more than one system to patrol. m Pursuerclass Enforcement Ship Craft: MandalMotors Purswerclass Enforcement Ship ‘Type: Systems patrol vehicle Seale: Starighter Length: 30.1 meters ‘Skill: Starfighter piloting: Parsuer Crew: 1 Crew Skill: Astrogation 3D+2, space transports 8D42, starship gunnery 4D.2, starship shields 3D Passengers: 2 5 (prison cells) Cargo Capacity: 35 metric tons Consumables: 5 weeks Cost 200,000 Hyperdtive Multipter: x1 Hyperdrive Backup: x16 Nay Computer: Yes, Maneuverability: 1D Space: ? ‘Atmosphere: 350; 1,000 kmh Hull aD Shi Sensors: Passive: 35/1D+1 ‘Scan: 55/20-1 ‘Search: 80/30+1 Focus: 4De1 10 Weapons: ‘Twin Blaster Cannon (lirelinked) ‘ire Are:Front Stil Starship gunnery Fire Control: 20 ‘Space Range: 5/17 “Atmosphere Range: 100500/3/1.7 km Damage: 3D “Two fon Cannons (lretinke) ire Arc Turret ‘Shi Starship gunnery Fire Conrot 20 Space Range: 1-31T136 “Atmosphere Range 100-800/700(3 6 km Damage: 4D IR-3F Patrol Ship The forerunner to the IPV-1, the IR3F patrol/cus- toms craft is tied to a particular system; it lacks a hyperdrive. IR3Fs are capital combat vessels that primarily rely on brute force. Typically, such ships are assigned to systems where ongoing blockades are in operation The IRGF is well-designed, with a high power output for its size—its main flaw is the small crew, which tends to wear down more quickly than missions call for. IR3Fs are common patrol ships in the Shell, along with the more advanced IPV-1. mi IR-OF Patrol Ship (Craft: Sienar Fleet Systems R-3F ‘Type: inter-ystem patrol/eustoms erat Seale: Capital, Length: 110 meters ‘Skill: Capital ship poting (Creve: 3, gunners: & skeleton: 1/45 (Crew Sli Astrogation 4D.2, capital ship gunnery 4D, capital ship piloting: IRF 4D, capital shil shields 4D Passengers: 10 (troops) Cargo Capacity: 180 metric tons Consumables: months Maneuverability: 20 Space: 7 The Far Orbit Project ‘Atmosphere: 350; 1,000 kmh Hull: 30 Shields: 20.2 Sensors: ‘Passive: A0/1D ‘Sean: 80/1D+1 ‘Search: 130/20 Focus: 4/2042 Weapons: Four Turbolaser Cannons Fre are: Turret Grew? ‘Sl: Capital ship gunnery Fire Control: 20 Space Range: 3-15/95/%5 ‘Atmosphere Range: 300-15/3./75 km ‘Damage: 40 Corporations Few of the Imperial-supporting corporations in the ingali Shell see a need for a large, armed and expen- ive security force in the calm and quiet space of the Shell. Most corporate security divisions concentrate ‘on property security, monitoring employees (to pre~ vent theft), and countering economic espionage. The hazards of space seem remote, and are—in the corpo- rate mindset—best hanciled by the legitimate govern- ment. In the early phase of the Far Orbit’s career, corporations are easy prey. Corporations are not devoid of security measures, however; they are merely lax in some ways and fo- cused on other threats. Some shipments, especially shipments of small and valuable goods that can be easily resold (gems, precious metals and artwork, for example) have a strong security presence to counter the threat of professional thieves. (Ironically, this heightened security is the result of the actions of the infamous Tombat, a sneakthief that has plagued the Core Worlds for months.) These measures are not intended to counter armed robbery in space. ‘As the Far Orbit becomes more and more daring, the corporations targeted by the Rebel Alliance begin to implement anti-piracy protocols on their cargo ship- ments. (See Chapter Two for more information.) Greer Scenario Hook: Never Raid An XTS Freighter... While Vedij is wellbriefed on the criminal element in theRingali Shell, hehas never encoun- tered Black Sun, a shadowy orgonization that many consider a myth (if they've heard of it at all), Black Sun is run by Prince Xizor, a Fallen noble who is also a close confidant of Palpatine himself. One of Xizor's many front companies is Xizor Transport Systems, a shipping concern that operates throughout the Core Worlds and Outer Rim Territories. XTS maintains fleets of container ships and