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Coup D'etat: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy

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Coup detat

The assassination of President John F. Kennedy

50th Anniversary Edition

Jerry Kroth, Ph.D.

Copyright Jerry Kroth, 2013

Jackie Kennedy believed Lyndon B. Johnson was behind the 1963 assassination of her husband, John F. Kennedy. Sensational tapes recorded by the First Lady months after the Presidents death are to be released ahead of schedule by her daughter, Caroline.

You know, I was one of the ones who advised Kennedy to stay away from Texas. Lyndon was being a real asshole about the whole thing and insisted. Texas Governor John Connally 1

Table of Contents

1. Camouflage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2. A half century of research. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3. Coup detat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4. Strengths and weaknesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 5. Postscript. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
About the author Picture credits Endnotes


Coup detat is the denitive book on the Kennedy assassination! It should be required reading in every American high school.
Marvin Forrest, Ph.D., Psychotherapist, Santa Barbara

Dr. Kroth cuts to the heart of the matter laying out a hard to dispute argument for what actually happened that distant half century ago when everything changed for all of us. At a time when apologists have seemed to dominate the trend in regarding Kennedy assassination publishing,it is important to swing the pendulum back toward the rational conclusion that something was deliberately taken from us, the course of our future was compromised, and it was those we most trusted, not a crazed outlier, who engineered it all. This is a very important book and a must read for those of us who care. Steve Stelle, author of On shaky ground.

Coup d'etat, is a must-read for those of us who were of voting age during those turbulent times at the end of Camelot and who recall the strange goings on of the Warren Commission Hearings. There were so many loose ends that have never been woven into a concise and believable explanation until now. David Hall, author of The Rose

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1. Camouage
There has to be more to it.1
Senator Edward Kennedy

On November 22, 1963 President Kennedy was shot to death in Dallas in the presence of his wife. The governor of Texas, John Connally, was sitting in the front of the limousine which meandered slowly through an unusual and atypical parade route in Dealey Plaza. Connally was wounded. Two hours later, Lyndon Johnson was sworn in as the new American president. After the shooting, Lee Harvey Oswald left the Texas School Depository Building where the shots were thought to have originated. He went back to his rented room, changed clothes, and started walking. He was stopped en route by ofce J.D. Tippit. Oswald pulled out his revolver and executed Tippit on the spot, pumping four bullets into him, one of which went into his right temple. Oswald then walked toward the Texas Theater. He went in without buying a ticket which aroused suspicions. The police were called, and he was arrested inside. A few years earlier, Oswald left the U.S. Marines, went to Russia, sought to surrender his citizenship, and then returned to the U.S. with a new Russian wife. He was not arrested upon his return, nor did he pay any penalty for his apparent defection. He was described as a Marxist-Leninist with pro-Castro communist sympathies.

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On the sixth oor of the Texas School Book Depository in Dealey Plaza, Oswald created a snipers lair from which he red three shots from a World War II rie. Three shell casings were found at the site, but there were no ngerprints on the trigger or barrel of the gun. After his arrest, Oswald claimed he knew nothing about the assassination and that he was a patsy. Jack Ruby, who was described as a night club owner friendly with police, gained entry and shot Oswald to death within forty-eight hours of his arrest. After Lyndon Johnsons assumption of the Presidency, he convened the Warren Commission, named after Supreme Court Justice, Earl Warren. Justice Warren did not want to head up this study commission, but President Johnson strongly urged him to do so. The Warren Commission issued its ndings within the next year claiming that Oswald shot the President, that he had no accomplices, that all the shots red were from the Depository, and that Oswald had distinct communist leanings. Most Americans did not believe these conclusions and felt the government was concealing the truth. The mainstream American media, however, traditionally endorsed this government narrative, and, on each anniversarythe 10th, 20th, 30th, & 40thmost network-sponsored specials said conspiracy theorists were paranoid and misguided, and that government renderings of the event were essentially correct. A number of Warren Commission apologists came forth to buttress the tale. The most famous of these are Gerald Posners Case Closed, Vincent Bugliosis Reclaiming History, and the Commissions most recent courtier, Bill OReillys Killing Kennedy. Despite the propaganda and puffery, many thoughtful persons did not accept these conclusions. Among them Thomas Merton, Kenneth Rexroth, Irving Wallace, Ray Bradbury, Paddy Chayefsky, Norman Cousins, Bertrand Russell, Arnold Toynbee, and Thor Heyerdahl.2 Warren Commission

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member Hale Boggs, Senator John Sherman Cooper, and Senator Richard Russell had serious reservations. 3So did President Charles deGaulle. Kennedys personal secretary, Evelyn Lincoln, believed he was killed as a result of a conspiracy. After being barred from the autopsy, JFKs personal physician, Dr. Burkley felt a conspiracy was afoot. 4 Governor John Connally who was shot along with JFK was asked if he felt Lee Harvey Oswald red the gun. He answered, Absolutely not, I do not for one second believe the conclusions of the Warren Commission!5 Kennedy aides, Dave Powers and Kenneth ODonnell, both of whom were present in Dealey Plaza, thought the report was phony; ditto for veteran Secret Service ofcer, Gabby Kellerman. 6 Most importantly, the American people have not budged in their assessment of what actually happened. Today, on the ftieth anniversary of the assassination, fully seventy-ve percent of the American public do not believe the conclusions of the Warren Commission. 7

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2. A half century of research

I told the FBI what I had heard [two shots from behind the grassy knoll fence], but they said it couldn't have happened that way and that I must have been imagining things. So I testified the way they wanted me to. I just didn't want to stir up any more pain and trouble for the family. Kenneth ODonnell, special assistant to President Kennedy

I am a professor at Santa Clara University in California. In 2003, I published Conspiracy in Camelot: the complete history of the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. This was an academic enterprise. With close to 800 footnotes, all the evidence for and against the Warren Commission report was sifted and sorted along with the major conspiracy theories. The theory that the Maa was behind the assassination was reviewed. The indictment of President Johnson similarly was proffered along with the strength and weaknesses of those allegations. Other major theories were considered too: was it the CIA, Castro, Khrushchev, or perhaps antiCastro Cubans who felt betrayed that JFK abandoned them at the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba? This book was encyclopedic in scope. It presented all the best evidence to support the idea that Oswald killed JFK, but it also vigorously argued the case for reasonable doubt. The intent of that book was to be as exhaustive as possible. When researchers spoke of a cover up of information by the government or the

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media, the text actually had a table listing every source of cover-up in the whole body of literature on this topic. There were sixty-four entries! There were canards about President Kennedys liaisons with women during his White House years. The text scoured that database, too, and published a table listing some thirty-three affairs in the thirty-three months that President Kennedy was in ofce.8 The frequency of his affairs is easily three standard deviations from the mean of male sexual partners in a lifetime. Quite to this authors astonishment, that short exercise resulted in the conclusion that President Kennedy would likely today be diagnosed with a mental illness, Hypersexual Disorder. 9 In short, this was a voluminous, detailed, and complex book. A year or so ago, I made a video podcast of these ndings, and close to 20,000 people commented on it. Generally, the feedback I received has been supportive, but varied: Some say Oswald did it. This is nonsense. Better take your meds doc! But a majority say things like Dr. Kroth, thank you for an objective and fair presentation, but instead of presenting one or another theory, could you please put together the most reasonable theory and give us your opinion on the most plausible alternate reality to the Warren Commission? So, this short book is quite different from Conspiracy in Camelot. It is not an encyclopedia and will not regurgitate all the old evidence and citations. It has a different purpose: to present the most cogent, logical, and persuasive theory about what actually happened on November 22, 1963, and a theory that stands in sharp contrast to the chronicle presented by the Warren Commission. This theory, frankly, is shocking, benumbing, and deeply undermines how most Americans feel about their country. Still, it is only a theory, and, like the others which have come before, it is accompanied by all of its respective strengths and weaknesses carefully delineated so the reader can come to his or her own assessments.

