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Lesson 6

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LESSON 6 (Monday)

Overview to the Teacher: Teacher will need to check out the classroom set of iPads from the tech department. The Cuban Missile Crisis was the closest that the world would ever come to a nuclear war. Introduce this topic to the students and emphasize that point. JFK and Khrushchev were key players in this event and students should recognize their style and leadership. Students should have read pages 710-714 in their textbooks prior to this lesson. Objectives: Students will analyze the tension that led to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Students will be able to recognize tone and point of view in speeches and written documents. Students will be able to put these events in chronological order and see how they fit into the greater scope of the Cold War Content Standards: Sub-Strand 10.9: Students analyze the international developments in the post World War II world. Sub-Strand 10.9.2: Analyze the causes of the Cold War, with the free world on one side and Soviet client states on the other, including competition for influence in such places as Egypt, the Congo, Vietnam, and Chile. Common Core Standards: 10.SL.5 Make strategic use of digital media in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence to add interest Technology Standards: Creativity and Innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Students: -Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes. -Create original works as a means of personal or group expression. Research and Information Fluency -Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. -Students: plan strategies to guide inquiry. -Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media. -Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats. -Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems. -Research and Information Fluency Resources: Voicethread Macbook, ipad

Ipad App: To the Brink: National Archinves Anticipatory Set: Connect the iPad to Airplay and make sure that the projector is on. Using the YouTube app, watch JFKs speech to the nation during the Cuban Missile Crisis. This link has been saved in the favorites. Students should summarize that speech by writing a paragraph in your journal. Take a look at the students journals and check off this assignment. They receive full credit for this assignment. It is a participation grade. Instruction: Pass out the iPads to the students and divide them into groups of 4. Part 1: Open the App-To the Brink (National Archives) and show the students how to open this app on their iPads: Students will draw a timeline of The Cuban Missile Crisis and highlight the impactful events after watching the video clip. They will do this in their notebooks, which will be turned in at the end of the quarter. Part 2: Stay on this app and stay with the Cuban Missile Crisis. Read and evaluate quotes by Khrushchev and JFK. Compare and contrast their styles as well as their differing leadership styles. Students should think-pair-share with this topic. Then students will, using the Internet, research these 2 men and stage an informal mock debate utilizing their distinct styles. Students will receive full credit for this participation assignment. Homework: Students will create a new interactive, digital timeline of The Cold War using They should use their textbooks (ch. 21) for information on this timeline. Students will submit their timelines electronically via email by the end of the day tomorrow.

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