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Subsea Solutions: Alan Christie Ashley Kishino

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2 Oileld Review

Subsea Solutions
Alan Christie
Ashley Kishino
Rosharon, Texas, USA
John Cromb
Texaco Worldwide Exploration
and Production
Houston, Texas
Rodney Hensley
BP Amoco Corporation
Houston, Texas
Ewan Kent
Brian McBeath
Hamish Stewart
Alain Vidal
Aberdeen, Scotland
Leo Koot
Sarawak, Malaysia
For help in preparation of this article, thanks to Robert
Brown, John Kerr and Keith Sargeant, Schlumberger
Reservoir Evaluation, Aberdeen, Scotland; and Michael
Frug, Andy Hill and Frank Mitton, Schlumberger Reservoir
Evaluation, Houston, Texas, USA;
EverGreen, E-Z Tree, IRIS (Intelligent Remote Implementation
System) and SenTREE are marks of Schlumberger.
All wells are not created equal. Subsea wells, which spring from
the ocean oor yet never see the light of day, have a life-style all
their own. Constructing these wells and keeping them owing and
productive require heroic efforts that are now paying off.
1. Brandt W, Dang AS, Magne E, Crowley D, Houston K,
Rennie A, Hodder M, Stringer R, Juiniti R, Ohara S,
Rushton S: Deepening the Search for Offshore
Hydrocarbons, Oileld Review 10, no. 1 (Spring 1998):
Winter 1999/2000 3
The mysteries and challenges of the world under
the sea have long enticed adventurers and
explorers. For thousands of years, people have
speculated on the existence of underwater civi-
lizations and dreamed of discovering lost cities or
developing ways to live and work under the sea.
Underwater cities remain a fantastic vision,
but some aspects of everyday industry do tran-
spire at the bottom of the sea: early communica-
tions cables crossed the ocean bottoms; research
devices monitor properties of the earth and sea;
and military surveillance equipment tracks suspi-
cious activityall as extensions of processes
that also take place on land.
Similarly, the oil and gas industry has
extended its early exploration and production
operations with land-based rigs, wellheads and
pipelines to tap the richness of the volume of
earth covered by ocean. This evolution from land
to sea has occurred over the past century, start-
ing in 1897 with the rst derrick placed atop a
wharf on the California (USA) coast (right).
Seagoing drilling equipment followed, with off-
shore platforms, semisubmersible and jackup
drilling rigs, and dynamically positioned drill-
ships. From one point on a xed platform or oat-
ing rig, wells could be drilled in multiple
directions to reach more of the reservoir.
As offshore technologies advanced to conquer
increasingly hostile and challenging environ-
ments, offshore drilling moved forward in two
major directions: First, and predictably, wells
were drilled at greater water depths every year,
until the current water-depth record was
achieved6077 ft [1852 m] for a producing well
in the Roncador eld, offshore Brazil.
Drilling for
exploratory purposes, without actually producing,
has been accomplished at the record depth of
9050 ft [2777 m] for Petrobras offshore Brazil. Other
Gulf of Mexico leases awaiting exploration reach
water depths of more than 10,000 ft [3050 m].
2. Bradbury J: Brazilian Boost, Deepwater Technology,
Supplement to Petroleum Engineer International 72, no. 5
(May 1999): 17, 19, 21.
Deepwater has different working denitions. One deni-
tion of deep is 2000 ft in hostile environments, 3000 ft
[1100 m] otherwise. Another is deep for more than 400 m
[1312 ft] and ultradeep at more than 1500 m [4922 ft].
A time line of offshore operations.
Offshore drilling
1897 Derrick placed atop
wharf 250 ft [76 m]
from shore
1911 First drilling platform
1925 First artificial island
for drilling
1932 First well drilled from
independent platform
1953 First mobile
submersible rigs
1956 Drill to 600-ft [183-m]
water depth
1966 First jackup
1970 Guideline drilling
in 1497-ft [456-m]
water depth
1971 First dynamically
positioned oil drillship
1987 Water depth
drilling record of
7520 ft [2292 m]
1994 Water depth oil
production record of
3370 ft [1027 m]
1996 Water depth oil
production record of
5607 ft [1709 m]
1961 First subsea Christmas
1973 First multiwell subsea
1991 Record subsea tieback
to 30 miles [48 km]
1992 First horizontal tree
1996 Record tieback to
68 miles [109 km]
1997 1000 subsea wells
completed 2000 Water depth
drilling record of
9050 ft [2777 m]
In a second direction, well-completion equip-
ment has entered the water. Wellheads on the
seaoor, in what is called a subsea completion,
connect to owlines that transport oil and gas to
the surface (above left). With multiple points of
access, more of the reservoir can be reached
than through extended-reach wells, so the reser-
voir volume can be exploited more thoroughly. In
addition, eld development costs can be greatly
reduced through use of a common central facility.
The earliest subsea wells were completed
from semisubmersible drilling rigs with the help of
divers who directed the equipment into place and
opened the valves. Today, subsea completions can
be too deep for divers, so the production equip-
ment is monitored and manipulated by remotely
operated vehicles (ROVs). The simple wellhead
and pipeline arrangement has expanded to
encompass multiple wellheads connected to a
manifold by owlines, then to a oating produc-
tion system, neighboring platform or shore-based
facility (above right). Groups of manifolds con-
nected to central subsea hubs maximize areal cov-
erage of the reservoir. The tieback distance
between the subsea completion and its platform
connection has increased from a few hundred feet
or meters to a record 68 miles [109 km], held by
the Mensa eld in the Gulf of Mexico.
4 Oileld Review
A subsea production tree, with owline
connecting to a surface facility.
Multiple trees. A group of ve subsea
production trees is linked to a manifold,
where ow is collected at a single station
before continuing to surface. A second
group of ve subsea water-injection wells
is in the background.
Winter 1999/2000 5
More and more of the operations originally
performed at surface are moving to the seaoor.
Todays subsea technology covers a wide range
of equipment and activities: guidewires for low-
ering equipment to the seaoor; Christmas, or
production, trees; blowout preventers (BOPs);
intervention and test trees; manifolds; templates;
ROVs; owlines; risers; control systems; electri-
cal power distribution systems; uid pumping
and metering; and water separation and reinjec-
tion. One futuristic vision even depicts a seaoor
drilling rig.
