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Healing Foods by Walter Last

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Chapter 1-1 of Healing Foods by Walter Last


Initially, most health seekers are mainly concerned with overcoming a specific health problem, using a specific method or remedy promising the quickest result. However, in the long run and as we get older more and more health problems or diseases pop up and become increasingly more difficult or impossible to overcome by just using a magic bullet. This then makes the idea of serious lifestyle changes towards natural living and holistic healing more attractive, giving us a much better chance to become and remain healthy and fit right into old age. I have no doubt that it is our natural birthright to be healthy and that it is actually unnatural to have a disease. A disease means that we or possibly our parents did not live according to our biological, social or spiritual nature. At present most of humanity lives in rather unnatural conditions surrounded by a minefield of technological and chemical health hazards. Even worse is our ignorance about the nature of these hazards that are mainly hidden from our awareness. Therefore, in order to live more naturally we need to become aware of the main health hazards in our environment and learn to avoid or minimize them. We can learn from our own experiences and from those of others and we can also develop our intuition or ask for guidance through prayer and meditation. If in doubt about a choice try to imagine which course of action is more natural or more in harmony with our biological, social and spiritual nature. The main biological influences on our health are nutrition, exercise or how we use our body as well as environmental factors. In addition to improving these conditions there are numerous natural healing methods to help us in our quest. These range from herbs and other remedies to working on muscle and bone structures and using electro, magneto and vibrational medicine.

Become aware of the factors that cause our diseases

THE ROAD TOWARDS DISEASE People in Western society are rarely healthy. Real health - the perfect functioning of all parts of body and mind - is so rare that people mistake the temporary absence of disease symptoms for health. Formerly, people suffered mainly from violent, but short infectious diseases; now they are afflicted with chronic degenerative diseases for a lifetime. The main factors causing widespread health degeneration are as follows. Unnatural nutrition: food refining, lack of 'living food' rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes; incorrect food combining; unsuitable diet for our metabolic type Chemicalization: pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, medical drugs, food additives and synthetic garments

Electromagnetic pollution and radiation

Lack of sufficient physical activity or exercise in natural, unpolluted surroundings Harmful negative feelings and emotions - and lack of positive feelings and emotions Harmful mental attitudes, lack of spiritual or humanistic goals, lack of faith Emotional damage during birth, childhood and adolescence, lack of positive role models Inherited genes of poor and deteriorating quality

The general sequence leading to the development of poor health and chronic diseases commonly is as follows. 'Emotional injuries' received during birth and childhood, as well as negative attitudes and emotions experienced during later life, block the free flow of bio-energy within the body. This weakens the blood circulation and the glandular system, as well as the functions of affected organs. In addition, inherited metabolic weakness and poor nutrition as well as chemical pollution combine to cause an inefficient use of biochemical building blocks and poor cellular energy production.

Metabolic Residues As a result of this metabolic weakness and the overuse of unsuitable food, toxins and metabolic residues accumulate in the body. Toxins (toxic waste products from our chemicalized food) accumulate mainly in the fat tissue. Metabolic residues consist of protein debris, mucus, fatty sludge and organic acids. PROTEIN DEBRIS accumulates when we eat more protein than we metabolize. Small protein fragments clog up the basement membrane through which nutrients move into cells and waste is being removed. Also tiny blood capillaries and lymph channels become congested, contributing to a wide range of degenerative diseases. MUCUS: Originates from the lactose (milk sugar) in dairy products, from gluten (in wheat products), refined carbohydrates, egg white, molds and food allergens. Mucus has a special affinity to mucous membranes, causing catarrh, ear and sinus problems, respiratory diseases and malabsorption of food. FATTY SLUDGE: Mainly formed from oxidized cholesterol and polyunsaturated fatty acids, hydrogenated fats and trans-fatty acids but also by the interaction of chlorinated water with vegetable oils or body oils. It leads to poor circulation, senility and heart problems by clogging the blood vessels and congesting the lymph system. ORGANIC ACIDS: General overacidity contributes to the accumulation of organic acids in the tissues and induce inflammations and mineral deficiencies. Overacidity results from insufficient cellular oxidation and by the formation of lactic acid after eating sweet food or food to which we are sensitive or allergic. Infections Wastes accumulate wherever the blood circulation slows down whether because of emotional blocks (muscle armoring), injuries, or insufficient use of muscles. Up to 30 per cent of the volume of cells in elderly people may be filled with waste material, usually called 'old-age pigments'. This is comparable to 30 per cent of a city or a household being filled with refuse dumps. Just as dumps become infested with rodents and insects, the waste accumulations in the body provide favorable breedinggrounds for microbes and parasites. Infections are healing efforts of the body designed to destroy any foreign invaders in addition to reducing the heavy load of toxic and obstructive residues (mucus) accumulated in the body. The use of drugs in fighting these infections prevents this cleansing action and reduces our vitality still further, while the body's immune system - its ability to defend itself against foreign invaders - is simultaneously damaged. If the body is still reasonably strong, it fights these invaders and simultaneously reduces the load of stored wastes. This is experienced as an acute (sudden and severe) infection, often in the form of a cold or fever. However, as the body becomes weaker and the amount of stored wastes increases the body does not fight any more. It will be content with limiting the invasion to a certain part of the body and chronic (low-key but long-lasting) infection results. Finally, the immune system becomes too weak to limit the chronic invasion and it becomes more generalized as in autoimmune diseases, cancer and leukemia. However, it should be understood that this 'invasion' does not necessarily occur from the outside. Especially in the case of cancer, it is more an 'uprising of germs' created by the disintegration of diseased body cells - similar to a revolution spreading in a country with dissatisfied inhabitants. This is the so-called cancer microbe, a fungus-related pleomorphic organism also active in most autoimmune diseases and AIDS. The German cancer researcher P.G. Seeger demonstrated in thousands of experiments that the virulence of cancer cells depends on the nutritional status of the host. Another interesting study found that viruses breeding in hosts

that are deficient in protective nutrients, such as selenium or vitamin E, tend to mutate and change from benign into very virulent and lethal forms. With sufficient levels of these nutrients someone was immune against the benign form of the virus but not against the mutated form that came from a deficient host. Most of the influenza epidemics that periodically sweep the world with new virulent strains originate in selenium deficient parts of China. Furthermore, the African HIV epidemic appears to have emerged in northern Zaire were many people are selenium deficient. The lesson from this is that poor nutrition breeds deadly viruses. Food Addictions and Allergies Parallel health deterioration, closely linked to the weakening of the immune system, takes place with the development of addictions and allergies. These are extremely widespread in our society. Whenever the body is confronted with a difficult food it enters a state of stress. The glandular system is induced to pour adrenal hormones into the bloodstream and this may be felt as an uplifting stimulation. Eventually, the body begins to crave this stimulation and this leads to an addiction to that particular food. In our society, these food cravings develop mainly for sweet and fried foods, bread, dairy products and red meats. After many years of using addictive food the glandular system is markedly weakened and stronger stimulants are required. You then become addicted to alcohol, coffee, tea, tobacco or various drugs. Eventually, even these will not achieve the desired effect or only for shorter and shorter periods. The body becomes chronically fatigued and disease symptoms begin to surface evermore forcefully. Some symptoms can be linked directly to incompletely digested foods that are absorbed through a weak intestinal wall this is then called a food allergy. Disease symptoms develop selectively in parts of the body with hereditary defects or in those weakened by subsequent misuse or injured by accidents. Problem Foods Almost any food, if used to excess by susceptible people, can cause allergies. However, certain foods such as rice and vegetables rarely cause allergies while others carry a high risk of causing them. These high-risk foods are called 'problem foods' because in addition to allergies they frequently cause health problems in people who are not susceptible to allergies. People who are prone to allergies are generally overacid with a weak sugar metabolism and hypoglycemia or diabetes, low blood pressure, a weak immune system, permeable intestinal wall and lack of digestive enzymes. Alkaline individuals, on the other hand, rarely have allergies. Instead, they are insensitive to pain and skin irritants and may suffer from chronic degenerative diseases or become victims of an unexpected heart attack or stroke. However, the same problem foods are major contributing factors in the development of disease of both groups. The main problem foods in our society are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cows' milk and its products, also lactose added to processed foods Wheat and oats and to a lesser extent the other gluten grains rye and barley (beer!) Sweet foods, especially household sugar Hydrogenated fats (for example margarine) or heated oils and fats Stimulants: overuse of alcohol, coffee, tea, tobacco and drugs