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3. Coup detat
If the American people knew the truth about Dallas, there would be blood in the streets. 10 Robert Kennedy

Alternate realities When we attempt to put the entire cornucopia of conspiracy theories into a single narrative, we probably end up withor begin withJames Files, convict No. N14006, in the Stateville Correctional Center in Joliet, Illinois who is serving a life sentence for murdering a policeman. He is an inarticulate fellow and a former loyal associate of Maoso, Chuckie Nicoletti. He claims he was the grassy knoll gunman and paid $36,000 for the hit. His story represents the most plausible of the many speculative scenarios that exist across the spectrum of conspiracy literature. Over the course of six years, I had an opportunity of interviewing Mr. Files in his prison connement. I would ask him written questions, and he would reply in his battered English. There were over fty witnesses who said that shots came not from the Depository, but from the grassy knoll, so Files comments cant be dismissed out of hand. 11 12

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Despite that, there are many people in the last fty years who confessed to the assassination, and, believe it or not, Conspiracy in Camelot actually listed twenty possible assassins who were in Dealey Plaza that day! 13 Certainly they cannot all have reported for duty. In my interviews with Files, however, I was impressed by something. He answered most of my questions without a hint that he making things up. When I asked him if he knew this person or that, his answers were invariably correct. Either he was extremely well versed in conspiracy literature, or he was telling the truth. Sometimes, I would make up a name or two as a test, just to see if he would try to embellish his answers, but, without exception, he simply said he didnt know the ctional name I presented him with. In fact, I couldnt nd a single inconsistency in any of his answers. Slowly, I began to believe that this man could be telling the truth. It was then that the hairs on the back of my neck began to stand up. It dawned on me that I actually might be interviewing the man who murdered President Kennedy. 14 So, the composite theory presented here represents the best that conspiracy theory can offer, and that might easily be the alternate title of this chapter. It comes from many sources: James Files comments, primarily, varied Youtube interviews, the deathbed confession of spymaster, E. Howard Hunt,15 the wide expanse of literature covered in Conspiracy in Camelot, plus recently published cutting-edge research from David Talbot, Douglass Horne, James Dieugenio, James Douglass and others, all of whom have added new data and dimension to our knowledge base. So here is the story.

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After tomorrow the Kennedys will never embarrass me again.

Lyndon Johnson to his mistress, Madeline Brown, the day before the assassination

Lyndon Johnson, frightened that his political career was over and that he might face imprisonment on corruption charges, was the architect of the plot. Kennedy and Johnson didn't like each other. One of the last decisions Kennedy made before his trip to Dallas was that Johnson would not be running for reelection with him as his Vice President in the upcoming 1964 election. Johnson had been involved in a number of questionable events which were now coming under scrutiny. His close associate, Bobby Baker, was under investigation for corruption. So was another pal, Billy Sol Estes. The inquiries of malfeasance by these two men were creeping ever closer to Johnson himself. As Bobby Bakers case expanded in scope and intensity, he remarked to a friend that Bakers testimony could make him spend the rest of his days behind bars.16 As a consequence, Johnson left Washington to stay out of the limelight, remaining in Texas for the few months before the assassination. He felt the Kennedys manipulated these emerging scandals in order to use them to jettison Johnson from the 1964 ticket. 17 Johnson, also known by his initials LBJ, believed that Robert Kennedy had an arsenal of data accumulated about these dealings.18 His political career was coming to an end before his eyes, and he was deeply embittered by his association with the Kennedys and their complicity in these accusations against him. The Kennedy brothers referred to Johnson and his wife jokingly as Colonel Cornpone and his little Porkchop.19


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Johnsons mistress, Madeline Brown, reported that he said to her the night before the assassination After tomorrow, those Kennedys will never embarrass me again. Thats not a threat. Thats a promise! 20 The indictment of Johnson for the assassination is not an original idea. Many researchers have proposed Johnson as the mastermind behind the plot to kill the President: Philip Nelson, Joseph Farrell, Mark North, Barr McClellan, Craig Zirbel, and Roger Stone. But Johnson could not pull off this plot alone. The CIA Four sympathetic current and former CIA functionaries, Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, James Jesus Angleton, and William Harvey, aided and abetted his plan either in an active or passive mode; conspiracy literature is somewhat unclear on this point. By active it is meant that these gentlemen were bona de accomplices in the planning of the assassination itself. By passive it is meant that they merely engaged in cover-up activities, obfuscation, secrecy, and destruction of documents, acquiescing to plans and plots rather than serving as coarchitects of them. Senator Richard Schweiker was the Chairman of the Church Committee, one of the committees which looked into the assassination of the President. Schweiker said in no uncertain terms: In my judgement the CIA was involved in the murder of the President. 21 To Senator Schweiker, then, these CIA personages were more active participants, but when we search through fty years of research, we cannot be certain their participation was unambiguously active rather than simply aiding and abetting Johnsons plans. Allen Dulles was the director of the CIA when Kennedy took power. He was a right wing Republican hawk. His opinion of Kennedy was little short of loathing, once remarking, That little Kennedy thought he was a god. 22

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While head of the CIA under JFK, Dulles boasted at a dinner party that he was still carrying out his brother, John Fosters, foreign policy. He said, you know thats a much better policy. Ive chosen to follow that one. When President Kennedy was told of Dulles remark he replied, God damn it! Did he really say that? 23 Dulles helped orchestrate the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, privately assuring President Kennedy that the CIA-funded expeditionary force would be sufcient for the job. That invasion failed largely because Kennedy would not back these troops up with more direct American involvement. Only many years later was it learned that Dulles deliberately misled the President into thinking his CIA-backed force of anti-Castro Cubans could succeed on its own. His real intention was to get the President mired into an inescapable situation which would force him to follow up with American forces. Kennedy refused, much to the anger of the Cuban exile community in the United States, and much to Dulles surprise. Dulles was simply not used to being overruled by anyone, including the President. He had long served the government with his brother under President Eisenhower and was quite accustomed to running things his way. Kennedy ultimately red Allen Dulles in September, 1961 from his position in the CIA because of the disastrous outcome of the Bay of Pigs invasion. One Dulles appointee, Richard Bissell, is credited with numerous attempts to assassinate Castro using poisoned ice cream sodas, poison cigars, and poisoned sea shells on Castros favorite beach, all happening quite against JFKs knowledge or wishes. 24 In addition, Dulles refused to testify with respect to whether individuals suspected in involvement in the assassination were connected to the CIA. 25 The pugnacious Dulles once even prepared a plan for a preemptive nuclear rst strike against the Soviet Union. Kennedy felt the idea was sheer madness. Dulles antipathy for Kennedy, in turn, was legion, and numerous conspiracy researchers believe he was a more active participant with Johnson