The rst subsea production tree was installed
in 1961 in a Shell well in the Gulf of Mexico.
Within 36 years, 1000 wells had been completed
subsea. Industry champions predict that complet-
ing the next 1000 will take only another ve
years, and that expansion will continue at around
10% per year for the next 20 years.
In some areas, such as the Gulf of Mexico and
offshore Brazil, expansion will require pushing
the frontiers of depth-limited technology. Only
two wells in the world have been completed sub-
sea at greater than a 5000-ft [1524-m] water
depth. Increases in the number of subsea com-
pletions are projected for all depths, but the most
striking will be for the ultradeep (above).
In other areas, the North Sea in particular,
growth is evident in the increasing number of
subsea completions per project. Norsk Hydro is
planning to develop the Troll eld with more than
100 subsea wells tied back to a oating produc-
tion system.
The subsea environment poses a set of tech-
nological challenges unlike anything that the sur-
face can present, and more than can be covered
here. This article reviews the task of completing
a subsea well and explains the workings of the
equipment that controls access to the well
through every stage of its existence, from explo-
ration, appraisal and completion to intervention
and abandonment.
Why Subsea?
Describing the full process behind choosing one
deepwater development strategy over another is
also beyond the scope of this article, but a brief
overview will help set the background. As in the
planning of any asset development, the decision-
making process attempts to maximize asset
value and minimize costs without compromising
safety and reliability. The cost analysis focuses
on capital expenditures and operating expenses,
and also includes risk, or the potential costs of
unforeseen events.
The conditions driving these costs are numer-
ous and interrelated, and include all the reser-
voir-related factors usually considered in
land-based development decisions, plus those
arising from the complexities of the offshore
environment. An abbreviated list includes exist-
ing infrastructure, water depth, weather and cur-
rents, seabed conditions, cost of construction
and decommissioning of permanent structures,
time to rst production, equipment reliability,
well accessibility for future monitoring or inter-
vention, and ow assurancethe ability to keep
uids owing in the lines.
Certain of these conditions pose awesome
challenges for any offshore development, and
present strong arguments for subsea completion
instead of or combined with other options such
as semisubmersibles, tension-leg platforms, dry-
tree units, and oating production, storage and
ofoading systems (FPSOs). Distance from infras-
tructure is a key determinant in opting for a sub-
sea completion. Wells drilled close enough to
existing production platforms can be completed
subsea and tied back to the platform. The tieback
distance is constrained by flow continuity,
seaoor stability and currents. With some xed-
platform capital expenditures measured in
billions of dollars, maximizing reservoir access
through additional subsea wells can increase
production while keeping capital and operating
costs down.
Wells whose produced uids will be handled
by an FPSO vessel are also natural candidates
for subsea completions, and not only because of
reduced time to production. Often these are
wells in locations where water depth and
weather make more permanent structures
impractical or uneconomical. Other options in
these environments are either the dry-tree unit,
sometimes called a spar, which is a buoyant ver-
tical cylinder, or the tension-leg platforma
oating structure held in place by vertical, ten-
sioned tendons connected to the seaoor by
pile-secured templates. Both the dry-tree unit
and the tension-leg platform support platform
facilities and are anchored to the seaoor. The
latter techniques have been applied without
subsea completions at depths reaching about
4500 ft [1372 m], but deeper than that the solu-
tion has called for a subsea completion in con-
junction with the oating systems.
50 150 250 350 450 600 800 1000 2000 3000
Water depth, m



Number of subsea wells, both operational and planned by 2003, by water depth.
3. Sasanow S: Mensa Calls for a Meeting of the Minds,
Offshore Engineer 24, no. 7 (July 1997): 20-21.
4. Thomas M and Hayes D: Delving Deeper, Deepwater
Technology, Supplement to Petroleum Engineer
International 72, no. 5 (May 1999): 32-33, 35-37, 39.
5. Greenberg J: Global Subsea Well Production
Will Double By Year 2002, Offshore 57, no. 12
(December 1997): 58, 60, 80.
A Christmas tree is the assembly of casing and tubing
heads, valves and chokes that control ow out of a well.
6. Thomas M: Subsea the Key, Deepwater Technology,
Supplement to Petroleum Engineer International 72,
no. 5 (May 1999): 46, 47, 49, 50, 53.
At the water depths in question, running
hydrocarbons through flowlines, valves and
pipelines is not an effortless task. The low tem-
peratures and high pressures can cause precipi-
tation of solids that reduce or completely block
ow. Precipitation of asphaltenes and parafns is
a problem for some reservoir compositions, usu-
ally requiring intervention at some stage of well
life. Scale deposits can also impede ow, and
need to be prevented or removed.
The formation
of solid gas hydrates can cause blockages in
tubulars and flowlines, especially when a
water-gas mixture cools while owing through
a long tieback. Prevention techniques include
heating the pipes, separating the gas and water
before owing, and injecting hydrate-formation
Corrosion is another foe of ow conti-
nuity, and can occur when seawater comes in
contact with electrically charged pipes.
Access to the well for any tests, intervention,
workover or additional data acquisition is a key
consideration. Traditionally, operators have
selected platform-style solutions when the
development requires postcompletion well
access. Platforms house Christmas trees and
well-control equipment on the surface, giving
easier access to introduce tools and modify well
operations. To perform these functions on subsea
wells requires a vessel or rig, and sometimes a
marine risera large tube that connects the
subsea well to the vessel and contains the
drillpipe, drilling fluid and rising borehole
uidsand planning for their availability when
the time comes.
All of this adds up to signicant cost. In many
cases, the subsea production tree must be
removed. Reconnecting to many subsea wells to
perform workovers and recompletions can also
require a specially designed intervention system
to control the well and allow other tools to pass
through it down to the level of the reservoir. The
development of the completion test tree is now
enhancing the accessibility of subsea wells,
allowing reliable well control for any imaginable
intervention. A full discussion follows in later
sections of this article.
Equipment reliability is a major concern for any
subsea installation. Once equipment is attached to
the seaoor, it is expected to remain there for the
life of the well. Some operators remain uncon-
vinced about the suitability and reliability of sub-
sea systems in ultradeepwater developments.
However, more and more operators are gaining
condence in subsea practice as contractors pro-
vide innovative and tested solutions.