These five groups should generally be used sparingly. Sweet and acid fruits, honey and salt are often incompatible with people of a certain constitution or metabolic body type. Also foods that are incompatible with our blood group often cause problems. In addition, any food that contains pesticide residues or added synthetic food chemicals is a potential health hazard. I do not believe in a safe limit for these chemicals, especially as limits are set for each item individually while ignoring the cumulative and potentizing effect of multiple chemical residues and additions. Social and Economic Factors With the present poor eating habits deeply ingrained in our society and the all-out chemicalization of our lives it is almost impossible to remain reasonably healthy - and very few people do. Almost everyone has obvious or hidden

health problems. From attending to children, parents and grandparents of the same family I have seen how the level of health rapidly deteriorates in the youngest generation. This trend is also clear from statistics and general observations for anyone who wants to see it. Statistics showing increased life expectancy due to greatly reduced infant mortality are irrelevant for judging the health of a population. These figures simply mean that more babies survive the early-childhood infections, that we have better plumbing and that more elderly people are kept artificially alive by organ transplants or on life-support machines. But this is not health. More relevant statistics show that most people in Western countries suffer from chronic diseases and that the percentage of chronically disabled people is increasing rapidly. Arthritis, cancer and Parkinson's disease used to be diseases of old people. Now they are affecting children and juveniles. Health authorities so far have ignored the claims of natural medicine that it is the superior form of treatment for chronic and medically incurable diseases. The very fact of a high rate of chronic disease in our society attests to the inability of the medical profession to successfully treat these diseases. This is highlighted by the embarrassing phenomenon of the falling death rate during doctors' strikes. Statistics show that whenever there was a strike by doctors, the death rate in the affected population fell dramatically. In 1976 the death rate fell by 35 per cent in Bogota, Colombia. In Los Angeles County, California, it fell by 18 per cent during a strike in the same year, while in Israel it fell by 50 per cent during a strike in 1973 (Mendelsohn, R.S. Confessions of a Medical Heretic. Contemporary Books). Only once before had there been a similar drop in the death rate in Israel and that was during another doctors' strike 20 years earlier. After each strike the death rate jumped again to its normal level. During these strikes emergency care was provided. This means the patients who lived longer during the strikes were those with chronic diseases. They obviously benefited from a reduced exposure to medical drugs, operations and other technological interventions. There are an abundance of statistics, estimates and case reports of the great number of patients who are in hospital or worse because of disease caused by medical drugs and medical technology. One of the many books exploring this subject in detail is Medical Nemesis by I. Illich (Pantheon Books). Selfish Motivation However, our medical and economic leaders do not want to face reality. They brainwash the public into believing that the present health situation is completely normal. Finally and most importantly, the whole economic structure of Western civilization is based on the production and distribution of goods and services that are contributing to poor health. These include chemicalized agriculture and food processing, the pharmaceutical industry, technological medicine and the petrochemical and plastic industries. The guiding motto for industry is 'profit', while for the consumer it is 'convenience'. The price for all to pay is the loss of health. This situation is the natural outcome of a society based on selfish motivation. A change for the better can only come when more and more people realize that ultimately they harm themselves with selfish attitudes.

Learn the Principles of natural living to restore your health

THE ROAD TOWARDS HEALTH The first and most important step in reversing the deterioration of your health is to realize that you may have caused it yourself. Because of ignorance and habit, we select the wrong foods; because of laziness, we do not exercise; because of lack of self-control, we create destructive emotions. Therefore, only the realization that poor health is the result of a lifetime of wrong living - including the living habits of our parents - can initiate a real change for the better. The next step is to find guidance on the road towards health. There is so much contradictory advice on offer that it is utterly confusing for the aspiring health seeker. Worldwide, the healing arts are in a state of chaos. The sterile healing monopoly of the medical establishment is beginning to break down and multitudes of different healers are rapidly filling the gap.

Find out by reading, listening, meditating and experimenting which healing system is most appropriate for your own needs. Then start a determined healing program using careful self-observation. Measuring Health It can be seen from the above discussion that disease is not something that happens suddenly - for example one day you are healthy and the next day you are sick because cancer has just been detected. Instead, your state of health has greatly deteriorated over many decades to only a fraction of what it might be in true health. Even suddenly appearing infections are only possible because of a gradual deterioration of the immune system. Health should be measured as vitality, as the body's ability to regenerate itself. An indication of the inherent vitality of the body is given by the speed of wound healing or bone mending and possibly hair and nail growth or, in a more scientific way, by the electric potential of body cells. Sometimes radionic methods may be useful in giving an estimate of vitality. A reasonably objective way of measuring health is with electro-acupuncture diagnosis. There are different systems, such as Dermatron, Vega, Thera and others now commonly linked to computer programs. Basically, the electrical resistance of acupuncture points on hands and feet are measured. From this it can be seen which meridian, organ or gland is overactive or underactive and to what degree. Suitable remedies may be selected by introducing them into the electric circuit and observe their reaction on an abnormal reading. Also the health of teeth and jawbone positions can be assessed in this way. At a return visit a repeat diagnostic read-out will show the effect of the treatment program and point to necessary modifications. According to this yardstick, hardly anyone living at present may be more than 90 per cent healthy, while most people in 'normal' health live at below 50 per cent of their personally attainable health potential. When a chronic degenerative disease becomes manifest, the health rate drops to below 10 per cent and at death, of course, it is zero. It is meaningless to be elated about the success of conventional medicine in greatly reducing the number of people contracting certain infectious diseases. It is the overall number of unhealthy people that counts. If one disease is eliminated, unhealthy people will simply contract a different one. What is needed is a general health improvement that will effectively reduce the total number of people becoming sick and ultimately hinder the development of any disease. Eventually with better genetic stock and improved living conditions we should be able to live an active and enjoyable life until the age of about 120 years and then quietly withdraw from the body. This is the presently unknown 'natural death'. For most of us who have serious inherited weaknesses and misused our body for many decades this may not be possible to achieve. Nevertheless, better health and an enjoyable life are possible for almost everyone. The key to success is in your mind! The Health-Improvement Program The basic requirements for real healing involve the reversal of the factors previously listed as the cause of health degeneration. They include natural living - good nutrition, proper breathing, sufficient physical activity, improved emotional and mental attitudes - as well as specific procedures, uppermost of which is cleansing, the purification of body and mind. A fundamental aim of all healing is to provide the body with more vitality. True healing is always a holistic process, involving all levels of the personality - physical, bio-energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual. A health improvement program may include the following steps. 1. Improve your nutrition: discover and break addictions and allergies; avoid chemicalized, refined and other problem food; pay attention to food combinations; select food suitable for your body type and condition; use suitable supplements. 2. Remove metabolic wastes and toxins: drink plenty of unpolluted water and use colonics, laxative foods, suitable packs; stimulate the skin; have repeated cleansing periods. 3. Eliminate microbes and parasites from your body using electronic zapper, colloidal silver, oxygen therapy and herbal parasite cure. 4. Strengthen the body with regular exercises such as yoga, tensing and stretching or suitable outdoors activity.

5. Improve energy flows and work out specific problems with reflexology, acupressure, ear acupuncture, magnet and meridian therapy, massage and homeopathy. 6. Create natural living conditions for yourself and your family by minimizing synthetics and plastics, pollution and harmful radiation in your home. Frequently be in fresh air with mild sun exposure; bathe in the sea or unpolluted streams; walk on grass barefooted. 7. Learn meditation and mind control, learn to express your negative emotions appropriately, practice generating positive feelings and emotions; love yourself as well as your neighbor; adopt a positive or spiritual philosophy of life. Find a worthy goal or ideal and strive to manifest it. 8. Form or join a health or healing group to support and heal each other. In addition to these self-help measures it is advisable to seek professional or expert help for specific problems. However, it would be self-defeating to see your health-improvement efforts as a deadly serious matter, as a 'life-ordeath' struggle. Like everything else in life they are best conducted in a light and playful way, exploring and enjoying yourself - even if it sometimes hurts.

True healing means growing - learning and applying the laws of nature!
Balancing An important general principle in healing is to aim for an overall balanced condition. Generally, every condition within our body is the result of the interaction of two opposing forces. In oriental philosophy there are the concepts of yin and yang. Yin is female, cold and passive; yang is male, hot and active. In our Western thinking we see body processes as interplay between overactive and under-active conditions, tension and relaxation, the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems. As part of our healing, we aim for balance not only on the biochemical level, but also in our emotions and thinking. As an extrovert, for instance, aim to go into inwards by meditating and learning to listen. If you are an introvert, then try to become more outgoing and open in your relationships and social interactions. The following table shows the general principle of opposing forces that rule our body. Opposite body forces Condition sympathetic nervous system tension, contraction aggression, extroversion anger, fear, activity rapid pulse and breathing pupil dilated, mouth dry good muscle tone, body rigid parasympathetic nervous system relaxation, expansion placidity, introversion resentment, rest slow pulse and breathing pupils narrow, mouth waters poor muscle tone, body soft

poor digestion overexcited, hyperactive high blood pressure far-sighted overactive thyroid/adrenals
inflammation, pain diabetes, schizophrenia

good digestion low energy, depression low blood pressure near-sighted underactive-thyroid/adrenals debility, weakness
hypoglycemia, allergies, arthritis

Remedy blue, indigo, purple vegetarian diet more potassium, magnesium, lecithin, choline, insulin sedation, releasing energy magnetic south-pointing pole deep, slow acupressure red, orange, yellow animal protein calcium (sodium), iodine, adrenaline, cholesterol stimulation, giving energy magnetic north pole rapid, light acupressure

As an example on how to use this table, if you often feel tense, fearful, aggressive, or have high blood pressure, inflammations or pain, then blue color therapy may help, or using more magnesium, lecithin, or apply the south-pointing pole of a magnet. Good Nutrition Bad Nutrition Nutrition was the main tool with which I helped patients overcome a wide range of diseases claimed to be medically incurable. Unnatural nutrition is one of the major causes of our diseases, while natural nutrition is an equally powerful agent in curing these diseases, and rejuvenating our body.

