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Management Paper II UGCNET

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Test Paper : II

Test Subject : MANAGEMENT

Test Subject Code : A-11-02
Test Booklet Serial No. : ______________________
OMR Sheet No. : ________________________________
Hall Ticket No.

(Figures as per admission card)
Name & Signature of Invigilator
Name : ____________________________________ Signature : ___________________________________
Paper : II
Time : 1 Hour 15 Minutes Maximum Marks : 100
Number of Pages in this Booklet : 8 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50
Instructions for the Candidates
1. Write your Hall Ticket Number in the space provided on the top
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2. This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of questions.
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2. .. .... .:, .... .. ..... .. :...
3. .. ..,.... ...... ... ,........ ..... -..
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(i) .. ...... .:... ..... ..... :. .., '.....
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(ii) ....'.e...._c-....:..-_...-:_.. ._.....'.'..
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(iii) . .. ... : .... . .. . . ..,.. OMR . . .. .
.. .. OMR .... ..,.. .. .... . . , . ... ........
4. . .... .... ..:.. ....... (A), (B), (C) ...... (D)
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OMR ..... . .. ..,.. ,.... .... . . ...
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.-. .- : A B C D
(C) ... ..... ....
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10. .:...-........-....:_..... :.-.-:.
11. ...,... ...,.:... ....,...................:.:_.:.'
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12. .._..:.-.-....:.....-.,. ...
II 1 A-11-02
II 2 A-11-02
II 3 A-11-02
1. Product differentiation is a common feature
(A) Perfect Competition
(B) Monopoly
(C) Monopolistic Competition
(D) Oligopoly
2. In Growth Share Matrix Question Mark
(A) High Business Growth-High Market
(B) High Business Growth-Low Market
(C) Low Business Growth-High Market
(D) Low Business Growth-Low Market
3. The Basi c obj ecti ve of Fi nanci al
Management is
(A) Maximisation of Profit
(B) Maxi mi sati on of Sharehol ders
(C) Ensuring Financial discipline in the
(D) None of the above
4. The EOQ inventory model attempts to
(A) The number of items ordered
(B) The number of orders placed
(C) The total inventory costs
(D) The safety stock
5. Select the correct chronol ogi cal
arrangement of the following Acts
1. Minimum Wages Act
2. Workmens Compensation Act
3. Employee Provident Fund Act
4. Payment of Wages Act
(A) 4,3,2,1 (B) 1,4,3,2
(C) 2,4,1,3 (D) 2,4,3,1
6. Who is a Merchant Middleman?
(A) Stock Broker
(B) Commission Agent
(C) Retailer
(D) Selling Agent of a Company
7. Which of the following is alternatively
called Corporate Venturing?
(A) Entrepreneurship
(B) Intrapreneurship
(C) A new product start-up
(D) Venture Capital
8. The following Company is in the news for
vi ol ati on of Corporate Governance
through fraudulent practices
(A) Tata Chemicals Ltd.
(B) Reliance Industries Ltd.
(C) Hindustan Unilever Ltd.
(D) Satyam Computers Ltd.
9. Different types of Probability Distribution
1. Binomial distribution
2. Poisson distribution
3. Normal distribution
4. Exponential distribution
(A) 1 and 2 only (B) 1, 2 and 3 only
(C) 3 and 4 only (D) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Paper II
II 4 A-11-02
10. Organisational Behaviour is a
(A) Function of its consequences
(B) Study of character of people
(C) Study of team behavior
(D) Study of management behavior
11. Usually the demand for necessities is
(A) Highly elastic
(B) Highly inelastic
(C) Slightly elastic
(D) Slightly inelastic
12. Match the following :
List A List B
a. How do we succeed 1. Functional Strategy
in this business?
b. What Business should 2. Business Strategy
we be in?
c. How does this unit 3. Corporate Strategy
contribute ?
a b c
(A) 1 2 3
(B) 3 2 1
(C) 1 3 2
(D) 2 3 1
13. A Bond can be issued at a premium, if
(A) Coupon rate is greater than required
(B) Coupon rate is less than required
(C) Coupon rate is equal to required
(D) None of the above
14. The objective of Operations Management
is to enhance the performance of an
organization in terms of its
(A) Productivity
(B) Product quality
(C) Competitiveness
(D) Overall performance
15. Which of the following is not the principle
of Trade Unionism ?