Much of the specialized equipment for subsea
installations is designed, manufactured, posi-
tioned and connected by engineering, construc-
tion and manufacturing companies. ABB Vetco
Gray, FMC, Cameron, Kvaerner, Oceaneering,
Brown & Root/Rockwater, McDermott, Framo
and Coexip Stena are among the companies
that supply most of the BOPs, wellheads, tem-
plates, production trees, production control sys-
tems, tubing hangers, flowlines, umbilicals,
ROVs, multiphase meters and pumps, separators
and power generators. The largest structures,
such as manifolds, can weigh 75 tons or more,
and can be constructed and transported in modu-
lar form and assembled at the seaoor location.
In addition, oileld service companies and
other groups provide special tools and services
for the subsea environment. Baker Hughes,
Halliburton, Expro, Schlumberger and others
have developed solutions to crucial wellbore-
related problems.
One of the key concerns in constructing and
operating a subsea well is maintaining well con-
trol at all times. Drilling, completion and subse-
quent servicing of subsea wells are typically
performed from one of two types of vessel: a
oating system that is tethered or anchored to
the seaoor; or one that maintains location over
the well with a dynamic positioning system. In
both cases, it is critical that the vessel remain in
the proper position, or on station. The position
can be described as the area inside two concen-
tric circles centered over the well location on the
seaoor. The inner circle represents the limit of
the preferred zone, and the outer circle repre-
sents the maximum acceptable limit before dam-
age occurs. The vessel activates thrusters to
propel the vessel back to the desired location if
currents or other conditions such as weather
have caused it to move off station, all while
continuing the drilling, testing, completion or
well intervention.
However, under extreme conditions, the
dynamic positioning system may be unable to
remain on station or a situation may arise that
could endanger the vessel. System problems
could include the failure of the thruster system or
loss of some anchoring lines, causing the vessel
to drift off station. Other situations could include
severe weather or collisions with icebergs or
other vessels. Under such conditions, the dynam-
ically positioned vessel would drive off station.
All these cases would require disconnecting
the landing string and riser from the well. Once
the decision to disconnect from the well is made,
industry best practices for operation in deep
water with dynamically positioned vessels
require that the complete process be achieved
within 40 to 60 seconds, depending on the condi-
tions and systems used. However, prior to dis-
connecting from the well and in a separate
process that itself takes 10 to 15 seconds, all
ow from the well must be controlled and no
hydrocarbons must enter the sea. Both ends of
the disconnected conduit must be sealed. And
once the hazard clears and operation becomes
safe again, connection to the well can be
reestablished to resume the operation.
The tools that have been developed by
Schlumberger and other companies to perform
these tasks are called subsea completion and
test trees. They are not permanently xed to the
seaoor as are the production trees, but are
deployed inside the marine riser by a landing
string when needed, run through the BOP stack,
6 Oileld Review
Schlumberger has designed a series of trees for subsea
operations, testing, completion and intervention. Combinations
of inside and outside tool diameters, pressure and temperature
ratings and control systems are designed to suit a variety of
subsea completion and well-testing applications as well as
water-depth and wellbore conditions.
A subsea completion and test tree and subsea blowout preventer (BOP) conguration. The completion
and test tree ts inside the BOP to control a live well.
and test tree
7. Crabtree M, Eslinger D, Fletcher P, Miller M, Johnson A
and King G: Fighting ScaleRemoval and Prevention,
Oileld Review 11, no. 3 (Autumn 1999): 31-45.
8. For more on gas-hydrate inhibition: Brandt et al,
reference 1: 11-12.
Winter 1999/2000 7
connected to the production tree tubing hanger
and then retrieved (right). The tools combine two
main features: the control-system portion of the
tool transmits information between the surface
and the tool and facilitates the activation of the
valves and latches. The valves and latches per-
form the connection, ow control, disconnection
and reconnection with the seaoor tree.
Schlumberger has designed a series of trees
for subsea operations, testing, completion and
intervention. Combinations of inside and outside
tool diameters, pressure and temperature ratings
and control systems are designed to suit a vari-
ety of subsea completion and well-testing appli-
cations as well as water-depth and wellbore
conditions. For well testing, the smaller diameter
SenTREE3 system is used. The SenTREE3 tool
has a 3-in. inside diameter and ratings of 15,000
psi [103.4 MPa], and 350F [177C]. For comple-
tion and intervention, the SenTREE7 system is
designed with a 7
8-in. internal diameter and has
10,000 psi [68.9 MPa] and 325F [163C] ratings
capable of operating in water depths up to
10,000 ft. A chemical-injection line allows addi-
tives to be introduced to the well to prevent cor-
rosion or hydrate formation.
Each tools control system is engineered
according to the operators requirements. The
time available for disconnection depends on each
vessels dynamic positioning system capabilities,
water depth, expected currents and wave
heights, and a hazardous operations analysis. The
SenTREE tools are designed to unlatch under full
tension and at an angle greater than can be phys-
ically achieved in the BOP stack, to ensure that
controlled unlatching is possible in all conditions.
In water depths to 2000 ft [610 m], under mild
conditions and from a tethered or moored vessel,
the time can be up to 120 seconds. The time is
longer because the vessel is anchored and does
not rely on dynamic positioning to stay in place. In
these cases, the control system usually has a
direct hydraulic design. The signal to disconnect
is sent through hydraulic lines to solenoid valves
in the tools control system that hydraulically acti-
vate the tool valves. Due to the behavior of the
uid and the control lines, the time required for
the shutoff signal to travel to the subsea tool
increases with depth. One method for minimizing
this additional time in water depths up to 4000 ft
[1219 m] is to enhance the system through use of
pressure accumulators in the subsea hydraulics.
At greater water depths, or in operations from
a dynamically positioned vessel, disconnection
must be achieved in 15 seconds or less. A
hydraulic system alone, over the distance
involved, functions too slowly for this, but the
combination of an electrical and hydraulic system
allows a fast electrical signal to activate the
hydraulically controlled disconnection and ow
shutoff. These systems are known as electrohy-
draulic. For the SenTREE3 system, the surface sys-
tem sends a direct electric signal on an electrical
cable to the three solenoid valves of the downhole
control system. These valves control the three
functions of the SenTREE3 tool, which are to close
shutoff valves, vent pressure and unlatch.