Most of our commonly eaten food contributes to gradual health deterioration, and the development of chronic diseases. This is a main reason why there is such a high incidence of chronic degenerative disease in our society. Diet rules are designed to guide us towards healthier eating habits. There are different schools of nutrition, which do not always agree on the same principles and sometimes even contradict each other, just as in politics, religion and other areas of human endeavor. The diet rules in these pages are based on the principles of the earlier 'nature cure' movement, but modified according to the findings of modem clinical nutrition research and my own experiences in overcoming diseases. For the successful elimination of diseases, I have found that the less ideal the patient's diet was, the more specific the remedies, supplements, or other therapies needed to be. Conversely, on an ideal diet, specific interventions could be kept to a minimum. I have also noticed that the different nutritional requirements between the various metabolic types begin to disappear when an ideal natural diet is adopted and all can eat similar food, although in different proportions. Changing our diet to an ideal natural one requires a considerable shift in eating habits, and re-educating our taste buds. It often also requires greatly increased time and energy for food preparation. For most of us this is not easy. While some take to it enthusiastically, others need to be driven by the hope to overcome a debilitating disease, and most are content to make just minor adjustments or gradual improvements as a preventive measure or to overcome an existing health problem. Therefore, I use a graded approach with a high-quality diet for gradual health improvement and maintenance of good health, and a raw-food diet for maximum healing, rejuvenation and maintenance of optimal health into old age. While I have presented each diet in its pure form, most individuals will not be able to adopt fully one or the other diet but rather move gradually towards their dietary goal in a period of months or even years. You may also need to modify the diet according to your special requirements, as described in the chapter on Metabolic Types and Blood Groups. However, ultimately it is best to learn to trust your body in telling you what it needs. If you are not addicted to a certain food but crave it, then it is probably good for you. We need to realize that we ourselves can choose to a considerable degree how healthy we want to be and how long we want to live in good health or, alternatively, which diseases we are willing to accept for the comfort of satisfying our present taste preferences, and maintaining potentially harmful living habits. Of course, other factors such as our mental and emotional condition, the environment, how we use our body, have a strong influence as well, and are covered in other articles.

Experiment! For overall health improvement I suggest that you experiment with as many of the methods in these pages as you can. On the biological level these are mainly intestinal sanitation, allergy testing and cleansing. Some idealistic individuals may embrace these measures enthusiastically while others will try a little here and there but generally wait until poor health launches them more determinedly into a program of health improvement. For those, however, who want to start right now, here is the prescription. Many natural therapists believe that most disease starts in the bowels or, more generally, in the gastrointestinal tract. This certainly is a common factor in many diseases and requires our initial attention. Allergy testing is most important for sensitive individuals and children with health problems. Fasting and cleansing are required to remove the heavy load of metabolic wastes and toxins that most of us have stored in the body. This cleansing process often leads to unpleasant symptoms - healing reactions, also called healing crisis - which we frequently must endure before we can advance to a higher level of health. This is especially the case for those with a chronic degenerative disease.

Chapter 1-2 of Healing Foods by Walter Last

Clean out and sanitize your gastro-intestinal tract

One of the first and most important causes of our health deterioration at the biological level is an inability to digest all the food we eat. This may be because of habitual overeating; insufficient chewing; consumption of too much milk, bread, meat and other problem foods; wrong food combinations; emotional problems; vitamin and mineral deficiencies or inherited weakness of our digestive organs. Poor digestion has two immediate effects: a proliferation of undesirable bacteria in the small intestine and putrefaction in the large intestine. A major part of our immune system is located in the small intestine with an important center in the appendix. For years there will be fierce fighting between our lymphatic cells and the proliferating intestinal microbes as well as the toxic products of their decomposition resulting in chronic inflammation of parts of the intestinal wall. This may cause intestinal discomfort and various digestive disorders, in children often resulting in appendicitis. This chronic inflammation weakens the intestinal wall and allows proteins that are only partly broken down as well as bacterial toxins to be absorbed and cause allergies. Apart from many unpleasant symptoms, this will greatly weaken the immune system and predispose us to rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases and makes us susceptible to infections. While the bowels are often overactive during childhood due to high bacterial activity, with increasing age we tend to become more and more constipated. This is largely due to a lack of dietary fiber and a decrease in the bile flow, indicating a deficiency of lecithin and choline. The walls of the bowels become weak and deformed as with diverticulitis, hard crusts begin to cover the intestinal walls and restrict its motility. Eventually putrefaction products may cross the weakened walls of the large intestine and enter the bloodstream. This can poison the whole body though the liver, heart and brain usually bear the brunt of the attack. Irregular heartbeat, headaches and fuzzy thinking are frequent initial symptoms. Every part of the nervous system may be affected. In addition, the valve between the large and small intestines, the ileocecal valve, may become inefficient and allow bacteria from the large bowel to invade the small intestines and the bloodstream. When the sewerage breaks down or is not working efficiently in a city, refuse will accumulate in streets and on properties and greatly contribute to the spread of diseases. It is similar in a body with inefficient bowel elimination. Waste products will accumulate in the bloodstream and tissues and cause or contribute to the development of most diseases as well as to the general deterioration of health. Bowel cancer is only the most obvious and direct result. A diet of predominantly raw foods will in time correct these intestinal problems by supplying plenty of high-quality fiber and strengthening the bowel walls. I do not recommend the habitual addition of bran to meals, as this makes minerals unavailable, instead I recommend freshly ground linseed. Add 1 tablespoon or more to meals to ensure at least one and preferably two or three bowel movements daily. Do not heat the ground linseed but add it to the cooked food when cooled. Another consequence of bacterial overgrowth, often in combination with food allergies, is inflammation of the pancreas in addition to that of the intestinal wall. This leads not only to a deficiency of digestive enzymes and problems of malabsorption, but it is also a main cause of insulin-dependent diabetes. The first and decisive step leading to this is the bottle-feeding of infants from birth. This deprives them of the important bifido bacteria and other protective factors that

are normally transmitted with breast milk. In order to overcome these problems we must improve our eating habits, learn to chew well, eat less, combine foods correctly, eat more raw foods, especially vegetables and re-introduce beneficial bacteria. Bacterial Cultures and Garlic A key step in improving the digestive functions, the immune system, and overall health, is the restoration of a healthy intestinal flora. This is important with all degenerative diseases but especially in life-threatening conditions, such as AIDS, cancer, and all autoimmune diseases. Live cultures and yogurt containing lactobacilli are commonly used to repopulate the intestines with friendly bacteria. The bacteria gain most of their energy by converting glucose into lactic acid and acetic acid. These acids inhibit other microbes and help to absorb minerals. Most important for us are acidophilus bacteria that live mainly in the small intestines, and bifido bacteria in the large intestines. Therefore, if you buy yogurt, look for a variety listing several, including acidophilus and bifido, on the label. If you avoid cows' milk products, you may temporarily buy soy yogurt. However, I do not recommend it for habitual use. Alternatively, use commercial cows' milk yogurt, or bacterial culture, just as an initial starter, and make your own yogurt as described in Recipes. Alternatively, use high-potency capsules or powdered bacterial cultures. While these bacteria are commonly grown in milk cultures and can live on lactose, they do not require it as a food source, but can live on other simple carbohydrates that easily yield glucose. A lactose-free acidophilus culture is available for individuals sensitive to milk. Buy powdered bacterial cultures in brown glass bottles. These should be refrigerated before and after purchase. Cultures that are bought off the shelf may not have many live bacteria left. Lactobacillus bulgaricus can survive the normal gastric acid and should be taken with meals, while other cultures are to be taken in a glass of water, in freshly pressed vegetable juice or herb tea (cooled down) 30-45 minutes before breakfast, and possibly before other meals. Best known is Lactobacillus acidophilus which populates mainly the small intestines in omnivores or mixed-food eaters. Bifido bacteria, on the other hand, populate mainly the large colon, as well as the whole intestine in vegetarians with a high carbohydrate intake. For adults culture of Bifidobacterium bifidum is most suitable, while babies initially require Bifidobacterium infantis. Lactobacillus bulgaricus has excellent antibiotic properties and stimulates the immune system. It is good for those with cancer and AIDS but, unlike the other bacterial cultures, it does not normally reside in the intestines of Caucasians; it is, however, prevalent in Orientals. In order to establish beneficial intestinal flora it is preferable to eliminate most of the harmful bacteria and fungi beforehand. I recommend taking garlic with Epsom salts, or in an isotonic salt solution, to flush the whole length of the intestinal tract. Water with the same salt concentration as blood is called isotonic, and is not normally absorbed but passes through the whole of the intestinal tract. An isotonic solution has a salt content of about 0.9 %, or approximately 1 heaped teaspoonful to 1 liter of water. Mix this with a medium to large clove of finely crushed garlic. Unpleasant symptoms due to so-called die-off of Candida will be minimized with this flush, as the dead microbes are washed out of the body. If, for some reason, the flush does not come out at the other end within a few hours, and you start feeling uncomfortable, then take immediately a tablespoon of Epsom salt. However, if you had already breakfast then it is better to try an enema. Instead of an isotonic flush you may take garlic with a tablespoon of Epsom salt in a glass of water. Take the garlic first with a small amount of liquid, and then the rest of the flush or Epsom salt solution. Fresh, raw garlic has strong anti-microbial powers. Even in a dilution of more than 1:1000 it kills bacteria and fungi. When garlic is crushed its enzymes form allicin from the stable alliin. Allicin has an active oxygen atom that kills microbes but also sometimes human cells by oxidizing the cell walls. Thus anemia has been reported in those formerly being treated for tuberculosis on a very high long-term intake of raw garlic. Dr Robert Beck also found that garlic