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in the assassination, particularly lm maker Oliver Stone, 26 author Robert Morrow, 27and New Orleans prosecutor, Jim Garrison. 28 Richard Helms, the second CIA ofcial implicated in this theory, was the director of clandestine operations for the CIA under Dulles, later becoming the director himself. Helms was once convicted of contempt of Congress for failing to disclose information about CIA operatives, Maa related activities connected to the overthrow of Castro, and even CIA sponsored commando raids into Cuba directly in opposition to Kennedys policies. The long list of cover-up activities associated with Helms is impressive. Indeed, one document allegedly authored by Helms and Angleton speaks of having to cover up for E. Howard Hunts presence in Dallas on November, 22, 1963. 29 In another incident, Helms withheld evidence from investigative committees that Jack Ruby had ties to mobster Santos Trafcante.30 New Orleans prosecutor, Jim Garrison, attempted to unsuccessfully indict a number of individuals for the assassination. He accused Helms of withholding information on CIA ties to at least two of his witnesses. 31 Helms is alleged to have plotted the murder of Castro just the day before JFK was shot, and quite in violation of JFKs orders to have the CIA stand down from such activities. 32 33 Helms has been linked to disinformation activities regarding the JFK assassination as well. 34 To author and researcher, James Dieugenio, Helms was the highest link in the chain of assassination plots against Castro, 35 while other conspiracy researchers have linked Helms more directly to the JFK plot itself. 36 37 38 39 Our third CIA inductee in the conspiracy is James Jesus Angleton who was the head of counterintelligence in the CIA. He, like Dulles, detested President Kennedy. Angleton was associated with myriad cover-up activities, destruction of documents related to the murder of a Presidential mistress, as well as missing documents regarding Oswalds alleged trip to Mexico City. 40 Angleton, through his assistant, is also believed to have covered up CIA les on Oswald according to author John Newman.41 Angleton presided over a efdom of two hundred persons directly under his authority, all sworn to secrecy.

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After the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy sent a secret emissary, William Attwood, to begin discussions with Castro. He was accompanied by Lisa Howard, an ABC correspondent. Both Howard and Attwood played the role of media people when, in fact, both were on a secret and personal mission for Kennedy. Howard even bedded Castro, and then shared her pillow talk with the President. 42 Throughout these exchanges, both JFK and Castro developed an increasing rapport. Kennedy proposed that the U.S. would recognize the Castro regime in return for Castros promise not to export his revolution elsewhere. Today Attwood says of these extremely delicate talks: There is no doubt in my mind if there had been no assassination, we probably would have moved into negotiations leading toward normalization of relations with Cuba. 43 44 Kennedy believed only six people in the country knew of his secret initiative, but he was wrong. James Angleton bugged the apartments of Attwood and Lisa Howard and learned of Kennedys negotiations with Castro and the proposed entente. He passed this information on to the anti-Castro Cuban community which was absolutely enraged, convincing them that Kennedy was actively betraying their dreams of returning to Cuba. 45 Angleton, according to investigative journalist, Seymour Hersh, was known to loathe President Kennedy whom he came to regard, in his alcohol-fueled paranoia, as an agent of the Soviet Union. 46 Some researchers believe Angleton was intimately involved in the assassination plot against the President. 47 48 When Hersh interviewed him about his role in the assassination he remarked A mansion has many rooms . . . Im not privy to who struck John. Hersh said Angleton was basically laying off blame on somebody else . . . and the whole purpose of the conversation was to convince me to go after somebody else and not him . . . and also that he was a completely crazy fucking old fart.49


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William Harvey and Johnny Roselli In addition to these three CIA bigwigs, William Harvey, another high-level CIA ofcial, had direct access to Lyndon Johnson according to the E. Howard Hunts deathbed confession. Harvey was a boisterous, porcine alcoholic with a passionate dislike for Kennedy, and, according a friend, hated Bobby Kennedys guts with a purple passion. 50 Harveys role in the CIA was to liaise with both Corsican and American Maosi for clandestine black ops. Harveys close friend, with whom he dined and vacationed, was noted American mobster, Johnny Roselli. So close were these two that Harveys daughter referred to Roselli as Uncle Johnny.51 It is thought that through Harvey, the Maa was conscripted to join in the plot to kill the President. Harveys close relationship with the mob was not conned to Roselli, however. He was in regular contact with mobsters Santos Trafcante and Sam Giancana, as well as with anti-Castro Cubans like Eladio del Valle.52 The Maa component There are many authors who have endorsed the Maa theory of the assassination, most notable among them David Scheim, Jim Marrs, and Professor Robert Blakey. The leading Maa conspirators were Santos Trafcante, Sam Giancana, Carlos Marcello, and Tony Accardo. The Maa side of the conspiracy is rendered as follows and based closely on James Files admissions. Robert Kennedy, the Attorney General of the United States, was aggressively prosecuting mob gures during the rst three years of the Kennedy presidency. He was responsible for close to seven hundred successful prosecutions, and the Maa was under siege because of it.53 And yet, the Maa, particularly Sam Giancana, thought of itself as tight with the Kennedy family. Giancanas largesse helped secure the vote for Kennedy in Chicago and in West Virginia. 54 He also helped to provide the lothario President with mistress, Judith Exner Campbell.55

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So the mob was deeply puzzled at Robert Kennedys behavior. Giancana secretly taped Bobby Kennedy to try to nd out why he was pursuing them with such vigor despite all the generosity the Chicago bosses had shown to both Jack and his father. [Note, they plied Jacks father, Joseph Kennedy, with a regular supply of women. Joe also had a number of secret dealings with the mob, one of which involved dealings of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and other notables in securing gambling properties in Lake Tahoe.] 56 J. Edgar Hoover got wind of Joe Kennedys Maa dealings in 1961. He presented this information to President Kennedy, and, in turn, the President showed the information to his father. Joseph Kennedy promptly had a stroke and never fully regained his faculties after that date. In turn, the Kennedys never fully forgave Hoover. In a book written by Giancanas brother entitled Double Cross, Sam comments on his bete noire and his secret recordings of Robert Kennedy: That mick cocksucker, Bobby, we got him on the wire calling me a guinea greaseball. . . can you believe that? My millions were good enough for 'em, weren't they? The votes I muscled for 'em were good enough to get Jack elected. So now I'm a fuckin greaseball, am I? He smiled, his eyes narrowing into small cobra-like slits, and stood up. "Well, I'm gonna send them a message they'll never forget. 57 Trafcante, Giancana, Marcello and Accardo collectively decided that if they assassinated Bobby Kennedy, the President would avenge his death by destroying them with all the powers of the presidency behind him. They decided to kill the head of the snake, as Marcello put it, and then Bobby Kennedy would be neutralized by the death of his brother. Sam said to his brother:


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"We took care of Kennedy . . . The hit in Dallas was just like any other operation wed worked on in the past. . . " 58. . . the United States had a coup; its that simple. The government of this country was overthrown by a handful of guys who did their job so damned well . . . only one American even knew it happened. 59 The FBIs J. Edgar Hoover had wiretaps showing a Maa plot to kill the president was in the works. Mark North, author of Act of Treason, provides numerous examples. One wiretap after the murder of Benjamin Lewis reveals That will teach that little fucker Kennedy who runs Chicago. 60 In another, Carlos Marcello says Dont worry about that little Bobby sonofabitch. . . Hes going to be taken care of. . . The dog will keep biting you if you only cut off its tail, but if the dogs head were cut off, the entire dog will die.61 And Santos Trafcante said Mark my word, this man Kennedy is in trouble, and he will get what is coming to him. . . He is going to be hit. 62 Hoover did not inform his boss, Robert Kennedy, about this intelligence. His disdain for RFK knew no limits, all of which led author Mark North to accuse Hoovers silence on these issues as treasonous. So, ultimately, the agreement was forged between Johnson, his CIA compatriots, and the cozy connection between William Harvey and mobster Johnny Rosselli. Roselli was enlisted to bring the mob into the equation, and eager Maa conspirators were only too happy to join with Johnson to carry out the cross-re assassination plan in Dealey Plaza. This mlange, then, was the high cabal that engineered a brazen coup detat in the United States of America on Nov. 22, 1963.

