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Taylor Williams Curriculum Presentation 1

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ED 3501 2012

Curriculum Presentation Lesson Plan

Name: Taylor Williams Subject: Science Program of Studies LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students will: 1. Describe the general structure of the Alberta Education Science Program of Studies 2. Recall the 5 Cs, regarding the E lementary Science Philosophy. 3. Appreciate the value of Science Education. Activity 4. List types of body coverings. 5. Describe why body coverings are important. 6. Distinguish animals by body covering.
Relevant GLO: 3-10 Describe the appearances and life cycles of some common animals, and identify their adaptations to different environments SLO: 1. Classify a variety of animals, based on observable characteristics; e.g., limbs, teeth, body covering, overall shape, backbone.

Observations: Oral Responses to questions Brainstorming on whiteboard Visual Observation Written/Performance Assessments: Animal Sort accuracy Match Game accuracy Exit Slip Responses Key Questions: What is the general structure of the Science Program of Studies? What are some common animal body coverings? Why are body coverings important to survival?

Alberta Education. (1996). Program of Studies. Elementary Science. Retrieved Sept, 2013 from Alberta Education. (2003). Program of Studies. Science 7-8-9. Retrieved Sept, 2013 from Alberta Education. (2005). Program of Studies. Science 10. Retrieved Sept, 2013 from Alberta Education. (2003). Program of Studies. Science 14-24. Retrieved Sept, 2013 from Alberta Education. (2007). Program of Studies. Science 20-30. Retrieved Sept, 2013 from Alberta Education. (2007). Program of Studies. Biology 20-30 Retrieved Sept, 2013 from Alberta Education. (2007). Program of Studies. Chemistry 20-30. Retrieved Sept, 2013 from Alberta Education . (2007). Program of Studies. Physics 20-30. Retrieved Sept, 2013 from Roscoe, K. (2012). An Introduction to Curriculum and Instruction. First Choice Books. Canada. Print.


2 Posters 6 Summary Handouts 6 Animal Sort and Mats 6 Matching Games 6 Feedback Slips 6 Exit Slips 3 Scissors 5 Glue Sticks Whiteboard and Markers Lesson Plan



ED 3501 2012

Introduction (5 min.):
Attention Grabber: Write What is Science? on the whiteboard Assessment of current understanding: Observe oral responses. SAY: What do you think of when you think of the word science? Transition to Body: SAY: You seem to have a good understanding of what science means but now lets look at the Program of Studies.

Body (10 min.):

Elementary Science Program of Studies: Explain the Elementary Science Philosophy and state the 5 Cs: Curiosity, Current Knowledge, Communication, Confidence, and Challenging. Read through rest of poster regarding the Elementary Science Program of Studies. State philosophies, relevant units, and example GLOs. Stress that the level of understanding and comprehension at each level steadily increases. Grades 7-12 Science Program of Studies: Read through poster regarding the Grades 7-12 Science Program of Studies. State philosophies, relevant units, and example GLOs. Explain that the Program of Studies differentiates after grade 10 to include Biology, Chemistry and Physics, and also Science 14 and 24. Transition to Activity: Introduce animal body coverings activity Identify GLO and SLO and Grade level (3) for activity.
GLO: 3-10 Describe the appearances and life cycles of some common animals, and identify their adaptations to different environments SLO: 1. Classify a variety of animals, based on observable characteristics; e.g., limbs, teeth, body covering, overall shape, backbone.

Animal Body Coverings Activity: SAY: Today, grade threes, we are going to learn about animal body coverings. Can anyone tell me what that means? Brainstorm types of body coverings and let the students record responses on whiteboard. ASK: Why are body coverings important for animals? Introduce Animal Sort and go through procedures: - Carefully cut out the animal squares and glue them under the kind of body covering you think is correct. Share the scissors and glue and paper scraps go in the recycling. - Describe your favorite animal in words and pictures in the last box. - When youre finished you can come up and get a matching game. Ill explain it when you get it. Hand out worksheet glue and scissors. Observe and answer questions as students work. Matching Game Activity: Explain activity as students are finished. - Carefully cut the boxes out again, lay them all face down in a square. - Flip over 2 squares at a time and try to match the animal with the description. - When you find a match, carefully glue them together back-to-back to create a study guide.

Closure ( 5 min.):
Go over agenda and recap what I covered in the lesson. Explain Exit Slips and Feedback Slips then hand them out. Clean up while students fill them out. Collect both slips.

Elementary Grades 1-6

Philosophy Childrens curiosity provides a natural starting point for learning. Childrens learning builds on what they currently know and can do. Communication is essential for science learning. Confidence and self-reliance are important outcomes of learning. Students learn best when they are challenged and actively involved.