adversely affects brain functions. Therefore, I prefer to use it mainly to sanitize the intestinal tract, or to overcome an infection, rather then for everyday food flavoring. Drink the whole isotonic solution, as described above, within 10 minutes, first thing in the morning. This is followed an hour later by one or two cupfuls of acidophilus-bifido yogurt. If you feel unhealthy, with an established disease, digestive problems or an obvious or suspected Candida infestation, then continue this morning routine for several weeks. In addition take more yogurt or other forms of acidophilus-bifido culture with most other meals. After beneficial bacteria have been re-introduced, stop using garlic. You may minimize garlic odor by crushing cloves while they are submerged in lemon juice. Instead of garlic, you may use hydrogen peroxide in the intestinal flush. Try up to an ounce of 3% hydrogen peroxide in 1 liter/quart of 0.9% salt water. Start taking the acidophilus and other cultures an hour after the flush Women with fungal or bacterial overgrowth should also use a vaginal douche with diluted hydrogen peroxide (up to 0.5%) when sanitizing the intestinal tract, and introduce acidophilus into the vagina as well. If using hydrogen peroxide orally over an extended period, take also acidophilus from time to time. Anaerobic microbes are most affected by hydrogen peroxide; bifidobacteria are also sensitive to it but are generally protected while living in the colon. Oral hydrogen peroxide acts mainly in the small intestines. Acidophilus is partly protected from the effects of hydrogen peroxide, while Lactobacillus bulgaricus has a strong resistance to it. You may use diluted hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash, and gargle with it, instead of using toothpaste. With serious diseases also infuse diluted peroxide rectally. Immune cells produce hydrogen peroxide naturally to destroy microbes. Do not use antioxidants close to internal hydrogen peroxide. See also the related information in Hydrotherapy. Hydrochloric Acid In the elderly, and especially those with chronic degenerative diseases, often even young asthmatics, the body frequently loses its ability to produce an adequate amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. This leads to incomplete digestion of proteins, and poor absorption of vitamins B1 and B12, as well as minerals. The resulting mineral deficiency usually causes fingernails to be soft; also the hair may be unhealthy. Hydrochloric acid is also needed to activate pepsin and kill microbes in food. An inadequate amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach often results in overgrowth of the digestive tract with undesirable and pathogenic bacteria and fungi. This can cause or contribute to malabsorption, intestinal distress, and allergies to products resulting from bacterial and fungal breakdown, and in turn will weaken the immune system. Symptoms associated with insufficient gastric acid are belching, discomfort after eating, or food lying heavily in the stomach and anemia. Often the body is either overalkaline or overacid, and the energy level is low. With obvious mineral deficiencies, suspected lack of hydrochloric acid, and in most cases of chronic degenerative disease, it is beneficial to use hydrochloric acid supplements with protein meals, such as including meat, fish, eggs, cheese, legumes or nuts. You may either buy hydrochloric acid - pepsin tablets or, more cheaply, diluted hydrochloric acid. Commercial diluted hydrochloric acid is usually 20% while the concentrated acid (from a hardware store) is 35%. To make a 2% solution that is safe to use, mix 1 part of 20% acid with 9 parts of water, or 1 part of 35% acid with 16 parts of water. You may then mix 1-2 (plastic) teaspoons of 2% acid with your meal. It may be mixed with the protein portion or used as part of the salad dressing. Alternatively, you may dilute the acid with cup of liquid and drink it after the meal. You may protect your teeth by drinking through a straw. However, habitually taking mineral acids may make the body overacid. Furthermore, those who do not produce enough stomach acid also do not make enough sodium bicarbonate to neutralize an increased amount of acid in the duodenum. While the stomach content needs to be acid, the content of the small intestines needs to be alkaline; otherwise nutrients

are not properly absorbed. Therefore, it is advisable to take half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in liquid about 2 hours after a small meal, and 3 to 4 hours after a large meal with flesh food or other proteins. As an alternative to hydrochloric acid supplements you may mix lemon or limejuice, or cider vinegar, in addition to magnesium chloride with a protein meal. The food acid reacts with the magnesium chloride to form hydrochloric acid and magnesium citrate, or acetate. In this way you provide all of the key ingredients to activate digestive enzymes: acidity, magnesium and chloride ions. Use about one to two tablespoons of lemon or limejuice but less of vinegar, and half a teaspoon of magnesium chloride, best dissolved in water. As the food acids tend to be metabolized, this combination does not normally make the body acid, and therefore it is not necessary to use an alkalizer a few hours later. You may further stimulate the digestion by drinking half a cupful of a bitter herb tea after the meal. Bitter ingredients are especially helpful for the liver.

Chapter 1-3 of Healing Foods by Walter Last

Become clean on the inside by removing accumulated wastes and toxins

Fasting is a period of restricted food intake, and cleansing is the removal of waste products from the body as a result of fasting. This combination of fasting and cleansing is a most effective healing method. It is essential for overcoming chronic diseases, and for rejuvenating an aging body. It is also excellent for ensuring continued health, and minimizes the risk of a disabling disease later in life. However, it can be rather unpleasant, especially for beginners. Just by fasting alone, many chronic diseases can be healed. For someone on a cooked diet, a period on raw foods is a fast or cleansing period. The cleansing effect is made even stronger by restricting the diet to one food item, such as fruit, or juice, or just water. Start with several one-day fasts, possibly once a week, before trying a three-day fast. Then have a three-day fast once a month; if on normal working hours, have the first fast day on a Friday. The second day often feels the worst. Once or twice a year you may fast for seven days or longer. Instead of a series of strict fasts, you may have longer periods on a raw-food diet, and a strict fast only occasionally. With chronic diseases, the need for cleansing obviously is much greater than just for general health improvement. After a year or two, or on return to good health, the number of cleansing periods may safely be reduced to twice a year except if much processed food is used. Also with the onset of a cold, flu or other infectious disease, start a fast immediately. The more often you have a fast, the less you will normally be affected by it in a negative way; a sense of peace and wellbeing may develop instead. As long as you are still congested, the tongue will be strongly coated, and the breath has a strong odor when you get up in the morning during a fast. Conversely, if breath and tongue are clear in the morning, the body is reasonably clean, and no more fasting is needed. Scrape or brush the tongue clean whenever it is coated. You may use a sharp-edged spoon for scraping. For several days before a longer fast, start already reducing the amount of food, and preferably do not eat flesh food or processed food on the last day before a fast. Best have only raw fruit and vegetables on that last day. In the same way, increase the amount of food only gradually after a fast, and have only raw food on the first day after a fast. The longer the fast, the less you may eat at the first meal, and the longer it should take to return to the usual diet. An apple is good for breaking a juice or water fast. When going on a juice or water fast of three days or longer, it is advisable to take a laxative on the first morning of the fast, and every two or three days during a longer fast. Those with a disintegrating tumor may require a daily laxative, in addition to daily colonies. You may take one tablespoonful of Epsom salts in water, or herbal laxative. Quite mild and very effective is an isotonic salt flush. This is not suitable for those with advanced cancer, kidney disease or hypertension, as part of the salt may be absorbed. The effectiveness of the fast can be further increased by using a hot castor-oil pack for three days before and during the fast. Coat the liver area (the bottom of the right ribcage) and upper abdomen with castor oil, cover with a woolen cloth folded in four layers, and keep warm for an hour or two with a hot-water bottle. At bedtime take 2 tablespoons of olive oil; shake it in a jar with lecithin and fresh orange or lemon juice. The next morning take sufficient laxative to produce a good cleanout within a few hours. Castor oil stimulates the liver's capacity to detoxify, olive oil induces the gall bladder to empty, and expel fat-soluble toxins from the liver, while the laxative removes the poisons quickly from the bowels. This method of cleansing causes a

minimum of discomfort that might otherwise result in headaches, nausea and weakness. An excellent cleanse, which also may remove gallstones, is a three-day apple fast with half a cup of olive oil on the last evening. Take it easy during fasts, rest whenever you feel weak or just stay in bed if necessary. Skin brushing, deep-breathing exercises, mild sun exposure and frequent showers are helpful.

Different Cleansing Methods Some natural therapists regard a fast on only water, especially distilled water, as the only real and worthwhile fast. Fasting on purified water is especially good for strict allergy testing. However, cleansing results appear to be quite as good on properly selected juice fasts, but with better maintenance of strength, and quicker recovery afterwards. Except for very sensitive individuals, I recommend apples for the first three-day fast. Preferably obtain unsprayed apples, otherwise either peel or scrub in warm soapy water and rinse well. Do not ingest waxed skins. Eat as many apples as you like, generally the more the better to keep the bowels moving. Apple fasts are usually well tolerated and are also good for children. Fasting on freshly pressed vegetable juices is somewhat more severe but generally well tolerated. Preferably use plenty of green juice made from grass, leaves, parley and celery, flavored with sweet vegetables such as carrot, beetroot or pumpkin, and possibly also an apple. This may be diluted with water for a total fluid intake of 2-3 liters daily, depending on your weight. If rather sensitive, minimize the amount of sweet juices. For very sensitive, weak and underweight individuals, a rice diet of 10 or more days may be better. Eat only cooked brown rice, lightly flavored with salt and olive oil, and preferably 1-3 tablespoons per meal of unheated ground linseed. Use sufficient linseed to have three easy, bulky bowel movements daily. You do not need to eat proper meals, just have a few spoonfuls whenever you feel hungry, and chew very slowly. Preferably follow the rice diet with a period of eating raw food only. Possibly alternate periods on cooked rice and on raw foods several times. However, if brown rice is not tolerated, then try white rice. For insensitive individuals a three-day lemon-juice fast is excellent, and especially good for improving liver functions; it is also recommended for those with high blood pressure, and for overweight males. About 10 times during the day drink a large glass of water with the addition of the fresh juice of half a lemon. You may flavor this with a small amount of fresh grapefruit or orange juice. Later you may extend this fast to seven days or longer. The 'grape cure' is well known as a cancer cure, but it is also good for coronary artery disease and other chronic diseases. You eat about one kilo of grapes spaced out during the day to avoid any strong rise in the blood sugar level. Sensitive individuals may use additional alkalizer if the grapes cause acidity. Continue for several weeks. Sometimes a crisis develops during which a tumor is aborted. Black grapes are best, otherwise purple or red. If you cannot obtain unsprayed grapes, wash them thoroughly in warm soapy water and rinse well. If you are sensitive to molds also soak them in diluted hydrogen peroxide, or expose to sunlight before a last rinse and eating. For a longer cleansing period a mixed fast may be used. You may, for instance, start with several days on a rice diet, and follow this with a period on raw food only, some time on apples or grapes, and a further period on juices. Then you repeat this sequence in reverse order with days of eating only fruit, raw food, and finally rice, before returning to your normal diet. The whole cleansing period may last for several weeks, or even months, with repeated sequences.