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The cabal

But there were leading second-tier candidates, too, who brought Johnson, the CIA, and Maa elements together besides Harvey and Roselli.


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Intermediaries Two other gures were David Ferrie and David Atlee Phillips. The peripatetic Ferrie, a pilot, and a homosexual pedophile, was involved with antiCastro Cubans, the CIA, and Marcellos New Orleans undergroundand Ferries hatred of Kennedy knew no limits. David Atlee Phillips was a quiet, deep cover CIA operative thought to go by the name, Maurice Bishop. Even Kennedys newly appointed director of the CIA, John McCone, who took over from Allen Dulles, didnt seem to know about him or his activities. Philips was one of the most mysterious gures in Kennedy assassination lore. James Files alleges Phillips choreographed the events in Dealey Plaza and was the CIAs control ofcer. He also helped set up Oswald. Phillips kept his silence throughout all of the many inquiries about the assassination, but on his deathbed, his estranged brother, James, called him. He asked if he was in Dallas during the assassination. Phillips broke into tears and admitted he was. His brother promptly hung up the phone. 63 It is believed that through Ferrie and Phillips the parade route was passed along from Johnson, through Harvey and Roselli, and the hit squad organizedmainly through the Chicago Syndicate. In addition, Oswald was properly deceived and put in place in the Depository to serve as the patsy by these same individuals. Although no library card was found on Oswald, there was a rumor that he had Ferries library card. Ferrie was in a frenzy to retrieve it from Oswalds landlady in order to cover his tracks or any trail that connected him to Oswald and visited her to try to nd it. 64 Besides Ferrie and Phillips, there were other players too. Oswald moved to New Orleans and had a few low paying jobs there. Here he engaged in rather bizarre behavior. He started the Fair Play for Cuba Committee which boasted thirty-three members, when there were actually no members other than himself. He picketed in front of an aircraft carrier passing out Fair Play for Cuba brochures. He had a brouhaha with an anti-Castro Cuban which

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received a great deal of publicity. Both he and the Cuban, Carlos Bringuier, were arrested. Later Oswald appeared on television debating the cause for Cuba. The Warren Commission used this information to make its case that Oswald was a communist sympathizer and to establish a motive for killing Kennedy. However, researchers have found a bounty of information which contradicts this scenario. Oswalds Fair Play for Cuba brochures had an address on Camp Street which was the same as the address for a right-wing anti-Castro person named Guy Banister. Banister had connections with the FBI and CIA, and was known for his skill in setting people up to inltrate various left wing groups. This was Banisters speciality, and it appears that he was grooming Oswald.

Oswald arrested in New Orleans

When Banisters secretary, Delphine Roberts, asked what Oswald was doing there, he told her hes with us! 65 Roberts had seen Oswald in Banisters ofces on many occasions. CIA spymaster E. Howard Hunt also had ofces in the same building and had been seen with Banister. 66 Through Banister, many anti-Castro Cubans also came through, notable among them were Sergio Arcacha Smith and Loran Hall. According to author, Jim Dieugenio, Smith knew virtually every important person: Ferrie, Shaw, Bannister, Oswald, Carlos Quiroga, Emiliao Santa, and likely E. Howard Hunt and David Phillips. Smith was associated with the CIA virtually from the moment he left Cuba, a CIA agent who was connected to the Bay of Pigs along with Ferrie . . . and was likely involved in the setting up of Oswald. 67 So, when we add up the names of people Oswald putatively associated with in New Orleans (David Ferrie, E. Howard Hunt, Guy Banister, Sergio


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Arcacha Smith, Loran Hall, David Phillips), we get the picture of Oswald as a bizarre duality. On the one hand, he was establishing a public prole as a pro-Soviet, proCastro advocate and agitator, when, in fact, he was associated with, and in contact with, individuals with the exact opposite intentions: right-wing, hawkish, anti-Castro, anti-communists with deep connections to the CIA, and some, like Ferrie and Hall, linked to the Marcello underground. In fact, Oswalds public brawl with Carlos Bringuier, where both were arrested, seems, at rst glance to be clear evidence that Oswald was on one side of the issue i.e., a pro-communist, pro-Castro Jacobin, while Bringuier was on the other. But appearances can be deceiving. Previously, Oswald had visited Bringuiers store and left his Marine Corp manual there with the message that he was interested in offering to ght against Castro. Oswald, Bringuier said, then expressed support for the Cuban cause and offered either to help train men to oppose Castro or to go to Cuba himself to ght.68 In other words, peculiar evidence has accumulated that Oswald wanted to be an anti-Castro warrior, and his curious right wing associations in New Orleans corroborates this rather vividly. This was all quite a bit earlier than any assassination plans being developed for Dallas. The parade route hadnt yet been determined. Instead, Oswald, through his New Orleans associations, believed he was to become involved in some mercurial anti-Castro event of some sort, and that his pro-Castro image of being the head of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, appearing on TV debating the Cuban cause, and passing out pro-Cuban literature in front of an aircraft carrierand then getting arrested brawling with an anti-Castro Cubanall would assist in deecting attention away from his real intentions. He was cutting his teeth in this new role, didnt know exactly what he was to be involved in, but believed he was on to something.

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He told his friend Adrian Alba, this was his pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The Intermediaries

Top left, Sergio Arcacha Smith, E. Howard Hunt, David Ferrie, Loran Hall, Guy Banister (lower left) and David Atlee Phillips.

Late September, 1963 Oswald moved from New Orleans to Dallas. On the weekend of September 27, 1963, theWarren Commission said he made a trip to Mexico City. There he met with the Cuban consul and visited the Soviet embassy requesting visas to Cuba and the Soviet Union. A total of ten entries and exits into these facilities were purportedly made, and the CIA had an established capability of pulse photographing all entries and exits into both places. 69 There was only one aw, however, and that was that none of the entries or exits actually captured the real Oswald on lm. The Warren Commission said that Oswald was ofcious and demanded his requests be honored. He appeared desperate banging his st on the table. One


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story even said that Oswald showed the Soviet consul a loaded pistol and the Soviet ofcer promptly took the bullets out and returned it to him.70 Oswald is said to have met with a comrade Kostikov while he was in the Soviet embassy. From the conspiracist's point of view, this story is improbable to the extreme. It requires that we believe the real Oswald traveled to Mexico City three weeks before his wife was to deliver their second child, smuggled a loaded weapon into Mexico where carrying concealed weapons was illegal successfully smuggled his revolver back into the United States, through American customs, without incident, all in time for the birth of his child, Rachel and all in time to use the same revolver to kill Ofcer Tippit. That mainstream narrative stretches the imagination to its breaking point. There is much evidence dug up by researchers over the last half century revealing this story is quite ctional. They believe Oswald was represented by a doppelgnger, and the impostor's function was to leave a very clear impression of Oswald as decidedly, pro-communist and pro-Cuban. That was the intent of the image that was created in New Orleans, and it was also the image crafted in Mexico City. The idea of an impostor is not merely the stuff of conspiracy lore. It was also the conclusion of a still-secret report of a congressional committee called upon to investigate the incident called The Lopez Report. 71 There is another damaging critique to consider over the Warren Commissions Mexico City kabuki dance. The real Lee Harvey Oswald joined two anti-Castro Cubans and visited Sylvia and Annie Odio in Dallas on the same weekend he was supposedly traveling to Mexico City, and there is excellent evidence that he did, in fact, visit the Odio sisters. In other words, he was never in Mexico City. The Odio sisters were anti-Castro liberals, and their father had been imprisoned by Castro. Oswald came to their door with his two anti-Castro Cuban