The SenTREE7 multiplex control system, on
the other hand, performs 24 functions. These
include opening and closing four valves, latching
and unlatching two tools, locking and unlocking
the tubing hanger, injecting chemicals and moni-
toring temperature and pressure (right and
below). The system is too complicated to operate
by direct electrical signal, so a multiplexed signal
is sent down a logging cable, then interpreted by
a subsea electronics module in the control sys-
tem, which in turn activates the tool functions. In
addition, the electrical system telemeters feed-
back on the pressure, temperature, status of the
valves, and other parameters as required, provid-
ing two-way communication between tool and
surface. The Schlumberger multiplexed control
system is the fastest proven method available.
The shutoff system comprises a ball valve,
apper valves and a latch. A tubing-hanger run-
ning tool (THRT) completes the system. A slick
joint separates the various valves and latches to
match the spacing of the rams of any subsea BOP
8 Oileld Review
Inside the SenTREE7 system. The
electronics module (above) interprets
multiplexed signals sent from the
surface to control tool functions.
Hydraulic lines (left) transmit the
signals to the tools valves and latches.
Winter 1999/2000 9
conguration so the rams can close in the case of
a blowout (below). The valves are specied to hold
pressures exerted from inside or outside the sys-
tem. To ensure uid isolation, the valves operate
in order: rst, the ball then lower apper valves
shut off uid rising from the well; second, the
retainer valve above the latch closes to contain
uids in the pipe leading to the surface; third, the
small amount of uid trapped between the two
valves is bled off into the marine riser; nally the
latch disconnects the upper section, which can be
pulled clear of the BOP stack. If the riser is going
to be disconnected at the same time, the BOP
blind rams are then closed and the drilling riser is
disconnected. The vessel then can move off loca-
tion leaving the well under control. The design of
a subsea completion and test tree centers on the
ability to perform a controlled disconnectionan
event that both operator and service company
hope will never happen, but must have the capa-
bility to manage should it occur.
The design and manufacturing process for
completion and test trees is quite different from
that of other oileld service tools. Other oileld
service tools, such as wireline or logging-while-
drilling tools, are typically designed by service
companies to be used hundreds of times in many
wells and to suit a wide variety of conditions.
Subsea completion and test trees consist of stan-
dard modules, but must be adapted to suit pro-
ject specications driven by BOP dimensions,
shear capability and tubing-hanger system
dimensions, all according to a tightly timed
development and delivery contract.
Spanner joint
Retainer valve
Bleedoff valve
Shear sub
Latch assembly
Valve assembly
Slick joint
fluted hanger
Shear rams
Blind rams
Pipe rams
Pipe rams
BOP stack
SenTREE3 tool
SenTREE series of subsea test
and completion tools. The SenTREE3
(left) and SenTREE7 (right) tools
have similar design, with valves
and latches to shut off uid ow
and disconnect from the well in a
controlled operation. The SenTREE3
tool (yellow) is displayed inside a
BOP stack (green). The components
of the SenTREE7 system are labeled
in order of their activation in the
event of a disconnection.
Lubricator valve
Control system
Bleedoff valve
Retainer valve
Latch connector
Flapper valve
Ball valve
SenTREE7 tool
Multiple vendors participate in building dif-
ferent components of a subsea installation, and
each component must t and work with others on
schedule. Delays in tool availability mean delays
in production. The tools themselves are physi-
cally colossal (above). Even the largest wireline
tools t inside. The substantial dimensions and
weight of this equipment require special han-
dling equipment and cranes for moving and
manipulation. Tool operation, handling and main-
tenance are usually carried out by locations that
also handle well-testing equipment.
Each completion and test tree must be adapted
to t a specic subsea production tree and BOP
combination, of which it seems no two are alike.
The rst production trees were mainly dual-
bore type trees, with a production bore and sep-
arate annulus bore passing vertically through the
tree and with valves oriented vertically. There
were also a number of concentric-bore tree
designs in which the annulus could not be
Both the dual-bore with separate bores
and the concentric-bore trees are sometimes
called vertical trees by some manufacturers.
A disadvantage of this type of tree is that
it is installed on top of the tubing hanger, so
that if the tubing must be pulled for a workover,
the production treeoften a 30-ton item
must be removed. In some cases, this may also
involve the removal of umbilicals or even
pipeline connections.
In 1992 a different style of production tree,
the horizontal tree, was introduced. In the hori-
zontal tree, the production and annulus bores
divert out the sides of the tree and the valves are
oriented horizontally. These are sometimes
called side-valve or spool trees. Since the tubing
is landed inside a horizontal tree, the tubing can
be accessed or pulled without moving the tree,
making intervention much easier. Each type of
production tree has a different arrangement with
the BOP, wellhead and tubing hanger, and so
requires its own completion and test tree.
The unique design and the union of electrical
and hydraulic methods in the control system
make the Schlumberger SenTREE7 subsea com-
pletion and test tree highly versatile and adapt-
able to the needs of the project at hand (next
page). The subsea completion and test tree is
custom-engineered to t inside a BOP with any
ram spacing and to interface with any tubing-
hanger running tool.
10 Oileld Review
Certicates from
Det Norske Veritas
issued when modules
pass their factory
acceptance test, and
Gary Rytlewski, subsea
chief engineer at the
Schlumberger Reservoir
Completions center.
A tool as big as the team. The SenTREE engineering team at the Schlumberger Reservoir
Completions center in Rosharon, Texas, USA accentuates the large scale of the SenTREE7 tool.
9. Richborg MA and Winter KA: Subsea Trees and
Wellheads: The Basics, Offshore 58, no. 12
(December 1998): 49, 51, 53, 55, 57.
Winter 1999/2000 11
Tool Reliability
The primary consideration in selecting a
subsea completion and test tree is reliability.
Schlumberger ensures reliability of completion
and test trees through meticulous, systematic
testing. Every component of every tool undergoes
tests with multiple levels of scrutiny.
The rst formal test is the factory acceptance
test (FAT), in which individual modules are tested
in-house. The test is conducted in the presence
of a representative from Det Norske Veritas who
witnesses the test and reviews the calculation
package that shows how that module was
designed to work (previous page, bottom).