Unless you have an acute infectious disease, do not start a strict fast when you feel weak. In this case you may alternate between a rice diet and a raw-food diet. Those with acute infections may have only fresh fruit, or vegetable juice, until health improves and good appetite returns. If you suspect your body is overloaded with chemicals, or that your liver's ability to detoxify is reduced, have only mild fasts initially, such as the rice diet and raw-food diet. Also supply plenty of sulfur in the form of MSM, or alternatively use onions, raw egg yolk and possibly the amino acids taurine, cysteine and methionine, or even powdered sulfur. The older we are and the less physically active, the more important is regular cleansing. The Basic Cleanse: I recommend this 10-day mixed cleanse at least once for most individuals near the beginning of their health improvement journey. It combines fasting and cleansing with intestinal sanitation and allergy testing. For details see The Basic Cleanse. 'Lymphacizing' - gently bouncing on a rebounder, greatly increase the cleansing action during a fast. This speeds up the lymph flow to many times its normal rate. Cleansing the body involves several steps: dislodging wastes and toxins from within and between cells, and transporting them with the lymph fluid to the large veins near the neck, where they enter the bloodstream to be discharged through the liver and kidneys. A greatly reduced food intake is the main factor to dislodge stored wastes and toxins. Muscle activity propels the lymph flow; castor-oil packs, fruit acids, olive oil, bitter herbs and sulfur compounds stimulate liver detoxification of fat-soluble waste, while a high fluid intake and kidney herbs help remove water-soluble wastes. During fasting we usually do not have much energy for muscle activity, but lymphacizing can come to the rescue, as it does not consume much energy, and one actually feels energized afterwards. With each upward bounce the lymph is pushed towards the neck, and prevented from falling back again because the valves through which it pushes are oneway. For details see Exercises. Another good way of speeding up your lymph circulation is by inverting your body. Special inversion equipment is available where you can hang upside down or you may use a slant-board, be it self-made or purchased or you may simply put your legs up against a wall while lying on the floor or bicycle in the inverted position, or do a shoulder-stand or headstand. Mucus problems are very common. This is obvious when we have a cold with a congested or running nose, but at other times it may be noticed as congested or inflamed sinuses, ear or hearing problems, including tinnitus and glue ear in children, glaucoma, throat and lung problems, especially asthma. To overcome these conditions see he summary on Mucus Problems in Specific Health Problems. The Oil Rinse: You may remove fat-soluble toxins before they reach the liver. First thing in the morning take a large sip of a light oil, such as sunflower oil or grape seed oil (stored in glass bottles), and vigorously swish it around the mouth for ten to twenty minutes, then spit it out (be careful, it may clog the sink). Rinse the mouth several times with warm water. Continue this for several months. This rinse is especially important if the lymph system is congested as it commonly is with cancer and other chronic diseases, and it is very effective with health problems in the head and neck area, including dental problems. Distilled Water Rinse: At other times you may use distilled water to filter out water-soluble toxins. After rising and again at bedtime, use a cupful of distilled water. Take a mouthful and hold it under the tongue for about 2 minutes. Then spit it out and repeat the process until the cup is empty.

Chapter 1-4 of Healing Foods by Walter Last Discover and overcome your food allergies and chemical sensitivities. ALLERGY TESTING Usually we are addicted to any daily-used food or substance to which we are also allergic and vice versa. Initially when we eat allergenic food we experience stimulation due to the release of adrenal stress hormones. However, eventually the adrenal glands become exhausted and we develop a chronic degenerative disease and lack energy. In this book, the term 'food allergy' is used in a rather general way to include not only genuine immunological reactions but also food intolerances and chemical sensitivities. Hans Selye was the first to describe the ALLERGY-STRESS MECHANISM. Initially an environmental challenge such as an incompatible food or emotional stress causes an ALARM REACTION. The adrenal glands release inflammatory hormones and the sympathetic nervous system is over-stimulated. This may result in an acute allergic reaction or a general inflammatory condition, hyper-excitability, increased blood pressure, palpitation, aggressiveness, anxiety or anger and poor digestion. This is the basis for the connection between junk food and criminality. If we continue eating the same problem food nearly every day or continue to be plagued by stressful memories or conditions, then the stress becomes permanent and the body adapts by releasing anti-inflammatory hormones. The symptoms of the alarm reaction with its inflammatory tendency subside. This is the RESISTANCE PHASE, a state of adaptation with a hidden or masked allergy. Commonly the alarm reaction occurs in early childhood when we are first introduced to wheat or cows' milk, maize or soymilk and then settles down to several decades of hidden allergies with minimal symptoms. However, eventually the capacity of the adrenal glands to produce sufficient anti-inflammatory hormones becomes exhausted and we enter the EXHAUSTION PHASE. Now we have a maladaptation to allergens and emotional stress with chronic and generalized inflammations. These may manifest as arthritis, cancer, heart disease and any of the other diseases typical in our society. Finally even this chronic inflammatory condition subsides, and we have the stage of advanced old age with senility, debility and the final insensitive stages of degenerative diseases.

This shows us the requirements for genuine health improvement. By permanently removing the offending problem food or emotional stress and at the same time supporting the body with high-quality nutrition we slowly begin climbing back. We leave the exhaustion phase and re-enter the resistance phase with a period of quiet recovery and finally move back into the alarm phase with a series of acute healing crises. At the end of this long healing process we may have re-acquired the adrenal functions and disease-resistance that we had as a small child before we started getting colds, allergic reactions and digestive upsets due to problem foods. Hans Selye was a professor of experimental medicine and surgery when he found this stress mechanism in 1936. His pioneering book is called The Stress of Life (McGraw-Hill). So far the medical profession has not yet grasped the importance of his fundamental discovery for understanding the diseases of our society, I assume because it is not profitable to do so. However, we know now what we need to do to heal ourselves.

Sometimes energetic individuals, often males with blue-white irises who cannot relax, experience a prolonged period of lethargy when avoiding wheat or gluten products. During this time the adrenal glands have time to recover. Others who are already closer to adrenal exhaustion feel much stronger as soon as they avoid allergenic food. Addictions and allergies are part of the stress syndrome. Prolonged severe stress of any kind leads to adrenal exhaustion in the same way as an addictive allergy. The only real solution lies in avoiding excessive stress factors such as allergenic food, work pressures and so forth. Discovering your allergies and addictions is an essential step in your healing process. You may do this by adopting a fiveday water fast or rice diet as described in the following pages. After complete avoidance of an allergenic food and while reducing the overall allergenic load from other influences at the same time one usually becomes hypersensitive to that food for a period lasting from a few weeks to several months. After this the sensitivity to the offending food gradually declines. If during the hypersensitive period you are occasionally exposed to the allergenic food then an immediate strong reaction may be triggered resulting in pain, weakness, a rash or whatever its characteristic effect is on your body. If this is done repeatedly but separated by at least four days between exposures, this may delay the complete recovery but is not likely to result in serious internal damage. However, such permanent damage will result if you use this food so frequently that you do not get an immediate reaction any more or only a much weaker reaction than initially. Generally, however, it is essential to avoid the offending food as much as possible for an extended period in order to heal yourself completely. Depending on the severity of your initial symptoms or degenerative disease this may be from a few months up to several years. However, how soon you can overcome your allergic tendencies depends mainly on the overall effort that you put into a comprehensive health improvement program. TYPES OF ALLERGY Depending on its severity and mode of manifestation, we may distinguish between four types of allergy: addictive, cyclic, fixed and multiple allergies. An addictive allergy induces us to eat our favorite food every day or we are threatened with withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, we have a craving for a certain food and eating or drinking it makes us feel better. The user usually is not aware of his or her addiction and for this reason this type of allergy is also called hidden or masked allergy, corresponding to the period of adaptation. In a cyclic allergy we have a reaction to a specific food only if it is eaten in excess, either by eating large quantities of it at any one time or by eating it on several successive days. In addition, a reaction to a cyclic allergen may be triggered by other adverse factors, especially by stress as from emotional and mental problems or from environmental agents such as fumes, tobacco smoke and so on. Combining two different cyclic allergens in the same meal may also cause a reaction due to the joint effects of both. Poor food combining or a generally acid body condition may be further contributing factors. If you realize that you have a cyclic allergy - the food agrees with you sometimes but not always - then eat it only on a rotation basis, not more often than once every four or five days. Fruits and the lactose content of dairy products often belong to this category. They may not cause immediate reactions, but eating fruits on successive days may cause an increasing degree of overacidity and skin problems in sensitive individuals, while an oversupply of lactose may lead to a build-up of mucus. Both, in turn, can trigger secondary symptoms such as arthritic pains. With a fixed allergy one reacts every time the offending food is eaten, no matter how small the quantity. Fixed allergies, therefore, are non-adapted allergies and thus easy to recognize. One soon becomes very efficient in avoiding offending items. Fortunately, only a small percentage of all allergies are of the fixed variety, most of them are addictive or cyclic in nature. With multiple allergies we react to a wide range of foods and chemicals and quickly become allergic to any replacement foods. This is sometimes called 'being allergic to the twentieth century'. The main causes may be deficiencies of zinc,