massive bulk freighters—easy targets for a ‘Nebulon-B. If the Far Orbit attacks an XTS craft, Xizor will order an investigation through the criminal underworld. At the same time, he will appeal to the Emperor to ensure the protection ofhis craft. As aresult, teams of bounty hunters, ‘assassins and thugs will be searching for the Far Orbit, as will the Imperial Navy and other legiti- mate law-enforcement agencies who have been ‘spurred into furious action by the Emperor him- self In the event that the Far Orbit does seize XTS cargo, Puullo the Hutt will declare any agree- ‘ments null and void, StarForge Station will not allow the Far Orbit near, black market contacts ‘on Brentaal IV will disavow any Far Orbit crewer, ‘and most underworld connections the crew may have developed will dissolve...all in a matter of weeks. Formore information on Black Sun, see Chap- ter Three of the Shadows ofthe Empire Sourcebook. The Far Orbit Project Gres Chapter Four: The Fringe ‘The Ringali Shell—while close to the seat of Impe- rial power—is not withoutits shadier side. Asmall but determined fringe element has carved out a tiny foot- hold in the Shell, which may prove to be a help or a hindrance to the crew of the Far Orbit. The Black Market The black market has a small but thriving hold on many of the starports in the Ringali Shell. The wealthy and influential members of Shell society often pay ‘exorbitant sums for all manner of items: music, litera ture and holovids (often banned by COMPNOR), ex- otic foods and beverages, and other items that are rare or illegal. In general, there are independent black market ‘operations that can be found in the vicinity of every major spaceport in the Shell - Finding the | Black Market Finding black market contacts is a difficul butnecessary—part of outlaw life. ~-Interms of the Far Orbit Campaign, it is pos- sible that some of the tacts on worlds in the Ringal : tacts can not sell goods to the crew, but “sponsor” them to local black marketers, Roll. 1D and consult the following chart to. determine how. Far Orbit begin: lack market contacts the lay with: © Roll —_No. of Contacts 12 1 34 2 56 3 In order to make contact with the black mar= Ket, characters must pass aseries of tests. First,_| the characters must be introduced to a local lack marketcer through their underworld con tacts-Then, alter athorough background fen are much more amicable, _ Locating New Contacts ~The characters can mnake new contacts in the ‘underworld by simply “cutting a contact path.” 3y frequientinglocal cantinasand tapcates,char- acters can eventually find @ sponsor into the black market. ~ Whentryingto cutacontact path, characters | should rolltheirstreetwise dice. (Characters can ‘usethe combined action rules for this attempt.) Consult the table below: Result No effect. False contact; 1 in 6 chance that contact is undercover law- enforcement agent. Attempt to locate black market fails. Partial contact made; 2 in 12 (roll ‘of two “ones” on 2D) chance of locating the black market suc- cessfully, Contact made; | in 6 chance of locating the black market sue- cessfully, Contact made; 1 in 3 chance of locating the black market suc- cessfully, Contact made; 50% chance of locating the black market suc- cessfully. Contact made; black market located successfully. os 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31+ Black Market Items Since the Far Orbit can not simply arrive at a Ringali Shell tarport and restock, Vedij will pay closeattention to the prices of items like food, medicine, bacta, weap- ‘ons, and equipment. The following table shows how the Far Orbit's actions affect prices on the black market: The Far Orbit Project @ Ercan ‘Computer Equipment PhaseOne Phase Two Phase Three Item Availability Base Cost __Cost Modifier __ Cost Modifier Honey CombiIx Computer spike” x 13,500 x3 x5 Impalement Forward computer spike! x 10,500 x3 xd Intraderconiputer spike x 500) oS Ec Lancer computer spike! x 9,000 x3 x4 MicroThrast Portable Computers: (OD) F 5,000 Credits mae x3 ap)" F 10,000 x2 x3 @D)! a F 25,000 SE 33 3D)! F 35,000 x2 x3 ap)! F 148,000) 7 Bi 6D)! F 55,000 x2 x3 Piercer Iicomputer spike’ i xs SUE x Piercer IV computer spike! x 6,000 x3 xf RidaleE@ht Spike! EEX 12,000 38 Spear V computer spike! x 7,000 x3 x4 ‘Tinnelericomputer spike! x 15,000) 33 Medicine and Medical Equipment Fate Phase One Phase Two Phase Three Item ______ Availability Base Cost___ Cost Modifier__Cost Modifier ‘Athakanall Med Unit™ S 2 3,000 9S 38 x16 Bacta R 2,000 (per liter) x30 x50 Baa Tank z 3,000 320 60 BioTech FastFlesh Medpac' 2 500 x4 x6 (Chiewab/Amalgamated Pharmaceuticals = Company ECM-598 Medical Backpack? 2 1,600 x10 x15 DiMatolin® = 2R 100 as x6) Elisinandrox? 2,R 250 x10 x20 Gréshow-polyiorin® QR) 150 x10 20 Haladreshin? 2,R 200 x15 x25 MerenData Universal Computer lnterface* "712,500 (plus’L00 for sortwareupgrades) 2510) Nilar Med/Tech Corporation Field Cauterze? 3 200 x0) 25 Praxen Emergency Medical Supplies, Lifnited PSP-278 Portable Survival Pod? 3 19500) 320) 530 Requilisant? 2R 200 x15 x25 Seselini Medicinal Electronics Cyduct E-23 Booster? 3,F,RorX 1,250 x8 x16 ‘Slusanit inte¥stellay PRaHacologIES ‘SGB-543 Sluissi Gravitic Pressure Bandage’ 2 750 x8 x16 SyritheCure Spray Plasto-Cast™ 1 35 x8 216) ‘Synthtech Medtech Corporation Med Diagnostic Scanner? 1 ‘on x10 x5) @ The For Orb Prof Coe Hunting Blaster 2F 500 x10 x15, The Far Orbit Project @Q— eae PhaseOne Phase Two Phase Three Item Availability _ Base Cost. _Cost Modifier Cost Modifier Luxan Personal Armaments, Ltd. Penetrator MB-450" 4,ForR 600 x35 x40 ‘50 (power cells) Malaxan Firepower Incorporated EWG5 flechette pisto? 3,ForR 500) 325 x30 30 (ammunition clip) Medium Laser Cannon 2R 7,500 x10 x20 Medium Repeating Blaster 2X! 3,000) 330 350 Merr-Sonn Munitions “Intimidator” IRS? 3,X 1,250 x25 x40 ‘50 (power pack) 200 (retractable stock) Metr'Sonn Munitions: ‘MSD-32 Disrupter Pistol? 4,x 4,000 x20 x30 Merr-Sonn Munitions Q2 Hold-out blaster’ 2, R or X 275 x4 x6 25 (power packs) ‘MerrSonn Anti-Riot Tangle Gun' 7 x 300 x20 x30 Newronié Whip) QR 450 x10 x5) Palm Blaster 2 200 x4 x8 Portable Rocket Launcher 3x 2,600 320 330 Positive Flow Detonator! R 100 x10 320 Power sword 2R 600) x10) x15: Powerstaff 2,ForR 300 x8 x16 PraxArms|Protector PRP-500 Hold-out Dart Pistol? 2,PorR 250 x15. 225 40 (ammo clip) Proton Torpedo System 2R 2,000 320 40 Proton Torpedoes 2.R 500 x20 100 Repeating Blaster 2X 2,000 320) 330 Riot Gun 2R 750 x10 x20 Sabrashi Biochemical Deterrants, Inc., FSF200 Fear Stick® 4F 600 x20 330 50 (refills) ‘Saneretti/Arms'& Munitions; Interstellar Rodlan Cryogen Whip? 3,F,RorX 350 330 x35 Sessian Armaments Concussion Stick Model’ 1-79 3.F,RorX 200 (pair) x20 330 Slugthrower Pistol 2R 275 = x2 Slugthrower Rifle 2R 300 - 2 Slugthrower Submachine Gut 2R 600) = 2 SoroSuub Bi-polar Blaster BMC-150 carbine? 4,RorX 1,000 225 330 (@00;power pack) ‘SoroSuub QuickSnap 36T* 2,F,RorX 900 xf x6 25 (power packs) SoroSuub Stormtrooper One Blaster Rifle? 2X 1,000 x8 x10 25 (power pack) ‘SoroSuub XG Anti-Gravity Field Bombs! x 400 x20 x40 ‘Sporting Blaster aR 300 x8 x16) @ The Far Ori Poet Ercan Phase One Phase Two Phase Three Item. Availability Base Cost. Cost Modifier Cost Modifier Standard Anti-vehicle Mine? 2X 750 x30 x35 Standard theritial detonator eae 2,000 x40 345" Stormtrooper armor? aX 2,500 x10 320 ‘StuNBatons SeSaeaeSI ROE: 500 = i Stun Pistol LF 200 - IS crac ce a Ss sso esta Typical Blast Helmet? 1 300 - ibaa z ZR 500 at z Vibro-shiv 2F 200 xt Mibrobayoriet = ms nde 300 aaah Vibroblade 2.F 250 x6 Wookice Boweaster = Oe Xana Exotic Arms MSW.9 Molecular Stiletto? 4,RorX 400 x35 ApE ROE S55 6,0005 = 330. E . 25 (power cells) : ‘Zone Contvol Viper Grenade Laiiictier RSS 00% = x30 0 Zone Supplies, Ltd. Pressure Plate F 300 x2 xd ~ Sensoi and Commi nications Gear Phase One Phase Two-Phase Three Item Availability Base Cost _Cost Modifier __ Cost Modifier Astroservér industries = =

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