(A) Unity is Strength
(B) Equal Pay for equal work
(C) Security of service
(D) Right to lock out
16. Hypothesis is tested in the following
research design
(A) Exploratory and Descriptive
(B) Descriptive and Causal
(C) Causal and Exploratory
(D) Experimental and Exploratory
17. Which one of the following is not the
reason for the si ckness of Smal l
(A) Lack of Working Capital
(B) Lack of Market Demand
(C) Lack of Competition
(D) Lack of Raw Material
18. The Social Responsibility of a Business
is important to
(A) Owners and Investors
(B) Employees
(C) Government
(D) All the above
19. Read the following statements and select
the correct combination given thereunder:
Statement 1 : Linear Programming is a
mathematical function.
Statement 2 : Transportation model is
one of the part of Linear
(A) Statement 1 is true but 2 is not true
(B) Statements 1 and 2, both are true
(C) Statement 1 is not true but 2 is true
(D) Both the statements 1 and 2 are not
20. Personality is determined by:
(A) Heredity
(B) Environment
(C) Situation
(D) All the three above.
II 5 A-11-02
21. If total cost functi on of a fi rm :
+8Q, find the marginal
cost of the firm when the quantity produced
is 15 units
(A) 105 (B) 225
(C) 308 (D) 247
22. Match the following :
List 1 List 2
(Types of Strategies) (Examples)
a. Retrenchment strategy 1. Reduction
b. Combination strategy 2. Filled / used
c. Stability strategy 3. Maintain present
d. Growth strategy 4. PLC
a b c d
(A) 1 2 3 4
(B) 4 2 1 3
(C) 1 4 3 2
(D) 3 1 2 4
23. Match the following :
List 1 List 2
a. Number of years required to 1. NPV
recover the initial outlay is
determined by
b. A method which uses 2. Pay Back period
accounting information for
evaluating proposed capital
expenditure is
c. Theoretically correct 3. IRR
technique for selection of
Investment project is
d. A technique which ascertains 4. ARR
a discount rate that equates
the aggregate present values
of net cash inflows with that of
the aggregate present values of
net cash outflows is
a b c d
(A) 1 3 4 2
(B) 2 4 1 3
(C) 1 2 4 3
(D) 3 4 2 1
24. The following is used for identifying the
total resources required for meeting
customers requirements
(A) Capacity Planning
(B) Process Planning
(C) Inventory Management
(D) Master Production Schedule
25. What describes the tasks, duties and
responsibilities of a Job?
(A) Job Analysis
(B) Job Enrichment
(C) Job Description
(D) Job Empowerment
26. Who defined Advertising as Any paid form
of non-personal presentati on and
promotion of ideas, goods and services by
an identified sponsor ?
(A) Philip Kotler
(B) Peter F. Drucker
(C) Mc Carthy
(D) American Marketing Association
27. Dynamic process of creating incremental
wealth by individuals who assume the
risks of equity, time and careers, to infuse
resources with value for society is referred
(A) Business Plan
(B) Venture Capital
(C) Business Opportunity
(D) Entrepreneurship
28. Ethics is derived from Ethos, a Latin
word, which means
(A) Character (B) Responsibility
(C) Integrity (D) Morality
29. The regression lines cut each other at the
point of
(A) Average of X and Y
(B) Average of X only
(C) Average of Y only
(D) Median of X and Y
II 6 A-11-02
30. Learning means
(A) Relatively permanent change in the
behavior of people
(B) Developing the skills
(C) Improving the knowledge
(D) Changing the habits
31. The average fixed cost curve of a firm is
(A) parallel to the horizontal axis
(B) parallel to the vertical axis.