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buddies who introduced themselves as Leopoldo and Angelo. Oswald introduced himself as Leon Oswald. This visit to Silvia Odio was orchestrated to prove to Oswald that he was genuinely involved in an anti-Castro operation. The two visitors, Leopoldo and Angelo, were actually anti-Castro Cubans Bernardo des Torres and Angelo Murgado.72 73 When Oswald was introduced to Odio, the three gentlemen only discussed Castro and Cuba. The day after this visit, however, Leopoldo called Odio back to mention that Oswald was a sharpshooter, a loose cannon, and might even shoot President Kennedy. They planted that seedling on the phone, not in Oswalds presence, so Oswald would continue to think he was involved in an antiCastro scheme without having any idea he was actually being groomed as the patsy for the assassination of the U.S. President. By that date, the plan for the President to visit Dallas was already agreed upon and in the works. Sylvia and her sister did not know any of these people. They wrote to their father in Cuba, and he said he did not know them either, and they should avoid these mysterious men. After the assassination, Sylvia recognized that Lee Harvey Oswald was the Leon Oswald she had met weeks earlier. She fainted; she was afraid; she didnt tell a soul, and nally conded to a friend, many months after the assassination, that she was visited by Oswald. 74 Her friend told the FBI. The FBI investigated the story. It was critical evidence, because it meant that Oswald was in Odios apartment in Dallas on that weekend, not in Mexico City. Suddenly, an anti-Castro mercenary named Loran Hall came forward and said he was the one who visited Sylvia and her sister, not Oswald. As mentioned earlier, Hall had links both to the Maa, the anti-Castro movement, and the CIA.


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Sylvia strongly disagreed and said she never saw nor met Loran Hall in her life. Her sister, Annie, said the same. But the FBI was more than happy to accept Halls testimony and dropped the story of the Odio sisters from the Warren Commission Report entirely. Many years later, testifying before a congressional committee investigating the assassination, Hall was called to testify about this incident. He agreed only if he were granted immunity from prosecution. He was. It was at that time that he said he lied to the Warren Commission and never met Sylvia Odio. 75 So, if the Mexico City story is false, then it was clearly concocted by the conspirators themselves. Present day researchers believe the person responsible for the Mexico City ruse was the CIAs David Atlee Phillips. 76 When under rigorous questioning by the House Select Committee on Assassination (HSCA) in the 1970s, investigator Tannebaum asked Phillips what happened to the photos and tapes of Oswald in Mexico, Phillips started getting confused and his testimony became increasingly inconsistent: When he told us the photographs were gone . . . I told him, well, the bottom line is there are three people in this room who know you just lied, Detective Fenton, me, and you . . . and then I had Cliff hand him a copy of the FBI memo. He read the memo and then he just folds it up and leaves the room. Tannebaum wanted to drag the former CIA ofcial back for another round of questioning. Hes in contempt. He committed perjury, but the committee would not back him and then the inquiry just ended77 Curiously, Phillips, when confronted with his deceit, simply got up and walked out of the hearing, and, strange as it may sound, there were no indictments or prosecutions that followed this hearing.

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October, 1963 Oswald was recommended to apply for a job at the book Depository by Ruth Paine. 78 He started his job there on October 16, ve weeks before the assassination, and between two and four weeks before the parade route was nalized. Early planning for the motorcade started on November 4th with the nal route determined on November 18. This has led many to say, including commissions studying the issue, that Oswald was not deliberately placed in the Depository, because his employment there occurred before any parade route was xed.

The decision for Kennedy to travel to Dallas, however, was actually made in late September. 80 A plan for JFK to speak at the International Trade Mart occurred sometime between September 30 and Nov. 4th. 81 Speaking at the Trade Mart would have taken Kennedy past the Depository, surely, but not necessarily directly in front of it. The nal route, where the motorcade would veer sharply and slow to a crawl in front of the Depository, cannot be rationalized to have occurred prior to Nov. 4th, and Oswald was already working there. Warren Commission proponents point to this fact with some pride. It means, to them, that there was no conspiracy to put Oswald in place. In fact, the only way one can weave a tale of conspiracy around Oswalds placement in the Depository is to suggest that the parade route was determined because of Oswalds location, not that Oswalds location was determined because of any pre-existing parade route. There was none. This thought seems to have eluded many conspiracy researchers and Warren Commission advocates alike. Right after the parade route was determined, the conspirators began planning their triangulated crossre attack on the President. 82 But it is important that we do some background.


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First, we need to nd out how Oswald was so successfully placed in the Depository when the actual route still had not been xed. The story begins with George deMohrenshildt, a Russian emigre who befriended Oswald and his wife Marina. At the time of the Warren Commission investigation, deMohrenshildt was simply thought to be a family friend who enjoyed speaking Russian with the Oswalds. Subsequent research has shown that deMohrenshildt had a CIA contact, Dalton Moore,83 who asked him to befriend Oswald. DeMohrenshildt himself said he would never have made friends with Oswald in a million years. He considered Oswald a hillbilly. In other words, deMohrenshildt had a CIA controller. DeMohrenshildt then left for Haiti on a work contract and appears to have introduced the Oswalds to Ruth Paine around that time. 84 Again, the Warren Commission similarly acted as if the Paines were merely good Samaritans who helped Marina Oswald during her pregnancy. Marina actually moved into their home after a spat and separation from Lee. Originally, Ruth Paine denied that she knew deMohrenshildt, but later admitted it. When intrepid Jim Garrison questioned her on this point in front of a grand jury, Mrs. Paine admitted that she and her husband, Michael, were dinner guests at deMohrenshildt's house in 1966, three years after the assassination. However, there are other sources which suggest deMohrenshildt introduced Paine to the Oswalds before that time. 85 The question then seems to be: Why did it appear that Ruth was trying to conceal the true nature of her relationship with George deMohrenshildt? 86 In the many years that have passed, researchers uncovered many disturbing facts, 87most notable among them that Ruth Paines sister worked for the CIA. 88 Indeed, after the assassination, Marina Oswald was told not to contact Ruth Paine, her only real friend in the United States. The Secret Service advised against that: She then elaborated on this by explaining that they had told her it would not look good if the public found that out she (Ruth) had

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friends over here and it would be bad for me if people nd out the connection between me and Ruth and CIA. An assistant DA then prompted, In other words, you were left with the distinct impression that she was in some way connected with the CIA? To which Marina replied in the afrmative.89 90 Why, one might ask, is all this important? The answer gradually becomes clearer: Oswald was told about the Depository job by Ruth Paine. It is through her that he is established in that location. Right after the parade route was nalized in Washington, Oswald was already in place in the Depository. It is indeed plausible that the nal plans for the motorcade to dawdle in front of the Depository were determined by this fact. Early November, 1963 By early November, Oswald was confused. He still thought he was to be involved in some kind of anti-Castro plot. Oswald suffered from dyslexia, and misspelled words peppered most of his handwritten writings. Two weeks before the assassination, dyslexic Lee Harvey wrote to E. Howard Hunt, or some Mr. Hunt, asking for more clarication concerding his position. His misspellings are here too.