digestive enzymes and gastric acid, weak liver functions and bacterial overgrowth of the digestive tract, often with systemic Candida infestation. The solution is intestinal sanitation, a raw-food diet and a high intake of zinc and sulfur compounds. Before testing for allergies by elimination sanitize the intestines and correct indicated deficiencies by using multi-vitamins and minerals. We may also speak of a trigger allergy. Attacks of asthma or hay fever are often triggered by inhaled substances such as pollen or house dust with residues of the house-mite. However, such reactions would not occur if the mucous membranes were not already hypersensitive because of underlying food allergies, mucus congestion and antioxidant deficiencies. In a similar way food chemicals may act as triggers for hyperactivity if the blood-sugar regulation is weak. A hypersensitive skin reacts very strongly to insect bites because of its high histamine levels due to underlying food allergy and overacidity. Removing the triggers will help to some degree but the underlying health deterioration continues and a new trigger may readily be adopted. ELIMINATION TESTING There are various forms of allergy testing, some more technical, others a simple skin scratch method, muscle testing or pulse testing; none of these, however, is as reliable as proper elimination testing, sometimes also called the elimination diet. For five days or longer you abstain from all commonly eaten food. During this time you also try to minimize any other possible allergic influences such as solvent or car exhaust fumes, house dust, molds, gas, cigarette smoke, basically anything with strong or unusual smells. Starting on the second day there may be more or less troublesome withdrawal symptoms with cravings for the food or stimulant to which one is addicted, be it alcohol, nicotine or other drugs. There may be headaches, dizziness, weakness and other problems. On the fourth day these symptoms usually subside and one begins to feel much better. Often symptoms of long-standing diseases such as arthritis, heart pain or schizophrenia disappear as well. If you still feel not right on the fifth day, it may be better to extend the fast until you feel well. Chemicals and drugs, be they medical or recreational, take much longer to clear from the body. It will greatly speed up the elimination and lessen discomfort during the fast if you take a strong laxative on the first morning of the fast, either an isotonic flush, a herbal laxative or a tablespoon of Epsom salts in water. In addition drink a lot. The most reliable fast is on pure water only, unchlorinated and unfluoridated and not stored in plastic containers. In a less strict form it should be all right to use diluted grass juice or weak, unsweetened herb tea of a variety not habitually used. Insensitive individuals can become more balanced by having a fast on diluted lemon juice, while sensitive individuals may use cooked white or brown rice only, best unflavored, otherwise with a small amount of olive oil, herbs and possibly salt. If rice has been habitually eaten before, then cooked millet may be used instead. Eat as much as you like and drink about 2 quarts of fluid daily. If you fast on fluids, use another laxative on the last day of the fast, normally the fifth day. On the morning of the sixth day eat cooked rice as the first test meal, possibly lightly salted but with no other additions. Check your pulse rate for a full minute before and 30 and 60 minutes after the meal. Always test sitting in the same position and when the pulse rate is not increased from previous activity. Before and after each test meal make the pulse tests and any other relevant tests. If there is a reaction involving a combination of newly tested foods, repeat testing with the individual food components at a later date. If the pulse after a test meal is significantly higher than after the first test meal of rice, then this indicates a possible allergy or incompatibility; the higher the pulse rises after the meal the more likely is it that it is allergenic. In addition make other tests relevant for your condition. If you have weak eyesight you may check your reading ability with a wall chart; school children may be tested for clarity of writing and speech. Check the range and pain level of impaired joints or muscles, and watch out for any sign of bodily or emotional discomfort. Keep a detailed diary of the pulse rates, measurements and any unusual happenings, feelings, discomfort and so on. Those with diabetes should also

test their blood-sugar level and those with hypertension preferably check their blood pressure (you can easily buy a sphygmomanometer). With each subsequent meal expand the basic rice meal with one or more additions, such as oil and various vegetables. Test a sprout salad and then other basic foods. You may have four or five small meals a day. In the beginning test mainly foods that you expect to be safe. Test suspected allergenic foods at the last meal of the day so that you can sleep off any prolonged reactions. Use such suspect foods only individually or with previously tested foods. You may stop a strong reaction by taking 1 level teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) or, better, 2 parts of baking soda with 1 part of potassium bicarbonate. Also take 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts or milk of magnesia as a laxative if the reaction occurs soon after the meal. On a normal diet, however, reactions may be delayed and manifest up to two days later. Reactions can also be stopped using homeopathy. Liquefy a sample of the allergenic food, dilute 1 part of it with 9 parts of water and shake in a bottle or jar about 40 times with a strong downward movement. Take again 1 part of this with 9 parts of water and so forth until the dilution process has been done four times in all. Then keep 1 teaspoonful of the last dilution for a few minutes in the mouth before swallowing. Then make 2 more dilutions and also keep a teaspoonful of each of these in the mouth. Possibly take additional teaspoonfuls of all or just the last dilution some time later if still required. Test offending foods again three to six months later. Commonly small infrequent amounts are then tolerated. Eat suspect or problem foods not more than once a week. If conditions deteriorate again after some time, return to testing or adopt a safe low-allergy diet. The body can be made less sensitive to allergic reactions by regularly using alkalizers (e.g. fruit acids neutralized with dolomite powder), MSM, a high intake of bioflavonoids and carotenes and possibly digestive enzymes.

Chapter 1-5 of Healing Foods by Walter Last

Understand the principles of healthy selection, preparation and combining of foods


In a nutshell, the most important diet rule is to eat our food as much as possible whole, live, organic and free of added chemicals. Other important rules are to chew well, enjoy what we eat, combine the food correctly and deliberately undereat rather than over-eat. WHOLE FOOD Whole food means that there should be as little refining as possible. To give an example: natural brown rice is the preferred whole food. White rice has the bran and germ removed together with most of its vitamins and minerals. Vitamin B1, for instance, is about 450% higher in brown than in white rice. This means that the body may not use the deficient food efficiently. This can lead to overweight or underweight and poor blood-sugar regulation. The lack of fiber in refined rice contributes to constipation. In varying degrees this also applies to other commonly eaten foods. Over thousands of years our metabolic and enzyme structures have evolved on whole foods and rely on certain combinations of ingredients being supplied together. Protective or synergistic (co-operative) factors are present in whole foods. Vitamin C is much better absorbed and retained if taken together with bioflavonoids. Both nutrients naturally occur in the same food. The sensitive polyunsaturated oils are protected from oxidation and structural damage as long as they remain in the whole seed. They also naturally occur together with protective vitamin E. When extracted and refined, they are partly oxidized and harmful trans-fatty acids are formed in addition. Carnivorous animals do not just eat meat but also bones. They would quickly become mineral deficient and diseased without the bones. The same applies to us if we just eat flesh high in phosphorus or low-mineral commercial food. We then need to use mineral supplements or become deficient and prone to diseases. As relates to root vegetables, 'whole' means using the vitamin-and mineral-rich outer parts, usually discarded as peel, as well as the inner parts and the cooking water. Pouring out the cooking water loses all the vitamins and minerals down the drain. A story, presumably true, has been published about the crew in one of the early submarines. After a long crossing they were utterly fatigued and disease-prone; they had lived on tinned and dried food. The health authorities were at a loss about the cause as there had been sufficient of the known vitamins in the food. A nature-cure practitioner offered his advice, which quickly corrected the problem. He told them to peel a lot of potatoes, discard the potatoes and cook the peels; strain, discard the peels and drink the broth. How many of us do it the other way around? However, there is also a downside to some whole foods and in particular to seeds. Seeds contain reactive proteins, called lectins, which are mainly in the outer hull or bran. Individuals with certain blood groups tend to react to specific lectins. Also other food allergies develop mainly against the outer parts of seeds that are removed in refining. Furthermore, if seeds are not sprouted or fermented, then minerals tend to remain bound by chemicals in these outer parts and cannot be absorbed. Therefore, if we have a sensitive digestion and eat food that is not really suited for us, then refined food tends to cause less immediate problems than whole food. LIVE FOOD 'Live' means that the food is still high in vitality and naturally occurring enzymes. These are destroyed when food is heated above 1200 F. While milk may be heated initially in making yogurt, added lactic-acid bacteria provide a new complement of enzymes to revive food, although I prefer to make yogurt from unheated milk.