However, calculations alone do not prove that
a tool will function under the extreme conditions
of the subsea environment. Operators need more
than numerical computations when the safety of
personnel, equipment and the environment is at
stake. The cost of deploying a substandard sub-
sea tool at current rig day ratesa day or more
to run the tool to depth, a few hours to discover it
is malfunctioning, and another day or two to bring
it back to surfacecan reach the million-dollar
mark, not counting any repairs. Reliability of other
types of equipment can be proved in laboratory
pressure vessels, but testing a subsea completion
tree in a pressure vessel is not an easy task. For
Engineers assembling a SenTREE7 tool for testing at the Schlumberger Reservoir
Completions center.
this purpose, the Schlumberger Reservoir
Completions group designed and constructed an
oversized high-pressure test facility (above).
The hyperbaric test facility at Rosharon, Texas,
USA was constructed by excavating a 35-ft [11-m]
deep pit and creating a 19-in. [48-cm] inner-diam-
eter hole to hold an entire completion tree at con-
ditions equivalent to those at 10,000-ft water
depth. Here, any subsea pressure scenario can be
created to match conditions expected for any job
and prove that the tool will function properly.
Qualication tests ensure that modules com-
ply with specic industry standards of function
and performance, such as those established by
the American Petroleum Institute (API). For exam-
ple, any number of API standards specify that a
module must perform at a given temperature,
pressure and ow rate, with various uids, for a
given length of time. These tests are conducted
by the Southwest Research Institute in San
Antonio, Texas, according to industry benchmarks
that other subsea equipment must also meet.
Another test that requires third-party involve-
ment is the system integration test (SIT) at which
all components from all vendors are assembled
in a simulation of a real subsea operation. The
client is usually present to witness the integrated
test. Typical equipment and services present at
the SIT are the subsea production tree, manifold,
exible and hard owlines, umbilical control,
SenTREE7 subsea completion test tree and con-
trol system, tubing-hanger running tool, tubing
hanger, slickline unit, dummy ROV, cranes and all
the expected eld personnel. In some cases, the
connectors for permanent monitoring systems
and the associated test equipment are also part
of the SIT. Any interface between the SenTREE7
tool or tubing-hanger running tool and an intelli-
gent or advanced completion would be incorpo-
rated in the SIT, thus helping eliminate potential
12 Oileld Review
external pressure Below valve zone
Above valve zone
8x control functions
test tree
Latch system to
lock in tubing-
hanger running tool
and tubing hanger
Massive in-ground high-pressure
laboratory for proving subsea tool
reliability, with ground-level wellhead
(insert). Conditions can be created to
match those expected for any subsea
installation down to 10,000-ft water depth.
Winter 1999/2000 13
costly offshore interface problems. This approach
ensures that the equipment will work together
properly in the eld.
The following sections include eld examples
that demonstrate the roles completion and test
trees play in the different phases of well life,
from exploration and completion to intervention
and abandonment.
Well Testing
In the exploration stage of a well, after a potential
pay zone is discovered, a well test is conducted to
evaluate the production and ow capabilities of
the well. To test a subsea well, a drillstem test
(DST) string is run through the BOP. A typical DST
string consists of perforating guns, gauges, a
gauge carrier with surface readout capabilities, a
retrievable packer and a test-valve tool. This is
connected by tubing up to the seabed, then to a
retrievable well-control test tree set in the BOP to
ensure that disconnection, if required, is done in a
controlled way. Reservoir uids ow past the DST
gauges at the reservoir level where pressure and
temperature are detected, then ow through the
tubing and test tree, and nally to the surface.
In 1974, when Flopetrol-Johnston Schlumberger
introduced the rst subsea test called the E-Z Tree
tool, testing operations from a oating vessel
were made possible with the required level of
safety. Since then, the technology has evolved
and other companies have developed related
tools. Halliburton and Expro now offer similar
test trees and services, and Schlumberger has
developed the SenTREE3 test tree.
In one subsea testing job for Chevron, the
controlled disconnect ability of the SenTREE3
system was conrmed under severe weather
conditions. The North Sea well was at a water
depth of 380 ft [116 m]. The SenTREE3 tool was
equipped with a hydraulic control system. The
heavy-oil test was conducted with an electric
submersible pump and a drillstem test tool.
Weather conditions deteriorated until the aver-
age heave reached 15 ft [4.6 m]. At this time, the
operator decided to halt the test and unlatch. The
shutoff valves were activated and the tool was
unlatched and drawn up (below left). The riser
was disconnected and the vessel moved off.
By the time the weather calmed down, the
well test was cut short and the primary objective
was then to relatch and retrieve the drillstem test
tool. The reconnection was performed success-
fully and the DST was recovered to surface.
Another example of subsea testing success
comes from the Barden eld in the Norwegian
North Sea operated by a consortium consisting
of Norsk Hydro, BP, Shell, Statoil and Saga
Petroleum. Early in 1998, the operators decided
to evaluate the new discovery with the
SenTREE3 tool and were the rst in the world to
use the Schlumberger electrohydraulic control
module (below). The dynamically positioned
Ocean Alliance maintained position in the 857-m
[2812-ft] deep rough waters. With this combina-
tion of potentially rough seas and moderate
depth, the ability to disconnect quickly is even
Emergency disconnect of SenTREE3 system during a well test for Chevron.
The hydraulic control system unlatched the subsea test tree when weather
conditions became hazardous, and successfully reconnected to retrieve
the test tree and drillstem test tool once the weather moderated.
The SenTREE3 tool with electrohydraulic
control used for testing the Barden eld in
the Norwegian North Sea.
more critical than in deeper water, because the
angle of the riser relative to vertical changes
more quickly as the vessel moves off station,
and the maximum feasible unlatch angle is
reached sooner.
Fortunately, the weather remained temperate
throughout the full seven days of the well test. A
pressure and temperature sub inside the
SenTREE3 tool monitored owing conditions to
assist in the prevention of hydrates. Reservoir
uids owed through the IRIS Intelligent Remote
Implementation System test string. The produced
liquid hydrocarbons were ared with the new
EverGreen burner that generates no smoke or
solid fallout.
In the three years since its introduction, this
new subsea testing technology has spread to
other exploration provinces. Two other well tests
have been conducted with the SenTREE3 tool
plus electrohydraulic control systemone off-
shore Brazil, the other offshore Nigeria. Almost
300 other jobs have been run offshore Brazil,
West Africa, Australia, Indonesia and in the Gulf
of Mexico with the SenTREE3 test tree and the
hydraulic or enhanced hydraulic control systems.