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This letter surfaced anonymously in the mid-1970s, and it has had conspiracists and Warren Commission champions at each others throats for a generation. Handwriting mavens could not decide it wasnt Oswald, nor could they afrm that it was. 91 What is exceptional, however, is that Oswalds dyslexia is quite evident, and therefore it persuades one to believe that it is more likely authentic than not. In the letter, Oswald wanted more information before any steps are taken by me or anyone else. He wasnt sure what he was supposed to be doing in Cuba, or with Cuba, or what was going to happen, if anything, about Cuba. Poor Lee. He certainly wasnt talking about his position concerding the future assassination of President Kennedy, because he had already applied for another job outside the Depository. He didnt like working there. He and Ma-

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rina were having their second child. He needed more money, so he applied to the Texas Employment Division for a better job. An airport job paying thirty percent more was offered, $100 a month more. The Texas Employment ofcer called Ruth Paines house twice to tell him of the offer, but Ruth, curiously, did not pass on the messages. We dont know exactly why Ruth failed to pass on the job offer, but we do know that working in the Depository is precisely where the conspirators wanted Oswald to be and to stay. And, at the same time, we know Oswald wasnt happy there and had no desire to stay. In reply to his letter concerding my position, and this is where, even after fty years, we are having to hypothesize a great deal Hunt, perhaps Phillips, or maybe someone else, no one is sure on this point, seems to have told Oswald that writing to the Soviet embassy in Washington about his desire to return to Russia would act as a good cover for the anti-Castro plans. So, naive neophyte, Lee Harvey, composed a letter to the Soviet embassy in Washington just two weeks before he was to murder the President. How incriminating! How stupid! Or perhaps we should say how convenient! This was Oswalds only typed letter. Some believe it was forged. Certainly the Soviets did. Some say not. Some think it was dictated. 92 Some of his regular spelling mistakes are evident in the typed version e.g. of corse. Whatever the case, in the letter, Oswald mentions that he went to Mexico City. He mentions his desire to return to Russia. He speaks about how he dislikes the U.S., about the notorious FBI, and throws in that he visited comrade Kostin in Mexico City.


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Ruth Paine secretly copied the original letter Oswald wrote. 93 In the letter to the Soviet embassy in Washington, from Oswalds point of view, his pro-Soviet stance was supposed to deect attention away from his coming anti-Castro activities. That would appear to be what he was thinking. But from the plotters perspective, the letter was absolutely perfect. It would forever incriminate Oswald in the assassination of the President. In this typed oddity, Oswald refers to not using his real name. Suspicious indeed! He shows clear evidence of a desire to return to Russia. Hmm! But to make it a slam dunk, he Oswalds typed letter to the Soviet embassy two weeks besays he had contact with a Soviet fore the assassination. The Soviets felt this was a forgery and consular ofcial when he visited intended to incriminate the USSR in the assassination of the American President Mexico City, who, it turns out, was a KGB ofcer (Kostikov) who just happened to be in charge of wet jobs and assassinations in the Southern hemisphere! 94 Wow! How much better can it get!

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Oswald didnt know that is what Kostikovs job was, of course, but the CIA did, and those who counseled him to write the letteror who wrote it for himdid too. So, Oswald handily incriminates himself and the Soviets in showing that he met with a Soviet assassination specialist in Mexico City shortly before the murder of the President of the United States. Mentioning Kostikovs nameOswald unfortunately called him Kostin was critical in the plan to frame him for the killing of the President, and simultaneously implied the Soviets, and comrade Kostikovs assassination team, might have been involved as well. 95 What is so curious about this letter is that, under interrogation, Oswald admits he wrote a letter to the Soviet embassy complaining about his treatment by the notorious FBI. But, during the same interrogation, he says that he was never in Mexico City, and the only city he ever visited in Mexico was Tijuana. 96 This is consummately bizarre, because his letter begins with the mention of his visit to Mexico City. So he is both lying and telling the truth in the same breath. As with so many elements of this story, there are many twists and turns that can drive a rational person quite mad. Perhaps Oswald was referring to previous letters he wrote to the Soviet embassy in Washington. And perhaps not. There are a few ways which can thread this needle. For more background, we turn to a long-awaited book by FBI agent, James Hosty, who had interviewed Marina Oswald, and who, in fact, was the notorious FBI agent Oswald was complaining about. Hosty writes about the episode in his 2011 book entitled Assignment Oswald and his discussions with his superior, Gordon Shanklin:


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I then examined again the draft letter Ruth had given me during our interview. This was the draft from which Oswald later typed his nal letter to the Soviet embassy in Washington about his Mexico City trip. In it Oswald referred to his meeting with Comrade Kostine and talked about the notorious FBI agent Hasty harassing his wife. I thought it a good idea to ask Shanklin if I should attach it to my report or make it a separate piece of evidence. I walked into Shanklin's ofce and waved the letter in front of him. I asked what he thought would be the best way to handle this. He lunged to his feet. For a moment he looked as if he were going to jump over his desk and strangle me. "I thought I told you to get rid of that damn Oswald note!" Shanklin yelled. "Get rid of it now! For God's sake, just do what I tell you and get rid of it now! The man appeared to be the verge of a nervous breakdown. . . Later Hosty mentions FBI agent, Bardwell Odum, and talks again about the copy of the letter Ruth Paine made: "When I reported back to Shanklin Saturday night and told him I had a copy of this letter, he hit the roof. He yelled at me "I thought I told Hosty to get rid of that letter!" 97 Puzzling indeed! Why? Why destroy such important evidence? It is clearly possible Oswald was lying under interrogation admitting he wrote to the embassy, yet lying about ever going to Mexico City. Yes, true, but it is also possible that the letter Oswald thinks he wrote to the Soviet embassy was not the same as the letter that was actually received by them, and the Ruth Paine copy was different than the typed letter that so deeply incriminated him. The fact that innocent, good Samaritan, Ruth, decided to surreptitiously make a handwritten copy of his lettera copy that disappearedand that the FBIs Gordon Shanklin became apoplectic that it immediately be destroyed does not inspire condence in the Warren Commission version of these events. 98

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In 1990, Boris Yeltsin gave President Clinton a copy of the letter. Attached were the comments of Soviet ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin who said One gets the denite impression that the letter was concocted by those who, judging from everything, are involved in the president's assassination.99 Meanwhile in Dallas. . . In Dallas, the presidential procession was choreographed to slow to a crawl as it passed the Depository. Sheriff Bill Decker made the unprecedented decision of having over a hundred of his police ofcers stand down from the protection of the motorcade. 100 Why he so reduced protection of the President deserves our time. It has been alleged that General Charles Cabell, a very close associate of Allen Dullesboth of whom had been red from the CIA by JFKalong with Cabells brother, Earle, who was the major of Dallas, may have inuenced these decisions. The issue is shrouded in mystery, but numerous sources allege that either or both of the Cabell brothers may have been involved in these suspicious and fatal decisions: to have the ofcers stand down and/or to have the motorcade slow to a crawl in front of the Depository. 101
102 103 104 105