Food has different stages of 'aliveness' or vitality. A dry viable seed is alive but dormant, the enzymes are inactivated by inhibitors. During soaking and sprouting the seed awakens to full life with an abundance of enzyme activity. Like an embryo, it is at the height of its vital and restorative functions. A young, growing leaf or plant still has a high level of growth hormones and enzyme activity, but in a mature plant or fully-grown leaf there is little growth hormone and reduced enzyme activity. Wholemeal flour that has not been unduly heated during milling (stone mill) has some residual kind of life, but inhibitors block any enzymes. Enzyme activity will be enhanced and starch predigested during sourdough baking. Live food is basically the same as raw or uncooked food and will be discussed in more detail later. ORGANIC FOOD 'Organically grown' food means that it is free of toxic agricultural chemicals and has been grown in good soil without the use of water-soluble fertilizers. Very harmful are nitrogen fertilizers, especially nitrates. In one scientific experiment hens were fed blueberries that were either unfertilized or fertilized with nitrate. Hens fed large amounts of nitrate-fertilized berries died within three days. Those that received only small amounts of fertilized berries laid eggs with defective missing shells. Hens fed unfertilized berries in any quantity maintained normal health and eggs. What will a low-dose long-term intake of such fertilized foods do to us? It is well known to organic growers that their plants and the animals fed these plants are much more resistant to pests and diseases than chemically fertilized plants. It has been published that cattle on an organic farm remained diseasefree while cattle on surrounding properties were badly affected with foot-and-mouth disease. Most damaging are pesticide residues, or the interaction between different chemicals. Many natural therapists believe that organically grown food is an important part in the successful treatment of degenerative diseases. The term 'organic' is generally understood to mean that such food also has not been irradiated and is free of genetically engineered components and any added chemicals that are normally used during storing or processing. COOKING Food ideally suited for human nutrition does not require cooking, such as sprouted seeds and fresh shoots, ripening seeds (sweet corn, green peas), oily seeds and nuts, sweet root vegetables and fruits. Cooking damages many proteins. They coagulate and harden and their complement of digestive enzymes is destroyed. This makes them more difficult to digest. However, cooking also makes some foods more easily digestible by breaking down cellulose in plant food and connective tissue in meat This enables our digestive juices to get more easily to the nutrients and is especially important for people with weak digestive organs. A further advantage of cooking is the preservation of food, easier chewing and enhanced flavors. All this means that cooked food generally is more convenient and tastes better and for most of us that is more important than any long-term health concerns. Nevertheless, here I try to show how these harmful effects can be minimized by combining the least damaging use of cooking with the more acceptable forms of raw food eating. Steaming is the most recommended method of cooking. You may add sufficient water to cover the bottom of the pot, even without special steaming equipment. Then most of the vegetables will be steamed and if you use the remaining water, nothing will be lost anyway. By adding vegetables after the water has started to boil less vitamins will be destroyed. However, I do not see a problem with simmering vegetables submersed in water as long as you also ingest this water, preferably soon after cooking. Pressure cookers are acceptable; their main disadvantage is that they are usually made of aluminum or stainless steel. Microwave ovens are suspected of causing harmful radiation in the kitchen while in use. In addition, they may contribute

to health deterioration by scrambling the delicate structures of sensitive food molecules in unnatural ways. Therefore avoid or minimize microwaved food. It is also safer to discard any outer part of meat or fish after grilling or broiling. When cooking grains or legumes, always soak the seeds beforehand overnight and discard the soaking water. In this way we ingest less potentially harmful anti-nutrients, such as phytates, which make minerals unavailable, protease inhibitors that interfere with the digestion of proteins or lectins that cause unpleasant symptoms with some blood groups. If beans cause wind, change the water during cooking once or twice. The main disadvantage of all cooking is that it destroys food enzymes and some vitamins. This significantly contributes to more rapid aging and the development of degenerative diseases if the diet consists predominantly of cooked food. Therefore try to use only a minimum of cooked food. Most harmed by cooking are animal products and polyunsaturated oils; least harmful are cooked starches. Eat your food, but especially vegetables, as soon as possible after a short cooking time; try to minimize steam or fumes escaping from cooking food. Except baked grains avoid leftover food from a previous meal. A large amount of aluminum dissolves in the water during cooking in aluminum cooking ware, the more so, the more acid the water is. This is also a problem with stainless steel pots. While it is more resistant to acids, it can still release harmful amounts of nickel. Nickel is implicated in weakening the immune system and promoting cancer. Enamel cooking-ware is generally fine, except that cheap Asian imports reportedly may contain high levels of lead; this is also a problem with ceramic pots. Glass cooking-ware is the safest. Here are some important cooking rules: Avoid soda in cooking or baking, it destroys B-vitamins Add salt or minerals after cooking to preserve vitamins Save and use the cooking water; it is rich in minerals Cook for the shortest period possible Do not keep food warm for long, cool quickly for storage Avoid aluminum and minimize stainless steel cooking utensils, use enamel or glassware instead Do not leave acid food in contact with metal surfaces Do not cook what can conveniently be eaten raw Do not fry or heat oils or fats Do not cook with microwave

CHEWING AND ENJOYING THE MEAL Good chewing is of vital importance. It is necessary to break down food particles to a fine pulp and at the same time insalivate it sufficiently for proper enzyme activity. Furthermore, trace elements and vitamins are already partly absorbed through the mouth tissue, while the stomach needs adequate advance warning of the expected composition and quantity of the food. So, even if the food is already liquid (soups, broth), chewing is important. Keep and move such liquid food in

the mouth for several seconds. Solid food needs chewing until it is thoroughly liquefied. Teach your children early to chew thoroughly; possibly check the stool to see if it contains large pieces and whole seeds. You should not only chew thoroughly but also eat slowly and in a leisurely fashion. This not only improves digestion but helps prevent overeating. A certain amount of time is needed for the body to form the message that it has enough. Therefore, if you stuff yourself within a short period, your body has no time to prevent you from overeating. Overeating may also occur if you do not pay attention to the eating itself but to a conversation, to a book or the television. Then you cannot hear when your body says 'enough'. It is also important to have a peaceful mind at mealtime. Before the meal, completely relax for a minute or more with eyes closed; if able to meditate, raise your awareness to a joyful meditative state. During the meal pay attention to the process of chewing and enjoy the various flavors as they develop. It is beneficial to enjoy what one eats. Unpalatable food is not well digested. Neither is it good to continue eating poor food just because one has acquired a preference for it. For many, this is the most difficult problem to overcome during health improvement: to acquire a liking for what is nutritionally good. There is no doubt that taste buds are adaptable and can be re-educated, but this comes gradually. Introduce unfamiliar foods and supplements in very small mounts only, well mixed with familiar foods. Be imaginative and experiment with new ways to prepare food. Do not eat if you are not really hungry, if you are extremely agitated or emotionally upset, if you are unwell with a fever or comparable condition or if you are still full from the previous meal. Always prepare food lovingly. FOOD COMBINING Food muscle testing, experience with patients as well as my own body have shown me the importance of correct food combining. The fundamental biochemical considerations with regard to food combining are as follows: 1. Typical protein foods (usually containing oil or fat) require strongly acid gastric juices. 2. Different types of protein foods may need differently composed gastric juices for digestion. 3. Starches need B vitamins and chlorides, calcium and magnesium, for enzyme activation. 4. Sweeteners or sugars as well as acids inhibit the digestion of starches. Disregarding these facts by mixing foods indiscriminately may be contributing to infections and degenerative diseases especially allergies, arthritis, cancer and autoimmune diseases. Initially, most people have a reasonably strong digestive system and do not feel any ill effects, no matter what they eat or combine. This is also true if bodily responses have become dull by being ignored for many years. However, sooner or later the unpleasant effects and degenerative symptoms will appear. There are three main groups of food to consider when working out correct combinations: 1. proteins, sweet and acid foods, sweet vegetables, fruits 2. neutral foods such as fats and oils, non-sweet vegetables, avocados olives, cream cheese 3. starches such as cereals, potatoes and dry legumes The neutral foods may be combined with either one of the other groups while the two extreme groups should be kept apart. Observing this simple rule will already prevent the more serious consequences of incorrect food combining. In poor health and during health improvement, however, it is advisable to be even more careful. With few exceptions, most foods are best digested as a moderated mono-diet - only closely related foods are eaten together, for example

different kinds of grains. With severe digestive problems one may temporarily adopt a strict mono-diet, one kind of food only at a meal, and observe its effects. The next best possibility is to eat foods correctly combined, but still separated during the meal. This is most important with meat, fish or nuts. These are best eaten at the beginning of the meal for proteins to receive the strong gastric juices in the pit of the stomach. The rest of the meal, if not too liquid, will remain in distinct layers on top. Remember this if you have proteins and starches at the same meal. You may mix a small amount of flavoring vegetables 'with meat or fish, or eat a fruit together with some nuts. Generally it is preferable to have either some fresh vegetable juice or a small amount of raw vegetables before a cooked meal. For those with a sluggish metabolism, a small amount of sweet food or fruits as dessert after a protein meal will provide energy for the digestion of slow-burning protein-fat combinations. This, however, is not advisable after a starch meal or for those with blood-sugar problems. Glucose and maltose (as in barley sugar) do not contain fructose and therefore cause less of a problem if combined with starches. If the digestion is sluggish, a small amount of fruit acids, such as lemon juice sprinkled over meat or fish, or ascorbic acid with or after protein meals, may be beneficial as well as half a cup of a bitter herb tea afterwards. Cooked subacid fruit that is low in fructose, such as apple, does not react in the same way as sweet fruit that is high in fructose. Therefore, most individuals will be fine using this as a flavoring with cereals or starches, for example apple puree with rice.