(C) a U shaped curve
(D) a downward sloping curve from left
to right
32. The FOUR functi ons vi z., R & D,
Production, Marketing, Sales & Service,
through which Value addition occurs, are
referred to as
(A) Value added activities
(B) Value addition functions
(C) Primary activities
(D) Secondary activities
33. In terms of relative risk, which of the
following is true ?
(A) Debt is risky for investors, while
equity is risky for firm
(B) Both debt and equity are risky for
(C) Both debt and equity are risky for firm
(D) Debt is risky for the firm, while equity
is risky for investors
34. A Floor plan for determination and
arranging the desired machinery and
equipment of a Plant is referred to as
(A) Plant Location
(B) Plant Lay-Out
(C) Product Design
(D) Process Planning
35. Which of the following is not a method of
Performance Appraisal ?
(A) 360
Performance Appraisal
(B) Ranking Method
(C) Graphic Rating Scales Method
(D) Man Power Planning
36. From the following, the 4 Ps of marketing
coined originally are
1. Product
2. Price
3. Packaging
4. People
5. Promotion
6. Place
(A) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (B) 1,2, 5 and 6
(C) 3,4,6 and 5 (D) 1, 2, 5 and 4
37. Small sample means
(A) Less than 10 (B) Less than 15
(C) Less than 20 (D) Less than 30
38. Which of the following is not Goal Conflict ?
(A) Approach-Approach conflict
(B) Approach-Avoidance conflict
(C) Avoidance-Avoidance conflict
(D) Role ambiguity
39. Irrelevance concept of dividend is
proposed by
(A) Walter
(B) Gordon
(C) Modigliani and Miller
(D) Laplace
40. Total Float is
(A) L
+ (B) E
(C) L
(D) E
41. A system i n whi ch Uni ons and
Management negotiate with each other to
develop the work rules, under which Union
members will work for a stipulated period
of time, is referred to as
(A) Man Power Planning
(B) Career Planning
(C) Collective Bargaining
(D) Training and Development
II 7 A-11-02
42. Developing new products for new markets,
is called
(A) Market Penetration
(B) Diversification
(C) Product Development
(D) Market Development
43. The term Exchange Ratio is used in
(A) Profitability Assessment
(B) Capital Structure
(C) Mergers and Acquisitions
(D) Leverages
44. Which of the following is a common cause
of Machine Break down ?
(A) Inadequate preventive maintenance
(B) Dirt, Oil and Chemicals accumulation
(C) Incorrect machine set-up
(D) All the above
45. In the process of generating a Pool of
qualified candidates for a particular Job,
the 1
step, the hiring process, is called
(A) Induction
(B) Selection
(C) Recruitment
(D) Training
46. FOB Pricing is
(A) Price skimming
(B) Penetration pricing
(C) Psychological pricing
(D) Pricing in international trade
47. A transaction, where financial securities
are i ssued agai nst the cash fl ow
generated from a pool of assets is called
(A) Securitization
(B) Credit Default swaps
(C) Credit Linked Notes
(D) Total return swaps
48. Read the following statements and select
correct answer
Statement 1 : Operations Research is
useful for optimization of
Statement 2 : Operati ons Research
does not determine the
optimum replacement
(A) Statements 1 and 2 are true
(B) Statement 1 is true but statement 2
is not true
(C) Statement 1 is not true but statement
2 is true
(D) Both statements 1 and 2 are not true
49. Match the following :
List 1 List 2
(Marketing Variables) (Qualities)
a. Product 1. Shape
b. Price 2. Advertising
c. Promotion 3. Discounts
d. Place 4. Layout of store
a b c d
(A) 1 2 3 4
(B) 3 4 1 2
(C) 4 3 2 1
(D) 1 3 2 4
50. The process of providing employees with
specific skills or helping them correct
deficiencies in their performance is called
(A) Counselling
(B) Motivation
(C) Recruitment and selection
(D) Training
II 8 A-11-02
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