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The Rule of Triennial Cohabitation

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-The doctrine of triennial cohabitation, that is, that if there has been no sexual intercourse between married parties after an ostensible cohabitation as husband and wife for three years, the husband will be presumed impotent, and the burden will be upon him to overcome this presumption, is well settled in England.1 In the case of The Countess of Essex,2 decided in the year 1613, the law of triennial cohabitation was declared by the King's Delegates as follows: "That impotentia coeundi in viro whatsoever, whether by natural defect, or accidental means, whether absolute towards all, or respective to his wife only, if it precede matrimony, and be perpetual (as by law is presumed, when after three years trial, after the man is of the age of eighteen, there has been nil ad copulam, and the marriage not consummated) is a just cause of divorce a vinculo inatrimonii." Dr. Lushington explains the rule as not an absolute one, because the inference of impotency drawn from the non consummation of the marriage after three years of cohabitation is capable of being rebutted; nor does the rule exclude other evidence to show impotency before the lapse of three years.3 The rule merely raises a prima facic presumption of impotency after par- ties ostensibly married have cohabited for three years.4 But al- though the word "cohabit" is not taken to mean spending every night under the same roof, it has been held that where the par- ties have been necessarily separated a considerable part of the time, a further period of grace will be allowed.5 And in the case of Sparrow v. Harrisoln it was decided that a medical examination of the man was unnecessary, the examination of the woman, and her condition having been found virgo intacta being deemed sufcient where the parties had cohabited the required period of three years. Although in the United States a marriage is held voidable where either party thereto is impotent, that is, incapable of free sexual intercourse,7 apparently the rst American case to recognize and apply the doctrine of triennial cohabitation is Tompkins v. Tompkins,8 decided in August 1920. In that case the parties had cohabited for ve years after marriage, at the end of which time the wife was still a virgin. She was granted an annulment of the marriage on the ground of incurable impotency of the husband, who was unable to overcome the presumption raised by the doctrine under discussion.! In delivering the opinion of the court, Backes, V. C., said: "There is no valid reason for not adopting it (the doctrine of triennial cohabitation) as a part of our common law, since the Legislature has added to the domestic relation jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery incurable impotency as a cause for annulment. While novel and an innovation in our prac- tice, there is no reason why the rule should not have a place in our judicial system, there to subserve the administration of the law as it has for ages under a system which we inherited."

It is submitted that the New Jersey Court is to be highly commended for adopting into its law a doctrine so eminently sound as to have withstood the test of ages in the jurisprudence of our forefathers.!T. H. M.

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