5 Cs: Curiosity, Current Knowledge, Communication, Confidence, Challenging.

Program Emphasis Two main areas are stressed throughout the elementary science program : science inquiry and problem solving through technology. In science inquiry, the focus is on asking questions and finding answers based on evidence . In problem solving through technology, the focus is on practical tasks finding ways of making and doing things to meet a given need, using available materials.

Attitudes Throughout grades 1-6 the general learner outcome for attitudes is: Demonstrate positive attitudes for the study of science and for the application of science in responsible ways. Although, specific learner outcomes change slightly.

designs, and compare the effectiveness of the various materials and designs for their intended purposes.
*Also the example of
distinguishing animals by body coverings that I showed in class. (GLO 3-10, SLO 1.)

Grade 1

Focus on investigation based on own questions, as well as others, observation and description, and constructing objects with materials provided to achieve a purpose. GLO: 16 Describe seasonal changes, and interpret the effects of seasonal changes on living things.

GLO: 46 Demonstrate a practical understanding of wheels, gears and levers by constructing devices in which energy is transferred to produce motion

Grade 5

Grade 2

Focus on designing and carrying out structured investigation, importance of observation accuracy and measurement, applications of methods of observation, analyzing, evaluating and investigating practical problems. GLO: 55 Demonstrate safe methods for the study of magnetism and electricity, identify methods for measurement and control, and apply techniques for evaluating magnetic and electrical properties of materials.

Focus on investigation and understanding procedures, recognizing patterns, recording observations using pictures and words, making predictions based on observations, and constructing objects with materials provided to achieve a purpose. GLO:25 Describe some properties of water and other liquids, and recognize the importance of water to living and nonliving things.

Grade 6

Grade 3-4

Focus on making inferences based on observations, identifying patterns, recording observations, making predictions and generalizations, and practical problem solving. GLO: 37 Construct structures, using a variety of materials and

Focus on designing and carrying out investigation with identified variables and that provides a fair test, importance of observation accuracy and measurement, applications of methods of observation, analyzing, evaluating and investigating practical problems. GLO: 68 Apply observation and inference skills to recognize and interpret patterns and to distinguish a specific pattern from a group of similar patterns.

Grades 7-8-9
Science programs provide opportunities for students to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes that they need to explore interests and prepare for further education and careers.

Encourage all students to develop a critical sense of curiosity about science. Enable students use technology to benefit their lives and solve problems. Prepare students to critically address science related societal, economic, ethical and environmental issues. Provide students with a foundation in science that creates opportunities for them to pursue progressively higher levels of study. Enable all students to develop knowledge of the various careers related to science, technology and the environment.

Senior High
Science Vision The main goals of the senior high science program is to provide scientific awareness essential to creating effective members of society, provide opportunity to pursue further studies, better understand themselves and the world around them, interconnect ideas and principles, develop methods of inquiry and develop an appreciation of science.

Science 10

Science 14 and 24

Science 20
Chemical Changes Changes in Motion The Changing Earth Changes in Living Systems

Chemistry 20
The Diversity of Matter and Chemical Bonding Forms of Matter: Gases Matter as Solutions, Acids and Bases Quantitative Relationships in Chemical Changes

Science 30
Living Systems Respond to Their Environment Chemistry and the Environment Electromagnetic Energy Energy and the Environment

Chemistry 30
Thermochemical Changes Electrochemical Changes Chemical Changes of Organic Compounds Chemical Equilibrium Focusing on Acid-Base Systems

Biology 20
Energy and Matter Exchange in the Biosphere Ecosystems and Population Change Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Human Systems

Physics 20
Kinematics Dynamics Circular Motion, Work and Energy Oscillatory Motion and Mechanical Waves

Biology 30
Nervous and Endocrine Systems Reproduction and Development Cell Division, Genetics and Molecular Biology Population and Community Dynamics

Physics 30 Momentum and Impulse Forces and Fields Electromagnetic Radiation Atomic Physics


NAME: ____________________________

Something I learned today was

Can you remember the 5 Cs regarding the elementary Science philosophy?

Explain why science might be an important part of education.

Bonus: Can you name all the Science classes 1-12?

Animal SORT
Look at these animals body coverings; use the mat to sort them.













2011 Heather Motley

Animal Body Covering Sort Mat Feathers Fur or Hair




Describe your favorite animal

2011 Heather Motley

Matching Game: Place these cards upside down and match animals with their body coverings.

I have scales all over my body.

Hermit Crab

My feathers help me to fly. My skin protects my organs.


My shell protects my body.



I have fur that keeps me warm.


My hair protects my skin.

2011 Heather Motley


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