The operations described so far pertain to subsea
exploration and appraisal wells with temporary
completions: after testing, the packer, test string
and tubing are pulled and the BOP is left in
control of the hole for either abandonment or
sidetrack operations. Installing a permanent
completion, or string of production tubing, is per-
formed in the development phase when produc-
tion wells are drilled and completed or when an
existing well is recompleted. The basic process
of completing a subsea well with a horizontal
production tree can be described as a series of
ve steps, with a number of subtasks within the
ve broad categories:
14 Oileld Review
1 2 3 4
5. Run subsea horizontal tree. 6. Land the tree, lock connector, test seals and function valves with ROV. Establish guidewires and release tree-running tool.
7. Run BOP stack onto horizontal tree, lock connector, run BOP test tool and test, function-test tree. 8. Retrieve suspension packer, remove wearbushing from
tree, make up SenTREE7 system, rack back.
5 6 7 8
/4 by 9
Subsea completion sequence. 1. Complete drilling and install the suspension packer. 2. Retrieve the drilling riser and BOP stack, move rig off.
3. Retrieve drilling guidebase with ROV assistance. 4. Run the production ow base and latch on 30-in. wellhead housing.
Winter 1999/2000 15
Well suspensionSuspend ow from the
well with kill uid; run plugs to shut off ow;
retrieve the riser and BOP.
Production tree installationInstall the
horizontal tree; rerun the drilling BOP; recover
plugs and temporary suspension string.
CompletionChange to completion fluid;
condition the well prior to running completion;
run the completion with production equipment
and the subsea completion and test tool.
Installation and interventionClose rams;
land off and test hanger; set and test packer;
underbalance the well; perforate; clean up ow;
pull out the landing string.
Isolation and production preparationRun
and set hanger plug; open rams; unlatch tubing-
hanger running tool (THRT); pull THRT out of hole
with landing string. Run internal tree cap; run and
set internal tree cap plug.
Unlatch THRT from
internal tree cap; recover landing string; recover
BOP and riser.
Two oileld service companies, Expro and
Schlumberger, offer tools and services for com-
pleting large-bore, horizontal-tree subsea wells.
ABB Vetco Gray, an engineering company that
already supplies tubing hangers, is actively
developing capability to offer completion ser-
vices also. As service providers gain experience
with and compile success stories about subsea
completions with horizontal trees, operators will
learn about the advantages the newer trees offer
in terms of ease of completion and intervention.
Late in 1999, Shell in Sarawak, Malaysia real-
ized considerable savings by advancing quickly
from exploration to production using an off-the-
shelf horizontal subsea treethe companys
first horizontal tree. Using the SenTREE7 com-
pletion tree, they successfully completed the
subsea well 12 days ahead of schedule without a
minute of downtime. Schlumberger became
active in the earliest planning stages of the
project. This early involvement ensured that the
project would proceed as smoothly as possible.
The completion proceeded in a series of steps
beginning with the termination of drilling and
continuing through landing the production tree,
running the completion string with the SenTREE7
tool, and tying into a well-test package (previous
page, above and next page, top).
14 13
16 15
12 11
13. Carry out production test, acid stimulation and multirate test. 14. Unlatch THRT and retrieve landing string and SenTREE7 tool. Rig down production test
package and owhead. 15. Run internal tree cap. 16. ROV closes tree valves. Retrieve THRT and landing string.
(continued on page 16)
10. A tree cap is a cover that seals the vertical conduits in a
subsea production tree.
chrome tubing
7-in. polish bore
receptacle (PBR)
with seal units
/8 by 7-in.
9. Run completion string, make up tubing-hanger running tool (THRT) and SenTREE7 system on tubing hanger, run landing string with umbilical, make up
surface control head to landing string. 10. Land hanger in production tree and test seals. Rig up wireline and retrieve straddle sleeve. Run seat protectors.
Circulate tubing to potable water for drawdown. Set wireline plug, test string and set packer. 11. Rig up production test package. Rig up electric wireline
and lubricator. 12. Run guns, correlate and perforate well.
18 17 19 20
By mid-1999 Texaco had set a record for deep-
water subsea completions in their Gulf of Mexico
Gemini field (below). The enhanced direct
hydraulic SenTREE7 subsea completion tree
assisted in the completion process of three subsea
wells in 3400 ft [1037 m] of water, at the time a
worldwide industry record for this type of subsea
completion system. The enhanced direct hydraulic
SenTREE7 system helped run the 5-in. completion
string along with a Cameron tubing hanger on
7-in., 32-lbm/ft [14.5-kg/m] landing string. The
completions were performed from the Diamond
Offshore Ocean Star, an anchored vessel, and the
enhanced hydraulic control system provided the
requisite 120-sec response time to control the
well and disconnect the landing string if required.
After the completions, surface well tests
were performed from the anchored vessel. The
rst well was owed back to the Diamond
Offshore Ocean Star for a total of 65 hours, with
a nal gas rate of 80 MMscf/D [2.2 million m
condensate at 1500 bbl/day [238 m
/d] and water
at 200 bbl/day [32 m
/d]. Methyl alcohol was
continually injected at the SenTREE7 chemical-
injection line to prevent formation of hydrates
during the owback period. The SenTREE7 tool
was also used to facilitate the installation of the
internal tree cap. Schlumberger also provided
surface well test equipment and services and
sand-detection equipment during well cleanup.
All services, including SenTREE7 operation, were
performed with 100% uptime.
Since then the water-depth record has been
broken, again by the SenTREE7 tool, in another
Gulf of Mexico eld. Late in 1999, a Schlumberger
completion and test tree operated from an
anchored vessel as before, but this time in water
depths of 4650 ft [1417 m]. The record was set
during completion of a ve-well development
using a tool system similar to the one deployed in
the Gemini eld: the enhanced direct control sys-
tem assured a 120-sec response time.
16 Oileld Review
Gemini eld subsea development. Three Texaco subsea wells in the Gulf of Mexico were completed
using the SenTREE7 system from an anchored vessel.
Subsea completion sequence (continued). 17. Retrieve BOP stack, retrieve guidewires. 18. Install debris cap, deploy telescopic legs. 19. Suspend well.
