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Plural of Nouns Exercise

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PLURAL OF NOUNS Regra geral: usa-se o S ao singular da palavra.

Exemplos: notebook notebooks table tables river rivers eraser erasers 1. Substantivos que terminam em S, SS, SH, X, CH e Z usam o plural ES: Exemplos: bus buses class classes Brush brushes box boxes Church churches topaz topazes Excees: palavras terminadas em CH, mas tem o som de K. O plural formado apenas com o acrscimo de S. Exemplos: monarch monarchs epoch apochs Patriarch patriarchs matriarch matriarchs 2. Substantivos terminados em Y: a) Vogal + Y, recebe apenas o S. Exemplos: Day days boy boys b) Consoante + Y, recebe como plural o IES. Exemplos: story stories city cities 3. Substantivos terminados em O: Exemplos: negro negroes potato potatoes 4. Substantivos terminados em F ou FE, geralmente feito com o acrscimo do VES. Exemplos: wife wives Wolf wolves 5. Plurais irregulares: Exemplos: man (homem) men (homens) Woman (mulher) women (mulheres) Child (criana) children (crianas) Tooth (dente) teeth (dentes) Foot (p) feet (ps) Goose (ganso) geese (gansos) Mouse (rato) mice (ratos)

Louse (piolho) lice (piolhos) Ox (boi) oxen (bois) Die (dado) dice (dados) 6. Palavras estrangeiras: Is ES Exemplos: basis bases thesis theses Um a Exemplos: mdium media datum data Us i Exemplo: nucleus nuclei Ix ices Exemplo: appendix appendices

EXERCISE: 1) What is the correct plural of the word? How many (person) _____ study English as a second language? Five (woman)______ opened a computer service company. Even (child) ______ enjoy learning on the Internet. Most basketball players are 6 (foot) ____tall or more. Which breed of (sheep) ____ produces the finest wool? My (tooth) ____ are sensitive to the cold. At daylight savings time, we have to change our _____(watch) . The boys went fishing and caught 10 (fish) ______ . There are 10 (man) ______ in the Maintenance Department. The (wife) _____ keep their (knife) on the (shelf)_____ . (Goose) _____ are water birds. (Piano) ________ are difficult to move .

There are some (policeman) __________ in my house! I've lost my (luggage)__________ . 2) Write down the correct form of the plural: city house boy - . family - . life - . photo - . phone - . sandwich - . nurse - . elf - . phenomenon - . criterion - . village - . toy - .

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