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Digital Unit Plan Template

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Digital Unit Plan Template Unit Title: The Awakening Content Area: English

CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):

Name: Victoria Rodriguez Grade Level: 11

Reading Standards for Literature Grades 11-12 1.Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain 2.Determine two or more themes or central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one another to produce a complex account; provide an objective summary of the text. 3. Analyze the impact of the authors choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama (e.g., where a story is set, how the action is ordered, how the characters/archetypes are introduced and developed). CA 4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including words with multiple meanings or language that is particularly fresh, engaging, or beautiful. 5. Analyze how an authors choices concerning how to structure specific parts of a text con tribute to its overall structure and meaning as well as its aesthetic impact. 6.Analyze a case in which grasping point of view requires distinguishing what is directly stated in a text from what is really meant.
Big Ideas:

Essential Questions:
What historical movements may have led Kate Chopin to write this novel? What themes or ideas are presented in this novel? Why is this novel relevant today? Skills: elaborate, refine, and analyze ideas critical thinking and interpretation close reading
Unit Goals and Objectives:

1. Students will analyze and develop a theme throughout a novel. Using a graphic organizer, they will identify how is evolves through the story with direct evidence from the text. 2. Students will make historical connections to help understand textual meaning. They will view a presentation on the Progressive Era and write a

quickwrite of their interpretation. 3. Students will make connections between the themes in the novel to society today. The end project will be an essay or video illustrating these connections.
Unit Summary:

This unit is for my 11th grade English literature course. The unit will help students to fully grasp the novel The Awakening written in the late 1800's by Kate Chopin. Students will think critically about the purpose and theme behind the novel and the author. Students will discuss major elements of literature and understand how this novel relates to the world and society of today. Students will learn to connect historical context to meaning and understanding. Students will use collaborative learning to identify themes and critically analyze this work of literature. They will organize themes and how those themes relate to characters symbols and motifs throughout the novel.
Assessment Plan: Entry-Level: Formative: Summative:

Quickwrite- Students will begin by answering a question that will connect their life or views to a general theme of the novel. This will be a ten minute activity to get the unit started and engage personal knowledge and learning. Why do you think people who are different are often rejected by others? Has this ever happened to you? Explain.

Vocabulary Flashcards- Students will be required

to create flashcards throughout the novel. They will be given a list of vocabulary at the beginning of each chapter and will define each on their own. Also each flashcard will include an explanation of context as well as one page number from where it is found in the novel. Chapter Journals- Each student will be required to journal their reactions or understanding to the novel after each chapter. Each entry must be one page in length or longer. Partner Sharing- Students will identify plot and discuss characters each week. As a class we will then discuss key parts of the weeks assigned chapters. Quizzes- There will be a total of four quizzes for the novel. They will be given randomly during the unit to check who is reading and

Poster on theme- Groups of three will work on a Glogster poster. Each poster will use three specific instances in the novel to support theme and will be uniquely designed and illustrated. Essay on use of a symbol- Each student will be required to write one three page essay identifying a symbol from the novel. The thesis will make a specific claim about the use of the symbol, using direct quotes and textual evidence. This final essay will be proofread by peers a week before it is turned in.

understanding the material. Graphic Organizer- Students will identify and elaborate a theme they connected to within the novel. Students will do this as independent work.

Lesson 1 Student Learning Objective: Acceptable Evidence: Completion of the guided notes questions. Completion of journal prompts. Poster on theme Instructional Strategies: Communication Collection Collaboration Presentation Organization Interaction
Lesson Activities: - Prezi Lecture -guided notes for lecture -chapter journals and notes -beginning of poster project groups

2. Students will make historical connections to help understand textual meaning. 3. Students will make connections between the themes in the novel to society today.
Lesson 2 Student Learning Objective:

Acceptable Evidence: Completion of webercise. Completion of glogster theme poster.

2. Students will make historical connections to help understand textual meaning. 3. Students will make connections between the themes in the novel to society today.
Lesson 3 Student Learning Objective:

Instructional Strategies: Communication Collection Collaboration Presentation Organization Interaction

Lesson Activities: -Webercise -glogster poster and presentation of poster

Acceptable Evidence: Completion of graphic

1. Students will analyze and develop a theme

Instructional Strategies: Communication Collection

Lesson Activities: -students will complete graphic organizer

throughout a novel.

organizer with textual evidence Journal writings Essay on symbol

Collaboration Presentation Organization Interaction

-students will write in journals -essay on symbols

Unit Resources:

The Progressive Era: Kate Chopin Society: Kate Chopin: Vocabulary for the unit: Online Novel: Period History: Women History: Biography: Visual Essay: Sparknotes: Book Recap:
Useful Websites:

Literary Devices: Popplet: Character Mapping:

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