20. Tie in to pipeline for production.
Winter 1999/2000 17
Completions of this nature have been per-
formed on wells in Africa, the Gulf of Mexico and
the UK, and more are being planned for the year
2000. After the exceptional experience in the
Gemini eld, Texaco has selected Schlumberger
for completions services in 15 subsea wells in its
North Sea Captain eld. And more multiwell con-
tract arrangements have been made with major
oil companies operating in the Gulf of Mexico.
In particular, BP Amoco has signed a three-
year multiwell contract with Schlumberger for
subsea completions services in its Gulf of Mexico
fields. Two of these reach water depths of 7000 ft
[2134 m]. These wells will be completed from
Enterprise, a dynamically positioned drillship,
and so will require the multiplexed deepwater
control system that provides a 15-second con-
trolled disconnect. The entire multiplex system
has already completed a rigorous qualication
test and met stringent BP Amoco requirements,
including the 15-second disconnect time. BP
Amoco purchased a surface well-test package
that was installed on the Enterprise for use as a
well test and early production facility.
Schlumberger well intervention group developed
the subsea intervention lubricator (SIL). The SIL is
designed to be deployed and operated from a
suitably equipped dynamically positioned vessel
and permits wireline or coiled tubing access to
live subsea wells without the requirement of a
conventional BOP stack and marine riser.
Wireline techniques have limited application in
the hundreds of subsea wells that are highly
deviated or horizontal. An intervention system
must be able to convey tools and uids in high-
angle wells. Coiled tubing often offers these
At the end of 1997, the worlds rst such
coiled tubing intervention was carried out from
the CSO Seawell on the Gannet eld for Shell in
the North Sea. Representatives from the
Schlumberger well intervention services group,
Dowell, Coflexip Stena Offshore and Shell
Subsea Well Engineering and Underwater
Engineering together assessed the risks associ-
ated with the development of the system. A cus-
tom-built lifting and shipping frame was installed
on the CSO Seawell to keep the riser in tension
and deploy the coiled tubing. The system was
Most wells require some kind of intervention dur-
ing their life span. Interventionsinstalling or
servicing subsurface surface-control valves,
changing gas-lift valves, production logging,
pulling failed tubing, removing scale or parafns,
perforating new sections, squeezing cement into
perforations to shut off water owall can
extend the productive life of a well. Some com-
panies claim that more than half their production
comes from subsea wells, and they will not tol-
erate reduced production that can be ameliorated
through intervention.
Intervention can be and has been accom-
plished with a drilling rig and marine riser, but
returning to a subsea well using this approach is
an expensive proposition. This has led the indus-
try to seek more cost-effective methods for
subsea intervention.
Subsea well intervention services of
Schlumberger, together with Coflexip Stena
Offshore (CSO), have devised a cost-effective
alternative for light well interventioninterven-
tion that can be run through tubing. Coexip
Stena Offshore built the specially designed
dynamically positioned monohull vessels,
CSO Seawell and CSO Wellservicer. The
11. For more on early production systems: Baustad T,
Courtin G, Davies T, Kenison R, Turnbull J, Gray B,
Jalali Y, Remondet J-C, Hjelmsmark L, Oldeld T,
Romano C, Saier R and Rannestad G: Cutting Risk,
Boosting Cash Flow and Developing Marginal Fields,
Oileld Review 8, no. 4 (Winter 1996): 18-31.
12. McGinnis E: Coiled Tubing Performance Underlies
Advances in Intervention Vessels, Offshore 58, no. 2
(February 1998): 46-47, 72.
tested rst on a suspended wellhead and suc-
cessfully performed a series of operations: rou-
tine disconnect and reconnect; swivel check;
coiled tubing run in hole; logging and circulating;
emergency disconnect with 1100 psi [7587 KPa]
in riser; and rigging down. On the live Gannet
well, a coiled tubing-conveyed production log-
ging test was conducted over four days with no
nonproductive time (below).
more cost effectively from a dynamically posi-
tioned dive-support vessela vessel not specially
equipped for drilling. The two key factors in favor
of the new approach with a dive-support vessel
were reduced cost of implementation of the
streamlined task and lower risk due to the short-
ened program with minimal hardware recovery.
The abandonment plan maximized efciency
by executing the operation in two partsrst all
wells would be plugged, then all subsea produc-
tion trees and wellheads would be recovered.
This optimized equipment rental costs and made
it possible for the crew to improve the process by
repeating and learning one type of operation.
The job was performed by the Coexip Stena
Offshore Ltd. CSO Seawell using the subsea
intervention lubricator. During the plugging
phase of the plan, the SIL maintained control of
and provided access to each well to carry kill-
weight uid to the open perforations, perforate
the tubing, circulate cement, pressure test the
plugs, circulate test dye, perforate casing and cut
the tubing with explosives. In the second phase,
the subsea production tree and tubing hanger
were recovered, casing strings were cut explo-
sively at least 12 ft [4 m] below the seabed and
the wellhead and casing stumps retrieved. The
optimized operation took 47 days instead of the
81 planned.
To date, 142 subsea production and sus-
pended wells encompassing 8 complete produc-
tion-eld abandonments have been carried out in
the UK continental shelf using the CSO Seawell
and the SIL.
For deepwater subsea wells, abandonment is
more involved. Late in 1999, EEX Corporation
began decommissioning its Cooper eld in the
Garden Banks area of the Gulf of Mexicothe
rst such project performed at a water depth
greater than 2100 ft [640 m] from a dynamically
positioned vessel.
Schlumberger and several
other contractors worked with Cal Dive Inc.
through the complex operation that included
removal of a one-of-a-kind freestanding produc-
tion riser, 12-point mooring system, oating pro-
duction unit and all the subsea equipment.
Schlumberger provided subsea project manage-
ment expertise along with coiled tubing, pump-
ing, slickline, testing and wireline services.
The rst step in decommissioning the eld
was to kill the seven subsea wells. Once this was
accomplished, the riser, owlines, production
trees and export pipelines were all cleaned and
18 Oileld Review
CSO Seawell
Rigid riser
Subsea tree
Coiled tubing
production logging
Light intervention services on subsea wells from a dynamically positioned monohull vessel using
the subsea intervention lubricator. Cost-effective subsea intervention, in the form of coiled tubing-
conveyed production logging, was performed in the Gannet eld, North Sea.