General Charles Cabell believed JFK was a traitor.106 We dont know quite how strongly Earle shared these feelings.107 But what we do know is that between 100-125 police ofcers were called off any duties of protecting the motorcade. 108 In Dealey Plaza, each of the assassins was dressed in a suit masquerading as a secret service agent while carrying phony identication badges supplied by a man named Chauncey Holt. To explain: after the assassination, three tramps were arrested and then let go. For years speculation abounded about who these tramps were. One author rather convincingly says one of the tramps was E. Howard Hunt. Since then, a Youtube interview of Chauncey Holt reveals that

General Charles Cabell


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he, indeed, was one of those tramps as well. His mission, he said, was to bring phony secret service badges to Dallas. He didnt know why, but he did what he was told.109 Chicago Maosi, James Files and Charles Nicoletti, were the actually minions who gunned the President down on November, 22. Another gure, Eugene Hale Brading, a man who had connections to many of the principals in this plot (Johnson, the mob, the CIA and antiCastro Cubans) was not known about until 1969. He was an outlaw with thirty-three prior arrests who was momentarily detained in the Dal-Tex building and then released. 110 Since then, researchers pieced together his role and function in Dallas. A thorough review of Bradings extensive connections is provided in Conspiracy in Camelot. Brading was instrumental in getting Nicoletti and John Roselli into the Dal-Tex Building. That was his function. So it is curtain time: Chauncey Holt provides phony Camden police photo secret service badges. Brading gets two assassins into the Dal-Tex Building, Bill Decker calls off police protection, the CIAs David Atlee Phillips choreographs the events in Dealey Plaza, and Americas tragedy begins to unfold at precisely 12:30 pm. From the Dal-Tex building Nicoletti shoots the President in the throat. [Roselli was too skittish to re.] James Files, using a Remington reball (right) from his perch at the grassy knoll, res the bullet which actually killed the President. His frontal shot blew out a huge exit wound in the back of Kennedys head. Mac Wallace 111was the shooter in the
Remington reball Eugene Hale Brading,

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Depository window who left the incriminating shells in the snipers lair on the sixth oor. 112 113 114 Unfortunately, he also left one telltale ngerprint. 115 James Worrell spotted the man hurriedly leaving the building in a suit coat. 116 117 Mac Wallace was a hit man who many conspiracy authors allege was Lyndon Johnsons personal assassin. His role in at least one prior murder is well documented. [Other researchers, however, believe it was not Wallace but the CIAs David Morales in the Depository window.] 118 119 Since all of the assassins were dressed as secret service agents wearing suits accoutered with ID badges, they had little difculty leaving the area. 120 Recall that most of the sheriff s deputies had been told to stand down throughout the motorcade. That made exiting the scene remarkably easy. One witness said it took between 12-15 minutes before the area of the shootings started to be secured by police. 121 Files, Nicoletti, and Roselli merely drove their car calmly out of the area. 122 Wallace scurried out of the Depository unseen except by Worrel. Dallas Police Lieutenant Jack Rivell reported that after the assassination he escorted Mayor Cabell on a ight to Washington, D.C., where they gathered in the house of the mayor's brother. Rivell recalls that on the day of JFK's funeral, Cabell's house was lled with high-prole people and 3-stripe generals who watched the funeral on television in an upbeat atmosphere. 123


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The Assassins

From left top, Charles Nicoletti, Mac Wallace, James Files, David Morales, Johnny Roselli

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Jerry Kroth, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor Emeritus in the graduate counseling psychology program at Santa Clara University in California. His academic assignments have included courses in psychotherapy and personality theory, dreamwork and research methods. Dr. Kroth has an abiding therapeutic interest in working with dreams, personal oracles and the applications of dream theory to psychohistory and collective psychology. Jerry is also a member of the International Psychohistorical Association and a frequent contributor to the Hufngton Post. Dr. Kroths twelve prior books were in the areas of counseling, psychology, child sexual abuse, learning disorders, metapsychology, transpersonal psychology and research methodology. In addition, he has written and presented over 75 papers on anxiety, child development, mass psychology, synchronicity, experimental studies of the dream process, the psychology of propaganda and collective psychology. Professor Kroth lives in California with his wife and two daughters. He maintains a website: His most recent books are listed below: Conspiracy in Camelot: the complete history of the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy (Algora) Psyches Exile: an empirical odyssey in search of the soul. (Libre Digital) The Lindbergh kidnapping: mobs, mass psychology and myth. (Genotype) Aliens and Man: a synopsis of facts and beliefs. (Algora) Duped! Delusion, denial and the end of the American Dream. (Genotype) Picture credits
Cover photo courtesy of Corbis. All photos not otherwise credited are exhibits from the Warren Commission, the HSCA or are in the public domain.


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Endnotes Talbot, Brothers: The hidden history of the Kennedy Years, New York, Free Press, 2007 location 6197 3 Kroth, Conspiracy in Camelot: the complete history of the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. New York: Algora, 2003. 4 Talbot, David The Brothers: the hidden history of the Kennedy years. New York, Free Press, 2007, location 287 5 Robert Morrow. Source: 6 Talbot, ibid. 7 8 See table Kennedys mistresses during his pregnancy Conspiracy in Camelot: the complete history of the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. ibid. 9 10 See Talbot, ibid., see also 11 12 Files has some detractors as well. See 13 See table, possible assassins in Dealey Plaza, Conspiracy in Camelot, Ibid. 14 The lengthy interviews with Files occurred over the span of six years. His comments and interpretations of their meaning can be found in the chapter entitled Paradox in Conspiracy in Camelot, ibid. 15 16 North, Mark Act of Treason New York: Carroll & Graf, 1991, p. 516. 17 Dallek, Robert (2003), An Unnished Life: John F. Kennedy, 19171963. pp. 500501 18 Zirbel, ibid. 19 Kroth, ibid. 20 Aynesworth, Hugh (November 17, 2012). "One-man truth squad still debunking JFK conspiracy theories". The Dallas Morning News February 6, 2013. See also: Brown, Madeleine D. (1997), Texas in the Morning: The Love Story of Madeleine Brown and President Lyndon Baines Johnson, Conservatory Press, p. 166. Brown was LBJs mistress from 1948 forward and is rumored to have an illegitimate son by him. See 21 Talbot, ibid., location 7482 22 Dieugenio, James. Destiny Betrayed, New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2012, location 904 23 Dieugenio, ibid., location 9145. 24 See Table 3.4, Conspiracy in Camelot, Ibid. 25 See Table 3.4 Conspiracy in Camelot, Ibid. 26 Oliver Stone states many of the facts concerning the JFK assassination came from L. Fletcher Prouty (Mr. X in the JFK movie). Oliver Stone goes on to say that Dulles was "the man who initialed this, who gave it the okay" in other words the author who ordered the assassination of JFK. Stone also claims two other highly placed members of U.S. Intelligence were also key: James Angleton and Richard Helms. "Those three guys, I would say now before I go to my grave, were the real culprits here", Stone says. Source:
1 2 27 28 29 See Table 3.4, (Angleton), Kroth, ibid. 30 Kroth, ibid., p. 72. 31 Dieugenio ibid., location 5400 32 33 Further information on Helms involvements can be found at https://www.ciTe Assassinations. p. 34 CIA les uncovered by a civilian watchdog panel in 1998 revealed what Helms sought to hide. In the summer of 1963, his top psychological warfare specialist in Miami, a dapper, multilingual lawyer named George Joannides, was slipping $25,000 a month to a group of anti-Castro Cuban exile students in Miami. When Kennedy was killed three months later, these same students, using CIA funds from Joannides, published a special edition of their newspaper, proclaiming that accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald had acted at Castro's behest. Dated Nov, 23, 1963, this broadsheet featuring photos of Castro and Oswald was the rst concerted effort to articulate a conspiratorial explanation of Kennedy's deathand it was paid for out Dick Helms' budget.Even a loyal CIA insider who worked with Helms concluded that the spymaster's actions encouraged suspicion of the agency. In 1963, John Whitten was a respected senior staffer whom Helms put in charge of reviewing all CIA les on Oswald. As an investigator, Whitten was appalled that Helms had not disclosed the Cubela/AMLASH plot to members of the Warren Commission, the blueribbon panel that probed Kennedy's death. Helms' actions, he said, were "morally highly reprehensible." Source:

