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Isl Week 3

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WEEK 3 : Communication in NCTM (2000). Principles & Standard for School Mathematics.

Instructional programs from prekindergarten through grade 12 should enable all students to :

Organize and consolidate mathematical thinking through communication

Students gain insights into their thinking when they present their methods for solving problems, justify their reasoning, formulate a question about something that is puzzling to them. Communication for the purposes of reflection- to explain their answer and describe their strategies. Writing in mathematics- to reflect on their work and clarify their thoughts about the ideas developed in the lesson.

As students practice communication, they should acquire and recogniza conventional mathematical styles of dialogue and argument. Over time, students should become more aware of. and responsive to, their audience as they explain their ideas in mathematics class. Communicate their As students mature, their communication should reflect an increasing array of ways to justify their procedures and results. mathematical thinking coherently In the lower grades, providing empirical evidence or a few examples may be enough. and clearly to In the middle grades and high school, explanations should become more mathematically peers, teachers, rigorous and students should increasingly state in their supporting arguments the mathematical and others properties they used.

Analyze and evaluate the mathematical thinking and strategies of others

A student who has one way of seeing a problem can profit from another student's view, which may reveal a different adpect of the problem. Students must learn to question and probe one another's thinking in order to clarify undereveloped ideas. Students must learn to examine the methods and ideas of others in order to determine their strengths and limitations.

Teachers can help students see that some words that are used in everyday language, such as similar, factor, area, or function, are used in mathematics with different or more-precies meanings. Use the language Students should understand the role of mathematical definitions and should use them in of mathematics to mathematical work. express Technology affords other opportunities and challenges for the development and analysis of mathematical language. ideas precisely

WEEK 3 : Language and Mathematics in Booker, et al. (2004). Teaching primary mathematics. 3rd ed.

WEEK 3 : Practices that Promote Communication in Kennedy & Tipps. (1994). Guiding childrens learning of mathematics. 7th ed.

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