Direct connections between groups indicate good combinations. Connections between groups with one interception are fair. Connections between groups with two interceptions are poor. FOOD GROUPS

'Hard' proteins meat, fish, nuts, oily seeds, soybeans 'Soft' proteins eggs, milk proteins, meat/fish broth, tofu, soymilk, nut butters, fermented soy or nuts Acid fruit lemon, grapefruit, pineapple or acid berries Subacid fruits apricots, peaches, pears, bananas, cooked apples Sweet food sweeteners, foods with added sugar, molasses, honey, dried fruits, oranges, figs and other sweet fruits and berries, juices of sweet vegetables Sweet vegetables sweet potatoes, pumpkin, onion, carrot, turnip, beetroot, tomatoes, green peas Neutral foods fats and oils, non-sweet vegetables (mainly green), sprouted seeds, avocados, olives Starches grain products, potatoes, dry legumes, food yeast, sago and taro. ? Some factors that make food combining less important are: A strong digestive system and being physically active Chewing extremely well Only eating small meals

The opposite factors will, of course, increase the importance of correct food combining. Being able to eat just about anything, however, is not a guarantee of strong digestive powers; the system may be too weak to react. If you are in good health, you may forget about food combining by omitting just one group of foods from a mixed meal - the cooked starches; most others combine reasonably well with each other. However, it is generally acceptable to eat starches at the end of a meal, separated from the protein part by a vegetable or sprout salad or by some cooked vegetables. If you are rather sensitive, then this middle part of the meal may consist of neutral vegetables rather than sweet ones. Foods are classified as hard proteins, soft proteins or starches according to the amount of gastric acid and pepsin that is needed for their digestion. The actual percentage of protein in a food is less important in this respect than the amount of fat, oil and fiber surrounding the protein. Meat, nuts and cooked soybeans, for instance, are difficult to break down. They need the full strength of gastric acid and pepsin and, therefore, are called 'hard proteins'. Eggs, uncooked dairy proteins, broth of meat and fish, fermented soy products, soy milk and fine nut butters, on the other hand, need less acidity and may be called 'soft proteins'. Proteins in processed cheese, in cow's milk used as a drink, but especially in milk added to coffee or tea, are very difficult to digest and thus become hard proteins. Non-fatty fish, especially if marinated, is easy to digest and almost a soft protein, while fatty fish is closer to meat in its gastric requirements. Food yeast with a 50% protein content and also the non-oily legumes are grouped with the starches because their fatfree proteins are relatively easy to digest and require only slight acidity. INTESTINAL FERMENTATION Combining food high in fiber with sweet food is likely to cause wind. This gave rise to the frequently quoted rule not to combine vegetables with fruit. In this case some of the sugar from the fruit may not be absorbed and then may overstimulates bacterial activity in the large intestine, causing excessive wind, flatulence or bloating. Some intestinal

fermentation is desirable in order to keep our beneficial bacteria happy. This is best done with a moderate amount of fiber in the diet. It breaks down at a slow rate and greatly helps to maintain regular soft bowel motion. However, trouble brews if we add a large amount of sugar in any form. This is like adding petrol to a slow, controlled burn-off of bush land that then gets out of control and becomes a raging wildfire. It is very similar in our intestines. Because fiber remains in the large intestine for a long time, excessive fermentation may even happen if we have sweet food several hours after a raw salad. How much sweetness we can tolerate together with fiber is very individual. The more efficient we absorb our food, the larger the amount of sweetness that we can handle without getting into trouble. For individuals with a weak sugar metabolism it is not good to have much sweetness on an empty stomach as that drives the blood sugar level too high, followed by symptoms of hypoglycemia. In this case it is best to completely separate food high in fiber from sweet food and have the fiber meal after the sweet meal. Therefore, breakfast is safest as a moderately sweet meal, for instance by flavoring cooked rice or sago with banana or apple puree. The evening meal is then safe as a fiber meal, such as combining potatoes and other cooked non-sweet vegetables with a vegetable salad. Lunch may be a protein food together with sweet vegetables, such as pumpkin. It may also be acceptable to have a piece of fruit or a fresh juice of sweet vegetables (e.g. carrots) some time before a meal that also has a vegetable salad or other high-fiber food at the end of the meal. Because fresh juice does not have much indigestible fiber, there should be no fermentation problem by combining vegetable and fruit in the same juice. However, if fruit high in fructose is combined with vegetables, then the juice is high in glucose as well as fructose and can cause a strong insulin response and hypoglycemia in susceptible individuals. The main rule in all this is to have the fast digesting food first and the slow digesting fiber afterwards. You need to experiment to see how strictly you have to apply this rule to avoid intestinal distress. When eating cooked beans we may encounter a similar fermentation problem. These do not need any added sugar to start a strong fermentation. They are high in long chains of carbohydrates (oligosaccharides) that are not absorbed in the small intestine but are easily broken down by the bacteria in the large intestine. To avoid problems with beans, these may either be sprouted or fermented before eating or the water in which they have been cooked may be renewed and discarded several times. PLANNING MEALS Our digestive powers are strongest in the morning and weakest in the evening. Therefore, it is advisable to eat difficult foods such as meat, nuts, sweet food, large vegetable salads, during the daytime and have a light, early evening meal. This will also improve your sleep, while a heavy, late dinner often results in a restless or 'drugged' sleep with a feeling of tiredness in the morning. If you are not normally hungry in the morning, just omit the evening meal for several nights and have 30 minutes of vigorous physical activity before breakfast. If you do not need to leave home for work, you may also spend an hour in the garden or want to engage in some other outdoor activity before breakfast. Together with the time required to drink your juice or herb tea or water, it will be one to two hours before you finally sit down for breakfast. It is definitely not advisable, especially with a sluggish digestion, to eat a heavy breakfast without sufficient stimulation to your circulation beforehand. With a sluggish thyroid and weak adrenal glands, of course, it is more difficult to get going in the morning, but it is not too hard if you are determined to make the effort. Immediately after awakening start with some positive autosuggestion. Then mentally look forward to something that you would like to do during the day. If necessary, promise yourself a treat. Lack of enthusiasm can be a main factor in suppressing your metabolic rate. Therefore, try to become enthusiastic about something - anything! Do some deep breathing, stretching and muscle-tensing while still in bed. Then jump out and immediately start some lively activity such as circling the arms or gently pummeling the body all over. Also stimulating are arousing music, skin brushing with rapid strokes as well as cold water applications.

Do not rush your breakfast. For many people it is the most important meal of the day. Make it a habit to rise sufficiently early so that you have at least two hours before needing to leave the house. You may also divide the food and use a portion of your breakfast as mid-morning snack. A certain amount of food eaten in the morning may produce a weight loss while the same food in the evening is more likely to convert to body fat and cause weight gain. Therefore, if you want to keep your weight down, eat all your highcalorie food during the day and have only some non-starchy vegetables or a few apples in the evening. If you want to gain weight, on the other hand, then have a starch meal in the evening. There will be some, however, for whom these recommendations are not suited; you must find out in what way you feel best and can cope most efficiently with your daily activities. Carbohydrates cause a greater weight gain than a protein-fat diet of equal calories. Also the higher the amount of roughage (for example rice bran, linseed meal, raw vegetables), the greater is the weight loss on any slimming diet. These factors should be taken into account in your meal planning. It is desirable to have about 30 minutes of rest or light, relaxing activity after a meal before starting more heavy manual work or a more stressful activity. I agree with the advice of Edgar Cayce: 'After breakfast work a while, after lunch rest some time and after dinner walk a mile'. Try to fit in at least 15 minutes of rest in the horizontal position after lunch, relax or try to meditate or contemplate. If in poor health, a sleep after lunch is highly desirable. If you wake up tired from this, next time give yourself positive autosuggestions before falling asleep. Even after breakfast you should not immediately start rushing around. Some kind of steady physical activity, such as walking or gardening, will be quite acceptable after the meal. But what is harmful is stress - the feeling of being late for school or at the office. FOOD BALANCING The concept of food balancing arises from the fact that the various food groups have different effects on our metabolism, hormonal and nervous system as well as on our emotions. Food balancing is vastly different from what is described as eating balanced meals - proteins, carbohydrates and fats - as recommended by conventional dieticians. To give some examples: meat stimulates the adrenal glands and the sympathetic nervous system, thus increasing tension and readiness for action. Fruits have the opposite effect. They stimulate the release of insulin, which counteracts the effect of adrenal hormones. While vegetables, especially those high in chlorophyll, make us more relaxed, fruits make us physically, emotionally and psychically more sensitive. Both fruit and vegetables increase our intuition. Meat, on the other hand, makes us more insensitive and possibly materialistic, and less emotional and intuitive. Red meat especially has a strong 'grounding' effect and is therefore balancing for those who are oversensitive, overemotional and open to negative psychic or occult influences. It is, however, unsuitable for those who are already too tense or insensitive either physically or emotionally or who are aggressive or overly materialistic. Acid and acid-sweet fruits have the strongest sensitizing effect while subacid fruits are less sensitizing and avocados are neutral. In this way lemons and grapefruit are more sensitizing than oranges, while oranges sensitize more strongly than do mandarins. Flesh foods are more suitable for those who cannot efficiently use glucose, such as the fast oxidizers or hypoglycemics, while fruit and sweet vegetables are best for those with a slow metabolism. This means that those with an unbalanced metabolism should not generally eat a balanced diet; they become balanced by selecting foods that are either more slowly or more rapidly digested. However, it is not necessary for sensitive individuals to eat flesh foods to be in balance. They can do very well on oily seeds, legumes, grains, green vegetables and raw sweet vegetables but less on cooked sweet vegetables. Grains and legumes are neutral in their effects on our metabolism and on the glandular and nervous systems. In this respect, they may be grouped in the middle between meat and fruits. They are balanced in themselves. This shows why one can be balanced on a macrobiotic rice diet with few additions of other foods.

Between meat on the one end of the scale and fruits at the other, we may arrange our basic foods in the following order of their sensitizing effect on body and emotions: RED MEAT - FOWL & FISH - EGGS & DAIRY PRODUCTS - OILY SEEDS - LEGUMES - GRAINS - GREEN VEGETABLES - SWEET VEGETABLES - SUB-ACID FRUIT - BERRIES, SWEET & ACID FRUIT Someone with a normal metabolism may eat in a balanced way by having mainly the neutral grains and legumes, and balancing eggs and dairy products with vegetables. However, it is also possible to balance meat, fowl and fish with sweet vegetables and fruits, eating very little of the in-between foods. Another possibility is to eat a greater quantity of a food group that is closer to the neutral position and replaces a smaller amount of a more unbalanced food. For instance, instead of balancing meat with fruits, you may use an increased amount of sweet vegetables. However, you do not need to worry about accurately balancing and measuring quantities. This is not an exact science but more a rule of thumb. Its main importance is to show you in which direction to move in your food selection if you feel that your health or emotions are out of balance.

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