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35 36


DiEugenio, The Assassinations, Probe Magazine, 2003. p. 352. 37 See also 38 39 Joan Mellens text entitled A Farewell to Justice, she writes: To the moment of his death in 1992, Garrison was persuaded that the CIA, the same team that had overthrown President Arbenz of Guatemala in 1954, among them Lawrence Hon, Richard Helms and David Atlee Phillips, had planned the assassination, and then, with the assistance of the FBI, attempted to cover its tracks, not always successfully. Source: 40 See table 3.4 Kroth, ibid. 41 John Newman, Oswald and the CIA. New York: Carroll and Graf, 1993. 42 Dieugenio, ibid, location 1864. 43 Douglass, James. JFK and the unspeakable. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis books, 2008 44 See also: 45 Douglass, ibid., p. 249. 46 Talbot, ibid., location 5391 47 48 See also 49 Hersh cited in Talbot, ibid., loc 5397 50 51 Dieugenio, ibid., location 1504 52 Robert Morrow, First Hand Knowledge. New York: Shapolsky Publishers, 1992. 53 Kroth, ibid. 54 55 See Maa Moll: The Judith Exner Story, The life of the mistress of John F. Kennedy or Michael O'Brien, "The Exner File - Judith Campbell Exner, John F. Kennedy's mistress", Washington Monthly, December 1999 56 See the discussion of Giancana and Sinatra in Conspiracy in Camelot, ibid. 57 Quote comes from Giancanas text, Double Cross. Giancana, Sam and Giancana, Chuck. Double Cross. New York: Warner Books, 1992. Giancana, Ibid., p. 43 58 59 Additional source: 60 North, ibid., p. 142 61 Summers, Anthony. Conspiracy New York: McGraw-Hill, 1989. p. 257. Summers, ibid., p. 257. 62 Summers, Anthony. Conspiracy, ibid., p. 93 63 64 65 Summers. Conspiracy, ibid., pp. 295-296. 66 67 Dieugenio, Ibid, location 6396. 68 David Kaiser, The Road to Dallas, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 2009 p. 216 69 Dieugenio, Ibid. 70 Mailer, Norman. Oswald's Tale. New York: Random House, 1995. 71 See also 74 The story of the Odio sisters and Loran Hall, along with Gerald Posners attempts to impugn Sylvia may be found in Conspiracy in Camelot, Ibid. 75 Weberman, Alan J. and Caneld, Michael. Coup D'Etat in America: The CIA and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy. San Francisco, CA: Quick American Archives, 1992.p. 134. See also Conspiracy in Camelot, ibid., p. 138 Talbot, Ibid., location 7524 78 The Warren Report, Chapter 1, pp. 1415, Summary and Conclusions 79 80Associated Press 1963, p.7 81 82 An interesting discussion of the intricacies of the parade route and the secret service is given at 83 Kroth, ibid. 84 85
76 77

89 90

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Dieugenio, ibid., location, 4729

In the summer of 1963, Mrs. Paine visited her sister in Falls Church, Va. When Garrison questioned her, he noticed her sisters occupation was withheld by the government and asked Ruth why. Her rejoinder was that she was not even aware it was classied. Garrison asked what agency her sister worked for. Ruth said she didnt know. It turns out her sister, Sylvia Hyde Hoke, was employed as a psychologist by the CIA for a number of years prior to 1963. See Dieugenio, ibid., location 4689 91 92 Douglass, Ibid, p. 234. 93 93 The letter was typed, unlike all of Oswalds prior letters. The Soviet embassy considered this letter a forgery intended to make it seem like Oswald was working inside a Soviet plot to kill the President. Many conspiracists believe also that it was a forgery. Some think it was dictated to Oswald. A full discussion of this issue is given in Douglass, James.ibid., pp. 23 94 See Norman Mailer, Ibid 95 There is a great deal of back and forth in conspiracy schools on this issue. Interviews with Kostikov say that he met the real Oswald in Mexico City. Interviews with other Soviet personalities in consulate say they met a different Oswald not the one they saw in newspapers. For this discussion see 96 97 James Hosty, Assignment Oswald. Skyhorse Publishing, 2011 Note that the misspellings of Hosty as Hasty and Kostin as Kostine are from Hosty. See also 98 A more detailed discussion of this issue is found in Douglass, ibid., p. 233. 99 100 101 This was Jim Garrisons basis for considering indicting General Cabell for conspiracy to murder the President. See Garrison On the trail of the assassins, and references made to this allegation earlier in the text. 102 See also See also Some sources dispute these assertions, bunt of view of conspiracy theory only See 104 Note that in Roger Stones book on LBJ, he attributes the parade route more to LBJ: Stone also claimed that Johnson micro-managed Kennedys Dallas motorcade, demanding that it pass through Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963, Read more: Another source linking Cabell to the motorcade is Another source reports that Earle Cabell, the major of Dallas, and brother of General Charles Cabell from the CIA was the person who gave the nal OK for putting the fatal Elm St. turn into the motorcade route. Richard Gilbride, Matrix for Assassination: The JFK conspiracy, Tafford Publishing, 2009, p. 165 105 There is also evidence that Mayor Cabell intruded into Sheriff Deckers authority in transferring Oswald too. It appears that Sheriff Decker yielded to political pressure from Cabell. See note 858 of page 459 of James Douglas, ibid. 106 See also 107 http://jfkplayersandwitness ony-secret-service-credentials-to-dallas/ 108 See also Garrison Planned To Link General To JFK Slaying", The Washington Post, September 16, 1973. Note that on the day before the assassination, a party was thrown at the home of Clint Murchison. LBJ arrive approximately 1 a.m. on November 22nd LBJ arrived. Also in attendance were oil multi-millionaire H.L. Hunt, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover (own in and out of Dallas that night by FBI plane), Richard M. Nixon Charles Cabell, Earle Cabell and Bill Decker who was Sheriff of Dallas County. The information comes from Johnsons mistress, Madeline Brown
103 103

109 o-dallas/ 110 Kroth, ibid. 111 112 113 See also: 114 See also 115 116 6BiYVw8ml9c&feature=em-subs_digest-vrecs

Coup detat See the interesting interview with E. Howard Hunts son at 120 An interesting video of an eyewitness to the shooting which discusses persons around the scene sporting government identications can be viewed at http: // 121 Bill Sloan, ibid., location 3278 122 Bill Sloan, ibid., location 3270 123


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