Since the SIL was developed in 1985, more
than 1166 operational days have been registered
and more than 275 subsea wells have been
entered using the lubricator from the CSO
Key factors in the success of the
approach have been efciency and cost-effec-
tiveness of operations. Compared with opera-
tions from a mobile drilling unit, cost savings can
range from 40 to 60%.
As more provinces mature and prolic elds
decline, operators must contend with subsea
well abandonmentas challenging a prospect
as any other subsea well operation. Well control
must be maintained at all times, and abandon-
ment guidelines must be heeded. These vary
with government and regulatory agencies, but
generally include points regarding the depth
below the seaoor to which all equipment must
be cleared, the isolation of producing zones from
each other, and the isolation of producing zones
and overpressured or potential producing zones
from the seabed. Operators want to minimize
expense at this stage in the life of the well, so
cost remains a large concern.
One of the rst major subsea well-abandon-
ment projects carried out in the North Sea was for
the Argyll eld in the UK sector.
In 1975, the eld,
in 260-ft [79-m] water depth, had been the rst to
begin production in the North Sea. By 1992, 35
wells had been drilled, of which 18 were com-
pleted subsea, and 7 of those had been shut in.
Production could not be sustained much longer. At
that time, conventional abandonment involved
retrieving the completion and setting cement
plugs through drillpipe from an anchored or
dynamically positioned semisubmersible drilling
rig. This process would take 8 to 10 days per well.
An innovative alternative proposal called for
squeezing cement into the productive perforations
through the production tubing and cementing the
whole completion into place. This could be accom-
plished in about four days per well with the same
drilling rigs as the conventional abandonment, or
Winter 1999/2000 19
ushed. The mooring lines, chains and anchors
were moved off-site, and the seven wells were
plugged and abandoned using a combination of
wireline and specially designed coiled tubing
unit. Because the entire abandonment operation
was conducted from the Uncle John, a dynami-
cally positioned semisubmersible, the system
also used an emergency disconnect package.
After the wells were plugged, the subsea trees
and remote templates were retrieved. The ow-
lines and export lines were then lled with
treated salt water and sealed. These lines, along
with the main template, were left in place on the
seabed in such a way that, if required, they could
be used to support future regional development.
What Next for Subsea?
Many companies already are experienced with
subsea solutions and others are just beginning to
become familiar with the advantages and limita-
tions. All agree that although the industry has
achieved measurable advances since the rst
subsea well almost 40 years ago, more work has
to be done before subsea technology can be
applied everywhere it is needed.
Nearly all of the current limitations are
related to the extreme depths and operating con-
ditions encountered by subsea wells. One broad
category of work to be done concerns metallurgy.
Embrittlement of metals at subsea temperatures
and pressures causes failures in equipment.
Going deeper may require completely new types
of materials.
Another area of investigation addresses
risers, moorings and umbilicals. Groups are
looking into assessing induced vibrations on
drilling risers and the possibility of developing
polyester moorings.
Elsewhere, other initiatives have been under-
taken. PROCAP2000 in Brazil supports the
advancement of technologies that enable produc-
tion from waters to 2000 m [6562 ft] depth. Since
its inception in 1986, many of the groups targets
have been reached, but several subsea projects
concentrating on subsea multiphase ow meter-
ing, separation and pumping are continuing.
The Norwegian Deepwater Programme was
formed in 1995 by the deepwater license partici-
pants on the Norwegian shelf, including Esso, BP
Amoco, Norsk Hydro, Shell, Saga and Statoil. The
goal was to nd cost-effective solutions to deep-
water challenges and included acquiring weather
and current data, constructing a regional model
of the seabed and shallow sediments, determin-
ing design and operational requirements, and
addressing problems related to owlines, umbili-
cals and multiphase ow.
These joint efforts have been established not
with just subsea technology in mind, but to
uncover solutions for exploration and production
in deep water in general. However, many opera-
tors are choosing subsea as their long-term
deepwater development concept. By some esti-
mates, 20% of the global capital investments in
offshore eld developments are in subsea facili-
ties and completions.
This percentage is likely
to rise, especially as subsea equipment contin-
ues to prove reliable, ow-assurance problems
are solved and operators gain condence in sub-
sea practice. LS
One of the ways the industry is looking for
innovation is through consortia, initiatives and
joint efforts. One of these, DeepStar, is a group of
Gulf of Mexico participants from 22 oil companies
and 40 vendors and contractors.
The oil compa-
nies have specied areas in which new deepwa-
ter solutions must be found. First on their list is
ow assurance. Parafns and hydrates are the
main causes of ow blockage in long tiebacks. If
ways could be found to combat their deposition,
longer tiebacks could be possible and economic
thresholds could be lowered, allowing develop-
ment of reserves that are currently marginal.
Several companies are working on solutions
to these problems. Some are proposing and try-
ing methods that attempt to unclog owlines
with coiled tubing-conveyed tools. Others are
testing the feasibility of heating pipe to control
parafn and hydrate formation. In addition, the
DeepStar organization has begun construction of
a eld-scale test facility in Wyoming, USA. The
5-mile [8-km] ow loop will be used to validate
hydrate-prediction software and multiphase ow
simulators, test new hydrate inhibitors, observe
the initiation of hydrate plugs, evaluate sensors
and understand parafn deposition. Much more
work is needed to ensure that subsea wells and
long tiebacks can sustain ow.
As more provinces mature and prolic elds decline, operators
must contend with subsea well abandonmentas challenging
a prospect as any other subsea well operation. Well control
must be maintained at all times, and abandonment guidelines
must be heeded.
13. Stewart H and Medhurst G: A Decade of Subsea Well
Intervention, presented at World Oil 6th International
Coiled Tubing & Well Intervention Conference and
Exhibition, Houston, Texas, USA, February 9-11, 1998.
14. Prise GJ, Stockwell TP, Leith BF, Pollack RA and
Collie IA: An Innovative Approach to Argyll Field
Abandonment, paper SPE 26691, presented at the
SPE Offshore European Conference, Aberdeen,
Scotland, September 7-10, 1993.
15. Furlow W: Field Abandonment, Offshore 59, no. 10
(October 1999): 114.
16. Silverman S and Bru JG: Taking the Initiative,
Deepwater Technology, Supplement to Petroleum
Engineer International 72, no. 5 (May 1999): 54-56.
17. Silverman and Bru, reference 16.
18. Thomas, reference 6.

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